Missionary Cooperation Domingo de Cooperación Misionero
Missionary Cooperation Domingo de Cooperación Misionero
CELEBRATING 128 YEARS 1886-2014 Honor, Celebrate, Embrace Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 3, 2014 Missionary Cooperation Appeal Weekend: Welcome, Fr. Noel O’Meara MASS SCHEDULE In English Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 & 9:30 AM; 12:30 & 5:00 PM Monday-Saturday: 8:15 AM En Español Domingos: 6:30 & 11:00 AM; 2:00 PM lunes, miércoles, viernes: 5:30 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul Sustayta, Pastor .... (626) 204-2104 Rev. José Corral, SJ, ..……...Associate Pastor Rev. Tony Scannell, OFM,.Weekend Presider Rev. Michael Barrett……...Weekend Presider Deacon Fausto Sanchez……….……….205 Carol Clark, Pastoral Assistant ................. 109 Doug Caldwell, Business Manager ........... 103 Assistant to the Pastor ............................... 104 Lucí Santos, Administrative Assistant ..... 101 Confirmation & Youth Ministry………..203 Juan Gomez, Fuente de Vida.................... 205 Pastoral Care……………………….…..200 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Lisa Rico, DRE (626) 792-4183, Ext. 201 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Dr. Kenneth Foersch……(626) 796-7697 CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays/Sábados: 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Domingo de Cooperación Misionero Bienvenido, Padre Noel O’Meara BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Baptisms are held once a month./Una vez al mes. WEDDINGS/BODAS At least one year preparation./Por los menos un año de preparación. PASTORAL CENTER Phone (626)792-4183 Fax (626) 792-4456 140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 CHURCH 311 N. Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103 Please visit www.standrewpasadena.org ST. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA “All you who are thirsty, come to the water!” -Isaiah 55:1a SAVE THE DATE! Bach to Broadway Concert 2014 This year’s Bach to Broadway Concert has been scheduled for Friday, September 19 at 7:30 p.m. Please join us! More details to follow. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS ANNOUNCEMENTS ♦ Sunday, August 10, Café San Andrea Food & Coffee sales, Piazza. ♦ Friday, August 15, Assumption of the Blessed Mary Virgin; Holy Day of Obligation. Special Mass Schedule below. ♦ Monday, September 1, Pastoral Center closed; Memorial Day. ♦ Monday, September 1, 9:00 a.m. Mass only in the Main Church. No 8:15 a.m. Mass, Memorial Day. ♦ Monday, September 1, no 5:30 p.m. Spanish Mass. ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MASS SCHEDULE: Friday, August 15 8:15 a.m.-English 12:05 p.m.-English Wedding anniversary blessings will take place Saturday & Sunday, August 16 & 17 at all Masses. You do not have to pre-register. 5:00 p.m.– English 7:00 p.m. -Spanish Welcome to our Newest Parishioners! As of August 4, 2014 Alma Avila & Family Romilda Montoya Gabriel & Victoria Elenes Ed & Kathleen Burgess & Family Steve Vasquez Deynara Chaires Mr. & Mrs. Justin Coussa Freddie & Pia Rios Juan Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hollar Carmela Santillan Carmen Sarahi Martinez & Family Raquel Rodriguez Maria Olmos-Garcia Santiago & Tania Villatoro & Family . . ¡Bienvenidos a nuestros nuevos feligreses! 2 18TH SUNDAY ORDINGARY TIME AUGUST 3, 2014 MISSIONARY COOPERATION PRIEST: FR. NOEL O’M EARA Father Noel O’Meara, from the Missionary Cooperation, will be visiting St. Andrew Parish and preaching at all Masses this Saturday & Sunday, August 2 & 3. We are thrilled to welcome Father O’Mara to our parish. Father O’Meara is with World Compassion Link (WCL) - an organization founded to help communities, especially in Africa, who are in dire need. WCL works though Catholic Missionaries, knowing that they are the best means of ensuring that the help given reaches directly to those most in need. WCL works with missionaries in many countries, including: Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Niger, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Sudan, Mozambique, Brazil, Bolivia and El Salvador. Please Pray for these Parish Members who are Sick Por favor Ore por los Enfermos de nuestra Parroquia Rosita Quintero Mercedes Sifoa Manuel Martinez Theresa A. Gonzalez Alicia Alcala Delgado Luz Hidalgo Mayzina Guerrero Kay Stofford Kathleen Principe William Forman Theodore Warwike Jack Powers Mary A. Campos M. Alma Watts Maria Luisa Moguel Maribil Murray John Hatcher Jim Blumenthal Alberto Moguel Teresita Moguel Ryan & Rainier Carrasco Julio Padilla Peter Dagnar Baby Charbel Kayrouz Pedro Pagdanganan Valerie Barneson Janice Thompson Luis Castellanos Sherron Smith Nidia Hernandez Lucia Carrasco Valerie Barneson Fr. Michael Kennedy Elizabeth Monty Maria C. De Recinos Tamar Johorian Matteo Banegas Martin Reyes Yolanda Cortez And for the Faithful Departed Y por los Fieles Difuntos Crispin Dimacali Madeleine Reilly Cesar Sierra Paula Harrison Armstrong Francisco Meza Margo Szeman Lucha & Mariano Rosquiedo Alfredo Gonzalez Eulogia Gonzalez Felipe Soltero Filiberto Reyes Pablo Reyes Guadalupe Tellez Therese Thomas A NOTE FROM FR. O’M EARA There are so many situations in the World today that cry out for help; sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by it all. Rather than let despair overtake us, the gift of hope that knows that we can and do make a difference, is the inspiration behind WCL. As a missionary priest for many years in various places in the World, I felt very deeply what it meant to get help from family, friends and parishes, when things were difficult. I know that so much sadness and tragedy can be avoided or alleviated with just some help coming. Travelling to various places where my colleagues work, I have experienced at first hand the work, dedication and total involvement of missionaries with their people. It is this commitment that I hope I can communicate to you with my speaking this weekend at each of the Masses. The focus is on deprived children and people in needed, but seeking local community involvement when possible. For example, water wells/water harvesting projects to provide clean drinking water, plus water for agricultural use; Help with orphans, including those whose parents have died from AIDS; Aid to schools devastated by war or poverty; food and medical aid to those in refugee camps; selfhelp programs such as gardens, sewing groups, small farm initiatives; clinics and hospitals, especially those catering for women and children. We are organized, we are serious, and we are privileged to be missionaries for Christ’s Word to all our Brothers and Sisters. Thank you. 3 ST. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA 2014 SCRC CONVENTION The 43rd Annual SCRC Catholic Renewal Convention will take place over Labor Day Weekend August 29-31, at the Anaheim Convention Center. “Arm yourself with prayer rather than a sword; wear humility rather than fine clothes.” —St. Dominic ♦ This year’s theme is: “You Are The Light of the World”. ♦ Over 40 Speakers! Spiritually enriching for all ages! Guest speaker: Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s Spiritual Director, Msgr. John Essef. Come hear Msgr. Esseff speak about his person friendship with two great modern day saints, Blessed Mother Teresa and St. Padre Pio! For brochure/information, please call (818) 771-1361 or email at [email protected]. FROM RODRIGO RAMIREZ, SEMINARIAN... “I am thankful to God for letting me have the blessings to be here in this community that is Saint Andrew. I would also like to thank Fr. Paul Sustayta and all of the parishioners for their hospitality that I received during these past seven weeks; and thank you also for giving me the opportunity to fortify my vocation that Lord Jesus Christ has called upon me. I leave very happy and blessed for this experience that I had with you, doing God’s will and thus growing in my pastoral formation. I do not say “good-bye” but instead, “so long”, because God willing, I will be with you next Summer. I return to the Seminario Hispano de Santa Maria de Guadalupe to continue my priestly formation in Mexico. I kindly ask for you to pray for me as I will be praying for all of you.” Sincerely your brother in Christ, Rodrigo Ramírez Escandón If you wish to contact Rodrigo, below is his contact information: Seminario Hispano de Santa Maria de Guadalupe Calle Allende 367 Col. Tlalpan Centro 14000 Tlalpan, D.F. Cell number: 011-52-124-310-45-067 Email: [email protected] 4 FROM THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM... Hurry, hurry! There is still time to register your child for Religious Education classes in preparation for their First Communion. Stop by the Pastoral Center Office, (140 Chestnut Street), Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., to fill out the required paper work. Also, please bring a copy of your child’s baptism certificate. For more information, please call Lisa Rico, Director of Religious Education at (626) 792-4183, Ext. 201. FROM THE CONFIRMATION DEPARTMENT... We are very excited to announce the start of our new Confirmation program beginning in September! After getting feedback from our students and parents, we decided to implement a few changes. This year Confirmation students will gather for formation class one Sunday a month for a longer period of time, rather than two Sundays per month as in years past. We hope this new change will help accommodate the busy schedules of our teens, while still providing them with a quality formation program. We are also very excited to announce a new change in curriculum. This year we will adopt, Confirmed in the Spirit, by Loyola Press. Our committee is very excited about the new books our teens will receive on their Confirmation journey. This series is a continuation of the Finding God curriculum being used in our Religious Education Program. There is still time to register for classes! Please stop by the Pastoral Center Office MondayFriday from 10:00 a.m.-12-noon or from 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., to fill out registration forms. We also need a copy of your teen’s Baptismal and First Communion certificates. The cost for Confirmation Year 1 is $100.00 and Confirmation Year 2 is $125.00 For more information, please call Ana Rangel, Director of Confirmation and Youth Ministry and (626)792-4183, Ext. 201 5 “Todos ustedes, los que tienen sed, vengan por agua” DECIMOCTAVO DOMINGO AGOSTO 3, 2014 —Isaías 55:1a ANUCIOS ♦ Domingo, 10 de agosto, Café San Andrea, venta de comida y bebida. ♦ Viernes, 15 de agosto, Asunción de la Santísima Virgen Maria, Día de Obligación, 7:00 p.m., Misa en español. SACERDOTE MISIONERO: PADRE NOEL O’MARA El Padre Noel O'Meara, del la Asociación del Plan de Cooperación Misionera, visitará a la Parroquia de San Andrés estará predicando en todas las Misas de este domingo, 3 de agosto. Estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida a Padre O'Meara a nuestra parroquia. El Padre O'Meara trabaja con World Compassion Link (WCL) - una organización fundada para ayudar a las comunidades, especialmente en África, que están en extrema necesidad. CMT funciona aunque misioneros católicos, sabiendo que son los mejores medios para garantizar que la ayuda prestada llega directamente a los más necesitados. CMT trabaja con misioneros en muchos países, entre ellos: Sierra Leona, Etiopía, Níger, Zambia, Zimbabue, Kenia, Sudán, Mozambique, Brasil, Bolivia y El Salvador DEL PADRE O’M EARA... Hay muchas situaciones en el mundo de hoy que claman por ayuda; a veces podemos sentirnos abrumados por todo. En lugar de dejar que la desesperación nos alcance, el don de la esperanza sabe que podemos y tenemos que hacer una diferencia, es la inspiración detrás del WCL. Somos organizados, y estamos privilegiados de ser misioneros para la Palabra de Cristo para todos nuestros Hermanas y Hermanos. Gracias por su apoyo. DE RODRIGO RAMIREZ, SEMINARISTA... “Doy gracias a Dios por haberme dado la bendición de esta comunidad de San Andrés. También le doy las gracias al Padre Pablo Sustayta y a todos los feligreses por su hospitalidad en estas 7 semanas y gracias por darme la oportunidad de estar con ustedes para fortalecer mi vocación al llamado que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo me ha hecho. Me voy muy feliz y bendecido por esta experiencia que tuve con todos ustedes, haciendo la voluntad de Dios y así crecer en mi formación Pastoral. No les digo adiós, sino hasta pronto, Dios mediante estaré con ustedes para el siguiente verano. Regreso al Seminario Hispano de Santa Maria de Guadalupe a seguir mi formación sacerdotal en México. Les pido de favor que me tengan en sus oraciones y al mismo tiempo yo les tendré en mis oraciones.” Atentamente su hermano en Cristo, Rodrigo Ramírez Escandón Datos de Rodrigo si desea mandarle correspondencia al: Seminario Hispano de Santa Maria de Guadalupe Calle Allende 367 Col. Tlalpan Centro 14000 Tlalpan, D.F. tel.cel: 011-52-124-310-45-067 Email: [email protected] 6 RUDY’S PLUMBING St. Lic. # 917340 www.rudysplumbing.com (626) 359-0194 or 358-1490 Local Parishioner Life Insurance • Long Term Care • Retirement Products JEFF STOREY, FICF (626) 281-5572 or [email protected] Law Office of Estela S. Richeda Attorney at Law 150 So. Molino Ave., #100 Pasadena, CA 91101 Books • Sacramental & Devotional Items Christian Art • Della Robbias • Jewelry Tel. : (626) 304-0648 Toll Free: 1-866-444-5540 Email: [email protected] www.richedalaw.com FREE CONSULTATION Special Orders Welcome HOURS: Tuesday thru Saturday 10 AM-5 PM Sunday 9 AM-3 PM — CLOSED MONDAY Complex Personal Injury / All Accident 1519 Fremont Avenue • South Pasadena, CA 91030 Auto, Bus & Train, Claims Against Government, Wrongful Death-Defective Products Liability-Dangerous Conditions, Slip & Fall www.holyfamilybookstore.com (626) 403-6133 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA John M. Casci, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractics Mention you’re a parishioner and receive a complimentary consult and Chiropractic exam. Budincich Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. 140 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 Attorneys at Affordable Prices FREE CONSULTATION Se Habla Español FAMILY LAW, WILLS & TRUSTS, DUI 447 North Oak Ave., Suite 203 Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 344-9629 Toll Free: (800) 563-4144 [email protected] www.triumphlawgroup.com (located two blocks north of St. Philip’s on Hill St.) Lizzie’s Care Errand Service for Seniors Tel: (626) 792-3390 Fax: (626) 792-8302 ✘Appointments www.drbud.com ✘House Sitter Are you ever alone? ✘Companion Home or Travel Let me X off your List! You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! 626-817-9009 1. Personal Shopping 2. Pick up Medications ask for Elizabeth 3. Light Housekeeping Se Habla Español 4. Making Reservations [email protected] 5. Organizing Closets "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Less than $1 per day • No Long-Term Contracts STATE LICENSED FD 341 Catholic Funeral Directors • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA 27 CHESTNUT STREET PASADENA, CA 91103 Call Today to learn more 626-793-7159 • 323-681-0776 about our Special Offer. 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free 913008 St Andrew Church NEW RECEPTION CENTER & CHAPEL www.jspaluch.com www.cabotandsonsfh.com SE HABLA ESPAÑOL For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 PARROQUIA DE SAN ANDRÉS EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA ¡No se tarden! Todavía hay oportunidad de inscribir a su hijo/a en las clases de Doctrina para prepararlos para recibir el sacramento de Primera Comunión. Pasen por la oficina del Centro Pastoral ,(140 Chestnut Street) ,de lunes a viernes durante las horas de 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.. y de 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Favor de traer una copia del certificado de bautizo. Para mas información, por favor comunicase con Lisa Rico, Directora de Educación Religiosa al (626) 792-4183, Ext.201. DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE CONFIRMACÓN... Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar el inicio de nuestro nuevo programa de confirmación a partir de septiembre! Después de recibir los comentarios de nuestros estudiantes y padres de familia, hemos decidido implementar algunos cambios. Este año, los estudiantes de Confirmación se reunirán para la formación un domingo al mes, durante un período más largo de tiempo, en lugar de dos domingos al mes como en años anteriores. Esperamos que este nuevo cambio ayudará para acomodar el horario de trabajo de nuestros jóvenes, a la vez que sigamos dando una formación de religión de calidad. También estamos muy emocionados de anunciar un nuevo cambio en el curricular. Este año vamos a usar, Confirmado en el Espíritu, de Loyola Press. Nuestra comité está muy entusiasmado con los nuevos libros que recibirán nuestros adolescentes, en su camino de formación. Esta serie es la continuación del currículo, Finding God, que el Departamento de Educación Religiosa está usando. Todavía hay tiempo para para las clases. Por favor pase por la oficina en el Centro Pastoral de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a .m. a 12:00 p.m. o 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. para inscribir a sus hijos. También necesitamos una copia de los certificados de bautizo y primera Comunión. Para mas información, favor de llamar a Ana Maria Rangel, Directora de Confirmación y Ministerio Juvenil al (626)792-4183, Ext.201. 8
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Attorney at Law
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Pasadena, CA 91101