LASER-COM COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: St. Andrew CHURCH #: 913008 CONTACT PERSON: Lucí Santos PHONE #: (626) 792-4183 FAX/MODEM#: (626) 792-4456 CELEBRATING 125 YEARS 1886-2011 Honor, Celebrate, Embrace Palm Sunday of the LORD’S Passion April 17, 2011 Salubong: Filipino Easter Sunday Dawn Mass MASS SCHEDULE In English Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 9:30,12:30 PM, 5:00 Monday-Saturday: 8:15 AM En Español Domingos: 6:30 AM, 11:00, 2:00 PM Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes: 5:30 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul Sustayta, Pastor ..... (626) 204-2104 Rev. Oliver Ortega, Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Msgr. Tobias English General Number ..................... (626) 792-4183 Carol Clark, Pastoral Assistant ................. 109 Maria Auen, Business Manager ................ 103 Esther Luna, Assistant to the Pastor....... 104 Lucí Santos, Administrative Secretary..... 101 Pastoral Care ............................................... 200 Teresa Minera, Confirmation ................... 203 José Chavez, Youth Ministry .................... 204 Juan Gomez, Fuente de Vida ................... 205 SALUBONG is a very unique Easter tradition among Filipinos. It celebrates the first meeting of our Resurrected Christ with His beloved Mother. Can you imagine the exuberance of our Blessed Mother Mary on that Easter Sunday? After all the grief and sorrow, Jesus appears to her alive and victorious. What a glorious sight that must have been! You are invited to experience this meeting and share the same joy. Come and celebrate the “Salubong” with us! Easter Sunday 3:45 a.m. Procession 4:00 a.m. Mass Celebrants: Rev. Paul Sustayta Rev. Oliver Ortega RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. Alicia Hernández, CVD, Director ..... 201 Lorena García, Assistant ........................... 202 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Sr. Daleen Larkin, SNJM……(626) 796-7697 Fax…………………………..(626)796-1931 CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays/Sábados: 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Baptisms are held once a month. Applications can be picked up at the Pastoral Center. Una vez al mes. Las aplicaciones se completan en el Centro Pastoral. PASTORAL CENTER 140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 CHURCH 311 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103 Please visit Para esta información en español, favor de leer la página 8. for more information about our parish. St. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA “God greatly exalted [Christ’] and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name.” -Philippians 2:9 Online Giving ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew has safe, secure, convenient online giving! Please visit our website at Click on “Give to St. Andrew” and then just follow the instructions. If you experience any problems or if you have further questions, please call Maria Auen at (626) 792-4183, Ext. 103. ♦ Palm Sunday, April 17, Blessing of Palms in the Piazza, Holy Week begins. ♦ Pastoral Center closing at 12:00-noon on Good Friday, April 22, and all day Monday, April 25. ♦ Novena to the Divine Mercy, Good Friday, April 22, to Saturday, April 30, 7:00 p.m., in the Pastoral Center Chapel. ♦ Salubong (Filipino Easter Sunday Dawn Mass), April 24, 3:45 a.m., in the Piazza. ♦ Feast of the Divine Mercy Trilingual Mass, Sunday, May 1, 2:00 p.m. ♦ Mother’s Day Blessing for all Mothers, Sunday, May 8, all Masses. Altar Server Training If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please attend the next training session on Monday, April 18, at 5:30 p.m. in the Church. To participate, children must be at least in the fourth grade and have made their first communion. This training opportunity only comes twice a year. Parents must be present. HOSANNA! “Hosanna to the Son of David!; blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest” (Matthew 21:9). With these words the Church enters the holiest of weeks, commemorating the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ. When the people of Jerusalem cried out with their “hosannas,” they were using an ancient Hebrew shout of acclamation that meant “Pray, save us.” The king to whom they were shouting eventually would save them, but in a way that would be far from what they expected. Salvation would come from the wood of the cross as Jesus hung there to bring freedom from sin and life through death, opening the gates of heaven for all who put their faith and trust in Him. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. WELCOME! Welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents, visitors or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God for you! If you are not a registered member of our parish, have a new address, or would like to have your name removed, please fill out this form, place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Thank you. You may also register on our website at Name: Phone Number: Address: Email: Yes, please send me envelopes 2 New Address/New Number Moving-Remove from list PALM SUNDAY APRIL 17, 2011 A Glance AT OUR PAST Less than two years after the opening of St. Andrew Church’s first non-temporary site in 1887 at the corner of Pasadena Avenue and Bellefontaine Street and amidst continued strong population growth in the city, construction began on what was projected to be a permanent church location at Fair Oaks Avenue and Walnut Street. The population of Pasadena had grown to some 9500 residents by the time that this new St. Andrew Church was dedicated in December 1899. The total cost of building it was $20,000! PASTORAL CARE If you have a loved one at home or in a hospital who needs to receive the sacraments of Confession, Holy Communion or Anointing, please call the Pastoral Center at (626) 792-4183. Please Pray for these Parish Members who are Sick Por favor Ore por los Enfermos de nuestra Parroquia Teresa Sandoval Aida Montes Andres Laguna Daniel Lim Teresita Larramendi Libertine Morales Rosemarie Ybarra Joanne Dixon Rosita Quintero Terry Lanni Keva Di Lorenzo Raul Espinosa Aurelia Salazar Sonny Bernanbe Presentacion Longadin Gloria Vallarta Mercedes Sifoa Blanca Parades Manuel Martinez Theresa A. Gonzalez Cindy Ethridge Angel Gallegos Alicia Alcala Delgado Jessie Mantan Majia Millad Iris Concheta Virginia Millan Manuel Gamero Luz Hidalgo Nancy VonDrasek Baby Michael Vanis Clea Reilly Melissa Guzman Doreen Durnan Warren Altounian Quentin Austria Mayzina Guerrero Joseph Guerra Maria Lee Tucker And for the Faithful Departed Y por los Fieles Difuntos Ileana Gallardo Jose Sison George Don Mackool Luis & Lody Olipas Jaylene Thayer Gloria Bogdon José Gochez Hilda de Arce Dolores Vázquez Gonzalo Castañeda Maria Carrasco Rosalina Rodríguez Charles Dauven Jinx Maes Rafael Lubomirski HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Holy Saturday, April 21, 7:30 p.m.: Mass of the Lord’s Supper ♦ Altar of Repose in the Church Good Friday, April 22, 12:00 noon-3:00 p.m.: ♦ English Devotions ♦ The Seven Last Words ♦ Stations of the Cross ♦ Good Friday Liturgy & Communion 4:00-6:00 P.M. ♦ Blessing & Veneration of Jesus ♦ Lying in State (statue) ♦ Holy Saturday, April 23 ♦ 9:30 -10:30 a.m. Confessions ♦ 12-noon Blessing of the Animals (in the school parking lot) ♦ 7:30 p.m., Easter Vigil Trilingual Mass Easter, April 24 Sunday Masses: Salubong Sunrise Service, 3:45 a.m.; 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. ♦ No 5:00 p.m. Mass this Sunday 3 St. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA PIAZZA DONATIONS We are still accepting donations for the Piazza. Simply stop by the Pastoral Center and ask for a Piazza Donor Card. Anyone who donates $1000 or more will have their name placed on a bronze plaque. Please make sure that you spell your name exactly as you would like it to appear on the plaque. If you are interested, please call Fr. Paul at (626) 204-2104. LIBRARY ART EXHIBIT ST. ANDREW SCHOOL NEWS An exhibit highlighting our 125th Anniversary and related activities has opened at the Pasadena Central Library. In order to personalize the exhibit, the Anniversary Committee is continuing to ask parishioners to lend any antique heirlooms or photos that were used in St Andrew Church ceremonies over the years. These could include (but not limited to) vintage baptismal gowns, bridal veils, prayer books, and, of course, photos. We would also love to have items used in any typical ethnic ceremonies to help us celebrate our diverse parish community. Your items would be displayed under lock and key in the closed exhibit cases in the Library for the 30 days of the exhibit and would be returned in a timely manner. This is a beautiful way to actively participate in sharing our Anniversary activities with the Pasadena community. Please contact the Pastoral Center at (626) 792-4183 to arrange for a pick up. 4 DID YOU KNOW? 2011 ‘Working Together to Prevent Child Abuse’ Brochure Available Now Each year, every parish in the Archdiocese receives copies of “Working Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse: Keeping Ministerial Relationships Healthy and Holy.” Published in English and Spanish, the brochure is a helpful guide to the sexual abuse prevention policies, programs and resources that have been developed by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Please look for the brochure in the parish vestibule or office. Please read it and keep it some place for easy reference. For free copies of the “Working Together Brochure in English and Spanish, please email Tim at [email protected]. For additional help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650, or Carol Clark of St. Andrew Parish at (626) 792-4183, Ext. 109. Saint Andrew School is proud to support Brianna Roel and Paloma Carrillo as they work on their Girl Scout Silver Award Project. Please support them by donating items to the Pasadena Humane Society and the SPCA now through the Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, April 23, 2011. Collection boxes will be available at the school and Pastoral Center. For a complete list of items, please visit or call Saint Andrew School at (626) 796-7697. SAINT ANDREW SCHOOL CELEBRATING THE ARTS! Saint Andrew School has enjoyed a long relationship with two-time Grammy Award winning Southwest Chamber Music, located here in Pasadena. On April 6, Saint Andrew School students were treated to a spectacular percussion performance by Lynn Vartan. The performance was part of Southwest Chamber Music’s PROJECT MUSE in-school performances which showcase music that reflects the vast diversity of music from around the world. On April 5, Saint Andrew School 5th grade students hopped on the Metro to the Music Center to be a part of the 41st Annual Blue Ribbon Children's Festival. The children watched an amazing performance by Diavolo, a Los Angeles-based dance company which redefines dance through trust, teamwork and individual expression, and performed a dance they learned for this special event along with hundreds of students from the greater Los Angeles area. DOMINGO DE RAMOS 17 DE ABRIL 2011 “Dios lo exaltó a [Cristo] sobre todas las cosas y le otorgó el nombre que esta sobre que todo nombre”. -Filipenses 2:9 ANUNCIOS ♦ Domingo de Ramos, Bendición de Palmas en la Piazza, Semana Santa empieza ♦ Bendición de animalitos y mascotas en el estacionamiento de la escuela, 23 se abril, Sábado de Gloria. ♦ El Centro Pastoral cerrara a las 12:00 p.m., el 22 de abril, Viernes Santo, y todo el día lunes, 25 de abril. ♦ Salubong (Misa Filipina) domingo, 24 de abril, 3:45 a.m., en la Piazzatodos están invitados. ♦ Concierto de mariachi, sábado, 23 de julio, 7:00 p.m. ♦ Misa Trilingüe de la Divina Misericordia, 2 de mayo, 2:00 p.m. CUIDADO PASTORAL Si tiene un ser querido en casa o un hospital y desea recibir los santos sacramentos de Confesión, la Santa Comunión o los Santos Olios, por favor llame al Centro Pastoral al 626-792-4183, ext. 200. ¡HOSANNA! “¡Viva el Hijo de David! ¡Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor! ¡Hosanna en el cielo!” (Mateo 21:9). Con estas palabras la Iglesia entra en la semana más santa cuando conmemora la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo. Cuando el pueblo de Jerusalén gritó sus “hosannas”, estaba usando un antiguo grito de aclamación hebreo que significa “sálvanos ahora”. El rey a quien se lo gritaban los salvaría, pero de una manera que sobrepasó sus expectativas. La salvación vendría del madero de la cruz del cual colgaba Jesús para traer liberación del pecado y vida por medio de la muerte, abriendo las puertas del cielo para todos los que ponen su fe y confianza en Él. BENDICIONES PARA TODAS LAS MAMAS Se levaran a cabo el domingo, 8 de mayo, en todas las Misa del domingo. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. UNIDOS EN MISIÓN 2011: TIEMPO DE REFLEXIÓN Gracias por su generoso apoyo con la colecta anual Unidos en Misión 2011. Este año, la meta de la parroquia es de $78,357.55. Estamos consientes que estos son tiempos muy difíciles para muchos. Es muy importante que estas promesas sean pagadas para que nuestra parroquia alcance la meta, y ojala sobre pase esta meta. Si no alcanzamos nuestra meta, los fondos van a tener que salir de nuestro presupuesto de operaciones.. Hasta la fecha, hemos recibido lo siguiente: Meta: $78,357.55 Cantidad Prometida : $57,162.00 Cantidad Recibida: $18,954.65 2da Colectas: $ 1,765.00 Cantidad Necesidad Para alcanzar la meta: $ 475.90 De nuevo, le queremos agradecer su apoyo. 5 PARROQUIA DE SAN ANDRÉS HORARIO DE SEMANA SANTA Noticias sobre la Piazza Todavía estamos aceptando donaciones para el proyecto de la Piazza. Cualquier persona que done mas de $1000, tendrá su nombre inscrito en una placa de bronce. Para mayor detalles, favor de llamar al padre Pablo Sustayta al 626-204-2104. Si desea, puede mandar sus donaciones a Rev. Pablo Sustayta, Proyecto Piazza,140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 o si desea, puede llamarle al (626) 204-2104. SALUBONG Es una tradición única entre los filipinos. “Salubong” celebra la primera reunión de nuestro Señor Resucitado con su amada Madre. ¿Se pueden imaginar el gozo exuberante de nuestra Bendita Madre Maria en ese primer Domingo de Resurrección? Después de toda la angustia e aflicción, Jesús se le aparece vivo y victorioso. ¡Que gloriosa vista ha de haber sido! Todos están invitados a experimentar esta reunión con el mismo gozo. Vengan y celebren el “Salubong” con nosotros! 8 Jueves Santo: 21 de abril, 7:30 p.m. ♦ Misa de la Cena del Señor ♦ Altar de Reposo Viernes Santo, 22 de abril, 12:00 p.m. a 3:00 p.m. ♦ Devociones en la iglesia, Las Siete Últimas Palabras (inglés) ♦ Vía Crucis: 12:00 p.m. ( inglés) ♦ Liturgia del Viernes Santo con Comunión (inglés) Bendición y Veneración del Cristo Sepultado, 4:00 6:00 p.m. ♦ Cuerpo Presente (estatua) ♦ Liturgia con Obra: 7:30 p.m. Sábado de Gloria, 23 de abril ♦ Confesiones: 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. ♦ Bendición de mascotas: 12:00 p.m. ♦ Misa Trilingüe: Vigilia de Pascua: 7:30 p.m. Domingo de Resurrección/Pascua, 24 d abril: 4:00 a.m.-Misas en ingles: Salubong (servicio Filipino) 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. No habrá Misa de 5:00 p.m. Misas en español: 6:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. ¿SABE USTED? 2011 “Trabajando Juntos para Prevenir el Abuso de Niños” Folleto disponible Cada año, cada parroquia recibe copias del folleto titulado: “Trabajando Juntos para Prevenir el Abuso Sexual de Niños: Manteniendo Sanas y Santas las Relaciones Ministeriales.” Publicado en inglés y español, el folleto sirve como guía sobre las políticas de la prevención del abuso sexual, de programas y recursos desarrollados por la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Le invitamos buscar los folletos en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o de la parroquia. Favor de leerlo y guardarlo en un lugar donde puedan accederlo fácilmente. Para leerlo en el internet, visite la pagina: Para copias gratis del panfleto “Trabajando Juntos para Prevenir el Abuso Sexual de Niños: por favor de mandar a Tim un e-mail a [email protected]. Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650, o con Carol Clark de la Parroquia San Andrés al (626) 792-4183, Ext. 109.