I Serve a Risen Savior
I Serve a Risen Savior
April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter 2015-2016 Education News Religious Pre-Registration for 2015-2016 Religious Education season will begin the First of May. Forms will be available in the RE Center office and in the vestibule of the Church. I Serve a Risen Savior Whether you are new to our church and would like to start a journey to full communion into the Catholic Church or whether you are just looking to deepen your knowledge of the Church and your relationship with God, we invite you to join us for Symbolon. Classes are Wednesday at 10AM session or 6PM session. All children will be required to complete two years of Religious Education to be eligible for Sacramental Preparation. So if you would like your child to receive their Confirmation in 2017 they need to be attending Religious Education next fall. Marriage, Divorce and the Catholic Church Which of these statements are true? A divorced person is automatically no allowed to participate in mass. An annulment makes children illegitimate. Protestant marriages aren’t recognized because they are outside the Church. Your former spouse has to agree before you can get an annulment. A marriage with children cannot be annulled. An affair is sufficient grounds for annulment. An annulment is just “Catholic Divorce” You may be surprised to learn that all are false. We all know someone who thinks their marriage or divorce is keeping them from joining their Catholic family at the Eucharistic Table. Sometimes the answer to their problem can be quite simple. Come and receive answers to these questions. Catholic Daughters Bi-Monthly Evening Meeting April 13, 2015 6PM-7PM Guest Speaker: Sharla Bishop Sharla is a Tribunal Advocate and will be speaking on Catholic Marriage and Annulments. She will be sharing her own personal story of marriage, divorce and the Catholic Church. She received her Tribunal Advocate Training through the Archdiocese of Seattle. Take that first step of faith and call the office to register. 541 884-4566. Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for April Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Baptism Class for parents and Godparents is held the first Monday of each month @5:30 in English and the first Thursday of each month @5:30 in Spanish. Advanced registration is required; please call the office or come in to register (541)884-4566. ~Welcome to the Table~ Congratulations to the Elect; Karen Wynne, RJ MacDonald, Lawren Evens Bobo and Alana Burdick, who celebrated the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter Vigil. If you are thinking of joining the Catholic Church, or are a baptized Catholic who would like to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, please call Sharla in the Parish Office, 541 884-4566. 12 de Abril 2015 Preinscripción para la temporada 2015-2016 2015-2016 Educación Religiosa comenzará el Primero de Mayo. Los formularios estarán disponibles en la oficina RE Center y en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Se requiere que todos los niños a completar dos años de educación religiosa para ser elegible para la Preparación Sacramental. Así que si usted desea que su hijo reciba su confirmación en 2017 tienen que estar asistiendo a la educación religiosa el próximo otoño. Preparación Sacramental Próximas reuniones & talleres 18 de abril – primera comunión taller 9:00am – 12:00pm 25 de abril – primera comunión ensayo: Español: 9:00 English: 1:00pm 30 de abril – ensayo de confirmación 5:30pm de la iglesia del sagrado corazón 2 de mayo – retiro de confirmación ** Obligatorio ** 9:00am sagrado corazón gimnasio 3 de mayo – confirmación 3:00pm de la iglesia del sagrado corazón 9 de mayo – primera comunión English 5:30pm 10 de mayo – primera comunión Español 12:30pm Intenciones de oración del Santo Padre para abril Universal: Que las personas pueden aprender a respetar la creación y cuidar de él como un regalo de Dios. Evangelización: Para que los cristianos perseguidos pueden sentir la presencia consoladora del Señor Resucitado y la solidaridad de toda la Iglesia. Segundo Domingo de Pascua Sirvo a un Salvador resucitado Mantenga la Chispa El retiro con el Padre José Pineda fue una época de renovación de nuestro espíritu que reavivo nuestra fe. Para continuar con nuestro camino de fe Sagrado Corazón estará presentando Una Sola Fe - Un Solo Señor Creencias Católicas Básicas A los que participaron en el Retiro y a los demás de los miembros de nuestra iglesia, si le gustaría empezar un camino hacia la plena comunión en la Iglesia Católica o si están buscando profundizar su conocimiento de la Iglesia y su relación con Dios, le invitamos a unirse a nosotros para UNA SOLA FE – UN SOLO SEÑOR. El programa presenta las creencias y prácticas fundamentales de la fe católica. Las clases son los jueves, en el Salón Parroquial a las 7:00 PM. Póngase en contacto con el Padre Roga para obtener más información acerca de la clase en 541.884.4566. ~ Bienvenidos~ Felicitaciones a los elegidos; Karen Wynne, RJ MacDonald, Lawren Evens Bobo y Alana Burdick, que celebra los sacramentos de la Iniciación en la Vigilia de Pascua. Si usted está pensando en unirse a la Iglesia Católica, o eres un católico bautizado que le gustaría recibir los sacramentos de la Confirmación y la Eucaristía, por favor llame al Padre Roga en la Oficina Parroquial, 541 884-4566. Clases de Bautismo Para los padres y padrinos se celebra el jueves 7 de mayo a las 5:30 en español. Se requiere inscripción anticipada; por favor llame a la oficina y aunque venga a registrarse (541) 884 a 4566. Please visit our advertisers / Visite a nuestros patrocinadores... Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church: “We are a people of God, guided by Sacred Scripture, Traditions and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church to live and share the Gospel message of Christ.” LITURGY ASSIGNMENTS AROUND THE PARISH April 19, 2015 / 19 de Abril 2015 Sunday of Divine Mercy Third Sunday of Easter Sun. April 12: Readings: First Reading: Second Reading: Gospel Reading: ACTS 3:13-15, 17-19 1 JN 2:1-5A LK 24:35-48 Saturday Vigil, April 18, 5:30 PM Acolyte: Gerry Hoffman Lector (1): Meredith Hoffman Lector (2): David Bishop EMHC: Ron & Cathy Hahn Servers: Sevilla Avila, Gabriel Bishop Mon. April 13: Tue. April 14: **NO DAILY MASS** Wed. April 15: **NO DAILY MASS** 10:00am Symbolon 6:00pm Symbolon Thur. April 16: Sunday, April 19, 9:30 AM Acolyte: Philip Calderon Lector (1): Roger Bishop Lector (2): Don Metzler EMHC: Linda Calderon, Larry Jespersen, Tim & Marie Stanaway Servers: Brady & Brendon Monteith Fri. April 17: Sat. April 18: Sun. April 19: Domingo, 19 de Abril, 12:30 PM 9:30am Mass 10:45am Religious Education 12:30pm Misa en Espanol 6:00pm High School Youth Group **NO DAILY MASS** 5:30pm Clase de Bautismo 7:00pm Una Sola Fe, Un Solo Señor **NO DAILY MASS** 5:30pm Mass 9:30am Mass 10:45am Religious Education 12:30pm Misa en Espanol Lectura: Primera Lectura: ACTS 3:13-15, 17-19 Segunda Lectura: 1 JN 2:1-5A Lectura Del Evangelio: LK 24:35-48 Acolyte: Juan Manuel Mendez Lectora: Socorro Ibarra Emhc: Catalina Figueroa, Jorge Jaramillo Servers: Tonatzi Gonzalez, Samantha Recino Thank You for Your Continued Support of our parish. Parish Assessment 2015 Needed: $51,024 2015 Offering To Date: $11,346 Balance Remaining $39,678 Offertory Giving April Budget: $31,000 Last Week’s offering: $10,530 April offering Total: $10,530 Balance Remaining $20,470 Upcoming Youth Sacramental Preparation Meetings & Workshops April 18 – First Communion Workshop 9am – 12pm April 25 – First Communion Rehersal: Spanish: 9AM English: 1PM Confession: 2PM April 30 – Confirmation Rehersal Sacred Heart Church 5:30pm May 2nd – Confirmation Retreat **Mandatory** 9AM-4PM Sacred Heart Gymnasium May 3rd – Confirmation Sacred Heart Church 3PM May 9th – First Communion - English 5:30pm May 10th – First Communion - Spanish 12:30pm The following have asked for our prayers: Sandy Pinto, Daniel Garcia, Manuel Silva, Jason Andre, Amy Spannaus, Rex Delayer, Charl0tte McCarthy, Marie Shaima, Kyle Lamson, Agnes Zeeman, Monica Maddox, Nick Valdez, Gloria Mulvhill, Art Alanaiz, Richard Rosco, Joe Cox, Maryetta Shere, Frank Foster, Rose Maupin, George Maupin, Julia and Bennie Rodriguez, Maria N. Valdez, Neil Hurley, Ed Andersch, Rita Sue Dolinsky, John Rosco, Ed Jarecki To add a name to the Prayer Corner, please call Shendy at 882-8065. Attention Lay Ministers! Please log onto the ministry schedule portal on our our parish website: www.sacredheartkf.org and update your availability for the June through September schedule by May 5th. If you have any questions, please call Ryan in the parish office (541)884-4566 or Shendy McAtee (541)331-8065 We would like to extend an invitation to your child to attend the Diocesan Summer Events for 2015. These events are an opportunity for people from all over the Diocese to gather together for a faith-filled getaway featuring powerful talks, activities, fellowship and prayer in a safe and supervised environment. This is an incredible opportunity for our youth to experience Christ and His Church in a larger picture. In previous years, the youth from across our Diocese who have attended these events have had an amazing experience of the love of God and the richness of our Catholic faith. Many of our youth are already looking forward to these events and we hope that your youth will be able to join us this year. Please find on the website: Registration Forms Medical Release Forms Positions are limited so register early. Registrations should be made through the parish office. They will then be forwarded, with payments, to the Diocesan Office The camp dates and fees are: •’Come and See’ High School Summer Retreat ($30 per youth) – Saturday, June 20 @3pm til Sunday June 21 @ 12pm. For all incoming/outgoing high school youth. •’The Voyage’ Upper Elementary Camp ($120 per child) – Friday, July 10 @ 3pm til Sunday, July 12 @ 12pm. For all incoming/outgoing 4th-6th grade youth. •‘Diocese of Baker Olympics’ Middle School Camp ($150 per child) – Thursday, July 16 @ 3pm til Sunday July 19 @ 12pm. For all incoming/outgoing 6th-8th grade youth. •’Youth Leadership Camp‘($250 per youth) – Monday, July 20 @ 12pm til Friday, July 24 @ 2pm. For all incoming/outgoing 11th-12th grade youth. •Steubenville Northwest in Spokane ($350 per person) – Friday, July 31 til Monday August 3. For all incoming/outgoing high school youth. Scholarships available, please contact the parish office for more information.
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