The Croatan Civic League News


The Croatan Civic League News
Croatan Civic League
July 2015
By the Beach with Bill Garvey
Summer is here in full swing and BOY is it HOT!!!!
We had another INCREDIBLE turnout for the 2015 Croatan Spring Fling. 238 of our
residents and guest attended (a record) and danced ‘til we threw them out of the
Point. A 5 minute Downpour did not stop the party as everyone ventured into the
spacious tent area for free drinks and meet the neighbors time. Record Logowear
sales (Thanks Katie) and near record Raffle ticket sales (thanks Jack, Vince, Jane,
and Debbie) were also recorded. A special thanks to our co-chairs Debbie and
Larry Kurtz and all who donated their time to help make this another great event.
There are too many to mention but you know who you are.
At the Spring Fling we had a petition to sign to urge City Council to order the longoverdue update on the 2001 study of Rudee Inlet and Croatan Public Beach. We
have around 131 signatures right now and are looking for more before we present
them to City Council at the Aug 4th meeting. Please let me know if you want to
sign it and we will make arrangements. We are also planning on trying to set up a
table at the public parking lot near Pendleton. Please see the E-Mail updates for
more info.
We want to thank Mr. Sean Forsyth for throwing another great Fourth of July
Party. It was first class as usual with all the bells and whistles and booms that only
this special party can deliver. Thank You Sean!
We also want to thanks all those who came together to clean up the front
entrance and the walkways. It looks spectacular. It was amazing to see how wide
the walkway actually was.
And a last thank you to all those who spend a few minutes of their time cleaning
up the beach. You make a huge difference and we all appreciate it.
Please reserve Friday October 23rd as we will be having our Annual Dinner and
Dance at the Shifting Sands at Dam Neck. We will also be electing new Board
Members so if you have an interest in running please send me a note.
‘Til we share cold one on the beach, take care and be safe.
Bill Garvey
CCL President
By the Beach
Wildlife in Croatan
I Hear America Singing
Baby/Pet Sitters
Book Club
CCL Website
Nextdoor Croatan
Book Club
CCL Board Meeting
Women’s Club
Annual Dinner/Dance
Wildlife in Croatan by Suditi (Susanna H. Miller)
Summer is upon us and with the heat often comes the storms and rain. After these rains,
there are many types of mushrooms “blooming” overnight. These amazing “creatures” are
not plants! Recently, it has been discovered that they are more closely related to animals,
although their descriptions remain plant-like. The most visible part is known as a fruiting
body which produces spores, like a fern.
Mushrooms are fungi (singular, fungus) and are usually placed in a Kingdom of their own apart from plants and animals. They contain no chlorophyll and most are considered saprophytes - they obtain their nutrition
from non-living organic matter. Fungi feed by absorbing nutrients from
the organic material in which they live. Interestingly, most fungi build
their cell walls out of chitin. This is the same material as the hard outer
shells of insects and other arthropods. Plants do not make chitin.
The body of the mushroom stores nutrients and other essential compounds, and when enough material is stored and
the conditions are right they start to produce the fruiting body-the part of the fungus that
we see. The living body of the fungus is a mycelium made out of a web of tiny filaments
called hyphae. Hyphae secrete acids and enzymes that break the surrounding organic
material down into simple molecules they can easily absorb. Mycelium is usually hidden in
the soil, in wood, or another food source. A mycelium may fill a single ant, or cover many
acres. Some of these connect with tree roots
and enhance nitrogen fixation. The branching
hyphae can add over a half mile of total length
to the mycelium each day! These webs live
unseen until they develop into the amazing and
often colorful array of mushrooms, puffballs, truffles, brackets, cups,
“bird’s nests,” “corals” or other fruiting bodies. They can have free or
attached gills, spongy pore-like surfaces or can be hard as wood or quite
Mushrooms are surprisingly nutritious: they are a good source of B vitamins,
especially niacin and riboflavin, and rank the highest among vegetables for
protein content. Because they are low in fat and calories, nutritionists mistakenly considered them of no food value (a fresh pound has only about 125 calories), but in dried form, mushrooms have almost as much protein as veal and
a significant amount of complex carbohydrates called polysaccharides. Wild
mushrooms should only be collected by an expert - many varieties are poisonous and some are deadly.
Mushrooms grow quickly for two reasons. First, they store up compounds between
fruiting and have a lot of reserves. Second, mushrooms develop differently than
plants or animals which use cell division and require more cells and a lot of energy
to grow bigger. However, the mushroom fruit
does not grow by cell division: about as soon as it
starts to develop, a mushroom has almost the same number of cells that the mature mushroom will have. The mushroom increases in size through cell enlargement. This means that the cells can balloon up very rapidly with very little energy.
Basically, the cells just enlarge with water. So a mushroom can increase in size as
fast as water can be pumped into its cells. Almost overnight a mushroom can go
from a pin head to a large mushroom.
So the next time we have a summer downpour, keep an eye out for those colorful and amazingly fast-growing fungi
that occur from grassy lawns to wooded trails in Croatan.
I Hear America Singing: Community Is Life Lived Toward Each Other
It is Saturday, late mid-day.
The weatherman has backed off his gloomy forecast of thunder and rain
It is America the beautiful.
On foot, I see the bend at Coastal Drive and Virginia Dare
I hear America singing in Croatan
The varied carols I hear
I see the neighbor, the friend, the guest
I see us welcome the stranger.
I hear America singing, Bruce Springsteen booming through the box
Born on the fourth of July! Born on the fourth of July!
As I come closer I see bikes, skateboards, scooters, Segways, bare feet and flip flops
I see tanned faces and bodies of all colors of the rainbow. I see hula’s hooping.
I see a young mother holding her baby high above her head and exclaiming
“This is her first 4th of July.”
I see baby and mother rejoice.
I see neighbors, older and grayer, even, than I
Feeling the child in them rise up once more
Putting aside the hitch in their giddy-yap
And yelping I’m a cool rockin’ daddy in the USA
I see a young girl, face painted red, white and blue,
Seated proudly at the wheel of the shiny red fire truck.
Beneath her, I see two firefighters, one male, one female
Move quickly to help a handicapped fellow in and out of the port-a-potty
I see Sean and Lisa, our gracious hosts, everywhere at once
Smiling , trouble shooting, smiling, emptying the trash, doubling back, thanking..
I see a young boy, happy to be dunked again and again
By strong-armed pitchers laughing at the mean-streak in their throws
I see kids with cotton candy camped in their hair, their clothes,
And occasionally even, their mouths.
I see, I smell, I touch, I taste - burgers and dogs and baked beans and slaw
and strange new foods -- unsayable, unspellable -- quinoa
but which my kids tell me will keep me alive
as I gorge and gobble at the next table of deserts to die for.
I see all heads turned to the spacious skies
To a helicopter dropping drone-fulls of painted peanuts
Which will lead a lucky few to a free ice cream maker or brand new bike .
I see a parade with a unicycle, a face painter, a balloon man
It is inter-dependence day in our small village named for a Native Tribe.
I hear America Singing in Croatan
Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs
America! America! God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brother hood from sea to shining sea.
bob young, July 4, 2105, Croatan
Bob Young resides on Fort Raleigh Drive.
He was at the welcoming table from 5 to 6 during the Croatan Block Party
Neighborhood Contacts and Helpers
Welcome Wagon
Babysitters in Croatan
Contact Katie Ripberger at
[email protected] or
phone 434-6450 if you know
of new Croatan neighbors .
Alexa Anderson
Jordan Delaney
Devan Doss
Cindi Dunker
Mariah Dunlap
Sofia Gerloff
Alex Goss
Rebecca Hankins
Gregory Harris
Alli Ingraham
Mariah Jonklaas
Nicole Krykanov
Brittani McLeskey
Molly Pocock
Cameron Reuss
Sofia Risku
Book Collection
Betty Rosignolo
760 Virginia Dare Drive
437-8662; [email protected]
For Sentara Virginia Beach Hospital Auxiliary
Regina Oswalt
629 S. Atlantic Avenue
422-2776; [email protected]
For Virginia Oncology Associates
Magazine Collection
Michele Speight, Teen Crisis Intervention
549 Bushnell Drive
428-7947; [email protected]
961-0423/330-519-1349 (Cell)
613-1525/565-7568 (Cell)
287-6725 or 425-7476
422-6050/412-8469 (Cell)
469-3892 (Cell)
491-4189/618-7016 (Cell)
491-1245/633-0928 (Cell)
Send any corrections, deletions or additions to this page by
email to Marian Kitchin at [email protected].
Who to Call
Dead or Stranded Marine
Mammal (dolphin, seal, whale)
or Sea Turtle
Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Team
Important Contacts
Police Fire & Rescue Emergencies
Non-Emergency Assistance
Miss Utility
Potholes, Street Signs and Repairs
Animal Control (Option #1)
City Landfill
Bulk Trash Pickup
Croatan Temporary Parking Permit
Wildlife Response , Inc.
VBSPCA Wildlife Referral Line
Wildlife Conflict Helpline (toll free) (855) 571-9003
Pet Sitters in Croatan
Donald Black
965-3208/818-2330 (Cell)
Peri Bowman
Meaghan Dullea
Austin Dunkler
425-7476 or 234-1157
Cindi Dunker
287-6725 or 425-7476
Sofia Gerloff
Gregory Harris
Hayden Harris
Caitlin Helveston
Nadia Kravstova
Susan Leslie
Cameron Reuss
491-1245/633-0928 (Cell)
Annabelle Smith
Emily Yoder
For recommended pet sitting businesses, visit Nextdoor Croatan or
our website at and go to
Neighbortoneighbor/Recommended Services/PetSitters
SCOOP THE POOP!!!!! It’s the LAW!!! Please carry a plastic
bag with you when you walk your dog. Don’t let pet waste
become part of our waterways or our neighbor’s landscape.
The Croatan Book Club
Next Meeting
Thursday, July 16
7:00 P.M.
Karen Moore
Leader: Barbara Miner
Selection: The Language of Flowers, Vanessa Diffenbaugh
All Neighbors are welcome. Just read the book (or maybe not), bring a beverage or snack, and e-mail the hostess
that you will be attending.
Future Selections —
Discussion Leader
Aug 20
Me Before You, by JoJo Moyes
Janice Chupka
Karen Moore
See the CCL website for 2015 selections:
CCL Website by Marian Kitchin
Have you checked out the CCL website? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
The following pages are available at
Croatan History
Beach Information
Civic League Information
Neighborhood Events
Neighbor to Neighbor
Emergency Preparedness
Member's Area
Nextdoor Croatan is an interactive network for our Croatan community. There are currently 405 members in the
Croatan community. In addition, there are 5 nearby neighborhoods with 1380 members. You can follow both
Croatan and our nearby neighbors or limit what you view to Croatan.
Please join us to build a better neighborhood!" TO JOIN, VISIT:
The People Make the Beach
President, Croatan Civic League
517 Croatan Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23451-7110
We are on the WEB!
Check us out at and
Croatan Civic League Officers, Directors and Committee Chair Contacts
President, Events
Bill Garvey—Phone 471-5436
Email—[email protected]
Vice President, Neighborhood Security
George Horvath—Phone 233-0019
Email—[email protected]
Secretary, Rock ‘n Roll Cheering
Vince Donlon—Phone 450-7317
Email—[email protected]
Jim Skarbak—Phone 491-3230
Email—[email protected]
Director, Membership/Directory/City Contacts
Martha Davenport—Phone 428-3348
Email—[email protected]
Director. Spring Fling
Deborah Kurtz—Phone 428-9240
Email—[email protected]
Director, Spring Fling
Larry Kurtz—Phone 428-9240
Email—[email protected]
Regina Oswalt—Phone 422-2776
Email—[email protected]
Director, Welcome Wagon/Logo Wear/RIF
Katie Ripberger—Phone 434-6450
Email—[email protected]
Committee Chairs
Asst. Director, Pendleton Contact
Ken Jobe—Phone 428-0328
Email—[email protected]
Asst. Director, Newsletter/Website/Nextdoor
Marian Kitchin—Phone 437-9554
Email—[email protected]
Asst. Director, Surfing
Wes Laine—Phone 428-2620
Email—[email protected]
Asst. Director, Neighborhood Email
Tim Moody—Phone 478-1177
Email—[email protected]
Asst. Director, Landscaping/Annual Dinner
Billy Moore—Phone 491-4253
Email— [email protected]
Asst. Director, Halloween Party/Parade
Andrea Stephens—Phone 501-614-3810
Email—[email protected]
Asst. Director, Croatan Yard Sale
Sylvia Vance—Phone 425-9960
Email—[email protected]
President, Women’s Club
Nicole Ziegler—Phone 962-2217
Email—[email protected]
President, Book Club
Bettie Cholewa—Phone 491-0907
Email—[email protected]
Treasurer, Lake Christine Conservatory
Vicki Aiken—Phone 962-2848
Email—[email protected]