January 2015 - Advanced Learning Schools
January 2015 - Advanced Learning Schools
ALS S P OT L IG H T JANUARY 2015 ISSUE 2 MODEL BEHAVIOR AWARDS NOV/DEC 2014 BOYS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: MODEL BEHAVIOR AWARDS 1 GR.3 UNIT OF INQUIRY 2 HUMANITIES FAIR 3 متتةتتعتتم تتع ت ت ت ا عتتعتتل صتت تتم ع ت ت ت ت ا و ي ع ت تتم 4 POSTER ARTCOMPETITIONGR. 4 4 EXPOSITORY ESSAYS– GR.6 BOYS 5 EXPOSITORY ESSAYS– GR. 6 6 Student Gr. Student Gr. Abdulaziz Nizar Al Twaijri 4 Rayyan Ahmad Nasser 6(2) Bader Sultan Al Ammash 4 Saud Turki Al Saud 6(2) Homoud Abdullah Al Rasheed Abdullah Mohammad Al Saud Abdullah Sattam Al Soweilim 4 Turki Abdullah Al Sudairy 6(2) Ziad Tariq Al Sudairy 6(2) 6(2) 5 Abdulaziz Mohannad Al Rasheed Adel Majed Batterjee Charles Eric Mullennax 5 Abdullah Khalid Abu Nayyan 7 Fahad Salman Al Saud 5 Faisal Khalid Al Helal 7 Khalid Faisal Abaalkhail 5 Abdulaziz Sultan Al Saud 8 Khalid Tariq Sulimani 5 Mohammad Abdullah Shaker 8 Mohammad Saleh Al Hajaj 5 Rakan Khalid Al Habib 8 Nawaf Ziad Al Sheikh 5 Youssef Hashem Al Alawi 8 5 6(1) ISSUE 2 Page 2 GRADE 3 UNIT OF INQUIRY– NUTRITION AND EXERCISE CONTRIBUTE TO HUMAN HEALTH “A balance between factors of nutrition and exercise contribute to human health” was the title of grade 3‟s second unit of inquiry. Over six weeks, students explored the importance of nutrients and the effects of exercise on the different parts of the body. The objective of this unit was to develop an inquiry-based approach to nutrition and to help students learn key concepts that are important for making life-long healthy choices. To promote physical activity and healthy eating, grade 3 A and B had a “Healthy” picnic in the green field. Students shared various types of food from the six food groups and spent the majority of their time biking, playing football, or jumping rope. The students were happy and active. Stay active and healthy, Grade 3! Mr. Raed Dareedi, Ms. Zein, and Ms. Dana Alkurdi “The objective of this unit was to develop an inquiry-based approach to nutrition and to help students learn key concepts that are important for making life-long healthy choices. ISSUE 2 Page 3 HUMANITIES FAIR DECEMBER 2014 On December 17th Advanced Learning Schools (ALS) had their second annual Humanities Fair. The exhibition was open to both the male and female schools grades 7-10. Their projects were based on the theme “Past events brighten our future”. The students on both campuses produced excellent museum quality projects, reflecting on historical events that impact our lives today. As experts on their topics, our students were both knowledgeable and entertaining, describing the historical links to parents, instructors, and peers. Not only did the students produce wonderfully detailed posters but they also showed their creativity and technological skills in the form of power point presentations and short edited films. The staff at ALS are so pleased to see our students grow, not only as young academics, but as effective communicators. Well done everyone. Mr. Michael Barnes Wind doesn‟t stop our History Celebration! The month of December culminated in the presentation of the 2nd annual ALS Humanities fair which was a great success. Students in grades 7-10 researched a historic event or person then presented their information at the humanities fair to be judged. Student projects ranged from the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia to the Civil Rights Movement in America. Each student had to research how their topic effected life today. Even though it was a windy day, this did not hamper our celebrations. Thank you to all the teachers, parents, tutors and staff that helped make our fair such a success and we look forward to next year‟s fair. Mrs. Rachelle Mullenax ISSUE 2 Page 4 متعة تعليم العربية للصفوف األولية ٌجب علٌنا أن نشجع أطفالنا باإلقدام واإلقبال على تعلمها بمحبة، انطالقا من أهمٌة اللغة العربٌة فً حٌاتنا ومن هنا نطلب من الطالب أن ٌحضروا أشٌاء ملموسة مما.وأسلوب جاذب ومحاكاة للواقع الذي نعٌش فٌه وبالتالً ٌبدأون بتكوٌن معجم لغوي ٌثبت فً أذهانهم عن، تختص بالحرف الذي نود أن نعلمهم إٌاه، حولهم وبذلك، وربما تذوقوا طعمه أٌضا ؛لهذا فلن ٌنسوه أبدا،طرٌق التعبٌر والحوار ؛ألنهم شاهدوه أمامهم ولمسوه . نكون قد كونا مجتمعا مدرسٌا متقنا للغتنا والتً هً بمثابة هوٌة لنا نعتز ونفتخر بها POSTER ART COMPETITION-GR.4 GIRLS As part of Reading Week this year, students participated in a Poster Art Competition around the theme: “One World, Many Stories.” Congratulations to Sultana Mana, Grade 4, who submitted the winning entry! Her artwork will be featured on the posters for next year‟s Reading Week. Certificates were also awarded to two runners-up, also from Grade 4: Leen Saad and Mia Applegate. Congratulations to all who participated! -Reading Week Committee ISSUE 2 Page 5 EXPOSITORY ESSAYS-GRADE 6 BOYS FIFA: For The Game, For The World How many people do you think watched the FIFA World Cup final between Germany and Argentina in 2014? You may be surprised to know that close to a billion people worldwide watched the thrilling, nail biting, and hair pulling match. The sporting body that organizes every football World Cup is FIFA. The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) was established in 1904 to oversee international competition. FIFA‟s current membership is made up of 209 national associations. There are six confederations recognized by FIFA which oversee the game in the different continents and regions. FIFA‟s main objective is “to improve the game of football constantly and promoted globally in the light of its unifying, educational, cultural and humanitarian values, particularly through youth and development programs. FIFA is responsible for the organization of football‟s major international tournaments, like the World Cup. FIFA is not just responsible for organizing football tournaments. FIFA believes that football can be used to improve the lives of young people and their surrounding communities. FIFA works hard throughout the year to organize football tournaments as well as caring about society and the environment. FIFA is not only responsible for overseeing international competitions but also improving the game of football. Every four years FIFA is in the spotlight when they organize the World Cup. By: Saud Turki How the World Works In the past six weeks, my class and I have been learning so much, and had not taken a break except for the weak ends. We would all wake early at six thirty, go to school, work all day long for eight hours, then go back home and rest. In school we would focus on energy, decimals, GCF, LCM, and how to write a proper, well-organized essay. In school, during our U.O.I sessions, we learned about energy forms, how is energy generated, what is energy, energy in general, etc. energy is everywhere. Everything you do uses energy, even thinking uses energy. Energy is a renewable source. I think that even though energy is a renewable resource people should still use it wisely. During our math sessions, we learned about decimals (multiplying and dividing), GCF (greatest common multiple), and the LCM (least common multiple). During language arts, we learned how to write a well-organized essay, just like this essay. I hope my next unit will be better. I also hope that we will get some more free time and have a less homework. I truly enjoyed this unit and hope that our next unit will be even better! By: Rayyan Ahmed ISSUE 2 Page 6 EXPOSITORY ESSAYS CONT’D -GRADE 6 BOYS London Travelling is the fun way to explore the world. Of all the places in the world, I think Europe is the most interesting place to visit. The UK is one of Europe‟s most popular destinations. Among the UK‟s many cities, London the capital stands out. London stands out because it‟s a beautiful and interesting city. London is very green, huge areas of the city are reserved as national parks. Just across the street from the busy buildings and offices is a park where nature takes over as you enter a forest with squirrels running around and ducks swimming calmly in a lake. Big oak trees are all around the sidewalks looking down on busy streets. This makes London a beautiful place. London is known for being pedestrian and child friendly. You can walk for hours on crowded sidewalks from one monument to the other, and only take a taxi or the underground when you‟re tired. On a zebra crossing once you put your foot all cars stop for you until you cross. In addition, London has many things to offer. There are many attractions like the natural museum and the theatres showing famous plays like „The lion king‟. You can also find casual entertainment in malls, shops, cinemas and restaurants. All in all, London is a city that has something for everyone. A perfect combination between nature, history and modernism…. By: Abdulaziz Mohanned