n4ix - msturriff
n4ix - msturriff
Name: EST- 4 \/ Practice Concentration of Solutions t' *yi':ily:fT[L'-1?fl:'t is r]*"s3q,\.,u.rt Ln eL & s..-0-f Q) s-^+#' 2' *f[-ffiI"#:fj"-'H5, lt* r.drsi.,[-,dj4 de*-= U (L-\ ,., {*r'4, r:1€.r\ 1a-,^-) 3. List 4 units in which we EIn express the c5ncentration of a solution? 4. GJ "rns'l / t@ List two ways to decrease the concentration of a solution. 5. \- (i *..-+."' (D Sr rnlo t "eotvo^t* .t so i.-l,a* Youaremakingyourselfaglassof icedtea. Youadd3gof powderto250ml ofwater. Whatis the concentration of your iced tea in g/L, %, ppm? 25Or,*t l4.rC-) 25O 14 \- ;L"1 J [t ,]q '-J n *--) ''.r--{ ---2 l'Z "t /t* _) 11*^;1 L:',/- @ 12* OC'rC) q ) You need to make 250 ml of a 15 g/L solution. Describe the steps you would take and show the calculations to support your method. ./--\ 6 **a r-r-l ($ "35-* i .rq I OOA Ccri,r 0, (,n a *c,[.*{'*") @ pfi,,'' 3q . **I3* 1p ' i*r'j iooo,.,.t (D . -.1gi , o, _x3 6. "'i..-:h'"t Ce.-l c F4 u.,1*b *=s 3. *S cL yt^* c, -.,,.-* d € ,i o[ so [.r-ta" a'€ €--6{'-a-ct ' s.'[.-"t C*'?*f sol"ftl 'r,. d* ZS13 ,*[ vc,[o,,*o]'r- {t,.t[ C* fitl ft...L ho-i {-*r,*\ *f b*q=b *.4fi .^,J.a & S*,,rt .,.^i-,t t[.o- s.L'dfi,: La cl*s"'t'"/{'^-- .L' d;, A,t l ,-.--[ctr --t, +* +t* Zlb,*-( ' & n4ix I ,\ 7. calculate the mass of solute (g) needed to make the following solutions: a) 100 ml of a 3 % solution X ot, ioo,J- itlO,-n-t 300 ml of 47 g/L solution b) {?q :-5 tt:r:o,r*0 c) 3Cfr,wQ 150 ml of a 1450 ppm solution lqsoE d) I 6C;o oc;o J I 5(),,^-0 275 ml of a 75% solution iDe e) O,r),t73 fe ',.*t "Y3 L+; ,",) "4 500 ml of an 18 g/L solution i<>c)o,J =pa,J What would the concentration in g/L of be sa -a Lr%l }J a solution if 500m1 of this solution contains 2g - It sDCI,J i oc;a "*-{) -a b-+ re What is the percent concentration of a solution if 50g of solute was used to make 3L of the solution? 5? $AOC),-'t\ iOCl - e 1,(o?3 -, n,,r*-0 10. How much solute is required to prepare 2L of a 5% solution ? _3: ioo.*-Q 11-. of lt? J"t 9. Tt,2Sg - Y9 ZrcrJ f.-1 1",?*: t Howmuchsolutionwill bepreparedif40gof sugarareusedtomakean8%solution? ICC J ,q X no-l 5Cn ,"ul J 12. Which oithe following has the highest concentration? Show your work. (d)tuN /.- B:?"t ) b) 150 g/L-c) 375 ppm \ * -'F i(j()'.tr t$Oq \ i,rcroo*S I *> 5 oLtr c(cr Yc_t__ ) ooc) cr'o 3 tc; oc:<) pp,r^ "J 154 oau rf "^ rJ 13. Rank the following in increasing order of concentration. Show your work. a) L4% b) 32 e/L c) xg I()O 1200 ppm 'rarJ I OC.|C) C)( t,,.0 --? l4o o{>o (re.,, 3,Zq ioe,c';.9 x4\ I tsctct ctcu*-0 -a ZZ oo$fffi l-4. Convert the following units to ppm a) 8.7s% b) Le elL %,7eo i i(X)"+O t{a I oOC; lo(}C)"J a) a2s elL b) * oc,o r:cc, c,c{.., vfr % kd! ZSca ' ta2c-,O,J- ioo "JL V6\ I OOcs octO J 63% xc1 tooo {*Q ("3s i OC:."J,.-0 b, a"LZY--) IOO':x9 l-6. Convert the following units Io glL b) *r3 225 ppm L2Sq a) J Xq l, 15. Convert the following units to . x3 **fr "+ 1576 ppm xS I S+foo bCO e;c.D ru9 laOO -*0 -? l,s?G, g O,CL"/"