Issue 61 - Scots Auto Scene


Issue 61 - Scots Auto Scene
The Motor Trade Professionals’ Magazine
ISSUE 61 2010
More positives for the trade
Over the past month there have been many
indicators suggesting that we as a nation are rising
out of recession, backing up the Government’s
announcement that we had come out of recession
by 0.01% during the last three months of 2009.
Nissan’s Sunderland plant is to launch a third shift
to meet demand of their award-winning Qashqai
and in doing so will create 400 temporary jobs
in the area. Also Dutch based Spyker is set to
acquire Saab Automobile from General Motors
and in doing so plan to be back into profit by 2012
The Government Scrappage Scheme has been
extended by a month until the end of March
following calls from both manufacturers and
dealers alike. By the end of January, over 330,000
orders had been taken since the sceme was
announced in the April 2009 budget. Could the
scheme top 400,000 orders by the end of March?
New car sales in Scotland rose by just under
30% in January compared to the same period
last year with 11,135 units sold. This is the eigth
consecutive month that car sales north of the
border have risen.
All positives. If new vehicles are being sold then
independents and the aftermarket gets its fair
share of business as well A win-win situation for
all concerned. Keep up-to-date with daily news
updates by visiting our website
email: [email protected]
Cover: The Uni Bull from Banner Batteries
Copyright - All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photograph or
illustration without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited.
While due care and attention is taken to ensure that Scots Auto Scene is accurate, the
publishers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.
© Copyright 2010 - Bell Johnstone & Co Ltd
Scots Auto Scene and the Publisher accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims
made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers.
EDINBURGH EH6 6PR, Tel 0131 554 1129 • Fax 0131 555 1622
e-mail: [email protected]
Subscription free to trade and education addresses, other subscribers,
twelve editions by post £38.40, by cheque to the above.
Production: Sarah Crawford
Tel: 0131 554 1129 Fax: 0131 555 1622
email: [email protected]
proud to be associated with:
Sales Manager: John Boyle
Tel: 0131 554 1129 Fax: 0131 555 1622
email: [email protected]
Ferrari do their bit for charity
NEWS New car registrations up in Scotland
NEWS Sandy Burgess on the value of membership
NEWS A look at Livingston Autoparts
NEWS F1 comes to Lochgelly
Packing a punch
The right tools for the job
Crash repairs
Exhausting news
Road holding latest
ISSUE 1 2010
Local winner of Baco competition wins Chevrolet Captiva
When he was told that he had
won a new 7-seater Chevrolet
Captiva from Baco’s online
Family Sundays promotion, local
man Mike Galloway thought it
was a wind up, until he popped
into his local Belmont Chevrolet
showroom on Seafield Road,
Edinburgh and spoke to Sales
Manager Andrew Oag.
After a couple of phonecalls, it was
confirmed that he had in fact won
the £21,000 Chevrolet Captiva 2.0
VCDi in LT spec and unsurprisingly
Galloway was delighted. “I’ve
always been a fan of Bacofoil and
we insist on using it to wrap the
Christmas turkey, not least because
it’s strong and reliable - just how we
like our car. We have two kids and
like all families we do a lot of driving
so to win the Baco-Chevrolet
promotion is a dream come true for
us. Thanks to Baco it’s been a
fantastic start to the New Year.”
In line with Baco’s Family Sundays
promotion, the Chevrolet Captiva is
an ideal family runabout, providing
the versatility of an SUV and the
style and practicality of a family car
- It is designed to meet the needs
of a demanding modern family. It
has versatile seating and storage
solutions coming in 5 and 7 seat
variants, plus a roomy cabin which
is stacked with standard features.
Belmont Chevrolet also had
another reason to celebrate as it
was the launch of their newly
refurbished Seafield Road
Belmont Chevrolet is part of the
John Martin Group which was
founded in the 1960’s and has since
grown to 20 car dealerships across
Scotland offering many different
franchises at six different locations.
Visitors to the Belmont Chevrolet
site will find a team of highly-trained,
friendly and helpful sales staff on
hand to assist in new car sales,
used car sales, and specialists to
discuss all.
For more information:
The Galloway family celebrate
Graypaul Ferrari Dealer in Edinburgh and the
Scotland Ferrari Owners’ Club presented CHAS
and Macmillan Cancer Support with £5001 on
Wednesday January 27 at the Ferrari Dealers in
Fort Kinnaird Edinburgh.
The money was raised by Scotland Ferrari
Owners’ Club member, Peter Crichton, in
conjunction with Graypaul. Crichton organised
the Charity Auction after asking his good friend
Nicholas Watts, famous motorsport artist, to
donate an original painting of a Ferrari 250GTO
at Le Mans which included original signatures
of Enzo Ferrari and the winning drivers.
The auction was open to all members of the
Scotland Ferrari Owners’ Club as well as
customers from Graypaul and Maranello Ferrari
Dealerships across the UK. Peter and Chris
Sainsbury, the Graypaul Edinburgh Dealership
Manager, presented two cheques of £3001
for CHAS and £2000 for Macmillan. Crichton
said: “I came up with the idea of organising the
Charity Auction towards the end of last year and
Pictured left to right: Peter Crichton (Scottish Ferrari Owners’ Club), Anna Jackson
(CHAS), Roslyn Neely (CHAS), Chris Sainsbury (Ferrari) and Peter Hastie (Macmillan
Cancer Support).
ISSUE 1 2010
Bright start to 2010 for Scottish new car registrations Scrappage
New car registrations in Scotland in January totalled
is truly over by ensuring that there is a continuation
11135 units. This shows an increase of 29.88% in
of what has been a successful scheme for retailers,
scheme will run
comparison with January 2009 when 8573 new cars
manufacturers and consumers.”
were registered. The overall UK figure shows a similar
to end of March
increase of 29.79% with 145479 units registered as
against 112087 for January last year.
Douglas Robertson, Chief Executive of the SMTA,
commenting on the figures said: “Despite the poor
weather at the start of the month, these figures must
be viewed once again as very encouraging and a
sign that perhaps the country is starting to edge out of
the recession. The fact that the government backed
Scrappage Scheme is ending at the end of February,
however, must also be a factor”
He continued: “Lord Mandelson’s announcement that
the Scrappage Scheme would be extended to the end
of March was very welcome but we do not believe
it is enough. With 650,000 UK workers employed in
the retail motor industry and its ancillary trades we
firmly believe that there is a real necessity to secure
the future for such a vast number until the recession
For more information
0131 331 5510 or
The Vauxhall Corsa was Scotland’s top selling
car with 13,150 units sold in 2009
Deliveries of Mazda cars direct to Rosyth
Ferrari gets revved up for Charity
ISSUE 61 2010
discussed this with Chris Sainsbury of Graypaul
Edinburgh and my good friend David Jackson,
Area Group Organiser at our Scotland Ferrari
Owners’ Club as I wanted to raise some money
for these two charities which are both close to
my heart.”
Chris Sainsbury added: “This is the second
fundraising auction we have carried out
recently and it is great to support these two
very worthwhile charities. Ferrari owners do not
just drive around in their nice supercars, they
participate in a lot of charities in many ways
and we at Graypaul, as Scotland’s only Ferrari
and Maserati main dealer, use our presence
and position in the community as much as we
can with events we hold throughout the year.
It’s fantastic that we can give our support in
conjunction with our customer base even when
trying times have been upon us as they have
been in 2009 with the economy.”
Roslyn Neely, Director of Fundraising and
Communications at CHAS said, “The Scottish
Ferrari Owners’ Club have been incredibly
supportive of CHAS over the years, including
visiting Rachel House Children’s Hospice and
meeting many of the children staying there. This
impressive amount raised through the painting
auction will help CHAS to continue providing
vital hospice services for children and young
people throughout Scotland.”
For more information:
Following an extensive review of
Mazda’s car delivery network in the
UK Mazda have moved delivery of
cars for Scotland out of Grimsby
into Rosyth, resulting in a reduction
of 493 tonnes of CO2 per annum
and 280,000 delivery miles.
The deliveries into Rosyth started
with Norfolkline on the January
4, reducing the delivery time to
customers by 24 hours. With
a forecast of over 6000 cars
transiting through the port in 2010
Mazda have become the biggest
car importer to Scotland.
The introduction of the new service
means that deliveries from port
to dealer are now less than three
hours journey time to 80% of the
Scottish mainland dealers who
between them account for over
90% of Scottish registrations.
“Scotland is our single most
successful market in the UK,”
commented David Rodriguez, Head
of Sales Planning and Distribution
for Mazda UK. “On average we
sell more cars per dealer than
anywhere else in the UK, but
delivery time to the dealers was
the highest for any UK dealer. With
an increasing volume of Mazdas
in Scotland we were faced with
having to increase the number of
lorry journeys which in turn would
have led to a greater CO2 footprint,
and it was these three factors that
were the catalyst for change.
“Norfolkline had just started a
regular service into Rosyth and
seemed the perfect solution: Our
customers get their cars a day
earlier, we reduce our CO2 footprint
by 493 tonnes of CO2 per year
and with 280,000 fewer miles
travelled by lorry we have done a
small amount for reduced traffic
Year over year Mazda’s market
share and dealer representation in
Scotland has increased and Mazda
currently has 18 sales points with
some of the best dealer facilities in
the UK.
With sales of 6642 in 2009,
Mazda’s market share in Scotland
was 3.64%, up fractionally on
2008’s share of 3.63%. Scotland is
Mazda’s most successful region
and with the number one retail
dealer - Machargs in Glasgow - at
the forefront of this performance,
it made a key contribution towards
Mazda’s 2.4% share of the UK
market as a whole. The Scottish
market accounted for nearly 14%
of total Mazda registrations in 2009
and Mazda notably took more than
five percent of the Scottish market
in December with sales of 664
This sort of performance is reflected
in Mazda’s sales to private buyers
where volume for the year was up
more than seven percent over 2008
and Mazda’s share of the retail
market was a very healthy 5.2%.
An extra month has been
added to the deadline
for the Government
Scrappage Scheme, allowing
manufacturers and dealers
more time to prepare for and
operate the exit phase of the
This change was announced
by Government following
requests from car
manufacturers for more time
to prepare dealers and inform
consumers. Previously due
to complete in this month,
the Scheme, which is jointly
run by the Government and
car manufacturers, will now
run until the end of March
or until the money runs out,
whichever is the sooner.
Business Secretary Lord
Mandelson said: “Against the
background of the economic
downturn the Scrappage
Scheme has proved a great
success, driving UK car
sales, protecting jobs and
supporting the supply chain
for car manufacture at a time
when this sector needed it
“If you’re considering
buying a new car, you
should place your order as
soon as possible to avoid
disappointment, because the
budget is strictly limited.”
In the final stages of
the Scrappage Scheme
manufacturers will be
apportioned order quotas to
aid an orderly close down.
The Government will write to
all manufacturers formally to
agree these changes so the
Scheme can run up until the
end of March.
By January 24 330,722 new
vehicle orders were taken
under the Scrappage Scheme
since it was announced in the
Budget in April 2009.
ISSUE 61 2010
Sandy Burgess, IMI National Manager for Scotland and President of the SMTA
What value is there in membership?
Most of us will have a membership
of some sort, be it the local gym,
golf club, dining club, satellite or
cable television, DVD library or
roadside recovery club. Most of
these are straight forward regular
subscription type arrangements
whereby you pay a fee and receive
a service or use of premises as
and when you need them. We also
have the loyalty club arrangements
popular on the high street, with
most of the leading supermarkets
leading the way with points or
discount vouchers provided based
on your purchases within the store
or fuel stations. The decision to
purchase or join these providers
of service is often based on either
impulse or recommendation, in
some cases it is just a good old
fashioned ‘hard sell’.
So if we as consumers enjoy
the benefits of membership to
various clubs and bodies, what
membership options do we have
as employers and business
professionals within the motor
industry and what values can we
attach to those subscriptions to
ensure that we are receiving the
maximum “bang for our buck” in
today’s tough market place?
For the business operator in
Scotland we have the specific
trade association for our industry,
the Scottish Motor Trade
Association and for the individual
within our industry the professional
body in the Institute of the Motor
Industry? In last month’s article
I questioned how dealers might
seek to financially justify their
membership subscription of the
Scottish Motor Trade Association
and highlighted that most usually
trade associations try putting a
value on membership benefits
and services. I made the point
that what is often forgotten is the
wider role of a trade association
the role to which I was referring is
that of recognition; recognition by
government at local, national and
international level - in our case in
Scotland at Holyrood, Whitehall
and in Brussels. Come the day our
industry faces a real threat, every
professional business regardless
of size will want the “insurance” of
being effectively represented. The
Scottish Motor Trade Association
is the only body dedicated to our
sector in Scotland that can and
does achieve this. To my mind
this representation deserves the
support of the every professional
business organisation operating
in the retail motor trade sector.
Governments, statutory bodies,
and authorities listen to respected
and broad based opinion; the
SMTA provides that voice and
opinion for our industry. Recently
we have secured a workable
extension to the current sector
specific block exemption regulation
which will take us through to 2013,
we have witnessed the u-turn by
the UK government regarding the
proposed but ill thought out 4-2-2
MOT programme, all successes,
real tangible proof of the efforts
being made by trade associations
on behalf of their members on a
daily basis.
Company membership within the
SMTA is growing, but we want
more we are ready and able to
offer substantial support to your
business be it an independent
repairer businesses or a
franchised site. We find increasing
numbers of our members deciding
to take advantage of the many
membership support products
offered by the team at Palmerston
House, Scotsure, Trading
Partners, MOT Quality Control and
Health and Safety to name but
a few, please feel free to contact
them to discuss any interest on
0131 331 5510 or check out the
web site at
So what of the individual?
The Institute of the Motor
Industry is proud to offer a
range of membership entry
options covering every level of
involvement within our industry,
we offer progression and support
for all, as Sector Skills Council
for the Automotive Industry within
the UK we are uniquely placed to
interpret information and align this
with our membership intelligence
to ensure that we provide the
very best levels of service and
support for the individual seeking
recognition and access to the
routes for progression within this
most dynamic of industries.
Today’s job market is without
doubt the most demanding
experienced in recent times and
any individual seeking to secure
employment should be maximising
their potential to ensure that they
are recognised as being able
to ‘add value’ to any employer,
be they current or future. The
Institute of the Motor Industry can
provide the support required and
is internationally recognised as
having done so for many years.
Can you value your membership?
Maybe not when measured
against the local gym, after all
you may never actually visit the
head office building or meet any
member of our staff in your daily
routine. However, what value can
be placed on your experiences
within the industry, an employer
may be able to recognise these
and reward you for them in the
daily process of running the
business, but what about the
consumer, what about your peers
in the industry? IMI membership
displays your level of achievement
in the industry, it highlights your
on-going commitment to being a
professional and confirms your
acceptance of the IMI Code of
Sandy Burgess
If you want to find out more about
the code of conduct or indeed the
benefits of membership check out
our web site at
What value is there in
As with the local gym or
supermarket, it really is up to you,
everyone will have different answer,
a different value and even a different
idea of what value looks like, maybe
the next time you consider taking out
one of the high street memberships,
ask yourself what benefit this may
have on the future of your business
our how it could impact on your
employability prospects or does it
offer real development opportunities
in years to come, and then consider
checking out and
For more information:
07827 857 460 or email
[email protected]
ISSUE 61 2010
2010 looking good
2009 was a very good year indeed for Bailcast
with the final quarter of the year producing the
company’s best ever sales figures. Bailcast’s
Sales and Marketing Manager Mick Hollyoake
says: “Although I do not have a crystal ball,
I do expect sales in 2010 to continue in the
same vein as 2009. Sales of the Duragun air
tool, our innovative time saving device made
for stretching CV boots over CV joints without
dismantling the joint, rose by over 40% last
year in comparison to 2008 and although the
country has been in the depths of recession,
Bailcast has come through stronger than ever.
“Our Duraboot starter packs have also proved
to very popular with the trade. Coming in
starter packs containing eight or 16 CV boot
kits, each kit contains one boot, two stainless
steel ties / clamps, 60g grease sachet and an
instruction leaflet. ”
Bailcast’s products are distributed throughout
the UK by all major distributors as well as
independent motor factors to the independent
and franchised trade.
Comments Hollyoake: “The Government led
Scrappage Scheme has also helped boost
Bailcast’s sales as most vehicles involved in
the scheme have been smaller vehicles being
exchanged like for like. Larger vehicles are
being kept for longer and therefore owners
are taking them to their local garages to have
servicing and repair work carried out.”
With over 20 years experience in design and
manufacture of rubber vehicle components,
supplying distributors worldwide with CV
joint boots and steering rack boots, Bailcast
guarantees quality, time saving, easier fitting
and profit for customers large and small all
over the world.
For more information:
01257 266060 or
Workshop to deliver
Organisers of the Commercial
Vehicle Operator Show and
Workshop 2010 say more than
200 exhibitors have already signed
up for the event this April at the
NEC. The three-day show covers
the maintenance, workshop and
garage sector.
It includes bodyshops, motor
factors, fast fit and parts and
accessory retailers and should
deliver business worth millions
of pounds to a wide and growing
range of firms.
Many will use it to launch new
products and services. Visitor
registration rates are already at over
50% up on previous CV Shows, so
there should be a good audience.
Diagnostics take the lead for many
exhibitors, with technology to cut
workshop costs on every make and
model of car, van and truck, trailer,
bus and coach.
Firms like Somers Totalkare and
Stertil will show their latest kit
alongside a many other suppliers.
Autologic Diagnostics and Omitec
will be there too, while Texa plans
to build on its success at the 2008
CV Show.
V-Tech and Launch X431 have
booked big stands, promising
visitors special Show offers and
technical advice. Bradbury, Gemco,
Maha and Tecalemit and other ‘bluechip’ firms exhibiting in 2010, have
been attracted by past successes at
the Show.
“In simple terms, the people that
keep the UK’s vehicle fleet running
will find the CV Operator Show and
Workshop 2010, a must-see event.
Its unique nature means visitors
can see a huge range of those vital
support services under one roof,”
said Bob Sockl, for organisers
Crystal Communications.
“In simple terms, for key aftermarket
people the Show is a ‘must attend’
event. If your business sells to this
£9bn industry then you should be
there. If you are not, you can be
sure your competitors will be.”
The Commercial Vehicle Operator
Show at the National Exhibition
Centre will be open from 08:30 to
17:30 on Tuesday 13 to Thursday
15 April inclusive.
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
From spark plugs to vehicle ramps
For over 30 years Livingston
Autoparts have been a beacon
for the motor trade in the West
Lothian area supplying both
trade and retail customers with a
fast and friendly service backed
up with an in-depth knowledge of
the parts business.
The current Lindsay Square
location in the Deans Industrial
Estate area of the town is
the company’s fourth home
in their history. They started
in the Mall back in 1979,
moving to Almondvale in 1982,
Knightsridge in 1997 and finally
to the 9000 sq ft. Lindsay Square
premises in 2008.
Livingston Autoparts, run by
Managing Director Bill Burnside
and Sales Manager Chris
Burnside, cover an area in West
Lothian with a fleet of 10 delivery
vans from their Livingston base
that takes in Falkirk, Newbridge,
West Calder, Wishaw and the
surrounding areas. The company
services a mix of franchised and
non-franchised dealers as well
as independent garages on a
daily basis.
Comments Bill: “Our company
has changed its focus over
the years - originally we were
geared more to the retail sector
but since the move to our first
industrial unit in Knightsridge
in 1997 - trade customers now
generate the lions share of our
business as we can supply them
everything from a spark plug to
a vehicle ramp and everything in
Livingston Autoparts stock
and supply a vast array of
replacement parts from leading
suppliers such as Denso, Mintex,
Dayco, Firstline and Quinton
Over the past couple of years
the company has forged strong
links with Denso due to their
excellent service, new product
launches and pricing structure.
This is evidenced by Denso’s
recent expansion of its starter
and alternator programme that
not only makes more than 400
new part numbers available
to aftermarket customers,
but will also cover 95% of
Toyota applications - one of
the highest, OE specification
Toyota coverage of any rotating
machines brand in the market.
Being part of the GAU since
2005 has helped Livingston
Autoparts enormously.
Comments Bill: “We are still very
much an independent motor
factor but have a nationally
recognised name behind us.
Not only do we benefit from the
greater purchasing power, which
we pass on to our customers,
but the GAU also keeps us up to
speed on current issues such as
HR and H&S legislation.”
In 2009 the company held
various training evenings
at a local hotel where trade
customers were invited to attend.
These were run in conjunction
with suppliers and in 2010
there are already six evenings
Livingston Autoparts held a very
successful track day at Knockhill
Racing Circuit in September
which was attended by over 100
clients. Comments Chris: “To this
end we decided to hold the track
day as many within the trade
have an interest in motorsport or
indeed have a vehicle suitable
for the track.
“In 2010 we will be repeating
the exercise in April, July and
September. The events will be
supported by Denso, Mintex,
Dayco, Gulf Oils and Delphi and
I am sure they will once again
prove extremely popular with our
Sales Representative Tony
Purves spends a great deal of
his time servicing current and
potential clients, informing them
of the latest offers services from
Livingston Autoparts.
Tony said: “I am only too
delighted to visit with any current
or potential customer to discuss
their needs and how we can meet
these and work together.”
2010 is set to be a big year for
Livingston Autoparts as they will
be launching separate new
websites for both retail and trade
customers in the first quarter.
Comments Chris: “Many of our
customers have requested a
facility that allows them to order
parts online as well as check their
account balance and statements.
However customers who prefer
to deal with someone on the a
phone instead of a computer can
still contact our call centre.”
For more information:
01506 402390
ISSUE 61 2010
ISSUE 61 2010
Scots Auto Scene tracks an order with NGK
Behind the scenes expertise keeps NGK popular with motor factors and garages
One of the most infuriating
problems for the motor trade is
downtime on jobs that eats into
valuable ramp time or workshop
space. When undertaking
service work or general repairs
to vehicles, being unable to
source the correct replacement
part costs the garage money
in lost time and aggravates the
vehicle owner when it is not
returned to them when expected.
Motor factors across the country
hold impressive levels of stock
for fast-moving items but can
it is unrealistic for them to be
expected to hold stock levels
for specialist items, as this is
just not practical. Therefore, it
is necessary for motor factors
to deal with manufacturers and
suppliers of replacement parts
that can provide a next day
service on non-standard items,
ensuring factors do not have
excess stock.
Hemel Hempstead based
NGK Spark Plugs (UK) Ltd
are a leading manufacturer of
spark plugs, glow plugs and
Lambda sensors. As a world
leading OE supplier to the
major car manufacturers they
are committed to providing
components designed to meet
their specific requirements.
As a result NGK are often
consulted at the initial stages
of the engine design process,
with their designers and
engineers working alongside the
manufacturers own development
Each and every product
manufactured by NGK is
designed to meet the most
rigorous standards, thereby
delivering reliability and
consistent performance under
all conditions. They each play a
major role in ensuring optimum
efficiency, and therefore make
a significant contribution in the
reduction of emissions.
This commitment is evident
throughout the company from
R&D through to the timeous
despatch and delivery of orders
to its customers.
Scots Auto Scene were intrigued
to see for ourselves how the
NGK process worked, from the
Dave Highlands with Steve King
initial call by the garage to the
motor factor to the despatch
from NGK’s warehouse in Hemel
Edmonstone Garage in
Danderhall, near Edinburgh, is
a small independent operation
carrying out MoT’s, servicing
and general repairs to their
customer base in the local area.
One such vehicle that recently
had a service undertaken was a
Japanese imported 2000 plate
Nissan Silvia and as a matter of
course the spark plugs were to
be changed.
On inspection by mechanic
Bobby Johnstone, the spark
plugs being replaced were not
from NGK, but a quick phone
call to their local motor factor,
Eskside Motor Factors in
Dalkeith, matched the plugs with
Bobby Johnstone at Edmondstone Garage places his order
with Eskside Motor Factors
Scott Miller of Eskside Motor Factors phones through to NGK at
Hemel Hempstead
The order being processed by one of NGK’s sales team
Some of the extensive stock holding at NGK’s warehouse in
Hemel Hempstead
Scott Miller of Eskside Motor
Factors let Bobby know that
these plugs were not in stock but
would be with the next day. Scott
called NGK’s sales department
in Hemel Hempstead and placed
the order for four plugs to be
despatched to them next day.
This hand written order, one
of hundreds taken on a daily
basis by Sales Office Manager
Vanessa A’Hern and her team,
was then processed into NGK’s
computerised ordering system
to start the ball rolling and pass
the order through to the logistics
The order was picked up in the
warehouse as a special order
as it had to be despatched that
afternoon and was pushed to the
head of the list for immediate
pick. The logistics operation is
remarkable with on average six
months supply of spark plugs,
Lambda sensors and glow plugs
for their vehicle manufacturer
partners as well as aftermarket
distributors in the UK in stock.
Logistics Manager Steve King
and Assistant Logistics Manager
Dave Highlands run a very
slick operation, overseeing
the constant stream of goods
inward and outward to ensure
stock levels are maintained at
optimum levels.
The 16 strong team efficiently
process all orders - whether
it is for a small order of four
spark plugs going to Dalkeith
overnight or four pallets destined
for Exeter - using the very
latest stock control and order
processing technology available
which not only guarantees
the correct part is picked and
despatched, but also carries
out ‘continuous stock taking’,
negating the requirement for
lengthy manual stock taking at
night or over weekends.
Keith Shepherd, one of the
NGK’s pickers, collects the
order for Eskside Motor Factors
from the printer and scans the
barcode, letting him know that
he has to pick four BKR8EIX
spark plugs for next day delivery.
At the parts pick location Keith
scans the barcode on the box
to tell the system that these
spark plugs have been picked
and takes them to the packaging
table where he prints off the
address label and boxes the
spark plugs up.
The order is then placed in
the goods outward area and is
collected by DHL at 4.55pm for
next day delivery.
The next day Eskside Motor
Factors receive the spark plugs
via DHL at 9.30am and they
are despatched immediately to
Edmonstone Garage in one of
their delivery vans. At 10.30am
the next day Bobby Johnstone
fits the spark plugs to the Nissan
Silvia to complete the service
and the vehicle is collected by
yet another satisfied customer.
Keith Shepherd collects the order in the warehouse prior to
picking Eskside Motor Factors’ order
Keith scanning the BKR8EIX bin barcode in the warehouse
before despatch
For more information:
Eskside Motor Factors’ DHL delivery consignment details ready
for shipping
Bobby Johnstone completing the service by fitting the specially
ordered NGK spark plugs at Edmonstone Garage
ISSUE 61 2010
F1 in Lochgelly
A team of students from Lochgelly
High School celebrated winning a
place at the F1 in Schools World
Championships after the UK Final
of the Formula One in Schools
Technology Challenge held at the
recent Autosport International Show
in Birmingham.
‘Exceleration’, comprising Karla
McQueen (14), Lauren Hughes
(13), Jay Tullis (15), Calum
Fairgrieve (15), and Stacey
Haldane (17) were delighted with
the news that they were the best
performing Scottish team and were
invited to represent Scotland at
the World Championships. This
prestigious event will be held
later this year at an international
F1 Grand Prix with the team now
preparing for the prospect of racing
for the unique Bernie Ecclestone
trophy and coveted scholarships to
City University, London.
Chairman and Founder of F1 in
Schools, Andrew Denford said
of this year’s National Finals:
“Each time we hold the UK Finals
the judges are blown away by
the standard of the entrants,
particularly the engineering
expertise which we are seeing,
some of which is exceeding GCSE
level. The bar is being raised each
year too, with teams introducing
new innovations, top quality
presentations and portfolios, and
producing very close racing.”
The Lochgelly High School team
F1 in Schools aims to help change
perceptions of engineering, science
and technology by creating a fun
and exciting learning environment
for young people to develop an
informed view about careers in
Mathematics, Engineering, Science
and Technology. Students are
given a brief to design a model
compressed powered F1 Car of
the future using CAD/CAM. Cars
are then manufactured on a CNC
For more information:
More retailers win in Grouptyre / Federal promotion
2010 got off to a good start for Tyre and
Autocare Services of Keith, who won a
superb prize in the second phase of the
national Red Letter Day promotion organised
by Grouptyre, the UK’s leading independent
tyre wholesaler.
Tyre and Autocare Services of Keith, supplied
by Kenway Tyres, won a Red Letter Day
experience to the value of £250.
All retailers who registered to take part in the
initiative and purchased Federal tyres
between November 1 and December 31
2009 were automatically entered into the
prize draw. Entries were allocated on the
basis of one for each tyre bought during the
promotional period and the winners were
selected at random.
Now all they have to do is choose their
‘experience’. The host of Red Letter packages
covers a wide range of activities and interests,
from action and adventure experiences such
as driving competitions, white water rafting
and scuba diving, to the relaxation of a luxury
hotel break, spa experience or theatre trip.
For more information:
01928 706166 or
ISSUE 61 2010
Manbat committed to customers
The harsh winter has really boosted battery
sales, but it also can strain the relationship
between the customer and supplier. Having a
reliable battery partner during periods of low
demand is very different to having a reliable
partner when demand is high and product is
Manbat - the UK’s largest battery distributor have almost 60 years experience of the battery
market and have a wealth of experience to help
thei customers make the most of their battery
sales opportunities. They also have plenty
of useful advice to offer the garage trade to
enable them to deliver a good service to their
customers, while still maximising their profits.
Servicing is the life-blood of the independent
garage workshop, but far too often the condition
of the battery is overlooked during the annual
service process. Battery testing should be
standard practice in every workshop and
second nature to the technician because it is a
procedure that will pay dividends.
Workshops that carry out battery testing are in a
win-win situation. If the customer is told that the
battery has been found to be in good condition,
the garage is able to demonstrate that it is a
trustworthy outlet that the customer can have
confidence in. However, if the test reveals a
potentially faulty battery, the positive benefit to
the customer is that the garage has very likely
prevented them from experiencing a future
breakdown, with all the misery that entails.
Battery testing can reveal a great deal about
potential underlying causes that can result in
battery failure, which can provide more useful
work for the garage and provide a proper repair
for the customer. However, many garages will
simply replace a failed battery without any form
of diagnosis.
Working in conjunction with its distribution
partners, Manbat will train technicians
to address these matters with sound
battery testing procedures because they
know that good diagnosis both saves
garages money and helps them to build a
reputation for customer service.
To make the most of battery sales,
businesses need to provide customers
with the most suitable battery for the
purpose. It is risky to just assume that a
direct like for like replacement is the correct
application. In many cases the incorrect
battery could have been fitted previously
and so the correct procedure is to refer to an
application guide for each particular vehicle.
However, there is an opportunity to upgrade the
battery when a unit of a higher specification is
more suitable to the vehicle if it has been
modified or because of how it is being
used. Manbat training helps their customers
match the most appropriate battery to each
particular application and enables them
to explain to the public why cheaper is not
necessarily better.
Manbat distribute an impressive spectrum of
high quality battery brands from the premier
VARTA range, through the iconic Lucas
brand and to Numax, the UK’s fastest growing
battery brand. Each brand is supported with a
market leading application guide to aid battery
identification and suitability.
The Lucas brand is going through a particular
renaissance since Manbat became the exclusive
distributor in April 2009. Manbat’s policy has
been to re-establish the brands traditional
reputation for quality, reliability and a wide range
of reference applications.
The Lucas automotive range consists of Classic,
Premium, Supreme and Fusion. The Classic range
features a two year warranty, the Premium range
is an OE specification range that utilises calcium
technology and comes with a three year warranty,
the Supreme is a sealed battery which exceeds OE
specification and has a four year warranty and the
top-of-the-range Fusion is an AGM battery which
has a deep cyclic capacity and a four year warranty.
In reapplying these core values to the brand, Manbat
are able to report not only dramatic sales growth,
but also an increase in battery specialists taking
up the opportunity to become Lucas stockists. This
success has spawned further growth in the brand,
which has meant that in addition to the automotive
batteries, the range now includes standard and wide
type commercial vehicle batteries, Traction XC for
the industrial and golfing sectors, leisure and marine
batteries and a comprehensive range of motorcycle
and mobility batteries.
This depth of range combined with Manbat’s
commitment to help their customers to develop
into other sectors, provides forward thinking
businesses with a genuine opportunity to specialise
in power storage and become expert suppliers in
the complimentary non-automotive sectors such
as golf, leisure, marine, motorcycle, mobility or
industrial, where profit margins are higher.
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
Enhancing technical knowledge
In order to offer their customers
the best service mechanics must
always be up to date with the
latest technology. Workshops
can enhance their skills by
taking advantage of the training
programs offered by the
ContiTech Power Transmission
Group. In the technical training
course lasting several hours,
experts will provide you with
knowledge relating to timing belts
in motor vehicles. In the technical
practical training, the participants
will not only be provided with
theoretical knowledge, but also
spend one day practicing actual
timing belt changes on various
ContiTech offers technical
training that is free of charge and
experts provide the participants
with technical knowledge about
drive belts.
Participants learn how to handle
timing belts correctly, what the
distinguishing properties of a
timing belt are and what can lead
to timing belt damage in motor
vehicles. They also learn about
special topics such as timing
belt profiles and materials and
the use of belt tension testers.
Kai-Uwe Suppé, a Technical
Trainer at ContiTech, says:
“For anyone who services cars
and processes complaints,
this technical knowledge is
indispensible.” Main focus points
can be selected from the content
of the program. Up to 25 people
can take part per technical training
ContiTech organizes both training
programs together with dealerships.
Workshops can register for the
courses at their dealers.
For more information:
New global technology centre opens EXIDE Technologies new Global
Technology Centre at the Milton,
Georgia world headquarters
opened for the first time on
February 4.
The 20,000 sq.ft. building
provides an important part
of the company’s global
research, development and
engineering organisation and is
one of three new or upgraded
engineering centres dedicated to
development of various forms of
stored energy. Analytical, electronics and
prototype battery laboratories,
world-class instrument rooms
as well as a garage for hybrid
electric vehicle (HEV) product
development provide an
environment that enables
advanced R&D on emerging
applications for stored electrical
energy. In addition, the facility
is designed with a number of
technologies that enhance the
Company’s green profile. These
include energy-efficient lighting,
solar panels on the roof and a
wastewater recycling system. For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
ISSUE 61 2010
Spark plugs for LPG and E85 fueled engines
Federal-Mogul’s leading ignition
brand Champion have now made
their Iridium spark plugs available
for a broad range of engines
operated with liquid petroleum
gas (LPG) or E85 bio-ethanol.
Champion’s iridium spark
plugs feature several exclusive
features to ensure superior
performance and durability.
Federal-Mogul’s Champion
brand pioneered the use of
iridium in spark plugs during the
1970s, with initial applications
serving the aviation and
industrial markets.
Federal-Mogul engineers
have extended the
fundamental advantages
of iridium technology
- including increased
resistance to electrode
erosion - to LPG- and E85fueled engines because they
can more aggressively erode
the electrodes of conventional
spark plugs.
“Champion Iridium plugs
provide the precise ignition
characteristics, broad
heat range capabilities and
ISSUE 61 2010
So isn’t it time for an oil change?
increased strength needed for engines
operated with these popular alternative
fuels,” said Mark Whitehead, Federal-Mogul
Marketing Director Engine & Sealing Products,
Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Each Champion Iridium plug is equipped
with an extremely fine-wire iridium center
electrode and platinum V-trimmed ground
electrode to ensure the longest life
and greatest erosion resistance in a
full range of challenging automotive
applications. In contrast, iridium plug
competitors feature ground electrodes
manufactured from a less robust
precious metal, which can compromise
overall performance and longevity.
Champion Iridium plugs also feature
Federal-Mogul’s award-winning
SureFire ceramic material and
Heat-Active alloy, which help maintain
optimal operating temperatures under
varying engine loads. (This same
technology was proven in the popular
Champion EON plug range.)
In addition to Champion Iridium plugs,
Federal-Mogul offers an array of
Champion Double Platinum spark plugs for
engines operated with LPG and E85.
The new range of fully synthetic
Longlife 5w30 Premium Oils,
from award winning specialist
lubricants and fuel treatment
manufacturer, Millers Oils, is now
available to the aftermarket and
in workshops throughout the UK.
Five new oils have been added to
the highly recommended Millers
Oils Premium Oil range, to meet
the increasingly strict and diverse
engine oil specifications from
many of the worlds leading car
As ever more technologically
advanced engines enter the
market, and worldwide emissions
targets become more stringent,
a more sophisticated selection
of engine oils is needed by trade
and workshop professionals to
prevent long-term problems and
possible damage to components
like catalysts and particulate
filters. The launch of these
additional Premium Oils is the
latest in a long line of recent
product developments from
Millers Oils, as the company
aims to provide the aftermarket
with the widest possible range
For more information:
Axeon power for electric trucks
Britain’s leading lithium ion
battery designer and producer Dundee-based Axeon - is a major
beneficiary of the breakthrough
order for Modec electric vehicles
from their joint venture with
Navistar, a leading American truck
Four hundred Modec vehicles
powered by Axeon batteries
will initially be sold by Navistar
though their extensive distribution
network across North and South
America. The tie up follows the
US Government’s $2.4 billion
investment in the sector. Modec,
who have installed Axeon batteries
in their vehicles for several
years, has said that their joint
venture with Navistar could lead
to the production of thousands
of zero-emission vehicles every
year across North, South and
Central America. Navistar has
received $39 million in grants
from President Barack Obama’s
economic stimulus package. The deal will see the
Navistar-Modec Joint Venture
produce and sell electric Class
2c-3 commercial vehicles. The
zero emission all-electric delivery
vehicles will primarily be used
for urban-suburban pickup and
deliveries, which is the ideal
application for this commercial
electric van.
Modec vehicles, manufactured
at the Coventry-based plant, are
heralded as the future of urban
transport and are designed
from the ground up as electric
commercial vehicles. Modec
vehicles are operated by high
profile companies such as global
couriers, including FedEx and
UPS, as well as Tesco, the UK’s
largest supermarket chain. The Joint Venture is a world first
and symbolizes evolution in the
automotive industry toward a zero
emission future. Lawrence Berns,
Axeon Chief Executive, said that
the deal would secure jobs for
Axeon’s 400 employees “and gives
us a great platform to drive and
develop and wave the flag in the
United States“.
For more information: or
of OEM-specific oils, as market
demand continues to diversify.
The high quality of the oils
means that engine wear is
minimised while the viscosity of
the oil is maintained. Users will
also benefit from the ‘extended
drain’ capabilities of the oils that
can enhance the performance
of the oil beyond specified
maintenance intervals helping
to maintain the longevity and
performance of vehicle engines.
All of the following new oil grades
are available through Millers Oils
sales representatives and many
local automotive stockists:
• XF Longlife C1 5w30 Manufactured to meet ACEA C1
and JASO DL-1 certification, this
oil has been designed to cover
the latest requirements for
Mazda and Mitsubishi diesels
fitted with diesel particulate
filters. The latest Mazda 5 and
6, as well as newer Mitsubishi
Shoguns currently require this
grade of oil.
• XF Longlife C2 5w30 - This oil
grade is primarily designed
to meet the latest requirement
for many French cars, including
Renault RN 0700 specification
(for petrol engines without a
turbocharger), and many
Peugeot and Citroen models.
There is also a growing need
to satisfy specific ACEA C2
requirements from
manufacturers as diverse as Alfa
Romeo, Chevrolet, Dodge, Fiat,
Jeep, Lexus and Toyota as well
as for the new Subaru diesels.
• XF Longlife C3 5w30 - This
oil is produced to meet and
exceed the requirements of the
broadest range of new cars
being manufactured by
companies such as BMW,
Mercedes Benz, GM (Vauxhall /
Opel). It is formulated to
meet the very latest GM Dexos
2 specification, which is scheduled to come into force as
a requirement during 2010.
• XF Longlife C4 5w30 Manufactured to comply with the
Renault RN0720 specification for
very latest diesel engines with
diesel particulate filters being
fitted to the latest Laguna and
Koleos models.
• XF Longlife ECO 5w30 - This
final oil has been designed to
meet the very latest ACEA
A5/B5-08 requirements and
to meet and exceed the latest
Ford M2C913C specification.
The manufacturer has introduced
this primarily to improve engine
fuel economy and robustness
against the use of biodiesel.
The ECO 5w30 is also
backwards compatible to
the existing Ford M2C913B
specification, so the benefits of
using this product are not just
limited to new Fords.
As with all Millers Oils products,
technical advice and expertise is
freely available, with a dedicated
team offering information on
the best use of the products.
And with the recent addition to
the Millers Oils website of the
Which Oil Online Advisor finding
the correct oil grades for many
vehicles is now quicker and
easier than ever.
For more information:
1484 713201 or
ISSUE 61 2010
ISSUE 61 2010
New references
Get set for spring filter servicing
Dayco are a world leader in power transmission
systems for OEM and Aftermarket and via their
distribution partner Universal Automotive, they
continue to expand its product range.
Recent timing belt kit additions include Ford
Ranger 2.5TD, Puma 1.7, Volvo 2.4TD,
Peugeot/Citroën 1.4 16v, Toyota 2.0TD D4D
and Hyundai Coupe in both 2.0 and 2.7
variants. The popular Subaru Impreza, Forester
and Legacy 2.0 litre variants have also been
introduced and these additions will increase the
kit range to more than 400 references.
Dayco also have a range of single timing
belt tensioners and pulleys; additions to this
range include auxiliary tensioners for the Audi
and VW 1.9 TDi and damper pulleys for Ford
Transit 2.2 & 2.4 TDCi, Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0
and Mazda 6 2.0 TDi.
Part of the Dayco technical support
programme includes adding a specific
Many motor factors and garages
reported a slump in December
and January servicing demand
as motorists stayed off the roads
during the freezing weather. Now
that driving conditions are back
to normal, expect to see drivers
flocking to catch up on missed
services as well as getting the car
ship-shape for the driving year
ahead. And as a key service item,
one of the main items in hot demand
will be filters of every kind - including
oil, air, fuel and cabin air.
SOGEFI Filtration, the UK’s biggest
OE filter manufacturer and home
to the FRAM, CoopersFiaam and
Crosland brands, recommends
that every post-winter vehicle
maintenance check should include a
detailed review of cabin air and diesel
fuel filter efficiency at the very least.
Marko Wowcyzna, Sales and
technical advice sheet with each timing belt
kit. New bulletins include: KTB404 Audi /
Volkswagen 1.8 20v Turbo, KTB432 Chevrolet
Matiz 0.8 KTB471 Chevrolet Matiz 1.0,
KTB393 Daewoo Lanos 1.6 16v, KTB400
Hyundai/Mitsubishi, KTB406 Land Rover
Freelander 1.8 16v, KTB414 Opal/Vauxhall
1.7D and KTB377 Suzuki 1.6 16v.
Finally three new Dayco training course
videos are available to view online at The subjects
are: ‘The control and replacement of auxiliary
control belts’, ‘The control and replacement
of timing belt and automatic tensioner’ and
‘The control and replacement of distribution
belts and fixed tensioner’.
For more information: or
01562 512512
Join the Millionaires Club!
Leading aftermarket parts provider
DENSO Aftermarket Sales UK
have announced the launch of
their biggest ever sales promotion
for motor factors and distributors
across the UK, offering an exciting
range of millionaire-style prize
From January 1 to March 31 2010,
all orders for DENSO’s OE quality
You could experience the thrill
of the Monaco Grand Prix
parts - including starters and
alternators, lambda sensors, a/c
compressors and condensers,
radiators, spark plugs, glow
plugs and cabin air filters - will be
counted towards individually set
customer targets.
Each month distributors reaching
their interim targets will receive
branded goodies from DENSO for
themselves or their customers,
plus they will have the chance to
win a range of luxury prizes - from
a limousine night out to a case
of bubbly. And at the end of the
promotion there are dozens of
places to be won on a range of
once-in-a-lifetime trips to Grand
Prix events in the UK and Europe.
DENSO Aftermarket Sales UK
Manager Paul Payne confirmed:
“The Millionaires Club is the
largest and most exciting sales
promotion DENSO has ever run
in the UK. The top prizes range
from attending a F1 Test Day in
Jerez in Spain, to the chance
of experiencing the thrill of the
Monaco Grand Prix. It’s a fantastic
incentive for distributors and
factors to order in more DENSO
stock, take on additional DENSO
programmes or maybe even try
out DENSO’s outstanding quality
for the first time. Every distributor
taking part can win a prize, so we
hope everyone will get involved.”
For more information:
National distributors appointed
Remy Automotive UK Ltd, one of the UK’s
leading automotive parts remanufacturers, have
announced the appointment of two national
distributors for their Delco Remy range of
starters and alternators for commercial vehicles.
These are Ferraris Piston Service Ltd (FPS) and
PSV Transport Systems Ltd (PSV).
“This new supply concept in the UK has been
designed to match the Remy worldwide success
in commercial vehicle starters and alternators,”
says Michael Flensborg, UK Sales and
Marketing Director of Remy Automotive. “Remy’s
core business is our Heavy Duty programme
where we are number one in the market globally
and a major player in continental Europe.
“The appointment of these two very different
UK distributors is key. PSV is one of the UK’s
most recognised specialists in the commercial
vehicle supply sector and FPS supplies a same
day delivery service to all of the UK motor and
commercial factors.
“Both have invested in improved stock holdings
of our range, with FPS holding stock at all 20
of its branches nationwide plus an extended
range at its Sheffield warehouse. PSV also hold
the full UK range at their central warehouse
in Hoddesdon from which they can deliver the
same or next day across the whole of the UK.
“This enables us to now offer national visibility
and availability of the Delco Remy HD product to
the entire UK marketplace. Both distributors will
play a vital role in the success of the programme
and have been chosen for their unique business
models which we believe will maximise the
strength of this new supply concept from Remy.
“Delco Remy is a global OE and OES rotating
electrics manufacturer and is No1 in the world
in rotating electrics. All units are built to OE
standard as a minimum and re-engineered to
improve on OE design where necessary. We
also offer a 24-month or 60,000 mile no quibble
“There are 6,000 part numbers in our HD range
covering 98% of the truck parc, including 100%
of these manufacturers - Man, Daf, Mercedes,
Volvo, Iveco, Scania and Cummins.”
For more information:
Marketing Director at SOGEFI
Filtration commented: “During this
exceptionally cold start to 2010
diesel fuel can turn to ‘wax’, or is
more likely to suffer from water
ingress. If the filter is not checked
this may cause problems with the
running of the engine and possible
long term damage to the fuel
pump. Changing the filter in early
spring for an OE quality, highly
efficient replacement will prevent
such problems and potentially an
expensive fuel pump replacement.”
Spring motoring also makes efficient
cabin air filters even more of a
priority. On still-chilly mornings or
evenings a poor quality or blocked
cabin air filter may cause the inside
of the car windscreen to steam up;
and is also likely to be less effective
at ensuring clean, properly filtered
air reaches the occupants of the car.
“Cabin air filters present a strong
spring sales and profit opportunity
for factors and garages,” continues
Marko. “Increasingly fitted in new
cars as standard there’s a fast
growing replacement market, and
they are a standard, year-round
service item too. But make sure you
choose a reliable brand that offers
advanced materials and design
- it’s the only way to ensure that
passengers have pure, clean air to
breathe, and that the windscreen
stays crystal clear! It’s important to
take the initiative and recommend
to customers that their filters are
regularly replaced for optimum
For more information:
01443 223000 or
Motorsport aftermarket parts
A range of motorsport engine bearings is the
latest extension to the UK product portfolio of
MAHLE Aftermarket Ltd.
These high quality products come from a
manufacturer with a racing pedigree that includes
F1, MotoGP, Le Mans and NASCAR. This is the
first time the MAHLE Motorsport brand has been
used on a European aftermarket product.
Manufactured in a specialist UK facility using
materials developed for top level motorsport,
the initial range covers 14 applications from
Ford to Subaru. The company’s UK aftermarket
subsidiary plans to expand the range as wider
demand is identified.
As well as having tighter tolerances than any
other bearings available, MAHLE Motorsport
bearings feature several unique technical
All shells are laser marked rather than stamped to
prevent distortion of the steel backing, since any
distortion inhibits the thermal efficiency with which
the heat is transferred from the bearing into the
Where possible big end bearings are machined
with a “racing notch” to eliminate any disruption to
the joint faces and bore surface in order to protect
the bearing fit and oil film.
All MAHLE Motorsport bearings have a lead
indium overlay for optimum conformability and
fatigue resistance. They also have a cast bronze
substrate which offers greater strength than a
sintered substrate, while flash plating - used solely
to improve the cosmetic appearance of bearing
shells - is simply not required.
The proprietary bearing alloys developed by the
company over many years of racing experience
are unique to the brand and proven at the highest
level. MAHLE bearings are used extensively in F1
and most other forms of motorsport.
For more information: 0845 6885007
Glow plugs selected as OE
NGK Spark Plugs’ impressive
performance in terms of OE
supply to Europe’s leading vehicle
manufacturers has continued with
the announcement of exclusive
glow plug fitment to Fiat Group’s
new SDE 1.3L Multijet Euro 5
The Fiat Group’s new Multijet
engine will power the Group’s best
selling models including the Fiat
500, Grande Punto and Doblo
as well as the Alfa Romeo MiTo.
This is the first time that Fiat has
developed an entirely new glow
plug in partnership with NGK. The
exclusive OE contract also includes
glow controllers.
For the four cylinder SDE
1.3L Multijet engine, NGK has
developed an exclusive sheathed
type glow plug - the Y9001AS - and
glow controller, RG41GJ. Together
they enable the engine to comply
with Euro 5 regulations.
To achieve the required glowing
characteristics - such as rapid
heat up and long post glow
operation - the Y9001AS features
NGK’s AQGS (Advanced Quick
Glow System) technology. Its
glow tube has a diameter of only
3.5mm - considerably thinner
than conventional glow plugs. It is
therefore able to reach 1,000°C
in only two seconds, providing an
exceptionally reliable ignition of
the diesel mixture even at very low
ambient temperatures.
Together with the R41GJ glow
controller, NGK’s Y9001AS also
supplies long post-heating - at
precisely the required temperature
- for up to three minutes. Emissions
during the warm-up period of the
engine are therefore reduced
significantly. Even though this
means tougher working conditions
for the glow plug, NGK has been
able to keep the lifetime of the glow
plug high guaranteeing perfect
ignition throughout the lifecycle of
the engine.
“Since the early 90s Fiat has been
installing NGK’s spark plugs and
Lambda sensors as OE,” says
Brian Childs, NGK UK’s Deputy
Managing Director. “We are now
pleased to add the Fiat Group to
the list of OEMs who install our
glow plugs. Just a few months after
Mercedes-Benz made the decision
to use NGK glow plugs exclusively
in its most important diesel engines
over the coming years, this new
success with Fiat confirms that
NGK ranks among the top suppliers
of glow plugs to the leading
European vehicle manufacturers.”
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
Exploiting high scrap value is key to successful battery selling in 2010
As car battery prices continue to rise due to
the spiralling cost of lead, Europe’s leading
battery manufacturer is encouraging the
trade to adopt exchange pricing to cope with
inconvenient and rapid battery price changes.
Exchange pricing, which is already widely
practised in the automotive aftermarket, can
also provide a cost effective marketing tool for
battery wholesalers, retailers and garages.
As the lead in an old battery can be reclaimed
and reused by Johnson Controls in its
European factories for VARTA-branded
battery production, retailers and service
centres can offset any lead price increases by
ensuring that old batteries are returned on a
one for one basis.
“By doing this, the end customer can be
offered a unique commercial proposition,
giving the seller a real advantage,” says Paul
Matarewicz, Managing Director of Johnson
Controls Batteries Ltd, UK. “Assuming an
old battery is always returned after the
new one has been sold or fitted, the trade
is permanently shielded from lead price
Currently the value of a scrap car battery can
be as high as £6, with an average truck type
worth up to £18.
“These values offset all lead related price
increases that have taken place since
lead fell to its lowest price a year ago,” he
explains, “so anyone sending back batteries
on a one for one basis since then would
effectively have had no
price increases
for a year.”
In many
cases the
trade currently
allows scrap
batteries to be
taken away by
third parties for a
fraction of these
values, and by
doing so misses
out on the chance
of improving
battery sales and
Johnson Controls
Batteries Ltd runs a
fully licensed nationwide
scrap scheme, and in
conjunction with major
distributors is keen to promote
the reclamation of lead.
“In addition to our Johnson Controls aim
of improving lead recycling rates for the
sustainability of world lead resources, there is
also a clear commercial benefit for everyone,”
he adds. “We believe that exchange pricing
is the key to a long term sustainable battery
business, and would welcome new customers
who wish to participate.”
For more information:
Contract secured
John Goodland
UFI Filters are delighted to be
able to announce that they have
won a supply contract with the
UK’s largest motor factor trading
group the GAU.
The contract comes into effect
immediately and includes UFI’s
complete range of air, cabin, fuel
and oil filters.
UFI’s Matthew Say said:
“Winning this supply agreement
with the GAU is a great milestone
for UFI Filters in the UK. Over
the last couple of years we
have done a good job in raising
the profile of the business and
Expand timing belts kits
Euro Car Parts (ECP) have recently
expanded their Timing Belt Kits range covering Japanese and Korean
With ECP offering OE quality, excellent
pricing, top availability with an ever expanding
range that covers over 300 applications.
ECP are offering customers the best quality
and range at a fraction of the price of its
The components found in the kits are from OE
Quality Manufacturers such as Mitsuboshi,
Contitech, GMB, Koyo, NTN and INA.
For more information:
0845 602 2570 or
establishing the brand as a
quality OE product, but a contract
with a major player like GAU will
help us reach the next level.”
The GAU’s UFI orders will
be processed and distributed
through national distributor
Universal Automotive from its
Kidderminster-based warehouse
and dispatch centre, ensuing a
next day delivery on stock items
ordered by 6pm.
Universal Automotive’s Sales
Director, John Goodland said:
“UFI Filters is one of the world’s
biggest OE filter manufacturers,
supplying 42 vehicle
manufacturers with filtration
products that include many
specific patented applications.
“GAU members should have
great confidence in the excellent
UFI Filter range and we believe
that we can help the members
grow their filter business with
these top quality and superbly
priced products,” he concluded.
For more information:
01562 512512 or
A roaring success in the automotive battery market
As the largest independent supplier of
aftermarket products in the UK, ECP are well
positioned to take pole position in this cold
snap with almost 75,000 batteries in stock
in their central warehouse. It is reported that
ECP recorded an increase of 95% sales in
the first week of January this year over the
corresponding period in the previous year,
while many other distributors struggled to
supply even the popular part numbers.
ECP are the largest distributors for Premium
OE battery brands such as EXIDE and
BOSCH. ECP also stocks their exclusive
LION brand which is produced in mainland
Europe in accordance to latest European
battery manufacturing standards. Unlike
many of their competitors, ECP offers a
minimum warranty period of three years
against manufacturing defects for all
passenger car batteries sold through their
72 branch nationwide network, increasing to
four or five years, depending on the product.
It is estimated that ECP recorded a growth
of 60% in battery sales in 2009 over the
previous year. This was achieved by a
strong customer focussed marketing
program, offering the best brands at the
most competitive prices and consistent
availability. In order to assist their customers
to increase sales, ECP offered more than
1500 free display stands and 1000 battery
booster packs against specified volume
purchases. Furthermore ECP launched
their buy now, pay later scheme as early as
August, 2009 helping customers to stock
more batteries without adversely affecting
their cash flow in this time of recession.
Exide Marketing and Sales Director, Andrew
Bevington adds: “ECP is possibly the fastest
emerging player in independent automotive
battery market with ever increasing
distribution strength, stocking power and
relevant marketing programs. We are really
pleased to be associated with ECP.”
ECP will now be the first in to launch
Exide Micro-Hybrid batteries in the
UK independent aftermarket. With the
emergence of hybrid batteries, the
independent aftermarket can rely on ECP to
bring them the latest hi-technology products
available. These advanced technology
batteries will be required by entry level
micro-hybrid cars such as Toyota, Alfa
Romeo and Fiat.
ECP are also stocking Deep Cycle Batteries
900DC which can cater for vehicles
equipped with hi consumption accessories
such as TV. These batteries have Spiral
wound AGM grids, tightly packed in sealed
cells. This results in a sealed, maintenance
free battery which is easy to charge, and
capable of coping with deep discharge
For ease of fitment these batteries feature
mounting holes near the centre of the casing
that run top to bottom through the entire
case. The MAX900DC also features an extra
set of wing nut terminals on the top of the
ECP are considering entering into
Motorcycle battery distribution network
with great brands like EXIDE and BOSCH.
They are currently evaluating the market to
ascertain if it can be serviced by their future
branch network.
In short, for the best brands, the biggest
range, immediate availability and
competitive prices you cannot beat the ECP
offer, the company say.
For more information:
0845 602 2570 or
ISSUE 61 2010
For the latest news
from inside the
automotive market
The First Choice of the
Motor Trade in the UK
What’s going on under
your customers bonnet
this winter?
You have a vehicle in your workshop for a
routine service, you check the brakes, oil,
tyres and exhaust. So why not the battery?
In many workshops the battery, somehow
always gets overlooked, yet its one of the
single most important components of the
vehicle, sound familiar?
Did you know?
• Battery failure remains the number one
cause of roadside breakdown
• one in every five vehicles that enters a
workshop has a faulty battery
• over 5 million batteries are sold in the UK
every year
• consumers are more likely to replace their
battery following an accurate battery test,
if they can see the results for themselves.
• the more vehicle batteries you test, the
more batteries you will sell?
Many vehicle batteries in use today, will be in
a discharged or semi-discharged state. The
vehicles alternator is not able to cope with
the high demands of the modern consumer
requirements, especially when the vehicle is
driven on numerous short start/stop journeys.
A battery voltage should always be above
12.4v to prevent sulphating of the cells (a
build up of crystals on the plates, reducing
the performance and serviceable life of the
Using Rozone’s Industry leading
Midtronic’s Battery Power Management
Programme may enhance customer service
and increase sales opportunities.
For more information:
0121 526 8185 or
ISSUE 61 2010
ISSUE 61 2010
Brits with wheel prospects
The UK’s largest alloy wheel
manufacturer is looking forward to
an exciting year ahead after being
given the financial backing to help
support its diversification into new
and innovative markets.
Midlands firm Rimstock plc
employs 160 people at its West
Bromwich-based plant and has
strengthened its position in the
manufacture of alloy wheels in
niche markets, having decided
to become a new customer of
Yorkshire Bank.
The professional advice regarding
the transfer of banking services
has been provided by Friend LLP.
Rimstock has been a leading
supplier to the world’s major
vehicle manufacturers through
their world class alloy wheel
brands Team Dynamics and 100+
for over 25 years, and felt now
was the right time to expand this
product range and diversify into
other markets.
To fully develop the programme
of diversification and innovation,
Rimstock felt it was necessary to
improve the level of understanding
between the company and its
funders, and in seeking to achieve
this, approached Friend LLP.
Through working closely with
Rimstock, it became clear to
Friend’s advising team of Denise
Friend, Amanda Allen and
Georgina Clark, that this level of
understanding was not available
from the company’s previous
bank, with whom they had been
customers for more than 25 years.
Rimstock plc Chief Executive
Stephen Lane said the transfer
to Yorkshire Bank has enabled
the company to launch a new
technology division which is
developing a number of innovative
They include wheels for the
specialist security and defence
market, and as a further extension
of their motorsport heritage,
supplying products to top teams
around the globe including a
new contract with the prestigious
Australia V8 Supercars series.
Lane said: “To have found a
bank which shares our vision and
demonstrated support, not only for
our ambitious plans, but for British
manufacturing and its people, is
refreshing, and we look forward to
a winning partnership.
“The result of this new partnership
has allowed us to reposition
Rimstock and to drive growth into
new technology sectors, enabling
us to now enter the next chapter
in the company’s history, with
renewed confidence and a partner
with real foresight for the future.
“Our research and development
team is pushing the envelope in
design, and at the forefront of
some exciting new concepts, and
this strengthens our position to win
prestigious and much sought after
new opportunities, fundamental to
continued growth.
“We already have operations in
Europe and North America and
Profits in potholes
(Back left to front right) Amanda Allen from Friend LLP,
Yorkshire Bank’s Heather Griffin with Rimstock Chief Executive
Stephen Lane and Director of Marketing Matt Neal.
with our focus on expanding into
new security and defence sectors,
we are poised to continue our
growth over the next few years.”
Heather Griffin, a Business Banking
Partner at Yorkshire Bank’s
Birmingham Financial Solutions
Centre, said the deal with Rimstock
was further evidence of Yorkshire
Bank supporting the automotive
manufacturing industry in the
“Rimstock had been eager to
expand into new areas for some
time and we are delighted to have
been able to offer our support and
make this possible,” she said.
“In today’s economic climate
it is great to see a Midlands
manufacturer, renowned on the
international stage, going from
strength to strength and we look
forward to working closely with
Rimstock to help them meet their
expansion goals.”
Denise Friend, corporate finance
partner at Friend LLP, added:
“Given the recent economic issues
in the automotive sector, the
approach by the team at Yorkshire
Bank was refreshing. They saw
past the ‘automotive’ badge and
saw Rimstock for what it was - a
business with a great history,
niche market position and fantastic
innovation and diversification
“We are delighted that with our
help, Rimstock has managed to
transfer its banking to Yorkshire
Bank who clearly share Rimstock’s
excitement for the prospects that
2010 hold.”
For more information:
Check wheel alignment after pothole damage
To avoid any additional vehicle damage and
expense caused as a result of driving over
potholes, TyreSafe, the UK’s leading tyre safety
organisation, is advising motorists to ensure
their wheels are properly aligned. Driving over
potholes can alter the vehicle’s steering and
suspension geometries or damage critical
components which can reduce vehicle safety
or generate extra running costs. By ensuring
wheels are correctly aligned, drivers can
minimise the effects of any pothole damage
and ensure they remain as safe as possible.
“The recent bad weather will inevitably increase
the number of potholes we see on our roads
which can cause a number of serious safety
issues for drivers,” explains Stuart Jackson,
Chairman, TyreSafe. “If a car’s wheels are
not correctly aligned it may pull to one side or
cause vibrations in the steering wheel which
can be distracting and make the vehicle difficult
to control. By visiting your local garage or tyre
dealer they will be able to perform some simple
checks to make sure the wheels are correctly
aligned, helping you to stay safe.”
According to the AA, last February’s heavy
snow increased insurance claims for pothole
damage by more than 250%. With the
recent prolonged spell of snow and freezing
conditions, road damage is expected to be even
worse this year.
As well as the safety benefits offered by correct
wheel alignment, motorists can also reduce
their running costs. When a vehicle’s wheels
are properly aligned, it is less likely to suffer
from premature tyre wear as the tyres point in
the correct direction, reducing any ‘scrubbing’
action on the road surface. This also helps
to reduce the rolling resistance of the tyres
meaning that fuel costs are also reduced.
“When a driver has their wheel alignment
checked, the garage will also be able to
give the tyres a proper inspection to ensure
they have not suffered any damage from the
pothole,” continues Jackson. “Cuts or bulges
in a tyre mean that it is likely to have suffered
some serious internal damage making it unsafe
and illegal. The garage will also be able to
check that the tyres have adequate tread depth
and the correct pressure, both essential for safe
For more information:
There is no better time, than the
present, to consider making the most
of four wheel alignment servicing.
Firstly, the recession has been a
catalyst, to change the servicing
sectors perception and recognise
wheel alignment as an ‘essential
service’. Add to this the harshest
winter for decades and the
proliferation of potholes - every car
on the road is a prime candidate for a
full four wheel alignment check and a
profit opportunity for the taking.
How much? It will be down to
measurement capability and
throughput, but with the ease,
speed and accuracy of digital
imaging alignment, such as Hunter
HawkEye from Pro-Align and a
suitable alignment ramp, some
businesses have seen takings
increase by £1000’s.
For more information:
01327 323007 or
The right tools for the job
Every HiQ fast fit centre in the UK has been
given a hat-trick of new business tools in a bid
to win more customers and stay ahead of the
The fast fit network, which is celebrating an upturn
in turnover and retail footfall, announced at their
recent third National Franchise Conference in
2009, the launch of new investment to support the
business growth of its franchisees.
Each HiQ centre now has access to three
exclusive HiQ business tools designed specifically
to improve capability, business planning and
profitability across the network.
Peter Tye, HiQ Network Development Manager
introduced HiQ PACT (Planning and Composite
Tool) , a new business development and planning
tool geared to driving profitability in the network
through benchmarking and the use of composite
And in a further boost for franchisees, HiQ PIT
(Pricing Intelligence Tool) a new pricing intelligence
tool has also been developed to allow each HiQ
centre to deliver both competitive local pricing and
optimization of margins by moving pricing away
from a “gut feeling” approach to a real market
knowledge driven approach.
In addition, the HiQ Academy, the network’s
bespoke automotive training academy announced
an extensively expanded prospectus with a new
focus on business development training.
Geraldine McGovern, HiQ Marketing Manager
also announced the continued development of
HiQ’s e-commerce and brand site, to deliver new revenue
streams for franchisees.
Geraldine added: “It isn’t just HiQ Centres that
are being being refurbished. As part of our
ongoing strategy to set the benchmark for “fast
fit”providers, we’ve given our hiqonline website a
makeover. Not only is it smarter to look at, it will
now provide an enhanced user experience, new
MOT and service booking facilities, a new HiQ
online blog and over 135 new local HiQ Centre
microsite pages showcasing the centres offers and
For more information:
Lightweight alloy wheel
AEZ are major sponsors of
the AEZ RC44 team, which
participates in the legendary RC
44 cup - a type of formula 1 on
the waves - so it’s only fitting that
the latest wheel from the AEZ
‘boatyard’ has a distinct nautical
The AEZ Yacht features a spoke
design inspired by the drag anchor
used on sports boats. The use
of a thin rim edge enhances this
look and makes the five pronged
‘anchor’ stand out.
The AEZ Yacht is not just for
fair-weather sailors, the robust
clear coating provides superb
protection from road salt and
makes it suitable for all year use in
all conditions.
The AEZ Yacht would be an
attractive choice for hatchbacks
such as the Astra or Golf,
larger models such as the
Audi A4 or Mercedes C
Class, or sports cars
such as the BMW Z4
or just for a stylish boat
For more information:
0700 943359 or
Wheel and tyre package special
Great news for Mini owners... AC Schnitzer have
a superb wheel / tyre set offer available at the
moment and you stand to save a massive £553 on
a complete wheel and tyre set.
The Mi1 package is suitable for all R50 and R56
MINIs whether hatchback, convertible or Clubman.
Wheels sizes are 7.5J x 17” all round and
215/40R 17 tyres are included in the package. The
lightweight alloy wheels come with tyres already
mounted and balanced and the packages includes
theft protection and an emergency tyre inflator kit,
where applicable.
The package is currently on offer at just £1369 and
available directly from AC Schnitzer UK.
For more information:
01485 542000 or
ISSUE 61 2010
Pirelli grips visitors
Pirelli’s P Zero Trofeo proved
the toast of this year’s Autosport
International show, held at the NEC
in Birmingham between January
14-17 2010.
The exciting new ‘road legal track
tyre’ attracted thousands of visitors
to the manufacturer’s stand over
the course of the four day event,
and the impressive range of
performance tyres; full-size in-car
rally experience; GT Cup Ferrari
430; Pirelli Star Driver Subaru N15;
a high performance Ducatti, and
the Pirelli girls, meant there was
no shortage of entertainment once
they were there.
Martin Pallot, Motorsport and
Events Manager of Pirelli UK, said
the show was a great success
for the company, with many
customers, dealers and consumers
getting very excited about the new
tyre’s capabilities, and Pirelli’s
presence in general.
Martin commented: “Autosport
International is a great show,
and I think the Pirelli stand was
once again one of the highlights
for visitors. The new products,
interactive experience and all of
the other components really came
together to deliver a great Pirelli
Although the iconic tyre maker had
plenty of things to shout about,
there was little doubt the P Zero
Trofeo was the star of the Pirelli
show. Based on the manufacturer’s
championship winning World Rally
tyre for tarmac, it is the closest
drivers can get to a Pirelli motorsport
tyre while remaining the right side of
the law on European roads.
Maintaining the motorsport theme,
Pirelli also took the opportunity
to announce its continued
sponsorship of the GT CUP, GT
Trophy and British Rally
Championship series for 2010 at
the event.
For more information:
Cold weather tyres - a must in icy weather
Given the current icy weather conditions across
the UK, Continental Tyre Group believe it’s of
vital importance that van drivers and fleets are
aware of the many safety benefits in fitting cold
weather tyres to work vehicles. Intensive testing
undertaken by Continental has shown that a vans
braking distance when travelling at 30mph in icy
conditions dramatically increases by up to 31%.
The average extra distance a van will travel when
braking on standard tyres versus cold weather
tyres is 13 metres while a passenger car or car derived van will travel a further 8m - an increase
of 23%.
Scott Benbow, Product Manager at
Continental, said; “Every winter, we have problems
on the road because drivers are poorly equipped
to cope. Drivers in most European countries fit
cold weather tyres from October to March. This
allows them to have greater tyre performance
when temperatures drop to below 7ºC - a common
occurrence in winter months.” With a unique
compound which stays supple in cold weather, the
advanced Continental VancoWinter 2 aids drivers
with sipes - the small slits in the tread blocks of
the tyre - that spread when braking. This creates
an ice scraper effect on the road surface allowing
shorter braking distances on winter roads. Open
shoulders on the tyre with wide lateral grooves
give excellent water drainage leading to a high
level of protection against aquaplaning on wet
As well as ensuring the occupants safety,
the VancoWinter 2 has an optimum tyre footprint
to give even wear. This coupled with the cold
weather compound gives the VancoWinter 2 as
much as 30% extra mileage potential in the winter
months compared to a conventional van tyre.
For more information:
Brityrex reaches 70% of floor space sales with 9 months still to go!
Event organiser ECI International
have confirmed that Brityrex
International 2010 is already 70%
sold in terms of stand space at
Manchester Central.
Confirming the positive take-up from
exhibitors, ECI Managing Director
Paul Farrant says: “We continue to
make very good progress with the
exhibition and I can put everyone’s
mind to rest by confirming that
Brityrex will definitely be taking
place as planned in Manchester in
“Reaching the 70% milestone at this
relatively early stage means we go
forward with confidence and in the
knowledge that the industry is firmly
behind the exhibition.”
Since the turn of the year ECI
has continued to register a wide
variety of international exhibitors for
the UK’s only dedicated tyre and
equipment show of the year. They
include companies from the UK,
Europe, south Asia, China and New
ECI is compiling a list of show
incentives planned by exhibitors
which will be promoted to potential
visitors through a variety of
marketing, advertising and PR
activities in the run-up to the
exhibition. One such company is
Hofmann Megaplan, who have
announced dramatic plans to give
away a tyre changer worth almost
£14,000 to one lucky visitor at this
year’s exhibition.
The astonishing incentive is all part
of Hofmann’s plans to create a buzz
of interest and excitement around its
presence at the show in October.
Managing Director James Boon
says: “Brityrex will be the highlight
of our sales and marketing effort
this year so we’ve decided to give
it everything we’ve got in terms of
attracting customers to our stand.
“We will be giving away one of our
top of the range ‘lever-less’ tyre
changers, the megamount Magic,
which is a revolutionary changer with
built in wheel lifter and automatic
fitting and removal carried out by
keypad,” he confirmed.
Further details on how visitors
can secure a chance of winning
this flagship prize will be released
closer to the show, but it is likely to
be based on a visit to the Hofmann
Megaplan stand and answering a
simple questionnaire.
Other show-stopping incentives will
be announced in the coming months.
Brityrex International 2010 will again
be sponsored by the NTDA, which
will hold its popular annual dinner
and TAFF Industry Awards alongside
the event.
The exhibition will take place on
October 5, 6 and 7 at Manchester
Central, formerly known as G-Mex.
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
Memory saver EOBDII
The new EOBDII memory
saver from Gunson holds the
data codes from the vehicles
ECU when the car battery is
Simply plug straight into the
16pin EOBD socket and attach
the battery clips to a slave 9v or
12v battery using the 200cm of
battery lead supplied.
This socket is found beneath the
steering wheel on most vehicles
manufactured after 2001
The Memory Saver EOBDII (Part
No: 77065) is expected to retail
for around £36.70. For more information:
Continued links with VW Group
Support services company VT Group (VT)
have expanded their links with manufacturer
VW Group (VWG) by taking responsibility for
VWG’s leading specialist technicians
The technicians are based at the Technical
Service Centre (TSC) at VWG’s National
Learning Centre (Training Academy) at Milton
Keynes where VT already delivers training for
apprentices and other adult technicians for all
brands under the Volkswagen Group marques,
namely VW passenger car, VW Commercial
Vehicle, Audi, Skoda and SEAT.
The TSC carries out complex repairs,
preparation of special vehicles and support
for high specification vehicles being used for
driver experience. VT now employs the five
specialist technician’s that staff the TSC and
is responsible for training them to ensure
that they remain at the leading edge of VWG
Their on-going training will form part of VT’s
much wider responsibility for training VWG
apprentices and adult technicians in areas
including parts, vehicle body repair and paint,
and servicing.
VT designs and delivers all technical training
programmes for each of the brands.
In total, VT delivered some 16,000 technical
man days of training at the Centre during 2009
and, on average, over 200 visitors a day from
VWG’s national franchised network attend
the Centre. Some 30 VT trainers deliver the
courses, using state-of-the-art classrooms and
replica workshop environments.
VT Group’s Paul Rowlett, General Manager
Technical Training, explained: “This extension
of our successful partnership with VWG further
underlines our role as one of the UK’s leading
providers of automotive training and related
For more information:
Extend distributor network
Now well into their third year of
trading, diagnostics specialist
Autoboss UK are showing no signs
of stopping in 2010. The Wirral
based nationwide supplier have
just taken on new distributors in
Scotland and South Wales.
Scottish distributor Autoparts
Garage Equipment will be marketing
the Autoboss V30 from their outlets
throughout the region. With over 20
years experience in the industry,
South Wales based GMF Motor
Factors have happily taken on
the Autoboss UK range. Both
distributors were more than happy
to sign up with Autoboss UK, based
on their comprehensive scan tool
capabilities and the global level
branding support from parent
company SPX.
“One of the primary factors that
drove the new distributors to
Autoboss UK (besides its global
brand image and already fully
comprehensive output) was the
level of intensive development
that the Autoboss V30 scan tool
has undergone over the last six
months. The Autoboss range is
more than just a set of diagnostic
tools available for sale. To us, our
range of tools are a passion. We
will always work to improve and
innovate until we are the market
leader. We feel that this business
philosophy is what helped us gain
our new distributors,” commented
Managing Director Andrew Dimond.
Autoboss V30 Tool Coverage
Continues To Grow
The already comprehensive
Autoboss V30 scan tool has
just undergone a new set of
updates to stay in line with the
latest automotive developments.
Following an intensive software
development program by
technicians in the UK and Japan,
the latest updates include model
year updates for Ford, Vauxhall
/ Opel, Mercedes, Smart, Mini,
Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda,
Landrover and Range Rover and
the first release of Subaru software.
All these updates are available
to current subscribers as a free
Other improvements include
global testing for Vauxhall / Opel
vehicles enabling scanning of
every ECU on the vehicle with
just one click, extended key and
remote programming coverage
for Vauxhall / Opel vehicles, diesel
particulate filter regeneration for
Vauxhall / Opel vehicles, more
service light reset procedures
added to Mercedes software for the
models and extended diesel
coverage for Mercedes, BMW, Ford,
Vauxhall / Opel and Land Rover.
And if all this isn’t enough,
development plans are in place for
early 2010 focusing on French and
Italian marques. SAAB software
is also under testing and due for
release very soon.
For more information:
0845 643 2764 or
ISSUE 61 2010
Lifting spirits with the option of seeing Red!
With the ‘optimism’ of a recovering market
workshops are now focusing on future revenue
and business development with four wheel
alignment taking centre stage as the ‘new’
essential service.
As important as the aligner is, the type of lift for
the ‘alignment bay’ is critical and workshops are
beginning to recognise this. “There has been
a marked increase in workshops requesting
wheel aligner and lift packages, whereas before,
businesses would consider buying an aligner
to run on an often unsuitable conventional
flat platform ramp, confirmed Pro-Aligns Paul
Beaurain. “We are also finding some workshops
are planning for the future, by installing an
alignment ramp, when their existing lift is failing,
even if they do not currently have the budget for
the aligner”.
The success last year of Pro-Align’s Provac
FS40LT Alignment Lift, which was launched in
Spring 2009, and on going popularity of their
Scissor Wheel Alignment lift is a reflection of this.
The FS40LT is a genuine value for money four
post alignment ramp. Its heavy-duty construction
means it will withstand the rigours of the busiest
of alignment bays, and with the column width of
2900mm it optimises the field of vision for imaging
alignment. The design of the platforms mean
they provide an ‘effective alignment’ length - up
to 4280mm. however the overall ramp length has
been kept to 4500mm to save valuable workshop
space. Coming as standard, it also has an integral
lift table. These have mechanical locking and the
lift table edges that go right to the inner edges of
the lift - a real bonus for jacking narrow or small
cars. The rear slip plates lock via an air lock
switch and the turnplate recesses offers moveable
in fills allow the turnplates to be positioned for
extreme short or long vehicle wheel bases.
The popular Pro-Align Scissor alignment lift range
(surface mount or in-ground) is often selected
over the four post FS40LT, when a modern look is
required or where the bay area is limited in width.
For 2010, Pro-Align are also pleased to announce
customers now have the option to select this lift
in either the standard Grey or the ‘new’ Hunter
red, to match their complete Hunter range of
All lifts are installed and maintained,
including the statutory ‘thorough examination’
requirement by Pro-Align’s own fully trained
team of lift engineers and supported by the
company’s renowned high standard of customer
For more information:
01327 323007 or
ISSUE 61 2010
Exclusively offer
Euro Car Parts (ECP) now
exclusively offer the new F-BOX
from Brain Bee.
The F-BOX is a state-of-the art
technology hardware interface for
serial diagnostics on all electronic
systems (CAN network included)
installed in cars, commercial
vehicles and heavy goods vehicles
without the use of cables. F-BOX
can be used with an ordinary PC,
by connecting a BT-100 module to
the serial port.
F-BOX transmits the data via
wireless technology to the central
unit, thus enabling the operator to
work in complete autonomy from
F-BOX is a handy, simple system
offering exhaustive technical
information and wiring diagrams that
guide the operator in the detection
of errors in the various vehicle
systems. Thanks to the FAST.NET
software, F-BOX is a complete,
modern, flexible and above all a
user-friendly tool.
Chris Allen, National Sales Manager
for Euro Garage Solutions, said:
“I look forward to using my
background and experience to help
further develop the EGS product
and service package, which ranges
from diagnostic tools, lifting
equipment, tyre bay equipment,
air conditioning machines, training
and support, through our Euro Car
Parts branch network. F-Box offers
our customers a strong wireless
solution to automotive diagnostics.”
Systems that can be tested include:
Injection-engine, warning lights,
ABS, immobilizer, air bag,
automatic transmission,
comfort-safety cruise-control,
EOBD, Can-Body C.
For more information:
0845 602 2570 or
Electronic workshop manual goes on sale to MG TF owners
MG TF owners can now access valuable service
and maintenance information for their cars with
an electronic workshop manual, available from
all XPart AutoServices centres and wholesalers.
The first disc of its kind to go on sale to motorists,
it offers extensive technical advice for owners of
MG TFs manufactured by MG Rover between
2002 and 2005. It contains a greater depth
of technical detail than can be found in paper
manuals, together with comprehensive search
and cross-referencing functions, and the option to
enlarge diagrams and print pages of interest.
“Modern cars have a great deal more complex
mechanical and electronic features than cars
built even 10 years ago,” explains Barry Smith,
UK sales manager, XPart. “While this enhances
the capabilities of the car, it also means a more
complex service and maintenance regime is
required to keep the car performing at its best.
The MG TF electronic workshop manual offers
owners a convenient and flexible way to access
the detailed information they need, which would
otherwise extend to over 1,200 A4 pages.”
The MG TF took over from the MGF as the UK’s
top selling convertible sports car from its launch
in 2002 until the collapse of the manufacturer
in 2005. With four different models, the 115,
120, 135 and 160, the car remains popular
Securing an acid spill
Every company knows that when
dealing with substances hazardous
to health, it is essential to have
control measures in place to deal
with every eventuality. This is no
more essential than in the case of
companies’ dealing with battery
acid, and as such, many companies
have traditionally held a stock pile of
Soda Ash in case of a spill. However,
Soda Crystals, also know as
washing soda, are fast becoming a
favoured choice of neutralizing acid
for companies dealing with small
amounts of acid, as they are readily
available, cost effective and safe to
Soda Crystals, produced in the UK
by Dri-Pak Ltd, have long been
utilised for their cleaning and laundry
purposes, but are now considered
as extremely useful as an acid
neutralizer due to their PH.
“Soda Crystals have an alkaline PH,
and as such are ideal for neutralizing
acid. Smaller companies are reaping
the benefits of replacing Soda Ash
with Soda Crystals. As well as being
readily available from hardware
stores and wholesalers, they are
extremely cost effective and easy to
use,” says Bruce Maxwell, Managing
Director of Dri-Pak. “Unlike Soda
Ash, Soda Crystals are soluble in
cold water, meaning they are easy
to clear away after a spill without
leaving a residue.”
In the case of a spill involving battery
acid, generously cover the infected
area with Soda Crystals and allow
to absorb. Once the acid has been
neutralized, safely dispose of the
waste and rinse the area with cold
For larger spills, it is recommended
by the Health and Safety Executive
that acid be contained using a
non-combustible, absorbent material
such as sand or earth to prevent the
hazardous acid spreading to other
areas before treating.
For more information:
0115 9325165 or
today both in the UK and throughout the world.
Powered by a Rover K-Series engine, the TF
model exhibits several key differences to its
predecessor, including a redesigned front-end
with projector headlamps for both main and
dip beam, sidelamps and indicators contained
within the headlight assemblies, extended side
sills, revised side air intakes and a revised
boot lid design with an in-built raised rear
edge. Additionally, conventional steel springs
and dampers replace the MGF’s Hydragas
suspension system.
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
Peter Toland
A bumper year in 2009
It has been one year this month since Autologic
Diagnostics Ltd underwent new management
and Managing Director Peter Toland reports
that despite the economic conditions 2009 was
financially the best year ever for Autologic and
many of their distributors.
Since Toland took over the reins, the business
has grown considerably. Partnerships with new
distributors have been forged and additional staff
employed - including eight software engineers
and three Master Tech support staff. Plus, French
vehicle software, VAG Flash Programming and
Performance Tunes for Porsche have been
brought to market.
Autologic have also been busy on other fronts too
- attending exhibitions worldwide, running multiple
UK training sessions, presenting at overseas
training events and giving talks at independent
UK seminars. Furthermore the company look has
undergone a complete rebranding, including a
name change.
However, Toland says now is not the time to
rest, nor become complacent. “This year we will
continue to invest in the technology required for
product development and to increase our software
engineering and Master Tech support teams.
“We remain committed to excellence of software
functionality and market leading technical support,
which customers around the world have come to
expect from Autologic.”
For more information:
Tools do a Legend job
An impressive array of
professional and essential tools
to suit all jobs and budgets,
spearheaded by a seven-drawer
tool chest, is being unveiled by
Unipart Automotive. Designed
to enable independent garages
to undertake tasks quickly and
efficiently, the products range from
just under £1000 to less than £10
per item.
Leading the product offering is
the Jet Legend tool chest. This
seven-drawer roller cabinet, with
a centralised locking system, is
manufactured from high grade
steel with a stainless steel worktop
and leather trimmed handle. Four
of the seven drawers are lined
with bespoke foam and contain
professional tools, including
ratchets, socketry, wrenches, keys,
pliers, grips and screwdrivers, all
covered by the Facom (tools for
life) warranty. The total drawer
capacity is 30kg and comes with
ball bearing slides, and the static
load capacity is 900kg.
For the more budget conscious,
a range of essential 399-piece
electrical tool sets as well as a
100-piece drill and bit set are also
available at heavily discounted
Wendy Williamson, Marketing
Director at Unipart Automotive,
says: “Unipart Automotive
is committed to providing a
wide choice of essential and
professional tools to suit all
size of garage and budget. The
underlying factor is that the tools
are fit for the job in hand, and help
mechanics to perform their tasks
efficiently and easily.”
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
The next step
Diagnostic equipment, historically expensive
and limited in coverage, has now become a
requirement when carrying out even the simplest
task such as changing oil and brake pads on
the latest vehicles. This has resulted in all
workshops having a need for equipment that
covers as many makes and models as possible,
and is affordable in terms of purchase price and
future costs.
LAUNCH X-431 are keen to introduce a
complete diagnostic package for technicians,
offering training courses suited to all skill levels
and experience, and support with both online
and telephone help to assist them with repairs.
The purchase of a diagnostic tool is seen as just
the first step, modern vehicles can now carry up
to 100 on board computers giving a technician
access to an enormous amount of data, being
ISSUE 61 2010
Tecalemit growing and updating in 2010
able to understand and interpret this data will
enable the user to quickly and accurately identify
faults in the relevant system.
Launch X-431 has released their new diagnostic
product call the Launch x-431 Master and this
is available now. It has all the same functions of
the original x-431 but with faster processers, this
will enable faster communication and having the
super 16 incorporated into the smartbox. Thus
eliminating all the different 16 pin connectors in
the kit and having one generic 16 pin connector
called smart-obdII 16E.
The system can read and clear DTC’s (data
trouble codes) on different systems, it reads live
data, carries out actuation tests, resets service
lights, codes keys, adjusts electronic and air
suspension systems. ABS and SRS are also
standard features. It also codes control units and
many, many more operations. This is why the
Launch X-431 is now the clear market leader in
diagnostics. More X-431’s are sold than all the
other diagnostic scanners put together.
Launch X431 Master is able to carry out
advanced functions such as key programming,
ECU coding and programming and adaption
resets, as well as vehicle specific functions
including tyre valve programming and service light
Launch X431 Master comes complete with all
necessary cables and adaptors, online downloads
mean the user always has the latest vehicle
software available. With two years warranty and
three years unlimited downloads as standard.
For more information:
01709 591834 or
Electrical fault finding training
Imagine you are faced with a vehicle
where the power seat doesn’t
function, or perhaps the instrument
cluster isn’t working. How confident
are you in your capabilities to repair
electrics? Will you make a quick
and accurate diagnosis / repair? Are
you sure that you won’t spend too
long, or that you won’t fit parts which
aren’t entirely necessary? Next, you
have to find, read and understand
the wiring diagram - what do all
those numbers and symbols
mean? Time to decide what and
where to measure; which tool, what
setting, where to connect? Do you
know what reading you should get
before you touch the probe on the
connector or component? Or are
you in the dark ‘feeling your way’
with the multimeter?
If you can’t answer these questions
confidentially, or find yourself
taking longer than you should to
fix electrical problems, get yourself
onto the Electrical Fault Finding
course from Technical Topics.
This course will demystify circuits,
multimeters and wiring diagrams.
You will leave the course full of
confidence and equipped with the
knowledge and understanding to
quickly and accurately diagnose the
next electrical fault which comes
into your workshop. Courses run in
Bristol and Doncaster.
For more information:
01278 671919 or
Tecalemit Garage Equipment’s
range of lifting equipment is
second to none. The UK’s longest
established garage equipment
supplier has a heritage of lifts and
can supply numerous products
from the scissor, two post, four
post and mobile column lift
families. Lifting from three tonnes
right up to 30 tonnes.
The first lift was produced in 1927
and in the intervening 83 years
the company has supplied lifts
directly to a wide variety of market
sectors which include commercial
fleet operators and Government
bodies such as the emergency
services or local authorities.
Tecalemit also supplies
hauliers, car and truck dealers,
independent garages and fast
fit groups, usually via your local
distributor. When it comes to new
build projects, they also supply
the construction industry.
A spokesman said: “Whether
it’s for MoT testing or purely
servicing or even fast fit tyre
shops Tecalemit will have a
lift to suit you. With the UK’s
largest service force Tecalemit
will help you through the buying
and installation process from
start to finish including ongoing
calibration and servicing of your
lift. From the initial call Tecalemit
will support your decision making
with a site visit from one of
our highly experienced Sales
Engineers. We will guide you with
any plans and will produce and
submit drawings as necessary for
planning and approval.”
A few Tecalemit products have
been updated for 2010. The new
extra wide 2 post lift (SF9204) has
a 4.0t lifting capacity meaning it is
suitable for both cars and LGVs.
It includes a very low lifting pad
height of only 100mm, making it
perfect for low or lowered cars.
The upgraded specification 4.0t
4 post lift (SF9084) is a Class VII
MoT spec lift which is suitable
for retro-fitting into most existing
Class VII MoT bays and features
a smooth, fast descent, managed
by a descent control valve. For
general servicing and MoT testing
of longer wheelbase vehicles the
5.0t 4 post lift (SF9250) has a
5010mm platform making it
suitable for testing most LGVs.
Tecalemit offers a complete
range of short platform scissor
lifts which cover all applications
from general servicing through to
bodyshop use. The SF 8970 3.2t
capacity lift suits the broadest
range of applications. As a
surface mounted lift it requires no
floor excavation and benefits from
a very low profile of just 100mm
allowing the majority of vehicles
easy access. The dual circuit
hydraulic lifting and safety
system gives a rapid lifting
time and low maintenance
With the recent addition of the
Cascos and Finkbeiner brands
into the Tecalemit stable the
range is even further increased.
For more details:
ISSUE 61 2010
ISSUE 61 2010
Come and see us at the show
Full ATL package
TEXA are a leader in the field of manufacturing
diagnostic products in the automotive
industry and are recognised as a prominent
supplier of truck diagnostic equipment.
The latest diagnostic tools and the Konfort
09 Evolution Air-conditioning machine will be
on display at The CV Operators Show from
April 13-15 on stand 4321 in Hall 4, including
the dedicated unit for service of agricultural,
coach and bus systems.
TEXA provides gas analysis and oscilloscope
testing equipment which further enhances
the capability of the products. This is also
backed by technical training, support and
Garages looking for a fully integrated automatic
test lane (ATL) should consider the new package
from Codi International.
The HH Intertech ATL package from Codi
comprises some state-of-the-art quality equipment
all approved by VOSA under one certificate.
This is of huge benefit to garage owners as the
required six monthly maintenance and testing of
the whole system components can be carried out
by just one person rather than a series of people
where different manufacturer’s equipment make
up the system.
As long time specialists in the garage equipment
field, Codi International have the expertise to
advise on the right selection of ATL equipment to
help garage owners through this complex area.
The HH Intertech ATL package comprises
computer controlled brake tester, vehicle lift with
play detector (a cross pit play detector is also
available), headlamp aligner, choice of jacking
beam, brake pedal depressor and light inspection
mirrors. There is a full range of equipment to meet
both Class IV and Class VII standards. The brake
testers are PC controlled, store individual tests for
a minimum of a year and provide print-outs.
The brake tester automatically calculates
brake efficiency of service and parking brakes,
incorporates axle weighing and has a manual
facility, operated by an infra red remote control, for
testing four wheel drive vehicles. The roller
For more information,
01282 606787 or
Essential servicing tools
A simple task - if you have
the right tools. Laser has
introduced three new tools which
should make this job easier.
First off, a set of Oil Filter
Wrenches for many of today’s
vehicles. Whether you have a
BMW Mini, Mercedes A Class,
Vauxhall, Volkswagen or Ford
this five piece set, packed in a
blow mould case for storage,
in 3/8”D should cover most
applications. Laser’s professional oil gun, with
300cc has detachable spouts,
one angled, one straight with
spray nozzle and brass pump. It
is capable of spraying in vertical
or horizontal position and the non
slip coating gives better grip. Finally, Laser’s 15 litre oil drain
pan with large carrying handles
and integral spout allows the
waste oil to be poured away
successfully into a recycling
container. Anti-splash lip
prevents spillage.
For more information:
bed of the brake tester is of robust quality
construction with hot dip galvanised chassis.
A variety of lifts are available with the ATL
package. There is a Class IV electro-hydraulic
4-post lift with a 4.56 metre platform, and a similar
Class VII lift with a 5.2 metre platform. Both lifts
are 4 tonne capacity with a number of impressive
safety features, including mechanical safety lock
device in case of rope breaking, 24V ‘dead man’
controls, overload safety devices, automatic
descent control, and safety valves for sudden loss
of pressure. The lifts have recessed platforms
for play detectors and turning plates. Scissor lifts
in 4.5 and 5 tonne capacities are also available
where workshop space is at a premium.
For more information:
01291 689427, [email protected]
Seeing the light!
MoT and ATL experts The Trade
Group know what to look for in
headlamp testing machines and
they are ‘preaching the word’ to
convert the masses, spokesman
Terry Bullworthy defined the
reasoning. “The essence of any
good headlamp tester is to have
high quality optics that produce a
clearly defined image, combined
with an effective system for
ensuring accurate alignment to
a headlamp and the ability to
maintain this to a high standard of
performance. Any headlamp tester
destined for use within an MoT
and ATL installation must conform
to VOSA’s ‘2005 Specification’.
This means that it must be able
to assess the performance of all
current types of vehicle headlamp
and possess a current Certificate of
The Trade Group claim that their
new Trademaster T4600 series
of headlamp testers not only
exceeds the standards for this
type of equipment but offers new
patented technology that predicts
future trends. They maintain the
ergonomic design is durable,
reliable, stable and extremely
easy to use and combined with a
superb build quality and optional
printing, will provide garages with
unparalleled performance when
assessing or setting both car and
CV headlamps.
Bullworthy explained: “Key to the
T4600 performance is the Fresnel
lens, which collects maximum light
and provides a high quality image
on the screen, it also permits a wide
focusing range of 200mm to 800mm
and is lighter and less prone to
damage than a traditional glass
lens. Aligning the headlamp tester
optical head to the vehicle drive line,
is a vital requirement for accurate
headlamp assessment and setting.
By using a new generation ‘linear
laser’, the T4600 laser projects
a bright red light beam line onto
the vehicle, which can be easily
inspected for positioning. An internal
counterweight allows the optical
head to be moved on the column
with ease making adjustments
Continuing Bullworthy disclosed
that: “The advanced Electronic
models have a sensing system
surrounding the lens that optimises
the position of the optical head
in front of the vehicle headlamp.
Guidance on movement of the
tester head is displayed on an LCD
read-out. A unique and patented
sensor array on the measurement
screen provides information
to the LCD display illustrating
headlamp beam angle as an actual
percentage to two decimal places.
The sensors are extremely accurate
and very sensitive, although
regulations do ‘not yet’ allow this
type of technique to be used for
assessment during an MoT test, it
can be employed very effectively
when setting a headlamp, since it
helps remove operator ‘guesswork’.
The sensors also provide graphical
information about beam brightness
and glare and main beam and fog
lamps can also be checked and
set. Finally, the T4610 and T4610C
can download data to a computer
to allow printing, or be supplied with
Bluetooth connectivity to a suitable
separate printer.”
For more information
0845 644 4054,
[email protected]
ISSUE 61 2010
Money making opportunity
batteries are often neglected as part of the service
inspection. From Rozone’s experience, as many
as four out of five vehicles entering a workshop
premises has a flat or faulty battery.
With this in mind, a unique opportunity to upsell a
new service to your customers is presenting itself
to you almost every time a vehicle enters your
Battery testing and charging is a money
generating opportunity, often overlooked by many
garage workshops.
Batteries are a major factor in vehicle
breakdowns. Research has revealed that
batteries and general electrical faults can be
responsible for up to 35% of breakdowns. Battery
faults include discharge or tired batteries.
With the amount of batteries failing every year
due to lack of care, our simple test and charge
programme can help your business save money,
and increase sales revenue opportunities with
every vehicle that enters your workshop.
As a general rule, the bodyshop industry is no
different to other automotive providers, whereby
The ‘’Test & Charge’’ service
Rozone is recommending that workshops start to
offer a simple ‘’ test and charge’’ service for every
vehicle that requires repair work. You may not be
selling batteries at the moment but fear not the
procedure works in just a few simple steps:
•test every vehicle’s battery that enters
your workshop for repair, as part of your
pre-acceptance inspection.
•notify the customer / owner of the outcome,
e.g the battery is:
A Good - fully charged (no action required)
B Faulty - needs replacement (offer a
C Good - recharge (offer to charge the
battery for £10)
•test the vehicle prior to signing / delivering
the vehicle over to the customer,
demonstrating and supporting what you
have done.
Rozone has made several visits to workshops
throughout the UK, with the purpose of
determining the conditions of batteries of vehicles
being repaired and the opportunities that exist.
A total of 21 vehicles were tested within the
workshop area. Sixteen (76%) of which revealed
an opportunity in generating revenue.
What additional profit can be made?
Bodyshops have an ideal ‘window of opportunity’
as vehicles spend a week on average on their
premises, unlike an automotive workshop that
only keeps a vehicle for an hour or so. Offering
this service presents you with a potential new
revenue stream by giving you the chance to
sell a replacement battery. You can also charge
£10+ for charging a flat battery that will ensure
your customer’s vehicle wont experience a ‘’non
starting’’ or ‘’flat battery’’ problem when it leaves
you workshop.
Return on investment
By introducing the Rozone service pack which
consists of Midtronics MDX645P battery tester
and CTEK25000 charger) into the workshop you
will increase customer satisfaction by removing
all battery associated complaints while boosting
your overall profits. The equipment used is safe,
simple and easy to use with very little training of
staff required.
For more information:
0121 5268185 or
ISSUE 61 2010
Accident repairers turning to Watermans
In the last year the amount of motor accident
cases that Watermans Solicitors has dealt with
has risen by more than double and they are
confident that this will continue to rise given
the great deals and service they can offer
customers, accident brokers and insurance
companies alike.
The Edinburgh-based company itself began 10
years ago, but it has only been in the last few
that they have begun to focus on the accident
repair sector.
Neil Waterman, Personal Injury Solicitor at
Watermans, said: “Bodyshops and repairers tend
to have used claims management companies
in the past. Where we differ from them is that
we are actually a firm of solicitors and as such it
gives us more clout when dealing with insurance
“We cover the whole of Scotland and we tend
to find that bodyshops and repairers prefer
dealing with a Scottish company rather than
going through an English call centre because the
process and communication is slicker as a result.
“Being a Scottish company we can also deal
with situations that arise quicker, have good
local knowledge and are able to take claims from
Shetland to Stranraer.”
As mentioned Watermans has focused
specifically on accident repair work over the
last three years and have really stepped up that
operation in the last 12 to 18 months.
At the start of the period they were in contact
with many bodyshops to gauge exactly the kinds
of services they wanted from the company when
dealing with non-fault accidents.
One thing was the speed of the process and
Waterman explained: “We are very proactive
in dealing with claims, almost immediately and
certainly within an hour the process has been
put into action. With a lot of these cases it is
important for the garage or repairer to retain
the customer and capture the business and the
speed of our operation can help them do this.”
Watermans also offer full payment on invoices,
not taking up to 20% off like other accident
management companies, and this can make
a huge difference. The average repair costs
around £2000 and commercial repairs can cost
over £10,000 so for a repairer to lose 10 or 20%
of that can have a huge impact on business. The
invoice payments are also guaranteed to be paid
within 30 days.
The company offers like-for-like vehicles
delivered to the repairer or the client and
Waterman explained why this is such a benefit.
“Repairers are very keen on this as most
customers will expect a vehicle while their one is
being repaired. People are often reliant
on their car or van for work and they simply
cannot be without transport for any length of
We can supply the client with any type of car
and a wide range of commercial vehicles and
motorbikes. That is a bonus for the customer
and of course the repairers because they don’t
want to be using up their whole fleet of courtesy
cars for matters such as that and it helps them
free up vehicles for other jobs.”
Among the benefits Watermans offer includes
full labour rates for repairs to clients vehicles
ranging from £35 to £50 per hour and the
payment of competitive referral fees directly to
the repairer.
Waterman concluded: “Since we have focused
in on motor accident claims we have seen a
real demand for it and have augmented our
team accordingly to deal with the demand. We
pride ourselves on our long-term relationships
with repairers and bodyshops and we would be
delighted to hear from others within the industry
who would like to hear more about our services.”
For more information:
0800 988 2118 or
RMI launches Bodyshop Executive
The Retail Motor Industry
Federation (RMI) have launched
the Bodyshop Executive.
The executive is made up of
a cross-section of bodyshop
owners from single independent
sites to larger group repairers.
At quarterly meetings the critical
issues affecting body repairers
and the action required by the
RMI to progress solutions will be
Commenting on the launch, RMI
Chief Executive Rob Foulston
said: “Since the acquisition of
the MVRA, the RMI’s bodyshop
division has been strengthened
considerably and the formation
of the executive is the next
logical step in its growth and
development. The executive
will play an important role in
identifying key policy issues for
all body repair members and will
cover Kitemark, PAS125, access
to technical information and the
consumer’s right to choose their
Mike Monaghan, who will head
up the executive, commented: “I
am pleased to be a part of this
Bodyshop Executive as it will
enable repairers to express their
views in a new way, and for the
RMI to carry these through to
For more information:
Sales, service, maintenance and repairs to the bodyshop industry
Spraytherm Limited specialises in service,
maintenance and repairs to the automotive
and CV market and are suppliers of input and
extract filters for all makes of spraybooths.
Established in 1991, their reputation has grown
founded on quality of service backed up by
friendly and efficient staff.
With the experience and knowledge that their
engineers have gained over the years working
in this sector, Spraytherm offer solutions on
customising ovens to optimise the performance
to meet today’s demands.
Spraytherm quickly developed into a well
organised and professional service company
with the objective of keeping in touch with
the bodyshop industry’s needs. Based in
Stockton-on-Tees, they are ideally placed to
cover the UK.
Spraytherm provides a full and comprehensive
service and maintenance schedule for all
makes of Spraybooths. All their vehicles carry
an extensive range of spare parts to cover the
most common problems, as well as back up
stock within their warehouse.
Scots Auto Scene asked Keith Melton,
Sparytherm’s Managing Director, a couple of
questions regarding spraybooths:
What are the recommended service intervals
for a spraybooth?
“The recommended service interval for a
spraybooth is approximatley 700-1000hrs or
annually whichever sooner. Busy bodyshops
tend to have their spraybooths serviced every six
months, and those who operate 12hr shifts three
to four times a year. Every customer has there
own service requirements and this is a service
that we can tailor to fit in with their needs.” new premises it is always worth considering
relocation costs verses new booth costs. If
for instance you were looking at moving a
spraybooth of approximately 10 years of age,
you may have the additional cost of upgrading
it to meet current EPA legislation on top of your
purchase price.
Today there are some excellent spraybooths
on offer to suite everybody’s budget and
specifications. Buying new gives you the
advantage of a booth being tailored to the exact
requirements and designed to fit into an exisitng
bodyshop. Relocating can be straight forward
if moving into an empty building, however you
may come across obstacles when trying to fit
a booth into an existing bodyshop with limited
space and access.”
How easy is it to relocate an existing
spraybooth to new premises?
“When relocating an existing spraybooth to
For more information:
01642 355555 or
ISSUE 61 2010
On top of the weld
Confused about which welder to
buy to cover current and eventual
needs? Here Stanners advise
on the critical points to consider
when investing in a new welding
High strength steel and boron
is no longer the preserve of
luxury vehicles but are used in
the production of high volume
cars too. They are stronger and
lighter so more fuel efficient than
traditional steels and occupants
are kept safer thanks to the use
of the materials in areas of the car
designed to improve protection
and dissipate the crash energy.
But when it comes to welding in
the bodyshop, repairers need to
be confident that the equipment
they are using is capable of
joining panels effectively in order
to safely re-instate a vehicle to its
pre-accident condition.
There are many types of inverter
welders on the market, but it
is essential to choose one that
has a high amperage, a high
squeeze pressure and, ideally
water-cooled. Ease of use is also
important and the ability to record
every weld an operator performs
should not be overlooked. Vehicle
manufacturer repair processes
vary so it is vital that parameters
are set correctly too.
“If the parameters are not set
correctly, and the amperage is
too low, or if the weld squeeze
pressure and time is incorrect,
the weld may fail which means
that the metals will not be joined
together,” said John Stanners,
Managing Director, Stanners
Equipment. “Manufacturers
nowadays often use several types
of steels together, so it is even
more important that the welding
machine is capable to deal with
the new materials.”
Currently, many vehicle
manufacturers including
German-makes require a welding
amperage of around 12,000, but
this is increasing. “The French
manufactured vehicles exceed
this, and I believe that other
manufacturers will follow,” said
John. “It’s one of the reasons
why we chose to import the GYS
Spot range because they meet
current and future requirements
and have traceability.”
The equipment is intuitive and
easy to use and can be set on
manual or automatic mode.
There is a digital display to guide
the technician and the equipment
will analyse and record every
weld and will instantly show
whether the weld is good or has
The GYS BPL Inverter Range
has three options, GYS BPLC
(C Type Gun), BPLX (X-Type
Gun) and the BP LCX which has
both a C and X gun. “Having two
guns on the machine is a big
advantage because what you will
find is that the panel technician
welding the car together can’t
get into every joint with the C
gun so he ends up MIG plugging
the car,” added Tony Mottram,
National Sales Manager,
Stanners Equipment Ltd. “But if
he has an X gun as well he can
achieve 99% of the welding on
the vehicle.
“Both guns are water cooled
which is very important for
PAS125 and both guns produce
13000amps,” added Tony. “Some
of our competitors have one
water cooled gun and one air
cool gun and the problem is
that the air cool gun is probably
only rated 8000amps. So if he is
using one of those on UHSS he
is repairing the car incorrectly.”
For the last three years or so,
there has been talk of health and
safety legislation surrounding
the issue of electro-magnetic
fields. The effect on the industry
was that many manufacturers
went down the route of putting
the transformer in the gun to
protect workers from any sideeffects. However, this added
considerable weight to the gun
(weighing around 20-25 kilos,
instead of 10-12 kilos), which
makes the gun awkward to use.
As well as offering a transformer
gun option (GYS Evolution) GYS
developed BODYPROTECT, a
patented technology used on the
BPL Inverter Units. Basically,
it resolves the risk of exposure
by fitting a special filter system
to regulate the magnetic fields,
reducing the magnetic field away
from the weld gun and cables.
As a result, the BPL Range
is a far more popular choice.
The transformer gun option
(GYS Evolution) still has its
advantages of extra amperage at
the tips, and is a solution to poor
power supply in the bodyshop.
GYSpot welders carry many
manufacturer approvals including
Peugeot, Renault and Citroen,
as well as prestige brands
such as Mercedes Benz. The
GYS Range also reaches and
exceeds most other vehicle
manufacturer specifications.
Another acknowledgement
of the GYSpot is that they
are the only welders on the
market to currently achieve
and maintain Thatcham Quality
Accreditation (TQA). Thatcham
accreditation for Elektron, now
under new ownership, has not
been renewed, although John
can confirm that machines
bought from Stanners, before
the changeover, will continue to
be recognised by Thatcham as
“Thatcham’s accreditation of
repair equipment is developed
to support the collision repair
industry by providing robust
product certification with a
transparent and recognisable
mark of independent qualification
of manufacturing quality and
product performance,” explained
Dean Lander, Accreditation
Manager, Thatcham. “The
GYSpot BPL is one of few
premier repair tools to
have achieved this robust
Stanners offers on site training,
ongoing support and also run
IMI approved training courses on
boron and high strength steels.
For further information:
01670 514133 or
ISSUE 61 2010
Partners in Success
PPG’s long-term development
programme with Audi was amply
showcased at the recent Frankfurt
Motor Show where two new
colours made their international
debut; Inuit weiss Perlmut and
Ipanema braun.
The introduction of these two new
colours is a vindication of the time
and effort the PPG colour teams
put into their relationships with
major OEM’s like Audi.
Reiner Mueller-Koerber, PPG’s
Colour Styling Manager takes up
the story “Every year we produce
a PPG Global Colour Exhibition
for Audi where we showcase
a range of colours that we’ve
developed based on our research
into the latest fashion and lifestyle
trends combined with the latest in
pigment technology. We then work
closely with the Audi design teams
to bring the colours to market. It’s
a true partnership arrangement.”
And the focus on creating a
partnership seems to be paying
off. PPG already has an exclusive
development agreement with Audi
for microtint special pigments. The
majority of Audi’s launch colours
are from PPG.
For more information:
Colour correction in minutes
It’s every refinisher’s nightmare. The car is
de-masked, only to reveal that the newly
sprayed colour doesn’t match the existing
paintwork. When the colour doesn’t match,
there’s nothing you can do but to start again,
and that is time-consuming and expensive.
Well, that was the traditional answer, but thanks
to an amazing new product called Colour
Corrector brought to you by Smart Express,
you can solve those difficult colour matching
problems, every time.
“Bumpers in particular pose a common problem
for bodyshops,” said Kevin Dillon, Director,
Smart Express. “Quite often they are sprayed
with another job in a booth and when fitted to
the vehicle after being painted, the paintwork
does not match the existing wing or quarter
panel. Our unique, Smart Express Colour
Corrector system (patent pending) helps to
rectify colour mistakes and ensure you achieve
a perfect colour match.”
The system comprises Colour Corrector shade
cards to identify the correct hue, a special Colour
Corrector Panel Cleaner and a range of Colour
Corrector aerosols that correspond to the shade
cards. It takes just minutes to correct imperfect
blends using the unique Smart Express Colour
Corrector system. Although designed for easy
application in an aerosol, the product can also be
used in a spraygun if preferred.
“Our calculations show that even minor rework
to colour correct a job by traditional re-painting
methods can cost around £100 in both materials
and time,” said Steve Barrett, Managing
Director, Smart Express. “But now there is no
need to despair when a colour you thought was
spot-on ended up looking terrible. For around
£3 per job, using Colour Corrector, you can
solve mis-matched colours in minutes.”
The finish you get with Smart Express Colour
Corrector is perfect in colour match, durable for
years and extremely cost effective. Why waste
expensive paint when Colour Corrector can
solve all your ill-matched colour problems for
just a few pounds?
For more information:
Joining forces
Forward thinking accident
management company Call Zebra
has signed a three-year deal with
international hire car provider
Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
The new partnership, which
went live on February 1, will see
Enterprise provide replacement
vehicles for Call Zebra customers
across the UK mainland.
Newcomers Call Zebra burst on
to the scene in April 2008 offering
a fresh, transparent approach to
accident management, with the
emphasis on quick turnarounds,
high-quality repairs and customer
Enterprise shares Call Zebra’s
commitment to providing rapid
replacement vehicles, driving
down repair times and putting the
customer first. While its 330 rental
centres are ideally positioned to
service Call Zebra’s fast-growing
customer base.
Darren Gilling, Managing
Director of Call Zebra, said: “The
ethos of Call Zebra is to keep
motorists moving and disruption
to a minimum and we hope the
partnership with Enterprise will
enable us to reach our customers
even quicker. Enterprise is a well
established company with an
excellent reputation and we look
forward to working with them as
our customer base continues to
grow. We are constantly looking to
raise the bar and will be launching
a number of new customerfriendly initiatives in 2010.”
Gary Palmer, Managing Director
of Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s
northwest division, added: “Call
Zebra is a young company
with big plans and Enterprise
Rent-A-Car is delighted to be
working in partnership to provide
replacement vehicles to their
customers. Our centres are
within 10 miles of 91% of the
UK population making us ideally
equipped to take care of all of Call
Zebra’s customers’ rental needs.”
For more information
08000 932 727 or
Gary Palmer with Darren Gilling
ISSUE 61 2010
The spot welder that can weld all types of steel
Think of the problem - you are about to do
a welding repair to one of the latest hi-tech
modern car. The steels being used are a
great deal harder to weld than the mild steel
used on cars 10 years ago. You are faced
with a real problem.
•Do you know what type of steel you are
welding? - This is very unlikely.
•Do you know the type of galvanised coating
is on it? - No, nearly impossible.
•Do you know where to get the correct
information to help you set the welder up
properly? - Getting information is not easy
either - No one want to give it to you.
When welding the new steels on modern cars
it is very important to have this information.
Without it, how can you be sure the welding has
been carried out correctly?
The InvertaSpot GT has the ‘Material Test’
program. This is the simplest way of checking
the different steels. It not only checks the
steels (either Galvanised, HSS or Boron)
but it also sets the weld parameters exactly
for you to enable the perfect job to be done.
What could be simpler?
A spokesman for manufacturers Wielander
and Schill said: “No other spotwelder on the
market has this material test program available.
The GT is so advanced compared with other
welding machines. If you are in the market for
a new spot welder, think of the future. Think of
how much time is going to be saved using the
InvertaSpot GT.
“The GT has up to 14,000amps at 600daN. The
constant current control ensures the correct
pulsing for the different steels, whether they
be Boron to HSS or HSS to galvanised.
Without doubt the InvertaSpot GT is in a class
of it own. It may not be the cheapest on the
market, but it certainly can be relied on to
give the best results.”
Made in Germany, The GT stands for
German Technology. It is tough, robust and
simple to use.
The InvertaPuls IP6/2 is two machines in
one. Capable of MIG welding, MIG Brazing or
Aluminium welding, the operator only has to
press the trigger to select the choice of wire he
needs. No need to keep changing spools or
bottle of gas, the IP6/2 is setup ready to go.
The spokesman added: “It is so simple to use, but
gives brilliant results every time. Used by many
of the teaching colleges in the UK the IP6/2 is
one of the best additions you could make for your
For more information:
01722 422270 or
VDAs to benefit from Vision’s extended functionality
Inter-est has launched a new,
enhanced version of Vision, the
online methods based estimating
system, to further improve
the efficiency when compiling
vehicle damage assessments.
The new features include a
Windows-look interface, improved
communications resilience, and a
greater number of vehicles in the
DVLA look up facility. In addition,
there are a number of shortcut
keys to accomplish all the most
common functions quickly and
easily and the new image viewer
allows unbeatable management of
photos. For example, colours can
be inverted to help identify small
scratches and dents and areas
can be zoomed in on to allow a
closer inspection of damage.
The new look interface with
its Windows look and feel now
displays all vehicle details on a
single page, making assessments
much easier to compile. Images
can be viewed or attached without
having to leave the page, and
allows a vehicle damage assessor
or engineer to quickly navigate to
where vehicle photographs are
located. The new image viewer
allows greater management
of photographs. For example,
colours can be inverted to help
identify small scratches and
dents, and areas can be zoomed
in on to allow a closer inspection
of the vehicle damage. In addition
users can attach more than one
image at a time simply by using
the ctrl or shift key.
Another benefit is the new DVLA
look up facility which has been
simplified and provides matches
to more vehicles than ever before.
The system has also upgraded
its communications resilience to
help address problems a small
number of users experience due
to the quality of their broadband.
The new communications strategy
will allow Vision to automatically
recover from a temporary blip in
broadband connectivity and in
the case of a more permanent
outage save any work locally so
that it can be recovered when
broadband is regained.
“Vision is an extremely intuitive
estimating system designed
for today’s Vehicle Damage
Assessor who has to deal with
multiple clients with individual
SLAs as well as prepare methods
packs for the workshop,” said
Michael Nixon, Managing
Director, Inter-est. “The extended
functionality will help to streamline
the entire assessment process
and offer a speedier estimating
solution. We went for the
Windows-look because it is such
a familiar software package to
most people, so that users will
feel comfortable with it.”
For more information:
01625 616020 or
The fast way to the right colour
With flexible search options and authentic
colour visualisation on the screen, refinishers
save even more time during online colour
So that bodyshops can find the right colour
with even greater ease, Spies Hecker
has transformed their web-based colour
search, making it more advanced and
easier. The web pages are now much more
visual,” explains Dietmar Wegener, Colour
Coordinator at Spies Hecker. “Refinishers
can now see the colour they’re looking for
during their search.”
With this new online service, users see true
to original illustrations of colour chips on the
computer monitor. Just like with the proven
CRplus colour software, they can see at a
glance the formulas available for a particular
colour. Along with the visual display of a
colour, details of all variants can also be
called up.
The web-supported Colour Finder enables
searches for specific keywords such as
car maker, colour name and colour code
as well as the house colours of well-known
companies. A selection based on application
areas such as the chassis, bumper or wing
is now possible as well as a choice between
solid and effect colours. Narrowing the choice
like this brings even faster results.
If desired, refinishers can choose to have
the formula as ready-for-use mixed paint for
faster overall mixing. All selected formulas
(colour-only or ready-for-use) can be
imported at the click of a mouse into the
CRplus colour software and stored in the
bodyshop’s own formula database. The
formula can be sent straight to the PC scales
for easier and more accurate mixing.
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
Celebrating 30 years of innovation
Today, Mirka are recognised
as a world leader in abrasive
technology innovation. Within
the space of just over 70 years
worldwide the company has
evolved from a modest trading
enterprise to become one of
the world’s largest abrasive
Here in the UK, Mirka celebrated
their 30th birthday in 2009 and
are looking forward to another
30 years of success through
innovation. Having grown from
being a sole trader in 1979
Mirka Abrasives Limited are
now a multi-million pound
company, specialising in surface
preparation systems. Mirka
aims to continue focusing on the
additional benefits they provide
to bodyshops which include:
•net sanding technical training
•unique dust free net sanding
•technical sales team which
cover the length of the UK
•revolutionary Abrasives
•cost effective products
Simon Bloxham, Vice President
of Mirka Europe, Middle East and
Africa commented on Mirka’s
30th in the UK. “From humble
beginnings selling through
import agents in the 1960’s to
being the first manufacturer to
offer foam backed, cloth faced
abrasives, and first to offer a net
based abrasive offering virtually
dust free sanding Mirka in the
UK have grown into a market
leading abrasives manufacturer
with a reputation for quality and
innovation. I am proud to have
been part of that development
and look forward to the
immediate and long term future.”
Mirka’s current range of
Abrasives includes several
patented and exclusive
abrasive products that cannot
be reproduced by any other
manufacturer. For example,
with its NETsanding concept,
Mirka became the first abrasives
manufacturer in the world to
develop a dust-free sanding
solution that actually achieved
what it set out to do - sand
without dust! This patented
sanding material consists of a
dense ‘net’ structure containing
literally thousands of tiny holes
Simon Bloxham
that allow dust and other
particles to be efficiently
vacuumed away to prevent them
clogging the disc surface. Two
products use the NETsanding
technology, Abranet and Autonet,
and their dust-free surface
finishing performance has proven
so superior to traditional systems
they have already changed
many bodyshops’ perceptions of
These products include:
•Abralon 1997
•Abranet 2000
•Polarshine 2006
•Polarstar 2007
•Autonet 2008
•Abranet HD 2009
•CEROS Sander 2009
As well as producing unique
abrasive products, Mirka also
offers unique complementary
products, such as sanding
machines, backing pads and
hand sanding blocks. Importantly,
they have all been specially
designed and developed for use
with Mirka abrasive products
and to achieve maximum
performance in every sanding
operation. For professionals,
it’s vital to select a machine
that’s comfortable and easy to
use in everyday work which is
why Mirka concentrated on user
friendliness and ergonomics,
as well as performance and
efficiency, when developing its
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
The world’s most popular car colours announced
The 57th annual DuPont Global Automotive
Colour Popularity Report has just been released.
It highlights the fact that silver, black and white are
still the top ranked colours worldwide in 2009.
Even though regional differences remain, the
report’s results suggest an ongoing convergence
of colour choice globally with colour preferences
becoming more homogeneous across regions.
While the top three colours - black, white and
silver - continue to dominate around the globe,
in Europe, black represents 27% of the market
and continues to gain popularity over silver, which
covers 19.9%. White keeps growing, becoming
third favourite colour choice with 10.2% of the
Linda Van Calster, Marketing and Communications
manager for DuPont Refinish EMEA, comments:
“One of the reasons why DuPont puts this report
together is to keep a close eye on new vehicle
colours and technology advancements for the
equipment, on bracket hire and
complete access to the Globaljig
mono-cube all makes chassis
straightening system,” says
Tri-Sphere Director Jim
All refurbished parts are supplied
and installed by Tri-Sphere,
complete with a warranty and an
initial user-training package.
For more information:
01785 282864 or
New sanding range
3M have extended their Multihole technology
to a new bodyshop range of highly efficient
abrasive sheets and ergonomically designed
Designed to offer the best solution for efficient
filler sanding, the 3M Hookit Purple+ Multihole
system comprises five new dust-extraction
handblocks with abrasive sheets in grades
P80 to P500. 3M Multihole abrasive technology, which
has delivered outstanding improvements in
abrasive disc performance, has been applied
to this new hand-sanding range. To achieve
the extraction of sanding debris, tiny holes are
arranged in a chevron pattern on the sanding
sheet. These holes align with slits in the
handblock and the directional movement when
sanding results in a direct air-flow from the
handblock to the extraction system.
The 396mm sanding sheets have also been
produced with a patented kiss-cut design
which enables them to be easily and cleanly
split in half to produce sheets for the popular
198mm handblock. Dave Nimmey of 3M’s Automotive Aftermarket
Division says: “3M’s Multihole technology
proved to be a massive leap forward in
abrasive disc performance and we are now
able to offer the same advantages in our
hand-sanding range. As well as the operational
efficiency of the system, the versatility of the
abrasive sheets offers benefits to stores,
purchasing departments and bodyshop
management by reducing stockholding, time
and wastage and adding the potential for
increased profitability.”
For more information:
Refinishing “Hot Magenta“
“Hot Magenta“ is the name of an
extraordinary and popular colour
developed especially for the new
Ford Fiesta. This shimmering
purple-blue shade features a
particular freshness and brilliance,
helped by a tinted clearcoat which
enhances the richness of the colour.
To give perfect colour accuracy for
repairs, a clearcoat containing a
special additive is sprayed after the
application of the basecoat. To help
Standox offers precise refinishing
instructions for this sophisticated
finish. Apart from providing the
required mixing formulations, the
instructions also explain the entire
refinishing process step by step.
Standox is one of Europe’s leading
manufacturers of automotive
refinishing paints. With their
headquarters in Wuppertal,
Germany, the company offers
innovative and environmentally
compatible product systems
worldwide. Standox seeks to build
long-term relationships with its
customers based on premium
product quality, and high levels of
practical support.
Approvals from all major
manufacturers reflect the
company’s position as a leading
partner to the automotive industry.
As such, the Standox brand gives
professional refinishers the
Paul Hannah and Doug Bentley
of Klarius flank Paul Payne of Denso
For more information:
low cost investment alternatives
that will generate good long term
returns. Globaljig Conversion
kits use a clever mix of new and
used parts to generate such
solutions. It’s an answer that
means less expenditure on new
ISSUE 61 2010
Klarius wins award for green innovation
industry as a whole and to help develop colour
palettes for the future. Thanks to its strong link with
DuPont OEM paint division, DuPont Refinish is
able to develop new refinish paint colours quickly
to match the latest OEM colours.”
The report highlights the fact that cultural, societal
and demographic influences can shift regional
trends over time with colour preferences changing
from year to year because of a variety of factors
including the types of vehicles introduced, reduced
vehicle size, consumer tastes and even the
The DuPont Global Automotive Colour Popularity
Report is the industry’s only report to
include detailed information on the automotive
markets in a variety of countries and regions
Jig conversions on the increase
Tri-Sphere is making conversion
to Globaljig Systems easier
by supplying an increasing
amount of refurbished equipment
to bodyshop managers.
“The recent downturn has left
bodyshop managers looking for
reassurance of perfect results
every time.
For more information:
The 2010 Car and Accessory
Trader (CAT) Industry Award
for ‘Green Innovation’, voted for
by the independent automotive
aftermarket, has been won by
Klarius. The Klarius campaign
to turn ‘British racing green’ was
spearheaded by a combination
of the UK R&D centre and the
extremely pro-active UK sales
team developing a racing catalytic
converter for road car based race
Eight awards were up for grabs,
CAT readers - and motorists
- voted for the people and
companies who made the biggest
contribution to the industry and /
or helped business to flourish.
Some 100 people attended the
lunch ceremony, along with guest
speakers and industry personalities
on Friday, January 22 at the
Lensbury Hotel in Teddington,
where the winners were
Doug Bentley, the Head of the
Klarius UK R&D Centre, received
the award on behalf of Klarius. “I’d
like to thank everyone who voted
for us, we are really pleased to
gain the industry recognition for our
green initiatives. The design for the
race series catalytic converter was
based on our road car technology,
but improving the efficiency and the
gas flow through the catalyst matrix
in order to keep emissions low, but
the power high.”
Paul Hannah, Business
Development Director for the
Klarius Group, added: “Winning
the award is a great boost to all the
people at Klarius who are working
towards improved efficiency and
better product performance. I
hope it also adds weight to the
still ongoing issue of the huge
reductions in pollution that would
be possible if the UK aftermarket
only used fuel efficient, fully typeapproved exhausts, as they do in
the rest of Europe.”
Klarius, manufacturers over 2
million replacement exhausts
and catalytic converters per
year in its UK factories, and also
sponsors motorsport events such
the Ma5da Racing, Mazda MX5
Championship, and the BTRDA
UK rally series. Klarius also
manufactures exhaust systems
and CATs for road car based race
series, so the link between the
commercial world and the racing
world is a very real one for the
The Klarius racing CAT which is
available to all road car based race
series dramatically reduces harmful
emissions without adversely
affecting the performance of a race
car. Unlike road cars, racing cars
are not required by law to have a
catalytic converter fitted; Most CATs
will reduce a cars power which is
unsuitable for racing. With the new
racing CATs Klarius is hoping to
prove that Britain can lead the way
in green gracing.
The racing catalytic converter
for the Mazda MX5 has been
developed to work with a
customised exhaust system that
Klarius has also designed for
use by the Mazda MX5 racing
championship. The CATs and
exhausts draw on the design
and manufacture expertise of the
mass produced products from
Klarius aftermarket replacement
products that are designed to
match or exceed the quality
and performance of the original
equipment (OE) manufacturer’s
Both the commercial road car
and the ‘racing green’ CATs
and exhausts from Klarius are
constructed using light weight
and highly corrosion resistant
materials and could be used for a
host of other road car based racing
vehicles. Anyone interested in
talking to Klarius about developing
a unit for another model or car can
contact the UK sales team directly.
For more information:
Business booms for exhaust experts
The recent Autosport International Show at
the NEC in Birmingham turned out to be an
event of both exhilaration and frustration for
performance experts Janspeed.
The Salisbury-based specialist had a full team
of engineers and consultants on their stand in
the trade section of the show and orders are
now coming in as a result.
“It’s really frustrating doing what we do
because much of it is secret and we can
never talk about it,” said Janspeed Managing
Director Mark Vaughan.
“There were cars and performance mods at
the show which everyone marvelled at and
I had to do my ‘divorced Dad’ bit and stand
at the back looking proud while being really
pleased at what our creations are achieving for
our clients.
“One of the problems facing the tuning and
aftermarket industry, and manufacturers who
offer things like modified exhausts for their
cars to increase performance, is that tighter
German regulations make it very difficult to
take non-standard cars to places like the
Nurburgring to put them through their paces.
“The German authorities are now being quite
strict, I’m told, which is causing owners to
think twice about taking their cars to the
circuit. As a result, we are working hard to gain
TUV approval for our parts and this will allow
owners to once more take full pleasure from
their cars.”
Janspeed’s engineering and commercial team
had lengthy discussions during Autosport
International regarding OEM, sports and aftermarket exhaust systems from manifolds and
after-treatment right through to silencer design,
development, validation and manufacture.
Since the show, the discussions have been
taking shape as orders for development work
on existing and new models.
“We displayed a number of recent projects,
cementing our ability to offer a full service
supplier approach to exhaust system projects
with an engineering-led approach that delivers
projects to manufacture from initial concept,”
added Vaughan.
“Cost and lead-time in the manufacture of
prototype parts can be dramatically reduced
as we are able to carry out design and
development using CAD and CAE tools for
exhausts and engine modifications such as
cylinder head development.
“While much of what we create is secret,
people visiting our stand somehow were able
to tell us what we had been doing. It’s fair to
say they could hear some of it in the live arena
“The result is that our business is now getting
a great performance boost of its own to
accelerate us away from the recession.”
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
Dave McKinnon
New Business Development Executive
Fuel Parts UK, a leading supplier
of premium fuel and emissions
components, have made a new
addition to its field sales team after
appointing David McKinnon as their
representative for the Scottish and
Northern England regions.
David has worked over 30 years in
the motor trade. His experience has
included seven years as a mechanic
and 23 years in the aftermarket,
covering a wide range of products,
everything from steering and
suspension, performance parts, paint
to engine management components
and catalytic converters.
As the Fuel Parts representative
for the North - an area including
all counties from Cumbria to
Inverness-shire - McKinnon will
be responsible for dealing with the
company’s entire portfolio.
Fuel Parts Sales Director, John Lord,
said: “David’s knowledge of the
automotive aftermarket is second
to none. I’m sure his expertise
will enhance the confidence our
customers have in us and our
McKinnon is relishing the
challenge that his new role at
FPUK will bring and he cited the
strong relationship that he already
has with a number of Fuel Parts
customers as the foundations he is
planning to build on.
David commented “As the Scottish
and northern representative, my
targets are to increase business and
to enhance the service that I can give
to the customers. I’m planning to be
as flexible as I can to make
sure they get the best out of Fuel
Parts as a company and the
products that we offer.”
For more information:
01527 835555 or
Increased Cat and DPF Ranges
2010 looks set be another exciting year for all
involved with BM Catalysts. There have already
been additions to the range of diesel particulate
filters (DPF), now covering over 35 different
Demand for DPF continues to grow, and it’s
important to note that BM are encouraging
their distributors to keep stock of the items to
ensure the product is readily available, and
not something that is only on offer from a main
dealer. The next couple of months will also
see the introduction of over 150 new approved
parts. BM Catalysts continue to invest heavily
in the approval to ensure they maintain the
market’s demand for the product. To keep up
to date with all product releases, developments
and news, you can now follow BM Catalysts on
Twitter, or keep an eye on the website blog.
For more information:
Performance exhaust for Corsa
Piper Exhausts have just released
a full three inch (76.2mm) turbo
back performance exhaust system
for the Vauxhall Corsa VXR and
Opel Corsa OPC.
The system has been designed
in conjunction with specialist
Vauxhall tuners, Courtenay Sport
and developed at Piper’s state of
the art research and design centre
at Folkestone, using their new
flow testing equipment. Fitted with
a sports cat this system produced
a whopping 18 bhp improvement
when tested on Courtenay’s
rolling road All the components
are made from T304 aircraft
quality stainless steel throughout
and feature a large 3” bore and
mandrel bent curves to maximise
gas flow.
The system is ideal for owners
wishing to further enhance the
car’s performance both for fast
road and trackday use.
It can be supplied with or without
a central silencer.
For more information:
01692 404060 or 01303 245300
ISSUE 61 2010
Strut your stuff
Many workshops today perhaps
believe that gas springs are still a
dealer-only product.
This is not the case, however, as
Lesjöfors produce a comprehensive
range of OE matching quality gas
springs and their current catalogue
features over 1000 part numbers,
complete with end fittings and
covering almost every European and
Asian vehicle. The aftermarket for
replacement gas springs is growing
year on year and because Lesjofors
are a full range manufacturer
they claim you will find the pricing
competitive when compared with the
main dealers.
A gas spring is made up of a tube
filled with pressurised nitrogen gas,
a little oil, a piston, piston rod, seal
and end fittings. The function of an
automotive gas spring is to support
the opening and closing of the
vehicle’s boot or bonnet. This aides
the elevation, holds the weight once
open and allows for a controlled
When the piston is pushed in
to the tube, the nitrogen gas is
compressed towards the bottom
of the chamber creating resistant
pressure. As soon as the energy
forcing the piston inside the tube
is released, for example when a
boot latch is opened, the nitrogen
expands, forcing the piston back
out of the chamber. This process
is reliant on the gas being able to
pass through small channels in the
piston during the stroke to allow it to
continue moving down the chamber
without a continual increase in force.
Gas springs are of course
manufactured with different forces
to accommodate the range of loads
depending, for example, on the
weight of the vehicle’s tailgate.
Lesjofors gas springs also use
‘hydraulic damping’ involving a
small amount of oil, slowing down
the speed of the stroke immediately
before reaching full extension. This
gives the movement a braking
character towards full extension.
Due to the high amount of constant
pressure within the chamber, gas
springs have a maximum life span,
shortened by the regular movement
of the piston and exposure to the
elements. Lesjofors springs are
designed to have a maximum
pressure degradation of just 10%
after a massive 40,000 cycles in
ideal conditions.
However, there are several external
factors which can cause a gas
spring to fail. Dirt and other
outside particles can build up on
the piston rod while extended, which
are then mixed with
the nitrogen
and lubricating
oil once
leading to slight
defects in the
chamber seal.
Once the seal has
become worn or
damaged, nitrogen
and oil are allowed to
escape, reducing the
force of the spring and
resulting eventually in
complete failure.
Additionally, it should
be remembered that
since the end seals are
made from rubber, they will
naturally age and degrade
over time. Lesjofors therefore
recommends that stockists
operate a ‘first in, first out’
The gas spring aftermarket is
growing steadily, as more and
more new vehicles are fitted
with bonnet struts as standard,
in addition to boot struts. Like coil
springs, gas springs should always
be replaced in pairs, as degradation
occurs at the same rate across
both. Replacing just one spring
can significantly reduce the life
expectancy of the other, and cause
a possible safety risk as the boot
or bonnet may not be supported
All Lesjofors gas springs are
supplied from stock, with availability
consistently over 98% and a
nationwide distribution network
ensuring the shortest possible
delivery times. The company say
that it is no surprise that many of
Europe’s most respected spare
parts distributors choose Lesjofors
as their complete spring supplier.
For more information:
ISSUE 61 2010
Quality issue
Due to the design complexities of this ball joint,
and the unique way in which it locates into the
swivel hub, First Line insists on supplying only
an original equipment sourced component for
this application.
The ‘fingers’ on a First Line / OE joint (A)
incorporate a locating mechanism into the
design, so that when the component is fitted
correctly, it ‘clicks’ into place for an exact fit
and to ensure true alignment. This joint also
Major developments in steering and suspension
For more information:
01869 248484 or
kits, protection kits - incorporating
dust cover and bump-stops - and a
plethora of shock absorbers.
Callum Goodland, Operations
Director for Universal Automotive
said: “The ability to provide our
factor customers with a top of the
range suspension brand, that is also
a trusted OEM/S supplier, allows
them to compete strongly in a
tough market. When considering
the automotive suspension sector,
the reputation of the Monroe name
among the trade is second-to-none
and public awareness of the brand
is high.”
In early 2010, Universal
Automotive is running a special
promotion on Monroe shocks
and springs. Factors purchasing
these products will earn points
that can be redeemed against a
choice of replica model cars. The
options include: Aston Martin,
Bugatti, Ferrari, Lamborghini and
Supplementing Monroe is the
VECO range of matching OE
quality steering and suspension
products. The comprehensive
range of suspension arms, ball
joints and track-rod ends totals
more than 4500 references and
covers 98% of the UK car parc.
For more information:
01562 512512 or
Expanded suspension mounting kit range
KYB Europe have launched a comprehensive
extension to their existing range of suspension
mounting kits, more than doubling the number
of vehicles covered.
ISSUE 61 2010
contains an OE bearing and seal.
A non-OE type joint (B) does not have the
locating mechanism and therefore it is possible
that it can be fitted incorrectly which could lead
to premature failure.
The bearing and seal on this type of joint are
also not of OES manufacture.
Smooth operator
Universal Automotive are the
primary distributor for Monroe
throughout the UK and Eire. The
Monroe range includes; coil springs,
hydro-pneumatic spheres, mounting
The range has grown from 152 to 334 part
numbers and importantly now includes rear
applications as well as those for the front of
the vehicle. These additional part numbers
cover over 450 vehicle applications.
Suspension mounting kits improve the link
between the shock absorber and the chassis.
They improve handling and control and
increase the life of the shock absorber and
other suspension components. Manufacturers
recommend they should be replaced at the
same time as shock absorbers.
Mike Howarth, Managing Director of
KYB Western Europe, commented:
“This investment in extending our range
demonstrates our continuing commitment to
strengthen the complete suspension package
that we offer to our customers.”
Better known as a global leader in OE and
aftermarket shock absorber manufacturing,
KYB also supplies other suspension
components including coil springs,
suspension mounting kits and protection kits.
KYB is the world’s largest supplier of shock
absorbers to vehicle manufacturers, with
more than one in four cars leaving production
lines worldwide fitted with KYB as standard.
For more information:
Steering and suspension have
been a major growth area for FAI
Automotive PLC in recent years and
2010 is set to be an important year
for further product development.
The company is in the middle
of publishing a new selection
of catalogues, which reflect the
expanding ranges across its FAI
Auto Parts offer and nowhere is this
more relevant than in steering and
At the beginning of the year, FAI Auto
Parts’ new Coil Spring Catalogue
was launched containing the latest
additions to its range of popular
spring references, as the FAI Coil
Spring offer continues to expand.
Also, from April 2010, FAI’s entire coil
spring range will also be available on
the TecDoc system.
In March, the company will publish a
major supplement to FAI Auto Parts’
existing steering and suspension
catalogue. The new publication
details more than 250 new steering
and suspension parts which cover
more than 1000 applications,
bringing the total number of parts in
FAI’s range to more than 3750.
Included in the additions to the
range are a number of parts from
particularly recent models that FAI
proudly believes are not available
through any other quality aftermarket
brand. Of these FAI has identified
five key part numbers that will make
a particular impact.
These are the left hand and right
hand side wishbones for the ’07
Peugeot 308, ’06 Fiat Ducato and
the ’08 Ford Fiesta, as well as tie
rods ends for the same model Fiesta
and link rods for the 2006 Mercedes
FAI have also recruited Gary
Hammond from First Line, as
Product Development Manager for
their steering and suspension range.
Gary has been examining trends in
the steering and suspension sector
and has identified various factors that
have had an effect on the market, in
recent times.
Sales of wishbones and track control
arms have remained steady but
notably, over the last year, there
has been an increase in demand
for tie rod ends and stabiliser links.
Some common examples are the
1999-2005 Rover 25; the Renault
Laguna from 2000 onwards; the
1993-1996 GM Corsa; 1998-2004
Ford Focus; 1998 -2004 GM Astra
and 1993-2002 Peugeot 306.
There has also been a higher
demand for link rods for the
1997- 2002 Toyota Hi-Lux and
Hi-Ace, as well as for ball joints for
the (1998-onwards) Nissan D22.
The ball joints for the LTI TX1 taxi
(‘92 onwards) have also become
significant sellers in the UK market.
The cold snap experienced in the last
two years has also had a noticeable
impact on steering and suspension
sales because:
•rubber in wishbones and bushes has deteriorated due
to the salt and chemical
solutions used to clear roads
of ice and snow. This deterioration has been causing
a notable increase in
component failure - particularly
with bushes.
•cars have been kerbed more
frequently due to icy, slippery
roads. This has caused a
notable increase in damaged
steering parts - tie rod ends and steering rack ends, as well
as in suspension parts such
as ball joints, link rods and
•there has been a general
Increase in the level of crash
repairs being carried out, due
to the higher levels of accidents
in the poor driving conditions
caused by the bad weather.
For more information:
08708391800 or
ISSUE 61 2010
One-millionth ball screw drive
Precision bearings and automotive
components supplier the
Schaeffler Group have reached
an important milestone after
the Company produced its
one-millionth ball screw drive
for electromechanical steering
Manufactured at the
Herzogenaurach plant in Germany
since 2007, Schaeffler’s energy
efficient ball screw drive is being
utilised on the electromechanical
steering system for the Volkswagen
Tiguan. Schaeffler supplies the ball
screw drive to Volkswagen, as well
as a toothed rack, which is partly
designed as a spindle on which the
drive is located. Ball screw drives
are used to transform rotary motion
into linear motion through a direct
coupling between the drive element
and the output element. In the
Tiguan, the ball nut is driven by a
servomotor, which is linked to the
ball screw drive via a belt.
These low friction, low noise ball
screw drives play an important role
in helping to improve a vehicle’s
fuel consumption and reduce CO2
emissions. As well as offering the
driver optimised handling, the latest
electromechanical steering systems
can also reduce fuel consumption
by as much as 3% compared to
conventional hydraulic steering
A key advantage of an
electromechanical steering system
over a hydraulic one is that the
servomotors require energy only
when specific steering manoeuvres
are carried out, whilst hydraulic
pumps need to maintain hydraulic
pressure at all times, therefore
demanding more energy. This
means that pumps and feeds
are no longer required on an
electromechanical system, which
reduces the space required for
operating the steering system.
Other customers of Schaeffler’s
first one million ball screw drives
include automotive supplier TRW.
The ball screw drives are not only
used in Europe, but also on
vehicles manufactured in the US by
Volkswagen, Ford and BMW. The
aerospace sector is another major
user of high precision ball screw
drives, which are often found in an
aircraft’s tail steering system.
For more information
Increased parts offering
2010 sees the introduction of the long awaited
Conversion Kit (QKT5020AF) for Mercedes
Sprinters now available from Quinton Hazell,
with a variety of other products for the
European and Japanese vehicle parc now
Steering products on offer now include ball
joints for Hyundai i30, Iveco Daily, Jaguar
XJ8 and Kia Cee’d. Rack ends for Volvo 850
and C70, stabiliser links for Chrysler Voyager,
Kia Picanto and Mercedes 216 and 221, a
suspension arm for Volvo C70, front suspension
Professional lowering spring kits
Essex Racing have added the
Ford Focus MK1/2 1998-2004
(excl Estate) to their Professional
Lowering Springs range.
The springs are designed for
fast road and track day use, with
a slightly higher compression
rate to allow faster cornering
while maintaining stability. The
Professional range of suspension
springs are made from Silicone
Chrome Steel and give a slightly
harder ride than Essex Racing
standard lowering springs.
The kit will lower the ride height
by approximately 40mm on most
Focus models.
Essex Racing Professional
Suspension Springs carry full
German TüV standard certification.
Essex Racing springs are forged
using the ‘cold-drawn’ method
to maintain the springs’ tensile
strength. Following the forging
process, a temperature controlled
oil based treatment is applied
to the spring to ensure that the
required hardness and tension is
reached, thus giving full operational
effectiveness throughout the
springs’ entire lifecycle.
The SiCr steel is initially treated
with Zinc-Phosphate, and finished
in a red Epoxy Resin to provide
effective protection of the spring.
The production process is fully
automated to enable a high degree
of consistency in the end product.
The ride will feel firmer and more
responsive, especially through
corners - giving the more feedback
through the steering. Existing
factory shock absorbers can be
used with these springs.
For more information:
0870 8508016 or
Arms for Audi A6, A8, Range Rover Sport, VW
Phaeton and a variety of Mercedes LCV’s.
Outer Tie Rod Ends for Hyundai i30, Kai Cee’d,
Peugeot 407 and Boxers complete the steering
One Water Pump this month is new into the
range, which fits Land Rover Discovery and
Range Rover, while the VW Passat and Tiguan
can benefit from a suspension arm bush.
For more information: