June-July 2015 - Our Savior`s Lutheran Church


June-July 2015 - Our Savior`s Lutheran Church
W omen of the
E vangelical
L utheran
C hurch in
A merica
Rachel Circle meeting for lunch June 4, 2015,
11:00 AM, meet at church. No meeting in July or
Rebekah Circle No meeting in June, July, or
Worship with Our Bishop
Sunday, June 21, 2015
9:00 AM
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Mission Statement
Using God’s Word as a foundation, Our
Savior’s Lutheran shall, through
meaningful worship, study, prayer and
mission outreach, provide a Christcentered atmosphere of enthusiasm,
support, sensitivity and openness to all
Bishop Steven Delzer will update us on the
work of our synod and preach at our regular
worship service.
God’s people find a place of belonging,
God’s people devoted to seek God’s purposes,
God’s people committed to compassionate caring.
Bishop Delzer was installed as Bishop of the
Southeastern Minnesota Synod in 2013. He
and his wife Donita have 3 adult children and 5
grandchildren. Prior to his role as Bishop,
Bishop Delzer served in congregations in
Maryland, Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota. In
his spare time, he enjoys running, biking,
tennis, skiing, reading, and Minnesota Gopher
Football! The synod-wide "Enough Food for All"
initiative is very close to Bishop Delzer's heart.
Didn’t make it to church this week? Watch a
recording, of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
service, at the Spring Valley Senior Living: 3:00
PM on Mondays or on KING4 local cable
access: 8:00 PM Thursdays & Fridays, and
2:30 PM on the following Sunday.
Welcome to OSL, Bishop Delzer!
Do you have any interesting stories,
anecdotes, or upcoming notices? This is
your newsletter also. Send your information to
Renee via email at
[email protected], bring it in to the
office, or mail it to the church address. Thank
The wild, wacky world of the
interim period
We're in the interim--the time between pastors.
And it is definitely a crazy time for OSL But
also, hopefully, it is time of joy and deepening
trust is our Lord. God has blessed worshipping
Lutherans (German and Norwegian) in Spring
Valley for over 150 years. Remember Psalm
121: "The Lord will not let your foot slip; he who
watches over you... will neither slumber nor
Here's what's happening:
1. Going with what many say is my
strongest suit, I continue to demonstrate
how little new pastors know when they
enter a community. This will be the
same for the incoming permanent
pastor. But we will be ready for him or
her and make the transition as smooth
as possible! Communication is the key.
We have already started monthly staff
and executive committee meetings.
Ministry teams are also scheduling
meetings so the pastor can attend.
These practices may not be needed
once the new pastor settles in. But they
may be a big help for the new pastor as
he or she gets acquainted with the
people and work of the church. Along
the same lines, we will be updating job
descriptions and personnel procedures
over the next few months to ensure an
easy transition time for all the OSL staff.
2. Pastor Betsy Dartt has joined the staff at
one third time. As King Solomon (Israel's
wisest king) says, "Two are better than
one, because they have good return for
their labor (Eccl. 4:9)." Her focus is
visitation, family care at end of life and
Saturday worship. We don't completely
understand what the staffing needs of
OSL will be for the long term. However,
it is quite clear that the things Pastor
Betsy will be focusing on are extremely
important areas of ministry for
our congregation. With her help we will
keep these areas of ministry strong
throughout the interim time and beyond.
Welcome and God Bless your time here,
Pastor Betsy.
3. “Worship the Lord in gladness, come
before God with joyful songs…give
thanks to the Lord and praise God’s
name. (Ps. 100).” As a general rule,
interim pastors do not change worship.
But, this summer, sure enough, we are
going to change worship. The worship
staff, worship commission and I have
been trying to listen to those in the pews
in order to make our worship a
meaningful time of drawing close to
God. The word we have received is the
addition of more liturgical music and the
consistent use of confession and
forgiveness would be helpful in
furthering the worship experience. So,
we will be moving worship in that
direction over the next few weeks. Your
input is very important. Please contact a
member of the worship commission,
worship staff, or me with any comments
(positive or negative).
4. Speaking of input, our council is
expecting to appoint a transition team at
our June meeting. The main work of this
group will be to fill out the Ministry Site
Profile; the forms that describe our
congregation and the gifts we would like
to see in a pastor. The task force’s first
job will be to determine what information
it needs and how that information should
be ascertained (e.g. written survey, town
meeting, small groups, etc.). There will
be several opportunities to provide
input. And the team will need all it can
get! So please participate when the time
arises. Remember the proverb: “The
plans of the diligent lead to profit.”
(Proverbs 21:5)
Our Lord is “compassionate and gracious, slow
to anger and abounding in love (Psalm 103).
Let us rejoice this summer in the love of our
Lord even during the crazy time between
pastors. Let us commit OSL to God’s care and
Pastor Jim
If anyone is not receiving the newsletter or
notifications from the church, either by mail,
email, Facebook, or website, please let
Renee in the office know and we will get
your information updated. Thank you.
Fun in the Son Hog Roast
Sunday, June 14, 2015
9:00 AM VBS worship service
10:00 AM-11:00 AM Activities/Games for
11:00 AM-1:00 PM Meal Served
Carry outs available
Delivery to shut-ins available
Menu: *Roast pork, Pork burgers,
Baked beans, Chips, Watermelon,
Carrots/Celery, Bars, Beverages
Watch for sign-up sheets in the Narthex
for food donations and workers.
Free will offering: Suggested
donation of $8.00 for adults and
$4.00 for children.
A big thank you to
Elliott Grandall and
the Senior Choir
and Gina Jahn and
the Children's Choir
for all their work on
the "Jesus Loves Me" anthem given in memory
of our parents, Don and Isabel Larson. It was
beautiful! Debby Groth, Lynette Oftedahl and
the Larson family.
The Youth Commission selected Helen
House as the recipient of The Friend of Youth
Award on Sunday, May 10, 2015. Helen has
been a huge supporter of the youth program
for years. Her dedication, donations, and love
of the youth is greatly appreciated! Thank you,
The 8th grade Confirmation students
will be spending their first week of
summer at Good Earth Village for
Confirmation Camp, June 7-12. Please
pray for their time together and
Proceeds to support Our Savior’s Youth
Ministry Programming.
“God’s work.
Our hands.”
Save the Date!
September 13,
Kendall Drury-DeBoer
Nora Jahn
Hunter Jorgenson
Jennifer Knutson
Reid Kruegel
Renee Lechner
Joshua Warren
Jacob Welch
Zach Queensland
The Newsletter deadline is the 17th of each
month. Any articles or memorials received after
this date will show up in the following month’s
To the OSL family:
Congratulations!! To the
recipients of this year’s Our Savior’s
Scholarship: Hannah Pruter, Rachel
Harder, Amy Welch, and Marcus Plaehn.
To Our Church Family,
We thank each &
every one of you for
the beautiful cards,
money, phone calls,
well wishes, &
donations to the church
in honor of our 50th. We are so lucky to have a
community of friends in the church & outside.
God Bless Each & Everyone,
Boyd & Bonnie Grabau
Many, many thanks for your
very generous offering to
help us rebuild after our
barn fire. We are grateful
for each one of you and
your care and concern over
the last few months. Clean up is going very
well. One building that was partially damaged
has already been repaired. Our plan is to build
a pole shed which will house equipment in
place of the dairy barn. Also, we hope to add a
portable cow/calf shelter that we will be able to
move with the cattle to their winter paddocks.
We are currently on the "list" with our
contractors. The building should go up later this
summer. We give thanks to our Lord for his
gracious hand through the entire ordeal. We
also thank him for our new Christian friends in
Spring Valley. May God grant you a blessed
Jim, Tara, Annie, Fred and Christina Scaife
P.S. You may have noticed my coat in the early
morning news cast. We've received a lot of
duct tape from friends and family. With this new
duct tape that coat ought to last another 5
Please note!
Please remember to have family notify the
church office if you are in the hospital. The
privacy data laws do not allow the hospital to
notify the church of your admittance.
Like us on Facebook
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Spring
Valley, MN
Congratulations to our High
School Students who will be
participating in Graduation
Ceremonies on June 5, 2015:
Rachel Harder, Nicholas Niemeyer, Marcus
Plaehn, Hannah Pruter, Trevor Schwarz, Haley
Schwinefus, and Amy Welch.
The Spring Valley Area Food Shelf is in need
of “kid friendly” food items over the summer.
Canned meals like Spaghettios, Ravioli,
Lasagna, Chicken noodle soups, peanut butter,
and also small laundry detergent and shampoo
would be greatly appreciated. Fresh produce
(apples, bananas etc.) should be brought
directly to the Food Shelf. Your donations are
a blessing to us.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee
Service http://lirs.org/
We are a church that does God’s work in
the world and in local communities
pursuing justice, peace and human
dignity for and with all people.
In partnership with Lutheran
congregations and Lutheran social
ministry organizations, Lutheran
Immigration and Refugee Service has
welcomed more than 379,000 refugees
to the United States since 1939. This
ongoing partnership and work is driven
by God’s love for all people and a vision
for congregations to be welcoming and
generous centers for mission and
The work of the ELCA through Lutheran
Immigration and Refugee Service
includes responding to people caught in
conflict and facing persecution,
advocating for their needs and interests,
helping people access resources for basic
human needs, working with foster care
programs for minors, legal assistance,
developing new and innovative service
programs and partnerships, and much
more. Join us in this courageous work of
serving and loving our neighbors in the
name of Jesus Christ.
Since the influx of orphan children began
to cross our border into Texas, the LIRS
has provided 500 children per month
with food, medicine and safe shelter. On
a more local issue, the LIRS and Catholic
Charities were the primary caregivers
during the crisis that resulted for families
during the raid on the packing plants in
Postville IA in 2008. The LIRS has also
been the chief organization working in
refugee camps that ultimately resulted in
the immigration of South Sudanese to
southeaster Minnesota and the six
Sudanese worshipping communities in
our synod.
Summer Worship Service Schedule
Continuing through September 6, 2015 (Labor
Day weekend), the Sunday Worship schedule
will be one service at 9:00 AM. The Saturday
service will continue to be at 5:30 PM.
Savior’s Lutheran Church Endowment Fund
was established in 1995 to enhance the
mission outreach of our Church apart from the
general operation of the congregation. The
Endowment Fund is overseen by a committee
of OSL members and only a percentage of
money earned above the principle can be
used. A large portion of the Funding has come
from estate bequests. The Fund is under
management of investment representative
Debby Fugleberg at Home Federal Investment
Services. If you are interested in including this
Fund in your Estate Planning or ongoing
support to our congregation please contact
Debby for an appointment.
Good Earth Village Women’s Day 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Save the Date!
This is a chance to renew your light to
shine in the world! Speakers,
workshops, lunch, and time to enjoy the
beauty of Good Earth will fill the day.
Keynote Speaker & Workshop Leader:
Pam Avaux
Workshop Leader & Worship Leader:
Kristen Fryer
Register on-line at
Readings for June & July
June 6-7–Time after Pentecost-Lectionary 10
1st Reading: Genesis 3:8-15 or 1 Samuel 8:1-20
Psalm: Psalm 130 or Psalm 138
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13--5:1
Gospel: Mark 3:20-35
June 13-14–Time after Pentecost-Lectionary 11
1st Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 or 1 Samuel 15:7-23
Psalm: Psalm 92:1-4, 12-158 or Psalm 20
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 [11-13] 14-17
Gospel: Mark 4:26-34
June 20-21–Time after Pentecost-Lectionary 12
1st Reading: Job 38:1-11 or 1 Samuel 17:32-49
Psalm: Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32 or Psalm 9:9-20
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Gospel: Mark 4:35-41
June 27-28–Time after Pentecost-Lectionary 13
1st Reading: Lamentations 3:22-33
Psalm: Psalm 30
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Gospel: Mark 5:21-43
July 4-5 – Time after Pentecost-Lectionary 14
1st Reading: Ezekiel 2:1-5
Psalm: Psalm 123
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10
Gospel: Mark 6:1-13
July 11-12 –Time after Pentecost-Lectionary 15
1st Reading: Amos 7:7-15
Psalm: Psalm 85:8-13
2nd Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Gospel: Mark 6:14-29
July 18-19 –Time after Pentecost-Lectionary 16
1st Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalm: Psalm 23
2nd Reading: Ephesians 2:11-22
Gospel: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
July 25-26 –Time after Pentecost-Lectionary 17
1st Reading: 2 Kings 4:42-44
Psalm: Psalm 145:10-18
2nd Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21
Gospel: John 6:1-21
Scriptures subject to change.
OSL Youth Cookbooks are
Pick yours up for
graduation gifts! Limited
amount - they will be on
sale between services all through May
and June! You may also pick one up
during office hours from Renee .
Orders are in!! Make sure to
stop at the table to get
yours! Also, we have new $10
cards for your gift giving
needs! Thanks for all your
support this year. Come and see us this
summer for Sunshine cards and to see our
selection! Next order in August!
Vacation Bible
School 2015
Sunday, June 7th
through Thursday,
June 11th. A light
meal will be served
from 5:30 p.m. to
6:00 p.m. with VBS
starting at 6 p.m. and
ending at 8:15 p.m.
sharp. If you can volunteer, please send an e-mail
to [email protected] , leave word with the
church office, or sign up on the easel out in the
Narthex. Thank you.
The following youth and adults will be
heading to Detroit, MI for the 2015
ELCA Youth Gathering, July 14-20.
Please pray for our safe journey and that
God will open our eyes and heart to the
people and service throughout our week.
We thank you for your support throughout the year that
makes these trips possible!
Eaen O’Bryne, Maddie O’Bryne, Trevor Schwarz, Nick
Niemeyer, Marcus Plaehn, Scott Lechner, Brayden
Oeltjen, Kellyn Webster, Karson Reiland, Alyx Rath,
Sophia Johnson, Gracie Schmidt, Kiara Reichstadt, Josie
Bellrichard, McKayla Schwarz, Rachel Harder, Ann
Oeltjen, Nicky Schmidt, Nicole Pokorney
church and office are open
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to
3:30 PM and during
worship services on the
weekends. If you require
access, outside of these times, and know
ahead of time, please contact Renee during
the weekday office hours, at 507-346-7251 or
email her at [email protected]. You
may also attempt to contact anyone on the list,
posted on the back door, under the carport,
for access when the office is closed. Please
know, however, that these contacts may not be
available on short notice, if at all.
The monthly communion at the Spring Valley
Care Center & Estates will be at 10:00 AM
and the communion at the Hillside Homes will
be at 10:40 AM. The times may change in the
Caring & Concerns for those in Special Care
Spring Valley Senior Living:
Margaret Breitbarth
June Freeman
Floyd Hafner
Arlene Kappers
Martha Pearson
Arlyne Seaton
Spring Valley Senior Living-Evergreens:
Fran Burmeister
Wilma Esklund
Adah Fowler
Dorothy Hafner
Eudoris Hagen
Charlene Lenz
Mick & Irma Rathbun
Melvin Schmidt
Ostrander Care & Rehab:
Ruth Ness
Ada Peterson
The Business & Stewardship Ministry
Team would like to provide you with an
update on the church operating budget
financial position.
Through April 2015, YTD offerings/income
equaled $101,203.00. This compares to April
2014 YTD of $101,743.00.
Expenses YTD April 2015 are $91,084.00
versus $110,664.00 through April 2014.
This is an encouraging status and shows this
congregation’s commitment to our ministry
during our transition period. We anticipate an
increase in monthly expenses ratio versus
income in the coming months, and appreciate
and look forward to your continuous
Ostrander Senior Living:
Clifford & Georgine Davis
Good Shepherd, Rushford:
Anita Anderson
Cottagewood, Rochester:
Richard Oeltjen
Fairview Seminary, Red Wing:
Donna Cooper
Country Side Senior Living, Owatonna:
Pastor E. C. Franke
Calista Court, Winona:
Bernice Ostern
Known to have been hospitalized in May:
Violet Fimon
Kelvin Niemeyer
Cliff Davis
Nevin Stender
Paul Frank
W omen of the
E vangelical
L utheran
C hurch in
A merica
OSL Hosts Bloodmobile June 22, 2015.
Posters with details up soon.
Bakeless Sale Envelopes will be available
Cards/Napkins Available in the Narthex.
Watch for items needed for LWR KITS:
posted through-out the summer.
Sue Skifter, Education
[email protected]
A note from the desk of Sue
Skifter, Education Minister…
VBS Reminder: Sunday June 7, 2015
through Thursday June 11, 2015,
from 6:00-8:15 PM, with a light
meal served at 5:30 PM, MondayThursday only. Please check out the
easel in the Narthex. We need many
hands to make VBS a reality this
year. Please consider signing up to
help for this fun-filled week.
Confirmation parent/student
meeting to be held at 6:45 PM,
Wednesday, September 2, 2015 (this
is for all 7th, 8th, & 9th grade
students). Please mark your
calendar. A reminder letter will be
sent home in August
What do all of these things have in
Come find out and join our Ed Coordinator
as we learn how prayer shapes believers.
Come learn to pray by doodling! Brown-bag
lunch session to be held after worship on
Sunday, July 26, 2015. Registration/cost (for
supplies) information will be available
starting June 7, 2015 and due no later than
July 12, 2015. This is for
men/women/boys/girls of all ages!
Stay tuned!
Sunday school staff needed for 2052016 program year. Our kick-off date
is Sunday, September 13, 2015 and
will include a fun morning for
Thank you!
God bless us all!
Mrs. Skifter
Jacob Joseph Mathison (6-11-2013)
Baptized on May 24, 2015
Son of Eric & Chelby Mathison
Sponsors: Rebecca Aarsvold, Scott Aarsvold, and Shannon Intorcia
Memorials and Honorariums
In memory of Lenora Hintze
Memorial Fund
In memory of Elsa Biel
Memorial Fund
In honor of Boyd & Bonnie Grabau’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
Faith Chests
In memory of Gene Lewis
Audio Loop
In memory of Carroll Henderson (Duane Hyland’s uncle)
Caring Ministries
*Dates to Remember*
June 5 – Kingsland Graduation
June 7 to 11 – Journey Off the Map Vacation Bible School
June 7 to 12 – Good Earth Village Confirmation Camp
June 14 – Fun in the Son Hog Roast/Council
June 21 – Father’s Day/Bishop Visiting
June 27 – Good Earth Village Women’s Day
July 3 – Office Closed
July 4 - Independence Day
July 12 – Brown-bag Session: Doodle-A-Prayer/Council
July 14 to 20 – ELCA Youth Gathering
July 21 – Church Night at the Fillmore County Fair
Lyle & Bonnie Kruegel
Lyle & Bonnie Kruegel
Clarice Clark
Shirley Gangstad
Duane & Annette Hyland
COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Sunday April 26, 2015
Contact Us
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
805 S Broadway Ave
Spring Valley, MN 55975
Ph 507-346-7251
Fax 507-346-7231
[email protected]
There was no
council meeting in
Pastor Jim Scaife
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pastor Betsy Dartt
[email protected]
Office Manager – Renee Ziebell
Bookkeeper – Kathy Merkel
Custodian – Toni Sanders
Education Minister – Sue Skifter
Music Coordinator – Elliott Grandall
Youth Minister – Nicole Pokorney
Office Hours: M-F 8:30 AM-3:30 PM
Worship Services
Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
805 S Broadway Ave
Spring Valley, MN 55975
Address Service Requested
June-July 2015
U.S. Postage
Spring Valley, MN
Permit #71
If you are unable to serve when scheduled, please find
a substitute and notify Renee with the change.
Worship Assistants –June 2015
June 7:
Acolytes - (9:00) Shelby Beck, Madison Himle
Altar Guild – Geraldine Williams
Bread Baker – Bev Jertson (1 loaf)
Communion - NO Sunday COMMUNION
Greeters - (9:00) Jim & Julie Halla
Scripture Readers - (9:00) Deby Bires
Videographer - Rick Jahn
June 14:
Acolytes - (9:00) Morgan Pickett, Treyton Pokorney
Altar Guild – Dawn Webster
Bread Baker - Ann Keim (1 loaf)
Communion - (9:00) Jerry Klevan, Colleen Marks,
Paul Vomhof
Greeters - (9:00) Kelvin & Linda Niemeyer
Scripture Readers - (9:00) Kathy Clark
Videographer – Dan Reiland
June 21: Father’s Day
Acolytes - (9:00) Megan Queensland, Zachary Queensland
Altar Guild - Ann Thon
Bread Baker - Clarice Clark (1 loaf)
Communion - NO Sunday COMMUNION
Greeters - (9:00) Sharon Jahn, Deby Bires
Scripture Readers - (9:00) Sherry Wendt
Videographer – Nora Jahn
June 28:
Acolytes - (9:00) Olivia Rasmussen, Kaden Rath
Altar Guild – Annette Hyland
Bread Baker - Joann Leutink (1 loaf)
Communion - (9:00) Penny Ness, Wendy Kauffmann,
Sherry Wendt
Greeters - (9:00) Deb & Jon Dahl
Scripture Readers - (9:00) Linda Niemeyer
Videographer - Dick Jahn
Meals on Wheels –
Week of June 1-5: Geraldine Williams, Son & Judy
Rose, Ken & Norma Northway
Week of June 29-July 3: Noreen Hebig, Mary Jo
Dathe, Don Oss, Ken & Norma Northway
Offering Counter – Joanne Vrieze
USHERS: (9:00) Larry Arneson*, Kenny Clark*,
Colin Pickett, Verlyn Johnson, Gordon King
Saturday Service: (5:30)
Scripture Readers: June 6 – Shirley Gangstad;
June 13 – Nancy Hagen; June 20 – Evelyn Clark;
June 27 – Mary Jo Dathe
Ushers: June 6 – Shirley Gangstad;
June 13 – Mary Jo Dathe; June 20 – Linda Kruegel;
June 27 – Arden & Marge Lenz
June Service Group
Organizers: Annette Hyland
The service group lists are of people in the congregation who are asked to bring items for special events
at the church. The lists have gone through some
changes to try to even out the lists with people who
can be available to respond in service. For a number
of reasons, there are people who are not included on
the lists (shut-in, live out of town, have indicated a
desire not to be contacted, etc.) Thank you to all the
people in Our Savior’s who live out their faith in
caring support of the ministries of the church.
Hyland, Duane
Johnson, Cindy
Johnson, Gary D.
Johnson, Gary & Linda
Johnson, Verlyn
Johnson, Wade & Grace
Jones, Bobby & Lori
Jones, Susan
Jones, Todd
Jorgensen, Todd & Val
Kappers, Barb
Kappers, Larry & Marilyn
Kaster, Gordon & Janel
Keim, Ann
Keim, Bob & Marcia
King, Gordon
Klevan, Jerry & LuAnn
Knode, Chad & Michelle
Knode, Steve & Glenda
Knutson, Duane & Gina
Knutson, Kermit & Joyce
Knutson, LaVonne
Koball, Connie
Kofoot, Pete & Jolene
Kohler, Theresa
Kohn, Carol J.
If you are unable to serve when scheduled, please find
a substitute and notify Renee with the change.
Worship Assistants –July 2015
July 5:
Acolytes - (9:00) Madison Reiland, Lacianne Skifter
Altar Guild – Wendy Kauffmann
Bread Baker – Ann Thon
Communion - NO COMMUNION
Greeters - (9:00) Jerry & LuAnn Klevan
Scripture Readers - (9:00) Zachary Queensland
Videographer – Brian Oakland
July 12:
Acolytes - (9:00) Isaac Simon, Thomas Warren
Altar Guild – Gladys Peterson
Bread Baker – Helen House (1 loaf)
Communion - (9:00) Ruth Lemke, Gina Jahn,
Ann Ihrke
Greeters - (9:00) Bob & Kathy Baarsch
Scripture Readers - (9:00) Nicole Pokorney
Videographer - Rick Jahn
July 19:
Acolytes - (9:00) Johanna Vrieze, Audrey Webster
Altar Guild – Eileen Rathbun
Bread Baker – Deb Dahl (1 loaf)
Communion - NO Sunday COMMUNION
Greeters - (9:00) Barb Kappers, Pat Pokorney
Scripture Readers - (9:00) LuAnn Klevan
Videographer – Dan Reiland
July 26:
Acolytes - (9:00) Ellie Archer, Kaycie Bellrichard
Altar Guild – Ann Thon
Bread Baker – Evie Apenhorst (1 loaf)
Communion - (9:00) Judy Frank, Helen House,
Ken Kujath
Greeters - (9:00) Dave & Lori Schlitter
Scripture Readers - (9:00) Kathy Baarsch
Videographer – Nora Jahn
Meals on Wheels –
Week of June 29-July 3: Noreen Hebig, Mary Jo
Dathe, Don Oss, Ken & Norma Northway
Week of July 27-31: Kay Nelson, Turby Marchant
Offering Counter – Judy Frank
USHERS: (9:00) Doug Plaehn*, Rick & Jan
Christianson*, Matt Fowler, Jay Webster
Saturday Service: (5:30)
Scripture Readers: July 4 – Linda Kruegel;
July 11 – Nancy Hagen; July 18 – Evelyn Clark;
July 25 – Mary Jo Dathe
Ushers: July 4 – Linda Kruegel; July 11 – Arden &
Marge Lenz; July 18 – Mary Jo Dathe; July 25 –
Shirley Gangstad
July Service Group
Organizers: Judy Rose
The service group lists are of people in the congregation who are asked to bring items for special events
at the church. The lists have gone through some
changes to try to even out the lists with people who
can be available to respond in service. For a number
of reasons, there are people who are not included on
the lists (shut-in, live out of town, have indicated a
desire not to be contacted, etc.) Thank you to all the
people in Our Savior’s who live out their faith in
caring support of the ministries of the church.
Bernard, Leo & Eleanor
Kohn, Brent & Sarah
Kohn, Ricky & Stacy
Kohn, Susie
Kolling, Aaron & Toni
Kolling, Matthew & Cheyanne
Kolling, Sue
Kosfeld, Laura
Kraut, Bruce & Jane
Kraut, Ken & Janell
Kruegel, Linda
Kruegel, Lyle & Bonnie
Kruegel, Todd
Kujath, Ken & Joan
Kunert, Bill & Sue
Lechner, Jon & Ann
Legreid, Steve & Myrna
Leibfried, Al & Vickie
Liebold, Dottie
Lemke, Ray & Ruth
Rose, Don