Cosmic Consciousness - Jenny Nurick Shekinah
Cosmic Consciousness - Jenny Nurick Shekinah
Cosmic Consciousness RE TRE AT WITH Shek i n ah 28th June to 5th July 2014 | Sri Sakthi Amma’s Ashram Peedam, India Shekinah will hold the group gently, as the divine plan for this retreat unfolds through Shakti Durga and Sri Narayani Amma, with a gentle blend of the Shanti Mission style meditation and purification lifted by Sri Narayani Amma’s deep meditation experiences and blessings. Expect there to be a flavour of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) and the tree of life as we “play” with experiencing this in our bodies. “My first trip to Sri Puram totally changed my life. I felt more connected, loved and guided than ever before. The energy in every Temple and ceremony blew my mind…literally….easily going beyond the mind into expanded consciousness on a daily basis. I wanted to go home, get my friends and family and bring them all straight back to meet Sri Narayani Amma.” –Shekinah “Changing the world starts with changing the self” –Sri Narayani Amma “Amma has created a really beautiful Ashram complex. The crowning jewel of the Ashram is the Golden Temple. It is literally covered in gold, the roof, the walls, the interior, the entire thing. It was awe inspiring, a Laxmi temple like no other I have ever seen. When we received our blessings there, the energy was so strong Shiva Kata Tjuta, who is usually pretty robust and used to strong energy, could not get up!” –Shakti Durga Please note: Numbers to this intimate intensive are limited to 20. To ensure your place please book today. For all retreat information, accommodation and inclusions visit: | e. [email protected] | t. 02 4977 3300 Shakti Durga AUSTRALIAN GURU