2009-10 Annual Report - Mental Health Partners
2009-10 Annual Report - Mental Health Partners
We are pleased to present the Annual Report for Mental Health Partners for fiscal year 2009-10. You may have noticed from the cover that our name has changed. Effective in December of 2010, the Board of Directors announced that our organization is now doing business as Mental Health Partners. The name Mental Health Partners reflects an identity that is clear and compelling in representing who we are. Partnership is a powerful concept that describes a core value of our organization and a strong guiding principle. It begins with our dedication to partnership with clients and families to support the goals of recovery, self-sufficiency and full participation in the community in a variety of roles. It extends to partnership with other health care and human services providers, with the criminal justice system, and with community and state funders to provide integrated services that reflect both excellence in outcomes and wise stewardship of resources. And, finally, the partnerships within our organization linking staff, teams and departments are absolutely essential to accomplishing our mission. As partners, supporters, and colleagues in our organization and the safety net system in Colorado, we hope you join us in our excitement as we move forward as Mental Health Partners with the opportunities and challenges facing all of us. Table of Contents: Mental Health Partners From the CEO and Chair, Board of Directors...................................................................................1 2009-2010 Board of Directors..........................................................................................................3 Programs and Services.......................................................................................................................3 Executive Committee........................................................................................................................2 Mental Health Partners: A Provider of Choice...................................................................................4 Peer Support Specialists.....................................................................................................................6 2010 Financial Report.......................................................................................................................7 2010 Demographics..........................................................................................................................8 Revenues...........................................................................................................................................8 The Mental Health Foundation From the Executive Director.............................................................................................................9 From the President..........................................................................................................................10 Income Statement...........................................................................................................................10 2009-2010 Foundation Board of Trustees.......................................................................................10 Generous Donations to Mental Health Partners and Foundation....................................11 Chinook Clubhouse. ..................................................................................................................15 Advisory Board and Staff.................................................................................................................15 Employment...................................................................................................................................16 Chinook Employer Partners............................................................................................................17 One Member’s Story.......................................................................................................................17 Financial Report..............................................................................................................................18 Generous Donations to Chinook Clubhouse...................................................................................19 From the CEO and Chair, Board of Directors Mental Health Partners has always been a special place to work because of the strength of our mission, the commitment and compassion of our staff, our Directors and our Trustees, and the unparalleled support of our community partners and stakeholders. As we have been in the midst of transforming Mental Health Partners over the past year, we have been more excited and privileged than ever to lead this organization. Five years ago we committed to a transformation process that would align our commitment to excellence, to access to mental health services for those who need them, and to partnership with other human service and safety net providers with a focus on efficiency and wise stewardship of resources. Our transformation efforts are guided by a belief in the capacity of each individual to recover from mental illness and to have a meaningful life in the community and by our recognition that evidence-based, best practices are the pathway to both excellence and efficiency. We are also addressing health disparities in the vulnerable populations in our community through our integrated health programs, bringing mental health care to community health centers and connecting our clients at Mental Health Partners to primary care providers, coordinating mental and physical health care in both settings and focusing on the whole person. We are working to bring physical health care into our offices to further ensure access to physical health care for our clients. In recognition of the 25 year reduced life expectancy for adults with serious mental illness, we have signed on to the national 10 by 10 Wellness Campaign committed to reducing this tragic disparity by 10 years in 10 years. We have seen too many of our clients die prematurely from preventable physical health problems. Over the past year, our staff and clients have been dedicated to evaluating, redesigning and implementing new services, roles and physical spaces that will support and empower our clients in recapturing hope and finding their path to recovery. We are working to consolidate our transformed adult recovery services in a new facility that will also house our expanded wellness services in a Wellness Education Center. Our vision for the Wellness Education Center is that it will provide wellness education and supports for the broader community of individuals and families that we serve, ensuring that our community has access to the skills that support mental health and wellness. Our thoughtfully designed facility, created with our redesigned services as a template, will enhance our ability to meet the growing need for mental health services in our community. We are confident that our community will look to it with pride. Each of our partners—our clients, our staff, our community, and you —plays a key role in our transformation and in the strength of our organization. Working together, we will accomplish great things. Sincerely, Dr. Barbara Ryan, Chief Executive Officer Thomas M. Williston, Chair, Board of Directors 2009-2010 Annual Report Dr. Barbara Ryan Thomas M. Williston Chief Executive Officer Chair, Board of Directors Our Mission Partnering to improve quality of life as a non-profit organization dedicated to mental health and wellness Our Vision Healthy Minds, Healthy Communities Our Core Values Client and Customer Centered Excellence Visionary Innovative Financially Responsible page 1 Programs and Services 2009-2010 Board of Directors Access, Emergency and Community Services Thomas M. Williston Chair Asssessment Central Screening Child Crisis Services Child Inpatient Services Disaster Response Coordination Early Childhood Services Kristin Johnson Past-Chair Chip Davis Treasurer Joan Martin Chair-Elect Jonathan Williamson Secretary Douglas D. Brown Charles Freedman Jane S. Porter-Cox Fred Smith Jim Vieth Community Integration and Rehabilitation Longmont Assertive Community Treatment Longmont Recovery Community Support Services Residential Services Chinook Clubhouse Geriatrics Services Mobile Treatment Team PACE-Partnership for Active Community Engagement WBS– WAT Business Services Outpatient and Family Intensive Services Adult Outpatient Services Boulder Valley Elementary and Adolescent Day Treatment Child, Adolescent and Family Outpatient Services Community Infant Program (CIP)/ Circulo de la Vida Familiar (Circulo) IMPACT Integrated Managed Partnership for Adolescent Community Treatment page 2 Emergency Psychiatric Service Inpatient Hospitalization Prevention/ Intervention Program MESA-Moving to End Sexual Assault Warner House Hospital Alternative Family Advocates Home-based Family Therapy School-based Services Youth Advocates REACH — Adolescent Sex Offender Services Mental Health Partners A new state-of-the-art facility: The Wellness Education Center in Longmont MHP is renovating an existing building to create a facility perfectly suited to the new Journeys Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program and the Wellness Education Program, opening in December 2010. Features include: • A large community room with a central fireplace that facilitates clients interacting and supporting one another, as well as working towards recovery with staff in an open environment free from stigma and judgment • Computer kiosks for clients to search for employment and housing opportunities, as well as information on their own treatment or illness • A large classroom that serves as a community education and wellness center offering workshops, meetings and classes • A yard providing a space for exercise and informal interaction • A community kitchen that helps to teach clients self-sufficiency and healthy living through cooking and nutrition classes • A community garden with large, raised planting beds for clients to learn how to grow and cultivate fresh fruits and vegetables • An outdoor ceremonial garden where clients and staff can reflect on hopes and goals and celebrate milestones in recovery. MHP is incorporating client feedback into the planning for the Journeys program and the design of the facility. The result will be a state-of-the-art facility that merges the best practices in mental health treatment with the best design practices in the industry. 2009-2010 Annual Report Executive Committee Dr. Barbara Ryan Chief Executive Officer Jeff Almony. M.D. Medical Director Janine D’Anniballe Director of Access, Emergency and Community Services Kitty L. deKieffer Development and Public Information Director Rachel Lee Director of Business Services and Performance Excellence Jennifer Leosz Director of Outpatient and Family Intensive Services Beth Lonergan Director of Clinical Operations and Performance Excellence Bruce Shaver Chief Financial Officer Kit Thompson Director of IMPACT Toria Thompson Director of Information Systems Charlotte Wollesen Director of Community Integration and Rehabilitation page 3 Mental Health Partners: A Provider of Choice Journey to a Culture of Recovery and Excellence Mental Health Partners is dedicated to being the provider of choice for mental health and wellness services in our community. We have been transforming our service delivery approach to create a culture of recovery and excellence that infuses our clinical services, our support services, and our leadership. Significant progress in our transformation was made in 2009 and 2010 with the redesign of our adult programs to create a comprehensive continuum of care grounded in evidence-based practices and recovery. The redesign emerged out of an inclusive change management process we call Organizational Excellence. Recovery is not only possible, it is probable … because of the strength of the human spirit and the amazing resiliencies within every person. Recovery in mental health is the intentional, constant pursuit of living life to its fullest. It is the awakening and realization of dreams through the process of healing and the exercising of personal power to secure a full and satisfying life. More than 100 staff and clients led and participated in Organizational Excellence teams over a two-year period, first working to research best practices and make recommendations for improvements to MHP adult services. Then, teams planned and oversaw the implementation of our new programs, including: • A new Wellness Education Center that provides classes for clients in skill development and will soon offer a range of classes to the broader community • Journeys, our Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program, is a best practice for adults with serious mental illness. The program supports individuals in achieving their self-identified goals in areas such as living independently in the community, managing symptoms, becoming employed, pursuing educational goals, and improving their overall wellness • Education and employment services, a program to support clients identifying and succeeding in their education or work-related goals • Outpatient services that are consistent with evidence-informed practices and provide episodic care to adults needing therapy for a period of time • A customer-friendly assessment team that welcomes and orients people to our services and seamlessly enrolls them into the right services at MHP • A customer-oriented Admission and Referral program that helps people who are seeking services to decide if specialty mental health services are the right match for their goals or if they would be better served by another community resource. Another important component of the redesign was the addition of more Peer Support Specialist positions. These positions are filled by people who have lived experience with mental illness and recovery and are highly effective in helping our clients with their own journey of recovery. page 4 Mental Health Partners Transformation: Why Now? We take pride in the excellent services we have provided to our clients and community for many years. As our understanding of effective treatments grows and as rapid change is occurring in healthcare, we want to remain on the leading edge of the transformation. Our transformation benefits our clients, our staff and our community and partner agencies. Clients benefit through: a broader range of services that can better meet their individual needs; increased partnering in the community to support clients’ full integration as members of our community; and new opportunities, through the Wellness and Employment programs for example, to promote learning and growth and instill hope. Staff benefit through clearer roles and more opportunities to partner with clients to help them define and meet their goals. We also worked to improve our workplace by increasing the ease of getting things done, even greater teamwork and systems support, as well as attention to quality improvement, efficiency and customer service. MHP continues to offer many opportunities for training staff in evidence-based practices and quality improvement approaches. Our community benefits from our improved ability to reach all the people who need our services, through improved program evaluation and outcome measurement, and by our focus on improving quality of life and life expectancy. Leadership Academy: Building Strong Leaders from Within and Planning for Succession In 2009, Mental Health Partners launched its inaugural Leadership Academy, with 12 participants from all levels of the organization. Candidates were chosen who understand and are dedicated to the field of mental health and wellness, and who demonstrated strong potential to lead the organization to our vision, even with the constant change that is a part of healthcare. A culture of recovery and excellence helps Mental Health Partners advance our efforts to create our own future, to be a national leader in implementing a compelling vision for comprehensive, recovery-based mental health and wellness services. Through those efforts MHP will continue to be the organization that serves our community and that clients choose for their treatment. Participants received training in many areas of leadership, including decision-making, change management, project planning, team dynamics, setting and accomplishing goals and implementation planning. Applied learning was an important component, with the Leadership Academy participants leading the Organizational Excellence task forces. As has been demonstrated by the successful implementation of the new and redesigned adult services programs, Leadership Academy participants were quite successful! 2009-2010 Annual Report page 5 Peer Support Specialists Mental Health Partners Peer Support Specialists As of now, there are two Peer Specialists in Boulder, Diane Ferguson and Patrick Rose. We have been Peer Specialist for nearly four and a half years. Michael MacDonald and Kate Ingmundson work with clients in Longmont. We continue to co-lead the very successful Food for Thought group and very soon will start a job club with our newly hired Employment Specialist. This group will address barriers to getting employment. We have also been very busy working on displaying client art at various locations including the main center in Boulder, Warner House, Maslin House, the Wellness Education Center in Longmont and Soft Voices. Patrick Rose and Diane Ferguson Kate Ingmundson Michael MacDonald As Peer Specialists, we are advocates for clients on multiple teams at Mental Health Partners. Some activities include leading support groups, meeting one on one, and assisting clients to appointments — all while forming relationships and offering hope.We have the experience in common with clients and can relate in a special way that other clinicians cannot. page 6 We all are working with an increasing caseload of clients. Typically, we support clients in becoming more comfortable in their community by going for coffee or engaging in other activities. The purpose of meeting with clients is to help them with skill development to achieve their goals and point them in the right direction. This might be taking them to Chinook, or it might be helping them to understand their mental illness and strategies for living with a mental illness. Additionally, we work to be good role models to clients; sometimes Patrick is referred to as the “big brother” by the younger clients. We continue to lead a Men’s group in Broomfield, which has had a good group of young men working on their recovery, often going for outings to various places. Additionally, Patrick runs two Schizophrenia Anonymous groups that are open to clients and to the public. We have recently begun a hiking group as well. Our team has also worked on a series of trainings for the Peer Specialist team, which will be expanding with the opening of the new Wellness Education Center in Longmont. Patrick Rose receiving the Recovery Champion Award from Donald Rohner, Chief Executive Officer at Foothills Behavioral Health Partners and Dr. Barbara Ryan. Mental Health Partners 2010 Financial Report Client Fees and Third Party Payments................................................................. $576,137 Federal Government (includes Medicaid and Medicare)..................................... 6,483,635 State of Colorado (includes State portion of Medicaid)...................................... 6,529,352 Boulder County................................................................................................. 7,370,950 City and County of Broomfield............................................................................. 320,354 Local Government and United Way................................................................... 1,045,796 WAT Business Services.......................................................................................... 692,227 Pharmacy........................................................................................................... 3,102,731 Contributions and Donated Goods & Services................................................... 1,653,069 Other Sources.................................................................................................... 1,518,455 Total Revenues............................................................................................ $29,292,706 Revenues Salaries and Fringe Benefits............................................................................ $19,539,302 Cost of Materials Sold at WAT Business Services................................................... 325,341 Cost of Drugs Sold in Pharmacy........................................................................ 2,449,249 Rents and Leases..................................................................................................... 77,474 Depreciation...................................................................................................... 1,054,049 Donated Goods and Services.............................................................................. 1,333,930 Other Expenses.................................................................................................. 4,030,446 Total Expenses............................................................................................ $28,809,791 Expenses Excess of Expenses over Revenues . ..................................................................... $482,915 Excess of Expenses over Revenues Debt Retirement................................................................................................. $115,804 Capital Projects..................................................................................................... 367,111 Total Other Uses (Sources)............................................................................... $482,915 Other Uses (Sources) of Funds This presentation uses audited financial statements as its basis. Mental Health Partners is audited annually by a certified public accountant. A copy of the audit is available for inspection at Mental Health Partners’ Boulder office. 2009-2010 Annual Report page 7 2010 Demographics Age 0-12................... 16.4% 3-18................... 12.2% 19-35................. 28.8% 36-64..................35.0% 65+.......................7.6% Total.................... 100% Source of Revenues and Individuals Served Median Family Income.......... $6,624 Average Family Income........ $10,638 Median Family Size...................... 2.0 Average Family Size...................... 2.3 Gender Female................ 52.7% Male................... 47.3% Total.....................100% Place of Residence Boulder City..................... 41.2% Broomfield County............. 5.8% Lafayette.............................. 7.0% Longmont.......................... 33.1% Louisville............................. 4.2% Other Boulder County........ 3.2% Other Locales...................... 5.5% Total................................... 100% Revenues Fiscal Year Ends June 30 Ethnicity American Indian/Alaskan Native....... 1.2% Asian................................................ 1.3% Black/African American................... 2.8% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander................. 0.3% Hispanic......................................... 17.9% White............................................. 68.5% More than one race.......................... 6.0% Total................................................ 100% Additionally, each year we see thousands of individuals through the community health centers. Generated 02/18/11. Clients attended at least one service between 07/01/09-06/30/10. page 8 Mental Health Partners From the Executive Director As mental health treatment practices continue to refine and improve, our Foundation has continued to develop in support of MHP. With an economy that is beginning to revive itself, we were pleased to offer more financial support this year than in years past. This past year, we believe that we are in fact one of the first non-profits that started a Young Professional Group with an advisory board. The mission of this organization is twofold: to raise awareness and money for The Mental Health Foundation and to teach this age group about philanthropy and board engagement. I would like to thank Sarah Noe, one of our Trustees, for taking the lead on all of this work and for seeing this group expand and grow. We have a wonderful group of twenty and thirty year olds (if only I could remember those years!) who have really been inspiring and mission driven. We have continued to grow our efforts in fundraising and have developed more restricted, endowed funds in support of MHP teams. As you may know, our goal is to have a restricted fund established for every team or program of MHP; we have improved by increasing the number of funds that are established and can always continue to grow. Please let me know if you would like a conversation about partnering with us in this manner. It is an honor to serve the Board of Trustees and work with them in accomplishing the great work that the Foundation does. And thank you to all of you who are integral in that work through your time, talent, and treasure. We could not support MHP without all of you. Thank you! Cordially, Kitty L. deKieffer, Foundation Executive Director Kitty L. deKieffer Foundation Executive Director Our Mission To raise funds, grow the endowment, and promote positive community relationships in support of Mental Health Partners. Our Vision Create solid relationships with our donors and generate a greater public presence and identity. 2009-2010 Annual Report page 9 From the President This year, the Board of Trustees continued to achieve our strategic objectives by strengthening fundraising programs to offset the serious reductions in public funding for Mental Health Partners. The Foundation granted $86,000 in funds to support Mental Health Partners, which included organizational excellence training for staff, equipment and community garden expansion. This year marked the fifth annual Dandelion Ball at the Folsom Field Stadium Club. We also hosted a cocktail party and silent auction at the Boulder Country Club, and supported Beautiful Art for Beautiful Minds art show, benefiting Chinook Clubhouse, at Macy’s Twenty Ninth Street in Boulder. As in previous years, proceeds from these events benefited the Foundation endowment and Mental Health Partners programs. Our state-of-the-art planned giving program has now been running effectively for one year with promising results. Our restricted fund dollars have increased and expanded to support even more programs. We are grateful to the dedication of our Foundation Trustees and the generosity of our donors, who make it possible for us to achieve our goals. Regards, Suzan Trinh Almony, President, Board of Trustees Suzan Trinh Almony President, Board of Trustees 2009-2010 Foundation Board of Trustees Suzan Almony President John F. Truhlar VP of Investments Carol Wilson VP of Operations Jill A. Zender Treasurer page 10 Peter Enichen Raquel Hinman Eric Holloway Greg Kyde Tom Mahoney Tamara Marks Sarah E. Noe Tyler Olsen Charles H. Schweppe Judy Weiss Income Statement The Mental Health Foundation Fiscal Year 2009-2010 2009-2010 2008-2009 Investment Revenues $145,728 Contributions: Individual and Corporate $57,941 Events (net) $44,759 Total Revenues $248,428 ($359,913) $51,904 $53,713 ($254,296) Revenue: Expenses: Contributions to MHP $85,397 $60,793 Operating Expenses $21,214 $26,013 Total Expenses $106,611 $86,806 Net Income (Loss) $141,817 ($341,102) The Mental Health Foundation Generous Donors to Mental Health Partners and Foundation Individuals Donna Abbate Lois Abbott Edward Abeyta Archie B. Aickling Jason Albrecht Jeff & Suzan Almony Gordon Anderson Melvin D. Anderson Karen Andrews Marion Armstrong Ruth Arnold Richard Asher Alvin Baal, III John Balassa Barton & Helen Balis V.C. Ballas David Barrett M.J. Bateman Gary & Jeanne Baughman Jerry Bebernes Harold T. Becher Anne Beck Carolyn Beck Henrietta Beekes Sara Beery Barbara Behrendt Terri A. Benjamin Renette Berggren Nancy Besancon Marsha Beyer Kay & Paul Bierbaum, Jr. Peter Bihari & Chris Campbell June Bills Cynthia Birgen Elizabeth Blumenthal Lynn Bodensteiner Carolyn Bondarovich Sarah Bornhijm 2009-2010 Annual Report Bill & Anne Boettcher Sharon Bow Don Bowman Chris Bowry & Tanya A. Kelly-Bowry Sharon Bowyer Pamela Boyle-Williams Peter Braun Sandra Brodie Hugo Brooks Christopher Brown Paul & Helen Browne Brian Burton Joe E. & Wanee Butler Rad Byerly Heather Cameron Minerva Canavan Allen Taggart & Barbara Gould Frank Carleo Cynthia Carlisle Kenneth E. Carpenter Douglas Carroll Ray Carter David C. Cass Lucy Castle Sharon Caulfield Ira Chernus Robyn Churchill & Christopher Rathweg Michael Clark & Kathy Lett George & Anna Bell Clements Theresa Coble William Cohen Greg Coleman Kathryn Coleman Richard Collins James Colwell Julia B. Colwell Jacqueline & Bobby Conley Daniel M. Conroy Nancy Consolloy Jean Conway Chris Cook & Mary Bowles Jessica Cooney Margaret Cooney Jim Copeland Eugene Corrigan Jane Cox Deborah Crowell Bob Cutler Jerome Darnell John Davies & Louisa Ippolito Phillip Davis & Bunki Bankaitis-Davis Paul Daw Brian De Herrera-Schnering Peggy Deal Shirley Deeter Melissa deKieffer Robert & Kitty L. deKieffer Barb DeMarlie Martha & Donald Dick Sherry Dickerson Joe & Heather Dilorio Jan Dobbs Lawrence Dolan Julia & Michael W. Doland Larry & Fran Dugan Jacalyn Durkin-Miller Christine A. Mann Dyess John & Diane Dynes Phil Ecklund Rodney Edmonds Sharon Smith Eisler Dr. & Mrs. Eric R. Engdahl Bob & Diane H. White-Englund Peter Enichen Frances Evans James Evans William Falconer Blake Feik Bruce Felix Constance Ferenc Susan Fields Corissa Fischer Dana Flitcraft Nan Fogel Dan Fogelberg Juliana Forbes Shelia Fortune Lloyd Fosdick Ingrid Fotino Charles Freedman & Mary King Philip Wren Fritzlan David Fulker & Nicky Wolman Jim Fullerton Susan Gallagher Mitch & Marty Galnick Nancy Galvin Janette Gardiner John Garlich & Ulla Merz Stanley Garnett Ann C. Garstang John Gathman Virginia Gebhart Lloyd & Mary Gelman Cassandra Geneson Stacey Gentry Vivian Gettliffe Karl Giambrocco John Gilfedder Janet Glasser David Goff Andi & Jonathan Goldman Karen Goldsmith Ann Goldstein Jerry & Diane Gollnick Michael & Anita M. Nyman-Gonzales Elena Gonzalez Curtis & Tina Goode, Jr. Elicia Goodsoldier Marty Gorce Anita V. Gordon Robert D. Goss Joan Graham Allan Graham Bruce & Kim Green Gary Greenhut Maud G. Greer Suzan Grenier Margaret S. Griffin Robert Guilford Beverly Hackenberg Lauralee Hadaway Sara J. Hale Harriet Hall & Geoff Bruce Joan Halter Earl & Barbara Hancock Lyndsey Hanson-Strum Phyllis Hardin Jessica Harper Carl Hartman Margie Hauck Rollie & Josephine Heath Virginia Hedrick Jim Helmer Bruce T. Henderson Stephen Henderson Charlie Henry Zoltan L. Herger & Susan M. Marton Linda Hermelin Minna Hewes Mark Hilberman A. David & Myhra Hill page 11 Joan S. & David G. Hill Raquel Hinman Geraldine Hogsett Diana Hoguet & Larry Kennard Michael Holdaway Eric & Emily Holloway Deborah Holvey Thomas Holzer David & Susan Hoover Kaye Howe Bob & Dickie Lee Hullinghorst Elizabeth Hummel & Darren Winkelhake Barbara Humphrey Alex Hunter & Margaret Hauck June Huss Nancy Hutchins Richard Ilio Kay Ingram Michelle Irons Diane Israel Richard Jablonski & Karen Piper Sandra Jackson Thomas Jackson & Mary Leivonen Jackson Roy L. Jenne Margit Johansson Alan Johnson & Martie McMane Kristin Eda Johnson Beverly Johnston Kathleen Kadel Colman & Marcia Kahn John Kamprath Jim & Linda Karagas Mike & Sandy Karpuk Ari Karra Jane Kellenberger Joe Kelliher Alan & Joanne Kelly Paul Kelly David Kerridge Gregory Klinkel N. Peter Knoll Karen Koeppe Andrew Kolbeck Chuck Knapp Matt Kramer Gary & Sharon Kroner Jon Krupnick Louis Krupp Kathryn M. Kucsan Greg Kyde D. Faye Lamb Marjory Lambert Christopher & Deb Lammers Elizabeth & James P. Lane Joy Lanzano & David Martin Carla Larson Patricia Law John Layman Jack Lee Rachel Lee & Jason Fee Harold & Joan Leinbach John & Vicki Anderson Lemmon David Leonard Joey Lerner Sheri Levine Sally Lewis Edward Lewis Greg Liberator Thomas Lindahl Mercedes Lindenoak Diana G. Lirtzman Jill A. London Beth Lonergan Virginia Lucy Gail Lurie Karin MacDowell John MacGregor Kate M. Marshall Nancy & Ed Madison Melissa Mahaney Tom & Linda Mahoney Mike Malmer Sarah Noe Phoebe Norton Richard Norwood Michael O’Donnell George Oetzel Tyler R. & Marce Olsen Beth Osnes Art W. Palm Buff Palm Christine Papke Kerry Patterson Dennis & Judith Perkins Gene & Ann Perkins Virginia Perry Courtland & Margaret G. Peterson Cathleen Phelan Dorothy A. W. Phinney Vicki Piers Dallas Poe Katherine Pollicita Peter Pollock & Diane Yates Meghan Pound Moira Powers Dianne Primavera Frances Prock Rhonda Racicot Nancy C. Raley George Ramsey Sharon Randel Judi Rheinsmith Maria Richmond Arthur R. & Ina B. Rifkin David & Margaret Robinson Judy Robinson Raymond Roble Jaqueline Rock Donald & Jeanne Rohner Monica Rotner Emily Rucker Barbara Runge Sue Ryan k n a h T page 12 Maloney Family Stephen Manydeeds Sam & Coila Maphis Robert March William & Susan K. Marine Juli Marki Tamara Marks Kate Marshall Joan E. Martin John Martin Mae M. Martin Keith Matney Courtney Mattoon Elena G. Maubrey JoAnne McCormick Kathleen McCormick & Michael Leccese Beth McGilvray Glennys McPhilimy John Meadows Jana Mendez Tom & Pat Metz John Michalakes Barbara Miller Beverly Miller Carolyn Miller John & Lisa Mink Douglas Mitchell Bruce & Jere Jill Mock Toni Moon John Moore Kathy Morgan Edie Morris Serena J. Mutschler Jeannine Myers Brian Neal Charlotte Nelson Nancy Nelson Chester Newton Lesley Newton David Noe Les & Susan Noe Victor & Barbara Bradt-Ryan Karen Ryerson Eric Schultz Ann Scarboro Barry Schacht & Jane Patrick Steven Schlosser & Judy Weiss Wanda Schnabel Sherilyn & Terrance Schreier Abbie & Bob Schuetze Bob & Lori Schuyler Charles Schweppe Mary Scrimgeour Ann Seabeck & Richard Green Brenda Seaborn Kathleen Sears Joel & Marion Selbin Judith Sellers Ruth Marda Shanberge Jed S. Shapiro & Helane Unger Ralph Sharon Bruce & Christie Shaver Melony Shennon Diana M. Sherry Caryl Shields Kai Sibley Keith Slankard & LaRue Perryman Anne Kidder Smith Fred Smith Howard Snooks Robert Snow Alan L. Snyder Mark Spiegel & Liz Spiegel-Bowes Edwin Stein John Stein Susan J. Steele Susan R. Stephens Kitty Stevenson Jeff & Shelley Stiffler Dennis B. Stokes Robin Stolp & Randall Schneider u o y The Mental Health Foundation Kathy L. Stoltz Helen Stone Raymond Studer Vinita & H. Lee Sturgeon Ann Sullivan Sara Ratcliffe Paul & Suzanne Swarztrauber John Tadich Jim & Suzi Talaric Randee Tancer Steven & Barbara Taniguchi John and Molly Tayer Annie Thomas Catharine Thompson George & Caroline Thompson Dee M. Timm Emily Tofte Art & Laurie Travers John F. Truhlar & Betty Hoye Jane Trumble Kristen Tucker Luisa Twigg Judy Ulrich Tom Van De Bogart Amy Vandersall Andy Vecchio Thaddeus Venar Jim & Maggie Vieth Linda Wagner Margery L. Wakefield Wendell Walker Hope Wallen Cindy Warren Meghan Watts Donald Weatherley William Weiher Jeffrey C. & Sara J. Benchart Weil Elizabeth Weiss Larry Weiss Paul & Eugenia Weisskopf Robert C. West, Jr. Scott Westfall 2009-2010 Annual Report Ed & Susan Williams Maribel H. Williams Nancy Williams Elizabeth Williamson Jonathan & Hayden Williamson Thomas & Beth Williston Bob Wilson D.B. Wilson John & Carol Wilson Peggy B. Wilson C.J. Wires, Jr. Dawn Taylor Keith & Donna Marie Wisner Jolie J. Wolf Renee Wolf Charlotte & Whitey Wollesen Marie Wonsiewicz Chanie Wood & Trent Gapter Ruth Wright Eric Rutherford Karen Wyatt & John Anderson Madelyn Wynne Stanley Yokell Jill Zender Mia Zender Rita Zeutzius Sheryl Duvall Zigmond Charlotte Zink Mary Lee Zurick Businesses 14th Street Bar & Grill Ad Lopez Originals Advanced Health Media Alba Restaurant & Wine Bar Alchemy of Order Altered States Arapahoe Basin Ski Area Architectural Partnership, Inc. Arugula Avanti Skin Center of Boulder Avery Brewing Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. Barras Skin Care Bay Leaf On Pearl B.E.N. BC Services Brent Best and Associates Beam & Glow Forever! Big Red F Restaurant Group Black Cat Black Diamond Black Roofing Inc. Bliss Skin Care Studio Blue Skies Body Dynamics Health & Fitness Specialists Bonefish Grill Bookcliff Vineyards, Inc. Bottles Boulder Blooms Boulder Broker Inn Boulder Chorale Boulder Cork Boulder Country Club Boulder Creek Winery Boulder Design Alliance Boulder Dinner Theatre Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse Boulder Karate Boulder Ski Deals Brainstorming A La Mode Inc. Brasserie 1010 Brewer’s Association Burke’s West Hair Company Burnsley Hotel Case Logic Caplan & Earnest, LLC Centennial Printing Centerplate Chaz Salon (Courtney Mattoon/ Dora Bannert-Chezick) Cheesecake Factory Chelsea Chopra Center for Wellbeing City Club Clarins Clear Health Coldwater Creek Colorado Avalanche Colorado Business Bank Colorado Chautauqua Association Colorado Garden Show, Inc. Colorado Music Festival Colorado Rapids Soccer Club Colorado Rockies Colorado Shakespeare Festival Colorado Symphony Orchestra Comedy Works Common Ground Golf Course Cool River Cafe Colorado Recovery Core Movement Studio Crayons to Calculators Cronin Jewelers Culinary School of the Rockies Curves —Boulder North Daily Camera Daphne’s Greek Cafe Denver Art Museum Denver Center for the Performing Arts DBS Sounds Don Hatch River Expeditions Downtown Boulder E-town Elements Therapeutic Massage Elitch Gardens Emerson Process Management Empire Lounge and Restaurant Enstrom’s Essentials Spa Excalibur Floral & Co. FCI Constructors, Inc. Fiori Flowers Flatirona Mall Flatirons Bank Fossil Trace Golf Club Frank Family Vineyards Fresh Produce Fuzzy Antler Generations Massage Therapy Giambrocco & Sons, Inc. Glacier Ice Cream East, Inc. Goodbye Blue Monday Grandrabbits Toy Shoppe Green Spot, Inc. Greenbriar Inn Guaranty Bank Gymboree Henry Ham Insurance Hotel Teatro Huss Investment Group, LLC Indochine Invironments Islands Fine Burgers and Drinks J. Albrecht Designs Master Goldsmiths Jeffrey Hahn, CPA Jim Talaric Photography John’s Restaurant Kristianne V Photography KT’s BBQ Kyde Capital Strategies, LLC Lake Valley Golf Club LarkBurger L’Atalier Laudisio Ristorante Italiano Lazy Dog Bar & Grill Left Hand Brewery Liquor Mart Luminary Emporium Macy’s Twenty Ninth Street Maggiano’s Little Italy Makoce Design, Inc. Maruca Design page 13 McDonald’s Restaurant McGuckin Hardware Mediterranean Restaurant Melting Pot Melton Construction MicroMotion/Emerson Minturn Anglers Mountain Sun Pub & Brewery Mr. & Mrs. Smith Boutique Hotels Murphy’s Grill Neve Designs Nike North Boulder Liquors Omni Interlocken Resort & Spa Nez O’Brien & Zender, PC On Broadway One Boulder Fitness Open Arts Outdoor Divas Pasta Jay’s Peaceful Mountain Peels Salon Services Peppercorn Peter Enichen, Attorney at Law Peter Rosen Jewelry Petty John’s Liquor & Wine Phoenix Realty & Property Management Play It Again Sports Ponderosa Associates, Ltd. Puddle Car Wash Q’s Restaurant Radex Bistro Red Lobster Redstone Meadery Robidoux Trading Co, Inc. Rocky Mountain Kids Rocky Mountain Thunderbird Club Roche Colorado Save Home Heat Co. Silver Oak Cellars Sing Sing Sports Venture,Inc. Spirit Mu Specialty Splitz Bowling Center St. Julien Hotel & Spa Stir It Up Cooking School Studio Collaborative, Inc. Sturtz & Copeland Summit Wine and Spirits Sunflower Farmers Market Superior Laser Superior Liquor Surefoot Sushi Tora Sutton Reese Designs Tahona Tequila Bistro Tattered Cover Book Store Ten20 Spa Three Sixty Engineering Inc. Tundra Specialties Twenty Ninth Street Turley’s Restaurant Two Bird Designs Vail Valley Partnership ValueOptions Colorado WAT Business Services Wallaroo Hat Company Walnut Brewery Wealth Conservancy, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank West End Wine Whole Foods Market Windhorse Community Services, Inc. Women’s Wilderness Institute WOW! Children’s Museum Wright Kingdom, Inc. Zink Metal Art page 14 Boulder Community Hospital Boulder County Boulder County Aging Services Boulder Valley School District City of Boulder City and County of Broomfield City of Longmont City and County of Broomfield Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Behavioral Health Community Development Block Grant, City of Boulder Community Development Block Grant, City of Longmont Community Food Share Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center Foothills Behavioral Health Partners, LLC Foothills United Way Independent Order of Odd Fellows Boulder Lodge #9 I.O.O.F. Jefferson Center for Mental Health Mental Health America of Colorado NAMI of Boulder County Naropa University UCAR/NCAR k n a h T 2010 Winner of a Gold Star Certificate from Better Business Bureau Denver/Boulder Government and Community Organizations Faith Community First Congregational Church Congregational Women’s Fellowship First Congregational Church UCC LifeBridge Christian Church Mountain View United Methodist Church St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church u o y Foundations 1040 Foundation Brett Family Foundation Caring for Colorado Chill Foundation Collins Foundation Colorado Health Foundation The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County Ecesis Foundation Rosemary & David Olsen Foundation Pajwell Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Ray Lanyon Fund Rose Community Foundation Schweppe Foundation Temple Hoyle Buelle Foundation Tony Grampas Funds Vapor Trust Warner Charitable Trust Wells Fargo Private Client Services The Mental Health Foundation Chinook Clubhouse A community focusing on wellness, work and recovery. Chinook Clubhouse is a vocational and social rehabilitation program of Mental Health Partners with the mission “To provide a warm, inclusive community with the goal of encouraging adults with mental illness to proceed at their own pace toward recovery and independence, using their unique strengths, talents and abilities. Through a partnership among staff, clubhouse members, and volunteers, we create opportunities for volunteering, paid employment, education, and social and wellness activities.” Over 250 members and staff of Chinook Clubhouse work side-by-side to operate a six-day a week program with an average of 35 members per weekday and serving up to 48 people for lunch. The operations of the Clubhouse are not possible without the collective involvement and dedication of the members, staff, and advisory board as well as the financial support of generous Clubhouse sponsors, friends, and Mental Health Partners. Within the Chinook Clubhouse there are three units: an administrative unit, a kitchen unit and a vocational unit. Each time a person attends the program, they have many opportunities and options to engage in areas of interest at their own pace and in line with their personal goals. Some people experience profound difficulties and simply being present is a huge first step in their recovery. Others build confidence and skills while participating in the various units. Many develop social skills and form friendships or acquaintances which can sometimes last a lifetime. Still others pursue community volunteer work or employment. Often long-time members come back and encourage other members as well as offer support in the ongoing operations of the Clubhouse. Members may contribute one discrete task such as pealing boiled eggs in the kitchen unit, or they may learn a set of skills and tasks that lead to experience in a vocational role such as a prep-cook, a server, a cashier, a graphic artist, a journalist/reporter, an office assistant or a receptionist, and many more. People can work on their personal health and wellness by participating in various activities such as walking or art projects, or the myriad of social activities that are offered through a social committee and the generous donations of community members for ski trips, museum trips etc. Finally, we all have opportunities to learn to negotiate with one another, build productive work habits, be a good friend or colleague, help each other through hard times and celebrate with each other in the good times. 2009-2010 Annual Report Advisory Board Jeanne Baughman Jackie Conley Diane Gollnick Barb Grealish Diana Hoguet Steven Johnston Elizabeth Lane Susan Marine Beverly Miller Dawn Taylor Staff Ruth Arnold, Director Joel Bershok, Administrative Unit Leader Ezra Cohen, Kitchen Unit Leader Hank Martin, Vocational Specialist Lisa Solheim, Administrative Assistant Cameron Smith, Administrative Unit Assistant Kari Gottschling, Employment Specialist Judy Halloran, Employment Specialist Robb Peters, Kitchen Unit Assistant page 15 Employment The Vocational Unit of Chinook Clubhouse once again excelled in providing employment opportunities to members affected by mental illness. In fiscal year 2010 we supported 86 members in community employment. There were 89 job placements with the following distribution: 21 in Independent Employment; 45 in Supported Employment; 15 in Transitional Employment; and 8 in Group Site Placements. Similar numbers were attained for the 2009 fiscal year. Our employment program facilitates competitive work in integrated (as opposed to sheltered) work settings for those members for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred, and who, because of the nature and severity of their disability, need ongoing support services in order to perform and/or maintain their job. Supported employment provides services to clubhouse members such as job development, job seeking skills training, job coaching and advocacy with employers. Benefits to employers are that they get thoroughly screened applicants, follow-up services by our staff for the duration of the member’s employment, and sometimes eligibility for tax incentives or training subsidies. Chinook Employer Partners American Research Interviewing Aspen Media and Market Research Baker’s Piano Center Bay Window Catering Big City Burrito Big Lots Bonded Business Services Bundles Diaper Service Boulder-Denver Couriers page 16 Chinook Clubhouse made it a program priority this year to increase Clubhouse membership, thereby increasing the opportunities for clients of Mental Health Partners to participate in supported employment services. We were able to maintain our employment numbers during the transition of our vocational staff, and our outcome goals for job placements for our contract with the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation were successfully met. City of Boulder Public Library Boulder Valley School District Century Theatres Columbine Plastics Colorado Recovery Community Foodshare Core Consulting Group Ericsson Farfel’s Farm Foothills Behavioral Health Frasier Meadows Hudson Companies IBM Insight Design Imagine! Kelly Services King Soopers Mental Health Partners: Iris Pharmacy, WAT Business Services, Peer Support, Human Resources, Maslin House, Information Services, Chinook Clubhouse NIST NOAA Safeway St. Vrain Valley School Dist. Shoeido Sunflower Farmers Market Sutherland Lumber Co. Target University of Colorado: Facilities Management, Food Service, Norlin Library WalMart Walnut Brewery Windhorse Whole Foods Chinook Clubhouse One Member’s Story Steve Balog, also known as “Mad Dog”, says he was in the Marine Corp, served in Vietnam, is a father, was a Truck Driver for 15 years, and is currently a dedicated work crew member at Chinook Clubhouse. Steve says “it’s very important to make sure you have somewhere to go and something to do. Clubhouse is a place I always know I can go and have something to do. Even if it is small I can do something and I know someone”. Steve was in the Fort Logan psychiatric hospital for a long time. He says he had to make a lot of changes to his “new life” adapting to living with a mental illness. He says someone at Warner House gave him tokens to go to the Chinook Clubhouse and he has now been coming for four years. He likes the Clubhouse because “there is no pressure but there are various things that you can do if you want to take advantage of them such as help out or go to a social event”. He smiles as he remembers visiting the King Tut museum and the Imax:Titanic. Steve says he worked at WAT Business Services in a transitional employment capacity; during that time, he was struggling but they accepted him and gave him a chance. He said he “stopped taking meds, became symptomatic, felt like a slug, and gained a lot of weight”. But he “decided to get back into better habits”, and although he didn’t want to have to take medications, he realized they were necessary. He says he started “taking his meds, eating better and got clean and sober”. He keeps a picture in his wallet when he was not doing well to remind him to take care of himself. He says he is alone and that is why the clubhouse is really helpful. He says “they are really decent people and it helps me feel less alone. When the fear gets really tough then I know where to go.” Steve has been on the work crew for three years. He says this “makes me go somewhere. It makes me get out and get busy. You don’t want to let people down that you work with and Cameron encourages me to show up.” Steve “Mad Dog” Balog Not long ago, Steve found out he has Veteran’s Assistance benefits and was nervous about changing his care. He says he was supported in this transition by many MHP staff, and he added with confidence “once a Clubhouse Member, always a Clubhouse Member” stating that this fact helped him a lot with his successful transition. He says with gusto “Everyone was pulling for me!” Steve ends our talk by saying “My life would be very empty without the Clubhouse. No matter what, I have a place to go; not necessarily that I’m buddies with everyone, but I can see people. This helps with my mental well-being, accessing people familiar with what I’m going through, and sharing a word or two with one another.” When we finished talking he agreed to share his story with all of you and to share his smile. He is not alone! 2009-2010 Annual Report page 17 Financial Report Medicaid...........................................$288,127 Boulder County and State General Fund............................$119,321 Grants.................................................$75,683 Donations and Fundraising.................$49,616 Miscellaneous Income.........................$23,407 Private Pay and Insurance....................$13,300 Fiscal Year 2010 Total..................... $569,454 Beautiful Art for Beautiful Minds In May 2010, Chinook Clubhouse presented its seventh annual Beautiful Art for Beautiful Minds (“BABM”) benefit. The Presenting Sponsor, Macy’s Twenty Ninth Street in Boulder, generously hosted the event in their lovely store. What a thrill it was to see all the wonderful art and auction items displayed inside Macy’s as they graciously cleared away their merchandise, set up a band stage, a staging kitchen and art displays, transforming the space into a lovely art and wine event. Holly and the Husbands performed fabulously, and the crowd listened to a moving and inspiring story from a Clubhouse member relaying his experience with mental illness and substance use disorder. Greeted by a long red carpet, guests found themselves enveloped in art and wall hangings from many of Boulder’s best-known artists as well as auction items including a week in Vail, spa packages, stunning jewelry and an excellent collection of wines. The delicious food was compliments of some of Boulder’s finest restaurants, Twenty Ninth Street provided valet parking and LiquorMart donated the spirits. We are indebted to the Boulder artist community and other contributors who donate their pieces and services to assist Chinook Clubhouse in serving the mental health community. A delightful and most successful event, we are grateful to Macy’s and our sponsors, artists, restaurants, donors and guests for their help in raising awareness of our program as well as much needed revenue for the Clubhouse. page 18 Chinook Clubhouse Generous Donors to the Chinook Clubhouse Individuals Edward & Shirley Abeyta Archie Aickling Jeff & Suzan Almony Ashley Ames Gordon Anderson Noah Applegate Marian Armstrong Ruth Arnold Richard & Sheila Asher Jackie Ashley Maryann Balassa Helen Balis Cody Barton Gary & Jeanne Baughman Steve Baumgardner Jerry & Shar Bebernes Barbara Behrendt Peter Behrendt Marsha Beyer Matt Bezark Sandra Bickling Lynne Bodensteiner George & Sally Bohnhijm Joe & Gwen Bowers Beth Bowman Sharon Bowyer Peter Braun & Jennifer Margenau Christopher Brown David Buhs 2009-2010 Annual Report Judi Bunker JoAnn Dorio & Brian Burton Minerva C. Canavan Bob Carl Kenneth E. Carpenter David Cass Kathy Clark Terry Cobble William and Sara-Jane Cohen Nancy and Greg Coleman Mr. & Mrs. James L. Colwell Jackie & Bob Conley Nancy Consolloy Jean Conway Chris & Lisa Cook Eric Cooney Jon & Jessica Cooney Margaret Cooney Peggy Cooney & Edward Paradis Donna & Jim Copeland Rita Corn Michael Criswell & Beth Lonergan Robert & Leslie Cutler Laurie Dameron John Danzl Dr. Jerome & Phyllis Darnell Kerstin Date John S. Davies Dan DeHoog & Mikki Muskatt Holly DeHoog Kitty L. & Robert deKieffer Barbara DeMarlie Martha Dick Sherry Dickerson Richard DiIlio & Linda Peterson Jan Dobbs Jeanne and Gary Dolan Matt & Heather Drake Jacalyn Durkin-Miller John Dynes Philip & Robin Ecklund Jamie Emery Kathy Emery Inge & Robert Engdahl Susan Erickson Fran Evans Linda Faul Susan Felix Robert & Constance Ferenc Corissa Fischer Hannah Fisher Nan Fogel Dan & Robyn Fogelberg Juliana Forbes Chuck Freedman & Mary King Wren Fritzlan David Fulker & Nicky Wolman Susan Gallagher Jean Gatza Stacey Gentry Vivian & Dominique Gettliffe Stephen Gibbens & Shawn Snelgrove Ben Gollnick Diane & Jerry Gollnick Ben Gollnick Kersten Goot Holly Greenberg Maud Greer Margraret Griffin Beverly Hackenberg Laura & Bob Hadaway Sandy Hale Kathy & Richard Hall Joan Halter Barbara & Earl Hancock Phyllis Hardin Jessica Harper William R. & Edith E. Hartong Curt & Wendi Hay Ginger Hedrick Ruth & Bruce Henderson Zoltan & Susan Herger Linda Hermelin June Hess David & Myhra Hill Diana Hoguet & Karry Kennard Eric Holloway Deb Holvey Jeffery Hooie & Karen Goldsmith Karen Hoover Steven Hulligan Robert and Dickey Lee Hullinghorst June Huss Kate Ingmundson Bonnie Iris Margit Johansson Alan Johnson Steven Johnston Joanne & Alan Kelly Karon Kelly Lillian Kennedy Bobbi & Tony Kerridge Chuck Knapp Elaine & Jon Krupnick Greg Kyde D. Faye Lamb Marjory Lambert Liz and Jim Lane Carla Larson Michael Leccese & Kathleen McCormick Anne Leggett John & Vicki Lemmon Joey A. Lerner, M.D. Sheri Levine Sally & Edward Lewis Greg T. Liberator R. Mercedes Lindenoak Jill London page 19 Gail Lurie LouAnn Macgregor Melissa Mahaney Tom Mahoney Barbara Maloy William & Susan K. Marine Kate MacQueen Marshall Joan Martin Elena G. Maubrey Larry McCoy Beth McGilvray & Peter Rogers Beverly Miller Doug & Jackie Mitchell Toni Moon Ross Morgan Kathy Morgan Melinda Myrow Brian Neal Rachel Nelson Chester W. Newton Elaine Nixon Denise Noe Sarah E. Noe Ann Noonan Phoebe F. Norton Mike O’Donnell M. Beth and J. Philip Osnes Art & Buff Palm Edward Paradis Kerry Patterson Linda Peterson Cathleen Phelan Robin & Vicki Piers Dawn Pope Karen Poulson Deirdre Puleo Nancy Raley Liz Reeder Mary Roble Peter Rogers Joe & Barbara Romig Monica Rotner Victor & Barbara Ryan Frank Sampson Paul Santoski Mary Scrimgeour Brenda Seaborn Judith Seelers Joel & Marion K. Selbin Jessica Shannon Jed Shapiro, M.D. Bruce Shaver Melony Shennan Teresa Smith Sharon Smith-Eisler Rebecca Smith-Woody Shawn Snelgrove Robert & Elmyrta Snow Mary Srimgeour Margaret Stahl Susan R. Stephens Valerie Sterling Susan & Ed Williams Pamela Boyle Williams Beth Williston Robert & Lawrie Wilson Carol & Butch Wilson Dawn Taylor & C.J. Wires Bernard & Renee Wolf Jolie Wolf Charlotte Wollesen Marie & Bud Wonsiewicz Bonnie Zrubek Curves Daphne’s Greek Dafe Elvis in the Oven Estee Lauder e-swimmers Grande River Vineyard EVOO Market Place Holly and The Husbands Holly’s Hair Lancome Leaf Vegetarian Restaurant Liquor Mart Macy’s Tweny Ninth Street Maggiano’s Little Italy Mark H. Carson & Associates, P.C. NAMI Boulder County One Boulder Fitness Open Arts Pasta Jays Pfizer Foundation Ponderosa Associates, LTD. Special Ties The Greenbriar Inn Tundra Specialties Twenty Ninth Street Twenty Ninth Street Retailers West End Tavern West End Wine Whole Foods Windhorse Coomunity Services, Inc Xpedex u o y Businesses, Foundations, The Faith Community, Government and Community Organizations k n a h T page 20 Jerry Stevens Kathleen Stevenson Dennis & Ellen Stokes Paul & Kathy Stoltz Troy Stone Jean Gatza & Raymond Studer Paul & Suzanne Swarztrauber Randee Tancer Dawn Taylor Annie Thomas Caroline & George Thompson Dee Marie Timm John Truhlar & Betty Hoye Kristen Tucker Jane Twigg Judy Ulrich Susan Unger Helayne Unger Susannah VanDyke Todd VanDyke Andy & Robin Vecchio Jim & Meggie Vieth Margery Wakefield Hope Wallen Wendell Walter Anne Weiher Sarah Weil Rita & Larry Weiss Scott & Leslie Westfall Linda Whitehead Brian Wickenheiser 4580 Restaurant 14th Street Bar & Grill Alba Bacaro Venetian Taverna Bay Leaf Beam & Glow Forever! Blues and Greens Boulder Blooms Boulder Cork Boulder Karate Brasserie Ten Ten California Pizza Kitchen Centerplate Clarins Coldwater Creek Culinary School Of the Rockies Chinook Clubhouse The hallmarks of recovery are hope, the belief that we are not defined by our illness, and that we can move beyond managing symptoms and develop meaningful roles.
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