SPR-16-0005 Application Materials
SPR-16-0005 Application Materials
Land Use Courthouse Annex • 2045 13th Street • Boulder, Colorado 80302 • Tel: 303.441.3930 • Fax: 303.441.4856 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 471 • Boulder, Colorado 80306 • www.bouldercounty.org MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: RE: County Transportation, Health, and Parks Departments, FPD. John Holste, Planner I January 12, 2016 Site Plan Review application SPR-16-0005 Docket SPR-16-0005: MORAN Riding Arena & Barn Site Plan Review Request: Site Plan Review to construct a new 13,600 sq. ft. indoor riding arena and a 2,160 sq. ft. horse barn. Location: At 396 N. 76th Street, in Section 01, T1S, R70W. Zoning: Estate Residential (ER) Zoning District Applicant: Kathryn A. Moran Site Plan Review by the Boulder County Land Use Director is required for new building/grading/access or floodplain development permits in the plain and mountainous areas of unincorporated Boulder County. The Review considers potential significant impact to the ecosystem, surrounding land uses and infrastructure, and safety concerns due to natural hazards. The Land Use staff values comments from individuals and referral agencies. Please check the appropriate response below or send a letter. Late responses will be reviewed as the process permits; all comments will be made part of the public record and given to the applicant. Only a portion of the submitted documents may have been enclosed; you are welcome to review the entire file at the Land Use Department, 13th and Spruce, Boulder. Please return responses to the above address by January 29, 2016. _____ We have reviewed the proposal and have no conflicts. _____ Letter is enclosed. Signed______________________________PRINTED Name______________________________ Agency or Address _______________________________________________________________ Cindy Domenico County Commissioner Deb Gardner County Commissioner Elise Jones County Commissioner 4 Boulder County Land Use Department Itr Shadeá Areas for Staff Only Courthouse Annex Building 2045 1 3th Street . PO Box 471 . Boulder, Colorado 80302 Phone: 303-441 -3930 . Fax: 303-441 -4856 Boulder County lÕo,to n'Îakes'Îamp PAID Email: plannerqbouldercounty.org Web: www.bouldercounty.orgll u Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. JAN Application Form BOULDER ProjectNumber No E oPR- tb- oooS Application Deadline Lim¡ted lmpact Special Use imited lmpact Special Use Waiver ite Plan Review ite Plan Review Waiver Subdiuis¡on Exemption Exemption Plat lo¿l State lnterest Review Location Application Deadline: First Wednesday of the Month Application Deadline: E fl É Lot(s) Area in Acres Ll,, - { cZ s t)ûtl,^ E sketch Plan E Preliminary Plan E Final Plat fl Resubdivision (Replat) E Special Use/SSDP nppeal Co n*.,_*-t-r" ¿fe Existing Zoning '¿i-,|"-;i:L;Húe-tJr, iuct/<+k, ho L¿e rH9 Applicants: Applicant/Property Owner Mailing Address -77 D 9 t9o,t tÅ¿,,t L r"t',nsu;.;ff)ffi<d + Location and Extent Road Name Change Sat l;>-- tç faart c t) //L)< Range(s) 7tt Number of Proposed Lots h c, '^"itnaff¡*Lrvntþlofeth Ê Ìne- Zip Code Cu Township(s) Proposed 5ewage Disposal Method Fq.Lrvi e.u R-'( State Rezoning Road/Easement Vacation Aj B K Mav' /\ Applicant/Property Owner/Agent/Consultant kuzoz tT\" ..96 o *åDtç Uv. Fax Email Address n /,a I Mailing Address City Ag ent/Con su lta i Sect¡on(s) Prooosed Water Suoolv C¡ty E fl E E o Block(s) g l.ôr rrrr..., Second Wednesday of the Month Variance l1,t *"? 20t6 r.nn¡u USE Project Name E E fi E other: subdiv¡sion II Statê nt Phone /.t/L Mailing Address City Certification Zip Code State Fax EmailAddress Zip Code Phone Fax (Please refer to the Regulations and Application Submittal Package for complete application requirements.) certify that I am signing this Application Form as an owner of record of the property included in the Application. I certify that the information and exhibits I have submitted are true . I understand that all materials required by Boulder County must be submitted prior to having this ma earings or meetings may be requiied. I understand that I óust sign an Agreement of Payment for Applic fees or materials may be required as a result of considerations which may arise in the processing of this ool, and park dedications may be required as a condition of approval. I understand that I am consenting to allow the County Staff involved in this application or their designees to enter onto and inspect the subject property at any reasonable time, without obtaining any prior consent. All landowners are required to sign application. lf additionalspace is needed, attach additional sheet signed and dated. I ''*mw'ff'à Signäture of Property dwnhr y'kLþr^rn o'^'PW, Printed Name bv*t A- /1,4 ora t"n ' The Land Use Director may waive the landowner signature requirement for good cause, under the applicable provisions of the Land Use Code Form: P/0.1 . Rev.07.29.15 . g:/publications/planning/P0lPlanningApplicationForm.pdf 'ib -2tr-lç Date ST de ul k an yo n h SA NT AF id s D av on RD ARAPAHOE Shannon Estates White Hawk Ranch itc 25 h tc C d Lafayette ER R Lark Meadows RD SITE 42 Davidson Nicholas Estates Grace Mar D itch Louisville Res. Lake Waneka SOUTH BOULDE 29 ST BU FF Superior RD ST G oo MAIN ST dhu e 62 42 EMPIRE RD S 104TH ST ON CHERRY McCAS HI GH W AY O AL DR Heights W IR E PARADISE LN 13 DYER RD 64 Sterling DIL S 96TH ST I KE S 88TH ST NP EM P DR TA BELLA VIS PK W RT UR AL NI EN Y T N CE DE 170 DR Cowdrey Res. No. 2 UL Louisville S 76TH ST h 66TH CHERRYVALE Bould h e ut hu od So o tc -B O ST tc h L AL SH R A M s id i nD ER E PIN Di 51 170 39 v Da NV L Go RD Marshall South Vale Mesa Valley VIA PI A RD L The user agrees to all Terms of Use set forth by Boulder County. For Terms of Use, please visit: www.bouldercounty.org/mapdisclaimer t ch DE AP DR Bari-Don Knolls N TY C OU MARS HAL Di Harper Lake 29 Bo S RD Date: 8/28/2015 Arroyo Campo i RD BOULDER Ho B D GTON NORTH ERN N SOUTH ke ur Burke Lake n g so r 1 Miles w Ne D 76TH ST 25 h 60 Willow Glen BASELINE 56 k tc 39 55TH MESA DR D ry er Area of Detail LE TA B 0 ST Di Cr ee Creek Baseline Res. SIOUX DR 36 N re e N ST 55TH Hoover Hill RD t t o n w oo d Stonehenge Teller Lake 7 BURLIN PENNSYLVANIA AVE BASELINE Valtec Legion Park 56 Park Lake Fox Run Hillcrest Lake D ST Boulder 95TH ST LeggettRes. Subdivisions 75TH 61ST ST Valmont Res. Co N Municipality Ley n er 52 D i t ch B ut t e 63R Owen COLORADO AVE RD Valmont Butte County Boundary 157 396 76th Dr yC r m de NT VALMO M i ll Valmont CRE EK Subject Property ul h N RD N VALMONT Bo rs r Fa e R Legend T tc Di N AIRP O BLVD Land Use PreApplication Map: Vicinity Rock Cr Stearns Lake Land Use PreApplication Map: Public Lands 396 76th itch WEW OK A D R Main Ditch County Conservation Easement OSMP Properties and CEs itc h le D l i v hal ars M WATONGA WAY THERESA DR Municipality on D ulder Ca n South Bo ORD DR Parcels to h COUNTRY LN it a Ag Subject Property it c rD CLOVER LN Legend STENGEL COUNTRY ESTATES NUPUD ch Dit e u h od Go OCONNOR-HAGMAN OCONNOR-HAGMAN CE N 0 Area of Detail 800 Feet N 76TH ST SKYLARK WAY GOODHUE BLVD FAIRVIEW RD EGGLESTON DR STEINBACH OCONNOR FAMILY Date: 8/28/2015 Louisville BROCKWAY DR PL EDDY The user agrees to all Terms of Use set forth by Boulder County. For Terms of Use, please visit: www.bouldercounty.org/mapdisclaimer E DG RI CRANNELL DR OCONNOR RD RD d vi Da so n h tc Di Land Use PreApplication Map: Location 396 76th Legend Subject Property Parcels Main Ditch ut So h itc A OK W WE DR N 0 Area of Detail 500 Feet Date: 8/28/2015 FAIRVIEW RD TON DR EGGLES rsh Ma The user agrees to all Terms of Use set forth by Boulder County. For Terms of Use, please visit: www.bouldercounty.org/mapdisclaimer ille alv ch Di t h Ditc e u odh Go THER ESA D R SKYLARK WAY GOODHUE BLVD N 76TH ST ORD DR Subdivisions h D on an C er uld o B Land Use PreApplication Map: Comprehensive Plan 396 76th Legend Subject Property Parcels Main Ditch National Importance ut So h D on an C er uld o B h itc A OK W WE N 0 Area of Detail 500 Feet Date: 8/28/2015 FAIRVIEW RD TON DR EGGLES rsh Ma The user agrees to all Terms of Use set forth by Boulder County. For Terms of Use, please visit: www.bouldercounty.org/mapdisclaimer ille alv ch Di t h Ditc e u odh Go THER ESA D R SKYLARK WAY GOODHUE BLVD N 76TH ST ORD DR Riparian Areas DR Land Use PreApplication Map: Aerial 396 76th Legend Subject Property Parcels N 76TH ST GOODHUE BLVD N 0 Area of Detail 120 Feet Date: 8/28/2015 FAIRVIEW RD h Di tc The user agrees to all Terms of Use set forth by Boulder County. For Terms of Use, please visit: www.bouldercounty.org/mapdisclaimer M sh ar ille a lv ' = ' Site Plan Review Fact Sheet rfsJec ldentÍfication: PrcþctName Ytor.¡r'..t Prooerw Address/l-ocatlon: TypeofSuucture: (e.9. residencg studio, bam, etc) Total Þdsting Floor Areal (Finished + Unfinished sguare feet including . qaraqe ifattadredJ fe$dsþ\h ;4 '¡ø\nt//44 !01*l I DeconstructÍon: I sq,ft. I Floon FÍrst Second Floon Garage: E -o sq.ft. Covered Declic Total: ¡q.ft, O ,o.¡, 0nn o s+ f¿ rq.ft. so,ft, sq.ft. Structu l01h Height ß! btt: (aboveooïing sq.ft sr¿de) WYT. I(n^li 101+" oetaore¿ D. ¡to.¡-l o **'ffåËü à¡ly.jlaú WallColor o sa.ft. Roofing Mate¡ial o s+t Rooftng Color qlilt I q.ft. '1.ù.?4,- À TotalBedrooms Residentialvs. Non-Residential Floor Area Typof SEucture: rsidence sn¡dio, bam. etc) Deconstudion: Total Þristing Floor Area: (Finished + Unfinished square feet induding çrageifanachedJ Are new floor afeas being proposed wheredemolition --f f{o )iJ Yes tndude the new floor D osed Floor Âre¿ iirler.v Constr uction On t,; fl sq.ft- occur? thetabþ Residential Non-Residential \ Básenenc sq.ft e.ft. 5q-fu FirlFbor: sq-ft. 5q.ft :q.ft. Second Floor: Garage: Heishr \tuU-".niolqg \ éâ. V.r¡o. .;i , i. wafi dþtedat sq-fr WallCoù tf fÞtached so-ft- s.ft. sq.ft. Roofing Matedal CoveredDeclc sq.ft. sq.ft. so.ft. Roofing Color \ s.ft. sq.ft. TotalBedrooms Form:5PR/04- Rev.03.26.12-gilpublications/spr/5pR04siteplanReviewFact5heet-pdf is required,then call 303-441-3930 and ask t sq.ft. Note: lf an eÍisting raall(s) and/or roof(s) are removed and a new wall(s)/roof(s) are - ' ,!a Limited lmpact Special Review -'i'i Total: lloorarea- constructed, the associated fl oor area due to the new wall(sVroof(s) are considered new construction and must be íncluded in the cakulation of floor area for the Site Plan Review and shown on this Fact sheet. E.t\i", sq.ft. Residential floor area includes all attached and detached floor area las defined in Article 18-162') on a parcel, includlng principal and accessory structures used or customarily used for residential purposes, such as gan¡ges, studiet pool houses, home offices and workshops. Gazebosand carports upto a total combined size of ¿lO0 square fee-t are o<empt. Bams used foragricultural purposed'are not considered residential qr¿e) sq.fL f¡ feet &îx'it lnformation (e.g- everyth¡ng within the exteriorface ofthe exterior walls including garages and b:sements. Covered porch area is not Theshaded area on the the area counted as qtrv Extetíor sq.ft. Aoes Floor Area is measured in terms of square fee¿ The total square fiootage is NonResidential sq.ft, pf Prope¡tt¡ in Determining FloorArea tr o =T r/l¿ft¡l +4482 S¡ze Are newfloorareas being proposed where demolition will occur? No Yec (indudethe new floorarea tn thetable P osed Floor 4rea Construciiorr Oni Residemial Basement 3qp N.rupnr for a new Preapplication conference for the Umited lmpact Special Review. Site Plan Review Fact Sheet The applicant(s) islare required to complete each section of this Site Plan Review (SPR) Fact Sheet even if the information is duplicated elsewhere in the SPR application. Completed Fact Sheets reduce the application review time which helps expediate the Director's Determination. Please make duplicates of this SPR Fact Sheet if the project involves more than two structures. Project ldentification: Structure #1 lnformat¡on Prooertv Address/Locat¡on: 31b N.7þ7/ Type of Structure: (e.q. residence, studio, barn, etc.) Total Existing Floor Area: (Finished + Unfinished square feet including qaraqe if attached.) ' =T l¿ñHL1 r1)Ø^l ?uinA'Ef""r* Current Owner: Deconstruction: ô a sq. ft. sq. ft. Are newfloor areas being proposed where demolition will occur? Yes (includå the new floor area square footage in the table below) Floor Area Construction Residential É ru" E \z¡ur- Unfinished Finished E Ø Total Determining Floor Area Non-Residential Height Basement: sq.ft. sq. ft. First Floor: sq.ft. sq. ft. Second Floor: Garage: sq. ft. sq.ft. 2z'-d' (above exist¡ng qrade) sq. ft. t2b4. Wall Material ft. Wall Color NqAJ- Exterior Floor Area is measured ¡n terms of square feet. The total square footage is everything within the exterior face of the exterior walls including garages and basements. Covered porch area is not included. The shaded area on the diagram indicates the area counted as square feet. Exterior E sq. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Roofing Material Covered Deck: sq. ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. Roofing Color Total sq. ft. sq. ft. Detached D ¡tterherl hÞrA{r- ø Total Bedrooms Structure #2 Information Type of Structure: (e.q. residence, studio, barn, etc.) Total Existing Floor Area: (Finished + Unfinished square feet including garaqe if attached.) ?Pv - tj." Ks 6 Deconstruction: o Residentialvs. Non-Residential Floor Area Residential floor area includes all o sq ft. sq. ft. Are new floor areas being proposed where demolition will occur? Yes(includethenewfloorareasq footage in the table below) Floor Area Construction On Residential d No E Unfinished Finished E Ø Non-Residential Total Height Basement: sq.ft sq. ft. First Floor: sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. (above existing qrade) zlbo*_ Wall Material Exterior Exterior Second Floor: ft sq. ft sq. ft. Wall Color Âtt,.ho.t sq ft. sq. ft sq. ft. Roofing Material Covered Deck: sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft Roofing Color Total sq ft. sq ft. sq. Garage: E fì Detached 2t@ sq. ft. Total Bedrooms Form: SPR/04. Rev.03.26.12 . g:/publications/sprlSPR04SitePlanReviewFactSheet.pdf 3i6" NW +41.ã M*t /Éfr{Ær ø attached and detached floor area (as defined in Article 18-162) on a parcel, including principal and accessory structures used or customar¡ly used for residential purposes, such as garages, studies, pool houses, home offices and workshops. Gazebos and carports up to a total combined size of 400 square feet are exempt. Barns used for agricultural purposed are not considered residential floor area. Note: lf an existing wall(s)and/or roof(s) are removed and a new wall(s)/roof(s) are constructed, the associated floor area due to the new wall(s)/roof(s) are considered new construction and must be included in the calculation of floor area for the Site Plan Review and shown on this Fact Sheet. lf a Limited lmpact Special Review is required, then call 303-441 -3930 and ask for a new Preapplication conference for the Limited lmpact Special Review. \ Earth Work and Grading Worksheet: Grading Calculation Cut and fill calculations are necessary to evaluate the disturbance ofa project and Cut Driveway and Parking to verify whether or not a Limited lmpact Special Review (LISR) is required. A LISR is lo øla n/a h ln ln/n n Areas required when grading for a project involves more than 500 cubic yards (minus normal cut/fill and backfill contained within the foundation Berm(s) Other Grading footprint). lf grading totals are close to tlreSQQyqrd trigger, additional information may be required, such as a grading plan stamped by a Colorado Registered Professional L I Subtotal * lf the total in Box 1 is n la- I f Engineer. subtotal Fill h/ t//a ( I a_ ^/q n/M, greater than 500 cubic yards, then a Limited lmpact Special Réview is required. Earth Work and Grading This worksheet is to help you accurately determine the amount of grading for the property in accordance with the Boulder County Land Use Code. Please fill in all applicable boxes. Cut Fiil h Foundation t lu Material cut from foundation excavation to be removed from the property Note: Applicant(s) must fill in the shaded boxes even though foundation work does not contribute toward the 500 cubic yard trigger requiring Limited lmpact Special Use Review. Also, all areas of earthwork must be represented on the site plan. Total h/L A/o-- Excess Material wíll be Transported to the Following Location: Excess MaterialsTransport Location: I Narrative Use this space to describe any special circumstances that you feel the Land Use Office should be aware of when reviewing your application, including discussion regarding any factors (listed in Article 4-806.2.b.i) used to demonstrate that the presumptive size limitation does not adequately address the size compatibility of the proposed development with the defined neighborhood. lf more room is needed, feel free to attach a separate sheet. S lrt,utu. lÜqz 6 ()/ e [otll e Drhq t x /"a/ J rt ls I s f Your Property Gated and Locked?llfl Note: lf county personnel cannot access the próþèlty then it could cause delays in reviewing your application. Certification I certify that the information submitted is complete and correct. I agree to clearly identify the property (if not already addressed) and stake the location of the improvements on the site within four days of submitting this application. I understand that the intent of the 5ite Plan Review process is to address the impacts of location and type of structures, and that modifications may be required. Site work will not be done prior to issuance of a Grading or Building Permit. 5ignatu re ) t A /l A-t tt lt'', Date l-6-/Ç Form: SPR/04. Rev 03 26.12. g:lpublications/spr/SPR04SitePlanReviewFactSheet pdf ACCESSORY STRUCTURE +r N/ tl\/ TO REMAIN \-,"ffi LOT 8 INDIAN HILLS FA¡RVIEW BIBLE CHAPEL 170'Jìr L 5 wEsr LOT 243',-T t. 7 INDIAN H¡LLS FENCE 660. SIDEYARD FENCED Y OUTDOOR RIDING E\ISTING ONE STORY 70'x FRAMED RESIDENCE 130' ¡$ q EX. CONCRETE BLOCK tr LID u. À v weu-@ U' l'ol o, ôt (Ð F BUTLDTNG DEMO FRAII,IED / m -l E ROUND PEN o x I FENCE LOT 56 FAIRVIEW ESTATES t¡J = tU É. APPROXIMATE s tU) PASTURE AREAOF LEACH o 210'X FIELD o NEW24' I GATE 2',X U' F (o g 116' RUNS DRYLOT 9e Oe , 70'x72', O04' doo Cq' (o= 4j l\ I , E¿t lvP t- öt z"o É. o z z É. vo q o (Ð (", I F f, o Ø Þl ñ oð o É. f, o Ël É. F l¡J UJ Ër o z o o É. sl o z APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS FORALL FENCES PASTURE 3 PASruRE2 t_ 210'X -325',X112', 116' I 24'GATE 10'SIDEYARD SETBACK EAST 660.00'(R) EDGE OFASPHALT FAIRVIEW ROAD NEW ENÏRY - LOT 1 - LOT LOT 3 FAIRVIEW ESTATES FAIRVIEW ESTATES 3 FAIRVIEW ESTATES uTrLrrY LEGEND (ALL EXTSTING) SITE PI-AN W icnrE:1"=so{" PHONE: 303.527.1100 \l-l - TROIECT 9224 MAIN STREET L0utsvtLLE c0 80027 /î\ - ovE sA GA ovE- ovEsAGA- DR¡¡I'ING OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL WM WATER METER SEWER LINE EM ELECTRICAL METER WATER LINE GM GAS METER GAS LINE TE TELEPHONE BOX WOOD FENCE UC OVERHEAD UTILITY CONNECTION LINES ÍTTE MORAN SITE PLAN REVIEW SITE PI.AN 390 NORTH TOTH STREET 1' = 50'-0' BOULDER CO 80303 sc¡lr REUStoilg DÁIE JANUARY 1, 2(}1O ìÀuje- ruv\ntdd \,t)osl Ç) . NEW ASPHALT SHINGLES OVER NEW WOOD TRUSS ROOF FRAMING II @ NEW FIBERGLASS WINDOWS WITH CEMENT BOARD CASING t NEW 6" CEMENT BOARD I-AP SIDING OVER NEW BUILDI'üG PAPER AND 1/2'O.S.B. SHEATHTNG EXISTING GRADE F 9na EXISTTING CONCRETE FRONT PORCH & STEPS EXISITING CONCRETE FOUNDATION REMOVE BRICK AND SIDE WITH NEW BOARD & BATTON CEMENT BOARD SIDING MORAN SITE PLAN REVIEW I¡2A TIIX STREET L0utSvtLLE c0 t002t ?HOIEI s0! !¡t t100 I9I TORTH WEST EITVATON ¡TNEET 10 S0uLDEi C0'ITfl !0¡0s ( ?-w\r:Åi,l Wt,jhtn lr ñt #&1 rY Í ú 5(c^ e Yq ll tl- v\&.. \fur^- oàe) *rÅ1^61 NEW ASPHALT SHINGLES OVER NEW !4/OOD TRUSS ROOF FRAMING NEW EIBERGI.ASS WINDOWS WITH CEMENT BOARD CASING NEW 6'CEMENT BOARD tAP SIÞING OVER NEW BUILDING PAPER AND 1/2" O.S.B. SHEATHTNG q Y"4 nXr'l a 9 EXISMNG CONCRETE FOUNDATION MORAN SITE PLAN REVIEW ¡22^ rAtt gf iEET t0utsvtlLE c0 ¡002t PHOiE: 90¡ 52t-ti00 ta! l0RlH ?alff 6lREET BOULDÊR CO '!!03 sotIfH Et"É]ú¡ÍloN 1i o ¡Pd l-iou5€ lr/o Y+t^ H'n"'u^***4 Çl NEW ASPHALT SHINGLES OVER NEW WOOD TRUSS ROOF FRAMING NEW FIBERGT.ASS WINDOWS WITH CEMENT BOARD CASING NEW 6" CEMENT BOARD LAP SIDING OVER NEW BUILDING PAPER AND Ll2" O.S.B. EXISITING CONCRETE FOUNDATION MORAN SITE PLAN REVIEW ¡¡¡Â t^t¡ 3f BEEI LOUìEVILLE CO IOO2' PHOTE: 50!-527 ll00 r0ù ¡0RrH r6lt sT¡EEl 80uLDEà C0 30S!3 NORÏTI ELEVATION 0 DECEXBEf, I',2OI5 SHEATHTNG - (J<Jùu- (& rnotuJ Çasl Çl NEW ASPHALI SHINGLES OVER NEW WOOD TRUSS ROOF FRAMING NEW FIBERGLASS WINDOWS WITH CEMENT BOARD CASING o NEW 6'CEMENT BOARD LAP SIDING OVER NEW BUILDING PAPER AND V2'O.S.B. SHEATHING MORAN SITE PLAN REVIEW t¡2^ x^ti 6TREEl L0utSvtLLE c0 r002r tf0tE: t0! 621 1t00 I9I ìOßfH ?!TH gTREEf ¡0uLDÊR C0 a030t EASTEI.EVATON lYtç4s v't4t4 m)*ns o'\¡ N'\ ,f .-4uf n5 \t 6< /cfi Åt - ,oLl Yt 03 -{ uf o1.'V' '¿ ln,,(, d J 'ìl-?+S dnf ^+l\ l/t"f/ Krhuç *re-nq & otv Mark sP-1 sP.2 'Ioo Bot Inl 44 44 0 0 Tmê Diâ A32s 0.760 3.00 A.625 225 4325 W¡dth Thlck 6', 5i8" 1t2" Length 3r5 7lB', 3,-0 3/8' RGA05rs7) l0 ."ì- Át' 12 12 u-- _3L .¡ I Y 4 d- RIGìDFRAMEELEVATION: FRAMELINE2 3 4567 8 RONBUILISfEÊL KM€0170CO THE CLEAR HEIGHTS SHOWN ABO\G ARE'ESTIMAIÊD" CLEAR HEIGHTS ANO ARE gUBJEGTfO CHANGE BASED ON FINAL OESIGN m3æ AUILD rcS ,Å,;,¡..? rt+u'n^ j¡ll: Fldd Ì FlêB dr D __---__ro gk o el3 D e]¡ !.lj D D 6F dr D D B I tr I Ê c B J o D e.L! el3 D fiD el3 E& Fl€H F¡okt o D ffi ei! Er u Fi6ld ! ANCHOR BOLT PLAN NofE: All &se Pl6ts @ t0o!o'(U N.) IRONEUILT Sf EEL BUILDINGS KM6017oCO Chtom æ303 NÂmè K á,,^, Arpn"\ r"\12 -4r' 12 MAROI MAROl ERi2 ER.1 c r I I I GIRÎ LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE PRELIMINARYAND SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASÊD ON FINAL DESIGN I i I I rþld ENDWALL Ãr 12 I E I I ENDWALL SHEETING & TRIM: FRAME LINE PANELS:26 Ga CW - Undefned color C 1 I t'\ 12 IRONBUILl SlEEL AUILDINGS KM80170CO 40303 K,A, BOLT ^1 IABLE FRÂMF f INF q tsK-1/ÈK-Z , OF STEEL t"\ Át12 12 DIAROI MAROI ER-2 E^i c I r I I t' ^^\ G-a GIRT LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE PRELIIVINARY AND SUBJECT fO CHANGE BASED ON FINAL DESIGN I I I EC-1 / \ EC-8 EC.7 ENDWALL Ár 12 I E ril Y rò Y rî) Y .'ì\ 12 ENDWALL SHEETING & TRIM: FRAME LINE PANELST 26 Ga, CW. Undeined 610rC 9 IRONBUILT SfEEL BUILDINGS KM8017æO 00303 Kü v7 ñrp*\ 170r0" TO-OUT OF GIRT LæATIONS SKOWN ARÊ PRELIM NARY AND SUBJECÍfO CHANGË BASED ON FINAL DESIGN 1 12" It EC.6 ln"ro 16'{" I RF1.1 I I f.¡ GIRT LAPS 3/4 1É RFI.1 RF1-1 !4' lt 3/. I { 3/4 D rÐâ YY . 3 1r3 7t4' EC-'1 f-3 a/¡, 1 SIDEWALL F I RF1-1 ¡ 3/4' 1ß 3/4' LI oÊ 99? I D SIDEWALL SHEETING & TRIM: FRAME LINE A PANELS: 26 Ga. CW. Undefned ølor C IRONBUILT SIEEL BU¡LDINGS KM80l7æO 0ß03 fi,)rø1 Êrun,t I I (^ Y rÐ aà 16) Y Y Y \ .ll 1t2' lln 4P+IF Fleld ^..{þ+ RF1.1 : êld II ' {\ dL^. t^aút \ ".^ RFl.l RFl-1 F eld fr+ RF1.1 ? l Y ./ r',-ß "-ffiÐì f-a:: 1Iæ ¡ RF1.1 eld GIRT LOCAIIONS SHOWN ARE PRELIMINARY AND SUilECT TO CHANGE BASED ON FINAL OESIGN + ^^ F e¡d EC.1 6-O' 6',-o" GIRT LAPS ql+ Il G-s 16) , -'1¡ -l.lgh' ¡r¡' -ï¡ ¡¡' 1rx3|4' -r-¡:/¡' SIDEWALL LI ç ?9 999 SIDEWALL SHEETING & TRIM: FRAME LINE 16) Y o F PANELS:26 GE, CW - Undefined oolor C IRdBUILT KM00170CO 8æ03 STEEL BUILD]NGS I I \ ê ; --] s J .5 t^ t j I I It I I \ J + rS^ -\) '{" {d Þ-lþ *ù* ,r\\fl ì :1,|:: 0o"a -s-" S#eæm'il tWøø^ ,tLc- æ_ _ +Wñffi .å *#"4¡æ- ^ rÀ¿- E_ 4"Æ8^ -2, -.|-wtub- ¿l **Ë,Fr¿-.a- _-j84tr9++ [^ Éær!44-ff8+ þpA -4v4, y ¿ ;,,irl.:ll::,:ì s __-_-rî_ørffiþ -1q8'?t'ÊÊ+ ,"qwbi _iE eøæ+ ..1 . .... .!; ,. .. .| . æL¡€ã_+ ** úo*e J I I i l _L- â¡ € -t_ J---,r. --1- 1 $ IL À f; \\O{ *CÊ ì'v1O2 I o ì <\ "g 'v q ê qE I ¡ I I I I tI FIRgT FI.oOR 'i¡ 4 oË 4 oE rË ó I ô q I I oE .F oF ,E ò I L ,rH o I _.1 I I -+ ï -+ + --t r,@
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Courthouse Annex - 2045 13th Street - Boulder, Colorado 80302 - (303) 441-3930 - Fax 303-441-4856
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 471 - Boulder, Colorado 80306 www.bouldercounty.org
Cindy Domenico...