discover yourself at the university of applied
discover yourself at the university of applied
DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! języki_v3_4.indd 1 2016-04-07 14:54:48 TABLE OF CONTENTS Opracowanie merytoryczne: Pracownicy Instytutu NeoÞlologii i Architektury PWSZ w Nysie Pracownicy Biura Wspó!pracy Mi"dzynarodowej PWSZ w Nysie Redakcja: mgr Anna Opa!ka Projekt graÞczny: mgr in#. Adam Zelent VEKTOR Studio Sk!ad komputerowy: VEKTOR Studio ul. Brodzi!skiego 3/3 48-300 Nysa +48 602 553 794 [email protected] języki_v3_4.indd 2 UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA MISSION AND VISION 3 STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA 4 WHAT MAKES UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA SPECIAL? 5 WHAT MAKES NYSA A PERFECT PLACE TO LIVE AND STUDY? 5 FACULTIES AND SPECIALISATIONS 6 ENGLISH STUDIES 9 BUSINESS ENGLISH 15 GERMAN PHILOLOGY 21 ARCHITECTURE 28 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 39 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION OFFICE 45 THE CITY OF NYSA 46 UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA 48 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 50 SPECIAL OFFER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 54 2016-04-07 14:54:51 UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA MISSION AND VISION MISSION: T he University of Applied Sciences in Nysa is a modern education and science institution which educates students and people belonging to other age groups. The University focuses on the development of its educational offer, faculty members, infrastructure and teaching facilities as well as internationalisation. The University educates students and develops their skills which enables them to take up employment in professions of their choice as well as to pursue further studies in academic higher schools in Poland and Europe. It is a University which has become part of the academic tradition of the city of Nysa and which is oriented towards the cooperation with the region. VISION: T he University of Applied Sciences in Nysa is the institution which prepares its students for their future careers best. This is a centre which stimulates the development of the region. The University is also engaged in lifelong learning. UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 3 3 2016-04-07 14:54:51 STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA D o you want to take up interesting and prospective studies and gain valuable theoretical and practical experience? Are you considering studying in Poland but do not know which university will meet your expectations? Study at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa! Give yourself a chance to find new opportunities of personal development. Choose the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa and study in a warm and friendly atmosphere with many interesting people. Our University will help you receive high class education, provided by outstanding academic teachers and become valuable candidate in labour market. 4 języki_v3_4.indd 4 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:54:52 • The laboratory equipment conforms to the highest standards • Well-organised infrastructure • Lectures and classes conducted by Professors from Opole, Wrocław and other Silesian cities, who bring in the high standards of teaching from other major academic centres • Excellent academic experience • A variety of scientific disciplines • Modern facilities • Focus on practical training • International environment • Erasmus+ Programme • Cultural offer • Rich educational offer and support for foreign students • Low costs of living in Nysa • Open society of Nysa citizens • Numerous priceless monuments • Active sports and touristic centre • Many ways of spending free time • Possibilities of practicing sports and sailing on the lake • Beautiful mountains and fresh air • Close proximity to the Czech Republic border • Academic spirit of the town WHAT MAKES THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA SPECIAL? WHAT MAKES NYSA A PERFECT PLACE TO LIVE AND STUDY? języki_v3_4.indd 5 5 2016-04-07 14:54:52 FACULTIES AND SPECIALISATIONS S TECHNICAL PHILOLOGICAL 6 języki_v3_4.indd 6 tudies in Nysa are practical occupational learning on bachelor’s and engineer’s levels of studies on the following Þelds of study: • Architecture: Architecture and urban planning (including studies in the English language), Architecture of light, Conservation and preservation of works of art • Computer science: Computer games and multimedia, Internet systems, Systems and computer networks, Network and information technology security • Management and production engineering: Production automation and mechatronics systems, Production and service management, Quality management, Security management, Innovation management • • • English Studies (English language instruction) German philology (German language instruction) Business English (English language instruction) DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:54:52 ALL THE FACULTIES OFFER VARIETY COURSES IN ENGLISH IN FRAMES OF EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES! MEDICAL • • • • Dietetics: Clinical dietetics, Administrative dietetics Cosmetology: Cosmetic chemistry and technology, Specialist cosmetology Nursing Emergency medical rescue ARTISTIC • Jazz and popular music: Instrumental and vocal, Artistic education in jazz and popular music, Sound engineering ECONOMICAL • Finance and accounting: Corporate finance, Accounting and financial control SOCIAL • Internal security: Criminology and crime detection, Security of information technology systems, Economic security PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Psychophysical development of a human: Personal trainer, Psychomotor recreation UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 7 7 2016-04-07 14:54:54 Liebe Studentinnen, liebe Studenten Dear Students D F em Büchlein, das Sie in der Hand halten, entnehmen Sie nicht nur Informationen über die Lehrpläne neuphilologischer Studiengänge an der Staatlichen Hochschule in Nysa, sondern Sie bekommen auch Einblick in das studentische Leben und erfahren, was das Studium bei uns spannend macht. Unser Institut für Neuphilologie ist ein kleines Institut mit vielen internationalen Kontakten. Unsere StudentInnen studieren viel im Ausland und wir freuen uns über Studierende aus dem Ausland, die bei uns studieren wollen. Anzubieten haben wir Lehrveranstaltungen, die in kleinen Gruppen stattfinden, so werden z.B. sprachpraktische Seminare in Gruppen durchgeführt, die nicht mehr als 18 Personen zählen. Praxisbezug des Unterricht, gute Kontakte zu Institutionen, die Praktika anbieten, sind unsere Stärken. Wir arbeiten viel mit offenen Lernformen und Studienreisen sind ein integrales Element des Studiums. Die einzelnen Studiengänge können miteinander kombiniert werden. Es ist schön, mal über den Tellerland zu gucken. Ich lade Sie herzlich ein! rom the booklet you are holding in your hands, you will learn not only about language studies programs, but also you will get an insight into student life and Þnd out what is interesting in our studies. Our Institute of Modern Languages is a small institute with many international contacts. Our students are studying abroad a lot and we are excited to have foreign students who wish to study with us. We can offer them courses in small groups, e.g. seminars of practical language held in groups of at most 18 students. Linking studies with practice, good cooperation with institutions offering internships, it is also our strength. Working in the classroom is an open scheme, and study tours are an integral part of the studies. Particular specialization courses of studies can be combined. Go abroad! You are cordially invited! Monika Witt, Ph.D. Director at the Institute of the Neophilology Dr. Monika Witt Leiterin des Instituts für Neuphilologie 8 języki_v3_4.indd 8 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:54:57 Author_PublicDomainPictures ENGLISH STUDIES EFFECTIVE AND COMFORTABLE LEARNING języki_v3_4.indd 9 9 2016-04-07 14:54:57 TRANSLATION PRACTICAL ENGLISH ENGLISH STUDIES AMERICAN STUDIES 10 języki_v3_4.indd 10 DIDACTICS CULTURE DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:54:58 ENGLISH STUDIES CURRICULUM COMPONENTS ENGLISH CORE COURSES DIDACTICS CORE COURSES • • • • • • • • History of English Practical English Introduction to Literature Introduction to Linguistics English Phonetics/Phonology History of English Literature Translation Descriptive Grammar • • • Voice Training Intercultural Communication Training in Teaching of Preschool and School Students Introduction to Didactics Didactics and Methology of English Teaching • • języki_v3_4.indd 11 11 2016-04-07 14:54:58 OUR EDUCATIONAL AIMS 12 języki_v3_4.indd 12 • To teach students practical English language skills at a proficiency level in order to make them competent professionals • To equip students with the practical knowledge of the English language in a comparative dimension and to teach them how to solve problems encountered in translation • Thanks to practical skills mastered at English Studies, students can pursue their career in teaching, translation and any other professional activity where English is a must DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:54:58 AND SOMETHING MORE… LEARN MORE WITH ACTIVE MINDS A ctive Minds is a group of enthusiastic and highly motivated English Studies students who long to go beyond the standard study programme and wish to enrich their educational experience with more open forms of learning. The group organizes study trips, foreign guest lectures, film shows, workshops, educational picnics, and student conferences. Members of the group are actively involved in the Science Festival in Nysa and in the Festival of British and American Culture (commonly called AFA). The group happily welcomes all the newcomers willing to enhance their knowledge of the language and culture of English speaking countries. STUDY ABROAD WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA T he University of Applied Sciences in Nysa has developed Erasmus+ cooperation with a number of partner universities abroad. Thanks to it, our students have an opportunity to study for as long as a year at selected universities in Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Norway, Romania, and Turkey. It may be an unforgettable experience to go there and meet people from Turkey and many others. Many of our graduates still keep in touch with their friends they have made there. Norway Grants is another program that our students can benefit from, studying a few months at Lavanger University. In addition, our students may complete international summer internship abroad with various institutions and companies in the EU. języki_v3_4.indd 13 13 2016-04-07 14:54:59 OUR STUDENTS ABOUT US ULYANA MYKHAYLYUK I n my opinion, UAS in Nysa is a prime example of a good educational institution. The lecturers are professionals who have an individual approach to every student. They give their hearts to each student, always willing to devote a few minutes of their personal time to help. Another advantage of studying in Nysa is its cultural life. The University of Applied Sciences in Nysa organizes many cultural events in which students can participate. University of Applied Sciences in Nysa is a wonderful institution for people who want to be professionals eager to participate in various activities. SANDRA AZCÓN BRUMOS B etween many options, I decided to choose Poland for studying abroad. Erasmus+ is a great opportunity for travelling, and Poland’s location is perfect for that, as the country is in the middle of Europe. Moreover, Nysa is a nice city, there are a lot of things to do. The University here is fantastic, because there aren’t many people in class, which means that teachers can help you individually. Also, I have great classmates and teachers that make me feel really integrated. Definitely, I recommend UAS in Nysa for the Erasmus+ choice! 14 języki_v3_4.indd 14 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:01 BUSINESS ENGLISH THE BEST WAY TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS języki_v3_4.indd 15 15 2016-04-07 14:55:02 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES BASIC COURSES BUSINESS ENGLISH STUDIES ENGLISH CORE COURSES 16 języki_v3_4.indd 16 VOCATIONAL PRACTICE BUSINESS CORE COURSES DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:02 BUSINESS ENGLISH CURRICULUM COMPONENTS • • • ENGLISH CORE COURSES • • • • BUSINESS CORE COURSES • • • • • • • • Practical English English linguistics Culture and institutions of Englishspeaking countries Business English Commercial correspondence Theory of translation and specialised languages Translation and interpreting Company management fundamentals Microeconomics / macroeconomics Economic cooperation in the EU Commercial and administrative law EU programmes and foudns Economic globalization Business ethics Vocational practice in various companies Strong focus on practice Less emphasis on theory and academic knowlege Maximum of practice, minimum of theory języki_v3_4.indd 17 17 2016-04-07 14:55:02 OUR EDUCATIONAL AIMS 18 języki_v3_4.indd 18 • To make business English graduate more employable and adjustable to work environment [thanks to the business core] • To equip business English graduates with practical and applied skills in both language use and business [thanks to the business core] • To make business English graduates more attractive than the graduates of „traditional” philological studies who have little (if any) understanding of business issues [thanks to the business core] DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:02 AND SOMETHING MORE… STORYTELLING S torytelling is a natural way of exchanging people’s experiences. Storytelling involves a twoway interaction between a storyteller and one or more listeners. The responses of the listeners influence the telling of the story. In fact, storytelling emerges from the interaction and cooperative, coordinated efforts of teller and audience. Storytelling workshops are addressed to students and primary and middle school teachers. Thanks to these workshops the students and teachers will have a chance to improve their English teaching skills. VOCATIONAL PRACTISE D uring the vocational practice students get familiar with the functioning of a company, develop further their linguistic and translational skills as well as business-related knowledge. Among other things, students are introduced to a variety of company documents, the processes and procedures applied in the functioning of the company etc. They deal with the tasks in which they can make use of their command of English, e.g. making telephone calls, collecting information from the press, the Internet and other mass media, writing official documents and offers. In the further part of the vocational practice, students make use of their skills obtained during translation courses by translating and interpreting consecutively and, if possible, simultaneously. języki_v3_4.indd 19 19 2016-04-07 14:55:03 OUR STUDENTS ABOUT US INCI SAGLAM A s a student participating in the Erasmus+ program I studied one semester at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa. While studying in Poland, I had a chance to learn new things that I wouldn’t have learnt at my University. The schedule was always well planned by the teachers and the authorities of the University. Thanks to the friendly atmosphere I didn’t get the feeling that I was a foreigner. Studying at both the University and the Institute gave me an unforgettable life experience. I hope that more and more students will benefit from the Erasmus program, taking part in the creative process of learning. TARAS TKACHUK T here are many reasons why I like studying at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa. First of all – a friendly atmosphere and cheerful students and teachers Moreover, I find everything I study here interesting I learn new things every day. I also like the town , where you can visit a lot exciting places. So, if you want to choose a university for studying, you should think about UAS in Nysa. I decided to study business English at the Institute of Modern Languages because I wanted to improve my English skills. There are many practical classes where you can practice, for example, grammar or speaking- I can’t tell which is my favorite, because each of them is interesting. 20 języki_v3_4.indd 20 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:04 GERMANISCHE PHILOLOGIE DAS ABENTEUER BEGINNT IN DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE języki_v3_4.indd 21 21 2016-04-07 14:55:07 LEHRER FÜR DEUTSCH ALS FREMD- UND ZWEITSPRACHE DEUTSCH IN WIRTSCHAFT UND TOURISTIK GERMANISTIK STUDIEN KULTURWISSENSCHAFT UND TOURISTIK ÜBERSETZEN UND DOLMETSCHEN 22 języki_v3_4.indd 22 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:07 LEHRER FÜR DEUTSCH ALS FREMD- UND ZWEITSPRACHE • • • • KULTURWISSENSCHAFT UND TOURISTIK • • • • ÜBERSETZEN UND DOLMETSCHEN DEUTSCH IN WIRTSCHAFT UND TOURISTIK • • • • • • Psychologish-pädagogische Vorbereitung auf das Unterrichten im Kindergarten und in der Schule Didaktik und Methodik von DaF und DaZ Praktika im Kindergarten und in der Schule SPEZIALGEBIETE IM RAHMEN DES GERMANISTIK – STUDIUMS Einführung in das Handelsund Verwaltungsrecht Grundlagen von Marketing Fremdenführung und Reiseleiterausbildung Landeskunde Konsekutivund Simultandolmetschen Fachtexte Theorie der Übersetzung Berufs- und Handelskorrespondez Computergestützte Übersetzung Landeskunde: Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz Kultur und Geschichte Schlesiens języki_v3_4.indd 23 23 2016-04-07 14:55:07 LEHRZIELE 24 języki_v3_4.indd 24 • Der Absolvent der Germanistik besitzt in Wort und Schrift die praktischen Kompetenzen in der deutschen Sprache auf C1-Niveau, gemäß dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen • Der Absolvent der Germanistik soll die berufsbezogenen Qualifikationen für die Arbeit als Lehrer erwerben • Der Absolvent der Germanistik soll die praktischen Fähigkeiten haben, Probleme zu lösen, die während des Übersetzungprozesses entstehen • Der Absolvent der Germanistik soll Kenntnisse im Bereich der Kultur und Touristik in den deutschsprachigen Ländern besitzen DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:07 UND NOCH MEHR… FINANZIERUNG VOM STUDIUM UND PRAKTIKUM F ür ausländische Studierende ist die Finanzierung der Studienaufenthalte und Praktika in Neisse sowohl aus den Mitteln des Erasmus+ Programms möglich, als auch im Rahmen anderer stipendienporgramme. Praktika-Möglichkeiten bieten sich für künftige Philologen, Übersetzer und Medien- und Tourismus-Experten in unterschiedlichen Referaten der Verwaltung der Staatlichen Hochschule in Neisse und auch in den Strukturen der deutschen Minderheit. DIE STUDENTISCHE GERMANISTISCHE FACHSCHAFT (FALKE) D ie Heimat- und Landeskunde war schon immer im Programm des Germanistikstudiums an der Staatlichen Hochschule in Neisse ein durchaus wichtiges Thema. Um diese Interessen vertiefen zu können, ist im Wintersemester 2009/2010 die Studentische Germanistische Fachschaft »Falke« ins Leben gerufen worden, die sich seitdem vorranging mit dem Veranstalten der etlichen Studienreisen durch die schlesische Heimat beschäftigt. Mindestens einmal im Semester sind die Studierenden unterwegs, indem sie an verschiedenen Reisen teilnehmen, die sie zusammen mit ihrem Betreuer auch selbst planen, organisieren und durchführen. języki_v3_4.indd 25 25 2016-04-07 14:55:08 UNSERE STUDENTEN ÜBER UNS MARA ZAR"NE I ch habe hier fünf schöne Monate verbracht, und jeder von ihnen war etwas Besonderes, voller Überraschungen. Jetzt weiß ich - ich bin verliebt in Polen, und ich bin sicher, ich werde jede Gelegenheit nutzen, um es wieder zu besuchen. JESSICA BAUER D ie Universität in Nysa zeichnet sich durch eine familiäre Atmosphäre und den freundlichen Umgang miteinander aus. Die Lehrkräfte sind sehr hilfsbereit und offen für Fragen jeglicher Art. Die Studenten sind nett und für jeden Spaß zu haben. 26 języki_v3_4.indd 26 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:10 Dear students N ysa is natural urban-architectonic laboratory, a city of exceptional values and traditions related to art. There are few such places that, while covering a small territory, are so important for the world of art, in this case for the architecture. Prof. Jakub Lewicki, Ph.D. Director at the Institute of Architecture E ducation on architecture major is based on direct contacts between teachers and students, on master-apprentice relationship, well-established in education history. Classes are conducted in the form of lectures, exercises, projects, laboratories and seminars. Students learn, for instance, in drawing and painting workrooms, computer laboratories – equipped with CAD/CAM software, laboratorial-design workrooms of general construction, material science and sculpture. The major purpose of the architecture is first to bring closer and finally accomplish a definition of „architecture”, namely „a discipline based on organizing and shaping the space in real forms, necessary to satisfy material, biological, spiritual and utilitarian human needs, including needs of the disabled”. UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 27 27 2016-04-07 14:55:11 INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE LET’S BUILD YOUR FUTURE TOGETHER! 28 języki_v3_4.indd 28 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:11 OUR EDUCATIONAL AIMS • To transfer knowledge in architecture based on direct contact and share experience between lecturers and students, implementing the master-student model • We offer our students the opportunity to get acquainted with different aspects of conservatory activities conducted in historical buildings such as legal and technical issues • We teach our students how to develop abilities to analyse and assess buildings in the historical and architectonic respect UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 29 29 2016-04-07 14:55:12 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE VOCATIONAL PRACTICE ARCHITECTURE INNOVATION 30 języki_v3_4.indd 30 SKILLED STAFF DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:13 ARCHITECTURE CURRICULUM COMPONENTS • • SUBJECTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • General building engineering and material technology Ecology/revitalisation of environment Building physics Descriptive geometry Computer graphics Technical infrastructure Building instalations Building constructions Building mechanics Building law Architectural design Landscape design Urban design Interior designing Sociology of housing and cities Fine art techniques Computer sience Strong focus on practice Less emphasis on theory and academic knowlege Maximum of practice, minimum of theory języki_v3_4.indd 31 31 2016-04-07 14:55:13 AND SOMETHING MORE… PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS - CONSARCH T he partner projects, like international workshops “CONSARCH I, II, III”, organised under the Erasmus+ programme, are an answer to the needs shared by our international partner institutions concerning monuments and architectural objects conservation education among students. The courses realise the following adjectives: • improve the multidisciplinary knowledge and awareness of conservation approaches among students of architecture • share different ways of including the conservatory methodologies and techniques to the conservation of architectural objects • teach and let to experience how to work in international teams respecting the other cultures • improve the professional English language in the area of architecture and conservation • test and implement new approaches into the study programme • teach students to use distance-learning tools in conservatory education • promote the entrepreneurial behavior to the students • encourage students to open their own businesses/firms giving them some knowledge concerning the law and economical environment in each of partner countries 32 języki_v3_4.indd 32 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:13 DOUBLE DEGREE P olish-German Double Degree Programme is a full Bachelor degree programme lasting 3,5 years with obligatory mobility two semesters in partner institution and 3-month long international practical training. After graduation student will get two degrees: bachelor of arts in Branderburgische Technische Universität in Cottbus and engineer of architecture in University of Applied Sciences in Nysa. Regular elements are workshops, organized twice a year. During those workshops students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with specifie case studies and gain practical experience. We offer: • Study and research periods in two universities simultaneously • International internship in architectural office in one of EU countries • Language courses (German and Polish) • Financial support • Double degree and two academic titles: Bachelor of Arts and Engineer Architect • International architectural workshops • Interesting education specialization • Innovative ways of vocational teaching języki_v3_4.indd 33 33 2016-04-07 14:55:14 WORD OF LECTURERS A rchitecture in English - is a typical theoretical-practical and interdisciplinary major of studies, philological in a sense, saturated with the program of classic architecture and urban planning studies, which gives the graduate signiÞcantly broader opportunities of employment as compared to the traditional architecture and urban planning studies. Classes are conducted in English by the personnel being in possession of certificates allowing such a possibility and long-term experience in working with students in specialized English. It gives the chance to educate a Polish student on the highest European level. The purpose of the studies is, e.g. mastering specialist English in the field of architecture and urban planning. Having such skills creates many possibilities of attractive employment not only in Poland, but also in European job markets. Architect Konrad Dobrowolski, Ph.D. Eng. International Coordinator at the Institute of Architecture international 34 języki_v3_4.indd 34 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:15 S pecialty in maintenance and protection of monuments is the only daily study programme in the scope of historic architecture. Protection of architectural monuments is a profession that may become fascinating in its discovery of the heritage of the past. A graduate will be prepared to perform auxiliary, coauthor and original creative activities with regard to design and implementation of the maintenance investments in historic buildings under their adaptation to the new functions and revitalisation. A rchitecture of Light is a specialty, after completion of which graduate will be prepared to perform auxiliary, co-author and original creative activities with regard to design and implementation of buildings, with particular focus on lighting issues of architectonic objects, including architectonic illumination, utility and decorative lighting of both interiors and public spaces respecting landscape qualities as well as preparation of stage lighting and occasional lighting of temporal character. Maintenance and protection of monuments is ideal specialty for enthusiasts of history and monuments. The need of adjustment of the design concepts interfering in historical buildings’ tissue to the restrictive requirements of monuments protection becomes an inspiration for search of creative solutions. We want our Institute to be meeting place for people for whom light is passion and art, who want to broaden their knowledge and explore the latest and proven solutions in lighting design. We would like to show the value of light as a building material used by the architect engineer equally with reinforced concrete, brick, steel and glass. Malgorzata Korpa!a, Ph.D. Architect Michal Kaczmarzyk, Ph.D. Eng. Institute of Architecture, Qualified monument conservator Lecturer at the Institute of Architecture UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 35 35 2016-04-07 14:55:15 OUR STUDENTS ABOUT US SONIA ALVARO SANJUAN M y experience in the Institute of Architecture have been really great! I’ve learnt about how buildings are designed in Poland, I have improved my English successfully and I have seen how Architecture is tought in this country... I have met really good friends here, so I only can recommend Nysa to all the people. GALA RAMAS T he institute of Architecture is really cozy, I enjoy studying there, because you can always ask of teachers, meet them in order to solve questions of works. I was afraid in the beginning but now I’m delighted to have studied in the Institute of Architecture in Nysa, the experience is super!” 36 języki_v3_4.indd 36 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:15 IN THE INSTITUTE OPERATE SCIENTIFIC GROUPS ENTER A HIGHER LEVEL... RESTART R estART Student Research Group of Architects, whose goal is, the development of skills with regard to design of multifunctional and large-area facilities, and participate in architectonic competitions, designing illuminations of architectonic objects (mapping). Compages Student Research Group which aim is to, e.g. development of skills with regard to the general construction, building structures and building physics by execution of specific practical tasks. ReNova Student Research Group – the goal of the group is expansion of knowledge about maintenance and monuments protection. języki_v3_4.indd 37 37 2016-04-07 14:55:16 S tudying Þnance at the University of Nysa is not a waste of time neither a waste of money. The acquired knowledge and experience will give you a strong foundation for gaining interesting and rewarding work. Prof. Andrzej Nowak, Ph.D., Eng. Director at the Institute of Finance F inance and accounting is one of three professions where specialist graduates are currently in very high demand on the labour market. Classes are conducted in the form of lectures, exercises, projects, laboratories and seminars. Students learn, for instance, in drawing and painting workrooms, computer laboratories – equipped with CAD/CAM software, laboratorial-design workrooms of general construction, material science and sculpture. The major purpose of the architecture is first to bring closer and finally accomplish a definition of „architecture”, namely „a discipline based on organizing and shaping the space in real forms, necessary to satisfy material, biological, spiritual and utilitarian human needs, including needs of the disabled”. T he purpose of the course is to prepare students to work e#ectively within the sphere of of management and production engineering, so that they are able to combine modern knowledge and engineering skills with business practice. Prof. Stefan Szymura, Ph.D. Director at the Institute of Management 38 języki_v3_4.indd 38 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:16 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING/ BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 39 39 39 2016-04-07 14:55:18 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES SPECIALIZATION COURSES FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING/ BUSINESS MANAGEMENT BASIC COURSES FACULTY COURSES 40 języki_v3_4.indd 40 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:19 GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES BASIC COURSES FACULTY COURSES SPECIALIZATION COURSES • • • • • General education course - elective Information Technology Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulations and Ergonomics Etiquette in Public Life Protection of Intellectual Property • • • • • • • Microeconomics Macroeconomics Mathematics Accounting Law Econometrics Principles of Finance • • • • • • • Management Strategies Principles of Management Financial Analysis Financial Market Public Finance Company Finance Management Financial Accounting • • • • • • • Computer Aided Management Operational Production Control Production and Services Organisation Project Management Enterprise Logistics Quality and Safety Management Investment Profitability Calculation FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING/ BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CURRICULUM COMPONENTS języki_v3_4.indd 41 41 2016-04-07 14:55:19 OUR EDUCATIONAL AIMS 42 języki_v3_4.indd 42 • Studying with us will give you an understanding of the varied aspects of economics as well as personal further development • Graduates of the course in English are well prepared to meet the needs of the international labour market and have higher chances to find a job with international corporations and institutions • The course specialises on the comprehensive perception of a company. As such the course contains modules teaching financial strategies, a qualitative and quantitative approach to management, the basics of running a business with practical management systems, as well as the methods and instruments to do so DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:19 AND SOMETHING MORE… STUDENTS SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION „BONUS” T he main purpose of the research circle is a association of people, who want to deepen their knowledge and share their interests and insights in the Þeld of Þnance, as well as for those interested in contemporary world a#airs and would like to learn something new. Our primary mission is to enable members of the circle self-realization and gaining the required experience, professionalism and professional excellence in finance. We would like this circle to be a platform for organizing various kinds of events: conferences, seminars and discussions for those who would like to learn something new, useful and interesting. STUDENTS SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION „ABACULUS” D uring the classes, students can deepen their knowledge of and skills in the CAD programmes. We paid the most attention to Autodesk Inventor, the programme for designing the parts of machines. We realize other projects as well, including programming graph plotter, construction of plasma cutting plotter and experiments with optical fibers. języki_v3_4.indd 43 43 2016-04-07 14:55:20 OUR STUDENTS ABOUT US HUSEYIN GUL I t was a great decision to choose Nysa for the destination to live and study. I had the opportunity to learn Polish language, but also about the culture and people, who are very outgoing and hospitable. I’ll never forget the time I spent there and the friends I met there. My greatest hope is that I could come to Poland again and meet all of my friends. TUNAY KILIC C oming to Nysa was the best experience of my life. Everything was so great! Academic teachers were friendly, understanding and tolerant. To be honest Nysa is a small town, but with many friends here it has become the legend. I will definitely miss everyone badly. I hope we will see each other again. This was a great opportunity for me! 44 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! języki_v3_4.indd 44 2016-04-07 14:55:21 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION OFFICE I nternational Cooperation O$ce (ICO) is responsible for coordinating cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa and foreign partners in execution of various programmes and projects. Its aim is to initiate and enhance international activity and mobility of both the students and academic staff of the University of Applied in Nysa, by organizing information and promotional activity as as by providing assistance in the execution of various projects and organizing international conferences. Promoting the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa abroad is a very important part of the activity of this office. języki_v3_4.indd 45 45 2016-04-07 14:55:22 THE CITY OF NYSA A long time ago in the Galaxy far away there was a place called Nysa - with over 61 000 inhabitants (natives that live in town and in 25 surrounding villages), located in the south-western part of the Opole Province, on the Nysa Klodzka river, at the foot of the Sudetes. For several hundred years the town was the capital of the Duchy of Wroclaw Bishops it was perceived be one of the most important cultural and economic centres of Europe, next to Wroclaw, Prague and Cracow. Even now we can find many precious monuments from different historic epochs in Nysa. More information can be found at On the outskirts of the town, at Nysa Lake, tourists can find an extensive recreational complex which is a centre of water sports and a great starting point for hikes and bicycle excursions. Nowadays, Nysa is the third largest economic centres of the Opole Province. Our advantages are well preserved natural environment, good location between Upper and Lower Silesia, close neighbourhood with the Czech Republic (2 border passes). Nysa region is the only region with a touristic status in the Opole Province. Nysa and the surrounding whole municipality has countless tourist attractions: monuments, churches, recreation sites, lakes, forests, mountains, fortifications, bird islands, etc. We are sure that coming to Nysa will meet your expectations and fulfill your dreams. Come to taste of adventure and good experience in our town and region. 46 języki_v3_4.indd 46 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:23 UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 47 47 2016-04-07 14:55:23 THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA T he University of Applied Sciences was founded in 2001, proveding education in 14 Þelds of study: Technical (Computer Science, Production management, Architecture), Economical (Finance and Accounting), Social (Internal Security), Medical (Nursing, Medical rescue, Cosmetology, Dietetics), Philological language studies (English, German, Business English), Artistic (Jazz and Popular Music), Physical Education (Psychophysical development of a human, Personal trainer, Psychomotor recreation). The University has already promoted 8000 graduates and provides education for about 4500 students. Rapidly developing, the laboratory equipment conforms to the highest standards that makes this institution a perfect place, in which students may receive high quality education, provided by outstanding academic teachers supported by two valuable institutions: the Regional Centre for Knowledge Transfer and Innovative Technology in Nysa and the Research and Development Centre for Renovation and Conservation. All these activities and the outstanding international cooperation in many fields makes studying in Nysa worthwhile and practical. The University offers the possibility of studying either on weekdays (free of charge) or at weekends (paid studies) at one of the 11 faculties (14 institutes). Studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa last, depending on faculties, from 6-7 semesters and end with a relevant degree (BA, BS) The university also provides the following interfaculty units: Library, Publishing House, Sport Centre, Science Information Centre, International Cooperation, Promotion Office, Career Office. Graduates from our University gets higher education and experience that result from our teaching staff and professional programme of training period. Graduating from the University of Applied Sciences allows students to either start a job or continue their education at MA level at other universities in the country or abroad. 48 języki_v3_4.indd 48 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:24 UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 49 49 2016-04-07 14:55:25 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR FULL-TIME STUDIES THE BACHELOR/ENGINEER DEGREE STUDIES • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50 języki_v3_4.indd 50 Application form signed by the candidate Medical certificate in accordance with requirements for each faculty (required only for Dietetics, Cosmetology, Informatics, Nursing, Medical rescue) Four signed photographs (size 3,5 cm x 4,5 cm) and one photograph in JPG format Copy of the Identity Card Photocopy of passport, visa, residence card or other document authorizing the stay in the Republic of Poland – in case of foreigners from outside the European Union, the Swiss Voucher of enrollment fee Original of an upper-secondary school diploma (maturity certificate) / legalized diploma or a diploma with apostille, or other document obtained abroad, authorizing its holder to seek admission to any category of higher education institutions in the country within the education system of which the institution that issued the certificate operates, together with a translation of the certificate/diploma into Polish certified by a notary and the nostrification Students who finished International Secondary School can submit International General Certificate of Education Accommodation form - student’s dormitory (optional) Certificate of nostrification of secondary school certificate Certificate of knowledge of Polish language or confirmation from the host academic centre acknowledging that the candidate’s preparation and degree of knowledge of Polish allow them to take up studies in the Polish language Insurance policy against health risks or accident for the time of education in Poland or the European Health Insurance Card Declaration by the candidate for full-time studies concerning undertaken or completed studies in a public high school/university (available on the website) DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:27 THE MASTER DEGREE STUDIES IN NURSING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Application form signed by the candidate Medical certificate Four signed photographs (size 3,5 cm x 4,5 cm) and one photograph in JPG format Copy of the Identity Card Photocopy of passport, visa, residence card or other document authorizing the stay in the Republic of Poland – in case of foreigners from outside the European Union, the Swiss Voucher of enrollment fee Original of an legalized diploma/certificate of bachelor degree certificate in Nursing or a diploma with apostille, or other document obtained abroad, authorizing its holder to seek admission to any category of higher education institutions in the country within the education system of which the institution that issued the certificate operates, together with a translation of the certificate/diploma into Polish certified by a notary and the nostrification Copy of a duplicate of a diploma/certificate verified with the original document Certificate of nostrification of bachelor degree certificate in Nursing Certification of Grade Point Average achieved for the previous Bachelor level studies in Nursing Certificate of knowledge of Polish language or confirmation from the host academic centre acknowledging that the candidate’s preparation and degree of knowledge of Polish allow them to take up studies in the Polish language Accommodation form - student’s dormitory (optional) Insurance policy against health risks or accident for the time of education in Poland or the European Health Insurance Card Declaration by the candidate for full-time studies on meeting the conditions to undertake and continue studies without paying fees UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 51 51 2016-04-07 14:55:27 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR ERASMUS + PROGRAMME U niversity of Applied Sciences in Nysa has developed Erasmus+ cooperation with a large number of partner universities abroad. It will be an unforgettable experience to come here as an Erasmus student and meet people from around the world. Many of our past Erasmus students still keep in touch with us and their friends they have made there in Nysa. This contributes to an international environment, which every student certainly feels in terms of his personal development and support. Application documents: • On-line application form • CV and motivation letter • Learning Agreement • Transcript of records • Certificate of English language competences • More information at 52 języki_v3_4.indd 52 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! 2016-04-07 14:55:28 STUDENT Check your application deadlines ICO AT NYSA UNI Checking the enrollment / application documents ICO AT NYSA UNI Contact with the student if required ICO AT NYSA UNI ConÞrmation of LA STUDENT STUDENT International Cooperation O$ce of your home university and Þnd out whether your department or school has a bilateral agreement with the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa STUDENT Contact the Erasmus+ Coordinator at your home university HOME UNI COORDINATOR Submit your printed application form to ICO, after you have it signed and stamped, send it to us (E-mail: [email protected]; Biuro Wspó!pracy Mi"dzynarodowej, ul. Armii Krajowej 7, 48-300 Nysa). If you are interested in university accommodation, please mark it in the application form ICO AT NYSA UNI Delivering enrollment procedure protocol of nominated students to the International Cooperation O$ce at host University ICO AT NYSA UNI Information on further formalities concerning scholarship and events organized for international students during their stay Letter of Acceptance STUDENT HOME UNI COORDINATOR Signing the TR and LA and check if all required documentation has been sent to Nysa Discuss your Learning Agreement with your home Coordinator and submit the required documents (TR and LA). Necessary changes can be done after arrival upon an agreement with the faculty coordinator of University of Applied Sciences in Nysa UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 53 53 2016-04-07 14:55:29 SPECIAL OFFER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS TUTORING T he purpose of tutoring is to help students to assist and guide them to the point at which they become an independent foreign exchange students at host university. The scheme aims to improve the living conditions of international students by helping them to settle into their new surroundings as quickly and comfortably as possible. Tutors inform, look after international students and help to organise cultural events. Most often the tutors are a guarantee of constant assistance for international students in everyday life. Our tutors – your guides, protectors, helpers, companions are waiting to meet you here in NYSA! 54 DISCOVER YOURSELF AT THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA! języki_v3_4.indd 54 2016-04-07 14:55:29 • Regular studies in Polish, German and English • Erasmus+ exchange/foreign guest lectures • Traineeships in the region companies, industry, institutions, all kinds of schools • Polish language intensive course in September • International workshops and conferences • Interpersonal and vocational trainings • Certified professional courses/CISCOAcademy • English, German, Spanish and Czech Language courses for exchange students • Tutor and buddy system within the IRO Office • Dormitory guaranty for foreign students • Sport sections: climbing, football, chess, winter sports, basketball, defensive sports, water sports, table tennis, aerobics, tourism, MMA • Numerous science clubs • Student union • The University choir • Rich cultural programme: Integration and sightseeing trips, excursions, concerts, cooking evenings, Christmas celebrations, film showings and many others UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN NYSA • języki_v3_4.indd 55 55 2016-04-07 14:55:29 CONTACT US: Pa%stwowa Wy&sza Szko!a Zawodowa w Nysie University of Applied Sciences in Nysa ul. Armii Krajowej 7 48-300 Nysa Poland Tel. +48 77 409 08 62 Tel. +48 77 409 08 56 Fax: +48 77 409 11 59 International Cooperation O$ce: [email protected] Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator: [email protected] WEB: Facebook: bwm.nysa Architecture: Architecture and urban planning (including studies in English language), Architecture of light, Conservation and preservation of works of art; Computer science: Computer games and multimedia, Internet systems, Systems and computer networks, Network and information technology security; Management and production engineering: Production automation and mechatronics systems, Production and service management, Quality management, Security management, Innovation management; Dietetics: Clinical Dietetics, Administrative Dietetics; Cosmetology: Cosmetic chemistry and technology, Specialist cosmetology; Nursing; Emergency medical rescue; Personal trainer: Activation of the elderly, Health Promotion, Social services organization; Neophilology: English Studies (English language instruction); German Philology (German language instruction); Business English (English language instruction); Jazz and popular music: Instrumental and vocal, Artistic education in jazz and popular music, Sound engineering; Finance and accounting: Corporate Þnance, Accounting and Þnancial control, Business management; Internal security: Criminology and crime detection, Security of information technology systems, Economic security Physical Education: Psychophysical development of a human: Personal trainer, Psychomotor recreation języki_v3_4.indd 56 2016-04-07 14:55:30
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