St. Leo Catholic Church
St. Leo Catholic Church
April 3, 2011 • Fourth Sunday of Lent St. Leo Catholic Church Pastor Fr. Harold Buse Associate Pastor Fr. Andy Phan St. Pius X/St. Leo School 6905 Blondo Street 551-6667 Principal: Joyce Gubbels St. Leo Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm Bulletin Deadline Monday 12:00noon for the following Sunday Sacramental Life Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:45pm, 5:30pm Monday-Friday: 6:40am, 8:00am Reconciliation Saturday 4:00-5:00pm, and by appointment Weddings Contact church at least 6 months in advance Baptism NEXT BAPTISM CLASSES Pre-register for 2 Sessions, call the office or visit and look for the link Sacraments. Sundays 10am-Noon 1) April 17 2) May 1 NEXT BAPTISM MASS 9:00am, Sunday, April 10 9:00am Sunday, May 8 1920 N. 102nd St. Omaha NE 68114-1116 402.397.0407 • Parish Financial Update Fiscal Year July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011 Donations Received March 27, 2011 Sunday & Holy Day Envelopes $21,005.65 Sunday Plate Collection $1,345.00 Total Sunday Contributions $22,350.65 Our per Sunday goal is $29,803.92 Fiscal Year to Date Deficit: ($-32,065.27) Building Fund: $190.00 New Pew Fund to Date: $64,710.00 Catholic Relief Services to Date: $1,230.00 Father Harry’s “Buseness” Congratulations to the those children who are making their First Holy Communion. I am pleased to welcome you to this sacrament which we share so often in our Catholic faith. Holy Communion is our regular spiritual nourishment as we try, day by day, to be faithful to Jesus. From now on you will share this sacrament with us when you come to Mass. I would like to welcome all of our visitors who have come to celebrate this special day with our First Communicants. I am so pleased that grandmas and grandpas, as well as other family members and friends, are here to share the joy of our children. Your presence here today and your continuing support are very important to them and to all of us. Thank you for your continued generosity! Envelope Reminder: To help our money counters, please include your name and the amount you have given on the front of your envelope each weekend. Thank you. Deacons Jerry Steenson George Knockenhauer Ira Miller Rennie terKuile Jim Shipman Parish Staff Kelly Barth, Director of Liturgy & Music Betsy Bridgeford, Business Manager Sue Doty, Director of Religious Education John Gencarelli, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Sr. Ann Marie Petrylka, Pastoral Minister Mike Short, Custodian/Maintenance Dina Turco, Parish Secretary Parish Council Rita Berthelsen, President Jack Couch, Vice President Jeff Miller, Treasurer Mary Bayne, Secretary Cathy Ehlinger, APC Delegate 02 l St. Leo Catholic Church Congratulations and best wishes to the following children who celebrate First Holy Communion this year. We rejoice with them and their families. May God bless them and may they treasure God’s gift of the Holy Eucharist. Jenna Abbott, Rachel Achola, Ireoluwatoni Asojo, Colin Bailey, Anthony Baker, Cecilia Behrens, Maxwell Bolamperti, Abigail Brewster, Hailey Buhrman, Jack Cannon, Jose Ismael Carreno, Anna Conti, Quinlan Cote’, Francesca de la Vega, David Degante, Vanessa Denanyo, James DiPrima, Mitchell Dotzler, Susannah Dunlap, Drew Ferguson, Josh Ferguson, Paige Ferguson, Joshua Geske, Joseph Glantz, Isabella Goaley, Salvatore Goaley, Justice Goeser, Nolan Gorczyca, Rylee Gregg, Addison Haas, Parker Haas, Alec Hall, Isabelle Hansen, Paul Hayes, Marissa Henthorn, Karen Hickey, Henry Hohman, Alyssa Judkins, Emma Karnish, Claire Kastl, Ramon King, Omaima Lado, Jason Larson, Jae Lawson, Brendan Lucey, Lauren Luedtke, Clara Mardesen, Isaac Marsh, Dylan Mattingly, Kelsey McLaughlin, Murphy Mertz, Bailey Miller, Jocelyn Mulherin, Grant O’Doherty, Daniel Osborn, Ethan Owens, Alexis Perlman, Benjamin Poole, Lauren Post, Anna Preston, Melina Rivera, Lauren Roecker, Mia Sharrar, Nicolas Silva, Katherine Spahn, Ana Spech, Elena Sullivan, Lydia Sweetman, Zachary ten Bensel, Mina Testolin, Jake Townsend, Ashton Travis, William Vuchetich, Michael Walsh, Gatt Ware, II, Robert Whelan, III, Isabel Whittinghill, Cole Wilber, Claire Wilson, Amanda Wolf, Alexander Yosten Generations of Faith Question of the Week A process of whole parish catechesis where everyone in the parish learns and celebrates together. Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7 Welcoming in the Omaha Community. Fourth Week of Lent: See As God Sees In today's Gospel, Jesus recognizes the blind man as one who has been made in God's image and likeness. Jesus demonstrated God's goodness to all by healing the blind man. By giving to Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl, we support health programs in Honduras and around the world, which continue the healing work of Jesus and demonstrate God's love for all of our human family. Attention Business Owners, Professionals and Self Employed Liturgical Publications, Inc. (LPi), our bulletin publisher, will have Jack Rowan, our parish representative visiting our parish this week, April 4 to service our bulletin. We would like to thank our present advertisers for renewing their ad and thereby continuing their support of our parish. To obtain information about advertising for the new publication year, please contact the parish office or call Jack at 1-800-456-9567 ext 4051. He can also be contacted at [email protected]. Keep in mind that our advertising sponsors make the bulletin possible and we are very grateful. This week’s focus: Jesus Helps Us See Question for Children: In what ways can you ―see‖ Jesus? Question for Youth & Adults: Like the man born blind, how does my own seeing (believing in) Jesus lead me to witness to him? In Loving Memory Please remember in your prayers those who have been born into eternal life, especially Maurice Griffin, father of Katie Paist; and for Bob Sus, brother of Nan Langenfeld; and for David Curtiss, brother of Archbishop Elden Curtiss. Archbishop to Visit St. Leo the Great Parish We are pleased to announce that Archbishop Gorge Lucas will be coming to St. Leo Parish on Tuesday, April 12 to present ―Welcoming the Roman Missal‖. Mark your calendar and plan to join us for his insightful remarks on upcoming changes in our Catholic liturgy. The Archbishop’s presentation will begin at 7pm and will be followed by a short reception. The evening is sponsored by the St. Leo Knights of Columbus, and you are invited to come early and join us at 6:30 to pray the rosary for vocations. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. St. Leo Prayer Line Estate Planning Lunch & Session We are co-hosting two Estate Planning Luncheons with St. Pius X. All are invited to attend one of these informative sessions. The first will be held at St. Pius X Parish following a brunch at 10:30am in the SPSL School Library on Sunday, April 10th. The second will be held at St. Leo Parish following lunch at 11:30am in the Social Hall on Thursday, April 14th. The cost is free for this session. You may RSVP to Bob at 551-6667. Call the following with prayer requests: Jane M. (9am-5pm) 391-8826 Kathy L. (5pm-9pm) 391-4249 The Parish Office (9am-5pm) 397-0407 OR You can enter your petitions in the book located in the Commons. Omaha, NE l 03 St. Leo News ~Prayer Shawl Meeting Religious Formation April 5 at 7:00pm in classroom W2. Please bring a pair of scissors. All are welcome to attend. No experience, other than praying needed! Call the parish office if you have any questions, 402-3970407. Vacation Bible School will take place June 7, 8, 9 and 10 from 9am to noon. Come join us for ~RCIA Third Scrutiny Saturday April 9 at 5:30pm Mass Come and celebrate the Third Scrutiny with the St. Leo RCIA group as they ask for prayers to strengthen their desire to love God and draw closer to Christ. ~A call to all Gardeners: Sign up sheets for the 2011 St. Leo Community Harvest of Faith Garden can be found at the office. We still have a few plots available. Each plot costs $30, which covers water and fertilizer. Contact the office to reserve your plot, 402-397-0407. Mark Your Calendar! Son Surf, Beach Bash VBS. Registrations will be available soon for those age 4 through 5th Grade (those entering 5th grade in the Fall of 2011). We always need volunteers to help make VBS the best. If you are available and want to help out, please contact the parish office at 397-0407 or email [email protected]. Happy Summer!!! KEENAGERS Spring Calendar April 14 Join Seniors from all over Omaha at New Cassel for a day of reflection. Fr. Mark McKercher will present LORD, LET ME WALK the Way of the Cross for Elders. Meet at New Cassel from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Mass, rosary and lunch and door prizes included. Cost $12. Call 402-397-0407 or email [email protected]. May 3 The Glory of Ukraine Icon Exhibit at Joslyn Museum. The day includes Readings for the Week of April 3, 2011 Sunday: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Eph 5:814/Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34 -38 Monday: Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:1730 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/ Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 Next Sunday: Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 2027, 33b-45 ©Liturgical Publications Inc 04 l St. Leo Catholic Church a tour and lunch. Meet at Joslyn Museum at 11:00am. Admission to museum is $5 (members free). Lunch will be at the museum café and will be on your own. Social Concerns Ministry Immigration: Issues of Economics, Justice and Faith Invites all to attend a presentation on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at the Servite Center of Compassion (Servants of Mary Convent, located east of Marian High school7400 Military-connected to High School building). Heather Fryer, Associate Professor, Co-Director American Studies, Creighton University Department of History will speak on History of Immigration in the U.S. Potluck supper before the presentation at 5:45. For more information contact Sr. Rosalie Riccobono, 402-558-1847 or [email protected]. The 2011 St. Pius/St. Leo Sports Night Welcomes Turner Gill On Thursday May 12th. Tickets $75.00, all proceeds benefit The St. Pius/ St. Leo Athletic Program. For more information or reservations please contact Jim Mancuso, 677-3680, John Ellis 708-2706 or Joe Grier 680-6654 or at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. “Connections” High School Youth Make a Connection! ―Connections‖ is a weekly gathering for all 9-12th Grade Students. It is an opportunity to meet people, learn about our faith, discuss relevant issues, and have fun! The atmosphere is casual and all are welcome! For more information, please contact John Gencarelli at [email protected] or 397-0407. April 3: ―Connections‖ meets from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Ready to be the change? April 3: ALL FORMS ARE DUE TODAY for the National Catholic Youth Conference happening in Indianapolis from November 17-19, 2011. April 10: ―Connections‖ meets from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Two, Four, Six, Eight, Who Do You Appreciate! April 17: ―Connections‖ meets from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. This is our last night of Connections. Same challenge this year! Bring your friends and if there are 75 high school youth here, John will shave his head! April 17: ALL FORMS ARE DUE TODAY for the High School Senior Night, the Worlds of Fun Trip, and the Summer Mission Trip. Don’t have a form, get one here: All the events are also currently on our Facebook Page. April 29: All High School seniors are invited to join us at Sempeck’s Bowling Alley from 7:00 to 10:00 pm. Forms are on our website. $20.00 (Package Price) gets you 2 hours of bowling, one go-kart ride, one laser tag, and pizza dinner. The arcade is available for use as well, but you need to pay on your own. June 2: All 8-12 Grade students are invited to join us for our annual Worlds of Fun trip. Forms are on our website. Our buss leaves at 7:15 am and return about 10:30 pm. Cost is $55.00 before April 17th and $60.00 after April 17th. Y.A.C.H.T. Club 2.0 - (20’s and 30’s) Ministry to Young Adults at St. Leo’s is woven throughout the life of the parish. The YACHT Club is a group for people in their 20’s and 30’s who meet for social, spiritual and service experiences. We welcome all young adults whether single, married, or married with children. For more information on the YACHT Club, contact John at 397-0407 or visit April 1: Lenten Pasta Feed – Meet at St. Pius X Church, 6905 Blondo Street at 6:00 PM. Join us for the Lenten Pasta Feed and drinks. April 7: Theology on Tap at McKenna's at 7425 Pacific Street. Appetizers at 7:00 and speaker from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Tonight’s speaker is ―Built of Living Stones‖ by Father Weidner. Bring a friend or two. Come for fillings of faith, food, and fellowship! April 8: Lenten Fish Fry – Meet at St. John the Baptist Church, 215 North 13th Street, Fort Calhoun, NE at 6:00 PM or if you would like to carpool, meet at 5:30 pm at St. Leo Church - Join us for the fish fry and drinks. April 9: Go to the Ronald McDonald House, 620 South 38th Avenue, to serve dinner to the residents. Emily Howe will be coordinating this event. Please e-mail Emily at [email protected] or call her at 402-557-6701 if you can help bring food and serve a meal. Afterwards, we’ll go out to a place to be determined that night. All are welcome to help! April 14: Theology on Tap at McKenna's at 7425 Pacific Street. Appetizers at 7:00 and Speaker from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Tonight’s speakers is ―The Theory of Relativity Debunked‖ by Father Taphorn. Bring a friend or two-- come for fillings of faith, food (Appetizers served), and fellowship! April 15: Lenten Friday Fish Dinner – Meet at The Dundee Dell at 6:00 PM. NCYC Deadline Today National Catholic Youth Conference Nov. 17-19, 2011—Join Us! NCYC is an exciting, biennial three day experience of prayer, community and empowerment for Catholic teenagers and their adult chaperones. The schedule includes general and concurrent sessions addressing a variety of topics including: forgiveness, Catholic spirituality, prayer, global issues, sexuality and leadership. Cost per person for this trip will be $470. This includes all transportation, hotel accommodations, and the conference fee. Food and souvenirs are NOT included, but a continental breakfast is served in the hotel each morning. We will do some fundraising for this event to help with costs. Registration, Liability, and Medical forms will follow, but this form and deposit insures your registration for NCYC in November (including travel Wed, Nov 16 to Sun, Nov 20, 2011) Several of our parish youth are being "Called to Glory" by attending the largest gathering of Catholic youth in the United States, November 17-19 in Indianapolis. The three-day event has been described by youth, priests, and other adults as a faith-filled, action-packed, and fun! The participants are treated to some of the most amazing liturgies and prayer experiences, great speakers and clean entertainment during the conference. Our parish will be sending a delegation of youth and adults. If you or you child would like to attend, you can complete the initial registration form from our website, and get it to the Youth Ministry office. Scholarships will be available for those who need financial assistance. You can also arrange to pay part of the fee on a monthly basis. Positions are on a first come first served basis across the entire Archdiocese and available space gets spoken for quickly so please register early. Omaha, NE l 05 Good News from St. Pius X/St. Leo School *** We are grateful to all who participated both prayerfully and financially to support the St. Pius X / St. Leo School Annual Appeal held last spring. The incredible generosity from the alumni, parents of alumni, school parents and friends generated $13,100 for the appeal. The appeal has become a vital part of our budget and is currently underway. The money is used to cover the significant difference between the amount each student pays for tuition and the actual amount it costs to educate each student. As you can see, your support, no matter how large, or how small really adds up to make a difference for our school! Once again, thank you for your past support and we ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation to the appeal this year. *** Our eighth graders recently took time to write letters of condolence to the Ambassador of Japan, His Excellency, Ichiro Fujisaki in Washington D.C. They expressed their sorrow over the loss of life and destruction of property in Japan. They also told the ambassador of our school’s prayers for the people of Japan and their admiration of the courage and strength of the Japanese people. *** The eighth graders just completed work on their research papers. Students learned how to access databases, to assess reliability of websites, to make source cards and note cards, to document sources in their writing, and to use to create their works cited. The students began their research in the main computer lab using the databases of the Omaha Public Library and Nebraska Access. They had access to the mobile computer lab to type their papers and to access the online works cited site. The step-by-step process the students followed to complete a 5-7 page research paper was excellent preparation for similar projects in high school. *** If you have children in grades Pre-School to Grade 8 that you are thinking about sending to our school for the next school year, please call our school office at 402-551-6667 to set up a time to come and visit, and, then register your child/ren if you choose to send them to St. Pius X / St. Leo School. We would love for your children to be a part of the St. Pius X / St. Leo School Community! Joyce Gubbels, Principal Lunch Menu M: Chicken nuggets T: Hoagie W: Spaghetti T: Sloppy Jo F: Grilled Cheese SPSL Soccer Club Micro Soccer Micro Soccer will start Sunday April 10 and continue April 17, May 1, May 15, May 22 and May 29. The start time is 12:50 on game day. Players should be at St. Pius X field (the field is located south of St. Pius X/St. Leo School at 69th and Blondo, enter the parking lot off 69th St. behind the school.) For rainout status, please call 598-3985 after 11:45 am on game day. Rainout information will not be posted before this time. 06 l St. Leo Catholic Church A From Kelly Holy Week: Palm Sunday The first day/celebration of Holy Week is a difficult one. It begins with a ―Palm Sunday Processional‖ with our newly blessed palm branches in which we re-enact/ remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Last year, we did this starting in the gym. If the weather holds out, we will do it outside. It is here, in the Gospel reading before the procession (Mt. 21:1-11) that we get a large part of the ―Holy Holy sung/professed at Mass: blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest! This joyous shout of acclamation was the pinnacle of Jesus’ human career on Earth, because many thought he would take the throne of David and begin a new reign that would never end. We know this does not last long because we know the story of Jesus’ passion. Since many do not come to all of Holy Week (not obligatory in the U.S.), we hear the Passion story at this celebration so that we can properly celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. In fact, it begins almost right away. The first reading is about trust in God preparing for Psalm 22 which states, ―My God, My God, why have you abandoned me.‖ Many get confused by this. Does Jesus not trust God? Of course he does! This psalm of lament, and others like it, were used by Jews to express themselves and their concerns to God. Only in our closest relationships can we express ourselves so deeply and honestly! Also, people forget about the fourth verse, the end of the psalm, which proclaims complete faith in God. Next we hear the BEAUTIFUL early Christian hymn (―Kenosis Hymn‖) from Phil 2:6-11 which expresses Paul’s understanding of who Jesus was/is. Lastly, we read Matthew’s version of the Passion Narrative (on Good Friday, we hear John’s version every year) which is the trial, crucifixion, and death of Jesus. All of this is packed into one blessed and powerful service… WOW!! Kelly ~ 397-0407 ~ [email protected] Liturgical Ministry Schedule Saturday, 5:30pm 4/9/2011 Fr. Harry EMHC: L. Shipman, C. Hohman, M. Hohman, J. Huettner, M. Baldwin, B. Carlisle, D. Havlovic, M. Shanley, P. Shanley, T. Pogge, M. Welsh, D. Guier, P. Lunbeck, B. Grenier Lectors: T. Holman, M.J. Sutton Servers: D. Clark, A. Suiter, M. Brophy, M. Brophy Sacristan: K. Condon Sunday, 7:30am 4/10/2011 Fr. Harry EMHC: C. Hausman, J. Alfers, K. Waters, M. Dickerson, M. Rauterkus, G. Yates, R. Singleton Lectors: B. Johnson Servers: E. Langdon, E. Goaley Sacristan: L. Erikson Sunday, 9:00am 4/10/2011 Fr. Andy EMHC: M.B. Donovan, J. Vuagniaux, A. Mayberger, M. Mayberger, D. Kingery, A. VanWinkle, B. Lindsay, K. Burns, M. Burns, D. Waggoner, R. Nelson, M. Peters, J. Rodriguez-Sierra, D. Carew Lectors: G. Beal, F. Beal Servers: S. Waggoner, J. Beal, J. Waggoner, E. Beal Sacristan: Dave Daro Sunday, 11:00am 4/10/2011 Fr. Harry EMHC: M. Pennington, J. Tierney, N. Tierney, G. Langenfeld, J. Lofshult, M. Hession, R. Jaeger, L. Warnemunde, J. Ferguson, P. Walsh, C. Soby, P. Reynolds, T. Abbott, L. Iwen Lectors: S. Schmitt, J. Lubischer Servers: E. Russell, J. Tucker, V. Currie, C. Tucker Sacristan: W.K. Ullom Sunday, 12:45pm 4/10/2011 Fr. Kevin Kersten EMHC: D. Ulveling, D. Drvol, Sub Needed, Tom Gensichen, Sub Needed, J. Morris, J. Sullivan Lector: M. Howard Servers: E. Antillon, C. Gill Sacristan: D. Ulveling Sunday, 5:30pm 4/10/2011 Fr. Andy EMHC: M.C. Wilson, M. DeWitt, J. Rudloff, S. Chamberlain, M. McLochlin, M. Hobson, A. Sitti Lector: J. O’Brien Servers: W. Novacek, J. Gall Sacristan: M.R. Schmidt Heavenly Helpers Saturday, April 9 at 8:00am 1. K. Jardee 2. J. Jareske 3. H. Jensen 4. V. Jimenez 5. D. Keller 6. M. Keller 7. M. Kizer 8. A. Manganaro 9. J. Manganaro St. Leo the Great Mission Statement St. Leo the Great Parish is a faith-filled community dedicated to… Offering inspiring and prayerful worship, Developing and maintaining quality, life-long religious education for everyone, Providing loving service to those in need, Celebrating the great events in our parish family. Omaha, NE l 7a This Week at St. Leo Tuesday, April 5 2:00pm Bible Study, W4 6:00pm Bell Choir, Church 7:00pm Bible Study, W1 7:00pm Prayer Shawl, W2 Wednesday, April 6 4:10, 5:35 & 7:00pm Rel Ed Classes 7:00pm Bible Study, fireplace room Thursday, April 7 7:00pm Bible Study 7:00pm Prayer Class, fireplace room 7:15pm RCIA, W23 Saturday, April 9 5:45am That Man is You Sunday, April 10 Sunday School 10:00am Baptism Mass 3:00pm Missal Meeting, W1 6:30pm Connections Mass Intentions Monday, April 4 6:40am St. Leo Parish Family 8:00am + Amy McPhee Tuesday, April 5 6:40am + Virginia Buse 8:00am St. Leo Parish Family Wednesday, April 6 6:40am St. Leo Parish Family 8:00am + Mike Malloy, Jr. Thursday, April 7 6:40am St. Leo Parish Family 8:00am + Marie Huston Friday, April 8 6:40am + Maurice Griffin 8:00am + Jean Dudley Gallagher Saturday, April 9 5:30pm + Jack Mullin Sunday, April 10 7:30am + Glen Peters 9:00am + Mary Helen Magdanz 11:00am + Delores Ribdowsky 12:45pm + Joe Salerno 5:30pm St. Leo Parish Family Visitation Ministry April 4 Methodist Cafferty, Kanger, Reynolds April 8 Immanuel Carlisle, Ulveling April 10 Brighton Gardens R. terKuile April 10 Waterford E. McGill April 10 Camelot Shanleys April 10 Bickford Cottage Hohmans Omaha, NE l 7b 4th Sunday of Lent The waiting area of any hospital emergency room is likely to be filled with people in need of moderate care. It is the most critical who are swept into cubicles and trauma rooms upon their arrival. Heavy bleeders as well as heart attack and stroke victims are seen right away. But those with less dramatic injuries or people presenting with seemingly more minor symptoms often end up waiting for the medical care they seek. Corralled in a waiting area and watching the ever-on wallmounted television, many of the sick simply suffer and endure until their names are called and they are ushered in to be seen by the emergency room staff. For those who wait, there is no quick end to suffering, no "Go wash in the Pool of Siloam" and be made whole again. All they can do is wait, and beg for healing in the crowded emergency room. The man who was blind from birth didn't expect to be healed. He was a beggar in the Temple and had probably resigned himself to that lot in life. After all, he was blind from birth. There wasn't any real prospect for a cure. But Jesus comes along and opens his eyes. Jesus doesn't just cure the man's blindness. Jesus gives sight to the man in the physical world, but also in the spiritual world. The man confesses Jesus as Lord while some of the Pharisees reject who Jesus is and so are portrayed as blind to the reality of his divinity. Like the sick in the emergency room, we can wait for a long time before we come to the realization of who Jesus is in our own lives. Some people find him early in life, others only after a long wait. Those who will be baptized at Easter are seeking enlightenment by Christ, and the rest of us who are going through Lent are looking to cast darkness aside. Christ is here to heal us all. ©2011 Liturgical Publications Inc 08 l St. Leo Catholic Church St. Leo Knights of Columbus Archbishop Lucas will speak at our general meeting on Tuesday, April 12. This meeting is open to all parishioners and will be held in the church. Join us at 6:30 for the rosary for vocations and the Archbishop’s presentation on the new Roman missal followed by a reception in the social hall. Upcoming Activities April 9-10 April 12 April 26 Tootsie Roll Weekend General Meeting Officer Meeting (7pm in parish house) To learn more about the benefits of membership in the Knights of Columbus, contact Larry Michaud (496-2114) or Fred Otterberg (3921255). Singles 40’s, 50’s, 60+ Group at St. Leo The Singles Group at St. Leo’s is a social group of single men and women in their 40s, 50s & 60+, unmarried for any reason. We welcome everyone over 40 who is single regardless of their church affiliation. For more details, please see our monthly calendar on St. Leo’s website by going to If you don’t have Internet access, call the parish office at 397-0407. They will mail you a copy and answer any questions. With Internet access, you can email: [email protected] for info. APRIL 2011 Apr 7 (Thurs): Monthly Dinner, 6 p.m. at The Hang Out, 14901 Industrial Rd (68144). Gib is hosting and would like you to call in a reservation by Tues, Apr 5th. His number is 402-393-0749.z April 9 (Sat): Mass Together—if any of you would care to join us for Mass at 5pm at St. Wenceslaus, 153rd & Pacific, we will sit to the left of the center aisle as you face the altar, midway back. We will decide on a place to eat afterwards. Please call ahead so Micki (402-679-5850) can save seats. Apr 13 (Wed): Second Wednesday—Bonefish Grill Lounge tonight-meet anytime after 5pm. Contact Patti with questions at 402-393-0571. Apr 15 (Fri): TGIF at The Prestige, 810 S 169th St. Plan to meet anytime after 6:00 p.m. Ask for the St. Leo’s table. Reservations are not necessary but Julie is our hostess should you have any questions. Her # is 402-4961005. Apr 29 (Fri): Meet & Mingle also at The Prestige, 810 S 169th St at 5:30 p.m. Mary Dostal is hosting this event. Please call her with any ?’s @402651-4729 or email: [email protected]. No reservations are necessary. Become a Fan of St. Leo Parish on Facebook Visit our fan page at “St. Leo The Great Church - Omaha, NE‖ and keep updated with all the great things happening in our parish! Community News & Events ~Fr. Robert Gielow will be do a Mission at St. Pius X Parish. He will do a 7:00pm Mass, April 4-7, Mon -Thurs with his talk at the homily time. Hope you can attend. ~SAVE THE DATE to Swing for St. Pius X / St. Leo School Don’t miss the 7th annual St. Pius X / St. Leo School Golf Outing! The tournament will be held Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 1:00pm at Tara Hills Golf Course. Please call the school to register. You can also find the registration information on the school website ~Omaha Together One Community's Spring Fundraiser OTOC 2011: Celebrating Community Saturday, April 16th, 2011 6:00 - 9:30 pm, Hot Shops Art Center-1301 Nicholas Street $20/advance $25/door. Join Omaha Together One Community as we celebrate the diverse communities that make up our organization and the progress made in building a safe and secure city that works for all families. The night will feature: Music from The Prairie Gators and Donovan Johnson’s Jazz Trio; An appetizer buffet from Pleasure Your Palate Catering; cash bar; Silent Auction including many great creative pieces from local artists; A chance to enjoy the art work from artists at the Hot Shops Art Center, and OPS’s Art Teacher Gallery Show. To purchase tickets in advance, contact Mary Beth Donovan, 402-3912118. ~St. Pius X Pasta Fridays— Fridays through April 15. Please join us at St. Pius X on 69th & Blondo on Fridays from 5-7:30pm for your choice of great meatless sauces over a variety of pastas with a mixed salad and garlic bread. For the kids we have macaroni and cheese and cheese pizza. Tickets are available at the door are $7 for adults and $5 kids. The lines are rarely more than a few minutes. We also have desserts. See you there! ~Join Camp Fun & Faith for their 3rdAnnual Fundraising Dinner & Silent Auction! Saturday, April 9th, 5:30 p.m. Social Hour and 6:30 p.m. Dinner at St. Pius X Social Hall, 6905 Blondo St., Omaha. Entertainment and formation by Apostolic Oblates, Pro Sanctity Members, and Fr. Damien Cook, Master of Ceremonies. Tickets are only $20/adult, $10/child with a family rate of $60. Call or email Monica 402-553-4418, [email protected] for more information. A Note from our Parish Nurse With continuing the "March is National Nutrition month: Let the colors guide you to nutritious meals: Our bodies are wonderful gifts from a loving God. When given the right fuel, we feel and look better, which also affects us mentally and spiritually. How will we, as a gift of love, support individuals and our entire congregation as we make healthier food choices? We can participate in our Parish Community Garden, plant our own gardens and share the harvest as it produces. More "Eat Right with Color: Purple and blue options may have antioxidant and anti-aging benefits and may help with memory, urinary tract health and reduced cancer risks. Fruits: blackberries, blueberries, plums, raisins; Vegetables: eggplant, purple cabbage, purple-fleshed potato. Red indicates produce that may help maintain a healthy heart, vision, immunity and may reduce cancer risks. Fruits: cherries, cranberries, pomegranate, red/pink grapefruit, red grapes and watermelon; Vegetables: beets, red onions, red peppers, red potatoes, rhubarb and tomatoes. White, tan and brown sometimes contain nutrients that may promote heart health and reduce cancer risks. Fruits: bananas, brown pear, dates and white peaches; Vegetables: cauliflower, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, turnips, white-fleshed potato and white corn. -from ―Eat Right with Color‖ at CARE Certificates Available after Masses and at the Parish office during the week. $5 KFC, Marcus Theaters $10 Arbys Barnes & Noble Bath & Body Works Bene Pizza Blockbuster Borders Burger King Chipotle Crane Coffee Culver’s Eileen’s Cookies Panera Bread Pizza Hut Runza Scooters Smashburger Starbucks Subway Wendys $15 Itunes $20 Dennis Uniform, Sephora $25 AMC Theaters, Aeropostle, Applebees, Bag N Save, Bakers, Banana Republic, Barnes & Noble, Bass Pro Shop, Bath & Body Works, Best Buy, Bonefish Grill, Carrabas, Charlestons, Cheesecake Factory, Chilis, CVS Pharmacy, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Dillards, Fazoli’s, Flemings, Gap, Granite City, Kohls, Home Depot, Lowes, Menards, No Frills, Office Max, Old Chicago, Old Navy, Olive Garden, Outback, Penneys, Red Lobster, Romeos, Shell Gas Card, Sinclair Gas, Starbucks, Target, Valentinos, Whole Foods, Walgreens, Walmart, Younkers $50 Bag N Save, BP Gas, Whole Foods, Wohlners Omaha, NE l 09
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