The Molokai Dispatch


The Molokai Dispatch
September 1, 2010 - Volume 26, Issue 34
Molokai Dispatch
One issue
per person.
M o lo k a i n e w s , M o lo k a i S t y l e - w w w. t h e m o lo k a i d i s patc h . co m
S i n c e 1985
Get a Boost
Historic Groundbreaking
Attracts VIPs
By Megan Stephenson
By Heather Driscoll
ake a walk down Manako Lane in
Kaunakakai on any given weekday and you will notice an unassuming green house nestled in the corner, buzzing with traffic. Several days a
week, mental health patients gather at
this spot – known as the clubhouse –
which they describe as a place of solace
and understanding.
“We get to do activities, talk with
each other, keep our minds busy,” said
Paul Fischer, who visits the clubhouse
The Hana Ka Lima Clubhouse is
a mental health drop-in center, serving
about 70 Molokai residents suffering
from mental illnesses. Joe Childs, facility director and case manager, helps reintegrate members into the community
through counseling, work programs
and therapeutic activities, such as gardening and cooking.
After funding was slashed earlier
this year, two social worker positions at
the clubhouse were cut, leaving Childs,
along with his wife, Althea, to run the
center. Hours of operation were subsequently reduced by nearly half.
“It’s difficult without a bigger
staff,” Childs said. “We at least hope to
restore hours soon.”
Molokai Community Health Center board members, community members, state and county politicians – and a keiki – join forces to break ground
on the new health center last week. The center will feature community activities, as well as medical practices, as it remodels the old Pau Hana Inn.
Piece of Mind
While the clubhouse, along with
other mental health services on Molokai, struggle to stay afloat, state officials
hope that a new mental health transformation grant awarded to the state De-
n what some have called the biggest project to happen on Molokai
in a decade, the old Pau Hana Inn
is shedding its identity and becom-
ing the Molokai Community Health
Using gold-plated, hand-paintCenter (MCHC), while keeping the ed shovels, dignitaries and commuancient banyan tree, seaside views nity members turned over the earth
and sense of community activity.
at the health center ’s new campus
groundbreaking cont. on page 3
Mental Health cont. on page 3
This Week’s
Military May Bon-a-Fide Good Time
Japanese festival celebrates ancestors with music, dancing. Dispatch
Presence on
by Abby Spegman
By Heather Driscoll
s the U.S. Marine Corps prepares to draft an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for
the use of new aircraft during training
exercises, officials say Molokai could
see a slight increase in military activity.
If the proposal is approved, the
Marine Corps would introduce two
new types of aircraft – the MV-22
Osprey tilt-rotor and H-1 Cobra and
Huey attack helicopters – to their
training and readiness operations.
Maj. Alan Crouch, spokesperson
for Marine Corps Base Hawaii, said
Molokai is being primarily looked at
as a re-fueling location.
“While in transit to Big Island,
they might need to re-fuel on Molokai,” said Crouch, who was on-island last week for a lightly-attended
open house. “That’s the only reason
they’d come into the airfield.”
Training exercises, which are currently conducted near the Kalaupapa
peninsula at night, would remain unaltered. Pilot James Sibley said they
Military cont. on page 3
The Political Scene
that honors the dead.
Members of the temple, joined
by the community, circled the stage
for the traditional Bon dance.
“It’s symbolic of dancing with
your ancestors,” said Rev. Shuji
Komagata, who came from Soto
Mission Aiea on Oahu for Saturday’s festival. “It’s a reunion.”
The celebration began in the
morning with a prayer service at
Kapa`akea Cemetery, followed by a
service at the temple to honor those
who have passed away in the last
The Obon festival had been
held at Mitchell Pauole Center for
over 20 years, but this year organizers moved it to its original site, the
temple grounds on Hotel Lane, allowing the evening’s service to flow
into the performance.
“We just thought it would be really nice to bring it back to its original
place,” said volunteer Koki Foster.
Komagata called the festival a
time for “everybody, even if they’re
Dancers at Saturday’s Obon Festival at Guzeiji Soto Mission. a different religion, to take a moment and remember the ones who
laborate kimonos mingled with T- have passed on.”
shirts and slippers, paper lanterns lit
Over the stage hung a line with slips of
the dusk sky and Taiko drumming paper on which people wrote the names of
filled Kaunakakai last Saturday evening loved ones who had passed away. At the end
as the Guzeiji Soto Mission held its annual of the night, the slips were burned, symboliObon festival, a religious and cultural event cally releasing the spirits.
Flower Power
Upcoming community orchid
Page 10
Hawaii Awarded $75m
State gets federal education
Page 2
Paddling Fun-Raiser
More SUPing events to come
Page 6
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Page 4
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Page 2 • The Molokai Dispatch • September 1, 2010
Community Contributed
Community Contributed
Get Involved at
Kaunakakai Elementary
Provided by Allen Ashitomi, Kaunakakai School Community Council
he Kaunakakai School Community Council is conducting
a special election for a community member to fill a current vacancy.
A community member is identified
as anyone who has an interest in the
school’s welfare such as; individuals
in the school’s geographic area, individuals owning, operating or working in a business within the school’s
community; or alumni of the school.
Parents will be voting from Sept. 21
through Sept. 30 to fill the community
member vacancy on the council. Nominations are open from Sept. 7 - 17 and
nomination forms may be picked up
at the Kaunakakai School Office, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4
p.m., except on non-work days.
If you have questions regarding this
special election, contact Janice Espiritu,
elections chairperson at 553-1730.
Student Spotlight:
Candice Pauole
MHS student takes medical internship.
By John Van Ornum
Community Contributed
Free 21st Century Classes
Open to the Public
By Alison Place
ake advantage of these free classes! The classes are sponsored by the 21st
Century Grant “Molokai’s 3M’s: Me, My Mind, My Mana`o”. For more
information, call Joshua Adachi at 553-1730.
Location: Kaunakakai School
Help K-2
M,T,TH 2-3
Eichom, Morris,
Help 3-4
M,T,TH 2-3
Margaret Fox,
Youth Assistant
Help 5-6
M,T,TH 2-3
Kim Ka’ai,
Mikilani McGuire
Math Whizz
M,T,TH 3-4
Kim Ka’ai
Science Inquiry
Grant Bear
CAD (Computer C-101
Aided Design)
Kawika Gonzales
FLL Robotics
Gonzales. Jenkins, Whitted
VEX Robotics
Rodney Nelson,
Heidi Jenkins
Hula 1,2,3
Val Temahaga
Tahitian Excercise
Teresita Neuhart
Machine Patch
Becky Takashima
Ukulele Beg,
Kaleo Bishaw
Filipino Culture
Liz Merkel
The Molokai Dispatch at your service!
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Molokai Dispatch
The Molokai Dispatch is operated on the belief that media can inspire positive change and empowerment
within small communities. This is precisely why you’ll find news in the Molokai Dispatch that focuses on
youth, culture, history, leadership and community voice – the foundation of a healthy community.
Our Motto: News for the people of Molokai.
Our Philosophy: The Molokai Dispatch serves as the voice of the island by gathering and
disseminating information, inspiring new ideas, and encouraging dialogue which will result in
empowerment and action of community and the accountability of our leaders thus perpetuating
Molokai’s unique cultural legacy.
Opinions expressed in articles, letters, and advertisements are those of the individual reporters and advertisers,
and may not reflect the view of the establishment. New Regime Press, Inc.All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited by federal copyright law.
The Dispatch is not responsible for any claims made in advertisements printed in this publication.
The Molokai Dispatch,
P.O. Box 482219, Kaunakakai, Hawai`i 96748
Phone: (808) 552-2781 | Fax (808) 552-2334
email: [email protected]
Managing Editor
Loved Assistant
Staff Writer
New Regime Press, Inc.
Staff Writer
Todd Yamashita
Graphic Designer
Megan Stephenson
Sales Manager
Noelani Yamashita
Office Manager / Reception
Heather Driscoll
Abby Spegman
Kim Walters
Kanoe Davis
Aunty Kapua
Glen Davis & The Dispatch Crew
ecent Molokai High School
graduate Candice Pauole
completed a summer internship with Hawaii Pacific
Health (HPH), Hawaii’s largest
employer of healthcare workers in
the state of Hawaii. HPH currently manages four hospitals including Kapi`olani Medical Center for
Women and Children, Kapi`olani
Medical Center at Pali Momi,
Straub Clinic and Hospital, and
Wilcox Health Center on Kauai.
Candice immersed herself in
a paid medical/surgical internship at Kapi`olani Medical Center
at Pali Momi – working eight-anda-half hours per day, five days a
week. She shadowed a registered
nurse, nurse assistant, and a nurse
secretary. The majority of her patients were between the ages of
60 and 90 years old, with some
reaching 100 years of age. She
changed diapers, gave bed baths,
and moved patients. In addition,
she was given the responsibility to
update information on the boards
in the patients’ rooms, serve
meals, refill supply carts, answer
phone calls, and watch for patient
request calls on the hospitals’
computer information system.
Besides working on her floor,
she was also able to observe six
different surgeries from within the
surgery room. After she scrubbed
and dressed appropriately, she
witnessed a gallbladder removal,
breast biopsy, cyst removal, cataract operation, fistulectomy, lower
spine replacement, and a leg amputation.
Outside of work she attended
classes at the hospital conference
room, enabling her to learn how to
turn patients, change diapers correctly, put in IVs, apply folly bags
and catheters to incontinent patients, and insert tubes down the
nose and throat. She also attended
medical terminology classes.
After completing this internship, Candice headed to
Kapi`olani Community College
to begin training for a career in
healthcare. This internship is
available to all students who complete the healthcare career track
at their respective high schools.
Selection is competitive and students must interview and be accepted into this internship. For
the past three years, Molokai High
School has placed a student from
their healthcare career track program.
Hawaii Wins Race to the
Top Funding
Department of Education, State of Hawaii News Release
ut of 46 states and the District of Columbia, Hawaii
won $75 million for education reform in the second phase of
President Obama’s Race to the Top
The $4.35 billion Race to the Top
Fund is an unprecedented federal
investment in reform. The program
includes $4 billion for statewide
reform grants and $350 million to
support states working together to
improve the quality of their assessments, which the Department plans
to award in September.
The Race to the Top state competition is designed to reward states
that are leading the way in comprehensive, coherent, statewide education reform across four key areas:
college- and career-ready standards
in reading and math; data systems
that measure student growth and
help teachers and principals how
to improve instruction; recruiting,
rewarding and retaining effective
teachers and principals; and turning
around lowest-performing schools.
Gov. Linda Lingle released a
statement the day the award was announced, applauding the collaborative efforts of education and community partners that resulted in Hawaii
being named a Race to the Top grant
“Getting to this point would not
have been possible without the dedication and hard work of the Hawaii
Department of Education – under
the leadership of interim Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi – the Board
of Education, the community and
my Administration,” Lingle said.
“Securing this grant is just a
stepping stone. We will now begin
the hard work of implementing our
education reform plan, which in-
cludes a common core curriculum
tied to a new on-line state test while
tracking student progress and rewarding teachers by linking 50 percent of their evaluation to student
achievement. I am especially excited
about our pledge to have 100 percent
of high school graduates ready for a
career and college without the need
for post secondary remediation programs,” Lingle added.
Rep. Mazie Hirono, a member
of the House Education and Labor
Committee, also released a statement, hailing the U.S. Department of
Education’s decision to award Hawaii.
“Hawaii won this grant by improving its score by almost 100
points, the biggest gain of any of the
winners. The hard work Hawaii’s
education leaders put in over the
past several months truly paid off.
Hawaii won this highly competitive
grant by bringing everyone to the
table, including teachers, administrators, and union and community
leaders. I congratulate School Superintendant Kathy Matayoshi and
her team. This announcement validates the state school system’s efforts to implement innovative school
reforms that will help Hawaii’s keiki,” Hirono said.
The Race to the Top funds will
directly impact 13.6 million students and 980,000 teachers in 25,000
schools nation wide. Other phase
two winners include the District of
Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York,
North Carolina, Ohio, and Rhode Island.
Videos of the phase two winning
states’ presentations will be posted
by Sept. 10 at
September 1, 2010 • The Molokai Dispatch • Page 3
Community News
County Invites Public to
Vocalize Needs
Maui County News Release
ayor Charmaine Tavares will
host a series of community
meetings this September to
take public testimony regarding the
proposed budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Citizens with an interest in the
County budget are encouraged to attend a meeting in their local area and
offer testimony as individuals or on
behalf of an organization. Both written and verbal testimonies will be accepted.
Officials will be on Molokai on
Wednesday, September 29 at the Mitchell Pauole Center. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) public
hearing will start at 5:15 p.m., followed
by the budget meeting at 5:30 p.m.
The budget meetings are designed
to provide an opportunity for members
of the community to present what is
needed for their area. Input from the
community meetings will be taken into
consideration when the administration constructs the fiscal year 2011-2012
“Each year before submitting my
Administration’s proposed budget to
the County Council, I begin by gathering input from the community,” Tavares said. “This is an important first step
and I encourage the public to partici-
pate. Their suggestions and concerns
are valuable and appreciated.”
The office of the CDBG will conduct public hearings preceding the
Mayor’s budget community, to gather
views and comments from interested
persons who wish to participate in the
preparation of the County’s proposed
Annual Action Plan for the 2011-2012
fiscal year. The Action Plan is related to
the County’s grant application for approximately $2 million from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Community Development
Block Grant is a federal program created by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-383). CDBG funds received
will be utilized for housing and community development needs primarily
benefiting low and moderate income
For more information on the budget meetings, contact the County of Maui
Budget Office at 270-7855 or visit www. For information
on the CDBG public hearings, contact the
County of Maui CDBG Program Office at
270-7213 or visit
mayor and click on Community Development Block Grant.
Community Contributed
Spay and Neuter Season
Molokai Humane Society
he Molokai Humane
offers free spay
and neuter surgeries for the island’s
animals, and answers
asked questions about
how to help.
Why is it my problem to catch
wild cats and take them to be spayed
or neutered?
The over population of feral cats
on Molokai poses several risks to the
island. Cats are incredibly prolific.
An unsprayed adult female can have
18 kittens per year. She can become
pregnant at four months of age. Do
the math! If you think you have a feral
cat problem now, what will the problem look like in a year? The island’s
birds are threatened because the cats
kill the babies and destroy the eggs.
Feral cats carry diseases that can be
passed to pet cats. Sadly, more than
13,000 cats are euthanized in Hawaii
per year because they are unwanted.
Your participation in the Spay and
Neuter Program is a humane way to
make a difference.
What does the Molokai Humane Society do to help?
The Humane Society provides
spay and neuter surgeries to the fe-
ral cats and dogs free of charge. Additionally, they have cat traps now
available for a $15, fully refundable
deposit. Assistance is available to
transport if you are unable.
What should I do first?
Schedule an appointment at the
clinic by calling 552-0000. A day or
two before the scheduled surgery,
pick up the trap from the clinic. Follow the directions on successful and
safe trapping. Bring the cat to the
clinic the morning of the scheduled
surgery and plan to pick the cat up
the same day.
How can I tell if it has already
been spayed or neutered?
If the cat has a notched ear, it
has been spayed or neutered already.
That cat should be released.
What should I do with the cat
after surgery?
The cat must be released back to
the area where it was trapped.
What else can I do to help?
The Molokai Humane Society
needs money to continue providing vet care to the island. All donations are tax deductible, greatly appreciated, and wisely used!
The Molokai Humane Society is open
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. A vet is
usually available by appointment at the
clinic on Mondays.
Groundbreaking cont. from page 1
last week, marking its latest chapter.
The ceremony was teeming with
leaders from the county and state:
U.S. Sens. Dan Akaka and Daniel
Inouye, Gov. Linda Lingle, state
Sen. Kalani English and state Rep.
Mele Carroll all gave remarks at
last week’s groundbreaking. County
Councilman Danny Mateo made a
statement through staffer Ella Alcon.
MCHC Executive Director Desiree Puhi said the groundbreaking
was originally going to be a smaller
event – “Molokai style, an ohana
event” – with Inouye planning to
“From there it grew to what it
was,” she said. “The support, everyone felt was needed [to be shared],
and express their love for the health
Inouye, who is running for reelection in November, said the island’s economic status haunts him.
“This is my homecoming,” Inouye said. Puhi said Inouye was instrumental in helping the center receive its $117,000 in federal stimulus
funds to buy the property.
The MCHC staff has strived to
make the new health center more
than a clinic – they envision a community watering hole with healing
of all forms taking place.
“I came with Desiree a year and
a half ago,” English said in front of
the 400-plus crowd. “She had a fresh
view – sometimes all we see is what
[something] was, but sometimes we
have to let go and see what it can
Within the original buildings
will be clinics for behavioral health,
physical therapy, medical and dental
offices, as well as a community hall
for live music and healthy food.
“We want to keep the flavor or
vibe of the old Pau Hana Inn,” Puhi
The former hotel is currently
being renovated – Puhi said she intends to keep the “footprint” of the
existing buildings. Core services are
planned to be moved in by the end
of the year. Behavioral health and
physical therapy has already begun
at the center.
MCHC will be the only service
on the island not run by a private
health system or house private physicians – it’s “by Molokai, for Molokai,” said Medical Director Kawika
Liu joined the staff last month
and said he liked the vision of the
center and the opportunities it was
“[This is a] health center that is
really different and special for the
people of Molokai,” he added.
More Repairs at Kalaupapa
National Park Service News Release
he National Park Service (NPS) is
planning to repair the dock structures at Kalaupapa National Historical Park, in Molokai, Hawaii. NPS
is holding a public meeting topside for
comments on its environmental assessment (EA).
Officials will be at the Molokai
Planning Commission on Sept. 8 at
12:30 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole Center.
The project would complete deferred maintenance on the dock structures only. Original project elements
such as dredging and construction of a
dolphin are no longer part of the project.
There will soon be a 30-day public review on the EA; when available,
it will be posted to parkplanning.nps.
For more information or to make comments online, go to the above website or
contact Superintendent Steve Prokop at
(808) 567-6802 x1100. Comments may also
be mailed to: Superintendent, P.O. 2222,
Kalaupapa, HI 96742.
Second Time Around for
Small Business Classes
Maui Economic Opportunity News Release
fter the success of the Maui Economic Opportunity (MEO) business classes offered earlier this
year, the MEO Business Development
Corp. (BDC) is offering the Core Four
Business Planning entrepreneurship
session quarterly, to anyone interested
in starting or growing a small business
on Molokai.
The Core Four Business Planning
classes cover setting goals, doing necessary market research, price determination, making the sale, understanding
and creating cash flow projections, and
writing a business plan – everything
you need to know to start or grow your
business. Kuulei Arce serves as the primary instructor for this class.
The fall session starts on Sept. 7
and run through October. The first session of 2011 will begin sometime in
January. Each session runs for five to
Past graduates show off their
certificates of completion after having
their business plans reviewed. Photo
provided by Kuulei Arce.
six consecutive weeks every Tuesday
and Thursday from 6:30-8:30 p.m., at
the MEO building at 380 Kolapa Place
in Kaunakakai.
For more information on our services
call MEO BDC Loan Fund Manager Kuulei Arce at 553-3270. Registration is required for this five-week series. There is a
charge for this session but financial assistance is available.
Mental Health cont. from page 1
partment of Health (DOH) will offer
some relief.
The grant, which gives Hawaii
more than $2 million per year for five
years, is intended to focus on prevention, effective intervention and recovery through an array of services, said
Sharlene Chun-Lum, chief operations
officer for the grant. So far, the grant has
helped pay for new computers for the
clubhouse, and sent about 10 clubhouse
members to a Consumers, Families and
Youth (CFY) Hui meeting on Maui last
A CFY Hui is a new statewide program under the grant that brings together mental health constituents, both
adults and youth, and their `ohana,
with mental health organizations to receive information on services and support.
“The money is not just going to
keep the clubhouse open,” added Mi-
chelle Hill, deputy director of the Behavior Health Administration in the
DOH. “It’s going to improve the system
and transform mental health services.”
A major issue the department
hopes to address is the stigma of mental health illnesses, which is commonly
overlooked or ignored.
“In Hawaiian culture it’s more
common to say ‘my drunk uncle,’ rather than ‘my uncle with a mental health
problem,’” Chun-Lum said.
To help ease the fear of being
looked down upon, the department has
been training peer specialists, who too
have mental health illnesses, to effectively communicate their stories with
others and show that there is no shame
in seeking help. Three Molokai residents have been trained so far.
“It puts a face on mental health,”
Chun-Lum said. “By sharing their stories, they give hope.”
Military cont. from page 1
would continue with their night training about once a week, but assured no
training would take place topside.
“Much of the training is done in
simulators,” Crouch added. “It’s important they get to apply what they learn
virtually in actual situations.”
In order to accommodate the new
would be required,
such as landing zone
improvements. Capt.
Derek George, environmental
director, said while some
horizontal modifications could be made,
he doesn’t expect any
vertical structures to
be built on or near the
Ho`olehua airport.
like a concrete landing pad,” he added.
George said the EIS will identify
environmental ramifications, as well
as impact on communities, cultural resources, air quality and noise, among
Also being considered, he said,
would be a no-action alternative. This
means Molokai could be taken off the
map altogether if there is substantial
public opposition, and if the EIS shows
a negative impact.
“We know there is a lot of cultural
and archeological significance here,”
George noted. “It’s just [as] important
as air and water quality, and we will be
sensitive to that.”
cility, located on a 12-acre parcel of land
across from the airport owned by the
military, is also being examined as a potential site to develop on. It is currently
not in use.
Sibley said this land could be used
as a re-fueling point for the H-1 choppers. However, seeing as they are in the
early stages, Sibley said they are uncertain if the property will
be utilized for this purpose.
“If we did use it,
it could help stimulate
Molokai’s economy because we would be buying gas from the airport,”
he said.
During the public
scoping period, other islands who have sounded
off on the plan brought
up concerns over noise.
But the new H-1 helicopters, Sibley said, are
much quieter than the old ones because
the propellers have four blades instead
of two.
Crouch added that while it would
be quieter, the choppers would be frequenting Molokai roughly once or twice
a day, three times a week.
“There could be a stretch of a couple days with no traffic at all,” he said.
The public has until Sept. 7 to submit written comment on the EIS. There
will be another 45-day public scoping
period once the draft EIS is completed
and released.
Comments can be addressed to Naval
Facilities Engineering Command Pacific,
Attn: EV21, MV-22/H-1 EIS Project
Molokai Plans
Manager, 258 Makalapa Drive, Suite 100,
The Molokai Training Support Fa- Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-3134.
We know there is
a lot of cultural
and archeological
significance here.
- Capt. Derek
Page 4 • The Molokai Dispatch • September 1, 2010
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Meet the Candidate:
Mufi Hannemann
Governor candidate emphasizes education, economy.
By Megan Stephenson
ufi Hannemann
says he wants
to look out
for the little guy. The
former mayor of Honolulu is now running
for governor and says
his administration will
work as closely with
the residents of Maui County as he did
when he was mayor. Hannemann came
to the Friendly Isle to host a talk story
and stopped by the Dispatch to discuss
his plans for education, agriculture and
the economy.
Molokai Dispatch (MD): Why
are you running for governor?
Mufi Hannemann (MH): Because there’s a need more than ever for
someone who can hit the ground running. To resolve our longstanding issues in the economy, restore excellence
in education, and to continue to champion and nurture the environment – I
call it the Three Es. I have the executive
experience, the management experience…to do this job.
MD: Molokai faces the highest unemployment in the state. What is your
economic solution for our rural island?
MH: Overall, from day one I will
be focused on the economy. It’s still a
question if we can create more jobs here
– that’s a lot better than families being
separated, people having to go to Maui
or Oahu and only see their families on
the weekend. That’s why I really want
to put a specific emphasis on agriculture, because people are used to this
type of job, they like it and it’s environmentally friendly. The government has
to help with designation of agricultural
lands, the government has to make
sure they get the water that they need.
I want to tie into what the new principal
of Molokai High School, Stanford Hao,
wants to do – a specific agriculture curriculum.
MD: Where do you stand on a potential Molokai wind farm?
MH: I will not press ideas upon
Molokai – it has to come from them.
I can share ideas, I can say “This is a
good one,” but if the community says,
“No, that’s not right for us, we’re not for
that,” I would never force. If [Oahu’s]
wind farm was proposed on the leeward side, it would not have gone this
far due to sharp community opposition.
To First Wind’s credit, they put it on the
side of the island with community support. We don’t want another Superferry
situation. As for renewable energy, I
think it’s a worthy state goal, because
we’re still too dependent on fossil fuels. I was working with [former] Gov.
Ariyoshi…when we were 90 percent
dependent – 40 years later we’re still 90
percent dependent.
MD: As far as education, what
would you do differently than this administration when faced in same issues
– furloughs and falling test scores?
MH: We will not institute furlough
days for education, period. I’ll tell you
where the proof in the poi is – when we
did furloughs, I took public health safety off the table, so police, firefighters,
emergency services, 911, all taken off
the table. Forty percent [of] our state’s
budget is already dedicated to education. I will chase every federal grant,
every philanthropic foundation that has
funds. [Education] funding has to do
with creating a healthier, more productive educational environment, whether
for classroom instruction, whether for
laptops to make sure all areas are WiFi
– I even want to get involved in curriculum.
MD: How will your political agenda directly benefit Molokai?
MH: My administration will have
the mayor of Maui on the same level as
mayor of Honolulu. This is good news
for Molokai. That means as part of Maui
County, you would be at the table.
There are services being given to other
communities like on Oahu and the Big
Island and you’re not getting the same
quality of service – something’s wrong,
we need to change that. [Molokai] feels
disconnected at times, feels unloved at
times, because everything seems to go
to bigger populations. [But] Molokai
… will have a friend in Mufi – I have a
natural propensity look out for the little
The Hawaii State primaries are Sept. 18.
Meet the Candidate:
Randy Piltz
Mayor candidate talks water, council election changes.
By Abby Spegman
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aui mayoral candidate Randy
Piltz says his business experience – he ran his family’s electrical contracting firm, Piltz Electric,
for 30 years – qualifies him to run the
county. Piltz, who previously chaired
the state’s Land Use Commission and
the Maui Planning Commission, hosted
a dinner at Coffees of Hawaii on Aug.
23 to meet with voters. He talked with
the Dispatch about the county’s water
and energy use, windmills on Molokai
and possible changes to county council
The Molokai Dispatch (MD):
Why are you running for mayor?
Randy Piltz (RP): What I’ve seen
is that our government has lost touch.
We’ve made everything an excuse and
there’s so many no’s. Too many no’s…
I’m saying, as a business man, that you
can’t take that attitude. You have to be
able to say “How can we help you?”
Just coming to the county building, it
[should be] “How can we help you?”
instead of saying “Stay over there, we’ll
call you.”
MD: What are some of the greatest
issues you see facing the county?
RP: The whole county right now
is [dealing with] water. How do we
get water and bring it to the people
that need it? On Maui itself, our biggest problem is that there are several
pieces of legislation that have stopped
bringing water from East Maui to Central Maui. And that was a consent decree that was signed by a former mayor
who’s running again this time. You
signed something and you’ve restricted
water coming into Central Maui – that
wasn’t in the vestiges of the people.
How about our alternative energy?
The County of Maui right now is the
biggest user of electricity and we’ve
done nothing to help ourselves. There
are companies that I’ve met with and
they said they’ve made proposals to the
county and nothing
is happening.
about issues facing
RP: The people
of Molokai have
Molokai in agriculture. When I was here over a year ago
when La`au Point was a big issue, we
heard the cries, we heard them saying
“No more, we don’t want that.” And
those of us that were planning on the
Land Use Commission voted to not
allow that to happen. So you made a
stand, and now we need to help you –
help you get forward, bring more things
that here that will help you with your
agriculture. Aquaculture would help.
As far as I know, they don’t want
tourists, and I’m seeing that they don’t
want the windmills, but they do want
some kind of alternative energy. If you
can bring alternative energy and have it
here on this island, then it should profit
the people living here. I guess their biggest concern was where [they would] be
placed, so let’s work together [to] find a
common ground.
MD: What is your stance on the
proposed change to county council election system, which would strip Molokai
of its seat on the council?
RP: Gov. [Linda Lingle], when she
ran for council, in order for her to get
elected [to the Molokai seat], she had to
go to Maui to campaign. I would rather
see, if you’re coming from Molokai, for
the Molokai seat, they vote for you…
People want one man, one vote, and
I’m sure they’re looking at [it as], well,
all the people on Molokai vote for their
own person, but the number don’t work
out, and that’s a problem.
The Maui County primaries are Sept. 18.
September 1, 2010 • The Molokai Dispatch • Page 5
Culture & the Arts
Community Contributed
Remember Your Roots
By Brandon Roberts
heir laughs rolled from
the soul and the valley
echoed back – it knows
this mele, familiar and not forgotten. Energy, ever out. Nobody could hold such joy. Eyes
bright with life. Brighter than
any candle on a 70th birthday
Ramona Kuulei Mililani
Solatorio’s la hanau united
sister and older (but only by
a year) brother Pilipo Kamaki
with roots planted deep in the
`aina. The siblings celebrated
in their birthplace, Halawa, a
valley they both chose to leave
as young adults, but have since
returned to malama as kupuna.
One took to the seas
aboard Naval tankers and traveled the world, throwing palu
with the ship’s swagger as a
sea-sick sailor. He enlisted at
the age of 16 as a ticket to see
the world’s wonders.
Huli in hand, Pilipo and Ramona Solatorio back
The other slipped eight- in the lo`i together as they celebrate their 71st
wheels underfoot – bruising and 70th birthdays in Halawa Valley.
and battering her way to the
top, the first Hawaiian professional now 50 years later stand side-by-side
roller derby wahine. A frame of five- sharing laughs and tears about those
feet and a hundred pounds to match, early years.
she rounded the rink and I know that
Ramona now calls Las Vegas
laugh reverberated with the raucous home but makes a yearly return to
crowd as it did from the Halawa mau- Molokai Nui a Hina and energizes her
ohana with contagious vivacity.
Ramona remained until 1963
Pilipo and Dianna live in Halawa
when she said “a hui hou” to Halawa and with the help of ohana, haumana
and went to California to live with Pil- and volunteers are restoring generaipo and his new wife, Dianna.
tional lo`i on kuleana lands.
Keiki o ka `aina, they were adoptWhether konking the competied to Rose Aukai and Elino Solatorio tion in Portugee horseshoes or making
after the death of their mother, Helen o`opu at the bridge with bamboo and
Lahapa Kawaa in 1943.
worms, these siblings carry a glow that
Their life in the lo`i was difficult. attracts all, determination that will run
It was respect, strength, tradition and you over and mana that twinkles in
culture. These qualities have accompa- their eyes.
nied them through their journeys and
The ohana of the late
Matthew Kaeo Adolpho
Jr. would like to express
their deepest aloha and
mahalo to the many
people who came and
comforted us through
our time of lost.
May the spirit in which he lived
his life continue... pass it on!
See editorial for Mahalo Letter
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Page 6 • The Molokai Dispatch • September 1, 2010
Molokai Holokai
Community Contributed
Molokai `Ohana Surf Club News Release
eady, set, paddle! This Saturday,
Sept. 4, marks the first Molokai Holokai stand up paddle race – inviting
both locals and off-islanders to discover
Molokai’s world-class paddling conditions.
“Molokai is always being used by outsiders to host races for elite athletes – this
race is different,” said race organizer Todd
“Although our off-island guests are
welcome, this event is about our locals.
Molokai’s stand up paddlers are being
given their own divisions and prizes. I’m
hoping this will spur a lot of healthy competition among the friends and weekend
warriors that make up the island’s stand up
paddling community,” he said.
The motto of this weekend’s race is
“Stand Up for Our People,” representing
the support that organizers hope to attract
to Molokai’s budding stand up paddling
scene. Profits from the race benefit Molokai
`Ohana Surf Club, an organization which
encourages healthy opportunities for families through water sports.
Yamashita said he expects the race will
also add to the local economy – paddlers
are being offered discounted room rates by
Hotel Molokai, a major sponsor of the race.
“Most of all I want people to have
fun – enjoy themselves, each other, and the
beauty of the ocean,” Yamashita added.
Entry fee will be $30 day of the event.
Registration begins at 12 p.m. at Kamalo
Wharf where the race will start 1 p.m. Competitors, their families, and the public are
invited to the finish line at Hotel Molokai at
2:30 p.m. to watch competitors arrive and
enjoy pupus and prizes. For more information visit
Molokai Challenge
By Molokai Dispatch staff
Molokai Canoe Club who, spearheaded by Ed Misaki, helped raise money
for YIM.
“I am stoked with how people
want to help the kids on Molokai,”
said event organizer and YIM Director Clare Mawae.
This year, there were a few new
additions to the event: no longer just
for grownups, YIM youth participated
in the long event – Kamalo to Hotel
A diverse group of fun seekers share each Molokai – and the short event – Hotel
other’s company after paddling miles of Molokai to Kaunakakai. Also, stand
Molokai’s south shore.
up paddling was added and highlighted as an option for participants.
very year ocean enthusiasts con“The best part was trying someverge on Molokai for an event that thing different, and adding a kid’s chalincludes windsurfing, kite board- lenge which was a lot of fun,” said Mawae.
ing, sailing and paddling. They range Her goal is to run six-to-eight-week profrom elite waterman to kids who are grams that will incorporate stand up padjust getting to know the water. Besides dling as a backbone to swimming, windthe goal of having fun, they raise money surfing and sailing.
for Molokai’s Youth in Motion (YIM) – a
For 2011, Mawae said she would like
nonprofit sailing and ocean sports club to take a few Molokai kids to the state
for kids.
windsurfing champs and to some stand
During this year’s Molokai Chal- up paddling races. According to Mawae,
lenge, which took place on Aug. 14, over that chance might come as soon as this
a dozen Molokai youth and a handful of week as some of the YIM kids are planadults participated in stand up paddling, ning to compete in the eight and a half
kayaking and canoe paddling.
mile Molokai Holokai stand up paddling
The event was also visited by a team race taking place on Sept. 4.
of men and women paddlers from the
Summer Race Series
By Luke Kikukawa
n Saturday, August 21, 10
ocean bound contestants
hopped in the windy waters
and raced from Rice Patch to Kaunakakai Wharf. The contestants chose
to stand up on a board and battle
the waves with a long paddle or sit
back on a one-man canoe and speed
ahead. The paddle boarders went
first at 2 p.m., with the one-mans following them ten minutes later. Todd
Yamashita was first to reach the shore,
paddle boarding in with a time of
1:04:04. Women’s winner, Choppie
Kalama who finished the five-mile
course in 1:04:11, was seven seconds
back. Third place finisher, Tabitha Pupuhi, in her debut as a paddle board
racer, finished close behind with a
time of 1:06:10. For the junior contestants, Eha Kalama, bested the field
with a time of 1:19:25. In the one-man
race Tanner Mosher came in first with
a time of 1:08:31 with Alex Gilliland
nine ticks behind in 1:08:40. This race
marked the last in the four race summer series that was organized to help
fundraise for Luke Kikukawa’s and
Tanner Mosher’s Aka`ula School trip
to Japan.
Results for the two-mile duathalon and eight-mile mountain run held
on July 24, and August 21, respectively are as follows:
Papohaku Duathalon1. Michael Kikukawa - 40:35
2. Luke Kikukawa - 41:40
3. Brian Abraham - 56:39
Molokai Mountain Man1. Michelle Simmons -1:54:46
2. Jessie Ford -1:54:52
3. Michael Kikukawa - 2:23:58.
The next set of races that are
planned will take place on Sept. 4,
Oct. 2 and Oct. 16, to fundraise for
Luke and Tanner’s trip. Course distance will be three-miles on dirt starting from Coffees of Hawaii, with a
start time of 9 a.m. Race entry is free
to students and $10 for adults. Other
events planned for this fall include a
West End Sprint Triathlon on September 25 and another SUS / 1-Man Canoe race planned for Halloween.
Keiki take off at last month’s Float Your Boat race. Photo by Francis Feeter.
Kualapu`u Town
Kualapu`u Directory
Aka`ula School
(808) 567-6980
Bennett Pottery
(808) 567-6585
Coffees of Hawaii
(808)567-9490 ext. 26/27
Damien Tours
(808) 567-6171
Denise Gift Shop
(808) 567-6083
Kualapu`u Cookhouse
(808) 567-9655
Kualapu`u School
(808) 567-6900
Fax: 808-567-6906
Kualapu`u Market
(808) 567-6243
Lomi Massage
(808) 553-8034
Molokai Furniture
(808) 567-6083
M.R. Variety
(808) 567-6800
Upcountry Fast Stop
(808) 567-6705
Molokai Portable
(808) 567-POOP
Purdy’s Nut Farm
(808) 567-6601
Vintage Aloha Wear
(808) 558-8966
Shirley’s Salon
(808) 567-6074
If you would like your business listed here contact
The Molokai Dispatch at 552-2781 or [email protected]
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September 1, 2010 • The Molokai Dispatch • Page 7
Free Will Astrology
By Rob Brezsny
ARIES (March 21-April 19): In an old comedy sketch
called “One Leg Too Few,” a one-legged man comes in to
a casting agent’s office to audition for the part of Tarzan
in an upcoming show. The agent is as diplomatic as he can
be given the fact that the role would best be played by a
strapping young man with exceptional running and leaping skills. “It’s possible that no two-legged men will apply,”
the agent tells the applicant, “in which case you could get
the part.” Don’t be like the one-legged man in this story,
Aries. While I usually encourage you to think big and dream
of accomplishing amazing feats, this is one time when you
should respect your limitations.
Now with Pidgin!
Scallywag: a scamp, rascal. From the 1870s, a native white Southerner who
collaborated with the occupying forces during the Civil War, often for personal
Example: Avast! If you be a scallywag I be placin’ the
blackspot upon ye and sendin’ ye to the briny deeps of Davy
Jones’ Locker!
Translation: Stop! If you are a rascal I will sentence
you to death and drop your body in the bottom of the ocean.
Wainohia: ka palekana.
English: safe, safety
Example: Ho`ike nein a maka`I I ka wainohia ma keia
kaiaulu nei.
Translation: The police in the community keeps us safe.
By Kekama Naeole-Starkey
then go with the ones that you feel will last the longest.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Jack Mytton was a famous
19th-century eccentric whose wealth and privilege often
shielded him from the consequences of his odd behavior.
One of his less successful adventures came on a night when
he got a bad case of the hiccups. Thinking he could scare
himself into being cured, he set fire to his pajamas. In the
ensuing mayhem, his hiccups disappeared but he burned
himself. I bring this to your attention, Libra, in the hope it
will dissuade you from attacking a small problem in a way
that causes a bigger problem. For now it’s better to endure
a slight inconvenience. Don’t seek a quick fix that causes a
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): As I was meditating on your complicated mess.
horoscope for this week, a song popped into my head:
Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing.” I instantly knew it was a SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In accordance with the astrologimessage from my unconscious, meant to be delivered to cal omens, Scorpio, I will ask you to make everything wetter; to
your unconscious -- a perfect action plan for you to pursue be the personification of fluidity. Where there is drought, use
in order to be in maximum alignment with the astrological your magic to bring the rain. If you’re stuck in a dynamic that
omens. I encourage you to come up with your own inter- is parched and barren, add moisture and tenderness. Be ingepretation of what “sexual healing” means for you, maybe nious, not rash, as you stir up dormant feelings in people you
even write your own lyrics. If you’d like to listen to the origi- care about. Remind those who are high and dry about the river
nal for inspiration, go here: P.S. that runs through them. (A good way to do that is to reveal the
You don’t necessarily need a partner to conjure up the cure. river that runs through you.)
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You probably get emails that SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Gwyneth Paltrow is
close like this: “Sent from my iPhone.” Maybe you even the most perfect person alive, said From a
deliver emails like that yourself. Keep that detail in mind certain perspective, I suppose it’s possible to award her
while I tell you the dream I had last night. In the dream, all that title. She’s beautiful, rich, famous, and in good shape.
of my Gemini friends had sent me poignant emails. Every She’s a talented actress and published author. Without
one of them said something like, “I’ve got to get back to denying that Gwyneth is a gem, however, I must say that
where I started from” or “There’s something really impor- my standards of perfection are different. Are you doing
tant that I’ve got to do, but I can’t remember what it is” or the work you love? Are you engaged in ongoing efforts to
“I hear a voice calling my name but I don’t know who it is transform your darkness? Do you practice compassion with
or where it’s coming from.” And each of their emails ended wit and style? Are you saving the world in some way? Are
like this: “Sent from my iSoul.” I suspect my dream is in per- you skilled at taking care of yourself? Those are my primary
fect accordance with your astrological omens, Gemini. It’s measures. What are yours, Sagittarius? It’s an excellent
time to define your ideal human.
time to go home, in every sense of the word.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): My name was “Robbie” from CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In an old Star Trek epibirth till seventh grade. But as my adolescent hormones sode, a 24th-century starship captain is weighed down by
began to kick in, I decided I needed a more virile stature. a knotty problem about how to deal with two of her enMy name became the punchier, sleeker “Rob.” But with emies who are at war with each other. Unable to come up
every year that passes, I find myself heading back in the di- with a viable solution, she retreats to the holodeck, where
rection of “Robbie.” The clever severity of my youth yearns virtual reality technology can create a convincingly real
to meld with the buoyant tenderness I’ve been cultivating rendition of any desired scene. Where does she go for adthe past decade. I want my paradoxes to harmonize -- my vice? She seeks out Leonardo da Vinci in his 16th-century
blithe feminine qualities to cooperate with my aggressive studio. Once she has outlined her dilemma, Leonardo ofmasculine side, my bright-eyed innocence to synergize fers his counsel: “When one’s imagination cannot provide
with my restless probing. So you can call me “Robbie” if an answer, one must turn to a greater imagination.” This is
you like, or “Rob,” or sometimes one and sometimes the my advice to you right now, Capricorn.
other. Isn’t it time for you, too, my fellow Cancerian, to AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Seth Grahame-Smith recircle back and reclaim an early part of you that got lost wrote Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice. He
along the way?
kept 85 percent of her material, but also added a big dose
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The Clash was a leftwing punk of “ultraviolent zombie mayhem,” creating a new story,
band that launched its career in 1979. With its dissident Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. In his version, Austen’s
lyrics and experimental music, it aspired to make an im- tale is expanded and altered by the previously unrevealed
pact on political attitudes. But then one of its songs, “Rock activities of zombies. I urge you to follow Grahame-Smith’s
the Casbah,” got so popular that college fraternity parties lead, Aquarius. Take some original creation you really like,
were playing it as feel-good dance music. That peeved the and add a shot of your own unique approach to generate a
Clash’s lead singer Joe Strummer, born under the sign of completely new thing.
Leo. He didn’t want his revolutionary anthems to be used PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Everyone alive should
as vulgar entertainment by bourgeois kids. I sympathize see the musical comedy “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now
with his purity, but I don’t advocate that approach for you. Change.” At the very least, we should all meditate reguFor now, relinquish control of your offerings. Let people use larly on the play’s title, using it as a self-mocking mantra
them the way they want to.
that dissuades us from committing the folly it describes.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “The trouble with life isn’t How better to serve the health of our relationships than by
that there is no answer; it’s that there are so many an- withdrawing the projections we superimpose on people,
swers,” said folklorist Ruth Benedict. That’s always true, thereby allowing them to be themselves? Right now you’re
of course, but it’s especially apropos for you right now. in special need of honoring this wisdom, Pisces. If you feel
You’re teeming with viable possibilities. There are so many the itch to tell friends and loved ones that they should be
decent ideas eddying in your vicinity that you may be hard- different from how they actually are, stop and ask yourself
pressed to pick out just a couple to give your power to. My whether maybe you should transform yourself instead.
advice: Let them all swarm and swirl for a few more days,
Funny Kine (FUN nee kine): strange, different.
Da guy get one fiyah place in his Kaunakakai house – funny kine ah?
New advertising options at The Molokai
Dispatch. Make your business seen for
only $16.50/week, with 4 week minimum.
Call 552-2781
T i d e , S u n & m o o n
b r o u g h t t o y o u
Puzzle Answers on Page 10
F r i e n d l y M a r k et C e n te r
thursday friday
wednesday Page 8 • The Molokai Dispatch • September 1, 2010
What’s Happening Molokai
Aunty’s Corner
loha, Aunty
here again. I
want to thank
the wonderful young
woman who helped
me when I fell in front
of the library. She
was standing across
the street and yelled
to see if I was okay. Lawdy, Lawdy, Ms.
Claudy! I was so embarrassed with my
`elemu showing for all to see. I don’t
know your name but mahalo nui loa.
I started my Intro to Hawaiian Culture: Communication Basic Language
and Phrases class taught by Kumu
Hokulani Holt-Padilla. Education has
sure changed since I was in school 50
years ago. We are hooked up to Lanai,
Lahaina, Hana, and the main campus
on Maui. We are able to see and hear
each other. Monday we had a movie in
class and had to turn in our first paper.
We have to do three papers, two tests,
and one project. Hoo Wee, just like that!
If they keep offering this type of class I
would like to continue to maybe get a
degree, not too late, huh? Speaking of
school, a young lady came in for a passport photo to go on a class trip to Japan.
Man, did I ever miss out at my school.
We didn’t get to do any of that then.
How great for the students.
Did you go to the film fest? I was
so impressed with the films the young
people are doing today. The film on The
Massacre at Kapoa Beach was so moving
to me that I went over to Anakala and
cried. There was my sister so happy and
alive and I cried even more. How fun
to have Brother Noland and his brother,
Tony Conjugation play music and watch
Scarlett, her daughters, and Aunty Julia
dance the hula.
Did you see any meteors during
the shower? Some people saw tons but
I only saw one. It looked so close that I
thought I could touch it. I met up with
the Red Hat ladies who were headed to
Hotel Molokai for brunch. They want
me to remind you that there is a swap
meet the first Saturday of the month in
Maunaloa and that the House of Blessings is there for all who need help with
items like clothes and household items.
Well, I guess this is all for now.
Aloha and hui hou, Aunty Kapua
► featured event
every week
Stretching and conditioning, Yoga-inspired
class and bonus Zumba class with Ilsa Borden:
Mitchell Pauole Center, 9-10 a.m. 553-5402
Svaroopa Yoga Class: Kualapu`u Center,
5:15-7 p.m. 553-3597
Hula class with Valerie Dudoit Temahaga:
Home Pumehana, 10-11 a.m. 553-5402
Molokai Community Children’s Council
(every second Thursday): Home Pumehana,
2:30-4 p.m. 567-6308
Aunty Pearl’s Ukulele Class: Maunaloa
Senior Center, 9-10 a.m. 553-5402
Ka’ano Meeting on Hua’ai Road (a.k.a. MCC
road): garden on left, 4 p.m. 553-5701
Reading Partners Program: Molokai Public
Library front porch, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Yoga class open to students, families and the
community: Kilohana cafeteria from 2:30 – 3:45
p.m. Call to register 553-1730
Turbo Kick Classes: Na Pu`uwai Fitness
Center, 6-7 a.m. 553-5848.
Strength/Yoga Classes: Na Pu`uwai Fitness,
5-6 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous Friendly Isle Fellowship: Molokai General Hospital (around to the
back please), 7-8 p.m.
Molokai Archery Club Indoor Shoot: MPC, 7
p.m. Open to public
Molokai Walk Marketplace Arts and Crafts
Fair: down the lane between Imports Gifts
and Friendly Market, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
AIKIDO Class: Soto Mission behind
Kanemitsu Bakery, 5-6 p.m. 552-2496 or visit
Aunty Pearl’s Ukulele Class: Home Pumehana, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Open to all
Svaroopa Yoga: Home Pumehana, 7:459:30 a.m. 553-3597.
Farmer’s Market for Seniors: Home Pumehana Senior Center, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Every
Friday except holidays. 553-3216
Narcotics Anonymous: No Fear Meeting, Manila Camp Park, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Open meeting
Na Kupuna: Hotel Molokai, 4-6 p.m.
Hotbread Meeting, AA meeting: Molokai Princess pavilion at the wharf, 9-10 p.m. 336-0191
Active Vinyasa Yoga: Oceanside Retreat Center
in Kaunakakai, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. 553-3930
► Molokai `Ohana Surf SUP Race: Kamalo
Wharf to Hotel Molokai. Contact Todd Yamashita at [email protected] or go to
► Molokai Top-Water Challenge. $100 entry
► Molokai High School Community Council
meeting Sept. 8 at 3:15 p.m. in the library. Public is welcome to attend. Call Diane Mokuau,
► Molokai High Driver’s Education program
will be offered three times a year in fall, spring
and summer. Announcements will be placed
in the school bulletin as well as the other papers
when the class will be offered. Students must
be at least 15 and a half years of age and hold a
VALID permit. The fall and spring classes will be
limited to 12 students. Email malia_lee@notes.
► WANTED: Mavrick (lost) books. You know,
the textbooks people have neglected to
return to Molokai High. If you find a maverick
textbook, please return it to Ms. Buller (Room
N-101) and in return your name will be entered
into a drawing to be held on Sept. 3.
► Grades and assignments are now online:
Students and parents can access class assignments and grades at
molokaihigh. Students were given their user
id and password to their account on Aug. 11.
Teachers will be giving students access codes
fee, 4-man team, no boundaries, weigh in Sept.
5 at 10 a.m. Meeting Sept. 2 at 5 p.m., Kawika
Duvauchelle’s house.
Arts & Crafts Fair & Farmers’ Market: across
from library, all morning
AA meeting: Ka Hale Po Maikai Office
upstairs (13.5 miles east of Kaunakakai on the
Mauka side of the road), 5:30–6:30p.m.
Active Vinyasa Yoga: Baha’i Center 14 mile marker
east of Kaunakakai, 9-10:30 a.m. 553-3930
Yoga class focused on individual form, internal
practice: east end beach, 10:30 a.m. Call 558 8225
for location information, details
Narcotics Anonymous (No Fear Meeting): Ka
Hale Pomaika’i’s center (13.5 miles Mana’e in
Ualapu’e), 5:30-6:30 p.m. Open only to addict
or anyone who thinks they may have a drug
problem. 558-8480, #1 for AA, #2 for NA, #4
for sober housing, #5 for treatment, drug
testing or other information.
Yoga class focused on individual form,
internal practice: east end beach, 10:30 a.m.
Call Karen at 558 8225 for location information, details
Molokai Walk Marketplace Arts and Crafts
Fair: down the lane between Imports Gifts
and Friendly Market, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Svaroopa Yoga: Home Pumehana, 7:459:30 a.m. 553-3597
Aunty Pearl’s Ukulele Class: Home Pumehana, 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Cross Fit Classes: Na Pu`uwai Fitness Center,
5-6 a.m. 553-5848
`Aina Momona Grower’s Market: behind
MCSC, 2-5:30 p.m. Looking for more growers.
Turbo Kick Classes: Na Pu`uwai Fitness
Center, 5-6 p.m. 553-5848
AIKIDO Class: Soto Mission behind
Kanemitsu Bakery, 5-6 p.m. 552-2496 or visit
Kaunakakai Community Learning Center:
(K’kai School Computer Lab) 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Al-Anon Meeting: Grace Episcopal Church
in Ho`olehua, 5:30-6:30 p.m. 213-5353
Alcoholics Anonymous Friendly Isle Fellowship: Molokai General Hospital (around to the
back please), 7-8 p.m.
► ‘Family Laundry,’ a play about alcoholism
and family, coming to the Mitchell Pauole
Center on Sept. 10 at 7 p.m.
► “Starting a Business in Maui County”
from 10-11:30 a.m. on Sept. 16 at the Kuha’o
Business Center. Counseling sessions will
be scheduled from noon to 2 p.m. For more
information or to schedule a business coun► Molokai High School Community Council
meeting at 3:15 p.m. in the library. Public is wel- seling appointment, call the Kuha’o Business
Center at 553-8100 or send e-mail to anna.
come to attend. Call Diane Mokuau, 567-6950.
[email protected].
Read to Me at Molokai Public Library, first
► Improving Health, Changing Lives: Weight
Wednesday of the month, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Call
Management Program on Sept. 17 at Molokai
Hula class with Valerie Dudoit Temahaga: Home General Hospital conference room, 5-6:30
p.m. Call 537-7546 to make a reservation to
Pumehana, 10-11 a.m. 553-5402
our FREE information session or register on
Al-Anon Family Groups: Home Pumehana in
the web at
the large hall, 1:30-2:30 p.m. 213-5353
► State ID Program coming to Molokai: Mitchell
Cross Fit Classes: Na Pu`uwai Fitness CenPauole Center, Sept. 18, 8:30a.m.–2 p.m. Visit
ter, 5-6 a.m. Call 553-5848 for
Aunty Pearl”s Ukulele Class: Home Pumemore information
hana, 9-10 a.m. 553-5402
► Girls Volleyball vs. Seabury, Sept. 24-25 at The
`Aina Momona Grower’s Market: behind
Barn, 7 p.m. and 12 noon
MCSC, 2-5:30 p.m. Looking for more growers.
► Saint Damien Parish hosting a Country Fair,
Call PJ White at 567-6713
Sept. 28 from 3-8 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole CenTurbo Kick Classes: Na Pu`uwai Fitness
ter. Call 553-5220 for mor e info.
Center, 5-6 p.m. 553-5848
AIKIDO class: Soto Mission behind Kanemit- ► County Community Budget meeting, September 29 at the Mitchell Pauole Center, starting
su Bakery, 5-6 p.m. 552-2496 or visit Friend5:15 p.m.
► Ho‘o Lei Ia Puwalu workshop on Oct. 2 from
Alcoholics Anonymous: Mana`e Meeting,
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Kulana `Oiwi. Registration 30
Ka Hale Pomaika`i Office, 13.5 miles east of
minutes before. For info, visit
Kaunakakai, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
meetings or or contact Charles
Kaunakakai Community Learning Center: (K’kai
Kaaiai at [email protected] or 522-8227
School Computer Lab) open 5:30-7:30 p.m.
► 2011 Relay For Life Kick-Off Dinner Event:
Pick-up soccer: Kaunakaki baseball field, 7 p.m.
Active Vinyasa Yoga: Baha’i Center 14 mile marker Hotel Molokai, Oct. 13, 6:30-10:30 p.m. Dinner
tickets for purchase will be available soon. For
east of Kaunakakai, 5-6:30 p.m. 553-3930
more information call (808) 553-3607
Ahahui Kaahumanu Chapter VIII meeting:
► 2010 County Furlough Fridays: Sept. 24,
Kalaniana’ole Hall, 3:30 p.m. Every second
Oct. 8, Nov. 5 and Dec. 10
Wednesday of the month
► FREE Make-up class for women who have
Read to Me: Molokai Public Library, 6:30or had cancer. The class will be on Tues. Nov.
7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the
9, from 2-4 p.m. at Molokai General Hospital.
month. 553-1765
Please call (808) 553-3607 to reserve your
seat. Space is limited.
5–6 p.m.
Svaroopa Yoga: Home Pumehana, 5:15-7
p.m. 553-3597
Hotbread Meeting, AA meeting: Molokai Princess pavilion at wharf, 9-10 p.m. 336-0191
► Neil Abercrombie Talk Story, Sept. 11 from
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at Mitchell Pauole Center
► Girls Volleyball vs. Maui Prep, Sept. 10-11 at
The Barn, 7 p.m. and 12 noon
► Friends of Molokai Public Library Potluck
and meeting, Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. at Feeters’
home. New and old members welcome and
urged to attend. Call 553-9857 for directions.
Aunty Pearl’s Ukulele Class: Maunaloa
Senior Center, 9-10 a.m. 553-5402
Stretching and conditioning, Yoga-inspired
class and bonus Zumba class with Ilsa Borden:
Mitchell Pauole Center, 9-10 a.m. 553-5402
Turbo Kick Classes: Na Pu`uwai Fitness
Center, 6-7 a.m. 553-5848
Strength/Yoga Classes: Na Pu`uwai Fittness,
► Book Sale in Molokai Public Library carport,
Sept. 11 from 8-11 a.m. By the Friends of the
Library. Prices you can’t believe!
to their class for students to load onto their
account. Grade and assignment information
will be udated on the following dates: Aug.
30, Sept. 13, 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 8, 22, Dec. 6.
For technical assistance, call Julia De George,
567-6950 ext. 229.
any questions.
► Free Movie Nights: Mitchell Pauole Center,
Sept. 17 and Oct. 15 , 7 p.m. Call 553-5141.
Sponsored by the Maui County Department of
Parks and Recreation
► Molokai High Dress Code-Uniform Policy:
you can order at or
pick up an order form at the main office.
Orders will be taken throughout the school
year. Please call Lisa Takata at 567-6950 if you
are experiencing a financial hardship. Starting
September 1, 2010, school uniforms include:
Molokai High School uniform shirt; shorts,
pants, jeans, skirts, etc. that comply with the
general dress code policy. (shorts/skirts are
to be no more than 3 inches above the knee);
and uniform shirts cannot be altered in any
way (e.g. no writing, cutting, ripping, etc).
► Girl Scout Registration: open to 2-5
graders. Registration Fee of $12, handbook
is optional for $8. Sign up on Friday, Sept.
... at Home Pumehana between 2-3:30 p.m.
Meetings will occur on Fridays, 2-3:30 p.m.
at Home Pumehana in the Main Room.
There is no meeting when there is no
school. Call Nancy at 553-3290 if you have
► Learn to Swim Program Aug. 26 - Sept.
30, preschool through level 5, limited space
available. For info or to register contact
Kaunakakai Gym 553-5141 or Mike Mangca
at 553-5819
► About Face and Jump Start Hawaii accepting applications for their work incentive program starting Aug. 20, running
through Dec. 9. Qualifications: Temporary
vAid to Needy Family (TANF) recipients,
free/reduced lunch recipients, aged 13-19
and enrolled at Molokai Middle School or
Molokai High School. Call Jera Pali at 5538050 or 631-9334
► Start Fresh, Live Healthy Molokai - a Na
Pu`u Wai healthy lifestyle program, starts
Sept. 8 at Kulana `Oiwi. 5-6 p.m. Wednesday evenings, call Liz 560-3653
► Brown Bags to Stardom is now registering elementary, middle and high school
students for the Back to School talent contest. It’s free to audition to represent your
school; winners representing their schools
have a $25 registration fee per student. For
more information, call 808- 951-6699 or go
► St. Damien Catholic Parish services:
6 p.m. Mass Saturdays and 9 a.m. Mass
Sundays at Kalanianaole Hall. Daily Mass on
Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. at 7 a.m. at St.
Damien Center.
► 2010 Kapualei Ranch ACTRA Roping:
Oct 2 Goat Dudoit buckle roping; Nov 1213 Molokai Stampede Rodeo. Contact Reyn
Goat Dudoit at 283-0153 or 558-8142 or
Alexa Dudoit at 558-8142.
► Interested in helping out in the fight
against cancer? Join the 2011 Molokai
Relay For Life Committee and help us make
a difference. Call 553-3607 or 244-5554 for
more information.
► St. Damien Catholic Parish Country
Fair, on Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010 at Mitchell Pauole Center from 3-8 p.m. Featuring
food, plant and bake sale, live and silent
auctions, games, lucky draw, and entertainment. Lucky number with a first prize of a
Las Vegas give away package for two from
Vacations-Hawaii! (Guests must be 21yrs.
or older to receive the meal coupons and
one must be a Hawaii resident or active
Hey Molokai! Want to see your upcoming event or activity posted here -- FOR FREE? Let us know! Drop by, email or call us with a who, what, when, where and contact information to editor@themolokaidispatch.
com or call 552-2781. Calendar items are community events with fixed dates, please keep between 20-30 words; community bulletin items are ongoing or flexible events, please keep between 50-60 words.
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he Molokai Dispatch serves as the
voice of the island by gathering
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inspiring new ideas, and encouraging
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encourage all community members
to become involved in this process
through contributions to the Dispatch.
You may email your content to the
Dispatch at [email protected]. If you do not have computer access, stop by the Dispatch office to
discuss other options.
Letter to the Editor: 350
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A letter to the editor can include expressing your opinion, responding to a
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Births, Obituaries &
Announcements: 350 word
Whether you’re celebrating the
birth of a new son or daughter, memorializing the passing of a loved one, or
making an important announcement
to the community – the Molokai Dispatch has you covered.
News Release: 450 word
A news release is an official announcement to the media or public
from an organization, business or department. It favorably highlights and
briefly describes the who, what, when,
where and why of an event or product. Don’t forget to include the name
of your group or organization for the
Opinion: 550 word max
An opinion piece is a well-formed
view or belief relevant to the Molokai
community. Even if the information
presented is factual, but expresses
some opinion on the material, it fits in
this section.
Community contributed
story: 650 word max
This type of story is factual, wellwritten and provides objective information about a newsworthy issue
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(said so-and-so, according to suchand-such). Story ideas may be discussed beforehand with the editor.
Photos to accompany a story are
always encouraged, and will be print-
ed space permitting. Please include a
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General guidelines:
Please remember the power of
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All submissions are printed at the
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may be edited before print. Edits may
include content, grammar and length.
September 1, 2010 • The Molokai Dispatch • Page 9
Ocean view Ranch Camp home is like new.
2br/1ba & two-story permitted shed. Use for
art studio, office, or you decide how to use
this charming room at the top. Appliances
included. Reduced to $299,000
You won’t want to miss seeing this lovely
ground floor unit! This treasure is tastefully
remodeled and has quality island-style
furnishings. Look out at the ocean and tropical
gardens. Listed at $169,000.
West End home on 30 acres in Moana Makani,
formerly used by Billy Graham as a transmitter
station. House includes one bedroom with
distant ocean views. Offered at $875,000
Lowest priced unit at Molokai Shores. Enjoy
tropical grounds, fenced pool, and ocean front
barbecue along with the convenience of town
just a mile away. Listed at $99,900 LH.
Each lot has a separate tax map number in this
old subdivision although it may not have final
approval for roads. Two lots are oceanfront.
Call for more details. Listed at $495,000
Large and stylish 3br/3ba home with family
room, attached garage, bonus room. The
views are priceless but the entire property can
be yours for only $565,000 list price. Ask for
Laurie Madani, RA (808)658-0651
Two ocean view lots in the tropical east end.
One lot is 1 acre listed at $225,000 and the
other 1.5 acres listed at $175,000. Buy one or
buy both! Presented by Pearlie Hodgins, RA
(808) 336-0378
You can own a lovely ocean view condo at Ke
Nani Kai for only $25,000! Previously listed at
$35,000 this 1/6 ownership offers 2 one-month
timeslots: Dec 17 - Jan 15 and Aug 14 - Sept 12.
Enjoy ownership without spending a fortune!
Privately located on the Ualapue fish pond,
this large 3 br 2.5 ba home plus separate
garage/Ohana sits on 16,241 sq. ft. Stunning
ocean/3-island views from all rooms in the
two story main house. Lovely yard. Newly
painted. Offered at $1,100,000. Contact Pearlie
Hodgins, RA 808-336-0378
Just 4.5 miles east of Kaunakakai, this great
homesite has its own beach access. Enjoy
10,411 sq ft with good views. Ready to build!
Offered at $219,000
One of the few one bedroom units in the complex,
1164 is a corner unit offering views that will make
you fall in love! This beautifully remodeled dream
can be yours. Listed at $319,000
Beautifully renovated 2br 1 ba home with
many skylights. Mango and banana trees
adorn the green yard. Offered at 375,000.
Choose your homesite: D18-$69,000 D50$69,000 D13-$74,900 D26-$89,500 D58-$95,000
D59-$95,000 (D58 & 59 can be purchased
together) D10-$129,000. Contact us for details.
One of the very best units at PH! unit I5 is
directly facing gorgeous Kepuhi Beach. Corner
unit w/huge wraparound lanai is screened
in and offers perfect indoor/outdoor living
space. Tastefully remodeled 1br 1ba unit that
is your dream waiting to happen! Offered at
Gorgeous 2/2 Wavecrest condo
C316. Completely remodeled unit.
Bamboo floors, marble bathrooms,
granite counters, new appliances, new
furnishings, flat screen TV and much, much
more. Offered at $349,000. Call Suzanne
O’Connell, RB 808-558-8500 or 336-0412.
EM: [email protected]
We have the largest selection of condos
on Molokai. Oceanfront and ocean view.
Also long term home rentals available
Ph 808-553-3666
BoX 1980, KaUNaKaKaI, hI 96748 Ph 808-553-3666, 1-800-600-4158, Fax 808-553-3867 Web site: Email: fi[email protected]
Kepuhi BEACH
Paniolo Hale
Kaluakoi Villas
Kaluakoi Golf
Ke Nani Kai
Halawa Valley
Pu`u o Hoku
Kalaupapa Airport
Phallic Rock
Kalaupapa Trail/Lookout
Ironwoods Golf Course
Kamakou Ko`olau
Ho`olehua Airport
• Maunaloa Town
Molokai Ranch
The Lodge
Molokai Shores
Hotel Molokai
Hale O Lono
tRoPiCAL isLANd PRoPeRties, LLC
dba sWeNsoN ReAL estAte
ocean Front island homes
Breathtaking view looking down one of the longest white sand
beaches in the Hawaiian Islands. Look out over the beautiful blue
Pacific Ocean toward Oahu & Diamond Head on 5.29 acres.
Home includes 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, library or office. Kitchen/great
room has sliding glass doors, large windows, vaulted ceiling, kitchen
cabinets and flooring made of Koa wood.
Attached 2 car garage with separate oversized garage/workshop.
Property is beautifully landscaped. Home is well situated to capture
the views from inside the home or yard.
Previously listed at $3,500,000 and now back on the market as a
tremendous buy for one of the most beautiful home settings of any
oceanfront estate in Hawaii.
Furnished turn key $2,495,000
Country living in this home on over a half an acre of land. Open
beam ceiling extending to the covered lanai. 2 bedrooms 2 baths
plus and outdoor shower.
Close walk to the water. Room to expand and still have a great garden.
Potential plus at a great price $350,000
Custom Pole Home
This 3 bedroom 2.5 bath ocean front home built on approx. 1.25
acres located on Kawela Beach. The wrap around lanai offers ocean,
island, mountain and sunset views. Bamboo flooring, slate tile and
berber carpet throughout. Upgraded cabinets, fixtures, appliances
and granite counter tops in kitchen and bath.
A must see. Offered at $1,175,000
West Molokai Resort
Ke Nani Kai
Molokai Shores
1 BR1B
1BR 1B
1BR 1B
Paniolo Hale
2 bed 2 bath
2 bed 2 bath
Libra Resort Properties, Inc.
P. O. Box 365, Maunaloa, Hawai`i 96770 | Ph: (808) 552-2244/2475 Fax: (808) 552-2244
west molokai resort, “kaluakoi villas”, CONDO - FOR RENT
Largest sized studio in complex, fully furnished & tastefully decorated, in
a tranquil settin, & dramatic evening sunsets, with partial ocean views.
The longer you rent this unit, the cheaper rent is; ie three day minimum,
vs one wk, vs two wks, vs three wks, vs one month. Reserve your
booking, now! Contact rental agent for details & availability.
2BR 2 BA
$395,000 • [email protected] • 808-553-3648 • Mobile 808-336-0085 • Fax 808-553-3783
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners
• Residential &
• Deep Soil
• Maunaloa, Panoramic Ocean View.
LOT #D80, Puunana St. 12,800 SF, FS, Vacant.
Water and utility hook-ups, zoned for B&B.
No neighbors on two sides. Ready to build.
ASKING: $189,900.00. This is a very good price
for the largest lot in Maunaloa.
• Kualapuu, Commercial, corner and cool
1AC commercial corner lot. Great potential.
Fee simple, $325,000.00
• Kalae, Kalama St. 7676 Sf/Fs. CLEARED.
NEW LISTING - 1560 Kalua Koi Rd., 30 Acres
oW Make offer, where the old radio station was located. 1
Water meter in. Asking
seller motivated.
bedroom, two baths, furnished small kitchen
• East End, PUKOO 3 bdrm/2 ba, large 2 car and living room. Lot’s of potential. Needs TLC
garage, 1.9+ acres, F/S, Public access to ocean and a few $. ASKING $875,000.00 AND ARE
across the street. $950,000. Reduced.
OCEAN VIEW. Call for details. 567 6074. It is also
• Vacant Land, Keawanui Ocean View, Near co-listed with Friendly Isle Realty 553 3666.
Keawanui Fish Pond. ½ Acre, Fee. H20 Line In,
No Meter. Sign On Property. Asking $500,000.00 • RENTALS, call for information
Ph: 567-6363 & 567-6074 • • P. O. Box 177 Kualapuu, HI 96757
W.A. Quality Masonry
• Concrete • Block • Rock
Free Estimates!
“Professional Services At Reasonable Prices”
Wiliama Akutagawa, Lic. # C-26379
Ph: 558-8520 | Cell: 658-0611 | Fax: 558-8540
• Flood Water
Porta Potties
P. O. Box 639
Kaunakakai, HI 96748
Phone: 553-3448
• Portable toilet rental
• Grease trap,
• Cesspool & septic pumping
Brent Davis - 553-9819
Roofing Services
Quality roof repairs & re-roofing of all
and any types of roofs.
Call for more info or free estimates:
Accurate Plumbing
Support Local Molokai Businesses
New Construction & Solar Installation
Septic Installation - We match and beat competitor
pricing, ask about our bundle packaging.
Keola Yasso
CT #28998 PJ #8733
(808) 336-1212 or (808) 874-7470
[email protected]
Page 10 • The Molokai Dispatch • September 1, 2010
Classified Advertising
Yoga by the Sea
With Karen Nozun at 10:30am, KIDS YOGA on
Mon at 3pm. 558-8225
RN or LPN Opening!
Part-time day hours. Must have HI RN license and
1 yr of experience. Call 808-244-4700
or fax resume to 808-244-7575
Paid environmental internships
with Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps. Benefits
Plus education award. Apply online at www. by 9/1/10.
Licensed in Hawai`i, California & Nevada
808-553-8146 / FAX: 553-8147
EMAIL: [email protected]
Home Renovations & Repair
Repair, painting, tile, we do it all. No job too big
or too small. Affordable local & reliable. Call for
free estimates 808.658.0312.
-Dawn Jenkins Specializing in barefoot hoof
trims. Local references. 558-8429.
Attorney At Law. Estate Planning, Wills & Trusts,
Probates. For Moloka’i Appointment,
Call Oahu 808.261.2500
Maria Sullivan -Family Law, Wills & Estates,
Civil Matters. (808) 553-5181 / [email protected]
Rich Young - Doing business in Maui County
since 1979. Online portfolio at richyoungarchitect.
com. 553-5992 [email protected].
Molokai Style Borrow Car
Cars vans (7 & 14 seaters), & 4x4 trucks
available. Also used tire sale. 808-264-7528
Painting & Powerwashing
Reasonable Rates. Contact Dave Schneiter (H)
808-553-9077, (C) 808-205-7979,
[email protected]
Construction & Repair Services
Roy’s Repair & Services
Auto and small engine repair (lawn mower,
chain saw, weed eaters…) Home maintenance
repairs incl. electrical, plumbing & sewer
backups. Call 553-3746
• Excavating Services • Tractors (Industrial/Farm)
• Trucks • Fork Lifts • Welding • Buses • Tires •
Keeping you in business is our business Call 5676012 or page at 1-800-977-6812.
Appraisal Services, Molokai Lisa R. Foster
Real Estate Purchase, Refinance, Estate, etc.
808-553-3801, [email protected],
Business Loans Available
Ask Kuulei at MEO Business Development Corp
how she can help you finance the start-up or
expansion of your business. Call 553-3270 today!
Along with working through any credit issues
you may have, MEO BDC also offers business
planning classes.
R eal E state
Hoolehua - 5 acres AG 2/2 home
Incls. hydroponic nursary/all equipment, DHHL
Lease, new price. Graham Realty Inc. 808 2216570
Kawela Oceanfront Cottage
For Sale
1.4 acres ocean front with small cottage. Owner is
licensed realtor. For sale - contact 808-261-2500 or
Swenson’s Real Estate 553-3648.
Beach Front Home Ocean front
view of Lana’i, close to schools and parks.
Upgraded for Sale. Reduced to $550,000 or best
offer. Contact Edwina Wong RA 808.226.5441 (c)
808.672.4285 (o)
H omes /C ondos F or R ent
For Vacation Rentals Visit
Superb Ocean View
Quiet, pristine 2nd floor studio condo; see sunsets
from the lanai, Kalua Koi Villas, $595 mo. Annual
rental, all inclusive. Call Phyllis 216-973-1603
2 or 3 Bedroom Oceanfront Units Available
Now! 4 miles east of Kaunakakai. Furnished or
Unfurnished. Long or Short Term. SECTION 8
WELCOME. First month free w/12 month lease.
Deposit required. $995 - $1595. 1-800-493-0994
or 602-980-5070
2-bdrm house
Newly renovated, fully furnished Carport, storage,
laundry $1250/mo. min. 6 mos. Lease. Nonsmokers only. No pets.Last house on Seaside Place
on Koheo Wetland [email protected]
or 553-5992.
For Rent, 3 bedroom house
In ranch camp. Section 8 ok. Includes
utilities.553-9803 leave a message.
1 bedroom apartment $800
Includes utilities, washing machine, cable TV
and wireless internet. Call 553-9803 and leave a
message with phone number. Speak slowly.
Two bedroom house
in secluded garden setting. Partly furnished,
includes gardener, h2o.Sorry no pets allowed.
$850.00. Please call 567-9414.
For Sale
Printer ink cartridge refilled with free delivery.
Also available: self-inking rubber stamps. Call
Cartridge Express at 808.553.5375
want to stay on molokai? be
your own boss. run your own
2 retail stores & t-shirt printing operation for sale.
Established turnkey businesses. Owners retiring.
Will train. Call for details. (Serious inquiries only)
Call 808.638.8558 O’ahu
ST. DAMIEN Mementos & Art
Made on Molokai - ships worldwide.
Energy & Environment
Community Contributed
Don’t Miss Another
Orchid Workshop
By Glenn I. Teves, County Extension Agent, UH College of Tropical
Agriculture and Human Resources
in a series
in different island communities
will be coming to
residents. On Thursday, Sept. 9, the workshop will be
held at Lanikeha Community Center
in Ho`olehua from 5-6:30 p.m. This
will be a repeat of the Kaunakakai
workshop. There will be two Pow-
erpoint presentations, including Big
Island Orchid Production, Hakalau
to Mountain View, the Epicenter of
Orchid Production in the State, and a
pictorial on the Dendrobium Groups
with a focus on five of the major
groups. There will hand-outs on how
to grow dendrobiums. There will
also be an orchid giveaway.
If there are any questions, or if you
need special accommodations, please call
567-6932. The next workshop will held
be in Maunaloa in late September or
early October.
Grants Awarded for
Legacy Land
DLNR News Release
he legacy of Hawaii’s `aina
continues. The Legacy Land
Conservation Program (LLCP)
has released over $3 million from
the State Land Conservation Fund
to seven state, county and nonprofit
applicants. These agencies applied
for the grant money to buy land with
cultural, archaeological and natural
resource value.
The LLCP’s $3,267,380 million
matches another $3 million in federal, county and private funds to
acquire approximately 752 acres of
threatened or unique natural, cultural, recreational, and agricultural
On Molokai, the Department of
Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife was
awarded $500,000 for a conservation
easement over 614 acres, to protect
critical watershed and prevent erosion damage to near-shore coral reef
ecosystems and historic Hawaiian
“Participating as a funder in
these conservation partnerships is
an efficient way to protect important
natural, cultural, and agricultural
resources,” stated Laura H. Thielen, Board of Land and Natural Resources Chairperson. “By providing
these grants as incentive, the State is
utilizing mostly private and federal
funds to protect these resources.”
The Legacy Land Conservation
Commission, a nine-member commission composed of cultural, agricultural and natural resource experts and representatives from each
county, advised the Board of Land
and Natural Resources on this year ’s
project selections. Gov. Linda Lingle
released funding for the Commission’s recommended projects in early June.
“Each of the recommended
projects protects an important resource,” stated Commission Chair
Dale Bonar. “Clean drinking water,
our natural and cultural heritage,
our agricultural lands – these are
the resources that Hawaii needs to
maintain a connection to its past and
build a sustainable future.”
Other agencies around the state
awarded this grant money include
the County of Hawaii and the Trust
for Public Land; Kauai Public Land
Trust and the County of Kauai; the
Kona Historical Society; the Oahu
Land Trust; and Malu `Aina Center for Non-Violent Education and
Action and the Hawaii Island Land
For more information on the Legacy
Land Conservation Program please visit or call (808)
Ho‘o Lei Ia Puwalu
(Lay the net to bring
everyone together)
Registration begins 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
Native Hawaiians, fishermen and members of the public are invited to participate
in these workshops on best practices for natural resource management for the
mokupuni communities in the Hawaii Archipelago. Breakout sessions include
topics on place-based adaptive management, community code of conduct,
community consultation process, education, and eligibility criteria for the
scheduled mokipuni. Findings from these and other meetings in the Hawaii
Archipelago will be considered at a statewide Puwalu in November on Oahu. Get
involved in making decisions that affect Hawaii’s fisheries by participating in the
Puwalu for your mokupuni.
For more information, go to or or
contact Charles Kaaiai at [email protected] or (808) 522-8227,
Leimana DaMate at [email protected] or (808) 497-0800,
or Roy Morioka at [email protected].
Weekly Puzzle Answers
Maui Seaside Hotel
on Kahului Bay
Per night, plus tax. 50 years & Older
Molokai/Lanai residents Only. Rooms have
two double beds or Kingbed, Refrigerator,
Ceiling fan, A/C, Color T.V, and Lanai,
Restaurant & Swimming Pool,
Daily Parking Fee
• Free Early Check-in / Late Check Out upon availability
• Special Group Discounts • Expiration Date 12/20/10
For Reservation Call 1-800-560-5552
Molokai Princess
molokai-maui schedule effective on August 25, 2008
Kaunakakai to Lahaina Lahaina to Kaunakakai
5:15 A.m.
7:00 A.m.
4:00 P.m.
5:30 P.m.
7:15 A.m.
6:00 P.m.
8:45 A.m.
7:30 P.m.
sundays No morning runs to or from Lahaina
FARes - oNe WAY
Adult: $40, Child: $20
book of six: $ 185
does not include 6% tax & fees.
schedule may change; call for info.
info hotline: (808) 667-2585 | Reservations (808) 667-6165
molokai ocean tours
Join us for an awesome adventure aboard our
40’ Power Catamaran, the Manu Ele’ele
Whale Watching * Hookah Max for 2 to 30’ * Snorkeling
Submersible ROV with Free DVD * Comfortable Leather Seating
Visit our website for more info:
Small kind machine shop, milling and boring.
Also specializing in aluminum & steel welding, plasma cutting, etc.
September 1, 2010 • The Molokai Dispatch • Page 11
Letters & Announcements
Challenging OHA
Lyla Berg is the Right Choice
n July 26, 2010, the United
States Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals rendered their opinion, affirming District Judge Susan
Oki Mollway, feeble decision in Day
v. Apoliona.
Our challenge is not the thirty-plus years of a scam by a state
agency with the discretion of broad
purposes that need not limit its “primary beneficiaries” as long as the
“mission” is fulfilling anyone or all
of the other four purposes as set
forth in Section 5 (f) of the Admission Act.
We contend that the Ninth Circuit attentively blundered in their
“walk through this most difficult
terrain” missing completely the
spirit and intent of congress while
at the same time yielded to the latest scheme in undermining “Native
Hawaiians self-determination” – the
Akaka scam!
Congress could have worded the
second clause of Section 5 (f) of the
Admission Act to read “for the betterment of the conditions of the Public.” Or Congress could have worded
the second purpose to read “for the
betterment of the conditions of the
Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians.”
Instead, the wisdom of Congress
foresaw the emergent demands of
“Native Hawaiians self-determination” and recognized that is applies
in the United States of America just
as it must apply wherever in the
world human nature can be free to
follow its course.
The intent of Congress is the
plenary act of reaching down into
its soul and pulled out of the public
“Native Hawaiians” for special consideration, just as they have done
throughout history in their dealings
with the native Indians of America.
The Supreme Court of the United States – Ho`omakaukau!
Samuel L. Kealoha Jr.
Is Molokai Getting Squeezed?
ater? Electric? Airlines?
Gas? Barge service fees?
Taxes? Etc?
I hear Malia and Henry and
their families are having a hard time
paying their utility bills. In June the
County of Maui doubled water rates
to many Molokai residents. Twenty
years ago the same rain, same pipeline distributing the water cost 70
percent less than does
that mean the rain gods are charging
more for water?
Maui County’s budget is short
$30 million. So the County is going try to collect more money from
the people who pay their salaries.
Now it is election time and Molokai
can make a difference. If you feel
squeezed then why would you vote
for the same o same o? Molokai…
wake up and smell the Molokai coffee.
Larry Helm
Concerned Citizen
Families are Forever
big mahalo to
CJ and Pono
for rendering
CPR, and calling 911. We
like to thank
our neighbors,
the dispatcher, paramedics, firefighters, and police officers, Molokai
General Hospital, Molokai Mortuary, family and friends. The phone
calls, the visits and all the dinners,
hugs and kisses. Thank you for the
food donation, dry goods donation,
the garage and yard cleaning crew,
house cleaning crew, those who
helped with all the laundry, the donations for the services and the paina. And many, many more. And if I
missed anything I am very sorry but
I really appreciate everything everyone has done for my family and me.
Furthermore, I would like to
Made on Molokai !
Regular Full-Time (40hr/wk)
thank our families who helped take
care of everything – EZ ups, cooking
of the food, kitchen/serving crew, tables and chairs, porta potties. To our
parents and aunties, uncles, cousins, sisters and brothers, family and
friends who have traveled from the
mainland and the neighbor islands.
Thank you to those who participated and attended Kaeo’s memorial
services. I would also like to thank
Medic 8, and the police department
who had help escorted Matt to and
from his services. To the people
that helped with his grave site (box
and hole) and the dedication of his
grave. Thank you to the people who
gave us wreathes, lei, flower arrangements and flowers. And most
of all for my children for all they
have done. Piilani (Keao), Kelii Kai,
Hokulani, Leialoha (Bryson), Kaniala, Akona, Kaeo, CJ, Pono, Kelele,
Aurea, Makaio and Kashton.
Geri Adolpho
558 8359
[email protected]
Deep tissue, lomi lomi, sports therapy,
prenatal & hot stone massage, as well as facials,
waxing, and non surgical face lifts available!
Human Resources Department
P.O. Box 408 • Kaunakakai, HI 96748
PHONE: (808) 553-3120
FAX: (808) 553-3186
EMAIL: [email protected]
EEO/AA Employer
A Queen’s Health System Company
“Quality custom framing at competetive
prices and completed and delivered on time”
Give us a call and come on up 336.1151
We’ve moved! 206 A`ahi st. (2nd heights)
am writing to you today about Representative Lyla Berg. She is running
for Lieutenant Governor in the upcoming election. I am aware that many
of you know her, as she was blessed
with the honor of living on Molokai for
five years. It was a time in her life that
lives within her and the values she experienced while here will guide the decisions she makes as Lt. Governor, and
hopefully further up the ladder.
I say hopefully because I have had
the delight of knowing Lyla Berg, or
Bonnie Berg as she was known to her
schoolmates, since she was in tenth
grade. Her hopes for all of us are achievable, and will not sprout negative surprises as so often happens when plans
are not carefully laid. From my perspective, her priorities are healthy and those
that I also list as most important. Providing jobs that will fit in with the subsistence lifestyle allowing us to live the
way we have found works best while
enticing a very different type of tourist.
Imagine, people coming here that want
to learn from the people of Molokai instead of folks that want to change you to
fit their mold?
Lyla first learns about the problems, then she gathers mana`o, then she
creates solutions. I could go on and on
about how she does this, but better you
see for yourself by going to lylaberg.
com and reading about her vision. She’s
not full of shibai, like most politicians,
because she is not a career politician.
She has worked with other “newbies”
in the Legislature over the last six years,
and has accomplished massive amounts
of legislation that has made our lives
better. But she has done it without sacrificing her ethics or her belief in the Hawaiian culture as her guide.
Thank you all for your kindness to
me. I love this place and it’s because you
are all so very, very loveable.
A hui ho,
Nancy Lee Potter
Office Of Planning
Recruitment—Marine And Coastal Zone Advocacy Council
the office of Planning is soliciting applications for appointment to the
Marine and Coastal Zone advocacy Council (MaCZaC) to fill existing and forthcoming vacancies.
MaCZaC was established by the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) law,
Chapter 205a, Hawaii revised statutes, to support the office of Planning, the
lead agency for the Hawaii CZM Program by providing advice about marine and
CZM planning, coordination, and facilitation of CZM functions. section 205a-3.5
(g) also directs MaCZaC to:
• evaluate the CZM Program, including activities of the networked agencies,
and make recommendations for improvement;
• advocate for the Program to the public and the executive and Legislative
branches of government;
• advocate, provide for, and act upon citizen input;
• Facilitate the implementation of the ocean resources Management Plan; and
• Forecast and address critical emerging issues and potential problems in
coastal and marine resources management.
MaCZaC is composed of twelve non-government members who meet the following statutory qualifications:
• statewide geographic distribution, and
• Balanced representation of interests including:
o Business
o environment
o Practitioners of native Hawaiian culture
o terrestrial and marine commerce
o recreation
o research
o tourism
Members are appointed by the director of the office of Planning and
serve terms of two to three years without pay. However, members are provided
travel and related costs for participation in meetings. MaCZaC meetings are
scheduled about four (4) times a year. in addition, members may serve on working groups and committees that may meet more frequently and be held on different islands or by video conferencing.
We are seeking members based on geographic representation: two for
oahu, two for Kauai, two for Hawaii, one for Maui, one for Molokai, and one for
Lanai. We are also seeking a balanced representation of interests in the categories previously listed.
any person who wishes to be considered for appointment to MaCZaC
must submit the following information to the office of Planning in order to be
eligible for consideration: (1) a letter describing the interest(s) he or she would
like to represent and how he or she can contribute to the purposes and work of
MaCZaC; (2) a resume; and (3) a completed application. application forms are
available on the web at the materials should be addressed and mailed to:
abbey seth Mayer
office of Planning
P.o. Box 2359
Honolulu, Hawaii 96804
The submittal must be received no later than the close of business on September 30, 2010.
if you have any questions about this recruitment, please contact Mary Lou Kobayashi
by telephone (808) 587-2808, fax (808) 587-2824 or e-mail: [email protected].
gov (subject line MaCZaC recruitment). those telephoning from areas outside
oahu can call without charge the following numbers and ask for 587-2808.
Molokai and Lanai
• Full container delivery to your
door, residence or business
• Forklift services
• Flatbed truck delivery
• Chill and frozen Delivery
• Low-boy trailer service
• Public storage on-site and
• Worldwide logistics
• Moving services
• Moving supplies
• Delivery from the airport
and the island’s dock facility
(Young Brothers)
Call now to schedule your next delivery
808-553-5319 or e-mail offi[email protected]
Page 12 • The Molokai Dispatch • September 1, 2010
Molokai Land & Homes
Residential | Vacation Rentals | Commercial
Property Management | Second Homes | Vacant Land
Make it Molokai
From mauka
to makai,
we capture
it all.
• Moana Makani
Moana Makani Lot 47 ~ 73 acres of rolling ranch
• Paniolo Hale
land with sweeping views. Suitable for a large Horse
C-2 Studio unit very neat and clean w/ new ranch. $595,000
appliances. Best priced unit in the complex. • Papohaku Ranchlands
Lot 52 Sweeping ocean views from high atop the
• Kepuhi Beach Resort
hill. $369,000
1143 Remodeled w/ WD $149,900
Lot 132 Lowest Priced 20 acre lot in Papohaku
Ranchlands with sweeping ocean views. $299,000
1172 Ocean view condo with upgraded
furniture, kitchen & bathroom. $175,000 Lot 268 BEACH FRONT lot with excellent beach &
1211 Corner unit w/ upgrades. $195,000 ocean views. $1,795,000
1212 Ocean views & rental history $149,000 Lot 199 Oceanfront private location close to Dixie
2131 1B/1B corner unit with a loft, washer Maru Beach. $775,000.
& dryer, and Automobile. $310,000 NEW Lot 248 Beachfront $1,275,000
Lot 237 Ocean side of road $489,000
• Maunaloa Village Lots
2204 1BR Ocean views $299,000
Cottage #2-B Oceanfront 2B/2B unit with D-17 Ocean view residential lot. $63,000
excellent rental history. $550,000.
D-63 Top of the hill $59,900 PRICE REDUCED
• Molokai Shores
D-100 Corner lot $99,000
303 Oceanfront condo 1 bedroom 1 bath D-101 Open to ranch land $98,000
with a loft. Leasehold $120,000
• Kawela Planataions
Lot 54 SUPERB 3 island views $200,000
194 Okuma Road Hilltop home completely
remodeled with swimming pool , new
kitchen, bathrooms, & C.S. Wo furnishings.
63 Ka’ana Street New Custom 3B/2B home
with attached 2 car garage. Sold furnished
with high end appliances and Furniture.
Shown by appointment. $720,000.
Lot 9 Ocean view residential lot $380,000
Call for information
Jill McGowan Realtor / Broker ABR
808-552-2233 Direct | 808-552-2255 Office
E: [email protected] | Website:
The Law Offices of
Ing & Jorgensen
Now accepting new Molokai clients.
Attorneys will be available for on-island
consultations and meetings with clients.
Our attorneys are in the general practice of law, with special emphasis
in Estate Planning, Elder Law, Probate, Contracts, Administrative Law,
Community Associations and all aspects of Real Estate Law.
Lawrence N. C. Ing, David M. Jorgensen
Jennifer Eng Oana, Bradford R. Ing, G. Stephen Elisha
Pauole-Moore, RA
Kawela Plantation I: $310,000(fs)
Lot 49 includes water meter, ocean views, and great
for whale watching.
Kawela Plantation I: $110,000(fs) NEW REDUCED PRICE
Lot 78 Enjoy this I2Nacre
the 5,500 acres of comESClotRand
mon areas. Fantastic Ocean/Mountain
views, priced to
sell. Call Eddie for more details. Ph 808-646-0837
Kawela : $295,000 (fs)
This is a beautiful 1.027 acre level lot, on mountain side of
highway. This prime realestate is ready to be developed.
Call Eddie for more details. Ph 808-646-0837
Ranch Camp: $125,000(fs)
8,703 sq. ft. vacant lot with installed water meter
and beautiful custom rock wall wrapping around the
property. Great ocean views, ready to build.
Ranch Camp: $121,000(fs)
This 8,190 sq. ft. vacant lot has a great location and is priced
to sell. Call Eddie for more details. Ph 808-646-0837
Kamililoa Heights: $125,000(fs)
Kahinani Street 10,477sq. ft. lot, close to town.
Kamililoa Heights: $110,000(fs)
Kamililoa Place 10,719 sq. ft. lot, ocean views.
Ocean Front Beach Listing: $299,000(fs)
308 Seaside 14,137 sq. ft. beach lot, beautiful sunset views.
Pukoo/Eastend: $748,000(fs)
1.98 acres Oceanside lot, partially cleared, ocean
views of Lanai, Kahoolawe and West Maui.
Manilla Camp: $202,000 (fs) NEW LISTING
3 bedroom/1 bath home that has incredible ocean views from
it’s 672 sq.ft. lanai. Located close to town, school and hospital.
Call Eddie for more details. Ph 808-646-0837
Manilla Camp: $169,500 (fs)
Very clean 864 sq. ft. 3 bedroom/1 bath home with a 330 sq.
SOLDarea. Turn key condition. Located on
ft. carport and storage
a corner lot, close to town, hospital and school. Great starter
home. Call Eddie for more details 808-646-0837
Kalae: $229,000 (fs) NEW LISTING
A rare find, 3-bedroom/1-bath home located in up-country
Kalae. Freshly painted interior and remodeled kitchen with
tile counter tops, new shower and bathroom floorand a brand
new roof recently installed. This home is a must see. Call Eddie
for more details. Ph. 808-646-0837
Manila Camp: $159,000(fs) NEW REDUCED PRICE
3 bedroom/1 bath with single car port, 864 sq. ft.
Phone: (808) 242-4555 Email: [email protected]
Serving our clients and our community since 1972.
Ed Onofrio, RA
Call or stop by today!
B: (808) 553 - 9000
Toll Free: (866) 309-9001
home on a 6,108 sq. ft. lot. Seller is motivated and will
review all offers. Call Eddie for details (808) 646-0837
Ranch Camp: $225,000(fs)
3 bedroom/2IN
ROsq. ft. home sitting on a
11,916 sq. ft. lot. LocatedWclose to town across county
pool and tennis courts.
Ranch Camp: $270,000 (fs)
2 bedroom/2 bath, 1420 sq. ft. home with a over-sized
family room and a large walk in closet on a 7,200 beautifully landscaped sq. ft. lot. This home is a must see.
Ranch Camp: $299,000 (fs)
3 bedroom/ 1.5 baths, 960 sq. ft. Home with a 480 sq.
ft. car port sitting on a 10,945 sq. ft. lot.
Kamilola Heights: $279,000(fs)
8,059 sq. ft. lot, house 1,296 sq. ft. Large 2 bedroom/2
bath. Shown by appointment only.
Kamilola Heights: $375,000(fs)
10,879 sq. ft. lot, House 1,152 sq. ft., Lanai 384 sq. ft.,
Car Port 480 sq. ft. Large 4-Bedroom. Very clean with
unbelievable ocean and mountain views.
Kamilola: $290,000(fs)
26,972 sq. ft. property has a 3 bedroom/1.5 bath
home, 444 sq. ft. carport, and a large utility room.
Seller motivated.
Kaunakakai: $625,000(fs) NEW REDUCED PRICE
16,306 sq. ft., This is a prime commercial property on
main street, in the heart of Kaunakakai town.
Kaunakakai: $595,000(fs)
This two story commercial building is located on the main
street of Kaunakakai Town. Consisting of retail stores on
street level and apartments on the second floor. A total of
3,370 rentable sq. ft. This property also includes a seperate 3
bedroom / 1 bath plantation home on it’s large 18,202 sqft.
lot. Please call Eddie 646-0837 for more details.
Molokai Shores Unit A309: $235,000(FS)
Extra features in unit. 1 bedroom/1 bath with loft.
Ke Nani Kai: $405,000(fs)
Unit 117 2 bedroom/2 bath fully renovated corner lot.
Wavecrest: $225,000(fs)
Unit C-312 1/bedroom-1/bath newly remodeled with many
updates. Very clean, includes furniture and many extras.
Kamilola: 3 bedroom/2 bath with double carport.
Section 8 okay.
On the corner of Kam V & Kamoi St.
2 Kamo`i Street, Suite #1 | P.O. Box 159
Kaunakakai, HI 96748
Email: [email protected]
w w w . m o l o k a i r e a l t y i n c . c o m
Hotel Molokai Massage
& Spa Center
Restaurant & Bar
At Hotel Molokai
Call 660-3400 for reservations.
Now serving breakfast until 2pm daily.
This Week’s Entertainment
Sunday - Thursday 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Friday - 4:00 - 10:30 p.m.
Saturday 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Need a Massage??
Call our concierge desk
at 660-3408 to make an
Room Rate
$100 inclusive
per night
Based on availability
Standard or garden view room
Offer expires sept. 23, 2010
Thurs. 9/2
Eddie Tanaka, Rick Schonely
& Friends
Fri. 9/3
Na Kupuna 4 - 6 p.m.
Six Pak 6 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Sat. 9/4
Sun. 9/5
Aki Ohana
Mon. 9/6
Tues. 9/7
Nani & Bertha
Weds. 9/8
Pili Pa’a
Presented By....
The Molokai Ohana Surf Club
Saturday, September 4, 2010 - 12:30 p.m.
Stand Up Paddle Downwind Race from Kamalo to Hotel Molokai
Call Todd Yamashita @ 808-646-0542 for more information.
Hula Shores Breakfast Special
2 Eggs Any Style, Choice of 1 Breakfast Meat, Choice of Starch
Coupon must be presented at time of ordering
Not valid with any other discounts or offers
**Tax & Gratuity Not Included**
1 Coupon per person
w w w. h o t e l m o l o k a i . c o m