Virac SB summons BFP on fire fiasco
Virac SB summons BFP on fire fiasco
(052) 811-2822 VOL. XXXII, NO. 12 MAY 23, 2012 VIRAC, CATANDUANES 10 PAGES 10.00 CPGI resumes operation, but until May 30 Take-over threat issued vs. CPGI NEGLIGENCE AND INCOMPETENCE were on display during the May 10 fire in Rawis, Virac where firemen and residents tried to push the firetruck of the Virac Fire Station that stalled, unable to pump water. The truck’s siren and headlight melted from the intense heat. At the lower right of the photo, wasted water gushes out of the fire hydrant (lower right) that bystanders busted open with a rock after firemen failed to open it. Sky Quiñones Virac SB summons BFP on fire fiasco Personnel of the Virac Fire Station were invited to appear in yesterday’s regular session of the Sangguniang Bayan to answer questions regarding below-par performance in their response to a fire incident last May 10. Vice Mayor Roy Laynes issued the invitation to the officers of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) in the capital town as the council vowed to get to the bottom of the controversy. Municipal officials reportedly received scathing complaints from residents of Rawis and Sta. Cruz in the wake of the blaze that razed a twostorey residential building owned by Eric Tadoy of Sta. Cruz. According to the spot investigation report prepared by fire and arson investigator FO2 Jose Matienzo Jr., one Joseph Sales informed the station of the fire at 9:05 P.M., some 10 minutes after the fire was believed to have started. Fire Engines No. 1 and 2 were immediately Virac SB/page 2 Ex-police chief, 2 aides suspended for misconduct Governor Joseph Cua last Friday threatened a government take-over of the facilities of cash-strapped Catanduanes Power Generation, Inc. (CPGI) should it fail to fully supply 24 hours of electricity pursuant to the Electricity Supply Agreement (ESA) it signed with the First Catanduanes Electric Cooperative, Inc. (FICELCO). The People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) of Virac has suspended for a month without pay a former police chief and two other law enforcers for irregularity in the performance of duty and misconduct in connection with an entrapment operation in 2011. Superintendent Alvin Gruba, PO1 Froilan Gianan and PO1 Sonny Tabuzo were ordered suspended for 31 days, with their salaries for the period forfeited in favour of the government. Complainant Jesus Ariel Tabirara had claimed that The veiled threat was issued by the provincial chief executive during last Thursday’s meeting with representatives of the power industry, including CPGI plant superintendent Engr. Noli Najito and FICELCO’s Edmund Molina. Cua said CPGI should not wait for the power crisis to reach such proportions that the provincial government would be forced to declare a state of calamity and authorize the takeover of its genset in order to protect the interests of the people. He also disclosed that Ex-police/page 2 the province will also examine the ESA to determine CPGI’s liability for the power shortage. “Wag n’yo na kaming i-hostage at baka tamaan kayo,” Cua told Najito, adding that CPGI should not let its P30 million investment to go to waste. Najito assured that the company will not terminate its operations in Catanduanes and bared that it has sent two trucks each with 20,000 liters of bunker fuel to Catanduanes, with more on the way. However, the power plant would operate only until May 30 due to funding constraints CPGI blamed on the low rate approved by the Energy Regulatory Commission. Cua called the meeting after receiving a copy of a letter sent by the National Power Corporation’s Small Power Utilities Group (NPCSPUG) to FICELCO that the gensets rented by NPC from Monark would operate 12 hours daily beginning May 17 on the basis of its contracted capacity of 2.8 megawatts. The Monark rental gensets had been running for Take-over/page 2 Tampered passbook used in ‘swindle’ A 58-year old woman in Virac last week lost P5,000 to a resident of San Andres who promised to pay her back using a tampered passbook supposedly containing P38,000.00. Delia Santos Vigo of Pandan del Norte told the police that on or about 9 A.M. of May 12 at the Eastern Bicol Medical Center, a certain Rosemarie Francisco of Lubas, San Andres, approached her and reportedly claimed that her husband was near death and needed money. Francisco borrowed P5,000 from Vigo and left Tampered/page 2 A BOON FOR LOCAL RICE SUFFICIENCY. Farmers and irrigators associations in the eastern barangays of Bato formally accept the irrigation project funded thru the effort of Cong. Cesar Sarmiento and to be constructed by the National Irrigation Administration. The communal irrigation facility is expected to remarkably increase rice production in agricultural communities in Bato, particularly San Roque, Bagumbayan, Libjo, San Pedro, Sta. Isabel, Mintay and Talisay. Machine-stripped abaca 3 CSCLHS alumni graduate with now fetches higher price honors from UP A 17-KG. GREEN SEA TURTLE is released by (from left) Gov. Joseph Cua, PNB Executive Vice President Ma. Elena Piccio, Senior Assistant VP Nilo Padua (standing top, in white polo shirt), 1st VP Rita Pueyo (standing, in white T-shirt and shades) and manager Christine Arejola and other bank officials during their visit to Twin Rock Beach Resort last May 12. The turtle, tagged PH 1464E, was recovered by a fishermen and turned over to the provincial government under the governor’s Save Our Sea Turtles (SOS) program. Brighter days are in store for abacaleros in Catanduanes after Governor Joseph Cua asked the management of Manila Hemp Trading, a key player in abaca trading in the island, to offer higher buying prices for abaca fiber extracted through mechanized stripping. Manila Hemp agreed to raise the buying price of fiber grades S2 and I from P53 to P60 per kilo and from P43 to P50, respectively, during a recent meeting at the governor’s office. The move and the affirmative response of MHT is expected to encourage the more than 15,000 abaca farmers in the island to shift from the manual abaca stripping to mechanized fiber extraction. The mechanization of the abaca industry has been advocated by the Cua administration since 2007. High grade fiber, improved production with a 50-kilo average per day and reduced labor costs are the main advantages of machine stripping compared with the manual method. Abaca farmer Lina Tayamora of Bato, along with his brother Conrad, has been using a FIDA-model abaca spindle machine for almost Machine/page 2 Jan Roland G. Molina Jan Roland Guerrero Molina and two other members of Batch 2008 of the Catanduanes State 3 CSCLHS/page 2 2 MAY 23, 2012 CYBERTRIVIA TWO QUESTIONS Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one. Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates: Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He’s had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 Martinis a day. Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening. Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He’s a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, and drinks an occasional beer and never committed adultery. Which of these candidates would be your choice? Decide first… No peeking, and then look at page 9 for the response. **** Bad Predictions "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943. "Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and weigh only 1.5 tons." -- Popular Mechanics, 1949 "I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year." -- The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957. "But it good for?" -- Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip. "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." -- Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977. "This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876. "The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys." -Sir William Preece, chief engineer of the British Post Office, 1876. "The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" -- David Sarnoff's associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s. "While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility." -- Lee DeForest, inventor. Tampered…. Take-over…. with her a Legaspi Savings Bank passbook in Francisco’s name which the former said they will bring to the bank the following Monday (May 14) so she could withdraw the payment for the borrowed cash. Vigo reportedly waited the whole day of May 14 for Francisco but the woman never came. The victim went to the police, who accompanied her to the LSB Virac Branch. At the bank, it was discovered that Francisco’s passbook had been tampered to show that it had a balance of P38,000.00, with the dates and figures apparently imprinted on the second page of the passbook using a typewriter. Vigo failed to realize that entries on passbooks today are printed using computer printers. It is not known whether Vigo or the police would continue looking for Francisco, who submitted a postal ID with photo and paid P100 as initial deposit with LSB. Local banks have been advised of the incident in case unscrupulous persons use the same modus operandi. Meanwhile, two visitors from Cebu City lost valuables in Virac when their car was forcible opened by thieves who took laptops and cellphones. Rey Yap, 48, of LapuLapu City, and Paul Lim, 40, of San Nicolas, were with Joenel Sarmiento of Calatagan, Virac having dinner from 7 to 8 P.M. last May 15 at Sea Breeze Restaurant when the incident occurred. They came back to their parked Nissan Urvan (XLD-589) to find one side window forcibly pushed open. The two visitors lost a silver HP laptop, a black HP ProBook 4230, Samsung Corby cellphone, Samsung Digicam, a wallet and Lim’s Philippine passport. On the other hand, Arvin Abareta, 44, reported the loss of a metallic gray Samsung cellphone, Nokia cellphone, Motorola cellphone and P2,000 cash, which were reportedly taken by a unknown culprit who opened a window from the outside his house at Imperial Homes Subdivision in Virac last May 16. 24 hours for two weeks now after CPGI suspended the operation of its 3.6-MW bunker-fuel genset at Marinawa, resulting in rotating brownouts lasting from six to 10 hours. NPC-SPUG told FICELCO that the extended operating hours of the rented gensets have resulted in their going over budget, with each day of extra 12hour operation costing them P66,528.00 on rentals and 9,072 liters of diesel fuel. The additional expenses of P357,077.55 per day will have a negative impact on NPC-SPUG’s operations for 2012 as its budget for fuel and rental of gensents can only last until Dec. 26, 2012, SPUG Luzon Department Manager Glicerio Alpajora said. “In the approved ESA, it is the responsibility of CPGI to generate contracted energy with FICELCO,” he stressed. “If CPGI fails to deliver, then FICELCO shall have the option to enter into contract with other power from page 1 IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS. READ, LEARN AND WORK. 3 CSCLHS…. from page 1 Philippine Red Cross Catanduanes Chapter Emergency Response Unit Emergency Hotline Please Contact: 09387588283 Always First, Always Ready, Always There Please contact: 09228406442 and 09291386950 Colleges Laboratory High School graduated recently with cum laude honors from the University of the Philippines. Molina, the third child of Rolly P. Molina and Lynn Margarita Guerrero-Molina of Sta. Cruz, Virac, graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Food Technology at the College of Agriculture, UP Los Baños in Laguna. He was a scholar of Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Science Education Institute under Republic Act 7687. A salutorian at CSCLHS, he is also a product of the Virac Pilot Elementary School Division Pilot Special Science and Math Class in 2004. Also earning cum laude honors were high school classmates Brian Tria of Cavinitan, Virac, who took up Computer Science at UPLB, and Ramon Niño Raquid of Salvacion, Virac, who finished Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communications at UP Diliman. Another classmate, Nathalie del Agua of Calatagan, earned a diploma in Bachelor of Science in Biology. from page 1 SRM MOTORCYCLE REPAIR SHOP & GEN. MDSE. Cavinitan, Virac Ex-police…. from page 1 on April 15, 2011, the accused arrested him without a warrant, along with Mark Dastin Gianan and Keen de Leon, in connection with a missing laptop allegedly pawned to one Pio Vargas Jr. by Maria Rowena Vargas. Tabirara also alleged that PO1 Gianan threatened to kill him. The four men were charged by the police with qualified theft before the Provincial Prosecution Office but Prosecutor Joan Mosatalla dismissed the case and counselled the police officers to exercise prudence and reasonable discretion in determining whether the act alleged to have been committed is criminal or not as to warrant the conduct of a police operation. The Board noted that the policemen were not justified in claiming that the arrest was made without a warrant because it was done during the conduct of a police operation. It also pointed out that the laptop claimed to have been stolen by the respondents was not presented in evidence. The Virac PLEB is composed of Atty. Manuel Magistrado as chairman, and Councilor Virgilio Candelaria, Barangay Chairman Joseph Mendoza and Virginia Barba as members. suppliers for a certain period and that all related expenses incurred will be reimbursed by CPGI. Based on the NPCSPUG statement, the governor advised FICELCO management to start negotiations with Monark for the extension of its Catanduanes-based gensets’ operation beyond the 12-hour contracted period, with the costs to be charged to CPGI. The proposed additional operation of the Monark genset, however, would cost P15 per kilowatthour, about P3 pricier than the actual CPGI cost of P12 per kWh. During its emergency meeting conducted that night, the FICELCO Board of Directors chose to petition NPC to extend Monark operation to 24 hours. Congressman Cesar Sarmiento, who has been monitoring the power situation closely, was told by FICELCO officer-in-charge Rodolfo Mendoza that the cooperative and CPGI have agreed to increase the latter’s operating hours from 12 to 16 hours beginning May 19, with the co-op to advance the payment for fuel needed by CPGI plant for the additional four-hour daily operation. CPGI’s fuel supply, however, would last only until May 30, with the cooperative pinning its hopes on ERC favourably granting CPGI’s motion for reconsideration on the fuel heat rate. The cooperative also asked Sarmiento for assistance in persuading the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) in restoring the funding for three new generators of NPC Catanduanes. Meanwhile, Vice Governor Jose Teves Jr. has secured the support of ICARE partylist Congressman Michael Angelo Rivera in endorsing to DOE Secretary Jose Rene Almendras the prioritization of the 69KV transmission line project in Catanduanes. Rivera, who paid a courtesy call on Vice Gov. Teves during his brief visit here last May 14, also discussed with Teves and some members of the Sanggguniang Panlalawigan the on-going power crisis. He called DOE USec. Aiba Asirit, who got the assurance of CPGI management that it would continue operations even if its motion for reconsideration for higher rate has yet to be granted by ERC> Teves has asked the SP’s Committee on Energy to initiate an investigation of the ESA entered into by FICELCO and CPGI, particularly the force majeure Virac SB…. from page 1 dispatched, reaching the scene about 100 meters in just a minute. FO2 Matienzo stated that the accidental fire at the house occupied by Francisca Arcilla, 83, Maria Tañon, 46, and the latter’s family started from an unattended, lighted “gasera” (gas lamp) that ignited adjacent combustible materials. There were no casualties, with damages estimated at P50,000, the same report said. The report, however, did not state that one of the fire trucks that responded was unable to assist in putting out the fire. Kibitzers said that the truck’s water pump failed while the engine itself conked out, leaving the vehicle stranded in its place just in front of the raging inferno. As a result, the BFP personnel had to abandon the truck, relying on the other truck as well as the fire truck of the Bato fire station to put out the blaze by 10:55 P.M. San Andres firemen also responded to the fire that reached 3rd alarm. The stalled truck suffered some damage, with its emergency siren and headlight melted by the searing heat from the nearby fire. A resident also claimed that in the morning before the fire, BFP personnel inspected the fire hydrant located at the corner of the street a few meters away from the Tadoy house. They failed to open the hydrant despite their best efforts and decided to postpone the job for the next morning. Residents said that had it not been for the responding fire trucks from nearby towns, the fire could have spread to nearby houses around the entire block and even to adjoining blocks, all of them heavily populated. provision cited by the latter in stating that it cannot be sued for failing to fulfil its contract to supply 22.6 million kWh yearly to the grid. Observers see no end to the brownouts, unless CPGI comes up with enough cash to sustain its operation here. For fuel alone, it needs P9 million a month for the 24-hour daily operation of the genset. Each 20,000-liter shipment is good for just 39 hours, Najito told the Tribune. On the other hand, extending Monark operation by 12 hours could cost CPGI nearly P13 million a month, if FICELCO decides to source power from Monark. TRIBUNE SUDOKU Machine…. from page 1 a year now. “Ta itaraman ko su mga tugang ko na nagmahal na…Nakatapos pa sana kaya magpahag-ot gamit su makina,” she said. Gov. Cua hopes that, with the present development, his leadership will be able to convey a more serious message of the significance of mechanizing the province’ abaca industry, which supplies more than 50 percent of the country’s annual fiber production. As of press-time, there is no available data as to how much of the province’s fiber production is extracted using the spindle machines distributed by the province to interested individuals and farmers associations. The capitol’s program has been stagnant for a few years now due to lack of interest among farmers. HOW TO PLAY: Complete the grid so each row, column and 3 -by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit from 1 to 9. Solution on page 5. 3 MAY 23, 2012 WEEKLY REFLECTIONS THE OTHER SIDE A sick man turned to his doctor, as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side." Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know." "You don't know? You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?" The doctor was holding the handle of the door; on the other side of which came a sound of scratching and whining, and as he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness. Turning to the patient, the doctor said, "Did you notice my dog? He's never been in this room before. He didn't know what was inside. He knew nothing except that his master was here, and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.” “I know little of what is on the other side of death, but I do know one thing ... I know my Master is there and that is enough." Do not be afraid, Jesus said, "I will never leave you." Hebrews 13:5 TIngnan natin ni Jex F. Lucero HUWAG MAGKAKAMALING MAG-ASAWA NG PANGIT Ayaw tigilan ng Malakanyang si CJ Corona hangga’t hindi ito napapatalsik sa Supreme Court. Lalong umigting ang init ng Malakanyang nang ibigay sa mga magsasaka ang lupa ng Hacienda Luisita. Sabi nga ni CJ Corona sa Convention/Seminar ng Philippine Association of Court Employees (PACE) sa Palawan, siyam na pangulo ang dumaan sa hinaing ng mga magsasaka at tanging ang kasalukuyang korte lang ang nagkaroon ng lakas ng loob na igawad ang tamang hatol sa problema ng mga magsasaka sa Hacienda Luisita. Naghihimutok si Pnoy, tuloy nakipag-break kay Grace Lee! ***** Marami ang hindi naniniwala na mabilis ang paglobo ng ating populasyon. Karamihan sa kanila ay nakakaangat sa buhay, sabi nga. Ang mga anak nila ay isa, dalawa kaya, tatlo at hindi na lalagpas sa ganoong bilang. At karamihan din sa kanila ay mga panatiko sa isang relihiyon. Kahit pag pumupunta sila sa mga barangay ay nakikita nila kung gaanong naghihirap ang mga tao pero paniwala pa rin sila na hindi dapat ang mga panukalang batas para mapahina o mapahinto muna pansamantala ang mabilisang pag dami ng populasyon. Ang gusto nila, ayot sanang ayot, casta sanang casta! ***** Huwag sanang magagalit ang ilang may tricy sa San Andres. Ganito ang kuwentuhan sa jeep na biyaheng San Andres patungong Virac. Sabi ng isang babae, sasakay na lang daw sila sa tricy papuntang Virac pero ang singil daw sa kanila ay “labis”. Dalawa lang daw sila ng anak niyang dalaga at may ilang mga gamit na dala-dala. Inisnab ng mag-ina ang tricy at sa jeepney na lang sila sumakay. Ang bayad daw nila sa jeepney ay 30 pesos at ang singil sa kanila sa tricy ay apat na raang piso Mga pare, sobra namang pandurugas ‘yan! ***** Ano nga ba ang solusyon sa sunod-sunod na brownout sa ating probinsiya? Alam n’yo alam ko kung papaanong malulutas ang problema natin sa kuryente. Simple lang sa totoo kung papanong malulutas ang brownout sa atin. Ang unang gagawin natin ay murahin ang mga taga –Ficelco, Napocor, at CPGI. Ikalawa, murahin, batuhin ng ipot ng manok ang mga taga-Napocor, Ficelco at ang CPGI. Pangatlong dapat gagawin natin pag nagbobrownout ay murahin pa rin natin ang mga kinauukulan. Panghuli murahin pa rin natin dahil iyon at iyon din lang naman ang magagawa natin! ***** Isang lalaki ang nagsampa ng kaso sa kanyang asawa dahil sa pagiging pangit nito at kumita pa siya ng 120,000.00 dolyares. Nagtataka raw kung bakit napakapangit ng anak nila ganoong guwapo naman daw siya at napakaganda ng asawa niya. Iyon pala ang mukha ng babae ay retokada kaya gumanda ito at ng magkaanak nga sila ito ay saksakan ng pangit. Lumabas iyong totoong lahi ng babae at ito nga ay inihabla ng lalaki. Talo si babae namayad pa. Akala niya jackpot na siya, iyon pala pangit pa rin siya! ***** Ayaw pa rin daw lumayas ng pangulo ng Association of Non-Teaching Staff diyan sa CSC. Marami na raw petition ang ginawa dito pero ayaw pa rin umalis. Alam daw ito ni Prez Morales pero hindi rin daw magawa nito ang nais niya dahil bukod sa kaklase ito ay pareho pa silang taga Pandan. Ang ibig sabihin ay hindi kaya ni Prez Morales ang ganoong ka-simpleng kaso? Onse anyos na raw diyan si Maam pero masarap daw yata ang nakuha niyang upuan kaya tuloy ang ligaya. Madam president, hoy gising, tanghali na! ***** Same sex marriage ayos lang kay Pres. Obama ng US. Ibang klase man ito si Barack. NakakaObama talaga. Parehong lalaki magpapakasal? Inano ang stokehan caan? Parehong babae magpapakasal din? Inano man ang taptapan caan nin sihong. Mga baliw!! ***** The Lucero clan would like to say thank you sa mga sumusunod: Cong. Cesar Sarmiento, Gob. Boboy Cua, Bise Gob. Bong Teves, Mr. Peter Cua, PBM Raffy Zuniega,at Engr. Jorge Reyes. BRIGADA ESKWELA ( Schools Maintenance Week) Virac Pilot Elementary School Teaching Staff would like to thank the 2012 Brigada Eskwela donors DONORS: 1. Gov. Joseph C. Cua - 5 sacks cement/16 liters paint (latex) 2. PBM Raffy Zuniega - 1 truckload gravel and sand 3. DPWH c/o DE Ignacio Odiaman - manpower services with free 1 gallon gasoline for grass cutter 4. Engr. Gil Balmadrid - P 1,000.00 5. Mr. Neptali Tañon - P 500.00 6. Mrs. Cielo Tablo - P 200.00 7. Engr. Ma. Alena Rubio - P300.00 8. PBM Nel Asanza - 16 lit. Paint 9. Tri-Star Press - streamer/free ad 10. Engr. Ariel Tabirara - P 2,000.00 PLEDGES: 1. PBM Gregorio Angeles - P 1,000.00 2. PBM Roger Pereyra - P 1, 000.00 We still accept donations. Some Random Thoughts Atty. Romulo P. Atencia A.B., LlB., Bar Topnotcher Former Executive Judge, RTC, Virac NATIONAL PRIDE The world is primarily organized in nation states, i.e. sovereign, geo-political entities organized around one predominant nationality or ethnic group. National identity is the cohesive force that both holds nation states together and shapes their relationships with the family of nations. National pride means being proud of your own country or proud of yourself for being from your country. It means being proud and happy of being a citizen of that country. It can also take on the form of defending your country in times of need and standing by the country even in difficult times. It can also take on another form of national supremacy, as in considering oneself or ones ethnic or political group to be of great or greater pride. ***** National pride is different depending on the countries too. As an example, French citizens are so proud of their country that it looks excessive in the eyes of anybody else. As a result, they defend their country whether they agree with the political views or decisions, and they protect their patrimony as much as possible without forgetting about their history that has made of them the country that we know today. ***** In the United States of America, national pride has another dimension. American citizens particularly fight for human rights and about the fact that all men are created equal and about liberty. And even today, young Americans do not hesitate to join the army and show their national pride all over the world. ***** For some people, national pride is compared to racism, insisting on the fact that a person has more moral duties to fellow members of the national community than to non-members. A prime example of this kind of national pride is the Nazism of Germany. Unfortunately, racism is in every country, but it should not be associated to national pride. The strongest and wealthiest country in the world today, the United States, is a country of mixed races, religions and customs. It became stronger because of its diversity. But its citizens have a very strong national pride because they know that people all over the world look up to Americans. ***** Finally, national pride can have a religious consonance, but only when talking about certain countries like Israel or India. These two countries consider that they belong to their holy place, or motherland. This is another version of national pride, strengthened by the adherence to a native religion. ***** Bertrand Russell observes: "The Jews were distinguished from the other nations of antiquity by their stubborn national pride. All the others, when conquered, acquiesced inwardly as well as outwardly; the Jews alone retained the belief in their own pre-eminence, and the conviction that their misfortunes were due to God's anger, because they had failed to preserve the purity of their faith and ritual." ***** National pride does not seem to be well-pronounced in the Philippines. Rizal's concept of nationalism and nation was based on loyalty to the archipelago, not to Spain. By dying, [Rizal] created the Philippines and the Filipinos and, in doing so, became the First Filipino. In contemporary times, only a few names epitomized national pride, such as Benigno 'Ninoy' Aquino and Cory Aquino. The former died because of his nationalism; the latter loved the country beyond patriotism. ***** Before Rizal, there were others who gave their lives to defend the land of their birth. Lapu-Lapu struck Magellan down and ended the imperialist dream of the initial Spanish conquest less than a month after its landfall on the future colonial soil. But the hero of Mactan did not call himself Filipino. For 300 years, tribe after tribe took up arms against the colonial regime for essentially the same cause: to regain the freedom they used to enjoy. They were Pangasinenses, Ilocanos or Tagalogs. Even the Muslims of Mindanao, the most unbending of the islanders, launched the Muslim wars not as a nationalist campaign but as a jihad against infidels. ... At a later time, when the winds of European Enlightenment, created the ilustrado, the educated class, no one yet called himself Filipino, in the sense that we regard the word today. ... While the Tagalogs, Visayans, Pampangos and Bicolanos were beginning to call the archipelago Philippines and its inhabitants Filipinos, both terms were associated merely with geography, never with natural affection for the land or its people. ***** So, why is it that Filipinos have a hard time having national pride? The answer lies in the following questions: Would one be proud to be identified with a country where one of its expresidents was touted as the biggest thief in the world; another ex-president was convicted of plunder; and still another is facing numerous cases of plunder and other high crimes? Would one be proud to be a citizen of the country which was once the envy of other nations in this part of the world, but is now known as the “sick man of Asia”? Would one be proud to be a taxpayer of the country where government officials unabashedly steal people’s money in broad daylight? Atty. Romulo P. Atencia Email add: [email protected] Computer Problems? Why Worry? We will solve it for you! Our Technicians are TESDA Accredited and have undergone intensive training in Repair Centers in Manila, thus making them experts in handling: • No Power • No Display • Not Charging • Blue Screen • Virus problems • corrupt Windows • Software problem • Auto Shutdown • Hardware problem • Windows Upgrade • Data Recovery • Reformat • Printer Repair • Audio Problem • System cleaning • Printer cleaning • Replace Laptop LCD/LED Screen • Laptop Keyboard problems VIRTUAL NOOK COMPUTERS –G/F Tuboro Bldg. Salvacion St., Virac, Catanduanes • 0928-5243611 Managed by: Rosette P. Tuboro (Computer Engineer) Samareños among 12th Summer Safety Institute graduates Residents from the towns of Catubig and Las Navas in Northern Samar were among the participants in the 12th Summer Safety Institute conducted by the Philippine Red Cross over a three-week period that ended last Saturday. The Samareños were sent by their respective local governments and joined other participants from the Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council of Virac, the Philippine National Police, First Catanduanes Electric Cooperative, Inc., tanods from barangays San Roque and San Jose in Virac, nurses and Red Cross volunteers. PRC Catanduanes acting chapter administrator Reymond Reginaldo said that 34 finished the Standard First Aid Training and Basic Life Support-CPR at the PRC Training Hall at EBMC compound from May 7 to 11. Twenty-six participants, including some from Rural Health Units, attended the Ambulance Operation course from May 12-13, with a simulation done on the last day at the Virac fountain area. On the other hand, 43 endured the Learn to Swim and Water Rescue and Sur- vival Swimming held May 14-19 at Maribina Falls in Bato and San Vicente, Vorac, with the One-Mile Swim staged at Bon-ot San Andres on the final day. RED CROSS BLOOD AVAILABLE 24 HOURS Please contact: 09387588283 EBMC Compound, Virac 4 MAY 23, 2012 EDITORIAL The public scorn for Virac firemen The scorn heaped by the public on the Virac Fire Station for its inexcusable performance at the May 10 fire that hit a residential building in barangay Rawis is understandable. The Bureau of Fire Protection, through its municipal fire stations, gets a subsidy from the people, through the Fire Fund Fees paid by business establishments and equivalent to 10 percent of the total fees each civic-spirited trader pays to the municipal government during the renewal of their mayor’s permit to operate. The amount businesses shovel into the BFP coffers would be sizeable. It would be interesting to know how the bureau uses the cash in its operations on the island, both in preventing fires and in fighting them. Certainly, it does no good for the image of local fire fighters when they see the fire truck itself break down right in front of the fire, unable to pump water and unable to extract itself from a potentially disastrous conflagration. What made matters worse was the inability of the fire men to open the fire hydrant just meters away from the fire, forcing frustrated residents to break it open using a rock and resulting in the wastage of precious water. Twelve hours earlier, according to a witness, BFP personnel tried to open the neglected hydrant and, when they failed, put off the job for the next day. Kibitzers also noted that the chief of the Virac fire station was nowhere during the incident while most of his men responded to the fire without wearing the required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as fire-resistant uniforms and helmets. What were they doing just before a private citizen radioed for help, just lazing around? This lackadaisical attitude towards performance of their duties and responsibilities possibly contributed to the Virac BFP’s failure to properly maintain their equipment, particularly the all-important fire truck. There have been reports before that personnel of the Virac BFP are fond of holding all-night birthday parties complete with videoke singing right at the fire station, causing sleepless nights among neighbours at the Virac Sports Center. The chief fireman should know that a government office should not be used as venue for private parties. Like the Commission on Elections before (when all its personnel had to do was wait for the next elections), the Bureau of Fire Prevention’s mettle gets tested mainly when there are fires and, in this island province, such incidents are few and far between. The Sangguniang Bayan of Virac should properly interrogate the officers and men of the fire station and discern if they really deserve the “tonto” tag. And it better warn the fire fighters that a repeat of the Rawis fire ‘disaster’ would not be acceptable to taxpayers, who should demand a refund of their Fire Fund Fees the next time around. The Newspaper for Every Catandunganon Publishes Every Wednesday Editorial and Business Office at Rawis, Virac, Catanduanes * Tel. No. 811-1267 Fax No. 811-1267 FERNAN A. GIANAN Publisher-Editor Atty. FRED A. GIANAN, JR. Legal Counsel RICHARD T. REVELAR Web Master FREDESWINDO T. GIANAN, SR. Founder Inside Page Fernan A. Gianan The very least FICELCO can do To say that local businessmen, particularly those whose daily operation depend much on the availability of reliable power, are frustrated with FICELCO would be an understatement. They are angry enough to curse the cooperative’s management, although not so much as to show up at Marinawa with placards denouncing inefficiency and incompetence at the compound. One businessman who is engaged in hollow-block making says he loses an entire batch of cement mix whenever a brownout strikes in the midst of the batch operation. Almost all rue precious man-hours, or mandays, lost as a result of power interruptions, including the useless wages they pay laborers just to wait for the power to come back. The very least FICELCO management, as well as its partners NPC, SUWECO and CPGI, would be to issue an accurate power interruption schedule so that businesses would be able to schedule work and have workers take the day off whenever a long brownout is due. Such a schedule should be disseminated through all forms of media, from the radio stations to barangay bulletin boards. And they better stick to the schedule. Nothing impedes businesses’ drive to profitability more than unpredictability. Last week, Gov. Joseph Cua turned the pressure on CPGI, warning management of a possible take-over of its power plant by the provincial government as well as junking of its contract. If this happens, CPGI would be Q solely to blame, for not justifying its application for higher rate and for not having enough money to operate the plant. On the other hand, Congressman Cesar Sarmiento is putting the onus on FICELCO and CPGI for not having the prescience of asking PNoy for help regarding CPGI’s ERC petition and the NPC’s aborted purchase of three gensets. The group, he says, should have briefed him and Gov. Cua if they only knew what they were doing. ***** Another addition to the political derby in 2013 is Engr. Jesse Luis Alberto, son of former contractor Dr. Mariano Alberto. Celoy, as he is known by friends, was reportedly persuaded by former Governor Vicente Alberto to throw his hat into the ring to replace Mayor Cito Alberto. As the good mayor has reportedly decided to stay for six more years, the Manila-based engineer is willing to settle down for the vice mayoral post, where he would up against my entrenched compadre, Vice Mayor Roy Laynes. ***** NOTES: Belated reports from Las Vegas say that around 300-400 Catandunganons from all over the United States and Canada attended the Catanduanes International Association’s 20th anniversary held at Sam’s Town Hotel and Casino last April 28-29. Three groups of American youths entertained the crowd with dances and while Vancouver-based Catandunganons led by Freddie Concepcion of Isip-isipon ta Rawis, Virac performed the Pantomina.... The CIA officialdom did not grant Congressman Cesar Sarmiento’s request that his video message be played as it would reportedly cause the program to exceed its allotted time. At the induction of the Catanduanes Association USA last year, the congressman’s speech was interrupted by an elderly official who wanted to get on the dance floor with her paid escorts.... The group’s dance time, however, was curtailed by efforts of members from cities and states to have their pictures taken with Governor Joseph Cua, who was guest speaker and inducting officer, Vice Governor Bong Teves and PBM Nel Asanza.... Myrna Rodriguez-Walsh of Cabugao, Bato has been elected as the new CIA president. Incidentally, the CIA chapter in Las Vegas has been dissolved due to leadership issues with higher officials. As a result, Catandunganons in the gambling mecca are allegedly organizing a separate group. ***** COMPETITION IS BEST. The shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand new business much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign which read BEST DEALS. He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading LOWEST PRICES. The shopkeeper was panicked, until he got an idea. He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop-it read... MAIN ENTRANCE. qui Tang Tacio Kahagadan sa Kagurangnan Naghapot palan daa si PBM Oyong Angeles sa manejamiento kan Dificelco kung ano na an pigaguiribo kan junta directiva sa krisis sa corriente. An gusto daang masabotan kan vocal, kung ano lamang an saendang pagmati lalo nang an BOD man sana an nag-evaluar kan contrata o ESA kan CPGI kung ini capable magsupply nin corriente sa isla, lalo na kung inano kahararom an bolsa caini. Kung aatid-atidon mo, nadara sana siguro sa painom-inom sa Quezon Boulevard pati pagcaon-caon sa five-star hotel an mga director ta dae lamang nareparo na kulang palan an perac nin CPGI na magsustenir kan saendang operasyon. Ngonian, dae na sindang dacul na paquilabot ta idinuhay na an bahog, he! he! he! Dapat hagadon kan mga PBM an copya kan Electricity Supply Agreement segun sa pangapodan ni Bise Gob Bong Teves, tanganing maheling kan publico kung inano talaga an laog caini. Daeng mangyayaring marinas kung sige sanang hororon an mga partido na an contrata dae naheheling kan publico. Sabi kan mga nacamatid, pigagisa man sana kita kan CPGI sa sadiling Manteca, ta an planta inarquila ninda sa Dificelco, na iyo man an nagarquila caini sa NPC. An capital sana kan CPGI iyo an paghingayad kan planta pati an pagbakal nin bunker fuel. An ganancia tabag ninda sa Maynilang kayganda. Sabi ngani ni Gob Boboy, kaya man daa an padalaganon kan mga tagaCatanduanes kaya dae daa maghona-hona an CPGI na mapasensya sana an mga taga-isla sa pangho-hostage ninda sa mga consumidores sa paagui kan brownouts. Kaya lang, saro sana an Boboy Cua sa isla. Haen daw an mga mayaman pang mga Catandunganon ta dae lamang minatabang tanganing mag-asenso an saendang cahimanwa. ***** Mag-ingat an gabos sa manlaen-laen na mga paagui na gamit ngonian kan mga itom an dugo tanganing macacoa nin perac. Kan nacaaguing semana, sarong gurang sa Virac an naloko nin taga-Calolbon na nakautang nin cinco mil gamit an libro de banko kan Legaspi Savings Bank. Pinagmaquinillahan daa kan babaye an passbook tanganing maipaheling na igua siyang treinta y ocho mil pesos, mantang an laog man sana sanggatos. Kung aatid-atidon mo, puede sana ining mangyari sa tolong bagay: ignorante an victima na dae na gagamit an mga banko nin maquinilla, Sabado y Domingo sana makapanloko an parautang, y magayon an saiyang pagarte. An pag-orden man sa sarong pade pati magcapirang diacono sa Bato ginagamit man ngonian tanganing macaguda an sarong tawo. Garibot daa si Manoy dara an handwritten na surat na soboot gahagad nin love offering sa bag-ong pade. An target daa papilion sa tolong claseng tabang: sarong laptop, sarong motorsiklo o caya treinta mil para sa pagcaon na handa kan familia ni padre. Dae pa man yatang suminubad sa paon, caya pinapatanidan an gabos na magdonar directa qui reverendo o caya sa saiyang familia. ***** Kung dae na kitang maguinibo kundi magmoda sabay lutab kung iguang brownout, paquinabangan ta nin diit an satong kauyaman. Magtagama nin tabo o balde sa harong para sana sa lutab cada brownout o habang maribong an arimantac sa sobrang init na daeng electric fan. Duman sana tabi ipasyut an lutab. Mapano man an sa kainawatan, depende sa kauyaman. Kung mapano na, darhon sana tabi diyan sa headquarters kan SUWECO sa Danicop y ipabakar qui Zaldy Co, pandagdag ninda sa tubig na kaipuhan kan mga Pahang hydroelectric plant sa Solong y Hitoma, he! he! he! Tabangan ta man an NPC, CPGI y Dificelco na macaamot nin corriente. Dae na ngona mag-aircon. Puede nang maghuba sa pagcaturog o caya paglacawlacaw sa laog nin harong. Tampungan o gacudan sana an mga ikinabuhay ta tibaad macabuhi, he! he! he! Kung ica gapaguibo pa sana nin harong, guibohon ini na an atop puede sanang itaas kung maanangaang, siring kan hood kan awto, he! he! he! Sa lado man kan simbahan, itonong ngona an pagpangadye kan Oratio Imperata. Matanos asin danay na kita gabos maghagad nin bagyo sa Kagurangnan. Puede na an sarong low pressure area o caya pambatag na bagyo na maistambay sa silangan nin isla sa laog nin duwang semana. Matunaw man in, pano na an mga hydro. 5 MAY 23, 2012 BUKAS NA LIHAM Ang positibong epekto ng “play money” Sa aking mga Kapwa Katandunganon, Pagbati! Hindi malirip ng akin simpleng kamalayan kung bakit hanggang ngayon ay tinutuligsa pa rin ng iilan ang butihin at dating gobernador Hector S. Sanchez hinggil sa walang kamatayang isyu ng diumano’y pagpapamudmod nito ng “play money” noong nagdaang eleksyon. Isa ako sa lubos na nakakakilala kay Gob. Hector S. Sanchez sapagkat ako ang kanyang kasa-kasama noong mga panahong siya ay gobernador at maging sa kanyang pribadong negosyo. Kilala ko siya bilang isang tapat, relihiyoso, hindi korap, mabait, simple at lider na tunay na nagmamalasakit sa hinagpis ng mahihirap. Siya ang naging lider ng Catanduanes na hindi kumuha ng SOP, at siya ang nagpursige na matapos ang napakagandang tulay ng Bato, Catanduanes gamit ang kanyang sarili at pribadong “resources”. Napakarami siyang proyektong naibigay sa ating probinsiya na pinakikinabangan ng ating mga kababayan hanggang ngayon. Hindi mabilang na mga proyekto ang kanyang taos-pusong naihandog sa sambayanan na ang pondo ay hindi nagmula sa gobyerno, kundi mula sa kanyang sariling-bulsa. Halimbawa nga na totoong nagpamudmod ng “play money” ang kampo ni Gob. Sanchez, meron po bang kaso yun? Meron po bang “vote-buying” (RA 6646 ) dun kung ang pinamigay ay papel na walang katumbas na halaga? Ipagpaumanhin po ninyo, alam ko na ang nangagalaiti at hindi nakakalimot hanggang ngayon ay iyong mga bayaran at mukhang perang pulitiko at botante. Marahil galit sila sapagkat nakasandal na ang kanilang pamumuhay at ikinabubuhay sa eleksyon. Katulad nila ay mga bayarang-puta na patuloy na ipinagbibili ang dangal at reputasyon. Sila ang bumubuo sa malawak na kumpol ng mga imoral, makakapal ang mukha at anay sa lipunan. Sabi nga ng mga pantas: “Ibigay mo sa tao ang nararapat na para sa kanila; at ang kamandag rin na mula sa ahas ang makakalunas sa kagat ng ahas”. Ika nga, “a dose of their own medicine”. Kung kaisa ang simbahan at mga relihiyosong grupo, civil society groups, print and broadcast media sa pagtuligsa sa diumano’y pagpapamudmod ng “play money” noong nakaraang eleksyon, ibig sabihin ba nito’y sumasang-ayon na sila sa immoral at maruming “vote-buying?” Hangga’t talamak ang bilihan ng boto tuwing eleksyon, mananatiling lugmok ang ating bayan sa kahirapan. Hangga’t “totoong-pera” ang ipinamumodmod sa bawat halalan, patuloy tayong masasadlak sa kumunoy ng pagkabigo. Alam ko na magkikibit-balikat na lamang, matatawa at maiintindihan ng mga taong may matuwid na pag-iisip ang positibong epekto ng pamumudmod ng “play-money” tuwing eleksyon. Simple lang sana itong aritmetik, ngunit ito ay malalim at hindi maarok ng mga taong gahaman at mukhang-pera. Catanduanes, may pag-asa pa! Salamat! Para sa bayan, John Torres OFW at Ordinaryong Mamamayan ng Catanduanes Middle East C.G. SALES LODGING COLUMNA CANTEEN AND CATERING Rawis, Virac NEWS STAND CP# 09997659620 Kaleidoscope Virac Public Market by Babes C. Masagca A TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS What is a mother? A mother is someone who guides and inspires. She helps us to attain our dreams and desires. Wisdom and insight are part of her way, and her faith in her children brightens their days. ***** “She is the one they can count on for the things that matter most of all. She is their food and their bed and the extra blanket when it grows cold in the night; she is their warmth and their health and their shelter; she is the one they want to be near when they cry. She is the only person in the whole world in a whole lifetime who can be these things to her children. There is no substitute for her. Somehow even her clothes feel different to her children’s hands from anybody else’s clothes. Only to touch her skirt or her makes a troubled child feel better.” - Katharine Butler Hathaway ***** “All mothers are rich when they love their children. There are no poor mothers, no ugly ones, no old ones. Their love is always the most beautiful of joys.” - Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) ***** “Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses , stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins… But only one MOTHER in the whole world.” - Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856- 1923), US Author and Educator ***** What a mother can do… My mother said to me, “If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general; if you become a monk, you’ll end up as a pope.” Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso. ***** You may have tangible wealth untold; Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I, you can never be – I had a mother who read to me. - Strickland Gillian (1869-1954) ***** “The role of a mother is probably the most important career a woman can have.” - Janet Mary Riley (1915- ), US Lawyer and Writer ***** “Motherhood is the most important of all the professions…requiring more knowledge than any other department in human affairs.” - Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) ***** “Life began with waking up and loving my mother’s face.” - George Elliot (1819-1880), British Novelist ***** She broke the bread in to two fragments and gave them to the children, who ate with avidity. ”She hath kept none for herself,” grumbled the sergeant. “Because she is not hungry,” said a soldier. “Because she is a mother,” said the sergeant. FOR THE FIRST TIME in Catanduanes, a training on ambulance operation was conducted by the Philippine Red Cross as part of its 12th Summer Safety Institute, with some LGUs sending participants. The simulated response training was held at the Virac fountain, where a make-believe accident scene was mounted, with Red Cross responders showing the proper way of handling casualties to avoid further injury. Changing the Skyline of Virac…./from page 10 pasasalamat kan satong mga kahimanwa na dati na nindong natabangan sa mga naenot nindong mga medical missions na ginibo. As the father of the Province, I will never allow the opportunity to pass without extending to you the overwhelming gratitude of our people in Catanduanes. Dios mabalos po guiraray sa pagtabang nindo asin sa maabot pang mga tabang nindo. You have truly shown the world that distance is never a hindrance to your desire to share with your under-privileged “kababayans”, the blessings that you received/ out of your industry, perseverance and dedication to your professions. Allow me to narrate how far the Province has gone in terms of economic growth currently taking place in the very heart of the capital town of Virac. The leading national food chain, Jollibee, barely four (4) months in operation, has steadily maintained an unbroken long line of customers cueing daily. Presently, it employs 6 managers and 66 employees who are all Catandunganons. Beside it, Mercury Drug, a pharmaceutical giant, in a month’s time, had employed 12 employees, another valuable increase in our local labor force. And after the completion of Center Mall Phase 1, we are expecting 500 opportunities for job seekers in the island. These two giant firms have given the public a glimpse of the aggressive business climate even before the Center Mall of Virac becomes fully operational. The domino effect caused by the opening of these two establishments prompted the many commercial buildings in the area to face-lift, dress-up, re-construct their businesses to keep abreast with the newly introduced commercial development in our capital town. And I must not fail to mention that without the steady support of my co-pilot in the provincial government, the Honorable Vice-Gov. Bong Teves and the Members of the SP, the Center Mall will never come into reality. The restoration of the old Capitol building gave us more advantages. The 3 rd floor keeps our precious relics, as it houses the Provincial Museum. On the 2nd floor is the new office of the Tourism Promotions which is larger compared to its previous office at the capitol, from where we can jumpstart our Eco-Tourism for Catanduanes.. While the ground floor is a commercial space being leased to the Development Bank of the Philippines which will provide added income for the province. The rehabilitation and final conversion of the Eastern Bicol Medical Center into a modern and more conducive health facility has established a comprehensive, preventive and curative medical methods. Allow me also to mention that on my first term as Governor, the health program we advocated under the PIPH made it to the Top 10 among the 80 provinces’ health initiatives nationwide. This qualified us for the first P50-M grant infused by the Department of Health under its FOURmula One Program. Under the same program, we had constructed 7 Basic Emergency Maternal Obstetrics and Newborn Care BeMONCs units; birthing facilities, rural health units and our hospitals which amounts to P45-M from KfW; P35-M from AECID. With the help of these grants, attaining the UN-MDG of Zero Maternal deaths is within our reach. On my second term, in our health program, we were able to source-out another grant from DOH amounting 44.8-Million worth of upgrading for our district hospitals in the entire province. P8.9 million for EBMC, P7 million for Viga District Hospital, P9.7 Million for Gigmoto and Bato District Hospitals, and P9.5 million for Caramoran District Hospital. We have also realized more farm-to-market-roads and small water impounding projects, from the fund we have acquired from the Department of Agriculture amounting to 65 Million, These are funds downloaded to us from the national government which have been realized thru our constant follow-up and efforts. As we have constantly maintained a steady climb in Agriculture, we have mechanized our abaca industry with spindle stripping machines and setting-up several tramline systems to facilitate the transfer of abaca fibers from the hills to the lowlands. The lasa broom (walis-tambo) industry, for which we have become well-known, has also been mechanized. Changing the skyline of the Province where you once roamed as a child is something that cannot be done overnight. But slowly, we are trying our best to make the land of your birth something to inspire you when you come to that expected time and elect to spend the rest of your retirement where you can find peace of mind while recollecting the days of your youth. It is my wish that before I graduate in politics, I will leave behind a legacy which my people will treasure. I am not a lawyer,a doctor, or a class “A” professional; nor do I possess the ways and traits of a traditional politician. I am not an orator. I even find it hard to sing and dance. I am only luckily rewarded with my natural management skills. Managerial skills which are faithfully adapted from my private corporate ventures. I am more of an implementor and what I envision to be good and productive, that I do and undertake. This is the reason why I envision contributing to the provincial coffers a P20-M annual income from the Catanduanes Center Mall/ when Phase II is constructed Right now, with Phase I, we are posting a P7.5-M annual mark double the 3.5-M Annual Real Property Tax Collection. With these modest accomplishments, I hope I am able to erase the issue of monopoly by my detractors. Actually there is but ONE BOBOY CUA who has the courage to invest in Catanduanes at present. But what the province needs now are plenty of BOBOY CUAs. I know that some of you here are well-off and can afford to venture in business in Catanduanes. Our island paradise is endowed by natural wonders; vast stretch of white sand beaches from Igang in Virac to San Andres to the Majestics in Puraran, Baras or the relaxing view on top of Hiyop Point in Pandan. This makes us darling to Koreans, Americans, Japanese and other Asian tourists aside from the practical consideration that ours is cheaper destination but is at par with global standards like Boracay and Puerto Princesa. I am sure that with the suitable environment for medical tourism coupled with your expertise in the medical profession, Catanduanes will be your perfect retirement village as it will not only give you enjoyment but also INCOME. We have all the potentials for these ventures waiting to be developed in your own island province. And we will need all your help to make this happen. Again, may I appeal to all of you in behalf of our people INVEST in Medical Tourism. Invest in our Retirement Village. CATANDUANES NEEDS HUNDREDS of BOBOY CUAs. WE NEED YOU! Friends, before I finally forget, please allow the opportunity to acknowledge the remarkable accomplishments of Fil-Am Surgery Mission led by Dr. Cesar Co and chaired by Dr. Roger Basa who recently conducted 239 surgeries at EBMC. Likewise, our gratitude to Mr. George Samson, President of World Medical Relief and to Manay Baby Guerrero of CIA for their assistance in facilitating the shipment of medical equipment to Catanduanes. Words can hide substantial truth but vision while recollecting precious and cherished memories from the land needs no words to describe the truth that you see in the land of your birth, your native Catanduanes. I will therefore make my humble exit to give you the chance to view the changing skyline and 6 MAY 16, 2012 9 MAY 23, 2012 CSC Nursing…. Dolores passes CE board exam from page 10 University of Illinois at Chicago’s (UIC) Health Informatics and Health Information Management, the nurse’s role in patient care has evolved, and so has their role in the use of technology to improve health care delivery. Nursing informatics is the sub-discipline of health informatics that applies information technology to the skills and work of nurses in healthcare. It integrates the science of nursing, computer technology and information science to enhance the quality of the nursing practice, through improved communication, documentation and efficiency. UIC added that assisting in all aspects of a patient’s nursing care from admission to discharge, technolo- BRIDGING GLOBAL BORDERS – Technology connects the distance between Ms. Gennie Mae Sabeniano, post-RN nurse at York University, Toronto, Canada and the CSC College of Health Sciences Nursing Informatics Class under RN Dante Aureo A. Tabor. (GSR) gy is drastically altering the ways nurses diagnose, treat, administer care for, and manage their patients. The integration of information technology into nursing enables the appro- The RH Bill…./from page 10 in economies, researchers and authors such as Nobel Prize winner Simon Kuznets, Ross Levine and David Renelt, Dennis Ahlburg, Eric Hanushek, and Ludger Weesman are one in concluding that there is no statistical association between population and poverty, (Ref: Dr. Roberto de Vera, “Economics and Demographics Aspects of the Reproductive Health Bill”, published by Documentation Service, Dec 2011) If population has no effect on poverty, what will uplift our people from poverty, what will uplift our people from poverty? Good and dedicated leaders, effective economic policies, good business environment, good governance, elimination of graft and corruption, peace and order,development of infrastructure,and cheap power, high quality of education, a good health system, patriotic and cooperative citizenry and others. Sad to say, all of these are direly absent or lacking in the Philippines. In the same article mentioned, Dr. Roberto de Vera showed the following table that proved again that there is no correlation between population and poverty: Population Density, 2010, and Per Capital GDP (adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), 2009 for Selected Countries priate flow of data collected by nurses, improving access to patient information at the point of care, and enhancing nursing abilities to benchmark, monitor, and audit quality measures. TRI-EX CABLE TV Calatagan, Virac, “All the best shows are on cable TV” Remegio Villaluna Proprietor Pls. Contact 0929-856-5056 Christine Aquino Dolores, a 2011 graduate of the Catanduanes State Colleges, passed the Civil Engineers Licensure Examination conducted by the Professional Regulation Commission last May 6-7. A daughter of retired PNP member Ricardo Robles Dolores and Bagamanoc Central Elementary School teacher Nida Sarmiento Aquino, she was among the 1,130 examinees, out of 3,317, who hurdled the test. JOLLIBETH’S FOOD GARDEN San Roque, San Andres ANSWER TO CYBERTRIVIA QUESTIONS: Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolf Hitler. And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question: If you said YES, you just killed Beethoven. Pretty interesting, isn’t it? Makes a person think before judging someone. Remember: Amateurs… built the Ark. Professionals… built the Titanic. ALEX VULCANIZING 24 hours service with car wash and battery charging GRAVEL AND SAND, EARTH FILL, LIPAT-BAHAY ALEX TABLIZO Proprietor/Manager San Isidro Village, Virac 0912-317-8957 Furniture…. from page 10 Take note that we may consider the Philippines as in the same grouping, with regards to population density, with Belgium, Netherlands, Japan, Israel and South Korea. Yet, if we compare the GDP of the Philippines, with the GDPs of the other countries in this group, the Philippine GDP is way below that of the others. The table also shows that there are countries with high population densities with high GDPs. Yet there are also countries with low population densities and low GDPs. This again proves that there is no correlation between population and poverty and belies the claim of population control advocates that our big population is the cause of our poverty. (to be continued) LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Real Estate Among Heirs with Waiver has been executed by the heirs of the late Leandro I. Crispino, namely: Ma. Kristine Rhem T. Crispino, Ma. Sionne May T. Crispino, Maria April T. Crispino, Ma. Kathleen Sandy T. Crispino, all of legal age, and Leandro T. Crispino Jr., 17 years old, all of Moonwalk, Calatagan, Virac, Catanduanes, over a parcel of land with a house erected thereon at Moonwalk, Calatagan, Virac, Catanduanes, designated as Lot No. 10724-D and containing an area of 170 sq. meters, covered by TCT No. 5251, adjudicating said property among themselves share and share alike, and thence waiving their shares and rights therein in favor of co-heir REMEDIOS T. CRISPINO, per deed executed before Notary Public Alfred M. Aquino, per Doc. No. 376; Page No. 77; Book No. 310; Series of 2012. The Catanduanes Tribune May 16, 23 and 30, 2012 of which did not bear the DENR hatchet marking. Eighty-two other pieces of narra lumber were confiscated near the river in the vicinity of the RMM shop. In his defense, Langgam said that when he and his wife went to the shop in the afternoon of Sept. 2, it was already surrounded by policemen, Asserting the legality of his operation, he said the lawmen could not present a search warrant and that a dump truck already loaded with narra lumber arrived in the afternoon of Sept. 3. On the other hand, then CENRO Vivencio Cabanayan Jr. confirmed that while Langgam was a legitimate furniture shop operator, he had already exceeded his authorized stock after transporting various items in April and June 2010. When RMM tried to secure a CENRO certification for the transport of furniture, Cabanayan advised him to cease operation unless he could secure a legal source of lumber materials. RTC Branch 43 Presiding Judge Lelu P. Contreras found that based on CENRO figures, Langgam had already exceeded his stock by 2,784 board feet at the time of the seizure. She elicited the admission of CENRO Cabanayan that Langgam had been allowed to transport furniture despite his having exceeded his authorized volume as Langgam reasoned the items came from other shops. He added that RMM kept some lumber with DENR hatchet marks so he could show inspectors that he still had some stock of legal lumber. LEGAL NOTICE 2 found dead Two persons were found dead in Viga and Bagamanoc but the police said they were not victims of foul play. In Viga, Arnel Timajo reported to the police the discovery of a body lying on a rice field in sitio Sabang, barangay Rizal last May 12. The body was later identified as that of religious pastor Romulo Tayoto, 68, of District I, Gigmoto. Examination conducted by Viga municipal health officer Dr. John Robert Aquino disclosed that the cause of death was myocardial infarction. On the other hand, Beato Villasana, who was reported missing days earlier, was found dead under a Life term…. from page 9 intestines. As the victim stood holding his stomach, Nelson stabbed him repeatedly on the shoulders even after Benjamin had already fallen to the ground. Nelson then left, saying, “Ihuman ko yo lahi ni Benjamin Tumanlao.” He returned armed with a knife and a bolo, sat astride the fallen victim and attacked him again. He then began chasing other members of the Tumanlao family. The accused did not present any evidence on his behalf. In her decision, Judge Contreras ruled that Temporosa’s act of stabbing Tumanlao was attended by treachery, as it was so sudden that the victim had no chance to defend himself, even to retaliate. On the other hand, she added, the accused deliberately, intentionally and inhumanly increased Benjamin’s suffering as Nelson returned, sat astride the victim’s back and stabbed him several times more. Payo LGU…. from page 10 office of Mayor Robert Fernandez, who had defeated former Mayor Angeles in the 2010 elections. PBM Angeles disclosed that the police seized only the lumber delivered that night but none of the more than 50 pieces of lumber still stockpiled outside Rubianes’ house. It is claimed that the illegal trade has been going on for sometime now, with the lumber delivered to construction and house repair sites in the poblacion. A source also said that at least four persons are engaged in the cutting and sale of undocumented lumber in the forested area of barangay San Miguel and that the police is aware of the operation. Notice is hereby given that an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Real Estate has been executed by the heirs of the late Asuncion S. Lumbao, namely: Hrs. of Honesto S. Lumbao represented by Remedios M. Lumbao of Makati City; Avenido S. Lumbao of Makati City; Josefina L. Soleybar of Muntinlupa City; Mida L. Tabuzo of San Pablo, Virac, Catanduanes; Corazon L. Aricaya of Pandacan, Metro Manila; and. Rene S. Lumbao of San Isidro Village, Virac, Catanduanes, all of legal age, over a parcel of land at San Juan (San Pablo Block), Virac, Catanduanes, designated as Lot No. 198 and with an area of 95 sq. meters, under ARP No. 031-0076, adjudicating said property in favor of MIDA L. TABUZO, per deed executed before Alfred M. Aquino, per Doc. No. 8; Page No. 3; Book No. 306; Series of 2012. 09107801423 QUALITY WATER The Catanduanes Tribune May 23, 30 and June 6, 2012 WE DELIVER LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Real Estate Among Heirs with Sale has been executed by the heirs of the late Teofila de Marquez, namely: Roque U. Marquez, Marita M. Gianan, Jaime U. Marquez, Conrado U. Marquez, and Fortunato U. Marquez, all of legal age and residents of Calatagan Tibang, Virac, Catanduanes, over a parcel of land at Calatagan, Virac, Catanduanes, designated as Lot No. 4261 and containing an area of 1,192 sq. meters, covered by OCT No. 2633, adjudicating said property in equal shares and thence selling and transferring a portion of 146 sq. meters representing the share of Jaime U. Marquez in favor of ELSA T. OLORES, per deed executed before Notary Public Fredeswindo A. Gianan, Jr., per Doc. No. 396; Page No. 81; Book No. 48; Series of 2012. Notice is hereby given that an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Real Estate Among Heirs with Sale has been executed by the heirs of the late Linda G. Molod, namely: Juan G. Molod Jr. of Gogon Tiad, Virac, Catanduanes, and Romeo G. Molod Sr. of Sta. Elena, Virac, Catanduanes, both of legal age, over a parcel of land at Sta. Elena, Virac, Catanduanes, designated as Lot No. 3220 and containing an area of 113 sq. meters, declared under ARP No. 037-0910, adjudicating said property among themselves share and share alike and thence selling and transferring the same in favor of Sps. LUIS ABUNDO, JR. and MILA NABOR-ABUNDO, per deed executed before Notary Public Alfred M. Aquino, per Doc. No. 152; Page No. 32; Book No. 311; Series of 2012. The Catanduanes Tribune May 16, 23 and 30, 2012 The Catanduanes Tribune May 16, 23 and 30, 2012 TRIBUNE SODUKO bridge in Bagamanoc town. As it was already in an advanced state of decomposition, the body was immediately buried at the cemetery in barangay San Vicente. In another incident, an argument over the switching off of a TV set in the midst of a show led to violence in Quigaray, Bagamanoc May 12. The report said Allan Bonifacio, Joel Bonayon and three other stay-in labourers at a house construction at sitio Pogso were watching a TV program when it was suddenly switched off by Bonayon. A heated argument erupted between him and Bonifacio. When Joel challenged Allan to a fistfight, the latter got a crowbar (bareta de cabra) and struck Joel on the head twice. The victim was brought to Virac for treatment while Bonifacio surrendered to the police. Meanwhile, in Caramoran, policemen led by Inspector Abraham Buendia intercepted a carabao towing flitches of sawn lumber last May 12. The carabao, being managed by Danilo Idanan of Cobo, Pandan, was towing three flitches of lumber. TRIBUNE TEAM Contact us at: [email protected] 09399090067 Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Judicial Region 5 BRANCH 43 Virac, Catanduanes IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF BIRTH RECORD ENTRY IN THE CIVIL REGISTRY OF SAN ANDRES, CATANDUANES OF LOYALITA OLESCO MONJARDIN, LOYALITA O, MONJARDIN, Petitioner, SPEC. PROC. NO. 1436 -versus THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF SAN ANDRES, CATANDUANES, AND THE CIVIL REGISTRAR GENERAL, Respondents. X———————–—–————x ORDER This is a verified petition filed by petitioner, LOYALITA O. MONJARDIN, through counsel, praying that after due notice, publication and hearing, the Honorable Court orders the correction in the entry of the record of birth of petitioner in the Office of Municipal Civil Registrar of San Andres, Catanduanes, and in the Office of the Civil Registrar-General to the effect that her birthdate be corrected from December 7, 1949 to December 7, 1945. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, this Court hereby sets for initial hearing the aforementioned petition on JUNE 18, 2012 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, before this Court sitting at the Provincial Capitol, Virac, Catanduanes and directs that a copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper of general circulation in the province, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks. All persons opposed to the petition may file their opposition on or before the date of hearing before this Court, to show cause, if any, why the aforesaid petition shall not be granted. Let a copy of this Order together with the petition be furnished the Office of the Local Civil Registrar, San Andres, Catanduanes and the Office of the Civil Registrar-General, Manila. SO ORDERED. Virac, Catanduanes, May 8, 2012. (Sgd.) LELU P. CONTRERAS Presiding Judge The Catanduanes Tribune 10 MAY 23, 2012 I-CARE PARTYLIST Congressman Michael Angelo Rivera (3rd from left) recently visited Vice Gov. Jose “Bong” Teves Jr. at the latter’s office, where he and the vice governor were joined by FICELCO OIC Rodolfo Mendoza and Director Fidelito Soledad in a discussion on how best to solve the current power crisis. WITH THE YELLOW LADIES. Usec. Manuel Luis Quezon III of the Office of the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning is the man in blue amidst members of the People’s Power Foundation Virac Chapter headed by Nanette G. Molina (extreme left) whom he inducted into office May 15. CSC Nursing Informatics Webinar opens BSN students to global health care trends Furniture maker guilty of keeping ’hot’ narra lumber The Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) Nursing Informatics class, Summer 2011-2012, handled by RN Dante Aureo A. Tabor, successfully conducted a Webinar titled Nursing in Canada: Bridging Gaps, Bridging Opportunities for Better Healthcare on May 11, 2012. Ms. Gennie Mae Sabeniano, 2008 CSC Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) graduate from Datag Caramoran, Catanduanes, and who is currently taking up post-RN for internationally educated nurses at York University, Toronto, Canada, was the resource speaker. Ms. Sabeniano also worked as a Registered Practical Nurse for a year and six months at Extendicare York, Sudbury Ontario. While ensconced in her place in Toronto, Ms. Sabeniano delivered her lecture to the Nursing Informatics class via Skype at CSC Little Theater. A series of interactions with the students ensued after each topic. The webinar tackled issues and subjects such as The Canadian Health Care System, Nursing Categories in Canada, Provincial Nursing Regulatory Colleges and Associations; job prospects, internationally educated nurses, Canadian nursing education, electronic health record, and nursing standards and ethics. Ms. Sabeniano also engaged the students in a series of case studies and scenarios on privacy and confidentiality of nursing practice. The BSN students answered and discussed A licensed operator of a furniture shop based in San Miguel town has been found guilty of possession of undocumented lumber and meted a prison term ranging from 11 to 16 years. Ramil Binoy Langgam, owner of RMM Langgam Furniture Shop at barangay Tobrehon, was present when his establishment was raided by a composite team of the DENR-CENRO, PNP, Philippine Army and Provincial ENRO in the afternoon of Sept. 3, 2010. Gov. Joseph Cua had requested the authorities to investigate the operation of the shop, particularly stockpiles of narra lumber inside it and at the immediate vicinity. The team seized a total of 100 lumber materials, 47 Payo LGU worker behind trade in “hot” lumber? Feature An employee of the Panganiban municipal government has been implicated in the alleged sale of undocumented sawn lumber in the poblacion under the very noses of the police. Provincial Board Member Gregorio Angeles himself made the initial report to the San Joaquin barangay council after he saw an unidentified man on board a motorcycle delivering lumber to the compound of one Lydia Rubianes sometime before 1:30 A.M. of May 12. The chief tanod of the barangay then contacted the police, with PO2 Arnold Taller responding to the scene and, together with the barangay officials led by OIC-barangay chairman Gregorio Valatero, confiscated 12 pieces of sawn lumber of assorted sizes in the Rubianes compound. Rubianes is reportedly a coterminus employee at the By Florencio A. Garcia the presented cases regarding issues and concerns on the propriety of divulging health records of patients. The webinar, which is short for Web-based seminar, is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web. This method is one of the many innovative teaching approaches administered by RN Tabor to his nursing class. A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements -- the ability to give, receive and discuss information. Through the borderless capacity of webinar, students are able to get firstrate lectures from practitioners in the field around the world. According to the CSC Nursing/page 9 THE RH BILL: THE STRAIGHT PATH TO PERDITION 2nd of a series Notice that there is a very big imbalance between the population densities in Manila and the regions of the country. This is due to the failure of the government to spread out businesses and industries to rural areas to give employment opportunities to these places. Instead, these employment opportunities are concentrated in Metro Manila and invirons other big cities there by encouraging migration into these cities and leaving other regions sparsely populated. At a population of 94.6 Million, the proponents of the RH Bill would like us to believe that the Philippines is over-populated. Let us see the population issue from another angle and prove that the Philippines is not overpopulated. If we consider the population density of Baguio City as an ideal density (5,251 persons/sq. km. – data taken from Dennis M. Arroyo “18 Arguments on Population Issue”. PDI p.16, Dec. 12, 2010) then the land area needed to accommodate comfortably the population of 94.6 million is: 94,600,000/5,251 = 18,015 sq. km. This can easily be accommodated in Davao Province which has a land area of 19,671. Even a population of 150 million can be accommodated in the two provinces of Davao and Palawan which have a combined land area of 19.671+14,896= 34,567 Population and Poverty: Population control advocates say that overpopulation is the cause of why Filipinos are poor. We have already proven that the Philippines is not over-populated and yet it is poor. There must be some other causes why it remains poor. Many experts Payo LGU/page 9 The RH Bill/page 9 Furniture/page 9 Life term for killer of “albularyo” The Regional Trial Court last week sentenced a resident of Viga to life imprisonment for the brutal murder of an “albulario” who died from 14 stab wounds in September 2011. RTC Branch 43 Presiding Judge Lelu P. Contreras also ordered Nelson Timajo Temporosa to pay the heirs of Benjamin Tumanlao the total sum of P130,000.00 as civil indemnity, moral and exemplary damages. According to the prosecution witnesses, the victim was at the house of Estela Alberto in barangay Rizal at 4 P.M. of Sept. 5, 2011 while he was treating Joel Tumanlao by way of “santiguar” using a platter with oil, candle and match. With them were the healer’s wife Lolita, Albert Alberto and Rio Paneda. Suddenly, Nelson appeared holding a knife and stabbed Benjamin on the stomach, spilling his Life term/page 9 Changing the SKYLINE of Virac by: Gov. Joseph “Boboy” C. Cua (Keynote Address, Catanduanes International Association Inc., 20th Anniversary and 8th Grand Reunion, Las Vegas, USA, April 28, 2012) My deepest appreciation for the Introduction made by our hosts in tonight’s momentous gathering…Thank you so much, Manay Lyd Mendez and Ms. Cely Deauna, Vice Governor Bong Teves, Board Member Nel Asanza, Reverend Father Manding Abundo, Ms. Salve Vargas-Edelman, President of the CIA, Incorporated, Officers and Members of this beloved Catanduanes International Association, Mr. George Samson, President of the World Medical Relief, Dr. Cesar Co of the PhilAm Surgery Missions Foundation, Inc., friends of the CIA, other guests, ang mga kababayan ko sa Calolbon, I am glad to see them again after sometime. Mga NAMOMOOTAN kong kapwa Catandunganon! It is always a wholesome feeling meeting kababayans and friends at a glaring and touching distance. I know I’m in your turf, but I don’t feel like an unwanted stranger. I feel so much more like a blue-blooded Catandunganon as you feel the same here in America, in Canada, or in Europe where you reside and work. Mabuhay po kamo gabos asin dae man lugod nindo paglingawan an saindong guinikanan. Kan ako maghale sa Virac, dara ko an dakulang Changing the Skyline of Virac/page 5 burabod DAI MATAKOT caidto: ang Israel gustong sacupon kang mayaman na filistina sarong pastor, an ngaran david ang inihampang sa higanteng si goliat: aking israelita laban sa batikang soldado; lampitaw contra sa armas sa gerra…. tigbak ang higanteng filistio. caidto: sa manila bay gustong sacupon ning holandia ang magayon tang islang filipinas. su macusog na armada ning holandeces tinagbo ning magkapilang paraw – mga filipino, ang fuerzang panlaban mga devotong ga-santo rosario. ngata ta nag-atras su mga dayuhan? (ang “La Naval” piga celebrar kang satong simbahan cada octobre). ngonian: igwang nakaambang pananakot China: macusog ang armada, mayaman (sadili daa ninda ang Scarborough S) ano ang ihampang tang kakayahan? dai ipanluya ang satong kadaihan. dai ikatakot ang kapobrehan. hampangon ang kalaban. dai matakot… magtubod. magsarig. dai matakot! ————————————————————————-- *N.B. Ang L o R na igwang underline sabihon tabi sa dilang Viracnon. ALPS ENTERPRISES BICOL COURT EMPLOYEES, including the Catanduanes delegation, get to have a photo opportunity with Chief Justice Renato Corona and his wife, as well as Court Administator Midas Marquez, during the recent convention of the Philippine Association of Court Employees (PACE) in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Just at the CJ’s back is Tribune columnist Jex Lucero. Printed by: Tri-Star Press, Calatagan, Virac, Catanduanes Aluminum/Glass Supply, Aluminum Screen Door and Window, Ornamental Live Fish Rizal Avenue, San Juan, Virac (052) 811-1208
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