August 2011 - Raffles Girls` School
August 2011 - Raffles Girls` School
The School Song The School Song From High Olympus From High Olympus ! Speech Day Report 2010/2011 1 School Crest and Motto The colours of the school crest are those of the Coat of Arms of Sir Stamford Raffles: Green, White and Black. The open book symbolises knowledge and the burning torch our commitment to forge character and develop lifeskills. The school’s mo+o, Filiae Melioris Aevi, emblazoned across the crest, is La/n for Daughters of a Age. It is our pledge to the community that girls who pass through the portals of RGS will not simply inherit a fine tradi/on but will ac/vely forge a finer future for her community. 2 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Vision, Mission, Goals, Values RGS Vision RGS Mission RGS Goals To aspire, strive and dare to be ac/ve creators of a be+er age for all. Nurturing the high ability girl to be a leader who will realise her talents in service of nation and community. To develop fine character and well‐being in the RGS pupil, so that * as a person, she aspires toward higher good for self and others in thought and deed * as a leader, she demonstrates personal mastery and a sense of mission to create a be+er age for all. To nurture the intellect and fire the imagina/on of the RGS pupil, so that * as a thinker, she manifests a reflec/ve disposi/on and is adept with the intelligent behaviours when faced with complex, unpredictable or ambiguous situa/ons where there is no apparent solu/on * as a pioneer, she seeks and seizes opportunities with inventiveness and creativity for the common good. RGS Values People‐Centred We put people first. Respect, care and trust underpin all our interac/ons. Principled We are fair‐minded, take responsibility for our ideas and ac/ons, and demonstrate integrity and moral courage in our behaviour. Passionate We believe that convic/on, commitment and drive enable us to achieve excellence in all our endeavours. Professional We take pride in our work, accept responsibility for our own learning and exercise discernment and open‐ mindedness in our interac/on with others. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 3 School Awards MOE School Excellence Award (SEA). The SEA, a pinnacle award in MOE’s Masterplan of Awards framework, recognises RGS’ excellence in educa/on outcomes, processes and prac/ces and is the highest honour to be awarded to schools. MOE School Dis-nc-on Award (SDA). The SDA recognises RGS’ exemplary educa/on outcomes, processes and prac/ces. MOE Best Practice Awards (BPA). The BPA recognises schools for their effective practices and systems that lead to desirable educa/on outcomes, academic and non‐academic. RGS has been awarded three BPAs: • BPA for Student All‐round Development • BPA for Staff Well‐being • BPA for Teaching and Learning MOE Outstanding Development Award (Character Development) (Distinction). The ODA recognises RGS’ integrated approach towards the development of pupils in the three areas of the Character Development Framework: Enterprise, Citizenship and Personal & Social Lifeskills. MOE Sustained Achievement Award (SAA). The SAA is awarded in recogni/on of schools’ ability to sustain good outcomes over a number of years, in academic or non‐academic areas. RGS has been awarded the following SAAs: • SAA in Sports (13th Award in 2011) • SAA in AestheIcs (6th Award in 2010‐2011) 4 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL • SAA in Uniformed Groups (10th Award in 2011) Health Promo-on Board – MOE CHERISH Award (Bronze, 2010‐ 2011). The CHERISH award recognises RGS’ comprehensive health promo/on programme and approach taken to improve the health of pupils, staff and the community. Singapore Quality Class (SQC). The SQC is awarded to RGS for her overall business excellence standards. Singapore Environment Council’s School Green Audit Award (Lotus – Sustained Achievement Award). RGS has received this award since 2008 for her exemplary standards of environmental concern and commitment. The Straits Times Top Sports Girls’ School (15th year in 2010). National Arts Education Award (Silver, 2006‐2010). This award recognises RGS’ good arts prac/ces and programmes. Innergy (Schools) Award (Bronze, 2010). The Innergy Award recognises individuals and teams whose innovative ideas have been successfully implemented, and whose innova/ons contribute significantly to MOE’s mission. Meritorious Defence Partner Award (MDPA) 2011. The Meritorious Defence Partner Award is presented to organisations that have shown commendable support for Total Defence. Board of Governors RGS Board of Governors Hon Jus/ce Judith E J Prakash, Chairman Mr Lim Soon Hock, Member Miss Wang Look Fung, Deputy Chairman Dr Kong Hwai Loong, Member Mr Daniel Soh, Treasurer Prof Jackie Yi‐Ru Ying, Member Mrs Julie Hoo, Secretary Mrs Jennifer Yeo, Member Ms Cheng Ai Phing, Member Prof Phang Sock Yong, Member Ms Claire Chiang, Member Mrs Yeong Phick Fui, Member Mr Kwek Leng Kee, Member Mrs Anitha Komanthakkal, Member Speech Day Report 2010/2011 5 Contents 6 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Nurturing the Intellect & Firing the Imagina/on 7 Forging Fine Character & Developing the Body 19 The RGS Community 29 Roll of Honour 2010/2011 44 Record of Achievements 64 Coaches and Instructors 134 In Apprecia/on 136 Nurturing the intellect Firing the imagination “... sisters in learning, sisters at heart ...” “... From high Olympus flows to us the glory, on us the sacred fire descends ...” Speech Day Report 2010/2011 7 Nurturing the Intellect & Firing the Imagination Every girl who enters the gates of RGS joins a sisterhood of genera/ons of dis/nc/ve young women who share the bond of the RGS experience. Our wish is to see the RGS girl develop the capacity to move others towards shared goals for the good of the na/on and community. To this end, we have developed a dynamic learning environment on which the RGS girl can build to realise her ambi/ons, to nurture the intellect and fire the imagina/on. Our distinctive Raffles Programme (RP) stretches and nurtures the high ability girl. By by‐passing the GCE ‘O’ Level examina/ons, she has more /me to develop holis/cally and pursue different areas of interest. The Raffles Academy serves as the talent development arm of the RP. In 2010, the Raffles schools introduced the Raffles Diploma (RD), a cer/fica/on that recognises the Rafflesian’s talents and abilities beyond the GCE ‘A’ Level Certification. The RD certification recognises student participation and achievements in a wide spectrum of programmes, capitalising on the individual strengths, talents and needs of each girl to develop a unique differentiation for a competitive edge. Cognisant of the impact of ICT in pedagogy, integra/on of ICT with teaching and learning prepares the RGS girl with the 21st century lifeskills for a digital world. 8 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL The Raffles Programme The Raffles Programme (RP) recognises the potential in every student and provides an enriched, differen/ated and broad‐based learning experience. In the RP, the passionate pursuit of educational excellence is carried out with two important anchors in mind: that RGS is home to some of the most talented young women in Singapore and beyond, and that the school has a social mission to nurture these students as thinkers, leaders and pioneers who will realise their talents in service of na/on and community. The RP is a six‐year integrated programme developed by the Raffles schools – Raffles Girls’ School (Yrs‐1to4) and Raffles Ins/tu/on (Yrs‐1to6) – to enable students to proceed seamlessly from Yr‐1 to the GCE ‘A’ levels. Students in the RP spend their first four years at RGS or RI and their 5th and 6th years at RI, bypassing the GCE ‘O’ levels. The RP curriculum is modelled on exemplary gieed educa/on principles, such as the Integrated Curriculum Model developed by Dr Joyce Van Tassel‐Baska of College of William and Mary in Virginia, USA, for high‐ability learners. The RP curriculum is therefore enriched and rigorous, fostering a high level of critical thinking. Instruction is inquiry‐ driven to enable pupils to probe their understanding with greater clarity and precision. The school‐wide use of the Understanding by Design curriculum framework developed by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe ensures that the analysis of key concepts, theories and principles are fundamental to the learning process. Overarching themes and macro concepts enable students to make connections between topics and disciplines. The Raffles Academy The Raffles Academy (RA) serves as the talent development arm of the RP. Students selected for the Raffles Academy are pulled out of regular classes to a+end classes under the guidance of specially selected teachers. These are students who would have demonstrated a consistently high level of intellectual curiosity, commitment to learning and excellent performance results. The curriculum content, pedagogy and pace of instruc/on as well as assessment modes in RA are pitched at a level commensurate with the students’ high ability. The Raffles Diploma Developed through a series of consulta/ons with globally recognised ins/tu/ons, the Raffles Diploma (RD) is a flexible system that challenges and expands defini/ons of success, allowing Rafflesians to scale greater heights in the pursuit of excellence. The core values of the RD involve capitalising on the individual strengths, talents and needs of each Rafflesian to develop a unique differentiation for a competitive edge. The RD measures an academic curriculum that respects the integrity of subject specialisa/ons. Although its cogni/ve development is s/ll based on the current GCE ‘A’ Level examinations, the RD recognises achievements a+ained in a wide spectrum of enrichment ac/vi/es. These ac/vi/es tap the individual talents, interests and abili/es of each Rafflesian, thereby maximising the potential of the thinker, leader and pioneer. The RD cer/fica/on aims to aid Rafflesians in harnessing their strengths in five key development domains: • Cogni/ve • Character & Leadership • Community & Ci/zenship • Sports & Health • Arts & Aesthe/cs Speech Day Report 2010/2011 9 Nurturing the Intellect & Firing the Imagination - Cont’d The measurement approach taken in the certification is criterion‐based and tracks the involvement of each student in various school programmes. While suppor/ng individual Rafflesians in their desired specialisa/ons, the RD also places emphasis on other areas, ensuring a healthy, holis/c balance in academic excellence. 2010 GCE ‘A’ Level Results The fourth batch of students of the Raffles Programme gave a strong showing in their GCE ‘A’ Level examina/on performance. F i fty‐ni ne of our stud ents (or 12. 9% of the RGS candidates) achieved distinctions in all their subjects, whilst 103 (or 22.5% of the RGS candidates) achieved seven or more dis/nc/ons. 135 of our students (or 29.5% of the RGS candidates) achieved a perfect university admission score. There were other stellar academic performances. Aqilah Bte Abdul Rahim emerged the 2010 Top GCE ‘A’ Level Malay Student. Based on the GCE ‘A’ Level results, RI named Cheryl Ann Lee and Lee Yi‐Wei Casatrina the 2010 Outstanding Athletes and He Yutian the 2010 Outstanding Ar/ste. Tee Zhiyu, the first student permitted by RI to take Knowledge Inquiry and four H2 10 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL subjects, achieved five H2 dis/nc/ons at the 2010 GCE ‘A’ Level examina/ons. From the 2010 ‘A’ Level cohort, the number of undergraduate scholarships offered to RGS students by various agencies and universi/es are as follows: • 1 President’s Scholarship • 12 Public Service Commission Scholarships • 12 MOE Teaching Scholarships / Awards • 1 LTA Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship • 3 HDB Undergraduate Scholarships (Overseas) • 2 Home Affairs Uniformed Services Scholarships • 2 MICA Scholarship Awards • 1 STB Scholarship • 4 MOH Health Science Scholarships • 4 Cluster Health Science & Nursing Scholarships • 5 A*STAR Scholarships • 1 NAC Arts Scholarship • 1 MFA Undergraduate Scholarship • 1 CAAS Overseas Scholarship • 2 MPA Overseas Scholarships • 1 MAS Undergraduate Scholarship • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 AVA Undergraduate Scholarship 4 DSTA Overseas Scholarships 3 EDB Scholarships 1 EMA Scholarship 1 GIC Global Scholarship 1 JTC Undergraduate Scholarship 6 NEW Scholarships 2 NTU ASEAN Scholarships 5 NTU College Scholarships 3 NTU Nanyang Scholarships 1 NTU PRC Scholarship 2 URA Scholarships From the 2009 ‘A’ Level cohort, the number of undergraduate scholarships offered (after 2010 RGS Speech Day) to RGS students by various agencies and universities are as follows: • 1 MICA Scholarship • 1 HDB Undergraduate Scholarship (Overseas) • 1 STB Scholarship • 1 A*STAR Scholarship • 1 Wesleyan University Freeman Asian Scholarship Scholarships and Awards In 2011, our students’ academic excellence was recognised in a number of awards and scholarships: • 3 Lee Kuan Yew Awards for Mathematics and Science • 4 Prime Minister’s Book Prizes (PSLE Category) • 5 Prime Minister’s Book Prizes (GCE ‘O’ Level Category) • 2 Singapore Police Force Book Prizes • 2 Young Defence Scien/sts Programme Scholarship Awards • 4 Young Defence Scien/sts Programme Academic Awards • 20 A*STAR Science Awards (Upper Secondary) • 9 MOELC Performance Awards Speech Day Report 2010/2011 11 Nurturing the Intellect & Firing the Imagination - Cont’d Enrichment and Special programmes Aesthe-cs Music Elec*ve Programme The Music Elec/ve Programme (MEP) offers interested and passionate music students the opportunity to study music at a deeper level through attendance and performances in concerts and workshops, talks by guest speakers and regular masterclasses by renowned performers. Through these activities, students gain a deeper insight into their preferences in music, as well as a deeper awareness of the importance of music in their lives. a+aining Dis/nc/ons for their examina/ons. Naturel Cook‐Off Inter‐School Compe**on RGS Home Economics Unit played host for the second year running to the ‘Naturel Cook‐Off Inter‐School Compe//on’ that is opened to all secondary schools. Aimed at promo/ng healthy cooking and ea/ng among students, the compe//on, which is a collabora/ve effort by RGS, Lam Soon (Singapore) and the Health Promo/on Board (HPB), a+racted over 35 school teams. The final was held on 23 April 2011 with par/cipa/on from 12 selected teams. The team from RGS managed to impress the judges – from HPB and Lam Soon (Singapore) ‐ with their Briyani Brown Rice and clinched 1st place. New venture 2011 saw the start of the new Raffles Academy (Music) Programme. This advanced programme offers the most talented music students the opportunity to study music at a deeper level and thus increase their exposure to a wider scope of learning. In March 2011, for the first /me in MEP history, the Music Elec/ve Programme sent students for the ABRSM Graded Examinations (Grade 6 and Grade 7). We are happy to report a 100% pass rate, with 55% a+aining Merit and 14% 12 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL English Language and Literature Academic year 2011 saw a revised Curriculum Map for both English Language and English Literature, with the aim of clarifying each subject as a discipline in its own right. The department took on new work co‐hosting Wits & Words, the Inter‐Primary School Debate Championship, with the Gieed Educa/on Branch, Ministry of Educa/on. It is our hope that such collaborations with MOE will, over time, contribute to the promo/on of a vibrant debate culture in RGS. The department also collaborated with the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). Keen to garner the views of the younger generation about revitalising Haw Par Villa, STB worked together with Yr‐3 pupils who presented their views and sugges/ons for bringing new life to Haw Par Villa. RGS students also did well in international competitions. With her essay /tled “Girl power! OR, Boy power!”, Michelle Lee (Class 306) was awarded the Senior runner up prize at the 2011 Commonwealth Essay Compe//on. Michelle is the top Singaporean winner in the senior category. To promote the literary arts, enrichment opportuni/es were designed: wri/ng workshops helmed by published writers, cross‐disciplinary learning camps culminating in public exhibi/on of students’ work and learning journeys to places of historical or cultural interest. Illumina*ng Nature And Manicured Nature Illuminating Nature is a multidisciplinary exploration of Nature by RGS Students. The programme, which was launched this year, brought together a diverse group of students with special interests in Science, Literature and Art. Alongside a dis/nguished panel of professional prac//oners in these disciplines, through explora/on and sharing, the students experienced for themselves up close a mul/plicity of responses to nature. The result of these experiences was translated into scien/fic studies, wri/ngs, works of art and even inter‐disciplinary projects. The students were mentored by ar/sts such as Dr Wang Ruo Bing and Ms Wang Xiaoyun as well as their teachers. The resulting works were showcased in a combined exhibition by RGS students and professional artists from Ar/sts Caravan. Titled ‘Manicured Nature’, the exhibi/on from 14 May to 29 June 2011 was held at the Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory. Humani-es The department provides a range of plavorms to allow for authen/c learning for students to develop a global outlook and build bonds between the region and Singapore. Regional fieldtrips included the Social Studies Bridges of Engagement fieldtrip to Malaysia and also the Regional Speech Day Report 2010/2011 13 Nurturing the Intellect & Firing the Imagination - Cont’d Studies Programme fieldtrip to Malaysia where students immersed themselves in the Malaysian culture. In line with our philosophy that inter‐disciplinarity is a key component for authentic learning, the department organised the inaugural interdisciplinary Learning Journeys for the Yr‐3 and Yr‐4 students. The Yr‐3 students explored the civic district and Singapore River applying conceptual understanding from History, Geography and Social Studies making it a meaningful experience, while the Yr‐4 Geography and Social Studies students par/cipated in the Public Policy Forum on Transport. Students were also given opportunities to apply their critical and creative thinking skills whilst pursuing their passion. Students participated in various Model United Nations Conferences, where they assumed the role of country delegates, applying the concepts learnt in the Humani/es. Students also par/cipated in the Global Youth Forum and ASEAN Youth Convention where they applied themselves to formulating plans in resolving global and regional problems. Our students also did well in Humani/es based compe//ons a+aining the 1st and 3rd Team Placings in the Ngee Ann Polytechnic Tourism in Ac/on Challenge. Students had to propose Ecotourist Friendly Packages to promote Sustainable Tourism in this Region. Students from the Geography Raffles Academy Programme were placed 4th 14 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL at the Interna/onal Future Problem Solving Compe//on in the USA. In the areas of Professional Development and Partnership, the department collaborated with SEAGA to organise the Educational Forum in Fieldwork for Geography Teachers. The Singapore Associa/on of Social Studies Educa/on also held its inaugural conference in RGS. Students also acquired work experience in academic publishing on issues related to Southeast Asia during their s/nt with ISEAS where they gained research experience and insight from working closely with academic researchers. Mathema-cs The department provides several platforms for students to enrich their understanding and appreciation of the discipline. Learning takes place not only in the acquisi/on of mathematical knowledge and skills, but also in the applica/on of mathema/cs to real‐life problems, as well as in the crea/on of mathema/cal games. 1st Singapore Mathema*cal Modelling Forum & Challenge The inaugural Singapore Mathematical Modelling (MM) Forum & Challenge took place from 5 July to 8 July 2011. Organised by Raffles Girls’ School and Ngee Ann Secondary School, some 111 lower secondary school pupils from 21 schools and 32 teachers took part. MM is an innovative way of learning where students translate real‐world problems into mathema/cal problems and solve them. Through MM, students learn crea/ve and inventive thinking, collaboration and inter‐disciplinarity, mental agility and adaptability, informa/on processing, oral and wri+en communica/on. MM transforms the discipline from being a set of equa/ons and numbers into solu/ons that affect and improve our daily lives. The four‐day event included a field trip to the Universal Studios Singapore @ Resorts World Sentosa where the par/cipants had to collect informa/on that would be used in the challenge. Four teams made up of par/cipants from different schools emerged as winners of the challenge. Mother Tongue Languages The Languages department provides several plavorms and opportuni/es to nurture our students to be ac/ve learners and proficient users of the Mother Tongue language. This year, the theme of the Mother Tongue Week was aligned to the school theme, ‘Reach Up, Reach Out’. Cultural performances such as Cross Talk and Chinese Orchestral music helped students appreciate the beauty of the Mother Tongue languages. Malay students explored their culture through the Cultural Camp ‘Kampung Riang Ria’ held at Pulau Ubin, while our Tamil students learnt about classical literature through Drama. The Languages department con/nued its collabora/on with the Singapore Chinese Literature Society to organise the second Na/onal Secondary School Chinese Literature Camp. The theme of the camp this year was“唐宋的月亮今 日的诗情”(Classical Poetry). Through the camp, the girls learnt about the essence of Classical Poetry, experienced the power of the language of poetry and embraced the opportunity to use poetry in the subsequent on‐the‐spot crea/ve wri/ng session. D u ri n g t h e s c h o o l ’s L ea rn i n g J o u r n ey Week, t h e department partnered with the Humanities department and English Language & Literature department to carry out interdisciplinary fieldtrips to the Singapore River, Fort Canning and Haw Par Villa for the Yr‐1 and Yr‐3 students. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 15 Nurturing the Intellect & Firing the Imagination - Cont’d Philosophy The Philosophy Enrichment Programme (PEP) provides an enriched curriculum for Yr‐2 to Yr‐4 students who show passion and aptitude for Philosophy. Students are introduced to Logic and Critical Thinking in Terms 1 and 2, Personal Iden/ty, Chinese Philosophy, Western Poli/cal Philosophy and Bioethics in Term 3 and a Guest Lecture Series in Term 4. Each year, a number of the PEP students are invited to participate in the annual Raffles Institution Inter‐school Philosophy Dialogue. This year, 21 PEP students from different levels took part in this event. Four RGS students were given the Best Inquirer Award. Science A range of enrichment plavorms and ac/vi/es is available for pupils driven to pursue their interests in the sciences. Among the highlights this year were visits by prominent female scien/sts Professor Dava J. Newman (Professor of Aeronau/cs and Astronau/cs and Engineering Systems, MIT) and Professor Ada Yonath (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2009) who shared their experiences and research with 16 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL the students. In addi/on, fieldtrips to Wales and Tioman, as well as learning journeys to the Marina Barrage, Lower Pierce Reservoir and RGS Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory exposed our students to the applications of science in the real world and the opportunities for interdisciplinary studies. RGS students also participated in various competitions that challenged them to apply their scien/fic knowledge, reasoning and communications skills and creativity to solving topical issues. For example, a Yr‐2 team received special men/on for their solu/on to the effects of global warming on flooding in Singapore in the Crea/ve & Heuris/c Applica/on of Science compe//on. This year also saw the return of RGS’ own Science Reloaded compe//on aimed at Primary 5 girls from across Singapore. The objec/ve of the compe//on is to promote interest and excellence in Science. Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory (WELL) is the first environmental learning laboratory in Singapore established by RGS and Na/onal Parks (NParks). Converted from an old cowshed in Dairy Farm Nature Park, it is a fully‐equipped one‐stop learning centre, set up with full laboratory facili/es for student learning, scien/fic research, Na/onal Educa/on, community service, teacher training and interna/onal exchange. Guitar Ensemble, Handbells Ensemble, Indian Orchestra, Strings Ensemble, and Symphonic Band were awarded Gold and Malay Dance clinched the Silver award. RGS Performing and Visual Arts In addition, Indian Dance took part in the Cedar All Arts Competition (Dance Segment) and clinched the 1st prize. RGS Performing Arts CCAs are key vehicles in our holistic education plan. These CCAs seek to drive home the key understanding of the cultural, historical and social significance of performing arts and how these contribute to the overall development of aesthetic sensibilities. The larger goal of these CCAs is to cultivate culturally appreciative citizens who will play a role in fostering a gracious society. There are currently 13 Performing Arts CCAs in RGS falling broadly into four groups: Instrumental Music, Non‐ Instrumental Music, Drama and Dance. Awards (Performing Arts) Our performing Arts CCAs have done the school proud in the 2011 Singapore Youth Fes/val Central Judging. Choir, Dance (International), Indian Dance, and English Drama were awarded Gold with Honours for their performances. Angklung Ensemble, Chinese Drama, Chinese Orchestra, RGS Arts Tapestry On 1 July 2011, RGS introduced the RGS Arts Tapestry, a re‐brand of the biennial RGS Arts Fes/val event that weaves together the various Arts Forms – the Visual, Performing, Literary and Alterna/ve Arts. Guest‐of‐Honour for the event was RGS alumnus Ms Beatrice Chia‐Richmond who was also the first female crea/ve director of the Na/onal Day parade. Integra-on of ICT with Teaching and Learning The focus on Understanding by Design, Disciplinarity and Inter‐disciplinarity in the last three years, and the founda/on laid in the development of the Raffles Programme based on the principles of educa/on for the gieed and talented, have Speech Day Report 2010/2011 17 Nurturing the Intellect & Firing the Imagination - Cont’d provided a springboard for equipping our students with the skills for the 21st century. 2011 has primarily been focused on conduc/ng professional development on ICT and pedagogical skills for the integra/on of technology with teaching and learning. Training for teachers covered basic skills for using hardware and software to meet learning needs. Dis/nguished educators iden/fied by Apple provided further training for the applica/on of these skills in pedagogy and curriculum design. Opportunities were provided for teachers to apply what they had learned and for the observation of ICT‐based lessons. The Raffles Mobile pilot programme enabled teachers to immediately apply new learning whilst team teaching and lesson study ensured that learning from the pilot programme extended to a larger number of teachers. An evaluation of the programme uncovered key learning points useful in the implementa/on of RGS1:1, puxng an ICT device in the hands of every RGS student and integra/ng ICT with teaching and learning. 18 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Forging fine character Developing the Body “... no mean desires our days shall shame ... whole-hearted, true with pride and ardour burning” “... the sun shines high above us, and youth’s elixir fills our veins ...” Speech Day Report 2010/2011 19 Forging Fine Character & Developing the Body RGS takes a holis/c approach to character and leadership education by integrating the cognitive, affective and social aspects of education. Students are provided with opportuni/es to understand and prac/se good character and leadership, to strengthen the competencies and axtudes of a good steward of self, to be a socially responsible and ac/ve ci/zen, and an ethical and caring leader. The Character and Leadership Educa/on framework provides a range of learning plavorms which aim to build character, develop personal effec/veness and leadership quali/es as well as cul/vate na/onal consciousness and service to the community and na/on. interac/on opportuni/es with the community, developing a sense of rootedness, and involving parents in school ac/vi/es and NE. In developing the body, RGS aims to develop students as stewards of healthy living. CCAs develop stamina and zeal, leadership and teamwork, and provides for a range of learning opportuni/es through sports, uniformed groups, compe//ons, overseas trips and workshops. Building NE Competencies Na-onal Educa-on The RGS Na/onal Educa/on (NE) programme is instrumental in ins/lling a sense of na/onal rootedness and ‘noblesse oblige’ in Rafflesians. The four key areas for 2011 are enhancing greater racial integration, providing more 20 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Batam Learning Journey – The inaugural Batam Learning Journey for all Yr‐2 pupils aimed to raise pupils’ awareness of historical context and poli/cal governance. Batam’s close proximity to and relative economic, social and cultural differences with Singapore made it the ideal site to compare, appreciate and experience the distinctive developments that have taken place in the past few decades. Pupils – In November 2010, five RGS students par/cipated in “CAMPTEEN: Youth Racial Harmony Ambassadors Programme”, a four‐day‐three‐night residential camp at MOE Labrador Learning Centre, with students from other schools, organised by, the na/onal body for racial harmony., launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in May 2007, seeks to promote racial harmony and social cohesion by engaging our youth, with a focus on developing youth leadership, initiative and commitment. In addi/on, selected upper secondary students also a+ended the “HarmonyWorks Conference ‐ Home: Joint Hopes, Shared Memories”, which provided a plavorm for them to gather insights from, and exchange views and opinions on inter‐ racial and inter‐religious issues in Singapore with poli/cians, academics, prac//oners and community leaders. Times, presenting views on Singapore’s public transport system from policy‐making & implementa/on, profit‐making business en/ty and the man‐in‐the‐street perspec/ves. Partners – RGS endeavours to engage her partners in NE ac/vi/es seeking out meaningful plavorms and opportuni/es for our students to engage in service learning and social advocacy. This year, parents par/cipated ac/vely in the RGS Racial Harmony Week by providing their culinary skills in preparing tasty treats from different cultures for students to sample. RGS also invited parents to join our Na/onal Day Celebra/ons. RGS has a long tradi/on of producing leaders of dis/nc/on through platforms such as the Prefectorial Board, Peer Support Board, Student Congress and House Commi+ees. The RGS Prefectorial Board, the pinnacle of leadership in the school, is a 80‐member strong student leadership body. Raffles Public Policy Dialogue ‐ The inaugural Raffles Public Policy Dialogue was organised for gradua/ng students in March this year, as part of the school’s NE programme. Hosted by the Global Affairs Council (GAC), the dialogue sessions sought to enhance students’ awareness on public policies from mul/ple perspec/ves by invi/ng guest speakers from the relevant areas. For example, this year’s session saw panelists, including former Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) Mr Siew Kum Hong, and senior staff from the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT) and the Straits RGS Leadership Boards The RGS Peer Support Board serves as a cohesive agent in fostering a sense of community and belonging within the school. They also provide guidance and engender the Yr‐1 students with the necessary skills to cope with the transi/on from Primary to Secondary school. The Board is also involved in the planning and organising of many school‐wide projects such as the biennial conven/on– RGS Peer Support Conven/on, in June 2011. Comprising 37 members, Student Congress empowers students to identify and act on issues pertinent to their school experience. This year, the board focused on the broad areas of teaching and learning, recognition and Speech Day Report 2010/2011 21 Forging Fine Character & Developing the Body - Cont’d opportuni/es, and the learning environment. Through focus group sessions, school wide forum discussions and publicity events, Congress ac/vely encourages students to contribute their feedback, work with the school management to implement feasible solu/ons, and lead the way to effec/ng posi/ve change. In the RGS House Committees, leadership is developed in their members through the organisa/on of the various Inter‐House Games, which involves the entire school population. These activities allow the leaders in the five houses – Tarbet, Buckle, Richardson, Waddle and Hadley – the opportuni/es to cul/vate a strong sense of belonging to their respec/ve house, which in turn promotes the school spirit of RGS. RGS‐ICYL One hundred and sixty two girls from 33 schools across 11 countries par/cipated in the 3rd Raffles Girls’ School – Interna/onal Conven/on for Youth Leaders (ICYL) held on 22 – 26 November 2010. The flagship of RGS’ leadership development programme, this biennial event aims to gather female student leaders 22 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL from diverse communities in the Asia Pacific region, develop in them a stronger global and community‐serving mindset, draw out their leadership quali/es and establish a network for sharing good leadership prac/ces. Par/cipants were from China, Australia, India, New Zealand, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan and Singapore. The theme this year was ‘Empowering Women Leaders to LEAD (Learn, Embrace, Act and Dedicate) a Change’. Highlights of the five‐day event included a fireside chat with Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, former Second Minister for Finance and Transport; and a keynote speech by Ms Ang Bee Lian, CEO of the Na/onal Council of Social Service. Service‐Learning Service‐Learning (S‐L) at RGS seeks to nurture every RGS student to be a socially responsible individual by providing opportuni/es for meaningful community service. Through S‐L, RGS students ac/vely engage in enhancing the well‐being of the local community and grow to become independent, pro‐ac/ve learners. One of the many S‐L projects that RGS students are involved in is the Central Singapore Community Development Council’s (CDC) Nurture Programme. The Programme reaches out mainly to needy children, aged four to 12 in the Central Singapore District, with the aim of enhancing the quality of life and crea/ve learning opportuni/es for these children. By organising learning ac/vi/es for needy children and instilling in them a love for learning, RGS students model essential values and lifeskills, and learn the virtues of pa/ence and trust and giving back to society as they take up the responsibility of guiding these young children. Overseas Service‐Learning RGS Overseas Service‐Learning (OSL) aims to serve the needs of overseas communi/es in a way that promotes self‐ sustainability and posi/ve reciprocity, and also to develop character, leadership and lifeskills of RGS students as they contribute to improving the lives of underprivileged youth and their communi/es. In 2010, two expedi/ons were launched to serve communi/es in Cambodia and the Philippines. The OSL Cambodia team concluded a five‐year partnership with two local Cambodia‐ based NGOs – Meakea Organisation and Bridge Across Borders. Operating in the rural area of Takeo Province, OSL teams engaged two Cambodian schools and one children’s community centre, and directly served over 1,600 Cambodian students and pre‐school children for 12 days. The OSL team not only donated numerous textbooks and school supplies, but also gave English lessons and provided basic IT instruction to both students and teachers. They also taught English to children from a community child‐care centre in the village. Lesson plans and materials were also shared with Cambodian teachers. In addi/on, Yr‐4 mentors shared leadership best prac/ces with the Cambodian youth leaders. 2010 marked the conclusion of a fruitful and meaningful partnership An OSL expedi/on to the Philippines was also launched in 2010. Our Philippine partner, the Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation, focuses on poverty reduction and nation‐building. The RGS OSL team worked with Gawad Kalinga volunteers in a slum rese+lement project in the Batangas city. Staying with the community, the team enhanced the surroundings of the se+lement by sexng up two vegetable plots. They also taught English and Art & Crae to the children and donated books and sta/onery. The trip provided the students with a humbling and memorable learning experience. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 23 Forging Fine Character & Developing the Body - Cont’d RGS Career Fair 2011 A total of 20 organisa/ons and 12 speakers par/cipated in the RGS Career Fair on 29 June 2011. Organisa/ons ranged from local Polytechnics to institutions that specialise in the arts as well as those represen/ng overseas universi/es in Australia and the United States. For the first /me, the Singapore University of Technology and Design as well as the Yale‐NUS college par/cipated in the Fair to the benefit of our upper secondary students, providing them with an excellent opportunity to find out more about their choices for further educa/on and future pursuits. Work Experience Programme Work Experience Programme (WEP) is organised for Yr‐3 and Yr‐4 girls during their June and November‐December holidays. 56 attachments were arranged during the June holidays this year. A total of ten girls were successful in seeking their own work attachments. RGS girls were encouraged to not only try their hand in industries where they might be interested in going into in the future, but also to try something new. This year we also reached out to alumni and have managed to secure new work a+achments 24 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL for girls who have interests in business, entrepreneurship, as well as non‐profit organisa/ons. Integra-on of Interna-onal Students (IS Scholars) From the /me the scholars arrive in early November, they are put through an induc/on and orienta/on programme to ensure that they adjust well to their new environment. A team of students who call themselves SOFA (Support OF Our Interna/onal Affiliates) take on the task to care for the overall well‐being of the scholars Through raising awareness about the difficul/es Interna/onal Scholars face and organising ini/a/ves to enable them to better cope with these challenges, the group helps the scholars adapt to learning and living in a new environment. Physical Fitness and Health Educa-on Programme RGS physical fitness and health educa/on programme seeks to develop “Healthy Daughters For A Healthier Age” so that RGS girls will be able to independently maintain an ac/ve and healthy lifestyle. The Physical Health Programme (PHP) targets students with special health or fitness needs. Students learn to take control of their own wellness by attending educa/onal discussions on health and exercise issues to help them make more informed health‐related choices and the skills to design an individualised programme. Swimming were also awarded the scholarship for their 2010 representa/ons in the ASEAN Schools Games (ASG), Asian Games and Youth Olympic Games (YOG). In recogni/on of the high level of commitment of our athletes to their sports, RGS has put in placed a Customisa/on Programme to provide differen/a/on in programming for them since 2009. The ‘Eat, Think & Play’ health booklet, which was created by our PE department for students in the Physical Health module taught in PE lessons, includes topics on different aspects of health‐related physical fitness, as well as fundamentals of designing a personal fitness programme. Co‐Curricular Ac-vi-es in RGS RGS Talent Scholarship (Sports) and Customisation Programme for Sports Pupils The RGS Talent Scholarship (Sports) was established in 2008 to recognise the talent of our sports students and to support them in the development of their talent. The scholarship was offered to all Direct School Admission (DSA) sports students who were admitted into Yr‐1 in RGS. In 2011, a total of 35 Yr‐1 students from ten different sports received this scholarship. In addi/on, 11 Yr‐2 to 4 students from Gymnastics (Artistic), Gymnastics (Rhythmic) and CCAs in RGS aim to build resilience, deep passion for specific interest areas as well as leadership and teamwork. As CCAs are more experiential by nature, the learning in CCA frequently provides a balanced range of experien/al learning opportunities that help develop a strong and healthy body through participation in games, uniformed groups, compe//ons, overseas trips and workshops. Our pupils con/nue to benefit from the teamwork, people skills and leadership development opportunities in the CCAs. They also perform well in a diverse range of ac/vi/es and programmes, and these accomplishments demonstrate that, beyond academic excellence, the Rafflesian remains indefatigably active in her interests and passions and is commi+ed to giving her best in everything she does. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 25 Forging Fine Character & Developing the Body - Cont’d Rafflesians in Interna-onal Spor-ng Compe--ons 16th Asian Games 2010 Four RGS girls competed at the 16th Asian Games 2010, Guangzhou, China, from 12 – 27 November 2010. They are: * Jennifer Yan (202) for Golf * Goh Jia Yi (409) for Shoo/ng – Air Rifle * Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn (105) for Swimming * Koh Hui Yu (314) for Swimming Jennifer Yan won Silver in both the Women’s Individual and Women’s Team events while Samantha Yeo broke the Na/onal Under‐14 record in the 50m Breaststroke event. 3rd ASEAN Schools Games 2011 18 RGS girls from six different sports represented Singapore Schools at the 3rd ASEAN Schools Games 2011, Singapore, from 1 – 7 July 2011. They are: * Jennifer Yan (206) for Golf * Goh Jen (409) for Golf * Michelle Teo Yin Zhi (103) for Gymnas/c – Ar/s/c * Charmaine Yeo Yan (204) for Gymnas/c – Ar/s/c 26 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chia Daphne Theresa Yun Shan (304) for Gymnas/c – Rhythmic Chong Mei Gan Megan (306) for Gymnastic – Rhythmic Phaan Yi Lin (409) for Gymnas/c – Rhythmic Chan Fang Yi (105) for Swimming Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn (205) for Swimming Chelsea Lin Fuchs (306) for Swimming Yeo Xiu Wen (309) for Swimming Tan Wei Lin Jolene (315) for Swimming Koh Hui Yu (414) for Swimming Teo Jing‐Wen (415) for Swimming Li Jia Xin (106) for Table Tennis Lam Teng Si (310) for Table Tennis Lim Yi Xuan (311) for Table Tennis Tan Claris (202) for Tennis 2011 Na-onal Inter‐School Compe--ons Rafflesians scored again in the 2011 National Schools Compe//ons with outstanding results: Fieeen 1st posi/on Na/onal /tles in: C Div ‐ Badminton, Gymnastics (Rhythmic), Netball, Fencing, Sailing, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis B Div ‐ Golf, Gymnas/cs (Ar/s/c), Gymnas/cs (Rhythmic), Sailing, Shoo/ng ‐ Air Rifle, Squash, Swimming Six 2nd posi/on Na/onal /tles in: C Division ‐ Judo, Shoo/ng (Air Pistol), Tenpin Bowling B Division ‐ Fencing, Table Tennis, Tennis Six 3rd posi/on Na/onal /tles in: C Division ‐ Tennis B Division ‐ Badminton, Gymnas/cs (Trampoline), Judo, Shoo/ng (Air Pistol), Tenpin Bowling Three 4th posi/on Na/onal /tles in: C Division ‐ Golf, Gymnas/cs (Trampoline) B Division ‐ Netball Flying the Rafflesian Flag High with Uniformed Groups Awards Our National Cadet Corps (Air) did the school proud by achieving the Gold award for the second /me in the Best Unit Competition and Chin Hui Vun Christina (411) was awarded Outstanding Cadet by NCC Air Headquarters. Our Girls’ Brigade a+ained the Silver Company Award and our Girls Bagpipe team also a+ained a Silver Award in the Southeast Asia Singapore Pipeband Championship. In the National Schools Drills competition, the team achieved a Silver and Bronze award. In addi/on, three pupils achieved the highest Girls’ Brigade award, the Pioneer Brigadier Brooch. The awardees are: * Goh Hui Min Felicia (405) (Award with Dis/nc/on) * Chong Siu Min Sandra (403) * Kwek Mei Yin (403) Our Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) and Red Cross Youth also performed excellently and were awarded Silver for Best Unit Competition and Silver for Excellence Unit Award respec/vely. Our three companies in Girl Guides achieved three Golds for the Puan Noor Aishah Award and four Yr‐4 Guides were awarded the President’s Guide Award: Hanin Insyirah Bte Mohd Amir (412), Koh Wei Yi (413), Maehanyi Frances Rajendram (404), and Joceline Yong Yoong Yee (408). Several RGS Uniformed Groups members have also done brilliantly and deserve special men/on. Mimi Amirah Bte Zainal Abidin (414) from Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) was Speech Day Report 2010/2011 27 Forging Fine Character & Developing the Body - Cont’d selected to par/cipate in the ten day New Zealand Exercise Thunder Warrior SAF Ar/llery Training in January 2011 and Chiang Ling Ling (415) was selected to participate in the India Republic Day 11 days training programme in January 2011. In the 1st CCAB Nationals Uniformed Group Adventure challenge, our team comprising Rachel Sim Miao Chen (305) from NPCC (Sea), Wee Chuxuan (313) and Yap Zhi Xin (310) from Girls’ Brigade partnered with fellow cadets from Raffles Ins/tu/on and achieved the top ten Dis/nc/on award. 28 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL The RGS Community Speech Day Report 2010/2011 29 The RGS Community RGS con/nues to be a premier school providing the best education for high ability girls because of the dedicated and determined efforts of students and teachers. Our work is enriched by the uns/n/ng and invaluable support of our coaches, instructors, parents, alumni and other stakeholders. In addition, we are also privileged that many local and interna/onal partners collaborate with us and contribute exper/se, resources and /me in a number of programmes to enrich the learning experience in our school. Together, these individuals and organisa/ons form an integral part of the extended RGS family. RGS extends our heartiest congratulations to Mr Kwek Leng Kee, member of our Board of Governors on receiving the Service to Education Awards 2011, presented by the Ministry of Educa/on (MOE) to School Advisory Commi+ee/ School Management Commi+ee/Board Members of Schools for long service. RGS also extends her apprecia/on to Dr Koo Wen Hsin for his contribu/ons to RGS as member of the Board of Governors from 2008 to 2010. RGS Staff Teachers are key to the success of RGS and the school continues to place emphasis on recruiting, retaining and 30 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL recognising top quality teachers committed to providing holis/c educa/on and nurturing the RGS girl. The staff strength as at 14 July 2011 stands at 210, comprising 169 teachers and 41 Execu/ve & Administra/ve Staff (EAS); 98% of our teaching staff are graduates, of which 22% have Master’s degree and PhD qualifica/ons. New Appointments We congratulate the following personnel on their new appointments: • Mr Seow Kim Koon – Bursar • Mr Ng Hwee Chung Edward – Deputy Principal (Pupil & Faculty Development) • Mdm Lee Szer Yuen ‐ Subject Head (Admission) • Miss Chen Huixuan Audrey ‐ Head of Year • Ms Koh Mae Ching Alina ‐ Subject Head (Physical Educa/on & Co‐Curriculum Ac/vi/es) • Mr Tan Soon Yong ‐ Subject Head (National Educa/on) • Mdm Nora Binte Kamsir ‐ Head of Year • Mr Thio Cher Kuan ‐ Subject Head (Physics) • Mdm Eriyanty Binte Tugi ‐ Senior Teacher (Geography) • Ms Lee Su Yin ‐ Ac/ng Subject Head (History) New Staff We extend a warm welcome to the following Teaching and Executive & Administrative Staff: Miss Anisah Binte Mohamed Sheriff, Mr Jonathan Keith Arrowood, Miss Chan Li Wen, Miss Chen Ye Yvonne, Mr Cheong Han Wen Jay, Miss Fan Wenying, Miss Gan Li Li Geraldine, Mr Hang Kam Long, Miss He Qi Vivienne, Ms Koay Li May Michelle, Mr Koh King Koon, Mr Lee Beng Hwee, Mr Leong Tze Kwang, Miss Lim Ai Hiang Karen, Ms Lim Sock Hoon, Ms Liu Pui Fong Cindy, Mr Moh Chong Tong Mark Ritchie, Mr Ng Hwee Chung Edward, Miss Ng Yee Ping Diane, Ms Norazreena Binte Mohammad, Ms Pillai Kanaka Sankaran, Miss Pong Lilin Phoebe, Mr Saravanan s/o Sangiah, Mr Seow Kim Koon, Ms Sultana Rahman, Miss Tay Ee Leng Elaine, Mr Tan Keng Hsin, Ms Tan Lay Lay Tracy, Mr Teoh Chin Leong, Ms Teoh Yan Yan Anne, Miss Tok Chia Yee Andrea, Mr Wong Chee Yeh, Mr Wong Man Ki, Ms Yang Chunxiu and Ms Zhao Xuying. Farewells RGS bids fond farewells to Mr Chang Weng Fa+, Ms Cheong Szu Chuang, Mr Lau Kum Weng Daniel, Mr Law Kah Wei Redmund, Mr Leek Meng Hwee, Miss Lim Jia Hui, Miss Lim Li Chen Sharon, Ms Loh Meow Joo, Mr Loh Wan Fook, Mr Moey Hauw Woon Nicholas, Mr Ng Chieh Shing Jason, Miss Ng Ley Koon Angie, Ms Ning Hwee Tiang, Miss Ong Yu Han, Miss Santhi Sathyamoorthi, Mr Sarabjit Singh s/o Harbans Singh, Ms Sarasvathy d/o Amirthalingam, Mr Segarra Paul Hector JR. Ligan, Ms Sim I‐Wei Joyce, Mr Tan Hock Heng, Ms Tan Wei Wun Chris/n, Miss Tan Yoke Leng Doreen, Mdm Tay Lee Eng, Miss Tay Li Ching Debbie, Ms Tee Yeow Wah Helen, Miss Teo Cheok Mei, Mr Teo Chwee Hock, Mrs Teo Mei Wan, Mrs Julie Quah, Mr Vijay Bahadur Pandey s/o Ram Prasad, Ms Wong Pui Ling Evelyn, Miss Yeo Soi Muay, Mr Yeoh Chai Keong Sean, and Ms Yeow Shwu Ling. Promo-ons We congratulate all staff promoted in October 2010 and April 2011: eight teachers were promoted to substan/ve grade GEO1A1, four to GEO1A2, five to GEO1A3, six to SEO1 and one to SEO1A1. Congratula/ons also to our EAS: one of Speech Day Report 2010/2011 31 The RGS Community - Cont’d whom was promoted to Human Resource Execu/ve, one to ICT Execu/ve and another to Administra/ve Officer. Na-onal Day Award and Long Service Award The School congratulates Mr Michael Francis Jalleh, Director (Academic Studies), on receiving the 2011 National Day Commenda/on Award. Three RGS staff also received the 2011 Na/onal Day Award – Long Service Medal. Eight RGS Long Service Awards were also given out in 2011 to recognise the years of service and contribu/on by staff at RGS. Mrs Julie Hoo, our Principal, also received her MOE Long Service Award. Day. Last year’s Staff Night was held at the Meritus Mandarin Hotel to the theme “Watever”. Earlier in the year, SWC organised the annual Chinese New Year lunch where all staff gathered for a mass lunch and tossed yusheng to good health and a good year ahead. To further enhance staff cohesiveness, Department bonding day and Staff bonding day were organised. Recognising the importance of balancing work and family commitment, SWC supported the new HR ini/a/ve, rolling out the first RGS Family Day on 25 September 2010 where staff and their families spent a day at Universal Studios Singapore @ Resort World Sentosa. In promo/ng a pleasant and healthy work environment, SWC arranged for regular distribu/on of fruits to staff and for vendors to hold sales of healthy snacks, sports apparel etc. Being a close‐knit community, termly birthday celebra/ons were also conducted for each staff. Staff Well‐Being The RGS Staff Well‐being Commi+ee (SWC) aims to promote healthy living and improve the general well‐being of all staff by engaging them in a slew of activities throughout the year. The most highly an/cipated event each year is our annual Staff Night, which is organised in conjunc/on with Teachers’ 32 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Staff Development The development of our staff is of pinnacle importance and a key strategy of the school towards continuous excellence. Over and above the school‐wide courses, seminars and workshops organised by RGS, our staff ac/vely seek professional learning opportuni/es, both local and international. RGS teachers also present papers and research findings in numerous conferences. Some of the highlights include: Local 2011 • 2011 Business Excellence • 3rd Conference of Asia‐Pacific Consortium on Teaching Chinese as an Interna/onal Language • 3rd Educator’s Summit • Asia Pacific Assessment Conference 2011 • Crea/ng the Mindful Leader for the 21st Century • Educa/on Leadership Summit 2011 • ERAS Conference 2011 • HR Summit 2011 • Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2011 • Singapore Perspec/ves 2011 • World Ready Leadership Series 2010 • 5th Teachers’ Conference 2010 • Cri/cal Ingredients to Unlimited Success Seminar • Gieed Educa/on Annual Conference 2010 • Teachers’ Conference 2010 ‐ Deepening Professional Prac/ce: Teachers as learners, Teachers as leaders • The Meran/ Project: Student‐Teacher Dialogue Interna-onal 2011 • 15th Interna/onal Conference on the Teaching of Mathema/cal Modelling and Applica/ons, Australia • 5th Interna/onal Chinese Teaching & Learning Conference, Hong Kong • ASCD Conference 2011, United States of America • Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories Asia 2011, Malaysia • Gieedness in East‐Asia: Explora/ons in the Ac/otope Model of Gieedness Symposium, Hong Kong • Hawker Brownlow Educa/on Conference 2011, Australia • Interna/onal Society for Technology in Educa/on Annual Conference & Exposi/on 2011, USA • NSTA Conference on Science Educa/on 2011, USA • World Finals of Odyssey of the Mind 2011, USA Speech Day Report 2010/2011 33 The RGS Community - Cont’d 2010 • Global Ci/zenship Educa/on for a Culture of Peace and Sustainable Future: Sub‐regional Capacity‐ building Workshop 2010, Malaysia • HSK Overseas Trip, People’s Republic of China • Interna/onal Conference on Learning & Teaching and EDUCA 2010, Thailand • Mathema/cal Modelling Forum, Teachers Conference and Modelling Challenge, Australia • Na/onal Conference of Educa/on Management for Super Principals 2010, Malaysia Professional Upgrading 34 to obtain an Associa/on of Chartered Cer/fied Accountants qualifica/on at Kaplan Learning Ins/tute. Four teachers were supported on Professional Development Leave to renew their learning in a broad range of professional areas. 2010 Staff Retreat The 2010 Staff Retreat was held at Turi Beach Resort, Batam. The two and a half day retreat had three main objec/ves – To keep RGS staff updated on the school’s developments; to obtain the views of the staff on the RGS Culture as well as sugges/ons on enhancing organisa/onal effec/veness; and to strengthen the bonds between staff. One teacher attended the MOE Management and Leadership in Schools Programme in 2011. Eight teachers have completed their Master in Gieed Educa/on course at the Na/onal Ins/tute of Educa/on (NIE) while another two teachers are pursuing the qualifica/on. A review of RGS in 2010 was conducted during the retreat. This included a presentation on the findings of The RGS Experience Survey (TRES), informing staff of the revised school /metable, group discussions and presenta/ons of the RGS Culture and ways of improving operations. The engaging sessions saw fresh and crea/ve ideas emerge. Miss Ling Shuang Ning and Miss Syazwani Binte Amrun were sponsored by the school to undergo the one year Post‐Graduate Diploma in Educa/on programme at the NIE. Ms Soh Chiew Lee Gina was also sponsored by the school Proving that the retreat was not all work and no play, outdoor adventures were held that truly tested the fitness of each staff. An appreciation night was also held to bid farewell to Mr Chang Weng Fa+, former Deputy Principal RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Staff Awards and Commenda-ons (Pupil & Faculty Development) who had served RGS for more than seven years and Mrs Teo Mei Wan, former Senior Bursar who had served RGS for the past ten years. RGS wished them all the best in their future endeavours. Name Community Service 2011 Mrs Tan Yin Lai Intel‐CrADLe Teach Award Mdm Loy Hui Nin Intel‐CrADLe Teach Award Ms Lee Su Yin Published author – ‘British Po l i c y a n d t h e C h i n e s e i n Singapore, 1939 to 1955: The Public Service Career of Tan Chin Tuan’. (Academic text reviewed for publishing and subsequently published in 2011) Championed by the Corporate Ci/zenry Sub‐commi+ee of the newly formed EAS Organising Commi+ee in 2011, an Educa/onal day trip was planned with the Asian Women’s Welfare Association Family Service Centre [AWWA FSC] for some 22 children. The children experienced a day of discovery, learning and fun at the Singapore Science Centre. The programme was supported by 14 EAS staff who accompanied the children, visi/ng the different galleries, trying out the interac/ve exhibits, watching the iMax movie “Sea Rex” and the larger‐than‐life creatures that ruled the seas 20 million years before dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The children also enjoyed themselves par/cipa/ng in the outdoor Waterworks Ac/vity where they learnt how much water is consumed in daily ac/vi/es. The day trip was made possible by the fund‐raising efforts of 12 EAS at the school’s Open House and was partially sponsored by the school. Award/Commenda-on Ms Ong Yen Pin Marie+e Inductee of Singapore Olympic Academy Roll of Honour 2010 RGS Long Service Award 2011 Name Years of Department/ Service Appointment Mrs Lee‐Lim Chyn 20 Head of Admissions Head of Department – Science Speech Day Report 2010/2011 35 The RGS Community - Cont’d Miss Wong Wei Peng Sally 20 Humani/es Department Na-onal Day Award – Long Service Medal 2011 Mdm Loy Hui Nin 15 Languages Department Mr Ng Hwee Chung Edward, Deputy Principal – Pupil & Faculty Development Mdm Eriyanty Binte Tugi 10 Senior Teacher – Humani/es Department Ms Lim Shok Hoon, Humani/es Department Mrs Alina Wee 10 Subject Head – PE Ms Hoo Ka Mun Carmen 10 Year 4 Head of Year Mathema/cs Department Ms Kum Suat Sie Sandi 10 Mathema/cs Deparment Ms Lee Hui Ling Chris/na 10 Front Office, Administra/on Mr Chan Siong Weng, Laboratory A+endant MOE Long Service Award 2011 Mrs Julie Hoo, RGS Principal Service to Educa-on Awards 2011 for School Advisory Committee/School Management Committee/Board Members Mr Kwek Leng Kee Na-onal Day Award – Commenda-on Medal 2011 Mr Michael Francis Jalleh, Director – Academic Studies 36 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL RGS Pedagogical Research lab RGS Pedagogical Research lab (RGS PeRL) was launched in August 2010 with the aim of engendering a culture of informed practice in the school. RGS PeRL provides opportunities and platforms for teachers to integrate the principles that underlie best practices in education, with their own. The objective is to hone the Reflective Practitioner who questions and investigates a problem situation in order to better understand the framing of a solu/on that op/mises student learning. Currently, RGS PeRL is involved in four research projects, one of which is the contribu/on of the Performance Task (PT) to teaching and learning in RGS. Focus group sessions have been held with teachers and students to understand their percep/ons towards the PT as an alterna/ve assessment. Emerging research findings are communicated to the school popula/on so that our prac/ces are informed and evidence‐ backed. To enhance the theory‐prac/ce nexus in academic research, RGS PeRL has partnered with the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Prac/ce (CRPP) since April 2010. Dr Lee Yim Ping, a Research Fellow, acts as a Researcher‐in Residence, providing a valuable link in research possibili/es and discourse between RGS PeRL and the CRPP. RGS PeRL also offers Consultancy services for educators. The aim is to engender professional discourse within the Asian educa/onal fraternity, sharing ideas and evidence‐backed prac/ces that are per/nent to our context. By doing so, it aims to enhance RGS’ image as a premier ins/tu/on. This year, consultancy for the Design of the PT and Prac//oner Inquiry were conducted. Par/cipants comprised teachers from RGS and other schools. Customised consultancy services were also offered. For example, in July, curriculum training was provided to a group of teacher‐educators from the Faculty of Educa/on at the Burapha University, Bangkok. The above objec/ves also drive RGS PeRL’s paper presenta/ons at conferences. For example, at the Redesigning Pedagogy Conference organised by the CRPP (30 June – 1 July 2011), our members presented papers at three symposia and one workshop. Through these sessions, we hope to engage other educators with our work in enriching pedagogical prac/ces. RGS PeRL’s vision is to strategically plan and co‐ordinate all academic research activity in the school so that the data can be meaningfully applied. By cul/va/ng the skills of reflec/ve prac/ce, it seeks to enhance the professional teacher who knows the value of mee/ng the varying needs of the students so that students learn well. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 37 The RGS Community - Cont’d Alumni Ma\ers The RGS Chapter The RGS Chapter has been a wonderful supporter of RGS and has assisted the school in many ways: close collabora/on in school ac/vi/es, organising of workshops and social events to promote alumni networking and membership drives to encourage Rafflesians to cherish their unique iden/ty as a member of our RGS community. The Chapter has helped to source for scholarships and raise funds for school causes, organised talks for pupils, provided mentorship and career guidance through events such as the annual ORA Dinner, Connect Dinner, Evergreen Lunch etc. To support the school in broadening the categories of awards given out to students on RGS Speech Day, several alumni cohorts have instituted annual awards that emphasise the importance of recognising students who demonstrate exemplary leadership or communica/on skills. The ‘Heart of Gold” and “Sisters at Heart” awards are aimed at encouraging pupils to develop character values such as exemplary caring and considera/on for others. Execu-ve Commi\ee Dr Jean Ong Choo Khim Ms Lan Luh Luh Ms Monica Tung Ms Teo Poh Keng Ms Daphne Lim Ms Jean Tan Ms Ng Swee Hong Dr Jus/na Nathan Ms Lo Wei Min Ms May Kan Ms Chan Mei Wan Ms Boey Chee Kiew Ms Tan Peck Sim Ms Wan Siew Ping Ms Melanie Toh President Vice President Honorary Secretary Assistant Honorary Secretary Treasurer Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member RGS Homecoming The RGS alumni database has grown from about 600 in 2009 to more than 4000 in 2011. On 16 April 2011, principals, 38 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL staff and students (past and present) came together for an aeernoon of reminiscing, food and plenty of laughter. This Homecoming, which follows the Homecoming in celebra/on of the RGS 130th year in 2009, saw an alumni gathering that was not only enthusias/c but par/cipa/ve as well. The highlight for the Homecoming was without a doubt the preview of ‘Consuming Passion – Memories from the Rafflesian Table’. No ordinary cookbook, ‘Consuming Passion’ features 75 heirloom recipes, with accompanying anecdotes and reflec/ons, contributed by members of the RGS community including local celebri/es and RGS alumni Stefanie Sun, Beatrice Chia‐Richmond, Siow Lee Chin and Kit Chan. Workshops demonstra/ng recipes from the cookbook were held and the food tas/ng sessions that followed lee a tantalising taste of a cookbook that truly celebrates the RGS heritage. Parents for RGS Associa-on (PRGS) PRGS busied itself in the last quarter of 2010 with ac/vi/es that included “Breakfast Dialogues with the Principals”, nature and inter‐/dal walks, paren/ng talks on “Cyberwellness”, “Parents as Coach” and “Life at RI (JC)”. Highlight of the year was the 8th PRGS Golf Tournament 2010 held in support of the “Support An RGS Pupil Scheme”. Apart from its role in providing a strategic platform for parents of RGS girls to network and to support school activities, the PRGS undertakes a specific fund‐raising responsibility through these golf tournaments which bring together staff, pupils, parents and alumni members in pursuit of a most meaningful cause. 2011 began with a rousing welcome for the Yr‐1s and their parents. PRGS plays a suppor/ng role in se+ling new parents and in familiarising them with the RGS academic curriculum through parent talks and workshops organised in conjunc/on with the school. The 26 March 2011 AGM saw the elec/on of a new Execu/ve Commi+ee comprising parents from all levels. The 9th Exco started its term with plans to strengthen the strategic links between the parents, pupils and the school as well as (along with the school) to focus on the total development of the pupils. For the first time, a Forum comprising a series of three workshops on “Nurturing The Highly Able Child ‐ Intellectual, Emo/onal and Mental Well‐Being” was introduced. The first of this series was held on 14 May 2011, helmed by a senior Speech Day Report 2010/2011 39 The RGS Community - Cont’d specialist in Educa/onal Psychology who delivered a most engaging presenta/on that drew numerous ques/ons from a full‐capacity audience. This Forum proved popular with the parents as it focused not only on the intellectual but the equally important emo/onal and mental‐well being of our children as well. PRGS also assisted in and partook of the school’s ac/vi/es and fes/vi/es which included the RGS Open House, Sports Fes/val, Arts Tapestry and Racial Harmony Day. These events afforded PRGS opportuni/es to share their experiences with Primary 6 parents at Open House, to show our teamwork and sportsmanship at the sports stadium along with teachers and staff and to warm the hearts of the girls with lovingly‐prepared home‐cooked food. All in all, it was a fulfilling past 12 months and the 9th Exco is raring to go with more exci/ng projects to roll off. Execu-ve Commi\ee Jean Tan Hubert Lim Eugenia Lim 40 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Meily Wantah Lim Sook Luan Francis Goh Azizah Sharip Goh Geok Cheng Irene Kam Jo Lee Koh Geok Khing Lo Wei Min Anna Foo Choo Kui Chu Sanjay Kothary Susan Tjen‐Wijaya Assistant Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Member (Logis/cs) Member (Talks) Member (Community Services) Member (Social) Member (Publicity) Member (Special Events) Member Member Member Member RGS Outreach: Local & Interna-onal Network Collabora/on with local and interna/onal partners offers opportuni/es for RGS to share and learn from best prac/ces with other top ins/tu/ons or organisa/ons. RGS’ outreach efforts were made on several fronts this year. In the areas of professional and school development, RGS responded to numerous requests by the local education fraternity to share best practices on school reform in general, and curriculum review, evalua/on and refinement specifically. RGS conducted several professional outreach sessions on the above with key personnel from the following schools: Anglican High School & Yishun Junior College, Temasek Junior College and Xin Min Secondary School. RGS also hosted Mr Michael de Silva (Deputy Director, Leadership Development, Schools Division), Ms Evelyn Tan (Deputy Director, HR Partner, Personnel Division), and officers from the Ministry of Educa/on. RGS hosted 25 visits from various schools and educa/onal organisa/ons from around the world from August 2010 to August 2011. Among the schools that visited us were Sri Aman Secondary Girls’ School (Malaysia), Sekolah Mu/ara Harapan and Karangturi Junior High School (Indonesia), Diocesan Girls’ School (Hong Kong SAR), Jilin Province No 2 Experimental School, Hua Zhong Shi Da Yi Fu Zhong School, Wuhan Foreign Language School, Chaoyang Foreign Language school and Zhongshan Overseas Chinese Middle School (People’s Republic of China), Ming Dao High School (Taiwan), Brisbane Girls’ Grammar School and Methodist Ladies’ College ‐ Melbourne (Australia) and St Cuthbert’s College (New Zealand). We also hosted a delega/on from the Education Deans Council (Thailand), Ms Huang Juni, Shenzhen Municipal Educa/on Bureau Director of Personnel (PRC), Dr Stephanie Hamilton and Apple Asia, Professor Lee Wing Onn, Office of Educa/on Research, NIE. RGS was honoured to host a visit from the Minister for Education, Mr Heng Swee Keat, on 18 August 2011. Our Principal, Mrs Julie Hoo, introduced the school’s many instruc/onal and talent development programmes, pupil development and service‐related programmes as well as the achievements of the school. Several girls from the Odyssey of the Mind (OM) and Community Problem Solving Programme (CmPS) also shared their projects with the Minister and he also spoke to our Head Prefect, Chairperson of the Peer Support Board and Speaker of Student Congress. On the tour of the school, the Minister also sat in on an RGS 1:1 Biology lesson. The morning’s visit concluded with a rich and sincere dialogue with 33 members of the RGS staff. RGS con/nues to reach out to the wider community through our publications: Spiral, the Yearbook and various RGS collaterals. This year also saw the incep/on of the online newsletter for parents and alumni – The Raffles Wave – which was met with a very warm recep/on from the parents Speech Day Report 2010/2011 41 The RGS Community - Cont’d and alumni as a succinct and quick update on highlights of events and achievements in RGS. The school con/nues to engage Primary 6 pupils and their parents through events like the ‘Tea with the Principal’, talks and road shows at numerous primary schools and the annual RGS Open House. RGS also interacts with parents through the ‘Breakfast Mee/ngs with the Principal’ for each level, workshops for Yr‐1 parents on how academic subjects are taught in Yr‐1 at RGS, the ‘RGS Arts Tapestry – Night Extravaganza’, which was also open to the public. The school also maintains its involvement with the community through its CmPS, Service Learning and community service projects. Local Partnerships RGS’ partnership with the Na/onal Parks Board (NParks), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Economic Development Board grows from strength to strength each year. Our three valued partners con/nue to support the educa/onal aims and programmes like the Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory (WELL), community projects by Singapore youths through the Future Problem Solving Programme (FPSP) and the Raffles Academy (RA) – a talent development programme for very able pupils in the academic domain. WELL Community of Teachers (WELLCoT) con/nues to run 42 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL courses and programmes for the nation’s teachers and students at WELL – the first field study centre set in the Dairy Farm Nature Park. RGS also collaborated with NIE’s Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Prac/ce in an intensive and extensive study of educa/onal reform at RGS and in the Raffles Programme. The intensive study of a group of teachers through dialogues and lesson observa/ons and student interviews, established some of the key factors for the success of whole‐school reform and the organisa/onal and pedagogical reform in adopting the Raffles Programme. We are especially glad that the study characterised the student experience as one where there was explora/on of ideas and students were able to deepen their understanding and develop meaning in what was learned. Interna-onal Partnerships On 19‐23 June 2011, 24 Yr‐2 students from the Regional Studies Programme, accompanied by three teachers, went on a cultural immersion programme in Malaysia. The trip included a three‐day twinning programme with our twinning school in Seremban, the Tunku Kurshiah College (TKC). The interac/ons with TKC students allowed our pupils to prac/se conversational Malay and immerse themselves in Malay culture through cultural activities and a visit to a Malay kampong. valued friends and partners have rendered to our school and our students over the years. Two sessions of e‐Dialogue were also conducted with Diocesan Girls School of Hong Kong. The e‐Dialogue is a pilot project aimed at leveraging on ICT as a plavorm for peer‐to‐peer interac/ons. Led by students from the Global Affairs Council, students exchanged views on the socio‐ economic issues faced by Singapore and Hong Kong. The Cengal award – in recognition of our valued partners RGS is inaugura/ng the Raffles Girls’ School Cengal Award as recogni/on and apprecia/on of the valued partnership and meaningful contribu/on of the individual or organisa/on to the work of nurturing RGS girls as Daughters of a Be+er Age, in the Raffles Programme. Cengal, a tall hardwood tree indigenous to South East Asia and very much part of the Singaporean heritage having lent its name to the area of Changi, is valued for its strength. Cengal has been selected as an appropriate symbol of the sustained support, contribution, and collaboration these Speech Day Report 2010/2011 43 Roll of Honour 2010/2011 44 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Academic Awards Year One 2010 Outstanding Academic Performance Top in Subject 2010 108 111 113 113 109 113 108 103 113 113 109 113 113 105 Ong Seeu Si Abinaya Mahatma Du Yifei Nicole Qiu Biqing Gong Min Yie Qiu Biqing Yap Bei Jun R Priya Qiu Biqing Faith Nadine Choo Yun Sum Thet Thiri Ko Heng Jia Min Cheryl Tan Wenn Min Irene Tee @ Zheng Jingying Chinese Language Chinese Special Programme English Language English Literature Geography Higher Chinese Higher Malay Higher Tamil History Lower Secondary Science Malay Special Programme Mathema/cs Music Elec/ve Programme Special Art Programme 104 109 109 109 111 112 112 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 Liu Lijia Annabelle Tan Kai Lin Chew Qing Hui Delia Thet Thiri Ko Abinaya Mahatma Judy Hong Ruilan Kang Yi Xi Du Yifei Nicole Faith Nadine Choo Yun Sum Grace Tern Jia Wen Heng Jia Min Lim Xuan Li Michelle Tay Min Yi Wu Chin Ying Xu Cheng Yin Top in Level 2010 113 Qiu Biqing Speech Day Report 2010/2011 45 Academic Awards - Cont’d Year Two 2010 Outstanding Academic Performance Top in Subject 2010 205 205 204 210 204 212 212 207 211 209 209 213 203 202 46 Lim Jia Ying Denise Niranjana Krishna Law May Ning Yang Yixuan Chia Yan Min Kimberly Li Jingyi Nur Adilah Bte Mohammed Idris M Vallei Tey Yi Qing Ho Hui Min Lim Xin En Michelle Chen Xi Tan Yu Jia Jessica Yeoh Tze Ning RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Chinese Language Chinese Special Programme English Language English Literature Geography Higher Chinese Higher Malay Higher Tamil History Lower Secondary Science Malay Special Programme Mathema/cs Music Elec/ve Programme Special Art Programme 204 206 208 208 209 209 209 210 211 212 212 213 213 213 Feng Zhuo Goh Shi Hui Chris/ane Tan Heng Luan Stephanie Chris/ne Heng Shu Hui Cheryl Lee Shi‐Ying Julia Sunil Lim Xin En Michelle Yang Yixuan Tey Yi Qing Alicia Lian Yingjie Tan Wan Qing Melissa Crystal Lua Xin Li Goh Pei Shan Grace Sum Jia En Top in Level 2010 206 Paek Shinae Year Three 2010 Top in Subject 2010 302 302 302 304 308 302 302 301 302 305 301 302 310 303 Victoria Yeo Hui Neng Andrea Widjaja Chew Ing Gum Evelyn Gan Li/ng Lim Wan Yi Juleen Liu Guanqi Natasha Nabila Bte Muhamad N Amanda Choo Min Hui Zhang Peiwen Teng Siew Yan Rebecca Ang Wan Qi Xu Hui Natasha Nabila Bte Muhamad N M Premikha Jacqueline Khor Tze Pei Area Studies Biology Chemistry Chinese Language Chinese Literature Chinese Special Programme English Language English Language (Foreign Students) English Literature Geography Higher Chinese Higher Malay Higher Tamil History 307 302 302 303 308 310 Pamela Ting Li Ming Amanda Choo Min Hui Evangeline Ong Yiling Jiao Wenfei Lee Zi Xin Luo Wanran Malay Special Programme Mathema/cs Music Elec/ve Programme Physics Social Studies Special Art Programme Outstanding Academic Performance 301 301 301 301 301 301 302 302 303 304 Deepa Selvaraj Law Kar Man Joyce Liu Ziwei Mu Yijun Pung Zi Bing Zhang Peiwen Amanda Choo Min Hui Andrea Widjaja Chew Ing Gum Leong Shi Xuan Feng Wenhui Speech Day Report 2010/2011 47 Academic Awards - Cont’d 305 307 310 312 313 314 Wei Zihan Pamela Ting Li Ming Awe Wan Li Chen Xianghui Sitoh Ying Yue Nadya Low Xing Ern Top in Level 2010 302 Wu You Year Four 2010 Top in Subject 2010 412 410 401 408 404 48 Lydia Liu Tingruo Kong Yun Xin Grace Songadiwardhana Gianina Inez Wang Yi Rashvinpal Kaur Dhaliwal RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Biology Chemistry Chinese Language Chinese Literature Chinese Special Programme 412 412 411 409 404 413 414 401 409 411 414 412 414 Lydia Liu Tingruo English Language Lydia Liu Tingruo English Literature Sarah Tan Ruiqi Geography Wang Ruo Lei Higher Chinese Nazihah Husna Bte Abdul Aziz Higher Malay Nanthini Higher Tamil Leong Jin Ni History Songadiwardhana Malay Special Gianina Inez Programme Wang Ruo Lei Mathema/cs Chu Lee Voon Music Elec/ve Programme Tiffany Koh Wyn Min Physics Ruth Ng Yew Ching Social Studies Leong Jin Ni Special Art Programme Raffles Top Scholars Award Raffles Top Scholars Award 2010 402 402 404 407 409 409 409 410 410 411 411 411 412 413 414 Archana G Jindal Ankita Sanjeev Rashvinpal Kaur Dhaliwal Zhang Rui Kelly Kuo Kai Li Thng Yu Qing Wang Ruo Lei Mao Haitong Tham Yan Ping Cai Anni Tang Yi Meng Zhang Aidi Lydia Liu Tingruo Nanthini Teo Qiu Ru Linne+e Speech Day Report 2010/2011 49 Bursaries, Awards and Scholarships Cindy Loh Ray‐Wen Memorial Bursary 304 305 313 Nur Adilah Bte Mohammed Idris Yuen Ai Zhen Carol Wee Chuxuan Pearlynn Professor Tan Ser Kiat Bursary 211 209 Soh Hui Ling Chua Gek Yee The Venerable Dr & Mrs D D Chelliah Scholarship 413 Chua Ching Yee Parents for RGS Award 303 312 50 Michelle Khoo Shi Qing Lim Jia Hui Rachel RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 313 314 406 Low Rui Qi Charmaine Charis Anne Lim Gladys Ng Kai Xin “Sisters at Heart” Award (Awarded by Class of ’73) 404 205 Chan Amanda Siobhan Yu Min Ngiam Hian Kim Erica Lim Hsiu Mei Community Service Award 401 402 404 404 404 407 409 410 413 Isabelle Yoong Rui Wen Koay Yi Ping Stephanie Ang Lay Min Celeste Chan Amanda Siobhan Yu Min Clarissa Tan Yi Ying Shannon Valencia Peh Lim Boon Xin Tan Tze Hui Karen Chua Ching Yee 413 415 413 Koh Zong Qi Lee Wang Yi Lisa Tay Wei Ling Heart of Gold Award (Awarded by Class of ’68) 413 Tay Wei Ling RGS(S) Character Award 402 402 402 403 403 404 405 405 405 Amanda Choo Min Hui Andrea Widjaja Chew Ing Gum Yeap Yan Yu Stephanie Lee Xin‐Mei Laura Jacqueline Khor Tze Pei Heng Su Yun Khoo Kiah Min Jolyn Kimberly Pang Li Ting Lye Hui Min Anissa 406 408 408 408 408 414 414 414 Isdiyanah Puteri K Bte Dulkifli Beh Min Yan Lee Zi Xin Ng Rui Ashlynna Nguyen Hoang Dieu Anh Gan Hui Zhen Kee Wanyi Ng Choon Min Louisa ORA Character Award 403 Lee Xin‐Mei Laura ORA Community Service Award 402 Amanda Choo Min Hui ORA Scholarship 402 Amanda Choo Min Hui Speech Day Report 2010/2011 51 Bursaries, Awards and Scholarships - Cont’d ORA‐RGS Chapter Award 414 Gan Hui Zhen Ong Fong Wee Scholarship 113 112 Loo Yun Yi Phyllis Nur Sabrina Bte Abdul Razak KS Goh New Media & Technology Award 408 Carmee Lim Scholarship 406 Chia Yu‐Lin Claire Evelyn Norris Top Student Award 414 (2010) M N Oehlers Top Arts Award 412 (2010) Lydia Liu Tingruo Beh Min Yan Guthrie & Shaw Award 408 (2010) 415 (2010) Shanxi Jen Jie Hui Tan Mingyan Joie Cecily Hinchliffe Award 409 (2010) RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Goh Jia Yi Dorothy Buckle Top Mathema-cs & Science Award 411 (2010) 52 Tiffany Koh Wyn Min Zhang Aidi Outstanding Achievement Award Performing Arts 409 Elysia Widjaja Piano Elysia Widjaja is an accomplished pianist, and she has done well by clinching 1st prize in the 13th Interna/onal Music Competition “EUTERPE”, Italy (Piano solo Category E), as well as 3rd prize in the 14th Interna/onal Music Compe//on “PIETRO ARGENTO”, Italy (Piano Solo Category D), both held in the summer of 2011. She has also a+ended masterclasses with renowned musicians including Zhang Haochen, Dr Kenneth Hamilton, and Michael Sheppard. Sports 308 Miki Erika Nomura Gymnas-cs — Rhythmic As a member of the Gymnastics National Developmental Squad 1st team, Miki Erika Nomura was chosen to represent Singapore in the Group Event at the Asian Junior Rhythmic Gymnas/cs championships in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 2010. With her consistent performance and dedication, she was selected to represent Singapore at the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in August 2010, where the team achieved a commendable overall 5th posi/on aeer sterling performances in the Hoop and Ribbon Group Events. 409 Phaan Yi Lin Gymnas-cs — Rhythmic A member of the Na/onal Developmental Squad 1st team, Phaan Yilin par/cipated in her first ASEAN Schools Games in Bangkok in 2009, and she was one of four girls selected to represent Singapore in the Group Event at the Asian Junior Rhythmic Gymnastics championships in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 2010. She was also made captain of the four‐ women team which represented Singapore at the Youth Olympic Games. For her perseverance, discipline and contribution to the sport, she was awarded Best School Girl in Rhythmic Gymnas/cs at the Na/onal Colours Award ceremony in September 2010. In 2011, Yilin represented Singapore at the Rhythmic Gymnastics FIG World Cup in Por/mao (Portugal), where she a+ained an individual 47th in world ranking. Yilin did RGS proud at the na/onal schools competitions, and was chosen to represent Singapore Schools again at the ASEAN Schools Games in 2011, and with her outstanding performance, Yilin has qualified for the 26th Southeast Asia Games in November 2011. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 53 Outstanding Achievement Award - Cont’d 202 Elisa Yukie Yokoyama Sailing An outstanding Na/onal Youth sailor, Yukie came in 4th in the Girls Category at the 2010 IODA World Sailing Championships held in Langkawi, Malaysia, and 2nd in the Op/mist Na/ons Cup. In May and June this year, Yukie clinched a Silver Medal in 2 Interna/onal Rega+as – 2011 ITC Canary Clinic, Spain, and 2011 Dutch Youth Regatta, Netherlands. In addition, Yukie did Singapore and RGS proud by clinching 2nd posi/on in the IODA Asian Sailing Championships in Singapore in July 2011. She was a proud recipient of the Most Improved Sailor of the Year Award at the Inaugural Annual Sailing Awards on 31st July 2011. 202 Jessica Goh Kai Ling Sailing Jessica Goh has many years of sailing experience, both racing locally and overseas. For her commendable performance in the sport, Jessica was selected to represent Singapore in the recent 21st IODA Asia Sailing Championships, held on 22nd – 30th July 2011. She did Singapore proud by clinching 8th placing in the Open Category and 3rd placing in the Girls Category, despite strong compe//on from 118 sailors all across Asia. 54 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 303 Rebecca Goh Su Min Sailing A member of the High Performance Na/onal Training Squad, Rebecca emerged as the overall individual champion in this year’s Na/onal Inter‐School compe//on and was also 1st in the Singapore National Youth Championship. With her consistent outstanding performance, she went on to sail in the Laser class and was selected to represent Singapore in the World Laser 4.7 Youth Championship 2011 held in San Francisco, USA. She was one of the only two female Singaporeans to be selected for this world event.rt of the 309 Ryushda Bte Jumali Sailing An excellent sailor who pursues her passion for sailing, Ryushda mastered the keelboat at an early age. Her skill in the sport drew the attention of the Singapore Sailing Association who picked her to race in the China Cup Interna/onal Rega+a 2010, Shenzhen, China, from 22th Oct to 4th November 2010. The China Cup is an Asian version of the American Cup where sailors are expected to cross oceans. For her race, she collaborated with sailors from Hong Kong to win 1st placing. 405 Ho Ruth Airiel Sailing Airiel has been an outstanding sailor in her 4 years in RGS. She was selected in the YOG trials 2009 and was top in the YOG Asian qualifiers in Thailand. She has represented Singapore in several overseas compe//ons such as the Byte CII World Championship 2010. She is also a member of the High Performance Na/onal Training Squad. Airiel con/nues to excel in sailing taking up Laser class (which is for A Division) after the interschool competition this year. Not long aeer, she represented Singapore in the World Laser 4.7 Youth Championship 2011 held in San Francisco, USA. 205 Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn Swimming Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn is an outstanding swimmer who has broken several national swimming records. In 2010, Samantha was one of the youngest representative at the 16th Asian Games, Guangzhou, China, held from 12th ‐ 27th November 2010. At the Games, she achieved a commendable 13th position and broke the Under‐14 Na/onal record as well. Samantha was also impressive in her 100m Breaststroke and 200m Breaststroke events, achieving 11th and 9th position respectively. Come 11th – 22nd November 2011, Samantha will make her second debut with Team Singapore at the 26th Southeast Asia Games at Jakarta‐Palembang, Indonesia. 414 Koh Hui Yu Swimming Koh Hui Yu represented Singapore in the 200m Individual Medley and 4 x 100m Freestyle relay at the 16th Asian Games, Guangzhou, China, held from 12th – 27th November 2010, where she achieved a commendable 9th and 5th posi/on respec/vely. At the recently concluded 3rd ASEAN Schools Games 2011, she anchored the Singapore ASG team with two Golds in 100m Freestyle and 4 x 100m Medley Relay (both at New Meet Records time), two Silvers in 200m Freestyle and 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay (a New Meet Record), and a 4th posi/on in the 200m Individual Medley event. Come 11th – 22nd November 2011, Hui Yu will make her second debut with Team Singapore at the 26th Southeast Asia Games at Jakarta‐Palembang, Indonesia. 404 (2010) Lim Xin Jing Cheryl Swimming Cheryl Lim was chosen as one of four female swimmers to represent Singapore in the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games, held in Singapore from 14th – 26th August 2010. Cheryl held her ground against older and bigger swimmers to swim into the Semi‐Finals of the 50m Breaststroke. She also swam for Team Singapore in 100m and 200m Breaststroke events. Between 30th October to 7th November 2010, Cheryl was also selected by Singapore Swimming Associa/on (SSA) to par/cipate in the FINA Swimming World Cup 2010 Speech Day Report 2010/2011 55 Outstanding Achievement Award - Cont’d (Europe leg), where she competed against the world’s best swimmers in three different cities ‐ Berlin, Moscow and Stockholm. Uniformed Groups 403 Chong Siu Min Sandra Girls’ Brigade Sandra’s principled and collaborative nature led to her achievement of the highest award for Girls’ Brigade, the Pioneer Brigadier Brooch (PBB), which requires her to complete her Senior and Pioneer badgework to a+ain the Pioneer Pin. She has fully demonstrated excellence in both character and leadership skills in the PBB Selec/on Camp where she was given challenges to tackle. 407 Kwek Mei Yin Girls’ Brigade Mei Yin’s principled and collaborative nature led to her achievement of the highest award for Girls’ Brigade, the Pioneer Brigadier Brooch (PBB), which requires her to complete her Senior and Pioneer badgework to a+ain the Pioneer Pin. She has fully demonstrated excellence in both character and leadership skills in the PBB Selec/on Camp where she was given challenges to tackle. 56 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 404 Maehanyi Frances Rajendram Girl Guides Maehanyi is a 2011 Patrol Leader and a recipient of the prestigious President’s Guide Award – the pinnacle of achievement for any Girl Guide. She has led her company to achieve a Puan Noor Aishah Gold Award 2010 as well as high honours in the various compe//ons held throughout the year. On an individual level, she has duly completed all the modules in the 5‐point‐programme, a+ained a Gold badge and earned many proficiency badges. 408 Joceline Yong Yoong‐Yee Girl Guides Joceline is the 2011 Company Leader of 2nd Coy and a recipient of the pres/gious President’s Guide Award – the pinnacle of achievement for any Girl Guide. She has led her company to achieve a Puan Noor Aishah Gold Award 2010 as well as high honours in the various compe//ons held throughout the year. On an individual level, she has duly completed all the modules in the 5‐point‐programme, attained a Gold badge and earned many proficiency badges. 412 Hanin Insyirah Bte Mohd Amir Girl Guides Hanin is a recipient of the prestigious President’s Guide Award – the pinnacle of achievement for any Girl Guide. She has contributed greatly to her company by par/cipa/ng actively in various activities and competitions, and has played a key part towards achieving the Puan Noor Aishah Gold Award 2010 for her company. She has also duly completed all modules in the 5‐point‐programme, a+ained a Gold badge and earned many proficiency badges. 413 Koh Wei Yi Girl Guides Wei Yi is the 2011 Company Leader of 1st Coy and a recipient of the pres/gious President’s Guide Award – the pinnacle of achievement for any Girl Guide. She has led her company to achieve a Puan Noor Aishah Gold Award 2010 as well as high honours in the various compe//ons held throughout the year. On an individual level, she has duly completed all the modules in the 5‐point‐programme, a+ained a Gold badge and earned many proficiency badges. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 57 Outstanding Achievement Award (with Distinction) 405 Goh Min Hui Felicia Girls’ Brigade Felicia’s principled and collaborative nature led to her achievement of the highest award for Girls’ Brigade, the Pioneer Brigadier Brooch (PBB), which requires her to complete her Senior and Pioneer badgework to a+ain the Pioneer Pin. Furthermore, in recogni/on of her excellent character and outstanding leadership skills in the PBB Selec/on Camp, she was awarded the pres/gious PBB with Dis/nc/on — a testament to the exemplary quali/es that she has consistently displayed as Chairperson of GB in RGS. 206 Jennifer Yan Golf Jennifer Yan is awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award (With Dis/nc/on) for her excellence and commitment in golf. At the age of 15, with a Handicap Index® of 1 (as at 1 July 2011), she has already achieved remarkable results in many compe//ons. In October 2010, Jennifer competed in the Ladies European Tour – Suzhou Taihu Ladies Open 2010, at the Suzhou International Golf Club, Suzhou, China. In this compe//on, she achieved 15th placing out of 108 compe/tors from 18 countries. In November 2010, she achieved a remarkable Women’s Individual Silver and Women’s Team Silver in the 16th Asian Games 2010 in Guangzhou, China. Jennifer also took part in the 33rd Queen Sirikit Cup in New Delhi, India, in March 2011 where 58 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL she achieved an individual 8th and a team 3rd, out of 41 compe/tors from 14 countries. In May 2011, she competed in the pres/gious US Women’s Open Qualifyer, where she achieved a 20th placing out of 104 individuals. In July 2011, Jennifer represented Singapore Schools in the 3rd ASEAN Schools Games, achieving an individual 1st and a team 3rd. 409 (2010) Goh Jia Yi Shoo-ng Goh Jia Yi is an outstanding shooter in the Na/onal Shoo/ng Team, and she has many years of shooting experience both locally and overseas. In the Singapore Open Shoo/ng Competition 2010, her sterling performance helped her team a+ain 2nd in the 10m Air Rifle Women Event, and Jia Yi won for herself a bronze in the Individual Event. With her consistent performance, she was selected to represent Singapore in the 16th Asian Games 2010 at Guangzhou, China. Her team a+ained 11th posi/on in the 10m Air Rifle Women Event and she was ranked 45th in the individual event. In March and April 2011, Jia Yi went on to represent Singapore at the ISSF World Cup Rifle / Pistol in Sydney, Australia, and Changwon, Korea, where she par/cipated in the 10m Air Rifle Individual Women category. Rafflesian Award 411 (2010) Zhang Aidi for three years running, 2008, 2009 and 2010. The Rafflesian award is the most prestigious award given to a daughter of the RGS family. She epitomises the values and ideals that define the ethos of the school. This year, the award is presented to Zhang Aidi for sterling all‐round excellence in the aesthetics and academic domains. Not content with just excelling in academics, Aidi was a high achiever in co‐curricular ac/vi/es as well. She was a member of the Strings Ensemble from 2007 to 2008, and was awarded the Outstanding Performance award for her contribu/ons to the Mathema/cs Society in 2009. She was also the Chairperson of the society in 2010. An accomplished musician, Aidi was accepted into the Young Ar/st (Piano) Programme with full scholarship from the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, NUS in 2007. She has performed at the Royal College of Music and Purcell School of Music, UK, and was sponsored by the Na/onal Arts Council in Singapore to perform in the Kirishima Interna/onal Piano Fes/val in Japan in 2009. Aidi was in the RGS Talent Development Programme and completed her Raffles Academy Programme Mathema/cs course in 2008. In the same year, she received the Outstanding Academic Performance award and was selected to be part of the Singapore National Training Team for the International Mathematical Olympiad. In 2009, she received a Dis/nc/on Award and the 3M Best Poster Award for her project in the Science Mentorship Programme, the A*STAR Science Scholarship, and the Young Defence Scien/sts Programme Award. She also obtained a Silver in the Singapore Science and Engineering Fair and Singapore Junior Chemistry Olympiad. In 2010, she won the Singapore Mathema/cal Olympiad Gold Award. She is also the recipient of the American Mathema/cs Compe//on Dis/nc/on award Even with her many accolades, Aidi remains down to earth, respectful of her peers and grateful to her teachers. She truly epitomises all the quali/es of an RGS girl and is a true Rafflesian in both mind and spirit. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 59 Cengal Awards Individual Dr Shawn Kaihekulani Yamauchi Lum, Lecturer, Natural Sciences & Science Education Department, NIE Dr Lum has been a key partner and keen supporter of various Science and environmental programmes at RGS. His collabora/on with RGS began in 1999 with the Mandai Reforesta/on Project. This project brought together local and interna/onal schools and government agencies in the name of educa/on and community ac/on. The project expanded to include an annual Nature Learning Camp for primary and secondary school students and this was the precursor to the Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory (WELL). His close partnership with the RGS Biology department provided opportuni/es for the teachers to consult and work with him to develop the Biology curriculum and teaching approaches as well as mentor students for their research projects. In the 12 years of partnership with RGS, he has contributed his /me, exper/se and resources to the school but, more importantly, it has been his passion for educa/on and the environment, and the wealth of knowledge that we most appreciate about him. These quali/es have been an inspira/on to both students and staff. 60 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Dr Shirley Lim, President, Research Communica-on Interna-onal Pte Ltd Dr Lim has been a valued partner with her unstinting support of various Leadership development programmes, and as a role model for alumni engagement with the school. As Patron of the Interna/onal Conven/on for Youth Leaders (ICYL), she nurtured the fledgling ICYL (2006) into what it stands for today – a foremost conven/on known amongst schools for its vision in challenging women leaders of tomorrow. As alumni, she willingly gave /me and guidance, as well as galvanized other alumni to support the school’s efforts at ins/tu/ng the Evergreen Award. Over the years, she has contributed her /me, exper/se and resources to the school but, more importantly, it is her passion for educa/on and the young women of RGS that we most appreciate, which has been an inspira/on to both students and staff. Organisa-on Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Prac-ce (CRPP) In April 2010, the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Prac/ce signed a Le+er of Intent with RGS, establishing a formal partnership. This partnership provided the basis for on‐going professional discourse and collabora/on between CRPP and RGS Pedagogical Research Lab (RGS PeRL). Dr Lee Yim Ping shared her research exper/se as Researcher‐ in‐Residence with weekly visits to RGS as part of the RGS PeRL’s research and consultancy ac/vi/es. The partnership provided theory‐practice nexus in educational inquiry by facilitating an organic, purposeful dialogue between the practitioners and the theoreticians and thereby bridges the gap between educa/onal theories and actual prac/ce. CRPP’s partnership also extended into a research study on RGS’ educational reforms in 2009–2010 which was both extensive and intensive. The study ascertained some of the key factors for the success of whole‐school reform (that is, organisational and pedagogical reforms) in adopting the Raffles Programme. We are especially grateful that the study characterized the student experience as one where there was explora/on of ideas and students were able to deepen their understanding and develop meaning in what was learned. Economic Development Board (EDB) RGS has had the unstinting support of the Economic Development Board through its Human Resources Development Fund. Together with GSK, the EDB has supported the development of the Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory (WELL) and provided 6 study grants for outstanding students in the Raffles Academy — our programme that nurtures very talented students in the upper levels in subjects such as Higher Chinese Language, Mathema/cs, Sciences, Literature, History and Geography. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) GSK shares RGS’ vision for educa/on, especially in offering school children a ‘borderless classroom’ experience and the opportunity to learn about nature within the natural sexng. It is with this vision that GSK so generously sponsored the establishment of the Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory (WELL) together with RGS and the Economic Development Board (EDB) in 2009. WELL is the first environmental learning laboratory in Singapore. It is a one‐stop learning centre in the Dairy Farm Nature Park for scien/fic research, na/onal educa/on, community service, teacher training and interna/onal exchange. GSK‐EDB also made provisions for 6 study grants for outstanding students in the Raffles Academy — our programme that nurtures very talented students in the upper levels in subjects such as Higher Chinese Language, Mathematics, the Sciences, Literature, History and Geography. Speech Day Report 2010/2011 61 Cengal Awards - Cont’d NParks RGS’ collaboration with NParks began in 1993 when the Environmental Club students, together with Mrs Ummu Choo (then the Teacher‐in‐charge), adopted a small plot of forest in the Bukit Timah area for two years. In 1999 RGS re‐established partnership with NParks through the Mandai Reforesta/on Project — an ini/a/ve that was established by Dr Shawn Lum, an NIE Lecturer. Since then, NParks has con/nued to be a valued partner in various ways; namely, co‐organising the Annual Nature Learning Camp, providing expertise and resources for our Research Studies and Community Problem Solving groups, gran/ng RGS special permission to carry out studies in natural and protected areas, collabora/ng in environmental outreach programmes like ‘Fun with Nature’ for primary school children and the public and, more recently, the construc/on of the Wallace Educa/on Centre and partnering with RGS to establish the Wallace Environmental Learning Laboratory (WELL). 62 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Staff Awards RGS Long Service Awards 2011 Mrs Lee‐Lim Chyn Miss Wong Wei Peng Sally Mdm Loy Hui Nin Mdm Eriyanty Binte Tugi Mrs Alina Wee Ms Hoo Ka Mun Carmen Ms Kum Suat Sie Sandi Ms Lee Hui Ling Chris/na 20 years 20 years Head of Admissions Head of Department – Science Humani/es Department 15 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years Languages Department Senior Teacher – Humani/es Department Subject Head – PE Year 4 Head of Year Mathema/cs Department Mathema/cs Deparment 10 years Front Office, Administra/on Long Service Medals 2011 Mr Ng Hwee Chung Edward Ms Lim Shok Hoon Mr Chan Siong Weng Deputy Principal – Pupil & Faculty Development Humani/es Department Laboratory A+endant MOE Long Service Award 2011 Mrs Julie Hoo 20 years Principal Service to Educa-on Award 2011 for School Advisory Commi\ee / School Management Commi\ee / Board Members Mr Kwek Leng Kee 20 years & above Member Na-onal Day Awards Commenda*on Medal 2011 Mr Michael Francis Jalleh Director – Academic Studies Speech Day Report 2010/2011 63 Record of Achievements 64 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Record of Achievements Scholarships: Undergraduate President’s Scholarship 2011 411 (2008) Xiao Yifei PSC Undergraduate Scholarships 2011 Overseas Merit Scholarship (Legal Service) 411 (2008) Ting Yue Xin Victoria 414 (2008) Ng May 414 (2008) Teo Meng Hui Jocelyn Overseas Merit Scholarship (Open) 411 (2008) Nur Fikri Bte Mohamed Rafik A 411 (2008) Xiao Yifei 415 (2008) Ong Pei Wen Joyce Singapore Government Scholarship (Open) 411 (2008) Han Lyn 413 (2008) Li Jiawen Mabel 413 (2008) Lim Shin Hui 414 (2008) Ooi Li Ting 414 (2008) Sanusha D/O S Sritharan 414 (2008) Tee Zhi Yu HUS Undergraduate Scholarships 2011 Singapore Government Scholarship (Police) 415 (2008) Jolene Kua Hwee Min Local Merit Scholarship (Central Narco*cs Bureau) 402 (2008) Goh Pei Ying MFA Undergraduate Scholarships 2011 Singapore Government Scholarship (Foreign Service) 406 (2008) Wong Zhan Yi, Debby MOE Teaching Scholarships 2011 Educa*on Merit Scholarship 402 (2008) Celine Chia Jing Chuan 410 (2008) Aqilah Bte Abdul Rahim 411 (2008) Shong Kai/ng Grace 413 (2008) Rebecca Tan En Hui 415 (2008) Tan En Ci Michelle Teaching Scholarship (Local) 411 (2008) Loong Xiu Fen Shona 412 (2008) Hannah Lois Ng Speech Day Report 2010/2011 65 Record of Achievements - Cont’d Teaching Scholarship (Overseas) 406 (2008) Chng Wen Ting Charlo+e 406 (2008) Lai Ying Xiang 409 (2008) Yeo Tze Qing MOT Undergraduate Scholarships 2011 CAAS Overseas Scholarship 403 (2008) Chan Ki Wan LTA Overseas Scholarship 403 (2008) Gu Wei Te MPA Overseas Scholarship 402 (2008) Yeo Hui Shan Evon 403 (2008) Lim Yi Mun Rachel MAS Undergraduate Scholarship 402 (2008) Liao Longchuan MICA Scholarship 408 (2007) Devandran Arathi 403 (2008) Yeo Hui Eng, Tricia 411 (2008) Leong Shiyi, Pauline 66 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL A*STAR Na-onal Science Scholarship (BS) 410 (2007) 402 (2008) 411 (2008) 413 (2008) 414 (2008) 415 (2008) Debbie Goh Hui Jie Yong Jia Min Germaine Ramyiadarsini Indira Elangovan Zhang Le/an Stella Felicia Clara Tan Jun Hui Toh Jia Ying Agri‐Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) Undergraduate Scholarship 404 (2008) Leo Yi Ning Jus/na DSTA Overseas Scholarship 404 (2008) 410 (2008) 411 (2008) 413 (2008) Yong Ruo Xi Kan Yan Ting Jamie Ruth Ng Ii‐Yung Ng Zhen Yi Economic Development Board (EDB) Scholarship 404 (2008) Crystalbel Foo Shi Yun 412 (2008) Ang Jia Xian 414 (2008) Casatrina Lee Yi‐Wei Energy Market Authority (EMA) Scholarship JTC Undergraduate Scholarship 402 (2008) Ren Kejia 409 (2008) Ng Li Hui Government of Singapore Investment Corpora-on (GIC) Global Scholarship 409 (2008) Zeng Jingyin HDB Undergraduate Scholarship (Overseas) 404 (2007) 411 (2008) 412 (2008) 413 (2008) Koh Wen Si Gladys Sharon Preethi George Avril Su Ting Lee Lee Zi Chan Violet Health Science & Nursing Scholarship 401 (2008) 401 (2008) 402 (2008) 405 (2008) 405 (2008) 406 (2008) 406 (2008) 407 (2008) Liyana Nabilah Binte Zainal Wee Pei Yu Wille+e Chan Li Ying Hsiang Cheng Chia Mok Xue Ting Joelle Dew Isabel Low Yingxian Lim Jia Yen Anna Li Xinjia Na-onal Environment and Water (NEW) Scholarship 402 (2008) 404 (2008) 411 (2008) 413 (2008) 412 (2009) 414 (2009) Chen Yangmasha Lim Jing Xian Lee Xin Min Ho Joon Ting Tan Joo Gian Tay Zong Min NTU ASEAN Scholarship 402 (2008) Le Hong Ngoc 407 (2008) Anastasia Nissa Melina NTU College Scholarship 402 (2008) 404 (2008) 405 (2008) 407 (2008) 412 (2008) Jenny Chiang Zhang Shijia Wee Yun Han Wu Liang Si Elissa Low Jia Min Speech Day Report 2010/2011 67 Record of Achievements - Cont’d NTU Nanyang Scholarship 408 (2008) Koh Kah Bian 411 (2008) Lim Zhen Rui Jeane+e 414 (2008) Nitya Anthony NTU PRC Scholarship 410 (2008) Yang Shi Singapore Tourism Board (STB) Scholarship 410 (2007) Sim Hwei Ching Marissa Louise 412 (2008) Laura Gan Wei Lyn URA Scholarship 410 (2008) Lisa Chan Shin Ying 411 (2008) He Yu/an NAC Scholarships NAC Arts Scholarship (Overseas) 401 (2008) Che Xinwei Wesleyan University Freeman Asian Scholarship 68 412 (2007) Jill Tan Jie’En RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Scholarships: Secondary Young Defence Scien-sts Programme Scholarship 2011 301 301 Sris/ Acharya Wen Xingyue RGS Talent (Sports ) Scholarship 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 103 Alicia Loo Yi Hui Chung Shiqi Lim Jia Hui Shanice Shriya Chexar Stephanie Ler Fen Li R Shalleeni Michelle Teo Yin Zhi Ashly Lau Wei‐Ning Chow Siew Yen Annabelle Badminton Badminton Badminton Basketball Basketball Basketball Gymnas/cs – Ar/s/c and Trampoline Gymnas/cs – Ar/s/c and Trampoline Gymnas/cs – Ar/s/c and Trampoline 108 108 108 108 102 110 102 108 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 106 106 Kelly Ann Pereira Hui Ling Lim Wan Ling Dawne Chua Yun Xi Ashley Elizabeth Kwan Ka‐Yan Ariqah Az Zahra Bte Norkhalim Eyu Yan Yan Nadia Quek Wei Si Han Jing Bertha Ng Yu Qin Jeane+e Some En Qi Tseng Wei Wen Rachel Marjorie Abielle Yeo Zhi Min Rachel Soh Ren Tze Chan Fang Yi Teo Ee Lynn Chloe Wang Wenyi Li Jia Xin Woo Sze Qi Laura Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Netball Netball Netball Sailing Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Table Tennis Table Tennis 110 106 103 103 103 102 102 102 204 308 409 304 306 315 309 415 415 Celine Phua Li Ting Calista Ng Yunyi Tan Hui Xin Izabella Koey Hui Li Yurie Clarisse Gan Jia Shuen Megan Gwee Su‐Lyn Lee Si Jia Michelle Han Rae Ann Charmaine Yeo Yan Miki Erika Nomura Phaan Yi Lin Chia Daphne Theresa Yun Shan Chong Mei Gan Megan Tan Wei Lin Jolene Yeo Xiu Wen Teo Jing‐Wen Teo Kay Lynn Table Tennis Table Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tenpin Bowling Tenpin Bowling Tenpin Bowling Gymnas/cs – Ar/s/c Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Speech Day Report 2010/2011 69 Record of Achievements - Cont’d 205 414 Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn Koh Hui Yu Swimming Swimming Awards: Undergraduate MOE Teaching Award 412 (2008) Tan Ee Chen Michelle 408 (2008) Vera Yuen Xin En Awards: Pre‐University The Lee Kuan Yew Mathema-cs and Science Award 411 (2010) Cai Anni 411 (2010) Cheng Jingjie 411 (2010) Zhang Aidi Prime Minister’s Book Prize (GCE ‘O’ Level Category) 412 (2010) Lydia Liu Tingruo 411 (2010) Cai Anni 70 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 411 (2010) Zhang Aidi 410 (2010) Rebecca Margaret Ranee Jeyaraj 410 (2010) Nur A/qah Bte Azhari Singapore Police Force Book Prize 2011 401 (2009) Du Xuan 409 (2009) Cherie Gan Le Si Young Defence Scien-sts Programme Academic Award 2011 411 (2010) Zhang Aidi 409 (2010) Kelly Kuo Kai Li Mathema/cs Physics Awards: Secondary Prime Minister’s Book Prize (PSLE Category) 109 112 111 111 Yip Kum Foong Kellie Aqilah Dariah Mohd Zulkarnain Sambhavi Rajangam Sree Shivani Sathyian A*STAR Science Award (Upper Secondary) 2011 MOELC Performance Awards 2011 401 401 401 401 401 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 403 403 403 405 405 407 408 409 213 302 302 306 311 301 401 401 414 Cheah Qinrong Koo Hui Fen Liu Ziwei Mu Yijun Zera Ong Huixuan Amanda Choo Min Hui Andrea Widjaja Chew Ing Gum Cherie Seah Xinyi Chew Li Ting Natasha Nabila Bte Muhamad N Samantha Chan Chai Ying Wong Shi Min Sophia Leong Shi Xuan Sun Yiming Wang Meng Chow Hui Xuan Tan Hwee Min Michelle Pamela Ting Li Ming Beh Min Yan Tang Xiao Qiu Biqing Alicia Lian Yingjie Goh Pei Shan Lee Jiaqi Amanda Eugenia Tang Ying Xin Grace Sum Jia En Pung Zi Bing Zera Ong Huixuan Tay Min Young Defence Scien-sts Programme Academic Award 2011 404 403 Rachael Sim Hwee Ling Jiao Wenfei Mathema/cs Physics Evergreen Leadership Development Award 301 301 302 302 Lim Xin En Michelle Yao Hui Wen Sarah Ang Yu Xin Huang Yu Wei Cheryl Speech Day Report 2010/2011 71 Record of Achievements - Cont’d 302 302 305 305 306 306 307 310 310 312 312 72 Lee Shu Ying Louise Marie Yak Jie Min Jasmine Beatrix Chan Yew Ling Genevieve Kong Qian Yu Kirsten Ho En‐Ting Wee Yen Jean Chia Yan Min Kimberly Chua Jia Min Lee Bao Yi Pauline Celeste Tang Lim Jia Hui Rachel Outstanding Leadership Sports CCAs 414 Lim Yun Qi Sheryl 407 Stefanie Goh Wei Lynn 414 Shirlyn Teo Yih Pei 411 Ting Gin Qing Carrissa 413 Amanda Hsiung Rouwen 414 Lim Xi Ern Chris/na Badminton Fencing Gymnas/cs – Ar/s/c Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Judo Judo RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 406 Koh Ling Ying 413 Amanda Charmaine Eng 412 Lim Jie Ying 413 Chua Ching Yee 415 Esna Ong Ee Na 402 Melissa Foo Rei Min 413 Ng Wei Lin 404 Annabel Tay Yi Qing 414 Tan Wan Xin Uniformed Group CCAs 408 Joceline Yong Yoong Yee 411 Lim Yin Yu 413 Koh Wei Yi 404 Borate Nikita Shankarrao 404 Sng Jielin 405 Goh Min Hui Felicia 405 Khoo Jingyi Maple 405 Lee Yu Teng 406 Cheong Shu En Joelle 407 Kwek Mei Yin Sailing Sailing Shoo/ng Soeball Soeball Squash Table Tennis Tenpin Bowling Track and Cross Country Girl Guides Girl Guides Girl Guides Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade 409 409 410 412 405 405 411 411 411 412 415 415 401 Teo Wei Ling Velyn Lee Hui Min Chaslyn Yan Guo Ling Chen Wanlun Phua Shi Ying Vivian Chew Chin Hui Vun Chris/na Jessie Lim Jie Sin Poh Hui Xian Mimi Amira Bte Zainal Abidin Chiang Ling Ling Lee Jia Ying Valerie Goh Yan Han Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Na/onal Cadet Corps (Air) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Air) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Air) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Air) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Air) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na/onal Police Cadet Corps (Sea) 403 Lee Jian Jia Rebekah 412 Lee Jia Lin 402 Loh Yi Jun 403 Zheng Shi Hui Performing Arts CCAs 401 Vanessa Malishree Dharmaratnam 411 Aletheia Chia Zhi Hui 414 Wang Zhuo Ning 401 Low Yi Xian 401 Vivian Goh Yit Min 415 Huang Huijun 410 Poh Gin Teng 413 Chen Wei Ting Na/onal Police Cadet Corps (Sea) Na/onal Police Cadet Corps (Sea) Red Cross Youth Red Cross Youth Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Speech Day Report 2010/2011 73 Record of Achievements - Cont’d 406 Chia Yu‐Lin Claire 414 Tan Xining 403 Phang Min Ee 412 Nur Hadziqah D/O Mohamed H K 407 Axya Bte Ashraf Ali 415 Lidia Wong Yan Xin 407 Renisha Paul Mukkam 401 Deepa Selvaraj 407 G Visveswari 406 Isdiyanah Puteri K Bte Dulkifli 407 Nur Anisa Putrian/ Bte Razali 408 Melissa Ng Li Ling 410 Ho Ting En 413 Sitoh Ying Yue Nadya 413 Tan Yen Jee Clubs and Socie*es CCAs 413 Grace Guo Shi Yun 409 Amanda Han Jin Juen 74 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Choir Dance – Interna/onal English Drama English Drama Guitar Ensemble Guitar Ensemble Indian Dance Indian Orchestra Indian Orchestra Malay Dance Malay Dance Raffles Ringers Raffles Ringers String Ensemble String Ensemble Art & Crae Club Debate and Oratorical Society 410 M Premikha 410 Somasundaram Alagu 407 Axya Bte Ashraf Ali 412 Nur Amirah Bte Md Yusoff 412 Nur Amirah Bte Norjula 401 Ding Yuan Belinda 401 Yee Wearn Xin 405 Chng Hui Yie 402 Evangeline Ong Yiling Service CCAs 404 Chong Kar Mun 412 Chen Wanlun Indian Cultural Society Indian Cultural Society Malay Cultural Society Malay Cultural Society Malay Cultural Society Mathema/cs Society Mathema/cs Society Raffles Mind Sports Robo/cs Club Audio Visual / Public Address Library Leadership Boards 402 Amanda Choo Min Hui 402 Yeap Yan Yu Stephanie 403 Lee Xin‐Mei Laura 408 Ng Rui Ashlynna 405 Khoo Kiah Min Jolyn 414 Gan Hui Zhen 414 Kee Wanyi 402 Andrea Widjaja Chew Ing Gum 403 Chong Siu Min Sandra 403 Jacqueline Khor Tze Pei 408 Nguyen Hoang Dieu Anh 405 Kimberly Pang Li Ting 414 Ng Choon Min Louisa 406 Isdiyanah Puteri K Bte Dulkifli Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Peer Support Board Peer Support Board Peer Support Board Student Congress Student Congress Student Congress Student Congress Buckle House Hadley House Richardson House 404 408 405 Heng Su Yun Beh Min Yan Lye Hui Min Anissa Outstanding Service Tarbet House Tarbet House Waddle House Service CCAs 401 Ding Yuan Belinda 403 Lee Jian Jia Rebekah 403 Leong Shi Xuan 408 Regina Marie Lee Shu Wei Audio Visual / Public Address Library Library Tribune Leadership Boards 402 Evangeline Ong Yiling 403 Cai Xiaohan 405 Duan Duoni 406 Lye Han Jun 408 Lee Zi Xin Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Speech Day Report 2010/2011 75 Record of Achievements - Cont’d 412 415 410 401 402 407 408 410 413 408 413 412 76 Emiline Madhuri Elangovan Huang Huijun Annabel Soh Chien Ying Lim Qiao Yan Eda Seet Yun Teng Lee Chian Hui Amanda Wang Maegan Tseng Soo Tan Min Chih Chua Ching Yee Moira Low Ching Lee Si Hui Stephanie Chen Wanlun RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Prefectorial Board Peer Support Board Peer Support Board Peer Support Board Peer Support Board Peer Support Board Peer Support Board Student Congress Buckle House Richardson House 412 414 415 402 414 408 408 408 414 Balachandar Nivedha Neo Kai Ling Chen Yimin Le//a Seet Yun Teng Tan Xining Moira Low Ching Ng Rui Ashlynna Tham Seen Mun Melissa Lim Enyu Joeline Outstanding Performance Richardson House Richardson House Richardson House Tarbet House Tarbet House Waddle House Waddle House Waddle House Waddle House Sports CCAs 102 Chung Shiqi 102 Lim Jia Hui Shanice 208 Lee Shu Zhen 208 Ong Ren‐Ne 303 Chong Fui Jin 309 Chiu Jing Wen 202 Denise Tan Shi Min Badminton Badminton Badminton Badminton Badminton Badminton Fencing 206 210 213 310 415 206 409 103 204 108 108 204 304 306 306 Donna Li Lim Wong Jie Yi Chloe Grace Tern Jia Wen Thalia Lee Ping Chiang Ling Ling Jennifer Yan Goh Jen Michelle Teo Yin Zhi Charmaine Yeo Yan Dawne Chua Yun Xi Kelly Ann Pereira Hui Ling Claudia Ng Jing Wen Chia Daphne Theresa Yun Shan Chong Mei Gan Megan See Kai Li Denise Fencing Fencing Fencing Fencing Fencing Golf Golf Gymnas/cs – Ar/s/c Gymnas/cs – Ar/s/c Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic 406 406 409 201 201 205 205 207 209 309 315 409 413 414 208 208 208 209 301 Chew Min Yi Desiree Poa Hui Hoon Clara Phaan Yi Lin Low Hwee Ngee Dawn Low Jia YI Joey Charis Tay Si En Fadhillah Mohamed Faizan Lim Yong Ling Ng Poh Ni Melissa Humaira Bhadelia Cheong Hui Shyuan Pang Yong Ting Roanna Amanda Hsiung Rouwen Lim Xi Ern Chris/na Koh Qi Qian Rukmini Roy Tessa Wong Ting Amanda Yew Chiu Ting M Charmaine Malini Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Gymnas/cs – Rhythmic Judo Judo Judo Judo Judo Judo Judo Judo Judo Judo Judo Netball Netball Netball Netball Netball Speech Day Report 2010/2011 77 Record of Achievements - Cont’d 401 404 405 410 413 202 202 211 303 312 408 206 308 314 409 107 203 206 206 211 212 78 Dawne Lim Wan Yi Netball Evangelyn Koh Sihui Netball Rebekah Valerie Yeo Yi Wei Netball Joy Wong Qing En Netball Chan Lee Chin Netball Elisa Yukie Yokoyama Sailing Fathin Rasyiqah Bte Mohamed F Sailing Samantha Annabelle Neubronner Sailing Rebecca Goh Su Min Sailing Lim Jia Hui Rachel Sailing Koh Ling Ying Sailing Bernice Tan Rui Lin Shoo/ng Lv Liran Shoo/ng Maggy Lory Shoo/ng Desker Reesa Corrie Shoo/ng Annabelle Lim Jia Sing Squash Teo Rui En Nicole Squash Chong Yin Jean Squash Tay Kay Shayne Michelle Squash Tan Jia En Clara Squash Judy Hong Ruilan Squash RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 311 402 414 414 105 105 105 105 205 306 309 310 314 315 315 405 414 415 106 110 207 Heidi Tan Yan Ting Melissa Foo Rei Min Kimberly Chan Yuan Ling Tang Si Ning Crystal Chan Fang Yi Chloe Wang Wenyi Rachel Soh Reh Tze Tseng Wei Wen Rachel Marjorie Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn Chelsea Lin Fuchs Yeo Xiu Wen Vanessa Chong Wen‐Li Grace Tan Su‐En Gayle Tan Su‐Hui Jolene Tan Li Xuan Lye Hui Min Anissa Koh Hui Yu Teo Jing‐Wen Li Jia Xin Celine Phua Li Ting Ng Xue Qi Squash Squash Squash Squash Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis 207 309 310 311 311 314 409 413 103 103 103 202 202 306 307 314 102 205 205 205 308 Tang JIawen Cheryl Liao Fang Lam Teng Si Lim Yi Xuan Wong Hoi Ching Wan Yuquan Tan Sherilyn Ng Wei Lin Clarisse Gan Jia Shuen Koey Hui Li Yurie Tan Hui Xin Izabella Lim Shan Min Angela Tan Claris Sabrina Bay Tan Hui Ling Rehmat Johal Ting Yang Gin Megan Gwee Su‐Lyn Lorraine Fong Rei Tan Rou Xi Sapphire Yeo Ruoqi Joey Low Danlei Cheri+a Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tenpin Bowling Tenpin Bowling Tenpin Bowling Tenpin Bowling Tenpin Bowling 404 411 Lim Wan Yi Juleen Ng Michelle Tenpin Bowling Tenpin Bowling Uniformed Groups CCAs 404 Maehanyi Frances Rajendram 408 Joceline Yong Yoong Yee 412 Hanin Insyirah Bte Mohd Amir 413 Koh Wei Yi 403 Chong Siu Min Sandra 405 Goh Min Hui Felicia 407 Kwek Mei Yin 405 Claudia Cheng Mun Kei 412 Mimi Amira Binte Zainal Abidin 412 Nur Amirah Binte Norjula 415 Chiang Ling Ling 415 Lee Jia Ying Valerie 415 Teo Hui Wen Girl Guides Girl Guides Girl Guides Girl Guides Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Girls’ Brigade Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na/onal Cadet Corps (Land) Speech Day Report 2010/2011 79 Record of Achievements - Cont’d Performing Arts CCAs 305 Tan Pei Yu 305 Vanessa Chiam Yi Ting 309 Michelle Chan Cai Hong 310 Lee Bao Yi Pauline 312 Toh Xiu Si Tracey 314 Kwan Jing Yi 403 Trishala Thamilselvan 407 Sonia Vijendran 408 Moira Low Ching 409 Elysia Widjaja 412 Lee Ying 80 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble 412 412 414 401 401 403 403 404 404 405 410 413 413 413 414 414 415 202 204 Li Ziyun Nur Amirah Bte Mohammad Theng Hui Lin Cheryl Low Yi Xian Vivian Goh Yit Min Geng Zhao Chong Tsai Min‐Yi Celine Tham Yi Xin Leung Yao Chi Gloria Duan Duoni Tan Ching Hazel Ho Ying Qin Jamie Ng Jia Min Tan Chong Rong Kee Wangyi Low Xing Ern Huang Huijun Teo Wan Xin Phionna Liu Lijia Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Angklung Ensemble Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Chinese Drama Chinese Drama 401 403 408 401 403 403 403 406 406 410 411 412 413 Pung Zi Bing Wei Lianqiong Liu Guanqi Liu Ziwei Cai Xiaohan Lim Rei Nicole Ong Yu Yan Clara Chia Jing Ying Koshae Tan Poh Gin Teng Vivian Chow Jie Mei Tay Hui Hsien Chen Wei Ting Chinese Drama Chinese Drama Chinese Drama Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra Chinese Orchestra 402 402 406 406 408 409 409 410 411 411 413 401 407 413 414 310 405 412 Pah Wye Yan Kimberley Victoria Yeo Hui Neng Michelle Wang Shu/ng Miew Jiamin Caitlan Loo Cheng Yi Lim Zhen Ting Jodyn Sabrina Wong Si Hwei Bianche Lim Yi Lei Han Kai Lin Emeline Reetaza Cha+erjee Tay Wei Ling Evangeline Seah Tng Yue Qi Germaine Koh Zong Qi Neo Kai Ling Won Xue Li Khoo Kiah Min Jolyn Emiline Madhuri Elangovan Choir Choir Choir Choir Choir Choir Choir Choir Choir Choir Choir Dance – Interna/onal Dance – Interna/onal Dance – Interna/onal Dance – Interna/onal English Drama English Drama English Drama Speech Day Report 2010/2011 81 Record of Achievements - Cont’d 408 411 415 201 203 211 304 308 311 315 407 412 308 308 309 406 410 311 402 82 Foo Zi Rei Sandra Tan Shi Yun Lidia Wong Yan Xin Parthasarathy Sreemathy Riddhi Anbalagan Abinaya Mahatma Visweswaran Maanasa Lakshmanan Lakshmi Niranjana Krishna Sudesna Roy Chowdhury Renisha Paul Mukkam Balachandar Nivedha Keertana Ganesan Kavimalar Ravi Sumitha Grace Pandiaraja Arathi Vinod M Premikha Lau Zhen Min Cherie Seah Xinyi RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Guitar Ensemble Guitar Ensemble Guitar Ensemble Indian Dance Indian Dance Indian Dance Indian Dance Indian Dance Indian Dance Indian Dance Indian Dance Indian Dance Indian Orchestra Indian Orchestra Indian Orchestra Indian Orchestra Indian Orchestra Raffles Ringers Raffles Ringers Clubs and Socie*es CCAs 302 Yang Yi Xuan 306 Wee Yen Jean 403 Ramkumar Pavithra 111 Sambhavi Rajangam 203 R Priya 301 Radiya Bte Jamari 301 Yuli Ardini Bte Affandi 304 Maria Seraphine Chanen/a 412 Nur Amirah Bte Md Yusoff 412 Nur Amirah Bte Norjula 301 Zhang Huijie Debate and Oratorical Society Debate and Oratorical Society Debate and Oratorical Society Indian Cultural Society Indian Cultural Society Malay Cultural Society Malay Cultural Society Malay Cultural Society Malay Cultural Society Malay Cultural Society Mathema/cs Society 303 304 401 401 301 302 305 308 314 314 314 405 407 408 408 Zhang Boyu Ong Jie Ni Dore+e Ding Yuan Belinda Karen Liu Xuetong Sris/ Acharya Law May Ning Bian Ruoyi Li You Jia Ang Zi Ning Ng Ruixin Ng Shimin Zhuang Peixuan Pamela Ting Beh Min Yan Wan Yuhao Mathema/cs Society Mathema/cs Society Mathema/cs Society Science and Environment Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Robo/cs Club Speech Day Report 2010/2011 83 World Scholars’ Cup Junior Division 4th Posi*on 210 Fu Xinyi 210 Wong Jie Yi Chloe 213 Lim Xuan Li Michelle Team Scholars’ Bowl 1st Posi*on 209 Thet Thiri Ko 212 Yew Kai Ning Sophia 213 Qiu Biqing 5th Posi*on 209 Thet Thiri Ko 212 Yew Kai Ning Sophia 213 Qiu Biqing 4th Posi*on 210 Fu Xinyi 210 Wong Jie Yi Chloe 213 Lim Xuan Li Michelle 5th Posi*on 209 Feng Leirong 209 Teo Jue Luo Melinna 213 Xu Cheng Yin Team Scholars’ Challenge Team Wri-ng 5th Posi*on 209 Thet Thiri Ko 212 Yew Kai Ning Sophia 213 Qiu Biqing Individual Overall 213 Qiu Biqing 84 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 1st Posi*on Senior Division Team Scholars’ Bowl 1st Posi*on 401 Liu Ziwei 401 Xin Chen Jie 401 Zhang Peiwen Team Scholars’ Challenge 2nd Posi*on 402 Anabelle Koong Wei Ting 402 Wang Yushi 402 Wu You Speech Day Report 2010/2011 85 Academic Departments Achievements Aesthe-cs Department Extravaganza – An Illustra-on Showcase INK! Concept Art Honorable Men-on 305 (2010) Xu Xinchao Na-onal Crea-ve Percussion Compe--on Team – 3rd 205 Claire Neoh Kai Xin 205 Sarah Lim Man Lin 205 Kimberly He Yuqi 205 Ngiam Hian Kim Erica 205 Chian Ying Xuan 213 Claire Tay Ern Ying 213 Mavis Tan Xuanru 213 Wu Chin Ying 86 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Toy Design Compe--on (AutoDesk Inventor Design Category) Team – 1st 113 Chan Joi Lyn Evangeline 113 Michelle Chong Tian Hui 113 Emma Danny He 113 Celine Ng Yu Ting Trexi Toy Design Compe--on Commenda-on 205 Cha Da Eun Finalist 411 Lou Shan Robocup Junior 2011 Dance League Interna-onal 1st posi-on 102 Qin Shu Shen 103 Wan Zhi Jun 103 Cynthia Wang Hui Yuan 104 Michelle Ho 105 308 311 Nur Amalia Chou I Nung Lam Hui Yun Illuminate Poster Compe--on 1st posi-on 410 Wang Han Ruo 2nd posi-on 403 Zhang Kai Wen 3rd posi-on 410 Pua Yi Lin Aileen 16th Interna-onal Children’s Art Compe--on Diploma 312 Alicia Lim 405 Feng Wen Hui Birthday Card to Singapore Compe--on Merit 315 Tracy Koh Wei Ling English Language and Literature Consola-on 408 Tan An Yan 413 Grace Guo Shi Yun Commonwealth Essay Wri-ng Compe--on Avelife Sustainable Art and Design Compe--on Silver 109 (2010) 111 (2010) 112 (2010) 112 (2010) 408 (2010) 3rd posi-on 309 Natalie Loh Hui Teng Gold 206 (2010) Lee Si En Ruth Annabelle Tan Kai Lin Sandra Faith Tan Wan Lin Wang Ying Chi Francine Tan Li Xian Amy Grace Lim Rui Si Speech Day Report 2010/2011 87 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d 410 (2010) Tessa Low Yun 412 (2010) Ruth Ng Yew Ching Bronze 406 (2010) Lim Shannian Geraldine 411 (2010) Kimberly Hii Wei‐Wen 411 (2010) Huang Xinyuan Inter‐School Na-onal Scrabble Championship Team – 2nd 103 Nicole Sim Fang Sing 106 Kelsie Tan Kai Xian 110 Lim Xiao Rong Isabelle 113 Goh Xin‐Yi 205 Charis Tay Si En 205 Lee Ann Gie 211 Lim Eng Yin 88 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Humani-es Department Moot Parliament Programme Debates 2010 Champion Shield 302 (2010) Rachel Tan Hui Ping Overall Best Speaker 303 (2010) Lee Xin‐Mei Laura Ngee Ann Polytechnic Tourism In Ac-on Challenge 1st posi-on 401 Yee Wearn Xin 401 Evangeline Seah 411 Aletheia Chia Zhi Hui 411 Sandra Tan Shi Yun 3rd posi-on 406 Chia Jing Ying Clara 406 Pang Si En Marjorie 406 Tan Heng Yeng 406 Ma Cheng Yu NUS Geography Challenge Team – 3rd 405 Felicia Goh 406 Ang Wan Qi 406 Joelle Cheong Shu En 406 Gladys Ng Languages Department Chinese Na-onal Secondary Schools Transla-on Compe--on 2010 3rd Posi-on 410 (2010) Mao Haitong 409 (2010) Wang Ruolei 303 (2010) Tang Xuechun Na-onal Secondary Students Transla-on Compe--on 2010 1st Posi-on 412 (2010) Liu Tingruo Chinese‐English Transla-on Compe--on 2011 Consola-on Prize 402 Andrea Widjaja Chew Ing Gum Na-onal Secondary Schools Transla-on Compe--on 2011 Merit Award 402 Lin Jiahui 213 Qiu Biqing Chinese Song Lyrics Wri-ng Compe--on 2011 Merit Award 403 Tang Xuechun Speech Day Report 2010/2011 89 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d “Chu Cai Bei” Interna-onal Composi-on Compe--on 2011 Singapore “Chinese Bridge‐Chinese Oratorical Contest 2011”@ Hanban Southeast Asia Special 1st posi-on 303 Li Zehan 1st posi-on 303 Li Zehan 1st posi-on 303 Yang Xue 2011 YMCA Mandarin Speaking Awards 3rd posi-on 301 Cheng Hang Lien Shih Sheng Youth Chinese Essay Compe--on 2011 1st posi-on 303 Li Zehan Commenda-on Prize 303 Ma Yuqing Xin Lei Jiang ‐ Na-onal Secondary School Chinese Crea-ve Wri-ng Compe--on 2011 2nd posi-on 208 Liu Wenqian 90 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Champion 303 Li Zehan 5th Secondary School Chinese Debate Friendship Round 2011 Champion 408 Li Xiang 408 Liu Guanqi 411 Zhang Yue 405 Gao Zishu 211 Su Mengyue Story Challenge 2011 Champion 303 Li Zehan Na-onal Chinese General Knowledge Compe--on 2011 2nd posi-on 303 He Jiaming Team – 4th 301 Cheng Hang 303 Yang Xue 303 Zhang Ziyu 401 Karen Liu Xuetong 403 Wang Meng 404 You Fang 3rd posi-on 301 Cheng Hang 4th Na-onal Chinese Culture Compe--on (2011) Team ‐ 1st posi-on 303 Li Zehan 405 Wei Zihan 401 Karen Liu Xuetong 402 Sun Xuemeng 2011 Na-onal Chinese Calligraphy Compe--on 26th Na-onal Secondary School Cross Talk Compe--on (2011) Merit Award 314 Kong Xin Le Foreign Language Japanese Speech Contest 2011 2nd posi-on 401 Zera Ong Huixuan 6th posi-on 412 Lee En Ying 1st posi-on 204 Cheng Li Yi Speech Day Report 2010/2011 91 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d Malay Tamil Malay Crea-ve Wri-ng Compe--on 2011 Tamil Language Council’s Tamil Vizha 2011 1st posi-on 412 Nur Amirah Bte Mohammad Yusoff Short Story Contest 2nd posi-on 102 Khairunnisa Nabilah Bte Z A Malay Special Programme Scrabble Compe--on 2011 Team – 1st posi-on 209 Thet Thiri Ko 210 Sheena Lee Jia En Team – 2nd posi-on 407 Pamela Ting Li Ming 408 Beh Min Yan 3rd posi-on 401 Deepa Selvaraj 5th posi-on 412 Lavinya Arun Velu Poetry Recital 1st posi-on 111 Sambhavi Rajangam 2011 Raffles Ins-tu-on All Arts Compe--on Poetry 1st posi-on 203 R Priya Oratorical Compe**on – Upper Secondary 4th posi-on 407 G Visveswari 92 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Oratorical Compe--on – Lower Secondary Short Story 3rd posi-on 207 Noor Mohamed Noorul Naseema 5th posi-on 302 K Vanita Essay Compe--on 1st posi-on 201 Mani Hemaavathi 302 K Vanita 3rd posi-on 401 Deepa Selvaraj Cedar All Arts Compe--on 2011 Oratorical Compe**on – Lower Secondary 2nd posi-on 201 Mani Hemaavathi Na-onal Crea-ve Wri-ng Compe--on 2011 Picture Composi*on 4th posi-on 203 R Priya Mathema-cs Department Australian Mathema-cs Compe--on 2010 12 Prize 1 Prudence Award 410 (2010) Tham Yan Ping 401 (2010) 411 (2010) 411 (2010) 304 (2010) 304 (2010) 305 (2010) 211 (2010) 212 (2010) 213 (2010) 112 (2010) Lim Min Zhang Aidi Zhang Aidi Rachael Sim Hwee Ling You Fang Tan Hwee Min Michelle Teo Si‐Yan Tan Yi Yin Teo Alicia York Kia Cai Minglu Prudence Award and Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Prize Winner Speech Day Report 2010/2011 93 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d 301 Zhang Huijie Raffles Mathema-cs Challenge 2011 303 Ma Yuqing Team – 4th 301 Zhang Huijie 301 Teo Si‐Yan 303 Zhang Boyu 404 Rachael Sim Hwee Ling Individual 405 Feng Wenhui 113 (2010) Tay Min Yi 113 (2010) Zheng Yixin Prize Winner Prize Winner Gold 404 Rachael Sim Hwee Ling American Mathema-cs Compe--on 12B Silver 301 Zhang Huijie 301 Teo Si‐Yan 303 Zhang Boyu 5 AMC 12 Cer-ficates of Dis-nc-on 11 Cer-ficate of Achievement 405 Ouyang Xiaoxiao American Mathema-cs Compe--on 10A 5 AMC 10 Cer-ficate of Dis-nc-on 18 Cer-ficate of Achievement 301 Zhang Zhiyang 94 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL AMC 10 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on AMC 10 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on AMC 10 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on AMC 10 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on AMC 10 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on 302 Nicole Tan Su Yee AMC 12 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on AMC 12 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on 401 Xu Hui 405 Lu Yu 405 Luo Jiajia AMC 12 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on AMC 12 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on AMC 12 Cer/ficate of Dis/nc/on Math Challenge Stage 2011 Junior Category 107 Song Somin 109 Helen Lin Jia Qi 113 Amanda Eugenia Yung 113 Emma Danny He 113 Lee Wen Yi Monica Claire 113 Chan Wei Ting 113 Chor Yan Ting Cheryl 212 Lim Guan Hui Tricia 212 Tay Hui Wen 213 Heng Jia Min High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on 213 213 213 213 104 109 112 203 203 213 Qiu Biqing Kong Yun‐Zhen Clara Zeng Yixin Zhang Xuan Sim Ming Hui Melodies Foo Jia Ling Grace Chan Chin Qi Lian Zi An Alicia Feng Qiqi Lim Xuan Li Michelle Senior Category 301 Cheng Hang 301 Lim Ying Beatrice 301 Wen Xingyue 301 Lam Ka Ying 301 Teo Si‐Yan 301 Wang Yinzhao 301 Zhang Zhiyang 303 Lin Kun 304 Doan Minh Thi 304 Tey Yi Qing High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on Speech Day Report 2010/2011 95 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d 304 304 401 401 401 401 401 404 404 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 407 407 407 408 408 96 Huang Ruixue Louisa Tan Yi Yin Chen Jiayi Liu Ziwei Ding Yuan Belinda Sun Xiaoning Yee Wearn Xin Do Bao Quyen Rachael Sim Hwee Ling Feng Wenhui Gao Zishu Lu Yu Luo Jiajia Ouyang Xiaoxiao Pan Zhuohui Wei Zihan Chen Haoxin Pamela Ting Li Ming Yong Xin Hui Ma Xiaochi Ye Tong RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on 408 411 411 301 301 302 302 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 304 304 305 401 401 401 Wang Maegan Tseng Soo Cheryl Goh Jin En Sherilyn Lee Shi Min Grace Sum Jia En Sris/ Acharya Alicia Lian Yingjie Ang Yu Xin Chen Xi Wen Qingyun He Jiaming Li Zehan Ma Yuqing Yang Xue Michelle Khoo Shi Qing Zhang Boyu Nguyen Thuy Ngan Chia Daphne Theresa Yun Shan Yuen Ai Zhen Carol Qi Yueyue Xu Hui Lim Xin Hui High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on High Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on 403 404 404 404 405 405 405 408 408 Jiao Wenfei Ngo Ngoc Linh Chi You Fang Sng Jielin Chow Hui Xuan Low Yue Jia Estella Zhuang Peixuan Beh Min Yan Liu Guanqi Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on World Youth Mathema-cs Interna-onal Compe--on (WYMIC) Silver 301 Teo Si‐Yan 303 Zhang Boyu Bronze 301 Zhang Huijie 302 Nicole Tan Su Yee Singapore Mathema-cal Olympiads Compe--on 2011 Junior Sec-on Team – 6th 109 Helen Lin Jia Qi 212 Choong Kai Xin 213 Zhang Xuan 213 Cynthia Zheng Yixin Individual 6 Gold 21 Silver 48 Bronze 21 Honourable Men/on Senior Sec-on Team – 6th 303 Zhang Boyu 403 Jiao Wenfei 404 Rachael Sim Hwee Ling Speech Day Report 2010/2011 97 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d Individual 7 Gold 6 Silver 38 Bronze 11 Honourable Men/on Honourable Men-on 304 Ong Jie Ni Dore+e Open Sec-on Future Problem Solving Program, 2nd Na-onal Finals 2010 Team – 8th 404 Rachael Sim Hwee Ling 405 Lu Yu 405 Luo Jiajia Individual 2 Silver 9 Bronze 4 Honourable Men/on 10th China Girls’ Mathema-cs Olympiad @ Shenzhen No. 3 High School Bronze 401 Ding Yuan Belinda 98 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Research Studies Scenario Wri*ng (Singapore), Senior Division (Individual) 3rd Posi-on 406 (2010) Law Zhi Tian Ac*on Plan Presenta*on, Middle & Senior Divisions 1st Posi-on 409 (2010) 410 (2010) 410 (2010) 414 (2010) Foo Yin Ling Joy Clarisse Chu Yen‐Hsi Cheng Jingjie Tan Yan Ling Team Community Problem Solving Compe**on, Middle Division 1st Posi-on 302 (2010) 304 (2010) 304 (2010) 304 (2010) 307 (2010) 313 (2010) Koay Yi Ping Stephanie Ang Lay Min Celeste Chan Amanda Siobhan Yu Min Clarissa Tan Yi Ying Shannon Valencia Peh Chua Ching Yee 2nd Posi-on 309 (2010) 309 (2010) 309 (2010) 310 (2010) 314 (2010) 314 (2010) Elisa Djuhar Goh Jen Lim Boon Xin Koh Hui Fang Rachel Koh Hui Yu Lim Yun Qi Sheryl Team Community Problem Solving Compe**on, Senior Division 1st Posi-on 401 (2010) Sim Peiling Perarlynn 401 (2010) 403 (2010) 404 (2010) 405 (2010) 406 (2010) 406 (2010) 406 (2010) Tan Jia Jun Rachel Goh Hui Yi Sharley Elaine Chan Yong Shi Tan Jia Min Mindy Kimberly Ng Lay Chin Lim Shannian Geraldine Natalie Yeo Team Global Issues Problem Solving Compe**on, Middle Division 2nd Posi-on 305 (2010) 305 (2010) 306 (2010) 306 (2010) Duan Duoni Vivian Chew Chew Min Yi Desiree Tay Wei Lin Team Global Issues Problem Solving Compe**on, Senior Division 2nd Posi-on 409 (2010) Foo Yin Ling Joy 410 (2010) Cheng Jingjie 410 (2010) Clarisse Chu Yen‐His Speech Day Report 2010/2011 99 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d 414 (2010) Tan Yan Ling Individualised Research Study Exhibi-on cum Presenta-on 2010 Team – Gold 409 (2010) Averil Chow Mingni 409 (2010) Cheong Hui Ling Samatha 413 (2010) Rachel Liu Yunyann Team – Bronze 404 (2010) Deborah Roshni Rajaratnam 404 (2010) Murni Nadra Bte Abdul Rahim 401 (2010) Ra~anah Banu Abdul Razar Team – Commenda-on 308 (2010) Lien Chun Hui 308 (2010) Wang Chuning 401 (2010) Kwong Zhi Qing 402 (2010) Cheng Lynn 402 (2010) Rachel Wang Tian Shian 100 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Youth Science Conference Dis-nc-on and 3M Best Poster Award 301 (2010) Isabelle Yoong Rui Wen 301 (2010) Lee Jia Le 301 (2010) Lim Qiao Yan Eda 301 (2010) Mu Yijun 302 (2010) Chew Li Ting 303 (2010) Keerthana Kannappan Sundar 303 (2010) Neo Yao Yun Eileen 315 (2010) Gani Hui Ying Tracy 315 (2010) Huang Huijun Dis-nc-on 301 (2010) 301 (2010) 301 (2010) 301 (2010) 301 (2010) 302 (2010) 302 (2010) 302 (2010) 302 (2010) Dawne Lim Wan Yi Karen Liu Xuetong Koo Hui Fen Law Kar Man Joyce Zera Ong Huixuan Amanda Choo Min Hui Cherie Seah Xinyi Samantha Chan Chai Ying Teng Siew Yan Rebecca 303 (2010) 304 (2010) 305 (2010) 305 (2010) 305 (2010) 308 (2010) 311 (2010) 315 (2010) Leong Shi Xuan Evangelyn Koh Sihui Ang Wan Qi Chow Hui Xuan Tan Hwee Min Michelle Ou Suzanne Xianran Cheryl Goh Jin En Andrea Koo Wanqi Cer-ficate of Merit 301 (2010) Chang Cui Qin 301 (2010) Cheah Qinrong 301 (2010) Deepa Selvaraj 301 (2010) Joan Leong Huijun 301 (2010) Lee Kai Wei 301 (2010) Liu Ziwei 301 (2010) Pung Zi Bing 302 (2010) Anabelle Koong Wei Ting 302 (2010) Andrea Widjaja Chew Ing Gum 302 (2010) Ding Yuan Belinda 302 (2010) Evangeline Ong Yiling 302 (2010) Lee Jian Jia Rebekah 302 (2010) 302 (2010) 303 (2010) 303 (2010) 303 (2010) 303 (2010) 304 (2010) 305 (2010) 305 (2010) 307 (2010) 309 (2010) 310 (2010) 311 (2010) 312 (2010) 312 (2010) 312 (2010) 313 (2010) 313 (2010) 315 (2010) Seet Yun Teng Yee Wearn Xin Ho Wen Si Therese Michelle Ng Li Fang Sun Yiming Wang Meng Rachel Sim Hwee Ling Lee Yu Teng Vivian Chew Yong Xin Hui Tang Xiao Lam Yin Ting Vanessa Lee Jia Le Lavinya Arun Velu Lim Jie Ying Reichel Jenifer Hsu Ling Ying Bridget Tay Wei Ling Joanne Tan Wen Yue Gold Award 308 (2010) Lien Chun Hui Speech Day Report 2010/2011 101 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d 308 (2010) Wang Chuning Future Problem Solving Program Interna-onal Conference 2011 Team Community Problem Solving ‐ Civic Concerns Category, Middle Division 1st Posi-on 402 Koay Yi Ping Stephanie 404 Ang Lay Min Celeste 404 Chan Amanda Siobhan Yu Min 404 Clarissa Tan Yi Ning 407 Shannon Valencia Peh 412 Chua Ching Yee 4th Posi-on 409 Elisa Djuhar 409 Goh Jen 409 Lim Boon Xin 410 Koh Hui Fang Rachel 414 Koh Hui Yu 414 Lim Yun Qi Sheryl 102 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Team Community Problem Solving ‐ Human Services Category, Senior Division 2nd Posi-on 401 (2010) 401 (2010) 403 (2010) 404 (2010) 405 (2010) 406 (2010) 406 (2010) 406 (2010) Sim Peiling Pearlynn Tan Jia Jun Rachel Goi Hui Yi Sharley Elaine Chan Yong Shi Tan Jia Min Mindy Lim Shannian Geraldine Kimberly Ng Lay Chin Natalie Yeo Jingqing Humani-tes and Social Sciences Research Programme (HSSRP) Cer-ficates of Merit 403 Charmaine Woo Jia Min 403 Tang Xuechun, Candy 404 Celine Tham Yi Xin 405 Lye Hui Min, Anissa 409 Alethea Raelyn Tan Yi Ling 409 Huang Yufan, Elaine Odyssey of the Mind, 14th Na-onal Compe--on 2011 Long Term Problem 1: Extreme Mousemobiles, Division 3 Team – 1st 301 Lam Ka Ying 311 Sarah Tham Zhuling 311 Claudia Lesmana 313 Annie Zhang Ziyun 404 Annabel Tay Yi Qing 409 Zara Nicole Toh Jia Min 411 Koh Jia Wei Eleanor Long Term Problem 2: As Good As Gold…berg, Division 3 Team – 1st 303 Goh Weiying 304 Tey Yi Qing 310 Yang Sin Yee 401 Qi Yueyue 408 Chng Sze Ning 410 Blanche Lim Yi Lei 414 Lim Jia Min Marie Long Term Problem 3: Classics...Le Tour Guide, Division 3 Team – 2nd 302 Wu Xin Yu 302 Nicole Tan Su Yee 302 Amanda Chung Hui Xin 402 Wong Shi Min Sophia 403 Anne Ng Yin‐Yi 406 Poa Hui Hoon Clara 412 Choo Yan Ying Amanda Long Term Problem 4: Unhinged Structure, Division 3 Team – 1st 303 Chen Xi 303 Wen Qingyun 308 Ong Miao Ling 311 Eugenia Tang Ying Xin 405 Ho Ying Na 409 Zhang Rui 412 Elizabeth Gunawan Speech Day Report 2010/2011 103 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d 104 Long Term Problem 5: Full Circle, Division 3 Long Term Problem 1: Extreme Mousemobiles, Division 2 Team – 2nd 301 Verne+a Vivian Chai 302 Emily Eng Si Rui 310 Clara Tay Ying Sui 406 Lee Jiemin Nicole+e 406 Miew Jiamin Caitlan 406 Nurul Amirah Bte Yusof 408 Beh Min Yan Team – 2nd 209 Ng Shermaine 209 Tan Hui‐Yi Isabel 211 Chua Su Ann 212 Loke Yen Chin 212 Drusilla Tan Kai Yan 212 Kathleen Heather Chow Kay Lin 212 Arielle Ngin Wan Ning Spontaneous Problem Solving, Division 3 Long Term Problem 2: As Good As Gold…berg, Division 2 Team – 1st 301 Lam Ka Ying 311 Sarah Tham Zhuling 311 Claudia Lesmana 313 Annie Zhang Ziyun 404 Annabel Tay Yi Qing 409 Zara Nicole Toh Jia Min 411 Koh Jia Wei Eleanor Team – 1st 201 Tsai Yong Qing Shanisse 201 Tan Wei Ying Rachel 203 Rachel Lee Sze Yin 204 Yao Zhi Qi Deborah 205 Emma Lau Si Ying 212 Ka/e Chan Kar Yan 213 Kong Yun‐Zhen Clara RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Long Term Problem 3: Classics...Le Tour Guide, Division 2 Long Term Problem 5: Full Circle, Division 2 Team – 1st 201 Tan Yan Rong Clara 202 Lim Zhiqi Callista 203 Zhu Ya/ng Michelle 204 Choo Xin Hui 209 Wee Su Ern Sarah 212 Ho Xin Ying 213 Myrth Tan Xian Team – 1st 205 Irene Tee @ Zheng Jingying 207 Yve+e Tay Yu Wei 207 Chow Mei Xuan Sherby 209 Francesca Yeoh Hui Hui 210 Natalie Chan Pei Xin 211 Maasha 211 Xie Mingrou Long Term Problem 4: Unhinged Structure, Division 2 Odyssey of the Mind World Finals 2011 @ University of Maryland (College Park) Team – 2nd 202 Ragini Verma 209 Rachel Koh Ming Li 209 Toh Wen Qi 210 Isabella Lee Hui Shi 211 Melissa Tang Shou Hui 212 Tay Hui Wen 213 Wang You Spontaneous Problem Solving, Division 3 Team ‐ 6th 301 Lam Ka Ying 311 Sarah Tham Zhuling 311 Claudia Lesmana 313 Annie Zhang Ziyun 404 Annabel Tay Yi Qing 409 Zara Nicole Toh Jia Min 411 Koh Jia Wei Eleanor Speech Day Report 2010/2011 105 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d 106 Long Term Problem 2: As Good As Gold…berg, Division 3 Long Term Problem 4: Unhinged Structure, Division 3 Team – 9th 303 Goh Weiying 304 Tey Yi Qing 310 Yang Sin Yee 401 Qi Yueyue 408 Chng Sze Ning 410 Blanche Lim Yi Lei 414 Lim Jia Min Marie Team – 26th 303 Chen Xi 303 Wen Qingyun 308 Ong Miao Ling 311 Eugenia Tang Ying Xin 405 Ho Ying Na 409 Zhang Rui 412 Elizabeth Gunawan Long Term Problem 3: Classics...Le Tour Guide, Division 3 Long Term Problem 5: Full Circle, Division 3 Team – 5th 302 Wu Xin Yu 302 Nicole Tan Su Yee 302 Amanda Chung Hui Xin 402 Wong Shi Min Sophia 403 Anne Ng Yin‐Yi 406 Poa Hui Hoon Clara 412 Choo Yan Ying Amanda Team – 9th 301 Verne+a Vivian Chai 302 Emily Eng Si Rui 310 Clara Tay Ying Sui 406 Lee Jiemin Nicole+e 406 Miew Jiamin Caitlan 406 Nurul Amirah Bte Yusof 408 Beh Min Yan RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Long Term Problem 1: Extreme Mousemobiles, Division 2 Long Term Problem 3: Classics...Le Tour Guide, Division 2 Team – 6th 209 Ng Shermaine 209 Tan Hui‐Yi Isabel 211 Chua Su Ann 212 Loke Yen Chin 212 Drusilla Tan Kai Yan 212 Kathleen Heather Chow Kay Lin 212 Arielle Ngin Wan Ning Team – 9th 201 Tan Yan Rong Clara 202 Lim Zhiqi Callista 203 Zhu Ya/ng Michelle 204 Choo Xin Hui 209 Wee Su Ern Sarah 212 Ho Xin Ying 213 Myrth Tan Xian Long Term Problem 2: As Good As Gold…berg, Division 2 Long Term Problem 4: Unhinged Structure, Division 2 Team – 4th 201 Tsai Yong Qing Shanisse 201 Tan Wei Ying Rachel 203 Rachel Lee Sze Yin 204 Yao Zhi Qi Deborah 205 Emma Lau Si Ying 212 Ka/e Chan Kar Yan 213 Kong Yun‐Zhen Clara Team – 14th 202 Ragini Verma 209 Rachel Koh Ming Li 209 Toh Wen Qi 210 Isabella Lee Hui Shi 211 Melissa Tang Shou Hui 212 Tay Hui Wen 213 Wang You Speech Day Report 2010/2011 107 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d Long Term Problem 5: Full Circle, Division 2 Team – 4th 205 Irene Tee @ Zheng Jingying 207 Yve+e Tay Yu Wei 207 Chow Mei Xuan Sherby 209 Francesca Yeoh Hui Hui 210 Natalie Chan Pei Xin 211 Maasha 211 Xie Mingrou Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors’ Award Commenda-on Award InvenIon: “Captain Hook” ‐ a device that helps you put on bracelets yourself quickly and easily 309 305 305 312 305 108 Cassia Ling Li Meiyi Le Thuy Ngoc Yeoh Tze Ning Gladys Yeo Li Min RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Science Department 3rd Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad Gold 410 (2010) Liu Xiaoxu 414 (2010) Zhang Aidi 411 (2010) Cai Anni Silver 305 (2010) Wei Zihan 305 (2010) Lu Yu 409 (2010) Wang Ruolei Bronze 301 (2010) 305 (2010) 305 (2010) 410 (2010) 411 (2010) 411 (2010) Karen Liu Xuetong Wei Zihan Lu Yu Sherilyn Loh Yi Xun Ban Yiwen Yvonne Huang Fengjin Honorable Men-on 212 (2010) Zhang Huijie 301 (2010) 301 (2010) 302 (2010) 305 (2010) 309 (2010) 401 (2010) 409 (2010) 410 (2010) 410 (2010) 410 (2010) 410 (2010) 410 (2010) 411 (2010) 411 (2010) 411 (2010) 414 (2010) Liu Ziwei Lin Qing Amanda Choo Min Hui Pan Zhuohui Zhang Rui Lim Min Ang Pei Xuan Clarisse Chu Yen‐Hsi Chua Xyn Yee Ong Cheng Jing Li Mingze Liu Jialin Tan Yan Ling Lim Rui Hsien Esther Ma Chang Yu Lidan Cer-ficate of Excellence 303 (2010) Cara Leong 301 (2010) Ding Yuan Belinda 309 (2010) Tang Xiao 302 (2010) Sun Xuemeng 301 (2010) Sun Xiaoning 301 (2010) Qi Yueyue 312 (2010) Lim Jie Ying 302 (2010) Koay Yi Ping Stephanie 307 (2010) Yong Xin Hui Medicine Mastermind Challenge Individual ‐ 1st 213 (2010) Wen Xingyue Team – 1st 201 (2010) Yuen Ai Zhen Carol Australian Na-onal Chemistry Quiz Global Ci-zen Challenge Award of Excellence 302 (2010) Samantha Chan Chai Ying Team – 1st 201 (2010) Yu Xin 201 (2010) Yuen Ai Zhen Carol Speech Day Report 2010/2011 109 Academic Departments Achievements - Cont’d 213 (2010) Wen Xingyue 213 (2010) Grace Sum Jia En SP CLS Spelling Bee Compe--on Team – 2nd 415 (2010) Zhang Hui Ting 415 (2010) Ho Li Ting Interna-onal Compe--ons & Assessments for Schools (Science) Gold 307 (2010) Yong Xin Hui Singapore Biomedical Olympiad 2011 Gold – Top 15 301 Chow Hsiao Hsin Hope Gold – Overall 4th 301 Loo Xiang Ling Edith Gold 301 Zhang Huijie 402 Amanda Choo Min Hui 110 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 402 401 402 403 Andrea Widjaja Chew Ing Gum Law Kar Man Joyce Rachel Tan Hui Ping Cara Leong Su‐Yi Silver 302 401 402 402 406 Tan Tze En Cheah Qinrong Anabelle Koong Wei Ting Teng Siew Yan Rebecca Tay Wei Lin Bronze 301 Ee Rui Qi Rachel 301 Verne+a Vivian Chai 302 Nicole Tan Su Yee 402 Chew Li Ting 402 Wong Shi Min Sophia 401 Yang Jing 401 Karen Liu Xuetong 401 Yee Wearn Xin Honorable Men-on 301 Yao Hui Wen Sarah 302 402 Tan Si Min Cherry Samantha Chan Chai Ying Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Compe--on Championship Bronze in Aesthe-c 301 Wen Xingyue 301 Grace Sum Jia En 305 Yu Xin 305 Yuen Ai Zhen Carol Speech Day Report 2010/2011 111 CCA Achievements Sports SSSC Na-onal Schools Championships 2011 112 CCA Category Division Placing Badminton Basketball Fencing Golf Gymnas-cs (Ar-s-c) Gymnas-cs (Rhythmic) Gymnas-cs (Trampoline) Judo South Zone Na/onal South Zone Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 1st 1st 3rd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 4th 1st 1st 1st 3rd 4th 3rd 2nd CCA Category Division Placing Netball Sailing Shoo-ng (Air Pistol) Shoo-ng (Air Rifle) Squash Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Tenpin Bowling South Zone Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal South Zone Na/onal Na/onal Na/onal B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div C Div 1st 2nd 4th 1st 1st 1st 3rd 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Badminton Fencing Golf Wee Kim Wee Badminton Trophy Challenge Na/onal Inter‐School Fencing Championship Na/onal Cadet and Junior Trials Singapore Junior Fencing Championships US Women’s Open Qualifyer ISPS Handa Junior Masters Queen Sirikit Cup CaoFeiDian Wetlands Challenge ASEAN School Games Open Category Team 1st B Div C Div Open Category Open Category Interna/onal Open Category Interna/onal U18 Interna/onal Open Category Interna/onal Open Category Interna/onal U19 310 202 206 213 210 310 210 206 310 206 Thalia Lee Ping Denise Tan Shi Min Donna Li Lim Grace Tern Jia Wen Wong Jie Yi Chloe Thalia Lee Ping Wong Jie Yi Chloe Donna Li Lim Thalia Lee Ping Jennifer Yan 1st 1st 1st 2nd 4th 3rd 5th 5th 5th 20th 409 Goh Jen 14th 206 Jennifer Yan 8th 206 Jennifer Yan 8th 206 Jennifer Yan 1st Speech Day Report 2010/2011 113 CCA Achievements - Cont’d 114 CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Gymnas-cs (Ar-s-c and Trampoline) Gymnas-cs (Rhythmic) HSBC Women’s Champions Qualifier Asia Pacific Junior Golf Championships SSSC Na/onal Schools Golf Championships 20th Annual Interna/onal Invita/onal Gymnas/cs Compe//on Rhythmic Gymnas/cs FIG World Cup 2011 SSSC Na/onal Schools Rhythmic Gymnas/cs Championships Open 409 Goh Jen 8th Interna/onal U18 B Div Interna/onal Open Interna/onal Open B Div 409 Goh Jen 16th 206 409 204 414 103 409 306 Jennifer Yan Goh Jen Angelia Lau Kah Mun Shirlyn Teo Yih Pei Michelle Teo Yin Zhi Phaan Yi Lin See Kai Li Denise 1st 4th 2nd Individual All‐Around 3rd Individual All‐Around 4th Individual All‐Around Ranked 47th in World Cup 1st Individual All‐Around RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing C Div 409 304 311 306 108 204 108 108 Phaan Yi Lin 2nd Individual All‐Around Chia Daphne Theresa 3rd Yun Shan Individual All‐Around Ting Gin Qing Carrissa 3rd Individual All‐Around Chong Mei Gan Megan 5th Individual All‐Around Dawne Chua Yun Xi 1st Individual All‐Around Claudia Ng Jing Wen 2nd Individual All‐Around Kelly Ann Pereira Hui Ling 3rd Individual All‐Around Ashley Elizabeth Kwan 4th Ka‐Yan Individual All‐Around Speech Day Report 2010/2011 115 CCA Achievements - Cont’d 116 CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Judo Interna/onal Cadet Judo Championship 2011 Singapore Kyu Grade Judo Compe//on SSSC Na/onal Schools Judo Championships U17 U15 4th–3rd Kyu (Extralight) 6th–5th Kyu (Middle) 6th–5th Kyu (Light) 6th–5th Kyu (Extralight) B Div (Feather) B Div (Extralight) B Div (Light) B Div (Middle) 402 305 309 201 207 205 313 315 205 201 Soh Jiaying Josephine Belle Tan Ling Yi Humaira Bhadelia Low Jia Yi Joey Lim Yong Ling Fadhillah Mohamed Faizan Amanda Chin Simin Cheong Hui Shyuan Fadhillah Mohamed Faizan Low Jia Yi Joey 3rd 5th 5th 2nd 3rd 5th 201 205 309 315 409 413 309 414 Low Hwee Ngee Dawn Charis Tay Si En Humaira Bhadelia Cheong Hui Shyuan Pang Yong Ting Roanna Amanda Hsiung Rouwen Benita Leong Yoke Theng Lim Xi Ern Chris/na 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd 1st 3rd 3rd RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 2nd 3rd 1st 3rd CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Netball Sailing Daisy Tan Netball Carnival SRC Netball Carnival Singapore Na/onal Byte Championship ST Marine SAFYC Changi Rega+a Singapore Na/onal Youth Sailing Championships C Div (Feather) C Div (Light) C Div (Middle) C Div (Heavy) B Div U16 U14 U14 Open Category 209 201 207 201 205 303 Ng Poh Ni Melissa Low Hwee Ngee Dawn Lim Yong Ling Low Jia Yi Joey Fadhillah Mohamed Faizan Rebecca Goh Su Min 1st 2nd 1st 1st 3rd 303 202 312 211 202 405 108 303 202 Rebecca Goh Su Min Elisa Yukie Yokoyama Lim Jia Hui Rachel Samantha Annabelle Neubronner Jessica Goh Kai Ling Ho Ruth Airiel Han Jing Bertha Rebecca Goh Su Min Elisa Yukie Yokoyama Team 4th Team 1st Team 1st Team 3rd 4th 1st 1st 3rd 3rd 4th 5th 5th 1st 1st Speech Day Report 2010/2011 117 CCA Achievements - Cont’d 118 CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Shoo-ng (Air Pistol and Air Rifle) Sovball Squash SSSC Na/onal Schools Sailing Championships SSSC Na/onal Schools Air Pistol Championships B Div C Div C Div 405 312 211 303 406 312 202 202 211 202 206 Ho Ruth Airiel Lim Jia Hui Rachel Samantha Annabelle Neubronner Rebecca Goh Su Min Koh Ling Ying Lim Jia Hui Rachel Elisa Yukie Yokoyama Fathin Rasyiqah Bte Mohamed F Samantha Annabelle Neubronner Jessica Goh Kai Ling Bernice Tan Rui Lin 3rd 5th 5th 4th 2nd SSSC Na/onal Schools Air Rifle Championships SBSA‐Epitome Schools Soeball Carnival 2011 Masonry Squash Na/onals Open B Div C Div 308 314 409 Lv Liran Maggy Lory Desker Reesa Corrie 2nd 4th 5th Team 2nd U15 206 211 Tay Kay Shayne Michelle 2nd Tan Jia En Clara 5th RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL 1st 4th 5th 1st 2nd 2nd CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Swimming 2011 Singapore Closed Squash Championship ASEAN Schools Games Victoria State Championship 2011 Southeast Asian Age‐Group Swimming Championships U13 U15 U13 4 x 100m Medley Relay 100m Breaststroke 100m Freestyle 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay 200m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 400m Freestyle Girls 13–14 200 LC Meter Breaststroke 107 206 206 107 205 414 205 414 205 309 414 414 205 414 205 Annabelle Lim Jia Sing Tay Kay Shayne Michelle Chong Yin Jean Annabelle Lim Jia Sing Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn Koh Hui Yu Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn Koh Hui Yu Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn Yeo Xiu Wen Koh Hui Yu Koh Hui Yu Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn Koh Hui Yu Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn 1st 4th 5th 4th 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 1st (New Meet Record) Speech Day Report 2010/2011 119 CCA Achievements - Cont’d 120 CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Girls 13–14 100 LC Meter Breaststroke Girls 13–14 50 LC Meter Breaststroke Girls 13–14 50 LC Meter Bu+erfly Girls 12 & Under 50 LC Meter Backstroke Girls 12 & Under 800 LC Meter Freestyle Girls 12 & Under 400 LC Meter Freestyle Girls 12 & Under 100 LC Meter Freestyle 205 Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn 1st 205 Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn 1st 205 Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn 1st 105 Chan Fang Yi 1st 105 Tseng Wei Wen Rachel Marjorie 2nd 105 105 Tseng Wei Wen Rachel Marjorie 2nd Tseng Wei Wen Rachel Marjorie 2nd RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing 54th MILO / PRAM Malaysia Invita/on Open Girls 12 & Under 50 LC Meter Freestyle Girls 12 & Under 100 LC Meter Backstroke Girls 13–14 200 LC Meter IM Girls 13–14 100 LC Meter Bu+erfly Girls 12 & Under 200 LC Meter IM Girls 12 & Under 200 LC Meter Freestyle 4 x 100m Individual Medley 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay 200m Breaststroke 105 Tseng Wei Wen Rachel Marjorie 2nd 105 Chan Fang Yi 2nd 205 205 Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn 3rd 105 Chan Fang Yi 3rd 105 Tseng Wei Wen Rachel Marjorie 3rd 309 Yeo Xiu Wen 2nd 309 105 205 Yeo Xiu Wen Tseng Wei Wen Rachel Marjorie Samantha Louisa Yeo Ginn 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd Speech Day Report 2010/2011 121 CCA Achievements - Cont’d 122 CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Table Tennis Tennis Tenpin Bowling Track and Cross Country 17th South East Asia Junior Table Tennis Championships 2011 ASEAN Schools Games 2011 Na/onal Age Group Tenpin Bowling Championship Na/onal Schools Tenpin Bowling Championship Secondary Schools League Master Finals SSSC Na/onal Schools Track & Field Championships U15 Singles 207 207 Tang Jiawen Cheryl Ng Xue Qi 2nd 3rd Open Category U21 U18 U15 B Div C Div B Div C Div B Div 4 x 100m Relay B Div 3000m C Div 4 x 100m Relay 202 308 411 205 308 205 308 205 205 Tan Claris Low Danlei Cheri+a Ng Michelle Yeo Ruoqi Joey Low Danlei Cheri+a Yeo Ruoqi Joey Low Danlei Cheri+a Yeo Ruoqi Joey Lorraine Fong Rei Team 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 2nd 1st 5th Team 5th 414 Tan Wan Xin 5th Team 5th RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Performing Arts 2011 Singapore Youth Fes-val (SYF) Central Judging CCA Placing Angklung Ensemble Band Symphonic Chinese Drama Chinese Orchestra Choir Dance Interna-onal English Drama Guitar Ensemble Handbell Ensemble Indian Dance Indian Orchestra Malay Dance Strings Ensemble Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold with Honours Gold with Honours Gold with Honours Gold Gold Gold with Honours Gold Silver Gold Speech Day Report 2010/2011 123 CCA Achievements - Cont’d Clubs And Socie-es 124 CCA Compe--on Class Name Placing Art and Crav Club Debate and Oratorical Society Illuminate Poster Design 16th Interna/onal Children’s Pain/ng Compe//on Singapore Secondary Schools Deba/ng Championships Na/onal University of Singapore Challenge Shield 410 410 405 Wang Hanruo Pua Yi‐Lin Aileen Feng Wen Hui 1st 3rd Diploma 302 306 306 307 403 403 Yang Yixuan Kwek Jia Qi Wee Yen Jean Ariel Lim Song Fang Ramkumar Pavithra Ramkumar Pavithra Team 3rd Ranked 13th in “Top 20 Best Individual Speakers” Team 3rd Team 3rd Ranked 8th in “Top 20 Best Individual Speakers” Team 3rd Team 3rd Ranked 7th in “Top 20 Best Individual Speakers” Best Speaker RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL CCA Compe--on Class Name Placing Indian Cultural Society Infocomm Club Raffles Ins/tu/on All Arts Compe//on (IT in Tamil) Raffles Ins/tu/on All Arts Compe//on (Literary Drama) Raffles Ins/tu/on All Arts Compe//on (Poetry) Singapore Tamil Writers Associa/on’s Tamil Vizha MOE Crea/ve Wri/ng Compe//on — Picture Composi/on Australian Informa/cs Compe//on 308 308 308 403 309 401 406 410 203 Kavimalar Ravi Lakshmanan Lakshmi M Vallei M Sharni Renuka Muralidhaaran Srinivasan Nandhini Arathi Vinod M Premikha R Priya Team 1st Team 1st Team 1st Team 1st Team 2nd Team 2nd Team 2nd Team 2nd 1st 401 412 203 302 207 210 212 301 310 408 101 203 211 Deepa Selvaraj Lavinya Arun Velu R Priya K Vanita K Keerthana Low An Yee Tan Yan Lin Vivianna Ho Shermine Cheong Yi Lei Chng Sze Ning Kim Haeyoung R Priya Tho Qian Hui 3rd 5th 4th 5th Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Credit Credit Credit Speech Day Report 2010/2011 125 CCA Achievements - Cont’d 126 CCA Compe--on Class Name Placing Malay Cultural Society Raffles Mind Sports Berita Harian Interschool Debate Compe//on Qiu Ping Cup Na/onal Weiqi Tournament — Open Category Qiu Ping Cup Na/onal Weiqi Tournament — Junior Category Na/onal Individual Chess Championships — Girls U13 306 307 307 311 415 301 301 304 412 412 402 405 104 102 102 104 112 112 104 110 Michelle Lee Yan Yee Allison Choong Min Tan Yu Qing Kimberly Choo Wan Xin Michelle Tan Hui Wen Radiya Bte Jamari Yuli Ardini Bte Affandi Maria Seraphine Chanen/a Nur Amirah Bte Mohammad Yusoff Nur Amirah Bte Norjula Sun Xuemeng Chng Hui Yie Chiu Tzu Tien Xu Qiao Yi Xu Qiao Yi Chiu Tzu Tien Chua Huikai Hii Kai Li Annabel Sim Ming Hui Melodies Nicole Yow Wei Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Team 2nd Team 2nd Team 2nd RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Team 2nd Team 2nd 1st 2nd 4th 5th Team 4th Team 4th Team 4th 2nd 3rd 5th CCA Compe--on Class Name Placing Robo-cs Club Na/onal Individual Chess Championships — Girls U15 Na/onal Youth Weiqi Championships 2011 — Open Seniors Category RoboCup Singapore RoboCup World Championships 301 303 402 405 301 302 305 308 314 314 314 405 407 408 408 301 302 305 308 314 314 314 405 407 Ang Mei Choo Sara‐Ann Wu Jia Min Sun Xuemeng Chng Hui Yie Sris/ Acharya Law May Ning Bian Ruoyi Li You Jia Ang Zi Ning Ng Ruixin Ng Shi Min Zhuang Peixuan Pamela Ting Li Ming Beh Min Yan Wan Yuhao Sris/ Acharya Law May Ning Bian Ruoyi Li You Jia Ang Zi Ning Ng Ruixin Ng Shi Min Zhuang Peixuan Pamela Ting Li Ming 3rd 5th 2nd 4th Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Speech Day Report 2010/2011 127 CCA Achievements - Cont’d 128 CCA Compe--on Class Name Placing Science and Environment Club Astrochallenge – NUS & NTU (Project Round) Nanyang Polytechnic Astronomy Compe//on Na/onal Environment Quiz Na/onal Science Challenge Nature Explorers Programme 408 408 301 401 402 402 212 302 401 402 204 204 204 205 401 401 402 301 301 301 301 302 302 Beh Min Yan Wan Yuhao Lim Xin En Michelle Liu Ziwei Samantha Chan Chai Ying Seet Yun Teng Lim Guan Hui Tricia Nicole Tan Su Yee Karen Liu Xuetong Teng Siew Yan Rebecca Cheng Li Yi Cheng Li Yi Sharon G Andres Deng Yimin Karen Liu Xuetong Liu Ziwei Samantha Chan Chai Ying Ee Rui Qi Rachel Lim Xin En Michelle Loo Xiang Ling Edith Yao Hui Wen Sarah Ho Hui Min Tan Tze En Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Team 4th Team 4th Team 4th Team 4th 3rd Team 3rd Team 3rd Team 3rd Team 2nd Team 2nd Team 2nd Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL CCA Compe--on Class Name Placing NJC Green Symposium — HSBC Youth Environmental Award NYAA Photography Compe//on (Junior Category) Singapore Biomedical Challenge 413 Koh Tze Minn Claudia 413 Koh Tze Minn Claudia 1st 301 301 301 401 402 302 402 301 301 302 401 402 Loo Xiang Ling Edith Chow Hsiao Hsin Hope Zhang Huijie Liu Ziwei Rachel Tan Hui Ping Tan Tze En Teng Siew Yan Rebecca Ee Rui Qi Rachel Verne+a Vivian Chai Nicole Tan Su Yee Karen Liu Xuetong Wong Shi Min Sophia Gold 4th Overall Gold Gold Gold 4th Overall Gold Silver Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Speech Day Report 2010/2011 129 CCA Achievements - Cont’d Uniformed Groups 130 CCA Award/Ac-vity Class Name Placing Girls’ Brigade Girl Guides Girls’ Brigade Company Award Singapore‐Southeast Asia Pipeband Championship Pioneer Brigader Brooch Award Uniformed Groups Adventure Puan Noor Aishah Award President’s Guide Award World Thinking Day — Banner Design Compe//on Company Company Silver Bronze 405 403 407 310 313 404 408 412 413 Goh Min Hui Felicia Chong Siu Min Sandra Kwek Mei Yin Yan Zhi Xin Wee Chuxuan Pearlynn 1st Coy 2nd Coy 3rd Coy Maehanyi Frances Rajendram Joceline Yong Yoong‐Yee Hanin Insyirah Bte Mohd Amir Koh Wei Yi 2nd Coy Dis/nc/on RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Merit Merit Gold Gold Gold 1st CCA Compe--on Class Name Placing Na-onal Cadet Corps (Air) Na-onal Cadet Corps (Land) Na-onal Police Cadet Corps (Sea) Best Unit Compe//on Outstanding Cadet Award NCC Specialist Course Best Unit Compe//on Advanced Drill Course Exercise Thunder Warrior — New Zealand India Republic Day HQ NCC Specialist Course Central District Uniformed Groups Adventure Unit Overall Proficiency Award Best Unit Cadet 411 309 315 405 412 415 303 311 312 313 314 311 314 412 Unit Chin Hui Vun Chris/na Mira Vijay Shah Yeo Kai Yan Unit Claudia Cheng Mun Kei Mimi Amira Bte Zainal Abidin Chiang Ling Ling Lee Zhi Wei Louise Cheng Geyu Li Yunshan Chiu Yu Hua Kwek Le Yin Cheng Geyu Lim Shan Shan Unit Tong Xin Ping Nicole Gold Best in Platoon Best in Platoon Silver Best in Footdrill Par/cipant Par/cipant Best in Course & Best in General Specialist Knowledge Best in Individual Field Crae Best in Platoon Best In Platoon Best in Company Dis/nc/on Dis/nc/on Bronze Speech Day Report 2010/2011 131 CCA Achievements - Cont’d CCA Compe--on Class Name Placing Inter‐Unit Quiz Compe//on Uniformed Groups Adventure Unit Excellence Award Community Service Award First Aid Compe//on (District) — Awareness Category Youth Current Affairs Compe//on — Current Affairs Shield 313 401 412 415 305 305 201 202 308 313 208 212 302 305 Wang Jia Ying Chang Cui Qin Tong Xin Ping Nicole Choy Yun Zhen Nessa Ng Tse Miang Rachel Sim Miao Chen Unit Unit Sy Hildy Lynn Phua Shi Ting Michelle Lim Shi Hui Wong Yun Lin Patwardhan Nandini Rajesh Wang Ying Chi Francine Chew Jia Yi Joan Beatrix Chan Yew Ling Team 6th Team 6th Team 6th Team 6th Dis/nc/on Merit Silver Gold Team 3rd Overall Team 3rd Overall Team 3rd Overall Team 3rd Overall Team Champion Red Cross Youth 132 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Team Champion Team Champion Team Champion Others CCA Compe--on Category Class Name Placing Ice Ska-ng Karate Taekwondo Singapore Na/onal Figure Ska/ng Championships Malaysian / Milo Schools Open Karate Championships Na/onal Poomsae Championships SSSC Na/onal Schools Taekwondo Championships Primary Ladies Category Female Individual Kata Open Female Individual Black Belt B Div Kyorugi Female Black Belt under 52 kg C Div Kyorugi Female Poom Belt under 54 kg C Div Kyorugi Female Poom Belt under 46 kg 201 Chloe Koh 1st 401 Lim Qian Yan Eda Gold 407 Pham Dieu Linh 4th 211 Su Mengyue Silver 111 Angela Tham Silver 211 Yang Wei Yun Lily Bronze Speech Day Report 2010/2011 133 Coaches and Instructors We deeply appreciate the commitment and partnership of our coaches and special instructors who contribute to pupil learning and development: Sports Badminton Basketball Judo Netball Gymnas-cs (Ar-s-c & Trampoline) Gymnas-cs (Rhythmic) Shoo-ng (Air Rifle & Air Pistol) Sovball Squash Table Tennis Tennis 134 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL Ms Yao Fen Ms Li Yujia Mr Bai Song Miss Ho Yoke Mei Miss Koh Cindy Mr Tan Yi Miss Chng Li Li Mr Teo Yong Seng Miss Tan Jun Mr Li Jie Mr Qian Gang Mr Lim Hock Hwa Miss Joannah Yue Lai Wan Mr Yang Hing Meng Simon Mr Chen Wei Mr Wu Xian Feng Mr Hassan Bohari Tenpin Bowling Track & Field / Cross Country Ms Evelyn Chan Lu Ee Mr Jack Wong Loke Chin Mr Tan Au Meng Mr Lim Kien Mau Mr Tan Kim Seng Uniformed Groups Girls’ Brigade Mr Alan Wallace Mdm Kalwant Kaur Performing Arts Angklung Ensemble Band Symphonic Mdm Faridah Jamal Mr Takehiro Oura Mr Audi Chris/an Goh Tzu Ming Mr Gao Jian Mr Goh Eng Hong Vincent Mr Jonathan Lim Mr Joseph Teo Kin Hui Chinese Drama Chinese Orchestra Choir Dance Interna-onal English Drama Guitar Ensemble Handbell Ensemble (Raffles Ringers) Indian Dance Mr Kenneth Lun Mr Lee Tsu Hock Mr Sun Gong Jun Ms Wang Tong Mr Adrian Tan Ms Choo Min Min Ms Koh Leng Leng Ms May Oon Nielsen Mr Ling Hock Siang Ms Ong Ying Ying Cheryl Mr Ding Huai Cheng Mr Du Xiang Peng Mr Tay Soon Dee Ms Tian Ling Ms Wang Gui Ying Ms Zhang Tian Yun Ms Mary Tan Ms Low Mei Yoke Ms Chris/na Sergeant Ms Ho Shu Min Serena Mr Chua Teck Seng Miss Goh Lee Lee Miss Tay Soo Leng Ms Lavanya Balachandran Indian Orchestra Malay Dance Strings Ensemble Ms Anitha D/O Kumaran Mr Gurunathan Manikantan Mr S Deva Mr Ramlan Bin Rasidi Miss Si/ Habibah Binte Mohamed Mohckeram Mr Lee Tsu Hock Miss Marie+a Ku Ms Zhao Yu Er Clubs and Socie-es Art & Crav Club Debate & Oratorical Society Infocomm Club Malay Society Raffles Mind Sports Robo-cs Club Ms Chang Wei Ms Chee Siau Ling Ms Jennifer Francis Gankee Ong Mr Loh Chen Yee Marvin Miss Jen Zheng Liming Ms Rahayu Mahzam Mr Ashot Nadanian Mr Eric Redona Gloria Mr Kang Zhanbin Mr Chee Swee Heng Speech Day Report 2010/2011 135 In Appreciation Raffles Girls’ School would like to thank: • Mr Laurence Lien, our Guest‐of‐Honour, for gracing the occasion • Dis/nguished guests for joining us in the celebra/on • Our partners for your invaluable contribu/ons to the school • The RGS Board of Governors for their unstinting support of all school programmes and ac/vi/es • Our alumni, the RGS Chapter, as well as the ORA for their con/nual support of our work • Parents, and the Parents for RGS Associa/on, for their faith in the school and for being a part of the RGS family • All who have contributed, in one way or another, to the success of RGS Speech Day 2011 Filiae Melioris Aevi. 136 RAFFLES GIRLS’ SCHOOL
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