Gravel Rush Newsletter 4
Gravel Rush Newsletter 4
Gravel Rush Campaign Newsletter # 4 Happy New Year everyone! I trust your Christmas and New Year’s (….or Muharrum, the Long Night, Winter Solstice, Rizal Day, Bodhi Day, Hunukkah, Shabe-Yalda, Inti Raymi or even Saturnalia) celebrations went superbly and you’re all fired up; rearing for another crack at the New Year……..yeah, I know that it’s already February but I’ve been kinda busy with the move from Broome (sob, sob) and then my old laptop blew a pooper valve and don’t get me started on the house build or living out of a suitcase…….! It’s definitely time to ramp up the fund-raising. Certainly time to pull the bike out of the shed and put some decent kilometres together and absa-freakin-lutely time that I composed another newsletter to keep you informed, enthused and hopefully just a little amused. There are a host of teams that have already hit the New Year running; smashing the fund-raising, throwing themselves into training, tinkering with the trailer and spruiking to all and sundry about this amazing community event we’re all part of. They certainly don’t need no encouragement from me and I get a huge buzz just listening to the excitement in their voices. I really had feared the move to the Big City might dull my enthusiasm for The Gibb Challenge (especially the five road trips up and down the coast in the last couple of months!). Truth said, I have never been more excited about our event. I only have to flick through a few of the incredible images or speak to someone joining our event for the first (or sixth) time and it gives me tingles. I can hardly wait to set off again in that dusty peloton and make for God’s Country! Raising (Hell) Funds When it comes to fund-raising for heroic causes – almost anything goes. I say almost because you can’t do the stuff that would otherwise send you to jail and then try to weasel out of it by parading a noble cause. Let your imagination fly. Electronic donation collection services like Register Now are awesome – rattle the tin on a global scale. Here’s the thing; Register Now can only disperse collected donations to the Ryan Marron Foundation. If you want to extend this strategy to your second nominated charity, get in touch with the crew at Everyday Hero or myCause. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS). Sausage sizzles, cake stalls and car washes are the bomb. These are absolute walk up starts……hellish intensive in terms of the effort you put in but the rewards are incredible, especially when you get to spruik about our remarkable event to others in your community. One-day raffles with donated prizes are easy peasy Japanesie. So are those $50 boards, jelly beans counts and meat tray raffles. You don’t need a permit so long as your competition is finished in a day….Multiday raffles with big arsed prizes though can be complicated. You have to get a permit. Then there’s printing, sales and acquittals. Don’t get me wrong; they’re brilliant but they take a bit of effort. Or you might try participation-based events like film nights, progressive dinners, fun runs, quiz nights, bingo, auctions or even garage sales. One of the teams last year hosted a lunch at the Royal Perth Yacht Club (hoity toity / la de da) with eminent funnyman, Mr Peter Rowsthorn. Piss funny and they raised a squillion dollars. Some teams are just blessed through association……..more connections than a Grafton vegetable grower. A few well directed emails or a phone call posted by their PA and bam!......a tidy little corporate donation on the way, thank you very much. Mega Heroes Page Principal Sponsor Diamond Sponsors Pearl Sponsors Where the bloody hell are we…………? Our location profile this month is Silent Grove, the first rest stop after Day One (Sunday 27th May, 2012). You’ll travel a little over 22o kilometres in your teams, sometimes with gravity-assisted recklessness, other times at a headwind hampered and punishing crawl. If your team’s one of the quicker ones, you’ll have time in the afternoon to explore this amazing place. Those arriving closer to the twilight curfew may have to wait until the sun makes another appearance before you too get to experience the jaw dropping beauty offered by this stopover. Make every effort to sneak a peek into Bell Gorge; another ten kilometres up the track. You can drive there – you don’t gotta ride! Bell Gorge is touted as the most beautiful point of interest anywhere along The Gibb. I couldn’t tell you; five years riding The Challenge and I haven’t yet found the time to see it first hand. By hook or by crook, I’m getting in there this year. The campgrounds are stunning – that I can attest too. There’s wide open spaces and an amazing rock backdrop that captures the late afternoon and early morning Sun. What’s more, thanks to the Department of Environment & Conservation, every shower block is installed with a solar hot water system. Shut Up! Hmmmmm…… showers after 223 kilometres of dusty corrugations may just have you gobbing off about going solo next year!! (B)rumour Mill Whispers from the White Ensign are that Team Submarine are shoring up for another land-based assault on The Gibb. An alignment of the stars has drawn big Tommy Powers together with Trevor Syme and the spirited banter is all about the resurgence of a team from the Royal Australian Navy…………..great coincidence that they’re the lads featured posing by the sign into Silent Grove. The Good Oil I don’t think I’ve gobbed off enough about the most precious gift this campaign? If there’s something I’m passionate about (besides my gorgeous girls and beautiful wife, the Kimberley, carbon fibre & Buffy the Vampire Slayer) it’s the…………………. Australian Red Cross Blood Service. Summer traditionally draws heavily on blood reserves; road trauma, natural disasters, house fires and illness. You can help ythough. Just one donation has the potential to save three lives. That’s bloody heroic. Donate NOW and you can donate again in early May and still have your own red blood cell count back to normal levels before your super-human assault on The Gibb and you won’t have to eat any tainted beef (Yeah Alberto – Tramposo española).………potentially six lives saved even before you’ve turned a pedal stroke and you’re a bloody legend. One in three people will require a blood product during their life. Only one-in-thirty donate. That’s bullshi’ mate. Get in there and give it up. It could be your life you save…….or someone you love. Call your nearest Blood Donor Centre on 13 14 95 for an appointment. It’s painless, convenient, you’re making a real difference and they give you cake ………..and M&M’s and Cracker Barrel Cheese and incy wincy Mars Bars and a fruit juice. Muster News The Gibb Challenge will again compliment the community celebrations of the Argyle Diamonds Ord Valley Muster. This continued beneficial relationship will witness our dusty efforts extolled through their very slick media and advertising campaign to create more shit’n’giggles than a TV beer ad featuring amorous deer and an infectious beat. For full Muster details see It’s a conservative plan but given the disruptive weather patterns last ‘wet’ season, I’m hellish grateful Mellen Events has chosen the 2nd of June for their award winning Airnorth Kimberley Moon Experience………We roll into El Questro Thursday..………You swan about The Million Acres on Friday………..Punch into Kununurra on Saturday for the greatest Regional concert event in the World…………GOLD. Tickets on sale soon. The Gibb Challenge for Virgins So you put your hand up to join a couple of lunatic cycling mates but then it dawns; “How the hell are we going to get a good night’s rest?” Here’s some ideas put together in previous years; 1. Get away from the crowd. Tents, swags and camp beds offer no sound insulation whatsoever on a still Kimberley night and a snoring blockhead can match the resonance of a whale’s underwater serenade. Get a spot near a generator or under a thunderous waterfall or amongst a swarm of cicadas but steer away from the ground pegged out by Mr Snory. 2. Earplugs……….glorious earplugs are the best bed-side accessory ever made. Mother’s little helper has no inferred or implied reference to an Australian Crawl song here Mr Potty-mouth. 3. Kick arse 4WD self-inflating matrasses are KING. Leave the frugal half measures for hiking or sliding down water rides. Everything else is optional but the matrass gets top billing on the packing inventory. 4. Swags speak volumes of your outback credibility. City folk don’t have swags and if you saunter into camp with one of these bad boys wrestled over your shoulder, you’ve immediately established your place around the camp fire. All hail the swag…………..more Aussie than a Sam Kekovich hosted lamb chop barbeque on an Australia Day long weekend. 5. Duvets, fluffy pillows and comforters have no place in the Kimberley…..Sam would probably declare them bloody un-Australian. Enough said on the distressing subject - these items are to be disposed of at the quarantine point as you pass over the 26th parallel you sissy nancy boy. Nothing SOFT gets in. 6. Chemically enhanced R.E.M. – sleeping tablets. If you need to take a sleeping tablet you’re a freakin’ bludger and didn’t put enough kilometres together on the saddle for your team. Ride harder the next day and earn your night’s sleep like the rest of us you bum. 7. Check your camp site for punters morphing into wheel clamps. Visiting chappies from other teams enjoying your hospitality may choose to stay well after your bedtime. Bugger them off before they snooze in the captain’s chair or wrap themselves around one of your support vehicle’s wheels. Be Mr Snory. Snorers are oblivious, contented souls who sleep fitfully through the night. Nothing disturbs their sleep and they all appear to wake fresh the next day; surprised to hear musings of malcontent amongst their fellow campers. God bless their cotton socks……… M….M….MMMM….MMMMaaaaaates Rates Equanimity Concepts is the proud sponsor of Team Bulldust a family trio team consisting Simon Bradley, Scott & Monica Davis riding The Gibb Challenge in 2012. Equanimity Concepts is a Queensland based Financial Planning/Property Investment mob founded by Keith Knights – check their website out at Equanimity Concepts have flattened the corrugations with an amazing offer – they will donate $500 to both the Ryan Marron Foundation and Heartkids WA for every person/couple they ‘qualify’ to participate in one of their investment seminars. If you’re keen to invest and have proven financial stability……….wait for it…………..Keith will come to you – even in the Kimberley!! Their service is awesome. If anyone then follows through and begins an investment portfolio with Equanimity, they will donate a further $500 to each of our charities! That’s $1000 to Ryan Marron and $1000 to Heartkids WA! I want some of what they’re on when I’m riding the Gibb this year! Champions!! So give Keith a call or email and mention Team Bulldust/The Gibb Challenge 2012 and lets raise some serious buckeroonies. Bloody Heroic Vollies Volunteer support personnel have always been an invaluable ingredient in our event. They’ve kept our times, provided medical support, ensured our safe passage, prepared gourmet meals, super heated shower water, set our camp and even fixed our bikes through the night……freakin’ amazing effort. We’ve been enormously fortunate to have had some great people join us in the past and I’m super keen to secure their services again; or maybe yours this year. If you’re looking for a life defining weeklong adventure in the extraordinary beauty of the Kimberley, assisting community minded people in their endeavours to raise money for heroic charities, The Gibb Challenge wants YOU! Thank you to those gracious souls who have already put up their hand to assist. There’s some familiar faces as well as new. Your contribution of time and effort will greatly assist the event through a variety of roles that include; catering, time keeping, marshalling, media liaison, promotions, communications, medical support, mechanical repairs, transport or camp ground management. See? No riding required. I’ll even pay for your meals, camping and wilderness park fees. I’ll chuck in a hat and a cap, a couple of shirts, a celebration luncheon at Emma Gorge, my eternal gratification and a certificate of appreciation …………………honestly, it’s the least I could do. You guys rock!! Bloody Heroic Volunteer registrations are open now @ Click on the link to go through to Register Now.
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