penggunaan program microsoft exel di laboratorium
penggunaan program microsoft exel di laboratorium
PENGGUNAAN PROGRAM MICROSOFT EXEL DI LABORATORIUM KOMPUTER UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS: LESSON STUDY DI SDN MODEL TERPADU BOJONEGORO Ana Fi Naimatin Abstrak: Lesson study pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sudah dilaksanakan di SDN Model Terpadu Bojonegoro. Lesson study dilakukan dengan tahapan plan, do, dan see. Plan dilaksanakan untuk merancang perangkat pembelajaran dengan materi Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Pengolah Data Microsoft Exel dengan metode praktek dan demonstrasi. Do dilaksanakan untuk mengimplementasikan perangkat pembelajaran di kelas III A dengan 1 guru model dan 3observer yang terdiri dari guru dan kepala sekolah. See dilakukan untuk merefleksi pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan setelah pembelajaran. Hasil refleksi menunjukkan bahwa metode demonstrasi dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dan ketuntasan belajar siswa. Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa siswa dapat mencapai ketuntasan dengan skor 80 – 100. Lesson study memberi manfaat bagi guru tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui perangkat lunak Microsoft Exel di SDN Model Terpadu Bojonegoro. Kata kunci: Inggris lesson study, metode praktek dan demonstrasi, pembelajaran Bahasa Lesson Study adalahsuatu temuan yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran dalam rangka mengoptimalkan pemahaman peserta didik dalam menyerap materi yang di ajarkan oleh guru. Lesson Study dimaksudkan untuk pembinaan profesi pendidik melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan berlandaskan prinsipprinsip kolegalitas dan mutual learning untuk membangun kelompok belajar.Lesson study bukan merupakan metode atau strategi pembelajaran tetapi kegiatan yang dapat menerapkan berbagai metode dan strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan situasi, kondisi, kemampuan komunitas pembelajaran serta berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Sehingga kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam pembelajaran dapat di sempurnakan. Istilah Lesson Study (LS) atau researh lesson adalah terjemahan bahasaInggris untuk kata jugyokenkyu yang berasal dari bahasa Jepang.Menurut istilah, kata jugyo yang berarti lesson atau pembelajaran, dan kenkyuu yang berarti study atau research atau pengkajian. Dengan demikian lesson study merupakan study atau penelitian atau pengkajian terhadap pembelajaran( 18 Oktober 2013). Lesson study merupakan proses pengembangan keprofesionalan guru yang dilakukan oleh para guru dari Jepang dalam pengujian secara sistematis dan praktek. Untuk mencapai sasaran dan target yang diinginkan oleh guru, guru harus (plan) menentukan rencana pembelajaran, (do) proses belajar mengajar, pengawasan, dan (see) evaluasi. Menurut Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional menyatakan bahwa sannyaduamanfaat Lesson Study adalah, pertama, merupakan suatu cara efektif yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru dan aktivitas belajar siswa, sertakedua, mempercepat pematangan, pendewasaan bagi guru pemula. Menjadikan guru lebih professional dan inovatif bagi guru-guru senior Dalam 17 Oktober 2013 Lesson study merupakan suatu cara yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru dan aktivitas belajar yang dilakukan siswa, karena : 1. Pengembangan lesson study dilakukan dan didasarkan pada hasil sharing pengetahuan profesional yang berlandaskan pada praktek dan hasil pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan para guru 2. Penekanan yang mendasardari lesson study adalah agar para siswa memiliki kualitas belajar yang tinggi; 3. Tujuan pembelajaran dijadikan focus utama dalam pembelajaran di kelas; 4. Berdasarkan pengalaman nyata di kelas, lesson study mampu menjadi landasan bagi pengembangan pembelajaran; dan 502 5. lesson study menempatkan peran para guru sebagai peneliti pembelajaran. Bahasa Inggris, dalam pembelajarannya dikenal empat kemampuan atau ketrampilan dasar yang akan. Keempat kemampuan tersebut menurut Ladoadalah kemampuan membaca (reading), menndengarkan (listening), berbicara (speaking), dan menulis (writing). Salah satu tujuan umum pengajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing adalah siswa dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam percakapan sehari-hari dengan benar, lancar, dan sesuai dengan konteknya. Kemahiran berbicara merupakan salah satu jenis kemampuan berbahasa yang ingin dicapai dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Berbicara merupakan sarana utama untuk membina saling pengertian, komunikasi timbale balik, dengan menggunakan bahasa sebagai medianya. Materi Bahasa Inggris yang terdapat di kelas 3 beda dengan yang terdapat pada kelas 2 dan 1. Jika pada kelas 1 hanya pengenalan dasar terhadap benda dan kelas 2 pengenalan dalam sebuah kalimat, maka kelas 3 para siswa harus dapat menyebutkan atau membuat kalimat menggunakan kata – katanyasendiri. Microsoft Exel adalah salah satu perangkat lunak yang terdapat pada komputer, perangkat tersebut biasanya digunakan untuk yang bersifat nilai atau jumlah. Namun dalam hal ini penulis berusaha mencari gagasan atau temuan dalam pembelajarannya sehingga Microsoft Exel tidak hanya bisa digunakan dalam hitungan angka, jumlah, Matematika, atau pun sejenisnya, tetapi penulis memanfaatkan pembelajaran di sebuah laboratorium TIK yang terdapat di SDN Model Terpadu Bojonegoro sebagai media pembelajaran BahasaInggris. Model pembelajaran yang dapat dikembangkan untuk mengerjar target pembelajaran adalah pemanfaatan Microsoft Exel untuk peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran siswa SDN Model Terpadu Bojonegoro.Microsoft Exel tersebut dikembangkan menjadi media games atau kuis berbasis inggris yang dirancangdan di desain khusus untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan tema Describing Picture. PELAKSANAANLESSON STUDY 1. Plan Kegiatan plan (perencanaan) dilaksanakan di home base lesson study Kelas III A SD Negeri Model Terpadu Bojonegoro pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2012 yang dihadiri oleh guru-guru kelas peserta lesson study, guru mata pelajarandan Kepala SD Negeri Model Terpadu. Pada tahap ini dilakukan penyusunan RencanaPelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang diharapkan mampu membelajarkan peserta didik secara efektif dan membangkitkan partisipasi aktif peserta didik dalam pembelajaran. RPP disusun dengan Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar 1. Listening, Merespons instruksi sangat sederhana berkenaandengan meminta dan memberi informasi tentang profesidengan tindakan secara berterima dalam konteks kelas dan sekolah.2. Speaking, Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangatsederhana dalam konteks sekolah.Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur meminta dan memberi informasi tentang profesi. RPP disusun bukan hanya oleh guru model, tetapi oleh beberapa guru kelas ataupun mata pelajaran. Kegiatan yang dilakukan pada penyusunan RPP ini tidak hanya menyusun saja, tetapi juga membahas tentang kelebihan-kelebihan dan kekurangan-kekurangan RPP yang disusun.Kelompok guru Kelas juga membahas alternatif-alternatif yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi atau bahkan menghilangkan kekurangan-kekurangan itu sehingga menghasilkan RPP yang diharapkan dapat diterapkan dan dilaksanakan sehingga tujuan awal yakni membelajarkan siswa, membangkitkan partisipasi aktif siswa akan tercapai, yang pada akhirnya siswa dapat mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. 503 Gambar 1. Suasana kegiatan plan di SD Negeri Model Terpadu Bojonegoro 2. Do Tahapan do dilaksanakan oleh guru model yang ditetapkan sebelumnya dan dilaksanakan di SDN Model Terpadu Bojonegoro, pada 16 Oktober 2012. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dilaksanakan di Ruang Lab Komputer, dihadiri oleh guru-guru kelas peserta lesson study, Guru Mata Pelajaran dan Kepala Sekolah. Sebelum pelaksanaan (do)guru model telah membuat catatan kelompok siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk digunakan pada waktu (do). Guru model membagi siswa yang berjumlah 21 menjadi 5 kelompok yang masing – masing kelompok terdiri dari 4 atau 5 siswa Nama kelompok tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: Kelompok 1 : Lucky, Alvan, Reina, Geo Kelompok 2 : Erwin, Alpha, Salwa, Nanda Kelompok 3 :Uqik, Lintang, Donez, Akbar, Anggun Kelompok 4 : Arik, Vella, Krisna, Dista Kelompok 5 : Melfin, Icha, Kamil, Refalin Pada tahap pelaksanaan (do), kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah menerapkan rancangan pembelajaran yang telah dibuat pada tahap plan. Pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh para observer diarahkan pada aktivitas belajar siswa dengan berpedoman pada tata tertib menjadi observer dan pedoman pengamatan yang telah disepakati pada tahap perencanaan. Observer bukan untuk mengevaluasi penampilan guru yang sedang bertugas mengajar, tetapi mengamati siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Pada waktu pelaksanaan (do), tahap pendahuluan, guru memberikan penjelasan prosedur keselamatan di dalam lab komputer, yaitu : 1. Siswa tidak boleh meletakkan air minum diatas meja 2. Tidak boleh minum di dalam ruang Lab. 3. Tidak boleh berlari 4. Tidak boleh menginjak kabel 5. Tidak boleh bermain dengan kursi 6. Tidak boleh meninggalkan tempat duduk kecuali mendapat ijin dari guru Adapun peraturan tambahan dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris adalah siswa harus menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berlangsung. Langkah pembelajarannya adalah sebagai berikut, 1. guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Guru memberikan warming up berupa lagu tentang profesi kepada siswa 3. Guru menerangkan sedikit tentang profesi 4. Siswa dapat berkelompok dengan kelompoknya masing-masing 5. Siswa melihat gambar yang telah tersedia pada komputer didepan mereka sambil mencoba menerangkannya 6. Siswa menjawab soal yang terdapat pada microsoft exel sebagai tugas kelompok 504 7. Guru memberikan sebuah gambar pada setiap kelompok sebagai tugas kelompok untuk menerangkan maju kedepan tentang gambar yang didapatkannya tersebut agar bisa ditebak oleh kelompok lain 8. Guru memberikan tugas individu melalui microsoft exel Kegiatan inti (25 menit), point 3 dan 4 pada butir diatas, guru model menerangkan apasajakah profesi yang ada disekitar siswa, setelah itu guru model menerangkan dan mendemontrasikan cara menjawab soal melalui microsoft exel. Setelah Siswa melihat Guru kemudian siswa menjawab pertanyaan di masing masing komputer yang ada di depan siswa. Setelah siswa menguasai materi tersebut, guru memberikan sebuah gambar pada selembar kertas agar masing – masing kelompok mempresentasikan ciri – ciri profesi pada gambar yang di pegangnya. Pada tahapan ini guru model mengalokasikan waktu (20 menit) Kesimpulan yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan praktek dan demonstrasi adalah bahwa siswa sangat senang dengan cara belajar seperti ini. Pada kegiatan penutup, guru menerangkan atau mengulas materi tentang profesi. Gambar 2. Kegiatan do: pemberian motivasi dan apersepsi dan prosedur keamanan di dalam Lab Komputer. Gambar 3. Suasana kegiatan do di Lab Komputer 505 3. See Setelah kegiatan do, dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan see untuk melakukan refleksi pembelajaran. Kegiatan refleksi dipimpin oleh moderator dan dicatat oleh notulen. Pada kegiatan ini, moderator memberi kesempatan terlebih dulu pada guru model untuk mengungkapkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan. Guru model memilih metode praktek dan demonstrasi agar siswa dapat mengamati dan bisa praktek langsung terhadap tugas yang diberikan oleh guru, guru model berharap para observer memberi komentar tentang pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.Kesempatan refleksi berikutnya, moderator memberikan kesempatan kepada para observer untuk memberikan komentar atau hasil refleksi terhadap pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. Hasil pengamatan para observer yang didasarkan pada pedoman tata tertib, rubrik pengamatan, dan dititik beratkan pada siswa, siapa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar / pasif ? ,mengapa ?, bagaimana solusinya?, akan dipaparkan pada bagian selanjutnya pada tulisan ini. Situasi lesson study ditunjukkan pada Gambar 1. Sampai Gambar 5. Gambar 4 dan 5 Suasana diskusi yang difasilitasi guru dan diamati para observer Gambar 6 dan 7. Suasana kegiatan refleksi pembelajaran HASIL DAN DISKUSI A. Hasil Observasi Hasil observasi berikut didasarkan pada lembar pengamatan lesson study. 1. Interaksi siswa dan siswa Interaksi siswa dengan siswa sangat kooperatif, mereka berusaha menebak pertanyaan yang dilontarkan oleh guru. Meskipun guru model hanya satu, guru tetap menguasai siswa yang sangat aktif. 506 2. Interaksi Siswa dengan Guru Interaksi siswa dengan guru cukup baik. Guru selalu membimbing kesulitan siswa, dan siswa yang mempunyai kesulitan dalam penterjemahan dari indonesia ke inggris, tidak segan-segan untuk bertanya kepada guru model. 3. Interaksi Siswa dengan Media Siswa sangat antusias dalam menjawab dan menerka pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang terdapat pada Microsoft Exel. 4. Pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari pengamatan a. Guru mengetahui bahwaPembelajaran metode praktek melalui perangkat lunak Microsoft Exel dapat menarik perhatian siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. b. Penggunaan perangkat lunak Microsoft Exel di laboratorium komputer membuat anak semangat dan guru bisa mengetahui langsung nilai dari dari soal yang telah dijawab oleh siswa B. Hasil Post-Test Pada Tabel 1. ditunjukkan hasil post-test siswa setelah pembelajaran dengan metode demonstrasi pada materi menggunakan perankat lunak Microsoft Exel. Pada tabel tersebut nampak bahwa siswa menunjukkan ketuntasan belajar. Tabel 1. Nilai Post-test No. Nilai 1. 80 – 100 2. 50 – 79 3. 25 – 49 Jumlah Jumlah Siswa 21 0 0 21 Keterangan Baik Sedang Kurang Tabel 1 diatas dapat di peroleh dalam kriteria penilaian sebagai berikut 1. Siswa faham profesi dalam bahasa Inggris 2. Siswa bisa menerangkan ciri – ciri sebuah profesi dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris didepan kelas dengan benar 3. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh teman/kelompok lain maupun dari guru dengan benar Dan 25 siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dapat memenuhi 3 kriteria penilaian diatas. Contoh hasil kerja Siswa : 507 C. Manfaat Lesson Study Lesson studysangat membawa manfaat bagi penulis yang bertugas sebagai guru model untuk mengimplementasikan materi Bahasa Inggris menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Exel di SD Negeri Model Terpadu Bojonegoro. Berikut ini adalah manfaat yang diperoleh. 1. Bagi Guru a. Suasana saling belajar antar guru kelas yang lebih baik. Proses belajar antar guru kelas terjadi tidak hanya pada saat penyusunan plan, tetapi juga pada saat do dan refleksi. Pada saat penyusunan RPP, ada banyak masukan agar RPP yang dibuat menjadi RPP yang baik. Dari kegiatan itu, terjadi saling belajar antar guru. Masing-masing guru memberikan kontribusi berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalamannya demi penyempurnaan RPP. Pada saat guru model melaksanakan pembelajaran, semua guru mengamati proses pembelajaran, sehingga observer juga secara tidak langsung ikut “belajar” terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran tersebut.Pada saat refleksi, banyak sekali pujian, masukan, dan kritikan terhadap proses pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. Semua itu akan menjadi “pembelajaran” yang berharga bagi guru. b. Adanya perubahan pola pengajaran guru dari pengajaran yang monoton menjadi pengajaran yang lebih menarik. Pembelajaran pada lesson study juga dapat memotivasi guru untuk mengubah pengajaran guru yang monoton menjadi pengajaran yang menarik. Dalam penyusunan rancangan pembelajaran, guru berdiskusi sehingga menghasilkan rancangan pembelajaran yang mampu membuat siswa belajar secara aktif. Rancangan pembelajaran itu dilaksanakan sehingga semua guru tahu kelebihan dan kekurangannya sehingga pada saat refleksi diungkapkan kelebihan dan kekurangan itu dan dibahas solusisolusi pemecahannya. Dengan begitu, pengalaman lesson studyini akan menjadi pengalaman berharga dan akan ditindaklanjuti dengan pengaplikasiannya di sekolah masing-masing. c. Mengetahui pentingnya bekerja secara kolaboratif (bekerja bersama-sama) untuk merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang dilakukan. 2. Bagi Siswa a. Menambah motivasi belajar siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas dan meningkatnya kualitas aktivitas belajar siswa didalam kelas. Dengan menyelipkan penggunaan pembelajaran metode praktek dan demonstrasi, semangat belajar siswa lebih meningkat. Selain itu, aktivitas siswa dalam belajar juga meningkat.Dalam pembelajaran ini, student centered benar-benar dapat diaplikasikan dengan baik. b. Terjadinya saling belajar antarsiswa. Dalam pembelajaran ini, kegiatan saling belajar antarsiswa terjadi dengan baik. Hal ini terjadi karena dalam pembelajaran ini digunakan pembelajaran yang sangat kooperatif. c. Membiasakan siswa untuk lebih mengembangkan ketrampilannya dalam pembelajaran melalui media komputer baik ketika mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris maupun yang lain 508 PENUTUP Pelaksanaan lesson study sangat bermanfaat bagi guru sebagai wahana pembelajaran bagi guru. Dengan pelaksanaan lesson study, guru membuat kreasi dan inofasi dalam pembelajaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa. Kegiatan lesson studyjuga dapat memotivasi guru untuk selalu meningkatkan proses pembelajaran di kelas sehingga dapat mengubah proses pembelajaran yang monoton menjadi proses pembelajaran yang menarik dan memotivasi belajar siswa secara maksimal. Kegiatan lesson study dengan menggunakan pembelajaran melalui terobosan microsoft exel ternyata mampu meningkatkan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran dan dapat memotivasi siswa agar belajar lebih aktif. Selain itu, dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru, khususnya pada materi menggunakan perangkat lunak microsoft exel dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil pengamatan individu pada akhir pembelajaran (post-test). Dikarenakan banyaknya manfaat yang diperoleh dalam kegiatan lesson study ini, maka selayaknyalah kita benar-benar memanfaatkan pembelajaran melalui lesson study secara maksimal sehingga dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru. Dengan meningkatnya kompetensi guru, akan berakibat pada meningkatnya pengelolaan proses pembelajaran. Dengan meningkatnya pengelolaan proses pembelajaran yang lebih baik, akan meningkatkan pula pemahaman siswa terhadap materi ajar, dengan begitu kompetensi siswa akan meningkat. DAFTAR RUJUKAN Lewis, C.2002. Does Lesson Study Have a Future in the United States? Nagoya Journal of Education and Human Development. January No. 1:1-23. Lewis, C. 2003. The Essential Elements of Lesson Study. Northwest Teacher. Spring. Vol. 4 No. 3: 6-8. Slavin, R.E. 2008. Cooperative Learning: Teori, Riset, dan Praktik. Bandung: Nusa Media. Suyanto, K. 2009. Metode-Metode Pembelajaran. Malang: UM. Panitia Sertifikasi Guru Rayon 15. J.J. HasibuandanMujiono.(1993). Proses BelajarMengajar. Bandung: PT. RemajaRosdakarya. IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT THROUGH THINK-PAIR-SHARE AT EIGHT GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 5 TAHUNA Susi Indriastuti Jelpris SMP Negeri 5 Tahuna Abstrack: This study was focused to improve students‟ achievement in writing descriptive text through Think-Pair-Share technique. It was conducted by applying Classroom Action Research with two cycles. The subject of this study is Grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 5 Tahuna consisted of 22 students. The instruments for collecting data used writing test for quantitative and observation sheet for qualitative. The mean of the test shows the improvements of the students‟ score for orientation pretest was (6,86), the mean in cycle I test was (11,5), and the mean in the cycle II was (17,6). Based on the data above, it can be concluded that Think-Pair-Share is significantly improved students‟ writing achievement especially in descriptive text. Key Words: Writing, Descriptive,Think-Pair-Share In teaching - learning process of English subject, students are required to master four skills. These four language skills are necessary to be mastered by the students. Moreover, according to Educational Unit - Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan: KTSP) 2006 of Junior High School, it is written that there are four language skills that should be achieved by the students along with the process of education, namely; listening, speaking, 509 reading and writing. One of those language skills, which is very important and must be required in academic field is writing. In a fact, during the writer‟s experience as an English teacher in Junior High School, the writer found that many students faced some difficulties in learning English especially in writing. It is caused by some problems, such as the students seldom practice to write composition even in their native language, they are lack of vocabulary and knowledge about genre or text type, and they spend much time to think what they should write because they have no idea how to write it. Then, the strategy that the teachers use to teach the students in writing does not motivate and encourage them. Even worse, many teachers got troubles to teach this skill to the students. Writing is the expression of language in the form of letters, symbol and words. Through writing someone can share their knowledge, conveying idea, feeling and intention to other people. The knowledge we have now is mostly acquired by reading any written information or texts, either it is books, articles, papers, or etc, which are written by those who share their ideas through writing. Writing is an active written language skill. Through writing students may express her/his idea freely without having to face the reader directly.Writing is creative and expressive process. Students need to explore their ideas and compose into a good text. In order to produce good writing, students are expected to understand aspect of writing including the text organization, the language features, the mechanics and the use and/or the choise of words and vocabularies. One of the text types in writing is descriptive text. A descriptive text is a text that describes about a person,place or object. The social function of descriptive text isto describes the features of someone,something, or certain place . The generic structure of decriptive texts is having identification and description. One of the techniques in cooperative learning is Think Pair-Share. Think-Pair-Share is designed to provide students by giving them a task and workingindividualy. Then, students sit in pairs and discuss their ideas. After that, each pairs shares the result of their discussion with all groups in the class. According to Fachrurrazy and Mirjam(2013:22) cooperative learning methods(Slavin,1995) hold the idea that students should work together to learn and are reasonable for their teammates‟ learning as well as their own. Cooperative learning claims that group work is better than individually competition. Practice of cooperative learning in the class is conducted through small groups.There are a lot of cooperative learning models. The following are some example from Slavin(1995), Frazee and Rudnitski(1995) and Model-model pembelajaran Negara OECDUSA: 1. STAD(Students Teams-Achievement Division) 2. Jigsaw 3. Think Pair Share 4. Picture and Picture 5. Mind Mapping 6. Make a Match 7. Debate In this technique, a problem is posed, students have time to think about the problem individually, and then they work in pairs to solve the problem and share their ideas in the class. Think-Pair-Share helps students develop conceptual understanding of a topic, improve ability to filter information and draw conclusions, and improve the ability to consider other points of view. In conclusion, think-pair-share is a suitable technique for teaching descriptive text and it can motivate the students to be more active and comfortable in developing their ideas. Therefore, it is expected that the use of think-pair-share technique in teaching and learning process will improve the students writing achievement. Think-Pair-Share is the good model to build-in or giving students much more time to think, respond and help each other and encourag individual participation and is applicable for all grade levels and class sizes. Students think through questions using three distinct steps: 510 1) Think: Students think independently about the question that has been posed, forming ideas of their own. 2) Pair: Students are grouped in pairs to discuss their thoughts. This step allows students to articulate their ideas and to consider those of others. 3) Share: Student pairs share their ideas with a larger group, such as the whole class. Often, students are more comfortable presenting ideas to a group with the support of a partner. In addition, students' ideas have become more refined through this three-step process. Based on the problem above the objective of this study is to find out if there is an improvement on the students achievement in writing descriptive text through Think-Pai-Share technique. METHODOLOGY This study was conducted by applying Classroom Action Research. The action research is an observation of activity that appears consciously in teaching process that is done systematically to collect data on everyday practice and then to analyze it in order to make some decisions about what the future practice should be. It was conducted in two cycles and every cycle consisted of four steps of action research, namely plan, action, observation, and reflection.The subject of this study was the Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 5 Tahuna. They were three classes of VIII grade students, there are from VIII-a up to VIII-c. Each class consisted of 22-24 students. The writer chooses VIII-b class as the sample of this action research. The reason for choosing this class because it was found that there are some problems in students‟ writing achievement. The objective of this study is to find out whether there is an improvement on the students‟achievement in writing descriptive text through Think-Pair-Share. The instruments used in collecting data in this study were quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative was used to describe what we would count or measure and then consider it in objective way. The quantitative data is achieved from the students‟ test score from pretest, posttest I toposttest II to asses the students‟ achievement in writing descriptive text. The qualitative data was used to describe the data which is not receivable to be counted or measured in an objective way. In this study the qualitative data was achieved from observation sheet. Observation sheet was used to evaluate the situation and the problem found during the teaching and learning process. RESULT AND DISCUSSION This study involved quantitative and qualitative data, which has been done for three meetings. The quantitative data ws taken from writing test, and the qualitative data was taken from observation sheet. The data was taken from one class namely grade VIII-b of SMP Negeri 5 Tahuna which consisted of 22 students. It was conducted in two cycles and every cycle consisted of four steps of action research, namely planing,action, observing and reflecting. The quantitative data was taken from the test result during conducted this research in three meetings. There were three tests in this study, namely pretest that was done in the first meeting, post-test Iwas done in the second meeting in cycle I, and pot-test II that is done in the thirdth meeting in the cycle II. The score of the students in every meeting showed improvement continuously. The mean of the student‟s score in writing achievement in descriptive text by applying ThinkPair-Share technique in pre-test was (6,86), post-test 1 (11,5), and post-test 2(17,6). Cycle One In cycle one, there were four steps that should be done and cycle one was done in twomeetings. The steps in conducted this study were as follows: a). Planning Planning is concerned with action or arrangement of doing something. In this phase, the writer prepared material that was related to the teaching and learning process. Planning helped the direction of this study, so that the writer could select the most appropriate tools in collecting and analyzing the data. The plan phase consists of some steps, as follows: 1. Preparing lesson plan consists of the steps of the action. 511 2. Preparing the media, things and tools needed in teaching learning process, such as text book, example of descriptive text, dictionary, etc. 3. Preparing the research instruments, and observation format to observe the teaching and learning process. 4. Preparing the tests for evaluation. b) Action In the cycle one conducted to two meetings. At the first meeting, the writer gave pretest.The writer askedthe students to write about their pet. Second meeting, the writer explained about descriptive text . The writer told the students the goal of the study. The writer explained about definition, generic structures, and the language features of descriptive text in the classroomand gave an example of descriptive text and asked the students to identify the generic structure and the language features. Here, the writer taught by using Think-Pair-Share technique. The writer posed a question/topic to the students and the writer gave the students time to thinkabout the topic individually, and then the writer asked them to work in pairs to solve the problem and last they share their ideas with the class. In the end of this meeting the writer asked them to write a descriptive text individually (posttest I) the title was “My Dog”. It was meant to evaluate the result of students work. c) Observation Observation was done in the classroom while the teaching and learning process took place. It was intended to record the behavior, attitude, performance, and all activities during the action. In the process of the observation the writerwas helped by other English teachers (TM), as the collaborators. Actually, there were still some problems faced by the writer dealing with the teaching learning process through Think-Pair-Share.The students were still confused with the instruction, some of the students were not interseted in the material so they just chated with their friends and the teacher did not explain clearly about the stepsin writing descriptive text. d) Reflection Reflection was the evaluation or the feedback process form of the action. In this phase, the data taken from observation during teaching-learning process concerning with the result. All the weakness and the strength written on observation sheet, and the tests conducted were used to improve the weakness and keep the strength for the next cycle. From post-test Ishowed an improvent not maximal, it can seen from the result of the the mean score of post-test I( 11,0) and the mean score of pretest(6,86). In thepretest show that 19 students got not enough and the post-testI showed 9 students got not enough,the progression was 52,63% .The writer will stop the research when the students got not enough progrres 85% in writing test. Based on the result of observastion and posttest 1 in cycle one, the writer still used Think-Pairs-Share technique in teaching writing descriptive textfor cycle two. Cycle two In this cycle the weakness or the problem that found in cycle one was solved in order to get the improvement in the process and in the result. The writer used Think-Pairs-Share technique and use picture as a media in teaching writing decriptive text.This cycle also consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The second cycle was arranged as follows: a) Planning 1. Preparing the lesson plan. 2. Preparing the teaching media that are needed for the teaching and learning process(picture) 3. Preparing the observation sheet that is used to know the students responses and class condition as a whole and also to see if there are any improvements. 4. Giving motivation to the students to write well. 5. Giving responsibilities to all groups to lead the discussion well and do the task. 6. Giving more chance to in-active students to give their opinions or suggestions. 512 7. Asking all the members to participate in the group presentation. b) Action In the third meeting, the teacher explained detailed about the generic stucture of descriptive text and the patern of present tense. The writer gave a picture of cat that the students already know about the animals.Then, the writer asked the students to sit in group and asked them to identify about the cat‟s features, food, habitat andbehaviorby applying Think-PairShare technique. Then, they present it in front of the class. In the end of this meeting, the writer gave them post-testII in which make decriptive text the title “ I have a cat” and that was the last test to know their improvement score. c) Observation The observation was still done in this cycle. The activities of the students were observed and they showed that most of their writing was much better then in the cycle one. The students more active in finishing their writing and they were look more enthusiasts in learning. d) Reflection Having evaluated the students descriptive writing, the writer found that the students. score showed the improvement. Based on the observation and the result of their writing, the writer concluded that the students descriptive writing improved with Think-Pair-Share technique. The students score in the second cycle had increased than in the first cycle. The implementation of teaching writing descriptive text use Think-Pairs-Share improves the students‟ writing achievment significantly. It can be concluded by analyzing the result of both pre-test and post-test. The comparison between the mean score of pre-test, posttest I and post-test II, it can be seen in the table 1. It can be said that there is improvement of students‟ writing achievment . Because the mean score in post-test I (11,5) is higher than the mean score in pre-test(6,86), there is a significant different between pre-test and post-test I. Therefore, in comparison between the mean of post-test I and post-test II, (17,6) is higher than (11,5) there was a significant different between post-test I and post-test II. The students did not get enough score in the pretest was 19 students and in the post test II the students but there was progress 89,47% from the pretest 1, so the research was stopped. Table 1. The result of the test Pre-test Post-test 1 Post-test 2 Total Score 151 253 390 Mean Score 151: 22 = 6,86 253: 22 = 11,5 377: 22 = 17,6 Table 2. The progression writing test Cycle Test Students who got not enough Pre-test 19 1 Post-test 1 9 2 Post-test 2 2 The progression writing test in cycle one 19 9 X 100 19 10 Progression (%) = X 100 19 Progression (%) = Progression (%) = 52,63% The progression in cycle 2 Progression (%) = 19 2 X 100 19 513 Progression 52,63% 89,47% Progression (%) = 17 X 100 19 Progression (%) = 89,47 % Table 3.Criteria of Assessment of the Writing Test Criteria Exelent Good Enough Grammar Organization Vocabulary Content Total 5 5 5 5 20 4 4 4 4 16 3 3 3 3 12 Not Enough 2 2 2 2 8 Poor 1 1 1 1 1 Table 4.The stutents result in writing test No Grammar Pre Organization 1 2 Pre Vocabulary 1 2 Pre Content 1 2 Pre Total 1 2 Pre 1 2 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 3 5 1 3 5 6 12 18 2 2 3 5 2 3 5 2 3 4 2 3 5 8 12 19 3 1 2 5 1 2 5 2 3 4 2 3 4 6 10 18 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 5 4 5 2 4 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 1 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 2 5 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 2 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 2 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Mean 6 11 17 8 12 18 7 12 17 12 17 20 4 6 10 7 14 18 12 15 19 4 8 9 7 13 19 7 13 19 7 12 18 12 15 20 8 12 20 8 9 18 4 9 18 5 12 18 4 9 17 5 10 19 4 9 19 151 253 390 6,86 11,5 17,6 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS After analyzing the data, it was found that there was an improvement in the students writing achievement from the mean of pre-test to post-test II. It can be seen from the students score were increased in each cycle. The mean of the students score in orientation pre-test was 6,86, cycle I post-test was 11,5, and cycle II posttest was 17,6. It is also proved by the 514 observation sheet results which indicate improvement in the teaching and learning process from cycle one to cycle two. Based on the result of the data, the conclusion is that the use of Think-Pair-Share technique significantly improved students achievement in writing descriptive text in SMP Negeri 5 Tahuna. The finding of this study showed that the Think-Pair-Share technique improved the students achievement in writing decriptive text. The finding of this study showed that the Think-Pair-Share technique improved the students achievement in writing descriptive text. There are some suggestions offered to improve a better skill in education. The suggestions are: 1. It is important for the teacher to apply an appropriate technique in teaching writing such as, Think-Pair-Share technique in order to improve the students‟ achievement in writing especially in descriptive text. 2. It is also suggested to the readers who are interested in writing descriptive text through Think-Pair-Share technique, because it will bring you into a good understanding in writing. REFERENCES M.A.Fachrurrazy and Anugerahwati,Mirjam.2013.Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kreatif dan Inovtif.Malang:Universitas Negeri Malang Irawati,Eny and Andreani,Sri.2013.Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris.Malang.Universitas Negeri Malang Dasna,I wayan.2013.Penelitian Tindakan Kelas.Malang. Universitas Negeri Malang Http:// accessed on 12nd October 2013 Http:// pair-share-30626.htm accessed on 12nd October 2013 DEVELOPING ROLE-PLAY CARDS AS THE MEDIA FOR ASSESSING SPEAKING SKILL OF SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS Bila Nastiti Tasaufi Moh. Adnan Latief English Department, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, Jl. Semarang 6 Malang, 65141, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected] Abstract: In assessing speaking of the EFL students, various techniques are needed. One of the ways is performing a role-play. In addition, assessment designers need to create not only the tasks but also the instruction to be given to the examinee. However, a few media can support speaking activity at school. Therefore, the development of the roleplay cards as the media for assessing speaking skill is needed. Keywords: development, role-play cards, speaking skill The five most widely spoken mother tongues in the world today are Mandarin, English, Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic (McKay, 2002). One of those languages, English, is considered as a language of wider communication. McKay (2002) stated that there are more than three hundred million English speakers in the world. Therefore, we can conclude that English is the popular language so that studying this language becomes significant in most countries. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language which is taught to the students as a compulsory subject. Harmer (2007) stated that students of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) need to learn English so that they can use it when travelling or communicating with other people who also speak English. Specifically, in the context of schools, the purpose of teaching 515 English is to provide the students with fundamental of English skills for communication: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is the skill that the students use most in the real life situation. Speaking skill is an important part of the curriculum in language teaching, and this makes them an important object of assessment as well (Louma, 2004). This means that the teachers should determine what should be mastered by the students based on the level of education and choose the best design and materials for speaking activities given to the students. The teachers should acknowledge the students‟ progress of speaking in teaching and learning activity. Assessment in this study means ongoing process to diagnose the students‟ problem of speaking skill in the learning activity. Teachers mix up this activity as testing. Brown (2004) stated that tests are prepared administrative procedures to be used when learners have mastered all their faculties to offer peak performance, knowing that their responses are being measured and evaluated. The purpose of this study is to develop media to give the opportunities for learners to perform, take risks, and process feedback from the teacher. The assessment using the media developed has an important role to provide information about the students‟ learning progress. Based on the function of an assessment, there are two types of assessment. They are formative and summative assessment (Brown, 2004). The focus of this study is the formative assessment cards to help the students to grow their competencies and skill in speaking. For this kind of assessment, teachers usually conduct several techniques to assess the students‟ progress in speaking; performing a mini drama, giving a speech, presenting a story, performing a role play, and so forth. One of the techniques which will be the focus of this study is performing a role play. Performing a role play is a valuable method for learning. It encourages the students‟ thought and creativity. According to Tompkins (1998), it lets the students develop and practice new language and behavioral skills in a relatively non threatening setting and can create the motivation and involvement necessary for learning to occur. Hattings (2001) also stated that role play would seem to be the ideal activity in which students could use their English creatively. In addition, the students will gain their social skills through acting out a story, as they take on different roles. Alan (1987) affirmed that role play can also practice and internalize students‟ life skills. This means, the students learn and practice how to communicate with others, how to socialize, how to manage problems, and so on. Therefore, role play activity helps the students stimulate a conversation situation which gives opportunity to practice and develop their communication skill. Assessment designers need to create the tasks and the instructions to be given to the examinees, the task materials such as pictures or role-play cards, and the instructions to interlocutors that will be used. Role play cards may be used to provide cues for the participants (Louma, 2004). However, a few media can support the students to practice speaking. Considering the importance of media for doing the role play, the researcher develops a set of role-play cards to be used for the seventh grade students. The seventh grades were chosen because they had received sufficient exposure toward English especially speaking. The seventh graders are at the age of 12 to 13. Harmer (2007) stated that at the age of 12 to 17, students have a great capacity for learning, enormous potential for creative thought and a passionate commitment to things which interest them. They are different from young children who still need guidance for the material they learn. Young children will take information from whatever is going on around them (Harmer, 2007). In contrast, the secondary students are ready to understand and accept the need for learning of a more intellectual type. Based on the Standard of Content in Indonesia, the teaching of English in Junior High School is targeted for the students to reach functional level: language as a vehicle to communicate in everyday life (Depdiknas, 2006). In this study, the researcher focuses on the three language functions in basic competence of the seventh grade students in second semester: asking for and giving services, things, and facts. Those materials cover socializing (greeting), expressing and asking about attitudes (permission), giving and asking the factual information (asking). In the product developed, the researcher attempts to make simple role play cards for the students since the level of seventh graders is still beginner. The role play are constructed like conversation; the students take turn to speak, yet, the students are also expected to do “little act” 516 such as make gestures, eye contacts, and expressions. These conditions give the students chances to feel the real situation. Furthermore, the cards for role play provide opportunities for the students to explore their creativity through the topic given. According to Thornbury (2005), the role-play should not require sophisticated performance skills or a lot of imagination; situations grounded in everyday reality are best. Thus, the situations given in the role-play cards are from their everyday life. As an impact, the students will not feel reluctant when they should do the speaking activity in the learning process. The development of the role-play cards is based on the syllabus of English for seventh grade students. Three language functions are focused in this study; (1) asking for and giving services, (2) asking for and giving things, and (3) asking for and giving facts. Those basic competences are taught in the second semester. There are thirty pairs of cards, ten of which are for asking for and giving services, ten of which are for asking for and giving things, and ten of which are for asking for and giving facts. The reason to produce thirty pairs of cards is due to the number of students in the class. By having thirty pairs of cards, the teacher has an alternative to shuffle the cards. Thus, the students cannot predict what they will obtain. Each card has twoside functions: the front side consists of picture which indicates the topic and setting; meanwhile, the back side contains the situation as guidance to perform. Learners often complain that they cannot think of anything to say in speaking activity (Ur, 1991). In addition, Dabson (1983) stated that it is also difficult to convince students that role-playing in the language classes is beneficial and entertaining because the students are afraid to try. Therefore, the role-play cards developed by the researcher are designed to make the students allow some rehearsal time. The students can map out what they are going to say. According to Underhill (1987), if learners are unfamiliar with role play, the procedure and purpose should be explained well beforehand as well as the written instructions. Therefore, in order to support the role-play cards, the researcher provides a booklet which covers the learning objective, the specification of role-play cards, how to use the role-play cards in the classroom situation, and sample dialogues as the guideline for the students, and the scoring rubric for speaking The result of the study is beneficial for the English teachers of seventh graders and other researchers. For the English teachers, this study is intended to help the teacher make the assessment activity become effortless. The teacher can also utilize this media for teaching speaking. For other researchers, the result of the study can be used as a reference for further research on speaking activity as well as on the media for speaking skill. RESEARCH METHOD This research and development adapted the ADDIE model which consists of five steps, which are: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. 517 Analysis Design Development Preliminary study (need analysis) Material mapping and making drafts of pictures Product development: digitalizing, coloring pictures, and printing the cards. Implementation Expert Validation Revision Try Out 1 Revision Theoretical validation Empirical validation Try Out 2 Evaluation Upgrading the Product Final Product Figure 2.1 ADDIE Model FINDINGS, DISCUSSION, AND SUGGESTIONS The final product of this study is a set of role-play cards which can be used by teachers to ask the students to perform speaking. The size of the card is 15.5cm X 7.5cm. This set contains thirty pairs of cards about asking for and giving services, things, and facts (10 pairs of cards of asking for and giving services; 10 pairs of cards of asking for and giving things; 10 pairs of cards of asking for and giving facts) which are included in the basic competence of speaking in the second semester of seventh grade students. Each card consists of two sides; front side and back side. In the front side there are 2 pictures about the topic and setting of the role-play. Those two pictures are used as guides for role-play performance. In addition, in the back side, there is the situation of what the student should perform. The situation consists of three sentences as clues for the students. To help teachers who want to use these role-play cards, the researcher also provides a booklet in the set of the role-play cards. The booklet contains the learning objective, the specification of the product, how to use the role-play cards, sample dialogues, and scoring rubric for speaking. The booklet and role-play cards are packed by a box. It aims to make the product more long-lasting. The role-play cards which have been developed are non-multimedia product. It is chosen because based on the result of the analysis (needs analysis), a few LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) can support the multimedia product in the school. In addition, the teacher can conduct the role-play activity outside the class due to the practicality to bring the cards. 518 These role play cards have several positive points. The cards are fun, attractive, and have good pictures. The situation given helps the students to practice speaking English. In addition, it broadens the students‟ vocabulary from the dictions enlisted in it. Next, they can learn the materials in an effective way because in the dialogue, instead of only focusing on asking for and giving services, things, and facts, they also learn how to greet one another, express gratitude, and say goodbye. It makes the students confident to speak English. It helps the students to have fun activity because they can act based on the situation given. Subsequently, they will have motivation to learn English because they enjoy the activity. In the try-out, both the teacher and the students also gave positive impressions toward the role-play cards. The activity using role-play cards is helpful for the students especially to practice their speaking. The result of the questionnaire shows that more than fifty percent of the students stated that. In addition, they were also enthusiastic in the role-play because they can act based on their own roles. Then, the teacher can assess the students‟ performance using scoring rubric provided. The teacher stated that the activity helps her to know her students‟ ability in speaking so that when the students are wrong, she can help correct it. In line with that Russell & Shepherd (2010) argue that widespread evidence suggests that educators and students experience satisfaction with assessment-as-learning through role play and games. The difference of this product with the other products is the specification. Each card contains two parts, the front and back part; the focus is in the front side. The pictures make it different from other products. Harmer (2007) has a model of role-cards which only have the front side for giving the situation for the students. Based on that type, the researcher tries to develop a new kind of role-play cards by giving illustration of the situation. The questionnaire given to the students shows that pictures provided in the card are very attractive for them. It is beneficial for the teacher because the student will get attracted by the cards so that the teaching and learning process will be enjoyable. Several suggestions are given for English teachers and future researchers. For the English teachers, it is expected that the role-play cards will be useful as a media for assessing speaking. They can use it when the students learn about asking and giving services, things, and facts. The teacher can modify the activity with any teaching method. In addition, the teacher can also schedule several meetings to discuss the results of the follow up activities of the role-play. The future researchers who would like to conduct research on similar topic are suggested to develop media for speaking material targeted to students of Junior High School of different grades or different programs with more various activities. It is suggested that the future researchers modify the role-play cards to be more attractive and long-lasting. English teachers must introduce about the specification and how to use the product to students because the students do not know how to use it without any guidance. The students need some time to adapt with the activity given. In addition, the teachers should explain about the diction used in the cards or the teacher can give some time for the students to look up the meaning from the dictionary. REFERENCES Alan, M. 1987. Resource Books for Teachers: Role Play. Oxford: Oxford University Press Brown, H. 2004. Language Asessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. New York: Pearson Education, Inc. Dabson, J. 1983. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Washington DC: United States Information Agency. Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Isi: Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta: Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Harmer, J. 2007. How to Teach English. England: Pearson Education Limited. Hattings. 2001. Material and Method in ELT: Applied Language Studies. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell Publisher. Louma, S. 2004. Assessing Speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lucantoni, P. 2002. Teaching and Assessing Skills in English as a Second Language. New York: Cambridge University Press. McKay, S. 2002. Teaching English as an International Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Russell, C. and Shepherd, J. 2010. Online Role-Play Environments for Higher Education. 519 British Journal of Educational Technology 41(6): 992–1002. Thornbury, S. 2005. How to Teach Speaking. New York: Longman. Tompkins, Patricia. 1998. Role Playing/Simulation. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. IV, No. 8, August 1998. (Online), (, accessed on December 9th 2012. Ur, P. 1991. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Underhill, N. 1987. Testing Spoken Language: A Handbook of Testing Techniques. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF DENGAN MEDIA PICTURE PADA SISWA SMPN 4 LANGKE REMBONG Emirensiana Serly Lehot SMP Negeri 4 Langke Rembong, Kec. Langke Rembong, Kab. Manggarai - NTT Abstract: Berawal dari proses belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris yang penulis alami sendiri di sekolah, terlihat bahwa minat belajar siswa terhadap materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sangat minim, ditambah lagi dengan kecilnya angka ketuntasan dalam penguasaan materi pelajaran. Hal ini memunculkan keinginan penulis untuk melakukan riset sederhana dengan melaksanakan sendiri beberapa perubahan dalam cara penyajian materi pelajaran, dengan harapan adanya perubahan minat belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ke arah yang lebih baik. Perubahan cara pembelajaran itu dilakukan dengan perbaikan pada penggunaan media pengajaran yaitu “media picture”. Untuk pembuktian apakah minat belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan maka penulis melakukan wawancara dengan siswa. Sementara, untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan dan penguasaan materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris penulis juga malakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) secara sederhana. PTK ini dilakukan dalam 3 siklus. Hasil penelitian akan di bandingkan dari tiap siklusnya dengan indikator keberhasilan siswa yaitu dengan Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris bila dikemas dengan menggunakan media pengajaran yang menarik, dalam hal ini “media picture” ternyata dapat meningkatkan minat belajar dan penguasaan materi bagi siswa. Hal ini terbukti dari Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal yang dinilai lebih baik oleh penulis. Keywords: Media Picture, Learning Process. Sistem pendidikan di Indonesia ternyata telah mengalami banyak perubahan. Perubahan-perubahan itu terjadi karena berbagai usaha pembaharuan dalam bidang pendidikan. Pengaruh perubahan itu, dunia pendidikan mengalami kemajuan yang kiat pesat. Banyak model dan pendekatan yang cukup mutakir dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga memberi warna baru bagi semangat belajar bagi peserta didik. Pendidikan ternyata merupakan garda terdepan dalam menelurkan generasi bangsa yang competitif dan inovatif sebagaimana tergambar dalam tujuan pendidikan UNESCO yang menekankan arah pendidikan sebagai learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together. Demikian juga dengan pengertian pendidikan menurut UU Sisdiknas RI sebagaimana diuraikan Abel (2004) dalam IS/IT Strategic Planning of Tarakanita Education. Ditegaskan “The Law of National Education System (LNES) stipulate education as a planned effort to establish a learning environment and processes as that the learners may actively build up their own potencial to gain the religious and spiritual level, consciousness, personality, intelegence, behaviour and creativity to themselves, to other citizens, and for the nation”. Secara lebih terurai, Don Berg, pendiri Attitutor Services, mendefinisikan pendidikan sebagai “a process of cognitive cartography, mapping your experiences and finding a variety 520 reliable routes to optimal state when you find yourself in non-optimal state” (sebuah proses kartografi yang memetakan pengalaman-pengalaman dan menemukan berbagai arah untuk bergerak dari kondisi belum optimal menjadi optimal). Berg menekankan bahwa pendidikan harus ditempatkan sebagai proses mandiri memetakan pengalaman, baik pengalaman nyata dalam hidup, maupun pengalaman yang dirancang dalam kegiatan belajar, dan menemukan jalan kepada keadan mental yang optimal. Dengan demikian, sejatinya, pendidikan adalah sekaligus penekanan pada proses (mengakses, mengolah, memahami) dan menjadi terdidik (mampu menciptakan yang baru dari yang ada, mampu memutuskan, mampu memperluas dan memperdalam, serta mampu mengantar negative state of mind ke arah positive state of mind). “It is true that the educated person needs information, but educated person are not dependent on the information they have stored in their heads, because they have the ability to find information, create knowledge, and develop skills when necessary”. Dari uraian di atas, jelas tergambar bahwa kerja sama antara peserta didik dengan guru merupakan hal yang sangat signifikan. Peserta didik bukan saja mengharap sepenuhnya kepada penjelasan guru tetapi mereka harus mampu menciptakan yang hal baru dari yang ada, mampu memutuskan, mampu memperluas dan memperdalam, serta mampu mengantar negative state of mind ke arah positive state of mind dengan mengakses dan mengolah materi ajar agar lebih mudah dipahami. Dari hasil wawancara dan pengamatan penulis selama ini bahwa penggunaan media picture dalam pembelajaran dinilai efektif karena mampu membawa peserta didik ke arah yang lebih konkret, menjadikan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris berwarna, dan menarik. Contohnya, (Geraf atau Jerapa) peserta didik tidak pernah melihat binatang ini secara langsung tetapi dengan melihat gambar, mereka bisa mengenalnya. Penggunaan media gambar memang memberi banyak keuntungan. Guru bisa meminta siswa menggambarkan ciri fisik suatu benda dalam gambar dengan menggunakan kalimat sendiri, menjelaskan warna, atau habitat, menjelaskan posisi, dan sebagainya. Penggunaan media ini memang sungguh bermanfaat dalam mengarahkan peserta didik ke suatu benda yang lebih konkret. Untuk lebih fokus dengan tujuan utama tulisan dan riset sederhana ini maka ditetapkan judul penelitian ini “UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF DENGAN MEDIA PICTURE PADA SISWA SMPN 4 LANGKE REMBONG” dengan beberapa pertanyaan penelitian yang ingin di jawab yaitu: a. Apa penyebab kurangnya minat siswa dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? b. Apakah penggunaan media picture dapat membantu meningkatkan minat siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris? c. Apakah pemanfaatan media picture mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa sesuai KKM yang sudah ditentukan? Jawaban yang lugas dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan peluang penyelesaian masalah pada kurangnya ketertarikan siswa dalam mempelajari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, serta melihat apakah dengan penggunaan media pembelajaran dengan media picture dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Pada hakikatnya, terdapat dua penelitian yang ingin di sajikan dalam tulisan ini, pertama bagaimana memperkenalkan dan memaksimalkan media picture dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sehingga ketertarikan siswa dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris makin meningkat. Kedua, berusaha melihat hasil dari penerapan itu dengan menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas secara sederhana. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat evaluasi prestasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang diajar dengan menggunakan media picture. Penelitian melibatkan 39 orang siswa SMP Negeri 4 Langke Rembong Kelas VII A pada semester II tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Pemilihan kelas VII A sebagai sampel penelitian dikarenakan adanya penilaian guru-guru mata pelajaran lain bahwa kelas ini memiliki keunggulan atau kelebihan dari kelas regular lainnya, dimana mereka adalah hasil seleksi ketat pihak sekolah. Pengumpulan data untuk melihat ketertarikan siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang penulis lakukan adalah dengan tekhnik observasi yaitu pengumpulan data dengan pengamatan, wawancara, dokumentasi. Selanjutnya dilakukan tes essay untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa. Dan dilanjutkan dengan 521 pengolahan data, agar bisa didapatkan kesimpulan-kesimpulan yang diharapkan mampu menjawab keingintahuan penulis terhadap permasalahan ini. Tulisan dan penelitian sederhana ini diharapkan dapat pula membuka cakrawala berfikir guru-guru Bahasa Inggris dalam usaha meningkatkan kemampuan anak didik dalam penguasaan materi pelajaran dengan menggunakan media picture sehingga nilai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris meningkat dan peserta didik mampu mengaplikasinya dalam kehidupan setiap hari. METODE Untuk pengkajian pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris agar lebih dipahami maka kita perlu melihat beberapa teori dan konsep diantaranya: konsep belajar, media pembelajaran, hasil pembelajaran, dan minat. Belajar adalah suatu proses perubahan tingkah laku atau kecakapan manusia berkat adanya interaksi antara individu dengan individu dan individu dengan lingkungannya sehingga mereka lebih mampu berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. Dari pengertian tersebut ada kata “change” maksudnya bahwa seseorang yang telah mengalami proses belajar akan memahalami perubahan tingkah laku baik dalam kebiasaan (habit), kecakapan-kecakapan (skills) atau dalam tiga aspek yaitu pengetahuan (kognitif), sikap (affektif), dan keterampilan (psikomotor). Dalam membantu memperlancar serta mempermudah terciptanya proses belajar mengajar yang optimal maka diperlukan media yang menarik. Brown (1973) mengungkapkan bahwa media pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dapat mempengaruhi efektivitas pembelajaran. Pada mulanya, media pembelajaran hanya berfungsi sebagai alat bantu guru untuk mengajar yang digunakan adalah alat bantu visual. Namun hal itu mulai mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan. Sekitar pertengahan abad ke-20an usaha pemanfaatan visual dilengkapi dengan digunakannya alat audio, sehingga lahir alat bantu audio-visual. Sejalan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK), khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan, saat ini penggunaan alat bantu atau media pembelajaran menjadi semakin luas dan interaktif, seperti adanya komputer dan internet. Media memiliki beberapa fungsi, diantaranya: 1. Media pembelajaran dapat mengatasi keterbatasan pengalaman yang dimiliki oleh para peserta didik. Pengalaman tiap peserta didik berbeda-beda, tergantung dari faktor-faktor yang menentukan kekayaan pengalaman anak, seperti ketersediaan buku, kesempatan melancong, dan sebagainya. Media pembelajaran dapat mengatasi perbedaan tersebut. Jika peserta didik tidak mungkin dibawa ke obyek langsung yang dipelajari, maka obyeknya yang dibawa ke peserta didik. Obyek dimaksud bisa dalam bentuk nyata, miniatur, model, maupun bentuk gambar – gambar yang dapat disajikan secara audio visual dan audial. 2. Media pembelajaran dapat melampaui batasan ruang kelas. Banyak hal yang tidak mungkin dialami secara langsung di dalam kelas oleh para peserta didik tentang suatu obyek, yang disebabkan, karena : (a) obyek terlalu besar; (b) obyek terlalu kecil; (c) obyek yang bergerak terlalu lambat; (d) obyek yang bergerak terlalu cepat; (e) obyek yang terlalu kompleks; (f) obyek yang bunyinya terlalu halus; (g) obyek mengandung bahaya dan resiko tinggi. Melalui penggunaan media yang tepat, maka semua obyek itu dapat disajikan kepada peserta didik. 3. Media pembelajaran memungkinkan adanya interaksi langsung antara peserta didik dengan lingkungannya. 4. Media menghasilkan keseragaman pengamatan. 5. Media dapat menanamkan konsep dasar yang benar, konkrit, dan realistis. 6. Media membangkitkan keinginan dan minat baru. 7. Media membangkitkan motivasi dan merangsang anak untuk belajar. 8. Media memberikan pengalaman yang integral/menyeluruh dari yang konkrit sampai dengan abstrak Terdapat berbagai jenis media belajar, diantaranya: 1. Media Visual : grafik, diagram, chart, bagan, poster, kartun, komik 2. Media Audial : radio, tape recorder, laboratorium bahasa, dan sejenisnya 3. Projected still media : slide; over head projektor (OHP), in focus dan sejenisnya 4. Projected motion media : film, televisi, video, in focus (VCD, DVD, VTR), komputer dan sejenisnya 522 Kehadiran media elektronik seperti komputer, ditambah in focus untuk penayangan, sebagai media belajar merangsang guru untuk lebih bisa memanfaatkanya sebagai sarana penunjang yang menarik. Multimedia sebagai alternatif pembelajaran dinilai akan mempengaruhi seluruh komponen pendidikan untuk lebih bijak, lebih maju dan lebih baik. Yang jelas kehadiran sarana multimedia cukup memberi warna pada proses pendidikan di kelas. Bahkan menurut pandangan siswa, mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris biasanya dinilai membosankan (bored), sulit dipahami, bukan bahasa yang dibicarakan setiap hari di masyarakat. Guru hendaknya berpandangan, media gambar yang disajikan baik dalam bentuk poster, kartun, komik atau tayang menggunakan multimedia sebagai alternatif untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut bahkan menjadikannya sebagai sarana pokok dalam pembelajaran. Eksistensi dan kehadiran konkret benda sangat diperlukan. Meski demikian siswa sangat memerlukan arahan dan bimbingan guru. Sehebat apapun alat peraga yang paling canggih, peran guru tetap yang akan menentukan. Pada bagian awal, yang ingin dilihat adalah bagaimana dengan perubahan minat belajar siswa untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, yang sebelumnya masih dinilai kurang menarik, maka kini kita harapkan dapat lebih menarik. Minat ialah suatu pemusatan perhatian yang tidak disengaja yang terlahir dengan penuh kemauannya dan yang tergantung dari bakat dan lingkungan (Sujanto Agus : 1981). Dalam belajar diperlukan suatu pemusatan perhatian agar apa yang dipelajari dapat dipahami; Sehingga siswa dapat melakukan sesuatu yang sebelumnya tidak dapat dilakukan. Terjadilah suatu perubahan kelakuan. Untuk melihat hasil yang dicapai dari penggunaan media picture dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, maka peneliti juga malakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) atau Classroom action research (CAR), walaupun dengan tahapan dan pelaksanaan yang sederhana, sehingga terlihat apakah dengan pemanfaatan media picture dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP Negeri 4 Langke Rembng dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian tindakan kelas adalah action research yang dilaksanakan oleh guru di dalam kelas. Penelitian Tindakan pada hakikatnya merupakan rangkaian “riset-tindakan-riset-tindakanriset-tindakan…”, yang dilakukan secara siklus, dalam rangka memecahkan masalah, sampai masalah itu terpecahkan. Ada beberapa jenis Penelitian Tindakan, dua di antaranya adalah individual action research dan collaborative action research (CAR). Adapun siklus PTK sederhana yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dilakuakan dalam dua siklus dengan beberapa langkah sebagai berikut: perencanaan, penerapan, observasi dan evaluasi, serta refleksi yang diterapkan di kedua siklus penelitian. MENGKAJI EKSISTENSI MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS 1. Melihat Minat Belajar Siswa Dalam Mempelajari Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Menurut Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat Pendidikan (KTSP), mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah satu mata pelajaran yang dinilai signifikan. Dalam aturan yang dijelaskan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional yaitu Permendiknas nomor 22 tahun 2006, mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah pertama dinilai krusial dalam mempersiapkan generasi bangsa yang kompetitif, kreatif dan inovatif. Selain itu, (KTSP) 2013 pun menambah jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang semula direncanakan 2 jam pelajaran menjadi 3 jam pelajaran. Disamping itu, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu mata pelajaran pokok dalam Ujian Nasional (UN). Sehingga hal ini tentu ujian besar baik bagi guru maupun bagi peserta didik sebab keberhasilan peserta didik adalah juga keberhasilan guru, demikian juga dengan kegagalan peserta didik adalah juga kegagalan guru. Guru dan peserta didik ibarat dua sisi koin yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Oleh sebab itu, guru dalam hal ini bekerja keras untuk memberi dorongan bagi peserta didik untuk mampu menciptakan yang hal baru dari yang ada, mampu memutuskan, mampu memperluas dan memperdalam, serta mampu mengantar negative state of mind ke arah positive state of mind dengan mengakses dan mengolah materi ajar agar lebih mudah dipahami, tanpa bergantung sepenuhnya dengan guru. Tentu guru tidak hanya mengejar ketuntasan peserta didik dalam mengusai materi pelajaran tetapi bagaimana siswa mengaplikasikan ilmu yang didapat disekolah dalam praktek hidupnya setiap hari. Penggunaan media picture merupakan salah satu hal yang mendukung keberhasilan siswa dalam menguasai materi pelajaran. Sejauh ini masih banyak guru yang mengandalkan media-media pembelajaran yang sederhana, walau sebenarnya dunia pendidikan telah 523 mengalami berbagai kemajuan dan perkembangan yang diperuntukkan bagi kemajuan pendidikan itu sendiri. Berbagai jenis media pembelajaran berkembang, baik yang manual maupun yang berbasis tekhnologi informasi dan komunikasi. Misalnya, penggunaan komputer, pemanfaatan jaringan internet, pemutaran film untuk beberapa materi pelajaran, dan salah satunya adalah dengan pemamfaatan media picture dalam penyajian materi pelajaran. Dari penjelasan diatas, jelas bahwa mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris perlu mendapat sentuhan berbagai model atau media pembelajaran sehingga mata pelajaran ini menjadi menarik untuk di pelajari dan lebih mudah dipahami. Demi pencapaian hal yang semacam itu maka memang sangat diperlukan semangat dan keinginan guru untuk mau mencari, mamanfaatkan media picture baik yang diakses melalui internet, komputer, atau surat kabar sehingga pelajaran Bahasa Inggris lebih menyenangkan dengan tampilan media pembelajaran yang unik, menarik, baik warna, teks, bentuk dan ilustrasinya. Temuan penelitian sederhana yang penulis dapatkan adalah dengan menggunakan media picture, tampak perubahan minat dan semangat siswa meningkat. Sebagai contoh, ketika di tampilkan gambar seekor gajah, semua murid terdiam sejenak kemudian bergegas membuka kamus. Sontak saja menjawab “elephant”. Dengan contoh ini penulis berkesimpulan bahwa penggunaan media picture memudahkan siswa berinteraksi dan mudah mencari tahu terjemahan gambar yang mereka lihat. Siswa menyampaikan bahwa dengan menggunakan media picture, belajar Bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih menyenangkan, karena kami bisa memahami materi tanpa harus membaca buku tetapi hanya melihat gambar. Perubahan minat dan ketertarikan ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa kebiasaan dan hal yang umum dilakukan guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yaitu: materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris biasanya hanya mengandalkan buku panduan atau buku pokok, catatan kosa kata, atau bahan tertulis dari guru. Dengan materi yang kaku dan tidak interaktif itu pada dasarnya dapat menyebabkan kejenuhan siswa dalam usahanya mempelajari materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Namun dengan penggunaan media picture, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris pastinya akan membuat pembelajaran yang lebih unik, menarik, baik warna, teks, gambar, foto, bentuk dan ilustrasi, bisa tampilan menyenangkan. 2. Penggunaan Media Picture dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan Hasil Belajar Siswa. Untuk melihat apakah penggunaan media picture ikut mempengaruhi tingkat pemahaman dan penguasaan materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang pada siswa maka penulis melakukan langkah-langkah penelitian tindakan kelas sederhana: A. Siklus Pertama ( siklus 1). 1) Perencana : a. Menyusun, mempersiapakan penyajian materi dengan media picture. b. Menyusun RPP dan satuan pelajaran. c. Menyiapkan bahan, alat dan media pembelajaran, dalam hal ini penulis menggunakan gambar yang diakses melalui internet, mengguntingnya dari Koran bekas, dan kumpulan gambar media hasil workshop TEQIP 2013 di Rima Hotel. d. Menyiapkan lembar observasi dan alat evaluasi. 2) Tindakan : a. Melaksanakan metode ceramah kemudian disertai gambar dalam penyajian materi pelajaran. b. Penekanan pada kegiatan awal, inti dan akhir. 3) Observasi dan evaluasi : a. Selama guru mengajar dilakukan observasi untuk melihat keaktifan siswa oleh teman sejawat. b. Dialakukan evaluasi hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan pemberian tes essay kepada siswa. 4) Refleksi: a. Hasil obserfasi dan evaluasi di analisis untuk melihat kekurangan dan kelemahannya. b. Mencari modifikasi baru bagi perbaikan metode yang digunakan dalam penyajian materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang akan dilakukan pada siklus II (namun dalam hal ini penulis menugaskan siswa mencari gambar di internet atau koran kemudian 524 gambar itu diperlihatkan didepan kelas sambil siswa lain member arti dalam bahasa Inggris). B. Siklus Kedua ( ke-2) 1) Perencana : a. Menyusun, mempersiapakan penyajian materi dengan metode ceramah dengan menggunakan media picture. b. Menyusun RPP dan satuan pelajaran. c. Menyiapkan bahan, alat dan media pembelajaran, dalam hal ini penulis meminta siswa mempertanggungjawabkan hasil pencarian gambar di depan kelas sambil menugaskan siswa lain mencari arti gambar itu di kamus. d. Menyiapkan lembar observasi dan alat evaluasi. 2) Tindakan : a. Melaksanakan metode ceramah dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran yang tersaji dengan media media picture. b. Penekanan pada kegiatan awal, inti dan akhir. 3) Observasi dan evaluasi : a. Selama guru mengajar dilakukan observasi untuk melihat keaktifan siswa, yang dilakukan oleh teman sejawat. b. Dilakukan evaluasi hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan pemberian tes essay kepada siswa. 4) Refleksi: a. Hasil obserfasi dan evaluasi di analisis untuk melihat kekurangan dan kelemahannya. b. Mencari modifikasi baru bagi perbaikan metode yang digunakan dalam penyajian materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang akan dilakukan pada siklus II (namun dalam hal ini penulis mengumpulkan hasil observasi dari teman sejawat). Dari pelaksanaan dua siklus pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan maka dilanjutkan pada pengolahan data dengan mencari rata-rata nilai yang diperoleh siswa kelas VII. Rumus sederhana yang digunakan untuk melihat nilai rata-rata siswa adalah: “Indikator keberhasilan yang penulis tetapkan adalah keberhasilan pencapaian kelas pada nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yang telah disepakati yaitu penguasaan minimal mencakup 68 % materi pelajaran. Setelah dilakukan dua siklus untuk melihat hasil dari proses pembelajaran ternyata peningkatan rata-rata nilai hasil belajar disana masih belum mencukupi atau mencapai target KKM, maka diputuskan melanjutkan dengan siklus 3. Siklus tiga secara umum pelaksanaan tahapan-tahapan yang dilakukan sama dengan siklus satu dan dua, tapi dalam tahap tindakan terdapat perubahan yang paling menonjol yaitu menugaskan siswa mencari sebanyak mungkin media gambar kemudian mereka harus menulis arti bahasa Inggris dari gambar yang mereka cari. Mereka dapat membuka dan mengulang lagi materi yang ingin mereka ulang kembali. Hasil, evaluasi dari pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan dalam tiga siklus itu adalah: Hasil dari siklus satu yaitu: Rata-rata pencapaian nilai siswa setelah diberikan materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan metode ceramah, masih jauh dari KKM yang diharapkan. Pencapaian nilai rata-rata siswa baru 64,05 sedangkan KKM yang diharapkan adalah 70. Jadi masih perlu banyak perbaikan dan perubahan demi penigkatan hasil balajar siswa. Jika kita menghiting dari jumlah siswa yang telah mencapai ketuntasan maka pada siklus satu ini penulis melihat secara objektif bahwa nilai siswa yang diharapkan mencapai ketuntasan masih sangat jauh dari yang diharapkan. Baru 6 orang yang memperoleh nilai lebih atau sama dengan KKM. Atau kalau dihitung dari persentasenya baru 15,3% yang mencapai ketuntasan. Hasil Dari Siklus Dua yaitu: 525 Setelah dilakukan siklus ke dua terdapat peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa dari siklus pertama. Rata-rata nilai siswa yang pada siklus pertama 64,05 menjadi 68,04. Jadi terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 1,17%. Sedangkan untuk jumlah siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan makin meningkat, dari siklus pertama yang baru 6 orang, pada siklus ke dua ini menjadi 14 orang, yaitu 35,9% dari jumlah siswa kelas VII. Walaupun terdapat peningkatan, hasil ini belumlah dinilai maksimal, sehingga dilakukan teknik pembelajaran sesuai dengan siklus ke tiga. Hasil Dari Siklus Tiga yaitu: Pada siklus ini terdapat perubahan yang cukup penting yaitu, menugaskan siswa mancari gambar dan mempresentasikannya di depan kelas dan menerapkan picture game yaitu “bongkar pasang” gambar (scrambled picture). Permainan ini terkesan seru ketika para siswa menebak bagian-bagian gambar yang dipasang. Permainan ini member inspirasi baru bagi model pembelajaran saya, khususnya tentang body parts. Pada siklus ketiga ini perubahan yang terjadi cukup besar dimana pencapaian penguasaan siswa telah mencapai KKM yang diharapkan. Ada pula yang melebihi KKM dan ini member kebanggan tersendiri buat penulis. Rata-rata nilai siswa 74.04, yang artinya mengalami peningkatan lagi dari siklus ke dua sebanyak 1,17%. Dari hasil siklus ketiga ini baru lah terlihat bahwa rata-rata nilai siswa telah sesuai dengan KKM yang diharapkan bahkan dapat melebihi. Pada siklus ke tiga ini jumlah siswa yang telah mencapai ketuntasan meningkat lagi dari siklus ke II menjadi 35 orang yaitu 89,7% dari jumlah siswa. Walaupun tak dapat dipungkiri masih ada beberapa siswa yang belum mencapai nilai ketuntasan yang dalam hal ini di kelas VII-A sebagai kelas penelitian masih terdapat 4 orang atau 10,2% yang belum mencapai KKM. Peningkatan pencapaian nilai siswa dari siklus pertama sampai ke siklus ke tiga adalah : 18,89 %. Dari hasil ini penulis melihat bahwa dengan penggunaan media belajar media picture telah membantu siswa dalam pencapaian penguasaan materi pelajaran mereka. Sehingga dalam hal ini penulis menilai bahwa penggunaan media pembalajaran dengan media picture ini dapat terus dilaksanakan dan di kembangkan, demi peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam menguasai materi pelajaran. Untuk lebih mudahnya melihat perubahan dan kejuan dari pelaksanaan tiga siklus penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan, kita dapat melihatnya dari tabel berikut. Analisis Perbandingan Siklus PTK 100% 80% Persentase 60% 40% Jumlah Siswa Keseluruhan 20% Siswa mencapai KKM 0% Siklus 1 siklus 2 SiklusBelum 3 Tuntas Jika kita lihat dari jumlah siswa yang telah mencapai ketuntasan maka dapat dilihat bahwa dari proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan media picture dapat membantu peningkatan hasil belajar dan ketuntasan siswa dalam pencapaian materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. 526 KESIMPULAN Dari penelitian sederhana ini penulis dapat menarik beberapa kesimpulan, diantaranya : a. Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sunggung penting untuk dipelajari secara optimal dan bukan pelajaran membosankan (bored), sulit dipahami. b. Penggunaan media picture pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dapat meningkatkan minat dan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar. Hal ini terbukti dari antusiasme siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. c. Media picture dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris mampu mendekatkan peserta didik pada obyek yang digambarkan bisa dalam bentuk nyata. d. Media picture meningkatnya persentase ketuntasan siswa dalam materi pelajaran ini. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Abel, Aloysius. “IS/IT Strategic Planning of Tarakanita Education for 2010-2011. Graduate program of computer science faculty, Bina Nusantara University”. Jakarta, 2010 Budiono, “Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi” Media MNPK, No.3-4, TH XXIII, AgustusSeptember, 2002. Rambat, Sasongko. “Aplikasi Penelitian Tindakan Kelas” Thesis Manajemen Pendidikan Pascasarjana. Bengkulu, 2009 Santoso,. “Konsep dasar Penelitin Tindakan Kelas”,FKIP UNIB. Forum Diskusi UPI . Bengkulu, 2009 Sumarjo Heri, FIC, “Menyikapi Hadirnya Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi”, dalam, Media MNPK, No.3-4, TH XXIII, Agustus-September, 2002. Peraturan Pemerintah Republic Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan. UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Akhmad Sudrajat, “Media Pembelajaran”, “Jam Mata Pelajaran Perlu Ditambah”, “Mengupas Tuntas Penelitian Tindakan Kelas “„” “Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang Efektif”, “Teori Pembelajaran”, TEACHING READING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING SKILL BY MEDIA PICTURE Ruliana Dewi Abstract: Reading competence is essential to personal enrichment and the development of intelligent citizenship. By reading, the students can enlarge or enrich their knowledge and experience because most of information they need is served in written form. To reach the goal it can be done by using media pictures. Pictures can give contribution to students‟ interest and motivation, sense of language in context, and stimulate students‟ ideas. Keyword: Reading, descriptive text, media picture INTRODUCTION There are four skills in language term, namely reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Each skill has special characteristic whether it is in teaching strategies or in the way to study them. Reading skill is always given the main emphasis. As it is stated in the 2002 curriculum of English for SMP, the main goal of teaching English is to make students able to read. It means that the main goal of English teaching and learning for Indonesian students is to comprehend, that is to fully understand written or printed information. Reading is a receptive language process. It is a psycholinguistic process in that it starts with a linguistics surface representation encoded by a writer and ends with meaning which the 527 reader constructs. Because reading is a psycholinguistic process, it may be an active and passive reading. However, reading process is an attempt to drill or explore the textual passage in reading text. An active reading condition depends on the way in teaching it to the students. The approaches which are used in teaching reading influence the students‟ interest in doing that. The teacher should choose the appropriate approach in order to get the good students‟ achievement in reading comprehension. In teaching learning reading process , using media is very important. Media are instrument used to convey or to transmit messages of study materials. In other words, media are instructional material for students that can stimulate them for learning. Picture is one of media that can be used to help students to understand about material, because a picture is a general language which is able to be understood and can be enjoyed everywhere. Wright (1989) adds that pictures give contribution to students‟ interest and motivation, sense of language in context, and stimulate students‟ ideas. DISCUSSION Teaching Reading Before Reading, Poor Readers... �Start reading without thinking Strategic Readers... �Build up their own background about the knowledge process of reading or the topic. about reading and the topic �Do not know why they are �Set purposes for reading. reading but �Determine methods for reading, merely view the task as "ground to according cover." to their purposes. During Reading, Strategic Readers... Poor Readers... �Give their complete attention to the �Do not eliminate distractions reading task from �Check their own understanding reading constantly �Do not know whether they �Monitor their reading comprehension understand and �Do not recognize when do it so often that it becomes automatic comprehension has broken down �Stop to use a fix-up strategy when �Seldom use fix-up strategies to they do improve comprehension not understand �Use semantic, syntactic, and After Reading, Strategic Readers... �Decide if they have achieved their goals for reading �Evaluate their understanding of what was read �Summarize the major ideas �Seek additional information from outside sources �Distinguish between relevant and Poor Readers... �Do not know what they have read �Do not follow reading with comprehension self-check �Rely exclusively on the author's words �Do not go beyond a surface examination of the text. �Apply no conscious strategies to help them remember 528 irrelevant ideas �Paraphrase the text what they have learned. �Reflect on and personalize the text �Critically examine the text �Integrate new understandings and prior knowledge. �Use study strategies to retain new knowledge. As stated by Hornby the term” teaching” “ means “to cause somebody to know or be able to do something “. Teaching a child to read a story book, for instance, means causing the child to be able to read the story book (Hornby, 1986: 886). Reading is an active and interactive activity to reproduce the word mentally and vocally and tries to understand the content of reading text. It is important to bear in mind that reading is not an invariant skill, that there are different types of reading skills, which correspond to the many different purposes we have for reading. Reading competence is essential to personal enrichment and the development of intelligent citizenship. By reading, the students can enlarge or enrich their knowledge and experience because most of information they need is served in written form. Reading skill is always given the main emphasis. As it is stated in the 2002 curriculum of English for SMP, the main goal of teaching English is to make students able to read. It means that the main goal of English teaching and learning for Indonesian students is to comprehend, that is to fully understand written or printed information. The teacher can use some methods of teaching reading so that the students can enjoy and be stimulated in learning EFL reading comprehension. For teaching reading, we have to know about the rules that used in teaching reading especially to improve student‟s reading skill in the descriptive text. Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. The text presents letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning. The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that meaning is. Eddie C. Kennedy states: “Reading is the ability of an individual to recognize a visual form associate the form with a sound or meaning acquired in the past, and the basic of past experience, understand and interpret its meaning”. (1997:05). It is a receptive skill, like listening, this means reading involves responding the text, rather than producing it. A good reader is able to sift and sort through text and pull out the essential or key ideas while the struggling reader tends to pay attention to everything in the text. It has to be understood by the students if they would like to read the text. In teaching practices, we should have clear cut dividing line between good readers against the poor ones. This is very essential to have realization that actually the ultimate goal of our teaching process is to move students forward into better condition of their reading ability baseline. In developing reading materials, it is helpful to consider the following general guidelines. The reading text should: 1) Encourage appropriate use of both top–down and bottom–up strategies.2) Offer opportunities for developing speed/fluency as well as deliberateness/accuracy. 3) Include different text types, rhetorical genres, and topics. 4) Incorporate different types of reading task with different purposes (reading to learn, reading to do, reading to evaluate, and reading for enjoyment).5) Offer sufficient interaction with a topic or text to develop content and related vocabulary knowledge. 6) Encourage students to examine their own reading strategies and try out different strategies for dealing with different types of text or for reading for different purposes. 7) Introduce students to different types of direction encountered in texts and tests.8) Assist in identifying and building culturally variable information needed for text interpretation, while treating positively the students‟ primary language and culture. 529 DESCRIPTIVE TEXT Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. description is used in all forms of reading to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event. Descriptive reading or text is usually also used to help reader develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc. To complete our intention to, here are the characteristics based on descriptive writing or text. The Generic Structure of descriptive text are identification (identifying the phenomenon to be described) and description (describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics). And then the language feature of descriptive text are using attributive and identifying process, using adjective and classifiers in nominal group and using simple present tense. While in language function, descriptive reading Aims to show rather than tell the reader what something/someone is like. Media Picture Gagne (1979) defines that instructional media are various components in learners‟ environment which the media will allow students to understand better the content of what being taught. Media can also help to shape the learning process as well as interest in the language program and thus provide motivational impulse. Scanlan (2004) states that instructional media encompasses all the materials and physical means an instructor and teacher might use to implement instruction and facilitate learners' achievement of instructional objectives. The use of instructional media in the teachinglearning processes is meant to give the different types of educational experiences -- from handson apprenticeships to roleplaying, from demonstrations to reading printed text. Scanlan (2004) is of the opinion that, in general, a teacher should use the instructional media as it can facilitate learning or increasing the students‟understanding of his/her material. Of course, communicating to facilitate learning can be a challenging process, and it often requires creative efforts to achieve a variety of implicit instructional goals. Instructional media can be used to support one or more of the following teachinglearning activities:1)Gain attention. A picture on the screen, a question on the board, or music playing as students enter the room all serve to get the student‟s attention. 2)Recall prerequisites. Use media to help students recall what they learned in the last class, so that new material can be attached to and built upon it. 3)Present objectives to the learners. Hand out or project the day‟s learning objectives. 4)Present new content. Not only can media help make new content more memorable, media can also help deliver new content (a text, movie, or video). 5)Support learning through examples and visual elaboration. One of the biggest advantages of media is to bring the world into the classroom when it is not possible to take the student into the world. 6)Elicit student response. Present information to students and pose questions to them, getting them involved in answering the questions. 7)Provide feedback. Media can be used to provide feedback relating to a test or class exercise. 8)Enhance retention and transfer. Pictures enhance retention.Instructional media help students visualize a lesson and transfer abstract concepts into concrete, easier to remember objects. A picture is a general language which is able to be understood and can be enjoyed everywhere. Picture provides for most people critical contacts with the real world. Jean L. Mckenchnie defines in Webster dictionary that “Picture is an image, or likeness of an object, person, or scene produce on a flat surface, especially by painting, drawing or photograpy. Meanwhile according to Andrew Wright, “Picture is not just an aspect of method but thought its representation of place, object, and people, it is essential part of the overall experience. Through pictures, learner can see people, place and things from areas for outside their own picture can also represent image from ancient time or portray the picture. Wright (1989) adds that pictures give contribution to students‟ interest and motivation, sense of language in context, and stimulate students‟ ideas. there are five practical criteria of pictures to be applied in the classroom, (1) easy to prepare, (2) easy to organize, (3) interesting, (4) meaningful and authentic, and (5) sufficient amount of the language in order to justify its conclusion in the language lesson. 530 THE PLANNING OF USING PICTURES 1. Selecting contextual pictures that relates to the reding text 2. Showing the pictures to the students 3. Giving pictures that can help students to think and describe about the pictures THE USING OF READING TEXT 1. Planning for the reading task 2. Selecting real-life reading task 3. Asking students to read the text 4. Monitoring students‟ comprehension about the text 5. Evaluating students‟ comprehension 6. Checking students‟ answering CONCLUSION English teachers should realize that the ultimate goal of the English Language Teaching at junior high schools in Indonesia is to develop the learners‟functional level of literacy in English language. This means that students should be able to communicative orally as well as in written mode of the language. To achieve these goals, teacher should be well-prepared in teaching so that the students would be deeply engaged in learning. Furthermore, teacher should design such a good teaching strategy that he/she create meaningful, alive, and enjoyable class activities. To make this happen in the classroom, teacher needs be creative and innovative in preparing instructional media so that the media would function optimally in boosting the students‟ learning. The success of teaching reading is determined by the appropriate methods, technique, or media that teacher appplied. Reading involves many complex skills that have to come together in order for the reader to be successful. By giving pictures help students to know more about the text and also can help students to engage to the text. BIBLIOGRAPHY Http:// Gagne,R.M dan Briggs, L.J. 1979. Principles of Instructional Design. Holt and Winston. New York. Hornby, 1995. Oxpord learnet Dictionary . University Press. Kennedy, E. C. (1997). Method in Teaching Development Reading. F. E. Peacock Pub. Inc. Ministry of National Education. 2010. Teaching Reading. Scanlan, Craigh. L. Instructional Media: Selection and Use. Available Http:// media/cdm/media.htm Scanlan, L. Craig. 2000. Instructional Media: Selection and Use downloaded from on 16 March, 2010 Willis,J. and Wright, K,E. 2005. A general Set of Procedure for Constructivist Instructional Design: The New R2D2. 531 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SNOWBALL THROWING METHOD IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY Siti Aisyah Guru bahasa inggris SMP N 27 Tanjung Jabung Timur Abstract: One of the factors that students‟ difficulties to express their feeling in writing and speaking is because they have limited in vocabulary. It‟ very difficult for them to remember the meaning in native language. In this case the students think that study english language is very difficult. it‟s happened because the teacher still not able to make learning process fun, so the students are not motivated to keep learning in the classroom. Cause of that the teacher should use fun techniques to teach vocabulary. One of the technique is snowball throwing method. Kata kunci: Snowball throwing method, vocabulary Learning a language means learning its vocabularies. We use the vocabularies in communication either in spoken form or written form. We try to send messages, share information and ideas by using the language. Students often find difficulties in using a English language because they lack of vocabularies and they often forget easily new vocabularies after they get the meaning from dictionaries. Sometimes in speaking classess, students can not speak fluently because they lack of vocabularies. They say only a few sentences because they can not find the appropriate vocabularies to be used in expressing their ideas. The same problem is also found in writing classess. That students can not write essays easily because they lack of vocabularies. They find difficulties in choosing and using the appropriate vocabularies.these can cause problems in learning English language. However, English teachers should always motivate their students to keep practicing using the languaage. They should use many methods which can interest their students in using the target language in classroom communication. Cause of that reason, this writing is hopefully can give suggestions to impove students‟ vocabularies through snowball throwing method. The Importance Of Vocabulary Learning Vocabulary learning is the important aspect in learning a foreign language. Students will improve much if they learn more words and expressions. As a linguist David Wilkins (in Thornbury 2002:13) says that vocabulary learning is very important. „Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.‟ Thus, vocabularies are the flesh of a language while grammar is the skeleton. In order to be able to use the language productively, students must know certain amount of vocabularies, not only for communicating orally, but also written. It is in line with the concept of communicative approach in which learners have a big chance to use the language directly in classroom activities. This approach is useful in improving students‟ vocabularies. Through the approach students are forced to use the language directly in either spoken or written communication. The questions relate with vocabularies acquisition are what kinds of words one needs to know and how many words he must know. The vocabularies that should a student know first are the high frequency words. These are words that he uses most often in communication either in classroom activities or outside classroom. The high frequency words are called the general service vocabulary. Next, he also should know the academic or sub technical words which are not in general service vocabulary but occur frequently over a range of academic texts. Learning the vocabulary of English language presents the learner with firstly making the correct connections when understanding the language between the form and the meaning of words including discriminating the meanings of closely related words. Secondly, when producing the language, using the correct form of a word for the meaning intended. A student of English language must know about the words and word formation in order to be able to understand the form and meaning of words as well as to be able to use the correct form of word. The next discussion is about the definition of word, word classes, and word formation. 532 Definition of Word There are some definitions of the term word. Longman dictionary of American English stated that word is written representation of one or more sounds which can be spoken to represent an idea, object, etc. Crowley (1995:7) stated that the term word is a unit of linguistic analysis which has these characteristics: (1) isolability, means that words can be pronounced in isolation from other words, (2) mobility, means that words are item which can be moved around within a sentence to form new sentences, and (3) phonological independence which means that words are correspond to the minimal units of phonological analysis. Class of Word The classes of word can be divided into eight different classes such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and determiners. Thornbury (2002:3) mentioned that there are two crude division of word that is content words (lexical words) and function words (grammatical words). Content words are those that carry high information load such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The membership is unrestricted and still allow for the addition of new members. Meanwhile function words are words that mainly contribute to the grammatical sentence such as prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, and pronouns. The membership is restricted and definite. Formation of Word There are many ways of words formation. These develop and enrich vocabularies of a language. In English, the common word formation processes are (1) derivation, (2) compounding, (3) acronyms, (4) back formation, (5) blending, (6) clipping, (7) coinage, (8) functional shift, (9) false etymology, and (10) proper names. (Fromkin, 1988). Below is the definition of each process. 1. Derivation: It is the process that derives new words by using prefixes and suffixes. Some common prefixes are anti-, dis-, in-, pre-, post-, un-, and re-. Some common suffixes are – ation, -able, -al, -er, -ed, -ful, -ity, -ing, -ly, -ness, and –y. For instance, from the word believe (verb) can be derived into some adjectives by adding prefix and suffix like follow: believable, unbelievable. 2. Compounding: It is the process that forms new words by putting together two or more existing words. For instance by combining noun and noun like girlfriend, landlord, or mailman. 3. Acronyms: It is the process that forms new words by uniting the initial sounds or letters of words then pronounceable as a new separate word. For example the word laser from light amplification through the stimulated emission of radiation or UN from United Nation. 4. Back Formation: It is the process that uses analogy in a rather backwards manner to derive new words. For instance the word revise is derived from the word revision. 5. Blending: It is the process that combines parts of two words, usually the initial part of a word and the last part of another word. For example the word brunch is the blending from breakfast and lunch. 6. Clipping: It is the process that derives new words by shortening the words so it is easy to be pronounced without paying attention to the derivational morphology of the word. For instance the word dorm from the word dormitory and the word lab from laboratory. 7. Coinage: It is the process that derives new words by using no morphological methods but just take the brand of some products to name the things refer. For example the word aqua to name all bottled mineral water and the word Kodak to name any kind of camera. 8. Functional Shift: It is the process that derives new words by moving the part of speech of a word and no changing of its form. For instance the word run can be used as noun and also as verb. 9. Morphological Misanalysis: It is the process that derives new words by introducing new words taken from similar words. This can be because of actual misunderstanding, or intentional (creative) extension of morphemes. For instance the word workaholic derives from alcoholic. 10. Proper Names: It is the process that derives new words from names of persons connected with them. For example the word watt from James Watt the name of the person who invented electricity. 533 These processes of words formation can be introduced to students in order to give them the rule of deriving new words which they can apply and to improve their vocabularies. The knowledge of words and words formation processes is beneficial to help the students in learning vocabularies. First, they can learn the principles in forming words. Then, the knowledge leads them to be productive and creative that is by applying the principles in order to „create‟ words. As the result, they may improve their vocabularies. Snowball Throwing method This technique is not difficult to apply. The role is very simple to the subject under study when we play this method. The role of teaching snowball throwing method can play like a game. It can be explained as below: The teacher give an appreciation (brainstorm students to the material that will be given), 1. The teacher tell the function of the study process, 2. The teacher make a group, and call the leaders of the groups to give them a briefing, 3. The teacher tell the rules to the leaders of the groups, 4. The leaders back to their groups and tell the member about explanation from the teacher, 5. All students are given a paper sheet, 6. Students squeezing the paper become a ball shape or maybe be folded become a plane shape or another shapes, 7. The ball or another shapes is thrown to other students in random and in the unspecified of the amount and timing 8. Students open the paper sheet that in a ball or another shapes, 9. Students answer the question, 10. The teacher and students discuss all of the questions and the answers together. Snowball Throwing learning model has a design study, known as the grafts are: 1. Growing interest is nurtured 2. Made or natural is common experience that can bring all students to understand 3. 4. 5. 6. Frontage is provide keywords, concepts, models, formulas, strategies Demonstrate is provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate "that they know." Repeat is show students ways to repeat the material and asserts,"I know that I did know it", Celebrate is recognition for completion, participation, and the acquisition of skills and knowledge. (Bobbi DePorter, Mark Reardon, Sarah Singer-Nourie, 1999:10) Snowball throwing To Improve Students’ Vocabulary In every lesson, we have to establish new words and practice our students, making clear the meanings and the way in which each can be used. That is very common to teach vocabulary as a present study through an interesting technique. There are of course many different techniques which can be effectively used in teaching vocabulary used in teaching elementary school students. In this study, only one technique of teaching vocabulary is discussed: teaching vocabulary through snowball throwing technique. Snowball Throwing is a learning model used to get the answer which created by the students from discussion with their friends (Zaini, et al, 2008:58). snowball throwing technique is one of vocabulary games which make students enjoy and can decrease worry in learning vocabulary. Snowball throwing encourages the students to be active in speaking participation in the classroom, because this method contains a rich communication where students must be active. Snowball throwing techniques haves positive effect on the students memory development. In addition, the purpose of this technique is appropriate in reviewing the vocabulary for the students. In teaching learning process, snowball throwing technique also can be a good media in developing students‟ vocabulary. How to play snowball throwing to improve students’ vocabulary The children write a word on a piece of paper. They crumple the paper into a “snowball” and then - Ready - Set – Go. The children start throwing the crumpled “snowballs” at each other. The teacher says “STOP!” The children pick up the nearest“snowball” to them, open the snowball and read the word. Each child must form sentences as described in the last 534 exercise above and then watch out! The “snowball” fight is on again! The game works best with a smaller group. It is not recommended to play this game with a large group since it will be very difficult to stop the “snowball” fight part of the learning exercise. Advantages and Disadvantages of Snowball Throwing Method Advantages of this technique : 1. This technique can make the players or in this case the students more adroit and their ability about memorizing the English vocabulary is more increased because they learn in an enjoyable way. 2. Fun in learning with snowball throwing technique brings real word context in to the classroom and enhances students to use English in flexible communicative way. 3. It can make students relax and fun to study. 4. The teaching learning process more attractive 5. The teacher more easy to teach about the vocabulary Disadvantages of this technique : 1. The teacher should control the situation of classroom, this technique will make situation more crowded because the student will scream when the ball running 2. This technique not too effective measure speaking skill because not all the student will get the chance to speak because limit of the time CLOSING learning method using the snowball throwing is expected to improve students' vocabulary, so that students can actively express whatever they want to say in speaking and writing because they have a lot of vocabulary. REFERENCES Crowley, Terry, Lynch, John, Siegel, Jeff, and Piau, Julie. 1995. The Design of Language, an Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. New Zealand. Longman Paul Limited. Thornburry, Scott. How to Teach Vocabulary. England Pearson Education Limite Zaini, Hisyam,et all,2008. Strategi pembelajaran aktif.Yogyakarta:Insan Madani EXPERIENCE IN REAL TEACHING ACTIVITY AT M Ts. SURYA BUANA MALANG Sri widarti SMP N 3 Tanah GrogotPaser Regency Abstract: This article is to tell the experience in real teaching activity at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Surya Buana Malang East Java. Five factors observed are student factor which includes students‟ motivation and students‟ participation, teacher factor included pedagogic competence and professional competence ,classroom management included students‟ grouping and students- teacher interaction, teaching media included ITC media and flash card and assessment. Keywords: Lesson study, motivation, media, classroom management Lesson study is a model for teacher‟s developing professionalism which involves colloquies in an open class . It improves the awareness of the teacher to observed teaching and learning process which has the purpose for finding the appropriate technique in improving learning process. Teachers can observe the factors which influence the quality of learning process done by model teacher. Then they make reflection after finishing the teaching and learning process. On refection teachers will explore the effectiveness and the weakness of teaching techniques used and find the solution for solving the problems. Later they can implement the suitable technique on their classroom .In grade seven C MTs Surya Buana there 535 are 26 students . The students input varies from the high capacity to the lower one. Five factors I observed in real teaching activity at MTs Surya Buana, Malang are student factor, teacher factor, classroom management, teaching media and assessment. The first is student factor .Students play an important role in learning activity .They determine the success of learning process. Mts Surya Buana‟s students mostly have high motivation in learning. When the teacher entered the classroom they were ready to have lesson. I saw it by their response to the teacher‟s questions in opening activity. They rose their hand in turn to answer the questions confidently. It is the good starting point for the active learning. Besides that, students interaction was good . They discussed the passage given with their friends interactively. When the teacher asked them to share the answer they did it well. It showsthat thecooperative learning can be done well. They also have high participation. Their participation included asking difficult words, having discussion, answering the questions and presenting the result of their group discussion. Teacher factor is the next item observed . One of the requirement for a good teacher is pedagogic competence. It includes how to prepare lesson plan, instructional material, teaching media and also teaching technique used in the classroom. I found that model teacher has a good pedagogic competence. She had a lesson plan for learning activity .Instructional material about descriptive text was designed in a form of power point presentation. It helped to attract the students‟ attention and to give a model of descriptive text before the students constructed by themselves. Teaching method used was cooperative learning. She asked the student to make groups of four . The teacher gave picture on a flash card to be described which later is developed into a descriptive paragraph . She also used flash card and power point presentation as teaching media. We know that media is important in teaching and learning process. In fact she gave a model of descriptive text, language features used and rhetoric step of writing descriptive text. The teacher explained that descriptive text uses present tense , adjectives and nouns. She guided the students by giving questions as clues being described. I think it is a good wayto help the students to organize the idea. Classroom management is also observed. The teacher used cooperative learning in implementing the instructional materials. The group consisted of four member were formed to discuss topic being described. When the students had discussion the teacher walked around to give assistance whether they had a problem or not. Also when there was an inactive student she encouraged them to be active .She also reminded the students who made a lot of noise. I think it is a good classroom management. About teacher-students interaction I observed, I found that there was no barrier among them though they hadn‟t known before. The students was brave enough to ask question and also answer the question. It means that the teacher can manage the classroom well. The fourth is teaching media. Instructional media is an important part in teaching learning process. In order to scaffold learning, teacher needs to make something abstract into something concrete through media. Media also helps the teacher explain the topic consistently from one class to another. In this real teaching the teacher used flash card to give pictures to the students to be described. Each group got one flash card with fruit picture on one side and the other side was the questions as clues. By answering the questions hoped that the students were able to describes the fruit picture. Then they made sentences to describe the fruits which later were arranged into paragraph. Besides flash card the teacher used ITC media. In this teaching teacher used MS Power Point to present the instructional material. She gave the descriptive text model and the language features including grammar and tenses used in descriptive. It made the students easier to identify the rhetoric steps in descriptive . The students seemed interested in the material presented in slides especially for the visual type learner. Power point really helped them to understand the lesson. Besides power point made the lesson interested. I think it is a good using teaching media. The last is assessment. Assessment is also an important part in teaching and learning process. Assessment is used to judge whether the learning objectives have been achieved or not. Then the teacher can decide the follow-up program, such as giving remedial program or reinforcement program. Assessment can be done firstly, having quiz or observing students‟ performance, attitude and product during the teaching and learning process. In this real teaching the teacher did not give quiz to the student but she asked the students to collect the result of 536 their writing. Then she gave feedback to the result of the students‟ writing. After that she asked them to improve their writing based on the feedback. It means that the teacher just used the final product of students‟ writing. It seemed that she did not assess the students‟ learning process because she did not bring any kind of observation sheet. But she had a good closure by having reflex ion with the students. She asked some questions about what had they learnt during the lesson and what did they fell weather they enjoyed or not. By lesson study in an open class the teacher can observe five factors determined the success of learning activity namely, student factor, teacher factor, classroom management, teaching media and assessment. The teacher must pay attention to those five factors .How to motivate the student in the beginning of the class. Before the teacher tells the topic she can give ice-breaker to make to students feel relax and are ready to learn. Besides she can ask the questions to relate to the students background knowledge with the topic being discussed.In addition the teacher can use various method such as CTL, Cooperative Learning, or AJEL. Classroom management, various media and assessment are another thing should be considered in performing teaching and learning process. By having open class we can share with the other teacher the problems faced in the classroom and discuss the alternative solution for those problems. If we regularly conduct lesson study hopefully we can improve the quality of our education which ends in the improvement of students‟ achievement. REFERENCES Fachrurrazy,dkk. 2013. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kreatif dan Inovatif. Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang. Ibrohim, 2013.Panduan Pelaksanaan Lesson Study.Malang:Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang. Rachmajanti,Sri, 2013. Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Malang: Penerbit Universitas Malang. Sulistyo,Gunadi,dkk.2013. Asesmen Pembelajaran bahasaInggris.Malang: penerbit Universitas Malang. THE APPLICATION of AJEL METHOD in ENGLISH LEARNING at CLASS IX/C of SMPN 3 PADANG PANGRAPAT TANAH GROGOT Khusnul Khotimah SMPN 3 Kuaro Abstract: Form of school education program centered on students‟ learning activity. Learning process has a close realtionship with an educator role. An educator must master the way to organize process or means of learning process itself. Active, creative, joyful and effective learning ( AJEL ) is suitable to junior high students‟ age. By using AJEL method in teaching and learning activity, it is hope, carried meaningful change. Certainty and uncertainty expressions are common expression that usually is used in daily life. In learning process, students tend to be active, feel more interested, enjoyable, discover their own creativity and want to know more about something new. The student is expected be able to apply subject matter in a real life, so they will be ready to face the change and able to compete in globalization era. Key words : AJEL method, certainty and uncertainty expression, students‟ responses 537 THE PREFACE Human‟s learning skill is a fundamental poundation. By having the skill, human had improved and open minded to enrich him/herself and got higher culture in their own life. Each people gets many improvements in each of life aspects. According to realization of study role at students development, modern society builds some institution which especially regulates study experiences so it can support students‟ development and not to blocked it. This institution is called “ school “. School holds an education program as in teaching curriculum. In this case, form of school education program centered on students‟ learning activity. Learning process has a close relationship with an educator role. An educator must master the way to organize process or means of learning process itself. An educator‟s principal duty is accompanied students in her/his learning whether in guiding students in learning process or in passing through many phases of learning process. The aim of learning process is to create the student‟s development. This development can be seen at science, understanding, skill and attitude. The development is a result of learning activity which is saved in mind. Nowadays, in learning process is needed a condition that support and motivate a good learning activity so learning process itself can reach the expected aim. In school, it has developed joyful and attractive learning pattern. By using this learning pattern, it is hope that students become more interested, enjoyed, able to discover their own creativity and they want to know more about something new. The purpose of this learning pattern is to make student be able to active by him/herself. The most important thing by using this learning pattern is able to bring up to a meaningful change condition. It can be said meaningful learning if there is a close relationship between science and skill ( lesson point ) which students had got in learning process. The wider and deeper educator science about joyful and attractive learning it can get bigger successfully expectation in learning process. DEFINITION OF AJEL Fachrurrazy and Mirjam Anugerahwati ( 2013 : 42 ) state that “AJEL is a teaching model which is active, creative, joyful and effective( in Indonesia it is called PAKEM), which originally was designed for kindergarten and Primary school”. And Departemen Pendidikan Nasional ( 2009 ) states that “PAKEM adalah proses pembelajaran yang dirancang agar mengaktifkan anak, mengembangkan kreativitas sehingga efektif namun tetap menyenangkan. PAKEM menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif/bermakna yang mampu memberikan siswa keterampilan, pengetahuan dan sikap untuk hidup”. From those definition, it can be concluded that AJEL is a learning model which rest on principle such as active, effective and joyful. This learning model is suitable with curriculum 2013 that has as a base on competition which oriented on students‟ activity (student centered learning). Background of opinion in AJEL is suitable with Kusubakti Andayani and Yuni Pratiwi ( 2013 : 41 ) statement that “ Pandangan yang melatarbelakangi pendekatan ini yakni setiap pengalaman belajar melalui objek-objek yang dilihat, didengar, dirasakan, dialami siswa setiap detik, setiap hari, sepanjang tahun akan mempengaruhi perkembangan jiwanya dan membentuk karakter dan sikapnya kelak”. AJEL oriented on process and purpose. Process orientation in AJEL is to increase learning motivation. The autonomy and responsible are created early. Togetherness and work in group is to sharpen the emotional. A healthy competition is grown by respected to each other and also to grow the leadership qualities. Purpose orientation is to make students study more again, critically, and creatively. Learning atmosphere is being more variaton. It is also to increase emotional ripeness. One of the most important thing is student feels ready to face the change and participate in change process. CHARACTERISTICS of AJEL 538 Fachrurrazy and Mirjam Anugerahwati state that “ model of teaching with AJEL / PAKEM will encourage learners to be physically, socially and mentally active, to comprehend and develop life skills. This model requires that both teacher and learners are active”. Fachrurrazy and Mirjam Anugerahwati also state that : a. An active teachers : Monitors the learners‟ learning activities Gives feedback according to needs Asks challenging questions which invite learners to think critically Questions the learners‟ ideas by asking for reasons. b. While learners are active when they can : Construct the concepts from their background knowledge Ask about things they do not know Suggest own or group‟s ideas Question new ideas Do activities which are related to the topics they are learning REASON of CHOICING AJEL Learning method of AJEL is one of good method because there are unifications of students‟ soul, teacher‟s soul and mastery of class so that the material is given by teacher easy to enter in students‟ mind. Learning method of AJEL is focused on active, effective, creative and joyful learning. An active learning leads student to develop their higher thinking skill such as analyzing, doing evaluation to many learning event and applying it in daily life. A creative learning is a learning process that asks teacher to motivate and discover students‟ creativity in learning process. A creative learning demands teacher to be able to stimulate students‟ creativity, especially in developing their thinking skill or in doing something. Thinking creative is begun by thinking critically such as finding and creating something new that nothing before or repairing something Thinking creative must be developed in learning process in order to make student has habitually in developing their creativity. Students are being creative if they can do something and create new activity and product which is gotten from product of thinking creative. The learning is effective if it can give new experiences, form the learners competition and deliver them to the purpose which will be reached as optimize as possible. Whole students must be involved in learning process in order to be more enthusiastic. By this, learning atmosphere is truly conducive, focused on purpose and formed of learners competition. Joyful learning means that there is good relationship pattern included teacher and learners in learning process. A democratic atmosphere should be created in a class and no burden whether to teacher or learners in learning process. THE IMPLEMENTATION of ACTIVITIES This teaching and learning activities are written as experiences in ongoing activity of teaching English at SMPN 3 Padang Pangrapat Tanah Grogot. Before teaching, teacher brings about planning session. In the planning session, the first thing should be done are : a. Determine Standard of Competence and Basic Competence b. Arrange Lesson Plan c. Choose learning strategy d. Determine appropriate visual aid Standart of competence which writer choose is “ Understanding the meaning in simple short oral conversation transactional and interpersonal to interact in daily life context “. And the basic competence is “ To respond the meaning in the transactional conversation (to get things done) and simple short interpersonal (interaction) accurately, fluently and acceptable to interact in the daily life context included speech act, asking and giving the certainty, expressing and responding the uncertainty “. 539 The writer choose AJEL in teaching and learning process. According to the writer AJEL is a suitable teaching because the principal thing that must be done is discovering, stimulating, and make learners lost their sub consciousness power in the subject matter. If students had lost their sub consciuosness power in the subject matter, it will be easy to teacher in reaching the purpose of learning process. Tim Penyusun Modul FKIP UNMUL (2008 : 11) states that “ Bawalah mereka dari dunia mereka ke dunia kita, kemudian hantarkan mereka dari dunia kita ke dunia mereka kembali. Sehingga siswa benar-benar bukan hanya sekedar mengenali nilai (LOGOS ), tetapi harus mampu melakukan internalisasi penghayatan nilai-nilai tersebut (ETOS) dan yang terpenting adalah sampai kepada anak mampu mengaktualisasikan mengamalkan nilai-nilai tersebut (PATOS)”. Ongoing activity was held on September 18 th, 2013 at SMPN 3 Padang Pangrapat Tanah Grogot. The next activity is implementation session. In this session, the subject matter will be given to students are about using of certainty and uncertainty expression. This learning activity is divided by 3 session : A. Opening B. Main activity C. Closing To support joyful learning process, writer used puppet hand visual aid. In opening session, teacher said greeting to students. When students‟ answered intonation sapless, teacher said greeting again by using higher intonation, so that it made student answer by using higher intonation too. After greeting, teacher asked student to stand up to move their body. Teacher guided student in order to their body could move in good harmony. After that, teacher asked students to applause together. It was to activate the nerves and stimulate students‟ enthusiasm. In ongoing activity, writer taught in other school so firstly teacher introduced herself. In this introduction, teacher entered questions related to certainty and uncertainty expressions. For example : ” do you know my name ?........ are you sure that my name is Syahrini ?........ are you sure that I am like syahrini ?...... are you sure that my name is Sarmintul ?”........... To the students‟ answer whether certain and uncertain, the teacher used to ask reason whether ” why were you certain ? ” and why were you uncertain ?”. The teacher asked attendance. When the writer taught at SMPN 3 Padang Pangrapat, there were 3 students not come to school because they followed PASKIBRAKA activity. Whole students in class IX/C are 24 person. As 3 students were absence so totally students in a class was 21 students. Teacher gave identification sign to each students which formed of 5 kind of fruits. It included of strawberries, mangoes, mangoesteens, guavas and oranges. After that, the teacher stimulated students with questions related to certain and uncertain expression. Teacher chose questions which related to students‟ experience or event that students had undergone before. By this, unconsciously, students will enter to their sub consciousness power, so indirectly, they would be ready to join the learning process. By this activity, students had ability to aplicate the subject matter in real life. After teacher stimulated students by giving questions refer to certain and uncertain expression, teacher gave an example of dialogue by using puppet hand. In example, teacher was used to make funny examples. The advantage of funny example is students would get more comfortable. The teacher turned on LCD about ” how to ask someone‟s certainty, how to express certainty, and how to express uncertainty. In main activity, teacher gave example of certain and uncertain expression again. And teacher asked students to make pattern which was suitable with certain and uncertain expression. Student could make pattern of certain and uncertain expression easily. In this activity, teacher wrote pattern of certain and uncertain on the blackboard. Teacher and student tried to make sentences together and tried to pronoune it in correct words. After student had understood, teacher asked student to gather in similar fruit. For example, if they got strawberry, they might gather with partner who got strawberry too, etc. Each group consisted of 4 students. Totality student in class IX/C was 21 person, so it could be made 5 groups. Teacher gave stereofom board which had given decoration in a frame. On board, there were 2 papers to write the students work. Firstly, teacher gave instruction of how to do the task. Teacher gave task to the students. Students seen very enthusiasm in doing their task. Teacher went around to look students activity. Teacher would guide again to the student who was still confused. 540 Teacher gave plus score to the student who were faster in doing the task and collecting the task in front of the class. By giving plus score, student felt more conscious in finishing the task. Learning process was being faster and in joyful atmosphere because each student had feeling to be number one in collecting the task. Stereofom board had put in front class to be showed off to others group. After all group had finished the task, stereofom board had exchanged to other group and be corrected together. It could stimulate students to answer questions together. In this activity, each student had given the chance to analyze other group work. The analyzing had seen from certain and uncertain expressing form and punctuation. Teacher was fond of praising to the group which got higher score and gave motivation to group which got lower score. Teacher guided student to practice the pronounciation. In closing activity, teacher asked to student about subject matter had just learnt and used functions in a real life. Both of teacher and student made ending conclusion about subject matter had just learnt. After that, teacher asked student to said yell yell “ I AM SURE, I CAN BE THE BEST, YES YES YES !!!! RESULTS From teaching and learning activities, it can be known that : 1. Learning readiness Students were seen so ready to receive the subject matter. In main activity, students were seen enthusiasm in following subject matter. It can be looked at their seriousness in doing task in a group. Student tend to be active in learning process. 2. Student who was less in concentration. Student, Andi Arif looked not healthy 3. Reason of student who was less in concentration Andi Arif was sick 4. Teacher‟s effort to student who was less in concentration Student had asked to take a rest in UKS and take medicine 5. Closing activity Both of teacher and student made conclusion, strengthening and consolidation related to real life. CONCLUSION The teaching and learning activity used AJEL at class IX/C SMPN 3 Padang Pangrapat Tanah Grogot, can be taken the conclusion that : 1. By using AJEL, it can increase quality of English learning. 2. By using AJEL, made student feel comfortable, interested and given the opportunity to extend opinion, ideas and questions. 3. Student had the ability in doing the task by her/himself or in group and be able to responsible all task individually or in group. 4. Teacher gives jokes which related to subject matter and praised in teaching and learning activity 5. The main priority is creating class atmosphere being joyful and attractive. 6. In teaching and learning activity should be raised good and positive competition. It makes student want to be the best, so unconsciously, there will have increased at English students‟ score 7. Application of AJEL impacts to positive influences, such as : - Increasing students‟ self confidence, motivation and enthusiasm in learning activity. - Increasing emotional and social maturity. - Increasing students‟ productivity. - Student‟s participation in doing the task is good - The learning activity is more effective - Students are being active, critically and creative. - Full of attention in each of learning process. - There is close relationship both of teacher and students 541 SUGGESTION Teacher should give spirit, motivation and praised to the students. Purpose of giving motivation is student will be always study hard and respond the subject matter which applied in real life, so they will be ready to face the change and able to compete in globalization era which English is being international language. SELECTED REFERENCES Andayani,K and Pratiwi,Y. 2013. Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kreatif dan Inovatif. Malang : kerjasama PT. Pertamina – Universitas Negeri Malang. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2009. Pembelajaran Aktif, Kreatif, Efektif & Menyenangkan (Pakem). Jakarta : Depdiknas Fachrurrazy and Anugerahwati, M. 2013. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kreatif dan Inovatif. Malang : kerjasama PT. Pertamina – Universitas Negeri Malang. Tim Penyusun Modul FKIP UNMUL. 2008. PAIKEM. Samarinda 542