Poole Bobbin Lace Circle
Poole Bobbin Lace Circle
Poole Bobbin Lace Circle NEWSLETTER 189 2ND NOVEMBER 2013 EDITORIAL How many of us do other crafts as well as lace? I also do some dressmaking on occasions, a little card making and I knit. Knitting seems to be taking over at the moment as I have a small list of clothes that have been requested for my granddaughter. I’m not the fastest knitter so lace is being neglected at home in order to make these items. I have noticed that there are several informal ‘Knit and Natter’ groups meeting around Poole. One started recently in Canford Cliffs library where I live and I heard about one at the Oakdale library too. Are there any informal groups meeting to make lace? We have our regular Tuesday Group every week at St George’s but I wondered whether there are any smaller groups meeting in friend’s homes. Please write and let us know about your groups. TODAY'S MEETING Our speaker this afternoon is Betty Ruffell talking about “Design”. Brenda and Sandie are here with their lovely beaded jewellery and decorations. The display is of Torchon Lace. I hope that members have remembered to bring some Torchon Lace for the display. Orders will be taken for charity bobbins. THE SOUTHERN COUNTIES LACEMAKERS’ FAIR Havant Saturday 16 November, 10.00am to 4.00pm I now have the tickets so if you ordered one please see me at the November meeting. They are £4 each. The transport has been arranged and all those requiring lifts have been accommodated. I will have those details ready to hand out with your ticket. I am sure that it will be an enjoyable day out. Margaret Eaglestone ALL ABOUT MAKING – FLORAL BUCKS POINT LACE Those of you who attended our workshop with Alexandra Stillwell or who have her book “All About Making Geometrical Bucks Point Lace” will be delighted to learn that her new book “All About Making – Floral Bucks Point Lace” has just been published and is available from the author. It explains the difference between geometrical and floral and has a series of patterns to guide the lacemaker through the complexities of this lace. The book costs £28.50. Alexandra will be at the Southern Counties Lace Fair signing copies of her book. She will have her other books available as well. If you can’t make it to Havant her website is: www.alexstillwell.wordpress.com TH PILLOW PARTY 7 DECEMBER 1.30 – 4.30PM th There will be another Pillow Party on December 7 to be held at St George’s Church, Darby’s Lane. At this party there will be Christmas patterns, Angels and a Snowflake. If you wish to make one of these patterns the thread needed is about 20 pairs Finca 30 or equivalent for the Angels and 23 pairs Finca 40 or equivalent for the Snowflake. You will also need metallic thread and beads. There will be a small charge for the patterns. LEAF CHARITY BOBBINS Once again we have bobbins made by Stuart Johnson, available in both bone and wood. The price of the wood bobbin is £5.25 and the bone bobbin is £8.00. Yes, I have double-checked the price and it is correct! Please see Margaret Eaglestone today to order your bobbin. Last opportunity to order th these bobbins will be at the meeting on 4 January. PILLOW PARTY REPORT On Saturday 5th October 2013 we had our Pillow Party at St George’s Church Hall. It was a beautiful day and it was lovely to see those who came to make Lace. As usual lots of chatter, but also some new faces to our pillow party. Great to see you all, and many thanks to Jenny Lewis and Laura Navrady-Pitcher for the delicious cakes you made. I always enjoy the day as it's a great way to just sit and make lace with very good company. Next Pillow Party is Saturday December 7th, so why not put the date in your diary and join us then. Marilyn Tinsley Thank you to Marilyn as she made a cake as well. YVONNE SCHEELE-KERKOF’S LACE WORKSHOP Organised by Lily Wills Saturday 17th – Monday 19th August Ten eager ladies gathered at the Broadstone Community and Arts Centre on Saturday 17th August at 9am to begin their workshop with Yvonne Scheele-Kerkhof. Of the ten participants six were from PBLC and/or Christchurch Lace Society. The remaining four had travelled from Hampshire. Yvonne is a Dutch national who began her lace making when she was here in the U.K. with her husband and young family. While the children were at craft school Yvonne would pass by an antique shop where she saw bobbins displayed ~ she had no clue as to what they were. Later she attended an exhibition where she saw lace being made. She returned to the antique shop, purchased the bobbins Yvonne and Lily … she was hooked! That was in 1977. From that time Yvonne has spent her time fulfilling her aim to make lace come alive. She has studied a variety of lace techniques in her homeland and has written several books about Withof and Floral Bedfordshire lace. Her latest endeavour has been some years in the creating after her stay in Asia. “The Beauty of the Orient Painted in Thread ~ a Lace Journey” is a ‘coffee table’ book containing 144 full colour pages and it is due to be published in March 2014. From the sample that we saw it looks sensational. To have someone with such skill and love of lace who has been coming to Dorset for the last 22 years is fantastic. The four attendees from Hampshire had all come because of the high level of teaching. Dawn Carr, Judith Cordell and Jeanette Moody are all members of Itchen Valley Lacemakers and Elaine Moule comes from Waterlooville. Judith and Elaine were working on Floral Bedfordshire while Dawn and Jeanette were both working on Withof. Dawn brought with her a piece of Withof lace that she has been working on for several years, the pattern of which was designed by Sister Judith, a Dutch nun who has been making lace since the age of 13 …. she had her 100th birthday this past September. Of the local lacemakers Jackie Barton worked on two projects ~ a long established piece and a bird, both in Withof. Josie Mitchell, Eve Morton, Liz Pass, Ann Vernon and I spent the course working on Cantu which is an Italian lace created by using 14 pairs of bobbins ~ 7 of those pairs are used in a bundle to create an edging – cum outline. Josie, Eve and Ann finished their starter project and went on to other pieces. Liz who has been on the course before was making excellent headway on a much larger piece of Cantu lace, (in between helping me! Thank you Liz for your help and words of support). Our sincere thanks go to Lily Wills for organising this event and of course to Yvonne who has worked so patiently with those of us learning Cantu Jackie with her Withof for the first time. This is a great opportunity for some intense teaching with an expert. The course will run next October if there is sufficient take up. I would urge you all to think about attending ~ the facilities are good with plenty of light, the company conducive and the opportunity for some top class tuition over a three day course is not to be missed. Date for your diary: Saturday 18th October – Monday 20th October 2014. Linda Burn ~ Course attendee Sept 2013. DEMONSTRATIONS REPORT Our year of demonstrating is nearly over, there is only one more arranged event to come which is the Christmas Craft Fair at Upton House. This year we have been to the usual venues at Upton House and Kingston Lacy, the Courtyard Centre and Lewis Manning Summer Fête and also to the Dorset Arts and Crafts Exhibition. Apart from Lewis Manning we did not get asked to demonstrate at any of the smaller events this year. We try to put up a good display and have been theming the displays of lace to try to vary the items on show. This year the themes started with Spring Flowers and Easter at Upton House, Circles at Kingston Lacy, the first Courtyard session and also Lewis Manning. The last two sessions at the Courtyard centre and at Dorset Arts and Crafts were of Butterflies and Flowers. At every venue the displays were much admired and we hope that we have raised awareness of lace to those that came to the events and perhaps may have sparked some desire to learn more about lace in the visitors. Thank you to everyone who came and demonstrated at the shows and also to those who lent us their lace so we could put up a good display. PBLC DEMONSTRATIONS IN 2013 rd th Christmas Craft Fair, Upton House Saturday & Sunday November 23 & 24 This is the last confirmed event of 2013. The display will be of Christmas lace. EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS Leaflets and details of many of these events can be studied in full on the notice board during our meetings. Saturday 9th Nov Creative Day at Merley House Merley House Lane, Wimborne BH21 3AA 10am – 2pm. Cost £2.50, includes tea or coffee bring a packed lunch. Organiser Kerry Whitton, contact Eve for her phone number if you plan to attend. You will need to get the code for the barrier. Why not go along and demonstrate lacemaking? th th Highcliffe Tuesday Quilters Exhibition and Sale at New Milton & District 15 - 16 Nov Community Association, Osborne Road, New Milton BH25 6EA Highcliffe Tuesday Quilters meet at Greystones. Open between 10am and 4pm both days. Exhibition of work, sales table, raffle and challenge. Entrance fee: £1. Refreshments available. Car park opposite. Contact details for the organiser at this website: www.popularpatchwork.com/events/default.asp?county=91 th Saturday 16 Nov The Southern Counties Lace Fair at Havant Leisure Centre, Havant, Hants PO9 2AY from 10.00am to 4.00pm. There will be a display of Japanese Embroidery and demonstration by Jean Julier. Also lacemaking by the Buster Lacemakers and bobbin turning by David Davis. Admission on the door £4.50, children under 16 £1. th Saturday 7 Dec The National Christmas Lacemaker’s Fair held at Cranmore Park, Cranmore Ave, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands B90 4LF from 10.00am to 4.30pm. There will be a display by the Lace Guild “Contrasts 2013 Retrospective”. Tickets available from John and Jennifer Ford - October Hill, Upper Longdon, Rugeley, Staffs WS15 1QB. Tickets in advance £8, at the door £9. Advance tickets available until November 29th. Thurs 30th Jan Craft 4 Crafters at Westpoint Exhibition Centre Clyst St Mary, Exeter. EX5 1DJ Sat 1st Feb 2014 10am - 5pm each day for 3 days of crafting delights, packed full with traders, displays, features and workshops. Adults £7.50 Concession* £6.50 (*Concession rates apply to disabled and over 65’s) Children under 16 years go free when accompanied by an adult. Ticket Enquiries 0845 30 40 222 more details at the website http://www.craft4crafters.co.uk/ Sat 22nd February Lace and Craft Day at St George’s Church, Darby’s Lane Poole BH15 3EU 10.00am to 4.00pm. Suppliers will be Mainly Lace, Frangipani Beads and Gilsew. There will be ‘Try it’ workshops, (pay on the day). Tickets £4, juniors £2 available from Jenny Lewis, 25 Hunt Road, Poole BH15 3QD 01202 676398 or [email protected]. Please make cheques payable to ‘St George’s Church’ and enclose a SAE. Refreshment available bring a packed lunch. CLASSES AND COURSES Make Lace Sundays at Porton with Jan Gardiner of Lacewing Designs, will be held on November 17th and December 15th from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Workshops are held at the Idmiston and Porton Memorial Hall in Porton. The cost is £30 per day, Details of the workshops at Jan’s website: www.lacewingdesigns.co.uk/Workshops%20at%20Porton.htm NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be on 4th January at 2.00pm at St George’s. Our speaker will be from the charity Leaf and the supplier will be Pat and Cyril Martin with their bobbins. The display will be of Bucks Point Lace. Please bring a piece of lace to add to the display labelled with your name and also with the pattern source if you know it. NEXT NEWSLETTER Please send any information, articles or notices for inclusion in the next Newsletter to: Eve Morton, 17 Forsyte Shades, 82 Lilliput Road, Poole, BH14 8LA or by e-mail to [email protected]