reims management school
reims management school
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ GUIDE Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL 4 WELCOME TO REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL AND THE HOME OF CHAMPAGNE HISTORY OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM TYPE OF INSTITUTION CONTACTS AT THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE (IRO) RMS PROGRAMS 4 5 5 5 6 CAMPUS LIFE 8 REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL OPENING TIMES RECEPTION DESK “ACCUEIL” FAX, PHOTOCOPIES, PRINTERS STUDENT CARD & ACCESS CARD IT FACILITIES & SERVICES LIBRARY/MEDIATHÈQUE RMS CAMPUS CAFETERIA STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS HANDICAP/HEALTH PROBLEMS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 14 14 YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE AND UPON CHECKLIST 15 VISA PROCEDURE 16 STUDYING IN FRANCE OFII PROCESS VISA RENEWAL WORKING IN FRANCE IMPORTANT FOR VISA PROCEDURES HOW TO GET TO THE OFII / TO THE SOUS-PREFECTURE LIST OF EMBASSIES 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 ACCOMMODATION 22 ACOBHA RESIDENCE CROUS CAMPUS ACCOMMODATION STUDENT RESIDENCES OTHER RENTAL RESIDENCES FLAT-SHARING FLAT RENTALS TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATIONS / YOUTH HOSTEL TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATIONS / HOTELS HOUSING INSURANCE HOUSING BENEFIT HOUSING TAX 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 Updated August 2012 Page 2/52 Reims Management School MEDICAL HEALTHCARE 29 THE FRENCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM BASIC INSURANCE (DEPENDING ON STAY DURATION, COUNTRY AND AGE) 29 29 HOW TO GET TO REIMS CITY & TO REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL 31 BY SHUTTLE BY CAR RENTAL BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT RMS MAP LOCATION 31 31 32 33 USEFUL DATA 35 OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT & BANKING SERVICES BANK HOLIDAYS ELECTRICITY PHONING COMING WITH FAMILY AND CHILDREN 35 36 36 37 38 LIVING IN REIMS REIMS CITY 39 OVERVIEW TRANSPORTATION WEATHER CONDITIONS 39 40 42 ACTIVITIES 43 EATING & DRINKING SPORTIVE ACTIVITIES CULTURAL ACTIVITIES GOING OUT / NIGHT LIFE 43 43 44 44 SHOPPING 45 FOOD PRICES SHOPPING CENTERS & SUPERMARKETS (NEAREST, BIGGEST, DOWNTOWN) MARKETS LAUNDRY POST OFFICE LIBRARIES 45 45 47 47 47 47 HEALTH 48 DOCTORS DENTISTS PHARMACY USEFUL NUMBERS 48 48 48 49 NOTES 50 Updated August 2012 Page 3/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Brigitte Panciera Director of International Relations “Dear Students, Located in the heart of the Champagne capital of the world, 45 minutes by high speed train (TGV) from Paris, Reims Management School has been in existence since the creation of the Grande Ecole program (Master of Science in Management) in 1928. The school has grown to be a school of approximately 4,400 students with approximately 90 permanent faculty members and over 200 visiting professors. Constantly striving for excellence, RMS is accr edited by the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) since 2000 and by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) since 2006. The school obtained in 2010 the renowned American accreditation, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Hence RMS belongs to the small number of schools worldwide to be triple accredited at an international level. RMS is a French business school with a strong international focus. The school welcomes international students from around the globe, with 25% of the stude nt body being international. Degree seeking students studying at RMS also have the opportunity to study abroad for one semester or one year, depending on their program. The school currently has almost 160 partner schools, in approximately 42 countries on 5 continents to make this possible. The International Relations Office (IRO) assists international students to integrate into student life and into life in France. The IRO provides assistance to students in finding accommodation on or off campus. Students living off-campus can take a short 10 minute tramway ride from the school to the city centre. Please explore this Welcome Guide, which will provide all the necessary information to enjoy your study experience in Reims. We welcome you to Reims Management School and the home of Champagne!” Updated August 2012 Page 4/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL History of the Education System A distinctive feature of the French Higher Education is that in Engineering and Business Administration students can choose to study outside the public university system in the specialized Grandes Ecoles. The Grandes Ecoles were initiated by Napoleon to train the country’s technical elites. Originally, these were Engineering Schools. In the 19th century however, Chambers of Commerce decided to set up the Management Schools based on the Grande Ecole model in order to produce managers who would run French companies. Type of institution Reims Management School is an Association with strong ties to the Chamber of Commerce. The system is based on selective and limited entry through competitive examinations along with an applied curriculum and practical experience producing quality graduates with relevant training, who can adapt rapidly to the working environment. The degrees awarded by the Grandes Ecoles are accredited by the French Ministry of Education and these degrees are equivalent to a Master, a five-year qualification. The school is autonomous with regards to the program developments and strategies. It has excellent market recognition: high-quality applicants; multiple job offers per graduate; high average starting salaries. The school has an outstanding reputation with French employers. Contacts at RMS International Relations Office (IRO) Mrs Marie-Amélie BRUN SUP DE CO (Head of International Relations - Incoming students) Phone: +33 (0)3 26 77 47 44 [email protected] Mrs Lydie KOPEZUN SUP DE CO (Head of International Relations - Incoming students) Phone: +33 (0)3 26 77 46 10 [email protected] Mrs Agnès GRISON SUP DE CO (Incoming students Advisor) Phone: +33 (0)3 26 77 46 87 [email protected] Mrs Sylvie THUILLIER RMS Bachelor & TEMA Phone: +33 (0)3 26 77 47 36 [email protected] Mrs Nathalie MARC-WANEUKEM Summer Programs & ERASMUS Phone: +33 (0)3 26 77 46 51 [email protected] Updated August 2012 Page 5/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL RMS Programs MBA Program: International MBA (full-time) & Executive MBA (part-time) Created in 1972 and rated in the top ten French MBA courses, the Reims MBA program aims to prepare professionals with exceptional potential to become tomorrow’s leaders in managing teams and companies in the corporate world. The MBA program offers a high level, broad based, personalised coursework to experienced professionals who have strong leadership potential and a sound educational background. The rapid acquisition of new skills gives an overview of a business adding a strategic dimension to their career development. This post-graduate program is the most international one at RMS and runs in two formats: International MBA Full-time (IMBA) and Executive MBA (EMBA), a part-time qualification for executives. Specialised Masters and Master of Science Master programs run in partnership with the leading academic institutions and professional bodies in each area of specialization: - MS Analyse Financière Internationale (AFI) - MSc Finance and International Banking (FIB) - MSc Intelligence Marketing des Produits de Grande Consommation (IMPGC) - MS Management de l'Innovation dans les Agro-activités et les Bio-industries: Masternova - MSc in International Management (MIM) ESC Program (Sup de Co) Founded in 1928, the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Reims’ mission is to train high-qualified students to practice management responsibilities which will lead them to top most management positions in international organisations. The Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Reims is rated among the top six Grandes Ecoles specialising in management in France. The school awards the Master of Science in Management (MSc) to students who are on the brink of launching their careers. Updated August 2012 Page 6/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL CESEM / MIM Programs Created in 1974, the Centre d’Etudes Supérieures Européennes de Management prepares students for international management careers. The CESEM is the most international of the undergraduate programs at RMS. It offers a four-year course leading to a Bachelor Degree fully recognized by the Ministry of Education, the DESEM (Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Européennes de Management). The program provides the tools for developing strong personalities to adapt instantly within diverse international contexts. Students may continue their studies at the Master’s level leading to a MSc in International Management diploma. Within the framework of our IPBS Network (International Partnership of Business Schools), students have access to tracks: RMS, France; ESB Reutlingen, Germany; Universita Catolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy; Dublin City University, Ireland; Universidad De Las Americas, Mexico; Northeastern University Boston, USA. In addition to these 9 tracks, Bachelor Students in the CESEM Program could also choose UIBE, China or North Caroline State University, USA. TEMA Program Founded in 1999, TEMA School of Technology and Management educates tomorrow’s managers to lead projects and product development in high-tech environments. The most innovative program at RMS, TEMA is a 5-year course leading to a Master in Technology and Management (MSc). The School recruits the most talented students and prepares them to lead and manage in high-tech fields. The program offers high-level teaching in the principles of Management and Information/Communication Technologies using innovative interactive training methods and features a immersion period in the world of business, which will help students develop their professional skills, enrich their personalities and reinforce their leadership potential. Bachelor Program Founded in 1989, l’Ecole Supérieure des Métiers de la Vente et de la Gestion – RMS Bachelor (exSup TG) – produces managers in the fields of sales and administration through its three-year program. The School recruits the most suitable students, prepares them for sales and administrative careers facilitating their entry into the job market. Updated August 2012 Page 7/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL CAMPUS LIFE Reims Management School Opening times RMS Campus 1 Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 23.00pm Saturday: 7.30am – 17.00pm Sunday: Closed RMS Campus 2 Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 21.30pm Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed During bank holidays, opening hours are subject to change but both campuses are generally closed. Reception Desk “Accueil” Reception desk - Campus 1 Monday to Thursday: 8.00am – 18.00pm Friday: 8.00 – 17.30pm Saturday: 9.00am - 12.00am Reception desk - Campus 2 Monday to Thursday: 8.00am – 6.00pm Friday: 8.00am - 5.00pm On each campus, the reception desk is present to welcome you, to give you the directions for anything you might need to find and/or to direct you towards the right person. At the Reception Desk, you can also find a fax, buy cards to make photocopies and recharge your account to be able to use the printers. Printers Fax France 0.69 € per minute International 2.13 € per minute Black and White 0,05 € 20 Copies 1€ 50 Copies 2.50 € 100 Copies 5€ 500 Copies 25 € 20 Copies 1.60 € 50 Copies 4€ 100 Copies 8€ 500 Copies 25 € Photocopies 20 Copies 1€ 50 Copies 2.40 € 100 Copies 4.70 € Updated August 2012 Color 0,08 € Page 8/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Student Card & Access Card Student Card A student card will be given to you as soon as your duly completed registration file is received, and your photo and signature stored. The card is valid for the entire academic year 2012/2013. If you lose it, you will be able to get a new one at a cost of 20€. Presenting your student card allows you to get lots of discounts in France, but also in Europe. Do not hesitate to ask touristic places and shops if they have special rates for students. For example, you will get an additional burger in some fast-foods, reduced prices for museums, concerts and cinema tickets… Access Card It is a coded card allowing access to RMS two campuses and car parks. This card will be delivered by the International Relations Office, by your programme coordinator or by ACOBHA if you are staying in this residence. This card has to be given back before your departure. If the access card is lost or stolen during your study period, you will have to inform the person who gave it to you. The price charged will be 20€ in order to obtain a new one or if the access card is not returned at the end of the study period. RMS Car Parks Both campuses have a car park you can enter thanks to your access card. For circulation and security reasons, it is of utmost importance to drive with care on the school premises, and to respect all the sign posts. Use of the car park automatically implies that the user accepts to abide by the rules. Vehicles which are parked in non-authorised areas, and which cause obstruction to other cars and people, will be removed and any costs incurred by this removal will be paid by the car owner. It is not permitted to use this car park during the night, during the school holidays and bank holidays. Please note that the Driving Code also applies in private car parks. Updated August 2012 Page 9/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL IT Facilities & Services All information about your courses, timetables, classrooms, news, etc will be found on the intranet. RMS is equipped with the WIFI (wireless access to Internet). We recommend that you bring your own laptop and USB keys. On your arrival, the school will provide you with your username and password details. Opening hours of the computer rooms: Same as the School opening times IT Assistance: [email protected] or Office hours on the two campuses There are computer rooms available for students. Computers allow free and unlimited Internet access and are equipped with the Windows Pack Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). As the computer rooms are also classrooms, they may sometimes be reserved by the professors during the day. So please consult the room’s schedule on each door. French keyboards are in AZERTY mode – not QWERTY! You may find it confusing at the beginning but you will get use to it quickly. However, we strongly advise that you bring your own laptops, keyboards and USB keys with you. Library/Mediathèque The documents and books available are mainly in French; however the library offers a multitude of publications (books, newspapers, magazines, CDs) in English, Spanish, Italian and German as well. Computers are all connected to Internet. To obtain access, students must show their student card or their school registration certificate. Opening hours Monday-Thursday: 9.00-19.00 Friday: 9.00-18.00 Saturday: 9.00-12.00 Please note that during the months of July, August and September, the opening times are different. You can access all the information concerning the Médiathèque on the school website: Updated August 2012 Page 10/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL RMS Campus Cafeteria There is a cafeteria and a Point Gourmand on each campus. You can choose to have a complete meal or rather opt for a sandwich. There are vending machines in the corridors which provide various snacks and hot/cold beverages. A meal will cost you 3.80 € per person (price: 2011/2012). On a sunny day, you may also sit outside and have your lunch on the terrace! Point Gourmand Monday to Friday: 8.00am – 3.00pm Saturday and Sunday: Closed Cafeteria Monday to Saturday: 11.45am - 1.45pm Saturday and Sunday: Closed Eating and drinking inside the classrooms is strictly forbidden. Student Associations Reims Management School has always given priority to Associations. Today more than 35 communities liven up the Campus in very different fields. Information about the associations and contact details on: International Le Bureau de l’International (BDI) is the International Students Union. This organisation’s main objective is to welcome and to integrate international students into the school providing opportunities to assimilate into and exchange with the French culture. Notably, the BDI provides administrative assistance with regards to your accommodation, offers advice in securing internships abroad, organises discovery trips in France and elsewhere and generally aims to keep your evenings in Reims lively. Email: [email protected] The “buddy program” pairs new international students with current RMS student. Your buddy will answer your questions before your arrival in France and will give you a hand at the beginning of your stay. Contact the BDI for more information! Updated August 2012 Page 11/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Open Maroc: aims at promoting Morocco, through various cultural and economic activities such as conferences, cooking classes, parties, trips, sport events and charity events. Student life / Media / Communications Le Bureau des Elèves (BDE) or Students Union: is composed of student representatives elected each year. Each school has its own Bureau des Elèves: BDE Sup de Co, BDE Cesem, BDE Sup TG, BDE TEMA, BDE Spirit of MBA. It organises the Freshers’ week, induction days, parties, events, students’ balls… Christian Community: offer different activities and events to the students of the school, to help them live their faith. On AirMS: houses a student radio station; creates and broadcasts informative programmes produced by students or associations. Egayons-nous: aims to make people more aware of issues related to homosexuality. Also involved in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (SDI) and in particular AIDS. Le Monocle: this association updates and publishes each year a free practical guide which is entitled Le Monocle about Reims City and its vicinity. Website: Sports & Thrills Sports Union or Le Bureau des Sports (BDS): organises throughout the year a wide range of sportive activities and competitions: tennis, football, rugby, gym, etc. For weekly schedules, just check their offices. Activities are usually planned on Thursday afternoons, as there are no classes. Yearly subscription to BDS is approximately 40 €. Bureau de l’extrême (BDX): organises alternative thrilling sport events, such as paintball, karting, laser-game, parachute jumps… RMS rugby team: organised its first tournament in the spring 2010. RMS Sailing Club: organises the sailing training sessions, for the Grandes Ecoles tournament. Sup d’Aviron: organises the rowing training sessions, for the Grandes Ecoles tournament. Updated August 2012 Page 12/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Artistic & Cultural Le Bureau des Arts (BDA): organises cultural events (Ciné-club, Printemps Théâtral), produces and directs the school video book and also offers theatre and dancing lessons. Reims Monte en Scène: for more than 25 years, this association has organised the theatre festival of the Grandes Ecoles. Association Conférence et Contacts Entreprises (ACCES): this association's role is to promote contacts between the students and firms by inviting famous speakers from the business, scientific and/or artistic world to hold a conference in the school. MoVip: this association promotes the art of short-movies. Humanitarian projects Partenariat Entreprises-Associations à caractère humanitaire (PEACH): is involved in quite a lot of national and international humanitarian projects such as a mission in Ukraine, activities for children in need and fund-raising for the national humanitarian associations. PrépaRémois: aims at training underprivileged high school students to access university studies. Handiversité: aims at increasing student awareness of the professional integration of disabled persons. Oïkos Reims: aims at increasing student awareness of sustainable development and promoting its integration in management courses. Cheer up: it helps people suffering from cancer to realise their personal objectives. Finance & Business RMS Invest: it allows students who are keen on finance to acquire knowledge, meet professionals and take part in conferences, in partnership with Banking and Finance Groups. AIESEC: this network supports international student and professional mobility. L'Association de Conseil à la Création d'Entreprises pour le Développement de l'Emploi (ACCEDE): assists the students who want to create their own companies by providing them assistance and information about the marketing strategies, financial planning and legal environment procedures. Atout Job Service: this is a link with companies which are looking for resources available for student jobs during the weekends and/or holidays. Updated August 2012 Page 13/52 Reims Management School PRESENTATION OF REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Handicap, Health problem Reims Management School aims to accommodate all students who have demonstrated skills and motivation to integrate its programs. Therefore, RMS provides a personalized welcome and care during the studies of students with disabilities. For students with reduced mobility, the school buildings are equipped with wheelchair access, lifts/elevators and other amenities. All the staff is also present to help students with disabilities during their academic experience. Handicap Referent Mrs Céline ARTICLAUT Tel : +33 (0)3 26 77 55 60 Email: [email protected] Transportation in Reims is also adapted to persons with reduced mobility (tram & buses): Created in 2007, the student community Handiversité aims at increasing student awareness of the professional integration of disabled persons by organising sportive, fashion, cultural events and awareness campaigns supported by local companies. RMS also encourages all the student communities to associate each event to a humanitarian or social cause. Business days, campaigns, student parties, which are accompanied by an action in favor of diversity, ecology or social equity, are financially and materially helped by the school administration. Sustainable development Sustainable Development Referent Mrs Isabelle ROBERT Tel : +33 (0)3 26 77 46 43 Email: [email protected] Reims Management School’s approach to global responsibility focuses on five main areas: - To train responsible managers and citizens; - To stimulate research on problems of global responsibility and to share this with companies; - To remain open to more eco-friendly social and cultural practices; - To encourage diversity in our teams; - To reduce the school’s ecological footprint. Updated August 2012 Page 14/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON CHECKLIST PRE-DEPARTURE Make an appointment with the embassy or Campus France for the visa process N.B. It is possible that students who apply for visas will be asked by the French embassy to: - take out a travel insurance with repatriation in case of serious health problems, accident etc - have a health certificate of non contagion (dated no more than 6 months before your arrival in Reims), details of your inoculations and information on any health problems you may have which a doctor would need to know in case of ongoing treatment or accident Make sure your passport is valid for the length of your stay in France / Europe Prepare all the papers you will need for the academic year - Bring official passport-sized (ID) photos - Have French translations of your birth certificate. 2 copies might be necessary: one for the MGEL/LMDE (see page 30) + one if you want to apply for the CAF/APL (see page 28) - Make copies of all important documents - For European students only: have your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) - For students aged 28 or over: bring a copy of your private healthcare insurance contract or the necessary documents to register to the CMU (see page 30) Organise and confirm your accommodation in Reims Ask for your international driving licence (in case you want to drive a car in France) Unblock you phone for international calls and/or for it to accept a French SIM Card Check if the electricity plugs of your country are different (and if so, think about bringing a plug adapter/ voltage converter with you or buying one in France) Arrange enough cash to cover living cost (shuttle, food, housing...) during your first days in France Be prepared for a cultural transition! PLAN YOUR TRIP AND ARRIVAL TO REIMS Book your flight Send the arrival form back to your contact person If you booked at CROUS or ACOBHA through RMS accommodation office, let your contact person know when you want to check-in and get your keys. (Please do not contact your residence directly and be careful about the residences opening times.) Know the details (exact address, name, phone number) of your destination in Reims Make sure you have the address and phone number of RMS Take a list of temporary accommodation in case your flight or train is delayed (page 27) UPON ARRIVAL Register for the housing insurance (see page 28) Subscribe for the health insurance (depending on stay duration, age and country of origin, see page 29/30) Follow the VISA procedure: if you are concerned (see page 16) bring your “request of OFII certificate” and the requested documents to your contact person Be sure to fill-in your CAF application before the end of the first month in France concerning the APL (housing benefit) Optional: Open a bank account (see page 35), necessary for the CAF application (housing benefit) or French health insurance (MGEL/LMDE or CMU) Optional: Buy a Mobile Phone or a French SIM Card (see page 37) Optional: Subscribe for the public transport pass (see page 40) Updated August 2012 Page 15/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON VISA PROCEDURE Studying in France Depending on your country of origin and on the duration of your stay, the procedures are different. Students from European Economic Area1 and Switzerland No visa is required by the French authorities. You will only be asked to hold a valid passport or a valid ID card during your stay. Students from other countries Short stay (less than 90 days) You must have a valid passport with you to enter and reside in France. Some countries nationals do not need to obtain a visa for stays of 3 months or less. List on the website: Short stays visa (less than 90days) or tourism visa valid throughout the Schengen area permit stays of up to 3 months within a given 6-month period. The number of days during which the holder may remain in the Schengen Area is specified on the visa sticker, along with the validity period of the visa, provided the holder's passport remains valid during that time. Students wishing to engage in language training or other short instructional programs are eligible for this visa. Long stay visa (more than 90 days) – except Algerian nationals All students will have to apply for a visa. Since September 2009, the French authorities have issued for students living in a non-European country a long-stay visa (VLS-TS). Holders of the VLS-TS visa no longer have to obtain a residency permit from the prefecture having jurisdiction over their place of residence in France. There are two types of long stay visa: - (temporary) long stay visa If your stay in France is longer than 90 days but shorter than 6 months, you might have obtained a temporary long stay visa (which is not a student visa) indicated at the bottom of your visa. In that case you are allowed to stay for the duration of your visa without any other procedure to follow. - (normal) long stay visa Students have to report to the OFII (“Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration”) and complete several administrative formalities. Please see on the next pages the procedure to follow: OFII process (valid for one year only) and visa renewal (if your studies are lasting more than one year). Residence permit for Algerian nationals Algerian students are still covered by the Franco-Algerian agreement of December 27, 1968. Therefore, the former procedure is still implemented. You need to apply for a Residence permit (Titre de séjour). Each residence permit is only valid for one year. If your studies exceed a year (Double Degree Students) and when your student visa expires, you will get an extension by presenting your enrolment certificate. The administrative procedure for a residence permit can only be initiated once you are in France, with the Sous-préfecture located in Reims city centre. EEA countries include: 27 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom) and 3 EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). 1 Updated August 2012 Page 16/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON OFII process The OFII process does not concern students from the European Economic Area* and Switzerland, students staying less than 90 days, students holding a long stay visa and Algerian students After receiving your enrolment certificate or acceptance letter from RMS, contact must be made with the nearest Campus France agency, French Embassy or Consulate to obtain a long stay visa marked "student" permitting you to enter France, with the proviso that you have adequate means of support. The first part of the official form entitled “Request of OFII certificate” (Demande d’attestation OFII) must be filled-in with your personal details and stamped from the consulate that issued your visa. At the border control, you must ensure that your passport has been endorsed and stamped indicating your date of entry in France by an Immigration Officer. (If you have entered France in transit via another Schengen State, this stamp must be affixed by the competent authorities of this State. In this case, you will be presumed to have entered the French territory not longer than five days after this date.) Upon arriving in France, you must complete the second part of the “Request of OFII certificate”, mentioning your full address in France, your date of entry in France and your visa number. Once this certificate completed, you must bring it either to your contact person at the IRO Office who will forward to the OFII Office in Reims, or directly to the OFII. Copies of your passport (the page concerning your personal details and the pages endorsed and stamped by the Immigration Officer (or by the authorities of the transit State) mentioning the date of transit at the border and the issued visa are also requested. Upon receipt of these documents, the OFII will send you by regular mail to the French address provided a letter acknowledging receipt of the form, and possibly asking the holder to report for a medical examination and a chest x-ray if such an examination was not performed in the holder's country of origin or upon entering France. You name must absolutely appear on your mailbox! The OFII will also set up a date for an appointment at their office in order to validate your visa. On this occasion, you must bring the following required documents: - your passport - an official photo (identity or passport photo) - a proof of domicile in France (rental receipt, invoice for electricity, gas, water, or telephone bills under your name or, in the absence of these documents, an accommodation certificate) - your medical certificate if you have completed the medical examination before coming to France. - a Tax amount to be paid to OFII: 58 € (2012) by purchasing a tax stamp marked "OMI" or "ANAEM". The stamp may be purchased online at, in certain shops that sell tobacco products (Bureaux de tabacs) or at the Centre des Impôts (Tax Centre), 136 rue Gambetta 51100 Reims (French speaking). Updated August 2012 Page 17/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Once all of these formalities have been completed, your passport (including the visa and the mention by OFII that you have completed the formalities) will authorize you to remain legally in France during the validity of your visa. The non-completion of the formalities mentioned above within a delay of 3 months will subject you to the procedure for irregular stay. Any change of address during your stay must be reported to the OFII within 15 days. Visa renewal The VLS-TS is valid for one year. All non EU students, who wish to stay for more than a year to continue their studies, would have to obtain a residency permit (Titre de séjour). Failing to do so will oblige you to return to your country of origin in order to apply for a new visa. Depending on the expiry date of your visa, there are two possibilities to renew it: Your VLS-TS expires between September and November = most of the students who arrived in France for the academic year In Reims, the different schools, universities and the CROUS, along with the Sous-préfecture have developed a partnership in order to make things easier for non-French speaking students. As a result, a Guichet Unique / Reims Campus has been created and all students wishing to renew their visa during this period must go to this place. LE GUICHET UNIQUE / REIMS CAMPUS 30 August to 5 October 2012 Address: 31 rue du Général Sarrail 51100 Reims Opening times: Monday to Friday – 10.00 to 18.30 Your VLS-TS expires between December and August = for example: students who arrived early during the summer holidays (to take French classes before beginning the academic year in RMS or follow Summer Programs for example) or students who arrived late during the academic year or came to study in RMS from the spring semester… You have to present yourself directly to the Sous-préfecture two months before the expiry date of your visa, bringing your passport. Requested documents for visa renewal: When you will go to the Guichet Unique or to the Sous-préfecture, you will receive a list of documents to provide and the date for an appointment. During the appointment, the Sous-préfecture will verify the validity of your documents and will give you a receipt. The delay to obtain your residency permit can be up to three months. No student visa/ residency permit will be delivered if your studies are over. Updated August 2012 Page 18/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Working in France During your studies ( International students have the right to work while studying in France as long as they are enrolled in an institution that participates in the national student health-care plan. Students who are not nationals of EU member countries must hold a valid long-stay visa or residency permit. The right to work applies to all students, including those who are in France for the first time, those who are enrolled in the first year of a university program, and those who are enrolled full-time in a language school. They are no longer required to obtain temporary employment authorization (Autorisation Provisoire de Travail) except for the Algerian students who are still covered by the Franco-Algerian agreement of December 27, 1968. The law allows students to work 964 hours in a given year, which corresponds to 60% of full-time employment for the year. Remember that you cannot expect to meet all of your expenses by working part-time, so you must have other means of support. France has a national minimum hourly wage, known as the SMIC. The SMIC presently stands at € 9.40 gross per hour worked, before mandatory taxes for social benefits. Taxes reduce the worker's net wage by about 20%. After your studies ( Students without a Master’s degree Due to the high rate of unemployment in France, the job market is closed for International students, unless they find a job in sectors that remains vacant. 14 sectors are listed for the moment including audit and financial control managers (see the list on the link above) and some other sectors also exists depending of the geographical region of employment. Students with a Master’s degree Students who obtained a degree equivalent to a Master’s or higher degree can look for jobs in any business sector. However, the job must be related to their academic program and at a rate of compensation equal to at least 1.5 times the national minimum wage. 1) We strongly recommend you to apply for the APS (Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour). It is a onetime (nonrenewable) temporary residency permit valid for 6 months beyond the date of expiration of the student’s residency permit. This authorisation will enable you to have more time to find a job and to work up to the limit of 60% of the official work week. The application must be done 4 months before the expiry date of the student visa in the Préfecture (Châlons-en-Champagne). 2) Either you find a job responding to the two criteria (field related to studies and remuneration at least equal to 1.5 times the national minimum wage) during your studies and enter full-time employment as soon as you obtain your diploma, or find a job during the 6 months allowed by the APS, you would have to present an employment contract from a French company and to fill-in a request for change of status (from student to employee) in the Préfecture. In evaluating your request, the authorities will consider various factors, such as the company's reasons for making the offer, your profile and the number of years of study completed. Updated August 2012 Page 19/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Advice: Finding a job in France will be strongly facilitated if you are able to speak French. Important for visa procedures Be sure: to take with you all the required documents for a student visa application. that your passport is valid during your study period in France that all the needed papers for a student visa application are translated by a certified French translator before leaving your home country; the address of the certified French translator and official stamp must appear on each translated document. to make copies of your official papers. to bring the original documents along with its copies to be able to present them if needed. that the photocopied papers are legible. If there are missing documents your application will be considered as incomplete and will not be taken into account, meaning that you would have to leave France. How to get to the OFII and to the Sous-Prefecture OFII: Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration - OFII 26-28 rue Buirette 51100 Reims Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: +33 (0)3 26 36 97 29 Take the tram (direction: Neufchâtel) from campus 1 or 2 and get off the tram at the stop “Vesle” (8 minutes). Cross the street and take the road in front of you called “Rue Jeanne d’Arc”. Follow this road. The second street you will meet is “rue Buirette”. Turn right to find the number “26-28” located between the entrance of the covered car park and the entrance of the FNAC shopping center. Sous-préfecture: Sous-Préfecture de REIMS Place Royale 51100 Reims Website: Phone: +33 (0)3 26 86 71 00 (French speaking only) Take the tram (direction: Neufchâtel) from campus 1 or 2 and get off the tram at the stop “Opéra” (10 minutes). With Mc Donald’s on your left side and Opera on your right side and follow the street “rue Carnot” until you reach the Place Royale roundabout. It is a 2 minute walk. On your right is the Souspréfecture building. When facing the building, the office is located on the right wing of the building. Updated August 2012 Page 20/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON List of Embassies Country Address in Paris Phone number Afrique du Sud 59 quai d'orsay 75007 +33 (0)1 53 59 23 23 Argentina 6 rue Cimarosa 75116 +33 (0)1 44 05 27 00 Australia 4 rue Jean Rey 75015 +33 (0)1 40 59 33 00 Austria 6 rue Fabert 75007 +33 (0)1 40 63 30 63 Belgium 9 rue de Tilsitt 75840 +33 (0)1 44 09 39 39 Brazil 34 cours Albert 1er 75008 +33 (0)1 45 61 63 00 Canada 35 avenue Montaigne 75008 +33 (0)1 44 43 29 00 Chile 2 avenue de La Motte Picquet 75007 +33 (0)1 44 18 59 60 Chine 11 avenue George V 75008 +33 (0)1 49 52 19 50 Denmark 77 avenue Marceau 75116 +33 (0)1 44 31 21 21 Finland 1 place de Finlande 75007 +33 (0)1 44 18 19 20 Germany 13 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 75008 +33 (0)1 53 83 45 00 Hungary 5 square de l’avenue Foch 75116 +33 (0)1 45 00 94 97 Inde 15 Rue Alfred Dehodencq 75116 +33 (0)1 40 50 70 70 Ireland 4 rue Rude 75116 +33 (0)1 44 17 67 00 Israel 3 rue Rabelais 75008 +33 (0)1 40 76 55 00 Italy 51 rue de Varenne 75007 +33 (0)1 49 54 03 00 Japan 7 avenue Hoche 75008 +33 (0)1 48 88 62 00 Mexico 9 rue de Longchamp 75116 +33 (0)1 53 70 27 70 Norway 28 rue Bayard 75008 +33 (0)1 53 67 04 00 The Netherlands 7 rue Eblé 75007 +33 (0)1 40 62 33 00 Portugal 3 rue de Noisiel 75116 +33 (0)1 47 27 35 29 Spain 22 avenue Marceau 75381 +33 (0)1 44 43 18 00 Sweden 17 rue Barbet de Jouy 75007 +33 (0)1 44 18 88 00 United Kingdom 35 rue du Faubourg St Honoré 75008 +33 (0)1 44 51 31 00 USA 2 avenue Gabriel 75008 +33 (0)1 43 12 22 22 Updated August 2012 Page 21/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON ACCOMMODATION Several types of accommodation are available in Reims. Prices can vary between 300€ and 600€ per month for a private accommodation for one person depending on the size, the services provided and the stay duration. You will find below a list of accommodation and the associated contact details to proceed to the booking by yourself. If you need some support, you are welcome to contact the local students of the Bureau de l’International (BDI) or the International Relations Office (IRO). BUREAU DE L'INTERNATIONAL (BDI) (see details on page 11) Email: [email protected] IRO (Accommodation Office) Mrs Barka METARECHE Email: [email protected] Accommodation is not easy to find in France, so be sure to make your reservation quite in advance. For ACOBHA and CROUS demands exceed offers and there are hardly any vacancies left after July. According to French law, you will have to pay for the monthly rent even if you have not yet arrived on the premises (e.g. entire month of September even if you arrive midSeptember) or if you leave before the end of a month. All prices indicated below are subject to change. ACOBHA Residence ACOBHA Residence is an on-campus accommodation located on RMS campus 1. Description: - - 2 types of accommodation: studio F1 (25m2, 1 single bed) and very few F1bis studio (2 single beds, 37m2) Address: 46 rue Henri Royer 51100 Reims Furnished: bed, table, chairs, desk, shelf, cupboards, lamps, all for cooking, disposable linen (disposable pillow, duvet and bed sheets)* Furniture is not included in the price Kitchenette (mini fridge, electric hot plates) Bathroom facilities (shower and toilet). Individual access control system to the building Free wireless / WIFI in each studio Laundry room and parking lot Water and heating included *not provided : towels and dishcloths Updated August 2012 Page 22/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Price: Monthly rent Management fees Deposit Furniture rental fees Deposit for furniture Electricity APL (monthly) F1 450€ 122 € about 350 € F1 bis 540€ 122 € about 420€ Non refundable For the whole rental period, even if you extend your stay. About 40 € is non-refundable for a full cleaning of the flat at your departure. The rest will be refunded at the end of your stay, provided that everything in the flat is in order. For one year. Should you stay less, you would get 250 € 285 € a refund in proportion of the duration. For the whole rental period, even if you extend 120 € 120 € your stay. Refundable except if something is broken Not included in the monthly charge fees and must About 35 € to open the be paid separately. An account must be opened account then approximately with the French Electricity Company (EDF) 20 € / month Housing allowance from the CAF (see page 27) about about Deducted per month from your rent. - 173 € - 173 € To make a booking: IMBA students, English speaking postgraduate Master students and exchange students should first contact the IRO in order to book a studio. Other students should directly contact the ACOBHA residence: Contact: Mrs Karen TOURTEAUX Email: [email protected] Phone: +33 (0)3 26 77 47 83 CROUS Campus Accommodations Several types of housing are offered by the CROUS and residences are located in varying places in the city, either close to RMS campuses or downtown. Description: - - - Individual room: equipped with a single bed, a desk, a private fridge, shelves and bathroom facilities (shower and toilet). There is one kitchen on each floor to be shared with the other students. Individual studio: equipped with a single bed, a desk, shelves and a kitchenette (small fridge, sink, hot plate and cupboard), bathroom facilities (shower and toilet). More information: Updated August 2012 Page 23/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Price: Monthly rent Deposit APL (monthly) Including water, heating, electricity and WIFI For the whole rental period, even if you extend your stay. The deposit will be refunded at the end of your stay, provided that everything in the flat is perfectly clean and nothing is broken. Housing allowance from the CAF (see page 27) Deducted per month from your rent. room 270€ about 270 € studio 380€ about 380€ about - 92 € about - 173 € To make a booking: RMS has an agreement with the CROUS. IMBA students, English speaking postgraduate Master students and exchange students should first contact the IRO, in order to book a room or studio. However, please note that: - places are limited (it is a “first arrived, first served system”) - you will be allocated a residence randomly, depending on the availabilities - you will be engaged in the CROUS residence for the duration of your exchange / studies and the maximum duration of your stay is 1 academic year: 10 months (September-June). Other students and if there is no rooms available under the RMS/CROUS agreement: an application must be filled-in in the CROUS website before the end of June. Student residences The website Adele, an overview of Reims’s student residences, can help you visualize how the residences look like, what their prices are and where they are located in the city: Résidence Résidium New student residence, 15-minute bus ride from RMS and 10-minutes bus ride from the city center. Furnished studios and flats. Price includes monthly charge fees. Lots of free services: breakfast, room cleaning service, gym area inside the residence, bicycle rental… If no French guarantor, the residence accepts that you pay in advance the rental fees for your whole stay. Address: 90 rue des Moulins Phone: +33 (0)6 61 91 00 36 Email: [email protected] Website: Updated August 2012 Page 24/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Résidence Les Estudines New student residence, located in the city center, near the train station, a 10-minute tramway ride from RMS. Furnished studios. Price includes monthly charge fees and bed linen cleaning. Possibility of room cleaning service, breakfast option. Management fees offered for RMS students. If no French guarantor, the residence accepts that you pay in advance the rental fees for your whole stay. Address: 6 rue de Courcelles Phone: +33 (0)3 26 24 87 14 Email: contact online Website: Résidence Laudine New student residence, a 20-minute bus ride from RMS. Price includes monthly charge fees and bed linen cleaning. Lots of services included. Address: 7 rue de la Procession Email: contact online Website: Other rental residences Résidence Hôtelière du Champ de Mars English spoken, five-minute walk from the train station and five-minute bus ride to the city centre. Rental studios and flats: furnished room 18m2, furnished studio 19m², and furnished F2 apartment type with 2 rooms 18m². Address: 17 rue du Champ de Mars 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 02 17 22 / Fax number: +33 (0)3 26 02 79 79 Email: [email protected] Website: Résidence Léon Paindavoine Located in the city centre near the cathedral. Offering 29 rooms, from T1-type (20 to 26m²) to T2-type (39m²) studios. Equipped with a game room, a cinema, a gymnasium, a library, a kitchen, a multimedia room, a laundry, a bike garage and a workshop. The rooms and the studios are equipped with bathrooms, telephone, TV socket and a kitchenette in the studios. Each room has a coffee maker and a refrigerator. All rooms are equipped with a telephone and a broadband Internet connection with wireless network. Address: 1 rue du Lieutenant Herduin 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 61 48 00 / Fax number: +33 (0)3 26 61 48 99 Email: [email protected] Website: Updated August 2012 Page 25/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Résidence Courteaux Situated in a calm and nice district close to downtown and the train station. It is close to the tram line or a 15-minute walk from the city centre. A wide selection of all types of furnished and totally equipped accommodation from F1 to F3 type studios, monthly or yearly rentals, single or co-renting with a convenient free parking access. Address: 31-37 rue Colonel Moll 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 04 87 61 / Mobile phone: +33 (0)6 82 38 47 03 Fax number: +33 (0)3 26 09 70 91 Email: [email protected] Website: Séjours et Affaires Clairmarais Located in the city center, close to the train station. Between a hotel and a rented flat, the residence provides you the services of a hotel but you also have a kitchen allowing you to be completely independent. Address: 25 rue Edouard Mignot 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 07 74 63 / Fax number: +33 (0)3 26 07 59 16 Email: [email protected] Website: Flat-sharing The BDI (see contact details on page 11) can help you to find a flat to share with others students from Reims Management School. You can also look by yourself. Here is a selection of websites to find flatmates or roommates: Flat rentals You may flick through flat rental classifieds in newspapers or specialised websites, such as: Paru Vendu (newspaper and website: Le Bon Coin (website: L’Hebdo du Vendredi (free newspaper delivered downtown on Fridays) Updated August 2012 Page 26/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Most commonly used abbreviations: Abbreviation Appt. Asc. Ch. Cuis. Éq. Disp. Lav. Prox. RDC. SBD. Sam. Park. CC. HC. Meaning Appartement Ascenseur Chambre Cuisine équipée Disponible Lavabo Proximité Rez-de-chaussée Salle de bain Salle à manger Parking charges comprises hors charges Translation Flat Lift Bedroom Fitted kitchen Available Sink Near Groung floor Bathroom Dining oom Car park Service charges included Service charges not included Temporary accommodations / youth hostel C.I.S. de Champagne The Centre International de Séjour (CIS) is a good option for a temporary accommodation. Booking must be done online. For further information, please see: or CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE SEJOUR (CIS) 21 chaussée Bocquaine 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 40 52 60 Fax: +33 (0)3 26 47 35 70 Email: [email protected] Temporary accommodations / Hotels In Reims, you will find all kind of hotels with prices varying from 30 € to more than 200 € for a night. The following website is very good to give you an overview of the hotel offer: Hotel Le Parisien: Hotel Cecyl : Best Western Hôtel la Paix : Hôtel Mercure : Updated August 2012 Page 27/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Housing Insurance A House Insurance is compulsory for any kind of accommodation you might choose. It will cover you in case of damages in your accommodation. The insurance contract must be presented when you arrive in your residence in order to get your keys. For CROUS residences, if you arrive in the evening or during a weekend, you will have until the next opening day of the insurance company after getting your keys to buy insurance and present it at the reception office. You can choose between all the insurance companies but we recommend the students' insurance companies LMDE or MGEL2 offering house insurance at competitive prices (between 40€ and 80€ depending on the type of housing). Most of the time, a third-party insurance is also included in the accommodation insurance. Housing Benefit The APL (“Aide Personnalisée au Logement”) is a social help allocated by the French Government and more specifically by the CAF (“Caisse d’Allocation Familiale”) to help students (with little or no income) with their rental monthly payments. French and European students, as well as non-European students holding a long-stay visa can apply for the APL. Students with a temporary visa are ineligible for this housing benefit. Be sure to fill-in your online CAF application before the end of the first month once you reside in Reims. CAISSE D'ALLOCATIONS FAMILIALES (CAF) 202 rue des Capucins 51100 Reims Website: This aid is not allocated systematically and RMS is not responsible for any decisions in terms of housing benefits. It is the CAF's decision alone. The amount depends on your income in the previous years and on the rent. With no revenues, it amounts to about 173 € per month for a studio. If you are eligible for the housing allowance, the APL will be deducted from your monthly rent. ATTENTION: it can take up to 3 months to receive the first APL allowance depending of the completion of your application. You would have to make sure that you provided to the CAF all the necessary document (OFII stamp included if you have a long stay visa) and to keep your French bank account open until the reception of the last allocation. Housing Tax In France, anyone living in an accommodation on the 1st of January has to pay a housing tax. The housing tax for students who reside in studios amounts to about 250€ and is revisable each year. The French Tax Department will notify you when it is due. 2 Please see chapter « Medical Healthcare » pages 29-30. Updated August 2012 Page 28/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON MEDICAL HEALTHCARE The French Healthcare system Health Insurance is compulsory in France. This gives access to medical care, hospitalization and doctors. Insurance coverage is divided into two parts: 1) Basic insurance (“Sécurité sociale”) is provided by the government and it covers 70% of your medical expenses depending on the type of medical care received. 2) Complementary insurance (“Mutuelle” or “Assurance complémentaire”) is not compulsory but if you opt for a complementary insurance this will cover the remaining medical expenses. This will also protect you from high or unexpected healthcare expenses. For more information concerning the complementary insurance, inquire directly to the MGEL, LMDE or private insurance companies. Basic Insurance (depending on the duration of your stay, country and age) You stay three months or less It is not necessary to register with the student healthcare system in France. In this case, you should provide a document justifying your stay period (plane ticket, visa…). You stay more than three months and are from an EEA country3 or Switzerland You must have a European Health Insurance Card issued in your country of origin. Check on: You will have to provide RMS with a copy of this card at the beginning of the academic year. You stay more than three months, are from another country… Depending of your age, you will have to register with the Students Insurance Companies or the CPAM. Once the procedure is done, a Social Insurance Number will be allocated to you. You will also receive a certificate (Attestation de Carte Vitale) indicating your insurance rights and a card called “Carte Vitale” to use each time you see a Health practitioner. … and are between 16-28 years old You must register with the student healthcare system in France, either with MGEL or LMDE (Students' Insurance companies). The conditions are similar for both companies. The price is 210€ (price in 2012) to be paid in cash or French bank cheque. You subscribe for an entire academic year (from September to September), even if you only stay a few months. This price also includes a third-party insurance. You should provide the following documents: Healthcare affiliation (administrative document from RMS) Birth certificate translated in French Banking details (IBAN and BIC) 3 Please see footnote page 16. Updated August 2012 Page 29/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON MGEL (Croix-Rouge Campus) 34 rue Rilly La Montagne 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 87 79 79 Website: Opening hours Monday-Friday: 9.00-18.00 LMDE 8 rue Jeanne d'Arc 51100 Reims Phone: 32 60 then pronounce "LMDE" Website: Opening hours Monday-Friday: 9.00-12.30/13.30-17.00 … and are 28 years old (at the beginning of the academic year) or over You are not allowed to register with the student healthcare system in France. Therefore you must undertake the procedure for a personal and individual healthcare plan. It is your own responsibility to purchase a private insurance from your home country prior to departure for France. In this case, you just have to provide proof (in French or in English) of your insurance when you arrive. Otherwise, you may register with the French system, by contacting the CPAM. CPAM - CMU de base 14 rue du Ruisselet 51100 Reims Mrs TIGHA, Mrs BENCIVENGO, Mrs EVRARD or Mrs RAUSSIN +33 (0)3 26 84 40 30 Website: Upon your arrival, the IRO Team will help you to complete your application to the Couverture Maladie Universelle or CMU at the CPAM. To register, you will have to provide the following documents: Filled-in “CMU de Base” Form ( Copy of student card/ proof of School registration Proof of residence in France (attestation and last receipt of rent payment) Copy of birth certificate translated into French + presentation of the original birth certificate Copy of your passport main info (details, visa and expiry date) Certificates attesting your income from the previous year (2011) in your country of residence (work incomes, scholarships, etc) or a sworn statement that you did not have any income for the year. Income tax notification of the previous year or a sworn statement that you do not have any income tax notification Banking details (IBAN and BIC) Please notice that the Social Insurance is valid for one year. If your studies last more than a year, you will have to renew your demand with the Student’s Insurance or the CPAM. If you work in France during your studies, you will pay taxes and your medical expenses will be covered by another CPAM scheme. For more information or assistance should you encounter some difficulties, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the International Relations Office or with the RMS Social Registration Office. RMS Social Registration Office (Campus 2) Mrs Séverine LEMAITRE Email: [email protected] Updated August 2012 Page 30/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON HOW TO GET TO REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL There are four international airports around Paris: BEAUVAIS in the North of Paris, ORLY in the South of Paris, ROISSY CHARLES-DE-GAULLE (CDG) on the East side, and VATRY next to the city Châlons-en-Champagne. Most international and transatlantic flights land at CDG Airport. By shuttle To help you to organise your transport from the airport to Reims, we can book a shuttle for you. Please fill-in the “Arrival Form” which will be sent to you by the IRO. The shuttles are collective (car for 3 to 8 persons). The trip from Paris CDG and Orly Airports to Reims lasts approximately 2 hours and the price for 1 person is 61,20 € (2012) to be paid directly by cash to the driver. This price will be reduced if you are travelling with other students arriving at the same time. The arrival form must be filled-in and sent back to the IRO as soon as you know your flight details, at least two weeks before your arrival. If you cancel the booking later than 2 working days before the day of the trip, you will be charged. Be sure to have cash money with you (euros) to pay the driver. By car rental At every airport, you can find car rental companies like Hertz, Avis and Europcar. From CDG Airport to Reims, follow A1/E15/E19 panel sign A3 and A104, continue driving on A104 until you see the panel sign indicating A4/E50 showing METZ, NANCY and REIMS directions. The car trip will take about 1 hr 45 min. Toll fee of approximately 10€. Please refer to page 42 for more details about driving in France. Updated August 2012 Page 31/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON By public transport From Paris Charles-De-Gaulle airport Since 2007, TGV train is the fastest train allowing travellers to arrive from Paris CDG Airport to Reims (Champagne-Ardenne TGV station) in 30 minutes. After collecting your luggage, follow the signs “Gare SNCF”/”Railway station” to make your way to the TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse or “High Speed train”) station. The TGV station is underneath Terminal 2 (between terminals 2C/2E and 2D/2F). Platforms are on level 1 while ticket purchase office/information are available at level 2. More information about the TGV train station location in the airport on: If you wish to travel by TGV, you can buy a ticket to “Champagne-Ardenne TGV station” on the level 2 of the train station or do your booking before on the website Booking well in advance will give you a special discount for your train ticket, especially if you are younger than 26 years old. On this website you can also check the train timetables. Be sure to plan more than 60 minutes between your flight arrival time and the train departure to anticipate possible delays, formalities (passport check, customs control, baggage reclaim) and the walking trip to the TGV station. We recommend you to carefully check the timetables as there are only few direct trains per day to Reims. Other trains are going to Reims with connections but it can take much longer than 30 minutes. From Orly airport From Orly Airport, take a shuttle bus to the “RER C” train at Antony station, then head towards the Gare du Nord; the Gare de l’Est is a 10-minute walk away. To find your way through Paris transports, please see the tab “Access to the airports” on the Website: From the Gare de l’Est take a train to Reims Champagne-Ardenne TGV or Reims train station. For further information, please see the Website: or Updated August 2012 Page 32/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON From Reims train stations to RMS REIMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL: MAP LOCATION Campus 1 59 rue Pierre Taittinger – 51100 REIMS GPS : 49° 40’ 19.30’’ N ; 4° 0’ 9.00’’ E Campus 2 120 avenue d’Epernay – 51100 REIMS GPS : 49°14’29.48’’ N ; 4°00’47.24’’ E Tramway RMS is located half-way between the train stations Champagne-Ardenne TGV and Reims Centre. Tram stops: Campus Croix-Rouge (Campus 1) and Franchet d’Esperey (Campus 2). Updated August 2012 Page 33/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Once arriving to Reims train stations “Reims Centre” or “Champagne-Ardenne”, you are only 15 minutes away from Reims Management School. You can either take a taxi or the tramway. By taxi: you can usually get a taxi right directly in front of the station or call a taxi by phone (we recommend you to call Marne taxi at +33 (0)3 26 02 15 02 or Reims taxi at +33 (0)3 26 47 05 05). It will cost you approximately 8€. Please also note that you cannot go and wait for a taxi to stop on the street! By tramway (also called “tram”): you can find it just outside the train stations. You can buy a “one-hour” ticket at a cost of 1,60€ (price of the fare1,30€ + rechargeable ticket 0,30€). To take the tramway, you must first purchase a ticket at the tram station from the ticket machines (by cash coins or credit card). From Champagne-Ardenne TGV, you are at the end of the line, so you can take the first tram you see. From Reims Centre train station, take the tram on the right side of the road when you leave the train station behind you: direction of “Bezannes Gare Champagne TGV” or “Hôpital Debré”. Then, when you enter the tram, you have to validate your ticket by presenting your ticket in front of the validation sensor. A green light appears and you can see your credit left on the card. The tram stop is “Campus Croix-Rouge” if you want to go to Campus 1, the ACOBHA Residences or the CROUS “Résidence des Facultés”. The stop is “Franchet d’Esperey” if you want to go to Campus 2 or the CROUS Residences Paul Fort and Berlioz. When you get there, you are no more than a five-minute walk from your objective! Make sure you have a place to live during your first days in Reims: You have already found a permanent accommodation, be sure to arrive during the opening times of the offices for the check-in and do not forget to fix an appointment with the landlord or residences offices to enter the apartment upon your arrival in Reims. For Acobha and CROUS, if you arrive during the week-end, after the opening hours of the student’s residences or before the 1st day of your rental contract, please be sure to book temporary accommodation for your first nights in Reims. You have no permanent accommodation upon arrival. We strongly advise you to book temporary accommodation at the CIS (see page 23) to ensure you have a place to stay upon your arrival. Updated August 2012 Page 34/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON USEFUL DATA Opening a bank account & Banking Services Opening a French bank account is necessary for the housing allowance and health reimbursements, even if you stay for one semester. It is sometimes possible to organise automatic bank transfers for paying rent. RMS negotiates with a local bank each year so that international students can open and close an account easily and benefit from some advantages. The IRO and the BDI will present you our bank partner at your arrival, but you are free to choose the bank you prefer. Different banks are also present for students in the Guichet Unique / Reims Campus every year, in September (see page 18). Banks are usually open up from 9.00am to 12.00am and from 14.00pm until 17.30pm. They are always closed during lunchtime, on Sundays and bank holidays. Some banks are also closed on Saturday so better plan ahead. Currency The Euro (€ or EUR) is the official currency of France and 16 other member states of the European Union since 2002. 1 Euro is equivalent to 100 cents. Means of payment We recommend you to always have a little bit of cash with you in case credit cards are not accepted (for example to pay a taxi, buy public transport tickets, buy a “baguette”, etc). The Euro currency is represented by coins (0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1 and 2 Euros) and bank notes (5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 Euros). Credit cards VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD and EUROCARD are accepted almost everywhere in France. You can withdraw money with your debit card from ATMs or pay with credit cards in most of the shops. You will have to key in your 4-digit pin code when paying with a French card. It is very common in France to use a chequebook rather than credit cards and cash, but they are not accepted everywhere. Western Union system can be used to receive or send cash in every bank or post office. Students can bring traveller cheques in Euros or in other currencies such as US dollars, UK pounds, etc. However, note that you cannot pay with them in France. You will have to change your travellers cheques into Euros in a French bank (with bank charges). Remember to have enough money (cash and/or the possibility to withdraw money with your credit card) available for your arrival in France to deal with your first expenses (ex: paying the shuttle, the public transport fare, buy food, pay the housing deposit and insurance, the healthcare insurance…) as it can take up to three weeks to obtain a French credit card when you open a bank account in France. Updated August 2012 Page 35/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Exchanging money To exchange money we recommend you to go in the national banks or to withdraw money with your credit card to have the best rates. Rates on July 2011, from Argentina Australia Brazil Canada Chile China Denmark Hungary India 1 Peso 1 AUD 1 Real 1 CAD 1 Peso 1 Yuan 1 Krone 1 Forint 1 Roupee 0.17 € 0.76 € 0.45 € 0.73 € 0.0015 € 0.11 € 0.13 € 0.0038 € 0.016 € Israel Japan Marocco Mexico Norway South Africa Sweden United Kingdom U.S.A. 1 Shekel 1 Yen 1 Dirham 1 Peso 1 Kroner 1 Rand 1 Krona 1 Pound 1 USD 0.21 € 0.0087 € 0.0886 € 0.060 € 0.13 € 0.10 € 0.11 € 1.12 € 0.70 € Bank Holidays 2012 Sunday 1 January Monday 9 April Tuesday 1 May Tuesday 8 May Thursday 17 May Monday 28 May Saturday 14 July Wednesday 15 August Sunday 11 November Tuesday 25 December Description New Year’s Day Easter Monday Labour Day World War II Victory Day Ascension Day Whit Monday Bastille Day French National Day Assumption Day Armistice Day Christmas Day 2013 Tuesday 1 January Monday 1 April Wednesday 1 May Wednesday 8 May Thursday 9 May Monday 20 May Sunday 14 July Thursday 15 August Monday 11 November Wednesday 25 December Electricity The voltage in France is 220 Volts and the plugs are identified by two round pins spaced 19mm apart, with a hole for the socket's male grounding pin. If the electricity system is different from what you have in your country, we recommend you to bring plug adapters and/or voltage converters with you or buying them once in France. Updated August 2012 Page 36/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Phoning To call a French number from an International phone: Dial: 0033 (or + 33 for a mobil phone) + the number after removing the first zero For example to call the School: 03 26 77 47 47 becomes 0033 3 26 77 47 47 or +33 3 26 77 47 47 To call a French number from a French phone: Dial the 10-digit numbers, including the first zero. To call from France: Dial the following number: 00 + Country Calling Code + number Mobile Phone To be able to easily call and be called, to keep in touch with friends or in case of emergency, it might be very useful to have a mobile phone. Two options: Calling from your International mobile phone: You sometimes have to check with your home phone operator that you are able to make international calls. Buying a French SIM Card (with French number): The easiest way to control your expenses is to buy a SIM Card (about 15€) that you can recharge with prepaid card to top up. You can also choose to buy a SIM Card + mobile phone at an interesting price to use with prepaid credit or with a monthly subscription. In France, the three main companies are Bouygues, Orange and SFR. You can’t miss their shops when going to the city centre or in the periphery shopping areas (see on page 46). To recharge your phone, you can either buy prepaid card from the newsagents or do it using your credit/debit card. Public Phone With the arrival of mobile phones, public pay phones are sometimes a little bit more difficult to find than by the past years, but you can still find some around the city and in the campus. Using one requires a phone card or “télécarte” of 50 units (7.50€) or 120 units (15€) which may be purchased at the Post Office or newsagents. List of some International Calling Codes Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Germany Updated August 2012 213 54 61 43 32 55 1 56 86 49 Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Mexico Morocco Norway The Netherlands 36 91 353 972 39 81 52 212 47 31 Poland Portugal South Africa Spain Sweden United Kingdom USA 48 351 27 34 46 44 1 Page 37/52 Reims Management School YOUR ARRIVAL: BEFORE & UPON Coming with Family & Children Accommodation There is no rental accommodation on the campus for families with children but you can find a rental outside the school campus (please see pages 25 to 27). Schools for your children If you wish to come with your family, depending the age of your children, please note that our system is as follows: From age 0 to 3: it is extremely difficult to get a place in the Day Care or Crèche (public service) and the waiting list is always full! Another option is to contact a nursery or “assistante maternelle”. From age 3 to 6: Kindergarten School or Ecole Maternelle is not compulsory in France. If by chance there is still a place your child may be accepted. From age 6 to 10: Primary School or Ecole Primaire is compulsory in France. From age 11 to 15: Elementary School or Collège. From age 16 to 18: High School or Lycée. Registration is only possible once you have your own personal address in Reims. For further details, please see the tab “Ecoles de Reims” on the Website: For the Kindergarten and Primary School, you must go to the city hall education office located at 4 rue Jovin 51100 Reims (French speaking). As for Elementary and High School, you must make an appointment with the school's Director of the district you live in. Documents required: Family Record Book Decree in divorce (in case of divorce or separation) Child Health Record Book Proof of residence in France For further information, please see: Updated August 2012 Page 38/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS REIMS CITY Overview Reims is the largest city in the Marne area and the second largest in North-East of France (after Strasbourg) with roughly 210 000 inhabitants. Ideally located in France and central within Europe, Reims has naturally become an important historical, cultural and economic crossroads. A human-size city, Reims is teeming with opportunities, places to relax, to learn something, to spend time with friends and to wander around the shopping areas in the city centre or the wide array of parks and gardens. The combination of all these resources means that Reims is a great place to live, appealing both for its inhabitants and to tourists. Historical and Architectural Heritage Heart of the Champagne region Reims is famous world-wide for its Champagne, sublimated by the well-known biscuits roses (pink biscuits). A lot of famous Champagne wineries are located in the city and its surrounding areas since the 18th century like Pommery, Mumm, Veuve Cliquot, Ruinart, Krug, Taittinger and many more ... They can be visited. Be sure not to miss the Champagnetasting! For history enthusiasts, Reims is a place to explore. First and foremost, the renowned 13th century cathedral, situated in the city centre, was the setting for most French king coronations. It was listed as a World Heritage site by the UNESCO in 1991. Cultural and natural drives Other must-sees are the museums and the city centre with the “Porte Mars”, an ancient Roman Archway and its Art Deco facades. Public gardens and the “Montagne de Reims” regional park, situated south of the city, home of a wildlife and peculiar trees, contribute in making Reims a relaxing green environment. Nowadays, Reims has moved in leaps and bounds, away from its reputation as Sleeping Beauty in the post-war period, with many cultural events taking place in the city. Today there is always something going on in Reims, and it has a buzzing nightlife! Updated August 2012 Economical opportunities Its proximity to Paris also gives Reims an obvious edge in terms of investments for companies. Many companies continue to set up their offices, production sites, tertiary complexes, call centres and even recently music and TV recording studios there. For further information about Reims, please see the city website: or visit the Tourisme Office (near Reims Cathedral) Page 39/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS Transportation inside Reims Bus and tramway In Reims, the tramway and bus network is the most efficient way to travel. Furthermore, there are tram stops just in front of the RMS campus 1 and 2, making even easier your trips to and from the school. The trams and buses circulate from about 6am in the morning until about midnight. For further information, feel free to visit the website: To take public transport, you must purchase and validate a ticket (see page 34). Tickets are sold: - at the CITURA boutique located on: 6 rue Chanzy, next to the Opera tram stop - in most of the tobacco shops (see the list: - at every tram station throught the ticket machines (by cash coins or credit card) - in the buses by the drivers Ticket prices (from, August 2012) 1hour 2x1hour 10x1hour 1,30€ 2,30€ 10€ 24hours 48hours 72hours 3,20€ 5,90€ 8,90€ Monthly Yearly Others 27€ (-26years old) 32€ (+26years old) 229,50€ (-26years old) 320€ (+26years old) Please check on the website You must present your ticket to the sensor machine each time you get in a bus or tram, even when it is a connection. When you travel by bus, the stopping is optional. At the bus stop, wave to the bus driver if you want him to stop. The boarding is only done by the front door. To get off, push the button « arrêt demandé » to inform the driver that you want him to stop at the next stop, and use the central or back doors by pushing the button to open them. Controllers sometimes get in the tram/bus and ask you for your ticket. The non possession of a valid ticket will subject you to a fine. Biking Reims is a human sized city and you can go relatively quickly from one side to another by using a bike. The canal river enables you to cross the city from the North to the South part. Please remember that the Driving Code also applies for bikes. Updated August 2012 Page 40/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS Transportation to/from Reims You have to go outside the city, either for an appointment, to visit Paris, the rest of France or Europe? It is very easy thanks to the different options of transportation. Train There are now four train stations in Reims: - Gare Centre, town center (tram A, B or bus 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9) - Gare Franchet d’Esperey, in front of RMS Campus 2, (tram A, tram B or bus 7, 11) - Gare Maison Blanche (bus 4) - Champagne-Ardenne TGV, devoted to “high speed trains”, located in Bezannes (tram B or bus 13) You can see the train timetables and purchase tickets in Reims Centre and Champagne-Ardenne train stations or by internet on the website or In Franchet d’Esperey and Maison Blanche train stations, there is no information desk and ticket machine. You must buy your ticket before in other train stations, by internet or ask the ticket inspector when the train arrives. If you are under 26 years old, you can buy a SNCF yearly pass called “Carte 12–25” which will give you discounts in every travel by train that you will do (discount from 25% to 50%). Bus The Citura buses are going to Reims periphery and will allow you to access the bigger supermarkets, shopping precinct, restaurants, cinema, bowling, karting, etc. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, a Reims travel agency offers the possibility to spend the day in Paris for a price of 22€, return ticket (August 2012). The booking is essential. Please check on this website for more information: Buses companies like Eurolines ans iDBus can also have very good deals to travel in Europe. Taxi In France, taking a taxi is quite safe. Do not wait for them in the streets. You can mostly find taxis in the tourist places or near the train stations. If you want a taxi to come and get you somewhere specific in Reims, you can call companies such as Marne taxi (+33 (0)3 26 02 15 02) or Reims taxi (+33 (0)3 26 47 05 05) for example. Car-sharing Car-sharing is becoming more and more used due to the high price of the petrol or of public transports. On the internet, lots of websites are offering this service. Check on or We recommend you to stay vigilant, to prefer travelling accompanied by someone you know and not to accept going with someone you feel uncomfortable with. Updated August 2012 Page 41/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS Car renting At every airport and near the main train stations, you can find car rental companies like Hertz, Avis and Europcar. Petrol stations are mainly located in the shopping areas on the periphery of the city and the petrol cost is about 1.30€ / L (diesel engines, in August 2011). Below are some of the rules for drivers / passengers in France. If you feel unsure, it may be worth taking a few driving lessons. DRIVING IN FRANCE: In France, one drives on the right and the cars are left-wheel drive. You will need an international or European driver’s license. All drivers and passengers must wear a safety belt in cars and taxis (whether you sit at the front or in the back). Children under the age of 10 must be in special appropriate seats (depending on their age and size). Foreign drivers must become accustomed to the cycle paths and bus paths that have priority over cars. Drivers must therefore be very careful when they want to turn right. There is also a rule in the French driving code that gives priority to roads coming from the right hand side (priorité à droite); one has to slow down before a road on the right unless it is clearly marked that drivers on that road must give way. France is very strict about driving laws and the consumption of alcohol or drugs. The maximum blood alcohol limit is 0.5 g/l. Concerning drugs, even «soft» drugs are not tolerated and it is illegal to consume drugs and drive. The speed limit indicated by road signs must be respected. Reims driving distances from other cities Reims from Paris Aachen Amsterdam Barcelona Brussels Distance (km) 149 332 475 1124 269 (miles) 93 206 295 698 167 Time 1 h 45 min 3 h 48 min 5 h 4 min 11 h 2 h 56 min Reims from Geneva Lille London Luxembourg Strasbourg Distance (km) (miles) 482 300 208 129 417 259 233 145 344 214 Time 5 h 28 min 2 h 12 min 4 h 55 min 2 h 23 min 3 h 30 min Weather Conditions Reims has a reasonably cold climate in winter time from December to February. It may freeze and snow occasionally. Sunny weather can begin before June, with temperatures exceeding 30°C (86°F) in the months of July and August. For further information, please see the Reims weather forecast on the website: Updated August 2012 Page 42/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS ACTIVITIES Eating & Drinking The French are renowned for their food and gastronomic restaurants. In general, there are 3 meals a day: breakfast in the morning, lunch between midday and 1pm, and dinner in the evenings at about 8pm. In Reims, you will find a wide choice of places to have a refreshment or to eat out, from low/average prices to first-class restaurants: fast-food, kebab, pizzerias, texmex, Asian food and of course French Cuisine. A complete meal will cost you between 12 and 20€ per person. Drinks are not included in the meal; however tap water (Carafe d’eau) is generally free. The “place d’Erlon”, the main pedestrian area downtown, has numerous bars and restaurants. You will be able to sit outside on the terrace when the weather is mild. You can also find some small charming cafes in the little streets and restaurants in the big shopping areas. Le Monocle (see page 12) can give you more suggestions, but make sure to explore some other ones by yourself! In France, in most places, service is included in the price. If the client is satisfied, he may leave a tip but it is not compulsory Sportive activities Stadiums, gymnasiums, swimming pools, tennis courts, sport fields, ice rinks, racecourse, bowling pitches, equestrian centres, wall-climbing complexes… Reims has all the sport equipment you could want! Running in a park or along the canal river, practising a team or individual sport or simply joining a gym and fitness centre is very easy. Not forgetting the facilities available at Reims Management School, with its own equipped gym! Check with the BDS (“Bureau des Sports”) association to see what activities they offer every week and to participate in training sessions and tournaments (see page 12). Reims is also a great place for sporting events such as football games, rally driving and its famous marathon in October. Updated August 2012 Page 43/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS Cultural activities Reims Management School is playing a very active part in boosting the city’s cultural assets. The BDA (“Bureau des Arts”) association often has special offers and reduced tickets. Do visit them in their office or contact them through their email address: [email protected] (see page 13). Several museums can be visited, among which the Palais du Tau, the Musée des Beaux Arts (Fine Arts), the Hôtel Le Vergeur (old Reims), the basilique Saint-Rémi and its museum (archeolohy, history), the Motor vehicles, and the FRAC (Contemporary Art). In May, do not miss the “Nuit des Musées” ( to visit most of the museums for free, at night. Four scenes: “La Comédie”, “L’Opéra”, “La Cartonnerie” and “Le Manège” (International theatres, concert halls…) are going to keep your evenings entertained. Events and festivals are organised all year round. Elektricity, Les Flâneries Musicales, les Fêtes Johanniques and La Pellicule Ensorcelée are only examples. The city also has an exhibition centre, a congress centre, several public libraries and a Mediathèque located in front of the Cathedral. Cinemas If you are interested in watching a movie, there are two cinemas downtown in Drouet d'Erlon place and a big cinema complex in Thillois Shopping area. Most foreign films are dubbed in French versions, but some of them are shown in their original version with French subtitles. A ticket is approximately 9 euros, however you can get students fare (7.50 €) by showing your student card. Programs and schedules on the website: CINEMA GAUMONT 72 place Drouet d’Erlon 51100 Reims CINEMA OPERA 30 rue Théodore Dubois 51100 Reims (Original versions) CINEMA GAUMONT Parc Millésime 51370 THILLOIS Going out / Night life In the evenings, the “Place d’Erlon” is the main area for entertainments and miscellaneous events. Themed bars and night clubs attracts people everyday, with a peak on Friday and Saturday nights. Thurday parties are also known for being very appreciated by Reims students. Student associations (see page 11) often organise dinners, meetings and evening events downtown. Updated August 2012 Page 44/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS SHOPPING There is a wide variety of shops and stores, as well as weekly open-air markets. The main shopping district downtown is on rue de Vesle and Place d’Erlon, which is the main area for the entertainment and miscellaneous events. The biggest malls (hypermarkets and shopping areas) are located on the periphery of the city. Food prices We recommend you to buy in-season fruits and vegetable because they are cheaper! 1 French bread = une baguette 1 L of milk = du lait A pack of 6 eggs = une boîte d’oeufs 1 kg of pasta = des pâtes 1 kg of rice = du riz 250 g of butter = du beurre A pack of 4 yogurts = des yaourts 250 g of coffee = du café 1 chocolate bar = une barre chocolatée 0.90 € 0.80 € 1.20 € 1.50 € 1.50 € 1.50 € 1.30 € 2.50 € 1.20 € 3 kg of oranges = des oranges 1 kg of apples = des pommes A pack of cereal = un paquet de céréales 300 g of ham = du jambon 100 g of minced beef = de la viande hachée Canned tuna fish = une boîte de thon 1 Big Mac = un Big Mac A pack of 6 beers = des bières A bottle of Champagne = du Champagne 2.80 € 2.20 € 2.30 € 2.30 € 2.70 € 1.30 € 3.00 € 3.00 € 18.00 € Food prices are subject to change! Nearest Shopping Centre & Supermarkets CENTRE COMMERCIAL DE L’HIPPODROME (MATCH) Shopping centre with grocery shop, drugstore, newsagent, bakery, kebab, hairdresser (Close to Campus 1, tram stop Campus CroixRouge) 2 rue Pierre Taittinger 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 8h30-19h30 Sunday: 9h00-12h00 CARREFOUR MARKET (when you go down the street from Campus 2) 4 bis avenue Epernay 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 8h30-20h00 Sunday: 9h00-12h00 Updated August 2012 DIA DISCOUNT Low-cost supermarket (In front of Campus 2) Avenue d’Epernay 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-12h30/14h30-19h30 INTERMARCHE Sells various household appliances at moderate prices. (take the Avenue Charles de Gaulle in front of Campus 2) Boulevard Wilson 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-19h30 Sunday: 9h00-13h00 Page 45/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS Supermarkets and Grocery shops in the City Centre MONOPRIX Convenient and open during lunchtime (Located near the FNAC arcade) 34 rue Jeanne d'Arc 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 83 97 08 Website: Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-20h00 Sunday: 9h00-13h00 GALERIES LAFAYETTE There is an underground department store. 33/45 rue de Vesle 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 40 35 12 Website: Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h30-19h30 Sunday: 9h00-13h00 MONOP’ Convenient opening times 7 rue du Docteur Jacquin 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 09 34 01 Opening hours Monday-Thursday: 8h00-21h00 Friday-Saturday: 8h00-22h00 Sunday: 8h30-13h00 CARREFOUR CITY Little grocery shop between the tram stops Comédie and Vesle 131 rue de Vesle 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 7h00-21h00 Sunday: 9h00-13h00 Bigger Supermarkets and Shopping Areas CARREFOUR TINQUEUX (West of Reims) 31 route de Soissons 51430 Tinqueux Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-22h00 CARREFOUR CERNAY (East of Reims) 2 route de Cernay 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-22h00 CORA NORD (North-East of Reims) Rue Neufchâtel 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-21h00 CORA CORMONTREUIL (South-Est of Reims) Route de Louvois 51350 Cormontreuil Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-21h00 LECLERC CHAMFLEURY (South-West of Reims) Rue Neufchâtel 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-21h00 LECLERC CHAMFLEURY (North-West of Reims) Rue Neufchâtel 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-21h00 Most of the shops are generally closed on Sundays and bank holidays (except the restaurants, bars and cinemas). Updated August 2012 Page 46/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS Markets (from 6am to 13pm) - Monday: St Thomas (avenue de Laon) - Tuesday: St Maurice (place Saint Maurice) and Jean Moulin (place Jean Moulin) - Wednesday: Chatillons (parking Georges Hodin) and Croix du sud (esplanade Paul Sézanne) - Thursday: Carteret (boulevard Carteret) and Luton (place Luton) - Friday: Wilson (boulevard Wilson) - Saturday: Croix-Rouge (rue Pierre Taittinger) and Boulingrin (place du Boulingrin) - Sunday: Jean-Jaurès (avenue Jean Jaurès) and Sainte-Anne (rue de Louvois) Dry Cleaner/Laundry A launderette is located inside INTERMARCHE supermarket (see page 42). Prices are generally 3.30€ per item and service is quite rapid. You get your clothes back on the very same day. INTERMARCHE 58 boulevard Wilson 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 9h00-20h00 CENTRE COMMERCIAL DE L’HIPPODROME - PRESSING 2 rue Pierre Taittinger 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 8h30-19h30 Sunday: 10h00-13h00 / 15h00-19h00 Post Office In France the post boxes are yellow. You can buy stamps from the tobacconewsagents shops or in the Post Offices called “La Poste”. Here is a selection of Post Offices (easy to access or nearby the School): 8 place Drouet d’Erlon Opening hours Monday: 12h00-19h00 Tuesday-Friday: 10h00-19h00 Saturday: 10h00-17h00 POST OFFICE 2 rue Cérès Opening hours Monday-Friday: 8h30-18h00 Saturday: 8h30-12h00 1 B Place Mozart Opening hours Monday-Friday: 9h00 -17h00 Saturday: 9h00-12h00 Haidresser You will find lots of hair and beauty salons. Do not hesitate to enter and ask for the prices. Haircuts cost approximately 15 € for men and 25 € /30 € for women basics (shampoo, cutting and drying). Bookshops CHAPITRE GUERLIN 70/77 place Drouet d’Erlon 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 10h00-19h15 Updated August 2012 LA FNAC Espace Drouet d’Erlon 51100 Reims Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 10h00-19h30 Page 47/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS HEALTH Doctors Visit at the general practitioner’s will cost you 23 € and this amount must be paid directly during your medical check up. Medical expenses will then be refunded by your health insurance. The following general practitioners speak English: Docteur Frédéric PETRON 24 rue de l’Isle 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 40 14 00 Docteur Patrick GIRARDOT 7 rue Pluche 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 88 23 68 Docteur Michel VIOT 61 rue Paul Vaillant Couturier 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 47 47 79 SOS Médecins 21 rue Pierre Taittinger 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)8 21 21 15 15 (paid call) Dial the number, listen, then press 2 Docteur Françoise MORELLE 19 bis avenue Epernay 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 04 06 26 For emergencies, go to the nearest hospital (Hôpital Maison Blanche, Robert Debré or Courlancy) or dial the 15 if you cannot move from where you are. Dentists Dr Marc LEPLAIDEUR 14 chaussée Bocquaine 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 04 18 48 Dr Gilbert POIROT 38 bis rue Courlancy 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 77 20 47 Dr Laurent VIDET 22 rue Colonel Fabien 51100 Reims Phone: +33 (0)3 26 84 07 86 Pharmacy PHARMACIE PICARDAT 10 av. du Président Kennedy 51100 Reims (Centre commercial de l’Hippodrome, near Campus 1) PHARMACIE GILLARD 14 rue Cadran Saint Pierre 51100 Reims (town centre, English speaking) There is always a pharmacy open in Reims late night and on Sundays. Call 32 37 to get its name and address. Updated August 2012 Page 48/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS Emergency Numbers Emergency or SAMU 15 Police 17 Fire Brigade 18 Poison Control Centre +33 (0)3 26 06 07 08 Pharmacy 32 37 Domestic violence 39 19 Help – English speaking +33 (0)1 47 23 80 80 Inquiries 118 008 Locksmith +33 (0)3 26 85 25 51 Hospital +33 (0)3 26 78 78 78 Lost property office +33 (0)3 26 87 18 82 Updated August 2012 112 Page 49/52 Reims Management School LIVING IN REIMS NOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 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are vending machines in the corridors which
provide various snacks and hot/cold beverages.
A meal will cost you 3.70 € per person