1. Atlanta Media Campus - Gwinnett Chamber Economic Development


1. Atlanta Media Campus - Gwinnett Chamber Economic Development
 | Live. Learn. Work. Play. Innovate. Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia INFORMATIONAL| 2014 | Live. Learn. Work. Play. Innovate. Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia CONTACTS SCOTT CONDRA President 770 399 9930 JOHN BORDEN General Counsel 770 399 9930 MICHAEL HAHN Managing Director 770 399 9930 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 | Live. Learn. Work. Play. Innovate. Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THE FILM STUDIO -­‐ MBS HIGH TECH OFFICE/FILM SCHOOL GEORGIA FILM TAX CREDIT DEVELOPER INCENTIVES THE SITE: A HISTORY OF INNOVATION ADDITIONAL PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS FILM IN GEORGIA: HISTORY AND STATISTICS GWINNETT COUNTY GEORGIA This briefing contains confidenVal & proprietary informaVon. By advancing the next slide/page the reader accepts responsibility for maintaining such confidenVality. The informaVon contained herein, including any pro-­‐forma income and expense informaVon (collecVvely, the informaVon) has been carefully compiled or modeled from sources we consider reliable; however, the informaVon is not guaranteed as to completeness or accuracy. While we have no reason to believe that the informaVon set forth in this memorandum (or any InformaVon that is subsequently provided or made available to you) contains any material inaccuracies, no representaVons or warranVes, express or implied, are made with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the InformaVon. Independent esVmates of pro-­‐forma income and expense should be developed before any decision is made on whether to provide financing for the property. 3 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 PROJECT OVERVIEW Atlanta Media Campus (AMC) is a 90-­‐acre mixed-­‐use development being built by Jacoby Development (Jacoby) in Gwinneb County Georgia, just north of downtown Atlanta. Upon compleVon, AMC will be home to the largest film producVon complex in the southeastern United States. The development will consist of a potenVal 4,400,000 square feet of leasable area including an iniVal 6 film and television sound stages with complimentary producVon faciliVes, television studios, 300 hotel rooms, a film school, student housing, mulVfamily housing, high tech and Class A office space and complementary retail uses. To capitalize on the unprecedented growth of the film industry in Georgia via the Georgia Film Tax Credit, its strong poliVcal and business support and the exodus of large scale filming from Los Angeles, the film studio porVon of the complex will serve as the anchor and catalyst for the overall mixed use real estate development. For management of the film studio, Jacoby has engaged MBS3 -­‐ the ownership and management company behind the highly successful TV and feature film studio, Manhaban Beach Studios (MBS), in Los Angeles. As one of the most experienced owners and managers of independent studios and accompanying producVon service providers, MBS will bring instant credibility, valuable relaVonships and years of experience and experVse to the film studio porVon of the development. 5 TRANSACTION OVERVIEW PHASE I Film Studio Also known as Building 50, an exisVng 340,000 square foot industrial building will be converted into six state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art sound stages and complimentary producVon offices, to be completed by summer 2015. The total build-­‐out will yield approximately 500,000 SF of leasable area. The soundstages in Building 50 will have direct access to over 30 acres of paved studio backlot, the largest paved backlot with adjacent sound stages in Georgia. AddiVonally the site will include 700 parking spaces and 45,000 square feet of mill shop also in exisVng buildings. High-­‐Tech Office and Film School 160,000 square feet of an exisVng 210,000 square foot office building (Building 20) will be upgraded into modern industrial high tech office space with exisVng commitments for 120,000 square feet. AddiVonally, in conjuncVon with Dr. Warrick Carter, former dean of Columbia University in Chicago, Georgia State University has commibed to serve as a host for film schools around the country to send students for a semester of internships, lectures from on-­‐site film tenants and accredited film courses. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LAND In addiVon to the Film Studio and High-­‐Tech Office and Film School, Jacoby is under contract to purchase an addiVonal 45.18 acres of undeveloped land, currently being zoned for mulV-­‐family, retail, hospitality and class A office development. Jacoby anVcipates having the zoning complete and a porVon of the land sales in place concurrent with closing. There is an addiVonal opportunity to finance the purchase of this land for future development. 6 7 8 9 2. THE FILM STUDIO 10 The Film Studio PROVEN MANAGEMNT TEAM: For management of the film studio, Jacoby has engaged MBS3 -­‐ the ownership and management company behind the highly successful TV and feature film studio, Manhaban Beach Studios (MBS), in Los Angeles. As one of the most experienced owners and managers of independent studios and accompanying producVon service providers, MBS will bring top level credibility, leasing relaVonships and studio management experVse to the project. Led by seasoned professional, Rick Nelson, MBS will market, lease and manage the studio. This team will abract major film producVons to the facility and give confidence to producers by having relaVonships in place that they are familiar with and trust. MBS has a legacy of large-­‐scale movie making, serving as the home base for James Cameron’s Lightstorm Entertainment, and hosVng the filming of the next two Avatar sequels. Other notable projects include Marvel’s Iron Man 2, Captain America 2, The Avengers and Thor 2. MBS will provide the Atlanta Media Campus with the relaVonships, resources and experience it needs to successfully compete and dominate the Georgia film market. The team also includes Mr. Norman Bielowicz, former Director of the Georgia Film Commission. Mr. Bielowicz has been a fixture in the Georgia film industry since the 1970s, most recently serving as a locaVon manager for Fast & Furious, A Walk In The Woods, Zombieland and Life as We Know It. His experVse and encyclopedic knowledge of the intricacies of every aspect of filming in Georgia make him an invaluable asset to our team. EQUIPMENT REVENUE SHARING: Jacoby is partnering with MBS to bring much needed, top of the line, lighVng and grip equipment to Georgia. MBS has commibed to bring $10M+ of the newest and best equipment to be stored at Atlanta Media Campus and supplied to our studio as well as the enVre state of Georgia. Jacoby will revenue share with MBS on any equipment supplied by them in the state of Georgia. 11 The Film Studio (cont.) LARGEST SIZE: In addiVon to housing the largest studio facility in the southeast, the building is directly adjacent to over 30 acres of paved backlot, the only such facility in Georgia. This unique combinaVon of backlot with adjacent indoor stages and their size relaVve to other faciliVes in the United States, offers the largest and most lucraVve films the opportunity to film and construct large indoor sets, enormous blue screens and outdoor sets not available anywhere else in the country. The Atlanta Media Campus has already been home to the largest blue screen ever built in Georgia at over 700+ feet long. The 170,000 square foot “flex” stage in Building 50 will enable producVons to build sets on a scale not possible in Los Angeles or other ciVes. 12 The Film Studio (cont.) PROVEN DEMAND: In coordinaVon with our leasing team of Manhaban Beach Studios and Norm Bielowicz, Jacoby has already leased the site to a some of the largest and highest profile films currently in producVon. The demand to film at Atlanta Media Campus has exceeded capacity since Jacoby has controlled the site, so much so that Jacoby has had to turn down mulVple major films due to lack of available space. “Fast and Furious 7”, Universal Studios largest franchise ever, has earned over $2.3 billion as of October, 2013. Occupying over 200,000 square feet of sound stage and 15 acres of backlot, “Fast and Furious 7” called Atlanta Media Campus home for its fixed sets from June 2013 to June 2014. “Fast and Furious 7” has an esVmated budget in excess of $160 million. Both the “Hunger Games Mockingjay 1” and “Hunger Games Mockingjay 2” were filmed at Atlanta Media Campus. Taking advantage of our size, both Hunger Games producVons have built massive outdoor sets for filming with in excess of 1,400 extras and cast. The budget for the two Hunger Games sequels is in excess of $250 million and the films to date have grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide. AddiVonally, the films A Walk In The Woods, starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte and Term Life starring Vince Vaughn have filmed on site. Full makeup and wardrobe: Over 1,400 Extras prepare for “Hunger Games: Mockingjay.” On the Set: “Hunger Games: Mockingjay” – outdoor set. Georgia’s largest “green” screen: In excess of 700 feet, the largest screen ever built in the state of Georgia. 13 The Film Studio (cont.) Fast and Furious 7: The 300 foot, 5 story blue screen. Building 50: Fast and Furious 7-­‐ set construcVon. The hospital lobby set -­‐ Fast and Furious -­‐ post destrucVon. 14 The Film Studio (cont.) STATE OF THE ART SOUND STAGES: The state of the art sound stages and producVon offices will be constructed in a 395,000 square foot, exisVng building with 30-­‐40 foot interior ceiling height. Built to the highest structural standards in anVcipaVon of technically sensiVve fiber opVc manufacturing, the building was never occupied for its intended purpose. Constructed at a cost of nearly $60M, Jacoby will take advantage of the opportunity this exisVng structure provides to retrofit 6 sound stages and producVon offices with the input of the design team of Manhaban Beach Studios and Gensler architects, the world leader in film studio design. When the retrofit is complete, the studio will comprise over 140,000 square feet of column free sound stages and another 170,000 square feet of “flex” stage space making it the largest sound stage facility in the southeastern United States. ConstrucVon for the retrofit is expected to begin in August of 2014 and complete in May of 2015. 15 The Film Studio (cont.) ROOM TO EXPAND: Immediately adjacent to the film studio, Jacoby will own a 450,000 square foot building with similar heights and clearances to the film studio. This “flex” building stage can serve as overflow for producVon (this is where Hunger Games built their indoor sets), storage, mill space, set building, make-­‐up, producVon offices, or wardrobe. 16 3. HIGH TECH OFFICE/FILM SCHOOL 17 High Tech Office and Film School headquarters to OFS cooperate offices, Building 20 will be retrofibed as high tech and media office space and a film school. Building 20 is the most Currently prominent building on the campus and will serve as the gateway to the development. The building consists of approximately 210,000 square feet, with 180,000 square feet of office and lobby and educaVonal faciliVes and 30,000 square feet of cafeteria. The building will also include a high tech ediVng and screening theatre in an exisVng auditorium and a outdoor courtyard which will serve as a link and meeVng place for all tenants of the Atlanta Media Campus. 18 4. THE GEORGIA FILM TAX CREDIT 19 GEORGIA TAX CREDIT FACTS STATE OF THE TAX CREDIT"
The Georgia tax credit enjoys the full support of of all key members of Georgia government including Governor Deal, Lieutenant Governor Cagle and Speaker of the House Ralston, with Governor Deal heading into his second term next year. Unlike other states with film tax credits, film studios and producdons are more evenly distributed throughout the state from small towns like Senoia (Raleigh Studios) and Fayebeville (Pinewood Studios) to Atlanta (Screen Gems + Atlanta Campus Studios) and Savannah, broadening the GA film industry's base of poliVcal and popular support. GA has over 144 “camera ready” CounVes. Financial investment and polidcal support from prominent local businessmen like Jim Jacoby (AtlanVc StaVon), Dan Cathy (Chick Fil-­‐a) and Tyler Perry have contributed to the entrenchment of the Georgia film tax credit and the infrastructure and jobs the credit has generated. GEORGIA TAX CREDIT DETAILS 20% tax credit for all in state expenditures for film and television investments of $500,000 or more. 10% addidonal tax credit is awarded to projects that embed a Georgia Entertainment Promodonal Logo* within the Vtles or credits of the producVon. There is no cap on the dollar amount of tax credits issued, i.e. there is an unlimited tax offset. There is no sunset provision in the Act. Actor’s and Director’s salaries are eligible for the tax credit, no cap. Georgia Department of Revenue has a program for Film Tax Credit verificadon which facilitates the sale/brokerage of tax credits. Since 2008, more than 30 industry-­‐specific supplier companies and film studios have expanded or relocated to Georgia, including: EUE/ Screen Gems Studios Atlanta -­‐ Tyler Perry Studios -­‐ Raleigh Studios -­‐ Pinewood Studios (UK) in conjuncVon with Dan Cathy (Chick-­‐fil-­‐A) – Panavision – Paramount and Manhaban Beach Studios. Georgia’s base of well trained crew and quality equipment has grown significantly since 2008. In addiVon to the well established tax credit, with over 30 flights between Atlanta to Los Angeles each day, its mild weather, and its diversity of terrain, Georgia has natural, built-­‐in advantages over other film tax credit states. 20 5. DEVELOPER INCENTIVES 21 DEVELOPER INCENTIVES Atlanta Media Campus (AMC) lies within the Gwinneb County Community Improvement District (CID). The Gwinneb CID encompasses both a Tax AllocaVon District and an Opportunity Zone, making it eligible for the following range of redevelopment incenVves: + New Market Tax Credits: The New Market Tax Credit Program provides tax credit incenVves to investors for equity investments in low-­‐income communiVes. Atlanta Media Campus may be eligible for these tax credits. + Tax Allocadon District Financing: Tax AllocaVon Districts (TAD) are used naVonwide (commonly referred to as tax increment financing) as an economic development incenVve to abract quality development to an underuVlized or distressed redevelopment area. The Atlanta Media Campus development site lies within an approved TAD. TAD Financing dedicates tax increments within a certain defined area for the construcVon of qualified development uses. + Opportunity Zone: The Atlanta Media Campus development site lies within an approved Opportunity Zone within the Gwinneb Village CID boundaries. The incenVve, which is available for new or exisVng businesses that create two or more jobs, is a $3,500 tax credit that can be taken against the business Georgia income tax liability and payroll withholding tax over five years totaling $17,500 per job. + Hotel Motel Tax Revenue Bonds: To assist the financing of the hotel porVon of the project, the development may qualify for revenue bonds whereby a porVon of the Hotel/Motel Tax collected by the city is dedicated to the development. 22 23 6. THE SITE: A HISTORY OF INNOVATION 24 THE SITE: Originally purchased in 1962 by Western Electric (Bell Labs), the site has been home to a half century of innovaVon and technological development. In 1970, Western Electric announced that a new cable manufacturing plant would be located at Jimmy Carter Boulevard and Interstate 85. The impact of Western Electric and the development was tremendous on Gwinneb, in that it (and Bell Labs) eventually became the largest single industry ever in established in Gwinneb. Its locaVon became a prime example of just how important a major industry can be for a community. Jacoby hopes to restore the history of discovery and innovaVon to the site with the development of a collaboraVve “media campus” featuring high tech office, technology incubators and collaboraVve educaVonal components. QUICK FACTS ON THE SITE -­‐  It was the first large industry in Gwinneb County, showing the Atlanta area that Gwinneb could compete for major industry. -­‐  It brought to the Gwinneb many brilliant minds, people with good educaVon, who wanted and demanded an improved educaVon for their children. -­‐  Western Electric was the first big firm to become a "high technology" business, eventually spawning many major technical advances. (The original patent for Fiber opVcs was filed out of the Norcross Bell Labs office.) 25 7. ADDITIONAL PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 26 ADDITIONAL PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS STRATEGIC LOCATION TO LEADING ECONOMIC DRIVER -­‐ – Developed to extremely high quality standards, Atlanta Media Campus will represent one of the most dynamic and high profile mixed use real estate developments in the southeastern United States. Located in thriving Gwinneb County, the Atlanta Media Campus takes advantage of a highly concentrated and diverse workforce, top-­‐rated school system and a business-­‐friendly and progressive government. Not only is the county home to over 1,000,000 people, it is the most diverse single county in the Southeastern United States providing access to an extra populaVon rare in the South. The site sits at the core of the region, is the gateway to the affluent northern suburbs and is immediately adjacent and accessible to Interstate 85. With direct access to I-­‐85, Atlanta Media Campus is a short drive from I-­‐20, I-­‐285 and Atlanta Hartsfield-­‐Jackson InternaVonal Airport (35 miles) and Peachtree-­‐DeKalb ExecuVve Airport (7 miles). The early 2014 opening of a new interchange connecVng Buckhead to I-­‐85 NB will provide a direcVon connecVon from Atlanta’s luxury: hotels (Ritz-­‐Carlton, Mandarin Oriental, Grand Hyab, St. Regis, W Hotel), shopping (Phipps Plaza Mall, Lenox Square Mall, Buckhead Village) and dining. 27 ADDITIONAL PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS (cont.) A HISTORY OF ENVIRNMENTALLY FRIENDLY DEVELOPMENT-­‐ Jacoby will re-­‐use or “up-­‐cycle”, not tear down, all exisVng buildings, giving new use to funcVonally obsolete structures. Similar to its other development projects, Jacoby plans to make use of cuyng edge technology in solar power, a chilled water cooling and heaVng system, rainwater catchment and film and television set recycling. Jacoby will also develop the first “Green” sound stage in the country, at the Atlanta Media Campus. As a leader in green development, Jacoby has used its experVse in this field to clean up mulVple former automobile plants as well as the site of former AtlanVc Steel west of midtown Atlanta, the largest brownfield cleanup in the country at the Vme. LIVE OAK LANDFILL BIO METHANE GAS FORMER ATLANTIC STEEL BROWNFIELD ATLANTIC STATION AZALEA SOLAR SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING – Located at the Gateway to Gwinneb and as the entrance to the north eastern suburbs of Atlanta -­‐ with over 300,000 impressions per day, the site is opVmally located to take advantage of adverVsing and sponsorship opportuniVes. The development will have over two thirds of a mile of frontage on I-­‐85 opVmal for signage and billboard opportuniVes. This highly visible site is also opVmal for corporate re-­‐locaVon and build to suit opportuniVes. 28 ADDITIONAL PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS (cont.) EXPERIENCED DEVELOPMENT LEADERSHIP – Jacoby Development is one of the preeminent real estate investors and operators in the country. It’s real estate development firm has a 35 year history of developing retail, mixed use, corporate, brownfield and environmentally focused real estate. The seasoned team’s experience includes the successful development of AtlanVc StaVon in Midtown Atlanta, which created a halo effect, spurring redevelopment of the enVre West Midtown neighborhood of Atlanta. Jacoby is also currently building Porsche's North American Headquarters and test track on a former brownfield adjacent to Hartsfield InternaVonal Airport as anchor to its Areotropolis development. Jacoby is partnering with NASCAR’s France family to develop a 70 Acre mixed use development, adjacent to Daytona race track, scheduled to start construcVon in July, 2014. PORCHE NORTH AMERICAN HEADQUARTERS ONE DAYTONA ATLANTIC STATION EXPEDITED DELIVERY – The Atlanta Media Campus development will convert exisVng warehouse and office buildings into film studios and high-­‐tech office and educaVonal faciliVes at a lower cost and Vme to market that would be possible with ground up construcVon. The exisVng 395,000 square foot Building 50, built at a cost of $60M, was never occupied for its intended use. It is adjacent to one of the most compelling and most abracVve aspects of the development – 30 acres of already paved backlot. Atlanta Media Campus will be able to lease the exisVng backlot with at lible or no cost to develop. It has already been home to the largest blue screen ever built in Georgia. The exisVng office building will be easily converVble in high tech industrial office space. 29 8. FILM IN GEORGIA: HISTORY AND STATISTICS 30 A TRADITION OF FILM Georgia has been the locaVon for hundreds of feature films, commercials, and music videos, pilots, television movies, series, and specials. The state's diverse geography, moderate climate, transportaVon infrastructure, modern ameniVes and skilled film crew base have made it an abracVve choice for film companies. Since the 1970, various movies have been shot in Georgia, but it was Deliverance (1972) that truly brought the state to Hollywood's abenVon. ProducVon grew in Georgia throughout the 1970s, and it was once again Burt Reynolds who brought a blockbuster project to the state in Smokey and the Bandit (1977). Feature-­‐
film producVon boomed in Georgia throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Sharky's Machine (1981), directed by and starring Burt Reynolds, caused a sensaVon in downtown Atlanta when the film crew shot a 220-­‐foot outdoor free-­‐fall stunt from the top of the WesVn Peachtree Plaza Hotel. (This stunt sVll holds the record for the longest outdoor free fall in a commercial film.) Later films such as Manhunter (1986), The Mosquito Coast (1986), My Cousin Vinny (1992), RoboCop 3 (1993), Kalifornia (1993), A Simple Twist of Fate (1994), The War (1994), Scream 2 (1997), Wild America (1997), Road Trip (2000), and Remember the Titans (2000) were shot throughout the state. THE TAX CREDIT ERA In 2005, the Georgia Legislature passed the Georgia Entertainment Industry Investment Act, which offered income tax credits for filmmakers who worked in Georgia. The legislaVon resulted in a revenue increase for the state from $124 million in 2004 to $475 million in 2006. In May 2008 Georgia governor Sonny Perdue signed into law a revised Entertainment Industry Investment Act, which gives producVon companies a 20 percent tax credit for filming in Georgia. The inclusion of an animated logo promoVng the state earns filmmakers an addiVonal 10 percent credit. Over 25,000 Georgia residents have been employed in the entertainment industries, including 11,000 full-­‐Vme equivalent jobs. Since 2008, more than 30 industry specific supplier companies and film studios have expanded or relocated to Georgia, including: + EUE/ Screen Gems Studios Atlanta + Tyler Perry Studios + Raleigh Studios + Pinewood Studios (UK) in conjuncVon with Dan Cathy (Chick-­‐fil-­‐A) + Panavision, the world leader in camera equipment + Paramount Georgia-­‐lensed feature films and television producVons generated an economic impact of $3.3 billion in the state during the 2013 fiscal year. Georgia-­‐filmed producVons spent $933.9 million in Georgia during fiscal year 2013. The economic impact goes well beyond the producVons themselves – with 11 soundstage faciliVes locaVng in Georgia, and more than 70 film-­‐related companies locaVng or expanding here – the industry is creaVng jobs for Georgians, providing a strong poliVcal incenVve for the conVnuaVon of the tax credit act.
31 If the film industry were to be considered a single company, it would rank as one of the top 10 employers in GA. The average number of local employees on a medium budget feature film is 150-­‐ 175 people. Larger budget producVons employ about 300-­‐350 people. Factor’s contribuVng to the film industry’s impact in Georgia include: actual producVon dollars spent in Georgia, infrastructure spending, film induced tourism, formaVon or expansion of support businesses, reducVon in Georgia unemployment expenditures and the creaVon of opportuniVes for trainees, students and interns. 32 LOS ANGELES: RUNAWAY PRODUCTION According to Film LA, Inc., Los Angeles’ film office, only two movies with producVon budgets greater than $100M were film in Los Angeles in 2013. In contrast, in 1997, every large budget feature was filmed in Los Angeles. California's share of the top 25 live-­‐acVon films dropped to 8% in 2013, down from 64% 15 years ago, as more work fled to Louisiana, Canada, Georgia and other locales. Georgia had 13 top-­‐grossing films in 2012, up from three in 1997. Just two of the 23 new fall and midseason television shows were shot in Los Angeles County in 2013, as cost-­‐conscious producers seek tax-­‐friendly producVon havens. Fewer than 10% of new network dramas this season are based in Los Angeles, down from 50% in 2010 and nearly 80% in 2005. One 22-­‐episode-­‐a-­‐year network series has a budget of $60 million and generates 840 direct and indirect jobs, according to the Los Angeles County Economic Development CorporaVon. Although precise figures are not available, some of Hollywood's below-­‐the-­‐line unions say at least 30% of their members are unemployed. A report by the Milken InsVtute esVmated that California lost more than 36,000 film industry jobs and $2.4 billion in wages between 1997 and 2008, which it abributed mainly to the effects of so-­‐called runaway producVon. 33 LOS ANGELES: RUNAWAY PRODUCTION (cont.) 34 GEORGIA: CURRENT AND RECENT FILMS A record number of television shows were shot in Georgia during the 2013 fiscal year, including AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” CW’s “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals,” BET’s “Reed Between the Lines,” “The Game,” and “Let’s Stay Together”; “Family Feud”; LifeVme’s “Devious Maids” and “Drop Dead Diva”; and “Necessary Roughness”. Movies recently filmed in Georgia include Anchor Man 2”; “Endless Love”; “Goosebumps” with Jack Black, “Need for Speed” starring Aaron Paul and Michael Keaton; Tyler Perry’s “Single Moms Club”; “Million Dollar Arm” starring Jon Hamm; “Blended” starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore; “Fast & Furious 7″₺; and “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay” – Part 1, “42”, starring Harrison Ford; “IdenVty Thief"; and “Flight” with Denzel Washington. 35 9. GWINNETT COUNTY GEORGIA 36 With a populaVon close to 1,000,000, Gwinneb County is the second most populous county in the state of Georgia. Gwinneb is a premier locaVon in Metro Atlanta for growing and conducVng business as a leader in investment and job creaVon in Metro Atlanta. AddiVonally, Gwinneb is the most racially diverse county in the state of Georgia, and one of the most racially diverse counVes in the country. Gwinneb is home to the Fortune 500 and global headquarters of AGCO CorporaVon, NCR, Primerica and RockTenn. More than 60 internaVonal companies have chosen Gwinneb for their U.S. or global headquarter operaVons, such as Mitsubishi Electric, Ricoh Electronics, Suniva and WIKA Instruments. 37 Gwinneb County is approximately 30 miles northeast of the center of downtown Atlanta. Since the year 2000, the county has had a populaVon growth of 37%, establishing Gwinneb as one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the United States over the last 20 years. The median home cost is $118,000. 38 SATELLITE IMAGE: The backlot and blue screen at Atlanta Media Campus 39 Branding Opportunity 40