the the ordinariate observer - Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St


the the ordinariate observer - Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St
June 2015 Volume 2, No. 1 PAGE 2 FROM THE ORDINARY: Loving and Protecting God’s Children The PERSONAL ORDINARIATE
June 2015 News from our Principal Parish
The Easter altar during Easter Mass at St. Barnabas Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska. INTRODUCING THE
Pilgrimage to Englan
“And all who are in any way distressed or in need, let them
THREE DOZEN PILGRIMS Walsingham.” – Our La
FROM OLW VISIT MARIAN Joining throngs of faithful who have gone before, on Sunday,
SHRINES IN ENGLAND Lady of Walsingham, Houston, Texas, set off on Pilgrimage to
Mary’s appearance: ady of PW
alsingham and Our Lady o
Our L-­‐-­‐ See age 3 Our journey took
Thanks to the hard work of so many, the ordinary life of the
was celebrated w
Ordinariate is beginning to take shape. We are beginning to
the world at the fill our lovely new Chancery building with the human
(pictured below).
resources necessary to move forward with our mission. conversion in tha
the Ordinariates.
more fully under
Newly arrived in Houston from California is Ms. Laurel
we all huddled in
(Laurie) Miller, who is the Executive Assistant to the
Historically this w
Ordinary. Laurie has an extraordinary background in chancery
young and hid Pr
administration, having served as the executive assistant to two archbishops
of San Francisco. This
knowledge of how the Church operates administratively at this level
tospent us inacross the Irish Sea The last be
half of our pilgrimage was County Mayo, where in the midst of the potato famine as so the Ordinariate in these early years. unknown -­‐-­‐-­‐ See NEW MEMBERS OF OUR STAFF on Page 11 -­‐-­‐-­‐town of Knock. Usually Mary speaks to the faithful
speak, rather she understood that her children had already b
comfort and inspire the faithful to know she, their mother, w
at every stop, we were generously welcomed. As our own sto
The Ordinariate Observer Page 1 success of the gre
And as a result so many are praying for the Peter. Our Lady of Walsingham, Our Lady of Knock: Pray for us. June 2015 June 2015 TToo all
all clergy
Volume Volume 2, 2N
, N
o. o. 1 1 And
And laity:
Loving and
God’s Children
My My DDear ear Friends Friends in in CChrist: hrist: Fr. Fr. Ken Ken WW
olfe, olfe, DD
irector irector of oC
f C
hild hild In In support support oof f the the OOrdinariate’s rdinariate’s firm firm commitment commitment to to the the pprevention revention a nd and Youth Youth Protection Protection of of pphysical hysical oor r sexual sexual abuse abuse oof f children children and and young young ppeople, eople, I I announce announce the the launch launch oof f an an implementation implementation pproject roject to to further further define define and and ddeploy eploy the the OOrdinariate’s rdinariate’s ppolicies olicies and and pprocedures rocedures governing governing the the pp
rotection rotection oo
f f children, children, youth, youth, and and adults adults at at risk. risk. This This pproject roject wwill ill also also pprepare repare the the OOrdinariate, rdinariate, and and oour ur pparishes arishes and and communities, communities, for for an an audit audit oof f oour ur Safe Safe Environment Environment ppolicies, olicies, procedures, procedures, and and ppractices ractices to to bbe e conducted conducted in in 22016 016 bby y StoneBridge StoneBridge Business Business PPartners artners oon n bbehalf ehalf oof f the the Secretariat Secretariat for for CChild hild and and Youth Youth Protection Protection oof f the the UUnited nited States States CConference onference oof f CCatholic atholic BBishops. ishops. After After this this initial initial audit, audit, the the OOrdinariate rdinariate wwill ill bbe e oon n a at hree three year year cycle cycle for for oon-­‐site n-­‐site audits audits to to supplement supplement oour ur annual annual reporting reporting oon n background background checks, checks, training, training, and and ppolicy olicy compliance. compliance. I h
I have ave appointed appointed Fr. Fr. KK
en en WWolfe olfe to to serve serve as as DDirector irector oof f CChild hild and and Youth Youth PProtection rotection for for the the OOrdinariate. rdinariate. In In addition addition to to mmany any years years oof f pastoral pastoral experience experience in in The The Episcopal Episcopal CChurch, hurch, Fr. Fr. WWolfe olfe hhas as significant significant experience experience in in the the ppractice ractice oof f law, law, served served as as a aS pecial Special Agent Agent oof f the the Federal Federal BBureau ureau oof f Investigation, Investigation, and and hheld eld corporate corporate positions positions in in HHuman uman RResource esource mmanagement. anagement. W
e e are are fortunate fortunate to to have have someone someone oof f Fr. Fr. WWolfe’s olfe’s uunique nique experience experience and and bbackground ackground to to pprovide rovide leadership leadership in in this this critical critical area area oof f oour ur common common life. life. Shortly, Shortly, all all clergy clergy incardinated incardinated oor r serving serving in in OOrdinariate rdinariate pparishes arishes and and communities communities ww
ill ill receive receive a as eries series oo
f f communications communications and and action action requirements requirements wwith ith wwhich hich to to comply. comply. In In addition, addition, educators educators and and volunteers volunteers wwho ho hhave ave regular regular contact contact wwith ith children children oor r youth youth must must also also comply comply wwith ith nnew ew bbackground ackground check, check, training, training, and and pprocedural rocedural requirements. requirements. T hese These ppolicies, olicies, processes, processes, and and action action requirements requirements wwill ill come come to to you you wwith ith mmy y ppersonal ersonal endorsement endorsement and and expectation expectation of of compliance. compliance. -­‐-­‐ -­‐-­‐ SSee ee MMONSIGNOR’S ONSIGNOR’S CCOLUMN, OLUMN, continued continued oon n PPage age 55 -­‐ -­‐ -­‐-­‐ The rdinariate bserver rdinariate OO
bserver The OO
Page Page 22
June 2015 Volume 2, No. 1 News from our Principal Parish: Our Lady of Walsingham Pilgrimage to England and Ireland “And all who are in any way distressed or in need, let them seek me here in that little house you have made at
Walsingham.” – Our Lady to Richeldis
Joining throngs of faithful who have gone before, on Sunday, May 10, 2015, 39 parishioners and friends of Our Lady of Walsingham, Houston, Texas, set off on Pilgrimage to England and Ireland visiting two great sites of Mary’s appearance: Our Lady of Walsingham and Our Lady of Knock. Our journey took us through Norwich to Walsingham, where Mass was celebrated with several other pilgrimage groups from around the world at the Catholic Shrine located near the Slipper Chapel (pictured below). Many prayed at this historic site of Catholic conversion in thanksgiving for the gift of Anglicanorum coetibus and the Ordinariates. Spending time in York, we had the opportunity to more fully understand the witness given by the English Martyrs as we all huddled in the small dwelling of St. Margaret Clitherow. Historically this was the room where she taught the faith to the young and hid Priests during the Elizabethan persecution. The last half of our pilgrimage was spent across the Irish Sea in Ireland. For many it culminated in the middle of County Mayo, where in the midst of the potato famine as so many where dying, Mary appeared in the small, unknown town of Knock. Usually Mary speaks to the faithful about fasting or praying, but here she did not speak, rather she understood that her children had already been fasting and praying. She came to give hope, comfort and inspire the faithful to know she, their mother, was there with them through it all. Along the way, at every stop, we were generously welcomed. As our own story was told, the faithful wanted to know more. And as a result so many are praying for the success of the great mission of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. Our Lady of Walsingham, Our Lady of Knock: Pray for us. The Rev. Charles A. Hough IV The Ordinariate Observer Page 3 June 2015 SPECIAL WEEKNIGHT LITURGIES AT ST. GREGORY THE GREAT Much is happening liturgically at St. Gregory the
Great in Stoneham, MA! Among the highlights of
the past 12 months are the special evening
liturgies, about every other month, since our second
Feast of Title and Dedication in September. The
Solemn High Mass in the Ordinariate Use for that
occasion was the first of the series.
It was followed, in November, by a Solemn High
Requiem Mass in the Ordinariate Use with a
Special Intention for the Dead of the Great War (on
the 100th anniversary of its beginning and the 96th
anniversary of its end, to the day) for
Remembrance Day/Veterans Da. Then, in late
January, an Ecumenical Choral Evensong,
attended by Cardinal O'Malley and many other
clergy, Anglican, Episcopalian and of other
Protestant denominations. Bishop Murdoch of the
Anglican Diocese of New England was represented
by his canon Ñ and one of Fr. Liias' old
parishioners Ñ Fr. Ross Kimball.
Most recently we celebrated the Feast of the
English Martyrs with another Solemn High Mass in
the Ordinariate Use on May 4. This liturgy was
made especially beautiful by the singing of Byrd's
Mass for Three Voices.
These special liturgies have been very well
attended Ñ with several hundred people present,
on weeknights. They are not only beautiful liturgical
gatherings, but they demonstrate the Ordinariate's
charge to not only preserve the Anglican liturgical
patrimony, but to share it with the greater Church.
The photograph above was taken following the
Choral Evensong service in January.
Fr. Jurgen Liias is the pastor of St. Gregory the
Great. The Ordinariate Observer Volume 2, No. 1 TEXAS STORMS AFFECT
The late May storms that swept through the Southwest caused flooding damage to a family at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Cleburne, TX, who also lost several of their animals in the storm. Fr. Jonathan Duncan, pastor, reported that the rising water swept into their home and caused extensive damage. “Our new Knights of Columbus council of St. Thomas More the Martyr stepped up and helped to
clear their land, haul away debris, and repair
flooded equipment,Ó Fr. Duncan said. Water
damage was also reported in the basement
of St. Mary the Assumption in Fort Worth,
one of our host parishes. St. GilbertÕ s in
Boerne was spared any damage, though the
city of Boerne (in the Texas Hill Country) was
flooded extensively. FOUR CONFIRMED AT ST.
Four were confirmed and three received into the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter at the Pentecost Sung Mass May 24 at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Ottawa. During the festive service, the parish choir sang: MISSA BREVIS in F, by Palestrina, and DUM COMPLERENTUR, Victoria . At the reception the four young adult confirmands (shown above), cut a cake specially baked for the day by Mrs. DeCaria. During the reception STM held its first PENTECOST -­‐ SHARE YOUR GIFTS sale. The idea is to provide people with things that they may need or value while helping our mission community. Fr. John Hodgins is the pastor. Page 4 June 015 2015 015 June June June 222015 MONSIGNOR
Volume Volume Volume Volume 222, , 2, NN, No. N
o. o. o. 111 1 (Continued
Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. W
olfe olfe olfe olfe hhhas as has as aaalready lready already lready bbbeen een been een aaat t at ww
t work, w
ork, ork, ork, aaalong long along long ww
with w
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will w
ill ill ill hhhelp elp help elp ooour ur our ur ccclergy lergy clergy lergy aaand nd and nd pppeople eople people eople m
meet m
eet eet eet tthe the he the new new new new bbbackground ackground background ackground sscreening screening creening screening aaand nd and nd ttraining training raining training rrequirements requirements equirements requirements aaas s as s easily easily easily easily aaand nd and nd eeefficiently fficiently efficiently fficiently aaas s as ps ppossible. ossible. possible. ossible. TTThe he The he ffar-­‐flung far-­‐flung ar-­‐flung far-­‐flung gggeographical eographical geographical eographical structure structure structure structure ooof f of ttf he the he the OOOrdinariate O
rdinariate rdinariate rdinariate pppresents resents presents resents sspecial special pecial special cccompliance ompliance compliance ompliance challenges challenges challenges challenges ffor for or for uuus. s. us. s. I IIa aIam m am m eeenthusiastic nthusiastic enthusiastic nthusiastic aaabout bout about bout hhhow ow how ow tthese these hese these nnnew ew new ew online online online online ttools tools ools tools ww
will w
ill ill ill oooffer ffer offer ffer yyyou ou you ou aaa u
a uuser-­‐friendly ser-­‐friendly user-­‐friendly ser-­‐friendly eeexperience xperience experience xperience aaas s as ws w
we w
e e e administer administer administer administer ooour ur our ur SSSafe afe Safe afe EEEnvironment nvironment Environment nvironment ppprogram rogram program rogram aaand nd and nd ssupport support upport support tthe the he the safety safety safety safety ooof f of oof our ur our ur ccchildren hildren children hildren aaand nd and nd yyyouth. outh. youth. outh. In In In In JJune June une June 222002, 002, 2002, 002, tthe the he the BBBishops ishops Bishops ishops ooof f of ttf he the he the UUUnited U
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being being being being ooof f of ttf hose those hose those ww
who w
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pIpledge ledge pledge ledge m
my m
y y sy support support upport support tto to o tto this this his this nnnational ational national ational eeeffort ffort effort ffort bbby y by dy ddiligently iligently diligently iligently eeenacting nacting enacting nacting pppolicies olicies policies olicies ww
which w
hich hich hich ssafeguard safeguard afeguard safeguard minors minors minors minors in iin n ion oour ur our ur OOOrdinariate. O
rdinariate. rdinariate. rdinariate. W
hile hile hile hile ooour ur our ur CCCanadian anadian Canadian anadian pppriests riests priests riests aaand nd and nd ppparishes arishes parishes arishes ffall fall all fall oooutside utside outside utside tthe the he the rreporting reporting eporting reporting requirements requirements requirements requirements ooof f of ttf he the he the DDDallas D
allas allas allas CCCharter, harter, Charter, harter, uuunless nless unless nless CCCanadian anadian Canadian anadian ccclergy lergy clergy lergy ffunction function unction function ww
within w
ithin ithin ithin UUUS U
S S pS pparishes arishes parishes arishes aaand nd and nd communities, communities, communities, communities, II Ih
hIhave ave have ave aaasked sked asked sked FFFr. r. Fr. W
r. W
olfe olfe olfe olfe tto to o tw
o w
work w
ork ork ork ww
with w
ith ith ith FFFr. r. Fr. Lr. LLee ee Lee ee KKKenyon, enyon, Kenyon, enyon, aaand nd and nd hhhis is his is rrepresentatives, representatives, epresentatives, representatives, tto to o tso see see ee see where where where where ww
we w
e e ce ccan an can an hhhave ave have ave cccommon ommon common ommon cccause ause cause ause in iin n ion oour ur our ur m
mutual m
utual utual utual eeefforts fforts efforts fforts tto to o tpo pprotect rotect protect rotect ooour ur our ur ccchildren hildren children hildren aaand nd and nd yyyouth. outh. youth. outh. W
e e e se should should hould should be be be be uuunified nified unified nified in iin n ion oour ur our ur cccommitment ommitment commitment ommitment aaand nd and nd eeefforts fforts efforts fforts aaand nd and nd aaavoid void avoid void rredundancy redundancy edundancy redundancy in iin n ion oour ur our ur ppprotection rotection protection rotection ppprocesses. rocesses. processes. rocesses. I I I hhI hereby ereby hereby ereby invite iinvite nvite invite aaall ll all pll ppriests, riests, priests, riests, dddeacons, eacons, deacons, eacons, cccandidates, andidates, candidates, andidates, aaand nd and nd vvvolunteers olunteers volunteers olunteers ww
working w
orking orking orking ww
with w
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with w
ith ith ith ooour ur our ur SSSafe afe Safe afe EEEnvironment nvironment Environment nvironment pppolicies olicies policies olicies and and and and ppprocesses. rocesses. processes. rocesses. E EEven ven Even ven tthe the he the bbbest est best est pppolicies olicies policies olicies dddepend epend depend epend ooon n on on oour ur our ur ccconscientious onscientious conscientious onscientious cccommitment ommitment commitment ommitment tto to o tlo ive llive ive live aaand nd and nd eeenforce nforce enforce nforce our our our our pppolicies. olicies. policies. olicies. O
OO ur O
ur ur ur LLLord ord Lord ord cccalls alls calls alls uuus s us ts to to o tlo ove llove ove love aaand nd and nd ppprotect rotect protect rotect ooour ur our ur ccchildren. hildren. children. hildren. Sincerely Sincerely Sincerely Sincerely in iin n iCn CChrist, hrist, Christ, hrist, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐Msgr. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐Msgr. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐Msgr. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐Msgr. JJeffrey Jeffrey effrey Jeffrey SSSteenson teenson Steenson teenson FATHER FATHER FATHER FATHER M
OBILE OBILE OBILE OBILE F F Father ather Father ather M
Matthew M
atthew atthew atthew VVVenuti, enuti, Venuti, enuti, SSSt. t. St. G
t. GGregory regory Gregory regory tthe the he the GGGreat reat Great reat in iin n iM
n M
Mobile, M
obile, obile, obile, ccontinues continues ontinues continues his amazing mazing recovery from quadruple uadruple bypass ypass surgery iJn January. Fr. r. his his his aaamazing mazing rrecovery recovery ecovery ffrom from rom qqquadruple uadruple bbbypass ypass ssurgery surgery urgery in iin n January. January. anuary. FFFr. r. Matthew suffered heart eart problems roblems throughout 2014, 014, including two Matthew Matthew Matthew ssuffered suffered uffered hhheart eart ppproblems roblems tthroughout throughout hroughout 222014, 014, including iincluding ncluding ttwo two wo heart heart heart heart aaattacks, ttacks, attacks, ttacks, bbbut ut but ut ccontinues continues ontinues continues tto to o tgo ggrow row grow row sstronger stronger tronger stronger ww
with w
ith ith ith eeeach ach each ach pppassing assing passing assing week. e He re reports that astoral Pastoral astoral Provision rovision priest, riest, Fr. Lr. Leo W
eimar, week. week. week. H
HHe reports reports eports tthat that hat aaa P a PPastoral PPProvision rovision pppriest, riest, FFFr. r. Leo Leo eo W
Weimar, eimar, eimar, has been een the m
ain celebrant St. G
t. Gregory regory the Great reat since N
ew has has has bbbeen een tthe the he m
main ain ain ccelebrant celebrant elebrant aaat t at SSt St. t. GGregory regory tthe the he GGGreat reat ssince since ince NNNew ew ew Year’s, showing the w
onderful collaboration and nd fellowship among mong Year’s, Year’s, Year’s, sshowing showing howing tthe the he ww
wonderful onderful onderful ccollaboration collaboration ollaboration aaand nd ffellowship fellowship ellowship aaamong mong former Anglicans nglicans w
ho have ave journeyed home ome tRo Rome. ome. r. Fr. M
r. M
atthew former former former AAAnglicans nglicans ww
who ho ho hhhave ave journeyed jjourneyed ourneyed hhhome ome tto to o RRome. ome. F FFr. M
Matthew atthew atthew and and and and hhhis is his fis family family amily family aaare re are re pppictured ictured pictured ictured aaat t at left lt left eft left ffollowing following ollowing following tthe the he the EEEaster aster Easter aster M
Mass. M
ass. ass. ass. The O
rdinariate O
bserver Ordinariate rdinariate rdinariate OOObserver bserver bserver The The The OO
Page Page Page Page 555 5 June 2015 Volume 2, No. 1 OUR LADY OF HOPE PLANS TOUR TO ENGLAND-­‐SCOTLAND Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church in Kansas City has worked with Educational Opportunities Tours to develop a Catholic pilgrimage to England. They invite you to join them on their pilgrimage September 12 – 21, 2016. Fr. Ernie Davis will lead the tour, and is also available to provide information so that other Ordinariate parishes can organize similar pilgrimages. The pilgrimage with Our Lady of Hope begins in the north, at Lindisfarne, and winds its way south through Durham, York, Lincoln, Walsingham, Ely, Cambridge, Aylesford, Canterbury, Oxford, and London. They will visit Celtic and pre-­‐Reformation pilgrimage sites as well as martyrs of the Reformation and Blessed John Henry Newman. Cost is a very reasonable $3788 from New York. Our Lady of Hope is using this as a growth opportunity, reaching out to Catholic parishes and Anglicans who may want to join them. Some members will be earning their passage by conducting information meetings in local diocesan parishes. Fr. Ernie Davis, who will be accompanying the pilgrimage, is a former Episcopalian, ordained in the Diocese of Kansas City-­‐St. Joseph in 2002. He and his wife Valerie have led several pilgrimages to the Holy Lands, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey, as well as Italy and France. Our Lady of Hope entered the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter in 2014. For more information: Call Fr. Davis at 816-­‐729-­‐6776, or email [email protected]. You may also visit FORT WORTH BISHOP OLSON MAKES VISIT TO ST. JOHN VIANNEY Bishop Michael Olson, the Catholic bishop of Fort Worth, visited St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Cleburne, Texas on Sunday, April 19, to administer the sacrament of Confirmation to six people. Around 110 people filled the cafetorium at Marti Elementary School for the grand event, the first time that the Bishop of Fort Worth was able to be present with the growing Cleburne community of St. John Vianney. St. John Vianney Catholic Church held its first official mass on July 8, 2012. Since then, the new Catholic community has met in various locations. Now, to accommodate the growing congregation, St. John Vianney rents space at Marti Elementary School, 2020 W. Kilpatrick (FM 4), for its 9:00am Sunday Mass. The group confirmed into the Catholic Church by Bishop Olson included one teenage cradle Catholic, two former Baptists, and three former Episcopalians. “We’re excited to be welcoming and confirming five of our brothers and sisters in Christ into the full communion of the Catholic Church and also to see one of our youth receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.” commented Fr. Jonathan Duncan, St. John Vianney’s pastor. The Ordinariate Observer Page 6 June 2015 SPECIAL SUMMER TRAINING COURSES
Volume 2, No. 1 Michael Trolly, a former Anglican clergyman at Annunciation of
the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ottawa, Ontario, and a Catholic
missionary, shares the following about summer training for
leadership in the New Evangelization of the Church: This August, there is a special opportunity to receive intensive
training in the New Evangelization. The Summer Institute in the
New Evangelization Evangelization (SINE) is a collaborative
effort between Catholic Christian Outreach (a ministry to
university students on campuses across Canada and around the
world), the Faculty of Theology at St. Paul University (a Catholic university in Ottawa), and
Mission of the Redeemer Ministries. The program takes place from August 4th-14th, 2015,
and can be taken either on-site in Ottawa, or through online streaming anywhere in the
world. The SINE can can be taken for academic credit towards a degree program (each
Summer Institute counts as one 3 credit course). Participants who successfully complete three
successive Summer Institutes (Year 1, Year 2, Year 3), whether for credit or not, will obtain a
Certificate in Ò Leadership in the New Evangelization.Ó The SINE offers an intensive program with valuable theological formation, practical ministry
training and leadership skill development. Participants will be equipped to be leaders in
fostering a culture of missionary discipleship with the aim of supporting renewal efforts in their
parishes and communities. The program offers significant benefit to a wide variety of people
including but not limited to: clergy, religious, seminarians, parish pastoral staff, catechists,
diocesan or eparchial leaders, teachers and university students. This is an excellent program that will help clergy and laity in the Ordinariate to form Catholic
disciples and communities committed to spreading the Gospel, and equipped to welcome
newcomers into the Church. Especially as many of us are working to build new communities,
this type of intensive formation is
likely to be of interest to many in our
communities. However, the
deadline for registration is June 30,
so we would need to hear from you
soon. If you're interested in learning
more, you can visit
and search for SINE, or email
[email protected], or call 613784-0895. It would be a tremendous
blessing to have many from the
Ordinariate participate in this special
opportunity . If you are interested in
Fr. Don Malins of St. ColumbaÕ s in Victoria, BC, celebrates his
travelling to Ottawa to attend in
completion of the exemplification process to become a Fourth
person, we'd be most happy to
Degree (Sir) Knight of Columbus. Congratulations, Fr. Don! welcome you at Annunciation. The Ordinariate Observer Page 7 June 22015 015 015 June June June 22015 READY READY READY READY .. . . . . . . . S. S SET SET ET ET .. . . . . . . . G
. G
O! O! O! O! Volume Volume Volume Volume 22, 22, N
, , NN
o. No. o. o. 11 11 Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter D
ay ay Day ay ay aaat t at aSt St St. t. St. St. B
t. BBarnabas Barnabas Barnabas arnabas arnabas CCCatholic C
atholic C
atholic atholic atholic CCChurch, C
hurch, C
hurch, hurch, hurch, O
maha, maha, Omaha, maha, maha, aaalways lways always always lways iincludes includes ncludes iincludes ncludes aaan n an an En EEaster aster Easter Easter aster eeegg gg egg egg gg hhhunt hunt hunt unt unt ooon on on n tn tthe he the the he gggrounds rounds grounds grounds rounds ooof of of tf tf the he the the he JJJoslyn oslyn Joslyn Joslyn oslyn Castle, Castle, Castle, Castle, Castle, w
hich hich w
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arish p
arish arish arish aaalso lso also also lso hhholds holds holds olds olds aaa aS aSS t. t. St. St. t. G
eorge’s eorge’s G
eorge’s eorge’s eorge’s D
ay/ ay/ D
ay/ ay/ ay/ Q
ueen’s ueen’s Queen’s ueen’s ueen’s BBBirthday Birthday Birthday irthday irthday eeevent. event. event. vent. vent. Evensong Evensong Evensong aaand and BBBenediction Benediction enediction aaare are sssung sung cccelebrating celebrating SSSt. St. G
eorge, eorge, eorge, pppatron patron atron ooof of of Ef England, England, fffollowed followed bbby by by y aay a at tatea ea cccelebrating celebrating ttthe the bbbirthday birthday irthday Evensong Evensong nd and nd Benediction enediction re are re ung sung ung elebrating celebrating elebrating t. St. t. GGG
eorge, G
eorge, patron atron Ef ngland, England, ngland, ollowed followed ollowed tea tea ea elebrating celebrating elebrating he the he birthday irthday of of of Q
ueen ueen EEElizabeth. Elizabeth. E EE ach Each yyyear year aaa ab abb irthday irthday cccard card fffor for ttthe the Q
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astor. pastor. astor. astor. priest priest priest priest in in iin n tthe the the he CCatholic CCatholic atholic atholic CChurch. CChurch. hurch. hurch. TThanks TThanks hanks hanks bbe bbe e te to to to o GGG
The Ordinariate rdinariate Observer bserver rdinariate rdinariate OOO
bserver bserver The The The OOO
Page Page Page Page 888
8 June 2015 015 2015 June 2015 June June 2June 2015 June 2015 Volume Volume Volume Volume 22, 2, N, No. No. 2o. 1, 1N
Volume 1 o. 1 2, No. 1 Volume 2, No. 1 New
John Vianney
from our Vicar General will support St. John Vianney
That That That TThat They They hey TAhey All All M
ll MA
ay That ay ll ay B
MBe Bay Te O
e hey One O
Bne e ne A
is Oill s b
ine s M
based based iased ay s bBoased e on on O
an a ne sao eries s n eries sieries s a bsased eries oof of pf pastoral poastoral oastoral n f paastoral series of pastoral “THAT “THAT “THAT “THAT TTHEY THEY HEY TAA
LL NE” MAY BE O NE” That They M
ne based oCn atican eries pastoral lectures lectures lectures lectures oon on tA
n he tll he tohe n Slectures Second tay She econd econd econd VVoatican Vatican n atican tis he Vatican CSCouncil econd Council ouncil ouncil aVaand asnd nd CaCatholic C
nd atholic atholic Coouncil Cf atholic DDoctrine, Doctrine, aoctrine, nd Doctrine, Catholic Doctrine, “THAT THEY A LL BE O NE” MAY lectures obn by tby he Sather Vatican Council nd C
atholic octrine, presented presented presented presented Fy Father Father bpresented y econd Father CCharles Charles harles Cbharles y HH
Fough H
ather ough ough Hough III C
III Itharles II o to tam
Io II members m
tembers o H
embers m
ough embers oIof II of D
Sf tSt. o St. oJt. m
ohn f John JSembers ohn t. John of St. John Book O
Book Order Book Order Book Book O
Order rder rder presented brdinariate y OFrdinariate ather harles Hough II members oleburne, f and Sm
t. amembers Jnd ohn Book O
rder Vianney Vianney Vianney Vianney OOrdinariate Ordinariate Vianney community cCcommunity ommunity Ocrdinariate ommunity in in iCn Cleburne, cICleburne, ommunity ileburne, n to Cleburne, TTexas Texas exas in TCaexas and nd m
embers embers m
Texas embers and members form Mail cMail ompleted completed oMail ofcorm rder ompleted aform long aowlong rder yw
four ith yaour long with your Mail completed completed order order rder form aalong long with with ith yorm your our Vianney OFrdinariate Cleburne, a nd m
embers of of of SSt. St. of Ft. Frances FSrances rances t. rances CCabrini C
of abrini abrini SCt. abrini PcFPommunity arish rances Parish arish Parish in in CiG
n abrini Granbury, Granbury, in ranbury, G
ranbury, Parish TTexas. Texas. iexas. n TTGexas exas. ranbury, T These These hese Tp
hese pastoral pTastoral astoral exas. pastoral These pMail astoral Mail c
ompleted o
rder f
orm a
long w
ith y
our check check t
o; t
o; check t
o; check check t
o; t
o; of S
t. F
rances C
abrini P
arish i
n G
ranbury, T
exas. T
hese p
astoral lectures, lectures, lectures, lectures, transcribed transcribed transcribed transcribed lectures, aand and nd teranscribed aedited end dited dited edited for for for reading, rafeading, rnd or eading, reeading, dited aare are re bfor based abased re ased reading, boased on on tn he the toahe n re the based on the June June 2015 Volume Volume 2, 2
N, o. No. 1 1 lectures, 2015 check to; tCranscribed aTnd eVatican dited eading, anglish, re bI aiased he book, book, book, book, TThe The he TConstitutions: Che onstitutions: onstitutions: Cbook, onstitutions: he VVatican C
onstitutions: atican Vatican II fIor I iIn I in irPn P
Ilain I Plain ilain n Vatican PElain English, English, EInglish, n a ta Pranslation t ranslation lain translation ao n translation Etnglish, a translation St. John VJV
ohn ianney Vianney CSt. atholic Jatholic ohn Catholic CVC
hurch ianney Church Catholic Church John JSt. ohn Vianney ianney C
Catholic Church hurch book, Cconstitutions: Vatican I cby iB
n lain EH
nglish, aBith ill tPw
ranslation of of of the the tof he cTouncil’s cthe council’s he ouncil’s ouncil’s 1of 16 16 tc6 he onstitutions, cconstitutions, 1onstitutions, 6 council’s constitutions, 1b6 Iby onstitutions, y Bill BPbill ill H
y Huebsch BHuebsch ill uebsch uebsch w
bwy ith with Paul H
ith Paul aul uebsch Paul with St. PSt. aul St. John VNNianney C
hurch 501 N
501 orth orth olan NR501 olan NRorth oad iver Rolan oad River Road 501 501 N
North orth N
Nolan olan River Ratholic iver iver R
Road oad of council’s cn onstitutions, btates Batholic ill uebsch wCith Pfor aul Thurmes Thurmes Thurmes aand and nd oaon o
nd n Thurmes t1n he t6 he tohe U
tnited U
he nited nited aUnd nited States SoStates n tates tShe Cy Catholic CU
atholic nited CHatholic CSCatechism tates Catechism atechism Catechism atholic for for AAdults fCAdults or atechism dults Adults for Adults Thurmes the Cleburne, Cleburne, TTexas T 7exas Cleburne, 6033 76033 Texas 76033 Cleburne, Cleburne, exas 7
6033 501 N
orth NTexas olan R 76033 iver Road Thurmes ahe n the U
nited SC
Coatholic atechism for Aatholic dults Bishops. issued issued issued issued by Tby they y tnd he tbhe y UAo
tnited U
he issued nited nited Uay Se States tates tates y ne tShe tates Cis Conference U
onference onference nited onference Sn tates Cf atholic oonference atholic f C
Bishops. ishops. oBf ishops. C
That That Tbhey A
ll M
ll ay M
Bnited BbSO
e O
ne btates is ased bCased oaon of soaf eries Catholic sCCeries oatholic f opBf astoral pBishops. astoral Cleburne, T“THAT exas 7T6033 ATTN: ATTN: DD
ale W
illiams W
ATTN: illiams D
ale ale Wale Williams “THAT Tilliams HEY HEY ALL Aale LL MAY M
Billiams E BOE NE” O NE” the U
States Conference f aCnd BD
ishops. lectures issued lectures by nited on otn he the Second Second Vatican Vatican Council Council aond Catholic atholic Catholic octrine, Doctrine, ATTN: Dale Williams In In In the the tIn he bbook tbhe ook ook bFook Fy ather Father In tHhe Hough Hough ook ough ddissects Fdissects ather issects dHissects tH
he the tough he utIunfolding tII uhe nfolding do issects uembers nfolding truth truth ttruth he ruth of t. nfolding of LSf Jumen Lt. Lumen oumen Lumen truth o f Lumen presented presented bFather y ather Father Cbough harles CHharles Hough ough III o tnfolding m
embers of toSu
ohn Jf ohn rder Book O
Order Book In the book Ffrdinariate ather H
dd6 issects tC
ruth f m
umen Gentium, Gentium, Gentium, Gentium, the trdinariate he tOhe irst ftirst fhe Gentium, irst ofof irst of tf he tommunity he tohe 16 the 16 documents fd1ocuments irst ocuments 6 din ocuments of tleburne, he rom f1nfolding rom f6 rom dftocuments rom his tThis texas his thistoric his historic haofistoric rom CLCouncil. C
ouncil. ouncil. tembers his Council. historic Council. Please copy(s) Please Please send m
end e _e _____ Please m
e _c____ opy(s) m
oof e of F_f ather oather f Father copy(s) of Father Please send send me _____ ____ c sopy(s) cend opy(s) F____ Father Vianney Vianney O
cough c1f ommunity ihe n Cfuleburne, Thtexas aistoric nd nd embers m
Gentium, t
he f
irst 1
6 d
ocuments f
rom t
his h
istoric C
ouncil. Please s
end m
e _
____ c
opy(s) o
f F
ather Mail Mail c
ompleted c
ompleted o
rder o
rder f
orm f
orm a
long a
long w
ith w
ith y
our y“ay our Charles Charles H
ough H
ough II’s Charles b
ook I
II’s b
ook That ough “
That I
hey II’s b
ook ll hey M
ay M
That ll May They All May Charles Charles H
ough ough I
II’s I
II’s b
ook ook “
That “
That T
hey hey A
ll ll M
ay The The The p
The p
roclamations p
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roclamations The o
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f S
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he econd econd S
econd V
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atican f atican t
he V
atican C
ouncil econd C
ouncil ouncil C
ouncil m
atican ake m
ake ake m
ake C
ouncil m
ake of of St. SFt. rances Frances Cabrini Cabrini Parish Parish in G
in ranbury, Granbury, Texas. Texas. These These pastoral pastoral Charles H
ough I
II’s b
ook “
That T
hey A
ll M
ay check check t
o; t
o; Be O
ne” Be O
ne” Be O
ne” Be Be O
ne” ne” The p
roclamations o
f t
he S
econd V
atican C
ouncil m
ake abundantly abundantly abundantly abundantly ctlear cranscribed clear lear abundantly cthat lear that that tathe hat tahe CeCatholic tdited C
che atholic atholic Catholic hat faith, ffaith, fraith, the taith, he tChe the atholic ggift taghe ift ift gagiven ggiven ift fased iven aith, gtiven o to he tohe tthe o gift he given to the lectures, lectures, transcribed nd nd elear dited ftor or eading, rfeading, re re b
based otto n n he tthe O ne” abundantly cClear thrist hat he fiA
tlain he gEtnd ift ggnd tver he world world world world bTby he by JTy esus Jhe esus Jbesus y JC
esus world Christ Christ Cthrist hrough b
tthrough ty hrough JVesus tCatican hrough the tChe thrist he A
he postles tP
aEand and he gaguided uided Aiven uided postles ot oo over atond he tver he the guided the Be o ver the book, book, C
onstitutions: onstitutions: Vatholic atican II Atpostles n Iaith, I postles ihrough n lain Ppostles nglish, nglish, ag tuided aranslation tver ranslation Catholic St. St. John Vianney Vianney Catholic Church Church world y Jhe esus C1SH
hrist tonstitutions, he postles auebsch gtuided oaul ver ages ages ages bages bb
y he tche tb
y HH
toly H
he oly oly ages Spirit, oly S1pirit, bcSy ihrough pirit, s tihe s n
is not not Hiot s ooly ours ntours ot urs Sbpirit, toAo turs o tB
co hange cill change hange o nuebsch cot and oand urs and nd herefore attherefore tnd o herefore hange tPherefore is its aihe s nd is therefore iJs ohn of of the tby he cty ouncil’s ouncil’s 6 cpirit, 6 onstitutions, y b
y Bits H
ill Hhange w
ith wcith Paul ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 501 501 N
orth N
orth N
olan N
olan R
iver R
iver R
oad R
oad ages by the oly is nHot oexplains, tCr. o hange axplains, iCA
s atholic unchangeable. unchangeable. unchangeable. unchangeable. unchangeable. Aos tASs Fpirit, s Fr. A
r. s Hnited ough H
FUough r. ough ough explains, Surs Axplains, s eFxplains, H
tough he the truths ttruths the ruths eatechism tatechism ruths oof toherefore f tf he the tohe tfhe Cf or Catholic tChe tAatholic ruths of the Catholic Thurmes Thurmes and aHnd o An n he t Fr. he U
nited Setates tates atholic Ccthe atholic C
Cnd fatholic or dults dults ____________________________________ Cleburne, Cleburne, Texas 76033 76033 Name Name Texas Name Name Name unchangeable. A
s F
r. H
ough e
xplains, t
he t
ruths o
f t
he C
atholic Faith Faith Faith Faith r
eaffirmed r
eaffirmed r
eaffirmed r
eaffirmed Faith a
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nd nd a
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rticulated i
new n i
n i
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atican i
n atican V
atican a
I new I
I a
I a
re a
re re I
I n here, t
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here, n
ot n
ot ot re there, not issued issued by bty he the United United States States Conference Conference of oCf atholic Catholic Bishops. Bishops. II naot Dale Williams W illiams ATTN: Dale Name ATTN: Faith rfeaffirmed and rticulated aatholics, new Vbut atican ItI lso re tillions here, nof o
ot only only or for or the tfhe tor he ww
torld’s w
he orld’s orld’s only w
orld’s 1f1.4 or 1a.4 .4 btbillion he 1billion .4 illion wborld’s illion CCatholics, Catholics, C1atholics, .4 ibn billion but ut aalso bCalso ut lso atholics, tahe he tahe mm
tillions m
he billions ut millions aolso f f the of m
of only fonly illions ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ only tbhe wather orld’s .4 band illion Catholics, bu ut lso he moillions ois f book Phone___________________ non-­‐Catholic non-­‐Catholic non-­‐Catholic non-­‐Catholic Christians C
non-­‐Catholic hristians Christians aough and nd anon-­‐believers. Cdn
nd on-­‐believers. hristians on-­‐believers. non-­‐believers. nd T n Throughout on-­‐believers. aThroughout hroughout Tttruth hroughout hf his b
is TLbook hroughout hbook ook h
is b
ook In In the tfor he book ook FC
Fhristians ather H1ough H
dnissects issects the the uanfolding nfolding truth oLhis umen f umen ____________________________________ Phone___________________ Phone___________________ Phone___________________ Phone___________________ non-­‐Catholic Cfirst on-­‐believers. a Tw
hatican Fr. Fr. Fr. H
Hough H
Fr. ough ough Hough btboth both d
bhristians Fr. dispels oth ispels ispels ough mm
isconceptions b6 isconceptions oth isconceptions ispels m
aabout about bout bout w
hat wthat hat Vistoric Vh
atican hat Vatican atican aV
bout Iouncil. I ICbI Iw
I ook hat II Vatican II asend Gentium, Gentium, he toth he fdirst oHf d
otispels he f taisconceptions he 1nd 1m
dn6 ocuments ddocuments fisconceptions rom from throughout his his hw
istoric Cis ouncil. Phone___________________ Please Please sddress end m
e m_Mailing e ____ _____ copy(s) opy(s) of o
Father f Father Mailing Mailing address acddress Mailing Mailing address address Fr. H
ough b
oth d
ispels m
isconceptions a
bout w
hat V
atican I
I really really really really aught, tpaught, taught, taught, wwhile w
really hile hile waohile also, totaught, lso, athe w
lso, wecond ith ith w
whumility hile ith humility umility aumility aand and wnd council aharity, cCcharity, nd h
harity, umility charity, hhighlighting highlighting ighlighting and highlighting charity, highlighting Charles H
III’s Mailing Charles address ough Hough III’s book book “That “That They They All AM
ll ay May The The ptroclamations roclamations f also, he f w
Sith Sh
econd Vhatican Vlso, atican Cith ouncil m
ake m
ake really taught, w
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ith h
adnd harity, ighlighting ______________________________________
Be Be O______________________________________
ne” One” common common common common mmisunderstandings misunderstandings m
isunderstandings oCof atholic of Cumility f Catholic Catholic oatholic Cfatholic d
doctrine octrine o
f octrine atholic by bgy Phy Protestants. Pb
rotestants. y dtPtoctrine rotestants. rotestants. abundantly abundantly cisunderstandings lear ccommon lear that tahat the tm
he Cisunderstandings atholic ff aith, aith, toctrine he tche gdift gCift gbiven iven trotestants. o o he the by P______________________________________
__________________________ Be __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ common isunderstandings f like Cill octrine b
rotestants. Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic nd and nd aProtestants P
nd rotestants Catholic rotestants PCrotestants athrough nd alike alike like Pow
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ill Tuided A
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e O
ne, highly highly highly highly illuminating, lluminating, sSpiritually spirit, piritually spiritually illuminating, curs comforting, ctsomforting, piritually aand and nd omforting, aindeed ndeed indeed compelling. ccompelling. ompelling. acnd ompelling. ages ages billuminating, y bitlluminating, y he tihe Holy Hhighly oly Spirit, iss piritually nis ot ncot oomforting, oomforting, urs o tco hange change acindeed nd aind nd therefore therefore is indeed s compelling. City S
tate ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Zip Zip Zip Zip Zip sr. piritually omforting, atruths nd indeed ompelling. unchangeable. highly unchangeable. illuminating, As AFs FHr. ough Hough ecxplains, explains, the the truths of othe f tche Catholic Catholic Zip Name Name Prior Prior Prior Prior to tro tbo rbeing being teing o bneing named Prior named amed naamed tVao Vicar Vicar baicar eing Vfor icar for for nCamed Clergy fClergy or lergy aVand icar V
aVicar fV
nd or icar CVGlergy icar General, GIeneral, nd FFather V
icar ather Fnather Gneneral, Father Faith Faith eaffirmed eaffirmed and nd rticulated rticulated alergy new aCnew iand n nd in atican Vicar atican I eneral, aIG
re I aaeneral, re there, tFather here, ot ot Prior t
o b
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or C
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arochial ftor fhe A
or ftor dministrator She St. fSt. or Jt. ohn John Jillions Sohn t. John John only only for tshe w
wHough .4 bPillion bParochial illion atholics, atholics, bdministrator ut but also also m
illions m
of off or S t. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Hough sferved ahristians s the irst Pa2aarochial for Slso t. Vianney Vianney Vianney Vianney rom from from f2Crom 2012 2
Vianney 012 2to 012 to tf2o 2013 2013 013 o 013 and 2on-­‐believers. nd don-­‐believers. aduring d
nd uring uring tA
o ddministrator 2uring t013 his this this t aime his ime throughout time auring lso also lso aaassisted atssisted his ssisted ais ssisted thime aook at bat ook at lso at aSt. ssisted t Vianney non-­‐Catholic non-­‐Catholic C012 hristians aftrom nd nd nand n012 tTnd ime Tdahroughout hJohn bis St. St. JPhone___________________ ohn John JSt. ohn VaJV
ohn ianney ianney Vianney CSt. C
atholic Catholic Jatholic ohn Catholic CVChurch ianney Church hurch Church is C
is aiatholic s asking asking sking is afsking or Cfor hurch for for is asking for Phone___________________ Vianney from 2St. 012 tiG
o 2Gm
and tHime lso ssisted St. St. St. FFr. Frances FSt. rances rances Frances CCoth abrini Cb
abrini abrini abrini idFn iispels rances n n Granbury. ranbury. i013 n ranbury. GCranbury. abrini F dFather uring Father in ather G
Father ranbury. HatHhis ough’s Hough’s ough’s Fw
oardination ather ordination rdination oaVrdination H
ough’s aIas I as as s a a Mailing ianney Fr. H
ough Hough b
oth dCispels isconceptions m
isconceptions bout aough’s bout w o
hat hat Vatican atican Iaa I t a oa rdination St. John C
hurch is sking ftook or a da d
onation donation onation a ads onation oao
f ddress of $f $
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er per er bbook pbook er ook of pb$p
lus ook 30.00 plus lus $pa$
5.00 $
lus 5.00 p5.00 er $to 5.00 bto o to plus $5.00 to Mailing aaVddress St. FCatholic rances Cabrini iJon G3
Fafter ather H
rdination as aa s an Ecover Catholic Catholic Catholic ptpriest priest riest pw
oriest oCatholic n ow
n Jn une June n une 3lso, 0, p30, riest 0, 2ith 2012, 32012, 0, 012, n a h
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More More info: info: June 015 June 22015 Volume Volume 22, , NNo. o. 11 FEEDING FEEDING TTHE HE HHUNGRY UNGRY IN IN PPHILADELPHIA: HILADELPHIA: W
OGETHER Parishioners Parishioners from from the the CChurch hurch oof f SSt. t. MMichael ichael the the AArchangel, rchangel, aa c congregation ongregation oof f the the PPersonal ersonal Ordinariate Ordinariate oof f the the CChair hair oof f SSt. t. PPeter eter in in PPhiladelphia, hiladelphia, PPennsylvania, ennsylvania, hhave ave bbeen een ccollaborating ollaborating for for nnearly early aa year year wwith ith their their hhost ost pparish, arish, HHoly oly CCross ross RRoman oman CCatholic atholic CChurch hurch oof f MMount ount AAiry, iry, in in mmonthly onthly food food ddrives rives to to stock stock the the HHoly oly CCross ross FFood ood PPantry. antry. T The he FFood ood PPantry antry hhas as bbeen een ooffering ffering food food to to those those in in nneed eed for for oover ver ten ten yyears. ears. S St t MMichael’s, ichael’s, which which ddoes oes nnot ot ccurrently urrently oown wn pproperty, roperty, hholds olds their their SSunday unday services services aat t HHoly oly CCross. ross. T The he two two cchurches hurches make make aa g good ood team team in in this this ooutreach utreach mministry inistry to to the the local local ccommunity. ommunity. O One ne SSaturday aturday aa m
month, onth, from from 110:30 0:30 aam m to to 22:30 :30 pp.m., .m., mmembers embers from from both both pparishes arishes station station themselves themselves aat t aa t able table under under aan n uumbrella mbrella aat t the the MMount ount AAiry iry AAcme cme Market. Market. T The he AAcme cme hhas as eenthusiastically nthusiastically welcomed welcomed the the oopportunity pportunity to to ccontribute ontribute to to their their nneighborhood. eighborhood. A As s shoppers shoppers eenter nter the the store store they they ccan an ppick ick uup p aa “ “grocery grocery list” list” oof f desired desired items items (non-­‐perishable), (non-­‐perishable), wwhich hich they they mmay ay purchase purchase aand nd ddonate onate aas s they they ccome ome oout. ut. P People eople have have bbeen een eeager ager to to ccontribute, ontribute, aand nd occasionally occasionally shoppers shoppers wwill ill eexit xit the the store store wwith ith multiple multiple bbags ags oof f ggroceries roceries for for the the ccollection. ollection. Shoppers Shoppers wwill ill frequently frequently stop stop to to cchat hat with with the the pparishioners arishioners ddoing oing the the ccollection, ollection, aand nd it it is is aa n nice ice oopportunity pportunity to to talk talk aabout bout the the activities activities aand nd mministries inistries oof f the the two two cchurches. hurches. As As the the wword ord ggets ets aaround round aabout bout the the Food Food PPantry, antry, bboth oth ccontributions ontributions aand nd cclientele lientele have have increased. increased. E Elizabeth lizabeth WWalker, alker, wwho ho oversees oversees the the FFood ood PPantry antry for for HHoly oly CCross, ross, hhas as expressed expressed aamazed mazed aappreciation ppreciation that that the the collections collections hhave ave ggone one bbeyond eyond aanything nything she she expected. expected. F Fr. r. DDavid avid OOusley, usley, oof f SSt. t. MMichael's, ichael's, has has aadded dded hhis is ggratitude ratitude towards towards MMount ount AAiry iry neighbors neighbors aand nd the the AAcme cme for for mmaking aking this this happen. happen. The The FFood ood PPantry antry is is oopen pen for for ddistribution istribution each each wweek eek oon n TTuesday uesday mmornings. ornings. A At t hholiday oliday times times eextra xtra eeffort ffort is is mmade ade to to hhave ave special special items items aavailable. vailable. Holy Holy CCross ross hhas as served served the the MMount ount AAiry iry ccommunity ommunity for for 1125 25 yyears. ears. S St. t. MMichael’s ichael’s hhas as bbeen een in in the the Personal Personal OOrdinariate rdinariate oof f the the CChair hair oof f SSt. t. PPeter eter for for just just oover ver three three yyears. ears. F Fr r OOusley usley remarked, remarked, ““We We aare re grateful grateful to to HHoly oly CCross ross bboth oth for for aallowing llowing uus s to to uuse se their their bbeautiful eautiful cchurch, hurch, aand nd for for aallowing llowing uus s to to support support their their FFood ood PPantry antry mministry. inistry. I t It is is ggood ood for for the the pparishes arishes aas s aa w
work ork oof f CChristian hristian ccharity; harity; it it is is ggood ood for for those those in in nneed eed oof f food; food; aand nd it it is is ggood ood for for oour ur nneighbors eighbors wwho ho ddonate onate ddo o ggenerously enerously wwhen hen they they ddo o their their Saturday Saturday ggrocery rocery shopping.” shopping.” C Contact: ontact: R Rev. ev. DDavid avid OOusley, usley, CChurch hurch oof f SSt t MMichael ichael the the AArchangel, rchangel, [email protected]. [email protected]. The OOrdinariate rdinariate OObserver bserver The Page Page 110 0 June 2015 June 2015 Volume Volume 2, N
2, o. N1o. 1 NEW NEW MM
N N BOARD BOARD -­‐-­‐ C-­‐-­‐ ontinued Continued from from Page Page 1 -­‐1-­‐ -­‐-­‐ “I a“I m adm elighted delighted and and blessed blessed to hto ave have accepted accepted the the position position as E
as xecutive Executive Assistant Assistant to M
to sgr. Msgr. Steenson, Steenson, and and to stupport o support as w
as ell well the the members members of hois f hsis enior senior staff,” staff,” Laurie Laurie said. said. She She has has two two adult adult sons sons -­‐-­‐ R-­‐andy, -­‐ Randy, 24, 2a4, nd and Nick, Nick, 23 2–3 a–s w
as ell well as a s a Fr. Fr. Becket Becket Soule, Soule, O.P. O.P. Ms. Ms. Laurie Laurie Miller Miller sweet-­‐natured sweet-­‐natured Staffordshire Staffordshire terrier terrier named named Cali, Cali, and and a a haughty haughty cat cnat amed named Jordan. Jordan. She She has hbas een been involved involved with with the the ministry ministry of coantor f cantor for fm
or any many years. years. Laurie Laurie can can be breached e reached at 3a46-­‐247-­‐2201 t 346-­‐247-­‐2201 or b
oy r bey -­‐mail e-­‐mail at [email protected]. t [email protected]. With Laurie’s arrival, Barbara Jonte assumed position f Special Assistant or ission Mission Advancement. Barbara came With Laurie’s arrival, Barbara Jonte assumed the the position of Sopecial Assistant for fM
Advancement. Barbara came Ordinariate February, 2012, from n the registrar’s office t the University f STt. Thomas assume to tto he the Ordinariate in Fin ebruary, 2012, from her hjer ob job in tihe registrar’s office at tahe University of Sot. homas to ato ssume responsibilities f Executive Assistant o the Ordinary. n this new role Barbara ww
ill ork work with Msgr. Larry the the responsibilities of Eoxecutive Assistant to tthe Ordinary. In tIhis new role Barbara will with Msgr. Larry Gipson build base f financial support similar o that f any other diocese provide pastoral support our Gipson to bto uild a baase of foinancial support similar to tthat of aony other diocese to pto rovide pastoral support for foor ur members and advance om
ur ission mission f evangelism. She wcill coordinate ofur fundraising and development efforts. She members and advance our of eovangelism. She will oordinate our undraising and development efforts. She can e reached t 346-­‐246-­‐2207 can be b
reached at 3a46-­‐246-­‐2207 or b
-­‐mail at [email protected] . . oy r bey e-­‐mail t [email protected] step forward oO
ur Ordinariate s the appointment f the Judicial Vicar, whose responsibility it tio s kto keep A bA ig bsig tep forward for foor ur rdinariate is tihe appointment of tohe Judicial Vicar, whose responsibility it is eep us us firmly grounded n the law f the Church. Ware e atre tremendously blessed that Becket Soule, O.P., one f the most firmly grounded in tihe law of tohe Church. We remendously blessed that Fr. FBr. ecket Soule, O.P., one of tohe most experienced and distinguished canonists, accepted this appointment. Soule s the Bishop James . Griffin experienced and distinguished canonists, has haas ccepted this appointment. Fr. FSr. oule is tihe Bishop James A. GAriffin Professor f Canon Law t the Pontifical College Josephinum Columbus, OhH, having previously served t the Vatican Professor of Coanon Law at tahe Pontifical College Josephinum in Cin olumbus, OH, aving previously served at tahe Vatican Congregation or Eastern Churches and several chanceries, including Archdiocese of ashington. Washington. in tin he the Congregation for fE
astern Churches and several chanceries, including the the Archdiocese of W
He His e ai s a well-­‐published canonist who s known and respected throughout Church. Heis expertise n the area of arriage marriage well-­‐published canonist who is kinown and respected throughout the the Church. His xpertise in tihe area of m
law wbill particularly helpful o the Ordinariate, helping people n irregular marriage situations complete their law will e bpe articularly helpful to tthe Ordinariate, in hin elping people in iirregular marriage situations complete their journey o full communion n the Catholic Church. journey to ftull communion in tihe Catholic Church. Soule served s aEn Episcopal priest Texas, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, before being received into Fr. Fr. Soule served as an piscopal priest in Tin exas, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, before being received into full full communion 1988. e received is license and doctorate canon law t the Catholic University f America and communion in 1in 988. He Hreceived his hlicense and doctorate in cin anon law at tahe Catholic University of Aomerica and taught t the Dominican House f Studies in ashington Washington and n the University oxford, f Oxford, taught at tahe Dominican House of Sotudies in W
and in tihe University of O
amongst other places. Fr. Fr. places. amongst other Soule has een working closely Soule hb
as been working closely with ofur first Chancellor, Margaret Chalmers, in aking making this transition. Dr. our irst Chancellor, Dr. DMr. argaret Chalmers, in m
this transition. Dr. with Chalmers recently co-­‐authored a critically acclaimed book, The Clergy ex Abuse Crisis (Oxford University Press). Chalmers has hras ecently co-­‐authored a critically acclaimed book, The Clergy Sex SA
buse Crisis (Oxford University Press). Our "Ministry Manual," which s the particular law f the Ordinariate, primarily er ork. work. And been Our "Ministry Manual," which is tihe particular law of tohe Ordinariate, is pis rimarily her hw
And she she has hbas een diligent helping s ctome o come into compliance with canonical standards f the United States Conference diligent in hin elping us u
to into compliance with the the canonical standards of tohe United States Conference of of Catholic Bishops. Kenneth Wolfe moves that work forward n the area f safe environment and child protection. Catholic Bishops. Fr. FKr. enneth Wolfe moves that work forward in tihe area of soafe environment and child protection. Jacintha Francis s op
ur part-­‐time receptionist. parishioner our f OL
ur Lady of alsingham Walsingham since 2008, began Jacintha Francis is oiur art-­‐time receptionist. A p Aarishioner of O
ady of W
since 2008, she she began serving OLW n this role shortly before new chancery opened n January 2015. She one son, Dan Francis-­‐Dale, serving OLW in tihis role shortly before the the new chancery opened in Jianuary 2015. She has hoas ne son, Dan Francis-­‐Dale, who s an altar server t parish Masses. 12, 12, who is ain ltar server at paarish Masses. From beginning, volunteers have been glue that helped keep whole f the Ordinariate together. Even From the the beginning, volunteers have been the the glue that has hhas elped keep the the whole of tohe Ordinariate together. Even from time before Ordinariate weas established officially, Margaret Pichon gave generously f hter time. She from the the time before the the Ordinariate was stablished officially, Margaret Pichon gave generously of hoer ime. She answered e-­‐mails and phone calls, made bank deposits, helped with event planning, and helped introduce Barbara answered e-­‐mails and phone calls, made bank deposits, helped with event planning, and helped introduce Barbara Jonte Jonte to hto er ob job and the the people in tihe Ordinariate. Margaret and people n the Ordinariate. Margaret continues as tahe s the Ordinariate's Ordinariate's special special projects projects manager manager hjer continues Several Several volunteers volunteers have have taken taken on oresponsibilities n responsibilities for ftor he the day-­‐to-­‐day day-­‐to-­‐day running running of tohe f the Ordinariate. Ordinariate. Most Most notably, notably, Terry Terry Meara Meara and and Tama Tama Chunn, Chunn, both both members members of O
our f OL
ur ady Lady of W
of alsingham, Walsingham, have have given given of toheir f their time time one one afternoon afternoon a waeek week to to keep keep our ob
ur ooks books in oin rder. order. They They are abre eginning beginning their their third third year year as oaur s ovur olunteer volunteer bookkeepers, bookkeepers, and and we wcannot e cannot thank thank them them enough enough for ftor heir their contributions. contributions. Lynn Lynn Forrester Forrester is ailso s also helping helping out oput art-­‐time part-­‐time as saecretary s secretary for ftor he the Vicar Vicar General General and and Moderator Moderator of tohe f the Curia. Curia. The Ordinariate Observer Ordinariate Observer The Page 11 11 Page June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 Volume 2, No. 1 Volume 2, No. 1 Volume 2, No. 1 June 2015 June 2015 THE
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estview D
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Peter Houston, TX 77255 609-­‐9292 (Chancery) 713 609-­‐9292 (Chancery) Mail: PO Box 55206 7730 W
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onsignor effrey Vicar Father General and Vicar for ICII lergy: Charles Hough Father Charles JH
ough SIII Ordinary: Monsignor effrey teenson Father Charles ough III H
Vicar General and Vicar for Clergy: Vicar for Finance and Administration, Vicar for Finance and Administration, Father Charles H
ough Vicar General and or ICII lergy: Vicar for Finance aond Administration, Moderator f Vticar he Cfuria: Moderator of tH
he Curia: Father C
harles ough III Moderator of the uria: Msgr. Laurence GCipson MFsgr. Laurence Gipson Vicar for inance a
nd A
dministration, Msgr. Laurence Gipson Moderator o f the Curia: Vicar for FVinance Administration, Judicial icar: Fr. aBnd ecket Soule O.P. Judicial Vsgr. icar: Fr. oBf ecket Suria: oule O.P. M
aurence G
Moderator t
he Judicial Vicar: Fr. B ecket Cipson Soule O.P. M
sgr. L
aurence G
ipson for Mission Special Assistant Special Assistant for M
ission Judicial Vicar: Fr. B ecket Soule O.P. Special A
ssistant for M
ission Advancement: Barbara Jonte Advancement: Becket arbara Jonte Judicial V
icar: F
r. B
oule O.P. Advancement: Barbara Jonte for Mission Special A
ssistant to the Ordinary: Executive Assistant Executive ssistant o the rdinary: Advancement: Bttarbara Jonte Special A
ssistant for MO
ission Executive AALaurel ssistant o the O
rdinary: M
iller Laurel M
iller Advancement: B
arbara J
onte Laurel M
iller Director of Child and Youth Protection: Director of C
hild and outh Protection: Ahild ssistant o outh the O
rdinary: tYYW
DExecutive irector of Father C
aKnd en olfe Protection: Father K
en W
olfe Miller Executive Father ALaurel ssistant o tolfe he Ordinary: Ken tW
MYiller Director of Child and outh rotection: Laurel Mark SPtockstill Business Manager: Business M
anager: M
ark SPtockstill Father K
en W
olfe Director o
f C
hild a
nd Y
outh rotection: Business Manager: Mark Stockstill Wolfe Father K
en Director of Communication: Director of Communication: Business Manager: ark Stockstill MSellers Director of SCteve ommunication: Father Father Steve Sellers Business M
anager: M
ark Stockstill Father Steve Sellers Director of Communication: Receptionist: Jacintha Francis Receptionist: Jacintha Francis Father Sellers Director of SCteve ommunication: Receptionist: acintha Francis Media iJnquiries: Media inquiries: Father S
teve S
ellers Media inquiries: [email protected] [email protected] Receptionist: acintha [email protected] The Ordinariate OJbserver is Fprancis ublished The Ordinariate OiJbserver is Fprancis ublished Media nquiries: Receptionist: acintha quarterly by the Personal Ordinariate of the The Ordinariate Observer is published quarterly b
y t
he P
ersonal O
rdinariate of the [email protected] inquiries: Chair of tMedia Saint Peter, H
TX. quarterly by he Personal Oouston, rdinariate of the Chair o
f S
aint P
eter, H
ouston, T
X. The Ordinariate bserver is published Chair of Saint POeter, Houston, TX. [email protected] _________________________________ _________________________________ quarterly by the OPrdinariate ersonal Ordinariate of otf he The PO
rdinariate Observer published _________________________________ The ersonal of is the Chair Houston, TX
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Below: o
f t. M
ichael nd A
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arch 7
. SSSCENES FROM TaaEXAS: KTTevin he unday p
t t. Bishop GREAT Farrell of Dallas confirms embers Below: he P
Palm alm unday procession rocession t tSShe t. TTmimothy’s imothy’s Below: KTevin he Catholic Palm Sunday procession at tShe imothy’s C
iin ort W
orth. Bishop Farrell allas cFFD
onfirms embers of St. M
ichael and Aohurch ll f ADngels, enison, ot. n Tm
arch 7. Catholic C
hurch n ort W
orth. Catholic C
hurch i
n F
ort W
orth. of St. M
and All Angels, Denison, n TM
arch 7. Below: Tichael he Palm Sunday procession at Sot. imothy’s Below: The Catholic Palm Sunday procession at St. Timothy’s Church in Fort Worth. Catholic Church in Fort Worth. The Chair Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of of the Swaint eter, H
ouston, TX. quarterly by Prdinariate ersonal Oin rdinariate f otf he Saint Peter ePrected aond The Personal Oas of the the UC.S. hair Saint Peter was erected in the U .S. and _________________________________ Chair Swaint eter, HXin ouston, TX. Canada y oPf ope Benedict VI the on U
January Saint Pbeter as ePrected .S. and 1, Canada by Pope enedict XoVI n JCanuary , The POersonal OB
rdinariate f eto
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2012. rdinariates were also Canada by Pope B
enedict XVI ostablished n January 1y , _________________________________ 2012. Ordinariates w
ere also established by Saint Peter wOas ein rected in and the PO
Hersonal oly Father tere he aUlso nited KUingdom 2012. rdinariates w
The rdinariate of tehe tstablished he C.S. hair of by the H
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Jingdom anuary the H(2011) oly the UXnited nd Arected ustralia (t2012). Saint Pbeter waas ein in he .S. and 1, and A
(e2012). 2012. O(2011) rdinariates wustralia ere also b1y Canada by Pope Benedict XVI ostablished n January , (2011) and A
ustralia (2012). the H
oly F
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he U
nited K
ingdom 2012. Ordinariates were also established by and in Australia (2012). the H(2011) oly Father the United Kingdom The rdinariate O
bserver The O
(2011) a
nd A
ustralia (
2012). O
rdinariate O
bserver The Ordinariate Observer The Ordinariate Observer The Ordinariate Observer Page Page 1
12 2 Page 12 Page 12 Page 12