Products and Engineering Catalog
Products and Engineering Catalog
NHBB 9700 Independence Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 tel: 818.993.4100 fax: 818.407.5020 Astro Division 175 Jaffrey Road Peterborough, NH 03458 tel: 603.924.4100 fax: 603.924.4419 myonic USA 9700 Independence Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 tel: 818.701.4833 fax: 818.407.5020 NHBB Europe Siemensstrasse 30 63225 Langen Germany tel: (49) 6103.913.341 fax: (49) 6103.913.342 Products and Engineering HiTech Division PRECISION DIVISION Products and Engineering : 155 Lexington Drive Laconia, NH 03246 tel: 603.524.0004 fax: 603.524.9025 PRECISION DIVISION Precision Division and Corporate Headquarters Miniature and Instrument Torque Tube and Thinex Custom Specialty Bearing Assemblies Middle Size Bearings © 2012 NHBB, Inc. 66844_Cov.indd 1 11/7/12 3:09 PM Keeping Technology on the Move 66844_Cov.indd 2 ® 11/7/12 3:09 PM NHBB PRECISION DIVISION Products and Engineering NHBB has a long history of providing a vast array of precision ball bearing solutions to various industries. With the advent of this revised, comprehensive catalog, you’ll see that we’ve worked to define those solutions in an easy, accessible manner. Within these pages you will find detailed product listings, accurate measurements and helpful schematics, as well as conversion charts and explanations of relevant terminology. You’ll notice a few additions to this catalog: new product tables (including torque tube and thinex bearings, and middle size bearings up to 2.5 inches O.D.), a helpful size chart, additional examples of special assemblies for your review, and updated information within the engineering section. Our goal at NHBB has always been to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers through innovation. Our reference catalog is intended to streamline your review of our offerings and assist in your decision-making experience. Thank you for your continued interest in our products and services. see reverse for size chart 66844_InCov.indd 1 11/7/12 3:13 PM NHBB PRECISION DIVISION Products and Engineering NHBB has a long history of providing a vast array of precision ball bearing solutions to various industries. With the advent of this revised, comprehensive catalog, you’ll see that we’ve worked to define those solutions in an easy, accessible manner. Within these pages you will find detailed product listings, accurate measurements and helpful schematics, as well as conversion charts and explanations of relevant terminology. You’ll notice a few additions to this catalog: new product tables (including torque tube and thinex bearings, and middle size bearings up to 2.5 inches O.D.), a helpful size chart, additional examples of special assemblies for your review, and updated information within the engineering section. Our goal at NHBB has always been to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers through innovation. Our reference catalog is intended to streamline your review of our offerings and assist in your decision-making experience. Thank you for your continued interest in our products and services. see reverse for size chart 66844_InCov.indd 1 11/7/12 3:13 PM Size Chart Applications Represented below are the actual sizes of various inch and metric series bearings. O.D. O.D. RI–2 .1250" R202 R103 RI–2 1/2 .1562" RI–3 MEDICAL AND DENTAL RI–3332 Handpieces and Drills .1875" RI–4 Centrifuges RI–418 Diagnostic Equipment .2500" Artificial Heart Pumps RI–5 RI–518 RI–5532 RI–5632 Blood Analyzers 1.3780" .3125" Cryogenic Pumps Lasers RI–618 R–2 RI-541 RI-2420 RI–6632 COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY AEROSPACE .3750" Airframe Control Systems R–2A R–3 RI–814 RI–8516 Auxiliary Drive Systems Fuel/Air Valves Aircraft Instruments .5000" R–4 Navigation Systems RI–1038 Turn Coordinators 1.5000” RI-543 .6250" DEFENSE Missiles RI–1214 RI–1212 Tanks UAVs HIGH TECH/HIGH PERFORMANCE .7500" RI–1438 RI–1412 Scanners RI–1458 Semiconductor Processing Optical Encoders Robotics Galvos 2.0000” Microturbines .8750" RI-544 RI–1634 Turbomolecular Pumps Flow Meters 1.0000" RI–1812 1.1250" RI–1878 2.5000” i 66844_InCov.indd 2 11/7/12 3:13 PM Size Chart Applications Represented below are the actual sizes of various inch and metric series bearings. O.D. O.D. RI–2 .1250" R202 R103 RI–2 1/2 .1562" RI–3 MEDICAL AND DENTAL RI–3332 Handpieces and Drills .1875" RI–4 Centrifuges RI–418 Diagnostic Equipment .2500" Artificial Heart Pumps RI–5 RI–518 RI–5532 RI–5632 Blood Analyzers 1.3780" .3125" Cryogenic Pumps Lasers RI–618 R–2 RI-541 RI-2420 RI–6632 COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY AEROSPACE .3750" Airframe Control Systems R–2A R–3 RI–814 RI–8516 Auxiliary Drive Systems Fuel/Air Valves Aircraft Instruments .5000" R–4 Navigation Systems RI–1038 Turn Coordinators 1.5000” RI-543 .6250" DEFENSE Missiles RI–1214 RI–1212 Tanks UAVs HIGH TECH/HIGH PERFORMANCE .7500" RI–1438 RI–1412 Scanners RI–1458 Semiconductor Processing Optical Encoders Robotics Galvos 2.0000” Microturbines .8750" RI-544 RI–1634 Turbomolecular Pumps Flow Meters 1.0000" RI–1812 1.1250" RI–1878 2.5000” i 66844_InCov.indd 2 11/7/12 3:13 PM Table of Contents Introduction 03 Precision Division 04 Precision Capabilities 06 Basic Technical Information 09 Ultra-High-Speed Bearing Designs 10 Special Designs and Assemblies 12 Part Numbering System Miniature Inch Series 16 Radial, Open, Unflanged 17 Radial, Open, Flanged 18 Radial, Shielded, Unflanged 19 Radial, Shielded, Flanged 20 Full Ball Complement, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 21 Full Ball Complement, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged 22 Extended Inner Ring, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 23 Extended Inner Ring, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged 24 Modified Dimension, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 25 Modified Dimension, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged Custom Specialty 30 Angular Contact, Full Ball Complement 31 Angular Contact 32 Radial Torque Tube and Thinex 36 Torque Tube, Standard Width 37 Torque Tube, Extended Inner Ring 38 Thinex (continued other side) ii 66844_Text.indd 1 11/16/12 9:45 AM Table of Contents Metric Series 40 Middle Size Metric Series – Radial, Unflanged 41 Miniature Metric L Series – Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 42 Miniature Metric L Series – Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged 43 Miniature Metric R Series – Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 44 Miniature Metric R Series – Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged Engineering 46 Engineering Services 47 Materials 49 Cages 52 Seals and Shields 53 Internal Bearing Geometry 55 Lubrication 57 Preload and Duplex Ball Bearings 58 Load Ratings and Bearing Life 61 Mounting and Coding 62 Recommended Fits 63 Tolerances 65 Torque 65 Post Service Analysis 66 Interchange Chart 68 Metric Conversion Table 69 Temperature Conversion Table New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. 72 NHBB Overview 73 Astro Division, Laconia, NH 74 HiTech Division, Peterborough, NH 75 myonic USA, Chatsworth, CA 76 Minebea Co., Ltd. NHBB reserves the right to change specifications and other information included in this catalog without notice. All information, data, and dimension tables in this catalog have been carefully compiled and thoroughly checked. However, no responsibility for possible errors or omissions can be assumed. 66844_Text.indd 2 iii 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Contents 03 Precision Division 04 Precision Capabilities 06 Basic Technical Information 09 Ultra-High-Speed Bearing Designs 10 Special Designs and Assemblies 12 Part Numbering System 1 66844_Text.indd 3 11/16/12 9:45 AM 66844_Text.indd 4 2 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Precision Division NHBB’s Precision Division has a longstanding commitment to cost-competitive volume production methods for nonstandard, ultraprecision miniature and instrument bearings as well as medium-size bearings up to 2.5 inches in outer diameter. We provide significant technical expertise by working collaboratively with our customers throughout the product development process. Our applications engineers incorporate design innovations in a broad range of bearing construction types, and always leverage the latest technologies to achieve optimal performance and customer satisfaction. Our commitment to research and development, as demonstrated by our modern product development and testing lab, has strengthened our ability to offer unique solutions, especially in high speed and low torque applications. With our expanded testing capabilities, we are able to simulate customer application parameters, which results in bearings that last longer, perform more consistently, and run quieter. We are also proud of several industry firsts, including our patented silver-polymer retainer, which extends bearing life by up to 60%. The Precision Division factory in Chatsworth, California features advanced CNC equipment for machining and grinding, and a Class 1000 clean room where all bearing assembly takes place. This is also the state-of-the-art location for unique lubricant processing, functional testing, precise dimensional coding of ring components, and laser marking. Our commitment to excellence and our strong customer partnerships reveal a deeper goal…Keeping Technology on the Move®. 3 66844_Text.indd 5 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Precision Capabilities ENGINEERING SUPPORT Experienced sales and applications engineers work closely with you throughout the product development process to create customized bearings for unique applications. We offer: Ř'HVLJQƃH[LELOLW\ Ř6WULQJHQWDWWHQWLRQWRTXDOLW\ Ř8QVXUSDVVHGSURGXFWUHOLDELOLW\ DESIGN FLEXIBILITY Working from preliminary design concepts, we’re able to customize bearings to meet your specific application challenges. Our focus is to maximize value to our customers by providing cost-effective solutions. What makes design flexibility possible? Ř,QKRXVHPDQXIDFWXULQJSURFHVVLQJ Ř$EURDGUDQJHRIFRQVWUXFWLRQW\SHV Ř3URSULHWDU\UHWDLQHUGHVLJQV Ř([WHQVLYHRIIHULQJRIOXEULFDQWVDQG coatings for extreme environments QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS We offer exceptional quality with an emphasis on dimensional accuracy, process control, and FOHDQOLQHVV :H DUH FHUWLILHG WR WKH ODWHVW ,62 and aerospace standards, including: Ř,62 Ř$6 Ř1DGFDS+HDWWUHDW$& 66844_Text.indd 6 4 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Precision Capabilities RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT NHBB’s product development and testing department works closely with our technology partners to develop innovative solutions to demanding applications. Our ongoing commitment includes researching and validating processes and materials that will reduce torque, minimize heat generation, and extend the operational life of each bearing we manufacture. CLASS 1000 CLEAN ROOM 2XU ,62 &ODVV &OHDQ 5RRP LQFOXGHV dynamic noise and vibration analysis equipment and extensive assembly resources to meet specific application challenges, such as: Ř8QLTXHOXEULFDQWSURFHVVLQJ Ř7RUTXHWHVWLQJ Ř'LPHQVLRQDOFRGLQJRIULQJFRPSRQHQWV Ř/DVHUPDUNLQJ ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT NHBB's formal environmental policy emphasizes pollution prevention, regulatory compliance, continuous improvement in reducing environmental impacts, and the promotion of environmental awareness among our employees and the ODUJHUFRPPXQLW\$GGLWLRQDOO\RXUHQYLURQPHQWDO PDQDJHPHQWV\VWHPVDUHFHUWLƂHGWR,62 5 66844_Text.indd 7 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Basic Technical Information Ball Bearing Components ROOM TEMP. HARDNESS (HRC) Viewing a cross-section of a standard ball bearing can help you MATERIAL SPECIFICATION MELT METHOD ATTRIBUTES & $06 &(90 $06 &(90 select a bearing with the appropriate components for your design or application, as it illustrates the relative position of these components in the ball bearing assembly. Cross-section View of a Ball Bearing O.D. Chamfer Bearing Width Flange Undercut RINGS 3UHPLXP quality Very low impurity level 3UHPLXP quality /RZLP purity level *440C stainless steel is the preferred material with the best availability. **Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted Snap Ring Stainless Steel Shield BALLS Seal or Shield Groove Inner Ring Outside Diameter (O.D.) Inside Diameter (BORE) I.D. Chamfer Design Inner Ring Raceway The design of a bearing is critical in determining its load carrying Inner Ring Land capacity and maximum operating speed—factors which directly Stainless Steel Ribbon Retainer impact the bearing’s operating life. Various types of bearings have been designed to meet the operating parameters of your Outer Ring Land application. Inner Ring Face Outer Ring The radial or conrad bearingDOVRUHIHUUHGWRDVGHHSJURRYHLV Outer Ring Face Outer Ring Raceway the most popular type due to its ability to handle both radial loads and thrust loads in either direction. This type is offered with various seal or shield options. Bearing Selection The angular contact bearing is designed with a relieved shoul- To ensure optimal speed and load carrying capacity, several der to allow for a greater number of balls, thereby increasing its factors must be considered when choosing the proper bearing load carrying capacity. The angular contact design also allows for your application. These factors include ring material, design, for the use of a full section cage, which is desirable for high speed VKLHOGVDQGVHDOVFDJH$%(&JUDGHUDGLDOSOD\DQGOXEULFDQW applications. This type of bearing can handle thrust loads in one direction only. Materials Miniature and instrument bearings are normally made of either VWDLQOHVVVWHHORUFKURPHDOOR\VWHHO1+%%RIIHUV&VWDLQOHVV steel for applications that require corrosion resistance and 52100 chrome steel for maximum fatigue life. These materials are heattreated to achieve optimum hardness and dimensional stability and they are suitable for most applications. When more difficult operating conditions necessitate an alternative to standard PDWHULDOV1+%%RIIHUVDVSHFLDOL]HGVWDLQOHVVVWHHO''DV ZHOODVH[RWLFPDWHULDOVOLNH%*® and nitrogen-enriched steel. Radial 7XUQWRSDJHIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHVHRSWLRQV Angular Contact BG42® is a registered trademark of Latrobe Specialty Steel Company. 66844_Text.indd 8 6 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Basic Technical Information Seals and Shields ABEC Grade 6HDOVDQGVKLHOGVDUHXVHGLQEDOOEHDULQJVWRUHWDLQOXEULFDQWV :KHQ FKRRVLQJ WKH $%(& JUDGH WKH IDFWRUV WR FRQVLGHU and prevent particulate contamination from reaching critical include radial and axial runout requirements, bore and O.D. fits, VXUIDFHV 6KLHOGV DUH SRSXODU IRU PRVW DSSOLFDWLRQV VHDOV DUH and audible noise level. The table below shows the bore and XVHGZKHUHPLQLPDOFOHDUDQFHWROLJKWFRQWDFWLVUHTXLUHG6HDOV 2'VL]HWROHUDQFHVDQGWKHUDGLDOUXQRXWOLPLWVIRU$%(&JUDGHV offer greater deterrence to particulate contamination but increase WKURXJK *UDGHV DQG DUH SUHIHUUHG IRU PRVW VWDQGDUG torque and limit operating speed. NHBB offers a variety of enclo- applications. VXUHRSWLRQV7KHFKDUWRQSDJHLQWKH(QJLQHHULQJ6HFWLRQ RADIAL RUNOUT describes these options in greater detail. Cages ABEC GRADE The cage, also referred to as the retainer or separator, is the component that separates and positions the balls at approximately equal intervals around the bearing raceway. Proper selection of a bearing cage is critical for meeting the load, speed, and temperature requirements of your application. The standard cages for radial or conrad miniature and instrument ball bearings are stamped metal ribbon or crown. The application ƃH[LELOLW\DQGORZFRVWGHVLJQRIWKHVHW\SHVPDNHWKHPDSSUR- O.D. SIZE MEAN DIAMETER TOLERANCE INNER RING OUTER RING BORE O.D. 3 LQ PP 3 LQ PP 3 LQ PP RYHU LQ RYHUPP priate for most general purpose applications. For high speed applications, machined cages made of phenolic, polyamide- The chart on page 63 provides a complete description of the LPLGHDQGRWKHUPDWHULDOVDUHDYDLODEOH5HIHUWRSDJHLQWKH WROHUDQFHVFRQWUROOHGE\WKH$%(&OHYHO1RUPDOO\UDFHƂQLVKDQG (QJLQHHULQJ6HFWLRQIRUPRUHGHWDLOVRQFDJHRSWLRQV UDFHJHRPHWU\DUHVXSHULRULQ$%(&3DQGKLJKHU1+%%UHFRPmends these grades for precision assemblies where low noise PHFKDQLFDORUDXGLEOHPLQLPDOUXQRXWDQGORQJOLIHDUHLPSRUtant considerations for noise sensitive applications. One-piece Crown, Metallic, Stamped Two-piece Ribbon, Metallic, Stamped and Crimped One-piece Crown, Phenolic, Machined 7 66844_Text.indd 9 One-piece Full Type, Polymer, Machined 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Basic Technical Information Radial Play Packaging 5DGLDO SOD\ LV WKH IUHH LQWHUQDO UDGLDO ORRVHQHVV EHWZHHQ WKH NHBB packaging is specifically designed to keep bearings clean balls and the races with no load applied to the bearing in any and undamaged through the delivery process. We perform pack- GLUHFWLRQ5DGLDOSOD\LVQHFHVVDU\WRDFFRPPRGDWHGLIIHUHQWLDO aging operations in our Class 1000 clean room to prevent thermal expansions, the effects of interference fits, and to FRQWDPLQDWLRQ,QRUGHUWRPDLQWDLQWKHXWPRVWFOHDQOLQHVVDQG FRQWUROD[LDOSOD\DQGGHƃHFWLRQ7KHFKDUWRQSDJHVKRZVWKH integrity, bearings should be kept in their original packaging until suggested radial play for some typical applications. ready for installation. Lubricant NHBB’s bearings are normally packaged in plastic vials, eight or PRUHSHUYLDO,ISUHOXEULFDWLRQRUDSURWHFWLYHFRDWLQJLVQRWVSHF- There are hundreds of lubricants available for ball bearings and LƂHG RLO SHU 0,/35) 1+%% FRGH /2 ZLOO EH XVHG WR each has a particular characteristic that makes it suitable for a prevent corrosion. VSHFLƂFDSSOLFDWLRQ6HOHFWLQJWKHRSWLPDORQHLVFULWLFDO8QOHVV torque is a problem, grease is preferred for prelubrication since it Vial Pack (No Code) Ŏ(LJKWRUPRUHSHUYLDO$WUDQVSDUHQW is less susceptible to migration and leakage. Grease can in- resealable tube of an appropriate size. crease bearing torque by a factor of 1.2 to 5.0 depending on the Pill Pack (Code P) – One bearing per sealed, plastic com- JUHDVH W\SH DQG TXDQWLW\ XVHG 6HH SDJHV DQG IRU partment. Connected in strips of four. Pill packs are formed further information. from strips of transparent, heat-sealed plastic. Marking Unit Pack (Code U) Ŏ,QGLYLGXDOEHDULQJSODFHGLQDVHDOHG The following figures illustrate the standard marking system used SODVWLF EDJ 7HQ RU PRUH SDFNHG LQ D SDSHUERDUG ER[ 8QLW IRU 1+%% 3UHFLVLRQ 'LYLVLRQ EDOO EHDULQJV SHU 0,/67' pack is used for many of the larger size bearings that cannot 6KRZQ EHORZ DUH WKH PDUNLQJV IRU & VWDLQOHVV VWHHO DQG fit in a strip pack. 52100 chrome alloy steel. Box (Code B) Ŏ ,QGLYLGXDO ER[ XSRQ UHTXHVW DW DGGLWLRQDO FRVW $OO PHWKRGV RI SDFNDJLQJ KDYH DQ LQWHUPHGLDWH ER[ Quantities vary. ABEC 5, 7 and Higher Tolerances $OOLQWLPDWHDQGH[WHUQDOSDFNDJLQJLQFOXGHVDFOHDUDQGGHWDLOHG label that provides: Ř &XVWRPHUSDUWQXPEHU Ř 1+%%SDUWQXPEHUEURNHQLQWRWZRVHFWLRQV – “Brg. No.” which describes the basic bearing HQWDLOHGLQJURXSVWKURXJK Ŏ œ6SHFŔVHFWLRQZKLFKGHWDLOVJURXSVWKURXJK 440C 52100 Ř 4XDQWLW\ Ř1+%%3UHFLVLRQ'LYLVLRQFDJHFRGH Ř0DQXIDFWXULQJORWQXPEHU ABEC 1 and 3 Tolerances Ř'DWHRIPDQXIDFWXUHOXEULFDWLRQ Other packaging options are available to suit your specific QHHGV 6HH SDUW QXPEHULQJ V\VWHP JURXS RQ SDJH IRU more information. 440C 66844_Text.indd 10 52100 8 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Ultra-High-Speed Bearing Designs NHBB is recognized as the leader in the design and manufacture of ultra-high-speed bearings, which can operate at speeds up to 500,000 rpm. This capability is based on an unwavering commitment to superior product design, backed by a cutting-edge product development and test laboratory. Our lab is dedicated to validating new retainer materials, in addition to conducting exhaustive testing of new lubricants and surface treatments—all with the goal of extending bearing operational life. ,QRUGHUWRRSHUDWHDWXOWUDKLJKVSHHGVLQH[FHVVRIUHYRlutions per second, bearing components must be made from the best materials available and manufactured to extremely tight WROHUDQFHV 8OWUDKLJKVSHHG EHDULQJV VKRXOG DOVR LQFOXGH D machined retainer made from a specialty material that provides lubricity, lower thermal expansion, resistance to high temperatures, and the option of autoclavability. Our applications engineers work collaboratively with you to ensure the best bearing design for your ultra-high-speed appliFDWLRQ,QGRLQJVRZHRIIHUVHYHUDOGHVLJQIHDWXUHV Ultra-precise Tolerances* Machined Retainers Exacting dimensional accuracy of bearing raceways Ř5DGLDOEHDULQJVŏPDFKLQHGFURZQ DQGDOOSLORWLQJVXUIDFHVŏEHWWHUWKDQ$%(& Ř$QJXODUFRQWDFWEHDULQJVŏPDFKLQHGIXOOW\SH NHBB offers: Ř6SHFLDOPDWHULDOV Ř6XSHUƂQLVKHGUDFHZD\VDQG – Meldin® honed lands Ŏ3KHQROLFZRYHQOLQHQRUSDSHU Ř5DFHZD\URXQGQHVVEHWWHU – Polyamide-imide than 0.000010 in. on average – Patented silver coated machined Torlon® retainer— Ř8OWUDSUHFLVHERUHWROHU ances—available within crown or full. Extends operational life in marginally 0.0001 in. lubricated applications and provides added benefit with the antimicrobial properties of the silver coating Ř6WHHOEDOOVŏ*UDGHRU For more information on machined retainers, see pages 49 better through 51. Ř&HUDPLFEDOOVŏ*UDGH VWDQGDUGLQVSKHULFLW\ Optimal Lubricant Type and Fill *To specify the features referenced above, Ř3HWUROHXPEDVHGDQGV\QWKHWLFRLOVŏGLHVWHUV notate “MC” in the NHBB part number. VLOLFRQHSRO\PHUVDQGƃXRULQDWHGFRPSRXQGV Ř6XSHULRURSHUDWLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFVŏOXEULFLW\DQG High Quality Bearing Steel load carrying properties, wear resistance, life, and Ř&VWDLQOHVVVWHHOŏRIIHUVH[FHOOHQWSURSHUWLHVZLWK corrosion resistance optimal hardness and dimensional stability, low noise, Ř&XVWRPL]HGƂOOFRQVXOWWKHIDFWRU\IRUQRQVWDQGDUG as well as economical price points fill ratios For more information about bearing steel, see page 47. For more information about lubricants, see pages 55 and 56. Meldin® is a registered trademark of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation. Torlon® is a registered trademark of Solvay Advanced Polymers, L.L.C. 9 66844_Text.indd 11 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Special Designs and Assemblies Today’s high technology products demand increasingly sophisti- Our experienced staff will help you design quality, cost-effective cated bearing designs. NHBB stands ready to support your next-up bearing assemblies for your specific applications—and needs with: manufacture them in small or volume production quantities. Ř&XVWRPGHVLJQHGEHDULQJV Below are a few examples of the unique designs and special Ř&RQFXUUHQWHQJLQHHULQJVXSSRUW features we offer. They include ceramic balls, machined retainers, Ř6WDWHRIWKHDUWHQJLQHHULQJVRIWZDUH anti-rotation slots, integral shields, extended rings, and custom double row configurations. Contact us to learn more about how Ř8OWUDSUHFLVLRQFRPSRQHQWV we can assist you with your customization needs. Ř/HDGLQJHGJHDXWRPDWHGSURGXFWLRQWHFKQLTXHV Ř&RPSOHWHLQKRXVHPDQXIDFWXULQJ Ř\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHLQSUHFLVLRQPDQXIDFWXULQJ and assembly Ř 1H[WXSEHDULQJDVVHPEOLHVDQGVXEDVVHPEOLHV Special Assemblies Integral Duplex Designs Bearing Pin Assembly Pulley Assembly Bonded to Discrete Sealed Bearings Flanged Integral Duplex Bearing with Extended Inner Ring Double Row Miniature Cam Follower Assembly with Threaded Shaft Pulley Assembly with Discrete Shielded and Flanged Bearings Integral Duplex Angular Contact Bearing 66844_Text.indd 12 10 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Special Designs and Assemblies Custom Designs Integral Shield, Custom Machined Retainer, Ceramic Balls Double Row, Full Ball Complement High Speed Dental Bearing with Integral Shield Custom Machined Retainer, Ceramic Balls Double Row, Spherical O.D. Metric Radial Bearing with Anti-rotation Slots Extended Outer Ring with Flange High Speed Angular Contact Bearing with Custom Machined Retainer End Cap for Gyro Application Custom Flange with Mounting Holes Shielded Miniature Double Row Bearing Duplex Set with Matched Spacers 11 66844_Text.indd 13 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Part Numbering System EXAMPLE:665,==(($+$&;;3/23 5,))$3/*8 GROUP 1 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 GROUP 6 5,1*0$7(5,$/ %$//0$7(5,$/ GROUP 2 7<3( %$6,&6,=( 6($/6 6+,(/'6 02',),&$7,216 '83/(;3$,56 SS SS S S S RI – RIF – 418 1438 ZZ EEA62 No Code=Chrome DOOR\VWHHO C=Chrome alloy VWHHO used only in combination with FHUDPLFEDOOV( D=VHULHV martensitic stainless steel S=$,6,VWDLQOHVV VWHHO& No Code=Chrome DOOR\VWHHO E=Ceramic S=$,6,VWDLQOHVV VWHHO& T=TiC-coated F=Flanged, tapered O.D. FR=Duplex pair with one flanged and one unflanged bearing MBF=,QQHUULQJ relieved and separable, outer ring flanged and O.D. tapered MBRI, MBR, MBL=,QQHUULQJ relieved and separable MBRIF, MBRF, MBLF=,QQHUULQJ relieved and separable, flanged outer ring MDF=,QQHUULQJ relieved and nonseparable, outer ring flanged and O.D. tapered MDRI, MDR, MDL=,QQHUULQJ relieved and nonseparable MDRIF, MDRF, MDLF=,QQHUULQJ relieved and nonseparable, flanged outer ring MERI, MER, MEL=Outer ring relieved and nonseparable MERIF, MERF, MELF=Outer ring relieved, flanged and nonseparable RI, R, L=5DGLDO RIF, RF, LF= Flanged radial RIFW, RFW, LFW=Flanged with nonstandard flange width URI, UR=Double row radial URIF=Double row radial, flanged Inch Series First one or two digits indicate O.D. in 16ths of an inch. The following two or three digits indicate the bore size in a fraction of an inch, the first digit being the numerator and the second or the second and third digits being the denominator. Metric Series First two digits indicate O.D. in PP6HFRQGWZR GLJLWVLQGLFDWH,' in mm. X=IROORZLQJEDVLF VL]H,QGLFDWHV special internal design, assigned in numerical sequence, i.e., X1, X2, etc. Enclosures D=6LQJOHUXEEHU seal DD=Double rubber seal D1=6LQJOH9LWRQ® seal DD1=Double Viton® seal DO 6LQJOH seal on side opposite flange DZ 5XEEHUVHDO and shield H 6LQJOH metallic shield, nonremovable HH=Double metallic shield, nonremovable L=6LQJOHJODVV reinforced PTFE seal LL=Double glass reinforced PTFE seal L(L) BP=Glass reinforced PTFE VHDOVZLWKPHWDO EDFNLQJSODWHV LO=6LQJOHVHDO on side opposite flange LZ=Glass reinforced PTFE seal and shield with seal on flange side Q(Q)=Glass reinforced PTFE VHDOVOLSULGLQJ Q(Q)4=Glass reinforced PTFE VHDOVZLWK protective VKLHOGVOLSULGLQJ S 6LQJOHUXEEHU seal, noncontact SS=Double rubber seal, noncontact Z 6LQJOHPHWDOOLF shield, removable ZL=6KLHOGDQG glass reinforced PTFE seal with shield on flange side ZO=6LQJOHVKLHOG on side opposite flange ZZ=Double metallic shield, removable Extended Inner Ring EE=Both sides E=One side SB=%*® X=Chrome alloy VWHHO used only in combination with TiC-coated EDOOV7 Y=6SHFLDOW\DOOR\ Special Series: RA _ _ _ _=Pulley W\SHDVVHPEOLHV VKDIWDVVHPEOLHV PHFKDQLFDOSDUWV WDSHJXLGHV special bearings Z IROORZHG by letter and QXPEHUV ,QGLFDWHVHQGFDS BG42® is a registered trademark of Latrobe Specialty Steel Company. 66844_Text.indd 14 Special External Dimension A _ _ /DUJHUWKDQ standard O.D. A _ _ _ _ /DUJHU O.D. than standard and special width A 6HPLVWDQGDUG larger width and O.D. bearing B 6SHFLDOERUH tolerance G 6SHFLDO external groove in bearing N /DUJHURU smaller bore than standard W=Wider than standard width Y=Narrower than standard width GROUP 7 GROUP 8 35(0,80 )($785(6 S Duplex DB=Back-to-back configuration DF=Face-to-face configuration DT=Tandem configuration DU 8QLYHUVDO duplex Numbers following letter code indicate mean preload in pounds. ,IQRWIROORZHG by a number, standard preload is applied. MC=Premium ball & race finish for torque sensitive and ultra-high-speed applications Special Design CV 6SHFLDOUDFH curvature SD 6SHFLDO design bearing Viton® is a registered trademark of DuPont. 12 11/16/12 9:45 AM Introduction Part Numbering System GROUP 9 GROUP 10 GROUP 11 GROUP 12 GROUP 13 GROUP 14 GROUP 15 &$*( $%(& 72/(5$1&( ',0(16,21$/ &2',1* 5$',$/ 3/$< 72548( /8%5,&$17 3$&.$*,1* SS SS S SS S SS S H F A5 A7 CXX P25 P13 LO1 LG49 P U CR=5LEERQ37)( coated F=Full ball complement H=Crown, land piloted J=Crown, acetal JM=Full type, acetal JN=Full type, molded acetal KB=Crown, phenolic, paper base KC=Crown, phenolic, linen base KF=Crown, phenolic, linen, nonkeyhole type, outer land piloted KG=Crown, phenolic, paper base, outer land piloted KM=Full type, phenolic, linen base KN=Full type, phenolic, paper base M4=Full type, polymer M5=Crown, polymer PH=PGM Hi-temp R=5LEERQODQG piloted RD=5LEERQEDOO piloted SC=Crown, silver plated polymer SF=Crown, silver plated polymer SL=6OXJ37)( T1=6SHFLDOW\ material TT=Toroids, PTFE A1 $%(& A3 $%(&3 A5 $%(&3 5T A7 $%(&3 7 A9 $%(&3 Note:6HOHFWHG $%(& tolerances are available on all sizes. Please consult factory. C0X=O.D. coding only, .0001 increments CX0=,'FRGLQJ only, .0001 increments CXX=,'DQG O.D. calibration in .0001 increments C04=O.D. coding only, .000050 increments C40=,'FRGLQJ only, .000050 increments C44=,'DQG2' calibration in .000050 increments P=Followed by two, three, or four numbers indicates the radial play limits in ten thousandths of an inch. Example: P25 indicates radial play of .0002” to .0005”. PA _ _ _ =Nominal axial play Example:3$ indicates axial play of .0015 PC _ _ =Nominal contact angle in degrees /XEULFDQWOHWWHU codes are followed by a number to indicate specific type. BC=Following lubricant code indicates barrier coating. LB=Mixture of oil and solvent LD=Dry–no lubrication LF=Dry film LG=Greases LM=Mixture of oil and grease LO=Oils LRD=Temporary lube code LY=Expanded list of oils and greases No Code=Plastic sealed vial B=,QGLYLGXDO boxes E ,QGLYLGXDOSDFN SHU0,/% K=Kraft foil package KB=Kraft bag and box P=Pill pack PB=Pill pack and box U 8QLWSDFN UB 8QLWSDFN and box $PLQLDWXUH and instrument bearings of both the metric and inch configurations meet the tolerances of $%0$6WDQGDUG IRU$%(& metric series bearings. RT=Followed by a number indicates maximum running torque in hundreds of mg-mm. Example:57 indicates a maximum running torque of 1,500 mg-mm. T=Followed by a number indicates maximum starting torque in hundreds of mg-mm. Example: T15 indicates a maximum starting torque of 1,500 mg-mm. Grease Plate Code IROORZVOXEULFDQW FRGH GPL /LJKW GPM=Medium GPH=Heavy IMPORTANT NOTE: The NHBB numbering system identifies ball bearing size and design. This system is not a guide to create a customized ball bearing. Please use the numbering system to decipher the basic bearing numbers listed in this catalog, or to define a number given to you by a representative of NHBB. Please consult a member of the NHBB sales or engineering staff to help you design a new bearing or to interchange another manufacturer’s part number. 13 66844_Text.indd 15 11/16/12 9:45 AM 66844_Text.indd 16 14 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Contents 16 Radial, Open, Unflanged 17 Radial, Open, Flanged 18 Radial, Shielded, Unflanged 19 Radial, Shielded, Flanged 20 Full Ball Complement, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 21 Full Ball Complement, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged 22 Extended Inner Ring, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 23 Extended Inner Ring, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged 24 Modified Dimension, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 25 Modified Dimension, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged 15 66844_Text.indd 17 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Radial, Open, Unflanged r r r r Lo Ribbon Cage CAGE TYPE Crown Cage B BORE d * BASIC P/N RIBBON CROWN Lo d Li D O.D. D INCH (mm)◊ INCH WIDTH B (mm)9 LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) INCH (mm)◊ Li Lo d Li D B FILLET RADIUS r BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. NO. Z DYN. C STATIC Co SIZE Db BRG. WT. GMS. ▼ 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, + + + + + .0400 .0469 .0550 .0781 .0937 1.016 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2500 .1875 6.350 .0469 .0625 .0781 .0937 .0625 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 5 5 5 5 + + + .0937 .0937 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1875 .3125 .2500 .2500 .3125 6.350 6.350 .0625 .1094 .0937 .0937 .1094 665, 665 665$ 665, 665, 5 5 5 5 + + + + .1250 .1250 .1250 .1562 .1562 .3750 .1094 .3750 .1562 .5000 .1719 .3125 .1094 .3125 .1094 665, 665, 665, 665 665, 5 5 5 + + + + .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .2500 6.350 .3125 .1094 .3125 .1094 .3750 .1250 .5000 .1562 .3750 .1250 665, 665 665, 665, 665, 5 5 5 5 5 + + + .2500 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3750 6.350 6.350 6.350 .5000 .6250 .7500 .5000 .6250 .1250 .1960 .2188 .1562 .1562 665, 665, 665, 665, 665,♦ 665,♦ 5 5 5 5 .3750 .5000 .5000 .6250 .7500 .8750 22.225 .8750 .8750 1.1250 1.3750 1.6250 1.8750 22.225 22.225 .2188 .2188 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3750 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Open bearings may or may not have shield grooves (detail not shown in the above drawings). Consult the factory for reference information regarding the shield recess diameter. 66844_Text.indd 18 Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available * “R” as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. ** Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ♦ Limited retainer options available. Please consult with factory. ▼ Bearing weights are for reference only. 16 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Radial, Open, Flanged r r r r D Li d Lo Df D Li d Ribbon Cage Lo D f Crown Cage Bf Bf B CAGE TYPE BORE d * BASIC P/N RIBBON CROWN B O.D. D WIDTH B INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ FLANGE FLANGE DIA. WIDTH Df Bf LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r BALL COMPLEMENT NO. Z SIZE Db LOAD RATINGS** LB. DYN. C STATIC Co BRG. WT. GMS. ▼ 665,) 665,) 665,) 665,) 665,) + + + + + .0400 .0469 .0550 .0781 .0937 1.016 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2500 .1875 6.350 .0469 .0625 .0781 .0937 .0625 665,) 665,) 665,) 665,) 665,) 5 5 5 5 + + + .0937 .0937 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1875 .3125 .2500 .2500 .3125 6.350 6.350 .0625 .1094 .0937 .0937 .1094 665,) 665) 665,) 665,) 665,) 5 5 5 + + + + .1250 .1250 .1562 .1562 .1875 .3750 .3750 .3125 .3125 .3125 .1094 .1562 .1094 .1094 .1094 665,) 665,) 665) 665,) 665,) 5 5 5 5 + + + + .1875 .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 6.350 6.350 .3125 .3750 .5000 .3750 .5000 .1094 .1250 .1562 .1250 .1250 665) 665,) 665,) 665,) 5 5 5 5 + .2500 .3125 .3750 .5000 6.350 .6250 .5000 .8750 1.1250 22.225 .1960 .1562 .2812 .2500 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Open bearings may or may not have shield grooves (detail not shown in the above drawings). Consult the factory for reference information regarding the shield recess diameter. Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available * “R” as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** ▼ Bearing weights are for reference only. 17 66844_Text.indd 19 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Radial, Shielded, Unflanged r r r Shielded Ribbon Cage CAGE TYPE Shielded Crown Cage RIBBON CROWN WIDTH B O.D. D INCH (mm) ◊ INCH 1 SHIELD (mm) ◊ d Li D Lo B BORE d * BASIC P/N r d Li D Lo 2 SHIELDS INCH (mm) ◊ INCH (mm) ◊ LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r BALL COMPLEMENT NO. Z SIZE Db B LOAD RATINGS** LB. DYN. C STATIC Co BRG. WT. GMS. ▼ 665,== 665,== 665,== 665,== 665,== 5 + + + + .0469 .0550 .0781 .0937 .0937 .1562 .1875 .2500 .1875 .1875 6.350 .0937 .0937 .1094 .0937 .0937 .0937 .1094 .1406 .0937 .0937 665,== 665,== 665,== 665,== 665,== 5 5 5 5 + + + + .0937 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .3125 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3750 6.350 6.350 .1094 .0937 .0937 .1094 .1094 .1406 .1094 .1094 .1406 .1406 665== 665==$ 665,== 665,== 665,== 5 5 5 5 + + + .1250 .1250 .1250 .1562 .1562 .3750 .1562 .5000 .1719 .7500 .1250 .3125 .1094 .3125 .1094 .1562 .1719 .1250 .1250 .1250 665,== 665,== 665,== 665== 665,== 5 5 5 + + + + .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .2500 6.350 .3125 .1094 .3125 .1094 .3750 .1250 .5000 .1960 .3750 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1960 .1250 665,== 665== 665,== 665,== 665,== 5 5 5 5 5 + + .2500 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3750 6.350 6.350 6.350 .5000 .6250 .7500 .5000 .6250 .1875 .1960 .2812 .1562 .1562 665,== 665,== 665,== 665,== 665,==♦ 665,==♦ 5 5 5 5 .3750 .5000 .5000 .6250 .7500 .8750 22.225 .2812 .2812 22.225 .2812 .2812 .3125 .3125 .3438 .3438 .4375 11.112 .4375 .5000 .5000 .8750 .8750 1.1250 1.3750 1.6250 22.225 1.8750 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. For single shield eliminate one “Z” from the basic part number. 66844_Text.indd 20 .1250 .1960 .2812 .1562 .1562 Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available * “R” as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** ♦ Limited retainer options available. Please consult with factory. ▼ Bearing weights are for reference only. 18 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Radial, Shielded, Flanged r r r r D Li d Lo Df Shielded Ribbon Cage D Li d Shielded Crown Cage Bf Bf B CAGE TYPE BORE d * BASIC P/N RIBBON CROWN Lo Df B WIDTH B 1 or 2 SHIELDS O.D. D INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH FLANGE FLANGE DIA. WIDTH (mm)◊ Df Bf LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r BALL COMPLEMENT NO. Z LOAD RATINGS** LB. SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co BRG. WT. GMS. ▼ 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 5 + + + + .0469 .0550 .0781 .0937 .0937 .1562 .1875 .2500 .1875 .1875 6.350 .0937 .1094 .1406 .0937 .0937 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 5 5 5 5 + + + + .0937 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .3125 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3750 6.350 6.350 .1406 .1094 .1094 .1406 .1406 665)== 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 5 5 5 + + + .1250 .1562 .1562 .1875 .1875 .3750 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3125 .1562 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 665,)== 665)== 665,)== 665,)== 665)== 5 5 5 5 + + + + + .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 .2500 6.350 6.350 6.350 .3750 .5000 .3750 .5000 .6250 .1250 .1960 .1250 .1875 .1960 665,)== 665,)== 665,)== 5 5 5 .3125 .5000 .1562 .3750 .8750 22.225 .2812 .5000 1.1250 .3125 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. For single shield eliminate one “Z” from the basic part number. Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available * “R” as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** ▼ Bearing weights are for reference only. 19 66844_Text.indd 21 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Full Ball Complement, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged r r Lo Unflanged Flanged B BORE d BASIC P/N † d Li D O.D. D WIDTH B INCH (mm)◊ FLANGE DIA. Df 6.000 6.350 .0625 .0781 .0937 .0937 .0625 ŏ ŏ .3125 .2500 .3125 .3750 .3750 6.350 .1094 .0937 .1094 .1094 .1562 6.350 .3125 .3125 .3750 .5000 .3750 .1094 .1094 .1250 .1562 .1250 6.350 6.350 6.350 .5000 .6250 .7500 .5000 .8750 .8750 22.225 22.225 .1250 .1960 .2188 .1562 .2188 .2188 INCH (mm)◊ INCH 665,) 665,) 665,6') 665,) 665,) .0469 .0550 .0781 .0781 .0937 .1562 .1875 .2362 .2500 .1875 665,6') 665,) 665,) 665,) 665) .0937 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 665,) 665,) 665,) 665) 665,) .1562 .1875 .1875 .1875 .2500 665,) 665) 665,) 665,) 665,) 665,) .2500 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3750 .5000 (mm)◊ Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Open bearings may or may not have shield grooves (detail not shown in the above drawings). Consult the factory for reference information regarding the shield recess diameter. 66844_Text.indd 22 FLANGE WIDTH Bf LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ NO. Z SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co † For flanged bearings substitute prefix "SSRIF-" or "SSRF-." ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** 20 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Full Ball Complement, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged r r r Lo r D Li d d Li D Unflanged Shielded Lo D f Flanged Shielded B Bf B BORE d O.D. D WIDTH B INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ FLANGE DIA. Df 665,==) 665,==) 665,==) 665,==) 665,==) .0469 .0550 .0781 .0937 .0937 .1562 .1875 .2500 .1875 .3125 6.350 .0937 .1094 .1406 .0937 .1406 665,==) 665,==) 665,==) 665==) 665,==) .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1562 .2500 .3125 .3750 .3750 .3125 6.350 .1094 .1406 .1406 .1562 .1250 665,==) 665,==) 665==) 665,==) 665,==) .1875 .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 6.350 6.350 .3125 .3750 .5000 .3750 .5000 .1250 .1250 .1960 .1250 .1875 665==) 665,==) 665,==) 665,==) 665,==) .2500 .2500 .3125 .3750 .5000 6.350 6.350 .6250 .7500 .5000 .8750 .8750 22.225 22.225 .1960 .2812 .1562 .2812 .2812 BASIC P/N † Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. For single shield eliminate one “Z” from the basic part number. LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. NO. Z SIZE Db DYN. C Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ STATIC Co † For flanged bearings substitute prefix "SSRIF-" or "SSRF-." ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** 21 66844_Text.indd 23 FLANGE WIDTH Bf 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Extended Inner Ring, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged r r r r Unflanged Ribbon Cage BASIC P/N † INNER WIDTH Bi OUTER WIDTH Bo FLANGE FLANGE DIA. WIDTH (mm)◊ Df Bf LOAD RATINGS** LB. NO. Z DYN. C STATIC Co Lo (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( + + + + + .0400 .0469 .0550 .0781 .0937 1.016 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2500 .1875 6.350 .0781 .0937 .1094 .1250 .0937 .0469 .0625 .0781 .0937 .0625 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 5 5+ + 5 5+ .0937 .0937 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1875 .3125 .2500 .2500 .3125 6.350 6.350 .0937 .1406 .1250 .1250 .1406 .0625 .1094 .0937 .0937 .1094 665,(( 665(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 5+ 5+ + 5 + .1250 .1250 .1562 .1562 .1875 .3750 .3750 .3125 .3125 .3125 .1406 .1875 .1406 .1406 .1406 .1094 .1562 .1094 .1094 .1094 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 5 5+ + 5+ 5 .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 .3125 6.350 6.350 .3125 .1406 .3750 .1562 .3750 .1562 .5000 .1562 .5000 .1875 .1094 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1562 66844_Text.indd 24 BALL COMPLEMENT Li INCH LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) FILLET RADIUS r * 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Open bearings may or may not have shield grooves (detail not shown in the above drawings). Consult the factory for reference information regarding the shield recess diameter. Bf Bo Bi O.D. D Notes: Lo Df Flanged Ribbon Cage Bo Bi BORE d CAGE TYPE D Li d d Li D Lo SIZE Db † For flanged bearings substitute prefix "SSRIF-" or "SSRF-." “R” Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. * ** 22 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Extended Inner Ring, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged r r r Lo Unflanged Shielded Ribbon Cage BASIC P/N † CAGE TYPE r d Li D D Li d Flanged Shielded Ribbon Cage Bo Bi BORE d O.D. D INNER WIDTH Bi OUTER WIDTH Bo FLANGE FLANGE DIA. WIDTH (mm)◊ Df Bf (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH + + + + 5 .0469 .0550 .0781 .0937 .0937 .1562 .1875 .2500 .1875 .1875 6.350 .1250 .1406 .1719 .1250 .1250 .0937 .1094 .1406 .0937 .0937 5+ + 5 5+ 5+ .0937 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .3125 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3750 6.350 6.350 .1719 .1406 .1406 .1719 .1719 .1406 .1094 .1094 .1406 .1406 665==(( 5+ .1250 .3750 665,==(( + .1562 .3125 665,==(( 5 .1562 .3125 665,==(( + .1875 .3125 665,==(( 5 .1875 .3125 .1875 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 665,==(( 665==(( 665,==(( 665,==(( 665==(( 665,==(( .1562 .2272 .1562 .2188 .2260 .1875 .1250 .1960 .1250 .1875 .1960 .1562 6.350 6.350 6.350 .3750 .5000 .3750 .5000 .6250 .5000 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. For single shield eliminate one “Z” from the basic part number. NO. Z SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co † For flanged bearings substitute prefix "SSRIF-" or "SSRF-." “R” Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. * ** 23 66844_Text.indd 25 LOAD RATINGS** LB. Lo INCH .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 .2500 .3125 BALL COMPLEMENT Li (mm)◊ 5+ 5+ + 5+ 5+ 5 LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) FILLET RADIUS r INCH 665,==(( 665,==(( 665,==(( 665,==(( 665,==(( Bf Bo Bi * 665,==(( 665,==(( 665,==(( 665,==(( 665,==(( Lo Df 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Modified Dimension, Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged r r r r Lo D Li d d Li D Unflanged Ribbon Cage Lo Df Flanged Crown Cage B BASIC P/N BORE d CAGE TYPE * Bf B O.D. D INCH (mm)◊ INCH 665,)▲ H 665,)6'▲ 5 665,)6'▲ 5 665,10& .&0 665,$ + .0400 .0781 .0781 .0925 .0937 1.016 2.350 .1250 .1875 .2500 .1875 .3125 665,$ 665,$1 665,$1 665,$ 665,1 5 + 5 + + .0937 .0937 .0937 .0937 .0947 665,1 665, 665,< 665,):▲ 665,)<&9 5 5+ + 5+ 5 .0947 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 665,$ 665,)6'▲ 665,)$ 665,$ 665,$ + H 5+ + 5+ 665,)$▲ 665,)$▲ 665;//: 665,< 665,);▲ 665,< 665,)6'▲ WIDTH B LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. NO. Z SIZE Db DYN. C Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .0650 .1094 .1094 .1094 .1094 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1094 .1094 .3125 .1094 .1250 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 22.225 .1250 .2188 ŏ ŏ (mm)◊ FLANGE FLANGE DIA. WIDTH Df Bf INCH (mm)◊ 6.350 .0469 .0625 .0625 .0625 .0625 ŏ ŏ .3125 .4250 .4250 .4500 .2500 6.350 .0625 .0937 .0937 .1094 .0937 .2500 .2188 .2500 .3125 .3125 6.350 6.350 .0937 .0937 .0625 .1094 .0937 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .3750 .3750 .4100 .4500 .5000 H 5 5 + 5 .1562 .1562 .1875 .2500 .2500 6.350 6.350 .4100 .4100 .5000 .3750 .5000 5 5 .3750 .3750 .6250 .8750 STATIC Co Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Open bearings may or may not have shield grooves (detail not shown in the above drawings). Consult the factory for reference information regarding the shield recess diameter. 66844_Text.indd 26 “R” Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability unless already noted. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. ▲ Available only as flanged type. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. 24 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Modified Dimension, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged r r d Li D Lo Unflanged Shielded Ribbon Cage r D Li d r Lo Df Flanged Shielded Crown Cage B Bf B BORE d WIDTH B O.D. D BALL LOAD RATINGS** LAND DIAMETER FILLET COMPLEMENT LB. (REFERENCE) RADIUS NO. SIZE DYN. STATIC Li Lo r Z Db C Co BASIC P/N CAGE TYPE * INCH (mm)◊ INCH 665,==$ 665,)==6'▲ 665,==< 665,=1 665,=1 + 5 + + 5 .0469 .0781 .0781 .0800 .0902 2.032 .1875 .2500 .2500 .2500 .3125 ŏ ŏ .0937 6.350 — — .0937 6.350 — — .1094 6.350 .1094 ŏ ŏ .1094 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 665,==10& .&0 .0932 .1875 665,=1 + .0937 .2500 665,==1 + .0937 .2500 665,=1 5 .0937 .2500 665,==1 5 .0937 .2500 ŏ ŏ .0937 6.350 .0937 ŏ ŏ 6.350 — — .1094 6.350 .0937 ŏ ŏ 6.350 — — .1094 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ — .0937 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 6.350 — — .0937 6.350 .1094 ŏ ŏ 6.350 .1094 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1094 .0937 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 665,==<1 665,=6' 665,=$ 665,=$ 665,=$1 665,==< 665,=: 665,=: 665,==< 665,=$ 665,==$ 665,==< 665,)=6'▲ 665,=$ 665,=$ 665,=$ 665,=$ 665,==$ 665,=$ 665,==$ 665,=$ 665,=$ 665,==$ 665,==$ 665==$ 1 SHIELD (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ FLANGE DIA. (mm)◊ Df 2 SHIELDS INCH FLANGE WIDTH Bf 5 5 5 5 5+ .0937 .0937 .0937 .0937 .0937 .2500 6.350 — .2750 .0625 .2883 .0625 .4100 .1094 .4100 .1094 5 + 5 5 5 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .2500 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3750 5 5+ 5 + 5 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .3750 ŏ ŏ .0937 .3750 ŏ ŏ .1094 .3750 .1406 ŏ ŏ .4100 .0937 ŏ ŏ .4100 .0937 ŏ ŏ 5 + + 5 5 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .4100 .4250 .4250 .4250 .4250 .1094 ŏ ŏ .0937 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1094 .0937 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1094 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 5+ 5 5 5 5+ .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .4250 .4375 .4375 .5000 .5000 .1094 ŏ ŏ 11.113 .0937 ŏ ŏ 11.113 — — .0937 ŏ ŏ .1094 ŏ ŏ .1562 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. “R” Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability unless already noted. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. ▲ Available only as flanged type. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. 25 66844_Text.indd 27 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Modified Dimension, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged (continued) r r d Li D Lo Unflanged Shielded Ribbon Cage r D Li d r Lo Df Flanged Shielded Crown Cage B Bf B BASIC P/N CAGE TYPE BORE d WIDTH B O.D. D 1 SHIELD * INCH (mm)◊ INCH 665,=6' 665,)=6'▲ 665,==6' 665,==6' 665==6' 5+ H 5 + + .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1562 .5000 .5000 .5769 .7500 .3750 .1250 .1250 ŏ ŏ ŏ 665,==6' 665==6' 665,;= 665,;==< 665,);==▲ 5 5+ 5 5 5 .1567 .1567 .1875 .1875 .1875 .3750 .3750 .3125 .3125 .3125 ŏ ŏ .1094 ŏ ŏ 665,;==$ 665,;=< 665,;=< 665,=$ 665,=$ 5 + 5 + 5 .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .3750 ŏ .3750 .1094 .3750 .1094 .4100 .1094 .4100 .1094 665,==$ 665,=$ 665,==$ 665,;==$ 665,=$ + 5 5 5 5 .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .4250 .4250 .4250 .4375 .4600 665,=$ 665,==$ 665,==$ 665,==$ 665,)==$ 5 + 5 5+ 5+ .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 665==< 665,)=6'▲ 665==$ 665==$ 665==$ 5 H 5+ 5+ 5+ .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 .1875 665==$ 665==$ 665==: 665,==$ 665,=$ 5+ 5 5+ + + .1875 .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ FLANGE 2 SHIELDS DIA. INCH (mm)◊ Df FLANGE WIDTH Bf BALL LOAD RATINGS** LAND DIAMETER FILLET COMPLEMENT LB. (REFERENCE) RADIUS NO. SIZE DYN. STATIC Li Lo r Z Db C Co ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1250 ŏ .1250 ŏ .1562 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1094 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1094 ŏ 11.113 — .1094 ŏ .1250 ŏ ŏ ŏ .1250 — .1094 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .5000 .1094 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1250 .1250 .1562 .1562 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .5000 .5000 .6250 .7435 .7500 ŏ .1250 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1562 ŏ .1960 .1960 .1960 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 6.350 6.350 .7717 .8750 .5000 .4375 .5000 ŏ 22.225 — ŏ 11.113 — .1094 ŏ — ŏ — .1960 .1960 .3125 .1250 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1250 .1562 ŏ .1094 .1250 ŏ Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 66844_Text.indd 28 “R” Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. ▲ Available only as flanged type. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. 26 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Inch Series Modified Dimension, Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged (continued) r r d Li D Lo Unflanged Shielded Ribbon Cage r D Li d r Lo Df Flanged Shielded Crown Cage B Bf B BASIC P/N CAGE TYPE BORE d O.D. D WIDTH B 1 SHIELD FLANGE DIA. (mm)◊ Df 2 SHIELDS FLANGE WIDTH Bf BALL LOAD RATINGS** LAND DIAMETER FILLET COMPLEMENT LB. (REFERENCE) RADIUS NO. SIZE DYN. STATIC Li Lo r Z Db C Co * INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH 5 5 5+ 5 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 6.350 6.350 6.350 6.350 .5000 .5000 .7500 .8685 22.060 ŏ ŏ ŏ — ŏ ŏ ŏ — .1562 .1562 .1960 .1960 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 665==$ 665==6' 665==6' 665==: 5 5 5 5 .2500 .2500 .2500 6.350 1.0415 6.350 .6250 6.350 .7050 7.000 22.000 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1960 .3120 .1960 10.312 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 665,==$ 665==: 665==: 665,==$ 5 5 5 5 .3125 .3750 .6250 8.000 8.000 1.0000 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .1562 .2812 10.312 12.000 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 665,==6' 665,)==6' 665==$ 665==$ 22.000 22.000 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. “R” Ribbon or “H” Crown cages are available as indicated. Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. 27 66844_Text.indd 29 11/16/12 9:45 AM 66844_Text.indd 30 28 11/16/12 9:45 AM Custom Specialty Contents 30 Angular Contact, Full Ball Complement 31 Angular Contact 32 Radial 29 66844_Text.indd 31 11/16/12 9:45 AM Custom Specialty Angular Contact, Full Ball Complement (limited speed capability) r r r Li Inner Ring Relieved d Outer Ring Relieved B BORE d BASIC P/N r Lo Lo D O.D. D LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) WIDTH B INCH (mm) INCH (mm) INCH (mm) Li Lo d Li D B FILLET RADIUS r BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. NO. Z SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co 660'5==) 660(5) 660'5==) 660(56') .1250 .1250 .1875 .1875 .3750 .3750 .5000 .5000 .1562 .1562 .1960 .1562 660'5==) 660'5,;==) 660'5==6') 660'5==6') 660'5==6') .2500 .2500 6.000 6.350 6.350 7.000 8.000 .5000 .6250 19.000 22.000 22.000 .2362 .1875 .1960 6.000 7.000 7.000 660'5,==) 660'5==) 660'5,==) 660(5,6') .3750 .5000 .8750 10.000 22.225 .8750 1.0236 .7500 1.1250 22.225 26.000 .2812 .3150 .1562 .1562 8.000 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 3. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 4. Metric/inch conversions are given for reference only. 66844_Text.indd 32 **Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. 30 11/16/12 9:45 AM Custom Specialty Angular Contact r r Lo Inner Ring Relieved Outer Ring Relieved BORE d INCH .10 0 0 .1 .1 660(56' 0(5 660(56' 660'5=6' 660(56' O.D. D INCH (mm) .1250 .1250 .1250 .1875 2.000 .2362 .2500 .2500 .3750 .5000 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1875 .2500 .2500 6.000 6.350 6.350 8.000 660(5, 660(5, 0(5 0(5 660'5 .0 .0 .9 .0 .9 .3750 .3750 660(5,6' 660(5,6' 660(5,6' .0 .0 .9 .6250 .7500 .8750 660'50& '60'5,; '60'5,=:20&■ 660%5 0(56' LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) WIDTH B (mm) 6 r Li Li D B CAGE TYPE * BASIC P/N d r Li d Lo D B BALL COMPLEMENT Lo FILLET RADIUS r NO. Z LOAD RATINGS** LB. SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co INCH (mm) 6.000 6.350 6.350 .0937 .1094 .1562 .1562 2.301 .5000 .6250 .6250 19.000 22.000 .1562 .2362 .1960 .1960 6.000 7.000 10.000 10.000 12.000 .6250 .8750 1.0236 22.225 22.000 26.000 24.000 .1562 .2188 .2362 .3150 .2362 6.000 8.000 6.000 22.225 .8750 1.0000 1.1250 22.225 .1562 .1562 .1562 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 3. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 4. Metric/inch conversions are given for reference only. consult with factory for machined * Please cage options. ■ Also available in flanged version. Please consult with factory. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** CUSTOM SPECIALTY BEARINGS have been developed for applications that require precise running accuracy and high speed capability, with the option of autoclavability. The machined Torlon® cage, designated as retainer option (M4, M5), is proven to withstand repeated autoclaving. This machined Torlon® retainer also has the option of a patented silver coating, which extends operational life in marginally lubricated applications and provides an added benefit with the antimicrobial properties of the silver coating. 500,000 rpm). The design of these bearings incorporates the advantage of ultra-precision tolerances, a geometrically balanced design, super finished raceways, improved ball grade and a variety of retainer options. The standard cage options are noted by chassis size, although there are numerous other materials available that can be used to optimize performance specific to your unique application. All of the sizes listed represent current production sizes, although almost any part can be designed to take advantage of the operating characteristics of our Custom Specialty Bearings. These bearings are widely used in critical dental/medical applications, although they are ideally suited for any high speed application (up to Torlon® is a registered trademark of Solvay Advanced Polymers, L.L.C. 31 66844_Text.indd 33 11/16/12 9:45 AM Custom Specialty Radial r r r Lo Open Machined Crown Cage d Shielded Machined Crown Cage B BORE d O.D. D CAGE TYPE * INCH (mm) 665,10& 66/6'% 665,==6'0& 665,0&■ 665,;==0&■ 0 0 0 .&0 .&06& .0925 .0927 .0937 .0937 .0937 2.350 2.355 .1875 .1969 .1250 .1875 .1875 66/0& 66/;==0& '65,;0&■ ◗ 665,;:20& '65,;=0&◗ 0 0 .&0 0 .&0 .1250 .1250 .1250 3.000 3.000 665,;=:2■ 665,;==0&■ 665,0&■ 665,;=:20& 665,;==0&■ .&0 .&0 KC .&0 .&06& .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 665,;==0& 665;==0&■ 665==$0& 665,==0& 66/0& 0 .%0 0 .&0 .&0 66/0& 66/==0& 665,:20&■ 665,==0&■ 665,;0&■ BASIC P/N 665,;==0&■ 665;==0&■ 66/==0& 665,==0& 665,==0&■ 665==0&■ 665;==0&■ 66/;==0& 66/ 66/==0& 66/==:0& r Lo Li D LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) WIDTH B INCH (mm) Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r 5.000 .0625 .0591 .1406 .0625 .0937 ŏ .2500 .2500 .2500 7.000 7.000 6.350 6.350 6.350 .0937 .1094 .0937 2.000 3.000 .2500 .2500 .3125 .3125 .3125 6.350 6.350 .1094 .1094 .1094 .1406 .1406 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1562 4.000 .3750 .3750 .5000 .3125 7.000 .1406 .1562 .1719 .1250 2.000 0 0 M5 .&0 M5 .1875 .1875 .1875 4.000 4.000 .3125 .3125 .3750 9.000 9.000 .1250 .1250 .1250 .%.&0 .&0 0 .&06& .&0 .1875 .1875 .2500 .2500 5.000 6.350 6.350 .3750 .5000 .3750 .5000 11.000 .&0 .&0 0 .& 0 .& .2500 .2500 6.350 6.350 7.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 .6250 .6250 13.000 16.000 16.000 16.000 INCH (mm) Li D B BALL COMPLEMENT NO. Z d LOAD RATINGS** LB. SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co 2.500 4.000 .1250 .1960 .1250 .1875 5.000 .1960 .1960 .2362 4.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Metric/inch conversions are given for reference only. 66844_Text.indd 34 consult with factory for machined * Please cage options. ■ Also available in flanged version. Please consult with factory. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ◗ D=Ring material made of 400 series martensitic stainless steel. ** 32 11/16/12 9:45 AM Custom Specialty Radial r r r Lo Open Machined Crown Cage BASIC P/N CAGE TYPE * d Shielded Machined Crown Cage B BORE d r Lo Li D O.D. D LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) WIDTH B INCH (mm) INCH (mm) INCH (mm) Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r d Li D B BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. NO. Z SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co 665,0&■ 665,==6'0& 66/==:0& 6650& 665==:0& M5 .&0 .&0 .&0 .&0 .3125 .3125 8.000 8.000 8.000 .5000 .5000 16.000 22.000 22.000 .1562 .1562 .2362 6.000 7.000 10.312 665,;== 665,;==6' 665,==:0& 665,0&■ 665,==0&■ .&0 .&0 .& .&0 .&0 .3750 .3750 .3750 .3750 .3750 .6250 .6250 .6250 .8750 .8750 22.225 22.225 .1562 .1550 .1960 .2188 .2812 665,;==0& 665,==:0& 665,;== 665,==:0& 665,;== 665,==: .&0 .& .& .& .& .& .5000 .5000 .6250 .6250 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7500 .8750 .8750 1.0000 1.0000 22.225 22.225 .1562 .1960 .1562 .1960 .1562 .1960 Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Metric/inch conversions are given for reference only. consult with factory for machined * Please cage options. ■ Also available in flanged version. Please consult with factory. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** CUSTOM SPECIALTY BEARINGS have been developed for applications that require precise running accuracy and high speed capability, with the option of autoclavability. The machined Torlon® cage, designated as retainer option (M4, M5), is proven to withstand repeated autoclaving. This machined Torlon® retainer also has the option of a patented silver coating, which extends operational life in marginally lubricated applications and provides an added benefit with the antimicrobial properties of the silver coating. 500,000 rpm). The design of these bearings incorporates the advantage of ultra-precision tolerances, a geometrically balanced design, super finished raceways, improved ball grade and a variety of retainer options. The standard cage options are noted by chassis size, although there are numerous other materials available that can be used to optimize performance specific to your unique application. All of the sizes listed represent current production sizes, although almost any part can be designed to take advantage of the operating characteristics of our Custom Specialty Bearings. These bearings are widely used in critical dental/medical applications, although they are ideally suited for any high speed application (up to Torlon® is a registered trademark of Solvay Advanced Polymers, L.L.C. 33 66844_Text.indd 35 11/16/12 9:45 AM 66844_Text.indd 36 34 11/16/12 9:45 AM Torque Tube and Thinex Contents 36 Torque Tube, Standard Width 37 Torque Tube, Extended Inner Ring 38 Thinex 35 66844_Text.indd 37 11/16/12 9:45 AM Torque Tube and Thinex Torque Tube, Standard Width r r r Lo r d Li D Open Phenolic Crown Cage BASIC P/N Li D Shielded Phenolic Crown Cage B B BORE d O.D. D WIDTH B LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ Li Lo FILLET RADIUS r CAGE TYPE d Lo BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. NO. Z SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co BRG. WT. GMS. ▼ 665, 665, 665, 665, 5 .& 5.& 5.& .6250 .6250 .7500 .8750 22.225 1.0625 1.0625 1.1875 1.3125 30.162 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 665, 665,6' 665, 665,6' 5.& .& 5.& .& 1.0625 1.0625 1.3125 1.3125 1.5000 1.5000 1.7500 1.7500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 5 .& .& .& 1.5625 1.5625 1.8125 2.0625 2.0000 2.0000 2.2500 2.6250 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 665, 665, 665, 665, Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 64 for ABEC 5T and 7T tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Angular contact configurations available (SSMDRI-, SSMERI-). Please consult with factory. 6. Extended inner rings (EE) also available as a production standard. See next page. 66844_Text.indd 38 ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** ▼ Bearing weights are for reference only. 36 11/16/12 9:45 AM Torque Tube and Thinex Torque Tube, Extended Inner Ring r r r r d Li Lo D Lo B BASIC P/N Li D Shielded Phenolic Crown Cage Open Phenolic Crown Cage BORE d CAGE TYPE d B O.D. D INNER WIDTH Bi OUTER WIDTH Bo LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) BALL FILLET COMPLEMENT RADIUS NO. SIZE r Z Db LOAD RATINGS** LB. DYN. C STATIC Co BRG. WT. GMS. ▼ INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ Li Lo 5 .& 5.& 5.& .6250 .6250 .7500 .8750 22.225 1.0625 1.0625 1.1875 1.3125 30.162 .2812 .2812 .2812 .2812 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 665,(( 5.& 665,6'(( .& 665,(( 5.& 665,6'(( .& 1.0625 1.0625 1.3125 1.3125 1.5000 1.5000 1.7500 1.7500 .2812 .2812 .2812 .2812 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 1.5625 1.5625 1.8125 2.0625 2.0000 2.0000 2.2500 2.6250 .2812 .2812 .2812 .2812 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 665,(( 5 .& .& .& Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 64 for ABEC 5T and 7T tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Angular contact configurations available (SSMDRI-, SSMERI-), please consult with factory. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** ▼ Bearing weights are for reference only. 37 66844_Text.indd 39 11/16/12 9:45 AM Torque Tube and Thinex Thinex r r r Lo r d Li D Open Phenolic Crown Cage BASIC P/N 665, *5 Li D Shielded Phenolic Crown Cage B CAGE TYPE d Lo BORE d B WIDTH B O.D. D OPEN INCH (mm)◊ INCH (mm)◊ INCH SHIELDED (mm)◊ LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) INCH (mm)◊ Li FILLET RADIUS r Lo BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. NO. SIZE Z Db DYN. C STATIC C o BRG. WT. GMS.▼ 665, 665, 665, 665,6' 5 5 5 .& .3750 .5000 .6250 .6250 .6250 .7500 .8750 .8750 22.225 22.225 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1562 ŏ ŏ 665, 665,6' 665,6' 665,6' 5 .& + .& .7500 .7500 .8750 .8750 22.225 22.225 1.0000 1.0000 1.1250 1.1250 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1562 .1562 ŏ ŏ .1562 ŏ ŏ 1.0625 1.3125 1.2500 1.5000 .1562 .1562 .1960 .1960 665,♦† 665,♦† Notes: 1. Inch to metric conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 64 for ABEC 5T and 7T tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. Angular contact configurations available (SSMDRI-, SSMERI-). Please consult with factory. 6. Extended inner rings (EE) also available as a production standard. 66844_Text.indd 40 “R” Ribbon cage is available as indicated. *The Please consult with factory for machined cage availability. ◊ Metric dimensions are for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. ** ♦ Limited retainer options available. Please consult with factory. ▼ Bearing weights are for reference only. † Single or double shielded or sealed configuration with specific internal design may be available in the open width. 38 11/16/12 9:45 AM Metric Series Contents 40 Middle Size Metric Series – Radial, Unflanged 41 Miniature Metric L Series – Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 42 Miniature Metric L Series – Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged 43 Miniature Metric R Series – Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged 44 Miniature Metric R Series – Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged 39 66844_Text.indd 41 11/16/12 9:45 AM Middle Size Metric Series Radial, Unflanged r r r r Lo Open Ribbon Cage BASIC P/N d Li D Shielded Ribbon Cage B BORE d CAGE TYPE d Li D Lo O.D. D WIDTH B LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) FILLET RADIUS r B BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS ** LB. SIZE Db DYN. C STATIC Co * mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ Li mm Lo mm mm (INCH) NO. Z 5'.& 5' .( 5' .& 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 22.0 26.0 26.0 30.0 30.0 1.0236 1.0236 6.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 .30 .30 .30 .61 .61 5 .&.( 5' 5' .& 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 24.0 24.0 28.0 32.0 24.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 .30 .30 .30 .61 .30 5' 5' 5' 5' 5'.&.( 15.0 15.0 15.0 17.0 17.0 28.0 32.0 35.0 30.0 35.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 7.0 10.0 .30 .30 .61 .30 .30 665 665 665 665 ✩665 5' 5' 5' 5' .& 17.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 25.0 40.0 37.0 42.0 47.0 37.0 1.6535 12.0 9.0 12.0 14.0 7.0 .61 .30 .61 1.02 .30 665 665 5' 5' 25.0 25.0 42.0 47.0 1.6535 9.0 12.0 .30 .61 ✩ 665 ✩ 665 665; ✩ 665 ✩ 665; ✩ 665 665; ✩ 665 665 ✩665 ✩665 ✩665 ✩665 665 ✩665 ✩ Production standard. Notes: 1. Metric to inch conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. Tolerances per ABMA standard #20. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 66844_Text.indd 42 5. While we have the capability to produce the sizes listed, they are not all currently in production. Please consult with factory for minimum order quantity and quote. 6. Add “Z” for single shield, “ZZ” for two shields, as a suffix to basic part number. Please consult with factory for machined * cage options. ◊ Inch conversions are given for reference only. **Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #9. 40 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Metric L Series Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged r r r r Lo Unflanged Ribbon Cage D Li d d Li D Lo Df Flanged Ribbon Cage B Bf B BORE d CAGE TYPE BASIC P/N † O.D. D WIDTH B FLANGE DIA. Df FLANGE WIDTH Bf LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) FILLET RADIUS r BALL COMPLEMENT * mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ mm mm Li mm Lo mm mm (INCH)◊ NO. Z + H +0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.5 .05 .05 .05 .05 .08 PP PP 66/ ✩66/ ✩66/ ✩66/ 66/ 0 0 .&0 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 .2362 .2362 .3150 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 .08 .08 .10 .08 .10 PP PP ✩66/ 66/ 66/ 66/ 66/ 50 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 9.0 10.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 .3150 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 .10 .15 .08 .10 .15 PP ✩66/ ✩66/ 66/ ✩66/ 66/ 0 +0 .& 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 .2362 .2362 .2362 11.0 10.0 12.0 13.0 11.0 3.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.5 .15 .10 .15 .15 .10 PP PP 66/ ✩66/; 66/ 66/ ✩66/ 50 50 + .&5 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 .3150 .3150 .3150 13.0 14.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 .5512 .5512 3.0 3.5 2.5 3.5 4.0 .15 .15 .10 .15 .20 66/ 66/ ✩66/ ✩66/; 5 .& 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 17.0 20.0 19.0 19.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 ŏ- ŏ- ŏ- ŏ ŏ — 12.22 16.50 .20 .30 .30 .30 66/ 66/: ✩66/ ✩66/):▲ ✩66/ SIZE Db LOAD RATINGS** LB. Dyn. C STATIC Co ✩ Production standard. Notes: 1. Metric to inch conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. While we have the capability to produce the sizes listed, they are not all currently in production. Please consult with factory for minimum order quantity and quote. * ** 41 66844_Text.indd 43 † For flanged bearing, substitute prefix "SSLF-" when applicable. Please consult with factory for cage availability. ▲ Available only as flanged type. ◊ Inch conversions are given for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Metric L Series Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged r r r r Unflanged Shielded Ribbon Cage D Li d d Li D Lo Lo Df Flanged Shielded Ribbon Cage B Bf B BORE d CAGE TYPE BASIC P/N † O.D. D FLANGE FLANGE DIA. WIDTH Df Bf WIDTH B LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) * mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ mm mm Li mm 66/ 66/ 66/ ✩66/; ✩66/; + 50 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 .2362 .2362 2.3 2.6 2.5 3.0 3.0 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ 66/ 66/ 66/ ✩66/):▲ 66/; 05 05 + 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 .3150 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 66/ 66/ 66/ ✩66/; ✩ 66/ 0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 .2362 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 10.0 .3150 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 ✩66/; 66/ 66/ 66/ ✩66/; +0 .& 50 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 .2362 .2362 .2362 10.0 12.0 13.0 11.0 13.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 .&05 + 5 .&5 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 14.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 16.0 .5512 .5512 5 5.& 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 17.0 20.0 19.0 19.0 ✩66/; 66/ 66/ ✩66/ ✩66/: 66/ 66/ ✩ 66/ ✩ 66/; FILLET RADIUS r BALL COMPLEMENT LOAD RATINGS** LB. Lo mm mm (INCH)◊ NO. Z SIZE Db Dyn. C STATIC Co .08 .08 .08 .10 .10 PP PP PP PP PP .08 .10 .10 .10 .15 ŏ ŏ .08 .10 .15 .15 .10 PP ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .10 .15 .15 .10 .15 PP PP 5.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .15 .10 .15 .20 .20 5.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ .20 .30 .30 .30 ✩ Production standard. Notes: 1. Metric to inch conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 66844_Text.indd 44 5. While we have the capability to produce the sizes listed, they are not all currently in production. Please consult with factory for minimum order quantity and quote. 6. Add “Z” for single shield, “ZZ” for two shields, as a suffix to basic part number before “Y” or “W” width variations. † For flanged bearing, substitute prefix "SSLF-" when applicable. Please consult with factory for cage availability. ▲ Available only as flanged type. ◊ Inch conversions are given for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. * ** 42 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Metric R Series Radial, Open, Unflanged and Flanged r r r r Lo Unflanged Ribbon Cage D Li d d Li D Lo Df Flanged Ribbon Cage B Bf B CAGE TYPE BASIC P/N † BORE d O.D. D FLANGE FLANGE DIA. WIDTH Df Bf WIDTH B Lo mm mm (INCH)◊ NO. Z SIZE Db .10 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 .15 .20 .20 .30 .20 .5512 5.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 19.0 19.0 22.0 22.0 26.0 1.0236 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ 1.2 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 .2362 .2362 1.8 2.0 2.5 2.3 2.8 .&05 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 .3150 .3150 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.0 4.0 ✩ 665; 665 665 ✩ 665; ✩ 665 5 5 5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 16.0 13.0 ✩ ✩ 5 5 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 .2362 .2362 14.0 16.0 19.0 15.0 17.0 .&05 5 .&5 .&05 5 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 .2362 .3150 ✩ 665 665 665 665 665; 665 665; 665 665 665 ✩ 665 ✩ 665 ✩ 665 ✩ 665 ✩ 665 BALL COMPLEMENT Li mm mm 665 665 665 665 665 FILLET RADIUS r mm * LAND DIAMETER (REFERENCE) mm LOAD RATINGS** LB. Dyn. C STATIC Co PP PP PP PP .20 .30 .30 .15 .20 PP .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 ✩ Production standard. Notes: 1. Metric to inch conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 5. While we have the capability to produce the sizes listed, they are not all currently in production. Please consult with factory for minimum order quantity and quote. * ** 43 66844_Text.indd 45 † For flanged bearing, substitute prefix "SSRF-" when applicable. Please consult with factory for cage availability. ◊ Inch conversions are given for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. 11/16/12 9:45 AM Miniature Metric R Series Radial, Shielded, Unflanged and Flanged r r r Unflanged Shielded Ribbon Cage r d Li D Lo D Li d Lo Df Flanged Shielded Ribbon Cage B Bf B CAGE TYPE BASIC P/N † BORE d O.D. D WIDTH B FLANGE FLANGE LAND DIAMETER DIA. WIDTH (REFERENCE) Df Bf Li Lo mm mm mm mm LOAD RATINGS** LB. (INCH)◊ NO. Z SIZE Db .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 PP PP .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 ŏ .15 .20 .30 .20 .20 PP .30 .20 .20 .30 .30 PP .15 .20 .30 .30 .30 PP ŏ ŏ .30 .30 .30 mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ mm (INCH)◊ 665 665 665 ✩ 665< 665 + 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 .2362 .2362 .2362 2.6 3.0 3.0 2.3 3.5 ŏ ŏ 665 665 ✩ 665; 665< 665 +0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 .3150 .3150 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 ✩ 665 665 ✩ 665; 665 665 .&05 5 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 ŏ ✩ 665; ✩ 665 665 ✩ 665; ✩ 665 5 5 5 5 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 16.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 .5512 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 .&05 5 .&5 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 .2362 .2362 .2362 15.0 17.0 19.0 19.0 22.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 5 .&05 5 8.0 8.0 9.0 .3150 .3150 19.0 22.0 26.0 1.0236 6.0 7.0 8.0 ✩ 665; ✩ 665 ✩ 665 BALL COMPLEMENT mm * 665 665 ✩ 665 ✩ 665 ✩ 665 FILLET RADIUS r Dyn. C STATIC Co ✩ Production standard. Notes: 1. Metric to inch conversion—see page 68. 2. Basic part numbers shown above include code “SS” for AISI 440C stainless steel. If SAE 52100 chrome alloy steel is desired, delete "SS." 3. See page 63 for ABEC tolerances. 4. r=Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that bearing corners will clear. 66844_Text.indd 46 5. While we have the capability to produce the sizes listed, they are not all currently in production. Please consult with factory for minimum order quantity and quote. 6. Add “Z” for single shield, “ZZ” for two shields, as a suffix to basic part number before “Y” or “W” width variations. † For flanged bearing substitute prefix "SSRF-" when applicable. Please consult with factory for cage availability. ◊ Inch conversions are given for reference only. Load ratings are based on ABMA Standard #12. * ** 44 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Contents The information contained in this section is provided to assist you with selecting the proper ball bearing product for your application. Early involvement of NHBB applications engineering is recommended to assure that the product chosen meets your critical requirements for performance, life, and cost. 46 Engineering Services 47 Materials 49 Cages 52 Seals and Shields 53 Internal Bearing Geometry 55 Lubrication 57 Preload and Duplex Ball Bearings 58 Load Ratings and Bearing Life 61 Mounting and Coding 62 Recommended Fits 63 Tolerances 65 Torque 65 Post Service Analysis 66 Interchange Chart 68 Metric Conversion Table 69 Temperature Conversion Table 45 66844_Text.indd 47 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Engineering Services Computer Design and Analysis NHBB utilizes computerized design capabilities to examine and analyze complex ball bearing applications. These capabilities ensure that the ultraprecision ball bearing you select will meet your specific requirements for performance, life, and cost. Engineering Test Laboratory We maintain a fully equipped engineering test laboratory that enables us to validate the performance characteristics of our ball bearing designs. The lab contains a full complement of commercially available equipment, as well as specialized equipment developed by NHBB and precisely tailored for specific test requirements, such as our patented high speed bearing vibrational analysis system. Anderonmeter, Dynamic Noise and Vibration Tester Materials Laboratory 6WDUWLQJ WRUTXH LV D PHDVXUH RI WKH HIIRUW UHTXLUHG WR LQLWLDWH Our materials laboratory is specifically designed and equipped EHDULQJ URWDWLRQ XQGHU D WKUXVW ORDG ,W FDQ EH D FULWLFDO to perform complex chemical, metallurgical, and visual analysis IDFWRU LQ DSSOLFDWLRQV UHTXLULQJ PXOWLSOH ORZVSHHG VWDUWVWRS of the many component parts in ball bearings. The lab is also movements. used to perform wear and failure studies on customer bearings. 5XQQLQJ WRUTXH LV D PHDVXUH RI WKH HIIRUW UHTXLUHG WR PDLQWDLQ Metallurgical studies are conducted with a metallograph and rotation under a certain load after rotation has been initiated. micro-hardness testers. The metallograph performs micro-struc- NHBB measures running torque values at standard speeds of ture photography at magnifications from 25 to 2,000 times. WRUSPZLWKDSSOLHGWKUXVWORDGVRIRUJUDPV7KH Micro-hardness testers use diamond indentors under loads from test is fully monitored with results permanently recorded onto a 1 to 10,000 grams to test material hardness. More in depth stud- strip chart. This chart may be analyzed for various ball bearing ies of surface topography and material composition are possible characteristics, such as surface finish, contamination, brinelling, ZLWKWKHXVHRIRXURZQVFDQQLQJHOHFWURQPLFURVFRSH6(0 and overall geometry. The test for running torque is time During laboratory wear studies, ball bearings are disassembled consuming and primarily used on a sample basis or for perform- DQG H[DPLQHG XQGHU D ODPLQDU ƃRZ KRRG $OO ƂQGLQJV PD\ ing diagnostic analysis. Both starting and running torque tests be permanently recorded with a 200X photo-microscope for PHHW0,/67'UHTXLUHPHQWV analysis and future reference. 1+%%KDV GHYHORSHG $QGHURQPHWHU œQRLVH UDWLQJVŔ WR DVVXUH the consistent performance of every bearing we manufacture. Functional Tests for Ball Bearings $IWHUDVVHPEO\$QGHURQPHWHUVDUHXVHGWRWHVWIRUEHDULQJQRLVH NHBB has devised a series of rigidly monitored tests that measure and vibration under a controlled load and speed. starting and running torque, as well as vibration or “noise” levels. During testing, a ball bearing is normally mounted with a thrust Please consult NHBB Engineering for recommendations on the load applied. many specialized tests we can perform. 66844_Text.indd 48 46 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Materials Bearing Alloys The performance of any ball bearing depends on the characteristics Extreme operating conditions may require the use of more exotic of the selected alloys and their heat treatment. Choosing a material PDWHULDOVOLNH%*® or nitrogen-enriched steel, which perform with the correct hardness, corrosion resistance, and fatigue life en- superbly at high speeds and while enduring extreme tempera- sures that a bearing will function reliably within the application's WXUHV KHDY\ ORDGV DQG FRUURVLYH FRQGLWLRQV $OWKRXJK FRVW operational and environmental parameters. considerations occasionally override longevity, the expense involved in more frequent bearing replacement often justifies the &VWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGFKURPHVWHHODUHWKHPRVWFRP- higher initial costs of specifying longer lasting specialty metals. mon materials used in precision miniature and instrument ball EHDULQJV$,6,&LVDKDUGHQHGVWDLQOHVVVWHHOVXLWDEOHIRUDQ\ $QRWKHURSWLRQIRUFKDOOHQJLQJRSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUH1+%% V application that requires corrosion resistance at room- to hybrid ceramic ball bearings, which consist of steel rings paired PLGKRW WHPSHUDWXUH UDQJH &KURPH VWHHO 6$( LV XVHG ZLWKFHUDPLFVLOLFRQQLWULGHEDOOV+\EULGEHDULQJVDUHW\SLFDOO\ for specific ball bearing applications where corrosion resistance used in applications involving ultra-high speeds or requiring high LVQRWDPDMRUFRQFHUQ&LVWKHVWDQGDUGFKRLFHIRUDZLGH VWLIIQHVVVHHWKHQH[WSDJHIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ variety of military and commercial applications, as it is the pre- ,QFOXGHGLQWKHFKDUWEHORZDUHVRPHRIWKHPDWHULDOVDYDLODEOH IHUUHGPDWHULDOZLWKWKHEHVWDYDLODELOLW\7KHSURSHUWLHVRI& through NHBB's Precision Division. The chart serves as a good EDOOVFDQDOVREHHQKDQFHGZLWKDWLWDQLXPFDUELGHFRDWLQJDYDLO- starting point for material selection, although a more detailed DELOLW\LVOLPLWHG analysis of the factors involved in a specific application is required $V DQ DOWHUQDWLYH WR & 1+%% RIIHUV '' D VSHFLDOL]HG EHIRUHPDNLQJDƂQDOGHWHUPLQDWLRQ$OOPDWHULDOVOLVWHGKHUHDUH stainless steel material suitable for applications that require heat treated to achieve optimum hardness and dimensional stabil- corrosion resistance and smooth operation. However, the appli- ity. Please contact NHBB to receive help with selecting the right cability of this material is limited because it is imported. material. Material Types MATERIAL SPECIFICATION CONTENTS MELT METHOD ATTRIBUTES ROOM TEMP. HARDNESS (HRC) BALLS RINGS & &U 0.5% Mo &(90 3UHPLXPTXDOLW\ /RZLPSXULW\OHYHO Corrosion resistance 6$( $06 & &U &(90 3UHPLXPTXDOLW\ 9HU\ORZLPSXULW\OHYHO Corrosion resistance '' 1$ & 13% Cr &(90 ,PSRUWPDWHULDO Premium quality Very low impurity level 1$ %*® $06 & &U 0R 1.2% V 9,09$5◊ Premium quality /RZLPSXULW\OHYHO &RUURVLRQUHVLVWDQFH High temperature capabilities 61-65 61-65 1LWURJHQ enriched steel $06 & 15% Cr 1% Mo 1 3(65† 3UHPLXPTXDOLW\ Extreme corrosion resistance /RQJOLIH 1$ $,6,& $06 * Consumable electrode vacuum melted ◊ Vacuum induction melted/vacuum arc remelted † Pressure electroslag remelting ** Material is available in rings only. BG42® is a registered trademark of Latrobe Specialty Steel Company. 47 66844_Text.indd 49 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Materials Alternative Ball Material Performance Benefits CERBEC silicon nitride balls ® (QJLQHHUHG VSHFLƂFDOO\ IRU EHDULQJV &(5%(&® PROPERTIES silicon nitride EDOOVGHOLYHUKLJKO\FRQWUROOHGFRQVLVWHQWJHRPHWU\RIWHQEHWWHU WKDQWROHUDQFHDQGH[WUHPHO\VPRRWKDQGFRQVLVWHQW VXUIDFHƂQLVKPLFURLQFK5D7KHVWLIIQHVVOLJKWZHLJKW and inertness of silicon nitride offer significant bearing perfor- IMPROVEMENT IN BEARING PERFORMANCE /RZHULQWHUQDOIULFWLRQ /RZHULQWHUQDOWHPSHUDWXUH 5HGXFHGFDJHDQGUDFHZD\ZHDU /LJKWHUZHLJKWOLJKWHU than steel /LJKWHURYHUDOOEHDULQJZHLJKW Decreased centrifugal force Decreased gyroscopic movement +LJKHUVWLIIQHVVKLJKHUKDUGQHVV VWLIIHUWKDQVWHHO 5HGXFHGVNLGGLQJ /HVVIULFWLRQ /RZHURSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHV /HVVZHDU 6PRRWKHUVXUIDFHVPRRWKHU WKDQVWHHO 'HFUHDVHGOXEHGHJUDGDWLRQ 1RFROGZHOGLQJDGKHVLYHZHDU /HVVIULFWLRQ /RZHURSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH /HVVZHDU mance advantages, including higher operating speeds, extended bearing life, and expanded design possibilities for unique and demanding bearing applications. Typical Applications Ř6HPLFRQGXFWRUSURFHVVLQJKLJKYDFXXP Ř0HGLFDODQGGHQWDOKDQGSLHFHV Ř7XUERPROHFXODUSXPSV Corrosion resistance Ř)ORZPHWHUV Ř6FDQQHUV Ř0LFURWXUELQHVSRZHUJHQHUDWLRQ Higher maximum temperature: 1000˚C vs. 320˚C for steel Ř$LUFUDIWLQVWUXPHQWDWLRQ /RZHUWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQ Ř0DFKLQHWRROVSLQGOHV Durability in harsh environments /HVVZHDU 5HVLVWVJDOOLQJ Wider operating range /RZHURSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH Specifications MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 6LOLFRQ Nitride &(5%(&® silicon nitride ATTRIBUTES ([WHQGHGOLIHORZHUWRUTXH lighter weight, higher stiffness ROOM TEMP. HARDNESS (HRC) ! Hybrid Ceramic Bearings Radial Hybrid Ceramic Bearing with Phenolic Crown Retailer CERBEC® is a registered trademark of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation. 66844_Text.indd 50 48 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Cages The cage is the ball bearing component that separates and posiWLRQVWKHEDOOVDWHTXDOLQWHUYDOVDURXQGWKHEHDULQJőVUDFHZD\,W is also referred to as the retainer or separator. The two standard cage designs include: Ř 5LEERQWZRSLHFHVWDPSHGDQGFULPSHG$,6, VHULHV&5(6 Ř&URZQRQHSLHFHVWDPSHG$,6,VHULHV&5(6 ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKHVH VWDQGDUG FDJHV 1+%% RIIHUV PDQ\ RWKHU retainer designs to meet specific requirements. When selecting the most appropriate retainer for your application, some factors to consider include: Ř%HDULQJURWDWLRQDOVSHHGUSP Ř6WDUWLQJDQGUXQQLQJWRUTXHOLPLWDWLRQV Ř2SHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJH Ř1RLVHOLPLWDWLRQV Machined Retainers Standard Cages Ribbon, Two-Piece, Stamped and Crimped Crown, One-Piece, Stamped One of two standard designs for miniature and instrument ball bearings, the two-piece ribbon retainer includes a closed pocket design for good durability and loosely clinched tabs, which are favorable for starting torque. This retainer design is economical DQGUHDGLO\DYDLODEOHEXWLVOLPLWHGWRORZHUVSHHGDSSOLFDWLRQV Two-piece ribbon retainers are used in radial bearings. The one-piece stamped crown retainer is manufactured from hardened stainless steel and has coined ball pockets, which provide a hard, smooth, low-friction contact surface to the balls. This design is very lightweight, smooth running, cost effective, and readily available. The one-piece stamped crown retainer is also used in radial bearings, but it has a slightly higher speed capability than the stamped ribbon design. For speeds exceeding the capabilities of this retainer, a machined retainer should be FRQVLGHUHG *For maximum operating speeds, refer to the chart on page 51. 49 66844_Text.indd 51 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Cages Machined Cages Machined Phenolic Crown Cage Machined Polyamide-imide Full Type Cage Crown, One-Piece Full Type, One-Piece For high speed applications, a machined crown retainer design is a more appropriate choice than the two standard designs VWDPSHGULEERQDQGVWDPSHGFURZQ7KLVUHWDLQHULVVXLWDEOHIRU UDGLDOEHDULQJV,WLVPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPDYDULHW\RIPDWHULDOVWR meet specific application requirements, including paper and linen-based phenolics and polyamide-imide. Both phenolic materials can be vacuum impregnated with oil, allowing for better lubricity within the ball pockets. The polyamide-imide material is fully autoclavable, making it well suited for many medical and GHQWDO DSSOLFDWLRQV $GGLWLRQDOO\ SRO\DPLGHLPLGH FRQWDLQV D small amount of graphite and PTFE, which aids in lubricity SURSHUWLHV,WVOXEULFLW\PD\EHIXUWKHUHQKDQFHGE\DSDWHQWHG silver coating. This retainer design is best suited for ultra-high speed applicaWLRQV ,WV EDODQFHG V\PPHWULFDO GHVLJQ PDNHV LW VWDEOH DW YHU\ high speeds. This retainer, which can only be utilized with angular contact bearings, is manufactured from a variety of materials to meet specific application requirements, including paper and linen-based phenolics and polyamide-imide. Both phenolic materials may be vacuum impregnated with oil, allowing for better lubricity within the ball pockets. The polyamide-imide material is fully autoclavable, making it well suited for many medical DQGGHQWDODSSOLFDWLRQV$GGLWLRQDOO\SRO\DPLGHLPLGHFRQWDLQVD small amount of graphite and PTFE, which aids in lubricity SURSHUWLHV ,WV OXEULFLW\ PD\ EH IXUWKHU HQKDQFHG E\ DSDWHQWHG silver coating. Alternative Machined Cage Materials Molded Cages NHBB manufactures machined cages from the following materials ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHPDFKLQHGUHWDLQHUVOLVWHGWKH1+%%3UHFLVLRQ FRQVXOWZLWKIDFWRU\IRUDYDLODELOLW\ Division offers a limited variety of molded retainers. These may have a lower speed capability as compared to machined Ř0HOGLQ® retainers, which is mainly due to the fact that machined retainers Ř'HOULQ® may be held to tighter tolerances for critical dimensions. Ř3*0 Ř3((. Ř3DWHQWHGFRPSRVLWHPHWDOSRO\PHU 6LOYHUFRDWHGSRO\DPLGHLPLGH Meldin® is a registered trademark of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation. Delrin® is a registered trademark of DuPont. 66844_Text.indd 52 50 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Cages 7KH PRVW FRPPRQ EHDULQJ FDJHV DUH VKRZQ EHORZ ,Q VRPH NHBB can also supply specially designed cages to meet your cases, such as in high-load applications, a full complement specific requirements. Please contact NHBB for assistance with design may be the best choice. optimum cage selection. Cage Types DESCRIPTION + DESIGN MAX. SPEED OPERATING (ref.) dN** TEMP MAX.* MATERIAL COMMENTS TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 5LEERQ Two-piece stamped and crimped 5 $,6, 305 steel r) 6XSHULRUVWDUWLQJWRUTXH /RZFRVW General purpose Crown One-piece stamped H $,6, VWHHO r) Higher speed capability than ribbon retainer /RZFRVW General purpose KB Phenolic-paper base r) High speed capability Porous material Vacuum impregnated with oil Medical Machine tools High speed motors High speed capability 5HTXLUHVOXEULFDWLRQ Fully autoclavable 0HGLFDOGHQWDO High temperature High speed capability 6HOIOXEULFDWLQJ )XOO\DXWRFODYDEOH 0HGLFDOGHQWDO High temperature Crown One-piece machined Crown One-piece machined Crown One-piece machined 6LOYHUFRDWHG Full type One-piece machined Full type One-piece machined Full type One-piece machined 6LOYHUFRDWHG KC Phenolic-linen base 0 3RO\DPLGHLPLGH r) 6& Patented composite metal-polymer r) r) 8OWUDKLJKVSHHGFDSDELOLW\ $QJXODUFRQWDFWEHDULQJRQO\ Porous material Vacuum impregnated with oil Machine tool spindles High speed motors KN Phenolic-paper base KM Phenolic-linen base 0 Polyamide-imide r) 8OWUDKLJKVSHHGFDSDELOLW\ $QJXODUFRQWDFWEHDULQJRQO\ 5HTXLUHVOXEULFDWLRQ Fully autoclavable 0HGLFDOGHQWDl High temperature 6) Patented composite metal-polymer r) 8OWUDKLJKVSHHGFDSDELOLW\ $QJXODUFRQWDFWEHDULQJRQO\ 5HTXLUHVOXEULFDWLRQ Fully autoclavable 0HGLFDOGHQWDO High temperature r) Porous polyamide-imide material Vacuum impregnated with oil /RZWRPHGLXPVSHHG r) r) 6HOIOXEULFDWLQJ /RZVSHHG /LJKWORDG Meldin® &URZQIXOOW\SH One-piece machined Consult factory T1 PGM Additional Ball Separator Designs DESCRIPTION + DESIGN MATERIAL MAX. SPEED (ref.) dN** OPERATING TEMP MAX.* COMMENTS TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 7RURLG 77 37)( r) /RZWRUTXH /RZVSHHG $QJXODUFRQWDFWEHDULQJRQO\ 6ORZURWDWLRQ 2VFLOODWLQJPRWLRQ &U\RJHQLF 6OXJ 6/ 37)( r) /RZWRUTXH /RZVSHHG Gimbal assembly 6ORZURWDWLRQ /RZWRUTXH + Typical Part Number Designation. * Rings and balls are heat stabilized to 300°F. **dN is bore (in millimeters) x rpm. Additional cage designs and materials available. Please consult with factory. Meldin® is a registered trademark of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation. 51 66844_Text.indd 53 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Seals and Shields 6HDOV DQG VKLHOGV DUH SURWHFWLYH FORVXUHV WKDW UHWDLQ OXEULFDQWV The following chart includes the common types of shields and and assist in preventing contaminants from reaching internal seals offered by NHBB. Please consult the factory for help in surfaces. When specifying a seal or shield, consideration should determining the appropriate seal or shield for your particular be given to the compatibility of the cage and enclosure type to application. DOORZIRUDSSURSULDWHFOHDUDQFH,QWRUTXHVHQVLWLYHDSSOLFDWLRQV it may be advantageous to use shields rather than seals because there are no contacting surfaces to create drag. Seal and Shield Types DESCRIPTION TYPE DESIGN MATERIAL MAX. OPERATING TEMP.* 6KLHOG 5HPRYDEOHZLWKVQDSZLUH Minimal clearance Most popular = 6WDLQOHVVVWHHOVHULHV r) 6HDOZLWKVQDSZLUH Provides minimal clearance to light contact resulting in low torque / *ODVVUHLQIRUFHG37)( r) /VHDOZLWKEDFNLQJSODWH Excellent sealing characteristics /%3 *ODVVUHLQIRUFHG37)(VHDO Metallic backing plate r) 6HDO Excellent sealing characteristics ' %XQD1ERQGHGWRVWHHOLQVHUW r) 6HDO Excellent sealing characteristics High cost ' 9LWRQ®ERQGHGWRVWHHOLQVHUW r) 6HDOOLSULGLQJ Excellent sealing characteristics 4 *ODVVUHLQIRUFHG37)( r) 6HDOZLWKSURWHFWLYHVKLHOG lip riding Excellent sealing characteristics 4 *ODVVUHLQIRUFHG37)( r) * Rings and balls are heat stabilized to 300°F. Viton® is a registered trademark of DuPont. 66844_Text.indd 54 52 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Internal Bearing Geometry When a ball bearing is running under a load, force is transmitted Suggested Radial Play IURPRQHEHDULQJULQJWRWKHRWKHUWKURXJKWKHEDOOV6LQFHWKH SUGGESTED RADIAL PLAY* TYPICAL APPLICATION contact area between each ball and the rings is relatively small, moderate loads can produce stresses of tens, even hundreds of 6PDOOSUHFLVLRQKLJKVSHHGHOHFWULFPRWRUV WR thousands, of pounds per square inch. These internal stresses Tape guides, belt guides, low speed aps. .0002 to .0005 have a significant impact on the bearing’s life and performance. 7DSHJXLGHVEHOWJXLGHVKLJKVSHHGDSV WR The internal geometry of a bearing—its radial play, raceway Gyro gimbals, horizontal axis .0002 to .0005 *\URJLPEDOVYHUWLFDOD[LV WR Precision gear trains, low speed electric motors, synchros and servos .0002 to .0005 Gyro spin bearings, ultra-high-speed turbines and spindles Consult factory curvature and contact angle—must be carefully chosen so loads will be distributed for optimal performance. Radial and Axial Play Most ball bearings are assembled so that a slight amount of looseness exists between the balls and the raceways. This *Measurement in inches. ORRVHQHVVLVUHIHUUHGWRDVUDGLDOSOD\DQGD[LDOSOD\5DGLDOSOD\ ,QPRVWEDOOEHDULQJDSSOLFDWLRQVUDGLDOSOD\LVIXQFWLRQDOO\PRUH is the maximum distance that one bearing ring may be displaced critical than axial play. While radial play has become the standard with respect to the other in a direction perpendicular to the bear- purchasing specification, you may also specify axial play require- LQJD[LVZKHQWKHEHDULQJLVLQDQXQPRXQWHGVWDWH$[LDOSOD\RU ments. Keep in mind, however, the values of radial play and axial end play, is the maximum relative displacement between the two play for any given bearing design are mathematically interdepen- rings of an unmounted ball bearing in a direction parallel to the GHQW 5DGLDO SOD\ LV DIIHFWHG E\ DQ\ LQWHUIHUHQFH ƂW EHWZHHQ bearing axis. WKH VKDIW DQG EHDULQJ ,' RU EHWZHHQ WKH KRXVLQJ DQG EHDULQJ Radial Play Axial Play 2 F(Neg) 2'DVVKRZQRQSDJH6LQFHWKHLPSRUWDQWFRQGLWLRQLVWKH actual radial play remaining after assembly of the complete device, the radial play specification for the bearing must be modified F(Neg) in accordance with the discussion in the mounting and coding section on page 61. Free Angle of Misalignment $VDUHVXOWRIWKHSUHYLRXVO\GHVFULEHGORRVHQHVVRUSOD\WKDWLV permitted to exist between the components of most ball bearings, the inner ring may be cocked or tilted a small amount with Radial and Axial Play respect to the outer ring. This displacement is called free angle 6LQFH UDGLDO SOD\ DQG D[LDO SOD\ DUH ERWK FRQVHTXHQFHV RI WKH of misalignment. The amount of misalignment allowable in a ball same degree of looseness between the components, they bear a bearing is determined by its radial play and track curvature mutual dependence, yet their values are usually quite different in values. Misalignment has positive practical significance because PDJQLWXGH5DGLDOSOD\RIWHQYDULHVEHWZHHQLQDQG it enables a ball bearing to accommodate small dimensional vari- in., while axial play may range from .001 in. to .010 in. The ations that may exist in associated shafts and housings. The suggested radial play ranges for typical applications should performance of a misaligned bearing will be degraded to a always be consulted when a device is in the initial design phase. certain extent, but for slight misalignments under reasonably OLJKW ORDGV WKH HIIHFWV DUH QRW VLJQLƂFDQW LQ PRVW FDVHV ,Q general, the amount of misalignment a bearing is subject to by the Standard Radial Play Ranges DESCRIPTION RADIAL PLAY RANGE* shaft and housing’s physical arrangement should never exceed the bearing’s free angle of misalignment. Free angle of misalign- NHBB CODE Tight .0001 to .0003 P13 Normal .0002 to .0005 P25 /RRVH WR 3 ([WUDORRVH WR 3 ment is typically less than one degree. *Measurement in inches. Nonstandard ranges may be specified. Free Angle of Misalignment 53 66844_Text.indd 55 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Internal Bearing Geometry Raceway Curvature Contact Angle 5DFHZD\ FXUYDWXUH LV WKH UDWLR RI WKH UDFHZD\ UDGLXV WR EDOO Contact angle is the angle between a plane perpendicular to the ball GLDPHWHU7\SLFDOO\UDFHZD\FXUYDWXUHYDOXHVDUHHLWKHUWR bearing axis and a line joining the two points where the balls make SHUFHQW RU SHUFHQW 7KH ORZHU WR SHUFHQW FXUYDWXUH contact with the inner and outer raceways. The initial contact angle implies close ball-to-raceway conformity and is useful in applica- of the bearing is directly related to radial play—the higher the radial WLRQVZKHUHKHDY\ORDGVDUHHQFRXQWHUHG7KHKLJKHUSHUFHQW play, the higher the contact angle—as well as its inner and outer curvature is more suitable for torque sensitive applications. WUDFN FXUYDWXUHV $ ORZ FRQWDFW DQJOH LV GHVLUDEOH IRU SXUH UDGLDO ORDGVDKLJKHUFRQWDFWDQJOHLVUHFRPPHQGHGZKHQWKUXVWORDGLQJ Raceway Radius is predominant. 0 Ball Diameter Thrust Relationship of Track Radius to Ball Diameter Thrust Formulas for Radial Play, Axial Play and Contact Angle Radial Play PD = 2Bd 1 – cos b0 PD = 2Bd – %G² – P ² E Contact Angle Axial Play The contact angle of thrust loaded bearings provides an indica- PE = 2Bd sin b0 tion of ball position inside the raceways. When a thrust load is PE = %G3D – P ² applied to a ball bearing, the balls move away from the median D planes of the raceways and assume positions somewhere Contact Angle between the deepest portions of the raceways and their edges. The table of contact angles shown here gives nominal values b –1 2Bd – PD 0 = cos under no load. 2Bd b0 = sin –1 Table of Contact Angles 0* PE 2Bd BALL SIZE Db RADIAL PLAY CODE P25 P58 P811 ņ ņ ņ PP ņ ņ ņ PP ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ fo RXWHUULQJFXUYDWXUH ņ ņ ņ d = ball diameter *The contact angle is given for the mean radial play of the range shown, i.e., for P25 (.0002 to .0005), contact angle is given for .00035. PD = radial play PE = axial play b0 = contact angle B = total curvature = fiIo – 1 fi LQQHUULQJFXUYDWXUH *Expressed as the ratio of raceway radius to ball diameter. 66844_Text.indd 56 54 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Lubrication Types of Lubricants Oil is the basic lubricant for ball bearings. NHBB offers both When used with a greased bearing, this method prevents the petroleum-based and synthetic oils, such as diesters, silicone cage material from leaching oil from the lubricant. Normally, the SRO\PHUVDQGƃXRULQDWHGFRPSRXQGV,QJHQHUDOGLHVWHUVKDYH base oil of the grease is used in the cage to prevent incompatibility. better low temperature properties, lower volatility, and better Grease packing DSSUR[LPDWHO\ WR RI D EDOO EHDULQJőV WHPSHUDWXUHYLVFRVLW\FKDUDFWHULVWLFVWKDQSHWUROHXPEDVHGRLOV internal free volume is one of the most common methods of lu- 6LOLFRQHV DQG ƃXRULQDWHG FRPSRXQGV SRVVHVV HYHQ ORZHU brication. Grease quantity can be controlled by the use of special YRODWLOLW\DQGZLGHUWHPSHUDWXUHYLVFRVLW\SURSHUWLHV lubrication equipment. Grease is an oil to which a thickener has been added to prevent Grease plating consists of mixing a quantity of grease and sol- PLJUDWLRQ IURP WKH OXEULFDWLRQ VLWH UHVXOWLQJ LQ ORQJHU OLIH ,W LV vent to the desired consistency, lubricating the bearing with this used in situations where frequent replenishment of the lubricant mixture, then evaporating the solvent at a moderate tempera- is undesirable or impossible. The operative properties of grease ture, leaving a thin film of grease on raceways and balls. depend almost wholly on the choice of the base oil. Other factors being equal, the use of grease instead of oil results in higher Limiting Speed starting and running torque and may limit the bearing to lower No exact formula exists for calculating the maximum operating speeds. VSHHG RI D EDOO EHDULQJ 6XVWDLQHG KLJK VSHHG SHUIRUPDQFH LV 6ROLGƂOPOXEULFDQWVLQFOXGHDQ\QRQƃXLGVXVHGWRSUHYHQWZHDU dependent on the specific properties of the bearing, shaft, hous- and reduce friction. They range from simple sacrificial cages ing, and other components, as well as the application’s specific to graphite powder and ion sputtering. Each type must be operating conditions. The retainer is the feature of a ball bearing HQJLQHHUHGIRUWKHVSHFLƂFDSSOLFDWLRQ6ROLGƂOPOXEULFDQWVDUH that most affects rotational speed, followed by tolerance grade very useful in areas of temperature extremes, vacuum, radiation, and lubricant type and fill. The dimensional accuracy of mating pressure, or harsh environments where conventional lubricants components limits speeds, as does the application’s maximum RSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH,ISURSHUO\LQVWDOOHGDQGOXEULFDWHGKLJK would fail. Furthermore, they do not deteriorate in storage. precision ball bearings will operate for long periods of time at Lubrication Methods high speeds. Centrifuging an oil-lubricated bearing removes excess oil and $IWHUGHWHUPLQLQJWKHOXEHW\SHDQGƂOODSSURSULDWHIRUWKHVSHHG leaves only a very thin film on all surfaces. This method is used of the application, consult the chart on page 51 to select a suit- on very low torque bearings and can be specified for critical able retainer. The chart shows the maximum operating tempera- applications. tures and speeds for each retainer type. To verify limiting speeds For ball bearings with porous cages, vacuum impregnation forc- for unique operating conditions not covered here, and for full ball es lubricant into the pores, using the cage as an oil reservoir. complement-type ball bearings, please consult the factory. Oils and Base Fluids PETROLEUM Excellent load carrying abilities Moderate temperature range ŎWRr) Greases with petroleum oil bases have high dN capability UHFRPPHQGHGIRUOLJKWWRKHDY\ ORDGVDQGPRGHUDWHWRKLJKVSHHGV SYNTHETIC SILICONE Wide temperature range ŎWRr) Wide temperature range ŎWRr) Wide temperature range ŎWRr) 5HVLVWR[LGDWLRQ /HVVƂOPVWUHQJWKWKDQGLHVWHUV 6WDEOHDWKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHV /HVVƂOPVWUHQJWKWKDQ petroleum oils Tend to migrate Chemically inert RZYDSRUSUHVVXUH / 7RUU 55 66844_Text.indd 57 PERFLUORINATED POLYETHER 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Lubrication Speed Factor Recommended Speed Limits (dN) for Grease with Select Base Oils The maximum usable operating speed of a grease lubricant is dependent on the type of base oil. The speed factor is a function TYPE RIWKHERUHRIWKHEHDULQJGLQPLOOLPHWHUVPPDQGWKHVSHHG dN TEMPERATURE RANGE °F (°C) WRWR 'LHVWHU WRWR 6LOLFRQH WRWR 3HUIOXRULQDWHGSRO\HWKHU WRWR 3HWUROHXP RIWKHEHDULQJ1LQUHYROXWLRQVSHUPLQXWHUSPZKHUH G1 GEHDULQJERUHPP[1USP Lubricant Specifications NHBB has included a table of commercial and military lubricants The standard quantity of oil varies with bearing size: it is and their recommended uses. When ball bearings are ordered DSSUR[LPDWHO\RQHGURSPJSHUEHDULQJXSWR5VL]HDQG without a specified lubricant, it is the policy of NHBB to lubricate WZR GURSV PJ IRU ODUJHU VL]HV 7KH VWDQGDUG TXDQWLW\ RI ZLWK 0,/35) RLO &RPSDQ\ VWDQGDUG OXEULFDQWV DUH /2 grease is 25-35% of the bearing’s internal free volume. For non- :LQGVRU/XEH/;RLOSHU0,/35)DQG/*5R\FR standard applications, please consult the factory for specific JUHDVHSHU0,/35))RUQRQVWDQGDUGOXEULFDQWVSOHDVH lube fill recommendations. consult the factory to select an appropriate type. Lubrication Types CODE BRAND NAME BASIC TYPE OPERATING TEMP. USES /2 :LQGVRU/;0,/35) Fuchs Mineral Oil 6\QWKHWLFRLO WRr) /LJKWJHQHUDOSXUSRVHLQVWUXPHQWRLO /2 5R\FR®0,/35) 5R\DO/XEULFDQWV 6\QWKHWLFRLO WRr) /LJKWJHQHUDOSXUSRVHLQVWUXPHQWRLO /< .U\WR[®$& Dupont )OXRULQDWHGRLO WRr) +LJKWHPSHUDWXUHVWDELOLW\ Good lubricity properties /< Carnation 0LQHUDORLO /* %HDFRQ EXXON Mobil 6\QWKHWLFJUHDVH WRr) *HQHUDOSXUSRVHJUHDVH /* 5R\FR®0,/35) 5R\DO/XEULFDQWV 6\QWKHWLFJUHDVH WRr) &RUURVLRQUHVLVWDQFHKHDY\ORDGV +LJKVSHHG /< 5KHRWHPS® 1<( 6\QWKHWLFQRQVLOLFRQH JUHDVH WRr) 6SHFLDOW\OXEHKLJKVSHHGKLJKWHPS ,QKLELWVR[LGDWLRQDQWLZHDUSURWHFWLRQ /< 0RELO 0,/35) EXXON Mobil 6\QWKHWLFK\GURFDUERQ grease WRr) :LGHWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJH Good low temperature torque /< 65, &KHYURQ 0LQHUDOJUHDVH WRr) /RQJHUOLIHXQGHUKLJKVSHHGKLJKWHPS :DWHUVDOWZDWHUUHVLVWDQFH /< .U\WR[®$&0,/35) Dupont )OXRULQDWHGJUHDVH WRr) +LJKWHPSHUDWXUHVWDELOLW\ZLWKJRRG lubricity properties /< 65/ Kyodo 6\QWKHWLFJUHDVH WRr) /RZQRLVHDQGORZWRUTXHDSSOLFDWLRQV /< %UD\FRWH® Micronic®() Castrol® 3HUIOXRULQDWHGSRO\HWKHU JUHDVH WRr) +RVWLOHFKHPLFDOHQYLURQPHQW 6SDFHDSSOLFDWLRQV /< $VRQLF*/< Kluber 6\QWKHWLFK\GURFDUERQ WRr) /RZQRLVHKLJKVSHHG /< 0LQHEHDSURSULHWDU\ 0LQHEHD&R/WG 6\QWKHWLFK\GURFDUERQ JUHDVH WRr) /RQJHUOLIHXQGHUKLJKVSHHGKLJKWHPS Royco® is a registered trademark of Anderol Company. Krytox® is a registered trademark of DuPont. 66844_Text.indd 58 &RQVXOWIDFWRU\ Bracote®, Micronic®, and Castrol® are registered trademarks of Castrol Limited. +LJKVSHHG)'$DSSURYHG Rheotemp® is a registered trademark of Nye Lubricants. 56 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Preload and Duplex Ball Bearings Preload is defined as the initial axial load placed on a bearing or Preload Offset set of bearings during installation. Preloading facilitates precise control over the operating geometry of the bearing’s mating parts, a useful function in applications where axial and radial load inner load inner movement must be held within critical limits. Ball bearings are preloaded in order to: Ř(OLPLQDWHUDGLDODQGD[LDOORRVHQHVV Ř5HGXFHRSHUDWLQJQRLVH Bearings in True State Ř,PSURYHSRVLWLRQLQJDFFXUDF\ Bearings Preloaded O.D. Marking :KHQ D EDFNWREDFN '% GXSOH[ SDLU LV PRXQWHG WKH RXWHU Ř5HGXFHUHSHWLWLYHUXQRXW rings abut and the inner rings are drawn together, providing Ř5HGXFHWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIGDPDJHIURPYLEUDWRU\ORDGLQJ maximum moment stiffness. Ř,QFUHDVHOLIHDQGD[LDOFDSDFLW\ Ř,QFUHDVHVWLIIQHVV Preload Offset Preloading is accomplished either by using a spring preload or, as in duplex ball bearings, through a solid stack of parts. Spring Preloading load outer 6SULQJSUHORDGLQJFRQVLVWVRIDFRLOVSULQJRUDZDY\ZDVKHUWKDW load outer applies a force against the inner or outer ring of one of the bearings in the assembly. The spring force is normally applied against WKH QRQURWDWLQJ ULQJ 6LQFH D VSULQJőV ORDG LV IDLUO\ FRQVLVWHQW Bearings in True State over a wide range of compressed length, the use of a spring for Bearings Preloaded O.D. Marking :KHQIDFHWRIDFH')GXSOH[SDLUVDUHPRXQWHGWKHLQQHUULQJV preloading eliminates the need for holding tight location toler- abut and the outer rings are drawn together, providing a higher ances on machined parts. For example, retaining rings can be radial and axial stiffness and accommodation of misalignment. used in the spindle assembly, thus saving the cost of a locating shoulder, shims or threaded members. Normally, a spring would Preload Offset (TYP) not be used where the assembly must withstand reversing thrust loads. Duplex Ball Bearings load outer Duplex ball bearings are stacked pairs with built-in preloads. load inner Duplex bearings are manufactured with the raceways of the inner and outer rings offset slightly. When the set of bearings is assembled, the thrust load required to press the adjacent faces Bearings in True State of the rings together becomes the desired preload. Duplex ball Bearings Preloaded O.D. Marking bearings are used when precise location control is required. They :LWK WDQGHP '7 SDLUV ERWK LQQHU DQG RXWHU ULQJV DEXW DQG also help satisfy the requirements of increased axial and radial are capable of sharing a thrust load, providing increased thrust VWLIIQHVVDQGGHƃHFWLRQFRQWURO capacity. The three methods of mounting preloaded duplex bearings are NHBB can provide assistance in selecting the appropriate EDFNWREDFN'%IDFHWRIDFH')DQGWDQGHP'7 preload specifications for your application. 57 66844_Text.indd 59 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Load Ratings and Bearing Life Static Load Ratings Calculating Equivalent Radial Load 7KH VWDWLF ORDG UDWLQJ &o JLYHQ LQ WKH SURGXFW OLVWLQJV SDJHV More often than not, bearings whose loads are primarily radial LVWKHUDGLDOORDGWKDWDQRQURWDWLQJEHDULQJZLOOVXSSRUW are also subjected to some axial forces. When the magnitude of ZLWKRXWGDPDJH,QHYDOXDWLQJVWDWLFORDGFRQGLWLRQVDQ\IRUFHV this axial component of the load is greater than a negligible exerted during assembly and test must be considered along with value, it is convenient to interpret this combined radial and thrust vibration and impact loads sustained during handling, test, ship- load in terms of a simple radial load so that the basic life equa- ment, and assembly. tion may be used. This simple radial load, known as the equivalent load, is defined as that constant stationary radial load which, Dynamic Load Ratings if applied to a rotating inner ring, would give the same life as that '\QDPLFORDGLQJ&LQFOXGHVEXLOWLQSUHORDGZHLJKWVXSSRUWHG which the bearing will attain under the actual conditions of load members, and the effect of any acceleration due to vibration or and rotation. PRWLRQFKDQJHV7KHG\QDPLFORDGUDWLQJ&IRUDUDGLDORUDQJX- For conventional bearing types other than those with filling lar contact ball bearing is a calculated, constant radial load that notches, the equivalent radial load is given by the maximum of the a group of apparently identical bearings will theoretically endure two values where: for a rating life of one million revolutions. The dynamic load rating LVDUHIHUHQFHYDOXHRQO\$EDVHYDOXHUDWLQJOLIHRIRQHPLOOLRQUHYRlutions has been chosen for ease of calculation. The dynamic ORDG UDWLQJ YDOXHV & JLYHQ LQ WKH SURGXFW OLVWLQJV LQFOXGH WKH D3r = VFr E3r = XVFr<)a V = rotation factor effects of race-to-ball conformity and are in accordance with $%0$6WDQGDUGVDQG X = radial factor < WKUXVWIDFWRU Rating Life Fr = radial load 7KHUDWLQJOLIH/10 of a group of apparently identical ball bearings Fa = thrust load LV WKH OLIH LQ PLOOLRQV RI UHYROXWLRQV WKDW RI WKH JURXS ZLOO ,Q FDOFXODWLRQV IRU PLQLDWXUH DQG LQVWUXPHQW EHDULQJV ZKRVH FRPSOHWHRUH[FHHG)RUDVLQJOHEHDULQJ/10 also refers to the outside diameter is .625 inches and below, the following values OLIH DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK UHOLDELOLW\ 7KH UDWHG OLIH /10 FDQ EH DUHVXIƂFLHQWO\DFFXUDWH; < DQGH ,QWKHFDVH computed from the formula: of the larger bearing series, consult the table on page 60 for /10 &3r3 x 106 revolutions GHWHUPLQLQJYDOXHV;<DQGH,QDOOVHULHVWKHURWDWLRQDOIDFWRU V is 1.0 for inner ring rotation and 1.2 for outer ring rotation with where: & G\QDPLFUDGLDOORDGUDWLQJOE respect to load. The dynamic radial load (C) can be found in the ,QWKHFKDUWRQSDJHWKHIDFWRUHUHSUHVHQWVWKHUDWLRRI)a9)r product tables. IRUZKLFKWKHWZRHTXDWLRQVDUHHTXDO,IWKHUDWLRRIORDGVLVVXFK Pr G\QDPLFHTXLYDOHQWUDGLDOORDGOE that Fa9)r H WKHQ IRUPXOD D LV XVHG LI )a9)r > e, then See calculating dynamic equivalent radial load below. IRUPXODELVXVHG )RU D PRUH FRQVHUYDWLYH HVWLPDWH RI OLIH WKDQ /10, multiply the DERYH IRUPXOD E\ D UHOLDELOLW\ PRGLƂHU D2 9DOXHV IRU D2 are Bearing Life Under Varying Loads ORFDWHGLQWKH5HOLDELOLW\0DWHULDO/LIH0RGLƂHUWDEOHIRXQGRQSDJH ,Q PDQ\ DSSOLFDWLRQV EHDULQJV RSHUDWH DW GLIIHUHQW ORDGV DQG 7KH WDEOH SURYLGHV VHOHFWHG PRGLƂHUV IRU FDOFXODWLQJ IDLOXUH VSHHGVIRUH[WHQGHGSHULRGVRIWLPH,IWKHGDWDIRUORDGVVSHHGV UDWHVGRZQWR/1IRUERWK&DQGDOOR\V and their time periods are available, the following formula may be used to calculate life: Rating Life in Hours 1 /n = ___________________________ p1 p2 p3 pn BBB BBB BBB ř BBB /n1 /n2 /n3 /nn To convert the rating to number of hours, multiply the results of the above equation by the following: /10 USP[ Note: p1S2S3řSn = 1.0 66844_Text.indd 60 58 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Load Ratings and Bearing Life Life Modifiers Lubricant Life )RUPRVWFDVHVWKH/10 life obtained from the basic rating life $EHDULQJőVHIIHFWLYHOLIHLVRIWHQJRYHUQHGE\WKHOXEULFDQWőVOLIH formula described earlier will provide a satisfactory criteria for This is usually the case for applications involving very light loads bearing performance. For particular applications, however, it may DQGRU YHU\ VORZ VSHHGV ,Q VXFK LQVWDQFHV WKH FRQYHQWLRQDO be desirable to consider life calculations for different reliabilities fatigue life calculated will be unrealistically high. The lubricant’s and special bearing properties and operating conditions. ability to provide sufficient film strength is affected by: Ř4XDQWLW\DQGFRQGLWLRQRIWKHOXEULFDQWLQWKHEHDULQJ Bearing Material Ř(QYLURQPHQWDOFRQGLWLRQVHJDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUH NHBB recommends reducing the load rating published for 52100 DUHDFOHDQOLQHVV E\IRU&7KLVLVDFRQVHUYDWLYHDSSURDFKWRHQVXUHWKDW Ř7KHORDGVSHHGF\FOH the bearing capacity is not exceeded under the most adverse FRQGLWLRQV7KLVLVLQFRUSRUDWHGLQWKHUHOLDELOLW\PRGLƂHUD2DV 6SHFLDOL]HG RLOV DQG JUHDVHV ZKLFK H[KLELW IDYRUDEOH SHUIRU- shown: mance characteristics over an extended period, are available. Table of Reliability Material Life Modifier (a2 ) REQUIRED RELIABILITY (%) Other Life Adjustments LN 52100 a2 = 440C a2 = /10 1.00 0.50 /5 0.62 0.31 / Ř9LEUDWLRQDQGRUVKRFNLPSDFWORDGV / 3 Ř$QJXODUPLVDOLJQPHQW / 2 Ř2VFLOODWRU\GXW\ /1 0.21 0.11 Ř+LJKVSHHGHIIHFWV /RDGVDUHVHOGRPDSSOLHGLGHDOO\2IWHQWKHFRQYHQWLRQDOUDWLQJ life has to be modified due to application abnormalities, intentional or unknown. The following conditions have the practical HIIHFWRIPRGLI\LQJWKHLGHDOWKHRUHWLFDOUDWLQJOLIH/10 Ř2SHUDWLRQDWHOHYDWHGWHPSHUDWXUHV Elastohydrodynamics (EHD Effect) Ř)LWV The presence of a thin film of oil at the mutually contacting Ř,QWHUQDOGHVLJQ ball-to-raceway interface enhances the load capacity of a ball bearing. While it is difficult to provide the exact effect upon life under any of these conditions, NHBB is able to provide bearing life estimates based on empirical data to help you forecast bearing life for your application. 59 66844_Text.indd 61 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Load Ratings and Bearing Life Table A: Factors X, V and Y BEARING TYPE IN RELATION TO THE LOAD THE INNER RING IS: Fa ZD2 SINGLE ROW BEARINGS Fa >e VFr UNITS LB., IN. ROTATING V STATIONARY V X Y e 5DGLDOGHHSJURRYH EDOOEHDULQJV $QJXODUFRQWDFWEDOO EHDULQJVZLWKFRQWDFW DQJOH r 1,000 1.00 0.52 10r 100 1.52 0.36 r 300 500 1,000 1.12 1.02 1.00 0.50 0.55 0.56 r r r r r Nomenclature is as follows: - V = rotation factor - X = radial factor - Y = thrust factor - Fr = radial load - Fa = thrust load - Z = number of balls - D = ball diameter in inches Values of X, Y, and e for load or contact angle other than shown are obtained by linear interpolation. Turn to page 58 for instructions on how to calculate equivalent radial load. 66844_Text.indd 62 60 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Mounting and Coding Bearing Fits and the Design of Mating Equipment Caution 4.,WLVUHODWLYHO\HDV\WRGDPDJHDPLQLDWXUHDQGLQVWUX- $FFXUDWHVKDIWDQGKRXVLQJƂWVDUHLPSRUWDQWIRUSURSHUEHDULQJ ment bearing during assembly simply by exceeding its load LQVWDOODWLRQDQGRSHUDWLRQ,QRUGLQDU\DSSOLFDWLRQVPLQLDWXUHEDOO FDSDFLW\$GHTXDWHƂ[WXULQJPXVWEHSURYLGHGIRUKDQGOLQJDQG bearings are used with a light load, so a light interference fit to a assembling precision bearings to ensure that: QDUURZ FOHDUDQFH ƂW LV XVXDOO\ VXIƂFLHQW /LJKW FURVV VHFWLRQ Ř:KHQDVVHPEOLQJWKHEHDULQJWRWKHVKDIWIRUFHLV bearings, such as Torque Tube and Thinex bearings, are more applied only to the inner ring. sensitive to shaft and housing imperfections and require looser Ř:KHQDVVHPEOLQJLQWRWKHKRXVLQJIRUFHLVDSSOLHGRQO\ fits than heavier cross section bearings. to the outer ring. $EHDULQJWKDWLVƂWWHGWRRWLJKWO\RUWRRORRVHO\RULVGDPDJHG Ř$Q\PRYHPHQWRUVKRFNORDGVZKLFKZRXOGEHWUDQVPLWWHG during assembly by excessive force or shock loading, may through the bearing are eliminated. degrade the performance of your assembly. This possibility can GHVLJQRIPDWLQJSDUWVVHH7DEOHRI5HFRPPHQGHG)LWVRQSDJH Coding Classification of Bore and Outside Diameter DQG E\ REVHUYLQJ WKH IROORZLQJ IRXU FDXWLRQV GXULQJ WKH When required for selective assembly or for other reasons, bores assembly process. DQGRU RXWVLGH GLDPHWHUV PD\ EH FODVVLƂHG LQWR FRGHG VL]H be reduced by following some general guidelines during the groupings within the tolerance ranges specified in this chart. Caution 1. When establishing shaft or housing sizes, the effect Methods of measuring and determining classification size are RIGLIIHUHQWLDOWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQPXVWEHWDNHQLQWRDFFRXQW,I VSHFLƂHGLQWKH$%0$6WDQGDUGXQGHU6HFWLRQDQG thermal gradients are present or dissimilar materials are used, URRP WHPSHUDWXUH ƂWV PXVW EH DGMXVWHG DFFRUGLQJO\ $SSUR[L- Complete code designation consists of the bore code as the first mate thermal coefficients for common materials are available digit or letter and the outside diameter code as the second digit from NHBB. or letter. When only one dimension is classified, the other is GHQRWHGE\ Caution 2. When miniature and instrument bearings are interference fitted, either intentionally or as a result of thermal gradients, the bearing radial play is reduced by an amount equal to ap- Coding Classification Tolerance Ranges SUR[LPDWHO\RIWKHDFWXDOGLDPHWUDOLQWHUIHUHQFHƂW7KXV 5DGLDOSOD\ SIZE TOLERANCE* (FROM MAXIMUM) Tolerance interference fit = .0003T PD[LPXPWRŎ $ RILQWHUIHUHQFHƂW [ –.00005 to –.00010 B –.00010 to –.00015 C –.00015 to –.00020 D .00005** CALIB. .0001*** CALIB. 1 5HVXOWDQWRSHUDWLRQDOUDGLDOSOD\ WLJKW 2 The bearing will be subject to early failure in most applications because it may already be overloaded. This problem is solved *Measurement in inches. NHBB part number nomenclature: -**C44 (.000050 in. increment) -***CXX (.00010 in. increment) either by a higher radial play or looser fit. Caution 3.,IWKHRXWHUULQJRULQQHUULQJIDFHLVWREHFODPSHGRU abutted against a shoulder, make sure the shoulder configuration provides a good mounting surface: Examples Ř7KHVKRXOGHUIDFHPXVWEHSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHEHDULQJ “C12” Bore falls between 0.00000 & -0.00010 O.D. falls between -0.00010 & -0.00020 œ&$%Ŕ %RUHIDOOVEHWZHHQ O.D. falls between -0.00005 & -0.00010 “C10” Bore falls between O.D. is not coded mounting diameter within .0002 inches per inch. Ř7KHFRUQHUEHWZHHQWKHPRXQWLQJGLDPHWHUDQGWKHIDFH must have either an undercut or a fillet radius no larger than that shown in the product tables under column “r”. 0.00000 & -0.00010 Ř7KHVKRXOGHUGLDPHWHUPXVWFRQIRUPWRWKHWDEOH on page 62. 61 66844_Text.indd 63 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Recommended Fits Table of Recommended Fits* SHAFT FIT ◊ SHAFT DIAMETER ◊ HOUSING FIT ◊ HOUSING DIAMETER ◊ 7DSHJXLGHUROOHUSXOOH\FDP IROORZHURXWHUULQJURWDWLRQ Ŏ/ GŎ GŎ /Ŏ7 'Ŏ 'Ŏ 'ULYHPRWRUVSULQJSUHORDG 7Ŏ/ GŎ d – .0003 Ŏ/ ' D – .0000 3UHFLVLRQV\QFKURRUVHUYR Ŏ / GŎ d – .0003 Ŏ/ ' D – .0001 3RWHQWLRPHWHU 7Ŏ/ GŎ d – .0003 Ŏ/ ' D – .0000 (QFRGHUVSLQGOH Ŏ/ GŎ d – .0003 Ŏ7 'Ŏ D – .0003 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS * For Radial Play .0002 to .0005 ◊ Measurement in inches. L = loose fit. T = tight fit. d = bearing bore as listed. D = bearing O.D. as listed. + Bearings must be purchased with bore and O.D. coding. EXAMPLE: To use SSR-2 bearing in a potentiometer, the shaft diameter should be .1250 –.0001 to .1250 –.0003 or .1249 to .1247. The housing should be .3750 +.0002 to .3750 –.0000 or .3752 to .3750. Table of Recommended Shoulder Diameter* MINIMUM SHAFT SHOULDER DIAMETER MAXIMUM HOUSING SHOULDER DIAMETER 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665 665$ 665, 665; 665, 665, 665 665; 665 665 665, BASIC SIZE MINIMUM SHAFT SHOULDER DIAMETER MAXIMUM HOUSING SHOULDER DIAMETER 665, 665 665, 665 665 665 665, 665, 665, 665 665, 665, 665, 665, BASIC SIZE *Measurement in inches. 66844_Text.indd 64 62 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Tolerances For more than thirty years, NHBB has been an active member in 7KH$%(&WROHUDQFHVOLVWHGEHORZDUHFXUUHQWDVRIWKLVFDWDORJőV WKH$PHULFDQ%HDULQJ0DQXIDFWXUHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ$%0$DQGLWV printing. These tolerances are reviewed regularly and updated as DVVRFLDWHGEDOOEHDULQJWHFKQLFDOFRPPLWWHHWKH$QQXODU%HDULQJ UHTXLUHG7KH$%0$6WDQGDUGVPD\EHREWDLQHGE\FRQWDFWLQJ (QJLQHHUVő&RPPLWWHH$%(& $%0$06WUHHW1:6XLWH:DVKLQJWRQ'& Inner Ring* CHARACTERISTIC %RUHWROHUDQFHOLPLWV Bore 2 pt. out of roundness ABEC 1 ABEC 3P ABEC 5P ABEC 7P –.0003 –.0002 –.0002 –.0002 ABEC 9P –.0001 .— .— .0001 .0001 .00005 .— .— .— .0002 .— .0001 .00015 .0002 .0001 .0001 .0001 .00005 .00005 .00005 Bore runout with face .— .— .0003 .0001 .00005 5DFHUXQRXWZLWKIDFH .— .— .0003 .0001 .00005 Bore taper 5DGLDOUXQRXW Width variation *Measurement in inches. (1) Add .0001 to the tolerance if bore size is over 10 mm (.3937 in.). Outer Ring* CHARACTERISTIC Mean O.D. tolerance limits CONFIGURATION SIZE RANGE ABEC 1 ABEC 3P $OO LQ PP Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ LQ RYHUPP Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ LQ PP Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ LQ RYHUPP Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ LQ PP Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ . — . — Open Maximum O.D. tolerance limits ABEC 5P ABEC 7P ABEC 9P 6KLHOGHG LQ RYHUPP Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ Ŏ 2'SWRXWRIURXQGQHVV 2SHQ 2SHQ 6KLHOGHG LQ LQ LQ . — . — . — . — .ŏ . — .0001 .0002 .0001 .0002 .00005 . — 2'WDSHU $OO $OO 6KLHOGHG LQ LQ LQ . — . — . — . — .ŏ . — .0001 .0002 .0001 .0002 .00005 . — $OO $OO $OO $OO 3ODLQ 3ODLQ )ODQJHG LQ LQ LQ LQ LQ LQ LQ . — . — . — . — . — . — . — . — . — . — .0002 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0001 .00015 .0002 .0002 .0003 .00005 .00005 .00005 .0001 . — 5DGLDOUXQRXW :LGWKYDULDWLRQ 2'UXQRXWZLWKIDFH 5DFHUXQRXWZLWKIDFH Flange width tolerance limits — — .ŏ . — –.0020 –.0020 –.0020 . — . — Flange diameter tolerance limits — — .ŏ . — –.0020 –.0010 –.0010 . — . — *Measurement in inches, unless otherwise indicated. Ring Width* CHARACTERISTIC Width CONFIGURATION ABEC 1 ABEC 3P ABEC 5P ABEC 7P ABEC 9P 6LQJOHEHDULQJ components –.005 –.005 –.001 –.001 –.001 Duplex pair .— .— .ŏ .— –.015 –.015 –.015 *Measurement in inches. 63 66844_Text.indd 65 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Tolerances ABEC 5T Tolerances ABEC 7T Tolerances BORE DIAMETER OVER ,QQHU5LQJ RADIAL RUNOUT INCL. BORE DIAMETER MEAN DIAMETER TOLERANCE -.0002 -.0003 OVER ,QQHU5LQJ OUTSIDE DIAMETER BORE INNER RING INCL. SINGLE WIDTH -.001 -.005 -.0002 -.0002 -.0003 -.0002 -.0002 -.0003 2XWHU5LQJ OVER MEAN DIAMETER TOLERANCE OUTSIDE DIAMETER 2XWHU5LQJ RADIAL RUNOUT INCL. DUPLEX WIDTH BORE INNER RING -.015 -.020 OVER Please refer to ABMA Standard #12 for more information. INCL. SINGLE WIDTH -.001 -.001 DUPLEX WIDTH -.015 -.020 Please refer to ABMA Standard #12 for more information. 66844_Text.indd 66 64 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Torque 6WDUWLQJ WRUTXH DQG UXQQLQJ WRUTXH DUH H[WUHPHO\ LPSRUWDQW LQ Maximum Starting Torque Values For ABEC 7P Bearings applications such as gyro gimbals, low power consumption MAXIMUM STARTING TORQUE MILLIGRAM – MILLIMETERS PRWRUVDQGSUHFLVLRQSRVLWLRQLQJGHYLFHV,QVXFKDSSOLFDWLRQV NHBB BASIC SIZE the total system should be evaluated in the design phase for WRUTXH LQSXW YHUVXV WRUTXH UHƃHFWHG E\ WKH YDULRXV GULYHQ FRPSRQHQWV ,Q PDQ\ FDVHV EHDULQJ GHVLJQ DQG PDQXIDFWXUH 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, may be modified to reduce torque. TEST LOAD (THRUST) GRAMS RADIAL PLAY TIGHT FIT .0001" –.0003" NORMAL FIT .0002" –.0005" LOOSE FIT .0005" –.0008" 665, 665, 665, 665 665$ 665, 665, 665, 665 665, 665, 665 665, 665, Post Service Analysis Our precision miniature and instrument bearings have proven to The hardware and information required to successfully perform a be highly reliable when used within the defined limits of their post-service analysis include: capabilities. However, bearings, like any mechanical device, are Ř$OOEHDULQJFRPSRQHQWVDQGWKHDVVHPEO\LQZKLFKWKH subject to failure. Failure may occur due to improper mounting, bearing was used lubrication, environment, loading, maintenance, or contamina- Ř%HDULQJPDQXIDFWXULQJORWQXPEHUVLIDYDLODEOH tion after installation, as well as poor workmanship or material Ř+LVWRULFDOLQIRUPDWLRQWKDWGHVFULEHVWKHFRQGLWLRQV deficiencies. under which the device operated, such as speed, loads, NHBB maintains a technical staff experienced in the analysis of temperature, and atmospheric conditions, as well as any EHDULQJ IDLOXUH 8VLQJ WKHLU VSHFLDOL]HG NQRZOHGJH DQDO\WLFDO unusual shock, vibration, electrical arcing, or handling tools, and ultra-precision measuring and testing equipment, the situations to which the device was subjected cause of bearing failure can often be determined. This capability 8SRQFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHEHDULQJDQDO\VLVDGHWDLOHGUHSRUWQRWLQJ is available to customers experiencing bearing-related problems. our findings will be provided. ,QWKHHYHQWWKDWSRVWVHUYLFHEHDULQJDQDO\VLVLVGHVLUHGSOHDVH contact a NHBB sales representative who will make the necessary arrangements. 65 66844_Text.indd 67 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Interchange Chart NHBB NMB TIMKEN (MPB) BARDEN MYONIC (RMB) ORIGINAL NHBB P/N 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 8/=; 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 5; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 5); 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 5; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 5); 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 8/=; 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 5; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 5); 66533 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 8/=; 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 5; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 5); 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 6533 665 ''5 65& 65 5; 65 665== ''5== 65&++ 6566 5); 6533 665$ ''5$ 65$& 65$ 65$ 665==$ ''5==$ 65$&++ 65$33 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 8/= 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 8/=; 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 8/=; 6533 665 ''5 655 65 5; 65 665== ''5== 655++ 6566 5); 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 8/=; 6533 665, ''5, 6& 65 8/; 65 665,== ''5,== 6&++ 6566 8/=; 6533 665 ''5 65& 65 5; 65 665== ''5== 65&++ 6566 5); 6533 665, ''5, 65$5 65$ 65$' 665,== ''5,== 65$5++ 65$66 65$33' 665, ''5, 65 65 65 665,== ''5,== 65++ 6566 6533 665, ''5, 655 65 65' This chart is intended as a reference only. Users should consult with the listed manufacturers’ catalogs to establish dimensional interchangeability. Ball complements and load ratings may differ although dimensionally equivalent. NHBB cannot be held responsible for any errors contained herein. 66844_Text.indd 68 66 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Interchange Chart NHBB NMB TIMKEN (MPB) BARDEN MYONIC (RMB) ORIGINAL NHBB P/N 665,== ''5,== 655++ 6566 6533' 665, ''5, 655 65 65' 665,== ''5,== 655++ 6566 6533' 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 8/.=; 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 5.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 5.); 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 5.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 5.); 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 8/.=; 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 5.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 5.); 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 8/.=; 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 5.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 5.); 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 6)533 665) ''5) 65)& 6)5 5.; 6)5 665)== ''5)== 65)&++ 6)566 5.); 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 8/.=; 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6&++ 6)566 8/.=; 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 8/.=; 6)533 665) ''5) 65)& 6)5; 6)5& 665)== ''5)== 65)&++ 6)566 5.); 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 8/.=; 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 8/.; 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 8/.=; 6)533 665) ''5) 65)& 6)5 5.; 6)5 665)== ''5)== 65)&++ 6)566 5.); 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)& 6)5 6)5 665,)== ''5,)== 6)&++ 6)566 6)533 665,) ''5,) 6)5; 6)5'& 665,)== ''5,)== 65)5++ 6)566 6)533' This chart is intended as a reference only. Users should consult with the listed manufacturers’ catalogs to establish dimensional interchangeability. Ball complements and load ratings may differ although dimensionally equivalent. NHBB cannot be held responsible for any errors contained herein. 67 66844_Text.indd 69 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Metric Conversion Table FRACTION INCH mm 0.0250 0.6350 FRACTION INCH mm FRACTION INCH mm 0.3150 8.0000 19.0000 1.0000 9.0000 20.0000 10.0000 21.0000 2.0000 11.0000 22.0000 23.0000 12.0000 3.0000 13.0000 24.0000 25.0000 0.5512 14.0000 1.0236 26.0000 4.0000 15.0000 5.0000 1.0630 27.0000 16.0000 1.1025 28.0000 0.6500 16.5100 29.0000 30.0000 0.2362 6.0000 17.0000 7.0000 40.0000 18.0000 66844_Text.indd 70 68 11/16/12 9:45 AM Engineering Temperature Conversion Table The numbers in the center column refer to the temperatures WHPSHUDWXUHZLOOEHIRXQGWRWKHOHIWRIWKHFHQWHUFROXPQ,IFRQ- either in Celsius or Fahrenheit which need conversion to the other verting from Celsius to Fahrenheit, the answer will be found to scale. When converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius, the equivalent the right. Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion Table °F 100 212 400 700 110 230 210 410 710 1310 120 216 420 720 130 266 221 430 730 60 140 440 740 232 450 750 460 760 -166 -100 -90 -130 -112 -70 °C -51 -60 66 150 302 -50 160 320 -40 170 470 770 -30 -22 180 356 480 780 -20 190 490 790 -23 -10 200 260 500 800 0 32 210 266 510 810 1 220 520 820 2 35.6 110 230 530 830 1526 -16.1 3 116 240 540 840 -15.6 4 121 250 550 1022 850 1562 -15.0 5 260 500 560 860 6 132 270 570 870 7 280 536 580 880 1616 -13.3 8 290 310 590 890 9 300 316 600 1112 900 1652 -12.2 10 50.5 310 321 610 1130 910 20 160 320 620 920 -1.1 30 166 330 626 332 630 1166 930 40 340 640 940 10 50 122 350 662 650 1202 510 950 15.6 60 360 660 1220 516 960 21.1 70 370 670 521 970 80 380 360 680 1256 980 32.2 90 390 366 690 532 990 69 66844_Text.indd 71 °F -110 -80 °F/°C -62 °C °F °F/°C °F °F/°C °C °F/°C °C 11/16/12 9:45 AM 66844_Text.indd 72 70 11/16/12 9:45 AM New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. 72 NHBB Overview 73 Astro Division, Laconia, NH 74 HiTech Division, Peterborough, NH 75 myonic USA, Chatsworth, CA 76 Minebea Co., Ltd. 71 66844_Text.indd 73 11/16/12 9:45 AM New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. NHBB Overview Committed to Excellence We continue to build strong alliances within the aerospace, defense, dental, medical, and high technology markets, working across the enterprise to provide business solutions that keep pace with our customers’ technological advances. The precision tolerances required by the customers we support necessitate a complete FRPPLWPHQWWRTXDOLW\$W1+%%WKDWFRPPLWPHQWLVDSSDUHQWLQHYHU\WKLQJZHGRIURP an investment in advanced capabilities, to real-time quality control, to continuous improvement in both processes and people. Our commitment to manufacturing excellence is seen time and again in our high level of service and product quality. Applications Engineering Knowing how to leverage knowledge, industry experience, emerging technology, and industry trends is the true differentiator when it comes to customized bearing assemEOLHV $W 1+%% ZH RIIHU FRPSOHWH EHDULQJ HQJLQHHULQJ VXSSRUW IRU HYHU\ SKDVH RI D product’s life cycle, and we do this with a passion for serving as a valued technical resource to our customers. Manufacturing ,QYHVWLQJLQWKHPRVWDGYDQFHGWHFKQRORJLHVDYDLODEOHJLYHV1+%%DVLJQLƂFDQWDGYDQtage in precision manufacturing. We’re able to guarantee the close tolerances necessary in life-critical and high speed applications, as well as address manufacturing challenges in-house through new tools, precision gages, and state-of-the-art production processes. Care for the Environment $W 1+%% RXU VWULQJHQW HQYLURQPHQWDO SROLF\ HPSKDVL]HV SROOXWLRQ SUHYHQWLRQ regulatory compliance, and continuous improvement aimed at reducing the impact of every phase of the manufacturing process. Our objectives also include the promotion of environmental awareness among employees and within our communities. 66844_Text.indd 74 72 11/16/12 9:45 AM New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. Astro Division, Laconia, NH $VWURGHVLJQVDQGPDQXIDFWXUHVKLJKO\VSHFLDOL]HGFXVWRPEHDULQJVQH[WXSDVVHPEOLHVDQGPDFKLQHGSDUWVUHTXLULQJ significant engineering expertise and specialty materials. Our stringent process controls and advanced planning system enable us to satisfy unique production requirements and provide improved delivery scheduling as part of our continuous improvement culture and commitment to customer satisfaction. PRODUCTS Ř5RGHQGV Ř6SKHULFDOV Ř/LQNDVVHPEOLHV ŘBushings Ř/RDGHUVORWEHDULQJV ŘCustom-lined parts Ř%HDULQJVXSWR2' ŘNext-up assemblies & machined parts NMB, KARUIZAWA, JAPAN* Ř5RGHQGV Ř6SKHULFDOV Ř6SKHULFDOUROOHUEHDULQJV Ř6HOIDOLJQLQJUROOHUEHDULQJV ŘNext-up assemblies & machined parts QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS Ř,62 Ř$65HY& Ř%RHLQJ' Ř)$$)$5 NADCAP Ř$&Ŏ+HDWWUHDWLQJ Ř$&Ŏ&KHPLFDOSURFHVVLQJ Ř$&Ŏ1RQGHVWUXFWLYHWHVWLQJ Ř$&Ŏ&RPSRVLWHVERQGLQJ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION Ř,62 $VWURLVWKH1RUWK$PHULFDQVDOHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHIRUSURGXFWVPDQXIDFWXUHGE\10%őVIDFLOLW\LQ.DUXL]DZD-DSDQ giving customers access to a global supply of high quality commercial aerospace parts. 66844_Text.indd 75 73 11/16/12 9:45 AM New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. HiTech Division, Peterborough, NH HiTech specializes in customized and sophisticated bearing assemblies, cylindrical roller bearings, and large-diameter precision ball bearings. We have the ability to provide unique, custom bearing solutions to complex and demanding challenges, including high loads, extreme speeds, limited space, simplified assembly, and highly-efficient lubrication distribution, to name a few. PRODUCTS Ř&RPSOH[EDOODQGUROOHUEHDULQJV Ř%HDULQJVL]HVWKURXJKPP2' Ř&\OLQGULFDOUROOHUEHDULQJV Ř%DOOEHDULQJV Ŏ$QJXODUFRQWDFW – Gothic arch Ŏ'XSOH[VXSHUGXSOH[ – Torque tube – Thin section QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS Ř,62 Ř$65HY& Ř%RHLQJ' NADCAP Ř$&Ŏ+HDWWUHDWLQJŎLQFOXGLQJFDUEXUL]LQJ Ř$&Ŏ&KHPLFDOSURFHVVLQJŎLQFOXGLQJSDVVLYDWLRQ Ř$&Ŏ1RQGHVWUXFWLYHWHVWLQJ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION Ř,62 66844_Text.indd 76 74 11/16/12 9:45 AM New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. myonic USA, Chatsworth, CA P\RQLF LV D *HUPDQ PDQXIDFWXUHU RI SUHFLVLRQ PLQLDWXUH EDOO EHDULQJV DFTXLUHG LQ E\ 0LQHEHD &R /WG DQG UHSUHVHQWHGLQWKH86VROHO\E\P\RQLF86$ . myonic’s manufacturing facility specializes in the design and manufacture of highly-engineered mechanical subassemblies and miniature ball bearings for the dental, medical, aerospace and industrial markets. PRODUCTS Ř8OWUDSUHFLVLRQPLQLDWXUHEDOOEHDULQJV – Deep groove radial Ŏ$QJXODUFRQWDFW – Full line of metric Ř7KUXVWEHDULQJV Ř;UD\WXEHEHDULQJV Ř$LUFUDIWLQVWUXPHQWEHDULQJV Ř'HQWDOEHDULQJV Ŏ,QWHJUDOVKDIW – Complete turbine assemblies Ŏ/DVHUZHOGHGVKLHOGV – Hybrid ceramic Ŏ6SLQGOHVDXWRFKXFNV Ř6KLPVDQGZDVKHUV Ř&XVWRPL]HGEHDULQJV\VWHPV Ř&RQWUDFWPDQXIDFWXUHGSURGXFWV QUALITY CERTIFICATION Ř,62 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION Ř,62 75 66844_Text.indd 77 11/16/12 9:45 AM New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. The Minebea Group of Companies New Hampshire Ball Bearings and myonic are an integral part of an international business, the Minebea Group of &RPSDQLHV 0LQHEHD &R /WG LV WKH ZRUOGőV OHDGLQJ VSHFLDOL]HG PDQXIDFWXUHU RI PLQLDWXUH EDOO EHDULQJV DQG KLJK precision components for the telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, and electrical appliance industries. 7KH 0LQHEHD *URXS LV FRPSULVHG RI VXEVLGLDULHV LQ FRXQWULHV DQG HPSOR\V RYHU SHRSOH ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR its worldwide manufacturing capabilities, Minebea’s vision is to lead the competition through manufacturing and technological excellence. 66844_Text.indd 78 76 11/16/12 9:45 AM NHBB 9700 Independence Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 tel: 818.993.4100 fax: 818.407.5020 Astro Division 175 Jaffrey Road Peterborough, NH 03458 tel: 603.924.4100 fax: 603.924.4419 myonic USA 9700 Independence Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 tel: 818.701.4833 fax: 818.407.5020 NHBB Europe Siemensstrasse 30 63225 Langen Germany tel: (49) 6103.913.341 fax: (49) 6103.913.342 Products and Engineering HiTech Division PRECISION DIVISION Products and Engineering : 155 Lexington Drive Laconia, NH 03246 tel: 603.524.0004 fax: 603.524.9025 PRECISION DIVISION Precision Division and Corporate Headquarters Miniature and Instrument Torque Tube and Thinex Custom Specialty Bearing Assemblies Middle Size Bearings © 2012 NHBB, Inc. 66844_Cov.indd 1 11/7/12 3:09 PM
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