March 2013 Newsletter - Elkhorn Public Schools
March 2013 Newsletter - Elkhorn Public Schools
E lkh o r n Mi d d le S c h o o l V o l um e 7 , I s s ue 6 March 2013 “C LASSIC ” C O MMUNIQUÉ ANTLER HOOPS FUNDRAISER NEWS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Antler Hoops 1 Standardized Testing 1 EHS Registration Dodge Ball Tournament 3 Grade Level News Antler Hoops is underway this weekend! We have 48 teams from across the region playing in Elkhorn this weekend. Thank you so much for all the donations and volunteer hours you have given. EMS Families have really stepped up to make sure this event goes off without a hitch! YOU are what make Elkhorn Middle School such an awesome place!! 3 4-5 Middle School Track 7 Tech Savvy Parent Tips 8 S TA N DA R D I Z E D A C H I E V E M E N T T E S T I N G AT EMS Students at EMS will have an important four week stretch of standardized testing beginning March 25. ALL students will be taking the state reading test (NeSA-R), state math test (NeSAM), and a series of tests known as the Stanford 10 Achievement Tests. Eighth graders will also be taking the state science test (NeSA-S). The following is a summary of the testing schedule: . NO SCHOOL There will be no school for students on Friday, March 8 due to a teacher inservice day. There will also be no school for students on March 11-15, 2013. School will resume on Monday, March 18, 2013. March 25- March 28: ALL students at Elkhorn Middle School will take the state reading test (NeSA-R). The state reading test consists of two sections. Students will take part 1 and part 2 on different days. April 1 - April 5: ALL Elkhorn Middle School students will be taking the Stanford 10. April 8 - April 11: ALL Elkhorn Middle School students will take the state math test (NeSA-M). The state math test consists of two sections. Students will take part 1 and part 2 on different days. April 15 - April 18: 8th Grade students will be taking the state science test (NeSA-S). The state science test consists of two sections. Students will take part 1 and part 2 on different days. These are all very important assessments that truly allow us to measure the academic growth of each student. Please insist that your child is getting plenty of sleep and eating breakfast each morning. If you have any questions regarding these assessments please contact Mr. Tomjack or Mrs. Garrison. CONCERT DATE CHANGE The May 9, 2013 Vocal Music Concert involving all Chorus Students and the ―Classics‖ Show Choir has been rescheduled to Thursday, May 16, 2013. Please mark this change on your calendars. Thank you! P age 2 V o l um e 7 , I s s ue 6 PROGRESS REPORTS DISTRICT SPELLING BEE The final three contestants at the Elkhorn Spelling Bee were: 7th grader Kayleigh Ryan from EMS (first place), 8th grader Nicholas Cox from EVVMS (second place), and 7th grader Kaylin Behrens from EVVMS (third place). Congratulations to all of the bee participants for making it to the Elkhorn Bee, and especially to our top three trophy winners!!! Parent/Teacher conferences were held on Tuesday, February 12 and Wednesday, February 13. Mid-quarter progress reports were shared with parents. If you did not attend conferences, upon your request, your child may bring their portfolio home for your review. After reviewing, please return the portfolios to school. Please use these reports to help your child achieve his/ her educational goals. Should you have questions about your child’s progress, please call the school, 289-2428 and ask to speak to the teacher for clarification. Parent/Teacher conference attendance: 6th grade student led 63% 7th grade student led 67% 8th grade student led 64% E N D O F T H I R D Q UA R T E R Thursday, March 7 marks the end of third quarter. Report cards will be mailed home during the week of March 18. AUGUST PRE-REGISTRATION Please mark your calendars for our pre-registration day for ALL students August 5 and 6. It is extremely important that all students come for registration on one of these days. Please mark the dates on your calendar. Look for more information in upcoming newsletters. PARENT COMMUNICATION MEETING Our next Parent Communication group meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. Our parent communication group is open to any middle school parent to voice concerns and to learn more about our programs. We believe parent involvement is critical to the success of our children’s education, and we invite all of you to become involved. The Booster Club meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the Library. The Booster Club is looking for nominees to fill several officer positions and committee chairpersons. Elections will be held at the April meeting. If you are interested in running for an office or would be willing to help with a committee, please contact Mr. Tomjack at 289-2428 or [email protected] or Suzanne Rogers, Booster Club Co-President, at [email protected]. WASHINGTON D.C. TRIP It's not too late to sign up for the 2013 Washington DC trip. We will depart October 17 and return October 19, 2013. Contact Mr. Glover for more information: [email protected] 402 289-2428 THANKS PARENTS! Thanks to the following parents who contributed to the dinners for our staff during Parent/ Teacher Conferences this past year: Peggy Akey, Devaney Auel, Sue Bennett, Wendy Bischof, James & Melissa Byengton, Mary Clarys, Jill Cowger, Soja Dreher, Teresa Farr, Jennifer Feldman, Kathy Feldman, Kathy Frahm, Stacey Frailey, Aimee Frazier, Stephanie Groejnes, Jodi Hays, Jennifer Headley, Amy Headley, Courtney Heisey, Amy Hendryx, Linda Hester, Sally Hoss, Tonia and David Kehr, Terri Kehrli, Anna Kinder, Pam Kurz, Sara Lange, Mary Jo Lofgren, Amy Morgan, Kelly Mull, Barb Murphy, Susan Nelson, Heather Oestman, Tina Oetter, Jackie Oldham, Lisa Perkins, Laurie Pfeil, Jill Pietrocini, Connie Rance, Olga Robles, Lois & Ken Rolf, Stacy and Troy Schutte, Karen and Troy Schutte, Karen and Troy Spanel, Heidi Stodola, Beth Sufficool, Jenny Sutherland, Sally Vanderberghe, Brenda Wallish, Christine Williams, Joy Witecy. Everything was delicious and so appreciated. Special thanks goes out to Chelle Wagner for coordinating meals for both Fall and Spring conferences this year. You’re all so good to us! STUDENTS ARRIVING TO SCHOOL Just a reminder, students are not to arrive to school until 7:40 a.m. As a safety concern, we do not have supervision until that time. When students arrive after 7:40 a.m., they are also to remain in the Commons until the 8:00 a.m. bell. Only students with a pass from a teacher may be in the halls before then. Thank you for your cooperation. “Classic” Communiqué FROM THE OFFICE OF THE A.D. P age 3 MIKE ZEPLIN IS THE GAME ON OR OFF TODAY? Steps the A.D. Office will follow for inclement weather: Postponements/Cancellations will be posted on MS Track Practices will be determined by 1:30 pm in case of inclement weather HOOPS FOR HEART Students wishing to participate in Hoops for Heart will receive their collection envelopes on March 18th. Collection envelopes are due on March 22nd. Students who collect $10 or more will be able to participate in the 3 on 3 basketball tournament scheduled for March 26th and 27th. Students will also be able to set up on-line donations this year. Last year we raised almost $8,000.00. Please see more information on page 7. DANCE TEAM TRYOUTS —EHS A parent meeting for girls interested in trying out for Elkhorn High School Dance will be held on Sunday, March 3rd, 2013, at 1 pm in the Elkhorn High School cafeteria. Tryout practices for dance will be held March 25th - 28th from 3:30-5:00 p.m. at EHS. Dance Team tryouts will be held on March 29th, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. Any questions, please contact Christine Nyffeler at [email protected] REGISTRATION FOR 9TH GRADE AT EHS March 4: 9th Grade Registration/Parent Night, 6:00 pm EHS Auditorium Parents and 8th graders are invited to Elkhorn High School on March 4th at 6:00 pm. Parents will pick up registration materials at the door and then proceed to the auditorium. At that time, Counselors will present a 9th grade orientation and curriculum PowerPoint. After the presentation, parents will be asked to complete course selections and sign the registration form to verify course selections. Forms will be collected at the end of the evening and registration will be complete. DODGE BALL TOURNAMENT Come join the fun at the 7th Annual Dodge Ball Tournament in the EMS gym . The date for this year’s tournament is April 2nd. This was a very fun, successful event last year and we are looking forward to even more fun this year! The concession stand will be open and parents are welcome to attend the event. Teams will be made up of 4 players which include any combination of students, teachers and staff. Tournament forms are available in the office starting March 4th. The tournament entry fee is only $3.00 per player ($12.00 for team). Tournament play will start for 6th grade participants at approximately 2:30 p.m. (taking place during their Physical Education time). Seventh and 8th grade participants will begin at 3:30 p.m. and we expect to go until approximately 5:00 p.m. There are two divisions; Div 1 is a team of 4 made up of 6th grade students and teachers/staff. Div 2 is a team of 4 made of any combination of 6 th, 7th, 8th grade students and teachers/staff. Co-ed teams are encouraged and costumes are permitted but must not impair your ability to play. There are prizes for winners in both divisions. Please contact Steve Gorsett, 289-2428, with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there! Student/ Staff Basketball Game The EMS 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team will take on the EMS Staff in a friendly basketball game on March 22nd at 2:30 p.m. in the EMS gym. P age 4 V o l um e 7 , I s s ue 6 6TH GRADE NEWS MRS. BAUMERT, MRS. BLOMENKAMP, MRS. CRAWFORD, MRS. GRAGERT, MS. HULLINGER, MR. LUCKS, MRS. SMITH, MRS. SULLIVAN, MRS. WHITE Language Arts students will be finishing a biography unit. The students have been working on the biography of a loved one. They will then be working on district assessments dealing with writing paragraphs and the use of mechanics. Please check with your child regarding weekly spelling units. Sixth grade math students will be solving equations and working with functions. They will also be using perimeter and area to solve problems. Pre-Concept students will be finishing up a unit with fractions and then begin a geometry unit studying perimeter, area, circumference, and volume. In reading, students will finish reading the novel The Education of Little Tree. They will then finish the unit on non-fiction and take a test at the end of the unit. Students will also be focusing on state standard 6.1.1. Social studies students will finish studying the Conquest of the Americas. This spring, they will study Jamestown and the thirteen colonies, as well as the American Revolution. In science, sixth grade students will continue to explore the kingdoms of protists and fungi. 6TH GRADE FCS NEWS MRS. LANT Half of the sixth graders are just beginning their Family and Consumer Science rotation. The other half will have FCS as their next rotation. Family and Consumer Science is delivered in a modular setting. Students will complete two modules in related areas of FCS such as food preparation and nutrition, sewing and clothing care, interior design, child care, fashion and textiles and families. Each student will have one module that includes cooking and nutrition. All middle school students complete a sewing project , but not all in the same year. Some of the students will complete a pillow project this year, some will sew in 7th grade and some will sew in 8th grade. As a whole class we will learn about kitchen safety and sanitation, reading and using recipes, and information about babysitting. 7TH GRADE NEWS MR. BLUHM, MRS. BODYFIELD, MRS. HANSEN, MRS. KUDRNA, MS. LUTES, MRS. PILKINGTON, MR. PREISSLER, MRS. REESE, MS. SORENSON In Science, 7th graders are finishing up the Astronomy unit and will be taking the district common assessment. After we have taken the assessment, students will be working on a final project. They should have plenty of time to finish this project in class. Once the projects are finished, we will be moving into the Inside Earth unit, which is the final unit of the year. In Language Arts we will finish 3rd quarter preparing for standardized testing. This unit will review basic mechanics, usage, and grammar skills. Students will be responsible for more daily assignments and preparing for quizzes and tests. Seventh grade math classes have just finished all operations of fractions as well as using formulas for finding area and perimeter of many shapes. Next, we will be preparing for our last district common assessment, which covers all operations of fractions and decimals. We are also preparing for our Stanford 10 and NeSa-M tests which will begin in April. Pre-Algebra classes have just finished solving and graphing inequalities. We will be starting a unit on Geometry and also preparing for Stanford 10 and NeSA-M tests. In World History we are finishing up with the Middle Ages. The students really enjoyed this chapter as they had the opportunity, as a group, to construct a castle. It was a project that took a lot of time and effort, but the finished products were outstanding! We will now be moving on to study Africa and Asia. “Classic” Communiqué P age 5 3rd READING 7: We will finish quarter by studying organizational patterns and figurative language. We will then prepare for the NeSA-R test. EMS students will be taking the NeSA-R the week of March 25-28. Please be sure students are getting adequate rest and eating a good breakfast! It does make a difference in their testing. AR goals are March 1 st (Sorenson) and March 7th (Kudrna). HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT—7TH GRADE MR. RAPP Beginning in the middle of February the first half of the 7th grade students will start their Human Growth and Development exploratory health class. The second half of 7th grade will begin Human Growth and Development on April 10th. This class is designed to reinforce the values of home and family. It is a comprehensive class that is strongly abstinence-based. It respects parents, adolescents, and human sexuality. We always stress the importance of parents, family, and healthy decision-making. We encourage parents to ask questions, discuss concerns and look over curriculum materials by checking out a packet of materials to review. Parents will also be asked to complete four discussion homework assignments with their students throughout the six week class. Research shows that the best Human Growth and Development/Family Life programs are those in which schools and families work together as a team to educate young people. We appreciate your support. Parent packets are available for checkout at any time. Please feel free contact Mr. Rapp at Elkhorn Middle School with any questions, requests, or concerns through email at [email protected] or by calling the school (402) 289-2428. 8TH GRADE NEWS MRS. BASSETT, MR. BEARD, MRS. BLOOM, MS. EVERLY, MRS. GRISHAM, MR. HULTMAN, MS. LUTES, MRS. PILKINGTON, MR. PREISSLER, MS. SORENSON, Student Led Conferences were a success. Thank you for your continuing support with our students. March is here, and we are all heavily into State Standards. Our students will be encountering them on a daily basis for the rest of the year. The end of the quarter is the March 7th, and the office will mail third quarter grades home. In Language Arts we will continue working on parts of speech and start a poetry unit. In Science we will be starting our genetics unit and NeSA practice. In History we will be studying World War I and the Great Depression. In Reading we will be working on NeSA prep. In Pre-Algebra we will be starting geometry. In Algebra we will be solving quadratic equations. In Speech we will be covering debate and improv and Shakespeare. P age 6 V o l um e 7 , I s s ue 6 BAND NEWS MR. JOHNSON EMC Middle School Band Festival – On Thursday, March 7, the 7th grade band, 8th grade band, and jazz band will be traveling to Waverly for the 3rd annual Eastern Midlands Conference Band Festival. Our bands will be performing for, and rated by, a set of 3 judges. All 3 bands will receive ratings, comments, plaques, and a follow up clinic with one of the judges. Performance times are as follows: 7th Grade Band @ 9:50, Jazz Band @ 11:05, and 8th Grade Band @ 12:45. Students will be transported on school transportation with a 7:25 departure and arrival back at 2:45. Dress for this and all other concerts is black shoes, black socks, black pants, and their white EMS ―Noteworthy‖ t-shirts (tucked in!). Students will need to bring money for lunch while there. Also, we are in need of parents who would be willing to ride on the buses and stay with us for the day. If you can help us out, please contact Mr. Johnson at [email protected]. THANKS!!! March 21 Concerts – On Thursday, March 21, the EMS 6th grade band and chorus students, as well as the Show Choir and Jazz Band, will be performing their 2nd and 3rd concerts of the year. Due to participation numbers, we will performing twice that night, one at 6:00 PM and another at 7:30 PM. Joining us at the 6:00 concert will be the 5 th grade students from Manchester and West Dodge Station elementary schools playing their recorders. Joining us at the 7:30 concert will be the 5 th grade students from Hillrise and Westridge elementary schools playing their recorders. The concerts will take place in the EMS gym. Students will need to report by 5:45. Dress for this and all other concerts is black shoes, black socks, black pants, and their white EMS ―Noteworthy‖ t-shirts (tucked in!) Blair Middle School Honor Band – The Blair Honor Band is one of the premier honor bands for middle school students in this state. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, April 6 at Otte-Blair Middle School in Blair, Nebraska. The event consists of over 200 band students from over 40 schools divided into 2 concert bands. They rehearse all day and then give a performance at 4:00 PM. Students are selected through nominations from their directors and are usually based on instrumentation needs. This year, we had 7 students selected: Jason Balters, Sam Christensen, Gracie Hamik, MacKenzie Jeppesen, Karlie Johnston, Devin Kortan, and Koushik Sanjeevi. Big Band Jazz Night – On Saturday, April 27, the Elkhorn Public Schools will be hosting the ninth annual Elkhorn Big Band Jazz Night. The event will be held in the Elkhorn South High School commons area and runs from 6:00-9:30 PM. All the jazz bands from all three middle schools and both high schools will be performing that night on a rotating basis. In addition to the playing of the bands, there will be a dance floor and concessions available. This event serves as a benefit for the Elkhorn Jazz Bands with all proceeds going toward purchasing jazz music for future performances. Ticket prices are $5 for adults, $3 for students, and $1 for all ―kids‖ over 65. Please mark this date on your calendars, polish off those dancing shoes, and start those swing dance lessons right away! See you then! Private Lessons – At Elkhorn Middle School, we try to provide every student with as much time and individual attention as possible to make them the best musicians we can. However, for those students that either desire more intense musical pursuits or need that extra attention to continue improving their skills, seeking a private instructor for your student is an excellent option. Besides guaranteed one-on-one instruction on a regular basis, usually weekly, private instructors are experts on their individual instruments and can bring that professional expertise to your student. While most private instructors teach out of a studio at a music store or their home, some will drive to your home to provide the lessons. There are many private teachers available with varying personalities, areas of emphasis, and years of experience so matching your student with the right teacher is very important. If you are interested in private instruction for your student, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Johnson at any time. “C l as sic ” C o mmun iqué Page 7 CHORUS NEWS MRS. WORTMAN Upcoming performance reminders: Tues., March 5– 8th grade chorus at Elkhorn High School, 7:00 p.m. concert Thurs., March 21 – 6th Grade back-to-back concerts with 5th grade recorders, 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The Jazz Band and Show Choir will also be featured at both concerts. All musicians need to be in the gym by 5:45 p.m. MIDDLE SCHOOL TRACK Track practice will begin in March. All 7th and 8th grade boys and girls are invited to participate. All participants need to make sure they have their physicals and athletic fees turned in prior to the first day of practice. A complete practice and meet schedule will be handed out at the first meeting on March 18 th. Here are a couple of important dates to put on your calendar: March 18th Meeting for all 7th and 8th grade girls and boys participating ** Full Season Calendar will be handed out including meets and practices. March 19th Girls Check-out Equipment March 20th Boys Check-out Equipment March 21st First day of practice for all Boys and Girls Contact Jennifer Wragge ([email protected]) and/or Derek Gangwish ([email protected]) if you have any questions. EHS CHEER TRYOUTS FOR 2013-2014 S EASON Elkhorn High School Cheerleading tryouts are just around the corner! The information below will help prepare you for the tryout process. *NEW* - current 8th grade students are eligible to tryout There will be a mandatory informational meeting for 8th grade students and parents on Sunday, March 3th at 1:00 p.m. in the Elkhorn High School lecture hall. If you are unable to attend this meeting there will be a table set up Monday night at 9th Grade Registration Night where you can get all the information. Tryout prep clinics will be March 18th through the 21st, with tryouts on Friday, March 22nd at 4:00 p.m. All tryout clinics will be held in the wrestling room at EHS. Please see practice schedule below: Monday, March 18th: 6:30-7:30 a.m. AND 3:45-5:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 19th: 3:45-5:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 20th: 3:45-5:15 p.m. Thursday, March 21st: 3:45-5:15 p.m. Friday, March 22nd: Tryouts begin at 4:00 p.m., please arrive at 3:30. Feel free to call Barb Schmidt at Elkhorn High School 402-289-4239 with any questions. We are very excited about the upcoming season and hope to see you cheering on the Antlers! Barb Schmidt & Anna Strohm P age 8 V o l um e 7 , I s s ue 6 EMS SCHOOL PLAY This was our third year producing a play at the EMS, and it is quickly becoming a wonderful tradition. We are the only middle school within the Elkhorn District to hold an after school play production, and it has been made possible by all of the generosity and support we have received from the Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation, the students, parents, teachers, and community. The ―Seussification of Romeo and Juliet‖ was a huge success! THANK YOU! M A R C H — T E C H S AV V Y P A R E N T T I P Monitoring the Online History on Your Home Computer You can view the web history of your computer by clicking on the history tab at the top of your internet browser screen. Using the history tab you can see what websites your child has visited and what items they have downloaded. What if my student deletes the browser history? Have a conversation about deleting the browser history with your student. If he or she is following your rules for using the home computer—there will be no reason to delete the history. What is Instagram? Instagram is an app, which allows users to take photographs, then edit, filter and share them. Instagram is available now on both Apple and Android devices. The terms of use require users to be at least 13 years old. By default, photos can be viewed by anyone—if your student is using Instagram, make sure he or she is making their photos private. Instagram also has a feature known as ―geotagging.‖ Geotagging will allow others to see the exact location where the photo was taken. As a general rule, users (especially teens) should check to make sure geotagging is set to off before sharing a photo via Instagram. Like other social networking sites, Instagram has been linked to cyberbullying. It is relatively easy to create a fake account and users can post pictures that may be embarrassing to others. Those who view the photos can make comments, which is where a majority of the bullying occurs. Any inappropriate photos/comments can be reported via the report/block tool on Instagram. An Educational App—Science 360 Science 360 is published by the National Science Foundation and provides students with free information and news on science and engineering. Students can explore videos, stories and photos that highlight topics like nature, space and much more. Features range from short videos to complex text, so Science 360 has something for all age ranges. This free app is available on both Apple and Android devices. (Elkhorn Public Schools Policy 507.13—Internet Safety Policy was written in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act) March 2013 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 ANTLER HOOPS 2 ANTLER HOOPS WR @ Westside Invitational TBA 3 ANTLER HOOPS Meeting for Parents/StudentsDance Squad @ EHS 1:00 p.m. 4 8GBB @ Gretna 4:15 p.m. 7GBB vs Gretna 4:15 p.m. 8th Grade Registration/Parent Night @ EHS 6:00 p.m. School Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. 5 WR @ Blair Duals 4:15 p.m. 6 7 END OF 3rd QUARTER WR @Platteview 4:15 p.m. 7/8 Bands @ EMC Middle School Bands Festival Meeting for Parents/StudentsCheerleading @ EHS 6:00 p.m. 8 TEACHER INSERVICE 9 Booster Club Meeting 6:30 p.m. Parent Communication Meeting 7:00 10 11 SPRING BREAK 12 SPRING BREAK 13 SPRING BREAK 14 SPRING BREAK 15 SPRING BREAK 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Elkhorn Middle School The “Classic” One Home of the Antlers 3200 North 207th Plaza Elkhorn, NE 68022 Phone: 402-289-2428 Fax: 402-289-1639 5th/6th Grade Concert/Show Choir/ Jazz Band 6:00 & 7:30 p.m. 24 25 26 27 28 NeSA-R Testing NeSA-R Testing NeSA-R Testing NeSA-R Testing HOOPS for HEART HOOPS for HEART Staff/Student BB Game 2:30 p.m. 29 30 March 2013 Elkhorn Middle Schools Lunch Menu FRUIT & VEGETABLE BAR MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Special Days in March FRIDAY 1 1 Read Across America Day 17 St. Patrick's Day 3 Peach Blossom Day 20 First Day of Spring Cole Slaw Broccoli Florets 10 Daylight Savings Time Begins 25 Pecan Day All lunch meals include Fruit & Vegetable Bar and Milk 14 Popcorn Lover's Day 28 Something on a Stick Day 4 5 Oats 6 7 8 Broccoli Florets Spinach Salad w/FF Dressing Baby Carrots Spinach Salad w/FF Dressing Cucumber Slices Kidney Beans Radishes Cherry Tomatoes No Blueberries Orange Wedges Pineapple Apples School Pineapple Tidbits HARVEST OF THE MONTH Pineapple Cabbage Apples Diced Pears 11 Diced Pears 12 18 Mixed Fruit Peach Slices 13 19 14 20 15 21 22 Baby Carrots Spinach Salad w/FF Dressing Broccoli Salad Bean-a-Licious Salad Baby Carrots Broccoli Florets Kidney Beans Cauliflower Cucumber Slices Garbanzo Beans Apple Wedges For more information Cherry Tomatoes Radishes Fresh Pineapple Strawberries regarding Food Service Applesauce Banana~Diced Pears Peaches Oranges please contact Teacher In-Service 25 26 27 28 Mixed Fruit 29 Kim Becker, Director Cherry Tomatoes Baby Carrots Cucumber Slices Cherry Tomatoes Radishes (402)289-0443 Broccoli Florets Radishes Black Beans Broccoli Florets Broccoli Florets Kiwi Melon Slices Mixed Fruit Applesauce Diced Peaches [email protected] CLASSIC CAFÉ MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Strawberries Orange Wedges Sliced Pears Pineapple Tidbits THURSDAY March is… FRIDAY 1 National Breakfast Week, 4-8 NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH Potato Crusted Fish Filet Irish American Month EAT RIGHT, YOUR WAY, Brown Rice Red Cross Month EVERY DAY Steamed Carrots 4 5 6 7 8 Grilled Chicken Patty Diced Chicken & Gravy Sloppy Joes on WG Bun Homemade Lasagna Teacher In-Service on WG Bun over Mashed Potatoes Mexican Corn Garlic Breadstick No School Oven Fries WG Dinner Roll 11 12 Green Beans 13 14 15 LUNCH PRICES Classic Café $2.30 Diner Station $2.30 Grab-n-Go $2.30 18 Pizza Parlor $3.45 Italian Meatball Sandwich Popcorn Chicken Toasted Cheese Sandwich 2 Pancakes w/Syrup Chef's Choice $3.45 Green Beans Brown Rice w/Sweet & Sour Sauce Tomato Soup Scrambled Eggs Corn Reduced $0.40 Oriental Vegetables Steamed Carrots Tater Tots Jell-O Square Adult $3.15 25 Adult $3.45 BBQ Pork on WG Bun Chicken Nuggets Chicken Alfredo over Pasta Corn Dog Cheesebread Dunkers Milk $0.40 Potato Wedges Mashed Potatoes & Gravy WG Garlic Toast Baked Beans w/Marinara Sauce WG Sliced Bread Apple Crisp w/Oat Topping PIZZA PARLOR 19 26 MONDAY 27 22 28 Homemade Cheese Pizza 29 Steamed Carrots WEDNESDAY Calzones Cheese Pizza Cheese Pizza Cheese Pizza Pepperoni Pizza Mini-Pizzas Pepperoni Pizza Pepperoni Pizza Pepperoni Pizza Sausage Pizza ALA-CARTE ONLY Sausage Pizza Sausage Pizza Sausage Pizza MONDAY GRAB-n-GO 21 TUESDAY Cheese Pizza DINER STATION 20 TUESDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BBQ Rib Sandwich Cheeseburger Chicken Nuggets Hot Dog Cheeseburger Spicy Chicken Sandwich Chicken Patty w/WG Dinner Roll Cheeseburger Chicken Patty MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Turkey BLT Salad Combo Sliders 4 Chef Salad 5 18 12 Chef Salad 19 Chef Salad Turkey Ranch Wrap CHEF'S CHOICE Menus subject to change without notice MONDAY 26 Taco Salad 7 Turkey BLT Wrap Cravin Chicken Salad 20 Chicken Caesar Salad Turkey BLT Wrap TUESDAY 14 Taco Salad 21 Chicken Caesar Wrap 27 Chicken Caesar Salad 8 Honey Mustard Wrap 13 Ham & Cheese on a Bagel Deli Turkey Sub 25 6 Ham & Cheese on a Bagel Deli Turkey Sub 11 Yogurt Pak Taco Salad 15 Yogurt Pak Crispy Chicken Salad Ham & Cheese Pinwheels WEDNESDAY 22 Crispy Chicken Wrap 28 Combo Sliders NO SCHOOL THURSDAY Turkey BLT Salad Honey Mustard Wrap 29 Turkey BLT Salad Deli Sub FRIDAY GRILL MEXICAN GOURMET SANDWICH GRILL ITALIAN Cheeseburger Soft Shelled Tacos Made to Order Sub Chicken Patty Pasta Bar French Fries OR Nacho Chips French Fries This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Bids 4 Kids Ladies Night Out Benefiting Elkhorn Public Schools Students Join Us for Auctions, Raffles, Appetizers, Desserts, Games, Cash Bar & More! Elkhorn Ridge Golf Course Banquet Facility Thursday, April 4th 6 - 9 PM Tickets $10 in advance at or $15 at the door on April 4th Proceeds go to programs funded by the Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation: Classroom Grants, Robotics, Scholarships, Reading and Math Intervention, Girls on The Run, Battle of the Books, Author Visits, and MORE! A portion of ticket sales will also help families in need in our community through Womenade of Elkhorn! Bids 4 Kids Ladies Night Out Check out these great items you can get at our FUNdraiser to help Elkhorn kids! VIP Parking for Home EHS & ESHS Football Games Private Tours & Ribbon Cutting at New Elementary Schools Olde Towne Elkhorn Package - decor, gift cards, salon, restaurants, etc. VIP Parking & Pizza Lunches at Elementary Schools PTO & Booster Club Exclusive Packages First in Line for Lunch at Middle Schools High School Activity Passes School Spirit Gear & Decor UNO Sports & Storm Chasers Tickets Dreams Med Spa & Skin PC Spa Packages Figure by Faith Personal Training Devenue & Luminosity Massages Ladies Night or Birthday Party at Create! Keurig Coffee Bar Package from Staples Sam & Louie’s Pizza & Gigi’s Cupcakes For A Year Ray-Ban & Coach Sunglasses, Purses, etc. Pet Services & Products Restaurant & Salon Gift Cards Summer Luau Party And, MUCH MORE!!! Bids 4 Kids Appetizers & Desserts Generously Provided By: Want extra spending money? Gold Rush Girls will be there buying broken, unused or unwanted gold, silver and platinum! Top dollar paid! Plus, 15% of total sales will be donated to Elkhorn Public Schools by the Gold Rush Girls!
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