Part 1 - Lesnina XXXL Hrvatska
Part 1 - Lesnina XXXL Hrvatska
Page 1 of 95 TEST REPORT IEC 60950-1 Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 1: General requirements Report Number. ..............................: 14031169HKG-002 Date of issue.....................................: 29 Apr 2014 Total number of pages ...................... 95 CB Testing Laboratory...................: Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. Address ............................................: 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Applicant’s name ..............................: ShenZhen MingXin Power Technologies Co., Ltd. Address ............................................: West of 8/F, Block C, A Area of Fuhai Industrial Park, Fu Yong Street, Bao’An District, Shen Zhen City, GuangDong, 518103, P. R. China Manufacturer’s name……………….: N/A Address ............................................: N/A Test specification: Standard ...........................................: nd IEC 60950-1:2005 (2 Edition); Am 1:2009 EN 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 Test procedure .................................: N/A Non-standard test method…………..: EK1 557-13:2013 Test Report Form No......................: IEC60950_1C Test Report Form(s) Originator ........: SGS Fimko Ltd Master TRF.......................................: Dated 2012-08 Copyright © 2012 Worldwide System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE), Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the IECEE is acknowledged as copyright owner and source of the material. IECEE takes no responsibility for and will not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due to its placement and context. This report is not valid as a CB Test Report unless signed by an approved CB Testing Laboratory and appended to a CB Test Certificate issued by an NCB in accordance with IECEE 02. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 2 of 95 Test item description..................... : Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 AC/DC ADAPTER Trade Mark .......................................: Manufacturer.....................................: N/A Model/Type reference.......................: MX36*1-******** Ratings..............................................: Input: 100-240V AC, 50-60Hz, 1A Output: 4,2-24V DC, 10-4000mA, 36W max. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 3 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Testing procedure and testing location: Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. CB Testing Laboratory: Testing location/ address............................: 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Associated CB Laboratory: Testing location/ address............................: Tested by (name + signature) .......... : Approved by (name + signature) ...... : DANNY TANG ERIC NG Digitally signed by Tang King Cheong, Danny Location: Intetek Testing Services HK Limited ……………………………….. Digitally signed by Eric Ng Location: Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Limited ……………………………….. Testing procedure: TMP Testing location/ address............................: Tested by (name + signature) .......... : Approved by (name + signature) ...... : Testing procedure: WMT Testing location/ address............................: Tested by (name + signature) .......... : Witnessed by (name + signature) .... : Approved by (name + signature) ...... : Testing procedure: SMT Testing location/ address............................: Tested by (name + signature) .......... : Approved by (name + signature) ...... : Supervised by (name + signature) ... : Testing procedure: RMT Testing location/ address............................: Tested by (name + signature) .......... : Approved by (name + signature) ...... : Supervised by (name + signature) ... : TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 4 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 List of Attachments (including a total number of pages in each attachment): TRF – page 1 to page 57 EN 60950-1 Attachments – page 58 to page 75 EN 60950-1 Attachments (EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/A12:2011/AC:2011 – Annex ZC) – page 76 Plug portion – page 77 to page 85 Model List – page 86 Circuit diagram – page 87 Photo – page 88 to page 95 Summary of testing: National deviations for the CENELEC countries have been checked. The product fulfils the requirements of IEC 60950-1:2005 (2nd Edition); Am 1:2009 / EN 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011. Tests performed (name of test and test clause): Testing location: Full clauses, except not applicable. Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Summary of compliance with National Differences List of countries addressed: N/A The product fulfils the requirements of IEC 60950-1:2005 (2nd Edition); Am 1:2009. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 5 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Copy of marking plate: The artwork below may be only a draft. The use of certification marks on a product must be authorized by the respective NCBs that own these marks. The following information will be printed on label adhered on the rear enclosure of the appliance. For direct-plug type model: For cord-connection type model: Remark: - The above copy of marking plate as an example for the series MX36*1-********. All the other models will have the same marking plate except the difference of model number, output rating and input connection method only. - The above markings are the minimum requirements required by the safety standard. For the final productions samples, the additional markings which do not give rise to misunderstanding may be added. - The dimension for height of CE marking is at least 5mm height and the height of WEEE directive symbol is at least 7mm height. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 6 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Test item particulars.................................................. : Equipment mobility .................................................... : [√] movable [] hand-held [] transportable [] stationary [] for building-in [√] direct plug-in Connection to the mains ............................................ : [√] pluggable equipment [√] type A [] type B [] permanent connection [√] detachable power supply cord [] non-detachable power supply cord [] not directly connected to the mains Operating condition.................................................... : [√] continuous [] rated operating / resting time: Access location ......................................................... : [√] operator accessible [] restricted access location Over voltage category (OVC) ................................... : [] OVC I [] other: [√] OVC II [] OVC III [] OVC IV Mains supply tolerance (%) or absolute mains supply + 10 %/ - 10 % (Per client request) values ....................................................................... : Tested for IT power systems .................................... : [√] Yes [] No IT testing, phase-phase voltage (V) .......................... : 230V for Norway Class of equipment ................................................... : [] Class I [√] Class II [] Class III Considered current rating of protective device as 16A part of the building installlation (A) ............................ : Pollution degree (PD) ............................................... : [] PD 1 [√] PD 2 [] PD 3 IP protection class .................................................... : N/A Altitude during operation (m) .................................... : < 2000m Altitude of test laboratory (m) .................................... : < 2000m Mass of equipment (kg) ............................................ : 0,17kg max. Possible test case verdicts: - test case does not apply to the test object ................. : N/A (or N) - test object does meet the requirement....................... : P (Pass) - test object does not meet the requirement................. : F (Fail) Testing.......................................................................... : Date of receipt of test item ............................................ : 26 Mar 2014 Date(s) of performance of tests .................................... : 01 Apr 2014 to 17 Apr 2014 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: [] Not classified Page 7 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 General remarks: The test results presented in this report relate only to the object tested. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the Issuing testing laboratory. “(see Enclosure #)” refers to additional information appended to the report. “(see appended table)” refers to a table appended to the report. Throughout this report a comma / point is used as the decimal separator. When determining the test conclusion, the Measurement Uncertainty of test has been considered. The test report only allows to be revised within the retention period unless further standard or the requirement was noticed. This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek’s Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek’s responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program. The testing ambient (Tamb) and Max. Ambient temperature (Tma) are 25°C. Model MX36*1-0504000*, MX36*1-1203000* and MX36*1-2401500* were selected as representative st th samples for all testing. (where the 1 “*” in “W” or “Z”, and 9 “*” in “V” or blank) The instruction will be printed on marking label or user manual or gift box or included along with end product or similar means as following in English, German or language that is acceptable in the country: The socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible. Die Steckdose muß in der Nähe der Einrichtung angebracht und leicht zugänglich sein. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 8 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Manufacturer’s Declaration per sub-clause 6.2.5 of IECEE 02: The application for obtaining a CB Test Certificate includes more than one factory location and a declaration from the Manufacturer stating that the sample(s) submitted for evaluation is (are) representative of the products from each factory has been provided................................................................ : Yes Not applicable Name and address of factory (ies) .......................... : ShenZhen MingXin Power Technologies Co., Ltd. West of 8/F, Block C, A Area of Fuhai Industrial Park, Fu Yong Street, Bao’An District, Shen Zhen City, GuangDong, 518103, P. R. China General product information: Switching mode power supply in series. For the model details, please see attachment – model list. All models are similar except for type designation, output rating, plug portion type and electrical rating of some components. There are two types of input connection method included, direct-plug in type and cord-connected type. Abbreviations used in the report: - normal conditions N.C. - single fault conditions S.F.C - functional insulation FI - basic insulation BI - double insulation DI - supplementary insulation SI - reinforced insulation RI - between parts of opposite polarity BOP Indicate used abbreviations (if any) TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 9 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 1 GENERAL — 1.5 1.5.1 Components General Comply with IEC 60950-1 or relevant component standard Evaluation and testing of components Thermal controls Transformers Interconnecting cables Capacitors bridging insulation P P P 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.5.9 Result - Remark (see appended tables 1.5.1) Y1 type capacitor used Resistors bridging insulation No such resistor Resistors bridging functional, basic or supplementary insulation Resistors bridging double or reinforced insulation between a.c. mains and other circuits Resistors bridging double or reinforced insulation between a.c. mains and antenna or coaxial cable Components in equipment for IT power systems Surge suppressors General Protection of VDRs Bridging of functional insulation by a VDR Bridging of basic insulation by a VDR Bridging of supplementary, double or reinforced insulation by a VDR Verdict P N/A P N/A P N/A N/A N/A N/A P P P P P N/A N/A 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 Power interface AC power distribution systems Input current 1.6.3 1.6.4 Voltage limit of hand-held equipment Neutral conductor N/A P 1.7 1.7.1 Marking and instructions Power rating and identification markings Power rating marking Multiple mains supply connections….......................: Rated voltage(s) or voltage range(s) (V) ...............: Symbol for nature of supply, for d.c. only ...............: Rated frequency or rated frequency range (Hz) ....: P P P N/A P N/A P TN, TT; (IT for Norway only) (see appended table 1.6.2) 100-240V AC supply 50-60Hz TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P P P Page 10 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Rated current (mA or A) ........................................: 1A Identification markings Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark or identification mark .......................................................................: Model identification or type reference ....................: 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.7.5 1.7.6 1.7.7 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.7.10 1.7.11 1.7.12 1.7.13 1.7.14 Safety instructions and marking General Disconnect devices Overcurrent protective device IT power distribution systems Operator access with a tool Ozone Short duty cycles Supply voltage adjustment ....................................: Methods and means of adjustment; reference to installation instructions .........................................: Power outlets on the equipment ...........................: Fuse identification (marking, special fusing characteristics, cross-reference) ..........................: Wiring terminals Protective earthing and bonding terminals ...........: Terminals for a.c. mains supply conductors Terminals for d.c. mains supply conductors Controls and indicators Identification, location and marking ......................: Colours ................................................................: Symbols according to IEC 60417 .........................: Markings using figures ........................................: Isolation of multiple power sources .....................: Thermostats and other regulating devices ..........: Durability Removable parts Replaceable batteries ..........................................: Language(s) ........................................................ : Equipment for restricted access locations............: P P P MX36*1-******** Symbol for Class II equipment only .......................: Other markings and symbols .................................: Verdict P P See copy of marking plate for details See remarks for details F1; T3.15A marked on PCB TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P P P P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P P N/A N/A Page 11 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 2 PROTECTION FROM HAZARDS 2.1 2.1.1 Protection from electric shock and energy hazards Protection in operator access areas Access to energized parts Test by inspection ..................................................: Test with test finger (Figure 2A) ............................: Test with test pin (Figure 2B) .................................: Test with test probe (Figure 2C) ............................: Battery compartments Access to ELV wiring Working voltage (Vpeak or Vrms); minimum distance through insulation (mm) Access to hazardous voltage circuit wiring Energy hazards ......................................................: Manual controls Discharge of capacitors in equipment Result - Remark 2.1.2 2.1.3 Measured voltage (V); time-constant (s) ................: Energy hazards – d.c. mains supply a) Capacitor connected to the d.c. mains supply ...: b) Internal battery connected to the d.c. mains supply ................................................................................: Audio amplifiers .....................................................: Protection in service access areas Protection in restricted access locations 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 SELV circuits General requirements Voltages under normal conditions (V) ...................: 2.2.3 Voltages under fault conditions (V) ........................: 2.2.4 Connection of SELV circuits to other circuits ...... : Verdict — No openings No openings No openings No openings < 240VA No such capacitor P P P P P P P N/A N/A N/A P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A At no-load output voltage 24,8Vd.c. 22,4Vd.c. at overload condition TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P P P P P Page 12 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.5 TNV circuits Limits Type of TNV circuits ...............................................: Separation from other circuits and from accessible parts General requirements Protection by basic insulation Protection by earthing Protection by other constructions ..........................: Separation from hazardous voltages Insulation employed................................................: Connection of TNV circuits to other circuits Insulation employed................................................: Test for operating voltages generated externally 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 Limited current circuits General requirements Limit values 46,62mApeak P P P Frequency (Hz) .......................................................: 66,6kHz Measured current (mA) .................... : 0,395mApeak Measured voltage (V) .............................................: Measured circuit capacitance (nF or µF)................: Connection of limited current circuits to other circuits 0,79Vpeak 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.4.3 2.5 Result - Remark No TNV circuit Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Limited power sources a) Inherently limited output b) Impedance limited output c) Regulating network limited output under normal The appliance complied with operating and single fault condition limited power source d) Overcurrent protective device limited output Max. output voltage (V), max. output current (A), max. (see appended table 2.5) apparent power (VA) ..............................................: Current rating of overcurrent protective device (A) .: Use of integrated circuit (IC) current limiters TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: N/A P N/A N/A P N/A N/A Page 13 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 Provisions for earthing and bonding Protective earthing Functional earthing Protective earthing and protective bonding conductors General Size of protective earthing conductors 2 Rated current (A), cross-sectional area (mm ), AWG ................................................................................: Size of protective bonding conductors 2 Rated current (A), cross-sectional area (mm ), AWG ................................................................................: Protective current rating (A), cross-sectional area 2 (mm ), AWG ...........................................................: Resistance of earthing conductors and their terminations; resistance (Ω), voltage drop (V), test current (A), duration (min) ......................................: Colour of insulation.................................................: Terminals General Protective earthing and bonding terminals Rated current (A), type, nominal thread diameter (mm) .......................................................................: Separation of the protective earthing conductor from protective bonding conductors Integrity of protective earthing Interconnection of equipment Components in protective earthing conductors and protective bonding conductors Disconnection of protective earth Parts that can be removed by an operator Parts removed during servicing Corrosion resistance Screws for protective bonding Reliance on telecommunication network or cable distribution system 2.6.4 2.6.5 Result - Remark No earthing TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Page 14 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 2.7 2.7.1 Overcurrent and earth fault protection in primary circuits Basic requirements Instructions when protection relies on building Pluggable equipment type A installation Faults not simulated in 5.3.7 Void Short-circuit backup protection Building installation as the protective device Number and location of protective devices ...........: 1 pc of current fuse F1; located on primary circuit Protection by several devices Warning to service personnel.................................: 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 2.7.6 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 2.8.6 2.8.7 2.8.8 2.9 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.9.4 Result - Remark Safety interlocks General principles Protection requirements Inadvertent reactivation Fail-safe operation Protection against extreme hazard Moving parts Overriding Switches, relays and their related circuits Separation distances for contact gaps and their related circuits (mm) ..............................................: Overload test Endurance test Electric strength test Mechanical actuators Electrical insulation Properties of insulating materials Humidity conditioning Relative humidity (%), temperature (°C) ................: Grade of insulation Separation from hazardous voltages Method(s) used .....................................................: No safety interlocks Verdict P P N/A N/A P P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 93% R.H.; 48h; 20°C Method 1 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P P P P P Page 15 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 2.10 2.10.1 2.10.2 2.10.3 Clearances, creepage distances and distances through insulation General Frequency .............................................................. : 66,6kHz Pollution degrees ................................................... : Pollution degree 2 Reduced values for functional insualtion Intervening unconnected conductive parts Insulation with varying dimensions Special separation requirements Insulation in circuits generating starting pulses Determination of working voltage General RMS working voltage Peak working voltage Clearances General Mains transient voltages a) AC mains supply ............................................... : b) Earthed d.c. mains supplies .............................. : c) Unearthed d.c. mains supplies .......................... : d) Battery operation ............................................... : Clearances in primary circuits (see appended table 2.10.3 and 2.10.4) Clearances in secondary circuits (see appended table 2.10.3 and 2.10.4) Clearances in circuits having starting pulses Transients from a.c. mains supply ........................ : Transients from d.c. mains supply ........................ : Transients from telecommunication networks and cable distribution systems ..................................... : Measurement of transient voltage levels a) Transients from a mains suplply For an a.c. mains supply ....................................... : For a d.c. mains supply ......................................... : b) Transients from a telecommunication network : Creepage distances General Material group and caomparative tracking index CTI tests ................................................................. : Material group IIIb is assumed to be used Minimum creepage distances (see appended table 2.10.3 and 2.10.4) 2.10.4 Result - Remark TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict P P P P P P N/A N/A N/A P P P P P P P P N/A N/A N/A P P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P P P P Page 16 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 2.10.5 Result - Remark Solid insulation General Distances through insulation Insulating compound as solid insulation Semiconductor devices Cemented joints Thin sheet material – General Separable thin sheet material Number of layers (pcs) ........................................... : Non-separable thin sheet material Thin sheet material – standard test procedure Electric strength test Thin sheet material – alternative test procedure Electric strength test Insulation in wound components Wire in wound components (see appended table 2.10.5) (see appended table 2.10.5) Triple insulated wire at secondary winding 536Vpeak Working voltage ..................................................... : a) Basic insulation not under stress ...................... : b) Basic, supplemetary, reinforced insulation ........ : c) Compliance with Annex U ................................. : Approved TIW Two wires in contact inside wound component; angle between 45° and 90° ............................................. : Wire with solvent-based enamel in wound components Electric strength test (see appended table 2.10.5) Routine test Additional insulation in wound components Working voltage ..................................................... : - Basic insulation not under stress ........................ : - Supplemetary, reinforced insulation .................... : 2.10.6 Construction of printed boards Uncoated printed boards (see appended table 2.10.3 and 2.10.4) Coated printed boards Insulation between conductors on the same inner surface of a printed board Insulation between conductors on different layers of a printed board Distance through insulation TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict P P P N/A P N/A P P N/A N/A P P P P N/A N/A P N/A P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P P N/A N/A N/A N/A Page 17 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict 2.10.11 2.10.12 Number of insulation layers (pcs)........................... : Component external terminations Tests on coated printed boards and coated components Sample preparation and preliminary inspection Thermal conditioning Electric strength test Abrasion resistance test Thermal cycling Test for Pollution Degree 1 environment and insulating compound Tests for semiconductor devices and cemented joints Enclosed and sealed parts 3 WIRING, CONNECTIONS AND SUPPLY — 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 General Current rating and overcurrent protection Protection against mechanical damage Securing of internal wiring P P P P 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8 3.1.9 3.1.10 Insulation of conductors Beads and ceramic insulators Screws for electrical contact pressure Insulating materials in electrical connections Self-tapping and spaced thread screws Termination of conductors 10 N pull test Sleeving on wiring 3.2 3.2.1 Connection to a mains supply Means of connection 3.2.2 3.2.3 Connection to an a.c. mains supply Connection to a d.c. mains supply Multiple supply connections Permanently connected equipment Number of conductors, diameter of cable and conduits (mm) ........................................................: 2.10.7 2.10.8 2.10.9 2.10.10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Input lead wire and output cord fixed by glue and soldering. (see appended table 5.2) Direct plug-in or cord connected appliance TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P P N/A P P P N/A N/A N/A Page 18 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 3.2.4 3.2.5 Appliance inlets Power supply cords AC power supply cords Type .......................................................................: N/A N/A N/A 2 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.2.9 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 Rated current (A), cross-sectional area (mm ), AWG ................................................................................: DC power supply cords Cord anchorages and strain relief Mass of equipment (kg), pull (N) ..........................: Longitudinal displacement (mm) ...........................: Protection against mechanical damage Cord guards Diameter or minor dimension D (mm); test mass (g) ................................................................................: Radius of curvature of cord (mm)...........................: Supply wiring space N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 Wiring terminals for connection of external conductors Wiring terminals No wiring terminal Connection of non-detachable power supply cords Screw terminals Conductor sizes to be connected Rated current (A), cord/cable type, cross-sectional 2 area (mm )..............................................................: Wiring terminal sizes Rated current (A), type, nominal thread diameter (mm) ......................................................................: Wiring terminal design Grouping of wiring terminals Stranded wire 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 Disconnection from the mains supply General requirement Disconnect devices 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.4.7 3.4.8 Permanently connected equipment Parts which remain energized Switches in flexible cords Number of poles - single-phase and d.c. equipment Number of poles - three-phase equipment Switches as disconnect devices 3.3.5 Verdict Direct plug-in or cord connected appliance No such devices TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P P P N/A N/A N/A P N/A N/A Page 19 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 3.4.9 3.4.10 3.4.11 Plugs as disconnect devices Interconnected equipment Multiple power sources Noted 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 Interconnection of equipment General requirements Types of interconnection circuits ...........................: ELV circuits as interconnection circuits Data ports for additional equipment 4 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Stability Angle of 10° Cord-connected appliance P P Test force (N) ........................................................: 20% of weight of the unit P 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 Mechanical strength General Rack-mounted equipment. Steady force test, 10 N Steady force test, 30 N Steady force test, 250 N Impact test Fall test Swing test Drop test; height (mm) ...........................................: 4.2.9 4.2.10 Stress relief test Cathode ray tubes Picture tube separately certified ............................: High pressure lamps Wall or ceiling mounted equipment; force (N) .......: 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 Design and construction Edges and corners Handles and manual controls; force (N)............. : Adjustable controls Securing of parts 4.3.5 Connection by plugs and sockets SELV-SELV Verdict P N/A N/A P P P N/A N/A — Cord-connected appliance Direct plug-in appliance; 3 drops from 1m 110°C; 7 hours Enclosure fixed by Ultrasonic welding TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P P N/A P N/A P P P P P P N/A N/A N/A N/A P P N/A N/A P P Page 20 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 4.3.6 Direct plug-in equipment Torque ..................................................................: Compliance with the relevant mains plug standard : Heating elements in earthed equipment Batteries - Overcharging of a rechargeable battery - Unintentional charging of a non-rechargeable battery - Reverse charging of a rechargeable battery - Excessive discharging rate for any battery Oil and grease Dust, powders, liquids and gases Containers for liquids or gases Flammable liquids .................................................: Quantity of liquid (l) ...............................................: Flash point (°C) .....................................................: Radiation General Ionizing radiation Measured radiation (pA/kg) ..................................: Measured high-voltage (kV) .................................: Measured focus voltage (kV) ................................: CRT markings ......................................................: Effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on materials Part, property, retention after test, flammability classification .........................................................: Human exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation .......: Lasers (including laser diodes) and LEDs Lasers (including laser laser diodes) 4.3.7 4.3.8 4.3.9 4.3.10 4.3.11 4.3.12 4.3.13 1 2 Result - Remark 0,068Nm max. See attachments for details Verdict P P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Laser class ...........................................................: Light emitting diodes (LEDs) N/A Other types ...........................................................: N/A TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 21 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 Protection against hazardous moving parts General Protection in operator access areas .....................: Household and home/office document/media shredders Protection in restricted access locations ..............: Protection in service access areas Protection against moving fan blades General Not considered to cause pain or injury. a)………….: Is considered to cause pain, not injury. b) …………: Considered to cause injury. c) …………: Protection for users Use of symbol or warning ……………………………: Protection for service persons Use of symbol or warning ……………………………: 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 Result - Remark Thermal requirements General Temperature tests Normal load condition per Annex L ......................: Temperature limits for materials Touch temperature limits Resistance to abnormal heat ................................: Openings in enclosures Top and side openings Dimensions (mm) .................................................: Bottoms of fire enclosures Construction of the bottomm, dimensions (mm) ..: Doors or covers in fire enclosures Openings in transportable equipment Constructional design measures Dimensions (mm) .................................................: Evaluation measures for larger openings Use of metallized parts Adhesives for constructional purposes Conditioning temperature (°C), time (weeks) ........: No moving part Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (see appended table 4.5) (see appended table 4.5) (see appended table 4.5.5) No openings TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P P P P P P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Page 22 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 4.7 4.7.1 Resistance to fire Reducing the risk of ignition and spread of flame Method 1, selection and application of components wiring and materials Method 2, application of all of simulated fault condition tests Conditions for a fire enclosure Parts requiring a fire enclosure Parts not requiring a fire enclosure Materials General Materials for fire enclosures Materials for components and other parts outside fire enclosures Materials for components and other parts inside fire enclosures Materials for air filter assemblies Materials used in high-voltage components 5 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS AND SIMULATED ABNORMAL CONDITIONS — 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 Touch current and protective conductor current General Configuration of equipment under test (EUT) P P P Single connection to an a.c. mains supply Redundant multiple connections to an a.c. mains supply Simultaneous multiple connections to an a.c. mains supply Test circuit Application of measuring instrument Test procedure Test measurements Supply voltage (V) ................................................ : AC 264V P P P P Measured touch current (mA) ............................... : 0,11mA max. Max. allowed touch current (mA) .......................... : 0,25mA 4.7.2 4.7.3 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 Result - Remark Verdict (see appended table 4.7) P P P (see appended table 5.3) P (see appended table 4.7) (see appended table 4.7) P P P P P P P (see appended table 4.7) P N/A N/A MX36*1-0504000*, MX36*1-1203000* and MX36*1-2401500* P N/A N/A Measured protective conductor current (mA) ....... : Max. allowed protective conductor current (mA) ... : TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 23 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 5.1.7 5.1.8 Equipment with touch current exceeding 3,5 mA General ................................................................. : Simultaneous multiple connections to the supply Touch currents to telecommunication networks and cable distribution systems and from telecommunication networks Limitation of the touch current to a telecommunication network or to a cable distribution system Supply voltage (V) ................................................ : Measured touch current (mA) ............................... : Max. allowed touch current (mA) .......................... : Summation of touch currents from telecommunication networks a) EUT with earthed telecommunication ports ..... : b) EUT whose telecommunication ports have no reference to protective earth Result - Remark 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 Electric strength General Test procedure 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 Abnormal operating and fault conditions Protection against overload and abnormal operation Motors Transformers Functional insulation.............................................. : Electromechanical components Audio amplifiers in ITE ......................................... : Simulation of faults Unattended equipment Compliance criteria for abnormal operating and fault conditions During the tests After the tests Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (see appended table 5.2) (see appended table 5.3) (see appended Annex C) Satisfied TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P P P P P N/A P P N/A N/A P N/A P P P Page 24 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test 6 CONNECTION TO TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS N/A 6.1 Protection of telecommunication network service persons, and users of other equipment connected to the network, from hazards in the equipment Protection from hazardous voltages Separation of the telecommunication network from earth Requirements Supply voltage (V) ................................................: Current in the test circuit (mA) ............................: Exclusions ............................................................: N/A 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.2 Result - Remark Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A Protection of equipment users from overvoltages on telecommunication networks Separation requirements Electric strength test procedure Impulse test Steady-state test Compliance criteria N/A 6.3 Protection of the telecommunication wiring system from overheating Max. output current (A) .........................................: Current limiting method ........................................: N/A 7 CONNECTION TO CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 7.1 General N/A 7.2 Protection of cable distribution system service persons, and users of other equipment connected to the system, from hazardous voltages in the equipment N/A 7.3 Protection of equipment users from overvoltages on the cable distribution system N/A 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 Insulation between primary circuits and cable distribution systems General Voltage surge test Impulse test N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.2.1 6.2.2 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A — Page 25 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test A A.1 ANNEX A, TESTS FOR RESISTANCE TO HEAT AND FIRE Flammability test for fire enclosures of movable equipment having a total mass exceeding 18 kg, and of stationary equipment (see Samples.................................................................: Wall thickness (mm)..............................................: Conditioning of samples; temperature (°C) ..........: Mounting of samples ............................................: Test flame (see IEC 60695-11-3) Flame A, B, C or D ...............................................: Test procedure Compliance criteria Sample 1 burning time (s) .....................................: Sample 2 burning time (s) .....................................: Sample 3 burning time (s) .....................................: Flammability test for fire enclosures of movable equipment having a total mass not exceeding 18 kg, and for material and components located inside fire enclosures (see and Samples, material..................................................: Wall thickness (mm)..............................................: Conditioning of samples; temperature (°C) ..........: Mounting of samples ............................................: Test flame (see IEC 60695-11-4) Flame A, B or C ....................................................: Test procedure Compliance criteria Sample 1 burning time (s) .....................................: Sample 2 burning time (s) .....................................: Sample 3 burning time (s) .....................................: Alternative test acc. to IEC 60695-11-5, cl. 5 and 9 Sample 1 burning time (s) .....................................: Sample 2 burning time (s) .....................................: Sample 3 burning time (s) .....................................: Hot flaming oil test (see 4.6.2) Mounting of samples Test procedure Compliance criterion A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.1.4 A.1.5 A.1.6 A.2 A.2.1 A.2.2 A.2.3 A.2.4 A.2.5 A.2.6 A.2.7 A.3 A.3.1 A.3.2 A.3.3 Result - Remark TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict — N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Page 26 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test B ANNEX B, MOTOR TESTS UNDER ABNORMAL CONDITIONS (see and 5.3.2) General requirements Position .................................................................: Manufacturer ........................................................: Type ......................................................................: Rated values ........................................................: Test conditions Maximum temperatures Running overload test Locked-rotor overload test Test duration (days) ..............................................: Electric strength test: test voltage (V) ...................: Running overload test for d.c. motors in secondary circuits General Test procedure Alternative test procedure Electric strength test; test voltage (V) ...................: Locked-rotor overload test for d.c. motors in secondary circuits General Test procedure Alternative test procedure Electric strength test; test voltage (V) .................. : Test for motors with capacitors Test for three-phase motors Test for series motors Operating voltage (V) ...........................................: B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.6.1 B.6.2 B.6.3 B.6.4 B.7 B.7.1 B.7.2 B.7.3 B.7.4 B.8 B.9 B.10 C C.1 Result - Remark ANNEX C, TRANSFORMERS (see 1.5.4 and 5.3.3) Position .................................................................: Manufacturer ........................................................: Type ......................................................................: Rated values ........................................................: Method of protection..............................................: Overload test Inside enclosure Shenzhen Hua Zhi Chuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Ferrite transformer -Method 1 (see appended table 5.3) TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict — N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P P Page 27 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark C.2 Insulation (see appended tables 5.2 and C2) Protected by bobbin and tape Protection from displacement of windings.............: D Verdict P P D.1 D.2 ANNEX D, MEASURING INSTRUMENTS FOR TOUCH-CURRENT TESTS (see 5.1.4) Measuring instrument Alternative measuring instrument E ANNEX E, TEMPERATURE RISE OF A WINDING (see 1.4.13) — F ANNEX F, MEASUREMENT OF CLEARANCES AND CREEPAGE DISTANCES (see 2.10 and Annex G) — G — G.6 ANNEX G, ALTERNATIVE METHOD FOR DETERMINING MINIMUM CLEARANCES Clearances General Summary of the procedure for determining minimum clearances Determination of mains transient voltage (V) AC mains supply ...................................................: Earthed d.c. mains supplies .................................: Unearthed d.c. mains supplies .............................: Battery operation ..................................................: Determination of telecommunication network transient voltage (V) .............................................: Determination of required withstand voltage (V) Mains transients and internal repetitive peaks .....: Transients from telecommunication networks ......: Combination of transients Transients from cable distribution systems Measurement of transient voltages (V) a) Transients from a mains supply For an a.c. mains supply For a d.c. mains supply b) Transients from a telecommunication network Determination of minimum clearances .................: H ANNEX H, IONIZING RADIATION (see 4.3.13) G.1 G.1.1 G.1.2 G.2 G.2.1 G.2.2 G.2.3 G.2.4 G.3 G.4 G.4.1 G.4.2 G.4.3 G.4.4 G.5 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: — P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A — Page 28 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test J ANNEX J, TABLE OF ELECTROCHEMICAL POTENTIALS (see Metal(s) used ........................................................: K K.1 K.2 K.3 ANNEX K, THERMAL CONTROLS (see 1.5.3 and 5.3.8) Making and breaking capacity Thermostat reliability; operating voltage (V) .........: Thermostat endurance test; operating voltage (V) ...............................................................................: Temperature limiter endurance; operating voltage (V) ...............................................................................: Thermal cut-out reliability Stability of operation K.4 K.5 K.6 L L.1 L.2 L.3 L.4 L.5 L.6 L.7 M M.1 M.2 M.3 M.3.1 M.3.1.1 M.3.1.2 M.3.1.3 M.3.1.4 M.3.2 M.3.2.1 M.3.2.2 M.3.2.3 Result - Remark ANNEX L, NORMAL LOAD CONDITIONS FOR SOME TYPES OF ELECTRICAL BUSINESS EQUIPMENT (see and 4.5.2) Typewriters Adding machines and cash registers Erasers Pencil sharpeners Duplicators and copy machines Motor-operated files Other business equipment AC/DC Adapter ANNEX M, CRITERIA FOR TELEPHONE RINGING SIGNALS (see 2.3.1) Introduction Method A Method B Ringing signal Frequency (Hz) .....................................................: Voltage (V) ............................................................: Cadence; time (s), voltage (V) ..............................: Single fault current (mA) .......................................: Tripping device and monitoring voltage ................: Conditions for use of a tripping device or a monitoring voltage Tripping device Monitoring voltage (V) ..........................................: TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict — — N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A — N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P — N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Page 29 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test N N.1 N.2 ANNEX N, IMPULSE TEST GENERATORS (see,,,, 7.3.2, 7.4.3 and Clause G.5) ITU-T impulse test generators IEC 60065 impulse test generator P ANNEX P, NORMATIVE REFERENCES Q ANNEX Q, Voltage dependent resistors (VDRs) (see a) Preferred climatic categories ............................: — P b) Maximum continuous voltage ...........................: P c) Pulse current ....................................................: P — N/A R.2 ANNEX R, EXAMPLES OF REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAMMES Minimum separation distances for unpopulated coated printed boards (see Reduced clearances (see 2.10.3) S S.1 S.2 S.3 ANNEX S, PROCEDURE FOR IMPULSE TESTING (see Test equipment Test procedure Examples of waveforms during impulse testing — N/A N/A N/A T ANNEX T, GUIDANCE ON PROTECTION AGAINST INGRESS OF WATER (see 1.1.2) R R.1 Result - Remark Verdict — N/A N/A N/A — U V V.1 V.2 ANNEX U, INSULATED WINDING WIRES FOR USE WITHOUT INTERLEAVED INSULATION (see Approved TIW ANNEX V, AC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (see 1.6.1) Introduction TN power distribution systems — P P TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: — Page 30 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark W W.1 W.1.1 W.1.2 W.2 W.2.1 W.2.2 W.2.3 ANNEX W, SUMMATION OF TOUCH CURRENTS Touch current from electronic circuits Floating circuits Earthed circuits Interconnection of several equipments Isolation Common return, isolated from earth Common return, connected to protective earth X X.1 X.2 ANNEX X, MAXIMUM HEATING EFFECT IN TRANSFORMER TESTS (see clause C.1) Determination of maximum input current Overload test procedure Y Y.1 Y.2 Y.3 Y.4 ANNEX Y, ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT CONDITIONING TEST (see Test apparatus ......................................................: Mounting of test samples .....................................: Carbon-arc light-exposure apparatus ...................: Xenon-arc light exposure apparatus ....................: Z ANNEX Z, OVERVOLTAGE CATEGORIES (see and Clause G.2) TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict — P P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A — P P — N/A N/A N/A N/A — Page 31 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test AA ANNEX AA, MANDREL TEST (see — BB ANNEX BB, CHANGES IN THE SECOND EDITION CC CC.1 CC.2 CC.3 ANNEX CC, Evaluation of integrated circuit (IC) current limiters General Test program 1……………………………………….: Test program 2……………………………………….: — N/A N/A N/A DD DD.1 DD.2 DD.3 ANNEX DD, Requirements for the mounting means of rack-mounted equipment General Mechanical strength test, variable N………………..: Mechanical strength test, 250N, including end stops……………………………………………………: Compliance……………………………………………: — N/A N/A N/A ANNEX EE, Household and home/office document/media shredders General Markings and instructions Use of markings or symbols…………………………: Information of user instructions, maintenance and/or servicing instructions…………………………: Inadvertent reactivation test…………………………: Disconnection of power to hazardous moving parts: Use of markings or symbols…………………………: Protection against hazardous moving parts Test with test finger (Figure 2A) ……………………: Test with wedge probe (Figure EE1 and EE2) ……: — N/A N/A N/A N/A DD.4 EE EE.1 EE.2 EE.3 EE.4 EE.5 Result - Remark TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Page 32 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 1.5.1 TABLE: list of critical components Object/part No. Manufacturer/ Type/ model trademark 940(f1) Enclosure Sabic Innovative Plastics B V Verdict Technical data Standard PC; V-0; 120°C EN 60950-1 ZEK 01.4-08 P Mark(s) of 1) conformity Tested in appliance 940(f1) PC; V-0; 120°C EN 60950-1 ZEK 01.4-08 Tested in appliance Plug pin sleeving Sabic Innovative Plastics B V Appliance inlet Zhe Jiang Bei Er Jia Electronic Co., Ltd. ST-A03-005 AC 250V; 2,5A; 70°C; C8 DIN EN 60320-1 VDE Appliance inlet (Alternative) Zhejiang LECI Electronics Co., Ltd. DB-8 AC 250V; 2,5A; 70°C; C8 DIN EN 60320-1 VDE Appliance inlet (Alternative) Rich Bay Co., Ltd. R-201SN90 AC 250V; 2,5A; 70°C; C8 DIN EN 60320-1 VDE Appliance inlet (Alternative) TECX-UNIONS Technology Corporation SO-222 AC 250V; 2,5A; 70°C; C8 DIN EN 60320-1 VDE Choke L1 (for output power ≤20W) (Optional) Shenzhen Hua Zhi Chuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. DR2W 9*12 Winding (Pin S-F): Ø0,3mm x 1P x 125,5Ts EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance Choke L1 (for output power ≤20W) (Alternative) (Optional) Shenzhen Wanzhiyu Technology Co., Ltd. DR2W 9*12 Winding (Pin S-F): Ø0,3mm x 1P x 125,5Ts EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire Shantou Shengang Electrical Industrial Co., Ltd. xUEW/130 Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Wa Tai Electrotechnical Materials Factory Ltd. UEW Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Huizhou Golden Ocean Magnet Wire Factory xUEW; UEW-X Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Pacific Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. DD-NYU Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Tai-I Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. UEW Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 33 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict Winding N1 (Pin 1-2): Ø0,3mm x 1P x 75Ts; N2 (Pin 4-3): Ø0,3mm x 1P x 75Ts Winding N1 (Pin 1-2): Ø0,3mm x 1P x 75Ts; N2 (Pin 4-3): Ø0,3mm x 1P x 75Ts Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance UEW Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance Huizhou Golden Ocean Magnet Wire Factory xUEW; UEW-X Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Pacific Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. DD-NYU Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Tai-I Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. UEW Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Bobbin T375J PMC; V-0; 150°C PMC; V-0; 150°C EN 60950-1 - Bobbin (Alternative) Chang Chun Plastics Co., Ltd. Chang Chun Plastics Co., Ltd. Tested in appliance Tested in appliance - Bobbin (Alternative) Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. PM-9820 PMC; V-0; 150°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Bobbin (Alternative) Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. PM-9630 PMC; V-0; 150°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance Input lead wire Dongguan Keben Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 1007 EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Keben Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 1015 PVC; 80°C; 300V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 80°C min.; 600V min.; 22AWG min.; VW-1 EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance Choke LF1 (for output power >20W) Shenzhen Hua Zhi Chuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. MX36W1-LF1 Choke LF1 (for output power >20W) (Alternative) Shenzhen Wanzhiyu Technology Co., Ltd. MX36W1-LF1 - Magnet wire Shantou Shengang Electrical Industrial Co., Ltd. - Magnet wire (Alternative) Wa Tai Electrotechnical Materials Factory Ltd. - Magnet wire (Alternative) xUEW/130 T375HF EN 60950-1 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 34 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Cheng Xing Electronic Co., Ltd. 1007 Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Cheng Xing Electronic Co., Ltd. 1015 Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Cheng Xing Electronic Co., Ltd. 1617 Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Cheng Xing Electronic Co., Ltd. 1672 Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Licheng Electronics Co., Ltd. 1007 Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Licheng Electronics Co., Ltd. 1015 Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Licheng Electronics Co., Ltd. 1617 Input lead wire (Alternative) Dongguan Licheng Electronics Co., Ltd. 1672 Input lead wire (Alternative) Shenzhen Dong Ju Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. 1007 Input lead wire (Alternative) Shenzhen Dong Ju Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. 1015 Input lead wire (Alternative) Shenzhen Dong Ju Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. 1617 Input lead wire (Alternative) Shenzhen Dong Ju Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. 1672 PVC; 80°C; 300V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 80°C min.; 600V min.; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 105°C; 600V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 105°C; 600V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 80°C; 300V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 80°C min.; 600V min.; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 105°C; 600V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 105°C; 600V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 80°C; 300V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 80°C min.; 600V min.; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 105°C; 600V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 PVC; 105°C; 600V; 22AWG min.; VW-1 Verdict EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 35 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark -- Verdict 300V; 80°C; VW-1; 24AWG min. (For output current ≤1A); 22AWG min. (For output current >1A & ≤2A); 20AWG min. (For output current >2A & ≤3A); 18AWG min. (For output current >3A & ≤4A) AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60950-1 ZEK 01.4-08 Tested in appliance EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 VDE 2010 AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 VDE Hollyland Co., Ltd. 32S AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 VDE Current fuse (F1) (Alternative) Hollyland Co., Ltd. 5 ET AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 VDE Current fuse (F1) (Alternative) King Wahoo Electronics Co., Ltd. 3TC AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 VDE Current fuse (F1) (Alternative) King Wahoo Electronic Co., Ltd. KET AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 TÜV Rheinland Current fuse (F1) (Alternative) Shenzhen Lanson Electronics Co., Ltd. SMT Txxxx250V AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 VDE Current fuse (F1) (Alternative) Current fuse (F1) (Alternative) Shenzhen Lanson Electronics Co., Ltd. 3K Txxxx250V AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 VDE XC Electronics (Shen Zhen) Corp. Ltd. 3T-Series(s) AC 250V; 3,15A; time-lag EN 60127-1 EN 60127-3 VDE Output cord -- Current fuse (F1) Walter Electronic Co., Ltd. ICP Current fuse (F1) (Alternative) Walter Electronic Co., Ltd. Current fuse (F1) (Alternative) TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 36 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark - Heat shrinkable tube Changyuan Electronics Group Co., Ltd. CB-HFT - Heat shrinkable tube (Alternative) Shenzhen Wolida Trading Co., Ltd. RSFR-H - Heat shrinkable tube (Alternative) Shenzhen Woer Heatshrinkable Material Co., Ltd. RSFR-H Y-capacitor Nanjing Yuyue Electronics Co., Ltd. Y-capacitor Shantou High-New (Alternative) Technology Dev. Zone Shongtian Enterprise Co., Ltd. Y-capacitor Success Electronics (Alternative) Co., Ltd. Y-capacitor Success Electronics (Alternative) Co., Ltd. X-capacitor Carli Electronics Co., (C10) (Optional) Ltd. X-capacitor Ultra Tech Xiphi (C10) Enterprise Co., Ltd. (Alternative) (Optional) CT7 CD SB SE MPX HQX Flexible heat shrinkable polyolefin tubing; 600V; 125°C Flexible heat shrinkable polyolefin tubing; 600V; 125°C Flexible heat shrinkable polyolefin tubing; 600V; 125°C AC 400V; Y1; 125°C; 2200pF AC 400V; Y1; 125°C; 2200pF AC 250V; Y1; 125°C; 2200pF AC 250V; Y1; 125°C; 2200pF AC 275V; X2; 100°C; 0,022uF AC 275V; X2; 100°C; 0,022uF Verdict EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance IEC 60384-14 VDE IEC 60384-14 VDE IEC 60384-14 VDE IEC 60384-14 VDE IEC 60384-14 VDE IEC 60384-14 VDE X-capacitor (C10) (Alternative) (Optional) Camel Techology Corp. MPX AC 275V; X2; 100°C; 0,022uF IEC 60384-14 VDE X-capacitor (C10) (Alternative) (Optional) Dain Electronic Co., Ltd. MPX AC 275V; X2; 110°C; 0,022uF IEC 60384-14 VDE X-capacitor (C10) (Alternative) (Optional) Tenta Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. MEX AC 275V; X2; 100°C; 0,022uF IEC 60384-14 VDE TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 37 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict MPX AC 275V; X2; 110°C; 0,022uF IEC 60384-14 TÜV Rheinland Varistor (MOV1) Joyin Company Ltd. (Optional) 10S471K Varistor voltage 470V VDE Varistor (MOV1) Thinking Electronic (Alternative) Industrial Co., Ltd. (Optional) TVR10471-D Varistor voltage 470V IEC 61051-1 IEC 61051-2 IEC 61051-2-2 IEC 61051-1 IEC 61051-2 IEC 61051-2-2 SCK-051 240V; 1A EN 60730-1 TÜV Rheinland X-capacitor (C10) (Alternative) (Optional) Shantou High-New Technology Development Zone Songtian Enterprise Co., Ltd. VDE Thermistor (NTC) (Optional) Thinking Electronic Industrial Bridge diode (BD2) -- -- 2A min.; 600V min. EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance Capacitor (C1 & -C2) Transistor (Q1) -- -- EN 60950-1 -- 47µF max.; 400V; 105°C 600V min.; 4A Tested in appliance Tested in appliance Tested in appliance Tested in appliance VDE EN 60950-1 PCB Jiangsu Difeida Electronics Co., Ltd. DFD-2 SS; V-0; 130°C EN 60950-1 PCB (Alternative) Opto-coupler (U2) Dingnan Jin Peng Electronics Co., Ltd. COSMO Electronics Corporation 1S SS; V-0; 130°C EN 60950-1 K1010 DIN EN 607475-2 Opto-coupler (U2) (Alternative) Lite-On Technology Corporation LTV-817 Insulation voltage 890Vpeak; 100°C Insulation voltage 850Vpeak; 110°C DIN EN 607475-2 VDE Opto-coupler (U2) (Alternative) Bright Led Electronics Corp. BPC-817 Insulation voltage 850Vpeak; 100°C DIN EN 607475-2 VDE Opto-coupler (U2) (Alternative) Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. EL817 Insulation voltage 850Vpeak; 110°C DIN EN 607475-2 VDE Insulated tape (used on heatsink) Jingjiang Yahua Pressure Sensitive Glue Co., Ltd. PZ, CT PolyethyleneTerephthalate film; 130°C; flame retardant EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 38 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Insulated tape (used on heatsink) (Alternative) Chyun Yih Tape Co., Ltd. Insulated tape (used on heatsink) (Alternative) 3M Company Electrical Markets Div (EMD) Transformer (T1) Shenzhen Hua Zhi Chuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. P2XXF 1350F-1(b) 1) MX36W105 (for output 4,2-7,5V) 2) MX36W109 (for output 7,6-11,9V) 3) MX36W112 (for output 12-17,9V) 4) MX36W124 (for output 18-24V) Transformer (T1) (Alternative) Shenzhen Wanzhiyu Technology Co., Ltd. 1) MX36W105 (for output 4,2-7,5V) 2) MX36W109 (for output 7,6-11,9V) 3) MX36W112 (for output 12-17,9V) 4) MX36W124 (for output 18-24V) Verdict Polyester PET insulating tape; 130°C; flame retardant Polyester film, 130°C; flame retardant EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance Primary winding N1 (Pin 3-4): Ø0,37mm x 1P x 35Ts; N3 (Pin 4-1): Ø0,37mm x 1P x 33Ts; N4 (Pin 5-2): Ø0,2mm x 1P x 15Ts; Secondary winding N2 (Pin TA-TB): 1) Ø0,65mm x 3P x 5Ts; 2) Ø0,7mm x 2P x 7Ts; 3) Ø0,45mm x 3P x 13Ts; 4) Ø0,4mm x 2P x 23Ts Primary winding N1 (Pin 3-4): Ø0,37mm x 1P x 35Ts; N3 (Pin 4-1): Ø0,37mm x 1P x 33Ts; N4 (Pin 5-2): Ø0,2mm x 1P x 15Ts; Secondary winding N2 (Pin TA-TB): 1) Ø0,65mm x 3P x 5Ts; 2) Ø0,7mm x 2P x 7Ts; 3) Ø0,45mm x 3P x 13Ts; 4) Ø0,4mm x 2P x 23Ts EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 39 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict - Transformer bobbin Chang Chun Plastics Co., Ltd. T375J PMC; V-0; 150°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Transformer bobbin (Alternative) Chang Chun Plastics Co., Ltd. T375HF PMC; V-0; 150°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Transformer bobbin (Alternative) Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. PM-9820 PMC; V-0; 150°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Transformer bobbin (Alternative) Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. PM-9630 PMC; V-0; 150°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire Shantou Shengang Electrical Industrial Co., Ltd. xUEW/130 Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Wa Tai Electrotechnical Materials Factory Ltd. UEW Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Huizhou Golden Ocean Magnet Wire Factory xUEW; UEW-X Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Pacific Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. DD-NYU Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Magnet wire (Alternative) Tai-I Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. UEW Polyurethane; 130°C EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Insulated tape Jingjiang Yahua Pressure Sensitive Glue Co., Ltd. PZ, CT EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance - Triple insulated wire Totoku Electric Co., Ltd. TIW-2 PolyethyleneTerephthalate film; 130°C; flame retardant Insulation voltage: 1400Vpeak; 130°C; Class B IEC 60950-1 VDE - Triple insulated wire (Alternative) Huizhou Golden Ocean Magnet Wire Factory XYW-B Insulation voltage: 1400Vpeak; 130°C; Class B IEC 60950-1 VDE - Triple insulated wire (Alternative) Dah Jin Technology Co., Ltd. TLW-B Insulation voltage: 1000Vpeak; 130°C; Class B IEC 60950-1 VDE TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 40 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict - Triple insulated wire (Alternative) Shanghai Lucky Trade Co., Ltd. TIW-B Insulation voltage: 1400Vpeak; 130°C; Class B IEC 60950-1 VDE - Triple insulated wire (Alternative) Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. TEX-E Insulation voltage: 1000Vpeak; 130°C; Class B IEC 60950-1 VDE - Varnish Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. WP-2952F-2G HP; 130°C EN 60950-1 - Teflon tube Great Holding Industrial Co., Ltd. TFT PTFE not-heatshrinkable tubing; 300V; 200°C; VW-1 EN 60950-1 Tested in appliance Tested in appliance Supplementary information: 1) Provided evidence ensures the agreed level of compliance. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 41 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 1.6.2 TABLE: Electrical data (in normal conditions) Current deviation of/at: U rated (V) I rated I measured (mA) (mA) 437 MX36W1-0504000V 100V 50Hz 1000 dI (%) -56,3% Required dI (%) ≤ +10 MX36W1-0504000V 100V 60Hz 1000 449 -55,1% ≤ +10 MX36W1-0504000V 240V 50Hz 1000 232 -76,8% ≤ +10 MX36W1-0504000V 240V 60Hz 1000 227 -77,3% ≤ +10 MX36W1-1203000V 100V 50Hz 1000 667 -33,3% ≤ +10 MX36W1-1203000V 100V 60Hz 1000 684 -31,6% ≤ +10 MX36W1-1203000V 240V 50Hz 1000 362 -63,8% ≤ +10 MX36W1-1203000V 240V 60Hz 1000 358 -64,2% ≤ +10 MX36W1-2401500V 100V 50Hz 1000 661 -33,9% ≤ +10 MX36W1-2401500V 100V 60Hz 1000 677 -32,3% ≤ +10 MX36W1-2401500V 240V 50Hz 1000 366 -63,4% ≤ +10 MX36W1-2401500V 240V 60Hz 1000 360 -64,0% ≤ +10 Verdict P Remark -- -- -- Supplementary information: Nil 2.5 Model TABLE: Limited power sources Input voltage (Va.c.) Output voltage Short-circuit Uoc (Vd.c.) output current Isc (A) P Apparent power S (VA) Normal condition: MX36W1-0504000V 264V 50Hz 5,08 7,45 31,8 MX36W1-1203000V 264V 50Hz 11,5 5,41 57,8 MX36W1-2401500V 264V 50Hz 24,6 3,02 69,2 Single fault condition: -----Supplementary information: Limit: Output current Isc ≤ 8A and apparent power ≤ 100VA for output Uoc ≤ 30Vd.c. Output current Isc ≤ 150/Uoc (A) and apparent power ≤ 100VA for output 30Vd.c. < Uoc ≤ 60Vd.c. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 42 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 2.10.3 and TABLE: Clearance and creepage distance measurements 2.10.4 Clearance (cl) and creepage distance U peak U r.m.s. Required (cr) at/of/between: (V) (V) cl (mm) Functional: ----Basic: Different polarity (two leads of fuse) 340 240 2 Different polarity (L to N circuit) Verdict P cl (mm) Required cr (mm) cr (mm) -- -- -- 3,15 2,5 3,15 340 240 2 3,51 2,5 3,51 Supplementary: -Reinforced: Core to secondary winding -- -- -- -- -- -- 340 240 4 9,59 5 9,59 Primary winding to secondary winding 536 273 4,6 >10 5 >10 Input circuit and output circuit (on PCB track) 536 273 4,6 13,28 5 13,28 Input circuit and output circuit (on PCB track; under Y-capacitor) 356 240 4 8,39 5 8,39 Input circuit and output circuit (on PCB track; under Opto-coupler) 372 240 4 13,28 5 13,28 Live part (heat-sink) to accessible surface 340 240 4 7,14 5 7,14 Core to accessible surface 340 240 4 >10 5 >10 Core to output circuit (diode D3) 340 240 4 6,87 5 6,87 Core to output circuit (capacitor C6) 340 240 4 9,18 5 9,18 Supplementary information: - Core as live part and triple insulated wire used as secondary winding - Measured max. working voltage between input and output circuit of transformer is 536Vpeak (273Vrms). - Measured max. working voltage between input and output circuit of opto-coupler is 372Vpeak (236Vrms). - Measured max. working voltage between input and output circuit of Y-capacitor is 356Vpeak (220Vrms). TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 43 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 2.10.5 TABLE: Distance through insulation measurements Distance through insulation (DTI) at/of: U peak U rms (V) (V) Basic: ---Supplementary: ---Reinforced: Enclosure thickness 340 240 Verdict Test voltage (V) Require DTI (mm) P DTI (mm) -- -- -- -- -- -- 3000 0,4 2,82 Reinforced (Thin sheet): Insulating tape between core and output circuit 340 240 3000 Min. 2 layers 2 layers Insulating tape between heat-sink (input circuit) and output circuit 340 240 3000 Min. 2 layers 2 layers Insulating tape between heat-sink (output circuit) and input circuit 340 240 3000 Min. 2 layers 2 layers Supplementary information: Core as live part and triple insulated wire used as secondary winding TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 44 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark TABLE: Thermal requirements Supply voltage (V) ................................................: Ambient, t1 (°C) .....................................................: Ambient, t2 (°C) .....................................................: Maximum measured temperature T of part/at:: Verdict 4.5 Plug holder Input lead wire Varistor (MOV1) PCB under BD2 Capacitor C1 Choke L1 Winding Capacitor C2 Y-capacitor CY1 PCB under Q1 Transformer T1 winding Transformer T1 core Opto-coupler U2 PCB under D3 Capacitor C5 Choke L2 Choke LF2 Output lead wire Enclosure (inside; T1 top) Enclosure (inside; T1 bottom) Enclosure (outside; T1 top) Enclosure (outside T1 bottom) PCB under U1 X-capacitor C10 Temperature T of winding: R1 (Ω) Transformer winding -Supplementary information: For model MX36W1-0504000V. P Allowed Tmax (°C) 45 120 52 80 56 85 60 130 62 105 71 120 79 105 96 125 85 130 88 110 85 For ref. 75 100 91 130 79 105 77 120 75 120 54 80 80 For ref. 70 For ref. 64 95 62 95 81 130 70 100 Allowed Insulation Tmax (°C) class -130 90V 60Hz 264V 50Hz 25 25 25 25 T (°C) 47 55 61 72 67 76 80 93 82 84 81 73 90 84 74 72 54 76 67 61 59 78 72 R2 (Ω) -- T (°C) -- TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 45 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 4.5 TABLE: Thermal requirements Supply voltage (V) ................................................ : Ambient, t1 (°C) ..................................................... : Ambient, t2 (°C) ..................................................... : Maximum measured temperature T of part/at:: Plug holder Input lead wire Varistor (MOV1) PCB under BD2 Capacitor C1 Choke L1 Winding Capacitor C2 Y-capacitor CY1 PCB under Q1 Transformer T1 winding Transformer T1 core Opto-coupler U2 PCB under D3 Capacitor C5 Choke L2 Choke LF2 Output lead wire Enclosure (inside; T1 top) Enclosure (inside; T1 bottom) Enclosure (outside; T1 top) Enclosure (outside T1 bottom) PCB under U1 X-capacitor C10 Temperature T of winding: R1 (Ω) Transformer winding -Supplementary information: For model MX36W1-1203000V. Verdict P 90V 60Hz 264V 50Hz 25 25 25 25 T (°C) Allowed Tmax (°C) 55 50 120 64 52 80 74 60 85 92 68 130 80 64 105 89 70 120 86 81 105 94 94 125 94 88 130 93 95 110 93 94 For ref. 74 74 100 90 100 130 80 81 105 69 68 120 67 64 120 57 56 80 91 88 For ref. 69 72 For ref. 68 68 95 58 62 95 85 77 130 72 71 100 R2 (Ω) T (°C) Allowed Insulation Tmax (°C) class ---130 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 46 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 4.5 TABLE: Thermal requirements Supply voltage (V) ................................................ : Ambient, t1 (°C) ..................................................... : Ambient, t2 (°C) ..................................................... : Maximum measured temperature T of part/at:: Plug holder Input lead wire Varistor (MOV1) PCB under BD2 Capacitor C1 Choke L1 Winding Capacitor C2 Y-capacitor CY1 PCB under Q1 Transformer T1 winding Transformer T1 core Opto-coupler U2 PCB under D3 Capacitor C5 Choke L2 Choke LF2 Output lead wire Enclosure (inside; T1 top) Enclosure (inside; T1 bottom) Enclosure (outside; T1 top) Enclosure (outside T1 bottom) PCB under U1 X-capacitor C10 Temperature T of winding: R1 (Ω) Transformer winding -Supplementary information: For model MX36W1-2401500V. Verdict P 90V 60Hz 264V 50Hz 25 25 25 25 T (°C) Allowed Tmax (°C) 51 46 120 62 50 80 71 58 85 86 64 130 71 61 105 75 64 120 73 73 105 81 92 125 83 83 130 89 95 110 86 95 For ref. 71 74 100 87 111 130 72 82 105 66 72 120 60 65 120 51 55 80 80 86 For ref. 72 80 For ref. 67 72 95 64 70 95 75 74 130 69 69 100 R2 (Ω) T (°C) Allowed Insulation Tmax (°C) class ---130 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 47 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark TABLE: Thermal requirements Supply voltage (V) ................................................: Ambient, t1 (°C) .....................................................: Ambient, t2 (°C) .....................................................: Maximum measured temperature T of part/at:: Verdict 4.5 Appliance inlet Input lead wire Varistor (MOV1) PCB under BD2 Capacitor C1 Choke L1 Winding Capacitor C2 Y-capacitor CY1 PCB under Q1 Transformer T1 winding Transformer T1 core Opto-coupler U2 PCB under D3 Capacitor C5 Choke L2 Choke LF2 Output lead wire Enclosure (inside; T1 top) Enclosure (inside; T1 bottom) Enclosure (outside; T1 top) Enclosure (outside T1 bottom) PCB under U1 X-capacitor C10 Temperature T of winding: R1 (Ω) Transformer winding -Supplementary information: For model MX36Z1-0504000. P Allowed Tmax (°C) 42 70 51 80 56 85 59 130 59 105 65 120 80 105 92 125 80 130 91 110 88 For ref. 72 100 97 130 76 105 81 120 76 120 61 80 81 For ref. 80 For ref. 70 95 75 95 79 130 73 100 Allowed Insulation Tmax (°C) class -130 90V 60Hz 264V 50Hz 25 25 25 25 T (°C) 46 57 62 74 67 72 82 92 80 88 86 74 96 77 79 74 61 80 76 72 72 79 73 R2 (Ω) -- T (°C) -- TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 48 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 4.5 TABLE: Thermal requirements Supply voltage (V) ................................................ : Ambient, t1 (°C) ..................................................... : Ambient, t2 (°C) ..................................................... : Maximum measured temperature T of part/at:: Appliance inlet Input lead wire Varistor (MOV1) PCB under BD2 Capacitor C1 Choke L1 Winding Capacitor C2 Y-capacitor CY1 PCB under Q1 Transformer T1 winding Transformer T1 core Opto-coupler U2 PCB under D3 Capacitor C5 Choke L2 Choke LF2 Output lead wire Enclosure (inside; T1 top) Enclosure (inside; T1 bottom) Enclosure (outside; T1 top) Enclosure (outside T1 bottom) PCB under U1 X-capacitor C10 Temperature T of winding: R1 (Ω) Transformer winding -Supplementary information: For model MX36Z1-1203000. Verdict P 90V 60Hz 264V 50Hz 25 25 25 25 T (°C) Allowed Tmax (°C) 46 38 70 58 43 80 71 58 85 89 60 130 80 63 105 95 74 120 90 83 105 96 95 125 93 86 130 100 100 110 99 98 For ref. 80 78 100 99 101 130 82 81 105 77 77 120 67 66 120 52 50 80 95 90 For ref. 80 79 For ref. 80 74 95 71 72 95 87 79 130 76 77 100 R2 (Ω) T (°C) Allowed Insulation Tmax (°C) class ---130 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 49 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 4.5 TABLE: Thermal requirements Supply voltage (V) ................................................ : Ambient, t1 (°C) ..................................................... : Ambient, t2 (°C) ..................................................... : Maximum measured temperature T of part/at:: Appliance inlet Input lead wire Varistor (MOV1) PCB under BD2 Capacitor C1 Choke L1 Winding Capacitor C2 Y-capacitor CY1 PCB under Q1 Transformer T1 winding Transformer T1 core Opto-coupler U2 PCB under D3 Capacitor C5 Choke L2 Choke LF2 Output lead wire Enclosure (inside; T1 top) Enclosure (inside; T1 bottom) Enclosure (outside; T1 top) Enclosure (outside T1 bottom) PCB under U1 X-capacitor C10 Temperature T of winding: R1 (Ω) Transformer winding -Supplementary information: For model MX36Z1-2401500. Verdict P 90V 60Hz 264V 50Hz 25 25 25 25 T (°C) Allowed Tmax (°C) 49 43 70 59 48 80 69 56 85 86 65 130 72 59 105 77 62 120 76 72 105 85 91 125 84 83 130 88 99 110 89 101 For ref. 73 75 100 104 124 130 80 91 105 72 79 120 61 66 120 51 54 80 80 83 For ref. 77 84 For ref. 72 77 95 70 80 95 79 80 130 79 77 100 R2 (Ω) T (°C) Allowed Insulation Tmax (°C) class ---130 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 50 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 4.5.5 TABLE: Ball pressure test of thermoplastic parts Allowed impression diameter (mm) ................... : ≤ 2 Part Plug pin sleeving Enclosure Verdict Test temperature (°C) 125 125 P Impression diameter (mm) 1,1 1,3 125 1,0 Bobbin Supplementary information: Nil 4.7 Part TABLE: Resistance to fire Manufacturer of material Enclosure Sabic Innovative Plastics B V 940(f1) Thickness (mm) 2,82 Transformer bobbin Chang Chun Plastics Co., Ltd. T375J 0,95 V-0 Transformer bobbin (Alternative) Chang Chun Plastics Co., Ltd. T375HF 0,95 V-0 Transformer bobbin (Alternative) Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. PM-9820 0,95 V-0 Transformer bobbin (Alternative) Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. PM-9630 0,95 V-0 PCB Jiangsu Difeida Electronics Co., Ltd. DFD-4 1,45 V-0 1S 1,45 V-0 940(f1) 0,75 V-0 PCB Dingnan Jin Peng Electronics Co., Ltd. (Alternative) Plug pin sleeving Sabic Innovative Plastics B V Type of material P Flammability class V-0 Supplementary information: Nil TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 51 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 5.2 TABLE: Electric strength tests, impulse tests and voltage surge tests Test voltage applied between: Test voltage (Va.c.) Functional: --Basic: Different polarity 1500 Supplementary: --Reinforced: Input to output 3000 Input to accessible surface 3000 Core to output 3000 Inner enclosure to external enclosure 3000 Core to accessible surface 3000 Each layer of insulating tape 3000 Supplementary information: Core as live parts 5.3 Verdict P Breakdown Yes / No -No -No No No No No No TABLE: Fault condition tests P Test voltage (V)........................................................ : 264V 50Hz Ambient, t1 (°C) ........................................................ : 25 Ambient, t2 (°C) ........................................................ : 25 No. Component no. Fault Test time Fuse Fuse current Result (A) For model MX36W1-0504000V 1 Output s.c. < 1s --Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. 2 Output MUL 4hrs --Steady state attained at output current 6,0A. Circuit protected at output current at 6,2A. Sample can reset to normal condition. Transformer (T1) winding: 135°C max. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 52 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause 3 Requirement + Test Result - Remark s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 4 Bridge diode BD2 Capacitor C1 s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 5 Capacitor C2 s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 6 Transistor Q1 (pin G-S) s.c. < 1s -- -- 7 Transistor Q1 (pin G-D) s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 8 Transistor Q1 (pin S-D) s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 9 IC U1 (pin 2-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 10 IC U1 (pin 1-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 11 Primary winding (pin 1-3) s.c. < 1s -- -- 12 Primary winding (pin 2-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 13 Secondary winding (pin TA-TB) Opto-coupler U2 (primary side) s.c. < 1s -- -- s.c. < 1s -- -- s.c. < 1s -- -- 14 15 Opto-coupler U2 (secondary side) Verdict Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Current fuse opened and components BD2 and Q1 damaged. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened and component F1, BD2, R5A, R5B, R5C, R5D and Q1 damaged Unit shutdown. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Components U1 and U2 damaged. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample cannot reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 53 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 16 Opto-coupler U2 (secondary side) d.c. < 1s -- -- 17 Diode D1 s.c. < 1s -- -- 18 Diode D2 s.c. < 1s -- -- 19 Diode D3 s.c. < 1s -- -- 20 Resistor R11 s.c. < 1s -- -- 21 Resistor R12 s.c. < 1s -- -- 22 Resistor R5A s.c. < 1s F1 >5A < 1s -- -- For model MX36W1-1203000V 1 Output s.c. 2 Output MUL 4hrs -- -- 3 s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 4 Bridge diode BD2 Capacitor C1 s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 5 Capacitor C2 s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 6 Transistor Q1 (pin G-S) s.c. < 1s -- -- Verdict Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Current fuse opened and component Q1 damaged. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Steady state attained at output current 3,8A. Components F1, BD2, R5A, R5B, R5C, R5D and Q1 damaged at output current at 4A. Sample cannot reset to normal condition. Transformer (T1) winding: 152°C max. Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 54 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 7 Transistor Q1 (pin G-D) s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 8 Transistor Q1 (pin S-D) s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 9 IC U1 (pin 2-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 10 IC U1 (pin 1-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 11 Primary winding (pin 1-3) s.c. < 1s -- -- 12 Primary winding (pin 2-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 13 Secondary winding (pin TA-TB) Opto-coupler U2 (primary side) s.c. < 1s -- -- s.c. < 1s -- -- 14 15 Opto-coupler U2 (secondary side) s.c. < 1s -- -- 16 Opto-coupler U2 (secondary side) d.c. < 1s -- -- 17 Diode D1 s.c. < 1s -- -- 18 Diode D2 s.c. < 1s -- -- Verdict Current fuse opened and components BD2 and Q1 damaged. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened and component F1, BD2, R5A, R5B, R5C, R5D and Q1 damaged Unit shutdown. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Components U1 and U2 damaged. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample cannot reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 55 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 19 Diode D3 s.c. < 1s -- -- 20 Resistor R11 s.c. < 1s -- -- 21 Resistor R12 s.c. < 1s -- -- 22 Resistor R5A s.c. < 1s F1 >5A < 1s -- -- For model MX36W1-2401500V 1 Output s.c. 2 Output MUL 4hrs -- -- 3 s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 4 Bridge diode BD2 Capacitor C1 s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 5 Capacitor C2 s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 6 Transistor Q1 (pin G-S) s.c. < 1s -- -- 7 Transistor Q1 (pin G-D) s.c. < 1s F1 >5A 8 Transistor Q1 (pin S-D) s.c. < 1s F1 >5A Verdict Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Current fuse opened and component Q1 damaged. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Steady state attained at output current 2A. Components BD2, Q1 and D3 damaged at output current at 2,1A. Sample cannot reset to normal condition. Transformer (T1) winding: 140°C max. Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Current fuse opened and components BD2 and Q1 damaged. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Current fuse opened and component F1, BD2, R5A, R5B, R5C, R5D and Q1 damaged Unit shutdown. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 56 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 9 IC U1 (pin 2-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 10 IC U1 (pin 1-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 11 Primary winding (pin 1-3) s.c. < 1s -- -- 12 Primary winding (pin 2-5) s.c. < 1s -- -- 13 Secondary winding (pin TA-TB) Opto-coupler U2 (primary side) s.c. < 1s -- -- s.c. < 1s -- -- 14 15 Opto-coupler U2 (secondary side) s.c. < 1s -- -- 16 Opto-coupler U2 (secondary side) d.c. < 1s -- -- 17 Diode D1 s.c. < 1s -- -- 18 Diode D2 s.c. < 1s -- -- 19 Diode D3 s.c. < 1s -- -- 20 Resistor R11 s.c. < 1s -- -- 21 Resistor R12 s.c. < 1s -- -- Verdict Components U1 and U2 damaged. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample cannot reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. Unit shutdown. No temperature rise. No hazard. Sample can reset to normal condition. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 57 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC 60950-1 Clause 22 Requirement + Test Resistor R5A s.c. Result - Remark < 1s F1 >5A Current fuse opened and component Q1 damaged. No hazard. Hi-Pot Pass. Supplementary information: • s.c. means short circuit • d.c. means open circuit • MUL means most unfavourable loading TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict Page 58 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict EN 60950-1 Attachment ATTACHMENT TO TEST REPORT IEC 60950-1 EUROPEAN GROUP DIFFERENCES AND NATIONAL DIFFERENCES Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 1: General requirements Differences according to ............... : EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/A12:2011 Attachment Form No. .................... : EU_GD_IEC60950_1C_II Attachment Originator................... : SGS Fimko Ltd Master Attachment......................... : Date 2011-08 Copyright © 2011 IEC System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrical Equipment (IECEE), Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/A12:2011 – CENELEC COMMON MODIFICATIONS IEC 60950-1, GROUP DIFFERENCES (CENELEC common modifications EN) Clause Requirement + Test Contents Add the following annexes: Annex ZA (normative) General General (A1:2010) Result - Remark Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications Annex ZB (normative) Special national conditions Delete all the “country” notes in the reference document (IEC 60950-1:2005) according to the following list: 1.4.8 Note 2 1.5.1 Note 2 & 3 Note 1.5.8 Note 2 Note Note 4, 5 & 6 2.2.3 Note 2.2.4 Note 2.3.2 Note Note 2 2.3.4 Note 2 Note 2 & 3 2.7.1 Note Note 2 Note 3 Note 3.2.4 Note 3. 2.5.1 Note 2 4.3.6 Note 1 & 2 4.7 Note 4 Note 2 Note 3 & 4 5.3.7 Note 1 6 Note 2 & 5 Note 2 Note 6.2.2 Note Note 2 Note 7.1 Note 3 7.2 Note 7.3 Note 1 & 2 G.2.1 Note 2 Annex H Note 2 Delete all the “country” notes in the reference document (IEC 60950-1:2005/A1:2010) according to the following list: Note Note 2 Note 2 EE.3 Note TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict P P P Page 59 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark 1.3.Z1 Add the following subclause: 1.3.Z1 Exposure to excessive sound pressure The apparatus shall be so designed and constructed as to present no danger when used for its intended purpose, either in normal operating conditions or under fault conditions, particularly providing protection against exposure to excessive sound pressures from headphones or earphones. Verdict N/A NOTE Z1 A new method of measurement is described in EN 50332-1, Sound system equipment: Headphones and earphones associated with portable audio equipment - Maximum sound pressure level measurement methodology and limit considerations Part 1: General method for “one package equipment”, and in EN 50332-2, Sound system equipment: Headphones and earphones associated with portable audio equipment - Maximum sound pressure level measurement methodology and limit considerations Part 2: Guidelines to associate sets with headphones coming from different manufacturers. (A12:2011) In EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 Delete the addition of 1.3.Z1 / EN 60950-1:2006 Delete the definition 1.2.3.Z1 / EN 60950-1:2006 /A1:2010 1.5.1 Add the following NOTE: Noted P Noted P NOTE Z1 The use of certain substances in electrical and electronic equipment is restricted within the EU: see Directive 2002/95/EC (A1:2010) In addition, for a PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM, the instructions shall include a warning that excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss. In EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 (A12.2011) Delete NOTE Z1 and the addition for Portable Sound System. Add the following clause and annex to the existing standard and amendments. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: N/A N/A Page 60 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Zx Protection against excessive sound pressure from personal music players Zx.1 General This sub-clause specifies requirements for protection against excessive sound pressure from personal music players that are closely coupled to the ear. It also specifies requirements for earphones and headphones intended for use with personal music players. A personal music player is a portable equipment for personal use, that: − is designed to allow the user to listen to recorded or broadcast sound or video; and − primarily uses headphones or earphones that can be worn in or on or around the ears; and − allows the user to walk around while in use. NOTE 1 Examples are hand-held or body-worn portable CD players, MP3 audio players, mobile phones with MP3 type features, PDA’s or similar equipment. A personal music player and earphones or headphones intended to be used with personal music players shall comply with the requirements of this sub-clause. The requirements in this sub-clause are valid for music or video mode only. The requirements do not apply: − while the personal music player is connected to an external amplifier; or − while the headphones or earphones are not used. NOTE 2 An external amplifier is an amplifier which is not part of the personal music player or the listening device, but which is intended to play the music as a standalone music player. The requirements do not apply to: − hearing aid equipment and professional equipment; NOTE 3 Professional equipment is equipment sold through special sales channels. All products sold through normal electronics stores are considered not to be professional equipment. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A N/A Page 61 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark − analogue personal music players (personal music players without any kind of digital processing of the sound signal) that are brought to the market before the end of 2015. Verdict N/A NOTE 4 This exemption has been allowed because this technology is falling out of use and it is expected that within a few years it will no longer exist. This exemption will not be extended to other technologies. For equipment which is clearly designed or intended for use by young children, the limits of EN 71-1 apply. Zx.2 Equipment requirements No safety provision is required for equipment that complies with the following: − equipment provided as a package (personal music player with its listening device), where the acoustic output LAeq,T is ≤ 85 dBA measured while playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” as described in EN 50332-1; and − a personal music player provided with an analogue electrical output socket for a listening device, where the electrical output is ≤ 27 mV measured as described in EN 50332-2, while playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” as described in EN 50332-1. NOTE 1 Wherever the term acoustic output is used in this clause, the 30 s A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level LAeq,T is meant. See also Zx.5 and Annex Zx. All other equipment shall: a) protect the user from unintentional acoustic outputs exceeding those mentioned above; and b) have a standard acoustic output level not exceeding those mentioned above, and automatically return to an output level not exceeding those mentioned above when the power is switched off; and TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: N/A Page 62 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark c) provide a means to actively inform the user of the increased sound pressure when the equipment is operated with an acoustic output exceeding those mentioned above. Any means used shall be acknowledged by the user before activating a mode of operation which allows for an acoustic output exceeding those mentioned above. The acknowledgement does not need to be repeated more than once every 20 h of cumulative listening time; and NOTE 2 Examples of means include visual or audible signals. Action from the user is always required. NOTE 3 The 20 h listening time is the accumulative listening time, independent how often and how long the personal music player has been switched off. d) have a warning as specified in Zx.3; and e) not exceed the following: 1) equipment provided as a package (player with Its listening device), the acoustic output shall be ≤ 100 dBA measured while playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” described in EN 50332-1; and 2) a personal music player provided with an analogue electrical output socket for a listening device, the electrical output shall be ≤ 150 mV measured as described in EN 50332-2, while playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” described in EN 50332-1. For music where the average sound pressure (long term LAeq,T) measured over the duration of the song is lower than the average produced by the programme simulation noise, the warning does not need to be given as long as the average sound pressure of the song is below the basic limit of 85 dBA. In this case T becomes the duration of the song. NOTE 4 Classical music typically has an average sound pressure (long term LAeq,T) which is much lower than the average programme simulation noise. Therefore, if the player is capable to analyse the song and compare it with the programme simulation noise, the warning does not need to be given as long as the average sound pressure of the song is below the basic limit of 85 dBA. For example, if the player is set with the programme simulation noise to 85 dBA, but the average music level of the song is only 65 dBA, there is no need to give a warning or ask an acknowledgement as long as the average sound level of the song is not above the basic limit of 85 dBA. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A Page 63 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict N/A Zx.3 Warning The warning shall be placed on the equipment, or on the packaging, or in the instruction manual and shall consist of the following: − the symbol of Figure 1 with a minimum height of 5 mm; and − the following wording, or similar: “To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.” Figure 1 – Warning label (IEC 60417-6044) Alternatively, the entire warning may be given through the equipment display during use, when the user is asked to acknowledge activation of the higher level. Zx.4 Requirements for listening devices (headphones and earphones) Zx.4.1 Wired listening devices with analogue input With 94 dBA sound pressure output LAeq,T, the input voltage of the fixed “programme simulation noise” described in EN 50332-2 shall be ≥ 75 mV. This requirement is applicable in any mode where the headphones can operate (active or passive), including any available setting (for example built-in volume level control). NOTE The values of 94 dBA – 75 mV correspond with 85dBA – 27 mV and 100 dBA – 150 mV. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: N/A N/A Page 64 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Zx.4.2 Wired listening devices with digital input With any playing device playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” described in EN 50332-1 (and respecting the digital interface standards, where a digital interface standard exists that specifies the equivalent acoustic level), the acoustic output LAeq,T of the listening device shall be ≤ 100 dBA. This requirement is applicable in any mode where the headphones can operate, including any available setting (for example built-in volume level control, additional sound feature like equalization, etc.). Verdict N/A NOTE An example of a wired listening device with digital input is a USB headphone. Zx.4.3 Wireless listening devices N/A In wireless mode: − with any playing and transmitting device playing the fixed programme simulation noise described in EN 50332-1; and − respecting the wireless transmission standards, where an air interface standard exists that specifies the equivalent acoustic level; and − with volume and sound settings in the listening device (for example built-in volume level control, additional sound feature like equalization, etc.) set to the combination of positions that maximize the measured acoustic output for the abovementioned programme simulation noise, the acoustic output LAeq,T of the listening device shall be ≤ 100 dBA. NOTE An example of a wireless listening device is a Bluetooth headphone. Zx.5 Measurement methods Measurements shall be made in accordance with EN 50332-1 or EN 50332-2 as applicable. Unless stated otherwise, the time interval T shall be 30 s. NOTE Test method for wireless equipment provided without listening device should be defined. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: N/A Page 65 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test 2.7.1 Replace the subclause as follows: Basic requirements To protect against excessive current, short-circuits and earth faults in PRIMARY CIRCUITS, protective devices shall be included either as integral parts of the equipment or as parts of the building installation, subject to the following, a), b) and c): a) except as detailed in b) and c), protective devices necessary to comply with the requirements of 5.3 shall be included as parts of the equipment; b) for components in series with the mains input to the equipment such as the supply cord, appliance coupler, r.f.i. filter and switch, short-circuit and earth fault protection may be provided by protective devices in the building installation; c) it is permitted for PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT TYPE B or PERMANENTLY CONNECTED EQUIPMENT, to rely on dedicated overcurrent and short-circuit protection in the building installation, provided that the means of protection, e.g. fuses or circuit breakers, is fully specified in the installation instructions. If reliance is placed on protection in the building installation, the installation instructions shall so state, except that for PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT TYPE A the building installation shall be regarded as providing protection in accordance with the rating of the wall socket outlet. This subclause has been declared ‘void’. Void Delete the NOTE in Table 3A, and delete also in this table the conduit sizes in parentheses. 2.7.2 3.2.3 Result - Remark TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict P N/A N/A Page 66 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Replace “60245 IEC 53” by “H05 RR-F”; “60227 IEC 52” by “H03 VV-F or H03 VVH2-F”; “60227 IEC 53” by “H05 VV-F or H05 VVH2-F2”. In Table 3B, replace the first four lines by the following: a) Up to and including 6 | 0,75 | b) Over 6 up to and including 10 | (0,75) 1,0 | c) Over 10 up to and including 16 | (1,0) 1,5 | In the conditions applicable to Table 3B delete the a) words “in some countries” in condition . In NOTE 1, applicable to Table 3B, delete the second sentence. In Table 3D, delete the fourth line: conductor sizes for 10 to 13 A, and replace with the following: Over 10 up to and including 16 | 1,5 to 2,5 | 1,5 to 4 | Delete the fifth line: conductor sizes for 13 to 16 A Replace the existing NOTE by the following: 3.3.4 (A1:2010) Annex H Result - Remark Verdict N/A N/A N/A NOTE Z1 Attention is drawn to: 1999/519/EC: Council Recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields 0 Hz to 300 GHz, and 2006/25/EC: Directive on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from physical agents (artifical optical radiation). Standards taking into account mentioned Recommendation and Directive which demonstrate compliance with the applicable EU Directive are indicated in the OJEC. N/A Replace the last paragraph of this annex by: At any point 10 cm from the surface of the OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, the dose rate shall not exceed 1 µSv/h (0,1 mR/h) (see NOTE). Account is taken of the background level. Replace the notes as follows: N/A NOTE These values appear in Directive 96/29/Euratom. Biblio- Delete NOTE 2. Additional EN standards. graphy ZA NORMATIVE REFERENCES TO INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS WITH THEIR CORRESPONDING EUROPEAN PUBLICATIONS TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 67 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict ZB ANNEX (normative) SPECIAL NATIONAL CONDITIONS (EN) Clause Requirement + Test In Denmark, certain types of Class I appliances (see may be provided with a plug not establishing earthing conditions when inserted into Danish socket-outlets. In Norway and Sweden, for requirements see and 7.3 of this annex. In Finland, Norway and Sweden, resistors bridging BASIC INSULATION in CLASS I PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT TYPE A must comply with the requirements in In addition when a single resistor is used, the resistor must withstand the resistor test in In Norway, due to the IT power system used (see annex V, Figure V.7), capacitors are required to be rated for the applicable line-to-line voltage (230 V). In Finland, Norway and Sweden, the third dashed sentence is applicable only to equipment as defined in of this annex. 1.5.8 Result - Remark TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Page 68 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark In Finland, Norway and Sweden, CLASS I PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT TYPE A intended for connection to other equipment or a network shall, if safety relies on connection to protective earth or if surge suppressors are connected between the network terminals and accessible parts, have a marking stating that the equipment must be connected to an earthed mains socket-outlet. The marking text in the applicable countries shall be as follows: In Finland: "Laite on liitettävä suojakoskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan" In Norway: “Apparatet må tilkoples jordet stikkontakt” In Sweden: “Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag” In Norway and Sweden, the screen of the cable distribution system is normally not earthed at the entrance of the building and there is normally no equipotential bonding system within the building. Therefore the protective earthing of the building installation need to be isolated from the screen of a cable distribution system. It is however accepted to provide the insulation external to the equipment by an adapter or an interconnection cable with galvanic isolator, which may be provided by e.g. a retailer. The user manual shall then have the following or similar information in Norwegian and Swedish language respectively, depending on in what country the equipment is intended to be used in: “Equipment connected to the protective earthing of the building installation through the mains connection or through other equipment with a connection to protective earthing – and to a cable distribution system using coaxial cable, may in some circumstances create a fire hazard. Connection to a cable distribution system has therefore to be provided through a device providing electrical isolation below a certain frequency range (galvanic isolator, see EN 60728-11).” NOTE In Norway, due to regulation for installations of cable distribution systems, and in Sweden, a galvanic isolator shall provide electrical insulation below 5 MHz. The insulation shall withstand a dielectric strength of 1,5 kV r.m.s., 50 Hz or 60 Hz, for 1 min. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A Page 69 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause 1.7.5 2.2.4 2.3.2 2.3.4 Requirement + Test Result - Remark Translation to Norwegian (the Swedish text will also be accepted in Norway): “Utstyr som er koplet til beskyttelsesjord via nettplugg og/eller via annet jordtilkoplet utstyr – og er tilkoplet et kabel-TV nett, kan forårsake brannfare. For å unngå dette skal det ved tilkopling av utstyret til kabel-TV nettet installeres en galvanisk isolator mellom utstyret og kabel- TV nettet.” Translation to Swedish: ”Utrustning som är kopplad till skyddsjord via jordat vägguttag och/eller via annan utrustning och samtidigt är kopplad till kabel-TV nät kan i vissa fall medfőra risk főr brand. Főr att undvika detta skall vid anslutning av utrustningen till kabel-TV nät galvanisk isolator finnas mellan utrustningen och kabel-TV nätet.” In Denmark, socket-outlets for providing power to other equipment shall be in accordance with the Heavy Current Regulations, Section 107-2-D1, Standard Sheet DK 1-3a, DK 1-5a or DK 1-7a, when used on Class I equipment. For STATIONARY EQUIPMENT the socket-outlet shall be in accordance with Standard Sheet DK 1-1b or DK 15a. For CLASS II EQUIPMENT the socket outlet shall be in accordance with Standard Sheet DKA 1-4a. In Norway, for requirements see, Noted and of this annex. In Finland, Norway and Sweden there are additional requirements for the insulation. See and of this annex. In Norway, for requirements see, and of this annex. In the United Kingdom, the current rating of the circuit shall be taken as 13 A, not 16 A. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A N/A P N/A N/A N/A Page 70 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test 2.7.1 In the United Kingdom, to protect against excessive currents and short-circuits in the PRIMARY CIRCUIT of DIRECT PLUG-IN EQUIPMENT, tests according to 5.3 shall be conducted, using an external protective device rated 30 A or 32 A. If these tests fail, suitable protective devices shall be included as integral parts of the DIRECT PLUG-IN EQUIPMENT, so that the requirements of 5.3 are met. In Finland, Norway and Sweden, there are additional requirements for the insulation, see and of this annex. In Switzerland, supply cords of equipment having a RATED CURRENT not exceeding 10 A shall be provided with a plug complying with SEV 1011 or IEC 60884-1 and one of the following dimension sheets: SEV 6532-2.1991 Plug Type 15 3P+N+PE 250/400 V, 10 A SEV 6533-2.1991 Plug Type 11 L+N 250 V, 10 A SEV 6534-2.1991 Plug Type 12 L+N+PE 250 V, 10 A In general, EN 60309 applies for plugs for currents exceeding 10 A. However, a 16 A plug and socketoutlet system is being introduced in Switzerland, the plugs of which are according to the following dimension sheets, published in February 1998: SEV 5932-2.1998: Plug Type 25, 3L+N+PE 230/400 V, 16 A SEV 5933-2.1998: Plug Type 21, L+N, 250 V, 16A SEV 5934-2.1998: Plug Type 23, L+N+PE 250 V, 16 A Result - Remark TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict P N/A N/A Page 71 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test In Denmark, supply cords of single-phase equipment having a rated current not exceeding13 A shall be provided with a plug according to the Heavy Current Regulations, Section 107-2-D1. CLASS I EQUIPMENT provided with socket-outlets with earth contacts or which are intended to be used in locations where protection against indirect contact is required according to the wiring rules shall be provided with a plug in accordance with standard sheet DK 2-1a or DK 2-5a. If poly-phase equipment and single-phase equipment having a RATED CURRENT exceeding 13 A is provided with a supply cord with a plug, this plug shall be in accordance with the Heavy Current Regulations, Section 107-2-D1 or EN 60309-2. In Spain, supply cords of single-phase equipment having a rated current not exceeding 10 A shall be provided with a plug according to UNE 20315:1994. Supply cords of single-phase equipment having a rated current not exceeding 2,5 A shall be provided with a plug according to UNE-EN 50075:1993. CLASS I EQUIPMENT provided with socket-outlets with earth contacts or which are intended to be used in locations where protection against indirect contact is required according to the wiring rules, shall be provided with a plug in accordance with standard UNE 20315:1994. If poly-phase equipment is provided with a supply cord with a plug, this plug shall be in accordance with UNE-EN 60309-2. In the United Kingdom, apparatus which is fitted with a flexible cable or cord and is designed to be connected to a mains socket conforming to BS 1363 by means of that flexible cable or cord and plug, shall be fitted with a ‘standard plug’ in accordance with Statutory Instrument 1768:1994 - The Plugs and Sockets etc. (Safety) Regulations 1994, unless exempted by those regulations. Result - Remark NOTE ‘Standard plug’ is defined in SI 1768:1994 and essentially means an approved plug conforming to BS 1363 or an approved conversion plug. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A N/A N/A Page 72 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test In Ireland, apparatus which is fitted with a flexible cable or cord and is designed to be connected to a mains socket conforming to I.S. 411 by means of that flexible cable or cord and plug, shall be fitted with a 13 A plug in accordance with Statutory Instrument 525:1997 - National Standards Authority of Ireland (section 28) (13 A Plugs and Conversion Adaptors for Domestic Use) Regulations 1997. In Switzerland, for requirements see of this annex. In the United Kingdom, a power supply cord with 2 conductor of 1,25 mm is allowed for equipment with a rated current over 10 A and up to and including 13 A. In the United Kingdom, the range of conductor sizes of flexible cords to be accepted by terminals for equipment with a RATED CURRENT of over 10 A up to and including 13 A is: 2 2 • 1,25 mm to 1,5 mm nominal cross-sectional area. In the United Kingdom, the torque test is performed using a socket outlet complying with BS 1363 part 1:1995, including Amendment 1:1997 and Amendment 2:2003 and the plug part of DIRECT PLUG-IN EQUIPMENT shall be assessed to BS 1363: Part 1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.9, 12.11, 12.12, 12.13, 12.16 and 12.17, except that the test of 12.17 is performed at not less than 125 °C. Where the metal earth pin is replaced by an Insulated Shutter Opening Device (ISOD), the requirements of clauses 22.2 and 23 also apply. In Ireland, DIRECT PLUG-IN EQUIPMENT is known as plug similar devices. Such devices shall comply with Statutory Instrument 526:1997 National Standards Authority of Ireland (Section 28) (Electrical plugs, plug similar devices and sockets for domestic use) Regulations, 1997. 3.2.4 3.3.4 4.3.6 4.3.6 Result - Remark TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A P P Page 73 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark In Finland, Norway and Sweden TOUCH CURRENT measurement results exceeding 3,5 mA r.m.s. are permitted only for the following equipment: • STATIONARY PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT TYPE A that is intended to be used in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION where equipotential bonding has been applied, for example, in a telecommunication centre; and has provision for a permanently connected PROTECTIVE EARTHING CONDUCTOR; and is provided with instructions for the installation of that conductor by a SERVICE PERSON; • STATIONARY PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT TYPE B; • STATIONARY PERMANENTLY CONNECTED EQUIPMENT. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A Page 74 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark (A1:2010) In Finland, Norway and Sweden, add the following text between the first and second paragraph of the compliance clause: If this insulation is solid, including insulation forming part of a component, it shall at least consist of either - two layers of thin sheet material, each of which shall pass the electric strength test below, or - one layer having a distance through insulation of at least 0,4 mm, which shall pass the electric strength test below. Alternatively for components, there is no distance through insulation requirements for the insulation consisting of an insulating compound completely filling the casing, so that CLEARANCES and CREEPAGE DISTANCES do not exist, if the component passes the electric strength test in accordance with the compliance clause below and in addition - passes the tests and inspection criteria of 2.10.11 with an electric strength test of 1,5 kV multiplied by 1,6 (the electric strength test of 2.10.10 shall be performed using 1,5 kV), and - is subject to ROUTINE TESTING for electric strength during manufacturing, using a test voltage of 1,5 kV. It is permitted to bridge this insulation with an optocoupler complying with b). It is permitted to bridge this insulation with a capacitor complying with EN 60384-14:2005, subclass Y2. A capacitor classified Y3 according to EN 6038414:2005, may bridge this insulation under the following conditions: - the insulation requirements are satisfied by having a capacitor classified Y3 as defined by EN 6038414, which in addition to the Y3 testing, is tested with an impulse test of 2,5 kV defined in EN 609501:2006,; - the additional testing shall be performed on all the test specimens as described in EN 60384-14: - the impulse test of 2,5 kV is to be performed before the endurance test in EN 60384-14, in the sequence of tests as described in EN 60384-14. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A Page 75 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 IEC60950_1C - ATTACHMENT Clause Requirement + Test In Finland, Norway and Sweden, the exclusions are applicable for PERMANENTLY CONNECTED EQUIPMENT, PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT TYPE B and equipment intended to be used in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION where equipotential bonding has been applied, e.g. in a telecommunication centre, and which has provision for a permanently connected PROTECTIVE EARTHING CONDUCTOR and is provided with instructions for the installation of that conductor by a SERVICE PERSON. In Finland, Norway and Sweden, for requirements see and of this annex. The term TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK in 6.1.2 being replaced by the term CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. In Norway and Sweden, for requirements see and of this annex. In Norway, for installation conditions see EN 6072811:2005. 7.2 7.3 7.3 Result - Remark TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Verdict N/A N/A N/A N/A Page 76 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 GROUP AND NATIONAL DIFFERENCES – EUROPE (EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/A12:2011/AC:2011 – ANNEX ZC) Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict EN 60950-1 Attachments (EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/A12:2011/AC:2011 – Annex ZC) 4.2 4.2.11 Contents Mechanical strength Rotating solid media Test to cover on the door…………………………….: IEC 60950-1, GROUP DIFFERENCES (CENELEC common modifications EN) Annex ZC (informative) A-deviations ZC ANNEX (normative) A-DEVIATIONS Switzerland (Ordinance on environmentally 1.5.1 (AC:2011) hazardous substances SR 814.81, Annex 1.7, Mercury - Annex 1.7 of SR 814.81 applies for mercury.) Add the following: N/A N/A N/A — N/A NOTE In Switzerland, switches containing mercury such as thermostats, relays and level controllers are not allowed. 1.7.13 Germany (Gesetz über technische Arbeitsmittel und Verbraucherprodukte (Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz – GPSG) [Law on technical labour equipment and consumer products], of 6th January 2004, Section 2, Article 4, Clause (4), Item 2). If for the assurance of safety and health certain rules during use, amending or maintenance of a technical labour equipment or readymade consumer product are to be followed, a manual in German language has to be delivered when placing the product on the market. Of this requirement, rules for use even only by SERVICE PERSONS are not exempted. Switzerland (Ordinance on chemical hazardous risk reduction SR 814.81, Annex 2.15 Batteries) Annex 2.15 of SR 814.81 applies for batteries. TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P N/A Page 77 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Appliance combined with European plug Supplementary tests on plug portion according to EN 50075:1990 and IEC 60884-1:2002 + A1 Requirement - Test 1 2 3 a b c d 4 a b c d e f References to clauses in EN 50075 IEC 60884-1 Plug portion CEE 7 standard sheet EN 50075 standard sheet Dimensions Checking dimensions by measuring and by gauges according to standard sheet. The edges of the metal-pins, chamfered or rounded off. Protection against electric shock Test finger (75N, 1 min in 35°C) or Applicable appliance standard. Single pole insertion. Checked with gauge: Figure 4 or C19A or C19B (CEE 7). Compression test 150N, 5 min. External parts made of insulating material. Construction Test on pins which are not solid. Pins shall be locked against rotation 0.4Nm, 1 min. Pins shall be adequately fixed in the body 1 min. Temperature 70°C. 40N for plugs ≤ 2.5A, 50N for plugs > 2.5A. Pins of copper or copper alloy min 58% copper or equivalent. Plug shall not impose undue strain on fixed socket-outlets, 0.25Nm. Abrasion test on the insulating sleeves 20000 movements. Result / Remark 9.1 XVI 1 7 7 9.1 7 Rounded off Verdict — P P — P P 8.1 10.1 — P 8.2 9.2 P 13.1 8.3 10.1 10.4 9.3 13.2 14.2 24.2 13.4 24.10 Complied the tumbling barrel test and pins not rotate 40N P P — N/A P 15.3 26.5-26.6 61.8% P 14.23.2 0.068Nm max. P 13.3 24.7 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P P Page 78 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Appliance combined with European plug Supplementary tests on plug portion according to EN 50075:1990 and IEC 60884-1:2002 + A1 Requirement - Test 5 a b c d 6 a b c References to clauses in EN 50075 IEC 60884-1 Resistance to ageing and to humidity Subjected to a test in a heating cabinet at (70 ± 2)°C for seven days (168h). Forefinger pressed with 5N. Humidity treatment carried out in a humidity cabinet containing air with relative humidity maintained between 91% and 95%, two days (48h). Insulation resistance measured 1 min after application of 500Vd.c. Electric strength: a.c. test voltage applied for 1 min. Resistance of insulating material to abnormal heat, to fire and to tracking Compression test 1 h 80°C. Glow-wire test 650°C. Glow-wire test 750°C. Resistance to tracking 175V (other than ordinary). Result / Remark Verdict 14.2 16.1 — P 10 16.3 P 11.1 17.1 P 11.2 17.2 P — 14.1.2 17 17 25.4 28.1.1 28.1.1 28.2 Enclosure Pin sleeve P P P N/A Result / Remark Verdict Germany EK decision - EK1 557-13 1 Requirement - Test The moulded plug of plug-in power supplies will be considered as component and will be generally evaluated in Germany according to DIN VDE 0620-1:2010 respectively DIN VDE 0620-1:2013 and DIN VDE 0620-2-1:2013. 1000 if the mass of the specimen without flexible cable does not exceed 100g. 500 if the mass of the specimen without flexible cable exceeds 100g, but does not exceed 200g. 100 if the mass of the specimen without flexible cable exceeds 200g. After the test, the plug be shall still pass the test according to DIN VDE 0620-101:1992 clause 7, figure 2 “Gauge for interchangeability”. References to clauses in DIN VDE 0620-2-1 Sub-clause 24.2 P N/A 170g max. P N/A DIN VDE 0620-101 Sub-clause 7 No excessive force TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P Page 79 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Appliance combined with European plug According to EN 50075:1990 - standard sheet and IEC 60083:1997 - standard C5 Symbol Measured (mm) / Result Min.: 25.78 Max.: 26.48 Symbol A Requirement (Dimension in mm) 25.6 - 26.6 B 45° 45° H C D R5-6 34.6 - 36 E 13 - 14.4 Within the range Min.: 34.8 Max.: 35.39 Min.: 13.1 Max.: 14.3 18.7 F Measured (mm) / Result 3.44 I J Requirement (Dimension in mm) Above 4mm from engagement face ≤ 3.8 Pins end shall be rounded or conical 3.94 - 4.06 10 - 11 K 18.5 - 19.5 18.83 G Engagement face L 90° max. 18 - 19.2 17.8 F End of pins M Ø 0.7 - 1.7 17 - 18 3.84 G Within 4mm from N 2 max. engagement face ≤ 4 The distance from enclosure extended to engagement face at least 18mm required TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Rounded 3.96 10.1 N/A N/A N/A 18.1 Page 80 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Appliance combined with British plug Supplementary tests on plug portion according to BS 1363-1:1995 + Amd 9541 + Amd 14539 + Amd 17435 and BS 1363-3:1995 + Amd 9543 + Amd 14225 + Amd 14540 + Amd 17437 Requirement - Test 1 Dimensions checked according to: 2 Outline of plug shall not exceed the dimension for a distance of not less than 6.35mm from the engagement surface. ISODs shall be of generally rectangular cross-section and complied figure 4b) and all the other requirements. Pin disposition, length and body outline shall be checked by use of the gauge shown in figure 5. Line and neutral pin was more than 9.5mm from the periphery of the plug measured along the engagement surface. The base and cover of rewirable plugs shall be secured to each other. Each cover fixing screw at product surface temperature 70ºC: Pull 60N; 60s. The base and cover of plugs other than 12.6 and 12.7 shall be firmly secured. The plug shall not be deformed to allow access live parts following the temperature rise test. Plug pins shall be constructed of brass. Plug pins shall smooth and free from burrs. For non-solid plug shall comply with: 3 4 5 6 7 All seams and joints of non-solid plug pins shall be closed over their entire length. Plug pins (solid pins) shall have adequate strength to withstand the stresses of normal use. Apply a force of 1100N at a rate not exceeding 10mm/min. After this test the plug was fit the gauge to figure 5. References to clauses in BS 1363-3 BS 1363-1 12.1 12.1 Figure 4a) Figure 4a) 12.2 12.2 Figure 4a) Figure 4a) Result / Remark Verdict P 7.89mm P 12.2 12.2 P 12.2 12.2 P 12.3 12.3 10.1mm P 12.7 P 12.7.1 P 12.8 P 12.9 P 12.9 12.9.1 12.11 12.11.1 P P 12.9.2 12.9.5 12.9.3 12.11.2 12.11.5 12.11.3 N/A 12.9.4 12.11.4 N/A Fit the gauge TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P Page 81 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Requirement - Test 8 ISODs shall have adequate strength to withstand the stresses of normal use. Apply a force of 400N at a rate 10mm/min. Deflection not exceeds 1.5mm. After this test the plug was fit the gauge to figure 5. Non-solid pins or ISODs shall not cause excessive wear to socket contacts or shutters of socket-outlets. Insertions and withdrawls test of Nonsolid pins, 15000 times, 150mm/s travel speed. Insertions and withdrawls test of ISODs, 5000 times, 150mm/s travel speed. Plug pins and ISODs shall have adequate mechanical strength to ensure that they cannot be distorted by twisting. Apply a torque 1N.m. for 60s. After each pin has been separately twisted, the plug was fit the gauge in figure 5. Repeated with opposite direction. Adaptor plug pins and ISODs shall have adequate mechanical strength to ensure that they cannot be distorted by twisting. Apply a torque 1N.m. for 60s. After each pin has been separately twisted, the plug was fit the gauge in figure 5. Repeated with opposite direction. Plugs shall be so designed that when fully assembled the pins are adequately retained in position such that there is no likehood of them becoming detached form the plug during normal use. Each pin is subjected for 60s to a pull of 100N without jerks in the direction of the major axis. The plug is mounted using the steel plate shown in figure 7. The apparatus is placed within an oven and the pull is applied at least 1 h after the plug body has attained the test temperature of 70°C while maintained at this temperature. After the test, the plug pin shall fit into the gauge and comply with 12.2.1. References to clauses in BS 1363-3 BS 1363-1 12.9.4 12.11.4 Result / Remark Verdict Fit the gauge P ISOD P 12.9.5 12.11.5 N/A P 12.9.6 12.11.6 12.11 12.11.1 Fit the gauge P Fit the gauge P Complied the tumbling barrel test Fit the gauge P TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 82 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Requirement - Test 9 10 11 Adaptor shall be so designed that when fully assembled the pins are adequately retained in position such that there is no likehood of them becoming detached form the plug during normal use. Each pin is subjected for 60s to a pull of 100N in one smooth and continuous movement in the direction of the major axis. The plug is mounted using the steel plate shown in figure 7. The apparatus is placed within an oven and the pull is applied at least 1 h after the plug body has attained the test temperature of 70°C while maintained at this temperature. After the test, the plug pin shall fit into the gauge and comply with 12.2.1. The degree of flexibility of mounting of the plug pins or the angular movement of the pins in the base shall be not greater than 3°30’. See figure 8. Test procedure refers to standard. During each test, the declination from the horizontal measured on the scale was not exceed 3°30’ and comply with 12.2.1. Line and neutral plug pins shall be fitted with insulating sleeves. Sleeves shall not fitted to any earthing plug pin. Plug pin sleeves shall have adequate electric strength, resistance to abrasion and resistance to deformation due to overheating of pins. During the test of electric strength, no breakdown or flashover was occur. Abrasion test - 10000 times in each direction, 20000 movements at a rate of 25 movements to 30 movements per min. (figure 9). After the test, the sleeve shall show no damage and also shall not have been penetrated or creased. References to clauses in BS 1363-3 BS 1363-1 12.13 12.13.1 Result / Remark Verdict Fit the gauge P P 12.12 12.14 12.12.1 12.14.1 12.16 Figure 4a) 12.18 Figure 4a) P 12.17 12.19 P 12.17.2 12.19.2 P 12.17.3 12.19.3 P < 30’ TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: P Page 83 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Requirement - Test 12 13 Pressure test at high temperature (figure 10). Pin on the apparatus with a force of 2.5N on the specimen, then placed in a heating cabinet at 200°C for a period of 120 mins. The thickness of the insulation remaining at the point of impression is measured and shall not have been reduced by more than 50%. Plug shall not impose undue strain on fixed socket-outlets, 0.7Nm. ISODs shall be subjected to ball pressure test 75°C. After the test, the diameter of impression shall not exceed 2mm. ISODs shall be subjected to glow-wire test 750°C. After the test, the specimen shall be complied requirements a) or b) and no ignition of the tissue paper. References to clauses in BS 1363-3 BS 1363-1 12.17.4 Result / Remark Verdict P 0.045Nm P 22 <Ø2mm P 23 No fire P 13.10 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 84 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Appliance combined with British plug According to Figure 4a) of BS 1363-1:1995 + Amd 9541 + Amd 14539 + Amd 17435 and BS 1363-3:1995 + Amd 9543 + Amd 14225 + Amd 14540 + Amd 17437 Symbol Measured (mm) / Result 24.5 24.5 Symbol A B Requirement (Dimension in mm) 25.37 max. 25.37 max. Q R Requirement (Dimension in mm) 17.2 - 18.2 6.22 - 6.48 C D 34.6 max. 11.05 - 11.18 32.96 11.11 S T 3.9 - 4.05 6.22 - 6.48 E F G H I J K L M N 11.05 - 11.18 R 15 min. R 9.5 min. R 9.5 min. 22.1 - 22.36 22.23 - 23.23 1.35 - 1.85 7.8 - 8.05 58° - 62° 3.9 - 4.05 U V W X Y Z a b c d 6.35 min. 60° - 80° 1.35 - 1.85 3.9 - 4.05 1.2 - 2 R 0.1 - 1 58° - 62° 1.35 - 1.85 58° - 62° cone 1.35 - 1.85 O P 9.2 max. 9.5 max. 11.11 N/A > R 9.5 > R 9.5 22.27 22.64 1.52 8.03 Within the range Min.: 3.95 Max.: 4.03 8.51 9.01 Measured (mm) / Result 17.52 Min.: 6.28 Max.: 6.35 4.03 Min.:6.28 Max.:6.35 7.89 Within the range 1.44 4.03 1.62 Within the range Within the range 1.79 Within the range 1.79 e f 0.2 max. 1.35 - 1.85 N/A N/A TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 85 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Plug portion Appliance combined with British plug According to Figure 4b) of BS 1363-1:1995 + Amd 9541 + Amd 14539 + Amd 17435 and BS 1363-3:1995 + Amd 9543 + Amd 14225 + Amd 14540 + Amd 17437 Symbol W H W1 W2 H1 H2 Requirement (Dimension in mm) 7.75 - 8.05 3.9 - 4.05 ≤ 0.15 ≤ 0.15 ≤ 0.15 ≤ 0.15 Measured (mm) / Result 8.03 4.03 Insignificant value Insignificant value Insignificant value Insignificant value TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 86 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Model list Explanation in model MX36*1-********: st The 1 “*” can be replaced by one letter in “W” or “Z” to indicate the input connection method. “W” means fixed direct plug-in appliance and “Z” means detachable cord-connected appliance; nd th The 2 to 4 “*” can be replaced by three digits from “042” to “240” to indicate output voltage from 4.2V to 24V, the difference between the adjacent models is 0.1V. th th The 5 to 8 “*” can be replaced by four digits from “0010” to “4000” to indicate output current from 10mA to 4000mA, the difference between the adjacent models is 10mA. th The 9 “*” can be replaced by one letter in “V” or blank to indicate different input plug portion. “V” means European plug and blank means cord-connected appliance. Input: 100-240V AC, 50-60Hz, 1A Output voltage 4.2-7.5V 7.6-11.9V 12-17.9V 18-24V Output current 10-4000mA 10-3500mA 10-3000mA 10-2000mA Output power 20W max. 31.5W max. 36W max. 36W max. Transformer’s model no. MX36W1-05 MX36W1-09 MX36W1-12 MX36W1-24 TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 87 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Circuit diagram TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 88 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Photo Photo No. 1 External view of the appliance with European plug Photo No. 2 External view of the appliance with European plug TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 89 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Photo Photo No. 3 Internal view (European plug model) Photo No. 4 Internal view TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 90 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Photo Photo No. 5 Components location (with components Varistor, NTC and LF1) Photo No. 6 Components location (without components Varistor, NTC, L1 and LF1) TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 91 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Photo Photo No. 7 Components location (with component Varistor, NTC and L1) Photo No. 8 PCB layout TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 92 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Photo Photo No. 9 Transformer Photo No. 10 Transformer TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 93 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Photo Photo No. 11 Triple insulated wire used as secondary winding Photo No. 12 Magnet wire used as primary winding TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 94 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Photo Photo No. 13 External view of the appliance with appliance inlet Photo No. 14 External view of the appliance with appliance inlet TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: Page 95 of 95 Report No.: 14031169HKG-002 Attachments: Photo Photo No. 15 Internal view of the appliance with appliance inlet Photo No. 16 Internal view of the appliance with appliance inlet TRF No. IEC60950_1C Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. 2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: