statioiu setup - The Chapel at Tinkers Creek
statioiu setup - The Chapel at Tinkers Creek
Jesuswasa Jeuyhoobserved theholid4ys dndfestivdls of hisreligion. . Understdndino .. thesespeciitldayshelpsus better STATION OBIECTIVES Children will learn about one holtday through making and sharing food for that holidav, STATIOIU SETUP On the door, post a sign that says "Holiday Catering." copy the menus printed below by hand or computer on posterboard. Post menus for each of the lour holidays. Listed below are the holiday menus coveredln this unit. An * indicates that the recipe is included in thls station. RoshHashanah Menu Hallah Tomato Compote *Taiglach Chopped Liver Crudites with Dip Eggplant Spread *Honey Cake Cucumber Sa.lad *Fruit Plate Roast Chicken t"lenu Sabbath +Hallah Noodle Kugel rest dd Fe6ttv.l6 Pernrlsslon lrarted to DhotocoDv lor local church use. O 2003 Abinsdon Fress. Resources: Supplies: posterboord ond poinior morkers signs lormoking optionol: gropes dotes soficheese pomegronoles peors SukkotMenu *Stuffed Pumpkin Corn Ouiche Couscouswith Vegetablesand Sausage Menufor Hanukkah *Apple Cranberry Sauce +Latkes Harvest Mulllns *Apple Strudel Doughnuts Two characteristics ofJewish holidays are that *Iere is special food. arld that others are welcome to share in the celebration. This station gives the opportunity for children to prepare food tjapical of each holiday. Plan ahead of time how they may share this food with others. Perhaps you will prepare food for a partic ular holiday and take it to the station where other children are experiencing that holiday. (For example, nake honey cake and take it to the Art Station, where the theme is Rosh Hashanah.) Or, if you will be having a Reflection Week at the end of your study, you may choose to lreeze the food to share at that time. 'We recommend making food forjust one holiday each week. Ilyou have sdra time while the food is baking, consider playing some oI the games from the Game Station that relate to the holiday for which you have cooked. Read the introductoly material for an overview ol each holiday so that you can talk about that holiday with the children as you prepare food (pages 6- lO). Photocopy the Main Idea, Objectives, Bible Background for traders, Shepherd Tips, and Check Your Facts for each leader and shepherd. (Seepages 3-11.) WANT TO DO MORE? Add items to the table for children to taste as they arrive. Items could include grapes,dates, soft cheese.and pomegranatesor pears, SAFEIY GHEGK o The church should be a place of security a place where children can count on things and people being reliable. tr Shepherds should know the whereabouts of every child in the shepherd's group, and they should know where to reach parents in .aeF tr Pernlsslon grdtcd ^f rn Ifyou use the stove or oven, take precautions that will ensure the children s safety. (However. let the children work with the ingredients as much as possible.) to photocopy lor church usc. O 2003 Alrligdon Prcss. Pov.rxpEssfv Btbl€ Elp.nence StattoftrM tr Knolv your children's allergies before selecting the foods you will plepaie in this station. tr Be sure children and adults wash their hands thoroughly before working with the food, and that all foods arld equipment aie kept clean and sanita4r. tr Make sure any electrical equipment being used is safe. Be sure all electdcal cords aIId equipment aie out of tie way to avoid tripping. tr A fire extinguisher should be readily available. BTBTESTORY Resources: Bible ForAllAges Sdti I'm going to mention severalholidays, and I want you to think about the special food your family eats lor that holiday. A5Ki Whal food do you eal al Th.nksgiving? What food do you eat at the For-lrth ofJuly? Do you have anything special on your birthda)? Does your family celebrate holidays by itself, or are you with family and friends? Say: .f"-i"tt peoplehave special holiday lbods. And they have a long tradition of sharing the holiclays with other people. 'ltrese customs can be traced all the way back to the Bible, to the time of Abrahan. Listen to this story. lAbraham) looked upandsawthreemen standing nearhim.lrJhen hesavthen,heranfrom thetententrance to meet them, dndbowed down to theground. (Genesis l8:2) Read Genesis 18:l-8. Ask:Who were Abraham s guests? (three stratTgers).'fhe tradition is that one oI those strangers was God. What did Abraham do to welcome his guests? (prepared a mea\ We're going to be lbllowing Abraham's example today. and prepare special lood to share with others. As you are working, imagine that God might be one of the people for whom you are cooking. ACTTVITYOPTTONS (45-50 minutesl Choose from the suggested activities as your time and the children's interest allow. Feast8 dd Festtvdr Pemissron grantcd to phoro.opy fo. church use. o 2003 Abhgdon p.ess. Supplies: ingredients meosuring spoons meosunng cuP floursifter nu cnoPPer elechic mixer bokingpon{10-by-10 or l0-by-14) for shortening groosing lhepon lorgemixing bowl smollmixing bowl tobleknifeto cutcoke potholders FOOD FOR ROSH HASHANAH ForAllAges Honey Geike lngredients: 4 cggs I cup sugar I cup honey ),i cup cold collee l, cup melted margarine 4 cups sifted unbleached white flour I tablespoon baking powder 17, teaspoonsbaking soda h teaspoon ground clovcs '/dteaspoon ground nutmeg Y4teaspoon ground cinnamon % cup chopped walnuts 'l cup seedless raisins '/.rleaspoon almond extract whipped cream dash of cinnamon dash of sugar l. Preheat oven to 35O clcgrces. Grease a lo-by-lo l0-by-14-inch baking pan. inch or 2. Cream the eg{ls and sugar together in a l:u{c bowl. Beat the mixture until light and lluffy. 3. Mix the honcy and coffcc together in a small bowl. Talk lip: It is fodition to serve no$ingsouror biiter lor thh holidoy. Insieod,sweets ore emphosized, withthe hopeihotthesweet' nesswill lostbr the wholeyeor.\{hot wouldo sweelyeor be like? 4. Stir lhe margarine inlo the egg mixture. 5. Stir the honey and coffee nixture into the egg nlixlure. 6. Slft the flour again inlo a large bowl. Adcl the baking powder, bak' ing soda. and spices iirto the flour. Then add the nuts and raisins. 7. MLx the dry ingredients and the liquid mixture together. Beat until well blended. 8. Stir in the almoncl extract. 9. Pour the batter inlo thc grcased pan. Bake lbr one hour. Io serve: Stir the cinnamon and sugar into the whipped cream. Cut the cake into squares and serve with the topping. Perd$ion gtutcd ro Dhoro.ol)vfor local.hrrch us. O 2003 binAdonP.ess. Porcrxpr..rtl! Btr'r. Erp€nelce st.ttor.'n ForAllAges Supplies: loiglcch fHoney Gondyf This recipe works best during dry weather. Humidity will keep it from hardening. Yield: 36 to 48 piecesof candy. Ingredients: 2 eggs 2 tablespoons vegetable oil l% cups flour r,. tp.<n^^n I cup honey /, cup sugai '%teaspoonground ginger I cup nuts. coarselybroken 74teaspoon baking powder l Beat the eggsslightly. Add the oit and nuts. 2. SiIt the llour, salt, and baking powder together.Stir into the egg and oil mixture to make a soft but not sticky dough. Add more flour iI necessary. 3. Placethe dough on a pastry board, lightly sprinkle with flour. and twist into a rope shape about '1 inch thick. Dip a knile in flour. and cut the rope of dough into snall piecesabout % inch long. 4 . Place the pieces on a well-greased shallow pan and bake in a moderately hot oven (375 degrees) for about lO minutes. or until slightly browned. Shake the pan a lew times to keep the pieces separated and evenly browned. 5 . While the pieces are baking, prepare the honey slrup. Put the honey. sugar. and ginger in a saucepan and stir until the sugar is completely melted. Cook gently over a low flame for 5 minutes, DU' rIrts LUITLaILTJ, 6 . Add the baked pieces of dough and the nuts. Stir gently over low heat until the mixture is a deep golden brown. 7 . Pour out on a large platter or board \vet with cold \vater. a.Shape the candy into a cake about 8 inches square and 2 inches deep. using a knife wet with cold water. Cut into 2-inch strips alld cut again into bite-sized pieces. L Wrap in wax paper to store. Felsts ud F.sttrab Pemisston gmnled to pholo.opy ror church use. o 2oo3 Abinedon Press. ingredients meosuring cup meosuring spoons mixingspoon mixingbowl postryboord exkoflour knife shollow bokingpon for shortening greosing $e pon potholders SOUCepOn lorgeplotteror cutting boord wqx pqper FOOD FOR HANUKKAH Supplies: ingredients pototopeelers foodprocessor mixingbowls shoiner mixingspoons costironskillet optionolr acecreomscoop poperlowels TalkTip: bodsbr Appropriote Hqnukkqh ore of theoil reminders fiot losledeightdoys. ForAllAges lail<es lPoteilo Pcncokesf Yieldr 18 large pancakes Iip: ntt ua,,tt "to.,ld fry the pancakes,lvith children standing back lngredients: 2 pounds russet potatoes,peeled I medium yellow onion 2 large eggs,beaten 'r cup matzo meal 2 teaspoons kosher salt 7, teaspoon cracked black pepper vegetable oil lor frying l. Grate potatoes and onion in a food processor, using the shredding blade. Remove mlxture to a bowl and replacc the shredding blade with the steel blade. In batches, pulse-process the potato mixlure for lO to 15 seconds. Place the nixture in a stralner over a bowl and squeeze out the liquid. (Reservethe liquid Wait 2 to 3 minutes, and the water and starch will separate. Pour the water out and usc the starch in the next step.) 2. Place the strained potatoes in a medium-size bowl Fold in eggs. matzo meal. salt, pepper, and reseNed potato starch. Mix wcll. 3. Heat the vegetable oil ln a cast-iron skillet over medium heat. The oil should be an inch cleep. 4. Form l/i cup of the potato mixture into pancakes and slide gently into oil. (Or use an ice cream scoop and flatten lalkes when they are in the skillet.) Cook 6 to 8 minutes. until golden brown on one side. Turn and cook another 6 to 8 minutes. 5. Drain pancakes on paper towels and serve immediatcly with Apple-Cranberry Sauce (recipe follows), or apple saucc (or cool and freeze. Reheal by placing in a 4oo-degree oven for l0 to 12 minutes. or until heated through.) Supplies: ingredients opplecorers{usethe kindilot coresond cuisintopieces) poringknib heovypotwith lid mixingspoon ForAllAges Apple Greinberry Setuce Yieldl 8 cups lngredients: 4 pounds cooking apples. such as Romes 2 cinnamon sticks or I tablespoon cinnamon t bag fresh cranberries Pern sron ganted to photocopyfo.lo.d.hurch use. o 2003 AbingdonPrcss poe.rxpr.6.r^ /, cup applejuice 1 lemon Yrcup brown sugar or honey Btbl. st.tlotr.r^l 1. Core and quarter both the apples and the lemon, leaving the skins on. 2. Place in a hea\'y pot with the sugar or honey. cinnamon and liquid. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer over a low heat. 3. Add the cranberdes when the apples start to get soft. Stir frequently. Add more juice if fruit appears dry. 4. Cook until the fruit is soft, about 20 minutes. 5. Serve cold or at room temperature. ForAllAges Chocoleite Pretzel Steirs Ingredients: 6 ounces semisweet chocolate I tablespoon vegetablc shortening pretzel sticks Supplies: ingredients medium soucepon mixingspoon wox Popor L In a medium saucepan, melt chocolate over low heat. Stir in shortening. 2. l,et cool Ibr a fcw minutes. 3. Stir in the pretzel sticks until well coated \^dth chocolate. Arrange on sheet of w&\ paper, forming slx-pointccl stars. 4. Chill. Sdy: The six-poiDted star, sometimes called the Star of David, was the emblem ol Ktng David. It has comc to stand for the Jewish peoplc. as well as the country of Israel. FOOD FOR SUKKOT ForAllAges Apple Strudel lngredients: For the dough: 2% cups flour Y,teaspoonbaking powder % teaspoonsalt 74 CUp Sllgar I egg Yrcup oil oil for brushing dough For the lllllng: Jam 8 apples, pared and chopped I cup raisins, chopped I cup nuts. coarsely chopped sugar ctmaInon Y2cup lukewarm water Pcrnrssroneranredro photocopJIor us.. o 2003 Abhgdonhess. Supplies: ingredienls meosuring cup meosuring spoons nutchopper (forculting scissors roisins) opplecorer(usefie kindthotcoresond slices in onestep) brk poshyboord extroflour pin rolling bokingsheet shorlening lo greose bokingsheet poslrybrush Talk Tip: Dishes torSukkot thotthisisthe refle{t follhorvest festivol. 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease a baking sheet. 2. To make the dough, sift flour, baldng porvder. salt, and sugar into a mixing bowl. In a sepaiate bowl use a a fork to beat together the egg, oil, and water. Ma}e a hole in the center of the flour mixture and drop the egg ml\ture into it. Stir together. The dough should be soft. easy to handle. and not sticky. 3. Lightly sprinkle your work surface rvith flour. Divide the dough into three parts. Roll one part of the dough until it is very thin. If the dough tears. you can press a piece of dough over the tear. Spread a thin layer ofjam over the dough. On top of this sprinkle one third of the chopped apples, raisins, nuts, sugar, and cinnamon on top of the jam. 4. Roll the dough into a long tube like you would for a jelly roll. Pinch the edges together to keep the filling in. Repeat these steps with the other two parts. 5. Place the three rolls on the greased baking sheet. Be sure to leave space between the rolls so they can bake evenly. Brush the toP of each roll with oil. Then sprinkle the rolls with cinnamon and sugar. 6. Bake at 375 degrees lor 45 minutes or until golden brown. Remove lrom the oven and cool. Cut the rolls into l-inch slices. Makes about 60 pieces. Take the strudel to the Science Station and eat in the sukkah with the class that is there. ForAllAges Supplies: ingredienis knife lorgemixingbowls mixingspoons colonder oluminum foil cookiesheel Sruffed Pumpkin lngredients: I pumpkin kosher salt nuts raisins chocolate chips l. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 2. The teacher should cut a circle. six inches in diameter, in the top of the pumpkin. 3. Lift out the cut piece. With a spoon or halds, remove all the pulp and seeds fiom the pumpkin and place in a large bowl. Set aside the pumpkin. 4. Using hands. separate the pumpkin seeds from the pulp. putting the seeds into a colander. Wash until they are free of pulp. 5. Spread the seeds on a cookie sheet covered with aluminum foil. Lightly salt with kosher salt. Roast the seeds for 15 minutes, turning occasionally. Permission grdted ro photocopy for local church use O 2003 Abi.gdon Press. Pd€rxpre65lE Blbl€ Erp.rt.!c. atattomu 6. While the seedsare roasting. line the inside of the pumpkin with aluminum foil. 7. When the seedsare cool, mix them with nuts, raisins. and chocolatechips, and put the mixture into the pumpkin. 8, Put the pumpkin in the sukkah for a snack. FOOD FOR.SABBATH Herlleih Becauseof the time required to let the bread raise. this recipedoes not lend itself to use by the children. Hallah may be purchasedfor use in the Sto{,telling and Art stauons, or an adult may like to ba}e it. Note that hauah has seveningredients,the number of completion and perlection.An eighth ingredient may be added for extra flavor. lngredients: 1 packagedry yeast 3 eggs 1 cup warm water (98 degrees) 2 teaspoonsvegetableoil 1 teaspoonsalt 3/, cups unbleachedwhite llour 2 frhlcsn^dnq c,, 't' r optional: /4 cup poppy seedsor 1l cup sesameseedsor /4 cup raisins 1. Mix yeast and warm water into a large bowl untll the yeast is dissolved. 2. Mb( in the salt and sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. 3. Beat together two of the eggsand the oil. Stir the egg mixture into the yeast mixture. 4. MLxin three cups o[ flour, a little at a time. Continue mixing until dough holds togetherin a ball. 5. Sprinkle the pastry board with the remaining flour, and put the dough on it. Spread a little flour on your hands, Knead the dough for about five minutes to make it sprin$/ and light. 6. Put a few drops of oil on your hands, and pat oil on the ball of dough. Placethe dough back in the borvl. Coverit with a damp towel and place it in a warm place. free of drafts. until it has doubled (at least two hours). 7. Punch down. Add raisins, if desired. 8. Put the dough on the lightly floured pastry board and divide into quarters. Take 3 of the quarters and roll each into a long rope. Line the ropes next to each other and braid them. 9. Divide the last quarter into thirds. Roll them into ropes and braid. Placeon the larger braid. Permissro! granted io photocopy fof local church usc O 2003 Ablngdon Prcss Supplies: ingredienis lorgebowl mixingspoon cupsond meosuring spoons postryboord dompcloth cookiesheel ffi;m:t*,rs:;"Jr;:in,"13.T1seeds' orsesame ;li:":li::,#:,li "f.''iil il'r' poipv"""ds is browr' 45 minlrtes or until bread 11. Bake at 350 degrees for Note:rn"r'..oai";5::L{",X#f lilfill;i?.'lJl|r"r*" yeai. fior AllAqes Fruit Plerte Supplies: lngredients: ingredients colonder knNes postrybrush lorgePlolter ioothpicks frult that is in season lemon julce l . Wash fruit 2. Cut into bite-sizePreces' the platter' 3, Arrange attractively on and pears' such as apples bananas 4. lf using fruil that will brown' brush with lenon Juice of liuit' 5. Put a toothpick in each Piece ate share vrith the chitdren who 1() Station Storytelling Take to thc celebrating the sabbath' GIOS|NG {bn,i.,,,,""r one of rhese rraditional btessings.pick one rhat ::"j-::!l appropriate is for the food that you have preparecl. g-, Rurer ortheuniverse, ;::. "iJiiiiiffi "",1i;,^j:,XX' Rurer ortheuniverse. r?'iil"r1,ii'"".?l;iL1l1r'."J.?,ll' who *. you. Adonaiour cod. Rulerof rie universe,who I.?t:.,.,.":l rus,given us [ife.sustainecJ us, and broLlghtus lo this seasono[ Pen ston cEred to phoio'oPv lbr local 'hurch use ! 2OO3 Abinqdo! Irress' Pot'rxpt'6st* BIiG E p6d'nc' 6tatiotr6r"