College Production Leadership Mass
College Production Leadership Mass
Newsletter 06 BERWICK CAMPUS: Phone: 9702 6588 Fax: 9702 6599 BEACONSFIELD CAMPUS: Phone: 9707 3111 Fax: 9707 3601 OFFICER CAMPUS: Phone: 5943 3600 Fax: 5943 3699 PO Box 85, Beaconsfield, 3807 • Email: [email protected] Website: May 7, 2015 FROM THE ACTING PRINCIPAL Vera Treloar College Production I would like to congratulate all those involved with our recent College Production of “42nd Street!” It was an absolute pleasure to attend opening night as the cast entertained us with their acting, dancing and musical talents. Over many months staff, back stage crew, the orchestra, prop department and cast have prepared diligently in order to stage an outstanding musical. Thank you, in particular, to the director Ms Tracey Shields Anderson for her tireless efforts in order to ensure an enjoyable and successful show. Leadership Mass Last Friday several members of the College Executive attended The Catholic Education Office Leadership Mass. Most Reverend Patrick O’Regan DD, Bishop of Sale, was the Principal Celebrant. We gathered to worship, welcome new principals to the diocese and celebrate with colleagues who have dedicated 25 years of service to Catholic Education. I have included the Commitment Prayer below: As Catholic leaders in the Diocese of Sale our beliefs are based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the tradition of the Catholic Church. It is by living and teaching these values that we share in the mission of the Church. We are a learning community, promoting professional and spiritual growth in order to enhance the educational opportunities of the students entrusted to our care. Through dialogue and openness, we celebrate our diversity, promote collegiality and share our unique journeys with faith, hope and love. Our diocese is committed to developing a dynamic, open and supportive community, dedicated to nurturing leadership and learning. We are proud to follow in the footsteps of those who preceded us. Like them, we commit ourselves to passing on the flame of learning to the communities we are privileged to serve. As educators, our goal is to inspire students’ learning and guide them in the Christian tradition. At the conclusion of Mass, it was a privilege to attend the Leadership Dinner Awards in honour of staff and students within the Diocese of Sale. In particular, we congratulated William Politi (Year 12 White House). Last Year, William received a study score of 41 for Religion and Society under the tutelage of Mr John Beekhof. Bishop O’Regan and Ms Maria Kirkwood, Director of Catholic Education, presented William with the Archbishop D’Arcy Religion Prize. The theme of Catholic Education Week 2015 is Moving with the Spirit. This is an ideal time to focus on the presence of the Holy Spirit within our College community. “God’s Spirit is within us, helping us, guiding us, strengthening us and supporting us to be the best we can be. We have the gifts and fruits of the Spirit to inspire and challenge us, and the Grace of God to enable us to spread the Good News of Jesus IN THIS ISSUE FRONT PAGE From the Acting Principal Vera Treloar Page 3 Teaching & Learning Pages 4 & 5 Directors of Learning Mary Bourke (Beaconsfield) Kelly Ryan (Berwick) Vince Pezzanite (Officer) Pages 6-8 Heads of Campus Vera Treloar (Beaconsfield) Jason Hibberd (Berwick) Margaret Blythman (Officer) Page 9 Outward Bound (Officer) Page 10 English News Community Liaison Page 11 e-Learning News College Wellbeing Page 12 Parents & Friends Page 13 East Timor Opportunities Page 14 Japanese Students Host Families Wanted Page 15-17 College Board Elections Page 2 Christ.” Here at St Francis Xavier College we celebrated through various activities including: reflection, House Masses, readings and encompassing all that it means to work and study within a faith filled community. Our school, along with 43 other Catholic schools in the Diocese of Sale, has embraced the opportunity to celebrate our distinctive mission and highlight our ethos with families, parish and the wider community. As a Catholic school, we are called to do more than just pass on the faith: we are invited to translate our faith into deeds so we are truly living God’s Word. As part of Catholic Education Week, the College is presenting three workshops at the 2015 Diocesan Learning Expo. • The Literacy project which focuses on comprehension strategies • Hands on Learning which focuses on early intervention, engagement and well-being. • Primary to Secondary Transition Project which focuses on supporting students as they begin their secondary school education. ELECTION OF PARENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE COLLEGE BOARD - Berwick Parish I am pleased to advise that Philip Van Laeren and David Newman have been nominated for the Berwick Parish. For details regarding the candidates and the voting process, please read the attachments to this newsletter on pages 15-17. DATES TO REMEMBER MAY 8 MAY 20 (cont) Mother’s Day Breakfast 7am-8am Beaconsfield Year 7 & 8 Immunisations (Berwick Campus) MAY 12-14 College Board Meeting MAY 18 VCE Unit 1 Music Performance (MJ Auditorium Beaconsfield) NAPLAN Testing Years 7 & 9 STUDENT FREE DAY MAY 19 Journey So Far Evening 6.30pm (Beaconsfield) MAY 21 SFX Book Club Meeting 7pm-9pm DAV Debating Pages 18-20 Community News MAY 20 Year 9 Outward Bound Departs (Officer Campus) MAY 22 Pagtes 21 & 22 Career News East Timor Information Evening 7.30pm (Beaconsfield Chapel) Outward Bound (Berwick Campus) Medical forms due back to Care Group Teachers St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image TEACHING & LEARNING; FAITH & LITURGY Malcolm Joseph – Deputy Principal, Mission The Male Brain Vs The Female Brain A few years ago I had two interesting books sitting on my desk: Teaching The Female Brain Teaching The Male Brain As you can imagine, these titles drew a variety of responses from staff and students who happened to wander into my office. The comments ranged from the curious to the cynical. Test yourself on two quizzes from these books. QUIZ 1 QUIZ 2 1. Who was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes? State whether each statement best describes girls or boys or both. 2. Who was the first child of a Nobel Prize winner to also win a Nobel NOT shared with the parent? 1. Hear quieter and higher-pitched sounds better. 3. Who was the inventor of the computer language COBOL? 2. Are more comfortable when the room is colder. 3. Are more active. 4. Who developed the first major drug treatment for leukemia? 4. Can focus better on moving objects at one year of age. 5. Who invented the Kevlar, the material used in bulletproof vests? 5. Have more connections between neurons in the brain. 6. Who led the team that developed the Mars Pathfinder rover? 6. The left side of the brain matures sooner. 7. Who invented the computer games King’s Quest, The Dark Crystal, The Dagger of Amon-Ra and Phantasmagoria? 8. Who discovered the physical basis for DNA as well as the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus? 9. Who developed the technique of radioimmunoassay, one of the most significant methods of chemical analysis used in medicine? 7. Can throw objects at a target better at an earlier age. 8. Have a higher tolerance of pain. 9. Are more likely to use a visual strategy to remember something. 10.Are more likely to use concrete methods to solve arithmetic problems. 10.Who invented the disposable cell phone? Answers in the next newsletter. Do the research or be patient! By the way, the books are no longer in my office. Page 3 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image DIRECTOR OF LEARNING/VCE - BEACONSFIELD CAMPUS Mary Bourke At St Francis Xavier College our primary goal is to build a valuable and explicit learning culture through the experiences that we provide within and outside our classrooms. Parent/Student/Teacher meetings are scheduled once each Semester and are vital to a student’s understanding and appreciation of the environment in which he or she is able to grow as a learner, preparing for life’s opportunities beyond the school gate. Teachers rely on the family’s support to replicate the ‘learning culture’ at home. As we are now only four weeks away from the end of Semester 1 examination week, students will be facing many challenges to complete assessments and revise units of work already completed. We thank the parents who joined us last week to discuss strategies to help their students set and commit to short term learning goals that will see them achieve beyond their expectations. However, at this stage of the year we also see some students struggling to keep up; they become anxious and disgruntled when they see their peers continuing to produce quality work and receive positive feedback from their teachers. Talking with them, there is always a common thread – they have a lack of purpose. Motivated students are working towards a goal – they can clearly see themselves moving to the next level of learning. They are keen to qualify for the next stage of their life – whether it be VCE in 2016 or life after school at University, TAFE or in an Apprenticeship – and are really determined to take every opportunity in the classroom and earn the right to get there. Conversations at home that focus on the student’s talents and personal qualities will help him or her to imagine the pathway to success and become more motivated to do their best work in class and at home. Why not take the opportunity this weekend to start the conversation that will help your student to find their purpose for learning? Academic Excellence MONASH UNIVERSITY, CAULFIELD CAMPUS has invited us to nominate eight of our top Year 12 students to join students from other Colleges in MASTER CLASSES in a range of subjects. Congratulations to our nominees, chosen by their subject teachers: Liam Castricum and Jacob Brown – Specialist Maths Danielle Day and Jasleen Gill – Maths methods Courtney Banks – Legal Studies Riley Brito and Katelyn Martin – Business Management Joyce Alferez – Accounting We trust that they will make valuable contributions to the classes they will be attending and bring back excellent resources to share with their peers at St Francis Xavier College. Page 4 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image DIRECTOR OF LEARNING BERWICK CAMPUS Kelly Ryan NAPLAN The NAPLAN testing period begins next week. Students in Year 7 and 9 will be undergoing three days of testing across the areas of literacy and numeracy. The testing timetable is as follows: Date Tuesday May 12 Tuesday May 12 Wednesday May 13 Thursday May 14 Thursday May 14 Test Language Conventions Writing Reading Numeracy – Calculator Numeracy – Non Calculator Materials required Students will be required to bring their own equipment to only two of the tests. On Tuesday they will need to bring a black or blue pen for the writing test. On Thursday they will need to bring a calculator for the Numeracy – Non Calculator test. Please ensure that each student has the necessary equipment for each day. Results NAPLAN results will be returned to the school in September, at which time the reports will be passed onto parents. Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews Thank you to all parents who took the opportunity to meet with teachers during the Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews recently. If there were any staff you were unable to make an appointment with, please make contact with them now to arrange a suitable time. ENGLISH WORKSHOPS English workshops take place each Wednesday afternoon from 3.30pm-4.30pm in the Beaconsfield and Berwick Libraries and in GP4 at the Officer Campus. Workshops provide an opportunity for students to seek instruction and feedback from a variety of English teachers over the course of the year and to work in a quiet, supportive environment. The workshops also assist students to reinforce concepts covered in class. DIRECTOR OF LEARNING OFFICER CAMPUS Vince Pezzanite Literacy and Numeracy at school Literacy and numeracy are essential skills that children need to succeed in their everyday lives. As a parent or carer and your child’s first teacher, you have the opportunity to make a significant contribution to supporting your child’s learning – from the time they are an infant through to adulthood. When your child starts school and throughout their education, it is critical for you to continue to play an active role in helping to develop your child’s literacy and numeracy so that they can achieve the best possible outcomes. Ensuring that your child feels confident talking to you and their teacher about their school work will enhance their opportunity to thrive in the 21st century. During Years 4 to 9 young people begin to investigate the world beyond home and school and are required to become more independent learners. Students learn to write for particular audiences and purposes such as describing, explaining, instructing, arguing and narrating. They read and comprehend different types of texts and visuals. This involves identifying the purpose, audience, main ideas and order of events in a text as well as making connections between ideas and information in different paragraphs and drawing conclusions. Students use mathematical skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems. They use a variety of strategies to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, fractions and percentages. Your child will learn to measure area and volume and read clocks, timetables and calendars and use geometrical language to describe features of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) shapes and objects, and recognise angles. Students interpret maps and describe the position of locations using simple co-ordinate systems, scales and compass directions. They can also use mathematics to analyse data to inform decision making and make predictions. Students attending English workshops require a permission form which is available from their English teachers. Page 5 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image FROM THE BEACONSFIELD CAMPUS Vera Treloar, Deputy Principal - Head of Campus Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews Students in Years 10-12 are reminded to act on the advice of their teachers as a result of the recent P/T/S Interviews. Students, staff and parents share the common goal of embracing learning and teaching opportunities. It is our desire that all students have the opportunity to experience success. Hard work and appropriate learning strategies will assist all students to work to the best of their ability. All students are reminded that Semester One examinations begin in four weeks on June 1. William Politi is a wonderful example of diligence. I congratulate William for his efforts in Religion and Society last year. William is the recipient of the Archbishop D’Arcy Religion Prize. Year 11 Year 11 students are reminded they are expected to attend the compulsory Journey So Far programme scheduled for May 19 beginning at 6.30pm. A letter with session details has been distributed to all Year 11 students. Thank you to Mr O’Meara for organising this evening for the benefit of our students. 2015 Presentation Balls Rehearsals for the 2015 Presentation Balls have commenced and I am pleased to see that the Year 11s have displayed courteous and polite behaviour for the dance teachers and the supervising staff. The Balls are a highlight of the year for many students and I request that all parents with students involved in the Presentation Balls speak with their son/daughter and remind them of our expectations for this event, both during practice and on the nights themselves. Students are required to maintain their focus on their academic studies. It is only with the support of our volunteer Parent Committee, staff and parents that we are able to prepare students so well for this wonderful occasion. WABIAD The Write-a-Book-in-a-Day is a wonderful, fun, team building and writing experience, open to people of all ages with all levels of writing, computer and graphic skills. Congratulations to Mrs Libby Lam and Gloria Aupito Iuliano, Elizabeth Hone, Stephanie Rzeszutek, Gillian Titus, Chante Masset, Megan Dennis, Shania D’Rosario and Hannah Ambor for undertaking the Write A Book In A Day challenge. This enthusiastic team were able to produce ‘The Legend of the Box of Lies’; a wonderful part of the Beaconsfield library collection. Our team of eight participants were tasked with writing a 4000 word fictitious story after they were emailed a random setting, two human characters, a non-human character, an issue and five random words at 8.00am local time. The story and illustrations had to be uploaded by 8.00pm that evening. Friends, relatives and others are asked to sponsor the team by donating to our State’s hospital for children. The book is also presented to the Children’s Hospital library. The students from Years 10-12 had a great time together and ended the day tired, but satisfied with their efforts. Guest appearances from two of last year’s participants, Megan Bladier and Angela Duncan were much appreciated for the moral support they provided! Catholic Education Week Mass On Tuesday May 5, I had the pleasure of attending the Catholic Education Week Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sale. This was a wonderful celebration with all the Primary and Secondary schools in the Diocese of Sale represented. Mass was celebrated by our new Bishop Patrick O’Regan and four of our students were able to meet him after the mass. Congratulations to Jake Madeira, Mary Evangelista, Brooke O’Brien and Joseph Obsioma who represented our College. Rhonda O’Connor, Pastoral Associate Page 6 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image FROM THE BERWICK CAMPUS Jason Hibberd, Deputy Principal - Head of Campus Students as Critical Thinkers Part of our mission at the Berwick Campus is to equip all students with the necessary skills and concepts to be successful in a senior setting. Part of that skill set includes a focus on critical thinking; the ability to take learned concepts/ideas/theories and be able to question their validity, transfer that knowledge and apply to a different context and hypothesise about whether certain things are possible because of what is learned. The most successful students are those with the ability to critically analyse a given situation rather than just learn content. As a result, more recently there has been a push to include ‘learning statements’ as part of everyday classes at our Campus. These are simple, conclusive statements that are introduced by the teacher but completed by students, typically towards the conclusion of a class. The idea is that by completing statements of this nature, students are able to highlight to what degree they have understood a given topic or idea to themselves as well as staff. These statements also allow room for critical thinking and make for easy revision when looking back at notes taken. NAPLAN Testing NAPLAN testing takes place for all students in Years 7 and 9 from Tuesday May 12 until Thursday May 14. These assessments in both Literacy and Numeracy are only a snapshot of where an individual student is placed within their own learning continuum at a given point in time. They also represent an opportunity for all students to benchmark themselves in relation to national standards. These assessments also provide invaluable data regarding student trends at St Francis Xavier College, which informs the direction of future teaching priorities. Like all assessments, they provide another opportunity for all students to gain valuable experience performing under test conditions. Good luck to all. School Production Congratulations to all students and the Arts Department at St Francis Xavier College for producing such a fine spectacle befitting the vast array and overall talent that exists at our College. From a local perspective, I would like acknowledge the outstanding efforts of both staff and students from the Berwick Campus who made significant contributions to the stellar performance. Berwick Staff – Ms Nicole Kwiecien, Ms Hayley Griffin, Ms Sally Oliver, Ms Leah Rolfe, Mr Peter Collingwood, Mr Nicholas Miller and Ms Liz Sullivan. Students – Tahnee Johnson, Laura Musco, Natalia Perez-Ibanez, Leticia Tabone, Caitlyn O’Donnell, Megan Nunn, Elaina Newman, Meghan Niewalda, Samantha Cook, Mikayla Oliver, Rhaya Abdelal, Natalie Morgan, Megan Gomez, Natasha Fraser, Angelina Gould, Nicole Pinto, Burke Dempsey, Oliver Thompson, Clare Davine, Ryan Penn, Emily Ray, Matt Bakker, Jake Madeira, Chloe Kandetzki, Joseph Kennedy , Ebony Portelli, Kaila Baxter, Taylah Worland, Katelyn Worland, Nicole Benza, Kayla Eastwood, Shirvaun McGrath, Lacey Bourke, Thomas Jelavic and Emma Jelavic. Year 8 Graffiti Education On Monday, all Year 8 students had a visit from Casey Council representatives to remind us all of the dangers of being involved in graffiti. During the interactive session, students learned about the difference between street art and graffiti as well as gained strategies to deal with peer group pressure. Active Outdoor Gym Opening Page 7 Last Thursday was the grand opening of the Active Outdoor Gym area at Berwick. The construction and planning of such a facility has been years in the making and it was fantastic to have both Mrs Lorraine Macreadie, Past President and the current secretary of the Parents and Friends Association, Ms Sue Wall present to assist with the official cutting of the ribbon. The gym area itself will be available to students in Physical Education classes, as well as for general student use at recess and lunchtimes. Students have been briefed about the guidelines for use which are also available on Moodle. St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image FROM THE OFFICER CAMPUS Margaret Blythman, Deputy Principal - Head of Campus Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Parent/teacher/Student interviews were held for our students last week and the feedback from staff and parents has been very positive. Each child has varying academic, social and emotional developmental needs and interviews were an opportunity to discuss any particular details. From discussions with colleagues it was positive to hear feedback on the following: Students going home and being excited about sharing stories of their learning at school. Programs being adapted to extend students in curriculum areas. New students joining our school and loving being here. The positive outcomes for students who have been receiving additional learning support. Children experiencing a successful start to the year and being happy and engaged learners. Thank you to the teachers for their efforts in preparing for the interviews and providing important feedback to parents. ANZAC Day Like me, I am sure that you have reflected greatly on the various commemorations held around the world on ANZAC Day this year. A number of our students were also present for both the dawn and morning services at Pakenham on Saturday, as well as other services held in the area. We thank our Campus Captains Brooke and Joseph for representing the Officer Campus. They were accompanied by Miss Amy Gilmour, Mrs Barb Golding and Mr Steven Medorini who provided this reflection, “I must commend all the students who attended the Dawn Service in Pakenham this morning. They were extremely well behaved, their uniform was immaculate and they were all respectful throughout the service. We had 28 students present. It was great to see so many students taking an active involvement in our community.” A service was also held at the Campus on Friday April 24 and served to again highlight the respect and reverence that we expect from the students of St Francis Xavier College. ANZAC Day is not a glorification of war and conflict: it is rather a commemoration and a time to remember and to give thanks for those who had the strength and courage to sacrifice so much so that we may enjoy our freedom today. May we continue to be thankful for those who gave so much. We also pray that the political leaders of the world continue to work hard to end conflict now and to avoid oppression and conflict in the future. Uniform While the vast majority of students wear their full uniform with pride it is appropriate that at this point we restate our uniform expectations for all students. Included in the E-Planner are guidelines and reminders of what is acceptable uniform at St Francis Xavier College, including jewellery, hair, footwear and accessories. Musical Page 8 I would like to personally congratulate and say how proud I am of everyone involved in the 42nd Street production. The show was a wonderful reflection of the range of activities, experiences and opportunities both offered and willingly taken up by St Francis Xavier College students. I am immensely proud of all the students and their wealth of talent shining through in this latest school production. A performance like this is not possible without the support of the many helpers who made everything run smoothly, my thanks to all these individuals from the performers and producers to technical and backstage crew. Congratulations once again to all those involved. St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image OUTWARD BOUND 2015 – OFFICER CAMPUS Peter Robinson - Outward Bound Co-ordinator It is now less than two weeks until the Expedition begins. All students should know their group and the name of their group leader. Detailed travel arrangements, emergency contact information and other important information is set out below. Travel Arrangements Students need to be at the College by 7.00am for a 7.30am departure on Wednesday May 20. Students should report to their Outward Bound Leader in the following rooms: Group No. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Leader(s) Miss Gilmour/Ben Gaze Mr Mayberry/Julia Morrow Alexis Bell Sarah Donne Laura Quinn/Sean Walsh Cassie Krylov/Bryony Jackson Ian Flannery Elyce Boulter Room GP 1 GP 2 GP 4 GP 5 GP 6 GP 7 GP 8 GP 9 Other information Please note that your child may be transported in vehicles driven by Outward Bound Staff or St Francis Xavier College Staff during the course. In case of emergency during the expedition parents can contact the Outward Bound National School by telephoning (02) 6235 5700 between 8.30am and 5.00pm on weekdays or 0419 203 371 at other times in an absolute emergency. I encourage students to continue walking regularly wearing their Outward Bound shoes or boots several times each week in the lead up to the expedition. If you have any questions about Outward Bound please do not hesitate to ask. Please note that past Newsletter articles about Outward Bound can be found on the Outward Bound Moodle page. Once all students have arrived and the roll has been marked leaders will direct students to the correct bus. Students are to bring their gear in one soft bag (no packs or suitcases). Students will need to bring their own lunch and drinks for the trip. Students should not bring any food which contains nuts. Outward Bound will supply lunch for the trip home, however, if students wish to bring other snacks for the trip home they should be sealed in a plastic container and left in their bag. Students are not to take any of their own food on course with them. We will not be stopping near any shops so no money is required. On Thursday May 28, we expect to arrive back at the College at approximately 4.00pm. However, on such a long trip it is difficult to be exact. Students are not required at school on Friday May 29 or Monday June 1. Medication Any students who require regular medication are asked to bring twice the amount required packed in two separate lots - both clearly labeled with student name, group number and administering instructions (time/amount). All medication should be given to the Group Leader when students arrive at school on the first day of Outward Bound. (Students who require Ventolin should keep one inhaler with them.) All medication will be sorted out once we arrive at Outward Bound. One set of medication will remain with the Group Leader. The spare medication will be stored at base camp as a backup. All spare medication will be returned to students on the way home. If you do not wish medication to be returned to your son or daughter please email me at [email protected]. Page 9 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image ENGLISH NEWS Geraldine Nunn - Head of English SIS Public Speaking Competition 2015 The following students participated in the SIS Public Speaking Competition at John Paul College on Monday April 27. The competition was a team event with teams comprised of two junior speakers (Yr 7 or 8) and two intermediate speakers (Yr 9 or 10). Participants were required to deliver a prepared speech and an impromptu speech. By all accounts, St Francis Xavier students were a credit to our College and delivered their speeches with flair and confidence. The aggregate results are pleasing: Team 1 achieved 3rd place, Team 2, 4th place and Team 3, 7th place. Isobelle Morgan (Yr 10) is to be congratulated for achieving the highest individual combined score for the competition; an incredible result considering there were 80 speeches. Team 1 (Beaconsfield, Berwick, Officer) Tanya Oogathoo (Year 8 Officer) Chailyn D’Souza (Yr 8 Berwick) Siobhan Morgan (Yr 10) Isobelle Morgan (Yr 10) Team 2 (Officer Campus) Chloe Jones (Yr 8 Officer) Isabella Barthelson (Yr 8 Officer) Alexandria Naujoks (Yr 9 Officer) Aishling Firmager (Yr 9 Officer) Team 3 (Berwick Campus) Natalie Morgan (Yr 8 Berwick)) Emma Jelavic (Yr 8 Berwick) Senara Hettige (Yr 9 Berwick) Mary Evangelista (Yr 9 Berwick) Many thanks to Mrs Nicole Sheridan for supervising our students at the competition and for organising the Berwick Campus team and to Mrs Leesa Gordon for organising the Officer Campus team. Debating News Beaconsfield DAV Round 2: April 16, St Margaret’s College Congratulations to Lavinia Koonwhye, Craig Mortimer and Ethan Koonwhye who competed in A Grade on Thursday April 16. The team debated ‘that Indigenous communities should be allowed to administer traditional justice’ and defeated students from Hallam Secondary. A special ‘THANK YOU’ to Ethan Koonwhye who filled in as first speaker at the last minute. DAV Round 3 will take place on Thursday May 21. Competition - The Future Leaders Writing Prize The Future Leaders Writing Prize is designed to recognise and reward talented young writers. It aims to encourage expressive and creative writing. Year 11 and 12 students in Australian secondary schools are invited to submit a piece of writing (800 to 1,000 words). The writing can be fiction or non-fiction and on any topic. Prize In 2015, the award winner will receive $1,000. Where there is more than one winner the prize money will be shared. The winners of the Future Leaders Writing Prize will have their work published. Submissions Please send all submissions electronically in a word document by July 1 2015, to [email protected]. COMMUNITY LIAISON Melinda Reid – College Community Liaison Leader Mother’s Day Breakfast This Friday morning we will gather for our annual Mother’s Day Breakfast. It is quite fitting that our guest speaker is Bronwyn Egan – Education Officer, Wellbeing & Community Partnerships from the Catholic Education Office Melbourne. In 1986, Bronwyn had a serious car accident and was told she would never walk again. This has not stopped her. Bronwyn has worked at the Catholic Education Office Melbourne since 2004 in Student Wellbeing. Student Wellbeing supports both primary and secondary schools in developing prevention frameworks for a whole school approach to wellbeing and managing critical incidents. Some of the initiatives Bronwyn is personally involved in include restorative practices in Catholic schools, cyber safety, attendance and the Student Wellbeing Drama Festival. Prior to joining the CEOM she taught in secondary schools in both the government and Catholic systems. Bronwyn taught at St Francis Xavier College from 1994-2004 where she held positions of responsibility as House Co-ordinator, Head of Campus and Head of School. In her time at St Francis Xavier College Bronwyn started the Mother’s Day Breakfast tradition. Bronwyn is also a VCE Assessor in Drama and Theatre Studies and judges amateur musicals. We look forward to hearing from Bronwyn on Friday. Thank you to all the families who have purchased tickets and supported this community event. The breakfast is now sold out. Page 10 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image eLEARNING NEWS Wes Branchflower – Acting Director of Innovation Staying connected with BYOD, making the most of free software It is a fact that a program such as BYOD sometimes seems to bring as many challenges as it solves. We look at all of the obstacles and wonder if the benefits are worth the effort. It is. Proven benefits are there for our students in developing higher order thinking skills through the use of their own device as it personalizes the learning experience. But we do recognise that not all students get the best from their device and sometimes simply need to use them better. An area where a large number of our students can make improvements is becoming familiar with the software required by students at the College and how important this is. All students are required at various stages to submit work electronically. It is convenient and teachers are able to ensure on time submission with the flexibility of access anywhere uploading. It is also environmentally responsible in reducing resource waste. Teachers also have a part to play in clearly outlining to students the required format for submissions. This is sometimes where communication gets confused. In a nutshell, students must produce work in a format the teacher can read and teachers must produce resource material in a way all students can access. There is a free solution for this. On the SFX College Moodle site, under the BYOD tab, you can find a list of software students and teachers should have. NOT having this software disadvantages the student and the teacher. Until now, installing Microsoft Office came at some expense, but this is not the case anymore. Free Microsoft Office 365 is available to all St Francis Xavier College Students and Teachers All staff and students received an email about this last week. It can be installed on up to five devices. This, in addition to Google Docs and Google Drive means students and staff have the tools to ensure smooth exchange of resources and submissions and allows us to make the most from the BYOD experience. I like it to think it takes us back to the top of this article, but without as many of the problems… If you’re still a little bit lost, look here or follow the instructions emailed to you.: Parents, stay on top of contact with school and your child’s course with Skoolbag App and Moodle access. If you already have these, why not ask another parent if they do too? COLLEGE WELLBEING Eve Power – Wellbeing Team Leader Resiliency Did you know that the term resilience was introduced into the English language in the early 17th Century from the Latin verb resilire, meaning to rebound or recoil? In the 19th Century, Robert Mallet developed a measure – the modulus of resilience – as a means of assessing the ability of materials to withstand severe conditions. In recent times, the term resiliency has also become associated with an individual’s ability to recover or ‘bounce back’ from challenge and adversity. The good news is that resiliency in this sense can be developed within an individual. Despite our instincts to protect our children from difficult times, it is important that we give young people the opportunity to develop their capacity to ‘bounce back’ from adversity. Parents play a significant role in modelling resiliency, and in using ‘teachable moments’ to develop resiliency in their child. Michael Grose speaks about four basic skills that resilient children tend to display: l independence l problem-solving l optimism l social connection (referred to in Newsletter 2) Over the coming Newsletters, I will share ideas and strategies that can assist the development of these key areas. I would also like to alert parents to the notice included on page 16 of this Newsletter from Headspace Dandenong regarding the Xp Gaming Group. The Xp Gaming Group is for young people who may be at risk of gaming excessively. The group seeks to establish a healthier balance between gaming and real life responsibilities in a supportive, engaging environment. For further information, please call 0475 612 401 or email [email protected] Parents and young people are also welcome to contact a member of the Counselling team for further information and advice. Page 11 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image St Francis Xavier College Parents and Friends [email protected] NEXT MEETING: 4th June 2015 – 7.30pm Beaconsfield Campus – Staffroom The P & F Association meets on the first Wednesday of the month, except during the school holidays. It is a great opportunity to meet new people, support your school and child’s education, be updated on the latest news/events and offer ideas and help in a friendly environment. Everyone is welcome so please join us… All enquiries regarding the College P&F can be made to Coralie. Ideas/Suggestions can be also submitted via our P&F email address [email protected] ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE Please see the P&F page on the College website to purchase: COMMUNITY PARENTS & FRIENDS LATEST NEWS (top right hand side of page) Buy Entertainment Book [CLICK HERE] P & F Meeting Dates for 2015 Wednesday 5th August Wednesday 4th Nov (AGM) Wednesday 2nd September Wednesday 2nd December Wednesday 7th October Page 12 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image East Timor Immersion opportunities for Year 10 and Year 11 students Information Night Wednesday May 20 – 7.30pm Chapel, Beaconsfield Campus This year sees a new an exciting development in our College forming a Friendship link with the Catholic College in Letefoho, East Timor. A trip has been organised for the September school holidays, and we are looking for 10 students in Year 10 and Year 11 to be the first students to help establish this partnership. Places will be offered initially to Year 10 & Year 11, but the trip is also open to ex-students, staff and parents. More details are on the flyer above. Please seriously consider this unique opportunity. ALTERNATE SCHOOLIES FOR YR 12 STUDENTS – Nov/Dec 2015 This popular trip is a wonderful alternate to the traditional Schoolies. If you are ready for a challenge and after a really memorable and exciting way to end your journey at St Francis Xavier College, please consider this trip. Ten days of fun, friendship and immersion into a very different culture. For more information on either trip please contact Rhonda O’Connor, Pastoral Associate - [email protected] Page 13 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image HOST FAMILIES WANTED Are you interested in hosting a Japanese student? Well, here is your chance. St. Francis Xavier College will be hosting Japanese students from our sister school in Tokyo, Japan this year. 1 Week: August 25 - August 31 (Berwick Campus) Host families are required to provide appropriate sleeping arrangements and meals for the student. All activities during school hours etc are organised by the College. If you are interested please return the bottom of this form, with your details to your Japanese teacher as soon as possible. Mrs Kate Bamford Head of Department – LOTE Please return this slip to your Japanese teacher. I _____________________________________________of ________ Care Group (first name and last name) am interested in hosting a Japanese student. Contact details: Parent Name: ________________________________________________ Parent Phone Number: __________________________________________ Parent Email: _________________________________________________ Transport to school (Please circle): BUS CAR OTHER ___________ Bus number (if applicable): _____________ Gender of student you would like to host: M / F Page 14 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image P O Box 85, Beaconsfield, 3807 BERWICK Tel: 9702 6588 Fax: 9702 6599 BEACONSFIELD Tel: 9707 3111 Fax: 9707 3601 OFFICER Tel: 5943 3600 Email: [email protected] Web Address: ST. FRANCIS XAVIER COLLEGE 6 May 2015 Dear Parents ELECTION OF PARENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE COLLEGE BOARD Berwick Parish Further to my recent letter regarding the election of Parent Representatives I advise that Philip Van Laeren and David Newman have been nominated for the Berwick Parish. Members of the Berwick Parish who wish to vote in this election are asked to contact Joanne Price on 9707 3111 or via email [email protected] and a ballot paper will be forwarded to you. Please ensure that you only vote if you reside in the Berwick Parish. The completed ballot paper is to be returned to the College in an envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL and addressed to Mrs Joanne Price, The Returning Officer, St. Francis Xavier College, PO Box 85, Beaconsfield, 3807. The envelope may be returned directly to the Administration Office at any College Campus. Voting closes at 3.30pm on Thursday 14 May 2015. Details regarding the successful candidate will be published in the Newsletter dated 21 May 2015. Yours sincerely Vincent J Feeney Page 15 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image ST. FRANCIS XAVIER COLLEGE In God’s Image 2015 St. Francis Xavier College Board Election – Berwick Parish MR PHILIP VAN LAEREN Current Parent Representative – Berwick Parish; and Chairperson of the College Board. Our College is a vibrant community of over 2500 students and 370 Staff across three campuses. It is an environment where, under the leadership of our Acting Principal, Vincent J Feeney and the College Executive, a committed College Board and staff work towards assisting our students to reach their maximum potential in many areas such as academic (VCE, VET and VCAL), social, sporting and importantly, faith development. One role of the College Board is to help provide the best possible environment for our students, our staff, and our College community. Not only for the current cohort of students and staff, but also for the future generations to come. For me, this is the main reason I would welcome the opportunity to continue to serve the Parish of Berwick as an active participant on the College Board. As you are aware, we are currently experiencing a period of expansion at the College. In my time on the College Board, our energy and focus has seen this expansion turn into a reality with the Officer Campus DATS Centre and sporting grounds, the Beaconsfield Campus VCE Centre and increased parking areas, and the Berwick Campus Chapel and fitness areas. There are also further projects in their early stages which will continue to expand upon the facilities we have to offer at the College. The College Board will need to continue to offer support to the College leaders in their work with architects, town planners and financiers. Importantly, the next steps are to support the infrastructure development and also the curriculum and policy development to suit the impacts of the changing nature of our world on the staff and the education of our students. The Diocese of Sale is faced with the enormous challenge of recruiting our next College Principal. This appointment will be for a five (5) year period and the successful applicant must possess the experience and acumen to lead our College into the future. The College Board has an important role to play in this critical appointment. We have one of the largest and most complex Catholic secondary schools in Victoria, if not Australia. A strong, experienced College Board is needed to support the College Executive during this significant period. As the current Chairperson of the College Board, I believe I possess the necessary skills, experience, enthusiasm and dedication that will be required as we embark on this exciting new phase of the life of St Francis Xavier College. It has been a very rewarding experience to be part of the College Board for the past few years. My commitment to you is to continue to help to create a College environment where the opportunities are many, where progress is encouraged and embraced, but importantly, where the past is honoured and respected. I commit to meeting the many challenges ahead with all the experience, wisdom and enthusiasm I can gather. Thank you, God Bless Philip Van Laeren Page 16 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image St. Francis Xavier College Board Election – Berwick Parish MR DAVID NEWMAN As a parent of three children in Catholic schools, a daughter attending St. Francis Xavier College, and two children attending St. Catherine’s Primary, I believe that parents have a particularly important role to play in the educating community, since it is to them that primary and natural responsibility for their children’s education belongs. I am a very experienced and passionate educator, having taught in primary and secondary schools, in addition to TAFE, spanning 22 years. My teaching position immediately prior to my current position was in a Catholic primary school. I am currently teaching at a community college with students who have disadvantaged backgrounds. I gain enormous reward from helping students shape their futures based on the Gospel values. I am an active member of St. Michael’s parish, attending Mass weekly and reading on a regular basis. I strongly believe that Catholic schools make a vibrant and vital contribution to the life of the Church, to the community at large, to families and individuals. As a board member, I would strongly support St. Francis Xavier College’s program of providing an excellent holistic education centred on the student and engaging them in authentic, purposeful learning. My passion for education has extended to the establishment of my educational tutoring firm, which supports students in achieving their academic goals. I am acutely aware of the concerns of parents and students regarding schools due to my tutoring role. I strongly believe that the wealth of my education experience, passion to help students, and business background will provide an active voice on the School Board for the best interests of the St. Francis Xavier College community. I would be honoured to represent the Berwick Parish as its parent representative on the St. Francis Xavier College Board. In this role, I would give Mr. Vincent Feeney, his leadership team and the College Board all my passion, support and understanding, in supporting the students, teachers, parents and the general school community. Page 17 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image CollegeCommunityInformation Tuesdays & Thursdays 8.30am - 4.00pm UNIFORM SHOP Beaconsfield Avenue, Beaconsfield OUR PARISH MASSES Berwick: Sat 6.00pm Sun 9.00am, 10.30am & 6.00pm Narre Warren: Sat 6.00pm Sun 8.00am, 9.15am, 11.00am & 6.00pm Pakenham: Sat 6.00pm Sun 9.00am & 10.30am Koo Wee Rup: Sun 9.30am Iona: Sun 11.00am Lang Lang: 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 5.00pm Nar Nar Goon: Sat 6.00pm Maryknoll: 3rd & 5th Sunday of each month at 5.00pm Every Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm Telephone Orders Welcome Tel: 9707 3111 Have you changed your address or phone numbers recently? If so, it is vital that you provide updated details to the College. Please collect a CHANGE OF DETAILS form available from Reception at any of the Campuses. SUBSCRIBE TO THE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Go to Click on “News & Events” then “Newsletters” then “Subscribe” and fill in the information required. Page 18 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image Casey Cardinia Library offer free, online tuition to Library members. Why pay $60, $70 plus for private tutoring when you can get it for FREE! Monday to Friday 4-8 pm Prep to Year 12 Tutoring covers all curriculum areas Students can upload an assignment to be discussed; show a Maths or Chemistry problem they are struggling with or help with study skills or essay writing. To hear more and click on the words “How does it work. Watch our video” Students can become temporary members of the library. When this expires they need their parents to go with them to sign them up because they are under 18 years. XP GAMING GROUP HEADSPACE PRESENTS REGISTER NOW call: 0475 612 401 or email us: instituteofgames PLAY AWESOME LAN GAMES ON ALIENWARE PCs WEEKLY COMPS ON XBOX ONE AND WIIU JOIN THE GROUP AND GET A FREE GAMING MOUSE 5 - 7PM DURING SCHOOL TERM MOORABBIN HEADSPACE MONDAYS DANDENONG HEADSPACE TUESDAYS Page 19 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image Page 20 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image Reminders • UMAT Registrations by 5 June; Test Date: 29 July, 2015 • VCE and Careers Expo - 170 exhibitors of VCE resources, tertiary course and career information; 7 - 10 May at Caulfield Racecourse; See: www. are much more extensive. The latest developments in physics, psychology, human biology, materials science, information science and statistical analysis all give us new answers to ancient questions about music – what it is, why we make it, how we make it, why we listen to it and how it is changing. Research into the possibilities of music is ongoing, creating new jobs dedicated to the many effects of music, music perception and the performance and technical underpinnings of instruments. Alternatively, you could combine your knowledge of physics, mathematics and computing to become a sound engineer. MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY NEWS – MELBOURNE COURSES MOST POPULAR - The University of Melbourne offered more than 7500 students a place in an undergraduate course for 2015. The Bachelor of Science remains the largest and most PHYSIOTHERAPY COMING TO ACU BALLARAT IN 2017 popular undergraduate course in the state, with 2518 – The B. Physiotherapy will be offered at the Ballarat students offered a place. The B. Arts (1286) offers campus of the Australian Catholic University in 2017. and B. Commerce (1150) also saw growth in offer The ACU School of Physiotherapy was established in numbers. The Clearly-In ATAR for Science was 86.00, 2010 with the launch of the B. Physiotherapy at ACU’s for Commerce it was 95.00, for Arts it was 90.05, for Brisbane campus. In 2011 it was launched in North Biomedicine it was 98.85 and for Environments it was Sydney. The program is fully accredited, with the first 85.00. Brisbane and North Sydney students graduating. For regular updates on the new Bachelor of Physiotherapy, WOULD YOU LIKE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT visit the School of Physiotherapy page. Register interest UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE DEGREES? The university is holding a series of events where undergraduate at: register their interest in this program. degrees will be explored. INTERESTED IN STUDYING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? Discover the opportunities and Known as the ‘Focus On’ series, they commence with possibilities an IT degree has to offer, and where it a Focus on Biomedicine on Thurs 14 May. Focus on could take you. Hear from an expert thought-leader, Arts is on Wed 20 May, Focus on Agriculture on Thurs the futurist Morris Miselowski about the world of 21 May, Focus on Commerce on Tues 26 May, Focus tomorrow, and get a taste of what IT is all about in a on Environments on Wed 27 May, Focus on Science hands-on mobile app development workshop. When: on Tues 2 June, Focus on Law on Tues 4 June, Focus on 10am-4.30pm, Sat 2 May; Who: Year 12 students; Engineering on Thurs 11 June, Focus on IT on Thurs 11 Where: Monash University (Clayton); Cost: Free, with June, Focus on Music on Wed 24 June, and Focus on morning tea and lunch; Register and see video: www. VCA on Thurs 25 June (most are 6.30-8.30pm). The sessions will give you a chance to hear about BACHELOR 0F SCIENCE/BACHELOR OR MUSIC – At Monash University you can now combine your passion for music with a solid foundation in the sciences with this new double degree. There is a wonderful synergy between the passion for creating music and a love of scientific knowledge. Choosing between the two can be difficult, so why not consider making the most of your talents and study both music and science in a double degree. Physics, maths and music are related to the art and science of acoustics, however their links Page 21 courses and opportunities at the University of Melbourne from staff, recent graduates and current students. Register attendance (essential) at: www. igIdeas EXPO – igIdeas is one of the longest running and most well respected design programs in the world. This year is the celebration of 25 years of this design program, with a stellar international line up at Melbourne International Design Week, May 11-17. There are events for designers, business managers, St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image marketing executives, educators, secondary school students, researchers and design enthusiasts. A number of universities, TAFEs and independent colleges with design faculties will be at the agIdeas Design Careers Expo on Thursday 14 May at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. If you are interested in a career in areas such as architecture, communication design, interior design or industrial design, you are encouraged to attend. See the following for event details, venue and bookings: Event details » education, physics or psychology. 2016 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PREREQUISITE CLARIFICATION – There has been confusion about the wording of the requirements. They are: Units 3/4 English (at least 30 in EAL or at least 25 in any other English), and at least 25 in one of biology, chemistry, any maths, physical education or physics. ELITE ATHLETE BONUS ENTRY SCHEME – La Trobe university offers bonus aggregate points for elite SWINBURNE SCIENCE EXPERIENCE – The Swinburne- athletes. The Scheme is available to domestic ConocoPhillips Science Experience offers students in undergraduate applicants: who are classified as an elite Years 9 and 10 the chance to use their natural curiosity athlete, whose sporting commitments have impacted to explore and discover the possibilities of science. on their previous studies, and who apply for admission Attendees will participate in a range of interactive, to courses via the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre hands-on workshops that are designed to challenge (VTAC). See the La Trobe website for more details. and excite. When: 14-16 Sept (school holidays - a long DEAKIN UNIVERSITY AND NAVITAS REBRAND way off, but bookings are open) at: Registration is now PATHWAY COLLEGE – Deakin university and leading open ». education provider Navitas have announced plans to extend their partnership by renaming the pathway LA TROBE UNIVERSITY NEWS – college, the Melbourne Institute of Business and NEXT GEN YOUTH FORUM – brings together Year 10- Technology (MIBT), to Deakin College. Through MIBT, 12 students to participate in hands-on work-shops, Navitas has collaborated with Deakin University since allowing you to be inspired by like-minded individuals 1996, providing pathway courses for both domestic wanting to make a difference. Speakers: and international students. In that time, more than 14,000 students have successfully progressed to degree Chantelle Baxter, co-founder and CEO if One Girl, an programs at Deakin. Deakin College will integrate more organisation dedicated to giving 1 million girls across closely with the university to enable further growth Africa access to education by 2020. of international and domestic enrolments across the Ahmed Kelly, born in Iraq in 1991 with significant Deakin campuses in Melbourne and Geelong disabilities, he was brought to Australia by Moira Kelly for medical treatment. Through determination, toughness and skill, he has been able to compete in the London paralympics. Chris Long and Brad Moore, co-creators of the Moodswing App. It was built in the hope of creating a ‘Twitter for Moods’ where people could share their emotional statuses. The program will also include the team from PROJECT ROCKIT and Thomas King, founder of SayNoToPalmOil. com. The forum will give school leaders the opportunity to be part of inspiring workshops related to social justice and leadership. When: Friday 22 May; Where: La Trobe University (Bundoora); Register interest at: [email protected]. 2016 NURSING PREREQUISITES – Prerequisites for the La Trobe B. Nursing have changed for 2016. They are: 3/4 English (at least 30 in EAL or 25 in any other English) and at least 20 in one of biology, chemistry, health and human development, any maths, physical Page 22 St Francis Xavier College, 2015 – In God’s Image
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