from the principal - St Francis Xavier College
from the principal - St Francis Xavier College
Newsletter 11 BERWICK CAMPUS:Phone: 9702 6588 Fax: 9702 6599 BEACONSFIELD CAMPUS:Phone: 9707 3111 Fax: 9707 3601 OFFICER CAMPUS:Phone: 5943 3600 Fax: 5943 3699 PO Box 85, Beaconsfield, 3807 • Email: [email protected] Website: July 24, 2014 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Mr Paul Desmond STUDENT OF THE TERM AWARDS Each Term I ask my colleagues to indicate to me which students have been the best role models for their peers. I am pleased to announce I have recognised a student at each Year level with the Student of the Term Award (Officer Campus Award recipients will be announced in the next edition of the Newsletter). Year 7 (Berwick Campus) Elita PINTO of Synan House, nominated by Dr Catherine Hart, Miss Gemma Jess, Mrs Pamela Ramos & Miss Lisa Vatta. Year 8 (Berwick Campus) Daniel ALVAREZ of McKenna House, nominated by Mr Nicholas Miller, Miss Emily Noonan & Miss Rachel Santoro. Year 9 (Berwick Campus) Bianca LOMBARDI of Gallagher House, nominated by Mr Daniel Nisbet, Mrs Anne Fuller & Mrs Madeleine Porter. Year 10 Lillian DAVINE of Burgess House, nominated by Mrs Pamela McKillop. Year 11 Jonathon CARNEVALE of McDonagh House, nominated by Mrs Carmel Reznicsek. Year 12 Thomas BLADIER of Synan House, nominated by Mrs Jane Watkins, Miss Nicole Leach & Miss Vicki Thompson. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS I am very proud to share with the St. Francis Xavier College community news on the achievements of several of our students in their chosen pursuits: • I had the honour of attending a function at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (Federation Square, Melbourne) to see Nicholas Owens (Year 10 TPE), receive an award for his participation in the Hothouse Program 2014. Nicholas was one of only ten students chosen from schools across the State to take part in the program, one of the highlights of which was working with artists from Dreamworks USA. Nicholas created the characters and worked as a team of five to produce a short animated film. • During the recent break, two of our Berwick students competed in the National Rollerskating Championships in Brisbane. Charlie Voudouris (Year 8 ESU) and Nicole Slovak (Year 8 KDY) took out first place in Cadet and first place in the Open competition. • Dayna Crees (Year 8 JRI) competed last Thursday in the Victorian Cross Country Championships and was placed first in her division. A great achievement by a very dedicated young woman. ALL SHOOK UP- 2014 MUSICAL PRODUCTION After many weeks of auditions and rehearsals, the cast and crew of our annual musical production will present to us All Shook Up this evening, Friday and Saturday nights. I have seen parts of the show in rehearsals during the recent holiday period and was greatly impressed by the talent of the student performers. MOODLE FOR PARENTS A new initiative to assist parents remain updated and involved in the education of their children at St. Francis Xavier College is Moodle For Parents, please see page 3. I refer you to the College website: and the Moodle link. I believe you will find this very helpful. Your children and their teachers make great use of this facility. Why not give it a try! DATES TO REMEMBER JULY 24-26 School Production JULY 28-AUG 1 Year 11 Retreat JULY 29 SFX Book Club Meeting JULY 30 College Board Meeting JULY 31 Year 9 Outward Bound Parent Information Night DAV Debating Rd 5 AUG 4-8 LOTE Week AUG 6 Student Free Day AUG 8 & 9 Presentation Balls 1 & 2 IN THIS ISSUE FRONT PAGE From the Principal Page 4 Teaching & Learning Pages 5-7 From the Beaconsfield Campus Pages 8-9 From the Berwick Campus Pages 10 Outward Bound Page 11-12 From the Officer Campus Page 13 Yr9-Yr10 Maths Pages 14 Beaumont Oratory 2014 Page 15 College Sport Page 16-17 Careers News Page 18-19 P & F News Page 20 Caritas - Mt Kilimanjaro Page 21-22 Community Information Page 2 BYOD 2015 The Bring Your Own Device programme is to be extended from the commencement of 2015. Every student in each Year Level must have some technological device to assist them in their learning. In offering approximately eight months notice, I am allowing parents ample time to consider which device they will purchase for their child, if they have not done so already. To further assist in this process, the College Director of Innovation Mr Michael Torsello, is available to advise parents ([email protected] or 9707 3111). The College Business Manager is planning a second BYOD Expo later this year, similar to the very successful Expo attended by technology firms in March. More details regarding the programme will be sent home to parents in the weeks to come. ST CLARE’S PRIMARY SCHOOL, OFFICER – APPOINTMENT OF PRINCIPAL Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting with the recently appointed Foundation Principal of St. Clare’s Primary School, Ms Helen Staindl. St. Clare’s is under construction at present on the site immediately next to our Officer Campus and the first intake of students will be in 2015. Ms Staindl will hold an information session for interested parents on Thursday July 31 at 7.30pm at St Patrick’s Primary School Hall, Pakenham. STAFFING UPDATE The following changes to the Staffing of the College are now in place: • I am pleased to inform the College community that a new Receptionist has been appointed to work at the Berwick Campus. Miss Jacqueline McDonald will join us from August 4, coming to us from Toowong in Queensland. • Ms Angelie O’Brien (Instrumental Teacher) has been appointed to the Monash Specialist Developmental School at Monash University. • Mrs Sally Andrew, currently on Long Service Leave, has informed me that she is retiring from teaching after a long, dedicated career. • Mrs Melinda Reid (nee Varley) has returned to duties after her recent marriage. During the week we have welcomed the following staff to the College: • Ms Maryanne Walker, Library Assistant • Miss Kate Munro to the Learning Enhancement Team • Ms Lynne McMillan to the Learning Enhancement Team • Ms Yuko Takaoka to the LOTE Department (replacing Kate Bamford on Long Service Leave) • Ms Alycia Kiehne as a Volunteer in the Beaconsfield Library each Wednesday • Miss Ann Heitch who has returned to replace Liz Wilson as Laboratory Technician. We have also welcomed back: • Ms Trelene Luecke from her pilgrimage to Jerusalem • Mrs Christine Prattico from Long Service Leave • Mr Gary Keet from Leave • Mrs Judy Shaw from Long Service Leave • Mrs Jane Watkins from Long Service Leave. BIRTH Mr Conor McAleese (Finance/Administration Manager) recently became a father for the first time with the safe arrival of a baby boy, Flynn. BEREAVEMENT It was with much sadness that we learnt of the death recently of Mrs Geraldine Synan, wife of former Director of Catholic Education, Mr Terry Synan. Mrs Synan was a wonderful supporter of the College and was a frequent and most welcome visitor at our special events. St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind WE ARE PRAYING FOR... Nicholas Evans of Year 10 Mrs Sue Nichols, Teaching Staff member Ms Ros Klein, Teaching Staff member Peter Robinson, Teaching Staff member as he recovers from surgery Mrs Elizabeth Wilson, Staff member Baby Braden Haywood, son of our Staff member Phil Mr Ben Cookson, son of our Teaching Staff member, Shane. From the Principal’s Office PARENTS CREATE YOUR OWN MOODLE ACCOUNT Here’s how: Open Moodle at or the link through the College web site General Information for Parents and Students Policies and Procedural Click the Create Account button Documents Enter your details Parents will have access to their own Moodle courses where they will find: Financial Forms policy documents (uniform, lateness, behavioural, pastoral) BYOD and Camp allergy action plans Information teacher email addresses canteen menus forms from the Finance office camp information BYOD information Information from the Principal’s office And more ST FRANCIS XAVIER COLLEGE Berwick, Beaconsfield and Officer Page 3 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind TEACHING & LEARNING; FAITH & LITURGY Mr Malcolm Joseph – Deputy Principal Mission YEAR 11 RETREATS One of the main aims of the Year 11 Retreat is to encourage each student to respond to others as persons, to reach out to others in friendship and to work at building a community based on the message of Jesus. From a logical perspective, doing things for others makes us focus on the positive attributes of self and others. This in turn is likely to give us a positive outlook on other aspects of our lives. It is within this context that the concept of Christian leadership is examined through a variety of activities. After discussing different leadership styles and the attributes of leaders, the focus becomes Jesus as a model leader. The emphasis then shifts to the practical application of the concepts of inclusion, service, empowerment, justice, etc in their daily lives, particularly as they enter the period of nominating and electing student leaders for 2015. The feedback from former students and the extract from the book A Canopy of Stars by Christopher Gleeson, SJ may be helpful for those who are a little concerned about this new experience. POSITIVE FEEDBACK FROM STUDENTS • I feel that this was a great break away from home, school, TV, my phone, facebook, etc. I feel refreshed. • The retreat was fun; it was good to relax away from my VCE studies. It has made me feel prepared, ready and excited about Semester 2. • It was helpful because it made me understand others better and to see how things affect people. To hope is to risk despair to try is to risk failure. but risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing. This person can avoid suffering and sorrow, but cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love or really live. He is chained by his certitude. He is a slave. He has forfeited freedom. A person who risks is free. (Christopher Gleeson, SJ) EDROLO FOR STUDENTS On Monday July 2, VCE teachers and Curriculum Leaders attended a presentation on Edrolo. I have received a great deal of positive feedback from colleagues, so I thought I would share this with you. The following information has been provided by Edrolo. To see if the program meets their needs, students will have free access for two weeks. In the next few days, students who are studying VCE Units 3 & 4 will come home with more information. • Edrolo provides comprehensive and up-to-date online video lectures that students can use to learn and revise all VCE content for exams. Edrolo has detailed explanations of all that students need to know along with step-by-step worked examples from past exams, all presented by some of Australia’s best teachers. Edrolo is the new study-buddy, helping students learn during the Semester and to revise before exams. • Access via PC, tablet or mobile to any subject means unlimited and ongoing access to all the material for that subject – anywhere, any time! • Interactive quizzes help keep students on track and give feedback on learning. • The materials can be used to supplement learning (in and out of the classroom) throughout the year, and as a revision tool closer to exams. Edrolo is useful for clarifying material covered in class, or even to engage with content before class so students can come prepared. Page 4 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind FROM THE SENIOR SCHOOL Mrs Vera Treloar – Deputy Principal, Head of Campus White Ribbon’s Breaking the Silence in Schools Program St. Francis Xavier College has established a commitment to the prevention of violence against women by supporting White Ribbon and participating in the Breaking the Silence in Schools Program. Please read the information provided by White Ribbon below. What is White Ribbon? White Ribbon is Australia’s only national, male led campaign to end men’s violence against women. The campaign works through primary prevention initiatives involving awareness raising and education, and programs with youth, schools, workplaces and across the broader community. Globally, White Ribbon is the world’s largest male-led movement to end men’s violence against women. Originating in Canada in 1991, White Ribbon is now active in more than 60 countries. White Ribbon began in Australia in 2003 as part of UNIFEM (now UN Women), formally becoming a Foundation in 2007. White Ribbon Australia observes the International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women, also known as White Ribbon Day, annually on November 25. But the campaign runs all year and is evident across the community through, for example, advertising and marketing campaigns such as Uncover Secrets, social media, community events and White Ribbon Night in July. Friday 25 July is White Ribbon Night! Join communities across Australia to unite in support of bringing an end to violence against women. About the White Ribbon Breaking the Silence in Schools Program Breaking the Silence in Schools Program is White Ribbon’s unique primary prevention program driving attitudinal and behavioural change in youth (8-18 years) to prevent the perpetration of men’s violence against women and girls. White Ribbon provides the scaffolding and platform to embed sustainable culture change in school communities, strategies to introduce and embed violence prevention activities into schools. We all like to think that our family, friends, neighbours and ourselves are safe at home. Most of us would believe this to be a basic human right but sadly, for many, this is not always the case. On average, one woman is killed every week by a current or former partner in Australia. And one in four young Australians are exposed to domestic violence. We are still in the initial phase of learning about the program and look forward to sharing more information in the lead up to White Ribbon Day on November 25. To find out more please visit Page 5 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind FROM THE SENIOR SCHOOL (continued) Mrs Vera Treloar – Deputy Principal, Head of Campus YEAR 12 FORMAL Congratulations to College Captains Jessica Matheson and Joshua Mettes and Vice Captains Courtney Graf and Peter Halat for their organisation of the Year 12 Formal held at Leonda during the Term break. By all accounts it was a successful evening. Year 12s are reminded that prepaid photograph orders will be delivered to the College on Monday July 28. YEAR 11 2015 STUDIES INFORMATION EVENING Thank you to all Year 10 students and their parents for their attendance at the Year 11 2015 Studies Information Evening. Students should now be reflecting on their Semester 1 Report and using the information gathered on the evening to make informed decisions about their academic pathway next year. Students are reminded to visit the Careers Office should they require additional information. The deadline for subject selection forms is August 8. Thank you to all staff for their contributions. SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATIONS Congratulations to the 170 students who achieved 90% or above in the recent Semester 1 Examinations. In particular we acknowledge: YEAR 10 STUDENTS who scored 90% and above in THREE or more examinations Vincent Fallace Luke Fraser Rachel Power Caitlin Dempsey Viashnavi Vijayakumar Uaan Schoevers Alexandra Wall Minuka Kulatunge Emillie King Remi Meleka Jordan Ballinger Brooke Smith Maya Kubic Rashini Perera Amie Jans Jake Boccari Luisa Hungerford-Morgan Adele Jones Georgia Cuffe Jaymee Hymes Andrew Atta YEAR 11 STUDENTS who scored 90% and above in TWO or more Unit 1 studies Alicia Hayden Riccardo Azzola Adam Sheppeck Liam Castricum Joshua Clarke Courtney Banks Angela Duncan Dominic Firmager Sharisse Ockwell Jasleen Gill Aaron Zerafa Joseph Laufou Anna Thamboo Ryley Brito Joyce Alfarez Karina Lopez COLLEGE COLOURS Page 6 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind DIRECTOR OF LEARNING/VCE - SENIOR SCHOOL Mrs Mary Bourke We are now four weeks into Semester 2 and the academic challenges for all students are becoming greater in number and more complex. While each new topic will require a degree of ‘rote learning’, many more learning activities demand deeper understanding and the ability to apply, discuss and evaluate concepts in unfamiliar situations. Students and parents are encouraged to regularly refer to the Semester 1 Reports and to reflect on the ‘Areas for Improvement’ identified by the subject teachers. To make progress as a learner, and to be ready for 2015, attention to these strategies must be the student’s priority now. Year 12 students and Year 11 students enrolled in Unit 3/4 units will be completing SACs each week and those enrolled in Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Technology subjects are working towards their final ‘production’. Students enrolled in LOTE subjects are preparing for their oral examinations. Aiming to achieve the best results possible means spending more time on homework and study each night and over the weekend. How much time? This depends on the student, the subject, knowledge already accrued and the result desired. PLANNING FOR 2015 Thank you to the many families who attended the Year 11 2015 Information Night last week. The excellent SUBJECT EXPO in the HALL provided a wealth of information about the many VCE Subjects we offer that will support a student’s passion, talent and ideas for a future career pathway. Parents and students are reminded of the importance of spending time planning the two year VCE program and the need to access the 2015 Subject Selection Handbook on moodle: php?id=934 (see the Year 10_VCE_Info section) This resource is also most important for students intending to apply for a position in the VCAL course. It is imperative that students do not rush this process, therefore the on line web preferences site will not close until Friday August 8 at 4.00pm Year 12 2015 Applications – Students enrolling in VCE have received their Access Codes to the website with relevant information about ‘special application procedures’. They must also adhere to the deadline of Friday August 8. Year 11 VCAL students do not need to make any further applications for 2015 at this stage. Any questions about the 2015 enrolment process may be addressed to: VCE: Mrs Bourke [email protected] VCAL: Mr Keet [email protected] Careers: Mrs Watkins [email protected] Page 7 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind FROM THE BERWICK CAMPUS Ms Joanne Rock – Deputy Principal, Head of Campus WELCOME BACK! I want to welcome everyone back to the Berwick Campus after what I trust was a relaxing break from the rigors of school for a little while. Everyone has settled in well and gotten back into the swing of school nice and quickly. As students received their reports on the last day of Term 2, my hope is that your child/children have been able to sit and discuss with you their Semester 1 reports, and that you have been able to offer praise where praise is due, and some constructive advice where improvement is necessary. As the new Semester begins, please impress on your child/children the need for being organised, the completion of all work by the due date, and the importance of a ‘do your best’ attitude. It is truly amazing what one can achieve when committing to these three work habits. House Co-ordinators will be contacting parents about students whose results were disappointing. It is hoped strategies can be put in place to see what school and home can do to support these students and help them to improve. If you have any queries or concerns about your child’s report, please contact their Care Group teacher or Subject teacher to discuss them. Semester 2 can be a fresh start with new goals and possibilities. CORRECT PROCESS FOR REPORTING STUDENT ABSENCES It is fantastic how diligent many parents are in terms of ringing the College to inform us that your child is unable to attend school because of illness. However, I need to remind parents that this phone call must be followed up with a signed note explaining the absence for the Care Group teacher. This note is then filed by the office and kept as an official document. This requirement for a signed letter explaining your child’s absence is a government requirement and needs to follow your courtesy phone call. At the back of the Student Diary are a number of absence slips that can be filled in, signed and cut out to give to the Care Group Teacher. Thank you for your cooperation and support with this. BUS PASSES AND APPROPRIATE BUS BEHAVIOUR There has been a significant improvement in the number of students carrying their bus passes with them this year. The College conducts daily bus pass checks and it is obvious that the vast majority of our students are carrying their passes and catching their allocated buses. Students are regularly reminded at morning Care Group to have their bus passes with them. If a student has forgotten their pass, they can speak with office staff at recess or lunchtime to receive a temporary pass for that day only. Students are aware that bus passes will not be processed after 2.00pm. Also, please be aware that we no longer issue casual bus passes for students to travel on different buses because of after school commitments as our buses are at capacity. Can I take this opportunity to remind you that all students (and parents) using our College buses have signed a Code of Conduct contract with regard to expected appropriate and safe behaviour on our bus service. Should students not abide by the set of expected behaviours, they risk a two week suspension from using the bus. There have been numerous reminders to students via the Daily Bulletin, and again, I ask parents to discuss these expectations with regard to appropriate behaviour while travelling on buses. Not to mention the impact a two week suspension would have on parents and family. WATERPROOF RAINCOATS AVAILABLE AT THE UNIFORM SHOP We are well into our winter period, and this year we have seen an increase in the number of wet days we are experiencing. The College has a school approved raincoat that can be purchased at the uniform shop for $45. It is the only raincoat that is to be worn with our College uniform. I have been informed that there are plenty in stock in a variety of sizes. It is a smart and effective accessory to the winter uniform and well worth considering as an additional uniform item. Page 8 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind DIRECTOR OF LEARNING – BERWICK CAMPUS Mr Adam Gordon YEAR 10 2015 SUBJECT SELECTIONS Thank you to parents and students who attended the Year 10 and VCE Information Evening. It was great to see so many taking the opportunity to ask valuable questions. No doubt you will have many more questions as you go through the subject selection process. Many of these questions may be answered by reading through the VCE Subject Handbook that has been uploaded to Moodle. Care Group teachers have given the following instructions to Year 9 students: • Year 10 and VCE Information has been added to your home page on Moodle. • Open the 2015 - Subject Selection Information file. • Open the 2015 VCE Subject Handbook pdf for subject pathway information and subject descriptions. • Complete the Performing Arts Year 10 Unit 1 application on Moodle if you want to do Music or Drama. • You may apply for a VET course in Year 10, but not VCAL. • If applying for a VET course, complete the VCE VET application form on Moodle. • All selections must be completed on Web Preferences by Friday August 8. Hard copies must also be signed by you, your parent and Care Group teacher. Return signed hard copies of subject selections and applications (if applicable) to your Care Group teacher. • You may apply for one VCE study. If you apply for a VCE study, you will receive a separate VCE application form during the week commencing Monday August 11. Refer to the Accelerated Studies Application Process doc (see slide 2). All Year 9 students have been given a code and password to enter their subject selections on Web Preferences. If you need further assistance, please email me on agordon@ Page 9 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind OUTWARD BOUND Mr Peter Robinson – Outward Bound Co-ordinator Year 9 Outward Bound 2014 – Berwick Campus Preparation for the expedition continues. Last week Year 9 Students attended an information session about Outward Bound. Stephen Hodges from Outward Bound Australia spoke to Students about the aims of Outward Bound and outlined the program for the 9 day expedition as well as giving advice on suitable clothing and preparation for the expedition. The clothing list will be distributed to parents at the Parent Information Evening to be held on July 31. This list is also available now on the Outward Bound Moodle page. It is essential that students bring all of the items on the clothing list. However, you should not have to spend large sums of money outfitting your child. Most of the items required can be found at home – perhaps in the rag bag. Aussie Disposals Stores offer discounts to St. Francis Xavier College Students. A discount booklet is available from Reception at the Berwick Campus. Everything in this booklet is suitable for Outward Bound. Outsports in Moorabbin (Telephone 9532 5337) has suitable coats for hire from approximately $22.00 and overpants from $15.00. Outsports will deliver to your home for a small charge or they can be collected and returned to the shop. Each Outward Bound Group will meet in the weeks leading up to the expedition as part of their preparation. One area that students can work on by themselves or with their friends is physical fitness. Some preparation prior to the expedition will make the experience more enjoyable. Students should take time to walk a several kilometres in the shoes or boots they intend to wear on Outward Bound several times per week over the next 6 weeks, gradually increasing the distance as they build up their fitness. This will be even more beneficial if they carry some weight in a pack or their school bag while walking. Students can access a written fitness training programme for Outward Bound on the Outward Bound Moodle Page. More information will appear in the Newsletter in the weeks leading up to the expedition – including travel arrangements and emergency contact information. There is also information about Outward Bound on the Outward Bound “Moodle Page”, including photographs from the past four years. In the meantime if you have any questions about any aspect of Outward Bound please do not hesitate to contact me at the Beaconsfield Campus on 9707 3111. Page 10 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind FROM THE OFFICER CAMPUS Mrs Margaret Blythman – Deputy Principal, Head of Campus WELCOME BACK TO SEMESTER TWO. I hope all our families and students enjoyed the winter break and managed to stay warm! A very special welcome to our new students – we hope that you enjoy your time at the Officer Campus. REPORTS We hope you were happy with the results of your child’s School Report. The students’ results were generally very pleasing and it was a pleasure to read the comments that teachers had written about the young men and women in their care. At this stage of the new Term, students are very busy completing a range of tasks and for our Year 9 students, preparing for and undertaking Year 10 subject selection. Our teachers are always very happy to provide advice and support in these areas to our students. I encourage parents to set aside quiet time to support your child/ children in reflecting upon their learning over this Semester, including his/her review of what went well and thus is to be celebrated and what didn’t work and thus where change is needed. Ultimately, what we ask of each student is that he or she is working to achieve the best of their ability. Please do not hesitate to meet with your child’s teachers during the Term if you ever have any concerns. It is always important to sort issues out quickly. PARKING AROUND THE CAMPUS A reminder to Officer parents that there are new parking restrictions on the road around the Campus. P5 Minute - allows parking for up to 5 minutes at the specified times of 8.30am-9.00am and 3.15-3.45pm on School Days. Council Officers have and will continue to enforce these restrictions. Please remember not to park on the grassy verge or across driveways. Thank you for your co-operation. OPENING NIGHT The College Musical, ‘All Shook Up’ will have Opening Night on Thursday July 24 at the Cardinia Cultural Centre in Pakenham. The students, staff, parents and stage crew have been working tirelessly in preparing what will be a truly spectacular show. Tickets are selling quickly so please contact Reception to book your tickets so that you do not miss out on this wonderful production. EVERY DAY COUNTS When students miss school, not only is their academic progress impeded, forcing them to catch up on missed work (which they may or may not do), they often miss important interactions with their peers which can compound issues of social isolation and low self-esteem. If you are interested in reading further please go to pages/studentattendance.aspx Page 11 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind DIRECTOR OF LEARNING – OFFICER CAMPUS Mr Vince Pezzanite YEAR 10 2015 STUDIES INFORMATION NIGHT Thank you to all parents/guardians and students who attended this evening. Decision making about education is becoming more involved, particularly as career opportunities and pathways keep changing in our modern world today. Parents/guardians, please do not underestimate the value and impact your support gives your children in the Subject Selection process. Year 10 is an important year for all students as it is often the ‘spring board’ for setting up good pathways that lead to desired outcomes when they leave school. Teenagers often rely on that ‘extra ear’ to help discern information and ‘regular reminders’ to follow up on tasks that need to be done. I encourage parents/guardians and students to use the College Moodle site to identify areas of information that are relevant to educational pathways. Then, you may be in a better situation to ask the right questions of the right people so that your concerns/issues can be addressed in the best possible way. The closing date for Subject Selections is Friday August 8. ENGLISH/MATHS WORKSHOPS A reminder that a new consent form needs to be filled out for Semester 2. These forms can be collected from Reception. SEMESTER ONE ACADEMIC AWARDS: Students will be awarded Courage and Courtesy Awards for Academic Excellence at next week’s assembly. I look forward to publishing their names in the next College newsletter. COMMUNITY LIAISON Miss Melinda Varley – College Community Liaison Leader FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST, 2014 Our annual Father’s Day Breakfast will be held in the Hospitality Centre at the Beaconsfield Campus on Friday September 5 from 7.00-8.30am. The breakfast is open to all students (boys and girls) from Year 7-12 together with their fathers, grandfathers or uncles. This is an ideal way to celebrate Father’s Day, enjoy a delicious breakfast together and be entertained by a guest speaker. More details will be available soon. Tickets will be available from Student Reception at all Campuses from Monday August 11 until Wednesday August 27 unless sold out prior. No tickets can be purchased after this date. Cost is $15 per person. Book early to secure your place. PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOLS LIGHTNING PREMIERSHIP DAY – Friday, September 5 This is an annual event on our College calendar where Grade 5 and 6 students from our Parish Primary Schools take part in a Lightning Premiership competition of Football, Newcombe and Netball. Football and Newcombe teams compete at the Beaconsfield Campus and the Netball competition takes place at Cardinia Life Recreation Centre in Pakenham. This day forms part of the College’s transition program as the current Grade 6 students have the opportunity to meet and compete with students from other Catholic Feeder Primary Schools within the St. Francis Xavier community. The students competing also have contact with many of our senior students, as our Year 10 students traditionally take on the responsibility of acting as umpires and officials and the general running of the day’s program. The Parish Primary schools in our community include Berwick: St. Catherine’s, St. Michael’s and St. Brigid’s, Narre Warren: Mary MacKillop, Trinity and Don Bosco, Pakenham: St. Patrick’s, Koo Wee Rup: St. John the Baptist and St. James, Nar Nar Goon. Page 12 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind HEAD OF MATHEMATICS Mr Joe Marsiglio Mathematics Subject Selection Information Year 9 2014 to Year 10 2015 Information for Parents This information related to the Mathematics options in Year 10 2015 is to support students and parents in making the best decision related to the appropriate Mathematics area of study. Further details related to the subject descriptions can be obtained from the Senior Campus Subject Information Handbook At Year 10, there are three Mathematics options: • Essential Mathematics • Core Mathematics • Advanced Mathematics Essential Mathematics is aimed at students who have genuinely struggled with Mathematics at the Junior Campus. It is a course of study that does not go into concepts in as great detail as Year 10 Core Mathematics does. Students who take this option do not need to purchase a CAS calculator. Core Mathematics is the natural progression from Year 9 Mathematics. Students taking this option will normally progress to General Mathematics as their preferred option in their first year of VCE. There may be some students who have been part of the Year 9 Advanced Mathematics course that decide to choose the Core Mathematics option in Year 10. Advanced Mathematics is faster-paced and a more detailed course than the Core option. It is designed for students who enjoy and do well in Mathematics. These students may wish to continue advancing in the future and take up Mathematical Methods in their first year of VCE. Students may progress to this study from Year 9 Advanced Mathematics. Students may also enter this course of study from Year 9 Core Mathematics. It is expected that these students would have very good grades, an excellent work ethic and preparedness, and a genuine interest in studying mathematics at this level. Students who are not certain as to which course to select are advised to discuss their options and possibilities with their current Mathematics teacher or with the Careers Counsellor, Mrs Thomas. Further queries may be directed to Mr Marsiglio, Head of Mathematics on 9707 3111. Page 13 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind BEAUMONT ORATORY 2014 Mrs Geraldine Nunn In Semester 1 each year students complete a formal oral presentation as part of the English curriculum. English teachers select one student from each class to participate in a Year Level competition, the Beaumont Oratory (the College Public Speaking Competition). The competition is named after a local Beaconsfield resident, Mr Beaumont who was extremely impressed with the quality of the public speaking performances by students at the opening of St. Francis Xavier College. Mr Beaumont donated a perpetual trophy and so, our yearly public speaking competition commenced. The competition has evolved from participation by Senior students only, to a Year Level final at each Campus. The competition this year was held during the last two weeks of Term 2. Mr Ian Coffey was this year’s adjudicator and he was extremely impressed with the quality of the performances. He had the difficult task of choosing the three ‘top’ students for each year level. Congratulations to the following students who were chosen by their English teachers as finalists for the Beaumont Oratory. The students’ speeches were well prepared, delivered with confidence and poise and thoroughly researched. I would like to thank each member of the English faculty for their hard work and dedication to our students. BERWICK CAMPUS OFFICER CAMPUS BEACONSFIELD CAMPUS Year 7 Oliver Thomson, Natalie Morgan, Olivia De Rozairo, Sam Fraillon, Liam Keating, Clare Carroll, Jaydene Hargrave, Sarah Dunn, Emma Jelavic, Charlotte Hamilton, Elita Pinto, Chailyn D’Souza. Year 7 Bethanie Studd, Chloe Jones, Isabella Barthelson, Abbey Fisher, Bailey Cameron, Tanya Oogathoo. Year 10 Eliza Kennedy, Isabella Rodriquez, Adele Jones, Uaan Shoevers Caitlin Dempsey, Alexandra Brewster, Dylan Cavalot, Aidan Narayan, Vivianna DelBosque Mahony, Emillie King. 1st Place: Natalie Morgan 3rd Place: Tanya Oogathoo 2nd Place: Emma Jelavic 3rd Place: Chailyn D’Souza Year 8 Senara Hettige, Caitlyn Cummings, Mikayla Oliver, Mia Belfield, Daniel Schirripa, Christine Stiglich, Madeleine Brown, Amy Dennis, Shirvaun McGrath, Mary Evangelista, Pavisha Kaluthantrige Don, Patrick Meleka, Angie Gould, Dylan Hubery, Johnny Quash, Aliana Tabone. 1st Place: Christine Stiglich 2nd Place: Senara Hettige Equal 3rd Place: Mary Evangelista Dylan Hubery Year 9 Benjamin Merrick, Liam Morgan, Ashley Cherrett, Caitlyn Johnson, Isobelle Morgan, Yashiru Fernando, Josie Browne, Nadine Godlieb, Emily Evans, Siobhan Morgan, Rebecca Daly Anthony Billing, Emily Anlanger, Maisie Craven. 1st Place: Chloe Jones 2nd Place: Isabella Barthelson Year 8 Kayla Aurish, Harry Cormack, Georgette Wachal, Jasmine Cornelius, Aishling Firmager, Alexandria Naujoks. 1st Place: Alexandria Naujoks 2nd Place: Aishling Firmager 3rd Place: Kayla Aurish Year 9 Jordan Cammarano, Jennifer Ngo, Madisson Everitt, Shannon Paten. 1st Place: Madisson Everitt 2nd Place: Jordan Cammarano, Equal 3rd Place: Jennifer Ngo Shannon Paten 1st Place: Dylan Cavalot 2nd Place: Caitlin Dempsey 3rd Place: Isabella Rodriquez Year 11 Adela Jarmusz, Daniel Marshall, Nicholas Dzierbicki, Miguel Cruz, Jarryd Worland, Rosemine Roy, Joyce Alferez, Connor Carlyon, Paige Laurie, Jaimee Tiernan, Ryan Attard, Chelsea Clarke, Liam Castricum. 1st Place: Paige Laurie 2nd Place: Joyce Alfarez 3rd Place: Chelsea Clarke Year 12 Niketa Andrews, Natasha Hills, Josh Mettes, Corrina Grima, Nick Merrick, Tess Collins. 1st Place: Niketa Andrews 2nd Place: Tess Collins and Corrina Grima 1st Place: Isobelle Morgan 2nd Place: Siobhan Morgan 3rd Place: Rebecca Daly Page 14 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind COLLEGE SPORT Mr Michael Dunstan – AFL Trainee On behalf of the PE Department I hope everyone enjoyed their break and I would like to welcome you back for Term 3. Once again it will be a busy period for Sport within the College. The Athletics Carnival will be held in Week 8 and training for the SIS Athletics Carnival, which will be taking place in Week 2 of Term 4, has already begun at all three Campuses. If you would like to become involved or want more information see the relevant Sport Co-ordinators at your Campus or myself. ROUND 8 RESULTS SFX 46 def XAVIER COLLEGE 17 RAFFLE As a fundraiser for the Victorian School Boys Rugby Tour the Rugby Team are having a raffle. The prizes are: • Rebels Signed Rugby Jersey • Rebels Signed Rugby Ball • British & Irish Lions Signed Rugby Ball • $200 Coates Hire Voucher • AFL Richmond Pack • Senior Boys Football • AFL Essendon Medals of Honour • Senior Boys Basketball • NRL Melbourne Storm Pack There is also more SIS Weekly Sport this Term. The following teams will be playing across the three Campuses starting this week; • Senior Girls Football Tickets are available from Reception at the Beaconsfield Campus where the prizes will be displayed and also from members of the team. Tickets are $2 each or 5 for $3. • Senior Girls Netball • Intermediate Boys Soccer • Intermediate Girls Basketball • Intermediate Girls Football RUGBY Round 8 of the VSRU Competition saw our Rugby boys rack up their first win of the season against the top of the table Xavier College. Last Saturday the boys defied the odds against the much fancied opponents; and ended up winners 46-17. This was a marvellous performance and the win was made even more marvellous considering the conditions the boys played in (see photos). With heavy rain over the last couple of weeks the Rugby Pitch had taken a beating with mud spread out all over the field. The way in which the boys were able to overcome their opponents and the conditions was an amazing effort. The coach was delighted that the boys were able to have some success after all the hard work they have put in over the season. The game highlighted how much the team had developed over the year, and the performance showed that they can match it with the best. This Saturday they have another home game against Brighton Grammar. It would be great to see another good turn out in support of the boys as they try to make it two wins on the trot. On behalf of everyone at the College I would like to congratulate our Rugby Team for their win on the weekend, and wish them the best of luck for the remainder of the year. Page 15 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind CAREER NEWS [email protected] REMINDERS • Environmental and Marine Careers Expo – 4.30-8pm, 7 Aug; Melbourne Aquarium; Bookings: 9923 5911, [email protected]; • UMAT Test Date: Wed 30 July, 2014 YEAR 12S APPLYING FOR COURSES FOR 2015 – The application process for university and vocational education places is done through an organisation called the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). Applications are completed on line at Applications open on Monday 4 August, and will cost $28.00 if done on time (ie by 30 Sept). More information to follow. OPEN DAYS – University and TAFE Open Days are coming up soon. They are a great way to find out more about courses, collect information, talk to staff and students, and to check out facilities. Year 10-12 students are advised to attend. OPEN DAY DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sat 2 Aug Monash University (Berwick & Peninsula campuses) Sun 3 Aug Deakin (Warrnambool), Monash (Caulfield & Clayton), Swinburne Sun 10 Aug Australian Catholic Uni (ACU) (Melbourne), Deakin (Geelong), RMIT (Bundoora, Brunswick, City) Sun 17 Aug La Trobe Uni (Bendigo), University of Melbourne; Monash (Parkville – no longer on 3 Aug – visit Monash Parkville the same day as you visit Melbourne Uni) Sun 24 Aug Box Hill Institute, Deakin (Melbourne), La Trobe (Melbourne), Victoria, William Angliss Institute Sun 31 Aug ACU (Ballarat), Federation Uni (Ballarat & Gippsland) Holmesglen – has ‘Open Wednesday’ each week – see their website to book a visit. HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF OPEN DAY VISITS – Don’t wander aimlessly… try the following: • Get an Open Day Guide eg from,, or http:// Plan to be at Open Day when relevant information sessions are scheduled • Allow sufficient time for your visit; two hours or so would be advisable • Speak to staff about courses which interest you - note your questions beforehand • Get a student perspective - speak to students studying courses which interest you • Collect information/brochures • Ask about industry based-learning (IBL) opportunities; these can assist with gaining employment • Ask about international study opportunities – a popular option • Consider transport issues; is the campus accessible from where you live? • Check the environment where you will study; will you be happy there for three/four years? • Consider the facilities/clubs offered at your preferred institution • Consider visiting a rural campus, especially if you think you won’t obtain a high enough ATAR for a metropolitan campus. ATAR’s are often lower and they often offer more personal assistance, accommodation, and a lifestyle which will suit some students. NOTE: If you plan to apply for a course involving an interview/folio presentation/ audition as part of the selection process, attendance is A MUST! You might be asked what you learned at Open Day. ANOTHER CAREERS EXPO – The Melbourne Careers Expo is a careers and education event with 180+ exhibitors from many occupations, information from universities, VET, private providers, ‘try a trade’, seminars, GAP year, and government student services. When: 15-17 August; Where: Melbourne Exhibition Centre; Info: info@careerexpo., (NOTE: Free tickets available from this website). MONASH UNIVERSITY NEWS - PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE – Monash Parkville campus will hold an ‘Open House’, 10am-3pm, Sun 17 Aug (same day as Melbourne’s Open Day). Pharmacy will also be represented at Monash Clayton’s Open Day, Sun 3 Aug. Info: Page 16 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind MEDICINE, NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES UPDATE – • Physiotherapy – as previously stated, the UMAT and ISAT are not required for 2015 entry. An interview is still required and will be offered based on applicant’s academic record. • Radiography and Medical Imaging – an interview has been introduced as an extra requirement for entry to this degree. Applicants will be invited to attend an interview based on their academic performance. The interview will involve 4 MMI (Multiple Mini Interview) stations. NOTE: find out more about radiation oncology careers: www. • Bachelor of Nursing (Community Health) – Berwick campus won’t have an intake for this degree, but will have the Bachelor of Nursing from 2015 (VTAC - listed with Clayton and Peninsula ). • Direct Entry MBBS – Monash is the only Victorian university offering Year 12 students who aspire to become a doctor the option of applying directly to the B. Medicine and B. Surgery program from school. There are 242 places for domestic students and 65 for internationals. • Discontinued courses for 2015 – • The B. Nursing and B. Emergency Health (Peninsula campus). Students can alternatively study a B. Nursing followed by a Master of Emergency Health OR a B. Emergency Health (Paramedic) followed by a Master of Nursing Practice. • The B. Health Science and B. Business (Caulfield campus). ARE THERE STILL JOBS IN JOURNALISM? Career Practitioners at a conference at Monash Uni, heard about opportunities in journalism. Journalism is not in decline; it is newspapers that are in decline; newspapers and journalism are not the same thing. The digital era that is destroying the old business model is opening up opportunities. We are entering an age where we can combine all media to tell our stories. Skills needed include enterprise, independence and resourcefulness. Jobs in media are fragmenting with online opportunities proliferating. Journalists need to: think critically, understand the concepts of evidence and impartial argument, find stories, research, interview, write, edit, know the difference between good/bad writing, and digital skills in content creation and distribution. With the skills of journalism, you are a good fit for jobs in many areas such as PR, communications, speechwriting and producing. NOTE: Journalism can be studied at most universities. WHAT ABOUT SURVEYING? Surveying offers opportunities for those looking for a diverse and varied career. The national demand for surveyors means graduates are more likely to secure jobs in surveying compared with many other professions. Surveyors get to work indoors and outdoors, taking precise measurements using specialised technology, then analysing and interpreting the results. Students interested in maths, geography, physics and science could be suited to this career. DEAKIN UNIVERSITY NEWS - BACHELOR OF DESIGN TECHNOLOGY – There is a trend to increasingly adaptive industries, where manufacturing and product development companies are becoming smaller and adopting more diverse interests and product lines. The industry needs versatile, technologically-minded people with design, project management and organisational skills to drive innovation. Commencing in 2015, Deakin’s B. Design Technology has design and innovation as core focus. Gain design skills for application in technological settings, and an understanding of using technology to enhance design and product development. Graduates will be able to create and design consumer, sports, medical or industrial products. Where: Waurn Ponds; Prerequisite: English BACHELOR OF PLANNING (HONOURS) – As cities grow, there is increasing demand for planners to manage change. This new Deakin degree brings together disciplines of planning, design, urban studies and society in one degree. Where: Geelong (Waterfront); 4 years; Prerequisite: English. NURSING AND MIDWIFERY INFORMATION – Deakin has sessions about their courses. When/ Where: Burwood – 2.30-4.30 pm, Sat 26 July, Bld Y, room 1.11 A and B; Geelong Waterfront – 6-8pm, Wed 23 July & 2.304.30pm, Sat 26 July, Bld AD, room 2.217; Warrnambool – 7.30pm, Fri 25 July, Warrnambool City Centre Campus; Info: 9244 6032 or see Register: [email protected], indicating the session you will attend. Page 17 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind St Francis Xavier College Parents and Friends [email protected] NEXT MEETING: 3rd September 2014 Beaconsfield Campus Staffroom 7.30pm Please join us at the next Parents & Friends meeting. The meetings are great opportunity to meet new people, support your child’s school, be updated on the latest news and events and a chance to offer ideas and help in a friendly environment. Everyone is Welcome All enquiries regarding the College P& F can be made to Lorraine on 9707 5274. ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS 2014/2015 These Books are available and ready to purchase NOW! Books are valid from now to end of June 2015. Please see flyer in Newsletter 7, (May 15 2014) which includes an order form and information. Take advantage of your exclusive opportunity to use the new Entertainment Digital Membership FREE for 7 days. See next page for more details! P & F MEETING DATES FOR 2014 Wednesday October 8 Wednesday December 3 Wednesday November 5 (A.G.M.) Page 18 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind As a supporter of St Francis Xavier College we have organised an exclusive opportunity for you to use the brand new Entertainment™ Digital Membership for FREE for 7 days, starting today! To download your free trial visit: Hurry, your week starts now and will expire on Friday 1st August 2014. These free trials of the Digital Memberships are limited in number so don't miss out, and start your trial today! Below is a sample of offers available on the Melbourne Entertainment™ Digital Membership: 2014 Entertainment Publications of Australia Pty. Ltd. Page 19 2014 Entertainment Publications Limited is a registered trademark licensed from Entertainment Publications, LLC. St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind Dear St. Francis Xavier Parents, I will be climbing Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania in September with Caritas. The money raised will support communities in need in many countries, particularly in Africa. I am committed to assisting children and families in need in order for them to access better water, food, education, medical health and personal safety. I am especially committed to helping children and women who have been denied personal rights, freedom or education or suffered abuse of any kind. I will also be visiting the Ruben Centre after the completion of my climb, as my contribution to the 15th year of our fundraising for this special community in Niairobi, Kenya. I would really appreciate your support of my climb and fundraising for others in need. All money will go to the communities supported by Caritas in Africa. Please access the web page below if you would like to help. Kind Regards and Appreciation, Mrs Michele Knight Director of Religious Education, Officer Campus Page 20 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind Tips for staying active this winter! Exercise Induced Asthma (EIA) is a common trigger for asthma. However, it does not need to be a barrier to Students participating in sports and physical activities. Here are some tips to help prevent EIA in students: Before Exercise take reliever medication 5-20 minutes before warming up. Warm Up before exercise as normal. During Exercise watch for asthma symptoms and administer reliever medication if they should occur. Only return to exercise if symptoms are relieved. If symptoms appear again, administer medication again, until they are relieved. It is not recommended that the Student should return to the sporting activity after a second occurrence of asthma symptoms. After Exercise cool down as usual. Note that asthma symptoms can present up to a half an hour after exercise has stopped. Ensure reliever medication is still easily accessible should it be required. Other things to remember: Ensure all students have current Asthma Action/Care Plans If possible make activities that are scheduled for the night indoors as the drop in air temperature makes air colder to inhale and acts as a greater trigger. Encourage students with asthma to participate fully! Page 21 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind CollegeCommunityInformation Have you changed your address or phone numbers recently? If so, it is vital that you provide updated details to the College. Please collect a CHANGE OF DETAILS form available from Reception at any of the Campuses. OUR PARISH MASSES Berwick: Saturday6.00pm Sunday 9.00am, 10.30am & 6.00pm UNIFORM SHOP Narre Warren: Saturday 6.00pm Sunday 8.00am, 9.15am, 11.00am & 6.00pm Pakenham: Saturday6.00pm Sunday 9.00am & 10.30am Koo Wee Rup: Sunday 9.30am Iona: Sunday11.00am Beaconsfield Avenue, Beaconsfield Tuesdays & Thursdays 8.30am - 4.00pm Every Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm Lang Lang: Sunday 2nd & 4th of each month at 5.00pm Nar Nar Goon: Telephone Orders Welcome Saturday 6.00pm Maryknoll: Sunday 3rd & 5th of each month at 5.00pm Tel: 9707 3111 SUBSCRIBE TO THE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Go to Click on “News & Events” then “Newsletters” then “Subscribe” and fill in the information required. Page 22 St. Francis Xavier College, 2014 – Above All, Be Kind
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