The Ivy Leaf
The Ivy Leaf
The Ivy Leaf an Introduction to Alpha Phi This book belongs to A typed version of this letter is available at, keywords: new member letter. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Founding1 The Ten Founders4 Firsts14 Convention Decisions18 Purpose and Mission Statement21 Creed22 Pledge23 Double Honor23 Public Motto23 Watchcare25 Symbols26 Badges28 The Quarterly30 Alpha Phi Foundation31 Foundation Accomplishments32 Founders’ Day34 Fast Facts35 Chapters and Founding Dates36 Alpha Phi and the National Panhellenic Conference 42 NPC Member Organizations44 Greek Alphabet48 Fraternity Language and Style Guide 50 Commonly Misused Terms56 THE FOUNDING The United States was in its 96th year of independence. Ulysses S. Grant was the president. Victoria had been the queen of England for 35 years, while Canada was only in the fifth year of being a dominion. Mark Twain called this the “Gilded Age.” The continent had been crossed by the railroad, and Chicago was rebuilding after the disastrous fire. Alexander Graham Bell was experimenting with a device he called a telephone, and Thomas Alva Edison was working on two new inventions: a talking machine and a light that burned by electricity. 1 Of the 200 colleges in the United States, only a few were open to women. It was unusual for a woman to aspire to earning a college degree, and if she did not marry she had two choices—to teach or not to teach. In 1872, however, a new university was founded and admission was opened to everyone—including women. Syracuse University had no campus except a muddy field where the cornerstone for its first building had been laid, so the university’s first year of classes were instead held in a downtown business building. Forty women took the entrance exams and were admitted to the university. Since there were no dormitories, those from out of town had to rent rooms “...a circle of friends who could sympathize with each other...“ from local residents. In a boarding house on Irving Street, Kate Hogoboom and Clara Sittser met for the first time. A few blocks away, Martha Foote lived with her parents. The three became friends, and so the story of Alpha Phi International Fraternity begins. Clara Sittser’s room was a natural gathering place, probably because her parents were so generous with food-filled boxes from home. On this early September day, the three young women felt particularly defenseless. The male students ridiculed them openly in the college newspaper. There were no women on the faculty. And they needed, as Martha later said, “a circle of friends who could sympathize with each other in the complexities of our situation.” They discussed the secret societies which the men students 2 enjoyed so much. “Why can’t we have a society like the men?” Martha asked. And the idea was born. They sent invitations to all the female students on campus to come and meet in Clara’s room, and Martha and Kate (who was most often called “Kittie”) explained their great idea to form a secret society. However, not everyone was enthusiastic. One woman felt secret societies were wicked. Another lived too far away to return in the evenings for meetings. And one had too many duties at home. Ten women finally met on September 18 and planned the sisterhood. On September 30, at the home of Ida Gilbert, six freshmen, three sophomores and one junior solemnly initiated themselves into Alpha Phi. 3 THE TEN FOUNDERS The Original Ten were almost the Original Twelve, but two women opted not to initiate. One preferred marriage to joining Alpha Phi and thought the two were incompatible. About this, Martha Foote Crow said, “Fortunately for Alpha Phi and its husbands, that precedent was never established.” The second woman left school before signing the constitution, but she was so caught up by the spirit of Alpha Phi that the next year she and three other students established Gamma Phi Beta. Martha’s thought was that without this inspiring rivalry at Syracuse “Alpha Phi would not have developed half the strength and independence of which she may now so reasonably boast.” 4 C larissa Bradley Wheeler Baker Burdette went by the name “Clara.” She lived the longest of all the Founders. She was born in East Bloomfield, New York, but grew up in Syracuse, which was fortunate for the young chapter. Her mother, lovingly called “Ma Bradley” by the women, was a constant source of help and loaned the young chapter $50 to rent and furnish its first chapter hall. A member of the class of 1876, she was a writer, lecturer, business woman, philanthropist and trustee of Syracuse University, and she held many volunteer positions during her nearly 99 years. Clara was in college when Frances Willard was initiated into Alpha Phi in 1875, and from her she received the inspiration that guided her life. She resolved in college to “give my life to service. I will do everything that comes to me to do the very best I know how.” Clara served on every committee and in almost every office of the Alpha chapter and throughout her life was an active member of Alpha Phi. Her prime object in life was working for better opportunities for women. In addition to being involved with the Tournament of Roses parade, Clara was the driving force behind the building of a maternity wing at the Pasadena Hospital in 1904. The mayor of Pasadena made Clara a special police officer, her duties dealing with protection of little children against cruelty and neglect. She was the only honorary president of Alpha Phi and was referred to as “Mother Burdette.” Clara established the first Alpha Phi Foundation scholarship with a bequest. The Clara Bradley Burdette Society, which recognizes planned gifts, is named after her. She outlived three husbands and her son. Her great-granddaughter, Ardella Tibby, 5 was initiated into the Beta Pi chapter at University of Southern California in 1959. Clara was the last Founder to enter the Silent Chapter when she died on January 6, 1954. H attie Florence Chidester Lukens was born in Utica, New York but was raised in Syracuse. She went by her middle name, “Florence.” She received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1875 at the age of 21 and then a Master of Science degree in 1879. Upon graduation, she became an elocutionist and teacher of higher mathematics in the high school in Bedford, Pennsylvania. She went on to teach at the State University of Minnesota, the Young Ladies’ School in Clifton Springs, New York and was an instructor at teaching institutes in Pennsylvania and Iowa. Florence gave numerous readings in 14 states and territories. A Syracuse newspaper wrote: “It is a matter of gratification that a Syracuse lady and graduate of the university has achieved such flattering successes in this difficult department of literary work.” For $7.50 a term, the Alpha sisters rented their first chapter room, Florence’s father’s office, where meetings were held on Friday nights. Upon her passing in 1885, Florence was the first Founder to enter the Silent Chapter. 6 M artha Emily Foote Crow was born in Sacketts Harbor, New York and was a daughter of a Methodist minister. She was called “Mattie.” Martha graduated with honors, later earning a master’s degree and doctorate in English literature. She held several academic positions, including assistant professor at the University of Chicago and assistant professor and dean of women at Northwestern University. She also studied abroad at Cambridge University (Cambridge, England), Oxford University (Oxford, England) and the University of Leipzig (Leipzig, Germany). From the beginning of Alpha Phi, she dreamed of establishing an international Fraternity. Part of the chapter program was literary exercise, and in one of these essays she wrote: “Now that we have founded this Alpha chapter of the Alpha Phi Sorority, is this all there is to do? ... No indeed … We have all the alphabet to go through, and to go through again and again … Can we not be a world society as well as a national one? Yes, there is work enough for all of us, and today is no time to be idle.” Martha never was idle. She was the first national president of Alpha Phi, and throughout her life she wrote, lectured and worked on behalf of numerous organizations. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, she was listed in Who’s Who in America. In 1922, she donated her engagement ring to launch the Martha Foote Crow Foundation for Alpha Phi. 7 L ouise Viola Shepard Hancock was nicknamed “Lou” and was described as “gushing and full of spirits.” Born in Rome, New York, she attended Rome Free Academy with Jane Higham, and together they entered Syracuse University. Louise and Jane remained the closest friends until Louise’s death. Louise’s children called Jane, “Aunt Janie.” She was in the class of 1876 and received a master’s degree two years later in modern languages. She had a vivid imagination and keen sense of humor. Throughout her life she made literary contributions to various newspapers and envisioned many of the privileges which have come to women today. Clara Bradley said of Louise, she “always wanted the last word and got it. She was a real contender for high and noble things.” I da Arabella Gilbert DeLamanter Houghton (pronounced “Hoe-tan”) was born in Phoenix, New York and was the youngest of the Original Ten. She received a Bachelor of Science in 1876, and in 1879 she received a master’s degree in modern languages. After college, she taught school and wrote for newspapers and magazines. It was said that Ida never merely entered a room; she breezed in, and everyone stopped until they heard what she had to say. Although she was 8 witty and full of fun, she was never unkind. She lived in a mansion on Turtle Street in Syracuse, and she and her mother arranged the first Alpha Phi banquet there following initiation. To Ida and her mother we owe the tradition which is still enjoyed today. J ane Sara Higham was born in Rome, New York and came to Syracuse at the age of 16. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in 1876, a master’s degree in 1879 and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She was referred to as “Jennie” and was known to be modest and quiet. She traveled abroad in 1892-1893 and returned to the U.S. to work as a classics scholar. Her academic career would span 44 years. For 35 years, she taught at the Rome Free Academy in New York. Upon her retirement in 1922, her pupils presented her with $400 in gold and a book containing their signatures. A newspaper editorial paid her tribute when she retired: “No teacher has made a more lasting impression of true culture and refinement of spirit than Miss Higham, and she has always had the happy faculty of inspiring both friendship and effort.” After Jane Higham attended her final Convention she wrote, “When I think of the faces of Alpha Phi women, I feel sure that Alpha Phi is big enough and noble enough to reach out and help others where there is the greatest need.” 9 K ate Elizabeth Hogoboom Gilbert was born in Ovid, New York and was nicknamed “Kittie.” Coming to Syracuse as a sophomore, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1875, a master’s degree in 1878 and a music degree in 1879. After graduation she studied music in Boston and later taught in Newark, New Jersey and Ithaca, New York. She possessed an excellent soprano voice and sang in the choirs of several Syracuse churches. She was very active in many civic and religious organizations. She was gifted also in the field of debate. Kate was the first recording secretary. Her enthusiasm for Alpha Phi was infectious, and she was very popular. At the first meeting of Alpha Phi, Kate suggested they all join hands and sing, and thus a tradition was born. Together with Martha, she wrote the first draft of the Alpha Phi constitution, and she kept it locked in a room in her house at 305 Waverly Avenue. Her daughter, Ruth Gilbert Becker (Alpha-Syracuse), was the first Alpha Phi legacy, initiated into Alpha Phi in 1901. C lara Sittser Williams was born in Weedsport, New York. She was the only Founder not to graduate from the university, having left school in 1874. Clara was “jolly and funny” and always generous in bringing goodies from her family’s farm for her Alpha Phi sisters to enjoy. The first Alpha Phi meeting was held in her room. 10 While in college, Clara was reprimanded by her sisters for giving her Alpha Phi badge to a “Mr. Lombard.” She was ordered to retrieve it, and a few weeks later, members approved a new bylaw that stated: “no member of Alpha Phi society shall allow any person not a member of this order, to wear or hold in his or her possession her society pin.” The badge was returned, and Clara never violated the bylaw again. Throughout her life, she maintained a strong connection with her beloved Alpha Phi. In her “Old Girl and Days of `72” written for Alpha Phi’s 40th reunion, Clara wrote, “We thought it would be a fine idea socially to form a circle of sympathetic friends whom we would know personally. We had as our aim the mutual improvement of each other, ever trying to do our best in college work, always keeping a high ideal before us. Never under any circumstances were we to speak disparagingly of a sister. We were to be ever loyal to one another, in joys or sorrows, success or failure and ever extend a helping hand to our sisters who needed our aid; truly we planned to be a ‘Union Hand in Hand’.” 11 E lizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults was born in Rochester, New York. She went by her middle name, “Grace.” She was a brilliant student who graduated with marked honor from the Rochester Free Academy at age 13. At 16 she taught in the Rochester Collegiate Institute, followed by a brief preparatory course in the Genesee Wesleyan Conference seminary before entering Syracuse University in the fall of 1872 as a sophomore. She graduated with honors from the four-year classical course, displaying unusual ability in Latin, mathematics and political science. She was 22 years old when Alpha Phi was founded and the only one old enough to sign the legal documents incorporating the society in the state of New York. The day after she received her Bachelor of Arts, she became the first of the Founders to be married, becoming the wife of college classmate James H. Shults. She always gave inspired readings during the literary exercises of Alpha Phi’s weekly meetings. She was also an excellent debater. One of the first exercises of the chapter was a debate which she and Martha won on the topic “Resolved: That women have their rights.” 12 S epereena A. Michaels Atchison was known as “Rena.” Alpha Phi was incorporated under the name “Michaelanean Society” in honor of Rena, the Alpha chapter’s first president. The Michaelanean Society still exists as a corporation and owns the Syracuse (Alpha) chapter house. Rena was in the class of 1874 and entered Syracuse University as a junior. She would go on to earn three degrees: a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and a doctorate in history. She was a professor at Upper Iowa University, Albion College and DePauw University. She was also the dean of women at Northwestern University from 1886 - 1891. She was an author and journalist and was active in politics in Chicago. Rena was an admirer of Frances Willard, a women’s suffrage leader who became Alpha Phi’s first alumna initiate in 1875. Rena later became a lecturer for the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and served as the president of the Cook County Woman’s Suffrage Society of Illinois. 13 FIRSTS 1872 | September 18 Alpha Phi Founded at Syracuse University On the afternoon of September 18, 1872, Martha Foote was visiting her friends Clara Sittser and Kate Hogoboom in their boarding house at Syracuse University. Martha mused “Why can’t we have a society as well as the men?” 1882 First Convention The sisters of Alpha Phi held the first Convention in the chapter room at Onondaga Bank Building (Syracuse). Seven delegates were in attendance: six Syracuse (Alpha) members and Jessie King (BetaNorthwestern). 1875 Alpha Phi Welcomes the First Alumna Initiate Frances Willard was recommended as an alumna initiate to early Syracuse (Alpha) members by Dr. Wesley Coddington, an advisor. She accepted the invitation and was an important mentor for early Alpha Phis. She served as national president from 1888-1889. 14 1886 | June 22 Alpha Phi Builds First Sorority House There were no residence halls for women, so in the fall of 1884 Alpha chapter gave up its chapter room and rented the first house where out of town members could live. The women rented the house for two years while planning to build their own home. 1889 | October 11 First Alumnae Chapters Chartered Two alumnae chapters, Boston and Chicago, were officially chartered at the 1889 Convention in Chicago. ven se a- 1888 The First Issue of the Quarterly Cora Allen McElroy (Beta-Northwestern) served as the first editor. The magazine has been published continuously since 1888. 15 FIRSTS 1894 Alpha Phi Creates First Visiting Delegate Program Carrie Jones Sauber (Alpha-Syracuse) was the first traveling consultant (or “visiting delegate”). She visited eight chapters and stayed no less than one and no more than two weeks at each. 1922 Crest Adopted The official Alpha Phi crest was adopted. 1902 | May 24 Alpha Phi Hosts the First Panhellenic Meeting Margaret Mason Whitney (Theta-Michigan) called the first meeting of sorority representatives which led to the forming of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). 1906 Badge Approved The standard gold badge we use today was approved at the 18th Convention in Syracuse, New York. 16 t was 1996 First NPC Website Launched In 1996, Alpha Phi was the first member of the National Panhellenic Conference to launch a website. 1956 Foundation Established Alpha Phi became one of the first NPC groups to establish a foundation. 2002 | October 1 Current RFM Method Developed The NPC Alternative Method for Release Figures Management, now used for Panhellenic recruitment nationwide, was developed by Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) and presented to NPC colleagues. 1946 Cardiac Aid Selected as Philanthropy At the 36th Convention a motion was passed that Alpha Phi select a philanthropic project. In December of that year, cardiac aid was chosen as Alpha Phi’s philanthropy. Alpha Phi raised $16,000 for the first cardiac aid donation by Convention 1948. 17 CONVENTION DECISIONS At Convention, many decisions are made that impact the way Alpha Phi operates. Here are some notable milestones from the past: 1879 Alpha Phi’s colors were changed from blue and gold to the more distinctive silver and bordeaux. 1888 The Fraternity established an official publication, the Alpha Phi Quarterly. 1889 The forget-me-not and lily of the valley were chosen as the symbolic flowers. 1891 An emblem was selected—the constellation Ursa Major. 1894 The ruby was chosen as the official jewel. 18 1898 The ivy leaf new member pin of silver or green enamel was suggested. The pin, however, was not adopted until 1910. 1900 Certificates of membership were issued. 1906 The uniform unjeweled badge that we use today was approved. Before this, members were free to design their own badges and have them made by local jewelers. 1908 Convention was changed from being held in the fall to being held in June or July in order to not interfere with university sessions. 1908 The first Convention minutes were typed. 1912 Ivy was adopted as a symbol. 1922 The Alpha Phi crest was adopted. 19 PURPOSE “The objectives of our Fraternity are the promotion of growth in character, unity of feeling, sisterly affection and social communion among our members. In all that we do, we try to obey God’s principles of justice and right. We have banded ourselves together to improve our minds and hearts, and we seek to aid each other through a constant watchcare always given in love. We believe ourselves to be sincere searchers for truth. We seek the highest ideal of womanhood, and we try to gain this ideal by cultivating not only the power and passion for seeking intellectual development, but also the spirit of love and charity. And we who are thus united are under a solemn pledge to lend a helping hand to one another.” - Constitution of Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Incorporated, Article II MISSION STATEMENT Alpha Phi is a sisterhood of outstanding women supporting one another in lifelong achievement. 21 CREED “I believe in my Fraternity. I believe in the friendships formed in the springtime of my youth. I believe in its high ideals which lift me up beyond myself. I believe in its earnest drive for good scholarship, moral character and genuine culture. I believe in it as a shrine of international sisterhood wherein I may find love and loyalty, sympathy and understanding, inspiration and opportunity. I believe in it as a creator of good citizenship, helping me to do my work well, to live in harmony with others, to serve my country and to trust in God. I believe in my Fraternity. I believe in Alpha Phi.” -Annette Holt Hitchcock, (Pi-North Dakota), 1912 22 PLEDGE “I pledge allegiance to Alpha Phi, who has chosen me to uphold her high ideals of womanhood, of scholarship, and of service and to perpetuate her spirit of sisterly love and kindness.” -Genevra Gwynn Wiley, (Alpha-Syracuse), 1892 DOUBLE HONOR “It gives me great pleasure to pin upon you this symbol of our beloved Fraternity, thereby conferring a double honor, upon you in becoming one of us and upon us receiving you.” -Formal Pledging Ceremony PUBLIC MOTTO “Union Hand in Hand.” This is inscribed on the scroll on our crest. 23 WATCHCARE In writing the Purpose of Alpha Phi, our Founders employed a term that remains the cornerstone of our member development: Watchcare. Our Founders supported each other by offering “reproof and correction … We seek to aid each other through a constant watchcare shown by mutual criticism, sometimes perhaps severe, but always given in love.” Today, for the Alpha Phi member, Watchcare means sisters watching out for sisters. It is keeping sisters from harm either by helping one who is in harm’s way or by confronting a sister with a problem and helping that sister help herself. Watchcare has three components: 1) The preservation of human diginity, integrity, self-respect and self-esteem; 2) Awareness of risks and willingness to reach out and protect each other from harm; and 3) Development of solid values and ethics to help each member make appropriate decisions. From the International perspective, Watchcare is about setting standards for all Alpha Phis based on the values Alpha Phi holds in high regard. These values include a belief in the dignity of every person. Alpha Phi values dictate certain behavior standards for Alpha Phi members. These standards are reflected in the Standing Rules of Alpha Phi. 25 ALPHA PHI SYMBOLS The Colors Alpha Phi’s original colors were blue and gold, for “the azure of the sky and the golden sunlight.” These colors were much-revered and talked and sung about, and the first chapter room was decorated in these hues. In 1879, the colors were changed from blue and gold to silver and bordeaux, since blue and gold were the colors of a well-known men’s fraternity. This fraternity was most likely Delta Upsilon, established at Syracuse University in 1874. Flowers The flowers of Alpha Phi are the forget-me-not and the lily of the valley. 26 Constellation Alpha Phi chose the constellation Ursa Major, also known as the Big Dipper and the “Great Bear.” From this we derive our mascot, the Phi Bear. Symbol The ivy leaf is a symbol of Alpha Phi. Crest The Alpha Phi coat of arms consists of a bordeaux shield with scroll and ivy leaf above it. The public motto “Union Hand in Hand” is inscribed in Greek upon the scroll in silver letters. A bar of silver crosses the shield diagonally from left to right; the upper half of the shield contains a Roman lamp in silver and the lower half, Ursa Major in silver also. The coat of arms may be used on stationery, menus, programs, jewelry and plaques. The crest was adopted by the attendees at the 1922 Convention. 27 BADGES The Alpha Phi Badge Alpha Phi was the first women’s fraternity to use Greek letters as its emblem, and the official badge is the Greek letter “Phi” with the Greek letter “Alpha” superimposed upon it. The “F” bears the small Greek letters “a,” “o” and “e” in black. The meaning of these letters is explained during the initation ceremony and is known only by initiated Alpha Phis. The official badge of Alpha Phi is unjeweled, however, you may wear a version set with white stones. New Member Badge The badge that was selected to honor Alpha Phi’s newest members is in the shape of an ivy leaf set in silver pewter with the Greek letters “Alpha” and “Phi” on it. An ever-growing vine, the ivy symbolizes the growth of Alpha Phi sisterhood. The Lazy Phi Badge Though a monogram Fraternity badge was specified from the outset, the exact design was left to individual members, and most of the 19th century badges had the “Phi” lying on its side-- the so-called Lazy Phi badge. This style may be partially attributed just to creativity, but there was another less capricious intent. At the time of our founding in September 1872, there was another Alpha Phi already in existence, a men’s secondary school fraternity founded in Hamilton, New York in 1870. Our Lazy Phi design is said by some early members to have been largely a device to distinguish our monogram badge. 28 29 THE QUARTERLY The Alpha Phi Quarterly is an award-winning magazine that has been published continuously since its establishment in 1888. Its purpose is to report “the entire workings of the society, the growth of each chapter, as well as the whereabouts of absent sisters.” As a collegian, you receive your personal issues of the magazine at your permanent address. Upon graduation and throughout your lifetime, remember to notify the Executive Office of any change in address so your subscription will not be interrupted. ALPHA PHI FOUNDATION History and Purpose In 1956, Alpha Phi was one of the first women’s fraternities to establish a Foundation. Demonstrating the philanthropic spirit of love and charity intended by the Founders, the Foundation was created as a trust to award grants specifically for scholarship and cardiac aid. Today, the original priorities of Alpha Phi Foundation remain. Additionally, it empowers women to be generous givers. The Foundation’s mission is to raise and award funds for programs that advance leadership development, encourage academic excellence, improve women’s heart health, support sisters in need and educate about “Alpha Phi was one of the first women’s fraternities to establish a foundation.” the value of philanthropy. It is well known and respected internationally as a prominent philanthropic leader for the Greek community. The Foundation completed a ten million dollar campaign for leadership in 2010, the largest in National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) history. It also receives over one million dollars annually from collegiate chapters that host evening galas, heart walks and campus-wide talent shows. 31 FOUNDATION ACCOMPLISHMENTS Leadership and Educational Programs Alpha Phi Foundation devotes a large portion of its funds to support innovative leadership training and education programs managed by the Fraternity. The Foundation is committed to advancing Alpha Phi as the premier developer of women through these types of cutting-edge programs. Members not only become better leaders in their chapters and communities, they also become informed about pressing issues facing the world today. This combination helps Alpha Phi women become influential leaders on campus and eventually in the marketplace. Scholarship A deep belief in education for women brought our ten Founders together in 1872. Today, the legacy of that belief lives on through the Foundation’s support of teaching and learning. The Foundation supports women in all stages of their education, awarding $150,000 or more in scholarships to undergraduate and graduate members each year. Recipients are selected by the Foundation Scholarship Committee on the basis of the applicant’s scholastic record, service to Alpha Phi and the community, campus involvement and recommendations. 32 Forget Me Not Fund Alpha Phis are sisters for life, supporting one another through every life stage and helping each other in times of need. Alpha Phi Foundation helps, too, through the Forget Me Not Fund. A percentage of the Foundation budget is earmarked to help Alpha Phi women in crisis situations. Forget Me Not grants provide assistance to alumnae who are facing serious health problems, the consequences of natural disasters or other crises, and to collegians who face an interruption of education due to unforeseen personal or financial struggles. These funds offer Alpha Phis in need the greatest gift of all: the knowledge that their sisters care and are always there to help. Women’s Heart Health Alpha Phi officially adopted Cardiac Care as a priority in 1946, which became the Foundation’s philanthropic priority upon its founding in 1956. The Foundation supports programs and research that study heart disease in women – specifically its symptoms, treatment and prevention. Through its annual Heart to Heart Grant, the Foundation extends at least one award of $50,000 to help fund research and educational programs that support the improvement of women’s heart health. This award enables the medical profession to better understand gender differences in heart health and help countless health care professionals increase their expertise in heart disease prevention and treatment in women. Through the support of these initiatives, Alpha Phi Foundation is helping millions of people live longer, healthier lives. 33 FOUNDERS’ DAY Our original “birthday,” now called Founders’ Day, was September 18, as recorded in the minutes of November 4, 1872. However, it is celebrated annually by our membership on October 10. The celebration date was selected because so many of the colleges and universities were not open for classes in mid-September at the time of our founding. The first Founders’ Day was held October 10, 1902, when Alpha Phi was 30 years old. 34 FAST FACTS • Clara Bradley Burdette established the first Alpha Phi Foundation scholarship with a bequest. • Kate Hogoboom Gilbert and Martha Foote Crow wrote the Alpha Phi ritual we still use today. • The Original Ten were almost the Original Twelve until two women dropped out. • Alpha Phi is an international organization with collegiate chapters in the United States and Canada. • The organization’s international governing board is called the International Executive Board (IEB), while each collegiate chapter’s governing board is an executive council. • Phi is pronounced “Phee” because it is the preferred Greek pronunciation of Phi following a vowel. • Alpha Phi is a fraternity because when founded in 1872, the term “sorority” had not yet been coined. • Three NPC sororities were founded at Syracuse University: Alpha Phi (1872), Gamma Phi Beta (1874) and Alpha Gamma Delta (1904). • In 1886, the cornerstone was laid for the Syracuse (Alpha) chapter house, the first sorority to own property. • In 1894, the position of traveling delegate was established and was the first of its kind among Greek organizations. Today, we recognize this role as an educational leadership consultant (ELC). • In 1902, Alpha Phi called the meeting that led to the establishment of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). • In 1996, Alpha Phi became the first NPC member group to have its own website. • In 2004, Alpha Phi Foundation introduced its Red Dress pin as a symbol for women’s heart health awareness. 35 CHAPTERS AND FOUNDING DATES Alpha, Syracuse University: September 18, 1872 Beta, Northwestern University: June 6, 1881 Eta, Boston University: November 28, 1883 Gamma, DePauw University: June 13, 1887 Delta, Cornell University: February 2, 1889 Epsilon, University of Minnesota: September 15, 1890 Zeta, Goucher College: December 1, 1891 Theta, University of Michigan: May 16, 1892 Iota, University of Wisconsin: October 19, 1896 Kappa, Stanford University: May 20, 1899 Lambda, UC-Berkeley: May 9, 1901 Mu, Barnard College: May 9, 1903 Nu, University of Nebraska: October 1, 1906 Xi, University of Toronto: December 4, 1906 Omicron, University of Missouri: March 4, 1910 Pi, University of North Dakota: June 15, 1911 Rho, Ohio State University: March 30, 1912 Sigma, University of Washington: March 21, 1914 Tau, University of Oregon: January 8, 1915 Upsilon, Washburn University: September 15, 1917 Phi, University of Oklahoma: September 16, 1917 Chi, University of Montana: May 30, 1918 Psi, University of South Dakota: May 1, 1920 Omega, University of Texas: May 14, 1920 Beta Alpha, University of Illinois: February 10, 1922 Beta Beta, Michigan State University: February 17, 1922 Beta Gamma, University of Colorado: March 28, 1924 Beta Delta, UCLA: September 3, 1924 Beta Epsilon, University of Arizona: March 12, 1926 Beta Zeta, University of Idaho: June 12, 1928 Beta Eta, University of Manitoba: October 5, 1928 Beta Theta, University of British Columbia: June 1, 1929 Beta Iota, University of West Virginia: April 10, 1930 Beta Kappa, Denison University: May 10, 1930 Beta Lambda, Rollins College: May 16, 1931 Beta Mu, University of Alabama: February 13, 1932 Beta Nu, Duke University: May 10, 1935 Beta Xi, American University: October 2, 1937 Beta Omicron, Bowling Green State University: October 16, 1943 Beta Pi, University of Southern California: April 27, 1945 Beta Rho, Washington State University: September 6, 1945 Beta Sigma, University of Utah: May 4, 1946 36 Beta Tau, Indiana University: May 31, 1947 Beta Upsilon, Oregon State University: May 17, 1947 Beta Phi, Whitman College: January 10, 1948 Beta Chi, Bucknell University: February 14, 1948 Beta Psi, San Jose State University: March 6, 1948 Beta Omega, Kent State University: June 5, 1948 Gamma Alpha, San Diego State University: October 1, 1949 Gamma Beta, UC-Santa Barbara: January 27, 1950 Gamma Gamma, Drury University: April 1, 1950 Gamma Delta, University of Kansas: March 25, 1950 Gamma Epsilon, Lake Forest College: May 24, 1952 Gamma Zeta, University of Puget Sound: October 10, 1953 Gamma Eta, University of North Texas: April 24, 1954 Gamma Theta, Colorado College: October 2, 1954 Gamma Iota, Texas Tech University: March 26, 1955 Gamma Kappa, CSU-Long Beach: January 7, 1956 Gamma Lambda, University of Houston: February 11, 1956 Gamma Mu, Georgia State University: April 14, 1956 Gamma Nu, Miami University: April 13, 1957 Gamma Xi, Wichita State University: February 1, 1958 Gamma Omicron, Drake University: March 1, 1958 Gamma Pi, Arizona State University: May 3, 1958 Gamma Rho, Pennsylvania State University: April 12, 1958 Gamma Sigma, UW-Stout: May 24, 1958 Gamma Tau, Willamette University: May 24, 1958 Gamma Upsilon, UW-Milwaukee: November 15, 1958 Gamma Phi, Florida State University: May 1, 1959 Gamma Chi, Portland State University: May 9, 1959 Gamma Psi, Ripon College: October 24, 1959 Gamma Omega, Midwestern State University: December 5, 1959 Delta Alpha, East Carolina University: February 6, 1960 Delta Beta, Texas A&M University-Commerce: March 12, 1960 Delta Gamma, University of Northern Colorado: November 5, 1960 Delta Delta, Oklahoma City University: February 25, 1961 Delta Epsilon, University of Iowa: April 15, 1961 Delta Zeta, University of Maryland: March 18, 1961 Delta Eta, Adrian College: September 23, 1961 Delta Theta, Western Michigan University: December 8, 1962 Delta Iota, Roanoke College: May 18, 1962 Delta Kappa, UW-LaCrosse: March 2, 1963 Delta Lambda, University of Memphis: October 7, 1962 Delta Mu, Purdue University: April 27, 1963 Delta Nu, University of Maine: May 18, 1963 Delta Xi, University of Nebraska-Kearney: May 11, 1963 Delta Omicron, St. Cloud State University: April 4, 1964 Delta Pi, Indiana State University: May 9, 1964 Delta Rho, Ball State University: November 7, 1964 37 Delta Sigma, UW-Stevens Point: December 5, 1964 Delta Tau, Louisiana State University: May 1, 1965 Delta Upsilon, Baldwin-Wallace University: November 20, 1964 Delta Phi, Indiana University of Pennsylvania: January 30, 1965 Delta Chi, William Woods University: November 20, 1965 Delta Psi, UW-Oshkosh: January 29, 1966 Delta Omega, Minnesota State University-Moorhead: February 26, 1966 Epsilon Alpha, Ashland University: April 15, 1967 Epsilon Beta, Butler University: May 6, 1967 Epsilon Gamma, CSU-Sacramento: January 13, 1968 Epsilon Delta, Northern Illinois University: March 22, 1969 Epsilon Epsilon, Longwood University: February 26, 1969 Epsilon Zeta, Central Michigan University: December 6, 1969 Epsilon Eta, Old Dominion University: February 7, 1970 Epsilon Theta, University of Northern Iowa: March 7, 1970 Epsilon Iota, Duquesne University: April 4, 1970 Epsilon Kappa, West Chester University: April 16, 1971 Epsilon Lambda, University of Texas-Arlington: March 20, 1971 Epsilon Mu, Lander University: February 5, 1972 Epsilon Nu, University of Delaware: April 23, 1972 Epsilon Xi, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville: March 3, 1974 Epsilon Omicron, Austin Peay State University: March 20, 1974 Epsilon Pi, University of Evansville: January 18, 1974 Epsilon Rho, UC-Davis: February 10, 1974 Epsilon Sigma, Dallas Baptist University: April 21, 1974 Epsilon Tau, Louisiana State University-Shreveport: November 23, 1974 Epsilon Upsilon, CSU-Northridge: December 8, 1974 Epsilon Phi, North Carolina State University: April 19, 1975 Epsilon Chi, Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo: May 17, 1975 Epsilon Psi, Lehigh University: November 15, 1975 Epsilon Omega, Texas A&M University: May 11, 1975 Zeta Alpha, Eastern Illinois University: April 24, 1976 Zeta Beta, Loyola Marymount University: May 15, 1976 Zeta Gamma, Santa Clara: November 13, 1976 Zeta Delta, Iowa State University: January 15, 1977 Zeta Epsilon, Indiana University Southeast: March 4, 1978 Zeta Zeta, Murray State University: April 1, 1978 Zeta Eta, Newberry College: April 22, 1977 Zeta Theta, Tufts University: November 11, 1978 Zeta Iota, University of Virginia: December 2, 1978 Zeta Kappa, Texas State University-San Marcos: February 24, 1979 Zeta Lambda, Southern New Hampshire University: March 31, 1979 Zeta Mu, Colorado State University: April 7, 1979 Zeta Nu, Texas Christian University: April 21, 1979 Zeta Xi, Elmhurst College: February 2, 1980 Zeta Omicron, Johns Hopkins University: April 5, 1981 Zeta Pi, Case Western Reserve University: March 27, 1982 38 Zeta Rho, Bentley University: April 3, 1982 Zeta Sigma, Franklin & Marshall College: April 25, 1982 Zeta Tau, Illinois State University: April 9, 1983 Zeta Upsilon, Washington University: October 8, 1983 Zeta Phi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: February 11, 1984 Zeta Chi, Columbia University: September 23, 1984 Zeta Psi, University of Dayton: April 14, 1985 Zeta Omega, Northwood University: October 26, 1985 Eta Alpha, University of New Hampshire: March 1, 1986 Eta Beta, CSU-San Bernardino: April 19, 1986 Eta Gamma, University of Akron: April 26, 1986 Eta Delta, CSU-East Bay: April 11, 1987 Eta Epsilon, Villanova University: April 25, 1987 Eta Zeta, Binghamton University: November 7, 1987 Eta Eta, Seton Hall University: February 6, 1988 Eta Theta, CSU-San Francisco: February 13, 1988 Eta Iota, University of Pennsylvania: April 9, 1988 Eta Kappa, UC-Irvine: May 7, 1988 Eta Lambda, George Mason University: October 22, 1988 Eta Mu, Marquette University: January 21, 1989 Eta Nu, SUNY-Albany: March 11, 1989 Eta Xi, UNC-Wilmington: March 18, 1989 Eta Omicron, Virginia Tech: April 8, 1989 Eta Pi, University of Richmond: April 15, 1989 Eta Rho, University of San Diego: April 22, 1989 Eta Sigma, Lafayette College: April 23, 1989 Eta Tau, SUNY-Cortland: April 30, 1989 Eta Upsilon, Chapman University: May 6, 1989 Eta Phi, SUNY-Stony Brook: May 20, 1989 Eta Chi, Bishop’s University: November 25, 1989 Eta Psi, Eastern Washington University: January 27, 1990 Eta Omega, Towson University: February 24, 1990 Theta Alpha, Linfield College: February 25, 1990 Theta Beta, Bryant University: March 31, 1990 Theta Gamma, Truman State University: April 1, 1990 Theta Delta, Creighton University: April 21, 1990 Theta Epsilon, University at Buffalo: April 22, 1990 Theta Zeta, Florida Institute of Technology: October 6, 1990 Theta Eta, Western University (ON): January 12, 1991 Theta Theta, St. Joseph’s University: February 2, 1991 Theta Iota, James Madison University: February 16, 1991 Theta Kappa, University of Rochester: March 2, 1991 Theta Lambda, University of Central Missouri: April 20, 1991 Theta Mu, Hofstra University: April 21, 1991 Theta Nu, Appalachian State University: April 27, 1991 Theta Xi, Shippensburg University: April 11, 1992 Theta Omicron, McMaster University: January 30, 1993 39 Theta Pi, Emory University: April 17, 1993 Theta Rho, Cameron University: December 3, 1994 Theta Sigma, Southern Utah University: April 1, 1995 Theta Tau, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: April 23, 1995 Theta Upsilon, CSU-Chico: May 13, 1995 Theta Phi, Christopher Newport University: July 29, 1995 Theta Psi, SUNY-Plattsburgh: May 5, 1996 Theta Omega, Barry University: May 11, 1996 Iota Alpha, Pepperdine University: October 13, 1996 Iota Beta, St. Mary’s University: May 3, 1997 Iota Gamma, University of the Pacific: April 4, 1998 Iota Delta, University of Rhode Island: March 29, 1999 Iota Epsilon, Kettering University: September 24, 2000 Iota Zeta, Colorado School of Mines: November 5, 2000 Iota Eta, DePaul University: January 20, 2002 Iota Theta, Wilfrid Laurier University: March 3, 2002 Iota Iota, George Washington University: October 19, 2002 Iota Kappa, Dartmouth College: April 28, 2007 Iota Lambda, University of Connecticut: March 2, 2008 Iota Mu, Georgia Institute of Technology: April 17, 2009 Iota Nu, University of Kentucky: April 10, 2010 Iota Xi, University of Denver: May 2, 2010 Iota Omicron, Worcester Polytechnic Institute: April 2, 2011 Iota Pi, Northern Arizona University: May 5, 2012 Iota Rho, Clemson University: April 28, 2012 Iota Sigma, ________________________________________ Iota Tau, ________________________________________ Iota Upsilon, ________________________________________ Iota Phi,________________________________________ Iota Chi,________________________________________ Iota Psi, ________________________________________ Iota Omega, ________________________________________ 40 41 ALPHA PHI’S ROLE IN THE CREATION OF NPC Alpha Phi holds a special significance in the formation of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). In 1902, Alpha Phi National President Margaret Mason Whitney (ThetaMichigan) called the very meeting that started it all. As early as 1883, editorial comments appeared in fraternity magazines speculating about the development of a Panhellenic organization. The first Gertrude Webster Savage (Theta- issue of the Quarterly in July 1888 Michigan), made the most ambitious stated that one of its original intents and lengthy journey yet attempted was the “discussion of fraternity by such an officer. She met with questions and the exchange of 11 collegiate and six alumnae items.” chapters throughout the country. Upon her return she reported that Fraternity officers united in she was “sorely perplexed by the a growing realization that a problems of hectic rushing, campus Panhellenic association would extravagances and the seeming facilitate the solving of their common lack of sportsmanship among problems through joint consideration fraternities.” Simultaneously, a and action. In 1901-1902 one of Quarterly editorial maintained that Alpha Phi’s visiting delegates, “the only successful rushing compact 42 must come from the national current name. Although, from 1911 fraternities and be binding upon all to 1917 and again from 1921 to 1945 chapters in all institutions.” the organization was known as the National Panhellenic Congress. Spurred on by such comments as these, Margaret Mason Whitney decided that Alpha Phi should take the initiative in seeking the cooperation of the other fraternities to find solutions for the problems vexing them. After corresponding with the other national presidents and finding them responsive to her suggestion, she issued an invitation to a meeting to be held in Chicago. This first assembly recommended a similar meeting be called annually in rotation by each of the several fraternities and a delegate appointed from each of the fraternities to attend. Baird’s Manual records the “first Inter-sorority Conference met May 24, 1902, at Chicago at the call of Alpha Phi.” The name Inter-sorority Conference gave way in 1908 to National Panhellenic Conference, the 43 NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS ΑΧΩ - Alpha Chi Omega • Founded at DePauw University: October 15, 1885 • Colors: Scarlet and Olive Green • Symbol: Grecian Lyre • Flower: Red Carnation ΑΔP - Alpha Delta Pi • Founded at Wesleyan Female College: May 15, 1852 • Colors: Azure Blue and White • Symbol: Diamond • Flower: Woodland Violet ΑΕΦ - Alpha Epsilon Phi • Founded at Barnard College: October 24, 1909 • Colors: Green and White • Symbol: Giraffe • Flower: Lily of the Valley ΑΓΔ - Alpha Gamma Delta • Founded at Syracuse University: May 30, 1904 • Colors: Red, Buff and Green • Symbol: Rose • Flower: Red and Buff Roses ΑΟΠ - Alpha Omicron Pi • Founded at Barnard College: January 2, 1897 Colors: Cardinal and Crème • • Symbol: Red Rose • Flower: Jacque Minot Rose ΑΦ - Alpha Phi • Founded at Syracuse University: October 10, 1872 • Colors: Silver and Bordeaux • Symbol: Ivy • Flower: Lily of theValley and Forget-Me-Not 44 ΑΣΑ - Alpha Sigma Alpha • Founded at Longwood College: November 15, 1901 • Colors: Pearl, Crimson and Palm Green • Symbol: Star, Crown, Palm Tree, Phoenix • Flower: Narcissus and Aster ΑΣΤ - Alpha Sigma Tau Founded at Eastern Michigan University: November 4, 1899 • • Colors: Emerald Green and Gold • Symbol: Anchor • Flower: Yellow Rose ΑΞΔ - Alpha Xi Delta • Founded at Lombard College: April 17, 1893 • Colors: Double Blue and Gold • Symbol: Golden Quilt • Flower: Pink Rose ΧΩ - Chi Omega • Founded at University of Arkansas: April 5, 1895 • Colors: Cardinal and Straw • Symbol: Owl • Flower: White Carnation ΔΔΔ - Delta Delta Delta • Founded at Boston University: Thanksgiving Eve 1888 • Colors: Silver, Gold and Blue • Symbol: Pine Tree, Star and Crescent • Flower: Pansy ΔΓ - Delta Gamma • Founded at Lewis School: December 1874 • Colors: Pink, Blue and Bronze • Symbol: Anchor Flower: Crème Rose • ΔΦΕ - Delta Phi Epsilon • Founded: Washington Square College: March 17, 1917 • Colors: Royal Purple and Pure Gold • Symbol: Unicorn • Flower: Purple Iris 45 ΔΖ - Delta Zeta • Founded at Miami University: October 24, 1902 • Colors: Old Rose and Nile Green • Symbol: Roman Lamp • Flower: Pink Killarney Rose ΓΦΒ - Gamma Phi Beta • Founded at Syracuse University: November 11, 1874 • Colors: Light Brown and Dark Brown • Symbol: Crescent Moon • Flower: Pink Carnation ΚΑΘ - Kappa Alpha Theta • Founded at DePauw University: January 27, 1870 • Colors: Black and Gold • Symbol: Kite and Twin Stars • Flower: Pansy ΚΔ - Kappa Delta • Founded at Longwood College: October 23, 1897 • Colors: Olive Green and Pearl White • Symbol: Dagger • Flower: White Rose ΚΚΓ - Kappa Kappa Gamma • Founded at Monmouth College: October 13, 1870 • Colors: Dark Blue and Light Blue • Symbol: Key • Flower: Fleur-de-lis ΦΜ - Phi Mu • Founded at Wesleyan Female College: January 4, 1852 • Colors: Rose and White • Symbol: Lion Flower: Rose Color Carnation • ΦΣΣ - Phi Sigma Sigma • Founded at Hunter College: November 26, 1913 • Colors: King Blue and Gold • Symbol: Sphinx and Pyramid 46 ΠΒΦ - Pi Beta Phi • Founded at Monmouth College: April 28, 1867 • Colors: Wine and Silver Blue • Symbol: Arrow • Flower: White Carnation ΣΔΤ - Sigma Delta Tau Founded at Cornell University: March 25, 1917 • • Colors: Café Au Lait and Old Blue • Symbol: Torch • Flower: Tea Rose ΣΚ - Sigma Kappa • Founded at Colby College: November 9, 1874 • Colors: Maroon and Lavender • Symbol: Dove and Heart • Flower: Violet ΣΣΣ - Sigma Sigma Sigma • Founded at Longwood College: April 20, 1898 • Colors: Purple and White • Symbol: Sailboat • Flower: Purple Violet ΘΦΑ - Theta Phi Alpha • Founded at University of Michigan: August 30, 1912 • Colors: Silver, Gold and Azure Blue • Symbol: Compass • Flower: White Rose ΖΤΑ - Zeta Tau Alpha Founded at Longwood College: October 15, 1898 • • Colors: Turquoise and Steel Grey • Symbol: Five-pointed Crown • Flower: White Violet Badge Photos Compliments of NPC 47 GREEK ALPHABET The Greek letters have both a Greek and an English pronunciation. Today’s Greeks do not adhere strictly to the pure Greek or the accepted English, but often combine the two forms in the same name for the final effect sound rather than phonetic correctness. (Greek) (English) A Alpha Alpha Alpha B Beta Bayta Beeta Γ Gamma Gahmma Gamma Δ Delta Delta Delta E Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon Z Zeta Zayta Zeeta H Eta Ayta Eeta θ Theta Thayta Theeta I Iota Iota Iota K Kappa Kahppa Kappa L Lambda Lambda Lambda M MuMew Mew N Nu New New ΞXi ZeeZi(eye) O Omicron Omicron Omicron ΠPi Pee Pi(eye) RRho Rho Rho Σ Sigma Sigma Sigma T Tau Tow(as in ow) Tawe Υ Upsilon Oopsilon Upsilon ΦPhi Phee Phi(eye) Χ Chi Chee Chi(eye) ΨPsi PseePsi(eye) Ω Omega Omayga Omeega 48 FRATERNITY LANGUAGE AND STYLE GUIDE This guide provides a listing of official definitions and proper usage for some words, abbreviations and terms listed in alphabetical order. Alumna A female (singular) college graduate. Alumnae Female (plural) college graduates. (Pronounced: a – lum – nee) Alumni Male (plural) college graduates. Also used when referencing both male and female graduates. (Pronounced: a-lum-nye) Alumnus A male (singular) college graduate. Badge The piece of jewelry every initiated member receives to show her affiliation with Alpha Phi. Bid An official invitation to membership in Alpha Phi or any National Panhellenic Conference sorority. Chapter An organized body of undergraduate women who make up a recognized and official Alpha Phi Fraternity group. (See “House” in the Commonly Misused Terms section.) 50 Charter The physical document that declares an organized body as an officially recognized Alpha Phi chapter. Charter Members The founding members of a specific chapter. Colony A group of women recruited to establish a new chapter of Alpha Phi. Convention Representative body, held biennially in even numbered years since 1894, with all basic legislative powers. Composed of one delegate from each collegiate and alumnae chapter, plus specified Fraternity officers. Executive Council Group of collegiate chapter officers who are elected to EO Executive Office. The Alpha Phi Executive Office is in Evanston, Illinois. A full-time staff runs the day-to-day operations of the Fraternity and Foundation and provides daily assistance to Alpha Phi collegiate and alumnae chapters and individual members. (See “International(s)” and “National(s)” in the Commonly Misused Terms lead and oversee operations of the chapter. section.) Foundation Alpha Phi Foundation. Founded in 1956, the Foundation awards academic scholarships, aids sisters in need, supports women’s heart health and funds educational and leadership programs. Alpha Phi Foundation is a 51 charitable and tax-exempt organization, separate and independent from the Fraternity. It is managed by a professional staff and governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who are elected biennially at Convention. Founders Capitalize when referring to the Fraternity’s founding members. Founders’ Day Original founding date is September 18, 1872, but we celebrate it on October 10. The apostrophe is after the word Founders, as the day “belongs” to all 10 Founders of Alpha Phi. Fraternity Capitalize when referring specifically to Alpha Phi; otherwise it is not capitalized. The term “fraternity” generally refers to a men’s fraternal organization, but can also stand for a women’s fraternity-- more often referred to as a sorority. Greek A noun or adjective, referring to a member of the fraternity or sorority community. Always capitalize. HCB House Corporation Board. A group of elected volunteers that manage real and/or personal property for a collegiate chapter. IFC Interfraternity Council. A governing body on a college campus made up of a collective of men’s member Greek organizations. 52 Initiated Member A member of the Fraternity who has participated in initiation, filed her paperwork and paid her fees to the Fraternity. Initiation The formal ceremony whereby a new member becomes an initiated member. The ceremony is private, and known only by initiated members of Alpha Phi. Installation The formal ceremony that officially establishes a new Alpha Phi chapter. (See “Installation” in the Commonly Misused Terms section.) International An adjective used to describe the Fraternity, signifying that it has chapters in more than one country. Alpha Phi is an international organization. (See “International(s)” in the Commonly Misused Terms section.) IEB International Executive Board. The governing and policy-making body of the Fraternity. This group of volunteers is elected at Convention and they hold the strategic decision-making responsibility for the general Fraternity. Legacy A woman who is related to an Alpha Phi member as a great/granddaughter/step-granddaughter, daughter/step-daughter or sister/step-sister. 53 NALFO National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations. An association of Latino fraternities and sororities founded in 1998. National Fraternity Any fraternity which has chapters only in one country. (See “National(s)” in the Commonly Misused Terms section.) New Member A member of Alpha Phi who has accepted a bid or invitation to membership, but has not yet been initiated. NIC North-American Interfraternity Conference. An association of men’s fraternities founded on November 27, 1909. NPC National Panhellenic Conference. An association of women’s college fraternities and sororities founded on May 24, 1902. Alpha Phi is a member of NPC. NPHC National Pan-Hellenic Council. An association of traditionally African-American fraternities and sororities founded on May 10, 1930. Pledge Acceptable when used as a verb. (E.g., Kate agreed to pledge Alpha Phi.) (See also “Pledge” in the Commonly Misused Terms section.) 54 Quarterly The Alpha Phi Quarterly is the official magazine of Alpha Phi, commonly referred to as the Quarterly. Ritual In Alpha Phi, the term “ritual” refers to the Fraternity’s tradition of the member initiation ceremony. It can be found in the Ritual of Alpha Phi. Sister Refers to new and initiated members of the Fraternity. Sorority The common term for a women’s Greek-letter organization. Some NPC member groups use “fraternity” in their official name because their organization was founded before the word “sorority” was created in 1874. The term was first used by Gamma Phi Beta. Undergraduate Refers to collegiate members, new or initiated, of the Fraternity. The terms “actives” or “active” members should not be used because all members are active within the Fraternity. (See “Active” in the Commonly Misused Terms section.) 55 COMMONLY MISUSED TERMS The following terms are frequently misused. This guide is provided to give you background on each word to encourage appropriate usage. Active Active should only be used as a verb to describe an individual member. (E.g., She is an active member of Alpha chapter, serving as chapter president.) Use the terms “sister,” “new member,” “initiated member” or “undergraduate” instead of the term “active” or “actives.” Activate This term does not refer to an initiation. A new member initiates into Alpha Phi, not activates. Members do not attend an activation, they attend an initiation. Deactivate When a member leaves the membership of the Fraternity because she has either resigned or has been terminated. Alpha Phi does not have a “deactivate” status. House The word “house” should be used to describe the chapter facility or physical building. The collective of undergraduate members is referred to as the chapter. Inactive Alpha Phi does not have an “inactive” status. The appropriate phrase to use is “resignation” or “termination” of membership. 56 Installation Installation refers to the ceremony establishing a new chapter of Alpha Phi. It should not be used to reference initiation. International(s) “International” or “Internationals” is not the name of the Fraternity or the Executive Office. International is an adjective only. National(s) “National” or “Nationals” is not the name of the Fraternity or Executive Office. “National” is an adjective only. Pin Pin refers to the Alpha Phi new member pin or anniversary pin. The jewelry that is provided at initiation is recognized as the Alpha Phi membership badge. Pledge Acceptable only when used as a verb. When referring to a person, use the noun “new member” instead of “pledge.” (E.g., Kate is a new member.) Rush An antiquated term for “recruitment.” Recruitment is the preferred term of Alpha Phi and the National Panhellenic Conference. 57 “Be zestful and carry your torch high.” - Clara Bradley Burdette You are the future of Alpha Phi. © An official publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. 1930 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 (847) 475-0063 voice (847) 475-6820 fax Cover: Alan Raphael Design: Kristen Mitchell