Comparison of methods to estimate the rate of CO2 emissions and
Comparison of methods to estimate the rate of CO2 emissions and
International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Coal Geology j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j c o a l g e o Comparison of methods to estimate the rate of CO2 emissions and coal consumption from a coal fire near Durango, CO S. Taku Ide a,⁎, F.M. Orr Jr. b a Energy Resources and Engineering, Stanford University, Green Earth Sciences Building, Room. 65, 367 Panama St, Stanford, CA, 94305-2220, United States Energy Resources and Engineering, Stanford University, Precourt Institute for Energy, The Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building, Mail Code 4230, Room 324, 473 Via Ortega Stanford, CA 94305-4230, United States b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 14 June 2010 Received in revised form 13 December 2010 Accepted 13 December 2010 Available online 20 December 2010 Keywords: Coal fires CO2 emissions Magnetometer Rate estimation Natural convection chimneys Surface subsidence a b s t r a c t Subsurface fires in coal beds consume coal resources and contribute to the global emissions of CO2 and air pollutants. Many of these fires are found in China, India, Indonesia, and the United States. Combustion product gases at these coal fires exit through surface fissures that form over fires. These fissures are created when subsurface subsidence causes preexisting fractures in the area to widen. Fissures act as both inlets for air and exhaust for combustion gases. While remote sensing approaches have been used to quantify the rate of coal consumption and CO2 emissions at large scale fires that extend over large distances, methods for estimating the coal consumption and CO2 emissions values based on surface observations are less well established. In this paper, a coal fire near Durango, CO, is described. A combination of fissure mapping, thermocouple temperatures, and a cesium-vapor magnetometer survey was used to delineate the aerial extent of the current combustion zone and previously burned zones. Three methods were then used to estimate combustion rates at an active region at the site. In the first method, time-lapse, high-resolution topographic surveys were used to relate surface volumetric losses over the active region to coal consumption and rates of CO2 emission. In the second method, measured temperatures, gas compositions, and dimensions of an exhaust fissure were used in a simple natural convection chimney model to estimate rate values. The third method estimated coal consumption and CO2 emission rates by measuring the velocity of exhaust gases, gas compositions and exhaust fissure dimensions. For the second and third methods, 13C isotope signatures were used to determine the fractions of CO2 that were emitted from coal and CH4 combustion or from CO2 in the native gas in the coal seam. A flux accumulation chamber was also used to quantify CO2 leakage rates from non-fissured regions over an active fire region. The three methods produced roughly consistent estimates of coal combustion and CO2 emission rates. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Uncontrolled subsurface fires in coal beds account for significant releases of CO2 to the atmosphere. A single coal fire documented in Wuda, China is estimated to consume approximately 200,000 tons of coal per year (Kuenzer et al., 2005), equivalent to around 0.60 Mt of CO2. In addition to the problem of CO2 emissions, gases released into the atmosphere from these fires are often toxic. Furthermore, the loss of coal volume in the subsurface can lead to significant surface subsidence and fissures, resulting in damages to near-surface or surface infrastructures. Coal bed fires are burning in many locations in China, Indonesia, India, and the United States (Stracher and Taylor, 2004). They can be started naturally by forest fires that burn near a coal outcrop, by lightning strikes that ignite trees that subsequently ignite an outcrop, ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 650 868 6575 (mobile), + 1 650 725 0801 (office). E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S.T. Ide), [email protected] (F.M. Orr). 0166-5162/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.coal.2010.12.005 by human activities, or by spontaneous exothermic reactions of pyrites (DeKok, 1986). Spontaneous combustion of coal can occur when coal oxidizes slowly in air, which generates heat. When this heat accumulates–usually in confined settings–it can cause volatiles to evolve from the coal. These volatiles can then react with available O2 to provide more heat to sustain and propagate combustion. This type of ignition is more likely in coal refuse piles in which coal particles are surrounded by air. Forest fires in Indonesia in 1997 and 1998 ignited hundreds of coal fires at outcrops (Brown, 2003). In the U.S., a subsurface fire near Centralia, Pennsylvania, was started in 1962, when the local government decided to burn an unregulated trash dump in an abandoned strip mine to reduce trash volume and control rodents. The fire ignited an anthracite outcrop, eventually connected to and spread through underground tunnels, and has been burning since. A combination of subsidence and emissions from fissures has caused the town of Centralia to be abandoned (DeKok, 1986; GAI Consultants, 1983). Fires that occur in abandoned coalmines such as the one in Centralia obtain their supply of oxygen and convect exhaust gas away 96 S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 from the combustion region through mine tunnels and shafts (GAI Consultants, 1983; Kim and Chaiken, 1993). Subsurface fires can also occur in unmined coal beds when an outcrop ignites, and the resulting combustion front subsequently burns into the formation away from the outcrop. In these natural fires, O2 inlets and exhaust gas outlets are not as well defined as those in mine fires. Exchanges of gases between the surface and the coal seam occur through fissures that connect the surface and the coal seam. Fissures are formed when ash and void areas that result from coal combustion and gasification collapse under the overburden pressure (Ide et al., 2010). Most abandoned underground mine fires stay close to old mine tunnels, but they can sometimes burn away from the old mining network and burn into the formation (GAI Consultants, 1983). Once the fire burns into the formation, surface features similar to those of natural coal bed fires are observed. In the United States, nearly 100 abandoned underground mine fires, excluding natural coal bed fires, across 10 states were documented by the Department of Interior (DOI) in 1988. The costs to control or extinguish these fires were estimated to cost around $741 million at that time (Kim and Chaiken, 1993). Since natural coal bed fires do not fall under the category of Abandoned Mine Land (AML), these fires are often not monitored by the DOI. Several authors have suggested a range of CO2 emission rates from coal fires in China (Kuenzer et al., 2005; Rosema et al., 1993). For large coal fires that use remote sensing methods such as Landsat-7 ETM+, an infrared satellite, to quantify CO2 emissions is appropriate (Prakash and Gupta; 1998, Kuenzer et al., 2007a). When the fires are small, however, satellite images typically do not offer sufficient spatial resolution to quantify coal combustion accurately. In this paper we consider a small coal fire located along the Hogback Monocline of the San Juan Basin that spans an area of roughly 600 m × 200 m. The best deformation information that could be obtained for this area using InSAR satellite data is at a resolution of 50 m × 50 m. That resolution is too coarse to allow accurate estimates CO2 emission or coal consumption rates. To overcome spatial resolution issues, we first test methods to determine more precisely the current extent of the combustion zone. We used three approaches to identify the current location of the active combustion zone and the previously burned zone. In the first approach, the spatial distribution of surface fissures was mapped using a portable GPS unit, and the temperature of gas present at each fissure was measured. The second approach used subsurface temperatures measured using thermocouples installed in boreholes drilled into the coal seam. The third approach delineated the combustion region using a cesium vapor magnetometer. As we show below, the magnetometer measurements provided the most useful determination of burned, currently burning, and unburned areas. The use of magnetometer data to detect coal fire boundaries has been reported by several investigators (Bandelow and Gielisch, 2004; Gielisch, 2007; Hooper, 1987; Schaumann and Yu Change, 2005; Sternberg, 2004; Sternberg et al., 2008), though the O(1) m resolution over a coal fire of this size is more detailed than those previously described. In addition, the magnetometer results over the North Coal Fire have been corroborated using well-logs, driller's logs, core samples, and temperature measurements. Finally, data have been filtered by removal of diurnal fluctuations, by signal amplitude and by pole reduction. Based on the estimated locations of current combustion, previously burned, and unburned zones, three methods were used to estimate quantitative rates of CO2 emissions and coal consumption. The first method estimates coal consumption rates from time-lapse, high-resolution surface deformation measurements at different points. Data acquisition points were obtained near the hottest fissures found over the North Coal Fire. The second method uses measured velocities of exhaust gases from a fissure over an active region and combined that estimate with estimates of amounts of CO2 seeping from the less fractured areas over the active fire. The third makes use of an analogy between coal fires and natural convection chimneys to estimate a range of CO2 emission rates. The dimensions and the measured subsurface temperatures of the most active fissure over the site were used to set the chimney geometry and the thermal gradient. In the first method (the subsidence method), the coal consumption rate was calculated by taking the volume of subsidence and converting it to mass by using the density of coal. In the second and third methods, CO2 emission rates were calculated first. For those methods, 13C isotope signatures were used to determine the fractions of CO2 that were emitted from coal combustion/gasification, from CH4 combustion, and from CO2 in the native gas in the coal seam. A simple stoichiometric relationship was then used to convert to and from coal consumption rates and CO2 emission rates. The results presented provide first-order estimates of the rates of CO2 production and coal consumption from this fire. 2. Fire location A detailed description of the San Juan Basin, local geologic setting, and fire location is given by Ide et al. (2010). The fire considered here is located in the San Juan Basin, along the Hogback Monocline, about 50 km southwest of Durango, CO. There are four known fires along the Hogback Monocline. This particular fire is termed the North Coal Fire to distinguish it from a South Coal Fire that lies two miles to the south. The coal layer that is burning is in the Fruitland Formation (Fassett, 2000). It is one of three coal layers in the Fruitland separated by shales, sandstone, and clay layers, though at this location, the top two coal layers have been eroded away. The coal is overlain by fractured sandstone and shale, and is underlain by the Pictured Cliffs sandstone. The coal layer dips to the southeast at about 11°. The depth to the top of the coal in the zone that is burning is about 12–15 m, and the coal layer thickness is approximately 5–7 m. The Fruitland Formation outcrops along the Hogback Monocline, and it is believed that trees struck by lightning or a forest fire at the outcrop ignited the coal seam. As the combustion front moved subsequently into the formation, the loss in structural integrity in the burned coal seam resulted in subsidence. Many surface fissures that formed due to subsidence are observed over the North Coal Fire today. Exhaust gases produced from the coal combustion, some as hot as 1000 °C, flow out of some of these surface fissures, while others appear to be air intakes or are inactive. CH4 and CO2 are also present in the coal in areas that have not been affected by combustion. These gases desorbed from the coal, and they support coal bed methane production in the San Juan Basin. They also contribute to the observed outflow of gases from the fissures at the North Coal Fire, as the isotope signatures reported below document. 3. Extent of the North Coal Fire 3.1. Surface fissure distribution Surface fissures observed at the North Coal Fire are similar to those observed at coal fires around the world (Cao et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2001; Kuenzer et al., 2007b; Wessling et al., 2008), and are surface manifestations of the coal fire burning below. Fissures observed over the North Coal fire have apertures ranging from 0.02 m to N ~1.5 m, and they connect the surface and the coal seam. These fissures were mapped in 2007. Fissures are observed only in areas affected by the fire, and they are not present in neighboring areas where the coal seam is intact. At the North Coal Fire, fissures with narrower apertures typically vent hot exhaust gases, while the wider fissures are at ambient temperatures at the surface. The geomechanical mechanisms of formation of these fissures are discussed in detail by Ide et al. (2010). Fissures at the North Coal Fire were mapped using a packmounted Trimble ProXH GPS unit, with accuracy better than 0.5 m after correction. Fig. 1 reports the spatial distribution of fissures over the North Coal Fire. The fissures shown in the figure are color coded by S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 Fig. 1. Fissure distribution over the North Coal Fire. Fissures are not observed in neighboring regions where the coal seam has not burned. The blue fissures in the figure are at ambient temperatures, while the red fissures indicate those that are venting hot gases. Two active fire regions can be observed in this figure, one in the north (Crestal Extension Fire, circumscribed by a red box), and one in the south. In this and subsequent figures, the location of the outcrop of the Fruitland Formation is between the green diagonal lines. Boreholes drilled in 2007 are shown in black, those drilled in 2010 are shown in blue and red triangles. thermal anomalies. The blue fissures are at ambient temperatures, while the red fissures are those that are venting gases with elevated temperatures above approximately 65 °C. The distribution of fissures indicates that the surface over the North Coal Fire is highly fractured, allowing for air and combustion gases to exchange freely between the surface and the coal seam. Thermal signatures presented in Fig. 1 show that there are currently two active combustion regions, one to the north, which will be referred to as the Crestal Extension Fire, and one to the south. The Crestal Extension Fire is circumscribed by a red box in Fig. 1. In this paper, only the Crestal Extension Fire will be considered for rate estimations, so the estimates obtained here reflect a portion of the overall emissions and coal consumption at the North Coal Fire. 3.2. Thermocouple temperature results Approximately 40 boreholes were drilled previously over the North Coal Fire at locations with an average spacing of about 30 m in 2000, and all of these boreholes were equipped with subsurface thermocouples. In 2007, an additional 15 boreholes were drilled at the site, with thermocouples installed in each. As of 2010, 18 thermocouples were functional over the Crestal Extension Fire region of the North Coal Fire. The thermocouples are Type-K and Type-E thermocouples produced by Fluke Inc. Interpolation of the temperatures measured at the 18 thermocouples does not give a particularly precise location of the combustion front, since any temperature information between the boreholes cannot be determined. Nevertheless, a contour map created from thermocouple temperatures gives an approximate location of the heated zone that can be compared with other measurements. A temperature contour map constructed from the temperatures measured in 2010 is shown in Fig. 2. Temperature changes have 97 Fig. 2. A temperature contour map constructed using 18 thermocouple temperatures measured in 2010 over the Crestal Extension. Black squares denote thermocouples deployed in 2000. Black triangles indicate thermocouples installed in 2007. Colored triangles indicate thermocouples emplaced in 2010. The red (hot) and white (cold) lines are fissures as in Fig. 1. The magenta dashed line encloses an area where snow had melted on the day of a snowstorm in 2010; snow remained on the surface outside that area. been recorded at this fire since 2001, which show a steady migration of the fire in the NW direction towards the current hot spot in 2010. Since 2007, the location of the hottest zone has not changed substantially, but the temperatures observed in that zone have increased. The magenta dashed line in Fig. 2 is a snowmelt boundary measured using a pack-mounted GPS on the day of a snowstorm in 2010. There was no snow inside of the snowmelt outline due to the heat conducted to the surface from the subsurface fire. Areas outside of the snowmelt outline were covered by snow. Note that most of the thermally elevated fissures (red fissures) lie within the snowmelt boundary, while the fissures at ambient temperatures (white fissures) lie outside of it. High temperature regions delineated by the snow boundary are consistent with the high temperature regions identified by thermocouple temperatures. 3.3. Cesium vapor magnetometer A higher-resolution contour map of the current location of the combustion zone was obtained using a cesium vapor magnetometer. Interpretation of the survey was based on the following assumptions. First, since the Fruitland Formation was deposited in a shoreline environment, it is reasonable to assume that the depositional environment resulted in random or only slightly aligned magnetic orientations of any magnetic material now present in the sandstone. Second, we assume that once deposited there were no external mechanisms–heat, mechanical, or chemical–with sufficient energy to alter the magnetic orientations. Third, because the temperatures of the gases emitted from the fissures can be as high as 1000 °C, we assume that rocks in the subsurface that are in the proximity of the coal bed 98 S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 fire would reach temperatures higher than the Curie temperature of many common iron-containing ferrimagnetic minerals present in typical sandstones. Magnetite, a common magnetic mineral found in sandstones, has a Curie temperature of 585 °C (Walden et al., 1999). Magnetites can also be created in the presence of heat and low O2 concentrations (Hooper, 1987). These newly formed magnetites would have no magnetization if they are formed at temperatures above their Curie temperature. Furthermore, any magnetization that may have existed in the overburden prior to the heating would also be lost. When the combustion zone and surrounding rocks cool below the Curie temperature, the magnetic orientations of pre-existing and newly formed magnetites align with the Earth's magnetic field. Such an alignment gives rise to a net magnetic moment that did not exist prior to the coal bed fire if there are sufficient amounts of ferrimagnetic materials (1 ~ 2% by mass) present in the sandstone. This resulting magnetic alignment can be measured using a portable magnetometer, which measures the magnetic potential of the ground below the device. When the ambient magnetic field is subtracted from the field measurements, zones that are currently hot, burned and cooled, and unburned can be differentiated. A detailed map of magnetic anomalies near and over the North Coal Fire was constructed by walking a grid pattern with O(1) m spacing and using filter algorithms to process the data. The fissures at the surface do not affect the magnetometer readings. A magnetic anomaly map over the entire North Coal Fire region is shown in Fig. 3. In this figure, the light green to yellow areas represent unaffected coal seam, the blue zones show regions that have previously burned, and the red areas denote locations where the rocks above the coal fire are hot today. We assume that the heated zone is a reasonable indication of the current combustion zone, though sufficient time is obviously required for cooling of the overburden Fig. 3. A map of magnetic anomalies, in nano-Teslas (nT) over the North Coal Fire. The green to yellow regions indicate unburned coal seams, the blue regions show previously burned areas, while the red regions represent currently burning regions. The superimposed white lines are snowmelt boundaries on the day of a snowstorm in 2010, while the magenta lines are snowmelt boundaries a week after a snowstorm in 2009. rocks once the combustion zone has migrated away. The magnetic anomaly data indicates that the Crestal Extension Fire area, which is circumscribed by a red box, shows decreased magnetic correlation, indicating the existence of heating due to an active combustion zone. Fig. 4A shows an enlargement of the magnetometer results along with the snowmelt boundary over the Crestal Extension area. Fig. 4B shows the fissure distribution and the snowmelt outline. The white (in Fig. 3) or green (in Fig. 4B) lines are snowmelt data taken on the day of a snowstorm in 2010, while the magenta line in both figures is a snowmelt data recorded a week after snowfall in 2009. The fire did not progress significantly over the time period when the two snowmelt boundaries were mapped. The results in Figs. 3 and 4 are consistent with the temperature observations reported in Fig. 2 and the snowmelt data (indicated again in Fig. 3 by the white dotted line). 3.4. Conceptual picture Fig. 5 is a conceptual picture assembled from field observations, measurements, and simulations that relate the subsurface collapse and the fissure formation at the surface (Ide et al., 2010). Fires along the Hogback Monocline most likely start near the outcrop, and in the early stages, air is drawn in from the outcrop. As the fire continues to burn, however, the weight of the rock above the coal seam causes the roof to sag and eventually collapse. That collapse causes cracks (fissures) to form where the rock layers are already fractured. Although fissures can form due to rock failure, the systematic orientations of fissures over the North Coal Fire suggest that these fissures are due to preexisting fractures widening under tensile stresses caused by the subsurface collapse. The fissure orientations are consistent with preexisting fracture orientations that are observed along the Hogback Monocline where fires are not present (Ide et al., 2010). The formation of these fissures can be a result of sudden rock mechanical failure or a more continuous process. Some fissures have opened abruptly, while others have widened and lengthened gradually since 2007 at the North Coal Fire. The rates at which failures occur can vary depending on both the distribution of pre-existing fractures and on subsurface combustion patterns. Areas where the overburden is less fractured can behave more elastically, allowing the overburden to deform slowly over time. Fig. 5 is sketched at a time when the fire has moved sufficiently far from the outcrop so that it obtains most of its air from cooler, chimney-like inlet fissures. Fissures that form near the advancing combustion front provide a pathway for hot combustion product gases to escape. As the combustion front advances past these fissures, air flows in through one or more of these fissures in the previously burned zone. Rock cuttings, well logs, drillers' logs, down-hole video observations, and surface observations suggest that the Crestal Extension Fire is now drawing air from cool fissures in the area. Three potential air supply channels exist. The first is the small cracks in the overburden, the second is from the outcrop, and the third is from wide, ambient temperature fissures in previously burned areas near the combustion zones. Of the three possible channels, the path of least resistance is likely through the fissures. Ambient fissures close to the combustion zone can have apertures as large as O(1)m, while cracks in the overburden are typically three orders of magnitude smaller. Boreholes drilled near the outcrop showed that the ash layers there were compacted, and the region lacks large void regions and fractures to allow significant airflow. While airflow from the overburden or the outcrop is likely not entirely absent, it is more probable that air is being delivered to the subsurface through surface fissures, since it provides the path through which air can flow most easily. Due to the abundance of cool fissures and their large apertures, the velocity of air inflow at any one of these fissure can be quite low. When boreholes were drilled in 2010 in between the cool fissures and hot fissures, a zone of fractured rocks was encountered immediately above the coal seam. The fractures were observed using a down-hole S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 99 Fig. 4. A) A magnetic anomaly map in nano-Teslas (nT) of the Crestal Extension Fire, and B) surface features over the Crestal Extension Fire. The green line shows the snow boundary on the day of a snowfall in 2010, the magenta line shows the snow boundary a week after snowfall in 2009. The blue lines are ambient fissures, and the red lines are fissures that are venting warm to hot gases. The black circle at approximately x = 340 m and y = 500 m is the outline for a steel water tank at the surface, and the lines extending from the circle are steel water pipes. A portion of the magnetic anomaly in that area was removed due to the presence of the tank and pipes. camera. Hot air flowed through these fractures, suggesting that air being drawn into the subsurface is being heated as it flows towards the combustion zone. It is reasonable to assume that ambient fissures and the combustion fissures are connected by a region of multiple fractures in the subsurface just above the burned coal seam. The apertures of the fractures above the coal seam are O(10− 2~5 × 10− 2) m, which allow high volumes of air to feed the combustion zone. These fractures likely resulted when the overburden collapsed under its own weight. Fig. 5. Conceptual picture of a coal fire with subsidence. Fresh air and hot exhaust gases enter and leave the subsurface through high permeability fissures that connect the coal seam and the surface. 100 S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 4. CO2 emission and coal consumption rate estimates The fire boundary identified in Section 3 helps define where measurements and modeling efforts should be concentrated. In this section, three methods to estimate the rate of CO2 emissions and the coal consumption rates from the Crestal Extension Fire region are described. Each method requires a relationship between coal consumption rates and CO2 emissions rates to convert from one to the other. While the kinetic complexity of the coal combustion process cannot be captured fully using a single-step, global reaction, the overall chemical balances are useful for deriving an estimate of coal consumption rates from CO2 emission rates, and vice versa. Eq. (1) describes a stoichiometric combustion reaction between coal and O2. The molecular formula for the coal was approximated as CH0.9. Laboratory analysis showed that coal from the North Coal Fire region has an average formula of CH0.867N0.018O0.096S0.003. 2CH0:9ðsolidÞ þ 2:45ðO2ðgasÞ þ 3:76N2ðgasÞ Þ→2CO2ðgasÞ þ 0:9H2 OðgasÞ þ 9:212N2 ð1Þ This one-step, global reaction relates coal consumption to CO2 emission, but it cannot be used to represent accurately the kinetics of the complex sequence of reactions that take place during coal combustion. Those steps include pyrolysis in the presence of heat (but in the absence of O2), devolatilization in the presence of heat and O2, char gasification when hot char reacts with CO2 and/or H2O, and char combustion when hot char reacts with O2 (Anthony and Howard, 1976; Bredenberg et al., 1987; Gavalas, 1982; Larendeau, 1978; Thorsness et al., 1978). There are also numerous secondary gas phase reactions that take place as volatiles and are chemically driven off of the coal. Temperatures and O2 concentrations in the subsurface at the coal fire are not uniform, which means that the rate of reaction will be spatially variable. Instead of modeling the rates of reaction and numerous complex chemical reactions involved in reality–which would require initial and boundary conditions that cannot be well constrained by the measured data–the rate of reaction was ignored and the complexity of the coal combustion process was simplified to the stoichiometric relationship. In effect, we assume that the reaction is fast compared to the flow process that feeds the O2 to the combustion zone, and the results presented state that for a given amount of CO2 produced a fixed amount of coal was consumed under stoichiometric conditions. In the subsidence approximation approach, where the mass of coal burned is estimated first, the stoichiometric relationship in Eq. (1) is applied to convert the mass of coal consumed to the CO2 emissions rate. In the last two methods, where the mass rate of CO2 is estimated first, the CO2 stream must first be separated into three groups before the relationships in Eq. (1) can be applied to convert the CO2 emissions rate to equivalent coal consumption rates. This requirement stems from the fact that there are three sources of CO2 at the Crestal Extension Fire: native CO2 flow that is flowing up-dip from the Central San Juan Basin, CO2 produced from oxidizing the native CH4 flowing from the Central Basin, and CO2 produced from the coal combustion reaction. The CO2 contribution from the coal is determined using δ13C isotope ratios of the various gases. The isotopic signature of a mixture, δ13C (a measure of the ratio of stable isotopes 13C:12C, reported in parts per thousand (per mil, ‰)), is a function of mole fractions of the components in the mixture. Thus the measured δ13C of the carbon in CO2 and CH4 present in the exhaust gases can be expressed using Eqs. (2a) and (2b), respectively. Eqs. (2a) and (2b) state that the δ13C values for the CO2 or CH4 in a gas mixture are volume fraction or molar fraction weighted sums of the values for the individual components, assuming an ideal gas (Keeling, 1960). The unknowns in the first two equations are the five mole fractions, which are represented by the variables, xcomponent , source where the sources of the components–CO2 or CH4–are coal, native CH4, or native CO2. Three additional constraints, Eqs. (2c) through (2e), CH4 2 are needed. The two variables, mCO exhaust and mexhaust, are measured mole fractions of CO2 and CH4 in the exhaust gases, respectively. Eqs. (2c) and (2d) state that the mole fractions relevant to the average δ13C values in Eqs. (2a) and (2b) must sum to one. Eq. (2e) reflects an assumption that the ratio of native CO2 mole fraction to that of native CH4 mole fraction (native ratio) stays approximately constant. The numerator is the mole fraction of native CO2 in the exhaust gas at the hot fissures. The denominator is the sum of the mole fraction of unburned native CH4 in the exhaust gas and the mole fraction of the native CH4 that has been oxidized to CO2 in the exhaust gas. The 1:1 mole ratio of CH4 and CO2 in the second term of the denominator accounts for the fact that one mole of CO2 was created per mole of native CH4 consumed. An average value of the native ratio was calculated from the gas compositions of native gases that were measured in the vicinity of the coal fire but where the coal seam was unburned (see Table 1). The average value was 0.939, with a range from 0.873 to 1.043. That average value is consistent with the ratios observed for gas production wells in the Central San Juan Basin. 13 CO nativeCH4 oxidized 13 CH4 δ Cnative coal 13 CO 2 δ Cexhaust = xCO2 δ Ccoal2 + xCO2 + 13 CH ð2aÞ nativeCO2 13 CO2 xCO2 δ Cnative coal 13 CH nativeCH4 13 CH4 δ Cnative 4 = xCH4 δ Ccoal4 + xCH4 δ Cexhaust coal nativeCH4 oxidized coal nativeCH4 xCO2 + xCO2 xCH4 + xCH4 nativeCO2 + xCO2 ð2dÞ nativeCO2 2 nativeCH4 4 = CO 2 d mexhaust nativeCH4 oxidized CH 4 d mexhaust + xCO 2 native−CO xexhaust 2 native−CH xexhaust 4 ð2cÞ =1 =1 xCO xCH ð2bÞ = CO2 xnative CH4 xnative CO 2 4 d mexhaust d 1molCH 1molCO 2 ð2eÞ = 0:939 In the calculations, average values from each of the sources listed in Table 1 were used to solve the Eqs. (2a)–(2e). To obtain the δ13C of the CO2 derived from coal, two coal samples were burned to generate CO2 for subsequent isotope analysis. One sample was unburned coal obtained from a cored borehole. The second was thermally altered Table 1 Measured gas compositions and δ13C values measured from boreholes drilled in and around the North Coal Fire. Gas compositions are in mole fractions, and isotope CO2 signature values are in parts per thousand (‰). The values of δ13Ccoal were measured, CH4 CO2 and the values of δ13Ccoal were assumed to be equal to δ13Ccoal . Source 2 mCO source 4 mCH source 2 mN source mother source Mole fraction 2 δ13CCO source 4 δ13CCH source ‰ ‰ Exhaust Well #1 Well #9A Average burned 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.72 0.77 0.75 0.07 0.05 0.06 − 17.13 − 17.81 − 17.47 − 29.25 − 33.38 − 31.32 Unburned area Well #3 Well #7 Well #11 Average unburned 0.45 0.49 0.47 0.47 0.52 0.47 0.52 0.50 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 14.00 13.71 14.09 13.93 − 45.36 − 45.14 − 45.23 − 45.24 Collected coal samples Unburned coal Thermally altered coal Average coal n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a − 27.12 − 26.47 − 26.80 − 27.12 − 26.47 − 26.80 S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 coal recovered from a borehole in a region where the top portion of the coal had burned, but coal below that zone had been heated but not burned. The measured isotope signatures of the unburned and the burned coal samples were consistent (− 27.12 and −26.47‰), which indicates that no fractionation occurred. The isotope values, CO2 CH4 δ13Ccoal and δ13Ccoal in Eqs. (2a) and (2b) are assumed to be equal, since both the CO2 and the CH4 originate from the coal. The locations of the boreholes listed in Table 1 are found in Figs. 1 and 2. The resulting solution indicates that the average CO2 in the exhaust gas stream was composed of approximately 42.8% (39.2 ~ 51.1%) from native CO2, 44.0% (36.0 ~ 46.0%) from CH4 oxidation, and 13.2% (2.9 ~ 24.9%) from coal, by mole fractions. Similarly, 75.5% of the small amounts of CH4 in the exhaust gases came from the coal, while the remaining 24.5% came from the native gas. 4.1. Rate estimation using surface subsidence results A Nikon DTM 521 total station was used to measure deformation changes at 171 points over the Crestal Extension Fire with a 7-month interval between measurements. The first survey was conducted in April, 2009, and the second in November, 2009. The same 171 points (±0.0125 m) were used in both surveys. The vertical resolution measuring the surface deformation was 3.18 × 10− 3 m. The survey was conducted by Jim Flint of Performance Engineering and Surveying. Fig. 6 is a contour map of the differences in surface elevation, in meters. Values between the measurement points were interpolated linearly. In Fig. 6, some large (O(10− 1) m) subsidence is observed in the current combustion zone, at x = 350 m, y = 500 m, where fissures are emitting hot gases. The largest subsidence occurs approximately at x = 380 m, y = 460 m, which is a zone that was previously burned and now cooled, according to magnetometer results in Fig. 4. The timing of magnetometer and surface deformation measurements does not allow Fig. 6. A contour map of the surface deformation that occurred over a 7-month period (April–November, 2009). The deformation is in meters. Surface deformation is most apparent near the hot (red) fissures. The blue dots are the 151 locations where the measurements were taken. 101 us to determine whether the subsidence occurred during combustion in the area or thereafter. There are likely new fissures that resulted due to the surface subsidence that was measured in 2009. The fissures shown in Fig. 6 were mapped in 2007, and the figure does not include any fissures that resulted due to the 2009 subsidence. A lower bound estimate of the rate of coal consumption can be constructed based on the assumption that the surface deforms exactly by the volume of coal consumed in the subsurface. To calculate the change in surface volume, the interpolated subsidence contour map of the Crestal Extension Fire was gridded using 0.5 m squares. A single, interpolated deformation value in the z-direction was assigned to each grid square. A deformation volume was calculated for each grid square, and the deformations were summed to calculate the surface deformation volume over the entire area. The calculated volume loss at the surface using this method was 104 m3 per 7 months, or 178 m3 per year. This rate calculation assumes that the subsidence is more or less continuous, which would be a reasonable assumption if the overburden is viewed as an elastic medium that deforms slowly and continuously under the stress induced by its own weight. At the other end of the spectrum, the overburden may be so fractured such that the subsidence takes place only periodically and abruptly. Under such circumstances, the rate of volume loss, as calculated, would not be applicable. If the surface volume change were equal to the subsurface coal consumption volume, and that the density of coal in this region was assumed to be around 1400 kg/m3, the rate of coal consumption is about 249 metric tons of coal consumed per year. The ash content of the coal is accounted for in the density used. Using the stoichiometric relationship in Eq. (1), this coal consumption rate corresponds to a CO2 emissions rate of 849 metric tons per year. 4.2. Estimation of rates using exhaust gas flow velocity and flux chamber accumulator measurements A second estimate of the rates of CO2 emission and coal consumption was obtained from measurements of the exhaust gas velocity from a fissure using a video camera sensitive to volatile organic compounds (VOC) in combination with measurements of gas fluxes from non-fractured regions over the Crestal Extension Fire using a flux chamber accumulator. The plume footage documented by Premier NDT's VOC camera is shown in Fig. 7. Each frame in the figure represents approximately 0.05 s, and the red tick marks in the center of the frame are spaced 1 ft (0.305 m) apart. The green arrow in each frame shows the location of a point on the plume being tracked to give an indication of velocity. The distance traveled by the plume was divided by the elapsed time to obtain an approximate velocity of gas exhaust from this fissure. The measured exhaust gas velocity was multiplied by the exhaust gas density and the cross-sectional area of the fissure in order to convert it to a CO2 mass flow. As Fig. 1 shows, there are many hot fissures over the Crestal Extension area. However, only two of them are venting exhaust gases at a rate large enough, O(1) m/s, to be captured by the VOC camera. The fissure where the VOC video footage was collected was the more active of the two fissures by an appreciable amount. Because the plume data were obtained at only one fissure out of the many that exist over the Crestal Extension Fire, the estimate of the CO2 emissions from the fissures must be smaller than actual emissions. Other fissures were emitting combustion gases at flow velocities that were too low to be captured using the VOC video. Based on the VOC video footage collected by Premier NDT in 2009, the approximate average velocity of exhaust gases was 1.66 m/s. The fissure from which the gases were venting measured approximately 11.6 m long, with an average aperture of 0.03 m. The temperature of gases emitted varied from 315 to 1080 °C (600 °F to 1970 °F), depending on the location along the fissure. The exhaust gas density for the temperature range is about 0.281 to 0.610 kg/m3. Taking the average density of 0.446 kg/m3 over this range, the mass flow rate of the exhaust was calculated to be 8125 metric tons per year. The CO2 102 S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 Fig. 7. Still frames from footage of the exhaust gas plume recorded at a fissure over the Crestal Extension Fire using a Volatile Organic Compound camera (VOC camera). Each frame is roughly 0.05 s, and the red dashes in the center of each frame are spaced by 1 ft (0.305 m) increments (Premier NDT, personal communication, 2009). mass flow rate is then approximately 2112 tons per year since CO2 was around 26% of the exhaust gas by mass in the burning zones based on the mole fractions reported in Table 1. Flow of CO2 from other hot fissures would add to this total, so here again, this estimate is a lower bound. Additional CO2 mass flow rates were measured using a flux accumulation chamber over the non-fractured areas over the Crestal Extension Fire by LT Environmental in 2008. Measurements were taken only in areas where the temperature of the gases inside the flux accumulation chamber remained close to ambient temperatures. The fluxes of CO2 measured, in mols CO2/(m2-day), are shown in Fig. 8. Fluxes were measured at the nodes of a 50 ft × 50 ft grid. These values were then interpolated over the Crestal Extension Area using Kriging by the surveying company, who reported that the total CO2 flux from the area was approximately 136 MCFD (1000 ft3 per day) or 3851 m3 per day. The area circumscribed by the red circle in Fig. 8 corresponds approximately to where the subsurface temperatures are high according to the thermocouple measurements shown in Fig. 2. While the subsurface temperatures were high, the gases flowing from the non-fissured overburden were cool enough to be measured by the flux accumulation chamber. The green diagonal line in Fig. 8 corresponds to the top of the Fruitland Formation outcrop. Since most of the samples were collected around 300 K and at around 7000 ft, the volumetric flow rate was converted to a mass flow rate of 5353 kg per day by using 1.39 kg/m3 as the CO2 density. This amounts to an additional 1954 tons of CO2 emitted per year from the less fractured areas over the Crestal Fire Extension. Adding this CO2 mass flow rate to the mass flow rate of CO2 from an active fissure results in a total CO2 mass flow rate of 4066 tons per year from the Crestal Extension Fire. This value suggests that ignoring the CO2 flux from the less intensely fractured regions could underestimate the CO2 emissions rate by more approximately a factor of two. Using the stoichiometric ratios obtained from Eq. (1) and the isotope results which showed that approximately 13.2% of the total CO2—or 538 tons per year–of the exhaust stream–was produced from the coal, the rate of coal consumption was calculated. The ultimate analysis of the coal that is being consumed at the Crestal Extension Fire shows that it is composed of 72.33% carbon by mass, and the remainder composed of ash, moisture, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen. The results from the ultimate analysis are shown in Table 2. To get the mass rate of consumption of coal, the mass of CH0.9 corresponding to 538 tons of CO2 was first calculated from the stoichiometric ratios of Eq. (1). This value was then divided by 0.7233 to account for the other species contained in coal. The rate of coal consumption equaled approximately 218 tons per year based on this approach. 4.3. Estimation of rates using a natural convection chimney model Next we consider a simple model of the flow of air and exhaust gas based on a natural convection chimney. Fig. 9 is a simplification of the S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 103 Fig. 9. The Crestal Extension Fire represented as a simplified natural convection chimney. Gas flow induced by the thermal buoyancy forces occurs mainly through the zone of ash and overburden rock just above the burned or burning coal seam that has been fractured by subsidence and collapse. Fig. 8. CO2 volume flow rate measured from the non-fissured regions over the Crestal Extension Fire. The samples are approximately spaced 50 ft (15.24 m) apart. The values are reported in mols CO2/(m2day) (LT Environmental, personal communication, 2008). conceptual picture shown in Fig. 5. Field observations and a borehole camera lowered to the coal seam at the North Coal Fire suggest that air is flowing to the combustion zone through the fractured overburden that lies immediately above the burned-out coal seam. Multiple fractures with apertures of O(10− 2 ~ 5 × 10− 2) m that lie above coal seams likely resulted when collapse occurred in the subsurface. Strong flow of air and ash was observed through these cracks. Based on the geometric characteristics of these fractures–some which have apertures on the order of a few centimeters–the flow in the subsurface is likely governed by the resistance to flow in these fractures. That resistance is quite small when the fracture apertures are large O(10− 2 to 10− 1) m, and thus even a small pressure gradient caused by a thermal buoyancy of the hot combustion product gases is sufficient to induce flow through the subsurface. In Fig. 9, the coal fire is modeled using only one inlet and one exhaust vent. The field situation is more complex, in that there are several fissures that emit hot gases, but only a few of those vent combustion gases at a significant flow rate. When air with density, ρair, enters the chimney in Fig. 9 at temperature, Tambient, and pressure, Patm, the air is heated and pulled through the fractured zones of the chimney by flow induced by the density difference between hot combustion gases and ambient air. The air reacts with the coal to produce exhaust gas at the combustion zone, which is a located length, L, meters away from Table 2 Results of the ultimate analysis of a coal sample collected from an unburned region near the North Coal Fire. Ultimate analysis (wt.%) Moisture Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulfur Ash Oxygen 3.25 72.33 4.91 1.49 0.57 11.06 6.39 the chimney (fissure). Once the combustion gas reaches the fissure, it flows through an elbow-joint-like geometry, and travels up the fissure, which has a height, H, meters. As the combustion gas travels upward, the gas will likely travel along a tortuous path along the fissure. This tortuous path can be modeled using more elbow-joints. Heat loss from the system is neglected in this simple model, so all of the heat produced in the combustion zone rises through the fissure. The temperature of the exhaust stream, Tg, in the exhaust fissure is assumed to be constant throughout the length of the chimney, and hence the gas density of the exhaust gas can be calculated from Tg. The combustion gas leaves the system at a mass flow rate, m, through a fissure with an aperture, d, meters and a length, Lf, meters (not shown in Fig. 9). Gas rising through the fissure is assumed to be isothermal, and the gases are assumed to have a consistent density within the combustion zone. The change in the combustion gas density between the combustion zone and the surface as it exits an exhaust fissure is so small such that the constant-density assumption is appropriate (Rosner, 2000). The friction losses are only considered after the air reacts with the hot coal. All friction losses on the cooler air side are ignored based on the assumption that air is reaching the coal seam through channels that are bigger than the channels through which exhaust gases are escaping. Apertures of fissures over previously burned areas (cf. blue regions in Fig. 4) can be orders of magnitude larger than the apertures of fissures that are currently emitting gases. The overall flow rate of air and combustion product gases through the subsurface is determined by the buoyancy of the hot gases, which is balanced by the resistance to flow in the chimney and in the zones where air is flowing toward the combustion zone. To assess whether the frictional resistance to flow upstream of the combustion zone is important, we compared the pressure difference due to buoyancy to the pressure drop in a channel with dimensions 12 ~ 18 m in length at the surface, an average aperture of 0.01 m, and 30 m in distance that the warm air must travel to reach the combustion zone. If there were only one such channel through which all of the air was supplied to the combustion zone, then the upstream pressure drop is quite significant, about five times the buoyancy pressure difference. Direct observations at boreholes drilled in the previously burned zone but relatively near the current combustion zone indicate that the limiting case of a single fracture path cannot be correct. All of those boreholes flowed warm air, which indicates that they all intercepted flow paths conducting air to the combustion zone. If there were only a few flow paths, then the probability that a borehole would intercept them 104 S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 would be small. The fact that all the boreholes did intercept flow paths suggests that the air flow takes place in some combination of connected fractures, voids, and ash zones. To examine the effect of more flow paths we calculated the upstream pressure drop as a function of the number of fracture paths like the single fracture described above. If there are 20 such paths, a number that is likely to be much smaller than the actual number of paths, then the upstream pressure difference is on the order of 1.25% of the buoyancy pressure difference. We conclude, therefore, that it is reasonable to ignore the resistance to air flow through the previously burned zone and focus instead on the resistance to flow in the fissures that allow hot gases to escape from the combustion zone. An expression for the exit gas velocity and the combustion gas mass flow rate using a macroscopic mechanical energy balance is available (Bird et al., 2001; Rosner, 2000), and this is presented in Eq. (3). In Eq. (3), the exit gas velocity, vg, is expressed as a function of fissure geometry, roughness coefficient of the fissure walls, pressure gradient induced by the thermal buoyancy force, and the density of the combustion gas. Temperature appears implicitly in the relationship through both the pressure gradient and the density terms. Eq. (4) can be used to obtain the mass flow rate of the exhaust gases. The mass flow rate from the chimney is the product of gas velocity, the cross section area of the fissure, and the density of the combustion gas. 0 11 2 B2g ρair −ρg H C 1 B C vg = @ d A λðL + HÞ ρg + 1:5nelbows dh 0 ð3Þ 11 2 B2ΔP C 1 C =B @ ρ d λðL + H Þ A g + 1:5n elbows dh ð4Þ ṁg = vg Lfissure dρg In Eqs. (3) and (4), g is the acceleration gravity, λ is the D'ArcyWeisbach friction coefficient, dh is the hydraulic diameter of the fissure that is approximated by a rectangular duct with a cross sectional area Lfissure meters by d meters, and nelbows is the number of elbow joints or turns that the gas goes through as it migrates upward to the surface from the coal seam. All other variables are as previously defined. Methods to obtain λ from the pipe roughness coefficient (typically referred to as k, in units of meters) and Reynolds number can be found in Bird et al. (2001) and Rosner (2000). The values of the variables in Eqs. (3) and (4) were estimated from field measurements, but they are obviously not determined precisely. To assess the sensitivity of the exit gas velocity and the exhaust gas mass flow rate with respect to variation in other variables, a range Fig. 10. A distribution of exhaust gas velocity from a fissure based on 10,000 simulations with various input value combinations. Input values for each simulation run are chosen at random from the ranges listed in Table 3. Mean = 1.64 m/s, standard deviation = 0.28 m/s. of input values for each of the variables was assumed. A distribution of exit gas velocities and exhaust mass flow rates was obtained by running multiple simulations with varying combinations of input values. The ranges all had uniform distributions, chosen based on observation and measurements made in the field. Table 3 lists all of the variables, their definitions, and the ranges of values assumed. For each simulation run, a random number generator was used to pick a set of input values from the defined ranges. Fig. 10 reports the resulting distribution of combustion gas velocities calculated from 10,000 solutions of Eqs. (3) and (4) based on the ranges of values in Table 3. The average of this distribution is 1.64 m/s with a standard deviation of 0.28 m/s. Fig. 11 is the corresponding CO2 mass flow rate. The exhaust gas mass flow rate was obtained using Eq. (4), and that value was multiplied by 26% to account for the fact that the exhaust gas contained roughly 26% CO2 by mass at the North Coal Fire. The gas compositions, in mole fractions, of the gases vented from the fissures over the Crestal Extension Fire are listed in Table 1. The mole fractions of the exhaust gas can be converted to mass fractions to show that Table 3 Range of values that each input variables can take for the chimney model. The ranges are determined based on field observations and measurements. Variable Units Definition H L (m) (m) Tair Tgas nelbow (°C) (°C) (–) k (m) Lfissure (m) d (m) Height of fissure Horizontal length between combustion zone and fissure Temperature of ambient air Temperature of combustion gas Number of elbow-joints required to model tortuosity Roughness of duct, used to calculate D'Arcy– Weisbach friction coefficient Length of the fissure where exhaust gases are venting Average aperture of the fissure where exhaust gases are venting Range 12.2 ~ 18.3 0 ~ 10 0 ~ 20 315 ~ 1000 1~5 0.005 11.6 ~ 18.3 0.01 ~ 0.03 Fig. 11. CO2 emissions rate from a fissure based on the exhaust gas distribution shown in Fig. 10. At the Crestal Extension Fire, CO2 makes up about 26% of the exhaust gas stream by mass. The mean rate of CO2 emissions is equal to 1616 metric tons per year with a standard deviation of 350 metric tons per year. S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 105 how much lower this modeled rate is in comparison to actual rates would require additional data concerning fissures and surfaces fluxes over the full area of the fire. 5. Discussion Fig. 12. Rate of coal consumption based on the mass flow rate of CO2. Mean coal consumption rate is 80.4 metric tons per year and a standard deviation of 17.4 metric tons per year. the exhaust stream is approximately 26% CO2 and 69% N2, with small percentages of CH4 and H2 as well as ppm levels of CO and H2S by mass. The mass rate of CO2 calculated in Fig. 11 includes CO2 from coal, native CO2, and CO2 resulting from CH4 oxidation. The mean of the distribution of the total CO2 mass flow rate is 1616 metric tons per year with a standard deviation of 350 metric tons per year. The rate of CO2 emissions was converted to the rate of coal consumption using the stoichiometric relationship in Eq. (1), the results from the isotope analysis, and the results from the ultimate analysis, as outlined in Section 4.2. Fig. 12 presents the distribution of the rate of coal consumption, with a mean of 80.4 metric tons per year and a standard deviation of 17.4 metric tons per year. The distributions in Figs. 10 and 12 are slightly different, because to calculate a CO2 emission rate or coal consumption rate, each calculated velocity was multiplied by a fissure cross-sectional area. The cross-sectional area varied from one simulation run to the next. 4.4. Comparison of results and air requirements Table 4 lists the annual rate of total CO2 emissions (including native San Juan Basin gases), rate of CO2 emissions only from coal, coal consumption rate, and the rate of air required for the stoichiometric combustion reaction. Values obtained from the VOC method and the chimney methods are similar. The flux chamber measurements account for the CO2 that is escaping into the atmosphere from the non-fissured areas over the active coal fire region. Here we have chosen to report rates based on some direct observation in a limited area over the North Coal Fire. Therefore, these amounts are almost certainly lower than actual rates. Determining Table 4 Estimates of CO2 emission rates, coal consumption rates, and air requirement rates for each of the three models. Method/rate CO2 total (metric tons/year) CO2 from coal (metric tons/year) Coal consumption (metric tons/year) Surface subsidence VOC Chimney Flux Chamber VOC + Flux chamber Chimney + Flux chamber – 2112 1616 1954 4066 849 279 213 258 537 249 113 87 105 218 3570 471 191 Given the uncertainties in many of the variables and assumptions made, it is worth considering the limitations of the rate estimates. For example, in the surface subsidence estimate of the rates of CO2 emissions and coal consumption, we assumed that the loss of surface volume was exactly offset by the volume loss in the subsurface. This assumption is likely to be an underestimate of the amount of coal consumed in the subsurface when subsidence is not uniform. Numerous fractures were observed when a down-hole camera was lowered into one of the boreholes drilled in a previously burned region. The existence of O(10− 2 ~ 5 × 10− 2) m fractures above the coal seam suggests that the overburden does not entirely compact the void spaces left by the burned coal seam, at least not immediately. In fact, if subsidence were perfect, such that all of the void regions created above the coal seam due to combustion were compacted by the overburden, then there would be no channels through which air could travel to get to the combustion zone under a very small pressure gradient. It is also possible that subsidence occurs long after combustion takes place in the subsurface. Comparing the results of the surface subsidence in Fig. 6 to the fire zones presented in Fig. 4, large zones of surface occurred where the fire is not currently the most active. This result suggests that the subsidence observed today may be over regions that burned previously, and not where it is burning today. Thus the surface subsidence may not reflect the present rate of coal consumption. In addition, subsidence does not take place until a critical radius of coal (for a given overburden thickness) is consumed by the fire. Until this critical length is attained, the surface may not show any signs of subsidence. Once the critical length is exceeded, the surface may subside suddenly including areas that may have been consumed previously. In the method of estimating rates using the gas plume footage and the flux accumulation chamber, the VOC camera was only stationed at one fissure, so CO2 emissions estimated from the video footage does not account for CO2 from other fissures that are venting hot gases. However, flows of exhaust gases from other fissures were smaller, at least qualitatively, than the flow from the fissure at which the video footage was recorded. The flux chamber accumulation measurements made over the non-fissured areas over the Crestal Fire Extension suggests that flow of CO2 coming from areas other than fissures cannot be neglected. The flux accumulation chamber measurements do not suggest that gas is diffusing or flowing at an appreciable rate through the matrix of the sandstone overburden. The pressure gradient induced by the thermal buoyancy and gravity is not large enough to induce appreciable gas flow through low-permeability (O(10)md) sandstones. Instead, the flux chamber measurements suggest that the transport through the overburden takes place through the network of fractures, even in locations where fissures are not readily visible at the surface. It is also likely that the 30 cm of soil that covers the site hides many smaller fissures in the area through which CO2 from the subsurface is escaping. The final method of calculating rates using the natural convection chimney analog is based on the assumption that there is only one active fissure, and the model ignores flow from other fissures. The model also ignores any flow from non-fractured areas, which leads again to an underestimate of both the rates of CO2 emissions and coal consumption calculated. The distributions of exhaust gas velocity, CO2 mass rate, and coal consumption rate obtained from the suite of chimney simulations suggest that despite the range of possible input values, the resulting rate estimations are bounded within an order of magnitude. Finally, the exhaust gas velocity calculated for the dimensions and conditions measured at the coal fire agrees reasonably 106 S.T. Ide, F.M. Orr Jr. / International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2011) 95–107 well with the exhaust gas velocity measured by the VOC camera, which suggests that modeling fissures as chimneys is a reasonable approach. Finally, the isotope material balance results suggest that only 13.2% of the CO2 in the exhaust comes from the coal, while the remainder of the CO2 in the exhaust is roughly equally split between the native San Juan Basin CO2 and the oxidized native San Juan Basin CH4. This result suggests that methane combustion plays a significant role in this coal fire. This result is roughly consistent with the idea that native gases are drawn in towards the combustion zone from the edges of the burned zone. As the native gases migrate toward the most active fire zones, they mix with air that is drawn in through fissures. Methane in the native gases oxidizes in the air to produce CO2 as the gas mixture approaches the combustion zone and heats up to temperatures approaching 1000 °C. The resulting combustion gases escape out of the exhaust fissure. Other sources that contribute to the CO2 in the exhaust stream are the combustion products of CO and CH4 that devolatilize from the coal and the combustion gases from char combustion. However, the contribution of CO2 from burning the native CH4 is significant because the native gases are likely exposed to the highest concentrations of O2 at the periphery of the fire. This picture is also consistent with the observation that a much larger fraction of the CH4 in the hot exhaust gases comes from the coal than from the native gas (75.5% vs 24.5%). The CH4 from the coal is liberated by thermal alteration of the coal in zones closer to the vent fissures, where little oxygen remains, while the native CH4 oxidizes at lower temperatures upstream of that zone. The rate of native gas (CH4–CO2 mixture) required to produce the gas composition and the isotope signatures at the exhaust fissures is also consistent with the rate of native gases produced from production wells near-by and down dip of the North Coal Fire. At these production wells, gases flow between 30 ~ 300 MCFD. Native gases that are not intercepted by these production wells migrate updip towards the Hogback monocline where the North Coal Fire is currently located. The flow of CO2 and CH4 into the combustion zone may or may not be representative of other coal fires around the world, but isotope measurements similar to those described here can be used to determine whether that is the case. 6. Summary and conclusions In this paper, the current boundary of the combustion zone at the North Coal Fire, which is located along the Hogback Monocline in the San Juan Basin, was established using three methods. Of those, the cesium vapor magnetometer survey produced the highest resolution map of the combustion zone boundary in the subsurface. The magnetometer results were distinguished between previously burned, currently burning, and unconsumed coal. The results of the magnetometer surveys agree well with other data obtained at the North Coal Fire site: subsurface temperatures, snow melt boundary measurements, fissure mapping, well logs, core samples, drillers' logs, and down-hole borehole videos. Three methods were used to quantify CO2 emissions and coal consumption rates for one active combustion area at the North Coal Fire, the Crestal Extension Fire. Those methods gave roughly consistent lower bound estimates of coal consumption and CO2 emissions for this small fire. The estimates indicate that the Crestal portion of the fire accounts for emissions of at least 4066 metric tons of CO2 per year, and that a significant fraction of the CO2 emissions come from combustion of CH4 flowing into the combustion zone from the unburned coal. Estimates of the rate of consumption of coal range from about 249 tons per year based on subsidence measurements to 218 and 191 tons per year from based on surface observations of flow velocities from a single fissure and on a simple chimney model of flow of combustion product gases through a fissure, respectively. In the last two estimation methods, CO2 leakage rates that were measured using a flux accumulation chamber were included before converting the CO2 emission rates to coal consumption rates. These observations and estimates lead to the following conclusions: 1) Cesium vapor magnetometer data provided the most precise location of the underground coal fire when data was collected at high resolution and appropriate filters were applied to remove noise and asymmetry; 2) Other data, such as well-logs, well-bore imaging, subsurface temperature distributions obtained from thermocouples, surface fissure mapping, and snow-melt data are completely consistent with the magnetometer results and are also useful in establishing subsurface flow geometry and direction; 3) When there are multiple sources of CO2, carbon isotope signatures can be used to quantify the relative contributions of the various sources of CO2 to the composition of the gases being emitted over a coal fire; 4) The chimney model calculations suggest that the North Coal Fire can be modeled as a natural convection chimney, and that the flow resistance in the chimney determines the rate of air flow through the system; 5) Three independent methods of rate estimations provide roughly consistent rates of both CO2 and coal consumption. While these estimates are certainly lower bound estimates, they are useful first-order estimates associated with the North Coal Fire. Acknowledgments This project was made possible by the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, which provided access to the site as well as financial and considerable technical support for the field portions of this project. The authors especially thank Bill Flint and Kyle Siesser of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe Department of Energy for their help and insights and many helpful discussions. We also thank Sam Krevor for performing isotope measurements at the field site and helping us interpret them, Erik Mischker of Premier NDT for measuring the gas plume velocities, LT Environmental for their CO2 flux accumulation chamber measurements and data, and Jim Flint of Performance Engineering and Surveying for the surface subsidence measurements and data. The Global Climate and Energy Project at Stanford provided support for the authors. 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