e d i u G 2016 2017 USE RALE DE TOULO É UNIVERSITÉ FÉD STUDENT RESEARCHER You are coming to Toulouse, Ease up your arrival with our TOUL’BOX Make your installation stress free: upscale shuttle at the airport or train station bank account opening accommodation booking home insurance personal public transportation card toulbox.univ-toulouse.fr Editorial Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University comprises 4 Universities, 12 engineering and specialised schools and 6 national research bodies. Together, its institutions deliver over 500 qualifications in all disciplines. Almost 14% of their 112,398 students come from abroad, following their courses in French or English. Beyond its active commitment to its members’ academic success as expressed by promotion of research carried out, visibility on the international scene and coordination of the training offer throughout the site, the Federal University is well aware that such success is also very much dependent on many aspects of non-academic life. Which is why we have developed ever-increasing numbers of services designed for students over the past ten or more years. Whether it’s a question of advice on finding the right accommodation, expert opinions on foreigners’ rights, promotion of student cultural initiatives or general assistance with settling into student life, the Federal University seeks to meet expressed needs through schemes complementing those on offer from its component institutions and the Midi-Pyrénées Crous. It is in this context that we created the “Toul’Box” in 2014, that Student Week celebrated its 10th birthday in 2015, and that we opened the Accueil Welcome Desk the same year. This unique amenity located alongside the Botanical Garden incorporates the Haute-Garonne Prefecture’s student immigration services (student office open from September to December), the Haute-Garonne CAF (student reception) and an annex of the Midi-Pyrénées Crous. The multilingual team responsible for general reception will provide you with information on the best offers to students on the part of a wide variety of partners, including the OFII, the Inter-University Service for Preventive Medicine and Promotion of Health (SIMPPS), the CRIJ, the Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council, Toulouse City Hall, the SNCF, TISSEO and student associations. Its first 22,600 visitors between September and December more than confirmed the facility’s usefulness. We are now set on improving it further and developing still more offers in line with your expectations, including support for student initiatives, advice on international mobility, language cafés and flat-sharing encounters. I very much look forward to meeting you there ! La Présidente, Marie-France Barthet 3 Con tents 4 1 Studying in the Academy of Toulouse 2 3 4 L’Accueil Welcome-Desk p13 5 Financing your studies and everyday life p16 Publication manager Marie-France Barthet 6 7 8 9 10 Finding accommodation p20 Publication coordinator Stéphanie Saleilles 11 Digital tools Toul’Box International students and researchers Download the guide in French, English, Spanish and Chinese : p05 p14 p15 Healthcare and insurance p24 Language courses p27 Culture, leisure p28 and sport Student initiatives and p31 associations p33 www.univ-toulouse.fr/ariane Please be aware that some information containes in this guide is likely to change throughout the year; for more information go to www.univ-toulouse.fr Find all the places mentioned in the guide at www.plan.univ-toulouse.fr Communication Séverine Couteau Design, editing, creation Hélène Asiain Alain Blasius Jonathan Dechelle Malvina Ezzabdi Laetitia Galindo-Marlese Marie Hermenier Shamsiya Khashimova Zelda Lannes Sara Poix Rebecca Pustoc’h Thomas Saint-Geniez Yael Rueff-Salama Stéphanie Saleilles Vanina Santarnecchi Romain Vaur Graphical layout and creation Ctookom - Vincent Fleury in the Academy of Toulouse HIGHER EDUCATION IN FRANCE Studying in the Academy of Toulouse 1 Studying UNIVERSITIES AND SCHOOLS In order to enrol in higher education, you must have passed the French baccalaureate or hold an equivalent French or foreign qualification. There are two main types of programmes: university courses : available in all fields (art, healthcare, human sciences, social sciences, science and technology, etc.) school courses : engineering, business, architecture, veterinary, agronomy, etc. ORGANISATION OF STUDIES In order to ensure recognition of qualifications at European level and facilitate mobility on the part of students and researchers, Europe’s nations have adopted a common higher education system, based on: division of course programmes in line with the BMD model : Bachelor’s degree (Bac+3), Master’s (Bac+5) and Doctorate (Bac+8) division of courses into semesters (1 year = 2 semesters) organisation of courses into compulsory, optional or free access Unités d’Enseignement (UEs – Teaching Units) including lectures, supervised practical work, internships, dissertations, etc. recognition of students’ progress and work completed by way of award of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Each UE corresponds to a specified number of ECTS, and one validated semester corresponds to 30 ECTS Années d’étude après le Baccalauréat Internat Spécialisation ECTS MASTER LICENCE GRANDES ECOLES CPGE CPP DUT 120 BTS +2 License LICENCE 180 PROFESSIONNELLE DEUST +3 ESPE DOCTORAT Master +5 300 SANTE CONCOURS Paramédical +8 Doctorat 5 DISABLED STUDENTS Information on accessibility, reception and support conditions at each higher education institution www.univ-toulouse.fr/handicap http://www.handi-u.fr/ INFORMATION www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr www.diplomatie.gouv.fr CHOOSING YOUR COURSE PROGRAMME IN MIDI-PYRÉNÉES Formulating your orientation project is an essential initial step on your road to eventual professional integration and requires you to be fully aware of all available possibilities, project yourself into the future and develop your ambitions. Informed choice of a study path and commitment to a branch of study that suits you will enhance your chances of final success: prepare yourself as best you can, in particular by informing yourself fully on course programmes on offer. INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE SCHEMES A wide range of events, information centres and resources are available to help you round out your search for information and formulate your orientation project: Your chosen institutions’ websites ONISEP, which produces and disseminates a great deal of information on courses and careers ; Information fair, such as Infosup, where you can acquaint yourself with the full range of courses available in Toulouse and its region, refine your choices and define your project ; institutions’ open-house days, during which you can obtain invaluable information on courses and get to meet teachers and students ; Institutions’ inter-university Information and Guidance Departments (SCUIOs), whose doors are always open and whose job it is to inform and lend assistance to students in formulation of their orientation and professional integration initiatives ; Information and guidance centres (CIOs), which are open to the public at large and provide individualised information and advice on studies, qualifications and professions; Campus France, which informs international students on higher education in France, guides them in their choice of courses and helps them compose their candidacy applications and visa requests. 6 With the Region’s help, Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University (UFTMP) has produced a comprehensive cartography of all programmes available at the various institutions of higher education it comprises. Each course is geolocalised on 11 university sites across the Region: Albi, Auch, Cahors, Castres, Figeac, Foix, Millau, Montauban, Rodez, Tarbes et Toulouse, dont 5 4 11 6 University Institutes of Technology (UITs) Universities Engineering schools Studying in the Academy of Toulouse KEEP YOUR FUTURE IN MIND! Institutes and school UNIVERSITY COURSES COVER ALL FIELDS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Arts, Literature and Languages Law, Economics, and Management Human and Social Sciences Science, Technology, and Healthcare Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sporting Activities 7 Over 900 courses are listed as available across the territory. The website is ergonomically designed and easy to use, and you can consult its content by city, institution, field, qualification, keyword or type of course (work/study, distance training, initial training, continuing training, etc.). In just a few clicks, you’ll find full, detailed and accurate information on each course, including presentation of its content, conditions for admission, programme, contacts at institutions concerned, further study possibilities and professional prospects. Consult it on : http://formations.univ-toulouse.fr You can also consult the website on the computers available for public use at the Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University L’Accueil-Welcome Desk (41, allées Jules Guesde – Toulouse), where there’s always somebody on hand to help you find the information you require. BECOME A STUDENT ENTREPRENEUR: THE “ECRIN” SCHEME ECRIN is a scheme for promoting entrepreneurial culture in higher education in Midi-Pyrénées, covering startup or takeover of enterprises, freelance entrepreneurship, the liberal professions, social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in existing organisations. Promoted by the Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University’s Community of Universities and Institutions, ECRIN is an affirmation of regional universities’, schools’ and stakeholders’ commitment to ongoing awareness-raising and training on company creation through strengthening existing initiatives and motivating new crosscutting projects. PEPITE ECRIN encourages and assists students and young graduates who wish to develop a project bearing on creation of an activity (enterprise, association, etc.). It organises and lends its support to numerous awareness-raising and entrepreneurship training events throughout the year. It is also responsible for assisting student 8 entrepreneurs in the context of National Student Entrepreneur Status and the related qualification, launched by the government in autumn 2014. The PEPITE ECRIN scheme is intended for all students and young graduates, whatever their study paths or specialisations. Contact [email protected] M ‘ ! ! k c a is b u d n 2 2 r e mb e t p 6 e 1 S 0 2 m , o r d F n 2 2 r e b o ntil Oct ALBI, AUCH, CAHORS, CASTRES-MAZAMET, FIGEAC, FOIX, MILLAU, MONTAUBAN, RODEZ, TARBES, TOULOUSE http://semaine-etudiant.univ-toulouse.fr GET TO KNOW THE REGION’S UNIVERSITY TOWNS MONTAUBAN AND TARN-ET-GARONNE Also known as the “City of Ingres”, Montauban is famed as the birthplace of one of the 19th century’s greatest painters, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, and the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle. A city of art as well as being the Midi-Pyrénées Region’s second activity cluster, Montauban and the département of Tarn-et-Garonne provide students with a choice of over 40 programmes, from Bachelor’s degrees to Master’s via BTS and Vocational degrees. CAHORS A city of Art and History and the département of Lot’s administrative centre, Cahors boasts an outstanding heritage and a wide range of local amenities that make it an ideal living and studying environment. Development of higher educational and research programmes has continued since the opening of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès University’s Heritage Cluster, complementing an already wide offer that includes the IFSI, ESPE, Lycée des Territoires, CCI du Lot and a choice of general and technological lycées. Further dynamism is injected into student life by a local facilitator whose job it is to provide students with advice and help them with their projects (Facebook page: Vie Etudiante Cahors). AUCH Less than an hour from Toulouse, Gascony’s capital and its conurbation provide a choice environment for anyone desirous of studying under optimal conditions. An attractive range of rental housing to take care of accommodation needs, modern premises and facilities for all its higher education institutions, a rich and varied cultural offer, outstanding historical heritage and a safe living environment all go to make Auch and its conurbation a destination of choice for those of the Region’s students, who wish to prepare for their professional futures under the best possible conditions. TARBES Thanks to the wide choice of courses on offer (DUT, BTS, Preparatory classes, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, Doctorates, etc.), Tarbes is ranked as the Midi-Pyrénées Region’s 2nd university cluster (www.cutp. net). The Tarbes conurbation, set between plains, ocean and mountains, is a major centre for research activities. Halfway between Toulouse and the Atlantic coast, the city lies at the feet of the Pyrenees less than half an hour from the Region’s winter sports resorts. 10 FOIX The Foix and Ariège University Centre takes in students from throughout France as well as from abroad, providing a range of widely recognised specialised vocational training courses on territorial development, sustainable tourism, heritage, and in preparation for careers in education. Thanks to the ongoing key support of Ariège and Foix General Council, students and teachers alike enjoy a first-rate working environment. RODEZ Located in the heart of this popular tourist town, Figeac’s UIT (430 students) has gained a wide reputation for the quality of its student life (free transport and spacious, affordable accommodation) and comprises 3 educational departments : Mechanical Engineering and Computer-integrated Manufacturing (1 DUT and 2 Vocational Degrees); Marketing Techniques (1 DUT and 2 Vocational Degrees); and Social Careers, option Social and Sociocultural Facilitation (1 DUT). Located less than two hours from Montpellier and Toulouse, Rodez provides over 3000 students with a range of 2- to 5-year educational programmes, with 70 courses dispensed in a total of 9 institutions including the UIT (UT1 Capitole) and Champollion University Institute. In addition, the town ensures that its students enjoy a pleasant living environment with a wide selection of sporting, cultural and festive activities to choose from. Studying in the Academy of Toulouse FIGEAC ALBI Inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2010, Albi is developing rapidly. Boasting a listed city centre, it provides quality town planning combining the integrity of an episcopal city, its urban heart centred around the unique rose-pink brick edifice of Sainte-Cécile Cathedral with that of a living environment where everything can be accomplished on foot. A city with a love of sports and a flourishing community life, it is hardly surprising that so many higher education institutions have located there, including the Champollion University Institute, the School of Mines, ESPE and Paul Sabatier. MILLAU The city of Millau has a rich and varied historical and architectural heritage. Prehistoric dolmens distributed on the Causses and the crossing bridge Tarn are symbolising the Middle Ages city. Skin and glove mono industry embodies the contemporary mentality period. The viaduct, completed in 2004, finally reminds that Millau has always been located on a major communication route. TOULOUSE Ranked as “the best city in France to study in” by a variety of surveys, Toulouse has seen remarkable demographic and economic development over recent years that have succeeded in turning it into a metropolis of international standing. “The Pink City” has also been the scene of a major artistic resurgence making the utmost of its rich and varied cultural heritage. Today, Toulouse accommodates 91% of Midi-Pyrénées students and most of the Region’s research laboratories – a concentration of higher education and research activities that mirrors its economic prowess. CASTRES The city of Castres combines the traditional knowhow of its textile, granite and wood industries with more recent activities including mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology (Pierre Fabre Laboratories). Castres is also a garrison town and famed for its rugby club. For several years now, the city has been busy developing a top-level higher education cluster that includes Champollion National University Institute, “A” Paul Sabatier UIT and the Nursing Care Training Institute (IFSI). 11 HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS THAT ARE MEMBERS OF THE TOULOUSE MIDI-PYRÉNÉES FEDERAL UNIVERSITY UT Capitole Toulouse Capitole University UT2J Toulouse - Jean Jaurès University UT3 Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University INPT Toulouse National Polytechnic Institute ENSAT INSA Toulouse - Toulouse National Institute of Applied Sciences ENAC National School of Civil Aviation Mines Albi Albi-Carmaux National Higher School of Mines TBS Toulouse Business School ISAE SUPAERO Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space ENFA National School of Agronomic Training ICAM Toulouse Catholic Institute of Arts and Trade INUC Champollion National University Institute ENSA Toulouse - Toulouse National Higher School of Architecture Sciences Po Toulouse Toulouse National Higher School of Agronomy ENSEEIHT National Higher School of Electrotechnology, Electronics, Computer Science, Hydraulics and Telecommunications ENSIACET National Higher School of Engineering in Chemical and Technological Artss EI PURPAN Purpan Engineering School ENIT Tarbes National Engineering School CREPS Centre for Resources, Expertise and Athletic Performance isdaT Toulouse Higher Institute of the Arts ENM National School of Meteorology ENVT Toulouse National Veterinary School RESEARCH BODIES CNRS National Centre for Scientific Research Inra National Institute of Agronomic Research Inserm National Institute of Health and Medical Research 12 IRD Institute of Research and Development ONERA National Office for Aerospace Studies and Research CNES French National Space Research Centre L’accueil Welcome Desk 2 L’Accueil Welcome Desk Designed to provide students with advice and information on all University services, this facility combines the missions assigned to the Federal University, the Prefecture (foreign students’ office) and the CAF, both of which have transferred reception of their student public to a sub-branch of the Crous. We aim to centralise information, provide advice to present and future students on the various aspects of student life, and help them integrate into the local living environment: know, for example, where and how to look for accommodation, find out about cultural offers and recommendations or get support for their community projects, who to contact to find work or become a student entrepreneur, how take good care of their health and how to find out about transport offers, sports activities, and so on. It’s also here that beneficiaries of offers provided by the various missions (Toul’Box, accommodation, student initiatives, etc.) receive a warm welcome from our multilingual teams and that the cartography of educational programmes on offer at University institutions and Grandes Ecoles may be consulted. In order to provide you with the best possible help, our teams work in partnership with the various student life interlocutors at the Midi-Pyrénées Region’s educational institutions, as well as well as such complementary bodies as the SNCF, housing associations, OFII, Campus France, the City Hall, Metropole and Regional Council, CRIJ, AFEV, and student associations. i Development of a variety of service projects is underway (including flat-sharing encounters, advice on outward mobility, and language cafes), designed to round out the current offer. This fresh impetus has been further galvanized by the opening of the Quai des Savoirs and the Café du Quai, of which the Federal University is a partnere. Opening hours : All year monday to friday non stop except for public holidays and Christmas break 9 a.m to 6 p.m ( september to december) 9 a.m to 5 p.m the rest of the year Préfecture From September to December 9 a.m.-3 p.m. CAF 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Crous : All year round from 9 a.m.- 12 noon Please note : opening hours are subject to change; consult our website www.univ-toulouse.fr/laccueil-welcomedesk You can also obtain information on the University’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/univtoulouse, you can contact us by email at: [email protected] 13 3 Toul’Box WHAT IS IT ? It’s the new welcome initiative from the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées which supports you, from preparing your stay until you’ve settled in. From simply meeting with our welcome team to reserving your accommodation, choose the deal which fits you. Our offer of services is adapted to your needs and your budget. For example, you can choose to be received by our welcome team in order to update us on your situation when you arrive. You can also go much further by entrusting us with the organisation of your arrival entirely: reserving accommodation, opening a bank account welcome at the airport, guided tour of Toulouse, etc. SOME EXAMPLES OF THE SERVICES : All-inclusive accommodation Housing-related formalities Opening of a bank account Welcome at the airport or station Transport: Personal preloaded Tisséo card Guided tour of Toulouse, etc. INSTRUCTIONS Students, teachers and researchers : 1 Go to http://toulbox.univ-toulouse.fr Whatever the deal you choose, our team will support you and remain at your disposal from your registration on the site until your arrival. 2 Contact : [email protected] https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=7eNpMNMkw9s WHO IS IT FOR ? All the students and researchers coming to one of the member or associate establishments of the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées. Students : All the bachelor’s, masters and PhD level students, whatever their nationality Teacher-Researchers : Post-doctoral students / Researchers and Teacher-researchers invited 14 3 Select your profile, then choose your service packs Pay for your order online 4 Track the progress from your personal space students and researchers The information is intended for you and establish a complement in the other chapters of the guide. International students and researchers 4 International EU NATIONALS Those coming from the European Economic Area and Switzerland don’t need a visa to come to France. A valid passport or ID card is all that’s required. NON EU NATIONALS For those coming from outside the EEA, a visa is required. The request must be made with the French Consulate or Embassy in your country. INFORMATION : Ministry for Foreign Affairs : www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/venir-en-france-22365 Information sheets on the foreign nationals’ rights are available to you in French and English on the Toul’Box site : There you will find information on different kinds of visa, the renewal procedures for residency permits once in France and your rights concerning work and travel in the Shengen area. https://toulbox.univ-toulouse.fr/packs/pack-bienvenue/droit-des-etrangers/ GOT A QUESTION ? The international relations department of your establishment is there to support you in your travels. For any questions about your visa or residency permit you can send an email : [email protected] [email protected] for visa scientifique-chercheur 15 5 Financing your studies and everyday life STUDENT GRANTS FOR FRENCH STUDENTS Grants awarded on social criteria : your application (Dossier Social Étudiant) must be made between 15 January and 31 May on www.messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr Academic merit grants : these only concern student grant-holders enrolled in Master’s programmes and selected as one of the best of the previous year’s Bachelor’s degree graduates, and pupils completing their final year of high-school studies and set to be awarded grants on social criteria after having passed the Baccalaureate with distinction. INWARD AND OUTWARD MOBILITY There is an exhaustive list of all grants worldwide on the Campus France website Grants exchange programmes (Erasmus, CREPUQ, etc.): see institutions’ International Relations Departments Grants Ministries (of Higher Education and Research / of Foreign Affairs) Grants from the Languedoc Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées Region FINANCING YOUR DOCTORATE To find financing for a doctorate : every year in June, the 15 doctoral schools hold competitive examinations to select CDU (Contrat Doctoral Unique – General Doctoral Contract) beneficiaries you should also contact a Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University research laboratory and your future supervisor, who oversees research projects of various kinds (ANR, CIFRE, etc.) 16 INTERNSHIPS AND WORK CONTRACTS Compulsory internships lasting 2 or more months are subject to a convention and students concerned are entitled to a wage equal to 15% of the Social Security hourly minimum (€523 net for full time, corresponding to 35 hours/week). All contracts must be signed before the first day of work : seasonal jobs (summer, holiday periods...) student jobs (maximum of 20 hours a week) temping Where to enquire : Your institution’s SUIO Crous, Job Centres, your institution’s Student Life Department The CRIJ: www.crij.org www.jobaviz.fr www.letudiant.fr www.infostages-job.com www.iquesta.com www.jobisjob.fr These are vocational work/study programmes carried out under apprenticeship or professionalisation contracts. Students concerned receive a monthly salary and are regarded as employees. Where to enquire : institutions’ Guidance and Integration Departments http://www.letudiant.fr/alternance/alternance-et-apprentissage.html www.enalternance.com LEGAL ADVICE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES General websites These list all consumer associations Centre Technique Régional de la Consommation (Regional Technical Centre for Consumers) www.ctrc-mp.fr Union Française des Consommateurs (French Consumers Union), UFC Que Choisir http://quechoisir.org On principle, you are no longer attached to your parents’ tax household once you reach the age of majority (after which you must declare any taxable income yourself). However, there is an option enabling you to remain in your parents’ tax household, with parents benefiting from a reduction in taxes due to the “family quotient”. Financing your studies and everyday life PAID TRAINING COURSES TAXES To be eligible for attachment to your parents’ tax household, you must be : under 21 years old, or under 25 years old if you can show proof that you are continuing your studies Tax declarations on 2015 income : the online declaration service is open round the clock 7 days a week through April to around the end of May. Housing tax is due on the 1 January of the taxation year. For 2016, you must pay the tax if you are a tenant on 1 January 2016. It is collected by the municipality in which your accommodation is located, and contributes to financing services to inhabitants, collective facilities, etc. BANKS Students residing in Crous university halls of residence are exempt. You will have to open a bank account so as to be able to make and receive payments (reception of CAF financial aid, for example). For further information, log on to www.impots.gouv.fr Documents required : an identity document (passport, visa, residency permit, etc.) proof of home address (telephone or electricity bill, rent receipt, certificate of temporary accommodation, etc.) Student card or certificate of academic attendance 17 ANNUAL BUDGET EDUCATION / SCHOOL registration fees (2015 - 2016) 391 € Doc tor at 25 r ste Ma 6 € Licence 184 € ACCOMMODATION Deposit (Upon enterring the apartment) 1 month for non furnished accommodation 2 month for furnished accommodation > Rental Inssurance (When you start renting) 30€ to 110€ > Housing Tax (mid november) 250€ to 550€ MONTHLY BUDGET 20€ TELEPHONE LINE INTERNET 30 € to 50€ ELECTRICITY GAS 30 € to 50€ Bike Bus / Metro / Tram Card for under 26 years olds 10€ to 16€ Card for over 26 years old 18 22€ to 40,80€ Train www.sncf.com 12-28 card 50€ 25% to 60% reduction Monthly VélôToulouse subscription 10€ (or 20€/year) TRANSPORT Financing your studies and everyday life HEALTH Compulsory social security (paid upon registration) Mutuelle VITTAVI - LMDE Fees 2015/2016 (Additional health insurance) 215 € 60€ to 600€ 150 € ACCOMMODATION 182 € 250 € 350 € 380 € 400 € 600 € Room / University studio accommodation Room in a private home Flat share Private rent 200€ approximately FOOD 3,25€ for meal at the Resto U (Uni cafeteria) OTHER EXPENSES (leisure, clothes...) 100€ approximately 19 6 Finding accommodation LOOKING FOR SOMEWHERE TO LIVE ROOMS IN LOCAL HOUSEHOLDS It’s by no means always easy to find accommodation! You need to get started as soon as you can and know what you can afford beforehand. For whom ? All students Website : www.chambrealouer.com http://france.accommodationforstudents.com http://ac-tif.fr/fr In addition, many bodies (including banks, embassies, consulates, and prefectures for obtaining your visa) require proof of address. It’s easier to find accommodation in other of the Region’s towns than in Toulouse, where some 103,000 students already live. But it’s useful to know that a number of Grandes Ecoles provide accommodation on their own campuses. At L’Accueil-Welcome Desk, you’ll find staff whose job it is to advise you and help you find somewhere to live. PRIVATE STUDENT RESIDENCES For whom ? All students Website : www.adele.org 20 FLAT-SHARING ESTATE AGENTS For whom ? All students want to share a flat For whom ? All students Website : www.appartager.com www.chambrealouer.com www.colocation.fr www.crij.org Website : FNAIM www.fnaim31.com UNIS www.unis-immo.fr SNPI www.snpi.com For whom ? Students holding grants from the French government International exchange students and those enrolled in Doctoral or 2nd-year Master’s programme SOCIAL HOUSING For whom ? All students Website : www.demande-logement-social.gouv.fr Finding accomodation CROUS HOUSING ESTATES AND UNIVERSITY HALL OF RESIDENCE INTERGENERATIONAL ACCOMMODATION Website : International students must make their request to their institutions’ International Relations Departments. For whom ? All students Website : www.mieuxensemble-toulouse.fr Student sociale application between 15 January and 31 May www.messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr HOSTELS For whom ? All students Website : www.habitatjeunesmidipyrenees.org www.foyers-catholiques.org/foyers.php KAP’S COLOC SOLIDAIRES For whom? Students want to involve in associations Website : http://kolocsolidaire.org/toulouse TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION For whom ? All students Website : Lapetiteaubergedesaintsernin.com http://www.otoulouse.org PRIVATE HOUSE ACCOMMODATION For whom ? All students Website : www.crij.org, www.lokaviz.fr www.leboncoin.fr www.unpi.org ou unpi31.fr 21 FORMALITIES AND UNAVOIDABLE EXPENDITURE A GUARANTOR 1TheHAVING guarantor undertakes to pay the rent and any charges in the event of the tenant being unable to do so. The guarantor must be solvent – in other words, he/she must show proof of adequate income to make such payments if necessary. Most agencies and property owners require a guarantor. There are two guarantee schemes available to students unable to come up with a physical guarantor : LOCA –PASS Guarantee, only for : students with Crous grants and accommodated in social housing (Crous or HLM) entitling them to the APL (Personalised Housing Allowance) doctoral students of whatever age and foreign post-doctoral students of whatever age provided they have obtained their doctorate less than 6 years ago. Information available on the LOKAVIZ website : www.lokaviz.fr “Caution Clé” page, as well as from Crous or L’Accueil-Welcome Desk 2 WORKING OUT YOUR BUDGET 3 COMPLETE THE LEASE FILE students under 30 years of age on internships lasting at least 3 months, on fixed-term or permanent contracts FINDING ACCOMMODATION CLE Guarantee For students under 28 years of age enrolled in a French higher education institution, foreign 1 FINANCIAL AID AFTER THE SIGNATURE CAF www.caf.fr Toulouse City Hall PASS-LOG (Zero-interest loan) : for students between the ages of 18 and 26 inclusive, without regard to their resources or nationality, who take up residence in the municipality of Toulouse Maximum advance of 1 month’s rent with a €500 ceiling, repayable in monthly instalments, upon presentation of a lease signed within the previous 3 months. www.passlog.univ-toulouse.fr Information and submission CAF and Pass-Log application at L’Accueil-Welcome Desk YOUR AID FOR STUDENTS 2 CHOOSE 3 SPECIAL ENERGY SUPPLIER IN WORK/STUDY PROGRAMMES Electricity Gas 22 Mobili-Jeune takes responsibility for a percentage of the rent and helps find accommodation Information : Astria / Cil - Interlogement / Cilgere / GIC / Ciléo Group Ciléo LOCA-PASS Advance (Zero-interest loan)) for students under 30 years old, Crous grant-holders and those with fixed-term contracts, internship conventions lasting at least 3 months and currently underway, a series of (3-month) fixed-term contracts over the last 6 months, or a permanent contract Information and submission of “LOCA-PASS Advance” applications at www.crij.org 2 PAYMENT FISRT RENT REAL ESTATE FEES OR 3 PAYMENT ADMINISTRATION FEES 4 INVENTORY OF FIXTURES HOME INSURANCE CERTIFICATE 5 SUBMIT LMDE and VITTAVI- Emevia network Finding accomodation DEPOSIT 1Loca-Pass MAE Banks SIGNATURE OF CONTRACT AFTER THE SIGNATURE SERVICES ENSURING “TURNKEY” ARRIVAL Campus France, for foreign students with grants from their governments New-building rental service for students, with transport included www.moveandrent-campus.fr Toul’box (see page 14) http://toulbox.univ-toulouse.fr LEGAL ADVICEE In the event of any dispute arising, or for any questions bearing on accommodation, contact : counsellors available for legal advice by phone from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tel: 05 61 22 46 22, and on www.adil31.org UFC Que choisir www.quechoisir.org Toulouse City Hall http://www.toulouse.fr/web/sante/service-communal-d-hygiene-et-de-sante/ habitat-degrade-chez-les-jeunes 23 7 Healthcare and insurance SIMPPS The Service Interuniversitaire de Médecine Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé (Interuniversity Department of Preventive Medicine and Promotion of Health) is responsible for keeping an eye on students’ health. Free consultations upon appointment with general practitioners, specialists and social workers for all university students. RECEPTION CENTRES IN TOULOUSE Toulouse Capitole University : Toulouse - Jean Jaurès University : Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier University : 05 61 63 37 25 05 61 50 41 41 05 61 55 73 67 SUB-BRANCHES ON REGIONAL SITES Contact the Student Life Office. Crous A Crous nurse is on call for students in two of Toulouse’s university halls of residence Reserved for students residing in Crous residences. Arsenal 05 62 25 60 03 Monday to Wednesday: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday: 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Chapou 06 21 04 10 76 Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon Contact : [email protected], in emergencies : 06 21 04 10 76. ECOUTE PEPS A psychologist will see you free of charge with or without an appointment, providing a ready and non-judgmental ear, support, and answers. Confidentiality guaranteed. Reserved for students residing in Crous residences. Every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Cité Universitaire Rangueil (Tripode A - Pavillon 1 - 1st floor - Foyer). To make an appointment: 06 27 86 91 83 – [email protected] Please note: service subject to renewal in 2016/2017 24 CDPEF MFPF Centres Départementaux de Planification et d’Éducation Familiale. Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial (Départemental Family Planning and Education Centres). Free medical consultations in a medical centre for all those in need with no conditions attached. Toulouse : 05 62 13 23 77 3 rue du Pont Vieux Esquirol or Saint Cyprien metro stations). Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. (French Family Planning Movement) An association promoting women’s rights and combating all forms of oppression. Healthcare and insurance OTHER HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION BODIES It directs those who approach it to physicians, carries out pregnancy tests, and provides the “morning-after” pill as well as male and female contraceptives. Information www.planning-familial.org Regional sub-branches mfpf31.free.fr www.haute-garonne.gouv.fr rubrique “Santé” page 23, rue Moiroud 31500 Toulouse, 05 61 25 54 17 [email protected] HOSPITALS Albi www.ch-albi.fr 22 bvd du Général Sibille 05 63 47 47 47 Cahors www.ch-cahors.fr 335 rue du Président Wilson 05 65 20 50 50 Toulouse There are 2 major University Hospital Centres : 05 61 77 22 33 www.chu-toulouse.fr Castres Figeac Hôpital Rangueil 1 av. du Professeur Jean Poulhes Getting there: metro line B then no.88 bus, “Hôpital Rangueil” stop Foix Montauban www.ch-montauban.fr 100 r. Léon Cladel 05 63 92 82 82 Hôpital Purpan pl. du Docteur Baylac Getting there: tramway or bus lines 45, 46, 64 or 66, “Purpan” stop Millau Rodez Tarbes www.chic-cm.fr 20 bvd Maréchal Foch 05 63 71 63 71 www.chi-val-ariege.fr RN 20 / Sortie 9, Saint-Jean de Verges 05 61 03 30 30 www.ch-millau.fr 265 Boulevard Achille Souques 05 65 59 30 00 www.ch-figeac.fr 33 rue des Maquisards 05 65 50 65 50 www.ch-rodez.fr Av. de l’Hôpital 05 65 55 12 12 www.ch-bigorre.fr 2 rue Ayguerote 05 62 54 65 00 25 STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY AND COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH INSURANCE Health cover comprises two types of insurance : “Social Security” cover, compulsory except for PUM (Protection Universelle Maladie) beneficiaries – www.ameli.frwww.ameli.fr Complementary insurance, not compulsory but strongly recommended; on offer from a range of complementary mutual benefit associations FOR STUDENTS Compulsory insurance is managed by two dedicated bodies, LMDE and VITTAVI-Réseau Emevia. Subscriptions are paid upon enrolment at the institution (€215 for the academic year 2015/2016), free for students under 20 years of age whose parents live in France, and for Crous social criteria grant holders. Please note : Social Security reimburses a maximum of 70% of medical expenses, subject to their declaration by the treating physician. Complementary health insurance may be taken out with the LMDE or VITTAVI-réseau Emevia, and is also provided by a wide range of mutual benefit societies. Some students can also continue to come under their parents’ complementary health insurance during their studies. Prices vary, so think carefully about what you need. The Midi-Pyrénées Region Student Mutual Benefit Pass : €100 aid for students under 28 years of age who have been awarded Crous grants on social criteria, for subscription to complementary health insurance with the scheme’s partner mutual benefit societies View the list on : http://www.midipyrenees.fr/PassMutuelleEtudiant Please note: not renewed at time of going to press. SPECIAL CASES : Compulsory insurance for foreign students over 28 years of age who have resided on French territory for less than 3 months : - health insurance from their home country - European/Universal health insurance card - subscription to a 3-moth private health insurance contract (while awaiting eligibility for CPAM affiliation) Compulsory insurance for foreign students over 28 years of age who have resided on French territory longer than 3 months: affiliation to the CPAM general scheme 26 Language courses 8 Language courses Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University provides introductory to advanced language courses in French (FFL) and foreign languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish and Indonesian. These courses are intended for undergraduates (in mobility programmes), students in Master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral programmes, and teachers and researchers attached to Federal University institutions. FFL and English http://toulbox.univ-toulouse.fr For other foreign languages, please contact us at: [email protected] You can log on to this website for more detailed information : http://www.univ-toulouse.fr/lve L’Accueil-Welcome Desk plans to develop language workshops in partnership with Toulouse’s university institutions’ CRLs (language resource centres) and other language associations. Information available at L’Accueil‑Welcome Desk. IN OUR INSTITUTIONS : Our CRLs are multimedia centres dedicated to language-learning; their doors are open all year round to help improve your language skills. Useful to know : The Toulangues association, Toulouse’s portal to the world’s languages, arranges encounters as well as referencing all the best addresses for anyone interested in taking language courses. www.toulangues.org FOREIGN CULTURAL CENTRES AND INSTITUTES These centres dispense language courses as well as being cultural actors in the towns they are located in, organising festivals and lectures… with a view to promoting their native languages. Alliance Française Dante-Alighieri Centre Institute of Andorran Studies www.alliance-toulouse.org www.ladante.fr www.iea.ad [email protected] Amitié France Portugal Association Franco-Hellenic Circleo Instituto Cervantes www.aafp.chez-alice.fr cercle.toulouse.free.fr [email protected] Italy in Toulouse Association Goethe Institut Tchin-Tchine Association www.litalieatoulouse.com www.goethe.de/toulouse Chinese language courses www.tchin-tchine.com www.toulouse.cervantes.es 27 9 Culture, leisure and sport When you’re not studying, you should go out and make the most of the many activities on offer in your new city. All the more tempting as students often enjoy special rates! The place to go for all Toulouse theatre, concert hall, museum, university and school cultural department and festival programmes… USEFUL ADDRESSES STUDENT LIFE AND CULTURAL DEPARTMENTS Each institution develops its own activity programme, including lectures, live shows, concerts, encounters and classes. Contact your institution’s Cultural and/or Student Life Department : Toulouse University Espace Culturel Capitole UT Capitole : www.ut-capitole.fr/vie-du-campus/art-et-culture/ CIAM - La Fabrique, Toulouse - Jean Jaurès University : http://ciam.univ-tlse2.fr Pôle Culture, Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier University UT3 Paul Sabatier : www.univ-tlse3.fr rubrique Culture ENAC Cultural Department : www.enac.fr rubrique Vie des campus Toulouse INSA Cultural Department : www.insa-toulouse.fr rubrique INSA Toulouse Cultural action INU Champollion (Albi) : www.univ-jfc.fr/vie-etudiante/action-culturelle Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University rounds out individual institutions’ offers with regard to artistic practice, discovery of the city’s cultural life and dissemination of scientific and technological culture: www.univ-toulouse.fr/culture, Facebook, page: Mission Culture OTHER BODIES Crous : sporting activities and cultural workshops along with competitions designed to uncover new musical and literary talents in the Region www.crous-toulouse.fr/culture CRIJ Network, BIJ (Bureau Information Jeunesse – Youth Information Office) and PIJ (Point Information Jeunesse – Youth Information Point): for information on jobs, mobility, professional integration, etc... www.crij.org Town Halls : Town halls usually have a range of offers designed for students. In Toulouse, there’s the “Toulouse Culture Card”, which gives holders the right to reduced rates, and the “Toulouse Jeunes” chequebook, that provides advantageous rates on a wide range of cultural and sporting activities. 28 EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS’ NIGHT - SEPTEMBER In Toulouse and Albi, over 200 researchers in all fields from archaeology to physics and chemistry, via sociology, economics, law, medicine and mathematics, share their passion for research with the public at large. Culture, leisure and sport A FEW EVENTS ON OFFER FROM TOULOUSE MIDI-PYRÉNÉES FEDERAL UNIVERSITY www.univ-toulouse.fr/culture STUDENT WEEK - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER Now that you’ve found places to lay your head, eat and revise, it’s time to get to know what else your new city has to offer! From 22 September to 22 October, Student Week takes over 11 Midi-Pyrénées towns (Auch, Albi, Cahors, Castres-Mazamet, Figeac, Foix, Millau, Montauban, Rodez, Tarbes and Toulouse). Concerts, sports tournaments, live shows, exhibitions, soirees and more besides … over 100 free events for you to enjoy! Full programme on : http://semaineetudiant.univ-toulouse.fr «ENTRE EN SCÈNE !» - NOVEMBER AND APRIL Get up on stage at the Interuniversity drama festival! It’s divided into two acts, with Act 1 in November (signing up for and production work on shows) and Act 2 in March and April (creation and dissemination). Every year, a dozen or more of Toulouse’s student companies perform at such venues as universities, schools, Cité’U and local museums. Drama and “taster” classes are held alongside performances. Full programme on : www.univ-toulouse.fr/entre-en-scene MY THESIS IN 180 SECONDS - APRIL This competition gives doctoral students an opportunity to present their research subjects in French (and in simple language!) to a varied audience of laypeople. Each student must make a clear, concise and convincing presentation of his or her research project in three minutes, with the aid of no more than a single slide! http://univ-toulouse.fr LES CAFÉS DU QUAI - ALL YEAR ROUND Les Cafés du Quai, an opportunity to meet with researchers in a companionable atmosphere to discuss their favourite subjects, passions and discoveries. Not so much a lecture as a dialogue, during which one and all can express their doubts, hopes and fears... Encounters every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and the first Sunday of each month at 4 p.m., at Quai des Savoirs, 39 allées Jules Guesde. http://agenda-cst.univ-toulouse.fr 29 USEFUL TO KNOW CULTURAL EVENTS In addition to the theatres, concert halls, exhibition centres and museums to be found in the Region’s towns and cities, the year is filled with a whole range of festivals, including events focusing on classical music, jazz, song, circus arts, contemporary art, cinema, dance and literature. http://www.midipyrenees.fr/-Accueil-Guide-de-Midi-Pyrenees UNIVERSITY AND MUNICIPAL LIBRARIES The MUT card gives you admission to all the Toulouse University network’s libraries. In much the same way, the Toulouse Library subscription card gives you access to all 22 libraries located around the city, including the José Cabanis Mediatheque. Borrow all the books, CDs and DVDs you want free of charge or at reduced rates!! MUSEUMS All museums have reduced admission fees for students and/or young people. Some are completely free of charge for students. Most are free on the first Sunday of each month. SPORTS You can incorporate your athletic interests into your course (contact your institution’s Sports Department) or simply take part in sporting activities for the fun of it! FFSU www.sportu-toulouse.com 05 61 55 65 00, or how to exert yourself all year round without going bankrupt! STAY CONNECTED ! Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University keeps you informed of what’s going on in university institutions and the city of Toulouse all year round. Shows, exhibitions, student festivals and more besides – everything you need to know to ensure you don’t miss out on anything! L’exploreur, a yearly guide to Toulouse and its region’s cultural venues, including theatres, concert halls, galleries cinemas. Une fois par mois, recevez l’agenda de la culture des sciences et des techniques http://agenda-cst.univ-toulouse.fr/ agenda «Exploreur», scientific magazine www.univ-toulouse.fr/exploreur 30 To receive « Bons plans culturels de l’Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées », every week, register on the website (“Culture” tab) or send an email to [email protected] U’zoom, a quarterly cultural magazine for students who want to stay in-the-know, combining info on upcoming events and presentation of associations and students busy making waves in their towns… Read and put forward your own suggestions! www.univ-toulouse.fr/uzoom initiatives and associations Want to put together and develop projects and galvanise student life in your campus and beyond? Yes, but how do you get started and where? First of all you can get in touch with the people responsible for student life in your establishmentss (see below). The City of Toulouse also offers you invaluable assistance with the event organiser guide (available on the City hall site under the Services heading then “Vie associative”). www.univ-toulouse.fr/vie-etudiante/vie-as sociative FINANCING YOUR PROJECT There are various funds to help you carry out your student projects, both associative and individual : FSDIE (Solidarity and Development of Student Initiatives Fund) from universities For other establishments, see the Bureau des Élèves (BDE) FSIE (Solidarity and Development of Student Initiatives Fund) from Université Fédérale Toulouse for interuniversity projects Midi-Pyrénées Culture - Actions of the Crous i Student initiatives and associations 10 Student INFORMATIONS L’Accueil – Welcome Desk, Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Contacts : Yann FROUIN, 05 61 14 58 46 Zelda LANNES, 05 61 14 80 22 [email protected] UT Capitole : Espace culturel contact : Paule GERY, [email protected] UT2J : Pôle Associations et Initiatives Étudiantes (PAIE) contact : Mehdi BOUBAKER, 05 61 50 24 11 [email protected] UT3 Paul Sabatier Division de la Vie Étudiante (DVE) Contact : Simon CNUDDE, 05 61 55 60 83 [email protected], Audrey PETCHY, 05 61 55 72 83 INP Toulouse : Mission Vie étudiante contact : Pascale MIGEON, [email protected] Institut National Universitaire Champollion Service Communication, Vie étudiante et Action Culturelle contacts : Jérôme CABOT, 05 63 48 19 70 [email protected] Crous : service culture contact : Emile Galbani, 05 61 12 54 55 [email protected] Be aware of the timeframes for applications and the conditions for allocating the grants, which aren’t the same everywhere! 31 À TRO UV TOUTE ER L’ANN É DANS VOTRE E ÉTABL ISSEM ENT Digital tools 11 Digital tools CARTE-MUT CARDS With over 110,000 copies distributed for the 2015 return and designed in collaboration with all the establishments of the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées and the participation of the Midi-Pyrénées Region and the Crous of Toulouse, the carte-MUT has a new look and content. THE SERVICES ALREADY ACCESSIBLE University libraries Photocopies/printing Controlling access (campus, buildings, rooms) Drinks and snacks machines Launderette Accès aux restaurants du Crous Tisséo transport : the new carte-MUT can be used, from 1st July, to take the metro and the Tisséo bus. Holders of the new carte-MUT must top up their Tisséo subscription on the carte-MUT in a Tisséo branch or at Tisséo reception points implemented in certain establishments during the registration period The Swimming and Museum services of the City of Toulouse : the subscriptions can be loaded, from the 1st July 2015, onto the new card. To do this you just need to activate the City of Toulouse services on the carte-MUT www.toulouse.fr/web/demarches/ carte-montoulouse More information http://www.univ-toulouse.fr/vie-etudiante/outils-numeriques/carte-mut UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES : You can borrow from all the network’s libraries, not only from your own institution’s library: all you need do is use your student or teacher/researcher MUT Card. Each library sets its own rules on numbers of documents you can borrow and how long you can borrow them for. You should consult the pages containing such information on each institution’s website. You will find a list of all university libraries on : http://bibliotheques.univ-toulouse.fr/ 33 www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/ser vices-aux-citoyen Ambassades et Consulats+33 (0)5 34 41 34 81 Conseil Régional de Languedoc Roussillon 22 boulevard du Maréchal Juin Midi-Pyrénées31406 Toulouse Cedex 9 CIO (Toulouse Nord)32 Rue Mathaly - 31200 Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 33 50 50 www.regionlrmp.fr [email protected] CIO (Centre d’information et d’Orientation) Cité administrative - bât. F - BP 40303 +33 (0)5 61 21 38 26 95 grand rue Saint-Michel - 31400 Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 25 94 90 boulevard Armand Duportal - 31003-Toulouse [email protected] http://www.benevolat31.org/ Centre toulousain du volontariat www.campusfrance.org/fr +33 (0)8 20 25 31 10 Campus France41 allées Jules Guesde - 31013 Toulouse Cedex 6 Informations générales CAF (Caisses d’Allocations Familiales) +33 (0)5 61 99 77 00 www.caf.fr www.avf.asso.fr/fr/toulouse +33 (0)5 61 55 39 81 AVF Toulouse (Accueil des Villes Françaises) 43 place des Carmes - 31000 Toulouse fac.net Animafac [email protected] - www.anima www.toulouseafev.wix.com/afev +33 (0)5 81 97 19 99 Afev Toulouse12, cheminement du Tintoret 31100 Toulouse www.adil31.org www.toulouse.aeroport.fr +33 (0)5 61 22 46 22 Aéroport de Toulouse-Blagnac3654 ou +33 (0)8 25 38 00 00 ADIL 31 (Agence départementale d’information sur le logement) 4 rue Furgole - 31000 Toulouse Vous trouverez toutes les adresses des différents contacts cités dans le guide, classés par ordre alphabétique. Carnet d’adresses / address list 3 boulevard Léopold Escande 31093 Toulouse cedex 9 17 rue de Metz - 31000 Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 21 20 20 5 allées. Antonio Machado - 31058 Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 67 73 64 79 +33 (0)5 61 50 45 10 +33 (0)5 61 50 42 38 +33 (0)5 62 64 12 11 BP 321 - 32007 Auch Cedex Mairie d’AuchHôtel de Ville - Pl. de la Libération +33 (0)5 63 49 10 10 Mairie d’Albi16 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville - 81023 Albi Cedex 9 +33 (0)5 34 41 53 53 www.mairie-auch.fr www.mairie-albi.fr www.mae.fr 55 rue Bayard - 31000 Toulouse MAE (la Mutuelle Assurance Élèves) www.sncf.fr www.lmde.com +33 (0)5 61 10 10 00 www.travail.gouv.fr www.defle.univ-tlse2.fr Cours d’été : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.crous-toulouse.fr [email protected] - www.crij.org +33 (0) 811 50 56 33 31000 Toulouse(coût d’un appel local) LMDE36 rue du rempart Saint Etienne Gare SNCF (Matabiau)64 boulevard Pierre Sémard - 31500 Toulouse Gare routière68 boulevard Pierre Semard - 31000 Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 61 67 67 (cars régionaux) Boulevard Armand Duportal 31074 Toulouse Cedex DIRECCTECité administrative DEFLEUniversité Toulouse - Jean Jaurès +33 (0)5 61 12 54 00 Service relations internationales +33 (0)5 61 12 54 56 / 33 Service RI Logement+33 (0)5 61 12 54 59 Crous (Centre Régional des OEuvres Universitaires et Scolaires) 58 rue du Taur - 31070 Toulouse CRIJ (Centre Régional d’Information Jeunesse) Centre d‘examen de santé+ 33 (0)5 61 14 75 75 +33 (0)5 62 73 80 85 CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie) www.pole-emploi.fr Rectorat+33 (0)5 61 17 70 00 www.ac-toulouse.fr Renseignements administratifs3939 Résidence de Jolimont 2 avenue Yves Brunaud 31500 Toulouse +33 (0)5 34 30 42 80 Taxe d’habitation et redevance audiovisuelle www.impots.gouv Tisséo-SMTC (bus-métro) 9 rue Michel Labrousse - 31081 Toulouse Cedex 1 +33 (0)5 61 41 70 70 www.tisseo.fr Services administratifs (titres de séjour) 1 Rue Saint-Anne – 3100 Toulouse Accueil des étudiants étrangers +33 (0)5 34 45 34 64 ONISEP75 rue Saint Roch, 31400 Toulouse +33 (0)5 36 25 82 10 Pôle emploi+33 (0)8 11 55 01 31 Préfecture www.onisep.fr [email protected] - www.ofii.fr +33 (0)5 34 41 72 20 OFII7 rue Arthur Rimbaud- CS 40310 31203 Toulouse cedex 2 www.ot-toulouse.fr [email protected] [email protected] Donjon du Capitole - 31000 Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 11 02 22 +33 (0)5 61 53 94 86 32 rue de la Dalbade – 31000 Toulouse www.mairie-rodez.fr www.mairie-toulouse.fr +33 (0)5 61 22 29 22 +33 (0)5 61 22 30 26 / 27 +33 (0)5 65 77 88 00 www.tarbes.fr +33 (0)5 62 44 38 38 Place Eugène Raynaldy - 12000 Rodez www.montauban.com +33 (0)5 63 22 12 00 Mairie de Rodez Maison de l’Europe Office de tourisme www.ville-figeac.fr +33 (0)5 65 50 05 40 8 rue du Colonel Pélissier www.ville-castres.f +33 (0)5 63 71 58 58 Services de l’état civil, Mairie de CastresBP 10406 - 81108 Castres Cedex Mairie de FigeacBP 205 - rue de Colomb - 46100 Figeac Mairie de Montauban 9 rue de l’Hotel de Ville - 82000 Montauban Mairie de Tarbes 1 place Jean Jaurès - 65000 Tarbes Mairie de Toulouse Place du Capitole, 31 000 Toulouse SOS Médecins : +33 (0)5 61 33 00 00 Centre de vaccination :+33 (0)5 61 22 23 46 17 place de la Daurade, Toulouse Pharmacie de nuit : +33 (0)5 61 62 38 05 76 allées Jean Jaurès, Toulouse Croix Rouge Ecoute : +33 (0)8 00 85 88 58 Drogue/alcool/tabac infos services : +33 (0)8 00 23 13 13 ou +33 (0)1 70 23 13 13 Sida info service : +33 (0)8 00 84 08 00 Santé Appel d’urgence européen : 112 Police secours : 17 Pompiers (incendie, accident, problème de santé) : 18 SAMU : 15 ou +33 (0)5 34 39 33 33 Numéros utiles / Emergency service Renseignements téléphoniques : www.pagesjaunes.fr Perte carte bancaire : +33 (0)8 92 70 57 05 Objets trouvés à Toulouse : +33 (0)5 62 27 63 00 Cyber Cafés en ville - Accès Internet au CRIJ Autres Dépannage électricité +33 (0)8 10 13 13 33 Dépannage gaz +33 (0)8 01 13 14 33 Compagnie générale des eaux : +33 (0)5 61 34 77 77 Abonnement EDF-GDF +33 (0)8 10 13 10 00 www.edf.f - www.gazdefrance.fr Installation ALS : Allocation de Logement Sociale / Allocation of social housing APL : Aide Personnalisée au Logement / Personalized housing assitance BGE : Boursiers des Gouvernements Étrangers et organismes / Foreign gouvernments scolarship recipient BGF : Boursiers du Gouvernement Français CDD : Contrat à Durée déterminée / Limited duration work contract CDI : Contrat à Durée Indéterminée / Unlimited duration work contract PUM : Protection Universelle Maladie / Universal health coverage Lexique des sigles/ Glossery of acronyms 7 rue des Lois - 31000 Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 21 75 91 Parc d’activité de la Grande Plaine 2 impasse Henri Pito - 31506 Toulouse cedex 5 +33 (0)5 62 73 55 56 +33 (0)8 25 82 57 15 VITTAVI- Réseau EmeVia (l’assurance maladie étudiante) ESPE : École Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Éducation HLM : Hébergement à Loyer Modéré / Low-cost social housing IUT : Institut Universitaire de Technologie IFSI : Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers SUIO/SCUIO : Service Commun Universitaire d’Information et d’Orientation / Common information and referral service www.vittavi.fr 41 allées Jules Guesde - 31013 Toulouse Cedex 6 L’Accueil-Welcome Desk [email protected] Mission Logement +33 (0)5 61 14 58 48 [email protected] Mission Culture et Initiatives Etudiantes : +33 (0)5 61 14 80 22 [email protected] Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
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