2014 Summer newsletter web layout


2014 Summer newsletter web layout
Summer 2014
Fresh Tastes for Young Kids
CDCG’s Educator Introduces fruits and veggies to inner-city children
A young girl comes home from school and asks her ming at Delaware Community School and each week, our
mother and grandmother if they will help her make a
Educator returned to the office with notes from the
carrot juice recipe she learned
students that read, “I loved
in school that day. She returns
it!” or “It was the best!”
to class the next day and
Perhaps it was planting peas
announces that her family
in the garden before giving
loved the juice they made
them a try that made the
students say they loved them
During a Taste Good Series
or writing the recipe for a
session, stories like this are
snack before helping to make
often repeated to Capital
it that made trying fruit salad
District Community Gardens’
so much fun. By engaging
Educator. The Taste Good
children in the production
Series is a six-week nutrition
and preparation of their
food, our Educator encourchildren in preschool through
ages them to start requesting
second grade. During a
nutritious foods at the
session, our Educator visits
grocery store. After this
inner-city classrooms and uses
session, Capital Region famifood samples, games and
lies are adding more strawother activities to encourage
berries, snap peas, carrots,
young children to try fruits
spinach, broccoli, tomatoes,
and vegetables.
green beans, cauliflower and
This spring, our Educator
honeydew to their grocery
introduced ten different fruits
and vegetables to 113
Help the families of our
students from seven classcommunity add more fresh
A preschool student from Mercy Cares for Kids helps make fruit
rooms at Abram Lansing
food to their dinner table!
salad during a Taste Good Series session.
Elementary School in Cohoes,
Contact [email protected]
Delaware Community School, The Police Athletic League or 518-274-8685 if you are interested in sponsoring the
and Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle school – all in program or you are an educator interested in signing your
students up for the class.
Implementing The Taste Good Series in a middle school
and a special education class were new undertakings for
our Educator, but one we gladly accepted! Involving new
In This Issue:
students, schools, day cares and afterschool programs in
Taste Good is a goal of Capital District Community
Taste Good Series...........1
Produce Project...............5
Gardens that is supported by grants from the Seymour
From Our Window..........2
Fox Memorial Foundation, Inc. and the Lucille A. Herold
Charitable Trust.
Around the Food Hub....3
An anonymous donor sponsored Taste Good programGrow Center/Gardens...4
On the Table.................12
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 2 -
From Our Window
by Amy Klein, Executive Director
We nourish healthy communities by
providing access to fresh food and green
spaces for all.
From the opening of its first gardens in 1975,
to the dynamic and multifaceted organization
of today, CDCG has worked to reduce the
impact of poor nutrition on public health in
the Capital Region. We organize community
gardens, improve access to healthy food, offer
nutrition and horticulture education for all
ages and coordinate urban greening programs
in Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady and southern Saratoga counties.
President - Michael Whiteman
Executive Vice-President - Kim Hickok
Vice-President - Raymond Smith
Treasurer - Michael Bergen
Secretary - Jean Gerbini
At-Large - Ann Pfau, John Carl
Immediate Past President - Doug Burns
Sharon Bedford
Dean Leith
Assie Bishop
Tom McGuire
Charles Buchanan
Cynthia Nixon
Ellen Flink
Anne Nardacci
Alane Hohenberg
Linda Passaretti
Kimberly SangerHannelore Passonno
Rachel Hye Youn
Bill Karchner
Amy Klein, Executive Director
Sharon DiLorenzo, Program Manager
Eric (EJ) Krans, Healthy Places Program Manager
Matthew Schueler, Grow Center Planner
Jessica Trowbridge, Operations Manager
Kerri Aman, Bookkeeper
Elizabeth Boyer, Veggie Mobile Assistant
Audrey Bridge, Squash Hunger Assistant
Meghan Burke, Veggie Mobile Assistant
Katie Doyle, Educator
Tolu Fashoro, Produce Project Educator
Elizabeth Hammond, Sprout Coordinator
Patrick Harris, Veggie Mobile Assistant
Fatima Hussain, HCSI Coordinator
Tara Quackenbush, Lead Garden Organizer
Katherine Rasmussen, PR and Marketing
Hannah Savio, Produce Project Farmer
Mari Shopsis, Development Coordinator
Michael Somoya, Executive Assistant
Amy Stock, Grant Writer
Carrie Tworek, Bookkeeping Assistant
Caroline Verner, Events/Volunteer Coordinator
Nick Wallas, Veggie Mobile Coordinator
Recently while interviewing a potential new employee I was asked what I
thought were the best and worst things about working at Capital District Community Gardens. I often get asked that first question and, since I love everything
about CDCG, it’s an easy one – the work, the people (employees, volunteers,
consumers), it’s never boring – I could go on and on. I’ve never been asked for
the worst – but that was easy too – our facility.
If you’ve not had the pleasure of being in our office in the last several years,
it’s worth a visit. Those who have can’t imagine how we accomplish a fraction
of the work we do given the limitations of our current space. Those who
haven’t, wonder why we need a new facility. For the latter group, I would love
to give you the “nickel tour” and I promise it will be worth the trip.
Cramped space is one issue – it means that not all staff members have their
own desk space and even with a carefully planned schedule, they often need to
roam around looking to find an open place to work. Volunteers are also
constantly moved around and recently have been relegated to work under a tent
in the parking lot. Amazingly they keep coming back! Our garage, once considered a luxury, is so overcrowded that it requires special maneuvers to extract a
piece of garden equipment.
The greatest difficultly with our current location is that it was never meant for
the produce distribution work we do. We don’t have a loading dock, overhead
doors, or even an entryway that is large enough so that staff can use a hand-cart
to move boxes in and out the door. All produce must be unloaded by hand
which makes the daily work frustrating and inefficient.
Surprisingly, right now none of this seems to matter to our staff and volunteers. With The Urban Grow Center on the horizon, everyone can happily work
for a few more months knowing that soon we will have a proper space to do all
this work and more.
It is only because of this new facility that we were able to launch The Virtual
Veggie Mobile (our new on-line wholesale market) in May. This new market will
dramatically increase the amount of local produce we are distributing and will
only be possible with the space and capacity that the Urban Grow Center will
provide. It is exciting to imagine how much more effectively we will be able to
deliver our services to the community and the creativity that will flow from a
pleasant work environment.
And while we are still four months away from this new bliss, we have much to
do before we can relax and enjoy it all. These next months will bring another
flurry of activity in our programs and, of course, in the Grow Center development. Thanks to all of you who have already chosen to be a part of this special
journey. If you haven’t yet joined us, please call me and don’t forget I’d love to
show you our space (both old and new)!
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 3 -
Around the Food Hub
Promising weather reports accompanied by early morning rain showers on May 14 made it uncertain whether or
not we would need tents for a press conference at Buhrmaster Farm that day. CDCG was announcing the launch
of The Virtual Veggie Mobile - an online marketplace
where local farmers list their produce, dairy, meat and
value added products so that daycare centers, schools,
group homes, restaurants, convenience stores and other
wholesale consumers can purchase food that is grown in
their region.
CDCG’s Executive Director, Amy Klein, announces the launch of The Virtual Veggie
Mobile at a press conference held at Buhrmaster Farm in Schenectady.
will also be available as a kind of buying club for lowincome families.
Through our Veggie Mobile, Veggie Mobile Sprout and
Healthy Convenience Store Initiative, CDCG is already
partnering with local farmers and produce distributors to
provide more than 100,000 residents with 175 tons of
fresh food. At the press conference, some of the community partners we have been delivering to since 2008
expressed their enthusiasm for buying more food for more
people. In essence, that is what the online marketplace is
all about. The Virtual Veggie Mobile will enable CDCG to
double the number of people we serve with our food
access programs and triple the amount of food we are
distributing throughout the region. And we are excited to
now offer meat, dairy, grains, preserves and more! We have
witnessed the positive impact that the availability of fresh
produce has on public health and look forward to seeing
how our new, holistic approach to food distribution can
provide even more nourishment for the residents and
communities of our region.
Visit www.market.cdcg.org to see what our region’s farmers have available now and join us in feeling proud of what
is being produced right here in the heart of the Capital and
Hudson Valley regions.
The sun stayed tucked behind the clouds while we
prepared for the event. Once The Veggie Mobile arrived
and we began to set the table with locally produced asparagus, lettuce, kale, eggs, yogurt, cheese and cider, the sun
decided it wanted to join the party. By the time our guests
arrived, folks needed sunglasses to admire the blooming
berry bushes in Buhrmaster Farm’s orchard. New York
State Agriculture Commissioner, Richard A. Ball, joined us
for the announcement, along with some of our participating producers, distribution recipients, nearly 50 community members and a class of preschoolers from Parson’s
Early Head Start program.
After the press conference, our guests, especially the
preschoolers, enjoyed exploring the orchard and sampling
some of the food that is now available through The
Virtual Veggie Mobile. The online market draws products
from more than a dozen local farms throughout ten counties, spanning north to Washington, south to Ulster, east to
Rensselaer and west to Schoharie counties. Buyers, the
schedules of whom often conflict with those of farmer’s
markets, can use a computer or smartphone to browse the
site at their convenience and purchase goods from
multiple producers in one easy step. CDCG’s Veggie
Mobile makes deliveries directly to wholesale buyers on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, enabling farmers to
spend more time with their crops. In the future, the service
A preschool student from Parson’s Early Head Start program enjoys a locally grown apple
at The Virtual Veggie Mobile press conference.
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 4 -
Grow Center Update
life, to have a workplace that is accessible to folks of
different needs; to be able to be proud not only of the
work we do, but where we do it. We are very grateful for
all of the support we have received from people across the
region to help make the Grow Center a reality, but are
aware that though time is short, we still have much to do.
We hope that as we make this last push towards a longawaited goal, you will continue to be there with us and
lend a hand in any way you can.
In the Gardens
The Urban Grow Center project sign now hangs at 594 River Street.
It’s started! After so many years of anticipation, it is hard
to believe that in a few short months we will be moving
into our new home. On April 21, CDCG signed a contract
with Greco Construction Services LLC for work to be
completed this fall. Greco is a family owned business
based in the port of Albany that has been working in the
region since 1977. Although final contract negotiations
took longer than expected, the delay had an unexpected
benefit. On April 16, Empire State Development offered
CDCG construction incentives worth $250,000. CDCG is
grateful for this essential contribution from New York
State towards Grow Center development and its acknowledgement of the crucial role our work plays in the region’s
farm and food economy. ESD monies, like so many of our
pledges, will not be available until after construction is
completed; making SEFCU’s construction financing at
below market rates a critical donation. SEFCU made its
generous pledge at the public launch of our Capital Campaign in February and continues to work closely with us to
determine how best to structure its commitment. The
members of our Capital Campaign team are working
tirelessly to reach our goal of $2.8 million before construction is completed, while staff busily pursues grants large
and small to aid their efforts.
Much of what happens early in construction is not
visible, as Greco orders supplies, creates work documents
and coordinates with our architects and subcontractors.
But selective demolition and foundation work began in
mid-May and a flurry of new construction is following.
The transformation of this long vacant building into a
vibrant cornerstone of the neighborhood will happen
before we know it. So keep a sharp eye on 594 River Street
in the weeks and months ahead!
Grow Center construction coincides with our busiest
season, straining an already overwhelmed staff, but there is
an excitement about our new home that makes this added
literally put desks in closets. It will be a pleasure to have
space to welcome the community back into our daily office
Laura McCarthy, Toyota Togethergreen fellow from
Audubon New York worked with the local chapter of
Audubon Society of the Capital Region and our gardeners
to create a bird-friendly habitat on the hillside of the 8th
Street Community Garden in Troy.
We had our first Together Green work day in May when
more than 20 volunteers helped clear the hillside of invasive knotweed and garlic mustard in preparation for future
planting. Burlap coffee bags, donated by Chris’s Coffee in
Albany, were repurposed as landscape fabric by cutting
them into strips that we then covered with mulch to act as
a weed barrier and to reduce soil erosion. While we
worked we uncovered some little strawberry plants, irises,
and tulips - all hidden underneath a thick layer of weeds.
On July 9, during the second phase of the Bird Friendly
Habitat Project we will plant bird friendly bushes and low
maintenance flowers on the hillside.
Volunteers from the local chapter of Audubon Society of the Capital Region at our 8th Street
Community Garden. Photo courtesy of Laura McCarthy, Audubon New York.
Special thanks to MVP Health Care for sponsoring
20 of our Community Gardens this season!
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 5 -
Produce Project
Ten students from Central Michigan University made the 15-hour trek to spend a week
volunteering with our Produce Project youth. They helped with weeding, prepping beds and
transplanting seedlings. Many said they hope to start their own gardens back in Michigan.
The Produce Project students opened their market season in May. You can purchase their
produce at their Farm Stand every Tuesday, 4 - 6 pm, May - October and at the Delmar
Farmer’s Market every Saturday, 9am - 1 pm, June - October.
The students start their crops from seed and transfer the seedlings to the ground.
A student harvests tomatoes inside one of the farm’s high tunnels.
CDCG’s Produce Project Farmer and a student wash freshly harvested greens in
preparation for the farmer’s market.
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 6 -
Brunch Raises $73,000
Going once, going twice, three times and gone! Our
Spring Brunch auction may be silent, but the phrase still
applies to our largest annual event. The buffet line is notorious for luring guests up for second and third helpings as
fresh pans of delicious, locally-prepared food are replaced
as fast as they are emptied. This year on May 4 at Hudson
Valley Community Colleges’ Siek Campus Center, we
enjoyed hosting nearly 700 guests, including Congressman
Paul Tonko, Senator Neil Breslin, Assemblyman John T.
McDonald III and Troy City Councilman Rodney Wiltshire. Nearly 400 local businesses donated food, beverages, flowers and auction items and more than 50 volunteers helped us manage it all. Thanks to the support of our
event sponsors, Honorary Committee, donors, Planning
Committee and guests CDCG raised $73,000 (up 16
percent from last year) to support our programs. Many
thanks to our Spring Brunch sponsors:
Accu Care Home Health Services; Bouchey Financial
Group; Bullard, McLeod & Associates, Inc.; Ceralink;
Columbia Development Companies and Columbia Realty;
Envision Architects, PC; Farm Family Casualty Insurance
Company / Dick Miller; Flink Smith LLC; Marra’s Pharmacy; Monticello, Licensed Real Estate Broker; NH
Kelman, Inc.; Niles and Carl Group at Morgan Stanley;
Pombo Wealth Management; Rose & Kiernan, Inc.; Spectrum Theater; Turner Construction.
Guests enjoying their meal at our 27th Annual Spring Brunch.
Autumn Evening in the Garden
September 11, 2014
At the Hilton Garden Inn, Troy
Spring Brunch Donors
333 Cafe
9 Miles East
Across the Street Pub
AJ Rinella
Ale House
Alexis Diner
Amo La Bellamangia
Bangkok Bistro
Barcelona Restaurant
Beirut Restaurant
Bella Napoli Bakery
Black Horse Farms
Bob's Diner
Brickman Inc. Wholesale Fruits
& Vegetables
Brueggers Bagel Bakery
Café Italia
Canali's Restaurant
Capital Buffet
Capital City Diner
Carmen's Café
Carol's Place
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Circle Diner
Coccadotts Cake Shop
Curry House
DeFazio Imports
D'Raymonds Restaurant and
Duncan's Dairy
Dutch Desserts
Emma Cleary's
Evelyn's Café
Falvo Meats
First Choice Caribbean
American Cuisine
Fluffalicious Bake Shoppe and
Franklin Plaza
Garelick Farms
Gershon's Deli and Caterers
Ginger Man Restaurant
Gold Coin Restaurant
Grecian Gardens Pizza &
Green Grocer
Hamilton Street Café
Hidden Cafe
Ichiban Restaurant
Illium Café
Joan's Cake Chateau
King's Buffet
Lakeview Inn on Crystal Lake
Latham '76 Diner
Linda's Country Kitchen
Local Flavor Cafe
Magdalena's Menu
Moscatiello's Italian Restaurant
Nora's Grocery
Old Daley Catering
Old World Provisions
Orchard Tavern
Our Daily Bread
Peaches Café
Phoenicians Restaurant
Pika’s Quiche
Placid Baker
Plum Blossom Chinese
Price Chopper
Ripe Tomato American Grill
River Street Café
Rock Hill Bakehouse
Roma Imports
Sage Bistro
Schuyler Bakery
Slick's Restaurant
Smith's Restaurant
Sodexho Services at Sage
Teagan's Steak and Seafood
The Flying Chicken
The Fresh Market
The Greek House
The Schuyler Inn
The Towne Tavern
Thunder Mountain Curry
TJ's Café
Troy Country Club Restaurant
Two Brothers Pizza & Pasta
Unique Catering
Villa Italia
Wolff's Biergarten
Wolf's 111
Yonder Farms
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 7 -
Albany Wine & Spirits
All Star Wine & Spirits
Colvin Wine
Delmar Beverage
Spindle City Market
Spirits of Troy
Stewart's Shops
University Wine & Liquor
Anthology Studio
Bountiful Blooms Florist
Central Florist
Central Market and Gifts
Danker Florist
Emil J. Nagengast Florist
Felthousen’s Florist & Greenhouse
Fleurtacious Design
Flower World
Flowers by Pesha
Garden Gate Florist
Kathleen’s Designs by the
Flower Girl
Laurel's Flower Shop
Michele’s Floral Designs
Surroundings Floral
Worthington Flowers
‘e ko logic
1850 House Inn and Tavern
4M's Farm
Adirondac Rafting Co
Adirondack Museum
Adirondack River Outfitters
Alacrity Frame Workshop
Albany Art Room
Albany Civic Theater, Inc.
Albany Country Club
Albany Home Cleaning
Albany Massage Professionals
Allan Ditton Pottery
Altamont Wine School
Amelia Dombrowski Design
Anchor No. 5
Aunt Katie's Attic
Ausable Chasm
Back to the Roots
Backyard Birds
Backyard Sheds & Gazebos Inc.
Balance Massage Studio
BalloonGal Jenny
Barrington Stage Co
Becker’s Farm
Spring Brunch Donors
Bend of the River Golf Club
Bennington Museum
Berkshire Botanical Garden
Berkshire Museum
Berkshire Theatre Festival
Blue Ribbon Restaurant
Blue Water Manor
Bob Fakundiny
Book House
Botanical Arts Press
Bottle Lady
Bounce Around
Bricks Barber Shop
Broken Mold
Bronx Zoo
Ca'Mea Restaurant
Candle 79
Capital Gastropub
Capital Repertory Theatre
Cascade Mountain Winery
Casual Set
Center for Natural Wellness
School of Massage Therapy
Century House
Charles F. Lucas Confectionery
and Wine Bar
Charlie Buchanan
Chico Christopher
Children’s Museum at Saratoga
Children's Museum of Science
& Technology
Chris Kleinegger/Broken
Blossoms Mosaic Art
Christina's Custom Designs
Clearwater Festival
Clement Frame & Art Shop
Colebrook Wine
Collar City Guitars
Conscious Touch
Cook Shop
Cookie Factory
Corning Museum of Glass
Crystal Burnham Massage
CSL Creations
Dancing Ewe Farm
Denise Poutre
Denison Farm
Different Drummer's Kitchen
Driving Impressions
Droll Yankees, Inc
Duke's Barber Shop
Eastern Mountain Sports
El Loco Mexican Café
El Mariachi
Elissa Halloran Designs
Empire Attractions
Enchante Tea Lounge
Endless Rainbow Gems
Evan Hogan
Exit 9 Wine and Liquor
Faddegon’s Nursery
Fenimore Art Museum/The
Farmers Museum
Fish & Game
Flight Trampoline Park
Flour City Pasta
Foam Brain Games
Fort Ticonderoga
Fred Alm
Fred Astaire Dance Studio
French's Hollow Fairways
Frozen Ropes
Fungi Perfecti
G. Willikers Toys
Gaffney's Restaurant
Galway Golf Club
George Landis Arboretum
Gideon Putnam
Glimmerglass Opera
Glimmerglass Queen
Good Karma Studio
Grandpa Pete's Sauce
Hampton Inn & Suites Downtown Albany
Hana Japanese Steakhouse
Hancock Shaker Village
Hannay Reels
Harvest Spirits
Healthy Living
Heart Space Yoga
Helen Farnam
Hewitt’s Garden Center
Hidden Meadows Public Golf
Hillcrest Golf & Country Club
Historic Deerfield
Historic Hugenot Street
Hoffman Development
Hoffman’s Playland
Hollywood Drive-In Theatre
Home Made Theater
Homestead Farms
Hoosic Valley Apiary
Hudson Opera House
Hudson-Chatham Winery
Jack's Oyster House
Jacob’s Pillow Dance
Jane Stanhope
Janine Sullivan
Japanica Grill
Javier's Nuevo Latino Cuisine
JK Bloom Jewelers
Jose Malones
Joyelles Jewelers
June's Beauty Salon
Kadco USA
Kathryn Larson Pottery
Katie Nare Jewelry
Kripalu Center
Krumkill Stables
La Empanada Llama
Lake Champlain Shoreline
Cruises (Spirit of Ethan Allen)
Leon's Mexican Restaurant
Linda & Philip Drew
Linda London
Lindsey’s Country Store
Liz Vigoda Pottery
Locust Grove Estate
Log Cabin Fabrics
Log Cabin Farm Soap
Lucy Jo's Coffee Roastery
Lynne Puhalla Studios
Madison Handbags
Magai Arboriculture
Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory & Gardens
Mama Mia’s
Marra's Pharmacy
Matt’s Music Together
Méli Jewelry
Mens Room Barber Shop
Mexican Radio
Mid Hudson Mycological
Mill Road Acres Golf Course
Millbrook Vineyards & Winery
Mirror Lake Inn Resort & Spa
Monroe Clayworks
Nancy Parry
Nancy Schlegel
National Baseball Hall of Fame
New England Cheesemaking
Supply Co.
Norman Rockwell Museum
NY Giants
NY Jets
Old Chatham Shepherding Co.
Old Fashioned Jewelry
Old Songs Festival
Open Door Bookstore
Our Daily Eats
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 8 -
Brunch Donors and Donations Jan. 16 - May 5, 2014
Palace Theater
Paolo Lombardi's
Peanut Principle
Peter Bowden
Pfeil Hardware
Photo Images
Pindar Vineyards and Pavilion
Pinewoods Pottery
Pioneer Hills Golf Course
Playing on the Furniture
Prairie Whale
Proctor’s Theater
Puckers Gourmet
Q.U.I.L.T. Inc.
Rachel's Jewelry
RAD Soap
Redemption Christian Academy's Goodway Bakery
River Rocks
Rocksport Indoor Climbing &
Outdoor Guiding Center
Romanation Jewelers
Romeo's Gifts
Runi Limited: The Image
Ryanswood Studio
SAATI Deli &Catering
Sam's Club
Saratoga and North Creek
Saratoga Olive Oil
Saratoga Sod Farm
Schenectady Curling Club
School of Rock
Segel Violins & A Place for Art
Seven Blessings Jewelry
Shakespeare & Company
Shapes & Colours Day Spa
Shelburne Museum
Short and Stout Tea Company
Silver Parrot
Silver Zoo
Six Flags New England
Spectrum 8 Theatres
Stageworks Hudson
Standing Stone Vineyards
Steuben Athletic Club
Susan Scrimshaw
Sweet Tree Farm
T & J Soap
Tang Teaching Museum and
The Arts Center of the Capital
The Boat House
The Cross Eyed Owl
The Dutch Pot
The Egg
The Fun Spot; Skateland
Entertainment Center
The Ice Cream Man, Ltd.
The Little Ragamuffin
The Melting Pot
The Morgan State House
The Mount
The Music Studio
The Pottery Place
The Red Lion Inn
The Silver Seashell
The Snowman
The Town Tinker
The Trustees of Reservations
The Wild Center
The Yoga Lily
Theatre Institute at Sage
Tiny Tots Tea Room
Toll Gate Ice Cream
Top Custom Jewelers
Touchstone Ceramics
Tracy Buyce Photography
Trader Joe's
Travelers Championship
Tree Paad
Trees of Antiquity
Troy Cloth and Paper
Troy Family YMCA
Troy Healing Arts
Troy's Landscape
Tumbling Tykes Early Childhood Center
Twenty Toes Cat Sitting
USS Slater
V Salon
Vermont Nature Creations
Wells Maple Farm
Wendy Ide Williams
Wilderstein Historic Site
Wildflower Graphics
Williamstown Theatre Festival
Woven Glass
Yoga Loft
Zero Gravity
Zoom Flume
Donors Jan. 16 - May 5
Dawn Abbuhl
Barbara Agneta
Kathy and Carlo Agneta
Barbara J. Ahern and W. Conrad
Shawn Allan and Nicholas
Wally and Jane Altes
Kerri Aman
Peter Amorosa
Gayle Anderson and Sid
Eric Anderson and Caroline
Dave and Sue Anthony
Mary Applegate and Charles
Roger and Judy Armstrong
Yvonne Arnold
Alyce Ashe
Barbara Athanasiou
Judy Atkins
Laurie and David Bacheldor
Michele Bager
Dana Barnett
Aiesha Battle
Patricia A. Bayly
Sharon Bedford and Fred Alm
Karen Beetle
Tim Bell
Jane Bello Burke
Matthew Bender, IV and
Phoebe Powell Bender
Dr. Robert Benton and Dr.
Diane Rourke
Michael Bergen and Abbie
Jesse Bertram
Elmer and Olga Bertsch
Jennifer Betsworth
Larry and Jeanne Biggins
Sheridan and Susan Biggs
Assie Bishop
Don Blais
Nicholas Bodnar
Jacqueline Bokus
Richard Boleski
Vladia C. Boniewski
Bernice Bornt Ledeboer
Annee Borthwick
Ed and Linda Boronsky
Peter Bowden and Sharon
Joanne Boyd
Jody Boyd
Elizabeth Boyer
Barbara Bradley and Tom
Mary and Bob Brand
Mary and Anthony Brankman
Julie Breen
Jimmy Brennan
Hon. Neil Breslin
Paula and Richard Brewer
Audrey Lynn Bridge
Ronald Brill
Milton Brown
William and Susan Brown
Sid and Doris Brown
Peter and Debbie Brown
Heather and Jason Bryer
Charles and Charlotte
Keith Bulatao
Isidro Bulatao
Thessaly Bullard
Carol Bullard and Worth
Patricia M. Burch
Marion and Jim Burghart
Meghan Burke
Christopher and Kathleen
Doug Burns and Michele
Pigliavento Burns
Cheryl Cammer and Howard
Bennett Campbell
Honorable Ron Canestrari
Susan Canty
Crystal Capozziello
Cynthia Carlstead
Robert and Cheryl Carney
Blue Carreker
Tom and Nan Carroll
Carla Carter
Francesca Casaregola
Ryan and Jeanne Case
Joy Casse
Jonathan Cassidy
Lois Caulfield
Ryan Cavallaro
Vanessa Cayford and Matt
Kelly Cerza
Angelo Christo
Chico Christopher
Hannah Christopher
Rae Clark
Alma T. Clement
Cathleen Clement
John Clinton, Jr.
Jessie Cogswell
Bonnie and Jeff Cohen
Malika Cohen
Seth Cohen and Ellen TuckerCohen
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 9 -
Donations Received Jan. 16 - May 5, 2014
Sara Colaneri
Joan Connolly and Sharon Ahl
Jim and Phyllis Conroy
Hon. Richard Conti and Steve
Anne Conway
Dr. Edwin J. Cook and Patricia
Bill and Diane Corbett
John and Sue Corey
Jacob Cornetti Skott
Kevin Cornils
Sanjay Correa and Carol Hyde
TJ Coté and Will Malcolm
Stephen Cowan and Lucille
Adam Cresko and Laura
James and Maureen Crucetti
Richard and Monique Cunningham
Sharon and Edward Cupoli
Peter Czerepak
Desiree Dake
Christine Dauphinais
Mrs. Lureen DeBonis Cardish
and Mr. E.J. Cardish, Sr.
Kimberly Denton
Jackie Desnoes and Ronald
Michele Desrosiers
Diane Deveines Ryan and Ed
Stuart Devenpeck
Dee Dee Diccicco-Craft and
Mike Craft
Donna DiLorenzo
Jonathan Dimaria
Sam DiPace
Meg Distell
Honorable Robert J. Doherty
Kimberly Dolan
Helen Dolan
Donna Dorsey
Stephanie and Chris Doyle
Susan Dubois
Donna Duffy
Kate Duke
Shaina Dulberg
Bill Dunne and Theresa Setzer
William Dunne
Ann Dusza
Kevin Dyer
Kathryn C. Eastman
Inge Eley
Jeffrey and Lorraine English
Carl Erickson
David and Alice Esmond
Carolyn Estabrooks
Eitan and Malka Evan
Lorraine and Aaron Evans
Robert Fakundiny and Anne
John Fallon and Barbara
Jim and Liz Faucher
Jim and Barbara Featherstonhaugh
Bradley Feiden
Paul Ferenczy
Barry Floyd
Deidre Fogarty-Harris
Linda Ford and Phil Ferguson
Joanne Fortunato
Jonathan Forward
Ilene Frank
Jennifer Freeman
Catherine Fruhauf
Troy Gale
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gallo
Janet E. Gargiulo
Anthony Garner
Deborah Garvey
Rachel Gaul
Marie Gavazzi
Marjorie Geiger
Cylon George
Jean and Antoine Gerbini
Molly and Ken Getnick
Lionel and Debbie Gibbs
Alan Giguere
Gary David Gold and Nancy
Owen Goldfarb and Priscilla
Jane and Neil Golub
Carl Gonzalez
Herb and Shirley Gordon
Gail Hill Gordon
Tony and Denise Gorman
Lynne Gort
Karen Graf
Christopher Grant and Matthew
Barry and Karen Greene
Steven Greenstein and Evelyn
Katz Greenstein
Virginia C. Gregg
Robert and Anne Griffin
Lois Griffin
Peter D. Grimm
Kevin Grossman
Margaret Gulliver
Carlos and Patricia Gutierrez
Erica Hagen
Norman and Jan Hagen
Russell Haight
Katrin Haldema
Richard Halliday
Eve and Kevin Halloran
Michael and Mary Ellen
Trudy Hanmer
Morgaen Hansen
Scott Harlow and Serena
Katharine Harris
Margaret and Jonathan Harvey
John and Jane Hawn
Chris Hawver
Donna and Joe Heald
Aubrey Heidorf
Tom Henderson and Millicent
Joseph and Jane Hendrick
Theresa Hennessy
Jack and Janet Hickey
Kimberly Hickok and Mark
Courtney Hill
Anne Hobday
Barbara and Dr. James Hoehn
Sarah Homkey
Eric Hoppel
Ellen and Robert Hotz
Jean Howard and Jim Welch
John and Jane Husson
Irwin Hutchinson
Patty Ide Williams
Naomi Ingalls
Susan Ivie Mahar
Mike and Michele Jerison
Nancy and Roger Jestel
E. Stewart Jones, Jr. and
Kimberly Sanger Jones
Georgenna Jones
Herb and Linda Jurist
Drs. William and Mary Kahl
Pauline Kamen Miller and
Frederick A. Miller
Robert and Frances Kamp
William Karchner
Karen R. Kaufmann
Janine Kava and Robert Carney
Diane Kavanaugh-Black
Kathryn Kearns
Garry and JoAnn Kearns
Alexander and Gail Keeler
Cathy Keyser
Gordon and Judy Kilby
Ruth and Don Killoran
Arthur and Heather Kilmer
Elizabeth Kinney
Honorable Noelle Kinsch and
Darius Shahinfar
Amy Klein
Christine Kleinegger
Rebecca Koch and Justin
Chris Kolbay and Eileen
Lynn Kopka and Erin SullivanTeta
Todd and Nafeesa Koslik
Abbe and Steve Kovacik
Susan Kowsky
Wendy and David Krings
Robin Krumanocker
Sara Ladopoulos
Jennifer Lague
Olena Lake
Mollie C. Lampi and Bernard C.
Eileen and Kevin Lang
Staci Lansley
Kyle Lanzit
Carmelo Laquidara
Susan L. Lauther
Carolyn and William Law
George Leamy and Barbara
Eunju Lee and Brian Fisher
Dean and Liz Leith
Wendy Lindskoog and Geoffrey
Steven and Vivian Lobel
Meika Loe and Matt Alinger
Julie Lomoe
Kersten Lorcher and Sylvie
Mike and Patricia Loudis
Pamela Love
Katharine L. Lowe
Elizabeth M. Lowe
Sherri and Gerald Lublin
Joanne Lue
Alexandra Lusak
Jim Lyons
Linda MacKanesi
Thomas and Patricia Mahoney
William Mahoney
Kristoffer Malone
Gordon and Linda Mappes
Kathryn Marchini
Paula Marion
Polly Mason
Ron Mason
Morris and Esther Massry
Norman and Micki Massry
Euthemia Matsoukas and Paul
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 10 -
Donations Received Jan. 16 - May 5, 2014
Wayne Matt
Andrew Marsh and Kathleen
Susan Matuszak
Barbara and Brian McCandless
William McCormack
Pat and Susan McCormick
Assemblyman John T. McDonald III
Rance and Linda McKenna
Fiona and Michael McKinney
Steve McLaughlin
Michael and Ellen McMahon
Luke McNamara
Paul and Elaine Menge
Wendy and Rudy Meola
Ryan Lewis Merritt
Fredda Merzon
John and Marney Mesch
David C. Metz and Barbara C.
Dick Miller
Edward Miller and Laura
Paul and Kim Morley
Millicent Morris
David Morrow
Danielle Moustakas
Paul Murray
David A. Musser and Martha
David Mysliwiec
Katherine Nadeau and Jimmy
Anne and Tom Nardacci
Barbara Nelson and Tim Dufel
Daniel Nerenberg
Ella Mae Newson
Nancy Niles
Tom Nitido and Wendy
Cynthia and Tim Nixon
Mary O'Brien
Rory O'Brien
Tim O’Brien
Kevin and Pat O'Bryan
Phyllis Ochs
Patricia O'Connor and Marion
Edward Oechsner
Alison Olin
Michael O'Mara
Geralyn O'Reilly
Jason Packer
Theresa Page
Steve Pascarella
Linda Passaretti
Hannelore and Ralph F.
Passonno Jr.
John and Jane Pattison
Mark Pattison & Laura Amos
Nina Pattison
Wendy Pattison and Bill
Richard Pearce
Cathy Pedler
Laurie Petteys
Ann Pfau and Dave Hochfelder
Mark Pfau
Susan L. Pfau
Deane and Jeffrey Pfeil
Jennifer Picarillo
Debra Pigliavento and Don
Mary Pilkington
Kathryn and Joseph Pingelski
Sylvia Pirani
Edward Pollack
Alma Poole
James Popluhar
Julia Popova
Randal Putnam
Jay and Heather Quaintance
Dr. Lori and Don Quigley
Katherine Rasmussen
Phyllis and Ray Ratte
Barbara Reeley
Cheryl Reeves and Martha
Carol Reid
William Reinhardt and Gail
Sandie Reizen
David Rhodes
Charlie Riccio
Priscilla Richards and Michael
Stephanie Richardson and Tom
Stephen and Susan Ridler
Moira and Tom Rienzo
Judith A. Rightmyer
Alicia Rivera
Elizabeth and John Roach, Jr.
Pansy Robinson
Liza Rodriguez and Darren
Monserrate Rodriguez
Joseph and Carra Rogan
Virginia and Willard Rogers
Darnell Rohrbaugh
Judy and Larry Rosen
Meisha Rosenberg and Roddy
Nancy Ross and Bob Henshaw
Dominic and Alice Rotondi
Michael and Diane Rourke
Thomas Rourke and Dorothy
Sharon and Harry Roy
Mark Rubenstein
Rachel Hye Youn Rupright and
Alexander Monticello
Eve and Spencer Ryan
Myrna Sak
Richard and Christine Salmon
Kathy Sanderson and James
Jeanne Sausville
Peter and Karin Savio
Hannah Savio
Matthew Saw Lu
Sandra Saxon-Davis and Eric
Matteo Scalabrin
Patti Schachter
Amy Schallop and Lee Greenstein
Alan C. Schick
Donald and Nancy Schlegel
Robin Schnell
Matthew Schueler
Bob and Gail Schwartz
Rachel and Nicholas Sciolino
Sheryl and Rick Seppa
Lisa Seychel
Dianne Seypura
Ruth and Frank Seypura
Sandra Seypura
Margaret and John Sherman
Samantha and JP Shipherd
Charles Shopsis and Audrey
Mari Shopsis and Eliza Kent
Larry and Marie Shore
Mary Ann and Bruce Shubert
Jeanne Sickler
Amanda Simon
Paula and Len Sippel
Dawn Smith
Mary Jane Smith
Perry Smith and RoseAnne
Raymond and JoAnn Smith
Florencia and Michael Snow
Catherine Snyder
Jeremy Snyder and Elana
Edward and Kathy Spain
Bob and Diane Speece
Nancy Spiers
Jay Stasack and Connie Ray
Claire and George Steiner
Lara Stelmaszyk and Martin
Jane Bucci Stewart
Pat Stickney
Amy Stock
Howard and Margaret Stoner
Ryane and Eric Straus
Nancy Stuebner
Louis and Ann Marie Suarato
Ms. C. Andre Sullivan
Dennis and Margaret Sullivan
Joseph Sullivan
Krishna Sundaresan
Robert and Joyce Swanick
Mary Sweeney
Richard and Theresa Symansky
George Tanner and Resa Siegel
Joann and John Tarbox
Leslie Thiele and Ken Larsen
Susan Thompson and Al
John and Valerie Thompson
Johnny Thompson
Chris Thorne
Ruthellen H. M. Thorne
Peter and Kathy Tolcser
Congressman Paul Tonko
Sheila Toto
Ida Traschen
Linda and Frank Traylor
Susan Troll
Janet and Ned Trombly
David and Sharon Tromp
Diane and Stephen Trowbridge
Jessica and Steve Trowbridge
Lynette and Michael Tucker
Peggy Tully
William Tuthill and Gregory
Thomas and Bernadette Twente
Nina and Robert Tyzik
Christine Urbano
Bailey Van Deest
Donna Van Deusen
Laura Van Deusen and Bob
Von Achen
Connor VanderBogart
Tim Varney
Jamie Vaughn and Ben Larsen
Jessica Vaughn
Sondra and John Velie
Caroline Verner
David Verner and Bernice Van
Deborah Vogel
April Volk
Ann Wallas
Nicholas Wallas
- Capital District Community Gardens News, page 11 -
Donors Are Our Roots
~ Wishlist ~
* Folding carts for Squash Hunger pick ups
* Gas lawnmowers and rototillers (working)
* Rainjackets (all sizes)
* Garden carts and wheelbarrows
* Computer monitors (flat screen)
* Plastic storage bins with lids
* Plastic bread bins
* Extension ladder
* Good working pickup truck
Donors Jan. 16 - May 5, 2014
Caroline R. Walter
Deborah Webster and Robert
Rebecca Webster and Corrie
Dawn Stuart Weinraub
Richard L. Weisz
Leonard and Jane Wells
Kathy Whalen
Dorsey Whitehead
Michael and Margery Whiteman
Michelle Wickham
Lawrence and Sara Wiest
Chris Wilber Howard and
Richard Howard
Amy Williams and Pat Madden
Harry Williams
Nancie Williams
Adam and Claire Wilson
Honorable Rodney Wiltshire Jr.
and Jolene Wiltshire
Jeanine Wisniewski
Gregor Wynnyczuk
Wendy York-Briggs
Anthony Zoda
Community Partners
Accu Care Home Health
Albany Protective Services
Austin and Company
Barbara Higbee Realty
Berkshire Bank Foundation
BJ’s Foundation
Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP
Bouchey Financial Group, Ltd.
Bullard, McLeod & Assoc., Inc.
Capital District YMCA
Columbia Development Group
Community Resource Federal
Credit Union
CornerStone Telephone Co.
Druthers Brewing Company
Envision Architects PC
Farm Family Casualty Insurance
Fingerpaint Marketing, Inc.
First Niagara Bank
First Unitarian Universalist
Society of Albany
Flink Smith LLC
Foy Foundation Advised Fund
of The Community Foundation
for the Greater Capital Region
Hodgson Russ LLP
Jonesville United Methodist
M & T Charitable Foundation
Marra's Pharmacy
Modern Press
Monticello, Licensed Real
Estate Broker
MVP Health Care
NH Kelman, Inc.
Park Pub Restaurant & Catering
Pombo Wealth Management
Pryba, Tobin & Company
Rensselaer County Chamber of
Rose & Kiernan
Sage Brothers Company
Sand Lake Garden Club
Sidney and Beatrice Albert
Stewart’s Shops
St. John's Episcopal Church
Stanley Paper
Stewart's Shops
Stuyvesant Plaza, Inc.
The Foundry for Art Design +
Support Capital District Community
Gardens with a donation today!
□ $30 Friend
□ $60 Sponsor
□ $120 Supporter
□ $300 Benefactor
□ $600 Cultivator
□ $1200 Gardening Angel
Please make your tax deductible check payable to Capital
District Community Gardens, 40 River Street, Troy, NY 12180
� Help out with Autumn Evening mailings.
� Volunteer to donate Squash Hunger produce.
� Harvest crops with our Produce Project students.
The Gorman Group
The Niche Gallery
The Niles & Carl Group
The Rensselaer Club
The Ruck
Tri City Rental
Troy Teachers Association
Turner Construction Company
Unitarian Universalist Society of
Schenectady, NY
In-Kind Donors
Kerri Aman
Rich Ambuske
Benchmark Printing
Callanan Industries
Joanne Fortunato
Hilton Garden Inn
Hudson Valley Community
Drea Leanza
Morgan Linen Company
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Purmell
June Richardson
Scotia Glenville Children’s
George Sheehan
Chris Thorne
Ungerman Electric
Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna
Tribute Donations
In honor of:
• De Downing by Anonymous
In memory of:
• Colleen Connell Smith by
Carolyn Estabrooks and
Nanson Serrianne
• Earl, Lincoln Park Gardener
by Anne and Jonathon
• Lorna and Dexter Groesbeck
by Deborah and John Bennett
• Kenneth York by Neal A.
Baillargeon, MD
• Ken York by Walter and
Virginia Balfour
• Kenneth E. York by Peg and
Dave Briggs
• Kenneth E. York by Garden
Club of East Schodack
• Kenneth E. York by Catherine
A. Jones
• Kenneth E. York by Ladies
Auxiliary of the Brunswick
Lodge of Elks #2556
• Kenneth E. York by Maynard,
O'Connor, Smith &
Catalinotto, LLP
• Kenneth York by Frederick W.
and Barbara B. Ruh
We gratefully acknowledge the more
than 100 additional supporters who
made donations to CDCG between
January 16 and May 5, but were not
listed above due to space limitations.
On the Table
Lemon Ginger Bok Choy Soup
This soup was very popular with customers and employees during a brutal cold snap this winter, but the delicious
lemon/ginger/turmeric flavor combination makes it a refreshing possibility as a cold summer soup as well. Full of
nutritious roots and leafy greens, this soup is the cure to whatever ails you. Enjoy!
3 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 onion, peeled and chopped
1 bok choy, chopped into 1-inch chunks; (discard top
portion of jagged leaves)
2 medium or 1 large sweet potato, unpeeled and
chopped into 1-inch chunks
8 ounces white mushrooms, stems removed and
Juice of 1 medium-large lemon
2 to 3-inch piece peeled fresh ginger, added whole and
removed midway through simmering (1 tablespoon
ground ginger may be substituted)
2 to 3 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
2 - 32oz containers of vegetable or chicken broth
1. Begin by sautéing the onions, carrots and mushrooms in a large pot with the oil until soft.
2. Add the sweet potatoes, bok choy, ginger, lemon juice and broth and bring to boil.
3. Reduce to simmer and cook for 60-90 minutes, or until all vegetable are soft and the flavors have married.
4. Add pepper and turmeric to taste.
5. Serve immediately.
40 River Street
Troy, NY 12180
U.S. postage
Albany, NY
Permit #916