September Draf - The Valley Patriot
September Draf - The Valley Patriot
La wrence, Ando ver ver verhill Lawrence, Andover ver,, N N.. Ando Andover ver,, Methuen & Ha Hav The Val ey Patriot *Free * "Congress shall make no law..." December - 2004 Volume 1, Issue 10 20 Pages Waste, Overruns and Mismanagement Paula Porten & Tom Duggan For the last two years, residents of Lawrence have been calling the construction of a $110 million high school “The Big Dig of Lawrence,” because of its price tag. For months, School Committeeman Amy McGovern and Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy have been questioning the quality of work being done by the contractors and their refusal to answer questions about spending, quality of work and inspections of the site. Now, there are even more parallels between the high school project and Boston’s Big Dig- waste, mismanagement, cost overruns and substandard work. Lawrence's $110 Million "Big Dig" Columns Inside: Former Haverhill Mayor Jim Rurak Page 6 According to documents obtained by The Valley Patriot, bricks being used to construct the new $110 million Lawrence High School project do not meet industry standards and are being used in violation of the city's contract with Flansburgh Associates, the project architect. Use of sub-standard bricks could cause leaking and premature decay of the building. direct violation of that contract as well as industry standards to conform with New England's inclement weather. According to internal memos and reports obtained by The Valley Patriot, subcontractor Eastern Construction and architect Earl Flansburgh have been using A Memorandum dated November 4, 2004 from George inferior bricks in the “We should make Collins, Director of multi-building them tear it down and Finance, Capital and Lawrence High start over again... Special Projects to School complex. Exand the contractors S u p e r i n - t e n d e n t perts say that the subshould eat the bill” Laboy states; standard bricks could “Flansburgh & cause leaks and Lawrence City Associates, Inc. did premature deteriorCouncilor not accept brick for ation of the buildings Carlos Matos the new Lawrence once they are High School which completed. was better per-forming and would have The contract between the City of Lawrence saved the owner at least $40k.” The Memo and Flansburgh Associates calls for bricks further goes on to state, “This decision by that have an absorption rate “not to exceed the architect was made without consulting 4%”, but lab testing on the bricks being the owner.” The owner of the project is the used to build Lawrence High School show City of Lawrence, under the control of the an absorption rate at almost 6%. This is in School Department. In a letter from Vermont Brick (the company which offered superior bricks referenced in the Collins Memo) to the City of Lawrence, dated November 3, 2004, Gene McDonough wrote: “Unfortunately, after a visit to the project site, Hank McDonough and I learned from a member of the building committee that our submittals were viewed as an inferior product...Upon receipt of [a] letter confirming the quality of our product, issues concerning our brick shifted immediately to color and design intent.” in Methuen (978) 682-6801 or (978) 682-9783 North Andover Selectman Page 4 Lawrence Council President Pat Blanchette Continued on Page 5 Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood Page 7 Hanna interviews Page 9 Kathleen Corey Rahme Cmdr. George F. Henderson, US Navy Retired TaraMichael Baskets Bill Manzi Page 4 Wendy Wakeman The letter from McDonough went on to say “At this point the mason contractor and I agreed, there appeared to be a hidden agenda surrounding this project and that it would not be beneficial to pursue based on potential ramifications by the parties involved.” Valley Patriot of the Month Hero In Our Midst By Charles Ormsby Meeting North Andover resident George picked Gunnery … “because it seemed Henderson for the first time, you wouldn’t more glamorous!” guess what he did during his first three years after college. Born in 1921, he grad- LST 345 departed US shores for northern uated from St. Michaels College in 1942, Africa on May 1, 1943. George downplays approximately six months after Pearl the crossing, but consider the circumstances. LST convoys averaged 5Harbor. 6 knots (under 7 mph) and the North George immediately signed up for duty in Atlantic was still plagued by numerous the Navy and, after being transformed into German U-boats. If hit by a German a “90-day wonder”, he was assigned to the torpedo, an LST would rapidly sink and Naval amphibious forces; more precisely, other ships in the convoy were under he was assigned to serve on Landing Ship orders to “just keep steaming” … any ship Tank 345 (LST 345). Given the option of that stayed behind to pick up survivors choosing a specialty in Supply, would also be sunk. There would be no Communications, or Gunnery, George rescue. Methuen Council President Methuen Councilor, Central District Page 14 Dennis Prager Retired Commander George Henderson holds a model of the LST 345. LST 345’s service in WWII was divided into three phases: Support of Allied Operations in Northern Africa (immediately after the fall of Axis forces Continued on Page 15 Order Your Gift Baskets for Christmas TODAY! Free Delivery in the Merrimack Valley With orders over $35 Page 5 Michelle Malkin Page 6 Seniors & Vets 13-15 Crossword Puzzle Page 13 2 December 2004 - The Valley Patriot Valley Patriot *Editorial* OPINIONS L'Italien, Stop Using the Chur ch Church State Representative Barbara L’Italien has consistently supported two public policies that violate the teachings and core doctrine of the Catholic Church, abortion and gay marriage. Last month, while staunchly defending her right to espouse these anti-Catholic positions, she publicly attacked pro-life activists who were holding a sign that read “You cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion”. Some of the sign holders L’Italien publicly humiliated were members of her parish, St. Augustine’s in Andover. Shortly after the offended parishioners complained to Pastor Cleary at St. Augustine’s, L’Italien was asked to step down from her leadership role in the church choir. Surprisingly, and quite arrogantly we might add, L’Italien refused. But it was not only her defiance that was most shameful. Her very public refusal to accept the decision of her pastor has caused division in the parish, bringing controversy and bad publicity to her church; a Church that she pretends to love so much. And when L’Italien’s pastor quietly asked her to step down as a cantor, did she respect her pastor and fellow parishioners by attempting to resolve the issue privately? Did she do what any one of us would have done when faced with an internal squabble in our own family? Did she speak to higher-ups in the church or try to resolve the matter quietly behind closed doors? No. State Representative Barbara L’Italien shamelessly ran to the news media portraying herself as a victim and declaring the actions of her church as “wrong.” It was an act of betrayal and showed nothing but disrespect for her church, her pastor and her fellow parishioners. As a public figure, L’Italien knows the destructive effects that the mainstream, Catholic-bashing media can have on a single parish. She knows that there are people and organizations (like the Boston Globe) that are just looking for an issue like this to portray the church (and its members) as intolerant and hateful. Yet, instead of resolving the matter by working with her church leaders and other parishioners (her family), she chose to deal with her “private religious matter” by running to the press. How Shameful. The Catholic Church has every right (and, in fact, a moral obligation) to consistently espouse and defend its core beliefs and to insist that those who are in positions of leadership within the church support its teachings. No one has the right to hijack the pulpit and undercut the church’s mission. The stature, visibility and power of that pulpit was earned by the church and is owned by the church. Those who stand at the pulpit do so with the consent of the Catholic Church, not the press or the public at large. Representative L’Italien sought to over-rule the church and substitute her doctrine for the Church’s teachings. Not by persuasion within the Church, but by attacking the Church through the press. It is no wonder the leaders of the Catholic Church don’t want elected officials who openly challenge their teachings to be up on the altar during mass. What they fear is exactly what has happened, a split among the parishioners and open defiance of the church’s teachings. But L’Italien’s contempt for the church shouldn’t surprise anyone who followed her bid for reelection. She publicly (and shamelessly) campaigned by touting herself as both a “Catholic and a Parishioner of St. Augustine’s Church.” This was to signal good Catholics, who actually believe in the Church’s teachings, that she stood with them on moral issues. (So much for her demand of a separation between church and state!) Yet, all the while L’Italien was accepting donations and endorsements from gay marriage activists, voting for gay marriage in the legislature and promoting herself to liberal donors as a pro-abortion legislator. We know of no civic, business, religious, or political organization that would tolerate one of its "leaders" actively working against their interests and teachings. Father Cleary was right to ask L’Italien to step down as cantor. It’s too bad she didn’t have the good sense to quietly comply and, if a public comment was needed, support her church in its need to effectively carry out its mission. Letters To the Editor, I read the column “Some People Never Learn” in The November 2004 Valley Patriot via the internet. Congratulations on your fine and insightful article. You know, ‘Everyday Math’ is a deadly mathematical experience in many ways other than just permitting the needless use of calculators in the early grades. ‘Everyday Mathematics’ is one of many (alleged) curricula that grew out of the “constructivist” philosophy of education that became so chic in the '90s. Chic, ineffective and almost useless. Constructivism in mathematics allows for almost any ad hoc, non-systematic approach to problem solving up to and including guesswork. Drill and practice are deemed to be detrimental to the learning process. Anything that smacks of using one’s memory is anathema. Major fundamental algorithms are ignored and omitted. Constructivism postulates that each student should be permitted — encouraged — to create his or her own mathematical methods without any interference from the teacher. Catch phrases abound. The teacher should be “the guide on the side and not the sage on the stage”, according to the constructivists. Everywhere a constructivist curriculum has be imposed upon the students, parents and teachers, it has failed. The state of California, by an act of its legislature, jettisoned the constructivist ‘Interactive Mathematics Program’ (IMP) when there was a near revolt of science teachers who now spent a majority of their time teaching simple arithmetic skills. State test scores also plummeted. The flagship of the Philadelphia secondary schools, Central High School, also banished IMP for similar reasons. After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on consultants and training, all constructivist mathematical programs in the Bronx Superintendency of the NYC Public Schools (primarily IMP and Everyday Math) were eventually thrown out. Constuctivist mathematics curricula tend to be long on style and very short on substance. In my view, they ultimately make our children ‘innumerate’ — the mathematical analog to ‘illiterate.” I am a member of a group called NYCHOLD : Honest, Open, Logical Debate on mathematics education in the New York City Public Schools. Critiques and analyses of ‘Everyday Math’ and all of the other constructivist mathematics curricula can be found at the group site: Yahoo! Groups : nyc-hold. I believe that membership can be obtained by contacting Elizabeth Carson at [email protected]. At the core of the NYC-HOLD group is the Mathematics Department from the Courant Institute at New York University. Others who belong are enlightened parents, teachers of mathematics on every grade level and people like myself. I was a high school teacher and supervisor of mathematics for forty years until my retirement in 2000. However well-intentioned ‘Everyday Mathematics’ and the other constructivist curricula may be, they have the fatal flaw of trivializing mathematics and they simply do not work. We do not need our bridges to collapse, our planes to fall from the sky and our elevators to plummet to the basement before adopting the serious mathematics curricula that our children deserve. Continued success, Ken Duggan, Congers, NY (no relation to Tom Duggan) The Valley Patriot is published by: Valle yP atriot alley Pa triot,, Inc. All contents (c) Copyright, 2004 64 White Birch Lane, North Andover, MA 01845 Phone - (978) 557-5413 Fax (978) 258-1964 The Valley Patriot is printed at the beginning of each month. The Valley Patriot is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements provided to us. All ad copy must be submitted seven days prior to publication. Subscriptions to The Valley Patriot cost $15 per year and are delivered via U.S. Mail. Email - [email protected] Advertising Director: Paula Porten President: Tom Duggan, Jr. Vice President/Director: Ralph Wilbur Layout: Tom Duggan, Jr. Treasurer: Dr. Charles Ormsby You can read us on-line at ( The Valley Patriot is printed by GRAPHIC DEVELOPMENT - West Hanover, Massachusetts December 2004 - The Valley Patriot OPINIONS Our Voice is Your Voice The Valley Patriot welcomes letters to the editor on any topic. We also welcome column/ article submissions from elected officials, neighborhood associations, community organizers and newsmakers. Though we may not agree with the opinions expressed in submissions, our mission is to give readers the unique opportunity to receive important information from those who are driving important public issues without the "creative editing" policy employed by most newspapers. Submissions from guest columnists/ writers in The Valley Patriot are published without the filtered agenda of an editorial board. If you would like to write a column, letter or article for The Valley Patriot, please email us at: [email protected] To the Editor, Thought your article, God, Guns, & Gays, in the November issue of The Valley Patriot was very much on target. I do, however, believe that these three are merely symptoms of a far, far, deeper emotion; one I would call Primordalism. I believe that every living creature on the face of this earth has two primordal insticts: Self Preservation and Propagation of its species. Mankind has added one more, the realization of a greater power than themselves, call it God if you will. The Primordal instinct is so deeply imbeddded within our minds that we act on them with a visceral, gut feeling. God, Guns, and Gays exemplify that instinct. Self preservation is probably the most important, for without it, nothing else matters. Mankind, with his infinite imagination and ability has: built shelters to keep himself warm and dry; cultivated agriculture and husbanded livestock to feed himself; and created weapons for hunting and self protection. The weapon though, is probably the most important. For without it, he would not have the means to protect himself, his family, and his property from predators, both human and animal. In today’s society, perhaps the most effective weapon is the gun (firearm) for the simple reason that it does not require brute force to use. The eighty year old frail grandmother can protect herself against the young 200 lb thug intent on doing harm. Now look at just about every gun law proposed by the Stark Raving Liberal legislators. These laws usually apply only to law abiding citizens, and serve primarily to restrict their means of self defense. Criminal usage is only peripherally mentioned. This message is not lost on people. The second part of this triad, Gays, particularly Gay Marriage, is a threat to procreation. Combine this with Abortion, you have a recipe for societal suicide. With no future children, there is no future society. Another primordal instnct is attacked. Again, look at the laws being proposed by Stark Raving Liberals and their supporters the Gay and Pro-Abortion communities. Our entire society, based on the orderly raising of children, is demeaned at its very roots. Another message not lost on people. God, perhaps the most important of this triad, is the recognition by man of a higher meaning to life. This recognition has been evident from the earliest days of man on this planet. He has built temples, pyramids, and monuments to God; He has passed laws with the guidance of God; He has sought His guidance in all matters. But look again at the actions of the Stark Raving Liberals. Remove God from public life, attack the very existence of God. Another obvious message. The very core of human life and its deep meaning was assaulted by this motley group. No wonder there was, and is, a return to decency. 3 Thinking Outside the Box! Dr. Charles Ormsby The United Nations – United for What? “You take away my right to build a future that could last for centuries and then you give me a bowl of rice that will last a day. For this, you want thanks?” Anonymous To the Editor, I want to thank The Valley Patriot for covering the city of Haverhill. I particularly liked the fact that you have reached out to School Committeeman Scott Wood and former mayor Jim Rurak. Since the EagleTribune bought the Haverhill Gazette, we get no information about what our local officials are up to. Keep up the good work! John Symanski Haverhill, Massachusetts To the Editors, I am writing in response to Peter Khanbegian’s letter in the October 2004 edition, which itself was a response to Hartley Pleshaw’s column about the “Bread and Roses” strike in your September issue. Mr. Khanbegian has a rather different interpretation of the meaning of the strike from Hartley’s and mine, and it would be futile for me to try to change his mind. But his letter included some assertions regarding the historical record that I cannot leave unaddressed. Mr. Khanbegian stated that “These thugs (I.W.W. union leaders and/or members) blew up scab homes and terrorized the community.” He also stated that, at the old train station, “women and children of some mill workers were gunned down by these anarchists as they were being sent out of town by their fathers and husbands until the turmoil was over.” I have read most everything written about the strike, and there is no support for either of these claims. In fact the opposite would be closer to the truth. No homes were blown up during the strike. The only explosives discovered were caches of dynamite that were proven to have been planted by friends of millowner William Wood, in order to discredit the strike leaders. Similarly, no one was “gunned down” at the train station. But strikers and their children were roughed up by police and militia trying to prevent another contingent from departing and generating more publicity that would draw sympathy to the strikers. Had strikers or IWW leaders blown up homes or gunned down workers, as Mr. Khanbegian asserts, those events would have been covered extensively by the competitive press of the time, not to mention trumpeted by the business/ religious/political leadership of the city. But no such documentation exists. Anyone wishing to review the historical record for themselves should start with Donald Cole’s “Immigrant City”. Writing in the early '60s, Cole was no leftist/ revisionist intellectual, but a mainstream Cold War-era historian, educated in the 1950s, who scoured the contemporary record of the strike. His account bears no resemblance to Mr. Khanbegian’s claims. Sincerely yours, People can and will interpret historical events differently, but it does not help anyone’s understanding when the known facts are distorted beyond recognition. As Yogi Berra would say, “you could look it up!” Stanley A Hoff Lawrence, Massachusetts Jim Beauchesne, Chairman Bread and Roses Heritage Committee I became hooked on politics in High School in the early ‘60s. My favorite bumper sticker was in support of Communist China. It read: “Admit Red China to the U.N. – Give Them Our Seat”. I’d suggest such a trade today, but I think every despotic regime is already a member. With an annual budget of nearly $1.5 billion ($363 million or 25% of this is paid by the United States), it is not surprising that the U.N. does some good. While I am sure there are legitimate criticisms, the three largest U.N. humanitarian agencies (U.N. Development Programme, U.N. Relief Agency, and UNICEF) certainly provide assistance to many who are desperately in need. Does that mean the U.S. should continue as a U.N. member? The answer is an emphatic NO, for one simple reason: The U.N. is not an effective mechanism for achieving our goals. Which begs the question: What are our goals? Or: What should be our goals? Let’s start with a few goals that almost every reader can embrace: * Promote world peace * Reduce poverty and promote economic prosperity * Promote individual freedom (both political and economic). Hopefully we are all on the same page. There may be a fourth and fifth objective, but they must pale in comparison to these three. Assuming we agree on these goals, the next questions are “What is the long term strategy for achieving these goals?” and “Does the U.N. support this strategy?” When considering their immediate, shortterm effects, the three goals are listed in their order of importance. It is hard to worry about your next meal or getting your needed prescription for medicine when bombs are exploding in your front yard or soldiers are about to execute your family, rape your women, or weld shackles around your ankles. World NRA FIREARMS SAFETY CLASS 248A BROADWAY LAWRENCE, MA 01841 (978) 689-2722 peace (and especially peace for our communities and families) comes first. Given a reasonable level of peace, then adequate food, clothing, shelter, and healthcare (i.e., rising above the poverty level) come next. When you are starving, shivering, or deathly ill, only the horrors of war are more dreaded. Finally, if we are safe from war and our most basic needs are being met, we want to be free to employ our talents and expend our perspiration to improve the course of our lives and the lives of our families. While critically important, individual freedom may seem to be an abstract notion when death or starvation is at our doorstep. Although this is the order of importance when considering immediate consequences, oddly, the order of importance of these goals must be reversed if we want to address the issues over the longer term. Freedom eliminates poverty, gives people hope, and removes the incentives for war. If we want to eliminate war and poverty, we need to advance human political and economic freedom. And that is where the U.N. is a grotesque failure. Each year the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal rank the world’s 161 countries by their degree of economic freedom. As it turns out, for countries whose economic freedom scores have been consistent for several decdes, their Economic Freedom Index is a very good predictor of their prosperity. Where repressed countries have recently become free (e.g., Eastern Europe) or for countries whose economic freedom scores have substantially changed, the annual rate of economic growth (i.e., prosperity increases) correlates strongly with the degree of economic freedom they have adopted. Over 6 billion experiments (the current world population) can’t be wrong. The data is crystal clear: If you want prosperity and want to eliminate poverty, you should support economic freedom (free markets, property rights, low levels of taxes and regulation, and political freedom). If you like grinding poverty and the vacant stare of starving children, then autocratic Continued on Page 17 GUNSMITHING AVAILABLE Est. 1953 email: [email protected] 4 December 2004 - The Valley Patriot North Andover Selectmen Vote for Tax Equity Wendy Wakeman, North Andover Selectman, Fans of big don’t vote. Government can grow, government and taxation can increase to fuel the the big taxes growth, and the voters, homeowners, that fund it like don’t feel the pinch. sneaky taxes. If you’re not pinched, you won’t Taxes that can scream. be set or raised Businesses require few services: no quietly, with- trash pickup, no kids to educate, no out the con-sent elders to service. And yet, they pay of voters, fall higher taxes! into this category. Fees are often Sneaky, isn’t it? nothing more than sneaky taxes. And the best kind of sneaky tax, of course, Until this year, I’ve had to play along with this scam. You is a tax that the other see, the very first guy pays. "We’re still not splitting time more of the I don’t like sneaky taxes. That’s why I the pie right down the burden is given to voted to increase, middle, but we’re a lot business, people notice. Homeowners ever so slightly, my closer than we were." are happy. A tax own taxes. Now is break! Businesses a good time to begin grumble, but they can’t vote. righting a wrong. The next year, and each subsequent The particular wrong of which I speak is called tax classification. I expect it’s year, spreading the burden around not a term you’re familiar with, as it’s evenly would be – not good. The voters aren’t used to carrying special taxation jargon. their fair share of the load. They want Let me explain. Cities and towns can create different a small bundle, one just about the same categories of taxable real estate, size as last year, maybe a teensy bit namely residential and commercial. The bigger. That’s what taxpayers expect. That’s why last year, and the year categories do not need to be treated equally once separated. Cities and before, I voted to preserve the status towns can be sneaky, and charge quo. Okay, I reasoned: We’ll be unfair commercial property a higher tax rate about passing around the burden, but we’ll be unfair in the same measure as than residential. North Andover has been doing this for we were last year, so no one will notice. This year, something changed. The years. Last year, the tax rate for houses was $11.76 per thousand dollars of ass- load got smaller. The overall tax burden for North Andover decreased a bit, essed value. Businesses paid $14.28. Why do businesses pay such a thanks in part to paying down some premium? It could be because they debt. Continued on Page 18 TOWER HILL VARIETY & SUBS 101 Ames Street • Lawrence, MA 978-682-7222 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1978 OLD FASHIONED HOMEMADE COOKING PARTY PLATTERS - HOT & COLD COLD CUT PLATTERS SUPER SUBS (26 inches) WE CARRYA VARIETY OF FRESH DELI MEATS &ANASSORTMENTOF HOMEMADE MEATBALLS HOMEMADESALADS: STUFFED CABBAGE & PEPPERS POTATO,TORTELLINI, HOMEMADE LASAGNA (2 meat, 3 cheese) ANTIPASTO,CHICKEN, OLD FASHION CHICKEN BARBS CHICKEN RICE SOUP (with little meatballs) EGG,MACARONI and much...much...more..... SS Y TUESDAYS TRADITION A M TER T NT FREE CAN OF PEPSI WITH O L GE THE PURCHASE OF ANY A SMALL OR LARGE SUB STEAK & CHEESE, ITALIAN SAUSAGE, BUFFALO CHICKEN, BBQ ROAST BEEF, ITALIAN, HOMEMADE CHICKEN SALAD, CHICKEN CUTLET, HOMEMADE MEATLOAF, BURGERS, CHICKEN RANCH MELT, SHREDDED CHICKEN BOMB, AND MUCH...MUCH...MORE... HOURS Monday - Friday 8am-7pm, Saturday 9am-5pm WE ACCEPT MASTER CARD & VISA We're located down the hill from Lawrences' Historic Reservoir Tower Paying Attention! Tom Duggan, Jr. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is Real Warning: This column may offend anyone bothered by truth, goodness and holiday celebrations! No longer just a children’s fantasy story, “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” is alive and well in modern day America. But, the real Grinch doesn’t live at the top of Mount Crumpet. No, no, he resides in the cold, black hearts (and offices) of the ACLU and every person who tries to stop others from celebrating the season of giving, the season of charity and the season of happiness for children and their families. And, just as the fictional Grinch came down off Mount Crumpet to steal Christmas from the “Whos down in Whoville,” these real life Grinches come out from their caves every year to file lawsuits and steal Christmas from children everywhere they can. What’s so amazing about today’s Grinches is that they are just as mean and just as irrational as the fictional one. To these people, God is to be shunned, goodness is “offensive” and the mere thought of another person celebrating a holiday rooted in religion...that's just plain loathsome. Dr. Suess himself couldn’t have possibly imagined that his creation would someday be a reality in the form of modern day religious bigotry. But here we are, a culture under attack by a very small minority who cringe at the site of a Santa Claus or a Christmas angel. Now, the Christmas-hating Grinches are even filing lawsuits and complaining about people who put up Christmas displays on their own private property, using local zoning regulations to restrict the mirth and merriment of heir fellow citizens. They’ve even found ways to use condo and neighborhood associations to adopt intolerant bylaws that discriminate against people of faith and even the faithless who enjoy the American holiday tradition. WHY? Well, they are offended of course. As if the sight of pine tree with colored lights is akin to using a racial slur or the sound of children singing Jingle Bells is equal to hearing Hitler Youth songs about exterminating Jews. Wait, on second thought, the ACLU and the Christmas-haters have defended the “rights” of Nazi’s and the Klan to offend, which I guess begs the question: How is a Christmas tree or a Christmas song more damaging to society and more offensive to them than racist Nazi symbols and songs? How is it that “offensiveness” is the standard for stopping Christmas displays but not so much for the hateful demonstrations of racists and fear Continued on Page 18 Your Property Taxes In Methuen Billy Manzi, Methuen City Council President With Methuen’s City taxpayers. Such a shift is allowed under Council prepared to set so-called “classification”. Classification allows a greater share of a “tax rate” at the the overall tax burden to be borne by December 6th meeting, business, thereby shielding the residential it was an opportune time homeowners from some level of property to discuss the process, tax increases. While the concept may tax classification, and appear to be unfair to business, property general budgetary values play a role in such a determination. matters. As an example, Methuen has recently While the Mayor’s recommendations seen a decrease in property values assowere not yet available at press time, ciated with business, while residential Methuen’s budget does call for an increase in the “tax levy”, and some press reports values have risen dramatically. Under have taken that “tax levy” number and conditions where all such property is attempted to correlate it to what the average treated equally, the end result could be a residential homeowner may be faced with decrease in overall property taxes for business, and a corresin the way of an ponding increase for increase. However, "Despite the fact that our tax residential homeuntil such time as the burden compares favorably owners. City Council makes a with other municipalities the Classification decision on tax property tax imposes what I helps us to smooth classification, and consider to be an unfair out those potential the assessor submits burden on the elderly..." inequities. We reproperty values, such main cognizant in Methuen of the need to an attempt to make this correlation is likely continue to attract business, and on that to be flawed. basis we have tried to strike a delicate The “tax levy” is simply the amount of revenue that the municipal budget antic- balance on classification. Methuen has a ipates raising from the property tax. Since solid record with regard to attracting a balanced municipal budget is mandated by business, and our tax policies will law, and since the tax levy revenue estimate continue to promote business expansion contributes to that balance at the beginning that helps to lower our residential tax of the fiscal year, any attempt to lower the burden. As we move to set the tax rate that “tax levy” at the time of the setting of the determines your residential bill, the values tax rate would create a deficit. Consequently, established by the assessor are critical. absent additional revenues or a decrease in How you are treated on an individual basis expenses, the City Council is bound by law is determined by the value set on your to raise sufficient revenue through the levy property by the assessor, who is mandated to balance the budget. by state requirement to assess at 100% of As the City Council prepares to adopt value. Since each property has the such a tax rate it must also consider the potential for a shift in the burden from Continued on Page 18 residential homeowners to commercial December Faulty Bricks in Lawrence High Continued from Page 1 Lack of Oversight Superintendent of Schools Wilfredo Laboy said that he was just as frustrated with the high school situation as members of the Lawrence School Committee. Laboy is often blamed for cost overruns and accused of hiding information about the project. “It’s nearly impossible to get any information from the contractors about the work being done,” Laboy said. “I knew nothing about this brick situation until recently and that’s because they refuses to work with us. We don’t get the reports we need, they refuse to justify expenses and they expect us to pay the bills, no questions asked.” 2004 - The Valley Patriot 5 Make Them Call It a Christmas Party “All things are possible at this point, we are looking at the performance of all by Dennis contracts and asking for authorization to One of the most common questions I am do what needs to be done.” asked is, “What can I, a simple citizen, do to make our country better?” What Now? The answer: Change the little things first. If agreed upon, a draft memo of Most people who are worried about the understanding between Mayor Sullivan and direction of our country think that all the Wilfredo Laboy would give the battles are big ones. But we cannot win any Superintendent control of the project and of the big ones if we keep losing the small put an end to the dispute over who has the ones. final authority. According to the City Charter; the Lawrence School Committee Here is a seemingly small project that any and the Superintendent of Schools (on American who works at almost any their behalf) are legally considered the company can initiate. If successful, it will “owner” of the project. The Superin- send shockwaves through the country: tendent's signature needed to release the Rename your company’s “holiday” party a Christmas party. funds. Prager problem, not the majority’s. Demanding that the vast majority of one’s fellow workers deny the holiday they all celebrate just to make a few people more comfortable (especially when their discomfort is only a sign of narcissism) is morally indefensible. It is also dishonest. What December holiday is it, after all, if not Christmas? The winter solstice? Martin Van Buren’s birthday? Rosh Chodesh Tevet? Constitution Day in Uzbekistan? Fight back calmly and politely. But fight back. Do not be deterred by being a called “Nobody is holding them accountable,” he a bigot. Wanting a Christmas party hardly continued. “We are going to put an end to makes you a bigot. It is the minority it. There are a lot of If I don’t get what I Laboy denied that Nothing is quite as symbolic of the member who wants “Christmas” dropped people gouging us. need to do this right, Sullivan was narcissism at the heart of contemporary who is the bigot. Furthermore few minority The children are not then I should be holding up the final “progressive” policies than the belief that members actually do object. The vast on their radar released from all agreement outlined because there are non-Christian employees majority of Jews, whether or not they screen, it is clear. obligations. How can I in the memo of at a company, its Christmas party may not celebrate Chanukah, honor Christmas, as do This is going to be held accountable u n d e r s t a n d i n g , be called one. Who do 5 percent of the the vast majority of blacks, whether or not stop.” for a project and have saying, “The mayor employees think they are that they feel they celebrate Kwanzaa. no authority to make has a strong desire empowered to demand that the other 95 decisions?” Laboy said he was to get this on track percent not celebrate their party with the Demand a vote. It will smoke out the concerned about the and on budget. name that they want? And what kind of progressives’ contempt for democracy. city’s lack of From what I've seen, mindset denies a company the right to And ask why a Halloween party is permitted control over the at the company. That will reveal the great he has every intention to make this a team celebrate a national holiday? project and the role he is expected to play. American secret: Conservatives (such as effort. But, just as he has entrusted me to “Ah, but we want to be inclusive,” the Christians who do not celebrate run a $110 million dollar school system, “I am expected, as the legal owner of the professional sensitivity staff will reply. Halloween) are usually far more tolerant project, to sign the bills and approve the he should see that I am capable of handling the high school construction project." But, dear sensitivity trainer, how is inviting of things they disagree with than their spending. But any time I ask questions about the bills they submit, I am told ‘we don’t Asked what would happen if the mayor me, a Jew who does not celebrate Christ- liberal opponents are. answer to you’. How am I supposed to do refused to give Laboy complete control mas, to the company’s Christmas party not And know that diversity professionals can my job and provide oversight on this project of the project, he replied, “Look, there has inclusive? Isn’t inviting me by definition in- support this. When I spoke on this subject when the contractors are going around me?” been a question about who is in charge of clusive? And if it isn’t, perhaps to be really at the national headquarters of Toyota, the inclusive, given that I keep kosher, you’ll company’s head of diversity told me that this project from day one. it has never Not only has Flansburgh Associates and been stated clearly to all parties. If I don’t have to refrain from serving shellfish or he supported my call to rename the Eastern Contractors purchased substandard get what I need to do this right, then I should pork products. And you better not serve tea “holiday” party a Christmas party. I would brick at a higher price, the architect be released from all obligations. How can or any other caffeinated products because love to give that talk at every company in (Flansburgh), Heery International Inc. (the I be held accountable for a project and of the Mormons at your company. America. As that is impossible, I am making management firm which oversees the have no authority to make decisions?” In fact, to be really inclusive, you better the lecture available (on audio and video architect) and the General Contractor have drop the word “holiday.” One company through my Web site, www.dennis “refused to provide inspectional services of Lawrence City Councilor Carlos Matos employee told me that a fellow worker, a Furthermore I will publicize the project and refused to hire the said this could have been avoided long ago Jehovah’s Witness, had mentioned that the name of every company where workers appropriate firms to conduct weekly site if the mayor was holding people because he is forbidden from celebrating are attempting to bring back the name visits to observe the installation of accountable and paying attention along the holidays, he could attend the holiday party “Christmas” for their December party. mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire way. He drafted a city ordinance months only if the company dropped the word Please let me know about your efforts. This protection.” This was stated in a ago that would clearly define who was in “holiday.” So maybe the sensitivity crowd is a fight worth making. memorandum dated November 4, 2004 from charge of the project and spell out the should just call it “a party”? Do not be intimidated by anti-Christian George Collins to Flansburgh Associates, responsibilities of all parties involved. Inc. Matos is waiting for the City Attorney to But even that might not be inclusive enough. animosity that masquerades as “sensitivity” draft official language. What about those who are forbidden to or “inclusiveness.” And when someone asks Because of these refusals, City Solicitor party (e.g., certain fundamentalists and you whose idea it was, tell them it came Charles Boddy, Jr. has been asked to render “Even if the ordinance passes now we have Jews who are in mourning)? For their sakes, from a Jew who doesn’t observe Christmas, but who loves and honors the fact that the a legal opinion to confirm a breach of a big problem on our hand with this high let’s not even call it a party. vast majority of his fellow Americans do. contract, which could result in the City of school. They should tear down the whole Lawrence firing Heery International, thing and start over,” Matos said about the I was raised to believe that unless the ©2004 Creators Syndicate, Inc. Flansburgh Associates and Eastern brick situation, “and…the contractors majority is engaged in evil, one honors the Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated host and should eat the bill. What we are getting is majority’s will. If a religious, racial or author of four books. His Web Site is www.dennis Contracting. not what we contracted for and it’s atheist minority member can’t abide the To find out more Dennis Prager, visit Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan has certainly not what we are paying for. This name “Christmas,” it is entirely his or her defended the contractors and publicly whole project has been mismanaged from ridiculed School Committee member Amy the very beginning.” McGovern whenever she questioned the “This could lead to long term problems contractor’s actions. McGovern has long with leaks and mold getting into the walls. (Suite 201) questioned the cost overruns, the lack of We could have a disaster on our hands in a oversight and what she has called "dishonest" few short years. This has to be rectified and "stonewalling" when she tried to get now,” he concluded. information about the project. Superintendent Laboy said he was Sullivan could not be reached for comment. weighing his options on what to do next, but promised that the City of Lawrence Now, sources close to the project say they “will recover damages.” Residential, Investor & expect the city to fire Flansburgh and Heery Loan Officers Commercial Loans, for breach of contract, a notion Laboy would He said there was little chance that the Pamela Sorensen not rule out. “This is about accountability," existing project would be torn down but Debt Consolidation, & C. J. Riendeau he said. "There just isn’t any. I believe there added, “it is hard to get to the bottom of 100% Financing, needs to be some redirection on this project everything that is going on when the All Credit Levels and I will do whatever it takes to make sure contractor treats you like you don’t exist. ~ Se Habla Espanol this project is done on time and on budget. I know the School Committee is very The citizens of the Commonwealth deserve concerned. We are all working to resolve Ask about our Junior Loan Officer opportunities to get their money’s worth. Nothing less this situation, but I need these other than that is acceptable.” matters resolved before we can get a full Washington Mortgage Co., Inc. 25 Railroad Square Haverhill, MA 01832 232 Broadway Lawrence, MA 01841 When pressed about the possible firing of Flansburgh and Heery, Laboy responded, understanding of what happened and how to resolve it.” ~ Phone: (978) 258-8037 ~ Fax: (978) 373-9583 ~ Email: [email protected] 6 December 2004 - The Valley Patriot GRA CE, GRA TITUDE AND GOD GRACE, GRATITUDE My 4-year-old daughter recently learned to say grace at mealtimes. I taught her the same little prayer my mom taught me in childhood: God is great God is good Let us thank him for our food By his hands we all are fed Give us Lord our daily bread Amen. Michelle At first, my daughter questioned the need for reciting this strange passage. “Why do we have to thank God?” she wondered. “To show that we are grateful for our daily bread,” I explained. “What is ‘grateful’?” she asked. “Being appreciative for what we have,” I answered. “But I’m not eating daily bread,” she argued in between bites of macaroni and cheese. It means whatever fills your tummy each day,” I clarified. “Oh.” In typical toddler fashion, my daughter is now absolutely fanatical about her new routine. Not only must we say grace before every meal, but also before each snack. And anytime we have a drink. And anytime her baby brother gobbles Cheerios in his car seat. Failure to give thanks to God is met with swift retribution. Our daughter has no qualms about chastising us in public — at restaurants, airports or Starbucks: “Hey, stop eating! You forgot to say grace!” Despite the embarrassment it sometimes causes, I love her unrepentant zeal. It reminds us not to take for granted our too-infrequent gestures of daily thanksgiving. It reminds us to be humble. Following her lead, we must all bow our heads and fold our hands and shut our eyes and shout a full-throated “Amen!” The snobs of secularism will no doubt disparage such simple-minded expressions of piety. They call us “Jesus freaks,” “Bible-thumpers” and “fundies.” They accuse us of being “weak” and of suffering from a “neurological disorder.” They consider us such a threat that they have sought to expunge even the most innocuous references to thanking God in the public schools. When Garwood, N.J., student Kaeley Hay wrote a Thanksgiving poem mentioning the Pilgrims’ gratitude to the Lord, according to the Newark Star-Ledger, skittish administrators initially removed the word “God” from her piece: "Leaves are falling out of the air, Piles of leaves everywhere. Scarecrows standing high up with the corn, Farmers harvest in the early morn. Pilgrims thank [blank] for what they were given, Everybody say . . . Happy Thanksgiving!" Here in my home state of Maryland, according to the Annapolis Capital, “Maryland public school students are free to thank anyone they want while Malkin learning about the 17th century celebration of Thanksgiving — as long as it’s not God.” True to the religio-phobic conception of educational “diversity,” Maryland public school officials have turned Thanksgiving into a multicultural harvest devoid of its spiritual essence. Students are taught that Pilgrims had a “belief system,” but nothing further. Not to worry, though. “The Pilgrim Story is read in Spanish and English,” Alfreda Adams, principal at Mills-Parole Elementary School in Anne Arundel County where 70 Hispanic students attend, told the Capital. “We make sure that we celebrate all cultures.” Such politically correct muddleheadedness explains why Maryland students can’t learn Pilgrim prayers in public schools while the town of Hamtramck, Mich., feels free to blast Islamic prayers over public loudspeakers five times a day. Once an unabashedly pious land, we have been transformed into a nation of historically clueless ingrates — embarrassed about our heritage, afraid of offending all newcomers, and more committed to inculcating a sense of entitlement over a culture of gratitude. Abe Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamation of 1863 rings truer than ever: “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven. We have been preserved, the many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to God that made us!” Amen. (c) 2004, Michelle Malkin is a syndicated columnist and maintains her weblog at A Subscription to The Valley Patriot Makes a Great Christmas Gift Send a check for $15 to The Valley Patriot 64 White Birch Lane, North Andover, MA 01845 Be sure to include the name and address of the person your gift is for. Their one year subscription will arrive in the mail with a gift card bearing their name When National Security Hits Home Jim Rurak, Former Haverhill Mayor We had a great Thanksgiving visit with family in Kansas, but on the way back terror hit home. Tightened a i r p o r t security is often a pain in the neck, but when they checked our bags for our return flight from Kansas to Boston via Chicago they never asked for our photo ID’s. We’re not terrorists, but I do feel safer when security does its job. The very first step home seemed sloppy, security wise. Then the human predicament grew. Weather in Chicago delayed our Kansas flight by 90 minutes. Unless things improved, we’d miss our connecting flight. Then the agent inside noticed that our baggage claim codes gave their destination as Chicago not Boston. She “fixed it” but didn’t think they’d arrive with us. OK by me, they’re only full of dirty laundry, but again things just don’t seem to be going right. Then it happened. We passed through a thorough security check, entered the gate area and waited eagerly for the boarding call. Our chances of making the connecting flight were now down to one in ten. The call came sooner than expected and we quickly queued up, our chances now up to one in five of making port that night, albeit without bags. All of a sudden, the agent inside the secured area announced “we found a cell-phone, will someone claim it!?” Someone shouted “it’s mine!” But he was in the security checkpoint. They released him. The agent gave it to him without asking him to verify it was really his. All action now geared to getting the plane off— everyone on it had connection concerns in Chicago. I was next to last in line, the cellphone guy right behind me. I am now in quiet shock. We’ve gone from sloppy security(no photo ID requested of us) to security failure. I am as caught up as anyone to get quickly to Chicago, but doesn’t anyone else wonder how someone can claim a cell-phone without verifying that it’s his? And, the real shocker. How the blazes did the cell phone get into the secured area before its supposed owner did? At best he’s a thief and he’s right behind me. But I’m used to that. At worst, he’s a terrorist now carrying a planted weapon or trigger onto our plane! Now things heat up even more! I’m watching him like a hawk. He sits two rows up in 11F, a window seat right next to the emergency exit, oh yeah, you got it, to top it off, we’re in row 13. Practically every seat on the plane is taken, but he’s surrounded by four empty seats, the two next to him and the two in the short row in front of him, the window seat left out of row 10 to make room for the emergency exit. Did he buy out these seats for the privacy needed to do his deed? He put his carry-on in the overhead compartment and immediately went to the restroom, where he spent much time. My quiet shock turns to severe pre-takeoff turbulence. The plane pulls away from the gate early; our connection chances now go up to one in two, and so do everyone else’s on the plane. If I say something we all may miss our connecting flights. Who wants to chance staying in Chicago? The airline won’t pay, and there may be no rooms within reasonable distance from O’Hare (everyone gets delayed in Chicago!). And who wants an overnight at the airport? And what about the next day, severe weather forecast for the whole East Coast? But the cell-phone guy in the plane’s only empty row really bothers me. The plane starts to taxi. The pilot says “prepare for take-off.” The engines rev up. And I realize. The only chance is now. If we take off and this guy’s a terrorist, connecting flights don’t matter. Airport rugs are OK. If I’m wrong, and, by telling the flight attendant, the flight’s delayed, and because of that everyone hates me, maybe even my wife because we’ll have to take shifts watching Rose our daughter that long airport night, none of that matters. I do it. As the captain’s testing the brakes by over-revving the engines, I get up and find the stewardess. I tell my story. She says “wow!” and calls the captain. He asks for me, for my name, a long silence, the engines slow down, he comes back on the phone and says “we don’t have a problem,” then he talks with the stewardess again. Still as shaken as I, She said “it turns out that your cell-phone guy is a special airline employee, but we really thank you.” Before I got back to my seat, the plane was in the air. We landed safely, just made our connection, got home, believe it or not with our bags, and I’m full of thanksgiving this year. But I’m still unsettled. There are just so many links in the chain of defense against terrorism. A lot of them are very weak. The sloppy security, the security breach. Some seem strong, the stewardess’s quick action, the captain’s presence of mind to pull up the manifest. Others are tenuous at best, my last minute realization that I had to act before the plane left the ground (at least some passengers have a chance if it explodes there, not up above). And, I still wonder how the phone got into the secured area ahead of the “employee.” Granted he could have come in earlier, the flight was delayed. But he sure seemed in a hurry to get himself and his bags through security. Did the agent hand him the phone because she knew him, or, because like all of us she was in a hurry? Was it just luck that he was an employee? Throughout my life, I’ve taken different, but, at the time thoroughly honest, positions on warfare. I’ve never believed that the U.S. should strike first. Now I’m not so sure. The neo-conservatives like Condi Rice believe that in the final analysis the only way to reduce terror here is to strike it first where it is most strong overseas. I always thought increased security made the best defense, but it has so many potential cracks, and relies on so many newly trained and focused eyes, it may not be nearly enough. Pre-emptive action is not without hazard and unintended consequence, but it may be the only way of lifting the dome of suspicion, fear and terror right here at home and, even more importantly, of reducing terrorism itself. I’m not sure, but I’m thankful to have the chance to think about it. Jim Rurak is the former Mayor of Haverhill and is now a professor at Boston College. December Heroes & Bozos supporting a bill in the Legislature that will lift the arbitrary cap on the number of charter schools in the state. Kudos to Selectman Wendy Wakeman for defending free speech in North Andover. Wakeman supports an open door policy for political candidates who wish to campaign at the North Andover Senior Center. A belated three cheers for The Town of Methuen Council on aging as well as the Councils on Aging in Lawrence and Haverhill for having an open door policy which allows all candidates to campaign at the centers (which are clearly public buildings). Kudos to North Andover Selectmen Wendy Wakeman, Jim Xenakis and Don Stewart who are all heroes for voting to change the tax classification differential from 1.18, to 1.08, in an attempts to bring the rate down, making commercial property more attractive for businesses. Hopefully, this will bringmore business into North Andover. Kudos to Lawrence Superintendent of Schools Wilfredo Laboy and Methuen Mayor Sharon Pollard for publiicly voicing their opposition to the use of calculators in elementary School. Unfortunately, North Andover does allow the use of calculators in the elementary schools, so those who continue to perpetuate this educational farse are teetering on the brink of bozodom. Bozo status goes to several members of the Lawrence City Council for not paying attention to the lengthy presentations given to them during public meetings. As if these meetings weren't long and tedious enough, some members of the council day-dream and pass notes to each other and then spend an excessive amount of time asking questions which were answered several times before, over and over and over again ...making a laughing stock of the city and making our evenings verrrrry looooooong! Kudos also to Superintendent Laboy for continuing to scrutinize the unnecessary spending of Eastern Contractors and architect Flansburgh & Associates, who have been hired to construct the new Lawrence High School for $110 million. Though Mayor Sullivan has publicly ridiculed School Committeeman Amy McGovern for her extensive criticism of the High School Project, it turns out she may have been right all along. (See story page 1.) Kudos to Lawrence City Councilor Mike Feilding (District "F") for speaking out against raises for members of the City Council, especially in light of the fact that the city is millions in the red and most Councilors can't even pay attention to what they are doing. Kudos to everyone in the Lawrence School System who have worked diligently to get the High School accreditation back, including Lawrence High Principal Tom Sharkey, the teachers and administrators who work at the school and Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan. Kudos to the Haverhill Knights of Columbus for voting to support Father Cleary’s decision to ask State Rep. Barbara L’Italien to step down as Cantor at St. Augustines Church in Andover. Kudos also go to Andover Selectman Brian Major for coming to Father Cleary’s defense. Kudos to State Rep. David Torrisi for sponsoring a bill to increase the number of charter schools in Massachusetts by Finally, kudos to Mayor Fiorintini for standing up to developers trying to pull the wool over his eyes in Haverhill. J.J. McGuire's Pub & Grille Catering & Takout 978-687-9321 2004 - The Valley Patriot 7 The Best Best Bang Bang For For Your Your Buck? Buck? The Patrick Blanchette, President of the Lawrence City Council Unfortunately the City of Lawrence is dealing with tough financial problems this year. When I was first elected to the Lawrence City Council (over five years ago,) the annual operating budget was roughly $170 million, with a contingency reserve account of $3 million. The current fiscal year’s annual operating budget is roughly $200 million with no reserve account. For the past two years, the city has taken some steps to fill budget gaps throughout our city departments. Some of these steps have included but were not limited to a tax amnesty program, early retirement programs, sale of city-owned land, along with a host of other initiatives, some more successful than others. This year the City of Lawrence is operating on a budget that is not balanced due to poor planning and fiscal irresponsibility by those who are paid full-time salaries to forecast our financial future. When people are confronted with questions dealing with balancing the budget or questioning the very initiatives that were proposed back in July (but have either failed or were never implemented), that person is labeled as being “negative”. The fact of the matter is that the City of Lawrence is in desperate need of finding $6.5 million to balance the current year's budget. The city is also responsible for coming up with money to pay the Department of Public Works employees their welldeserved raise, which was promised to them via a signed contract by the city administration. The last time I checked, when an official contract is signed and then violated, court proceedings usually follow. I have faith that the DPW workers will not place our residents at risk in the upcoming months by going on strike, but in return I stand with them to make sure that the city of Lawrence doesn’t place them and their families at financial risk. Let’s keep the promises we make. Is that not what integrity is all about? As an elected official, I feel it is my duty to inform the public about the “real” fiscal problems our city faces. We need a fulltime Budget Director! The fiscal crisis continues! As you know, tax classification time is upon us, and the forecast does not look good. According to a December 1, 2004 proposal, the Administration is proposing to raise property taxes on the average homeowner based on the new valuation of property within the city of Lawrence. I believe in the theory that the end result must justify the means. For instance, water bills will probably be increased this year. However, a new state of the art facility is currently being built. All new underground piping will be replaced and in the end a better productclean, safe drinking water! With this current tax proposal, what is the justification? Due to improper planning, the homeowner must once again be the Cedric Maxwell and carry the city on its back. I think not. The average homeowner is spent right now. The current proposal will increase a single-family homeowner's bill by $201.57 per year. The average three-family home owner will see their tax bill raised $747.57 this year. This will be on top of an increase in water. This, my fellow residents, is unacceptable. Let us try all other means possible before we take the easy way out. I will pledge to you that, as your elected official, I will do whatever I can in the upcoming month to ease your burden. Please make your voices heard over the next couple of weeks (attend a meeting, make a phone call, write a letter) and make sure you - the taxpayer-– get the right bang for your buck! •Quick Picks• •Feeling HOT HOT HOT!• •More For Your Money• Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc. Head Start Program A WINNER EVERY TIME! Homemade Chicken Breast Tenders......$5.29 Flame Licked and Juicy Always a Good Choice! 305 Essex St. Lawrence, MA. 99 Essex St. Lawrence We Deliver with a Smile Homemade Buffalo Tenders.....$5.29 Soup du Jour..........$2.99 Chowder (Friday only) Mkt. Price •LOT OF GREEN• HOW GOOD IT IS!! Garden Salad......$3.99 Chef Salad............$5.49 McGuire's Special Feta Cheese & Black Olives....$5.99 Tuna Over Salad.....$5.99 Grilled Chicken Over Salad..............$5.99 Steak Tips (8 oz.) Over Salad.............$6.99 •THE CLUB HOUSE• Fax: 978-687-9162 Kitchen Open at 11:00A.M. All White Meat Chilled The J.J. 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Meatball & Chicken Cutlet Sub..............................$5.29 Ziti............................$5.49 Handmade...just like Meatball Sub............$5.29 Nanna's! Roast Beef...........$5.99 Steak Tip Sub with or w/out Cheese, Peppers and onions................$5.49 Cheeseburger Club........................$5.99 All club sandwiches served with French Fries, Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo & Bacon Chicken Tender Sub................$5.29 All Sandwiches Above Served with Chips & Pickle Serving the Merrimack Valley: Lawrence, Methuen, Andover & North Andover Morning, Afternoon & Full Day Programs NO LOSERS HERE! JOIN THE CLUB! Oven Roasted Turkey Club........$5.99 Grilled Chicken Club......$5.99 Anne D'Errico-Program Director All Dinners Above Served with Ziti •SIDE BETS• SOMETHING EXTRA! Onion Rings.............$2.99 Curly Fries...............$2.99 Curly Spicy Fries....$2.99 Open Year-Round 6:30am-5:30pm Providing Services to Pregnant Women, Infants, Toddlers, 3 & 4 Years Olds Now Accepting Applications for Enrollment for School Year & Extended Day Programs Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum, Family Support, Parent Involvement, Nutrition, Transportation & Health Services Provided For Information, Call: (978) 681-4958 or (978) 681-4937 Kids & Education 8 RAISE ‘EM RIGHT™ Barbara Peary M.Ed. I have a son who will turn 4 shortly. I do not want to spend a lot of money on toys he will use a few times and then find boring. I would prefer to buy gifts that he will use for a few years. What kind of toys will my child enjoy for a long time? Toys that are open ended-that is can be used in many ways and require the children to use their imaginations- are toys that are played with for a long time. All types of large and small blocks and other toys that can be manipulated and made into varying structures fit this requirement. If your child attends preschool ask to borrow some early childhood catalogues. You will find high quality toys at reasonable prices. Or visit some small toy stores and ask the clerks for assistance in picking out more multipurpose toys. The holidays are coming up soon and I know my children will ask for countless items that they will see on TV. Any ideas on how to handle this? It is a good idea at holiday time-about 6 weeks before Christmas- to start limiting TV viewing. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much less the children will want when they do not see it advertised constantly on TV. Stick in some videos instead or encourage them to spend some time reading! I am mortified when my eight year old daughter sasses me back and misbehaves in public. It is so embarrassing. Generally, she is pretty well behaved at home, but recently we had an incident at the park and I was disgusted by my reaction to her poor behavior. After speaking to her several times (she had been teasing her younger brother) I pulled her away from him, sat her on a bench and let loose with a tongue lashing. I realized afterwards that people going by probably thought I was a shrew, not to mention that humiliated my little girl in front of all those people. This is not really the kind of mom I want to be! Children know that when they misbehave in public they are putting their parents in a bind- to discipline or not to discipline them in front of others. At eight your daughter is old enough to get your message if you talk with her about her behavior and what is expected of her when she is away from home. Sit down with her soon and take the time to apologize for your recent actions at the park. Then discuss your expectations for her behavior out in public and decide on logical consequences if she does misbehave. Your sentence “after talking to her several times” holds one of the answers you can implement. Make it clear to your daughter that you expect her to listen the first time, not the third. Inform her that should something like this happen again, she will lose, for example, time playing or a treat her brother will receive. Make the consequence immediate, carry it out and then move on with the day. I have just been told that my daughter’s kindergarten classroom now needs to be a “peanut free” zone. I admit I am usually in a hurry so peanut butter has been our lunch staple. Now what? You can still keep it easy. Buy a few types of lunch meats or cheeses that she likes. Make the sandwich the night before and freeze it. Recently we caught our 12 year old with cigarettes in her backpack. I do not want to have her start! Take her down to you local convenience store with a bag and a pair of latex gloves. Have her pick up 50 used cigarette butts. This should do the trick. If not, the next time make it 100. Repeat as needed. Please send questions to RAISE ‘EM RIGHT™, P.O. Box 831, Carlisle, MA 01741 or e-mail to [email protected]. Book Keepers Corner Top Secret-James Martin Davis Dr. Charles Ormsby All high school graduates are (hopefully) familiar with Operation Overlord or, if they don’t know it by that name, they know it as the Normandy invasion (or D-Day) that took place on June 6, 1944. Who knows about Operation Downfall, the invasion planned for Japan on November 1, 1945? Operation Downfall is not widely known because it never took place. Little Boy and Fat Man made sure of that (the nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively … that is “respectively”, not respectfully). Top Secret by James Martin Davis details the plan for Operation Downfall and the almost certain disaster that would have resulted. Operation Downfall was to take place via two massive assaults: Operation Olympic, using 14 combat divisions against Kyushu (the southernmost Japanese home island) and Operation Coronet, to take place four months later using 22 divisions assaulting the main Japanese island of Honshu. The assaults were to be conducted almost entirely by U.S. forces using over 1.5 million ground soldiers and with approximately 3 million others in support. By comparison, D-Day totaled approximately 1 million ground troops counting all Allied countries. American casualties were predicted to be heavy (250,000 on Kyushu and 1,000,000 for the overall assault on Japan). While such estimates are often higher than actually experienced, these were considered conservative estimates and post-war analyses supported the potential for even higher casualty figures. There are many reasons these invasion forces may have met with disaster. Here are just three detailed in Top Secret: First, US war planners estimated that Japan had no more than 2500 aircraft of which no more than 300 would be used for kamikaze attacks. The truth was that Japan had nearly 13,000 aircraft and were building planes in underground factories at a rate of over 1,000 per month. Kamikaze attacks would be much more effective due to the proximity of Japanese airfields and the remote location of American airbases. Japan knew they would be invaded and they were preparing a catastrophic surprise party. Second, kamikaze fighters were planning to target transports heavily loaded with U.S. Troops. One troop ship held 30 times as many Americans as a Destroyer … the casualties would have b e e n horrific. Even if 100% of American forces made it ashore safely, the Japanese had a 50% greater number of b a t t l e hardened troops waiting for us. [Note: On D-Day, the Allies had a 50% advantage in numbers]. Third, in the exact spot that U.S. Forces would have been preparing for the invasion, along came the Typhoon of the Century in October 1945. Winds of 150 mph blew ships into reefs, into each other, and into oblivion. The Typhoon slowly went out to sea and then doubled back and struck again. Even without the invasion fleet being present, 270 U.S. ships (celebrating our victory) were lost. The Japanese would have hailed the “Divine Wind” … while we would be licking our wounds. Did I mention over one hundred 60-foot long human torpedoes (Kaitens) the Japanese had waiting for us, each with a 3500 lb warhead? Or the suicide frogmen called Fukuryu, also known as “crouching dragons”? How about beach mines, booby traps, trip-wire mines, suicide units concealed in spider holes, artillery batteries on rail cars hidden in caves? The Japanese military was prepared in-depth and backed by 28 million trained Japanese civilians in their “National Volunteer Combat Force”. Top Secret tells us what lay in wait for us had we not had the atomic bomb or if we were too docile to use it. There were 200 thousand casualties (over 50% of these were killed) at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Over 3 million casualties were probably avoided by the Japanese capitulation. Top Secret is not available at your local bookstore. It is a 24-page pamphlet that can only be obtained directly from the author/ researcher by sending $7.00 to James Martin Davis, c/o Ranger Publications, 1623 Farnam Street, Suite 500, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. It is well worth the price. The New WCAP Saturday 980AM Lineup Saturday Morning LIVE! AND With Warren Shaw! 6am-10am The 978-688-1133 Paying Attention! Tom Duggan Radio Program Hear Us At Our New Time Hartley Pleshaw Noon - 2pm Kids & Education 9 Hanna's Education Corner In the Augustinian Tradition By Caroline Whalen by Hanna, Age 10 An Interview With Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood What do you think about calculators in the elementary schools? Does Haverhill use them? Haverhill does have them for their classrooms, However they are not used very often. Do you approve of this and did you approve the curriculum? This was set up before I was a member of the committee, I don’t support the students using calculators in class or on tests and so fourth What is your favorite book? I’m a big fan of biography’s, I liked President Geore W Bush’s "A Charge to Keep." Wow, speaking of bush, how does his winning affect the Haverhill Schools? His winning insures that the "No Child Left Behind Act" will stay in place. I believe that this benefits the students of Haverhill greatly. As far as budget goes, we have received some funding from NCLB and I am hoping for more next year. How much time do you spend on school committee work? I spend a good amount of time doing School related work. I would say the average between our regular scheduled sessions, Subcommittee meetings, negotiations, studying up on issues and meeting with the public I would say around 10-15 hours a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. What do you think about MCAS? I support MCAS testing, I believe in holding students and educators accountable, MCAS does that. Should good teachers be paid the same as bad teachers? Its a tough question, the easy answer is no. However, I think it would be impossible to pay every teacher a different rate. If you did that for teachers then you would have to pay good police officers more then bad ones etc. I support the system the way it is now. Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy In Lawrence said he supports merit pay for teachers and would like to have it there. Can that be done in Haverhill? I do not think that you would see Merit pay in the City of Haverhill. What do you think your biggest accomplishment has been as a School Committee member? I’m not sure there is any one issue. I think there’s a few of them. I am proud to be a member of the first negotiation team for the school department that got health care reform instituted for one of our unions. It will have a great long term financial effect for the school department. I am proud of the fact that instead of talking about problems I have worked to fix them. I came up with the idea of privatizing some services which will save the district money. And lastly, I was part of a task-force that recommended mandatory summer school which hopefully will go into effect next year for 6th graders. So people liked your idea to privatize the janitors, huh? Some do and some don’t, I guess that’s the nature of the business. My job is to do what’s best though for my city, I believe that is best. What are your goals for this year and for the future as a School Committee Member? Continued on Page 18 Victoria McMahon R.E. Electrolysis 109-123 Main St., N. Andover, MA (978) 687-8292 1807 Bridge St. Unit 7, Dracut, MA (978) 275-6450 Specializing in * Blend & Shortwave Methods * Sterile, Disposable Probes * State of the Art Equipment If, after four months, you are not satisfied with the results of your present electrology treatments, please contact my office for a free consult and complimentary 15 minute treatment. I promise, you will see a tremendous improvement within two months. Not many students know anything about Blessed Stephen Bellesini Academy in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The mission statement of this school states “Blessed Stephen Bellesini, O.S.A. Academy is a private, independent Catholic middle school dedicated to providing a quality, scholarship education to boys from limited financial means living in Lawrence. The mission of the school is to provide an academically challenging and highly structured environment that develops the potential of each student to succeed in competitive secondary schools and colleges.” The students are all supplied with breakfast, snacks and lunch from the Lawrence Public School System to ensure proper nourishment. How did the school begin? In 2001, a group of local community leaders joined with Merrimack College to explore the possibility of opening a Nativity model school in the city of Lawrence. The college has a well-known presence in the city of Lawrence through numerous community partnerships such as MerrimAction and the Hennigan Center. From there the school bloomed to what it is today. As the sponsoring institution, Merrimack College provides services and support for the students, faculty and administration of Bellesini Academy. This includes use of space for programs, teacher training, volunteers, and consulting advice and expertise. According to the website, The Nativity middle school model has been replicated in more than 30 sites across the country. The model has shown a consistent 80% success rate in preparing students for high school and college completion. All of the students at Blessed Stephen Bellesini Academy wear uniforms that include dress pants and a tie. The school holds very high expectations of the students and their philosophy proves that students will work to meet the expectations. The students are in school from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM with an additional two hours of study time in the evening. Each summer, all students attend a mandatory four-week academic enrichment program run by Bellesini Academy. The work load includes intellectual, cultural, social, emotional and moral awareness. There are approximately fifty children in the whole school ranging from grades five through eight. The school aims to aid their graduating eighth graders in gaining admittance to a private Catholic school in the area and is working hard to help them earn scholarships. Almost all of the boys are planning to attend college and realize that an education is their key to the future. The goal of the school is, “Breaking the cycle of poverty through education.” In the words of the director, Julie DiFilippo, “At Blessed Stephen Bellesini, O.S.A. Academy, we are producing Men of Charity.” What does that mean? It means we seek to impart in each student a love of one’s neighbor, no matter what the background, persuasion or beliefs of your neighbor. United, as St. Augustine’s diverse followers were, our students seek a continual transformation of self as they struggle for truth through service to others and society. As St. Augustine wrote, “Charity makes for harmony. Harmony generates unity. And unity leads to charity. Charity leads us to our true destiny.” For more information visit Greater Lawrence Technical School Students Provide Cosmetology Services Barbara Parente Looking for a convenient and Friday from 8 a.m. until photo: Graham Entwistle place to get a haircut, noon. Clients are advised to manicure, or facial? call the day before coming Then head over to Greater in, just to make sure there Lawrence Technical School are no school assemblies in Andover, where students or holidays. The number is in the Cosmetology career 978-686-6226. area provide friendly, Student Jazmin Maldoefficient, and reasonably nado of Lawrence, who is priced service in a a senior in the four-year professional salon cosmetology salon proenvironment. gram, gave Ms. Manock her Not only will you get great perm. service, but you will also “I enjoy meeting people,” have the satisfaction of GLT School senior Jazmin said. “Working in knowing you’re helping the Jazmin Maldonado of the salon helps you prepare school’s students train for Lawrence washes Ando- for your Cosmetology their careers. ver resident Mary Man- Operator’s license,” she Mary Manock of Andover ock’s hair, in the school’s added. A recently revised has been getting her hair cut salon. curriculum now provides at the school’s Great Looks all students the practical and classroom Today salon for years. Recently, she was hours they need to take the state test and there to get a perm. become licensed cosmetologists before “I come here because they’re very, very graduation. thorough, they’re nice people and they Kathy Babbin of North Andover recently really try to help you,” Ms. Manock said. stopped in at the Greater Lawrence Tech “It’s reasonable (in price) for a senior salon to get a manicure from senior Isaura person. When you’re on a fixed income Fontanez of Lawrence. like social security, it’s really wonderful. “I think the vocational school is one of They’re very friendly,” she said. “They the best things around,” Ms. Babbin said. listen to you. I like it here.” “I think it’s a very positive experience. Students need to get experience, so I think Free Service with Facial you’re doing the students a big service by Through Christmas, Great Looks Today is coming here. What you get here for the offering a free make-up application with money, you’ll never get on the out-side, every facial. besides just having the personalities of the The full-service salon, located in the students and their stories.” school at 57 River Road, Andover, offers For her part, Isaura appreciates the opporhaircuts for both women and men, and also tunity she has to gain experience while offers services such as make-up, facials, working in the Great Looks Today salon. perms, and colors. Upperclass students, “You get to do things for people and make under the tutelage of experienced them feel good, so it makes you feel good, instructors, provide all services. too,” the GLTS senior said. The salon is open Monday, Wednesday, Essex County Sheriff Frank Cousins shows off his Valley Patriot at the Georgetown Republican Town Committee meeting. Movin' on up! The Blanchette Clan gathered at the British Club in Lawrence for a fund raiser in honor of City Council President Patrick Blanchette (back row, second from right). Greater Lawrence Technical School Superintendent-Director, Frank Vacirca, was all smiles when a Valley Patriot photographer ambushed him outside the school last month. Plea se Rea d-C ALLED T O SERVE....P age 1 4 Please Read CALLED TO SERVE....Page 14 The Valley Patriot would like to express a special THANK YOU! to Methuen City Councilor Kathleen Corey Rahme for all of her hard work and dedication in making sure our veterans get the recognition they deserve so much ! Lawrence Housing Director Julie Duran displays a proclamation from State Representative Willie Lantigua at the Sahara Club in Methuen. Duran announced that she is starting her own financial consulting business, but will not be leaving her position with the City of Lawrence. Honoring those who served! Top row, left to right: Paul Clover, Karen Hayden, Joey Clover, Ed Curran, Al Grant, Kathleen Corey Rahme, Michael Beshara, Corrine LaCharite, Sue Foster. Front row, left to right: Bill Broderick, Tom Petrillo, Mark D’Errico, Alfred Bruno, Winifred Medaer, Joe Messina, Fred Kuehn, Art Wyman, Joseph Drelick "Hi, My name is Rachel. I am seven years old and this is my picture corner. I made this picture (below) on my computer and I hope you like it!" Santa made a surprise appearance at St. Augustine's Church in Lawrence for its annual Christmas fair earlier this month. Pictured with Santa from left to right are are Samantha Audy, Stephanie Cofill, Sarah Friedrich, Leanne Cash (front), and Natalie DeFusco. Lawrence Superintendent of Schools Wilfredo Laboy, Jack Fitzpatrick, Mark Sullivan and Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan celebrate the Mayor's announcement for reelection at the Cladagh Pub. Former Lawrence Alderman Ricky D'Agastino enjoys a drink with housing authority employee Mickey McGuire (right). Checking his List.... When Santa Claus wants to know who's been naughty and who's been nice in the Merrimack Valley, he reads Heros & Bozos (page 7) in The Valley Patriot! N.A.T.A. President Receives Award Citizen for Limit ed T ax ation Limited Tax axa The "Citizen for Limited Taxation "Award is given to a CLT activist who has performed above and beyond the call of duty. Ted Tripp, last year’s recipient of CLT’s David P. Wilson Award, CLT Executive Director Barbara Anderson this year earned presents the "CITIZEN for Limited Taxation" the "Citizen for Award to Ted Tripp, President of the North Limited Taxation Award." Ted has Andover Taxpayers Association been singularly instrumental in working with taxpayers in other cities and towns across the state in launching local taxpayer groups and running effective campaigns to defeat Proposition 2½ override attempts. Through his encouragement and efforts, local taxpayer groups are springing up all over the Commonwealth, such as Lawrence, Amesbury, Framingham and Winthrop. Methuen City Council President Bill Manzi and City Councilor Ken Willette stop to pose for a Valley Patriot photographer, giving the "thumbs up" sign after reading last month's edition. the Cell phone store inc. 523 South Union St. Across from the Hess Gas Station Now Availablethe new i830 Get a Free Nextel Phone with all new accounts DATA & MESSAGING SERVICE Dinner with Dad Mayor Michael Sullivan's confidential secretary Nora Carrol was sharing no secrets with her dad, Joe Carrol, when they were seen dining out at Jackson's Restaurant. The two were on hand to support Sheriff Frank Cousins' bid for reelection. Natasha & Phaedra Gaouette 523 South Union St. Lawrence, office: 978.557.5600 fax: 978.557.5608 cell: 978.265.1747 12 December 2004 - The Valley Patriot Random Thoughts Haverhill (NECC) Professor Mark Palermo Have you gotten your flu shot yet? I’ve never gotten one and never will- for two reasons. First, I think they are a crock of bull, and secondly, I don’t trust the people who manufacture and promote them. As a result, I almost never get colds or flu in spite of working in poorly ventilated classrooms every day. It helps to take care of oneself, which I do. Of course whenever I mention this, people either look at me as if I had three heads or get annoyed at what they perceive as my irreverence towards the authoritieswho they childishly believe would never lie to the American people about important matters like public health. In 1975-76, the government told the American people that the Swine Flu was coming our way, a terrible flu of Biblical proportions. If you were around then, you may remember what happened next. The government urged everyone to get the vaccine. They did. Then 96 people died and thousands more were injured by the vaccine. In fact more people died from the vaccine than from the flu. It was an unconscionable fraud, which earned money for people in high places. So in the interest of full disclosure, you should know about this questionable mélange of biological substances and industrial chemicals before they are pumped into your bloodstream. For starters, a flu shot contains thimerosal, a preservative containing mercury, the element which causes nasty effects like neurological damage, autoimmune disease, etc. The vaccine also contains aluminumwhich is suspected in the development of Alzheimer’s Disease. This information comes not from the imagination of Mark Palermo, but from the FDA’s own website (WWW.FDA.GOV) where they have an excellent FAQ section devoted just to mercury and aluminum in flu shots. Other substances commonly contained in vaccines in general, and possibly your flu vaccine, depending upon the manufacturer, are the following: propylene glycol (automobile anti-freeze), formaldehyde (hazardous substance), MSG, polysorbate 80, and the disinfectant, phenol- also known as carbolic acid. In addition, some vaccines are grown through mediums such as monkey and dog kidney tissue, washed sheep blood cells, embryonic guinea pig cells, chicken embryo cultures- ask your doctor about this in case you are allergic to eggs. And, oh yes, I almost forgot: human diploid cells from aborted human fetuses. Is that enough to make you wonder? Or at least ask questions? I’m not a doctor, so I don’t offer this information as a ASK THE COLLECTOR™ Glenn Erardi prescription for anyone’s health care. But if you decide to get a flu shot, ask the doctor to see the insert from the vaccine Dear Collector, Dear Collector, container. This will list all ingredients. This clock hung in my great aunt’s store After an uncle died, I found these United ******************************** in the early 1950s. I would appreciate Profit-Sharing coupons in his On November 18, Rush Limbaugh reported learning anything you can tell me about belongings. Could you tell us about them? Back before there were Green Stamps, that more than half of the funds from the it? Clinton “lie-brary” came from the Saudis. This circa 1918 regulator (a term used for United included their redemption vouchers He added, “A dirty little secret, ladies and accurate commercial timepieces) was in many products during the 1920s and gentlemen, is that the Saudi royal family made by Waterbury. The current value of ‘30s. Cigars, peanuts, soap, Wrigley’s gum has helped to finance most of the your wall clock in the Crane pattern is and Tootsie Rolls offered these coupons which could then be exchanged for presidential libraries probably in my $500-$600. merchandize in a “Good as Gold” catalog. lifetime, and it’s one of the reasons that Dear Collector, Your keepsakes, while having little there is such a close bond between I have a decent copy of “Metronome” monetary value, are valuable reminders of presidents and ex-presidents and the Saudi dated April, 1941; is it worth anything? days bygone. royal family. All presidents, doesn’t matter A music magazine dedicated to “bandswhat party.” records- radio,” the first issue of this Dear Collector, Isn’t it great how presidents get along so publication came out in the 1880s. A value I’m referring to your humorous response well with the corrupt Saudi royals? And how about a reader’s question of a “serving of $7-$9 is about right for your edition. they apparently have no qualms about bowl” that was actually a chamber pot. receiving the benefits of the Saudis’ Dear Collector, Did you write this with a grin or straight largesse? But let’s face it: nobody in this Enclosed is a photo of a four shot .22 faced? world gives you anything for free. What do caliber Sharps pistol. What is its value? All alleged humor (implied or otherwise) the Saudis get in return? I would love to Nicknamed a “pepperbox” due to its appearing in answers, is the sole see an independent investigation of this supposed resemblance to an old time pepresponsibility of this columnist. potential conflict of interest, not by the per mill, this pocket pistol was the first attorney general or some panel of hacks model made between 1859 and 1874 by Dear Collector, appointed by the very same guys they are Sharps, famous for their accurate and I have a 1908 silver dollar which supposed to investigate. Neither by the powerful rifles. Insurance value is at least belonged to my mother; it was the year New York Times nor Washington Post, but $500. she was born. by the National Enquirer, which has, in rare Check the denomination on your coin; the moments, demonstrated more credibility. Dear Collector, United States didn’t mint any silver dollars Imagine what their investigators could turn I bought this unusual Teddy bear at a that year. up: the call girls, drugs, pedophilia, garage sale, and I’m curious as to its Dear Collector, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering, age? murder, in just one typical day in Babylon- A Teddy dressed in Royal Stewart britches Who made this Willow cup and saucer? is unusual indeed! I found your 1960 They can be traced to W.A. Adderley of on-the-Potomac. Wendy Boston bear on page 324 of “The Longton, England, and are listed in one ******************************** Teddy Bear Encyclopedia” (DK, 2001, price guide at $50 the pair. by Pauline Cockrill. By the time you read this, the madness will $16.95) Dear Collector, have begun. Each year the ugly Philistine Unfortunately, the author does not include How much is my RCA radio worth? spectacle becomes even more crass and a price list in her interesting guide. At the very least I’ll need a model number vulgar, a frenzied orgy of greed, avarice and and its condition. A nice photo would also Dear Collector, egotism. It’s hard to believe that presentWould appreciate age and value of this help. day XMAS was an ancient religious holiday. cigarette lighter left to my grandson by Prices quoted reflect retail values. As with many A few years ago, I advised friends and family his late great grandfather? antiques and collectibles, these values vary. that I would no longer be exchanging Because its use became common in the Readers are encouraged to submit questions Christmas gifts, except for children. No photos to THE COLLECTOR™, PO Box Great War, this style is called a “trench” with 229, West Boxford, MA 01885-0229 or ask more frantic shopping, no more hours lighter. A product of Bowers Manufacturing online at: Please stuck in traffic, no more money spent on located in Kalamazoo, your Surefire is don’t ask us to suggest a buyer for your goods. items that would only be exchanged. It was photos cannot be returned and will cased in chromium, which has darkened Sorry, become the property of THE COLLECTOR™. a relief all around. And I found that over the years. Its worth, in working order, For personal reply, send question with $25 check disaffiliating and divesting from XMAS or money order to THE COLLECTOR at is between $30 and $50. displaces more time for the real, soulful address above. spirit of Christmas that, no matter how much they repress it, will still be found in Former MA Assistant Attorney General acts of kindness, forgiveness, and meditation upon our blessings. So I offer this simple prayer for our nation during this Christmas: “That simple light may rise out of complicated darkness.” John M. Grugan, Esq. Mark Palermo is a professor at Northern Essex Community College. He is vice president of the faculty union and coordinator of the Northern [email protected] You Don’t Need A Ticket to Get Onboard the Gospel Express Boston and New England’s #1 Gospel Music Program. Deacon Norris Jones “Clock with store of memories” Attorney-at-Law 100 Merrimack St. Lowell, MA 01852 Tel (978) 452-5600 Fax (978) 452-5300 On WEZE AM590 Call in your requests at (617) 770 - 3030 Sunday Nights from 8PM-12Midnight Family & Business Law, Civil Matters, Accidents, Immigration Haverhill Seniors and Veterans The Haverhill Council on Aging announces that Bradford Elementary Children’s Chorus will perform at the Citizen Center at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 22. SENIOR ACTIVITIES includes full lunch, entertainment, gratuity and transportation. Call the Council on Aging for details. Tickets are $52.00 per person, Visit the Stoneham’s Stone Zoo exhibits including transportation from the Council and special “Zoolights “Holiday light dis- on Aging. plays with the Council on Aging on Monday, December 13. Bus will leave the Free tickets are available to the Andover Citizen Center at 2:30 p.m. This trip Chamber Music Series presentation of a will include dinner and shopping on your Vivaldi program at the Merrimack College own at Cracker Barrel Restaurant and Rogers Center on December 11 at 5:00 Old Country Store in Tewksbury. p.m. Please call the Council on Aging Tickets for zoo admission and for details. transportaiton will be $10.00 and can be purchased at the Council on Aging. Council on Aging Holiday Party will be Call 978-374-2390 for details. held on Wednesday, December 15, at DiBurro’s in Ward Hill. Golden Hill New Year’s Eve at Noon! Tickets are Children’s Choir will perform. Tickets available for the Danversport Yacht are $5.00 and include meal, disc jockey, Club New Year’s celebration. Price raffle, and door prizes. What Every Homeowner 62 & Older Should Know About Reverse Mortgages Arthur M. Kohler, Esq., Reverse Mortgage Specialist, Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corp. Homeowners who are at least 62 can qualify and may be eligible even if there is an existing mortgage or home equity loan on the property. There are no credit or income qualifications. The amount of the loan is based upon the applicant’s age, the type of reverse mortgage, the home’s appraised value, and interest rates. Calling all readers! Council on Aging is seeking members of a lively book discussion group to meet during the day. New bridge group has formed at the Council on Aging! Group meets Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 12:30 to 4:00. Looking for ladies and gentlemen to join in the fun! 13 New Years Eve Dance on December 31st. Dinner begins at 7pm with dancing from 8:30-12:30am. $35pp. Performance by the Meltones. Andover Holiday Fair Friday December 10th from Attention movie buffs! Trip to the 9-3. Crafts, Bake table, holiday Showcase Cinema in Lawrence will de- decorations, seasonal arrangements and part from the Citizens Center at 12:15. holiday plants. This month’s movie will be “Pin Up Girl” starring Betty Grable. Tickets are $1.00 Holiday party and Entertainment & for movie and popcorn and $3.00 for Eggnog Social, Sunday the 19th at 1pm. transportation. Return to the Citizens Advanced tickets of $5 only. Center at 3:15 p.m. Lawrence Beef Dinner Party Vintage movies shown weekly on Thurs- Holiday Roast th days at 12:30 in room 45 at the Citizens December 17 at noon. $9pp, includes Center. No charge for movies, popcorn salad, bread and coffee. Dancing and fun to follow. and soda. North Andover If you have any questions you can contact Kathy Bresnahan or Rita LaBella Holiday Chicken Cordon Bleu Luncheon, December 16th from 12at 978-374-2390 2pm. $8pp. Includes entertainment. Methuen N.E. Treble Chorus, Sunday the 12th at Open House, Thursday December 9th at 3pm. $5, including refreshments. 1pm. Featuring Happy Hearts Chorus. Donations of canned foods benefit Winner of the Gala of Trees drawing is on December 14th Call the Senior Lazarus House. Center for further information. Reverse mortgages are helping older citizens across the state achieve greater financial security and enjoy their retirement years to the fullest. Imagine having the income you need to remain comfortably in your own home and at the same time make needed repairs or renovations, afford quality home healthcare, or even a vacation with family and friends. Over 70,000 older Americans have done that thanks to the reverse mortgage, a unique financial product that gives seniors the freedom and peace of mind to fully enjoy the retirement years. A reverse mortgage is a loan that allows seniors to use the equity they’ve accumulated in their homes over the years to improve the quality of life and knock down the financial barriers to independent living. By converting equity into income, a reverse mortgage is cash to use for any purpose-whether it’s day to day-living expenses, home remodeling or repairs, paying off existing debt, earning a college degree, or traveling. Best of all, you retain the title and you remain living in your home. Homeowners who are at least 62 can qualify and may be eligible even if there is an existing mortgage or home equity loan on the property. There are no credit or income qualifications. The amount of the loan is based upon the applicant’s age, the type of reverse mortgage, the home’s appraised value, and interest rates. For as long as a reverse mortgage is outstanding, no payments are due. The loan matures when the borrower no longer occupies the home as the primary residence. This typically occurs upon the sale of the home, or if the owner permanently moves, or passes away. Currently, there are three reverse mortgage products available in MA. The federally insured FHA/ HUD Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), the Fannie Mae Home Keeper and the Financial Freedom Cash Account plan for higher value homes. Reverse mortgages are growing in popularity because they help senior homeowners meet the challenge of remaining in their home and living independently. For additional information, please call tollfree at 1(888) 753-8135 or [email protected]. Copyright (c) 2004 Creators Syndicate, Answers on page 18 Seniors and Veterans SCAMS AGAINST THE ELDERLY! DO ELDERS GET “RIPPED OFF” MORE THAN OTHER PEOPLE? 14 December 2004 - The Valley Patriot Barney Reiley, Director, Lawrence Council on Aging While most people in business are honest, there have always been thieves, con men (and women), scam, bunko, and rip-off artists. While their scams may vary, they have one thing in common: they chose their victims carefully, targeting vulnerable people, with, of course, money or property to take. Regrettably, elders are more often the targets and the victims. Many scammers have invested much time, money, and guile in creating ways to rip off elders. Elders can make good targets, because often certain characteristics are present. The person: · Has “nest egg” money available · Is too trusting or courteous · Is physically weaker · Is lonely or looking for attention · Is home alone · Is unwilling to report being victimized · Is wary of “bait and switch” tactics, where the purchaser is lured by the offer or promise of one thing, and then showen another · Remembers that if he or she signs a contract, the law allows a grace period of three days in which the contract can be rescinded or canceled. · Invites a friend or relative to be present when a salesperson is coming into his or her home · Never gives personal information, like bank or credit card account numbers, or Social Security numbers, over the telephone · Is wary of getting something for nothing, or a deal “too good to be true”. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. HOW DO I DECIDE WHERE OR WITH WHOM TO DO BUSINESS? You can avoid consumer scams by using common sense and good judgment, and by learning about scam artist and their tricks. An educated and wary consumer is far less likely to be a victim, and follows these suggestions. He or she: Most likely, you have developed your own way of knowing how to select where you shop, or what people you hire to do work or provide services for you. If you are thinking about hiring or doing business with someone new, ask people you know and trust for a recommendation of someone they have done business with, and where the results were satisfactory. Once you find someone you are ready to settle on, check with the Better Business Bureau at (508) 652-4800 or the State Attorney General’s Office at (617) 7278400 to see whether complaints have been lodged against the person you are considering. *Deals only with reputable people or companies WHERE DO I GET HELP IF I AM RIPPED OFF? While these factors do sound stereotypical, there appears to be enough truth in the perceptions that scam artists do, in fact, target elders. HOW CAN I AVOID BEING THE VICTIM OF A CONSUMER SCAM? If you are a victim of an unfair or deceptive business practice, or an outright scam, you owe it to yourself and *Does comparison shopping, gets more other potential victims to do something about it. You should report your bad than one estimate experience to the Better Business Bureau *Does not sign blank forms or to any authority that controls or licenses the wrongdoer. You may file a *Does not sign for more than he or she complaint with the Attorney General's can afford Office. *Is wary of “free” gifts which require the purchaser to pay “shipping and handling IN SUMMARY, BE A SMART AND charges,” “redemption fees,” or “gift PRUDENT CONSUMER, AND AVOID GETTING INTO DEALS WHERE YOU taxes” before delivery CAN BE VICTIMIZED. BUT IF IT DOES *Resists high-pressure sales tactics to HAPPEN TO YOU, DESPITE YOUR “ACT NOW” – is not afraid to say “NO” BEST EFFORTS, GET HELP AND GET over the telephone, or hang up EVEN. *Checks the reputation of the person or company, if unknown *Refuses to do business with people or companies who will not provide written material about the company or the product Barney Reiley is the Executive Director of the Lawrence Council on Aging Stephen A. Pantalone Pantalone Tax & Financial Services Specializing in Estate & Financial Planning * Reverse Mortgages * Estate Tax Reduction * Long Term Care Needs * Retirement Planning * Insurance & Annuity Plans Call Steve for a free consultation at (978) 276-0381 "As a Methuen resident and financial planner for over 20 years, Steve understands the needs of seniors in the Valley and can help you plan for a secure financial future." See Ad on Back Page for More Details (top row left to right): Paul Clover, Karen Hayden, Joey Clover, Ed Curran, Al Grant, Kathleen Corey Rahme, Michael Beshara, Corrine LaCharite, Sue Foster (front row left to right): Bill Broderick, Tom Petrillo, Mark D’Errico, Alfred Bruno, Winifred Medaer, Joe Messina, Fred Kuehn, Art Wyman, Joseph Drelick Call To Serve Kathleen Corey Rahme, Methuen City Council Who are those individuals who have answered the Call to Serve? Do we know our veterans? If you watch MCTV, Methuen Community Access Television, Channel 22 Call to Serve, a show dedicated to recording the oral histories of World War II veterans, you would recognize some of them as your neighbors, your friends, your aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, and grandparents. They are those who have ever stepped forward with the willingness to serve this great nation of ours. Call to Serve is an ongoing effort by a group of military enthusiasts interested in recording oral histories of Methuen veterans. It is a cooperative effort by the Methuen Veterans’ Administrator Ed “Hoppy” Curran, himself a Vietnam veteran and the Council on Aging Executive Director, Corrine LaCharite. The all volunteer crew receives ongoing, free training at the MCTV studios by its Executive Director Karen Hayden and Bill Wallace. The crew represents a diverse group of individuals whose ages span eight decades and come from military and non-military backgrounds alike. Where could you see an eighty-plus year old World War II veteran, Michael Beshara, working along side a fourteen year old, high school football player named Joey Clover? They work together as cameramen. Ed Curran mans the third camera on the show focusing only on the veterans themselves. The interviewees realize that behind the lense is someone they know, respect and appreciate. They know Curran as someone who has heard their stories a dozen times while he is securing their benefits in his office. They know him as a friend. Corrine LaCharite and Albert Grant co-produce the show and their quiet calm is refreshing in the studio with their professionalism and grace. Grant, a twenty year Army veteran knows all too well about the Cold War era. As director, Paul Clover has the humor and confidence to put all of us where he wants us. He is an eight-year Navy veteran who is fortunate to share the wonderful experience of being part of Call to Serve with his son Joey. I guess you could call it a package deal and what a great deal it is. Others have worked on the show and have shown so much talent that they can be flexible enough to work in all aspects of the show’s production. They include Paul Perone, a Gulf War veteran and author of Toy Soldier, Jack Dorsey, an incredible MCTV volunteer, Michelle Houle, and Lindsey Canfield, an intern at MCTV. Of course Karen Hayden and Bill Wallace are ready to jump in to make the quick fix, which we have needed on occasion. Behind the scenes of this effort has been Susan Foster from the Methuen Senior Center. She has the uncanny ability to get things done. She provides all the logistics when we have a public showing of our work. I am blessed to have the privilege to be the host of Call to Serve. I do the interviews on the set and the research before we shoot. This is done with the cooperation of the guest and their families. This is the key to the show. Without their generosity and willingness to share their stories, Call to Serve would not be possible. They open their hearts, their heads and their homes to me. They make the show. The shows are permanently archived in the Library of Congress, the Women in Military Service for America, Women at Work Museum (Attleboro), and the Nevins Library. The show placed third in the Alliance for Community Media regional competition 2004. I always joke around by saying we must live on some sort of “fault line” here in Methuen. We have interviewed twenty-two of the most amazing people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. We have Sara Payne Hayden, WASP; Luther McIlwain of the famed Tuskegee Airmen; two Distinguished Flying Cross recipients Joseph Lovoi and Joseph Messina; Arthur Wyman who was on the last ship to be hit by kamikazes and Thomas Petrillo who was on the first. The Burma Road is no stranger to Joseph Drelick. Two Marine Corps women, Winifred Medauer and Louise Shea Flynn, freed men to fight. Then there are two Battle of the Budge veterans, Silvio Uliano and Mark D’Errico, who just happen to be neighbors! A Coast Guardsman, William Broderick, invaded Iwo Jima. Herbert Hynes was an Armed Guard. Michael Beshara was part of a secret operation using drones! Edmond Solomon served on an LST. Dominic Stella and Alfred Bruno were part of D-Day plus 6 and 2 respectively. Judy Schadlick was a WAC. Bill O’Connor couldn’t go in until his father came home! Fred Kuehn was with the Army Corps of Engineers. Andrew Bernard was a Navy Corpsman in Bougainville. Raymond Cormier was in the Navy. Jim Oliveri survived the collision of the USS Wasp and USS Hobson during the Korean War. Silver Stars, Bronze Stars, Purple Hearts and Distinguished Flying Crosses. Sure we have them. We have them all. But what we really have are a bunch of kids who answered the Call to Serve. We honor them. Kathleen Kori Rahme is the Central District Councilor in Methuen. You can email her at [email protected] December 2004 - The Valley Patriot Senior Moments Seniors and Veterans 15 Jim Cassidy GRANDPA’S AQUARIUM - A Christmas Memory Late at night, as I gaze out the front window, with the snow softly falling and the holiday lights starting to appear on the surrounding houses, my thoughts often drift back to former times when we were much younger and Christmas was — and still is — a special and magical time for youngsters. My brother Billy and I grew up in Worcester, at the top of a high hill in what we called “the Big House”. Seen through our six- and eight-year-old eyes, it was a big magical place, filled with grandpa’s great inventions and gimmicks! It actually was the typical three-decker house of it’s day, overlooking Holy Cross College and situated in the midst of everything we needed — schools, church, shops and a textile company offering work. My mom and dad, along with Billy and myself, lived on the first floor, with Grandpa, Nana and assorted uncles, aunts and cousins occupying the second and third floors and one small cottage in the rear. The property also had a large two-story barn to store Grandpa’s treasures, and various sheds for “other stuff”. The barn was of course the focal point for all family and friend’s activities in the neighborhood. Grandpa worked twelve hours a day in the foundry (along with his five sons) as a molderer near the blast furnace, but still had time to become a self-made scientist and artisan working in astronomy, photography and wood-working. Christmas Eve was special at the Big House. We boys were shooed off early to bed and told to go to sleep. Then the magical creations took place as we boys burrowed deeper under the covers trying to ignore all of the whispered activities outside our bedroom door. The traditional 14-foot blue spruce Christmas tree, bundled and stored on the large wrap-around porch, was brought in and decorated along with the entire house. Gaily wrapped presents and toys were brought out from secret hiding places and the Lionel electric train was set up ready to be running at dawn! But always — the greatest, grandest and most stunning sight on Christmas morning was — GRANDPA’S AQUARIUM! In the sun room, so named due to it’s many windows, sat the focal point of the house, a 250 gallon glass aquarium. One of grandpa’s many building feats, the huge octagonal-shaped tank had a concrete centerpiece created as a four-faced gargoyle, with four gaping mouths allowing fish to swim freely through the statue. Grandpa’s plumbing allowed a fountain of fresh water to enter and come out from the gargoyle’s heads and to eventually drain out through doors to water the grass and flowers. The bottom of the tank contained sand and hundreds of beach shells and rocks of various colors and hues. A movable lighting system was attached to the sides. Overlooking the sun room was a large and beautiful colored talking parrot, named of course Polly, who resided in a gilded cage in the corner of the room. Polly had the Continued on Page 17 1 Eliminate monthly mortgage payment 2 Receive extra monthly income 3 Eliminate credit card debt 4 Receive a cash lump sum on line of credit 5 Enjoy life a bit more Just published: "The Reverse Mortgage Handbook." It will hep Homeowners 62 years or older decide if a reverse mortgage makes good sense for them. For your free Reverse Mortgage Handbook, call Arthur Kohler 603-485-2100 or 800-368-3254 Toll Free or visit our website at Loans will be made by Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation, a Subsidiary of IndyMac Bank, F.S.B. © 2004 Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation. The Flag Symbol and names “Financial Freedom” and “The Reverse Mortgage Specialist” are trademarks of Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation. LST 345 at Gold Beach on June 6, 1944 Hero InFromOur Midst Page 1 in May 1943), support for the invasions of Sicily (July 1943) and Salerno (September 1943), and support of the D-Day invasion of Normandy (June 1944) and subsequent Allied Operations in Northern Europe. For LSTs, supporting an invasion meant going right up to the beach under fire to unload supplies and then take Allied wounded (or enemy prisoners) back to the staging area. 345 was the first ship to return to Britain with wounded Allied soldiers. Retired Commander Gerorge F. Henderson waves to the crowd at last years Memorial While operating out Day parade. of Bizerte, Tunisia, LST 345 was exposed to German air raids every night for three months. George recalled one such air raid during a Bob Hope concert. Hope and his staff quickly retired to a dark hiding place until the raid was over. When the lights went on, Hope’s troupe discovered they were hunkered down in an ammo dump! * LST 345 made 56 trips between Britain and France in support of the Allied offensive in Europe. Some of these trips extended well inland (up the Seine River) and provided critically needed supplies for our troops engaged in the month-long Battle of the Bulge. * On one trip, LST 345 carried rail cars in its hold. When they broke loose during a storm, the rail cars threatened to punch holes in the ship and sink it. George and his men crawled under the run-away cars and, with split second timing, forced wedges behind their wheels to prevent a disaster. One chapter in George’s history, thankfully, is missing. Upon returning to New York in Prior to the invasion of Sicily, military July 1945, after Germany had surrendered, planners estimated casualties would reach George Henderson was assigned to be the 75-80%. But sometimes, good fortune in- commanding officer of an LSM-R [Landing tervenes. A barrage balloon tethered to LST Ship Medium – Rockets] to be used in the 345 during the invasion at Sicily (that invasion of Japan, scheduled for November George had been unable to cut away when 1, 1945. His role would be to sail in close ordered to do so during the crossing of the to a selected invasion beach Med) probably saved LST (before the actual invasion) 345, George, and its crew. and bombard the shore. At the last second, a GerResearch conducted after the man FW190 fighter swerwar (see Book Keepers ved to miss the balloon Corner) indicated that the (which was tethered planned mission was likely approximately 300 feet George Henderson hold- to be suicidal. Hiroshima above the ship). That ing his Campaign Medal and Nagasaki intervened swerve sent a 500lb bomb, with four stars. (thank you, Einstein and which would have landed in George’s lap Truman) and, fortunately, George is still (he was standing on the bridge), into the with us today. water next to the ship. The explosion was still close enough to wound four crewmen. George was awarded, among others, The American Defense Medal, The Victory Medal, and The European, Middle East, and African Campaign Medal with four stars (signifying the invasions of North Africa, * George and Sicily, Italy, LST 345 were and Normanmistakenly dy). The Capordered to sail tain of LST into Salerno 345 was aharbor while it warded the was still firmly Bronze Star on occupied by behalf of all of the Germans. A model of LST 345. A German torpedo went directly the Officers Being the last beneath the ship because of its shallow draft. and crew of the ship to receive the order to “get out!”, they ship for their heroism. were exposed to 88 mm shells raining in from all directions. Only a smoke-screen George, thank you for your service. laid down by HMS Tartar probably saved P.S. If you are ever fortunate enough to their lives. meet George, ask him about the Top Secret The number of exciting events during these momentous months is too numerous to tell. Here is just a small sampling: * Sailing to Britain from the Mediterranean, LST 345 encountered a Nazi Wolfpack in the Atlantic. The ship was fortunate to survive as their escorts sunk 5 German subs. LST 345 then hit a storm in the Bay of Biscay where 40-foot waves nearly tore the ship apart. * George and LST 345 were at Gold beach on the morning of June 6, 1944 unloading men, tanks, and supplies (see photo). LST Invasion Plans for Sicily that were mistakenly dropped overboard and, to this day, are resting somewhere on the bottom of the Mediterranean! If you would like to nominate someone to be a “Valley Patriot”, please email us at [email protected]. You can also mail us at 64 White Birch Lane, No. Andover, MA, 01845,or you can fax us at (978) 258-1964 16 December 2004 - The Valley Patriot Santa's Prayer This poem was written by a Marine stationed in Okinawa Japan. And Grown-ups Would Celebrate A Bright Christmas Day Twas the Night Before Christmas He Lived All Alone In a One Bedroom House Made of Plaster and Stone How Reagan Won the Cold War Part 5 of 5 Warren Norquist Comments made by Soviet officials during the Cold War and since confirm the success of the actions of Reagan, Thatcher, and Bush. On October 14, 1986 just after Reykjavik, Mikhail Gorbachev spoke on Soviet TV and told his people: “The U.S. wants to exhaust the Soviet Union economically through a race in the most up-to-date and expensive space weapons. It wants to create various kinds of difficulties for Soviet leadership, to wreck its plans … of improving the standard of living of our people, thus arousing dissatisfaction among the people with their leadership.” During a question period in the U.S., Gorbachev, was asked: “What was the turning point?” Without hesitation, he answered: “Oh, It’s Reykjavik.” William Odum finds, “In interviews and in their memoirs, senior former Soviet military officers uniformly cited the burden of military spending as more than the Soviet economy could bear.” “Eduard Shevardnadze, the Soviet foreign minister under Gorbachev, stated in May 1990, “The Kremlin’s expansionist military first policies through-out the Cold War ‘made our people, the whole country, destitute’.” FREEDOM BEAT SOVIET COMMUNISM Gorbachev remained a communist, but tried to improve productivity through Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika (reform). (BUSH & SCOWCROFT, 1998, P. 14) Glasnost revealed the distortions and corruptions in the Soviet system. Perestroika met resistance from ideology, politics of bureaucracy, corruption, and ignorance of market economics. “On November 29, 1988, Gorbachev promised the Soviet republics … more independence.” But then Gorbachev announced the invalidation of Estonia’s declaration of home rule. Thousands protested in Georgia and Lithuania and greater turmoil occurred in the Azerbaijan and Armenia. The world had changed so remarkably that when the Soviets used military force in January 1991 in Lithuania, there were demonstrations in Moscow. “…100,000 marched in protest against the killings in Luthuania calling on Gorbachev, Yazov, and Pugo to resign.” REAGAN PLAYED TO WIN AND DID In 1980, Carter charged that: “Reagan would re-ignite the ‘arms race’ and would increase the risk of war.” “We’re already in an arms race,” Reagan remarked, “but only the Soviets are racing.” Reagan added: “…there’s…every reason to believe the Soviet Union cannot increase its production of arms…. They’ve diverted so much to the military that they can’t provide for the consumer needs….” It is amazing that even with 20/20 hind -sight some still defend détente. “The writings of Strobe Talbott, a former deputy Secretary of State, hold that the Reagan administration actually aggravated and prolonged the Cold War through constant provocation and mindless hostility.” However, until Reagan took steps, often Continued on Page 18 They All Enjoyed Freedom Each Month of the Year, Because of the Soldiers Like the One Lying Here. I Had Come Down the Chimney With Presents to Give, And to See Just Who In This Home Did Live I Couldn't Help Wonder How many Lay Alone, On a Cold Christmas Eve, In a Land Far From Home. I Looked All About A Strange Sight I did See, No Tinsel, No Presents Not Even a Tree The Very Thought Brought a Tear to my Eye, I Dropped to my Knees And Started to Cry. No Stocking by Mantle, Just Boots Filled With Sand, On the Wall Hung Pictures of Far Distant Lands. The Soldier Awakened And I Heard a Rough Voice, “Santa Don't Cry, This is My Life Choice; With Medals and badges, Awards of All Kinds, a Sober Thought Came Through my Mind. I Fight for Freedom, I Don't Ask for More, My Life is My God, My Country, My Corps.” For This House was Different, It Was Dark and Dreary, I Found the Home of a Soldier, Once I Could See Clearly. The Soldier Rolled Over And Drifted to Sleep, I Couldn't Control It, I Continued to Weep, The Soldier Lay Sleeping, Silent, Alone, Curled up on the Floor of This One Bedroom Home. I Kept Watching for Hours, so Silent and Still And We Both Shivered From the cold Winter's Chill. The Face Was so Gentle, The Room in Disorder Not How I Pictured A United States Soldier. I didn't Want to Leave On That Cold, Dark Night, This Guardian of Honor So Willing to Fight. Was This the Hero of Whom I'd Just Read? Curled Up On A Poncho, The Floor For a Bed I Realized the Families That I Saw That Night, Owed Their Lives to These Soldiers Who Were Willing to Fight Soon Round the World, The Children Would Play, Then the Soldier Rolled Over, With a Voice Soft and Pure, Whispered “Carry on Santa , It's Christmas Day, All is Secure.” One Look At My Watch , And I Knew He was Right. “MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIEND, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT.” Getting a New TV or Home Theatre for Christmas but not Sure how to Install it? JUST CALL JUSTIN AT Mass Cable Engineering and he will provide all of your electronic installation needs for the Holidays (978) 420-2581 Specializing in: Emergency Direct TV service and installation, custom home theatre and plasma installation Licensed and fully insured December Ormsby: United for What? Continued from Page 3 government and repression of human freedoms are the way to go. Similar analyses have traced the relationship between government repression and both war and genocide. The record is amazingly consistent. Of 353 wars fought between 1816 and 1991, at most one was fought between two democracies (that one, between France and republican Rome in 1849, is a borderline case). 154 wars were fought between democracies and non-democracies and 198 were fought between two non-democracies. Here are the top eight genocides of the Twentieth Century: Soviet Union (USSR), Communist China, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan (WWII era), Communist Cambodia, Turkey (Armenian genocide), Vietnam, and North Korea. Total deaths are on the order of 100 million. Could the record be any clearer? What does the U.N. do to advance human freedom so that the world can enter a new era of prosperity and peace? Essentially nothing. Look at the current membership of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights. Of the 53 Commission members in 2004, 56% (30 countries) are either ranked “Mostly Un-free” (24) or “Repressive” (2) or are too unstable politically to be ranked (4). Bhutan, China, Cuba, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Nepal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Zimbabwe … great role models for Human Rights! Every one of these countries ranked near the bottom of the Reporters Without Borders ranking of Press Freedom (Out of 139 countries ranked, these 30 countries on the Human Rights Commission all scored worse than 100. Even Uganda ranked 52nd !) The Sudan is particularly qualified for membership. It knows genocide when it sees it. In fact, as you read this, Sudan is actively promoting genocide in its Darfur region. As previously noted, the U.N. does conduct some useful humanitarian missions. But short-term and shortsighted humanitarian relief efforts are not adequate substitutes for a meaningful strategy to achieve the goals of world peace and prosperity. They may make us feel good and help us sleep at night, but they will never succeed. The U.N. never attempts to address the underlying root causes of poverty, genocide, or war. If we are serious about achieving our goals, the U.N. is, at best, a distraction. At worst, it is a major part of the problem. It is corrupt at its core. It protects and encourages the very practices that perpetuate poverty, genocide, and war. The Oil-For-Food scandal is just the latest dismal example. We need a new international organization. One that is made up of member countries that understand the role of individual freedom (political and economic) in advancing the well being of all humans. No nations get perfect scores on the human freedom scale. That being acknowledged, we should invite the freest countries to join the U. S. in a new Freedom Consortium whose goal would be to encourage as rapid an expansion of human rights around the world as possible. Mem-bership would require countries to have basic functioning democratic institutions and to meet a minimum standard for economic freedom (possibly with a time table for meeting even higher standards). Free-trade agreements would automatically be executed between all member countries. Humanitarian and financial aid pooled from member countries along with trade agreements would be leveraged to encourage/reward non-member countries to expand freedoms. Military aid could be extended to freedom fighters in countries that insist on repression. The message needs to be sent: We mean it! It may take decades, but eventually, our goals could be largely achieved. We just have to follow a strategy that is designed to achieve them. Dr. Ormsby is a member of the North Andover School Committee. He is a graduate of Cornell and has a doctorate from MIT. If you have a question or comment you can contact Dr. Ormsby via email at: [email protected] Cassidy: Senior Moments Continued from Page 15 habit of announcing late visitors to the house, especially Uncle Fred who lived upstairs. As Fred staggered home after another weekend party, Polly would screech “Hello Fred, Hello Fred,” thus confirming to all his exact late arrival. Every year just before Christmas all of the shells and rocks from the aquarium were removed, laboriously scrubbed and cleaned of all algae and scum by grandpa and left shining and bright to be returned to the tank along with the few remaining fish from the previous year. After Billy and I were sent to bed, a mysterious special tank truck delivered and deposited over 150 new sparkling and lively gold fish into the pool, circling in a sea of frenzied color. What a sight to behold on Christmas morning as two little sleepy boys woke up in the Big House, staring in utter disbelief at this glorious sight! The Big House has now been silenced and I am the last survivor of that beautiful and A Dream Deferred by Hartley Columbus Day, 1967, was a very important day in my life. It was the day that I learned, for the first time, about life’s disappointments, and how reality can shatter dreams. It was the day I learned that there was no Santa Claus, no NeverNever Land, no permanent happy endings. For all intents and purposes, it was the day my happy childhood ended, and my miserable adolescence began. That was the day the St. Louis Cardinals defeated the Boston Red Sox in the seventh and deciding game of the 1967 World Series. My life has never been the same since. Where 1967 is concerned, you had to have been there. You also had to have been old enough to remember it, and young enough to appreciate what it all meant. In the words of Hunter Thompson: Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run….but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world… “History” is hard to know, because of all the hired bull, but even without being sure of “history,” it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash…. Thompson was writing about the legendary San Francisco scene of that year, but he might as well have been talking about what life was like for a 10-year-old Boston Red Sox fanatic, experiencing what seemed like the realization of magic. There is no other way to put it. Let’s start with baseball itself. In 1967, there were two ten-team leagues. You either finished first in one of them, or you went home for the winter. There were no playoffs (unless two teams tied for first). Where the World Series was concerned, second was as good as last. Last is where the Red Sox almost finished the previous year. I had become a Red Sox fan two years before—and quickly learned that they were among the worst clubs in the game. They had been for some time, and seemed likely to remain so…maybe, it seemed, forever. Then, in 1967, the Red Sox won the American League Championship. Worstto-first. The Impossible Dream came true. God Bless them and Merry Christmas to all. Jim Cassidy is commander of the American Legion POST 219, and a member of the Council on Aging in North Andover. You can send your comments to Jim Cassidy at [email protected] Pleshaw Nothing like it had ever happened before, or ever would again. (The New York Mets won the World Series two years later, but by then, a playoff system had been put into place.) And my team did it! No, 1967 wasn’t heaven for everyone. If I had been living in Detroit or Newark, and watched as my city burned down, or had I been in Vietnam and been preoccupied with men in black pajamas shooting bullets at my posterior, my take on The Greatest Year might have been somewhat different. But, if you were what I was—a white suburban kid in the Boston area with access to a transistor radio—life was never better. Actually, it was two transistor radios; one tuned to WRKO, where J.J. Jeffrey and Chuck Knapp played the best rock music ever made, before or since (1967 being to rock what 1939 had been to Hollywood), the other tuned to WHDH, where Ken Coleman, Ned Martin and Mel Parnell gave a literal voice to The Dream. No, life was never better. Then came the World Series. The Red Sox played nobly, forcing the Cardinals to a seventh game. But then came Columbus Day. Bob Gibson, with three days rest, faced Jim Lonborg, with but two. Final score: Cardinals 7, Red Sox 2. I cried that day. But as it turned out, the tears were about much more than a baseball game. Sweet melancholy finished out the year, as Linda Ronstadt warned us not to fall in love with her (wasted words), and Otis Redding told us how lonely it was on the Dock of the Bay. The hippies in the same city held a “funeral” to bury the Summer of Love. Even the Cowsills made a profound observation: I loved the Flower Girl Was she reality, or just a dream to me? It was a question we were asking, as 1967 came to an end. Then came 1968: adolescence, puberty, a new school filled with savage bullying and little personal happiness elsewhere. The outside world got a lot uglier, too. Baseball faded into irrelevance, a neglected toy tossed into the attic. There were just too many other things to think about. (That’s what “growing up” will do to you.) Now, 37 years later, the Red Sox finally beat the Cardinals, and won the World Series. I only wish that a ten-year-old boy in a land called 1967 was here to see it. You can email Hartley Pleshaw at [email protected] Bali's RESTAURANT 59 Essex St., Lawrence 978-725-0101 extended loving family who tried to preserve the special spirit and meaning of Christmas for their two little boys. Gone from the Earth is brother Billy, all fish in the famous aquarium, even Polly the talking parrot who has flown into the sky, possibly looking for the whereabouts of Uncle Fred. The hour is drawing late, but as I continue to gaze out at the falling snow through slightly misty eyes, I smile and think of those wonderful days at the Big House — where the beautiful gold fish continue to swim and Polly the talking parrot calls out for Fred and all of our loved ones — “Til we meet again, ‘Til we meet again.” 17 2004 -The Valley Patriot en Op 1am 30: 1 1 n is e h c Kit open 0 3 12: l l i t ' at S i Fr 'till 2 en Op hen is Thursday Night Karaoke c Kit open m l 1a 'til Great Dominican Food Lounge & Wide Screen TV 18 December 2004 - The Valley Patriot The Grinch is Real Continued from Page 4 mongers? Doesn’t free speech apply to The fact is, Christmas is rooted in everyone regardless of the type of speech? Christianity but it is also celebrated by Or is speech only prohibited today when atheists, agnostics, Jews, and others. It is, it’s about goodness, religion, God, to some, a secular American holiday which Christmas and other “objectionable” evils has evolved and taken on a whole new to these confused and empty souls? meaning than just the birth of Jesus Christ. Allowing the free exercise of Christmas The answer to that is simple. This has celebration on public property does not nothing to do with sensibilities or establish a government religion. Anyone offensiveness. It has nothing to do with who says otherwise is fooling themselves protecting the constitution or stopping a in order to fool the rest of us. government established religion. It’s really about the narcissistic few who want But we are not fooled. to erase the words “or the free exercise thereof” from our first amendment It’s not we who celebrate Christmas who freedom of religious expression. They are offending others. Goodness is not an hate God and they hate the fact that offensive trait. In the real world we have to Christmas is rooted in religious tradition. recognize that it is those who hate God and Even though to many, it is a secular Christmas who are being offensive. It is American tradition practiced by people of they who should be more tolerant of many (and no) faith at all. symbols and songs, the values of which they certainly do not share. It is the Grinch Personally, I have had enough of the who must tolerate the will of the majority sanctimonious sound bite arguments, not the majority who must be backward thinking and dishonest debate. inconvenienced by a monster who takes I’ve had enough of people forcing the rest great joy in depriving others of happiness. of us to sanitize society from words and symbols that only evil could possibly find Just imagine....... “offensive.” All the while, the "offended" are lecturing the rest of us about being ....if the Whos down in Whoville, instead tolerant of weird sexual life-styles, of celebrating Christmas over the compassion for criminals and “accepting” objections of the “offended” Grinch, those who views things differently. removed Christmas from their little town square so as not to offend him with their It’s time to stop giving in to these people infernal “singing” and happiness heard all and say enough is enough. We shouldn’t the way up on top of mount Crumpet? be fearful of offending someone with the goodness of Christmas. We shouldn’t be Would Whoville be a better place? afraid to say to anyone “offended” by a pine tree with lights, that they need Is America? psychological help. Merry Christmas! People who so intolerantly demand that the Tom Duggan is the president of Valley Patriot, majority bow down to their lack of beliefs Inc., and is a former member of the Lawrence (or their hatred for faith and goodness) and School Committee. He hosts the Paying Attention Radio Program on 980AM every Satthen force us to remove everything that urday afternoon from noon-2pm. You can email offends them should be shunned yearcomments or questions to him at round. [email protected] -For more information, you can visit Manzi: Methuen Property Taxes Continued from Page 4 potential for unique characteristics, it is never possible to truly say what each individual homeowner may face in the way of property tax, even in a situation where the tax levy remains constant. Without question, such uncertainty is a flaw in the property tax system. While setting a property tax rate is not rocket science, there are several layers of thought involved and key political decisions that need to be made. As we move forward in Methuen, I am proud to say that even with the building of three new schools, and the investment in a brand new library we have never faced an override of Proposition 2½ or a debt exclusion for these capital projects. We should remain a couple of million dollars below the Prop 2 ½ levy limit, which is a testament to sound financial practices by the City. Despite the fact that our tax burden compares favorably with other municipalities, the property tax imposes what I consider to be an unfair burden on the elderly and fixed-income residents generally. The essential unfairness of the property tax (not a tax based on ability to pay) has led some to call for real tax reform, with some portion of the existing municipal cost structure (such as education) being shifted to a broader-based tax. Education reform in Massachusetts was designed, at least in part, to lessen the reliance on the property tax for local educational expenses. Is it now time to take that concept to the next level? Food for thought, and maybe the subject for a future column. Wakeman: New Tax Rate Reagan Continued from Page 5 So for the first time, we are a little more fair about distributing the load, without raising individual tax bills more than a few percent. We’re still not splitting the pie right down the middle, but we’re a lot closer than we were. Businesses and commercial property owners will benefit. The economic benefit might create a few jobs or maybe fill up a few empty storefronts. That’d be good for North Andover. But more important, this year, I left the tax classification hearing feeling better about the job I do as your selectman. The board rejected more sneaky tax games. We didn’t just push the tax burden off onto businesses because we can. Letting the other guy, the business owner without a say in the matter, carry a bigger part of our tax burden is just wrong. We still haven’t split things up fifty-fifty. But we have made taxation a whole lot more fair. Interview with Scott Wood Continued from Page 9 My main goal is to find ways to be creative in saving money so that we can restore programs, eliminate user fees and bring teachers back to the classroom. Budget cuts have killed the City of Haverhill. I intend to look for ways to bring back what we lost and more. Do you think there will be a new high school in Haverhill? No, Haverhill decided to renovate our current High School which we are in the process of doing currently. Wendy Wakeman is in her first term as a member of the Board of Selectmen in North Andover Happy Holidays to all! Bill Manzi is President of the Methuen City Council and is a Democrat. You can contact him at [email protected]. Continued from Page 16 opposed by a majority of his Cabinet, by many in Congress, by many in the media, and by some European leaders, the Soviet Union endangered the world with its behavior. President George Bush continued the steps until the war was won. When the Soviet Union saw opportunity, it had made moves such as: Korea, missiles in Cuba, Vietnam, Angola, Mozambique, Nicara-gua, El Salvador, Yemen, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, and Grenada. Commenting on this, Brent Scowcroft, President Bush’s national security adviser, wrote: “…these are but examples of the Soviet leaders periodically hitting us between the eyes to remind us of their aggressive ambitions”. This aggression would result in increased defense spending by the West and an effort to stop Soviet expansion. When challenged, the Soviets would respond with a softer tone, expecting the West to relax again. This time, however, the West, with Ronald Reagan’s vision and determination, and George Bush’s follow-through, played the game to the end. © 2001 by Warren E. Norquist. All rights reserved. Email: Warren@ A longer version of this paper appeared first in Global Competitiveness Volume 9 (1), 2001 pp. 1-27 and a later version in Advances in Competitiveness Research Volume 10, No. 1, 2002. Both are published by American Society for Competitiveness. A two page summary was published by UPI on 10-31 & 11-1 in 2001. Warren Norquist, 89 Bradford Road, Weston, MA 02493 Email: [email protected] The Valley Patriot regrets a factual error in the November edition. It was stated that North Andover Superintendent of Schools Harry Harutunian "brought" the Every Day Math program to the Reading Schools. In fact, the program was in place before he was hired. Harutunian was criticized at the time for continuing with the program, not introducing it. Do you think the mayor is doing a good job as chair of the School Committee? I do think he has done a good job in his role as Chairman of the committee. However, that is not to Answer to Puzzle on Page 9 say I agree with a lot of his decisions he has made as Mayor on other city topics. Do you like being on the committee and will you run again ? I love being a member of the Haverhill School Committee. I love serving the children and my community. I truly have a desire to make Haverhill a better place and I intend to do that. As far as reelection goes, that’s three years away so I haven’t even begun to think about it yet. Large Format Printing Quality, Multicolor, Sheetfed, Offset Printing Film Prep and Bindery Services on site Store Signs, Posters, Maps, Box Wraps, P.O.P. Displays, Books, Catalogs Fine Art Reproductions, Brochures, Greeting Cards and MUCH more! Ralph Wilbur [email protected] Tel: 978-683-2766 130 Shepard St. Industrial Park Lawrence, MA 01843 Fax: 978-681-7588 December VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PLAY WITH HOMELESS CHILDREN Horizons for Homeless Children is seeking fun-loving, dependable people to play and develop relationships with children living in family homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters in Northeastern Massachusetts. A commitment of one 2-hour shift per week is required for at least 6 months. Mostly evening shifts are available on weekdays. Trainings are held regularly. 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For $200 you could have your own small business website up and running in a few days Email [email protected] ACTIVE PERSONNEL AGENCY Temporary & Permanent Placement Asbestos Removal, Lead Paint Removal & General Labor Contracts Call Glennys De Jesus or Nestor De Jesus Temp Work Available 277-A Broadway, Lawrence MA 01841 Tel: (978) 681-0448 Fax: (978) 688-2776 2004 - The Valley Patriot 19 Pick Up Your Copy of The Valley Patriot! at one of These 181 Locations South Lawrence 7-11Convenience Store/Winthrop Ave Brooks Pharmacy/Winthrop Ave C1 Buffet/Winthrop Ave. Carleens/South Broadway Chamber of Commerce/Essex St Donovan’s Liquor/ S. Broadway Edna’s Beauty Salon/ 61 Genesee St. Evergreen/S. Union St. Golden Bowl Restaurant/S. Union St. HEE BIN Restaurant/S. Union St. Hess Gas Station*/S. Union St. Jilly’s Pub/S. Union St. Jim’s Subs/South Broadway Julie & Wendy’s/S. Broadway Knights of Columbus /Market St Lawrence Train Station/Merrimack St. L.Lawrence Store/S. Union St. Leo’s Auto/South Broadway Lightship Liquors/S. Union St. Lydick Photography/Parker St. Mt. Vernon Liquors/South Broadway Mt. Vernon Variety/Beacon St. Packard Pharmacy/Parker St. Police Substation/Parker St. Post Office/S. Union St. Saint Patricks Parish Center/E. Kingston St. Silva’s Package Store/Winthrop Ave/Rt. 114 Sunshine Laundry/Parker St. The Cell Phone Store/523 S. Union St. Tony’s Convenience/Parker St. Walgreens/South Broadway NORTH ANDOVER Bay State Chowda/Main St. Beijing/Rt. 125 Brooks Pharmacy/Rt. 114 China Blossom/Rt. 125 CVS/Main St. DeMoulas-Mkt Basket/Rt 114 Dunkin Donuts/Main St. Eagle East Aviation/Sutton St. Forgetta’s Flowers/Rt. 125 Harrison’s Roast Beef/Rt. 125 Health South/Cross Roads Mall J&M Pizza/Salem St. J&M Subs/Main St. Joe’s Variety/Waverly and Middlesex St. Knights of Columbus/Sutton St. Lawrence Airport/Sutton St. Mail Box Ect/Route 114 Main St. Hardware/Main St. Main St. Liquors/Main St. Market Basket Plaza/Route 114 Mobil Gas/Route 114 Mobile Gas Station/Mass Avenue Natures Cleaners/Main St. North Andover Library/Main St. Perfecto’s Café/Buthcer boy Plaza Pizza Factory/Rt 125 Police Statoin/Osgood St. Richdals’s Convenience/Rt. 125 (near Haffners) Richdals’s Convenience/Sutton St. Sal’s Pizza/Rt. 125 Senior Center/Main St. Silver Cleaners/Route 114 Jasmine Plaza Star Market /90 Main St Star Pizza/First St. Super Stop & Shop/Rt. 114 The Vineyard/Route 114 TJ Max Market Basket Plaza/Route 114 Val’s Breakfast/Main St. Andover Advanced Weight Loss/Park St. Plaza DeMoulas/N. Main St. Andover Police Station/N. Main St. CVS/N. Main St. Brooks Pharmacy/N. Main St. Mobile Gas Station/ Rt. 133 Barron’s Country Store/Haggets Pond Rd. Greater Lawrence Tech/River Rd. Andover Spa/Elm St. Senior Center/ Main St. Andover Town Hall Andover Library/Main Street Salem NH B&D Scrubs/Broadway Royal Bakery/Broadway Northeast Rehab If you know of a location where you would like us to leave copies of The Valley Patriot, please email us at [email protected] North Lawrence 7/11 Convenience Store/Lowell St. Alex’s House of Pizza/East Haverhill St. Balli’s/ Essex St. /Essex Brunswick House/Essex Catalano’s Market/E. Haverhill St. City Hall/ 200 Common St. Cmty. Partnership for Children/Essex St Community Development/Haverhill St. Firefighters Credit Union/Methuen St. Italian Kitchen/Common St. JJ MGuire’s/Essex Lawrence General Hospital/General Street Lawrence Police Station/Lowell St. M. V. Hair Design/East Haverhill St. North End Deli/Common St. Northern Essex/Franklin St. Perotta’s Drug Store/Prospect St. School Department/Essex Senior Center/Haverhill St. Sons of Italy/Marston St. Tarshi Law Office/Essex St. Tower Hill Variety/Ames St. Washington Mortgage/237 Broadway Methuen 6-11 Variety Store/466 Lowell St American Legion/Broadway Arias Market/69 Broadway Arlington Liquors/45 Broadway Box at Emblem Badge/300 Broadway Box at Friendly’s/255 Broadway Box at West Coast Video/205 Broadway Brooks Pharmacy/The Loop Carolina’s Convient/462 River St Century 21/Rte 28 China Buffet/Rt. 28 City Hall/Pleasant St. COCO Early RE/Route 28 Conlin’s Pharmacy/Lawrence St. Dunkin Donuts Box/72 Broadway Elizabeth’s Grocery/71 Broadway Galloway Store/70 Pelham St Holy Family/East St. Jackson’s Restaurant/Rt. 110 Lobster Tail/Merrimack St. Market Basket/The Loop Methuen Family Rest/Route 28 Methuen Ctr Methuen Police Station/Hampshire St. Methuen Senior Center/Main St. Methuen VFW/Merrimack St. Pleasant Valley Supprette/Merrimack St. Post Office/272 Broadway Prudential/East St. Rostron’s Liquor Store/Hampshire St. Royal House Of Pizza/456 Lowell Super Stop & Shop/The Loop Superstar Video/49 Jackson Street WCCM/Merrimack St. Whirlaway Sports/500 Merrimac Street White Hen/Merrimack St. Haverhill Abeers Train Store/Route 113 & 110 Athens Pizza/Route 110 East Azzi Bakery & Café/Main & White St Ben Consoli Realtors/297 S. Main St Brooks & Di-an ERA/434 Main St Century 21 Mc Lennan & Co./679 S. Main St Chicks Roast Beef/Rt 125 Citizen Center/Welcome St. City Financial/Dudley Plaza Main St City Hall/Summer St. Coldwell Banker/40 Davis Building Rte 110 Commuter Rail/Washington Street Cosomos Family Rest/Route 125 Exon Gas Store/Rt 125 Haverhill Beef! Havehill House of Pizza/Route 113 & 97 Haverhill Super Subs & Pizza/Main St Heavenly Donuts/Rt 125/75 Main St Hilldale Pizza & Subs/Hilldale Ave Library Lil Peach/Dudley Plaza Main St Lil Peach Food Store/ Lottery One Stop Market/Rt 97 Broadway Main St Variety/421 Main St Marias Family Rest/Essex St Mr Mike’s Rest./Rt 125/ 1149 Main St Old Town Realty/389 S. Main St Oriental Garden/Route 110 Kmart Plaza Pizza Market/Express/Rt 125 CVS Plaza Pizza Palace Remax/Rte 125 S Sal’s Just Pizza/Lafeyette Square Walgreens Pharmacy/Rt 125 White Hen Pantry/Route 110 To Subscribe to The Valley Patriot, please send a $15 check payable to The Valley Patriot, 64 White Birch Lane, N. Andover, MA 01845 HEE BIN GRILL Korean & Japanese Restaurant Korean B B Q & Sushi Bar - Full Liquor License - Karaoke Every Night *After 9PM 495 to Exit 41B, Stay Right at the Fork go over the bridge, HEE BIN is on left/ across from the Global Gas Station Global Gas Station Entrprise Rent a Car Bridge Rt. 495 Bi Bim Bop, Neng Myun, Kalbi Stew, Korean Jambalaya, Daily Specials and MORE! Exit 41B 10% Off *HEE BIN! 609 South Union St. Lawrence Takeout (978) 686-0389 or (978) 686-0678 157 So. 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Cheese Pizza With any order over $34 $5.00 Spaghetti or Ziti w/Meatballs For all Your Holiday Spirit Needs! Beer, Liquor, Lottery, & A Selection of Fine Wines +tax Mon, Tues. & Wed. Only Open: Mon. - Sat. (9am - 11pm) Sundays Noon - 8pm