HAS THE LARGEST :i-' ^ VOL. XXVI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1886. THE AMOSEVANHORN^I PUBUBHBH8 AVD FR0FB1ET0&8. Opt on Bladnodl Bred mxt door to the National Vmm Bunk, ABIT UT iDTAJIOB. ' 't ^ ion will be jfllled with every con ceivable grade- We will men 7BI125I1H1I17I tion as particular specials our too logo Has i s u 8oc., $1^0 and $1,25 , N. J. *tE?<'re FOR THE 1 INCH s " •mix JMiOIIOOllOOO grades as being most deserving •UTtMATIO COLUaffi. of the ladies' attention. 8510 8760 66Ot BTliJI F,roanU«.a4<lldfor •»*••, Local BOUM. UtMa «nt« par Una. HEAGAN SHOE CO. •IATBBS. WlTT R. BUMatKB. Opp. D. L & W. R. R. Depot, In lots of styles andfinestwear ing coverings—$4.75 up. OSse oral Tin dm. B U u l i Co.". BUw, DOVIB. s. J. It Bl D Lehman & Co.'s SAVINGS BASE, I Refrigerators aUBTEH «»•> SOLICITOR IS CHANOKEV IMOOHPOBATED HAIUJII U , Itft, OEMtoOn Tone BUldliif, 0naJ.A.LYO»'«8tOM, ATXT I n on assortment that's well nigh perfect—all makes—some at $3.50.1 •ouuromr, a. J. 1* NO 25 C"iilLi,"t until t.!i-j ! is ilit: m e t h e r ii : n licillliy, iifippy ' -ON- il tM SATURDAY, flAY 16, 1896 Thlaaimetatteni,f4.T9 £ All Bprlng nalteni, now la. Hverv known*wea« »nd col. ^ , DOVER, N. J. X ; All kind* of Plumbing, nooHtiK and Bbeet Iron •WorkartlafaetorllT ensouled, l a Block a t all Umea . 00OPBB, f DOVER. N. J. i eicvo. and Hot Air Furonow ot oreiy ilMcriptlou vB, H. A. BENNETT - GOLD AND OPKSTNUT STS. DOVffll, N. J . IStoOA.N. omox HOUBS \ 1toB p. ii. THE M0Bai8 COUNTY SPECIAL atwmlon r i v t n to DISXASBB otWOMEH m l OBJLDF.1N. ATTORHBY AT LAW A>D J iituely. But It wna Irapomllile to K.TIK the fnmiliea of tbia vicinity m l •n^ \iU iiatb uf idndnou, compaiwloD, v/, J; ir .kMJH. cm unit iirofeaslonal bleaalnj to tlie 1 noody. Tiie acgela rejoics a t tlw nd hohmdoiif. Tliu vi ry l u t time I met iiirii v. as iu n humble tome where heiiad J;IV^H iiit Bcnirwn, doabtleu for year*, t o Mi>]\->; f,i(!];n<+9nud tba iunrmit.esof OgD.Ia -.. T. A i:. n't-'inltjiiH* iiiirl mudi^inen, an'] especially la .-,..:.( s u n tin rnllying vi^ir o( a chwrful spirit, BO In• Infill,«!) ^iiiiforMng, anil wlmn ha v u eidinu fti i-ecuiiiiB n n-tuga of comfort for the h i t 'lava or JMiaing ago aud [oublenen. :liild. flic Ttk'~u nro na uncommon events la a pbjal-' f-cftllh of the cliil'l miKtids on lln: Iit:illh I'lnii'n life. They riGrlu.pt0anter more of dlof tlie ninther, both i-'-f^ro rnd iiflor l>inh.' 'i::u clinnlr tlma any othBr profeisioa or Heredity in rtroiiir, ILIK! il jr. every WORHIU'B r;. '- ii Ui-,. •'( i'f.-. ^-iif [iiM'm-^. Tfio iibyninian'a work taomongtba ilutytunive ticrdtiWrtii the Ihsl j^wiiblc ill lif.-. Nolliiiii: thai slm could \tnam;fnriuii'ite anil HiilTeriug, with « oomtact Blbly (tlvc tlivin cixa bs :is vnhuble as licalth. dran^ht npoii his synij)itby moat n&oded Wcallli catinot be tiijuytd wiiliout litnllli. nlt'tc dm cdiiditionB of life arc farthest from Nolhitiv' cr.n Iwfciij"j-«.ilwitlK.ut htuJHi. II Mr], i Hcaltliislifc.1 l\oi)l«wlsoarciiot htaliliy | ])p>"|>iT.iy ami whore bin uompeantlciD i t nrc only lull nlive. Tin- diiid wlio :-(..rla I Minll ind doubtful, yet there lie li found ia out ,1'iifi a maiist hotly mn\ \i,r.>ioiL>, vjiilc 'HI'C vnhi.tly the'j df duty, vluito.profesiloa&l learning lictiiUi, liiiii livcrvtuiiif: to bi: Umiiklul for •a!'-!,,)!- ...[iiiiii 1111.! «Uy. ml M\\, d.mfort aacriilod, enorgr conand iiolliiiifT t<i IJL- i»f:,iid of Ymi cannot n (],i-,n f> di-stl), mini !.: imeit, nl! nt tbo call uf Lumiulry, T t e «ccxiicd Biieli a child t« fjniii:: l*tf«m anv<: .1: an 1 sickly niiiUivr. IUKI nil of WOMJU'B lent coii'iucrjr, returning in triumph to his MBliims nnd ]mrUcu.;ir1y ilw wtiifcuuGi *' Hi \ii!iii"l iiTilii' Hive rity.nau attended witli the ipoili ol tliat most plroii«ly itifiiienciT. Hie lit-alth or children, comes fioiu J;oitie (luiang'tmtni or irfrn il-furcii provfurcH, osjitfrof, trauurot, anna clfiiuaH* of lliu tUstiuclly feiniidiitt f tho vnrqulBl-'sI, gates of taolr cities, the AH utich troublu in a i uinn'ccriviry ar. it j.i rf'H1'I. t/>r II'H vj>'cri5d Rlirywirodisplayed nUjly dialtuhr.inir. Ur. l'icrcK'n I-.ivurile i-iw't*. bun. 1 have ibought thai the sptili ol '.'l llnl : fo liningbt hntne at the end of a long aod itiVe.' There is no (,aul:r,-ivoik'r.ltniit iliij imornlilo career by a filtUful luerabsr of Mnttmcnt, nnd tlieru is 110 (malificitir-:, ii« |>rafi"hijn if tLoy could lis displayed b e •UJI; "J-'avorilt; Prescription " tili<Htltl l:o Ttwd promptly niul wn.islnilly until ttic ->nt IH nuuld tnnve our unbounded admifitinu. Tlitra would come trooping In that • w P H re"i">J?'(•o[!'i11'niXnticif " l n S olil? triumph, ]>ro(owlonil successea, brlngAlul in i- (I'.llil'fc) •d im( md'nL-.i^riuVJ'lR^mi^iViiVi^'nlrirjLri(,- ris-orod tpaltb and lire, banishing cares, ormnnccsof nil Hie mitwal fniii-tii)ii:i. 'llie t ill K.imi rmt, t j "l'avorilc rrnscriptiiiii" liliuHld b-j tnKu mi-Jinn f->r !i':t fiifth in (.:iir!:.l, Mlu-iilii: -M-* niiti Krfof, am! filling aearb with haps li", ill fr-'I':'<i" '-!» f-i'-l ifl'cr, '• J Mill ji.-iv nl (^Inducts; there would be progressive JwTod'or pest 1S0a-"''It n |f[velt"atrcn t ;tli"o till the Wjnn.t tni-olvcd, ki-n:ir. Uiu l-aiuii i!i lo !..• (ir.-.-fd fiml 1 Ho tiir.f of in; <!.'- (Miiioiia to thoEiimof useful and valuebla MIMICIKO for buinnii welfare from tbeyean nnd dniiftc-r (if cl.iltiliirtli nnd ii:stirc3 the Uirr- 1^ i,L linn.l, I b:tvo ^-u^tit n Bind f Rludy nuil oipBrlenco; tliere would bean i«U of lioth niHlher nnd child. •ftii!, I Imvc lls-iOiul my c uric, I Itavi- fislor jiatb for nmiiklDil.dirtliiuUiei removed, : tli" fnili; li ii'',-r.j. tli llit>nj l-i Ini.l rinciplos of health mid sanity implanted and iKrii'ilbn!" n'lirt llw Ui thiiijuyi.i' luitf.n- mo (i rrj,v,i of Tl(flit'..-,,nniHi •heriiiictliindlaivdnUbliBliBd In tbs obedii tJie J ^ n l , (liti rl;!i'..jui!H Jn-t^o, 'nee ot moil ttiat would mean truor, higher, piw !-..• Hi tliat. tlov, nr.ii tot to mi'.mly n:ttor llvlnt; and advance ttio race in Its i,t-. id! U;uii iili.>i"l!i!ii]..irthlfiin.iienr- trutgl-i toward .larfrelion of llto, and tboro DUVN^WJ Wuiu Slrti-l, Diiii.iiu, N.Y. iLuilii liu iiiuumeraule attoo<laat« of that ; ; - : ! : r v i--!<'= <>---m l i ' ^ .rni.ti>-niiii*iTiL i li'ouiiful triumph, wltn°sa!ng t o Its benevoe " lie ['tici', nv\t Hncrldco and charity, mute glances !"idl fnillifill I'l 111- At-3'tl tlitflld if k*"utihnlu, lilesniugs, prayers, benedlotlona olds uf rum nliiiaftml trembling handi itretohed Anxiously n-1.1 ch (V-clIniii^ lieultli of 3vlnt;ly titrnrds him. I t Is no plotareof lieir datifjhlt'i'it. SD inimy nvc cut of[ riici-D tier.- jurfLt* of t'l'lutn im:;inaU'ju There Is na greater or moro liy eonsuinjiliim in curly yufir^i tli:it, ifftstKt rp.iliLv or noble deods for man nulelile •t liuMvfcn ht. l'eiil nnd IJL Lnl.c 11 is m i l can^t* foi' anxiety. I n he tnvln^ work and kingdom of Christ, I-.; fd'-i:iit>d incts: H:. I.uki' \Rniii, nur riuble pbyslclau WSB beloved for Hit! rciifli of iiii'tlidhi!, Ilotnl'K Saisui ily: at, 1'aul ix|.r iiiiBttu* ils mo/t plcnsnnl <iii il files of dlaposition man[i:irilln will restore (iir» i|iia!iiy itiul ii;;iT ilum^u 11ml tin'niiiil"flt i-hlni in fiUHfnesa and eocial (ntercoursa, aad {jiiinitity of tliu lilooil and thus jrive A Tiii-fr miitim] worl; iiguin . tho iipitrcr circle of bin friends, Hepo*1- 11 [jyiit >,r (•.•n(.-i':t fu!J «f (fi(<(it-./ ,-j-in- 't:cd a I;GIIIU9 ot kin J lines) aodgflnialty. tliy ntvl lit'lpfial'ifM Tin;; jjiii-ncycd k< nni appruiiuhablo and geaerout ID bin " I t IH Iml JiiuL t o v.Tilo almut my daiiRbtor Corn, aped 10. Klio wa» com- r-vyM \uruUi>l-\ h,;. Uier, cMl.tilnB tliu in id utitiirc, yn, slsa with a cntalo bsoom»t ImitH if A.iit tn (JIII.HLCIIJ litui-Lho.T .j- rcsurvo and retined di^uity whlah uvlgeil pletely rundown, iki'linhii;, lmd Hint Urod h3-.d tiiiulii"!' thiuu^ti Mllntui, Tyro uml hu att^utfroiu any undlgnlQei familiarity, (celing, mid frlendH said Him would nof. Iti n iirlnce. live ovci threo muutlm, Bhc iuul 11 bad .I.-n *-* headquarters, and our shelves THST COLUMN. X this season. Our store is the Is tic kind we've attained—we've quantities o£ i > pattens—prices are K> low they've made a name for £• us I Suits, $i7.5oupwards. fgBH atOHTHB .. S " [ i'.-rwii'^ mill '-n '4 Will again be very fashionable {Parlor Suit Popularity { titiioiniBaoiimoi nrvuu. X J: illlL T'.l IGVJ- D i'HVSICIAU. Women's Oxfords' Portland KnDgea Ktl quick— They're bubbling over with mtrlL Northorn New Jersey. nj; mid Ho ;.aa eiccodlojly youtliful IQ temperaIhcn bt"'I, Hint, licuinl llicso tw lent, lond of gaiety, fond of inuilc, fond of l'«i. wrlltfi LI1.1 1,1 In of iiluvo. Ho wai deeply Interested la ths f md nothing Bceinprl (ortoJier nny f[oot3, fet (n I cfii) 4TK! S(. T«ul i' lutiojof cttfz»iisii[p, uni in tbo fiuifaoianllMtTeo, special, lmppciicd t o rend utiont IIOOII'H SarHapftiln.t lffu b 1 fjechftiE into i9lbllitf9n wbioh devolved upon him. I DOVER, H. 1. FiDMtKiKla Crvaintiy.. rllla nnd lmd her givo it n trlul. Prom, tlio nij \l;it. Tiitlr Kjuiimllii"} -.vno nil he, lies'. LAM... lUNAOIBSt lot enter upon ouy blograpblcal sketch InnrtuM BrokwawlOoiiimiMiwwroIDaeai. 1 Furniture, Carpati, Stove*, Btc very Ilrat doso iilio huynn to geL bellor. UtlU Fr«l C t I^ d UUr ill<Tl« wnv ilirttti'd k. OJIO cnil, 1 ie;o remotks, hut would limply present Fire, Life, SMam BolUr, Emplojen LULMulur Condeiwwd Milk, can... Alter taking a few lioUlva ahu WHS com- a glny tfllm Loni. Ami so H'. I'UU!,PVLT trend Free to any part ol 'H'.ttnatenf tits poregnal ohoruter u t h * t Uillr and Un Btack lutmaoa. O«r to-Omrf W. Millar, Haolj a H t » 7 , 1 M Mustard Bortllncs, a catu pletely cured and lier Ucnltli linn \KQ\\ tho tor, iii. in chtifin HI d ipml.iuj; fr.rtli words irnurea. Bail Batata botifbl U 4 AnraUai B, Hall, Telephone 880. ri'flnoj geutlciuan, a faltliful, Bueoonful Ffalllp H, HoSnu, heat, Vowmic Oil Sardinia „,. beat ever Bincc." HUH. A D D I I : I'ECK, told ou ComoitMOD Y. Bw.ii, M.D. Paul Baran, Itl 12 Hailrond I'incc, AniBtertlrmi, N. V, t-y inii lit tHUtiftilly bo ultrr(d t u'ff-rs U> int frbiid, mid a noblo nun. D.Hibar, JotaTMoaar. " I will Bay Hint my motlicr hns notliisiiuir friind u.i "thy I.L'JCVL.I iilijt'clan." tbo fjrdat and mjBtertous Dhange KBuka Bin ted m y caso Htroiijr words OH I tbttrlt t.f«liCHtt T-rnt. nftti tlintwciirl. Tlierfi (vbioli we call deitU has happened to any man' 1E0. O. CUMMIKB,!!. D., . Heat 8ujp.r Cured Hams would, have done. Hood'u Sarnnjiarllln rutfiiiiD Iiioling', hJtnonttJic!..!ii''iit,twl..-:li lore is an Involuntary, a spontaneous turnI hart Biunr (Jurwl Hhoulilora GEHBRAl PRAOTITIOHK». llesl Buffir California Hams Ima truly cured mo nnd l a m now well." -nnfii crt- r-owi'rli'ts !•> vxprw. Thcra !B SO ig of tua ttmsbt to the spirit world aad to Beat Hiujar Cured Uacon iiicli iii tin in, eftriUitiMl^c:l«m, psrcounl H IntoreBts aud condition!. We cannot help n n m TMATOST o n Coiu I'ncu, Aniutcrtlmn, N. Y. •lisa Q[ lilcaaliiiS, (id mi ration for utiatraut tbia. Holljlon, which liastodo with oar n~ Do auro to get Hond's, hecauso WITT!" t •orth and iliuulty uf ehwactT, and orery OOoaonnorth aUa of BlaotwtU atnit H d itionto G(jd,»ni whioh, near«atiurad t de> Ue»t ISuraii Corned Hcof, iiicclnt , IW....: »l,Bra,»I9.WI jcccHciirft tint ivn cn« Bccrccly cjiivey tlio •bout MO taat m l d Wamai i M t , iilntBa of our fttlluj; in WOI.IB. BU with St. inuiiic! tho oanditloa of the spiritual world, UABIUTUB. D 0 V M . M . J. VuLVth!' tflflvi'd iibjtidmi," it oarrkd n 1 flrialy implanted In the liuman heart. God D M dapoallara «,l«e,«17.1T Tu-timu c-r H'lt.lo Wi.fulima tn it, it n - IBB nmdo it one of the uuireraal ideal ot tbs In.DlTtlasljiD.1, 19,863.33 I; Implying It M a witnrai to blmtelf, TOHN DaUMKKEB itidtootir immortal and Ood Imparted nt" II,' mclc l'i life freuiilciilh'Hdoor, itnj itliotiltbe in-.witl.lnui. eon*»... oiiuoderlo (-: two fniUitul suldicie of tUo We have mauy tbiuge to testify, most chwr8HA.VIHQ1XD HAIR COTTIW G 8AUJOK, roiB who lisiJ mnnsfieri 11 nd fmtptin and suf- ig, nioatbleisod, ia tbdaotemn bonrconoernMAMMON HOUSE, Intanat la daolarri u d paid lo Januarj ami ITCJ t[i!c by MQ. ig I lie Bp!rltu»l Ufa of thls1)9lovod pbyitokn, i NEWARK, TBENTON, ELIZABETH im I Jolr or atok jaur from th. frcdurf Iha p * W. a n ofTctlng lie n»wt.t rtjk» and ooloo ID COB. BUCKWUI i i p B u a a i z S t u n , rtmaalimootha't™toaai H o o d S P l l l S llubla Via tpi'iy tnn word tu*.1ay ID Rrcat ftill- UollTedadoopbeartllfo. Hewaa loUIliDOVER, S. J. t'ta c t tnenninz, uutl in the nama of all Ui'a out in rcHgious knowledge). He was familiar Th. plate lal baau anttaly Kitted In a m immunity, to t r o nubia and bcautirul lift- with HID Dlblo. IX9 recalved its teachings, wt maaiar. LadJ«a'and Ohjldrta'. Hair ilif'.'ttccafC(llr«<?artlj!rnctJrJtj' and hmefl- wo am\u4, with tlncere faith, Cutting. I ' " i-nco ln*t S'ililmlh cvoninp. Otir friend irus, UacxuibitodgrAceioftuespIritul life, In lircuKliout IUIJ vicinity, "Tlio bcbreil pliy- everr nca to Ood and bin worship in a marked JOS. IL WILUAHB. ii.'tan." ]Jo bod earned tli.H rppnUtion by- israonal Intortfit wheaaver he w u preatnt at BimnHH BOUBB. MABOH ABD 8 L A T 1 R , ill a. iiHyfiidnn'd fatUifulnts', for uaw uvar livlno (orvice, aad in willlug ginsroilty la Kty yuoiabohodprattiojd hinntiblii profeaFoai OIAN, Jr. I. ' • A. tar to 4 F. K da«r, t»apt BatDnla]>. of tho ordlnaiias! of religion. He iuii in ibo fniiillloa of this village, ami es- vtm frequently at church, a helpful lfitener, Contncta takac for all Unda of work In Satortaji bos » a. «. «> 18 ». (MOD) aid iteinlly in earlier years, In n circuit of ft from his xym[>&thy and genuine faterait ia nil tlthir lino of biulneai ao)ttubut matarUla (ran I »>».«. famished. BetUiur BoUirB and ooTating limber ot fnile.1. I hivo tienril I1i.11 mlnto, A large assortmet of ladies' ooraets'from 25o up to $1.75 to uiurolses of worahip. I t was a speolal awOaim PIpx.iiltE Aslmtoa • apapUltr. :i Intighlrtg itiGcd, hia ritks tbroiigl) otorm, Offioa t«ax Ctntnl IHoot. .. SSl Our rtoek ii Inrgo tad »a a n oatemlned to n d r a It. EamsmbjrtliogoooaaKtUllltt eepfiiow•ordiirtnefii nud owp wild roada >ni to be present on rainy Sundays, t»Ung a quality. NoauotioogoodloraBootidjAratold. j] Many carloads oftlic i tu tUstaut patlcirtR, tomowh it nit a volimn •light In braving tho etorm, mvi " setting E Hfor None Sueli Mince f.f inf(;htonreltiEHly Ull al lilsiuaruhci.only tlio good oiamplo " of attoudance. fie r ; . ' ^reatJIJARTIM LOTHJR COX, Hclpfuho thechuroliea and tothB puton, /arc bought nt one time, tit linst i'l bouror of health . ^liauds. All the ji^riaj;, C.K»]]CODOTYaUPEBraTi Ami who can tell Iteraonally, and with hticordial(ympathyfor 0 ping, sccdiug, 3tcmmi:iK "tul ivcry goal work, Christian or moral, in t i e TVpMtry B n i w l i , fl9o »nd Wo pt* yard, worth 8Co and t l 00 or PUBLIC eoHoou ['cleaning arc tlciiic by iiort'cclc.t ixoeHent cams lagniEM, 83Ko* 30o, -lOo and Mo per jMd, worth'-lOo, 5Oo, 05c and 8Oo I, macliiucrj1. Sucli immctise Ornos-BLAOxnu, Bl.i DO.VER, M. / . .ml labor ruinired In aucb 0 sorvico. A iresented to him which did not enlist bis earUnol*um« ( 85o|»ry»ra OlldoUu, 80B per j w d 1 quautitics nrc soM tlmt n "iite ilijiiciaii'nlirolsavtmriouf<lf(o. Hobuffeis leatca-oporationandnuterlalhdp. BOOM: O A . > . « o l ] of profit on eudi pacltagc of r b| 3 palk'itts. He must bend iila tliougbt Ho did not make the open oontestloa at rel caro tiifj pirpuae Tor'tLcm. Ho mus ligion that WOWIBD. This s»ma tho only lack 1 IUVKB B. FttEIlCAH, The cholc«tVMietlMO[ the new BuramM«tyl«iO[ dress giwdp, now on hand and still moro pjily couragp to 1I.0 fntntlug1, and iuspir in a most noblo and lovable life, It gives as o Into tbo <li oojilng, and curry by tin rtico our only regret as we view hlseioellentcharbeing added dally. Among them beautiful patterns and quality ot OABfROTBB Aim BtriLDMB. r tin Thrro ssomed Borne temple or beaJUurgy 1 PU«. and.mdltatkoi'>uida .•«?_<«»»'*• motto; "NotHoroto.p.bottow«ood" * of their i This fa the wurl. tion la Lha way. It was uot that hu w u splakia. JobCb«al»aia patttotarlj atood %3TTo..chparchaMrof 15worthnfloodiwulbaitrenttlehetwfakib, Wlthl3.75 lo ». OnlmlalltMtSaErlokDnvSlon i\h(t!h Use ROOII physician doss; n work tor posod to Chrletlanity, or that ht did nut beeuSTwlll uUUotlie holdtr to a ladlai'111 wtlch Mr.Ws.ROoolaJeor MttHpottoOMI LiL'b n o biivo (itmost all biul noed; ond D lievoln Christ. It loomed that a practical ' attaiidM to. Ooraar Unka u d rtk fur lvliich tlipro la nc odequnto enmpen obedience to the teaching!! of tho Ooipel ihooe • DOT«T, S . J. 'ctlon. Wo aro nil imUbUd tottapphytlclan, •th in tho'o cUar&ctcrlBtici of biillfe which mil must be, even itrttr tlio bills aro henor- •ve havo mentioned. Ee would have bwn «0HBSUVSOELI; co., Pi'uufsr, s. v. E NEW JEB8S1T IROK MmiflOeO. churcb ot Cbriit. I taluk I iroo nniJ tltallty, for wbl^b «o enn ouly be may my that If he hadappoarfid before either ornMrpA ikCul kCl ami i ret t JT altectJonatc ggratl- 0! our oburchea and slid, "Ibelieye and reDESIRABLE FABMU1O ADD TI11BIB lf. Tlie poopli} do appreciate tlilsprofci ceive the noble teachings of ths Holy Bible; HKLB H . MOBH1S OOUKTf ... ihraal service. Tlioy do feel tiffs gratsful af- hslmve la Qod and on ths Lsrd Jema Chriit Iota of I aona u d upward, u d • n a n l 'tctlou. It la fctn v»b«n soinu veteran of ind I trust in tbo ntonoment of Chriit for my tood bulidlnj lota In P o t O n m N. 1. Ad1™.L0B»wi^ nblo sorvlca pastes oy. Tiion the startled •nlvclfonaudacoopUnca with God; my Intel* nquiry Iu, "WrbataT -Q to do wllhouthliul •t and reason aro satlallttt of tha truth of This h tho wiiio Biiread feeling oxiircflaad la Christianity, and my t m r t prompts mi to a THE CHIP IS ON OUB SHOULDERS. oiirrommunlty to-day. Webavo a faithful public; confession of my Savior, and to ths deJMIAHK J. GIES, NOW WHO DARES TO KNOCK IT OFF. ami nnjnMo body of physiclaiiH In our sill Biro to be numbered with His followers"—I THE PEOPLE ARE COMING OUR WAY FOR . . ', MIBON ADD BUILDBB, 11 whom tlio utmost (.•onfldenceis rcjiDflcd liy iy, tuatif be had mala thU CDofetslon, I be- - - WE WILL QUOTE YOU SOME PRICES - - mr people. They must rcceUo this popular lle va that either nf our churches wjutd hare DOVXB, H. J . Pstluiony of affection and confidence towar extended to him with gladneoi thoright hand Contrast. U i n u d niatarUa rurnlital. Coming Kr Men's Fine Cloltiing. Light Color Prints.... . .2^0 and up liulr senior coikngu?, tho fewling of depot iffellowtblp. E a n i u n s aivnf 01* ALE. Comlnf for Young Men's Clothmg. haco tijwu him, aad ot jioreonol toss in hU I vt&y be speaking to many intelligent man Best Indigo Blno KUtDSOrWOBC 1Bt Coming for Men's Dress Suits. ' . locease, in un ciprossfon of fpantaneoosrotoday, who know, and are well astured of the Coming Tor Men's Business Suits $8. ;nrd oud of apprtclatlou of tho faithful nerBest Oil Rod, fanoy pattoniB "....4c truth of tlig prloclplas 0! CbrutUttnltjr:, Coming for Mcii's Working Suits I3.90 anil J5.00. t R0B8, dc^a of tlio profession. It is atr.ncop( Coming for Men's Trousers from 75c. 10 Si.50. ml and genernl. I t belongs to the toiler or to men who, by reason of tbo pressing duties ATTOBNir-AT-LAW, Best Apron Ginghams..:.. .'. 4c to 5o Coming for Men's Furnishing Goods. tunny ywes, now rcating Ironi hia faithfu' ot this Chrlst-liko profession, are debarred Coming for the right styles. ' n very of ten attending Chriitlaa worship. BOUCITOBABT, M1STBRIX OBANOaRT rvice, and t o those wbo are prEEsing oo tn Zopkyr Drees Gingham, onr price ;. 7£c Coming for the latest novelties. ICI fame excellent cnrtiir ot bc]j>rulue?a to You muit feol the solemnity of life. Ton An>HOIAB.Y PUBLIC Coming for clothing that wears well. bttvc probably wltnottod the consolations ind [iiiinni'.y. Percales, elegant patterns and very best quality.. Gc, 8&o and 12c Coming for clothing that don't fade. triamphe of Christian faith. You bslieve In S1A5II0PH, - r S i w l o u r . Coming for the best fit and make. And how nenr nnii ideal Is ttio reMlon ol the exalted facts and teachings and duties ot Good selection of Grass Linens, onr ptiae... Xlo ^member the novelties in Children's Clothing (Irom 3 to 8 years of age) $1,35, .in Ritod phyHiclan to hl« pationls aiidthoir Christianity. Let me place before yon tha S; 00 $2.50. Best Derby Hat in town, $1.40; Alpines, J1.00, W. H.Ciirjn, a LVooiuma, a.V.V»H«"ia«a. im'.lic?. TtifB ngfiia nubeB film lieloveri, great persona! duty and pririioge ottnlth and Special on Dimities this week, or as long as they last, regular R p $1.25, 51.40. We can suit everybody. . Tlio rtpJtitary of Kccrots, tha kimloat lovo toword tbo I^prd Jems Christ, and ot price 8^0 yard, at « must fatttiful edrLser, und erea as tlio ubtirp epen, public, generous confession of Hli ndmonlihcr nnd reprover of oar sins nga' glorious Name before ths world. I believe In BODCS: 11O d«IIr, Extra Fine Organdie Rayo, beautiful pattern, Dresden efhcftltli, ho comnianda nur hearty respect tho confcsilon of the Uuter in lifo, In charaa«»»! Hsodaj. Soidajj J to a onlj. Opp. Baker Opeia House,) Blackwell S t . Dover. ioat, regular prioe 19o, our pnoe this week fEraiJIuJi-, In tbl<particularperliajisno: tor, in deeds ot integrity, dignity and charity, Orvioi BPBOUurua I Bje. Ear, Noaa and SOLD BV ALL DEALERS. wns mere trusted thru, onr ^slavedyliytk Theso era essential; and they glre eTldenco Tbtoat Dlaua. i5-U Did you get one ol our parasols which we are m, « j AJ J n His cxpcrlencr, his IOIIR jeora of urai'tice oC tho rlghtBpirlt within. But the confession jlling, if not provitle yourself with one now. H K Q a T l Q . \O 1 1 u Di.qi,atntDtiJO with family trnlta and lierodl ot Christ, in openly tafeiDg HU name upon They are going rapidly a t , . . . ' ^ tary tendecnlei*, bid (cark'sn tiutlifulness, hli ourselves is a great and distinct advance. I t Unppy way of dlflirmlrj; all resentment, n commit a us to Him, which many ore reluctant 0 bini bplovtil l>y fild tuitfsnfe. Uo coul to do. It throws safeguards aroaad as which A nice line of Henriettas and Novelties always on hand, In Mtllitii [or UL& iwUleti ot we need In this world. And It confers upon we take the lead in price and qualities. A fnil and completo vithoat nHeuiii», from tho vantage ground 1 Him and upon His cause, the full, generoaa, IIH fnlllifalnMs au.l esperlenuc. rorbnps v rjoblo weight and testimony of our whole perline of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hats, Gaps, Eto, iro learning to vuluu more truly the nion wl somllty. iri'soDingnnniinouaand really frioiiJly na1 Oh, that every noble life, especially of those to whom TVO all look up with gratitude, esif tliu fiouroJ and cpusorltnu fault iltiilcr at. teem and blTfctioa, mlgbt thus bear Its comeSttime c:ltic of avorj'body »nd ovDrytblng, but 1 jilulR tribute of love and confession to the :u Hbolesoms friend, ntio aJmunUlica us of SOD ot God, Saviors of men, bu Joined in OF 1 fmiU sir,city mid firmly, ami nliatea not bis closest, fullest bonds with tho Savior of nuujW. HIUJ1EI. IIUim B, HULL Bacntarf a r i T n i a u n r - B . 1. HULL. TAUES 0. COOFIH, $ Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. Very Ik»t Tomatoes, refi, prlco 10c Very Finn Tomatoes, reff. prlmOc..,*.. Very llertSUBur Com, reg. prlca IOu,.. Very VimHurnrCorn,reg.jirlwiha.,., Very Heat BtritiB Iteann. n-K. I'rluo l>c,.. ik-fltaii]ger»i.a]M<,lb Sib ]•»»AwortwlJulHes 16o Vfullla or Uinon Kitraut iWCilimVh Babblt'i Best, a cakes... Vete: | DRUGS DRUGS SPRING JPENING J . ^ ME/.TS MEATS BSSaaSte:::::::::::::::::::::: Puiiomiiiiitt ' DOVER, ,K. J. Serges, Henriettas, Crepons, for spring wear, Crashes, Dress Linings, Housekeeping Linens, Hosiery, Underwear. Also a full line of Muslins, Calicoes, Outing Flannel and Dress Ginghams. Spool Silk and Cotton at greatly reduced prices —wvvv BOSTON STORE SarsapariS.a ^How Is It L The Reason's Plalu. \ COR. MORRIS AND BLACKWELL STS., GREiVT CUT IIS THE PRICES Of CARPETS DOVER, - - - NEW JERSEY mm O Sovereigns' Co-Operative Store DIMITIES, APANBSE, LUSTRAL ORGANDIES, SPIRAL CLOTH GAUFFREY SUITING, PRINTS BETTER THAN BANKS You coildn't make a better lovestBeBtofmodeytiaiibj Cor, Blackwell and Morris Sts, DOVER, N. J. the purcliase or diamonds, and many others, also Laces, Trimmings and Buttons to setortinset. Tdeydon'trust, match. Patterns to suit the most fastidious and moths don't eat them, they THIS TELLS THE STORY. doD'tfluctuateinvaluetoanj prices to suit the most economical. appreciable extent and you can always realize on them yery nearly their value. Tkey SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING nake Hne presents or helroons and art always excellent collateral, when you want first water diamonds or any jewelry, first see Little J . W. KIRK, DOVER. N. J. r. W. E. BERRY; DOVER, N.J., for LIVINGSTON BROS. cts. W.H.CawIey& Co,, Prop's BUSINESS COLLEGE SOU AGENTS TBE IsDOVER the leading business college or northern New Jer- JOHN O'CONNEl-U Practical Plusher, Tin aid BALLENTINE'S Sheet Iron Worker. Steam ana Hot Water Heatlag. Beers, Ales and Porters, and ijuuujtartureaof Uia Mat fllllTIlE, H i m inilM, EIC. Soda and Mineral Waters. TOHOLSTEBING done TULIPS, HYACINTHS, NARCISSUS, Fred. H. Wlldrick, Prop., Dover, N. J. Sand (or Sale.: CHINESE SACRED LILLIES. ETC. la all Ita Ibranches WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS CRUSHED STONE. Any HM OP qaintlty, deUrered OR the 11DM a etarelOT. IWI'eral ammler. tho Dataware, I*okiwannii u d Western E. B. u d P M S T THBM Kl>W. BUMS TOOK 2c per yd. 31 -2c each G yards to each customer. Hone 2 to each customer, TI1030 an SB good as you pay 10o for. Till be sola to cbildreo. wlU do nell to Inqnlrt of the subecriber . butln along tio D., I* 4 W. R. It. or 0. R. B. of H. J . SPAHGLEE'S aBEBNHOTJSEB shortness of breath—a sensation of dryness and heat in the' ".,„ SACOB WVKEtt, tHOHQB BHAW Bnpt., •aaunuma,n.J. Bamember the hours, as none will be Bold before or after ' \ large line of Ladles' Home-made Skirtn constantly in stock, and cheaper than you can buy the material m throat. hURtHUtJNU Wctpenkooo word in cloibg to those moat s,RrB in morniity, ,11 right living, sorely bereaved In thla BUttden death, A •ntnil, tlironph thocoromualty, founded on Tforld of sjmpathy la poured around you by 10 imcliarncablo latvB of God in our pbyi those who have loved your dear hiuband and i! tc-ijiif, ivliidi nuglit t o Ira rcmeQibcrcd, brother. Vie think we appreciate your and Ktutmbercd nitb grnlituds. And his grief, for we have luted Urn a t a dh> iot that you scarcely know liow UIDCO; but you In most intimate relatlonablpl IIQJQflHorsey ol fiDicliDunn unu T^r sell like a fhirm on tha throit miJ lubt.. drop u liuth he lmd uttered until yuu after- May tbo Father cf morclts and the God of all Uie it before it's too late Bald by JrucElsln. I comfort, cheer ycu and bleu yon, May n m d i Ihcugbt It over, as ymi wei to do. Tbort liliivonls werobcen to bo wards' noRtiattilnyou in your tonchlng looellneoat Pike'* Tootbadic Drops curc.h one pir,u[c, at vUilanx. Tiioy rfwdt Jong In people's, Hay Ha open before- yoirvfrfooB of fmnsortal miiiile. I bnvo heard repentod words of eai-, hope, of btaveoly i»ace and ot dirbe joy. CUYO for HCEMIOCIIQ. An a remedy for nil fonni (if Jirndarb Linra and mlvtco uttered liy him pci-iips And so wo lay our trlbuto at tbe feet of leclrln Dlltcrs hus priivmi 10 l>o the vi-r iwuitj-five cr morq jcara URO, IX was lim " tho beloved fbjslclnn." bfKt, I t eirruta a i*rnnnnput euro nnd tli Eurvlval nf Rood mac mill tmtb, most dreaded hn til tun] tie\i tn nlr-clicay ifld t Tliere admiraolo ijualilieH nindo Liui "tho It* hditaico Wo urge aM who nrv nSVelt to prewnro n battle, anil givn tlilarcnitdy holorcd I'liystcinn," Tliry clotlied t l m with Tho sddreta of Mr. Reeves was followed by fair Irlul. l a CHICK of liaultunl cnnMiimtlc dignity, unJ gatlitrcd to him tho warm eiteetn Informal rannrka by the Rer. Coras.lus Electric nittera curr» liy fikinK the needt tene to tlio Iwnvol?, mid ff>w rrtiL'^ lony"rt!Pl- oMfev. _ l And It iras not theno thing; Clark, of the Koct&way Methodist Eptseopsl ' blgh h i happreciation i t i fofth til ni that roii our hearts tu him I t wna Church cxprtsa'nK tbo bottles only 1 ift C»H1H nt l U U r t Ullicoio Impo ailletocovtrmnll 'do hf bencfact oils ' charnctcr and ftsnn personal Attachment ta Brad Store Dover, II J Ornin A. Co % 1'orl Ho never run to. a gtfc cr orTCiscd & charity De J ctwn Uram and F N, Jenilna CbcsVjr Neglect . "'.Visitors always welcome. Wortly gradaates. as Between the hours of 9 and 10 a. m. and 8 and 9 p. m. is dangerous, sisted to positions. A copy of the "The Dover Ed IBID AY—Bettor Towoling than SATURDAY— A good Swiss ribbod vest for Indies V ucational Advocate" sent free upon request. first at a vUfalnc auid for UDUMIDK or DuBdlng »»"«*»miii,, FOB FBIMY AND SATUKDAY ' ENGLISH FOUR SHORTHAND COURSES PENMANSHIP COMMERCIAL K .?' Dowr, N, J* WM. S, COWARD sey. Improved methods. Experienced teachers. Moderate terms. The best system of teaching Bookkeeping of any college In the State. Steno graphy can be learned here thoroughly in the short NOTICE. POST MORRIS. THE illness. Ttt«7 tell mi Ku Bftlir« al'Jtis iiiA-l Friday, May 15, 1896. THE WJVER FKINT1N0 COMPANY : WHIIH-MJSI}-. May X, W. til if o'clock i: KI.. C UlEltWJKTH ;'.*.-i iv Bucrtlary. ON THE PRICE OF -—Spring Clothing. Notice. THE GEO. RICHARDS CO. The loading DsuiwraU of ilorrlstowu ..., nniuml NH^IIHK t,t tliu stock.lolucn f>r Ibc of sir*. !•:. K. The l l i U n . i * lr.m Mining V.mi.)>wiy tut tliu ekvlluii <.I quailed wheu \lie lime came (or that couwill Ih- hi-11 ui the. i.llW nt l i I*. J k r r i l t , The l*»\? ot Ckilun«i Ilotii, latuof tho N. Y. ilinviiirt. ttmplated iU"l'-__^ _ ___ \\\< --.till S!.. flew Yurk. ou Tlitnviay, Mnj V •levftMHl railroad, wan taken to Danville, 1'A., . » , Ul Oil" !•'••!•ICtl'. « • PROTECTION A N D F B E B TBADE or inU-rment onTuou'li.y. Itv»^-l»bruu K h PIOT0BKB. TVe bay at our own price or not at alL We hare tlia Irast lino o[ joro on >'o. ii on Tut*Jay morning Clothing in Dover to-day and at mnot lower pricaa. WE MBAM Howovyr iliu fact" may lienbuul Cul )•*• 1 During Che BdinlnlMrftUnn of .'resMent •Iain'* lit-ngruo ovor iiyu ftuinlil tniiu, I do TO LET. WHAT WE SA.Y. Drop in and iiiBpeot them, then look around. We Hurrkuo the in to res I Waring debt renting :iut tot-uiiiuch «t>«-t in tln.-i.Uiry «f milcide Jon't leliovo in yonr bayiDg nntdl you are satieSo] as to who Bells the upon tbe country W(UJ rediKixl m followhi .In' [J»,I«TB art-clrcultttiti^. BEST GOODS FOE THE LEAST MONEY. We are not ondoved On Tiie«luy night u loreiit liro *ns inuking ivitli tbe FORCE YOU TO BUf HABIT of some of our would be >. It. IIUMMEIt, It wn)' lip tuwu'd the FurciU' i'uwdiT dim my'n niilU at Landing. OUE GOODS SELL THEMHort-r. K. J . competitors. DON'T HAVE TO BE. TUB IIIBL uf Ihu "White Line KICIHIILTB" SELVES. No tronblo to show them. They are slick as an eel. MHuiuncwI runuiuif laaL Htturduy. The Blizzard, a first class freezer in every respect Wanted. I fOHfSrB.tiilB.te the c»nal imilf. Tii ey tell Total I31O.IPINI.WMI Snivel SilkB, beautiful designs and colorings, fast colon, 27 1 Best Makes! Best Goods! Lowest Prices! e ho has only to work fr.iui tix u'dwk ,i. in. A lmsiHun ILI U f i k k w i x r or c b r k l>j* A J 2 qt. 3qt. 4qt. G (jt. 8 qt, lOqt. Thui far .luring the itJnilnl.'.tn.tloii ot inn at Myar*. (jruiliuilfof (,'tilt'iiinu u Iliix wide, a yard iM.vciio'uliL-k [>. in. J'rMldoot Cleveland tbla flamu iiclii.nal debt Fine All Wool Suit $8.50 Others sell $10 00 " Yt- thnrtforu win. bvd uier.-y ... 250 lidjj been mlucrxl as follows: Imported Dimities, ohoioett designs aud ooloriogs, a yard }U0 j l i s $1.6i) &2.0O $2.60 $iuo " Black Eng. Olay Worsted 8 60 " " 10.00 Ti'iirh ynur HJIIM to love it W1." IW Nutlilng When I wnrkdl fur V.mte riiiii » twaointer The Finest Blue Serge 10.00 « " H.00 American Dimitifs in the new corded effeots, 28 in. wide, yard 1S» Nothing u.s cwtuitiit iut't C4Jii|"iiit lUy ilrivmif four NOTICE. 1 y,t»;, # , ^ Nothing . . . 80 T H E BEST SPUING O V E B 0 0 A T I N DOYEB $10.00 mli-Ht kiting llit'iii I»*fi liuw Jiiut'li force American Vhmtien, liundsonio styles, 27 in. wide, yard. lere was in a blnnksiinke whl|) ami atcarliiK KSTATE 0 1 ' JOH1AH MKIOlfEIt, DECEASED. Tots! Nt'tti'iig llk« the "Army of Virginia." Tint MiJ-jr, All these gooajs made up with finest facing. . . . 25o French Dimities, very fine, boautifully printed, yard I'uriuaTil tn Hit1 Ord«r of tlin Hurrotrnlc of tilt "JJOOIE h e r e upon thin p i c t u r e ami o n itiiB." ITUO |ia|<i^-u«(l t iFtdiiilljy mj-biilt, KQU: " I ' d 'uiiiity of Miirrln. Hindi! ou thu Ivri'iily-focMiil day We're after your trade and we mean to have it, providing l i o t in. D u r i n g t h e l U v u b l L w i ailroiiiist ration of iwtver H a tW WBi» u=.a i>tiva'.a »v n iimUv." ,! Ajitil. A, tt. oim tluwwinil uti-ut liumln*! anil doaling, fine goods and low prices will secure it. Don't listen to theImperial OrgauHos, very line quality, choicest oolorirgB, 40 ...23Jo U a r r l h o n d e b U a m t u n t l o g t o the prodlgLiuj A Ins i-->r thuae wtm Uu.l ii.t d i .!.:.• nlMiut it! wide, yord gabble of excitable people who bay on the spar of the moment. We It wnuld havu Utri a funny dl.luriny if all sum o l ISlO.OOO.Omt di&cbargod; duriiin the Easy running, warranted to cut, all the 1890 improvements, Democratic adminliitrotlon of H e velum! not lmn<li< ini'1 I'ti'H nuij xr, i-ofime|p or lirlgmJIer- ur In^furt iln* ini-iilj'-wi-omt day uf Junuiiry next, want thoughtful customers who know a good article when they see i t Jacmottcs, an elegant assortment of styles and colors, yard . . Dover, New Jersey ICE CREAM FREEZERS WASH FABRICS LAWN MOWERS Bomemher you are ths person we are addressiDg. where we alwayB carry a fuU line of «O much aa a |*:nii}' ]mIJ. Hut Ibc-de t w o ''Hfriitotorc it hua betn tliat if a ninu on ' " ' 'rt*<hUir ut-^h-c'EtiiK to liiin*r in Dtid txlilbll his tnbk'», significant as in l>>e r u u t r a U , J o n o t t-r L-lulin,i'iidiT<u.tliornnirtiialion,trIllilii tba Ihi- IT-milu l*vi'l ln.[.ire 10 uVl-rl; nt night lif h.ilitiilt<-<i. will be r.inivj-r Imm-il uf lilac ' tell Urn whole story. H o w munh <1.A t h e l;rpt rlBtit on rt'g.ird'e^ of tho fi-din^ uf bin Harrison ad ml Dintreti era h o r r o i r i H ' m m u u b inuli'S until I"* Itut to Hie uid uf it, • IVrbajts [•.-dlliu tH'tuiy rttt;nii(t J a y of April A. D. IBM. ban tbii ClDvelimd adiuinititrallon u , - t o d i i t « lie may do tbut ytl l>iu lio has to pit on beborrowed! Well hero a r e i h e two eKliil k ]>. ] The Harrisoii a d m i n i s t r a t i o n borrowed a s b Your ordinary boatman U as t'lu^b follows: 1-lao Liiol. ISDO lS'Jl IKO Sot Nothing -Nothing 1W3 Not' " NodniigcrwfiiKlit h i m , Am) tit) Inborn t|n<." H e I- only n mini a n y w a y , mid it, la u Ltd ) waste ntiy t-j tniJtitby un bi . L d I Ictin Notice, GARDEN HOSE Sussex 91,, Percales, tawnn, Etc., nent 8tripos and figures, porfoot fitting, at SOo , 76o , 70o., 85c, $100 and f 1.26 SYRACUSE AND SOUTH CHILLED PLOWS lira, I. J, I LEAD and OTHERS FOLLOW LACE CURTAINS G9o Tambourd Curtain Material, yond 12JC, 20o., 35o., 60o., and 60o SHOES CARPETS FURNITURE Infanfs Dongola Tipped Entton Shoes, sizes 2 to 0, per p a i r . . . .$ .31 Parasols and Sun Umbrellas Ever offered to the people of Morris County medium and wide toes, regular $2.00 quality, a t . . . . FURNITURE In Iliu'HIIIUU tonntili[|), ut t h e HaibMUiru Valltt 8 piece Oak Bedroom Snits Oak Side Boards 6 feet Oak Extension Tables Linoleum, par square yard Carpets and China Mattings. MONDAY, MAY 2 5 , 1896 it leu o'clock A. ti. MitROiiry to bo nold by puttie yard. Tins Uotninltitte n»evBo U«s riRl r.-j..('t miy ur nil Lhla. KjiwI.lL-aUoua u n IK or the i-lmirinail. JOHN 1), a i l i n i , Cbalrmn II. U. L'ARULE, T1I.H0AIIUBP, 112.00 10.00 FEED, HAY, GRAIN, 4.60 Striotly Pnre Feed, 100 lb sack.. 35 Bine Yellow Meal, 100 lb. Back All the newest creations la CARPETS and through our H. W. JOHNS' READY MIXED PAINT entire building you will find a display of FURNI- Mm. II. Whttlock wlgijefltoBay to tb« people of iuw«nuuuan,udvlditlly, that a t e tiafl ft Larga ftoJ lamltmiiio llui; of $.05 1.00 1.7C '..•..;.'. , 1.45 Corn, 2 bushel, 112 lb. saok Crooked Corn, 100 lb. saok .90 1.00 Baled Hay, 100lb . . . ; . ' ; . . . . . . 1,00 TURE not equaled In regard to price and styles in the State p H lc i» _™ SON THE GEO. RICHARDS CO. Bleseed hoVHizeu VVillluiiiB if ho Is allvo yet, or dtad either. That corn ponawaa reMrs. H. "WEITLOCK, markably gooj Khen a felbw was hungry, IVhen Hood waa ru«Wng on from rrankllii Succaeunna, N. J. toNaslivillo It was runiorLsl that he ruptured our cap tat u, and as Ii9 did uot turn ut> lor a day or two I wont In to Nuuvflle tu (lad out ALL. GOODS DELIVERED FREE how much truth there was in the rumor, "And sica night I took the road In Afl no'cr Door sinner waa atiroid In, nnd ficzenifl cured. Tbcaa two compUInta Tho wind blew as 'twa-l lilawu its Uif, urn no touaclous that tbo readers ol tbe Inon Ktv. Siwncer H. Bray xtopped with Mrs The rattlin' ihowera came th Ick at d fast,' E i u ebouH buow of tbu BUCCCBS obtnlaed by Prator. Mr. nrny and fainll? will tnova Ami to add to tbe lutorertlugiuuj nl U n\\ 1 »^BR Dr. DavSd KenneJy'B Favorite Herasdy. Into tbe Congregational parsonage this week, lost my way. I saw the lights in a toll Imild- IVhero all other treatments barn failed, It lire. J. D. Krana and d»uRht*r Mftbel aro log and painted for them. I Haw a bayonet baa made a complete cure. Mo more horrible ca«o of Bait rheum . . . . at iisavor Meadow, 1'a., visitingfrkiidnandsticking through a rutibcr blQckt'tniid atkod verroported tbnn that of Wilbur IJ Hale, relatives. the-tvay to tin- <} UHfU-JiiiMBter'a c(lira n d quartermaster, Pratt Port, Q. A. I t , RcnE.C. Dmke attended the DemocraticStato VlcLnian'B voice /rom out the rubt«r b •lout,N.Y. Several rbTflcIans utterly failed Convention a t Trenton on Tburadiy. to render Mm any reflet; flnallj bet au&ftcred " Yous patter go \asV." I Vfm. K. Carpy and wife, ot Califon, visited tuye. friends In town on Butitlaj'. »tran^r In the town and tbo llgbts only M(M Anna Howard la visiting friends In served to inako the dariinoaa vl-sihle, and I New York city. wanted to know where Cnntafn Ir^hi's oillco MUs Vanuaredala, of Stanhope, (appending TOI. But tlie gruff vnlco of the Daichman a few days with M-s. Wells Wartou. mly repeated'"Youa petterRa pack," and, I A nuralmr of ClmnUr people Altcmrtad Die •packed." Outside the Kate I found » citizen was tried and Btcady improvement followed BIJOW at Dover on Saturday. who was a gooJdeal lo» gruff and much its line, and a permanent cure resulted, Finest Minnesota Floor, per libl. »4.25 Hits Van Devere entertsln&d Mlgs LockIt Is lined witb similar succen In cases ot j l i t who told ma the way to tbo place wood, or Iloboken, and WlHIam Van Devon*, I wanted to RO. I had to stay in tho bo- rtifula, nervousneau, kiilney a';d liver comBest Elgin Oreunery Butter .... .25 of Newark, on Bunday. leaguercd city all night, and wlirn I got to plafnta. anil in all dfi^ain brought about by U n . Daniel Budd took a triu to Now Yoik camp about linon tbsnoxt Jay I noticed the bud blord nnd Rbnttered unrvea. Good Elgin Creamery Buttor KfOHT OK THE CONDITION O F T H E NAOD Thursday and Friday, lioya had fresh pork for dloner. I asked no TIONAh UNION HANK, n t Dover, fa Lbe Ueorge Pritb, of HoboSon, and Mrs. 'INijueBtlons but ate my dinner, only telling the Hlnte of Nt-iv Jurncy, a t tlio oloao of Bualnces, Strictly Fresh Eggs .18 man Normaa, of Elizibetb, wero guests of men I could hear nolldiogaof tha ctpUln. Wny Tib, IK-a Mrs, Jamts Norman lost week. Next day a citizen living aliouts mile from i/Miim mul Discounts $T30,189.L. OROCERIES CANNED OOODS The whirt players met at Win, £, CollU'a ip reported that during my abiauce souis Jvt-rilmrtK, m-cuatlnnd iitinviircd IIS.63 on Friday evening. of tbo boys hml KOUO to his bo^-psn, lifted up U. H. JIOHIJH, to Mfciiro circulation 81,250.00 3 bora So Dr. Velum Drake, of t M UalUsl BtaUs tlie logs and let his Dnwt hag out, made It Htoctri, svurltlcM, etc 41,171.00 3 canfl Ploo fflrn OlbB.QoodBloa Fiirtiltiiiw mul i>1itur\-a, Sil.iKM.OU navy, and wife ore Wailing bii father, Simeon walk until they got it nearly into cirap and HanfciiiK-luiuse. 61b*. Btarot) 4 O H Crly J u n e P e u Troiii Nntlonnl UankH (not Ik-wrvu Drake. then lutclieroi It, linjulrlag how he knew Duo AKCIIIH) ll.iai.C9 1 CSD Good ranaboa W . J . Cummiiu, ir.,vrbobs.B been working all tills, bo said It bad&nomid toward morn- Iluo from nijproTwl nywrvis ai^eDtt..,..' 1 can Good Aprloota 3lba.DrrFtachea In Mexico for a number of rears, died at the Ing on the night thty taik the big. He ' VH mul oUiwuwliltuiiii ...BorculiurNiillotianiniikB Baitrrun noipltal, where he baa been suffering fruiu tracked the men and tbe hag t i the ipot .Kruotlanal jtnfH'r currency, nlukt'la otiil 2U»AprtooU dropsy and a complication ol dlieases. He vtlme they buichtred it in the BIVIW and leavei a wife and Mven children in this placs. thence bytbeblotxl marts right into camp. 1M*lul'mo'a'vy itcsKorre in iiiiiik,'viz:"" !• TEAS . . 60 H|»H.-1B 97,500.49 K. 0. Drake baa planted about 3,000 peach The proof wan convincing, but I believo Undo 15 Orange* ..SOU Good Talaee in all toeae prioea W.UIB.oO tree* this year. tiatn owes that man in Teuuua<ee fur that hog Vgul-twidiiruotua . 250 .. to Good Soda C r a c k e r s A number of families wore vliited by yet. [.-.lwnpuon o iOe ' SSo 250 &0o 15a tllvo i * r LI chicken tbferra on Friday evening. About MIM Anna C indict gnvo a very Interesting forty chickens were, stolen. Ult la the Btiuhopa l'r(«b;t«rlaa church oa ToUl »KH,*a.47 William Geddla, of guccasunna, was homi Wednesday evening before tbe VVomaa's LUBiiJnea. on Sunday, Missionary Sacluty o{ tkst church, or-rathur 'oiilinl Block iwld in ,.,.9123,000.00 Fork l o b The UtUe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oac&i under its nuHpicrg. ;;;;-}|J2 PLATE BMF.. 4° iuriiliu fliml —'""'" Round 8t«ak Smith died at bar horns In Newark, on Batur Jmiivliled prnllU, loon , — u , „„„ It was the regular {irnyer tnootlnK night Porter HOQM Steak i!i!!lOo Lasllattoa 1&3 IIUUH paliT.....:;.... «,88B.IH day. The body was brought here for burial. d tbey hud a very en j ijahlo timo. Eisi Natlnnnl llunk nnlcMoutirtntHUng........ firf,lSK.O0 Sirloin Bteik 140 Sauaag* •. lOo Funeral wri Ices were held on Tuesday at the Condlct Is a niece of Or. Coodlct, of your Dueloutbt-rNntlonalUaukH BHt Socar Gutwl Hwni... He PolRaart...... On, H« W.eil.C bouse ot D. H. SraHn. Bett Bugar Cured Bacon.. 110 Rib Boaat lOo, 12o town. V llvId7iMXiw^l«VuriWtYocl,w;k.V.V. BSO,0!M.8 Tbe young ladies of the rmbytarlau Y. 1'. Tb» Htatilio])B people ivpre very glut) tn eoe Ini lit-nitind cerUilcatcHor tlH.Kwil 134.C7 8. C. K. KOTO a "Witch Drill" at an enter- &r agalu. Site h a very lntoreatloR (j>eaker. CurtiniHlcliPcKH 4U3.1 tainment at Buccuucna on Tuesday evening, Hhe took us from Utw York to India by waj ttisMiaT ENDKAVOIU; of EuiflftDd, Gibraltar, tba Mediterranean StntuTotal o r New Juraoy,, lea and thotinezcanil, but I do not pro|iiSD County m ot Horrts { to take yon tbere to-night. Bo good night. I, ElbcrtU. ItnlUnr[n,CaHlilcrottlM'a]iovo.naincd CHESTEK. tin. C. H. Swoene? fjmnt Thursday with her daughter Maritarot in Brooklyti. Fred Cox and Nan Simpson, of Dover, were In town Thurwlsy, Ei-Benttor Duticnn awl wife, of. New were guests at Chester Housa gn Friday. UereatUir tbo three cburohua will unlto un Sunday oveutnga, reamnlng their usual cus- ETC. Best Wheat Bran, 200 lb. saok Finest White Middlings, 140 lb. saok .1. W. FANCUEK. MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, FIOWERS, and NOTIONS . . . 1.C9 Women's Eid Oxford Ties, made on latest style lasts, with patent leather tips, per pair 1.00 BRIDGE SALE. ill at wliluh Htiu !P M'lllair nt low prices andflflknan nuiMiotlou ot lier ttoclt liy lt)U>nillBg purchasers. Child's and Misses' Grain, Patent Leather Tipped School Shoes, sizes 8 J to 2, per pair .93 Poreian and Dreadon Silk Parasols $1.90 Boys' V Calf Tipped School Shoes, sizes 11 t o S, per pair 98 Bliok Sun Umbrellas, 2G in. in all the newest styles of handles, up Irom , $1.00 Women's Dongola Tipped Shoes, button and looe, witb narrow, rroixMilsuUlU! rect'lvRtforllininnwiiry for S •|iiw.«, niiu lix-aUdi at i'uti-mliurjr, in Ji-ITereo PIILLH B NOTIONS BEND Wheelbarrows, Garden Tools of oil kinds, Wire Fencing, Poultry Netting, Garden Seeds Noltiaglinm Lace Curtains, pair With the largest line of TBURSDAV, MAY 2 1 , ' 9 6 $2.95 Robber and Cotton, coupled roady for nBe, per foot LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS TAYLO3E .BROS. Dover's Popular ciotftieis 'BRIDGE SAMST .- ...lSJo All of the most improved makes. Gentlemanly treatment guaranteed. FdTATE Ul' JDSEl'HltlCUAIlD9, LECEABEU. way to u»Hiimt< llio <-')i:»nund of Thnimw trtKjjiJUt Nailivlilu whtn lis kunisd of tbe inaKiiilli'cnt thrailiiiiK li<itni lia'l rccclveJ, 10 in., 13 i n , 14 in., 10 in . . 12Jo Printed Ooroa MaddraBs Suitings, 33 in, wide, yard.... Galatea SuitingB, 31 in. wide, yard Clothing, Gents' Furnishings•«« Hats J'tirxiuint tn tlie order ot tljs riiirroL'ftte of (lie Coiiutyiif Morris, itunlj on tlm dfU* tloy at Jlny A. It. <>n>- r.Kfi.twucJ i'I«ht litiudred and nlncly nix, r a t u t a t e tbo IIUIIP. iKt [lit- LtiinlL- of >1 twjili lilcIinniM, late uf tliu C o n t r a c t u r Tfaoinu J . Allen, of o u r Allen. Ttiial., Nothing . ^...ifyof Jlorrlti, (It-t'cjuuxl, to jimiuiit tlie s jwii, b o s R largo e m i t t a c l i n Hj<nitou, I a m IIII'IIT oul.i nr nniriiuitioti. lo tlio HubsurtUr, < U p (o d a t e t h e Cleveland a d i u l n U r a t i o t i told. lx>r'<r>> tin' day ot February licit, bdiiK l i t i b o r r o w e d a s follows: Those w h o w r i t e bfciorj o u g h t ID be n llttli minium from tliu iintu or said ordt-r j and auy ,-.Hi.>ri]cL'l(TlliiK to Itrlne in ntul eililbit liU ur 1W1 (February) TAIN* (.•(ireful t u r n ilify j;ive us o u t c r y . ' 'no ot m y •r dulitt. iiiKlcr OAIII nr aninnaMon, wltliln tlm 1.1.JH reml out nf tln> sfhcr-l history, HaniFH's, m> HO linilMl, Hill IK- fortver bnrn<d of lila o r liL-r •ll.iii llifrcforairHliiM Urn KxwulHx. 1B1M (IS'ovemlier) W.*' I Ihinli, t h e o t h e r iiljjlit, III/H m r t t i f history, JKiU'd tin! nftU tiny ul ) l a j A. 1). IBM. i r o m u loot note mi jitiRf 'Sri wl'ich ren.U; JSAUHLLA ltlC.IAltLIS. " f l f p a t at*ni)ijoliitri«"iit was fflt Ht t h o Eitx-utrl*. ivw I'on Orum. K. J Interest -'W yeara o t 4 per e o n l . . . . 74,778,-JSO N'^rtb OVTI- tlif rt'trpnt t o Nosbvilt--, mid nt.HI tii..iroat Itioniii*'tliJity in t h n l d l / . ( i r o u l 1SW 1W,OOU,(X)IJ ordfR-'l I) 1'U i " mcivt" iuid liail u c t u - i l ^ HUirtcd Interest 2tf yours a t -1 pet c e n t . . . . t o t a k e dmrKorif liifl t t t n p s in jrjr««u when lie leftnwd « ! Iliu 6>>lvH'li>l victory Liia blow I'nttmwlH wllMn1 rrcflv^l for nelonearcli Lrldge •iir HI. Mury'e Clmruli, Katidoljil, Towmlilp at ( K l il hml h l ln i l " Tlila f.Wl.WW.OQU of new ( n t t m t - U ' a r i n g lint fat i- .MmiHlon IIOUM-, Hover, K. J . , ud in Nai-livUlo just burnre that Imttlu, debts Is t b e price t b e Ainerlcim jieople a: but did not learn much of what «ai i^iug i>» called upon t o p a y fur miljitltutlng « DPHI.J- between Uraut end "Old Hmliw,*' witu refercralio turllT for a KojiuWican tariff. If H a r - I'lir-e !<> Ui'iierul ThnniiB, until 1 mft nftrrrison h a d liet't, re-ulecled a n d t h u jujlteyof wardi, tluujti it Mfmcd Uko d swltau cut at ):"») i/ulock !'. II. ft|nfmcal!otia can boliailot P r o t e c t i o n bad not been Interfered wltli there from the g\\ prri'xf down tla-ru r>r n (o«/ lialniiiin. TliuConmiilUt! rewrve^ tliu rlgli dnyai>erc.)-«thohafle, while (Uiii>r>i! would hove been no occnKfon for a n y borrowing, since the nation would liava been abun- was CIIRIIHK IKCIIUO ThumaH i*a.i no slow. E. C. JIAItVKY. Ciiolr d a n t l y able t o tiiEHst a l l its e x p e n d i t u r e s w i t h Hut InsU'dd of tilri noiujz to take raiiimand uf J. J . VltBKI.AND, Thomns' truoos in perwin lie split Qonerfll its Income.—Rochester 1'ont-Ei press. 1. W. fiEAUINH, Jehu A. Lounn to rdk'vu Tliomn), nnJ I/igan T. It. HOAOtANII, Imd really KotU'ii lu fur at I,'>uinvlllii on his It, O. CAltLlLE. A GOOD B E F O B T C & B D . 1 (;oui|itrolU"r()i1im»n retrlveda lutnl of ! ' GTClVitlcOHl) ilurltiK ltii< year ISM, wuonll tin- rejmrt submit till by tin.- tilj- <>x]icrt, .11 Smith (,'artrr, to lli.< Finwire (Jonimlltw nt WunhitiKtdii tliciiKh he hud Uraiit'rf ord^ moil Omincil. Tlif only errnr fciuml w<u relievo Thuniasin Ills jiockiit. 1 tliiiib the of S3. This iunoiiut WM tiikt-u In for a tax K aria of tlie Vr'ttr D.^tirtmont will binrino out IJ/ tlie Comptroller on NOIL-IIIIMT 1, IW.'i, an( in uot entered on Itio I-ILII. \mtyk t'f (lint itnf. Thu tlilj J t U u ' t fairto ILLr(*inKRcucratloii to cram (liclr inliidd fith liihtary whiL-li fmi't itcui n|ip«irs undiT dnte of March a!, IKnl, lioi ever, die Comptroller liarliik' ")l*-'ovcryJ Hit' trror. blatory. Wt< c«n n-u'llly rxctirte Urunt'd li pQUonco at the jilownesBof Thomn?, but the -Nrwatk Dally AUtmiu-r. From the above It would a ^ e a r thett our doesn't Mum lo lie imicii ineuw lor tlm nittV JohnB, Olbsou fsquitodsgood aComptroltei of hiittory wlioiirnwson his iiiifiginuilon f UB bo van an editor and publisher. In the tilafat'ta In tho cool of hutolllce 1JI>B af capacity of editor and pubUiher be place( the"cruul wdr ivmovtr," tthnu ht>cnii havo access to the records II ho will, Urn tit and tbe F.nk at tbe head of all other weekly LCIKUD nnd BLerman and TlicmtK huve goun nowvpapon In the Htate of Now Jersey, i to "FtvnwV vtori>al c&miilng j5rw»uil,': ami if Ing It wxsond to none as BII fiiiwnont of Re- thoy reaovrd their (U'lUitlntiucB Ihei publican principles. A» Comptroller ot tbi 1 thltilt tho llret to ntk Thonina' (nirdon ft dtyof Newark Ur. fillwou has proved him having nikjudged lilni at iho bnttlo u[ NOBJself to bo the rlglit man in tbo right place, viile was General Urn nt. which Is but mild praise, Only last week thi I have ii recolloctlon of a diet ol o r n pono Legislature of tlw Htite oC Now Yaiktafaed for u few days beforu t h u tiatUa "it Uaehtbo embargo which prevnutad flu&ncial li vlllo, beenuae, n) the ijtiarturiiiactDr ]ihra§«i •tltutiouB of that Htate from inventing in it, "(Joneral Thomas wua using every engine Newark city booda, and Mr. Gibson1* tnau- nul car bo could gut a hoM uf for tho transftgementof that city's finances was no email portation of troops and things," And Citizen WilllainV corn trlb Hi to tutfactor la bringing about «o farorablo a result. Como to our store D O V H R . JV. Salt Kheum DD. DIVIO KENNEDYS ACHE STEAI AND EOT fATEB HEiTEH I HEATH & DRAKE I : Roberts' Cash Grocery BLACKWELL ST. DOVER FAVORITE REMEDY The best all around boiler tip to date A cast iron boiler in one solid castlog No nipples, gaskets or joints to leak Will outlast any boiler made Tor durability, efficiency, economy of fuel unrivalled 4 OPERA HOU.SE REWARD And no (|iirstlon» aaked for the equnl of tlie Wonder of tbe, 10th Cetitiir/ Saturday, May 30 Prof. D. Heuman Supported by lib Grand Company will appear lit the "FEMALE SOCIETY" C. H. Howell ii balldlng an addlUon to bin nrnl a nconu from retldenc*. Tho Rar. M, L. Rhodta, ot thbj place, the Ber. J. L. Wastoo, of Mt. Olive. « - changed pnlplta l u t Sunday morning, "SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL" U n . Pha;be DuEtrd hfti returned to Brooklyn to remain until Jnly. MM. M. L. Rhodu hai been vliitiug her mother near Glen Gardner. George Dlckerson and family, of Scran ton, OB "THE HUBBLE and Fred. T. Dickonon and fflmllj, of Dover, bare been the gnuta of tb«lr parent*, Ur. and Mrs, If. P. Dickeraon. Miss Emma Seals h u been fpsndfngsererAl weekjatDoTQ*. There will be no asrTlcM in tbe Presbyte- Admission - - 3 5 cents rian Church Bandar evening, tbn cocjregntfon uniting with the Methodlit Chnrch, Tbe Infant child of Mr. find lain, Oscar Reserved Seats - 50 cents Smith, of Newark, was buried on Tuesday In PleuantHia Cemetery. Hr.andMn. Smith h a n many friends In Flanders, who deeply HMta 1«>K(D8 a t Kllli^rc'iiIiniKfjIo aympatbizs witb them In their ber»TGmonL v , SInj at. Tlie K r f o n n n u m «III IK . . . . . . . Mittlngg upward por yd. from ADDITIONAL EVIDENCES. OCR OT?H ISIPonTATiON ' Thia Is lbe first time Ibat Out "axburr" lias been eent lo tills country and an tnspeo. Uen o! Uil» eanw will readll; rxmnrm tbe lilgh nr«u>Un atlalneo by It abroad. '3 H. L. DUNHAM INSURANCE AMD REAL ESTATE AGENT DOVER, NEW JERSEY MORRIS COUNTY MORTGAGE AND REALTY CO. (INlXmroitiTED UHDER THE LAWfl OP THE STATE OP NEW JERSEY) CAPITAL - - Isn't it TO KNOW TOST W H E E E TO BIDf Waifc W s . Jewels Diamonas, Silverware And to feel that you will receive polite attention, the benefit ol low prices anil above all honest goods. Have you Been our Urge line ol $35,000.00 Om<*&—Rooms land 2 Mcrrti Countj , N. J. Sn.VEB.FLA.TED WABE FOB WEDDING PRESENTS A consignment or Watches has just been received which we will sell at the lowesl market price, I carry only what an experience of many years convinces me is the best. We know w the needs in the Optical O Trade being ' :' practical in the business Notice of Settlement. Kotlee ti hereby Riven Uint the accounts of tha OIW»I»>1 MJI beauaiM ai «at,il by I t a s i m : mlA and nparted for BetlleMeat to the Orvhan Ned's All-wool Suits $5.00 Children's Knee Pants Men's All-Worsted Dress Suits - - - 8.00 Children's Waists 15C. 2.00 6 pairs Seamless Hose 25c, WE ARE IN IT. AUCTION SALE. GILLBN JS BON -i- AUCTIONitEKS Tlio subscriber about to moro from tho tawu will •ell tier HOUSE AND LOT —OR— VALUABLE REAL ESTATE n. MATCHETTE^tVTHI « « IN THE °l 1MV nS™'" "°'"m u "•» W W &»»it lo7B HOURS. TOWU OF DOVER P U B L I C AUCTION 0 I U . C N 4 SON Tba nibscriber, admldatnior Kith tba vUl an«ted or Jcto Aiydt. d«'d, la oSS S d S . the Mtata, will olTer for ule on TUESDAY, May i9tB, Cor. Blachwtll and Sussex Sts., •:• DO¥ERV N. 0. ««» uns. m n r rfwraaoss I ~ ^ ^ DH. rVlMTCHtTTE'S " S S X " INDIAN TOBACCO ANTIDOTE i SOLD BY ROBERT KILLOORE. ~: WE SET THE WE DON'T SELL A $100 WHEEL TOB $75 OH NOI Bni will Bell you a wheel that is worth oil yoa pay for it from $21 «P O R IE N T $ I O O.'-. 6 O s" a t Public Auction on oandiilow ontlitlon UirouHMout. H rientr or pu» water Thin a dMImtjla dMImtjla p Thin Is Is a propertf for a meh •• v v n a ddoilHns l H . nut coif i, 0o0 , M totf otfoear ihon a.a eonrentat a 0,o panuttowti. lAOOcaniiuiialEioiiboiid Ill M ^ i , —OUR LEASER IB THE-— : Sammis Avenue, Dover, N. J. W. P. TURNER & CO. ^ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE pril S70t, IBM. EUQENE J. COOPER. « 15c. two prs. for 25c, 35 cents cantiVBtlof M l l l n g polnti, b u t a sfsas •looobuo. — - W E ALSO BAVB T H E — V "••'*'' DATTON, SABA0EN, BEN HTTB, EAGLE, BOM AN, MAJBSHO AND BIOrOLE SCKDEIES nSNTlNO AHB ItEFjUWNQ OP WHEELB A BPBOIiLTY ALLEITBICYCXE COMPANY Blaokwell Street, Dover, New Jsrsey. ^--JLS^Att 3 ENQLISH AXBURYCARPETS •*fDoes Slavery Still Exist? ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS ,-bJ/ 9C 777 and 770 Broad St., Newark, N. J . Thursday, May 1,1896 1 Ingrain Carpets 50C Soteral pl««» lo don out, per Three (3) desirable Building Lots for sale at a bargain, Situate on Perm Avenuo. Enquire of ATTRACTION May 15 and 16 50 cents : JHAIRHOUSE mm am mmjn EIQUDCS ADIUEU. . o d d p b c e e , MtnewltbdoUiboTdetB to n t t c h , of Uw 8Dflst aualKst l u a t have u U l o r tl.TD per Loans negotiated on Mortgages on Real Estate Titles examined Special AtttnUon given to repairing orFine Watches, Clocks ind Jewelry. The Valuations appraised by Committees of tbe Board or DiStandard U. b. Naval Observatory Time furnished to me daily at noon. y rectors It isn't everybody that oon make a Baooess oat of the olothrng bus WATCHES SOLD ON THE INSTALMENT H-Ar Acts a s agent in tbe purchase and sale of Real Estate iness. Borne nMatftl fitness is nocesaary. Competition is so keen that some advantages mnst be possessed. Without these essentials, W I l i i A l I B. BKIDMOHE, PMKIUHT you might as veil expeot to kindle » fire with briok bats as to make WILLURD W. CUTLER, • AEODSTOB U REVERB, JEWELER AND OPTIciAK V and hold trade. Grapes don't grow on thorns here any more than in B1XH0TORB Blaokwell Street, .DOVER, N. J. Jodea, but the tree is known by its fruit. Just now the people seems EUOENE B. BDIIKE JIUOUSTCE U IUSVEBE WILLABD W. CUTLER WILUAUaHEBItiHAN WILUAM B. BKIDMORE to have " caught on" to the fact that the bargains we offer cannot be Wc B matched everywhere or ANIWHBBE for that matter, Children's Braided Reefer Suits - Set Ihe Hovel Sine! Parade 7AC Velvet Carpets N E W JEB8EY LOTS FOR SALE! i WORLD'S GREATEST MIND READER Axmlnsters L SmdliM»tpatl«nu,in]llablofor B I T O l a L ATTENTIO1I I S O A L M D TO T H E Roberts' Cash Grocery.S The Centre - of - Tuesday, May 26$5,000 Body Brussels Tapestry Brussels WM. BARTLEY * SONS BARTLEY COME IN AHDSEE Iiatik, ilo tuiloinulr swear H u t tlio nboro statement ii truu l a the btwl of m y kmiwlwige anil bellt'r. E. II. IULIIWIH, Canlilur. SulwcrllHxl ami sworn to before MID tlilfl 11th itny of B1&)-, 1HKL (I. II. Siai'ii, Notary l a b i l e Corh.>ct-AUt«l t ~ it ot patterns, iV.SSPoSi'r Wall afreet M buying, renlliiK, DPIIIDR cxtlinnulDic A new shoe shop has been opened In tboA wrlbnlTor all ttlwU fur IUMII»M, family use, Alsg buying tuul i-x din tie Inn Job anil _ ahop formerly occupied aa a botcbor abop by nrltnte odd lots of merctinurtw', lnmlH-r, mnuiliiury, etc., Ur. McDaT.t. and twnx-taUj ilott ami di-ad Wiwk. Advltw wnnl ooJ ortcriogs. Evcrjtlilni,' IK snlablc sonKnvlior H n . Qeorgo Talmndge is t e r j gict, H. U. MANaFlKLn, Ulai ADD Schofleld »pent Bunday with brr W5 Urowlway, New York. •liter, lira. J. II. Palmer, of Bergen street, Dover. Hn. Luther Lawrence spent Wednesday with frioDds at Buccasunna. Calvin Lawrence has beeii OD tbe alck list. Aaron HHar li very tick with the measles. DOVEB, N. J. Bertram Cadmui, of Newark, was at tlila place tm Bonday, AlbertKIng and Rune]] Bantu, of Dover, were hen on Sunday. On Tuesday evening, ai J . L. Zeab, of Frankly it, woi coming trout bis Lome to this place, be met with an accident. Aa he noared tba Central depot hie homo fell down and -ANDbroke both the ehafta abort off. Ur. Hller CBMDB to tha rMCDfiand bnlped tha hares up . andfitarted" Uncle Joe" oo tbe way to townFrank Parker, of Pen Argyle, Pa., h u been vlaltlDg at tbli ulace. MaMoo Hoagland Is very tick at Ills home. {DECORATION DAY) Mn. Hirt ia aick with tbe meailes. Grace Norman tpant a day In Dover lost melc Tlio followlug rlnyi will be given umler tliO dins John firiant, of thia place, la working at HOD of Mlaa May t'omoll far the Iwdoflt of tlis VIOLH. aj-itiDaaiura Fund of tho Youdj Men's FLAHDKBB! CJirlsllan AawdatloD, of Dover. Tba Epworth Lngaa connected witb tbe M.E. Church will bold special annlveresry Mrvioaa on Bunday evening. " SUNSET" lira, John J. Drake, formerly of this place, but now of Newark, lias been spending several A plor by J«rotne K. Jcronit 1 . Also dayi with friendi here. Bllaa Apgar and family have moved to Doand Brook after residing here some ' r OOBEESPONDENOB SOLICITED FBOM PABTIES IN WANT OP HEATERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. R M i a I d a M l t c b d l baa opened a n Ice c r e a m •Aloon ID t b a store adjoining lier father'.) OD SPECIAL CARPET SALE AT CUT PRICES OH OOT7N0IL rBOOKEDINOB. Balance * 2,413 i FBEEBOLDEBB ORGANIZE. T . M, 0. A , MOTBS. K 0 E B I 8 aODNTT DOUBTS. To Coup Attempted—Budget A p p r o v e d D. L. Moody again lavltea thB young Justice Magie flaiibed Dp the buiinoei beLlmilioune AgeregHting 8 1 9 1 , 0 0 0 - O o i n m i t of our association to ipend their vapstioua at Programme of Bxerclaea, Etc,—Bed Let- ton him In the Supreme and Circuit Court* !b!ldren'« JI0010 teea Appointed' l ter Day for Korrl* Ooa&ty OhiUiifcn ill week, the following coses being disposed Jacob J.Vmlaod a&d i«B D \y. Hearing Caap Moithfluld, Ilatt Nortbfleld, M U L The new B^ard of Krteuolders nrfaulzed En&eivorarw. Plans fgrboldiog the camp during July and of. Knwrei "t the Port Offioe a t Dover, H. J, ere oa Monday night delegated by the city Autruit are about camplut«d, and circulars The ninth annaal can van tlon ot tha Morris •or buBiccM CD WodneitUy wittiout the In the COM of James P. Bullion nt. Minnie Council to represent Do»«r ia tho Morris gluing full iuformatlou will bo mat you soon. County Christian Kudeavur Union, which 1'eftteoed coup which Democratic leftdtrti County Hoard of Fmhnlde-T, the Council Frank W. Otwr, tbe geueral Becretary of will be bald at Madlwn, on May &. pronilMS . Martin, which wai trouRhttorecover tbo ere wlJ to bave concocted coming to pats, acting under section Tot the law governing in Uinaha ABBOCUUOD, hni beuu secured to to be a red letter day la CbrisUan Endeavor sum cf H30, on a proaitfflory note, the da- toeholdora I. W, Bearing and J . J. VreeID'tofBri.-.lfecdent Interpoeed no defense aud tbe Court il'.VM) dt ilVil'ii' '*H of the third dua, under which law Do- take charge of tbe camp during t h s two id, Dover's i-fpreHutatives, taiilug their alf, If progranimea count for aught. mdered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff ait week votedtaIncorporate. The sec- montlu Mr. Ober bas had much practical Tralfio arrangemSDbi for that day will bo all raats tv.lhcut btadraaof.. Urtetatid diswn itb c u t s . tion U appended without the change «r omb> eiperience iu managing aasocistion canp eD- that can be doilred, special trains having been K>!l(l«, Merrltt B . Lum was re elected DlrecUir, Thecase.of Seiloa B.Tappan vs. tha heirs Cuiiinjon Council meets to-night. urt K.Jk n e s . . . slon o( a jot or tltUe, for the Information of srprlwu, K tbat tbe bust kftdenhlp!« awured Oured u follows : I'elng nominated by Freeholder Vance, wbo Mrs. J. Andrew Ca»t«rlloe nai returned u » i.RA'8 roaden, tbe ilghtof tho City Coun- Tenta with floors and furnishings wil| be Centra) Kallroad—Leaving ChMtcrtt 11:30 ', law of Farrand KitobelJ, rrblcb WM onoc- nliO ur-med Koglneer William E. Kiu(! aa b.« l to appoint hiving bean called lnui qua.. provided. Board and Bervlce bolter than A. K.; Oonnan Valley, 11:50 A. U.\ Haugb- tion brought by the plaintiff to recover tbe own successor, which act the Board ajiprovid o two weaks visit to Philadelphia. •."i.UUU ft)' Tutal amount due for services alleged to have been ftiillw g!vcu anil a slight ipcreate in by acclamation. :v v Interesting; lUma crowded oot of thd week's bt, Uti3AtM . U.; F)*a'And be It enacted, That the council <ir goiura price baa been made to COVET tbo aattiB. Tbu ders, 12:04 r. M.; L^dgeffood, 12:1^ p. » . ;rendered In cartag far and tupportlag the de;:«[>; Director Lam announced tlie following .... * j*hiia will appear In tba Baa next week. ceased in bia Ufa time, resulted in a verdict «Mf,-uai"jlVis«U.UiW i l l ) nVik all entire coat for bod {tour men in aaoh tent) Kenvll, 12;15 p. u . Arrive at Dover, 12:31 ?. In favor ol (lie defendants, who showed that temjrorary raminlUeu, upon wliluh tbe Board Hiss Essie May Force, ot Califon, Ia visit- ^ o J t f U u o l t r i i i v (111 by appohUiHnt U not « ibla b'jardaudcampoxpeases will lie t 5 per adjourned f ir the noon-day luucheon : lUturaing leave Djvnr on a n It til of train tho [dclDtKI had been fully competua'ed. ing wltb Mrs. (Jhas. K. Jbnmcm*. of Morrii bit la the town, borough, tainuililp. iKirt Uicreof 'eek caob. Tonte can also bo prorlded for oil aud Regulivtions—Vnnca, Vreulanil from Midlton at done of evening BMIIOH, sori ^ n | | 1Qeh Ia tbe caas of Will in tn A. Gorml&y vs. Ktreet. fftmilioj a little aside trom th* regular enIs to bleuUre otil thail lioltiorer only irmll Appropriations -Becher.Troiell and Porur. Miss Tillle Htrtman, at Upper Darby, Ii cempniect. KeducaJrallroadratca will prjb- [topping at all fltatiom t t Chmter, giving the aniel A. Gormley, whfch was an action UieUretdiirotMey-. xt niccenupc „ — ^ ,the ,,V d l y ably bo wcurod. opportunity for all ou this rocd tu i oturii the broughttorecover damages alleged to have UC11 flrut On re-fteaambllng Director Luut announced visiting Mrs. J . Andrew. Caaterllne, otelection liuld under tho imvbdotu offthis ll h art, aid tnoie avonluz. BpecUl rzcurHion tickets will been sustained as a reiult of BU amtult and iu following conimftttfa: \\ otbnr wch appolclniaau sbsJI liolJ ouiy uuM imo ot the strongut ipeakcrs and Bible u »wld at oue-way rale. battery, the jury returned a verdict in favor Finance and Audit—MUledge, Vreeland HIsbop WlgRer will conttnn about a hun- le llrat day of Juno uext tliereofWr." r)(la»an», L^ckn>«ann<i nnil W w t e m \lMbT* o[ our oivu and clbor buds aro at of fhe plaintiff for (350 aud eoste. 3d Porter. dred children in St. Mary'a Church tbii atter- Tbe neit biutoeu, iu ordor of importance. Northileld throughout tbe Summer, and whlls road—Special train will lr»Te BuonUm for Q1UIITEQ BEBHIfl.NB. Court House end Jail-Decker, Cornlub and noon at 4 o'clock. ai tfia appolnttueat of thrw. I!iCIB0 Com- no man will IIB ni«'1« t > 1ml wvlw an obiiga- Dmvlllv a t 13i4H P. U , conaeatlug u t I>>a- Too grand Jury, fc/ter iwJng in sewton all Almn Houu—Tioielf, Kimb.II and Ncn/o. Tlie Rev. W. H. HoCormick will address ralmlonerB. Tbe names ot Alexander Kanouw, in t i atHud mctitli<gi union be cho'ws, wlth tba regular truln leafing Dover at last week, brought their labors to a data on Lunaoy—Budd, AxfcrdandFanoher. Inaurauce aod Mlscellaneoufl—UearlDgiVan tlie W. C. T. 0 . meeting in the ftockaway Charl« H. Munsoc, John UruminBrand Girto »ny will Le g!ad o l Ihe op, ortuutty t o beur rfday afternoon and returning into Court, lykeand Vmi Winkle. C. Hincbmanwere placed iu nomination, tbe ess dliUaguiiliK] apoahers. U « y wa not ou arrival of train from Madldjn. M,K.uburch on Sunday. mded up twal*e bills of iwlkilmsut and two County H'rvJs-Vancts, Bmltli, Carlllc, Cook tve our auociatlou rBi>re.ent«l a t this camp ;eclj.l pxcursioo tickets will IHUCM at 'he esentmente, and were then dluah&rged with and Hoaglaihl. There will be a tauiical and llUrary onter- vote resulting1 aa follows: Mesara. Munnon t.V.O IS Balucca. la year} Furtber lutartnnttun may be o b - rate of t«-o cvntt p*r mile. O"nd cunnectluoa toe thanks of tha Court Advertialng, Printing and Eioctioni—Vr&eUlunieut at tbo Firat Bapidt Cnnrch ou andDrniDDiej ,8 eacbj aad MewTp. Kznoate tained of tha secretary. icd, Becker and Ctuntber. oon 1>P made from nil parts ol tbe county for and Hinobman, 4 UCQ. Tbe following defendants have since been Cop/r Tuesday evening, UtJ Iff. ' Qrtatar BurKalna T h a n E v e r Freeholder B-cker no i t tubmltted the apMadison in time to attend tbe evenlog •eMl'm irrnlg *ei and have pleaded tu the allegation* pended budget for tbe eiwulu.; year, which Bafora the result of tbe vote WM formally iur depart iiiMita Atnuiig.tbrm being A poverty loolable will be held la tbe declared by President iiweb, Councilman The following letter b ia been rrcolvud and Trains will leave Madlwi at tl:e close of the lund against I'uOin: approved : ibou'aud ytrda of buauiiful Dlniltiw, vucunt houw of B. P. Jackson at r '* ' conveotlon at 8:60 o'clock. Young interpwed a motion deferriug iurtber iBwir. explanatory: Lorenz Wens, of MorrlBtown, entered a , furcules oiul Urrfutidio1'h whlcb ore neit Wednesday .evening. Bridges $42,000 told fester tban wa cau unpack action In the matUr of the nppoliitment of en them Huauto is to be a Slate meet for outdoor The to)lowing programme b u been provls- plea ot not guiltytoan Indictment charging llourt HDUM and JaU feryhody admires our clothing, and almost everybody (men folks, we mean) is U.0UO The Netcotg Board of Education £xclao fiord Io some future time, which mo- irporUuudortheaupplcMof tha Btate Com- ton&llf arranftrd: ul p i t t t r m o f black tl&uttxl organdy a t jlto with having committed aussi«ult and 'ermanent Improvement Court Huuao wearing' it, because driy nfght rfr engaged the old corps ot teachers tion waa ouilcd, Al<brman MulUgtu and mittee on tlie ground* of tlie Orange AstoalaAFTEBHOON B CHS [OS. and Jail 1,500 a, worth 18c. Otlera ut 5 aud H cunU Jittery upon Constable Mahion Hller, ot The styles are correct The materials are the best tnr the ensuing rctiool term. UfiOO Couuclltuan \Vhitebea4 voting ID the uegi- tlon on Haturdny, July IS. We are anxious 2:00. DevuUoml Service. Led by G"orR8 Booaton. Wens was employed by John Witt, 'oor House arth double. llcu'C mt-s this ojjporiUMlty 'ermBnunt Iroproiemmt Peor Home 1100 The make-up Is faultless The prices are below competition Whlteheod, Uopotoon . Tlio Int«rnied'at« League will gire a Bfcurlug one of our lovely ttlllt capea at K asecura as large a representation ts poaalble man, a farmer, and one duy lost week got JblldrBn'sHonia MUO Wl,solu overynlisrofromf > to*'i, Itijn' ml at tbo home of U I H Bertha Meyer on MayorWolte,in a uietaage to the Council, man can dress well this season at our store for very liltle money. You can erail tho Association! of the SUto, and we 2:15. AJdress of Welcome, Rev Albert Alk- ito an alttrcatlon with bis employer during junaoy 20.UOO 1 luclt BUUB w»rtb from # l i t to * 1115, our iholders' and Ofllcura salatKs 8 UOO Wednesday oveclnj, May SB. • directed its nttsution to tsa importfioca of truit tliat you will endeavor to bav*» jour which the latter w n asuiHUd. A complaint ncct better value, no matter what price suit or spring overcoat you buy. m e n and I'ost ilortems 1 irlco Wz,; Bfsrs from 4 to 8. 2:SU. Heaponse In behalf of the County was tnsde against him ard when Constable '• Bubo City Wheelman,* Ii thB eupuemtatio tha water aupply, and sewerage and drainflllon represented by one or more men. Oar aim is to have you pay less than you would pay elsewhere. Gunta1 taucy lioeom ulilrU, elcKont goods, talon, Rev Wm. H. Woolverton, Boon'.on. Hller went to sorre tbe warrant he vrai attltlo under which Dover's nawly formed age question; recommended an increase in There are to be five eTenUaafolloffi: rgaiiiii at Too, our prlco illto, 3:45. A Review of our County Work, Miss tacked by Wan* and 'fan compelled to ute blejo'i club nlll hide Its identity^ ^ _ ^ . the police force of tbe cltyj and urged tho 1. Oa*>hundred yardsdosb. ej' Koyd tilk mi'-lf Me. pair up. A new Kdith Sohoenhelt, Oerman Valley. liu>orLsi}i^,ot great care la the appointment 2. OioquarLeruillaraos. hiiolubvigoroulytoprowct attnnlf. Walter jamw * * " , night rtudonfat Vat DoVer (I/ 1 " 0 Ine ot tail o n and trimmed lints HKB.1I] and at 3ilO. ainRing. of a chief cf police, Excise Board and all H. Dunning high jump. , Bavage waa aa'Igned to dftedotthe accused. Surplus llevenue ISuninoia College, bad the mUtortaoa ot cut3.COO iriote that; will uu\t every [ixkat hook. 3;ia. Free Parllmaat, Your reason for James L y n o a . a tramp, who was fnrlfcted Interest and Vlacouate other oflloera, to tbo end "ttat rigU and 4. Running broad Jump. 4.W0 ting tlie end ot a finger ofl on Thursday. l l U tu your advatiUgo li tr*Aa at the ielug a Christian Eudeavorer. ., Jii,5(Xl jastice might prevail, with a pure and strict 5. Throwing haminor, twelve pounds. or having cotumHU d an oiBHult and battery lutereatonltoad Condi itoa Htort) where you receive the beat of iU.UOO Mn. Fred. H. WHdrUk, of Trenton, N. J., intent t U t all lam and ordinances 1* faith- Twelve niedaia will ba awarded t o thoe* 11:35. Address, "Tbe Looal Union and Its pan Officer B. Edward Butoelt.ol Madison, Jourt Eipenwa. ' ^ 0 0 0 rtatment aud nicy, eloun new ROOJJ ut a 3rldge Kmergenoy Fund wife of tbe proprietor ot the Dover Bu»loe«a fully and impartially enforced." peraaui making thebigbestaore. Ths award* Voik." Robert B, Siuclafr, Newark. when the Utter was arresting blm for vagCollege, is In the city visiting her buaband. 4:V>. HinghR. Reports for April were received lrom are to bo madefciindividual* nud not tonssoincy, entered a plea of not quilty and was w figure. 'aewlc Township Ilmd 4:10. Addteu, "Junior Endeavor the bsWe nre glad to note that Conductor Trim flattest Gage and Brown, and City marshal c/atioiw. TheeDtraaoetee U fifty mota, s n i •manded for trial, Cbarliu BtllUeil, jr., beO m e end see our luiliutt1 liome-madn tkiits ner'o yotiug ton, who baa bean suffering with lagan, and Cblel Eoglueer Vnu]ai,d pro- ontratoes, to gelt er oith the fee, thr,u'd ba inning uf Gfrlitlan Cltfzemhti>." Re?. Wil- ig atulgucd afl eouniul to defend him. ;tlUUtnii up. Wii liavu o'-hur n.-tleluu iu pneumonia and intermittent fever, la Improv- anted his annual report. The latur report madetoPierson S . Fags, Phyilcsl Dlreotor liam K. Davis, Ltbnuon, tt. J. '«at prolusion but- uutduounh tpuuu toniruCarmina ColluccI, Indicted for vending InThe Addition of (0,000, It w«s explained, i. 4:40. Addren, "Christ and the Young ixlcatlng' Uquora .trora a wagon without a for the road in Paswlc towDsblp, near Mll- on tame. Wo always aim tu ple&>e our •bowed a total mombenhlpla tbeflrodepart- Orange Association, Orange, N. J., on or heing. liitoniera and never uil«repreient au;thing, A stone tomahawk bead, was picked up tbe ™-nt of 165, the equipment emitting of two ore July 3. Therawlllha oils gold medal, ?aople." Rev. G, W. Badew, D. D. York, Pa. license, pleaded not guilt] and gave ball for lloetOD, which is to be constructed undo 6:10. Aonouucementi and Committees call Kill couvluw Juu uC tbia taut. 1'uri engines, cue four-wheeled hose carrlaga, silver ottdala, and a l l broma midals. trial. provUIon ot the State Aid Act. oilier Jay by James 0. Dslrympl* cm the 5:15. Closing Hymn. )i« out of iowa uuylag (•"> worth or over Thomas Campbell, of Dover, charged with Resolutions were adopted allowing th road to Centre Grove, near James Brother- ,_r two-wheeled "jumpers," and ona hook We b«pa al«o to taavo some events for mrGjBO: lltuinGss Beulon of Eieoutlie Com- ivlng committed an assault and battery Sheriff US cents per day for board of prisoners II! bavs tbtlr car fare tu item. and ladder truck. The fire loss lost year Ices, particulars or whiih will be anuouuoed ton'a ill ace. Yours imut utxtouj to ploaan, mittee. aggregated «,4,!H3, Tbe report recommends jpon Francis H. lllchardaon, of the same In jail', autborltlog tha Collector to advance Next Sunday morning the Knights ot F y thepnrcbue of a new hook and ladder truolt; liter. Refreshments and Boolal Gathering, T U B llL'sros HTOHG. place, pleaded not guilty and was bailed t o (8,000 or any part tbcreoi to tbo ehsriEf from ,|, m , cf Dover will attend tbe Pint Baptlat Uiowiloul oEBthamerand the old book and Wo hope to have your twIsUnee la arouslag EVEK1KU 8EEBI0N, iWrtst lu UiuM gntiit*, aud Uutt tbB day ippear for trial, time to time for jury fees, and to pay all Cburck iuabody and llatento aiermon by ladder truck and ihepfoofDCof valvei on tbe 7:00. Song Bfrvlce. L«tl by Obnrlea A. Samuel Kate, charged with tbe Illegal lale properly authenticated bills} also allowing uif hecotae ooe ot great Interest titti benefit roar OBAM, tlie [ittHor. Rathhurn, Madison. fire hydrants at tho principal itreet corners, ) all tbe auoclatlotui of tbe Slate. ot intoxloanto In Chatham and Pastalo town- Im t3M for current year for clerks' fees and Tbuiicdy ur Wiliiaa.Cui-.iuw, trlij died Un Mm, A. M. Brooks, of UorrJatown, and rhereportwas ordered llled and tberecom7:10. Heporte of Committees. Youra very truly, ehlps, pleaded nut guilty and waa balled for tpensef to New York to collect money on u k troui ltijuiiei ruueiveU in u UII;IJ iiuut Mrs. C. P. Fox, ot Port Morris, wera elected lecdattom raferrtd to the Ore couimftt*e. 7:35. Solo—"8tradellafc Prayer." Mrs. trial. W. E . D I U K E , road bonds; fixing the salary of Clerk a t out i n LBadvjlle, Oolomio, mclied Port Alfred Chester Cour*n, Madlaon. vice presidents of the Women's BnptHt Mia- ISarBbal Hagan reported 111 arreita and 10 8. F . DBDLEV, Amtdto Qervosio and Antonio Gervaalo, (325 for tbe year; authorizing the Dlreotor '•AO. Address," CiirliUan Endeavor Work Father and sou, wbo were Jointly IndlcUd ou and Collector to execute notes lu antic•.lowiry Boclety, of Ha* Janey. Commlttei Ur, Caraow, Tlie Morris County Journal plant Is now Police Justice Onge reported having col- We have young men who would make a 'or tbe Unchurched." Kev. C/iarlefl Koadf, charge of having committed an anault and ipation of taxes coming due; iliing tbe & little moru ttitin a yutr a peou hlladelphla, Pa. good record ii) tbB» events and should like battery upon a fellow cauntrymnn namod ilary ot counsel at 1150 (or the year; retlie property ot The Morrii Printing Company lected $10.75 influesand costs. tho vlutlm of toliiorlutjo. i l o tlrac mut 6:15. AddrtBs." Temperance)" Thomu IS. utonio Malla, by stabbing blmdurlog a (roe stricting the publication of collectir'a quar- llcrly Fltb the Rev. Dr. David Bpencer as tbe Police Justice Brown reported having dis- to HM them entor tha contest, ttllu an aciiidtfiit by vtlilut) IIB Kunialueu aiiui 1 Murphy, New Yor it. fight among the Italian reeiients ot Fiogler nlltor ot the paper for the present. Next Sunday aftemvin'a meeting for jury to Inn uuuti, unu u ley. i'iiis terly reports to legal papers at 1123 per year; posed of seven ca»s;no floea collected. 8:50. B o l o - ' O , Jeaus, Thou Art Standing" il nitty 6, uii wmuu iliiy no }h)ver bad » Jack tha Hugger, but ha 1B Upon the re wm met da tlon of Chief En- will be addreawt by Secretary Am tin. All —Qelhel. Mrs. Alfrod Cbeeter COUIBJQ, itreet. Morrlstown, pleaded not guilty. Tbe allowing tbo secretary (800 with which to ( Fatter was admitted to beil,but tba son was young men are cordially invited, cars for grounds and county buildings nud gineer Vreeland the elaction of Herman 0. ii lu ugiiu, gone. Now fvre-hava a Jim tb» Peiper. I t Madlaon. iu c^Jout w nable to seoure a bondsman and wai re- heat the same; fixing compensation of clerk daj, wiin i trout do for blm to do much more peeping on Kercheln to membernblp In Dover Fire En- A very helpful conference of all committees While'doing u u > t l u o i r nark, a U:DO. Pewonal CouBeemtlon Barvlce. Lid landedtojal). " l woshsld Wedneadiy evening aud tbe work of the grand Jury; and lattly, authorizing MorrU street uUam*yg«t a dose he doesn't glns Company No..l was co&Drmed. tltj' bf rjck fell 011 him, crujtiiqj ba'.O »y Thomas B. Ironaldes, Morrlitowo. it for tbe dimmer thoroughly discussed. Louis Giordans, an Italian of Madison, waa director, counsel aud clerk to extuuts A petition with 11? eignatureB attached, and injuring blm aogut fit baiJ, Kftllt. 0:30. "Oodbawlta You. to oreant and enke w«ro aened by the Indiei. arraigned on a oha'ge of having committed bondstothe amount of (30,009 to pay road niiu biHi/. hu wag rab-ju to a Jio-pital, Fred. H. Wlldrick, proprietor of the Dover requesting tbe Common Council to take vtepa Uits Cornell ba« already btgun rebtarrnls atrocious aisault upon 'another Italian, bouda. tt Qiud t h u IIMXI d i y . lid Wii MUU IIUKIIWS College, will return to Trenton on ar the hweriag ot the bed ot the Rcckaway ir the entertainments to ba given on U«y BASE BALLa null rt»j)uowju Uoi-o m o ujDer, Swing tned Antonio Falma, by Htiootlog him sevFreeholder Budd frewnUd a. resolution Tucaiiny next, to flniih up bla work ai juror river, with a flew to tlie prevention ot dam- 1 and 80, and there'ls nsdoubtof tbelr being out) and luiuer, t i e was nlao * grvat Tlie Inalltu*^iof Dover went up to I'ort ral times during a drunken row a t dlordana'a aimed at bicyclers, and another inviting all o[ tbe United StaUs Court, (or tbe April age by floods In ttmei of heavy rainfalls, was very luccestful. Do not let any other milherlu Eaglaml, nbo will store. He plsaded not guilty. Ba also engood clUeeni toviitt" our county luatltutions Oram last Saturday to play their return referred to the itreet committee. p l oun tut)U4ilUD*ui-eai:iii» bar. terra. • .'• Councilman Fraedwas appointed on these menta Interfere with your attending thete game, and the I'ort Ora-m avenged ttem- tered a ptsa of not guilty to a charge of and give melt friendly suggutloos at the .'ho fliuurtil Kurvloii ngiuneuluj Wtduo^day Freeholders Bearing and Vweland took committees; Flnauwa and asaeHinonte, of selres for thB drubbing they received at the eeping a disorderly houaa and was admitted occaslnn reqalreB." Mr, Budd's resolutions tsmoQu, the budy boiug earned t o mo were retorrea to tbe county counsel, ftaudd of tba Instttates ou the Saturday pre- U, hall In both c*t*r. their oaths of offloe before Jnatlca Ait«U In fleers and salaries, and ordinances. torctj, tuilovod by rch'.ivcd aui Trtaals A lalrorUftecn vulcea tnugou thuraircb,iti vious. Tbe t o r t Orami put up a very ez- Wealey Bcbuyler, of Washington township, Tbe lun&cy committee renirteil having tho County Clerk's offloe In Horrlatown on An application was received from James OBITTJAET. ecliuroaaudattho Kra'mlio. Vu tttv. H. Brown for appointment to the oOlce of Anthony Otto, for tbe p u t twenty-one ocllentQeld game, aa will be BMQ from tbe pleaded not guilty ta a charge ot usault and Tislt«d the County Insane Aeylum, whore the A. M. lltrriBdcliverwi tuu temioti, taulug ut fact that while Ketttrlck bad but three rtrike battery unon Manning Btley, ol tbe same members saw all the patients for whoso «upPeter Cooper went about the streets of lUcordbr. It was ordered filed. Utuit, '•ilcutot JB uutul tnaourroiV," xf'jears foreman of tbe tiu department of the its to hla credit they permitted the Inall- place, and was: balled, [>' part theoountyis reepomible, Dudlug them Dover yesterday morning wearing a broad The sum ot $00 waa on motion appropriated D., L. & W. car ihopj, ti this plau, d!od IOCOUTIIUO, SJ.DS, lui|ii-O(t>a urdor ol ilud The trial of Indlotments h u been set down "all well and aa cheerful nu could be expected itea to aoore but one run lu tho Q at and one a, ailmiied ihtituuwul. Ale, U^rtww itsii. e-nile. ThepredlipOBlngoaaftlBialdtohave to Jan. A. MoUavlt Post, No. 64, Q. A. R., from heart failure early on Saturday morn11 ' inthOBBventh inolng, while tboy themselres jr Tuesday, May ID. under the clroumsUnoes. The report condie nud ihrjv suiall o-mdi'iio, ivuti lira m been a very young girl whose owning he [or tbe observance of Decoration Day. Ing*, at hla borne on McFarUn street. Mr. 'or; Orum. bulled with delight.. V . A post facto resolution directing President Otto quit his work on account of illnws tbrce plied up run after run until tbay had a total The two presentmcuta returned by thq cludes with the statement that tha burden of rand Jury were against Messrs. Colfax and expense on thB soore of ths county's insane la Jobn Martinson, the taWgnpb lineman, Beach to purchase a seal was adopted, upon months ago, but hla condition was not con- Veuner, of tbe Institutes, waa vory arratlo Bteele, and the Leht«b Valley Railroad Com- constantly Inorwuing, tbo commitl*« ttavlng One luiu can create a c o j i d e d l u f fuu, mlsy and Bicluuieu;, unit iQiKttuloul ol tilaiand Nelton Cole, baaafflmaater on tbe rhtob. Mr. Beach produced a seal having for sidered terloui until three days before his In his delivery, keeping McCarthy jumping pany as lersees of tbe Morris Oanal. Tbe audited blllt for the malntenanoe ol the lf a t t i e Minatmu If ba is a ) mluldJ, t.B Hackettstown mail, it Is reported, *»™ betn device tba Keif Jersey coat of arms, DDCIT- fratEi. Tna funeral, wbfeb was largely at- all around tryflig to atop bit wild tbrowi. charge against Colfax and SIAels is tbst tb-y ooaatj'a pttleota during lbs past year oggrtv Itilnet'ict, la tan flaw, buying upflafaingtackle in Dover, projecting oled by the wordu: "City ot Dover, Stnto of tended, was bald on Tuesday afternoon, the Ton men went to first on called balls, at times rnaintalned a stone cruther so bear the publio gating |S0,125.flfl. u Diturdiy ulgbt&ndsarlr fiualay aurulng. a (UhlDg trip to Lake Hopatooni In the near New Jersey. Incorpsrated Uay 7,1600." Rev. W. W. Hallo way, pastor ot the PretbyTbe court houM and Jail eotnmtttea waa iuvh a UIBU la u nulEancu nua should be sup The street committee was directed to came Urlin Church, offloiatlog, atslst«d by the irolng men to cross the plate. Parr at) abort road that It waa a detrimsnt' to the traveling future, " . . . ' - - "''' '•" •• d kindly juggled a few good chances, and public; while tha charge against tbe Leblgn iastruDted to provide three new desks, and to tha Soswi street drain to be cleaned cut and l McDonald bad histhuum luilly Morris Lodge, No. 137, K, ot P., of this also to grade Clinton street, removing the Rev. W. H. McConnlclc Tbe pa,U bearer* Uuntoa let aflyget througb bis arms that alley Railroad Uonipauy la that they, u have the old desks and chairs repaired. re Alonto Hodden, John Drummer, Henry would bavti been a good out. I t was to all i'lloal workia tba l T city, nill attend the Baptist Church on Sun- surplus earth to Myrtle avenue to be used e ot the Morrii Oanal, have kept the A communication from Edgar F. Randol pli, Rlcharda, 0 , T. Chdc, D. T. Van Horn and appearance's an off day for tho Institutes locks and planes of the canal In, such poor secretary of the Morris county branch of tbe dnjr mornlug, at 10:150 o'clock, wnsn t i e Rw, for Oils In grading that roadway. • Tboinai A.Uartis,o( Wauesilng, is vfnibHarry Gibson, In addition to these, ten fore- ludglng from tbe former game. Ur. Btiawgtr wUl preach a sf«cUI aermon. repair,thatthe waters o f , L i k e ^opatoang, State Cbarltiea At! asioctatlon, trausraltting A commuulcatton from Charles Morgan men from tha car afaops acted an honorary i^ tila piu'cUhi uji'tj (or u wooit. All Knights are icqtmttd to meet at Sovwblob acts at a feeder for *he banal, have tratolutlons pa'sad by that boly r e a c t Following (atlis eooraby 'finings;* Ur. Auler-oo, of the tSute Mjta.l Buildcalling attention to the dangerous condition pall boarora. A donation- from HcDaVlt ereigns'H»U, at Jh45 o'clock.; y '[•• ' . been unnecessarily; drawn U|ioo, canting tbe ing the alleged violation of tbe law requiring lugandLjftii As^ojU.luu, was la tuivu tbls of the sidewalk on Qerman street was referred Post, Q A. R., ot which Mr. Otto was a Port Oram..'...i 5 8 1 8 1 0 0 x - 1 7 ie to becomi so low that It endangered the tbe separation of the sent at tbe poor house, Institutes 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 x—3 A baDdwMue 3>sf Jlory Qothlo dwelling, with to toe street committee, lember, attended tbe/anorsl. ThoPoittfat health of the reiida&tt along ila aborea. w u referred to tba poor house committee, ITmplna, Madden and Bullock. ry Vonoan J* titppy urer t h s «rrn»l modern improvements, o i a lot 75x175 feet, The ordinance committee was directed to handsome floral shield &• a tribute to their OOMItOM riMA&. Tbo following bridge committees were ap la advertlMd for sale a t public auotlnu, inprepare by-laws for tbe guidance of tbe uy, Tbe second gams between ths Business dead oomr&dt. There was also afloralanOn Friday afternoon last Judge Wlllard W . oloted; Alfrel Roberts b u beau COQIIJO.1 to his another column by 1, W. Staring, adminis- Common Council, and City Cleik Ilakor to College nine and the High School nine, oa chor from the employee* of the car shops, a trator ot the John Arnds tatart. Bale will prooare Cbe neoesMiy books and stationery Friday afternoon, nen.ted in the defeat of 3uU«r disposed of the varioui applications Boontcn bridge, which la not yet flniihed: ounior neiirlj tiro weutu *iiUana'.ta:k ol large delegation of whom was present r licensee which had br on laid overfrom the Porter, UlHedKC, Cook, Carlile, Smith, Kimtike ptaoe naxt.Taesday at 2 P H . forjbe treasurer and a warrant boob for the Mr. Otto was born tu Klattan, Austria, on the latter by .tho score of 10 to 7. Tha game J[<nlah Hoberti taa broken ground for a now Bt day of the term became ^of tbatr balag ball, Boae'and, Troxell and Vauos. t hotly contested and uptotbatlxtb Inning II. B. PeUrs, ttu "Brotksrnocd Ortmll" Board of Education. louble I]p>U'flt>n UaiosUtxl, March 31, 1834. He cams to too United Bridge lu Rixbury at Kenvll, to cost (500; High School boys h?td the load. But the ntvrappllcatloni. Tbctollawlhgweregranted: iwiug dust und graval In the facet of man, Btarttd on Monday, for Ottawa, Caoads, ifci aggregating (l.tSCV-l were ordered States at tbe sge ct IB, settling first In EatHoniu rancher, Harvey. Bndd and Smith. College boys were determined to win, and in >au(jrtt by is a niesn piuutlca which bur Marto attend tha annual eonvwition ot the Broth- paid." " 1, Pa., from wbore In 1503 bo tnlbted ID EvaDuryoa.Mt. Olive ; Ellubeta Faller< Bridge near Bt. Mary's chorea, near Dour, liall will doubtloa make It his buelneui to Uelr ball of tha tlxth Inning they banged erhood ot Looomotlri Eagjaeen. Mr. Peters Company E , Nintaenth Regiment Pennsyloti, Hanover; William E. Thorp, Mb. Olive; to coat 1*0; .Harvey, Carlile, Hoagiaod the ball all over the field, icorlog four rum, waa accompanied by nil wife and motbtr, who BOABD OF EDUCATION, vania Cavalry Volunteers, being muttered JUis. John Hooking, of Uurdtown, visited which (rave them the game. Tbera was Ha E . Treat, Randolph; Alfred Wright, Vreeland and Seating. "ill visit relativesfaK-xttraiL Ta«y«psct Xayor Wolfe Bestrni from Member- out with the r a n t of Burgaaat, a t Baton "ticking" a-plenty throughout the game, ths :ffanm; John 8cheer, Hotburf, J«BMS It, Bridge on JLfendbtm road to ciat about relatl vet ID town an Thursday, to ba away two weeks. .. ' : '• Ul*« Lizzie Walkur, ut D jiar, ROB the guest Rouge, La., In 1WVJ. Hecamo to Dover twenaMp-Adeiltional Tsaohere Sntazed. umpire's decision being looked upon by some Frost, Chester ;Bd ward Lbughlln, Randolph; $1,200: Van Dyke, Booker, Qunther, Vance Htm. tiuurftB Firr on B'JniI»y. , ty-one years ago and was ntonoe mads foreA very large congregation gatheredfttthe il,i*m E. Jayne, Jefferson; Frauoil A. aodNorrla. of tbe players aa not exactly «u fait. The Miob&al KiUor b u movad Into the now First Baptist Church but Sunday evening to It Is Mayor Wolfe's conviction that under man of the tin d e p u t m m t ot tbe carshopi, batting on both tides was good., The players Stafford, Washington. Bridges in borough of Mtdti^n; Troxell, lUg+OQFurusM ntrrot, nud George 6UI|)p nltuesstbebeptbmofaixpBnoiie. ThBordln- the law now govarnlng Dover a man can't position which be held continuously up to WHOL18ALE. lornlib, Kimball and Van Winkle. 111 occupy tbeone nliiuuMr. Kaiaer vacated. were toeeo: aace was administered by thapistpr, tbe Ber, bold two effloei at one and tbe stuns time. tbe time ot bli death. WE HAKE A1GREAT SHOW OF Thomas Heslln, Rookaway, Bridge In Jefferson, between Morris and tOB BCBQOL. EVBUIKSS OOLLMUB W. H, Bbawger.' Many p r c e c n t a d never Being * mn^ who acts - on bis convic- Mr. Otto waa survived by his wife and Ova . BALO0N. 'amlo; Smith, Hoigland, Carlile, Budd and HulihiEcr, s i . '.. Johnson, s.a. tions, he tendered his resignation ai member children. Tbe latter are Charlea A. Otto, before bad the privilege of •etlnganToae r Thomas Mannlos, Mt Olive. took. • (Qner, 3b. ' Andenon, o. BITABI.lNQrON. of. tho Board ot Education at the meeting of who la employed In the department of which baiitizedby immcTslon.. .. .. • The application of John Kelly for license to -Bridges In Pequannoo; Cook, Mllledtja, Madden, lb, Albert lilt aid a inrty ot frlonao from NBW that body'on Tuesday night. There was his father waa foreman; William Otto, em- edrlck, r.f. map a saloon in Rookaway waa withdrawn, Smith, KltnbaUand Porfer.. Flerson & Company bare reoelred the c W nothing to do but to accept thetenderedresorli are apwllng a tew days at the Breslln. lunioa, p. Tlppett, p. ployed In the Katloaal Union Bans, of Dover; tnd Jobn KlnseUa's, to sell by wholesale In UnBnhhrd bridges in Montvllld] MUledge, tract to furoiBb Bteuier Company No. 2, Mr and Mrs John Worn er epint last BunpdykB, l.f. Ilogeri, l.f. ignation, which was accordingly dons with Mrs. Frank A. Sewing, of Direr; *fr», A iy ia Bm-skl.'Q *ti°re thsy Attended tho (about fllty In DtUBber) with new nuitormi. tondolpb township, waa tetused. joolc, KtmbM, Troxell and Porter. 'raed,3b. Hyde,r.r. They will conatst of premea's overco*Vwlth expressions of regret a t losing a member FhilllpB, of New«rk,and Mlae Clara Otto. Bridge la Paisilo; Comlsb. Van Wiakle, moral of Mr. Wornor'a trother. 'owert, cf. Feooy, 3b. whose conscientious performance of hlfidutlea On anl after Rundiy, Ikliv 21, mass wilt be trousers ot the same material, rtgulittos ctp loirls, Ounther and Becker. A CALL TO A B « 8 . UcCarthy, c. Uolltbo, o.f. olrbraled In the cUipol ot "Our Lady of with emblem (n front': The fire laddies will bad won tor blm the reipcct ot the entire . Rational O u u d Motes. Brldgta In Chester; Carlllo, Axford and 1, Johoson, lb. 'lUohardi. 3b. . Like" at eleven unlock, uuUI tha end of 'To Friends cf America in the State of 3udd. mako a One appearance In their up-to-date Board. The Berentb annual Inspection and muster n e w Jersey." Under the new law tbe Board h u power at Company W, Second Regiment, will be Score by innings; UDlfornu. " ; • .,•'; : '••'.• " ' ' . Bridges In Mt Olive, (one a two-county BiufnfslCal]eg«..... 10 BiulnestCa\iete..... 3 3 0 0 2 0 4 1— lira. uwbarloB WalA Is rppslntins ber 0 fill the vacancy by appointment. held Friday evening, May 23, a t S o'clock, a t UfghBoboot 4 a 0 1 0 0 0 - 7 The rery Interesting collection of revoiu- bridge across ths Matoonetcong); Budd, tbe clrcua cams and waat on Saturday of •hiob greatly laiprovcs tbe appearMiss Maltha B. LaHue, who baa clmrgo of tlonaryrelloB at tha Washington Headquar- Vreeland, Smith, Axtord and Fancher. . hat week, enllvaolng tbe'city of Dover ss the primary annex, and who was last week the armory. Admission will be I17 ticket, to Base hlts-Baalnaaa Oullego, 10; High ters was this week enriched by tbe premtaBridge in Hanovsr to cost about $100; Dr. and Mrs J. L. Taylor and son, Waiter only a circus oan.. Tben was tbe UBual atnet re-appointed f or the earning term, on Toea- be had bod from tb t> meraborsof ths Company, School, It). led, spent last Sunday In Doantou. At a meeting of tbe Institutes last Tuesday lon-to the Washington Headquarters Atao- Klmball, Vance, mileage aod Cook, psrade with tbe dolott-toned callope and day ntght communicated to tbe Board her sUnn ot a photo copy ot a letter addressed Bridges in Boonton township; Porter, Tho regular ninntbly mooting of the Comi'latlot tratg tnitrameob. A greet big el»- Bollnatlon of the proposed re-engagement, Company M'a ride range Ii oompletod; the vening Charles Manion was elected captain. tnon Council will ba held In tbo Town Hall, by George Washington to the '• friend* of Kimball, Uflledge and QoagltDi. l.hattt with « baby eltphaot folkwiog de- .(plaining, that BUe Intended removing to range will be open ovary Saturday afUrnooa ucBon plays 01 second. 11 for practice. On Decoration Diy the range America in tbe Bute of Now Jersey. Tbe Three bridges In Washington to coat about murelybfhlod wiutbi prlnotnei attraction £ait Buramlt The tnatitutes wDl ti morrow play at MorThe Hotel Brcsllu will opou June 32. will be open from 0 o'clock In the inbrnlng original (3 In tha poiiaatlnn ot William tiOO; Axford, drill*, Budd and Fancher. o l t h e t u r n o u t ". "!'.-.'•-." ••.•"•'•'.' Mha Jolta Dtidcaa, of New Yorkf la rb Plains with a. nine composed ol aijlum Tb6 Board rwegaged Vice Principal until C In the afternoon, R. Weeks, of Newark, who la the donor. Bridges in Rookaway; HoBgiantl, MHUdge, iff Mtf, Max Nornnnn. ' tttendants, 'Tbe letter is appended, verbatim et literatim: Cook and Bmltb. Ghnioh JTotea. : ^' - - ' Albert J. TUmauaud Mlta ClatlsBa Wolfe, Mrs. D. T. Truudy and daughter have been The Dover Business Collega team will play To friends of America in tbe State of New •cd appointed AHM Daisy MartlQ, who is at In the annual report ct tba Adjutant Gen'lilting In Brooklyn thle woek, Bridge In Beorad Ward, Uorrlitovni; Van Lord's Diy at First BtpUtt church, W. H. tlie Blalratown team, on tbe latter'* groundi reraey:— F. Elgeubroadt ami family have moved Winkle, Vance, BwkerandNorrls. Sbawger, paator—10^0 a, BL, asrmon to pre*ent ailing a vscanoy In tha primary de- eral, for 1895, just IMUOJ, Lieutenant Colonel A WORD ABOUT :— : to-morrow. A good game Is expected. Tbe Army of the American State* under Crldgea im Chatham township;Lum,Norrii into the rooms over tba Vortnun stable, Mr. Knigbta of PjUUu;.3 : a0 p . m . . Sunday ptrtniDnt; Mist Uerlmdo Crook, ot Gran Charles Bolt* wd/lntpector First Brigade, William Bchafer wilt move into the houi s this to t a ; about Company M, The Port Oram second clue will bald a ly command being lately greatly reinforced and TrOKell, Hhool; 7 p m., j « B g pw^b'e tMeUng; 7i30 Village; and Mirs Anne M. LanUrmen, of vacated by Mr. Eigenbro&dt. "Dover, May 31, Company M. Thli com- pi DIQ and danos to-morrow night. and having again enter'd the State of Culvert on road to ML Pleasant l a Dover \\ tn., regulareervloe. ., ' ','.'• ' ( - ' ' Mt. Freedom. " ionR tho vUIbors a t tho Like this weoic Hew Jersey I most warmly request the city limits, about GO feet long; Vreeland, The anhm in St. J o b r t Cbareh oa Sun- Miia Lautormsn ii at present tesoblng at mand sbowB marked Improvement. L u t In0. R^nclfuso, of N9* Turk; P. Hex He Beada Tour Thouahts. Militia of said State at tfifa Important Crisis Searing, Hoagland and Harvey. day, May 17th, wUlb*.vs.follows: Holy the AUantio Highland!. Mfw Crook is a spection tho condition of ths Company was mor, of Huboken, and Henry Aitcubrand, < Protestor D. Neumin, of Runia, tbe world's w their love to their Country, by boldly Freeholder Vreeland1* committee was au- Brooklyn. ciimnnnioa a U ^ O i . M,; nwruing p n j e r a t daughter of Conductor Crook, of the Central notaatlsfactory, but uow showa decided iiugreatest mind reader, will give an exhibition railroad. provem»ntlndiaclplme, drill ami manual of. thorized to look after all tbe bridges tn stepping forth and defending tb? Caute of Nortwick now rides, rldea, or at J. M. Van Hortwlck a bast 10:I»A.K ; Bubday tohoolat8^0ftM-ievenThe Board has » far re-moaned and ap- aimfl, and tbe indic-UoLB are that It wUt be- of bla powers at the Baker Opera House, Freedom. The Inhtbltants may be assured lover. ia attempting to ride, a new Bon-Bur. ing service at 7:30 T.1t. Swrloei through itUfiTICATE. FreehuHrrVanDikereported th»ttha conthis week will be aa usual:. Morning prayer pointed twenty-two twber*, inolualve ot come one of the bwt companies Ia the Regi- Dover, on Friday and Saturday evenings, that by a inanly & Bplrfted Crnduct they May 10 and I k To give the reader an Idea ent. ArmoryfaGOB condition. Clothing may now relieve their Distressed Btato from tract for the bridge at Washington Valley daily at 0 A. x , ; evening' prayer Wednesday 'rtadpal HnlaartaDd Vice PrincipalTitnian. MOUNT JEBW. Tbe names ot the teachers re-engaged at eicflleut. All troka and papers in Bupwior ot "second sight, mind reading," ws will de- the Depredations of our Elismie*— I have bad been awardeJ, Iron work, (310; mason nod Fridiy at 7^5 P. M., and otter days at S the muting off the -Ibe one ot the aeta of bla programme. Tbe therefore dispatched Col. Hellion, Majors work, $590; and on bis motion 1730 Wat sot Don't forget ths Young People's prayi th B>ard B d In't l n t woek week wero wore condition. Condition ol riflas excellent." . r. u. HolyoommunionThundayat7:30i.iL iBetlngonFridp,y(>vtnlng. The above is backed up by a Hble on an professor will be takeu out of therooajjy Taylor, VanEinburii Be Prelinghuysen to- aside from tbeentergency rand. In the Presbyterian church ooBonday the pnUlihed In the E m ot lntFrlJ»y. "Jeans llveth alwafB.fnilethnever, of a committee ot six selected at random gether with scma other gentlemen of your other page ot the report, glvlnir the "Com The potion from residents otPaiBttca've pastor, Dr, HaHoway, will preach at 10^0 EOHO O U T WHBELMBH. - BoratIn Him (o diy, for ever." pany figure of Merit," ot eicb of the sixty from tha andlenoe and placed in another State to call together and Embody'your ID Chatham townshjp for a manidam road William Forks spent Sunday nt Millbrtu a. m. and 7*1 p. tn.' Couticuatton of aerie* room where* he can neither hear or sea wnat attend under tbe State Road act was referred to tba ith h(9-pt.reiit«. • ~' "* on "CrHtioD," In tte eieoing; subjeot, Loo«l Devoteoi or the Bike Peiftot Their companies In tbe Stntr, In which table Com- ta dona Is tha andlftnoa., One of tha oommlt* Ullltlc, oat doubting but taeos»>ill pnny M rankB fldb, the faor oompaal» J r a i ihilr B n d M m n . " " r 1 ' •/'-~~ "* " Road Committee. Urn. Henrj WilliBm* orit hor hand vc "Creatloa of tbe Heavenly Bodlee." : OrffBOlHtloiu tee will take a large dictionary anil select a A claim by J. Edward Fichter for $38.7 badly on TuetHay. First V. K. Ohurok-Fmehing at ;10:30 A. SoTer'a ne«U lormed blojcle club on ng Company M being Companies C, B, D word on a certain page, write it on a slip of Miss Mary Knrc, of Morrtitown, la Tlslti damage sustained by bis horse and wigon by u. by Dr, Gallaway; d u e meeting at Vil5 A. Wedseadt/ nl«ht adopted a name, colon, and A, ia thB order named, all ot tbe Second paper, enclose It In on envelope and then hide falling over the bridge In Rockaway, was re- her lister, Mrs. Wm. U. Pearce. .M.; Sunday ichdol ' a t fl.30>/.Jt.J Epworth coMtitutlon tna bj-lawu, andelocteil ago?- Regiment also. the book and envelope, Oa tbo proffewr's Mrs. John Atnobaa bocn ailing this week, ferred to tbe Committee on Misoellaneon HAVETOUSEEN THB Ijeagu« aoniyersiry aeryioM a t 7, r. u. erolnj boinl, »nd May tbjretore be cnnBld- Verily, Captain Petty has reason to be return he will be blindfolded, a member of batfaimproving. .. - A Snrprlaa at Vlsndara. Account* with power. «red Inllj tanncbed under mort favorable proudotlheatate of efficiency to which be the oomtnittee will taks bold of bis wrist with What I* so rare a»-a cfrziis In May! A On Friday morning > a t ; aboat thirty .u,pl«i, o.,l»I lblrtj-lbree.oba.tep meir- has railed bis company In tao comparatively Instructions to concentrate bla mind, first on friends anl relatives of Mr. and Mrs.' Tbeo-, At the final meeting ot tbe old Board, o number of cur good-natured conplo mim Uloha'tl DooghWrtj got:flgnUogdrank: on enrolled. Io toe choosing ot a namo brief period of his captaincy. An4 hleman wnftre the book I*, next on the envelope, then dore Woodbnil surprised tbemkt their home. Tuesday Freeholder Wbitfleld B. Qlilea itivo bad this thoUKht niQDtng throufih tlieli Dinda as with beaming faces they hlol thi Saturday night ebd OffloM" Byratn, aided by aupnony wa, taken Into account rathor t b w are deserving ot credit, too. tbspageof the book and finally on the At noon an elaborate dinner m i strved and ed notice that, while certain exigencies telvts Doverward on l&it Friday, a posse of thrae dtixm*, sacoeeded after a a aann o( locality, "Echo Olty Wbtotaen" Company M drill* to-ntebt. word Itself. Mr. Neuman will locate eabn ypteafaotdsjwafspMitby alJ. Tboss m*da ntcesaary bis reUremMit lor a period, Btroggle la landing h l m i n th* dty look-op. betol tbe tame Hied upon. Tho clnb'» colora Item lu auooessiou, and at tha dose write the present were Mrs. William. Woodbnll and be expectedtobe on hand "one year from 'Sqnira Gage oo Monday seat Hkbaeltothe Noailntt Completion. The Bnakers ol Mount Lebanon, a com-Ila a GEM both LIDIES AND GENTS, Tor beauty, dmability ana word itaelt on a slip of paper, .ill be p n i e t arf black. The Bomniog son Freddie, Mrs. WUIUra Waer, Mrs, Pitt- today to take my seat In the Board of Fr county jail for eixdaye; TkistnakeeUlohasl'i Buildings No*. 1, 3,3 and 4 o! ths Rlohardmunity ot sltnplo, .honost, God-tenrinfc tblrd arrest dnoe hla wtnlag to Do»«r last board craabte ol Tmldeot Petote, H. W. lon & Boycton plant were on Saturday A number of other dlfSsult and tnexplto. enger and Mrs. Hdward Weet, of Dover bolden." Mr. Qillen expretsn) his thanks t and WODIBD, have f.ropared tbo Bhakor D! Qllbert Wood bull and Mrs. Carrie Fox, of ihe officers and Individual members nf tbe Whlcplp, Jamn I.. Burd, Fred Allen, W. P. C'SBJ miming it cannot be excelled by any. Hext in ordor is the able feats will be performed during each raauy years, and It Pleasant Hill; Mrs. John Hoffman, of Kair- Board for tbe uniform courtesy extended to gQat've Cordial for McPI»:wn, Fred Slmpon and Fred O « , turaBJover to the Company by Csntraotor 1 mount, and Mr. and Mrs, Thtodore Wood* blm during hia t*rm ot oulos and also moved al-ajn tb« rsm* , slni}l>, honest, curati 'Bquin Gage on Monday gent-noed Peter Tbe latterpreild.a at tb. moetltg, Pr»Went V. J. Hedden & Sam. I t If «pret«l tobare the boiler and engind In position within ,the dtdne that has helped to mako tho Shakers bull, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd T. WoodbQll, Mrs. a vote of thanks, on behalf of the Board, to Young, t « uasW' aunated by. omueif Ey- K t a n beta. In Canada, aod V l » P n * h « t Knocked Down by » Horse. Q. Horton, Director Luta, Collootor MoCraaksn, Count th" bcnlthy, lang-ltred people that they ai ramoa Saturday Bight, to p x daya1 work on Notekbour comln« to the p«Bng. late. A next Un days, by which Urns tba work of Beven-year-old Frank Johnson, of Black- tf.F.n:okenon,Mr.andNra,M the public atreeto.: Tkls tort of panlabtnent ooMtltuUen and lij-la«e . » adopted alter a lining1 the big cupola will, have: bean com-1 well stioet, was on Wednesday night knocked Mrs. Elizabeth Stull, Mrs. J . 8. Yager, Mrs Counsel Quayle, Engineer King and Clor Tbe Bunkers novcr bavo indigestion. This la partly owing to their simple mods of lif maiei moat tramps give Dover a wide berth. loot duoueUn. The admlnlon fee «ai Hied pleted . A number of dynamoi were noeivr down and bruised about the. legs by a harm Jobn Swackhemer and daughter, Miss Ethel Everett, for tbe kindly and unvarying coar,. r wbieh characterized their Intercourse partly to the wonderful properties of H V Chief Hagan-on WWneaday arrested TVJJ- at H a n d dneiat K o a o l o m™ll. L»dlea early this week, stticbed (0 a bugfy, In wblcb Afr. and Mrs. Swackhamar, Mn. C. H. EoveB and Hiss D a i Cardtal. Indlgesttoa Is CSUMCI b Ho well, Mra. J. W. Lariaon.'Mrt, Hlper, tho The plant will 1» equipped wttti a complc with theBoard. There was no dlsssnt from liam Earle, a oVer db-wtll bkckBtnlth about may become honorary n»mb.r., W William Jtoobaa were driving.; Tbe accident tha Btomnch glands not supplying onoug town, whomtwchargedbafonJuticeBrown tled to .lithe privileges! the «'» b * " ? " " ipeaklng tob« ayitom, which tha H. T . &.N. happened at the corner ol Sussex and Black- Rsv. M. L Rhodsa. the Rev nod Mn. Biker WE ABE ILSO AaEirra i?on THE WELL Kxoyn julw. Sbakor DIgeetlvo Cordia Smith, Mrs. Dr. 0 . K. Miller, Mrs. J . C. i!s. • J. Telephone Company l» putting In, so that with being a wKnmqndronkard, Blxdsys d totboonirouadutyot votleg. well streets and waa caused by the bolting oE Osmnn, Mrs. Frank'Haimea, Mrs Kane; Freeholder Lyon, also a retiring member, what's wanting. Bbaksr Digestive and emit wttf the pMatty Impoeed and Evle bo attached to tho L. A. W. Mr. BichardBOP, by touching tblt, that or tbe horse at tbe sudden sounding of tho Vol. Rarlck, Mrs, Goorgn Hand, Mr. and Mn. Ida took fait cun from this, and while thankin luvigoratu tho stoiunch aad all I la now where liquor-nou'atrouble Uw, bui „ » , ™'w»0 dent. 1. Join mn.t ! « . « • «"an tbe othur tuttun, will bo ensblM to put hlm- uuLeer Corps baso 4rnint preparatorytot«k.A. the Board as a whole he took t i e opportunlt; —IJ eathit after awhile they don't m N1( In comuiijuiontion with iiotdi of dopsrfr Ing up the march backtothe ball upon tha Sanderson and J . W. Drake, of ytanitsw. ratborthewanloflt -f. - . >f alngtlng out Freeholder Aiaifey, M evl4enc> of tie lumesty of Htiabn menta tn any part of tbo work*.. conclusion of their open al drill. ot tbe road committee, and praiiing him for Ko C rdlal, tbo (ornula la p-in ted •WUlIaJn S«artsc Injured. The lost lino on tho market, including tlie famous " 8UJY.EE KINO Hopatoontr. ; bis eulcient work for tba county In tbi erery bottle. Bold by druggist], prleo I William Searing, of Mount Hope avenue, A Dioxena BaEaar. An Early Horning Accident. Arrangements are belag mado for capacity. Mr. Malley responded In tlnd, one perbottlo. Tbe LaJlei' Aid Soclotj and Bt. Ajne, Train No. 73, due at Btanhops a t on Tuttdej a f u m t ; had nia lete ankle appointed J»b» Talm^.e, CapWni F,.d OF. THE KOAD." Wareoommendthia lamp highly and guarantee 'tramp" nodaMe to be held at tfri. O. A. Ur. Everett said kindly things on tho subjec tw))y spralaad l a d was out and bruited , 7 n » n , "Brat U.uten«,t; « * > * . « • OoIJd of Bt. John* Church, Hover, will give o'clock, this morakig attack and ran over Burlbardt'a Hillside Tiodf«toralsa money ot bis relation with the Board. There was a novel entertainmenttatbe pariah bomo on John JltlTem, ot Stauhop*, wverlns kia riga it in every way. A complete lino o£ about tlie bead aid face, by a fall from tbe SpaofalHedaction Sale tore ot tbis sort of thing, ind the Hoard adWidnBday and Tnnrtdaj, Maj S7 and 38, foot at the aikle and cutting oft his left leg for the proposed renovation of H J r«f, of Mrs. Bowlbr'a nowe on Clinton Daflt,S«ondI.WitenantiJ.J. Rllk nn<1 Cloth Cap", Jackets and Bult», cong M. E. Church. Tte best lady tramp journed sine die, atter having approved tbe nolor BearoTa and Chorlei UJU^I « - O — atreot, bis faU being canted by tbe breaking T"e dub will h « a forual runtotbo trom 5 to 10. A OB, mpptr mil be ierfed. above the ankle. He was carried to his home will receive a prise et a bandsomtf shirt appended supplementary and final reports: K1.1.. Dlcttereon'*, Do»ar, Ibla wok, 8 Aim Ice mam.BtrMberrla and o*ke. Among near the scene ol tba accident where be died v of the scaffold on whtcn na was working. Be irvbgton-MIUbumwurwonD^rattouD-y, tbe any oi tnoii'=»"**"""•" r . . # ae FINANCE OOUXITTU attraction, »UI be a " Country Btoro," a fev hours later. Mr. Hcitorn, who waswaist and t e. b u t male tramp will be rewai removed ta his borne, wbereDr. H u n of other arrangoniBnta — the warded with a necktie tn a silk cow. Tbe - start - and '"le great annual roadwm race,DO gi lime Specials In Laos OurtOlns. H4DS BalancB.... and a Orepe P«per Booti. W » "111 ! • tbe about 03 yean old, leavet a family, attended him. •'•:.. '"' ' -' ' <' ''.'.." S t l T A special meeting of the club will be o5tlntere,Ungonden]o>ableto,tlTal ot tbe affair promisestobe most enjoyable. Bigvtlaegntl0j.,VOi. and * U pair, Hei 2^5 Reati trom April 7toll»y 13, Ifiltfi. m Oica'rPord, whowai on the tcaffold with hold next Wednesday night. patterns, full slu^nt the Dover Bazar of J in stock.. Call and examine out Btock and us for a catalogue and Betring, sav«d hlmiteU from fa-Ding by oil ogpreaent aeaion. ImproYed. Telephone Service. dard of Tna&ka. EL Grimm. Wanted ' : . DIBtHHtSBlIXHTfl, inatotherocf nntilftladder was procured, The Maw York and New Jer*y Mophon, We wlab to thank our neighbors and friends Five hundred dollars at 0 per cent, on Drop- County bridges. wheel magazine. % 4'i 2fi K a v Sintaa Boonu. men at wore alpng the April BpeclaU. erty worth three times the amount Inquire for their many kindnesses on ths ocottlon of ouse Dr R. 0. Vnelond ba««ver«l bla 00 H , Comfort * » a Style town aud Lake UopttWindow shade* at !?.>:. and SJe. wltb frinji ftu'a Home. of E. D. Neighbour, Dover. tlon wltb Dr. A. 0. Freeman and will opm our Kcenrtwreavement. at little cost Is what Ed. L. Dlckernn oHera pong Improving •"«• »— FreeMsnandofllcers..... fi(JJ ! : M d f l l beet spring roller, at tba Dover Bazar of = — . • -Mtt, AKDHUB. I B A I J I Courthouaeandjtil ICi 07 yoa ia hla big line of Shirt Walits. Another Tbo »ork beween Moirlrtwj end Dorar dental roomo In He Maeo buildinl, ovor H . Grimm. It'a Got So S o w D»ya Coroners and pott mortema.ft)00 UcFberaoo & Co'a store u aoflnaa alteration, big lot of the very mweat novelties opened Card of Thtnks. that oli gaga won't work and old ROOJI don' Advertising and printing... 19(05 boOtlJud In tho couraoot a te» d . j , ire completed. Sea Bbors Batha at Home, 10 05 Mrs. A. Otto and -family drains to retm go. Yoo most beep up with the bandwagon Elections a m a m « 4 « » ( l » and more a . t U « t » , For 2i cte. you can huy a bag of. Boa Be' thanks to their neighbors and friends for or getout of the procession, *&. L. Dicker- i K lolepbonemrYlee 1.1U be] In coaaeBhe'a a. Woll Dreiaed Children'* Beaten. at EUlgore's Corner Drug Btore that wi floa'0 llo« ot tthltt Waists leads tbs proenrim l gUpt of m. Work .III l» eoinphtal »1»M "•• wom>uifhoinus one ol Ed It. Dlebemn their many trfodaesses during their r p U b for April nt *L?5, tl.GO, (3.00. toak* % BUt watar bethfl. ' Una A,OrroiHDFAKiXT. v d i n right np to & t e ^ ityh end price, I BUkWalala, ^ Color red, navj and tan, nloely miAo, nt &• Two Freahollers ADpolated-Appolntmem orExciaa Board Deferred Friday, May 15,1896. AREN'T THEY HANDSOME? PIERSON & CO. pp. the Bank, DDV6r'8 M\M CIHUR Dover, N . J . JUST LOOK AT THIS! We c a r a in stock Bicycles from SU Leading Manufacturers - - REMINGTON RELAY WAVERLY AMERICA CRAWFORD GENDRON II High Grade. Easy Running. Excellent in Every Respect. Reputations Already Made and World Wide. rices to Suit Everybody Come and Look over Our Stock S.H. BERRY HARDWARE CO. Telephone 8 B. Buff Brick Building, Dover. Your Dollars BIGGER RESULTS AT THE STORE OF :d. L. Dickerson, DOYER,N.J. In Ladies' Heady-Made Garments than any other place in the State. Capes, Jackets, ^Silk Waists, Suits, Skirts, at prices you can't beat. SHIRT WAISTS. We did not carry a single garment from last season. We [et the new things as fast as turned out. We show you inclusive styles made expressly for us at VERY LOW PRICES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES 1896 COLUMBIA Ml, . , / . ; • ?..;:-;.>-;; •;••.• : •'.. , - \ ; a ' HARTFORD XJ CD X- S— ^ ^ t - - «-*•,- BICYCLE SHOES AND HOSE Wm. H. Baker Store Co. •"a*. Po Oaar si i. fl-Urlmin. . - * *.U#.«a.,,fcl Notice of Application (or License.1'I Quarterly Report of County Worried, Notice of application loi License. Notice <«ber>b? ^Ivru (Lit Ilie iul>icriher will ki ILc f[,l!<.uiu).- uii|>lloatlon In (ba Iluird of E l ' Collector Ending May Pl.TWjuA K.IB.'ll >«tiiuiit)-nirimU-lt>, ; V.^-i Hri.llnTN : Jl.TriHC^iuiiyr.iruiiiH.-. : A . I . Adi.ii.> 12th, 1896. Krli. 11. Ildlnui.-.\i ]{.vM f n . i i i J . l i . l i i ^ * tium ! 13. K. \ . ll4U.-K.-r. ^iH-r-ili, _ i i,. -I.T.-I I Mar. !!. .1.11. SJiii.lers. H'IIV*','. . • . Dr. Deane's Dyspepsia •-•-•.(•! - I >-'• l y lli'S C i i . . . . :C'i.| iniKIIIJKM V VVHU. ' >k-tir»t!» T. c T ^ . !l. .11. V. II. S-iirini;. fiili.rilinti -•• 11. J , II. (iuntlirr, olil li:l>l i l | | Dspot In New York, foot of B u o U j gt. 1*4 Nervous j.rostra. j f Urn City of Dov<_ inuL'tiug t o be bulit lur tbe jiuriHxd: of RrauUoK ' foot of Obriatoplur 8L ON Moujjj, M » 2'iUi, at 8 uVkrk p. u . , or at liransiM on Hooday, May 25lh, at 8 o'clock 1-. *., cr lion? N(i — Dysl ^L^T \^i£^k< n\A ISmTii u^^j fcj'potal for thp ' such utliur time as said Hoard may ap|K>Itit i c COMMJaioma J a n s Mtta, 1896. pepsia Indigestion. e IIUHMWU, and Uwl hald «r""—'— ' " "itt Cli'ik'iM'lliiT, VIE; Dr.'s DysIlie In Uie City Clerk'a ollk-e. . trie L'cird of Eiciio CumIUIUloner* of llieClty Appllca---'-—" ' ' DOVER TIMETABLE. pepsia 1'ills cure o tliu Be 'i'pltllr.ii or I-l.lli Muclilinu.ol Ibo Oily of orDom. . this sort of nervous hiininly i-i'*ttli: TliiltUc El drtlroiu ot obKB ABBIVB AUD DM-ASI WWU 1 ^ ApplIcaUori Is hereby made for a UCUDBO to l*o j! •itL-eii'ti >i> kciji uu Inuor Uicrn In tlie prostration, and is ;ranlcd to Frank K. Apg&r, to twll elder, beer. &U STiTIOB A3 FOLLOW! : III Ivljlcll tll(? QQVf llVtt PIIU&IQ GU CQttl&f Q{ niloUior maliocd fennenifxl !l((Uor« lu(|iwutitli-« almost tlic only KABT BOUND, A. M.WMfft B0D1TD, j^u Ki-lluid Worrcn itrKii, ill thoOlljoI Itovor TJUI one quart to fire Kalloua In tbtt iirembna •forruU, tad Ilierdu ID i d l tiilrllaoai, vlunin, liuited on Dlckerton slrwt. ID Doier, for Uie Fast FTditht 4:35 medicine Unit will, liitttt tu<l ftnuciiifil HiUiiro tif k-siiueuiire tLiu :nu or one year and to the Unit day uf JUOB, HIT. Buffalo express* 6:16 u o r e r kcoom. g'ji For lie cjiiirl to bt druuk ou tbir praujitioit. Datod May U, 1HU0. c j rrec Uoaton express* 6:41 Blngh'toD uiiil* a^n Tlial BbeUiiTurliliil wilti urcrj »ccommedition FHANK T. AI.'OAll, »«t ifr(i|iiliHniiid iKtcauryfarlliBtiiiirpcKCiiid Osirego erpresn* 0:10 Barton moll u^[ licrtlarc [jtajB tlist jour licoomMB liuily will Dover express 6:50 BuSaio exprest* 10I1 DR. J. A . Ill-IAXF. CO.. Klny.-an, N . Y. friin; |icr ie™rdlnn!r. r <H Dital S!ij H.ihlW. Hoptttooaa; exp.» 7:18 " I.VDIA 1IUEHUNG. HacketUt^nezp. VM Tha DiscoTery Baved B i t Live. H 3 Notice Is hereby gina Uiat 1 lionias J . KeynotJs We, Ibo mbpcrlbcr*, Irttbuldcrt ul tbe C1U of Mr. O, CalllouDtte, DruggUt, UwvonvUIe, avtr, lu tlio CDUUIJ nf certify Ibit will make tlie following aiiiiUctttiou to tlio lioarJ BufTaJoupa of Kxclm OoiumluiaQBra utlha City of Ihniir st a jilUiludHlnu.KliiJliUMltoOJioobUluallMflie .,wiyB; "To Dr. King's New DI<co»r; I D BoBtonoxpieM r kttplns i u Inn or UverD lu Ilio CUj at Dover meeting t o be h«ld fur tbe irnnKwe or gnuliog reuw-ii on Monday, May SMi, at d o'clock r . 11.. or m e m y l l f e . Wan taken with Laarlppeand Dover BCCOJU. uriwild, l"n iwrvnn of Rood rcimlti for houetij I lucli othor time u aald Hoard may npiioiut for Mil lcm|.eriiire, u i d n Inowu to ui to litve *l lent BoinatOD exp.* ;ried all tbo iibjslclaDB fur mllea about, but ie purixwu. and tlial Bald apiilUwtlou la now oa • o i n i U t r W i l i lutire tutnirf! IIO'CIMI; for tier Dover scoom, lloIn tliecTty Clnrk'iofllat, viz: ?t no avail aud woe giveo u[i and told tbat, I 'BUIII; me. mil l« * i II i^rovldtil nl<b home room, /nplIi&Uoa for Wlialwalo or Bottler's Uceme. ilabliuff »nd proninJor; m,d idaltlio jilite mhbu 1 lid not Iivo. Having Dr. King * New Dis'o tliu lioan] of Exclsu CommUsione™ of tbu City lie now recldri \* TCTJ utL'titary uid proper for • of Dover: n c m ; nu! %>• j>r»j jou tn ilci:ii»i> lier iccordlri([ly, covery ia my. store I sent for n bottle and beexpreeo* : s B Atid KB tin luribcr wttlly [Uat Ihe «s!d u r u i u I* Application Ii hereby matto for a license to IN> BftU i Ipl. B K^mry and will conduct) lo Ilie pulillo good. •ra11U.1l to Thomas J. Heynuldi, to wll cider, l>eur, gan its use and from the firit dose began to * IffOBXp. I eniid oilier niaJt and feraeniwl l((|iiors In ijuanet better, ami after using throe bottles was BTBM 8 li*(roiHot(ni\untto DvuRnllonB in U10 premlst* U a c t p l . Lualedon HIUUMV Htrwt. In Dover, for tlio lorin ip end about again. I t in worth IU weight lu D o v e r ROOOID. 6'&t> if OQU year and to the first day of Juan, 1BU7. ;old. Wo won't keep storo or houBo vlthS'litre In tiurcby Rlvfn tbtt Ibo atlb*cr!bera will fiuflolo e x p r e s a * 6123 Halid May 14,1890. ut it." Gut B frea trial nt Kobert Killgore'e D,iLo Ibo r.rilii«lri(( »Hilk-aUon to Ilie Hoard or E L 6:8B THOMAS J. HEYNOLM DoTer accom. BnAaio axpreta* 1 cl» G<imml.t]omn of ilie UK/ of Dover, i t a niccU img riton.', Dover, H. 1<\ Oram & CO.'B, Fort iff to be licld for tlic fnirwiin ol (jfJUtlng llocuie* Mill, express* TaWttwtrala a ftlundiy, May MID, at 8 o'clock v, u . , or at incli irnni and F . N, Jenkins' Cheater, N. H. Eastouu oilier llruu •» tilil JJuird taty ippulct for Ibe i<urMilkexpnm* ivixr; i»il Unt u i d ipvllrtUon ti nov on QIC In lbs 'Via. Boofiton Bnuob. •ly Ulerk'iotllcB, »U: cc la hereby given that Jamct II, Malaney Bnokleni Arnloa Salve. In in0 limnl of Excite Oomiulstloneri of tbeCily will iiiake tlio follow I EK application lo the Itoaril of Eitultu CommUaloDera of tliu City or Dover at a Dovir; Tbe Boot Balvo lu the world for Cute, leetlnK to be Iifld for tlui i>urj>osc of (trantliiK lbotiillilon ol Utargi Mini) A SOD, of IbeOilr Bruleoa, Boras, Ulcera, Salt Btacmn, Pever. itiim»on Monday, May t a l i , at 8 o'clock 1: u., or DOVER AND MORRISTOWN oi>l>lnlii)[mlic(M'iB lokfepaa fiioor Uitrn In (be ; uucli otbttr time as sold Hoard may ati|>olnt for 3or<», Tottw, Cuappea hands, Cbllblolns, ie purixwa, mad that wUd apiillcatiw Ii uow on Leave tiuiinj lu wtiicti tbay iinir lire, til mint) on tllloton Arrive 3on« and sU Bltln KruiitlonB* and positively h) la Uie C t l f ClMk-a oflk*, v\z: eltect. lu Ida cllj c{ Deny itareuld, ftnd iherclu to Dover. Amillcatioa forllotaii Uwmsc. .oil i)ilrttuuui, vlnuui, unit md fenuealed liquor* urts Piles, or no pay required. It 1B guaranDow. Morrlstown. Morrirtown, r leu nciiDra Ibftnaneqaart lobttdmpkou lbs o tho Iloanl of Kxulm Comuilanlonere of Uie City T i l l .4. M. teed to give perfect satisfaction or money n>of Dover 1 " 7rfl Ajipllcatloa la liereby made for a llcenw to be fundad. Price 25 centa per box. Korealeby Tliol lljfj ire proriiled *!tbevery ueomuiodiiliou 8:63 Ibit Ii miulilte md uectmrj lur (bit iiurixxe, and greutudto tlie subacribor, J Bints II. Malooey, to Robert Klllgore, DrugsUt, Dovor, K. ». 10:10 " 1 b ore faro p n j 1 bat your bouorabte body itlilllceDH •ell elder, beer, ale and otiier malt and fBrmenU>d l(|iioreby Uiugbus or otiier aiiiallmnaguru, in tlio F . H. J n k f a . ChwW. V, J . 11:58 " U-M biiltdlugsituatedoa Warren street and owned Uy 1:1GP.1 1^8 P. at GKOBOE M4KN & HON. Obarles H. 11 union, and rented and occupied by 8:15 " a* applicant, fur Uie u-nn of out) ytar to Uie first We.ltie labacribcri, frcobolderi or tba Oily or 4:35 « H6 4:11 i>ror, In tba Uuuuty of lliorrla. Co ctrtl/y itiit day ol June, 1B37, 6^30 " 5:tS ^5 Dated May 14, 1B90. (orst Uotm A BUD, who aredwlrana to obtila > DM DOUK lor k^rpinH ao Inn or tavern in ttie (111* of JAMES H. JIALONEV. wvi , 6^ '7:18 i f]»erifo;c*.l(j,»rc perioua of (rood repute for bonjty and temiwronoc1, md •rekuoH'o to ni to b u t io.-oe •• " at leail two feaibcr iiedi more Ibio arc oec«Mary 1:30 i . « . SASA.H. at tbrlr finlly me, aud are well provided will oU6c room, itibllnu and proTtuder, and ibat tbe L E A V E t l B W T O B S : F O R DOVBB. NoUce ta hereby given tbat Hugh McDonald - . . . iii-e •btra iboy now rtildo li very neoemry and make ibe foiluwiuK application to Die ltoarJ ot At tin, 6M, 730», 7 S 0 , 9:00«, ».«), « « • ropurforaUvoru,auil *epr»yyga to licenie tbim Excise Oomn 1 lesion era of the Wry of Hover at a ccordlufily. 0:10, A, H . ; 12:00 H, 1KI0*, 9.~00, 8 ^ 3 , i:(K]t looting t o be held far the purpose of f(routing AuO we (jolunlirr ceility tb.t ttieiild timrn l i nn#* on Hondny, May Ufitli, at H o'uluck i>. «„ or i:20>, ISO, C:10«, 5:30,6:00, 7 i » " , SilO* Silo, ,[cc*ury and will uouiluce to (be public good. L auchotliertltiiD aa aald Uoanl may Biijiolot for 1:30*. 12rf)0. II uurrmse, and that nald Kpiillualloa u now o a wd oUier mimmer eoods micb u noIriReralora, I N Cnain Freeum, Tinw Ie ID tbe City Clerk'sofTlce, fix: Oranlto Ware, Also a®ut fur •Via. Doooton B r u o h . Ampliation for ltetall Llceiuw, Notice Is Hereby «lveu tbit tbe tuuwrlber will To tho Hoard of Excise OonituiisliiacrB of the City or Dorer: jlKjlbRfulluwLiitfiirplICilloulo tlio board oIKxclii- CoujiuliilDnoii 01 ibo Oltj of Dover at a meet* Application Is hereby mi__. .. _ CHESTER BRANCH, IDK to t>o btld lur Ibe purpoie or griullog llctmti ranted to U10 nubecriber, Hugh McDonald, to aell (or pumping water. Tower and Wheel galvanized t o prevent corrosion. on Aloouay, May £3ili, at H o'clock p. *„ or at men cider, Uwr, uie and otiier malt nnd feruieaUHl Eailtoard. Station*, Weituard oiuor tituo u iaia Hoard may ipptlQt (or ibo purby the glsae or other small measure, ' A.U. P.If. V.M. A.H. P.M. ?,U - " - ' ^ " Canal utreet and owaoi l llctuoD o afli Ini M ,..Jti OleftTe, ftuil renl«d 7:53 12;00 4:10 CtiMter 10^3 8.-05 6:18 HdocBn'tBtnpwIthfrlvlnBteraroraiT To tbe llaird 01 E»d.e Commitlioneri or tlie Oliy applicant, for Uie term of o •M igiUtt 4.1D Uorton 10^3 8:57 0-13 relief—Itcuroft. It ianotafiiliwullinii. I Dover: 10.13 8&2 fliig j HwclaltlM WIIIIUB and we litre Uie brat mecnania In town. Estimates choorfully furalsliod and \:ffi lSiia 4:22 ironU Dated May'H, IHM. lant to tlie e torn sell, nor a violent purliiopellllmiof fitttuo] J. Hurlng. or tlie Oily of •^ work Buoranteed. sntlvo t o tho bowc-Is. Its notion Is lovrr, iiuujbljr nbeffotb: TUit be Ii deatrom of obl;O0 12:18 4:39 B u o o u u n u 10K*3 S;i7 fl:06 n u o i i MCDONALD. iiulck. lmlural mid CBRJ-. i\uiut a liccafii ia keep i u IDD or ta»trn la tb« I;WM2;SSJ 4'M Keovll U:53 8:4S OKffl OUBBIU wbicli L,' now lirot, ilioite on comorof I t iiropiutw digestion ftnu aids u * l:U 12.27 4:48 JunoUon 2>M Gi57 tiutaei (.ad Cltutoo ittMU, In tlic Ci>) ol Hottt Bimllntlon. Mo]« l.cartbum,|iulptu* 'omuU, m d tbrrtlu to sell aiurltuoui, tlnou», tlon, tlatulnnco unil citlior fiviuploms. :17 12:30 4:60 Fort Oram V;W XM 6;M ,alt md fermented liquors by lot* inesiure itito Is Boolltf nit In ll* clU'ct on llio^nervcei 1^9 12;35 GKM) Dover 0:35 8^0 tffl Notice Is hereby Riven Umt Loiento Ciutard ie quirt to be druuk on Ibe preniiiei. ill make Uie followlag application to tlie lluard Tbe UaciettatoiTD B i p r o * itopi t t Fort i b a t lie Is provided BJtU every ipoouimodillorj F Excjw Oouinilsaloners or the City or Dover at a (bat liit(|uiilieaiid nccciMryforlliit porpcur-.arnl ) r a t n R o i n g e M t i t 7 a a A . i l . ; going w e r t t t HollL'f tornw quickly ami ccrlainlr. neepng totoli«ld for tba pun***) of grantlnK luurefnfe pr.jn lint yuur bonotabie body w i | l | ' :S1 P. U. liuoiUKaon Bfonday, «riy SStU. ot ti o'cloct v. w., or at •uoh other |lmo u s M d Iloanl nity amioiut for gluumy.—nervous. f n;:, It.-UK'rty 'l,,iiU'-lii|'..., MuttliiiiM'n-i.'fi 1 S;if. (MORRIS ADD fiSSEX DIViaiQS.) tired —overworhctl — sleeplessness — f IMIAIf SUIT. CtH'.VIV Sl'EH'HUS. i. A W. Kulx-r Si IK .1. II Jit.kirt li." i" w.ii. ""iliii-!(*l!iiI!.!.! iwii ,r..|iilMfTiTliilll. Hull.... VJX'M 147-149 MARKET ST Pills. A. MARVELOUS LAUNDKED SHIRT WAIST BAKGAIN A1(<IINT. HIKVKVH, MAI'S, E1"C. The stock of one of New York's best makers, i t over a dozen dif,rent styta, mada ol l a m a , Poroalc. a a Bimitiea, all with the new toBieliopsleoveB, some with vLite oollora, some with detached col an They »re in an ondleSB variety of patterns and colorings, in 8.ze 12 to ii inches, bast measure, and are finished in a positively faultless aanner.. You'll pay from 98o. to a $1,18tortho self aarao wista at ithor stores. The lot goes at 7SO. EJja.CH We'll Bond those waists by mail to any address in tho United States on receipt of above price. In ordering please state sizo, color rod woollier attaobed or detachable collars are wanted. Notice of Application for License. IJKli'Cii: KMKKCiKSfY !TNI>. .IOIIII I. liaiiiiiM-.' I "oil.. iiiJI Jiar. 11. Ha.-U-ltsi.nvn N<,i|..nni Itti April U. 1 ' f t ^ ^ ^ i l i " "r' V.* »u"^s t' *•?!« - ^ ' Vi ii May U. DISBURSF "•HINTS. van ,•!,. •.',". Cluis. H i i y l i T . O i l l SMI Ai J o h n McTi-muii. t.'.JI.... ^ I : » P S. M. Kiiiii'k. (Mil K » tr .lobn liurnn.,..'.'.'.'...•• s£KS? ijV^!:'.''.".''... I.ullrtT J1. Iiulrtl., April K I'arkl'tilnii I , (,M num. K.Clark M.K. lIoiiiiIiirf.iiKi-ui" rooit i L. BAMBEROER & CO. •' JlorrlHoVn I t yd >' U Tdltilor, MPUIHIIIU.. J 5 M llch [1 H ml Hi li Jouklui, liooktwiy > IHO0 Da do UunlulpVi Jil'JO 10091) I. Dtiarj, Ofii Acct mm •' JeiTiTmn 4'Jit '• Ptqiiiiinoo... U4(Xi 11 liuibiirj..... JWIO I'ltEEHOLDEIiB .. . . . . . l , H 1 i , i > . 1 Ol .iniiii i , . i;inii)iis<<. 4\>u.. .lulm 1.. Kuii.iUH-, Cull., 4 l i m IMUH- VuiiiM'sw, r o l l;;i A i r m l (illlniul.Coll :?.«(« M. I.. Duiihiiiii.i'iillft'-T47 I I . I , Dunham, ("oil <'-.'" U7 \V. |{. Kliliiiium, Coll..., :vn N I CIIIK Kfiakii, full C-JlKi r i . rium. Kiwliii, (Mil a»liK} , 1'. (', 1. (, Y YmKcr, t ' l l S V i i cr, t'.t JJ. to rtorlf uilvi-r. I'i'll r.'i:ii:) l r I' W. I I . VMHIB, t'»ll iCWWi K. M. S i i i i i c k . f n t l I'-'l HI ;i. ii.-i>. I'.mlc. I'i.ll -iNi-l [•>. I i o n i c . ' I. Couk, C u l l . . . . Ulilirt p IMnitnl !l<V«'iil.^!..-Jlnr. 11. Canton Hri'tai Co n%. :t. i i . i i . K.'r'itiU'.V'iiu;;;;!! |:B.'*I 0 l l u n i r i ' I., f m . k , f u l l . . . ir.i :ia T E N t ' K H U K S T . ST.V1T. W l l O i . t l , T A X . S'."<h l ' :l'. I1 Notice. i:j»- [luwtll, Murrip. . to iH » Qt'U iVtct... 41W •• MruillilDi . Ti r>7 •• llimtvillb.. limn J3,-.'1UR COCNTY HHIIXiKS. Ffli. 1,1. Caiiloti llrliluvCo (its). A . Iiruku 1V1.T Vook l-ml. llofrnmn J. t'hrk'ul.vri ; ,t:tili.'...'.V.7 Nt S. II. Ki.ri.'k, (Mil KJ i; i w iMiiiiiiti, cull if.: in i: si. smack, cull n-,:n U". II. Hltlj.mni), U i i l l . . . . IMMI 4 7 - 1 4 9 MARKET ST.. fi: AND Or'FIOKUS, Ft-h 1! J II MIIIKIKP. Konlillle..! M HTb.r,), Ml O l i v e . . . MirllQ Coak, rerjniuiiDC 0 [HI II UO lu 00 A K V«nre. Uo'rrlslowu . id (Ki TbonMillnj, ilorrdtown 1HI» J ViDDj'kc, Morris Towp B (10 • (1 McOrio en. Oou Accl.' 75HO Uar 11 JolniDHujltlJ.JclIerion. S'lDU Ttim Slilloj, Motrliloirn UtKI Mil l.uui, Clullnm. . . . UW W w K KliJK.CKn A c c t . . I M W Anr rj Juliii UHn.ltli, Jcir*wou HH« Wiu K King, Geu Acct... 2UJ0U JiiliriViimiYiiuti" l'l.»*. S.i!lv.i«ll II. C Iti.y Tlnw. 11 M.'dnilli ilt-ury Hlukor .Miiiy .Marilii (flllfrt K I'ttr (Jili-i K. JHHIT l>nniil Morimu Ik>rtlibU, SIllhT Painlii.-lV.rr I». Yoiinc K. A. Ilm-kertf C H Suiiiiifl 31. Kiitlon W.M iftKi as«t l"l " " " .I.llltlBI.I|l|lt! JolWJI, lluilll'S "' i. (I. Kylu...... IV. Cllil.T ithwKDiRlit.... H e n r y UloU-r fflllllURlOII. 4 Ml r'eb 13 J W Prlakwaler, C h » ' r . |l(Nl m Bl<co A: Coot, l'fqnt'c... ttttiri UUUrccii&W.,Mor > n. VM U " " 303 IT " " sunn •• •• imw " " mi an >< M o r r U rtUT IK Unr 11 Oilioru&M.rKoHn.lHn, vrii E*« V Venin. OlwUiim. H-Ht '• " 1I70J Aiinl H OibornJcMarielMi, Hail. 1 111 ,0 Couk JlcrJIico, I'lilin'o... KOUS •' " 111 *lt ',',.'. IWt'T 10 10 JJil.V. llt'tiry Ciilllnsi .'•'•'• Kilunrtl W. Ki'Lly juim A . c i m Viiut-nt II. Chirk Th'iK. II. Mcdmlli Am™ c. Hnitilmii !•:. W, Klinlinll THE - CHICAGO - STEEL - TOWER - WIND - MILL 11 ' ' HVMDELJ. BEA.IUNQ. Wo, Hie iiibicrlbttai, irccbotUen o l Ibe Oily of jvfr.ln 100 County ol atoirli, du cerilly Uiat imiu.iJ.BPHMDH.BUO ia dttlruui (0 oUt»lual|. u»e for kn-|iiii)| i u inn Dr tivoru In tlie Olty of .ppllcntion U hereby nude for a license to be DoverlltirrMlU, I* » lirriou cif Rood lejiuta for booitauied to tlio BubBcrltar. Lcrento Custard, lo ' sud icui|irriutt>, and la 1110*11 lo u i l o Dave at ell cider, beer, ale and other mult and fHrmeuted t m o ftBiiit-r beat uioio ibm a n Dtccmry for kjuors Uy Uie ftlua or oUier Binall, ii fuuiily me, aud Ii utiili [iroFiactt a i m Lou id julldlnK situated on cornel- of Wurren and Dicker o , l U i i l l u i aoil provender; t n d I b i l t b a p l i c e HOD slreuU and owned by the Edward A. HtioUlt iru be tiow roidca la fpry ncctMiiy lUdpioper amattj, and rented and occupied by tbe applicant, a Uv ( rii;iud wel'ray you ID tlccuieblmaccord' ir tlio Utnii of oats your to tne first day or June, Kotlcs It liertbji given Ibit Ibe .uWrlber will m e iba (ollo«lDit *|ipllcittoD lo lb« Uoird of Bine CoiuuiliilDiieri ol Itic Oltjr ol DDTer i t • HIM!og lobaliold for I be puryMo ol flnntim llotniai on Moudiy, Miy asch, »t ti o'clock r. H . or at mod oilier time u mid Boird ra«T ippolut tar tba p Q t poie; tad tliil ««td i|>pUcitloD l« oo* oofl:ela tba Oliy Cl«tk'* offlco, v l i ; To tba Hoard ot Eiclio DommiHlonera of Ibe Oltj of Doiott Tue jittItlon of t'orrj Z. WhltiDB.of tha Oily of Voter, bnniblj atiowelb: Tltit be fa deilioui of ob timing • llceme to ineii i u Inn or I»Tiro ID tba hotifo ID HtilcU be no* J i m , (Unite on Ba*i» Mitut.lnlbo City of Unnr tforeiiU, tntl tbeteiu la icll i|i!rlinoui,ilinim.tmll audfcroiBQted llq< uari br leu uivaiuro ihau one quirt IO b* dniDk t a tlia iirouliM. l i n t be li provldrd with evury ucommodilloD tbit I* rcQuitllc aud uocemtT tot tbat purpoae, u d tUtrefore prayi (bit your b on o n Lie UJJjiiill li IIKOAI'IIUUTION, .In.-. W. CnnipU'll (.HIIMiltKN'S HOME. |3I7 " " i!!.T " ltllKllOI.I'KItS AND UrTICKltS. A. A. Vnnc-i! Il.C.t'tuUlu .folm H. lliinllicr r-y IV'I I I . iiriii.i-z*. .,-••• f Im. McUrnukt'ii M. K. Thw-p. Time. Mnllt'y April 1, J. a. Kalintm W. W. ('niter Aprils Ellis 11 Moit Hnr»cj», miirt,ic KfcetioUcra I D I I UffltrtR Iticldi'iilili Htiilon«rr A(lVi>r|[BliiKanil ITIDIIIIR Hnppim MiCflJ.Ui .-. .In WC«ui|ilicll II 18 (Hi 16 ' u '* i!M<« 11.'Jl ]«H| J. T . KERR, OPS. fait BOtll. BlaMell St,, Dover, N . J . 1317 3d StfiA oil Mot l'iKit 14 ng i u ST 4.CG5OI (Mm a a'J May 12 I! ll*y 13 IltliUCfl 10.HW Ui Ml) IS folni nmmiDl r t r e l v n l from Nov. 1(1, 1 Hilti l o IHnr Vi, IHUft, m p r r Uuorttrir llriiurm I'ublUlinl. Krautc K tivtmi't!'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. :n:.'i M. RNorrlrt IS ID (Jt-o. A. (llllic 1.1 U 1 For New York, Newark and Elii.both, at 0.02, A. M.; 3 % 6:45, p, l. Sundays, 6:63 F. If. For Philadelphia at 6:62, A. H.; '-, 1:21, 6 : « P . K . Bo..ers,I18inDUe Bteaio BtacVs, Oil T&aVs, Chetn (cal rang, Ore Buckets.snd all kindi of «?=-" H - Bbeet Iron Work. REPAIRIHG PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Old 'Boilers' taken la exchange. Coal and Wood Barrelled and JJOOM Llmellnir, Plaster. Cement, Front and CoromoD Brick, Flagging, Stops. Curbing 8111B, Slate Mantels; B . c , Etc. Cor. Morris and Dickerson S t s , ) D O V B H , 3NT. 3"- etrect In Dover, rented and the term of one year to the first Dated May 14,1 (WO. MOLLER t CO, NoUce ol AppllcailDn for License. SFffi Notice. Notice. Notice of Appllcnion lor Llcusi, Notice. f Application for L l c i n i . Annual Statement and Trial Balance May 12, 1896. V.1941 (!,BT0 44 010 941 T1UK TABLE Ifl X»KOT HaRGU 1GTB, 1800. ?RAIBB I.KAVE DOVKB AS FOLLOWS: NEUHOTIO. C . N. CnirTESXOK, New , York, WtiulcsuloAgcut. i Notice. mo Noti» 0 7 KEW J K B 8 S I . !Anthnolt« cool uaed exoloatvely, 1 1 1 d oocnfofC For fifteen years physicians liave boon nrcscrlhlnit It. ft nua novee falkil. ll. rtlfiivca the pnin nt ones, nnd qulcklr ftllayx ail inflammation. Huffrrurs from tbla itlatrtwiitt and really ilangurous trouulo will save tltnaand I'Blu bv IIISIBUIIK tlmt thalr Jrugglst supply OlltLNTAtiPlLGOlNT- D O V E R L U M B E R C O.. Notice. BH 13"iWCI ana 61 W SITS LM (NI OKI Bin Hv*t -1 II Mw tl> 41 CENTRAL RAILROAD. Cures Piles. Notice Is hereby girto that Moiler & Co. will make tiio following application to the Hoard of Eiclae Doinmii«lonen of the City of IJovor at a '-f (0 be held for the purpose of granting • on Moufoy, May 2SUi, nt 8 o'cloclr. p.«., or 1 olliar tluie as said Uoard niny appo' " * :ha puntoso, and that said aiiiillcatloa ti n 'la In Uie Oily Clerk'nomoe, vfi: AppllcaUod1 for lleUil Lloense. a the Hoard of tCKciss Ootnml of Dover *7 ' PERHT Z. WDITINQ. We, tba Bnbnetli>eif, troetioUIrn of tbe Oily of D u r e r i n tbo County vt uorrli. do certify tbat Perry Z Wlilllnfj, vrlio li dtilroui to obtain a ilwnwi Notice Is berebr (lv*n that Tliomaa J . Oarr wl. lor itfjjltiRin Inn or U.tro In tboOllygr Dover 'J.lll'l 1BB5 arotmlJ, Ii a pcrmP of uooH rep Dto for linceity make tliu following appllcaUoc to the Uoanl of Job T 11111 Feb 1BNVLireIn»Oo|inb 1 inli)ll' 1 MH)M and tcoiiwrmc*, ami la known b u i lo line at leaat Excise Commlsslanera of the City of DoTor at n IVmE filrouil " " lnlnoeiuo 40HI two (ftUict bull moie Him » » n u e t a i i ; loi h l i nieetlng to be ball for t h e purpow o t gr«.uLlng Jicob vr Hlller licenses on Mond»y, Hay JSth, at 8 o'clock i>. u,, c " " 117 CO \(ltiZBSl fimlly me, and la well pro?Ided wJlrj linuie room, UC Apgir a t such other time a s said Board may appoint fc udi)lo,(>onna l ' U l l the purpose, and that aald application U n o * 0 n iius 160 87 die In the, city Clerk's office, v U : " praaantne t l i a c 10,11137 " (W b'ndo io,«on ixi Atipllsatlon for rti<UU License. , Aon we ao inrttier nanny t u n tut Mia lart " lutonura* l a w T th H d f g l C i i f th Cit •• t>roDDMue !17 00 10,120 6B ntcMMty nod will conduce lo lbs public good. ofDoTer: " (10 b'mttj 20,0On 00 Application Is hereby made for a license to be " intDniitto HI 07 ..ranted to Uie subscriber, Thomas J. Carr, to sel " |ire no tiniB DOSfill£0,CM 67 cider, beer, ale and other malt and fermented John H. IIlllwifiu".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. S*HW Notlco la hereby liven tbat the Btibasrlber will " (1G b'ndij M,«JO TO Itjuors by the glass or other small measure, la It. C. Carlili'..... ill fit) nke ibe IOIIOWIDR anpllcitlon la tht Uoird ol E i - mlldlDjt situated on Buasei street and owned by " lutoaiiae 153 81 I-Tiuib K. Kviwit at a t leOomailnlniiBrtof tbeuiiy or Dover « a m • 'hOniT" n f c J ™ - fc*. J _^ M « • A _ . I «H—.>_.r • 1. 11 ZA|irf] P. Loiilj KtiidiiT.. SfiJil ig to bo bold for tbe purpoie of «noting lioei John It. tiinlU: 17JI on Monday. Hty 33th, at 6 o'clock c M. or at H. S.l<yon lit M mcb otbtr time * • eild Jioird nity appoint for tbe *' pro on Bimo «70 oo 41,1117 12 " ti Ma» 14. l&W. w. ii.antnra i-4-ia pQriMDO; andtttat itld ippUc*Uaal* ami on Hie THOMAS J . CARU. JI. I'. Harris WOO albeairyOlcrk'aonioe.Tli: W. II. Olllen IK?.1 TO ttio lloird or Eiclse OommlMloiiori of Uie Oily | | prt) nu M U O I SfeT SO Dl,t38 10 Van Dj-li« WOO ol Dover t Win. Itarlley Hi OB VmFlrblor. Ilie tclllIoD or Albert Uloliirdi.of tie Olty of " lu.oQB«mo '719 2D JohiiH. Ciintlier "I « Juo Dftiiuin 11 preoai*Dio 870 00 41.193 20 Dover, bnuibly ibewelh: Tbat be ta detlfoni of obM. K.Thnri Hi du Notice bj hereby Riven Ui*l John Hart A[i] D Jirol> II llami ' • ' i l l Ilccnie to keep an Innortaiern tn tbi ){. C. l!flrlir« ill Ml WAI.R.I ilnwblcb be now liter, allnate on corner ol make tbe following application to Uie Board of (Ji-o. A. Mlltlif Wit wellandSnsiexBirMls, in the Oily of DoTei Exclae OoramUsJonera o t the City of Dover at a John II. MlllsilKt' IBM mid, and ibereln to aell apltltuoni, ilaoui, meeting to be held for tbu purpose of Rrantlnp; M. II.L»im....r. 44 44 tuilt and fermented llqnon by leta MMinr * " " HcenBeaon Honday, NayfiStli,at B o'clock r. H., or frank K. Krwetl 83 80 one qmrl to tM drnnl on the premlaei, at such other time u Bald Board may apiulnt tor K. A. Quiiylu ftlOS lliat be II proTlded wltli tnry tx< ft? J?B»Bi " 5 * 4 8 * »W •J>PVc»Uon ' • B 0 H. A. Qtiojlo W18 AUOUDI i l U b u n r d fer t b e following n c tbat I" icquliltaand nectaury tor tbatporpoae, and Jl.Mv'.tVI raunl> Irain NOT. ID, JfilM, ! • niny 1 J , tberef ore praya tbal your honorabls txwy will liCOURT HOUSE AM* JAIL. iHm lt*eil, ai prr ()nariftl 7 R r p i r l * . ed May 14, laUU,' 1«K Feb.13. Ueorge C. BinlUt 8 lHKfl BorTSji, U.p».Si: fl^lMfB ALCEBTRIOtmRDa. Cliu Dllry. 10U Jl. C I t o y 12 S5 ...,tbe inbicrlben. frteholiterB or tbs Oily of lulp««l *tid Dlicoucl 77 uv Win B«e*nor... tJ us E. A. UackiT, SlmrllT awtW Doior, In Ilie County of Morrli, do certify tbat Al- the Khua or other small measure, AdTotllllDg not Priming 1 Kid w Touiphin* Uto» 38 Uu „ " " " . . . . 031 (15 bert Itlcbarda, wno la aeilrom to obtain a lioaoao ated on Warren d r a t and owned by William K. FrwliolJen and Officer* o,9i5 i t E.L.Fot>ter Una) /or keeping an Ion or tarern in the Olty of Dorer Uaker, u d rented and occupied by Uie applicant, flupplid*nun] (Iw V Hiiobmot Mucbmote •2 III) Mar, 11. HorrlsCountrElectricCa 1260 aroreaald, it a ixn00 or good repuls for boaeaiy >r the term of OM r s a r to the first day ot June, e V*cdttv md tenipennia, and la known to a i 10 hive at loaat lIl SOU Titos, li. riemon W«0 ;woreattiertHda more tbin ara neceuar/ forbli Dated May 11, IBM, 870 or, I«IB11I att.iDilliittilt piottdcd tionn loom, K. A. Dockr-r, Shiiriff 810 a i iUbtlUR and provender ; and t i l t Ua pltoe where he now midoa ii iorr ntceiairy aid proper for a AplilB. ITuden «fc Unrke . . . .6000 tavern; ind wepray jott tolfotDnblmaocordliitiir. And we do further certify (hit the taid tavern 1* Murrla Aqueduct Co......* 1070 D'ceaaary and will conduce to Us public good. Notice Is hereby riven that Theodore Bonnell JlorrisOoiitjtyEltctricCo . a s o vrW make the fo!lo«W applIcaUon to the Board Ctirlat M»j«r fun Couch £ Biultli 219 Amonnl P B U la Townthtpi, r u i n nail ot Exclw Corn.nUB.ocen. ti! Uie City of Dover at ft " ,. " JIT TO t!,0»93 Borangfaa from NOT. 1 9 , ISO1. t o Notice l» bereby given that W. E. Oaaley k Oo. meeting to be bf&l fcr the purpoae of frrantlnar COUOHKUS AND TOST MOUTEMB. Patrick Do«nVy.!!!!!!X * OW Ucenjea on Mond>y, Hay 25th, at 8 o'clock r. 11., or may 12, 1890. villmakelhe following ipplleitlon to the Hoard Felt, 13. Henry Colllnn.. !2t!W Jinei Wlilte 83^3 ol EICIID OoaiuilulcDeia of tbe Olty or Dover a t a a t auch other lime aa w i l Board may appoint for IloontOD Townililp | fo« Joseph E. WrlL-lit fiOO lJmen A Morrlt !ltii . . . aald application U now 00 - ellnn to be beld far lh» purpate of s n n t l o j 11- thepurpose, u d that SIch. 11. J a m ' * H.BanJi-ra CIO WmUjUnd •JOOO Oliilbam " 17,52041 J I H on Monday, Hay a)In, 118 o'clock p. H , of file In tlio Olty Clerk's _. (loo, C. Kyto Uttl l¥m BtuitU iflfii Ctiwtot "• 1877*89 ApplicatiocTfof Retail at tucl) olber time ai eald Hoard tniy appoint for lleo. C. Kyto "CO C!]i«J Millar UHU HiuoMf " B,TH81i Itie purpoi*. and Ibit nldippllcitloa la now oa nie To the Board of Excise Commiasloners of Uie City O U llfowuinff 3Sflo April 8. Tliotnu B. Trout 3000 Jiffanon JJ 7,ttfina ofDovwt iver: ' 1 tbe Otty aitrl'a atttce, H t : Qt«n & t'tetton , Ktl J. Ue/wanJ Crosby iWUO Application Jcatlon Is Is hereby made for a license to 1 Appllmilon far Wnaleiale or DotUer'* Iloense. $11(140 Hjlreelcr O Dtrrcy 14 Co Morrli " ! ! . " . ; ! " . " ! ! 2fl,BM 43 ToibeBoirdofCxolie OotamlMloniri of the Olty grantedd t o t h e ssubscriber, Theodore Bonnell, JnoB Dlckdicu 13M Uoatrllle " a ,10117 seU dd«r, «r, beer, ale and • other malt and fermenli 0TA.TIOSERV. olDQTeri J ii Olirk Jt Oo CO (O Ml,3llie '• 1,31180 Appllcilion Ii hereby made for a license lo be Iquors by the ntm or other small measure, In the Quo IltiODoll t o DO Feb. 13. II. 0 . Enimell flGTO I'Mialo " .1,03001 flntiltd to William I], Oavley, Obatlea L. Vootbecr bulldlnjr situated on Sussex street and owned by : DtvldF I'arki 7(0 E. A. Fleury IBM) and George V. Yandtrveer, patlBon, trading 11 W. Thomas P. Grimes, and rented and occuplod b Wirrcu F'd'jr i Bl'oij 0Q. a 73 Hioltli Premier Typewrltn.O«»l5* At Co., to mil elder, beer.ato u d other Uie applicant, for the term of one year La Qie first .i .. . . •• 68 (» luifCo flOO milt and fermented llquon lo<in»nUtlea from one dny of June, 1807, Smith Premier Typuvrltitoibunf B,»jm Dated liny 14,1890. nnirt to five Rtilom In tbe prerulua situated on WtihlDglon " 4.8(19 IT Canal etrtct, I D I c u t of Bmiex itrett, In Dover, for THEODORE BONNELL. 18M KECAHTULATIOS. UorriBWirD-cltr On,wtl 2J Mcli 11. F - J . rioi-rU.'.','.".,*.**..*' 0 00 tbe Uruict ongytarandtotbo a m da»of J a n ^ Itoc»m»y Borough OWiiU April 8. Hmltli Pn'mlur Typewrtt1807, Fob 11 I)»!»nce • $ Ndoong " . , 0,IM2) iBgCo -IW D*le4Uiyll,15H. Slidlioo » , 16,10741 JMOU yf. B. OAWI-EYftOO. UltrofVorer KVHJ that Jacob J . H L AUVEItTISINU AND 1'ltINTIMO. will make Uie following a plication to toe Board of Extfm Commlasloners f Uie City of Dover a t Ucb. U.OooFlncn ..,.»3,BS H Kor. 10, IBM, t o May VI, HtHl. _JW*>tll Cory & i'JerBon. 13 75 Notice | ( hereby clren t i l t Moll or* Co, will make tbarollonlnff ipplieitlon to lbs Hoard of ExclH ataNcliotherUaieuBald Doird my"appoint'fc OEO. McOHAOKEfi, County Collector. Commitilonen of tbe Oil; of Dover at a meellus to '^10 tiurpone. and (hat sold applicatfonls noif 011 lie Held lor the purpose of gnnUng li senna on Ie In Uie city Clerk's office, TII: Uonday, Biy 8 o'clock r . t f , oratsacli other time ai tbe Board may appoint for the par- Application for Retail License. po*f, and tbit » l d ippllauon U now on Ills tn lbs o the Hoard of £zclso Cotnmlulonerg of the Clly ot Dover: Oily Ulnk'i oroee, Tim iwwil I DUbiinv. iTrai pfcrrci." ApplicdUon U bttvbj made for a license t a be Appllcilion lor WAoleiile 01 Bottler1* Lloeoie. a vi*i,. I 1 m othor J oiliiT Total. to granted to t h e nubsciibcr, Jacob J . Ilonnel, to To ilia Daim of Excite Commltiloiieri nt tb* Olty sell elder, beer, ale and otiier molt and fennaated of Do vett liquor* by Uie g U « or other amall measure. In Uia 21.M3 If] ^2U~0(i37!lj tl7""Wi' Appiictllon li b«Kby mide for a Ifcenie to be building situated on Warren atreet aud owned by gnntedtojobn D. Holler and HerminD. Motlcr, Mrs. Augusta (JlaBS. and rented and occupied b 7,107 « n,Bin ID partner! Hiding a i Holler It Oo , to wtl elder, beer, ths applicant, ror tbe term of one year to the flrit ale and olber milt and f ertucnted liquors in qnantl-' 91,131.0(3 tlea Irani one u r t to m i l l th l Join! I). Smitli W. II, (Ullfti M. II, I.mii H.s.l-y«n Mar. II. Marlin R » k W. 11. (.turn..., TIIOH. Miillpy Win. Itnrtltty John It. Outither M. Jl. Linn llt-orgu A. (lilllg M. l'.Norris.... John I>. Hmltli Oriental Pile Ointment be tieed with tbo jillo |il[ie. S 5E:: 51.1WJ.V, llir 11 Ming, Tiling. Steam, Hot Water and Hot Kir Healing ° Notice of Application lor License. r>{» Frti. 13. E. I), Ilalwy, TIVH. " •" Dated May 14, IBM. ! - « . ' - ,-1 BLAOKWELL STBBET SHOKS DE41EBS IN I wish to impress upon you that it is a mark of rare distinction to be catering from one season to another with a stock of shoes that are imBBAOKEI and 80EOIL SAWING DONE TO OBDEB mediately recognized to be 0 the same season's m'f'g. A newly made shoe Is worth from $ 1 . 0 0 to $ 1 . 5 0 always on hand. Having lately erected a large Coal Trestle with COVERED more than an old stock shoe POCKETS and a capacity or one hundred cars, we can supply our trade with as it is attested over and over again by the hardiest people 1 liiirln g t o handle their own coat can have It screened and'loaded wit coming from the surrounding _ out shoveling neighborhood. LUMBER •:- OF <• ALL •:• KINDS Sash, Blinds, Doors, Moulding3, &c. CGAL, VQOD A l l B 1 Q 1 H1TESUL DRY AND SCREENED COAL J.O.KAMINSKI, Dover, N. J . a,O78 ca1 NOTE.—The above Imbn The ainounl of C-mniy Tn Cwili Bitlnncc _«ii9,giflJ53!' _ . . liy Uio Uo.iril of Frccliolilcr» Hey 8, It Donrd ct ^ n i t f o n D e c SI, lb'JS, (rum Mt, Arlln Geo. MoCracken, County Collector. Opposite the Bank Machine & Iron Co, AIR 00NPBESS0S8, of highest <gicia\cy. DR.. C. F1. HARRE17! (A GRADUATE OF THE N. Y. COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY ) H01BTIN0 ENQINE8, dupia and nversaUe. And h prepared to do ALL KINDS of work pertaining to DENTIS- PUMPINQ ENGIXES, strong ani aonomieal. OOBNISB C U R E YOUR COUGH S, R, (SDOOIHaOBTOA . WlOHTOK) DR. EDWABD'8 MANUFACTURER JUID DEALER IN TAR, WILD CHERRY $ AND NAPHTHA TRY in tbe BEST and CHEAPEST manner. PUMPS, single. WHY 8UFFER FROM LACK OF LIGHT, Get Vexed Every Day with Poor Lamps? QEARINQand PULLEYS, large ami. small. BUY "THE MILLER" LAMPS Heavr and Light Castinn In Iron, Bran ani Phosphor Eroiiio, Forstngs ol every c* •crlptloni BOILEllii, horlunta), tuW,« and upright THE EQUIPHENT OF IHO] ITS STOYIS, RANGES, FACT D0VKK.N. J. EDWARD MILLER That can't bo dUputfil tint I krep t h e lugmt Its pleuant and agrMalls taite, IU wothlDB and finest stock o f Wines nnd l.liniors In Dili countr. Ms stock Is A M1I<C| lino cf Uilnon, Oolden u d eipeotonuit qtullUn, IK T«»t«H< Wcdillnfr, Old Crov, HarjUnd Club, IlfRbl&nd, IllAckmure, lUUnwnt, JlanonKaUels. wi4 Kcntuckj propettiei uid Iti o r t t l o «UT«UT» iiba prices mnpujj from DO«.»((t, unwnrd. aetloa reader Ic OUB of the mo«t Full Una of Imported nnd Itomwtlo Olnfl, Ports, Bherrda, Catavhan, Wluler Drlnki, Jmnolca Hum, dcdnbls oongh remedla ot Klmincl, Hoct and Hro, Drandy und flno C o e n u from COy.ftq t upwanl. the day. L D. SCHWABZ get 25c, 50c sad fW por liolllt CD ?8 * 3 0 W E S T BROAD W A Y , r Caul Wrntlinr liny SMITH & FASNING, CORNISH FlflHO • i S ORQffll MCTORY, WASHINGTON. 5 ^ , N . J . . U . S . A . , MONTHLY. If you live within e tancoofm (loomiltt), ««.• We will pay your entertain you while yo 0|'p. 0.11.0,01 N, J. DefCt, DOVEE, N, / . Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Roofing, Zino, Sheet Lead, Load Pipes, Pumps, &o. THE GOHTON House-Heating Steam Gene- OOLLIOf • WowarU, N . J - 5TTouni{ men conlemphiUng aBusIness Conrseare requested to comspond with this college In refer* enca to terms, priTtlegw and a d n n t a s « i , which a n sot excaied by any tnsUtetiim Is Uw U nlted States 638 BROAD S T H E B T , N E W A E K Application Is herrbr made for a 1'cenao to be Orer entrance t o tha Oentrtl B , B , of N. J. depot granted l o I.. It. ftchwarx. t o sell vinous, prmcDled, molt anil brewed lti]uora Jo quantities from cno (mart to lire gallons In Uie munlst* tltuated on busnoi itreet. in Don-r, for 6 e term COLEMAN HAT7L BUSINESS GOLLE&E. rator a specialty. i(f-*i. V.. .. \ In Buying a Piano or an Organ do not fail to examine tho latest Mnsoit & Hamlin models. Recent Improvements render them unexcelled. Old pianos o r organs taken in exchange Instruments sold for cosh or easy i w ments. t Catalogues end full Information free. Pianos of rellatlo makers from Saoo upvrards. THE GREATEST eii'LOJtilNII SALE HNEST CLOTHING AT I H I Greatest Sacrifice of Prlcas Without Rewrv*— Without Retanl to Valiw. THOUSANDS af SUITS, worth $ » , - f t j 4 aad >»ll muit f « a t . . THOUSANDS o't SUITS, warth | i ( , $ j | .nil OUR FINEST BELO1 AN WOHSTBD SUITS, worth f 3 s : n i u t r « M THOUSANDS •( OVERCOATS, wortfe'lM to •>S! • u i t f o at . . THOUSANDS ol OVERCOATS, wcrta fiB to I3t|aluitt»lt . . THOUSANDS tl OVER. COATS, worm ( i l to f3t|miut(oat . . AU. OUR _. llltlMlat . • 10." 12." 15." 15," Sl.wart BulldlBf, Broadway ui Chantwj S t . •M B m l n v , kclaw PulUat I t NBW VORK. Lumber, Coal, Wood •mi Mason's Materials CONTRACTOR CARPENTER COLEMAN '' IriahFffeu* •ndPurBcavM'.warU mlt«n£0>8eV>for>r 0" no.ftnd orcani arc mad material), our vo (BUCCESSOIWIO A/ JUD3OS OOB) Have a full Una of BTMjtWngrequtfedforBiiUdliJg Blookwell Bt, DOVER, N. J. .{Qllca Itliere'jy gtten that L. D. Scbwkn t . . . make tliu following application to tho Doanl of Kiclae Connitselonen of Uia CKy ot Dover a t a moitlng to he licld for tlie purpora of granting tlcen** on llonday, Knr »Ui, at 6 o'clock p. 11., or al sncli othur time u Bald lloanl may appoint ft 1 r o purroae, anil tlialsaJd ap " - — j l!) tlio City Clerk'* olTlca, vl Atipllcallon for Wholesale L.., '0 tin Doonl ol Excbw CoramlMJonori of tho City . ' IK W . Ax II " limpi e bcnuiirbl or nae. fulth.nii]Ur»UmpI"u gnt Onyx nnd llraiw TnWo. BttablUljid 11 MANPFACTtJItEItS In 1MI OFFICS AND WORKS, Brow B u m Payment of tbeee bonds will be secured by a Notice U hercbr given Uiat Tliomas J . Iteynolda will tnahe the foflo«Inff npplkation to tbo Board Irst mortgage on tha plant, pole 11ns and franof Excise Cotniulsslouersot the Olty of Dover a t Accrued Interest if any wUI be charged upon de-incline to Iw held for U10 purpose ot erantlt Uwry of Uie bonds. . , % H I M on Hominy, May Rlh, nt 8 o'clock r.u,,t —^OFHCB AMI) BHOP-^. All iiropooaJs to be CITM on or before tlio drat ot sucti other tlino ai u i d Ilourd may appoint ft the ptirpoie, nnd tlutt anld application is now 0 i l a r o f j u n e A . i l . ISM. T b a l l t t ] t y ' d U l U J ! l We Ia Urn City Clerk's ofHce, v l i ; Aii|4icaUonfurr,]u)lcsale UriuorLicense. Addrem proposfils to " D. S. Allen, President,' No contract loo large iormyequlpmer a Uie Iloanl of Ezclao Commlnloneni of the Cltj dc&lgnate as " Bond Proposals." . No contract too small Tor tny person! . JAMES II. NEIGHBOUR, APJIIICBUOD Ii hereby made for a llcenao to be attention ISAAC W. fiEAMNa cranial to Thomas J . Tteynoidft. to Bell vinoud, LEO1"OLD D. BCIIWAHZ, 1 manage Repairs to Buildings i 'unnented, malt a a d brewed liquors In quaiiUUes Finance Committee, from ana quart to flro gnllou In tlifl preunlae* Dorer, N. J., April SS&, laDO. every branch 23-tf situatolotiSusMx Ktrect, In Dover, for the l e n n 1 also do all kinds ol Turning, Scrol ' d t U f l r t t d f J l « 0 7 andtoUi Bind and ]l([Sawio(r. THOSIAB J . BEVHOLDS. lloilcto! application lot License. COUGH SYRUP DOVER, N . J. HAS AB8O0IATED m T H HIM notice li hereby (Utn tbit I, Lebtnin k On. win mike ibe foil owing tppllcitlon to tbi lloird or E i - CEALED propowls are InritAl for the purcluue clio Oommniloncn 01 tne Oily of Paver at a meeting ' - ' of bonds at tlie above named company, nu10 be beld for Iho par pom or grantinE llcemti on tboriied by a resolution o( the Bo«rd otllirectors Honday, Bay 131b. it 8 o'clock P . M . , or at such of said mtniway at a meeting held on Uie iBUi day D0V1R. » . I . olber time as m d Boirdmay appoint for tbe par of April, 1800. poic, and Ibat u i d application Ii now on Die In tb The total amount Is fUJXN la bonds of Ui« deOontraota ioraU Unda ot work ukan City ClMVa office, t i c nomination o t 1100 each, payable In Udrty years Appllcilion tor Wholutle or Dottier'* Lloenie. from July l«t, ISOfl, with the pritllwe of redeeui- aUmalarlaliftimlahed. FrxUciil trporlajc To ibo lloird ol E i d i o Uotumlulonersor tbeOlty IDK >alil bonds at or after the expiration of flvo In ararr branch of traaon work. of Dover: T from th d l a threof. ' An>llcillon li berobj mide for a UceniA to be _ -B bonds will have Intern! coupons attached granted to Ltiicr Lebnim aod UaxUeller.pirt. at (ITC percent, per annum, payable semlannually JOBB1HQ PROMPTLY ATTKBDSD I d nan, tradiDR n U, Libniin a Oo., to i d l cldaf, (namely January and July) and principal an! beer, ale *aa olber mall and rermeoted liquor 1 I InleresI will be mads payable a t tho Nations qmnlUlti trom on« q m t t to ft-re Ration* In tli Union Ban*, Dorer, B . ST on Ilsrkwell Hreet la Dover, for Ten thousand dollars w n r t h o f U i e b d ' ' in f ne y « r and to tne flntdijor Juno, Issued on the flnt day of July nexU Tenthoi dollars worth on the first day of September next, Dated Uiy U, 161M, and Uw balance i s Uw neceasltiM of the company L. LE3UAN k OO. mjy require, a t tbo option of U10 company. The proceeds ot these bonds will Tie used In erecting a now clectrto light plant and extending iollce ol Bpollcalfon foi Ucease. BanLBopi. MORRIS COUNTY, J, J. VR££UAND Bridge Emergency Fund Leave Bookawajr «t 6:46, A.M.; 1*2,8:16,6:30,6:35 p. «. Sondays, B:U~v. u. Leave Fort Oram at 9:11,11:42, A. K.; 8:40, 6:10, 7:10 t. « . Sondays, 4:11 p. K. Leave Lake Bopatsong at 10:46 A.jt.i8:15, 6:05 t.«. I*»Te High Bridgeat 8:10,10*7 A. K.j Oao p. H. Sundays, 8:00 r. M. U.Y. Masons aud Builders , M « I ( fl.17,021 67, »IU,I(« 'JMIll "!»,»«77| 0..S1 OS Leave New Totk ai 6K», 8:10 k, a.; M0 4:15 r. H. Sondajf, 1KW . JACOB J . HONNRL. Notlca pt Application lot License. 8,607 Ol 3,859 l e i Sfit' 78; mo:iv 4!l,«i3 fill 4,sm ix\ For Long Branob, Ooean Grove, Anbury Pork and pointa on New York and Long B r u o h Bailrotd, at3:2tr. M. For all stations to High Bridge at 0.52, A. at.; 3:21,6:161. M. Sondays, 5:63 P. H. For Lake Hopatoong at 6:52, A.M.; 1:10, OM, P M. For all stations to Edison at 6:52, «jl10pf For Bookaway'at 9:16, 11:47, A. .; 3:45,0:10,7:16P.M. Sundays, 4:16 ?,«. Fox Hiberniai at 9:16 A.«.; 8:45, •. H. Sundays, 4:16 P. U. For Eauton.Allentown andMamh Ohnnk at 6:62, A. u.; 824, 6:46, p. ; B d 6 ^ 8 k. I, U. OLHADSIH, MINING MACHINERY PROPOSALS 1 <^ -IS- Established 20 Years MACADAM. 11. K. A. UiiikiT. HlirrVlT^]! Karon.'. Vwr Jolin 1. Komi's Koiui . . Ht-nlin CSlilkT • K. II. I)n«uoii Frank II, ll)-«T.«in tl. II. I^iiiinnl A Uo..." W. C Convlii Slnrirnrel MUIIT mit*r.. JULU' JULUTr B H Aim. Mnryliartln '«i .^miiuel Jl. Kiillui *"• tx* W. II, W i i n l <ii<) (lotlriid Kill «(n» toves, Ranges and Housefurnishing Jgo.4: Notice. WEfiOUtll, NEWARK. N. J Notice. &i«k .^\r Fcb ].1E A Fli-urj.flea Aool.... .IJIIIII* niijum......'.'.'.'.'.' :'i (« K. A. iiiiiiiT, Kiu'riir.... lirriwi - Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves, 1'eh VJJ 0 White, Gen Accl f 110.0 Unr 11 " " 77 Wt Apr M A Vrocliud, Pt'iniiiQaj.. "1 IS .f i> U-tiirn flnn 1 N I | ill UI k.V.'iyra'"'"'"'.'." i!!'.'. '• situo .tol.ii \ v . lititiMit :n«i) - Notice of Application for License. IN0IDENTALH, II. Jl. Drown,. Uotfrrlil Kill Mnt. Mnry JIMIIII A ti tin M'lill.-lifad W . | [ . Witnl Kiiuillt-1 -M. Kllllull !•>«!, Uorduti , .itrltmC. Mllkr HoUuilH'ralOriuritlrtiiU MllhT Ilnm l . i l . w i : . Jllllw c . II. Lwunnl A; t o W. kCurtvIn r. 11. Uluw. S . Nurrm .V. Co l llld - NEW YORK MILLINERY STORE Is showing tbo finost and mo Trimmed Stock of flillinery to bo foniid in the county. 4 largo asaortment ol Leghorn Hats and Sailors. Also IIHBKR, LATH, BRICK, SEINOLEfl, SLATS, BRAOEBTB, COLUHNB, D0011S. BABB, BLUtDB, ETC. PLAG0IHO, O U B B m o , STiPS,LIKIKLS, ETaKro • LEEUOH, BOHANTOH im> B1TDMIK00B C0AU9 • •• WOOD WELL SEASONED BAWKD AHD epiJT ISTABLIBHXO. 1830, GEORGE E. TO0BEEE8. READY-MADE SUITS HUD LADIES' SEPARATE SKIRTS MOEHI8TOWH K. J., at rerj low priceB. We have reduced. tho prises of our OAPES and BL A.R D^P" A.» B JACKETS and it will pay yoa lo como in and look boloro yon • buy. Beady trimmed MOURNING 0 0 0DS a speoialty, A full line of best mnkos ol CORSETS oan always be had nt our store. —AHD— IRON MERCHANT, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 136 FIFTH AVENUE, [sEW YORK." OOB,
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