quest tron vmk
quest tron vmk
••XXXXX)CXXXXXXX» •X- OUR RflTE8 ONJTHE ^ ^ * ARE THE OHEftPEST. fXXXXXXXXXXXX» ST, N S W JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUABY 12, 188S. LEPJMJSV IN CHINA. ^b ObtrlolU riernaa, fetor l t !htmu> June* j , I'otor •••mbartb. JoUn AruiHroiiR, p.lrlcli W W h a l . Districts Inf«ot«<l by tho Caotai-tM Ui* C.le»lUJ» » • • • tba E z i i t m n of B t . U —M« U e u a d f Jlut E l iBtr bompaaa. Bernard ina, Jobn fc&bTtiidar, WlllUm VM-wssiis'tf-sr.'sB fora., Ucltari f . . Blclurd ta, Joa. ta.Brtart Winter., Dannla S h K W [ItLRliarl Pi lroir«r, J L tbli, JSawsM Uoarj anucll, J U Jirob JoiiaA fat* I. T«b.l, onfaiod KlTl: flUUt-X ohn *l ttailDV, Wiliij OFQDO Vr«ck Haioht-ll. Ciatlc 4E K i W. E*)'d from dap 1891 110,121« t u n TMalttaA IWOBB*. < i n l M l p p 111 Sj DiiL tiz M kwouUd for 0,679 Ntf I nr. 30 &Y.II DM I S r i i Oibaoa on account », iTiija,ia.o,o<>.Tr™a i iTi1, tlouu (Nu Bailer, Jobi (No 7) oaband HiMa l>i bi|, BUta laij lknlfii manna BuU »pproprutif m n " jobDDovalaiitowy&lp Ti . . .. S.7HW o«ill«tiau>M,in nllig cnofi, 8,aMle I Total, on bun. Lor I Hfctt M sr.M. btl. Maiatai •*.« SarpiairtrtiiM .Ieiw .WIIIKailNo.11 er, Wiluun or.Jahn - Bat oahaad IND. h b 10. To Bal. OB baad 4f.rHI**" H INI. HtTaloT jn> If ttaiLToWLomUoil a. auia aasnariulon / u . SO. Ba>M axn dup, 1SSI Balnea Dianier . 1 » hal on alar, S. Dlat* lax an. UI a t i l . t a i F Wl, uonuell;. TcritocM ClI.U.V Mtt (Url«rt V. T Coi, Beraird t}, flnnlai n n a a a ka.l.eua>aipl<9rui>» »Uh«',Pilrlok ™ W l l U , Oone.Uiolol Oone Tbomu Mil, Paa.l.ToM.«i laW aL atallt t • I H MTauUtai nv.Sl Mania* S appreprutlon H I W S0BO0L BOWS iCOODKT FCN D BOf^OKL D(mHaH,Collactor JiEBirjKtb.lBSa. DB, POO W*b ID. Bat. oa hand -.-Basa , s . I1I18V Wl OH. l u . 1. tjABodarar Ibr.U BiKB Uwii. ! • • B L B I Di Her, Wm Davenport, / Daveapotl Osrttlltn U»venport, Oorcellui J r OMTfOfOrt Jobn OUWBI Wm ' DdBolie. Artlior f , Kb» dniitb, ff ,Iaato. • d&lltb.Tbomaa, 8*u, TbemM ' l u t « : b « i n . made many ceoturlea 0405;; j rempdle* dl ((all, l or moat, t of f which hih Chief Usher Williams tvna comingtown t h e mala d t l likl) h v b l Ktalrciue l b totlffle.bnt ; darted past b i n ' in tbo gloom, soya th xnmlnnr. a a l d t h a t raally them waa noreovj 4 d y , a o d only ono QM. ipread of p h M pi i o gh/ t h e lepers.strictly in their h attd Tbo man Btn * ^ll t t n H 1 ttd prohibiting hibiti i ' f uttered a sound. In tuumlc jou going to? ''Don't you , y p know tba show Is over and we're lock* In aairtencs In China-with rcghnj to tlW M inraMltfee d i sse e''' I b s Cbinso man down a few stops into the Ufflit of NO -TRICK:'AT.'ALL. o^clal ioli me that manyy of tho y lt that t h t a person snffBring ffri frpmj r M e a t w h i l e the Intruder pestteulated, wildly; hia eyeB rolled like marbles and In a uoivbooiron conjurloij the fol: oxpUaatioa, Is/ RITOD nf.-tle gneatveunnlng.haa often been used ito Suddenly he bent over to the usher. \ (amoiu Indian b*ak«t trlolc! ' ' ,: dlaeaae, -uid thus carry iontt "I lost myroioo," Bald he, in an almost • - "The basket tued 1B acommon' roogli wicker Jtflnlr,' m eloiwly: woran, how- awtrfanonltl plana of suoh kinds, withj inandibla wlilspcr; "left it upstairs, fro* flurtnjr either the son ot, pterflnditl" h j b / T h U of WiUiaiaa craped In amusement, let go s," prorea the lunorancfl of the.bis grip on tbe man and followed him p g ' - ; • •" •liwri •rirtT«1aiT TIOIT mHITnrthrr chan* u p s u i r s ; ' - • - • ' d for, ilia i '• ^ i f .' Tl_^LOh.another woman offered me and a friend aom down ond picked up Bometulug. pt^aaptsiVa11 oStoiaJ who wtta travel ji-urvoloo yet?" called WUiC..TvlU» as .rushed, up, aayint; snlyt ( 1 U . Fcngt' F l " which h i h . means,pu. miil," "Yea, I'm all clsht now.". n h don't • buy," which proves Tbo chief usher nearly dropped The ralltv It la more l» blind UWefo of tt4t ibc iCbtnMO: are fully convinced H'.i uU tho **"?:*:^WM that tbeoontagfon can i metallic reGonaiiet! of a bassoon. "-• • bj krocWml or coUOR acythlae which "WUattlm dieUcas la your volte bjf j been bandied i by lopors," and It alao' gy, tho stnvnijer down&talrK., j j J W he'grost t h ' t ik kil n^|ijr'fniit or any .'other kind "Silver," replied lie in thosam of; pTod«oanaming'i h toTicn tuWi. "litw, here l« U. I inukv : : Mpenare allovfc£ llbd to go about &t,lot havo jerked It out with laughing, u n J I f o r a , t b a : m m t h of. Wbaiav er some "vre&tom never mlucd It till I (rot outside." • .Tiien tba pUyVj^na-.i.Tba jntord la He pointed to on orflce at tho Elda of, t l m u t ihroogh.tha. raukat,aa%in > n j awj aay as to the nonconta^ion o r the 'I think no nasft p«Tson his throat. Tbo metal lips of a canula tna pertOTmar>maaliy«OBolntlt gained thro J Without tlie metal tVtyjtyttplllti dony tbattJioojiPorlence tUooaasda' o( yeivra •te : » country tike tube he was us silent us the mutamf of China mail and doe* prove J " ' faSA'vt »fior nil most of our ledfto of medicine is based on ^ U O » anfl trndHlon. Dealdci, tbo know tUo nso of vncolnatlon as saiallpax tmsmnehn although p i t y ^ ^ ,aa,on* can, «*»,-, e«l appts;ti\n\orti nnd coum.Useuro «W*».do not posaeu our p Juncture tho performer learea b NN V Madeira nines, saj-s tbo y forutyone .to anfnut an Uncord, H may luu-n'tl thi'ra to loam always be«n c»r«ful recorder! chllJ.'often twin brother. thut Lady Tlioinson, Uio lvltfl of thu within thctr own a oraister of ti« B ubi«i,-b»» b*en crotneiitsclentUt, Sir William Thimisoii,, ivho was crcitLcd o peer of tho tfrlllsh OUTSTANDING EARS. realm - last Sow Year's duy, la Uio daughter of the well-known Funchal' collected aa quickly u poaitble, the (low n i r A H Had. ta 1,1. cloM.ta tu* wine merehnnt. diaries It. When the oidlam nltackiM] Hie William !Tliomiu, of Blrnlogliatn, dola thf. llrillsh Mmlleol Journal Madeira rineyartls in 1882 Mr. Ulandy, l l ppfirfl.tloo. by wuich lie! under tlie impression thai lho vines in U t f l U would nurer n-corer, iuvcatcil orer flvo hundred thousand pounds etcrllnff l a btiylnffup all tlic pood\wino that ho eould In; hlH hands upon anil eventually accumulated Home eigiit or ten tlionAN INFREQUENTJOCCURRENCE. of akin, dividing- tuo cnrtllogo of the. sand pipes of choice vnrielieft. plan* down ttto center of i b e cartilaginous surface and uniting 1 thtV In value [rom two hundred-dollars t o two thousantl dollura npicec. To lodffo margins of stttaiiyy 6ttture&.Tho h widest id Tlia retinniesb of'priVa rt'f t h k l d h l d b reg-ular army la of i moat iufreqnent ooof tho-akln removed o should bft purohase no ICBJ, than rortj . p half t o Vhrec^juirtcrs t &u Ineli, $ V l P bl tlic l Funchal F h theater among them bolnj,' but of oourse this hi depends d uponthade-. h f l JUt 1 f OTOT' of fleformlty. y • Tt is neccuaryy to.. divide and turn bach Uio cartUajfo, nob to waoh,.tli«.,«t» iof <aixty-t opportuutty uf. ttiHtlnc when .last : .at t y y p p y P f h 70 Privata.Xbomaa E Eally.'of Battery ft-at to allow ofeaay approximation of tho Funchnl a Madclm of the year 1700. th W n l i t l hi h T h c g e m o f Uiacntlre collection, Ivowakin mnxjrVnA, and cam mast bo over, was a rare S d Uat and TOll^rntd:hl.' retlrcnent, DHOn, Hittfcew Doaobae, D»ntel iUcn-IHa'teUl and tta p t o a , ' ^ Sblffmea, Mn. Hermao So3*o, Ttramu - ; rtihUaU .P.trloli Uml. J r . HlotBttt Tumorllmr • • « ! • • • MOO Co 6911 O B. Frtemia I, aeoGbniUi H7 7S iPibow S910 «<n.B«u Bla7 8«>l 9, i > q l ^ a i . n < Q « i well-^aerred' madot-forty.flre.:' A tvbnat b t aoQ'Off firlov fil b# b flantat AM to find, the: peopia .anam with aU the d p l t *U«lldd t Boaton harbor, and In IM3 enllat#d In .Company ITilrty-nihtli nfi Company H H of of tha' tha' ITilrtynihtli' mentof t f MassaohosetUyolaatMn.' M h t U l t "Bel h i d ( 6 ' ; t h ^ ^ U ' i S a l l y Tfw' In. waiji that a i South. MounUi dtW dV t U l IIU\ , ep; , y fiaTt&gg b e t n left on the field h o tk ri d that h t eBdeil dil li •taken prisoner, and liU ap* pe&n&o« on tha field ao far u opebhoaont of priaonthBwarwa% priaonthB-war'wa% oror,,bb hd a tough had t h tlm« tl of f it it-untlfpeace" p f deolana; TbB-'comforUeu TbB'comforUeu 'trills 'trills of tibbyi Dolfe'lsland fe'lld d Sand d lSadlsbory'were b ' inado. fflnalllar to Wm,. and;tlmo and W U g h H h f h f f .H h ; WaUvhe.thought.of.Hoff.mutih. eonT«alent^wqaldh»robeepif hemore bad l t ^dhi l dtrip bt .America. iAf ih bH d only ly postponedihiB tri - He pp p to H . j J B,WoBono ...I3SO0 u T»Bo.».uro«o . . i > « » lU • - »»» OunosmlUi » •)« rooetvedan.bononible S5D The tlowur .VJIMIII lu.sls 'rat to June, niitl hdlly to be t< glory should \m vixiu-d iii t A t t h o t time St. Jlury'h, wliUh is tlie ll'Mvur-irrort-iiijf island, ii'WiUia ItirffA I'""" " f l (riiJi work. Tlii>afris Hlk-d with iwrfinni'. and nlmo.'it CVLTV i v i v m on tin; Island that timo In t h e service o! day Rajs a writer ID aud taltv ivitli u teui iba.&c.eoUi.ii American, I bare often pcraturu it TH ilcjfrec*. The (SCOLD upon whole districts ood towns every ve h "111 liold n-alnr l where leprosy was prevalent, and, mquisiti l In those th tpealdti; u d reading Cblnesa after baring * Hiin-riluous loavca well. 1 made several Inquiries with carefully rctu l, arc [)1;ILL'I1 iintll t h e rfenv of aac«rialaiiifr tlie uatWo Ideas an tlma for , Thfo oiteruUon. Is deferred ns to t h e origin, aprond apd pre Chambers' Juvenal--pci'liu] Oa otie ocoa&loa I oame npop whole couple of d»y» nft leper p colonip• p at and OIOM to the city Ilia b-rccs uiul Uiitilui* T I tba provinco i F ot.Yqu Ting, In att Fnot hay ami ferns, shleo. I aiiked hl k d the h prefect of Yen Y Pi and labels uml fonl avu not ready, us Pa U fae.knew auythlng'aboattlie cause well us dtiut.y cttlircil pnper wltli ecal(wlilob In Chinese la ht1 inorp espcnslvo known as ma teog) g tuict what staps tho local authorltlea took t o prevent t h e At length tlic ttniil hinge is tutored pon periinpft atmltlJilfflit, a n d / o r Lour •prettd of the dluaae. Qe answered me t l y t t v o rjj little'was known about Uia b t t h t l b t l d py win about asold eaose, bnt t h a t leprotiy M China lUelt It Is, hsweror, probably into bnncberi,•another packitig-, a fourth Ae aild, by "ft email ild b il animal, i l anlllng-tip uud a flftli perltnps helping t be b invblble i b l b l t ot b i m i i t . i i to tbo I l gy h Tfliola l l not perceptible ibl on the mornin; the worker* toll in un atmos• This atrndc ma at the time na.very ln- phere which tlio lieai and the odor of t*3ns of tltnuBauJa of flowi-rs linvc uiadu tantting. us i t proved t b a t t had made a ahrewd guess—ages before almost hiMippoftublc, gradiuilly around thomsclvon n wall of neat at tho now t o comDIGII* niovrtncnts crowioff foMboly- disouased baellloa, Tho profeot as tlio Bound of passing1 wheel* t >i tbat t h eggeneral tdca mui verish reminds them that thi-ir neighbors'" t i u i U i o aeeda of leprosy py entered t h e flowera arc already on the Way to mari l f ' tthrougU h U ttho h vatoit In I curtain rti locall l k e t At last the taslc la orer; lho horsca irlifa' i move off witli their load unil Utko u that t h e tiiBcun t o amno extent vroa place In the llnewf vehicles wliidi over/ , and of. ooursD Ihrotiffh ao- hightvay Is (iinoharffinpontlio pier, and .bodUj contagion. There arc im-ere tho weary "(lower fnnnGrs" hava neroua .asylums at Yen Ting F u for wellilnifibeij tWcU'hardly earned breakl i u t t b e y wen allowed t o fast a shrill wlilhtlo announces tho de•bout a good deal. partttroof tbcMcamc A 1 T h e lepers In ilie oald dUtrkt wera specIiU train Is In waiting to convey Uio aUo'vrad to {ntorniany, bnt no marriage beauty and p?r(uma of Scilly to Ijcaii ncs^oeatcrs, thure to docoruto tho t i ajtd t b « e Bafforlng--from leprosy y boys h t a good M ihowti g d many y young y y gloomy cbambor of the invalid and to i t lfftjls, sevenu of f whom h fAd groivn-up, lvkb tlic ton^ne of h dl outward eignsof tho dls&ose, the lover heeltntus to nttcr. i^M; aeverel of whom even wero reryi gpod-lookln4T« b a t wlio all dlkl b l neyertheleaa rthl l l LEFT HIS VOICE BEHIND HIM. b of ..them bad the t u i a t o f tbo tH»a*e. ttin Pl'iir.' On* if T h e ChfaiM« olala in be able to recogw Up Gornl at Ever. ' •• nlaa the exlat«DM oftin)diaaasc In such. ease, by lhfl:peottllar, nearly abnormally' The curtain won down, the house waa t n l t i i y oomplaxion " ' " ': empty, tho last tew palrmm were utrajj- VoMheM. MM. u Hoalan, Ed Ba.Iju.iM DU7MCT FLORISTS OF SOLLY. iii UioGmr uf .Ilut-iifim IMifii dih d discharge and re- t i e r liclng Qxed b j a bandage and it Is tho fortune realized by him ID is* Is complete. Immediately tbo Madojra wine trnon, and which he taVes place, and there Is hardly any per-' to lib flongiitcr. Lady cbptiblo the nidnof b t i b l scar, th i d f tho th ear having h i preatvltaHtj. A simple tltHt A i l metliixl t l l off keep-i k tho learned president of the Royal soci tween tbe pinna and tho head, the cars being bamlogvd clous tn the Jiead until T herent splint thus fariued will hold tlio when It may \*t runew*d. I t Is, how-' r.only ateajpor»r,v mcasiiro. Tbn principles of tlieopcnulon uro nppUca-> lile .to vnrlous ni,iU«rmiit!ous »f plnntu __._ t\ pQK:-lonato admirer of THE MAN OF FORTY. l i n t Part of IIll Lift U Tei U The Ix-ftt half of Hfo in in front of the man of forty, if lie Iw-anythiiiff of a man, uaja a wrilci* in Vlck'a Illustrated Magntinc. T h e n-orli lie <v!|l do Vw done with tho tin ml nf a mnster, nnd not of a raw apprentice. Tbo trained Intellect does not ncv "men ns trees b u t everything clearly end docs not niRlt nt work lik at ahayMucli, but tutroncca vi-ltli pent tlie cart,v yearn <if MB manhood ii\ triving lu iiinltn*iin(l the .decpor b w\ lit*, nad'wlio l»aa wity towards compre- i.M MCBhap, Qeori* SSyoKSSb"'.''. « j » W * urn Bonn » . . . 99L1S m H BW... HtDlT. .a Orasr Dolfad . Obtrlu VottDg D LDimt l i l t of Delinqaent Tax-payU 8>>iidolpu WirtlMT 9th. 1893. A Jr. t FMlos T*a Co And* M l , llulln array, ami hasi, acrred continuntidcrful, both In ously a'DCB< He H has h 1 seen hardd Berries i iH of n i f l hg t i t h ezI'erctsondChBTcnns l S ' I ' d C h Kiel ho hulo. Such aLhtnp g rndlana. For the:- Uat six' nionthB he the members of thu tKiii.iitj-, RfcB In Wt mill i u tlmk>s be canbaa been a mciribtr of t1is. battery." ooDCcrta nt tlic onslli' tvliMt' lccame not uniicrstnnii. Krimvleifeu la always famous in many nuj*. 'Oic prtneo la am Vcloro him . In wider exone. of tilt: e W n v M ntitit.iM-rn of tlm pnnscb nnd more com y The pleasure o* (Ti-o mighty carious sights out rveaU. Before oml irorenKinif power ot bis lifa happier ami tnore liopefu1 Jng-Ber hiuband and aeveni] small.chU. i>r >^.|ih u-licn l.tncnt' thnn UielRbt. '; rid l Inff tlip l.n'H<T-Mt; tiire of tliclr younff. Visitor—I never saw such llll.i! r ' the scaffold with a firm step. ent, willing boy a s your little son black cap was drawn orer her head, the of n inixtU-r what tusk you wL for him, aheriff Mkod her tf t h e n v u any lla t jrlef. Tltc«ri r>/ ;• iv;i;i]dnl liitre rehe goes at It oschcerfully its If i t were word—: i n o l i l n Ilial ol n I'MUl lu How Ua IOVCK lo pleaiw y LUtener—Well? Bost—^Itcre'll bo u circ Bacchero—Sba hadn't finished when —Good Sc DENTILLB AND BOQKAWAT. P0HT M0EHIS. Valuable Hotel Property Fishing Is tbe chief sport around Mt, FreaUID calamity editor going to <lo lira. Cox, wife of Bup't Cox. of M t Tabor, na at present. Prom all nporta tbere are . . DaatdDgrldtn, N. J., near B . B- ataUon. ;bed a very interesting sermon, on to'nnyway ( Hurt is the atAtbitl clou of Uuuaa 44x50 feet, three stories, utable, ice loeattbeDenvllhiU. E. Church on Bun- at as many caught as might be. ic Agricultural Department telling u* (bat evening. Tbp audleuca wai nrusually Mrs. Isaac Combs, of Horrlstown, formerly booie, 0 norei of land. To be sold at Court be crop of wheat alono U nearly, If not i.ulto House, BntnervlllB, N. J.. en Friday, Feb. The Dover Printing Company 1000,000 butbeli great*- than IBM.and irge aa Is always the caw when thb Uletited F tbii place, tpeot tba day with Mrs. T. #. tWth, a t a F . H. ly fills t i c pulpit. 'ounga on Monday, M n . Yonngi ftitl keeps at tbu corn crop Ia not loss than 3,000,000 .bclx, and oilier cmi* ia proportion ; and Tbe grippe boa spent ita fury ID this v.cin- rery weak, she dots not gain very mnoh. Tha Hflv. Mr. England, from Cbtster. dou Notional Cor aud LoooiuoUvo Dullder Ob fury ain't wo glad. ijs : " Tbere can be no more reliable indica. IV. Doom, Uie carjjruter, had a new Bcaa: rend a lecture f n tba Ironla dttpal on Tnafr Friday, Feb. 12,1892. ,y evening. The sabjaet waa '•flaminlations of uatiunol prosperity, for auch oropa, wd In bla bouse on Thursday of Iaat week. ances of Bariy Pnaohlnff In tb* Weat.n I t PEARCE & MONEZ, ad a demand For tbem ia to commerce wbat , a little girl. team la to a locomotive. They give impetus Our youug folks greatly enjoy thefluelea,raa well attended and highly enjoyed by all PBEfiONAL IMTEU.IOEM0B, rtsent Carpenters and Builders. all tUe wheel* of Industry and distribute1 l these moonlight nights. ' A TAIUKX! Of FACTS ABOUT FJLJKSDfl AWD ilth to all who are actively employed. ' Ueasrs. Tbomos feer and Edward Husk Tha young people enjoyed themselves by Plans, speelflcationa for buildingm, oontraete They ..TO is no politics in that extract, either. jwnt a day Iaat week fiablng on Durham teUngastrmwrldoonHaiidarereiiltig. iOQtIAIHTAKCKh. taken aod material* furnished. Jobbing a A Frenchenginear bos Invented a system of toad. Far further particulars Inquire of ' id a Hue time and loU of fun. specialty. OfHoa and shop opponta A. J . Idas Eva Hollltubed Ia spending a few days Coe'a lumber yard, in building formerly oe Col. A. L. Bassett, we nro glitd t o say, is lnticjilly stopping a train when running lose moat interested. able t o be out ouco mure. oupled by Bearing & Sharp. mother train on s single track. Wei), Howell Broi. have their extenslre Ice houses 4th Mi-ud* hen. ; The reported death of JOB. Morrison, a t itio WH. PUHCE. Jo&. XOSMX. that dou't bvatal). Now, will some follow Learly tilled and most of their hands will be The wboopitg cough is becoming prevalent irouf h the community. Bach day wa bear county poor house, la uutme. a way of doing awny with a flagman I Jd off In a few days. Mil* Kit* Chumbre cuUirod tlio State Norrunt a auiuhu.j that blocki both Tbe many Deuville friends t,t Dr. P . W. : new casea. We hope it will not get In tbe FOB BALE. mal School a t Trot,ton on Uuwiav. tor a couple of hours, mare or le*a. lagge, of Ilcekaway, will be sorry to hear school*. Mr. and M n . Juhn C. Be&tty will goon rotbliik I waa down to Dover Hlicpa one One Black Horse, good worker, e*pedally i ba bad a destructive runaway on Tuee- Mr. J. D. Sonnell ia very low at tbii writmova from Moirintowi. to Nuw York. adapted for delivery or ladle* horse. r prosent Mgbt Dispatcher _, afternoon. As near aa we can learn tho Thepeopleof Mt. Freedom have given the 1 Brracuaa plow, .two-bom j Planet Junior Hlaa E . Adelaide Hosting is veiling her > cool train. I attkud him a t loctor loft his spirited young horaa tied fa r. Mr. Wood, from Brooklyn, a unanl- Cultivator j two leaUd top waaon ; set heavy couiin, MIJS Maud Apgar, of tills I-IHPD. aver statiou if be was going to Port '.r. Leslie Peach's yard and in acme myeteriset light single barnen. B*-lUr»bftlJaa. Bull hdabwu grouted iom« •ts abend of tbe mail. He said " N o , br is manner be got loose and ran away, t c _ JIB noil to preach for them the earning year. double bame#s; Annan VITAS Lono* PAIUI, back pay and a pension at i i j.«r luuntli. uwised bo would croas aver at Port Oram,' .urnlng from the yard to tbe inslu rood the [B expeotatogat settled during tha mouth of BDCOASUNKA, H. J . Mi*. C. M.'D.uf thij jilacc, n<] 1 said "I guessed I might as well wait and Lrriage was thrown on Ita side and dragged February. have been vlalting (riuuds at Drakt-suiwu. WM. J. UKBDS8SK)», Manager. ike a ride oa a Unt-claea train and get off a t i tnst condition as far aa the river, which Mr. Job Wolfe is still falllog. He aulTars It la reported that t b n » IT ell known young ae LE.adi.tfE." Well, tbe fast line waa late ras crossed byway of the footbridge. At greatly and bia family are much concerned l&diei in Dover Buciiity will ere long be bridea. .ud tba engineer either did not aee the coal tiB west end of the bridge tba wagon struck a about bia. His daughter-in-law, Mr.. Tbo>. To Whom i t Hay Conoern. S&aator Cornliib, uf Wai-reti, guve a dinner train's flag or thought a second class train bad tost and was reduced to a ahapelest mam ~ol(«, of Newark, la staying with them a t to Judge Vferti u t Trenton on Muuday evenright on tho road when IIB was coming—-I The horse continued bli flight as far as his OTICEtoterebj given that I, George in*. Boothoey, of tbe township ot Mt. Olive, ybow be tried torun through the con! train liable, where be stopped. Tbe parties of (bis mlghborltood are not Uorris County, H, J., wilt itiaka application Beveo persona in the family of ilulilon Mills ienit win crossing overoutof the way of News la scarce thla week and ai Rockaway LhB Inferior Court of Commoa Plt*j on tito a t BrooLalde were 111 a t ouo ttiiie with l!ie >. 6 (that was It* number then) gotflredout not regularly represented In the columns avlng at good •uoceaa flihliig at tbay prevl- to aeveatb day of March naxt, t n bare tie 11 lualy had a t Shongnm. grippe, his cab far bis pains and made a big time tbe E n * wa will odd a fow cetueKranttdtoAntfanny J. Wlllnu.n. In tbi Miss Lfzxls Hollinabed, who teaches tfae term of January. lt»3, to Mr*. Mary A. Miller, who died a t Chester barest Fort Oroiu oil for notblng. I took keap an Inn or ROCKAWAY BICYCLE FAOTOEr HOTEfi. Homer" school near Mandluun, tpent Bun- Taverala tbe towW.lp'of Mt. Olive, In aald Dtlie.Mtl.ult., had readied the great age of [i Etciian's advice and found out flmt One of tho busiest, as well aa^ne of the beat ay with her parents at Bparta. county, tramferred to me for tha unexplred •thor anybody waa killed or Injured, and I inducted department* in tbs Rockawaj Bil tharaof. OKOBDC BOOTOHBT. Mn. XUUAUK Wrlgbt to seriously HI a t Joseph Thornfti, now nf Ynnker*. will move Joseph T nd tbo engineer lying ou Uie bank with a ycle factory b that of wblvb Mr. E. B. Amback to Pert Oram and bo uuUlnumi in the i-biDbkull," A little cold water revived id, formerly agent of the Central R. B. a t present with the asthma. Mr. Nslson Hulbart and daughter Susie, miwinllL i—mid though bin train was stopped all of ' .way, ia tbe bead, only aeaiited by U. B. lao Ulsa Laura Coe, are VISIUDK friends at David R. Woodruff, formerly or M«>rrls sudden there was nobody else burt aud I uu. Tlie manifold duties of the bead of town, baa opcaed a crovkury store at UHOU:nt W work to help clear up t bow reek. Will ila deportment are those of shipping and re- Newark. Ulsa Ella Budd, of Mend ham, tpent Sunday tncbody Invent an automatic way of pro wlvlng clerk, time keeper, paymoiUiraad •ttltOWD, with her pannU at tbft plaoe, An Evening with Tennyson I Engineer Peter Monerj, of Port Mci-rfo, I: 'titlttR accldeuU like that I jtore keeper. All suppliea cf whatever de1 clip from that Car aud Locomotivo Bulld- scription are flrst received by this depart- Mr. John Hulbert will move ou t i e Catlei fpwdlug a month with Lilt brother ut At th» following item whicbmaylaterestiome meut and distributed through the other de- lace formerly owned by John Pridesox. ' 8ls Bolectlnu [Uail Bnd UluitrBtel b j ti» lat.ta.Ga. IVc a n much pleaaed to see Him Eva Hoi ynur railroad renders who are bothering portmenta. Everything Ii worked with a Tiio*. Kelley, of EUHTDIH, awl Win. Tutty lluabed witli" ua tgalu, although g poly p y fora few eir brains about tbe best waytobeat a pas- rstflm rarely equalled and never excelled. QIULI) OF S T . ASHES, of Uiddletowo, became lathers of twins In out iya. A BTBABOIB. uger tram without fire: " Oa the Northern day loit woek. Oaorge Edwards, of Middle town, haa sucIN 3T. JO3N'9 RABISB HOUSE, Mr. and Mn, M. Iloaglaud, Jr., or ttocka- tall road of France an Important experiment ceudod JcwopL Do we us ulght engineer. iboutta bo tried nna large.rct.1e. All carway, bare been breav*! by lira deuth of tbeli Tbe Liberty Bloyclo, now being monufoo-luges, oren on abort dliUucn tralna, are to ,ured Tba coDgreKaUon of the Stirling cburcti hero, is e. beauty. £acb nuchlao la irmsd, and tha warmth Is to be produced jtamped i grown ao amall that It hardly pays to witb a facsimile ol tho famous old miis of boKN of acetate of soda. Tfae Liberty bell, in the church. Last Sunday there were again, to the gratification of bis many friends plainly showing tbe craok and about i f 6 -O'filjQCK. leal Is put in a solid stat* Into boxes, and nclkiy remind* mix present and the collutlon b not after a long llltioss. one of tba da;a tbat tried enough to pay tbe minister for preach* ADMISSION, - - ' - - - are then plunged Into hot water, about len'a souls. It la a pleasure to not* that Vim Chancellor !U0 decrees. TbeeifeotU thnt the soda boPitney la recovering nlcelyfrom IUB operntii Sup't Perkins Is making orranKeinenta ft to $4.50. CHILDBEX (under IS yean), - Himes liquid. Oa being taken out of tbe hot One display of the factory's work a t tbe Wtilo tbe Rev. A. Cashing DU1 waa pour-; performed iaat we«k. LADIES' FIKE DIAGONAL CHEVIOT JACKETS, former price 16.00 j reauoed itortbu boxes are wiped dry and patincar John Riggott, of Iloc.t1.wa7, did some rfood Ing oil on the fire recently, had his moustache 11 imlng bicycle exhibition at Philadelphia, iges [car*). By degrees tbe soda lolidiflei INSURE Y0UB PROPKBTY WITH sbooting ID Newark lost Saturday and got 'lurnedoff by the tlamea bursting oat la bis - ,. ., «•_... « « « 7.00; " 5.60. II. £ . Laurie, the noted rider, who Is ( ami ai Jong an that operation lasts—that ii portion of the stake*. here, bos already commenced training toe. " 8.00, • about five or six hours-it gradually gives loyed lira. Samuel Daffa, of Port Oram. has hecn A targe party of young ladles and gentle. . . . .. •" COATS " " 8.00 i " nd la working off the superfluous flesh which entertaining Hisses Irouiw Fuller and Hutli .. tuo heat It nborbj in the melting process." » has allowed to accumulate during the ten want to Silver Lake on a skating party That uilgbt do la plaoe of a bot brick for a IVlnter, In order to fitly represent hla em- last Saturday and enjoyed thunaelvtM Ita« 7.00. . Davis, of CaUaaqua, Pa. „ ,. ! .. .. •• 9.00; irringe ride of a cold ilay to keep ono • feet Mr. and Ura. Jlobert McCurdy, at Horrii RSrBEStBtlNO TBS UEkSllIU ai In some of the great race* nest Spring. nwnsslj. Plains, tailed for EurojM lost Hattirday, to b< arm, but I don't know about heatlDg ac " 7.75. Mr. Atnea died on Tuesday of Uit week, ideratund be will be entered intbeg ' • •" " CHEVIOT 0OAT8, PUB TiinniiiD, " " 10,25; " merlcan railroad car witb It. I t Beems I alksent about four mouthu, aged &7 yemn. The funeral v u bald In tbe EUEOPJSAN AND AMERICAN •cad race a t Mill) urn on Decor* 11 on Day. to 17.76. J. Guatafson, formerly of Hockaway, liai lumsy way, but it may work Mlllington Baptist Ohurch oa Baturday. Mr, Jack Haceltou, a trutted employee of LADIES' FINE CHEVRON- DIAGONAL COATS, AUTBAOHAN iBUoaiD, former price t » 6 0 ; reduced 001TPANIES! . jmt been urautwl a patent on au automatic Tho appointment of George WarU to taki Mr. Bfummell and Mist. MaryUowlett were dire Kuspp'a place reminds me tbat I wa the company, who bas made a fine record aa a married at the home of tha brida'a mother on •safety device lor elevators. "^ 8.75. LO3SE9 m O U P T L T ADJ0BTED AND -Jder, wiU, wo understand, have charge of tbe tbo jury in Dover before which he tried " " BEAVEB OLOTH COATS, BMIDK), " " H 00; Samuel Bliker, tbe horseman, was In tow. afternoon of t u t weak a t 4 "o'clock. thla week for the fine time timw lbs injury ..jflratcaw. It waa up In the garret of som« ioinpany'd inhibit and look after their inter- After the ceremony tbay took tbe train for PAID IN CASH 1 , "" 9 75. ests at the coming exhibition In Philadelphia, i>ulldinp, I forget wbere now, but It was aw. " " ENGLISH WORSTED COATS, " "1S.60; that nearly c m Lira hit life. New York. They expect to visit other places RCAb E6TAT" FOR B A L B OU KXOB-AHO, of Hooka-ray, haa burn nerl- " d but and tbe opposing cournel took oil bli " Is former home. of Interest and will be gone two waaka. Mi*. " 9.50. New machinery Is being received and placed ~owlettwill tender tbem a grand reception " BEAVEE OLOTH COATS, FOB TnmiffiD, " " 12.B0; oiuly ill fltii ppBumoula, but «o ara glad to nottomake bis closing speech which wo, O?PICB-BAKER BTIILDINO, 11 _ J)1 ol tbs great American Eagle and poor naltlon almost dolly. Icavra la somewhat improved, i tbelr return. 10.00. Joseph Tonkins, foreman of t i e blookimltb man'i rights. This, us noarlyaa I can remem•" " 0 H E V E 0 N WOESTED COATS, . . . . 18,50, Jt Ii reported that Air. E, It. Bkollenger D O V E B t N . J . Mr. and Urs. J , Runyon are Just alive : at epartinent, Ii tJii with la grippe. ber, Is tbe way Werts summed : " 1 nm UurrlaUirYD, will take charge of tbe Oeui ill writing. " 10.76. 11 It Is rumored tbat tbe night gang will aooa Railroad itatlun at Drakesvllle. • " DIAGONAL CHEVIOT COATS, TDB Tmiuna), " " 14.B0; my learned friend took bis wit without . o dboontiuuud, on account of the exorbitant Work ia not very brisk at ths Stirling silk LJtll9 Jimmlo Mellcl., BOD of J . S, Mallck, " 10.00. ly law to yon," And Q&orge proceeded lemands of the insurance companies, and till. underwent an operation ID NOW York last UlKWitlU Is added to tbs sick list, . Will be sold at public auction at 8TAH" FANOI MIXED CHEVIOT COATS, " " HSO; ,d what be Bald wai la tbe law books, that work will only beoarrlcdonuntlllOp, night for an abtctna on bis leg. A large barn at Warrtnvilla was bin wad ind that Jury voted him the smartest lawyer Tea Kockaway people have only themselves s l v Mr. Durfee has resigned aa BuporlntendQi y p p Iaat Bunday and when the Bra waa at Its ALSO OTJE MISSES' AND OHILDBEN'S GARMENTS AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES at the two, though be was hardly more than bene& they do do nob nob rreap p o( the Uorrlstowc tiua tt'ovks, and 1B succeeded ia blame blame tbat tbat they a man were heard coming boy tben, just out of the law olQce of Jaki ia this by not providl_ ' by Qeo.II. Brown, of Mew York. f thi greatt Industry I d t r y by ia Impoaalble to save him 'auatta, of Morrlstown, al nee deceased. How from p houses for the emiilopees. As it ia many come ' and h« was burned to a miap. Tbo Balking nidge Frabyterlan congrega- re you, Judge I J8SJ.nttwtlr»t«j<i >L, »11 UieHoiyhoU tion tendered their fortieth annual recfijitii OnTbundayof last.week the Sun had from Hibernla, Mt. Hope, Mine Hill, Danville The let bouses are beingfillednow. Qooas and Puroltnra Jato of Suuu 13. and to Rev. Dr. J. C. Rankta this week. loading editorial repeating the charge of tha and Dover. Fully a doson men from Dover ^ _^ W. B. I Anna M. yilWa, dee'd, sucn as bedroom falto, Fi-ttholdar Pier-ton la still laid up bMA.ise "oBhlnKton Post thai Mr. Egan, ourmlclster ilono find occupation here. It is all very weL' lor ntf ta, twill and bedding, MtpeU, Mild .o cry spend your money where you earn I t oftlrt liurt.h« received by a fall in bla now 80H0O£EY>fl MOUNTAIN'. ElvM- waM, cblna and w t h u i w . » , piano, Ctilll, baa used bla Influence aa a publlo It Is also natural to spend your money where Oimars ot los houses are vei7 proud oi their chain, earriara, aWgh,to.,la h o t cmrjbulldiDft ou Wednesday of last week. ,_ntof tha United Btates to obtain for hisi ou live, wbntber through cholu or naceaalty. stock of Ice thla yoar, aa it la of aupuior quail ty. thlmi Ibat pertalna to a well furnlibed boon. Her. Tbonuu Hugoa, curate of a t Tbomne'f on tbe opportunity of prosecuting a claim of WII.LUM B1LLABD, Church, Bayonnc, baa been assigned to taki lee millions or mire against the Chilian OovMany of tne young peoplo of Uus place anEieculor. charge ot the parish at Morris Plain*. ernmeat. Horeafter let all our publio aeiticipate much plsature in attending tba play Feb. Sib, l « a . . . - " . . . . QBBHAH VALLBT. Judge Wart* boa trniwlVrrwl bla law otllces vonU be bachelors; what right have our MinMrs. Henneraliot has beau at Mt. Ollvi to be held In Varnon Ball, Haokettatowa, thli and practice Ia Morriatown to Ida uepbew, itera or other publlo servants to have sons! spending a faw days with her mother, who I Uao. U. liUDjon, aud T i m J. O'Brien. [t seems to me tney have a Commisilonar of quite 111. beenvery good skating and many Conductor Samlerwn, ot tho Morrlstown i'arki In "New York whose name la DAMA an * Mr. and Mrs. AI. T. Welnb, accompanied b, _ young ooupls havi spent many nappy boors JUDB0K OOB, - - - -'.Auotionesi express train, baa been conQDeil to bis home ba was appointed because bla father liad Ur. Welsh's mother, are contemplating a trt| on tha lea of late. The sutooriber, Administrator cf Wi In Morriatown, by lUnees, fur a few days. pull, though be was not a public officer, onl] to Florida In the near future. air. H. W. Hunt h u eomm«w«d moving E.'iobMon, deoeaaed, at aur" auction at * will - -ill sell aeU J The Mutual Life Ins. Co., of New York, editor of the Bun, which atataoafor everybody ila furniture and ••pacts to make his home Mrs. Uorrla Crater, ot Annandale, visited the lateresidenceof said deoea*ed,on ' ~ paid Iaat vreek a policy ot 112,003 upon thi wbo haa two cents witb which to buy I t tier father, Jesoo Hoffman, fora few daya laal with hla brother In tb* future. . • • , Ufa of the late Tookefitraker, of Boonton. One of our young girls says ibe thinks she Amoa Chamberlain, who lives on tba week. Mn. Joaeph W. Revere, of Morristown, has Jubu Osborne bomeateod, on tbe rood ti ill "look before she leaps" toe next time. Miss Uarlitt, of Hackettatown, spent Bunbeen elected Honorary Vlco Hegeut ol thi Budu's Like, waa doing aometbing In bis milk day That's good policy. ^ with MUs Carria Hoplor. New Jersey Daughter* of tba Ilevo.aUi The celebration of the Lord's Supper was 180B, all the penwnal pronerty of eald d « 'loute one day week before but when some Hon. Wm, 8.Saughrlgbt,of Middle Valley, S. H. Uopklan, into of CUestcr, baa pur- .hing gave way that should have held and Mi will act as saloamaa tbe coining year for F. D. beld in tbe church ot t h b plaoe on tiuuday oontaBtlnit In wwt of BAY HOBfiE. UlU COW, bSovear old Balfar, lot of CbMn chased machinery aud will start a factory at CnamberlalD waa held between tbe tlrobera Stephens. last, tbe Rev. Jotm Lower f at HacketUtown, t i fieet. elngle HarnaM. Top CarrlaMi Sleti Hewton for tbe manufacture of peach lnuknts. and Lad bis neck naarTj broken. Tto family BmraloRobe.BtrnfooU.&o. 1 lUnss and Mrs. Theo. Naughrigbt will spend a few molatiDf R. R. Button, ot Callfon, bus sold bis P « Mm. L Ii. Wolfe, of Ttaa., Is vlilUng ber - ' im, nearll now i beeUnj itore,Tot ra« were awav on a visit, !lia hired man working weeks in Newark with h u diugbUr, Hrs. ertj tbete and la nbout to build a bouse ot, aofa, Ulchen cbalrt, orackerr, g l a . , . , on tbe farm somewhere, and Mr. C. was In as Anthony Btolce, who has bean very ill for a fatliar, who ta very sick, Bound Brook, in wblcb town he eXi>ecU tc bad afixas I was once when I caught my fluA number of our young grata skated to _ , enitne», atom and "eodeo bollow ware, long time and is convalescing very slowly. &o! Sala to ooinasonoa at X o'clock r . M. .' locate, rathinxton oo tha canal on Baturday tter between the " upper and netber millstone.' We hope aha may soon ba reitored to * Tnuts-UoderelOoaab; tlOend ororendll Ex-Assemblyman Nnogtangbtniw taken tbi Thera WGB no uae in calling, for no one coulc Former health. and by tiw appearanot ot ode of them It •• place recently resinned by Tlioo. Haugbrlgbt, hear. I am glad ta say Mr. Cbamberllln 1 Miss Maggie Nunn, of Lake Hopateong, a pratty dear exounloi'. and irlU look after the Intercuts of tbe Florida getting along nicely, If slowly, and t i e chalice* •pent Sunday witb friends ID our town. • • Wa tas Ulaa Emma Froos In our mldit this . ' Admlnbtratar. Beaton. •vetk, nodarlng good sarvlca with bar neadla. tbat he wiU be around all right prettf Miss Carrie Crater, of Fkodera, Is visiting :: Rev. E. B. Jamison, cf tho Newark M. B, toon, I hop* » at any rate. at t b e home of Mrs. Jess* Welse. .' We notice awMerable flgbtfnf sol»V * Conference, had tROO worth of Eoods (tolen Abe Drakelsgolngtobavaanewabedov. ChiistlaniKndeavor daj will be observed by wilk tbe aeiiool b ^ s on tbalr way to and froii from bis hbuM while preaching a t AillugtOD b!a lumber to keep It in tbe dry, over at Kai the society on Sabbaw ersning n e i t In tin sebool. Tbe TrastsM and taaehara should see l o t Sunday. they go dlnotly home and not use Lutheran Church. A very Interesting proWilliam U. Montague, lato f< '?* And a d'l one language oo the publio road. Z out told tbe Muaconetcong Bond are going gramme Is being prepared and a l l ara cordimurt be tttplti. when itis npf simple itjf locsd editor of tha Chronicle, MorrlMo*. n, haK to have an entertalnmenf of sume kind on I' ally invited to attend, - ' aooepteda partnership In a weekly paper ir 25tbinst,InthB evening, but where, or not good. . Simpk, StduH/ul, Gicii^aaW Miss Fannie tfAughvight 1B spending a fe Btat«. K O B B I I PLAINS. word, mtan much, but to see "The RocheBjer.!!,*wbat nature your correapond'eat Is not In- weeks a t Naughright • • Mr. Bilaa H, 'Hopkins and wife, of Ironla, formed. TbBy do say Uie Stanbopa bond D. Been rptnt Babbrtth with bU cotber at Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W . Willat ipent Bunwill imprtia the truth more forcibly. All metJl," : * mil celebrate tbe goliluu anniversary of theli took in f 160 by their entertainment and dis- day with Mrs. Wlllet's mottur, M n Cham- lisplaoa. . ' wedding to-day with a gathering of tbeli covered that Clark's Hall was not big enougl bre, i o Dover. ' W. O'NIall bai latt W. Hampbn; and Jos ' ' famllj and Irieniia. tor the town. : Huiil, ot U H M O D , bla takan bU plaoa. Mrs, Thlllp L . Welsh h a s been confined R«v. Dr. 0 . A. Brown, formerly pastor c ttock enough bas been tubicrlbed for the house for au-me time past. Her many Sam. V u S a n t rpent Babbatt wllb bla the Morrtitoira M, E. CUurcb, htu received a now hank.n&tanhu>e. Itseemstonidthaf friends In this community will be glad to frienda at thli rJaoa. ' veloua light is purer and, brighter: than. „.-.,, B . . , . . . unanimous call to the Foundry M. E. Churcl wasafactoDBabefon: Who will bock . Illai Harj Kddij and Ulai H. Klce ipint erout. '• • ' • softer than electric light and more cheerful :thaj» eitKer/] at WaabiDgton, D. C. 't Umo and whpre will tbe bank be located Mrs. Lflwi Dafford b visiUng friends i. fV*eon«i*lB7avaiilnc in Hadlaon. k Lookfortbltn«iii|>-.TaKKocnHtni. iriWlampiie>;erhun'lti Tbnre are EQW but seven ponBioncra of tbi (tueti the Netcong folks are In earne UIaiL.Howalllaoi>tlieaIckll>t. Bomerville this week.' ' Rocb.*l«T. u d the rtyle T»u want, .end \i? w ' ' ~~ " war of 1BJ2 la Haw Jenny and one of these i ml lt.ecn-|ic>Mtliijc our Allaatonn ab4 Ni tliat wa will aM htt o u t Weftniuforiaed tuat lUir. U r . Chatabers ocr former totvnimon. 'i'has. M, titurternut I from the Z.r/w/ ig under tbo sounding tIU» ot Ketcong thi received about 1100 a t his donation on Wi We bad a fina pVrtr a t tba houea at Ben. O. now Uvlcgot Madison. • t O C H U T K H LAall* CO., 4B **** citr. _._JO. An effort was onoe mado to Incorpo aesday of tbis week. KorrialaetSatordar nl>bt All U d a fink New Weaves ofjloih Foreign, am . "Andy" Lockwood. an old and popular rate Stanhope and South BUnhope but noth tioi*. A fair Zrom Newark i l u a o l ) . liartonlMipaclias«4twc:biiUdb3S IJomkicmanicure:': gtnMron tha Hots«x llallroad, haa a&eei' " iK ever caujeof It beciuw they were in tv lots of Urs. A. T), Hager and M. T, .Welsh a poattlon on the D., L. & W. main Hue. Urerent counUcn—Morrla and SUBSOX. aud Joseph Hall one each, Wa understand Fine ImportewGinyhumaiiihew* nporUd for duty ou Monday. WM. S. COLLAKD. Tbe Btanhapo KaRle—which doea not Ui they will erect bouses tbarspn ai soon as poaJ. Boyd Hoadley, of Morriatown, baa In la Staunopp, butla a Monia oounty affair 11 ttfid designs; Dllt/mujh, Lace Stripe, It ts also rumored that Jesse Welse wli; vented and will patent au autotntttlo arrange- Ing in Netcong—oilvocat«a Incorporating itble. two tenant houses ID the Bprlng. ThatV THE MORRIS COUNTY ment, on t i e principle of a clock, by wblcl) Sianhopo and Netcong yst, but I am afraid build Orepe Finish,' Ombra, Eerringjxm what we like to see; let Uiegood work go on. borses may be fed at nuy RITDU hour. . 'tbnt plan won't work. , Jonathan Hartley la the latest victim of the Turill, Bedford Vord, Etc Atthae tlln EQwright baa resigned her position Tha Railroad Co., Ii putting a new bridge grippe, or hla neareit neighbor. Hs Ia galm • A I D 0 T H U BOCERHOLD QOOM, •" • teacher ID UIS Dover publio school on nccoucl ver tbe canal at Bnippenport. How soon an Ing now, and will no doubt soon be on hla feet goods are if OUR 0 WM.lMPOR HAIR HATTBESSBS HADB OVER. olWbealU. and Mias Carrie AUou b u been wa to have that bridge over tbe canal al again. • -AT-,' many,tf tie ptttenu • HOBHiaiowH, H. -jr..!. angaged to toko ber place fur tbe balance tuoxwEU. S T . , D O T X B , N . J . TATI0N "amllngl Mrs. Jacob W. Welsh waa on W< - tbe term. IHCOBPORATKD MABCH M , liT«.. But i t would take a whole newspaper to tell summonsdtotha bedsld* of her mother, Mrs. not leduplicated,'.•". . •: .", .' (Next to Pardec & dark's.) El-Senator Warta qualified last Friday all I know, and I do not intend to take up a." 0 i h l U : : . a oounaelloivat-law nnd was then w o r n in ': .: i n •. V/ '. '" lit) week, except aometbing awfi Ura. Kloe and Mr*. 8am. Hunn visited relaa Judge of tbo Supremo Court by Chief Jus- happens. F n e U e a t - B I N I T W. HILLEB. tives at Callfon but week. : WBITE GOODS, iMtttn I I I U I I I H tice Hauler. Something awful haa happened. Mr. W. Vlea-Prealdea»-AtIKXLlDB B.-BDIX; Miss Grace Kaugbrlght and Ulas Helta l>th< P«.<Oa»c««tD«ler,N.J. Hettra. FhJL D. Flereon, John E. Fennell Saeretarj aa<TreMare>-B. T. BULL. ly's father died oa Monday morning ai EMBROIDERIES, . Smith spent a few Hours at NanghrJght and John B. Vreeland, ot MorrUtowo, ai ' Conductor James Klnnoy la reported oa t • Dovma, H. J., lab. Ulb, KM. | Tuesday. " Mr. GuyUinton, of Chatham, ore talked point of death, CtoTe, J. 0. Fravia. • - Mrs. J . 0 . Wert, of Haoksttstown', bat b< In connection with the Republican uooiinatli A. M. Holin, ILCHaU, ! llsdedlcatory rervlcesln tae chapel a wetl visiting Wends at Middle Valley. for Surrogate thla fall. J OI Hlai Hannab Joonstoo, from next Saoday. Fartlcalars nest week. We regret to announce the aad accident that SofnSS; M t a AtaAllf, lllBd ! Oca. Miltoa B. LltUefltld, formerly of MOT •• \ FLOUNdlN<BB,. The Y. P . B. 0. R , ot Stanhope, met at Mi u befallen Alex. Button, ot Callfon. Whlli Wm. BbalTir, Mia, L*LA Sbaaai, rlsUmn, waalmtlctud In Now York fur larcenj eome montni ago. lYuen hit caw waa caUtU Fiu; Porkei-'a on Tuesday eveiilnj. I don' in the act of removing some aawdnit near t b K n . C. A. Sherman, Mn. T. T. Toltuwo. see arouud aa much aa I used to, BO I can' tw of the stoom MW mill oo^TueadayfaUlef I f" at very attractive price*.; To obtain a n i of tba abora kttan aaj "ad. the other day he did not respond and bU give you any ot tbe particulars. D. J . hond was caught ln.tbe ss.w and tarribl; vertlaed" and sire data of tbla uat waa declared forfeited. J lacerated, to that amputation was neeawsaij D. n. ALLES. r. M. • Particular, a&itiim given to mat Mr. Fred. Atklna, cf Butler, who bad tti Airillat,UU ..tUIUUH So do n ^ faU lo :o»U-*'and "•« a Dr. Lfndabcrry, Dr. Haeket, of High Bridge, FULNDEHB. mlafortune to illp and break bli leg oi orderi. Sampfes lent vjtm applica'•-.: bafote purebiaing" elMwhsre. :: Meetings aro being bold In tbs Uethodiit and Dr. MlU.r, o( Callfon, amputated Chrlitmaa day, was removed to the Fatcrson O A L I i AND? BE5E T H E M , '•'. ;.-.-i : arm Juit above the elbow, lie ii doing tion. :.'. • .My i,;i¥ . •:•:: General Hoapital on Saturday, aa the broken Churcb tbia week.. Mlaiktai aipeDiee . . With the exception of Messra. Rarlok, Ben- well as con In expected at the present wrti WAHNEB-DxOBAW-At Dover, January limb does not heal aa it should. y •• . ^ • ' • ' ' ' ]Wh, by Rev. W o . Day, Geo. 11. Warner, atdaeoruilTnUr. let, Hathaway and Ed, Woodbull, who re- Ing.. don. B. A. Donnelly, of Trenton, a cam ol Ogdanilnri, and Ura. fEUaabetb rWJi eit on deDotlton' ' :'• nain about the same, tha atck ones ore being date for Commander ol tbe Deportment areosnlarromJan. SUBDIOWM. rtxitortK. to health. Hew Jersey 0 . A. I t , waa severely wounded let to April l e t , , .: - T.iH.00: Ice gathering at Lake Hopatconf Ia helm T A Y L O n - a l l l T E N - A t Dover, February that tbe la grippe has bod Its at Gatnea' Mlll« nod carried from the Held ' our community, tbe attendance upon churcb puahed forward u rapidly aa poatlblsv -r* Corporal Cbaa, F, Hopklnj-, of BmiaUm. -}St. on tbe Sabbath and daring the weak Dnlted Ice Line Co. baa a/oroo of about I Throe of tbe pas^ngera on tbs ttrandtd •erricesa hundred and fifty men at work st 2folan'_ _ _ . _ _iDormer.JanuarySSd. Itearaer Eider, of the North German Llojtf '; greatly Improving. A rag picker canvassed oar village losl Point and Collaghan's cove. I am told thai Her. William DaT. John 11. Jobneon, n{ line, were from iladiaoa They were Mr. aud they load and ahtp from on* hundred and fifty ' and Bartli X. Lo.e, cj li"t«lu. Xn. Fred. Atbeuden and Horbcrt Aauenden, week, and If some o( the pupils report cot to one hundred and seventy c u e daily, averrectly, bs behaved ahamefully In th« vldnlt; KAYBABTBLANCHARDJasQary fiOtW Mtb,' Uiolr aoi). They were among the flrit ; at Donr, by lUr. Fted. Bloom, Xdward tbs Ecbool bouse, and ought to bare be* aging about thirty tons each, Whtn we eo DqoalM aiaae ea er befan la, Id i a j l M gen landed. . Eaybart add laliula Blanoharl bgth ad and brought before Esquire Miller. aider that this makes a, total of marly R\ T.APriUaljaUOetabuarmwIwiea, - Rev. J. R. Daniels, formerly of thla place, thousand tons of Ice' transported from thl» Bointon. . • • • : .. " i. Nelson spent a portion of lost vre< a Slat dajael aaMawataa nMBartlTelr' anoonncod last Sunday that he would pn»el with old frlendi Jn this vicinity, remololi point each day, we have some idea of tbe Lla farewell sermon in Asbury Church, Hade- over Sunday with them. magnitude of thla Industry. They a n also D U D . ' • • 1 .-••."•• enaack—whenj lie hna hod some trouble—o: .^^n.r.a.uvij,eieenfBawraev, I A Mr. Searing, of Dover, ipent tbeBabbaL itonng Ice In the large bonacv a t ffolsm's D A Y - A t Chatham, January Win, J . OUr.r . Wbm>t>i ajk (or BalIandti.VE»port, to »dij. trom9A.H.tolBat..(nDon) and Sunday, Fehnmry 23tb. I t wna a surprise i this place, assisting in caring for Mr. Borick, Point.' The ice la ot fair: quality and about • • : :. .fnua7ta9p. «., !»pe j * n t H - H o notanEeptUTIOtber Day, aged 74 yeara, t i l congregation, ' " " •'" .,' - ' Oar Industrious blackimltb, Mr. Price, whe thirteen inches thick. Bear, beeaaaB eom. one aari It le jbai ai good. QUBIUN-At Haw Varaon, Jan. Sut, Mn. A party, tadtding MIBS Carrie Allen, am was laid aside several weeks with la grippe, The Howell Bros., of. Morrtitowu, bavt Unrlfltu Ouarla, agrd.TB jaara, lleaurs. Ed. L. Petty and Cbaa. A. Allen,. ha i be/m obliged to obtain an assistant, a Mr. number of men a t .work oo tbatr' propart]1 Dover, Ulaa Ella Huntlugtan, of Broofclji Brown, of Sussex county, to help out with tbi known as tbe Wood's meadow, which the DAY—All Bloomlnadala, Hloh., JannaryM, bought not long ago of the Han] heir*. Tbei Itr. H«ynor,of Boontoo, and Mn. Dr. Dot, work on hand. • - Uba Plato A. UayTdaalhlar of tha Uto end Hin Jennie Boyd, of Faternn, htt yen- Tbo Indies' Missionary Society of the' Vna- Intend to nuke ou artificial lake, which they B<T. Hjllord DayTot tba M. K. ChLrcb. flab. . . . . ,. / terday for a trip to Woihington, D. C. byttrianChttron,metonTbiiradayofthUwi ~ will stock nith The flah ara UUng pnttywell on OBKAT • KVBrt,vl, ; , . r ' ; GeorgB Sticher, wbo r a m engine Ho, 30 thi wlUMrs. A,U.6artiey. TbeladiMoftbe Presbyterian Church «u Woodport end of the Inko, bnt they ore nearl HOUflK TO LET. "SuBaex,BonU.a D., U & V?., . . . • ' " ' ounce a Snt-clasa ojatar supper at the real- all very amall.'' , one of tbo moat popular engineers on thai Eight rooms and large attic on aConmouth road. Be la ateanter Engineer of the Dove deoco of Mr. Wm. Hartley, BorUeyTllle, nert ; Our batcher, having become tired 'of a ._ A i t from April UL FiraDofwrtmeataod is nlio Chief Enginw Tunday evening. If stormy, too an% Mr of olngle bleseednen, baa taken unto blmaeir Enquire of (SocnisaoBit) J i m s B.MEUOB), at the oU stand on SUSSEX ST., of Hobokeo Division, Ho. 171, Brotherboc livening thereafter. Mr. and U a Baxusy wife— a highly respected young lady ef HI J. J . BACKOFF, ton, N. J . PtoaMacosptonrcongTatalaUona, wlUextendabeartyirdcotiieto all wbo wl.. la prepared to supply «od deUyer all tUe dailj uewspabeia aui jwriof XiOoonioUre Engineer*. It la a well knowi 11 If Buaau St., Sorer, H . ) . . fact tbat George hardly intucs a day that 1 attend, and no pains will be apared to make O e o r g e , • . • • - . - • • . " - • • : • - " • • t : : . ; Y . A ° ' odicoJB, ami will tike cepadal care to inBiire prompt delirety. to all Mr. a D. Simpson started on Tuesday doe* not come to Newark to visit bis agi the occasion an enjoyoble one socially, whll old and neif patronB.;; He Has alBo'on handftfafi and complete a'tooVof tbj bettor oyitera and other eatables wiU I Canada,.where he intnodi, tgongagsla mother.—Newark StanJ*id. jcrTfd according to tha taste of patron*. Pro- mercantile bnslaesa, < WANTED. ceeds for tha benefit of the cburcb, Three or four good drill rntman and IMIPSTJ3CASTTNNA, : Frank Frambes with others went to Budd1 work and drifUMr. Ruanenln Wm ClaJa Voorbeca, of Newark, Is T Mr. and Mrs. Stepben.BrtUoii,. of. Haw arsforebaft Links fishing and brought home a pickerel S .halt, ISforSheure: helpenTfl.n;drifting, fridt Inehea in length, weighing six ponnda and d: Brnnawick, have been risttlng thslr anat ' •M5 and t l SO lor 10 booia. BaferaneaTrT Hurdtown. .\ : '. ' ' • ^ - Mr. Philip Corwln and SOD, of New quired. THELBHIOHZINC ftlROS Co James Robinson, a woraunan at 'WeJdon were at hli fatlier'a Sunday and Monday. J.A.VAaaUnm,Bnpt. mine, waa badly hurt.ona day lait weak I Mr. Amtl DaQroot Is confined to bin F I N S SfiOOE. with rheumatism. * some falUnj rock. - He was cut eome on tl BIBIOTB,'J:' A sociable under tbe auspices of tbe Ladle head and had one les broken. ' --• ' Tit* Odd Fellowi enUrtoJutnent Friday anV Oood Bniineu for Bali. ED, Baturday oveninga waa a very pleasant affair Aid Society, will be bold at tbo residence A son of James Handanon. of Tort Oram, Mr. baao Van Ntat, on Friday evening, F« An old, aiUbllibed menanllla bnaloea In _ FAOTOBJ—B StU and 9th Sta; A™. and netted ifcemB caug tilth aum. . waa buried a t Hurt town to-diy (Thursday] Scam HOWAIU,:-; ountry town, with a Rood trade. Tne caib 13tb, A cordial InTltalkmUeitottlal to B_. Tha faoerol serrloea were ooadaotsd by H«r Hanteaa raoker G. W. C. Wyckoff boa go: >Tnel(orririown Gat Ught Gompajiy offer 1W1 amoantad to «iv,ajo.. For par* Miss Jennie Leonard is visiting at Pumptoi PaulEusUce. to Kowork, where bo bas secured work a t 1 f o r i a l a •' - •'" .••••••;--. Halo*. . . . trade, Pianos and Ornana sold on eiBy Pia Chas. A. Van Duyne Ei spending his Winb TBa Bait Quality of Co|ie HATE3IAL FOE FAHOY W0BK, Urnu. Careoflno.f B u , DOTBT, S . J . ICr. Janiea Fitibcrbert was borne from ITe1 UXLTOH. rnu. OH inBtrumenta taken i i scatfos « t Putnam, Conn. ark for a ftnr daya Uat week. Mr. Marcus UKonanu fajDlly.or WblU Hiss Susie Jaoobus haa ratumed fr Mr. Warren Gardner bos gone btck to 1 House BtaUon, made Wa parents of tali plaos Boonton, after an absence of five weeks. |U for tho.oeiebratod Pur. oldpoHtianatnewarlc. JtlSbSSTllioit telsnWlbn Billiard Table for Sale. QntteaBurobarframthiaplaeeattended _ a short visit a few days ago. I bear one of oor families expecttomove wnleh tner can ablp Immanlitriy. ' . w . Mrs. Daniel Chamberlain aud d a u g n b r , . concert, given b.r the school for Vol<M Cultor Zfewark In tie apring. A anfflln« tobie. 4X19, yltfc r i c t cnaij • • . . - • ' • . - : • • . A a a r a a i - • : • : : " : * : this place, started on Saturday last for A r at Boonton, on Monday evening lait. All haw inBtrninents guaranteed UUa. and flvarytUnE ODmpIeta and In g a r ' *ConiIderlng the Dumber of I t e m relating Ington, Neb., where they will vlbit ralaUv, TLo firm of Horns & Oo.: have dosed Newark, it^wovld iiavp been.proper ta bai Mr. Chas. Scripture spent Buadajat for^yt^mt;'.'^,:':^;^'^'';;;-.;?;-':. " KTi.T.TanriH" beaded tbli corretpandence Buccaiunua am buabeaa. They are succeeded by Mark Vai hosna In Stanbnpa. . - Ouyue. '• -'. • ; ;A pMtdiard sent io ns will-re Newark. '.' •" ... . iMir KB*. Ornoc. WEALTH .OFMENip EFFECTS .;• U r . Tbea Chamberlain irvl wife, of F a t a at Mr. I* •J U D U f .AMD CHILDREN'S i";-/:;cuive immeJiote attentioc. ?;x£jv. The raembera of T . P. a. C. E of Uila plaoe The Litenry Society will meet 1 ["••.":'. '••;•" •'• .:.-. , ' . : D o T « r , H . J . EOB, spout Bnoday In town, - are making pmjMratJontforanenUrtiliimenr YtaNeos on Tuesday evening , Feb. 10th. , Miss Jonnia Morris, wbo baa been vlaH . Get'onr larnWian3 prioea-l^oreI h i jpupfiT-Buli in Uu Unnet Memorial Chapel on Washlof rtormy on Thursday evening-, tke 18th tost iMiaa Edith Allison, returned fanma on SaturMEAT UU1TU«8. Rumor says there w o a wedding in town ton'ablrtbdav. Tba ooUrtalnmcnt will prol :'r ;• 8T0HE TO VBi. • •- • • ably ba a musical one, ' Thoy a n SMUDK oul few Jays ago. Mlss Blanche Honnau starlad ou Monday lane and mmmnrtloni etont nun iL aid* talent. , . p . [last for.the 8Late Normal School at Tmiton. lieTba ' B e a d r in a 'Wink, Odd FJItm', Bnlldlnt, on Bomxitreet, Hu»-»os L u m . saar tba : Central BaOroad depot, and In a : ,;=•''••• : and most delicious cakes by using the.Bzeel TJndarweor for Winter. 1U»rrrfiait,»[rwona>l«.«tn.KJl^or«'<. dor prepared buckwheat floor.' . , A full Ube fop Ladles, Gents and Children JBitXlqridA Btaam Hafttw. ; In TThito, Red and Natural Wool or Mortal, Vaacn, * * * • " " " Organa and Piano*. . For' ffiostrated drealars aesd la F r t d , : at Utf Befblva Store, Dorer, X, J, ? ; p . ^coUas, Acent, Chaakr, U.i, Btepbecs, G«rman Vslloy, N . f ' ,' THE E&4L LADIES N TABLEAtTXl Tuesday Even'g, Feb. 16, GREATLY REDUCED TO H. L. Dunham PUBLIC SALE. MONDAY. February 15tH THE GEO. RICHARDS CO. PUBLIC SALE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17th /-•-•ymm^lm^- u DRAKE SeeingfeBelievin WASH FABRICS. NOW ON SALE- THE SUSSEX STREET Ci.OTHIE|l^ • ; - • • , 777 & &. J. Martin C. Have us ORGANS I 1 JACOB BROTHERS, f CHEAP F P P ~ ' ' " " " & • ; : . ' • • : ' E0ASD OV FEEHHOLDEBa. WASBtmaTON'B BIftTHDAT TS DOOBItVAKT HOTES. X 0 A B X 8 VOVWIt OOUETS. T H E « g Q P K B - T 6 HIQHT. VBB. Bamuel Thomas Day died at Now ProvlThe February meeting of fie Board was held' Tbe fallowing sentences were imposed by t%tABxnnxowmoM atvtt TUK WORKJIIUI Dover Council. No. 0, O. U. A. M., wlUdanoe earl/ on sfonday morning last aftw a en WeddMday, with all tbe member! pmant Judge Childs last Vonday upon persons who ATHOBOKXX, present a full alee American flat., made to Ma tbat wasfott d usatulness and good rs- «xoapt Pmholden Pleraon, d Bandolph, and bad been convicted of offettoet or had entered A. rtoeptton w»* glvet, <o the shop men ot order by IV. B Coltard and wbloh will' be (ulte u a oitit0a, father and Christian, al- Bright, of Jefferaon. The minute* of tlie last plaa* of guilty: id on exhibition n u t week In tbe afaoi though tbs greater part of it was spent with- •nesting ware read end approved. Frank Morgan- c* Hockaway, for usault tbe JC & E. DaTldiM In tbe tooms of tbe Rail Entered at the Fott Offlee at D n r , s . J. JtuwDblmuui /ohn P. Post, of (bli oouotf, road Defsutment T, 2L 0 . A. at Hoboken la*. window of J. H. PJenon&Co., tatbe&outfa out the aid ot «d|tat, bis eyas having been deTbe Finance and Audit CommitUKW reported aod battery on EUiaUth Tolson, ttnd asssnlt bMtntradaoedti blU t o p v mlU^ft f M uf Tossday evening. NetwlysdxbHndr*dof tbeeu •Ida publlo school. Tbe oeramonUs will Uke •troyed short)? after his marriage, and beforu reoeiptet, Including balance from but month, and battery on Mary Cliaopion, |2Send costs d t f oar cent. Mdi m f toprtlt Juronta•ddittm tnso w«te prweot from Jhvtrr, B^ngaland, piaoe In Baker Opera House at one o'clock say of bis children wen born, b j Uw iplasb' of f 108,010.01; dbburMinenta, f 132,881,01; lueecbcasa. to tb« per diam slloiraaa*. . , HswwkfliorTWownaiMlotherpointe. About •narp. Programme as lollowa: MiuJc by ingofsomelloUwliiak hs wss alaUng, Vet balance in band, 111,030.57. They bad np- Oeo, Brakoneld, of Madisoo, tot nceiving so great wae ths Influence of his personality proved btlla to tbe amount of *2,Tn.i!i, Tbostoleu goodi, three years In HUte prlaon. ig work off * « • * » for thaw of one buadnd ot them ware from Uie Dover band; opening address by John B, Gil foiM,fnardar to obtain th» bounty offdnd shope and ttuvuflb tl>s oonrtcsr ct Bup't prayer by W. IV. Hallgway; cbonu by all, and fllDtvr Intellect that be became widely CommittM abM report«l tb&t U u n n u room tor UM Utter, tUd not war* with tha ftoek*- Beasonci* were oonvsyed tbitber and returned •Anwrica"; introduction of speaker by Ifay. known la tbls sMtion of the State, ptrtJou- fa tbe County Clwk'e oSoe for only on* more i State prison. w»jr Towntbip pommlttM. banielntwoqiiclaloan. Buparlntajodonb J, <r Dunham ( pmanUUon address by Oeo, W, larly amonic Metbodlsts, In tbe cause of which check book on tbe ihelf, and that aoaietbiog Frank Day, colored, of Troy UUU, tor bo dona to mak» more room for tueaasaul. and bettorj on Jaa. Conorer, who W. Baker, of U» abops, aocaaipanled tbe own WWU, Jr., J. N. C, O. U. A. M., of Hobc- cfaui^Udiattogtilihed UoueU by bis great » t o 100 V M Kirk, of Z^Kraoa, b u p ' and Christian seal. He WM a most ex- county reoorda. ftddre#s of tveoeptanoe by Aev. Frwl. afterward died, sixty days In the county i*SL Lackawmnae stock went to 183 latt Batur* tWJWtwt Ogdoo Rnrte Urw, BMU- Ofdnu and luoked aft«r ell the arraogement*. emplaiT fatter and reared a large faniily. of t He paji CIS pur • « •torih» SU) •ant, Tbe Court Ilouie and Jail Committee report- George Taylor, vt Boontoo, Uroany; ilwttlilakltaiij-flattery to »ay tbat Dloom, diut, "Flsg of (b« Vnw" by Miasea U l U l b U a Snar awUsoos of r»pr«suit*Uv» worklngiseD D«T u d UtiRe j addceaa of appreciation by ' " "rcn, aU of wbtnu have done bin honor, ed bill* approved to tbe amount of (4KU4 Theonmlwr o i Sunday papers loUllnRockItouerl Bannett; chorus, •'Red, White And Seven eoos'surtive blm, among wbam are Nutuber of pritwoen Is Jail at but report, SI; Win. B. Gordon, of Lake Hopitoong, (or George Udall, Jr., of Morrtitowo, took tint oocld not bara bee» gathered In tbeBute than Blue11! banediotion by Her. "W. Waiters Q. Day,raglnedispotcber at Port alnce admitted, 63 ; dlKharged, 16; Jonylng keeping a disorderly bouse, 1100 and costs. totaMemUedtot^roonisortiwAjaodatloii, ., Quite a number of new noasn .tm going np prise on Black Leghorn ooek, first and second cs^wdlng Ihsni t o tbdr fullest capacity. ' Is, W. P "Iss/i tto Mori-Istown caterer, Uw prwent number S3, wblcb U tbo largest JTotin Jewell, of Dover, for assault and tatonbBnlandBllh on ooclerel, |U the Uadisoo lbater>bonutlo W. H. Lewis presided Iu a right resting on SIoFarUn stnat, a t SXS t. [.Daft the latter1! partner In Newark, at one tlmt In many yean. t w y o o Frank Glee, was fined f i w awl coita. Bqnare Garden Poultry Show. most aotjeptabl* way, and altar a fetv word* K. A cannon vlU 1» Or*d, when all orgKii- Stephen 8. I>»y, wno«t»d with tbe PrudenTberoor Home Comniitt*) reported bills Warren BUlas, Wm. Tbompson amt Edwtrd A young stm of W u . Burke, of Chatham, ot earnest *o& crodlal welootae called upon Mtlonitaoti be iu Uieir proper pltce inline Uol Iniarauoe Co., J. 0. Day, ol tba Jewelry approved to ths amount of "oSI.08. and aAztell, of ilonistown, tbe boy burglars, were f broke through Uw ice an tawAaf and in Joan 8. Ceibeoo. ox Dow, wbo spoke briefly or tboj will forfeit same. A t 0 P. if. sharp a mauafatTtariDg Una of pay & Clark, Tfewtrk, credit of »Hl.a8. Humber of Inmatw In theput under UtOO ball each to keep tbe peeoe Tonubip «l»cltoM wll) lie h«kl U i i jeer rowlj,,escaped drowning, Wbao rescued tMUw improvement in ite'sutus ot railroad caunvu will tie fired and tbe i>rocess,on will and Fmnklin Day, tnveling salesmtn for baun at last report, 83; IIDW adudtted, t>; and appear at tbe next tana ot Court. : f M l i h M h ; '' In an uooottsolous oandltiotu '- * worUngineji. Tbe fultlil number ot t i emarch iu the following order t Police ; Grand tbatQim. ' . •Ibwharged 0 ; remaining, 87. Number of John Yosrai and Mrs. BUpben Biker, of Ars j o u j i l t ) IV* mean in tbe list of -.- A UU Ja before the Legislaturetoekct Ore •nttrtsiiunait programme wai a wlecUon by Marshal and Aids on boresbaolt; Mayor, JusUce of the Peaoe K. Vi. Day, of Cbat- oblldreo in Uome at laat report, 67 ; ilnce ad- IL Hope, wbo recenUj eloped to New York, ^deUoquent^iwyeri.'-' 1 -'."'-. ;," ; •' •"•• ftomnntteaninn la townehlps ot over 900 eopu:tbs Arion Quartette—Hernra. Neighbour, Clergy. Commou Council and tpeakers in caru&t^led &t hit horn*Holiday afternoon ol weretriedlaradultoryandacqulUed. Yosvai etted, 1 * , remaining. 68. - m » person wbo; was bom on P«b, 9Wb gets btt^aiidiiwiaiiigtiittlieraaliallUtnna Bearicf, WoUi and Spangier-whc. sans fa)riages f Band; Co. O 1st Hog't, H. J. M, a., paralysis, after a lioknew of about tbirty The Lunacy Committee reported, agaiu ask* was afterward tried for the larcscy of a a birthday til* moo tb. exoeUtat form and upon this and trtrj subse- S. B. 'Bennett, Capt,; filcDnvlt Post, Ho. W, boon. Hs was itrioken oa the street on Bunof one pertv and two of another. Ingroembento aaoerfaaia how many from their watch sad (IT In money beJongiii( to Biker, q a » t appsAnnos w e n so tigo«rai,y ajy Q. A . i t , F, Keustler, Coounaad«r; Dgrer daj and badtobe taken home, Hegnwnpand also acquitted. Tha casts had to be tried It la trident tbat the mokeraon mine is not t h l m t h A l l k l i b U plaDdcd that tb*y were compelled to respond Ftre Departioeiit, Wm. i l . Immberb, Cblef; idlywomtlU the time of his death. Mr. Say with the aid of Interpreter., a i all tbe partlce to be .ottail/ abandoned. A taller has bean (npertiuitaiulng. la saob loatance to the repeated enoorst Mr. PnblUUoa Olub,, wltb oanDon, Capt. Lou. was a leading Bepublkan and had bean JusputlnpoeltlotlBndbtherpnpartlouaraMng Tbe Klscelbmeoiis Qommlttcereported bills are Hungarians. i, W . AmltaBt, of the Dover tnopi, bad two Bpenoer; MorrU CounuU, S o . 511, Royal Ar- tice in Chatham for a.number of yean. nude to work the i>U OoUlgaa fhaft . • tnuups lets m a t h , approvedtotin) amount of IDW for elections AU the jury appeals ware practically settled appesuaimeilnTocs.lsolo*,aiid»o pleased hli canum, O. H. Wbftebead, Morsbal i Belief ir put off for the term except one. bejag iaeAs to atari a lodga'af U r i Emllr I'ram Teeterdar aold to Join aadltcnthatbewonalictrty encore in eaob Council, No, 31, Order of Chosen Friends j Patrick McQarry, one of tbe old miner ne- and tH8.43 for Freeholdeii. Bereral court appeals w e n tried. One was A nqueitfor tho relief of Jonathan ttatbaH I l l i T. tawn*u»,'o! EenvU, that partial of bar , V r . S a r r y S . Wolfe, ol tha same afrcieKUou Udge, Ho. D3, &. & L.rftbs U.Ideate of .Mine BUl, died Iut Saturday, aged about OQjean. He w u an unluatrioiis and ffay, an old cltlnn of Hanover tawniblp, was tlatof EIUiOetwrovfcTiiniiRysmn. Both . toMltan, a Dover, .111,0 lo property between the new school home and riupa,alMOontrJbiited greatly to tbe enjoy. S., Wiliard Burrell, U.vsbal i Wasbingtop honorable man, of moat oscelleat coaraoter referred to the Poor HOUM Committee with complainant and defendant are restdenta of Camp, No, 5, Patriotic Order bom of Amertb. home ol Wm. B. Bjram. Jnr «3,500. tnsnt U the occasion with auto-harp wlot, :; * • Soldlere' linen. ID Newark, V : i'ef,uauu»towima.p. Ryurson, while OverwbJohwcnnpMnntaiy noelved. Uessrs. E. ica, IV. W . Bearing, ilantbal; public aobool and di*po*iUon. and leans many Criwdi in power. : : ' Samuel Qeoria amitake nraaaiiloa ol toe It la stated that Edward J. Leonev.wlu theoommunlty inwfajch be was to longra Freeholder Burke aold then was a patient seer of tbe Roads, cut down a t n a which was pttrebaatd too Bonsall pKpertr, near the B. tod D. Bamei, of lOosilatid ihop», rendered chlldreu. / . H. Haliort, Uup't; MorrU CounEariitaiBe 1 Btaiia,<«alamliiet. ':';:• Osbom'i property and which leaned over eV . .. from MorrU township In tba Asylum named Oeort House at VorrlHown, will aoon hegln banjo parformsnoea that would bare done cil, No. 80, Jr. p . U. A. Id , Jobn QonlOB, Tb.Cl«Ui»m draubtbc Jibratr^bai PCOlife In- the Jacksonville road, causing an obstruction. credit to professlonaU, and lfBsan. Arthur Marshal; MnrceliaCouncil, Mo. 123,0,U. A. UlM Harriet Fullar, i lifu long mldrat of the election of e fouretory h r t * building, y;Hm4»ptoliiiiaJol>i.wirorta ;: ! ; B. Ps-jft Wm, B. Francis and Alfred J. M. i Dover Council, Jto. 0, O. U. A. M., & Rookawfty, where ibe w u much esteemed, sured and on tier death tbs county reeeived The owner of the tree sued for ISO damages In 11 le generall; bonoeded that > ooo-penJeen ' Watars, oftiusuna abopt, also nlesasd every- Clark, IXarahtl. died at Uu Karria Halna Aaylmn'on Monday, tt Thbgirlbasaniiisnranoeof $500, tbe an- Justine ttill'a court, at Lincoln Park, and obT b . S r e . » « » i / j h t « i « i W « l o « d . j lain* ticket, compoaed ol Major Albright and the BOOM time' ago ih» benme Imbued wltb the Bualpremlumonwtilcbiilia.andtlie oondi- tained a judgment for half that amount, ' Mir D a w babUo lehao) bonding. ' .' V . present membera or the common Connd), erfll body w)li solos and dsmoustrsted a blah deThe line ot march will be as follows, b l l t l t l h k lUmUeiMpbew donof her health in delicate. Tbe matter was erseer Ryerton appealed and Judge ObUda grss of <rooal talent Mr. O. 0 . lllldenbeig : ; rMatai'B. Oobb, ot 8 ( u i a , b u piirbhiiid be run at tiaborongh eleoUon In aUdlaon. TbraugkUoFarlan6t.toHud^D toBiohirtb 'ened tbe ilndinf of Justice of Uie PMos t reolend two rwltatloni Iu a yvtj acotpt&Ue and w u placed.tinder mtralnt a t her ownleft wltb tbe Asylum Committee. UlW>B«tDUrt ~ TbeBakeroar'heater, In wo on theD,, 1» way, and Mr. B. K, Baker ooiitributei a A.YB., to Union, toBlftckwtlt, to Warren, t o requeat ; '.""•-1 The Committee on Accident* reported tbat Bill and ruled that the Overseer bad a right, , X;?:'•'««, Byraroproposal tobtlUar«ti4«nceon eYtV; Railroad, baa proven nicli as eoonbm- sfnet and melodious flute sola ' Every par* Orchard, to Cbtstnut, to Oold, to WUllam Mrs. Hannah B.^UDt, loug « rwpected they bad met on February Jib, at tuerealdenoo a* a private cltlien, to remove tbe obstruo'. Korria stt»«t, nexttoS. H. Bsrrj'a. .' ' ' ieal beating eolitriraiioa that not adwrall- tieiptuit, wltb tbt « » p t l o n ot a part ol tbe St., where tbe>lu» will bait while Dover aWrat 6t Boonton^and widow of tba late of Mrs, Hough, of Dovee, who feU off U e an- Uon. ['VMoiriaooiinty peach (rowan eay tha buds roed men will oae it (or h/«tiiig taetrluueae, Ariob quattetts', was * abop workmsii, and Council, Ho.ft,O. U. A. M., mmclj to tbe Capt. JewPUnt, dutd la Brooklyn on the 4th completed bndge on Union street and broke The oase of Mlchatl Mulcohey TS. Cbrlstoi thljs fsr'**» ttlgt pjftnitarlnj jefin^Ujrffl -..' '•a. F, Ibrritt, who purchased tha Wig.UMysaveutenirtehiBmtwblab.fornrlatT Kbool house, where tha Sag will be raited and i u t , aged 00 yean; and the remalna were itrleg. Sbe*tUI held to her. claim of W.OW pLer Alley went over until the flnt Monday and exeeUsnee, Ur wutpmMtoi maayLg1ven. by a salute Bred, upon which the bind will play biwtght tbfiooatonforlnteraent laatHatuc- damagw.' TbeCammUtMallVed h w (1,000 InUareh. -TUe"MW dab house at O U t W i a ' t o ba the "Btar Spangled Banner." Tbe procfle- d a y . : tbow wbo tuiake far gnater (retentions to butabe declined to Mttlft at tbat figure. D j ,-'M'•::'/ ' • •-•:.. Tbe only other oase tried w u that of A. J, ,'; fonnsUjopensi oa WajUngtoo'a Birthday, '- Ing a house next to that or Bjlreeter DkfcerUtwarjr and musioal culture, the whole sion will Ui»n march through Gold S t . t o iMao Runjoq, a well known reetdent of Drake, appellee, and George T. Keedi, appel.Vamingtoo'i Birthday willfaeohm-red at aon, end eontemplatea the enotlon of another, affording: • very pleasing evidence of U s 'roapeot, to'Blackwell, to HcDavlt 1 ! Hall, TBere is bowa large .tun-spot quite vlelbla lant. This was an notion brought by Drake wham It will paas in review before the Mayor Hll>lngtoa;*g«d IB y<ftr.rdled on Taeaday qwUtkattoo. of tbe working people tbey so nlgbt from an attack of fhe grippe and yee- meeting of the Committee. for balf of tbs proceeds arising from a port tb tha naked eye through a amoked glaea, .The UwreticeD.IaiHiv.ol'lIorTMowii,bel bis «Uy wprsesoUd. • In a n InUrmlstion flupt, ti Common Council and be dlamlssed. terdayfala wife died from tbe w o e cauie. office at Netocng. Keecb, who acted as asdiameter of I n . entire group la rougerreettleg tvoken b j tbt> kick ol a bom at Sammi t. J, W. Beker and Ur. VTyman. of tbe CarpenIt-is esrnutly rc<iuest«d that tbe people slitont, claimed bis aervlces were worth more U n . Miller, tbe ag«d miAfaer of Ur. Tbeo. nutrd a t n u n than one b r a t a d thouasd j u d g e Warts Asaumes Gfllce. ter Bbop Departnvant, were presented and will deooratetbelrbouMs and so help ta make Miller, ot Oallfon, died on tbe 37th of Juuurj Judge Werti very qutetly'tMumed hli place than balf of tbe net proceeds, and refused to sj*»t*diriU.apjiU'i»«. lb.Bat.trmadeWMDB tbli A j,rand gala day for Dorer. . j p j attbeageof (Uyaiin,, Bliebad bbea In poor a. tha bench l a the Hudson County Court* pay tbe whole half, Thi Judge tustatoad Tbe flattering notloe of a Perth Ambov re- plsaaliag remarks and Mr, Wymau read ai health for* numbor o*years. ^ ' A special meettng at Bnglne 00.,'lfo.l, will yesterday'morning, fie w a i expected on Drako's claim to a ayeoiao contract. W. W. vival, bv the atorrlaCpuutv Journal, bas Ltd appredatlve letter from flupt, (i OrifflUii. : • A Fierce Alfray at Weldon, Samuel». Lmcb.who iw»n«y oonatruoted Tuesday endftlarge ^delegation of Budwn Cutler for Mr. D n k s and J. s . Balmon for V U bald bast Momiev fvenlig, at 7iM Vta to the Inquiry wbr the Journal hesntDouVed ' Alter t^Mitort^naentntntibtntDUweri tbe Weldon Uine, near, Hurdtown, tbe Uadlaon watw works, dlad viry niddeoly U w s t n w u p n a t a t t o s t e v t h l m , t u t he did Mr. Keech. ' i ssTTsd In U» way.of coffee, ssndwlobce aud or aided sums ol the revivals of letebeld In Uisr-e are tmp\oycd a good invny forejgnms of y , T ; not appear. It was evident that he wished to tb.gieei.ias»plarol ibe'.'ooomoo people.' wke sud the Boverftet left for home at 11M tbe Hungarian and Polish V-wisUw, bnt for itHbertyNT;/ Laekawanas, JUUroevd Travel. Jnepb Oebrad. .who died in Boonton hut * M bis station in an unostentatious way, ;>ilr»' J. Cola,o(Brookalda, tipped Bid fell ;Tbe preliminary report of the lAokawanna o'clock, greatly pleased with their plgbtout, some reasou tbelr differing bloods do not asIt has bean said tbat fuUy ont-baU of tlie 8uni|ay, badreacbed Ube great «ga of tKj yearn. so his coming w « not announced, and when v. while coming fmen ofaarah and broke her arm; rimllate 111 a kindly Way and tfaere exists an be appeared then w u hardly anybody present populatloo of the city oit Kew York during enmity between them wblob Hods vent wben Selt.tloo Army worker, eondaeted the aanlnga«it>iecapltalatoBkwore«.npereent. who knew him. He aastimed his seal; without tbe day emigrate In Uw ewuiag. This is un-. "bocuion oOTers. Last Sunday tbere was a doubbedly a hut, as aa observer itasulug at -rrkmtJ n o Chatham W. O. T.: V. laetBun- against 10 per rant/ In 18W aad9.a> p a r e n t . '•''-''• JtloodaaklttteDoda-ed. ITiepromottooofBijoalor ««»f%T, Wtrt* any formalities' and openad tha bualnefta of i a i p « - l n | I a » t w M . a r tbe pasngeof tbe wedding In one of Ue clans, auoooaslou wblcb to Oie judicial beoofa eauud tlie ualgtunsnt the Court, The haws spread quickly,* bow> any of toe numerous ferries from i toOo'Clock like tbat o t a cbriateatDg il itlways accomof MVora) l<«al ctMi bo bad charg* of In thr ver, and soon there was a great gathering of any af ternoon would Imsgioe that tbe whole UvAiaeutire to repeal the law giving great The AnQlvemry esarcueVol aniee Jt.* K. bill t o trantfsr the licensing power' from panied by bwryfeutlog and excesilye drink' . J u r l e a , 3 e o . j was del«BUd lalteLHMa, Chiirbb will be held on Bander. IUT. 0 . borough* t o . tbt Coiuts,* the E K A stated Korrts Couaty egtaTts to Uwjer Tbomu lawyers and county official*. To these Uie and not the balf o l Hew York's lmmetiBS Ing, When tbelr blood had become warmed imputation were puihlngand elbowing each Lerew, of Fort Orem, will preach l o the tbat AssttnUywan F o r d U . Btallb either to n iufflefent temperature by mixed potions O'Url'u. OnTuaedayoneoftbeMoaaeacime new Judge explained that It was his desire to otberioamad desire to be t n e a m t o leave morning and then will be atveraladdraeias in rotrd for .tha msaiure, or was absent.": It now of Um beverage o» Gtmbriau. and Jersey npi«foreUw.CtottrtofAppeaUawICoiin»eIlor avoid a ntxpttou or. anytblntf that uemed Manhattan*! snores. A fa,int idea of the numt4>i^Tati»ttfaeUtfaHWutheca». yT»«re " 1 a publicdimonatratloD. "Imerelyoama O'Brlu. found hlnueH In a peculiar poattlon. * tba botua pt Wm. R. Ootson, at U k a H o t a t thaevening. •,.:•'- > , '; ..-"y,''.,:k : ' rellsbly iaTonned that IUv, Fred. Bloom ao- Jlgbtning thefflud between tbe factions broke He bad been retained ai coutuel for Uw ap- i^b1 mornOig," he addrxl," to Informally ber of persons who travel to and from New (n aJdlUon ta tlie p r i u . mentioned laat ootnpankd him to Trsnton and opened that out and rnulted In a bloody batUe. fc«».^v>VvV«!^^:;;V:---;i'r week p t o t , ^ ^ , v t . .ramnmdinga. How tbn. 1 Tork dally can be gleaned from the result of pelleeand Judge W«rt«, while simply CoiinMr. 0 . Robert DeBart, of thle place, of tba BoaM with p»y«r. U t o r , B , : Will Oobbatt, In 117a ianua towlrt In Uo>w« who wltneiaed 16 e»y that tlie two •eller Werta, had bwa retained u ooutuel for am here I will sey for tho benefit of the mem- count made moently by the D., L.ftTV. R. [ ; , rUtows, iaada a racord ol SU, 183,1<»,EM aleo oarrlad oU the epnlal award for Ihe best. wbw i t cams tbaroteon tbii bitl-wblrhwas oppbajag,forces were niantaled la line like the appellant Tbe.MiIgnmeat of the cam to bers of tbe bar, wbo are present, tbat on R, of the number of passengers passing JMe: ; / • ; • • ' • ' ; shlblt of aflnoraee at Uw areas poultry ehow •oklyaviaaaunror U s beneSt of tlu saloon two mtolsturo armies and mared against each Lawyer O'Drim pUocd him In tie poaitton ol Saturdays in the future I will open Court a t through the ferry cates. a t Ooboken, betweaa 1 1 1 : ' r-''3V]atBiatt«r V . J v Brown baa Klna oat con* I'Ujw^rbrk.; '•v- .' "'' '.'."O' .'•' '••.:'•''•- keepers i t Washlnktwi. \ W i m n oonuty—tt Dther. almultaaeouily,; armed with knives, ooutuel for both aUet, IVbeo tbe oua wa* 9i30 o'clock In the morning, for the purpose tbe boun of d a, IL and 6 F. M. Aa tha count waa taken BhortJy after the Bone meliclous partlea entered the hnnsa of wtMfotiDdtUi Hr. flmllb w a i mlsiing, al- dubi, artpnea and beer bottlw.. Not lets thin eaUed byJudge Chllditheyoung lawyer arc*- of disposing.of motion*. I; will eater upon •: track lor two DiM oottagaa OB Hapla afmoa, Jeaaa Dlzon et Hanover Nrck, In'Ihe abernoa though bli rrsawiri was' noted In the otuunber Sfty men were thui arrayed and In a n o m t o t ami expUbied tita:pr«dlaui»at. \ TbB *lt\»- my duUes here on Feb. 10th, af tir the HiipreniB alWiy MasoD, Itls evident that atliatt ninefJUdta "' " '"' 1 tenUia of those counted Iran regular com* of the family on Xnoday atealng and amUed but a fair nlnntst before. His name was Ihe air w u filled with lmprecaUons, blo«i tloaatrnck•Jlffe*other.lawyBraIn the court Court bas met and adjourned. ' f ••'•.: . fpvOiiv i t S»g«r win build a boaee onithe. muter* of the road—paassngen wbo trarel tfaamaelvea by^ byerturnloaj and dlearranglog called a number of tinus. but be did not r o and burtlfng mlsellen and: the blood it room MJ/pnny iupd untie, broadened Into ' .oorneroftle ITnloorunuJkeend Falrvtaw tbe y o u round. The count w u stauted at 8 •ptmd,,- ThaniattaratUaiHadoomaiBntaiiums wounded men lowed freely. The hauas of Srtna aa4 UUiloua laugbUr. The cue In dl* o'clock on the morning ot January 30tb, and sMmbsra bsoanse of the fact thataclcrgymin ptite was laid over until tbe marl can ba unFred, Cyphers, In tlieneor vicinity,bad every . • . - T . K . 0 . A , ' H o t e a . • • . • •"'inotsayfnUttel •'Borne Recent Views on Tb.Uol.wMn.Cocpu!; iidaM«lron ilj;>-/»y:-: : ; ; ; The new Board of Directors held their first at 0 p. at, ot that day lO.&tf paaseogers had AppeiwUclU*," read before the BUteMsdkal badcotn* with him t o open the sestdon with window broken but by tbs iirlttg atou'et. ar.d ;'-brUgaadroai tba ouial at BtlpplojpoH Urt pt«ysr, andfcewa* tBjrteTiouilj* mining so batiks, and his family w w ooinptlled to fite meaUng"6fth8 yaar ^VedOwday 'sigbW Tbo passed tbrougb the ferry entrance. The B-xIst?; by Dr. John G. Bjerson, of Bowlon, sooti afterward whenfat*vote wai nwdtd Upon ( o r a i \ f * i t y . . - > ' " ' - " : / f ; ' v . - ' '• i • ' , . ' " • • following cfBwn. were elected for tbe ensuing counts of the two following days reralted an found niohfaror that .thai been printed In BiawnBaflir.atH-okBttatown. y»ar. Fmldmt, J, : it. Cf«rgo; Vioe Vrnsl- follows; Jsn. Stst, 10,0113 (Jan. 22*1,16,800 . Johnhckni Johnhckni, oiloted oiloted, la ID JallatHorrla JallatHorrla- pampbht/orm, r •; :;;: : ..v. -....: *':.••, .y''' Vi'hio tke rsga of Uio comb* tantawaa e l - Tlia DpTor Bowlitg OJub went up to HackEmployee. . .••• pioml qoeeUon. We -have taken ooeiulon df&t, J. C. ScWftder, Secretary, Q. I IRailroad , , town lor amiilUnj o!B<»r JoUn B W ol u» '; At the itoeai M»«,lnationrfo*w!MBt-> (t ; Utaiown as Wednwrfay nigbt with A abort laiuted wtth' tbair'atrengtli wounded tiicn mesntlyto oomanod J|lr. 8inltVfor» rlgbt Wester celt; Treasurer,Oeo, D . Heeker, \mi l l ! f ^ S " ? ' ' C ' : ; ' ' thirt grad* t«a^Wosrtlflaates, of tbsHcaii. atendupoasuiotbsrmeasu«,' We believe bfs were, to he fpuud in every direction.- Dr. team and were beaten out of their aaalai by rectors to fill vamndee, a . L: Petty" uid J . C. .; • 'itUreportadUiataljIU will belnlroJuced dittos'present 88 pawisd, 81;'<alkd;'.S wet* '••" wta'art entitled to alt Information Utter, who was summoned, dretsed about the Warrtai county bowlers. Only one game Chaplain; Finance Committee, J. p . Bcbreder, p i n the, Lfgulatop. to make Oood FrHsj.a andsr • « • and3 w m wJwBtcd for enpjlng and rasvactitif the aoti of their repnsenta>tlves, forty wounds, tnaor, of wbloh' were knife waiplayej, bnt that wasfluOlolant'tobreak Tbe Supreme Secretary *• offloe of the Royal J. A, XyouandGedeBsBsVer. ', : .. ,J. eotnmiiiiioating. ">--""•'.•I.:i-i' '' '.-'•'.. "TIV/-"1' ' i- and tiered** gire this draumatance as It bat. thnuU.'-- One fellow had time gashes of sueh the tie and glreHacknttatown tbe had In the Arcanum has rsosivsd orsr 17.000 applkaft \> "-«••_ _f. ^ an w-a. '..*.'i.r. t. _"" .'" i e j V ' • • ' \ . 1- a The p^nWc^bi'llorTiitown haabeanra> oooMtotu ca good'seiittority-. • If tbeaikte- severe character, tbat' they were ooropell«l •wiflt. Afaatiire of the game waa the ep1en> Hewkerk's but took a load of the members Uoasdwingtoepas*yt*r,sodshowed 183,015 , W i m B. Uiionln, baa »Ud tb Vimai A. F did bowling of Bell, of Haeketbitown, who to MorriBtown Wedtieeday night. They went nvntfattotootTsctas madeonr feoluuiM will dooedtoia.|IOperto>ifbr Berantin and H l o to'seirfbWtoabwpftal..••.'-,';:-'•\'.j . "., n»tnben In good itandlag on Deosniber 81st, l Wttbtwv l « d n H , a n U a f > on ( i o l « r f ollj- O]*<HdtoUr. SuilUi for ooiredJustice William Coble, of Hurdtown, took piled up a MOM of 818, which la tit* lar.fMt fcva»t tbelr former 8»cretary, U r . Taylor. 16U1, with a net gain, of over UflQQ f w l i e " ' Wala'3ue!tb " ' ' 1 ogtdsanoe of UM'tnatUr.^iat aiald suob't jet made lo ( U tottroanunt. Tbe fol.ow.iif, They rsturnsd in good seaion, brlngicjs Ur, year. It has disbursed over $3,000,000 to IU ""Tba CWrUr O « " la T«jlor with tosia. ..'.', VT'.V . . , - v / , : '> V V jargon, of iinlntellibls .tongues ,1k waa, M t b i i i b ^ ^ > " benefldariee during tbe jsar, awl over #18,- »hal .'a. njanlsaThe'then*! meeUng Buoday »ftarnooi. at 4 000,000 since ItoorganlmUon In 187T. It bad IfatMonidali'a Hre:->,' •»' fy liiusl,found difficult;to flsj'tto reiptmsibility l a h Tie New Vork eoil « . . • J e m / . U e p o o a e o'clock wiU be eddreeetJ by W , U . ' l * e , o l a balance In Its tiwasury on Deo. Blst, 1691. of lua'departinent vrei celled out antl iMetbefui could bfiaJo& k' j\TbQseaweOgdeilg|bt Ooajpiny wiu'opan CB (AoebiMarrietowiioB New Tork.' He wlU tales for fail subiect, •fcO3.8K.9r. with ererj proven claim paid. In By'a; tire thatbroke oat ^ t o j r e i i V o f ' " ; ~ •'•':'- - • rioalllmliace'ttadupllosto of low, which April VL,tathe etora aow oooapUd by 1.0. ." Ohrirt and Hi* Qrsat ktWon.", * lit. L w U Uie State of New Jerwy there b a n been ifld Ti i i i r . ii"i l e i l KamUekl, ^ miaimir •ervka wtlibe ooeaa tDtwwrtlng »p»*ksi-aodall who attsad will oifantoKl daring fee year u new Ooonoili iBouMUhapj^altobipai* U hiilleeiiw wSS^^:^^-^^::^^^^^^. ^ ^ ; with « » m e m b m ; tbere mn n o e l n d 1.T1U h the fl-uai quWily ooUQrf the W,Hepan|l e r,JjbiiLyoo,J,aHuli«rt, »pplk*Uoo., with l.QOT lBlUatWeja, tbt nH aet^llrawee aboet t«CI, I'ditooVercd. tto' uitwiW.'of > ^ Vreela*l, Edward Teylor. a d 8 UB for t i e yaar..beta*M«,-.Ds( a g a •>;tW;swo«»d.8pprr*aa ^ « M t R i k t i S U M t yitmtiMSmUtMmtmthtlci*} larger psrotntago of incrsaes thaa any otter , ,.,_,._»ltv 1 :ili^.swdJlr:..»mMll,y aseoolatioa who ere 'atfandliig ihefluteconGrana Council Jurisdiction. wklskmwsHmmrfrt »n trjli.g tyeotor titf It is quiUeTi4-ut that the iwauow-teUs and Him;*; tf»y wim -VVpfc Al \Vr«r and'otber biitcher,tocart away the asbes in; the rear of auurt-lulred etomena In tUDMnooratlo party vsntlon; which Is held la Patwrson thls'woek.' bslghbors, did nich good work with buoksto tbelr store. ;TVfcilt, h* was so encaged L . D . are goiag to tare a flght orar Dictator Dave ThsPastlamaOlnb. . ; \ ; ^ V » i « B a g i M P U d i » o a . -<:^ , - ttet tke tiwet w»niund«r imtrol when,thi Schwars, the owner of the' property^ ordered Hill's ftetMeattal a^rtUDni, and tbat those Thn PsrttM Club, of Korrlrtown, Is on* of About 0^0 o'clock on Monday evenly lire flrt dfpaHnwnt linir*., (-lthoHgti tbe llremsn himtod«l*t, WottU eAni«d, Uieu blow* am| ot New JaiMy.tira gains to take a bandln t t broke out In the barn closely 1 adjoining Uie the most fl<w1sUj*emttorgaaJnUfMli. tba a hard battle,.'Vr . Huuipbreya. imji] Mr. r D s 4 s a .qofck iwponje. -JinrjtUagtnM AtTunU-HJJ ortMltAUoo wai formed in ltew 1 after.ivryiflg to duiup hiii^adj'arrt York:last8atunlay, aod upon Uteeommlttee nddsneeof Undertaker B P. Bnrrotighs, of county. It now numbers 41 m n b e n a u l «hi aa^ajioon*b«a»iawis.yySK«>f$; iaksrtff.ot the'rooiu-was ruloetl by tta,flM,. DohwaMt liadlson. i An alarm wsjgi ten, to which, the attnotlotuof tbe dab room are lobe lohaiiocd atniok blm withhis flit and[thenw|th« piece ••Proo»iii«al«ttl»ra<» track'bill.:will I . IUV t*» • loss tt oovsred bjr Intnraooe^ Mrs. of botud. and tbat be then went In and pun* o^ar0uilMtioti;«re notice tna name of Judge firs department quickly mpontled, and snan by si floe new billiard table, 1B .tailtioa to B a t »mg*/tUmot^of]ln.Ooi,wafliDtbB Oeo. Yeamsivof Ibdbott, a well kbbwn anU- bid UM boes'pUyint, on t i .flames,1.'The their pool table. At tba onaoal alsctloa for baard neit Ipatday b> the He-rfetai of.Uwa tatted, htm, Kr/Bcuwara bring knodted down TObmtQtafewmaiiuisetofcirt.;asa how tbe m r s tbe following were <*ossn: Dr.O-Ii. 1 ProtecUonlat spwUer, and those" o( Paul buUdioswajoUooeporUoabdgfliWIli Oonmlltee, of wblti Aarablrmeu T o r t B, s . p g On orlgtnaUd » b lmpoWble to Wl, bnt a number of tloif*. < Tlien une of Mr. Bchwant * gtnltb la chairman..' TohkefedltltiaaaMalr. mt table In the oorow wbwe It avldeutly m» atbonptei] to strike him with a stone and Revere and Prof. CbarltonT, Lewi., of Mor- hay and anothm-with famlmr... Voch of Dohbine, PtsaUoit • 1. J. Baiaato, Vice FTMIr t o i ^ ; ;tio tt'ese JlitalM geuUetuen(iwh6 Bmllh 11 oppoert to tba b O t ',: ' - ' : ; '; rtarWlaadstoUwmifpJdonttatltmayfcava >u pnvented t>r • by»t«nder. - Mr. Bchwari feel tbat they Okntot rapport Hill, ever re- tie latter w u m**d, tag,lh*r ; wUh \h*dent; Wm. J. UoKae, T m s u r w : . W . :P . Banborne, Becrstary and Collector; V. . V, "_'iiihariii'boi' jeia badiy injured In M o t r t rssnlUd from aratgoawln#a match. . • denies baviog struck the'first blow and olaimi flect that the element which ti for BlU Is Uw wagons and harnew, which were drawn out to Hitadley, Horace ItabhlU, J, F Rnnjon.AVm. town on Tiifartaj- night..; While oomlng tron that Mr. Humphreys trespasaed on hla prop- vsty one ihaiooatwU urfdbtatsa tbe ooune rinetlntront. Ttoftaa^'apreedrsptdly, Taylor, Irs Fsok, J. Ik>yd ITontgouwy, klaetabuto lite n o n e b e l l p n e a i u ' a a fey •rty;slso Uist «H ths u h n were not those of cftbe,Den'bcratioparty_»;-••••';••,•:•.::•;:., : - and at cms tiina It locked u llougn much Board of riovsraorm. ' boarw walkjund W U o j o o b f U c k the Wdlton Broiu Ths Httflr.eay that ,tbbj' damage might bedbne, but Uuiflratnen worknl 1 :\Qmot liB.)Pl^, n .illi-t^^;bB.•lwonat gave the ashes - to. Mr.; HuanAreyi and'also | k t V M f a > T b k t l bravely, and at 7 o'clock the flainee were Baker Opera HOB**, Wsdaeiday evening, has jtve him tbe right to remore thorn from the X.:r ; t n i e l e n o f P r f j e t e . : . iMO^ftiilcontrol'' ^ f t i i l c o n t -r 'o l ^. t; - ; > : .TaelaattodUJoongregetto. at CalUti will Rt. R«v. BltAop Wiggmr hai ealeoted the AtaboittluU-paateleven 0U00I. t o e s Following are few of the latest real estate . O o r ~ p t J ~ i . t t U . ~ k c o . u i - t b . U r f . dedicate on K a h h I U tba Bewnbirebwhloh proi^JtseU'rssIly properly'uarafld, u d ii premise Mr. 8ch wara'i fa» WM very badly -nlftj ol lo«U laadtaj ;wa wnalh/ plaoa Bar. U.•••A. Caapman, qC 'reaobtown,'k one''M t i e best oocoedy dramas .that,bsj battered end bruised; ooaBnlog. him. totb* lUr. IL A.VIfoltaniu ta moemA the late Bar. Vsningthe firemen were'agaln calledodtand bansfenoCMcertearaty property. Kphrtim vWWooro)tT(arsloiifUtiw L .TbsdI*i.«ue toose. Mr. Humphreys had.brutsss on hli Walter" M. A: Flaming M reetor of Bt. Aloy- sucoseded In eatlflgulablng afir*,In ttuston Wataw. exeoator, toK. L. Ort, |vot«sffw>fa bolktoglortheni. , I t U « l d t o b e a T e r y « o « : Is brifat and sparkUn*. tbs sdtuatioaa par lieu- coso and clieck and apraJwd both his bands in •imf Church.,;^thar Ife^enug m i . bora In of Wangb Bnk. before much damege was WasUogtown township, prios I.I9.S0 j R. A . 5 A uu «M l»«i latrodnori In la. aanata lo ni(>lioa.rtroot«re,olnipoenldieljn, Uriy tsUlng,and.tbedramaUrthas woven t o thtmalee.: He, ha* h i d > » m b t a Issued tat Pattnon about forty yean ago and gradnabd done.: A piece of waste.' t«tur»Wl with oil, BaU aod wife W Ctaarlsa H. Ftoksr, property b k l f c f k l l l l W l B i d * ^ T o . bilk to Uoorae ra<»'track, end protect gsthsa-aatory ftalbattmttl?*fitom the r l » Ihsarmtof lffr,8cbw*nand his son Sidney. from btonVHUI College -frith the fclgheatww IOQWI In the oellar.; Time fires, with'tbe In Paswio township, price «I,OO0; Albert J. t p t e f a l l o f tke.inirbiin.;,Vhs tsoenloaffaata h o W i l n , 8 7 C V ^ Heia well read and very.lnTlie iuttturgaya hail to appear a t a hearing bnok^aakn b i r a bean Ictroduorf In t a . recentfanmlngof the MoKlr|tn Oil Co,, knd Wfaltebead and wife to Mary Tobin, property I;Aiojatarawarbald bj laatadlaaol Ih.I « t U l . t u i . . , W . U * jour -uanhm aad'aaa are Mosoaljy alabomW snd tffieotlve, werj n n t 'Holiday;- belorevJuiUije Gsge. ,Mr. tUi^t"Oih'h d the attempt to ban.' the colored cbunb, are iaMimtvllUtQWuUp, prke-KO; VUlamA. itaamat,U.Chtri«ina««H«(orlh<pu. bow t U j >ote B » wklok JolltkeO part, ls*SitSBOSoaryiissdhrfn|OaiTt#dip«-Jallyl7 Sohwars was not yet out tUs'mofaliu: and the erldanoMOf tbe wtklwce of. fire bugs in tbe Hopping to John W. YonnRs, property in and tha wsrriuitiolilictseiibeld. : :yz"..'- •':•'*''" •aaUaiT,walcl.l.|3l»l«arraai» . • •: glvaa Ibe priocl|ial npport t o thaae BMaaaree: ts* «Mpany. The Central Pfrk Hanover township, price •3.1&0, atella B. matberlfcUantuai pastor of tbe Church of oomoimilty. .' '/ IJ••\:.~j ,..-,; •'..;'t \t" ftmmmm msrit speetal toenilob.:.Manager Alltn to Delia A, Caklwsll, prajMrty la Rox.IttMi<>o i l t l j r tta the Sacred Heart on Fifth aTwiut, t& Huw Tbe I ta«r > BassMbrti«e with U n a v « r rtrorigand \ i Jry townihlp, price • » . Whal la'tka Baao It if probable that Fatbw Bgan will mooted earaawn that '^adniiraUon for thlaga lagUk' evs^yb«l«uMad company, aodtoetntire cait One' evening- Isst week fart train No.' «, I. putor, (l.wKdi B^.J. Ai FatiwBreniiuatHoniil'lalne. / on ItWaUeot theAltoUotaooonnrftoelwr can tnthfaUrfateald to be k good on.. The Afc'•pectal meeting of tbs otBeut am) from Bnt^o,wuUUlsav,iigBb]sjhanipton. Arrteted for not SupirarUnc knndrM aU|y twiaWn of botb aasaa,' *Uok ol plar Is iwpWi with prrtty moslo, oharilDg tttcbem of.ths Oraee M. E. Sunday ecboot, c p Bbe made the i-no from Bh^baniptoii to Ho- OuosUbls Jas. W, Bay ws»t down lo Boon}\ Mr. sJmlthon A«n(mltitral •hots. ooora. InduDea tba admlnre of Snglleb Irai eoaf*, nwdaiMN, and all eurts'ofgood and Dover, N. J.,beld Pel>ruary 7*, l^iia, tbe foln ararj, awa d h f a l a i V ( r ;s Ford D.; Smith, of Morris, made an earnest bbken'in fcurhoor. and fifty mlnntssia dis- tun on Wednssdey witi> m wanrnnt Issnsd by aMQtc<la.>ibUoKa«io(^ . «rade,;;':';vKvS i.:*S» t^::V;v->^' plw*siiY tbl&tj>, aad Indkmttone: point"W a Iowlngnao}nUoi»wennnaiUtdonaly4optecl; t i c l « » l W ^C ^ d t Bg d ' - U l 'ustloe Ostje, and anwaled Giant Bwayse tor Wnmufl, In tbe proridanoe^t Oodtlluttli T ^ l u v e l r H l a M UJsgdone bere bythli •By adrariaaaaait is*oppoalte pa»aIt will ! f Ell" B.Bk»lia<i««.ol BarUaJ. WTO m •;- bean Hts pleasure toremovefrom tbe ebon* posh a bill permitting them to was mdharge'of tbe tnln. ;He. made the falliog to support tats wife and child, wbo lire be teas that Ike Oand of BbAgrawwOlnm: '-'litoTlVlin^W^ki snoot gamsratfadr lands two nootbs before woal itbps changing engines at Soranton and . mlIItaiit'toitl.e"..Dbunjb: triumphant, and PortOram, H t m broughttoftmraad aaotln(H.J»hniPertehUooe>,naitT»e«Bly Wathlngtcn', using three en^neere,. Etnmett tbe opening et Ue wgularssasoti,aad In supIroro U s »[*clnl flelL. of labor to the ' m l kept In the lookup over night, and yseterday a».Dlr«, a 1 rery p h e a u l aotartatomeat ol 'abon, ^our^ oubh MtaMmsfl;broUtw -and portimltbesaid tbat as the fanners wen Adamstrim^Slngbamptonto Bcranton, High nurninggavessourltrlD t t e s o m o f WOto 11 : taibleittr rapnantlnit.A n 'Xvanhil WRk w « l l » flral. In tfc. :Sos.iB.'A; Campbsn.eud' tht.Iaspeetor of ., fsllow-workeri ^iUUni • Oeorge ; therefor* poor shots' they should bare a chance before Adams' from Scmnton t^o' Washington and contribute (5 per wtsktM UK support o( Ids sUlfnlrnuurksman omul along, f Umn. John BUIIman frwn WatUngtootoUoboken. family. Rite IiecOo. of tha,Kril Beglinent will vbdt' ^ A b u r a n . BUI w e . t b U Intrpdncea ui t i eboBtpany.piof.Dover, tble eTaoing, aod pr»-' ^Bx«LT-ai..Tltat'WD.|f> We io keenly'feel KaUscti, Bardln auJ otb^i nesntsd ttie in- Tlib Uato all i«Tiois reoord*"of regular i t ; : ^ d t a M d l l t b j S l BWr Beat'tba tawbjaa and hara won by member, of our los*,; bebsr dsprired of' bli counsel, his ainoation tb*t fanner, oooldnt snoot, end t h b U l b t H O T TOBMOB. wisdom, hU kno*ledit, hU power wltb Ucd. clalottd that tim .tgrieutairtsts' were true inooompasiyai rule practloe' (luricj tha'aea- and nil inspiring and conmandlng preen Tbo grip has loomed s p souewbat. but l ; oK.tba bone of tfcc Boi ol M l . . •.The Dover conapwy qoallned DeferCKiess, we humbly1 aod s u b m i t . . . sptftMoeti and gn»l aLoU. Tbe bill was laid V : . ; ; M o e HarreetUir.- - V * , | uuy a n still reeling (ts uikfrieodly pressure p m, ' ' W o r l d . ; . ' \ ' • • ; , "-.•"'"••, " ya««of|a»ori» BDpra BUM'In .thb partlciilar. than anyother bow to the dirlna will which ottuiot'etT. aoA Tbe United Ioe Lines have b««u »t!pplnB Mr. David Roberta tas been very IU with oompany l o tba regiment TUr. " i i i ; truat In Him wliodoetb all things well, andk steadily from 103 to l U a u e o t i « dally from pnottmoaia, bat Is rather bsttsrat p n e s o t I T . J. O'Brian ia> K>a(it taaaoaa>'l>in>ar]> '.''y•;•'['-"'JUtnoetAHomldtta*' ' .''" • I*ko HopUccng, beaidee filling the big bonsee Mr CltffmdBs>lelI*twoi«lklr«n a n ooni U l t t " RnoLVsn. Tbat we tender to Uie bereaved , Tbe HsVis^ssKk R^bUoaa^ a^» U»e dl*- OeaeDOraiU»yojwl.oatot« l io»lUo«lar. TPTO nung«rian« living In tba <• Black Bow" tvnd tba preeenV'oald map -wtU Intore their vatesdiig alter a illgtit attack ebildnn our m « t beartfelt sympatef in this •esliinsgnnvlng cut l b s * l t T e w b e * w e * s i aa lonbwa: Captl 8..1LBeiinett)'S0 \ Lkrut. sadbdur;.wb!ablM7MUiemwlUiratajiearUi- at Bibtroia, named AIMIMW Barbe/andBtm iualnees for quit* some time longer,* Acci- U n . Albert lindslay b home from a four H. U. Dunksjn, H ; Barf. Edward TUiih 9> i )y parent to Instruct, to direct Uteir yik^,«gui^»Jdinade«per«t«flgI.t on Hunmoath^TlstttobsraaughtoraMnsfiayre, of dent* qait* often happen. A man -who fell tarebieatlfWylaJorious t o t a e t a M n e ^ ot Oorp. Bucane J/'Cboper, 81; Frlvatea ffm futnre steps (n'thls IK'B, and oommend them to day night, ta the own** of whteh Vllogg! -•a-jvaraal aaiirtalaaaast tt Bo»bwT Into the water Uie flrrt bt tbUweek wa* made Denver, Col. UH cboKb, then bahi| bat atwtttBQ i m b m Bescb,l>3; GayVra!Ki«o,E5i Jrenk B.Hal, the Bearenly Father, and tbe gvldanoe of tbi rt*bb*d with, knjft ami out bytotttea uaed Mr. IfartU Conovsr, was operating a •mall < L'.tf O: Jf.'j o>Boooa«noa,U« Frk).j so UI tUt ne bad tofaetakento the hospital circular Mir in J. I), Beyer's mill u n other 25;NeUon J. Bw«Ji% » • WUIUm Bbnpe, Holy Bplrit, uid to the Saviour,: who ban ID; tbe melee,'until bit bead ami body were In Kewark. Anotbur, named McNeil,, was d d li day and Iu »onw way bis arm oaice in contact to be with U»malwi»ji, even totb* tlaatwdwitl.'gaabMintbaBioBt terTeble nan< A a y t b i i n r ^ , ^ t e ^ b a n e t o l . . t ^jClodfrwyatctTealti_31.i:;;.-;,•: ':•;.•..>.; promittd knocked from the, conveyor by a -cake of Ice wltb It and a sever* cut waa th* result. Dr. end; andbeitfurtber: i . > - ^ - ; " r t ; ner. - He oled io profusely from bU woundi and bad some of bis ribs broken, ' •••>. •,, • Reid attended to It and no serious oonsoUodetjotCkrtBlan Ebnerfor, winbet1»eo r ; :< .;- Bi.'spi.vKD^.Tbat a copy of these resolutions that lib; clothing ww a t u t i M f i l l blood a ihaPnabjIarUn anreh belt Wrfaaaiaj p f; be forwani«tl to.tbefamUyandslaopiibUahed ueneesttrs looked (or. ei«lii. Oj«are,"a»laoX>»l oeale, etc. Iderard Snkln, a'eon of Chae. DuklD^ol i'oncai one ot oar local o*>w*pi»pers ana week.' i^d bla appeeranco wa* horrible, To mtmy It Tb* tint anrUon sak of tbe season, H r '« wosdar that the man wai,not killed; '; Tlio old," register or deaths law, at) apply- Scbnfield's, waa welt attended but wtek In U l w V d Dei» Ice orwuo and hod. Btenhopv'and itnployed^ on tha i t . S s B. Barber fled from tbu commoolty to avolil wr'.' '" DlVWon aa freight brakeman, was killed at spite of the rainstorm. lDgtodoge, has sgain'beeni introduoed In tbe Klagalanl m.Wednaaiay.^HehadgotoIblB jIUOwaTWaMoreda AieriMc4t<nnperateMms«t.ngibegaa li Leglalatura. '• It requires thatevery dog In the Wednesday evening with a large audlnooe. DW» train at tbat place and- atepoed 00 tna .. _ Sew Jereej O«tral sad l * u a town or towtuhip^ shall be regiatertd,I In a book oppoaautrack jnetaaetrain CBmealcng anl An oU fashioned donation vMk wUl be given j B a U i o a l s a M ^ b a a a M e gnat oca) i fiacoeaaful J Jtv*tt£\, \ TSTasnlnntoa'a Birthdaya XCeadiaurter*. pKkb« booaa ak the AHanbV! Pordt. atnek Urn. The doccaaed wai tbout 83 joan Tbt^ eoneert of tb» Boonton Bcbool Mr Voice A A> w m l , ibere will be. on interesting ob- kept for,tltat purpo**, by tbe dark ofthe town tho Kev. Mr. Johuon next Tfaonday eTSDlng k U k n t t U b l V t township, f i r ' these rvglate/ed, dog* a at (he house of U n . Johanna Bean. of flgaikl waaaohndtoea widower.»; He ™ yOpltnrei' on^eir tbo dlreoUon.oTl. Prof. .B,~\L •eivanee of ^Washington1! Urtbday at the |Xii«teiiaag«aejsY- >Taare'aretiokind. talght o n i a H U y hui'and Wa. .utlrelycrnTbere are several buusss l a town made va>it nieii ol1 axomUent cbuacter aad had' many Voanni' drflw togethDr' a' fine aitdlajnce oa heiida<wrt«ri of the Wuhlagtoti AmcIaUon, license f«e of (3 a year will be charged, and l 11 1 « • ' • - " • • • ' " ' • - dwhiapiioega'.ti.:'' '- ainia.'.Ko':ae> w a a t a the hoIldlK«,al l i e fxkeale woo held Urn In Ulh' esteem; ..Hai n -• tbe dog mas* bu« : a.c6Usr wltb e. metal lag cautby death arxtraoval. Monday' evealng and i* cotwedeil to havebefen at Morrijtown. A meeting 0* the awodatlou H n a a l r f ' - ^ i n r e U i n i t o M d t o ' b a r a been TheserTloelatbePrsabytcrlanchurcb Iss aaBlna irlD ba taken to Blanfaope today for ibe beat yet rendered by the pajplU. 'ui« wltltMhddatS^d P. iL.'at wbicb tb» Env. beeiinglti rrglatered number. The penalty eaaaadbyaeoTerbeatiial'ol-ena plrWrA' r Hnnday morning was In memory of the first for the absence of such registration and collar the PintPrabyterluiChurch ijinieirotidhail, Df Doper, Ulaa Clytberia thrw, pastors of tba church, all ot whom have qo.r.tltjolpowd.r, aiid to be 1,-W pooada, : - -' -: ' wifl rend n papHrpnparedl'or tbe lineath. ' - • j , — \ died within the past year. Tbe pulpit was Vrltqu^ellilw Hill, and U n . N. J D W of Newark, aa buried with t b . bnUdbtg,' but' did i o t : 1 pit lCJi. HI. volariae a n mad* op U t .--;y .-V: wAa'Spldnnlo i n • BohooL-, j . ; "BKW »aot« About tha Dafcotas , ' ocoaidon.1-' Before, tbta a^nnobeon -rill I* tastefully draped with bUck, and tba words r B t tiVldl ptode;:iiff:-:r-LtV?r:S>V'! p : i i f f L t V ? r : S > V - i i ' •"•.•••r r ,-B*ool BoperinUndmt H a « n , of JLirriH lerted-'v A'ltvrge att«ndanee'oE the memben it tbe title of the tatttt illustrated pttupt " appeared a n d I n w U t a litter*. ftetneetfa fa vocal. wltis,' Wlta IVoodhuU : -There waiaj^eiplouoii ol powder la. the V1-. t l t i 8p l U h [«' expected/and each will1 bring,,a guest jnacd by tbe Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Mr. Maynsrd, the first pastor, lived to tbe i,vokt> ot r*ro swpetntM ,ttt»t captivated dolty"ol t t . work. W V b o d a y / a l t e n c o n , T c w j to-aUrehal Jai B»U h Uid tpby eo Tbeia oecaalotif are always ^eatant, tmd thi. ll'j- regarding those growing States, whose great age of ninety-two, being tba oldest min^ notioed B pecollarlty: In1 ths n4 g(reip'romj.yoef ektraonllnary results literJutbeSUteof Vermont, wben be made whichfenook uaetf tbo wlndawa'cot at the pribefpel 'taA. roa# o f t b t teada»ni,','ITpon bis bume during tbe latter part of bis life b'nndlng,-andi jarred people t . H . »ldnltT. bmMiUBC Q* m t t e r t b e r u p n v e d Uielsliet uui<l«r"ibc srncMaot culttin'itu.d Ulta Priiqae the attmtion o[ tbe whole country.- It Is full II.SH.ooessora.UieI.eYi. HuiiUng aud Cory, Tbe ahbclf wa> atron(1y'fdt.'at.Undlag and U a l th*T-WiMfTririflg from the grippe," Mr-,: dejlKbtedber listeners with ibo rctuorkitbie '' 'AinVnfoundcdSUtenent.' greatly Increased the church tneubenfalp, «n<1 oompoM and bontral -of a stroujt but purw of fsots of special Interest for all not satisfied : t b e i » u a ' n s . b e e r d In Dorer: -It 1. « l d a Hy/TMi'^nt oat.for • phyrieknttnd hedU* • a ' i w ' l i a U a w w i f ireeei»;'»lca'™w,'aiyl tbe concerfibe stit'pnpUa ot ttie The lUtuaent vhlch haa been pilng tbs witb their present loentlon. Bend to TT botb pMsed the age of thrse-ecore-and-tan. b j w n ^ ^ w ^ U.«^wbie.pQWO«r otanotbar row*! the h o t Uatboth were broken out «rlth TOit*.V;'A.ter j will beramong' thelflneal In Ifadiciais1 exhibited antuuber of paintlngs;:" tbe rotindi of the proa to the effect that the couu- Kelly, Jr., Traveling Pan. Agent, CO South i u u t l M . An nnfooDded npoii that it w u excellsiioe of. which was*' Catterlag to theinr •el of the .State Firemen'* Astoclatlon bad Tblrd atreet, PhllfldolpUU, V*., for a copy free . .. MT. ABUWCKTOW. . Ur.andUi^aP.Fratblngb ; - * - ; - A . » u B n e t e 4 a i o m i i H o « t . . , ; - : ; • o u M firnrcTMted ( o r a - time ibo« f w r ''"' » andUolftoatil.erlMl.a Alice P.'Coadlt.' b g h t W t ajalittt thft ll*olioii 7,remen'a of irf Agimjiatinn,to reoovw wrtaln aum> of ter, U n . M. J. Phillip, aod Mr. HoweU It la trporUd I t i t Hbcl. Hick Blout, o l i ICHoUra, o( UO.plra,bru U» . , ANewFlnaofBuildars.; money not properly lnveiitrid, It not true. The at tbe I*ke last Batorday. qhaiter, Weat'onfon Candlnnaa D . J t o Inter -_;; 'Another Stftd Dog Loose: y lor Morria &)o»tr te U« IJK aj«l TitV^eiToU grand.hog eei)UalntaiKe,*.aa'to . few night* ago a dog belonging'to Wml matter; Is m ubtake madq by theMadbon nre. ^•Braon & MonM la tbe BSRH'manual ol a Ur. J. IL Van Kortwldc bai been ipeodtng f o'eanicat'ol Clmlka Bliwait:Tarneu', ti»pibibl»ooiiditlbo.of the waauvn for, tbe V'A)«»utltir Bnttdb, otlCiiilai, » endeavortopromote tha la- oeir ami' cuterprUIng Arm of carpenters and a few days In New York city. , Van ZUe, of LlDOoln Park", went made and bit men In a landable : mplayed l o t t o aw, mOI of C*ij«r Apgar, The t O. O. F., of SuccaTOnna netted abou Wianoe1^^ol; tbe' wlntw.'.' XI - declare, Uncle a nnmlxr of d ^ s tn'ili(.t'iiarglit>orbood,*ud ten»Uofibetr borouBb,!abd we learnupoi Guilders nlio bays itartad buslneu In Doier, tortTdoUsri on tbdr ontertsinmunt, wtaiob last hti «mi" M'tho regult of aa aecldoct an VMaia tba iroand box In » p ) y : t o bla Is raid to bare dona otber <lan.age there.'; It the beat authority tbat thajwhole affair U In In thesbop lately occupied by Bearing tt was held lart Friday and Saturday evening. p Toiid»y. ,'Bi « uratdUognadir' tlw mw.Tor Sharp, on Union street They already ban l i]»«rj, I'l nallyxaii't t e l l i Thlnga la then cams np the road, as lar asOIravIew, proeeea of Mtiafaotorr adjiiitment. J n p o r l a l t a t k . K p p a T l l m . b r B«aTbe Common Council held especial meeting UHptirpose rfrtmarinft the dart colltKtod ireraloantraoti.lucludinsa hmue for JJias lnVlietowi.htkl.last FrisUy tvuJng *ad H | C o n i * , o( Warren,* bonor'ot Jndja ^ n V a e ; twMed tbat one d e n t knowlany tint*, nhenhii arm iru oiughtiwd ioterrl- wberolt bit Katban 'Oonklln'a dog. t t then 'blan, on Batumi., aveuue. Tbuy are practi- was largely attended. Thisfathe first meet. ' . A Pleasure Party at Booaton. morawhat-Bwbat. ,Wth Opdjrke and letter tbek the road tbeit lead* to Crook ralley/ana bljUcenWdtMttb* pbyilduu.bidtoamcal meflhuoio* and pvmnt a ami on tho pi> ing tbat has been held l a tho new hill, wfalab bit several dogs on tbe way.. It is not yet re- A number ot Dorer people attended a sUi antton la ealifd hiadrarttMount>'«n^^ op. tryia' • to' rtui tha termer. ' and • Bradbrooa ptstAtt. tbe-Umb kbore tbe «lt»tr. Ha had po*ltB pngft.' }Va wish thiHn success. U a »*ry pretty baUdlng and a credit to i'pageVbl'Uia1 hMMftead a^ipational tblnklnV he : knowi.: bow/to.inantge a newer been-mniAyaXto>u »aW»nt in this paired Uiat Lba dog baa beca klUed, bat It Is prise party given ta U l n l l a m e Condlln at paper. Tin, drlVen plnm:clean 'out .o'iiny boprtl tbat be will ha before doing aqy more Boonbm onlfoi^yevniinKv.Bxoellentinualo -•• So Frasecute Oitrarette Bellen. i t s . 3, H Lowe and daaghtar, Hiss Btrdle, reckonln'aand' begin t o - t h l n l E ^ ^ Vgrouad V ~ age, Tbe bitten doss, wltb but few was provided for tlie occastfln ;and tbeeven> l , it Is reported that tbe school dlrecton of iptnti last Tuesday ta fiewsrk, bog.alnt got a^ylinm^brialiraM''«;l . foMebaYBbero killed by tbrir owner Ing WM,passed mprrilj-by;alt preunt. A M''«; h -toe Ur.-aod H n . Charlei Ljon, of Uonistomi, Columbia, Warren oountv, are going to maki 1 waitnerjanyhow,i';.- ;..'•*" BloomingdaleArgUol''.; _-,•...;. 'J\\'--, feature that greatly «arpri#*a and dellf,ht«d VHTfaatm*aI.«crwk P •<• have been TUIttag their parents, Kr.;aadHr*. thaDovMite* was ths eridwiee that Mr. Tbo*. war on tbo cigarette. So great baa the Ht1^ '"' • : f t f I Heegen bid acquired the gtiaceful artol Au» become among school children Utore The donation which was held at Mr. D. O that tie atUntlon of tho School Board waa .Tmiuparent Olyoorine Soap, Bpanlta L|co.v lDB -'- ' i: -'f'-'"'- , \ •^-•"••. • j[ .Flo. Oil Dktibsrrj, Port, Bbirry, T o b y , n D o T - r ^ - n w i - t t r t o w n Quatt*. Tfflkbtm'fl on T'edawday evening w u wel called to it, and It WM dotermloed to prose.• A r»lr bit,' ptrtup-, but R m u Cn HadcetteIce, EIDjort'a EmoWon of Cod LIrrr Oil, attended. tVebavanot hiard tbe cum real Bweet Gatawba, Olant, Florida Oraiige, oily .'P. K , Ohamberllu, Jeweler, Chester, cute every dtaler fount, selling risuettu, to it«d, Wth Inecmaj oC 15,000* y « r -voold T«.V^,U, I'ertuma'ol &o ' • l n r e a l l c n a t Beckonre,c6tner8neaei:ai>l boys nndor aoertalh ace. ' We a n glad t i see U r . W . B. K3ng out qatail •treeta, Dorer, H. J . -EotnaCT on S » xgaln after his seven altaolt of the grip. almu "nd oarirAtlBtd!u & bocnau cartoiity. aat^itraat/':''^''' ^',-' r ^ fV ' : -' --/^ : .v-> . ; ! War With CMU Mr. Richard Chaplin hai Onlibed the fllllnit wjr irinr nirimns inv n n .. . _ lUopkWrlnk), aDd wiUoarry In atldiUon to and war with tbo la aril'pe by Killgore'i of tbe Hotel Bmiiu los houses. On some ^ 9 j ^ P P W i w n . on!tu^ m t B T D Xiidiu'aitcnTtd.TlalUoxOfUdgi'. : {bUwsll atocked jewelry store a full line of Emulsion of Cod Liver Ou-eod Headacb parts of the X<ak« tba Ice Is fourteeo inches adrartl»<aei.i on tba < ^I^HopateoaT.letieerlTKioplatoland U • thick, : ** TOE P., Xi it W.rtock r*t*rd*r mosaM tolffl. Judge W«l» b tutTlas bb IMUMK» on Speedwall •Ttjaoii rgooimtod ind fn.jB'imd. Friday, Feb. 12,1892. BROADWAY! CALLAND 8EE THE BEST AND IHE LATEST STYLE THE BBflADWAY, JUST OUT, —AT— PIERSON & Co's, at THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS, OPP. THE BANK, DOVER, N. J. THB NEVERSLIP D o v e r . - , - • • • • ' > . . • : , . . : ; . „ ' • . . . ; " . , . ' . ; • • , • ' HORSESHOE. • ; : : ; . Skates and Sleds. WELL BRACED SLEDS 40c. UP. AlEBICAN CLUB SKATES 45e. UP. Snow Shovels, Snow Shovels, —AT— S. E BERRY HARDWARE CO'S, SIGN OF THE! PADLOCK, DOVEU, N. J. •"* » i * • * *-«-»-•-«-««-»-»•• GREAT -OF- REMNANTS DRESS GOODS -AT- W.H. BAKER'S DO YOU WANT CABPETS or FURNITURE -Yisrr— DICKERSON'S Style, finish, construction and quality "WAY UP. PRIQES WAY DOWN. To Whom it Kay Concern, Report of tho County Collector tor the Quarter Ending Feb. 9th, 1892. IH>I, HKCEUTS. Not. 11. Amttcnbani., „ „ W,«M10 Coorgo W. Iloirrtt. CharlfH II. CumbAclc. J. II. VniuliTveor, Onctib W. Wnck, KtlHDrlBBd Tbio. N. Bli L. M. Tiel, Tb<»»u !•:, Slitrp, H. W. Balinoo. A. J. Wllllami, WANDiUlEHS. .THE 6EADY Whore the BiiauUftil WU* Blxda One of the Finest Works of Art In tho South. O O t o P n U the Winter. l. IJfl'l. Oierftr Un''»l««jr. Hun lor G3fl(KJ H«r«^IOct 1KU1, 'J.ITSCK, on sHfiunt U i w . MMo. Uoric* L. Uiwli, lu full for ^ ' Cnu'itvtM.lW, 0.407 Tl John L. K.noiiM, At. do. Prniiannnck tax. KW1. D,-(JI .*' Juhii L. Kaooiw, lu lull fur • tfeliw.H-x.18HI, 3,W8».j w S T l l M«IV.V,loliiUtor Hvtuol tai. 1HI1, 1.H0ITI1 Win. II llcltaW.onaccouut fl.noooo •OOOUNt, Ui>UrtU»rr»br«ut KCCOUIIt, JamM Aiitlimiy, • m m nit HU09 7.881) 0.1 6. F M l . B . .Union, aojt'ii boro hniuUt-I H Halfl~'li l\ ,,771 !U 7 HU'iilipti Urm-, lJi-1. rteiiocl U*.M«TbT«wwWh ( « Btvitlwn HrtH--*, Ctil. County las, McrtU l'.iwiwli.ii, + Jolii.Lt.ll.util,i.lilnii.t.iol.l, HlUiVV.HniRV.i.ii. dit. Kuurui* .lurk*. «lti. <ii>bllai \V. lUm*. t«r Amt. overpaid »'. II- JMTniw, UuhKtU'farr^Jr.,Tn-M, lluracs* l> llutiliaui. Col., 10 0 0 01 IX) 1.IWIU7 i',i>i •<« wS!u.B»aib,Coi., F.b. S. [»« tomMllsrrta.: O.;l. 1* U Ctnnilwr at»i C»il.| WinhTMcl'tMlt t u l , cJ S.»l5«IUwirj-f.V " VMJWJ i.iwui* 1,711 »U °'^t.1. roUNfT WrMSS. Nov. U.Kainu*. J J * M IULM A. J, Twr*. Tuixv ltluitlw ll. I*, Mt-l-r, D Ulvk, lUm), I>, W. l!ll>l>e, Win. U. Tu^minon, J, 11,, t ) luiu KK-*, J H. U-nv-y, .Tsi.nI.Hbft. iXrUO HIM 1000 enno wtn in no Id fiO K.>'o^t*,n' n.»« Ni'rrli, P*.,f,ml ft C o . A I M . T. If>«iu, P. A. JrWiHl". Chrl'toi'hor Miller, J »*Uh M . JMNII VnuWl A C Bi«'i). W«.r»i.F. Jt J. 1) CJIIOK. Ai drew H IUVH.I.1. J. C.PKV. K. K, IllrcU, IT. O, Itrakf, J W. Cn^t, W, E 'ViiutiB, UicUBulOnuljr, 'J'ti n m iw Kiunuy, Oi-orfto A. Itayitor, KUwu J. ltoucl, Ji.hii I), l'lthuy, Kn<0. llalililtt, J. Hailth QaiitW, Ui-orpo WcMurtliy, C'liArloit W. Uurcti, J. N. Miller, I). U\ Tunis, J«K. T. I^nuunl, Cbnrios Miller, KHni Uiicluuiiui. WUIinm T. Bin!, H i l N l t l r jgia 10 1M 13 i a IT 70 3ia uuut iriu WU3 DuvlTl W.Uonii, Jo*. V. Fniw, Frank tl. Hft«u«rt>', O. V. Ntoiiliani, Hlvtvnrt Selglibour, Jucob II. ll (Irorao H. Wi Jolin Cultrn, I n l n I). iiolirT, Abmtu Hyerwn, Jon>M M. ZolIlT, 11. P. Trflwi«k», John F. Wood, Atiktlu Duromiii, John Ulaiivclt, folrl Hamloni folw»rtl Allwrt VwiVwor Ji>Im II. 1'roVMU Theo. O 1>or*inuj, J.M. M-rtlo, A I M QllUnd, > John U i t v , Job" II. MKrtli), Jiilin II. Tor, W. J P o - M , J. W. HrliUt. W. H. Collftnl. Cbu. W. Dow)i>y, ThfM. F. Jobrnou, TbM. Minn, l^torUlVKtcn, Joliiinin M. Ultrk, I>uv«r 1'rlnUiif Co. t l r i i t T b l p ; iflia w ia 1UM) )£)13 MM uia ss ia J9W 1313 53 13 1318 54 00 SOU iaei eroi 15 16 Ul SO 1SJ 18 11M mi srua 03(15 DOM woo l)>nl«I I . VnUr, Vr-nk Mc-N.llr, (1. A. Mann, L-bu. Cox, II. Oailu*. Juliu Mlivbell, Hiallb Jhuubui, l*htllp rt. itodgnrv, Wtu, Uluwen, A M T . Cook, . UiMfiu, Sainu! lllowera, Wm F. IUI«y, fl. 1'. Olivar, Qeo UU«II, Joba Fotoj, Kurd itMrt*, J. Fi**l. Yuupn, IVm, Dun W. £ M M«l^ F. U « t , Wm. H. rhekir, 0 » i L Clark, U*rvty d. Uuicbuxl, U p. Worrl-, Jk» P. lliltwjr, Uarllon L. Dobblci, 84 00 litlS 13 >S S51S AM 111 IS 111 13 UMS iu ia Ul 19 81 IS i ia 84 IS 8118 81 IE SB IS HI 13 Si 13 in ia II. u. Ji,bu li. Aji-n, Jgt,U. Ci»iuor, 1>. J. blMTkey. JIM. U. Uarriuff, A. O. titan. it Co., sioo in no MUM torn ' K16I 1301 F. A N. Miller, If|<fi>W* H. •* I. V . , Owrp« IV. K n i , I'ttotlOll. U.Cu., K. F, Hlirh, D t l Dl WHIM •13110 Ml SI aoo 1511 41)00 aoo Hunt, J.'eory'. SI. J. Low, Jur. Uuttim,, KtlwmrdJ. Fimiry, UBU U. Ituocu, U <u. Holly, IVt.r M K»|n, U.a.B.fW*.*. IU h'. TrawtMkis Joiiu Hurt. Sat 13 40 OC S4» aoo A. J. FriU, C\ I). Slmoson, D Uuiun, ~ P. J Il«'tr»7l D M Duirr. .V»lt»r U. RUt>b* lluih A 0 VB &«11 ittKl SOOO SOU S31J fclW WC3 MltS WOO Chti, K. AliHUlftt, Htchsnl Flttlwrbtrt, A A t k JoJ.0. UullWtn, Wai. al***npr, •'. M*«k*r, Htfl Si 01 inn JabD O(h«nwlL TiwouuJ. Alton, F. F, Blreb, Brurn A Nori U, U««IK« Dl Abnuili. Uwi« A lUtilr ltefi«r Ajtrtr, U Y. fUmoo, I M H D Uo.too, IU 11. Bunt, K M. B..HM. WF til. Co., 10 SO 10 70 S(U 6 00 ftOU SO) » » w ia J. I % k 8. L.Qa , 8 AndwirJUronl. MorrUUeOonuick, Stephen A. Broadwwll, 40 0) IB 300 8 70 450 &no ftsai &1« 14KO IT 50 Joint V, l\v,t, IS 13 1&U1 13 IS Eltt) SOOO Bltlwy T. Boillb, LOKUCO D. TlHy«f C M. Huiev, W, II. Uymiu, i b o i a ^ J . \\>ung«, D. U UuHW, L i t I T»lti«»n, 1L A. Omiuu. N J K l & I C si no usa l i t tiMunt il. Co. A. T. li^Rtl, John J. Kopi% UM.IT UndUor* Chns. H. BwJrer, Wm.St.TmiU, P. C Y»wcw, Witt. T. Webfa, (UllmrtD. CTMW, J. U. Ciwfc, D f c l U Coui gfftSJT I ' M I O tU U, <V>., Hummel) & TlUy«*r, K B * t o.s X a si 39 IS 11W 31 75 10 IS . 8100 10 0) sod SS saw 70) sm , 400} 301 1001 90(0 ISO 00 SCO I'm K m , S7» 0ft) S3H BSOU S0O) »0} 9300. II. tOl Nov. 11, Jobn Uelimtui, A . « . Ftmch, Cbulrt A. iUli L D £ t RYOOBC, _ ^"TV Looker. O. It. UuMtarUtA EE5« Si?"100,00 Bait] BUM tsss soot zota a<9 »» a*33 BH 31W 3353 33 IS A «nort time i_ printed a letter, item a a t«cpmM3rat who •ad «ctrk« «ctrk« la 33 ta tbr> c*R«r !n> tC« j w Ktad. a. Tttt a mnw of kttooi front u In UsfaiaUtc taaaKcs. W* M9» SB w.,- - — ^ ^ USB _. _ i «ry B ?-Or s kk* pslr o t new ihoc v t k n t v t «ten per «a|» *Brt ''Tb* «aU oaes u « oot of » drklnve »bbm«, beno abaWyr da iUt d k r.oi aittMa, «i*B 1 wsat*<a J *a be )4«*Md, iheucKV 13 IJ as • . ' " • • • . : • : • - . ' • - ' ' • . ' . " ' • ' ••• BEECHER;AS • ' - • * ' - * • - * — tlw five great races"Slwash- U thteommo.BaiM/01 contnillable tendency to. eat only w|lii the teeth* which' grow from the..letsI Indians.In, V*aaoonver:s,JslsBdla&dl,iit er MlrUm Inlght, Jaws. Ihl* wears out the left teeth more. rspMlj that those on too right ff,;..the wn^girafttp aids of U« month, ana tide In uarngtres the upper and lower. Jaws sn 'ineUjuy thelodlans by early French'<aeulera.-is Uon toward the 'left. It U t h e e i - the DorthwcsL The Indians, on their «a70tOMCKbcra<'D.oii»Uio«su *—' ~ * "^•tyow^ouwfaatitb preased opinion of many scientists who part, have adopted and. curiously c w ruiap. viaiSasf SatSHss^i ,u are foremost In the world's roll 'of' pra>. npted Enfillsh words and Dhrssea. fesdoosl honor that to-the-courssrot. Ifitlrone tribe Uts ordinary form o( aalirtatk.n«imd5vpmfthin pmfthin Ul«''CUl Ul«CUolt time' tbe mouth, : from causes KK rjeatloned. n-tU* bare ' eompleteW* awaya;* and It hna been triced' to 'the hat If wU fart that tbe Indians hanging »booV» »Uitary t>o«. were «onistotasdlt«;hetf tWtHldlensalate a post tndsrassa*d CUtk-,wttl. ..rfltark. .how t aiei. •Mob-Phrssa «hr Iniiini l A,BOY.- i.B. SUckle, P DUDABI to tM nrsa u i h s Sarr9(s» cl U . Ooaalyof Hauls.' sude o» • » aiaesscsth day of JaaasvJUD, oa. th saH.ordwrslS.aByardUor.nellseung ta brlaf la and aaUuInuornerolalsi,toi'' oaUnaaraaUea; althlntae tlsasacllailM, •tubs sarsvarbured of^UsorjMraelloa henftts snlast l i . utolaislrslor sllh tti wui s s a e x u . • '-..' ."•'. •'-..'•:"--v-i^-^ • -•> ~ D a W t s . a l o . l e . n U i d s r « I IsMsrf A. D. •4e> ^8nTTOist» mads on Hi. .D.o«.tli»; ^ & e s t a t s ot w S a i t * Joffion. Ma nflheOnmtyof Uorria, a n s s ) , to preiejt ttfjame, nnder path^ aOrn«Sao.Ho U» follows: ; *-Tbcrt » a sajiny ibai ire 99 S3 UIU 3S0O 33 n • My txtx xac^Xag with'Qcnry Ward Beecher WOB in tiae early partol May. 1630. B o wac a clissjniue ol a brother of ralae In tXtDbcrstcoAlcge, and vtjry close friends. The two were jostout of their I b c a u year when, together with anr^colleso elassmalo, they walked trom Amberst to'triy f sUwr> house st West Sa\bon for'theu-aprtngvfteatloa. writes Mra-Ucnrj Ward llc«hcr in a paperoa"J]r. Dcecbcrasl KncwHlm;'*. Ui tbaUdlcs* Uone JonrnaL At t h \ t ttms jroaag Dcccbcrwu ooiqaite sc»enteenjwusold, btttsoyoaaffaoa bojbu bis appearance tbat.noooe would ooRvpted H U t e s i loos time for riVerato pass iraa thoosbt h l « more than Hfleen*rboi(*satorlty^ana'reach oM age. Late *rboi(* age when boyiv a n osnaUi awkward aaa ddrinff ddriinff thla nine^li hi dpabtfol If If tha an y ood. ana palofnlly bashrnl. For that reason airfaree aa»tbel»ud » b l d will ill remain i iin IIta m j family feared jjremisfeV not be ahla Basswoodls capaol^of being racrl vosltloa. OWlegSeal nreeema of el*> l » cntertalob»™tosvkt the, : yoosg B U mosalytoapressed; but tt, a>ter'^ehijt, j ^ t presmre, TmUoo aarioapWsiiuo ^f"almost eoa~ t t l b t t a writer In mtortabjer \!BBt" awkward be never ti f poarftotb« action of..rteam TTsSa'and hb rogoisa memth and. bit ] . ^ « U * e w t r e l y «Jrslocd4ts^ori)t> '«jres, his quaint homer ikaaBrtirbj slow oscQ- Isngblng, nierry nsl bnlk.- Tho Mechanical N a w s m 1 laUom si abtradafitlj prowl oo all and els qui: * repanee soon dispelled UK advantage la taken of thU in tti ' ' • ;•-••••caaita.irM'mrOcn.trlj on-oor own. • l l a n x i e ^ M p Q df st ^ kt t fO A d of theSU»e U» listW epooft there hate bees ln*s. ^a«'•carved" pattem^U I Belorctbe . . . «n, as a matter of fact, tat nraral sneh tnovuneaU' on the Kew our home had tasscd not*. of the, faatbj;dfcs deep uiiaihe w t i f t , cotha.-Kosmarlons-b Kwry devaika fHvea Q y l e l t b i m t o b Q a ^ t n m s e r . ' . i ••'•: • ofwhkh U t h k d d '.whih'ncrnttnj'habpjVre?^^^by oM Latin writ w p • t o d c i n d for tba -- - -'•' - vrfth a o m e o f tiiTTis a •*». present nn^ absence, or-end Orid. -The name eaoe. tao. la* si lead re~ v aU;aiaed.,UiefiparU orittviT*athesaso tas»,«ldli«e scans t o rhtd.bnL WICTB«IiaafieeWalottwben* OT wnHawratorierasaobtb^*ja^ Tbi..for*tnes»of tbeplaalfoT tbrsxsahosa, ; oally. "* -'lU rc 8 ata 1 ttwlr.«ri ( ^ not. a a - a c u n l cowatioa ot rln LlWere S t bearUli^st »«net Pr««- sscordln« to the-correipcod, where It often ctta sprlllkW <rllh ^» l b vo^joyii It ess be waduT coocclTrd. atu Sory Henrr t3o?litr»li F»to **•*•*•«?**'*''•***'!*»*****> '<•»' or <<e.w of tbe sea, that la to s ^ . most rwolt- a Xbc' land rctaalns still aSS to t?e "dooVw-UU.otoaS5 lu»w««irnriseBi anddeliAWUsM sea spray,:•An<»herejuiseof*ouvo.'o0, kmy eixwth' for l u sUalameni. No andsoivrtIt sUOTtfsieSik^S^^1 *•* WDB»»' -"»,» '^^'rt^^ v^t-v^'^ <^^ ^ ^ta<a:0» • trdlroJd rh«r l» knorrn, thonah to A brkrhttalf^ollsrof Ult.cclnsionf Teara BkOEA North ainerkan rivers are -Awss tonne m., cow's liomactiii ThehQtsof New GnglsBd l l S S t^S^oSlnfla^^a^veasSstevaWfa^ss^^ een«i,in m. It aeemedTuiflt dTui «i, ISm Ins nan ta the>lr *crj raoiv et b by theadds o7u,e.animSS and tbovnaxtKH of f^et of roe): hare been had r«rv*a*d . **™*-|«n HB-an TCTT dsngCTmsta briite AnamA tnr ihi> i*Aiiw-it*l| <ajltW eaten * * ™ " 1 t ' w wts^^good sllv b U 4 l reavvrtd from above them, yet th«. ri»laid laa of all. for a tprit ot rosemary;^ ta/Thecbir™ about 1 era of;Kew England ai* barci; m n n «Is«;:briae;Jaa-lnck. And now we come to "»],_;• whert o-iwJ'SS h»ttofKsgr&pbical form' Ttwre fceema j re tel.ljf pf > tryinff to fKt op » &rocfc exritownt cl<w aswdatloo w^lh Cyxtwldcoee that t h e n hUh bare been storba fcs rix«rfal^« Uithcjrwera hl b j t t ^ tI t h Q I i ^ dnth jostast^a ta the IT*A of old rlren and thst-the In aims anil .-danor ftv *W ST —• % hjaelntn . —»~. , . ™ . r . u a | » . a' u «H ]w, When, a t icr^ti. ibe " p » d t resSoa was ottti trom down to almost a lrowtt<lrivrx«MUrtin-'. amoojj th« Greeks' _(l b intemUnar to plxlnw »tien* plain, and «nv«rsed b j irere enhas^t-d, I soft, ftttw andtaMhtrace the «sflraeetk>a faj- w^kh the y»g>ir hytb & f a l ^ r d o slvsFi3t.«treaaSv with little s e d l n > came to bare- two sueU diffleresi kfast. \ ; ,: flofrf&Z in broad, low TaDejx . Au The first jwlsBe pratoliam suAi. fa plant a a . " . ; • ; ' ; . . - ; . ; • ; • ; • ^ • . - . v i ; • •••*. ; : - , " , . . , - : . ? , tofi£ia_TbiXB father «ms ' Botwry sBriem dale, j . biHfk'ht t orrte;holding •':s i One of the eariten'meotiaasof .roas» fpnkt&s, rerltvd t b * » cM of toman pii»t»ritji' eras pat j on reieord d which now are vtartujt en * "IVeU.fceta sain.: April K*i65$,aA 6ci^n»am6*n».'•?»•_, try n u t j in EoglUh iilcralnre l» la a poea metnliers ot U>e ^vaooalte. cborcb of of the Eoorta-eatii n o t a r r , ealkd "Tt* .-%ivfci fcegiM lasted. that setQenWnL. ;'Mnae ynfbeA'rma' as « » - ^ — • - - • oU 50i» HVo to a a n fa ChristtaasT aafcod De Knueof hi* wiO "1 kATestaadA a p « j ralad jet.UnftoellBUte. ontr a n | d « < i » d « * "A K*litlB. — •how a rwat ocwy ta tmnty bom*. 5. T»ke m life M L 4. U t . -.-Or.* pair at atiraoad watingtr~ l mod color.- Th*y *U1 Btvard. oa«E.i a - RECAPlTCUTtaS. BE. p. p o P ., ilnholl£»e»aadoatbou«i. Ai arnle,bo^nr,lh«y moat eontrire to traVel!a ^rimilirVbii dUUD«m apite Wan-rn F. ft M. Ox JL8. W r h l t & O . U I t Hunt, A . R. VTavlltae. ^•Jss&syjasiir B o saw m»i 1981 K. T. Mrtlar, Jan. 15. U w b "'" ™ It U often a matter of Importfnee that; one should laiow bow to faatjn ropes' iuxnind certain objecU tblt jnmt b« exulting pity, AQdi we railed or lowered by mcan» ,of pulleys, 1^-1-,, tlWU pity, is aUin touode' iS b o r a and bottlM and ' and s practical lUoBtraUon of this. «r Woatumi rover— Co). 680 M derice* branded, utainv_ _ — r . _ . favorable coD<Utlt-D5 I re member, **S» and kuowlcdge comas by no menus smbs. 1 itaiiw of Liberty. J«Sr«rdT •' 1WB6 1WB6 thowoOtWblotnithwein.liilhaflfiii* rf t a writer In- Upptaeott's M. For n Bmall post of moderatt dlmtn-1 Ju,AntbonT, " mat Clerk 3 the Counbr. of ^orrfa, aforastld, .„ lli tt» pro?blow wc^ra mat Wa. R. Kerirt, The monument Is of granite and alona Bod weiRbt the knot represented , W e herewith present to our rtaderi a maiden of this btmnp who. n.Uie coarse ol the last Qfty years ft of Uie aoti of th. I^Ulature ITT 44 John T. Uwrroot, Kaw of Ow Statv or K Kwjeleney, in auctTcam w, islderablo number of European song •tandscn 6 terrnco with molded edffes, by No. 8 offers SW4S irr 44 EA. U'UM-ba, : d made and proTlded. < ^ where weight and bnlk are greater knot the jn-eateBt of engiDcersof all boptilcBsnes of winning his preferIS feel squaw and 4 feet liitfli. Tho ternPV „ . i s uavo been turned looto in tbo US 411 IMMO VMINWI, bottle* art composed la ptrt of 107 81 Wm.«.HmlUi woods and gordona of the-UDiv world, race Is surrounded by a. bnus mill Off. No. fl and No. # will be ftrand the'-TOQst ,lme, and certainly of the present cen- ene^bjUie.tendM-humility other wor- Thebaaidtwttle»h holding «l»utatwpiat, and CfUfiS H. L. Dunbjiin, but, with ram exceptions,.they nil dl»- Iho pcdcetol proper stands on the t«rtury. ItUtliat ol M. OmUre Elftcl, ,hh?oiI hbu-U. Lbtarto the asms Uowa t i l l e 101S5 kobt* Girmtrmiit, raco and la about 11 feet high. It oonappoareil before tlie cud of tlin seound whose name as the designer and eon* ,. , „ „ , , M a u w r k P. Apga D haiue, the oonatant. appeal to 435 01 BlsU vt lbn:u bosses, tho top one of winter, uj-i ft writer In the San FranBtrnetor of the wonderful EUIel tower , c nore powerful at last than Xb W.N.J." "TbiMbataanatXobt^l^a. o l r lie omoJ SOU SI J.'lt Kwiaui, a mrt of soda or tnlmrsl water bottist, hold. which ts molded unil bupports a polcUco Cbroulde. Ouljr four out of fifty has rung all OTer tbe world. Tho aub-1 u l j tiu..Tarlcd charms ol.other women 816 4b BARI'1 HtrrUon, ng about one-half pint, and imrlflE •tmtnpcd, 1S4CD i. 9. H. L. Coolc, EntfUal. larlt* brouglit to Wnrylnnd In Isbed die with a molded cornice, on lectol thesB lines, aajsthe Meohanloal te might have woo. Impnmri or blown Into or .upon thorn ttw 1870 .wora Beuatlie next upriiiff, ond no which stands tlio broiue utatao of Mr. Sews, waa bom at Pljon In 1188, and Is v , ^ ^ homver, (T»eraUj oarry words, "Frank F. Apgar.Domr, M.V^atd MUfT. ODUVTX HGOOUUk I^LlltiffnUj liosaa j e t maoofftil to sur* Grady. Ttio Btatuo isncurly 10 feet In part of soda or nUwral wstor bo We*, bold"••" • oompars- their thclrcon»Utlon,wlthaanilii.abU»sed therefore, as jearsRO, atlll conaoUtlon,wlththBnlo.»t>u»" la Ing about one quart, and bavlbg itamptd, im[TO an Amoricob bllumrd' height. It represents Mr. Oradj 1B the r. 11. J u O Gooptr, f«fi 00 tlvelj your.? man. He waa edaeated at unconsciousness of Heir want of eoo» mmd or blown into «• np*jn,ii»ia tS* L J. Wbluiv. " °" the Eoole Centrale, thro»»h whljh he lool.^ Have we not all teen them word* "Frank V. Apcmr, D^vtr,•& j.» The falltiro of those exjwrlnienta set of addressing a public ineetintT, bis !. W. W. L. It. H«T«I 7 00 rtt passed wltl> dlstlnctlor., befrlnnlDa* bia •land before a mirror noUne tho e«Mt •"TljijboUlanot toboBold." And l J, 11. Hulmrt, inj, liowcTer, bo due to tba olrcum- frock cont thrown open, tho right arm, IS4UR5 stance that the ambled Immiffranta mtli a bu&ch of mntimurlpt In h h water or syphon'ba actual engineering career in 1SS5, at the rf a color or a new laihlon. with an nnhand, \jlag across the breast It 1B a p , lmpresvea or blown t IKCIUKHTAL age ol twenty-three. One ol Ills earli- lsimliMd eiprcsilon ol admiration were talten tb the wrou; side of tbo sjHiuklug UUcacsa. On Ibo cantcrn adm on MmThe worda, "ftsnk F.. A ^ est works whleh lie carried out wltli their faeeaff T W , nn.oh.llka Bocjty montitalDi. Lllcn tho Ouocoa ', l l . O . N . Ilugliwu, U»,wtlj hllka U» . 9. U. JJ. Cuiutnliitfi, muob suoceBS was the completing- the joucir man who tie. hi. ora«a» and Vbe Mid bowi are woodea taxm having farmer whobojifd tofihd the otlmnto of sido of tbo monument la abrouzo stutuo "A3omory," white on tbo west Is ono Juliu P. Duffy. foundation ol the great rallnsj bridgo imllea ol hU Image in t h . »laa», wltt xnpertmeDta foriaed in tbeai for containing sontlirrn France la soathorn Mtcblifau, of roprosontlnff "Historj-.11 Ou tho front at Bordeaux, by mcaBB ol the Ben- tl,ocomforttannienl«l.eominent! they owed thfatr rain to a misappliesNot Jl A.KD I'CstT UOBTEHS. of the bases 1B a lurpo palm branch and «err little known, so lar SB France Uon.of ireoffraphleal facts. K trip of btdiUhftoinHlmrl" t sou r, 11, O. A. Docker, naa coneerned, ol the system hnndsoine, but —, •ts hondred tallei will carry a Hrltlsb Tenths In bronze. On tho vnrious Bides K.B. Ittooy, 4010 Tlie slateinenl tint "UBlI ([MM™ ol compreased air. After tbst bird t* i n *lmost wloftrless (one. W. A. I^ao MO M. KMd was eugagtd lor sereral Konurolly.lefttorun to waste as.unap; II. W. Klou, 30 00 The blhle of our Ptvalfla oout farcsU, O. N. H ^ SS10 yeara on tho eocBtructloa o( brldses, Jroprluted lileastag." la not supported oa the other: hand, hare no oauso to «10 and In 1807 he was Intrusted w i l l the l j oriaonoo. Wbo has not net w i w l «n?j tbafa- Eharopaan rclatlvoa. Tlie eso task ol checking- the calculations made n» W l j ns any old maid In his list'ol M. J., UJU 4th day or Demnhar, l»i.'i. sou ptDfl thrust of DrUlib Columbia passea lor tlie erection ol ths large buildings ncqnniDUinces? It Is safe to mske the 7T0 Uw winter la Heudoolno county, and 1 that an ugly girl, ol t i e Paris exhibition. In the auc 1000 b i s bean aeea « i far sooth u Lake MoIs OIKUKOSBI or HEW f i a u i . 6 00 ,, „„.»/ thlnn hellg equal, Is likely to ceedlngycara be carried out numerous jolla In the rtdwoodi of Monterejr. but 710 engineering; works ol considerable i n fewer offers tbsn a pretty girl, ToTbwdon W.Bt# sa snd EUssfasto'A, fircm mott of our CalUorala wood blrdi man* 9000 LI* wife, KidiiBj H. Brww snojUtrp iau H, serviceable. No. S unsworn the same magnitude, including: the great bridle _ut aulle as likely torecelts the one 010 to .dlapeasa with: leojrUiy winter B r e w &U wite, »ad MITJ L. Wb U M I and purpose, but has the advantage of sim- orer tlie Douro, the central span of offer which will make her a h s p p j atitthlu 0 . Wblildok bar bubinil., -. - • ration., Thruahei stick totJiatimeio plicity over Not 2 and 4. which Is no less than BS4 leet In width. ,rllc 11 msy b . donbted whether a t tlttoo or an ordct ol tb» ^onrt of Ohiiu BTD sooa,a^d par woodpeckers rarely canal Hsw imt/, 01*30 onthednyof In raising or lowering a barrel, emit, plurality ol lorers Is an unmixed ad810 j beyond th* bills of 3Iaps county, i }, O. A. Rrckor, etc., twopolnUmufitbeconsldercd, t e . : the principal faosde of the ParU e»hl. Tanlase 'a a girls one good lorer, the uin dale hereof, ID a'oawo wbortln TIIB WckCOO Otw CalUiirala bluebirds, however, 1OT« ia SnolaUDDny Minlaj OQU-PMI^II com. 1.13. J. Hard Risk. 'JQUi Woethur a horizontal (0) or vertical (1) elect man, attracted to her by affinity ntot, and jon nnd otuen snUfteniTsnta. position must bo maintained. For bags aooo In IU highest scaae, la forever enough. toa a n leqnltwl to tppe»r «n i plead, deniDr, of tbi 'rtlmber cvostlw" and sre apt to and BiinUnr weights that but little Buinir to tbs oowpUiijuJi'ti .,IU. on or aw But ull other things (save Rift of t ifora the twenty-ieuooU tu* of aurcu next, geiratbaravniaroaBon Monterey bay rigidity tbo rope must be adjusted net benuty) Beldom are equal between the • t i e u l d bill mil b e u h n M WB,M,>*i ones O. N. IIu^lwou, after tbe end ol.Octolxir. fashion, surrounding us much as poul* lj and the pretty girl! by tho natural r 43 OS bio tlio object tltat It is to carry (7). For Th« n t g n t o r r blfda of ths cutern Tfas Hid bill Is Sled to tOKt)lciM a OttttlD w ol compensation the ugly girl bus 770 n largo cargo of bags,' all 'of the same •t»t«i luVsVctirbai habit of followiBft OaUd Hofember lt5ib,:18.D, suit 010 cither some Inherent or some Kco.nlred •orMaie ulincnElon, It U wlso to have readr a rtioii br Hwikret Uoeuan sad Bteptiw He&Ml 79 ----»*•-«--:» -'ntea of trawsL Conotjesi quality that la U.klr.a; in .the. other, i u her bnibkod, tj " Ttis Uli gb 0r#o8 Uaa number of endless pieces of rope, wltloh moo ,,. H t « r bird*, for Instance, ti-hlch asscrtaltsaharmaaac<iualntanea ," on Und la B*udolpb .towattiip, 2 0 OG can bo looped as shown tn cut No. 8, cross ilia Mexican . bonier near the lonty, N » * Jr>rt»y,aod aiilgQedto progrewes. llcnuty only has the start which offers the bcatnudeftsi«t method ' i of the Bio Grando, probably to 1801. PIIL tut. rOOHUDUBI In tlio race. : for raising or lowering themth* trtiia sand wastes that skirt tlov. 11. John 1. Knpp. (10112 Tie uoly girl often has superior tact i suda dorendsnti became FOB •»*« «f «lifm to — -^- -*-*=—'——*>— F a r t l i w ' « a > t Andrew lUvferer, « W rod Unease. Celnjr.obllged to,.ttn4y. bars u m e l n i e r e i l i q s part til tns moiiitgtd almost .deMARVELOUS STRENGTH. human nature closely In order to pnialtM natter th* detd iron MureitflL tad , tixt t i t lagoons, of iiepuen Maetaan to OanjUiiii: .1.-irecw, iu AND DIBCODKT, Same of the F u t t Peiformad l>r Buidair, rat the most out ol It, she l e a n s so iraatsdfttitd April W.b, 1671 i.soo /on, Alii*, tba delta. - affafd * the • only conTenleot H I * 0RAOV ilONUUKST. the UotlBiT. Ilerenlea. well how and when to spesk delbate twth A. BrtftM and darolloe M . . I l r e u s . m rcsUnc plaMlor laflons of •wamp-Jofmide dol«tid*DU IKO»OIB you fa»fl cr olslnl to Now part of Bondow's exhibition con"littery that she ends by conrinotolf AaimDcr bird trap l» of the pedotal arc tbo following In- •Iflts In bU lifting a horse' above his i»T« tome Inureil bi vtyordowttr iDabMtn . the mnn who scarcely noticed her ou oro.bemlwJa*»ldmor«.Btdp«fflli*l»ud aorlptlons; head, soya tho Pall Mall UudgcU It la the evening- when they were lutrodaeea joa MMtblu U. Wnlt»ek a n nudo « defud* true that tbo horse Is only a wellthat tbe lips which can ntter eaehbtB ftSW grown pony, and that be Is hoisted by wiuhlng thlnKS are reaUy beautlluli ! jmtnyvr. ORADY. j SOT. 11. G « t W. HoveU, 75W 1—I" cannot' -*— gift tsokls n few feet from the ground befor somebody has saidJ. H. Balrnon, I JODIWAUrll, OHJ.TOB, PATfllOT. • fore the experiment Is tried, rout his tbp authority, for the quoUUoa—that J. U. Frort, lest pprUon I Born in Ath*m. On, UarSLlSSIX . 110 M weight Is unmistakable, and gaoclow. tntlon of IBIS, a ncrmaneol men are .vain. Win. 0111. } OlM tD Atlanta, Doc 83. l M 1 Palais iiluT wbloh still exists la toe Pal 54 IK) The*. lMftht, when the tackle Is released, holds ;tae PropincultroftendecldesaUAehraestl - i artounea ai mo Btoto t)ni*ei> i to follow AS 40 and tlio dome ol the obaemi1 «itj Tn ttq Year leOft Wat Editor ! anlmtl above bis head with apparent cadero, 8060 John D nurli, ifw»a enjoy orthi Attanta Comtltuiloo. lie t toryolNlce, a most noteworthy onden of .nsry kind. If a city man had,to Morris Orphans' Court. ease. Equallt striking. Is the feal of Uldng-, as it Is TS feet in dUuneter, spend a tvlnter in a Cape Clod jlUaJe B74O | NcftrHildor Boujbt PuVUoOl- ! . 9. Wm. K. Klnf, . • prblracttd IndlaD «B0 J. l i . Fiwf, tornbig a somersault with.a Be. 1b. wllb a boniely but pleasant girl as 00IOBEB T£BM, 1^81. wslfbs oror 100 tons,.sndfloata.ln a w«u.. . 05 00 Oca W. Hotnll, 6408 circular trough, so that thereflort to would be more llkdy to.nnd himself m a tt.ematUrofl'hiUBdarB.^lsrflOLi.Aamlii. of'«aiUra woodbMi N U i TV. HADCO, i her bjj • spring tnan with'*h» Utr*lor of VUAua H . UcD^rit, dweaieL O0M lxwl» Kuicbtr, Jr., more 11U almost Inappreelaola. llua love with l n i T l o t > put tht 63 00 left In » » • Balo to ihew omie ^ s r U u n ittpoid not Jobg M. Tuult, pretty nnd pleasant waa.a tejnarkable engineering feat, BtM J u . O. Rates, ?* ' ' "I banisleof Isndj, •-";•:„:.' h he h wentt tto Cape Odd.' and fltserres to rank aide b j aide with tton when 6610 GfO F l f f w :: Won W o n Hi Fran Hi WAR wrtn-; An uffly girl hns a firm grip, getlBral* O H I L 4 N D E B B. POEfiBOlt, Admlnlitnior that aerial tower which has rendered : * U T Lvuia A NAIIOH Irro; ssu WT orWiilunH.HcO>TUtlst<)OlUieOaaDtr bis name tbe housenuld word of 'all .j Bpeakiotr. Sim U not satod wlt» a<V <tt i ptAc Monis, dewa-ed, bsvlngmsda. sad ettllc SI 60 dimes. The tower, Inclndlnj U»ntnlnj mlmti-.nor conSamt wh«n she frts It Ited to tali Court, under »aih» • J u t . matron • '" 7100 eondnotor-whlcl sends the electric that It Will be. pcrennlal.iMrShsdoea Mteoaut of tb* pftnonal N U M mni dtbu of M40 nattb«nttBttlBtlieo6arUaof y t i n •aiddeeeued, »• Ut s i be has b*tn *b;e to 0410 luld Into W n s of water placed al not let .cbuonctve hertoo slip attsr t»*ywBl bataM* M isesNt u tht tariim«, b j obrob, i t i p p e u t th»t caeh corner - of the • conrcmction— tbe fashion of many belles.' Wtssp ditcotertlia ttaoo eUnff pMMn«t • Ow, MbtUstppt TSlfeythe perkoati Htais QI sttd deoewes Is iniiiBl> * t T i b boar Itttlo ntefla tbe loyst ! b t.OM feet high. T m Orst ones married she tms plenty ojgr.t,,t<*, neat to par aU bU |nit d«bU,and tUtlog tiiat STBO t ty th»i b lorol to ona aeetlon ind I Sowo.toD^SBj'woodblrdiaTfaldbastory, where s t . decldedlr bsoid- to protect her lawful prppertj and *> ld d d died d fida tetMt MO 00 : yet hold t£o other to ecduriDg: SM i t t t f c w U ^ t , •ntmn aomo and eommodlons cafsa aud- dlsUnce. the. pretty snd .UEKrupnlffH ; u> tht broad ond ported lofalir • bntlh*!wL*rtt«fo-wMMigmipowacr U restaursnw, with aenral stsll«ts ISO airts who wonltl try tnelr wHe» oabill.' I Ui*l lorn »od trusli Oeoreia : " 't«*»iUit^rteBwta the twmsip OourtlD ibo pnmlKa. XU ire fir., l,U.ord«r alike %lllLMusaahu»ott»-tDat: fHtliI|«,Uieseeondis s:o feet abme BUI. CDIUUtXH'A S O U . It la questionable, after B.l, U.Kiron.< the Oonrt, that all pertoni totemMu in t foTMta of. y n * u n , o r ereo fanhor t i n ground. It being on thU story that jn'a beauty or homeliness makes tnuoji bj fov. 11. E. D. H«l»y, Tr., «S8 i3 ! kllOVB SD&OUltk DO N'ttS, ODI . Undt, Uaemeati. hertduamonUaD^ teal sonth. la thf **tbteti wood* of Qulsna lee. 0.- " " " 40078 t h o F l g u o v s s printed doritur tbs eiu t e of stJd deecaiiKt, do appoU'belora the E k W l tot ocdiftrtwllh ! eta snd«sil«xn.EruU.. A.Dclglan noblfrHblUon. and where larious fancy arti- difference to a maa after be bss be«tQ, Jodgu of tbii Conn, s t t h s Court Moon ID -& twwt| f d to catch two hbncles could be purchased; snd the-tower married to her a year, Pot^he-erco Uortutoirn, on MOAlMY, the iennttid<j ut MABOB A. P . luvi: and itow c»p», It inr know-how bhelookd? • e w e * her li,dr*SatorJ»a»d labeled e«ryon« of Itself terminates at a height of SM .feet t&ej ttiTe, wbr aoranoUor llie •aid uada, touISOL COtWT QOVUt XKD JAIL. th h aW pl b l f p t b d (llnff f f abore the ground, it beta ' ' ' ner-nature, and the happlaess.i>l the enomi. ticrcditaaienl. »ad test Mitie ttfuld [From Mr. Oradt's speech at the an* SOT. 11. O«rar Llndder, WaW oouple Is decided by the-effectof their deeeiHd atiuiild not be sold U will 1M •nfllmtni offlee !was placed, to enal-.tb* tddresaof th« cxporbncqler aval bauqaetar the Boston Merohsnts' post letters and csrdsvresad ulegrame Inner, naturesoponcschother. Many 4QeaUaK,ti)inform Um nber* tbo -bird CABBTIXO A KOMSK. MorrWoini B. L. H . ? icopyfrom t L e minatn. _ m tlio their friends, thU being the last plsv- aintmwUbapreUy.wtfejhris.beitnjlf' ^ L J h U p r k U l i t d dortog the association In December, 1866.J weight In each hand, and, finally, Ban to UBAH. U ». JL aiLLBH, Somuslf. M form open to the pbbUo. Abort.thai ratuated with tbo mcietj of a, Wf doWa msrreloas strength *• further e i D A l e d J i o a m itb,»iV), . % ' BOw J. SMuta pp rises tbe campanile, the edlnca b e l l i plain • looking woman, wbo.,possssw . Tbe titUen s t u a i n i ts tba £ empllfled by supporting on his chest crowned by the lantern at «M feet, tba ilther or some ,power .--Of wuiu rT IWnmVaiD^dAQ •> oomptcnou mumer j ooonnjr at Bis noine, cantcov ; B the body of a grsiidpUnofbrta lor sev- large mrhtnloi; conductor completlnjtlis Morris.Orphans' Court. to tbe ascVorlig of the blrda, tod one MarrUtown A c eral minutes, daring which th« iiwtmof them.'retnxned* next spring witb • OOTOCBB TEBM, 1651. "" Mryuinlo&Iii ~ment Is played. - . ' - •. • • , ttMi*ff«,tothh effect that he had been Dec. 9. Otair Una«ley, 8100 STRONG HEN WANTED. ID the nutter of Joteph Moms. Admlnlitntor elentku,the-tower OnuorertoppW e»tt|bt & t m«fdow n*ar fildl Oclbtt, llarab Manes, dwelled. Ilnla to sLtnw KAlMl'8" BEAilD. sll other ereetloas the wide world, onr. Kttw least* Lnostd rm-Th* Mas 1 ta* 01 In western' Algeria. . Two yean' sfter oaUH *by there ationid no. itea aale'of Isoda. Scarcely leaa remarkable as ap engt •aether of tbV original tloVcU camo TOSEPH H()N£Z, 'Admiolilratur of tarih Fntara wm B« t aeerlnff work aodae-B. tritunph' of tks d Hoatc, late of tlie Loamy" Of Morrii, ba«k bl maU with a note BUUSK that The tisMfl are, (s Wind Wo' aeotsied, baring mado mi) uiliiuited to LUII t o u d e r s s n b the,gigantic .etatae ol tba wlmred tiAHmoia' hsd been ahot st Ubortr, modeled by Eartholdl, .but for the praftQntstlon o f i o r p o o s ) Oooit, under o«lh, » j u t and trne -ceoput Through Hla Wnlakera, rt Owm, : Dtsr tbVmonih of the ' [From'the address of Mr. Qradr. dethe puuitial eat*to and debit of uiri livered bofbro ths societies of thennV superrlaed taTuengiiecrin* details ey Ideals. Strong'incn,of tbe.cld;typs, or l d-oM, aa far'ai he baa b « n ablatOdtecoTer Crane*, atorln and wild s«ese fly ratt T«nUy of Virginia, June V5.18S9.] Elfbl. which now l l l h u the entnbea Iron handvd \vorrk>m*ad stem legisls* tb m , by wlilch ltappe&ri tfait toe penonil we. jicobT.'c tors are out or date. Oft<tlia~otlur aao*i|rb totfiakeUretrip from northern The movement which calmlnatcd In to onr Sew Xesr York harbor. Althooth m d deoomid iitniRfflotent to pi7 all linntUtbt? n«nto( flrmqetw andprfuoh Europe to Africa in a week, bnt niost ot the crecUon of tbe monament wa* Eiffel U nnqneatlonablj.lhe.eiigiwerr *" ' " ainldmv rest north of tho ttarted on tha day following Mr. Grady's Roy ft B bf>genlnsot'this nineteenth, eentUT, pie la connection ^tth,, political affaln _rtast- TS« : reWiwnmpa ot anttmelj death. Within twenty-four and we jaoch regret that' au fuller par< was never binrc consplonuUB. * We wani is* Qaa«sstia«ivuvui'aotth«rn Spain, hours after tbe ojrgankatlon of the An unutual Interest Is being takea Ucnlara of Ua Ufe'. work are •railabla a QPW race of strop's*'men. In whom S M a U s U n : with talaratory tlrda In Orady Monument osaociatlon over' SlO,- b j Emperor tt'Illlsii.1* subject* ta tbe to place before o w read.™. «1th las the cmneslcr clement shall be wbpllx aUpemonilntcrfeHlea In thBUntU, O«arlindUejr,r ©00 had becu cpntribatcd to the fond. , bowdltaraeiiU i n d l e t l e i t s t i ol ;ss)dtatt wmter-fonl of north* beard which he has been rabOng alncs BBOdesrj of true itenlna heahrinka from absent, and who shall-aim to'accotn*. iloeesied, ed do •ppear before the the •TodgM TodgM of Much of ttlili from lusTUttoBngUnd. UurlngUio groWtto heral^ng forth bis achleTemepli. plUh tholr end* Dot bypenooar-tour^ Morrtrtown E. u'H. " trnBoula winter oa the shores of tho Much l i camo m by y telctrraph tr lo Morriito B t K V Y k and d other th te do force, nor yet by craft - and fiattsry,' Caspi«li;wlwHanowstonna msj occur Boeton. Ke\V York of thla hlisuto appendage there has ODHOHDlT.ttae.VreBtbuarofllaJIUHxV SlorriftoiraQ. L. Oo., SP83 BOW tud tben.bJI whem water-birds points. Fivo bnndred 'dollars was tel- been'dismay among Berlin pbotoe> hot by steady ntlberaace to prtoefnie ISM, and l i o w u a i e , if any: y : tfctj tfc .hue, h an,- a s U H whole, t n c o better off than egraphed by Tammany holl. The nob- rapberaandportralt^ellera, wbosetn* 'liotwitttstandioff t h e ^ a d m i U e d t atli • patient effcrta to awaken "tb»5 why ao mnch.of tha uifl lsvnds.'. s'tooi>isoD(i 1801. PKB. w r , coraT s o o s s isn> J. heteditaineDUanrlKal«Ute6laal oo tba destirt coasts farther south. KripUon list was open for thirty days come, have been msWriaHy tasunM by that bits of meaW LiaecU aod otber.ani- public to a sente of Jthelrtn>e. Interests, heteditaineDUanrlKal«Ute6laald b t d t b ! d i U b B I Nov. A'Caw ytars sfo> tha owner of a river- only, nnd when It was closed tha quoted the emperor's rafosal to bsvehia pfctnre mal ftnbetanccs are more.qnlcklT de- tajan writer in tlio. Popular . Science Rfiirsrisi H m . _.. . . ' ' . • stfa Arm, In stmtsefn Indians pub- contributions amounted to nearly 825,- lakes and enppUcd to the trade mtH eomposedlntlieleaTea and other trap, Monthly. 4300 he twnsldered IU* facial adonuaeni «of- like appendages or the- pitcher phut,, The strontrmen of Usasd&raport which seemed to prore venns uV'trops,; sundews and various iaat, for • ; Isw vc«ka at least, birds of The raoaument UcsscnUallv a tribute fldenUy advanced. That . stage has others of tho so-called "tnsecMatuvt *trunp in liuowlffdffD antl In social flym-, cotala apadc* a n . a p t to hltcmulc from'tha young,'men of Atlanta and now been reached, and tbeOenaans pathy, lAd hla Rtrongth will be .spent,; 1 lik*bats: and squirrels. A numberot Georgia. \As Orady waa ever an en- generally agree that tbe new denmrtara plants ? than they aro In open sjr, thera not In efforts to perpMuatu hla personal becoming to their jonthfal U a bodjnf aelenUste who denythU ascendency, but In efforts to develop all UborenhMbtfii clcarlnff a patch of thusiast In his support of and his help i l t the plant itself has anything to do with q wood at the rrror shore and cune acmss to young men, GO It seemed especially that is best In the society of the time, , . . tho matter.. > These frame scientists,who Tltctriie strong m * , na we concelro Estate of EmUy C. hUcfcUe, several nwrtlcs or chliaiwy swallows unrtroprfalo that the jonng men should rolet.frequently, giren their viewato Adanw. Htrdly y had onr artlit finished the be- n a n fiat had taken nJuff* In a hollow syca- baUd this monument to his memory. ;; him,' will have no procd for power; Bljl & Cliff. b i i d picwire i ii t. the h c a t f e MW>r tne woria, deny the' oVt supposition ercco. It Knch I. »T.iy lrCoalled,'wUl be wbiairered o more t n e and appeuvitl nnnib or half PitlO Tbe movement was a spontaneous one, Trben the news came OTWT the cable that the plants of the insecWatlnKkind DB8UAMT to tkBoirdai:.oi th« »kim(*'» dead with cold, but crn. being bron^ht to for usefulness, anil heiWill.sbow^iis ot the Oonnty of Horns, audo on thi tbe orgaoMatlon of young men wbo ereh exercise Titai power In cspturhuj that the august potentate had saeriaced room revived ant]. Quttcrn) Fan. 11 Volt Broi., '-iBBouwtseath day of 7 JannsrrXDi oaathoostrength by lib wlllli^neas.tonttrasjt the prey which falls Into their net*. poshed the monument plan having been his faclaladoranwntto pleasehk kirlng windows aa U. nothing had ssad ei •Iffa! brjndtvd snd and aissty4«o, alt«ty4«o, nct aoutte li glit bunled : an; moment from n publlcto a i t aud — MM 57 1WL bsnby fftTan all p«r»at SSTIM diimi sues u ts.all Barsaas.-.aavUi>ulalmi 2fo similar fact has,'botr> formed the nest cUj sf Ur Mr. Gnidy'a spouse. This leads the CbJcajra ;Hews The learned: Dr. aloraetdt Is one of portion rathor Uiau proto ,QQfabhinl hereby anlnsl the c l a t . of E l l j O.HIidOi, O.HIidOi lat. of « w , Veen reported b j eompeteuiob- death- ThcpresUHentof tho association to Dike the foUowinff pemneBt:re- OneakepUcs. Be caya that the effeat NOT. 11. y . l t h l u riort.. to his. convictions ur do anything, nn- tEs Oeaaty of Motm,' Motm decsasaa te:pnie&t decsasaa, te: Ktntrt and as Un cold TwaHer in t a i l was C, S. Sortbern* apromlncnt j-onng lUaamsanleroathciaansallca^to •rortriy of araanof honor. part oMmllaoa had set In ruthcr early buslne&a oian and a-warm personal Slrictly speultln^, a amn who with sd" ' ' - : " ">leUit aawahn of awal- friend of the dead editor. yg The contract for the monument wa* a* stubby stubby adole«c«n« from the shoU of who has -come - in contact with any cqdute know leilgo nnd Intelligent tries fnltbfully to serve tlir public can never, . . ^ ^itijtt'in an unexpected let to Alexander Alexander Daiylo, the well-known wellknown j o , e photocraphersand the Jeata of the h . be, obscure, tlioofh oflljes ahonlSno* trait ana. tried to fief shelter the b u t Kew York sculptor sculptor, who mottled mottled the j i r r c i te r c s t Wlt Wlta «FF the t h e faUt«rland, a U , alter poisonous plant or vine. setk him nbrcnuonses make mentlon-af Ibaraaire acalnat t s « adsalaMrstw.iriththe way thej^conld,5 Intending to eonUnue Garficld moooraeat In .-Cfasreland^-theV ^ a b t i i j j t h e aBUwnUe LUXACT. U portrait t i t o l bbis i s ..'. -.-.,.Tnui.,laTanrMnUtr their journeyjaBoa th« SnA farorablo BMwnraciitef Mcri Hill In Atlanta, the r o j a l b i g b n e s s frooi a ; » w t a c b k » e d : hlBnatno. The public atlaige will D e c Si <he.S.Ueeisr,Tr., iinn^r nf •j—tjur r l h l J [ t d h listed tbe ntasteeeth oaV-ofiainaw A. D. Oreeley monuracnt In KcwVorlcthe prince to abevrhiakered bravo; theesa*' . It ..has - been dlseoreredV that,. tht •1113 riTAKU. .human .mbnUi snrely.-aad.^ iteanuy. flnenoe may. be gwsAtfcr In a private sia- tss* ' TJICDSfilCnC H ' j i U C i l Stesdman raoonnient in Toledo, the TWe. 1 ttoa tnss that of a scon of sreraMlsc-. caloulali tas>«t Aim for their ycnHv rcTolatloaarjr Dtonnnieot In Yorktown, mv which will. In time, bring; I t « , Islstora.-: : . - - . • . . • ". "^ s i l i r i ^ a l M i a ^ j i A m been fouod Va., and man j others, v -.!- .• In the neighborhood of the lett esr., I l l n t M One of the Wcoat BpoU at A.t» e l tb». Air-M*'* BoutM nt T » » T J II Q Unta, Q».—a Trlbnte or Kouii M « B t o th» Nemory of t m Hobls Bouthoratr. Kfiitts Tnnli K. Hill, 3,-miii App-'lirlal Lnui. Kutrb-r, old lirltlt 10 On m.wrl.l«.!.!. I U l ll l r , f " l , B e l t known that Frank F. A K I T , ua D ufsotunr ot and daaler In BuparalwaUn ami xrttlM of soda water, jnttMrtl w a t m l«g«r war, al« and tfom* bweragea:eo- ' - ^ ^ • huTPBometlttng pretty paid busbwaat Dover, Monja C I V.\e few wh« knotr Jeney, and ofrnlns and o ^ n i ;-bilui cventliU limited UXM with bli name and -other. TO TIE A HOPE. * T b « H m U r :ThAi>T«.t»ra,iwieWs«mT». vaa Uenry -Ward, Beecher »rhea slniaidoetoaU men Itckc aa, wgwfll be O* TfTia QM Iscade atd r j a s -•' Xfimsacr bia;'••MIS,1' tnih to,'leO. h-». •yispaafc ^[rvl-fSisSilep^y^ ^IBST^lpy f r f M u f f f r f t r l Oaf Bat *S tbe « « * * ktQ I it. CBS,;'. was r^nccarkiWe torhisbeMiT. .;:I- irjiat ty-okrmUJkm, desecnt or eoloc tbey X e r t M M W M " t* s « « r . Ana Ibdrsr wbo steal or irobb men; and tlwisearfao hay «sr pvnbaw s r . w dear. If the^aratbey-WotaUaltek«7 Here la An XTenlce et this ixwJ ( s H W t ? of ^ ~ - ^ * ~ - . -rxb yiw TVIU took tte f t m pocktin* Jnslsa joe, it win kerpVyeaTT•>,'-; T t l d1 I is ti^bt and r n M u U e , bete oagfci (a I UU lira. Brown—Ah! Yon dont know be -llkcoisr'Ulwrtjjaf j e lodj-, except iU!; ;[ ' ot era doers, w c i U anoilier tase, as i&aTbfepUinetosce. Bottobriaf men - K i n d Gne!e Js*k-~UTut ldndofi rhittoercr and sell !ir vill after they aam teen rofcted trues tieir tBoaatiT, -sr» \m JaekT—Eata Fields %ta»a against," arUolei ramrods and etnar Ia M l t t t M l p p i ^ v n , ! , . t h r w , j a t w w i V sots luppcuftl on o n e eTtnloff In ^e, olil Uaijy tutd her aBSba&d* tlitlr * golden wet^dlnr • a 4 wn-io-Uw ttclr iIlreT I • tTUdtUajrltter h e r m a NotkeofSrttlerBent. SUPPLEMENT. SUPPLEMENT. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JEBSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1892. VOL. XXTT. NO. 11 IEOW PIBSOr VBDK TUB OBB. BOW WE JftTST VOTE. I0KK0V 0OT7KOIL some lACia cosctaniMD TUE BSW BALLOT Th* Fsbruary nuetlng oC the Cctntnon Ooundl was beld Uoodty avenuur. Freseut LAW, AS AJTJJKDTO TOWKSOIP ELBOTJONH. —Mayor Duiinam, Alderman UsDavit and HecUon, Wileoz, Spanglar and Tbe followlus from the Ereulne N«wi o Tiu n«w Uw eonoemlag •leetioos is so comTbe most horrible caricature 1 have se< Hobok«o, will be ot lnt«r«at to many of oar ptlcatwi, and tpulie* ao dUFerenUy to those of Burr. Tiie mlntttei of tbe Ust amt\ag wore bug tima Is OM that purports to ba a readers: A few month* ago attention waa the Fall aud Spring, that the ERA h u token read and approved. toon In last week's Washington Star. ' It called in a brief article In tha BranJni Hem paltu to hunt up 1U prcTi»ion« applSc*U» to represent* tha Oxford Iron Company In the to tbe Harrlnian Wrought Iron Company, la the approaching bownaum elections, and aa Uarmbal Hagan'a report, tbooliig live arFUBLI8HIR8 i n shape of a bear and Labor u a Flute Indian, whlah a number ot well known bualnm mm near as we cut make Uiem out, Uiey are « rastsuodt25 In flnea Inipcmcd during January, waa received and ordered placed on file. brandishing a knife. Senator Canuatu wttli of Hodaon county were directly Interested. followi: Justice Guge's report, snowing «IO In Ones (heueroemiutAolieiaQd goatoa of an Italian The object of the oompaay wat to vroduc* and »5 ooUeettd, and Suatlce Wllbrigand appears: la on* oaniw, armed with t wrought Iron from Uw ore by a dlreot pro- Tben aball be no new reguiraUou for tbe impoMd 1 >wn meetings, but the boards of reglrtrTaod llaffia report, showing |T to flnee Imposed and gun. Itlaat certain whether h* intends to under paUnte granted to J h n tflU, election ibaU procuw and use at suob town 19 collected, were received and the money inoot tba bear or U» Indian, but t. ita aw»j of New Jer»ey. Th» oompaoy located at look in Jut eyes would Mem to Indicate tbat he HMrirnao, Tenoeieee, and coutruoted the meotuiga or township electiont tbe certified ordered covered Into tin Treasury, Chief Engineer Wm. U. Lembtrt reported, waa out gttsnlng for tbe party that drew tlic neoeoary furnaoei. All tbe experiment* copy of tba register of voten filed willi tbe iwnablp clerk, Tbe beard ahall meet to ro- reoommending tbe confirmation of John W. caricature. have proted eminently •atlilaotory, and M a be and correct such reffiitor on the Tuasday Davis and D. T. Van Horn as members of V result a ejadlcfitc oorapawd iD part of North" I received the other day a letter from * em itooaliclden aecurad tbe right from tbe next preoedlEg tbe towruhlp election, and each Vigilant iCoglne Co., Ho. 2. Hcyort received prominent beneficial order, e8flrlugtltt lollow- Hnn-linaji company to uutsufaotura wronght of Uwreglitrynr poll clerbi of each election and action confirmed, dbrtrlct ahail cause a t leut three twtlcea of the premlaoii for th« establishment of Iron ty tto Name prooeu, In the Stau of Me' Ume and plaoe of such meatiuK to be conspicu- A.a invitation from Dover CouneJS, No, 6, Council ot the orgauliBttoD mentioned1 lu O. U. A. M,, to participate In tbe Bmg presenJweo/. ously potted la puhlb plioen within their dls- tation Mnicee oa WaihlBgVoo'i Btrttiday, Dover i " For a Council of forty members, In. Inilm l-w, trioU at least oue week before •ISO, fora council of tweuty flvs members, U d read and aoceptedi. I will take ordwi from i n beginner*, any amount, store u d liold 1100, for aacb member after tbe number ol id the UM of a mill at 'Rookaway, la The township clerks a n to provtda »ult*U» mineattrom theS.ll. Berry Hardware them vllhont a deport nniil May at the followingprime • charter members has been wcured, *2 To be Morris county, where for * number of days polllDg placet twenty days befon tbi. etoctloo Co., to cut down a tree, reuov* a build lug paid wltUn thirty day* af tor the date of the espertmeitu, directed by Join Vevllle, under and f»i>plj them willi bgotla, oto. through the street and ooiurtmot • vault unInstitution af Council " Tie offer la respect* superviafen of Wm. H. Axford, The ticket* to bo used * t town meoncga sbal der tbs sidewalk, was referral to tbe Strat fully declined Tueorder way bean excellent o( J«rw3T City, htfe be supplied by tha political parties and do no Cooinilttoe with power. one for all 1 know, but I dou't like this way of succcaafully, the mults deaiomtratlng the require tbe olDclal endorsement of tbe Clerk, ThefollawlogbiUi wnre received, referred ' ' gbasinet*. ttstrik«rr»Uiat*.mRsro!Bfat the proowa, nod 1U capabilities of but they ahull be printed ID plain black, upon to Finance CoinmUtw, reported correct *od JUST RECEIVED 3CABLOAD8 FKOM T H E WEST. a a bargain with an exatnliiltig pbyrirtan, producing simply and cheaply wrought Iron plain white paper, stid ahall not hare any ordered peJ4: D*ver Priutiug Co., «9.I5;B. (58 ISO and work up tame lad risks far the organiuk- 4 superior quality direct from Uie ore, and, mark or device upon them. The township R. Beonett, #2.50; C. B. Gage, |ifl.M ; Jas, G o o d A t t i q n e O a k B f d r o o m Buitt, ( 8p i e c e s ) o » l j . . . . 1 1 7 50 10 00 Uon tn order to teoura the very llbflral prtmlum n abort, all that tbe pattnta claimed for It. olerk ahall provide at thuaxpenjo of tbe town- Hagan, <50; Wm. King, *lOi Corporation offend H I Join my ol t W organlunoiu Accepting an Invitation froth E. IC Begulne, ihtp offldfll anvelopM, properly endorsed and Pay Boll for Jauuarj, «ioi.M; Jiaao Hanw, It will be one tbat doesn't offer premiums io bearlDgtbefao-almlleofbUsltnatiire. Thcu IIOO; John 8. Qlbun, (fl3.60. A bill of V. IIKMH order to obtain memben Burnt time ago a 'resident of tbo Harrlmin Company, a rep. nan only be givea the Voter indde tbe election F. Blrcb, for coal, waa orders! paid when «nfellow from Faiereon tried to work me into a esoutatlteof the Evening Newi, a'coompanled room, Tbtse enTolope* (ball be three Inchee domed by tbe proper committee*. blm and another gentlemm to llockaway, to Hfaeme of thli kind and finally told me If I • 00 I I 00 11 00 woo ID length by two And one-eighth Indies Jo The proposed new ordinance ua Sutwx 10 00 would get enough members to form a large trlt&eni the procoei and ita resnlU, At the width, (MnsequenUy tbo Uekett thoQld, not t « jeet wuditcuawd and arraagemtnta made 25 PABLOE SUITS BOUGHT FEOM A MMitFAOTUBBB one, I would get my Insurance froe-at the mill were found W, H. AxfanI uipervhlug more tban two and men-elghthi Inches wide for ita early pausge the operations, under tb« penooal direction _ - 4»O0 . Dieoftheotbera.or oourss I declined to go Into UM envelopea artij. The manner ' " GOING OUT OF THE BUSINESS. U« the proposition. la a few month* the order ot the pataatea and P, W. levering, of ot voting and counting and tba regulation! The Street CommlHce reported that PtqaMUJersey City, whi) reoectly roturned from MOO WM shown to be a swindle and ©ollapwd. Silk Haih,P.rlor S o m o p l j . , $3500 pertaining to politician* keeplog one fcuodred noa street and Central arnine were both acTenomae, for the purpow, *. feet away from tbe polli are all ID force tbe cepted and tbat the people were deslrotu of S5 Pailor 8uiM i s Bog Co»«lBg«, only . . . 55.00 V In the production of inn by blatt fflrnaoet same aa at tbe Fall elections. The towmblp bariug tlw neoeaaary ordlna&oM pused tbat " Hive you. studied uo Uw itatkllca of ex- tin ore U converted first Into pig Iron, thso clerk shall supply eacb election district wltb would enable them to make Improvement!. aorta and Iraporta for the first eleven mouthi Into ateel, and flnaJiy lota wrought iron. To twice the number of oHcM envelopes u there Referred to Ordinance Committee, with inproduce wrought Iron the processes are re- were votecctst at thstowoshlpelcctlonayear struction*toprepare tbe papen. fdltor t i e ottur day. " Wbat about them t rened, pad then by oompleta deoarbonfution to, It wai also slated that the people oa Central w u th» (ratt.querj In rwpoDn, "Wby,1 tbe ateel bsoome* wrought Iron, TUB new, avenue desired a street light, but action could OOatlDind Fbil, ". turr afaow that w« exported direct process It on tiie principle of the old A rotor may eraM from bin ballot any not be taken till Uw adopUon oC ordinance. tUa,9GS,<n8 Worth a American matiuf aoturtf 11 Catalan" forgo, ID which the ore, surrounded ime nr names tlMrton prtntfd, and may Fcrmualon was given Dover Council, No, 0, against «:ti,124t0BO la 1WW, by charcoal, w u melted! Into a "loop," and write or paste tbsraon an j name cr namca ot O. V. A, K., to tnct a platform on Black' • d e w |«ln ot thirteen nllliou In our favor. then at the proper tlin» token out and ham- any parson or penons for whom ho nay desire well street, In fruut of their hall, for tbe use jatel only 06o. In UHH of oompetiDg products, t i e Ifkft of mered luto a "bloom," Ifovlllea prooasa It to vote for any ofllw; the ink or lead ptocU «£ tiie Major and Common Council In reviewSO plecu of law-priow) Ingrain Carptt, per yard l y , . . . . . . S5o. QB./,».B ( nTB,. wlleboan and are produowl »t bone br our the aonu, on A more erteuded scale. Inatead to Ira uaed must l» black In color, and tbe ig tbe parade on WaabUigton'a Birthday. own labor t t t Imports during tbe of a tnrs,e, a fnrmvoe of peculiar contraction ot a&y other color*! ink or pencil aball Im OKlOEilAf MUarjTMMIW ItWMsUU)dtb»ttht>D.tli. & W.Railroad amounUd In taloa to |MI,aO0,W9, u agilutt Is ujed. The furnace baa fruraoparat* duua- date tiie entire ballot, AH paitera shall be Company dttlr«l permlsalon to put up tun •IWW,(H7in lB90.JbotfJitgtoat*we mad« ipper van, .tiie ore Is printed wltb black ink on wlilto japer, and tbe igor algnali at * treat crosslnp, in place of *l»,OM,00O worUi of p>odi at boue that be roasted for the purpose of eliminating all use of any other style or kind of pastor aaaU old one*. Heferred to Strait Committee boashtrrmn Abroad tha prevlom ' ' ' matter, causing tu» separation Ircm Invalidate tba entire ballot. with power. 35 MFFEBEOT MAJTOFACIUEES. DOVKB.K. J. It of phosphorous and reducing It to an uxldt Wtut'ialleiiiitainer uoUlin«dC Candidates may furofab the elec- The special committee upou the gats houss ollron. . ,Only tblf," I'unued P b l ; (30 00 Ch> d Upright Folding Beda, with Kirran, onlj tion boards end tfaay tnmj tarntik such tlrUte on DIakiraon abwt reported tbat Mr. Neighjou dl^nt tell the trutb when you predtoted i. COOPEB. J ' inplet« oxIdaUon, tbe o n la re- to voters. Blind or crippled voters may have •,tbelr oouasel,faa<l ramlveda 'latter fram tbrt Uw MoKtotoy lilll would diminish oui w- moved toalowerde-oxldatiugcbember. Here euttUUnca In the booth, tint such assistance tfr. Reasoner, stating that \t the Council d«fjord -abroad •'• and dimagw our bupfneu attha ora, being unltod with carbon, the iron h caunot be rendered to druflfcen or Ignorant maaded aa Itninodiata remove,! ot the gate $1600 reduced to a earbonata at Iron. After coin* person!. bouse they would remove It at ouca. Upon ' U I I H u s 1WUCITOBIV CU1CIUK. aoodAnUija* Oak SidabouJa, with Minon, only . . plete de-oxidation, It la moved; to another and It Is provided that none of the nravialom of notion tba Committee ymn directed to ro1 notice by th* papers that thia tNoirark) M. lower clamber, nnd tfaenoa gradually through tbe act respecting tbe nomination of candi- <ue*t, tbroogli their OOUDMI, tbs nmoval of B. Couference U able to bout of pOBMtaioj the DOVM.X.J. _ _ 1 horleonUl furnace, being reduced In transit dates, between aeottaot 80 uid « Inclusive, »house. largest stained glass window )n America, a From a carbonate to metallic Iron, when it li aball apply to towmhlp elacUooi, wilcb floodOarpetBrfimu^wXj ..: tT.OO gift to St. fatd'i M. a. Church of Newark puddled into t muck ball. Tha bell b ti*o X o m i t o v n Villa, i talc« i t bavea political partioe freo to from Mr Franklin Wurpby, one of Ita mem* placed' into a aqu«»r, or beneath a tiMn THE PORTLAND IIASGES, the mo«t Bold tad considered the nominate thelrcandldatee when and In what In addition to Irgadei left by the will of the The window u W feat high nod 85 feet hammer, aud thence to muck roll*, whmi U manner ttay p1ee.K, late lira. Emily M. Lord, uotiptd tn our l u t • u w i AW uviuw t st in the State. Warranted o r ' n o x ; nlaaihi. wide and illustrates ttie sermon of St. Paul at Ii converted Into muck, or merchant ban u Iwue, we (likd alao tbt following! To the All goodi not mentioned in thii *d. u e $i redaoed prices this month. Athens Tben are niaoy haroloflgureaandmay bededlred.' l u o i i t U teen the direct FordguUuMiuuFuudottheBplecapaiCburcb KOftSISXQWH »Eft.TBS AGAIN. tbat of tit A u l , wbloli stands In the centw, Js prooeu produoee tbe truck bar or the mtr- . Tbe Morriitomi Bowling Club, wbiub at the •lV,W0;*i St. Barnabaii UospIUl, Hewark, nine feet high Tha drawings wan matfa In obant bar with a'stsgle fin. Tha extreme outset walked right away with the new and •9,0X4 for Uw support of-» bed to U known London by Walker Crane, an eminent Eugliah temperature of the furaaw b obtained b j untried bowlers of tbe Dover organlt&tfcm, as "Tb*Bdw*rdOrary Lord Bedn;alao«3,cold blaita and itMtnjtU. have foiled that tlw usual pluck and skill of 000 to tbe lame hospital for a bed to be known ae "The Nina Bed"; 41.OO0 to the Children's scoat waa nearly *IO,000 Tiie ateam aaaUU ID UM tamparature and Dover la athletic sport* la beginning to tell. AH Booiety (no place named) " to *ai a girl , *•* alnproduoeanilpbtumted hydrogen, creating Not only have the Doven wiped out tbe lead to Uw West on tba 15tb of February In each BLKVATOa TO SYKH iXO0«i - ,.-.. TSLEPHOHE 680. The Uackettetown Gazette veeuu Io t&lnk •ulphnr Taper, which peatliig over tbe which the Uorrlatowna had at tbe beclnnlng year," To relaUvea of beraalf and huauandttuUudgs Werta la sot tie only Democrat burning carbon, reduces it id a bi-iulpbld* of the tournament, but by two vlotorie* at twentytonumbw-la glvan 1330,000, in mmt SHOW BMUrMHMP HIM Of CBAKSM TO tXTtAHT ur.THl wbo oan carry If orris county fo.r Benator,'and oirbon, which belpe to eliminate the pho< Amusement Hall on Monday night, they from |&,0O0 to |SO,IXH. Tbe executors are tblnks F i * OomndaaloQer Voote would be an pboroui,w rather to destroy ito affinity for warned Uw lead themselves for tbe flrat time, " to eallUwnal and pweoaaA ertate laruliamUseawlklate. tbe iron.-: Tiie proceaaM «ere lntalU|eaUv having eight ga&w to Utah credit to BSV«B, and to divide toe residue amonc tba twenty for Uialr opponents. Tiie county seat bowlera explained In det*» to the U s * , reporter, and (.or net J HSEB ABB BUT A JVW 0 1 TBI 1,001 BAHOAISS TO ] Uy, y , but the'ehonucai chance* taerlbe&.by PreaMscvi caine up on an afternoon train and. «pmt tua- legaton lu proportion to tho sucu given to H&D&TOURROBl. biliev* thai* ar» a h»l(-aoa^ JRapubUoauu la B, K. BHulne, through.whipei uMastng ea- slderable Ume In vnotite to famUlarise them- eacta under the wtU. selvea with Uw alleyft. Bat thay wtt* i » t W,t Morrlj count? who can win next fall In tbe a^thendu^atBerritOBbsLmbew pot jwtforpasator acaiuit any ptmoomitiuit •ncoeaefuT operation, able to amonwlUh. tb& mocb eovitod t w i n ol aeV« ' '"''"' Verj Beat Minnesota Clour, 13 Boiea Parlor MatoW fcr 7c. V Anillbalk»,abo,tbatti»t* l d ' ' » " * la. •mm* •!! rmdr T^l-n* tc b. d«lu«M •fu*e,*li aoat be' oixtmwi, how- bnea tatasren, wH(witfn(fr«l.T 5** balattee . 4 taa aateto. real and psrsceul, ** : f W ^ V and fatkan the trow •mr, that tbe Do van did no* Wfii bfM-i OlrVWnMn' Jllllaaee^ln War ^ f Aoarxuof vctnua&liwy bowlinf. rn (act taej wm 4a. t«k<t«*J«a0opi»da iwoIuUon farorina ap »o their uaual form, but the kforrlatowa Uch >at UagMfc <«• tma OaUfornk U Ufwlam wire worn and the consequence wai Ooaiuotor Sall'a XniporUnt Xvidtnoe. 3o'. iooiioo ot o«»-tUrd In ail aalarlee jmld p i ^p ^r pr Wf p Wu p o that vtetory did not parob njxja tibeoaaatv flWlif#]VWJld OondDetor Abram BaU of tha MorrU at»i Tba cxiparlpMbU and teveral j , y 5o. •Mb TheUgDertioore made bj gaj of tbe a-^^ RaUroad oootriboteaanotfaerlinktothe J8o. torOornlah baa (nawtad tba tottmtotb* tbt production of tbobron wet* full of to tenet (MwUrt-tbut of Rush la the •Brand game, Do. LatUalnnin tin ahafo of a uwmortal," -ilt W ail preiaat, and tba remit* were parfeet l i m a Beam f Chat when the fornaeM are was but IK, The appended More sbows tbe ofmnroVriag Mrs. Bailor upon the prisoner, Bo. will not nqnir* a nrr i m t eierolM.oJt fee iItta,ewtlnM(«ll O«lifomiaiprioot» 18c. perfect rannlaa; order vim puddler can take totals and tbe Individual wort. For Morris* Avgait Lsntc, Tnemaroerwafcommlttedot ailod to iiaacba How tbli propotlUon i r U l > town, Brown took tbe plaoe of Bhslley In tbe iqilbarn between 7and 11M o'clock on SaturJerwy TovabMa, 80. S^. bottle Jamaica Gifig«r. 100. giaeted by tba orowd now In control o( tt» oat BOp'pcandi of Iron evryboar, awt.ea the middle l ol tbe iMond ganu, and Denman day Digit, Jan. SOtb. There la a short cot rtU ti WUd L iiioa •may-** ' l h U t e e , «basi ntgbett ConcoyUon of pub- t r t Extra Fine Hew Salmon, can U o 10c. " Pftwgorio..... . fto.M iwled In th* place of Piper In tho Uat game: leading from Senior* bouai to tbe Bbort HUla Ita duty jfoc lerartl yeaM ban beeuto[ o o M of aaoh fnnuuw era klz tdtta par day. . ,-, ; railroad s*aUt«, l»ae than a mile 6"aj. ILr. " Maokewl •• XOo10© . > Finrt. Becond, 'Third. 60. MHtia ol ulatiai s S c e n and treali " J Peppermint.. ""-• Tho' expwimanta will be eontinned In tbt BaU says oil train had only cue paiaengor on Fieeli OlamE, . " 12o. lOo. " OMtorOU,.".,. 6c pUoHforDemoojiUoomdals.. TliiFan preeince. ol a pumbtr of.VUoUflo and well Dover." 8U8p. Total. fit.Sp, Total, St. ep.T0Ul leaving Bbort UilU on UM 8»turday night ot Bell 1 r i W 1 0 1M 8 J i M , iknMOl Warrra omnrtar mlgbt bav« tried 7 Iba. beat Rolled OaU tor Uto. lOo. - " Carter'• I n k . , . . Io. to fwerte tbe How et U» Delawire river, with The'rBBal tuah H 185 3 .7 iflS 0 4'. 181tbe crime, and that passenger waiLentt. He *pt^y Matr got oa UM train at w-JA at Bhort Bill*, and tqa d boprt of more*, -~. •;','" orfamacet'at sjotne tultahto point• in .the Cunantj' " Ho. Io. kept out of eight until th« train bad pasted 10c. / ' MaoOage BkUaodUie <nmiiwn«inent ot aaotUtr fanWoe " 19o through Jtiltbum and ataplewood. Coudoc-. ; wf t o taoie w t o for aecurtfy I n r v t 0 0 IBS B 1 117 ;. 3 3 148 5o. packtg* Tobacoo' , 80. portantlndustrr:.;':->•:;;. •-.•.'•=..•—" " tor Ball ta n n i t was Da Bituntaj nlghV Oloat SUroh " 2So, In lira Insurance that ^* *tll pay tbem to care717 077 7 DO. IW9 GSM 711 eebemadeaii nnusual stop tbat eight' • 60. fullj n n t l l i U e t&etr poUda. aiiJdmake^ore atorrlaUtwn. BlneBiiain* " 2&o. Fwsh'Sodfc Cr&ckerB Thankful for Information, an*ii«y o ii. us >pWww>d to take on hi* ton and another 60. that ta»jy are j m t a i they waattbcui • I am Iper 3 S 181 2 . 2 ISO . . . . . . boy wbo bad bean skating. Atto- paariog * ^pvi > 80e. tod!to tbla rtflection b y U » report that Mr. B, lempseyO 8 118 li 1 118 3 1 '.ISI i Orangsv hmtm wtnXto sleep In a. seat 40. P . M i r r i U l c a t l a the wJ t bt»rhood ofabout EDIWB o f THE ERA :— '" • ' ; • a' 2 1B3 119 1 « io. lpulcag>1776 1 Package Peariine and: was. •"•awed at Boboken atllsSO. :B« : 1 4 131 3 4 1SS 13,000 U u u M b l i polklty, owiDg tc aome Thanki for tbe inforuutlon yon gare us In s am I 4 i3obad d a s then to return t« Xewartc end reach naoulhrtty of deeoriDthm, d l d n o t o o t e t tho your but respecting the carnlral held some '/••- 3 17 CDU D.ljj 031 8 1 * 038 Sealosaar's saloon at about 1 o'oloct KowaU irboUol tbe hotel buUdln* tbttiwadeatrojed limn ago, nearly all tha prooeedi of which of LetttaV time ft aocooiitel fcr eroept that by C r t a t Lake peomaxk. t ara not Futlcu- were^alleged to have been lavested In^tb* itock Totate-Pover, g,0T7; IforrlitaTO, 1,808. dnrlaf Uk» ttaw In which tne murder must lar^y dealroui ofblaming Intoranoioompaaleef of the MorrU County JoBrnml. I w u one of : n t s n i V A L TACTica. havf'ocourred. .'ov-,' • " . wbo eeauiot ct thcntMlnf knowtiw reaj lituft. tbote who patrCDlwd It under the Improeslon It Is liidead alngular that the Morris County Uon, and are bound b y the aotaof their agent* ibat'lbi pnwaidi wire to be devoted to Uu Journal cannot puuIUh the moat ordinary Tber mirt U n nptot t o n t m l wording of the eld ol the poorr-the poor peopto and not the mitterot news wlthoot dealing In njiarepref potkiM or tbey would not'beabJ*totranaaot poor newspapers. Let .Uiem adrerUte the emtoOonand Ill-concealed •arensm, .Here Is Borne Urn* darlns; Saturday nigbt a itaffed llU ««. Tbe thing tube'impiMMd on t b i flliyol Berbert Gray Torrey, who has Ojtr ItsUtMt! • • '.•-•..'.• baUer la thai (w'lbaoM'be perfectly of tbe Korrla County Journal, and then ir Tbe Perth Amboy M, E."Church, ot which nred ao prominently in tbt war being made, .... ad,-frotn cartful eumlnatlon, Uiat h'l t i s t paper gett Uw taueflt ol It X nave no Rflv. W. E. Ulakeslee li paitor. Is tiie largest agalnit Uw Rev. Arthur Dill, waa luapeudeJ objection. ••'Bat I do not want to patronln poUpTfiailrigbt. "''. '•tba ftmraal.iindcr Uie asnimptlon tbat I am ohnrch In that city, but is not capable of coo* ooaflagpole attbo ooroer of ItaflroadAve. talning tbe crowds of aniloui people who and Vein atnet, In Stirling. 0 a ttie breast . *** belplag t i e wartby poor of U » town. Poopl* nightly seek to gain admission Io tbe revival was « placard withttwfollovrfaa; inaeripUon i ; III i i eurloui t o note bow aom« of ttie daJlyr ot pronoanoed moral pretension*: ahottldn't •errices held In tbat building. We are pleased Leaderof theWhlto Caps, yon a n not In papers a n lwuidled b y their ooneipondenti ' sire their neighbors, - ' .-' . • '-. ' tobearof Bro. Blabealu moeess. Ue did a It", Tha whole vQlage w u In a state of ezJnriferwic* to obituary n o t k « , Theasoorre» OLO P*8HIO!«D HOKEBTT. ; . grand work while In Dover and one tbat has dtemsnt on Sunday. Tbe edlgy, which danponieoU hare fallen Into Uw ouitom of golog raved to be permanent and of sturdy growth. Bled at the end ot i Ktp« fpom tba flag poK . a w r the oolumna of t b i oountry papen and He will erer have cor tat wlihei aaan eawest, / To Zbia Have I h e r Oome, ' faltfaful and fetrlen minister of toe Kew Tes- was a perfect picture of Mr. Torwy In ivery takini therefrom note* 'of prominent people napwt, Mr. Torrej'a is* resM*neeov»rlo6ka. wto ton died In Uu loaUttea «hen *ocb Toe DemocraUo majnrity In U» ntw'Jtraoy tament and PUB wbo always u u tbe courage tbetpot end tba iiwngUng Ggnn could be. «nnrn.»umwrr«iro»«T- „ . :, . ... ptpen art publlibod, Thore fa notlifnx H IiegUature niu*t havs oonte to a sorry'paai ofhlsoonvlcUoua, plainly wninrmbU-tndQw*. TbelUiv.lKr/ excite tbe ri4iouleol the Sew York ttrbnu about that, for the tnlarmnlion ttnu Tbs Orst part of this item la a cunningly DU1 was seen o& UM train'HondaT morning, takealeapttobe mora accurate' than U'tfce World. A cartoon In tbat paper laat Sunday devised mlsreprsMntaUcm, becauae It is In- but we* not communicative. ;. too* *«. i, u n c itnuuna,' . . oorreapctriMit* had- gathend the nutoria. represented the State Houae mi Trenton as a tended, tor a purpoao, to leadttwuninformed WWtOB BIOTBBJU k m kd U WillHii « a u ; pan u * n k u l UUon ud thenuelTBB. .But iaonler to nwk« ttottam »lckeHn-tlw-alot machine^'•': A tough'-looklng of this section to btlisre tbat the revival Is '.'EemwaUo PollUcian," that of Mr. Blabslee. and his churon. Tba . . A Meat Dclloata Operation. appamr fmh to tba^aUlM Uui/reprewnt tbey individual-labeled : datum.u»nn«»«l°nwni»d«tari at m i a n M H i i i w» •tata that Uw death noted waa of Terr recent wia |n the set of putting tbs Dickie in.the fact Is that It b a unltod wtival of a number Tbe surgical operation to which Vice Chan' II Ihli Baa tf M * l> ito tMebUDDtit u< nuitt ditol HIM tbi frlentU of tUdeceuetlpenoii doma'wlth one hand and drawing a bill from of obarobes, undertindirection of aa evange. cellor Pitney, of Uorriatown, w u mbject*d aw anocked, and tbo daily paper- la nude belowwltfa the other. Underneath Is tbe list, and It held In the ICE. Choixh beeauaa on Thursday of l u t week, was oue ot the most Ttdlooloaj to tboie eo&venabt with the fact*; pertinent Inscription " Pnt a nickel la thB dot that Is the largest, and the others are to be difficult and delicate known to turgerj, ami . 1TTOIUWJ «t4W, , by tbt atetamenttbat the nbjwt of tbe obit- and*get anyblll you want."' Tha what* Is ootnpUmeated upon Uw luuoset, M wtll aa the waimadt neoeasaiy by an abtoen that had wry note bad died Uw day kb*fors. .when in suttestlvely denominated "The Qreatatt one namad In thia effttalan of Bradbrook'a. formed on the verlform appepdlr, which la a | fenn «» aoupie* n Ouran." pdnt o( east ha had. beeu dead far over a MaehJnsouKarUL'? Tha compliment tsuatsyed t o U r . filakeata wono-Uka ptoloo^Uoti of tha Urge IntetUse k I am partiouUrly sorry that tbe Son, at IU junction with tbe tmall lutaUuo, tb*r itbe conoladlngpartof the artideli malldooa IN ^tHE STATE, erantbe profeeiedly upright faUtttotttfiU use of wticfa bat, t h » far, baffltd, tbe niUl ot meg m atxss BOIW>UT»,of that party will keep Ott Tot&s Cor tbi* con- maun. Mo one who knows him would for phjtfcian*. Any foreign matter, fluch aa Qaidt tnde b the dltltm of affair* ratiar than beraipectad of moment Intimate that ha dots11 not possess grapt or apple Bt«d, whan it flnfia a lodpnent b« mad* a vletlm of theas nongera the courage of hi* conviction*. Ittoonly The genuine ityls and "* " trt. • noU, and onr »-• another way of Intimating the pet prohibition I tbla appenllx cautei inflammation and tbe art' exhibltel In our 1 Good»MidIx)w J have in my possession two big volumes theory that all clergymen do not have tbe only way of relief 1* Uiroogn tbe suxKeon'i NEXT DOOM TO TEE DOVER PO8T-0FFI0E •Wine; ol H n ' t Suite AOritiQlam. that contain tbe record of every Now J«rT courage oftbelreonviatJotu; or rather ttiatno knife. Formerly It w u almost certain death and Orerooata ba« no HOPATOOITO, N. J., Beb.flth,ISM. turn can bare the courage of hit convictions to hare trooble with this peculiar part of the soldier In Uw earrioe of the government di ^stetontUiiiHft, unteea he submit* bis ocnadeucfl to tbe guard- human nystem, bat modern nklll baa found a ing tbe war of tbe rebellion Hwntly soi lontodosUrgerbna; Vetar*ni told me of a men In Borer who had In roferonce to tbafollow1i« from this UtuUp of a problbjtionift. Tbeei people way out. ouatomwork. Trimmed inaaathuiDUTpi«[ might stud; wltb profit the orovexb which reodTed back pay and petition and Halted ma tkX "' ''' and Iniabed beyond the Tiom aeaaon; were sari " A fool ottereUi all bis mlad; but a A Lady Kuaitai Oonrtuotor. , talaokupfaUnQard [dtdsaandfoundtluit power of any critiotaa HIM Julia Jermalne Ketcham of t t b d t j , getting there finely, TlieltomKA^PiiieBrtwkwJrreipoiid wlsenuui kMpetb It In ttll afCenronto." It be anlhtted, not as a Tolunteor, bnt aianbttl> of the most ohronio l ^ t f thM^T ent,FniikX\)rter,bJukno«i<nrnatiiaiaad tome men irera as rex&rdlea of the oonvictionj i H W people «m be tute, only thirty day* btfore th» n cfo-o, ' ot otters u Wr, Bnutbrook It, he would bavo Choral Society, Is now earnestly engaged, Io wenttocieritlng., sensible fellow,'. •- ' Ha coald not bare had mttcb more trusted to know* good Polite, attentir. m l to get to tbsfctcuit*much U u tee any terVlc*, -Thli allorioa Is dlacourtooai, anprofenlonat many more dlRlciiitieti to settle for himealf rehearsing tba tnemben In a Dumber of thiugirheatheTaeeit. than be now b u . choice telectloiiB tbat aretomake up tbe pro-' ' and while It li just ponlbla tbat tie may have and altogether mean," e t c . ' raperlenMdtnenatyour WA'reahown (hebert gramme of UeJr llnrt concert ID the near Ubt JuiUy b a n addod that the reorinA ID jury or contracted dlwasi in that Y aerrioo, n^it, moaem articleio Olottingln future. Tbe great many Plalnflelder* who. writer'IntheMorrtatowa E i p r w bad better •hort ipue of time, tbe chance* are decidedly Wba,*. would ba tfa«<!l Cerates twtw««i\ bnainen prisoijilea for i have long recogoieed lilts Ketcuzm's thora eourea of lesaons in. Eagllih irwntanr, this aeclion i d , the against It, lbelieya thoroojhly ID the policy take 11 single man paying t& for linard Jn New Tort, ouKh knowledge of mutlo and liar talent and , ,'Jyoniprot90lioB. E « wont to olerklag 1" IittUaacwnUugto t eonntry «n4 - i f ' k u of paying pQoiloDi toevery dnerringTeteniDi and a tnarriol rnmi lupporUng m family of ability In mch a line, will readily underslan* OarprintedrtatemenU brought BB tn«tl»a».~ butl beilive, at the same time, the greatest Uu standard ot cultured sad ariitocraUo Uor- nine scrofulous cblMrcu In Wranawken.if the tbat the Is making nauccenoC her newvenrittownf. Get thee to * kindergarten Ur. ilwaya backed up in the can abould ba taken to prevent tba govern- EditornJthiEipiw. "HUBwent,"indeed Doctor paJd two vUta a weiir at U a rlalt, torn, from the very atart.—Plainneld CotuU-.' Tho aesortmoat we goods shown. 'B«fra] meutbomb^tng victimised and defrauded. and preecrlpUont ctwt (WT4). victoale 111, •bow U gre»ter-tbu» Hopir. olothlng K.70, and IncldcnUls f 11 The difof transDanmt ahsms. jm'li inn ,the-time ference would bo so great that if th« victim vEluniitlttn... Our new TQting law la now and then re,' Dr. Sale'a fionaaboll Olotmint udpatienoetolookat. worked on a salary ho would be avarlastJiigly i* the flnert remedr In tba world). It abto^ vpoatlUs tor eome queer iltuaU na. For in- P«irbftpa you are rua down, ratft eat, ran' OOV£B. It. *• stance, It reqnlrw that tbe Township Clerk •loep, cant think, cunt do aujthltig to your "broke," unleu be l»u«bt a ducen or so bot- lutery cures catarrh. It caret Manilla and I iball fumlsn this Spring a number o£ official tidfietton, v>^ 7 011 vondn 1 ~whnt BUS yon. tle* of Cectui Blood Cnre, and cured Us fam- rbeumatbtn. Corel plln like migie. Cures at •alt rheata la the tnott Kwthtug tnitmnr. anTe1opn, which shall be double tbs number Touibouli bi«d the warsln^,' you a n taking ily. Peoplo wbo buy Cactui Blood Cure 1 iot.TOttfi polled In tbat diitrlot atUieSprlng tbo urststep Into ^ m n u Froetntion. You Robert KUlgore'i Ml<lom Dave doctor ) tills Cores infl&meii ami granulated eyolldt. Cure* 'election of a year «go. Now in tbe Northern uued a Korro Tonic and in BlecLria Bitter* t coot&s and <x\&% Can be takes inleirouv, tDlstrlqlofWaiblngton towmblp tberewu-e you'wilt Ilnd tho «iact remedy for restoring A poalUvs speclflc for pneumonia, CnU, 1 I polled at thia election,ait year just arballote. your nervaun irstota' to l u nonoAl, hoalthy Oonaumptioo. brulies, hurra, chilblains, pom ot long stand. Under, tfaa Uw tbe Tomisblp Clerk will ooodition. Surprising nsmlte follow the VBO The tnont U> be droaded of all dimues ofhn ing, oonu anil bunloni are cured quickly ; jrumislilbatdlJtrlctwIthjuitMofllcfal envel- at .this great Kerro Tonic and Alterotlre. beglna In a nlmjik cold, *Imoly o ' s l « t * l different from all else; luparlor Io all B!*B g It opes, sad tbe same law says that no vote shall Vour nppctito returns, good digentlon Is ro- cough abouUl be allowed to run a single day haa no equal. SSc and 50c boxes, Larg« ilca | ha legal unices contained la sucb. an eavelapa. Itorea*. and tba Urer nod Eklooya n wIihoBt uMng th« Onest renwdy in tfa* -werld, cheapest Sold Kt Robert Klllgnre's Comer ! Buppoee there ihuuld be a content tilt Spring Uoslthj 'letiou. Try a bottle. IVios Mte. at Dr. Hato'B Household Cough Cure.' It ante Drug Btore, Dover, V, 3, ~ , A OTLEOTID BTOOC Of | and the 550 rotera la tbat dlttrtct cbonld llobort K3UK°re'» Cornur Drvg Btorfl, Dovar, l&e magic, •trenKthanlttR tfct lncgm, allajl oWra tt'flxerdse the right of miffnig*. How Dram, Hnnco « Co^ Drug Blor*. Port Orwn, all Irritation and ctma a cough wkere Th* ZIncaton 7ost Offloe.. wonU they t * abletodo It) and V. V, Jenkins' Drug Store, Chester. TTemodlea fall. aSc. and Mo. i»r bottli Dr.Daene'BDyipepsla Pill* work kt Robert KlUg-ore's drug stora. A CDBII Brent Onsnn^ They cured my son of filck Headache and Is* JOSEPH C. JOJIN80S "WlnUr, digestion. A young lady friend of my family , A full ilon for Indies, Oe&t« and Children TbaPlorid* Steam Oaater.. ndcontcnt U a home willi "The Ro, cured heradf ot Sick Headache of long •trailVftalitwlDj a i l Toraltua Work, For Ulortratcd drcpWi aeud to Fred. D, In TTUta, Bed and Natural Wool or Merino, ing by their use. Every one recommends ex, (Rau m Bmul/ltonl at the Detblre Bton, DaTer, K. J. Stefaeu, Oerman Talley, IT, J, Hi r»a* nw». K. If. TO NEW BEGINNERS! Oflw oa BiukwJjl Btmtuit tor ffiblITl^k Mir man n t o n n u t m R U D T OAUQU i. DKBCUPTtOM OV T B I K*W KIOCEHS W I S I Of CUCAL DBauVATIOH BUY NOW. OURS SAVE SO PER CENT. IS THE BEST PLAOE mnto AT BOCKA WAT. TO BUY o n n i n n tutrak" »» an in •SIS 18 8 g uso 3^ s uoo BEDROOM SUITS. IN THE STATE, - HEAGAN & CO. PARLOR SUITS. ar. CARPETS! FOLDING BEDS. Redactira Sale! SIDEBOARDS. CARPET BED LOUNGES. (CREDIT Given AT THESE PKICES.) n u a amulia,H.t). • auuauirucnxumu Having reduced nearly erery irttclein enr dtore we would like ynn to compare our pricea with those yon •re pitying at present end you will certainly glre as • call during this great sale. We guarantee every article we sell to give satisfaction or retain j our money. AMOS H. VAST HORN. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . ; er>;«4>\*#w;., f 8e. fun* u»« omwrn. «wi? WALTON BROS., Merchant Tailors WV^ Ue. *»••}» is n.-s-.sra Clothiers, HOIS SARSAPABILLA ' DOVER,-N.-J; AND CLOTHING ; CABTbfilA ONLY 70c. BOTTLE. ONLY 270. BOTT1E. We stlll<conllnHe to give each purchaser of one i»onndorTea4 poiinds or the belt Standard Granulated Sugar PJBEE. Onr presents with Baking Powder at 45c. per, large W must be seen to be appreciated. They comprise the most beautiful and oseftil articles ever shown tn this county. Onr window neatest the Post Office is full yf them. Goods dellTered free with our own wagono. L.LEHMAN &Co. . l»»>-. a.jyt»ZJgafig OUR BDPOR PATRONAGE, THE LARGrEST U E T i l L tiftOCERS • BLAOKWELL STBEET, _ notmrrooo. l l h i STOVES! STOVES! > PARLOB - STOVES ifrom $5 up. HEATING. ." RANGES from $8 up. IWILOOZ 4 ; B E R R Y , C»r|ienter» u< i MoGREGrOR «k Co. PLUMBING,. TINNING, 850 and 852 Broad Street, NEWARK, N. J . {LfVER 8. FREEMAN CtrtantarmlBiilMar^ Largest Assortment! Lowest, Prices- MILLINERY GOODS OLD ' Steam anil Hot Fater Heating. HOUSE DAVID S. ALLEN, BLAOKWELL STREET, DOVER, N. J. KWlFlo'BOAST'iBREEZEft , rboinpton. About Mr. Hugbion'a objection Vlotlmlsed by Ma Farm H a n d . ESTABLISHED I83O MI bl* nmrrjlug Miba Tbouipson, he aald be William Q. Wilson, a farmer Hvlog between n of T»o Olrl" « • « « » » nd been iutorintd by Ret, Mr. Hulllnit Atlauiucby and Tranquillty, U ulnus a farm tor. 1« IU Wild Moode, MHAXCES u r mil SELF. li-j jirtif ut pist >r of tbe Mt. Freedom citui band and about (170 io cash and cbtoks. On Tht north wind! ot the P « * week, HKOKHK K. bat Mr. HuKbmn Lad offered blewK ii Tuesday be sent his hired man. William HoffDILliln £IW EI3BFS DIVISION.) ThB Saw York Teligram of last Katurtli Mjl the San Fnmoieco Chnmlole, l)a»« FBO1I THE o NL-W York, loot ol IHiclay Si. a i, a young man who wucoEiIdered rather eveningcontained >u oxi<nn!c(i d<-*crl|*iai nrfbeen nocepvallo tt tl» laote«rmfo». uf Ulitistopbor Bt. Ignorant aud iunoccnt, to do torn* errands, urn U a pretty woniii, about t w n t Btlrllug And tlie folloning Interviews ; HDMUEB AHIUNUEMEHTB. and, among other thing?, pay m n e bills. G< >enrr.<.(am., WLlIa Mr Dill's trial » Constable Jas. Havey, who knows all a* UQNDit, JUNE 9id. 1881. •jrogrcu a good ileal was said about asoeae i gave blm (15 la money snd ibout t\6H la tbe causei tbat have Uxt ui> lu tlilt unplfn L'sJmillDM Mnbille, Parli, which Mr. D1I checks. HolTtnan itarted off wltbahoneand cnnrcli tcaodal. spoke to me In tbe bigtu DOVER TIME TABLE. vns ull>et>d to have witnessed aud tcii ol wagon Tuesday mornlnK and vben be got a terraaof Ur. Dilt.aod be regard, bin) a rfcUJU iftUITt tKD DEPABl noM^TBlt il*TH short distance from Wilaoa's be bed the bone • SHODg bU {jariahlni.f n. lie wai apoken to —MBof tbe •ront-uiwd men lu tbo world. Hi to a poet, jumped a Lebfgh and Hudson train clila uiitteryesterdiy, dnii betmlil that be bad •tieuded thaPrefujteriiMi Church, ami ki nitUilu-d the jiUctt himself, but bad bet and reached Belvidere about ooon. In tb» of tbe great work Mr. Dill has ace. mi pi I «b. among tbe humble class with whom ba bi t >M i)l' it wblle he wasln Paris. l i e slid thai afUrnoun ha bought a* ticUt at the Bel. Del. Uiwego Kxpreis* 6:lu DDVPT Bzprcii 0:BU mingled and praje.) nndfarmigtitInto tbe fo io9 no iuii>uri* thought In bit rofutl wben 1 station for another place. That la the but, at BaiUers'. 0>rrl>Ke Uabcra', 9; aukettalown S i r .7:82 SaaloD Usil *in »k& 41 f 11^ tiuil he did io only to point a ni^rs tills writing, that bas be«u aetu or beard of Con'riCor.1, Kfuto« «n*) Miiiufi irbeu no Other jireacbi r who liuil lit UH.S, P.I-.1.. Ol •, "io Wistnogtou Bpi • am tlotblc Bxp.' 10: tndt Hkoutber thlaicsbo bid a&iilforlhes&u him ia this county.—Dulvider« Apollo. would go near tbvin. Hit lnfl.ituce 1 O * ilpt)S> 10 jjrpuie, it bad been unxl ngaiusL him. Catholic t-lnueut w«s fully on grow, for wbi THE B E S T 8 H O K M THE •fORU) FOQ THE MONET I1 AIRICU.KJRAL HormntooBt.* 11:17 be i u ruled out o( liia pulpit ttio Cniboli ; Complimentary to Ex-2Caro£Worta. It Ti • i r i n l i w ilHWi wllb DO Uaclisor ui— *L ' '• I never uttered a foul word in my life," l ro hurt tba fe«i| nud* o t th*> b**tfloetn allowed bim to b< M meetings iu (tieir h Resolutions were pused by tie Uorrlstown and easy, snd bteaut* %t* mate MOTS tto iilJud. " When I wai In Yale Collega 1 wu i*ivon Etpreti 1; orad4tha*OH0ah4r<~~ " - - — . . - (•• F«rt,lnor«, Hai4 Mr. n*r«-f a ] , n knew Ibat Hqiire M«ITi tlmlr* Bipreis'l: i Hiked up toou ecjuuat of my purity of liti Common Council lost Friday night on tbe Dorct Aocoai l, Trtejaios,Finding T OotcrAcoom. I: U<ed umttenil ton UdlioliBtCutm-li at Ui ElmlmBi.* tii J I have beoa." vvr Joce leavlug college, tbi resignation or Mayor WerU from that body. mru> O H I S l l « k tattoo Bipresr 9: SutoD Mai) VUagatWire Mr. Dill came to SHrliuir, A ptrt 1* an foliowa: *' IV» beroby ezprcn -ainu its I « u there, [lure ID Ibuugbl aud I daraatoo Ex,* it: Odwexo Eiprcsf »fler«*ra bi* antiimtby fur Herbert. 0 I'kutlatowoGip.a; >oid. U'lifu a boy at OUorlinit waitoerul tu bi m In bis retirement frum the position OoverBxprest V. Tor re y wai tiurUd, and under I'nator l> which be has io honorably filled for many o! tny lifo pa tor to think a thought tbat teachings they both wor*blm>*d Ia tba Y Boflaio ftiprass* 6:16 •mild not Ull my acliool girl playmate, the jears, our appreciation of bis uniform 'E employ no outsido D ror i OM bjterlaa cbop-1, Havpy t>iM a funny et purentsoul I over m e t It boa been Diy rule caurtvay and fairness as a pmldlop; officer, •A vmkzr AJTTEBHOOK. ' . BARB' WIRE FENCING, to lllu.tntt* Mr. Dill'* InUur-iira atiK'UR agents to Bell goods and of tbe uufalllng and gentrout ^serrloei ivrr ainco. no«r4eooni 10:1 1 working p«iple mill ihow tlMrlove f. r I "I never Itltaed a wonaao other than a rela- wbicb he baa rendered tx> us uid ta tho town. erally, If e s s mlfffck Joag* from Vbb cpo-, p L « t Buuimer Ilavey gave n dance iu tl -.lev," Mr. Dill continued, "until I « u thin tine of lit*, aatYa, H«friK(r»uiri an<l Water TerafttloDspntbe su^jeot \yhereTerth» 'Vt*. Boontoa Braocb. E have bo bra'iicb stores grove aud thi>.o«a* a largeattomltiiire. T! Ooulera, Bsl>r 0*rn»RM, eto. 11 years of age, aud that woman was Miu TbotapfBlrwx WDBirrato. The ae w <tj-le of Look* Uk* a AOEHTBTOBTHE . /Affeut of Moms aud irlj lining CotmtlM was to bo a prayer meeting la Bro Mntl DOVER AND MORRISTOWN-. Ohcitl" That's anywhere. dreases w » eridcctly never deihe OUtft Chilled Flow, also Aitau Barnii lieutr, next door, tbatevcitiuK and tbu dance? what tber m of '0. Anive. Loire. Armi Ssale Whet-1 Gtiltlrauira, HMlv. A. Wo Blimed for tbe high equinoctial pOsa " Ia a y opinion," sild Mr. Dill, going tac tbo p o l o , thin, knew natting ol it. Wblle tlio futi WBB at Muwera, HesiKrs and Bioders, H 't-* lUhe :r. M urin'owD. U'irrlstiTwi.. Porer, tlut eapei-dowv Market irtreet, d l f :i bin arraignment belorebli fellow-uiinliUn weak woman 4 n w c . i i and DalUtd'a Btj ^Hlden.; Lwi. wbo'a "runE have a pwfJiur torn handblitn, paper boxes. '• tbu trial Li-tore PrtabyUry Is nlmplf an a sod I mid llnrse rWt-r.ind til Dr»r oUu rain down1* and OTorcaster caas,' doakcaWd cats • and the Biohltifrj. AastlnH "~ wmptou tbapmitotthecoDTicted WhlwCaps, bti nddlu D miuieDill mJileuly walLei iu a Moil Order Department. nrorkod. P r o b • ]t Btniup Pullers. other superfluous lumber of vonr.mnfl^ *ired [rorn linprlianuimt byrayrequest to the ablf abe knowa II •urpriwKl thorn »itb thu rein ark, •' Yuii *e< 1:1.8 p. borsolf. B u t nlficent imd keanttf uUy-paved. iMale* . Miirtfor tntrcy for (bom, t o iojure ma. I t tobe bBTiugn jileusnut tinio hrre " Tbe i 3:43 ' tnen'a one thlnf wards. Jtwas a nlffht for any modert LL orders filled or mquirite •eeuis ta ins unlalr tbat any erfdeiuw from corketl botUr* ol beer disippeared like uisj; the can't know, Duplex Hleatb tui4 Hot Wsttar Beaten. Thej man to wltaaett last week when the th* raiding of tbe lid lla ttu|ij*d nn'i tl •Mvto p*r»niii bbould be accepted, etpoclall or i h o woulini answered on day of receipt. 7:18 iu« toad* ol wnttifht boiler iroa, h*r* eo] ind look so-and thatto,that Dr. cyclonic dUtm-bance and the pulMaok -vhere cbarte-i wire mude by tbein agstmt mi dancer, rnU. Home of tb< 8:03 par fines, and oUira anperiotitr In tht, to drtH were wrcfctlinff on the UarketTuene cbarges wereabtolutrly falar.and mac Favorite FrwcrlpUon U guarontMS] DOTEB. « . J 9:10 10:10 " wire attvi want gaihm d t-uttber. taken ii owingpoinui GteateooiioinTlDfucll Bltn•treetcrosainga. _• ^ •• . Prices charged caslomers by ini Tiucces*orto 4 . IVJghlonj .. o* the tCKtimnny lias been ibonn to be htar- to holn her. ; , •' Brother Mutber'astU U-tatcd lu nu uM In ilioitt' of oooitnotloil No nnaueuib It's a lcgitimtte medldae, nudo **peciaUy LEAVE HEW VOBK 7 0 D DUVBS. A couple of intrepid jwuool-toaehen toned prayer uuwlit'g. for nomiWa naxls; an Invlgotnting, restoraare ideotical with thosb prevailioj M iiK. 7:10, 7do*. fiiOO*. 9:00, 93V, 10:1 MANUFACTURER AND DEAXER Ilf °nit U keap%leMri B M J to manag* I N Tentured ontta[the height of thearals tivo tonic and a aootbing and strcngthwilrtt; " What ot tbe future!" be WJI aiked. Tbe Unbent were vlsl'ed. TLey hare ikt to lift to l i « X»9 of a luge, OUR '. X.; 13:00 U., 1:U)*, V:M, I^U, 1:1U*, ion WeanewUy to the ooean beachto.Ml ,.: " I t U t o o e i r l j t o i i y much of that now, cervine, importing tono and vigor to the :til. am, 7:%1«, HMl, B:10 *ud B-1X.* t u. •l(tcdluS:iillt J < fir n[m-teca years nn'lbfl on goods bought over tbe count rumen Old Keptaoe. shake his hoary locks at . ' v w . tiuuukm llrsuou. But It iw't « mere sUaulant It's a nota. attend*! Mr Dill'* cburtli vvrr Sinn* hu wi h-> replliKt, '•but I will say thla, whattrerma Boreas, ti' was. » fine filjbV-ttat U, natbu trial tiov punillos before the Presby. dy, snfo nnd turo, for all the functional dfl- Painter, Deoorator, Qraiaer in person, loiUill-d jisitor. Tue standing of luese tho ocean, not theteaohers. Tholatux [•ry, ii won't oiTcct taj purpose to preach the and Paper Hanger. pis IU IU« comiouulty Is lit«b ar.d they CHESTER BRANCH. Iron Work a*ti*rtwtonr denoted. In ttoek i .."When- ordering hy mail sign yoi <J>ip*-[. Ttie*>uwi'tui seems io me to be o alt times StoTtsand Hot AlrFarnseespf er*r presented nucha senBatioual spectacle: neither |irt-jii(il(fd u -r lucUiifil to niikti*' ' line ef fomalo wmplalnU" of ovirj kind, pewhen the frisky gale tool: them, BO to description; HardwsTB.OntlorvvTin *are,Oi Mile iiiomonl to<iii consclou* of lanoceoce . .11 pno*L. - - - . -. liodlcol ptUni, Internal inflammation, ulceraL l1 u n i t * ibmt mm Ii it trim They mid in ,i Cloths Oupa-lA eto Xiel]ajF — * ~*—^" lurKFM t tt r * r •peak. In iti arms and tossed them .. Jbou on Foaa'X nHtel, ID tLe nu . full namo and addusB plainly. P. r thu pre-cnt Mr. Dili will continue hi Uon, and kindred ailments, 1U guamntt-id [OB 8 OS 6 17 ChMI«r 7 Js 12iU> 4 Ii t o benefit or rare, or ths money ia returned. rKi'MIr u«curieU bj A. Ytndttrur, P u around the beach hke a couple of I'.iriitMlu hipihtgraduaU cuune la Uuloi 10 3 J 3 37 SMI llurtoo T 33 19 I>J« 4 18 "-•^" -"-"'--Baokntflhaln p e e d H b>lb ibo Ti.riwjn nnil M'litvu-, No other medicine for womm u eold so, fitx325. TVbtu atudiLg rciuiltuucLS regi 1013 corks, that a relief expedition wa» sent Tut, cornea AND SHUT Inoir Roumo 913 0 i | i n n i , 7i3; m m g Proof that nothing else Is " Jurt as good." wuulil b« glad tu uluto [tulii I twin M Mr Mout Irom the Wo-savlng station to res10 tf 317 0 99 SaoeuaoDS 7iU 13 IB 1 Si full lint tbvy wiiulUuilii'ntttUbtnJ ln-lia ter jour letter It is safer w I i 2 13 fl 6i UoOalcsTllJfl 7 45 13 33 4 i cue them. It was deemed advlsablt A Little Qlrl'a Experienot In % lAghihouM. A* Mr. Mutltttt ««w iit.wnt lti.<y d-t-lm d « 10 3 u > •; fon u r s n 7 5] 1JJ0 I i thtttthehetu3of tho expedition, a mar* ilr. and bin. Luntti lltwwtl u-v hveperM vl From » t o SO acres e l aseond frowth ehsst8 00 1J J S 0* «fbl.a. A l t o Mr. Hill tb-y bad ML Fflckagos eent by mml wit! co. » 36 S 30 b U DoMr rled man of forty years' «T*rlenoe, ftCTS OF1 INTEB'BT FHOU JtlCBAJCOIS 111 the Uov. Ligntbotun at band Ifaaoh, Mich, The llnkottnLian Etownu .Ions «• Port lit HI Mint O guulleinaii who bail Nurn i-hcu aat tunba quit. DMT rsllroRd. AddreM should approach tho dlstresBod ladlei 0 » m e o i O K l U i i a t 7 9 j ) i H , ROIUI- VI MIIOU1I0BKU CgUXTlCS. Io per ounce extra for mining' and are bltaMNl with a daughter, four year* tp^ct, |{fUBrou« anil u bant Hint earns, tebui under cover of a largo family umbrella. "ERA OfTUlE," uid. Last- April abe was tevksu down i worker. Uu wn» H fivniR-ut r at tb AX nosEBT n i u n r 'KKATH A onraraniBT, Tbe other life Bavera Lid behind a Bandtr-U Do.rn.rl. J contain writiug doubl A gHitUjiiau irum Uuciettitown dropped leftsl«8,roliutv«lwlUia dreacUul Uoughand bill till tbe circus had ended Bad the QENTJtAl, RAILROAD old riauubler who baa utteud«l Mr. Dill' bin (MK-kutbook mornlufe nbile patisluK from turulug Into a Fever. Doctori a t borne u d Cor. Sussex and Blackwell St$, pair of tcrror-Btrloken maidena bad rates are oharged >t Detroit treated her, but lu lain, she grew nit car to auoibtr an the train wasnearlDg Cbiucb. anil has been in bit mciely Uiu» own secored from further violenoe of *omt rupidly, until «Jw w u « more " handful clir) Wakhiugtou ttatroa. tc contalued tl(IS Mill maintains hla npnUtion for aM|.liij[ f» tlm« again, auri »be uevor beard him mull. thogalobyiiaTlEfr their skirts lathed THE GORTON We ussnra prompt, efficient am and oomslete atooks of • tud ttlll mint vnlualila note*. Win. Bartwr, >I bgBun,"— i'Dw kba Uinl Dr. Klog'i Hew lmpnt|*rallii*nin Tbe M.^b.ri- me wil round their limb* witti scvoral fathom* A flnsj itnck of WatcbM, Clocks, Bllrer >u r-isi])l.-y«,Ia tie railroad yard, found tbf DLcuvwy aud after the uw of two and » ball ware, nn<v tbit thrlr ilaugbtar ktiall lululfk' lu eatUfuctory scrMce to all who v, vi hay rope. Mualoal XutTanMott. & o , alwi IIOUSE-IIKATINO TIME TAflLR IK ZFFBOT K0V l i r a , 1601 uvtUoa, was cumpleuly cured. Tbey «a; Dr. KH-lirtiMKittaud received abaiidtome nil Dill's ai>cItly, or w «b«re tln» tU KHM * p c p Kiiig'a New DUw7«ry la Borti Ita weight In entrust their rained ordc» to 01 TI'AIVS L l ' i V B DOVER A S FOLLOWI blni. aad I Ley bavo uu ftar of uuy »r —WuNblugwa llaviow, AN HISTORICAL CHURCH. DOVBB.H.J. gold, yet you maj get a trial bottle lite at O00jlli|{ Ui btr et hi* bnutli. rtuburt Klilgon's Conuu- Drug Oiore, JJovar, care Ose e f EDRlnnd'n L«ndmarks to He Of For Now York, Kowaik oud Elii .A SPECIALTY. B u t U r . Mil'* t-lTorU to ral.*e tbn bun Urain, iljuive & Co'e Drug titan, fort Oram, PAttM 8I1UATI0H WANTED. A riau STORT. bollt Mad RamcidaUd. Very truly yonre, evldcuily hnva uni a[ijiri«ciuUil by ubctk, ut 0.16,1141 A. ii.; S ill, S 5 We b«v» tome cat* h-re tbat go a flthlog. uid F. K. Jeukitu' Drug titora, t'faestor. Last j*ar a movement was set on foot »LH - Ji SOUDAYB, 5 48 v x . Cb'tu frlliif» IUIIII tha banki ofipilngruni IH8URE yoUE PKOPERTY 'fflTH to reston tlia parish Lhurch of Dnraence*. nnd would lltw same. Would prefer tr ed lu K i n ) lutk f o r " aprckieJ brautiej." A few day I BuDklaa'a Araloa S*lve. bam Thorpe, In Norfollt, of which place Tor Philadelphia at C 15, 11 41 take farm on salary, or would stock a good mil tu Join hU cl i iuiba» t nee ino wisaeeu cunylng a Urge trout lu H Tbe best aalra In tha world for Cant; Sores, rm. rtrafrdaas butter maifr. Lord NCISOD'B father was for a IODH M , 3 81, e.55 *•. H. One uf tbrta IBUIIIB u tU%«r iu li<e it nit)), ibtt flih lirlujf illll ulifeaudtqulrmfpg. drulsea, Ulcers, t3ait Rt*um, F « n r Son*, Addrese time rector, and where tho rreat admiral 7O7(to 721 BROAD St., W, J. ANDERSON, r.iri u.->ra expcrlcnctd cat a flsh in i>b*llo* Tetter, Chapped Hain^i, Cbltblalns, Corns, For Long Branch, Ocean Grove Marktboro, mxur aud have butter sucoeit, wtiiln ibe ind all Sktn Eruptioat, and post OfeJj cune ibllugfr Asbuiy Park and points on N e Warran C o , N. J . MOWAltK. K J tb* Hiue biKilt wlib IUD new com r «ml •Vrwntmrin" pluogs into deep water and. Pllee, or MO pay required. It 1* guaranteed to Of Flour, York imd Long Brnnoii Baifroai reiiresenllDg ih» leading Korop«in «ed AjbUcndflrd wjtb having Miid ibat "If tbey CJU mitstng theirgama, voinHOutoDthHNndibak- lire perfect satisfaction, or money refnnded . oiuua. fiet youoic laillra fn lu our o « u drclu W til n\g \\iv\\\w\ve* vignruuily. Tba ^11 cat a few Price twenty-tlve oen» per box For sale b) FARM TO BENT. Ia the choir 1 will Mlthdraw." • urild belurT secures «line tnea*.—Iseir tiuap- lohert Kilkore. Dny«r. Onum, Hanocj * Co., GH£EBE. EOOI* i t * Tbs farm owned by t i e Mt Hope MInlnp For all stations to High Bridgi wn gurrvtpouiient oC WaMu&Um Star. Company will be open for rental on and aftn TDo Newark Neirs bas nlso K I U a report Oram. and f. N. Jnntia*.Cb«rti>r, nu-aupfen visiting Dover an* Invited tu o*J nt 015, 1141 A. ».; SSl.i 56 p. April Ui. ma For terms apply to tbe win 4 4 • aodcxaniintfinjBDadi. I'opulsr prices ulsur out to lovtr.ittw Mr. Dill, nltti tbe folio*!. irt ofQoa at Ht. Uopt. N. f. SONDAIB, 6 48 p. M. tfawa within Uwnaoh ut i&-w\*m inMn resulti w MOUlfr BOPB MINING Co. A DRBR PARK IfJCllt I D I WATXtt OAT. are limited, aw) mj (lno tueortinert oauto "At t i e urjeut if quest or P m b j l e r j , " M For Lolo Hopatcong at 0 45 fall to |IIMM *nd aaturv th* most «ritic Tlie new deer park, now i n courts of eret> 1 D R Y GOODS " JOHK ARMIW Dill couiitiutd, " B! ' II B uj»fluairemly ]iliiniir< 'hn n«irtba Di'kwara Water Gap, on the HOUSE TO LET. llllA.Hi058P.H. trlpcnfootauiout; tbe cattle, of ibe ltblnt .Vow Jeney tide of tbs maun tain, already ha* BOTTLER 0 7 THE BEST B U K D S OF Oood loMtloo, MTW) Rood rooms uid water For all stations to Ogdon, G 45 I I H A L t M - A T E KOlt S 4 I . B . atml, though worn out in body e>u(l be.att 11 41 A. M. accepteii tbe cbari;u at Stlillujr iu nrde from Febrn«J7 !•*• Apply to -vbk-lt became enUoglfd l a the vlre feocfog a HUtlbE VOH UKNT1 ••»o tbochurt-b frorn t-flng crowd from ewilnjsnuj was captured by tbe workmen. A.KAN0USB, or M.J12 05 UIM betiding Inu .nd larm. oa AM; U roll or Fretbjterj-, AI I wet told by Rev. ILL EOtM Or ,t was brulsbed aud cut, uut notferlouMy in10-U J. J. BACKOFF. 4 01), C10,7:23 p. H SBBDATS, 4-1Wbfto It would bo if I rtfuwjU to prtacb Ii ured. It WBI placed lu the deer h use. The MINERAL WATERS, BELTZER, EtO. I did not hare n tiugU dtfts rust. On tbe icititay a inmll black bear and tvro cub* GTHOCERY S T O R E p. M BOOSU FOB EBNT UK SAM A01BT JOB HOUSE F O E BENT. i tbelr appearance, butanbot fright For Hibernia at 9.14 A. u aodflro Impnreannu. C a t nay f a m u l i Eennon in Mount; Fret^uui ctwn Into the wowl*. Toe pork Is being con- Einohliffa's Celebrated Beer. A dwelling booie' ooatalning trn riwuu s.K. SUNDAYS, 4.14 p. n. loestnd I. O.T.r preacbed my fltit nermon Ui uiy uon COUK ALSO rnomuTOB o r TBS nlotly locat«3 OD llorrls S t , Dover, N. J. d'.ructed by a wealthy Pbllaielpbla mtrcbanti 8DSSKX STREET, D 0 V B B , IT, «T. to ID.B es Van<| and nortgta*^ gfttloa ID Btlrliiig." Mr, Wellington,andembraceti^UOORrresof Apply to For Eastern, Alleutown aod Manca TTbtjii Ur. Dili took charge of tbs BU Ii lantlabd tbo body of wat«r know / L . Y . H0WELL, Chunk at G.45 A at.; 8 31, 6 55 T. orficK WARREK BTBEET, DOVER, N. J. at tbe Oao. Rlcfaarda Co'a aton>. M. SoNEii-B, 5:48 r. v . HOMT1MU BMtilNBB, slHple himself vrdahorn in.lTfia.. Hwaspro'' members, And when *>.e left, at ttio eud at tw Hakir O a l l i l m IM>VRR. • • t l r*vemafele. •• Blocked with tha Lost of CT try thing in these 1 posed torebnlld the church as much a* year* Mrvlcti, tba irenibcrahlp uumbercd BTABTKD FOR THI WOBLD'fl FAIR. on tho lues ol the old building ility-niMBcd the consr.'Katlon that Atteudcd TuesJay Btation Agant EverlnV altetlli PDHPIMIi KNUINE8, •croau poulble llnet.ivDdsoid.tllrJnKFtlMi Oallandexi as -NclBon lmcw It. Tho Dulte of Edthe s«rtic*i tilled the cburcb. Tba cbi AI attracted by a thrill boyl.h voice calling Leave New York at 0.00, 8 45 inburgh Is Llio chairman of the commitins my • took »nd prieoi All ROOOS dalWeni if tbrte (tclietu to Now York, and looking up ot tix >ntbi x , 100, 4.30 p. M. BDHDATS, 1: tee* appointed . for tue purpose. The Unlit tbat tlin*. front tbe tluio It wai built hi M W ttie lopa ot tbme little round headaapachomealso Includes.the erection of a Io a m tv\ of ths (own *t ibort ucticr. P.M. It had alwajji received aaaiclal aid from tfci pmrlog above nlidelivorrwindow. Oaaiked public hall b ; wny Df. memDrlal, the t i e yoongikr* .whera tbif w«r» Irom bui Leave Eoclaway at 037, llu~ f onndation Btono of which has just been oauld g«b no satUtacUoQ further tban that :.»>ron»tU tlm» t b*flbo»nInth» clim laid, and will coat In all £10,000.: A x -, 3-23, 6'47, 0-60 r. u, Bin tb»y wsr* going Ut Xtsw VorW. II* tbmn Snikvt• aud itVn lulepbooed for Dettclln Uai m u y inirlt uy t'Jloi- JivHwrc Ony'rVrr. UT* ob (fit Anerlcan rrontltr. It *u* ileulatvd >•}' ttie M>«1>III tii at Mr T>, wliu went u p ta tlie mtatlua and afur Leave Port Oram at 0.10 A. u [Uf.tfoafujf them attktd Jfc Ereritt to taktiTDOtcnuI i« a frontier town in Idaho Trjr *r*t* 'uuhoRer ooceplublt) Jit bit utllci 13 HO, 404,0.11,7.181. x. Uo (tckole bsok and tneu took tne hoy ofthe tjpethat Ilrot tlart* has mads relation as aa elder,' and by m vow of tbi t am four a ma In life f Do you Inim 4-09 r K. arU-Ufor lliiilock-up wlththem. ThU wa» famUiar to the world, and it Is as entire membership of tbocliurcb, wllb Hcai a UIUIVURU bnalnrn HIIIUIIUI la nlut lore than tlieir ;autt>ful courage would b u r tricked a place <u fiction could paint it. iwo-d t» hi uceod lu 3 our life work f AvaU \f ao excrfitloi), be was reguesUd to re*1 Leave Lake Hopatoong at 8-4( ini they "ffitid up." Tbej proved ,to be rsDUof UM Two mooths ujfo Kootonai was a lonely wfakb hedtd after IUIHH Ueloy. UU v*\t . U i r t , « i e d H!, Vnd. fJticilw, aged 10. 11-29 A. x j 6:40 p. x. flaj? atatloo; to-day It liouses In Ehutles tlonwiuacctpUKl oud fllcii in Jlnrtb, 1«« Honry Bcofile, aged 12, all aonaof wortbj sod tents four thousand laborers who Leave Higli Bridge at 8:10, llaO tbluk, uareuts at Jubuaunburg, from wblcb place tbe a n building nn extension of the Great x.; 3:00,0.17 p. x. SuKnAia, 3d " BhortJy ofterrard I met the opposition o' ha<l walked to take tbe train b e n . Tbr TMfe7«6&BGAI) Mr., HEWAKK. Northern railroad, aod, of course, the bail been reading about the great WorldV one of tbs two reinal clng elJori in my tHoi MORRISTOWN Ramblers and dive keepers who fleece to tsako tbe church coutiuuo to be t-elf-sup Fufrat Chicago, and toe allurcmenH of the EW rutmswruL Tlnn-nm H. P . BAISWIH, thorn, tn one duy there wets seven porting. Tbli opixnltlon lcoulJ nutrxpUiu wludy city Induced theu to Ivave bom* eo aa GRANITE 4 , MARBLE CO robberies antl two mu-dora in Ifootenai. Day and Kight S ^ tre there nt the opening. 7OODR Hart nellber coQld tbe membcu of bli family J.»«.U Om.P*M.iff«l At tbo onroncr's Inquest thsntereotvped ebortlmnd and Type-writlKR Dept, 3 from hU father t o pay expenses. Det< cL«Ur thl* oppotldoa on the part of tbU dd< verdict was found "Came to Ms death tlve JluClelhn f omul a farmer tnm JohntoDBJntiisBtudletf, Aleiandir Cihiper, Inori'ntoil. A year afu 'KAirmrAbrOltRRH AMD ISIFOKTGIUi at the bunds of persons unknown " •anip afMrnono and tent the boyi Gen'l SuDt TuIUnn very loir, wr*rJ. earl; ID the y*ar 15!H. I found tbat t Although overybodj ffoca armed, the * Ct]0£u» ft** Or J t U TBB LaAUlHU «1dor», Mr. Cooper and Juel T. Rtb mt, m 0UU16— HauketUtowu QnHlta. kk(linu>ixian ts abroad tit soon An at0, T. MlLLEn, FrineJ|w1. vlslitnit <tao comtuitieo r t irhtiTb e^t>-n«tuii BTU'ET T.Sjirru. Afflgrfcaa Mjd Poiol^i Q.aiiite tDi tempt of the bettor clenujLt to control liu>. E. Jusxvi tbe Prc*l'ytery, wblcli hail beun tlvlnj; flui N D - F*.i.i KiMrcdj ( RfloSra w i l t e d dlsai.t*oiUil; cud tbo roHub 6 OemeU'jr Wtrl, AN AHDEKT UILtUAUAN. etal aid to tba ft.rlluif cburch. end tuRne^tl Day clots m>ciu September 1«L ionnors becamo marltcd men A scent L i s t week, wbuu tbere « u war talk In the tbat my work bad been nccotu,i1Ub(d at Btii SlgUt elfin ojfuim September 7tb. society bas been formed to suppress the ilr aud before, tbe untjlaasantncn with Cblli CraaamU, Barophigl, desperadoes. . Uog. iad been •t.ltlrd, a mtmber of Company G, " OLD AND TRIED" "At the tami lime tfcoy told the cimmitUi oruu la a patriotic man, was llluatratlng ho« Bwji'.an, Lot lnclosirtt, i o . that lha congr*p.atluna were very large and Tba Telephone M a r«»ce*aiakBrr i would «+I*a bU rifl-tand ttartoutll tbacall b u ranorad his oDice *a& *liop to bU new tbat I at*ptu|> nrteen niPrtlnga a week tb Tbo tclopbono Las been pat to mtny bulldliaE on BlackmiU aU«et n«rt to tb* £lftt> Aix Woai AID IIAIIBIU or m Ban .mo,' When besbculdendaiinitbebajonet allkorUuf tieatber, and l/>ne; H1IIU In trio Light Btatlou. Ho ntnrai tbt^ks ' uses, but It has rcmalnctl for tho ChU i tbe rifle itubbtd a bole in a bran banging the liber*] patrotuus. of tl • p u i smd wll . for It* muddy m u l ' , vhllethfrel') inter esfo telephone to reunlla a family iaiupuudibe b e r w n e together Kith tlwtlait>)> lMandtoM«bisifSemdg Iu buuewpl-vsft. walk from urn. i-ml <if fc to ibu other. Tbu niter a lepamtoa of tweatr-are Chili .nftp(il<igy prevented ao; Coutracta, Plan*, 8pKtllMU>«a and lfal»BnvuavthfirrNi'uari MIUUHIIOII tlmt I »> jcars. WhUa carolcul; lookbfl oror riala luruUbod for erory kind of worl ~~ intniin and (wrlsnn* init'tUd IUI frtn-ly nninti tonfsUMInth*bMtmnuur .Dd Jl » tokphono directory la'o at night CIVIL and WINING i N O I N U S WOHKB-Ooa. Xoiau BT i n p , +1 + iM tbaaiatniiiaand)"Utig wmuen uf niy d>iRr recently, Miu Lllon Wheeler hapALL FOR A. JUO OF CI0EB. - ^ U o » a i Dnioa Bank BalMint. •aiion. On tbe od.K-a t.f tho c .MII.IIU^ «"» XoaaHTOWU. N. J pened ta ruuocroM tlis namo of X9 vf. Early )a,i Mtnduj-muruu.g, our Uudttrrd my mlgimiinn, m tnlip nrrctmi. WE HlTfl FOE 811.1 Whoelor That beinjr tho name o( a friei-d Irooj F.att<ioukvilh>, Ur. J. month* later, tbnunb apa(u*t The *Uhfn nf brother whou sba bad neither leoa it s> bersvin tUrf* eh<-.c« balldlng litea •H1IB<1 un uu, curjyHIJJ in liu baod a Urge ju k 1 laritu mtjo'lty of my ci a^rej-atliiti, which wi *s.A.e A • • r l B a l l . . . mH<. I B _ ^ . . . . . . _ mm . as nor heard of (or many joaru, ahe da* i* ctiivr wLlub, La Jjvi«llj rtmarked, WM still e u c U n t l y lnvrea»lr>e i'> iiuinbT. M DOVEE, »K J. , termined to termlDod to coU caU up Iiy bj toe tie telephone tuietj Dttiucrutlc, nLd,allerafdtvn)oaicou. tviax tu pantiir trus t-udnl Juuv £S:ti 1^11, tin H won M the Irat opportunity preiiHiltt ui l)«p| y l>jr iinweullug ua with " tn* dWeJlllOC, •ecnnd amjlvtrntry ot the cutuuitiimi):tit i i BRACKET ANO SCROLL BAWINC DONE T O O R D E R d I l next day she rang SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, 'tiutu Iturtjin*." Mr. TruuiEvr aajs he hoi m y woilt ia tjiIillUK.'1 f«rn Tlieia putperiie. mutt be w d and «ri4 »pO,KHMd after aslitarf sking uccmll oee>Unit JJ UtiniU ot tn*pilatabl«twverngei a told eueapandoB MIT t u n tlona fonad to her utter surprise taat Ur. Dill -«iatknltf> till ab^utihe f ' ' " -AKB—' > bUb,favtbinfcf, Mill ttvpiwceta good wbi It w» p»p»rwdtodo allkfadtof ale was reallj tqlldiir to her broUior. tbe W*blri> C- P 4 t<r July 4ib. lie .aM that I VumaaltvaoiglNd to weJoumn who h a i been Ion', sight of b j hla f>m. cuc.iUDtcrtd ml hi* RntiJ a gi*i>Up of mei * Mr. T.—OU>M)X Aeiuldr, Plumbing, Roofing, Otttt«ring Uj tor over twonty-Sro j c o n Tin nnik«d and dtmut»«l, end inn ot tbt-it telsphone bas been nnjuitly enrsed h j and Sheet Iron Work, ^ ibru>tlnit«r«totver lu feint or Lfa face, d wajaooh.Dd, BaTlailatalysno m«ny impalleut bn.,Do«, men. but XAckttwan&a, Impravemeata. and a eapaoltjof •Debu nnnritd: "llalt, or ne willfliel' IGPAIHINQ.'{ A lot* and prmctfcsU « tbere will be one family la this irorld Tbe I ) , h & .V. ruul HUI pui on ion ne* I»rteoM tu worfenuo.uJmodenu prio "U'btn I diws.vtrwl tb^ui," b« crn'Inuwi. UntwIUalwaj. think tltdlyof I t ialt;J«t) ptitsautter cjtcbn, llgbted With | n mntbm lnduomvnta.m o0sr lormtnoiff "IrUkhxl U{K,ti tbcm with my i-Htfolvur, nt< 1 Eleotrlelv, . Shop on Horria a t , too door trtmi blackwel Ing I ' I m n ready fir you.' .Vltbtms flrluji tud Miih '•«![ ttie mudoru luiprornneubt, toward the'tiruv <: '..'.' ' ID-IT MJUno*iinddpnuK, lor inwonthuM & Pirtln dnlrlmtobudU tbelr own coel a n U i e It aenmed u l kaoed wlthoot ibnellss **«<uaotUM and c m ivl.lou. BttJJea tbeae they will nunodn, m o t tivery M-crnid l-y i e n r . 1 vt them, i ul tba cara nuur ui**1, and thus tba wai ha.*ktrd thrnu)[h ib» gain way mid up tbn p i In. United States, of nhlclione.haUare1 urtuflho (ravi-llnj^ub.luUcoustanilj' ~ to ii >y I rout ^Kiicb aud BU into tbe buui jjiud Alsuy brl<litaioutbnliae"Itb< •bulling ttio tluur ufler mo " Arrer iv yesrf mat'suke'titis; tarn BcUtie UtRQE9TA11IJ BB3TBT0CK ID th* State. ,b»nm*ii.m1dnrftB which time every att-p waa •• Wtij did uitf*t> yi)unf( m m KBnt to harm ID lni.l^o uv«r tba cdoalatoruear KUM mliilal ollon. I commtnoM on your «T ynu f Wtix tbi-y, n ha. bt*n i<l<l, j-alu nd uow a'tei a rtw wees*, taking it fivli rijuu (>e«n ibgruvgblj repairvd, aud tb you birf-aUkc nf jour attemiom tu thu yo»n(! s kdrlied, I feel bcttei m ewry way <u und^e IV'estut tbs Bergen tunntl la alv HkTellirUMpJIlttWOJMtf, lOKtl WoDltul" Mr. Dill nan aikcd, I ever issued, sent r •---••• — uuc to be ttrmgtliened. Man; uf toe* The BBb.cili>er A M opened a nornvBfaOelu " I gei'e tbeiu uuwcutiuu fw Jral»n«y,''Mr JranCltjn ooaarciton «tih hit otbur Lu»om mige* are made uot b e o u n 4ho stnictuivi I A one-cent postal Dill n-iitled. " I did But seek nuo joung liidy V omer t)r Blackwell and Drrucu B n DOTH v<i tHCome weakened, but bctwnse of th* [you WRITE FOR A'be buainean JS In eh.ri* -if a, onodoal aa Bodily wore thau anotber. Out wbeu tho> am iu the nviitbt of i b * rolling atock ttie.i •tporii'ilMd liorei^shWr ttui I teapectial. w<retinvnteulnKniBthpy keptu.iiug,' Marrj •*« ex|*rt*d to sustain. A looamotivo ; THOa FAHNINO r weighing nlotiy t o m requires « aod aotu" ono e»t;u uuc u}> |itiutc<J pmti f,w|'toara,toCTBj llvo andcnehaU [«• bridge tban the engines o t tan beantig tlie woio wu-di. I gnvo lluta no miles there la a pisscnjer cor E°ci I direct from factory at wholesale eKo, Tbe wt-lgkt is oonstavtlr belut oauw fur atich nMiisrkr.** w«l faroiih Ojmp^^vmf'mk'itiaina, pprices for cash or upon an' easy lucrtam) witb ths suldltlooal power galoed p It la curn-Lt talk lu atlrllnn tbst Ur. Dill •:•*': j'troa two Io t«n pkcet, for | pu S 4nd tba txpeuse cauUled In their purcbaae ale ! installment plan to suit all pockels. . Ital k 0«ii mactv blmavlf \e)y ngr^ijtililtt tu tbe youoj 1 ueotritatea sddiUunal ccwUfor better biblgi. 3 Or Lrionri 4 BIO PROFITS and d CommiBCi womro, aod njoro ibon otietftbiui wtberca and a more ]*iT«l road-bed. forhltn. JUr. Dill » J H be wai particularly sTona SAVED^THEY ARE YOURS. atmcttd'tn two youug ladler, Itutb of wliotn a»ll*TO s f That Boat Orlfln of Lnap Teax taniid.eicBli'itblui. Uwaanior*. o: I'latonir MASQN r tliouith every tigbt iclndnl maiden 1< trioiidkhlp, be»ay*, t u t olher {tenu-nt 1. ' olSll kind* WUI V U r i l l tho lnU.t « of the matrimonial prlviltfM attendsa' at af e warta- ti e eMtarj. :• F o r f o t O i t l l U ; ;; u|>on tbe year 1KH, pouibl/ only a amall per Dr .Vbiteaiked Mr. Dill » h j brdid uouc Conlnfett taicio'oci tiuvt«rlala furnUbed tor sMHtMiaibUe.) One of tbe JUUDB Kom"ti, aud Mr. Dill replied Ltntage or Hat number know of tbe oil*ii ibis lUnB-buQured cuatDtn, i»blch datra back BDILUI \ G , .'BHicOESi ff, tbat he newer bad a»T inKntioti of doing HtiiOlAJj KEPBE8BHXATIVE FOB DOYEB: !3i. A t tbat time tbe following italul On the «ubjrtt (jf hli ltlecd. in Btetling Ur. pnbllalitd by the Scotch rarlliment: w b M l i i l t n i o K S I O » E f •'•" wbMlii. Dill raid ye*Urd*y: "ilUaMaule Cuoper was one of my bn! ltl*orda.In»dibatduriog tbe r*ign ot n . t Sbop co. Bletat Uaj«,l!e Uargirat, llbw U a U u trienda until the was told ibat I wai thflcatue o t b t r father's lMftLlty. To ibow bow kludlj i-ter, or baiiu Ufnh and tow estate shall bar * HOBT T A L V I :r---V7 ( £ RHKBTJT I I dl*powd Uisa Annia fl'olfe wai toward me, Ibn-Uetoapcak titbfjman.belikw, Oiflu u-i}.- *irjfK i':': aba still wears a forget-me-not rttg tbat I , r u « . Io take fa«r t o be bis wjf, be shale bt gaTe b«r, and H » like a tlater to me until tbU inlet la tbe .urn ot an* buodredlty pottndi >«, aa his cataU may be, except and alwi trvtublo came." "' if ha can make it apptar tUft.t be b belrulhtd •• Wbat ia tbe truth about year throwing a GmsK-BLACEWELLBT.. DOV£tl. anotbtT womao; then he aball be t m . 1 p'bble at SIti* .VuUVri bcdruain *rinduW f rtpr Uersaret fasd paused awej, the won» U r . bi.t»»»*>k*d; , »-»ino clnmnrou. for their uri>ll<?sMt,Bni1, i. " I did tbrv>«- a jijbble a t her win dim-," Mr. ipp*«te ibem nootbei- act of F*r!lament al oan be found a complete •took in every department, inch u D1Uirpll*'. ** t5aaiutl Bowolan, with whgm id them to take nuttera into Uteir o m . U i n Wolfe boarded, bud refused to alkiw me Bands ererj fount, year. ta cuter tbe bntue, and aa i wanted to w e bci > f l n llm ot WALL PAPERS, BORp»rticut«rly tbat utght I attraclM hrr att#nour n o n on biJtttiKi iTKEBT, s e n to Ladtsa. ttou by ttrowiag a pebnlo against tba window S A S T O R DILL-S B I C E . SPECIAL NOTICES THI 8TATtl.ITr9 OF FUtEXDH AND 6OME DB BSORRXSTOWN, NEWARK BEE-H1V E HARDWARE IRON MERCHANT. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE oiNfetW B F « WJiELl, LAM>A\U lmXl$ H3. Co., A Si Duplex Automatic Steam Heaters, S, R BEM£TT A. Q. BUCK, STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES Zinc, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe; Pumps, 4c A RND M. D. HICKS GROCERIES PROVISIONS LS:PLAUT&DO. H. L DUNHAM, EUGENE BUCHANAN'S Pllltbury's Best Brand l ossos promptly adjusted am paid in cash, FRANK F. APGAR, MINING MACHINE!. Lager, Ale, Porter, MOBKIS COUJNT\ MACHINE &IEONC •TK'aBSSfe- 1 -' OPERA HOUSE CAFE, YOUNG MAN! low Jersey Business Gollegi SMITH & JENKINS, J. .1. CARPENTER""BUILDER; Insurance and Real Estate Agency. D0YBR LUMBSE 00., ; BUCKWELL STREET, -:- LUMBER OF ALL KINDS -:- PETER J. CORCORAN & Co Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c -- — -~-- . . ^ ^ r . . # . VH.* mMmw . . «^Ol COAL, WOOD M D BDEDIMG1ATEBIA1 MEN'S FURNISHERS, cific * DRY AND 8CREENXD COAX.» Horse U W n NOTHING. JUST WHAT YOU W A N T , » * 1 « I « I U , JOLLEY & Co,, Tinners and Plumbers H** 81O BROAD St. COLEMAN NEWARK, N. J. ^HSea'^Hni^ or CUM OUR UTALOGUE the best and finest . CORNISH ^ R , ^ Qeo. Mcdracken. JOHN-V J. ECKHAR/T Masops - TOHN R. DALRYMPLE. -MsSWfflBLW: * La Grippe." P. O. Box 127. Dr. Edward's Tar Syrup. JOHN A. LYON'S, p a n . 6bt>dlrduotcuaie donn ImmtdUUIj, butiftsriwatrd met ine. Bbe wait r t r / a o r i j ' thai ctttildit'c come scouw." Mi. Dill'a engageraeut to Ulia Lucy Thorop• 1111 ktrpdaiightcrof Kelson Buil*oa,ct He Freedom, was spuktu of U r . Dill raid tberr had beta tui uudtnuiidlug bctireeu tbici tintstnount to'an engaKemeat, tiuttb&thc futi uid coulJ t a / nothing ' against Sflaa Are you suffer Its fnwi weakness I If joui >leili>n ullow | Do yon bare * constant 'Befall Are you coaitlpatrdI Do joi ill tired out t l r JMI bi*a, any ol thi* IR», twsln a t cnee t> ose Dr. Halt.** Uousr Tea. I t will gt*e j o a a dcarcooiphi •n, wlllnatore you ta health and atreogu day a t Ritbert Killgore'a Corsar DruK i, Uo»sw, N. J. , tlry Goods Notions, Hosiery, Carpets, Oil Cloths' N Rngi, Cloaks and Jersey Jackets. THOS. JOHNBON, Largo assortment of ladies', Missed" and Men's SHOES. i°tnn[«etorer and dealer ia GBOCEBIES, FEOVISIOHS, Ao." ' We lecp tho bost good) t i e markat o u aHbrd, and prioos dufj al ooupetition* J. A. LTON, OPP. POSX-OFHO^ DOVEB, N. J. C. Ornct vt WKibm o&oix FACTODT. BOB. BLACKWELL ATOBEnOEN STB., mite. Altwori of lbs bei. order and prian rauonable C L ^ W i i L BTBEST, • DOVIB, 51, J, 1 W I . E. BPAUOIEB, Jr., , J FLORIST, I0LD STREET, > DOVEB, N. J.
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