bomb exploded - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
bomb exploded - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
VOL. XXTT, DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1882. BOMB ABOUT SHOES. NO. 39 THE POLITICAL OAHPAION. XOKE LOCAL ABOBIQINAL NAMES. lands, an well an to tbo lake itw)t, COMMON COtTNOIL rROOEEDINfla. NkliXTCOS. Wit** IKFOltMATIOK Of DUBAI [NTKHKXT HET1IKASM,1I. TAX mtUI.VA«rK-TIIAHRKBR OV OAltUtRO THE OIUUIH ANU UEANINO OK Till This nnms ban b«eii erronoouKl)' calkti TIIK 8TOKK OHLHHItR -V1HK BATTEJtS, ETC. NeriLJcoug, Narntwing aud Nuritiuug li We're got 'em again! Iil8torl<!ol works, Tbora U tin H, » or v in tlie Tlifl Jane meoUuff wan hvld AloiuUy evenIt is a siibjeot that almost every one is more " Oua good (arm dMervea aDotlier." Home mimes aont to me, of placos w> distnn Lenai*). In tliia cast), as in several nthers ing. PreMjiit-Mayor Dunlum, Itocorder that tboy cannot be appropriately tximtderei r«rciit1y brought ta my notice, tli Ueaoh, Alderman Brown uuU (lomtcllinen or less interested in at this season. It is a iu the columns ol a newEiMpur oHttMinlbl^ lib liiu bosn uiijiuuJarstood for H a liroailwnll ami lioiitla. Tlio infinite* of the i country »aJ a l l tl«f ot*d entirely to local inattem, wfll U IUH- leu. This was tbe title of a clan of Miiul-h, Jaut auaetlog men rood aod ajiproveil, subjeot that I am especially ooaoerned in cnnued In Mrs. IJUIIL'H magariiie of American wbo luhablUJ tha central highland region iianibal Ilogan'i motLtlily report iJiowwl 'V. Office_on BlacSwjll Street next dooi for never iu a life's experience bave I been He wtio rum war Held tbat Harriwm will Now Jenuy auil also a district further south- rreatbiu May anil Rum iiajHweti to the amount ward, Tbd raccoon wai their tototnlc emblem of tUO. Recelred aud ordered jdaasd on file. ferred. . to tbft Matbnal TJniDn Bank. able to offer as superb an assortment of styles and thuir name was derived f ram 1'altce JuaUte OD 8 U xeiwrted Dues collected Krerj Rtpublloan In the Uud la now a H*rWlIirPAHY. in as great variety as at present. rleoaman. This name lias been Interpreted to mean tbe ancient Leonpe wori for raccoon, (InUr to the amount of | : y and Aldonuau Hrown reTBBKB 6* BUHBOBJFTXOS XNV 1 •usd t-"A no collected, both amunpanleil l>y Arrow-creek;" tlie creek being so collud for tbeUinal used KaPA^or EBUAN to dtwlgimi 1 A3I.Y IM ADVANCE. •_• this auimal}. Tbew Baccoou Iwllmia occi LADIES—Bemember Lounsburyi Matthew- Four, four, four years more, will make fren the allegrd reason that willow or other < BiitounU. KujwrLi recelvtMl, onlared traders feel awful tore. placed ou fllo and moiusy eoveied Into the [i wbicli arrows were uiadaahouDdwI upon I>led the vk-lunge of Lake Uouatwiig, ourf son 8c Oo. are flrst-olaas maker* of Ladies' point at IU Dorthwesteru tJitromlLy—now au Treasury. wuk«. ThlaiaterjiretaUouIhavonotboen B l l MOUTHS, . The eyes of all'Republicans will turn to islauil of Uyrani Cove—was a favorite 6 Shoes. We have all their styles in all widths Major HcKtoley, of Obto, ia WK. to verlfy-Au.tjKB « i d M A L I * * TttltK UoNTHB A iwtltlou rrom property owuiiraoii DlckerI, acoordlug t o Bchoolorivft, NKII> also) Ing grouud of tbeln and from that clroutii- IOI) Ktruet, u k f a g r«I!uf from Rtagiiant wat«r AND 8TETIOK THE and prices. •._•'/';.-:•'%:•.-'• stance was citlled by lue whit* sattlan IlacTbe wages of free trade are harder tocolloct lielDg the Learn* vtordti for ontiw. Ju the guttem (u frrnit of thtlr i»Iac-aR, - u reADVERTISIMQ RATE! coon l'ulut, now Raccoon Island. : uaine b u been variously wrltteu Ties for Ladies, Misses and Children in end- than any olber thst can be sarned. ferred to Btreet Couimitk-e, to rtport at noxt anoug In 1TIHJ, VVUfjipenung In UOt, A corruption of tbe name Ka'hntcon ba iin-ctlitg, 2«U. S « n 1 W> The raugwurapa think Cleveland ennnot lose ';'.-" trie*, - • less variety ftom 8Oo.; upward.^4 :• Bulug lu lilt) and'atlll earlier (ITlTi) been applied to a sUamuoat upon the lake aui A request from lUelmrJ Cliamjibn, to be New York, He hasn't got It to Ioee, and Weirjwnunk-tbt] oldoet form in proposed aa the 0|)|»)laUon of a locality released from the count/ jail, H U laid over Jl'JS * 1 60»TTO Mothers bring your children to meand have for an exhibition uf " barinouj " Ju«t wait X'i:- 't*">«-"-•• tliigmoet iieorly to the aboriginal tijwn tlio weaturn Hhore; let ui liojte tbat the till tha ii-art nieotiug, . ' 1 DO 2 60 3 50 name' WAI'ANUNK (or .WOAI-AKIKU). This t'U the crowd gets together at Chicago. ueraona lllbireated wtll rostore tba origtua ;: : V ; their little feet properly fitted. When shoes 1 7S , ! 75, 3 60 4 5 ; Au ftHplScatiou from H. J, Kuarlug, to keep word used tu a proper name and applied to a rrect name, enpeciall)- hiuco it la mort . "4 60 6 6 pool table, was granted ;J V '•-*: a 7i SCO fit well they wear well, the child's foot be- Under free trade Greet BriUiu taxes tbe river would mean " river of Uie east," or " the eujibonous than the other, 495 5 60 Tim oniekl bond of Jan. V. Carroll, in the coffee of the worklnginan four ceutt a pound >er flowing to tlio east." The uanie was I oo«im. ' : ) 90 7 0 0 8 G Ths raccoon wan, by many of tbe tribe* mi Of »1U,IWO, With J. B. HUanla, 8 . R. <•' I " /••"•' ' '. "\': NOTIOE THE INpnOBUENTS TO P0BOHi81i!Ba: . ' comes shapely and never hurt. I give special < H HSU 8 0 0 10 00 3ran<]fitber'sIIat" t« attilt iu It, and wll tea alw to a atuall elan of ludiam whu lo be twiul-NU|iernatural and uf fabulous Bennett and 1.. I). &bffara an ruretl^, wn« :'•" I . "\ " •. , 6 50 10 US nt care to this very important branch of our be liuog In tha White Houis for four yeara direltlntbeiielghborlioodof tliastream, The held I " 1. 10 00 17 00 1100 lit •hole area of Naw Jersey belonged to tli» origin. EH or AID was an Important portion- nccojiled, approvud and imteriHl Illod with the : ago in tbulr mythology; resting once besMe Ulerk. raon. ^ business^.-'''/... . '\7<\.~.rv \i-^?&.^-''>:, .. i n in. a Rtream he wan oonverted into a dbell, benra The Ifayor l U W tbat h b commuiilwit i n Cleveland Is a bis; man—corporeally, be It but distinct local naoin wen applied to tlii tiiu word KaorAlB for shell in several dli P a r e n t s bring your boys a n d l e t ' m e p u t a understood-but lon to the hut mooting, rafurriug to n Atuxgtvbla bead i> too •tuall to HI labaUtanta i>[ each ulstrlct or vicinage au( "'!''• iAinjV ' ( S EC til 60 '-6D0 •lot After au ex|Mrleiira whiob canuot be IUH railroad croswlug, should hats road Kswr pair o f our S t e e l Clad School ShoejJ o n them. that bat. • - • B«0 0 60 10 00 17 00 uauies were often derived from Hum of dataller! hera, he wiw again mlmciilouftly Ntroet, loaUail of Morris xti-uut. 1 willtfve with every Bedroom Bait toid • "WOTOB W i n Bed 14 00 99 00 J ' '• !•' /' - « » too IIIBJ, tlits time Into a raccoon. Tho A [»titloa from prap«rty owers on MonSpring and a Mixed Mattress. 100 Bedroom Boita, all on o u They won't c o s t y o u m u c h ; $ 1 . 1 6 w i l l d o i t , Tea Americin workman, u he surveys hla the Btreamn uear wbicli tbecuminiiiilty or •\t- -Vi'. .; ' 8 0 0 11 oa 18 00 97 00 second trausforittBtloii \a iiotiuueiuoratcil ii tuouth aveuue, to ba>-e tha (.-rowing on that . floor, not two alike, caaBUtlng of eight ploow, tmgug lo p ' ' but 9 3 0 0 w i l l better represent thejr wear. dinner pail, says the Demonratlc free trader li .ally bad It* abode. 10 00 IS 00 3100 90 00 . 5 ' • • " • - •" the name AIHUUN, wbfoh that animal l^arali 60 •36 00 not tin It, ^ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ changed to tbe t.roixir grade, wan re1 county: lira H U B IS from $200 down u.lojr,in M7.6O. , ; -' 19 60 [p encleut docuinenta tbla name U epelted tbe Cbiiipewa and aoma olUor dlalwU—tbo ferred to tLe Btretot CnniwUlw nllli power. 1100 SporQng B a l l a n d B i c y c l e Shoesi in e n d - HejrrbnD will dsvelop itreogtu all t t » way r«iuauaclnl74!,r«>quKnocb 1G 66 01 U KOO SIS 00 •7 60 tew lu 1740, rac|uautQ liable BUN or VVH biiiug Uia giartlcle for tbi In tho matter of A, U. Ula/Jer't) mjiiust Ui thraugb the owupalgu till Uie goal la racked SI .00 4100 ttuo 190 00 Jttn noticeable (lint la tbe «pollliig pdat tense aud tba nanio lutunutg " be wan i swiog a sign acrow lilackwell utroet, the H l e s s variety. ',.•••::.••". 'l-v'.%/ '•:''' ' lu NoTeniber. raoiumai iDOSD *ot • « m . .. UtOkt. M of i a « t t>( tUw« imuiea, the earliest most fibell." 1 refer to tblu bit ol tolU-liwo only to Street Committee reported adversely, nay Jug Our assortment o f Sprine s t y l e a m abso- Tula baa been a buslneu adminUtratlon and uuarly rwembltM tile original name of whlcli Indicate that In the Insteuce of Ui public eeatiiuent was agelust sucb elgus, and L • TlOU It DMTB I tbs KngllHh reiKleriugliiacurrupUuR. lu tbls Kaiiotcoii there are legendary an vrull nn bism resalrod that ther«jue*t IKI uot grautol. • Twill give > Moqaelte Bug »ml a Pirior Table with »T«y lutely complete : ' :.,• :'•.••:.. ;•• ; • . . , . m ^ "•••• '" tbe builiieei people of tills country want caw the Ijenopa nsuie la 1'JIKII.KNKK, (tin Uirlca) and flL-silietlcnl roawjim fur preserving It wIUHi[KcUng the location of the crusher the Parlor Suit sold. 70 Parlor Butta, til oa ou« floor. Mot two tbt) aborlglunl name, .,:./ Street Commit too reported they couhl aechre ' ' alike, ranging in price from $200 down u low i l 182.6*). Ti« acUona of evaa our Democratic (rlendi dark) Bud s!guiO«" the dark river." Th< J'osalbly other existing unium might be op- tbo property of Mr. (jeo. itlcbaniM, on the tide ". :• .iTTOHNKT-AT-LiW •bows that ttw «ra imprewd nllb Uie Me* of tha Mouutalti, a t a cunt iT Un ceuta a Ion of the nnrue will not be questioned by pro|>rlat«ly chanRed, Tlio iiittuswijuu diet tfL&TKH ilin SJUC.II OB IN OHiNCBKY. that tfab ^ a Hepubllean year. utoiie ; J.&00 touH of stouo to be usej each thaw who bave followed this stream In the llyram Cove In eutillod V) a pruttler imuie Opp. O.,Ii. * W.DEPOT. N. J. Hfttrltou WM nomlDaled bevauee to vras upper |iarL of its course tbroiigb dork ravines than '"Coon Iiinml," us It is often failed, yeur, or iu default of Hint amount to i * y (250 ' . , pfilca 1n tbo TORV Banding l»r yeer rouutl. Tboy am tinahle to exactly nOVEK.M.J. stroag wltb the people and be will grow anil beuettth over orchiug evergreeu bouglis The names Nacbenn, Hncliunmijf oi ti\tai.k.hiaa .Ston, eicluile tbe auu, Ttila uama was »\»o would, either of thorn, ooinaieiuorato the tra- deilna UID location ou aowuuut ol the line, hut strongs! till thsdsjr of eleoUoD, Mr. Jobu W. Huru.lfltBhouiaboouliliu, will applied lecojidatlly to s community of hull ditional asRocietCona at the tjwt awl Ui< I will make nn(3 lay CarpBts, witli paper, without okarg*, iuCU1HK OIEB leette laud for screens, to run water pipe, wbo lubablted tbe valley of tbe river. bol of the dan who ouce Inhabited It. It Is a p*opls's ticket and Uia people cMing EraaselB Mat..'." , , .: bull,] road, etc., for Ml) a year. Tbe Dover •leotlt, itmarchMtotbeuiuiIaonheUnlDD, A document, cf whicb 1 bave a copy, dated A cottage-villa upon anothur ahore of tbo Water Oo. will chargd fJO a year for water. \ AN*) V V * W ,• Moqnette Oai'pet, par yard.... . . . . . . . . . . . ; , . . . II.U5 and IU destination ta the White House. May VHft ftud »!gu«l Ity Itjti lubnUUuta of Into Is named CmUree; thin itin M)ub. wlio Thooe leaHes can ba bsd for five or ttm your*, 3OT»», N . J . TapoBtrrBiussols Onipet, per j w d . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6 6 ?cquBUock,"l|ledeeatberat08UHtfliutbocou- used to hare ibelr lodges upon ttiut hllteii!« .but fur tbla year, a part of which h u elapsed, rBr a Hanl*ou tain blmsslf a full -*poaltlon of tbe All-wool W g r a i n Carpet,' "• " • . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . .60 Ooat'neii Uko i rednitUiitU: ."Jj|»y ' [the ahore atlta foot baa fumlidiod inauy stoiie tha chargos will lm pro ratfl. The crunher •publtfan ilactorluei of pratecllou, reel pro)in[iloii)entn) woiilil havo call«l Kcliwa-ali-hong waiild be located u high up the mountain as !n"|>l°/>tuDdi lto.'( rdanie XfttDl oBlga noitiTioua. city, boMat monay, and natloual honor. 1 Hull Crabtreo Place." 75c down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 »orib. "" right at the foot ofdledgu of rocks, Tbe oldent rjwlliDg of tbb name of which 1 prompt iltentlo Only 45 par cant of our Imports were ain Informed Ia Roxatacoe, There in no sa with S4 feet fnU for chute j. It Ia believed *a50 down and 75c. weekly on 0S.00 worth. Tha name Hopatcong Is of comjiarntivvly duUal)) v during the year ending last April. of H In the MiiuMjeuapa tvtigua, (I am aware it them li all Uie Btoue there tbat will be 100 down<Bnd tl.00 wieklj on 6ftO0 worth. We plaos no duty on tha tilings we caouot pro- tbat tuta latUr »lias once or twice appeared remit 'late. Formerly tbe Inbe was called nooded tw soar* to couw, nwl lor two yc*rft COOdowhibd 1.35wetklron 76.00worth. Hoppaehung, aud still earlier Jlnpp&tthong, wfthoul.carting. The a|>pn»lmato Mtimnte ; ' : aKHKBALfHiOTMlUNIUl,. duoo. • ' «liape WOTUB tn these HU«I«A, titit lu i 8,00 down and: 1.25 wwklj on 100.00 worth. K the plant, nianan work and \wlUug ' It was tlie fault of tbe uiiuterj, hence Icn Tbo growing liu|K>rtanc« of tbla rerart, an Democrats profasa that tbs nomination of well aa tho number of iuqiiirtoa received, have 12.00 down and 1.S0 weeklj OB ISOJOO woKb. y In rejtalr la KtiQ. It wan nwolved irreuce fu a nania fitiowt It to lw a corrupHarrison la a good one for them. OF course tua to carefully examine each »f wv10.00 down and aOO weekly on 800.00 worth. It Is, They coiiWn't live under abettor Vn»l tion ol tbe original, lloxelacoa Is. a corntp- oral ollrgoJ trauilatioUB uf tlio iwme vrlilcb that the crusher be removed by the committee to tha slto euggefttftd, an3 tb&t the coinmiLtM liaVB been submitted, i|il«to Uiulr plans end report t o n meeting Wlien* Demoorst talki to you about fr«o n.lwobaUyt\ie mott recent Is "Mir- «r Uiuncil, It was nlM resolved tbat tho igar, ai an Illustration of free tra<l«, ault bii Tbelr eiact locality bas not been definitely ror Imke"— a protty aud pttrbajis auiimjirhite Htroct Committee be aiitboriiwu to hava tua . aBoertatued but It was Bomawliero lu the (JKO.W.BOWEB,why hi* partj In Congress didn't vote forfn ruggwted in their report |»rojiurt>d and: vlrlulty of Munuhatu, nioetllkely lu tlie valley title, but it uiuKt ho dorirod from I'STKHAUM sugar. • '•-,•-. 1 icarcoly ba corrupted luto Jlopjia- submit the nauw to the Couucll, of the Indian Brock (tbo MiCHAitHosaA uf tlie :/•':'•/'• AsBsmai, Attentiou waa <»Utd to tlw lloor in police Every fran trader In this laud and Europe naiw). TLIn leeina the looro iinibabla l»- cbong. ' " Wator-Anmngtba-Iiiltfl" Is amoropopu- leadiiuartera, where it uppers that a new floor TOWN, N . J« Ntver before have Uie people of Dover and vloinity l>een able to wouM like to rejoice In tbe suocoas of tbe m It Is known tbat their neamt lar hut not more anouraM rendering. There miMileiL Kererredtol'ollrtiCiiiiiinlttfloivith invent their money ta tatter advantage than dt^ringibia £Mat Bale., ^ Petnocratla party In tbts campaign, There Is the aoutli were the Pxi-KS (now is uo word In UieMluKl-LciMpenblcli has thin • doubt about that. OBTICJB Orposrnt Dtrat, '\under ulwuulou was early appllwl tneanltig, And whou we have expressed tlio i 1 COMPARE THESE FBIOES WITH THOSE YOU ARE PAYING 1 pity tbe man who wauts a coat so cheap toThetiacie '-- , DAT & KwAa BUiwin<ti. •"•: M y tlie white settlement at Mouduruii, and the Idea wltb ths words Mm. WATBOHU (lilllj &c. Dr. R- A. Bennett reqticstoJ iwrnilimlon to that tbe man or woman wbo praluom tbe we will not have the name Happaehong, but . ' • . . , : AOf PBESENT AND BE feS^] cloLh or ih'apn |t into » garment nball starve vlllaga Itself wat known OB ftoiitleuaeven for •ouWthlngtcaTlullyaadwoDuertuliydlflerent, trim trees around ul* UOIIM. Inferred ta some Utne alter a eliurcu wfia erected there u Street Cominlttoe wltli pawnr. i the process.—Ben]. Uarruon. '•• MKUtOlNKB, all at roJucoil prices. Notice Ml uame.AMOP H. VAN HOEN, Ki The 8topli!nfcStoiiee<lIa the Interpretation : I t was report*] that Uiere were Uirm and commonly called •• Mend ham" churcli. Ho. 73, bofore oatering tlio Btore. Five tloora, ranning through Vary bait' Minnesota A ooat bt a lllUe cheaper In free trade lands It Is a gmtlfjiog fact tbat the laUr and more set forth by a uewapnper corres|>ondent some decayed and daagaroun t mes In front of Win, vrritcrs discard tbs absurd tradi- aioutliB ago. This rotors obviously to tbe A. Dickenou's pl-w en Kwei itrot-t, and the the entire blook froni Market to OimpUell ttreotf. with elsnF » W Flour, best !«• LIS. than- bent. But under protection here a eomj»tfliit ~ logman o«i earn a better coat' In lire tion that the beautiful name Meiidbnm was alleged causeway about which so tnucb has - i l t a r wasrerflrredtoHtrw.tOoininltlm wltb tor Ip every Uoor.-Telephoue'580. Orjodsdalivnvd fn« the market, will make. the threat, "I'll mend 'em," reen written ; anyone who will vUlt tbe spot days than be c*o In ten orer tber*. ; ' .••;-; • -.'•'•;-J..>. of oharga to.all : parts <>f the State., y ~:.'i'/' •' 800 lbs. of bread to the iTOlilV , / ; ? / • • tuade aKaiust some turbulent obar&ctera of the at very low water will nee that the cauMway bam), oolj Tbe arerace of depoaltiln UwsavlufsbarlT aettleinent. The story iUelf seems tbe more has no existence. Besides, a t tho time the bill u eitretuely dangerous iu iU present cou- ' ot Um Ualtsd Stataa la I35&M for eaetodo- apochryphal when we ootuOd^r that the ttunace Indiajudnelt In the vicinage, the site of .tlie dltloii-«t«iaiwpe,rygtiftrdrft« WngnowMnrj " p«Jk* ; In p i n t Britain tbe aventge ls*l«.- Is >Uwed to have; been uttered,'not by ajauseway was dry land and the island was there. Jteferrod lo Street UomailttDe with \ H. That's tbe JiOennoe batwetn proteotlab rmsB of other ostensible pro: part or tlie.mulu shore as that they had nn p o w e r . . ' . . ' • . •- • . . ,,••.'•' qeed for .(topping stones, further, It tho SJMI rraatrwle. yr -> ; - .>• V .. : •. . following Ulls were ordeiBd paid 1 i EXPLODED CARPET AND FURNITURE STORES #V: . - ; J^'>. ' '"-: •: a . ; • • • • " • • * • • . O3P NEWARK. . .' ? pETS, • PARLOR SUITS1 1 » P. O. HDACtAN, • • • • - ; • : : - : ; ; . ' . ^ ' . : ' • • . ' TEEMS. Children's Fancy Matting, Ranges, etc., p||| UNDERSTAND u s . HoraW inil binrltgwitoUt. j,.'udKorr, DoynE,.». J., I S M A N U F A C r U R E E S , W E ABE ':[\ "•'• ^<- ; ^ > ; " •;y. KETAILINO AT WU0LE8ALE PRICES. :; Tliia lacttiic that j o n con bny,n aingls imit from u ' at . jasfc aboufcwhat the ordinary] deaW:payi hinuwlt . KITm£ 't "" Ixut l JSirl bj »>ll OIH " " ' " H i i profit wo sard Jon.-. ;^ i; :;:''" ,^ ; ._ -.••... - ... , . , , , ' I n thirty yenta' eiporlence ia clothM making and aelUng wo.nOTM werti aWe to give Bach great n i n e ae tlioae Snita in Genuine Scotih," Iriai, English and G»r-. mm Homespuns, Olievioti, .Oawhntrn, Tveeda and ' Worsteds. Hundreds of patterns to eeleot Itoia—dark, mwliom and light;colors. Anclliergreat ad»anlag«— eoraebf llioni are medium weight, far l»ta spring o t tarij foil woar. Groat Boils for tamlling parpoaM, outisg, . :. tonriBta"iuid.hard wear. - 0 1 ^OOMM, w e i o m n i a p w f o t : .fit•; wo conld not afford to make » mistake about Ikiat,7 'twould t a a bad advertisement j and aatorprice*, they' rmge from $12 t o 120, and even more for •np*rlaUvilf . , fine"iuiportaiuraa. .V.>*r.; v.T-.-;1 >^., ...:/ ::- ~'•''. •. X ^ Wo haTO_tho largaet and b«ot Onstom D«p»iUae»t in ' u i u v - . o ,v.:- •;...-•,•• :•'•'•,' ;•• o r M B U O « « P O M , : ; / . : ; ; . i k o b i HO. 4, BANK BUILBUfQ,? ^ " raw j«ai«Tiib» io^no cp.: • HI *' buibrryit tup n»»iii»iiHott»»oi»i, 8 . FREEMAN, MARSHALL ifc BALL, Sfe 'hlcbhsj. H. Bvram, 13 1 n . O/Hojit, VXtM \ t Hie, owns Us own bouse.' In Dover own ( t i n kingdom, au Uie border* of Suffolk «ad 1 given more often than any other, but to Rro Wardens, 9SA0; John V. Wood, $H; Jas. -l: half of'the worklufmeo occupy their own folk, and there li ttxtioa t o suppose that sotrto have tills meaning the name would 1M KAir Hagau, K0; Wm.KIug, *K); AVm. A. ntcttnembora of U D Engliah oolcuy whoeetaLIIsheJ Knee, Do jou want free trade bervl KWAKumc, The ward PoTPAtiQNa has tbe ereoB, " , ., . •' ' '.'*•••.• Rojltlcvi), emigrated from tbe Buiesningln a modified SOUH and more : Tba annual ordIunnw, providing for tr,,W0, r The special agent of the U. S. Treasury re- tbore uientioned shlrea. ' rly reeemhlea Uie modern corniptlon of gsneral tax, *2,fl3fl water U r , end a dog tax ; perta that for the three inntba ending Mareb POHITOIf AOiW. >pachotie, but it would not be applicable or », was paaaed a n d b published elseSlat, IW9,8,004,087 pounds «t tin pt*U were Dee|)lt« soino earnest protests, I un conmads la this country. And tbe Democratlo stmlnwl to eay that further study serves to to tho lake, It might t*f applied ouly to noma where.''. .. \_ •• . • -' ' . -.i •'. ,• - . we trtderk eald we oouldut make a pound I confirm the conclusion tufftested n t t o r thau oheltored liay or Inlet which was moro quiet It wae reported that Smith & Fanning Lad ' -' than tlie main body of the,laVe. * ' about 40 loads of cobble stone which they ; '! Tfaire isn't a Democrat ll-lug tiuU nui guess assarted In tho former article (Nov. fltb, 1801]. DifTering from all Uie above In thin, at would call for 40 cent* a,]ond. Referred t o "".''! what will be the deolanUeti of bU party on Tbe name l^unpltcn, discovered by. my frienJ leant, that it la the retult ol honest study and Street Couimlttoo with power. ,. ttwallTerQ.lwrUoQatCtuoagQti«xtwe«k, Bat Kartell Harlawl, WitVi IU11altegeu meaning it of Invention, ia an Interpretation pub- .Tho neod of two brass nozzles for Vigilant • It li not the first time tbe Democratlo party the meeting of tbe waters, will have to I * Ibhml Borne yoarti ago by a venerable friend Bngiua Co., No. 3, of kabomlnlns tbe wall* of V ibandnned. TheMInsiL. word having moat not known (ta mind on a great public quaoof uiiiie—"Pipe-water,'- from UofoicAir a nearly this meaning la TUKQUAHWA, (HIKA tobacco-pipe. I t was the auapa of the orig- tbe pnrlor oE tha eauiB coTapany, of one doten wreucbee and Biunnera combined, ond o f ' being underttood) and a proper name ennBrilliant (a diplomacy, autwtantial la Its•truct*! upon thla would be ANDLTHTUKQUA- inal lake which euggeeted tbla explanation. neoeeiary repalra to Dovor Stoanier, N a - 1 , , ' bave boeu at euuie yalui to olitolu the out- were reported and Uie tnatUm wore referred * financial policy, progi-easm In protecting UNAKf—a rather formidable word and OUB Jamaica, Qlflgw, regular'ffiio. bottit.,.. EXTRA SPECIALS. line of tbe .harea of the bwer and larger American Intonate, and patriotic in every notAtallreeembllngPonipiton. . . lake, tbe one whlcli ilrat alone bore the name to tbe Fire and I^rapsComuiittoo with power. '.'••': i " 10a ; *•' . . . i of pure cod Unroll with fajrpoaaqae.UMtfmlnlatraUonof fretldant Hsrrlwn under tUacuBsloQ, {tie upper oua (it the two Theuredof&betterflrealariiisyateiriwaaalao of lunewid soda; ngtikr pries > *' ' 10c. .'.**_ ' •(>, baa gtTeo uolvtrMi aaUiItcUon and tbe people One correspondent suggests It la a corrup- was mare nearly circular and bod a different reported aud toa matter was referred to the tion of Pombetou. Tbi* would bd ooutractrf will elect him. ' • • . . , • CutorOUi " 10a : " . : . . . . j> from roMBAMAHTOM «bd, if uied to deeignate appellatlo!]) and find tbat It was of a general lira and Lamps Committee wltb Instructions •OTTlV : -• ••! •'•• <:'• Witch HUB), pu-quftrt.V^.. cresoenile shape but very crooked and occen- to investigate and report There U actually a free trade craok la toirn aiocallty, would bo AsntniroUBATQt(fi, moe.n11 I t watj resolved tbat Martuia] Jag. Ilsgan be v' trio,' It h u been Burmisecl that the word for Ing " where It runs down a atoep grade —a E O.II00 Oil C D , {lor ana « « k oolj).. —just one left—wbo says we don't wake a pipe was tued symbolically to .express crook- appoint**! a uteiaber of the Boani of Uealtb. .\" . •,. , •id of Un plate In this country, but merely rapWa. . to slv* in a name ou It and call II mcU, But tbe •Tbe aaaumpUon U»vt tbe name cotnee from KB»«, or Hi™. Root Bar : Xib»l. : ... ':".' v , The D o v e r Station. •-..-'• *orld moyea eud ^tuericani are making 'onuiowa and that tbe Lenapo gtve.tbl« af •/ lOITLg. It In situated nt a crook lu Uie river shore— There is eoDMJUKUaceitlon for tbe following p^Kn.''.1.;!.'!;'} tin plate aUUteaaine. pellatlon to tbe great rock In the stivam a t * tbe name might have been Buplied to a w r y bMt Bmt, Irod «nd Byenwira dan), la easily dlsinscd of. Tbecrooked lake, But the pipe of tbe Ulml waa oritirism by the Newark Sunday Call t Ddrer • Had, p.ctMI. Htatlon, on the r,sckawanna, k a d l s a g r u a k l e ' . BKSeoator Tboa. Lawrenoe, a tiglily re- name would be composed of parto of two t o . - •~i spected Democrat of Buaeex county, eaya farm words, FONOIB, {a piece of] and TONOE (little) rarely crooKed aud therefore would not be to aud uncomfortable place, but It would be lea- * now reoave from |QQ t o pa per and could only mean M a piece of a little"—a them tha symbol ot crookedaws; aad I 1HW* *nIf young peo,.l« of the town would.keep Mi, bMt lla UM vtttd foe InlaotB found that, as early as liElp, the name of away from there at train tbuo. There' Ia •;.; Pore Soap itbl Befon we bed protection Uie range noun must necessarily, be audlxed to make ; nankr (rio. p r boUl. Mela.; from 110 t o | 1 3 , and cfU n w j tbo ]»>• ~m- ueuaa uuX tiiu word resulting must be modified ITplioken wan HoDOOAN-IlAoinna, " nieantnt; '-aya a gang of young loaf era cluttering u p '«Silt Banfagr IB for 8"e. jiUlfurui vtiieu tralno are duo, audit Is- . pertly In s*lt porit and farm p'.-^11**, nrvi another wruiliiatlou aildnl to render It a not to the form ol the shore but to tho fact much more to Le regretted that gbrb emigre- .-;> proper name, and the name Urns obtained will Unorgla bH no factorleeaud farm land there tw very different from the, VONGTOKQ vtlUi that the Indiana found t h e n a atone out or g»t« thore too B t such times, The boys ire'•'• a t e n g t a ( 5 par acre. New J m e y bu' poorer >blcli we started, Tbb woul J not have beeu wblcb they wrought tbelr pipe*. A word uolay and Impudent ab times, nud are not a t 'X F t k W . Cestoria, "."/..:...... land than Georgia, but her factories awl pro- n appropriatensme—and LeospBuanJesvrere iqre likely to be used to symbolize crooked- all choice lu their language. What Dorer'"'j Urga Bottle Beet Vaullla, par bdUe... tected Industrial make tba average value of itways apprapTlita-and Inquiry tUwtosea not we la HopiKAW, a rlu (locordlogly, n e bave ueedtaq much w it mods n n»w itation la a ;' •.•.. « .; * « jjejuoo • ,U - * " , , iTm land In this 3tat* ffi& par acre. P o the t Klulilla of proof that tbe rock (or tbo lo- HOQUOAN, pot-book, etc., derived from this' doUUed officer t j drive tbe boya and girls -j Gbrtsr'a Utile Ll»ar Pills.,;........".. irmera of tba New Jersey want free trade t word) but It' la never employed aa a proper array from the station, But' tbeu there Is no i ality) was ever called FflNQTONa. Even If It coiild, In this form, bo used -'.hw amuaemeut for tbeae young«ters except ! So.Paper Tobeeco : , , . , . . U l tha daalwttiou of Uut brave oU K t Upou tlie other band, further research ad- aa Uie name of a lake, i t used not concern u* ^ aUra a t waiting stranger* aud watch tba il;24 per set Beetular rreab ftolleti OaU, per pound..... pabUnaaUteaiiuui, Jimes a . Ulalne, 1» tbe duces additional avldfluce that Pomptonli a -, wbilo it does remotely resemble tba pro*- wheels go round wbou tbe train cornea in.." ; twrrupMon of PIIITOM mnd w » m "crookeil motto of every Republican. " All mluor dlf«ut a&tae, It ts uat at all like Lite Ilivppachong WHITE STAB B i K I H a PpWDBB, BEST IN USE, 460. PEB rewea," U M V I , " thoaM be forgotten In the of wblcb nopatcOngls the recent corruption. \iy ot every Republics,* TO do all la bla And, as fn tbe Lemape the word ToN, The MIUBI t«na for crooked-latie In BVOU mote T o Oondemn Water B f s h u . -*•'.:' ,':V-; BOX B B A D i m J I i PBESENIS WITH EVEBT^BOX. Joseph C o u p o n behalf the Board of Works,'A power ta elect tbe tlcketthla uay nomlnsted." mouth, In not applied t o rlrcm as ta thedissimilar. |>plled to Judge Depua last Satunlsy tar tha ''• Kngtlsb, (theUlntl h, term being SAUKAWAK, KAKPACHONQ |R the one applicable Mlnsl apiiointment of coniinlmlouere tocondemu tba Is a ticket la agbtforand toihout for and Th» *bote BI« bnt » few of the many targains wa offdr doring this ;iItwin wltb. Its Republicanism la all wool, " yrbere the river comea ont") tbi) name does lirbper noun which moat nearly corresponds water rlgUU of the BUUOT Hard Hubber Co., ri*t MIO. GOOPB BKUTIBIID F R M THBOoaHODT THE Comrrr. lull yard * U » u d will GBltiier tear nor not r»f*r to tha moclUs of tli* streams there, i\th tbo name we aro ccnnldorlng. It nlgnl- tbe Poquannook I'aper Co., and tbe rlghta of ' as Barber mpponed, But ap|ieara to describe ravel, I t Is u American product, free from n primarily " at tbe stilt or standing water" UeMM-a. Reynold*, Ituuoll aud Demomit, all foreign frills and flounces, aud It just Olla tbe an oral—please don't print it oml—coa tort ion —MBI being underatood-atid furttiercouveyi mlH and <&etory ownant between llutlor ami , American idea ot robust, progressive ttates- of 1U aboriginal inhabitants. the Idea of BUII water aumiuiuled by abrupt Smith', mills In ths Pequannoclt Valley, - - KAIVKAwKAllIMO, llUDC'S LAKE, meoshlp—Press, or Etfep sbcitoa. I t refsre nut to placid or whattpo nawark'd water aupply Ii darhed. *'.'• Tbla has beeu ipetled also Kaukaulanning; quiet water, Itut to itaodlog aa distil __ Judfja Dei>ua directed him to give no Oca toa.ll . t b e United BtaUe U tbe only twuntry In tbe Kawkawannlng and (17-10) Kanikawlanutng, from flowing water and wtu in tb!tt lmiUn« purUttt concerned and to make the application world wblch baa been able since the taring Tba name ajipear. to have been applle-l by the applied to a lx>dy of (till wAtur wbkb lay be- next Raturday. • '" ' ' • panic to maintain the full output of Iron and tween two running slreain*. Leaape not ouly t o the diiroilug lakelet but , ; ^ % • ;-i-BI^OKWELL STREET,-:- ••-.; ^ K ' . to provide regular employment for Iti Iron to Ita outlet and vicinity. I may mention the Wbfaiug to placo thu mutter beyond eonKandham 1 -HsnrteoniB HomoB. workers. . Will some calamity editor tell us various Interpretation* wblrh iiave been troveny, I carefully prepared adracriittion ot ;. NEXT bbOB TO THE JDOVEB POST-OFTIOE. im people alraady Dnd Indication! oC why free trade iron producing countrle* have ttiQlake—MB lona aud dimensions, i t a charlally prosperouH aun.hior boarder : not teen able to do i t I Ot these "talking water" BMinstol* tho acter of Ita shores aai envlronmeut—and sub! i four now and cotUy residence bave this, togstlier witli an account of each mast popular. Krom tbe Tidnape TONIIEN, Iwou couitructed IM Uendham dt»r(ug tUo It looks ai If tbe free silver betnbcracr were interpretation nf tho name,- to Wlniur, and roiitracta are out for several preparing to straddle the financial laws by talk, and Mill, water, nn wiine couldtacon friend thlnuulf a barn L*nai>e and other*. Three of thu largest are Uione nPairs. : nominating Clerelsjid, an anU-frMallmuuui,' struct*) which would at all rewmblo the ODC '. an. •'. W uf tli« greet tribe wbo ottco IMMMKMII Stephen*, of Hubokeu ; Eitwanl Balbacb, o l Freek)ent. If there were a .protocllonuit we ere con Rid erf tig.. The rendering "whispering wntor" Is even thla portion ot our country) ask lug for hisNewark, and Mr, CromweJ], of tbt, New York Danecrat Iu the country they might nomtuata blm for Vice President and reacb tlie full one, for tub ' would U derived from judgment.- I l l - decision Ia In foror of thi Llfo Inaiirauoo Company. The lattef'a iilsee. Whether or sot tbe blnebirda sing aa they are billed to do, wbetber measure inUrpretatlon la*t «l>ove prenentod and Ita It ts nltl, cost *.-" "~* QUISCKKOTOKIIKH ami Mm, ' of iDctmtdtency. . . . . or not the brooka babble aa they ought to, we have started k SPRING Redoing water" In tho tran-laUon jmb derivation from IvAKi-AOiroso. Ho my TIME of ear own by liringing togethur the largest and'fineet collea- There Is no gorernmorit u i on the people of 1 tailed b y a Bummer T 1*1 lor,, The Minst-I* that uanie give* tlio f>lua of jurt mch a laki -. _ Morriatown Bicycle Club. this country. The- Republican policy Is t o word which moat ucarly" ftl.ntOe* echo It IUI you k i n ttcAcrUwil thla one to be, It* TWs olulj Is arranging their Buniinar prot i o n o f ' . - " ' ''•••';' •''••': • - • • : ' . ' v *••• • ' -•'•-'v- -- . • :'-• '•.• '- ^ " •' mal{e foreigners pay our taxes. Tba • Vi and tbU with the locative » a or •alert being contained by etecp bnnki an In a rainme and expect tc» hnvo a series of good cratlo free trade theory Is to give tfaecheap ova sullied "would bo very unlike' Kawkaw* owl or bruiti- it luu no roferenco to Ita shapo." BOOS for a batukome menial which will be labor of foreign lands ocmtro] of our markets, kivatng. . .. Plnnlljf tl»™, tliDitante Uo]»1cot)g bas been procured by tbe club. Tbeolllmrseleotedfor'' and tax our own people for the support of the A Mow York: wclety nBw«i«jMr dlncoveml rrlvoil ot by a process of gradual change and tbe currant roar are tho following: Wilbur ' last year that the namo lueuw "dauclug nubstltutiuu from Hapiuchimf;, and this was P. Day, Jr., Captain nml I'mldent I W m . that'eTer BTIO«1 onr conntets. It's all here, now—not o straggler government, Do*you want tbls I tba while settler's corruption ot tbe I^ennpe VanOnlen, Vlca 1'rvsldent; Arthur i l . Allen. ?; " By tbe grand record ot a wise and popular w a t e r ; " that would be KANTKOOPAKAIIK In name KAKI-ACIIONU, jfgnlfying " tbo aUll Bflcretar}-; LotvM C. I'ttrker, TrcitRurer; K. on H e roao—Mil a tplmdlil display itis. . by ths strength gained In water with ttteepsliore*." TIIEO. F. AVOLKI B, Umiruu, Color Bearer. AS A SAMPLE of «Uirling value and re«l beauty in olotliiug we Administration, frequent contact of the people; In wonderfully A valued oorreipoDdpiitsiigKoaU that I " wi a>k jon to look at the liner or Caaaimrae ami Cheviot Snits for nan versatile and felldtbui speech, liy tba claims Und the name standi for oval, referring to tbe Buccasuuna, Juno IUUI, i'iij. Bucklen'e Arnica Solve, we are showing at t i e popalar price o[ / :' of a pure llfa in pnblie and In tbe (]iti]i!lcltj snipe of tuo lake." In that ca-e'tboappella' P a s t Time for Buffalo. The, best salve In Ui» vtorltl for Cuts, Bores, ot a typical Amoricajihotno— ItwmlnaUBeftj. tlon would be QuixoocnAK (ogg-shapoO) wltb locative added. The Lacka<ranna has a train which, vfilh ltd Bmime, Ulcers, Bait Ithouin, Paver Bon*, Harrison."—Cbannoey M. Depew. Some time ngo tbo Curb Stone tufto, com UufTolo coniiecUou, ruos tbrough to Chicago Tetter, CUppad Hauds, Cbiihloliis, Corns,, Tbe dhtnaa -mong t i o Iron itono miners of mentlng upon tbe alleged. taterpnt&Uoa In twenty-Uv« hount, rvhlclt Is up to tho fastest and Kll B U n Eroptious, and pwlUvoly curea They coma in Saslra, Frocks and Outiiwaju of tbe most recent styles, Cleveland, England, has become DO great m " Ulk[ngwat*r,nobMrTe4thatlUslgiiin«inM record made. Thin train, the vestibnled ox- Pilee, or uo pay required, i t is guanuitml to givo perflHt satisfaction, ornionnj refunded. are thoroughly well made, andfitBO perfectly that the tailors of theconsequence ot t U . stoppage of CleTeland la derived from the fact that tbe plan w u prwtg, lenven New Vork city a t » A. « . furoacea becituss of the Durham strike, that vocal with tbe cries, ot wild fowl at the Benson town will get the credit for the production of them. ' sr at lrt:1H ami nwViu flow con- Plica twunty-Dvo oenta |wr box. Vor tale by! tbe Cleveland Iron stone miners are Becking tbe Indians resorted to the lake, and tbat this •ecUou at BiuTalo In Uie eveiilne, arriving In Robert Klllitoro. Dover. Orajn, Hanoeft Co., . . There ia nothing more aightly^ more styliebi better -made,; or better Imperial clrcumttwce suggested to them the iiamii. A Intervention. Democratic f n e t n d i Chicago at ten o'clock tlio following morning. Port Onun. and V. N. J*nkIru,CiinU*. value in this market, or any other, than the Suits we are now showing newipapera UUte research demonstrates tbe almost IItoral win cot notice ttls (act.' at the price* quoted, See them.' Seeing is believing. ; : truth of tbis. observation and affords If seven healthy boysranwear out 43 pain Dr. S a l e ' s HouBehold Oonirb Core ' 11 Star ShirtTVaista^-onrHew Cepartaent. :V IVe commend tba able, patrioUo and interpretation woseek, Notioaably ahundaol of show, worth St.M a pair, in a year, and In a purely vegetable remedy nreparud Itw.i thoroughly Anterlcsn adinlstratlon of Pi among the wild fowl found there tnu tbe wild sickly boya wear out Si pain in the name rare medicinal planU, e. perfect* remedy for dent Harrison. Under It the country haj u u gooae which, from lta«T,waaasd.ItcalledIii Itmo, what would tbe father at the sickly lorn joyed remarkable prosperity, and tua dJgnJty the Mln»l dialect KAWK-KAWK. The cam In I" montint It he bought twa duron bottles coughs, coldR, lioarwi*«, lom of v o l « , wboopi«K oougb, brotiohlUs the. ilrrt Stngw pf co n and honor of. the tAUtm i t liotno aod nuroad gDinca " where wlldgeeiw of Cncttis Blood Dura for f'34 and gave it to _ mnipUon, allays all soMtiem of tho lungs anil have been faithfully tatlntalned; and weoftV abound " or " the place of wild geese." I his noon f Answer: titf.'-H). 1'areuU wbo chert,andgivoej«rf«tBaliifocUoii. fc l t b U i s Uie record of pledgee kept aa a guarantee o If thay frequent*! moat tba uolgttborhood wish their bays ta t « htmltUy <-MI v>tr<b&» gratast Hwdltlnt o l Uie oge loptrtiigtbeu the I-lltlulpertormwiMin the luture v n —Ilenub 11 of Urn outlet, Iho name would therefore bo Caotiu Ulood Cure At Rol^rt Ktllj^ore'a drug luiigtlnue. S.V. ami ah.-, per bottle at Biib't —platform • KJUgoni'* Corner Drug Btora, Dover, "' ' '< ' applied to tbat »treem and the coutiguoui itcrr, Dover, N. J . L.LEHMAN&Co GASOLINE STOVES, REFRIGER4T0HS, OLlVEBCIIILLEl) PLOWS AND FJXTDBBS, Carpenters and Builders. ^ H O S E . : : -'; H E S : HOSE ; : REELS, • ; •; w«TB,;Mi«Ioal'Instnioient«, «Eo., »lffaja on tan^Wa^i«imIrincft-spMMltjY••" •• .trollT orUM,N..J., with po«™!on from A • ! « In I b B i t m n Uook with >]| April lit. UwpramlM«i»ir occaplwl by U i ^ a,6duu.ln>pK,TM)Mnti. Alac r«n-. I M H la •ima hlcot «IUi .11 radon I m p n m m t i • Win. Tonklng. Apply py to :: .-,..; , ,. ' . •. • - , , ; . • . . AuJylo .....-•••-•.:.••••• i-.'rttwaainttentlqn'Elnii toaUemlbfcyJ.. U D . . B O U W A K Z , u. CBIKRWIBTH, •'.;: •'•'••','•••',•'•••':•, C. JoiHWM." QIBMuulw&retoomiuithtold tit',' : aoxKiu building:,Morrisrtrwt.._ J5-l •• ••••:': D o n » , H . ' j : : ; : %i: 1 f MCGREGOR & Co. 850 and 852 Broad SI., NEWARK, N. J u Humhy lout. WAN ttiu ImU'tt «'nj r. Tiie UiLTiilon i.te BIBERNIA. In Chancery of New, Jersey. A alioatinK match will UhaU on Satutdaf o Jennie YAH K , I l j t a n i : t. We next. We have a large g andd Dourfshfos o s EUP T > Y virtao of i n order of tbe Court nf Cb»nluh and cluh and MUIIO good abota will proUul J J eery ol New Joi»ny, nmdo ua tlio d » j »( O good abota will proUuly be the i1*la de. Ldicof. I n a H I I K WIHI-IIUKnian K The Dover Printing Company A Kanifl of baso ball will 1M played by two Beacb a n d irtusra, esci-nUn* »r tlie U . t will of Columbna B«ach, i r e carouUinitiiB, and j o a P n i u n i u AMI raoraiKToim. local teaiiu on Hatunlay. » BTANHOPK. and Andrew ura iMeudtnU.yfiu i r e Children's Dajr was observed hut Sunday rcqalred l o a pfl.Ujrani O l k r i , an Italian lot. aliout A2 p e a r , pJua.l, »UHW«r nan demur SUCCABUNNA. juarn old, umpl-.ywl MI trackman ol) tliu I>>, l.y Uie Ileaob Ulan Buud.y «choc4 with aiipro- to tLu blli o f t t H c o i D p l i i n n i l i . m i H I before Friday, .Iiiiiol7, 1S!)2. hLiiituilittlt i-luti mil |.l«J tlie V K W. ItillrtMuI, wna Btrm k aoJ faUlly li ' " i ozerclNM and Bond decoraUoaa, A llie «lalitb d*y 4>f Antftnl n e t t , o r llie s«td b a t Kuifrthiiniift on Knlurcky n iwl hyrroiglit train No. IT, nt«r LniulliiK _ ami recitation given by HUM Ana* Jill will be taken n cimftwe-l a^aluit you. Bald t i l ! la E b d t o foreclose a mortgijte k r/^.". dVliK'k Wetlnuulay ufU>rnu>n. Collar. Matthew A rec^lrvd fltecial GounnoDdatloa* six: ]\AC;K.H. Ly your limhand t o mid camplRliiaiila, ul flniHlMnlliIti day's work and won walking Mr. later Ueut, fonuerly ut Uda place, but (iven lited J u l j l i t , A. D. ciKldw-n liuuilred ki;d FOR PRESIDENT, itlietrnrk to l'.irt Morrla, wliore bo liven now of Kaiuac City, Mo., and fata daughter, ldwn liuuilre e lova nf l>c? ltd a imiiilwr of ntlier Italian!, when the Aim. Horace Barton, are vialtinjj Uielr former BENJAMIN HARRI30N. trlenda at Uila jilice. Tbe KnlghU uf fyttilaa will bold a picnic uu>tlt in Uie l'>twlun ht bmind trurk and as luuiwiignr train No. <ir INDIANA. came in view he stp|ijwd over on tho wo«t on ftaturriay afUmoon and erenlus. A good nlitht. Tlie foth.witiK Is u a r t of tin nvii mi tlie bound tract without ub.wrving tbe (reiglit 'line li expected. EDMUND D . HALSEY, * FOB VICE-PBESIDENT, Tlie annual fwtlvalnf tus Upper Hlbornia Solioilur •in rui-liinff isuiftly ujxm liiui. " lilinrU'rt; itinl<w ie (itli, IH!13. 2',1-Cw Ruiiday school will be hold on Baturdav. nrk ulLli ti-rrilli' fiint) liy tho In*" WHITELAW REID, /'liy Harry }Ui.v» A (tame of Itase ball betttoaii Uia lM>ys .1 burlthl into lliu aKingHida tli "1!<MI[ t>f AK>« 4 htl!(>|MXl illllllHllrtt.-lj mill UK I/iKur Hilwni.n and nf Upper HI Item la >linu<liL>iibnrK ; H.HB, "Tim Tliu train AN OKDINANCfi --Jlterl in Uie victory nf the former. n Killer If-'MlliIMiliiiiient, PORT MORRIS. nl picnic ot the ]le»i-h Ulon Si iiiR tli« rai«i).h' of nu y l.y l nd fr.i tlin IK, "TlwH l^riiwf cor iintl l d r w t . When M.M <»l«f Kmi.r nos .1.' illff I,r train. l>r. C. IL day HCIKHII will lie hold o IBM. rAHSi:i> JUNE IS J>r. Jemiiiign, of N o t York city, and Ui N.'|.ICD, tliu l | it ordilncil by tlio Wayor,, lti>«inliT, Alll d t "* Uieonlnwl t<i it.) I.I it U,(, lio r gut fnmi riorniMi atii) (V.innioiiiliiniiinnnnn ui Hi) "Jim. I-'ogrrly'tt m r o r Irmii Uio aide of M l w U l y Uiloi b y a n W)KI Imil mil refiii K«w VnrtHiiH (liU-lwM IHUI IUT jiivUy UMUJ nr Do fl aud bars on llie lull in-t. ihi- «IIII«< |«]«'i- r<>ly uml i|ilml. An e;atnlnaUoii peraUnu. Hiew Hfler Iniinpro.Iiig nicely. Th lurm to UIB rlmruo nmi (Hilillhlu^it Mlir lo K, .'end i-il. l.n.kmi, frti-o l n«l Imnk nf i h - . J o h n Adams, nf Deovllle, was t h e IS prove by Iralaiulinaiilliitrily tlmt M. "" i bout uo»it ol M r . Kinaiiuel Uarton on ijunday. Itiilkt-ci," by NntniJH H^gH. At tlii«]*oiut tb, the lirad 1 4'Voral wo O u r local IlflUurmen report t h a t t b e llnVare levied by t a i lor tbo a fraud win „ Tlin nitnaiiiH w«rn taken In charge Wliil,. CH|H took the nUtge ami renili<mt ii , B U | U ajf 1[| taking t h e hook well a t LaLe Denmark and trni' s pretty |ibupll)luhUiry, whirl, Komi form a very intureMtlng jinicramiiip liy Undortaknr Altuy. Cnlkrl wan rather rt-ntmu «•... budniaie » ml«n.l>lip ^IMUI liv g ut »f ll« nliith is f xi Imiu to sive Uero. Tim fufln«t,iR Mwk m<(usUu-l.u mul inullum lieight. Q reet i I.aUe. of live l b » ml •> The eiigaKoment of U r . H a i t i n H a r t , of V«i ily Un yimtit: Ifl-li^ 1K.I--..UUN,] H,.. MiiVn,,! gullihility of tint kitwi or l,y 111* f.JInir wirkmou an d ew Y o r k city, to M I M Anna Thomas, of thl« . T i n t in addition In llm n m mm I t Sun I* a gorxl linter find Ri -I di'fi ml induhtriniM. A i«LrU.-ularly sad .•liiiini-U-i-n : U ill U tlio U'IMJI. Anna Crater; iriilid Tnr lu tlin tlrnl HfClinli tor its farts in tli I* IVMU. 1 tin nut kimtv tiint Haughty Varo, May Al[<a'igli; MloUii>», IMHH of tlm catte In C'dllarl's brotiisr, a place, h announced. T b e .wedding will take tinauuo. ibeni hht.ll ho atsi'HHL'd a i 1 would hace mid uuytliiiiK nUiiit (I won- it Curl ; Talk Much, Aimn Ultrl i Karly Jtiwr, f tigliUwn, fvlio him l>»n in tho conn- place nn W e d i i w l i y , J u n e 9-Jd, lovluil a lax nf nne and a hair dullard t l U r . J n r a h BUncbard i-i rinJUng hiadaiigi not that 1 havfl n vi.ry lUstlm-l aw.>]<><>ti<t.i of two umuthtf QII.I cannot njiook a troril ouiiiriircvdiydiiRuilliiii tlie riiriuiram liim THE We nnti.-txl Mr. JoiiUiiiH.or Chester, In l o n n Wtolnemlay. TUo Ui»nntn Valley Carnut B a n d w! urni-tU Uio music l u r tlie c-el»t>ration i niiftinlali} nu tliu 4Ih. Ura. Cbae. Allison. Mr. l*«vla Hiiilth baa p u r c l a s * . a fine . . . . . p b u gggy g y (if J m . Uardner, dn uf Dover, a n d a nder tbo iiujireutlon top Largo of Joint C. Hmltfa, vt ta that liiH'liri Bill) lived. H e wait tnki M F^lwanl 1. Council,, wh a beenneraliotun almoflt timide hiuiHolf with grlof, era lk b b Audorar Iron txioli-kiwper by tbe Jnliii (larllck, aK«d IU y u a n , employed DB py Co. for tho |>axt live yearB, l i u accented a i-art d r i v e r nt tiie furuaev, and I'lirni Jlnw," bad bin srni i Udly portion of the aanie characUr with a Newark Idle j u m p i n g nir a frwfgbt train a t Inn. Air. Coumen 1B a young nan of energy nt-out nn wirly iiiuir Hundny innrnlrts ind ability and wilt ba greatly tnlised. as be Uall, Ht»iiW>.«> urn. «>(,iK,i a v.ry mi iwle tliu tif Uio li.tdy nnd v THE GEO.RICHARDS CO. "Alaska" Oriental, Torchon, Vallencennes and Irisn Point, al extreme)}7 low prices. HARD WOOD R E F R I G B R A T O I I S , '•• LOST, Window Screens 50c. each. Black Silk Guipure nnd Chantillj' Nets, al !)0e., $1.00 and $1.2i Lawn Mowers, 12, 14 and 16 incli, •""'.- $4.50 each. GENTLEMEN'S OUTING SHIRTS. LAKGE ASSORTMENT Garden Hose at 50c: t6A"2.50 BACH. first quality 12c. foot. Keels for same, holding 100 feet, $1.00 ench. LADIES' TIN WARE, GRANITE WARE AMD in Cninbric, Cheviot and Siittcen. THE HOU8EFCR1VI8HIIVG GOODS RICHARDS CO. ^TELEPHONE CALL 25. "SI,'$1.25, $1.60, $1.05 Tayli m bold. A 10OKET, >U>p. <i A ladlock, tatweeo David Whltolioad, of Went Ilonntou, h a d a Dr. Cuimulna' no^ bulldtngaud tbe ftuueduct. 'aluublo cow tnken nick, which bad t o b e Flmlot will |)1MM return to lw Tna IBON EHA OmcB. ;illod. Him wa* nn oxcellontiiruilucwrof bulb i.flk anil b u t t o n I P YOU W A N T T b e inrgosL Htnuvlierrlfwiooen In thin vicinity IIIH BeoMm a r o nomo raised liy iim-fst 1). Kmokor, Tlioy a m beantiPH. ".Uramltatbera H a t , " will l>e a hAiiso of COKSl'LT linnor In thin campaign a n d It occupied a praitin. Hu.viiRunincJiil), Alymlviro to tlis ChM- Uon ofl MC-h Bt the mtlHcation meeUng HatnrT h o i . K,Mullen, Dover. * lull in thin: Do n o t lx»toil thonaino, for ilny evonliig lont. Ue rniiremntn Beveril nf ttiB Utt honm and doing you let y o u r zeal r u n nway with A iiuintwrnf Hunn located a t Wblteliallgot ' ran give yitu Iwrgaimi. :" ' y o u r SOIIHO mid ikfoiicy. 1'OMKIIU. Into ii w r a n g l o l a t t H u m l a y . Un Monday tliey # W&r*3 &VTMto(i mvl l)r^Ugnt \fi ni/tDtnii nfid Mr. Ulnrrnw, i.r Newarl:, I- U. t-ominct tho lined. i r v W s n t tlin l'rt>id.ytcrjan Cburcli Bimilay A p l u n g e and a h a t h lu the canal lain order, A Reconil-hand covered coiln wagon for tali n n i i n g a n d orenlng, ami in rofrculilng throe ncorcbiug days, Ali«« Uraro Coo, of I Vine? ton, In TI«U Tho annual assessment Is being t a k e n vhy cheap, Apply to A I I ^ A n n a Mwkor. Awetwor B U v e i i u i n . . VT. B.,0ILLKN, UuderUkery . liny i-igghiK full of i n o r r j young re Tlio migler f o r black in getting I n liU nt Ui FlHiidurn Wednewlay ovenlug t o work. Dover, N. J . H T . TABOR, u-ml t h u Icorrenni social ihore, W h a t l i c h i m e d t o be An aerial neoirh-llgtt Mr*. D r . Peck, of BtnnidfdiurE, !•«., i a r o glnd t o nnk) t h a t M r . Am/.l J>o-iReeen ovenlngn in tlia direction of (Hgoniopened b e r imarUliig c o t u i ^ '>« Ht- Jolin'R l'n health linsgreinUylmiirovcd-HOiiiucli burg, w h o m It la i t a t n l Ilia? a r a » p o r l n i t m t •venue. no t b n t lio In driving line I; for Air. V n i n i k r . hiC with fitK-li f o r fuLiira a r m y use. INCOItPOnATBD MARCH 3d, ]«7*. Joa. Walling, a counln nf t h o v o t e m n oxOn Decoration DaiPay Mrs. Mi Joseph P I<eiehHoont/m p mnn b, , ai woll mnrtaM, reol a t othor thrm ton lout her pockot book in ,„tbecVrt , u o ™ nn the Superintendent o( \*Mce nt New Yuri; city, at book I their pit tunraof tbe bo t and uinxnifi Central It. l l t.otwwa I t e t a w v Viri'Pirt baa purrbMeri tl»e D r . Ranger Cottngn nn t W Mliook Pre.Mant-HEratY W. 1III.LEB. •. a Koetawa? t«blo wavo of MonilayandTuo day. Mon.lny urniu. itio itocket OESMAK VALLEY. containedria P notet will occupy i t dnriiiK the Hiiininer. ..r 1101), drawn hr Win. T. and Mar- VI«HPreald«nt-AUIl)lUOS B. HULL. Mr. Joiialtmn nartki; n|t«i.t Hovernl days seoinod tbe most nmiarkablo ami wbllo tlin of hnn.lQulmby; 1). 0 , Wfrftiun, KBU known throiiRhunt Aim lietween seven andtDndnlHocrotary and TreaBurar^-H. T; HULL. vlth friends in Now York and at lluriwrda wage workers, mid tlia gonUcr BBzandcbll- tliaA. Ma c o u n t y . Is ocviipvlni; bin p i m u i n t mttnci larnfii C*HU, two tnlvfsand some other Amall dren wilted imiooni amiflifibwlfor tbe breeze article ' MAHAQEBa': . ... . " Whoawr will wud informatfon on Fletcher avuniw. UiatcoolB, Uio outdoor wage earner smarted ottfc.port.tlw* to Henrj C. Flto.y, Mlm M a Hell nil] upend afewweelm In MorjBeorj'.W. Bllier,' T b e Arlington UniiM, tind>>r Hm Hinrcu a nwler the RUU' H tterre rnys, wiped tbolr foreor the (wcket lwok to B. B. U U d h t o n , ot iluU>kun, M I . . | - m c l oi rlslown a s t b e gtnwt or Mm. Floyd Woodliul). ilamnton O. kUnb, . AuretlDS B. Hull, beailfl and loiged for tbe bonellt ot ono cool J j i w y e r Brnltl), of AI fcbljn.ii, recently vis I tod l r . HullpH.Qoirman, . Jobn 0 . Sa««r,,( brratli. Tlio tliErmometer ran nj> into tho in ootiK.ti, Kyinan Klce, of o u r town, H. J . NIPBOII, nf MorrlnUmn, w W B 0411I where flrwi wore inwl to carry on. Cl V. Bwan, M. D. - Panl ;R*Tu«. Vacation time Is d r a w i n g n e a r a n d t b e charge of tbo toiiflorlal olllrc diirbig tli work unto 13P, which emiiloyees could enElmutul D. Ualaa;.', ,.; children a r o h a p p y , n longer and stopjml work. Tuasdny Lewis JliUTonl nnd M. T. Welsli b a r e t o r n K. N. Dnrrott, nb'Uir nf the AiUbrfcnn rei»Utinn, Uit a little romlortaiile *a Grocer, offtaynWiB,H. J , liasrfincv^l tohlit Vntc\ia)*il n imnilwuiB cnrrlsRn of J , I V . If so, send your nnmo and address, and receive bv mtunt inati a hnndaomely illuatnited Catalogue witli Prices, itnuB, etci of BLACK SWISS FLOUN0INGS, FAN0Y WHITE LAWN SHIBT WAISTS. W. E BAKER, FURNISHINGS! Dover, N. J.;; TAYLOR BROS. Wagons and Harness FOB SALE. SAYINGS1 BANK, ille. FOURTH OF JULY PKJ-NIC ! J«i,i,aryl»t,l»'.'2... . _! •; ••• And onr.Qenla'Furnishings are of tiie ', Monthly WPaymen ts. g Price. The "OPERA" Piano. THEY CAN'T BE BEAT. ' Sold tir , Moderate We will sell you OlotUiig ftdm'any mnVor i i Now Toil or Flrilnilel' pliia. Our IIATB are the best in tbe market. HOHHISTOWH, H. / . Pocket Book Lost. Strictly High Grade.* JUilj THE LATEST STILES IN CLOTHING AT THE HOBSIS COUNTS' tbeuli- wax fanned by gentle broew.i. ' In tbe o&rl)- part <si tbu ovtsulug a Uiuailar »lor in pnfiscd over, rofrealilng tbe air with a welcome rhaugeand brought relief. Groeu'aCorui-tBamlLaaendeavdredfortWO nuccesslvo TliurBOay cvetitogs to treat tlia clUtenn wltli an open Mr contort, but were knocked out by rain. ADJUSTABLE HHM ITS. Black Silk Flonncings, $1.10, $1.25, $1.50,. $1.85. Hive, nud oven wont M> far us t o call tlie 11 r o u n d n m n l ^ r t i n f t h e homo club llnrn. thu (.ndlng (»r Lho oltilith iiiuiiiK t b s w o r e ml 1» In «, I n thu lilntli Inning of thn Uhesl*r rluli th«ro m m t w o mon o u t , a m i I h * In t r j ln K lo steal tlilnl Imw van hiuchu] o u t , nn) lilcbtKl ngaliint Uio uuipiii.'n duelrcfuseil to glvu tho KIKTBMIIIIIA clllh t h n r ninth Imihijc. Tlio u m p i r e pavn them ilmites t n t a k u t h e lU>.il, a n d na tlioy 1, bo railed t ] ] 0 gnmo !i t o (I In fm 30c 35c. LACES. Black Silk Dress Nols 50c, 75c, 80c, $1.10, $1.25 H a g a t b o t u e ami i-mivlcl lulu t h o I ml mine h o w , b u t bo wniiM u n t UN how b e got hisarn l i u r t H i t tallier tnok Ulm tci tU« IHW.IIUI nt P a t t r e o n Khoro tlio n n n wns n n i p u b , t u l . TIIP b d y , whom imine In J a c k (Intlkli, ntlll ruf t n tall how bin n n n piuno t n INI WI luidlj Jured In tlie first ilium, but 1 bnvn a n t h a t If b e had flUjW a n n y from 1 lint itiiiii would n o t hnvo hml l-> C" t l m u i t l i l!r» ^itli one a r m for lliebalann* <.r hU dnyx. Ho a b o u t lt> yearn r i d nud It lit- wwu my hoy would b e tomj.tfd tn lliul o u tfl<mint IIIIIR, tbtnk. A s I t It*, 1 b a v o nntliitiR niiirh Uiwij I a m norry t o m y llov. l-'atlior U r n d j , of NfifaMDK, liaa Iwen Fiit'k for a cnujdtt of « w k s . F a t h e r B r a d y la nno nr Uio Rniilnl good fellnwn oT NetconKRiid Ills mnny frioiHi will linr..M to h e a r t h a t b o Una boon slrk. TUB I)., I.. & W. roilrrm.l ID iiiwnfnK a nc Hi one q u a r r y near Allen1* "junrrj- on tl SUBMX railroail. I>. J . The "GEM," the best freezer in llie market. 2 qt. 3 qt. - 4 qt. 6 qt. 8 qt. $2.31 #2.98 $3.7!) of the Inwni.l Dover f»r cue)- due o n u n l I him, her or tlmm, and Uio liarlmriui; m iluit nr ih'Ri t.b»ll lid eviildniJ of u w n m l i JUNE SPECIAL. iMaa^afaaal •jat—aawa.t I T ' • • J ' ' ' H ' ' ' ' I I I T i r i T " f l I I I I ' n l n l l TJnl*'. 25c. j'n'rd. INCH 22 " 27 " 45 " for tilt- pnriHiHC urmicli Inwiliiiu. and mother Ijinis o m w my l.rtiua, (JJ hiwr luitnuil/wl. Net [irwooilM, fl^.R".. i d H Uk ^Eo.a. T t u t in aildiliuii Id tlio U i e s iirti I would got liver Uu ]<»* nf tln> llilrtj llv.- AllhH Jla|««, of Cluster, nn-iit n fow ilays Tilled fur i n lliof..ri-K"inK wellnrm.llioni nbtl ceuto Ufore i die, I nil h.iw nil! 1 unh-nni nil amcit.-i'il in.t levhid l.y l m r u r l i i e p n i T •tie told as li.Ht.irj- tlmt iiiKhl! NIP wiw it good talker Ri.ywtvy tun. I'.iirk'rt Hall wns HiHTitKiiiinii Dii Tliiinulay of \nnt ww\ i.nlj on prdvidiid in tliiicnnirnid nnn lu furri bi<l»-rotillii*Tfi«-ri and tlm 1>IH»T Waifr&i crowded U> bear Imr. Mv. li l>..L'nmti nnd wifu iirr> viilLiriR liatiy. Hie num of | n o llniiiK.Dit fix bamb Thorn dial I" Klnnli<i|M' In^t Snturduy rvi>n I »>.(.•IIIIII.'K histi.r, III-H r«]>t>, nt Aft.>n, laa nlusj-H lout a liGlping band In all good mil lliirty dullara, ntxl nlpo tltlceii p e r otnti Inn Mrs. llw-lur, muthiT »f Alrx. rimrliss K ami o»nr ^nd aliovn llie Mid mini of m nirts. Tho teflt wialioa of LIs large circle of i|mii IlerricL- nnrt m.» nf tint luu-t IIUIIM in Urn t.nvii. /IT witli fnnn<lt>, nnd it fn HII|II>IXHMI was hciiBsnd nix bumlred and itiirty iloll«n. friends attend him in hl« uew duties, Ube hm IMWII slrfc for wuim tium Im.-,.-. Fnlth when tho accident ( i . c i n r o j . H a .Us8KO. i . T h a t Ilif! Amu'tifi'ir of Uio t«wj why tflri. i Clmrcli Jn*it Hm ful lu all tilings wl'tiu lu-ro IKIIJW him tin* R"«c ilny n I>uvur nhall, wilhln ten ilnjf aniir rflcti )>.nyi-t) nmnlilora'iilc- imrvo, utltir tlie aivlilont, They Work Wonder*. Uiitlrc frcmi the Olttk ui I hu Oinmian Cm la her re won!. 1 think I w tmslxmil win n My, M ]-:. l\ Mnirniv will |>rt>A<li in the 1'ru rCyenralhave been allllctcd with >f Dover, pniri-ej lolivvniiil BHPOI» llio l___ cousin to that fomoim lli>voni<>r of ]»nusn» ui'hin IHiunli next Huii'lny, muniiiis mi riitlrhiR wlttKiiit a l a m i l n g tlie Jointly, H i s iroviik-tl for b*-Jliu tint. n»<] U<lrtl tttf. ; could n o t c a t m e a t without di»who bad to Bn with nil hM w-.rl.tly jwiics-wlmis KrwiiiH finally a t t r a c t e d their ntU'iilloii a n a niiig. iuiiu nr t h l i nnlitmncD nnim t h e prmierly ou AsUck thm»Kli tlii-HtaU* ofnlil.-h Im mm ho Morm ('.unity (Uhl»H.K'l,»Lyin,-l In (], U r . NcMwi was HHIII for. H o drexsal the a n n tross anil RldiiiPMS of t h e utmnacli afterwardn, In' Ititialiilnnta i n d rcsnictils of mid i»wo CloVNunr. not liwniinn ho wiw |«mr, I'lit d AI. IC. I'litlti'li i)f tlilnjiliu-tMiirl'iiowliiy. Tlio it Unrlick t n Ht. Joscph'ti IJonplUil, a t Hnvo snl Dr. Deane'a Dyspeiwlft Pi I In fur H ho Haniii miaiHT and ii|>ou Hit- sunn bans •ave hi* life. Her Imd rlimw »t Hit- Imil nti iMtr«.tt>i,t. inwtliifi. Tliurn wi>r« MIMIII *m, whm is tali en oil mid nnn- eat nil k b i d i of food without iiwiiHlilpinil county tii«B ore by law asucasi And sl«n upon all Ihf nroiierty and oilu Buiiliojie fiinmce Jiiht Imront in\ ('. (I. I he ollmtr. Jliii lomlHInn lHI h fnviirnlila f old trouble. They certainly work bdlh rial ami |iir«iiiinl, "lUiin llio limit* .! pr, l'almer'n Ho iital lu>n> mid was OslMirne, « K « I MIVDIIUMIII y e a r s , nF i i n curing dyspepsia and stomach Itir. Mr. id lowu whlcli msy bHimi; t« lion-rcaiilri hurled r i Huroamimin, WIHTU Uunlwir viai, wan ojoctwl from tlio store of M r . trdiiblos. T. J . 1'OIWOBXTKH, nmi in tho Konvll tx-hiKil lmut«i on Miindny wbolorp-1 him MO WAH bid, IUBL Wwlm'wlay Mnldon 111 t o r b y t h a t goiitlemaii f o r Ixting ..s '^d'Xun.'^^tiroVor' 11 Arid the 'A IIIIIR t" tliu i>w|ilt) (if ttiat vlrlnlly. afternoon, to *IIH<|I liy l,i» M> until tliu n*urA t l a n t i c City, N . J . nessor ulmll at tlio SDUIC limo luvy anil BH>I>, ilurly AlHiiday. OElHinn;,w>iz!ng nptono, urlng tlio hhoHL>r cm Tui'sduy pvonhiK, rectlon. Hnniu one who kn»WH Iii'i- f..niily llie tat upon llio uwiicTR «r tUifis (wovMoil foi lc Hiker in t h o u i l u with it, mul Uio lattUtory limy wrlta Imr iiVi.luury, t only tear .. ttiluK HFHPII R rbluiney fin 'l'liomaa ]j, indoionipluliit. Cm in table Jlcat, armed K.UK'X tinuw uml wnlWrcl Uiohrlck.s In tilery 5. Tiiit llm AHunmir of llm (own . WM. S. COLLARD. a wiirrnnt, ntarLol In rxiarch of tlie iloilirtH-Unnnhniit Uiu 1'art nf thn Ixill Uover, apiHilnlcd hy llie Cinniiinii uniiucll i ill-it 1 knew her, Dflvpr, «I>»lt before ho enlirn np»n Hie dntit IWNiWtl clown tint Hilmnny nnd tliniuj;li thn lini|iiont, wlm inuuaKud to CM'II|» lilm. TueaHllm, a rwrvmit of XII™ Ailn Ilrlcrly, (-nl ii)> ttiivv ]i[j« lioliw, Inf t tlii' dining nwnn nnd nlng, iniHovfr, lilt iiinUiiT brought " "' nice, take aud milmcnbo an oalli * and got br«altr»Ht hint Momlny iimrninR ; Unit liiii'lnrniKlfrniii tlmmv nut tlirm,,;!, ihnnjwn re the Juslk 1 © who tiled ball a t *UM). !)ii htforn auv [nrHin duly anllinrixi _ __ Inter tltt Mine, to lalllifully and in pirllallvihfrliarKotliii ilniirsnriiliimiiaiinii'i otliur imiiie Hum Hllia I ilia not tiww it. Ht.!lixirs. Tim nUinr pnrt \wmtil tUrmtRli the AND OTBED HOUHEHOLD OOOD8, M'linol trustoos Irnro caltwl a men ting nxif into tliu surrot nml tliPiuo dnwn thn end HEC. 0. Tint llio'AMPFMIT iliall reecho i Buddouty lior life wont nut. • A I It UATl'HESHLS IUADK O V E B . llio NeUoiin Neli-nnn Kciinol Kcbmtl district for ttlie nf tin, limiMf, tearing tli« IHMIHIH nir from the of Die coni|x.'iisillou for htn ttcrvJi'^ti the tin in of t< Fred. Blitroro, oiio uf tnirlirn* ' " " tu|> tn tlio hottiitn. AUIJOII^I tint tlglitniiig i>f ralhliijj f L'.IKHI in addition lo lliu s alrcadj iii'iita ixr tiamn of cadi tumble IMTUUII COI L ST., DOVER, N. J. (»lll6dimhoJilpllcatui.f»»ids^"8Hiii.'t.t, in l Itt (it ( U U > IJU I uunll fur f IImlldlng t U b j Uia other day, too. Wo t« "" 1 tlmniRli dry lioniit, imiwr amt L-Iotliiw. llm rnrilur iuni of t!v, renti Inr ciu'li ill. (Nad to Pardee A OtarWa.) iK wa» i(;iii<iNl. Fin liniiiiely no onu was .n.] nntliulldiugfl and lutUiig. pronerly laveil mi iinlil iliii)liL-;tli. Did you evi'f MM l a w r holt ntniuvi Hint) Tell Tlie rain ami liall fitoiin nlilcb visited tbil HFV, 7. That tlio Raid A»»i'iw>r *<batt (Hi t last Tuesday flvrainjtl They mmtii n K<"«1inthuhousi.ttt tliu Him' nr tliu rtwult might ila<-u Ttitwbij ovonlnKt <lld com Id era tile (lam »vi t ,nv.iiwj»rlm», before llie firdl day of October, IHU'i. ililiv.r I deal uf rai-ket coming d.mii. 1 tvnulii l.i)t» U ttera go; wlmloivfL werofliatU)t«l In intnyplacra. tho Cotlcolor or thu lotvn nr Dover, Ihe ilnpl Mr.H.llarrb l <irN»ir York, hnn Uten the lVincIl«il Set Lit nu tlio liwul to',<n nf llu-nuill T. It. lUnhony hail a largii wjjiilnv l u t b e I'OBI o n c e a t Dover, N . J , cato of tht atiDsaintnt or (flic*, liliifli.siulLli n|mji tlmt waji formerly run liy fruiiit) lirokuu In bin UOUMJ on Meilmnlc Bt H, N, J., Juue lfitb, 1SU2. HOltACi:!,. DIJNliA!!. M.M.". )', nt K't'iivil, mul U midy fur nil Mliile tbentoroliuilJiutfluKutoong.tbo jirop- Win. I). IIojil, I am right giml to Iwirn Hint Mr. Itw»w>nor 1' h os. Uoyd (U) A-nw.—Jcu* S. OmsuH, Cli-rb. It improvliig In IIMIIII. Tliuronro f.nv wlio may ivlhh hix Knr,-|i'.'s. irtynf Mr. A. J . nruko, tmirurei) (wverely, Mr. Crane, Miss Januiu C'omnau, iDtendentfl ivlio onj.iy Uio i^liH'in of his men tin sorry iny ar.-oiuit nr Mint 1mlI game learly aduieii nmit'sof j;iafial»-Iiig broken liy H, W. Uata, £ . Uavunport, like tie dual ami tlu>y will nil ••« Bind to )n»i•.leiiUT, Hay illttli, WHitKnainliigiiiMiHltint hohall Mtonxi. Mr. Kli'hard Tlu.inus ft John Davenport C-J Ubas. K. Jebnwiii. tbat lie lia»ngalu r«Mimr.l hh ilnlim. O Uu Null could nut piMtnle It, I will uiest/iiw r>}-; iiK-hiM lu circuiufai-ein-e. Mrw. L. Jmi'i, Mrs. Win. l i . King, Th U Mrs. Mary Htwluiau, Cliil'lron'ti Dny In Uia lloUimlht C'bi took place en Tuowlay evoniuK or thin t w . . In , I nut tlimikful I ittcnjuMl wllli no grmUir illw Ulant Tij.iwlt, van nhttrvud lant Hundny. Jt irei mio Uioir new m-hmd houw. Amnng tlin little Injury than tin " t>il' Imtli. Hut, njully, J Him Ida HIM lib, leople wlinii. 1 knave, and it iHHstonishluB IIDIV nlmiiM lito tn kuoiv tmvt niiicli Ihv hml tii {my fully rnrrlwl nut mid rcllec-LB credit U[WII tbe b l VBiliiwil" a u d giv uto ol tbln tkt. f«w tlioy WMV. WM 1A..« ZwU, tlnngMernr "K»r O Uo Null" lusL week, II KUIH" loavbu-ns mid Bi^liulars. J). H. ALLBN, P . M. Sir. Han i>y K. Uoja, KOU of rriucl|ml Cton Conductor Uoo, Zix<k and grand duugliUir nf f«r Ixniglit, It ulw* nUiidH for " K I T 0 ( or the Hbmuoiui scbool, dosed Ida school a t William iliwsiiiKBr, nf tlii* toun. It seofiiH Null," tlmt IK lioiiglit nil. too I g laat J'Vlday ami la now only • year nr two fiini-o she was a tmtiy. AM J.BHI Hatnnliiy oft onion u, At throe 0VI00L-, bume. • 1 >at adinf ring linn nidoty tliu larj;o mom HftM i grunt ninny IMM^.IO mmeintilo.1 on t " illNTON-HAKINa-June 15th, by Rev. Mil. UenrgaT. Ke«cti ami l l n . Ira li. V trimmeil 1 tJ»'"Kllt ^ lint n I'niiLrHot timro HIM 'aMiiiiia Imll gmniid U> wllneiui^i-hal UUITIII lluueymau, Guy Mintou, of ilorrUtown, and Mlta Ida C. Her)tig, youugest between tbe rHili/jiUnn nf thl<< town uwv nu-l UHIKK^I w»ultl Ivo a gwvl gntUB uf boll. Hut Hyoklu, (limit TueuUy mul U'eaui*riftj twenty yearn ng«. TIIMI UIO l'la«i ««B n «ll IH tho Uhi'.itar <-lul> .-nine t-i BumiHiiimn nltli 1'K.V ALI.lNtlS. derneeH, now IU OM prutty it Unvn nf it.i sl/n as hi> <k-toriiiluiitlmi nr irlmihig tlingauiB, oltlior there In In U.irtlioni New Jom-y, nnd nil thast- >y fnh- ur foul iiitiuis, It, turiioU nut t» tm tlio TER YARD. B00NT0N. children, bright, intolll^-tit mul woli ilr.>s.-^l, iirMtdlNiiuh-tiiig"lMiwl"gaino ever plnyed in iss tvlll lie nlloned to grow on the JteWANTED. who nllert Btnli irwlit nn tlo-msclviM mid Id* ciimminlty. W. lha>, Him la Lliu rAi>ta!n isnr Uiiu vicinity ituriiigthecampalgu nml (illcliiTor tlio (Hii'sU'r i-luh, timl (Id U t UHt u > lt«;tuti.ica» cluli UaaBlA good, capable girl to do general lioutaall Uie wbonl limiw) ne IKKI «ns tin* did g , mi for rwnly d hbnivn their buntliumits by lioldluz a oik. Good wages. Apply tu juacliiub hhupJ Wln-ii a fow nr im HM-.) to nlmtl lo wliilii wnnu u t m i a t i n n uioellng Hutu id ay uvunlng laxt, walk over frmii KUnlu.|n« ovory Kumlny nfli'i if Urn VltUHlBT Hull, ll I v i b t their lii.ldrhoiiieiit nud pledging themM i t a S. H. BBNNETT, dinner to leni-li lh» yoniiR ii)i>n "Imiv In »U-|>jNMl l^hltiil tlie hn -iilntu and w dvtu I D glvo tho wholi, Hopiibllcau tli'L-et v UaukBt., Dover, N. J. Bbonf'oD Uiow) oM hnrklc>s.H IH ln-.-s in tiiflt »lth tlialiall.mul L^. n l l ^ Hm 1 I l l l r iuir utiilt.1 Mi|,|K.rt. With iirlncfjile tbey i llioiInyMifMnryJillls; "diutii ball," Dee rurnuxl to piny nlc.13 the 'ill c a r r y n u t tlH<Ir Ixmt oll'ortfl, uxiug a l l ivo IOIIIIIRIHI N1IIIH< IIICII) man waft albino.I to tnka Ills IIAKI. r.iiulifir, Position Wanted. rojior iimans lo inmiro Its trliunpliant eltnUu> captain of tbo Bu.r on, nml na a jxirty ndherc Ui lho jwlloy of hill, iNirtiiltted 1 Voting man, SI y e a r s old. I n OIHCB o r a n y > ItatN] itatlon ' U>Uito ilia hasti, ie govcinnieiit Unit ban carried tho nation idu t h o HectiniJ lark-al work. Address who worked for Jutm 1 White kick wlion tiie umpire (lui-lnred lifin o u t for during tliu IM) y e u r s t o a n i m t mcroi "BOX 60" wtyofBU'iwtnnnl Umnd tr iintiliiK nfnliist tlie rirxt luiwnian a n d knack- ami jirtwiMirmifli-niidltlni], a t Uielioad of the Newton, N . J. t««Ui<if Uiu TnW Lrniti Tor N Children's, :!5c, 3 8 c , IIK t»» lull from Dh l.nn.l, Tlie ntjit dl»- nnlidiw of I liia ivnrld. Wltli ilenj. liarrtsoi O;St> Until KlrucU Uiiu mwl li" ,inwl«l n e t w a s playnl wlien Uwir own a» ttiolr HUndeml ixjaior, eacli nolld voter will •ny rate lio wim taken m iindi iukor A liner's ni]ilre declared o n e nl llmlr NIPII o u t fur It la lio]wd, tlml one doubtful votor, hring ulm 40c, 45c., (10c, "We, OIBL WANTED ( i i i i i l n g t o the left, and lieing tout-bnl with wltblii Uie lines and pliice him under thi corpse it an I wrlta. I dn not know h\n nnmo the ball, after n r e r running tint I oinbluiuatic " Urundfutlier's Jlat," in tin To do general housework for a n u l l fam$1.00. $1.20. . U d Uie foregiilt« In all OH, luirtlrulnrs 1 ran t b h tltno tlioy ordered tlinirinvn iiniplra frnra if tbo club and iiiiilaof America, ily. Apply to gatlier at tbla wrltlns. tlu> Held ami p u t nimtlior mnn In bin placo. tin. 1 Maa. J . O. SCHRft-BER. laftat Batnrdal' ulRht nno nf (lio bnyn wnf » u o i t i n order w a s a kirlt l * c o u w Uiey Uootttun tuts numlmrlwu Kill. dles Wliito Bwka Flonnouigs, coming betua from a ilnnco frmii Khi|ipln[uirL Morris St., Dove*. Failed again-tho "pcocb crop." I t ht lw ^ ^ ^ 10 i i n t n l l o n e d Ut Ecoro a r u n t h a t came In 5o., SPo^QOo.. I l k , 80o.,.?p?., In order to set Itnme ijuicbnr lu) JIIIIIJ.WI nn n H h i t l.i short slop, nlilch fiirml tin* third bthilmfl fault.p«Mlng einiity Irani. 1 In got lifn ')HI1..n'" 4i.j-.»i* i»-n-.. i . ••aamrtT-ttinynKTninfl very —rnmes * n are BI Ice Cream Freezers. Renownedfor its durability and rich, potwrfiil am! sympathetic •' qnaiilyoftom. Unique arid Artistic in Design; Superior Work- v ju.insli.]t. Manufactured in over jo different styles anu s.2ca.''••• ' PEEK 5. LATEST STYLES and BEST QUALITIES. lention thin paper.'( "We invite yon to inspect our frto?k. No trdnble lo show goods. J. Hairhouse, WE GUARANTEE YOU TOUB MONEI'S TVOBTH EVEET • •" • ' • • • • ; • .:-TIME. TAYEORIROS. 1 WDWI. oatUtgo on llnrrls nvonue. Diamonds, Watchas, Clocfis, Jewslry, Silver-ware, H. O. HoaRland, Of Urn IS. J. I'late Ulan ft Aim. l ^ i a c Jtorlatnl a n d phi Idren Imvn lx>eu APourtbof July Hc-ulo will l» gltenat loiuranca Co., nf Newark, In occupyinR his vlMitlug friomlH a t Jllgh lirMgo. U l n Mugglo Hunn, nt take Hnpatcong, i s hftQdtnmo cottage nn Btrnbrdlge avenue, Spectacle! and Eye Glasses. \f\ F. W. Marine, <* Newark, in tho obliging Mtlcntlng In tills village. M r , a n d Wv*. A m b r o s e HoiTman, nf Hlgb dock at Uia Tabor I'lmmuc;. T.AKE HOPATC'ONO. c o n t l n u l m IbroimhEdward Pnx.of ifnckaway, will Mnna|>on Ilrldtcn, xiioiit Hjii.lny n i l h U r n . IIoITu * o n t Ibo ,lay and owning. Tin,™ Mil to tie butcher nlioj> under K.H.Mldiileton'sftore I hara watch moTamenU of all the leading Anerloni ani UnlMron'H norvlM wan obMirvM I n t b o and foreign oaken. . —uot in Uie tabcnMcla etoro na was irjHirUtt atea cam. la sold, In gold Dlled. Aim l i SUrllni ,Un •'l»w aujallrarold. FORT 0 B A K . ID Uie EitA a few weeks ulncc. !™n"i'.!SJlrtr.1lriJ11™"'tr'"8 '«» a •»' blchwear.raynucbIlka allnr. CometoS i 5 C j want a good you • largely attendisl. Tlie e Preparations aro Wing tnndo to oclotirato The frame nf Jolin Flart^y'a r 1awd very pleasantly a n d in Itie » sual stylo. Tlt« July 4th at thla plnn>. W. T. J^Jghton, of Dover, lin* cnniiiienm] tlie twnellt of Uie Komeiiilier the Kiitgbta of Pythian on Satur- u i u w n n t ut ra b) enjny tlie day. bli third year as l>ook-keo]ier for Uie H. U. C. phnna' Hniiiu nt I<oysvllle, J'a., andday attenipoii and evening. John Magle had ons ol bin feet Urrlbly con' Auoclatloo. D. CALUHAN, Proprietor. Tbe steady marcu of Improrcnient on JtL I'rof. Froy, ot'lllRli Bridge,and.E. C. Wise, tuned by a large plan of rook railing front tlie or Komerville, were In town on Hundny, banging wall In UIB Sit. Pleuant mine on Talwr hui hoen signalIml ilurliiR the |uutt BABKISO HOURS. Mr. and Mm. 0. B. HemlorsHnt apent Bun- 'falnetda; of Uilt week, year by Kveral additions lo Uio nttractlnusof 4 p. M:' dally, exrept Batutday. Natural to Uie human race of courea to be tbe well known camp tnuotlnc and Huimiip i l a y a t M t O l l v a •CLOCK OP ALL BES0MPTIONJ3. AH kioda of mtclM, clocks and Jewelry clean } A. Mt'to Vi B...(UOOII) and Frank PheiiierlHgoIngbisrouiidiagainwltli In error nr mis taken, tui under th«e clrvunintott. As moat iwople IMHR nitliln aiadln dtancea WTB hope "Xerxoa" will look over1out of a hundred nillua of NAIT York rily an Illsdolirlouii itranlierrlits. WuS"'**""1" " " " *J °""M •S Mftlilon Van Nost and Mm. Jonathan Hart- blnndar In aUUug " W e met 'Xoriea "J •ware, Tibor but l**n more hnndsdme wlU DECKER B i t e . . LINDEUXlf s 1 BOH, every season-art vl« with nntun> to rendei ley Riieiit the latter pai-t or last w-oak nltb towu," eto., two weeka ago. Wo are well And \VJ2BBll ' • TVATOHES SOLD ON INSTALMENTS: eware of tlio fact that tue « X m « » proper tho place delightful. The recent Improve friend* in Bern an lav! lie. S13O. ' J .It was with groat norrotr tbe poopU of thta nererhail thepleaMireof vlaltlng thld l i r t , . _ ivery kat*>ba>elboon " ' immunity foamed of Uie dratb of Mr*. f the country," wlilcb w u not lnhaMt«" ofthamnkilgninrAnt Chambeni, wiffl of llev. Talbot ChaiuUpj. D. during liIsBxlatdnce, but now wan the asstiuiet HAINES, KKABE?°iranT £ ERKBT, 'PohT oitAii, N . j . ; mil IIAHDMAN, ..• f...' ' -will pleaM tbow who sojourn intl.ecltynt Uie D., of New York city. Her. Ur. Uutnljerv W ehronlcI ^^Contracta taken tor all kluda at work In «i u>i POH.S12S. -., " r altaerUneof grove, ia that of reni1 , • • , • • • , - » u o m i u . : . i ;-.-;».;••"•••.•.•'•.. was deiegnUi of tlie Keforwed Dutch Cburcli t ^ t t }"%"* 'H T biuinofs anil tbe best materfalB logi froin Uie !Ca«t ei Doa't mlis ihn grmtfi)«<'l«l busilii ~l«. to tbe Uenoral Atseintily held in J'ortlsud. actr Ah I Aeries," I have claimed you. Iwilnto that Ibe rWpla .pprod.te |fc" U ii Paintor.'Deoorator, Grainer lie found at the atore of throngs during tlie height of tho wvuuiap have Oregon, whlUter • tin liart gone lu rompaay li»n<l too ort*n since yonr Infancy to lw d»vOrnot H u n CcimuL DKIWT. BoUreij- linmemaae, mid cuatomars, br vlaJt bent cotnpt<lleil W Raw) UJXIH tliuat * " wlUi hor hunbaud. After arriving a t hor utled tn such a way by dimply inj|, inar_Boe that only t i e luet •".;.• s n i p p e r Hanger.}?£>• :'\ a n i r l : • • '•• • •.. • .••• laodtnarkii of ancient architecture. mettB aro uwd. I t may 1» chutatd fiMi A fine new lloa of WA^ji PA journey's end nba was taken very eiiddanly bag never hail tbe pleunure of < ourwagomln Dorer anj vicinity w - " — .IT|««aml at all pnot." alaifW We will admit the fact; „_ „ „ 337-3)1 F0OBTB AVft, Toe "Amusoment Uround," ctubracioe and died BOOH after. Mra. Uiambern endeared :c. jrorery awre ot Jcwepli H. nickenon ; I P YOU W.ANT ttemi Men In Port Oram. Con. a m Br., MEW TORE OITT. alllty. Bhop oa Ba HTeral MTM, ml s|«rt by tho lloani of Ti herself lo many frlondu in tida vlllaitD when aver St., Dovtr, Wo also sell tie flnest ' k for*Houewell Lod™ No B#eond-b*Od Furniture of *a]l kinds, Btov taM, is an aduilrabln pUcn for rui-eation i vislUne hemon, Itov. Theo. P. Ch«iul«n,. n o r 07,I tK.faofimpoRslhla U nil klwU, and every Baturd«r durT I'., to dedicate their u . w castle hall vaA sTerjUilns U It It 5011 vntitt K gooa X b a n the young men, forming tlieinwli-ea Int.) corpse was brought on Li Haw York nud Uia on tUetUli Summer xeason, Trill offer lha best of this mania, u i r a j i a t Uratno- NEtV YORK MlLIilNERT price for rap n of nil kiuds, go to " * » ball R)i)l«,U-)'«im-bisi(nison thu diamond SUSSEX STREET, D0VEU,.JI. J ; . . . . . . ; _ . laral beld tbore last week. Tlia inniiy Ucl|«i«d. Tbey cannot get Uielr furniture - ' • JAN. E, E,TUODQIAN with clubs of burnmtiditit; UiwiiR. Keverai mill of Her. Mr. Chauit>ar« au.l family ei- «n.l enrj^t and other neces-wry thluga around k Doror, N. J, OB ESMX °*» fw me Sink, batMlaotne tannin courts, with ninny grncuful N. B.—Speoinl uttontion fiiven to tbs prompt tlelivorr of' newspapers id tittlr beartfult Bj'in,nUiy Iu Iliotr wJ DOUBLE STORE, P.O. Box USB. .* W ilnnt that dnta. - and oxjiert lady plnyuis, arcliory, 1 net double working Urams ferule far . . aud periodicals;.' • .» , • : . : nl«iM liMt, wln.1, hail, Uitiuderarid light .L croquet grounda, <luulUntid othnrtlnl.l nixirlH Uiu I,ou Cool ho-t lie. ulergdlng a very WABBEKKT.." ':.£' g and rain constituted Tumlay of this -» alto found aud a well or(janl*nl A tli IK tic (Milnful o|»ri.tloti a t Kastoti, I'a. IVa a r e »oek. Tlie hail ntoiiM were of UQUM.&I »1W 1 [One aoor from BlickwaD,^ '\SOVEB, V. -atlghUri t o .mar hlie la Improving nicely. I heard one man M y te went out and plckwi < daring thtfseaiwn. A Koutluman NUipped nitli W. l i r d e for lip thirteen Of tliom a Ol | m t them wtoim ten Linaksr Ju»o on»|nr»t'aTipoK or . One caunot go fttnlss In taking f . i>reukf«.-it o n Tumaiay morning. H e was OU and the ben thought Ihey were duck em™ Lut front UL Tabor (n sraklug n carriage ride h fj a wyo f t o toUitoueni ItBiblBhem, I'a., A U u h a d rode a they wera not altowtlier *• large M t h E " bad rode a abounding In iHwutlful Mvnery. U'brn the dbumm ut m IIIIIMf by hloj.-le, U'a hear that Port Urwn win <*M -Z, th« ir ' air Ii BO teni|)eroil l>y MID tu-eeijv tlmwlng ramfiig fnmiu TTarry a r r y Uti w i i , N . V . 1 1'rutty ' t t goivll ever giorlouft Fourth thl* year. iBmer. ftill Mot ol atanrBJaln ?« UtwMQ Uia liill« and Uinrngli tU<* vaka, cvt —- — -li a wartu d a y ' Wo Insure you HSTZCT SAWTAT10H, and " i l r s . U . H. Cool and JAn. J..I111 Tud.l a r e in 8t. Jobn'n II. E. Church las" Buiidnv^In the midday hours alfonl pleanant ilnvltig. cl,Mn. Floe IID. ot O»»' Vunlililnn. lioir o n Uia alcfc HsL . TbaBodal Unlmiarupn-iiarlnganclaiiora: ovan in inMWHTB! oh atraoaplioro of. tbe momlug J»lo«reatTarlalroe««"«»a.B<'>7 F«J|« cbaapar ttan _alaa»nt™. T h n g r w i t t u t e r e u t ol tlia w> nil) l * ft "r program me far Um«uunn. TldMnri!HnluiU« 1 Th MvuTj liy t l m . i riry.leiwrlment,...,. x • . ' V . • ' • • • ' • • TninkaandVallaa. Coma aid l 5HHE? . °Msi *..wtmutta. THO' itrnwltorrjr a n d Ice creum rAiUi-al n n tUa • afford* opportunity '<"* rapeaklaffrfiid dinging [.nthoran Church gromulii on thn nvunbtg of u,. .mi. wk.,1,,1 u,.ir;,™ aea our tauialM.' 'iAiva . ' SESIIM-.ii OBEAT. ' Our apooiaUies aro ' —,, v*.^^,,^... .lasniier. In tho afUimoou, ^ d I l l l l 5 r J L . d l « ' SAMITAttT FLTJMBIHO, ororythinu Ing to tUo tecnntlierenrement ot Ib»- Pr Hyv. IV. H. Doljt a n d family a m nnjoyJng A 1 hl tla08lltor r SOHOOLEY'fl MO UM TAIN. for t h o BATH BOOM ond BTEAM ,tta wcekti vaofttlon. T h e former |<nrt of lc hiiTiha " ^ l a J S "* " ' nothing H Com Uratan Is tbe finest of lira. Oud ITJII lw Nppnt a t t h e i r former home, Untrnipiltli UIB nrafiUon of tbn o l H c ^ r ^ . S nnd HOT WATER HEATDIQ. Havjos • town, U d . , a n d t h e l a t t e r p u r t o t I'bilwl.dphla Win. rad. InUioovMlnKlbflleadingEre in.onr omploy skiUod workmon (our • Mr. Arthur Btoiilenbnrg hai l«*'n *i«inlh^ ml Morwiaod. B day took plum In the pleoo entiilnd has made nrrimgements to soil Fireworks in nny qnnnlity, WHOLE-' foreman. ITOB Imil over afl ycura1 ox- ' • a few days wltb I.swrencu . If. Hunt mil llr, Hnrroy Kfee, of (Hailstone, spent Hun(aally. ay with her cousin, h. Mica. porionco) wo can emu-nntoo satiafnotion. SALE OK KETAIL, embracing overrUiing tnown in Pjrotcclmics, U m J . K. SnilUi and dauRliuir, Miss iir. nnd Aim, William DufTord bare been Tills plfce took up all of tbe' TnUre „, EBTIMATES fnmlBhod KREE OP nnd is prepared to give • • . . EreJjn, are vlritlng frloniU and relatives. rMUng Mfmla In Newark. lorylce*, an.1 racb and every one m COST. REPEEENOES. furrii a n e d * <; Children1* D a ; panwl off v«ry niroly and Her. Air. Kurr, of Chester, >p«nt Monday Ihelr part In «inmt credlUlilo mananr rburcb wa» Illled to orerilawing mom'' Ihe tilth* ones acted Uioir part tn |«rfeeUo,i, In tlii* plait). Applicatlan. •..•-. , . An excellent anlo i r u nune by JH.w laurn Alias 13mrun Hwapkbumer tnarlo n vory firanlug, awl tlio heat wan wmrthlDg Wo Ivad th» plNwnre nf wwtnR 11BV, REAL ESTATE Wattdllns,- In which tho jnlnul In thu F Head, A former inutnr, bant In t IMMEHUI STOCK ON HAM11. choriUL A DUtnl^ef of little glrln nanji a rcry MlnsKlrts. arge or small, as they may he rmjnired The goods handled are firat; pratty ptBoa enUtled "The rn>.ttjr I'mnln*." Qaltu a nurnbor of j-onnfptars altouled llm "* idnHdaj momlngnf thii wcok, :lass in ovorjr paraonlar.nuil OBUmntes will l o clinorfnlly fnfniBhed at 'The cfaarcb w u inagniflranUy <IHIII>II in fiwtivaJ a t Falrniount on Wmlowdiy oven Ing bear that gmg *linp at Pntrh Hill irai as AGENT, WASHINGTON, '• flowara, and many tbaukx ara due MIAR Kllea , and report a good Umo. Taylor for tb£'cro«* BIU proacuUvl, ntaila of M. H. Taylor i i beautifying the bole] by a BEKOEN 8TEEET, -- N E dalalMWail man. rah coot of paint whlcb will add mucU to ft Ha.mlin O m s a ana r u n e . . We wer* glad to we Ur. Frank Dulford ],» 14sp.icaiBin* whui fbiUheJ .' , DOTEa.ll. J . •f. U. Jaakuil. A|ao^ CUwtar. N. J. Callahan's Point, DOVER'S POPULAR CLOTHIERS, STREET, DOVER, N. J. , , iS. JEWELRY. WORK DEPARTMENT?. SEWAIBS^PEBIICAIS, Slater, SKGARS, TOBACCOS, a M all TbMcoonist's Fine Bologna Sausage. A; o. BUCK, M. C. • > - • • Trimmed Miiiinexy FIREWORKS! L. SOHREUER, BENNETT, THE NEWSDElLEK, SUSSEX STREET, EOVER, HEATED AND DRAINED. A. .ITUDSOIV COE. AUCTIONEER, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE EXHIBITIONS, ~^NEmTBATEDMWL^ • iimimii - A CARD BIOTOnnJO AND BABE SALL. X T . FREEDOM. ACOKBIS OOUHTT B I B t S SOOIBTT. Tbe Dover Psnd Is now arranging fi Chfldreii'a Day at Fompton, This Is fine growing weaUicr. Cfalldnn's Day SK^rdasa were iteld at the ot July celebration In U.U place. Tbe annual meeting of tola wclety u ibi A. rrau) O*.T UTOEB VWE DIRKOTIOS or rat. W« bail a v « y bard tbuiutM kliowe r ov tktm ABOUT n u i n n ASI The lansM an George Pterwn't Mock end Succvunna at. B. Obarch.ooTueeday, bad Rotormed Cburcn a t fooivtoa Plains, Tuesday evenlog, accompanied liy bail. I EOCKAWAT ATtlUmC CLUB. bakery and R. B. Beet* lost have been ad special Interert from Uw fact that it w u the which the Rev, Cbu. Allen, Is pastor. The of tbe hall etanos were aa large oa Ulr 15Ui ennWarmry of (U OTK«iUa.tioa. Tbe day was all tbet could be dwlred, awl a juatadtothai* n t b l w t N through tbe i Tbe Rockaway AUiletio Club gave a Other j-yntntuUi on last psRe. IUU. Ni> doubt damage ha* let>n di>i largeaudlencewutherMult All (pace, evwi r a n for. blcydee last Bauuday afternoon and oauy pUoee. President, Her. Dr. E. W. Btoddard, opi —TO of Mayor Dunham. Justice t.V 11. Usge ir^nt Huiiday with bli £nt«ndftttbs Port Offlet «t Dovsr, N. J. th»g>ui«rlea,.«M wall filled. A liberal protbe maeUng, tad BATS. B. B. D. PrickeU lirotliar at itohwny. itelr aflcirirardi opened tbelr new Tbere wan a full attendance at tbe 1'rt 'A fellow giving the name of L Al.bctt.was G. H. Wlnamt conducted the dofottoual exor- gramme bad been proTldad. Hr. BAD, of U atter. athhtlc grounds wltn a bias ball nutcb. The tsrian Cburcb ouCblldred'e Day. Tlionhuirb AIIR8 IiMa LarigHtdfT, of W'oslilngtfin, arrested tola morning by Marshal lingua for clsee. Ber. Dr. Juho MacD»ughtop|'ot Mar'gdale, Superintendent of the Plali road race was a handicap affair. Tbe prt was nicely dooor&ted frith flnnorn. Itev. Mr. In it weak oL CitPKloT. peddling without llaeaaa and fined t>y Justice rlstown, nreacbtd tbe annual sermon, from Sunday tchool, toot cbvrxe of tbe eieroiae ware a hutdaome gold medal for ttr»t, pre- Wood talked to tbe children almiit llio In- MIH* J-iiclff Emenmn, t,t KBJII OmngB, 1, the Gage It wenf* the Governor. tbB text contained ID Isaiah, LV, 10;ll. I t The plaosi selected for tlie nccaslon were v«i sented hy Mr. Harris/ the clothier, and t< diana, be having traveled all through tho tiout of A. h. Itieliardo. Several gentlemen bare purchased property a masterlj dlsoouna, referring to thepretty and well iunj. Bwite-UoDs were given elWu-tnedaU to weond and third,awarded by West about a year aaa. It <#tu very (uUir- JUIxs May Hndglaml Hurd lias returned LOOALjoraioi. rum Lor school ut H»nierv|])o. adjoining the ML Tabor Mulatto Part and analogy or the Bible between tbs rain and tbe In a very pleating manner, and their selection tbo club. There were eight starien, and Mr, esUng. Itov, F. rtoj^olj Itniiiies Las wiuio to Lfi H u t Tuesdayla the longest day of tbe year, fitted It np for tennis courts and croquet snow, nbawiiuj tbelr eilent, invisible davelopThe annual tneeUng of tbo I*.Urn1 Misainu" great wisdom, lootwo main features R. Perkins, t U offlctal bawilcappttr, » n t them .ockawnj place Irran tiiocllj". wiUbo lieli) at tUo IVcsl.jlTer-ra-re Boom-de-ay, Harrison, ta la tc grounds at an eipenaeof about »l,tMQ. iient, tbe great roaUt/ of their power, thei ware a class exercise given by Miss Grace off as folloira; Jas. Styoh, scratch; O, ». iu-y8ocleVy C-'tias. Allen has tw«t|ipnndlnK nome dajH In ;e on tistunlay nftaniot'ii, Jutio •t-y. Invitations are out for the wedding ol Him ^rajiBfornilrig powers and successful opera- Mftoduvllle, and an address by the pastor. Freeman, 3 minute*; A. J , llelllngB, 4 rolnio flalo leglnii of l'annuj'lvania. leers -will lie elected, lunch nl Upon the platform were two gain (pearly utea; D. R. Berry, 4 minutes; H, llerbert, A. N. Watorboiuo, nt Morrlrtn. £udd'sLakakB3r«ethlfiaerttianLaka Delia Bruon, daughter ot Mr. J. Wrt&ut ttrved, and all ttre InvlUxl to atUini. •ailiiy faro tnur tbrouglt Jajiftn Bruen, and Edward T. Davey, all or Itocfc- Tbo Imiineei roeoUng of tbo Society waa white) under on arch of the asme color. The minutes; J. Harper, Fred. Devil and \V*. Mm. J. U. Btackwell and ctilUren are H}«-IV1, patOOng. J<wlo Hlinrj), at MurriNtoivu, ban been words •• Behold Utendat tlie door and knock AlWr, 0 minutes. Tba route w u to the Jcg s few days with liar jiAfeiiLn at V'ioniin. Tbe exact figure* uf tha Morristown school away, which occurs June !23d, ot tlin brluVi convened wltli prayer and BlnKlng. T. B. viBlt(, H 1K;MiuiiCiUUlU UchariUatJullej's Hotel M(saUnu» KedOun, of Now ark,teK|mulii>i home. Ulockwell street bridge In Dor*r and return, , ot MorrUtown, was elanted Hecrewritten la gold at tbe Bide* of tha gates, census are 2,2W. Ntl NoUimtlfl Alawe, off Dovor, ban D b Il«oa o ten weeks wltfa frleiidnlu tills vicinity. a dlstenoe of seven miles. The followiug tar;, pro Urn, and tbe mlnutee of (be last and on the arch. The hingw were of the tame Kr. John H, KIgfis boa liwwl tlie iron [icimion of (12 a irwntli, witU f £Vl Iwick JAJ-, It Is said tbo cherry crop In this fidnltj Tho potatoes In tblx community aro Iwi'' MIns AM.{u lloglo au<! Miu Alaj- JIurU atmineral rfgbt on 'iM ncra ol tav,d twar Finn- mooting wera rend and approved, ApalDgtu u wall u a golden b&ndlfi. Tbo clam marched shows tbe time of start, turn, fluiih and ne; we nee some are cowing fn lilussoru. •will notbelargn. for nbaenco wore read from Dr. MoiTAtt, Diit. music upon UIB jiulpit platform, and actual time; snl«| J'llncctou College f.'-otiimoiicunicnt tutu DAI ders to Sdlmn'tt Compuiy, ami Iho tflik of . B t Patrick's Alliance excursion to Lek< •rectiog conceHtraUng Works In tlmt vicinity Bee'/ ot uie Ant. IMule Bodtty and others. arranged themselves very orderly, aud Btar». Turn. Klniib. Time. .. HopatcongnextMonrtaj. Tbo report of Troasurer J, R. Ruuyod showed prettily. Questions upon the icrfpturtw were ISiii|i|nyM Kpoahn Is revived. 2J13 ' AilUd .tgUS • coiratjxmdmt ut aaiittier jxtper is liasty lu Ilooe, of Uio r ilioim, OB tliu Dr. T • Beven excursions a n already booked train that the finance* ot the Bodety were In a tlion aiked by (he tcoober, and answered by Davis HtatiuK that a certain pirtynr iwrtiwi liml of Dover. Tbe ore bintiaRn over the High prmiwrous condition. Tlie unwl commlttMe tliu pupils. Tiro little tote stood with Patenon to Lake Hopatcong. French niNtnles. It don't iay tlmy Imtl Kretich 2:63 U.B. linkei noniB out from weatlee. Therefore it Is luinlly rollablo. ' Thee. IJOWO h u now the management at tbs Branch for the month of May wns: Through ore appointed and a recete wai talian, dur- A* tho Bcbolan began to slug the little girls E. Herbert. 3-.V2AQ !):9C.S0 HD.fU) to Pliflli|«burf[ end point* beyonil, m,-1i Angle, Lake Miss Emma Peer, from fioonton, wns t i e aw York i ing witch all UIB vial ting delegates wera ntcxly Bloppod to tbe gates and opened them. A bar West Slid Hotel, Morrtatown. tout; ts local points,, tnns; U)UI, onurtalned with n colhtlou nerved In thi Waa piftcod acroas tbe gateway, upon which D.R. Berry. gueetof MtM Carrie Con lor a k'w " llelllnga. u:o» Tie proniJwtfor tbo bnv crop in Mr. K. II. Aiiraml, of Lincoln Park scfaoni, It Is now Mid that the Morrfstown Driving Si.soOOl tons. c b a H by the ladlai of Boccasuuna. tie word " Jesus" appeared, written In golden Freeman 2M S;13.M) S^I.UO 2T30 aa Itron engogN) w lowimr at llio llurd Park will be Sullivan's training quarters. Henry Wftttoreon SOJB CIBVUIBIIII'B nomiTlie bridge near H. D, Yoitngs hox beon lioul for tho next year. U|wn reassembling tba following delegates cliojoctera. Behind this was a beautiful Btycb UiW A nsw (ire company bai been organlt«din nation would be" waiting through aslaugbtar tostaUrsoolBtleswereelMJted: Sutsei, Her. wblto cross lurroutided by green bruicuea. Fred. Davis, wbo won tbe gold medal, maln- palntwl by our irojmlar paliiU-r, K, " " -- J. Ii. WSIlSmns, lata ot ttio Morrialown I* a cnA\t to tbe litncn. home Into a politics) g'ravo," a statement tha •linker SmlUij Warren, Hev. William Btout The whole exerclu -was a great credit to the tAlned a lead all tbe way. Freeman, wbo got anil Wewton ID pUce ot tha one that dWmadi Mr. KniMt Combs bad a two-year-old coll ijtreiu, IH inniiagur nf a now luiwr In N e k Flag* were rained and cannon fired at Mor- '111 apply to any Democrat, for tils fg n Ito- Homorut, Wm. Uillanl; Paaaalc, Rev, He, J and prwebod a powerful Mrmon to second place, made the fastest actual time, bleb iKouua entangled lu a wire (om-o ami iltwl the IIORI IC«tate lievlcw. bU foot so badly that it required Urn Ilev, nml Mrs. F. K. ilutlor, or Madixon, rifltown In bonorot Harrison's re-nomination. putilican year. thteti; Kwx, Rev. B. B. D. Frlobelt those iireeent Mr. Allen's addrem wu to Uw hut waa not able to overcome tbe three min- injured service ore veterinary aurgeon. uf Uover, will NLU (OT Kurape About Contractor Tbos. J. Alien lim otiout HIKIJ MontnouUt, Rev, (1.11. Wtaans', lluoterdon dtlldrea aud to older one* over Uifct ute start whlcb Davfi had ahead of him. 1 will not mention any name* out of rcupect inuerly Samuel Freeman la about to build a band uly lit, to bo alisent alwut six wackn. Itet. J. H. Boofleld. Barry, the winner of tbe third prize, mule men at work at Mt, Arlington, where Us hat Be spoke wUia boys, and then to tho girls, or tlio parties win weut to Luke JIo|iotoi(ig some cottage on Sussex avenue, Iforrlstown. Sin., llolwrt Coorail b u reretved a check tie ume actual time at Davis, and waslieaten lebtna ami came away wiiS forgnt tlu-ir flab. for l a w from tlio Jr.' O. U. A. M., l»ltig her Rev. L XL. Cotultt, of Btexhope, delegate Rev. Cbas, Allan WM installed yu.U>t ol the contracts amounting to over (30,000,.for mat Ouen tbey could notbavo bail i unoual) wor by just tbe time of tbe former's advantage lu thinking ebout, or have had too mucuto till Into husband's Jniuraiico In that ordur, PoinpUui Plains Reformed Church en Tar*- Ing street*, grading and Iwautlfyliig grounilo from Sunset, prewnted the greetlnga of that handicap. At the turn Fraeman ran Uejond ilxilit what they did have. P, B. Htnitb, Bocrelary of tha Y . M. C. A.. ibout the Brullti, eto.' AOlernrmaii Arrested. Society and tuvitcx} delegatw to their T5th a»y. We bad ball etcneg bere on Tuesday evoi. iroof-hed n Ren no n on " Growth" a t tbe Huel*at Saturday ConsUble Joseph Wbltfleld tba point and l u t m little lime. Belllnge At a onnfHrence of political farinsrn lo I'vrt auiilvtrMry the nest day. . The Hadtan Council h u decided to build a Ing tbat menuumloiielntli acro»tatKl half imm 1'rabyterlat) Cliurcb on Sundsr. Oram last Baturday Iartner E. K. Potter was Tbe folloirlug ulHoera wore elected; Prcal> Heaae, of Butler, In this county, errested the broke down, Allely gave up tbe contest ]u>t oval In juiapo, somutblng like a button ; c Maldenoa for the Chief Engineer of IU water r. A. -II. Day toil, iiBjiliew of Mrs. C. A. offered a Congreeslonal nominatlnn, but we daiit, Her. J, E. Adams, of Morriitewn! Vice Her. Edwin C. Weeks oT Uis Fort MonmouUi short of the turn, and Btych, t i e scratch man, MeCarty, of Dover, has beou elected cashier works. i • • got lost somewhere tm tbe w u . Tlie road hi Prenldenta, Her, R, Alktaan, D. D., Kov. B, iBt Cbarcb, Dear AtlanUc aigblandi, on usdersteud be la looking for gubcrnaloria of the Bomerwt County lhnk at Hornervllle. Vf. Frank Hall b u told but flu raideooe a honors and declined I t . B. Ktmlaud, lies. I*vi Jobnwn, Col. E. U uaffldavltuid warrant AccualnKblmof Im- some plaoee w u in bad OMWIIUOH and tbe Mr. uuao. lion-lit and Utss DolniBr, ot time waa considerably ihort ot what h u boon Potnotoa to 4. J . UcDavIt, t wealthy Haw ll&nlMitb, drove from £liul>etlitoDover and A gsntlemau by tbe nnaiD of Podge has Doliblnn, Itolwrt Carter; Secretary, Itov. A, proper relations with Llnnie Onderdonk wblla lade In private trials, Yorker. of days with Ml as Maiuu lla!leased Dorlnoourt, at leaet that U lUe last Enlmnn, D. U.; Tr«asuror, John II. Ruuyon: she was engaged an a domestic ia his family, Altbougu there are other rldera In Rock- Tho Cbliarsn'e Day »ervlcefllii both churches w»t&coui>lo or. I't Trooi, J. Fred. Hunyon; Executive during his pastorate at tbe Baptiit Church at Dearly 100 Italians are employed on theannouQctoient Kr. Dodge was formerly - ftockaway Valley Railroad extension to Mor- cmutected vdtU tbe inftnagomDat ot U,o Fifth Committee, Prof. Jas. BUoDg, B, T.D., Tueu, Dlootalogdftkt previous to his aooeptanoa of away wbo baloog to the Athletic Club, all tie were plowing and well nttended. Ttio even- Mia Jemtla Berry, of Cluster, has resigned LUUe, Kev. \Y. W. Halloway, Jr., V, D.n tbe Port Monmouth Cliurch. K b alleged tbat entries Ip this taoa a n employeea of the Rook- (ng service In the M. K. Cbnrcb ctnmlste*! of v Hoaltfon as jirlncirml nf the Kenvil publio rtotown. Avsnue Hotel, New York. away Mfg. Co. Vreenian rUaa a 4H Ib. mi- recitations, mudo, rwnowlro readlnss nnd litxil, after n. [iliwjmnt imd tuewfotu) »fay of Havr. 0 , U w w , M, D., Rev. WUltam Day, T, a child waa bom to Mtea Underdouk on Horace 8, Van Wagner, of Hadlmn, baa chine with ciwUfon tire and the othersrideit*remarks by UIG lter. Ilsber Bmltli, of tlie 'our ynsra. Frank Class will shoot a pigeon mntcli, at list The warrant w u returned to Justice Ib. machine* with pneumatic tires. rreauyteriait Cburcb at Oils place, and Itev. Mrs. Colilll ami Mfia HulUe Keating, of New sold bis busloeai to W. C. Frost, o( Green 100, agaltut Vf. Tull Uoiutyre, of Vir- 0. lronaido. Rav. Dr. Enlmftn,'ptewntM » falrtorlcal Jottn Ellli ot Atlantis Ulgubuids, who en- Tbe Rtnkaway Athletic Club opened tbolr Mr. Wttson of tue llnpUit Churcli at Mount ork nlty, and Mm. HUphon Ittue, or HrookVillage. ' fllnli, for $2H>a*lde,-at Woodland Park, June atemeut, giving tlio history of tbe society as dorsed It, and Informed tbe Her. Mr. Weeks, Olive. "America for Christ" wiu tlio wrvlco n, nn) tlie guwts ot lira. Htowart farr, on new groundi on Baturday but alter The Surrogate1! office a t Morrlstorn la be 33ti, and a return matcb tLo nett day at nenr at It can be traced Iran the record* ot who w u prwoat with tho omcer, tbat by the of the club's bloyole race and the several hun- uied by the Vreabyterlau school at their oxar- llnrkireit street. lag pnt In good soap* for a Republican In- Marrlitown, unJ»r the same oondltfons. ctees iu tbo rmbvterian Church In the after- I':*-Hliorlit Airrod Ily«ram died Wodnoalay tbe parent society and other eourcee, tbe conditions of the writ bo was required to bold Qunibwt,. ' Tbos, K. Blulteii has Uw ageon; tor Ntw records ol tho local society liaving been de- him |o 11,000 ball to appear before Juitioe J, dred people who were prewat wltDtaeed a gocd noon. There were alio recitation! ami ro- t Mountain Vluw, agcl 7T». HI* lltnoes was ' TliocloetBgexenilaaerftheManrbtowupiib- Jarsey, of tbe book, "Too Repulillcan Tarty stroyed lu the burning ot tbe Boutb Btreet B. Miller ofxButIer on neitMondaj, Mr. and well contetted game of ball between tbe marlie by tlie pastor. Dr. Nunlan'a InLter mused by ocrftoiiisnt when Ms barna and 110 schools will be held In the afternoon of - I t * Utrtory and l1riMlp\e»," enilomd as Oiurcb, Mfirriatewn, some year* ago. TheWeeka fumlsbed the required bail and was re- Athletic aim and tbe Mulligan Guards rf wut rMit In & plowing mannnr by Mitullnttio jn. Tbe ((ame wa* closely coutMtod Hnweil. Tbere wore single recitations by tlie JuueSuth. 1. Mr. Weeks b u been blghly eeteemea and full of interest noil U» result In doubt little Hisses WcUli, I^onon UmlarWll irntl authority b r thB NaUonal Comnijttao. I t statement w u ordered placed on tbe record* Mr. Edward 8. OollnrJ, a brother of W. H. Rev, G. A. Lucklnblll waa tnitallad pastor ought to be In tbo bands ot ever? IU«pulillc>an. and Uta tbanki ot the society w e n oxtead«d by the membership of tbe Port Monmouth Master I^yinsn C r y , Tbe clacs pluoei wore itll the laat man wai out In tbe J u t inning. well reuderwl. ltotb cburcbes were tlecor- ?fllliml, of thin iildco, haa bran elect**! Chief Cburcfa. He conducted tho last Sunday of t h . Lower Montvllie Reformed Cburcfa At Grace M. K. Cturvh tlie pantor, Itev. to Dr. Erdinati. i'Bttiwr of ttio ltollttvllle Fire Department. Tbos. Hall, will preach naxt Sunday morning Rev. Pr. J. M. Freeman, of Morrlstetva, service as usual. It ia alleged by liie trlends Kellrick and Champion Oiled tbe poluU for nted with {lowers, and those bavins rbai-gu of e If a good Hrcmau ami hoi l«cit Assistant the Guards. The borne team were first U> bet tlie docoration and programme deuwve mucl; lui, Tha Danville ball club defeated tba Boon too on " Hball we go up and POWOBB the land V made an Interesting aitclren on "Bible Dta- that UIB whole matter wu manufactured with and started oB with a nub, lauding tbrve nmlit, as well as thoso that tonic lurt. Tlio Invitations are [usualfartbo mnrrlngo club at Bocnton on Saturday l u t hy a score In the evening there will In a wrmon U1 tribuilon iu tbe Older Tlniet," tracing the Intent to do him Injury, but Uut bit complete en across the homo plate before tbe side was Tfae Rev. B. 11. Kuglanil, of tbv Cougc-gn. UtntCura,f!iiuHbt»rut Mr. Clw*. Cox, ot yoong peopla on ' ' Frotn Prison to a Throne. methods aniptdjed from thetioiftot IVlckllfle. vindication la only a matter at a tin* it. They then took tbe Odd, Dauey going Uanal Church at Cheater, Is U> occupy the iwlch, N. Y., and Mr. Arthur H, Hncklakar Bu.ltb exteuded aa Invitation Ue ulil nutbing in hi* own defence In court. Two jurwns were received on probation The Rockantv Frtabjterlan Church has in tba boi and the pneaomeual Waer behind pulpit ot tlie rj-Mibytorinii Cburcb nt ttiltt Igc, ot Haver, irbtvh occum WertneBrtay, [)laoe on ue*t Butnlay morning. and oae by letter la the Pint H. E. Cburen rBluctanttysicceptedUiB rnlguatlon ot Rev. ta buU the next meeUng » t Flanders, tktA It S tl liit. lnttm mu. tea bat Tbe Quardi In tbli inning wtre disAttacked b r Dor*. 0. T, Aiulenon nnd appointed Hon. ID, 0. was accepted, Ur. Will JVtrrorr ret urn«I to bin homo nt Mr, 1). JiulMm C»ok awl s s m , th» ; last Sunday. posed of In short order without *, run ta their fiahey as Commlwiioner to Prosliytery, w I if eh Bhott v4dt6»ea were made by T. B. Iron' O*o. Booble, a blackimltn at tbe car shops, bis plane Iwt week from Ilrimklyn, wlioro lio IISHCS Cotik, of TAlgoffood, have t>een visitJustice Gag* asnt Mrs. Nwter.of Mine Hill, meets at Bobooley's HnunUIn next Tuesday, side on " Tba Use of tlie Bible la aUrnloo •as cut walking last Sunday and waen in the credit, and not another mn m i moored on u been pursuing tbe itudy of inMlfi-lno. >K tlia College nf Now Jersey to attend tha to ths count/ Jail for thirty* days, for dis- Bevtral newipspera In thle vicinity are giv- Workt" br Her. W. C. Helma on " LeemdDK lelguborbood ot Mr. Wm, Boyd's, near Mil 1- either side until the.ftlth inning, « U n tbe The Woman's Utoloinirj Hoclety nf tho i>"imnii(.'ement HiBrelws and tee tbe historic visitor* succeeded in Bending one man homo, PretJiyterlnn Cburcb held it* regular monthly orderly conduct. . tle in Princeton. Bible by Heart," by Rev. Q. H. Wlnaus irook, be was mddeiily and savagely attacked ing away many copies weekly to encourage, . A man uanud Wood,-from Jeseay City, baa advertlsera in the ballaf that thf>y liare large on tbe "Use of the Bcrlptarea In VoungPeo- >y a large Newfoundland dog belonging to •gain blanking tbefr opponents, a»d In the raeetlnj with Aim. Jobu Dnoring on lait K. O'DonnutI, the founder of tho Cbrmv slxtb by a bunching of bite, aided by same *lo, fflTisltliig bis old friends Iu Morrletown, opened • store near tbe Elver 0 t j * bridge, olrcuUUona. TuaE!iU.n«v«rengaftMinbaci)t IB'B Meetings," and by Rer. Dr. Entinau oo iat gentleman, which jumped againBt bim coatl? errors In U» fleU, tliey liBued tour Masters BmlUi and Stout wore of thwo that ie wns a italpgato from Colorado to the Mlnul forced falin Into a Iwrbetl wire fence and runs before being retired, making tbe score Lake Hopatcong. • ; pocus of this sort, lla big clroulatian is ol- ie"Bwor« ot the Spirit." itlendat the rjibetlng of the Morrfa County lia«[Milifl mtivfiniloD, and h u nerved la thu The resolutlonBadopted Included thinki to eta! bio bytbejniv. Mr. Boyd Happened Tba Danville base ball ground* bare bee i ways genuine, -• : to 8 In tholr fevor. In the seventh inning Mite HocSety Bt aiiccnsuiinii nil Tua&lny of U l l t u r p of that Staio. i,he^iear and called tbe animal off, or there tlie [irearhers and Bpeakers, andtetbe church tbla weet. leeied for the Summer by the Unr-ae B. B. J. JI. C'ux, of lit. Tolwr, vent to Atmight bare lieen Mrloua oonaeqaettC«u The tbe bome team landed three rum again takAt tUe First II. K. Cliurcb next Babbatb, oliloars and people of Sumaiunna for Mia Nannln Trowbrlilgp, nf WBHWIIEUIII lanlio Uitj innl" wwk to nltcnA a coriventioti 0., of Mt. Tabor, dog waa usually a hartnteM ona, hutaftertbls ing the lead, Hller then went in tbe box for Valley, ban been spending wvornl tlayn nt tlio nf tliu Women1)! ChrjRtlan Teiniierance Union, at 7:Gd p. w, a •• Jubilee" mrvlce will U r-.n Tba Hotel BmJIn opeos naxt Monday, but ducted, recognising the fact tbat fifty pornous bospltaiity ; congratulated tbe Mcletr upon uttwak Mr. Bojd bad It tUlwl. tbe Athletics' and tbe bettsmen from Port home ot Mr. Q«j. Wack. itv,lik«hsbB repmtentnt tha inUrt»tsot the quite a number «C families are expected, to have wltbln flre weeks united with the church asuccuafuleSortainthe i*st, and p1fidg«d Wood nt IT Vance was drinking frame spring dram begantoguess where Ran a good plaro Mine Ada Ijirjson bus returned from licr niorli'fiti Hftliliatli Union. • It renewed consecnitlou, pntysr and effort, arrive to-morrow. - . • Mr. IlnrryJ. Davis, Am'tMaBWUeohanlo i tlie j«ni of i. V, Koftpp, ouUendbam to feel for the ball. They were not, boivevoi. 'Islt to Newark, on profceglou of faith. Many have alao been THE ONLY QENU NE avenue, Uoniitown, when a dog which wai very successful at guessing, as seven of the Mrs. D. fi. Framlws retiirnal on Wpihien- if Die Homtw(ea«l Steel Works, (Carnegie, Im Qulinby and Wm. Leak, crack Morris- admitted by letter. . . ' Dreat Strawberries, I men went but on strilcea; hut tnthe day from a short elay nt NowarU. 'Mp[ia& Co., limited! near 1'ittsburg, Pa,, town wing sboti, are talking of • pi*eon At U» closing B W O I W , ot the Madison Henry Payw placed on wbibitlon in KU1- cbaliwd near by eprang upon klra and tors the N boon vWtlng hi* rereiilt, Mr. and Mm. ThoBtrawberry nnd Ice cream wtctnl ht-lil flesh'of hi* hip. A doctor cauteileed tbe eighth Inning, by a scratch hit and by error .match for |50 a lid*. ' ukllo school, Tusolay morulug, there irere gore's wliulow last Monday mnrniDj what wound. ot their opponents,* they landed on* run autl In tba chapel of tho rrMliylerkn Church nn imuel ildvls, at Port Grow, . ; The Washington AModatlon will hold Its ten&eo by the puptla, so addrose t>y Judge ouiitwlly tbe largest and flnestatraw the wore waa a tie, 0. too. In their lait In- Wednesday evening was Urgt>\y nttxinlnl ntid It Is currently rejxirtod ainnng firemen that ID Brotherhood of Irframotlvo Flrwnanhas annual tseetlug and banquet at Headquarters, reaman, a flag prewnlattou by Dlntrici Cleric berriwi ever seen in' this Tlclaltjv Bome of ning the Rockftway boys hatted out two more wry pleaiunt affair. Harrlaoa KaUfled In Boo&toa,EauW tlio claim of irvln Oslwrn, a fireman Jas. H. Ucliraw, and a llttlnff responu by them uieiiiiired from six to six and m half The flnt Hirrlson raliflcaUon meeting In runs and blanked tbelr opponents and t i e •f tha SI. & E. ronrl, Inatcd at l'drt Uorrh, EXTRA PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND Trustee Chat. L. Cbovey. ; inches in clrouurerence and twelve ot them Utls part of the State was h«ld in tfas Botmton game w u wnn. As neither team haiha.l Coroner J, W. Faocber w u In town or tlie full amount of his pnllr?, 11,500, much practice as. yet tils season, tbe game TfaB strsiv berry oiiiijcew,. „ veck making Inquiry about the death of en An arUcla In our lart, ivforrlag to tbe Cloo. (llleilaqufirt basket. Tbs name of the variety Opera House l u t Saturday evening, and A1>ratn Van Dotsen, a well-known cottager WM to have be«n held nt tliu not given, but Mr. Payne baa plants for • Infant, noticed In our last * At Lain JlojiaU-ong, In tlie tit. Arlington P, Itowell matter, was cradlted ta OH Wash'pnlng wan |n«t|w)H6-t till a « Td T d a y ' ras very wrll played, tht battery work ot the e very entPuslasUo gathering, tir, 3ms. O. ilo, Mr. Yayiw bis a Rtrawberry patch of Thursday eveningo j n nccouut nf tlio I»- colony, illwt tlicro on Tuondav of perltotiltl*, - TUB bend at tbe Morrto r i a l u Ajylatnti iDgtonStar, when It ihoutd have boon crea- ko acres neni-Bt,-Mary's CUurcb, Includb Carter, President of the newly organlied He bome team being tbe principal feature. The cIouiQiicy , ot _. Uw Uw vrm vrmtbw. attflr ti brief lllnom, In tho K» yaar or hii sge. te tbe Washington TutingB. Tlie IUJB: now In excellent abau* and glvataa outdoor publican cluh, pretldsd, and trpeeonca were following Is tha score by Innings. Tuesday evonlug till* Boctlou wan vlstlai 1!H romalns wnra talton yoftterdnj U> Nyach, peudence and good judgment of the 'flillnge iu acra aitd n bait ot tbla variety. The whole made by Mr. Walsh, of Brooklyn, JobnH.UIbconcert one night each week. 1 2 8 4 fi ft with several bonvy thunder nUmm, UIIDWAR i. V,, forlnl«im«nt contains, about one huuOrod tbauimiid U cndltahle unilsr any namn. accompanied liy consdlerable bnll nnil bml '..B 0 0 0 0 0 » I) 8 - 8 The poet office department bee officially » and gives promise of an enormous snn,ofUover,andB.J..Oarrlsnn,theuUeranca AUlleUea Mr. Plorro Prfiderlck Cook, nf Udgtwood, then l»en nmu:h wind groat rtnmngo would 0 0 0 0 I \ 0 1 o~o cut tbe "s" from Budd* Lake, and that office An assay made by Prof, ftaocli, fttate yield. Bo begun te gatker taera lait Batw- of Republican sentiments being warmly ap- "uards io son of J. Hrtrvoy Coot, ot FlihUll-aii.Uia the mpetlng opened Umpires Hr, Qage, ol Dover, and a ((eatte- Marcus Kilt has iwmtly routed antnro In inium, if among tlie graduates In tha AcaifuowkdownaaBuddldke.: . OeoloilBt, of Bpsclhtem rrom near Burtd's Uiio tlay, whnu lie plcbud 1Q0 beitets, and the out- plaudea. After 1 antenatal Blork where ha Ima niwnixl liontl enormous hat, of tfae variety usually attjintn Da|tarttuant tn the Gollcgo ot Hew Jer"•. C, a, JSBMD has purchased of A. O. ChrU- ahowa eighteen oneliundrodtha of one por cwnt. put wan Increased on Mtmday toBMl l*»keU.r tributed to " grandfatbor's bat," was brought man from Port Orara whose tume we did not aartera (or tha HltiRnr Rowing Mnnlilun On. learn, each of wfantn Understood their duties TLo lawn owtal and fintival bold by tlio y (hii week, and is nn tko " Uonor IIat." Poyuo ban R1I>U a red raspberry patch o tenwn his farmer carpi* weaving business ly of nlobel, and upeclment assayed liy lilm tram wilt reail law ami will enter oue ot tun ID, U W M made ot Atntricaa tin, appranrt- anddldtbemtotbesatlsfsctlonofall. Scorer, MettaodS»t BCTV, ami hi going Into tbe culture of society Wodntndny ut-enlng KM a r Flanders show slstea'n on»-liundr«dtbR ot the old rreabyterlan Church; ,. •! : York Law Kchaoh In tha Autumn, Dur -lea oitenalvely. In this Hoe be has bad m atsly Inscribed with nottoe and was greeted Mr.Sbupe, of Dover, struck out, hj Kott- •uocess. Ice cream was aolil ta rnriilly tlmt How per oent ot the aimo metal, Tbe mines at Btanhope baVe closed, and It a supply the demand U had tA Iw trciou on ngratul*ttone. great deal of asperlvnce, having saperlotonddd with, hearty cktera. t h a Republican «ntl- rlck, 3 ; by Bailey, 4 ; by Hller, 7 im groundtt. - is reported that the lurnaee will blow out tfae tlio culture-of a iMrry farm of ISO acrea In tnmtln Boonton Isflowinga t high tide and OD Baturdajr, the: IStti,'Manager Doughty JiiJgliieer Dmitaou has moved from near the 1 ' .•• AStormAcoldBnt. • ^ ' England for afstetti year*. He will demon- btg majnrity may be eipected OTW there will take nU coita to Bocmtan to play the DEKVIUJE.. ; l u t of U>U month for repairs. D., U S W , station up to Cheater into tbe Wm. B. Green has broken ground for a • BewardfannlinuM., Boonton otnh.' .,-•.Uw. O. Green,the mllbooeUrarjstent medi- Mr. and lira, W. L. PoUirs, tit tlih prare, strata what Uw-agritnilturists'of thiseeatlon k l A l L drove to H t Freedom on tuoulay, and as they'e brat) slow in learning—tbat It pays better Dr. Ben, V. It. Hedge*, of the Prmlijlcrinn ineniont house Frank Wilkinson, nf the firm of Wilkinson, Hoepltal, N. Y., wan faoms lo spend tliu Sal)rapasdnfthobouiw of butcher Tompkliur, to cultivate small frufU theinlt dixm to rmlaa .: K e x t Itondny'a Estoumion. ; EMI batfawlthblfiuother. : • laddls & Go., will wintxlel Ills cotUjo at kit. 'their return in the wenlng^ "it twgau to liiendiullk. •" •• " ::' -~ . : ' : , i ' Tbe elgth annual excuraloa of tba B t Titehaated term whk* bjegut on'Sunday, A BOH of Lewis Urta,,nf Mllltaivn, csnio ,'alKir. rain and they stopped. Hn. 1'eUira went In Patrtek> AlliiuwW lake HopatAongwill U newrdmwnlng Tuasday.; y Ha hail mnk M M Cbeathut Orovo whool cloned lost Krlday. . •eventy-fiyfi pWnda each, ware raoalnd at the house end Mr.'retars drove tba home made m Monday next trcm «H potato on the w&ravMt eipBTiMWcd for ft long time. On whtmrewuul vy a companion^ comranloiir' hnrewuul by Jensillo sclioo] CIOBM this week Thursday, tukvtlitaragaOepotadMooday; noder a Bbed.and bold, him )>y UID bead. Tho The Tax BfcltfMM. ''/' High Bridge-Branch between HlbernUend Monday tna thermometers In tills vicinity Hobwt Uill, of Droalilyn, was In town over li. I). JCnils Imsolrl lux farm at Harrisonbecaxna YrJglit«ned by tUo-thuwtet »ftd The tenor of a-recent arttole la the. ER*. WU PDHOmm,inelnrfve. ItwIlUioUwflrat ex- ranged from BB to » dngnes In the •hadd, and luoday, William Oslttrn hnj| bwn conHnixl to Ills rills to the Mt. Tabor Land Improvement Co., ,,*J quart* of milk and made 49 ponndt of bnt- llghtnlngand trlod togofcn.way. Mi*. Petcn liardly mi indent to justify thfl onncliulon of cursion of the year to the lake and tbe sum- for fix hours tbe mercury malntelned a pn*]- house by IIIDOM (or the p u t tow dnya. vho Intend converting it Into n Summer ild font and w u dragged from imdflr Uioibwl Uadtnon Kdglo that tha Ei'.t approves t U BW ol kbe Alliance eey they will try lo make ' tor from two cows in two weeks.". •' . aboveW. Tuesday1* heat waa about the Batunlay the Chester IUM ball team plnyod Hlngo, or resort, Priro, ffl,OO0, and Into a barbed wire fence.. UIs left arm raAofitny In not payinR their tauces. 1c tbabeatofthewriea. At tbe bke there will e, and UM mercury UW not drop below W s return game with tbe Huecnmjnrm Uam at Tbn Donville p*mt ofllcfl has been made a The flrrt cbenr trea accident it repor the latter ulace. A more. genUomanly nut ot . ' Amti Unote, a Morrl* Ftahw faoy, tell outot andtagw«» badly torn, Wslelt Vnna wfti cat, naly npprcses* twit A course nn the part of be tack, tnh and foot races, dancing to etcd- tlllteveno'clook in the "evening, when there felJowB than tiia Bucrasuiuin ball player* Is imidyonleroiHoe. hla shirt boaom was torn ^>j»n ami liln breast honwt tai-imjers UNTIL Ue tax shirker* lentmuiio, refKwhinentsln*buiKlance, with Mine a violent electrical storm, with a heavy not often founil nnd they wore extremely 1). M. & J. I). Rlshter bovo a contract to one on Monday and broke his leg. scratched and he revived a. scratch totwoen shall to compdietl to pay their abtre ot tae \g, flihlng and other .recreation*, I t fall of mln, nlenUfullylntenpened with ball- fortunate In tliuir selastlnii ol unitilre. One n ejght houses In Dover with American Un late. • By a vote otlG4 to 05 tbe citliens of Wasbplayer told a Clie*tor. umn tliat lie •yea. He wan brought home by llr, B. P. blic burdaiu, and no longer.'. If all should a afford* a good opportunity to vlilt ranging In SIEB from a pea to a hickory old -ball Itev, G. I t BnysWr ia muling &n elTort to as good Bfl any five meit among UIB rrgu .. Ington nave decided to iaroe bonds for iio,a» Briant and Br. Uann was numraoned and retuao to pay taxes, a process of law for'thdr this famous resort at the tno»t doilghtful rabw monnj* to paint tha jiarsanago. Give -.'. to complete Btreet Improvement*. , dressed his woundn. He la .Icing an woll tu can collwtton would lw neceasary and In thi* way •MBon'of tha year, and all tue people should him vAiir assistance. A. Bulgarian laborer working in tbe yawl ' Horrlatown people arealea caltlnc for a Ore ustice would^bo dono to all, TboKitAdoes svail UemBelvea of it. For partlcutari as to ilgbt innltigi asaiiiHt tlio most manifestly un- The Children's Day oierclKM at tha Church : var refusal to p«y taxes asaprlnclple, mo table, (arest'etc., MQ bllla.. . at Uut Tort Oram furnace wo* juiiutruck on uBt dwblons tba Chester toys rufuwd lo | ;" limit In which no wooden buildings shaU be highly mtenMLlug and drew R vpry (arg« Tooeday. -,-.' ongerplay. Thewarc naitlieu'O toil but AH Tbo Kagle Xurtber nays: " Blect town comnce. tuilt r rublte safety demands It. > A Singular Oauae of Death, ' \ ltteemmi with harJc hono and then all will The batl storm In Port Or*m Tueeday even- B fitting clliiux the gome was [iromtitly Tbo Ituiles met wltli phenomenal mccam &t There will health o{ July pie-nk)at Calla- Ooo- B. Apgsr, Jr., fonrierly hf HacfcettaSalvation Army In Korrlatowa. GCURdfOTilUlXl, waa vtay BHvere and mutt wirnlow glass .heir faUlvfll liut woek,nettlng«oinetblng over . ban's Point, Lake ltopatron^, Bji>!Ube«Mi towb, but who worked for a hardwireflrniIn |wy, hr npand a snunn with Moiisftur Lloda- When thB 'Salration Aniiy Itret came to wubroken. TblrtMn'panes In the houee of » e> » l y . " But Bunpote you are not abls to sateot fee adverUsement on opposite page,. ' . f City, died on Monday .from a singular such a commutes. Weanse of, the very votes Marrtatdwn there waa a tenting among game Mrs. Qeo. Tarrwere nbattered. Tbo ihowr that vinltlng tlila community Malioiiey.ofouriiublloEoiool, HtarUd Ills weak struntt U. \V. EJdy'n cottage at Ht. Motoa Taylor Division of UN Independent causa. - A wontman on Thursday ot Jant week ttoeeaUrrturkersi" • Are btoeat iwopla to church people of that d t y that there was no At Waterloo Uw hailstones were of tremen- Prof. subscription to reiie money Cor tbe |iuiVAU ETX OP SXX ES AND M YTEB AL Order of RailwaT Oandoctors, wHl make an waa handling; a carboy of oqunlorUi In tho be compelled to continue to bear their ahare room for tbdr wnrk, but tie contrary sewn dous Blie, Bome tbat wtre picked up being flra iase of n ling to unfurl to the lireowfl on our abor, tearing oil a tow iveatbor boards and t t l f deipcilablng tho water c|oeeL cellar when It was broken and tfas f times filled Bava been demonstnted, During the first Inches In olrcumfweow. \ . ucanlon toConer Island Aug. 11th. ot the puhllfl burdetn and carry these ihlrken iwschoolhouw un Iho 4th ot Jut?,. Seven / was ])rostrs.toil for tovornl hours, •• AUmnnWioIltorrii OoaocH, Ho, 88,3r, the place. ApRar poured water on tbB liquid beallea, without making an effort to protect alt months nt their labon their coimrBitraB The Bnmmer house ot. tbe ML Arlington inni after starting the paper be litul 132, it wasilnaly rMtored,' » ' • •mounted to about HO and they received in Hotel at Lake Hopateong, ritaaUd just across rlilch Is another evldenceof tbe posh and per'•' O, U. A. M,, are requeatod to be present a t * and prevented an oxplmlon, but while »moth- ttair intorMtM Hot much. ariog tbe stnuning ncld Inhaled tbe furan>. coHtctlons about 13,500 tor the prosecution ot the road from tb* hotel, was struck by light- severanca of tha professor, u every tiling tie Tbo Unca* Ball Club eroraod bats with HornipeclftlmeeUnfnextstoodsjrerMiInf. . LAD ES H SSES AND CH LDEEH S n tUna hut Sotunlaj- land defratod them by thtlr work. Tne Army bai bern u ruble to About a quarter of the roof waa torn undertake* is. sura to In a Buccens. Itnleo ''-Aprafframroawlilch will Inctade trotting, Proiu tbat time ho grow worse and died on more 16 to 20. UJcUeMcn and Hall wore find a. suitable building for ite barrackB In off, but the structure was not setbn fire. The elgoines that the people of Netcong aro awake HeUucoalmttory. ; An InlateA Place. : • Hoycls eAdpedestrianraoee, Is being arranged Monday In gnat agony. He bail been married id np bo the spirit of tfae tlmea. but two month*. Hlsremaliu were brought .Looelytowu, the oounty seat of Iluntordon, Davsr, but may Invade thU place with a tent bail ateoea at tbla point were quite Urge. U n . Jen, Etswotth died Monday ot this . IDT, tbe Horrlrtowa track for Jalyitfa. A. J. Drake bat tho contract for hulMIng Hackettstown on Thursday. ' ' 'micb an. unfrequented place that It often U-lgodB during the season. h at the hoiurn'of her fatiier, I'eterF. free' A t Netcoeg quite a number of pane* of large barns on the J. a Wills estate, happens that people living lo that section get . Bho resided at Dover till s, Omtb tSm» Of the 187 millionaire! in this country^ glass « t n ih&ttenil, and tbe hall w u quite tbe recently destroyed by fire; also conslilernlile - Xnalo At Dover Car Shopa.' lost eoing to or cowing from I t • Tbe Hooterheavy, poe stone picked" up at that place work to do upon the homestPAd anil'direlllng. l»ck, tlioncama'lo her father's, from which Ion paper* fell bow a party, living a t Now Astrlagband ti in proceeeof organlution ' " *ul a. ball, fecbie in clrcum- Hlsa Halite Bostedo Is spaudlng a week In l c >ho gradual? grew wonw, till tin fla&) This Dwrnlns tba driver far Bmlth & P&u- ope,, only twelve milaa away, got lost In at tbe ibpM; ooly a few of the many talented AT— amo to « young woman only 83 years. . Rev. Naafau a BteptMos, of St. Jobu'ii nlog, masoaa, drove In the yard uelow Ue P., itiseex-witb ber friend*., Ihe leavea a huiband owl babe less nitilclaru have u yet been enrolled, bnt tha Church, Boonton. will be omejned to the L . & W . depot ta unload acorut brick. 1'ho making thejourneymidtravebdtwenty-tiiree outlook U most promising for a baud that wtll Qulto some glats hi greennouan was broken Mr. O. W, King Is having nn nilditicn built M to mourn bcu- linn, Rev. O. R. llrs In covering tbe ground.; Brother I a one of bis bouiie* on Mrelwnlc atroot, , y ortlciatetl, rntflrmd' In the PctiFllle : prUstbocdaeitBaodAy by Bishop Cdewan. bone bemme frightened when the first brick) via vrlUi Cap^o. •- TbtM olroody alocted am by hall in the Tk-Inity ot Mori-Iatoim and Tho bonmraid to '-* built fw Jc.^Vi PlvfcHg»r cenieU-rr ^'Ddnosdny of thli week. iu&kle, of the Ilemocrat, ought to tiTO '. Uasy rMldaottoC ColUnsTiUa, a>taihnrb v. atruclt tbo wagon and ran out ot tlio yard at better lyslem of guide boards, ItUaahatna Prof. King, planiit and oonduclorj frut.- MorrisP(sht. on Mechanic Btreet Is nonrlng complotlmi. . laorrlitown, are oomplaiBiag ol baring their1 brvakoeck speed across tho track on tlte Mor- that people should get lost In the wilda ot Pe.rt, vlollnlit aud cgosultlog; director, and During tlba storm a bolt of lightning struck It UandonAood that request Council, It. A.', PIHBEBOOK. 'vitdogaanAcati Btaotby a party who owns tis street crossing. The hubs of the wagon that Beotlon, won if thore are but few who the renowned Qlbsou Bros, as bag pipers and the eottegs of Mr. fleo. IV. Kddy at Mount ot SUnfaopa, will join Netonng Council In analrgun,-:. : , . . . -r' •••. ; •truck toa gate poet* on tliu crowing and in tho risk by ^UUingtb* place. Tho groat: labor and dausfted It slight ly. Mrs. £ddy celebrating Royal Arcanum pay, Juno ffitl, Ur. and Urs. James A. VanDuyne Bptnt lundsy with Mr, Van Duyne'a mothw at m in gensral. Tb» flnt Bummer em,' Mrs. Veaderhoof' of Monroe, was' foand turned the wagon upeldVdown and threw tbe t dangtr arises from tbo fact ttiatpaopls are cert will come oil last February, and the nceived • wverc efaock, rendering ber unoou- at which time all the .lodge* will taicu port In k w i i t o n . • • • nlibt waa their (octal gathsrlng nnd faave a pleasant Mr. aud Wre.lUchanl Tier have been ipeoddeedfaibed on Friday morolog of laat weak bone. Before he could get up he was raujiht liable to pass through It; without; recognising initial rebeaital will befaeldnext ApriL-The KIOUB, and aa Ute as vredaetdsy time. ••• -, still In a critical condition.. -<: , a few days with friends at Patarson. tltlt at her home, Tbe cause Is supposed to t» by Will Birch. The hone was uninjured unit RailroadEmplojee, " - :, At araceot mooting of tho plot hoMern Df igMr. mry little damage was 'done to the wagon. The reddeoce at Tbos, h, KIDS, of Sacce,- Stanhupo Sugene Archer, ot Uroobljn, has bein heart disease. T, . / . •. '"- ", ..' \ '; Centetory AntociaUoii llio following euan*, was struck by a bolt of lightning, par- were elected Trustees i J.l*. Miller, I'lusiJeut; lBltInEatP.AChBpln'8. . " . Xore Atoul Oar Xadlaa Name*. . On Tuesday tlie Infant child of Mrs. Tboa, - A Cow Blocked the Kali road. tlcnutr* cC wblcb are given In oar oomspond- [. p . Itoberts, Vlre rrwideiit; 0. W, Klufi, Mr. Wm. DeaVfir, ot Kearney, was tho *' Oomnuucemsnt Exorciaea, Headkad, of ttprlng atreet, drank acme -A cow belonging to Hr. Force, at the eanal Upon our Out' page will be found another aoe from that pleos, ;ua«t of Aaron Kent on Sunday, ' > ' . ee'v; A. J. Drake, Trea*.; Owirgu I<owl». interesting article from the pea ot Dr. Tneo, '•; kerosene *ad wmu serloMly U until relieved fieaidei the regular ccranMnwinentcxer The tharujomoter wglatared ftt degrwa in plane between Dover'and Port Oram, o A good-atm-tree In tbe vldnlty ol the O, II. Imnger, Samuol B, Horhort, Daniel tlie ottba High School Department on tha t> . b y D r . C o o k . • •''..,:••>•->.- •''"'•' shade on Monday. down the tow path Tuesday evening, having F. Wolfe, concerning tbe derivation ot BOOM Swede's mine wu blown down by tbe wind. lle.1, F. Ii. U'Nelll. of JnnaSJth, to which admbslon will be probably been frightened at tna storm. She of the Aboriginal .names of loealltlaa in thi. Tha Jews «ot in nme sort of & racket ; Abont 70 cars of Creltht stopped la Porar among tbeinwlvet Inst. week.- Sonia of thorn ••.•" Monday, of which 45 were transferred at our by ticket, there wfll be at two o'clock In the rttempted to cross the Black well street draw section, Including Hopateong and Bndd's Hoar the place of Solomon Balrymple, ot HENfiHAK, * e r e r d o » u i afternoon of the aaine day public oiercis?s by bridge ot tha LacUwama road, bat.fell Lake. Very few, however, will be able to Centre Grove, seven trees warn'struck by Them seenu to beafnlrand full distribution ore arrested la consequence and had a hear. lightning, and one, a massive tree about imagine the amount of labor and research re^ g of tbe COM before Enquire Courter, Thurstbe iraduatae from the Qrammar School De- through, her body rating,cn> tin; Utt while ot rain this season, day night. The enquire Is kept pretty buay partment of the Paver public school la theell hw feetiuratrudedbeneatfaV flridg* tender fmlred ID preparing met'an article, and tbe feet bfgb, was stripped of limbs and bark. * The flnt church people will inve ii straw- nowadays, attending the weddings, lawsuits, M. F. Cattnsr, a clerk IB tbe atom of Butse berry Bujeex ttreet balldlng. A very Interesting Jennlngfihad to summon enoughraUroad mei K a i tborouahly appreciate* the kindtMsa of erry festival nn Krl Krlday evening ot tills week, otn., of UIBM lenjila. , coiistruoUoo of •lake in his dear perk, near progranune will be randmed and fawtlnioulals}•> lilt her out bodily, and the Buffalo expreet, tha doctor In lelectlng lie columns to convey roa. at Kenvll, was at tfae telephone when a Mia* Mi JJataflUtnn taU d M Mr. I ' b t Natiifln Van Duyne mot with quite an QPcurrent of electricity came in, knocllng.the marriedd last Waterloo, wfck*, wfaen oompleted, will cover ot promotion publicly presented. All thi which leaves ben for UIB Weit «tO;30, bad ta sucb luUrestlng and valuable informaUn l W Wednesday afternnnn, and took Idont last wook In Vatenon. He waa pant. receiver out of bit hand and giving him quite tbe three o'clock train from Borwtrdftvlllo (or ng uuiler the olentrlc wireswhore a workman nearly 100 acrea of land. . friends of the school are cordially iuritetl to wait patiently during tbe entire operation, their wedding journey. severe ihock. ,,•' these exercise*. • . . was dnlng D i whan tiyeomomeanv A little child of Hldosy. Cole wai quite lor the cow was master of the situation. il-nirn, Ao Old Man's Death. Mr. Ueo, J, Ferry (a owupjinc his tvsvt ma ott the A Bwtde etnplo;ed at t i e th ttaoin slipped from tba cat«, fell and badly acalded Itonlay by muUns agiiDatlU An old man pamed Abraham H. Cola Wdar Depot went to remove from tbe road SUM. uDuymontbebeed, motnar and'caosing bar to spill same boiling . ' Sara Old (Joins Sound. . She Barber-Beeva Nuptial*. Our barber 1* open for Uwirtfwa In die IUW p wound. The elty a _ water on lteleflt end fett. , /•[ WhJb .WUUatn Baits was dlgBtng out a At tbe home of Mr. O. ft Beere In Monia- walking lest Saturday evening on tfae b'igh telephone wire that bad been knocked down, stand. Tbe shop Is eortalnlj gaudy, If not fmbankmeut of tbe Bufquebanna Railroad at but »a be touched it received a (bock that wan miminonod At once, and ha w u convened neaL . Ibeontputof oreln New Jfeney last year cellar near theold Barr«ll f*rm bouunt Port tbffnonTbursoay, June Qtfa, at 3:30, by tbe Ogdenanurg, wnen a train rouniltd a c > thohfieplta!, wheretiio trmrnd waa dreMtdd knocked htm down. ,; Qnta, sot far from tbe baron of C*pt. Jos. Rev. W. J. K*atley of tbe Cedar Clllt M. B, There a n mm or :WM «9,O49tow,br abort 2,a» bxu leu Cbaries Dlioti will toon move on tba tt r by. Tht old man l>»ame cent used and That there w*i not greater damage dona l>y hlchbo rtcently pnrch&tml. . -tbe year before.: Jnl870onrootpntwai more Rlcbards,. he unearthed: an Kngllnu silver Cburcb in Paterwn, Miu Minnie R«eve aud in crossing tbe track In front ot the engine tbeballwasdueta the fack>at tbe fsll ol [eno-ham. In about two months the H^tuway Valky ibuUngoltbeaaU ol ITni, about three Icet Mr. Xtieiu* Barber were married. Although Lightning utruck n large tree on the than double this amount itrook and hurled dawn the embankment tfaa stones was scattering And vrltbaut tha aid K. IL will be rwuiy t« carry Piitcnpfa'* punii below the surface; and also a copper hair:: [ly a very few oC the Mar retaUves and iis.ty*feet' H« wai taken up nncomdovi and ktui, pork,pot«toesaii(lproduratntben«y]|jrn The Mad limn Athletics and the jfctlpfXtf ot wind. panny, thadate of ,wblch U worn o l , about II. S. Van Nona and family are bome ft Brooklyn, played an eleven lanlng game erf tlxfast balowtba lurtace. I t would be enri- rrienos vera present, tbe gifts were UauUfnl lived oaly about a half an hour. Tbedeeeaeed At Summit a great deal of nursery glass at Uorrls Plains. Smnnier vocation. :• bell at Hadlaoo but Saturday, tbe borne tatm out Indeed If the history of tbuM M coin*, nnd elafmrato, Mr. Barber was formwly ot was a ntpcctal cUiien and vetersm of (be civil wai broken, causing a considerable financial Ur. Cromwell has moved for tho Rummer Cbss. and AIM VanDurns are the first into tbe Hoebenbury hnuno, and hnn mndo i Scranton, Fa. .lle.come to tnia pUoa some Ixjut here to markot poan.. • winning by tiBOoreot CtoS./, . and how U>ey Came there, could be dUbvcrcd. iber at Improvemente. years ago but moved to t o i t Uorrls, b l i r APa4roryensrableTr««>,. • . ork on tbe Balbarh houffo lmx bpRim, urn prawat home.; He ben met Miss Reeve, a UT. A B U N a T O N . BaUey Island. the aoiploes of O» Y. P. 8. C. E., on Batura Urge foToool nwnnt (it laying yoitnfladyol rare qualities. They bare the Mr, W. B. Ajrw, of Krovtt, while roanlng Mr, M. F, Lnwe, of Morrtstown. njwnt li The PTirfa of loU on Ualoeyltlanrl, U k e walL There are now fire largo IKIUHM in c v day svsaingr June Sflth; BtrawtwiTlM, lot Ei-AWerawn J . J . Vreeland has crowing test wUbvs'bf toauy friend*. out a tract of land for Mr, Fardee, ou Jenny Wcrinmdny trlth his hmtber, Mr. J, ii Lou , ; cramwu)o^refreabnMnta. Jamp monaUln, Warren county, caaie upon fopatccng, are scaled at from IS to |30 per ttrtictton near hex*, with & ((nod prmpect, fnr [•rthlnplnm. * In bis yard on Morris street a whits moss rone i Is upending n few Mr. Willtar two rock cab treei which a n described Ib foot front for lots 300 fset deep. There are 110 mere. Bnt never tay that thin l» due to th ' W O BUarp, in «roieit« between freight bath, that for &>• or alxjean haa borne nn I r _ eturn ct the West Jartey FroniietAira, mads lot* bordering on the lake and back of them lew railroad. /pars at tbe Dover depot en Monday, slipped white Bowers, but .this year a. part'of it U itreet; then an inner circle :tif lots and of bin (taimhtor-lnldw, Mra. Annie Van DolTT. M, O. A . Wotea. • • and fall with auchf wos on the bumpers thai Blled with pluk nwra, and th'q oITcct of two Some Morrlstown peqile are just beginning in 17CU, or 133 years ago.' Tie trees were not flnalip about four and a bait, acres a t the auraI w*ka up ta tbe fact that Kreebolder Gea only there, but alill bora very'dfaUoctiy the kinds of roaea gnmEog vaono kuKUts Ur, Sutherland, who njmfcc hero noma tlm wii, «n Mt. Harry, TneMlay night, arter a : be broke two rlba nM lujured bUatm, PlerMin, of Randolph, got a great bargain original markings,. Tfae rock oak is noted for lit.whicbiilHfeetabnvetbawster. If all igo, will bave charge nf tlio tong ncrvlce Bun- lirli-f lilncwt Mr. J . N. Young tnolc the re. .-'. Dr% Dodge, of Morristown, nvar SO pean of peculiar and pretty. Mr. VreelAnd doei mains to Ht. Veruon «n Thursday lor inUr the lotaplotbd were sold * t Uw nricet (lied day afternoon nt fnur o'clorb. when he purcha-ed the LttUe brick ralAmvce, ment. age, was thrown'oCt ot his caurlagi'by a kndw that the buah ha* BVer beau budded. oppoilte t i e Court House, for #M0. Tbegrt*t lUhsrdlnen and lung lite. the eggregaut returns would be between this uiont pwullor freak ot Ainnng Hie rtttazerii who camo out frightened borse Ias»'6aturder and for s> long Who can uplain 180,000 and |»0,000, excltudnoe Un fine lots The ball nine will play In Sneeaennna nuantlty ot lirict ta tbe imfldlDj ii worth w«.k nra Mr. U. U, Urwn ami fnmlly, or ' H o n e * •Where Honor leima. natural '•'•-•: • '•'^ _ - •:. '-: -' Baturday. As ihls Is en near Imme (juilc . time readarrf ua—uadoos by t U shock,* Waa<1hury, N. J., and i l r . Allurt Tilt nnd more than the n x t of tearing It down, and In presenting lait week the naroarof tbs wblch ere not ferula. I t la not many yeai number here have afgntlUxl tbnlr intention family, nfHftwYnrb. - . TLBtno-UjirdsTotartqulredloDanlojiUst there a n bettdea hawlaoroe marble manlels, aocnramnylnK tha team. Tlioy nill leiva' Abnalns Ftftftdoia in men who so bravely stood at their post at toe HnU>l Hreslln will open noit Mrnrinr. ' Cidesgo Is 609. It Is conceded that Cleveland denrge tiambrin, a Swede, lisa been In UIB besnUful and costly chandellen and doors, iriliral point of the Pierson block Ore, that smleforliOa the 3;4.ri train over the Central rmui. „ , .,- ''•-'"'"'" '' Mr. nicliurd Cdflplln hn^ purchawil a nun baa a.m*iorltri b«t whether the ttufleA couutry only thr** weetn, but ha» bail eevoril Wlndaws, blm'lfi Boorloj, etc, ennugn lo «m- of Ulcbatl Hughes wss overlooked, An ofrort ia being nnuln t i get a piece rf l*r of borws ntul carriages and k ready n Tbe Value of Perfect Ventilation, thaHiimmi<rlninlnDss. : pifaphet tan get the two-third* is tbe bitch. ground tbnt rnn ho (itbxl up for nn out i|i<nr struct a utvr building, and all In good eoudl(4g drunks already. I*at Baturttay night he though ho wan one of tbe pipe men In tbe hot theuUllty at modern methods otvenUlatlnn Tne tliundor mt'l hntl ntnrm at Tuesda; jymniulam to be unett during tlio Humnior r .;. Tb» Morrlttown AUuetbi Club w u beaten was tanftin) up no hndlr on Hurtsnn street and try ing place »HmIod to. A) though be but WSJ shown on Monday and Tuesday In the ainntli*. .iihtillilrAimiflerablaflaniaga in thin vicinity, for tbe first time tula season, on tbelr own that officers Bjnira awl flagau bod to take Tlie dnnolriR pavilion of tho Mt. Arlington recently Joined tbe department be proved him- two school buildings ot Dover. In tha plA A kicking pan in nne of Iba new mUlti A Q m t Peach, Crop. U th 1 'grounds, last Saturday.' Tha Leontlne*, ot him to tbe locknji In a hand-cart. He didn't self ot good stuff at both of tbe last Ores. tolbogyrtinaslura, BodiBgoo<l" klckprn " ore I M school house the thermometer attained * Uulras Boraothlng very dreadful occuri there r nd , Naw York, did It/and tbs^ score was 7 to 1, get slrmiithteneii out till Unnday moraine, at sui atltnda of 93 degress both dayn, but In tho aireaily Iwlng dovrioiNHl. RC m w w Mr : Tha trhinlnu clnm will mMt Humlny mnm- T . ' Mayor H. r. FroUHngbara, of Ml. Arilug- which'Utne-Alderman Browa Uatd him *3 rill beftgreat crop of puacbaji from M i l , Should Slave Oane Tnere Sooner, up b 1 Somefwt, Hoowrcton anil Warren counties: building, where the Qmead system InEcatH;!. ', when tho Ilrst nf the Inwnii nn mwHL w We learn that Will J. McConnell IB at tbe :'•.• toil. In DM outing tbe flnt of this week, took and cnota. - • • ' _ ^'•_ '• . • . tliisynar. Everythinglooki'promising now, White rialnn Kcotey Cure and bos charge of ventilation '«In uw, tha hlglmt point reached "The Jliraclut o l GUrlst" will lm tabca up, JMV VmN N k d Od h —AND •;i 42 black baas, nngloK in weight from one to Rubjwt: " tVatcr Turnml Into tviac," Jolin, and ths delldnus fro it ihould be plenUfi K by tlie mercury was SH ilegrem.: the medlral otnra rnora. Ho I* In eseellen '}': Uiree poutul*.. iAstUaturday ha cangtit 27. '•• AnSxperlcnco Witlt aNecdlo. As tlio flnco Ghurcli r*oj>lo bnvo tlnclrio C C KC enough tn ba within "aeb ol everybody.. hoallh and Is a rtrong believer in^the a f l y Mrs: Tboa Maker, of Unnlntown, Is not Jp boli^lirJr unual -lUi f > C July fonUval a Bargains In White Oooda. . Vigilant Engine was taken ont for trial dergolng an unusual MXprrinnro Kith a nmlla oKecley remedy.—Morris County Jour' Sptdnir Ha* Oome. • .- , " Bwlsa Flouncing*, In all width*, DoLt«1 tha rlnfc on tbnt risy. Pul * TVednoalay evening,- but would not work, and wblch ran Into horwristafow we«fcsago. Tlio nal. ' • - ' ' •" ' ' w ps'nt with Leai or'Ready-lfixHt T F S mH Swiss, All Overs, and narrow Hwlm Embroid- particulars next woe*. ltwaBfound tbat bia feed pipe of the pump ni (leclaral that Ibp n««llo would work TanU, Llrweed Oil, TurpcnUnn or anything : Vow la the Time to 0I«an H o m i H K Hm T eries at the Dover fiasar of J. H. Grimm. •'-' wasbroken." ]tbubeDhrepau-ed,andl*now lUeifoutand tbor wera tiglit, for.Uia nrtvlla nibboniI Rlblone 1 inthBtlinetobahadatKlllgore's.' ,l7BeAiahnstin, Kabomlne or White Wash C G mmV N ts now coming out ot lw hand ueat tha llttla «rlsl vslue now afTeral, winaljtlng i , Por Sale. . • ; Lime, and get them at Killgore'a, Onger, about four iiichoi from,whore It wont Ia consequence[at an[ srror in making - tadie»' Shirt Waiats. OAK BEDR O SO TH 8 n oB $18 np K HR B 'A Mconil-hanil covered coffin wagon for sale Balin Kdge, Morrles and Satinn, in all nbs.l ! forma-lait.week a part of.oar Suocasar. A bannwmo Hoe In all sirea, at Me. and 75c. •! j Only BO Oonta n G B O OAK EXTENS ON TABLE $4 up cheap. Apply to IV. B. CMlon, undertak«r, ind widths at tho Dover BA uirofj. II. (Jrimr NrrDflpandeocewas pUMd undor tbe head of it the Dover Baiar of J. H.aritnth. ', • ' for a beautiful Summer Corset, At the Dover pover, N, J . OAK B DEBOAUBS M0 up ' Call and Sun , Ht.FrBod«n:'Dr.Wolfe, the owner ol tbo ikzaratJ.U.Urfmm. SPL NT BOCKE S 70o np TeothSxtncled.W'lUioat fain the line of Lnnilimiuins, Tnblo Scarfs and ' \ r a r e book*spoken of in the axticia, is ithere- Columbia, Hartlord and Crwcont B l y a AM m 1 CH NA MATT NGS m a0o np n . Stennemi & Co.'-i Excelslor>nipared Flou ChenUle Table Covers, at tbB Dover I3N Ht1 forefttesidontatB^ocuuBua and ftotoCML f o r n l a a t B . UbeVi, Su&boye,N..i; Cata »t McPavlVa Ptntal Parlon liy the use Ladles1 Sngraved "VlsiOwr Oardaj. U V d D B H T A l t b l d K t B; -"; ""__: •._ „. .•,".. " Odontonder. . . ' . . . v S" • - ' • for itrawberrjibort cake, ' AUPET AM O D ODO HS TOE EBJL Friday, June 17,1892. BUYERS. We announce to the buyers of Clothing in general that we have placed on sale this week, and will continue until every garment is sold, 2,000 Men's and Boys' Suits, such as Black Clay Worsted Cutaway Coats and Vests. Also Sacksi Square Cut Fronts or Bound Corner and Prince Albert style. Men's Sawyer Sacks and all the light shades as well as the darker shades. Boys' and Children's no end to the variety. These goods are manufactured bv the Hornthal "Weissman Manufacturing Co. of New York City, whose sole agents we are, and are the latest and best styles to be had. Every garment marked in plain figures and strictly one price to all. Remember we have two stores. PIERSON & GO. OPP. THE BANK. MAIN STREET. DOVER N J. BOONTON N J . IT ALWAYS LEADS! 'Adriance Buckeye" Mower PRICE LOWER THIS SEASON 8¥RAGU8E CULT VATORS $4 25 W NDOW SCREENS 35 N W e C o h SC EKN DU0R8 W TH SFK NO U SOES $1 25 1 « 1TS1N« ICE 0KEAM FUEEZEHS $1 50 up REFB QEBATORS H811 NG TACKLE BOAT OAKS UVW UNT HOSE BOYS KX HESS WAHOSS SOf s S. E BERRY HARDWARE CO, S GN OF THE PADLOCK D0VKR N J Ladies' Shirt Waists Gauze and R bbed Underwear WOT. 3 . BAKERS, no- a.- DIOKERSON'S, D O V E R , ST. OT. SUMMER SPECIALTIES IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT JACKETS, CAPES, REEFERS, BLAZERS, SHIRT WAISTS/ PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT - m 25o up COMMISSIOHERS' SALE EUGENE BUCHANAN'S yotna A &TJESTIOH 0 * CONSISTENCY. -or— If the EiLi. would atop talking about oonv u u e r r o i txat* k.*avr H U K S M ate&cy and practice it In a Uiultei way, It REAL. ESTATE I auld not b*«in bettor than by taliioa: iU FurHianttoan older of tlie Orpbaqa' (Jcurt " ITS haw many UtvpubUcaa Bta.t» Coav«uSabbitb last was • bright autl iwuuUlu) Ira Cos U home from Corn-11. nf tneUuuntr of Uorrla, tuailuui> n-.* bave adopted free *..»«• re-otutiona. aud [)nv GOODS day, aa tlie d*y of jjxjt.ftl oLoervmnca by tbe Uilnl day ol W , A. H , 1'™ ° Jas. Callahan, of Morrlatovrti, has goua to WE HAVE ASSORTED from en,euniuiuBlor,Bniai" ' ' ctlhlrM ibould be, aud U wait eoiaiLjeuiuralwl lie additional fact tbat only the presence ol loluradoforhUbMlLb. tlylue lauda vrtient iniucraUc SonatonHllte McPharaop presents Conductor J. K. Utnrge Is said Ui bo Im- i- Fiwitjii Ihfss Oooils all inenmIn tbe Mitbodbt and 1'renbyUrUii rburdu* i Senate of tb» Uuitad titaUw, in wblcb tin roving nicely in Mluueeota. of Dover with tiitereating anil appro]iridU' •h' Uim it/ liii/li novel!iff. 'I'iiftJ ipublicaua have a majority, fruiu pacing a Mr. aod Mrs. Cbas. Krauk, of Hurrlxton u, ; avriow. In thi tuorulug Ilia dilTuruat p u ie silver bill. Tlio Kepublican party ii pt*r- tiled for Europe last Hstunlay. nr.w •ill now /*• jhintl o;j mli' at mlittid ton preached MTUOIIH jwrtimml Ui tl» occatusted In power only byreajwnofthoniKw Tbe Boa sir at Atlautlf City bstt bsd a vlniWEBNBUDAY, JOLT Sth.-ISBS, sion. At th* Fintt M. K. CLurcli Uie uiuiketa tuotourtof (valve o'clock, unon cket borough* ol tbeextiwne weat that were ile effect on Bup't lleawuer's bealtli. u Qra o'clock lu tlio arternoon, Inat li to' wai by a choir from the Sunday m-huul, with itjiliod into Statehood for that purpose and GROCERY STORE, Mr. Illohard Oraat, of tbe Mt. Tabt-r Atuuy »y: U.0 IIIUOWIOE deeerlUd land, ,,,,|r ^ a fUo by Jeunle frewl, mid (tie rliildren reatalona.-HacketUtqwuUaiette. siation, will speud Uie Bunmior lu Europe. «tat«,-Bltuato in t£e aaid toHru^tlp of Hacl:d u d TBTMB of scripture. The Bj*cial school Donoiatancy, booastly practiced, Ii Ju«t what Mun Annie Jainiteuu, of Irvlngtou, ban been L « T , Couoty ot toijand Btiu of Hew MTTIOM « « M all Laid iu the aftui-tiuou. « miff aim Ir ttfmtl. feraoy, bounded and 4eacrilwdHfullami,v|£. e EKA wants on thin quertioo, and we tiiers- .pending somadayi with htsr Dover Iritmtli, TBK FIIIST Lor brslrmtne uta Httuuii lu uiu i f i » Annie McCracken soiled for Kumpe re frankly admit all of the Ouatta's argiluRAt'B M, K. BCH'Mit^ B U S S S X S T B B E T , D 0 V B R , K . J . enoe pa tlio lotvor tpo of Uio road and ngutli•tiruttir ullndioii in mtlid Io one l t K U y . Hwr lrtp«iUiiu.taWuitttweek*. ant that I» true, liwra are two or tlirw Tt« pul^il V^Utrtw ol Orfti-6 fuunli »n> from a ainall lirook of water tbat cruacs ard Klug. of Uie JJorristomi Atblutlirer |iroduc!t>g Htatoa iu the Mortbwetit that >» road «\»ut ».1»»rU» ol a nilla wrlkonituuUmvred in boqueta nnJ plant* nf LI joining ir»niiriniinj Chcvwt AV/W/v, 'tub, U eztwted bauiti (rum Rurojw to-uwrly from tLo dwnlUD|[ nciue foruiorly bt>Itowm, and a ilouMa ftwU-.d of dal-los nuil it« Ke.iuUllcftn. and tu UIWB law SUt«, which onslnB to Jamw Boott OIOUK tlierwui tuoJIm. iw, Oherl.-Cand Silk Mi-rhirrn, gnona m autt]wnded fr.iiu, the f«i.Ut> of tbt iave sucli a tremendous lutortwt Io this que»Tram Bltaula to UroeuTbo.l, Omn (h si-1 witU ttic b&st of ntorytblng in lh«M uutti dfty^ilBht d.grew ainl tW.ty nilnuti pulpit arch, teniilnaittig lu wnv.Uis at itie uu Uiv KopubticMia, u well at th* Deiuowill lie mid nl CBc. yard: ' " ' ' Lieut a t a low yritv on very easy bayim AU, favor free silver fur local reaaoui. Mat fl«ooioln. j tluiuoo R| uortt tmntj d».uit cotil «t living pricai. 0*11 and e » m < lamp bracket! ou the iJdea. Tbe feature ul jreoa east Uvo coalna; tlieiice $ nortli eighty euce It 1B tbat Ut»re are a few HeimbUcMi the d a ; wai a »(**-i»l exurisa, entitle.! " Tin- ougreanuei] and Senators, fnim tbese silver Edward Morgan, of Boouto ulur 51.00. i « u * e "rbiMiiouoy J on upend (rlfli uit in again au« dugrMa vteat lour ebaiiu ti> bald road • .•[rcolal«I In our torn ami tonellu you a nerajKlock ami priomi. All goods dellvftred ice H) louth thirty -one dngreaa Meat atunu Lcnguaof Honor," which nut »|*>ual nltl. t&tfn, who are free sllper meu, and wlio li ie position uf IMWL-toajMir at tbe 1'urt Urutu eald road and croaalus-tba eaid tirw.k We ulm ifir era-)>lional imlinr- well. Wo guaratileu Ui Hell you a iroace. the tinging of a " CLiWreu'n Day Hyuiu," by .eir State ronvautioua will declare for fre jiart of the iuwn i t abort notloe. _. JU cbalaa and forty linka to tue b^iuHlug Byron Hberman onJ 1.1« (ton, Uur-lon K. Uwachtjo), lml by C Lor later A. Vtuidur* oer, •outaiulng one acre "and elabty-ttro buuIver, Uut, ouUlde of this little territory •ids in SILKS, CIJIKNAJHNISS FI11HT-0LA8S U11UAH KHOM m O f . ruiau, uf MorrinUiwii, snlliil for Ktmijn KDQENB SDOtlAN&N, Iredtba ol an nere ol umd. * - -' , aftar which Supt. Jolm (Jiblwu* offered Hupriaing liardly a hundredth part of Uie week. Itnjtr, and tbuu the (lastor. Key. Tliwa, 1U1I [•opulaUun of th* Uuiou, the lUpulilicau [tarty d ClfALLIES. UOCKAWAV, Ji. 3. TUK BJECONU LOT adjofna (lie above deMr. mid Mrs, Ueorge FrellnguuyiiBii a n l>0 TOU KrfOW THAT TOU CAN BL*V A baptized wveu (ufauLa. Thin wait followed bj Ltas net Its fate solidly against tits free coinage DW occupyiijg their country place iiuai acriued tract on tbe eautb'and la butted, and Kill;* unc nmT vloir. jxtpiilw than l i i d « l e a f o l i o . , : Beglnnlojutdeb^lna mponilve Hcriiiture reading, and tiie stiiRsilver, or the coinage of a depreciated dol< iorrUtnvrn. dug cormr of tue above deeorltied (nut and A0EHT6 TOR THE log of "Tb« Young" Tbo lutru- lar. ThiibelngthBcaat),yofara«tbe matl«r George W, JutikluR, of thin county, wA TIIK NEW tlKTIiai) OF •jua tbenoe II) eontberly »bi,g Uie Hue at tbe w. We have a amqilile (w» doctor? adtfreaa m mu!e \>y i t U ot locality K«*i "« «"» *&mit *"• wtll>1« ott t e acretary ot Uie Mew Jursey ilrfegfttli^i. « iforeaald nnurio road .nlcb loeila fram Uroen ?ond toHlbornlatwoobalaaaiHl nlaetyllvu Tibo, M Hatter Builder of tbe " League of liawtUf* argupiaut and frankly nay that lluneapolla. id of mir own iiujKirtaliitn in all lnkato a point in tbeeeat! nagou track of U n , 0 . G. Bhliop a»d l \ o f . Nnnnau Vw Honor," espl&taed 11a object* and d lusty nine one bundredtbs of the llenubUcaii nld road \ thence.(3] lu a .eourv* wmipoiwa to art? uVlgM on UiU Issue. and family,of MnrrlHUmu, auilw] for Knglai.d y NEiiwr COLORS, FiaLe about aoutb at>ty4eveu degreoe Haiit fuur tb*t a platform would he constructed liy tb* last Hatuntay. obaiiit tuand fifty1 liidia to a liuludn an old coal buDdara, wbo would explain each plank an ll BIuUop Utarkey, of tiiU KpUcopal DIoccw, UtES ami TINTS, oad v en«> t: ) lu a uorUiarly dtrwtlon two including a Ho\ what uf the attitude of tbe Democratic wai laid. Tlieee planks, as tlioy were limugbt diaiuiand t.enty link* to tbe aepoatl oorncr HIM) for Europe last Baturday aud will re of the above deeorlbed tract t {*) llvecbalua y f lu ut» 1 up, war* laid upon tin* siirfaco of a whit* tin till Beptajubar. irgr line of llcdinlai Sill* in both It Is thin: Ilythe uwof Ui* ilrat corner thereof wblcu IM UIB ln»tt{ii. if thorn BtatM that do not produce allverPresldeut Polk, ot tba KarmerH1 Alliance, <B pynuiild until they roarLicd tbe njiei, Japle. Hteam a»n Hot Water Heater.. Thai iig corner of tJbla aeconil tract, oontMlmug • lead. What'n the matter uf Fanner « . K "liiie. mid Jlltult n( 55''. will 78c. builder made a reclUtkm applicable to tbe _ _>eii.o.:raUu (-arty tu Slat* coiw about oueoore and twenty humlreijtba o( an r. Jessop's Local Anesthetic ire made ol wrouanl toller Iron, t a n 1»»u01 ier Uuee, and olaim e«ii«iorltj lu jpV , ' acre, being tbe enine letlda conveyed to. Robert plank prawntod, followed with a l.ttliigro have deulan*] fur tlie free ruluago ut that 'utter fur the place 1 UlcbkTda ftiiil tue ealil Hamurf-U'lpiiett by nnl. E.XI'HA VALUES. Charles A. Ilatbbuu.of MadlKon, bi •iinlu are itioni Uiau iileaBed with tbe mauuer iwiuApolutai areateuunenrlefuell tiui' •ponw by tbesoboul, " lluuor YmmMilf" WMJ mutal, while thrt*fourths or their men' tVlllfani Knnntiae and .Ifo by dwid (laud if having t««Lti taken aut~ Ke\ea different S E j °t«ctle»l Mo n . n f o u . l l l . iilmilted to practice ax couiiHillur nt CongrsfM voted fur tbat doctrinist, brought by Mini Clare IVbltford ami "lluuoi Marcb USUi, ltTll, aud recorded In tne atom. l*r«(iil» wore waitlug at ono lime and all were olata I Ho loag Hue. or ueatlnu .nrfaM dlBIJi, deduction from I t a facto In that a ore the Supreme Court. County Kecord of IVwde, In-Hook II JO,1 on It te keep oleaul KaeJ U innnngnl Ne tb* Bible" by Harry TV. Auderwui, a/tei flelieliUxt with the uperaUous, Ur. Freeman Joliu Uordon, Jr., or Kaudnlpli to< pages4a5;&or . , . ': al u lift to tbe tep ol a larje niaiailae which tha vliooi sang "Ttw Wonderful iianlly perfe,>UI>!« mluurlty of ths 1 liua pmTbased the excluaive right of P r . J M cau party farura free silver for the benefit of baa raturuet} tioina from hl§ piMlt-oi) 1 oj> fur tbe town ol JJovor. Book." " Honor tbe Church11 w»s . of ill health. Ualed May IMUi. l»W. - •-. . . - \ i tooailty in which it aiiata, while a tre- uecticut beoauae by Ixrttie Hearing, aud " Honor tbe '• . • . • \ JOHN H. BTAiriiuEHouoii, I, of Butler, l-rot.ior of Free iiidoua majority ol the Deiuocretlu party bolder Cooli, baa beau granted A i*ustun " .. CUARUUI O: IIKUWT by Cbu. Campbell. Tbeu a number or little l Hud. ol rltunbloj, Boonnj mil SliM '~ H»B«V A1'iJrrL*,. . ron Work Wl»rulor7 meouted. ID .look pupiU, In recitation mil utmg, Uild how U (avow It aa a correct iirlnclplaiiUtuauca, The (4 \ * r UIQUUI aud I'^uttavii v * j . all and favnrahly known by Dover people, 1 limn BUTm Mid Bol Ilr Faruuu or o»« Udniuiiaatone 1)0.80 Hev. Air. Karuliiiw, iiutor or tbe A . M. fi. "Honor Teniperaaofl," "llouor Your 1'ar Gazette kuom tbat tlio tall cannot wag tha nn of Um HKHT inailo l'liuios In tbe worli LS «<w>pl«l a tunltloti with Ur. Freeman l i n p « o n i B . r a . . r . a i l W r T i i i - J " « w w |a 4og. Church In Uorrlitowii, d.e<l o n ThurnUay worii»»ll nitor unTkes of wi id wilt he K 'l ^ receive patronage from ento" and " Honor Truth," followed wltb i rT-!' evening or hut week, of CODKUUI|IUOII oi,™ frun, $W an. We don't ink yuu to a mauy frltndri. OntvL U m p i , P*Uu*K Oili, A i r "nk'a fiflalb radUUon BU tit led "Truth and FalseLood,1 Tbe Uawlta'a insistence regarding 1 • " S H K R I K P aSALE. ny uiil.l yuu >ry our instTaBJ^nta, Tha eplittopal rosldeop* of BkUop lort'a HnhbarliuokelOhklD Panius. by Carria Hay Hal), a&d * •• Pledge Bong1 •on la \mb amusing and ntntniaoaat. «>k for n new o in, or otily Mt oto. IN CUANCKRV O F NEW I, formerly of thi» Jl. K, Coutetouce, has by tbe infant clatu. "Honor Knowledge," yeara ago a minority ct tfae Democratic party, >n transferred from Minueu polls t o N«w M0RR1STOWN twson Jatnoa H. Kelglitmijr.eswutor of was atcompauled by a dialogue, "Uolng to mder the lead of Randall, declared tliBiawl rrleans. raro ESTABLISHED 1830. lanra and nrgnus l College," betwoen Bertba Hall ami U l iroUfUoniate. Twejra jean ago Congress- Mrs. Win. H. Byram, wife of the Anulfitou mifUora A . Weir tni Wiltunt M. Weir, Ma <» 1 GRANITE & MARBLE CO. -ulfb wo nr« wiling v * -J ' I . VI, fa. f o r sale Of wortgagelj Howoll. A^ l [IIBD Cutler eibiuit*! a map by which he laiahal, WBJ taken cHUoaliy III, while vlsil Betuvanbte to Octnb*T 1BTIUL A. i'lnnoa nml orsaiw II •at to new muiic, i r u pretlllj reudered b j showed that a great portion of tb* Democratic ig Orange, but we are glad to know that UK BlOUUIKTtmW, Couie and m» us. MEOHOE K. VOOllllEES, party was protection I* t, anJ by using the mow Improving. •J, H . N K I Q R B O U B , BMIV i»«i M , J Bertha Halt. " HouorCbrbt," waapreseuted Oatuttfi'a argument on tbe silver quoatioi MANUPAOTUHUlta A N D IMPORTURfi Ilr. Walters, of f o r t Oram, bait gone RE B j yl.tuuot the above ittattfiwrltaol flerl Organ and Piano H T e Co, b j Hattla Uag&u, folio wed with a aoug, aud •bowed tbat a uimli minority of Republicans delegate from the Morris County Kludi facial. )u my banda. I thall tixpoaa /or nala a t LL TUB LKADIftO aud Wnroroom. ]lL>V£K,N. J. an addrem ou " How tbs Board of Education —Beecbar, Curtis, *t. ala.-wura frea traders. Society, to Attend tbe National Mod!col Ci publloveuJue a t tLo Court. JIouw (iiAioirltrMORRIBTOWN, towu, JJ. J>ion .. - _ • . ','•'••,, ''.'•' Helpe Toung Peojile," « u reud«r«d American and Foreign Qranlte and At tbe same time Banator afcPlwrsoi. poeed rentlon, at Detroit. U O N D A y , tbe Il(.h Hay ot J U L Y , -'•, • Ellen Bright Nichols, tbe attractive little affect by IIIH Faonie iUH. Then canto some _ a protectionist and voted with th» RepubliMarVe O e m t s t y TTsrk, naxt, A . D . lSVJ, between tlie linura of IS aL daughter of i l r . im. Klcboh, ..led a t UIB •word* by tbe pa&tor oa tbe oujecto of tlilu cans on tbe question, as tbe Gazette In tin) a toe and 5 oVlock P . U . t t a t i H to saj u t B o'clock Woodport House Uutiday morn lug. deejjl UE1DIHQ IHILU01D 8V3TEB. Board, and tbe pleasant 'eatumi of Children' in the afternoon o f m i d day, ul) tfiat tract lUtaaiy, MonnmBnto, Barcophagl, rogretUd by nil who kr>aw her, ,r paicel of lantl and uretu-ittt*, ftSluivt*. lying T>*J, attar wbleb a collectloo for tbe Hoard of R«v. K. W, Clark, BOO ID-law of Dr. ButU, and being tu tbe townshipufKiindoluli.iu Uie . result. Tbe few free traders left tbuBepnbll Operators on lino shirts Usaditonss, Lot Indontroo, la. Education waj lifted. The concluding Vreslttent ot Drew Reiuiu&ry, bun w.ll« * County of Morris anil State uf .JHew Jersey, party for the party's good andlSc?hersou cu«a war* tbe singing of " Tha Cull for Benpbounded and descrlbra us lollowfl: ' BeginAntwerp. Dr. Clttrk retunm t o the Mi CTus PORT RsADlno U . H. Co. L U B C E I to work ou Wheeler & Wil At.1. Vtnmt AND UATXRIAI. ot THZ B » T . ning a t a stoke In Ullai Corey's line a t tba • n , " «tid tlie bcnedlcUon, pronouaced by Rev. aUndonedhlaposlUonasiproteoUonlit. To- Institute In Berliu, o t whkb be la & ivrofe day there la not • Dwnocrat/who pretends to Tbe friendi of Mr. and Mrs. Sauiim) Plater1 northeast corner o l the land ol George W. O f N B W JE11SRY. . lullden', llarrlilt Maori , Blukimltui', He. Hall. u son and Shiver Miicliiniis DonglaM, aud runs Ibaace (I) north niitrI'UIOEtt IiOW. be a protectionist, nor • Kepnblicao who pro- way gave them a very pleasant aurpriue last Cualractora', Mining i a d ktuiuraotnrera' —• TBI PBEflfiTTZBIAN SCHOOL. threa and one-halt degrees west tweuty-eljtt • fanes to be a free trader. Tbe bulk of »nU- Monday evening in honor nf their a'llb wedding • TIME TABL» fN TmOT HAY loTH.-lStU. lit u« tafore puroherfng. I t wil] pliei, 1'ilnle, Olll, n o . ohaltMand farty-twoliiku to & stake lu Bald • There nai a rerjr pretty dlupinj of lit also learners. Wewlllpny 1 S ineut donilnates partita, and tbe feeble and ware agreeobly e\ ~ Douglagfi1 lliia ; fJ) nortli ttveuty-Bl* degrees ID tbe auditorium of tbe clmrcfc, where tbe minority U whipped in ordnren out. To day annlveraarf [•RAINS LEAVK D O V E R A B FOLbOWBi UJoor order* of tb B priesthood a a a t u v s n chains aud twenty.faur ilnke i &) • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS to siniirl, inilnstrlous girl aierclwa of the school were held. Along Ui tha Republican part? Ii almut a unit against irred lant Saturday by VVLiRKH-Con. MnBHM S T . AKD F A B I , south slity-Hiree and.onfboU^degrees east Bluhop Wigger upon J ptdplt platform Wfta a pratty frieze of foru thefrwuilvar benwy, while avart majority Dbn A , Dooley, uf Booutou, ami James J. For Now York, Newark nn J Eliz- tiin chald» flttd. eighty links t o tue r o o a ; H> eedi snd FerUIIzen, Baloi and Scslei, Bioy. UORlllBTOWS. M. 1, above the age oi'10, $ i 00 J4-1V tba road nurUi twevty-aix d e g r e u M x t and dal<lH, and stands of fiowen were Ictor- of ttvo DenwcvaVk party [&*or* It. What too Mulbatl, of Alorrtatowu, students a t Hetou IJUMEST'BUSS'IH THB^WLV. olei, Triarotei.yiabing Taakie ana Bporti.bstli, at 0:15 A. M.; 12:16,3:46,5:5£ along tenoimlna t o a l l u e of landsloruiBTjy Kbene•parwd ban and there. A. concert service o result will be a few years henco tue Oautte "[all College. meu'i QooaBi Ilotuskeeplng Qaoat, u r Cook'n', IM flouUi tbreo aud one half tie: per week until they c m V/.i.NADSHRIOHT. »=>-• '.«.. BUHDAVO, 4:65 P. it. : ndUUon aud ions, en title. I "Tbe Child re may d.ncorn from lha logic ol 6-ranta. Capt. A. 1 . Baasettand family.of N< sroas east m e n t e e a chains atul - uiity-four • AIX s i t u or *? '>• TRAVEU«64Alt5 sine out this week to Uiolr pretty coiiutr; ol Uw Year," was tbe spoclal order of tbe day For Fluladeipliia at 6:45, i . ir. earn that much or more. i n k s . t o land formerly owned by.Xhoiuas W* Uiererore again Intlat tbat the Dawtto neat, " Jllghland Mea.lowi," near Dover. I and wai aatlifactorily jwrforuieJ. Tb« d ;, , ; Uogui; 0) noutb twenty-alx degrees west u v - . LAND JLSD I>BAIN TILE, 2:10, 8:45, P. K. ration was offered by Rev. Pr. llalloway and Is not consistent lu condemning Is a pleasure to say that C«pt. llaBsaU'tf V.t*altli Apply to MANHATTAN chaiua and tweuty-four Uaki t o VM '• For Iioog Branch, Ooeaii Grove, ehbeeu tbe acbool tang " Olad Hoennnas," under the fowler for bis rote la fa*or of free tUlrer, for Is entirely reatored, after o n illuwn of ton place of beeiuniuff. coutalnluK tblrty-«lgLit lontba. BAB0 WIRE FENCING,, the reason that the Congreaamai, k In perfect .rUbnry Purl and points on Men dlr#cBonof CborlnUr W. H. Spangter, Jr., acres and (wwicy-one bundredtbi uf aa acre SHIItT JIIIMJS, 207-22 Uon-lttono people will spend tbe Sutnr be tlie «iuie more or l u a . . It IMIHK after wblcb Dr. Halloway bapUwd elgbt cLU accord with tbe predominant sontimBnt of bU ufallovft: Mr. York and Ijong Branok Raiiroac ottbaISJH). Mr. and od U U n n . . l ^ i g d o g i w n o o ! i Poallry sad Hbiqalto Matting, Also • same tract of land and pronibBS as was dran. A responslre Korlpture rondlog cam party, while tbe Oatette Is rot. Klvcr St., Patcrson. tu of i e . t Htfev. JteMgetitors and W at 12:10, B:45 r. jc. -• tha Uiaaea Llilgerwood at their cottage at : c o i m y a d by D&oWl Bkellenaur, Jr., and ttsn-, DWt and the school rang " Wait* the Soug, oolen, DsbT OsrriiRei,eU). Hhalter Island-, Mr.audMra.." nab, ulBwife, to Fenwiclr 1 . lleeve by de«l >• For all stations to High Bridge 1 AKBDI of Morris u d adjoining eotintiH ol after wblcb a collection of £tt) waa taken for beariiiii date the llrstiUy of Audi, one tbouat Klberon; Mra.TboB. Kobliii The -Widow * Memorial. I.0T.1 EACH WJiSIO laet at 0:45 A; M.; 12:10, 3:dO, 5:53 p. - K»nd eight hundred autl thirty-two, ntid reU i Bondar scbool work of the I'retbstorla Nearly four y e a r » « o Ueacoa ElSsba Vntt, Davis at tbelr cotUga on the Malue coaot " Wb«l OnlUnlOM.- Willy. &. Wootl corded in the Morrle County Uleik'jj'OlHuo in 1.01* GlitltAt feet wltb gmMl Church. A recitation, "Und is I^ivo,11 w< of New Pntvidtmoe, N. J., died of cholera Mrs, I t W. BteveDSoa and daughter at Yu Som)Ays 1 4:B5p.ic.: ; -.\;; •'. L.berK3,Ml(».WUua]«7. . •• r JWOQ by M*y Itrowu, tmi the school BOV _._jbu» after eaUng a hea-vty dinner, and bi Harbor, Me. . __Jaerf, l*VBt VETEBIKAaY SURQEON, For Jjnltfl Hopatwng at'6:4B, '" Ins tue same premlwtt caavpyed t o tue uia T r a » U U o r « F o t w , i n d •Hflrtt.olui hrni " The Message of Utvo," TUB recitation or J w i » a H . U n » w u b y deed from Utewfck^ widow has placed a strange memorial of tb m*chlnerj, AmUn Howl Bicliloei m d IUWK A, K.i 8:45, 0:65 p. *. SuNDAva, W. ileeve and wife dated JUay Vth.'JUtW, aud V CHHVBTAl, BTllKKT -:' pwlm followed &t»l tbe euSldren of tbe prl it In t i e parlor. Under a large glass caw N&uQhright, Morris C o , N. J eye fliomo FullBn lately, but afiyeare ' - • - ' • • 4 : 5 C p . X : ; : • : • ; • ) ; . •. r :••." ; • " • no.tyi.ti-f mary clau u u g " Two'Little Hands to IV01 .enormous silver putter. On this platter, tliontct chajwl pToparty i for Jems," iucc««d«<l by Uie reeltatlop of arranged in regular order, are portions, For all Utations to Ogdon, 6:46 StlbuiiHOnndlota THE OASTUATION OP LIVE poam, " Serving Jeaus," by Aleck lieuuett. meat, vegetable, waUnnBlon, cucumber, let ;M.;-8:46P.,II.-' . . , STOOK A BPKOIALTY. Thau PrentlsH llosa assumed tbe character of creatn,ple,Bto.,tnolil6dln wax. Tbeyrenre_. __BPoctor, ForltockiiwayntO.-lO, 11:42 A-'M.: Katbef Time, with an approprlaW recitation, mint, a> nearly as possible, the exact quantity Hage'a U a t a r r h 1 Seventeen yonrHesi>erieneo. Cua 12:40,4:05,C:1D, 7:20P.M. SOHPAVS, aud received reiiorta frum tlio various seasons of eacb of these articles tint tbe deacon at lUniedy-ana where every thi n| tratos more horsos autl colia i«iof tbe year, represented by I'aullne Duuhaio, tbo evening before: be died. They stand ou 11:10 A, it. - , '-. KSTATE OP JOB WOLFE, (succewor to A. Wightonj , V,,; else (aits, ttta Helen Meeker, Ruth BeonBtt, Clareuw. Slmp- the platter in Just Uie order tbat tbe real nnall/ tlmD nuy oilier Voloriuarj curt*. The wont For Hiboiniant 9:10 A.K.; 12:10, WAWUFACTURER Alto DEAI.KR IN A N D ENttlNKERINO, HQ and Horace Duubnm. After tbls report* articles wen* consumed by Mr, Pratt Scat ctirtinio cases ylolJ Surgeon in Now Joreoy. For terms ounty or Morris, mode on .berfnBlIth to IU uilld, tootli4*15*. K . ^ ; • . . , of the variuui moutbt, Iii brief jxeuifl, were tered through tbe solids are gobleta full ilsy of l l i T - A ; JJ. one tlioimnd elglit L UNION HANK Bun-nrNO, mlilress as aliovo. 24-2m cleaustng and healing prow-rtlis. Bt» prwntod by Rayumad WtUlrick, U o , Weat, wax, colored to represent the cider tafct tb* Ung,yours For Eaaton, Allestown and Manoh hundred aiil ninety-two, notice In tieruby, wout. TUa luaken uf ibis Remedy giTen to all wreens (AVIIIK claims against tte DOVCU N . 1. Henry Johnson, Anule Cos, Eoasie Uilien, deacon Imbibed Juring,Ute same dinner. Bach say It will Aud they umkuyou this oferi it Chnuk at 0:45 A. kl.; 12:10, 3:ll w t a t e lit JGI) WDIID, lute o l t U o Comay tboy can't cufu your CuUrrli, na matter bow Marian lUcbardt, Maud A re w,« Tip of MoiTia, deceaaed, to nremnt'tke fuune, un5:53 p. M. SuNDAVn, 4:05 p. jr. Imitation la perfect and looks as thoug bod your caw, iLer'll pay you i}WQ In coeh— pttt, Bertba Drummer, Beriua Kldiards, Ander o«Ui or tHIInDKUrm, to Uie sutwertbent, on and ibey mean it. or before tha twelfth day o f . Febviunr. ' tile Vrajbattcr aud HO«H» MucKall. Ibon It were a real piece of meat or porllou of fruit BOTO.KU OP THR BEST BKAN1I8 OF Here tvre some of tho Bymploma of Catarrhj noxtTbe'tig nfno montua froxn thedntoor Btld Tha <in«nUty represented Is enormous. On tfaulaciue; cbatruction of iioao;; dlscLorgea Uf twelve little) people rendered Iu a SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, discharges Vihm you ante for Ballautlno's Idport, ba order i o u 3 any creditor neglecting t o bring ; maoaer an even eong. Dr. llalloway inude top of the glass COM IS a little arch made of falling Into throat, soniBtiniM ea profuse, lure YOU ml It. Do uot aocejit any olliof lnaod.ezblbltiilHorbeT;cmrni,uiiaer octiior. : watnry, and acrid, at others, " tenasolid silver. Above tbe an-li la tbe'silver figure at thick, ten Iieave K e i York nt!efl6, 8:46 adtrmaUou, wltlitii OH. ttiue w> l ^ l t f ! , *1U 1 : on* of bli perUneQt talks to tbe children, wr, uooaiiBfl some out) Bays It ia Jnst an good, —AN1>Tiir/CoFFiit iamt.SnJrrJlHtMi IUinrati; d f T l ; , putrid, and ofTuiulv ba forever barred of Itlti o r bor;lMtiont(ierft-'; UllUJi^lVV, Binall elaua nt tha eeuuQw' U butter Iwui A ' tailing them BotneUilngaboutsIgtif.aiidsljoi of an augel blowing a trumpet. Suspended UlUUV, U I U W U 8 , UlOUUr, JfULTJ*], tUIU>ars Ai»i.;lK»,, 8DIIDAYS,7;1I fora against the Executors. • '•'*'•',,- '•:•' i<'-r'- -*.iWfnens| odo eyes weak, ringing m ears, tle&fn<»a| otTon- ulluit of ciitMi) IinltAtlon, Fur Bale lu all Ing them conclusively Umt charaokr In the from tbe centre ot the arch Ii a tiny tablet DfttSd the twelftu day of May AiV. 1B03; v "• MINKJlAh WATfilia, BH1.TZBR, I!TO tiit-.'^j-"'.;",-.;:7~-vV-'\•'••-'. 'H'"-1'-1'.1'--:*' sivs broath; Biuell and tiutu Inipulred, auJ rat-class placw aud dolivered onywliera In only sign by wUicb the future of a child may wtilte marble, on which, in deop black letters, genorul debility. You won't buve all atUm WortUem i>art of Uia Butt* hy - Leave Eookawny at 0:37, A. K. THOMAS W O W J t •:•••'• ••'-' -'£:--;'£•• -•* -J': ' .y•;, AGINT ron are engraved the following words: "This Is OUM; probably only a few of them. But you be ooDcliuirelr foretoU. Tbe service was • - lB8Binnn.wA-»n.,.MewaTk/W.Jv have any of them, if you'll takellr* 12fl9, ; ; a«); 3:37, B:4B, 0:47 P. « . concluded with an appropriate Bcriptura rhat t i e deacon dledot." And »'• no wonder. won't .-enmtxsAi. YfotvK,.-:•-: . • ' • HinoWiffe's CeWbrated Beer. Bfcga'a llamtdy. BvSDaBAA7Tu \ ' ' ' - HO Hummer Ave,, tS nadlng, tha iloftlng of "Ilelj^alnt With AI£O PROraiETOH Of THE OlafXrarerAffaln. Jeuu," by tbe Kbool, and ttie beuedlctinn by LoavoPort Oram ot 0:05,11:37 rtiow StrenrtD ana H e a l t h . ' WhentbeBun beard In January last that thapaitor. . D0VEII, N. J . li',45.A. «.i 4:00, 6:10, 7:1B v. M. OPERA: HOUSE CAFE, Mbu Ulaf Knuer was entertaining lecture lfyoaare not feeling strong and boaltiiy, Notice of SettleiWhi S/ try Electric Bitters. If " IJI Grippe" bss WAItHEB BTRECT, 1J0VICI1, N. J, ^jna>4Vs,'ll:3B A. K. audiences In tills country with ths story tha MAST II. K. CHLHOII. BOTTLEIUi OK BU« wan a native ot Eaet Qroelawl wha had left you wrnk and weary, use Electric Bitten. Tbe church was densely packed by ./ iieaveLake Hopatdong at 8:3E tue (tiluser,uer, AUiuinigtraior or Isaac n . Tula remedy acta directly on Liver, Htomarh K-hool and Its friends mid tie BOBUB wai Terr been teken-wben a child on a sledge journey and Kidney*, gnntly alJIog those organs to »UKE AFP I E CIDER, 11:10 A. M.; 5:10 p. ii. BDNDAVI Beaub, deraued, will beauOIUd tuti itetod by pntty, TlwdworeUouot tha platform were over Uift Ice to leeisxd, it denounced the story perform their functions. If you are altllcted HOUSE-HEATING 4ie Surrogate autl reported for settlementto' 1 1 : 1 0 A . M . - ; ~: : , SEITZ'S POETER, mainly vasea of boqueta of buttercups, dalalw i a IMion anil gave good reatona for sodolng. rltti Sick Iteadache, you will fltid speedy the Orphans1 Court ot tbe County of Uonrh, LAIIGF.ST AND BEST STOCK loth* Stato* l e a v e High Bridge lit, 8:05,10:8' n Holiday, the l i n t day of Auguit i w i t . '••, ' STEAM UENEKATOlt and other wild fiowera, »nd Taws ol the tarn A»n TIIR BH8T The woman's statements wereat onw called permanent relief by taking Klectrlo filttenr. Uotod May iHth, 1B1K.- ' -. " : - •: •« -A\ w e n placed at the bases of tho arcbee. Tbeto tbe attention of toe Icelanders in Manitoba, Oue trial will convince yon that this ts ' M.i 8:00,6:15 p. x. Bum>W8, 9:» lira now praparal to furutah n n(t» qimllty < • Soda aivd Mineral Waters •xarciMa of the ttbool were given uoder the and they pronounced ber a fraud. Her story remedy you need. Iiai-go bottlos only 60c nl granite from their quarry near Illljonila, i A.*. . ' / - . . . . ' OF KVKET DEDCIIIPTION. tha Morris County Itaflitiad. Tbe color in dlradtlon of Supt. B. DIeterw«y in tbe followlisa sent to Iceland, and tbe answer jus Robert KiUgoru'i Conwir Dmg Btcre, E A. A: MoLEOK, Pres. «nd Oen'l HerS ele/ir emy, nnd ttie blocks can he TuniiMied hi (Sucpcssor to Sratth t JGctiurt,! Notice o f ^ ing order; Blngtng, by tbescbool, under tbe received from that Inland, declares tb*t ih< Oram, Iftince & Co'a Drug Blare, Port Dram tST HA*riSrACTIOK OUAItANTEEn. g g (Jtiaa y dlTKtlou bt Cbi.ri.Ujr K Klf Hi til Miss NotloelsberebyRlr^ii tliiit tlie :nooonnii ol . ANY SIZE DESIRED. an Impostor, and V. N. JanWm* Dnig filore, Chester. u bt Cbi.ri.Ujr (Jtiaa, K.. Klf, Hi til Miss MASOK AND BlULDEH. tbo. •ubiorlbor. A-Jralni.tritor o f • H»rtb The matter would hardly have deserved a NOTICE. Lottie Rotkrow, orgaoiit; prayer by the pasHiiltaUe forlmil.llnBi", l.rl.lges, or fnr moi MOHIK, rtetsemul. Will tm aniiitsd inH •l*t*d H. P. BALDWIN, Ami Ok. I t a . A»L me ittit, atiJ can IMI furnlttheO upon the in' tor, Her. Wm, Day { singing by the school tention if it had not been that the woman has by tlie Hum>gRte,an(l reported foiMtUeroent Sir. Hhle'l Bouaenoia Ointment Ptibllo notice Is hereby given thnt the Mayor • ••: • Nlcw Yoiut. tenus, 1'or tut tkuilHrtt uiMrwa Jontracti taken and nuterUla rurnlafa*d tot toUiu OniUwi*1 O o u t t o f t t i o Ooualj o f K « Mlutatory, by Anns Buck; song by tbe in- deceived many thousands of people In th is the finest remedy In tha world. It alwo- ind Cminuil or Um Uorousb ot Mnunt ArliiiR- reanonnblo ttl>(>W to tliu ll.onO'ueiiliU' the arii>fryoFJaty next, ,r V country. Bha baa boen lecturing here three ton will moot a t the Council Room In said fant d a n , under tfae direction of Mrs. Miner lutely curea catarrb. It euros neuralgia and Uorougu on tbe I7tb d . TilKHMlTlI OUANITK CO., Dated Anrll 3.iJ,U9iV. ' V' ? ^ ''-\y f J IHlfj t 8 years or more, usually under the auiplces of and Hisa Kittle C. Day ; recitation by EtU rheumatism. Cures piles like magic. Curse clwk r. M., toconBlder a Petition itrewnM .-BIT -.: .• j q s g t l l MONB^.','. UOV*I«t, K. J,wbelher ol BRICK or STONB, \ Messenger; aolot by K i t s Klog, with cbnrus rellgloufl socletlea, and has been eaterte.(oed salt rhoaiu In tUe moat soolhlug utannt totliem recjueatinft them tolnsue tbejlondsof O m o K OK IlurK.vuu.Hr., IN TiiEOLnDoby six a lrbi; noIUUou, by Mamie llowlhy; by tbe people of many towns wblle decvlvinj Curea Inflamed and granulated eyelids. Cu> said Borough to Uie oniouut of alx thousand said Borou on Morris street, m a t to l o m w ImOl TKIl LUMI'.KK COUP\«V OWICR. li L d r o d Oollars, to draw lutereat (it the them with a clumsy fiction that had not etea a " Suimnw Bong," tola by Ueargte UcDavtt, j couRhs and colds. Can be taken Internally.' live Luudr . . . . . . AIB COMPKKB8OU8, of kiihateofftlii«erceiit. [ier cent,tiper am with ebons by tbe Infant clan ; recitation, tbe merit of ingenuity. MI«s Kmrer'a useful- A poeltlve siMcInc for pneumonia. Cute, rateofftli U o . i s hereby glTOn lb*t tba aeMnntf of due tten ymv* 3 . J . VREELAND, S « fttter Bubiorlbor, AdDtiuielrator o f ffiUlam H . " Flower Soog," b j OQie Qardln ; duet by neea aa an attraction of the lecture platfoi brulsea, burns, cbllblalns, sores of long stand' ie ilzing tlie streets, roods aud aven -JOBNJ.'ECIHAl H D i t i i , dMMtted, Hill bsaaailoO tod sfited HodaFlttberbert and Jennie Prned; sieging In these partu is apparently at an end — N. Y, Ing, corns and buolous are cured quluklv UMOfaald BoroiiBb, andtobesr argumeoU HOIDTINe KN6INB8, daple: by the Burrotjula, and miortad fo> iwttletncnt by tb* school; recitation by LI da Peer; solo, CARPENTER "'BUILDER to Ilia OrabtttV Oonrt of theCotuitjof Itot-' different from all else; superior to all elw*;' and Blleg&Uons Tor aud>against tlie Iwuiug ui /- .;.•, • • O n o m M c . - -' neb bonds; aud all iti mon8 BO desiring nil! by Bwale Buchanan; recitation, "A Queer o f l a l y next. ' a etiual, e5c, and 60a. bo«eo, Larga et has removed hla ofllce »ni »bop to bis now rij, onToettlay the Qflb1 d*r lien and there 1 » beard. Tba Basax Troop i Scholar,1'by Charlie Carroll; BOIO and duet, PUMMNa. BNOINKS, i l r « t building on Black ,vtJl street, noart Io the £ l e » * DAUd cbeapert. Bold at Hobert Klllgore'a Corner DUd itfim Ma a t t" 1.1 -:: '.' •:• >"• .: - - ' Dated MaylZ-ltb, mn. Tbe visit of tbe E s « » Troop, of Kowark, Drug Btora, Dover, M, J. trio Llgbt StttUou. l i e n l t i n u Uuuifca f by Raymond Woodbnll and Bertba Mover U l WUMlul. • ~ • C Y R U S E, COOK, Path. B,J?1G83OH. 3J8w: Uie liberal inttTOunm of tbe u u t and win Capt Jaa. E. Flaming, t o Morristown and MATES1A1 FOB PAHOY WOBE, 7-3 w Clerk. recitation, " Children cf Zlon," by 14 lltUe l>lu>Kd.v>wftb[() tiimtis la (Wuevr plane, COBNIBB POMPS, girls, eacb bearing a letter forming the topic; kCadison, Friday evening and Saturday last, Maaoa * Ramltn Or«ana and Pia Contracts, Tinas, Specifications and Mat* recitation by Jamie Hellck; noog, by a num- waa quite a noteworthy event and the visitors ». K. Jwaklna. As*ofc OaMter. H. i rials fomlahod for every kind ot nark. Bl»tt R. T. SMITH. THOB. FANHINO CHINA SILKS, LACES, HotlMii ierebr jftTcn that tbe aoooantiof ti RoofH Uid ID tbQ bwt murnw mill JODIllt b w o f t b e Infant class ; recIUUon, "ABind were accorded a very afrr»eab1e u « iuju tbe •nbtcribawj Eicautors nod TruiteM under HASDKEnCHlEFS, Mkltj of Happy Children," by AlvinSIdner. AfUr After a beautiful ride they arrived at tba the Will o( J»uiMM-Bonw..i, JecMssrt,vmba • • • aaMII audited aud euted by .• tlie Sarroiite; nud thla waa takea a caltecUoa Car UM tJacat IOD ttoa House, Mornstewo, ibautO o'clock KID GLOTE? reported for •etlKmeut totbeOrubaut'Oonit U.H OuUon 1. Iron, Brui of tcacben and mlssiooarita, after which the on Friday evening. A t noon on Saturda or ibe County at Morrie, oo TOE^PAK the •artlcM w«r« concluded -with ringing b j the they rode to Mrs, R. P. BaUenUns'e handflcm LAmH-V AMD CUILDREM'a ' a n t i d u ' o f j a i i H i t . * - : '.• •••••-- " = ; - . . • .-,.--. school, and the benediction, by the paitor. country home, where an alaboraUbut delightD t t d A r iril l 2 3231, 1 \ \m. m ^^ ii : : " ! ( -:• SPRING AND SUMMER • Moatratb* features ot the programme wen fully Informal luncheon was thoroughly DOVEH. N . J . The Eqalpment o f Iro: KKEDKK10K U. UKAO rendered by the little pupils, and there was a foyed. AnwngtbOMpreaentbeeldeetliefort: ; '. FHU.; B. PJE8SOM, > A MOST VALUABLE BHKEDY 18 uniformity of axoellence that made the pro- oddtroopenwere: Tin J. S. Fleming,Mli Contmctfl for all kinds of work taken and Mine* a ipeolalty. all materials (urnbbed, Practical experteuoa gramme cianalog as a whole. DIlUe Fleming, Mn. Henry Young, thaUIsec la every branch ot aavm woik, Wright, Hrs. Deadrick, iSr. and Urs. G«o. OfllM and Works, • BUH3EX St., BOVBR; H . J . Frelingbuysen, Mr. and Mrs, J, O. B. Fltnsy, JOBBING FROIIFTLY ATTICNDKD TO, John P . Brown's Buttermilk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley, Mr. wad Urs. SHOP ON IIKHOXH BntKrr, Tba programme of a visit to the Pequannoc Hamilton E . Twomblcy, the. Misses BallanTASCY AKD BTAPL* •. .V ' --",. ' wttenoed is Incomplete, eaji the Newark tioe, Misa Cummlngi, Mr, aud I t n . WiUiara B-ly N R X T TO II., 1^ « W. R. It. HOOKS AND BASKETS. Byoing and Oleanlus Eotabllshmeni coua aiembmtie, wlille tbe Anodvao relt«v« i ihink of Knapp'i Root Beer. News, without a draught ot buttermilk at Clark and VIM Chancellor Pltaay. W U U nervDiia IrrltaUon, ttiua •uiireHns tbe IpdlcaJohn P. Erown'BHewfouiMStwBl Hotel. Eacn party broke up tba troopers again mou of a complete Romedy, . Ihave just received a big line tlotu Visitor, if he la in a party led by Mayor *od rod*toDr. L. D. Ward's Huaunw h Dover, h Uw t m t isqulppert Tba SKo. Bin* BnlttfRea m DOT cent. Cor. Suisex and Blkckwelt St«t Haynt* or Commissioner Harlan, most quaff butftfew milea distant. Hare then waa his Tldnity for tha renavaUoa of clothing, Spring and Summer Clothing, a: •Ult miiatkina Wi r n a i a t l o D Imtkw»inr fall at hsutone large glass of this EM tar of theotter ncftptloD utd a repetition ol the coor- NOTICE. 1HBURE YOUR PROPEaTT WITH . aBdoanyUUtatockaor-; -•* • Poquannocgods. Not even tbe crystal liquid teeles extaxuted to tbe troop at Mrs. Ballanam going Io sell them al the lomm In response to a largo number <>r Of Oak Ridge or C'iintOD reservoirs, accordlnE Une'a. The troop returned to Newark tha in Bll Ita branches attended to In tbe best prices. Ihave wonderfully improves requests made 1>y patrons in Dover nml to these funeUonarles, han the refreshing and same evening. oer. A l a n e lot or RAO CARPET on vicinity, Messrs. CORNI.SH & Co., lmvo Invigorating quality of Brown's buttanallk, . [orft&Jft,eltbtsi a t wholt^la or rata my fine </ Clothing and denls' Fu Hags colored free or charge for customers. opoaea a branch warpromu in cluirtrc of •ad bbey religiously glva example t o com. RSfRBSIKTIKQ TBK An Old mshmg Goods, which I couli mve their local rcnreseutnti\c, aip, JOHN • panlofu. YeatardtyafternootjComuilsslonei The Boor of the V. S. Hotel plaixa In Mor It. BALKVMPIE, nt No. ft BIUCK Harbin drank three big tumblera of the tart ristown has Just besn reUUd, and tba beams EUBOPEAN AND AMERICAN do before Io s u d on extent as »oi BLOCK, DOVEIt, N. J.. nhere n choice beverage. When time tor tea caiua be il«- were found t o have been used before, and 00MPASIE8I ray Iusiness hoi greatly impi-ovec Tholnbaorilierhai opened a nor cllned the Invitation to 'eat, and sat outside upon inquiry, we learn that they wore aclcctlon of PUHOS aid 030A1I! will l)o 1111 , Bnuch iu CdDueelioo «ltb Ilia other bnaineaa ' tba total, presumably Bojosiiw the deep re formerly in tba old Court House In tbe Park. PROMI-D.V ADJUBTGD All NEW MARKET, view. Mr. Dnlryinnloi Mrueror Jllaakwell and Bergen Bta.. Dorer since J came here; Therefore la Tuo lilatotti to In cbana of a oraotloal ai , poee and altonc* of t i e Beldt and. hllla, which Aithenew Court House was erected in 1837 will lio lu nitemlauco. -i PAIU IN OABH t n Canal RL, near tha Biusox atreat lock, eiperl|tiDed liorie-inoer and I reeneellnllj Pllls^ury's Best Brand wta broken only by tbe twltt«r'of tbe Enarteni tbeMbewed beam* mustbave.baui put there able Io undersell any other clothier i . ' completely stocked wltb Io rci-fivL. orders a n d ^ aWllTllianotpihlllHlnua " ": ' B U L B^TJLTK FOR BAI^ . <x> the stable and lite cblrp or tbe cricket I about that time, and they are aaw asgood aa CYhlhll UmtnimenU.' ' Dover. If you wish to convince your thai w»5ild» p u i . It n u noticed that ha ever.' Tha atone stops which juttadontlntbe •-•A '•:?-•'?iot^Jfe OPPIOB-BAKBR BUILDING, M m n m « i l Faefoiy. v i " looked regretfuMike and was carUlnly re selva that this is so, jlease call am sidewalk tn front ot UM hotel h*T» been, i ' of every kind and A complete anortmsnt < r i DOVIB. n. 3. uneasy. City Cl«rk D'Cunnor drank ti placed by wooden aUpa. ThaMoldatapBhai see Iht largaim which I'am offerh . gyMsmbutfeltlwuodtododutyat Uie table. probably, caused m o w people to fall down Fish, Fruits and Vegetable J He said be lacked comfort lit aoms d«trc*, than anything else In town, except wblsk< A SPLENDID BTOCK OK , |John R. O i l i w « i > : . » « = « • . • » « • • " . now. & B E R R Y , nirimgtTB voting TtoYernT*intiti!dU> call. however. Two or three others were to tbe it la well Uutt Uiey are and examine m y goodi.- Pojmlw prtc« p l « " Canned Qoodn, Butt«r, Egaa, Milk etc ' sama plight, yet all ot them kept up tbe song 8. LEFINOTON, , : ; within Uia xcftdt o t t b o w itbu&e i n a a s KverjUiIng fre»h and goo], pHces the lowest : Carpenters and -Builders, them are limited, and i u ; Ana fti«6rtnient cannot of praise to the buttermilk wblle Mr. Harlan and order* iirotnpUf «]«ll?eradtoauy part O fall t o pieaM and attjnfy the nuMt crltiMl Tbe S x c u m o n Season. far Boring and Bummer wear, consisting of a *•» asti toaaad about on hli bench. Opp. BAKES OPERA BO US: uuyera,. •' :"-:,,•;•..: -'• JoHH AluinT,-.^ l T r y B . F O R DOV5EB: ty display ot novelties and new ananas SPECIAL The ittssenger department* of all tbe rail, PB1HO BONNETS and H A W , which PIaas,ipMlQ3StIoaBfflrbn[ldlisiti,oonirai reads hereabouts are rushed with excursion Will delight UkeniB4mn*ri»lifoniUhtd, ' ; ,, all the ladles. Call a t once — JlUtUaQIrriKxpflrlencelnaUl-htboua D0VEB.IT.J. : business. AtthlaaaasoDofIbejrar.aod.., Obtain th« advantage of a x w d mJocUun. Mr. and Mti. lAren Treecott »r* keepers earlier, all the churcbea and aodetlea that conJobbin 5 promptly attended l' UM GOT. UgUUiouaa^ at Sand Beacb, jUIc template indulging (n outings a n booking SLATE BOoim-Warnrelin'flrilHJiMs'alftti . and ar» blened Tritli*a daagbter, tour year* dates. This excursion buslneaa ie o u of the and pat onalnU rant* b j good meehMi,Dt. .* old. Last April she was taken down with mostdimoultfeaturearfriJiroadlngtoWlU, SackeW abeaU.!ng"Pap«ralwaysou banil. •- Ueaatos, tollawed with a dreadful Cough ai BJ It requires tbo faculty ot being ablt o m c e a a d rtinpoQ BlacliwollrBt, nart r tarnlns Into a Fever. DoeUirs at bomo m uUlIn Ibe limited number of caras.vidUU» | OLD RELIABLE HOUSE OTeri J unioerConi]>an;'HlU|ll, ny part of the town or vlelnlty. at Detroit treated tier, but in Tain, ebe grew tba beat abvantage and still not Interfere wil H, B . W i t c o x . :•-, •: ' ' A . a . B « R R T WOTM rapidly, until aba was a mere " handful regular traffic Excursion. luMfo«es h i .' are prepared to do all HiiiUj of >;k': - v ' of bowse."—Then the triod Dr. King's N< JOSEPH ( T J O I I N S O N ably profitable, but there Is no business U Y I M taken tofMiwy quarter* in Warson^ - BlaO0TW7 And »ftor tba use uf two nud a ball bandied tbatfarm o » tltetrtatelul to railroad Block nn Warren street, one door from Ulan WANTED, TH0I«A8 B. KoOEATH, twttlef, wai completely cured. Thoy say Dr. managen. —vm. k\x~~ well, baa opsned *~ • • • '_ „ ^ A boy to work In olll« and I otar ant] Smbaimer* . King5* New Diacowry IN worth IU weight tu keeping. Also one llv LAHQB STOCK OF.FXNK TJpholataring and P a r a i t w o Work, The Clark WU1 Oaae Sodad. gold, j e t you may gets, trial buttle free at KclUheBUicer&sixtn and IlEPAiniNGi: '.A i m p nnd practiM, ox-:. ItOHBia HT., ( K B T H * UTVKHI, Dover. thoBlnRerMTgCo-n U BobertKillgora'a Corner Drug Store, Dover, Tue contest over tbe will of Abrau pononbe aa woritmeu--aiiu:'m6iuntf»'' prlo«" Duwr. - • f ^ i i B A C K E f AMD-SCROLLSAWINO DONE TO ORDER. .' • Onun, Bauca i t Go's Drug Btora, Port Oram, Clark, deceased, fotmerly oT Btanbopo, tome nffar;/or.j»trnaag». itldlBM. corner-or B lack well ami _ „ are the induceuMuta WB nffar;/or. I3B-U) to a roodtn ceocl&slonV. Thai avidence proDEMAND f BOOF. . m d 9. M. J«aUn»' Drug Btory, CbMlar. Sliop nnn Uorrls Bt/on«:<lo6rWnI)lackwe1!, 'r Bt/on«:<lo6rWn Bfai.v A^tLndajiw, given ,nil Hour.; . l . y " ^ duced on UM part of tbe caveators waa o tliB rltBr.-i:".v.^:iJ--'. ^''^•j I will r»HAnl uanueomelf any indivlih «**• ••'•.-.•--: • • • . : - - ; . - : : ; v v . - i « y . \ littered by tbe court inmffldeot to maki wlio will fornbb luronnatloa wblcli will U .".:. •. . V n w i T o o i Liver tbe arrertand conrlellon ut a n j {wraon ii torpid and itugsiib, yon cannot da busJnenj case. anJ therefore tbe will was admitted t< to peraeos pretending t o auptdf wora lrom i. FQE 8AIE 0 E BENT.'•"• ! manufacturer and dealer In probate without ths taking of any tesfimonj atwUo aaooMlfn])y. Sverytblcg gow wrong. w b o b u not a wrltton i»rn)iMaon lwsjacnPU>4. HiwInflaWje xl a large Coal Tr«>tle witi COVKttKD POCKK1 doot fuel wWL . Get your Ur»r In good workthe part of the proponoita. Tfel* lea1 ^ -•;, and «. ©»p»eltj of ontt h 4 t*n, wa txa anpt-ly anr oaiHnnwi with miDBlon and real iwtntai oiJMn- IS tpoim with Rteflui beat, tft]r «««•,•, bath ylerfcn Cburcb. D o w n -l%\n tni outer by nsiiig Dr. Hals'i ilotuenold Tea, t i e btquetta and tbe ontln will u It x room »i»t»ir tr.odern-JnaiiiT.vBnittil*-For . a«, for ».boarttng h o u w . ' F Mut »U irotk tn UMWB XDA Qtutilt, All UM gT«at blood puriBer acd nervo tonic' ' originally made. Tbeca*e waa too feebli twtot Bjiiily t» ••' • '/-•-"-••""^•-•••;i'';; hua no aqua! as * health rmrtorer, • For t»l Uganarslly balleved to ba,<aurl«d up on of the bsst ordsr snd priiwa featoublai L Crayon ArtUt, BObfft IQULgiWaDrug Btan, D o w , appoJ,—Hmckattatowu RcpubUcao. handle thalr own c « l can b»r« It »er«n»i ar.j loaded without eboTellng BUOKWHI* R u n , /.. D p r U i W. . ~~—.—uw snd Real Urtata'AffanL-'-' •-- - * -"—* -^M—^-• < r..™—..—«-- —o — i . ^-. - llooBirfira (loomf A HEATH^DRAKE. ILLS fi BRDEM & BHHKELL, |fYOJWANfA(iODD 5UB6iAMflAL5Afl&" b CH£!W TRV WHAT ABOUT Duplex Automatic Dr. A. G. FREEMAN? Steam Heaters, EXTKACTISU TEETH Hsath & Mathushek Piano, & 779 Broad St., OBACCO Dr. R. C Vreeland, 77 NEWARK, N. f. lT flLLSfH£BILL IN EVER/PARTICULAR AND GIVES BIGGER QIMMTHY FOR LESS MOH£r WANTED! HARDWARE IRON MERCHANT, Central Railroad FOK SALE PARK AVENUE! A. W. AXFORD, S.RBENN3STT ^SMITH & JENKINS, A CAUTION! R. F. JOLLEY & Co., FRANK F . APG&R, 0 FURNACES, Lager, Ale, Porter, MEN'S FURNISHERS, mm 81O BROAD St NEWARK, N. J . THE SMITH Granite Company, JOHN J. ECKHAtlT, MINING MACHINES MACHINE &IRON Co. L.H.IVES&C0, Fancy Goods, 8MWU & FANNING, Masons and Builders, "La Grippe.' Underwear Dr. Edward's Tar Syrup STATIONER^,-;: XOW GENTLEMEN, gxfract-*—•Beep' 0 CORNISH'S CELEBRATED ORGANS^ PIANOS, ; Carpet Weaving H. L. Dunham Hoi'se PROVISIONS WM.B.W0ODS THE BEST MEATS MILLINERY GOODS GROCERIES v MoCraoken.' s s CORNISH* 60.^ -«.-*.,.,,._ JOHN R. P. 6 . Box 12? - . vi|l|KWELlL- STREET - BRIANT'SJCOAL YARD COAL, WOOD. L. SCHREUER -:- LUMBER X>F ALL KINDS -:- Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c COilffOOD AHB BBILDIIfG MATERIAL * DKY A N D SCREENED COAL. NEW YORK MILLINERY, Millinery foods, THOS. JOHNSON, , Suiiinn. Hutili, Gentlemen's Hats aud Nockwoar. PETEfJ. lntUUa.ii tliiU b s t o euioticd aa raited mar bu U m l t t e i to bill a* »lVo»ld< 1. Be it enacted W the Senate and Qenaaeabj, and all persona ahull l u antenabto to band sliall ue appronxl of by two judges of m M o * af common pliiaa of t h o counL> '?ldnd. I h t t w b e n i n a r r e a t i i tuaile willno w unllifrur eonniot iridi tbornlei a i d rogn. j Aiwmbly of the Slats of N)w Jatuay. iiuiactand. D n t l l t b e i r luaaeiaora l u olUae pubtanant for ccntampt o l Baid court, In mm w w o H m L Itiiitte tbo city fur wiilch. moU po- j baUJIun or enclosure wtmrettt tba p*tty viou« of UIB BUMJ toait) ofwinculion. name manner as lu o t W oouria of nctirdof iiatitihall not boioiift«r bo neoeoary for abalilieeluofdorappjliitedt and atiall in all tee aball coniider aod aIJPlicate npoo.anJ w o o o m n SJ junui^abnllbo BM«]utwl, and whou w > i r e a u d i a o l t a t g ^ witb kwpinjt a diiorderl* 3. Anil bo it eoaaued, That ibu aaul coiu- tare thin, cue director or iwy eumptUT, OUT* Iblngi toiaujeakta Uia pra«ttlaut of tliiiksi l b s awarda or auunmonla mad* In aald report thhtiRakj having potver tu punUli for conm n m B o w m m it 11010 ir»j LtKutudaudunprovmuf.&hnU l<« rswrdwl thuaanioir*vBB If tUe/ had boon e!eut»d miiiiiinoH of piibllo nifiruollou, o^pjlnttid tempt of oourt; and litsuwed attorneys ahull • r UeoanrsUJ *coi>riiint(\<t,t,cipf otwb[6h oration or uaoolatlon ioaorparated under the o B T tlie u i u k n ctUcffof suiui lumity, nud (lied lndori a u i ' <Ar«tyot a u r meli WBoot undbr tb% n i t . (ball Uko or (aUurllw an o*tb notueiiocusBUT In tlio prwecuiiou or doirroctiuii. iljjoua by (be obalnuan of (lie iw» of thift »UV» by tpwl^l nt «»nuial aota of m w M m llw mvnio, Ui Iw by uuutt ulork eaiuly kuirtm U BO or nflirraaUgtilJBroMtbepaltDBJaitiaacf iu5li aball bediaoharjtoU iroiu llatiiuty «.u toUMotauy mittttr iiruoeocUujt lafcutli courta; ivncijunnltlceorcoaacll, tbtll bs file I with orpuratkin to rciluo la Nmr JorJ»y. tang tho ]iul>liv puporM nr h i s oitleuj and In mw ho ailieioraur otuaromaorqiMlitlud tokdmiuiamade In t u e dull » o l m u Oiat«JBjwlio*jiuUiwof. Uio polled couitof M olork williln fen dtye tliarealter; t h e be it enacted, Tlist IliiH oat shall n t a nby; tliaago tor 0)HiB,i*tUi!Qlty and impartially to pur- . And ibUact unleii " " • CVQ " daya ' eai -wlluiu after town comtnlttte o r ooa noil m » j iUei«upoa m o BUi>h dUflft MIIHTI nitdtd MUGII rui^H as mny bo s o m i y p e m m npjwiuUxl pollou Justiw [or w b n ffet i d l l J 'oriuthedatJiMoraaako(Uoo,aidoatae thud ._• »ot beootnea up*r* peratlvo In aiich town h j ipflrm add ratiirt, i m p , twtrit a u l »»»u*«necomry fur tht> orderly conduct. and busi- uli city M Aforwuid, before he bhull oiitur mm U w o o D o m o Monday tu'Auril noit *fwr tula out takfiB erahalliiwrltlQRnotif/tL il> tiieoouncif .. or liii nitonl y MtalpioceuliiigB of nwh court; Uia »iia o u iut» sa4t«4 Ujr aald eoiautstLtiner*, or *» U> tho BuCurltyuforawtld, bliail jtorforn w m b fj3t,>t ton o'lildalt In I La fbruuooti, and m n a bbU U itirctfobip, t b i iu wbiuh rules ahull ba apjHwed by mid isubiuct to tbo J withdraw front hie lorotynbip, ttidraw Iraui M _jrreated by them, and from mud aTi*' o ttio tltitliK n u u i n x l of him b y law hi .... iar tt«« u w m U MU revWon of tbo pros! a wit juititu of t i e court of llco, bo shall fur suua oltcusa forfeit aii|I l a y MO ha ha iIUIIL b i be e dlfdiagied Irm (rum tiajihty lima ut utioU eotk&TiUk'.iuu t h e i iiment O l I i P T E B XbVf.'I. U o B oonupupluoa of Uio county in which uid Au Asi eoiiccrniiiROorjioraioni, frum tlie time tliJa l o t btcutnea o u a u u b y lliuvWtlonoroaaul t h e uAi com' Oiallootiatiinfalifa upon tbo 1 r tlie infO of nut-b eity uuu uundroa dollars, a Act pravM uRTur lb» P^DIIIK of Qlnoirlt m mm MU HU m city U situated. iaob loirn, aud tlia coun uilu'luiieiB AI preiidciit for Ibo lurui or out 1, Ba U oaaotoi) by tlis Henata Aud QenwbluliU Is hufuiud, oolieatablD aart en'orouJ * BIIUI forauil ruiHJVurwl by tlm mayor of Aud b T n tral AwemUy of tbe BUite of Kav Jersey, iflioerto furiiiBbiio.< or OlUO! A& mm 4 AuUbeittfiinctal, Tluit tho IKIUW Jus- .clicity iu which tlMolf«U«>WN»caiiiuitUad, slftlc, and for tliu Croatian'if a Bialobcuru b« R o bw l of iLai i b d a . ' An l>e It OQJOUJ, Timt DID I I I J oatumUtitBhlllqU«f'il ror«tij<:otfiQrtlo« o o o tice or j»id court shall be appointed by tbu I un actfua of ilubt, trltu uMfat uf suit, lu tin coiiiuiisiiontra ul oltiotrJou mibv^if«, ll o R D BIUU&IB ol pubiiDlualruatiuu liwoby eaUbllihed irhoftlUo t auto, iucorp ' . governor hy aud wtUi Uw atfvi<» tiuil ccum-ut Drpuroto iiauio of suth city. n w b 1. I I ] i t enautad by t h e HaaWo ami Gau-m Bach dlinaof tbeflucoorl aim, tball boiaM nod taiduit i u bnilof UieSuuute) aiuMiaU ouutimie fu oflluu ror U •.U As'WjaiWy of tlifi SWfi of Hat Jer*3y, dto*d,»oJiib*l]uV9tlio placfior. and be lu iueoklact,tac*>crrouiu1 llru' ii cancy In the minner tier g a nd n loaaonlBlu the atalonf Nuw Jmuy, although lotion n (liruotlog (liru tbe lovarl ouiui a>*td*I to tuofUodtM^ufftvaieamfwmlbD duto of i tdUo«t shall [Niy ovor dully tu the hit Ihe ROTirnornf tills Ntlto nliklt^an lolnt IIPU nr a n r *»J all otber board* ul cduoaliou, m ml i\rcvWuil (>t \n tho ant or omTttihaU ol labo paid aid to the uonoaB to wliam wlia ttia awirda n U b "" n ifcO»aolO[) pr-JiWoil, liat Kftldflppdiutinoiitwid imttl thulr suwci Biifh city, for Uio use of tlio clly, m m ucuti at public tuptruollua, cuwaiia- -rpural!ou ittnj #no!i ourpirMloniproyJdl t.loptlnf mirfo far l'*l eaUUUkau M l m Q are appoin^l and qualified: thiit In tlio . _ . vtod b y tlioin reHiKwtivcly whirl r Q tvl ih*ll havo bcon pie y divule* uwatcr, IOMI «irp i >r*"Jii «tiitl lisva an ofllo! U l e d , auri tipou t'i» | n u » i | ofa^auiuiDyiuiiuysiiuhoJUui uf nulim JUB- thoy m m n Bo w <yul uliull rooflve from any jwrsou u r penouo , - • ; .»\id • rs*l "•-"' lUohrfHuiuto w«rd* Ilio meinbura of tin ncil aim- . - ••-,;-,— w mm U .ofllaen. olllceri, du- 1 tlio *Ute or Niw Jor*"j. hU'fttlranleof ucdwogmcruorof tiio sttfut tliti.ll till KUCII or fro nnd Hm b ow ' wimitj-wtiui-oinouciioltj in situ- 06*. wbo aliall liD]t]<illlou/urtiFo jearn, *Dd or byVhatuTirntuiiBiicii itior board* n T a r bu oalltil lltil !» in muti auuh i, AmlboiUiiaotetl.TliaUll aotaandparta mmtio or govuruiUR Uutly tliorvor gliilil re«w a Jutiou Uiti iQ& Kliuuleot %\\i\ ttt] twliU> «o beB atior o m u vacancy uutil Ilia regular apwiIiituHiiit to illl U „ ^ tbottliwi'ittuccoutity c o l t w ^ r o i ntil tlio uppilntmont ol a su^oomnjr; gDtli lui, and tLOoiLubi ami tonni f oHluo or auy r soli, ioaooiuilout irlili [lio-pr viiiona uf ureiyconLioatiiiiuill:e»riJaurTt'uuUbi> tiriun Ukeu elull b i ftiaied fu tbo fiwutbip or town; U o Uio asinu Is Madu, M huroiuWro prow " lUmy'oiHiyuwofauuh comity, for auy duliosoi manliliallorsMln U H °a lbs flnt Mund.y (a 1 jr wbjoli ihi'j Huronlavtui^ieprutuulin^ tbdrn- ro*l<li>d, lliat-sttDD ilio oomnitaaioona iimil l all oilier oomam-.luE-Jt» ut blu i n i o 1I11 aot, boaud tiiniarioara liuroby rcpeilm m w mm m BUll tllB u A U Um R jrly upniU May, 0110 tliouaimltlsttt Imndrol snduliiolyn, iwbool truitwJn, or lioanh id Hint tola »ot aball take olTjot liuitud 10 tbovfri'i fa nh'ali ihity thill rc«iivutlveiy KTcreporiuJ tbfi natue or eatatoa or tbo ownK nd K B p o ilu Ollloi for tbo full luiliou juriiceiutuiy vaj ilurlui t j lite oTuL'ttuit nf« prmirtcnl and Uio*puf 4'ij))*r()iiU* ttuWimwn. iht, u i d romi i d reaide, auil u i iiidiujur nt i l u OJOUl f W i i l loly. BD KB m "a uutu i't lib «&iu all thu timo tliuy khnll continuo lu oliico; aui iifintof a leeroUry (»uh nomnjl«lonor . ' 011 aliall oo vlccitxl trum w y witii uniii i m .—iio »li»II diruet tlie ^noi of tbn airirJ uu tpiiuiattd BUd reacRuiH'iI by tali net, ApproHil Utroh 10,183L & D dN appointment. . t u t «*!»» of lifttua b« such itoliou jiiiitlwtt rufii»utlvely ithaJl tuo nl locouut of Bach plot t»b'j |j»i(] to iho aimer u m an*ll to sod tlior aro liurflbj abolUbed, U~ ' A u •t AiidW itouncteu, Tliat'tuo iwllt«court lawful tuuuiui and make ull lawful wuduavure or owoDMtLortorwIieii »oJ aa tliolriatereit U>tc • tu M tiaUutiidoiideHlHt wu o'clock In Ilie 1O»L_ aud polios jiwtloo buroby constituted and ' tocullaot tvlth all ptw.-tfcul Jisiuitoti all m j the third 6IJDI1»/ HI Aptll next allot tbitf lio it enautail, Tiiat Boctdiu elitceu mavappear, and auyiuoli orn«r «r peia m m D m A m vlaed to Iw appointed i u BUL'II oltlai of u w 'vat; t h a t all ihiiw mid iwuailiM, U^JwU at taken effort. ict bo »oJ Ibu iaiiiB unmby ta amuiKiud tdreit-J in u i d Und uiav b r *ult In oli»utwrj M Q gent ta an h\H rD'iilud 'An aet U reorgai— ao t l u t tlio same ahail rvatl an to'.fow,: the uraolluo ut (but c u u t , li**o second clan, shall bo iusLund, uud Khali 1 wlUv Uw v>&* ot Wilt, CtiP tha vlolaUuu of ... 5. ka<\ Us It omolot). Tmt tho biard m w mU m lllioW m dWllml*.!, ur la wu<t[o or lu the place ut find ba tii liou of any audall ollor diuonwa wlwnHt* L-ounilaint In unite Iw ore at tbe ii Iderinou, cumuinn ouunvll ortither govurui 10. And to i t emolud, Tiidt oicepl aa lioiom o n u ir lo blm, a i l u f •udJiHtiou ui*y police courW o r police j u d g * . ur jocoixlura or Alwr o£ said wAlm Jtwtiwa rivall bw iwiU W trictlei •Uy liy wbitover u»nia o*ll..d iu euoli oil a t Ilia lint town elocuM m M l l E wm m w ,.._ litht'Luiia^d'atu] .jotuorirlBoproriilcil, epucuu juatkwt lu any micfi city aud Iho teniu iBJusliTO bofum whom naltt uimphilnt U nallon an «b*li bo tton holitntnW tbla aci oau munitur or tbo D. AnJ bu It eaiolc.1, T b t t iTbeuever by Bm a|iprocid br t t e noven n mm n and wliidli i u u ofofllcuol any aud alt otiwr tkiltoe juxUt**, a»w, and bis rootlift tliorelor slwiU on pny- Uiontfttnl tli^yuiBy «l*»i aopultil auoh council from OMU IT rd MIUII h i decled fur tliu t6poTl»ni5 m»u of MID ooinmiBatoaB.',ooTilfttotiou are appnititod audur Him act nhkil deblf-jiipo, QUM o ruvodAttlUltteiaulU.oafl u m N reoarqur* or. suuclal j^Hns jWioiw, uieo|>l itttit, Uu>n»C tw a sitlUtwiit aitalwrgo oi tim ageBtBOBkbtll l»iiiii(uia-*rt to owrry ou ODB veir, atiil one moBihor lur two jresr^, and rcoW »e afarerala. It HIJIII »pr>oar that an :i>flJo naiuble luaiui for Uie tfftri»ioUun 11 m y auilivd and ulntily-uu*. UtMauwIufadu&dur oc racogul^l \,y Uil* prdVHfonHnfihlflitat.atfliidi aoDtpouull .IB bmlnsii ot the *nd buifj of education award lisa b«oa m u U t o »tjf peraa^ torp'opby H o " "IBJiwltMlljt Uw UU U act. shall be and w o Iiuruby tomiinaled and »uil »UU piucnn) amikulB uiuitiire. elouu lor ttua j.»r, ami uuo mo 14. • Aiidlw Itenm-tod, Tlmt saiil l*»Hu» Jiw- iliall U«»»urnvodbr ertr taken or lUnuKJH aoiitdobd, and t b i l D o o KU m U H .„„ or Ilio State nl __ je«n>, ended upon Uie oxpiraUou of Iwuuty daj« coaofjinymiolidty m aud um> tuututier t'tr i b n Ami be It [u*ott(l, Tjat tlm eoruorate to'l^ii slmll ot cvurr, rogiilur 3. Anil lie it tin»c it BII aucta ptrtoa ia alio aitiojiej t<ir bauettu roLB (ha m w roiouf Midi inpi>ltmenV keainL-nded n> after tidn nut dial! Uiko vttwl: Unit thu poll A m lliosi t iot Biiou aomuiinlou abnll bo kuunr ' •olluij v i Atmtcli vkuitua otiivuj, theu, If tb» aMiMimfutrmulB or es- L o tlio muUiIy nieuUng « t Uw cuuiuiuu or—•' n w H n d M H jiuUces btrelu provided Lo l « upiK'hjtort idi U bU o Ig Uo ni in 14 si QUO ra of Public IiiBtrualloi i) tli«ttt I M U U K m i n i i>pioDid ll bonnl o t 'lUdunucii o r «Uio- IHW™ b li Via ooodallinaward, no p u m o t l ebalfbe maite on m H V ° B n t naM'oi by Mao Beiiitn anrt Q. U no H o d mm A m tuu-lirwolitiftudUpniaiiyiiiiulicIt/ a n u» ulmtgu uinl. QQiiUtil o t tliu lluiMiuoft in _ . mi all « . wire* Mi?ural caiidlduiua for mul > o f t b e t M r i | . fr tliH ^w«rl »aenJa tuo •atniiifl; ur tlm Hiam nf Nerr * , That Irtujlaclun) m on nw K n a a l (alary of two tliouHiind dullnn, t o bu oily, uuiku rutiiru to euch bourd nr l«idy by nblen med for ibo Utaemimoa li of blsolr. aotod,Tli m nu Mid Un-teilliTatiiniiiU' a member 7. A ienl o-ilrat) nuinh or ihe award aa la In iieinWi n l tbl baud of d i m Wdrra R U » I I paid inuuUiI In tbu aoine manuui-nx u»w \HM0DUI or l of IJIO countiil Hh*ll ue clionni irum oaili ward u m Q " - - ' • - • - r l U a n BlnUniwnbt, whflt areennilrnatmlunil tuoiliutUe olttoi or .liaroafihill liopilJ, ami Ike rflto'un 1iii< ii'JiiutiK of tlm Hint OIUM In tblt _ tt n m o by vided fuf by law for otliur cily oUtourn lUtf; wlipr:tor, IQ tnnJaJj;in5filof itiiili t .._ f oflba liiwufloiniiilitmior oouuoll ordei o o D !icoptirv llitdirodlar a t larue tbereul, Ju hoVdlMieii n t w l m l by tlitaii m fuTlffU J f i l i j antl * Ul.:nitiLHif vliu bimia nf n n 1 -«flono * lilch XIIB'1 bo final, (ho public .._ .— , 5 And U lttitiaottid, Tluit „ - -- JM»« »ro hereby re moicdtod by iiaemiilT dlatricUi a t the tin _ wluc*liuii lor ihroD yuira. U IKilino )iuti(» " t nucli city during Uio m >6 w wH o m o w o t i « « herein fdl l irof«liUir. ror (Incn, imualtiua, iwto of t>ult, IILOI nl li'iliiiai tbo oiiatk-r.oll.T, town. VIIIIHI o 7. And ba it utuotcd, Tiiat action (orlyoily sUaUlu _ tho polos n:mimouiy kooi •t ant'l Bh'all ut*oirB«*iniinodi»li)ir. % K A G A E T r loivtirli[|) blualloii', l i bo W , l t a t b a j ' t n Iffa oMlii tfliit aot bu auil tliumtiuo iihomlty wbou, t r u t i wlmni a i l " for t h i vloluUcn v U w poww d • In B w U w w wA w & i Ho fiou'«inlclflht huiKlrad a i n i n l n o l y l l r Imt urdiiiaiUMi or ordhmucuH rawfvwl, auil tulfk'fBiih UQIOH. or otuer votes m<n\ tor tbe aniuudod en au to ro»d an fjllow*: m U o „. _ _juforrwl ui»on juuUofsuf Uioi T w o bo B *hnt jiuUjniaiibi ri'iualn uniiaid nitit wbui clcctrlo irlrta, ffom tliosorlauo of BU/ fitmt, . U, AiulUeliunuomd/iuaKue Wwucuuuo M avi-nnc, ar atlirr uMbUa utRdwav ia t.n* cllj o; B m H u w mU OtlXITBR J J . ' in and for tbo wvenil cuuutiu uf UiU i » ™ iL'h written iitu.tMiuuuuiiihaUlui.v6 l«eii u Oil 1.1*11 moot anmialli Ior iirf[&nlKtti<>u ou tUa ilea'hn ofintinbore < < r g»lil boards Bhall m u Y m mw m y oom m m onu tor tlio jiurposo of ruuOVtirui|I tho iiGualty JMI hy thn auditor oC awounls orcirrfsiHi... tlii*fllHlo,it ahull bo Ilio Uutjnfnndi couuiin. tlral ilifuf lUy.uuluat lUtl <my mioud h i p SI nllnsil iDtline eltwil -n or aincmbW»util i o b r w wm w pu o m for ttoUtUug a u y onlfnauuo or rugulutiiia ui lug oillcop of ftuclt city, Bftid pollro Jilrthw nUiudtn in n»(J<sr tiitnli pollen *m\ vrtri'H reiadf u winch l-ucli niuiilni|ul n'eolloin a m litl.. null lo l)J Hnuilay, in Mhioh U m tbry «lnll uf thni 1 taw. o o w o h atiehfjltyoruny Loordof j.och city tlmy o n . Hliull vmh without aiklUioua] delay, pay o r % fmui ilu) eiimcanrHiioli Hircvtn or li|ijlin'i U m ua tun diy iiceacJlfiu; thu cminct wan-it* hrM) tlial ti.e oin-olor *l-Urj(e ol »»|4 boarJ tiKui. U B t e d rilier order Hint rnioli wirnj aliull u» U m M reepaotlvoly liaroUy onitMwei-wt »ft outjb-w totliu treasurer (ircurrtBfiwuilliinlttuiiii'lul oil * r,o o t ll uu li il tbi et ui tt iuitllrri ii uu u u ao> a i Hliail proalde KU h w U o o iJertlioel'eiil»ortilRliw,y« of Htiob atiaiably of the Htata of N e v Jowey, TUB I *U nidati»ai »I tlin nuna^l j l )|ia MOiuoce b b U n h w alDniuUun.nindearconilu^toIun', tlmrtuiy our of eiidi city, fuf tliu uso of KIIUII w H H b m u h 5 Ann be It GUM led. Thai BCCUoo two of iauunucn is bu^rd oT ilparlm omnmUilonwn * " oliy; Iho rcmiv«l oJ anob poloa or nirra gb* I IIMJ olwci UUO of tli w w ov person or persons ling or luive buon guilty o h D city, ull moiicyu Uictuby ni'iuui'iii H w m u • Hlthnmiohlliii-nathAll b.< AttHlLj irealtor oatiB it or tlie governor am. _ _ ialil auppl^QitDtbo amended no a* to read ail *trn»u f»r the tlmu ttuiiijt; U w B w any violation of any of Uio onlhniiicw h m U w i be dm - wiuh city rrom fine _ uiieiuocrj, ^-liu uliall Kor»o a nntliw itiercoininlacioQera to beapiioinioil by-Lbo nut Uio itaic* ormoviiiir.doi eimina R w Uw M mgulaUoiut ut miuli city »r ol a n y luiiird w :>II(t) juaUet-fl nintc'tlvi'ly. lakiiv tl or tbclr (Ifiti'rmlniitlon ami order upon tlta jiroiuctr, li) aud with tha auriao and Qonavr A bo bo iiimli thu 111 uu ul 1 liclr u«» urouc K D w loV* of filch member,'*™ lit BIICII dlrd«U.r, *moidin»uj«a,h/lawjniiit niwi «oipl of «u«U truuMirur w lluiuidiu utHuii owner or tiuoti poloa or clrol or upon an ejipnt ol tlie lUtiale, wlio ah*ll Uahl tlidr ollluu lor B U m T U H w ,. ... . „ ) mttin or »uch owuur, at lomt tli'rty <1»SB, bufartt Ui* lorUi vt tWe juata (row the «1M«* ot ttielr *,] alutl beftia bu tuo aeonnd tVodtiGail* of Ma.v aiuiog 10 Uiu jiurpunes t o d o l j ^ t , by U Q bu m H M n L warrant, aatoBURII jtolii Loiti'terBTcryanelitlcolloa.and aliall c m - UIB luu BIIJ uecoi.iry aud p r o ^ r V>, "AIWUIB ilw'm!t«I, Tlintwild ]««i«init* (lu'rdilim of Iho lime wll'ila wliioli i^ UIBV bo iiujutiiiaiitf m V A b wont uuvuable^asnuutt tim iwrson or iwr Lii'»t of SHL'II city Hh/iU koi>|( a tlookot (en d^tcnu'ticd thtit huch palP4 or ifircs ahull bb i A»u In it ciinafcul, TUvl the t erai tluuo tur H i m s t a r s t a d uatUo'-Uer* *\\%\\ \>» iR out ihu piiivldtiiiK of HIIH aot. m w o © carporauou ur winwrnUdiw BU vlulaUug .vine lils own duckut) i n wliloti tlit-y BII » Ami Lu it uiuubKl, TIsU woil oiliooof tliBiaetaberaoIllio proieut uu^rd < chasou end 'PRllly qnalliled io Ibeir itead, and ho nu m ordliuube or resulatlou. n-hk-fi iiroivM w o m n w m ironfall miltolurtllutwl Iwfoiv lliuW (or v be taiin<l'vrlt-liit) tlv.s atito, n i J a rtine iliall in riiitrltu ooruKHirtloauf* ili^il eipirti a,>un tlio tue turra a t vOlce ot *ncu dlreolt»-»t^arg* u 01 >aiil not lu aoil tba u m e U m when la the nature uf u w w n m t Iw' rvl i hall beifla and eoutlnue a« titretofure. . m H m m m Uitioii vt all Dnlliintiotfti of uuch clLy i>awoii «|ipj|dtuii)ui uytlie goTuruoroi-llio " w H «ptved loeni't) manner t* njnstion of Ilio jnabloiortliwitli, «tid trlutn jii tbn naUnt) 8. AuapeUimjLcloa.Thatiootion throe ol KM Mw n ho by eucli d t y o r Ally fjounl tlioivor u w N m U w premOBmirU^puuapplVoitloi botart mid a to wiumionthoretuniolitttSu not Uva tlnin wb'iiu hiiniuht and wlwn, for tli m bo m M by b L m m » H m to i t biiautod, ibftl tlio oJiupcj'tiii. atld Btwpleliunt be amentia:! i a a a tu roid a i UQ o lint (or tliat puriiow, ulull pruiprlbei it tbr m L n b« % „ j f wlial onluuiUiM, what prJ**t ..... iiauruuiiimMilouuid atiUI ruamiuaa B H m ' ' chiill Tafl la re M h n w w m b u n b« crsotauuh , A*ndt>BiunBCled,'Tualtbe Urai ofofshall Btat» what oixlinuiico or ii'i-ulaMu,. u iwre lind, wlmt Juilffinvtit was ruiidjirotl llmrun w M bu ofoifkti In aaoi u williiu Uiu 1 in ilu ol any lotrn, i i aaoL o A m M b U or tliu UieuiberB of Ihe preannL bo»rj» of1 atiob city orvt any Iwanl of Mich i-Jly. by tiio iu.iuidtiUiU! mrtlwilurly-Uw Items of tlm iioUccitlilcniiiilHalouorf e Ilioni with nil more, will w CD o o iliill witli— '•• ' IU iiioorpuratiuti w w M U U _ w vo » u frtelioliltri iu eald noun KB*, tx«e\\K lln defoudaiit or ilotwidanUJ "iwuwtl tliorvlu, luu c t i u for which Jiidgmeiit flliail tw «li veil, ai nnt ileliy, all Maid [»lua and wirod from nail Hw w w w H m i«ct,«iiaii, (imlur ll «h B ...^cior-atlargt, be and ia licrebr e* loo (led m been violflUa), and lu what nuiuuur tli It w , whotli wtiuthor tlie aiiionnt ot tlm jnd „ And bo | t ou tctoJ, 1 bat a|l »ot« or p*i ' I t a n d iileliirtyf; vlieuovortnoh ouinmii n m n . , mm tiu_ m e pi«jiU m D w uutll tUa ioaao4 WtslaosiUy of Hav. in t h e o '-'ubonnvjolnktd; umlou tJiuieUfru ment wwnalil, aud wliuu and lnnv, whutln ilntotnttua us abr««HLd tU»t io«(t ot*cU, tiy wliialiwy dvtrjwiit Biiiiitwt, term yutr OIIB Hiuomod elfllit bnudied and ninetyra ilwll ilnt H w b w 1 )IK>II oxucutluii orotliorwlmj, nnd If Milil HU w/orntUiotiniuta wlitdi A T b o u u be roinsvod rrora tboaui ol'6nijeoriii'jilBorap]ijiuluittnt or e*nl outni na eort onto uatm or vrlr<!H iili w h w nl flnilUtielrtauowmil W»jb«»licl* M o H m ,VHK lint pitMDtttltod til jU'lglimiit, lillvn anil jiutloe Bluill liavu.iuljourttwl tlio muA nilsaiuuard Upiuvlilutl tor, or whioli utotn »ny U t l l t h tit, coutmcu ant] dubli or a*ld J>r*vlD uo w w sold potto JusUttts mmlUirocBwl to huarrWu- for wuut.ruoinn ami by nhoxe dim'Uou tlm ..... .. ^diaiiUv »U«H b&E»*UIBOI) H o w l d i a v tb iiy.U dtmll i n t b e i l cr SDOII opiumii way luoon«lJtont with any or all or ttio prom w a 5. \ud be i\ t-n»etnl, ThU all aott »oil jurU by auil iituil t uiony and to iluUmnfue mid KIVU juJgniu Uioo^ul tnuaetboBnu ibe eatfe no Uoreb iuut in Kume was discontinued, whutlwr auy inmiey •itmer*W>catt 8lHtoHBlBo a sec in » P nriinludura t t ami be i u »'|is rwe'lrod ou account ul^tho mitt, nnd ir'ao trires a i «liait hit ll •alter med io au^li cl(. opuAlcil, »oJ tbat HiM aol uiiall lake elfec ifictgiiiooualitout with tbspMrialouior Uth tbe luatter nfUiout tdolillug ot miy iiktuUi Ui oBM o UU UiJl m N A b Tu o H w wluiUuiiutiuti aud wlwii tout fmm wtuutV — d h l l J l t eliaiJ, if juilgiuout -ot bo aurt tha «me we h«reby repealed, mrt H U _ .. annrt whtucror in Hide m U o E h BL n w M B bu o u that ttili tat aliall tabu eir^t linneaiately. diif,ftli-tJiwitlii»<iw«KW if low than Uio wliolu amount to whtali 'ViHiruveil kdrcll 11,18M. It ft |>raatiuali)(i to do an. w A M U H m o »H m f witulil liavu bewn mitillul luul tliu .... OS and clwilols uud nur • d t t u d b i o . u n . .jbft It eiticlej), Tint win m w m hu u a JVI in micouwfully pnwecuW lo judgment, bj K w H B w w m- dcfuiTiuintM; •M-i, U iy opdratlittf, ur Intunuii U H osoautlwilty siii'h le<« BWM " I I S aimiitui artA M I : ii LVHI, v u o by M mu bo U o A TKR V aiH ruiUwc umimwuv-u UiBSOldiutlcojuiJtiwai b m L PiirllitrHaoplfliuont to aa act entitled "A H o to inflict Atid Itiiinw Itt nut dkcewllng tl m m U U p oruiWoinativoityof ihU »l*a itiul iltjl AfluuDlompctloan aot enlltial " A n art lu lot Icr auppre»inf[ rice out) tnunoiaWyi AH m U A no U T w U iwaoiw • wt 8«in of (Uty dolfow, ou »^cU wtalw , ijil doukcte, u*pLi.Uvuly, of a or bo rcnuircil to plico IU wire or » u y ortlii rpotttuliotbsljpiirtlor chuiea frMliulilern H B B B o uppruTeit llareb UTontj-BB eutb, ono lliunBU K m bo Lrouglit bnforo hlniiuid clima(od with iiiilotiita of a crimiiiiil uitturo wliluli nlml aad«i: giimiuX lu any "I ttiu Hic«ctu, twenties W u n l l ( » o f l b D u r i i t ela«a fo tbia BUto," A T wm A L m w o o m Band ilKbt U"adred audTeentity-1our. o U U ranoy, dtoonbrly. tondactv iimiiih «I ~u iiuulo In-fore tliom witliu tntu BtAtt»iit!iil other bfRhwMi ofmtuli ulty. tnil Wtbat p L . aiinrofed April tlilnl. one thousand elgtit M U m B KO H H o m o 1. Jliltoiwcted by tbe BaatteftudGot v u or ouy uutlmr Ibo iiartlox by whom-Uui name \v«ro nun pnao" ta rinwin lite latuc fitm iho nurfeco onil hundred aud eficlity'niuai ' m r ll^lit o i r u u w i f f w H M»mbly of the Htata otnewiewy H m m what tho i-anio wore ituwlo. for wlmt otXmn Ili-rcof, it uli»!i ba oblatory ii|»oa euoli eji I, IW It ouaolad by toe ttccata a a a G e o m t ,nrlh&ii)beniUo»tO(inl<irsufl]i ii. U H m o m U o H BB utlonwaativVoHiinawivletM rviuter umiT to tile TVilh aM comiiiMiiimora a imp aacmbiyui Uio BUle ot New Jeriey, Thai >wmmilb!dbrt|iu twunty jull • ur Woiko m b m w o I vup|)!o[uuut 1>D Baifiuihd to read B* follow: nmi'C nmiJolo fl«te, alionriun die etraetf i i u j E k i e w b e H t t u w b o l o nttobBiof to bm&n tor itiiy jwrlod not ^xcwdiuss nliioU , » m IK wild complaint* b s Ibwn m f a u t h b y g wm M U »t if a |K-ran 7. A A itl be ii oiaiMd, 'i'biit, il any .reuuen ur otber liightvavi mhloli it is- doif r« Drai>Ianyboai<l.of cbnam lnebolJera ii_^.. dayg, iiroviiitMl, tlUjtinnU cases wTwru t A LM H T w UDm ly, whnva-wtwororooulvodl.)' tl»«»i Ihcml w A by b HB U D w drniiu t nd n o mo fir Buclipitrpuaci). mdgiving Ihi cenur- luli litoomc iuu x a l i it m;ntioncd anil prortdoil tor In t h e act to lino or iwualty uliull excnt>i[ twontyili.Utun, V.gttl.ei- with t b o ILuniH inn king u p t L m Ho U w A mM o B N w >m mU 'jjjolj tlild II a iuppluii ml, now boldl&ir offloc wlwro elio imulfdiutautelinll lw iiuiiflMtmniui] ftTiioiiut"t«aldfuoai oavli of. mid >tlico i j - ,1 locitlon. dlui'ii'ffiii ana COUHO of the u i l v u uno ol i|.ltlluoii vlrwili or oiln w u o w .'UfItl • tH'rau. w intlrrerouud oiQdirta dmlrtil to ua otiuiUnoi- itron« INimir*, p n v i d ' d t ..i»ll net bo cqMl i " number to tbo wbob t b o m m n y l w a t i i t t ] by Jury, Ui booouduttot M o o no n w „ „ t. ,a *ramp , jvaiifiii; ul' »nanl_. nnmbor of BBeeubly illatrlela l a auab count*, d: itosiiouHUljn'iiy on-'unduittball- v:1«uwHuowtflal>)oin'tlu>Uiitrui lortriAli LuurU-ooiii whoruiit life court la louitwl am M o o m n m b n ot tM tww tltlwl "An u t 'i> tlolhiaauil wippmw tttmua,' ' >r tlia exlelluff memben thereof of suiall uauiwi, and ulsil n u ni'iwul to thehuld, aud uaid tkicluit slmll bo tduro ut « BlruutoauatiUwi'rty w L _ _ m ow w U H w o ud iprnon Ibo W*«"]•rc1!"'"!^;0" m t" c sd Aiinlo puiotnili.oiio thuui»hiloighl ilnrlty vatoafall aoeli meml wrtirtof wmuuouplotUKilUiocoiiiityi l J l BAB BD m o o oiwii lu tlio IUHX.-CM'UI of tlie nuijc lUtul gaVdulj'-nu, *uU UitcoatsUaU lit BUIIII cltlwi uro sKuato in tliu imiuiur now i>ro- UUIH w w m m uw ol titiltiiwoa or tbu Kuvuiitlui; iKwly viutuil La-bio <uy Jusilco or tbo uo: vidbdforait nniHiaUroni Jiidb'umnt In court* bonnl > w * ' Minlof «uch cityJlmt BGall bo-ulidor tl ...,Jro tint tlieffork nrragioril ofpolea »u V'lot a t may bo tlicii muxfnmiC coiitiiy Mt>or«tii iuclioB4tiiwi»li*ll h for Uie trial of )uiinllcausu«i la cam Uia V o w A m m m m o U Q m M K mlrul at t h o Iwanl ot nliluriiiBiiof Mich citj wircBamlof oonwniQtiDK oierr onodull au Cil in mild bom] bj auy perwn reddiDjj In the ausu«i l I \wi> w U .led. uitliur uiion tha Vioif of -•"'• winnrrcuWdfortiymrtl) D o wm w ny B u o m aabva; ahull ba riiuo anognlicK t5 ilie RBI " xict to vopTwuitit tlw ta.i«e tUurda ann t u nrrcuWdforatiymruiiEUKti 1 be n minor. ](1. A n d bu hVonnctttl, That mich jwl m p o m m plans, «ulijoot to each mcillue<tlOD|» aa inky bj A oU BU> f» Tor ami daring tbe term limited fur the Kicb poUi» JwUiff eluill h a w lo Ut8 ilIubnAin lu&Qcai uliall II1M> carefully Mia and 1'IXWJI m o r m e n wUnom . other b w -- -iiroiJby Bulil boaid, anJ pntjoot a ' - ' m e m u m ' o r «noh towjl OT po inurh Q M B n vkw w wA m y QU m o to IiilllotorxommuU), or,wholly, rwult tlit uuib In hid own uuurtruom, all couipldliitHu 1 ; w ori>-iiaaiB iliull for ihtreof us rennliia; provided, that tlilf aot O«BH, unir] r] p l > trituaateu, rnlfa a n l reguliUKiiiM'flot louona o W o n H ttuaiUly iirenurllwdfov'U»» otCoiwo oommltttHl otlier iMiiMjiii of wliatovoi* dcsuiipHitn, in a m o U fl dollaoue doll w full tiud 1 »y lor ovury »JOU ofluuiw rohiUiujtu'anv- ^uit iiistltuttil beforu tin nu filial) not bo eomtnind >a alTiottnft in any *i«u U by Buoh tuiiior; und tiu'h puilw Justi* w o b to tho u u o . t U e 1 <Wor tlio townihlp wbur n ilurlngnll tbo timo tlioy nlifill - - — • ' • ' • ' Ihe monibetiUlp" or tbo place ol aay por«ou oc> m bo"iire-iijtlbni by the tnuoiolpil lutlti m B A m T tueliofTjiKOBlilllbD ouiiliulllodl and la u otipyluR a atat M> mimbor of any auob b ,» r d o • U l l Jllg U ' l tiUU blLll^r U I ^ J "• U m H m m du lii«IORO'iarh(Hjr(b9 afioot* luftuy eltj. m nd B o UB auy porBuu who alii'l Dacouriuieil ordrankd w M o aiuituna Uiufllcu-, ami .«aia — , . „ . . atllmtlniBtlilBftotBliail U k s effeali and pio w m o h 4. Aon b^it «na«W. Tbat for the pm um%».* ttlorsWlct BiiaJl uut laitnudlauij p m M B o U o o m uur*uhnll Iw niia, rpmiiin-Uio; «il >( tlibt&ettho »W b3ari *ti*.tl have oont vldoJ, lurtbei, that till Bima ahall not bs w b m o & o w - - finch ally, and wlio may n U y u t a u o h c l t y , nniloocUur »iW l»H".' J l Hioalrect«iaooali08tir tjlbor liUhw... _ down tuu 11101 BO foitentd, wlib in chargea taken aaaiuhorUUtititi t o r way a n y lonreau m H H m H w ny m o L glw.t u> pay iHiuidty liniMMcd uy ii Oftb! l V l M O a C K L V i » j J i i t y w UionMl hluill, on demand, tlollvcr u p ull Nil theoHlcinf this itale, ami XMj auUiorjsuba of tbo wliola number ol metnben it BUO!I — DW o nd p y o H o o u h B w m ianie,andallornnyi»i-i«uup i»i, uvusw foiu\> mts and othur i«i)wra ot ytluAovct A ' i » d , IB tue Baavi IB now ItiutUd by Uiu I iwn n ny w o ofinRtrnctlonofetMirlciliuiwiiya mil tinner- faolloii OF tbe I a •ilau liufora nhrin mofi B w p n ow guilt of a brvacli tit tlio iMiace; or atiy ollio •lll'l IIIB ^diwkot, t o^tl t mriptlou, toguthor with t hla i w k o ^to inliug a t tbo time of tbo paiaage of tkn aronnd ooitdlillB bonoatb the .ur»«ro, of »n, vioibu tt Imtt ior \ho puiaoiit UteKor, K o ny Rgbt oOouw wltlilu tuo Vn-Iaiiutiini of md liufMiii who sluiU ftuy tlinu D B o o IKI opitttinkit euoli clraati, imlined or blftliwaysf in poirj^ tbred iU}i, HYory »uob olTjnder aliall, Ly H Uo h u justico to le Bunt tu tliu Jail or warklioiuui t>: inccood lilin o AA M w HuinoilfirthuhaunamlBaalot »uou.jn & m m 1 K ? ? or Uio InoalfttifliorlticchaHnrf jjonttral ol«rr m o w m o U o h i And IK) i t ViincleJ, Tlmt tblssot niiall aieoQuttt; wltoroln such city is alUmte, toi Hem BlnUl all be iiont I) (be C'Jniaiau Jill ot lb« (aoumj R w Q m o m p o U m D K , i[ tlift*!wln nravennen In unj auab olty ai MM hm m such tlmu an In bin ilta-roUon may t uo u Buy m w take BfTttot linmeill>iUilf. V w M o bo o uf ltoUltiV£ their wild courts a t n w uiid oc icrnby nu'le HiiimHianto lo tlio uowtM KCIIU Ibu I'll oi any cliy iir loiru iorp«r*to n m R h mil tl Efo to |K>rlorui work lu aut-h._a «wh;; iilob) daily lUfOimt, in tliu f<: ad lo Uia board cronltd uy ttiU »ai; U aU»u u<i • \tjtMii0, iboru to be and Htatid uuiuiulttod fm Approved Uftfcli W, 1MM. . . w M m U V u ,iyHpaueof time tube certaiuly cxpreiaed w o T Uid toooiifonn to tho rules nnd lawn <if tho 0 lln», i»uftlUv» Uie iintr ol a»iil Iward h> rrq'iiro any ootO|ii U w mm n A & Tm aawo, provlrl(ML bowoi'orK that no such iiornou o nd ud ulinil bo a t a| (UwaelilnK thonurrMe of MI J nUaut or a.*KL _ In tbu uald warrant not Oioewllng fjut iUj», H & u m yb o A RO H o w nhall be aeut to such county jail .u-\vuctlu!U^ UninoMntaiiuuDtnaUoQ ot U» inaVpr nn, to. roplaaq atich Borftoe la & manner la bo Atiiruvtd Uiroh 10,18M, m a w w o o o B w w m to bo ivulliwd tlioro for n iaiigor; thno tii o m UnancuwniuiltU'coflbo board of nJdunun iwccillEcl In tb.A xfi ^u of otHwrucMon here^uix viditK Tor Die formatiou and ifoternm DB w m m U n MU U A nluotydaiBfoPmiy oirenucasnfovEc*aUl. rflromootlonetl, fl my cumpsny BII'III fiil I w H b m n ir auillWi'j-aiid such wisli tiooouubi shall toffnd," ai'pro»ed April tvvulj-toarlt m n u Tw m 0 And bo It ciUKTtudt Tiiat tba ollluci* o. aoptJn rcDUrlliMiirtiweoUny Btreet orayeuiio I n tflUUiblo book or books, wbloh HI tboDatQd^iffutbnndretland eifthli-elitUt. Au iot for tho butter protection or mbaeya tl U m W a A M Look or bunh* Blmlt Iw ami nuwla Uio » nccorthuco ivilb'sucti pUu«, it BIMII be, ill 1. JJo It retolted ti? tue K«ua(e t o d O e n e n l BU K U o u uUco uluiH' bo bi^ldu}i tliu con' t of. «MIU city,and sluul olta.lwdt D o M 1. JleiteuBQted by tho tieanto and Qu^ Anectmblf of iha Siata of Hew Jetaey, T a i l A A m d or npjtoliiujd within suuli city, U U H ( ta U OUA ER x ra t na vX « W atoiaieoltHl u t be *w\ Vt* w h o h w vlark ou »w» euutr-'FB or oouilnila nnill adol oral AttBemb'ty at Uie Bute of Heir Jotaoy y saldp<>lli»JJ ta HiwiimuDiur'iiiuiiiborsnf UiOpcllco turoa o m B w o w B Tbai from aud alt-r Ihe pui»«» of thli »o m u UU A HICU (lty r iiiul,um Hdd .prooew shall bu ru: l to w V U 1 H o '• • • •• B, ' And bo It auaated, Tiiat no UlcsHp tbo clorki ol tbo ouurt of com in ou pleia feu i t o l l o i T i s -' • • x ' " • V U U o w ud Qw tnnimlin tliu uniiH) iniincci'.ao'fur as clituiii G w Y A 1. Do itooiclod I r the Senate and General A m jlcpliine; clecfrlo li^bt or other elootno wt] Ibo olorii of the aevend cvuntiw in luia BUI m o o bo o D o w T A wB DU ttrtUiMmil iwrtnlt aa —' " " r IIIK tlio police courbi under tllbf n o t m o o bo abali be Leld poraonMly. liable fur ail monej AuiMiliWot tlio SUU».ot Hew Juraey, T a i t w uy o m U mw fisuod (i litiiUfleg of ttx und IUUHH city In till* ntulurHhall bavo imwu tlia luliabltanta 01 any town o r uorodnli, or H o U*ldlututliBtrUudiaB,BBoliollIjUU,«f' * boro >lio mrttco of ftny ttrBOl. or' avoune m m for tha trial of small tuuraifauu m a t "Unlfe' ._.J aiD hereby miUiorfasl to nppolut 111 uiu »oy etly tu tills' BUU» nuiU" lu? boMd. oi of any towoaUlu, uavmg a apacUl oUirwr, or w H w m O w w h flnubcarcouaiody <od liability the. c w fmuhuit or daltuiuanU fthnll, U BUCQ iwllre ror cnuli of UID iKilli-e courbf of oild ciUus i atod w tlilatct aliall, l>y ilie ratta ofi i A m o BU o T 1Mf J»daiuod.m&» wulafor ibctt awn.oao, ofaoy Ibwuiltlp fftileU liaa or heroariec m t y m w hy o JiwUewsoeflttoadiiiuni: tliu licarluff of. Ui iilerbYWliuw duty It nholl bo to attend tin o S A ThU h mw oat of (lie rodnayB io pild into Ibeir haudi.tbi] have a populatlou eiooodlufi lire tboaaand laU o w Uiargoi wwl BO onfcr,'untar,liiU> rocogi' liabltauiB.niar becaaie a body jwUtio and oorQD n h pn w w U H o o Km\ot\»ttt tlie court and to Hio Uxattiliui"-' U ono w m o < *iujo IftoaM llweUt* »* itwouurt« " w o ag near as ttiay- ho la tlio saint) inonnui potato In fact and fn law hy lha naote aotl tills o m r M o m W m n h b nn M o •Tm»j*ii«e*fto tai b.r ia»B KU UU O o tit* aat&fl barao t j od uefiire jtuittuni iir tho ponoo and in X L of "ilio ilio loirnolitiKWltsiaK loirnolitiKWlts sliall, u n u o r S o diiwitlou of tlio 'court t u H K X A KAM hh M m b w m l ( : L u o r towuiljfpintiioooaDty h , ' foi UiatrfoJoEHiiutllcnuiM, in tiot.Iwa than Lvirfn«uwl ct all nuitient whidi.«lin)i . - . •noli (uwn: Loiousuor towuiljfp.intiiooDt taoTVPiirof.Wiroi'uOffUl liHO,-or 10; Wl o by w m w o U Um H m w ny _. .--id^o'ltooaotiKl, Tnat Ibu ja w w uoiibla the amount of the iknialty: with such Iwforo tlio Baino: ho Bball, will** otiternrta* rnrnod hy an* oompanr oi tlilB; »l»lo« oi-Hi of t<m«l!Tlo« tUooiautj la WIIJOU thertm--i m U um w DOB tlia auciouie oonrUuro h»rulty illreuted, opoi Btiuntoa],'1 wliouofuf ai any ape«UI election w m b m ou U •surety aa tuny bo approval by RUUII twltcii J u t wpiwulydlrwUnl by law; iwptvu«U totemi U M o o B by I^SSoulnwiUuirofawelo.rkvc'-'' w QQ D ho m w w D m tlled lurttt%\paipono or kt a&y \a«n vr onai ' Ww, uuto tlie aiayor and cviiuuon w u n d l , mm . AhJuo'lfeutcWit.'Tiiat alt ooiiJutlt punaKlB* Jnrpiiewl fu tbu « m r t . i n •whlcli. conrta or oommbu P1B»# or any, oannty:. O wm w U o U U wm mm w H U Ur moot lug, or etooUbn, at wblob (he qaeitio mayor «atUldenunn uC euoh eity for aviw o w»ytt provided In tills act, nhitl beaoo slmll act, u n J BhaU ntvount for and tmy i tu deihtnalo tlm btnit or ttutf or Uaat comw U o n* o o U ol liMWiwatiag under Ibtf « t It UUtnlltad w o UDK -ante en Uiu day to which tbo enfil liDarln^ni: mo w p i u j io-.«hinh anou oDlcltl puall.dopoiiil-all m w n o n m U w ~ bo ftdiournwl, tuiu in dufmtlt * oC npucorau. name nvor to tho'proiwr allioont nr autiioriuoK w o B m tbosaJd recognlcaiicij may ba then coltcotet) in wltliln furty-ol«lit horim-'. tlmiiiofj.. konii a r w o r d ut all ttucli finw a.iwl m o B ww m A T ptrsonUTlabltliyi (iiorldliift t i n t e a o b .o(]loin „ „ Tu»t •etHlon'two i w m o o U U U o n ny ^ talceu in a. proaKdliig before a Jiistuxjiif Uic nnifofllit! nas me aaon niouoy^ w> depoalicd will MidaotboapdtheMinobtfroliyhBnieiiaed i oaBbyUitt UmrU o h nd D bluifo(bf«owi»l"iueUt.oriiri.»Ui While iu Jili that the « m o BUMI read tm folbwat , T B M OL ll iMiioru •«di. " r iwn ? And W'lt'oiialstud, TljAtlu all en? , An.l Uo t l finaoiorl, ThHaoPh W * ' H m w 1 B w o M m U nn m rtll m l antliorf*?it and ompoweml U» JortMtyjay where any person convicted hoforb any uiu w "'a^Ainl ba It omoletl, TUil nil tola t a d p u t ililn eanuiilttce or othu'r B D « ruing bud/ofauy m D m o < w m B wo o m m iwIlnoluiiUuo-tftiali'uiivu twua wmwUtwl )facl«luMiiaij»atwlt!i tola « t B h U l b j - • j « li iowii, LONUgh or townnli'i', upjn the u e . > a mlnry ot luua hum)red dolinmjior o > o bu m o on m H A T w the county Jail r r worklmuM lu Oofnuit orttiu •umiiiiii tn Iw iihidiiitlioiianiutiiaiiuernsnonr nniroMonu or Ihl* «ut, tu «ny ci'y lu which II w T Om U tltian,*nwrllliig,iif»tlBialBri.rioaliIoutrree. w UB w w U T w U w o w o m m M pajTiwntotnlUioori»nnlty,lhu mia'iicrBoii prorldod for hylaWiJur ihoiiftyinantof flly FbBJI Un -dilernilutid tlut-tlio e W r l e i l OIIL w o bolder»,maybriUBTOU;aat a u n j o n l / o r a U b D o w na w m rtnfltfra ahalt bo, planed nailer firiuuJni!'w uuiyjitany Unto provlona to Uieetpfration of ontdorHl liualiollbo rwnilrcd to cnUn* luto ibe membora ttitroof *doi)t au ordnanoe r~U by M d B m w thoadnplton ol HilOb pisus It shtll bo .Inn m w o H % GW bowl Wlho«ddiiltyiiitho«iriwitit«iin— IU0 UoWlag of a aucelat afcaUon ID. tioh tow , mm nd K &M U mB B w for Ihe Mid hoard t" «ntcc litt« \ eoutraol« w o w Uia imyniBiit of tho HUH nr.'iwually orffilnn ttws mini' <rf Uirt« tlwiunud dollars, «l baruiiuh or tonnhlti for Ibo uurpoao o l Uu•••. • O U A I T E B . U I L ; H h m o Q o poreou incorporation r<r thooaiiBlrual D K bo nu m o m b OD linpoied icsBonainoiiuc iiiuportlonato U> thu oldmR wlralbci aitoli lovf o, tioruiiau o r Wwakluvsysnt ooniwitB In »«y «itT in »ceo w M w o m U w B w D C Ko U * An AotantlTorl^uB the oifea o! tbia fit* to Uma already aervwl in HUCII publlo hwUUit •lilp Bball becoaidinrorpnraMd us it oirn a a d t r o m O B brU»o'l»«nl tnJrwS ot racli tity \ayh\ wltt. Micli-p<«i*l<neti cnitraot or a w B T K m y w o b Inuti bonils to excbaags lor or:r*y roam: tUB piotniota OT HUB aol, whlcU DnUntncu a t Uie rate of of ono Uiiildr j e r d a y for i m& o troi ot Ilio Iliiniinw Oieruofj coudltionol ft L w u b H o flliail prcaotiuo Ihe time and place or plaoaa or tho failtitnl i»rlnrinnuiij ot IIIB duties, tvhU< BB m w w M mm DB m l.*B«it«imolodby ttio H i n a e a u j Qonem clal cluction aud inch otbor ruction < U o m m m Iwndeliairbo ruiloivwl nuBoullv: n ^ o r v ^ AndbOltemicMj.Tliatniiyjirocooln wU m M w w U BiiUvayoroirtJnmbnt aliall li . „ Tor tin iiicmblyof tba 8Uto of Horr. Jornoy, Tli liad liuforonny nollva'jtutitmaf nny suuli i^ w M m o _ . .i.ciioR tlio aamo ia m v bo U o o w Uw u m o o nnt on fr M rtaaoTorauy wHacti'aoU Uuremloio I m u 1 „del-in Corthn'rnrix^.cf r&CQViuiuif Uia iwiialty for fortli» U'rin o t live ymirs; uiilum FnotHT n UBW m m o w W Ml neoMiiry and p r o p m proTldail, how. m w OB M & n w w m m m o »T a o j hoarJ of n*ter comuUBWoncra, or oilier (IIIi r i i . n i n *»* •*.. p" .'*••-•-"» » -p — -HO Ot n i l Uie'vIoukUoauf nn;.ordiuana) o r rogniiiUoii moved for .cauae by mitrli twllco'JustiiWft, ; over,tUatiiulcad or,pr-ividinji fora s p e r ' Uw m o m m K u iiitnimlaol, toudntu tUe coipotato n*mo otwy enbyrafi) ot eondull* r ud lull bo lu oneli fm of wchcity,Hiclionlinuiico niiiy.lw iirovul R tlccUooaaoli onliuanae^ may provMii fora «,' And i«-ttciUMtot,.TliatUiet>oU«ifti! o o m m n U U w K m U w ataw, W l ; T ti.^™uorU,__ otlior O ,' : by a copy Uiercdf, cerODod tnidot' soulof tli ilera ap[SJi3ttEl sn'lrrr. M)l« w t Int.tso r.tiUt aa flh^ll bo Apjilxvcd by. LLu sntcrscr ''Jr t\- Alt»tb» A b T h mUtlnK tbe uttostlon o t ineorimMUng a w w KM n 11 tottey ef nornl o i tlio s t t l o ; WIKII *uy aobniv \10wil ot * r cm n U t f CltJiii-i'uj Uw iutroiiiicUoii Iu eTiiluui Iowa uuder tin*'act, to . Iho vubini ol ai Q B D D B 'art- -Tnn» • • - i>r pihor-i-rM m iiduit Klialt hn aonalrm:led uv coutraot - UlKliODOM m w o nd of any bound oompllutfuii of Uia. ordiimupo i . «r Otherr DipBtu town liowunh or tannalilp: *t llio toff ft ._ w o B u m o m o A t 'inch pnlilio bnnixtof HK-II rlty, ami duly : ill o w o w charier tutoiiiiBoreltolloa to bo JieM n«xl U iuay u « n a o o u dd* rijiul L o i AM «™y b l t s a A T M thOrixodaiid'recogalaKlaH tbo onllhnuco»< — w h tliowbolDammiM of «aid untnMd humla, U U w V riiiinio W aet in bis PIKVI !li ccltyln l t y l n ri lh B tlia «anw; and duo uubtlcalluv a t all OTJ' which «»!li rcof»la lha o o r p M m of l i e w B w o E R Um L o any parHbercof»la lha oorpoMto nim« lli jS- *lurt'tiD It euicUti, That acctlon three ol , IUHI, «« » " I so aiiUng. ilwll bftni Un B U o b aiiMMandrofljilAtloiuiof auy imbllo board « aandrfcttd, tv u u bo bo bo denomlaalBd on tlielrof f4Da QB o v o m e»td «ci t>o auil tiie e»mu ia hereby unemlsd »c U o m U o B»IJ oitv of mii'li m nollee jiuuws. b BUCU city shall la prewmoa t o uaro 1>ei saino iMU'ers (miiieof oMTtolty lt denomlaalBd trutur t u uoiiiln, o l bboanug a ntul Il Inter* tf e n w * tttal the MIIH tlia" w«* «tffilowiis BC (miiieof Vi j \U'ers u d b oof l£ mndountilU^contitiryiai.rortjh. . . . . S And Loltoiiaa:(Jd, That Iu niilltlon la idt w o a t a r a w n u t eiiBmlinB llfo per cwmm poi w » m H . ' A n i l b u l t e i i a o t e d t l i a n t a apcolal aloow m o And b T mwlTlintBiiem><»U lldb (OiltfilsBflliallDoiinpojed dpau cuaipv n U B tlan Uo called, notiua or tiio a»me alifill bu M 0 And b o It onneted; 'That tiia bnnnl t ho m b nd m no< for ttio u w of Ibo conduit* nod mil w u b U m U B Rivun by idrortlicinsai niflni published pnbllMhcrt iu in IUU iu oloiualdonnoaof cflclisuclicltywliora wild police h u DUtrnalfd b y n M b M n l . t l i s r a utisll b aball b^ pay bio at perioda rot% IGBH^IIIAQ ti w R m M A m K m b new#t»»u«rii (iiaujl ofauoh ooorta a r e BetnblinliDd sluUl provMo suitable ut inaiuiliuieliteror murtlor. • . millvaa4i>Bii(>iliipOulliotoli»|iraph,t4lepliont>, uot tuord vuin UtVy >«&r» from dtvej %a\\ W cl*luonepapor U B w w HUTU, bofooKh or tnwn»£lp, and It tbera be rooms far Uia traniacUflU of Uie -liusimsw 4 HUTU, bofooKh 3) A n d W H wuuitttl,- Tliafc all ucts nni vable and electric lltfht off|fitaalD« dalns bnai- walor comoilMlocent or oilier oonipiteut boi m ud U by m T UB on h o b m by Uw noBfl! tu at k*«l l*a uciranfpcia pubttBUOjl iu sucl) courts and prucurn' uullnblo fumitm narUi of m-'la, goiioral, Rjecinl or local, Jnw nBfl! tu at k*« UQ«Mtt lUia HUte au a n n u m cioal to ilia u l 11 m mw & ibo ojnniy, and olregUliBg iu aacu HI«D, borCHA U LX thertfoiy a n d tmcli biwks awl. &UUt>ncry 1 iislont .fflOi.tfioprovbtltiiiBot Uita nut, t o (i arlia and eipenvca ornai.l bi»rd; siuti amonnl U w m be it °prnio Ib'it.oai bo obialued: proviik h u r t v r n h l p a l l»t«v » M to Molt vwx m K U o BB G o b* o may bo uoooasary, n»4 Blich Ixuiiii of afiio AH m o bo A _ can) t»iiiK rvpoaluiL nn<l Uitshi-Uha lli»H lio *esbM«Abj tlio aittt bwBtJ ,«na — aaub'prloo U .nln.le»iM> e.t»e«l t . l 8 who L u w B M n o unw n BMMI shall dtfilgHftUi tlio plnca i n nny t i t Ur two notki moaoMlveiy; ana by pilnwii uuo W ibllc net tm<l slinll take ulFtH-t iniiliwll lueledfrum e-vhi oumpiak-* br tua Hlatecu U o w m R BC aiiluuatof Haoh matured bond*, far wlijclipu wbere such police jwrtliwa shall M ror tli" QB o b trn'ttt In ibi ia»nwr t i n t Biato xtxa %n 7 . UOH l i abatl bo applied; or tlio M * band* in m C U traitsaoUon-ofbiiBliiiw, and lUo Uma b la^DUoei tliorclD, atloaatflfteen days next w wllooied Trjtn olhor corporaOiiBBj auob b6eiaaius«(tlorthi) niatund boDdJ upon II A U T m K o m m M ud D tbulr court stall bo ntxuiotl u w 7n eiicli d TTCflaihtf tlie llnw KppfknMd iOT £&o)i wptoial Bamniit thiH bo inprtinnod igsln*t M M co to M*?lernia t b a ? u u be obtataud, irltioj b u u B B w m Lo h U& o o t l d U t U t i b t U f J t fiteottou. vliicli tdrertlBomentB a t ) l j noticcn W w C o m BUtUbnor (lie aeuatiilatiti'iu,of tirty <1JU* R m M o ub HliallitpetllTaudiet f o n t the tlrue, p a c o o r w o bo m o m o now o m tnicli police JLsUcmj In such, city may he roi-U andniullliilfi ttwrtof,*nditi»U tie ettoot Uo U RW mM « h no M m w U u L K w T U mB O t a t a t a n d niiidoranvenlout;'and i t (a liorcb a u d i t the fflotporataaoalaf a*W city fcnil all T C o**a iald o« D A U m H Mo IO " i a n d mwta tho afllctal (lutyaf KUCIJ [w!(6e iuatlci* bo ilgn algne.1 l>y h majurity ot tbe oioniber) or tlie B icu ?peSl'el«ct Q BU K U B nin« tofnrnlsb tho lijarlfrom llmo to time all bo i e r J or y oBroraiibmUtluK tha qutnilon ol w U U on L nw o m o ue ui atten lauoo a t Ilia time and viauo n> d o OM lain hy then ilosfrod, to .CCBDIJ IIIFM lo op bo«d_o! m w o iuUur ioi-oriiormiiif! as a Iowa ouder ifau aol lit a MoftliopollonJepartmeniiliicIti K w ob m o m dgn&ted, ai»d IW sliftll tlosiipmtu Uiopoltcool m o B m H portion ttiii rflUttvo iluri'B'cr auoh ealf-'- neteui board, mU atiatl no ooaon-raisnea o w torn « oauwr mctiUUR. or eluotlon uoilco o — tita,"»Pprovtd ApillolRliili.ona H p e n tu alUiud tlieailUiigiiof Much pulieo roiir o m o B u v B h id espeueca; wlwuerur any cou»|iMiy i tUereoriliaU wo Riven by adWHaeraeni pubh o b o embtliftiKlro4*ii4olBl»tMiln»>• s o d to preeorvo order tJioreln. •''.--: , ' mbtliftiKlro4*ii4olBl»tMiln»>' ••• B MH o h D o B ^lectorrolUBO to fornlsU Ibe lu.'ornii.... u l e major o! iatd oliJi ui lu l a tocord oPt Uw w m U u llihcd lu rtw olHflial Bti»»papM ot newipauor* w m o m JO. And be i t ouaotod. That endi wife 1. Ho it enficlod by IUBtiotmtoand tat bv atltl uGfcrd. It BI.^U l>9 thednW Ol boula liiiewi <ir ««»P<"«* ^ J ^ f ,"«f n OTw by h m Q oriaeli towu, boropgb or io#n»hlp (nauj), ww w dd w m V U o Bo VBioiobly ol tbe Siata of How Jernoy, Tbm the board to deternilQ<i> from thnbcit lafnrina1 iuBtlca liorulrprovlilod ' ~ ' '••• and oople* at aasb rocord aliill ba mult w o newarwpora, pnb. w w w o m o m B w M m o ibonlil tlio »hionnt of ODD linmlrou ttionitui) lion lliev miyniilsin, ihonnraber ol mllta ol D o iSlrormfio thetreamrBr.uroiUorpropet JnhtdlnUioOTiidtyaDd.QlrculailuK in BUDII mU m A o o m Q o d'l p^vldod for H tb l t B o irlreoperatW b j inoli oompiuy. wltliln tbia i».lu[Uj4f of*t*d oUyiailo. baud* t u * town boroncU md wwoiulp. lor- two weeM aniK]muil m b W o D w o by U U oapona ttuolied for erury »»ir-j" •acce-uvBlyueslpfiioiNllog tits day BppoiLi- m m & duly HI dr«I »nd olncty-nns, to Ihe not l o w m m U w R U o w w . m o U 0. 'A«4 l-iton«ot*i1, TliatiratiTaeetloh ttitm«l H«Ul tltto.ot m i l b a tERt-lefed, «i 'd by'lawior HolW i « l i election,aVl"»» UielawoC thUtUiatototulir '-*-* n w w a, tuttber aupplomnai, a t Iho llraltWcxpo M w w um DiiM aot thill fnr m y r n r a n be belli to bs u ODm w bouiU in*f ha. I sow.ID wch week,and I»f prtuUd MMMM oatuB,tboitmialoathoralllrmiiU6u U l Uw w H U o o h « d Tm iture fur tlio purpOBO or oarrrius out tlm }tr< conrtitnrJoiinl or invalid, inch hoMlOfr, «bi prluolpaloribooaniion D m M toted, a \ tho option or ilitttioWer. ' • noitod iu at Icut ono bandntd aaaJfJonaua A T h ofuclMaatmioli «lty nwlltntnalintoty UD m D U o U notafreattbDotliflrprorlilOBBof Uili tut oi 3 AudbfilfennctedjTliBttucatO tUei Bw m m ptioeiiuacoladUeMtliawnd*!! pttat to lUe upannichimllm JitHtloarilinll enter into lioni wio"ftd41tlODBl acoumraotalio&e for tlio B MH o U m DB Say Nppolulud by law for bolJicgiuoh eleot.oa, B m b t o «wcli Uty-wiUint least Uvugwut and Mini ivnol»taU(Miliii«»6 or polion alatioa hn^._ nnorcoelvcd Irom water IOF1"I°<I «uul n< o ox *oy w U& UU B O U m U M u n l aad nowota .ikul « t claitnuretios, being frdoholduralnthu cityfo for tbe ate of tue police department of tw, •• 11. Aad be it o one led, That Hill act-sUa any TCAT be nlUolout t o p a r , *!•» intwost mm «hish o w b ud «hish u nt li naad nowota .ikul aa « ta mmMD t thai hU mttie ttU M of Incorporating Incorpotn A ww o M T wiilch b s KIIAJI W apimbited. iu tlm; tram all the nccoaaarr eipanBO* of taa oporaltoa w B b Q forttl iiuoation of aa a inch tlly M contemplated b y Btid actv. II' o ud live Uioosand dulbira, Whlcb bond HIUII IHI iho water worti aod anpply. an imaunt tiy . Approved Unroll 10, IBOll. T o m o w b uwa*nlcTUi»pn>vt»ianat>S t l i u ' w l ^i»t>rthen and lu auoh c i i e i t BUHII tw lavfal for i w w M m M o m ho U U the farm approved na lioronftor pro- liotnl having olurgo «ud cxmlrol ol HID UIU tn aiich deOoIeuer all a II be provided fur a uwa*nilcTUipn m WD B U ~ g lowii orobirter D m w u Bnliouttcd at tbo neit t liilod.nnd iiuninllntely tlutRiuiwa Uw t v r paid by tba aald city, and tlio prppor aatbti m o o w U w w ••, - .**.-• OHAPTfill XLTX. ; - ' b I'sny (ucUcitj to iaoreaic taeli appro s l ltD of aflloa of such police justico tJiall com inn ticBlbaroor»reherebyauUioriXJdandMqnlr m o b o H w U An set t o provide for thn eaUbllnliaicnt of * H o no From timntAt'ms, anon t h e reqitest • i. Anil be il enacted, T h a t Motion foor pr and lio Bball bo. fully <iuallfl&l t o PTOCRCU to MMM aait l a i n tor wi«tvurpo*o,by t. O o bv o w n tirdbiTinji control o r the polio* dcpi oommission of pnlilio Initruolton In citti •till act be aad Ibe aatne hereby li amendedao onofc to tha tliwliargu and iMarfonrviui-o uf tb< •tiob amount ai roar bo nBcoaaary, In adoltlui U UKOO MU _ o in any mob olty, to an annnnt not i liai tbo lanio ihall ttmi >< foliatni m o m o of tba accouil olmi in thU nlftti', wlio»o popi t u t l n o f blaoflhool in>llto liatiiti of' hiicl i. And bo it euaetetl, fnat any apeelal eleoU w w o B U o > U m UK iu tlio acgrogatfl tlio'tuu or one i n olu'.ion nutv nxacng} ur mar l i o r m l t r oiootd l S 3?*A D nrbo t H^t«ed"j:uat y iboff»|orooin : city, that immiidiately liiion tiio oiplrntlu .ioa bout undar tlie provliiaoaDl thU ant . l u l l L W U M o b w w o o of twnuty itaysiittoi" this net hliull fako !ulllsc d ed mil iwcuty tnoawud' dollaw.1 irhieli si m B anytltauniiO. . mieaioner* uf « l d city, or other b u m hkTtr bi l>y ballet aud aliail behold and ooaducted tlta limit. of-'expeudilttto ' miilor « the odliw of nil otliur polfoo j!wflc«i ( or r m U b n o o m D 1, He It onnoted by tho Somite nud Oen- oharRe or the water inpplr, ebilt u* ibo wai notler m o w D m tho Ronottl a o u rMpMtlag eltoUone, upeutftl nolleo jiutlco, nud nil imii B oo w U m H&mQ n u t s , or prioei of-'Water* wllh_ relercDce m m and the Totea itiai he canraufisd auil oounied J rtxwnlor's conrto aud a n y OHICJ %'.' anil lie ft FDiottn!, That a t Innit tho em B m Tu o ' Bfrom <teproceed* thewof the inter* ra tire manner P*mao4 by I*« mU A 1aM tuanioi.atlier Hum tbostf rroviilod l o r u r t of ten tbiiuuni] ilHlIan Ulull (in nditd fo cue iriadpil or tbe bandi u thny reipMtire m B O m N B o cogulrad by Uits net, En sudi city : «tutll n u anil efcry jaar liaceatlor by tho In* loty Tor , . now MoooJii or n » y borctfier oj BJ am) anoh portlom o l ttiB wuner i Hw w T m O H liulil In Bnob UJWU, torough o t townsbip; tue dctenuluo and en:t,-and tlio offlcvsof all wic •acltoliyjmd appued Ly M10 Boaril having nnftyu u tliDBBHOtl, a . board of .cdasftUDB t m o M y m Uw aa n i y reinilu afwr puiiiff all eipenio O U D abaU contain tliu wdrd* "for Incorporajwrsou* tlierotoftwu lioliUngthofrfllcenf itUli' abuvo ant) conltol i>f ihn Oaauoeii tp taeii d A MB T w n o o OD U Klialt ba oompoaed of and maaBgoil t a d . . „ for matnUlntng Mm worki audtawlnaj and dU ballots w K h O U U by m & T tion a* a lown pufler tba a e t entitled 'an aet justice o r reconlor o r Hi«clal iwlico justlcu ul rorluBtiaytuontortbo hoods jttnod a a u w o w o &o mm Irolted by oiKhl euro ail tnioueVe la lio known M tributiUR Ibo water, and aalarloa, <r*gea »LH providing mD U K u m ror Hie i W t n a t i o i [ a n d s c r m D U O U or In any s u m city, nnd nil police courts und bdbiocaniidflr tlilflact,and t h e a s t i or wlm DoiumiMianoi-J or publlo lualriiction, »n<l o DM mU DO > laclflQUtiil cUKTSGa vhail b& apptitiA llrat to tui of tonoa,'" or '-aii^o>t hieorporauon T • - a courts Hit rotoffiro iwtetlm* Oieruln, thli ii a impplpnitmi, nnlU u i d bundi nhi tnora Hun nno-hilf or l i o (aid oon) nU fa loners payoieut of Internal npan t h e boodi iimw eromBnk QUQ Q n o o m a a a town uitJcr tuo aoteatltled *an aot proUy abnlbdiBtl, and tliunairtar, no otlio iara boea paidantl Hitlillod. - ,:'- -.. , • •: ahtll IKI of tlio Bituo pnlltiOAl p a r t i i Ui« * uinlor A w n u w m o w intUw^y t f tbla iot, auil n t x ^ t o thi vidtns for the formation and goreroniBDt of o R wm D AnilboU o a « t e J , thaUllhaUftnd|>»t c.imraliiioiier* Ebnll hs appointed by Hie mi -i|juucu jaitiioeor r e o r d e r ur: IJCUOO ootirt • m w B T w w o rob^o ol laid boudai if tlie itmo can bo c towoa,1." Mid In caw tlio <iQe4tluii or tcootporUinOinlBtonl witli Uioprod*iotnot tlil ofaocUoltlearurtuu tutm otitwo y«»ra; cot D m rooonlor's court uliall oxltrt or Iw recogiilmJ U H n o j a t r.-i*omWo r a w i . o r il ibsi oannot m m o U anrgULhcity,fiiceiitktuh a s ' d ' o r ora pr sct.bouiQl'ueHMKitro iwjluswiUDWiCi}, ailon a i a lowu under liila fcot aball be ' D w U w mono Iliauono ooimtimlontr thall tw appoint- oifooioJ, ttieu to be i*fMyio*<Ml»J aau tUa«r< aot 1 o mD H vidodfororre«)ffiiWby.orJnUii8iu.'t. -. thai thli a«t ib*ll bo Jcomud a iiubJlo lad a t a tovra « ouartot ntntiaif ot e _^. D h w a : ed from (Ue aimc *»nl exospt in fioah " u b m m aremalouavaliiltlQffruDd to be applied t h t U U t o etToat immeillaioly, . V M W m E ; ; 11 And 1» ib oiuwtol, Tlwt niliun tHiut UID worda "lot ineorporatlnn aa a town nadar m where lliuro aro loia ttun ulgbt . vanie : m m JIO aacment o l the luudfl at m i t a n t y . . d Match P r lSaa. > - _ • - . / A b T n uayMAfturtlibactidinll Uike off«* each v tbeaot onlitloJ '»u utlproTidl&a; for the lor W w ud mm m o ou flru anpilntaien; • of tcminil»Btiiuo» BBL.. _ o I n d bait onaoted. T i n t Ibis aet aua'I he tuition a a d govoimnein ot.MWDi,'" abali ba lloo IUBUOO «I* eiuclol iwlltw justJce c f a n r U DD U b B K lour for one year, and tho remainder or tbe a a. paella not aad iliill Uko effoct imniedi- Drinteaoneaoutatlat-btmeatlithQ llftorcanA T such dtyi-wjibw oJli™ Ia lif tbo provision m A M UOard'fort*Q)cnra, eotunl \htsj tUMhoAiHT m & tills actslolished or. t o n u h u t o l , tlioll UU uidatoi tberoou: if aald worda o r propoettton U w w B m o m o U m ided, oco oU*a aotng n u t each year; no'I b H A cBlllled"An act roc. nereartor there BIIAU ho anpMuled erery tlie city cJork'nuftleontKuch city n l l . W L tie uarked oH or dot need upon tlia billot It w o OUA TEU LX V & w &U a m ny ' erlmtnal rj«oi':, patwra « i d docket* relating b i IIIM mid former > u i a t i m procoeatnRa iu-oi atiall bttwnntoilasa mWaflalnBt iho uniuj li U ^oariiifiiaslnnaitiur .(o Oil tlio plicoi oi w U B mm Mo m U h on o flama},appiorrd Jlarou tWuntjumBuui. twenty-aaventb. iun tbo«e WIIDM loruii expire In tbatyear, *nd In uraoe ot uulico jujsUco or Jeatnlov o r si«rfnl oinitrkodaJTordufaced t U u b i l l u t cliall be •:•"-•• cnAPTan L I V . M M b m Q o w B o tUnunntt tight bnured aad aoronty foar. - c a » or a Tasauy In any anob ollloe tbe uipo* ' iwllco jmtlcti ni nr In nny such d t p : and MICII mauled aa avoid Is (aror-thereol; if a ma> m o U m m o oo tvi'Kmiuttoaa »ot («UUcd"Aaaolcai B m o o Q w tn»l»,i»l?or*wiHtlfickBta BO lUcd BliaU Uiert 1. Be It coasted by tlio tionaln -tod General meat to fill Iho s*niD aball bo far Iho UDi>ipi Jvrity of the votei ao c u t at anv apeoial, town w H now w m or nine corporation"," approvtd April a el remain mi imbllo recoixln, aud too' www itv Aaiembtr of the d i t t o of NOIT Jcrtey, Tlial lerrn only «od shall b*j mad* by tba mv or aaatter meettOK t'ULlaa «"*-U be ta (*Tot o h u d m m nd o w nyx m w o m y w - - - " - " — d t i B l r t bwdted and tm at Inaarpo Btiuu M a town ondpr tblt act, (bo lM> Used ami oerUnMl oa oUier n.'Oortbj ot «J Beetion VI ot an aot entitled "Au aol rogula.1- xvil Ibe major o.' auoh OHIM ahall bo a m m B B od UM w Ing praeeedloi>a In oriminal c»icB (revufon), berei-cMoioolBililboiTd t * d BQe.ll U t 'flm." w m U And b T d w o ud p a Senulo ima Qca- IbiU h»Tol»eii declired, a CdrllUoaie of t h e Q H U n o t a tie; tbo i U o U o nd m now n and Beventy-foiu-, bo aud thfl 13. Andboltciia<rtiJ,TlmtUielMinato w n o FOmiHtntSocmnppoi r . l .sbkH l u a t vbenerer, br the reaiOD or tlm failure, of oonncil comauiieo or govorninff Dody ol m o is uciuur KRteBdcd to t t i d &a* foUawa:' m MW oaUuediatoby tnii.'li pitliiM Justices' nnd tbeii — w — — T D w p e r f o r m i W r J u u e i willmatpty. . D w W o U O 13. Ana be it eoaoltd, . T i n t the court nettled oi rofatttura diidlcieot nnmberof tbu aoeu town, liowugD or tairuauip, vaa aiuated B AU G Burotlos a s bereiitlicforu'.iirovjilnl, wiui t o B b nd o h •J, - i m i t>*it on«Dltii).l*liit tlie eominiiskn- hoard nfdtrooton o r a a y earponuon or tbii liy ilie clerk Ilitrcof, togotlwwitji ttertiuad U m n u d ooudiUcn thereof, itinll to tii Uio f unit loUow- aooml t««tftttl of tint poMO, Wid t h i Ji, U U A m o H M o N w T o nud Uk l n ; , that Is to nay;. " K n o w a l l m e n by tli«w -.M* ol Ilie peace, and Oicti ami every of them, • « o f pnlilio ln*truotlou ippolated. andof_tliln • U U ta attcad any threa aaaoowlva toeellr- ODpioaot tbe petition,onlinasee and iiase n o U ww o oo B w b in t n a fur e i w j o i u n i y or Uita atite, a r e tiero actiliiltbeivndtbeyarolmrcu; mrastja witb of uticb board, roBBlaror IPMBIKVduly _«.il pnaerita, Uiat wo, A , B, C, U and E,' F mflot o f tbe bowrl o r . c u n u e n o r Bleomm U m L w n w w _ antt thill pofttosa and eiorolao all tnn u m a byautboiixsilat theinliicrotl-n t o let tu hal e. quorum u t u « n a y ptoTeniod, Uio u m W o UM idty qf i •..', Iu tuo county of—^- , „1 tiou oftleera.:«bo e a n v a a a ' t h s vote, and H b W o povura wbiclt b j lav v« |atl i a B r D m w M U or AalnprlBu, unto tho no*t conrt of general a a n or laid company aball thereupon,'and —. B b u o B «Ubaof Neir Jornoy, are liold 'ahil'flnnl proof by auldavil Uiat dua noilee of such alao- m m H MO D E b a leKkttUtoUag of i, quorum ot auclt boaid B m po bound witd tho {Corpgrhto UU« r ' — ' -'— quarter icnatoas of the i»»wi, or ewirt uf Aj«r cserdicd by tue Jrpirtmoot *tf public Initru iion waa given, ahali bo Ul©d wltli tbe awroM U D w m •iidtBimliicrandiiunbrat-jatl dollver/f to Iw UeB.bnjirila of edmtitlon.ioboel tra*tto*,oai_ dlrtctoni Kbtll be heal, have power to-ant In tin tnimorfiretbDUnaudilollu t a r j or iiUlOx aad ham. a a l / a l t e r . ttUag tb« m w m b w bo U D w U m held In u i d coanlj, at) peHOOK who are rartm* tninfoneu o l patllo m t r a c t i o a , or o t d i t BOoU plaea ot roth bout) olu-ieotofa, and f j r aa_ aaiue, me a to\m, borough or Cnvntibtp ahill ba U u noto Uia (corporate Utto. of, m by m o m m k bQarreatedorimpriBoiied In .tbolr r o p w t l t u b o d r . b ; vfaalornruAniB oillrd, iiattu* u e porport apeoial meetHiga of tho atockholdera and fcto hM«w d w l a n l tobn body pM- m w m m ho m m o M o w m mm T i tawhlcliiaymeutfnoIIauilt lauugeraotii and control of UIB yobUo oondiituriirtoyofTi'niDarorinie t t o w l o d ^ uf n t d oompany m a j n» called byaoy odlooror Inc and corjKwte in fact u d la laar by tbe U B h m m m o M OT o U m&D D U B -^*o bbul Wnntyea, wir Uslnt, eaecatDWiu — -illempted,except aaoh a i jire .cr'aball i o a n * anohcJUcaotUuisoconJ olafa 1 o h u wo o w m - - ' - a n y three niuekuoldcra ol name t,nillivie*loio»ala»kuilt>yaaioiiinie and w m K U m B w O ' ^ BdluInbtratonT jointly and HoX-orally: flrnil; o w Jtffii «tth tte**on,; umrJor, uatuUualtU iiaie,kuiltlia u i d ecmMimionen alikl. 1 three dija' notion mailed mlo (ball liavo |rerpctn»l BOcosation, i a o *nd w U . "by tttowpresent; waled with our scnVdnwil aodomy, rapB, urion. burglary; rohherj, for fcrra UIB u n i t (IOUDB n o r r«i|airod o f or tm- • . , . « , „ „ . — , « K D m w n "bOBOfrl, pro«eeutB(oiddeiend malleoarla in m und tkholdera a t faia a d l r e a a u Km A w T w B A \f tfia ~ day ot——. In the year of bur gcrf orintplelon lUcrcor, and n o pBr«ii tii uostd b j Ian upon "fcj nueh d o p a r t U l too larooapptaraopon tuo booki ot Uie com- lii» n u t s ; liaveaaainnun i s a l a n d alter tbo U o o o m o wo m nd m w o w -xord otio Uioumnrt el^lit* humlmV and -i^-— pornotif ebtrgod Kith' Ibe'Dflentea or.»nr di, trmiOBi r oomK m u — Uraialitn.eUQMltHiaUDS Uwral far urue a t plOMnre,aud j m n a a i c , bold aad ooaw B o LB o mm £ " ths couUtion of tbt» obligation In Mich that : UIOJ ttull nlw Adopt Uii-mBOtio*H«tM»rjTi:Btia iliail boftdm rey real tad p e n o a t l property for ttie u o and id Btookbuldera to take BOOII action, by ob m o ho m thttaboroboinvlcuA,BnlmJlutill nud.tni .jRoUUoas »t to tUenpiiolntroeDt.ODOtr m AH o U U o •-•*— ' -"-iruaioprlae by tbe aM catirt Danelll or tlie town. ..'. ; M w o w &w o A daHoi, <llmii««l« uiil Nalaridsof tholr oOln BiBctttaUiowfilMofiirtllroJtiHllwirf tha v.11 m U w w L rterMsiiomol tho paioc,exwipi emspany ta tbsy may deem adtlaable, 5. Aud t e d oimelod.Tliatlabollao t l i o f Y U us to tlisraiiUal h ** of, in:Uw«unty-of' andatal u l i v otliffwJ«o provIJoJ, o r b ' loaoherBoroiiiareiimloiM o U o o w icem oxncdJnat and m i y alter Iho «ame a t iracUon Unit HkBO i h i l l lin 1«B»1 anil aaldaet be and Ilis dams bo may ta amended Jr afarwakL ami id all Utlon towhlng oiul co m MOUD w o o * l n y o l thorn ro a i to read u lulbi»«: •••>::o U itletiare, «oupt whtre Uiu tnrai o l ' uftloo ••• binding4 upon t a s comjiaor* • <wnisgntd«ltk»•uallirell tuulmUy, f«l w w w L aUtiia btaaohlilllcnri oromptojea la _ . . 3. 4a boltenMied,Tli»\aJI»otiaiicl n 0. And be it.taaotcd, Tbat tbe offl.-en of w Lm h w n i<rti*ll OcuUaadiwrforuit »rti*lly OiecuUaadiw »«;tlUyli.wj tiomoatiQiser or.otnployo abull w o w Lay tewtt, baroogti w vmanap viiiau u u U m m M Banft) accordnig trt lair, as wtiU wiOi nwpect „ aforeaaid abtll toiaeit t i n t _ Ht a niomber or iiictt-Boniniiailon; anil Ui& u l , Mma arenerDby ropoaivu, and tiiat HIM /oiod aa afuroaaiil IOT iuoorporanoo aa a lonu D w K W m m o h B o b Ml) pennniiicpiiuirnfttl tmtho jcorjioraiu tltlti o bo taken bttott k imUee ol Uio pu*oa reiidinj r l t i o t l b e ^ W c w * , toaeaGts and ollioi em- iliall take ofTeei tnimedlataly. nadct this BEt.fllio kb«.lt kold oWeo mX or w m t mo mm w w such tity), and at H10 eipIrsUiuiof. his eoli in Hie oitr; t o i o , utraabluor TllbvRBin vtlilcl lnrca a r Bnolilionnl and i l l otheri MO _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ P g o ny - Approvw) Hirob 1D.-1892.. , : tthoio term or offiiui n»y conmeitoe armr m o wo ny onk»fc£altd«lirarfobiiiaiocG8BurIunftloaal onk»fc£altd«lirarfobiiiaiocG8BurIuftloaalI anoh wreal la DIMS, andeicottil .in ano.'i'tllj .i lorlho m o r IB itt bB«4 w n U A w V B WU B B m U VM Vw m o m ' Uio booW, papen^-rijoorn* and wrlttaoi n>- town, towaabin nv village, It aball be Uie oof m oO VM m b m W M ~ o malnlng u tha (««»,«r appertaining UmroU>, pfiooh officer makingiQCli arreat lo U i o Ihi m nd U ponon»rti*ted bnfare laelt jimUoe^ot ' a m w bo * ^ t t ^ t i b l i g t l u * t 1 M O 1 oLlArwlw U m nd W UH KWEL T ET wH U o D VEB S '--••---«; *aeh, peaeeat.biB - - " • B m m m b V nU C K , aiuiFuLt,'. W IV1UI V ..„ . ,,_-,- . „ „ |H4V H U I I V . . " ^ .0 . ~ * « . , r" — - -7 • __ ^ LHO JIJHNdON u Haa a , _f the Blate of Kuw Jorwy, tbB Mme OTL . 0. Aud bo Itcniu-Uil, Tlmt in case i t rim two, IM vote mulicyi for UIB nmkiii); :ijftt any town or borough in thia oMe o n act Bhall tttkfi bo found UiiX-iaaTy u> oiiudi'inii linidn for i»ii luilrliig of the publk- rooiltt thuruin Approved" iiiiikliitf lliu estimate u»U jmUiimtlon r leusei pnrohwte ur otborwlso aoqulre lnads by tlmiinivLiJDiuj .if-«aid «aid tlftli uuvLluu uuvLlu \ pr p Lion, and, tlm luuUtoJ for public parks aud pluoui of pnblio rowrt I K I tlmt thu tt- mt votul t l iddmll I nut t ex- for banllli and reoroatlon, aad m»y prwrldo Iliwl by the an w wliicli jt-iliwl'for'ni'th' to ratnor«£romeay board of nxeim SltK for the improvement u d waiatanatio* of AnInAct FKIDAY. JUNE 17,1892. thin In ii niiinilfiiiiciit, o r tltls stato any mayor of tar cite th n »i j t'linxirtv unl CUAl-TKIl X X I V . w Uicy may tlit-iii uwiu«u->ba flame. muy ht; iiimlt! thoi-uto. who b twir a nwmber t h e r e ^ end 5 toS* 1 t't to npi oiut n cuiiiiui^iiuiwr (if in 2. And ba It enacted, That no 1AU& vtUo for the appointment of a nUtable iinn. *• il Iw iteuuiU-d, Tlint thin ^wM, u^ld su^!i"iMiimti«* e laiBedI or 01 purchased puTotased for llio llie puipoM pmp DIl •witololioUieplaw ol Bald jnayurwi»l l dttlliilt.'^'tti« jHiwunt aud ilutiutul 1HV AITJ.UHIT.M T-_>]H.>al a t ]<)»nNiirt-, wiiil pcblio pirks or p]ao« of public r a m t andar Appi llilii«lol . * H)IUII a J i m 1. Bo Be it tahatoA enaah by tlie Senate thin w t until tba gnTemiu« body of said LAWS OF NEW JERSEY. I mblyofUui jsembly of tlio BUtim of Now J Aiw UIIA1TKK XXXJII. town or boroacti BOBU a " " flwt pftwed » ie- rom nmilili! tu tliu litt r f and after (rams/-* *' Uu poiM tliu gavtrunr sliall liiiiiifjdiatulyttfUirtlV v oliLuiuisl )>y tun true t, an.l jmlilii; n"twiiuiid nn act uu'itl.-l ' CHAITKIt t. solution dMisufttiiiR tUelands iutna-Ud to vvokfiitf or t r n a ltf inUOystate b&W ' tidt mlrW KfigL- of this bill iipiviint, wILL thu ell ' hnll bo jrivou by Iho Iwnld liavii.g i»inlr»l 11 1 C H A I T K K X I V . l e r u u r ^ a l l w lenaod oi patoliased, with metoa oud bnand*, il {-Mill :l.l_;-litill.'«)"A t t i l l 'A hich said board tbe ma n i b " I " " ! ijtl.wiiMt-iit of UIOBOHUUJ. Niniu miitul.lo im. uub work, by iirojM-'r pulillo «-.! b null I Uwprioetotopatd thawfor.the torma at l l U b irt wlio Blinll be a rt*>l.luut and dllztiu of 11 ii thut imiiilu tuni! may Im %.\ lwenty-M>v<j ,..., .,.,.. .....jmiiil ui^tiV limi r ting 1 .|ii-i. v . i l A iWisl'i u.*.yi,t»,iH ..V jm1 HtaU-, ON cuinniLHioiiur ut initR-a, who hliall n»yraonttnd the oonaitions MA realnolloaa •aid city or by any art, eltbor ^vrtoTJZ v(!tity-I.iur,otul wbiub furtliui lid l-jf-lVlllLJ ULlIlt! S tl,ll| iMVOlllf-IK nnd M .VM ifivubUi'li couijieiiittiUiiii tu sliiilt Iw rwuin y- TIVWI Uordi twalftti Duder d wblob aaid land" are to be leaed leased or CJBI,ttwcaid mayor1!! term of om~ — -=-* lurk ami furnjsliiug tlm nmturlnli; coi i. I.HI.IKIH-,1 f,.r t i l . ) itiHti-Unn in nt k-iut t hllpl>lt'llli.'llt Ii. i i i i n l i by tlio liwpoi-tor of fm-Ul mtjuiiar of tuch (nan] of eiclwi u, u 1,1.1. » niip Imudml aud nitioty- pnrabBsed, if auy, wbioh b i h u iidd resolution lti (istNixiiH'rNiir «> ninny tbitit) Iw) [IUIJIINII U .If tIlLs aud n i i p r v l by tliuijLiv otely otaua and tenulnate. .lio, in llio judguieiii of thu l.u nl, Hirers I eiflit Hbal), before It bare any binding force or ef-, i j iIM- llltv ftil ml ciiviiluliti)- in tliu UiH-ii or uity uitliiu a •anil ilu :nw most ndvuiila^uoiu to thu -iiy mid xu< Ouiiriul rectonBildtonior botonRh, first bo rab- S. . A n d belt Dpwted, That the aaldc. j He It ounrtiHl by ttiuHtM ii- ulrii Ii sui.llnuiril WON UIIIHJIIII^I. •aii.r tlm slut" l«iiiiil»if t nlmll <i term o f (i UNII-II nmy naervo ifiu rigid l o ji-ctull I y, iuut mlltod to tho legal votora of Baot town or ciL board rf aldermen, or otbw «iior uu ;iiilily of tliu tiUxbu it Ne >i. An.l l.i> il I'linru-d, Tiut wbi'ii iinj- hu "' lil,l.l.-i'or lildilun tu wliuiii h t iwvetiUi su;liuji of llio net Biititk-il "A lui^ buroagb At a^pecial aleotioD to l a iteH for llii-, siaic.i.iili ii«iii i.r auirij.imyiii I, 'flint Iho said < Ai Oils act In disqualified as a. niember oftlT» tlitl AuauU hiiiiplutui'iit to anu.-tuiititlitl 'A iUi d r.n . II bi-.l<'| 1P inbisioutir of minus nlmll liuvu dill |>om.-r wenrity for tlm faithful iHirfonnniiL-u of I *£*$*$• uniins -r.«uU[ivvhioii], approval Murch such purpiNfl; that immediately on the pw- ward of exah» erf said city ^ iii-rih-<irt[iix U' Kliilo, .i iiit-uso for UII to riult aud iiusui't, u t ull IVUMII coiitracl,; ull KIICII IIOII.IH bliall IKI^XU-UUKI .. I I I I I - J K ^ a r uuiity-w'Vi'iith onu thoiixaud utght liinidiiN. w fl8 of aald resolutioa tUe govornic^ body proceed by liallot to select a luitabla nen>rld to IH) e x u t v U i I ' uuthorlty >t I N . / . ulilu hourw and ILH oft.iii an pniL-tbali' mich .city in ita iMnwnia 1 luuBi', und at mil iu)v<-iily-foiir, wliii-b furtliitr KiiMpltituuiit ofwtldtownorboroufihHhili oaaaa publio o (Ul the vacancy In s^d b o d i . i i MI i.r city, h l l mlnw in (hi* Htuto; mid to rv\MI t u tliLD U'iiiL' duly nx-urdut m tlif olllcnof t i i u w n t tlie raoiOFal of said mayor t L'd by miy dtli notion to bo fiUen. by tbo olerk Hereof, of ft lhm t l!!"l''.?,,'r!r«Vl'i."| 1 |i" V['-IL'\.| I "| I IJ'.'.''^"I'I'.I-••'''•' urnuruf thU KtiitA un »r U>ftiru tlm tln,t du' L'lt-rk ur the Linuiiv iu wiiit-li sindi city Ls fl c i w i-iimiiil.-^ii niidrwl and uluuty-oni), (HI and thu uimu in Hma und plM6 v b M « M plwtlou Bhrfl be terflKXoOlceofvald BUCoeawriboUbofttli.f Novi-ndwr in uuuh yttn-, tlio tisiilt of mi IIUMI, nlmll liu d fur nafu kLi.-j.fii)j w, I-II 1-iurtl, jm> Otaotena a« i» nuw fUal by the law in MIQ 1 l l lurotiva bold; tlwt Raid notine Bball be g!»on atleaaj pn.i«"r^'V i r; |\V 'i!iwlV allM U L r rart;ililil thu cuuiiitrullur ur liko lluaiicinl ollic_-r or HU city for the othar oiwnber«of tbe board of « . iifi' in miy i An thirty daya before Baid election Bbull be bold ctotberein. city, im.1 in MM any nudi IHIII.I hlmll IHJ II linn aw-HuJd cLUiiuibisiiiiii-i-HIIUII doom ]ini\ . ' -• IHirjMtaO <lf ]ltl ordi.-Htniyi.Nl, tbuii thu ixx-'ird o r u tvrtilii'f Hi; iiurk.-< c r liliicoa uf i.uLlio ruMit iinil nuu.-s.sary. and riuJI be pnbltiihrf in «t h u l one of the 3. : And be It enacted, That nil acts and nlmll i utidur tills li il. AndWitiiuaolMl, That tho uii.] coi I'uin- thiaituf nmy buusLHl iu vvidt'iuti u • — -il7I thu " t-'ovu - i | , w liuly of HiUd town o r n«wBi»psrn pablitthed and dnraUtlog In sa^d parts «f acts, whother general or Bnertiit, luUiut vy n>r Hit- [ miislGiHT of niUitwtdiull, hy [Miraniul vxam NIUIM linvu ULo elltct IIK tliu oiUinnl I " ! cuusistent wltJt wltJt tbe tbe tertai te of thia hia acVbe acVbe ami h shntl ha J Hi-tit pamed a resolution town or borough, and In addition tborato cuusistent iruviik-d tlmt mich Inianl nlmll not ninko » Hf.V H nut Id 11 or olhurivlM. IIMVI-UIIII If pnijtor l tl tall b be posted In at least STB pablln pi lOSfl Uie wunoftTBliereltyropealdnd .and ttliat lt .uiari,,|. Tlmt said 1 ^ „„ l B l llnudH Intoiidud Ui bo Iwwcd o r stall oidructur lMiifonii any wurk lu any uii 1- 11 I I I " Hufi'tfuoi'.ln uiv uivt-lud an.l ni ly ..1 iii li-ulmit'iii utiull Imvo )»oi._. liurchiiseil, with muttti uiid bound*, tiio \mw in wld ld m ilMlity; Qoltoe sshall not shall take efractimtueo^ uly v V i l i i i i > l i i i luilur tinuuUwrlty tit this act wlieii the UJ Mlity; tlmtBald Qotoe l-Ti Approved March 8,1803. . iiml i i t i m v IMIIUIIIU-S, ullhnr liy t l ltd tliercfur, tlm U'ruis ol pnyinuut uiiil irovnl o r txnic t i n t HIM of tliu 1MHU<1 or !•" ,,l 11. d )\nn,vA); III,. s<il<) r.'n,u, mny ul-o muti ilBodwrfjniate Uie lands lo bo leased or {rar.i'UI ldrf .. _., eh nud vvfvy inin.', fur tliu |iiii li (lily dollar*} o r iiiii.rlitiuiiuilitlnttM nml i-MtriutloiiK uudur irhlcli living cuntrul or tho Iliiaui-m tliuiviu IH n. Until,-!' ILSIIIU liialii IHWI linn ..r tho llvtw uf thoiiit-uuiujiloyud llii-n ohued (*a the ease mny bo) nncl tbe price to [ days iii tlto iiunimiii fi nibi a r c to bu lt?uscd t>i • OffAFTEK 3CLH. ; .'•In' i liy'i'l .mi in i-iiMi it NIIUII IW\MMV U> thu tuUd Lb i d t l / . ttliat l t tba (ba clerk clork of mia m\& town for t h e violation or a n y i.f HiJ«l'!!i- "ii-rvhl^tiiit th.'-'i'iii'h-i'l'l'if tii'k i • H l l l l l l .111.-1iiUsiouur uf miutw tlint nil)' BUfli onins, aupplBJuentUifluaotoQtltbidJAiiace for 111. Illfit ikMill IllltittllUU. iiuakikii... « l w . - f l - - J I provide billot, for e u b Kfo i« L t!toiiuakik ii.l »!au- IH'HU.1 i>i iHtivliy iuilhni'1/.-.t n ,-iiSLtj lnu iit'glwkHl to inuku iiri.jx-r |irovii tlie uppoiutmaat of couunia^onern fur ttit> '.'liIM- i-)if<ui«l iinil'col|«.U,| 4. And iM'lti-iiiu-kil, Thnt Mi IN net hlmll elcolor voting a t aaii eleotlon. prluted or milmiiltod to o tliu I Ifftul lie i>r Uie Mifuty of tliu uui|ilnyi«i working In , bettor protection of thu llahlug Interest 7t tl l U l i l l ' iiiililiv m t ami sltnll tnkit ulfi-ctii poiilal written, or partly printed Rnd parUy written. < tlw State rf Sovr J « » y , ' ' m p m a d Karcu Volul l l g tt a Npoiilal nth inliH', bu ttbull Mirv« o r can^o to utnur ; ; uml Vlint nil \w\»ami )n\U nf m ok'L-tiim Ui IHI IIL... i'h ..... purpotnK potK : tliat on wbiob BbalU-e alttw the wordu, '•Forthn sefeutoenth, Qua thourand eiijht bundnxl luoiisUUiit witli thin ui-L Iw uud tin- win.- ii f wilild nwlulion reaolutlon to pnrcliftM <>« the eftM mty be) nitm-iliutuly nn thu IMIMUKU uf ,'rltiinj, Klutiiig liriully hiiL'h IIUKIIH'I, audb.. Uiu i'livuiniiiB Inxly of Wild toivu u o or r borough uuui-or luuuuKhali liumiKllutiily runioily tli Bm O O landsrorpubllopnkiftiid pliam of pabllo: 1 Ypjiruvvd R-brunry til, Wl. i>.'nptn>int< l I •• "lllunotliuj Hi li givuu, by tlio lim,.-fil mil), nr In emu nf di-iith nr ace [don t frol w T resort," or a B iunUhe rflaolutlon to | e « tlic hUll., m i l li» hliull trail N. A i i i l h " lime nuil ] ndi iH^lL-ttbou-Huiluully liable Uieruf... | H 'ii .liri|:l>y> or nurohMo (aa the owe miy bel lands tot H uo CAAITJ-JH XXIX. ulciaiu mil Iw buhl; 4. Ami l«i It tuiac-Uid, Tiiut itnlmll IHI thu iiii|Hiiiiiiu IIII 'itW'n'rliV irtiiTt'ii'd Ii" 'Si'tU Irnvv pnbl'd parks aod pineal of unblio resort;" m iluty of t>ufd mmminsiuiiur of uiiuiat to WIK.III K BU orliw K 'diiili'ly HfUtf Llio m-ul[>t tbuiii ihnt tbo polls slittU open nl gBTtn o'olock Jn BU o w -(iiniiluiut iu writing MIUIII IHJ iiiailo b y IIIIIH to^^m.lTs'ni e tii tlio tiViihiii-,.r nr (lit) uiwn ni' el m w a jmliliNhod and ulr- the morniog and nWl roinalu .open npUI iiiloyu In any miiio in tilth tliat -.mi l«mnl wan uin^inU-.l, for t D w &MM lll.-Mlttl.-i-..' J i iiilnu lmluiif(uroiiii to tlitt live* of tliopi' boiTiugli, uuil in a d - •eran o'clock In tbe evening with the eioapitlilli; loiiils u tutht'tulfurd Ii t...viiorci|.y, ilili.ycd tliL-ruIu, without <L<luy Ut viuw uud U m > tjlwll bu iwiiUxl J11 n t liiUNt live klumitiliM a lion of from ono o'dook to two o'clock In U » « L .111.1 II1K d lici-p thu t K.' iLfiuti'Uhi Tlmt tin) (-linirmiiti .-iiitniiulliuiiihiucouiiiliiiiKHl of; uud If h Jrjulr. B fu Kii;I mUii-l[>ulity; tliat said the Rftenionu, vboo the rame mny bo olowd in < : i i l i a n I c i c i j rujiulr. id IHMIHU ur t-xi'lse (•ouiiuL-Minnc shullllud'iii.'lK-oniiilulntto IMI jtut, Im X w T B lll*l *U«lHllUtu tllU Illll<lM tU bO iii't^l, TliatllD- n 1. UuiL<?iiai'k-dhythuK<<untiHiiid 1 UuiL<?iiai' Nuuc vi' nn ii mi u nl sidnry of oiiuliunilri nivu nut [iu lu \vrltiinf of thu ilungor to „ m B . , iwd iiuttio ciuw iiiaybuj u u a that said uleotloD shall be couducted by tlie itVuik-iiUIni t- IHIIVU-, U'illl till -f Un- | rt-fiMiry 1,1 iliis hint.', in i tlil.v itiof Ihu Hlalu or Now Ji-i-wiy, Tli mi tlrij- dolluiH, iiml tliu u tli or nieiiilii.' .wiuTi.r tw**« UioruoT, uiiil in wieli uutic Atisuinbly ir borongb election oflkwn, «1 I m p i k o Uil« ]inul lliurutuv; tlmt tlio clork m •>r tinI M ^ U I till' sllltv IliHII'il i-onnly piiMlc ron.ll lu luwird -itilliUL-iib., t.i Ih- (Mii.i-iil.'.l i i uiu t l n - i l . i y o f county pi mi iiiniiiiil Hiluiy i.f liundrt.-'l d. nay, In bin diHOa'tloii, onU<r Midi iidnu UIUSLI ivliuiiuvurrt uny , Blatemaot of tbe resoll of eild el if Huid town i.r IKII-UIIKII Hluill provldu bollote A U ™ W thi tUitoli t l h lliilia l uiul ] i[j|i, mid IILU i'lt.i k« of MII.'II U.iirtU KIII until hu Hliall itwuu lib. onlur tliut fliiob dungei my i-ountyiiff this 1 i i' t i n li elot'luivuliiiir u t Naid diwLlou, prlutm ion |o the governing body of 'A.'' ^ UTi i. 1' i K *" i " «-Vi i i^V. -. i ,** Vi» IL Vi w' * V t " r » u i .e t >iil,eoiit<li-UL'U d, r o i i t n il.tipm-ofrrlnU-ti luift IK.«JR ruiuuvud. tvi a nn ininmil salary (if nut morn llunui ur wi-ittvu, or iHtrlly piink-d or |wirtly CHAl'I'HIt II. iiiiMid III ur (UlVClf [rn IIL-.-ir " • TUO, lltltUlll!tllll/JIU .-iLtun, on wliioh blmll l>u <'itb»r tho wunbt, jorouah u eooD at tbe same < m bem •I d<illiit-H,to l»» (|»tti by NUIII iMmnl Icing t l u H-IIU.II it-iiMH i.r.iii-siii.l: iiml hi' ••( tho '•iniit-s ol'lil-.Niid »!l)i-i-, hliall luku ami G. Aiidlwltonautv.!, Tliut a n y o.vnor . m m MSH,t ior miilnUiiiiL Uilfuril |uud?hM 'Fur tiiure*)lutl(m to purtilioM) (as tliu cast) II f n lik-li Kihrl.^ hlmll l u tmld inn ot tl iillliiiv.-tbi<|>i]Wi.i- ivilli llk-iipiiniviil.irtlii' - i i l w i i l - - IU- r..J|,.u'i>.K .mill, l u w i t : 1, A. i l . , limts rucviviug »ucli untleo on in niviitliiiiud ' IU.-1H..11 i fi-iiH ii-cuivcil l.y Kild IxmrdiL m w so of f rco car-iitgi roailn, thu wh-ilo In-ill- IIMI>llll!l'll r.NIH.'1'illl.'lllll-llt ..I tilt! hllll.'IU h u t [u-cMXHting tut'tliai, and rufnahig w TO H \nd U - i t i>nmtii|. Tlmt u » " oriliimiu-u l A T m or «uy p u l Ilu . _I iiii,ily ttmruwlth Uiu.1! U.u mini nf tn Liiy'lmrl li.>iis.Mind tin: ii.ljiii-.-ut' iir.iui.itH, d o IIH.1 (i-lUT;! B m nliiiiK nnybiicli t.ounl of uxdnu coniii .ly in tlii* S1AU- V.,v ,irlii..< •>{ milhurit mi* may I to lw « roefivorixl «iK-iiiiily iirimiis.' and h \ « u r Itml 1 will jiinlly *ory^nlJli.rVK^i'VnuK'tli^'NttliiK .'»r'I'II U w i.r llu- Slj.k. n S mil)' Iw I I - I K U M l.y tliu ronui i u u d' ilollurw, lillmw, Ui oiivur Iti an actioii lUii fiy a n y law fi.i' t l a t pui'i>osu. It hi ml ;\fV*-y, Tlm rpulilioiNirkiiaiul [ill w of publluj rowiri; .,ml h.m^tly k . v i . IIIL- IhwbH, i n u w n iiiuf wrll- FJilil census uud ihu Miid oil II im-i'itt uis; nml In m w Uw .uiHll ..i- ..thcr i;!i,- U H |y ..f tliu to -..rhi.i'ulkni nf tills stale. In II (imtruvt by thu wiid coitiuil . ..nvfiil, iiiuf u n y mi.'!, enmity jmliliu r.uul w Ul UlO IKills Hlmll OIU'U iii^n t-> mt' .•- ii ii i ii it Ui I mid tu In' i'.>iiiinilU.-<l l.y bull nroviilu uud furnish ilu- < nVtock li m U i- rity within uii.1 Toi- tvlikb»ai<i buurd ..f raiiy Km»ral latv of w, lu hin ludivMuuI iiiitni'. in uny e iii-riiL.ii Kiurd In liiroliy u u t h o i i / c l nml ciuiiowuivd U> w ww W o •niiipinlnliu.llh UrtiK'ol' my suiil ollltv, nml Una 1 will fultli- Jauk, f.iniLMitid MH-II i.tliui' nt.illunt-rj w m * iui ( 'sliibltKliwl;indviil .1?«, 1-l.uiWftlieimiii,. pfU'tit Jiiriwik-tluii; tho wild lino, like, appioi.rlnlo, iiiiiltitiiln uiul licup In ru w m B B m & fnllv uii.l li.-in-slly ,1,-rl'i'iin nil tliu ilutiis ut iii'y; iii t i a iv|H'ulini;<unliiiiiiK-u hliall li •air, tliu wliolu o r a n y iiart of nuy tmltlii A T Uw l ti l 1 Hm( tli tl. ir » i ithin thu UIIID w u bi]>s()i.f u t luiuttlirt-o Van tllCKlUI I.II1.V IHI-lllill^t.. till' iHMtl'f III.' t o l « IMU.1 t o tliu ovui-WH-r .if tlio (NKforavL-iinuwithliirfii.-li cuiinly Unit hu: m mm issctlunlil lhc> btitsouf uiliimm'o t luiuttlm-o Vwu uillitli.' -i,,, I n^ulnl iivovVlin ou. whoii tliu Kuumuaybm'lui<LHl;tliataiitd w iiwualiiji in whluli HUL-II inlnti is IwtuU ;on nisivmiiimti-.Mt liy tiio niitlim-itlut of milva w m Wv i\w )mss;vSu ..1 Ui L-li Imard of OICIN wi-intmitl.'iil, iiml n\u\\\ lit' milmi Hliall IHI mtiiluctttl b y tlm toWL o r ""VIBII tin* "iitlh'iV M m IIL' UMJ of tho )M>i>r of wd.l township IWIIBIIIII. this iiiaciidmnliu.1 iiurt of wlili' Aii.ll.--it A irilii'isUiljli^lnia'Ut <i t' fui'tlh-ii'M'1-vic.'s IIKIMII! lvho BIIUII returu a •imoutH Hftb a n y public rond .ir in il liy tin* p It. AinllmlL .mrn-Uol, Tliiit ttiln a r t D a m m-li mid .'von i-liilil's in uintjiit o _ _ nalU olecUou t o the ndur Uiu uontrnl of a n y cdiinty puldlu . . . . ln> ii'lmiiiMi'i'iil I.V (i jutl«u i>r iko utreel iuiuiediutolr. w lmiL-i) uitli ihis m-t, ivlik'h i iU'imcUM/rhuUllncUaiidiui uruliig Uinly (if wild ld town o u r borough boruugb an u a r d ; ami iiiiyuiii'lictiuiily imblicnitul bmtnl t i*l nf r.T.ii-.l fu tills ntiitif, w w Aiinrovod Kt'bjitary i'i, ihVJ. lukll U' jmlil In tljowilil i an Ui0 s bs inadu. ivlilcli BIIUII bu aim boruby fnrtliLT UIIUIOHKUI n n d un du. Amllwil uiuii'tfd, Tlmt Hit! M D m-. a w o J I r i J l ru^nUr lliotik k uf inlnut l f id waral U> a|ij)r»prinU3, grudi 1 , Irnjimvo a m iitortii In the l l f h a m UIITIIIK Ltf L'HAII'EK X X V . ii.l l>i' II riim-U-d, 'i'liul, i n . i i d . luidiuuiw ur pavu, aceoniiu^ t o Uw tutCor. li.'thiiidl'tll'b'eirL^rinmi'wIlil'l.Oy >vaor IKII-OII^H. III lllL-dlllilV l tin* ortill.-uli' of tin O o ti.v, n i' !ii, ».id o U m U i.<m*!lvos(ir tliBiHtwurn i\<iif.HT.i u Act t n autliomo any vounty, rity, M-tsai, tu\y i.'<Lsting publlu roud ur nvuuii l. And Iw it eunuhxi, Tlint if a majority of m m i lifts T H B w o tun 1 "! i M s i t t i . U shall \m iwrf+, iiitu or otbur inunlclpullty t o convert COUJJUII j Icjjril VOUH ciLit a t uiid uluutlon nlmll bu lu m m llH IW ill tilt' IL-WM-IIL III tvl'ltillKi'r tllli nl'H-ku-i • ' " I>lltiul (MIlllL-Ctlug Wltll_ V M r bduds into iwlriterud UiiKbi, and r^convoi 1 ' CHAPTKH X I X . eaaud I'tir of ktld leuulution, thou tliu ^ovomlnir U ivj•!•.-• ntiiitf Iw.i-lhlnls in vnhiu i.f ILlU.JI'I^LtL I l l l , M U I I ' IU • .1".* >*UII|IJ1 I H I 1 .'ll.lll--^~ >rtiikiiii, »ri"ylnx for lli.» Mwwitnuutploasure. !uiihlu clllwior tlilHbliitt< Uicroi m iiy of HUL'II luivn o r Uimugb Hliall buro thu ll ill t k f il r l i>, IMIIMI for llm fiiitliful und 1'iul.}', nnd ull A T 1. Ilu It eniicLod by HIB HOI in to and O n u r u iimiiituin it lli-utk'juiruiu'iit. ^ ^ In.I uiu — ' — itliorlty to loiwo o r '— limn>M iHti't.iriniiiK { tliu dutl.-.t .if mild of- Mlkuiiiloniib.-i-ii.-ti.iir any li\ iii iiy nny Uittmliln i n tin' twin ity. bossembly uf tl.u MtaUi of Now J c n o y , Tliu 1. 11.: 1 macU-a by tliu HunuUi nnd (iunm R imU for tlio imi'iiosurf ik Ii.v, lh- KIIII IH.II.1 •:, h-iuipr.ivcd by [i Jiul^'in nil if u t o r n w i r tliu t c r m i m d ixiint wliur IIL-UOVUItniilor a n y e x i t i n g untboilly ul 'imiiy .if thu KtnUi of Nuw Ju*oy, Tlml B w m lutiniii mid uud bluill bliuil'lm^o imvo Hi llio I i o w und uutliui" nr JiMit-o <ir nny (-(Hit! iii in tills stilt*?, r i ' i t l n i t liiirixM), iiml t t t r t H 4 I l iy Nudi imltlfi! rouri or nvminu luw l i w n mu Wj or uny a c t tluittiluill Uuivivft^v ^ juvt&iHl ill (iticuof tliU xUito I. mid IVI.WIILHI, HIKI Uiis urt iMiiiu thu IM>U(1S of sold town o r b-irougli w m iji.rily v..l-> " f till t\w ( K n v t o r s ,,( tuuilwdotf urorusniduy a n y mit'll count iy (NMiuty, city, town or imtnld|>nlity Iu tliL .Mliud w nmy lwn-ufU-r cMnlillsli Hum diaiyiiutcd in ttal.1 n^uilutluu, wflil '..iVYlii' iKitl'i'li" 7ililn'iiiiil..'n'"r W .!lMi^lidj iiiiiiii'.ilituiv.^ ."•Hill, lilie rood Iward, ur by n u y township wlthii III (-..iiinilh.Hli.n.'i-s, i-jval«l undur nud by titu Kliull luit'di iKiivur to cuupon bonds m V> btuira r a l a u f lutoruit nut uxcwdln" w tali, n mi'l MII.MTII.MI, hlmll \H, n r . l n l n l Iu IlitR m m :i. A n d IH w „ u'l.'.l, Timt II cmlll m iKianl, ollk'or or autlioi-Ity or nny couuty, h u m o r iluiHri myii^ivnl Muysuoiiid. U U >g(d ratu, piiynblu ta-ml-annuully, tli iiJIk'u nt tti.-«-civliiiy i.r»ljiti', ami flic I in Hit b ILVititlK I h i . Ity, toivu o r niuulclliulity hlmll havu \xmuv unwind I'iglit liiiniliLsl nnd t!lu)ity-llvo, adnitliiii tlm uity, ltA, L-XtiflltHl I.V HUiJ w o D |iul tliemof to bo iiayublu iu fifty yuan, CHAiTJ.ll XV. coiivurtnuy COU[HIU 1M.IKU itwiiud o r Inre' ' " A n iut I.Iloimivc tliu llro mid \x... m y I U ^ ' i l H l i t .1 • U ' r l i K U -jiur, a t tiio option of said town ur borkept ii lit; MIL- |.UIIN<- iMiiKj-Mif IILH .illluu. vr tunned Into n'trlBtuivd bantU, by cutting t3i(liuiiiz[iijjniiy ma-li public ruiul o r ti\ tnit'iitii mini iK.litlt'id uiutml." tho crol iici-riiiiin tin- foiistitiiiinii o r tin' d o o m R w wB m i(,'b, duty of of tho tlio guvci li, and and It it Hhall nlmll IIw thu iu duty guvtiru and un.lor tliu sfiii HI Mini nmijimiyj m m mi mid i^UilllMiniLiiliif aiuil.l lliu tl. ) ivitli tlio ulijoet of i-omiictlni; t b o wn *. And Iw It MIIUW. 'nuil tlii- act entillwl iiiini'il, l-Hiid IIT ali].'nii«li .n-«tlii'r w m m en UUd WlUUC'lllug UH) UUIIIXJILS uttlldlL'll t' m » bmiy ol micli to n or borougli t u inako nltl.liiviL.if liio KHTftnry nf said (-.Kii[>iny out HIIIIII U Im.l und nuulu by -li a n y pnlille r o a d or avt'iiuo iu nuy otli l«»ly ut nil rll.i-.siit' lla 1 tci-nn . and slinll <rrlto ur ]Hinl UII thu liat R > D[ (hu bonds H itemed, nt nut low tlmn m iiity uf tlilastiito.mljoinini,'tlio cuuiity fNlid I..I • ' " • ' m Jd bund ur bunib a u.Ttilk-nto of i w i _ . . ^ mid hu r m 11-ii p u r vuliiu, in'tliMsciiTuf ^ i i l V m n j i i n y , uml Uiiit'tlioMtnintlu^whuifili HiR'h ust(!iisl(iil Iti or HIIUII In* iliiniMUJciiPrii ii, ulgiiwl by tliu nrojwi-L'xit-utivoofllocr of m B w m U i.l o , u.'Lr. iiml ]m mw m M (1-i-Ht'xn-min;; sni.l c.itilkul.- nn; tin- mtiivn, a tln-iHj-f'.iii'ttis ile, and It in huroby nimlo lliu d u t y o r n n y 4 A n d IHJ It, Tlmt fur tlm pitrpoa iv Joi-Mij-, Tlm < iwunty. uiiy, t o n n ur ntlnji- niunieipality, T of isal myiiig tho pi'ltuiipul a n d intorosla of of Hjilrl 'I mm I ion, usripn-KxiI lln-rt'iii, hlmll L tvilh til.' jJi.ivlnl.JIHof tlili* L'h county public road boui-d t o uiaintiilii m Ich curtlllcato tiliall nNHo that thu wltliiii Ull Ullllt III 1110 MC.m.I (-11LMI III tills Hi lit I! jl 'J. And bu il I'liiix'M, Tliut iiimn tiion.ln|] m 1 1U, ivs tliu mmo shall btx-otnu due, and d fo Ui rn i in kit In tin) ultliu nf t l i u . l . i k i.f |lu< kwip Jii i' t", a t* tbo " * ' w m iil fa hm-ohy converkil into a rog' " .in (if Midi iv.s-MHnu ...-^.blWilnL' a I Ml-1 Him a m l l M.i^i 1 'Tliia"t"i,h uir pnriioso nf uroctlng, ioi nictlnv h furtluir f-tiiiiily whuri' t l - pi-iucijuil .iflli-o nf will , und every |wrt of mi}" ity, tho w thuVimZmulu^ IHirlim-tit, it hlmll IHI tliu duty (if MI Id Inian m U w TA ul, with thu intonwt imynblu tiiorooL w m VM U U SuWiniiiB bulbllugB bulbllugB, jjiavlllllouK, i-onauiiSuWiniiiB j.iuiy'iK 1,,,-ntixl, iiml Ifu-it-nfl-.r 111.*! In tin* r u a d o r a v i vi'nliu ' t i u i ) iw B' J tukuli, tuKuii, ii[.pi iiiipiujirlaltxl. llio i-niuiiilssloiiu-rM Ui [1PO6011U0 Uiucuin w n m o mally, a n d from a n d iliurt'iift^r that couC M w w nl 1-V-li •y S, 1S«. iim.«'..nii.. MK>ii>1iirv .if Ktiitc, tviilch t w o n l . bniirovid nn.l niacndainlL' ..1 • IWIVLHI ,-, -alks, - , aud for tho Kuuoml „ 1 iniproveui ciiiiii'll, liimrd <.r iildLTinun, o r nth.>r r tlio vl iiiailo by tlia bond Hhutl IH) imivurUid w w UU by m m M and pliiow JIIIC of pubt'MiilJ ;; jirovhlwl, jirovidal, how I UK .hull Iw «illiin thirty .lay* nflor tin; _ro"nwnld IIOWOVLT, tlmt n o jnt uf Hiid Hiid jiiiblioiarks jiiiblioiiariM and virniujr b.Hly ..f yii.l city, u ddtuiktl state J oue, nmkliig tlm ijrindjwl of tho R w C l I A I T K I t I'UI. blici-oddoriu'oiutotibul >nt of tliu uiiK.iiutot inouoy m.-wlud fur th. 'h public iiwMl o r iivomto ubull IHI cxtomli>(l, ' ruHort, said towiw aud borouglu nro horoby 1K«1V nf nil KIII-II cltliw lynbluattlKiUiuostaU.-.l lu tbw 1'wly < m Um m •Uii, Tlint IIIHIII tliu Illint, [eu, uptiKiprlutcd, gnulud, ii itburlMil tu li'juw, rent o r hlro for a u y ipuclniL'iiitifi's Iti anil An- t-ii unl, uud tliuiutonwt Ihciijoii tiayablo Jl-diawl Of tllU fJigltlM, UU>UHilHIUIlllllll>liniTm MH tbo iilllt-u of tlm nwi-otury lainintMorjMtved an tiforoiiaf.i, Limn u cur* tl tliuu, uiiy. iHirt of (tuid i>ro]K)rly BO UCnf Mild i w t i J l u i t o H m HUCII CILIL-M, u n d cntli .>l lmiallyto tho iwraou In wlnW iiam miiU iMiii>.!.-s.-au<i-ri.rtliu OITL'L-HVK wtn! "l B u lud cupy ot tliu ruuoliitlon or tho county tiiU >r|H>nitl..ii t,|jitl| In. M iiml not ii(.-cct«ary for public tuo exclusiveclti(«t Kiall, u t I h u m i itfiutry of tuiia twtidfihiill Iw nmilo.di-1 I'ity d ' tlio HJiid lire di'iKirlniL'iit, and it (.1 il'lwanl mitiiorixing anil l'fcuiuI-IIOIIK<.-<I ikH thc-i.-ii lilted, I Kiwo or itKal ropnaemalivu, thnt by u_. .. • fts i n tUolv Judgment tuey doom proper ,(o; i i i n i iitiif Nm m i\ivukil I B \ty of wild tinniiimi fuuncil, \m\n\ ol ulilcr.„ thu wtnio hlmll IM) Bubmlttcd to >H nf tht l i iunt of thu liersou in whoso liama tho noid oh mini or BUUIB of money as they uiaytloou W l xhi loivrmi.l olli.r IJDIKU rullhi m m irnUit'rgoroniitijrbirily, and it is ' — id .ippnivcd by tliu Loan] of chosen frutii-ii}!llal i*l.M*k mi.l" ir v i i l n u o f i i'litir tl». 'glKtry HIIIIII bo tnado, tho iiniiwr olllcura of tbe buHt liiU'iisstfl uf mid toH-n o r borough : m m I ill I'ei I tn I.IIM* Midi iiiomiy liy tho NIlliL' I'll*.1" K' lU'lfilllldV.! 1111(1 B m ildars of tbo county lvhuroln any. mich m w w by u.ll t1ii<r.-n u«r ! Id cuuuty, city, town or mhur aiunici|iality it ttia ujoJiey rccclvod for HUCU leaws auu <iU<tt, k; of buudH tu mi unmiiut iwt fixwi nil.-, Hi (a-u- i •. tim ly public road bwn-d muy or uliall ox 1st. m w hni» Illlll-U fflHNlyurm Ktut.Hl llmn-in, til ivi'lllli'd ti jiy df wiiil tj mi tl ioi'i>*iod to dVuElttttir tLio muim fi-um tlnm tlio viluRus os uro grautod shall first bo applied lh» "twin ..fftiv y m ; j onsaiiil dolbrri b> i-iiuli (ino tboilwu In »IIIL-II to lniikL-diM^'Hlliiin f And be It ouactod, That tba costs of any w B U U i.rliliuilu l.ytlnf l U »liall UUinoJuUiouataonoftliu party nidhorlwd b , Hint tlm m.-inbuiM <,I tin. p nayuiout of mich u e a ^ t - y itoprureineuts ntttuf mi.'li city, wliluli Itoiida wliiil [irovoinciit or itiiprovL-inuuts lu tlia oxtenaof w w ' — wut'li rtiglstry by tbo coiiM-at uf tho A T n ODB (iiniitini lonueil, IHIIIIII uf iililuniicn o r vu m.nv llnui twuiity nor IIUM than too > ;, ^radius, Itiiproviusiwd tiuwuidamlving ua M m U U U U liN U. U A LU T m oviTiijtiK Ixnly iiLnll Mich slinll l mil, ami tiluilt k'ttf lututratt Rt a rate n«l t « [' of HIM Niui,. i>f A'l'wJi'iisiiy, Tlmt orcwiiil by uuy BUUII uuunty public road •X m{& Ivmiil mill until imi)ilulinnty. ' time", atitftuV baluaaj' iihairiJo iipirtlwi to oiitlimu u« tni'inlil'iN lh.-i-.iif for tho l.'ii ft. Alld U l l lllllttll.TllHttHi l\\[\\£ KVill on cwd tlvu IM (tnliiiil txiitiiiimiii, uud slmll Mini any mcli oiifrtlns public rond orttvuuur ir<> I'lli.-* df Hi is Mud' n m IIIIIIIOIII'M] t o il. And bu it eunotod, That nald iVmda tlius io iwyuiulit of t h o intemfit nnd principal of rliicli the ll l «-. rl iftritlo nilli MJIIU Hi,. ( 1 ) | HI^U tliu JtiiUi, credit and pmiwrty uf mU\ w L> IHHMIS I.I ivt'iin.l .,tb.-i' l-n.l.s milbiK .IHO -sUirwl niny, with tlm ttnunml of thu wild )tniidorlU> control, luuludlug all osjNJinje y Tort lift imyinvnt u l lliu piiutllfulniid ' ]i'.ralioti |]IIu«ll.^hIi..i.-HliuIl |Uiyli>tli,>M<.'i-<-- i t s l m l l Ii.- liuvnilt.iis^ii-iiiiytuii'l.if UIU/HUUI« it TJirkil t in w nty, city, town or olbor uiunlcJiwlity and iniiuctwl lliorowitli, idinll bo asscaiwl nnd lid liundaas tbosnine shall buoomoduai said J. Am i city of R d m m w ciicli HII MUlit.ruon.utiil KIUIII la-oviilu foi- tliu l-rlrL-« in this \ lu tba sumo iiuuinor an notv pi-uvldol by tHi-y i>f i,tntt> t'H'iity lUillnif. fur ciicli HIIIIIJ-I' , of Uiu holdur of KIII.1 buinls, In iv-ctmtvhuiv R B e .in- nmv t liu * .-rlill.-nl.. 1 if iiliuii or thu sainu l.y luxatloit. l hi rexiHtct to thu «nidIng,.improving uii ' •rtwl Into coitpou IXIILS ut thu OXJIUIIMO uf n s (ifi.nwiid in snil l i l l l tZ '.'.'.iid's""!' 'Iwtt \» Ml'JiTfcVl ' n' it " h ' S l l " t»(i R m Mm B WR 'tlllruli- Im.l lu-ni U e iis if ifnn Hi'iwinit An.l IK. it cniictnl, Tlmt fur tlio nit.intoiBinutilelpultaxof hold town o r borough U adninfitlng mKumlng to tho tulfovd \tr. boldura o l iwld bunds, unit njjuin rvwnyvuif, nml Inin- .IIU-IVS|, n t a mt.) in.I |>r<'titi'r cuiinull, bmud of iilituini.'ii o r olliur ii»v<-in— W ur «)H.:li UD Hut foi'tli in Mild v l .if wii.l <'lni •0 utid miniHirtof tliu sal.I Ili-u dunartiuuut. , of avenues uadur tho Imvn coiistltutinw UHI Into reglatuT«l l>»uiia from Uuio t u IjlKKly fnand f..r .n.-li ..[ tin. .vnr,ln..f w tllkiito. id IKHHII <.f lire (•uitnni^luii^n. A a l l l.nvu M m m rveulatJnemicli cminly public ruad tiiMinl. •P • • • minority amitlio ..ell city, ekvUxl tlw ti>rin or t h i w y u. Jijui w i i -uuacuKi. Jimi. ai lean ouu- w T II. Ami lm It I'liiii'tttl, Thai Ui tlidiity, mid m u n.tiuire.1, | o mnku to Uiu And ho It uuacUxt, TliubthU mt HIIUII bo t-outlcth uf tho principal mini of said buuils w w uttili, uiKiii tliut'Xju'niiiiMi nf tlujti'i-Jnufd lUiriulno. o w taku t'll'.i-l liniiii-iliatclr, inimiii council, IMHIIII uf iiUWinun o r other tHiuisd and takuu to bo a. publio act, nud lali be ralstxl eocli year by siiocial U 'uiu'li'i'tlio a ii lli*. >i "t y * w ' ' « i \*' 11': 1 > •> i v i i UMl.^t Ii. a • e v e r y wcndier o r tliti n.nnnini coiimil, i i t, ibiit all acU nml liall taku m a t t Iiuinudtately.' A l l ^ J |!f I'liilliif liudy tlm winiu tiuUiilod Oritiliuitu of - ho taxublu property iuuatd towunr mil iiT nJduriuuii i.r oUur jjnvtiniiiiit Unly B mm >1mll UKI totiil iiiiioinitor IHUI.IM, B, guiiural, imbiiti, tqiwial, o r wm woo tlmt tlu>y now liave authuri ty nuil nro aid shall hu a»[>H«Uu iNiywunt of the ..I every NIKII city wlihtli mvin-s n p x t a f U ' i " I- tuiii[hinir,v, v, uxit-t'ilI trio tlio uniuiiut [ -_ ._., ...oiiiKWtwit ivilli Uio [irovbiluuu of W OB R M mou lired to niuku Tot*tlio niniiituiiaiico ul tbo CIIA1TKK HI. pnl aud iutcrwit of said Iwnda an the •--xrohil.lUft.'. \ > is.s l t o liitltliil I !ri ait, ho nuil tlia mint- uru Imrithy ro.xuiletl. :llllorl/L'il I JHtiSil^LH.r Ulb m l . tllU Olli..} UN Wl'll fW m M m irtiiiL'iitd iiow uudi-r tlwir eniitiul, iniilur w uiU mil fait IIUB and for uo othur pur[>oee • tliat An uct n-»i^i-titi^iK.|i.-.-.l.-Iu.rliiuuit!iindli A t u l b u l t ouoctod, Tluit tbU uultJitill illin^dm*. U-Tin of IIIIUIJ uf uvurvMiH-li rttlrlnir IIIL-II b y v l i t u u o f thuai-L outltlod " A n uct l« mW B U w B m outd uo bouibi or iutorwl be duo ou which to Dlfoct Imuiedlutcly, cnipTKii xxx., •i. Ami U: .HH.-UM, Tlint wlien Iti 1nuy U U I I i-oiist*, ilult>niiUi» nii.l oud. nml iliun u u m BB w m m m R Id niDuoys as tho BIUUO Blmll tic Aptuiiviid Foliruory A\ lfftKJ. mry l-uuli mt! - from tlu-iiL-.-fintli (In- (iiiiiinoii Cxinicll, U u fire and pulk-o ddoimr u Hi m U A B ion iu tliut coso tU« said towu.or m u B m und taliOiilo UiiKirtuf • if iiliUiiJiiiiiiiii-utln'i-Kiivoi'iiliiK lnnly.irtu hl t t f iMdltkul coiurtu, inuUinritlra shall n p ^ l n t throo reo M w B M [viil.iiud Hlmll Im Uik.'t l!Xl > i> n i"^nVtha > frtu!b<aiiiUli.iit<r Midi cit j of Ihu Mtiiud duns in thiri nU\Us H uno tliouwind night Um ircvun fliay KL-OOIIU, OHO t!i« •'0n»nB as • sinking fund conimlBw w Assi-liiblv (if tliii Ktaltt nf Noiv JcfM-y. Tin CUIIHIHI at tivi) nwilllM'lf, from ciiHt (if w m iiihiMl iitnl ulnlity-flvo, nuil• "tiio t voral sup__, J eliall B lvo Iwiids for tliu faithful ._, ut UioBtolo ot Now Jt>n»y,TluiL lunllciti.« uf th.t K.H.-UIII1 class In illwbin! t r u n f . n t l u l a w .VIIIXlHdfHlK'lH'itivs. mtiiLn tkeratn; provldwl, tliut i making foriiiancu ut their duty ; tliut said ooimnla- ODB aucond neslntant cusrweiiig clork of thu HiippleiiniiitioauadtmiUtluil " A n A c t to u'lu-tlmr MIL- JKIKL-I! (it'imrlnii'iib. tluii'ufu ni f d r f n t l i u t u t i . . . . Hiiil _ _.tif HrucuinB mmW m B litre aliall liuve \towut and authority ; o i n Ii cKUiiiutM tlm iHNinbiol imlo noA twu ujBisttiut: tmgrowlng ulerkti nf ;i. And Ui It i-iiiirlul, Tlmtwlunu in nil citii< (niL!t!r tb.f *a mt n.i «.f tlit* (-[ty .'.mnt'lly lKiard i t ttiiMhl»l: liiwirjioi-uUj tliu ulicet'ii fruulioldon i u tlio k t RMU R iiintTK slmll IHI llmltod t o Uiu inuxlniiitu t mild iiioiioy in such inmiuor aud for each m 1 IIOIIBQ uf fli««uihly khiLfl each rottiivo iu .if ollki', of cui r»i«M:tivii cumitiiiMof Uio bUitc, " a U U T ii|ifta tax, tin la jiruvkled Intin)wild uct. laasUiuyHhiitNbifliii fur tliu host ititerest JIWUHIUQU for tlio lonlslutivo «>*ioii tha .-.niiicll, honnl tlit) clikT uiul cu|italii of |H>11.-U I'lnjil.tjnl i A]<ril uUk-outh, 0110 tliuiiuind ffg m And IK- It ciiivrU-d, Tlmt ullacbiuiil wld town or borougli; subject, liovrovor.tu imurnUliuiidnKltlollara; thuiocondasi' ' g A T i n i l n t ' l n . l y nr ri uiiiKinitfil Iiy miiiik-IiMi! nntli.irity in KUC i « l a n d forty-Blx. : • • , • n of lu'ta lui«iiHliit.JUt iv 1 tli UIIB act 1M) und npjiruntl of tlio town o r Iwiwigb autliorlwrguaut'at-aniuorthuHiiiato Uio sun m w i«iyiu.' iiinu ami oml mm i-ltUt HIIIIII w-.v.'rully hold tl«'ir iVMiMftlv lla ft tmautad by Uie Beuatoiuul OenortU iununi-o kuruby rujwalud. i, and in Biieh wi-ut-itloB as Uiu tnurtmw far i hundred dollars for tho logitdutivu w m M m tliurm ywir (my tlnntno A U B otlkvn and cniiliiiHO in thitir n-Minvtivu L-II An.l W It uniu-l*Ht, Tliat UiU act tlwll .tuwiutilyofUiuBtak) of .New J a r w y , Tliat o Hijiport of publio BCboubi nre auUiorliMd U\ 1 j Um imbituuL Mil ulork of tliu wjnato m C i-tlWt immodlnU'ly. HIIOII IM lawful for Uie 6otniuiaalonarnof tlia o imuud. two; nworUiuj/ vi?ntrtluiiiioiiuyE.ui thuBWU). , ; ,• _ Uw B U UB U AR -m-aitw . l VM 'Jt I during |,''K»1, I'tilcluiiL-y im iking fuml oi- a u y filtiiilar Ixxly o r outnuiltCUA TEH XXXV mm mK B BB m i any i'ILI ' i Mich city; ' II • udu-liW c mipolttWl Uy Uio t v i w l o f uhotwn Ireojt 6lb(lcUd; 1IO)-AVIUIIH And ruvJ^hni m M U oirocti, f ^ ' i T l ^ 6 b d * T laws'of tliu Soiwtu tlio sum ot tlirue liuuiiiwli m U u il provldo for a fluking Ii city for'politli'alreae MHly or miL-li i-itiM until tlm cityi-l^tlm d dulliirs uncli for Um Ifglslativo HCSHIDU W A S r.'"j;^. i !i! t ( mid for tliu J wy in oi it of boudu IBHUWI II A W in-h dtliw whleli Klmll (KI-UI- in tlm yi-iir 1 tliroo csabUiut duurkuoiM-i-M (if tliu soimU. H U U U U t-h inviMtiiivut IH millioriwid by law, iu mu l - l i A l T K R IX. Q B U A C A T XXX V ny i-ltyUi i-iuililo It. U> liniiHiinl eight bundml nml ninety tlnt cum ot thruo humlixtl mid firiy tlullnrs U w .iidit, HUKLU u r KucuriUus of thu United w w ruing (.Wtlnn* i n n m U w A .lilrh 1(1-L nu!uti.»,.-.),andiill M H W I I I I ulta uf Amerlea. or in tlio bondn of the titutu lull; uud to iiuuh ouu <>r tho tln-uo OHKlHlnut B T H A R V B IW-tiviJLiitdfi ln{iiniitlisiil Hi* ilrslclna* and llx nudi-lty tiWtii t U iU U leonL-at-ariiUi of Uiu IIOUWJ o( niemi M H H m U AV H w IjiUiiiitlmi-Uy.^ dty n o w J e r s o y o r i n U i o u a u d K of the inunluiym«m tim- r . r 1I.II.UMK .1,-MITI.U. l t d iin iu-li of t Mt) uilary IH not iiroriiksl Tor l.y law, mu « Klcctt-d M w M U vanlx n AII d l t W . o r a i i y of Uiuui,situate i n or K-IIIK M W w Km 1 I. Ho It ciia.-l»-d hy !!,•- H-'imto ami fimrul cmo ptHixHi m n nknilki luituiniLk-dbytlKi KGIIUUIOHII Uciioral 1 of live lilliulrtMl dollaru; Ui enuh nr tho m nilk'i of of Hie H m itlilnthulIinlUof mUl (xiuiity, for tboliu£ Of l w m w -«.'iiililj.fllio H l ( | r Nm- J i-nihlyof tiio Hliitaof Now Jonwy, Tliat i lUuisUiut bill clerks of thu IKIIINO vt nn. Tlmt <:11, lnjaid'of alilt'inii'ii ur .iLJic A m U K w T tinld county, and kt*i> Uiu nuiuu iuviMtul a s m >in-vii' under aiitliorlty of Ian- ihuctminioi ihly tlio unit of ilvu liiimlmt dullat-H; t o iirovidudiu U G lrnt Kota vXvi-rt |HVly uf »ndi d l k», u h . , . h a l l hul.: s,,dio net, nud U U • nsuiirud by l u w ; provldod, tliat sutli udl, IXMIIHI of aldoruiuu or other (jovoni ill,:,. ..nly a n N w w rllteu L- r«u or i-liiirwrn .if for llio k-nn or two yrnw. H w w iluijvility bun nuvur luado duluult in tlio iKM.y MT nny city, ntaall~ i*mo IMHIIIH of lio ww U |ilalut Klmll bavu liuld o a L H •I. And liu it «iiinie.l, Tliut nil :wU liouso ur lusuuilily Uiu mini of foil iiieiit uf prlndiial o r Intorurt or any IMIIHIX I city tu mlsw inonoy for tbo |iinvl>iuu c iiocn prtionv*! uRiiinsi n n y Mich IIHIOny ft. April; uy t-I<< lHiitttof iu:tH, n^iivnil, KiHirlut^ imldUr nl m U Q a U m ilolhin*; toUioi-lurkf. tit Ihu follow ud liy i t : a w l pruvldctl Turtlior,that Uiu :ltii!M, iitttiuiiln ftliilllpjHimtiiM iiMtwnry ft Klgntnl \>y tlio i«iTu>n or iH-mniM iimldiiK ml, li r HHII a w m w ini-wiirtbti'tit with tli.' I'l-ovhloiinfjf; thin : comnilttooH of Uw IUIIM< of u-tMiiihly, vte d amount of tlia iiiilubteduuu nt NUL-II IUII••linr^i> o r cli:in'l>N nu<) lllwUvilli tlioiuuiiloi- i-ijml nllWr uf uny nniiiii-I|udlty lu un)' HIILI, 1 d l vliy rt!|H>ali-t1. m m w o U Ikiury, curtMiratluns, bill IVVIKIOU, imuk jnllty IIUOH nut, on-eod teu jter ctmtuni of r iml Otllcur, olllet-ri u r lnunil IIUVIIIK clmnru nl JIIWII, nn.lii- iiutUoritvo" Iaw"t£ni mintm m m Um m , Tlmt this n.'t ilmlt uf4llflia* Jiiililu U> UiXdltldll atl tJlOWii by Lliu U w m tlif dqiartinuiit nf |>uHc», nnd urtt'i-tbc nni,\ any d a y oilu'r tlmnl.lj.t mwl Tia-sdiiy Ii luku ing, tlmt tho ]iro|Njr aiiUinritloa of xudi city w & a mw MM H H A Bwm M inuiiHiliilsfy, . rovlulou rovlul or ilio Inns,, fctorSt bu»kn fur tho thus bo Ing. clmrce o r cburgtti ha.-o botn [aililii'lv ftiitii ApHI, MI •!, .-l.H-li.iii h b,il| tie liuld mi tlint U ' •.hull jit-iiviilu Kir a xiiibiug fund for tiiti |wy- •S And Iw i t enaclul, Tliat this pet nlujl w U U H B U m U m w l l-'ebiiiury IH, I IM uud iinnildiinl iwriwatiom, iwriwatiom, ttli_.._ _ w & iuwl talo liy tiiti u]i|iru|irluU) iniinU-iitnl iKwrd, Tiu^lay in -A [nil lutxt fui lowing tbuduUi riii-iittif wild li»udH,und whuru HlubliiK fund w U w iudrl d l i wiek; uud uud U> Uiu clork ) iniudrtHl doliiirri Ttt-t iuiuitHllutoly. o m w m m or tba polii'ii cinniulikHi tlu-rtiif, if thn MUIH n»v llxcl by Hit' luw Tor li.ililiiin nf miob ulwL'..iiiiiii* d» not oxM in BU,-|I m t r Mlnwds l n d nml •ovwl Fuhruary 'i5,1B03. l vmiaU Uof f w city, tliL'y eliull cn-nli) alioaii) uf ulnliliiK fun.l m Uon-,\liu U'vms ul iillUn uf nil linmiulpul otlV w iwnuU), throo hiiiuiivil iilivl ilulIiu-H. I I I U f roitl (h B Aii net rt'lativu to Um cllV-H. of jury trials Ii i-itinnil^liim-i-M; that tbe said uIty Khali ratau U w m t>k-cto.l lu liny comity ut tliu |]i-«l tdiM. Ii t-ithJ iKM U cfcorBLHt, nud iTi» loaisltitivB wWun ur.ult'ht4)t.!i bimiirud nu annually by luxation HIK-II Bmiw i,f in Q m U w tm Htntdhlmll ••omnium.'.) on lliu III-HI AI.unlit' II Hmnx • if inntiuy an lu mn-li inn nnbr of exninlun I'riH.'tH'.llllXM tolll'llillK UlC imilllllij <)f tvilJ.4 m uinuty-two. mU B m mH w w i tli.* niny r<ilI.wing i\w> L'lL-ctiiin ormiul I* HHllIci KrtlllfiL'llt t() |IHV "lil"liotnlion tlmy'full i ). i i u i t uimcUilliytlMHL'iiiiUKinilUuiem Ulll l« Aot to cnalilu IKWULI Saviugtlio control of •J. And bo It oitnuUil, Tlint this act hlmll w m OB w BOB U KOV m U and tlio r a i x l hy taxation Aiwiiilily o r Um Mutte (if »KIV J u i w y , Tliat IirvMiriliu) i t iwliijf Uis'^ii.u'uti'if tKill' U iu wider xupply (if (hu el HIM in UIIH HtaU t<> finmtsdhiU-ly und xliull ui.ply I. Km • •-•-jyflii w I I•IIIVUKUNI by tlieainkiiiL' f uundcoiiiuil nd. b'fvu every jwrson BKIIIUHI lvlmui clinrjj U w -J. And 1.0 Uciliicttil, Tim I cii(.'b aixl t'ViTj HIB rtirdH.a i.f a Jury in iniyimK-ccdJii^tijii ' ivbivll IHJ instruct iiua-milr* for tlio Hbirago of B U M Bm U ... wiMailoii nf tlio u-L-iidutoro only urw thfii OKUUIIK u r t « Im cruaUsl by Hi (iiiy causu limy bo iircr<*rm! umlar tlii w M Illii'i-nf (ivory uiiiutL-iiiiilil\ iiiniiy HI iiiKtho [imlutu <>f u will, ln.'ruUjfore o r b . _ water, m day \l'lwovcdauia'li,S,mtJ. •* n-nliig Wxly ul sflil city, in «urti twctimk.. niuniw,.Infs<miL*<>t tlit' cities ot UtlstitaU) I t day fair trial \i\vni eald cUar^ti, uud t'Vi-ry n K U m w Uii' liiNl dti*. u fliall fllltll \Ux\ his li iiilli'i IIIMII nny "NNIH'OpiVfU't1 r.»iiii<l"ny"u("'i jniy, N w * \* In l lii» l slivtu Hm H w .ho tntsWea fur Uio miiijiorl. of imbllo xJiiablu o|iinrttiuUy Ui make liin CI.'^IMwH 11J J HlL> nui bueii <ir may Iw fouiul tliat tho utunura w U _ UflAl'TKH X X X I . .jimlilloaUi.n unlijcct ti) Iw w t iiKliiuiinty fur siu-li miMjiiM nny bu hnxvr iluwm-i t4j iiuir.c, mm m o in w HB «fi-i'ilnii iiMui'viilnumNl lo riiUla wntui for ininn;w m U T iU, uud luvuxtuii.11-u-iuvW tliu naniL, ...„ B u(d|>ul boiii'tl ul' commit k-o linvln^ |mivcr 1 itltlod " A n A c t t o IK, Ui.ick-.l, Timlall ait*or imrt* In ordinary iirucuiillupi «t wnuimii law. iliaU) use, iu casu cif uccldout to tliu workti U T m trj-Binh clinrg.'s HIIUII Imvo imwcr l» (SNI mm B B m U UM AB m a AB niiMu.y Hliall l » iisul ,.«-lusIvoly for tho tliroiigh which thu mipjily Is HiuluUdnwl, H'IH \thlcli |>rovitl« fui- tlm tlwUoiu ... thu , U('i m B U M. And bo it eimutwl, 'l'bat all IK-U* or irarln jMiyniL-nt of tlm Ixiudti i u thoy fnllilne. "- "* ibjH(.nn t o (win.),-! tl.o uttvndoiu w m m mm nl.-iiuil oMI.i'i-o in iMiiiitlL-« of tlm llntUuliu lucoasary t o tliu jmblEc limdlh " imirovtMl iii-o nut fufllolout In uipoclty t o pmvldo I mm U _ _ _ « nnd n r a i u t l i . n of w MW .. uny (illiof <lny tlmn llw MH-HIUI Tiu^liy h ufuutii iui-oiulhti'iit wlUi thin net IM) iiml tliu i AmlUi i t onui-Uxl, Tlmt this a r t shall JuiVb tivmity-fourtb, " UlVlltl ; Uturuforu, -. — — —j •- « » f u-IIW OUD »«»><1IMk|l(I U m of wltu w IUIIU nn borul.y ivfunti-d, und tliat this ni!t taku , whlcli writs HIIUII ) u x u r m t t u tl. April an<, M fur IIH thuy uro Ukviu^tuntwit W U U utrvut Uuiuodlutely. — . . . ami tiighty-ou*. K H B H w t f t i u l O l hull luko tIK-ct linnitiliiitoly. m o Willie moiiuurav subinnniis ISHIKII ouL of II U m m H LhU nut, rt'iMiali-'l, and Unit this net (.hull iak< Aii|imve-1 Ft'liruury ^4, l*fc>. m m a m m ilu it ouuutul by tlio ISuinto aud Qcnurnl of Uio HUitu of Nuw Junuy, Tliat Ajiprorud Fubnuiry Hi, 1WJ. -. U m vumi for iho trial of aiuilt taiimi, ami urna i w m w 0K linKly m KM d nmy Ito hwful ( o r tlio blutrd o r ;j^>"% «r tJ' '«w ol New Jonwy, That w m % w M U U'DHIII who lu-ftU-cls or roru«w U. olwy tk u M V W w p hu CHAITKU 2CX1I. K xly linvlntt control of tho water xupply iu B Foimiiuiul of any HIIL-II writ xltall tw linblu to a CUAlTEHXVIir. aut to wldiili Uila b a Huiipleinvut, hlml'l A U w U m A furtJior HUi>|ik'iiioiit t o uti net eiiUtlwt " A i . 10 cities o i Uiifl Htittu tocoiutmtitniid provhlu a iiiodo mi ftswarnucut for lwui-ntBaiul also mlty of tHpnty-lIvo Jullftni, to bu nuoU for CIIAITKItX. m i sunidoiiieiit t o tliu t u t i-iilltled'-Aiini-t to rosorvolr o r rust'i-volra for tlie storage ur m m w t cuiiwrnlng uuiiMtrntiaiui (ituvision), uptiiL>ro] nwHWHinontai^iliut tho tmvmliip ( ) r Uiu rni-(ior)ito tin mo ot tliu i-lt V In uny t.tmi'1 m m m 4ii].)i!i-incut t o all ui-t UIILUILNI "All uituldyi nn nxt-lho (li.]«.rtinunt In uitlct, .if U U nvwl Ajirii NUVUUUI, uiiu Uinusnnd oluht ntor Butllciuut Iu tnjiaclty to nsUluauifhold iiipiit nf tint costit, dami,f ( ->n:|H^.nl inrUKdion, nmi tlio msnaitv Uuttii£ tlUtcicl vuurdi iif ouv tlitu sUitu," iuiK«ul A|t>*il utgtttlv, u»u tlniviiiMlhito unu. in caao of accldutit to tlio H U u H w n d m . und mnreuty Ilvo. .nd eipoiwos of a n y (Itnliiage nndi-rwli.ii c-ulk^tod nhnM l>e vaUl into tliu IKMU ,-bicli tlio ordinary dally supply In mm UJK nUttv," which wild urt wax ni>l»o it cuaoUnl l.y llio Huiiato nud Oeneral M uudor tlie provisions of mid ncL mid fund (.r ninth city. Itiivh iiinlli, ouu thoiMinil tight A U T 1. lluilmmulud by tlm Kt'imtJjnmlOwiL'ml 4irov»l M»ivh inbly of tliu Hlutu of New J c i w y . T( , a (ptnntity of wator equal to tli | sliall Imvo X H m atiMUKbd Uio .vholo of tho nionoyg !l. And bo it enacted, tlmt all acts and i n r b UN iMSUinbly (if tlw Stato of Now Jerxoy. Thnt i tlio i I W .In tlon of u n y uonKiintlou iiml »-\ •eirtiac dallv coiisiuuptinn tboroin, BO iwillzod tutvAnla iiayiog M I J costs, dain- w D X w w f r ofucLM i net insist r ut with tlm tirovirt'ou* nf Ihi' A M T ftt-linll mid nmy Im hnvfnl for Ilu raummii .. u i l nndor tlm net tu wblfili Ibis ifl a fur- ist ten day*, auil micli board shiUl Iwvu m asas ml v>^rsUJ«a, witLmii rulll coniploUini tinll m nm M w B M hu K.iiin^niidfloii.1al It net Iw nml llio same tiru buivby roi>t<alwl. tliui* biimiluiuciiL, vr any atuuiidiiiuiit o r tai>i i L l l r u t t i u r ffofen. ..„ [Klviif - . . . ^ ority for tola i-uqwdii to ulake i;w«*ury Uio work, tho coxta, diuruw* olid expeusosor .sflcnil.Iy nf ilio tu of H«w Jcmiy, Tlmt cotiiiL'lliiruttiur A[i)in*vtHl January M, |8MW thi otnto, tm-tjit cititvor CUA TE XXXVL — -:Ut, to purdiaso o r condotun lands, wlilcli wurotoba \uUil l(y tiio inouoyeprcallicd lio judgoof «ilil t-diii-ls nmy dosigiml dosigimlo onu onuof of t r e llt y off this ii tuny iUcriol tfm firet pliiuent tli(.-n;tt)r tlio prvtildetit aud d l n x t o r s witulu o r wltuont t b e Utulta of sucli from en!d naacaaiiouL ft' •io inoiwye A n tbt Im cinisLjihtu--* of NiiJ i-oiuity, or sumo ulltor •hist, incorporatedniiiurniiy n[M.>chil w " U w v lutlii^ iw trurtuws tu ittttlo tin) alluSrs of suSil A tuu Mt o u K S Z S j " • '• r m l C H A T T E R V. . ._ may bo diwinal mott odvlublu, a u d to Uiu legal voters of said ttii mII bo W u l U m U iiimhlu [n'rsdii, to altcnil tliu Mttinpi of said tctof thu lej;lalutuiv tlion-uf, by uiilliiniinj i-oriKimtloii Klmll, lncu.scs u o t already tiroAn net Ui ropta! the net i-ntltiod " A Purlin,, [.ni-tiiiidtti jin-xurvu onluf thuivin; tliu wild MIKSUII by tliu nttlrmnlivu votu u f a inajoi-ity vlilwi for by low, liavo ]Niwor t o modt and o c t iid, oaustruct and completo such ruaurvoir iighlp 1 > Um H N w w CHA TER XXX X Kiiniik-mmit ta a n nut uulitlud 'An not r,. *— aud to connect tlia some with tho if III! lllOlllljOrSl'OIIIIMKlllKMIcllLHUIllllOllCilUll under nigitliitlnna to 1H> lixe.1 aud duWnnlnwl T A OK U hjn-ctini; tlio ComjuiiisnUii! of tlm clinnntl. :11 nr ol1ii>r governInjr Cmly, l o fur iitmi by a itiajurlty ot finld trtuUjca. nnd shall m lor and tlm JmtiutM of thu niijinmui c o u r t ' tho ustaliUahmeut wltliiii ami for such lovrn Imve [wwer U* iletunuiuu wlitin and how a n d B w U G of tbo said city fa distributed. j nii].iMVi-d Miirt-li foiniM<ntli,uno tlmu-um,] B U « „ „ or city of a Iwanl uf ojiclsu conitiiisflmierB, wlmra tli» imijurtr, r m l o r pmami, of Mid m B Nw w T •i. • Aud W i t onnchsl, TLat it iliail bo tho i HlUJiu.f.r , ti'rpordUuH eliiill be wild, wlioUicr iu iwrcsla L-L'lit a n d ktjvciity-iilui>," wlileli Am B w T r taxos ore wow, U &Ym U B U T ' 1. Blinll iimvldo Unit fmni ai»I ity of Un common muucll or other guvutiv sliall Tw r, CT oi «io cuuunau cowtcu OT outer guvorn- I I j — , l i — , t o r n a a whole, nniluball w l l all or o u y imrt mid furthert.HttidiMt.cnt wns approval Anrll w mm Uiurufif tlii'i-o Hhull Iw iirtnh- for cash, o r imrtJy oa credit, o r tako niort- g U d y or board having coutrol ot tlAJlnnS-1 c 0 ' l o c ^ "•*** U w N udgo, to IMI Ly tliu ninj iiimi by tbe ifc ITtli.ltwi. n « | M t o l , T l « t Uiu. nl for miuli toivti o r city n oiincll uf t 'ilofthf dtywliL'] uny I* not ottxsKling Utty iHir c«utum or tlio aofany mich city, on requisition tberufar , n L „« t , ifc m t> l"•trl ' mod 1. Ih) It ttimcU'd hy Uio Sonnto nd GomirnnniiKsiunurx, itpjialnUtl pilrllslicl, nut lit tliu 1 m 1 cltyj bourdof i U Am m Tm U -lev. tweurtd byliondH, for itort of m _ y o itl ABficinhly of tlio HUto of Now J rwjy, Tlmt |ir..vl(ii>], uuaiit to lirovlst of tills Buiipknni'iital uet. , -ol of llio irntcr suTiplyw M U w mw u conbylrandH, foor part U B UiuMii'l aot.Piititkil-'Afiirthu wipiiloiimnt latiKtl Hlmll lio nrnxtnied to ti mjo.dmjrl.c. BO m m •J. Andlw It. That within ten .lays thu purcliiuso jiriw) for i ll or nuy cf Mild pr •oui Umo.lo Uiua, thu money ueccesary to A ag m t t H U J I 'A lnf tlio coin- r c>iniioiiF<iition now JIXIMI liy 1. [ jftttr f t r tli tlm i ^ o of nuy muli mu-li onlinancu onlinancu u t t r i y , anil to I t s Uiu ttii CHA TKR XXXU jvlilc luch ruearvolr or rutwrvulra, and all U dlti d ww f * B w Itttuuitluu (if tliu dmiiwllor aii.l tlm IUKUC^ ii. And 1« It i'linc-tal, Tlmf ll>* 1KTS nwitn afomtaid, a copy ttnm-of, tt ccrtlRnl by thu U A coat conuuctol with tlia purcliosa ot ttut A m r t of nuld iirottorty, > A w W V m U % uf tlio tniiitfiuu rairt,' a\iptovM iiaxva tvmt- juAulilo, who mny li ' ' " ' U U A id, anil tlio coiuitructlou and couiplotlau iltor nt mintwl rierk of aurii (own o r " " I, Tliat tills m t Hhall aw BUT Uw m tv.'iitli.oiitillioituiud eight lmiidml niul BUVl t k t d a r k dcix t m huroof; all property purchased by any Bitch In any ol tliu dintriet U m m I'lity-iiiiie, wlilcli xaid furtliLT Kiippk-nu'iit \\n» .urtHof tlii.4 t tutc, v(ion tliu inovIsioiiH of d o r k of lliu court of tinnmon ]ili w ward or body sunll t» purcluuod m tbo name imary'JI, ibSKJ.' • » m o ii|>j>rovi<d April JTtli, ls-.ll, Iwinnt tin-wimu is HilK an liuvii Uxm i ii|.lk«l witli, tliull tw, uuty iiity w irliuruln surfi toirn or L-itr fn«itliato; rL-ifyis w w w • for tho use ot such city, and tlUa xliall tw UU w ™ H w o w hereby tviioalml. • dtfio t Bliull tb( nmii liurinc tlio U'nn fur lilili KUIII aiiiiointait-nt m Ih the name of sucb city therefor. B OH w M w w m M m M Uw b CHAPTEH'XXUI. mw ^. And be It tinncUvt, Tlmt tills a r t si ml I l l h m U W ivcuwii wulinll lliu rigliu, inivl' Aud bo It I'linctcd, T l l f t t **> enablo BWU W U w U t k otlwt t l t Iiiin.uliut.jlj-. I l i U I _. Ito It onanto.1 by Uio ftenatoWd Oonoml era uii.1 ilutitM ltots- nj.|wrtjiliifii^ Ui udgu of mid court of tVui Hliliffof au'-iiordfiidf m • to obtain tho tnuuoy ro*yal»lto for tiio m o J\[ioruvod I'ubrnary !l% IKU-J, l all IWIHTH, H i w . vn\A Jwlgn, »» nutltloT, slmll wlUihi Aawtituly ul liw Kioto u l How Jersey, T h a t purposo aforesaid, such city may hsue its WU M m W B wU w m m ™ X A T iu uadi city of lliu flrtt cbus lu Uiis state i t tldrty days after a f t r tl thu n<ueii>t n u i t of f ...^ buniiorAryloaiiboiiibiar cortlflcaUH bparlug m H Itlwr civil.lorcriBilual, w W w may LoUwfni TorUiu iirnyor tiiureof to a p - intcrcet C n A l T E R VI. u i d nmrt at tlio ixiurtlimis ._. »i.ti a- -rate * eroator tl»u Oft pe? A m Bw o W B A w l>olnt it b t u n l ur n]ijxmls In cases uf tAxntlon: cent iwr annum, r ^ may renew tbo samo Alt act cotircrultiK IIL-L-IIHUS to kin ml said fouit Blmll thcu w o W inni IIII llUllt U w U w u thu . u hludiiiff an o U mich t w i n l shall consist of throo mouibera, froniunio totitnui iti! tbo worka BO nuUiortnvcniH, aud to sell ule, Htn.iiK l»'f'r, H L no o Ung, undur thuir Iinnd^aiiiNilutalioani ml b y ! letpil (•tret-t vvlie m Inx-r, jmrtor, vi"itit' uiul uti lor mull li.|in.ri( in U m :lsti MiiniiilwiltiuDni within nuil fnreutli wlin filiitl! linlil wDlca for t h e Ujrm ot threo feed to bo ooiistmcttd utiall IM complotiod. > m ^titm wrueunt-at-nniLH t w w M m M H ™ w C Lit UielrDUcccswraaiijaiipoIutod H or city, ivlilcli niHujladilmit xltnll IJU liy 4. Aud bo It enacted, Tliat n-hou such m nyi-oihtabk' m M ™™ w w w U w w B m i quallded; a u y vaiauiey by i-a- ervolrorrDvcrvolm 1. Itu It <>imin<-d by tlio Kouabs and (!L-iu'rnl aald court iiimiwlU.U'ly tliuruivUtfr Ulcti in Uio so coartructod as aforow U U-UHI. Tlmt Oir ttre o m ™ B B Q U B U w w w " "f tliu Ri-tt«i or New Jorsuy, Tlint uliltw «f tho clerk tif Ktld w.urt, oud t h o llling _.^ , ___nuvnl from tlio city u r otbof Bald shall liavo been fully completed. It slull tlH'tll till- aid w B o H w HT mm w m m m lianaru-r, in tn tho IKHVITnr uutlioiv tliL-reof slinli -Iw imticd to• tlm aiiiKiiiiUwnif fuUHe,tdialil)O filled (or tlie Uiioapirod t e r m tor the, uuexpired term bo tlm duty of Iho lianrd or body bnvimj It Iw < m mm a ww U V J ufee a.l m UM A U ity (<• vmrnt Ikvii^'x to kt-on in UN and tiivunin, HHwUU o n l y ; Uii'y rfiall | » r ffonu r — "the - •duties ' " nud — - charfiO of tua coustnicllnn nf tlia wune, and tbe exertheir »p|ioi»t.ii.. IMlhlK ' w umyT." TB H wB U cr Ui null ulo. Htriniu liwr, mjji'r Iwur, iittrtitr, iiftvr tiu ided by law for Uio board, tiiuiiuwureprovldodbyla , pnntral of tlio water supply lu such" city, to sold \nmnl ot u i-Lsu f 1 U) IHI V ninu andiitliLT mult Iliimuii, tliat la or may ill oi vu I t o tHiiistubli-s. lier bouiiM boalai uow eScrdEiug exordfiiug ami Illo n-itli tlia clork of nich cltyn twl. shall e n l i s t of t h r w iiorsciiiRJiHof j L~°minlsilunui-s ur oilier U BK m . Irtt veaU«l In tliu gi'vcniliij,' Ixulyof tliolwr- •I. A n d Iw it cnuctud, Thnt U-rom a n y swrA T U B Hlinll Iw iMldciim nud lt«ul voters with- thu iKint'ra of (.-iiiiiinusiouors or Ixnnlti uf nil- , " of Uio uuUro cost und * »I U I V ! Tt • l h l , H A TV w MT ' tii/glisof tliUbtnU', or nuy of tliciil, tllBjMUVur •cant-nt iirnw sliall {wiTiinn uny duty an coiii-auc* ot taxation l u such city ; Uw .nchtlitgthe — _ tvlildi tliuy > uuty m Iw w w M m m itj- Tor m Vw m w T K to gnuit «uuli llociiBC* wh.iln imi. fur such itnlilo liu shall Illo 111 tlio otticimf Umvuwty apiioliit i n l i a l l .UK^li t-ltfViluann w ••...k..Ai BBAI1H»-V ' w WO It-rk of tliu county iu ivliiub tliu district court w m U IL-J- slmll H m (cxtviit w m w liuruin wm m w ImrouRlu, ttliallntso Im vi-Mtnl In thu infi.H'nhJ k m nuirtrf nf M>inninii I.IPIIH of tliu comity witl.iu lo which )i>< i»iillaHatt UlooaU.-d.ti h u d with i.Uierwl w w Uw w m U w U w w m D m w m w H m r a w U M -• which sm-li buroUKb <>r iMimii^bK in or tii» slt- l\vo fn-ulioliliTii of tho t-oiiiityin tlw ji-nal H w w m m A M w m m U w w • uste, Michitnwor to Im uxcrcLMl by uniil euurU mill nnd »f tl"' tsuiuo (.•onditloii OH is mm- re- m M a w I n i nil Ui.*i Midi hy (iiiistnliW, wlilcli Rntil BU w n • In acuortlauun wlUi Unmet nf tin ' " * A H,ml >,linlllK>a|i|.niviil by tlu> Jiutije «f tli« M o m w " CHA TEK XL & ot Uiid state, imlitlvd "An art tim yild district ti.iirtiti to ronitaiid seniritli^, M w ym I A\.r» T BB W W ww o m w A oa UH nml taviTiw, iimirovoiliI'Mnaci l^fomWing Dlul vlUi I hi- K1I<1 <nuntj- derk. w m m U M o UU J T m U laid, and t be n i t OUUUL-,1 " w K M m m U „ r.. Ami bo It i-mu.-t.yl, That HILH act J*1UU1 t hU0«w*i*>.iiui.\riLrvi»K emloofultrviiff U v r lAcvr,|K>rU.'r, wlui- tak« Hrcc-t imincilUitely, ifivr, w w U —H — o H nd otliur u u l t liquors in tbo *tnto (if New Amiruvnl,, irtW. m < MW B w m w U A w U " U •Vrti Aiirjl foiirtli, w w U H a m O and tlio i U m I'HAl'TKRXl. m w U w - inctlvuty. U M U wU T ' •*. And lio it euncttil. That fmni aud after M v MM Q ttit) inwago nf Uib net nU llrenso foea |»fd for p w ]ibuit fnr iho li^iitii.jf of tlw sluto Aw w w U liwiiHefi unmtiKl ivithin mid liorunglis Iiy mid n V,r Jh it oiid.-tiHl liy tlm Stuiuli) and (leiicml H m w o mm V cuoitn (tsxcvpt u'lirt and clerk ft**) (Jwll !w m ' rpct-lvul Ity lliu nK'rfcs (if unkl court«lo an.l ifwjinlily of t l u Ht«li>of N«w Jerwy, That A , fur tho two or llui lT>n>uKli tvlUdu whii-li Um lt» Iiuqievtorrt (if tJiu Nowr Jtrscj" stati< prlwii, ^ lice ate grankil is t o IHJ CILTCL*^ nnd en- itli tho tMWiit uf tbd L (iv.-nior. IMHIIII thev O i iy nuUiorW-tlto iiuUi juyetl; uid all Rudi ff-H tvcvlvtHl by any sucli u v htroliy w U blltll t r n i » ( jy W i | M w UM elerk sliall witliin thirty tlnyH ufier tin. iv m w w "l*t.> pH»m with U m ivljit Uiereor Iw br micfi clork tniiitinllUsI h. f Illti w o U T A UB wl, Tlmt tlw vximi** tho pnrperbaroufru to tli&iienum or ttuJy linv™ ™ U ixl MJttifii liuiidiiil dol- K w a Ine ili« iBiJul ciittunly uf Um tuwl* theti-or, lo " fslull n m k *>k r U IHJ II>- UIO K>»vi'n)Inff nut* • ln.r..unli lar*. m UU H U UMKI, employed and (lWmrso.1 for Uie uw-«niij U :t. And !•» i t eiinctoi, il K m m jiunHj5<M of tmt'ti borough. \Va eirwt Inniivdfntoly., U o Apttmvml l-'etmiftry UI, \«s«. w H H 3. And bo It fiuctiMV, Tbnl tlis net ditlUiil A U " A o a c t iMucerniug HWIIWM in Imron^liH of w w w w M u A A w w K U Nm m m the teopiid clan, 11 ui^nivi-.! U « v h » , 1«»1, tw M K U U n a> « U K M w Mw m m aud the same ut licn-Iiy IVJUIUIHI, pr»vid>il, .nuftUiiU tlieUiru of city iJiynlcfaiu U w UM COQ BB U o e: i-itiiw of this MILU-, tilii-reiii'tlm tuniM Mm M M H U U ' tuatnuy Ik-viuo nittv eilwiioj,', granted liy nuy M U o •^tttfllij mm co a l d by M m H U m m _ . .i .lint . .t. Iilit-d ..__ . of enid courts, lu any nf Uio ItonmgliM or HIM otlliit <.r sucli U Om M UH & H w M U m Am ' elate under ami )>y vlrtuu >>f mtid ad nji}inivaiiUmilty (if law, aii.l ivlntliig to tba L-O OM A m w HM U M w U H m W w M „ edUareh V, MH.sluvll minttrnw i» foivunn,! isatloui.T m.i.rynf mich tiiy pliys.idiin. O U ER XX V L O TK mM S H U U M ' beoperatii'0 for th» peri'Hl tlio «ania \vnn liu it cimctMt by tbo Koimto and UwDeral U A A M U C K M -nuiuid uotwiUislondiiiK thu i-i^KJal of mil) MvuiLly of tlm KUiUt of Now Jtn»y, Tliat wU H w w U m u t inentioued act. , iliu t-ity [lliyniciau or any w U _ teniioC m m R T 4 And A d be b it enactul, nactul Tliat T l t alln dtlior l l t acts' l t ' d l y or thin btat« not !l*ed l»y nmharitr of la^r A m U 4. wH m w — — m H U ww Ifl u( acts locotislstfut tierewiUi In sliall lie titret; years fmni tfitf (Inteof thunpM w DUM K BUnv are hereby mwalwl. and tliat provafut Uilti act, aud after the ox[ilr«tioti oC w w w U U tHIaactHb&UtakfaetEectimmwliatoly, BIKU terut,U»t.«rHi uC o(Huw t>C — "" U & m w Uw & wB w M MM U w A w wW T . Approved F«bnuuy «. 1 ^ ' ^ " "boll b> Iur ^ " " ^ K V " A T UV B W Q T CIIA1TKR VII. i-eais ( r u nnt h e il :in!la«fitll ] md tlit annual (M I ii.i.-i a n t i i m - i ly l y nff M i i i c HtiiHiitluii dj'wilurv Ii |«id MIL-II city |i1i>* t l l yyl l K , t >iun d i n i n g Midi U>m .Iliue RtuUI not U' low t l i a n 111, i.f t tiilt'i.r S tl 11 .-iiui u lllhlltUlH-UlM Illl'llllljlU'CIlt |>lllllJL K"""- - if s a l a r y juiiit MII'II l i l y i.lHMi-iiiii i n I * m i , l fiiv lii'ivl.y iml uinl<>i- tint urn- uud •( III', um.Vovu] uf thi.SIU-t.' a. A m i bo i t I ' l u n U i l , T l m t nil -»iiVkii>|iiiii; nl h-iiiif HiiJt-iililu i»<r»m t<; UU t l i l l Mlji.'|-|Ut! <.r lilt- Kline, win* Autll U< i i u u - THE An A> t lnti.iti tu Urn sUiti-lim ) nmt i to inns uud tavonw, ii! hulL> nf i unit, Vilnius uud i quan ti I.i M f A mi am] iiuurt i UIMJ Hit tuilu ixnvL-r H illiin or i-ity U» niulo HUI1<JMIII.- >tln>iuuiul eight liuiuiml u n J ninety-' A u d b o it onadMl, Tliat this net utfuL-t Imaitiliatuly. jiprovod Fubruary S,, tiZKi. tat (- drt.- . t i it I J"^. I H . ' . I l . l ^ l l l l I K U i . i m P . l l l f I I I C J SByjswa C '"''''''"'''""'"'"'''""'"SSK aiis r f r •4*
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