The New Evangelization in Hispanic/Latino Young Adult


The New Evangelization in Hispanic/Latino Young Adult
 The New Evangelization in Hispanic/Latino Young Adult Ministry Marilyn Santos, Director of Youth & Young Adult Outreach Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States President-­‐ La RED-­‐National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil "Go and
disciples of
nations" Mt 28, 19 ‡ To strengthen their active commitment to the baptismal call to mission ‡ To strengthen their ability to call and empower the Church to an active commitment to the baptismal call to mission. Missionary Discipleship IMMIGRANT WORKERS 20-­‐40 % of Young Hispanics Mostly Spanish-­‐speaking Little formal education Mostly of Mexican origin Have large families Many are undocumented Motivated & hopeful About 74% are Catholic Willing to work hard Many seek moral & spiritual support from church Mostly at the lower end of the economic spectrum Spiritual Iife: Need to form faith-­‐based communities grounded in their culture of origin IDENTITY SEEKERS 30-­‐45% of Young Hispanics Mostly born in the U.S. Children of immigrants Struggle to finish school Mostly bilingual Low self esteem Unmotivated/apathetic May find hope in work or family relationships Mostly in lower-­‐middle end of economic spectrum May seek refuge in alcohol, drugs or promiscuity Spiritual Iife: Need mentoring to integrate faith and life amid cultural transition MAINSTREAM MOVERS 15-­‐25% of Young Hispanics Mostly English-­‐speaking Mostly born in the U.S. May leave barrio behind College education Attend private schools Motivated & hopeful May leave Catholic Church Willing to work hard May look down on other categories of Hispanics Mostly in middle-­‐upper end of economic spectrum Spiritual Iife: Need guidance to overcome individualism, consumerism, secularism. GANG MEMBERS 10-­‐15% of Young Hispanics Limited bilingual abilities Mostly born in the U.S. Many live in inner cities Little formal education Anger towards society Experience despair Most are unemployed Many are incarcerated May look down on other categories of Hispanics Mostly at the lower end of the economic spectrum Spiritual Iife: Need faith to heal and move from anger/hatred to forgiveness New Evangelization ‡
Deep personal conversion experience Pastoral and Ecclesial Missionary discipleship Life giving for the whole church New Evangelization in a Society & Church of Many Cultures ‡ A fresh encounter with Jesus Christ, seen through the eyes of those marginalized by the prevailing culture, can rekindle commitment to social justice and solidarity. ‡ The response to evangelization is conversion, a re-­‐
commitment to Jesus Christ & his message of salvation. As people from different cultures encounter one another, they may be able to see their faith in a new light. New Evangelization in a Society & Church of Many Cultures ‡ The Catholic Church is the most ethnically diverse of all U.S. denominations. If we, as Catholics, can find ways of creating genuine communion, we can serve as a model for the rest of society. ‡ Although first generation immigrants often experience an increase of religiosity upon coming to the U.S., there is a significant falloff in the 2nd generation. ‡ What forms should the New Evangelization take in young adult ministry? Culture Culture primarily expresses how people live and perceive the world, one another and God. Culture is the set of values by which a people judge, accept, and live what is considered important within the community. -­‐National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry Culture Culture is the particular way in which a human group interprets life and relates with nature, God, the world, and other peoples. Culture is not accidental, but an integral part of human life. Culture is lived and expressed through traditions, language, relationships, food and music, and religious expressions. It embraces the totality of life of the group and the life of each individual who belongs to it; therefore, all human beings relate and respond to God and express this faith from and within their culture. -­‐Principles of Inculturation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, USCCB, 1994 Pastoral Juvenil-­‐ More than just words ‡
Economic Cultural Educational Geographic Linguistic differences. Pastoral Juvenil-­‐ More than just words ‡ Identity ‡ Belonging ‡ And Mission as CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS ‡ Social ‡ Religious and ‡ Cultural realities Conducted in Spanish, English or bilingually. Some Common Principles of the Best Practices and Models in Pastoral Juvenil Hispana 1. Promote a personal and communal encounter with Christ. 2. Take the reality of jóvenes as a starting point. 3. Are carried out from the reality of the jóvenes. 4. Accompany the jóvenes in their development. 5. Foster a process of conversion. Some Common Principles of the Best Practices and Models in Pastoral Juvenil Hispana 6. Create in the jóvenes a critical consciousness. 7. Give formation in the discipleship of Christ. 8. Rely on adult supervisors to give continuity. 9. Integrate all dimensions of life and faith. 10. Foster a missionary spirit. Some Common Principles of the Best Practices and Models in Pastoral Juvenil Hispana 11. Are based on a plan. 12. Have a coordinating team. 13. Form leaders for Pastoral Juvenil Hispana. 14. Establish channels for Pastoral de Conjunto. 15. Help preserve the language, beliefs, traditions. Some of the Best Practices and Pastoral Models Diocesan Diocesan Committee of Pastoral Juvenil / Pastoral de Conjunto Team Archdioceses of Chicago and Galveston Houston Various dioceses in Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin RECOSS-­‐ Region Eleven Committee on Spanish Speaking California, Nevada & Hawaii Juventud Misionera (Young People on Mission) Archdiocese of Atlanta Pascua Juvenil Multiple dioceses is the Southeast Migrant Farm Worker Ministry Diocese of Stockton Experiencia Cristo Retreat Diocese of Orlando Marian Pilgrimages Diocese of Dallas Apostolic Movements Search for Christian Maturity Jornadas de Vida Cristiana Legion of Mary Catholic Charismatic Renewal Formation and Programs-­‐ Institutes Instituto Fe y Vida Leadership Formation System SEPI (Southeast Pastoral Institute) Pastoral Juvenil Program ESFOR (Archdiocese of Chicago͛s Escuela de Formación) Some Important Strategies 1. Organize diocesan activities that promote unity and communication. 2. Hire professional bilingual personnel. 3. Motivate priests to support Pastoral Juvenil. 4. Establish a Diocesan Council for Pastoral Juvenil. 5. Provide support and Resources to create communion-­‐in-­‐mission within the parish. 6. Organize activities for vocation discernment. 7. Participation in Regional, inter-­‐diocesan, and national programs and events. 8. Interaction with NFCYM and La Red. 9. Create a bilingual website for Pastoral Juvenil Hispana. 10. Promote membership in La Red so that it reaches parishes. Jóvenes Hispanos
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