Principal`s Report - Greenvale Primary School
Principal`s Report - Greenvale Primary School
Thursday, 7 February 2013 IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR School Website: Please see attached Term 1 Calendar Greenvale Primary School - Follow us @Greenvale_PS Principal’s Report Glenn Payne The Term 1 Calender is attached to this newsletter. Please print it off and place it where the family can see when events are taking place at school. You can also check the calendar on the homepage of our website for all events that will take place this term Term Dates for 2013: Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4: Wednesday 29th January Monday 15th April Monday 15th July Monday 7th October - Thursday 29th March Friday 28th June Friday 20th September Friday 20th December Students dismissed at 2:30pm Students dismissed at 2:30pm Students dismissed at 2:30pm Students dismissed at 1:30pm Australian Education Union (AEU) work bans: State-wide AEU proposed full day Stopwork Thursday 14th February Most parents will be aware of the on-going stalemate that exists between the AEU and the Victorian Government in trying to reach agreement on working conditions and pay structure. Recent negotiations have failed to resolve the issues and as such the AEU is proposing a full day Stopwork on Thursday 14th February. Information regarding the Stopwork will be sent home early next week to explain which staff will be stopping work. AEU members have decided to implement work bans on activities which occur outside their 38 hour week including attending camps, whole school events and parent information sessions normally conducted after 4:40pm. These have been planned to commence at 3:45pm; a schedule is listed below. Welcome Back A big welcome back to all of our families and staff to the start of a new school year and hope that you had a safe and enjoyable holiday. I enjoyed a fishing trip to the Tasmanian Wilderness Plateau chasing elusive trout while taking in the spectacular scenery of this remote environment. A special mention to the new children and parents who have joined the Greenvale Primary School community. I’m sure you will enjoy your time with us and meet many new friends to share your experiences with. We encourage all parents to become involved in the life of the school. Please contact your child’s teacher for ways in which you may be able to assist either within the classroom or perhaps through the parents fundraising activities, school council, working bees, excursions etc. The new group of Preps to our school have settled in very quickly and are getting to know many new friends and learning about school life. Parents with children starting school for the first time will be experiencing many emotions. You can rest assured that the teachers will take great care to ensure that your child adapts to his or her new environment and will be in touch if problems do arise. I’m sure all of our teaching and support staff enjoyed a well-earned break and are looking forward to a great year ahead. We are fortunate to have a hard working and dedicated staff who provide outstanding support for the students which is an important reason why Greenvale Primary School enjoys a strong reputation both within the community and beyond. As is usual during the Christmas break we had a number of jobs undertaken to improve our school grounds and facilities. Mrs Aristidou, Facilities Officer, organised the following works which are now completed: Removal of wall between classrooms 5 and 6, playground mulch, trees inspected and pruned, mowing, polishing of the hall floor. Through Voluntary Contributions we hope to continue to provide additional improvements to the school throughout this year. A big thank-you to the families who have paid the Voluntary Contribution so far. I look forward to the many challenges we will face this year and continuing to promote and develop the positive home / school partnership we enjoy. I will be taking some leave from the 25th February to 17th May. We are awaiting confirmation from the Northern Region to confirm my replacement which we hope will be Assistant Principal, Mrs Hancock. The decision for replacement rests with our Regional Office. If Mrs Hancock is placed in my position we will then need to backfill her position. Hot Day Timetable Yesterday we conducted a very successful trial of a new Hot Day timetable where the longer break started at 11:10am and finished at 12:00 noon. This was the morning recess time conducted during the cooler part of the day. The lunch break was from 2:002:30pm. When the temperature reaches 35 degrees students are supervised inside. Students commenced eating their play lunch at 11:00. Students commence eating lunch at 1:50pm and have recess from 2:00pm – 2:30pm.We would encourage students to bring a slightly bigger play lunch on days when temperatures are expected to reach 35 degrees. On behalf of the Greenvale Primary School community I would like to pass on our condolences to the De Biasi family following the passing of Mrs Sharmaine De Biasi. School Council Elections 2013 All schools are required to conduct elections for school council during March. The following councillors in the Parent Category have completed their term of office: Mr Craig Geddes, Mrs Nikki Mezo and Mrs Shellie Marshall. These Parent Category positions will be open for election. In the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) Category, the terms of Mrs Jane Hancock and Mrs Joyce Hickling have concluded and as such these two positions will be open to the DEECD staff for election. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a big thank-you to all councillors for their contribution to improving the learning opportunities of all students at Greenvale Primary School. Parents considering nominating for School Council are invited to attend an information session on Tuesday 25th February at 6:30pm. This will be held prior to our first School Council meeting for 2013 commencing at 7:00pm which you are most welcome to attend as a visitor. Student Absences It is important to remember that every time your child is away from school you will need to notify us of the reason for the absence. This can be done by phoning the school or the preferred option of sending a signed explanation note the day your child returns. If the absence is likely to be more than three days you must notify your child’s teacher to discuss the situation. School Uniform All students are required to wear the school uniform which includes wearing an approved black bucket hat during this term. The uniform shop is open every Tuesday in Term 1 between 8:45am - 11:30am. School hats with the Greenvale Primary School logo are available and are compulsory when purchasing a new hat. Students who do not bring a hat to school will be required to stay in the shade during recess and lunch breaks. You are encouraged to provide your child with sunscreen to assist with protection from the sun, roll on sticks are probably the most convenient for students. Please note that our school does not provide supplies of sunscreen due to the risk of allergic reactions. An important reminder is to ensure that all hats and jumpers need to be labelled clearly with your child’s name to ensure they can be returned to their owners if they are misplaced. Students who remove their jumpers during recess, lunch breaks or within the buildings are required to tie these around their waist and not leave them to pick up later. Emergency Contact Details Please remember that you must contact the office if your emergency contact details have changed since last year. This is vital to ensure contact can be made quickly in emergency situations. Student Family Details Update Forms are available at the school’s General Office or you can download one from our website under the Parents tab. Our School Captains For 2013 Congratulations are extended to our School Captains and Vice Captains for 2013: School Captain: Angelique Mendes School Captain: Raveen Herath Mudiyanselage Vice-Captain: Melanie Mifsud Vice-Captain: Callum Geddes Jane Hancock, Assistant Principal, and myself will be meeting each Friday with these student leaders to discuss various aspects of our school. They will also assist with conducting Monday morning assemblies. Their badges will be presented to them at an upcoming Monday morning assembly; we are currently waiting on their delivery. Student Accident Insurance Parents are reminded that the neither the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development nor our school provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and guardians are generally responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including transport costs. Reasonably low cost accident insurance policies are available from the commercial insurance sector for those interested. Parents are strongly encouraged to have ambulance cover for their children as these costs are extremely high. Road Safety An on-going problem around most schools concerns the parking of cars. We strongly recommend that your child walks to school if possible to assist in reducing the traffic congestion when dropping off or picking up. The Hume City Traffic control officers constantly patrol school parking zones in order to manage illegal parking. Please observe the parking signs around the school, in particular the 2 Minute Drop Off Zone. The 2 Minute Drop of Zone is NOT for long term parking and therefore cars should not be left unattended. Students Personal Belongings Brought To School At Own Risk Private property brought to school by students is not insured and therefore neither the school or the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) accept any responsibility for any loss or damage. This includes mobile phones, i-pods, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and jewellery etc. Unless your child is required to travel to or from school on public transport I strongly recommend that mobile phones not be brought to school. The school office is available for parents to contact us in relation to all matters concerning their child/children. Principals are requested by DEECD to remind students and parents/guardians of the above information at the beginning of each academic year. Students are discouraged from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school. All students who bring a mobile phone to school must notify the Principal in writing of their reasons for this. Mobile phones are not permitted to be used in the school buildings between the hours of 9:00am and 3:30pm. Out of Hours Childcare Program (OSHClub) A reminder that before and after school care is available for working parents at our school. Please contact Bernadetta on 0423 782 00 or OSHClub’s head office on 8564 9000 if you require this service. Home – School Communication Greenvale Primary School prides itself on the effective home and school relationships that have been built up over many years. If you do have any concerns throughout the year I encourage you to refer to the “Practices for Positive Primary Partnerships” pamphlet. This pamphlet has been put together using input provided by parents and teachers at Greenvale Primary. If you require a copy of this pamphlet you can download one from the parent information section of the school website at Riding Bikes and Scooters to School Well done to all students who have been following our riding to school safety rules - you have all remembered to: • Wear your helmets. • Get off your scooter or bike when reaching the school gate and walk your bike or scooter to the bike racks. • Walk your scooter or bike to the gate before getting on it to ride home. Top tips for a healthy lunch box • Always include fresh fruit and vegetables. Vary the selection to keep it interesting. • Offer a variety of whole grain breads, rolls, pita bread and flat breads. • Use avocado as a spread instead of butter or margarine. • Use reduced fat dairy foods. Cheese and yoghurt are ideal. • Kids need a serve of protein at lunchtime. Ensure you include lean meat, egg, chickpeas or tuna. • Add a chilled bottle of water and limit juice. It’s important to keep food in the lunch box cold to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Pack the school lunch in an insulated lunch box and include a small freezer brick or freeze a bottle of water and pop it into the lunchbox to keep food cool. Sun Smart Practices at School Greenvale Primary School is a Sun Smart School which means that during Term 1 all students are expected to wear their school hat when playing outside, participating in PE classes, Sport or attending excursions. The wearing of an approved school hat is compulsory. Hats are on sale at the office at a reasonable price if you cannot find your school hat. It is advisable to put sunscreen on your child at home prior to coming to school on days with a very high UV rating. In the event of extremely hot weather the alternative weather timetable will be implemented and students will have their lunch play inside. Educational Leaders (formerly known as Team Leaders) The following leaders of each Grade and Specialist areas are as follows: Prep Grade 2 Grade 4 Grade 6 Ms Anne Killeen Mrs Emily Wilkes Mrs Felicia Lalor Mrs Linda Doig Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Specialists Mrs Michelle Pucar Ms Marge Lang Ms Kylie Cardamone Mr Andrew Bouzikas School Improvement Team members Principal Assistant Principal eLearning Maths Mr Glenn Payne Mrs Jane Hancock Mrs Joyce Hickling Mrs Robyn White English Student Engagement Data Manager Mrs Georgia Kroger Ms Peta Law Mrs Rosemary Agnew Office Administration Business Manager Finance Officer Learning Resource Centre Mrs Suzanne Leahy Mrs Trish Nelson Mrs Meredith Martell School Secretary / Enrolment Officer Facilities Officer ICT Technician Mrs Diane Cuffe Mrs Eva Aristidou Mr Neil Fahey Notices Sent Home Please remind your children to check their schoolbags each day in case notices have been sent home from school. We are experiencing a number of students seeking re-issuing of notices. Assistant Principal’s Report Jane Greig-Hancock A big welcome back to all families and to our new families who have joined us, and what a year we have ahead of us at Greenvale Primary School. It has been really wonderful to see how well the preps have settled into their school and they are already working in groups for reading and using the ipads. Wow that is impressive. I actually had 0ER for an hour on Wednesday which consisted of some Library borrowing, a toilet stop and lunch. You forget how long it takes to get through everything! Teacher Absences Across the year there will be times when your child’s teacher is absent. We try to make the best possible arrangements to minimise the disruption to the students and their learning. Sometimes a replacement teacher will be employed and sometimes internal arrangements such as children working in other learning teams may occur. If a teacher is away for two or more consecutive days a replacement teacher will be employed. We are very lucky to have a pool of very experienced relief teachers who are very familiar with the school and the teaching and learning programs. Inquiry Topics for Term 1. Prep: Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: What are my 5 Senses? What do we know about Australia? How has my Family Changed? How has our community Changed and the Chinese New Year. Victoria’s Landscapes and how have they changed? What is a Scientist ? What makes a good leader? How do I learn? How do I cope with changes in me? Parent Information Nights will be held between 3:45 and 4:30 on the following nights. All information nights will run from 3:45-4:30 as per AEU work bans. • • • • • • • Tuesday February 12 Year 1 Monday February 18 Year 5 Tuesday February 19 Year 3 Thursday February 21 Year 2 Monday February 25 Year 4 Tuesday February 26 Year 6 Thursday February 28 Prep AEU (Australian Education Union) Work Bans Duncan Symons – Teacher Union Rep Recently the Greenvale Primary School AEU sub branch met to discuss a number of new bans that will take place this year in an attempt to encourage the finalization of a new work place agreement. Whilst our staff have not agreed to the total adoption of a ‘work to rule policy’ (working no more than the 38 hours for which we are paid), aspects of this ban will be implemented at our school. Changes that will occur include: • • • • • No school camps until further notice No parent teacher interviews beyond 4:40 until further notice No athletics days until further notice Parent information nights will occur between the hours of 3:45 and 4:30 No after school events until further notice E.g. School Concert, Art Show etc. STUDENT PAYMENTS TO SCHOOL: Suzanne Leahy, Business Manager All payments to the school must be in a ‘Payment Envelope’ which is to be sent to school with the student and handed directly to the classroom teacher. Family payments can be included in the one envelope and sent through the eldest child in the family, provided that details are clearly noted. Please include the correct money as we do not keep change at the office. Payment envelopes are provided by the classroom teacher or from the general office. All details must be filled in on the envelope such as student’s first name, surname, class, event and amount. Payments can be made by BPay, cash, cheque, eftpos or credit card. (Please note that if paying by credit card, the minimum amount is $10.00) CANTEEN LUNCH ORDERS: All payments for lunch orders to the Canteen must be in a separate envelope with cash only. EDUCATIONAL EXPENSE PAYMENTS – BOOK PACKS: Parents must have paid the full amount of $140 for Educational Expenses before collecting their child’s book pack from the school. Payment and collection can be made at the general office. PARENT PAYMENT PLANS: If any parents are having difficulty paying for your student’s education expenses, please contact Suzanne the Business Manager on 9333 2500, to discuss our Parent Payment Plans or CentrePay options. WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS (WWC): Applications forms for the Working with Children Checks are available from post offices. If a parent wishes to attend an excursion, camp or help in the classroom you will need to apply for a ‘Volunteer’ WWC for which there is no charge. When you have been issued with a WWC, it would be appreciated if you could leave a copy of the card at the school office so that we can register your name. Sports News Andrew Bouzikas – Sports Teacher Interschool Sports Term 1 Timetable DATE ROUND Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Grand Final February 8th February 15th February 22nd March 1st March 8th March 15th March 22 First Friday in Term 2 LOCATION & OPPOSITIONS HOME VS Meadow Heights AWAY VS Good Samaritan AWAY VS Roxburgh Park AWAY VS St.Carlos BYE – School Photos HOME VS Roxburgh Homestead HOME VS Roxburgh Rise To be confirmed – successful teams only Greenvale Primary School Students Play at the 2013 Australian Open Congratulations to Maximus Girgis and Lara Murray who had an amazing day representing the school at the 2013 Australian Open. Maximus and Lara won the Hot Shots Tennis Playoffs held at the school during November and December. They played on Margaret Court Arena and Show Court 3 in front of thousands of spectators. Maximus and Lara pictured with Mr Bouzikas. Greenvale and Craigieburn Tennis Clubs have tennis programs for the whole family. Call: 9333-6525. Remember all children from the school can sign up to be a Hot Shot at and receive a FREE t-shirt and back pack. Tim Connelly - Tennis Australia Hot Shots Mentor Selamat datang sampai 2013 (Welcome to 2013) Ibu Lee (Mrs. Shirin Lee) Grade 2 Students from 2RA & 2SN (Grade 2EW & 2EB will start LOTE sessions in Term 2) Our language studies will start in term 1 with greetings for various parts of the day, learning how to introduce ourselves to others; giving the name, age and the class we are in. The students will use role-plays to practise appropriate greetings and sentences. Classroom instructions, common phrases and new vocabulary will be introduced as the term progresses. We will also learn the Indonesian number names. We will compare the Indonesian phonics with the English phonics. We will also investigate the location of Indonesia, capital city and the main islands of the Indonesian archipelago in map reading sessions. Grade 3 Students We will start the term with lots of oral conversations, songs and games to revise Indonesian vocabulary we have learnt last year. We are extending Indonesian vocabulary on number names from zero to 20. Students will have the opportunity to use their Maths skills to solve simple Maths problems using Indonesian numbers. The students will be talking about their pets ( Binatang Saya) using new vocabulary and sentence structures. Each student will be given the opportunity to present an oral speech about their pets in Indonesian. On the cultural aspect; we are investigating the cultural differences on pets between Australia and Indonesia. Grade 4 Students We will start the term by revising Indonesian vocabulary we have learnt so far. We are extending our use of Indonesian number from 20 onwards. Students will have the opportunity to use their Maths skills to solve simple Maths problems with Indonesian numbers. The main theme for our Indonesian sessions is “Olahraga, Kegemaran dan Hobi” – “Sports, Pastimes and Hobbies”. The students will be talking about their favourites using new vocabulary and sentence structures. Each student will be given the opportunity to present an oral speech on the topic in Indonesian. On the cultural component, we are investigating traditional & favourite Indonesian sports, games and hobbies and compare them with Australian’s leisure activities. Grade 5 Students The focus for this term is “Sekolah Saya” – My School. Students will compare the Australian school system with the Indonesian school system. Students will be introduced to basic vocabulary on names of places, people and subjects in a school situation. Students will learn to use the introduced vocabulary to talk and write about our school as well as to share their preferences in school subjects. The students will be given the opportunity to present their learning in a presentation in Indonesian. We will be revising and extending our use of Indonesian numbers in solving basic Maths problems Grade 6 Students The main theme is “Makanan” (Food). Students will learn Indonesian names of some food and drinks in Indonesian. The students will explore some popular food consumed in Indonesia and compare them to what we like to eat in Australia. The students will use new vocabulary and sentence structures to state food preferences and share their daily diet. Students will be talking, reading, writing about their food experiences in Indonesian activities. Relevant songs, chants, games and interactive activities are incorporated into the sessions for all levels. For the student to enjoy and feel confident in the Indonesian studies, it would be helpful for the family to support the learning: • by talking about the language learnt with your child. • by encouraging your child to practise words in the Kamus (Indonesian dictionary with vocabulary lists) -frequent use is the best way of learning and feeling comfortable with another language. Most of the vocabulary introduced are available in Indonesian podcasts by going into • by letting your child teach you. I would welcome and appreciate any help that could enrich the Indonesian program. Just come and have a chat with me. Terima Kasih.(Thank you). Book Club Meredith Martell - Co-ordinator BOOK CLUB IS HERE! ISSUE ONE FOR 2013 Issue ONE of book club for 2013 has arrived. All orders must be returned NO LATER than Friday 15th February by 11 am. No orders will be accepted after this time. Before the orders come to library please check that order forms are completed correctly and that students name and grade are clearly written on order form and envelope. • • IF PAYING BY CHEQUE PLEASE MAKE OUT TO: SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB. IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE NOTE: NEW PAYMENT PROCESSES ON SLIP. Our school has been participating in Scholastic Book Club for many years. Its aim is to bring reading and books to parents and children of all ages. Twice a term book club brochures will be sent home with students for you to browse through and purchase if you would like to. There is no obligation for you to buy at all if you would prefer not to do so. At the end of each campaign all money orders are matched with points and the school library can then select books to build up our library resources. This has been a wonderful incentive from Scholastic over the years and the children have benefited both at school and at home. If you have any queries at all, please contact me in the library and I will be very happy to help with any concerns. Canteen News Mary Spiteri - Canteen Manger Welcome back - hope everyone had a good break! We are all conscious of being healthy and making better choices. Did you know the canteen offers healthy options to support the nutrition message taught in class? Help your children make better choices for lunch and snacks by encouraging them to include as many healthy options as possible from the menu. You can view the canteen menu on the school’s website to see the latest meal deals and other foods available at the canteen. In keeping with the healthy food choices, all bread types used are Wholemeal unless Multigrain or White is specified on the lunch order. I value any feedback, ideas or suggestions that you might have. You can visit me at the canteen between 8:00a.m. and 2:30p.m., or simply send them to me via the front office. Thank you for your support. Community Events Committee Nikki Mezo Hope everyone is ready to start another exiting year watching your children grow into special little human beings. We have some fun community events planned for this year, starting with our very successful Family Fun Night. We are holding a morning tea get together for any parents NEW or OLD who would like to help out or would like input into any of our community events this year. This meeting will be held on FRIDAY 15th February starting at 9:00am in the STAFFROOM. If you cannot make it and would still like to be involved, please contact the general office or email myself [email protected] Uniform Shop News Dianne Barresi Uniform Shop Days and Hours • The Uniform shop is open EVERY Tuesday in term 1 between the hours of 8:45am and 11:30am. Order Forms • • Due to a price increase which came into effect on the 1st January 2013, please ensure that you are using the current order form that is dated 2013. Order forms are available on the school website, on the Uniform Shop door or the school office. Class Room Orders • • • Classroom orders are only processed on a Tuesday. Uniform orders can be sent any day using the classroom order system. Ensure that you have the current order form and correct payment. We are SunSmart! Debbie Tilley A healthy balance of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure is important for health. Too much UV can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage and skin cancer. Overexposure to UV during childhood and adolescence is a major factor in future skin cancer risk. Too little UV from the sun can lead to low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is necessary for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and muscles, and for general health. Our school aims to achieve a healthy UV exposure balance for children and staff. We are a registered member of the Cancer Council Victoria’s SunSmart program. Please help support our SunSmart membership by ensuring your child follows the SunSmart measures encouraged by staff. From September to April (and when UV levels reach 3 and above), children are encouraged to use these five SunSmart steps. 1. 2. 3. Slip on a shirt - and wears clothing that covers as much skin as possible (e.g. tops that cover the shoulders and arms, not singlet tops) and rash vests or t-shirts for water activities. Slop on SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen at least 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply sunscreen every two hours. Please ensure your child can apply their own sunscreen. If your child has naturally very dark skin, they already have a high level of melanin and may not need to apply sunscreen. Please notify the school in writing if you prefer sunscreen not be applied Slap on a hat – one that protects the face, neck and ears such as a broad brimmed, legionnaire or bucket style hat. 4. 5. Baseball caps do not offer enough protection and are not recommended by SunSmart. Please help your child remember to bring and wear their approved hat. Seek shade – and choose shady spots for play whenever possible. Slide on some sunglasses - if practical and approved by the school. Make sure they are labelled AS 1067 and cover as much of the eye area as possible. From May to August average UV levels in Victoria are below 3 so sun protection measures are not usually needed unless near highly reflective surfaces such as snow or outside for extended periods. SunSmart UV Alert The SunSmart UV Alert indicates daily weather forecasts including temperature, UV level and times sun protection is or isn’t needed. SunSmart recommends using the UV Alert to help guide sun protection and vitamin D needs each day. Further information contact SunSmart on P: 03 9635 5148 E: [email protected] W: This information is based on current available evidence at the time of review. y Spacers and Schools: Reminder for Parents & Carers Schools in Victoria have been informed by The Asthma Foundation of Victoria about new guidelines regarding the use of spacers for children with asthma. Spacers are essential equipment when following Asthma First Aid best practice, however schools will no longer be able to wash, sterilise and re-use spacers from their asthma emergency kits when assisting students with asthma symptoms. Asthma first aid kits should only ever be used as a back-up for when a student does not have their own spacer available, if it is a first asthma attack or the cause of breathing difficulty is unknown. Some schools/preschools may implement a policy where parents/carers are responsible for the cost of the spacer if one must be used from the asthma emergency kit. Even if your child has mild asthma, it is essential that their medication and spacer is always available to school staff. Please make sure your child always brings a spacer with them to school, or has one that stays at school. For more information, please contact the Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 278 462 or email [email protected] COMMUNITY NEWS Instrumental Lessons at Greenvale Primacy School Did you know that Music: Develops mind, hand & eye co ordination Enhances listening skills Improves self esteem Is fun! ‘ help young people discover that learning is not a destination, but a journey, an incredibly wonderful journey to be devoured, savoured and cherished.’ Peter Loel Boonshaft - Teaching Music with Purpose 2006 Enrolment forms are available from the School Office or Contact Genesis Music School Direct on 0421 426 674. GREENVALE FOOTBALL CLUB JUNIOR REGISTRATION DAY SEASON 2013 Under 10’s to Under 16’s SUNDAY 10th FEBRUARY from 10:00am to 1:00pm At Greenvale Football Social Club, Section Road 2013 Coaches appointed to date - Under 10 Div 1 : Jason Traunini, Under 12 Div 1: Daryl Ball, Under 14 Div 1: Jamie Browning, Under 16 Div 1: Brett Townsend Any Enquiries please contact: Ken Hutchinson 0418 582 902 Joanne Stillman 0423 652 023 Andrew Ellis 0419 331 227 Community Advertising Section Matt Cusack Franchisee & Personal Trainer Step into Life ® Craigieburn T (03) 8339 7746| M 0417 722 113 E [email protected] | W Highgate Recreation Reserve, Grand Boulevard, Craigieburn Extensive range of children’s clothing, footwear & accessories (Newborn – Size 14) Labels incl: Lonsdale, Fred Bare, Mossimo, Lost Girls, Guess, Levis, MTK, Chino, Rock Your Baby, Pure Baby, Eco boo, Bardot Jnr (coming soon)… Shop 40 Shop G096a Gladstone Park Shopping Centre Broadmeadows Shopping Centre Gladstone Park VIC 3043 Broadmeadows VIC 3042 Ph: 03 9330 3866 Ph: 03 9302 4144 b i r t h d a y p a r t i e s + a r t & c r a f t w o r ks h o p s + holiday programs B i r t h d a y p a r t i e s fr o m $ 1 0 p e r c h i l d . S u i t a b l e fo r c h i l d r e n a g e d 3 -1 2 ye a r s . H e l d a t o u r s t u d i o i n G r e e n v a l e o r K r a ft y K a t s c a n c o m e t o yo u . A r t & C r a f t W o r ks h o p s h e l d w e e k l y o n M o n d a ys a n d m o n t h l y o n a Fr i d a y. C l a s s e s $ 1 2 p e r c h i l d , h e l d a t o u r s t u d i o i n G r e e n v a l e . S u i t a b l e fo r c h i l d r e n a g e d 5 -1 2 y e a r s . Fo r fu r t h e r d e t a i l s o r t o r e c e i v e e m a i l s o n o u r w o r k s h o p s , pleas e con tact Mich elle Wh ite 0 40 9 05 6 5 89 or vis it w w w . k r a ft y k a t s . c o m . a u Montessori Marvels Preschool Greenvale Located in the Original Historic Greenvale Primary School at Somerton Road and Section Road Educational Focus based on Montessori Principals and Early Education Philosophies • Early Learner Program for 2 year olds, 4 hours weekly • Preschool Mixed Class 3 & 4 Year Olds, 9 – 15 hours weekly Come for an observation and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the potential for your child to learn in this environment! For further information call 0411 339 991 The above sponsors are not endorsed by the Greenvale Primary School Term 1 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 1 Australia Day Holiday Jan 29 All staff resume. Jan 30 Students resume Prep - 6 Jan 31 Feb 1 Week 2 Feb 4 Assembly Feb 5 Feb 6 Preps not all school. Feb 7 Feb 8 Interschool Sports HOME VS Meadow Heights Week 3 Feb 11 Assembly Feb 12 Grade 1 Parent Information Night 3:45-4:30pm Feb 13 Preps not all school. Feb 14 Teacher Stop Work Action Day Feb 15 Interschool Sports AWAY VS Good Samaritan Week 4 Feb 18 Assembly Grade 5 Parent Information Night 3:45-4:30pm Feb 19 School Council Meeting Feb 20 Preps not all school. Feb 21 Grade 2 Parent Information Night 3:45-4:30pm Feb 22 Interschool Sports AWAY VS Roxburgh Park Feb 25 Assembly Feb 26 Indonesian in school activity Feb 27 Preps not all school. Feb 28 Grade Prep Parent Information Night 3:45-4:30pm March 1 Interschool Sports AWAY VS St.Carlos March 7 March 8 School Photos Week 5 Indonesian in school activity Grade 4 Parent Information Night 3:45-4:30pm Week 6 Grade 2 Yarrabee Farm Excursion Grade 6 Activity Day at school Indonesian in school activity Grade 6 Parent Information Night 3:45-4:30pm March 4 Assembly Preps commence full time. March 5 March 6 Week 7 March 1 1 Public Holiday March 12 Curriculum Day Students Do Not Attend School March 13 Prep – 6 Music in school activity with Peter Combe March 14 March 15 Interschool Sports HOME VS Roxburgh Homestead Week 8 March 18 Assembly March 19 School Council Meeting March 20 March 21 March 22 Interschool Sports HOME VS Roxburgh Rise Week 9 March 25 Assembly March 26 March 27 March 28 Last Day Term 1 March 29 GOOD FRIDAY Interschool Sports BYE – School Students dismissed at 2:30pm
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