Weekly Update - Claire Moore
Weekly Update - Claire Moore
Senator Claire Moore Weekly Update 23 October 2015 Phone: (07) 3252 7101; email: [email protected]; Web:www.clairemoore.net; Twitter: www.twitter.com/SenClaireMoore; Facebook: www.facebook.com/SenatorClaireMoore; Don Brown MP, Claire & Tracey Huges at the Redlands Diabetes JDRF One Walk, ‘Walk for a world without Type 1 diabetes’ at Beth Boyd Park, Thorneside on Sun 18 Oct “This week , Labor supported the enabling legislation for the China Free Trade Agreement {ChAFTA}. After months of public debate, where the government accused the ALP and the trade unions, of xenophobia,anti Australian campaigns and outright mistruths(parliamentary language for liars], an agreement to include a range of protections for workers was agreed. While we know that the trade unions see this agreement as a step in the process of reaching real protection, and will continue to campaign strongly in the community on the issues, Labor believes that the changes in the migration legislation and regulations around ChAFTA respond to the demands for effective market testing , protection of Australian wages and conditions and upholding skills and safety standards. The negatiations have been led by Penny Wong , as Shadow Minister for Trade, and this bulletin contains information from her and Bill Shorten about our position.The package of jobs safeguards do not breach ChAFTA, , require the deal to be renegotiated , nor discriminate against Chinese workers or companies . The struggle to ensure the protections for Australian workers does not end with ChAFIA, and we need to continue to examine the operation of the 457 programme and effective regulation to keep workers safe. Bill and Andrew leigh announced Labor’s National Sharing Economic Principles , establishing our commitment to a strong inclusive economy..the details are in the bulletin.Many people have concerns about the impact of trade agreements , and the questions need to be asked.Unions are providing information about their campaigns and the community must have the issues openly debated. The government has attempted to shout down any question, and shamelessly used allegations of racism and fear mongering to hide their own inability to negotiate with respect….check out Ian MacDonnell’s comments about Labor and the White Australia Policy. Labor will continue to work with the union movement to respond to the need of Australian workers “ Senator Claire Moore, Labor Senator for Queensland Redlands Diabetes JDRF One Walk, held their ‘Walk for a world without Type 1 diabetes’ at Beth Boyd Park, Thorneside on Sunday 18 Oct 1 BUSTING MALCOLM’S MYTHS ON THE CHINA FTA - PENNY WONG “Malcolm Turnbull and Andrew Robb should stop propagating myths about labour mobility in the China Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) and work with Labor on complementary safeguards.” MYTH 1: ChAFTA will not allow unrestricted access to the Australian labour market by Chinese workers. FACT: Chapter 10 of ChAFTA prevents the Australian Government imposing or maintaining “any limitations on the total number of visas” to be granted to Chinese workers. MYTH 2: Labour market testing – that is, a process for ensuring Australian workers have the opportunity to fill job vacancies – will be maintained under ChAFTA. FACT: Chapter 10 of ChAFTA prevents the Australian Government imposing “labour market testing, economic needs testing or other procedures of similar effect as a condition for temporary entry”. MYTH 3: Under new Investment Facilitation Arrangements (IFA) Australian workers will be given the first job opportunities. FACT: The IFA memorandum of understanding states will be no requirement for labour market testing to enter into an IFA. MYTH 4: ChAFTA does not change the required skills levels for Chinese visa applicants. FACT: The Turnbull/Abbott Government has agreed to remove the requirement for mandatory skills assessment for Chinese Automotive Electricians, Cabinetmakers, Carpenters, Carpenters and Joiners, Diesel Motor Mechanics, Electricians (General), Electricians (Special Class), Joiners, Motor Mechanics (General) and Motorcycle Mechanics. MYTH 5: The Investor State Dispute Settlement provisions in ChAFTA don’t protect Chinese investors from a mere loss of profits following a change in government policy or regulation. FACT: Philip Morris Asia is challenging Australia’s tobacco plain packaging legislation under an Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism in an existing agreement. The tobacco company claims a change in government policy amounts to an expropriation of investments. MYTH 6: Australia is “open for business” under the Turnbull/Abbott Government. FACT: Over the past 18 months the Turnbull/Abbott Government has turned away foreign investors, introduced a lower screening threshold for foreign investment in agricultural land, and imposed a raft of new fees, charges and penalties on foreign investors that will gouge an extra $735 million in application fees alone over the next four years. The Turnbull/Abbott Government plans to legislate this red tape run-around in the coming parliamentary sitting week. Rhetoric, taxpayer-funded advertisements and flow charts won’t secure the benefits of ChAFTA for Australian businesses and workers. When Parliament sits next week Malcolm Turnbull and Andrew Robb should put the national interest ahead of politics and work with Labor on complementary safeguards for ChAFTA. 2 Reconciliation Barometer shows evidence of Goodwill Trust between non-Indigenous people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples is still low and levels of prejudice are high but there is much goodwill for reconciliation. These are amongst findings from Reconciliation Australia’s latest Australian Reconciliation Barometer. The recently released Barometer measures the progress of reconciliation throughout Australia across five dimensions of reconciliation; historical acceptance, race relations, institutional integrity, equality and equity, and unity. The 2014 Australian Reconciliation Barometer shows that the vast majority of Australians believe the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians is important, however there is still evidence that the relationship needs work. The CEO of Reconciliation Australia, Mr Justin Mohamed said, “it is incumbent upon each and every one of us; as individuals or as part of the corporate, government or community sector; to do more to reduce problems of prejudice and to improve this critical relationship.” The Barometer also found that the general community is far less likely to agree that past government policies are responsible for the many forms of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today. This lack of historical acceptance stands as a barrier to achieving reconciliation. Mr Mohamed believes that education is critical to engaging with historical acceptance. “Through education, we can build a better understanding of the past, leading to a brighter future together.” The Barometer identifies that Australians are hungry for more knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. Eighty three per cent of Australians believe it is important to know about the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures, and 77 per cent believe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories should be a compulsory part of the school curriculum. The 2014 Australian Reconciliation Barometer shows that it is essential to the success of reconciliation, that we as a nation, understand and accept our shared history. Mr Mohamed said, “It is only when we accept our shared history that we will truly be able to harness the dimensions of reconciliation and in so doing reach our full potential as a nation.” A copy of the 2014 Australian Reconciliation Barometer is available on the Reconciliation Australia website at reconciliation.org.au QAILS – Queensland Association of Independent Legal Services Inc The Queensland Neighbourhood Disputes website (www.qldneighbourhoods.com), a self-directed guide that aims to help users find solutions to their neighbourhood problems. QAILS initiated this project to provide information to Queenslanders with legal problems surrounding neighbourhood disputes. In 2012-13, 24% of the inquiries to QAILS were from people with disputes with their neighbours, in areas including disputes over fences, overhanging trees, and anti-social behaviour. In 2012-13, QAILS member organisations provided information (such as referrals to the councils, QCAT or other responsible authorities) to 2,002 people, advice from a lawyer 1,690 times, and assisted 77 clients to resolve their neighbourhood disputes through casework and advocacy. Visit the Queensland Neighbourhood Disputes Website. RELATIONSHIP.” 3 LABOR WINS CRITICAL JOBS SAFEGUARDS IN ChAFTA (Shorten/Wong) WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2015 Labor has secured a comprehensive package of safeguards for Australian jobs. These safeguards are complementary to the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA). Labor has argued for safeguards in three specific areas: requiring labour market testing, protecting Australian wages and conditions, and upholding workplace skills and safety standards. On Wednesday Labor delivered new legal safeguards in each of these areas. Labor has stood up for local jobs and a safety net of decent wages and conditions for all workers. Having secured these outcomes, Labor will support the ChAFTA enabling legislation in Parliament, which will allow Australian exporters to gain improved access to the Chinese market at the earliest opportunity. Under an agreement negotiated between Labor and the Government, employers entering migration work agreements including under ChAFTA Investment Facilitation Arrangements will be required to conduct labour market testing. The new obligations will be written into the Migration Regulations, ensuring they are legally binding. Labor has also secured agreement to a series of additional safeguards for work agreements. These include requiring employers to adopt training plans showing how they will train local workers, and overseas worker support plans showing how they will support subclass 457 visa workers. These requirements will be included in Immigration Department guidelines for work agreements and will be underpinned by a new Migration Regulation. Labor has secured a major improvement in market salary rate requirements for 457 visa workers to ensure temporary skilled migration does not undermine Australian wages and conditions. The Migration Regulations will be amended to provide that wage rates under enterprise agreements will be used as a benchmark for assessing whether 457 visa workers are being paid market salaries. The Government has agreed to consider Labor’s proposal to increase and index the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold as part of a review. Labor has protected workplace skills and safety standards by strengthening requirements for temporary migrant workers in occupations such as electrical and plumbing trades to obtain Australian occupational licences. New visa conditions will be created requiring 457 visa workers in licenced trade occupations not to work unless they hold a licence, to obtain the relevant licence within 90 days of arriving in Australia and to notify the Immigration Department if refused a licence. 4 Overseas workers breaching these conditions will risk visa cancellation. Their employers would face sanctions such as having their approval to sponsor 457 workers cancelled. Labor has also secured new requirements for public reporting on the impact of work agreements. The Government has agreed to consult the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration, which includes the ACTU, in developing policy measures to tackle exploitation of vulnerable migrant workers. Labor’s package of jobs safeguards do not breach ChAFTA, do not require it to be renegotiated and do not discriminate against Chinese workers or companies – in fact they will improve protections for all 457 visa workers in Australia. Labor’s responsible stance means Australian exporters and consumers will be able to secure the benefits of ChAFTA without Australian job opportunities, wages or skills and safety standards being undermined. We’re confident that these amendments will address the concerns the community has had in relation to Australian jobs. Of course, this is not the end of Labor’s efforts to support local jobs, eliminate the exploitation of visa holders and protect the wages and conditions of all workers in Australia.. Labor will continue to examine the operation of our temporary skilled migration program, and the performance of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and workplace regulators, to ensure Australian workplaces are fair, safe and productive. ROOKIE TREASURER HAS NO IDEA ON RETURN TO SURPLUS (Bowen) WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2015 The new Treasurer is beset by difficulties surrounding a series of very straight forward factual questions on the state of the economy and the Budget. Now Mr Morrison refuses to standby the Budget projects that show a return to surplus in 2019-20. The embarrassing saga was on display again this morning on the Today show. KARL STEFANOVIC: “When will the Budget return to surplus?” MORRISON: “Well, as I said yesterday, when expenditure is less than revenue.” STEFANOVIC: “When is that going to be?” MORRISON: “In the future, when we get to that point.” This from an Abbott-Turnbull Government that has no taken every conceivable position on a return to surplus, from the first year of Government, to every year of Government, and the list goes on. It’s a pretty straight-forward question: does the Treasurer stand by the projected surplus in 2019-20? Yes or no. This morning’s Today interview was a train wreck for the rookie Treasurer where he was unable to clearly explain how he would impose a ban on profiteering in credit card surcharging and where he expressed faux outrage over a questions concerning his knifing of the Member for North Sydney following years of political stalking of the Treasury post. The Treasurer continues to show his unease and inability to navigate the Budget papers and answer basic questions on it. 5 TURNBULL NOW OWNS CUTS TO FAMILY TAX BENEFITS (Macklin) WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2015 Yesterday these were Tony Abbott's cuts to families - today they are officially Malcolm Turnbull's cuts to families. Labor is pleased to have secured a win for families by forcing the Abbott-Turnbull Government to back down on the freeze to family tax benefit rates. This is a major back down from the government – and it’s all thanks to Labor standing with families since the disastrous 2014 Budget. But as always with this Liberal Government the devil is in the detail. At first glance it is clear that this package will have some very harsh consequences for some families - including for single parents and grandparent carers. What we do not want to see is hard working Australian families ripped off by out of touch Liberals. I am very concerned about what some of these cuts will mean for families, and we will be seeking more details from the government on the impacts of these cuts on various types of families. Two years after Tony Abbott first introduced these cuts; Malcolm Turnbull has now assumed ownership of the Liberal cuts. Labor has spent two years fighting for families. The last thing we are going to do is give the Government a rubber stamp on cuts to families. TURNBULL GOVERNMENT DRAGGED KICKING & SCREAMING ON UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS (Rowland) WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2015 The Turnbull Government has been dragged kicking and screaming to extend unfair contract term protections to small businesses. After promising before the election to extend these protections to small business the Government completely betrayed small businesses throughout Australia by opposing the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Small Business and Unfair Contract Terms) Bill 2015 in the Senate. Labor and the crossbench joined together to support this legislation which extends unfair contract term protections to contracts up to $300,000. A cap that will cover most IT, engineering and other independent contractors, including those in the public service. In a humiliating backdown the Government has now supported this legislation in the House. As the Australian economy transitions, the role of our small businesses as drivers of economic growth and prosperity has never been more important. Small businesses are at the forefront of innovation, productivity and opportunity and Labor will work to help small business grow and prosper. $56 MILLION TO BUILD PALMERSTON HOSPITAL’S STAIRWAY TO NOWHERE (King/Snowdon/Peris) WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2015 In astonishing evidence at Senate Estimates this morning Department of Health officials have revealed that the Abbott-Turnbull Government has paid $56m to the CLP Government to dig a hole, part fill it with concrete, hold a media conference then immediately fill it in again. Asked whether the Department would be investigating this, the Deputy Secretary responsible for public hospital funding agreements advised the Senate that the Department would not get involved in that level of ‘micromanagement’. The Minister for Health must immediately detail how this was not merely a stunt straight out of the TV Series Utopia. 6 Why did the CLP last week arrange a media event of the first concrete pour at the site at what the NT Health Minister and CLP Member for Solomon claimed was a “stairwell in the main entrance of the Palmerston hospital”. The NT Health Minister has subsequently admitted the concrete pour was not in fact part of the hospital proper and it soon became apparent this was a stairway to nowhere with the hole filled in again 24 hours later possibly before the concrete was even dry. Despite this, Department of Health officials have accepted evidence from the NT Government that work on the site has commenced, clearing the way for a $35 million payment. This takes total Commonwealth payments for Palmerston Hospital to $56 million despite no evidence that genuine work on the site has commenced beyond clearing some dirt. Despite promises from the CLP Member for Solomon that work would commence in 2014, CLP infighting and incompetence meant contracts were only signed in July 2015. Site services were due to commence in July 2014 and construction was due to commence in May 2015. It has now been more than two years since the then Federal Labor Government committed Commonwealth funds to build Palmerston Hospital, a commitment the Coalition promised to match. With Darwin Hospital close to capacity and the Liberals ripping over $600 million out of the Territory’s Public Hospitals over the next decade, Territorians cannot afford these stunts. The Territory desperately needs Palmerston Hospital right now, but due to the CLP’s negligence and incompetence, it will be years before the first patient is treated. GOVERNMENT STILL ADRIFT ON ARTS FUNDING (Dreyfus/Bilyk) WEDNESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2015 The arts community breathed a collective sigh of relief when Senator George Brandis was sacked as Arts Minister in September. It is increasingly apparent that this sense of relief was premature. Senator Fifield has refused to abandon Senator Brandis’ disgraceful signature policy: the arts slush fund scheme set up with $105 million ripped out of the Australia Council. Instead, Senator Fifield has said he will “endeavour to make the scheme work”. Yesterday’s Senate Estimates hearings, however, showed that the Government and its new Arts Minister remain hopelessly adrift on arts policy. Though the Government’s arts slush fund was due to come into effect from 1 July 2015, Senator Fifield admitted today under questioning from Senator Bilyk that the Government has still not appointed any assessors. The Government had committed to begin making appointments within 25 days of applications being received. However, the Government also admitted that it has still not settled guidelines for applications under the program. Incredibly, 162 days after the Government’s slush fund was announced in the Budget, all that has been delivered is disruption and cuts to established programs. Not one grant has been made under the new program. The Minister has made vague indications that there would be further changes to the program, but was unable to say what these would be and when they would be finalised. It is quite clear that the former Minister, Senator George Brandis, was making up arts policy as he went along. Senator Fifield appears to be following suit. The Government should put an end to the uncertainty it has imposed across the arts community, admit that its slush fund program has been a complete disaster, abandon it altogether and return the $105 million to the Australia Council. GREAT NEWS FOR AUSTRALIAN WINE JOBS (Champion) WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2015 Tuesday’s announcement by the South Australian Labor Government of a $2m dollar grant for the expansion of the Wolf Blass Packaging Centre is great news for jobs in South Australia. 7 The $25m expansion will create 30 new jobs when the new bottling line is operational by July 2016. Treasury Wine Estates already employs over 1,000 South Australians and has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to the South Australian economy. Federal Labor welcomes this commitment and will continue to work with all members of the South Australian food and wine production and manufacturing industries as part of Labor’s South Australian Taskforce. LAWLER INQUIRY LONG OVERDUE BUT WELCOMED BY LABOR (O’Connor) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 Labor welcomes the long overdue appointment of independent investigator the Hon Peter Heerey AM QC to review the conduct of Vice President of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) Michael Lawler. Labor has been calling for the Government to take action in relation to Mr Lawler since June. On Four Corners last night Mr Lawler admitted that he worked on his partner Kathy Jackson's defence while being on extended sick leave and also made admissions that he may have been a beneficiary of stolen union money. While the inquiry’s terms of reference includes looking into complaints of misconduct by Mr Lawler, they appear to be silent on matters relating to a recent finding by Justice Tracey that Ms Jackson misappropriated $1.4 million from members of the Health Services Union. Labor is concerned that the inquiry’s terms of reference will not allow the investigation of any benefit Mr Lawler allegedly received and the failure to do so will have an adverse impact on the reputation of the FWC. We demand an immediate assurance from the Government that the inquiry will include these matters. The FWC has been an essential part of our nation for more than a century and is very important for the living standards of hardworking Australians and we don’t want its reputation to be traduced by the conduct of its officers. Given the public interest in these matters and the potential loss of public confidence in the FWC, Labor urges the Minister for Employment to confirm that the inquiry will include consideration of whether Mr Lawler has benefited from money stolen from HSU, indicate when the investigation will be concluded, and ensure the investigation proceeds expeditiously given the significant amount of time that has already elapsed since complaints were raised. MITCH ‘PLOTTER’ FIFIELD JUST CAN’T STOP PLAYING POLITICS (Clare) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 Minister for Communications Mitch Fifield has not managed to move on from the key role he played as part of the Prime Ministerial assassination squad. Instead of fulfilling his responsibilities as Communications Minister in an even-handed and bi-partisan way, he has demonstrated that he is still obsessed with playing politics. It was confirmed in Senate Estimates this morning that individual electorate briefs have been prepared by his department on the unrealistic three year rollout plan of Malcolm Turnbull’s second rate NBN. But in a blatantly political move, only Liberal and National MPs have been provided with this material. A request for access to this material was made to Minister Fifield’s office almost a week ago. We still haven’t heard back. In Senate Estimates, Minister Fifield refused to confirm whether non-Government MPs would be granted access to these briefs. The Communications Minister is still learning his job but the blatantly partisan way he is approaching the portfolio does not bode well. Senator Fifield has a fearsome reputation as a factional player in the Victorian Liberal party and indeed has been described as one of the ‘plotters’ that helped to bring down Tony Abbott and install Malcolm Turnbull. I hope that he recognises the importance of the National Broadband Network to all Australians and does not continue to make it just the latest pawn in his political games. 8 SQUAD OF MINISTER’S BUT NO-ONE IS IN CHARGE (Albanese) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 The simmering turf war over which of at least four Federal Government ministers is responsible for cities policy took a new turn today when Malcolm Turnbull claimed it was his responsibility. Since Turnbull ousted Abbott last month to become prime minister, at least four of his ministers have claimed to have responsibility for urban policy – an important area that has been a Labor focus for years but which was completely ignored by the former Abbott Government. Due to Turnbull’s handling of the administrative arrangements, it is unclear whether Environment Minister Hunt, Major Projects Minister Fletcher, Infrastructure Minister Truss or Cities Minister Briggs actually has carriage of urban policy. On Monday, when a question was directed about the Melbourne Metro to Briggs, we were told it was not in his portfolio, triggering farcical scenes because no-one knew who was responsible. Today, when I turned to Mr Turnbull to clarify the situation, he insisted urban policy was his responsibility. That is not practical. Unless Mr Turnbull intends to govern as a one-man band, he must rely upon ministers and have clear lines of responsibility over the various areas of government activity.Just weeks after the change of prime minister, it is clear there is chaos on the government frontbenches as ambitious ministers grapple for power and influence. It is equally clear that Mr Turnbull has misjudged the allocation of ministries. He needs to ensure that someone has clear responsibility for cities and surely that cannot be separated from the Department of Infrastructure. The Prime Minister and his various infrastructure ministers have talked about their plans to improve the productivity, sustainability and liveability of cities, including by investing in public transport. But so far they have produced nothing of substance. NO CHANGE MADE BY AG DEPARTMENT FOLLOWING MISAPPROPRIATION OF LEVY & TAX PAYER FUNDS (Fitzgibbon) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 In Senate Estimate hearings officials from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resource were unable to state whether any process and procedural changes were made following the misappropriation of levy and tax payers funds. It insisted on referring Senator Cameron back to Horticulture Innovation Australia the corporation that was at the centre of the misappropriation of over $300,000. It provided no detail as to whether the incident triggered a wider investigated to ensure that strong guidelines exist to deal with fraudulent behaviour. Levy payers and tax payers will be disappointed that the Department appeared not to be concerned about the possibility of fraudulent behaviour in other like organisations.Following further questioning, the Department acknowledge that a review into the incident should be undertaken to see what lessons can be learnt. The Department chose to take on notice details about when it provided advice to the Minister on the misappropriation of over $300,000. 9 TURNBULL IS A TRAITOR TO THE CAUSE OF MARRIAGE EQUALITY (Terri Butler) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 In Question Time, Malcolm Turnbull has again proved himself a traitor to the cause of marriage equality in Australia. “Despite saying hand on heart that he did not want marriage equality to be a “live issue all the way up to the next election”, Malcolm Turnbull is using the same obstructing tactics as his predecessor, Tony Abbott,” Ms Butler said. “Before he was appointed Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull claimed to be a strong champion for a free vote on marriage equality. It is disappointing that he sold-out to buy-off the hard right of the Liberal party and wrest the leadership from Tony Abbott. “A plebiscite is nothing more than an exorbitantly expensive opinion poll that will achieve nothing. By the Australian Electoral Commission’s own figures, a plebiscite would cost up to $160 million; and constitutional law experts have said that it would be of no legal effect”. Turnbull has still not confirmed if he would allow a free vote in the event of a successful plebiscite, or if it would remain a binding vote for Liberals making a plebiscite a complete waste of time and money. “The Parliament has the constitutional power to vote for marriage equality. There is a cross-party Bill before the Parliament right now, and it is time this Prime Minister showed some leadership and allowed Liberals Members and Senators a free vote. GOVERNMENT FAILS TO MONITOR STUDENT VISA PROCESSING (Carr) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 Senate estimates last night saw Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) officials unable to explain why two private training providers subject to serious misconduct allegations were on the list of providers with access to the streamlined visa processing (SVP) system. The SVP system allows students to enter Australia on reduced evidentiary requirements, if they study at an approved education institution. The two providers about which questions have been raised are: - St Stephen Institute of Training, which is subject to allegations of using students as contract workers for Australian firms, including Australia Post. Individuals have been charged following an investigation led by the Australian Federal Police and raids conducted on 4 August 2015. - Imperial College of Victoria, whose Victorian Training Guarantee contract was cancelled by the Victorian Department of Education and Training following a crackdown targeted at serious fraud and misconduct on 18 August 2015. St Stephen Institute’s SVP registration was cancelled by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) on 5 August, but it took DIBP until 12 August to cancel its SVP status. Even more concerning is the fact that the Imperial College of Australia is still an SVP approved provider. Rather than answering questions about how these providers could have been given access to SVP, let alone retained it, Department of Immigration and Border Protection officials instead took 17 questions on notice. These cases raise questions about the government’s expansion of SVP to small private vocational education providers. If the current deregulation of student visa processing is allowed to continue it will constitute a real risk to Australia’s reputation as a quality education destination, and could threaten the growth prospects of our $19 billion education 10 export industry. The Liberal Government must explain why, in the face of these issues, it proposes to place international students and the sector’s reputation at risk by deregulating immigration and education protections. ARENA STILL FOR THE CHOP (Mark Butler) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 Simon Birmingham last night confirmed the Australian Renewable Energy Agency ARENA is still in the Government’s sights for abolition. The leader may have changed but the Liberals plans to abolish ARENA remain exactly the same. During a stellar performance at Senate Estimates last night the CEO of ARENA stepped through the great achievements of the agency, only for the Minister to confirm that the Government had no faith and no commitment to ARENA. ARENA confirmed it had invested $1.1 billion and leveraged $1.7 billion in private investment in new and emerging renewable energy projects. Two years of uncertainty for ARENA and two years of investor uncertainty in renewables under the Liberals has seen millions of dollars and thousands of jobs lost, yet the agency ploughs on regardless, knowing they will be on the right side of history. Clean Energy Finance Corporation is also still languishing on the abolition list alongside ARENA. Malcolm Turnbull was once a strong advocate of renewable energy but he has given that all up to become leader of the Liberal Party. Malcolm Turnbull has taken over from Tony Abbott to lead Australia’s march backwards from serious action on climate change. In fact Malcolm Turnbull plans to abolish ARENA and CEFC, exactly like Tony Abbott. ONLY LABOR WILL ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE (Shorten/Mark Butler) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 Today Labor has met with some of Australia’s most eminent climate scientists and researchers, who were involved in the development of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report. The IPCC Report supports the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the main international treaty on climate change which Australia is a party to. It is an important contribution to the deliberations at the Paris Climate Change Conference later this year. The report states that climate change impacts will amplify existing threats, and create news ones, disproportionately affecting disadvantaged people and developing countries. We have grave concerns about the in-action of the Malcolm Turnbull and his Liberal Government on climate change. Evidence from the Environment Department shows emissions will actually increase under their Direct Action policy a slush fund for big polluters which places the financial burden onto the Australian taxpayer. A recent RepuTex report found that none of the 140 companies covered by Direct Action will face any obligation to reduce their emissions. In the past few weeks we have seen Malcolm Turnbull sell out on climate change. He no longer supports a true market mechanism or a strong target. This will restrict our competitiveness in a world that is embracing the direction Labor is advocating. Companies will not modernise and will not reduce their emissions in the most efficient way under the Liberals discredited policy. Malcolm Turnbull is taking Australia backwards while the rest of the world moves on. 11 It’s time for Malcolm Turnbull to deliver on his hyperbole and commit to an Emissions Trading Scheme and more renewable energy for Australia. The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report findings include: Changes in many extreme weather and climate events have been observed since about 1950. Some of these changes have been linked to human influences, including a decrease in cold temperature extremes, an increase in warm temperature extremes, an increase in extreme high sea levels and an increase in the number of heavy precipitation events in a number of regions. Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems. Cumulative emissions of CO2 largely determine global mean surface warming by the late 21st century and beyond. Climate change will amplify existing risks and create new risks for natural and human systems. Risks are unevenly distributed and are generally greater for disadvantaged people and communities in countries at all levels of development. Without additional mitigation efforts beyond those in place today, and even with adaptation, warming by the end of the 21st century will lead to high to very high risk of severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts globally. For more information on Labor’s plan visit http://www.alp.org.au/renewableenergy NO COMPANY FORCED TO CUT EMISSIONS UNDER DIRECT ACTION (Mark Butler) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 A report by leading analyst RepuTex has shown that no companies will be forced to cut their emissions under the Abbott-Turnbull Government’s pathetic Direct Action policy. Regulations released by the Government just last week are so watered down they fail to impose any downwards pressure on pollution. This report has confirmed that Direct Action will do nothing to cut emissions, making even the most pathetic target the Government sets completely unachievable. While the rest of the world is acting on climate change, the Abbott-Turnbull Government is taking Australia backwards. Without a true market mechanism, companies will not modernise and will not reduce their emissions in the most efficient way. It’s time for Malcolm Turnbull to deliver on his hyperbole and commit to an Emissions Trading Scheme for Australia. The RepuTex report found none of the 140 companies covered by Direct Action will face any obligation to reduce their emissions. The Government’s new ‘safeguards’ allow companies to adjust their baseline, exposing Direct Action for the failure it is. Malcolm Turnbull has clearly sold-out on climate change in order to take the top job. Unfortunately it will be future generations that pay for Malcolm Turnbull’s blatant self-interest. 12 ROOKIE TREASURER WANTS GROWTH, JUST NOT SURE WHETHER IT’S UP OR DOWN (Bowen) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 Labor asked the Treasurer in Question Time: ‘Was growth for this financial year revised up or down in the AbbottTurnbull government's last budget?’ A pretty simple question for a Treasurer. You would think the Treasurer had been introduced to the 2014-15 Budget papers. Mr Morrison had no idea. The answer is, the real GDP figure for the current financial year was revised down from 3 to 2.75 per cent. The fact is, annual growth is currently anchored well-below trend at two per cent. The Abbott-Turnbull Government promised so much on the economy and Budget, but the reality is that the Government’s damaging Budgets have sent the economy backwards. LABOR TAKING THE LEAD ON SUPPORTING INNOVATION Shorten/Bowen/Carr/Chalmers/Husic) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 Labor will bring together venture capital, superannuation, startups and peak industry bodies on 12 November for the inaugural roundtable of the Innovation Investment Partnership (IIP). The launch of the IIP will be hosted in Canberra by Bill Shorten, Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen, Shadow Minister for Innovation Senator Kim Carr, Shadow Minister for Financial Services Jim Chalmers and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary Assisting with Digital Innovation and Startups Ed Husic. The majority of jobs to be created over the next decade and beyond will be in companies that don’t exist today. Australia has some great startups – they are also significant and growing employers – but we need more companies like these. Australia currently has one of the lowest rates of startup formation in the world. Labor believes government has a role to play – not replacing private investment, or crowding it out but by fostering a culture of innovation, rewarding people for good ideas, supporting young people to kick-off their own startups and getting behind Australian creativity and enterprise. A big part of creating the environment where the startups of the future can flourish is unlocking greater opportunities from angel and venture capital investors, and building links with Australia’s $2 trillion superannuation pool. The Partnership will explore ways that encourage superannuation to invest in and support venture capital in Australia, as occurs in almost every other developed economy in the world. That is why Labor has written to leaders in Australian venture capital, superannuation, startups and industry bodies inviting them to participate in the IIP. The IIP is part of Labor’s comprehensive plan to take advantage of the transition to the digital economy to secure today’s jobs, tomorrow’s jobs and ensure that no one is left behind. A Shorten Labor Government will: Promote the teaching of coding and computational thinking in every primary and secondary school in Australia; 13 Boost the number of young Australians taking up STEM courses at university as well as upskill 25,000 teachers; Offer a Startup Year at university to young Australians looking to start their own enterprise; Attract the best entrepreneurial talent from around the world and help build Australia’s growing startup economy through two new visa categories; Get startups to help solve government problems through Challenge Platforms and support startups to compete in government tenders; Generate the skills required for our emerging digital economy now through a National Digital Workforce Plan; Back in great ideas through co-investing in early stage and high potential companies through the $500 million Smart Investment Fund; and Improve access to finance for micro-businesses through a partial guarantee scheme, Start-Up Finance. Further details about the Innovation Investment Partnership will be announced in coming weeks. Read more here www.futuresmartaustralia.org STARTUPWEEK SYDNEY KICKS OFF STRONG (Husic) Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Digital Innovation and Startups Ed Husic has welcomed the launch of the inaugural StartupWeek Sydney. The week-long program will feature events focused on ways to strengthen the startup ecosystem. Speaking at Tuesday night’s launch event at fintech hub Stone & Chalk, Mr Husic congratulated both event organisers and participating enterprises for their role in spotlighting the value of startups to the Australian economy. “Startups are at the forefront of a massive effort to modernise and liberalise our economy - events like StartupWeek Sydney promote this and highlight what is needed to lift startup formation in Australia,” Mr Husic said. Mr Husic said StartupWeek Sydney will have something for everyone: conferences, hackathons, workshops, panels, pitch nights, debates, exhibitions, tours, networking events. “These events provide those wanting to build a startup an opportunity to network and get advice from others about the best way forward for their enterprise. “StartupWeek Sydney has also built an impressive app to keep people up to date with events during the week - and help connect them with other startup founders and supporters. “Experts tell us that 13 of Australia’s 19 traditional industry sectors will experience some form of digital disruption over the next decade. “We should seek to get the most out of that change, creating jobs and economic opportunity for Australia - having a flourishing domestic startup ecosystem will ensure we can do this. “Events like StartupWeek Sydney will not only showcase the successes of existing startups, but will encourage others to make their business ideas a reality.” Mr Husic said he looked forward to being involved in a number of events over the week. Labor recognises the important role governments can play in fostering a culture of innovation, rewarding people for good ideas and getting behind Australian creativity and enterprise. That is why a Shorten Labor Government will: Promote the teaching of coding and computational thinking in every primary and secondary school in Australia; Boost the number of young Australians taking up STEM courses at university as well as upskill 25,000 teachers; 14 Offer a Startup Year at university to young Australians looking to start their own enterprise; Attract the best entrepreneurial talent from around the world and help build Australia’s growing startup economy through two new visa categories; Get startups to help solve government problems through Challenge Platforms and support startups to compete in government tenders; Generate the skills required for our emerging digital economy now through a National Digital Workforce Plan; Back in great ideas through co-investing in early stage and high potential companies through the $500 million Smart Investment Fund; and Improve access to finance for micro-businesses through a partial guarantee scheme, Start-Up Finance. StartupWeek Sydney is an initiative created by the startup community, for the startup community. It will run from Friday 23 October to Friday 30 October and brings together five thousand attendees, one hundred and fifty speakers and sixty individual events being held across twenty-two venues. Further information can be found at www.startupweeksydney.com.au VET FEE-HELP BLOWOUT NEEDS URGENT ACTION (Carr/Bird) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 The release today of the 2014 VET FEE-HELP Statistical Report demonstrates, yet again, why the Turnbull Liberal Government needs to act urgently to clean out the sharks and shonks in the vocational education sector. The report, which was released online and under the cover of darkness with no word from the Minister, highlights that the number of VET FEE-HELP loans issued more than doubled between 2013 and 2014 – from just over 100,000 to nearly 203,000. And the value of VET FEE-HELP payments to providers has ballooned from $699 million in 2013 to $1.75 billion in 2014 . The Turnbull Liberal Government has been asleep at the wheel. They now need to stop merely tinkering around the edges and properly address this blowout in VET FEE-HELP debt, which could end up as a huge cost to taxpayers. For the past 18 months we have seen hundreds of media reports about the sharks and shonks that are targeting vulnerable Australians, providing little or no training for over-priced courses and saddling those that can least afford it with thousands of dollars of debt. The recent Senate Education and Employment References Committee inquiry heard that this is not just an issue of a few dodgy providers but one of widespread and systemic rorting. In his submission to the Senate Inquiry into the operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia, Andrew Norton, Higher Education Program Director and the Grattan Institute, estimates that “40 per cent of VET FEE-HELP loans lent to people with diploma and advanced diploma qualifications will not be recovered”. This means up to $700 million in loans taken out in 2014 could go unpaid. If the Liberals fail to act to protect students from these shonks and sharks, the cost will be borne by individual students, Australian taxpayers and the economy. TURNBULL ON THE VERGE OF FAMILIES BACKDOWN (Macklin) TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 Reports suggest that the Abbott-Turnbull Government is considering a humiliating backdown on around $5 billion in cuts to Family Tax Benefits. If true, this is a big win for Australian families and a big win for Labor. More than 1.5 million families have been spared a freeze to their Family Tax Benefit rates, and freezes to eligibility thresholds. It 15 also appears single parent and single income families will be spared a cut of $3,000 per year when their youngest child turns six. The Government appears to be proposing to increase this from six to twelve years of age. Labor has been fighting these cuts for more than 18 months. For 18 months, the Liberals have defended them – everyone including Turnbull, Morrison, Abbott and Hockey. Turnbull must come clean with Australian families and explain exactly what changes he is making to his families package. Never forget, Labor has stopped $23bn in cuts to pension indexation. Labor has stopped cuts to young jobseekers that would have left young unemployed Australians with nothing to live on for six months. Now it looks like Labor will stop around $5 billion in cuts to Family Tax Benefits. If it wasn’t for Labor, families, pensioners and young jobseekers would have all fallen victim to the Liberal’s cruel cuts. Labor will examine the details of any new proposals put forward by the Government. However, Labor will not accept any unfair cuts that hurt vulnerable Australians. Labor will continue to stand side by side with Australian families. Only Labor can be trusted to protect Australian families. THE PASSING OF MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM BRIAN ‘DIGGER’ JAMES (Feeney) AC AO (Mil), MBE, MC TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2015 On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I would like to express my condolences on the passing of Major-General William Brian ‘Digger’ James AC AO(Mil) MBE MC. Major General James was renowned for a 30 year military career as well as his many wide and varied service to the nation including as a RSL National President and Chairman of the Australian War Memorial. His military career included serving as a platoon commander in the Korean War with 1 RAR where he was severely wounded, losing his left foot and badly damaging his right leg. He also commanded the 8th Field Ambulance in South Vietnam and was Senior Medical Officer of the 1st Australian Task Force at Nui Dat for twelve months from January 1968 to January 1969. His example to soldiers who had been similarly wounded in mine or booby trap incidents was inspiring. He rendered continuing service to our nation through his medical skills, but also as patron of many organisations such as the Amputees & Families Support Group Qld since 1992, the Korean, South East Asian, Vietnam Veterans Association, Ballina & Districts since 1997, the International Society of Prosthetics & Orthotics since 1992 and the Australian Light Horse Association since 2005. In particular his commitment, dedication and advocacy for veterans will be greatly missed. The Director of the Australian War Memorial, Dr Brendan Nelson said "Major-General 'Digger' James was highly regarded and respected throughout the nation as an outstanding leader, advocate for veterans, and one of the most decent and honourable Australians of the 20th century." The contribution of Major General James to our country rendered him an iconic figure and role model that inspired all generations of Australians to give something back and appreciate the fulfilment that comes with voluntary service to nation and community in whatever way we can. I would like to pass on our sincere condolences to his friends and family, particularly his wife and four children. May he rest in peace. SENATE ESTIMATES REVEALS GOVT’S STRATEGIC FAILURE IN DEALING WITH FAMILY & DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Moore) MONDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2015 The Liberal Government’s Office of Women has no strategy for evaluating the effectiveness of the Government’s $100 million package for addressing Domestic Violence, it was revealed in Senate Estimates this afternoon. While Labor welcomes the much needed funding package due to the seriousness of the domestic violence epidemic 16 Senator Claire Moore expressed her great concern that the Office of Women has no oversight of programs or what is being spent by Governments in Australia on family and domestic violence. “How is the Australian Community to know this money in not going to be wasted, that it is not just window dressing, but a real demonstration to a commitment to ending the killings and violence?” Senator Moore asked. Astoundingly the Office of Women didn’t have a clue as to how much the government is spending on its approach to the scourge of domestic violence or its effectiveness, an official saying: “we didn’t actually have any ... the point is we don’t actually have any consolidated information since that time (2009).” Nor could they detail the overall expenditure undertaken in the whole of government approach to domestic violence. The community should know clearly how much is being spent on tackling domestic and family violence and even more importantly how effective that funding is, in addressing the crisis. Labor urges the Government to urgently address this oversight so the community can see that the government have a plan, know what’s been spent and can track the effectiveness of the funding in dealing with family and domestic violence. We must ensure sure the response is achieving the best possible results in the reduction of violence and harm. Labor has committed to deliver a $70 million package that ensures that those suffering from family violence can access critical services when they need them. It includes: $50 million to frontline legal services, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services to ensure women suffering from family violence get legal support. An initial investment of $15 million in Safe at Home grants to help people affected by family violence stay safe in their own home. Labor will also invest $8 million in perpetrator mapping to look at the interactions across family violence, law enforcement, justice, child protection and related systems to help identify opportunities to prevent violence through information sharing. TURNBULL’S HYPOCRISY ON CITIES EXPOSED (Giles) MONDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2015 Malcolm Turnbull’s media blitz on Victorian public transport hasn’t changed his thinly veiled contempt for the city of Melbourne. After claiming in Question Time that a key difference between the Turnbull and Abbott governments is Cities policy, the Prime Minister refused to allow the Minister for Cities to answer a question on the business case of the Melbourne Metro rail project, instead farcically redirecting it to the Deputy Prime Minister. “It’s one thing to look to selfies on trams for product differentiation, but quite another to take seriously the challenges facing our major cities,” Andrew Giles, MP for Scullin, said. The Melbourne Metro project is a vital piece of infrastructure for the growing population of Melbourne. By refusing to answer questions on the issue, the Turnbull government is treating more than four million Melbournians with contempt. The project was funded in Labor’s 2009 federal budget and the Victorian government completed the business case in 2011. DEMENTIA RESEARCH IS ONLY PART OF THE PUZZLE (Neumann/Polley) MONDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2015 Labor has called for more action on dementia for those currently living with dementia. Labor welcomes the announcement of $43 million for dementia research, but warns it should not be seen as a replacement for investing in dementia care, training and community awareness. “Dementia care has reached a critical point, following two years of mismanagement and cruel cuts under the Abbott-Turnbull Government,” warned Shadow Minister for Ageing Shayne Neumann. 17 “We acknowledge that dementia research is essential, but we must remember that today’s breakthrough could still take years or decades to make an impact. “Australians living with dementia now, their families, carers and communities have been neglected by the Liberal Government for over two years. “If Sussan Ley was truly serious about dementia she would outline a strategy for dealing with dementia now. “The first step would be releasing the report into the current Government funded dementia programs, which began over 12 months ago and was due by June 2015.” More than 342,800 Australians are living with this chronic and degenerative disease, but is expected to increase to close to one million by 2050 without a medical breakthrough. The direct health and aged care expenditure on people with dementia is around $5bn and will represent one per cent of GDP within the next two decades. “If Sussan Ley was serious about dementia she would outline whether the dementia ‘flying squads’ will even get off the ground,” the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Aged Care Senator Helen Polley said. “Rather she should utilise funding for this failed experiment and invest in supporting those in residential aged care and those who care for people with severe behaviours as a result of dementia and other conditions. “Also, it would be helpful if Sussan Ley could explain the National Framework for Action on Dementia, mysteriously dumped onto the Department of Social Services website without reference to where it has come from, who wrote it or how it will drive policy. “There has been no consultation with the sector in the past two years and a lot has changed in that time, including funding cuts by the Abbott-Turnbull Government. “Dementia care has become a lower order priority under the Abbott-Turnbull Government and vulnerable and older Australians deserve better.” LIBERAL’S PLAN WILL DIVIDE & DIMINISH THE SUPER SYSTEM (Bowen/Chalmers) MONDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2015 The Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Trustee Governance) Bill listed for debate in the House today is ideologically driven and unwarranted. The Government plans to dismantle the equal employee and employer representation model of super boards, despite industry funds being among the most successful and high-performing funds year-on-year. The poorly-designed proposal to force funds to appoint one-third independent directors and an independent chair flies in the face of evidence and best practice from around the world. The Productivity Commission has said in a 2012 Report that: “there is a lack of compelling evidence to suggest that any one model of board structure should be viewed as clearly preferable in all cases.” APRA already has the power to set and enforce prudential standards for superannuation funds so that they meet the financial promises they make to beneficiaries. The Liberals are proposing a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Average Australians will have to bear the costs of this ideological attack on not-for-profit super funds, with Industry Super Australia estimating the cost of director churn to be up to $168 million. Labor is interested in policy proposals that grow superannuation and make the system better - not in proposals that divide one part of the superannuation system against another. The new Assistant Treasurer should stop the ideological crusade mounted by the previous minister and accept the evidence that the representative superannuation model is working, and does not need to be changed. Labor will call on the crossbenchers in the House and the Senate to reject these ideologically driven and unwarranted attacks on our superannuation sector. 18 SANTOS GLADSTONE LNG PROJECT BEGINS EXPORT (Gray) MONDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2015 Shadow Minister for Resources Gary Gray congratulated Australian oil and gas producer Santos on the shipment of its first cargo of gas to customers in Asia from its Gladstone Liquid Natural Gas project on Curtis Island in Queensland. “The commencement of exports from the Gladstone LNG project is a milestone achievement for Australia’s gas industry. I congratulate Santos on this achievement,” said Mr Gray. “I commend Santos’ outgoing chief executive David Knox for his hard work on this project. “The Gladstone LNG project will deliver around 10 per cent of Australia’s total LNG capacity. “Queensland now has two gas projects that are generating exports. Its first LNG exports came earlier this year from BG Group's Curtis project, also located on Curtis Island. “And later this year we will see Queensland’s third export-generating project in Origin Energy's Australia Pacific LNG project. “These three projects represent about $80 billion of investment and will make Queensland the world's fourthlargest LNG exporter.” INTEGRITY OF MEDICARE CUSTOMER DATA UNDER THREAT AS GOVT FAILS TO IMPLEMENT KEY AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS (Cameron) SUNDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2015 The Abbott-Turnbull Government has failed to ensure that the Department of Human Services (DHS) has complied with all recommendations of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) report into the integrity of Medicare Customer Data. Human Services Minister Robert was forced into the embarrassing admission in an overdue answer to a Senate Estimates question from Senator Cameron. The ANAO report was presented to Parliament on April 24, 2014 and the recommendations were accepted by DHS prior to publication of the report on April 9, 2014. Recommendation 5, which related to compliance with the mandatory requirements of the Information Security Manual, has not been fully implemented. This latest revelation comes amid ongoing controversy around the Government’s mishandling of the Medicare identity theft issue, where at least 369 reports of alleged identity theft have been made. It is still unclear if people who have potentially had their identity stolen have been informed by DHS, nor if the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has been informed of each breach of privacy. The security of Medicare customer data is paramount and Minister Robert must take immediate steps to ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements of the Information Security Manual. The public must have confidence that their identities and medical transactions are secure and confidential. Revelations of the failure to implement the Integrity of Medicare Customer Data audit are deeply concerning in light of the ongoing issues to do with identity theft. The Minister has done nothing that would restore confidence and trust in the Abbott-Turnbull Government’s capacity to secure the identities of Australian citizens. The AbbottTurnbull Government has been too busy conducting internal battles for the leadership instead of protecting the integrity of the systems and processes that ensure citizens can have confidence that their personal and banking details are protected. The previous Minister was asleep at the wheel for almost two years and it looks like the current Minister is continuing this Coalition tradition. The Minister should answer immediately the additional questions about whether the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has been informed about privacy breaches. Labor demands 19 that the commitments given by DHS to comply with the ANAO recommendations are implemented immediately and that the Minister advises Parliament why he has failed to ensure the ANAO recommendations were implemented. PYNE NEEDS TO COME CLEAN ON BLACKMAIL ALLEGATIONS (Carr/Macklin) SATURDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2015 - Reports in the Guardian Australia reveal that Industry Minister Christopher Pyne has put an ultimatum to crossbench Senators that the Government will refuse to provide support to automotive industry workers unless the Senate passes the Abbott-Turnbull Government's multi-billion cuts to family tax benefits. Christopher Pyne is asking Senators to betray low or middle income families or auto workers. The Government has a moral obligation to look after the welfare of both rather than seeking to trade one off against the other. Christopher Pyne needs to repudiate these morally offensive conflicts of disloyalties. These reports show Christopher Pyne has learned nothing when it comes to negotiating with the Senate. Earlier this year he took the extraordinary step of holding 1700 jobs, 35,000 research projects and 100 mid-career research fellowships hostage to try and pass his unfair and unnecessary plan for $100,000 degrees. But it seems he is yet to discover that you cannot simply rob Peter to pay Paul. After goading the car industry into leaving Australia and attempting to cut $900 million out of Automotive Transformation Scheme (ATS), it is clear that the Abbott-Turnbull Government is not serious about the automotive industry or about sustaining manufacturing jobs in Australia. The Senate committee looking into the future of the Australian automotive industry has heard that up to 200,000 jobs will be lost as a result of the closures in the automotive industry. The committee has already recommended that urgent action be taken to expand the ATS to help component manufactures diversify before full vehicle production ceases. Mr Pyne needs to realise that to create Australian jobs you need to support Australian families and to support Australian families you need to create Australian jobs. It is becoming apparent that no matter what portfolio Christopher Pyne is given he makes a mess and Australian families are left paying the price. For two years Labor has been fighting the Abbott-Turnbull Government's cuts to family tax benefits and will not stop until they are out of the Parliament and out of the Budget. Labor will fight to keep high-skilled, high-wage jobs in Australia and will continue to hold this government to account for its callous approach to the future of manufacturing and innovation in this country. WA TARDY ON INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING SUBMISSIONS (MacTiernan) The WA Liberal Government is the only state or territory government to not bother submitting a list of its priority projects to Infrastructure Australia, questioning by Labor Senators has revealed. Infrastructure Australia’s chairman wrote to each of the state and territory governments in June requesting a list of projects to feed into the National Infrastructure Plan, 15-year Infrastructure Pipeline and Infrastructure Priority List. A deadline of mid-September was set and every state and territory government has submitted their list – except for Western Australia. At today’s Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee hearing, Infrastructure Australia chief executive Philip Davies confirmed no list had been received from Colin Barnett’s Liberal Government. Labor Senator Alex Gallacher: And Western Australia has not put the list in? Mr Davies: At this stage, no. Senator Gallacher: Did they put a note in saying ‘we’re progressing and don’t leave us out’? Or they just didn’t respond? Mr Davies: We’re still waiting to receive something from them. 20 Mr Barnett loves to blame the shortage of Federal funding for his financial failures – yet he won’t even put in for the plans that will shape infrastructure funding for years to come. The WA Liberal Government needs to explain why it doesn’t think Federal funding is important enough to meet a deadline. LABOR WELCOMES EQUALITY FOR NEW ZEALAND STUDENTS (Carr) Labor welcomes today's announcement that New Zealand citizens, who have been long term residents in Australia, will have access to HECS come 1 Jan 2016. This commitment was first made by the Labor Government in 2013. Unfortunately the Abbott-Turnbull Government has - to date - linked the implementation of this measure to the passing of the Liberal's unfair and unnecessary legislation for the deregulation of universities and $100,000 degrees. Today's announcement now marks the second time the Abbott-Turnbull Government has promised the New Zealand Government that this measure would be enacted. Labor has pursued this issue with vigour, proposing a Private Senators Bill that is currently before the Parliament, which the government declined to support when it was debated last month. It is high time the Abbott-Turnbull Government broke its habit of holding the future of young people to ransom in pursuit of its ideologies. A Shorten Labor Government will invest in every student to ensure they graduate with the skills and knowledge they need for the jobs of the future. A Shorten Labor Government will: 1. Increase the number of students completing their study by 20,000 graduates a year from 2020. 2. Deliver more information for parents and students so they can make good decisions about university. 3. Introduce a new Student Funding Guarantee to remove the need for higher fees and a lifetime of debt. 4. Invest $31 million to boost the quality of teaching and resources in our universities. 5. Establish an independent Higher Education Productivity and Performance Commission to ensure graduates meet the needs of the future economy. 6. Create a Startup Year at universities so students can develop their idea, get business knowhow and connect with finance. Only Labor is committed to investing in the skills, science, research and innovation that will create and sustain the jobs of the future. LABOR WILL ENSURE SAFE & LEGAL ACCESS TO MEDICINAL CANNABIS (Shorten/King/Jon) SATURDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2015 A Shorten Labor Government will ensure patients who are suffering from a terminal illness or other serious medical conditions will be allowed access to safe, reliable and legal medicinal cannabis if prescribed by their Doctor. There are thousands of Australians who are suffering from unbearable pain, muscle spasticity from conditions like multiple sclerosis and nausea resulting from chemotherapy who may benefit from medicinal cannabis. No one can imagine how horrific it must be for someone to see their child, partner or parent in immense pain, knowing relief is available but illegal. 21 If we can do something to help people suffering immense pain from debilitating and life threatening conditions then why on earth wouldn’t we? There are too many stories of people suffering – and this is unacceptable in a modern society. With the governments of New South Wales and Victoria pushing ahead with state-based schemes and Queensland joining those states in taking part in clinical trials, it is no longer tenable for the Federal Government to bury its head in the sand. Only the Commonwealth Government can ensure there is a national scheme which ensures equity of access and a safe and reliable supply and Labor will work with the states and territories to enact it. Action at the national level is needed because a person’s access to a product that can relieve suffering should not be dictated by the vagaries of which state or territory they live in. The fact remains that medicinal cannabis is still illegal to grow and illegal to buy and sell. We recognise this decision will be controversial but Labor is driven by science and compassion – we firmly believe the time has come for a national scheme. This is not about allowing free access to a drug for recreational use. It is about ensuring there is a legal and regulated market so that family members and carers aren't forced to rely on the black market to relieve the pain of their loved ones. ATTACHMENT A Further details of Labor’s Policy In government, Labor will work with state and territory governments to ensure nationally consistent laws which allow lawful access to medicinal cannabis for those who are terminally ill or have other clinically identified medical conditions and where medicinal cannabis may benefit. Consistent with treaty and other obligations the Commonwealth Government will become the national regulator of medicinal cannabis supplied to eligible patients and for research purposes. Labor will also work with state and territory and federal regulators to improve controlled access to medicinal grade cannabis for legitimate scientific and medical research work. What this means in practice is that: The Commonwealth will play a leadership role in coordinating state and territory reform of criminal laws to exempt eligible people (i.e. those with a terminal illness) from prosecution for possession and use. As the supply regulator of medicinal cannabis for patients and research, the Commonwealth will establish rules for licencing one or more producers subject to Best Manufacturing Practice and Best Agricultural Practice to ensure safety, quality and security in the production and distribution process. ATTACHMENT B Background Information on Medicinal Cannabis Cannabis has been used as an intoxicant and as a medicine for many centuries. Tincture of Cannabis was included on the British Pharmacopoeia until 1973. The resin of the plant Cannabis Sativa contains the active cannabinoids with 22 the two most abundant being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol. Cannabinoids are also produced naturally within the human body. There are pharmaceutical cannabinoids available: Donabinol (sold as Marinol) in the US. Nabilone (sold as Cesamet) in the US and UK. Nabiximols (sold as Sativex) on the Australian Registrar of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) in Australia. Only one of these, Sativex, is currently listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods. It is very expensive and only prescribable for a limited use. The medical literature identifies four broad areas where cannabinoids may be used for treatment: Treatment of muscle spasticity and neuropathic pain notably in multiple sclerosis. Treatment of nausea, vomiting in chemotherapy patients and appetite stimulation particularly for AIDS patients. Pain relief / Palliation. The AMA expressed cautious support for further trials and in a statement on1 May 2014 said: “There is a growing body of evidence that certain cannabinoids are effective in the treatment of chronic pain, particularly as an alternative or adjunct to the use of opiates, when the development of opiate tolerance and withdrawal can be avoided. Controlled trials have also shown positive effects of cannabis preparations on bladder dysfunction in multiple sclerosis, tics in Tourette syndrome, and involuntary movements associated with Parkinson’s disease.” Legal Issues - Criminal Law The use, possession, supply and trafficking of cannabis is prohibited in all states and territories, proscribed by the state Crimes Acts/codes and Poisons Acts. Commonwealth Laws include the Criminal Code Act 1995, Narcotic Drugs Act 1967, Crimes (Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) Act 1990 and the Customs Act 1901. Relevantly section 313.1 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act provides a defence under Commonwealth law if the possession, use, etc. is “is justified or excused by or under a law of that State or Territory.” This defence was crafted to account for the diversion schemes that exist in many jurisdictions (many of which operate administratively rather than by statute). The position of cannabis as a therapeutic good under existing law is that if cannabis or cannabis products are to be marketed, sold or proscribed for a medical purpose they have to be approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for listing on the ARTG. It is unlikely that horticultural products could be listed on the ARTG. A Non-Pharmaceutical Pathway? State governments have explored a non-pharmaceutical pathway for the provision of cannabis by creating a defence to criminal prosecution for certain people who possessed/used cannabis for a medical reason. Another option is to simply choose not to prosecute these people, this is the model that the NSW Government has chosen. 23 Candles made by widows in post-conflict Sri Lanka Dear friends, Sr Jacqueline Vijaya from the Holy Family Convent in Mullaithivu, one of the worst affected conflict areas in Sri Lanka initiated a candle making livelihood project for the Tamil war widows. I visited Sr Jacqueline in March this year and bought candles back with me. I recently ordered and paid for a shipment of candles. The candles have arrived. Sales from the candles go to the women. There is no middle man (or woman)! It’s a very worthwhile project and I hope that if the demand picks up, this could be a regular source of income for the women. Attached is a photograph of the selection. Prices include freight: 40 small candles in the pack wrapped in brown paper (there are 6 candles leaning on the box to show you the size) – each pack is US$4 = A$5.20 (based on current exchange rates) – I have 8 packs 3 spiral candles in each pack is US$4 = A$5.20 – I have 22 packs 3 big candles in each pack is US$3 = A$3.90 – I have 26 packs Rose candles each is US$2.00 = A$2.60 – I have 54 The intention is to recover the cost, but if community or welcome hubs would like to sell the candles as a fundraiser, please do so. The stock is with me at Romero, and I’d be happy to deliver to you or arrange for pick-up at Romero. Freddie Steen, whom most of you know has already bought some. Please let me know if you have any enquiries or require clarification. Thank you, Rebecca Rebecca Lim, Community Engagement Coordinator, MCS Romero Centre, 20 Dutton St, DUTTON PARK Q 4102 Ph: 07 3013 6188 www.mercycs.org.au PETITIONS & CAMPAIGNS Donation Appeal for Recent Earthquakes in Nepal Dear friends and well-wishers of Nepal. As you are aware that powerful earthquakes centred in various places in Nepal have killed many people, flattened houses, historical monuments, temples and heritage listed sites. In this time of need, we have to come together as a community and support victims affected by earthquakes in whatever ways we can. Hence, Nepalese Association of Queensland (NAQ) Inc. would like to request your help by making a financial contribution to raise a significant fund to help the needy people. The fund will be used for things like, much needed medical supplies, food, water, shelter and other necessary items. NAQ Inc. has established a NAQ Relief fund, where you can deposit your contribution. Please use the following account to deposit the contribution with the reference “NEP – Your Name”. Account Name: Nepalese Association of Queensland Inc; Account Number: 10140095 BSB Number: 064-011 (Commonwealth Bank of Australia) Reference: NEP – Your Name Thank you for your valuable support at the time of need. Kind Regards, Dr. Manoj Khanal, President, Nepalese Association of Queensland, NAQ, Inc. Email: [email protected] Website: www.naq.org.au 24 Carers Australia’s website NDIS and Carers – is a resource designed to provide carers with clear and brief information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). We hope it can help carers to gain a better understanding of the NDIS and how they can be involved. How this resource can help you You may find this information useful to help you understand the NDIS and how you can help the person you care for to get support. There is information about how carers can be involved in the NDIS, and the supports you can get as a carer. There are direct links to the NDIS website, to help you find relevant information. There is a glossary which helps to explain some of the terms used by the NDIS. What is a carer? Carers are people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, a serious long-term illness, a terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged. Carers may help and support the person they care for with daily activities, emotional, social and financial support. Carers of NDIS participants are most likely to be those who care for someone with a significant and permanent disability who is under the age of 65 years. Why do I need to know about the NDIS? Carers need to be prepared for the NDIS as it will change the way that most disability supports and services work. It is very important that people with disability and their carers understand and prepare for the NDIS so that: All people with disability who need lots of support can access the NDIS People with disability who are in the NDIS get all the support they need Carers of people with disability get all the support they need We welcome any feedback from carers on this resource and how it can be improved. We are also interested to hear from carers about their experience with the NDIS. Please contact Carers Australia on (02) 6122 9900 or [email protected]. Disclaimer: The NDIS is changing quickly. Carers Australia try to update this website as often as possible but please check all information at www.ndis.gov.au or by calling 1800 800 110. [Last updated: 26 June 2015] New information and resources available for carers navigating the NDIS - Carers Australia has produced an extensive range of information and resources for all those carers currently navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), or about to begin the application process on behalf of the person they care for. Read more Mental health carers NDIS project - As part of their NDIS Sector Development Project, Mental Health Australia is working with Carers Australia to help mental health carers explore their role in the NDIS and take action to ensure that it is effectively integrated. .GRANTS, BURSARIES, AWARDS The following Brisbane City Council grant programs are now open for applications: Grant Name Opens Closes Creative Sparks Program 6 Oct 2015 Dec 2015 Brisbane History grants 6 Oct 2015 Dec 2015 Men’s Shed Grants program 6 Oct 2015 Housing Support Program 6 Oct 2015 Lord Mayor’s Suburban Initiative Fund 6 Jul 2015 Lord Mayor’s Young & Emerging Artists Fellowships 6 Oct 2015 Innovative Award To be confirmed Heritage Incentives Schemes 6 Jul 2015 7 7 14 Dec 2015 14 Dec 2015 Until allocation reached None announced To be confirmed Until Funds allocated The following webpage provides an overview of the community grants offered by Brisbane City Council. http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/community/grants-awards/summary-council-grant-programs-2015-16 Select the link to the grant program you’re interested in to access guidelines and application forms. Please contact Brisbane City Council on 3403 8888 if you have any questions about these programs or want advice on preparing an application. Shane Hackett, Manager, Connected Communities Branch, Brisbane City Council 25 Information Sessions for Financial Counselling, Capability and Resilience Hubs - The funding round for Financial Counselling, Capability and Resilience Hubs in targeted locations across Australia opened, 18 August 2015. More information about information sessions has now been added to the DSS website, including locations and instructions on how to register to attend. Information sessions will be held in WA, NSW, QLD and VIC. If you cannot attend an information session, the presentation and questions and answers from the sessions will be made available on the website. Further information about eligibility and how to apply, refer to the Funding Open for Application page. Funding Announcement - The Minister for Social Services has announced an extra $40m funding to address gaps in frontline community services. View the Minister’s Media Statement for further information. To assist people with locating services of interest to them, the DSS Grant Service Directory has been launched on the website. This directory is an easy to use online tool that allows services funded through this process to be searched by type or location. Further information on eligibility and applications refer to Funding Open for Application. Aged Care Service Improvement and Healthy Ageing Grants - Minister for Social Services, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, and Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield, announced funding for 54 organisations under the Aged Care Service Improvement and Healthy Ageing Grants. These national and state and territory projects will focus on supporting older Australians in our community. View the Media Statement for further information, or visit the Closed Funding Rounds page. http://hamlin.org.au/news/ Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia (Australia) is an Australia charity which was created at the request of Dr Catherine Hamlin to raise funds exclusively for the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital, five regional centres, the Hamlin College of Midwives and Desta Mender, a farm and training centre for longterm patients. Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia (Australia) is the only organisation in Australia authorised to represent the work of Dr Catherine Hamlin and her team in Ethiopia. Dr Hamlin is our patron. 26 EVENTS SAT 24 OCT – MARRIAGE EQUALITY RALLY – https://www.facebook.com/events/1613019685627199/ This is planned to be the largest Marriage Equality rally ever on the Sunshine Coast and also in Warren Truss’s electorate. The preliminary speakers list for the rally is: Lucy Stanton - Labor Wide Bay candidate Fiona Anderson - Sunshine Coast Rainbow Network Greens speaker - tba Robin Bristow - Australia Sex Party Music by the Ray Marx Band – Labor supporter Nominated charity beneficiary is Headspace (SHOUT) Maroochydore for raffle prizes etc. TUE 3 NOV – SUNSHINE COAST LABOR WOMEN’S NETWORK – MELBOURNE CUP DAY Lunch on us Coongarra Esplanade Tuesday 3 November at 11:30am RSVP 31 Oct – Maggie Ross 0432 853 998 email: [email protected] BYO drinks – Sweep & raffles Creative Hat Prize Bring Laptops, radios, and tablets for the race SUN 15 NOV – SUNSHINE COAST LABOR WOMEN’S NETWORK – WHITE RIBBON ADVOCATES FREE Community Sausage Sizzle 2PM -4PM JESSICA PARK, MINYAMA Special Guests: Senator Claire Moore Hon Shannon Fentiman Constable Susie Oliphant Supported by: Lucy Stanton (Wide Bay) Scott Anderson (Fairfax) Bill Gissane (Fisher) Susan lamb (Longman) Guest Speaker: Hon Shayne Neumann MP, White Ribbon Ambassador 27 Royal Commission public hearing into Geelong Grammar School to recommence - in Sydney on Thu 22 Octr and Friday 23 Oct 2015. Hearing times: 10:00am – 4:00pm Location: Hearing room 1, Level 17, Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney (Video link will be established with parties at the County Court of Victoria in Melbourne). The public hearing will be streamed live to the public on the Royal Commission’s website www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au Royal Commission released a research report on understanding failure to indentify & report child sexual abuse – When it comes to understanding why some institutions fail to identify and report child sexual abuse, research released by the Royal Commission suggests that a new approach that seeks a deeper understanding of why errors occur would be more effective in encouraging safe practices in the future. The research, ‘Hear no evil, see no evil: understanding failure to identify and report child abuse in institutional contexts’ was conducted by Professor Eileen Munro (London School of Economics and Political Sciences) and Dr Sheila Fish (Social Care Institute for Excellence). Read the full report. Royal Commission issues paper released into advocacy & support, & therapeutic treatment services - calling for submissions on issues relating to advocacy and support and therapeutic treatment services. Following a review of the submissions a consultation paper will be published, which will call for public submissions. Final recommendations on advocacy and support and therapeutic services will be contained in the Royal Commission’s final report in 2017. Individuals and organisations wishing to respond to the issues paper have until 13 Nov 2015 to lodge submissions by emailing [email protected]. Comments can be made using the Commission’s website or writing to GPO Box 5283, Sydney, NSW, 2001. For more information on the issues paper or to lodge a submission visit http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/research/issues-papers-submissions Royal Commission will hold public hearing into Brisbane Grammar School & St Paul’s School - commencing on Tue 3 Nov 2015 at the Brisbane Magistrates Court. Applications to appear should be made using the form available on the Royal Commission website. The form should be lodged via: Email: [email protected]; or Mail: GPO Box 5283, Sydney NSW 2001. Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne & to continue Ballarat hearing will commence on a date to be confirmed during the period 23 Nov to 18 Dec 2015 in Melbourne at the County Court of Victoria. Further evidence in the Ballarat hearing, including the response of the Christian Brothers, together with final submissions in relation to the Ballarat hearing will be heard in Ballarat in the first half of next year. The date for leave to appear applications will be announced closer to the hearing. The public hearing will be streamed live via webcast on the Royal Commission’s website at www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au. Royal Commission released new research on children’s views of safety - The research, “Taking Us Seriously: Children and young people talk about safety and institutional responses to their safety concerns” has identified what institutions should do to help them feel safe and be safe. Read the kids summary. Royal Commission resources – A factsheet about entitlements for witnesses, is available on the website. It outlines the financial and legal entitlements that may be available - travel expenses, witness appearance fees and assistance with legal costs. A plain English pictorial explaining the role of the Royal Commission and how people can contact the Commission. Available, free, via the Resource Centre on the website and can be mailed out. Giving Evidence: A guide for witnesses - fact sheet Information about giving evidence at a Royal Commission public hearing. About public hearings - A5 booklet A step-by-step guide to attending Public Hearings. About the Royal Commission – A Safer Future for Children: Indigenous people Information about our work, how to share your story, public hearings, research and national support services. Easy Read Guide to the Royal Commission – A4 Fact Sheet (for girls) - an easy-to-read format.. Easy Read Guide to the Royal Commission – A4 Fact Sheet (for boys) - an easy-to-read format. Easy Read Guide to the Royal Commission – A4 Fact Sheet (for children) - an easy-to-read format. These resources complement the existing selection of brochures, factsheets and DVDs that are available free on the Royal Commission Resource Centre. 28 COPY OF THE 2014 AUSTRALIAN RECONCILIATION BAROMETER IS AVAILABLE ON THE RECONCILIATION AUSTRALIA WEBSITE 29 IS AVAILABLE ON THE RECONCILIATION AUST Walk to Cure Diabetes is now - JDRF One Walk JDRF One Walk is the new name of the Walk to Cure Diabetes. We’ve changed the name of the world’s biggest type 1 diabetes fundraising event to share our focus on creating a world without T1D. The new name and global outlook of JDRF One Walk is a reminder of the powerful impact you can make by joining the global leader in T1D research. Each year, JDRF Walks across the world bring together around a million people to raise over $85 million for lifechanging T1D research. This success is only possible because of the support, commitment and strength of our community. Register today. T1D is an autoimmune disease in which a person's pancreas loses the ability to produce insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. It strikes both children and adults suddenly and is unrelated to diet and lifestyle. It requires constant carbohydrate counting, blood-glucose testing and lifelong dependence on injected insulin. JDRF is the largest nongovernment funder of T1D research. We are uniquely positioned to advance groundbreaking therapies through the research pipeline to better treat and, one day, even prevent and cure T1D. But we can't do it without you. By participating in a JDRF Walk, your fundraising ensures that JDRF can continue funding critical T1D research. Together, we can walk to the finish. And turn Type One into Type None. JDRF exists for the millions of children, adults, and families affected by type 1 diabetes (T1D) every day. Their determination to overcome this chronic, life-threatening disease strengthens ours to end it. JDRF is the T1D research organisation with the plan, influence and ability to not just deliver hope, but a series of lifechanging therapies that will progressively remove the burden of T1D. JDRF combines aggressive fundraising and hands-on collaboration with a broad range of scientific, regulatory, and corporate partners, toward improving the lives of those living with T1D and, ultimately, finding a cure. Find out more about JDRF Research Mackay Canelands Park Sun 25 Oct 2015 Learn More Register Now Brisbane Seventh Brigade Park Chermside Sun 25 Oct, 2015 Learn More Register Now Noosa Pirate Park Noosaville Sun 29 Nov, 2015 Learn More Register Now 30 ABOUT THE HISTORY OF ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER PEOPLES AND CULTURES, AND 77 PER CENT BELIEVE ABORIGINAL WHAT’S NEW IN SENATE COMMITTEES You can be involved in the work of a committee by lodging a submission to current Inquiries. Claire has been involved in many Senate committees, and encourages everyone to find out more info on the role of committees and to have a look at the Committees Home Page. Community Affairs Legislation Committee New Food Standards Australia New Zealand Amendment (Forum on Food Regulation and Other Measures) Bill 2015 New Health Legislation Amendment (eHealth) Bill 2015 Social Security Legislation Amendment (Debit Card Trial) Bill 2015 Social Services Legislation Amendment (More Generous Means Testing for Youth Payments) Bill 2015 Social Services Legislation Amendment (No Jab, No Pay) Bill 2015 New Social Services Legislation Amendment (Youth Employment) Bill 2015 Community Affairs References Committee Violence, abuse and neglect against people with disability in institutional and residential settings, including the gender and age related dimensions, and the particular situation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, and culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability Economics Legislation Committee Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 and related bills [Provisions] Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Trustee Governance) Bill 2015 [Provisions] Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (Better Targeting the Income Tax Transparency Laws) Bill 2015 [Provisions] Tax Laws Amendment (Combating Multinational Tax Avoidance) Bill 2015 [Provisions] Economics References Committee Australia's Innovation System Cooperative, mutual and member-owned firms Corporate tax avoidance Economic security for women in retirement Foreign bribery Forestry managed investment schemes Future of Australia’s automotive industry Future of Australia’s naval shipbuilding industry Insolvency in the Australian construction industry Matters relating to credit card interest rates Non-conforming building products Personal choice and community impacts Scrutiny of Financial Advice Third party certification of food Education and Employment Legislation Committee Social Security Legislation Amendment (Further Strengthening Job Seeker Compliance) Bill 2015 Education and Employment Reference Committee Current levels of access and attainment for students with disability in the school system, and the impact on students and families associated with inadequate levels of support The operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia The impact of Australia's temporary work visa programs on the Australian labour market and on the temporary work visa holders Environment & Communications Legislation Committee Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Standing) Bill 2015 Motor Vehicle Standards (Cheaper Transport) Bill 2014 Environment & Communications Reference Committee Future of Australia's video game development industry Stormwater resources in Australia The environmental, social and economic impacts of large-capacity fishing vessels commonly known as 'Supertrawlers' operating in Australia's marine jurisdiction Threat of marine plastic pollution in Australia Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee Australian Government Boards (Gender Balanced Representation) Bill 2015 Parliamentary Expenses Amendment (Transparency and Accountability) Bill 2015 Finance and Public Administration References Committee Access to legal assistance services Commonwealth Indigenous Advancement Strategy tendering processes Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee Customs Amendment (ChAFTA Implementation) Bill 2015 and Customs Tariff Amendment (ChAFTA Implementation) Bill 2015 Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee Australia’s relationship with Mexico Capability of Defence's physical science and engineering (PSE) workforce Mental health of ADF serving personnel Proposed China-Australia Free Trade Agreement The delivery and effectiveness of Australia’s bilateral aid program in Papua New Guinea Legal & Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee Migration Amendment (Charging for a Migration Outcome) Bill 2015 [Provisions] 31 Migration and Maritime Powers Amendment Bill (No.1) 2015 [Provisions] Legal & Constitutional Affairs References Committee Impact of the 2014 and 2015 Commonwealth Budget decisions on the Arts Payment of cash or other inducements by the Commonwealth of Australia in exchange for the turn back of asylum seeker boats The establishment of a national registration system for Australian paramedics to improve and ensure patient and community safety Use of smoke alarms to prevent smoke and fire related deaths Rural & Regional Affairs & Transport Legislation Committee Performance of Airservices Australia Rural & Regional Affairs & Transport References Committee Airport and aviation security Aspects of road safety in Australia Australian grape and wine industry Decision to commit funding to the Perth Freight Link project Effect of market consolidation on the red meat processing sector Future role and contribution of regional capitals to Australia Increasing use of so-called Flag of Convenience shipping in Australia Select Committee into the Scrutiny of Government Budget Measures Scrutiny of Government Budget Measures Select Committee on Health Health Select Committee on Murray-Darling Basin Plan Murray-Darling Basin Plan Select Committee on the National Broadband Network National Broadband Network Reports to be Tabled Community Affairs References Committee Economics Legislation Committee Economics References Committee Non-conforming building products Education and Employment Reference Committee The operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia Environment & Communications Legislation Committee Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Standing) Bill 2015 Rural & Regional Affairs & Transport Legislation Committee Reports Tabled Community Affairs References Committee Impact on service quality, efficiency and sustainability of recent Commonwealth community service tendering processes by the Department of Social Services Community Affairs References Committee Economics Legislation Committee Treasury Legislation Amendment (Small Business and Unfair Contract Terms) Bill 2015 [Provisions] Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 and related bills [Provisions] Education and Employment Reference Committee The operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia Environment & Communications Legislation Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee Legal & Constitutional Affairs References Committee http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/Marriage_ Plebiscite/ReportParliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Examination of the Annual Report of the Australian Federal Police 2013-14 Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Inquiry into financial related crime Senate Select Committee on the Recent Allegations relating to Conditions and Circumstances at the Regional Processing Centre in Nauru Want to know how to get the Federal Government to consider your petition? Find out about petitioning the Senate here, or petitioning the House of Representatives, here. Phone: (07) 3252 7101; Email: [email protected] ; Webpage: www.clairemoore.net; Postal: PO Box 907 Fortitude Valley Post Shop Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Facebook: www.facebook.com/SenatorClaireMoore; Twitter: www.twitter.com/SenClaireMoore Authorised and printed by Senator Claire Moore, 421 Brunswick St Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 LICIES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MANY FORMS ODISADVANTAGE EXPERIENCED BY ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT 32 ACHIEVING RECONCILIATION. MR IEVE 33