The Good Samaritan Center


The Good Samaritan Center
The Good Samaritan Center
“A H E A L I N G P L A C E”
Providing a safe, Christ-centered environment that gives our patients quality, coordinated, and affordable health care.
The Affordable Care Act
By John Willome
The open enrollment period for the
insurance plans available through the
federal exchange was March 31. The
next open enrollment is from November
15, 2014, to February 15, 2015. That
means that, barring a qualifying event
(such as losing a job), the window for
enrolling in any plans through the
exchange will be temporarily closed by
the time you read this letter.
If you or someone you know (such as
one of your children or a friend) want to
know more, I recommend to you what we
recommended to our patients: talk with an
insurance agent. The agents are trained,
knowledgeable, and can work with people
on an individual basis to give them a
good understanding of their options.
Of course, most of our patients still
need our services. Twenty-six states and
the District of Columbia expanded their
Medicaid programs to cover those below
133% of the federal poverty level (a
family of four making less than
$31,721per year), while the other 24
states, including Texas, did not. The
result is that our patients in this income
range can still come to us for medical and
dental care. We have also found that
many of the rest of our patients who are
between 133% and 200% of the federal
poverty level (a family of four making up
to $47,700 per year) still need us as well
because they cannot afford a plan from
the exchange.
We are continuously monitoring the
situation, both statewide and nationally, to
ensure that we are making the decisions
that are best for our patients and their
families. Thankfully, we live in a
community with a tremendous hospital
(Hill Country Memorial) and specialists of
nearly every type who are there for our
patients as well. Then there is you. Last
year, over 740 families and organizations
made donations to the Center. In these
uncertain times, the fact that we are here
gives our patients at least some amount
of peace, and we couldn’t be here without
you. Thank you for being a Good
Samaritan to them.
Spring 2014
Holy Ghost Lutheran Church’s youth group came at
the end of March to help with our landscaping
A Samaritan’s Story
We received this sweet letter from a woman who visited our
clinic. One of her children drew the picture you see in purple
crayon. We hope reading it blesses you as much as it did us
because it is for our volunteers and donors too..
 MAP is Growing. The
Medication Assistance
Program (MAP) grew from
210 people in January 2013 to
over 350 in January 2014.
This is important because
more patients taking their
chronic medications means
more healthy patients!
 We earned both challenge
grants for an extra $65,000.
Thanks to over 400 donations
we earned both challenge
grants that we told you about
last November. They totaled
$65,000. You can read more
about our 2013 results at the
top of page 2.
 New board members. We
lost three terrific board
members to expiring terms
last year: Dutch Bouwman,
Jim Heupel and Lance Love,
MD. Thankfully, we were
able to add Ray Garcia, MD
(a local emergency room
doctor) and Lorri Kendrick
(an attorney) in January. We
are grateful to have them join
our team.
 Electronic Medical Records.
You’ll be hearing from us
throughout the year about our
plan to switch from paper
records to electronic medical
records by the beginning of
2015. There are a lot of
options out there. Please pray
for us as we make this move.
Wish List:
Ultrasonic Hygienist Tool
($2,000 - several can chip in
towards this)
Four dental stools
($250 each )
Please call to verify that
someone has not already
donated your item.
Thank you!
Page 2
Spring 2014
2013 Annual Fund Campaign a Success! THANK YOU!
As you can tell by the number of donors listed on the next few pages, our annual fund
campaign in December and January was a terrific success. We want to give a special
thanks to the anonymous foundation that gave us our $50,000 challenge grant (which we
received in February), as well as the Shield-Ayres Foundation for the $15,000 challenge
grant for money that came in above and beyond what donors gave during last year’s
campaign (which received earlier). In a two-month period we received over 400 donations.
Of course, your donations are essential to our ability to be here for those who come to
us. Since we do not accept any state or federal funds, we are wholly dependent upon the
generosity of you, our donors, Hill Country Memorial, and the myriad of specialists who
donate their time and resources to care for our patients.
We are excited to report that we continue to relieve pressure on Hill Country
Memorial’s emergency room. We set up an arrangement through which we immediately
schedule new patients who need to follow up on an ER visit. This means that we kept over
130 patients who initially went to the ER in 2013 from having to follow up at the ER. Instead
they are now established patients with a medical home. You made that possible!
Clinic Statistics
No. of appointments:
No. of unduplicated patients:
No. of new patients:
No. of prescriptions:
No. of appointments:
No. of unduplicated patients:
No. of new patients:
Mental Health
No. of counseling appointments:
Carey Dyer to Headline 2014 Fundraising Dinner
Exclusive engagement scheduled for St. Mary’s Parish Holy Family Center on May 6.
This is going to be fun! We hope you will be able to come on May 6 to
St. Mary’s Parish Holy Family Center as Carey Dyer joins us for an
exclusive evening of great food and entertainment. Tickets are $100, $75 of
which is deductible, and are available by filling out the reply card on page 7
and returning it to the Center by April 30. And please remember that our
dinners are all-inclusive. We do not have any auction items and the food and
drinks are included in your price thanks to the generous underwriters listed
below Carey’s picture. As for the menu, Delicious Details will be serving:
Baby Spinach Salad with Roasted Walnut Dressing &
Blue Cheese Crumbles
Roasted Port Tenderloin
(accompanied by Port Cranberry Sauce)
Asparagus & Leek Lasagna
Roasted Garden Vegetables
Delicious Details Signature Dinner Rolls
Peach Cobbler
Of course, after dinner you will be treated to Carey’s enjoyable performance.
His “slice-of-life” humor, versatile singing voice and high-octane energy
have garnered comparisons to top New York and Las Vegas acts. While we
don’t know exactly what he'll do for us on this evening, we are confident it
will include everything from soaring vocals to special characters from his
Rockbox days.
For those of you who have been to our dinners before, please note the
change of venue. For around ten years now, James and Estela Avery have
hosted our dinners at Alegria, which is the loveliest setting for a spring hill
country evening you can find. Unfortunately, thanks to strong responses
from our supporters, we more than maxed out their capacity. We are grateful
that St. Mary’s agreed to host us in their new, beautiful Holy Family Center.
And as you can see to the right, Mr. and Mrs. Avery are very much involved.
Finally, don’t forget Mother’s Day is the following weekend, so maybe
this can be part of your gift to a mother who is special to you.
Carey Dyer, formerly of Rockbox Theater, will be in
Fredericksburg on May 6 for this exclusive engagement.
Special Thanks
While we will give a complete list of our
sponsors in the summer newsletter, we would
like to thank the following sponsors for
helping to underwrite the meal and beverages
at the dinner.
James & Estela Avery
Delicious Details
Frost Bank
Pedernales Brewing Company
Pedernales Cellars
Spring 2014
Page 3
The following is a listing of donors
for donations received between
September 1, 2013, and
January 31, 2014.
Cynthia Adams
Kenneth Adams
Patricia Albrecht
Bea & Sam Aldrich
Voy Althaus
Mr. & Mrs. B.F. Arnecke
Anita Arnold
Lucy Ann & Jack Arnold
Linda Arredondo
Marion Atkins
Estela & James Avery
Ruth & Chris Avery
Helen Bachmann
Sue & Jim Bacon
Tom Barbour
Ann Barsch
Carol & John Batterton
Arvella & Jim Bauman
Sharon & Mark Beall
Beate & Samuel Beaumont
Rose Marie Behrends
Mr. & Mrs. William Behrends
Verna & Joseph Benham
Marjorie Bennack
Richard Bennett
Valisa Berber-Thayer
Gladys Bergner
Joanne & Randy Betts
Margaret & Milton Bierschwale
Elaine & Ross Bigelow
Maxine & Stanley Birkelbach
Elizabeth & Al Bispo
Linda Blalock
Earlene Bode
Laura Bowman
Natalie Bowman
Nancy & Andrew Bowser
Susan Boyer
Beth & Linn Brady
Robert Brandes
Nardine Brandon
Lynda & J.R. Bravenec
Broadway Bank
Florine & Alton Bruns
Susan & Carroll Bryla
Betty Buchanan Geneser
Betty & Allan Buchmeier
Buffalo Nickel
Earl Bullock
Evelyn & Barrett Burns
Nancy Burns
Larry Burson
Bruce Busby
Lois Bush & Randy Busch
Ellen & William Busshaus
Barbara Dan & Howard Butt, Jr.
Ann & Matt Cahill
Margaret Campbell
Sarah Campbell
Pat Cantwell
Mary & Finis Carleton
Jerry Carlman
Jill & Kenneth Carr
Rodolfo Carrera
Century 21, Sunset Realtors
Judith Chase
Janice & Tom Christofferson
Arthur Clements
Jacquelyn Clements
Joe Cloud
Cathy & Terry Collier
Community Foundation of the
Texas Hill Country
Community Medical Equipment
Barbara & Bob Cooley
Therese Courtney
Theresa & Gary Covin
Barbara & Roy Crenwelge
Lucy & L.K. Croft
Annette & Jim Crowhurst
Eleanore Crump
J.A. Cureton
Rachel & Randall Curry
Jeanette Dahlquist
Kay & Allen Daigle
Curtis Dartez
Charles Davenport
Karen Davies
Joanne & Billy Davis
Marshall & Mary Davis
Ruth Davis
Charles Deaton
Nina & Ron Deskin
Anita & Charles d’Hemecourt
Laurie & Dean Dietel
Marcia & Don Dietz
Dietzel Motel
Don Dodd
Dick Dorer
Marcia & John Draper
Clif Drummond
Peta & Bill Dunn
Jeffrey Dypwick
Gail & Dana Eager
Donna & Bruce Eckhardt
Joy Edwards
Elizabeth & Sidney Ellebracht
Vernell & Harvey Ellebracht
E.L. Ellerbee
Geneva & James Ellis
Susan Ellsworth
Barbara & Don Elmore
Marlene Emerson
Anne & Richard Eppright
Mary Evans
Kate & Woody Farris
Robert Feldman
First Class Bed & Breakfast
Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzgerald
Pamela & H.K. Flesher
Sue & Lloyd Flynt
Betty Sue Ford
Katherine & Chester Foster
Crystal & Jim Fox
Teresa & David Fransik
Roxanne & Lester Frantzen
Frantzen, Kaderli & Klier
Sammy Frazier
Fredericksburg Medical
Fredericksburg Vintage Car Club
Charlotte & Bill Freeborn
Jake Freeborn
Michael Freed
Sherry & John Freeman
Barbara & William Freeman
Sarah & Arno Frerichs
Joy & Dalton Fromme
Frost Bank
Mary & George Frushour
Calvin Fuchs
Harriet & Walter Fuhrmann
Barbara Gainer
Cecily & Ray Gallagher
Linda & Reg Gartner
Rebecca & Mark Gassaway
Bob Gates
Sylvia & Kurt Geistweidt
Vernell Geistweidt
Anna Gibbons
Denise & Steve Gibson
Sharon Ginder
Diane Gold
Nancy Goldcamp
Jane & Bruce Good
Norma Grace
Linda & Jim Graham
Margarita Greathouse
Dianna & Charles Green
Clementina Greenburg
Gail & Patrick Gribbin
Bonnie & John Griffith
Nancy & Fred Grimes
Gail & Bob Grinslade
Mike Grossman
Linda & Michael Haby
Deeny Haertlein
Ros Haertlein
Silke & Michael Hagee
Kristin & Gregg Hagelstein
Pattsie & Keith Haines
Betty & Keith Hall
Barclay & Jeff Hammond
Janalee Hannemann
Carol & Roger Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. James Hanshaw
Beverly & Bill Harrell
Luci Harter
Peggy & Ken Hartwein
Don Hazelett, Jr.
Kathlyn Hazelett
Brian Heath
HEB Fredericksburg Employees
Cindy Heifner
Patsy & James Hejl
Bobbie Heller
Helms Foundation
Charles Helvie
David Hendricks
Darlene & Larry Henke
Patsy Henrich
Jackie & Jim Heupel
Glenda Hibler
Judy & Bob Hickerson
Robyn & Kim Hicks
Virginia Higdon
Brenda & Frederick Hild
Hill Country Memorial
Hill Country Pest Control
Ann Hoch
Janie & Mike Hodges
Angie & Matt Hoermann
Terry Hohmann
Don & Julie Holden Foundation
Bennie & Jerry Holt
Diane & David Holke
Judy & Richard Hoopman
Ruthann & Jeryl Hoover
Elena Howard
Felice Howard
Todd Howell
Wilbert Huebner
Margaret Hull
Robert Hunter
Barbara & Royce Hunter
Noreen & Thomas Hynes
Evelyn Ibbotson
Suzanne Inkley
Nancy & Mell Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Don Jackson
Charlene James
Peggy & Ivan Janssen
Bernice Jenschke
Dorothy Jessee
Susan & Billy Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. G. Harvey Jones
Sharon Joseph & Mac McAfee
Lorraine Joyce
Susan & Joel Junker
Sheila & Frederic Kale
Steven Karam
Lorri & Jack Kendrick
Brent Keyser
Shirley Keyser
Patti & Clark Kibler
Susan & Doug Kimbrell
Alice Klein
Sara & William Klekotta
Anna Marie & George Kluber
Jeanette & Herbert Kluck
Caroline Knopp Rangnow
Jeanette Koger
Timothy Koock
Gwendolyn & Kenneth Kordzik
Kate Koschmieder
Carol & David Kraus
Jo Ann Krauskopf
Mary & Will Krebs
Nicole & Steve Kroeger
Shirley Kunze
Elsie & Robert Kuykendall
Angela & Dayton Land
Brenda & David Landis
William Lange
Julian Lange Family Foundation
Jeanette Laskoskie
M.D. & M.E. Lasswell
Lawn Pro
Mike Lawson
Frankie Law
Fonza Lawther
Sally & Ottis Layne
Margaret & Mike Leary
Jack Lee
Lorina Lee
Susan & Craig Lefevre
James Lewis
Pamela & Gary Liddell
Ruth & Joseph Litzelfelner
Darlene & Atlee Lochte
Jill & Jack Locy
Karen & Ernie Loeffler
John Long
Patricia Loth
Dorothy Lucas
Vickie & Carl Luckenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Luckenbach
Kathy & Gene Lux
(Continued on page 4)
Page 4
Spring 2014
(Continued from page 3)
Ron Maddux
Bertha & Lanny Maedgen
George Maenius
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Malone
Gary Marburger
Tom Martin
Diane & John Matthews
John Mavsar
Audrey & Dave Mayer
Diane & James Mayer
Leo Mayer
Ruth & Gary Mayer
Myrtle & Victor Mazinke
Randye & Steve McAnally
Genny & John McCaffrey
Pat & Ric McCormick
Berlee & D.G. McCoury
Doris & Art McCrea
Debbi McCurdy
Eddie McHalek
Janie & Mart McMillan
Kathleen & Michael McNeill
Marilyn McPhillips
Paula & John McRae
Sharon & Peter Mear
Holly & Lester Meier
Mr. & Mrs. James Metzger
Les Meurer
Katherine & Klaus Meybaum
Shirley & Milan Michalec
John Milinowicz
Nancy & Larry Miller
Linda Miller
Ward Miller
Colleen Moeller
Carolyn Montgomery
Julie Montgomery
Cheryl & Carl Moore
Shirley & Kenneth Moore
Cathryn Morales
Odile & Frank Moreno
Eileen Morrison
Kirsten Moss
Linda Anne Muegge
Dorothy & Ernest Mueller
Melanie Ann Musgraves
Jana & Steve Neale
Estella & Leo Nebgen
Linda Nevels
Brenda Newman
Kathryn Newsome
Thom Nichols
Alicia Niemeier
Katherine & W.M. Noble
Susan & Charles Noe
Dwight Oestreich
Nancy O’Neal & M.A. Muirhead
Charles Ottmers
Gladys Ottmers
Dana Overdorf
Maggie Owens
Barbara & Hugh Palacios
Barbara & Donald Palmer
Dorothy & Paul Panaceck
Kathleen & Bud Parrish
Kathryn Parsley
Hector Pedregon
Virginia & John Pehl
Ola Mae Pehl
Susan & Dennis Pehl
J. & Diana Perry
John Phelps
Debbie & Blaine Phelps
June & Les Phillips
Betty & Cloyd Phillips
Donna & Bill Phillpotts
Hetsy & Kevin Pickard
Janis Pitre
Anne & Clint Pluenneke
Pat Podoll
Christy & Britt Pounds
Katherine Pressler
Kay Pressler
Mary & Neal Priestley
Nettie Pruett
Nina & Neil Pruitt
Julie Purvis
Marlene Pylate
Kerry & Christopher Quinn
Charlene Randal & Bill Burns
Mary & Karl Ransleben
Real Living Fredericksburg
Doug Reaves
Becky & Mike Reavis
Jennifer & David Reck
Jeriann & John Reeder
Marjorie & Forest Rees
Susan & Frosty Rees
Becky & Hugh Reeves
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Remmers
Rhoda & Ned Reynolds
Laura & James Rice
Dr. & Mrs. John Richards
Michael Richards
Linda Richardson
Linda Riner
Sheila Ristau
Sonia Rivero
Maria & Claude Robertson
Lucille Rochs
Ronald Roseberry
Jessica Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rothband
Cheri & Bill Rothermel
Mary & Buzz Roye
Judy & Jim Ryan
Bill & Pat Sadd
Vernell Sadik
Molly & Robert Sagebiel
Ruth Sarnecki
Margaret & Gordon Sauer
Byron Scarborough
Doris Schaeferkoeter
Toni & Jackie Schandua
Florence & William Schieve
Patricia & Gerald Schmidt
Bobbie & James Schonaerts
Carol Schreider
Dixon Schultz
Vernell Scott
William Scripps
Betty & Bernard Scrogin
Betty Sears
Robbie Seghers
Carol Ann Shepherd
Jane & Rich Shoemaker
Douglas Sisler
Jacquelyn & Robert Skinner
Taysha & Richard Slaughter
Lyda Slayton
Angela Smith
Carol Smith
Charlotte & Don Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smith
Rosabel Smith
Joy & John Snabley
Cheri & Bill Snyder
Julie Southwick
Beverly & James Speer
Joyce & James Spisak
SRM Manufacturing
Gretchen Stacy
Stark Martin Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Stech
Edward Stein, Jr.
Anne Strickland
Geraldine & Thomas Striegler
Rose & Melburn Suenram
Alice Sullivan
Bob Surma
Paula Swenson & Dutch
Judi Synek
Philip Taetz
Judy & Tom Taylor
Pamela & Tim Taylor
Kay & Tom Telle
Paul Thomas
Cynthia Thomas
Susan Thompson
Susie & Randy Thompson
Debbie & Ray Tiemann
B.W. Tillman
Trish & Chris Torres
Susan & Dick Traugott
Lori & Rod Travers
Betty & Bill Treude
Liz & Leo Tynan
Judith & John Unger
Paul Urban
Melissa & Nathan Usener
Doris & Atley Usener
Sylvia & Timothy Van Antwerp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Van Dyke
Barbara Varner
Patt & Weldon Vaughan
Norma Voigt
Judy Vordenbaum
Troy & Ellen Wadzeck
Ginny & James Walker
Sandra Wall
John Wallace
Martha Walton & David Bowers
Mary Ann & Ray Walton
Jean & Curvey Weber
Michelle & Michael Weberpal
Mr. & Mrs. F.J. Weingartner
Anne & Jay Weinheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Weinzierl
William Weirich
Nancy & David Weiting
Marion Welgehausen
Cathy Welliver
Evelyn Wells
Isabel & Larry Werts
Barbara & W.W. White
David White
Donna & Bill White
Eileen & Keith Whited
Jane & William Wiemers
Jenny Wieser & Terry
Mable Wilke
Raynelle Wilke
Barbra & Jeff Williams
Kenneth Williams (top) and
Leandro De La Crus (bottom)
joined us as new volunteers
this spring.
Loes & Kenneth Williams
Priscilla Williams
Karen & Todd Willingham
Dee & Jack Willome
Megan & John Willome
Mary & Preston Wilson
Pam & Ben Wilson
David Windham
Paula & Kurt Winkler
Lillian Wissemann
Gail Wissemann Weich
Fredda & Fred Witters
Woodmen of the World Lodge 58
Helen & C.W. Yeats
Spencer Youngblood
Gay & John Youngblood
Linda Zehnder
Jan Zenner
Polly Zenner
Churches &
Church Groups
Bethany Lutheran Children’s
Sunday School
Bethany Lutheran Women
Christ Lutheran Church
Faith Baptist Church
First Baptist Church - Ruth
Sunday School Class
First Christian Church
Fredericksburg United
Methodist Church
Greater Life Christian Center
Hilda United Methodist Church
Hill Country Evangelical Free
Holy Ghost Lutheran Church
Memorial Presbyterian Church
Spring 2014
Page 5
Russell Agnew
Dorothy & Paul Panaceck
Mary Beth & Danny
Lance Aldrich
Particia Reese
Coach Armstrong
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Alvin Baethge
Carol & Jonathan Baethge
Augusta Baethge
Carol & Jonathan Baethge
Kathy Beyer
Vickie Ahrens
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Dick Dorer
Marjorie Garretson
Dorothy Lucas
Randye & Steve McAnally
Bob Riggle
Louise Bodnar
Stephen Bodnar
Jan Borron
Elizabeth Wunderlich
Earl Bristow
Lucy Ann & Jack Arnold
Coach Cason
Audrey Schwarz
Fannie Cox
Judy & John Hutcherson
Leroy Cunningham
Dorothy Cunningham
Calvin Davis
Ruth Davis
Lois Detjen
Katherine Peake
Merry Nell Drummond
MaryPat & Jack Drummond
Danny Durst
Marie Durst
Helen Whetstone
Thomas Whetstone
Sherman Durst
Shirley Smith
Dorothy Earp
Edward Earp, Jr.
Lee Harry Eckhardt
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Ronald Fisher
Mary Louise Fisher
Nell Fuchs
Carol & James Barnhouse
Marshall & Mary Davis
Sandi Davis
Evelyn Ibbotson
Joy Gilliom
Patsy & David Walker
Jeanne Gitlin
Dick Dorer
Sarah Gray
Julia Mays
Ralph Greenlee, Sr.
Abell-Hanger Foundation
Jeannine Frost
David Griggs
Kathy Haley
Claudia Hilton
Dick Dorer
Helen Whetstone
Lorene Henke
Werner Henke
Rudena Hohmann Gregory
Linda & Don Urbanec
Diane Holly
Dorothy Cunningham
Elizabeth Horwood
Ernestine & Kurt Grunau
Jo Anne Houy
Helen Whetstone
Debbie Howard
Randy & Steve McAnally
Cheri & Bill Snyder
Gary Itir
Ruth Sarnecki
Paula Johnson
Rita & Richard Franssen
Jim Judd
Katherine Peake
Bernice Keyser
Lindy & Mike Haley
John Kirk
Harvey Hogue
Werner Klein
Dick Dorer
Ann Klink
Kelly & Mark Hallman
Larry Kolmeier
Judy & John Hutcherson
Randy Kunze
Shirley Kunze
Alice Laing
Ginnette Talley
Armand Laing
Ginnette Talley
Douglas Lange
Laurie & Greg Andreassian
Joyce Lange
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Melanie & Kerry Kordzik
Lynn Lawther
Lucy Ann & Jack Arnold
Mary Beth & Danny
Carol Lea
Lindy & Mike Haley
Peter Lekisch
Der Fotoklub of
Nancy & Larry Miller
Katherine Lewis
Dick Dorer
Annabel Lochte Stroeher
Roy Stroeher
Bill Matlock
Lois Bush & Randy Busch
Tommy McPhillips
Dr. & Mrs. J. King
Fritz Metzger
Randye & Steve McAnally
Katherine Peake
Harry Moldenhauer
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Virginia & John Pehl
Thomas Whetstone
Linda Ann Muegge
Shannon Ramsey
Richard Neffendorf
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Helen Whetstone
Paul Oestreich
Franny & Max Hartmann
Harold Pahl
Dianne & James Bernhard
Florine & Alton Bruns
Shirley & Stanley Meier
Maria Palmer
Cheri & Bill Snyder
Roy Pate
Katherine Peake
Jerry Ragsdale
Kathlyn Hazelett
Lee Reed
Carole & Jim Reed
Tommy Reeh
Beth & Colby Gardner
Angie Reeh
Carol & Robert Machicek
Barbara Salvi
Shirley & Joe Victor
Betty Sands
Mr. & Mrs. William Gary
Clara Scott
Margaret Hull
Barbara Sheppard
Lauren & Matthew Kordzik
Sy Simonsen
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Dick Dorer
James Jacob Tatsch
Lana Tatsch
Maggi Thompson
Mary Gallagher & Dahmen
Joyce Warren
Carole & Jim Reed
J.R. Weiershausen
Ruth Sarnecki
Helen Weiss
John & Judy Hutcherson
Kurt “Chip” Wertheim, Jr.
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Anne Whetstone
Helen Whetstone
Virginia White
Rhoda & Ned Reynolds
Junille Wieting Shepardson
Nancy & David Wieting
Kenneth Wilkinson
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Lois Bush & Randy Busch
Dick Dorer
Glenda & Gerald Fritz
Harriet & Walter Fuhrmann
Marjorie Garretson
Ernestine & Kurt Grunau
Lindy & Mike Haley
Peggy & Joe Hannon
Patsy & James Hejl
Virginia & Stanley Sauer
Anna Wooten
Crystal Clark
Ruby Lee Clark
Clarence “Spike” Zatopek
Elsie & Kermit Burrer
Dick Dorer
Harriet & Walter Fuhrmann
Thomas “Dixie” Zenner
Charles Nemec
Page 6
Spring 2014
Lucy Ann Arnold
Beverly & James Speer
Crystal & Jim Fox
Austin Heart
Riparian Research Corporation
Carol & John Batterton
Betty & Tom Anderson
Lisa Benson
Peggy & John Benson
Peggy & John Benson
Amy & Brad Collette
Betty & Tom Anderson
Nina & Ron Deskin
Bill Borron
Betty & Tom Anderson
Dutch Bouwman’s Clients
Paula Swenson & Dutch
Michael Braden
Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm Hunter
Amy & Brad Collette
Peggy & John Benson
Leta Collins
Elizabeth & Thomas Ortloff
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Conger
Camey Stewart
Laura Cook
James Avery Craftsman
Deedee Courter
Camille & Marc Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Rox Covert
Camey Stewart
Annette & Jim Crowhurst
Betty & Tom Anderson
Karen Davies
Rose Suenram
Dick Dorer
Phyllis & Crawford Guthrie
David Hoerster
Marcia & John Draper
Betty & Tom Anderson
Anne & Richard Eppright
Marsella & Tim Fults
Bill Freeborn
Lucy Ann & Jack Arnold
Sherry & John Freeman
Betty & Tom Anderson
Arno Frerichs
Pat Podoll
Calvin Fuchs
Marshall & Mary Davis
Sandi Davis
Roger Gildersleeve
Riparian Research Corporation
Jane & Bruce Good
Johnson & Johnson
Marsella & Tim Fults
Good Samaritan Center Staff
& Volunteers
Barb Scherer
Dianna Green
Camey Stewart
Ralph Greenlee, Jr.
Judith & Jean Pape Adams
Charitable Foundation
Phyllis & Crawford Guthrie
Camey Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hall
Camey Stewart
Rick Hartmann
Pat Podoll
Ken Hartwein
Shell Oil
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Hildreth
Camey Stewart
The Will Houston Family
Camey Stewart
Linda Humphrey
Curtis Spearman
Alice & Pete Jensen
Betty & Tom Anderson
Linda Kemp
Camey Stewart
Brenda Klein
Camey Stewart
Alice & George Kolb
Betty & Tom Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Landress
Rhoda & Ned Reynolds
Marion Lee
Donna & Greg Oehler
Mr. & Mrs. Brance Lewis
Camey Stewart
Marcia Manhart
Judith & Jean Pape Adams
Charitable Foundation
Randye & Steve McAnally
Betty & Tom Anderson
Pat & Phil McConnell
Betty & Tom Anderson
Sharon Mear
Joan Hornig Jewelry
Becky Miles
Jennifer & Steve Martin
Mary Mood
Dorothy & James Eckert
Nan & Robert Mosley
Betty & Tom Anderson
Staff of the Museum of the
Pacific War
Stephanie & Joe Cavanaugh
Brenda Newman
Dian Graves Owen Foundation
Staff of the Admiral Nimitz
Stephanie & Joe Cavanaugh
Marilee & Jon Pankratz
Marsella & Tim Fults
Agnus Perdue
Lou Ann & Bob Fletcher
Jayne Pope
Drs. Martha Walton & Anne
Mary Beth & Danny
Shea Richardson
Sandra & Roger Rietz
Carole & John Flournoy
Susan Roberts & Stephen
Camey Stewart
Danny Robertson
Riparian Research Corporation
Dr. & Mrs. Chuck Romanick
Camey Stewart
Neil Ross
Linda Zehnder
Nate Sagebiel
Barbara & Kenneth Sagebiel
Maggie & Gordon Sauer
Betty & Tom Anderson
Cheri & Bill Snyder
Patricia & Don Goudge
Beverly Speer
Lucy Ann & Jack Arnold
Crystal & Jim Fox
Staff of St. Mary’s Catholic
Stephanie & Joe Cavanaugh
Dian Stai
Brent Keyser
Terri Keyser Mund
Camey Stewart
Phyllis & Crawford Guthrie
Dow, Jennie, Bo, Rachel &
Chapel Stewart
Camey Stewart
Will, Marian, Foster & Floyd
Camey Stewart
Saralyn Stewart
Camey Stewart
Rose Suenram
Pamela Suenram
Sue & Jack Thompson
Betty & Tom Anderson
Susie & Randy Thompson
Betty & Tom Anderson
Annette & Bill Tilley
Betty & Tom Anderson
The Leo Tynan Family
Camey Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. John Walker
Camey Stewart
Anne & Jay Weinheimer
Betty & Tom Anderson
Adrien Werts
Isabel & Larry Werts
Gregory Werts
Isabel & Larry Werts
Jeremy Werts
Isabel & Larry Werts
Peter Werts
Isabel & Larry Werts
Nancy Williams
Camey Stewart
Loes & Kenneth Williams
Betty & Tom Anderson
Jack Willome
James Avery Craftsman
Megan & John Willome
Sara & Curtis Allerkamp
Drs. Martha Walton and Anne Pluenneke of Fredericksburg Eye Associates made a donation in honor
of the following doctors.
Shari Addington, MD
Nancy Alvarez Chedzoy, MD
Margo Anderegg, OD
Greg Andreassian, MD
Leigh Baines, MD
Gene Bishop, MD
Brandon Blaker, OD
Shelly Blaker, OD
Andrew Bowser, MD
Michael Braden, MD
Andrea Bray, MD
Charles Burg, MD
Michael Campbell, MD
David Cantu, MD
Pamela Cantu, MD
Cynthia Clegg, MD
Joseph Cohn, MD
Karen Cornett, MD
Gina Cottle, MD
Alice Cox, MD
Marshall Cunningham, MD
Rebecca Daley, DO
Mark DeLeon, MD
Jennifer Dulaney, MD
Richard Dulaney, MD
Mark Eden, MD
Suzanne Ellison, MD
Carl Evans, MD
William Flynn, MD
Kevin Gallagher, MD
Melissa George, MD
Roger Gildersleeve, MD
Hill Country Memorial Emergency
Room Physicians
Yvonne Haug, MD
Raymond Hernandez, MD
Matt Hoermann, MD
Steve Hoerster, MD
Jeff Holt, MD
Sarah Holy, MD
Felice Howard, MD
Kathy Hubbard, MD
Mell Jackson, Jr., MD
Michael Johnson, MD
Michael Jones, MD
Rad Kothmann, MD
Steve Kroeger, OD
James Lehmann, MD
Lance Love, MD
Michael Majors, MD
Philip Maple, MD
Jennifer Mayben, MD
Calvin Mein, MD
Robert Murray, MD
Michele Nedelka, MD
Thomas Oei, MD
Christa O’Leary, DO
Hans Oosterbaan, OD
James Partin, MD
Jason Peet, MD
Lindy Rachal, MD
John Ramsay, MD
Nancy Rickerhauser, MD
Daniel Robertson, MD
Andrew Rockwood, MD
Charles Romanick, MD
John Shore, MD
Kristi Stafford, MD
Jay Stauffer, MD
Ronald Stotz, MD
Mark Tholen, MD
Nancy Thompson, MD
Leo Tynan, III, MD
Michael Walker, MD
John Weaver, MD
John Westfall, MD
Theresa Wiginton, MD
Gayle Williams, MD
Spring 2014
Page 7
Meet our new Medication Assistance Program
Coordinator, Tatiana Neri
Recently, someone said we have been lucky to get some of the
bilingual staff who have come to us over the last few years. I corrected her
and said, “No, we have been blessed.” That is certainly how we feel about
Tatiana Neri.
You might remember that we took over the Medication Assistance
Program (MAP) from Hill Country Memorial in January 2013. Since that
time, Adriana Neri, our first program coordinator, grew the program from
210 to over 370 patients in just over a year. Being a nursing student,
Adriana could no longer keep up with school and all of the patients who
needed their chronic medications. Graciously, she made way for us to hire
someone who could be here more often. We interviewed a few candidates
who applied, and Tatiana Neri, who happens to be Adriana’s cousin, rose
to the top.
Tatiana is local to Fredericksburg, having been born and raised here.
The second of five children, She attends both St. Mary’s Catholic Church
as well as Our Lady of Guadalupe.
She overachieved in high school, taking ACC classes, and graduated
high school with 30 hours of college credit.
Tatiana also got involved in several service projects while she was in
high school. She joined Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA),
which is a club for future healthcare professionals. Her activities with them
included volunteering with Hospice to make and deliver flowers for
elderly patients, leading education programs and throwing parties for
children at Fredericksburg’s primary school, participating in an annual
high school program called Shattered Dreams, and getting certified in first
aid and CPR.
She says that working at the Good Samaritan Center is challenging,
but rewarding. “It’s a lot of work to keep up with not only the number of
patients, but then all of the medications they take,” she explained. “But
these medications can be very expensive and times are tough. It is nice to
be able to help people who are in need.”
Yes, I want to help!
You are welcome to help us in any way that you feel led to be involved. 70% of our budget comes from private donations so those are
important to us. But we need volunteers and “Wish List Items” too. We appreciate any way you want to be involved.
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The Good Samaritan Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Your donation is tax deductible.
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Memoriam/Honorarium (see below)
____ ticket(s) to the dinner ($100 each) __________
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Volunteer (type of activity
Please make my gift anonymous
The Good Samaritan Center
140 Industrial Loop, Ste 100
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Phone: 830.990.8651
Fax: 830.990.0852
John Willome, Executive Director
[email protected]
The Good Samaritan Center
Nonprofit Organization
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Fredericksburg, Texas
Permit No. 107
140 Industrial Loop, Ste 100
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Voice: 830.990.8651
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Fundraising Dinner
Featuring Carey Dyer
May 6 (See Page 2)
Executive Director:
John Willome
Medical Director:
Jack Swanzy, M.D.
Board of Directors:
Tom Christofferson
Barbara Gainer, M.D.
Ray Garcia, M.D.
Dianna Green
Rev. Jeff Hammond
Lorri Kendrick
Susan Kimbrell
Carole Reed
Laura Rice
Lyda Slayton
Joyce Spisak
Patricia Torres
Jenny Wieser, Ph.D.
John Youngblood, M.D.
Page 4
Page 8
Spring 2006
Spring 2014
“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man…?” Luke 10:36a
Isabel and Larry Werts make good on their “personal commitment”
Isabel and Larry Werts were travelling back to
Houston from Albuquerque after Larry’s father
passed away in 1995 when they decided to stop in
Fredericksburg on a Thursday. He toured the
Admiral Nimitz Museum while Isabel enjoyed
some Main Street shopping. When they met up at
the end of the day, Isabel told Larry, “I want to live
here!” by Sunday they had a contract on a home
in Windcrest and moved in the following March.
They immediately dove in and got involved.
“The first church service we attended in
Fredericksburg was a mass at Our Lady of
Guadalupe Church where we were welcomed and
felt we were among friends,” Larry explained.
“Later, we made a personal commitment to help
Hispanic students and their parents achieve a
better life. That became even more important
when Isabel began teaching ESL [English as a
second language] at the elementary school...We
became aware of the good work of the Good
Samaritan Center where we could, as volunteers,
achieve our goals through helping others.”
Between the two of them, they have made an
indelible impact on our community. Some of their
service includes teaching ESL, reading to students
at the primary school, volunteering at the National
Museum of the Pacific War, and chairing the
building committee at St. Mary’s Catholic Church.
One of their most important projects, however,
has been in the area of immigration. “We
established a quarterly immigration clinic where
lawyers from a nonprofit in San Antonio come to
Fredericksburg and help immigrants seeking
permanent status by answering questions and
helping with the initial paperwork,” Larry said.
“That has been particularly gratifying.”
Of course, it wouldn't be retirement without
some travel and visiting their children and
grandchildren. While their youngest son lives in
Fredericksburg, they have a daughter in Chicago;
a son in southern California; and a son, daughterin-law, and two grandchildren in Lewisville, Texas.
Isabel talked about how they work visiting family in
with their trips. “One of our annual highlights is our
family vacation in a different location each year,”
she said. “In that way, we not only catch up on
things, but also reinforce our love for each other.”
For our part, we know that Isabel will be here
nearly every Monday morning helping at the front
desk while Larry comes with her to audit our
charts before they get refiled. They also help to
organize a group of Windcrest residents who help
us put together mailings—even this newsletter.
We are grateful that Isabel and Larry allowed
God to touch their hears and have joined us and
others as we strive to help our neighbors.
“We became aware of the
good work of the Good
Samaritan Center where we
could, as volunteers, achieve
our goals through helping
Larry Werts
Monday Morning Volunteer