november 1993 cheshvanikislev 5754 volume 11, number 3
november 1993 cheshvanikislev 5754 volume 11, number 3
NOVEMBER 1993 CHESHVANIKISLEV 5754 VOLUME 11, NUMBER 3 FROM RABBI WEBER , 'I t takes an entire village to raise a child, but the village isn't there for the children anymore." (Indianapolis Newsweek's August 2, 1 993.) Prosecutor Jeff Modisett, quoted in story on teenage violence, cover At one time or another, it happens to all of us. Sitting in a serv ice, or during our yearly "usher duty," we ask a youngster to be quiet. The child glares at us and says, "Why should I? You're ,. not my parent." The miscreant resumes talking with a smu� grin, as we wonder how to answer this obvious truth which, somehow, seems to miss the point. I would like to suggest a response; one which gets right to the point, and which may produce unexpected results for the talker, the "shush-er," and even for our congregation. When a child rejects your request with, "You're not my parent," respond by saying, "Yes, I am your parent. Now be quiet, young man (young woman)." I know it sounds strange, but we really do have grounds for claiming to be the parents of every child in our congregation, and every child who comes to visit here. Long ago, the rabbis stated, "Kol Yisrael areivim zeh ba-zeh" are re "Every Jew is responsible for every other Jew." So on a basic, Jewish level, we are telling the truth. We sponsible for each other: for each other's safety, each other's well-being, and even for each other's behavior. (If I seem to be hinting that this applies to adults, too, please allow me to save that for another article.) If dren misbehave - and all the children in our community are ours - then our chil it is our job to set them straight. There is another reason, too; one which is especially important at Rodeph Torah. Since we continually speak of our community as a family, then those who join us are part of our family. And while that would technically make us more like aunts, uncles and grandparents than actual parents, the principle still holds: the kids in our congregation are not strangers; and we are not strangers to them. We are all part of several large families - a temple family, a Jewish family, a human family - and so, in more ways than one, we are their parents. Now, please, a word about moderation. Let's remember that our congregation welcomes children to every serv ice, and that we do not ask them to be something they are not. Kids are kids, and we should not expect them to (continued...) , November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS be miniature adults. If you are considering the use of this ''parental power," ask yourself first: Am I calling for behavior which is reasonable to expect from them, or am I trying to turn Rodeph Torah into a mausoleum? There are congregations which require absolute silence in the sanctuary, and which strongly recommend that children not exist during services. That is not our way, and I am glad. The sounds of children are beautiful, and precious, and Jewish; we even pray to hear them when a couple gets married and creates a family. "May the sounds of children fill our homes, as they fill the streets of Jerusalem." If children's sounds are good enough for Jerusalem, they are certainly good enough for our little shul, too. Our concern as "community parents" should not be for the littlest peep a kid can make. Instead, I hope we will focus on the sounds and activities which distract them - and us - from the duties of prayer and study during a service. When teenagers play around during a service, or pay no attention when "the other kid" is reading from the Torah, then it is our job as parents to make them stop. When a youngster gives a ten-minute rendition of "The Song That Never Ends," it is time for us to suggest that the song either end or continue silently. And when a child - any child - leaves the sanctuary and spends the service tearing pictures and signs off the Religious School walls, it is up to us to teach them how to behave in a temple. What will the child's real parents say, when they learn their offspring have been chastised by a stranger claim ing parental rights? I believe most of them will understand, and appreciate the concern which prompted it. A few will complain, and I will be happy to take these calls personally. I would love to reach the point where every temple member knew that we would all watch out for each other's children, and that sending our children to TRT would be like sending them to a tremendous family circle meeting. As for guests to our congregation? I guess they will have two options: either to understand, or not to understand. Those who understand may one • • day turn into members, and become part of the family themselves; those who don't understand will think we are all a little weird, which is all right, too. In a world where few people care about others, I would not mind at all if we were known as the congregation that was weird enough to care. So, mazal tov to all of us. We have just given birth to 730 healthy, happy Jewish children. They are ours to raise, to teach, to help and to love. They are our responsibility. They are our children. And we don't even have to put them through college! Shalom, Rabbi Don Weber © 1993, Temple Rodeph Torah We 117orm/y Welcome Tk ,NelVest ;Vem/Jers Of Temple �epA T oroA Dean and Robyn Brown, and their children, Melissa and Jared Jerry and Lisa Feldman, and their child, Melissa Barry and Gwen Greenberg, and their children, Robert and Jamie Eddie and Stella Guarna, and their children, Jon and David Danielle Reade Michael Shanes David and Beverly Wilpon, and their children, Erica and Kimberly Page 2 . Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Friday, IllS Family Shabbat Service - 8:00 p.m. November 1993 I Story: "Max the Camel" * Birthday Blessings for November Candle Lighting 4:30 p.m., Parashat Chayei Sarah Saturday, Friday, 11/6 11112 Shabbat Morning Service Shabbat Service - 10:00 a.m. 8:30 p.m. Richard Herzog, Cantorial Soloist Sermon: ''The Real Threat to Judaism" Candle Lighting Saturday, 11113 4:23 p.m.; Parashat Toledot Shabbat Morning Service - 10:00 a.m. B'nai Mitzvah: Steven Greenberg and Sean Heitt Friday, 11119 .. Shabbat Services: 7:30 p.m. - "Very Young People's Shabbat" (20 minutes, for pre-readers) 8:30 p.m. - Service Sermon: "God Is In This Place ... * Anniversary Blessings for November Candle Lighting Saturday, 11120 " 4: 17 p.m.; Parashat Vayetze Shabbat Morning Service - 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Afternoon Service - I :00 p.m. Bar Mitzvah of Richard Stevens Friday, 11126 Saturday, 11127 8:30 p.m. 4: 13 p.m.; Parashat Vay;shlach Shabbat Service Candle Lighting Shabbat Morning Service Page - 3 10:00 a.m. Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS November 1993 TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH of Westem Monmouth P. O. Box 125, Mohawk Drive, Marlboro, NJ 07746 Office Telephone 308-0055 I Relieious School 308-3836 Nieht Telephone at Temple 303-9701 Rabbi Donald A. Weber Educator Edna Coleman President Bruce Cooper Vice President Steve Berlin Office Home Corresponding Secretary Rachel Pachter Financial Secretary Ed Russin Treasurer, Ron Berman ex officio Past President Ron Berman Directors Randy Cranin Sandy Derris Ellen Finkelstein Nina Grossman MymaKluger Phyllis Levenstein Len Prager !.any Siegel Marsha Singer • Linda Weinberg Building and Grounds • Steve Berlin Caring Community Susan Pack College Outreach BarbaraKlein Design Kathy Fischer Shelly Grainer Education Sandy Derris Horaiynu Carol Adasko Landscaping Susan Berman Judy Freilich Library Membership Ellen Finkelstein Men's Club President Neal Finkelstein Newsletter Editor Gloria Russin Newsletter Advertising Ellen Berrol Onegs Phyllis Levenstein Ritual Ted Block Sisterhood President Social Justice Bonnie Siegel Gloria Russin Yahrzeits Randy Cranin Youth Stuart Gleich Office Manager Loretta Shapiro Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutor Beth Chernoff 409-1268 972-2595 308-3836 972-0152 536-8471 536-5653 536-5498 780-6763 780-6763 409-2489 780-8379 972-8624 972-7481 566-7538 536-7458 972-9193 591-8797 780-5811 972-0664 536-8471 536-8615 780-0789 446-5056 462-6872 780-8379 577-0523 780-6763 536-2891 972-8624 972-8624 536-5498 446-6974 536-7458 536-8858 591-8797 536-5498 409-2489 536-7667 308-0055 222-6066 We publish all these names and phone numbers each month. so you will know whom to call with your questions, suggestions, and offers to help. Please use them! We are a Member ofthe Union ofAmerican Hebrew Congregations. Page 4 November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Have you noticed how lively our religious school is? We are blessed with approximately 400 students and have grown rapidly in the past few years. With this growth, we need to plan ahead so we can continue to provide the excellence in Jewish education that we, the faculty and the temple leadership, have strived for in the past. We must assure that each student receives the attention, the environment, the cognitive and effective vehicle they deserve, and by that, achieve our goals: (I to provide an awareness of Jewish living (I to help students understand their identity as Reform Jews (I to instill love of Torah, and love of students; to teach with menschlichkeit andyiddishkeit (I to nurture a passion for Israel as the Jewish homeland (I to observe the covenant with God in word and deed (I to uphold a sense of K'lal Yisrael through personal involvement (I to encourage support and participation in mitzvot (obligations) at temple and at home (I to explore ways to extend the educational process from the classroom to the home and to the family. us work together to achieve this huge task. Please come forward when we call on you. Join Horaiynu, make sure your child is prepared for school: homework done, books and supplies in hand, check book bags regularly and read all notices. Call us if a problem arises. Be involved. Let Only together, can we achieve QU[ goals. B'Veracha, Edna Coleman, RJE DATES TO REMEMBER: Wednesday, November 3 Thursday, November 11 Sunday, November 21 Sunday, November 21 Monday, November 22 Wednesday, December 1 - BarlBat Mitzvah Orientation for parents and students, by invitation; 6:45-8:30 - 3rd grade Open House 4:45-6:45 - Soler (Torah Scribe) Visits our School - Pre-school: Brotherhood 10:30-12:30 - High School trip to New York City: ''The Survivor," 5:00-10:30 p.m. - BarlBat Mitzvah Workshop for parents and students, by invitation; 6:45-8:30 MEN'S CLUB We made it! The rain stopped just in time for Jon Hirsch, Randy Cranin, Hal Sprechnwl, Ron Guralnick and me to put together the Sukkah. Thanks also to Sisterhood who shared their coffee and desserts with us that cold and damp Tuesday night. Give the Gift of Life! The Men's Club will hold a Blood Drive on November 2nd (Election Day) from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the temple. The blood collected will provide a credit against which all temple members can Page 5 (continued... ) November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS draw. If you can give blood, please do. If you cannot donate, you can still help by registering donors, serving re freshments or setting up the facility. Please call NeaJ Finkelstein at 972-8624 if you want to donate or to help. . ".. and if one has saved a single soul, it is as though one had saved a whole world. " (Mishna) Shalom, Neal Finkelstein SISTERHOOD "Thanks for calling... "; "Thanks for thinking of me... "; "Wow, thanks for calling." Yes, all those phone calls paid off. On Tuesday evening, September 28th, 35 new TRT women carne to hear what Sisterhood is all about - what Sisterhood has to offer, and hopefully what they could do for Sisterhood and their new temple family - to get involved! • I really felt so good while I was making those calls, hoping to make a difference. Sure, we had sent invitations, but I was hoping that a call from the president of the organization would let them know just how much we needed them and wanted them to come and meet us - to come and get involved - and they carne, and they signed up for committees, and they promised to get involved. It is amazing what a phone call can do! My thanks to Andrea Block and Donna Hirsch for making the evening so upbeat and festive, and my very spe cial thanks to Sheryl Cooper for being "me," since I had to attend a Middletown Board of Education meeting (where a few, but vocal, residents really made me question the future of education in this state). Thanks also to Leslie Berlin, Rachel Pachter, Maxine Relkin and Lois Korman. In November, having invited our friends from Hadassah, we will be hosting Rabbi Shira Stem's book discussion - Tuesday evening, November 16th, at 8 p.m. (note the change). We will also, along with Men's Club, be sponsoring the Torah Project Kick-Off. December is our huge Hanukkah party and sale with Horaiynu. Obviously, we need you all to get involved. Come down just once, and you will be hooked! Bonnie SOCIAL JUSTICE November is a busy month for us with many events taking place. I TRT's Hanukkah Toy Drive will be held from November 1st through November 21st. Please remember to bring a new toy for a child who would otherwise not receive any for the holidays. The toy must be new and un wrapped, and will be distributed by Jewish Family Services. Page 6 (continued... ) ----� - --- Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS November 1993 We will be having a Food Drive at Foodtown of Manalapan and Shoprite of Freehold on Sunday, November 21st. Volunteers are needed to help collect the food. If you would like to participate, call Bill Fireman at 972-2572. On Sunday, November 7th, TRT will be assisting Temple Shaari Emeth with their Race For Hunger. Volun teers are needed for registration and to help along the route. If you are interested in helping, please contact Gerry Newman at 536-3458. I would like to thank Sindy Weiner and Annette Rudnick for arranging our morning at the Freehold Rehabilita tion Center, and all our temple members who participated. Our thanks and much appreciation go to Heather Borshof and Scott Leader for conducting services at the center. It was wonderful. A belated thanks to Harvey Singer, for helping with the Yom Kippur Mazon Collection. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Margery Mina as our newest committee member. Shalom, Gloria Russin A LETTER FROM THE MARLBORO FOOD PANTRY Dear Rabbi Weber, Again the amount of food collected surpassed our wildest dreams. How can we ever thank all of your congregants for their overwhelming support of the food pantry? Friday Night's food was sent to the Wicker Church for their pantry. The remainder of Friday's food was sent to the Morganville Senior Center on Wicker Place. Saturday's food was divided between our pantry and the Samari tan Center. All the food has been distributed already. Your continued support over the past three years has really made the difference. Happy New Year to all! Fondly, Harriet Schlossberg, Director SENIOR YOUTH GROUP I We are looking ahead to the best year our Youth Group has had in a long time. We started our program this year with a very successful scavenger hunt, and in order to keep having events this successful, we .eed more memben! So, if you like to have fun and eat great food (pizza, bagels, Pop-Tarts, etc ... ), come to the next event. The next event is a Movie Night. We will be watching The Breakfast Club. and just in case anyone gets hungry during the movie, it is rumored that Elijah will be delivering pizza to the Youth Lounge. But remember, Elijah doesn't deliver pizza for free, so be sure to bring $2 and a can of food for the hungry. Page 7 (continued... ) November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS Our next action-packed event is a Bowling Match against the Temple Men's Club. This event gives us a chance to embarrass a bunch of middle-aged men who will be obligated to throw us a party when we beat them. Our defeat of the so-called "Men's Club" will take place in November, so watch for details. We will also have another Movie Night in November. Yes, we have scheduled a RTSY SHUL-IN! For those of you who are uninitiated in the art of Shul-Ins, it is ba sically an all-night party where you can get to know people and just have a great time. Our Shul-In will be in December. There is also a ski trip in our future, so if you want to learn how to ski, or fine tune your powder shredding skills, this January is the time to do it. Last, but not least, we have another Movie Night in January. If you have any questions about RTSY (Rodeph Torah Senior Youth), call Heather Borshof at 972-3070. If all this sounds interesting, bring yourself and your dues to our next event. See you there! Josh Katz, RTSY Editor NEWS AND NOTES I WATCH FOR YOUR A.R.Z.A. CHECK-OFF Your December dues bill will include a voluntary $25 check-off for dues to A.R.Z.A., the Association of Re form Zionists of America. A.R.Z.A. is now the second largest Zionist organization in the world (after Hadas sah), and is the voice for equality and respect for Reform Judaism in Israel. Especially in light of the current extremist tendencies in Israel, your support for this voice of reason and moderation is especially important! Your dues will help A.R.Z.A. continue its work to guarantee that Israel remains open to all Jews, regardless of our religious affiliation or background. Dues are tax-deductible, and you will automatically be enrolled or re enrolled by including the $25 with your Temple dues payment. Please help A.R.Z.A. help us all! PLEASE RESPECT THE RESERVED PARKING SPACES The parking spaces closest to our building are reserved for people with special needs, represented by "Special Access" license plates and permits. These spaces are placed where they are for a reason, and your cooperation in leaving them available is appreciated. Even in bad weather, even when you are "just going to be a minute," please do not use these spaces without a permit. Thank you. II UAHC OFFERS INTERMARRIEDS' PROGRAM AT RODEPH TORAH "Opening Doors: A Liberal Jewish Perspective on Intermarriage" is a six-week discussion series for interfaith couples, sponsored by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. The program will take place on Thursday evenings, here at Rodeph Torah, beginning November 11th. Couples are invited to share issues and concerns of interfaith family life in a supportive, non-judgemental setting. Registration is limited to eight couples, and is open to the entire community. For further information and/or registration, please call Kathryn Kahn, Program Coordinator, at 201-599-0080, or ask Rabbi Weber. Page 8 (continued... ) Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS November 1993 LIBRARY NEWS The Temple Library is open for borrowing, browsing, meditating and, of course, reading during religious school hours. Instructions for borrowing books are posted on the wall. Feel free to come in and check out our expanding collection. Some new selections are: Deborah, Golda and Me, by Letty Cottin Pogrebin Heritage - Civilization and the Jews, by Abba Eban The Unorthodox Book ofJewish Records and Lists, by Allan Gould and Danny Siegel A Child's Book ofMidrash, by Barbara Diamond Goldin When All You Ever Wanted Isn't Enough, by Harold Kushner. PLEASE HELP US HELP YOU When scheduling a Iife-cycle event in which you would like Rabbi Weber to participate (weddings, namings, funerals, unveilings, etc.), please call him first. If you set the time for such events without calling, it may be im possible for him to attend. Though a funeral overrides almost everything else, clearing the time in advance may save us from disrupting classes or programs already scheduled. We understand the stressful nature of such times in our lives, and with your help we can make them a little eas ier on everyone. If you have any questions about Iife-cycle events, please feel free to call Rabbi Weber. NEW - N.J. JEWISH SINGLES DIRECTORY The Jewish Singles Directory is an exciting new way for Jewish singles over the age of 21, throughout the New Jersey-West Hudson Valley region, to meet each other. This newly created network will enable Jewish singles to meet each other in a non-threatening, mutually agreeable fashion. The Directory is a non-profit project of the Reform Movement, sponsored by our region of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC). For $36 your listing with photo lets you match your interests with other Jewish singles. The listing allows you to send a postcard of introduction to anyone you choose, or receive a postcard from someone interested in meeting you. For further information about the Directory, call Gilda Fier, Project Coordinator, at the UAHC office in Paramus (201) 599-0080. PERMANENT Y AHRZEIT CALENDARS ARE AVAILABLE Mount Sinai Memorial Chapels offers 20-year Yahrzeit calendars free of charge to any Rodeph Torah member who wishes. The calendars are imprinted with the deceased's name, date of death, cemetery information, and the name and relationship of the person requesting the calendar. To obtain this calendar (or as many as needed), just submit the information in writing to the Chapel at 454 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick, N.J. 08816. You must include all the information listed above, typed or clearly printed. There is no cost or obligation for this service, and we thank Mr. Peter Kulbacki for making this generous offer. You may call him at 390-9199 if you have any questions. Page 9 (continued...) November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS NEWS AND NOTES, continued THINKING ABOUT A BARIBAT MITZVAH IN ISRAEL? The Reform Movement has an information packet available for anyone considering a Bar or Bat Mitzvah cele bration in Israel. The arran gements are not complicated, but advance planning-and thought-are required. In ad dition, Temple Rodeph Torah will help in every way possible to make this occasion special and practical. For a copy of the packet, call Rabbi Weber. A SHOPPING LIST FOR THE FOOD PANTRY Our local food pantries offer basic food supplies to needy families and senior citizens, without charge. Through our Social Justice Committee, Temple Rodeph Torah is participating in an ongoing program to gather food for the hungry. These items are in extremely short supply: meat and fish in cans, peanut butter, and any other protein-rich foods; baby food and formula; canned soups; disposable diapers. The following items are also needed: any kind of pasta, rice, instant potatoes, beans, macaroni dinners, spaghetti sauce, canned chili (pasta meals, etc.), canned vegetables, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, hot and cold cereals, powdered and evaporated milk, coffee, tea, cocoa, crackers, cookies, sugar, canned and bottled juices, baby food and formula, especially disposable dia pers, bath soap, bath tissue, dish detergent and laundry products. When you go food shopping, please buy one of these items for yourself and another to donate to the food pan try. Remember, when you sit down to your dinner, there is someone-maybe a child like yours or an elderly per son like your parents-who is going hungry that night. If you have any questions, please call Gloria Russin, our Social Justice Chair, at 536-5498. THE TREE OF LIFE The Tree of Life is a symbol of growth and joy. It reminds us of the Torah, which is called "Etz Chaim," a tree of life. For those of you who have walked by our new Tree of Life and wondered about it, here is some information. The "leaves" of the tree are designed to be filled with happy memories of our lives-our simchas. As a relatively young congregation, most of the leaves celebrate births and B'nai Mitzvah. Of course, leaves may be purchased for other events such as marriages, anniversaries, and special, important times in our lives. It is truly a wonder ful way to commemorate an event! For more information, or to receive a Donor Form, call the Temple office. SHOUT, SHOUT, LET IT ALL OUT! Do you want to SHOUT OUT your good news to the congregation? For any special event in your family (birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, new babies, etc.) you can now spon sor an Oneg Shabbat. For a minimum of$18 you can celebrate your simcha at any Friday night service. All you have to do is call Phyllis Levenstein at 536-7458, ,and we'll do the rest! Your donation will help to defray the costs of our weekJy Onegs. Page 10 (continued...) Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS November 1993 It is with pride and love that we invite our family and friends to share our happiness when our son, Sean, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, November 13, 1993, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the Oneg following services. Helena and Maurice Heitt When our son, Steven, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, November 13, 1993, at 10:00 a.m., it would be our pleasure for our friends and family to share this very special occasion with us. Please join us for the Oneg following services. Barbara and Murray Greenberg It is with great joy that we invite our family and friends to share this special day when our son, Richard, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, November 20, 1993, at 1 :00 p.m. Please join us for the Oneg following services. Marge and Jeff Stevens OUR CONDOLENCES toIris, Paul, Cindy, Steven, Jeffrey and Janna Frommer, on the death ofIris' father, Edward Jedel to Ellie, Gary, David and Michael Brachfeld, on the death of Ellie's mother, Thebna Tebrow to Donna, Jon, Jessica and Jared Hirsch, on the death of Donna's cousin, Brian Groleau to Steve, Ellen, Bryan and Dena Berrol, on the death of Steve's mother, Jean Berrol to Mark, Shelly, Bill and Hallie Grainer, on the death of Mark's grandmother, Lilly Buchwald - to Jay, Roberta, Justin and Shelby Taffer, on the death of Jay's mother, Beatrice Taffer "Zichronam Livracha " May their memory be a blessing to all who knew them. CONTRIBUTIONS � To The Buildin Fund Pat, Bill, Jon an Jill Rogove, in memory of Edgar Hirsch, father of Jon Hirsch Ellen and Robert Levine, in memory ofThebnaTebrow, mother of Ellie Brachfeld Susan andTony Iorlano, in memory ofThebnaTebrow, mother of Ellie Brachfeld Nina, Rich, Emily and Pam Grossman: in memory of the grandmother of Mark Grainer in memory of Edgar Hirsch, father of Jon Hirsch in honor of the birth of Rebecca Ruth Block in honor of the birth of Sylvia Landau's grandson ) To The General Fund Betty and Harry Brown: in memory of Michelle S. Friedman in memory of Enid Brown Niki and Sol Weber Page 11 (continued... ) November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS, continued To the General Fund Maxine, Barry, Justin and Joshua Relkin, in memory of Ruth Maslansky Barbara and Fred Herzog: in memory of Emanuel Herzog in memory of Irving Foudin To The Herzog Cantorial Fund Betty Fass, in memory of Donavin Henshaw Nina, Rich, Emily and Pam Grossman, in appreciation of Rich Herzog for his beautiful cantorial performances over the High Holidays The Kirschenbaum Family, in appreciation of Rich Herzog To The HirschIRosen Memorial Youth Fund Ellen, Neal, Rachel and Jill FiIlkelstein, in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Randi Placona Sheryl, Bruce, Jonathan and Michelle Cooper: in memory of Edgar Hirsch, father of Jon Hirsch with best wishes for the speedy recovery of Sara Levenstein Rose and Stanley Dreier, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Steven Greenberg Esther and Bernard Gellerman, in memory of Jody Rosen To The Prayerbook Fund Leslie and Jonathan Seidel and Family, in memory of Richard Galin Nina, Rich, Emily and Pam Grossman, in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Daniela Quint Daniela Quint and Family, in appreciation of Beth Chernoff a;.: Rabbi's Discretion Fund Fern Said and Frien � in memory of Steven Salti Vivian and Elia Salti, in memory of Steven Salti Eric Brown and Lisa Hannon, in honor of Eric's conversion to Judaism Evan, Randi, Tara and Cory Cole, in memory of Charles 1. Cole Jack and Bonnie Kirschenbaum, in memory of Craig Fischer Helena, Maurice, Sean and Ryan Heitt, in memory of Nettie Troyansky Schulman, and in appreciation of Rabbi Weber Lenore and Aaron Harmon, in honor of the 60th Anniversary of Moe and Betty Klores Nancy & Kenny Lazaroff, in memory of Nettie Schulman, mother of Helena Heitt Judith and AI Mossman, in appreciation Ruth and Harry Brachfeld, with best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year To The Reli2ious School Equipment Fund TheRafaloffFamily: in honor of the Bat Mitzvah ofRandi Placona in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Robby Fran and Sid Lavender and Marsha Singer, in honor of Adam andRory Singer and Ian and Alyssa Capezzano ''just because" To Tbe S({er Torah Project Gloria, Ed, Steve and BarryRussin: in appreciation ofRabbi Weber with love and thanks in appreciation ofRich Herzog for making the New Year special in appreciation ofRich Grossman for making the New Year special Helena and Maurice Heitt, in memory of Enid Brown The Shapiro Family: 10 memory of WarrenRingler in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Daniela Quint Page 12 (continued...) Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS November 1993 WE THANK THESE PEOPLE, WHO HAVE FULFILLED THEIR 1993 HOLIDAY PLEDGES: Beverly and Steve Azarchi Marcia and Joel Borshof Andrea and Joel Brandt David Brown Pearl and Herbert Buchalter Janice and Neil Feldman Bella Gilbert Herbert Greenberg Barbara and Murray Greenberg Magdalene and Edward Lewis Marilyn and Michael Litt Alice and Albert Meiseles Leslie and Eric Rosenstock Gloria and Edward Russin Alice and Irving Stone Libby and Hennan Suskind AND OUR THANKS TO THE PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED TO OUR HIGH HOLIDAY MAZON COLLECTION: Vivian Blankenstein Pearl and Herbert Buchalter Sheryl and Bruce Cooper Judith Croes Regina and Bernard Derris Ellen and Neal Finkelstein Ilene and Bill Fireman Dr. Ralph Garfield Nina and Rich Grossman Maxine and Richard Herzog Laurie Kaufman Bonnie and Jack Kirschenbaum Mindy and Charles Kavitsky Marcia and Randall Krakauer Ellen and Robert Levine Harriet and Ira Madan Gerald Newman Rachel and Erik Pachter Maxine and Neal Perlman Leslie and Eric Rosenstock Gloria and Ed Russin Iris and Joel Schleifstein Loretta and Allen Shapiro Reita and Allan Silver Irene and Stuart Sperling Rabbis Don Weber and Shira Stem Bonnie and Peter Sugannan Naomi and Sol Weber Linda and Stuart Weinberg AND, thank you to all those who mailed their contributions directly to MAZON. Page 13 November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH of Westem Monmouth P.O. Box 125, Marlboro, NJ 07746 TEMPLE CONTRIBUTIONS FORM .BUILDING FUND (For the construction and maintenance of our home) CRAIG FISCHER MEMORIAL FUND (See information in this Newsletter) GENERAL FUND (For the maintenance of temple programs & activities) .HERZOG CANTORIAL FUND (For the future cantorial needs of the congregation) .mRSCHlROSEN MEMORIAL YOUTII FUND (provides programs for the youth of our congregation) .LIBRARY FUND (For the purchase of books for our new Library) .PRAYERBOOK FUND (For the purchase of prayerbooks) Any amount may be donated to this Fund, but a contribution of $20 or more is required to dedicate a prayerbook. ---:RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND (Administered by the Rabbi for the benefit of the congregation)* ---R : SCHOOL EQUIPMENT FUND (provides durable equipment for the Religious School) SISTERHOOD TRIBUTE FUND (To further the work of Sisterhood) TEMPLE BEAUTIFICATION FUND (For the purchase of art and aesthetically pleasing items for our building) WILLNERM'EINSTEIN EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENT FUND (Provides interest income for the Religious School's future) *** TREE OF LIFEIMEMORIAL PLAQUES: To celebrate a special occasion by purchasing a leaf for the Tree of Life, or to honor the memory of a loved one who has died, please call the Temple office. A Dedication Form will be sent to you. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ * Make checks payable to TRT-Rabbi 's Discretionary Fund. All other fund checks payable to Temple Rodeph Torah. This donation is being made: In MEMORY of: In HONOR of: Donation made by: Name: Address: Acknowledgement to be sent to the following: Name: Address: Contributions of any amount are welcomed, but there is a five dollar minimum for each acknowledgement you wish sent. Please refer all questions to our temple office, 308-0055. Page 14 November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS COMMUNITY JOB BANK JOBS OFFERED JOBS WANTED x. Prudential Insurance Co. Hiring sales reps. Guaranteed salary. 42. Controller-20 yrs diversified exp, incl. monthly closings, tax filings, 40 1(k) administration, banking & managing 8C colUlting dept. a. Marketing/Management Position, Red Bank Area. Sales oriented individual to market investment plans. Salary + b0nus + benefits. 43. Controller/CPA with 16+ yrs exp as Controller with full fi- nancial responsibilities & SEC reporting. Importing! Dis tribution & Retail backgrolUld. b. Medical/Surgical Social Worker-MSW, NYS Certification. Provide social work/discharge planning services to hospital ized patients. c. Director of Finance-salary to S60K; Cost & Budget Mgr-salary to S55K; Sales Group, Health & Disability-salary to S50K + comm; Health Claims Examiner-salary to S45K; StafT Ana lyst, Corp. Tax-salary to S33K. NYC Health Insurance Company, Lower Broadway. If you would like to know more about any d.TV, VCR technician, experienced. Apply in person, Matawan particular job listed here, please call the Rabbi. Computers, Main Street, Matawan. e. Asst. teacher-5 mornings/week, 9:30 am- 12noon. Judaic back grolUld important. If you are in need of a job or have a job to offer, please call Rabbi Weber at 972-2595. All calls will be kept strictly confidential. PLEASE REMEMBER to bring food for the hungry! Page 15 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS November 1993 YAHRZEITS I DATE DECEASED SHABBAT OBSERVANCE 1115-6 REMEMBERED BY 10/31 10/31 1111 1111 1111 1111 1112 1113 1113 1113 1114 1116 Loretta Shapiro Barbara Rosenthal Jay Davis William & Helen Shapiro ?"T Ro Reibel Gary Shukovsky Loretta Shapiro Fred Gross Sheri Rosenthal Saul Siegel Gerry Newman Lori Liebennan Mary Eterno* Joyce Levy Leah Davidowitz Elizabeth Shapiro Milton Guttman Clara Shukovsky Rose Neal* George Gross Edith Schlessberg Abe Siegel Sidney Newman Sylvia Laski SHABBAT OBSERVANCE 11/12-13 1117 1117 11/8 11/8 11/9 11110 1l1l0 11110 11110 11111 11I l l l lill 11/11 11112 11112 Gilbert Kappelman Jacob Miller Faye Kaner Louis Gordon Edith Pincus Phil Miller Beverly Cohen Karen Hurewitz Kristallnacht Helen Bogan Miriam Kaplan Singer Abe Mesmer Gerald Weiner Miriam Hymanson Max Porcelain Robert Cohen Robert R. Singer* Bernard Satkowitz Jerome Gold Felicia Goldberg Harvey Singer Donald Mesmer Louis Weiner Meryl Glickman Don Porcelain Eleanor Brachfeld Leslie Rosenstock Rochelle Friedman Mitchell Gold SHABBAT OBSERVANCE 11119-20 11114 11116 11115 11/16 11116 11117 11117 11118 11118 11118 11118 11119 11120 11120 Bill Messinger Milton Schlosser Rose Cranin Harry Fischer* David Rogove Charles J. Freilich* Morris M. Hemmendinger Pauline Schwartz Samuel Schulman Abe Sussman Bernard H. Loebel* Irving Zeltzer* Janice Laura Seifter* Helen Kappelman Harvey Messinger Stuart Glickman Randy Cranin Craig Fischer ?"T Bill Rogove Irv Freilich Gerry Chelnik Barbara Zion Helena Heitt Leslie Auerbach Janet Fine Ellen Levine & Ray Zeltzer Bobbi Rafaloff & Shirley Newman ?"T Edith Pincus Page 16 (continued...) November 1993 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS Y AHRZEITS, Continued DECEASED DATE SHABBAT OBSERVANCE 11126-27 REMEMBERED BY 11121 11121 11122 11122 11/22 11/23 11123 11123 11124 11124 11126 11126 11126 11126 11126 11/27 11127 Robert Cariello David Cohen Peter Sugarman Jon Klein Irwin Shapiro Zenia Miller Loretta Shapiro Ellen Zipkin Shari Schwartz Susan Hyatt-Grebow Roberta Rafaloff & Shirley Newman ""T Ron & Jackie Klug, and Amy & Nicki Klug Edith Pincus Alice Cohen Michael Leader Richard & Fred Herzog, and Rose Herzog Paula Kanofsky Frank Cariello· Rose Cohen Naomi Sugarman Sara Shraberg Harry Shapiro Alex Weiner Theresa Amarosa· Max Blank· Maxwell Pachman Sylvia Hyatt Pauline Seifter· Hans Michael Rosenow· Helen Molly Kappelman Margit Jacobs Sidney Leader· Emanuel Herzog· Stuart Sharenow SHABBAT OBSERVANCE 12/3-4 11128 11128 11128 11/29 11130 11/30 11130 11/30 Robert Leibowitz Harvey Cohen Steve Rykus Zelda Diner Judy Goldberg & Samuel Berger Steven Kaufinan Evelyn Sales Rabbi Shira Stem Herman Leibowitz Albert Cohen Mordechi Finkelstein Max Lipset Susan Berger Schack· Leonard Kaufinan Anna Millman Clara Stem * Indicates the dedication of a plaque on our Memorial Wall. * * * Jewish tradition suggests that we give tudalulh to hODor the memory of our loved ODes who kave died. Page 17 Temple Rodeph Torah November 1993 :30 6:00 pm Blood Drive pm Testimonial Comm. 9 pm Ritual Committee 10 pm Sisterhood Religious School 14 30 15 : 15 pm Men's Club 16 pm Sisterhood: Rabbi Stern :00 Religious School pm Adult Ed. "Jewish Life" 11 :00 pm Adult Ed. "Mysticism" 17 30 pm Board of Directors 18 :00 pm Adult Ed. "Jewish Life" f8:00 0:00 12 1"8:30 13 !'7:30 30 20 [8:30 27 pm Family Shabbat Setvice pm Shabbat Setvice pm Young People's Shabbat pm Shabbat Service 22 :00 23 29 30 pm Caring Community 24 Religious School pm Shabbat Setvice Religious School Join Us on November 21st, As We Begin to Write Our Torah! am Service 0:00 am ServicelB'nai Mitzvah of Steven Greenberg & Sean Heitt :0:0000 am Service pm ServicelBar vah of Richard Stevens 0:00 am Service Temple Rodeph Torah December 1993 [ Members'Sltubllt 8:00 pm Family Shabbat Service 9 pm Adult Ed "Jewish Life" 12 :30 pm Monmouth Lect ure Series 13 15 pm Men's Club 14 pm Sisterhood Board 15 :30 pm Board of Directors 16 pm Adult Ed "Mysticism" 1- 11 8:30 pm Shabbat Service 17 P I :30 pm Young People's Shabbat :30 pm Shabbat Service 19 I :00 am Service at Wicker Church 20 21 22 '00 pm Social Justice Committee 23 Adult Ed. IIIl Servic:elBar Mitzvah of Erie Zuckerman I S pm Servic:elBar Mitzvah of Jason Wattenberg 1'5:JO I 0 :00 am Service 18 10 :00 am SeIVice/Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Rafaloff 25 pm SIt.bbllt 0:00 am Service Snvi« - Note Spec",' Time 27 28 29 30 Adult Ed. 31 f 7:JO I pm SIt.bbllt Service - Note Special Time Advance-Planning Calendar; See December's Newsletter for Details. GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE " ... and if one has saved a single soul, it is as though one had saved a whole world. " On November 2, from 6 to 9 p.m., you have a chance to save the whole world. The Men's Club will be conducting a blood drive for Central Jersey Blood Services at the Temple. Donating b100d is safe and easy to do. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call Neal Finkelstein at 972-8624 Sisterhood invites you to a discussion led by Rabbi Shira Stern Tuesday, November 16, at 8:00 pm. . . . . . . . . .. . ••••• •• •• ' , • . .�:: .:.:':':'.:::: : :: : ': " ':':': : :: : :: "" ' , . :: . .: I' I .. . '' , ,, " . . . . . . . . ..... II ' ..... . . .. . , . . . . . . . . I • • 1 1 1 1 . , . ... . . . . , : : :::: :' :. '. ' :.., :: : : : :: . . :: ' .•. . . . . . . . ' . ' . ,.. . . . . . ... . . . . ... . II . . . I " II .... II .. ) . . �. :: .. /:. ..... .:: . " , The book Deborah, Golda and Me will be discussed. We will be joined by our friends from Hadassah for this very interesting program. Please join us! ! Refreshments will be served . Co-sponsors: UAHC .Vew Jersey- West Hudson Valley Council and its ReKiOfwl Outreach Commiaee. NFTS Districr 4. UAHC- CCAR Commission 011 Religious LivinK. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion WRESTLING WITH THE ANGEL: OUR MODERN JEWISH STRUGGLE WITH HOLINESS A D ay of Study, Worship and Spiritual Growth NOVEMBER 20. 1 993 9 : 00 am to 5 : 00 pm SATURDAY, Temple Ner Tamid, Bloomfield, New Jersey acuIty OUT F RAbbi David Nelson CLAL scholar Dr_ uoMrd Kravitz Professor of MiJirasn Rilbbi SUvar KUShner TaPr)'lt Ncr TJl1tIid wzth HUC-JlR and CLAL Faculty *" .8habbat Services led: IJy.Riibbi St'evejz : Kushner qnd Cantor Pamela Siskin: : ... . . .:.. . . . :. : ... . >Jt Lrinch.: ai1d Panel DiScusSion, "E;CPlorll'lg:; Possibilltt�sfor Creative�iji=t · : · <. . � :· StudY· ·S,eSSlons with" Dr; Leonar4 KtcMtz, lJ.abbi:David NelSon,· 1?o.bfjt §i.evlfh: l§i4imer: •... : dlhess by Dr: Leonaf4 ti/'i'rofesso! ojMidrash� . * Torah Study Groups :. : .: c t�� ?�:-�.�� �� 'f,aVi $2 1 per person includes lunch, all materials and Mazon contribution Driving directions will be mailed upon receipt of registration. For more information call the UAHC Regional Office at 201 -599-0080 Feel free to duplicate and share this flyer with others who may be interested in a day of study and prayer. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tear off registration - Deadline : Name November 9 , 1 993 ------------- Address C i� � __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Congregation Sffite ______ Zip __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Town. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Day Telephone( ____ Amount Enclosed ) Make your check for Mail to : $ ---'-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ $2 1 (per registrant) payable to " UAHC " 1 Kalisa Way , Suite 104, Paramus , NJ 07652 Kathy Kahn, UAHC , " , Torah Proj ect Begins on Sunday, November 2 1 Save the date Next month we will have the rare opportunity to be present as t h e actual w riting of o u r torah scroll is begu n . O ur scribe will spend the morning i n our Religious School, teaching our children the laws and traditions that surround this sacred, ancient practice. And then, beginning at 1 2 : 3 0, we will move into the sanctuary, where we will watch the w riting of t h e first col u m n s . This i s a unique opportunity to participate i n a 3 000 year-old tradition that lies at the very core of Judaism. D o n ' t m iss t h is once-in-a-l ifetime opport u n ity. welcome at this joyous event; Refreshments will be served. feel free to Everyone is bring P l an to come to the temple on November 2 1 at 1 2 : 3 0 PM. TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH OF WESTERN MONMOUTH PO Box guests . 1 25, Mohawk Drive, Marlboro NJ 07746 (908) 308-0055 ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ® ® . � TRT SISTE � H !J 0D & HORAIYNU � ® � Th e Han ukkah Fes t i va l ® (PARTY BOUTIQUE) mvde you to ® ® ® � ® . ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® .. � � ® ® ® & S u nday, Decem be r 5th Hanu kkah Boutique opens Hanu kkah Party is from at 1 0: 00 1 2 :30 - 3 : 00 am pm A D M I SS I O N I S F R E E . · • ' .: I. . . . . I. " · · · 'v' " .' II • I · · . •J ' . . II . . • ' " . . FOOD!! GAMES!! CRAFTS!! PRIZES!! FUN FOR ALL ! ! MEMBERS AND NON MEMBERS WELCOME � ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® .. � � ® ® ® ® ® ® ®. ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® P reve nt the tragedy of TAV-SACHS D I S EAS E A simple blood test now enables a fam ily to have chi ldren u naffected by th is rare but fatal genetic disorder. TH E R E IS NO C U R E . . . B U T TAY-SACHS CAN B E P R EV E NTE D There are more than 2 ,000 i n herited diseases. Tay-Sachs is one of the m , and it i s pri mari ly a Jewish problem. One in 26-30 Jews carrie s the Tay-Sachs gene, and can unknowi ngly pass it on to thei r chi ldren. If two carriers marry, they have a 25% chance in each preg nancy of produci ng a Tay-Sachs chi ld. Once identified, carriers can be counseled, so that even high-ri sk couples can have ful l , healthy fam i lies. BE TESTED . even if your fami ly is complete ! Your chi ld may be an u ndetected carrier. Testing and cou nseli ng may avert future tragedy. Be Tested On Tay-Sachs Prevention Day Date : Ti m e : Place : S U N DAY, Dece m be r 5 1 0 :00 a . m . - 2:00 p . m . CO N G R EGATION B ETH C H A I M 329 Vi l lage Road East Princeton J unction , New Jersey \ This screening program is being offered u nder the medical di rection of the New Jersey Medica l SChool-Newark, Division of Human Genetics and the New Jersey Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association. For further information call (609) 443-7478. When all the details are completed, consider one final emhellishment to your joy JEWISH PARTY PLANNING LIST [2] Invitations � Food o Rabbi o Flowers o Music � 3% for MAZON AjewiIh Respoosc to Huogcr Contribute 3% of the cost of your celebration-wedding, bar or bat mitzvah, anniversary, birthday, any joyous occasion, to MAZON (the Hebrew word for food) , a national Jewish organization that grants funds to feed hungry people in our local communities, across the country and around the world. Please share your simcha by making a contribution to: MAZON Lee H . Javilrh, Chairman - Irvinl( Cramer, Execulivl' Oirerltlr .r . �:.�,!.:..,::.�� ;�.? .. . . . �'....� . . .... .. .. \gIg; Mount SInal MemorIal Chapels, Inc. Cranbury Rd. at Evergreen Blvd EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ Faithfully Sewing The Funeral Needs Of The Jewish Community (908) WE CAN: Secure a Rabbi for you 390-91 99 Meet at your h�off� 1 -800-385-81 88 Toll Fr•• for arrangements Arrange for services in other communities PETER K U LRACKI Li c en sed Manager Provide complete price disclosure PRE·ARRANGEMENT PLAN • Funded & Non·Funded • Preplanning avail., inc. SSllMedicaid • approved plans • WORLDWIDE SHIPPING COMFORTABLE NEW SURROUNDING WITH LARGE PARKING FACILmES COMPARISON ENCOURAGED WIDE RANGE OF PRICESI SERVICES QFFERED At r i um Med i c a l A r t s 224 Taylors M i l l s Road Mana l a pan , NJ DR. BARRY SCHNE I DE R DR. 07726 NINA LUXENBERG Fel lows , Ame r ican Academy of Opt ome t r y ADULT & PEDIATRIC EYE CARE CONTACT LENSES - V IS ION THERAPY SERVICES TO THE PARTIALLY SIGHTED 4 3 1-4454 The World 8001< E� CMdcr8l! - The � end 'M'1 Llbrery E8r1y World 01 L_n,nll TW The World 8001< OtdIonary Childcrlll DocIlCW*y The World IoaI< EJIC")JCIacJede 01 Scoerce World 8001< RMdong De.eIopmenI Progr.." c... ....... ." c...J Decorative PalntacI walls GINNY ZUSSMAN DIVISION MANAGER t= In pl ot fYlel'H .,/ S4 ARDEN RD. OLD BRIDGE NJ. I tJ pp0P.ToJ ,v iT,CS. To o - 08857 WAU DECOR PHONE 901679 · 5t22 d p • Sponge o.igns • Feux FIniMea • • Marble • Gf'8Phk:a • CUllOm Stencils • • Plus Many Other CreetM o.igns • • � PortfolIo • 117 Longwood Dr. STACY HEAlY Manalapan. NJ 07726 (801) 441 0112 MICHAEL A. DUCORE, au, CbFC • • • Life Insurance Estate Planning Financial Consulting KAP IRVING HAAR PHOTOGRAPHY VIDEO Weddings Por1rarts PLANNING LTD. Bar Mitzvahs 120 West 45th Street, Suite 601 New York. N.Y. 10036 Fax' 68 Sandpiper Drive Manalapan. N J . 07726 Bat Mitzvahs (2 1 2) 642-3601 (2 12) 764-6384 (908) (908) 591 -91 1 6 446-855 1 COMPLETE PLUMBING , HEATING SERVICES AUG U ST PLU MBING & HEATING CO. LIN K CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 30 MAIN STREET ENG LISHTOWN, N.J. 536·6632 LICENSE 446- 1 8 1 8 ANDREW AUGUST NO. 8«6 T "GOOD HEAll'H . . . NAn.JUU.Y" DR. CRAIG O. UNK PHIUP PLAZA 24 HR. EMERGENCY CAllE '4 RT. 9 N. a RT. 520 ENGUSHTOWN. NJ. 07726 (908) 972-3360 MYRNA KLUGER BROKER!SALES REPRESENTATIVE WEICHERT MILLION DOLLAR SALES CLUB NJAR MILLION DOLLAR SALES CLUB 1 989 The American Hote l tradition since 1 82� CATERING FACILITY E. MAIN ST. FREEHOLD 308-0333 Sunday 13reakLlc,t Hullf't 1 0 : 00 • w L. ABERDEEN/MATAWAN OFFICE WEICHERT . REAL TORS t �Si · Specializing in 208 ROUTE 34 ABERDEEN. NJ 07747 OFF. (908) 583-5400 EVES (908) 566· 7538 Real Estate Closings STUART M. PACK ATTO� N EY AT LAw N EW ..J E RSEY OF"F"ICE NEW YORK OF"F"ICE 8 WESTBROOK DRIVE KAUDERER eo PAC K , P.C. MORGANVI LLE. N . ..J . 07751 4 0 !l LEXINGTON AVEN U E (808) 872·7722 N EW YORK. N . Y. 10174 F"AX (212) 8 !1 3'3320 (212) 2 87-0070 OWNERSHIP SINCE .II1 7 - 1 : 00 IANOUETS • WEDDINGS BAR MITZVAHS · BUSINESS 1lEET1NGS · CELEBRATIONS OPEN 7 DAYS LUNCH & DINN E R ( 908 ) 536-86 1 5 A.S.P. O. / Lamaze Certified J/) . '//) ./u.iUn .3ac� --:h.;/ • n. O-'- F...... y I .. r/./(// ./. (;//:/ ./ . ./ . . ' CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR 8 Westbrook Dr. Weekend Classes MorganviUe, N.J. 07751 Available - - _.--- ---- DON'T BE DECEIVED BY JEWISH SOUNDING NAMES ! Most funeral fadlities serve Rail FaithsR Some fuueral homes operate under more than one busioess DIUDe at the same address! Be an informed consumer! � I[ Bloomfield-Cooper Jewish Funeral Chapels 1ttu 1M olll, JaciJiJies ill a twenIJ-mik nulius who: Sene the Jewish community uclusivt/y Do not permit embabning on premises ProTide a Mikvah for Tabara (religious preparation) Offer a Jewish aftercare program Are members of Jewish Funeral Directors Assoc. Use tnditional wood caskets only Respect Jewish Law with a Kohan room Provide a newly � facility and Is Jewish Owned 44 w... A... lit. 521N. M ' ,... NJ t'77l6 llll su. � 135. � NJ mu Tol free 1�247-S23S OFFICE HOURS B v A�POINT"'ENT Lee ...... . Mer. .. PHONE: (908) 780-8787 DR. ""ARC D. COHEN PODIATRIC M E D I C I N E AND FOOT SURGERY Bridging The Gap From BrooIdyn To New Jersev 225 T A Y LORS M I LLS ROAD MANALAPAN. N J on26 Marlboro Plaza, Rt. 9 & 520, Marlboro, N.J. . (908) 972-1 122 Call Beverly at ./k.,£,#�, � � ./:: 9. d. FAMILY DE!IITlSTRY 100 CAMPUS DRIVE SUITE 202 MORGANVILLE. NJ 0775 1 • (908) 972·2300 (901) 536-0016 • • Huge SelectIon 30% Discount Professional CoIIgrophy - For AI Your Invitations. Stationery and BusIness Cord Needs d..sports Medicine -'\. New Jersey Sports Injuries Blck, Neck & IJ 'c:J ", CAR and SERVICE E LIMOUSIN 7 Days a Week • 24 Bours a Day In N.J. ToO Free 908-577-1666 1-800-87-GOLAN Luxury Sedans & Stretch Limousines Joinl Cere OfttIopeedics Non·Surgical �olatl . AIRPORTS • CONCERTS WEDDlNGS • ALL CElDRAll0NS lllEATER PARTIES A'J"LANllC CllY • �'EW YORK CllY Balon Plaz. 10 Rle 520 Easl "'81Iboro. NJ 07746 �1 9.6 2100 I I The Hospital For Special SUlgery 535 East 70th Street • New York, NY 10021 (212) Q I 329 II Brielle Orthopedics 457 Jack Martin Blvd. ANY FARE OVER $45" Blick, NJ �m BrIan C. Halpern, M.D. �) 8M).7500 " Not valid 011 cbar&cd trip•. " c-ot be cmabiDcd willi _y otber coup<m « praDOtiOD•. " Coupoa .... be preec:aIed to drivu. Liail _ CGUpOD per trip. )€Wlsh �Ily a. ' chllOR€n s S£RVICE Jewish ? Single? A Group ofJewish Singles at Twice is Nice (908) 925-3836 USED FURNITURE THRIFT SHOP with many events for different age groups in various locations 705 SUMMERFIELD AVENUE ASBURY PARK, N.J. 07712 JASSLINE at (908) 925-3845 a 24-hour hotline describing the upcoming events of many diffferent groups of various age ranges Network for Si",le Livin.g at (908) 925-3836 a series of support groups in various locations (divorced/separated, widowed, single parents, men's group) Deerfield and Academy Terraces POB 390, Linden, NJ 07036 cosponsored by many congregations and community agencies, including OUT own AIlE YOU : MDVIIC? IEIOVATIIC? IEDECOKATIBG? Arnc OR HOUSE CLEAli I IC ? Your used fura i ture . app l i aace s aad househo l d i l eas vi I I be p i cked up a t Jour cODven i e Dce We vi I I prov i de doaors v i t h a l e t t e r dOCU.eO l i og Jour doaat ioa for t a¥ purposes ALL PIOCBDS ..... SALES AU DOIIATED TO .JEWISH FMlILY AlII) CBILDIEJI ' S SERVICE . A .ai-PROFIT SOCIAL SERVICE AGEBCY FOR FURTHER IDOIllATIOII : Slore : Of f i ce : 988-2889 114 -6886 _ . _- - ----------, • • Dynamic MC's and OJs InCredble Costume • Changet • Elaborate light and Smoke �erne • . WedOflgs • Giveaways Fundraisels • Not Just Another But An (908) 536-3688 SWeet Sbcteens • Donee Lessons Fantastic party • Corporations • New Donee Routines and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs rzv�� Entertainer C a l l for V i deo Pre s e n tat io n "I wish 1 could fly ·over this traffic!" Special Events Place Your (7 1 8) 449-008 1 Ad Here ! Contact Ellen Berrol st 446-6974 Now You Can . . . By Helicopter. A fifteen minute flight arriving at Wall Street Heliport • West 30th St. Heliport (East 34th Sl & East 60th Sl Heliports Also Available) • Ltaves/rom several convenient Monmovth Covnty locations SU-MA�. DISTRIBUTORS WEATHERSTAR, Inc. For Details Call Jeff Bulmer 800-835-30 15 Momin& fliahts: 7:30 lIB, ttD _ all � _ • !wniIc PIiIf*: 5:10 ... 5:50 pm IIId 6:30 pm. • • .leldd" GIl ...... T..... .,., PriMM YMnUhe . ..... Mezztszehe • Hoiday E...ntsh (101) _·7511 11 � s:: -o -l p> 0 m FITNES S FUTURE S :::l. � 3: go" a 3; r � (') m Z eD PERSONAL FITNESS & HEALTH PROGRAMS To Bring You WELL into the Next Century THIS AD G OOD FOR ONE FREE PERSONAL TRAINING CONSULTATION It '" t • I I It l'roI t X , • c· I � • Ccnllkd 1'0,..,.,1 1 Trllnor Margery Mina or Ken Mossman C/) Q � o � 908-780-6778 FAM I LY CRU ISI N G' TNI PI"'ICT VACATION '0" TNI _NOLI 'AMILYI MEALS, ACTIVITIES, ENTERTAINMENT, ALL INCLUDED IN ONE LON PRICE . . . FOR KID': • nMled "fbuItt CounHIofa • Fun 8hIpboeId Ac:I¥IIIee • Game Rooms • Spect.I MInuI .J:lo. N m 0> (J1 " � � Please Call I '- CD l:J ", 0 0 0 X "' � C 'OR lIOII l IMO: • Top N8me EnIIItMlmeni • 8upeIb � • 8hIpboIrd C..1no • Time Alone Together '. (/) n W :X: �. � C (1) =, o n -1 I �. o � W PI �. H � n =, =' � ;o (}) . � PI 0 r+ (1) �. r+ " o ° =' :x: :I> <: ('0 J:>. =' lJ1 � N (1) N ° PI ""' r+ 3 ('0 =' r+ � Q. � � �. fil • • • AND MUCH, MUCH MOREll Temple membe r s H e l ene and I ra Ka p l a n w i l l g i ve a n add i t i o n a l $ 2 5 o f f pe r c a b i n for Tem p l e membe r s . S o d o n ' t de l a y ca l l :I: -I o l:J l> :I: toda y . Z O � "'t) 972·2444 1 91 Route 9 Sou t h Ma r l bo ro 0 c > m � :0 :0 "U ' "'t) � ' � ::j � � _ » o "'t) :O � � :O Z Ol O O O !1l _ � -4 , Z � (I) '- � • • ° :0 G>
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