temple rodeph torah - American Jewish Archives
temple rodeph torah - American Jewish Archives
MARCH 2000 ADAR I - II, 5760 VOLUME 16, NUMBER 7 FROM RABBI WEBER know that most of you have been very busy with your P2K· SPECIAL EVENTS preparations this month, and as such, you probably have not had time to study the letter you received from Randy Cranin about ST. PATRICK'S DAY - March 17 the new traffic pattern at Rodeph Torah. (Now; I know that all of you read Randy's letter, both because it was so important and PURIM CARNIVAL - March 19 because it told you how to get $2,000 credited to your temple bill, just by coming to a Shabbat service, but you may not have noticed PURIM CELEBRATION - THE ROCK the part about the new traffic pattern.) Anyway, I thought it would & ROLL MEGILLAHI - March be good to review the details and besides, the huge picture takes up much ofthe space that I would have had to fill with actual writing. NEW COLUMN: "Ask the Rabbl"See Page 9 , The Traffic Committee worked for months before making these changes, and then it took an additional half-year before we found NOW YOU CAN EMAIL TO THE kindergartners skilled enough to make all the traffic signs for us, TEMPLE OFFICE: [email protected] but now the changes are official. (Note that "official" doesn't mean anyone actually follows them; it just means that we can now give I 2\t' ~--------------. really nasty looks at those of you who don't.) So, in the interest of open communication, and remembering the temple's motto ("There is no 'they' at Rodeph Torah, it's just 'us.' And you're not one of us"), I present this really large graphic with circles and arrows; you'll find the paragraph explaining each of them on the back. 0,---------,---0 (j) March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS KEY TO THE GRAPHIC: 1 - To improve the tlow of traffic and increase safety for pedestrians, these are now one-way roads. Unless you're really in a hurry. 2 - Fire Zone. We place traffic cones all along this area, to keep anyone but you from parking here. 3 - Handicapped Spaces. Reserved for those with D.M.V.-approved permits, and those who will "just be a minute." 4 - Rabbi's parking space. Don't even think it. 5 - President's parking space. In three months, Randy Cranin is history, so park here if you'd like. 6 - Educator's parking space. If you park here, you get to take all the religious school children home and feed them. 7 - Great Adventure II. Season passes are now on sale! 8 - Student Drop-Off Zone. We have installed padding on both sides of this roadway, so you may now push the ~s out ofthe car without actually coming to a full stop. 9 - Dark alley, now designated as the official Youth Lounge. \ 10 - Quick-In-and-Out Parking for those who do not know what "Do Not Enter" means. 11 - Raceway Park East. The speed record for this drag strip is 242.7 m.p.h., set by Big Daddy Don Garlitz in a custom nitro dragster. Second place is 194.1 m.p.h. set by a late carpool driver in a 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan. Please study this carefully; preferably while you are driving. And remember to come to our PURIM Celebration - The Rock & Roll Megil/ah! - on Monday evening, March 20th, at 7:30 p.m. Come in costume, come with a friend, come and drive the wrong way on our driveway! Happy Purim, everyone! Rabbi Don Weber • PIK - Purim, 2000! C> 2000, Temple Rodeph Torah TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH NEWS is published monthly, except bi-monthly during June through September, by Temple Rodeph Torah, PO Box 125, Marlboro, NJ 07746. It is mailed without charge to member families and others who have requested to be on our mailing list. 8. MAPP", ,~', p ,M, •• 8. MAPP", '~" A",A., Page 2 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS March 2000 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Friday, 3/3 I Family Shabbat Service - 8:00 p.m. Story: "Your Special Gift from God" Jennifer Kaye, Soloist Birthday Blessings for March; Candle Lighting 5:33 p.m. * Saturday, 3/4 Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group Bet. B'nai Mitzvah: Jay Goldstein and Rachel Zipkin Friday, 3/10 Shabbat Service - 8:30 p.m. Sermon: "A Special Place" Torah Reader: Barry Kaye Richard Herzog, Soloist; Candle Lighting 5:40 p.m . Saturday, 3/11 Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group Aleph. B'nai Mitzvah : Ted Glick and Ian Myers i Friday, 3117 Shabbat Services: 7:30 p.m. - "Very Young People's Shabbat" (20 minutes, for pre-readers) 8:30 p.m. - Service Sermon: "They Tried to Kill Us, They Didn't Succeed, Let's Eat!" Rabbi Shira Stern, Soloist; Candle Lighting 5:48 p.m . Saturday, 3/18 Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group Bet. B'nai Mitzvah : Jared Brisman and Zachary Resnick PURIM CELEBRAWI • •: "Wbe Rock" Roll Me••llab" COME IN COSTUMEl YES, THAT MEANS YOU! Friday, 3/24 Shabbat Services - 8:30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: Rabbi Shira Stern will discuss the Women's Rabbinic: Network Experience in Israel Linda Cranin, Soloist; Candle Lighting 5:55 p.m. Saturday, 3/25 Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group Aleph. B'nai Mitzvah: Shane Davis and Allison Friedman Friday, 3/31 Shabbat Services - 8:30 p.m. Sermon: "Seeing God's Glory" *Anniversary Blessings for March; Candle Lighting 6:03 p.m. Saturday, 4/1 Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group Bet. B'nai Mitzvah: Samantha Hilowitz and Brian Weintraub Please call the temple office ifyou know ofany temple member who is ill, or who has been admitted to the hospital. We want to visit and offer our help, but we cannot help unless we know about them! Page 3 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH of Western Monmouth P. O. Box 125, Marlboro, NJ 07746 Office Telephone 308-0055/ Religious School 308-3836/ Night Telephone at Temple 303-9701 web site: www.trt.org email: [email protected] Rabbi Donald A. Weber Educator Temple Administrator Nursery School Director Edna Coleman Sheryl Cooper Ellen Pearlman 409-1268 972-2595 308-3836 308-0055 308-0055 President Vice-President Corresponding Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Randy Cranin Ellen Finkelstein Karen Goldstein Ron Tomberg Saul Curtis 409-2489 972-8624 364-8493 780-6860 536-1119 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Adult Education Building & Grounds Caring Community David Brown Cathy Karmiller Janet Caruso Fran Cohen Lynn Chodos Janet Klemons Laurie Kaufman Rachel Pachter Ron Berman Marla Bucher Lori Fishkin Marcia Borshof Bonnie Sugarman Karen Goldstein Jeff Ball Una Tedoff Pam Brisman Bonnie Siegel Debbie Heitner Ellen Levine Ed Russin Neal Finkelstein Neal Finkelstein Linda Cranin Peter Sugarman 462-9772 972-3522 536-0001 446-2886 536-5036 462-4838 972-2920 536-5653 303-9432 972-7307 972-3594 972-1906 972-8990 364-8493 462-2336 946-3492 303-1443 591-8797 536-6114 446-1794 536-5498 972-8624 972-8624 409-2489 972-8990 [email protected] cksk 10 [email protected] Rina Eliran Ruth Haim Ross Bear Greg Benisch 536-8916 536-3596 609-936-0116 761-1087 College 1?utreach Design Education Empty l~esters Finance Horaiynu Judaica Shop Library Membership Men's Club Newsletter Editor Onegs Sisterhood Presidents Social Justice Web Site Administrator Worship Yahrzeils Youth Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutors Senior Youth Advisor Junior Youth Advisor Office Home Reb [email protected] Shez [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] L64 [email protected] [email protected] Rivkat I @aol.com [email protected] Treebee [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] .us [email protected] Temple Rodeph Torah is a member of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. and a Partner Congregation of Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger Page 4 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS BOARD NOTES The following actions were taken at the January Board meeting: I. Approved a parsonage allowance of $35,000 for the year 2000. 2. Approved the Education Committee's policy regarding attendance at Camp Kutz for 8th and 9 th grade Hebrew high school students, as follows: In order to be confirmed in a timely manner, it is mandatory to attend the Camp Kutz retreat as a 9 th grader if you did not attend the Camp Kutz retreat as an 8th grader. 3. Approved a 3-day per week summer nursery school. 4. Voted to participate in "Shabbat Across America" on March 31,2000. The full minutes from the Board of Directors meetings are available, for your review, in the temple library. The Board of Directors meets in the temple sanctuary, on the third Wednesday of every month, at 8:30 p.m . Congregants are welcome to attend all meetings. Please call the temple President, Randy Cranin, if you have any questions about the Board meetings. EDUCATION Dates to Remember Thursday, March 2 Sunday, March 5 Sunday, March 5 Monday, March 6 or Monday, March \3 Tuesday, March 7 Sunday, March 12 Wednesday, March 15 Monday, March 20 Wednesday, March 22 Sunday, March 26 Tuesday, March 28 5th Grade Mock Wedding. Tallil Workshop #2, 11 :00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mrs. Haim's and Mrs. Tedoffs 4th grade service, 10: 10- 10:40 a.m. Parents, please join us. Confirmation class assists at a soup kitchen, 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. Mrs. Sherman's 6th grade service, 2nd hour, 8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Parents, please join us. 4th Grade special Purim Art Project, 9:00 - 10:40 a.m. Bar Mitzvah Workshop #2, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (By invitation) Erev Purim. No MOREHHSHa Class; classes for 7th grade will take place. Mrs. Ghidali's 7th grade service, 2nd hour, 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. Parents, please join us. 6 th grade trip to Lower East Side, 8: 15 a.m. Mrs. Cohen's and Mrs. Meyer's 6th grade service, 2nd hour, 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. Parents, please join us. HORAIYNU On behalf of all members of the Horaiynu board, I would like to thank the volunteers who have helped with the numerous Hebrew School functions over the past several months. Our Hebrew School students have been very busy visiting a shIell, enjoying a pajama party, learning about their names, and attending a mock wedding. In addition they will enjoy hamenlashen for Purim . Happy Purim to all! Marla Bucher Page 5 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS MEN'S CLUB By the time you read this we will have had our latest in a series of breakfast discussion groups. We talked about "Men and Spirituality" back in November, and Judy Kramer led a discussion about "Marriage and Parenting" in February. We are going to move towards some lighter family-oriented activities this spring with trips to the George Street Playhouse, a Somerset Patriots baseball game, and the start of our softball team's 15 111 season. We will hold our monthly planning meeting this month on Tuesday, March 28 111 , from 8: 15 to 9:30 p.m. Check out our calendar of events below. As you can see, we have a lot of exciting programs coming up. We do need to collect our annual dues of $36. Since Men's Club was inactive for six months we have decided to extend the 199912000 dues period through June of 200 I. Thank you to those who have already paid. Please make checks payable to TRT Men's Club. Our goal is to enrich temple life through stimulating and fun activities. Please join us. If you have any questions or suggestions, or for further information, please call Jeff Ball, at 462-2336. TRT Men's Club Calendar of Events Tuesday, March 28111 April- ~eptember Sunday" April 16111 Sunday, June 25 111 Monthly planning meeting; 8: 15 p.m., Library. TRT Men's Softball Team. League play is on Sunday mornings. If interested, call John Hirsch, at 577-1270. Fee to be announced. George Street Playhouse - "Loot." Family Comedy. A bank robber needs to stash his loot during a family funeral. Sunday matinee, 2:00 p.m. Reserve tickets by calling Henry Levenstein, at 536-7458. $22 per ticketfor members. $27 for non-members. Somerset Patriots baseball game. Come to see our newest minor league team play. Sunday afternoon, 2:00 p.m. Reserve tickets by calling Ken Tedoff, at 946-3492. $7 per ticketfor members. $10for non-members. SOCIAL JUSTICE In January, we received the following letter from the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. We should feel very good that we collected so much food. We should also remember that it is just a drop in the bucket to what the need out there is. Thanks to everyone who participated in t.he food drives. Remember, the next time you are asked to participate in one, how much you are needed. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude to you and the other participants whose willingness to hold a food drive benefited the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Your very generous collection of 2.697 pounds of assorted food will be distributed to several of our 285 member charities throughout our two counties. Last year. the FoodBank distributed over two million pounds offood to the needy in the communities we serve. It is because of people like you that we are able to continue to grow and to make a difference in the fight to end hunger in our time. Page 6 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS We are truly grateful to you and the other participants who support the FoodBank and its programs. Your commitment to those less fortunate serves as an example for us all. Sincerely, Nichelle Hostler RTSY Oh the weather outside is frightful... well, by the time you read this it will be March. If you missed RTSY this winter, you missed some pretty cool things! Our creative service was great. We gave Rabbi Weber a night ofT and led the congregation. Snaps to Michelle Cooper for all of her hard work on this task. We also had our ShulIn, the theme of which was "How Sweet It Is To Be a Jew." Hagigah Conclave is running this month. There is so much more left in this year. PLEASE KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THE NEXT FLYER YOU RECEIVE IN THE MAIL. When you read this it should be getting warmer ... I hope! Ross Bear Senior Youth Group Advisor P.S. REMINDER TO ALL TRT YOUTH: THE PURIM CARNIVAL IS COMING!! See flyer in the back of this issue! Viewpoint My friend, Barbara, and I both earned a BBA in Marketing and Advertising. I received my degree from Baruch College and she received her degree from St. John's College. Time management and organization skills were concepts often discussed in our classes. Though we are both not working in "our field," we have come to realize that what we were taught back then is applicable to our every day lives today. She and I are very much alike. We have both served on PTA boards for many years. We each have two sons. She is active in her church, while I am active here at TRT. We both hold jobs, take care of our homes without help, and still have time to socialize and have a good time together as friends. Another thing we have in common is that whenever we are asked to help out, we usually do not say, "No, I can't. I have other obligations." We have found the more we do, the more we can do. Indeed, priorities need to be put in order. If you are organized, everything falls into place and then there is time to do other things. Teamwork is another concept we learned. Things get done better when the job is broken down into smaller pieces. Each group of "experts," doing their share of the job to see the project through, gets the job done. The reward is the pride you feel about what you have successfully accomplished. My friend recently shared this story with me and I thought it was something that we might all find some truth in. One day, an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration those students would never forget. As he stood in front of the group of high-powered, overachievers, he set a onp.gallon, wide-mouth mason jar on the table in front of him . He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar until no more rocks would fit inside. He asked, "Is this jar full? Everyone in the class yelled, "Yes." The time management expert replied, "Really?" He reached under the table Page 7 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group once more, "Is the jar full?" By this time the class was on to him. "Probably not," one of them answered. "Good!" he replied. He rca(;hed under the table and brought out a bucket of sand . He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, "Is this jar full?" "No!" the class shouted. Once again he said, "Good." Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the point of this illustration?" One eager beaver raised his hand and said, "The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it!" "No," the speaker replied, "that's not the point. The truth this illustration teaches us is if you don't put the big rocks in first, you'll never get them in at all. What are the 'big rocks' in your life? Time with your loved ones? Your faith? Your education? Your dreams? A worthy cause? Teaching or mentoring others? Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first or you'll never get them in at all. So, tonight or in the morning, when you are reflecting on this short story, ask yourself this question: What are the "big rocks" in my life? Then put those in your jar first. Ellen Levine (Share ~our views. Guest columnists welcome. All appropriate material will be given consideration. Comments, suggestions, feedback? Drop me a line or e-mail [email protected]) "'I -- -~ Torah Today ,4 11"'4 S~ 01 &ad ~ '" 7t11141e 'P~ Shabbat 3/3-4 Parashat Vayakhel, Exodus 35:1-38:20 Summary by Linda Cranin This Torah portion describes, in detail, how Moses acquires the necessary goods - gold, silver, fine cloth, wood, etc. - to make the Tabernacle, and how he is blessed by God with the skills needed to complete the task. Shabbat 3/10-11 Parashat Pikudei, Exodus 38:21-40:38 Summary by Jeff Ban The story of the construction of the Tabernacle concludes with details about the amount of gold and copper used in the building, and a description of the clothing that was made for Aaron and his sons. The sacred vestments were colorful and ornate. Much fine fabric and woven gold, as well as many gemstones were made into robes, headdresses, and sashes. In one example, the names of the sons of Israel were inscribed on a robe, and then surrounded by a border of lazuli stones set in gold. They made a frontlet of pure gold with the inscription "Holy to Adonai" and attached it to a headdress as God had commanded Moses. When Moses saw that all the work was nearly done he blessed the Israelites. A cloud then covered the Tabernacle with the "Presence of Adonai." Moses could not enter this tent of meeting. When the cloud · lifted, the Israelites would set out on their various journeys. (continued ... ) Page 8 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS TORAH TODAY, continued ... Shabbat 3/17-18 Parashat Vayikra, Leviticus 1:1-5:26 Summary by Ellen Finkelstein Rules and procedures for sacrifices are described in great detail. Sacrifices, or offerings, are made for different purposes. There are voluntary sacrifices and sacrifices of well-being. A sin offering is to be !!lade by someone who has unintentionally incurred guilt. Rules are spelled out for priests, the entire community, and individual members of the community. Finally, a guilt offering must be given by any person who has committed anyone of a variety of wrongful acts. Shabbat 3/24-25 Parashat Tzav, Leviticus 6: I - 8:36 Summary by Steven Konigsberg Details of the different types of ritual offerings that the priests are required to do are specified. The fire on the altar should be continually fed and should not go out. The offering is burnt on the altar and the priests and their sons are given a portion to eat. Moses consecrates Aaron and his sons as priests. The Israelites are prohibited from consuming some fats and any blood from meat. Shabbat 3/31-4/1 Parashat Shemini, Leviticus 9: I-II :47 Summary by Aron Dercher Moses conveys to Aaron God's requirements for preparing offerings to atone for the sins of Aaron and the Jews. When the offering was made, a mystical fire consumed the burnt offering which amazed the people. Two of Aaron's sons are destroyed because they did not follow God's instructions. The rules of what living things are kosher are described. Ask the Rabbi Do you ever want an answer to a question about Judaism, but somehow never find just the right opportunity to ask the question to begin with? Well, here's your chance to get all the answers you ever wanted (and maybe even some answers you didn't want!) Our new monthly column "Dear Rabbi" will attempt to answer all manner of questions relating to Judaism . You can submit your questions bye-mail to the Newsletter editor at Rivkat [email protected], or drop them off or mail them to the temple office. Questions will be printed without identifying names so that the person submitting the question need not feel ridiculous to be asking the question to begin with . The rest of us reading the question can take credit for asking it when everyone around us says, "I always wanted to ask that question myself1" This is a serious column, with great room for levity. For the time being, we will only accept questions from adults; since Rabbi Weber makes regular visits to every religious school class to answer the students' questions, we thought it only fair that adults get their tum! Anyone who can ask a question that leaves the rabbi without an answer wins a free, lifetime subscription to the Newsletter! This month's question: Where do we draw the line regarding holiday and/or home decorations? I recently wanted to buy dishes that were decorated with red cardinals and green holly leaves. A friend told me it was too "non-Jewish." Since when are cardinals associated with any particular religion? And why are the colors red and green only for Christmas? If I prefer those colors to blue and white, am I prevented from using them because they are "Christmas colors?" I have been told that putting up snowman window decals in winter or a wreath of dried Page 9 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS flowers thut mutches my kitchen decor is also not appropriale for a Jewish home. How seriously must we lake ourselves! Rabbi Weber responds: Your questions - for there are several here - are good ones, and the answers are not black and white (or red and green!). Jews are commanded to avoid chukkal ha-goyyim, "the practices of the gentiles"; the question is, when does a "nice thing" become, in effect, "too goyish?" The answer has two parts: what we perceive, and what those around us perceive. It is troubling to think that we have to concern ourselves with what others will think, but this is actually a critical Jewish concern. Judaism does not command us to worry about whether our neighbors think we "measure up" socially or economically, though many in our society feel the pressure to worry about this anyway. What we are commanded to consider is whether we are setting a bad example for other Jews, or creating a bad impression about Jews because, whether we like it or not, we Jews are responsible for one another. So the two questions are; "Does doing this make Jews think I am celebrating Christian holidays?" and "Does doing this make Christians think I am celebrating Christian holidays?" Sometimes the answer is clear: if you have a "Hanukkah bush," with lights and decorations and presents underneath, most everyone would conclude that you are trying to create some Jewish version of Christmas. But other times, such as in the cases you raised, the answer will rest with your own judgment. Do red and green dishes mean you are observing Christmas? Probably not, though I would look to see how and when the pattern is advertised by its manufacturer; if it is their "Christmas design," then we can expect people to accepJ it as that! Snowmen have become, for better or worse, the "politically correct" holiday decoration, so whether that "holiday" is Christmas or not is something you would have to decide for yourself. I would say that a wreath, which in Christianity represents the crown of thorns which Jesus wore, could much more easily be misinterpreted both by Jews and by Christians. Mar 'it ayyin - "how it appears to others" - is a Jewish concept which calls for judgement and sensitivity; if anyone reading this would like to take the discussion further, I welcome your call. NEWS AND NOTES ) ADS FOR THE 18TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE JOURNAL STILL BEING SOLICITED The deadline for ads has been extended until the end of this month. Journal ad forms are still available in the temple office or in this Newsletter. Thank you all for the many raffle gifts donated. They will be raffled off at the upcoming Art Auction that is scheduled for May 6, 2000. Ellen Levine, 446-1794 Rachel Pachter, 536-5653 Page 10 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS OUR ARZA MEMBERSHIP IS GROWING! We thank the following temple members, who have sent in their dues for ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America, since the publication of our last Newsletter. We appreciate your support of our movement and our rights in Israel! Jeff Ball & Mary Sullivan Evan & Randi Cole Brion & Ellen Feinberg Kathy Shaw Fischer Larry & Karen Goldstein David & Judi Lipman Steven & Fran Lisser Alan & Susan Meyerberg Dale Skran & Josephine Paltin Allen & Sylvia Sigler Bill & Hinda Weinberger Rich Witlin & Bess Goldenberg It is still not too late to join! Send your annual dues of $36 to the temple office, marked for "ARZA Dues." We appreciate your help, and we encourage your participation. BE A CAMP COUNSELOR THIS SUMMER IN ISRAEL If you are interested in becoming a camp counselor this summer, nothing can compare to the experience of volunteering at Camp Kafiada, located in Arad, Israel. Applications for counselor positions are available through the Jewish Federation of Greater Monmouth County. The three-week camp program involves collegeage volunteers teaching English to children from development towns during regular camp activities such as sports, games, arts and crafts, drama, field trips, and other activities. As a counselor, one can expect to return r: home with stronger ties to the people of Israel and with the satisfaction of having introduced youngsters to English. It is an exceptional experience. To receive an application to become a counselor, or for more information on becoming a counselor at Camp Kefiada, call Cheryl Tarash or Shelly Goldfarb at the Jewish Federation's Morganville office, at 972-3005. The application deadline is March IS. MILLION MOM MARCH Campaign to End Gun Violence, Sunday, May 14, 2000, Washington, D.C. Supported by the UAHC and Women of Reform Judaism . Save the date! ANNUAL CHORAL FESTIVAL, EAST BRUNSWICK At least eight regional adult volunteer choirs will demonstrate their art at the annual Regional Choral Festival to take place on Sunday, March 26, 2000, at 3:00 p.m., at Temple B'nai Shalom in East Brunswick, New Jersey. The theme of this year's festival is "A Century of Jewish Music" and the choirs will perform a variety of works ranging from liturgical pieces to Broadway show tunes. For further information contact Temple B'nai Shalom, at 251-4300 or Paul Kaufman at the UAHC Regional Office, at 201-722-9090. RESIDENT ADVISORS WANTED NFTY -GER Urban Mitzvah Corps 2000 is in search of a few good Resident Advisors. Interested? Contact Shayna Lerner, at 201-722-9090, ext. 213. NEWS FROM ISRAEL: GOVERNMENT ALLOCATES FUNDS TO REFORM MOVEMENT The Ministry of Education budget for the year 2000 contains clauses to underwrite activities of non-Orthodox movements of Judaism, marking the first official recognition of Reform and Conservative Jewish culture in the state budget, HA'ARETZ reported. NIS 2.1 million (approximately $525,000 ) has been allocated for Reform and Conservative cultural activities and NIS 2.6 (approximately $650,000) million for secular culture. Previously, the Ministry of Education provided funding only to ultra-Orthodox and national-religious cultural activities. This year, funding to both groups was cut by 30 and 38 percent respectively. Director of the Israel Action Center, Reform Rabbi Uri Regev, said that the new allocations were "an important expression of the Education Minister's commitment to pluralism in Jewish education. Page II March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS ["HONORABLE MENS CHEN II , Thanks to Kathy Shaw Fischer, for designing our new "TRT FLASH" - our monthly update of coming events. Look for it in your mailbox! Thanks to Larry Pius, TRT member and owner of Colonia Bagels for providing the delicious bagels for our Literacy Challenge in January. Thanks to Jill Finkelstein and Liza Kaufman, for sharing their Israel experiences with us at a Shabbat evening service in January. CONGRATULATIONS AND MAZAL TOV to Rhonda, Bruce and Elyssa Yabkow, on the birth and brU milah of Zachary Jordan Yabkow to Jennifer and Brian Solomon, on the birth of their daughter, Jordyn Paige, and to Jordyn' s grandparents, Lisa and Irv Pearlman to Dr. Judy Kramer, on being named a Woman of Distinction by the Monmouth Council, Girl Scouts of America to Alexi~ Brisman, daughter of Jeffrey and Pam Brisman, on her induction into the National Honor Society Do you have a simcha in your /amily - an engagement, promotion or academic award? Please call the temple office and tell us, so we can tell the world/or you! Please come and share a special day in our lives as our son, Jay Philip, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on March 4, 2000, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the oneg following services. Karen and Larry Goldstein We invite you to share in our happiness when our daughter, Rachel Lindsay, is called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on March 4, 2000, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the oneg following services. Ellen, Jack and Mitchell Zipkin With love and joy, we invite you to share in our happiness when our son, Ted David, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, March 11,2000, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the oneg following services. Lori and Ron Glick With much love and pride, we invite you to be a part of a very special day in our lives when our son, Ian Jeffrey, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, March 11,2000, at 10:00 a.m . Please join us for the oneg following services. Francine and David Myers (continued ... ) Page 12 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED, continued... With great pride and love we invite our temple family to join us, in worship and celebration, as our son, Jared Benjamin, becomes a Bar Mitzvah on March 18, 2000, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the oneg following services. Pamela and Jeffrey Brisman It is with great pride and joy that I invite you to join our family as my son, Zachary Evan, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on March 18,2000, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the onegJollowing services. Brena Resnick With love and joy we invite you to join our family when our son, Shane, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, March 25, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the oneg following services. Gail and Jay Davis It is with great pride, joy and love that we invite you to join us as we celebrate our daughter, Allison, becoming a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, March 25, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the oneg following services. Gail and Ed Friedman We invite you to share a special day in our lives as we celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter, Samantha, on Saturday, April 1,2000, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the oneg following services. Liz and Andy Hilowitz We invite you to share a special day in our lives when our son, Brian Craig, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, April I, 2000, at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for the oneg following services. Jodi and Steven Weintraub Be a MAZON Partner: 3% of the cost of all your s/mchas, to feed the hungry across the country and around the worldl MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger 12401 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 303 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Page 13 March 200(J Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS 1:hr J30ard of BirfCtors, 'Rabbi, ~taff and ftlrmbrrs of 1:rmplr 'Rodrph 1:orah mourn thr drath of our mrmbu, 1Crr Q:OOp rr and wr fltfnd our drrput (ondolrn(fS to 1:oni, ~arah, Rfil, ttdrnr, ~hanna, J3rad, jessica and thfir rntirr familg. OUR C;ONDOLENCES to Iris, Paul, Cindy, Steven, Jeffrey and Janna Frommer, on the death of Iris' mother, Ellen Jedell to Bob and Marilyn Jaclin, on the death of Bob's father, Leonard Jaclin to Ellen, Robert, Jeremy and Adam Levine, on the death of Ellen's uncle, Fred Zeltzer to Judi, David, Noah and Zachary Lipman, on the death of Judi's mother, Anne Miller to Jon, Barbara, Jason, Michael and Rachel Klein, on the death of Jon's father, Bertram L. Klein to Randi, David, Lindsay and Jared Sorin, on the death of Randi's mother, Claire Kadin to Barbara, Brian, Justin and Samara Kaplan, on the death of Barbara's sister, Ellen Marshall to Rabbis Don Weber and Shira Stern, on the death of Don's teacher, Dr. Dorothy Axelroth to Helene, Neil, Shanna, Brad and Jessica Cooper, on the death of Helene's mother, Roberta Kronstadt "Zichronam Livracha" - May their memory be a blessing to all who knew them . Page 14 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS Building Fund T~ri and Lou Fri~dl11an Jud) and Irv Fr~ilich . in l11el11ory of Frances Goldstein Craig Fischer Memorial Fund Sheryl. Bruce, Jon and Michelle Cooper, in memory of Bertral11 Klein, father of Jon Klein The Freilich Family, in memory of Bertram Klein General Fund Heidi. Dan, Becky, Dana and Bruce Neufeld. for the ),uhr:eil of Bruce Michael NeufCld for the yuhr:eil of Bernard Neufeld Ernest Grunwa ld I.ana Chernick, for the yuhr:eil of Henry Sdorow Melody Midoneck, for the yahr:eil of Michael Santaly Iris Misshula, for the yahrzeil of Seymour Smilowitz Ken Kapilow, for the yahr:eil of lee Kapilow Lawrence Karpf, for the yahr:eil of Sol Karpf Betty Brown, for the yuhr:eil of Michelle S. Friedman Irwin Kizel. for the yahr: eil of Joseph Kizel Sheri, Richard, Melissa and Jeff Binder, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alex Gleitman Helena Project Fund Sheryl, Brllce, Jon and Michelle Cooper, in memory of lee Cooper, husband of Toni Cooper, father of Sarah Cooper, brother of Neil Cooper and member of Temple Rodeph Torah Tcri and lou Friedman Ellen and Neal Finkelstein, in appreciation of Drs. Janet Crain Klemons and Ira Klemons Herzog Cantorial Fund Maxine and Richard Herzog and Family, in memory of Frances Goldstein Bonnie and Stan Komito, in memory of Jerry Mondry High Holiday Prayerbook Fund Shelley and Steve Goldberg and Family, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alex Gleitman Hirsch/Rosen Memorial Youth Fund Sheryl, Bruce, Jon and Michelle Cooper, in memory of leonard Okun, father of Jill Tabakman Marjorie lasky, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alex Gleitman Barbara Kurnit, for the yahrzeil of William Phillips The Kaplin Family, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Evan Vandenabeele Israel Scholarship Fund Ellen, Neal, Rachel and Jill Finkelstein, for the yahrzeil of Jennie Rosenhoch Myrna Nussbaum, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alex Gleitman Alex Gleitman, in appreciation of Rabbi Weber Library Fund Marsha, Kevin, Elissa, Amanda and Daniel Gross, in honor of Rabbi Weber Nursery School Fund Sindy, louis, Pam, Aimee and Meri Weiner, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alex Gleitman (continued ... ) Page 15 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS, continued ... Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Jennifer Hertrich, in honor of her conversion to Judaism The Miller Family and Ida Zurom, in honor of the engagement of Michele Miller to Mr. Andrew Scher Rhonda, Steve, Shaun, Landon and Derin Goodman, in honor of Landon's Bar Mitzvah, and in appreciation of Rabbi Weber's guidance, encouragement and sincerity Marsha, Kevin, Elissa and Daniel Gross, in honor of Amanda's Bat Mitzvah Gloria and Ed Russin Leslie and Bruce Sohn, in memory of Jerry Mondry, father of Scott Mondry The Zeltzer Family, in memory of Fred Zeltzer Rae Zeltzer, in memory of her loved ones Susan and Stuart Leibsohn and Family, in memory of their father and grandfather, Arthur Gershman Phyllis and Burt Krauss, for the yahrzeit of Sarah Wechter Marla and Marty Bucher, for the yahrzeil of Urth Mack Steven and Stacey Yockel, for the yahrzeil of Seymour Yockel Debra and Richard Salman, for the yahrzeit of Lawrence Galerstein Mel and Melanie Belitsky, for the yahrzeit of Gussie Belitsky Jeff and Bobbie Rosen, for the yahrzeil of Goodwin Rosen Jerry and Isobel Miller, for the yahrzeil of Rose Miller Ronda and Joel Binkowitz, for the yahrzeil of Abe Brandes for the yahrzeit of Anna Wotman Alfred an~ Cynthia Hess, for the yahrzeil of Karen Hess Religious School Equipment Fund Sheryl, B~ce, Jon and Michelle Cooper, in memory of Lee Cooper TRT Sunshine Fund (Religious School), in memory of Bertram Klein Sheryl, Bruce, Jon and Michelle Cooper, in memory of Anne Miller, mother of Judi Lipman Ronnie and Mark Geringer and Family, in memory of Lee Cooper Girl Scout Troop 73, in memory of Lee Cooper Debbie, Harry, Rachel, Scott and Melanie Heitner, in memory of Lee Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Pat Colletti, in memory of Lee Cooper The Fonnan Family, in memory of Lee Cooper Diane Powell, in memory of Lee Cooper Karen and David Joseph and Family, in memory of Lee Cooper Ellen, Neal, Rachel and Jill Finkelstein, in memory of Lee Cooper Maxine and Richard Herzog, in memory of Bertram Klein Edna Coleman, in memory of Bertram Klein in memory of Lee Cooper Sanctuary Improvement and Beautification Fund Sheryl, Bruce, Jon and Michelle Cooper, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Kaplin in memory of Philip Rosenberg, brother of Barbara Lieber Shelley Gugig and Evan Vitale, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alex Gleitman Luanne Himmelstein, for the yahrzeil of Lillian Manister The Vandenabeele Family, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alex Gleitman in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Evan Vandenabeele in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Kaplin Social Justice Fund Norma Schulman, in memory of Sylvia Glasser Barbara and Hal Sprechman, in memory of Leonard Okun, father of Jill Tabakman Sheryl, Bruce, Jon and Michelle Cooper, with best wishes to the Konigsberg Family and with great appreciation for all Steve gave to TRT Gloria and Ed Russin, in appreciation of Steve Konigsberg The Gleitman Family and Curtis Family, in appreciation of Steve Konigsberg Page 16 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS March 2000 CONTRIBUTIONS, continued ... Temple Beautification Fund Harvey Lieber, for the yahrzeil of fritz Lieber WilinerlWeinsteln Educational Endowment Fund David Brown, for the yahrzeil of Michelle S. friedman David, Randi and Erica Brown, in memory of Lee Cooper Tree of Life Plagues Pamela, Jeffrey and Alexis Brisman, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jared Benjamin Brisman Karen and Larry Goldstein, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jay Goldstein Ilene and Robert Horowitz, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jeffrey Adam Horowitz Denise, Jerry and Greg Silbennan, in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Lindsay Erin Silbennan Page 17 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH of Western Monmouth P.O. Box 125, Marlboro, NJ 07746 TEMPLE CONTRIBUTIONS FORM _ _ _ BUILDING FUND (For the construction and maintenance of our home) _ _ _CRAIG FISCHER MEMORIAL FUND (To honor Craig's memory with a communal dedication) _ _ _GENERAL FUND (For the mainten~nce of temple programs and activities) _ __ HELENA PROJECT FUND (To provide Shabbat meals for families in times of upset and difficulty) _ _ _ HERZOG CANTORIAL FUND (For the future cantorial needs of the congregation) _ __ HIGH HOLIDA V PRA VERBOOK FUND (For the purchase of prayerbooks) Any amount may be donated to this Fund, but a contribution of $20 or more is required to dedicate a prayerbook. _ __ HIRSCH/ROSEN MEMORIAL YOUTH FUND (Provides funding for youth programs) _ _ _ ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (Provides financial assistance for youth trips to Israel) _ _ _ LANDSCAPING FUND (For the purchase of trees, shrubs and flowers to beautify our property) _ _ _ LIBRARY FUND (For the purchase of books for our new Library) _ __ MORTGAGE FUND (Dedicated completely to paying down the principal on our mortgage) _ _ _ NURSERV SCHOOL (For the development and support of our Nursery School program) _ _ _ RABBI'S DlSCRETIONARV FUND (Administered by the Rabbi for the benefit of the congregation)_ __ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL EQUIPMENT FUND (Provides durable equipment for the Religious School) _ _ _SANCTUARY IMPROVEMENT and BEAUTIFICATION FUND (To refurbish the Sanctuary) _ _ _SlSTERHOOD TRIBUTE FUND (To further the work of Sisterhood) _ _ _SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND (To support the Committee's work of "repairing the world") _ _ _TEMPLE BEAUTIFICATION FUND (For the purchase of art and aesthetically pleasing items for our building) _ _ _WILLNERIWEINSTEIN EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENT FUND (Provides interest income for the Religious School's future) --TREE OF LIFE/MEMORIAL PLAQUES: To celebrate a special occasion by purchasing a leaf for the Tree of Life, or to honor the memory of a loved one who has died, please call the Temple office. A Dedication Fonn will be sent to you . - Make checks payable to TRT-Rabbi's Discretionary Fund; all other funds payable to Temple Rodeph Torah. This donation is being made: In MEMORY of: In HONOR of: Donation made by: Name: Address: Acknowledgement to be sent to the following: Name: Address: Contributions of any amount are welcomed, but there is a $10 minimum for each acknowledgement you wish sent. Please refer all questions to our temple office, 308-0055. Page 18 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS March 2000 YAHRZEITS These names will be included in the list of yahrzeits on the Shabbat indicated. In addition, at our Friday evening service and Shabbat morning minyan, we will invite all those who wish to rise and say the name of the one(s) for whom they are saying Kaddish. DATE DECEASED Shabbat Observance 3/3 - 3/4 3/1 Anna Siegel • 3/1 Max Modeck· 3/2 Sadie Fine • 3/2 Benjamin Feigenberg 3/2 Lillian Tasch 3/4 Hyman Gelfand 3/4 Claire Grainer 3/4 George A. Hesslein • 3/4 Julius Shapiro • 3/4 Stanley Schwalbe 3/4 Morris Treibitz Shabbat Observance 3/10 - 3/11 3/5 Meyer Perlman 3/5 Sally Cham ofT • 3/5 Henry Himmelstein 3/6 Morris Weissman • 3/6 Harold Shatinsky Sidney Fine 317 317 George Ellis 3/8 Ema Kalberman 3/9 Bessie Rothman 3/9 Philip Seegman 3/9 Florence Bauer 3110 Gertrude falk • Sidney Albin 3/10 3/10 Helena Heitt • 3/11 Scott Joseph RafalofT· REMEMBERED BY Larry Siegel Gail Ludlum Morton Fine Janet Caruso Brian Tasch Maxine Liebers Mark Grainer Jackie Klug Susan Ringel Sandy Craig Lisa Reingold Jessica Kahan Harvey Cham ofT Robbie Himmelstein Larry Weissman Joan Gershman Laurie Karmel Steven Ellis lise Grunwald Helene Kaplan Arlene Kapilow Carol Castro Ruth Kaufman Barbara Sher Maurice Heitt, Sean and Ryan Heitt, and Temple · Rodeph Torah The RafalofTFamily Shabbat Observance 3/17 - 3/18 3/14 Louis Grushka 3/14 Barbara Ringler Melvin Cohen 3/14 3/14 Donald Auerbach 3/15 Etta Sprechman • 3/15 Meyer Sherman 3/16 Herman Sills • 3116 George Gold • 3/17 Charles Kasden Susan Berman Allen and Loretta Shapiro Michele Nowin Roy Auerbach Hal Sprechman Barbara Hirsch Rabbi Don Weber Roberta Taffer Rochelle Handwerker Page 19 March 2000 Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS Shllbbllt Observance 3/24 - 3/25 3/19 Samuel Molen 3/20 Sidney Dorfman 3/20 Elaine Landberg 3/20 Daniel Eric Ostfeld • 3/20 Nathan Rubel 3/25 Philip Chosak Barbara OSlfeld-Hegyi David Dorfman Ellen Finkelstein and Sheryl Cooper Barbara OSlfeld-Hegyi Craig Rubel Fran Cohen Shabbat Observance 3/31 - 4/1 3129 Max Wolman 3/29 Jeanne G. Kupchik 3/30 Charles Zanzalari 3/30 Arlyne Gershman 3/31 Helen Wolkowilz 3/31 Henry Krakauer • Ronda Binkowitz Francine Myers Pamela Brisman Joan Gershman Tammy Wolkowitz Randy Krakauer * Indicates the dedication of a plaque on our Memorial Wall. *** Jewish tradition suggests that we give 11.edakah to honor the memory of our loved ones who have died. Page 20 ... ~. TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH March 2000 S M T I W 2 , T . F S 3 6 7 I 10 11 12 S 13 14 IS 16 17 II 19 20 21 22 23 :z.c lS 26 27 2B 29 I s M 2 3 T W 4 5 12 T F S I 7 I 9 10 11 13 14 IS 16 17 II 19 20 21 22 23 24 lS 26 27 2B 29 6 6:30 PM RTSY Board 8:30 PM Worship Committee 8:10 PM Adult Ed. History of Israel H 8:00 PM Family Shabbat Service 30 11 10 9:30 AM Exec Board 12:30 PM Adult Ed ~ Talmud for Beginners 8:30 PM Finance Committee 8:10 PM Adult Ed. Talmud for Beginners 8:30 PM Youth Committee 12 13 Food Drive 14 8:30 PM Sisterhood Board 10:00 AM Services: B'nai Mitzvah of Jay Goldstein & Rachel Zipkin; Minyan Bet H 1000 AM Services B'nai Mitzvah of Ian Myers & Ted .GIJck. Minyan Aleph 8:30 PM Shabbat Service 15 6:30 PM RTSY Workshop 16 8:10 PM Adult Ed. History of Israel 8:30 PM Board of Directors 17 18 7:30 PM Young People's Shabbat 8:30 PM Shabbat Service 10:00 AM Services B'nai Mitzvah of Jared Brisman & Zachary Resnick: Minyan Bet 4 11:ooAM Social Justice Committee 1:00 PM Purim Carnival! 12:30 PM Adult Ed Talmud for Beginners 7:30,.", Tlw ~ &. RMI ~It!! No Morehhsha • 6:45 PM PostConfirmation 8:10 PM Adult Ed. Talmud for Beginners 8:30 PM Sisterhood Cooking Program JI II 8:30 PM Shabbat Service Purim Oay 8:30 PM Men's Club /. /. i: 30 8:30 PM Canng Community NO ADULT ED 10:00 AM ServiceS. B'na' Mitzvah of Shane DaVIS & Allison Fnedman, Minyan Aleph 1'15 PM Bowling 31 8:30 PM Shabbat SeMce Shabbat Across America 1-. - ".. .. . - - .- -. ,..'_,-- . . . .... . . .::.:~~ ~. ~~.' - ... ~ TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH ADARII S M 5 12 6 U 13 ~~ 3 9:30 AM Executive Board I Mar 1000 T W 2 I T 7 8 9 14 n II 19 J • 4S 10 I 16 17 11 13 14 15 30 31 I nH s 7 14 4 12:30 PM Adult EdTalmud for Beginners M I 8 T 2 "W F S 13 30 14 15 16 31 7 J 9 10 16 17 T idi ~ 6 :00 PM s.w.: Bar Milzvllh of JMIray HCIIOWIIZ -6---- 5 8:30 PM Youth Committee I 10:00 AM s-r-: a'nai Milzvllh of SillMnIhII HiIowdz & aM" w.mr.uo; MIllY." Bet 6:30 PM RTSY Board 8:30 PM Worship Committee 7 8:10 PM Adult Ed. History of Israel if 8:00 PM Family Shabbat Service 14 13 2:00PM Gun Control Forum last Day of MOREHHSHa 8:30 PM Sisterhood Board 6:00PM Post-Confinnation 10:00 AM Services: B'nai Mitzvah of Meredith Ross & Brandon StIer: Minyan Aleph I' 8:10 PM Adult Ed. Talmud for Beginners H 10:00 AM Services: Bat Mitzvah of Beth Sehpiro; Minyan Bet - 8:30 PM Shabbat Service 8:30 PM Boan:! of Directcn 2 2:00 PM Men's Club Trip to George St. Playhouse ~3 12:30 PM Adult Ed Talmud for Beginners 8:30 PM Social Justice Committee ]4 27 26 12:30 PM Adult EdTalmud for Beginners 10:00 AM Service: Minyan Aleph PeAch Day I 7:30 PM Yiskor Service for Pesach Pesach 7th Day Office Closed 8:10 PM Adult Ed _History of Israel 10:00 AM Serw:e: MIllY." 8:30 PM Shabbat Service Bet 11 :00 AM New PatentsWorIIahop Bat Mitzvah of Max.ne Perlman .--;. .-~ ~ . . ----- . ~ '-_ . '.-.- .- c...;.;.~:i: ; ~ ._.."Z_',: - • . .:::.~ 7-15 PM BCMIong . :.;~ .~. :. '- ~.ji - -·r -~ . ~;:~~,.>:.~:-.~ , Sponsored By: UPON YOUR REQUEST. SELECTION MAY INCLUDE: TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH To Benefit: WOOSTER SCOTT GORMAN HAENRAETS DOOLITTLE EBGI LENA LlU SHVAIKO MIHANOVIC HARVEY ROCKWELL PLiSSON BEHRENS BOULANGER CHAGALL MOSES HATFIELD TREBY DELACROIX SCHLUSS WYETH McKNIGHT ALVAR PICASSO WISSOTZKY·ALEXANDER BUCKELS AGAM TARKAY NEIMAN ANIMATION CELS and many more! ALSO FEATURING SPORTS MEMORABILIA Edueationall~gralns for Children and Adults At: 'Iclliple Rodel)" 'Ibrall Mohawk Drive ~fllrlboro, Nell' J(~I·sey Date: Sattlrday, May fJ, ~f)Of) Time: .-.-evicw: 8:f)0 p.m. (.0 8:4:S I). In. Auction: S:4:S 1).ln. Admission: In Advance: 57.:S0 (ICI· IlerSOIl At Door: $lf).OO per (1CrSOIl For Tickets & Information Call: ~3fJ-4~78 WIne & Cheese-Coffee & Cake--Door I'rlze All artwork I. cu.tom framed Ind matted. Opening bid. are lip to 60% I... than t ...dltlonal framed gallery price•. MasterCard, Visa, Discover &. AmEx will be accepted PreeeaW..., &088 GUJ.EKIE8, INC. 101 OO"TE8"VENVE HOLBROOK, NY 1114. (CUO) 471-6100 .Following our very successful discussion of The Chosen, we announce our second Literacy Challenge book for the year 5760. The discussion will be held on Sunday, May 21, 2000. This program is open to the entire community, without charge. The Challenge: Turbulent Souls, by Stephen Dubner While Stephen Dubner's book is a fascinating memoir, the telling of a son's individuation and journey, it is also our story - Turbulent Souls is, in many ways, the story of American Jewishness in the twentieth century. The social contract between America and her Jews has changed dramatically in the last 100 years, and Turbulent Souls is a record of that change, as seen through the generations of the author's family. Jewishness has been both a source of deep shame and exultant pride, something to flee from as well as to embrace. With Mr. Dubner, we walk the tightrope of the American-Jewish hyphen. To accept the Literacy Challenge, please complete the attached form and return it to the temple. To order the book, please visit the temple web site at www.trt.org..Click on the Literacy Challenge link, and you will be connected to A mazon. com. When you do this, the temple receives a commission, and you still get A mazon's low price! (You may get together with others and order several copies, to save shipping costs, too.) Of course, you may also order it from your local bookstore. FOOOOOOOOOOOOO<XX~J~' ~ YES, I ACCEPT THE ~ 8 ,~ '8 8 8 8 8 ~ JEWISH LITERACY CHALLENGE -- Part II! This spring's challenge: Turbulent Souls, by Stephen Dubner. I will read the book between now and Sunday, May 21st, and I will come to the discussion group on that date. The discussion will be from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; refreshments will be served. Print Name(s) 8 8 8 '8 '8 Phone You may visit www.trt.org and click on the Literacy Challenge, to order the book from Amazon.com, or visit your local bookstore! Please return this form to: 8 8 8 l,......,.......,....... TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH of Western Monmouth PO Box 125 Marlboro, NJ 07746 ~ ~ No Hassleslll Just Have Funlll No schlepping to Queens or the Bronx Just a short ride to Bridgewater, NJ off 1-287 Easy Parking at a Brand New Beautiful Stadium Family Friendly Environment Managed by Sparky Lyle Bobby Bonds, Jr. in the Outfield Sunday, June 25th First Pitch -- 2:05 PM Tickets Prices: Members -- $7 Non-Members --$10 Reserve Your Tickets Now by Calling Ken Tedoff (732) 946-3492 This is a "don't wanna miss it" event. Bring the kids, bring your friends. merset Patriots Base www.somersetpatriots.coln Social Justice Committee presents TRT'5 ''TNT'' HORSERADISH You are about to learn what hot really is ... 4 Homemade horseradish will be available for purchase to pack a punch" into your Passover sederl 1/ 6 OZ. CONTAINER FOR $8.00 ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 24th FOR PASSOVER PICKUP TO ORDER CAll ED RUSSIN AT 536-5844 All profits .re to he used to continue the work SocI.1 Justice CommIttee 0' the Join Rabbi Donald Weber and. TelDple Rodeph Torah On a Tour to Israel with .A.yeletTours,L1:d. July 27 - August 9, 2000 $3,219.00 per person Double Occupancy Your Tour Includes: ... Round-trip Air from JFK on EL AL Israel Airlines ... 2 nights at the Hyatt Hotel in Jerusalem ... I night at the Dan Panorama Hotel in Haifa ... 2 nights at Kibbutz Ayelet Hashahar in the Galilee ... 4 nights at the Hyatt Hotel in Jerusalem ... 1 night at the Hyatt Hotel in the Dead Sea ... 1 night plus late check-out at the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv ... Full Israeli breakfast daily ... 2 Shabbat dinners ... 2 Kibbutz dinners ... Gala BarlBat Mitzvah dinner at Cardo Culinarium ... I Dinner at the Dead Sea ... Farewell dinner ... Touring and entrance fees ... Transfers and Porterage Itinerary Day 1: Thurs., July 27th: Depart the U.S. for ovel'l1ight fl ight to Israel. Day 2, Fri., July 28th: Arrive in Israel. Transfer to Jerusalem . Sh'hekianu on l\'!ount Scopus. Welcome Shabbat at the Western Wall. Shabbat dinner and ovcl'I1ight .Jcrusalcm . Day 3, Sat., July 29th: Morning services at local synagogue . Old City walking tour. Overnight Jerusalem. Day 4, Sun., July 30th: Caesarea, Akko, Rosh Hanikra, Haifa. Overnight Haifa . Day 5, Mon., July 31st: Bahai Shrine, Visit to Druze Village, Safed - dinncr and overnight Galilee. Day 6, Tues., Aug. 1st: Golan Heights, Tel Dan Nature Reserve, Katzl'in . Dinner and overnight Galilee. Day 7, Wed., Aug. 2nd:. Sachne, Bet Alpha, Bet Shean, Pass Jericho. Return to Jerusalem. Overnight Jerusalem . Day 8, Thurs., Aug. 3rd: Morning Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony at Kehillat Kol Haneshama. Yad VaShem , Mt. Herzl Military Cemetary. Scavenger hunt in Jerusalem. Gala Bar/Bat Mitzvah dinner at the Cardo. Overnight Jerusalem. Day 9, Fri., Aug. 4th: Israel Museum, Gosh Etzyon Settlement, Mea Shearim, Shabbat services at local synagogue. Shabbat dinner and overnight Jerusalem . Day 10, Sat., Aug. 5th: At leisure. Overnight Jerusalem. Day 11, Sun., Aug. 6th: Depart for Dead Sea region, Qumran, Flour caves, Dead Sea "swim". Dinner and overnight Dead Sea. Day 12, Mon., Aug. 7th: Massada, Be'er Sheva, Airforce Museum, Tel Aviv. Overnight Tel Aviv. Day 13, Tues., Aug. 8th: At leisure in Tel Aviv. This evening we enjoy a farewell dinner in Jaffa Late night departure for the airport. Day 14, Wed., Aug. 9th: We arrive in the U.S. in the early morning. The memories last fOl'eved! Tour does not Include: departure taxes (approx. $53 .00), tips, or items of a personal nature. Price is based on double occupancy. Single supplement is $839.00. Cancellation penalties are as follows: $100 per person charge if cancelled more than 60 days before departure. $250 per person charge if cancelled 60-15 days before departure. Additional hotel/airline penalties may apply if cancelled 14 days or less before departure. Travel insurance is available and recommended. Discl~i.er: Ayelet Tours, ltd . , Te.pl e Rodeph Tor~h ~nd R~bbi Don Weber ~ct only ~s ~gents for the tour MeMbers in .. king ~rr~nge.ents for hotels, tr~nsport~tion , touring , rest~ur~nts or ~ny other services in connection with the iti neruy. We will exercise ruson~b1e cue i n .. king such uungeHnts . However, we do not ~SSUMe ~ny liability wh~tsoever for ~ny Injury, d~ge, loss , ucldent, delay or irregularity to person ~nd property bec~use of ~n ~ct of def~ult of ~ny hotel , ~Irl l ne c~rrler , rest~ur~nt, cOBp~ny, or person rendering ~ny of the services i ncluded in the tour . The right is reserved to c~ncel or ch~nge itiner~ries or to substitute cOllpIr~b1e nrvice without notice . The right is reserved to decl i ne to ucept or ret~in ~ny tour pusengers should such person's hulth or gener~l deportMent IMpede the operation of the tour to the detriMent of the other tour pusengers . ----------------------------------------------------------. Yes! I want to travel with Rabbi Donald Weber on his tour to Israel. I am sending this form with a $200 per person deposit, payable to Ayelet Tours, Ltd. Name(s) as they appear on passport: State Address: Phone (H) PublprorrolionallRyenlwcber I I I I Zip (W) AyeietTours, Ltd. 21 Aviation Road, Albany, NY 12205 (518)437-0691 (800)237-1517 Fax (518)437-0699 LI==~~I --------------------------------------------------------_. ~ -'" 0·" ~ -.. U-" 0-" ~ _~ 'J." LI·" ,J 'iii u-'" U "-~ ~ •:; THE TRT NURSERY SCHOOL IS IN •~ ~ ~ •u NEED OF A VOLUNTEER! : HELP IS NEEDED IN ADMINIS7RATIVE DUTIES : ~ (OCCASIONALLY) AND TO WORK ~J AS AN ASSISTANT TEACHER WITH THE MISS JUDY : MOMMY & ME CLASS ON ~ FRIDAYS FROM 10:30 - 2:00 ~J ~ •u '1 : : G G •u :o : u ~ • ~J : ~ • U ,"f ~J ~ ~u .., PLEASE CALL JO-ELLEN LANDESMAN IF YOU ARE INTERESTED 577-6"'" t :u : u ~ •CJ ~ u-" \1 -'" u-", IJ-" O u-.. 0-" 0-" 0-" ~~ TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH of Western Monmouth "To console the bereaved is a responsibility without limit, whose reward, too, is without limit. JJ {Mishna} If you can read Hebrew and would like to fulfill a precious mitzvah, please volunteer to lead Shiva Minyans. We will provide training and give you an "apprenticeship" until you feel comfortable, and then we will call upon you from time to time to help fellow congregants in their time of need. No experience, other than reading Hebrew, is necessary to fulfill this mitzvah. Volunteering to learn does not obligate you to lead minyanim; only those who are comfortable will be asked. Please help us to help each other! Call Rabbi Weber, at 409-1268, to volunteer or to ask any questions. * * * * * * * * * Would you like to learn the Shofar? For the past two years, we have filled our sanctuary with the sounds of many sho/arot on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Everyone loved the sound, and everyone wants more! For those who would like to learn the Shofar, we will have classes on Sunday mornings in March and April. There is no charge for the classes, and we will loan sho/arot to those who participate. Classes will be taught by Rich Grossman and Noah Stern Weber. Volunteering to learn does not obligate you to blow the Shofar at services; only those who are comfortable will be asked. Call Rabbi Weber, at 409-1268, to volunteer or to ask any questions. A Theatrical Afternoon of TRT Fantily Fun " oot" An outrageously funny comedy with sparkling wit and humor, by Joe Orton . Sunday, April 16, at 2 p.m. George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick $22 per ticket for members $27 for non-members Reserve tickets by calling Hellry Levenstein, 536-7458 Kindly make your checks payable to: TRT Men's Club P.O. Box 125 Marlboro, NJ 07746 DEADLINE: 3/20/2000 This Passover, let one who is hungry enter and eat. We begin our Passover seders with the words, "Let all who are hungry enter and eat." Again this year, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger asks you to give meaning and life to those ancient words by letting one who is hungry enter and eat. A girt to MAZON of chat ($18), or whatever you would spend to invite one extra person to your seder, will bring food, help and hope to poor and hungry people in our own country, in Israel and around the world. As we celebrate our freedom during Passover, we must remember those millions still enslaved by hunger and poverty. In a world with more than enough food to feed everyone, we can work toward a day when everyone has enough food. Through MAZON, you can fulfill our ancient Jewish tradition of feeding the hungry. As the poor are fulfilled, so too, will you be. r-------------------------------, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger 12401 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 303 Los Angeles, CA 90025-1015 PASSOVER 5760/2000 YES, I (we) will Hlet one who is hungry enter and eat." Enclosed is a check for $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ ____ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ City, State,Zip_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ L _______________________________ ~ • Does it matter if your funeral home is independent & locally owned? L should••At most corporately-owned finns, costs are substantially higher.. .than the local independent finns, and the large corporations have begun to buy funeral homes right here in our area .... in Manalapan and Old Bridge, infact! At Mount Sinai, we are proud to be independent and locally owned.We believe that eveO' familJ' we serve should receive the same careful and efficient professional service, at a fair and reasonable cost. We know that compared to the corporate-owned finns, our costs are substantially less, and our services are far superior. We guarantee it. Mount SInaI. \YIPi Memorial CbapeIs, InC. ( Cranbury Road at Evergreen Boulevard, EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ (800) 395-9199 . 17321390·9199 P. Kulbacki, Mgr . - Leaders in Advance Funeral Planning TENDER MOMENTS PIANO MUSIC " I I >EC> ~eddi~~ ~itzvahs,Szveet16s OONOlIT PIAN15T Bar/Bat Mitzvah Special $595 Complete Includes: Full reception coverage, Interviews Titling, Front End Montage, Highlight Recap. Special FX, 3-chlp Broadcast Quality JeH&Ranai 446-8249 FOR AIlTIRJll PRIV An: PAll11ES tel:732591-5730 CO(](TAIL HOURS BAR' BAT MJT'ZVAHS wmOINGS pager. 732 863-7755 EXCEPTIONAL CARE By EXCEPTIONAL CAREGIVERS ... -~~ all -J/je )PJIlt7IJ~ .: ., AN ASSISTt:1l II"'~'II" l.1\' INt i CO~IMt ' NIT\ Tht, \\'illows is a warlll alld t';II'illg I'I"n' Sl'lIiors rail rail hOlllt', whilt' n 'n'i\'ing thl' SIlPI'"r1 ;\IId ,Issislann' thl'\' IIl'l'" fmm ciI.-ing proli.'ssionals. Unique Benefil5 Include: • Assist~d li\'ing s~I'\'ir~s II,., illdllsin' 1I111111hl\ itT • A se:pa.-at~ , s~rure ~n\'iwllnll.'l1l II,., tlu' Illelllory-illlpili.-~d • A not-fur-prolit (,()lIIl11l1l1it\' Sll n'sid~llIs hl'lIdil din'nl\' • Part of the: cOIuinlllll1l of GUt' pw\'idl'llllll IlIl' cilmpus of Bayshor~ (:lIlIIlIIlIlIil\' IllIspital . 11Il'. • Call (732)335-4405 or visit us today! 713 North Beers Street Holmdel, NJ 07733 CI\LL I Olt OI'LtJ OHICE HOURS By APPOINTMENT IIOLJ~l lJl\ll~ PHONE , 1732 , 7110 · ,H87 FAX , .732,577 · 1.06 nJar/luru fJoJialr'l ('."II'r DR . MARC D . COHEN PODIATRIC MEDICINE AND FOOT SURGERY 225 TAYLORS MILLS ROAD MANALAPAN . NJ 07726 lbe .Iudale Shop AUDI'S POTTERY, SLYER &QiINA TONNE POME SKlfIPNlCEMRE 357 ROUTE 8 SOlffii MANAlAPAN, NEW JERSEY aT726 732·536 ·7555 • 800 838 GIFT One 01 N.J, IergMI MIectIon 01 JudU: rnen:hMcIH, KetubIha, bookI, YannuIkeI, Mencnha, Sedar PW.., Cupa, lie. JEWISH SINGLES DIRECTORY 00000 Puzzled about how to meet the right person? Know someone who's looking? Put the pieces together with the JEWISII SINGLES DIRECTORY, an innovative network to help singles ofal! ages meet each other! $50.00 per year listing in the Jewish Singles Directory lets you browse through the Directory and match your interests other Jewish singles. The listing also allows you to have postcards of introduction sent to anyone you choose - and to receive postcards from anyone interested in meeting you! For more ill/ormation: Call: Write: Mail to: • Lisa Zelenetz, Project Coordinator at (201) 722-9090 x204 or Send me your name, address and phone number and .. UAHC Singles, 56 Ridgewood Road, Washington Twp., NJ 07675 MARK GRAINER, D.D.s., I~A. \lX) Campus Drive. Suite 202 Morganville. New Jersey 07751 (732) 972-2.30() 1',1, Bar & Bat Mitzvah Wedding, Parties, Birth Announcements Notecards, Stationery and Accessories Envelope Addressing, Direction & Bus Cards Personalized Poems and more (732) 866-9300 Ronit Litwack By Appointment A SUMMER OF FUN ... ~M' .... ,ru~ orlumlPl§; c....,H..c- -up"'" uflHMUiII ~_. _u"'" IMnf ···"· .-...~. _r.. .... ......... ,.....~Nt"""c.""' ,.,..... tIw IIr!eott ill eoIlU~ ..... recre' AiINI ~ for ~ .HwieIo Youth. c...., ~'. fa:w ie ~ ",", ~ comrno.. . . . . . - . . ill .............tHotC ...... tIw .rt.. ............... _at ~..., ~ty 1 ' - ..... ,.., forM tIw ......• t"'" at"... futute. c-p H........,.... to .chOM the.., ~. , . "'"""" ..... ture ..-I dt41ic.Ud !UH ~... , ... ~ to the """'~eo"!l of the Ind,,",uAll C· '.' The .t~ J""'08f'Wm.§ dMdU ,,,to ,"!tr'\Jct ,o' .nd ,...,....~ eport .. F.cilitft ,",!uk: ... AlpiN Clim..... Indoor Field Hou..,. ~ T.....ie c:ouru. Street Hockey & 1n·1~ SUt ..... e."n~.ft. VoIlcyIo.n. !>oftb.n & S:cc';' reMer. euch Garry A. Klein, ORI Field!. ,.40,lftUI" e~~, :3 Sw>"""'"4 rCC'l' ! • U~ for c.~ r-.y.t~ & Fitht"4. We.,.., ...,••t." _ _ Art. ea.: (2t5~·e'&4 or W,;t<: c."",J&e~riam W~ St.. SuIu en .","w/Il&ALTOR~ ~'"'" Video, D."'t. Art. & C",It .. rt.~, ~" t.4u." & Th•• tre .nd ." _ _ I~ry. _ •• k _ _ .... Lute .MIt. . 536-2228 lE3025 972-6688 eve •• IUD IIIW. . Dollu 0014 Le".1 0.. 01 tJa. Top ",••te III IfJ IUD DlatJapUla" W •• CI.1t CI0M4 ...r 110 .lWoa III 401 ~. .... 19102 ... A LIFETIME OF FRIENDS - • II~ BLOOMFIELD - COOPER JEWISH CHAPELS, Inc. Three generations of Jewish dedication to tradition, a family's wishes, and compassionate guidance in their hour of need has made Bloomfield- Cooper the Jewish Funeral Chapel 01 CentralJersey MANALAPAN OCEAN TOMS RIVER For Advanced Funeral Planning call 1-877-961-0800 1-800-247-5235 A Bloomfield Dir./Mlr. ~~~ DAT I4AKE L Bloomfield Dir./Mar. OPEN HOUSE THIS MONTH CALL \. .,1 446-1777 CAMP YOUR OWN SCHEDULE THIS SUMMER!! Specialit.e in. •• SPORTS - Tennis (4 Courts), Roller Hockey Rink, :cer,Karate,Baseball,Basketball, Archery & Gymnastics ... PERFORMING & FINE ARTS- Acting,Dance,Magic, nting, Animation, Photography, Drum Lessons, Pottery ... AND MUCH MOREl ... Horseback Riding on our Trails ... Fishing on our 1 Acre Lake ... Boating in Kayaks,Canoes & Paddleboats ... Treehouse Building ... Olympic Size Pools - Hot LUDell (KOilier Style) - Door to Door TraDlportatioD Imomwasmoved excited when with in me. But I work. and mom got lonely. Then we heard about LIBERTY MANOR ASSISTED LIVING . Now mom spends her days laughing with new friends. And I feel good knowing she is safe and happy. ii6e!1Y. Manor Assisted L1ViDg Residence Junction of LaSatta Ave. & Ml. Vernon Rd. Manalapan-Englishtown. NJ (732) 786-1000 (888) 604-1900 www.libertymanor.com We Can Turn Your Furniture, Appliances, ]V Sets, Bicycles, Lamps, Antiques, Pianos, Cars, Boats &Even ,Planes into Valuable Tax Deductions. If you are moving, renovating, redecorating, attic or house cleaning ... Call Us Today! T\'\./ice is Nice -- - All Sale Proceeds Donated Directly To: Jewish Family & Children's Service THRIFT SHOP 705 SUMMERFIELD AVENUE· ASBURY PARK. NJ 07712· (908) 988-2889 CAll FOR FREE PICK UP OF YOUR TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS MAZON ,\ Jewish Rcsponst! Itl lIunger ('(.,.Ii.,1/1l /1/:'11,', lIilll /" ,I,:;/,,. Ul'lIr \;,.".1 fi ll til lit' :d/II /h,;",' :"':,1 " ''''~I ~ "II People ask, "What is a counseling program?" For many people, the word counseling suggests a very mysterious service, uncertain both in purpose and duration. But the fact is, professional counseling helps people deal with their personal and family problems. Our counselor can explain the type of services we provide, the costs involved, and the time it may take to achieve a successful outcome. For help, call Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Monmouth County. iI"" ""II /n/'"/III,\ Asbury Park Morganville Red Bank , 3% 1./ II", (1I~1 ,I' \'pur ~Im d, .l -I'M ,'r b.ll milZI'.lh , \\' ~·,idillg .•1I11l i \'l·r~.H\.l'lrlh ,by. ~·\'t:ry ip\ '( 'lI~ (lcla~i(ln ~ 1(1 ~I,\ZO~ MAZON !tIll' H"bn' \\' \\'I.rd 'Pf i...1 IlJli"llill "'\\'i~h l'rg,llli/.llillll Ih.l l gr.lI1l!' fund .. h' i",·,1 hllll).:fy r~('rlt· ill pur 1,)(.llll llllmunilil·~ , .Il'n's~ 1111' ,"II 11 Ir ,\ ' .lIld .lfl'lmd Ihl' ","rld Ih' l'l'"tribl1lin~ :t" .. I.i 11ll' nl~1 ,., \ ' \llIl Sillllh.l III 1-.f.,\ZO\!. YOll ( .11\ "i~ l' thl' ,l'Id'ralillll .1 t!""lwr Inl'.lI1ing .lllt! rfll\'idl' fpod, h~lr and hop" 1IlI1llllg n rl"'I'll' "\'t'rywhl'fl' ",'.,11"", r.--------~------I I[]\I,\ZON I I 1::,11.'1 \\'11 ~hll" III- ,I.. ~III'" ,;(11 , l~'" (908) 774-6886 (908) 536-0050 (908) 747-0777 ' II :\n.,:d\.·:-, . \ :\ .tljr(2 :'· illl; ~ 1'-1 -" " rill " '" ,'ltl. - """i'.'," I R S, rp ,I, ,,,''" ,I' I Ii II t' I 11111 ~ rlc:I ,.:d h'lllllllll-lI/l' I 1111 ,It... 'l\:l-"'lI l1l .. I I I - ~ __________ II I I I I , .J What is the DAHC? We see it on our Temple S[ationery; we proclaim it on our masthead; we are invited to panicipate in itS biennialwhat is it? rf1T It is the Union of Americon Hebrew Congregations known as the UAHC. It is the urnhrello organization for over 850 Refonn congregations in the United Stutes, Canoda, and the Virgin Islands. What does it do? It, the Union, does many things for us that no individual or smaD group of congregations could do for themselves. It links us with other Reform congregations in our area and in North America. Togeihel we find new anJ effedive ways to improve our Temple. It provides valuable too~ and materia~ about everything hom social action programs to synagogue monagement, hom attracting new members ta youth programming, hom outreach to dues structure. It provides mechanisms through which we may access our Movement's rabbis, educators, and odministTators when we need to hire new staff or get information. It is responsible for many of the books and curricula we use in our religious school, as well as for a wealth of books, topes, and videos about Judaism in the synagogue and Judaism in our homes. It aeated and now funds the Rebgious Action Center in Washington, o.c. through which the c08ective vaice of Reform Je~ is heard on issues of coosaencl!. It runs nine camps across the country that provide afantastic Jewish camping experience for our children. It sponsors sll1uner educational experiences for aduhs. It providl!s a rohbinic aide training program for congregations too smoIl to hove a full time rabbi or for larger congregatians where the rabbi needs assistance. E.l4blilMd in 1961 The UAHC is funded by itS member congregations. Part of ow UAHC dues goes to fund the Hebr~ Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). At the HUC-JIR campw. future Reform rabbis. cantors. educators. social workers. communal workers. and administrators arc trained. H UC-]lR also offers programs. lectures, and concertS which are open to all. What we. as individuals and as a temple. gain from 9ur UAHC membership is f.u greater than what we put in. mGH SCHOOL IN ISRAEL Eisendrath International Exchange lAIN Hicb &boo! Credit IMMIISI,OW'Iel( ill Jewilll biII4rJ &lid cwlWt &lAIN to .peak Hebn. UVI willi mllneli Wail, ror _ md ADV1H1U116IIed touriJIa MllICIPAJI iIIlitller lbt laII or epriIIc .-ur CIUlla IWana ...wiIII _lIIIilJ willi out.lWldiac .1IIIaDu hm all over Norlb America ICHOUISIWS availabl. , ..... ia~",..~ NFI'Y·EIE HiP Scbool iD ......l-UABC Youth DiviaioD ~I. &33 'I1ainIAvI. 7111 lIoor, NY, NY 10017 (2121660-4073 0 (2121660-41111 0 &-.aiI dlinbbelJluabc.cq 'a ~ DONATE YOUR USED CAR ::-"_ _~An=d!H~el~p,Jewish family : & Children's .... Service. ----- TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Post Office Box 125 Marlboro, NJ 07746 PAID PERMIT NO. 44 MARLBORO. NJ 07746 Serials Department HUC-JIR 3101 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45220 Support Our Advertisers . • UNIQUE SUMMER EXPERIENCE ONLY FOR TEENS KUTZ CAMP, the Leadership Academy of the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFfY), for entering 9th through 12th graders, is set in the mountains of New York. It is the ideal place for teenagers to play and work together with Reform Jewish youth from across the world. Future leaders choose their own program and develop leadership potential in specialized areas of interest: I) Jewish studies I) So~g leading I) Folk dance leading I) Art or theater I) Youth group leadership I) Social action I) Student teacher training For more in/ormation, contact Rabbi Glynis Conyer 914'987-6300 or [-mail kutzcamp@warwick."et visit us at www.kutzcamp.org UAHC Kutz Cam, PO Box 443, Warwick, NY 1099~ • CRUISE HOLIDAYS IS IHE # 1 CRUISE EXPERI "We Promise Great Cruise Vacations! '~ • Qr Service is fREE . (XI EXPB1I5E ~ PIKll£S5 • tJae 8vti~ Power b~ible Cruise v~ •~ Qr I~ YID ~ lie locaIioo • ~~ CNse CWt Npq -local ~ kl w~ ~ootions -~ ~~ bAll Cruise lire me • hliYKW &~ ~nK1g ~~isls -mn~ &Wjxrae Cruises Owners, Ira & Helene Kaplan 1988 - 1999 11 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE Cruise Holidays of Marlboro Marlboro 191 Route 9 South 732·972·2444
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november 1993 cheshvanikislev 5754 volume 11, number 3
- BarlBat Mitzvah Orientation for parents and students, by invitation; 6:45-8:30