daito ryu aikijujutsu seminar - Latham Eclectic Martial Arts


daito ryu aikijujutsu seminar - Latham Eclectic Martial Arts
Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu is a 1200 year old Samurai martial art.
It has directly influenced the development of many popular
martial arts, such as Aikido,Shorinji Kempo, Hakko Ryu Jujitsu
and Hapkido. Goldberg Sensei is the East Coast representative
of the Daito Ryu Kodokai and Senior student of Kiyama Hawayo
Shihan. Goldberg (Shingen) Sensei is one of only a handful
of pactitioners in the world who is liscensed to teach
Daito Ryu by the Kodokai and the only non Japanese to ever
receive a Kyoju Dairi (teaching license) in the history of the
Daito Ryu Kodokai. Goldberg Senseis ability to teach and
transmit the techniques of Daito Ryu are unequaled! His
goal is to continue to spread the beautiful art of Daito Ryu to
those students willing to train hard to learn this 1200 year old
martial art, which is considered a national treasure in Japan.
This Seminar is open to practitioners of all martial
Arts, at all levels of rank. Although we recommend
That participents have some training, Goldberg Sensei
Will show techniques that people of all ranks can
Learn at different levels. Anyone who is a student
Of the martial arts would benefit grately from
Exposure to Goldberg Senseis Teachings!
Please join us for a weekend of hard shugyo(training)
In a martial art that is seldom seen outside of Japan!
Date: December 6 th and 7th
Time: 12:00pm-4:00pm Saturday
9:00am-1:00pm Sunday
Location: Capital District Martial Arts Center
3 Normanskill Blvd Delmar NY 12054
Cost: $120 both days ($100 if registered by 11/21)
$ 75 for 1 day ($60 if registered by 11/21)
Make checks payable to CDMAC
*For more info please contact Tony DiSarro @ (518)330-3656
Or email [email protected]