GN #28 May 09
GN #28 May 09
GAMBATTE NE Newsletter for the advancement of Bujinkan studies - Takamatsu den May 2009, Volume # 28 No Dojo Politics...No Hype...No Bull 2 This month Well here we are again with another issue of Gambatte ne. Sony about being late with this issue but I had / have too many things on the go at one time and had to prioritize my obligations. Hopefully things will calm down by next month and next issue can be sent out in a timely manner. Expose In this section we will introduce you to many of the Bujinkan's top (and a few of the lower ranked) instructors. Sensei you might not have heard about and individuals you might want to know a little more about, as well as historical figures ftom our different ryu. Peace man! Nevin Zeljko Broz Shidoshi-ho Bujinkan Seishin Ronin Dojo Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakken Tai Jutsu Happo Hiken (The Immovable Heart School) -One of the secret attributes of the Shinden Fudo Ryu is the "Principle of Nature" . -in The ryu ori!inated by Genpachiro Temeyoshi the mid 12 century. It is traced back to Koshijutsu which was introduced by Izumo Kanja Yoshitero". - NinjaSubmission -Kuki, Takei ftom the Kuki family of Kukishin ryu, was also ftom the Shinden Fudo Ryu. -Takanaka, Tetsunoke, senior student ofKano, Jigoro (the founder of Judo) was at one time a student at the Shinden Fudo Ryu dojo. nindja [email protected] Soke speaks "(When asked why we should train with a technique that nearly exposes our backs to our opponents) "/fyou learn these techniques, you will not be surprised by other opponents or by people using similar techniques against you. " Soke Masaaki Hatsumi - Taken ftom "Quotations From Soke Part IV" by Benjamin Cole -Kuden (oral transmission) says that the yari was taught to Izumo (the founder) by Tengu (mountain goblins), and that these techniques still remain a secret to these days. The school uses several different types ofYari, Ono (war axes), O-tsuchi (war hammers), and Naginata. Hojo jutsu (art of tying someone with a rope) are used alongside the Taijutsu to help restrain the opponent. -The school specialized in Jutaijutsu Gujutsu) and lainuki (fast sword drawing) -Takamatsu sensei started training in Shinden Fudo ryu at Toda sensei's dojo when he was nine years old. -Shinden Fudo Ryu's techniques suit small, old, weak persons very well. 3 The five rules of the dojo Dakentaijutsu 1. To know that patience (endurance) comes first. Ten No Kata: The heaven forms 2. To know that the way of men is justice. 3. To renounce avarice, indolence and obstinacy 4. To recognize sadness and worry as natural, and to seek the immovable heart. 5. To not stray from the path of loyalty and brotherly love, and to delve always deeper into the heart of budo. Observing the 5 rules above is the law of the dojo. Written at New Year, Meiji 23 (1891) Toda, Shinryuken Masamitsu The school has two styles oftaijutsu: Dakentaijutsu and Jutaijutsu, each with its own sets of techniques. Here is a basic breakdown of the two different fonns. Dakentaijutsu - In this section are no stances - Shizen no kamae represents the "natural posture" and holds no fixed fonn. A characteristic of this ryu can be found in its recognition of natural style as the only posture of defense. However, in reality, a person imagines a posture of defense in his mind and places himself on guard. - One uses trees and rocks to practise striking with the hands or tearing with the fingers, one grabs and crushes or grabs and holds. Also kicking the bamboo trees while walking naturally without stopping is called Take-ori keri (breaking bamboo kick). Throws are also practised by bending or breaking the trees. - It is important to land on the feet when being thrown, especially when wearing swords. - Striking and kick an opponent should be done ftom their blind angles (blind spots). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. kata Nichigeki- Sunfire Gekkan Fubi Uryu Unjakoor Thari- Skylark Setsuyaku Musan Karai Chi No Kata: The earth forms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Riken Shinken Raiken Henkyo Issen Akuken Kenkon Suiryu Shizen Chigoku No Kata: Secret Natural earth forms? or Natural hell methods. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tainagashi - Body flow? Kobushinagashi Fubatsu Ryotegake - Both hands dashing Routo Fudo - Immovable Ugari Fukan Kasasagi Suzu Otoshi Kasumi Otoshi - Fog dropping Shizen - Natural Jutaijutsu - The techniques are against an opponent who attacks with a throw, or a grab and punch combination. - Each basic technique has five henka (variations) 4 7. Yama Arashi - Mountain storm 8. Bai Setsu- Jutaijutsu kata 5 Kamae: Body Postures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Iaijutsu Za no kamae Hira Ichimonji no kamae Seigan no kamae Katate Seigan no kamae Shizen no kamae In the scrolls it is written that Mizuhara Kuro Yoshinara, lord of Mizuhara castle, brought forth by Minamoto no Yositsune during his flight from the capital. He was a great master of lai (draw - cutting). In the scrolls of Fudo ryu, it is written that he may have been the originator of iai. Shoden Gata: (The lower level) 1. Kata Munedori - Single breast (chest) capture 2. Gyaku Kata Munedori - Reverse single chest capture 3. Ude Dori - Ann capture 4. Matsu Kaze 5. Ryu Ko 6. Gedan Gake - Low level dashing 7. Ude Ori - Ann break 8. Kyu In 9. Kimon Dori 10. Jinchu Nage 11. Koromo Gaeshi 12. Saka Otoshi 13. Satani Nage 14. Katate Otoshi - Single hand drop 15. GyakuNage- Reversethrow The Bugei Ryuha Daijiten lists the soke slightly differently from the list provided by Hatsumi Sensei, and is missing the 17th and 18th soke. Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu, the 24th soke, was a samurai, and a master in the Bikenshin Ryu. He was also a sword instructor to the Tokugawa Shogunate. He was Takamatsu Sensei's grandfather, and operated a dojo that had a plaque above the door, which read: "Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu". This was the first style that Takamatsu Sensei learned from Toda Sensei. . 16. Gokuraku Otoshi Chuden Gata: The middle level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Fu Setsu Tama Otoshi Ugo Randori Tsuki No Wa Kocho Dori Kasa Harai Kakusei Kasumi Gake Ryo Yoku Utsushi Dori Okuden Gata: The higher level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HyoFu GoshaDori Te Ate Karlshimo TatsuMaki FuroyaNage - Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu - Gyokko - Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu Ryu Koshijutsu 5 Soke of Shinden Fudo Ryu Ikai Soke speaks "The movement is first kiri-age, then kiri-sage, then tsuki. Practice them welL" Hogenbo, Tesshin Sakabe, Tendo 1. Izumo, Kanja Yoshiteru (1113) 2. Minamoto, Hachiman Tamenari (1118) 3. Minamoto, Hachiro Tameyoshi (1156) 4. Mizuhara, Kuro Yoshinari (1204) 5. Mugaibo, Shinnen (1233) 6. Ohkuni, Zenhachiro Yoshinobu (1264) 7. Hata, Saburo Sasukeyasu 8. Kotani, Yuhachiro Nobuchika (1321 or 1331) 9. Kaneko, Jinsuke Yoshikiyo (1346) 10. Tajima, Genkoro Nariyoshi (1384) 11. Kammon, Kokanja Yoshikane (1428) 12. Kimura, Hozen (1460) 13. Ibuki, Yoshihaha (1469) 14. Otsuka, Hakushi Nyudo Tadamori (1504) 15. Otsuka, Daikuro Tadahide (1522) 16. Abe, Muga (1573) 17. Koga, Taro Kyokokaku (1573) 18. Katayama, Hokinokami Mori Hisayasu (1592) 19. Shindo, Unsai (1624-1644) 20. Odagiri, Tohyoe Yoshihiso (1624-1644) 21. Iida, Jubee Tameyoshi (1764) 22. Mori, Genroku Masahide (1804) 23. Toyota, Jubei Mitsuyoshi (1865). 24. Toda, Shinryuken Masamitsu (1824 1909) 25. Takamatsu, Toshitsugu (1909) 26. Hatsumi, Masaaki (1968) b.1931 -) - (Noguchi-sensei's to kiri-age, don't comment) bend "If you are trying your elbows. Otherwise your sword will point downward. Rather, extend you arms. " "After the kiri-sage, there is no need to remove your swordfrom their body to do the tsuki.If it's already in their body, leave it there. Just twist and thrust... If you hit a rib, just twist your blade to lay itflat, and then thrust all the way through. " "When you go to do a kiri-age, be mindful of your tsuka. It could get in your way. So you need to remember to either push it away with your elbow, or hold it close with the inside of your arm. It all depends on the situation. " "You could also push your tsuka straight back with your elbow like this. (Soke is standing in Hasso no kamae, which means that his left elbow is infront of his body, and thus his forward-pointing tsuka. Without losing his stance, he places the inside of his left elbow on the open end of his tsuka, and pushes it straight back) It's a real shame, but many people who are involved with creating 'jidai-geki' (samurai movies, etc.) do not know such techniques. If they were to see this one, they would be extremely surprised... You can't see itfrom the front; you have to look from the side. It certainly looks cool, don't you think?" (Yes, I must admit. It did.) "You can hold the sword at many different heights in hasso. It can be up high or down low, depending on the space you have to work with... If it is down low, for example, you must make your kiri-age cut tighter to your body. " "The line of the cut, the distance, and the direction are all very important. " ~ Takamatsu, Toshitsugu (Someya-sensei) "I was cut on my finger last year and the sword just slid right through it. Being cut with a sword is like being shocked by electricity. Keeping that in mind, you can see how with the first cut (the kiri age), you can actually open a person up for the kiri sage cut on the otherside." 6 Soke Masaaki Hatsumi Taken from "Quotations From Soke by Benjamin Cole -Part IV" Book I Video review Here we will review books and videos/movies on the ninja and samurai arts. This month we will feature a short review on the DVD titled "Koga Ryu Ninjutsu", by Juan Hombre. ----- KOGA RYU NINJUJI"SU ~"U- ~'''J of the recording was done in the general headquarters ofKoga, within the house of Ninja, or in the gardens, filled with secret traps in which the most advanced students of this style train. In these two martial works you will learn the Art of empty hands techniques and the use of the main weapons that are part of the traditional Ninjutsu, ninjatos, shaken, shuriken, etc." Myopinion: What a piece of work this one is! Here we have another charlatan trying to rid people of their hard earned money by claiming to be "the only authorized Koga ninja in all of Europe". I really pity the poor folk who spend money raining with people like this guy only to see they have been scammed and can't defend themselves in any kind of a situation. Watching the video was like watching martial arts ballet. Sort of.. .Just about every technique the guy demonstrated was off balance, sometimes stumbling as he performed his kata, and his sword cutting techniques would hardly scratch one let alone cut an opponent. There are so many people claiming to be legitimate Koga ninja, yet no one can give a ryu other than Koga ryu, and none of the styles resemble each other, I wonder why...Hmmmm? Good for a laugh, that's about it. Flying shuriken rating. o shuriken! It would be lower but we don't go any lower than zero. "Quick Overview" Here is the description taken from the video itself: "The warriors of the shadows want to return to the scene, but this time with more aceuracy. Two Ryu who have traditionally been rivals IGA and KOGA have brought their outstanding representatives to formalize and come to an agreement so that they can avoid old errors. This is something that Juan Hombre will speak about in this article in which he presents his latest works on video; they are the first ones in which the systematic teaching of the Art of combat of the Koga School will be seen as it is nowadays. He is the only person authorized in Europe to represent thisfoeus of traditional Ninjutsu. Part Seminars Here we will keep you informed of upcoming seminars, as well as reviews of those attended. If you want to advertise your seminar here contactus at: [email protected] Shihan Dean Rostohar 7 Shihan Bolger Kunzmann Japan Trip May 07-18, 2009. Bujinkan Seishin Dojo Zagreb, Shihan Dean Rostohar Noda city, JAPAN Seishin Japan Kanjo 2009 Camp Seminar May 30- 31, 2009. Bujinkan Seishin Dojo Zagreb, Shihan Dean Rostohar, Shinryu (Kugyo Menkyo) Shihan Davor Gasparovic (Kagyo Menkyo) Info: [email protected] r ~. . ~.., ~ HO~~f;i~~ UNZl\IAN Info: [email protected] Kacem Zoughari Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller Spring Ninja Training Camp May 15th 17th, 2009 Warrior Concepts' Hombu Dojo Sunbury, Pennsylvania - (570) 988-2228 warriorc@warrior-conceptsonline. com Takagi Yoshin Ryu levell plus Bo vs. sword June 13/14,2009 Mississauga Bujinkan Dojo Mississauga, Ontario Email: [email protected] or [email protected] 8 ninpo @:o1sshukn Ed (ph) 813-841-4794 Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu & Kodachi jutsu June 6 7, 2009 Bujinkan Slovenia - E-mail: [email protected] Paul Fisher & Ed Figueroa "Commando Camp Seminar" June 12th-14th 2009, 2009. Zagreb, Croatia Shihan Dean Rostohar Info: [email protected] Paul Richardson BUJINKAN BUYU SEMINAR FLORIDA May 23, 2009 Hilton Garden Inn, Lakeland, FL Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Unanned & Weapons Training Defending Others For more info Paul (ph) 561-832-5255 or Hojo Jutsu (binding an opponent) Takagi Yoshin Ryu Kodachi (Short Sword Techniques) Takagi Yoshin Ryu lai (Sword Drawing Techniques) April 25,2009 Louisville KY Todd Schweinhart Email: [email protected] Phone: (502) 767-3605 9 Renowned Ninja Expert is Alive and Kicking and Tending His Flock -- Interview by Josh Sager Translation by Ben Jones Photos by Jim Manley June 1998 issue of Black Belt Maf!azine reprinted with permission In the 1980s, the ninja boom hit the United States like a hurricane. It seemed like everyone wanted to learn how to throw smoke bombs and then disappear, how to infiltrate enemy fortresses, and how to don a black hood and sneak around in the dark. Almost overnight, numerous self-proclaimed grandmasters of ancient ninja sects seemed to come out of the woodwork for a chance at sharing the sp()tlight. While most of these "instructors" were striving to cash in on the booming sales of throwing stars and climbing claws, afew were content to practice their art and work toward perfecting the skills of their students. There were the people who ended up weathering the storm and surviving into the 1990s. Masaaki Hatsumi is one of those ninja authorities, and the martial arts community still holds him in high esteem. The following interview was meant to let the world know what the ninja master has been up to. At the 1997 US Tai Kai, Hatsumi (right)focused on thejo, the 4-foot long staff taught in many Japanese martial arts. BB: How has the art evolved since Takamatsu Sensei passed it on to you? MH: It has not evolved. It's just alive. It has just survived. Its like two things being the same; they seem to be changing, but they are keeping the same form. Isomorphism. Many people talk about evolution, and there was a time when the theory of evolution was all the rage. But what is actually underneath human life has not evolved at all; it has not changed. That's why they have to train, they have to reflect on their own actions, they have to do penance. That's why I say, "What is a dojo?" Its not someplace where you should aim to become strong. It's a place for penance, a place to reflect on what you've done. And to live like a true human being. So people shouldn't misunderstand what a dojo is about. They shouldn't have any illusions. A dojo isn't something with a concrete form. Every day is a dojo, wherever you are. BLACK BELT: It's been almost 15 years since you started coming to the US to teach. What changes have you seen in the way Americans train? Masaaki Hatsumi: At the time I first came, there was a ninja boom. Everybody thought that - Ninjutsu was something mysterious something bad. And I have gradually corrected this. Ninjutsu is really a genuine martial art. That's the one reason why I changed the name from Ninpo Taijutsu to Budo Taijutsu. They are one and the same. Ninpo is a form ofBudo Taijutsu. """ A man o/many talents, Ninjutsu expert Hatsumi is also an accomplished brush painter. 10 BB: How do you believe the practitioners of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu are representing your art? MH: Its not something new. In the old days, it was like this. It's just that there weren't any 11th dan holders before. MH: Jack [Hoban] is a perfect example. Ask him because he is far better at expressing the art in an American way than I am. You can't express it in Japanese in an American way. Jack will BB: In what direction do you see the art going in the future? speak ftom his heart about the art --in an American way. Because in him you have the genuine article who will transmit to you my blessed teachings. So even when I am back in Japan, you can continue to ask Jack. MH: It doesn't matter if it doesn't develop further. It doesn't matter ifthere is only one good person in the art -- that's enough. If there is just one fine person, then that's the meaning. We don't need many people. It's like in America, where you have President Clinton just the one president. That's all we need. -- BB: We often hear you say that the martial arts are about love and protecting life, yet the general perception of the arts is one of violence. How do you make the differentiation? MH: It's just the things that any normal, serious person has to do in life. If you study a martial art that's a bit strange, it's wrong. Then you become like a wild beast. BB: What's the most rewarding aspect of teaching your art? MH: Ifpeople look at nature, they think it's beautiful. People who've got this genuine nature of humanity see something beautiful and say, "That's beautiful -- I want to protect it." And if you talk about the evolution of the martial arts, that's where the arts need to evolve --with that kind of attitude. BB: Do you see any differences between how Ninjutsu is interpreted here in the US and how it's interpreted in the rest of the world? MH: It's the same. BB: What would you like the people who come to the Tai Kai to walk away with when it's over? MH: I would like people to leave behind all the bad [aspects] of themselves so their heart can become lighter. ~~~~~ ,~r.;pt9~~'W.j'-'; ,~ Despite his 66 years, Hatsumi (left) proves that when it comes to wielding weapons, he can still move like a teenager. BB: Can you explain the reason why you hold a Tai Kai event every year? MH: To allow people to know about my martial art a little better. That's why I travel around the world. BB: Why did you decide to add the 11th degree black belt to 15th degree black belt ranks to your system? Like any other martial art's weapon, the jo should be treated as an extension of the body, Hatsumi says. 11 happy I'm therc." The creed holds an important message about the value of lile. \\"hieh is very important to Ilatsumi and others in the l3ujinkan. The un I(xtunate 1"lolly\\ood stereotype of the ninja as ruthless assassins has long been a thorn in the side of the ninjutsu community. To the panicipants in the 1997 U.S. Tai Kai. ho\\"ever. the message of the creed carried \\"ell throughout the four-day camp. People were in good spirits. ne\\' fi-iendships were made. old friendships ITne\\"ed. and the training was more than ellough to keep cveryone busy until ne\t year's event. scheduled to be held in Tennessee in September. --.Josh Sage,. SWORDS FOR SALE $U.S. PHOTOS AND INFORMATION UPON REQUEST. For further particulars, please contact [email protected] Item #201-Katana-30.5 in; cutting edge- in shirasaya & Koshirae, signed Kobayashi Masakiyo. Excellent condition. MasaKiyo is a six-time winner of the NBTHK Nyusen annual prize for the top quality of his swords. A very impressive Gendai swordmaker. Price $8,900.00 Item #200-Katana-29.5 in; in shirasaya & Koshirae, date - 1848 to 1860 NBTHK papers Attribution to Bizen YoshiFusa magnificent shape, excellent condition. Well grained itame / mokume hada well refined chirrimen Hada, jinie. Student of Sukenaga. Price $8,800.00 Item #203-Katana-27.5 in; in shirasaya & Koshirae. Date 1532 to 1540 NBTHK papers att; to Mihara Kai Masahiro. It has the appearance and feel of a much earlier blade, well balanced and in excellent condition. Itame/Mokume mix withji-nie and shirake utsurl, hamon is notare based gunome/midare, with ashi, sunagashi, and Kinsuji. Price $8,900.00 Item #159-Katana 28 in;-In shirasaya-NTHK papers att; to Echizen harima Daijo Shige Taka, 12 student ofKaneNori. It has BoHi fresh Hon ami polish. This sword has a very commanding presence and you need to hold it in your hands to feel the power, and enjoy the beauty of it. Price $15,000.00 Item #133-Katana-27 in; shirasaya & Koshirae NBTHK papers signed and dated-Bizen Kuni ju Osafune yokoyama SukeKane Saka 58th generation of Tomonari the founder of Bizento. SukeKane was a student ofsukenaga. 1842 to 1872 ko-mokume hada choji hamon in excellent condition, fresh polish. There is a family crest of the Mori family such as general Takeshi mori who served in China returned to Japan and was assassinated for siding with the emporer. 1945. Price $12,500.00 Item #204-Wakisashi-19.5 in; in shirasaya & koshirae, NBTHK Tokubetsu papers att; to Bizen SukeMitsu oei period 3rd generation. KoltamelMokume hada with utsuri ji-nie. Hamom ChojilMidare with ashi yo, Sunagashi and Kinsuji He is rated Ryo-wazimono, supreme sharpness. Excellent condition. All matching fittings. Price $8,500.00 Item #199-Tanto-l5.1 in; in koshiraemuromachi period 1555 AD signed KaneSumi Sakyu Mino province. Fresh polish KanmuriOtoshi shape thick armur piercing shape. Excellent condition. Price $2,700.00 Soke speaks "As I've mentioned before, you need to have tryes to see in martial arts. You need to have tryes of the heart. If you don't have such tryes, 'no buds will sprout for you. ' " (Though "me ga denai" is a common expression that means on the surface "no buds will sprout, " the underlying meaning is that "nothing will come your way, " or "your attempts will be fruitless. ") Soke Masaaki Hatsumi Taken from "Quotations From Soke by Benjamin Cole Item #209-Wakizashi-Inshirasaya-44.5CM.NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho papers. Sayagaki by DR., Kanzan Sato. Muromachi period 1469. Att.Yamashiro Sanjo Yoshinori. Founder of the Sanjo School. Polished Ko-Mokame/Ko-ltameUtsuri-Ko-Nie Deki Sugu Hamon. We highly recommend this beautiful sword. Price $5500.00 Item #211-Wakisashi-14 in; Oei period 13871403. Chu Jo Saku class. Att. Bizen HideMitsu. Excellent condition, there is a minor opening above the monouchi area which does not detract from the condition. Shinogi Tsukuri Ji, there is a faint utsuri. Price $4500.00 Katsujinken j -Part IV" 13 This is NOT an official Bujinkan newsletter. Please watch who and what you teach. Peace! Nevin Zeljko Broz Shidoshi-ho Bujinkan Seishin RoDinDojo Copyright 2009 Bujinkan Seishin RoDinDojo .. m;"- Hatsumi Sensei ready for business. Disclaimer It is highly recommended that medical advice be sought before following any of the suggestions written in this newsletter. It is also highly recommended to seek out a qualified, competent instructor to guide you safely before attempting this or any other potential knowledge. The purpose of publishing this newsletter is to help serious students of the Bujinkan advance their studies through a community effort. This concept is reflected in the name of our newsletter, "Gambatte ne", which means, "Keep going". Please feel free to pass this information among other Bujinkaners. All content published here is for the exclusive use of Bujinkan students. We will strive to be as accurate as possible. If anyone feels that they have anything to contribute please e-mail it to me and it will be considered for publication. Any comments or questions will be welcomed. The author or any contributors assume no responsibility whatsoever for any misuse of the information found in these pages.
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