halifax - OUTFRONT Media
halifax - OUTFRONT Media
2014 media kit MEDIA KIT 2014 WELCOME TO HALIFAX OUTFRONT Media is proud of our long standing partnership with the Halifax Regional Municipality, providing Transit Shelter Advertising in the Downtown areas of Halifax and Dartmouth, Bedford, Sackville and surrounding areas. In addition to Transit Shelters, OUTFRONT Media offers Posters and Superboards in the Halifax Region. Our 60+% share of the market and prime distribution of locations are on both the Halifax and Dartmouth sides of the two bridges connecting them. Our offering also includes the key areas of Halifax Peninsula, Bedford, and Sackville. The Halifax office is also your contact for Atlantic Canada including OUTFRONT Media products in Sydney, Moncton, Saint John and Fredericton. Information on inventory in Bathurst, Miramichi and the Acadian Peninsula in NB and St. John’s NL is available through representation agreements. MEDIA KIT 2014 – HALIFAX CMA HALIFAX PROFILE Halifax is the economic, academic and cultural heart of Atlantic Canada. It is also the capital city of the province of Nova Scotia and the largest city east of Quebec and north of Boston. As the second largest natural harbour worldwide, its economy is closely tied to the ocean. Home to the Canadian Navy and a major ship building yard, Halifax is a transportation and cruise ship hub. With a significant university population and a large health science sector, Halifax offers a unique combination of community and business growth potential OUTFRONT Media’s majority share of OOH media products and local market expertise provide outstanding options to deliver high-quality and innovative ways to cover this dynamic market. MEDIA FORMATS 2014 media kit MEDIA KIT 2014 MARKET FACTS Posters / Tri-Visions Transit Shelters CMA Population 410,697 Average Household Income $85,007 57% of population obtains postsecondary education Real GDP growth was 1.9% in 2013, on pace with the national average Permanents Superboards Major Ethnic Groups: English, Scottish, French, German 5 universities, 1 college Key Industry Sectors: Transportation, defense, finance, information and communications technology, life sciences and ocean technologies, manufacturing Financial centre of eastern Canada Halifax is the first inbound port from Asia and India via the Suez Canal All locations, complete with descriptions and visuals, can be viewed through OUTFRONT Media’s web mapping program at www.OUTFRONTmedia.ca/en/mediafi nder/ MEDIA KIT 2014 – HALIFAX CMA SOURCES: Manifold Data Mining, Superdemographics 2014; Metropolitan Outllok 2013, Conference Board of Canada; Connect Nova Scotia; The Halifax Index 2014 MAJOR POINTS OF INTEREST 2014 media kit MEDIA KIT 2014 Festivals & Events Convention Centres Alexander Keith’s International Natal Day Atlantic Film, Fringe &Jazz Festivals Catch NS Seafood Festival Dragon Boat Festival Halifax Highland Games & Scottish Festival Cunard Centre Halifax Convention Centre Halifax Metro Centre Halifax International Writer’s Festival Halifax Pop Explosion International Busker Festival Multicultural Festival Savour Food & Wine Colleges/Universities Atlantic School of Theology Dalhousie University Mount Saint Vincent University Nova Scotia Community College NSCAD University Saint Mary’s University University of King’s College Sports Halifax Mooseheads (Hockey) Nova Scotia Keltics (Rugby) Rainmen (Basketball) MEDIA KIT 2014 – HALIFAX CMA The Halifax Club World Trade & Convention Centre Shopping Barrington Place Bedford Place Mall Dartmouth Crossing Halifax Shopping Centre Maritime Centre Mic Mac Mall Park Lane Mall Penhorn Mall Scotia Square Spring Garden Place Sunnyside Mall The Village West End Mall Tourist Attractions Alexander Keith’s Brewery Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Casino Nova Scotia Discovery Science Centre Fisherman’s Cove Halifax Citadel Halifax Waterfront Khyber Institute of Contemporary Art Maritime Museum Museum of Natural History Nova Scotia Crystal Peggy’s Cove Pier 21 Privateers Wharf The Public Gardens HALIFAX MEDIA 2014 media kit MEDIA KIT 2014 Posters OUTFRONT Media Posters (10’ x 20’) deliver large billboard impact with strong market coverage, providing an ideal opportunity to be both strategic and impactful. Posters’ standard 10-sheet printing process can be leveraged to employ cost-effective customization within the production process – change just one segment of the design to target particular areas or customers. Tri-Visions Our Tri-Visions are the same size as a Horizontal Poster (10’ x 20’) and do not require special production. Locations tend to be in high demand areas, with high circulation. Each face is still for 3 seconds before turning to the next face. Faces can be used individually or booked as a loop to use strategically with 3 messages. Research conducted in Canada is consistent with results from studies in Europe and the US, showing that the movement of the Tri-Vision increases noticeability by approximately 28%. Street Furniture: Transit Shelters Street Furniture provides entry into residential areas sometimes not available to other Outdoor formats, delivering unparalleled reach and geo-demographic targeting opportunities. Ad faces are predominantly backlit, creating additional drama at night and lending themselves to special effects like opaquing, extensions and decaling. MEDIA KIT 2014 – HALIFAX CMA HALIFAX MEDIA 2014 media kit MEDIA KIT 2014 Superboards More than twice the size of a Poster, and located in high traffic locations or intersections, Superboards can be used to generate huge impact on their own or in conjunction with another Outdoor product. Printed on vinyl, Superboards deliver high production quality and are reusable, so creative can be moved from one board to another to increase reach and campaign duration, or can be stored and reused for subsequent flights. Permanents Permanents are the WOW factor in Out-of-Home. Locations are so high profile that they often exceed their function as an advertising platform and become branded landmarks! Size varies depending on location but is always large and prominent. Located in high traffic areas, they are coveted and often used for long term campaigns in which an advertiser wants to dominate a critical pathway within a city or major highway. MEDIA KIT 2014 – HALIFAX CMA HALIFAX MAP Halifax | Posters, Tri-Visions, Superboards, Permanents & Transit Shelters MEDIA KIT 2014 – HALIFAX CMA 2014 media kit MEDIA KIT 2014 HALIFAX CONTACT OUTFRONT Media Maritimes 90 Trider Crescent Dartmouth, NS B3B 1R6 Telephone: (902) 468-1513 www.OUTFRONTmedia.ca MEDIA KIT 2014 – HALIFAX CMA 2014 media kit MEDIA KIT 2014