International Marketing Project: Mexico


International Marketing Project: Mexico
International Marketing Project: Mexico
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Crater School of Business
May 17, 2012
Introduction ............................................................................................. 1
Issue .......................................................................................................... 2
Non-Profit ................................................................................................. 3
Geographical Area Analysis ..................................................................... 4
Economic Analysis Part I ....................................................................... 5-6
Economic Analysis Part II ....................................................................7-10
Political System .................................................................................10-11
Trade Laws and Legal Analysis ..........................................................11-12
Diet and Nutrition .............................................................................15-17
Housing and Communication ............................................................17-18
Transportation ...................................................................................18-20
Labor ..................................................................................................20-22
Education ...........................................................................................22-25
Clothing ................................................................................................... 25
Recreation and Leisure ........................................................................... 26
Language ............................................................................................27-28
Religion ................................................................................................... 29
Bibliography .......................................................................................30-31
Appendix ............................................................................................32-37
• Print Ad .................................................................................. 32
• Issue Brochure .................................................................. 33-34
• Etiquette Information ........................................................... 35
• Country Selection Letter .................................................. 36-37
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
I have developed a business plan that focuses on the Mexico and how it all fits in with the nonprofit, Pachanga for Youth. Little things like what the job market is, the jobs available, the
geography of Mexico, weather, the imports and exports and many other things all affect the
way the drug cartels run.
The starting point is addressing the main issue and concern of Pachanga for Youth. After this
has been set we delve into the partnerships and products of PFY. It is also good to know the
geography of Mexico and how that will affect PFY. The economy of Mexico is important to
know because it helps explain the work and ties in with the labor part. If jobs aren’t sufficient
and cartels make a lot of money kids will think they can help their families out of those
situations. Looking at how well the government is run and the laws of the country also helps to
see how well situations are handled and what is being done. The number of people in Mexico,
the food that they eat daily, what their housing situation is, and the level of education is also
important because it says a lot about the culture and their response to a lot of the violence and
crime. I also believe that the activities available play a role, if kids can’t find something to do
someone much older will come around and let them know that they can train them to do stuff
that isn’t kid friendly leaving them with a life in gang.
When looking at issues around the world many tend to focus on the ones that everyone knows
about they never focus on ones that are quietly destroying lives. Many people worry about the
drug cartels but never have they thought about where the real issue begins. I chose to begin a
non-profit in Mexico because I have personally been affected by the drug cartels and because I
have also seen what it does to the lives of the younger generations and their families living in
By starting this non-profit many people will be aware of the fact that the gang and drug
violence in Mexico is slowly becoming a world-wide issue. The drug industry is growing fast and
spreading and with Mexico being the main source of these drugs this issue needs to be
addressed. Many countries also need to realize that the issue doesn’t begin with the older folks
of the country but is not starting with kids that are becoming reckless because that is what they
are taught. You can’t build something without having a foundation set. Someone needs to set a
good foundation in these kids and show them the light.
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Many countries have government with stable police enforcement and most of the residents in
that country follow the laws that have been set. While in other countries it seems like the
government is being run by its own people and they have no control over what happens. This
just so happens to be the case for Mexico with a twist to it. It is not the people who are running
the government but the drug cartels of the country. The law enforcement has managed to
capture many of the top drug leaders such as Edgar “La Barbie” Valdez Villarreal but that hasn’t
been enough to stop them from causing havoc in Mexico. With more and more of the leaders
getting arrested they are turning to the younger children of the country because they won’t be
prosecuted the same way an adult would if they were to get caught. By opening a non-profit
organization in Mexico and focusing on this major issue I believe the drug cartels over time will
slowly begin to dissipate and the country will be a lot safer for the younger generations.
Drug Cartels are gangs that cultivate drugs then distribute them around the world. Not only is it
drugs but it is now including weapons. With law enforcement finding new tactics on how to
capture the drug lords, they focus on adding more and more people to their group. The issue
with this is that it is not adults that they prey on but on the younger children. They do this
because children do not face punishment like an adult would if they were to get caught
smuggling drugs or weapons to and from a country.
This affects the people in Mexico because they are afraid to leave their homes and go out and
enjoy time with their families. Along with this people are being thrown out of their houses and
left with no place to live. The streets are also covered in blood. Bodies are left to be found in
the mornings. Not only does it affect personal lives but it is now becoming nation-wide and
affecting businesses. Many people are traveling less and less to Mexico, and Mexico’s main
income is from tourism.
This issue should be addressed because it is the future of many people whether they know it or
not. This issue is not only in Mexico but is becoming a major issue for the United States. Deaths
are occurring on both sides of the borders and have become a global issue. By eliminating this
issue children have a secure future and crime rates will be lowered. The US will not have to
worry about drugs being smuggled into their country and weapons are not being smuggled into
With a more stable government and less crime rates the world can begin to become a peaceful
place to live. Drugs and drug cartels are ruining the future of many countries especially Mexico.
Helping kids by keeping them busy and showing them that they can turn their backs to the drug
cartels will eventually lower the sizes of the drug cartels drastically. It may not end their reason
for being around but it will sure put them in corner with little options left.
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
The Solution: Non-Profit
Non-Profit Name
I have chosen the name Pachanga for Youth as the name for the non-profit because we want to
celebrate that the youth are turning down a bad life and accepting a great life.
Empowering youth. Encouraging futures.
Mission Statement
Pachanga for Youth is a non-profit group focused on providing successful futures for the youth
of Mexico by providing safe environments for the children.
What We Do
Through Pachanga for Youth, we provide activities for the youth in Mexico to keep them
occupied. Mexico currently faces a major drug cartel issue which has begun to target the youth
in the country. They run around reckless and do what they please. With the help of Pachanga
we are able to keep the focused on school by helping with homework, we provide different
intramural sports for the kids so they can play and develop lifelong friendships and activities to
keep them busy. The youth feel safe and know they do not have to live a life like those in the
drug cartels.
Ways You Can Help
Donate Money
Donate money to help buy equipment for the intramural sports, school supplies, and to help
fund a field trip to local attractions.
Shoelaces against the Race
The kids will be given white shoe laces to die and be sold to help raise money for them to buy
supplies and equipment.
Volunteer your time
Volunteer to help a kid with their homework. You can also help by volunteering to host an
intramural game of some sort. Spend time with the kids or volunteer to be a chaperone during
field trips.
Mexican Government
They will help provide funding for Pachanga. They are also trying to stop the drug cartels and by
partnering together we are able to target the youth first before the cartels.
They currently sponsor the Mexican Olympic team and four soccer clubs in the Mexican First
Division. By partnering with Atletica we are able to have some equipment needed for playing
games and also they will be able to motivate the youth to continue doing well and someday
play for the teams they sponsor.
They are currently partnered with (RED) ™ to fight against HIV/AIDS using red shoelaces. With
partnering with them they can help donate to buy shoelaces for the kids to die and sell to help
end the gang violence.
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Geographical Analysis
With a warm climate and with many tourist attractions Mexico is a perfect place to start a nonprofit organization. Mexico is surrounded by many beautiful beaches and is big on culture. It
also has two huge mountain chains, the western and eastern Sierra Madre, which runs from
north to south. During winter time the sun is shining bright and there are many activities
available for people in the country. Mexico City was once the capital of the Aztec Empire.
Mexico is located just below the US and above South America. It is surrounded by two bodies of
water, the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Mexico mostly imports from the US and China.
Both sides of Mexico are in perfect location of the hurricane belts making them susceptible to
hurricanes from June to November.
There are two seasons for Mexico. Weather can be dry and sunny or rainy and cooler. The
sunny weather lasts for most of the year. With spring-like weather year round most days are
followed by cooler nights. From June till September the weather in Mexico changes from sunny
days to rainy days. There are usually short but heavy showers during this time. February and
July are generally the driest months of the year. Areas near the coast receive large amounts of
rain during September.
Mexico is mainly made up of large deserts. It contains over one hundred rivers in which most
empty into the Pacific Ocean. With some mountain ranges in the area, truck drivers may have
issues delivering products to locations.
With beautiful tourist locations on both sides of México to bring in help for our organization,
warm, sunny filled days for most of the year and beautiful deserts surrounding everything
makes for a good location. With little issues geographically I believe we will have much success
with this organization and with helping the younger generations in the country.
Geographical Benefits
Mexico is a prime tourist
Weather is usually warm
Mexico City- Second largest
city in world
Taken from Google Images
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Economic Analysis I
Mexico is classified as a Capitalism economic system
The economy is also a free market economy with a mix of modern and outmoded industries.
Economic Statistics and Activity
Mexico’s main source of income comes from its major industries. They are trying to develop
ways to incorporate renewable energy resources.
Solar Energy (Renewable): Warm weather year round they get a lot of solar energy from the
sun and use it to help run their machinery.
5 companies in industry
Food & Beverages
Produces, distributes, and markets
different food and beverages with
Coca-Cola being a major one.
Mexico spent 18.88% on tobacco
• Cigarros la Tabacalera Mexicana
• Seneca
•Romeo y Julieta
• Ciroomex
GNP and/or GDP Official Exchange Rate
There are 12.7018 Mexican pesos per US dollar.
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Total GDP (PPP)
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
GDP Real Growth Rate
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Gross National Income per Capita
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Economic Analysis II
The following Trade Statistics involve the economy of Mexico and its imports and exports.
Major Exports
Manufactured goods
Oil and oil products
Description of Exports
Mexico’s major manufactured goods are cars and electronics. Mexico is the sixth largest oil
producer in the world with 12.4 billion barrels in 2007. Its largest oil reserve is Chicontepec
Dollar Value of Exports
The dollar value of exports is currently is at $336.3 billion.
Export Partners
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Major Imports
Metalworking machines
Steel mill products
Agricultural machinery
Electrical equipment
Car parts for assembly
Repair parts for motor vehicles
Aircraft and aircraft parts
Description of Imports
Mexico mainly imports power-driven metalworking machines. Mexico is the second largest
steel producer in Latin America. Mexico houses over 41 service centers.
Dollar Value of Imports
The dollar value of imports currently is at $341.9 billion.
Import Partners
South Korea
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Problems of Scarcity
Mexico’s major problem of scarcity is water. The government has released a campaign titled
“February 2010: The City May Run Out of Water”. The problem is so serious that some cities
may be left with no water. With an increasing population and high demands for water, Mexico
is at high risk for being left without water.
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Balance of Payments
In 2001, Mexico was reported to have $154.8 million in exports and $168.4 million in imports
resulting in a deficit.
Trade Balance
Mexico has a small trade deficit. They import more than they export which can in some ways be
bad because they do not make any profit when they try to sell and export to other countries.
Mexico is not one of the wealthiest countries being that they focus much money on their law
enforcement to help stop the gang issues.
Exchange Rates
In Mexico, the current value of the peso is much lower than the US dollar. It is almost profitable
when tourist come because Mexico has more money in US dollars than in pesos, making
exchanging easier when they have more of that countries money.
Name of Currency
The currency in Mexico is the Peso.
Current Rate of Exchange
One Mexican peso is 12.39 US dollars.
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Inflation Rate
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Unemployment Rate
Political System
The governmental structure is based off the constitution that was adopted in 1917. There is no
separation of powers within the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the government.
The legislature has begun to prove that it has more power than the executive branch, which
houses the president.
Government Type/Political Structure
Mexico’s government type is a federal republic that is based on a congressional system. A
congressional system means that the president is both head of state and head of government.
Branches of Government
Branches of the government are similar to those of the United States. They are the judicial,
executive, and legislative. The Judicial branch is the Supreme Court of Justice and the justices
are appointed by the president as long as they have consent from the senate. The executive
branch houses the chief of state, head of government, and the cabinet.
Political Parties
Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI
Partido Acción Nacional, PAN
Partido de la Revolución Democrática, PRD
Partido del Trabajo, PT
Partido Verde Ecologista de México, PVEM
Convergencia, CV
Nueva Alianza, PNA or PANAL
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
President- Felipe Calderon
Foreign Minister- Patricia Cantellano
Stability of Government
A new president is voted for every six years. Presidents are elected by most votes, how popular
they are. The person running must be a natural born Mexican citizen and must have lived in the
country for at least twenty years.
Legal System
The legal system is a civil law system with some influences from the US constitutional law
Suffrage in Mexico is at eighteen years of age.
Mexico’s flag contains three vertical bands of Green, White, and Red. On the white band in the
middle it has an eagle that is on a cactus with a snake in its mouth, which is also Mexico’s coat
of arms. The green stands for hope, joy and love. The White stands for peace and honesty. The
red stands for hardness, strength, bravery, and valor.
Trade Laws and Legal Analysis
Mexico has tariffs with over forty countries. The biggest being NAFTA with Canada and the
United States. Mexico follows strict guidelines for labeling different products. Many fruits and
vegetables along with other things are prohibited from entering the country.
Mexico currently holds thirteen trade agreements with forty-four countries including Canada
and the United States.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Trade Laws
Trade Agreements
Mexico’s biggest Trade Agreement is with Canada and North America. The North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) removes any barriers for trading between Canada, Mexico and North
America. This agreement was signed in December of 1992 and is still in effect. The most recent
trade agreement has been with Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
and Nicaragua).
Labeling and Marketing Requirements
When labeling products they must include the name of the product, if it contains ingredients
list the ingredients and nutritional information, the country from which that product originated
from, an expiration date, the name of the manufacturer or importer, and a lot number. When
listing the name of the product, the name of the manufacturer or importer, the country of
origin of that product, warnings, instructions, or any guarantees they must all be in Spanish.
Prohibited and Restricted Imports
Mexico’s prohibited imports include Meat, Vegetables, Plants, Fruit, Flowers, Guns, and Knives.
Mexican law requires a notarized written permission letter from any parent or guardian that is
not traveling with their child. The letter is required when the person is under age 18 and is a
non-Mexican citizen. This letter must include the name of the child traveling, the name of the
parent they are traveling with and the signature of the parent that is not traveling with the
child. The State Department suggests that the permission also include the dates of travel, the
destinations of the trip, any airlines that will be flown, and the reason behind the travel. The
child is responsible for carrying the original letter and proof that the person notarizing the
letter is a parent/guardian. Usually this proof is a birth certificate or court document and if
applicable, an original custody decree.
When considering the three major statistics to help open up our organization I believe it is
important that we focus on the birthrates, age structures, and the most populated cities. In
México, many families are fairly big so taking into consideration the number of birthrates will
help us to be able to protect them from any harm in their future. Most gangs in Mexico consist
of older men and younger boys, the ability to focus on the age groups and how much of the
population are in that age group can help predict who they will target. The most populated
cities tend to have more gang territory within them. Looking into these cities can be a major
factor into deciding the future location of Pachanga for Youth.
Total Population
The total Population for Mexico is 114,975,406 people.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Growth Rates
Mexico’s growth rates are much higher than in Japan because they are not limited but in the
Philippines they are very poverty stricken
Birth Rates
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Birth Rates (per 1,000 persons)
The birthrates are higher than in Japan because teen pregnancy is common in many Mexican
families. The birthrates are much lower than in the Philippines because of poverty. The more
poverty in a country the less protection people use and birthrates will begin to become higher.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Life Expectancy Rates
Life Expectancy Rates (years)
Life Expectancy Rates
The life expectancy rates in México are a lot higher that in the Philippines because Mexico is
coming out of high poverty levels and is becoming a well-developed country. They are lower
than in Japan because they are so advanced technologically and in many other ways and
Mexico is still having to deal with other issues and has not reached the same advancement as
Distribution of Population
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Age Structures
16,395,974 15,714,182
0-14 years
15-64 years
65 years and over
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
The significance of this data helps determine the ratio of adults to children and also helps
determine how much of the more adult are in gang and how many children are becoming
targets to this issue.
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Most Populated Cities
Most Populated Cities
Mexico City
Mexico City is the most populated city in Mexico, it is also the capital. It is located in the center
of Mexico in a large valley high in the plateaus. Mexico is a very busy city. One of its major
landmarks is the Angel of Independence. The Historic center of Mexico City is declared a World
Heritage Site by UNESCO. Guadalajara is the Capital of the state of Jalisco. It is located in the
western-pacific area. Guadalajara has many activities to do; the most popular would be visiting
Tequila and its vast fields full of agave, which is a plant that is distilled to make tequila.
Monterrey is located in the northern parts of México and is capital of Nuevo Leon.
Diet and Nutrition
Typical Meals
Corn is a common food found in every Mexican meal. Corn is used for making tortillas. Chicken
and Pork are the most consumed. Tomatoes, tomatillos, avocado, mango, and nopales are the
most common fruits and vegetables. Coca-Cola is the most consumed beverage. Most meals
are served when everyone is home and they are able to sit together and eat. Beans and rice are
served with most dishes.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Taken from
Meat Consumption per Capita
Mexico has a high meat consumption per capita compared to China, Peru, and Latvia. Mexico
has many farms and meat is very common in meals while in the other countries they might not
have the space to raise livestock.
Obesity Rate
Taken from
United States
Mexico has a much lower obesity rate than in the US but higher than in Spain and Australia.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Taken from
Calorie Supply per Capita
High Income
Middle Income
Low Income
For an average adult female 2,000 calories is recommended and for an average male it is
recommended about 2,500 calories. Mexico’s average calorie intake is 3,192 which is almost
900 calories over the recommended intake.
Housing and Communication
With Mexico beginning to modernize more and more I believe this will have much effect on the
organization because gangs are modernizing along with the country especially with military.
This could potentially effect the decisions of this organization because we would have to try
and stay a step ahead of everyone in ensuring that the youth of this country continue with an
education to help to advance with the country.
Typical Housing Structures
When you live in the city most often people do not live in house but in apartments. If one is
living in a town that is not of riches most houses are made of adobe and not anything fancy.
Adobe is made up of sand, water, and clay and most often some kind of organic material. Then
there are those who live in ranches in nicer houses.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Housing Statistics
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
United States
Telmex is the dominant phone company in Mexico. Every 80 out of 100 persons are now using
cellphones. About 20 out of 100 people continue to use landlines. There are over thirty-two
million internet users in México and over fifteen million internet hosts. There are over 1,400
radio stations throughout the country and many television stations available.
165 out of 1000 people own cars. Most
often Mexican drivers are rowdy on the
road. The larger cities in Mexico offer bus
services including public bus
transportation and metro buses at a
cheap rate. You can also catch a cab or
taxi anywhere in the country. Most
people use the bus services and taxi’s to
get around because they can’t afford a
car and it is a much easier way to get
from one place to the other.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Transport Analysis
Roadways Paved and Unpaved
In México, there are more unpaved roadways then there are paved roadways. This is because
there are many villages throughout México and most of them cannot afford to have the roads
paved. The roads that are paved are major roads that run through cities and
Water and Railways
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Mexico is currently facing a water deficit issue and so waterways are beginning to disappear
and railways are beginning to appear more or be put in use more.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Ships and Airports
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Airports are much more common in Mexico than ships. Much of the exporting done is with the
US and Canada and other Latin American countries where using ships to deliver is not needed.
Products can be delivered with vehicles or with planes.
Job Market and Availability
Many business hire people through agencies or contractors, so going through an agency
increases chances of obtaining a job. One must know how to speak fluent Spanish. Many
businesses in Mexico look for someone who is bilingual in English. Knowing other languages is a
big plus.
In 1931 Mexico’s first labor law was declared. It sets the minimum age to work at fifteen years
of age but they are restricted from working certain jobs and they have shorter working hours
than adults and have special legal protection. Even with this law in place many small shops do
not often follow this law strictly, whereas large manufacturing enterprises follow the law
strictly. Minimum wage in Mexico is 60-80% lower than in the United States.
There must be a lot of respect within employers and employees. Employees in the private
sectors receive benefits from the Mexican State through Mexican Social Security Institute
(IMSS) and for employees in the public sector receive benefits from the Institute for Social
Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE). Employers have to pay 2% of a worker’s salary
to their retirement fund.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
The workforce in Mexico, based on sex, is about equal. Men mostly work in the agricultural field
while most women work in the service. When working in the industrial sect there are equal
amount of women and men.
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
(Based on Sex)
The major types of industries that create jobs in Mexico are the service, industrial,
manufacturing, and agricultural. The service industry houses employees in all fields including
transportation, trade, tourism, education, banks, and all kinds of public offices. The agricultural
industry houses many employees in farming. Major crops that are grown are corn and potatoes.
Many small farmers and peasants are under a program called Ejido, which redistributes lands to
them. The industrial industry creates jobs in aircraft and automobile, food and beverages,
mining and other areas. The automobile industry is a major small industry and jobs for this
include working for Ford, Chrysler, Volkswagen, Nissan, Honda, General Motors, BMW, Toyota,
and Mercedes-Benz. Mexico is also the fifth largest oil producer. The manufacturing industry
creates jobs in metal working, food, tobacco, machinery and equipment.
The services sector is the major sector in the economy. It includes personal, hospitality, and
professional services. The second most important sector is the manufacturing sector. Much of
the success in the manufacturing sector is with the maquiladora plants in Mexico. The
agriculture sector is the third important sector. Because of industrialization in the Mexican
economy the agriculture sector decreases in importance but stills continues to account for a
significant portion of the Mexican labor force. Mining, accounting, and employing make up for a
small portion of the economic output for México.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Legally a typical workweek can consist of up to forty-eight hours and a typical workday is eight
hours maximum. Industrial workers typical workweek is the full forty-eight hours and office
workers workweek is forty to forty-four hours. Employers are required to pay double overtime
for any overtime for up to three hours each day. Every employee has a right to have one free
day per week.
Most office workers are dressed in professional business attire. It also depends on the type of
business one works for. When working with food one has to wear hair nets, aprons. If working
in a machinery type of business one wears protective gear to prevent injuries. If working out in
the field, long pants, hats, work boots.
Many employees begin work at around eight a.m. and work until one p.m. for a lunch break.
After their lunch break they begin to work at four p.m. and continue working till about six or
seven p.m.
Employees also have the right to five paid holidays every year. On Año Nuevo, Día de la
Constitución, Natalicio de Benito Juárez, Día del Trabajo, Día de La Independencia, Día de la
Revolución, Transmisión del Poder Ejecutivo Federal, and Christmas are the holidays which are
statutory, meaning employees are entitled to a paid day off.
Shaking hands is usual in a typical business environment. If someone is introduced to you as
‘Ingeniero’, ‘Licenciado’ or ‘Doctor’ or anything of that sort do not refer to them as ‘Señor’,
refer to them as how they were introduced to you. Business cards should be exchanged during
first meetings and one side should always be in Spanish.
The government supports education and takes any steps needed to encourage kids to get an
education. In Mexico, how well of an education you receive depends on the social standing of
one’s family. If the family is wealthy, the child will be enrolled in a private school with sufficient
funding for supplies. Poorer families enroll children in schools with less money to spend on
education. Most students begin at the age of six in a primary school. Most students attend
school for ten years.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Enrollment Levels
Taken from
Enrollment Ratio
Secondary (High School)
United State
Fewer students are enrolled in high school because they choose to go work either in their own
country or they try and go to the United States and work there. This is because one makes more
money working in the United States than in Mexico and they are able to send more money to
their family helping them out.
Taken from
Educational Attainment
Tertiary (Post High School)
United States
Students in the US have the opportunity to apply for scholarships and earn money to pay for college.
While in Mexico this option is not available to everybody and so less students continue their education
by attending college or a university.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Taken from
Literacy Rates
99% 99% 99%
99% 99% 99%
United States
Literacy rates in Mexico are much lower than in the other countries because many of the
people who began to attend school stop to begin working and providing for families.
Taken from
School life Expectancy Rates
14 14 14
16 16 16
United States
Mexico has a good education system like that of Germany and the United States. In Mexico,
one is expected to begin working after they have completed the required years, even if you
have not graduated so you are able to contribute money to the family’s income. Many do this
but few continue education after completion of the twelve years.
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Compared to the United States, Mexico’s level of education is much less. Mexico does not
provide all the necessities one needs to continue to study like someone in the United States
would receive. Poorer families do not get the same education as one would get if they were to
enroll in the private schools. The government does not provide much money to the public
sectors of education and so what the schools can afford is what they teach.
Men should wear dark suits with a tie. Women should be dressed in a skirt
and blouse or a dress. Skirts and dresses should be worn at an appropriate
length. Most wardrobes consist of basic colors: gray, ivory, navy or white.
Jeans are not appropriate and any tight and low cut shirts are considered
inappropriate. It is respectful not to make eye contact with the people you
are meeting with and should not be taking into offense. It is impolite to
keep hands in your pockets and standing with hands on hips will be taken as
This outfit is Native to the state Veracruz. It is called a Jarocha. As the
years have passed this dress has been modified from the fabric to make it
lighter in different climates. The fabric it is now made of is to help make it
easier to dance zapateadas. The Shawl, ruffles, lace, silk ribbon hair tie
and any other accessories were slowly added to the dress. Along with the
silk ribbon is a flower, naturally they would put a rose but it also depends
on the girls marital status. If the flower is worn on the right it signifies that
she is married, and if it is on the left then she is single. The guys were an
all-white outfit with a red bandana around their necks and tied in the
front. They also have a sombrero. Tlacotalpan is the number one producer
of this outfit. It has also been recognized nationally as one of the most
beautiful outfits in Veracruz.
When people wear traditional Mexican clothing it is for a show of
some sort or if they are indigenous. Most of the population wears
jeans and a t-shirt when going out and about.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Recreation and Leisure
When you hear Mexico, you think beaches and tourism. There are many different ways to enjoy
México, whether it is for adventure, entertainment, culture or just the beaches. You could go
hiking, camping, fishing, kayaking or find a nice volcano to explore. You can also take a dive into
the culture and watch bullfights, shop in the mercados, and see the different dances.
The old west movies. Cowboys and gunslingers. New Mexico and
Texas. And then finally, Mexico. Villas del Oeste Durango México,
knows as “un pueblo de películas” or a town of movies. This old
western town located in Northern Mexico’s Durango has been
known to be a backdrop to many movies. John Wayne and Jorge
Russek have filmed in Villas along with other famous old western
actors. Visitors take a trip back to the 1860’s with live shows or
reenactments on weekends and during vacations.
Cancun is popular for its beaches and cultural wealth and year round warm weather. Filled with
many resorts and fun activities, one can never be bored. From sunrise
to sundown there are plenty of things to see and do such as visiting
the beaches, taking a stroll down Kukulcán Boulevard, or even taking
a few hours to shop. When the sun goes down for its nap, the streets
are still alive with places to go have some fun and enjoy some family
time. The night scene is alive with theaters and cinemas, restaurants
and night clubs open to the public.
Where does one go when they want tequila, mariachis, and some
charrería in their lives? They visit Guadalajara. Charrerías are done
every weekend, and are the thing to be watching when visiting
Jalisco. There are also tours available to see the tequila plants and
the haciendas. Walking down the street people have the
opportunity to hear the mariachis sing at local restaurants.
With endless possibilities in the country of Mexico, tourism is on a high. Beautiful scenery,
diverse culture among people, and the warm weather there is much to do and see. It is also a
perfect country for a non-profit organization because along with the beauty of the country
there is also a little darkness that can easily be turned. Take a trip in the old west, catch a wave
with the family, or watch the men of the town bull ride Mexico’s recreation and leisure list is
fun one.
Entry/Exit Requirements for Mexico
• All U.S. Citizens are required to present a valid passport or passport card to travel
beyond “border zone”
• Tourist who plan on staying in the country longer than 72 hours need to obtain a
Mexican Tourist Permit (FMT)
• Non-Mexican minors not traveling with both parents need a notarized written
permission letter allowing travel with the person they are with
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Entering into Mexico you will find that Spanish is the primary and official language of Mexico.
Over ninety percent of the population speaks Spanish. There are also many indigenous
languages that are spoken throughout the country as well as in other countries such as the
United States and Canada. Taking Business into Mexico means looking for people who speak
Spanish fluently and will be willing to translate. Being a visitor in Mexico means being able to
understand the language and the culture.
National or Official Language
The national language of Mexico is Spanish.
Dialects or Minor Languages
• Mayan – Mayan is mostly spoken by over six million indigenous Maya. Guatemala recognized
twenty-one Mayan languages by name and Mexico recognizes eight more. Mayan languages
are thought to descend from a Mayan language that had been spoken at least 5,000 years ago.
Mayan languages are primarily spoken by countries in Central America. These countries include
Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and Mexico. Small refugee and emigrant populations exist in the
United States and Canada that speak this language.
• Náhuatl – Náhuatl has been spoken since the 7th century by the Aztecs. There are an estimated
1.5 million Nahua people, most of which live in Central Mexico. Náhuatl is spoken in Puebla,
Veracruz, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Morelos, Tlaxcala, Oaxaca, Michoacán, Durango and with
immigrants speaking this language in the United States and Canada. There are four dialects to
the Náhuatl language: Western Peripheral, Eastern Peripheral, Huastecan, and Central Náhuatl
Languages Spoken
Spanish Only
Spanish and Indigenous
Indigenous Only
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
World Languages
Top Ten Languages (primary and secondary)
Taken from
Top Languages
World's Ten Most Influential Languages
Taken from
Ten Most Influential Languages
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Mexico’s biggest religion makes up for over half of the population, this religion is Roman
Catholic. There are also other religions such as protestant and Jehovah’s Witness with very few
people practicing these religions. A small portion of the population does not practice any of
those religions are they don’t practice any at all.
Types of Religions
Mexico is the largest Roman Catholic country in the world. Mexico is divided into 90 dioceses,
or districts.
Religions of Mexico
Roman Catholic
Jehovah's Witness
Taken from CIA world factbook: Mexico
Effects of Religion
The government does not provide financial assistance of any sort to the churches. Church also
is not in public education. There are holidays in which public and private schools send students
on vacation, these holidays are Christmas and Easter. Where government and the Catholic
don’t reach Protestantism is strong. Much of Mexico’s population is Catholic but some also
unite their catholic practices with the practices of other native traditional religions.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
"Climate in Mexico." Lake Chapala Mexico. Web. 04 May 2012.
"Climate of Mexico." Home. Web. 04 May 2012.
"Countries and Their Cultures." Culture of Mexico. Web. 15 Mar. 2012.
"Economy Watch - Follow The Money." Mexico Export, Import & Trade. Web. 04 May 2012.
"Education in Mexico." Tulane University. Web. 24 Apr. 2012.
"Encyclopedia of the Nations." Mexico Economic Sectors, Information about Economic Sectors in
Mexico. Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
"Labeling Requirements in Canada and Mexico." Law Library. Web. 30 Mar. 2012.
"Mexico - Atlapedia® Online." Mexico. Web. 04 May 2012.
"Mexico." - Bumblehood. Web. 04 May 2012.
"Mexico." Hiking in Mexico. Web. 3 May 2012. <>.
"Mexico: Job Market." Mexico: Job Market. Web. 28 Mar. 2012.
"Mexico Law Labor." Mexico Law and Mexico Attorney. Web. 14 Mar. 2012.
- 30 -
Cassandra Garcia-Copado
"North & Central America and Caribbean." Country Profile: Mexico. Web. 25 Apr. 2012.
"North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) —." North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA) —. Web. 28 Apr. 2012. <>.
"Noticia Principal." Web. 04 May 2012. <>.
"Partido Revolucionario Institucional." Web. 04 May 2012.
"Passport and Visa Services." Mexican Customs: Regulations, Export-Import Procedures of
Mexico Customs. Web. 1 May 2012. <>.
"Resultados Encuesta Regional Fronteriza." PAN: Partido Accion Nacional. Web. 04 Apr. 2012.
"SICE: Countries: Mexico: Trade Agreements." SICE the OAS Foreign Trade Information System.
Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <>.
"Topography and Drainage." Country Studies. Web. 04 May 2012.
"Tours." Guadalajara. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.
Use", "astounding And Easy to. "World Statistics, Country Comparisons." NationMaster. Web. 27 Mar. 2012.
"What Are the Major Industries in Mexico?" WikiAnswers. Answers. Web. 04 May 2012.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Print Ad
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Issue Brochure: Front
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Issue Brochure: Inside
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Etiquette Information
Whether you are managing business situations or visiting someone in their home there are
rules that need to be followed so you don’t come across as disrespectful and rude. Below are
seven of the more important etiquette rules to follow.
1. Do not use first names refer to people as they were introduced such as “senor/a”,
“ingeniero”, “doctor/a”, “professor/a”.
2. Avoid saying “no” when negotiating; use “maybe” or “We’ll see”
3. Mexican men often greet each other with a handshake and a hug.
4. Avoid talking about illegal aliens, drug war, poverty, religion, Mexican politics and comparing
Mexico to the United States.
5. Eating with utensils is often considered snobbish, most foods are eaten with fingers, if you
don’t know what to do follow what others are doing.
6. Men are allowed to talk with each other using vulgar language, women must avoid doing
7. When tourists using common Spanish phrases or bad language to blend in is disrespectful.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Country Selection Letter
Cassandra García-Copado
BIS Inc.
655 N. Third
Central Point, OR 97502
Phone (541) 494-6300
International Market Research Specialist
February 13, 2012
Dr. Johnny Allen Hendrix
Human Resources Director
BIS Inc.
845 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Dear Dr. Hendrix:
With many countries facing difficulties, people have reached out and begun non-profit organizations.
Many target the same issue: poverty and homelessness. But not all countries face these issues;
many have greater problems to worry about. Mexico, Guatemala and Venezuela would be my main
focus because they face greater issues.
With many trips to Mexico in the past and many to come in the future, I have seen and experienced
a lot of what many citizens of this country do. With much knowledge on this country, I believe this will
be an acceptable choice for me to research. I have over half of my family living in Mexico and
constantly talk with them to find out how things are in Mexico. My family and I visit every few years.
This past August we went for a family wedding and will go again this summer.
My main concern is with the drug cartels and who they target. As they begin to become stronger and
unstoppable, they aim towards the younger kids. I would like to provide different options for them
than running side by side with the cartels. I plan on starting an organization in which people donate
to provide soccer balls, basketballs, board games, coloring books and different activities to keep kids
away from the violence, murder, and poverty around them. I hope to open up several facilities
around Mexico where kids can spend their free time. They could do homework, play soccer, or
anything else they would like.
In newspapers you find many articles about violence in Mexico, but it is spreading to countries
nearby. Guatemala is facing these same issues and it is leading to many more. It is a country that
has a culture almost the same as what I’ve grown up with and with similar issues. More and more
people are becoming homeless and live in a place of poverty. Guatemala also experiences high
crime rates and violence. I would focus mainly on the number of homeless people. I would provide a
place for them to stay overnight and food to eat during the day.
With this in mind, Venezuela has different issues to face. In this country, human trafficking is an
issue I could target. BIS Inc. can provide a sanctuary away from the traffickers and help the victims
regain their life. I hope to travel there and many countries while in college. I also have a friend who
lives in Caracas. He was a foreign exchange student my freshman year and we have a good
friendship. I also researched and presented this country for my Spanish class.
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Cassandra Garcia-Copado
Thank you for taking into consideration the countries I have chosen for the International Marketing
Project. I look forward to hearing which you have chosen and continuing to work alongside you.
Cassandra García-Copado
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