MCGS Newsletter Volumes 7-8-9
MCGS Newsletter Volumes 7-8-9
Volume 7 July 1995 Number 1 Acquisitions Saving Cemeteries Over the years. the benC'\'olence of our members and friends has greatly contributed to the value of the historic;ll and genealogical collection at the Demopolis Public Library Ed Trippe of Marietta has been exccedingly generous, most recently having donated four bound volumes of the Cobb County. Georgia genealogical quaner!y. One of the latest contributions of Ginger Stallings of Dallas is a copy of the records of Zion' s Rest Primitive Baptist Church in southern Marengo County. Local member Nellie Ulmer has supplied a copy of Gaineswood and the Several of our officers and other members attended the April meeting on historic cemetery preservation presented by the Alabama Histoncal Commission in Montgomery. Copies of the material obtained concerning care and preser\"atio"l methods were later distributed to the cemetery board and to non-members charged WiUl or interested in the caretaking of historic cemeteries. Our quest to make a record of all area cemeteries continues. Recent surveys have been made of the Putnam Cemetery in Putnam. the old Choctaw Comer cemetery. Wesley' s Chapel Cemetery, ~t. Andrew's Church Cemetery at Pr:llrieyille. and the Coumy Line Cemetery on the Wilcox County line. We !.hank Geil!' L. and Dianne Fendley of Thomasville and Minnie Gray Lindsey of Jefferson for their help in this project. H"hifjields 0/ Demooolis. The lroraJ')' has recei\'ed an enormous and invaluable genealogical collection pertaining to southern Marengo County. a bequest of Luther Bragg of M~n1ewood. The matcrial rr.presems many years of his careful resem-ch. painstakingly organized. The Hbrary staff is currently cataloging this collection. the usc of which will be subject to strict regulations. The three-volume set of the DAR Patriot Index. Centennial edition. now in the library was given by the local chapter of DAR. Needy Records Some of the old record books in the vault of Marengo County's probate court are in a deplorable condition. We have begun an effon to have these volumes rebound. Share the Wealth Do you have letters written by a Marengo County pioneer? Or a Reconstruction-era account book? Or a tum~f-the-<:entury diary. These may hold the clue that solves a long standing mystery for other genealogists. a clue that cannot be found in any public record. If you privately hold any records of genealogical or historical value. please consider sharing a copy of them with us. either for deposit in our secured ftles in the Demopolis Public Library and/oT for publication in our newsletter. How to Mf:,~t Cousins Have you written a lustory of your family? If so, our "founding father" Marks Abernathy suggests putting a copy in the Library of Congress, He continues to receive correspondence from genealogists interested in the Abernathy line following the deposit of his book in the library severnl years ago. New Whitfield Book On... Jay afternoon, June 12, 1994, UDder the shade of beautiful oak trees. the cemetery marlcer was dedicated i~ the memory of James A R. and his wife Mary and other family members. Bill Quinney presided at the ceremony following the annual family reunion at Scou Park. The names for the Quinney marker. with the dates of birth and death include: James A. R. Quinney 22 Apr 1804 17 Feb 1874 Mary O'Neal Quinney 3 May 1810 5 JUD 1863 Aretus Quinney 12 Aug 1832 29 Oct 18J~ William Quinney 5 Dec 1830 2 Nov 1834 Mary Quinney 13 Jun 1829 9 Jun 1835 Request for Queries Alice Ellen Quinney We would be pleased to publish your query in our newslener. Back issues remain on file in the Demopolis Public Library for use by visiting researchers. A query placed now may reap benefits for years to come. Caroline Quinney 7 Nov 1842 25 Jul 18~3 I J Apr 1844 The newly-published Gaineswood and the Whitfields of Demopolis. with a reprint of Jesse George Whidield's 1938 «Gaineswood and Other Memories." is now available for a small COSl at Gaineswood. The book conlains many iUustrations. including numerous photographs of Gaineswood and the Whitfield family. Quinney Cemetery Marker In October 1993. a large cemetery marker was erected in the Quinney Cemetery on the old Quinney place near Pro\idence. James A R. Quinney and his wife Mary O'Neal Quinney were owners of a large acreage of land and were early settlers in this area. The cemetery had been abandoned. and was located some years ago by finding ODe stone. that of Mary Frances Quinney Shaw. which was still standing. There are believed to ha\"e been other markers. Bill Quinney, now living in Eufaula. Alabama. was able to locate an old family Bible in lhe possession of a cousin in Atlanta. Here he found the names of children and connections of James A. R. Quinney who were buried in the family cemetery_ 5 May 1844 Julia F. Quinney 16 Aug 1853 27 Aug 1868 MaI!' Frances Shaw 17 Nov 1850 21 Jan 1869 PrisciUa A. R. Quinney Madison 19 May 1836 14 Jan 1874 John Daniel Wilburn 1812-14 12 Dec 1886 Julia V. Quinney Walston April 1883 unknown John E. Quinney 1800 2 Mar 1839 William R. Quinney 1802 11 Dec 1834 -Lucretia Norris Dues Annual membership dues are $)0, due in July of each year. Marengo County Genealogical Society Demopolis Public Library 211 East Washington Street Demopolis. Alabama 36732 Accounts Due the Hudson Estate, 1880 lncluded in an account of the Richard H Hudson ~te by administrators W J. Thornton and 1. J. Hudson are amounts collected I Jan 1880 on the uncompromised accounts of the following. Abner Anderson t-.1rs. Katharine Barr Jolm Bates 1. C. Beck Connor Bowler Jolm A. Bragg D. A. Braswell 1. B. Cabaniss Frank G. Carleton . Morgan Carleton R. E. Carleron B. J. Coalc C. F. Compton C. 1. Compton S. W. Corley Joseph Davis R. P. Di.xon T. M. Dixon C. H. DO\mey D. H. Drinkard S. D. Drinkard Mrs. A. J. Etheredge & son 8. L. Elheredge Ei; _ heredge George Etheredge ~ on Etheredge 1. E. Garrard . 'ick Hackworth Reat Hamilton Berr~.. Harper James Hastv R. L. Hasty Robert Hasty W H. Hasty E. C. Haukins Moses Hill Hoboken Church HOboken Lodge Cal"in Hudson Durg Hudson Gilbert Hudson Richd. D. Hudson T. 1. Hudson Thomas 1. Hudson C. 1. Hutto Reuben James T. C. Jolmson Thomas Johnson Hey Jones P. E. Kirven R. B. Kin'en 1. B. Knight Providence Leach W. J. Lewis Gray Little Jesse Lin.Je MWllue Little 1. B. Loften Jas. W. Luker Jas. W. Mayton Jolm Ma~1on Roben \-fayton W H. Ma~10n [Ycy H. McClure R. B. McElhaney C. 1. Miles Henry Moore Abram Nettles John Newgen W A. Nichols D C. Norris Geo Norwood N. L. Painter Robert Painter Geo. T. Panen Manley Pancn Randle Pruit W. R. Quinney Rentz & Nichols Gee. W. Rentz 1. Geo. Rentz Mni. Jacob Rentz E. W. Roberds Mni. M. G. Roberds 1. J. RobertSOn Isaac Seabrook A. C. Stevens W A. Stewart W.1. Thornton J. L. Tucker 1. M Tucker J. B. Whearley W. H. White 1. P. Williamson S 0 Wood -Afarengo County Aflscellaneous Probate Record 9, pages //5-1 McGrew's Ferry Bvan 1838 deed acknowledged 11 Oct J838. John C. McGrew of Sumter County and his wife Cebelle conveyed lands lying on the east bank of the Tombigbee Riverto James N. Han of Marengo County. These lands e~1end easTward and southward from the site of the now-demolished Rooster Bridge on the old Highway 80 route. McGrew reserved to himself the exclusive privilege of a ferry (and all the profits arising therefrom) which was at that time established at or very near the Rooster Bridge site. However. he obligated himself. his heirs. and his assigns to "cross the said James N. Hart. his heirs. [and his] assigns. and free offerriage so long as the said Han and his heirs may own Lhe aforesaid described land:' McGrew also gave Han "the privi leges of a temporary retreat in case of high water on the west Bank of the river opposite said [ferry sitel in Sumter County. Alabama. and remain during the period of high water or so long as the land on which the said Han resides on the East Bank of the river may be inundated." -.\..farengo County Deed Book G. page 58 3 Apprenticeship Records For various reasons. a number of Marengo County children were apprenticed in the latter part of the 18605. usually to their former owners. A bond intending to ensure the welfare of the child while he or she was being taught a particular trade or business was required in each instance. Orphaned children p. 21 Jemima age 12 to Hilliard J. Askew cooking 16 Jun 1866 p. 27 Sarah Ann. age II to Mrs. H. H. Stewart unspecified 23 Joo 1866 p. 28 Justina age 12 to Mrs. W. B Coleman unspecified 23 Joo 1866 p.29 Sarah Ann, age 14 to Mrs. W. B. Coleman unspecified 23 Ioo 1866 p.30 Tom. age 10 to unspecified 23 Joo 1866 p. 26 Adaline. age 6 to Mrs. Alice G. Dugger house servant 5 JuI 1866 [Mrs.1 W. B. Coleman .Maline is rhe daughter ofRose, lare~\J deceased on .\Jr. Strudwick's plantation, former~v the properry ofH Dugger's estate: she is to be taughl the business ofa domestic sen'ant-serving and housework. p. 25 Dock Pierce. age 5 to William C. Asbet house servant 13 Jul1866 p. 23 Pauline Torben. age 12 to Ann Torbert house sen'ant 24 Jul 1866 p.22 Mar}' Elder. age 9 to John D. Fishert seamslreSs housekeeper 4 Aug 1866 p. 16 Captain. age 13· to Williamson Glass fanning 14 Aug 1866 p. 17 Laura age 8 to Williamson Glass house sen'ant 14 Aug 1866 p.18 John. age 7 to Eli Boozer fanning 14 Aug 1866 p. 19 Alick.. age 9 to Eli Boozer fanning 14 Aug 1866 p. 20 Lizzie. age II to Eli Boozer house servant 14 Aug 1866 p. 15 Delia. age 11 10 house servant 12 Sep 1866 p.~ Susan HolL age 8 to Hugh C. Holt fanning 8 Oct 1866 p. 6 Daniel Holt age 10 to Hugh C. Holt farming 8 Oct 1866 p.1O Bose Holt age 15 to Hugh C. Holt fanning 8 Oct 1866 p. 11 Mariah Holt age 14 to Hugh C. Holt fanning 8 Oct 1866 p. 2 Nett Jackson, age 12 to J. R. Jackson housekeeping 7 Nov 1866 p. 3 Rose Jackson. age 6 to 1. R. Jackson housekeeping 7 Nov 1866 p. 7 Aleck. age II to James H. Wood farming 4 Dec 1866 p. 1 Mar}'. age 9 to Jeremiah Pritchett fanning 9 Jan 1867 p. 8 July, age 12· Calvin. age 7 to Jeremiah Pritchett farming 10 Jan 1867 E. G. Tolbert Children of destitute widows p. 13 Jim Smith. age ~ to Smith Moody shoemaking 4 Dec 1866 George Smith. age 14 m. Smirh .\/oody was a freedman. The children's mother Jane .\foodyjiled her wrillen consent. p.9 Allen. age 8 to James Tate farming 10 Dec 1866 p. 12 Alben. age 13" Jim. age 11 Tamor. age 10 Jane. age 8 to James Tate fanning 10 Dec 1866 Abandoned childr~n P 5 Alexander. age 10 to Green E. Jones Sr. house servant 2~ p. l-l Frank. age 15 Caroline, age 12 to Robert Pritchett farming lO Jan 1867 Harriet. age 10 to John Catlin Cade Harriet's mother Charity filed her written consent. unspecified 25 Jun 1866 David Nelson, age l i t o Dr. W. E. Pegram t David's mother Hannah DougldssJiled her wriuen consent. lUlspecified 28 Jul 1866 Oct 1866 Other children p. J 1 p. 2~ t not said to be the child's former owner * rel~sed from his apprenticeship 13 May 1867 by order of the regional military commander -,\ lareneo County Apprentice Record pages 1-3/ Making the Grade Be it known that ~e Pugh has been duly examined b~ the State Board of E:\.aminc~ upon Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, Arithmetic. Geography. E gUsh Grammar and Composition. Physiology and HYgiene, Agriculture. History of Alabama. History of the United States. Algebra. arural ?h'losophy. Geometry. Theory and Practice of Teaching. and School L:l\\ s of Alabama: that on said examination. a general average of 85 per cent was made. and not less than 50 per cent was made on any one brnnch. Now. therefore, proof of good moral character haYing been fwnished. a First Grade Certific~te authorizing the hold r to teach in the public schools of the Slate of Alabama for a period of six years from the date of issuance is hereby granted and issued by order of the ~/ Board of Examiners this .th day of July 1906 ~\1arengo Cuunl\' .\ Osceflaneaus ~ Probate Record 12. page -49 L \ \, , ~-~ ... Be it known that Annie Mae Pugh has been duly examined by the State Board of E:\amine~ upon Orthography, Reading. Penmanship, Arithmetic. Geography. English Grammar. Physiology and Hygiene. and Agriculture: that on said examination. a general average of 83 per cent was made. and not less !.han 50 per cent was made 0 anyone branch. No\\. therefore. proof of good moral character having been furnisheci a Third Grade Certificate authori7ing lhe holder LO teach in the public schools of the State of Alabama for a period of two years from the date of issuance is hereby granted and issued by order of the Board of Ex.arnine~ this 8th day of July 1908. -:\ farengo Counry,\fiscellaneous Probate Record 12. page -49 The Manumission of Casey Long Know all men by these presents that [ Robin Long a free man of color at present of the COWlty of Sumter and state of Alabama have made constituted and appointed and by these presentS do make constitute and appoint Francis S, Lyon of Demopolis my agent and anomv for me and in my name to hire out or bind my son Casey to the Carpenters Trade or Blacksmith rrnde or to such other employment as he may think proper till he the said Casy attains the age of Twenty one Years and my said anomy is authorised La stipulate for such hire or wages for my said son Casey as he may think proper for my use and the usc & support of my said son Casey. And my said anomy is hereby aulhorised to take such legal steps for me & in my name to set free & manumit the said Cais)' who is in law my propeIt)' as he may think proper and [ hereby in consideration of such hire as I am to receive for the wages of the said Casy hereby relinquish [and] release all property or Title to property which I may have in the said Boy Case. This release is made however for the sole and only proper use of setting him free and not that any other person may have a title to him. Witness my hand and seal this 26th day of October I 835-Robin X Long. -.\4arengo County Deed Book G, page 268 5 Stephen F. Pool Estate: Payouts, 1859-61 The 1859~1 account of executrix Mrs. Cecil V. Pool includes on a list of amounts paid out: E. Sangrouber-sundries E. Homisb-2 acets. Titus Rhodes-balance on acet. freight-So B. Warrior Carlisle & Smith--<>o acet. receipt of Joo. D. Ragland 1. B. Fellows & Co.-acct. Geo. R. Tuttle & Co.-acct. note-D. P. Williamson account-Po Booker balance acct. to 1. Marx Walter E. Winn for last will William G. Davis-work B. F. L. Smith for com E. T. Rhodes-1860 note-Gent & Debarzer A. Fournier-acct.. ba~oing & rope '60 Isaac Marx-acct.. '60 jailor's fees settled uith Phillips Walkington & CO.-acct.. '60 1. W. Holmes-bilL shoes 1. T. & E. P. Herpin-acct.. '60 Robertson & Bro.-acet.. 1860 Alfred Britling-I860 Brooks & Garron-fees. case Brooks & Vary-fees E. A. Taylor-J.P. Carlisle Smith & Co. R. D. Ashe-medical acets.. '56·'58 G. B. Hayden-labor. .J days T. C. Daniel-register. Davis case High Richardson & Co.-goods Titus Rhodes---<>n acct. Kennedy Nevill & Co.-sundries Richardson-blacksmith F. S. LyoD--<>n acct.. '57 & '58 A. Y. S~aeet.. dry goods town corporation taxes. 1860 Coleman & Van de Graff-attomeys Ivy Shearer & Co.--<>o acct. Haviland Clark & George-acets.. '59 & '60 O. Mozange & Co.-acClS.. '59 & '60 Walkington & Co. for osnaburgs note to Booker & Murphey account-H. & M. Marx expenses to & from Selma A. Vivian-bill. oats & com W. E. Wino for wood G. Britling-1859 & 1860 Watlington-sheriff Woodhall-witness 100. D. Ragland-<m account 10hn & Chapman-fees metaJic coffin freight of marble on R. Road expenses to & from Marion Turner & StaUworth-marble 100. W. Phillips-overseer h'y Shearer & Co.-groceries lefferson Peniell-ditching John Y. Hall-bill. drugs R. M. RobertsOn M. A. L~on-storage E. T Ligon-dentist on accl. to L Man: & Co. Dr. Drummond-medical Storter & Cuningham-tin receipt against GouJdman-note account to Tilis Rhodes h:-' Shearer & Co.-groceries A Allen & Co.-furniture T.S.ChIDmb~g G. B. Hayden-in Davis case Hare-bilL shoes nme & interest-T. B. Lag' 1. W. Phillips-on acet. R. D. Nance~ for lumber John Grund-beef account Dr. Bates-last sickness R. B. Gough-work at grave HWltingtoo--<>n acct. A Fournier & Bro. W. H. Grant-printing Pomeroy & Marshall Carlisle Smith & Co.-provisions expenses to & from Mobile Thos. H Walker-goods Drs. Ashe & Ruffin-medical fee L. Stewart for wood note to Houston & Co. E.MWhony-~~ W. H. Robert£-blacksmith E. H. Rogeni-hardware A P. CalhoWl for com note & interest-Charles Tidwell Bradfield & Coleman-drugs D. McRae & Madison-gin L A. Moore-waggon harness 6 A. & D. C. Muckle for meat A. Fournier-acct.. groceries, '59 I. Kesler-dIy goods H. & M. Marx & Co.-l860 A. Y. Sharpe's acct. '60 John Y. Hall's acet.. '60 recd.onaccount-~. C.Laurie Cherry & McLelland-186O acct.-J. W. Phillips to R D. Ashe Mrs. Blair's accts.. '60 & '61 Y. M. Moody-<:osts. KiIkpatrick note to Thos. Ormond -A-1arengo County Mscellaneous Probate Record 5, pages 52-55 Adoption ~ . On 17 May 1 9 1 2 . ' Celia Ann Flow~ of Marengo County adopted Exie Dozier. 8. and John Stephens Dozier. 11. and changed their surname to Flowers. -Afarengo County Miscellaneous Probate Record J2, pages .153-5.1 Hosea Heirs The heirs of Thomas 1. Hosea as of 23 Mar J887 were, according to adminisu-ator Thomas H. Skinner's affidavit lItose listed below. Unless otherwise noted.. the hem were said to be of full age. • Mary L. Hosea. the widow of decedenl of Marengo County • Ann B. Skinner. a sister of decedent of said county ... Sarah E. Giles. a sister of decedent of Laurel. Delaware + the children of S. S. Hosea. a brother of decedent who died in the latter's lifetime. They are as follows: + Geo. W. Hosea, W. H. Hosea. and C. B. Hosea. each of Giddings. Texas + Sarah E. Elliot wife of one Elliot whose Christian name is to affiant unknown. of Louisiana but their particular place of residence is to affiant unknown + Lavinda H. Kuykendall wife of Melville Kuykendall of Grandcane. Louisiana + Mary L. C. Williams, wife of T. F. Williams, of said Grandcane + Martha Ann Reeves, wife of Wm. Reeves, of Caldwell, Texas ... Alma Wood. wife ofF. W. Wood. of Brenham, Texas • Addie Hosea. wife of [blank]; they lived together in Brenham. Texas. The said Addie was a minor: as a minor she married her husband, gave birth to a child. and died.. leaVing the child SUJ'\i\'ing. Then died the child.. leaving the father swviving. + Le\\;5 Hosea.. a minor residing at Brenham, Texas. with his mother Hattie Hosea. the widow of said S. S. Hosea -:- Mathew Hosea. a son of said S. S. Hosea who died before him or affiant's intestate. The follo\\ing are his children: + Minnie H. Bell. wife ofT. J. Bell of Columbia. Texas + W. W. Hosea of DochWlS. Dickins Co.• Texas + S. S. Hosea of unknown residence + Mathew L. Hosea. a minor who resides in Giddings. Texas, with his mother. lite widow of his father + Mohulcia Short who died in the lifetime of affiant's intestate and her father. Her children are as follows: + Thos. B. Estes. Ada Short and John B. Short all mino~. The first resides at Giddins. Texas. and the two last at Buckhaverly, Texas. • S. L. Hosea. son of said S. S. Hosea. He died in the lifetime of affiant's intestate and his father. leaving him surviving me following children. who are his only heirs at law: . Jas. George Hosea. a minor residing in Louisiana. particular place of residence unknown • Zebulon Hosea. a minor residing in Marengo County -.\Jarengo County A,fiscellaneous Probate Record 9. pages 50 J-OJ 7 The Fanners Banking Association Ln 1838. a banking 3$Ociation was established in Marengo Count~... with the banking house 10 be located in Demopolis- Numerous deeds of trusl ("middleman mortgages") relating [0 the purchase of bank stock during a cwenry-weetperiod were recorded in the deed books of Marengo COlwty. (See Book E from page -l16 on and see particularly Book F. which is devoted to these deeds.) Standard form of deed of trust between stockholder and association Whereas sundry indhiduaJs citizens of South Alabama have recently associated themselves together Wlder the name and S1!fe of the Farmers Banking Association with a capital not to exceed one mill.ion of dollars divided into ten lhousand shares of one hundred dollars each for the purpose of establishing a private joint stod bam. (D be located at Demopolis in the COWlty of Marengo with the usual and customary powers incidents to such association and institution and have elected a board consisting of a president and twelve dirtcto~ for the government and control of the affairs thereof. Whereas also the said board has duly and properly elected John B. Cook Esq... cashier of said Bank in accordance witlJ the articles of said association. Whereas also by the terms and stipulations of the articles of agreement of said association the Se\'eral subscribers theRtO are required respectively to pay in the amount of their subscriptions to the capital stock thereof in three equaJ annual payments as follows to wit one third on the iirst day of March 1839 and one third on me t1.m day of March 1840 and the remaining third on the first day f March 18~ I in gold or silver or thcit· equivalent or in cotton to be delivered to the agent of the :lSSOciation in Mobile. Whereas also _·bath subscribed his name to the said articles of associ"tion and has taken ••• shares or ... dollan of tbe: capital stock thereof and has as funher required by the tcnns and sLipulations of said articles of associ3tiM' on the da\' of the dale of this indenrure made and L;xeCUted to the saId John B. Cook Esqr. cashier asafon:said ... his three several promissory notes or instnunents of writing for the sum of ... each for the payment of his said ••• shares or ••• dollars of the capital stock of said association and payable successively (as aforesaid] ... Whereas also in pursuance of the tenus and stipulations of said articles of association the severnl subscrib~ thereto are ~ to convey to such trustees as the board of directors should select unencumbered real oncal and personal property in value equal to rwice the amoWlt of the capital stock subscribed for by the members of said association respectively in trust La secure the prompt and pWlctual payment of the 5eVer.U mmuments of the capital stock as above set forth Whereas also tile said board of directors have duly selected and appoinled the said Levl V. Young and John RobiDsgo [the latter soon being replaced by Joseph McDowell] ... the trustees of said association ... Sale of sha res of stock 1st week (August 1-4, 11338) 4th week (August 2~25. 1838) ~Benjamin 12-Richard Russell 50-Allen Glover 3~Forrest Gaither IS-David E. Moore 2-Jesse Litchfield 10-Thomas Simpson lOG-Cainan Pistole 36-John Davis 2o--Benjamin Taliaferro 40-Nathan Smith Thomas A. Sharpe to-John Underwood N. Glm'cr 70-1000 Burke 2nd week (August 6-11, ~838) 2o-Rowan A. Smith &: David E. Moore. mercbants &. copartners as Smi1h &: Moo1t 3rd week (August 13-18, 1838) 112-John Foy 20-AJexander H. Moore .w- 8 • lOO-John R. Robertson 5o-Leland Tripp 15-Anson Springfield 40--Thomas Buford loo-Luke M. Grigsby l00-Edward Baptist 2D-JoOO W. Henly 8D-Andrew J. Crawford 6D-Spencer Roane 5th 'rV961< (August 27-September 1. 1838) 8th 'rV961< (September 17-22. 1838) 22-JoOO Sample Io-Robert Gale 20--Ge0rge Grawer Zo-JuJius Martiniere 50-Sydney Smith 13-1000 Whitfield 2D-Thomas Clarke 6D-Robert G. Cook lSD-Samuel Pickring ~Z-Mathew G. Pritchen 8-James Burke 36-Robert Clarke 12o-Jarret H. Glover 3D-lohn Collier 5D-James M. Davenport 21D-John McKae 15-Benajah P. Whitlow ZD-William GoodW)'nD 5-Willis Newton 3D-Richard K. Randolph 9th week (September 24-29. 1838) 17-Lewis B. McC~' & Joseph McCarty. merchants as L. B. & J. McC~' ZD-AJe.xander M. McDowell 10th weel< (October 1-6, 1838) 5o-Henry B. Mitchell 4O--Saml. D. Carter 5G-James lrby 75-William B. Moores & John H. Ray 6th week (September 3-8. 1838) I 2-Mallacha Curtis 12o-1ames Bondurant., with secwities Jesse H. & Joseph Bondurant 12G-Jesse H. Bondurant & Joseph Bondurant I5-Henry Smith 10-Thos. B. WaJthaJl 8-Jacob Rhodes 6D-James Goodwyn 8-Asa Whitlock IOD-Stephen Beasly & Charles Beasly 22-Jacob Smith 11th week (October Pr13. 1838) 3I-Richard Wooton 3D-Solomon Rhodes 9O-Forrest Gaither SD-William C. Lipscomb 12th weel< (October 15-20, 1838) 2D-Julius Martinier IOO-Asa Robinson 7-Nathaniel Norwood lOO-Benjamin Glover 8-Julius A. Martiniere 7th weel< (September 10-15. 1838) 5D-Edmund F. Lyon ~5-Abrnm Duff II-Benjamin Wells 2D-John M. Strong The bank gave him a ten-year. S/OOO loan 12 Sep 1838. 28-Daniel W. E. Fmch I6-Peter W Johnson 2D-Thomas Bane 76-James L. Skinner & George Skinner Z4-John S. Thompson ID-Nicholas Harder 61-AJbert G. Kidd lOG-Bird M Pearson ZOO-Roben V. Montague 3D-Henry Trippe 5o--George W. Myers 13th week (October 22-27, 1838) 6Q-Levin B. Lane 2G-Robert H. Carson SO-Goodman G. Griffin 2D-William Burkes lo-Joel C. DuBose "Rec 'd ofJ. C. DuBose 520. 2% release under resolution of23 Jul /8-11 & which is in full satisfacrion of deed. J. B. Cook cashier .. lO-Henry G. Leonard lo-Joel1. Deseker 50-Joseph Borden 9 14th week (October 29-November 3, 1838) 18th week (November 26-December 1, 1838) 9-John E. Bumgarthen 13-John Rains 60--('harles B. Jones 50-Nathan B. Lane & LittJeberry Maulden 50-Jesse Coleman 20-Miles Cavin 50-William L. Hogan 15th & 16th weeks (November 5-17, 1838) 19th week (December 3-8, 1838) no sales recorded SO-Peter R. Gunn 17th weel< (November 19-24, 1838) 20th week (December 10-15, 1838) SO-James N. Hart 20-James Goodn-ynn If Even This Was All It Would Be Enough Bashoai Ala. 17th Feby 185~ To Hon. James W. Young. Dr Sir. in consequince of the difficulties in which I fInd the estate of George W. \--forris enrangled I fmd my self compeUed to resign my administration of said estate and hereby request you to appomt me 3 successor to said estate. I feel extremely to give up any case in which I ha\'e engaged. have never before resigned any estate or quit any business without carrying it out. Mr. Morris in his life time took a deed. of conveyance of the lands of his father in law Wm. H. c"'! as Mr. Smith says and as I have no doubt [0 keep Smith from being forced to pay some of his creaitors. These lands were 3pprniscd as a pan of Morriss estate and might yet possibly be made liable by Mr. Smiths testimon\" for Smiths debts. In addition to this Morriss held Smiths notes for some considerable amount. which the land was coO"e\'ed for. but Smith left the notes with Morris. \\ith the understanding that I.hey would settle by these notes. In addition to all this the friends of Morris estate are desirous that suit shall be broughl against Quilmey for usurious charges against the estate. If even this was all it would be enough but there i still likely to be other litigated law suits connected with this estate. I avoid all law suits on business and do net intend to carry them on for others. I think it decidedly better for all concerned that the estate ~nould pass imo the hands of the sheriff. where he can have competent legal advice at hand and would have much better opportunity of carrying out the administration of the estate according to law. I Wlll forward accoum for ftnal settlement shortly for the estates in your county. except the Hudson esl te. ~. Quinney has kft with me 9S 00/100 dollars which be had on I.he sale of the egroes over pauj IUS nete &c. I am "c!!. truly your ObI. 5\1. Alkxj. Carleton There are 17 bales colton 1 Wlderstand at the gin house of W m. K Smith. and one mule that ought to be sold. also five Negroes the titles of which are in Quinney. and which he says he will conve)' to Morris' wife & children. three of the Negroes [ i.nsmtcted the family to send to my hou e on Sunday or Monday -Marengo Cvunty /'yfiscellaneous Probate Record 4. pages 194-95 Enlbree's Account against the United States An I8H list and account of property taken by the Creek Indians from Jonathan Embree. then a citizen of the state of Georgia. viz.: one black horse seven or eight years old (worth one hundred dollars), stolen at Cox' es Mills then in commencement on the Ohoope River in the county of Montgomery in the month of Maxdl. 1793~ one bay horse. ten years old (worth seventy-five dollars), stolen at said Cox'es Mills by said Indians in the month of March. 1795: ftfty head of canJe (worth fIve dollars per head). drove away by said Creek Indians. from my stock kept in the neighbowhood of said mills in the fall of 1796. -Marengo County Circuit Court Record Book A, page 541 10 Last Will and Testament ofAnn H. Baptist In the name of God.. Amen! Know all men by these presents that [Ann H. Baptist of Marengo County, Alabama now residing in Sponsylvania County, VlTginia do make this my last will and testament: , Item 1. I wish all my just debts and funeral expenses. including the removal of my body to the family burying ground in Alabama and its intennent therein by the side of my nephew, Edward Sl. L. Baptist to be paid as soon as practicable after my death. Hem 2. I am indebted to my brother. the Rev. Edward G. Baptist in the sum of seven hundred ($700.00) dollars for money loaned me and for other favors for which he will not receive compensation. this I wish paid out of the proceeds of the sale of my real estate in Marengo County. Alabama: and I give 10 him my marble centre table. my large writing desk. formerly the property of my brother Powhatan Baptist one large mahogany Voltaire chair, a portrait of Uncle John EggJeston. one mahogany bureau.. and all of my other personal belongings, now at the residence of my brother the said E. G. Baptist and not otherwise disposed of in this will. Item 3. I give 10 my sisterinlaw. Sarah D. Baptist. my gold eye-glasses. Item ~. J give to my nephew. Maurice G. Baptist. a large trunk. a smalJ writing desk. Item 5. I give to my nephew. Harry L. Baptist. a pair of gold cuff buttons. Item 6. I give to nieces, Catherine E. Hart and Florence B. Collins. my gold wat[c}h chain. hook and fish attached. also a silver goblet, a silver tea spoon and a gold thimble. Item 7. I give to my niece. Maud G. Dillard., a small gold chain and a gold waist buckle. Item 8. I give to my sister. Mrs. Laura A. Buford. my bedstead. mattrass. feather bed and bolster. some china. a breast-pin with fathers likeness in it, a large ambrotype of my mother and a red arm chair used by our motherItem 9. I give to my niece, Mrs. Lucy G. Whitfield. a silver vinaigrette. a large ambrot)'pe of my father, my mahogany sewing chair, and my fathers red sitting chair Item 10. I give to my nephews George and Richard Goy a ward-robe. Item 11. I give to the children of my sister, ~. Buford. a large red trunk. and photograph album. Item 12. I give to my brother Dr. W. H. Baptist my dinning table a small walnut table and a wash standItem 13. I give to the heirs of Mrs. E. Y. Hill, four (4) doUars as I am indebted 10 them in that amount for books sold by me and ne\'er paid for. Item 14. I wish the one hundred (100) acres ofland I own situated in Marengo County. AJabama. adjoining the lands of E. G. Baptist, George and Richard Goy, and others sold. and the proceeds used as directed in this \"ill: but I reserve the family bW)ing ground and wish it to be kept in the family for burial purposesItem 15. I desire that the residue of my property be equally divided between the heirs of my sister E. C. Goy, my sister. L. E. Buford. and my brothers Dr. W. H. Baptist and Rev. E. G. Baptist. Item 16. I request the Judge of the probate Court to appoint [blankl Executor to carry out the provisions of this will. As wimess my hand and seal this 30 day of November 1895. Annie H. Baptist Witness: E. W Smith. M. W. Smith. -.\farengo County Miscellaneous Probate Record 10. pages r8- -9 II Bits & Pieces, 18305 William P. Anderson complains of inability to perform milit.ary duty in consequence of deafness in his right ear. He states he was born deaf or has been deaf in his right ear since childhood and that it is IOtally deaf but (bel hears well in the other ear. if his statement be true he is entitled to exemption as I think. [Signed] R. H. Canion. assistant sergo This is to certify that William P. Anderson is hereby Exempted from Performing any military duty whatever by order of the court martial held in Demopolis Deer. 9th 1837. [Signed] F. Gaither .\farengo County Deed Book E. page 3 J5 Personally appeared before me Asa Robinson clerk of the county court of (Marengo County] Joseph Wilkerson who after being duly sworn deposes and says that Ann Mariah a girl about shaeen or seYenleen years of age nearly White. and Bill or William about thirteen years of age are the children of Nancy Johnson who is a woman of light complexion about forty years of age and Counsel Johnson a man of light complection about twenty fIVe years of age are the children of Rebecca Johnson who was a white woman and born free parents in the Town of Newbern Nonh Carolina and that he has been acquainted \\ith the family forty years and that they have always been regarded as honest indllitrious people both in North Carolina and since their residence in Marengo COWlty Alabama. Given Wlder my hand and seal of office this 23m day of February eighteen hundred and thin). nine. -Marengo County Deed Book G, page 326 On 13 Dec 1839. the finn of Spaulding & Walker (Madison Spaulding and George Walker) mongaged to James H. Houghton of Madison County, with William King of Marengo COWlry as trustee, a kiln containing 150.000 brick worth SI,500. The kiln was at or near the Ferry of Chickasaw bogue Creek on the land leased by the fum from Thomas E. Lenoir. -Marengo County Deed Book H. pages ~/-.J2 To Sell or Not to Sell John C. McFarland. administrator. petitioned the court 30 Jan 1892 for an order of sale of lands of the Da\'id C. McFarland estate. being certain lots in the city of Demopolis. The lots were particularly described as lots #653 and #654 and aJso that pan of the north half of lot #52.t late! y owned by John W. Henley. deceased. and b~ his widow since his death.. fronting about 18' OD Strawberry Street and ne;'\L nonh of the old McMiller Drugstore. and back west about 69'. The heirs of the deceased were named as. Martha Ann Smoot. 3 widow about age 65. of Marengo County Lhe children of Mary Henson. the deceased daughter of said intestate. to wit: ... Ellen Henson. who died.. ieaving as her heirs: + Hattie Bailey, wife of Edward BaJey, age 19. of Marengo Count\' + John C. Heman. age 41. of Texas ... William fknson. who died in Texas. leaving no mldren • Minnie Havercom. wife of [blank] Havercom. age 33. of Texas + Daniel Ha:Json. age 30. of Texas - Thomas Henson. age 28. of Marengo County · John C. McFarlan4. age 64. of Marengo County • Rebecca Morgan. who died in Marengo County, leaving no husband or children her surviving · the children of Wra S. McFarland. son of said D. C. McFarland. deceased.. who died in 1865. to wit: + Henrietta E. Rushing, wife of James Rushing, age 26. of Marengo County - lhe childrm of Elizabeth Jackson. wife of [blank) Jackson. who died: + G. W. Jadcson. age 23. of Galveston, Texas · Jane S. Madison. wife of Alexander Madison. age 54, of Rale County, Alabama - James Thomas Mcfarland. age 51. of Greene County, Alabama • Nancy E. Kirker. age 44. ofPeny County, Alabama • Daniel F. McFarland. age 42, of Texas -AJarengo County Jfisceilaneous Probate Record 10. pages 1001-05 12 ~ewslette~ Volume 7 January 1996 Number 2 Donations Cemetery Project Elton L. Powell of Bay Minette, Alabama. who bas previously donated genealogical material to the Demopolis Public Library, has provided funds for the purchase of additional volumes. Edison D. Jeffus of Tulsa. Oklahoma, bas given three volumes of genealogical material to the library: the migration of pioneer families from Anson County, North Carolina. to Marengo County; a genealogical database of the Yarbrough, Morris. and Hildreth families: and a condensation by Mr. Jeffus of the records of Bethesda Primitive Baptist Church (1842-1946) of Ouachita County, Arkansas. The'society remains committed to its goal of collecting data from all cemeteries in Marengo County. An ongoing search for existing surveys is designed to allow the most efficient use of the limited time our surveyors can spend copying tombstone inscriptions. Are you aware of an existing survey of a cemetery in Marengo County or of one on the county line in a neighboring county? Do you know the loeation of a graveyard off the beaten path? Please share this information with us. Rebinding Records At the request of the Marengo County Genealogical Society, Cindy Hopkins. probate judge of the county. has asked for and received authorization from the county commissioners to .have a number of volumes of records in the probate office rebound. The records will remain in the probate office vault during the process. The society has been invitoo to participate in choosing those volumes in greatest need of rebinding. Dues Annual membership dues arc $10. payable in July of each year. MCGS Meetings The speaker at our annual covered dish luncheon in December was Joe Turner, a frequent participant in reenactments of batt! s of the War Between the States. Mr. Turner displayed examples of the clothing and other paraphernalia used by soldiers of that war. explaining in detail the purpose of each. Meetings of the Marengo County Genealogical Society are regularly scheduled . for the ftrst Tuesday of each month at 6:30 P.M. at the Demopolis Public Library. Members and guests are welcome. Demopolis Public Library Marengo County Genealogical Society 211 East Washington Street Demopolis. Alabama 36732 Some Early Marengo County Probate Records TIle full text of the following can be found in Marengo County Miscellaneous Probate Record, 1840. P 1 Stephen H. Doss, John B. Bruce, John Mann, William B. Clelland. and Lewis Gallett are ordered 30 Nov 1841 to go to the dwelling house and premises of Mrs. Ann Easley of the county and appraise the personal estate of Susan M. Easley deed; Joel C. DuBose admr. Appraisement 2 Dec 1841 includes boy Banister. girl Juda, boys Ben. Charles. and Henry; certified by B. A. Easley, J.P. Inventory of notes and accounts found among the papers of Wm. E. Carter decd. "I accept the p I foregoing Inventory as a true one so fair as could be obtained from the verry loose way in which the accounts were kept and would say that 1 believe but a Small amt can be collected out of them & considerable amount of them are not collectable By Law being Post Office accounts in many of the cases to my Knowledge the Debtors have gone to Texas &c." Thomas A. Sharpe admr., 6 Dec 1841 p3 Appraisement by Henry W. Hatch, Joseph M Anderson. and Jack Collins 4 Dec 1841 of personal property of Leonard HaJJ deed includes man Bob. woman MilIa, woman Charlotte, girl Emily, boy George, girl Fanny, girl Lene boy Hemy. James W. Hall admr. p4 Account for settlement of estate of James H. Fitts deed.·1 0 Dec 1840 to 6 Dec 1841. Samuel A. Fitts admr. p5 Account ClUTent of estate of Thos. H. Smith. 7 Oct 1839 to 1 Sep 1841 Ann Smith adrnx. and Sanderson Smith admr. p7 Guardian's accounts for Willson Smith (8 Dec 1840 to I May 1841), Levicy Smith (8 Dec 1840 to 28 May 1841), and Mary Smith (8 Dec 1840) with estate of ThOs. H. Smith. p8 Account CWTCnt of estate of B. Carr deed, May 1837 to I Sep 1841. includes sale of girl Hester and woman Susan & child. David A. Monaghan admr. 10 Appraisement 14 Dec 1841 of personal estate of James B, Holman deed by Hugh McPhail. Phillip D. Fomiss, and Richard Wooten includes Smith, 45; Allen. 22: Sam, 25: Bob, 47: Spencer, 23; George, 16; Ben. 16; Isaac, 20; Jim, 16; William, 12; Daniel. 50' General, 60; Rose. 27. & 3 children; Eagar, 32, & 3 children: Amanda, 25, & 1 child; HarrieL 20. & 1 child: MargareL 26. & I child: Sophia, 25. & I child; Fanny, 30: Ann. 20; Eliza 18; Charity, 16; Winney, 14: Hannah, 12: Daphney, 10 James D. Holman and Jesse B. Holman exrs. Certified by N. B. Leseure. 1.P. !) Setting off of dower ordered 13 D~c 184 I for Elizabeth Bonds, widow of Richard Bonds. dower p 12 being one third part of W Y:l of SE 'h of s12116r4E and NW I/. of s 18t16r5E R. R. Pickering, Benjamin Whitehead. Anson Springfield, David B. Turner, and Colin Black summoned as commissioners to layoff dower. p 13 Resignation of Colin Black as admr. of estale of Benjamin Lockhart deed 23 Dec 1841. p 13 Sale list of property of estate of WiUiam Jordan deed, 30 Dec 1841. Thos. A Sharpe admr. Evidence given for insolvency of estate of Wiley J. Ingram deed. Petition for sale of lands: E Y:z p 14 of SE If. and SW If. of SE 'h of s24t13r4E. Henry W. Hatch admr, 29 Dec 1841. p 14 Debts due estate of James B. Holman deed. James D. Holman and Jesse B. Holman exrs. p 15 Inventory & appraisement 5 Jan 1842 of estate of William Smith deed by Richard Hudson, Rbuben Downey, and Ruben Andrson includes woman Caroline, girl Emily, girl Penney. child Eveline. child Adam. Thomas A. Sharpe admr. p 15 Schedule of noles of estate of William M. Smith Thomas A Sharpe admr.. 6 Jan 1842. List of hire of man Abram belonging to estate of Joseph L Breckenridge deed. Hired out I Jan p 15 1842 to Jno. Mann. Sworn to by Merit Morgan. Report of the sale of lands of estate of Henry Bare deed p ~ to 6 Oct 1841 order. Lands p 15 sold 9 Dec 1841 by commissioners C. E. Woodard and 1. B. Woodard: E Y:z ofE 1j, of s8t12r4E and W Y:z ofSW Y4 ofs9112r4E to John HeaJton; W Y:z ofNW II.. SE Y4 ofNW v... and SW J;" ofNE Y4 ofs9t12r4E to James B. Woodward. Decreed 3 Jan 1842 that commissioners make deed for titles. 2 P 16 Appraisement 6 Jan 1842 of effects of John Gilmore late of said county deceased by Edward Evans. Frederick F. Westbrook.. N. B. Bush, Moses Westbrook. and John Besteder includes Rose Ann and 2 children.,. Harry Ailsey Sam. Rebecca Hatty and child Stephen, RilJey and Lucy, Easter and Fanney. John Gilmore and James Gilmore exrs. Certified by John W. Smith, J.P. Matthew WilsolL Bmjamin Rope Dabney Puckette, Eli T. Going, and 1. W. R Connery. all of Pickens Co., Ala.. are ordered 23 Nov 1841 to proceed to such place in said county as required by Jolm W. Hester admr. in right ofrus wife Frances Hester admx:. of Thomas McCoDDeU deed. to appraise the peI50nal €state. Appraisement by Dabney Pucket, M. A. Wilson.. and Eli T. Going includes Fanny, 27; Sarah.. 7; Alvin, 6: Tom, 4; Mary, 2. Certified 4 Dec 1841 by Thomas Taylor, N.P. P 17 Iitventory of property of Daniel E. Parker, minor under age 14, includes man Bill, woman p 18 Clary, boy Caesar. Inventory of property of Susan Parker, minor, includes woman Mary, boy George, girl Jane, boy Jack. C. W. Lee gdn. Account current of estate of William J. Goodwyn deed. with Elizabeth Goodwynn admx. and p 18 James Goodwynn admr" 27 Nov 1837 to 26 Aug 1841. p 22 Appraisement 8 Jan 1842 of personal estate of Dr. John B. Ray deed. by Syd Smith, John W. Bowen, and Wm. B. Moores includes man Amn deceased, man Jack. girl Direah, woman Winney, girl Lucy, boy Sam., girl Mary. Thomas A. Sharpe admr. Appraisement 8 Oct 1841 of personal estate of JohnE. Boddie deed. by Leven B. Lane. Syd p 22 Smith, Wm. Custis. and Nathan Smith includes (at the home plantation) Archer. Abbert Alex. Henry.', Elijah. Fagam. Nelson. Beny, Olen. Moris, Ths., Calvin, Alexander, Griffin. Archer Jr.. Jordan. Winson. Calvin Jr.. HendeI5on, Sion, Kit, Marshall, Washington.. Al,eXl". (little), Stephen. Bludford. Quinney, Adderson. Beny (Steptoe), Daniel, Burwell deceased. Melvin, LeRoy, Charity, Esquire, Jesse.. Jim, Arthur. John. George, Sam, Chaney & child, Kittey & child, Jenney & child, Charlotte & child, Laney & child. Eliza & child, Lucinda & child.. Chaney & child.. Isabel & child. Anica Sr., Mariah Sr., Anica Jr., Adeline. Catharine. Mariah (big), Mose. Jane. Mary (big), Eliza Sr., Rachael, Vilet, Mary (little), Lucy, Elizabeth. Martha. Tamar. Susan. Mariah (little), Emeline, Phebe, Sarah (big), Anna. Sarah (little), Margarene. Frances. Abe (a man sick), MiaJ, Nancy; and (at the other plantation) Gilben, Beny, Calvin. Nelson. Jim.. Catoe. Bob. Tamer. Milton. Tom, Matilda, Emaly, Fanney & child, Charlotte & child, Dolley, Lucinda Jane, Adaline; certified by Nathan Smith. J.P. Ed. Prince eXT. p 25 AccoWlt of 17 Nov 1841 sale of personal property of John E. Boddie deed.. Edward Prince exr. Appraisement 11 Jan 1842 ofperronal estate of BenjamiD LockhartlLockett deed by Thomas p 29 H. Goodwynn, Thomas Ban Sr., and James Sheppard includes man John. woman Ann. boy Burk., boy Marten. woman Livy & child Famby, woman Boyal child DcUlis, woman Temperance & child Minerva. girl Nancy, one woman not plllsent, woman Clementine & child Naley, girl Angeline, girl Mary Ann, boy Felix, girl Isabella, girl Dilcy, man Bob, boy Allen, boy Ralph. girl Amy, woman Lucy, boy Sam. boy Anthony, girl Emeline. woman Violet & child. girl Eldry, girl Eliza, boy Calvin, man Zachariah.. woman Jenney & her child Mack, boy fun.. boy Augustine, boy Wiley, boy Ebenezer, boy Sampson: cenified by Thomas A. Sharpe, J.P. Thomas A. Sharpe admr. p 30 Appraisement 18 Jan 1842 of PCI50nal property of estate of Gideon Seawell deed by David Curry. Edward Young, and Jacob Smith includes Asa, Yarmed, Mary, Aggy, Lucy, Molly, Dick.. Ming. .Frank. Nancy. Jenney, Talb. Dave, Robin, Milly, Chimed. Betty, Nelly, Westly, Nance, Golee, Hannah.. George. Squire. John. Jac~ Martha Jane. Charles B. Jones admr. List of hire by E. W. King, gdn. of Tho!. H. Moore. minor heir of H. H. Moore deed. for 1841: . 101m to 1. M Mathews, Prince to H. N. Crochorne. Randol to R. C. Moore. Henry to Cam. G. White, Amy to Samuel A. Bryan, Charlotte, Sally to John W. Alexander. Tenor to Luthen F. Cottrell, Mike to p 31 Emis Lockett. Gabriel to James W. Wooten. and Eliza to Hugh McPhail. Certified by N. B. Lesueure. J.P. p 31 List of hire by E. W. King, gdn. of Tho!. H. Moore, minor heir of H. H. Moore deed, for 1842: John to James S. Sheppard. Prince to Henry N. Crochern, Randol to John Stafford, Henry to Cam G. White, Amy to lames D. Wolman, Charlotte, Sally to A. Vaughan, Tennah to William Black, Mi.k>:l to N B. Lesure. Gabriel to Wm. L. Hoghan. and Eliza to J. M. Jackson. Certified by N. B. Lesueur, J.P. 3 Thomas Apprenticeship John Thomas of Marengo Co. has apprenticed George Thomas, about 13, and 1siah Thomas, about 13, with 1. & A. C. Thomas of said COWlty. He. their father, being crippled is wtable to provide for their support. They are to be insttucted in the occupation of fanning and are to be taught to read. vHite. and cipher as far as the rule of three. Dr. John Thomas swears that John Thomas (colored) belonged to him in time of slavery, that the wife of said John named Silvey (who is now dead) also belonged to him and that while the said John and Silvey lived together as man and wife the two minor children named in said indenture were born to them, being the property of affiant in the year 1864 or 1865. Dated 19 Jan 1878. -Marengo County Deed Book Jr, page 651 Deeds to and from Marengo County Churches Deed Book W, p. 600 13 Apr 1858. O. C. DuBose of Choctaw Co., AJa., to 1. E. PoeUnitz.. T W. Rogers, 1. Agee. J. W. S. Napier. and H. W. Hatch. trustees for the Linden Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church South in the COWlty of Marengo. and their successors in office. For $500, SW II. of NW II. of s3tl4r2E and 3 acres west of the Linden & Mobile Road in SW comer of E 'h of NW Yo of same section. 14 May 1877. Willey G. Wynn of Deed Book W, p. 608 Demopolis to D. F. ProUL F. S. Lyon. Bryan W. Whitfield. John A. Robertson, HenJ}' W. Reese, E. H. C. Bailey, and Charles B. Whitfield as members of I.he vestry and trustees of Trinity Church, Demopolis, and as trUStees for said church. and to I.heir survivors and successors as trustees. For ~400, lots 95 and 96 in Demopolis. bounded on the west by Market or Main SL and on the north by Jefferson S1.. togel.her with the improvements thereon. the said lots having been purchased by the members of Trinity Church for the erection thereon of a rectory for the use of the pastor of said cburch. Deed Book W, p. 663 27 Dec 1877. Edward Curtis & wife Eliza 1. to J C. Abernathy, T. S. Harrell. W A. Skinner. George Skinner. and B. R. Eppes. trustees for the Spring Hill Methodist Cburcb Soutb. all residents of Spring Hill. For $60, 5 acres in NW comer of NE If. of NW Yo of s22t17r3E Deed Book W, p. 726 24 Nov 1877. J. T. Dumas (chmo. pro tern). J. A. Guinn/Given, 1. W. Toler. and R Dean. trustees of Rembert Hills Circuit of tbe Ala. Conference of tbe Metbodist E. Cburcb Soutb. to 1. G. M. Luther. For $100, SW If. ofNW I;" ofs3tl4r2E and 3 acres west of the Linden and Mobile road in SW comer of E Y2 of NW II. of same section. 28 Dec 1878. E. H. C. Bailey & wife Margaret S., Daniel F. Prout & wife Deed Book X, p. 52 Laura D., John R. Robertson & wife Virginia Bryan W. Whitfield & wife Mary A.. Francis S. Lyon & wife Sarah S., Henry W. Reese. and Charles B. Whitfield. all of Demopolis. to the Protestant EpiscopaJ Cburch in tbe Diocese of Alabama. For Sl, quitclaim to lots 95 and 96 in Demopolis. Deed Book X p. 124 31 Jan 1876. Samuel P. Tate of Marengo Co. & wife Addie to Nelson Hogan. Burwell Haywood, Pleasant Hogan, Andy Walker, George Williams, Joe Walker, David Grant, Willis Williams. Stewart Houston, Jerry Banks. Albert Houston. and Jno. Houston. trustees of the St Emanuel Cburcb. For $100, 2 'h acres bounded on the south by the Cahawba Rd., on the north and west by the 4 land of Felix G. Adams. and on the east by the land of S. P. Tate, including the graveyard now lJSed as such by the said church; tract to be held by trustees as a chun;:h prQperty. 17 lul1878. C. R. Evans and S. E. Evans of Marengo Co. to tbe colored Deed Book X, p. 179 Metbodist church. For $25, 1 acre near the center of E Y2 of NE 'I. adjoining the lot on which the colored Methodist church is now situated and on the west side of said lot in s5tl6r2E, together with all improvement. Whereas we are desirous of advancing the welfare of thc colored people in our Deed Book X, p. 200 vicinity and have heretofore agreed to donatc 1 acre of ground provided the Re . Theodore H. Vernon should succeed in having erected thereon a substantial building sUitable for religious services and educational purposes by general subscription, under his supervision; whereas such building has been nearly completed. James D. Browder & wife Juliet of Hale Co., Ala.. to the Rev. Theodore H.. Vernon Robert Alexander. Jesse Shearer, Charles Jones, and Aron Scott as trustees and to their survivors and successors in office. Quitclaim to 1 acre in the extreme SE comer of s26tl8r3E. upon which acre is the aforesaid new church now known as "John the Baptist Cburch" and which said acre is bounded east by the Linden & Arcola Rd. and south by the Lomax place of Mrs. Adele L. DuBose; to hold for the benefit and advantage of the colored people for the purpose and to be used as a schoolhouse or house of religious worship. Certified 28 Jan 1880. DC'ld Book X, p. 225 II Mar 1880. Wm. N. Nichols & Martha M A. Nichols to Deep Creek Baptist Church. Gift of lot whose NW comer is a pine stump NW of NW comer of said church house: said 101 located near the north line of the SE 'I. of sI7tl2r2E: to hold so long as it is a church and in case the church dissolve or move. this deed null and void. , , From Henson to Phillips 1. S. Phillips declares his desire to adopt James Thomas Henson and to change his name to James Thomas Henson Phillips. The mother of said child is dead and the father G. T. Henson has consented to adoption and name change. Filed for record 26 May 1n~. -Marengo County Probate Minutes Book U. page 65 The Bare Necessities Appraisement of the effects of Jonathan Dickinson deceased by Allen Smith. John McIntosh.. and Aretus Turner (certified 8 Aug 1840 by Nathan Smith. J.P.): I horse, 72.50 I saddle & blanket 2.50 1 silver watch. 22.50 I pr pistols. 5.00 3 pocket knives, LOO 2 pocket books, 0.50 3 razo~ & stroP. 0.75 1 silk umbrella, 3.00 5 books, 1.00 9 steel pens. 0.25 1 ink stand. 0.12 Y2 2 trunks & wearing apparel, 25.00 1 cloth, 0.25 -/vlarengo County i"'fiscellaneous Probate Record I, page 224 Letters of Guardianship Granted January 5, 1891 Zack McIntosh applies for letters of guardianship for Fannie Williams. a minor who resides with him in this county and has in her own right an estate worth $25 which it will be necessary to expend annually for her support. Bond of $50 approved and letters granted. George Lilly applies for letters of guardianship for Douglas Lilly, minor under 14, who has an estate in his own right consisting of $25 to be paid annually by his reputed father. Bond of $50 with sureties Eugene McCaa, C. B. Cleveland.. and T. D. Matkin approvoo and IGtters granted. -}.,farengo County Prohate Minutes Book P, page 363 5 Paymaster of the Sixth Brigade Julius A. Martiniere and DlUlcan MeRae are boWld to Gov. Arthur P. Bagby for $1,000 on 3 Dec 1840. Martiniere has been commissioned to act as paymaster of the 6 th Brigade, )Cd Division of Alabama Militia. Wit. Tho~ Proctor. -Marengo County Miscellaneous Probare Record 1, page 3/3 A Doubtful Claim Haywood Walton. admr. of eSlate of Granville Walton. deceascd~ asked 2 Apr J909 that a doubtful claim of said estate against the United States Cast Iron., Pipe, and Foundry Company of Bessemer. Ala., for negligently causing the death of said decedent be compromised for $750 Notices of hearing were issued to widow Sallie Walton and daughtCf Martha Jane Holman. Court granted request 19 Apr 1909. -Marengo County Probare lvlinures Book S, page ./ 13 Some Landowners in Township 13, 1858 Township 13, in the southern part of Marengo County, includes the towns of Nanafalia.. Sweet Water, Dixons Mills. and Hampden. The following persons are named in Marengo Counfy Assessment of Real Eslatc Ta'(es, 1858. as some of the landowners in the area. W. J. Alexander H. G. Allen Absalwn Autrey Dr. A. Baldwin '.Jcorge Barkley ~. W. Barkley Jesse R Beverly Thomas A. Beverly William R. Boozer Joseph Chandler Dr. J. L. Cunningham Dr James H. Curtis Joel B. Dixon Joel Dixon Sr. James Dunning Thomas H. Dunning James Fortner James H. Glass Jacob Green Sr. John Hale Robert J. Hall Thomas D. Hall Joseph M Hawkins Greenberry Hill Moses Hill Sterling Hill William B. Holland Arthur B Hosea Thomas 1. Hosea John W. Huddleston Loving Alison Ingram Mrs. R. M. Jones William C. Knight NathanielJ. Lewis Dr Gideon Lucy George G. Lyon John H. Martin Allen Mobley John Morgan Ebin Newton Rial Norris Eady O'Neal Peterson estate George W. Phillips A. Y Pratt Mrs. Sarah R. Price E. W. Quinney Charles Raley Mrs. Dicey Reisor James W W Robinson Jacob Shirey Thomas H. Skinner C. D Spiva Abram M. Squires Jesse A Squires James Tait J. L. Tucker H. White Mrs. F. Whitley E. L. Williamson 1. M Witherspoon , 6 Marengo County Town Properties The conveyances of town properties below were all recorded in 1865 in Marengo County Deed Book T. p 437 20 Aug 63. Alfred Breitling & wife Fannie of Marengo Co. to Manuel W. de Bolle of New Orleans. La. For $7.000. lots 160-16-t in Demopolis with the buildings, improvements &c. thereon, being the same lately occupied and owned by Edward Montigie as his residence Wit. Thos. Breitling. Certified by George G Lyon, C.S. cornST. p .J38 1 Sep 6-l. Robert 1. Miller & wife Catherine, Livongton MimslNellim. and Cornelia Y. Guion (a femme sole) all of Hinds Co., Miss.. William M. Jones (by attorney L. MimsINellim) of Lynchburg. Campbell Co.. Va.. and Clauding/Claudius McGivern of Baltimore, Md.. to Willis G. Clarke and 101m Forsyth of Mobile. Ala. For $16,000. lots 151-15-t in Demopolis. upon which said lots is built and located the River Hotel and dwelling house and improvements thereunto belonging &c. Wil E. Hooker. R. R. Eubanks; wit. R. W. Adams, W H. Stockley for McGivern p 440 1 Sep 64. Livingston Mims and Cornelia Y. Guion of Hinds Co .. Miss., William M. Jones (by attorney Mims) of Lynchburg, Campbell Co. Va., and Claudius M. Givins of Baltimore, Md.. to Robert Miller of Hinds Co., Miss. For $14.000. lots 150, ISS, and 156 in Demopolis. adjoining the River Hotel property and lots 473-476 in Demopolis. upon which is located the livery stable property belonging to the River Hotel. Wit. E. Hooker. R. M. Eubanks: wit. R. W. Adams, W. H. Stockley for McGivern. p 447 21 Oct 64.1. Y. Alston & wife Martha A. to E. C. Efigland. For $3500, land in McKinlc)·. 10 wit, SW 1j., of SW I/., and NW I/., of SW I/., of sltl5r5E except a lot of the same deeded to Wm. M Fields by J. B. Lacy & wife et al. containing 9 acres. also to McNorton for 2 acres. also to Rosenfeldt for one acre. also to 1. M. Alexander 1j., acre. also to Jno F. Jones Y. acre. also to R. D. Whitley one acre. also 10 trustees of the school I/., acre. also 10 Nat Moore 1/8 acre. also to M. P. Church 3 acres, also to the Bell, Baptist Church 3 acres for a gr.iVe yard. aJso to Samuel Orr 3 acres. also to Dr. Jones 1/8 acre. also to Jno. T. Wade 4 acres & 88 poles. also 10 W S. Hayes lI8 acre. also to Mrs. Stephenson about 5 acres. also to Wm. B. Jackson about 3 acres. also to the new Methodist Church about I acre. making in alJ deeded away about 44 acres. leaving in the deed about 35 acres. Certified by Wm. F. Perkins, 1.P p 449 28 Jan 65. E. C. England & wife Martha F. to W T. Abrahams. For $7.000. same land in McKinJey as described in deed just above. Certified by Wm. F. Perkins, J.P. p 456 1 Jan 65. Richard Jones of Marengo Co. to James W. Baird. For $10. quitclaim to lots 595-598 in Demopolis. generally known as the Traywick Hotel property. p 459 21 Sep 65. William Smith & wife Phebe to David Bell. all of Marengo Co. For $1500. lots in Linden described as W Y2 of lot 4 and lots 18-20, being the lots on which are situated the Linden Hotel and stables and out houses attached thereto. with all improvements &c. Certified by W. H. Grant. J.P. p 462 22 Aug 64. Thomas S. Harrell & wife Sarah A. of Washington Co.. Ala., to Bryan W Whitfield. F. S. Lyon. and M. C. Dorman, as trustees for the use and benefit of Camey, a man of color. For $5.000. lots 127 and 128 in Demopolis. fronting 150' on Main or Market St., bOWlded on the south by E. T Rhodes' property and on the north by Monroe St., lots being lbe same now occupied by Camey with a blacksmith shop thereon. togelber with the improvements thereon. Wit. M. E. Harrell. William H. Jordan. Certified by E. Jenning, J.P. [a docwnent recorded in the margin in 1869: 1] Oct 68. Francis S. Lyon. Bryan W. Whitfield, and A. M. Donnan. trustees named in within deed. to Carney Crenshaw. For a valuable and sufficient consideration, release of trustees' right to land in above deed.] p 465 9 Oct 65. Edward Sangrouber (by his attorney F. W. Obering) to TIlomas A. Casey, all of Demopolis. For $1500, land in Demopolis, being all that part of lot 593 beginning at SW comer of sajd lot on Strawberry Sl.. then running north to SW comer of the house at this time occupied by Lewis B. McCarty, fronting 50' on said Strawberry St. and running back 150' to the alley. being lbe same conveyed 29 Oct 56 between Louis Rosenbaum and said Sangrouber; also all that part of lot 592 beginning at SW comer of lot 593 on Strawberry St., running with sajd street 9 Vz' south. lben cast 150' to an allcy, tllcn 7 north 9 1/. then west 150' to beginning. Wit. Tho. 1. Foster. Eugene McCaa. Certified by George E. Markham, J.P. P 466 30 Sep 65. David Bell of Marengo Co. appoints Robert Lewis of Greene Co.. Ala.. his attomey 10 sell a certain house known as Smitil's hotel and lot of land in LindeD. upon which the hOlel formerly o"med by Mr. Smith. now belonging 10 me. now stands: also to sci! all the household and kitchen furniture and all other implements belonging to said hotel Wit. James Hooper. George McDurkin. Certified by F P./T. Wrighl J.P. 11 Oc165. David Bell (by his attorney Robert Lewis) of Marengo Co. & wife Liza Frances to John G. Keller of Marengo Co For $3.000. lots in Linden described as W 1f2 of lot 4 and lots 18-20. being the lots on which are situated the Linden HOlel, stables and Oul houses thereto attached.. togetiler with all improvements &c. Certified by W. H. Grant. J.P. p ~69 Oct 65. James D. Fox of Marengo Co. to Charles IIby of said county. For S1.000, mortgage of [at in LiDdeD together with houses &c. thereon known as Fox's office whereon he is now residing and doing business. said lot being a part of lot 13 and more particularly described in a deed from S. F. Gholson & wife to Fox. [satisfied 28 Mar 66} P .n 1 8 Scp 65. Whereas on 6 Sep 60 Thomas S. Locke sold to James M. Curry and James Harrison for $1600 lot I in Block 2 in Dayton in s24t 16r4£. bounded on the west by the main streel on the north by a street. on the east by a vacant lot known as the Browning 10L and on the south by a lot formerly occupied by Obering as a shoe shop, being the same house fonnerly occupied by the said Locke as a grocery store and subsequently by Curry & Harrison for the same purpose: whereas Curry & Harrison have never paid thc purchase money Curry & Harrison to said Lockc and D. M. ProwelL For $1-75. said lot. Wit. W Prm.\·cIL William F TerrelL 8 Sep 65. Whereas by the terms of an agreement between the said Locke and Prowell. Loeke is to own onc half interest in said lot described above and Prowell to mm the tiler half: whereas Locke holds the legal title to same under a deed from J M. McCrary and wife: whereas Prowell paid half of ;unount paid to Curry & Harrison. Thomas Locke to D. M. Prowell. In consideration of circumst.al1ces. one half of said 101. Wit. W Prowell. William F TerrelL p .+7.+ 30 Sep 65 William C. Walthall & wife Jane F. to Vannie R. Horton. For $1,000, lot in DaytoD on which we now reside heretofore owned by James A Young Esq., bounded on the south by a lot on which the Rev. L C Huckabee now resides (the present fence being the entire length on the said line). on the east by a lot com'eyed to Mrs. Hanasee by R. A Jones and now owned by Dr. Wynne (the fence ~ eing on this line), on the nonh by a street and on the west by a street containing about six acres. Certified by Willis P. King, J.P. [Ms. Horton' s deed of trust to William F. T rrell for the house and lot was satisfied 9 Jan 67 J p'+77 6 Nov 65. Nancy Anderson to Charles lrby. all of Marengo Co. For $1.000. mortgage o[lot in Linden known as the 101 on which Anderson now resides. together with aU improvcments. Certified by W H. Grant, JP. [satisfied 27 Aug 661 p .+78 I Jan 62. Dr Nathaniel W Riddle to Dr. A. A. J. Riddle. all of Marengo Co. For $50,000, the lot in LiDtJen on which Nathaniel now resides. with the c:\]Jress understanding tilat he is to retain possession of said to\\11101 Wltil the present war between the Confederate States & the United States is ended: also the Mitchell Place (220 acres): slaves Marshall. Harriel C1laney. Cresy. L Harriet. Pleasant. Lucinda. Busey L. PleasanL Edmond. Francis. Betty. Daniel. Tom. Liddy. Jack. Joe. RachcL Mary, AU n_ Janc. Ann. Sam. Ben. Malinda Lena Juicy, Roben.. Henry. Eliza: etc. Wit. F B. Jackson. NeWlon Brucc. .l Nov 65 Charles Beysiegel & wife Kate to Lafayette Bates. For $800. a piecc of land in the p .+81 enstem part of lot 522 in Demopolis. fronting 36' on Washington St. and running back 38'. 29 Nay 65 Nathan B. Whitfield & wife Bettie of Marengo Co. to Bryan W. Whitfield of said p ~81 county. For $~O.OOO. all lands and plantations known as the home lI'dct or Gaineswood: the tract of land sold to Whitfield by George S. Gaines 19 Jan .l3. together with the Whitfields' dwelling house and residence known as Gaineswood with all of the outhouses. buildings. and improvements; also two tJacts of land sold to Whitfield by Augustus Foscue and William H. Lyon: also lots in and near Demopolis owned by Whitfic Ids. WiL F. S. Lyon. Thos. J. Foster Certified by Edward A Taylor. J.P. 8 P 483 11 Dec 65. Jacob Jacoby & wife Elizabeth of Mobile Co., AJa.. to W. M. Richardson. For $1500. lot 14 and E Y2 of W Y2 of lot 4 in Linden. Jurors for the 19205 King Trial Drawn as petit jurors for the July Term 1923 trial of the contest of the will of John King deceased: R H. AJbritton of Jefferson. farmer Robert 1. Judson of Dixon Mills. farmer Webster Huckabee of Dixon Mills RFD, farmer S. E. Owen of Demopolis, mfgrs. Chas. B. Baily of Linden. carpenter William Weil of Demopolis. merchant James H Williams of Linden. farmer Billie S. Whitcomb of Linden, saw mill W. F. Maness of Surginer, farmer F. H. Westbrooks Jr. of Nanafali~ clerk. Ray Williams of Linden, clerk Lennie B. Twilley of Magnolia fanner 1. H. Brown of Thomaston.. saw mill Chas. M. Cooper of Demopolis. cotton dealer Raymond Breilling of Demopolis, hamessmaker E. G. Bailey of Rembert, farmer Vernon Peacock of Old Spring Hill, farmer Ge. G. Allen of Demopolis. fanner B. F. Gardner of Linden. fanner Sylvester Torbert of Jackson Store. farmer T. C. Barley of Linden,. butcher Leonard Mayton W. T. Whitcomb R. P. Barley 1. T. Kimbrell Fay Lisenbee Special jurors drawn to make the required number ofjurors ordered for the contest of the will of John "" King deceased. set for trial 8 Jul 1924 Tom Barkley of Linden Price Jones of Dixon Mills James M. McManus of Vineland T. L. England of Magnolia Richard H Fox of TIlomaston Edgar Agee of Dixon Mills Roy Etheredge of Nicholsville Glen Barr of Nanafalia William A. Ware of Dixon Mills WiJJiam L. Skinner of Thomaston Dick T. Coats of Li.nden Jnol (sic] A. Sheffield of Linden Howard Hale of Thomaston Will R. Parten of Nanafalia Bird C. Brndford of Shiloh Taylor Eppes of Dayton Clarence Kirvan of Demopolis Thomas W. Johnson of Myrtlewood C. L. Simmons of Demopolis Harvey Braswell of Myrtlewood Duane Egbert of Thomaston Clarence Honeycutt of Linden Houston AJexander of Faunsdale -.\4arengo County Probate Afinlltes Book U, pages ;'6 and 79 Out of Dixie On 5 Jan 1835. William Hogan of Randolph Co.. N.C., relinquished two mulatto girls Margaret Ann... age 8, and her sister Jane. age 4. to David C. Houston and TI10mas A ShaIpe. both of Marengo Co.. Ala.. upon the condition that Houston and Sharpe transport said girls to one of the eastern non-sJaveholding states at Hogan's cost by the fall of 1836. When there. the girls were to be disposed of according to the law of such state made for the disposition of orphan children. Hogan agreed to defray any expense that occurred in 1;>inding out anQ settling the children. Wit. David Curry, T. C. Gholson. -Marengo County Deed Book C, page 206 9 Probate Court Sessions ofJanuary 1896 6 Jan 1896 (Marengo County Probate Minutes Book R. page I) Continued cases: S. M. Torbert deed: Emma Robertson deed: J. H. Vincent deed: E. G. McNeill: T. H. Dunning deed. W M. Selden filed pwported will of E. W. H. Selden deed. which appean; to be attested by M. E. Rice of Montgomery Co.. Ala. W. M Selden. husband of decedent., is 21 yean; of age, of sound mind. and resides in this county. Said decedentlefl her surviving five children. to wit., Bessie C. Peacock, wife of _ _ Peacock.. both of full age. sound mind. and reside in Selma, Ala.; Laura C. Bethea. wife of S. R. Bethe~l. both of age. of sound mind. and reside in this county; Maria Bland SeldCIL of full age. sOlllld mind. and resides with the said W. M. Selden in this county; Willie L. Selden. under 20 years of age. of sound mind, and resides with her father the said W. M. Selden: and Joseph L. Selden, under 20 years of ag. f sound mind. and resides with his father W M. Selden. Ordered that 20 Jan 1896 be set for hearing testimony in proof of will Ordered that corrunissioo issue 10 L. E. Rogers of Montgomery, Ala., to take deposition of M. E. Rice and that children be notified. 8 Jan 1896 (Book R. page 3) Catherine A. Breitling petitioned to be appointed ad..m.x. of estate of Gottleib Breitling deed.. Petition alleges that she is his wife. that he was an inhabitant of this Slate at his death and died intestate in this county leaving in this state property of $2.000 Petition shows his heirs allaw and next orkin [not listed in tltis record]. Upon $2,000 bond being given. with sureties W E. MichaeL E. A. Breitling. and C. E. Michael, petition granted. 10 Jan 1896 (Book R, page 3) E C. Dozier. 1. B. Williams, and James Pritchett. appraisers of estate of J. H. Vincent deed, filed JPprais€ment. O. P. Vmccnt., admr.. flied inventory of said estate. J. P. Vmcenl admr. of estate of J. H. Vincent deed. petitioned for an order to sell (on the ground that he same is perishable and liable to waste) 4 mares: 2 horscs: 3 mules; 100 bu. com: 1800# fodder: 1 wagon: 8 cotton baskets; I planter: 1101 plows, hoes. &c.: I cross cut saw: 1 lot household and kitchen furniture: 20 gal. molasses; 10 bu. potatoes; I road cart; rake; I salt kettle: I molasses mill & evaporator: -l cows; 2 yearlings; and claim to hogs in swamp. Petition granted. 11 Jao 1896 (Book R, page 4) Hearing of accounts heretofore fJ.led by E. S. Cornish. admr. of est:lte of S. M. Torbert. for partial settlement. Due notice of hearing given in the Demopolis Express. Admr. has received in cash $1120 78 and has expended in costs of administration and debts of decedent $998.20. Account passed. 16 JIlD 1896 (Book R. pllge 5) Mary F. Rudisill. gdn. of Mabel Rudisill. minor. petitioned to seJl certain real estate. the property of said minor. for the pwpose of the education and maintenance of said ntinor. Ordered that hearing be set for 9 Mar 1896 and thal notice be sen'ed upon minor and her mother Mary F Rudisill with whom she resides. 20 Jan 1896 (Book R., page 5) Hearing for proof of .....ill of E. W. H. Selden deed. W. M. Selden. who applied for probate. and C. B. Cle....eland. who onsents to act as gdn. ad litem [or Willie and Joseph Selden. minor hGirs of deceased. come It appearing from testimony of M. E. Rice that she and D. R. Smither signed the will and that lestaui.· was of sound mind. 21 years of age. and an inhabitant of this state at her death. application gTIlllted. W. M. Selden applies for letters testamentary in accordance with said will: application granted. with letters to issue upon filing of a $5.000 bond. 24 JllD 1896 (Book R. pllge 1) 1. T Collins petitions to be appointed admr. of the est:lte of Robert Ro)·aJ deed. He alleges that decedent was an inhabitant of this state at his death and that he died in this county intestate leaving no property except a claim against the Southern Railway Company for negligently causing his death. Petition shows his heirs at law and next of kin [not listed in this record). Collins having given $150 bond with sureties O. G. Hare and G. W. Taylor, petition granted. 10 Queries on the children of the males above except lhe last two. Nevin.VNevians/NevcnslNivcnsfNcvins Lois Tanner Sledge, 237 Indian Bend Trail, LaGrange, GA 302-10-7947 Gibson John L. Ross, 1710 S. Pine Place, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 My great-grandfather, Samuel Alexander Gibson, Sr., was born in Christian County, KY in 1832. He moved to Marengo Count}', AL with his parents. Pitman and Susannah Burk Gibson and most of his siblings. The move was made between 1850, when the U.S. census showed the family still living in Kentuckl. and 1854 when he married in Alabama. Samuel married Harriet A. Dickson.. the daughter of Thomas Y. Dickson of Marengo County, on November 2. 1S54. The wedding was conducted by the Rev 1. B. Williams: bondsman was Hayne H. Dickson. Samuel and Harriet had at leas) two children: Anna (Annie) G. and Samuel A., Jr. (my grandfather), born June 6, 1858 in Marengo County. A third child. Mary Gibson was mentioned in Samuel Sr.'s settlement of property in 1866 and received a full one foun' of the estate along with HarrieL Anna, and Sa " Jr. Sam Sf. died June 18, 1858, intestate, and " estate was settled through the Probatc Coon 01 Marengo County. (I have a copy of those proceedings.) Harriet married John J. Quinney of Marengo County on Apri14. 1860. They married in her home and the wedding was attended by two unnamed Gibson children. The marriage was conducted by E. M. Vick. T. J. Bowler was bondsman. HameL her new husband.. Sam Jr., and Anna then left Alabama and moved to Gonzales County, Texas. The couple had several more children after moring. My questions are: When and where did Pitman and Susannah Burk Gibson die? Where are lher buried? What was the cause of death for Samu~l Sf. (he was only 28 years old) and where is he buried? Who was Harriet's mother? Last. but certainly not least, who was Mary Gibson-was she a sisterto Sam Jr. and Anna? What happened to her? I will be glad to share information I have on the Gibson family Seek any information on my great-grandmother. Harriett Nevins. nee Craig, she was living in Marengo County in 1865. She had two children: Nancy Ellen Nevins. my grandmother. and Virginia Lee Nevins b. 25 Dec 1865. Linden. Marengo Count)'. Can't locate in 1870: 1880 she was living in Faunsdale, widowed. and working as a cook. Will pay copy cost and postage for information Will gladly share any information 1 have McClinton /lelen Camp, 392 Oliver Polls Rd., Newnan, GA 30263 1 am researching the McClinton families of Marengo and Clarke Co., Al. 1 think that I am descended from James McClinton who is listed in 1810 census of Abbeville, S.C., as having 5 sons under 10. He is not listed in 1820 there. According to Ball's history of Clarke Co., Al. he came to Ala. in 1819 with 11 children. (1 think the history states" 11 family members' ) 1 further speculate that these McClintons found in Clarke Co. and Marengo Co., Al are his sons and daughters. Can anyone help me prove or disprove this? 1) Samuel b. ca. 1800 S.c. md. Elizabeth (Walker?) My line; 2) William F., b. ca. 1804 S.c. md. Harriett Easley: 3) Robert P., b. ca 1807 S.c. md. Elizabeth C. Easley (Easley is another S. C. name); 4) son who was born before 1810, but who died or was not in Al. for me to "discover"; 5) James Elmore, b. ca. 1810 S.C. md. Martha Walker. 6) Nancy (? b. ca. 1814-guess from maniage record of 1834 to William Sinunons); 7) Henry. b ca. lS17 S.c. md. Araminta L(ouisiana?) Branson; 8) Benjamin (? b. 1819-guess from marriage record of 1839 to Mary Deloach), 9) Mary (? b. 1823-guess from marriage record of 1843)' 10) (John B.???-from another McClinton researcher. descendant of James E.); 11) (Wiley-same as #10). All of these married in Al. except Samuel. I have not found a marriage record for him. I asswne he married in Al. since his flfSl. known child was born in 1834 in Al. Please note that I am not sure these are brothers and sisters. I am just speculating from information I have collected. I have information Hall Gwen Jlall Gay, 8515 McKavett Dr. #B, Dallas. IX 75238-1514 Seeking infonnation on James W. Hall, brother of Leonard HaJl and Merideth Hall (possibly II others). James W. Hall m. #1 Elizabeth Morgan in Wilcox Co. Children of this union: I) Leonard Jesse Allen Hall: 2) daughter (died in childhood) Mary A.: 3) James 1. Hall. #2 wife Hannah Pinncau HilL dtr. of Sterling Hill. Children of this union: -l) William R. m. Irene Warwick: 5) Columbus 1. m. Ann H. Huckabee: 6) John C. B. Ill- Mary Lydia Barkley (my grandparents); 7) Margaret m. Charles C. Walker; 8) Mittie m. Archie Wh.ite: 9) Mattie (no record of marriage). James W. Hall listed at Clay Hill, Marengo CoWl~' I am searching for grave sites of these people: James W HaJl (father); Hannah P Hill Hall (mother); and Mattie (yoWlgest daughter). All the rest died in Texas except possibly James 1. Hall who enlisted in the CSA army at Pensacola_ Florida. Harper L. S. Lee, 145 Rosine, Beaumont, TX 77707 My great-grandfather. David C. Harper. lived in Marengo Co., Alabama. owning a small ~o acre fann there between 1868 and 1890 era I am trying to locate his buriaJ place. I was told his place was in S.E. Marengo Co. Their farm was: southwest quarter of nonhwcst quarter of [.II'>::I'i,Jlis Public Library , l:' .ngo County Genealogical Society 2-. F.dst \ Vashington Street Demopolis, Alabama 36732 section 3 township 12 range 4 East. containing 40 acres and 38/100. I place this near present day Vineland. Alabama. There is a cemetery . called the Morrisette and aJso Hampden and Arbor which are near. Are D. C. Harper and S. E. Harper buried in these? Sarah Elizabeth· maiden name was L e. 1 know that by 1900 m. great-grandfather D. C. Harper had been widowed and had left his farm to go live with his daughter: he was about 72 years old then. My grandfather had left Alabama in 1890 and went to Texas where he remained the rest of his life, dying here in 1950 Some info I gathered from U.S. census records concerning whereabouts of my great-grandfather D. C. Harper: 18SG--Marengo Co; 186Q--Marengo Co. township 12 R. ~E. Post Office Clay Hill. Alabama: 1870-Marengo Co.. to\mship 12. Pineville Beal Post Office Shiloh.. Ala.: 1880 Marengo Co.. McKinley Beal No. 10. I would like to place a Confederate Army marker on his grave if I can locate it. He was in the 5th Alabama Infantry. was wounded and taken prisoner of war at Get~'sburg, Pennsy vania. July 1. 1863. v'Yewsletter Volume 8 July 1996 Officers have been elected for the 1996-97 year. Ruth Allen was chosen as president, Manha Massey as vice-president, Toni Rutledge as secretary, and Lucretia Norris as treasurer. Recent contributions by the society Lo the genealogical collection at the Demopolis Public Library include Death and Obituary Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate, 186i 1878; Marriage, Death, and Estate .Votices from Georgetown, South Carolina, Newspapers, 1791-1861; lvlarriage and Death Noticesfrom Baptist Newspapers a/South Carolina, 1835 1865; and Marriage and Death Notices from Columbia, South Carolina, Newspapers, 1838 1860. Mr. Eltoo Powell continues his generous gifts to the collection. Efforts of Probate Judge Cindy Hopkins and the society have prevented further deterioration of some of the oldest volumes in the probate vault at the Marengo County courthouse. The county commission agreed to fund the encapsulation of individual pages and the reworking of the bindings so that the pages can be easily removed for photocopying. Number 1 Members of the society gathered at the large Forrest Springs Baptist Church cemetery in l\1ay to record tombstone inscriptions. Current committee appointments have been announced. Toni Rutledge and Eleanor Drake will seJVe on the Church Records Committee and Martha Massey and Betty Vaughan on the Books (Acquisition) Committee. Member5h.ip on the Cemetery Committee is open to anyone willing to shoulder part of the responsibility for copying inscriptions at COUDty grave sites. Dues Annual membership dues are SID, payable in July of each year. Contact Us! Demopolis Public Library Marengo County Genealogical Society 211 East Washington Street Demopolis, Alabama 36732 Distributees of Estates, 1851 A fmal settlement with regard to the administration of a decedent's estate usually signals nol only thie discharge of the executor or administrator but also the close of the business of the estate. Below are the distributees noted in connection with such settlements made in 1851 and recorded in Marengo COWlty Probate Minutes Book F. January p 87 William Browning. Susan Browning widow; Wm. G. Browning; Joseph L. Browning; Nelson Browning now deceased; Dealthea. VereUa, and Green Lee. children of Martha Lee deceased, formerly Martha Browning. (Columbus W. Lee admr) p 92 admr) Henry H. Curtis. Elizabeth B. Curtis widow; Henry H. Curtis minor child. (John S. 1bompson p 95 Joseph L.Breckenridge. Thomas G. Breckenridge; J. N. and Ebenezer Breckenridge minors; Charles Morgan and wife; Jeffmon Breckenridge. (Merrit Morgan admr) February p 102 James Jackson. Garry, Allen, James Jr., Alexander, and Andrew Jackson (1/8 each); Sarah A. Gibson and John. Emmet, Samuel and Allen Turner, children of Nancy Turner deceased (118 jointly); Aura John, David, Adaline, and James Maness, children of Rebecca Maness deceased (1/8 jointly); John, Lotty, Wiley, Richard, Garry, Gilead, and Sarah A Small, children ofParthena Small (118 jointly). (Andrew Jackson exr) April plIO Samuel Curtis. Elizabeth W. Curtis; Joseph and Elizabeth Agee' Daniel Curtis; Isaac Curtis; Ann Curtis; Charles Curtis: Edward Curtis; Wm. R Curtis minor. Joshua and Obedience Lewis; Elijah and Sarah Curtis; James Beverly as gdn of Christopher, Bracket 0., and Mary E. Watkins; John G. Allen as gdn of Elizabeth G., John c., Leroy J., and Thomas R. Allen; John Curtis; William and Sarah M Kelly; William Newberg as gdn of heirs of Mary Newberg; Susannah Curtis; T. M. Maddox as gdn of Mary F., Taply F., and Julia Curtis; William Curtis; Iohn B. Bruce as gdn of James Boattwrighl; Wm. F. and Margaret 1. Crittendon, a daughter of Daniel Curtis Ir.; Elizabeth Biggs. (Thomas R. Curtis exr) Robert Pickens. Mary Patterwn, wife of Thompson Pattmon; Israel Pickens; Susan Rawls, p 112 wife of Benj. F. Rawls; Wm. H. Pickens; Jane, Martha, Narcissa, Robert, and James Pickens minors; Sarah M Pickens; Andrew J. Pickens; Margaret Pickens widow. (John Daughdrill admr) p 114 Needham Bryan. Susan Bryan widow; twelve children: Mary W. Hamilton; Susan Collier who has since died leaving children: Nathan Bryan; Needham Bryan of TN; Frederick B. Bryan; Nancy Thompson, wife of John S. Thompson; James E. Bryan; Elizabeth B. Curtis; Levin J. Bryan; Andrew J. Bryan of Mobile AL; Geo. W. Bryan minor; Winifred Hogan, wife ofWUl S. Hogan, who has since died leaving three minor children (Frederick B. Bryan admr) S~ Needham. and Mary Hogan. All of Marengo Co. except as [loted. p 115 Isaac Eliz.abeth Grant widow; children: Caroline. wife of John Davis; Basil Grant; Walter R Grant~ Nicey Grant:; WID.. H. Grant:; Isaac H. Grant~ Bryan Grant minor; Nancy, wife of Bowen Seabrook, who has died leaving one minor child Isaac H. Seabrook. All of Marengo Co. (Basil Grant admr) May p 122 Margaret Underwood. Partheny Hickman: Marshal 1. Underwood; Irena Boykin; 1. G. Underwood; Richard R. Underwood; John F. Underwood; Richard and wife Harriet Lovett; Nimrod Underwood; Ausley Underwood. (Nimrod Underwood admr) p 124 Nathaniel Curtis. Susannah Curtis widow; children: Obedience, wife of Lewis Henderson of Sumter Co. AL; Sarah Curtis of MS; Eliza. who has since married James Parker, of MS; Charles R. 2 Curtis of MS; Samuel Curtis of MS; Lucien Curtis of MS; Henry H. Curtis, who has since died leaving infant Henry H. Curtis. of whom mother Elizabeth B. Curtis of Marengo Co. is gdn. (Lucien Curtis exr) June pp 132 Martha Bondurant. Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Ringgold (118); Mary Lee (lI8); children of & 152 Narcorilla Pickering (excluded having already received advances); Jesse H. Bondurant (lI8); Robert H. Bondurant (lI8); James M. Bondurant (l/8); children of Jane Rains, being John. Vlfginia, and Martha Rains (118 jointly); John N., Wm.. George, and Mary 1. Bondurant, James E. Curtis, and Henry Leonard and wife (1/8 jointly); Roue~ Mosby, Peter A, Stepbe~ and Charles Strntton (118 jointly). (Wm. Burks admr) September p 149 Edwin Howlett. Henry C. Howlett minor under 14: Eliza 1. Howlett widow; John B. Howlett; Robert 1. Howlett; Edwin M Howlett. (John B. Howlett admr) October p 154 William Springle. Frances Springle widow, since married James Simmons; five children: William Springle; Julia., since married J~mes White; Catharine, since married Gustavus T. Bevil; Joseph H. Springle now dead; Samuel D. Springle now dead. (Lewis Anderson admr) November p 171 Charles Jobnson. Mrs. Johnson widow, ofMS; two children: Julius Johnson minor, of VA. Eliza 1., wife of John W. James, minor, of VA. (Fr.mcis Johnson admr) Through the Decades 15 Dec 1838. William Burks of Marengo Co. to David Curry of said county, in trust for Clary Fullilove, wife of Willis FulWove of said county, during ber natural life and after her death to the heirs of her body. For natural love and affection I bear my said beloved sister Clary, for the better to provide for her support during her natural life, and for $1 paid by said Cuny, boy Bob. age about 16. At Clary's death, the heirs of her body may request the sale of Bob. Witnesses Thomas Ringgold, Charles Sean;. -Marengo County Deed Book G. page 66 circa 1842. Tho. A. Sharpe, administrator of estate of William E. Carter, deceased, shows that the debts presented for payment against said estate up to the present time amotmt to $258.41 and all the available means that have come within his knowledge amount to $ 199.68, with a probable deficit of $58.73, and prays that a decree of insolvency of the estate be rendered. Cowt orders that said decree be rendered and that advertisements be posted at the courthouse door, at Demopolis, and at Prairiville for creditors to file claims on or before 17 May next. -/\4arengo County Aliscellaneous Probate Record 1840, page 138 2 Feb 1858. Edward T. Watlington. administrator of Allen S. Norwood. deceased, petitions for sale of slaves Emily, Nelso~ Jane, and child Susan to allow equitable division between heirs. Estate is solvent Decedent died intestate about Jan 1~53, leaving no lineal descendants. Letters of administration granted II May 1857. Heirs at law, all of Marengo Co. e.xcept as noted, are his brother James E. Norwood; his sister Leah E. Norwood. over age 14 but WIder 21, who has since married James M. Curry; his brothers John W. and Samuel Norwood, under age 14; his sisters Gertrude and Ann Norwood, under age 14; and his half-sister Malinda J. Hopper, wife of George W. Hopper, who died about Dec 1854 leaving as her heirs her said husband and two children-Samuel G. and Equilla M. Hopper. both under age 14-who live with their father in Dallas Co. AL. Sworn before Wm. F. Terrell, J.P. -;tWarengo County A1iscellaneous Probate Record 4, page 532 20 Jan 1868. Contract for ensuing year made between Green E. Jones and the following freedmen and woman: Dan (X) Dunning. Allen (X) Tucker, Alex (X) Tucker, Emma (X) Tucker, and Bob (X) Tucker. Jones agrees to furnish land, team feed, team, necessary farming implements. provisions, and clothing, with provisions, clothing, and half blacksmith account to be deducted out of part. of crop of Dunning and 3 Tuckers, who agree to work on the farm and perfonn the labor necessary for half the cotton, corn, fodder, peas, potatoes, and such other articles of produce as may be planted and gathered. Dan Dunning employs and controls the other freedmen and woman. allowing Allen and Alex equal shares with himself, Emma three-fourths share, and Bob half share until he ceases to manage properly then Jones takes charge. Witness John H. Jones. -J'vlarengo County Deed Book U, page 686 9 Jan 1879. "I wish to notify you that there is an orphan boy at the residence of Geo. O. Miller about twelve years old name Hamp Threadgill that has neither father nor mother living and kneeds some person to take care of bil!I. and I recomend Geo. O. Miller as a suitable person to have him bound as an apprentice." Signed W. D. Rogers, J.P. George O. Miller gives $200 bond with 1. Glass and R. S. Waddle as sureties 10 Jan 1879. Whereas the probate court has apprenticed freed boy minor named Ramp Threadgill age 12 until he arrives at the age of 21 to learn the business of farmer. Miller shall also teach him to read and write as far as the rule of three, treat him humanely, and furnish him with sufficient food, clothing, medical attention in case of sickness, and, at the expiration of such apprenticeship, two new suits of clothes. -J\;Jarengo County ."-'Oscellaneous Probate Record 9, page 12 An Evening Encounter On the evening of Friday, June 19, 1835, an encounter in the streets of Centerville, a small town about four miles northwest of Dayton (see Marengo County Deed Book C, page 209), resulted in the death of Thomas A. Holland. Admitting that Holland died by his bands, Dr. Edward D. Steptoe surrendered himself to Abram Duff, John McFarland, and John W. Henley justices of the peace for the county. The justices examined several witnesses (including Newton Harris and William Thomas) "who it appears were present at the time of sd rencontre & of such others as were acquainted with material facts connected therewith." Much of the testimony, quoted below, was recorded in Marengo County Deed Book D, pages 20 to 23. Elijah Damby [saithJ that he was before the door of Doctor Dansby shop on the evening of the sd rencontre & while there he saw the deed the sd Thomas A. Holland come across the street from the house of William Thomas & approached to the place where Doct. Edward D. Steptoe seemed to be coming, which Steptoe perceived. They met somewhere not far from the door where witness was standing. After meeting some conv~tion took place between them but in so Iowa tone that he could not hear what was said. After a short time however the conversation became somewhat louder & it appeared that they were conversing about a contract that had been previously made between [them] for the purchase & sale of some com & hogs. He heard Holland remark that he had sent for the com which he had purchased from him & had not received it Steptoe replied that by the contract he Holland was to have the com at 50 cents per bushel if he took it away in 3 weeks from the time of the contract & if not that he was to have paid 62 Y2 cents for it Holland replied that it was u a [expletive] lie" or "a [expletive] lie" the witness does not recollect whichUpon this answer both parties seemed to recede a short distance & Steptoe raised his hands as if to protect himself from some threatened assault Holland at the same time put his band into his pocket with the design as witness supposed of drawing a pistol. Steptoe perceiving this drew his pistol. About this time Holland got his pistol out & presented it at Steptoe with the view apparently of shooting. Steptoe however also about the same time presented his pistol & drawing the trigger the percussion cap exploded without firing the powder. Immediately after which Holland fired his pistol at Steptoe but without effect. After which both appeared to be drawing another pistol & presenting them again. Both were fired off, Steptoe's pistol going off a little first: taking effect in the body of Holland. Holland seemed to be lDlconscious of the wound & shortly after the last mentioned firing each threw their pistol at the other after which they were separated & taken from the ground. He slates further that about an hour previous to the rencontre he had a conv~tion with Holland in which Holland after repeating the contract in relation to the com & hogs spoken of above he remarked 4 that Dr. Steptoe had{?] acted like a [expletive1rascal & he would be (e.xpletive] if he would not have satisfaction before be left the place & that but for this he would have been in the [Choctaw] nation at that time or on his way to the nation. Witness endeavoured to remonstrate with him upon the co~e he seemed disposed to take & remarked that if Dr. Steptoe had done any thing wrong he had no doubt that he would give him ample satisfaction in a mild & honorable way, that he had better get 3 friends to settle it & if they could not succeed he could get redress at law, that be should not rely upon his bodily power for satisfaction. Holland replied that he would settle without the law or his friends & that he would be [expletive] if he would not have satisfaction before he left the place. Holland also remarked that during the day he had sent to Steptoe a short letter in which among other things be had told him that he had sent for the com he had purchased of him & it had been denied him, that be meant to have the hogs that he had let Dr. Steptoe have or die. Doct- Daniel Dansby [saith that] he was present at the time spoken of by Elijah Dansby when Holland & Steptoe met in front of his shop & remembers the facts stated by sd Elijah Dansby to be materially true as far as he was able to judge. He heard Holland tell Steptoe that be was a liar after which both seemed to be aiming for his pocket They both drew their pistols about the same time. Steptoe seemed to be a little quicker than Holland. He would refer to the testimony of Elijah Dansby for a description of the engagement believing it to be correct as far as he was able to judge. He was not however in a situation to perceive what passed between them so well as his brother Elijah. He further saith that about 2 ho~ previous to the fight he was in his brother's store & saw Holland loading a pistol. He afterwards saw him in Mr. Dickenson's store & be seemed to be in a great passion with some person but be did not say [sic] who it was. Peter Dickenson saith that he was standing before his store on the evening of the sd rencontre. He saw Dr. Steptoe come riding into town passing by the house of Dr. Steptoe in which Holland was standing. As soon as he passed Holland arose & walked out & came towards the door of Doct Dansby shop to which Dr. Steptoe approached after alighting from his horse. They met not far from Dr. Dansby's shop door & it seemed that some conversation was passing between them but it was in so Iowa tone that he could not hear anything that was said except the word "com" which was pronounced by one of them. After conv~ing some time they both seemed to recede a short distance after which he saw them with their pistols in their hands. They presented them at each other about the same time, Doct. Steptoe exploding his percussion cap without firing the powder & Holland fired his pistol without it taking any effect on Steptoe. After which they both seemed to draw a second pistol which they presented & fired at each other, Steptoe's ball wounding Holland in the body but Holland's ball again missed Steptoe. Shortly after this they were separated. He further saith that about I hour before the engagement spoken of above he heard Holland conversing about the contract mentioned in the afsd testimony of Elijah Dansby & among other things he heard him remark that Steptoe had acted like a [expletive] rascal & that in future he should not visit this place (Centerville) or associate with the inhabitants, that but for this he would now have been on his way to Swnter County but that he meant to st3y until Sunday moming & that be would be [expletive) if he did not have satisfaction. He seemed to be very angry all the time. He further saith that he was well acquainted with both the parties & knows of no other fight in which Dr. Steptoe was engaged previous to this & thinks him a mild & peaceable man. Holland had the same character when sober but was somewhat irascible & quarrelsome when intoxicated. He thinks he had taken a little too much spirits that day. He also has known of some fights in which Holland had been engaged. Jackson Kirksey saith that he was present with Mr. Dickenson at the time & place spoken of in his preceding testimony. & had about the same opportunity of perceiving what passed between Holland & Steptoe & refe~ to sd Dickenson's testimony for what he himself will state on oath. He was also present at the conversation with HoUand spoken of in Dickenson's testimony & thinks it as stated by Dickenson to be exactly what was said as near as he himself could relate. 5 - About 2 Y1 or 3 hours previous to the engagement he was with Holland in Mr. Beal's[?] store when Holland was writing a letter to Steptoe. After writing it be read it aloud & gave it to his son. a boy about 13 years of age, to carry to Dr. Steptoe & teU him for him (Holland) that he was a [expletive] rascal. He refers to the letter itself for what it contained. In a few minutes after he handed the letter to his son he remarked if he had a [clerk notes "illegible"] he believed he would go out & shoot Steptoe. He used a great deal of abusive language about Steptoe & seemed to be in a violent passion. Jobn Harris saith that be was in Centerville on the evening of the fight spoken of above but he was not near enough to hear everything passed between Holland & Steptoe nor could he perceive distinctly an}1hing of the eagagement although he saw them fighting. He was conversing with Holland some short time previous to the rencontre in which Holland told him that he intended to tell Steptoe what he thought of him, but that be did intend to lay the weight of his fmger upon him that he would nol tight him a fisticuff fight but would in any other way he wanted. He further saith that one of the pistols which Holland had & fued at Steptoe he (Hanis) had loaded about 3 days previously for his own use, & that he laid it in his desk from which Holland took it Samuel Payne saith [testimony not recorded] Edmund Williamson saith [that] sometime in the month of March or April last a contract was entered into between Doct. Steptoe & Thomas A. Holland by which Steptoe purchased a lot of hogs of Holland & was to pay him partly in com to be taken away in a certain time within a few days but the precise time be does not recollect He had a conversation with Holland in relation to this contract about the 19th or 20dl of April in which Holland requested him (witness) to haul away the com away from Steptoe as if he did not get it in a few days he did not expect that Dr. Steptoe would let him have it Witness replied to him that he could not haul it for him but that nbe called at any time within a week or two he did not think it would make any difference to Steptoe. Holland however did not call for the com for about 2 months afterwards & not until the day or about the day on which the fight between them took place. On that day Holland's little son came to Doet Steptoe's house. Steptoe asked him if his father had written a letter to him. He answered that be had., but believed that he had lost it. Steptoe then asked him what his father had said to him. He replied that his father bad told him to tell Steptoe that be wanted the com he had purchased if he could get it or his hogs. Steptoe said that he might have the com if be wished at 62 Y2 per bushel or he might take back his hogs. He also told him that be had better go back & look for the letter which his father had written & bring it to him ifbe could fInd it Holland's son did not tell Steptoe that his father requested him to tell him that he was a [expletive] rascal nor did be communicate any other message calculated to excite Steptoe's feelings. Steptoe was all the time perfectly calm & seemed in no way excited & shortly after the boy had left his bouse he laid down on his bed & went to sleep. This was about 12 or 1 o'clock in the day & about 2 or 3 o'clock he came down to Centerville. Doet Steptoe is sometimes in the habit of carrying his pistols about him, but he considers him a very mild & peaceable man & not easily excited or upon trivial occasions apt to become angry. He further saith that previous to the time when Holland's son called at Steptoe's house, Steptoe had told him that be had written a letter to Holland in relation to their contract but does not remember that he communicated to him what it contained. Steptoe had also frequently told him to tell Holland that he had rather pay him the cash for his hogs than let him have the com at 50 cents per bushel as the time had elapsed in which he was [to have] taken away the com. He however neglected to communicate this to Holland although several times requested. He understood however that this was perhaps the purport of the letter written by Steptoe to Holland. Reason Wooley saith that a short time previous to the engagement spoken of above between Doet Steptoe & Thomas A. Holland be was with Holland & be seemed to be in a violent passion & was angry with Steptoe, using a good deal of abusive language & remarked that Steptoe should Dot come to town.. He saw the commencement of the engagement but twned away his head as he did not wish to witness it He does not differ materially from the testimony of the preceding witnesses & refers to them for an account of what he himself saw. The justices found that Steptoe had been guilty of no offense punishable by law in the killing of Holland. 6 Letters ofAdministration Estate of N. J. Lewis. On 26 Sep 1865, Thomas 1. Lewis applied for letters of administrdtion de bonis non on estate ofN. 1. Lewis deccllate of Marengo Co. Upon execution of bond for $2,000 with W. D. Johnson and James N. Davis his sureties, letters grnnted. -Jvlarengo County Probate Alinutes J, page 69 Estate or Carrie White. 00 21 Mar J903, George M. Brown, having given bond for $400 with sureties 1. C. Brown, W. E. Bailey, and E. T. Bailey was granted letters of administration on estate of Carrie White. decd, who died in Marengo Co. leaving property worth about $600. -;\t!arengo County Probate .\linutes R, page 559 or Estate Mrs. Willie G. Griflln. On 14 Dec 1905, Toby Ely of Marengo Co. prayed for letters of administration on the estate of MIs. Willie G. Griffin who resided in Demopolis and died intestate 00 or about 14 JUll 1905 leaving real estate with yearly rental value of no more than $250. She had debts at the time of her death. Heirs and distributees: Noman A. Griffm of Selma AL: Thomas E. Griffin of Minden LA: Goodman G. Griffin of Demopolis; Mary Griffin, minor over age 18. of Demopolis; heirs of Sallie G. Selden, daughter of Mrs. Griffin, who died intestate since her death, said heirs being several children under age 18 who reside with their father John A. Selden of Faunsdale. Sworn before Benj. F Elmore, 1.P. -I\t!arengo County ;\"fisceJJaneous Probate Record JJ. page 389 Southern Deeds The foUowing deeds pertaining to real estate in the southern part of the county were recorded in Marengo County deed books. Deed Book T, p. 505 William H. Reed to Edmund R. Vick, both ofM.arengo Co. For $1000, NE Y., NW Y. of SW Y., NE Y. ofNW Y., and NE Y. of SE II., all in s12tl2r3E, containing 280 acres; also NW II. of s7tl2r4E. containing 160 acres; also W Y:! of SW Y. of s6t12r4E, containing 80 acres. Dated 20 Oct 1865. Acknowledged before John A. Cowan, J.P., 20 Oct 1865. Deed Book DO, p. 26 Pollard & Bumheimer, firm composed of Jacob PoUard and E. E. Bumheimer, to F. F. Kimbrough. For S1200, SW Y. of 59 and E Yz of SE Y. of s8t12r4E. containing 250 acres. Signed also by wife Julia Pollard. Dated 3 Feb 1897, Mobile Co. AL. Acknowledged before E. Fry, N.P. of Mobile Co., 3 Feb 1897. Deed Book FF, p. 264 Whereas 1. O. Strickland purchased s22tl2r4 and SE II. of NE Y. of 513t12r4 (owner unknown) from the tax coUector 18 May 1891 for $41 and whereas owner has not red~med the land.. S. P. Prowell, judge of probate, grants all right of unknown owner to Ed Strickland, present owner of certificates of purchase. Dated l~ Mar 1901. Timber Sale Final decree ordering confumation of sale for division of the proceeds of certain timber &c. owned by Dudley Edwards, a minor, and Clarence Edwards, a'minor, as tenants in common with others, made and reported by Robertson Banking Company, a corporation, guardian of said minors. On 2 Jan 1922, disinterested parties Benj. F. Gilder a practicing attorney acting as guardian ad litem, and Alabama resident Kiah Edwards, adult next of kin, appeared in COwL as did Martha Edwards Furniss, mother of the mino~, with whom they live. It appears to the court that the sale was to the minors' advantage. The purchaser of the timber was W. G. Mitchell. trading and doing business under the name of The W. G. Mitchell Lumber Company. -A1arengo County Probate lvfinutes T, page 526 7 . As Many Have Binne Unfortunate The pre-nuptial contract of January 9, 1838, between Isaiah J. Kirksey and Mary Ann King Jr., both of Marengo Co., stipulated that Mary Ann was to retain full control of her own property as if there existed no connection between her and Kirksey. <4The occupation or trade of the said Kirksey being known to her being trading ... as many have binne unfortunate in his buisness or speculations this agreement is therefore made to secure the said Mary Ann from being reduced to want by the misfortunes of the said Kirksey her int~ed husband." -Marengo County Deed Book E. page 13/ From Dayton to Demopolis The following deeds pertaining to real estate in the northern part of the county were recorded in Marengo County deed books. John Kelly of Wilcox Co. AL to John D. Catlin of Marengo Co. For $1900, lot Deed Book 1, p. 113 commencing 30 poles S of NE comer of W Y1 of NW II. of 514t16r4E at stake post oak S30W 20 links and running N88W 49 poles to stake on E verge of Town of Dayton thence S 35 poles to stake thence S88E ~9 poles to stake on line dividing E and W halves of said quarter-section (3 pine) N90E 21 links thence N 35 poles to beginning comer, containing 10.72 acres. All Kelly's right except 20' on W side of said lot which is to be kept open for a public highway. Sarnh Kelly relinquishes dower. Dated 8 Apr 18-12. Acknowledged before Richard Wooten, J.P. of Marengo Co., 9 Apr 1842. Deed Book 0, p. 550 Sydney Smith and wife Julia L. and Robert T. Chambers and wife ElviralEvelena T./S. to Samuel Orr. For $520, lot in Town of Dayton which was recently conveyed to said Sydney Smith, Thomas R. Eaton, and Robert T. Chambers by James S. Terrell and wife Elizabeth, being the same lot on which the gin shop heretofore occupied by William 1. Moore is located and which is situated on same side of street with and between the saddlers shop of Robert Orman and the lot and shop of A. Styron. Dated 8 Feb 1853. Witnessed by R. E. Bohannon and Jno. M. Showalter. Acknowledged before John M Showalter, J.P., 28 Feb 1853. William C. Skinner and wife Jane G./S. Skinner of Jeff~n Co. AR to James Deed Book Q p. 200 Beverly, executor of B. O. Watkins late of Marengo Co., for the use and benefit of his heirs (minors). For $373.33 paid 1 Jan 1851, lot in s3tl7T3E, being one-third of an lDldivided lot ofland, which undivided lot contains 64 acres and is bounded as follows: beginning at stake in B. O. Watkins line and running with said line W 192 poles to stake then N 53 poles 8 links to stake then E 192 poles to stake then S 53 poles 8 links to beginning; sd undivided lot being land conveyed by the will of the late Josiah Skinner to his son Asa D. Skinner. Dated 12 Sep 1855. Witnessed by G. B. Jones and Tho. J. Morgan. Datus D. Royal to Mary Hyman so long as she may live and at her death to her Deed Book BB, p. 42 child Shelby Hyman and any other children she may have. For $200 and for further consideration that she is to keep the graveyard fence between this property and the graveyard lot known as the Jones graveyard in repair and that "'her ancestors after her are to do the same," real estate adjoining the City of Demopolis. cof'Ullencing at SE comer of the Jones or Hatch Graveyard lot on Cedar St running thence W along said graveyard lot for 152' thence S 53' thence E 152' thence N along said Cedar St 53' to place of beginning, together with all improvements thereon. Deed subject to mortgage given by Royal to Ernest Moore to secure a debt to him Dated 6 Sep 1892. Witnessed by C. B. Cleveland and J. C. Kelly. Joseph M. Alexander's Heirs at Law On 24 Jut 1867, John D. Ale.xander, executor, named the only heirs at law of Joseph M Alexander as his son John D. Alexander, his son DeWitt C. Alexander, who died in the fall of 1865; and three children of his daughter Violet R. Smith, who died about 185O-Su.san. who married William S. Anderson about 1856, and minors Albert and Joseph D. Smith. All heirs reside in Marengo Co. -Almengo County \;fjscellaneous Probate Record 6, page 510 8 ----=.- - - - - - " = Criminal Behavior In the 1880s, the relatively high court costs and fines imposed by the Marengo County criminaJ court system prompted some citizens to execute contracts with those convicts whose penalties they were willing to payor secure. These contracts, a portion of which are abstracted belo", , were recorded in the county deed books. Deed Book Y, p. 652 5 Oct 85. Contract of Frank (X) Hunter with Thomas F. Howze At the circuit court's 1885 falilerm, Hunter was convicted of an unspecified crime and fined 10 [unspecified monetary unit] with $25.70 in court costs. Hunter agrees to labor on Howze's plantation at any kind of farm labor he may be required to do, to obey the orders of Howze or his agents, and to work faithfully. Howze agrees to furnish Hunter with a house to live in. wood to bwn, clothing, provisions, and medicine, and to allow him $6 per month (to be paid after the amount ofjudgment has been worked out). Term of 12 months. Deed Book Y, p. 653 6 Oct 85. Contract of Robert (X) Thurston with Jule Rembert. At the circuit court's 1885 fall term, Thurston was convicted of gaming and fmed 20 [unspecified monetary unit] with $25 in court costs. Thurston agrees to labor for Rembert_ Rembert agrees to furnish ThUTSton with food and lodgings and to pay him $12 per month. Term expires when judgment is paid. Deed Book Y p.654 7 Oct 85. Contract of Owen (X) Allen with A. B. Hudson. At the circuit court's 1885 fall term. Allen was convicted of petit larceny and filled $2.50 with $47.95 in court costs. Allen agrees to work for Hudson at such times and places as he may direct Hudson agrees to furnish Allen with lodging, a sufficiency of good and wholesome food. and medical attention and to pay him $8 per month. Term expires when Hudson has been fully repaid. 7 Oct 85. Contract of Wanza McDaniel with Johnson S. Ryall. At the circuit Deed Book Y, p. 654 court's 1885 faJl term, McDaniel was convicted of assault and battery and fined $10 with $62.30 in court costs. McDaniel agrees to work for Ryall as a laborer, to do good and faithful service, and to live continually with him. Ryall agrees to furnish McDaniel $6 per month salary a house to live in. good provisions, and good treatment Term expires when Ryall has been fully repaid, including repayment for S15 Ryall paid McDaniel's attorney. 7 Oct 85. Contract of Israel (X) Pressly with William S. Skinner. At the circuit Deed Book Y, p. 655 court's 1885 fall term, Pressly was convicted of selling or removing mortgaged property and fined $5 with $28.-*0 in court costs. Pressly agrees to work and labor for Skinner, to deduct all lost time, and to work 10 hours per diem.. Skinner agrees to furnish Pressly with a house, rations of good and wholesome quality, medicine when sick, and $10 per month. Term of 3 months and 15 days beginning from this day. 7 Oct 85. Contract of Israel (X) Pressly with William S. Skinner. At the circuit Deed Book Y. p. 655 court's 1885 fall term. Pressly was convicted of selling or removing mortgaged property and fined $5 with $25.60 in court costs. Pressly agrees to work and labor for Skinner to work 10 hours a day, and to deduct lost time. Skinner agrees to furnish Pressly with a house to live in, rations of a good quality. medicine when sick, and $10 per month.. Term of 3 months beginning after Pressly has worked his fIrst contract of this date. Deed Book Y. p. 656 7 Oct 85. Contract of Charles (X) Williams with W. A. Skinner. At the circuit court's 1885 fall term, Williams was convicted of assault and battery and fined $5 with $-1.0.90 in court costs. Williams agrees to labor for Skinner and to work faithfully for him or his agents at any kind of labor he may require of him that a farmhand can do. Skinner agrees to furnish Williams with a house to live in and good and sufficient food and to pay him $7 per month. Term expires when sum is repaid. 7 Oct 85. Contract of Charles (X) Williams with W. A. Skinner. At the circuit Deed Book Y, p. 657 court's 1885 fall term, Williams was convicted of assault and battery and fined $5 with $17.00 in court costs. Williams agrees to work for Skinner and to work faithfully for him at any kind of work he may require of him that he can do. Skinner agrees to furnish Williams with good food and a house to live in and to pay him $7 per month. Term expires when the full amount has been repaid. 8 Oct 85. Contract of Cager (X) Page Jr. with Cager (X) Page Sr. At the circuit Deed Book Y, p. 657 court's 1885 fall term, Page Jr. was convicted of assault and battery and fined $50 with $39AO in comt 9 costs. Page Jr. agrees to work: with Page Sr. as a farm laborer or any other work about the plantation, to work faithfully, to obey all his employer's orders, and to make himself useful Page Sr. agrees to furnish Page Jr. with a house to live in, good food to eat, medicine, and medical attention and to pay him $7 per mouth. Term expires when Page Jr. has paid amount of judgment. Deed Bock Y, p. 658 8 Oct 85. Conlract of Aleck (X) Shines with George F. Adams. At the circuit court's 188.Ci fall term, Shines was convicted of carrying concealed weapons and fined $50 with $70.30 in court costs. Shines agrees to work with Adams doing such work as be may direct and to do faithful work for him.. Adams agrees to furnish Shines with a house and good and wholesome food. Tenn of 12 months from the date of this conlract. Deed Book Y, p."658 8 Oct 85. Conlract of Ed Russell with H. A Skinner. At the circuit court's 1885 fall term, Russell W3S convicted of assault aud battery and fined $30 with $66.45 in court costs. Russell agrees to work with Skinner on his plantation, to work faithfully, to obey all lawful orders of him. or his agents, and not to leave him. Skinner agrees to furnish Russell with a house to live in, good food, medical attention. and medicine and to pay him $7 per month. Term expires after 12 months or when the amount of judgment bas been worked out. Deed Book Y, p. 659 8 Oct 85. Conlract of Sam (X) Brown with Thomas F. Howze. At the circuit court's 1885 fall term, Brown was convicted of card playing and fined 20 [monetary unit unspecified] with $35 in court costs. Brown agrees to labor for Howze on his plantation at any kind of farm labor he may be required to do, to obey the orders of him or his agents, and to work faithfully. Howze agrees to furnish Brown with a house to live in, wood to bum, clothing, provisions and medicine and to allow him $6 per month (which amount is to be paid after he has worked out his fine & costs). Term of 12 months. Deed Book Y, p. 665 20 Oct 85. Conlract of Simon (X) Boozer with P. Mask. At the court ofT. S. Laury, J.P., held 10 Oct 85, judgment was passed against Boozer for $16.25 (fine and court costs). Boozer agrees to work out said amount with Mask at any kind of work that he is able to accomplish. Term to begin 21 Oct 85. Deed Book Y, p. 783 9 Mar 86. Contract of Amos (X) Jones with R A. Jones and L. K. Jones. At a term of the circuit court, Jones was convicted of carrying conce&Jed weapons and fined $50 with $54.90 in cowt costs. Amos agrees to work and labor for the Joneses or either of them as a farm laborer and also to do and perform such services in and about the farm or on their premises as they may require. The Joneses agree to pay Amos $7 per month and to furnish him rations (being 3 Yl pounds of meat and 1 peck of meal per week), lodgings, and medical attention in case of sickness. Term expires upon reimbursement. Deed Bo{\k Y, p. 783 9 Mar 86. Conlract of Cade (X) Creagh with R A Jones and L. K. Jones. At a term of the circuit court, Creagh was convicted of carrying concealed weapons and fined $50 with $54.20 in court costs. Creagh agrees to work and labor for the Joneses or either of tDem as a farm laborer and also to do and perform such services in and about the farm or on their premises as they may require. The ]ODeses agree to pay Creagh $7 per month and to furnish him rations (being 3 Y2 pounds of meat and 1 peck of meal per week), lodging, and medical attention in case of sickness. Term expires upon reimbursement Deed Book Y, p. 785 10 Mar 86. Conlract of John (X) Perry with A. E. Schmidt (who signs by Goo. W. Taylor). At the circuit court's 1886 spring term, Perry was convicted of disturbing females at public assembly and fined $20 with $40.50 in court costs. Perry agrees to work for Schmidt Schmidt agrees to pay Perry $10 per month and to furnish him rations and lodgings. Term expires when amount is paid. 10 Deed Book Y, p. 785 II Mar 86. Contract of Sumter (X) Daniel with A J. Peacock and William J. Skinner (who signs by C. B. Cleveland). At the circuit court's 1886 spring tenn, Daniel was convicted of assault and battery and fined $5 with $+1-.20 in court costs. Daniel agrees to work and labor for Peacock and Skinner as a generaJ servant in and about their premises in such manner as they may direct Peacock and Skinner agree to pay Daniel $7 per month and to furnish him food and lodging. Deed Book Y, p. 786 11 Mar 86. Contract of Grandison (X) Randal with Minge Selden (signed also by Joseph C. Brown). At the circuit court's 1886 spring term, Randal was convicted of public drunkenness and fmed 1¢ with $3 1.31 in court costs. Randal agrees to work and labor for Selden as a servant at such work as he shall direct. Selden agrees to pay Randal $7 per month and to furnish him food and lodgings. Deed Book Y, p. 788 . II Mar 86. Contract of Stephen (X) McIntosh with Geo. W. Taylor. At the circuit court's 1886 spring tenn, McIntosh was convicted of playing cards in a public place and fmed $20 with $26.50 in court costs. McIntosh agrees to work and labor for Taylor as a general servant in and about his yard, garden, and premises at such work as he shall direct. Taylor agrees to pay Mcintosh $8 per month and :0 furnish him food and lodgings. 12 Mar 86. Contract of Guilford (X) Thomas with Wm. Beaman and W. H. Deed Book Y, p. 788 Tayloe. At the circuit court's 1886 spring tena Thomas was convicted of playing cards in a public place and fined $20 with $27.50 in court costs. Thomas agrees to work and Jabor for Beaman as a farmhand. Beaman agrees to pay Thomas S8 per month and to furnish him rations and lodgings. T enn expires when amount is fully paid. Deed Book Y. p. 789 10 Apr 86. Contract of Lethe (X) Benson with William F. Dixon. At the court of I. S. Harwell. J.P., held 8 Apr 86, Benson was convicted of using abusive, insulting, or obscene language and fined $5 with $ 10.25 in court costs. Benson agrees to work for Dixon. Dixon agrees to pay Benson $5 per month and to furnish her rations. Term of 4 months. 25 J1m 86. Contract of Robert (X) Whitehead with Newhouse Bros. In the court Deed Book Z, p. 42 of 1. S. Harwell, J.P., Whitehead was convicted of assault and battery and fined $3.25 with S6.75 in court costs; he was also convicted of assault and battery before T. Y. Cornish, mayor of Demopolis, and fined $7.50, for a total of $18 [sic]. Whitehead agrees to work for Newhouse Bros. Newhouse Bros. agrees to give Whitehead rations and $10 per month. Tenn of 6 months from the date of this contract. 5 May 86. Contract of Ben DLxon with J. H. George. In the court of W. J. Deed Book Z, p. 47 Lewis, J.P. of Sweetwater Beat, Dixon was convicted of malicious mischief and fined $30.35, to be paid 1 Oct 86. Dixon agrees to work faithfully for George at any kind of work either on the farm garden or about the house or lot or anywhere he may be directed by George or his family or agents, that if he loses any lime by sickness or otherwise be is to make it up after the term expires, and that if George advances any money be is to work out the same. George agrees to give Dixon two shirts, a pair of pants, a pair of shoes, a house to live in, and good rations to eat Tenn expires 1 Nov 86. Deed Book Z, p. 51 26 May 86. Contract of I. I. Young with Mrs. Willie G. Wynn. At a court of 1. S. Harwell J.P., held 26 May 86. Young was convicted of using abusive insulting. or obscene language &c. and fmed $5 and $8.25 in costs. Young agrees to work for Wynn. Wynn agrees to pay Young $10 per month. Tenn of 3 months from the date of this contract. Deed Book Z, p. 52 2 IUD. 86. Contract of Monroe (X) Gaston with H. A Monnier. At a court of 1. S. Harwell, J.P., held 12 May 86. Gaston was convicted of assault and battery and fmed $5 with $8.50 in court costs. Gaston agrees to work for Monnier. Monnier agrees to furnish Gaston [blank). Term of 6 months. Deed Book Z, p. 67 4 Aug 86. Contract of Jo (X) Evans with William F. Db:on. At a court of I. S. Harwell, J.P., held 4 Aug 86, Evans was convicted of assault and battery and fined Sl.25 with S8.75 in court costs; be was also convicted of using abusive, insulting. or obscene language &c. and fmed SI.25 with S8.75 in court costs. Evans agrees to work for Dixon. Dixon agrees to pay Evans S7 per month and to furnish him rations. Term of 3 months from the date of this contract. Deed Book Z, p. 69 28 Aug 86. Contract of Mac (X) DuBose with George A. Klie. At a court ofl. S. Harwell, J.P., held 28 Ang 86, DuBose was convicted of obtaining property by false pretenses and 11 fmed I ¢ with $6.75 in court costs. DuBose agrees to work for Klie. Klie agrees to pay DuBose $6 per month and to furnish him rations. Tenn of 3 months from the date of this contract. 26 Aug 86. Contract of Maria (X) Williams and Billie (X) WiUiams with D. C. Deed Book Z, p. 69 Alexander & Co. At a court of J. M Happer, N.P. ex officio J.P., Maria and Billie were found guilty of an WlSpecified criminal offense. with fIne and costs of $11.85. Maria and Billie agree to labor faithfully for the company on the Weaver Plan~tion during the year 1887 at any work they may direct. Term expires when judgment is fully satisfied. Deed Book Z, p. 70 2 Sep 86. Contract of W. Henry Lewis with R. A. Jones & Son of Dayton. In the court of A. J. Wynne, N.P. and J.P. at Dayton, W. Henry Lewis was convicted of obtaining goods under false pretense and fined Ie with $-l- in court costs. (Besides acting as security for the payment of this sum, R. A Jones & Son had advanced Lewis $57.) Lewis agrees to work and labor for the firm, to pay for all rations when not at work, to pay for all lost time, to do good and faithful work in the discharge of his duties, and to obey all orders given by the firm. The finn agrees to pay Lewis $8 per month (26 days labor being a month), to furnish him rations of 3 12 pounds meat and one peck of meal per week while at work, and to allow him to stop work half of every Saturday, for which time he will receive no credit Term begins 3 Sep 86 and expires 31 Dec 87. Approved by judge 27 Sep 86. Contract of Jules/Julius (X) Glover, his brother Deed Book Z, p. 74 in-law Britton (X) Simmons, his sister Betty (X) Simmons (whose signature is not recorded), and his mother Caroline (X) Shields with D. H. Britton Jr. In county court, Jules Glover was convicted of petit larcency, fined $5 plus costs, and sentenced to ten days hard labor. (Besides assuming payment of said penalty, Britton agreed to have Glover from the bard labor contractor"so that he be not ~en away from us.") The convict and his relatives agree to live with and labor for Britton on his Marengo County plan~tion for 1887 and so much of 1886 as he may require. The terms of the compensation are to be determined later by Britton. Demopolis Public Library Marengo County Genealogical Society 211 East Washington Street Demopolis, Alabama 36732 ..-. ~ewsletter Volume 8 January 1997 Members of the Cemetery Committee have recently recorded the data from tombstones located in the Methodist cemeteries at BasW and Arlington, in a family burial plot on Grayson land south of Demopolis, at Newbern Cemetery in Hale County, and at Strawberry Hill. S1. John's Episcopal Church, and Fortdand community cemeteries in Greene County. About 12,000 gravestones have been copied since the society's cemetery project began. The genealogical work Beneath the Barkley Branches bas been donated to the society by family members. Dues Annual membership dues are $10, payable in July of each year. Contact Us! Demopolis Public Library Marengo County Genealogical Society 211 East Washington Street Demopolis, Alabama 36732 Number 2 Dr. Marvin Whiting, long-time archivist at the Birmingham Public Library, is in the process of evaluating and cataloguing the Luther Franklin Bragg Jr. collection of records of southern Marengo County at the Demopolis Public Library. At our November meetin8> member Ed Trippe brought it to our attention that in September 1996, as part of the Automated Records Proj ec~ the Bureau of Land Managemen~ Eastern States, readied for sale a compact disc containing the data base for patents issued prior to 1908 by the GenernJ Land Office for land in Alabama. CDs for other eastern public domain states-those east of and bordering on the Mississippi River-are also now or will become available. Under the GLO Automated Records System, two million records can be researched by using the patentee's name, document number, patent authority, county, or land office. Researchers who have personal computers with modems can access the system from remote locations. For detailed information, write the Bureau of Land Managemen~ Eastern States, 7450 Boston Boulevard, Springfield VA 22153, call the Public Research Room at (703) 440-1600 or the Public Affain; Office at (703) 440-1713 or fax the BLM at (703) 440-1609. Froln Marengo County Probate Minutes Book T P 300 Estate of S. W. Gholson, deceased. IS JuI 1918. Irving Adams, nephew of decedent, petitions for letters of administration. Decedent died intestate at Myrtlewood AL on or about 19 May 1918. leaving assets worth $1500, consisting of a dwelling house and two lots in Linden. U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co, is security on bond. Petition granted. p 301 Estate of Johnston Scudder Ryall, deceased. 10 Dec 1917. Thomas C. Ryall of Hale TN, brother of decedent, petitions for probate of Will, in which he was named an executor. W ill is attested by David A. Grayson of Huntsville AL. Next onein: T. C. Ryall, H. C. Ryall, Juliet Whitthom_ Rebecca Whitthom~ Juliett Grayson., Elizabeth Judd, Juliet R.- Ashley, Elizabeth R. Cook, Carrie R. Smith., Juliet R. Bearden. Evelyn R. Little, W. L. Little, Rev. D. T. Johnson, and David Johnson, all of age 21 except Elizabeth Judd, daughter of Elizabeth W. Judd deed, and David Ryall Johnson. Emmet Chisholm appointed guardian ad litem for minors. Ordered that David A. Grayson, W. S. Prout, G. T. Breitling, and J. B. Taylor be subpoenaed to testify on validity of will. P 302 A. C. Thomas no Dulcie Fry Young and Elizabetb Fry. 2 Apr 1918. A. C. Thomas of Rembert, Marengo Co., applies to sell W Y2 of slStl5r2E (320 acres) for division. He owns an estate in the land for the life of Mrs. M. E. Fry; after the tennination of the life estate, he owns an Wldivided 3/4 interest and Dulcie Fry (Mrs. G. L.) Young, ofWray, Irwin Co. GA, R.FD #1, and Elizabeth Fry, a minor over age 14 living with her mother Mrs. M. E. Fry at Raymond. Coweta Co. GA, own an \llldivided 1/8 interest each in fee simple in the remainder. p 303 A. C. Thomas vs. Dulcie Fry Young and E1izabetb Fry. 10 Jun 1918. Depositions of A. C. Thomas, John P. Whitcomb, and T.!. Jackson submitted. 1. 1. Canterbury Esq. has been appointed gua.:"dian ad litem of Eliz.abeth. Application granted. G. W. Cuninghame appointed commissioner of sale. p 304 A. C. Thomas vs. Dulcie Fry Young and Elizabeth Fry. 22 JuI 1918. G. W. Cuningham. commissioner. reports sale of property to A- C. Thomas for $1280. A. C. Thomas vs. Hugh McCollum. 2 Apr 1918. A. C. Thomas of Rembert, Marengo Co., applies to sell SE II. ofs15 and N Y2 of NE II. of NE V. of s22, all in tl5r2E (180 acres) for division. He owns an estate in the land for the life of Mrs. E. J. McCollum; after the termination of the life estate, Thomas owns an undivided 7/8 interest and Hugh McColJum. a minor under age 14 living with his parents D. W. and E. J. McCollum at Raymond, Coweta Co. GA, RFD #1, Box 27, owns an \llldivided 1/8 interest in fee simple in the remainder, p 305 A. C. Thomas vs. Hugh McCollum. 10 J\lll 1918. Depositions of A. C. Thomas. 10hn P. Whitcomb and T. J. Jackson submitted. 1. 1. Canterbury Esq. has been appointed guardian ad litem of Hugh McCollum. Application granted. G. W. Cuninghame appointed commissioner of sale. p 306 A. C. Thomas va. Hugh McCollum. 27 JuI1918. G. W. Ctmingham. commissioner, reports sale of property to A. C. Thomas for $700. p 307 Estate of Cbarfe5 F. DeFeu, deceased. 27 JuI 1918. W. C. DeFeu, administrator, applies for discharge. He is the only heir at law and next of kin of decedent. Application granted. Case of Willie Bishop. 27 JuJ 1918. Complaint made to G. E. Small, justice of the peace in Linden Beat., charging Willie Bishop with having carnal knowledge of a girl under age 12. Bishop is found to be under age 16; it is hence adjudged that the justice court is unable to proceed further. Case transferred to probate court; Bishop ordered to be confmed in the county jail to await the court's action. After personal examination of Bishop, of Marengo Co., and the hearing of evidence to ascertain the facts in relation to him and the conditions surrounding him, the probate court is satisfied that he cannot be reformed and brought to lead a correct life. It is adjudged that he be returned to the justice court for proceedings as if he were over age 16. p 308 Estate of Johnston Scudder Ryall, deceased. 17 Jan 1918. Will proved by David A, Grayson, one of attesting witnesses of will; other v.itness was W. L. Little, who is a non-resident of Alabama and in the U.S. Army. Codicil of 6 JuJ 1915 proved by attesting witnesses W. S. Prout and G. T. Breitling. 2 Codicil 0[22 Jun 1916 proved by altesting witnesses W. S. Proul and 1. B Taylor T. C. Ryall and H. C. Ryall, named executors of will. petition for letters testamentary. Petition granted. p 310 Estate of James B. Whitfield deceased. 14 Aug 1918. James B. Whitfield. Henry 1. Whitfield. and Grace F. Whitfield. executors and executrix of will, petition for discharge. James B. Whitfield.. Grace F. Whitfield, Alice M. Whitfield, and Edith D. Whitfield, the only persons entitled to share in the property of the estate. acknowledge satisfaction and request discharge of executors and executrix.. Estate of Alonzo Edward Hasty, minor. 9 Sep 1918. Mrs. B. B. Coats guardian, petitions for confmnation of the sale of certain real estate, in which the minor is joint owner, for division. Probate Judge A. L. Hasty, uncle of the minor, is disqualified to act in this matter. B. F. Gilder. register of the circuit court in equity, appoints I. I. Canterbury Esq., a practicing attorney of the Marengo County Bar, to determine the issues. Estate of Alonzo Edward Hasty, minor. 11 Sep 1918. B. B. Coats, guardian, requests p 311 confmnation of the sale of minor's interest in lands for partition and distribution among the joint owners. M. M. Hasty is sole adult next of kin of minor uninterested in said sale who is a Alabama resident B.. B. Coats has custody and control of minor. Hearing ordered. Notices of hearing issued to Mrs. B. B. Coates and Mathew M. Hasty. Said land, which Hes in Dallas Co. AL, is jointly owned by the minor, who is under age 14, and 1. R. Coates, Bettie Coates Givhan Kate Coates, Edward C. Coates Wiluam B. Coates, Sallie Coates Dismukes, Siska Coates Way, Mary Lou Coates, Dickson T. Coates, and William M Jenkins. p 312 Estate of L J. Pace, deceased. 21 Aug 1918. lohn Smith Pace, son of decedent petitions for probate of will appearing to be attested by W. G. Allen, W. H. Gregory, and W. G. Morgan at Jefferson, Marengo Co. Next of kin are lohn Smith Pace, Corrie L. Pace Allan L. V. Pace, Lessie P. Peppin, Sallie Elizabeth Pace, and Chas. E. Pace. Hearing ordered. Estate ofL J. Pace, deceased. 9 Sep 1918. Will proved by W. G. Allen. p 3) 3 Estate of Ellis Bennett, deceased. 16 Sep 1918. Vmie Bennett, wife of decedenl, petitions for letters of administration. Decedent died intestate at Thomaston AL on or about I Sep 1918 leaving assets worth $1220. consisting of muJes, cows, cotton etc. L. S. Fox Jr., 1. A. Buck, and 1. E. Parker are securities on bond. Petition granted. p 314 Case of Mrs. S. E. Compton. 16 Apr 1918. Hearing of petition of 1. W. Compton alleging the lunacy of Mrs. S. E. Compton, age 71, of Marengo Co.; B. F. Gilder, guardian ad Litem. Jury of twelve good and lawful men who reside in Mrs. Compton's neighborhood, including W. H. Johnson, fInds that she is a person of UDSOlUld mind. Estate of Andrew Fisher, deceased. 16 Jan 1918. Lydae Johnson nee Fisher, widow of decedent, petitioned 17 Dec 1917 for homestead. M. G. Young and W. F. Mayton, appointed commissioners to set apart a homestead to her and the minor children, set apart the premises occupied as a home by said deceased at the time of his death, being SE ~ of SW ~ of s8t 14r2E. valued at S250. p 315 A. C. ThomlU vs. Hugb McCollum. 27 JuJ 1918. G. W. Cuninghame commissioner. ftles report of sale of land. A. C. Thomas vs. Hugh McCollum. 9 Dec 1918. A. C. Thomas. requests confirmation of sale of lands for division among joint owners. A. C. Thomas purchased property from commissioner G. W. Cuninghame for $900. Sale confIrmed. p 316 A. C. Thomas vs. Dulcie Fry Young and Elizabetb Fry. 22 JuJ 1918. G. W. Cuninghame, commissioner, ftles report of sale of land. A. C. Thomas vs. Dulcie Fry Young and Elizabetb Fry. 9 Dec 1918. A. C. Thomas. requests confmnation of sale of lands for division among joint owners. A. C. Thomas purchased property from commissioner G. W. Cuninghame for S1600. Sale eonflfllled. p 317 Estate or Samuel W. Gbolson, deceased. 21 Oct 1918. Irving Adams, administrator. petitions for sale of certain lands of estate for paying debts. Only heirs are Mrs. F. O. McCoy of Montgomery AL; Mrs. A. M. McElwreath of Atlanta GA; Mrs. EsteUe H. Hairston of Jefferson AL; Sadie and Emma Gholson of Birmingham AL; Ashby Gholson of Baltimore MD; Mrs. Garnett Kirven, Mrs. 1. M Newton, 3 , ,.-.; Serena Adams, and Irving Adams of Linden AL; Howard Adams of Denver CO: S. G. Adams of Selma AL: and 1. Homer Adams of New York. Decedent left no surviving widow or child; heirs named above are his sister, nephews, and nieces. Hearing ordered. Estate of George Gordon Cuningham, deceased. 30 Oct 1919. Lessie Cunningham, widow of decedent, petitions for letters of administration. Decedent died intestate on or about ~ Oct 1919 leaving assets worth $900, consisting of personal property and an interest in lands. Z. P Crocker and J E. Parker are securities on bond. Petition grunted. p 318 Estate of Eli!lha SingeltoD, decell!led. 22 Aug 1919. Abram Carie petitions for letters of administration. Decedent died. intestate in or about May 1918 leaving insurance policy worth $5000 Susie Singleton. widow of decedenL has relinquished her right to administer the estate, selecting said Cade as adrrtinistrator. W R T. Singleton and W. C. White are securities on bond. Petition gnmted. p 319 Estate of John G. Coats, deceased. 28 Oct 1918. Juo. D. Norwood petitions for letters of administration. Decedent died intestate at Demopolis on or about 22 Jul 1919 leaving assets worth $4000 (a life insurance policy). All the heirs have relinquished their right to administer the estate, selecting said Norwood as administrator. Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md. is security on bond. Petition grunted. Estate of Edward L. Obering, deceased. ~ 9 Nov 1918. George F. Obering, brother of decedent, petitions for letters of adminlstration. Decedent died intestate at Demopolis on or about 19 Oct 1919 leaving assets worth $1500, consisting of personal property and some real esta.le in Hale Co. Richard McGrath and S Funkenslein are securities on bond Petition granted. R. W Wallington., W. A. Smith, and Richard McGrath are appointed appraisers of the personal property, Estate Records of the 1840s Paid out of the account of the estate of Bamey Wayne in 1843 by executor Frederick F. Westbrook: January February 22 March 18 April 4 April 7 April 12 April2-lApril 25 April 29 June 5 June 10 July 26 Aug 5 Oct 10 Nov 29 Shff. DuBose taxes for 1842 Thomas Clarke in 1842 for com widow to purchase bacon Dr. R. B. Jones medicine & attendance 1. F Aldridge for fodder 1. B. T. Johnson for sugar Bowen Seabrook store account Solomon Lowery for LOO bu. com Jameson & Ulrick for family stores W. H. & R. Burdsall for muslin E. K. Carlile for groceries, stores &c. Steamer Canebrake for freight John Besteder store account N. B. Whitfield b. smith bill for 1841 John 1. Bradley for hire of Negro 1 month L. Rosenbaum repairing one saddle James W. Tucker taxes for 1M3 F. F. Westbrook 39 Ibs. coffee furnished F. F. Westbrook 211bs. coffee furnished George Christian tuition 0.59 3.00 10.00 11.00 5.25 2.37 94.l2 50.00 9.17 400 26.50 1.25 4.00 3.50 10.00 3.25 1.62 5.28 3.78 2.75 -Marengo County Nfiscel/aneous Record 1840, page 435 On 5 Jan 1846 slaves belonging to the Henry B. Mitchell estate were sold by Jacob Mitchell, administrator. Jacob Mitchell purchased Tom, Nora, & child fOT $1050, Hector f(ir $600, Jerry, Nancy. & two children for $700, Tenor for $550, Squire for $599, and Frances & child for $655; Wilson Hildreth purchased Jackson for $400; Iry Howel purchased Paul for $500; H. W. Hatch purchased Stephen for $585; Mr. Simmons purchased Sam for $585; and Wm. Burks purchased Jenny for $560. -lvfarengo County Records I. pages 201-02 Deeds Filed in the Spring of 1873, Part I These deeds can be found in Marengo County Deed Book W p 50 10 Mar 1873. Thirza 1. Cade of Marengo Co. to Adolpha T. Reeves, wife of Levi W. Reeves. For S500, conveyance of interest in the "Cade White House Place" (about 1400 acres), situated about 6.5 miles east of Linden on the Linden and Cahaba Road, the interest being that conveyed Lo Thirza by Levi in 1873. Certified by S. H. Bartlett, N.P. p 51 25 Nov 1872. Voldy Alston, administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of A. M. Lewis, deceased. to Rush Tuller. For S1999 and premises, conveyance of right to land described below. Whereas on 5 Dec 1868 George· W. Sandusky executed a mortgage conveying to Buck & Tuller the "Bryan Place" near Jefferson (100 acres lying on the west side of the public road leading from Linden to Moscow), being the place occupied by the late Mrs. Mary E. Bryan and conveyed to Sandusky by her administrator and now occupied by him. Whereas 00.10 Feb 1870, Buck & Tuller transferred their right to said mortgage to R. H. Clarke, administrator of the estate of said A. M. Lewis, deceased. Whereas Clarke resigned 10 Jan 1871 and Alston was appointed 8 Mar 1871. Whereas Alston, at an auction held 25 Nov 1872 before the door of Whitfield's Store in Jefferson, sold tract for S 1999. Certified by John W. Smith, JP P 52 15 Oct 1869. W. W. Whitfield of Lowndes Co. MS. F. E. Whitfield of Tishomingo Co. MS. and N. G. Whitfield of Marengo Co. to Cornish & Sharpe of Marengo Co .. For S630, quitclaim to SE V. of SE V. ofs9, SW V. ofSW II. ofsl0, and NW V. ofNW V. ofsl5, all in tI6r2E. Certified by Mayor W. C. Richards of Lowndes Co. MS' H. Mark, mayor of Corinth, Alcorn Co. MS; and Mayor I. S. Harwell of Marengo Co. p 55 14 Mar 1873. James L. Skinner, George Skinner and wife Elizabeth R., and John G. Allen and wife Ann to Leroy 1. Allen of Marengo Co. For S6,000, deed of NW V. of s9, W 12 of W Y2 of SW I;' of s9, E Y2 of NE V. of s8, SE V. of s8 (except 1.40 acres in NW comer), all of NE II. of s 17 lying north of Double Creek (140 acres), and all of E liz of NW II. of s17 lying north of Double Creek (62.50 acres), all in tl7r3E. Witnessed by T. T. Daughdrill and James Castleburry. Certified by 1. S. Harwell. N.P. p 56 9 Jul 1872. Richard R. Pickering of Marengo Co. to Samuel S. Pickering of Alabama. For $4,000, conveyance of an lll1divided moiety of E Y2 of SW v., W Y2 of SE V. , and W Y. of NE V. of 516, W 1/2 ofNE I~ of s36, NW II. and E Y. ofNE V. of 535, and S Y. of 534, all in U5r5E, and NE If. of s3tl~rSE. Certified by S. H. Bartlett, 1.P. 13 May 1873. R. L. Maupin, probate judge, to Mrs. M. 1. Sandusky. For S44.25, deed (subject to redemption) ofNE II. ofSE I;' 0£s9, NW II. ofSW II. ofslO, and fraction ofW Yl ofE Y1 of SW V. of slOtl6r2E. Whereas said real property was subject to 1ID(atiOli for 1869 and 1870 and taxes remained due. Whereas on 13 May 1871 tax collector sold land to said Mrs. Sandusky of Marengo Co. and property has not been redeemed. Certified by Circuit Clerk Jas. W. Taylor. p 58 14 Dec 1872. James Harrison, sheriff, to F. A. McNeill. For $628.86, conveyance of interest L. B. McCarty had 13 Apr 1869 in Sectional Lot #2 north of Demopolis (22.5 acres) and 20 acres of Sectional Lot #44 south of Demopolis. Whereas by writ of fieri facias issued out of Marengo Co. circuit court, sheriff was commanded to make of the goods ofL. B. McCarty et aI. S1256.97 which F. S. Lyon, 1. T. Jones, trustee, F. S. Lyon, trustee, Mills & Breitling, administrators etc. had recovered against him. Whereas for want of goods sheriff sold real estate. Witnessed by William C. Harrison. Certified by Jas. W Taylor, probate judge in 1877. P 59 13 May 1873. R. L. Maupin, probate judge, to Mrs. W. B. Modawell. For $101.95, deed (subject to redemption) ofNE V. ofs6 E Yl ofNW V. and W 12 ofSW l~ ofs7. SW II. ofNW V. of s4115rSE, N Y2 of NW I~ and N Yl of SW Y4 of s6, NW Ih of s7, WY. ofNE 'I., NW 'I., SE 'I., and E 1;2 of SW Ih [section omitted?), E Y2 of NW V. of SW II. of s9, NE I;', S liz of NW II. of SW v., and SW Yo of SW 'I. of sI6115I'6E. Whereas said real property was subject to taxation for 1870 and taxes remained due. Whereas on 11 May 1871 tax collector sold land to said Mrs. Modawell of Marengo Co. and property has not been redeemed. Certified by Circuit Clerk Jas. W. Taylor. 5 P 6I 27 May 1872. 1. C. Pritchett and Bettie Pritchett fonnerly Bettie Whitfield, administr'dtor and administratrix of estate of N. B. Whitfield~ deceased. to Miss Mary White. For $568, deed of NW If.. of s16tl6r2E. Whereas said Bettie Whitfield obtained order of sale and sold said property to said Miss White 6 Nov 1869, which sale was confmned 10 Jan 1870. Whereas Jolm C. Pritchett by his intennarriage with Bettie Whitfield became joint administrator. Certified by A. C. Howze, probate judge of Perry Co. AL p 62 27 Mar 1873. 1. C. Pritchett and Bettie Pritchett fonnerly Bettie Whitfield, administrator and administratrix of estate of N. B. Whitfield. deceased, to C. C. Dyer. For S829.50, W Y2 of SE II. amI SW II. of s16t16r2E. Whereas said Bettie Whitfield obtained order of sale and sold said property to Dyer for 6 Nov 1869. which sale was confinned 10 Jan 1870. Whereas John C. Pritchett by his intennaniage with Bettie Whilfield became joint administrator. Certified by A. C. Howze, probate judge of Perry Co. AL. 20 Mar 1873. Wm. M. Selden of Marengo Co. and wife Elizabeth W. H. to John V. Farwell as P 63 trustee for lhe Republic Life Insurance Co. of Chicago. For $5 and premises, deed of trust of SE If.. of s33t18r5 and NE II. of s4t17r5, in Marengo and Hale cos. AL near Faunsdale Depot on the Alabama Cenlral Rail Road, being the same sold to Wm. M. Selden by Virgil Weaver. Whereas said company has loaned Selden S2,000 at a rate of 8%. Selden promises to keep nre insurance on all buildings on the property. Witnessed by B. M Nelson and J. C. Perkins. Certified by W. R. Nelson, J.P. of Dallas Co. AL. Robert McFarland of Florence AL, attorney for assignees National Life' Insurance Co. ofUS~ acknowledges satisfaction 27 Oct 1879. 19 Mar 1873. George G. Lyon and wife Anne G. to Richard Jones Jr. For S180, deed of Lots #10 P 65 and 11 in sl8tl8r3E (18 acres) as designated on the plat of Lands of the Tombecbee Association of French Emigrants. Certified by Edward A. Taylor. N.P. 27 Feb 1873. Sarah N. Prince of Marengo Co. to Burton R. Eppes of same. For S1.000. deed of W V2 of NW II. of s22t17r3E. Certified by I. S. Harwell, N.P. p 66 11 Nov 1872. Samuel A. Thompson to Burton R. Eppes. all of Marengo Co. For $2500 deed of E Y2 of NW 'I. and W Y2 of NE II. of s 19t 17r4E. being land conveyed by said Eppes and wife to said Thompson 27 May 1872. Witnessed by W. E. Peebles and James Castleberry. Certified by Edward A. Taylor. N.P. 1 Apr 1873. John, Ann, Sarah, and Elizabeth Coleman., brother and sisters of Fleming Coleman, deceased, and William E. Coleman., son of Fleming's deceased brother Wilson Coleman., all now vf Essex Co. V~ to Joseph H. Annstrong of Marengo Co. Power of attorney to collect that estate of said Fleming, late of Marengo Co, to whicb the said Colemans are entitled. Fleming died intestate without issue, wilh only heirs at law being lhe above-named Colemans and John T. Coleman of Alabama (the only olher child of said Wilson). Witnes$ed by James Roy Micen, Jas. R. Gorden, Thomas Anto~ and A. McTyre. Certified by Henry W Dangerfield, commissioner in chancery of county court; Henry W. Latane, J.P.; and James Roy Micen, clerk of county court; all of Essex Co. VA. 18 Nov 1873 [sic]. Quintus S. Adams, trustee for Elizabeth Adams and her children under the P 68 will of John Adams, late of Dallas Co. AL, and Elizabeth Adams, Quintus S. Adams (individually), George F. Bailey and wife Massalina A.. Spencer Adams 1. C. Bailey and wife Sarah. Rachiel F. Adams. and Lysander Adams, aU of Marengo Co. and legatees under said will. to W. B. Shields. For $2,250, conveyance of alllheir rights to the estate of said John Adams, of which R. M Nelson is administrator with the will annexed. Witnessed by R. H. Lockhart and 1. W. Bledsoe. Certified by S. H. Bartlett, N.P. 1872. Henry Tayler and wife Nancy of Claiborn Parish L~ and their children Joseph Tayler and p 69 1. H. Tayler. to W. B. Shields of Dallas Co. AL. For $2250, deed of said Nancy's right in the estate of her father John Adams, late of Dallas Co. AL, particularly lhe undivided 1/6 interest she has in E Y2 and NE If.. of sStl-tr3, NW If.., E Y2 of SW II.. and W Y2 of NE II. of s-ttl-tr3, W 112 of s33tI5r3. and N Y2 of s3-ttl5r3. Witnessed by J. R. Smilh and N. W. Peters. Certified by J. R. Ramsey, N.P.· S. D. Spann, district court clerk; and J E. Egan.. district judge; of Claiborn Parish LA p 70 8 May 1873. Henry A. Woolf. commissioner appointed to make title, to James W. Bradley. For $600. conveyance of W Y2 of s27 W 112 of E Y2 of same sectio~ and E Y:z of SE II. of s28, all in tl4r3E. Whereas James W. Bradley, as administrator of estate of Eliza Bradley deceased, obtained an order of 6 sale, sold said land 22 Feb 1873 to James W. Bradley, and had said sale conflnned. Certified by R. L. Maupin, probate judge. p 71 22 Feb 1873. N. f. Dixon and wife Lydia of Marengo Co. to John B. Coward of said county. For $800, relcase of NE 'I. of s8tl2r3E. Witnessed by W. L. Howell. Certified by W f. Fonlain, J.P. p 72 20 lui 1872. Rial Norris and wife S. L. to W. D. Norris, all of Marengo Co. For $250, deed of E Y2 of NE Yo of s8t13r3E. Witnessed by George Barkley. Certified by George Barkley, J.P. 6 Mar 1872. James B. Malone and Charles K. Foote of finn of Malone & Foote of Mobile AL to James B. Davis. For $ I, quitclaim to E Y2 of 536t I 3rl W, now in Davis's actual possession. Certified by Joseph Seawell. N.P. of Mobile Co. AL. p 73 17 May 1873. R. L. Maupin. probate judge, to J. A. Guinn. For $27.24, deed (subject to redemption) of W Y1 of NE V. and NW II. of sl1lJ4r3E. Whereas said real property was subject to taxation for 1869 and 1870 and taxes remained due. Whereas in May 1871 tax collector sold land to said Guinn of Marengo Co. and property has not been redeemed. Certified by Circuit Clerk Jas. W. Taylor. 20 May 1873 James Gillette, register and master in chancery cowt for the lit District of p 74 Southern Chancery Division of Alabama (Mobile Co.), to William 1. Peckham. For $300, conveyance of interest of William H. Roberts in W Y2 of s16t14r1E, W Y2 orNE II. of s7114r2E, and E Y1 of NW II. of sl .H I4rlE. Whereas by decree in suit William J. Peckham vs. William H. Roberts, said land was sold to William 1. Peckham. Certified by Gustavus Horton, probate judge of Mobile Co. AL. p 76 20 Apr 1873. W. F. Treadwell, Carrie M Treadwell, Lowndes Treadwell, and Rebecca Treadwell. all of Marengo Co., to Mrs. L. Watkins. For $150, deed of NW V. of NE Yo of s3113r4E. Certified by J. W. Jones, J.P. 20 Apr 1873. W. F. Treadwell, Carrie M. Treadwell, Lowndes Treadwell. and Rebecca Treadwell, all of Marengo Co., to C D. Treadwell. For S150, deed ofNE II. ofNE II. of s3tl3r4E. Certified by 1. W. Jones, J.P. Purchasers and Securities at an 1824 Estate Sale Ruth Allen. a professional genealogist has contributed a list of names gathered from pages 4 through 11 of Marengo County Miscellaneous Record I, on which the inventory and the account of the 5 Jan 1824 sale of the personal property of the estate of Henry Woolf, deceased. are recorded. Mrs. Allen notes that the list can partially substitute for the early census which was destroyed. Adams, Berryman W. Adams. William Anderson, Bailey Anderson, Bailey W. Anderson, Calvin Anderson, Garrison Anderson, John Anderson, Lewis Anderson, William Barfield. Alford / Alfred Barfield, Lewis Birdsong, Alexander Bishop, John Bonds. Richard Boozer, William Browning, Isaiah Cherry, J. W. Cherry, Jarred / Jacot W Cook, Enoch Cook, Enoch H. Curry, David DamaJ, Henry Davis, Stephen Dickson. S. H. N. Faughn / Fawn, George Ford, John Freeman, John P. Glass, Willis Glo er. Edwin A. Goodbread. Philip Greene, Zacheus Harman. Samuel Holland. John Jackson, John Jenkins, Edward Jenkins, Holland Jenkins, Loyd Kelly, William 7 Lacy, Elisha Lacy, Thomas Loc~ Be~amin Mitchell. Jeremiah Mitcherson.. John Moore, Lodwick Morris, Elijah Murry, Mrs. Murry, Sarah Reynolds, H. A. Reynolds, Hugh A. Rines, George Silman, William Spann, John Sturdevant, Dempsey Wells, James Wood. William Woolf, Elizabeth Woolf, James B. An Inside Look at David Curry's Tavern An early edition of Black's Law Dictionary declares that in the United States the terms «tavern" and hotel" are used synonymously. David Curry's "tavern," at one time jointly owned by William Burks, was known as the "Linden Hotel." In June 1836, Curry and Burks had purchased from Linden's town commissioners the three acres on Mobile and Cahaba streets upon which the hotel and its premises were located. (See Marengo County Deed Book D, pages 183-86 and 277, and Records I pages 235 and 248.) After Curry s death, an inventory of "the personal property at the tavern and premises, being thc last residence of dcceased" was made by Julius E. Poelnitz, Thomas Anderson, Jordan Anderson, and William Robinson. The inventory and appraisement of this and other personal property of Curry s cstate was filed by the administnltor William King in September 1845 and recorded in Marengo County Miscellaneous Record 1840, pages 446 to 452. Room #1 I cotton mattress, 2 sheets, I bed quilt, 2 pillows & cases, I pine bedstead, I shuck mattress, I wash stand & side table Room #2 I pine bedstead, I straw mattress, 1 feather bed, I cotton bolster, 1 feather pillow, 2 sheets., 1 spread. I wash stand & side table Room #3 I pine bedstead, I stnlw mattress, 1 cotton mattress. I feather bed, 1 feather bolster, I pillow, 2 sheets I counterpane, 1 pine bedstead, I shuck mattress, 1 cotton mattress, I feather bed, I cotton bolster, 2 cotton pillows, 2 sheets 1 counterpane, I four-posted bedstead, 1 shuck mattress, 1 feather bed. I cotton bolster, 2 cotton pillows, 2 sheets, 1 counterpane, 1 wash stand, I table, I looking glass, 1 pr of andirons, 2 window curtains, 1 carpet Lobby I pine bedstead, 3 shuck mattresses, I moss mattress, 2 sheets, 1 pillow Room #4 I sassafras bedstead, 2 shuck mattresses, I cotton mattress, I cotton bed tick, 2 sheets. 2 pillows, I spread Room #5 I pine bedstead, I shuck mattress, 2 cotton mattresses, I moss mattress, 1 cotton bolster, I feather pillow, 2 sheets, I spread, I four-posted bedstead, I shuck mattress, I cotton bed tick, 2 sheets, 1 spread, 1 cotton bolster, 1 feather pillow, I wash stand, Llooking gLass Room #6 I four-posted bedstead. I pine bedstead. 5 shuck mattresses. 2 cotton mattresses, 2 feather beds, 28 cotton pillows, 3 cotton bolsters, 18 feather pillows, 2 feather bolsters, 30 double blankets (heavy), 9 double blankets (light), 16 single blankets, 2 comforts, 7 new quilts, 5 old quilts, 1 small quilt, 1 white Marseilles quill, 3 new spreads, 21 sacks, contents in box in #6-1 piece of red checks. I piece of bed ticking,S pieces of shirting & sheeting, I piece of blue goods, 2 cotton bags 1 piece of Negro clothing, 3 Negro pants, 4 brooms Room #7 2 pine bedsteads. 1 four-posted bedstead. 2 cots, 3 shuck mattresses. 3 moss ticks, 7 cotton ticks. 3 feather beds, 1 cotton bolster, 2 pillows, 1 blanket. 1 sheet, 1 spread, 1 pr of andirons Room #8' 1 pine bedslead, I stnlw mattress, 1 cotton mattress, 1 cotton bolster. 2 feather pillows. 2 sheets, I quilt, 1 wash stand, I table, I looking glass Room #9 I pine bedstead, I shuck mattress, I cotton mattress, 1 feather bolster, 2 pillows. 2 sheets. I spread, 2 tables, I looking glass BaUroom 8 pille bedsteads. I table. 1 desk, 3 benches. 1 smoothing iron Box in Lobby 57 sheets 4 slays, bundle of fringe, I bag, 9 pieces of bed valances. II curtains, 2 spreads, II counlerpanes, 1 box Brick Room 5 four-posted bedsteads, 4 feather beds 5 shuck mattresses, 2 feather bolsters, 3 cotton bolsters, 4 feather pillows, 2 cotton pillows, 8 sheets. 5 spreads, 3 tables, 1 wash stand, I pr andirons, 1 cotton mattress Office 2 four-posted bedsteads, 2 pine bedsteads, 4 shuck mattresses. 3 feather beds, 1 cotton mattress. 4 feather bolsters, 6 feather pillows, 2 cotton pillows, 4 sheets, 4 spreads. I Marseilles quilt, 2 feather pillows. I hair mattress, I piece of rag carpeting, I carpet, .. curtains, 1 table cover, 3 looking glasses, I pr of andirons, I pr of shears, 3 tables, I w. stand Office Lot wool Bedrooms 1 four-posted mahogany bedstead, 1 shuck & 1 cotton mattress, I bureau. Lclock, 2 glass vases, I secretary, 1 medicine chest & contents, 2 tables, 2 window curtains, 1 pr andirons, shovel, & 8 tongs, 1 iron safe 1 four-posted bedstead. I feather bed, 2 feather bolsters. 6 feather pillOWS. 2 cotton pillows, 3 blankets, 2 spreads. 2 quilts. 2 curtains, 1 bureau, 1 looking glass. I wash stand. basin. & pitcher, 6 sheets, trundle bed & 5 shuck mattresses Parlor 1 sofa, 12 cane-bottom chairs. 1 rocking chair, 1 sideboard, 3 pitchers, 1 table. 4 window curtains. 6 table cloths & 2 pieces, 5 silver table spoons, 1 pr silver tongs, 12 silver tea spoons. 29 tea spoons Gennan silver, 16 soup plates, 3 doz tea plates, 3 doz cups & saucers, I tea pot, 21 cup plates. 18 tumblers, 24 champagne glasses, 41 wine glasses, 1 glass shade, 1 sauce dish. 14 knives & 3 doz & half forks, 5 small omamentaJ vases, 1 carpet. 1 rug, 1 pr andirons, shovel, & tongs. 1 screen. 8 pictures, 2 mats, 19 pillowcases, 21 towels Dining Room 33 meat dishes, 6 pie dishes, 4 pickle dishes, 3 side dishes, 1 soup tureen. 18 soup plates. 4 baking dishes, sauce dish, 58 dinner plates, 73 supper plates, 4 bowls,· 38 cups & 46 saucers, 14 sugar bowls, 4 molasses pots, 4 butter dishes 3 castors, 4 preserve dishes, 9 pitchers, 8 wash bowls & 8 water jugs, 3 cruets, 22 tumblers 17 cup plates 6 salt cellars, 1 coffee boiler & strainer, 13 tea spoons, 13 table spoons. 22 knives & 25 forks & steel, 6 tables, 1 safe, 8 waiters, 17 candle stands. 3 glass lamps, 62 white oak-bottom chairs, 6 plank-bottom chairs, 1 cushioned chair, 2 brooms, 9 chamber pots, 7 table cloths, 2 sheets. 3 China plates, 3 small plates & 5 bowls, coffee pot, tea pot., & 5 pans Yard 12 jars of preserves 2 brass kettles. 1 reeL 2 spinning wheels & 2 pr of CMds, 1 barouche, 1 carriage, lot of hides, 1 wagon. 2 pans & I strainer, large coffee mill, 654 Ibs coffee, 100 Ibs of inferior coffee, I barrel of apples, I box of starch, 4 boxes & half of soap, part box almond soap, pcarlash, I keg of pepper, watermelon preserves, 1 box loaf sugar, I keg of pickJe, 45 boxes of salt., 2 barrels & half of sugar (640 Ibs), I can of oil, 1 lot of tin ware, 3 demijohns containing 4 gals of oR 1 keg of butter (75 Ibs), I half keg butter, 1 syringe, 2 large pots. 4 small pots, 13 ovens, 1 lot of kitchenware, 1 loom & 16 yds of cloth, half barrel of mackerel, 2 barrels of molasses. 1 barrel of vinegar. 4 bushels of salL 50 Ibs of lard, 25 lbs of tallow, I two-horse wagon Barroom & Hall 1 barrel Madeira wine, one barrel of port, I barrel of bourbon whiskey I keg French brandy, 1 barrel rectified whiskey, 2 kegs peach liqueur, 1 keg of vinegar. 20 bottles of cognac brandy, 30 bottles of claret, 1 doz bottles liqueur, 16 bottles Madeira wine, 8 bottles of Dexter's whiskey, 10 bottles of olive oil. 9 bottles of peach brandy, 3 bottles of anisette, 3 glass jars-2 lemons & 1 of peaches, 3 jars of plums, I jar of balsam apples. 1 bottle of prunes, 34 papers aUspice. I bottle of laudanum, I bottle paregoric 5 bottles Swain's panacea, 2 doz Seidlitz powders, 1 piece of tobacco, 1 chest of tea. 4 waiters. 2 small boxes & 5 papers of medicine, 1 can of castor oil, 1 can turpentine. half box candles. e boxes blacking, 1000 cigars, 1 box Negro shoes, half keg of crackers. 5 decanters, 5 case bottles. I pr of patent balances, 1 box raisins, scales & weights, 1 spice box, 3 pieces beeswax., 10 tumblers, 1 table, 1 grater, ginger, 1 looking glass. 2 cans of lard oil. part of box window glass. 1 desk, 1 table, part keg of bitters. 1 map, 1 pr andirons. 2 water pails. 2 washbowls & small tub, 3 doz of mustard, 1 sugar & 2 julep cups & 1 bowl & half doz tea spoons Pineville Taxpayers A polltist for the Pineville beat of Marengo County can be found on pages 146 to 149 ofa volume in the probate office entitled "Poll List, 1892." Each taxpayer was labeled either "white" or "colored." Township 12, Range 4 Anderson. T. S. (w) Autry, A. E. (w) Autry, Leroy (w) Autry, N. E. (w) Curry Riley (c) Drake, General (c) Dumas A P. (w) Dumas, W. H. (w) Evans, Loucius (c) Gibson, 1. F. (w) Gildersleve, John (c) Greene, Giles (c) Harris, Jams (c) Hawkins, C. (w) Hudson. L H. (w) Hudson, T. S. (w) Jackson, Goo. (c) Jackson, W. A. (w) Jones, Davis (c) Kimbrough, Albert (c) Kimbrough. C. C. (w) 9 Kimbrough, Charlie (c) Kimbrough. Gen (c) Kimbrough. Greene (c) Kimbrough, Henry (c) Kimbrough. 1. N. (c) Kimbrough, Wm. (c) Lucy, John (c) Mastrell, \TUlce(c) McClure, 1. L. (w) McClure, Joe (w) McManess, R. H. (w) McManess, R. L. (w) McManess. W. B. (w) Morgan, C. F. (w) Morgan. M. R. (w) Morton, Nathan (c) Murphy, Ben (c) Neely,1. W. (w) Nettles, Joe (c) Patrick, 1. L. (w) Pointer. Lewis (c) Pope G. W. (w) Pope, George (c) Pope, 1. E. (w) Pope, W. A. (w) Pope. W. 1. (w) Porter, D. C. (w) Pritchett, Burrell (c) Pritchett, Calvin (c) Pritchett., Henry Y. (c) Pritchett, Willis (c) Pritchett, Young (c) Privett, A. D. (w) Reed, Edmond (c) Smyley, L. E. (w) Smyley, W. 1. (w) Stephen, Grant (c) Strickland, S. L. (w) Strickland. Sol. (w) Thomas, Ed (c) Thomas, Tony (c) Thompson, 1. B. (w) Turbeville. Doss (c) Vick.. W. V. (w) West 1. L. (w) Williams, Frank (c) TOWDSbip 13, Range 4 Anderson. Wm. (c) Branch, Robt. (c) Bridges, JOM (c) Bridges, W. F. (w) Cooper, C. H. (w) Cooper, 1. R. (w) Dumas, Major (c) Evans, T. 1. (w) Forney, Sam (c) Forney, Wm. (c) Foster, Leonidas (c) Gardner, Tom (c) Greene, C. C. (w) Greene, J. P. (w) Harris, 1. F. (w) Jackson, Dock (c) Jackson., Joe (w) Jackson, S. Z. (w) Jackson Sam (c) Jenkins, Wm. (c) lohnson. W. P. (w) Jones, s--{?) Davis (c) Kiker, A. T. (w) Lee. John (c) Lisenbee. A. M (w) Lisenbee, J. E. (w) Lockett Jim (c) Luker, J. C. (w) McGee, D. F. (w) McGee. L. (w) McManess. W. A. (w) Morgan. Zack (c) Morton, D. P. (w) Pritchett, Andy (c) Pritchett, C. C. (w) Richards, Tom (c) Robertson. Tony (c) Ross, E. W. (w) Small, F. E. (w) SLallworth, Chancel1er (c) Stockman, 1. W (w) Threadgill, G. E. (w) Trull, A. B. (w) Trull, J. (w) Trull. J. T. (w) Trull, W. P. (w) Twilley, 1. M (w) Vict, C. T. (w) Viek. M. M. (w) Vict, P L. (w) Viele, T. W. (w) White, H. C. (w) Regular April Term 1861 of the Probate Court The full record of the court proceedings can be fOWld in Marengo County Probate Minutes Book H. P 200 Estate of Wm. McAllister, deceased. Application of L. B. McCarty, executor, that he be allowed delay in filing his account and vouchers for fmal settlement granted. Estate of Mrs. Louisiana Manning, deceased. Probate of will ordered to stand continued. Estate of Mary F. McCartney. Settlement continued. Estate of Sarab R. Curtin. Settlement continued. Estate of Mrs. Louisiana Manning, deceased. Robert 1. Manning appointed admin.i.strator ad colligendum and enters into $10,000 bond with surety James Manning. Estate of Sophia Manning, deceased. James Manning, executor, files for annual senJemenl. Estate of Finely White, deceased. Finely White resided in Arkansas and died in 1859 leaving p 20 I an interest in the estate of Henry Jordan deceased, the final settlement of which is now pending. Sheriff S. B. Jackson appointed administrator. Estate of Wm. Hudson, deceased. Wm. Hudson Jr., administrator, files report of sales of the perishable property. Estate of John J. Price, deceased. Jurisdiction of estate trnnsferred to ClaIKe Co. MS. where testator's family has moved. Mrs. Sarah Price. executrix. Estate of Moses Westbrook, deceased. James F. Aldridge, one of executors, files report of the hire of slaves belonging to said estate. Estate of Evaline J. Downman. Charles B. Mason, administrator, files for fin.aJ senJemenL 10 P 202 Estate of Jno. C. O'Reilley, minor. Joseph B. Lacy, guardian. and Jno. B. Raines, guardian ad litem come to hearing for fmal settlement. Minor bas moved to MS. Joseph B. Lacy was appointed guardian in Scott Co. MS. Balance of $11,747.12 due minor. Jurisdiction transferred to Scott Co. MS. Estate of Nancy Benbow, deceased. Settlement continued. Estate of Jobn Richardson, deceased. Willis P. King, executor, filed for rmal settlement 21 p 203 Apr 1860. Next of kin are brothers and sisters and descendants of those of his brothers and sisters who pre-deceased him, to wit, Polly (Mrs. Michael) Smith, Winny (Mrs. Jacob) Davidson (who at the decedent's death was a wife but now is a widow), Rebecca Richardson. Ally (Mrs. John) Williams, James Richardson (now deceased, John White Esq. of Dallas Co. AL, administrator), and Nancy Richardson, all of full age. and Allen. Elwood, Noah. and Meredith Richardson, minors. all being decedent's brothers and sisters: and Wm. D., John Jr., E1i.7..abeth, and Rebecca Richardson Jr., of full age, and Alfred Richardson, a minor, who are children of Edward Richardson, brother of decedent who pre-deccased him. All reside in North Carolina. Said Polly, Winny, and Rebecca Sr. transferred their shares to Henry B. Elliott of North Carolina 24 Dec 1857. Robert D. Hart, guardian ad litem of minor heirs. Slaves Henrietta, Nathan, Jackson, William, Matilda, James, and Louisa were bequeathed to said King. R. H. Hudson. R. D. Marshall Wm. S. Norwood, John M. Drinkard, and E. W. Quinney ordered to value and divide remaining slaves Susan (22), John (3), Anderson (4), Whilt (27), Phebe (26), Francis (3), Merchant (8), Newton (6), Perry (33), Jane (20), Ed (23), Sindy (21), Menerva (5), Josephine (3), Alice. and Isham. Estate of Gro. W. Doss. Final settlement continued. p 208 Estate of H. B. Mitchell. O. H. Prince, administrator. Continued. Estate of Henry Dugger. Administratrix and W. P. Bococke appear. Caveat heretofore filed by Bococke dismissed. Sale of real estate was fairly made and ordered confmned. Estate of Mary E. Compton, deceased. Final settlement continued_ Estate of W. H. Doss, deceased. Final settlement continued. p 209 Estate of Henry Jordan, deceased. Hearing of accounts filed by John Besteder, administrator. for final settlement. John B. Rains, guardian ad litem of minor children of Juditha Chatham deceased. Only heirs: half-sisters Sarah White, Susan Monk, and Fllletla White (now deceased, S. P. Jackson, administrator); half-brothers Bias Elkins (now deceased, John Besteder. administrator), John Elkins, William Elkins, and Wade EIk.ins: children ofhalf·sister Elizabeth Grower (who predeceased decedent), to wit, Mrs. Malinda - , Barbara (Mrs. Wm. 8.) Phifer, William Grower, and Sarah (Mrs. John) Ablehart: and children ofhrJf-sister Juditha Chatham (who predeceased decedent). Estate of Christopher S. Curtis, minor. Edwd. Curtis, guardian, files for annual settlement. H. p 211 A. Woolf Esq. appointed guardian ad litem. Guardian authorized to keep together the slaves and work the plantation of said ward during 1861. Estate of Wm. H. Curtis, deceased. Edwd. Curtis. administrator, flIes for partial settlement. H. A. Woolf Esq. appointed guardian ad litem of minor Christopher S. Curtis. Estate of Wm. R. Drinkard, deceased. Partial settlement. rhos. A. Beverley, administrator. p 212 Estate of Altona Rembert, Willie Rembert, and Judge L Rembert, minors. Hearing of accoWlt and vouchers of Wus. Mary Frances Rembert, guardian, for partial settlement. Estate of John F. Barney, deceased. R. D. Hart, administrator of Hezekiah Nettles, files for fInal settlement of Nettles' administration of the estate. H. A. Woolf appointed guardian ad litem for Barney's minor heirs. A Contract to Build in Jefferson A building contract made 23 May 1853 between John Ellis and Mary W. Hamilton, both of Jefferson, was witnessed by James Welch and recorded in Marengo County Deed Book P on pages 53 and 54. By it, Ellis agreed to erect and ftnish "in a good substantial and worlananlike marmer" a two-story frame dwelling house on a lot ill s4t l6r2E in the town of Jefferson. "The aforesaid house to be 46 feet long by 36 feet wide having 4 rooms on the floor 18 by 18 feet and a passage 36 feet by 10 feet; second story to have 4 rooms 18 by 18 feet and a passage 36 feet by 10 feet with a small room cut off the passage; to have all batten doors in second story except one sash door leading out on the portico; the lower story to rust 11 have six panel dooni and five batten doors; to have seven new mantel pieces and three flights of stairs; to have base around all the beving; said house to have sixteen windows twelve lights 10 by 15 glass and to put in old windows in the rear of the house; said house to have a two-story portico on the front; said house 10 have steps 10 all of the outside doors; the garret to partioned otT into rooms and lighted by three donner windows fixed on the roof and two windows in each end of the house; said house to have eight closets fixed 10 line with the chimneys finished with batten dooni and shelving inside; all the floors in said house to be longued and grooved and nailed through." Ellis also agreed to build a kitchen and a smokehouse, with the "kilchen 10 be 36 by 16 one-story and a 10 be laid with old flooring; upper floor 10 be longued and grooved; to have old doors and windows put in; the smokehouse to be 16 feet by 16 feet 12 feet pitch weather boarding not dressed; to have a rough plank floor and one door." half high to be weather boarded with plank not dressed; the floors In return, Hamillon was 10 furnish all of "the building material on the ground" and to pay Ellis $1,128.29. Queries Lanier Tucker, Hill, Hasty, Corley Mrs. Sheila Bosher, 1607 Crestwood Drive. Mineral Wells. TX 76067-2707 Virgene Mize (Mrs. Jack) Olson, 710 Valley Road. Kosciusko.!vIS 39090 I am researching the above lines and would like to correspond with anyone else researching these families. I am searching for information of the family of WiUiam Henry Lanier, born Apr. 25 1835, married Martha Ann Bryan Jan. 5, 1859. Is he the son of John Lanier and wife Lucy? Will share information. Will be glad to hear from anyone who has done Lanier research.. Demopolis Public Library Marengo County Genealogical Society 211 East Washington Street Demopolis, Alabama 36732 ~ewsletter Volume 9 July 1997 Number 1 John Marks Abernathy 1909-1997 With deep sadness, we report the death of Marks Abernathy, the founder and first president of this society. Marks felt strongly that exposure to genealogy and history would enrich the lives of many people. As president and active member of our society, he encouraged interchange between researchers and saw to it that valuable genealogical resources were preserved and made more accessible. His keen interest in the clarity and accuracy of research inspired others to seek the same in their work. With his intensity of spirit, broad range of interests, and open mind, he had a rare ability to generate enthusiasm in those around him. Marks was dedicated to his church and family, a steadfast supporter of the Marengo County Historical Society, and a true genealogist. He is irreplaceable. Society News ~. Do we have a family chart on me for you at the Demopolis Public Library? To enable researchers working on common lines to fmd each other, each member of the society is asked to submit a pedigree chart of his or her family showing at least three generations. At our February meeting, guest Caroline Matthews spoke on the history of the area between Demopolis and Faunsdale. This infonnative talk about Allenville, the nineteenth-century community known as "Freetown," and part of the old French Grant was recorded and has been transcribed. We meet at the Demopolis Public Library at 6:30 PM on the frrst Tuesday of every month, excepting holidays and election days. The society has now copied tombstone inscriptions in almost all of Marengo County's cemeteries, as well as some on the county line in neighboring counties. Only a few minor cemeteries remain to be surveyed. The Cemetery Committee most recently worked in Holy Cross Episcopal Church Cemetery in Uniontown. Contact Us! Demopolis Public Library Marengo County Genealogical Society 211 East Washington Street Demopolis, Alabama 36732 Member Gwen Hall Gay, 8515 McKavett Dr. #8, Dallas, TX, 75238-4515, announced in March of this year: I have documented my HilJ family line back to, and including, Moses Hill, father of Sterling Hill. with one exception. That exception is proof that my two paternal great grandmothers were sisters daughters of Sterling Hill and his first wife. The fact that my paternal grandparents were fllSt cousins I learned at a very early age and was appalled because I had never heard of anything like that before. My grandmother's mother was Mary Ann Hill, who married William H. Barkley. My grandfather's mother was Hannah O. Pinneau Hill, who married James W. Hall (wife #2). James W. Hall had three children by wife #1, Elizabeth Morgan (married in Wilcox County). Elizabeth was the daughter of George Morgan who died in Wilcox County. William H. Barkley had four wives, but issue from only Mary Ann Hill, wife #1. Needed: Will of Sterling Hill, should be in Marengo County. Marriage record of wife #2, Mrs. Edith Hardy (who had a son by her previous marriage). Maniage record of Sterling Hill to wife # 1. Sterling Hill came to Clarke COWlly Alabam.a, in 1809 at age 17. Marriage record of Moses Hill to wife # I. Found: Marriage of Orasmus Hill to Miss Katie Shaw 2J December 1907, Leon County, Texas. I would like to share my records with anyone who is working on these families. At the present, I am searching for the death date of Hannah Hill Hall. said to have died in Texas in 1926 as the result of a car wreck and buried in Pankey Cemetery Bedias, Grimes County, Texas. I am enclosing biographies [filed at the Demopolis Public Library l of Francis (Frank) Marion Barkley oldest son of William H. Barkley and Mary Ann Hill, and Leonard Jesse AUen Hall, called "Tip," oldest son of James W. Hall and Hannah O. Pinneau Hill. Confederate marl<ers have been placed on each of their graves within the past year. If this information is of benefit to your organization, please let me know, and I will send information as I fmd it regarding people connected to the families of my descent. 2 Sacred Ground: Methodist Church at Linden Articles of Association of the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Linden in the County of Marengo in the StIte of Alabama: Article In-This church shall be known and called the Methodist Episcopal Church at Linden. Articie 2""-The preacher in charge of the circuit or station in which this church is or may be included shall nominate five trustees who are to be elected by the members of this society for the pmpose of securing a title to a lot of land in the town of Linden upon which lot a church house is to be built as soon as it can be completed according to a contract of the building committee now made. Article 3"'-Whenever a vacancy shall occur by death, resignation, or otherwise in the board of trustees, it shall be the duty of the preacher in charge to call the society together as soon as convenient and he shall nominate persons to fiU such vacancy or vacancies, who, if chosen by the society, shall be substituted to all the rights and privileges of their predecessors. Article 4""_The trustees or some one of them shall superintend and see that said church house when built shall be kept in order and repair, for which purpose the members of the church are to contribute funds when necessary. Articie Sth_The said bustees when appointed and their successors shall hold the said lot and church house to the use and benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Linden. Articie 6"'-That these articles be copied. and certified by the preacher in charge of this circuit and filed in the office of the clerk of the county court of said county for record according to the Stltute in such cases made and provided. I, Robert R Dickinson, preacher in charge of the Dayton Circuit in which the Linden Church is included, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of the articles of association of the members of the church at Linden is a true and correct copy and that William Byrd, Caleb Rembert, Adolphns S. Carle, Julius E. Poellnitz, and Thomas Abernathy have been nominated and elected trustees in accordance to the second article of these articles of association 00 the 3lit day of March 1844. Given under my hand and seal this lit day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four and 68th of American Independence. [Signed] Rob1. R. Dickinson, Preacher in Charge. 19 Apr 1844. Franklin H. Hogan of Marengo Co. to William Byrd, Adolphus S. Cade, Caleb Rembert, Julius E. Poelloitz. and Thomas Abernathy, trustees, of Marengo Co., and their successors in office. For S100, lot in Linden beginning at the southwest comer ofLot #54, running east SO feet 00 Center St. and thence north the whole length of said lot., and thence west 50 feet to the northwest comer of Lot #54, thence on the line between Lots #54 and 53 to the point of commencement, said lot having Lot #53 on the west, Center S1. on the south, and the balance of #54 on the east, containing a quarter of an acre. In trust that they shall build or cause to be erected and built thereon a house OT place of worship for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Attest A. W. Hogan, Thos. J. Woolf. -Marengo County Deed Book K. pages 224 and 239 Military Enlistments in 1916 and 1917 Personal and military datI of several hundred men, most of whom enlisted during World War!, can be found in Soldiers and Seamen, Records of Discharges, an indexed record of certificates ofhonornble discharge deposited in the vault of the probate court of Marengo County. Except as noted, the men listed below enlisted in 1917. Name Birthplace Age or Occupation Birth Date James William Anderson Jesse Edward Anderson Ruben Autery Norboume F. Bailey John T. Ballow Roland N. Ballow Sidney Henry Bates Robert Benham V"meland AL Marengo Co. AL Pine Hill AL Demopolis AL Demopolis AL Faunsdale AL Publam AL ThomtonAL 23y2m 21 18y8rn 18 20 (1916) 20 22y4m 27y 11m 3 farmer farmer fanner laborer student stndent laborer locomotive fireman Description (Eyes. Hair, Complexion) blue, brown, fair blue, brown, fair blue, light, fair gray, brown, fair brown, dark, fair hazel, light, fair blue, brown, fair gray, black, ruddy Allen T. Braswell Fletcher F. Braswell William Gaston Braswell Sweetwater AL Grove Hill AL Sweetwater AL Joseph O. Breaux Douglas Brock Hugh N. Brown James Lee Buchanan Gerard R. Bush Carnathan B. Carlton Obie H. Carlton Robert A. Chisolm Ernest V. Clark Umphis Clark Henry Y. Cocke Clarence F. Connelley Richard C. Corr Jere C. Creighton James F. Crews Julius Crocker Robert A. Cunningham Wade G. Dant Daniel C. Davidson Howard Day Walter J. Day Eugene B. DeLoach John G. DeLoach Alsey Bennett DeWitt New Iberia LA Demopolis AL Faunsdale AL Birmingham AL 23y6m 21 13 Aug 97 (1916) 20 29 31 12-9-91 bookkeeper fanner brown, black, dark. brown. brown, ruddy blue, dk brown. fair sugar chemist ehauffeur store clerk brown, brown, ruddy black, black, dark. blue, It brown, fair blue, lt brown, fair logger mechanic clerk fanner mechanic farmer brown, dk brown, dark brown, dk brown, ruddy gray, brown, fair . blue, dark. ruddy gray, dark, ruddy brown, dark, dark Clifton AL Lamison AL Demopolis AL Clay Hill AL Marengo Co. AL Greensboro AL 23y 9m 27y 10m 22y 4m 24 Whatley AL Marion AL Marengo Co. AL Knoxville TN Helena OH 25y 3m 30 23y 8m 22y 3m 26y 11m (1916) 23 Aug 97 cashier farmer farmer merchant grain dealer 21y 8m 23y 1m clerk fanner teamster brown, It brown, fair brown, brown fair blue, dk brown, fair 20 27y4m 25 24 21 21 29 27 10 Mar 98 (1916) 13 Jul 92 18 20 27 Dec 88 25 21 (1916) 2-t. 26y6m 24 26 27y 3m 23y 2m fanner millwright farmer farmer farmer clerk fanner saw filer blue, blond, ruddy brown, black, dark. gray, black, fair blue, black, dark gray, It brown. fair brown, dark, fair gray, gray, ruddy brown, black.. fair blue, brown, roddy 24 stenographer blacksmith lumber co. Bwnt Corn AL Grover Y. Dickson William P. Digmon John A. England William H. England Wiley J. Etheridge Charles P. Everett Clarence Farmer Joseph M. Findley Herbert Ashby Gholson Dixon Mills AL Marengo Co. AL Cathrine. Wilcox. CO.AL Kimbrough AL Nanafalia AL Vineland AL Wilcox Co. AL Aimwell AL Clinton MO Thomaston AL Brewton AL Linden AL Lewis M. Grady JolmHamm Charles K. Hatch Goo. Morton Hawk Bernice Hill Thomas Hill Allen C. Howard James L. Hudgens Allen P. Huggins William L. Hunt Johnnie Wesley Hyman Robert Jackson Jr. Samuel W. Jackson Andrew 1. Jordan William C. Kimble Demopolis AL Balton MS Jeanette LA Nicholsville AL OctagonAL Octagon AL Pleona AL Sparta TN HamptonAL RomeGA Demopolis AL Thomaston AL Linden AL Fulton AL SwrunerGA 23 33y 5m 24 23 23 brown. black. dark blue, brown, fair blue, brown, fair blue, It brown, fair blue, brown, ruddy bl., brown, ruddy fanner clerk farmer farmer clerk grocery clerk teamster merchant carpenter blue. bro\VD,ruddy gray, brown. fair brown. brown, ruddy blue, It brown, ruddy gray, brown, fair gray, dark, fair brown. brown. fair blue. brown. ruddy brown. IL brown, fair blue, light fair brown, black, black brown. black, colored gray, brown, dark bro\VD, dark. dark brown, brown, fair foreman farmer fanner fanner farmer clerk sawmill worker clerk clerk farmer farmer fanner blue, black. ruddy blue, brown, dark brown, black. dark brown, brown, fair blue, dark fair blue, dark, fair gray, brown, fair brown, dk brown, ruddy gray, black, fair blue. red, ruddy blue, black, dark blue, brown, ruddy blue, light, fair brown, d.k blue [sic], fair brown, 1t brown, fair gray, dk brown. dark dk brown, black, medium Joe B. Kirkham Harvey F. Kratzer Eunice F. Lisenbe Clinton E. Logan Perry 1. Long Austin B. Lyles CharlesS.Maas Jesse M. Magruder Jodie Martin George Herben Mayo Dixie Leon Mayton Robert Davis Mayton Thomas Jefferson Mayton Harold S. McBride JOM W. McDonald James R. Michael Andrew M. Miller Linden AL Lamar fN Shiloh AL Sprotts AL Oakville MS Nanafalia AL Selma AL Vicksburg MS Magnolia AL Sweetwater AL Aimwell AL Myrtlewood AL AimwellAL Decatur AL Sailpta AL Demopolis AL Nanafalia AL Leon Miller Murray B. Mitchell James Taylor Monnier John R. Moore Jr. Albert G. Morgan Alfred K. Morgan James Russell Myrick Vivian B. Naylor James P. Nichols Frnncis C. Null Lige S. Parten Alfred N. Patterson Grover B. Perry JOM B. Perry Robert H. Phillips Julius I. Poelmitz Joseph Fountain Pope 1110mas Eugene Pope William F. Pritchett Allis Pullcn Russell T. Ramsey Silas H. Ricketts Samucl A. Robison Robert Lce Rogers James Wilber Ross Porter M. Savage l1\omas Leslie Sharp Sam Shumate Frank H. Skinner Chester Smith Frederick M. Smith Charles W. Spear Morris C. Spced Marcus M. Stallwonh Jimmie 1. Stewart Rembert AL 22 farmer auto mechanic merchant mail clerk electrical engineer laborer Haralston GA Sweetwater AL Myrtlewood AL 20 23 30 machinist farmer lumbennan brown, elk brown, ruddy blue, black, ruddy gray, elk brown, fair Tuscaloosa AL Sweetwater AL Burnside JL Nanafalia AL Demopolis AL Nicholsville AL Sweetwater AL Thomaston AL Rembert AL Putnam AL Marcngo Co. AL Myrtlewood AL MynJewood AL Sumpter AL Pine Hill AL Dixons Mill AL Nanafalia AL Harbours Creek VA Haywood Co. TN Meridian MS Lauderdale AL Miller AL Myrtlewood AL Nicholsville AL 22 18y 5m 20y 2m 20 23 16 Jul88 24y9m 22y 2m 18 (1916) 22 28y 9m 21 21y 10m 30y2m 24 23 31 21y7m 18 21 21y 3m 20 (1916) 23 24 lumberman student beekeeper mill worker fanner laborer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer machinist farmer merchant bookkeeper farmer ins. agent farmer farmer tele.op. fanner gray, brown, ruddy gray, light fair blue, brown, fair brown, light fair blue, It brown, fair gray, brown, ruddy brown, brown, dart< hazel. light. fair gray, brown, fair blue, It brown, fair blue, brown, ruddy gray, It brown, light blue. sandy, fair blue, dart<, medium gray, It brown, ruddy gray, dark, dark dk brown. dk brown. dark dk brown, black, fair gray, It brown, fair brown, dark, fair blue, It brown. fair blue, dark, fair brown, dark. fair blue, brow~ ruddy Belmont AL Lineville AL Old Spring Hill AL 12 Aug 91 4-10-97 29y 10m clerk brown, dk brown. fair brown, brown. fair It blue. da.rk, fair 29 23 24 19 (1916) 21 21 (1916) 23 29y 11m 24 22 24 26 Sep 95 21 (1916) 22 27y 5m 28 22 5 black, black, black On Strawberry Street in Demopolis 19 May 1843 contract between Jesse Farinbolt and William H. Roberts and Calvin 1. Freeman. It is agreed that said Freeman together with Benjamin G. Shields is to build for said Farinholt a brick house running 40 feet on Strawberry Sl. and 30 feet back, which is to be fmished off in good and plain style, with a parlor to be fInished with pilasters; balance of work to be finished off in good plain workmanlike manner; size of the parlor to be 24 feet by 18 feet from out to out, one dining room to be 16 feet by 30 feet from out to out, two rooms along side of the parlor, nine rooms in the upper story, one frontispiece in the parlor, fifteen panel doors, 288 lights of sash to be twelve-light windows and sash to be 12 by 18 inches, twenty-four window frames, fifteen door frames, twenty-foue pair venetian blinds half rolling; wood work of said building to be executed by said Roberts in plain, good, and wOrkmanlike style. Farinholt is to pay Roberts and Freeman $2200 half to be paid by 15 Jan or 1 Feb 1844, balance to be paid by I Jan 1845. It is agreed that Farinholt is to furnish all hardware, glass, putty, and materials for painting and that Freeman and Shields are to receive out of said $2200 the sum of $900 for doing the brickwork of said building and that Roberts is to have all the plastering of said building done in good workmanlike manner: materials for and covering of the roof of said building to be excepted out of this contract. All work is to be completed by 15 Jan 1844. Attest: 1. A. Martiniere, Thos. Y. Ramsey. 12 Feb 1844. William H. Roberts and wife Sarah H. and Calvin 1. Freeman and wife Mary of Marengo Co. to Jesse Farinholt of Marengo Co. For $2200, deed of south half of Demopolis Lot #523, with all houses etc. Aclmowledged before Jolm Schinn, JP. 12 Feb 1844. William H. Roberts and wife Sarah and Calvin J. Freeman and wife Mary of Demopolis to Jesse Farinholt of Demopolis. For $900, deed of part of north half of Demopolis Lot #524 (with all houses and improvements), fronting east on Strawberry St, which is bounded by a line beginning on said street at the northeast comer of the brick office of Messrs. Henley & Lomax.. attorneys. thence running west along said office and beyond the same to the portion of said north half of Lot #524 which has been herelOfore sold by said Henley & Lomax to Alexander Donald and enclosed by him, thence north along said portion belonging to A. Donald to the south side or line of Lot #523, thence east along said line to Strawberry St., and thence south along said street to the point of beginning. -Marengo County Deed Book K, pages 205-07 Farinholl owned lots all along north Strawberry 51. in Demopolis, including #515-18,560,575, and 576. (See Marengo County Deed Books E, page 180, and I, page 362.) 6 Queries Jenkins Adonna N Morgan, 2961 Coleridge Drive, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Queries have been edited for lengtlL The complete text of each is on file in the Demopolis Public Library. Records in Caldwell Co. KY reference some of the John Jenkins family in Marengo Co. AL. John Jenkins (d about 1829) married Susan about 1784 in VA. Children: William (1785 1863 MO; m Susan Gately in KY); Holland (m Lethia Anderson c 1&27 in AL); Lloyd (m Ada Patrick c 1823 in AL); Elizabeth (d by 1&29; m Andrew Dunn in 1811 in KY); Edward (m Sally Parrent? in 1818 in KY); Sarah (m Vmcent Anderson); Susannah (m. Jared W. Cherry); Dominico (m Jennet Bigham in 1816 in KY). Markham Pamela Hutchison Garrett, 1401 E. Hefner Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73131 I am looking for infonnation on and would like to locate living descendants of the family of George Evans Markham (b in VA), who was a resident of Demopolis AL c. 1&40 until his death about 1866. Family records state that he married Ann Eliza Spence and that they were parents of five children: Henry Agustus, Edwin, Ann Maria. George Spence, and Vrrginia. The census suggests three children: Ann M, George, andLawa V. William Jenkins moved his family to Greene Co. MO in 1836. William's son Dominico Jenkins may have married Melvira Anderson in AL before moving to Kemper Co. MS; he was the only child of William to go to Alabama. There is an L. Jenkins in Choctaw Co. AL in 1850. Son George Spence Markham, served CSA Capt.. 58th Alabama Infantry; daughter (Laura) Virginia Markham married the Rev. C. W. Miller c. 1863 in Demopolis and they eventually removed to Kentucky. Interested in Marengo County marriage records, cemetery records, deeds and wills for these ]enkins families. Newton Mrs. Ann Tackitt, PO Box 636, Granbury, TX 760-/8-0636 Prince The family of James Newton (c 1765 c 1823/25) and Celia (c 1785 - after 1850; m Right Rice in Wilcox Co. AL as a widow) lived in Marengo Co. AL (or that area) from the early I820s until about 1850; some may have lived there longer. Children of James and Celia Newton: Stephen (b 1799; m Jane Stephen); Nancy (b 1800); Ebenezer (b 1802; m Susannah Bass. dau. of Uriah Bass and Sarah Green); Hannah (b 1806); Richard (b 1807); Asa Bishop (1809-1898, TX: m Mary Ann Farquar in 1849); James (1811-1&53/54, TX; m Elizabeth Baggett)· Willis (b 1813); Pebe (b 1&15); Salem (b 1819). Dr. William B. Gresham Jr., 2324 Teton Road, Birmingham, AL 35216 I am doing research into a family named Prince who owned lands in the Old Spring Hill area; one son married into the Lyon family~livcr H. Prince. This past fall I obtained a map of Township 17, Range 4 East drawn by Mr. A. M. McDowell. The map is actually a land owners map. I've been told that Mr. McDowell's maps are fairly common, and hope to locate a map that wOcld show land ownership in the Old Spring Hill area and to the east of this village. McCorkle Col. Eugene L. Harrison, 3821 Heywood Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76109 Is there a burial record for James Newton or Celia Newton Rice? Does Celia Newton Rice, living with her son James in 1&50, show up in another child's home in 1860? Did Asa Bishop Newton have a family in Marengo County prior to marrying in Texas in 1849? Asa and James Ne\\10n may have owned property in Marengo County prior to moving to Texas (1835-50); I would like a copy or abstract of the deeds. I am seeking the obituary notices on three relations who died at or near Faunsdale (I believe) and are buried in the S1. Michael's Cemetery there: Louisa Harrison McCorkle McGoff. d 10 Jul1948; Gertrude McCorkle Morgan. d 6 May 1959' Thomasene McCorkle Bradford. d 16 Feb 1981. 7 Deeds Filed in the Spring 0/1873, Part n The following deeds were recorded in Marengo County Deed Book W. 10 Feb 1873. Robert E. Tanner and wife Mary H. to Claudius F. Hanvood. For $750, deed of E 1;2 of NE 114 and SE If.t of NW II. of s28 and E \12 of SE If.t of s29, all in tl7r2E. Certified by John W. Smith, JP. p 77 18 Jan 1873. 1. R Jackson and wife M. B. to Shields Jackson. For $75, deed of half acre in SW 114 ofSW \14 ofs35113r4E, lying south of Nanafalia Rd and north of Choetaw Comer Rd, in the fork at Andrew Jackson's blacksmith shop. Certified by 1. E. Smyly, JP. P 77 p 78 26 Dec 1872. R. Augustus Jones and wife Fanny H. to N. P. Askew. For $5,250, deed of SE If.t, S \12 of NW If.t, and E \12 of SW II. of s25, and all that part of s36 lying north of Dry Creek, a11 in t16r4E. Certified by Edward A Taylor, NP. p 78 10 May 1873. Thomas R. Eaton and wife Sarah AIR. to Samuel H. Askew and Warren S. Askew, partners under the name Askew Bros. For $125 and. dismissal of suit against said Sarah for account due for necessary family supplies, deed of 10 acres in Dayton bounded on north by Garrett's mill lot and east-west street on west by A. 1. Wynne's lot and, partly, Thos. R. Eaton's lot, on south by A. 1. Wynne's lot and the late Goodwin land. and on east by Adolphus Nelms's lot and the graveyard. Attest S. H. Bartlett, M. A Eaton; certified by S. H. Bartlett. NP. p 79 7 Apr 1873. Williamson Glass and wife Sarah 1. and George W. Walston and wife Nancy to George G. Lyon, trustee, and Rush Tuller, creditor. In consideration of debt of $1101.48 to James Harrison, transferred to Tuller, and $10, deed of trust of N 1;2 ofslO, NE ~ and SE II. of NW II. of s9, all in tl4r4E, known as the "Joseph Agee place." Certified by J. Catlin Cade. JP. p 80 26 Feb 1873. 1. D. Alexander and wife Rebecca L. to G. W. and G. L. Siddons. For $532, portion of SW comer of W \12 of NW II. of s32tl7r5E, at Bennuda Grass lot cornering on Dayton to Uniontown public road. p 81 27 May 1873. Josiah T. Evans. admr de bonis non with will annexed of Mary Bryan, to Charles B. Whitfield, all of Marengo Co. Whereas Mary Bryan died in said county 20 Jul1864, appointing by will Gaius Whitfield Sr., Gaius Whitfield Jr., and Charles B. executors; whereas they declined to qualify; whereas Shff. Enos C. England was appointed administrator and made final settlement at expiration of his tenn: whereas it is provided by will that real estate be sold and proceeds divided between her five grandchildren Mary M., Louisa L., Caleb R., James R., and Richard P. Bryan; whereas said Evans, after advertisement in Linden's Marengo Journal. auctioned land 21 Dec 1872 at late residence of James R. Bryan decd near Jefferson. For $700. deed of W \12 of SW 1/. of 512, E \12 of SW II. of 528, and NE '14 of NW 114 of s33, all in t16r2E. Certified by R. L. Maupin, probate judge. p 83 8 May 1871. H. A. Monier. tax collector of City of Demopolis, certifies that 1871 taxes on Lot #645 being unpaid, he sold the same to Adam Knapp. Countersigned 1. S. Harwell, mayor. 6 Apr 1872, Demopolis. Adam and Bridget Knapp to Sarah Rivers. For $25, trnnsfer of all his right 10 Lot #645. P 83 18 Apr 1871. John C. Pritchett and wife Bettie, of Perry Co. AL, as admr and admx of Nathan B. Whitfield.. to Timothy G.Cornish and Archibald Y. Sharpe, partners as Cornish & Sharpe, of Marengo Co. Whereas at sale oflands of said estate 6 Nov 1869 by said Bettie. then Bettie Whitfield. as adm', Cornish & Sharpe became purchasers. For $2104, deed of SW 114 of 520, SW If.t of 521, NE 114 ofNE \14, W 1;2 ofNE~, NW ~ ofSE Y., and NW Yo. of 529, and NE 114 ofsl7, all in tl6r2E. Certified by Benjamin S. Williams, Perry Co. probate judge. p 84 4 Dec 1872, Dallas Co. AL. H. H. Bender and wife Mary M. to Nathaniel Waller. For $2000, conveyance of their undivided half interest in SW ~ of 516, E \12 of E Yz of SE \14 of s17, E 1;2 of E Y2 of NE Yo.. and E 1;2 of E 1;2 of SE v.. of s20, and NW 114 and W \12 of NE 114 of 511, all in tl6r4E and quitclaim in Benders by virtue of a sale of said lands (together with lands the undivided half interest of which is this day conveyed by N. Waller and wife A. A. to H. H. Bender) made by F. W. Siddons and wife R. M. to 8 N. Waller and H. H. Bender 23 Jul 1863. (See Deed Book T, p 354.) Certified by 1. F. John, NP for Dallas Co. p 85 21 Dec 1872, Lee Co. AL. John B. Read and wife Susan W. to A. W. Cooper of Marengo Co. For $100, quitclaim to 3-acre lot on which formerly stood a Presbyterian church styled Lebanon Church, said lot a part of E 12 of NE Y4 of s27t17r2E, bounded on east by eastern line of 80-acre tract described above, on northwest by Demopolis and Linden Rd, and on south by road from Spring Hill and connecting with said Demopolis and Linden Rd; said lot is of the shape of a right angle triangle; on said lot are buried Mm. Walker and Mrs. Haukins; said Cooper pledges that the graves sball be preserved from desecration so long as he owns the same. Certified by H. K. Quillin, JP for Lee Co. Inventory ofFrancis Bierne Estate, 1826 Edward Chaudron, Alexander Fournier, and George N. Stewart appraised the estate of Francis Bieme, deceased, on 2 Sep 1826 and filed their report, recorded on pages 142 to 145 of Marengo County Miscellaneous [probate] Record I, on 9 Nov 1826. A list of names compiled from that report by professional genealogist Ruth Allen is given below. Inventory ofnotes ofhand Jno. Boyd William Cooper belonging to estate W. H. Clad< Jno. G. Skinner Jos. Kember Elisha Lipscomb G. Brideling (Brietling) William Walton A. L. Descourt Edwd. Chaudron Jno. Reed Samuel Morrow Lovelace Mott A. Foscue Austin Lacy Leml Simmons IseaCurry Martin Wells Pitkin Bames Mm.E.lrby B. Payne draft on C. C. Martin Wells Bomgarden Stone S. H. Curry Glover & Gaines James Jones Matt. Bamey J. C. Douglas C. D. Connor RaJph Grayson Alex McGrew Ths. B. Lucey Bomghartcn Wm. Wooten Frank Kember Mathias Hammond F. Guesnard James Skinner Cornelius Vausters Thos. B. Lucy Mark Porter Sherred Hammond Benj. Suddeth John Walker Osborn S. Curtis Jno. Shinn Viol Elias Bryan Wm. McAllister Eph. Banks A. Follin Daniel Lee Jno. G. Blass J. Blakeney Wm. McGrew Corzine Lewis May McCarty Josp. Allen 1. Skinner Wilson & Stewart Wm. Sample W.May Elihu Lipscomb Jacob McCarty Jno. May R. M. Coleman Jno. Landrum William Fowler M. W. Brewer Rob. Mitchell Lav. Simmons W. B. Lauks Wilim. Elkins SamL Morrow Lewis BratJey Lewis Brock James Gilmore Felix Murphy Parker Freeman & Barton Jno. Butch James Quiney Simmons & Force C. D. Connor Wm. Quiney 1. C. McGrew & Barton SamJ. Norad Isaac Swann Brideling (Brietling) & Ch. James Lajoine Breton Bird & Abram Will Carp Elizabeth lrby Allen Grimes Nal. Lipscomb Robt. Sample Weir & SpringIer Jacob McCarty James Bird Inventory ofaccounts found Jesse Brashiers Wm. McGrew unseltled on the books Isaac H. Weir John Carter 9 Mat Hammonts Thomas Curtis W. Burton W. & M. Hammond James Wells Jno. 1. Burton Hiram Foster Clii. Fulford B.P. Whitlow Wal. Robinson W. T. McGregor Jno. McGregor Lewis Axum S. Moncreff J. Martinere & Co. Jno. May James Renfrew M. H. Brewer Jno. Jones Geo. S. Gaines Daniel Lee Geo. N. Stewart Richd. Russel Tr. Breshiers Wm. Barton Benj. Barton Jos. R. Brown J. M. Peny & Jarvis 1. P. Jarvis Wm. We)Js P. Mangon Glover & Gaines Derrel Payne Lewis Hildreth Ths. Chatham Strod. Maddison C. C. Stone Thos. Anderson Jane Lucy W. A. Lucy against est. of Mason Avant in hands of WilSOfi & Stewclrt Mrs. Springer Mathias Brewer Brewer & Mcfarland James Bryan Jno. Sample Senr. Jonas Wood Jno. Davidson AsaBishop Naboth Nelson Alexr. Brashiers Jane James Laffleur Maryann Perrett Geo. Bawtrell Rachl. Braschiers Leml. Hammonds Andw. Walker P. B. Bnmlow Fulsom Jos. R. Brown Isaac Gardner George Grower M. H.McGee Wm. Lipscomb Wm. R NicoJson Marvil Nash Lewis May 1. Corley Char. G. Davis Coms. Vawters Willi. Landrum Easter Wells The Children of Leroy Williams 9 Jan 1882. Petition by Parris Mcintosh, uncle of Leroy, Pearson G., and Caroline Williams, aged respectively 6, 4, and II, and Felix, age 10 that said minors are without visible means of support and that their parents are dead~ asks that they be apprenticed. Saml. B. Jackson, atty. -Marengo County Miscellaneous Probate Records 9, page 171 are apprenticed to James L. Skinner Jr. (Caroline to age 18, the others to age 21), who gave $400 bond with surety Charles B. Cleveland. 14 Jan 1882. Mary Williams files her petition for revocation of the letters of apprenticeship issued to James L. Skinner and for letters of guardianship to be granted to her upon the persons of FelLx and Caroline Williams. on the ground that she is the widow of Leroy Williams deed, father of said minors. 23 Jan 1882. Hearing of application of Mary Williams is continued to 13 Feb 1882. 13 Feb 1882. Application of Mary Williams amended to include all the children apprenticed to said Skinner. Mary Williams and James L. Skinner appear in court in person and by attorney. It is proven to . the satisfaction of the court that said Mary is the widow of Leroy Williams deed. the father of said children, and that since his death she has provided for and supported the said children, and that they were not orphans without visible means of support within the meaning of the statute relating to the "poor and apprentices." Letters of apprenticeship granted to Skinner are hereby revoked. The petition of said Mary Williams heretofore filed and the petition of Thomas McLeod, this day filed, for letters of guardianship, are continued.. 13 Mar 1882. Petitions of both Mary Williams and Thomas McLoud for lettets of guardianship are dismissed, there being no necessity for the appoinbnent of a guardian for said children or for their little estate, if any they have at all, which is very uncertain. -Marengo County Probate Minutes Book P. pages 272, 274,277, and 283 9 Jan 1882. Leroy, Pearson, Caroline, and Felix Williams, colored minors, 10 Pre-Nuptial Contracts in Early Marengo County 15 Mar 1843. Marriage agreement between Francis C. Lowry and Elizabeth A. Holeman, both of Marengo Co. Whereas she, widow of James B. Holeman, late of said county, is possessed of considerable estate: it has been agreed that she shall after marriage enjoy the benefit of her dower in all lands of which John C. Ayres (her flISt husband) died, lying in Limestone and Madison cos. AL and her dower in all lands of said James B. Holeman, and of slaves Bob, Spencer, Jim, Ann, and Hannah; it is agreed that she shall not claim any part of Francis's estate. For $5 paid by Francis to Elizabeth, her property pUl in trust as specified above. Witnessed by F. A. Lowry, J. S. Hurl -Marengo County DeedBook I. page 437 10 Jan 1844. Marriage agreement between Elijah W. Keese and Harriett G. Parham., widow of Matthew Parham, and Tho. Y. Dickson, trustee aU of Marengo Co. Whereas she is one of the heirs of her father Samuel B. Dickson, late of Marengo Co.; it is agreed that she shall retain slaves and other personal property for her exclusive use and control, with Thomas Y. Dickson acting as trustee. Witnesses Henry Johnson. Jacob Pruet. Acknowledged before Isaac L. Barnes, ]P. -Marengo County Deed Book K. page 193 25 May 1844. Marriage contract between Samuel Pickering and Narce Rilla Cunningham. Whereas it is agreed that she shall retain legal title to her rea! and personal property, including slaves Bob, Bill, Stephen, Henry, Washington, Cely, Susan, and Caroline, but that he shall control it, using it for theirjoint benefit and they shall jointly convey it if it is sold: it is also agreed that each may dispose of his or her own property by will, but that other retains life estate; she forfeits her dower rights. Witnessed by TI10. J. Woolf. -Marengo County Deed Book K, page 322 From Marengo County Will Record C p 1 Azuba Moore. Of Middleton, Orange Co. NY at her death 19 Aug 1897. Will made at Cornwall NY 12 Oct 1893, witnesses Charles E. Miller and A. Elizabeth Vail of Cornwall. "I wish... a square stone erected large enough for the inscription of all friends now buried in my lot, Hill Side Cemetery, Middleton NY, also for Catherine Moore and myself." Legatees: sister Catherine Moore, brother Wilmot Moore. Surviving heirs: executor Wilmot Moore: brother Oliver P. Moore of Red Bluff MT; children of deed. brother Andrew 1. Moore-eharles Moore of Elizabeth NJ and Mrs. Emma Ekman of St. Paul MN. p 6 Henry Winston Reese, MD. Of Marengo Co. at his death 21 Jun 1898. Surviving heirs: son Henry F. Reese; daughters Virginia M Jones and Willey Griffin Withers, wife of Henry Withers; last three sign in Dallas Co. AL. Will made 29 Mar 1892: "My daughter Willey ... has been for so many years very kind to me though all of my children in fact have been, but she being more with me, has had a greater opportunity her husband Henry Withers has been as attentive and kind to me as if he were my own son .. .J... bequeath to the said WiIIey ... the family residence now occupied by me on Wayland plantation and ... real estate adjacent... thereto," tract bounded on south by line commencing where the garden and clover lot fence intersects the Collins line (in the Osage Hedge) and running in a westerly direction to the public road leading from Van Dom to Arcola, on east by line commencing at fIrst point mentioned and running north rly along said Collins boundary line to a point where the western and northern boundary lines of the Jas. Collins place intersect, bounded on north by line commencing at point last mentioned and running westerly to said public road, said line being coincident with and an extension of the hedge row boundary line, running a few feet south of the graveyard and the pool; bounded on west by that portion of said public road which lies west of eastern boundary of said premises, remainder of property divided equally between legatees Henry F. Reese, Willy G. Withers, and Vtrginia M. Jones. Son Henry F. Reese and son-in-law Henry Withers appointed executors. Attested by D. F. Prout and John R. Robertson. Codicil, 16 May 1895, attested by W. A. Dawson and 1. B. Kornegay: Southern boundary ofland given to II Willey changed to land of 1. B. Kornegay, it being his will to give her the field known as the Clover Lot, bounded to the south by lot of 1. B. Kornegay. p 10 Anna North. Of Washington DC, died 27 Jul1897; will dated 23 Jun 1896. Legatees: brother William O'Donnel, his wife Abbie, Simeon W. O'Donnel, Marion S. O'Donnel and Belle 0 Donnel, John W. McDonnell, Mary E. McDonnell, niece Anna Stewart, Anna W. Wysham, Maria Swain, Adele Louise DuBose of Alabama, niece Anna Hamilton, Eastern Dispensary of Washington City, DC; also to Anna Stewart and Mary E. McDonnell as tenants-in-common, my plantation known as "Floradale," located in Marengo and Hale cos. AL. Remainder to my esteemed friend Charles B. Caywood, whose place of business is in Washington DC, in trust that he manage my estate, paying to my husband Henry C. North $200 per month during the tenn of his natural life; after his death to transfer remaining estate to legatees narned above (except Swain, DuBose, Hamilton. and dispensary); executor Charles B. Caywood; witnesses Jacob Jones, Willard A Pollard, and John P. Garrett. After jury rendered verdict in case Charles B. Caywood vs Gardner H. O'Donnell, will admitted to probate. p 16 Calvin Blakney. Of Marengo Co; will dated 18 Apr 1887, filed for record 28 Jul1898. All property to wife Rhoda; after her death, property to be sold and proceeds equally divided between my relations and my wife Rhoda's relations; appoints Rhodt as executrix, with Mr. M. J. Morgan acting as her agent; witnesses M. 1. Morgan and R M Barr. p J7 Sarah A. Eaton. Of Marengo Co. at her death 20 Jan 1895 in Dayton. Will dated 21 Dec 1893; attested by John R. Eaton, who has since died, and Thomas R. Eaton of Dayton. Husband Thomas R. Eaton petitions; next of kin are orphaned children of Clara Alexander, her deceased daughter-Rebecca Alexander (17), Thomas E. Alexander (15), J. Davidson Alexander Jr. (I I), all of whom reside with their grandfather Thomas R. Eaton at Dayton; and daughters Willie G. GriffIn, widow of 1. F. Griffin, of Demopolis; Susan E. (Mrs. I. A.) Mooser of Memphis TN; and Mary A (Mrs. Eugene) Hudson of Helena AR. Will: to son Benjamin G. Eaton, all property, to hold for benefit of my husband Thomas R. Eaton until his death and for support of my said three orphan grandchildren until youngest is 21; after which property to be equally divided between my children Susan Mooser, Willie GriffIn, Benjamin G., Amanda Hudson, and said grandchildren representing their mother's interest. p 20 Charity Thompson. Will dated 27 Sep 1897 at Marengo Co., filed for record 30 Jan 1899. Sole legatee is daughter Mary Ann. Witnesses 1. L. Dughdrille, B. R Eppes; certified by 1. C. Allen, JP. p 20 Zilpha Prewitt Of Marengo Co.; will dated 24 Mar 1894, filed for record 14 Mar 1899. To grandson R. W. BuHock, horse; to granddaughter Loney Bullock, sewing-machine; land and other property equally divided between them; grandson R. W. Bullock appointed executor. Witnesses G. W. Jowers, J. E. Jowers. Demopolis Public Ubrary Marengo County Genealogical Soci . 211 East Washington Street Demopolis, Alabama ~ ~-:;::._~ ..- - -.-.-. -1.\ , ,>. , " o mopOl "CIty f Th~ ews e ter Volume 9 January 1998 Have you registered yet for the Alabama Roots Workshop? The deadline is February 27. The workshop, sponsored in part by MCGS, is an introduction to the local and family history resources that can be found in the Alabama Department of Archives and History. Join us and members of the Archives staff on . Saturday, March 7. from 9 to 3 at the Demopolis Public Library. A box lunch is included in the $20 fee. Call the Archives at (334) 242-4363, ext. 272, for more infonnation or to obtain a registration form. The ~ociety has purchased microfIlm copies of a number of free population and slave censuses of Marengo and surrounding counties in memory of our late founder Marks Abernathy. The 37 rolls have been deposited in the Demopolis Public Library. A map of the Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Demopolis has been given to Ihe society by Frances Corle It is expected to be helpful in our completion of Ihe census of this large cemetery. Number 2 Ed Trippe, a longtime member of MCGS, not only has greatly enhanced the genealogical collection at the Demopolis Public Library, but, as readers of this newsletter and those present at society meetings know, has been a source of valuable research advice over the years. In appreciation of his contributions, MCGS donated two books by Demopolis historian Dr. Winston Smith-Days ofExile and People of His Pasture-in connection with the recent event at which the Cobb County [Ga.] Genealogical Society honored Mr. Trippe as a charter (and still very active) member. Billy Traeger was the guest speaker at our August, 1997, meeting. He entertained us with descriptions of pre-18S9 events of interest in Demopolis, particularly the shootout on Washington Street near the Alhambra Saloon. In the animated discussion that followed. our president. Ruth Simmons Allen., recounted the history of the Simmons-Eddins feud. Please come if you can to our regular meetings, usually held on the first Tuesday of each month. We meet at 6:30 P.M. at the Demopolis Public Library. A Company ofMounted Infantry In the papers of 1. G. Allen, professional genealogist Ruth S. Allen has found documentation of the birth of a cavalry company in Marengo County. The paper, now on loan to the University of Alabama contains some illegible words. "lnfonnation just received from the Governor of the State makes known the fact that the Enemy in considerable force are about to send abo - of mOWlted men into Middle Alabama to - our people, detaining [?] our property and provisions and endeavor to force submission to Yankee rule. "The - - - Citizens of Marengo County hereby agree to Conn themselves into a Company of Mounted Infantry under the Act of Congress authorizing Military organization for home or state defense and to do whatever may be necessary - . This organization pledging themselves and each other and to their government, to ann themselves at once and to be ready to resist any in- which may be made by the Enemy. "Demopolis 25 th July 1863. "Rob. Kornegay, K. C. Dubose, G. G. Lyon. 1. W. Dubose, N. W. Dubose, F. M. Dubose, D. F. Prout, E. A. Taylor, J. G. Allen, W. F. Strudwick. L. L. Strudwick, L. A. Sledge, C. Kornegay, F. S. Lyon. L. Anderson. E. S. Alvis, H. A. M. Henderson, Rich. Russell, D. Giles, Jno. Y. Hall, Jno. D. Fowler. M. A. Lyon, Richd Jones, Wm. F. Jones, A. M. McDowell, las. R. Jones, Dr. L. B:Lane, 1. W. Grayson. Lemuel Sledge, E. Rawls, and C. Curtis." The Minutes ofJanuary and February, 1876 The minutes of the probate court sessions ofJanuary and February 1876 were recorded in Marengo County Probate Minutes Book O. Those cases that were simply continued have been omitted below. January 1876 p J0 J Martba Sanders, deed. Ordered that further proceedings for a settlement by Dr. John Thomas, admr., be dismissed. p 104 L. A. Hildretb, deed. Ordered that citation issue to L. L. Simmons, admr., requiring him to file his accounts and vouchers for a partial settlement ofhis administration. p 104 Cbas. K. Breitling, deed. Ordered that citation issue to 1. K. Dow, admx., requiring her to file her accounts and vouchers for a partial settlement of her administration. p 104 8. A. Enners, deed. Ordered that citation issue to H. F. Enners, admx. requiring her to file her accounts and vouchers for a partial settlement of her administration. p J04 G. G. Griffin, deed. Ordered that citation issue to J. F. Griffin., exr., requiring him to file his accounts and vouchers for a partial settlement of his administration. p J04 L. Angelo and Elizabeth Ackerman, minors. John H. Snyder gdn.. files $500 bond with sureties W. R. Duke and W. G. Browning, thereby releasing Chas. B. Cleveland as security on fonner bond. p 105 Callie & Walter Glover, m.inors. Partial settlement of accounts ofN. B. Glover, gdn.; Chas. B. Cleveland acts as guardian ad litem. (Accounts recorded in Miscellaneous Record 8.) p 105 Millie Lawson, deed. James W. Lawson, admr., files for final settlement C. B. Cleveland appointed guardian ad litem for H. F. Stone, the only interested minor. p 106 Mary White, deed. Elizabeth White, admx., files report of sale of personal property. p 106 A. M. Lewis, deed. L. B. McCarty, one of securities in administration bond of V. Alston, as admr. de bonis non with the will annexed, asks that V. Alston be required to give a new bond. p J06 James B. Craigbead, deed. R. D. Marshall, admr., files report of rent of lands for the year 1876. p J06 David Espy, deed. James Calhoun, admr., files report of sale of lands. p J07 Bisbop Fulford, deed. James Calhoun, admr., files report of sale of lands. 2 P 107 Mary Fulford, deed. James Calhoun, admr., petitions for division of lands between the several joint owners of same, of Marengo County except as noted: Nannie Rose and husband Lovel T. Rose; Virginia Lewis and husband Wm. H. Lewis; Alice Calhoun, wife of said James; Stephen D. Fulford' and the minor children of James Y. Fulford, decd.-Clifford Fulford of Marengo County and Fannie. Annie, and Stephen Fulford of Choctaw County. Chas. B. Cleveland appointed guardian ad litem for said minors. p 107 Mary White, deed. Elizabeth White, admx., files statement setting forth that since she applied for an order to selllands, Sallie M. Eastes, one of the heirs at law, has married T. G. Pigford. P 108 E. J. HaJpin, deed. B. W. Whitfield, admr. files report of sale of inchoate equity of decedent in certain lands. February 1876 -- P 108 R. R. Pickering, deed. Ordered that S. S. Pickering, eXT., may privately rent out the lands, hire out the horse, mules, wagons. harness. and fanning tools and implements, and loan the com and fodder on hand. (Application recorded in Miscellaneous Record 8.) p 109 Mary O. Vaughan, deed. 1. S. Harwell files pwported last will and testament, attested by Louise Hayden and Cecile V. Grayson, of Marengo County. Ordered that notice be given to non-resident next of kin. Ordered that resident next of kin-Mary E. Harwell, Ida J. Michael and husband George J. Michael, Theodosia B. Vaughan. and minors Percy W. and Melanie Jones-be notified. Chas. B. Cleveland appointed guardian ad litem for minors Percy W. and Melanie Jones and Henry Clay Vaughan. plIO ThOll. J. Foster, generaj admr. Ordered that citation issue to Thomas J. Foster, general administrator of Marengo County, requiring him to give cause why he should not give additional bond. p 113 A. P. Calhoun, deed. Ordered that proceedings for a fmal settlement be dismissed at the costs of R. A. Morgan. admr. p 114 R. G. Lloyd, deed. Ordered that further proceedings for a settlement by F. M. Dansby, admr., be dismissed. p 115 Gottlieb Breitling, deed. F. S. Breitling and A. M. Mills. admrs. de bonis non with the will annexed, file their accounts and vouchers for partial settlement. R. H. Clarke appointed special administrator for the estate of deceased heir Alfred Breitling. p 115 Joel M. Garrard, deed. John E. Garrard eXT., files his accounts and vouchers for partial settlement. Chas. B. Cleveland appointed guardian ad litem for minor heirs. p 115 E. J. Halpin, deed. B. W. Whitfield, admr., fIles his accounts and vouchers for fmal settlement. p 116 J. B.. Hasty, deed. S. H. Hasty ad.m....., mes her accounts and vouchers for final settlement. p 116 Cbas. K. Breitling, deed. Irene K. Dow, admx., files her accounts and vouchers for partial settlement. alas. B. Cleveland appointed guardian ad litem fOT the minor child of said decedent. p 116 Andrew Young, deed. John C. Webb, admr., files his accounts and vouchers for fina1 settlement. p 1 J 7 David Espey, deed. Report of sale of lands filed by James Calhoun. admr. with the will annexed. Purchasers at 24 Dec 1875 auction in Demopolis: William Simmons (E Y2 of SW II. ofs8t17r3); Lewis L. Simmons (E Y2 ofNE If. of sI7t17I2); A. W. Cooper (W Y2 ofNE If. ofsl7U7r2; W Y2 of SE If. ofsl7; E Y2 ofSW Y2 ofsl7; 58 acres in N end ofW Y2 ofNE II. ofs20; and 58 acres offN end ofE Y2 ofNW II. of 510. reaching to Springhill Road); Phineas Morrow (SE II. of SW If. and SW If. of SE II.. of s20t17r2); Lewis Simmons Sr. (E Y2 of SE II.. of s20t 171'2); and Amanda Donnelly (NE If. of SW If., NW II.. of SE l/~, and 22 acres off S end of W Y2 of NE 114 of s20' and 22 acres off S end of E Y2 of NW If. of 510 to the Springhill Road; all in t17r2). Sale confumed by court. P 118 Bishop Fulford, deed.. Report of sale of lands filed by James Calhoun, admr. Purchasers at 3 Dec 1875 auction in Jefferson: Lovel T. Rose (W 12 of W Y2 of NE If. and E Y2 of NW If. and fraction on E side ofW Y2 ofNW II.. in s17tl8r2); James Calhoun (E Y2 ofNE If. and E Y2 ofW Y2 ofNE Y. of sI8tl7r2); James Calhoun (Lot #6, s24t17rl); Maria G. Fulford (Lot #4, s24tl7rl); 1. W. Fulford (Lot #5, s2407rl); and Levi Smith (west end of Lot #1, 514tl7rl). Sale confinned by court. 3 p 118 E. J. Halpin. deed. Report of sale of inchoate equity of decedent in certain lands ftled by B. W. Whitfield, admr. Purchaser at 11 Dec 1875 auction: Alexander Annstrong. Sale confIrmed by court. p 119 Tbos. J. Foster, general admr. Thomas 1. Foster, general administrator of Marengo County, fails to appear in court. Ordered that he be required to give additional bond in sum of $5,000. p 119 GitTord Fulford, deed. Ordered that citation issue to Stephen D. Fulford, late admr., requiring him to appear in court to show cause why decrees in favor of Wm. M Robinson, Wm. H. Robinson, and L. J. Belcher rendered 15 Jun 1874 upon the fmal settlement of his administration shouldllot be revived. p 120 Julia A. Alexander, deed. Hearing of application of S. S. King, admr.. for order to sell 20 acres: part of SW 114 and part of SE II. ofNE II. of s1115r5, beginning at a white oak tree standing in the line, running E and W and dividing the section into halves. which tree is just 9 chains and 13 links E of John 1. McCorkle's comer about 60 yds E of the Dawkins Spring; thence N 40 rods to a stake; thence E 80 rods to a stake; thence S 40 rods to first named line' thence W 80 rods to beginning. Also to sell an undivided sixth of lands in tl6r5 bequeathed to decedent by her husband D. C. Alexander. NE 114 ofNE If. and SE Y4, 515: E:l2 of SW 114, sl1; NE If. ofNE 114 ofsl4; and NW 114 ofNE Y4 ofsl4. Charles B. Cleveland acts as guardian ad litem for minors Joseph. Farmie. Susan, and David Alexander. Depositions of William Simmons and Buller McCorkle show sale Is necessary. Application granted. p 12 J Osear Priee et aI., minors. Robt. W. Price goo. of minors Oscar. Joseph S., Minnie, and Mattie Price, fJ.les his account and vouchers for final settlement. C. B. Cleveland appointed guardian ad litem. p 122 Mary White, deed. Elizabeth White, admx., fJ.les report of renting of lands for year 1876. p 122 Levi Borden, deed. Elizabeth Borden,, applies for order to sell lands. Ordered that Jettie Annstrong and husband A. M. Annstrong, of Sumter County, be notified. Charles B. Cleveland appointed guardian ad litem for minor heirs Alice, Charlotte, and Bettie Borden. Vo ting for the Colonel Votes Polled at Jefferson Prec. Mar. 1862 for Ll Col. of 20th Ala. Regt. of Militia. W. 1. Parker Dr. Jos. Moore R. 1. Compton G. W. Daughdrill Wm. Simmons 1. L. Daughdrill G. C. Hackworth F. D. Daughdrill A. C. Nicholson T. T. Daughdrill 1. R. Rentz W. L. Finch 1. W. Oakley L. L. Simmons W. P. Moore Wm. Lipscomb W. W. Gilmorc W. L. Kelly 1. Besteder P. Morrow 1. D. Crudup M. H. Jackson G. W. Elkins W. R. D. Conerly N. Bradley 1. W. Ellis 10hn N. Grauer 1. E. Baskins Willis Peteet Charles Litchfield J. M. Hildreth 15 March 1862. D. Compton received 31 votes. Managers: 1. L. Daughdrill, R. 1. Compton, and Wm. Simmons. Clerks: Geo. W. Daughdrill, G. C. Hackworth. (Ruth S. Allen. who submitted this transcript of the election report for publication here, informs us that the original is now filed in the Alabama Department of Archives and History and that it has been published in The Savage Genealogy, by Lt Col. T. C. Savage, with the statement that Misses Jennie and Emily Oakley of Jefferson found the paper near their front gate.) A Plain Log Courthouse: Early Legislative Acts The published volumes of the acts of the Alabama legislature are available on microfiche at the Alabama Department of State Archives and History. Acts concerning estate distributions, legitimization of children. divorces, manumissions, and name changes are of particular interest to genealogists, even though the cmmty of residence of the persons involved is not always given. While no acts approved in the first few years of the tenitory and state, from 1818 to 1821. contain such infonnation on persons said to 4 be Marengo County residents, other acts pertaining to the county contain useful historical and genealogical data. Some of these acts are abstracted below. Page numbers are those of the volume containing the particular session's acts. An act to establish the counties of Blount, Tuskaloosa, and Marengo; approved 6 Feb 1818. Section 3 (p 18)-All that tract of country bounded on the north by said county ofTuskaIoosa, on the west by the Tombeckbe River, on the south by the ridge dividing the waters of Chickasaw Bogue and Beaver Creek, and on the east by the main ridge dividing the waters of the Black Warrior and Cahawba Rivers shall hereafter constitute one county, to be called and known by the name of Mareogo. Section 6 (p 19)-There shall be holden in and for the said county of Marengo, in each year, a Superior Court, on the first Monday in April and October, and there shall be holden in and for said county of Marengo, in each year, a County Court, on the fourth Mondays in March and September; and an intermediate court, on the fourth Mondays in June and December. Section 7 (p 20)-For the time being ... the said courts in and for the said county of Marengo shall be holden at the White Bluff; and said Courts may. respectively, for want of necessary buildings, adjourn to such other places contiguous to those herein designated for bolding the same, as may seem proper. An act io alter and extend the boundaries of Marengo County; approved U Feb 1818. (p 57)-All that tract of county lying west of the county of Dallas, north of the county of Clarke, and east of the River Tombeckbe, shall be added to, and compose a part of, the county of Marengo. An act to provide for the appointment of Attornies General, and to establish their districts; approved 13 Feb 1818. Section 2 (p 99)-The counties of Marion, Blount, Shelby, Montgomery, Cahawba, Marengo, Dallas, and Tuskaloosa shall compose one District, to be called the Middle District. An act extending the right of representation to certain counties therein named; approved 13 Feb 1818. Section 1 (p J02)-The counties of ,.. Marengo ... shall, .. be entitled to one memb~r in the House of Representatives of the Territoriallegislamre. An act to make elemo!, precincts in the counties therein named; approved 21 Nov 1818. Section 1 (p 57)-Hereafter there shan be three election precincts in the county of Marengo, viz: one at the house of Tandy Walker, one at the house of Jesse Birdsong, and one at the house of William Hopkins. An act for the benefit of certain persons therein named, and to provide a contingent fund; approved 21 Nov 1818. Section J (p 77)-Lemuel and Williams Alston .. , are hereby allowed the sum of $228 in full compensation for house rent, fuel, and furniture during the present session; and '" the sum of $30 ... is hereby allowed to Francis Lyon, in full compensation for his services as engrossing clerk at the present session. Section 3 (p 78)-The sum oU15 ... allowed Lemuel J. Alston Jr. for his services as assisting engrossing and enrolling clerk. An act to establish certain counties therein named, and for other purposes therein mentioned; approved 13 Dec 1819. Section 3 (p 5 J)-'The boundaries of Marengo County shall hereafter be as follows: Beginning at the Choctaw corner, thence nmning E to the range line dividing ranges 4 and 5; thence N with said range line to NW comer of township 13 range 5; thence E with line dividing 13 th and 14th townships to range line dividing 5 and 6; thence N with said range line to northern boundary of township 18; thence W with line dividing 18th and 19th townships to Tuskaloosa River, thence down Tuskaloosa to the junction with Tombecbe River; thence down Tombecbe River to north boundary line of Clarke County; thence with said line to the beginning. Section 16 (p 54)-The house of Mrs. Irby, on the south side of Chickasaw Boge, or any house within four miles therefrom that the Judges of the Inferior Court or a majority of them may make choice of shall be, and is hereby made, the temporary seat of justice for Marengo County. Section 35 (p 57)-The following separate places of holding elections ... are hereby established, to wit: ,.. For the county of Marengo, at the place of holding courts in said county, at the house of Walter Chiles, and at the town of Demopolis. An act to provide for fuing the site for the permanent seat of justice for the county of Marengo, and for other purposes therein mentioned; approved 6 Dec 1820. Section 1 (p 88)-Jobn Spinks, Bowen Bennet, Allen Glover, Nathaniel Norwood, and William Irons ... are hereby appointed commissioners, who ... shall have power to select and fIx upon the most eligible site for the permanent seat of justice for the county of Marengo, within four miles from the centre thereof. Section 9 (p 89)-Until the site for the 5 permanent seat of justice be fmally fixed upon. and the public buildings completed, ... the town of Marengo shall be the place for holding courts in said county of Marengo; and the county court is hereby authorized and empowered to levy and cause to be collected a county tax sufficient to purchase or erect a plain log court house and tempornry jail. Section J0 (p 89)-There shall be an additional place of holding elections, at the residence oflsaac C. Perkins in the aforesaid county of Marengo. An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the State of Alabama; approved 21 Dec 1820. Section 1 (p 20)-A Bank of the State of Alabama shall be established. Section 2 (p 20)-Subscriptions for the sum of $500,000 towards constituting the capital of said Bank sha1l be opened on the fim Monday in May next: ... at Demopolis, for 200 shares under the superintendence of Pitkin Bames, Allen Glover, George S. Gaines, and Charles L. Desnouette. An act amendatory of certain acts and to establish certain election precincts therein mentioned; approved 13 Jan 21. Section J (p 38)-So much of an act passed at Cahawba 6 Dec 1820 entitled" An act to provide for fIXing the site for the permanent seat of justice for the county of Marengo ... » as limits and requires the commissioners therein named to ftx upon a site within four miles of the centre of the county line ... is hereby repealed; and the commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to fIx upon the most eligible site for the permanent seat ofjustice as near the centre of the county as may be. An act to establish certain electoral precincts therein named, and for other purposes; approved 12 Dec 21. Section 2 (p 67)-There shall be one election precinct in the county of Marengo in addition to those heretofore established, to wit: at the house of Captain Russell, on the north side of the Chickasaw Bogue Creek in said county. An act to incorporate the town of Demopolis; appro\'ed 15 Dec 21. (p 8l)-Allen Glover, Nathan Bolles, and John Dickson are appointed commissioners to hold the tim election for coWlcillors on the 2nd Monday in January 1822. An act to autborize a lottery for the purpose of building a bridge over Prairie Creek in tbe County of Greene; approved 21 Dec 21. Section J (p 45)-It shall and may be lawful for Allen Glover, George S. Gaines, Nathan Bolles, Shelby Cursine, Charles Lafevre, Thomas H. Herendon, John Robinson, William Murphy, Seymore, Lake, William Wino, and Ravesie, or a majority of them to raise by lottery in one or more classes as to them may seem most convenient and necessary, any sum of money not exceeding $3,500 to be appropriated in building and completing a bridge over Big Prairie Creek in the county of Greene, at the most eligible place within two miles of the mouth of said creek. Some Mid-1860s Marriages The infonnation below was taken from some of the marriage licenses and/or bonds recorded in Marengo County Marriage Record, 1860-66. The record is available at the county courthouse in Linden and on microfllm. Page Groom Bride License Date Bond!lman 252 Kennon Agee Miss Annie McIntosh 6 Apr 65 Wm. Wilkerson 250 M. D. L. Allen VlI'ginia Lowry 3 Jul65 291 Waldemor Alston Agnes L. Lewis 9 Nov 65 231 W. R. Barley Miss Joanna Vaughan 25 Jul65 255 D. W.Bames Miss N. E. Rogers 1 May 65 N. W. Riddle 264 P. Bibb Amelia Bradley 31 Mar 64 272 Thomas S. Bwns 8 Iun 65 243 Mr. R. S. Carroll Mrs. Sallie L. Grant Mrs. M. A. Hennessee 260 Sam!. McD. Chapman Miss M. E. Walker 12 May 65 222 Monroe Cheatham Miss Edith Sledge 2 Jan 65 G. A Sledge 235 William F. Compton S. E. Parish 13 Feb 65 Seleon [7] Solly 6 5 Iun 65 Wm. C. Ashe W. H. Conner 267 245 247 J. H. Crowder William H. Day Reuben H. Dugger 271 270 266 Mr. 1. P. Dunning 225 Abraham Gibson Alben C. Gibson Richard Greene 1. A Gregory J. Frank Griffm 228 259 256 249 242 263 261 227 257 262 236 268 226 229 223 246 233 265 234 248 240 251 230 238 254 258 253 241 232 239 237 269 224 Mr. S. E. Etheridge Lewis H. Fluker W.1. Griffith James R. Harper Mr. S. L. Hosea W. L. Howell Mrs. Malinda Porter Mary E. Richardson Margaret L. Minge Miss M A. Glass Miss Sarah A Etheridge Nannie (1) C. Southall Mrs. Sarah Woodworth Nettie G. Lyon Miss Gertrude Norwood Miss Sarah C. Jack Anne A. Strudwick C. L. Moore Catharine Walker Miss T. A Perkins Lousia O. Wright 12 Ju165 R. C. Morrison 2 Jun 65 40et64 James McCown 26 Jun 65 26 Jun 65 S. S. Etheridge 11 Aug 64 1 Feb 65 22 Feb 65 11 May 65 Andrew Walker Mark Partin 22 May 65 20 Dec 64 John Gilmore 8 Jun65 4 Ju164 24 Ju165 27 Mar 65 Willis Jolmson 9 Aug 65 Miss Matilda Glass Joseph P. Jones 7 Jun64 H. A Smith Gray Little Manha 1. Wade 27 Jan 65 D. M. Matkin 8 Ju165 Miss L. O. Garrett J. H. McClure 11 Aug 65 Lucretia Braswell (both of these parties are 25 years old by the evidence of Jas. L. 28 Feb 65 Henry C. McRae Sophia Ravisies Alford 1. Morgan 16 Jan 6S Miss Emiy M Mathers 2S Apr 64 Gratz A. Moses Sallie S. Andern>n Rowland W. Perry 20 Sep 64 Mary H. Robertson Lt. Alfred Pittman 7 Apr 64 Charlotte Lomax 3 Apr 65 Charles H. Prewitt Miss Priscilla E. Breckenridge M. T.Ramsey 13 Apr 65 Martha Thomas Major Chas. L. Scott 8 Aug 65 Miss Harriet William Israel L. Scott Susanna Jane McFarland 3 Ju165 James W. Smith Miss Jane Robinson 20 Sep 64 J. E. Smyly 18 May 65 Mrs. Elizabeth Evans Ralph Stegall Miss Cornelia Vaughan 3 May 65 N. G. Threadgill Marian Wright 16 Dec 64 C. W. Tracy 25 Nov 64 Mrs. M. N. Dicks 1. L. Tucker 5 Jun 65 Miss C. A. Stafford S. P. Tucker Miss M A. Bates 5100 65 14 Mar 65 Edward S. Violett Mary E. Fulford L. W. Walthall Mrs. Elizabeth Vaughan 15 May 65 Mr. L. A. Williams Miss M. P. Etheridge 3 Ju165 Albert W. Wills Margret Briiling 24 Jan 65 7 Goo. G. Lyon Willis P. King R. A. Ross J. G. Gardner W. P. Jones S. T. Dickson: S. C. McMillan W.Boozer SamL E. Chapman Lewis Ethridge Chas. A Garrett James L. Gilbert Gilbert) Josephine McRae E. B. Mathers Samuel A Holmes T. C. Matkins; Elijah Ellis Edward H. C. Bailey John Mathers W. C. Swearengen L. W. Walthall . Thos. S. Threadgill S. P. Tucker S. B. Jackson S. D. Fulford R. Stegall W. R. Boozer Rufus S. Stidman Queries Queries have been edited for length. The complete text of each is on file in the Demopolis Public Library. I am trying to fwd a marriage date for lames and his wife Mary Robertson and where they were buried. Emancipation school James owned land there. How did he obtain it? Do you have any information on this family? Ronald B. Woodson, 16007 Los Altos. Houston. TX 77083 Culpepper General John H. Cocke purchased 1800 acres of land in Hale Co., Alabama. in 1840. He set up a school to train slaves. In 1850 only 65 freed slaves were living at the emancipation school. I would like to fmd records or names of those participating at this school. Jamie Culpepper, Box 328, G/en Rose, TX 76043 Baywood Mrs. Pat Searight, 61 J7 Calumet Road, I am interested in information on the Culpepper family. Winningham Amarii/o, TX 79/06 Angel T Romero. 2209 Tonga Drive. Ft. Washington, MD 20744-3945 For ten years I have searched 1IDSUccessfu1ly for my great-grandmother s parents. On her Civil War pension requests, Mary Winningham had consistently reported she was born in Alabama. She was born 26 Oct 1825. I cannot find out in which cotIDty or town she was bam I think possibly a James George Winningham and Temperance Stephenson who married 27 Aug 1822 might be the right parents, but I can't find any more on this couple from Perry Co., Alabama. Temperance was born 7 Sep 1805 in Alabama. Larldn Stephenson may have been her father. I am currently engaged in the research of the Haywood family in the GreenelHalelMarengo C01IDty areas. My gr-gr-grandfather was named Cabaras Haywood and, as an African-American, might have been a slave at ODe point in his life on a fann/plantation in the area. I have been able to trace him through the 1880 census and I now wish to fwd information on the slave owner andlor information on the history of the slave period in the Marengo C01IDty area. Bainbridge Billie Connell Jordan, 1503 Aggie Lane, Austin, TX 78757-1829 There is a possibility that a Joseph Winningham might be a brother. He was born within two years of Mary. I am researching the lames Bainbridge family of the Marengo C01IDty area. They lived there as early as 1817 and William, James, and Matthew Bainbridge moved their families to Texas in the early 1870s. I have f01IDd Mary, her husband, her child, who was my grandfather so all I want is information on her backgrotmd and parents and siblings. An Unhappy Affair From the Alabama State Intel/igencer, 2nd inst.: A fatal rencontre took place last week in Erie, Green County, between John Ervin, a member of the bar, and John S. Ross in which the latter lost his life. We have been informed that Mr. Ervin during the trial of a cause in which he was engaged. made some rem.aIk.s about Mr. Ross to which he excepted; that he accosted Ervin on the subject, and not receiving a satisfactory explanation, struck him with a cane; that Ervin drew his knife and gave him one or more stabs of which he died in a few moments. We dislike to give particulars of so delicate a matter lest injustice should be done to one or other of the parties. We believe the brief notice we have taken of the unhappy affair is correct to facts; if in this, however we are mistaken, nothing will afford us more pleasure than to make correction. -Alabama Journal. October 9, 1829. issue 8 From Marengo County Deed Book DD natural p 1 13 Mar 1893 Marengo Co.} David M. Prowell to my wife Virginia S. Prowell during her life and thereafter to our children Joel Prowell, David M. Prowell Jr., Annie McCorkle, William N. Prowell, R. Aug Prowell, Victor A. Prowell, Mary Fannie Prowell, VIrginia S. Prowell, Inez Prowell, and Grover C. Prowell. For natural love, all of my real and personal estate: 350 acres in a tract near Dayton. being the same allotted to me in the partition of the estate of my father W. J. Prowell deed; 200 acres of sandy land near Dayton connected with and including my present residence; all my town lots in Dayton; and all horses, mules, fanning implements, and household and kitchen furniture. Reserving right to use, control, etc. during my natural life. Certified 15 Mar 1893 by A 1. Wynne, N.P.; fIled 11 Mar 1897. P2 28 Oct 1896, Marengo Co.} E. C. WemberJey, 1. D. Wemberley, H. N. Langford, and M 1. Langford to L. B. Phillips [female]. For $1,26 acres off Send ofNE Y4 ofNW Y4 ofs34 and 22 acres off W side ofNE I/. ofNW !J4 and 22 acres offE side ofNW 1,4 ofNW 1,4 s33; also 14 acres in SE comer of SE I/. of SW I/. of s28. all in tl6r4E. Witnesses: 1. D. Jones C. T. Saunders. Certified 28 Oct 1896 by C. T. SalUlders, N.P.; f1led 15 Mar 1897. P2 28 Oct 1896, Marengo Co.} L. B. Phillips, J. C. Phillips H. N. Langford, and M 1. Langford to E. C. Wemberley [female]. For $1, aJlland south of the Linden and Dayton Road in E Yz of SW Y4 of s27 except 12 acres off of S end; also NW !J4 oINE !J4 of s33 and all south of said road in SW I/. of SE II. of s28: also 18 acres off E side ofNE I/. ofNW I/. of s33; all in t16r4E. Witnesses: 1. D. Jones C. T. SalUlders. Certified 28 Oct 1896 by C. T. Saunders, N.P.; fIled IS Mar 1897. P3 20 Jan 1879} Charles B. Cleveland and wife Lizzie H. of Marengo Co. to Nathaniel F. McIntosh of Marengo Co. For $100, 10 acres near Linden: part ofW Yz of SW !J4 ofSE y. ofs33tl6r3E, bounded on N and W by lands of C. B. Cleveland, on S by the Linden and Dayton Road, and on E by lands of Ail Cook. Certified 30 Jan 1879 by JohnE. Hecker, J.P.; filed 20 Feb 1897. 22 Nov 1895, Marengo Co.} Faunsdale Mercantile Company (John H. Minge, president; P. E. p~ Mask. secretary) to Ellen L. Ballow. For $250 37 acres in t16r3E, being the lands conveyed by S. F. Gholson to B. F. Jackson and by said Jackson to said company: 1 Y4 acres in SW comer ofN Yz ofNW I/. of SW I/. of s22; and NE II. ofNE !J4 of s21 except 2 acres on SE comer belonging fonoedy to Wm. Springle and now owned by T. M. Kilgore and 1 acre in NW comer belonging to Liberty Church and 1 Y2 acres in NE comer thereof belonging to T. C. McCoy. Witness C. D. Walker. Certified 22 Nov 1895 by 1. M. Hopper, J.P.; filed 27 Feb 1897. 10 Dec 1896, Old Spring Hill, Marengo Co.} 1. S. Trigg to W. C. and Josephine Mangon. In p5 consideration of:Mangons' transfer to me of a mortgage executed to them by Ellen L. Ballow and W. H. Ballow. release of all claims I have by mortgage on tract beginning on section line between s21 and 512t16r3E at SE comer ofNE I/. ofNE I/. of s21 and running thence N along said section line 140 yds; thence due E 70 yds; thence S parallel with said section line 140 yds; thence W 70 yds to beginning. Filed 27 Feb 1897. p5 9 Dec 1896, Marengo Co.} W. C. Mangon and Josephine Mangon to Ellen L. Ballow. For $50, tract beginning on section line between 511 and 512tl6r3E at SE comer of NE Y. of NE Y. of s21 and rwming thence N along said section line 140 yds; thence due E 70 yds; thence S parallel with said section line 140 yds; thence W 70 yds to beginning. Attest: J. M. Miller. W. L. Tucker. Certified 9 Dec 1896 by W. S. Stewart N.P.; fIled 27 Feb 1897. 15 Mar 1897} Anne G. Lyon, "a widow woman" of Demopolis to Bertha G. Spencer. For $250, p6 Lot #3 in Block B as shown on the map of the Anne G. Lyon addition to City of Demopolis (recorded in Deed Book BB, p. 56). Certified 15 Mar 1897 by Gesner Williams., N.P.; filed 16 Mar 1897. P6 16 Mar 1897, Marengo Co.} Edith Louise Dustan, Bessie Whitfield Dustan, and Edith J. Dustan to Bertha G. Spencer. For $1450, Lot #2 in Block B according to plat of Anne G. Lyon addition to City of Demopolis (recorded in Deed Book BB, p. 56); said lot fronts 75' on Main or MaIKet St. and extends back of uniform width 175' to an alley. Witnesses Laura Prout, Gesner Williams. Certified 16 Mar 1897 by Gesner Williams, N.P.; filed 16 Mar 1897. 9 p7 15 Mar 1897, Marengo Co.} Whereas Mary 1. Langford and husband W. B. Langford did on 9 Jan 1893 execute to R. W. Price & Co. (a fum composed ofRobt. W. Price and William Grant) a mortgage on certain lands to secure payment of a note; whereas there has been default in the payment of said note. William Grant, surviving member of late fum, to W. H. Grant For $1250 bid. all right of Mary 1. Langford to land in t16r4E: E Y2 of SE 1;" and E Y2 of NE ':t4 of s33 and about 10 acres N of E Y2 of NE 1.1.. of 533 and S of Linden and Dayton Road in s28; also W Y2 of SW 1;" and W Y2 of SE I;" of SE ';" and NW 1.1.. ofNW 1.1.. of 534; also about 25 acres lying N ofNW 1;" ofNW ';" ofs34 and extending to lot S of public road from Linden to Dayton. Certified 16 Mar 1897 by A. 1. Wynne, N.P.; fLIed 18 Mar 1897. P9 16 Mar 1897, Marengo Co.} Whereas Mary J'. Langford and W. B. Langford did on 9 Jan 1893 execute to R. W. Price & Co. (a firm composed ofR. W. Price and Wm. Grant) a mortgage on certain lands; whereas default has been made and W. H. Grant became purchaser at sale; whereas prior to sale Robert W. Price died in Marengo Co. leaving a will which has been admitted to probate with Pattie J. Price as executrix; whereas said Pattie was named only devisee of said Robt W. Price (except upon a certain contingency which has never occurred). Pattie 1. Price to W. H. Grant. For $5, quitclaim to land in t16r4E: E Y2 of SE 1.1.. and E Y2 ofNE 1.1.. of s33 and about 10 acres N ofE Y2 ofNE 1.1.. of s33 and S of Linden and Dayton Road in s28; also W Y2 of SW ';" and W 1;2 of SE 114 of SE 114 and NW 114 of NW 1/4 of s34; also about 25 acres lying N of NW 1.1.. of NW ':t4 of s34 and extending to lot S of public road from Linden to Dayton. Attest: G. T. Williams, G. J. Pegram. Certified 16 Mar 1897 by A. J. Wynne. N.P.; filed 18 Mar 1897. P 10 12 Dec 1895, Marengo Co.} G. T. Breitling to Joseph T. Collins Jr. For $43, quit claim to Lots 867 and 868 on map of Demopolis, lying and being just outside the limits of said city NE of the same as purchased by me from Jno. C. Webb, S. C. Webb, and Henry Stokes. Certified 12 Dec 1895 by T. F. Howze, J.P.; fLIed 22 Feb 1897. p 10 9 Apr 1896, Marengo Co.} G. F. Breitling and wife Alice Breitling to 1. T. Collins Jr. For $179.40, Lot #636 on plat of Demopolis, lying NE of said city just without the corporate limits. Certifled Apr 1896 by H. W. Hayden, N.P.; flied 22 Feb 1897. p 11 5 Jan 1895, Marengo Co.} D. W. Cannon and wife M. E. Cannon to S. 1. Gibbs. For $150, E 'ii ofNE II.. ofs32115r4E. Certilied 5 Jan 1895 by 1. Y. Alston, 1.P.; fJ.1ed 10 Feb 1897. p II 15 Feb 1897, Marengo Co.} D. H. Drinkard to John W. Drinkard. For $200.220 acres: SE 1;" of NW '14 and NE II.. of SW II. and N 12 orNE ';" of NE II.. and NW 1.1.. of NE 1/.; s20t12r3E and NW ':t4 of SE I;" of sI7t12r3E. Attest: J. W. Dixon. Certified 15 Feb 1897 by J. W. Dixon, J.P.: filed 20 Mar 1897. P 12 29 Dec 1896, Marengo Co.} A. F. Ethridge and wife Gillie Etheridge to J. W. Drinkard. For $254.85, SW II. of SW II.. of sI6t12r3E. Certified 29 Dec 1896 by J. N. Callahan, J.P.; fJ.1ed 20 Mar 1897. P 13 5 Jan 1897, Marengo Co.} 1. W. Dixon and wife S. C. Dixon to members and patrons of Indian Springs Church. For $143, one house and one acre ofland in SW comer of SE 114 of SW I;" of slltl2r3E on E side of the state road, making the road the W line and the section line between 11 & 14 the S line: commencing at said road, numing E 70 yds, thence N 70 yds, thence W 70 yds back to said road. Certified 5 Jan 1897 by Geo. W. Hasty, N.P.; moo 20 Mar 1897. P 14 20 Nov 1896, Marengo Co.} J. W. Dixon and wife S. C. Dixon to W. R. Dixon. For $300, SE 114 and E Y2 of SW II.. of 516 and SW Y4 of SE 1;" of s27t13r3E. Certified 20 Nov 1896 by J. N. CaJ..Iahan. J.P.; filed 20 Mar 1897. P 14 20 Nov 1896, Marengo Co.} J. W. Dixon and wife S. C. Dixon to J. F. Dixon. For $200, N Y2 of SE 1.1.. and SW II. ofNE 1.1.. of s35t13r3E. Certified 20 Nov 1896 by 1. N. Callahan, J.P.; filed 20 Mar 1897. P 15 9 Nov 1896, Marengo Co.} A. J. Dixon and wife 1. L. DLxon and W. A. DLxon and wife D. A. DLxon to members ofRockbablon Church. For our love of Christ, quitclaim to lot containing % acre and lying in NE 1.1.. of SW II.. of 533tl3r3E: commencing at the Linden and Grove Hill (Road) at the N boundary line. running W 150', thence E ISO' to said road. thence along said road 150' back to starting point [sic]. Valid so long as said land is used for said church; when used for any other purpose or when said church should cease, said land to revert back to grantors. Certified 9 Nov 1896 by J. W. Dixon, J.P.; f1led 20 Mar 1897. 10 P 16 15 Dec 1894, Marengo Co.} Frank M Barr and Saml. C. Barr. For $375,90 acres: E Y2 of NW If. of s8 and all that portion lying S of Bear Creek in SE 1,4 of SW If. of s5, all in tl4r2E. Certified 15 Dec 1894 by H. P. Barr 1. P.; filed 24 Mar 1897. P 17 22 Mar 1897, Dallas Co. AL} W. H. Taylor to beloved wife Townsend O. Taylor. For love and affection, 314 acres in Wilcox and Marengo cos.: SE If. ofsl7, N 'l'2 ofNE 1,4 ofs20 except that portion of said 1,4 lying S of road leading from the Linden and Cahaba Road to Parks Ldg. known as the PaIks Ldg. Road. SW \,4 of SW 1,4 of s16, and E 1'2 ofE Y2 of SW 1,4 of s17, all in tl5r6. Attest: E. M. Shepperd, W. T. Bruce. Certified 22 Mar 1897 by W. W. Sheppard, J.P. ofDaUas Co.; filed 24 Mar 1897. P 17 4 Nov 1896, Marengo Co.} G. T. Breitling and wife Alice Breitling to E. A. Zaiser and L. Kaufman. For $65, Lot #635 in Demopolis. Certified 4 Nov 1896 by 1. B. Merewether, N.P.; med 23 Mar 1897. P 18 15 Mar 1897, Marengo Co.} H. B. Poke and wife Lettie Poke to Louis Kaufman. For $86, quitclaim to Lot #635 in Demopolis (being same deeded to E. A zaiser and L. Kaufman by G. T. Breitling and wife 4 Nov 1896) and to Lot #14 in block 1 of the Henley addition in Demopolis (being same deeded to Louis Kaufman and E. A. Zaiser by H. A. Feibelman 30 Jun 1896, recorded in Deed Book CC, page 453). Attest: Isidore Bley. Certified 15 Mar 1897 by T. F. Howze, J.P.; med 23 Mar 1897. P 19 5 Jan 1897, Marengo Co.} Louis Kaufman and E. A. Zaiser to H. B. Poke. For $86, Lot #635 in Demopolis (being same deeded to E. A. Zaiser and L. Kaufman by G. T. Breitling and wife 4 Nov 1896) and Lot #14 in block 1 of the Henley addition in Demopolis (being same deeded to Louis Kaufman and E. A. Zaiser by H. A. Feibelman 30 Joo 1896, recorded in Deed Book CC, page 453). Attest: Isidore Bley. Certified 5 Jan 1897 by T. F. Howze, J.P.; flied 23 Mar 1897. P 19 22 Mar 1897} E. A. Zaiser to L. Kaufman. For $60, all my undivided interest in land described in 2 Mar 1894 deed (recorded in Deed Book BB, page 460) from H. B. Poke and wife Lettie to said Kaufman and said Zaiser: portion of subdivision lot 4S in Demopolis in the A. P. French survey. Certified 22 Mar 1897 by Gesner Williams, N.P.; filed 23 Mar 1897. 1842 Sale of the Leonard Hall Estate The accoWlt of the 5 Jan 1842 sale of the personal property belonging to the estate of Leonard Hall, deceased. was recorded on pages 48 through 51 of Marengo County Miscellaneous Probate Record 1840. Names of the purchasers are listed below. John Ratcliff J. M. Anderson James W. Hall James Beverly A. Squires John Halton Abram Squires Jack Collier W. Hardy John Crosby P. D. Stafford William Harris E. Croslin Wm. Surginer R. J. Hasty C. J-.~Dumas T. H. Tart H. W. Hatch F. Dumas D. Thompson Wm. Hawkins G. 1. Dumas James A. Thompson Alex Jackson 1. E. Dumas 1. W. Threadgill S. G. Jackson Joel Dumas T. 1. Threadgill James Kimbrough W. A.Dumas W. D. F. Threadgill Baily Maines Allen Ethridge Dr. Wm. McGaw R H. Tucker G. Ga--er J. A. Wade Joseph Morgan E. Guardiner J. L. Watkins T. Philips Mrs. E. Hall J. C. White Thomas Philips 1. W. Hall J. W. Powers James B. Woodard 11 Nineties News Miss Lena Hatch is visiting Miss Bettie Larkin at Coatopa. Miss Sadie Webb, one of Demopolis' beautiful belles. is visiting her friend, Miss Hayes. in Tuskaloosa Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Stone, of Linden, passed through the city last Saturday on their way to Mississippi lO visit relatives. Our clever and efficient postmaster, Captain L. Cornish, is, we regret to say, indisposed. We hope he may soon be well. Mr. 1. N. Wilcox, a jovial Montgomerian, is visiting Colonel N. G. Winn. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Howze are spending the summer with Mr. W. F. Strudwick near Spring Hill. The Judge comes to the city every morning and can be found at the office dispensing a true and genuine article of justice. Hon. Robert T. Seymour, of Livingston spent last Thursday in the City on business. He is an ardent suppofler of Mr. Kolb and., of course, thinks lhe Democratic Executive Committee acted Wlwisely in rejecting the proposition of the Jeffersonians. -Demopolis Express. June 13. 1893, issue Mr. T. A. Hall has accepted a position with the Marengo Mercantile Company. Miss Lissian Battellieft last Friday for Chicago via Wasbinglon and New Yolk. Major George Pilgram is off on a visit to his daughter and grandson in Mobile. Messrs. Ed Williams and Oscar Sledge of Jefferson were in town Tuesday. Messrs. J. S. Trigg, R. E. DeSems. and John Eppes of Old Spring Hill are in the city today. -Demopolis Express, August 31, 1893, issue Death ofAn Estimable Lady in Demopolis TIus commWlity was shocked and pained to learn of the death of Mrs. Ada B. Jones, wife of 1. T. Jones, Esq. of this city. She died August 30th after a brief illness. She was the daughter of Dr. Alfred G. and Mrs. M. O. Vaughn, formerly of Huntsville, Alabama. Mrs. Jones was reared in this place and she leaves a large circle of warm friends to mourn her early death. The wannest sympathies of the commWlity are with her bereaved husband and family of the deceased in this sad affliction. and their many friends share with I.bem their heavy burden of sorrow. -Marengo News-JoumaJ, September 13. 1873, issue Demopolis Public Library Marengo County Genealogical Soc' 211 East Washington Street Demopolis, Alabama 3n7~? e opoll "CI of i y