May final, 2016
May final, 2016 Resident Newsletter – May 2016 President’s Corner Quick Note - Important Information: By David Hughey If you are planning to paint your house, put on a new roof, put up a shed, replace a fence, or anything else of this nature, it is extremely important that you get it approved first. It is not that difficult. The Application for Design Approval form can be found on the Glenshire website or picked up from the office. Usually they get approved. But occasionally we have to say no. This is where I'm having a hard time with some of our residents. What has happened is they did not submit a form and the work done was not in accordance with our deed restrictions. Had they submitted a form, we could have resolved any differences and approved options that are in compliance with our deed restrictions. Instead the homeowner is now faced with re-painting, re-roofing, or re-fencing. This is a very costly mistake. Some have gone as far as refusing to correct the violation. When this happens we have to spend Association money to get the attorneys involved and these fees are passed on the homeowner. Please don’t let this happen to you. Submit the form and get approval before you start your project. It has been brought to my attention that our older children, pre-teen and teenagers are climbing on the playground structures and causing damage. The Board budgets money for normal wear and tear repairs. We have to dip into our reserves to fix the damage caused by irresponsible teens. Eventually these expenditures make their way into increased maintenance fees or assessments to the homeowners. Parents, please talk to your children and make them aware that this is not acceptable. I have asked security to pay more attention to those causing the damages in order to send the repair bills to their parents. • MONTHLY BOARD MEETING AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT THE COMMUNITY BUILDING 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BOARD MEETINGS. All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Residents desiring to discuss specific items/concerns at a scheduled meeting must contact the HOA office at least 72 hours prior to the start of such meeting to have their names placed on the agenda. • Working for our residents: To make changes to the exterior of your home an easy process for homeowners, submit an “Application for Design Approval” form to the Deed Restriction Committee. This form, and the “Interpretations of Deed Restrictions and Covenants,” may be printed from the Glenshire website, We encourage you to familiarize yourself with them, and also suggest that you review the actual Deed Restrictions pertaining to the Section for your home. Most importantly, be sure that you receive approval of your form prior to undertaking any modifications, additions or improvements to your property. If you do not have access to the website and need copies, or if you have any questions regarding permissible modification, alterations or improvements, please do not hesitate to consult with the Association’s Office Secretary for clarification, and/or the Board or Deed Restriction Committee, as necessary. • AVOID PARKING AROUND THE INNER AND OUTER CURBS OF THE CULCUL-DEDE-SACS on Mondays, Thursdays and the 2nd Friday of each month. month. This will simplify the trimming and mowing of grass by our maintenance lawn crews and will provide adequate space for trucks to simplify the collection of Regular Trash, Tree Waste and Junk Waste. Keep Glenshire Beautiful! TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Security Report Calendar/Area Meetings Important Contact Information Glenshire Advertisers Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7-8 GLENSHIRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS President/Communications David Hughey Pools Brad Selke Security Jason Wyche Vice President/Deed Restrictions Debra Wilke Treasurer/Secretary Jean Pfluger Landscaping/Playgrounds/Ground Maintenance Marlana Mitchell (West) Annette Schmidt (East) Legal Aaron Reimer Tennis Courts/Building Maintenance Julie Cyprow Page 2 Parks & Playgrounds A piece of equipment on the East Playground was recently badly damaged beyond repair. This blue airplane spring rider retails for $900-$1000, and that does not include the cost of installation. This is an unforeseen cost so the item will have to be removed completely, and there is no certainty as to when it can be replaced. A few reminders about our playgrounds… • Items in the toddler areas are manufactured for children 4 and under. • Other playground items are manufactured for children 5-12 (except for outdoor fitness items at East playground, which are for 13 and older). • Adult supervision minimizes vandalism, graffiti, and injuries. • Pets, alcoholic beverages, and glass items are not allowed in playground areas. • Keep the playgrounds clean. • The playgrounds and surrounding areas are under 24 hour surveillance We are still moving forward with our plans to update playground equipment because Glenshire children deserve a safe, fun place to grow and play. Please support us in these efforts! OPEN REGISTRATION Glenshire Swim Team Looking for a great swim team to join, in YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD?... come join our fantastic Glenshire neighborhood Swim Team. Practices have already started...but it’s not too late to join. History….Glenshire Gators, was forced to join another subdivision in order to keep the Swim Team alive and active. This was due to lack of involvement. We are actively working to bring back the coveted Glenshire Swim Team…so, come on….join the swim team, and keep your young ones active over the summer, and be a part of a great community. We will be having a SWIM TEAM SIGN UP RALLY on SATURDAY May 7th from 12 noonnoon-2 pm at 12200 CHADWELL (East Pool) When you come to register, please feel free to bring one of the items below to donate…. Paper Towels, Paper Plates/Bowls, Plastic Spoons/Forks. Non-Perishable items needed: Ketchup, Mustard, Pickles (large whole pickles, and cut pickles) cases of soda, cases of water. DONATIONS ACCEPTED FROM NON REGISTERING RESIDENTS Any of the above items would be appreciated plus...we are also looking for ice chests to be donated. If you have a good ice chest that you are no longer using and would like to donate it, please bring it to the East Pool on Saturday, May 7th between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. Contact Donna Talley 832-248-3432 or Rob Reid 713-779-4620 Team website: Glenshire proud! Page 3 GLENSHIRE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Revenue & Expense Statement (Unaudited) 3/1/2016— 3/1/2016—3/31/2016 Budget Current Year Actual Current Period Variance YTD Real to Annual Budget in $ Actual Current Year Revenues Maintenance Fee 524,305.00 23,057.70 499,199.07 (25,105.93) 56,057.00 1,869.23 48,888.57 (7,168.43) 1,140.00 64.57 174.88 (965.12) 34,827.00 1,945.00 13,050.00 (21,777.00) 616,329.00 11,165.76 609,030.05 (7,298.95) 92,300.00 (3,383.43) 9,674.56 82,625.44 Building Maintenance 4,200.00 207.39 2,040.06 2,159.94 Communications 3,600.00 217.00 1,461.80 2,138.20 Security Fee Interest Other Total Revenue Operating Expenses Administrative Community Relations 8,100.00 145.87 285.64 7,814.36 Grounds Maintenance 58,000.00 3,802.82 10,701.14 47,298.86 Landscaping 11,000.00 6,811.09 6,865.84 4,134.16 Insurance 29,000.00 26,566.00 26,566.00 2,434.00 Legal Fees 10,000.00 (3,897.14) (5,358.30) 15,358.30 Deed Restrictions 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 Parks/Playgrounds 11,000.00 85.00 410.00 10,590.00 Pools 100,000.00 2,206.16 5,250.50 94,749.50 Security 212,000.00 17,500.00 52,700.00 159,300.00 Taxes on Income 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 Tennis 5,200.00 - 242.84 4,957.16 Utilities 47,500.00 2,437.16 8,987.22 38,512.78 Reserves Capital Expenses Total Expense Net Income 20,000.00 - - 20,000.00 205,500.00 - 20,215.93 185,284.07 819,400.00 52,697.92 140,043.23 679,356.77 (203,071.00) (41,532.16) 468,986.82 672,057.82 Residents: Please, if you had flooding problems, or know someone who did, please call and report it to 311, then email your case number and address to the GCA office at so that your information may be added to our database. Flooding should be reported so that there is proof and a recorded history of the flooding problems in our area. Our next concern was all the people driving through the high water. We witnessed several cars stop, look, then proceed through the high water; several had to turn around. Be considerate of what this water does after you make a wake driving through it. This wake might push water into homes that would not have been flooded. A big shout out of thanks to Mr. Nelson Williams for stopping and helping pick up the hundreds of plastic bags at the entrance of Stanwood and W. Bellfort on Friday, April 22nd. On the matter of Stanwood, whoever the person was that just had to get out during the flood...did you know that you cost EVERY homeowner in Glenshire money for repairs to the shrubs and trees you ran over, the sprinkler heads you drove over and to repair the tire tracks you left in the shoulder when you just had to get out when everyone was told to stay home? Shame on you! Page 4 GLENSHIRE SECURITY PAGE SECURITY REPORT FOR MARCH 2016 By Arthur Chatman, Director, Armed Security on Bikes (Residents’ incidents that were relayed to and responded to by Armed Security on Bikes personnel.) Glenshire East had 22 calls for service. Glenshire West had 21 calls for service. All other reported incidents were Security-Initiated East West Alarms 1 3 Discharge Firearm 1 0 Disturbance 1 0 HPD On Scene (2 arrests made) 3 0 HFD (Sick Call) 1 0 Loud Music 1 3 Loud Noises 1 0 Loose Dogs 1 1 Lost Dogs (All 3 were returned to owners) 3 0 Open Car Doors 3 4 Open Gate 1 3 Open Garages 4 6 Open Trunks 2 1 Resident Assist 1 0 Solicitors 4 3 Suspicious Person 2 5 Suspicious Vehicle 8 5 Theft (Tires and Rims) 0 1 Welfare Checks 1 1 Page 5 MAY 2016— 2016—IMPORTANT DATES Sunday 1 Tuesday Monday 2 3 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 Recycle Day “Tree Waste Only” Brays Oaks SN Council #36 Meeting 8 9 10 Board Meeting 15 22 16 17 *Newsletter Deadline CAC Meeting PIP Meeting 23 24 GWA Meeting 18 19 20 21 27 28 SW 2000, Inc. Meeting 25 26 Recycle Day Crime Prevention Meeting Deed Restriction Meeting (If required) 29 30 31 Memorial Day • June Newsletter Deadline for Ads & Articles is May16th. See Important Contact Information on page 6 for Monthly Meetings’/locations and times. APRIL YARDS OF THE MONTH EAST WINNER! - 12414 Chadwell WEST WINNER! - 12434 Millbanks Page 6 April 14, 2016 Board Meeting Highlights (Prepared from Unapproved Minutes) • • • • • • • • • Three homeowners, who did not properly follow the deed restrictions guidelines before making modifications to their homes, attended the meeting asking HOA for special consideration to forgive their violations.* The Glenshire Women’s Association’s sanctioned group application was formally approved and accepted by the Board. Two female members of the Glenshire swim team tragically lost their lives recently in a car accident as they were returning from Spring Break. The Board is considering establishing a memorial, in their names, in the East. Two homeowners (one in the East, one in the West) had unapproved roofs installed. Neither homeowner had submitted an application prior to installation.* A garage on Petersham in the East was broken into: Motorbikes were stolen and all windows were broken on the vehicle parked inside the garage. Spring plants have been planted at the Stanwood and Chessington entrances, in the pots at the pools, and in front of the community building. New playground equipment (including a maypole) will replace the older play structures at the East. New swings will be installed at the West. Fall zones will be extended. Broken sprinkler heads have been replaced at the Stanwood and Chessington entrances. Drafts of contracts drawn up by Glenshire’s attorney for the purchase of the water tower properties at the East and West have been received. Once the contracts have been finalized and approved by city council, the closing of the properties should take place within 30 days. *Editor’s note: Sadly, these violations will probably result in thousands of dollars of unnecessary expenses to the homeowners due to correcting their non-compliance of deed restrictions. Glenshire - Important Contact Information & Community Meeting Dates/Times Monthly Meetings’ Locations/Times • • • • • • • • Brays Oaks Super Neighborhood Council #36 @ 10611 Fondren* @ 6:30PM Deed Restrictions @ 8900 Abbeydale @ 7PM Board of Directors @ 8900 Abbeydale @7PM CAC (Citizens Advisory Council) @ 7576 W. Bellfort (HPD Storefront) @ 6PM PIP (Positive Interactive Program) @ 7576 W. Bellort (HPD Storefront) @ 7PM SW 2000 (Southwest 2000, Inc.) @ 10611 Fondren* @ 7:30AM 7:30AM (morning) Crime Prevention & Community Service @ 10611 Fondren* @ 7:30AM 7:30AM (morning) GWA @ 8900 Abbeydale @7PM The Glenshire Community Building is located at 8900 Abbeydale next to the tennis courts. The secretary responds to building rental and deed restriction calls Monday through Friday. Property Manager Office Hours are: Wednesday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Friday, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (or by appointment) During the above hours, only residents who have proper identification and are in good standing may purchase tennis court keys, pay annual pool fees, purchase pool tags, and schedule building rentals. GCA Mailing Address: P.O. Box 710867 Houston, TX 77271 GCA Phone numbers & Email Office Number: (713) 981-6407 Fax Number: (713) 981-6413 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: Telephone Contacts Glenshire HOA-Property Manager Shirley Terry [email protected] 713-981-6407 Representatives of Sanctioned Groups (Year-Round Open-Enrollment; Free) Quilting Group: Nancy Ayres 281-498-0398 Representatives of Glenshire Organizations Wahoo Swim Team: Todd Thompson (281) 757-5386 Bunco Group for Ladies: Marla Brockett (281) 495-5660 Glenshire Women’s Association TBA Emergency/Information Numbers Glenshire Security ARMED SECURITY ON BIKES (832) 884-8780 Precinct 7 Constable S. Gessner Command Station HPD Braeburn Storefront (8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.) HPD (Non-emergency Dept.) HPD (to report drug activity/suspicion) HISD Security (713) 643-6602 (832) 394-4700 (713) 773-7550 (713) 884-3131 (713) 308-3300 (713) 892-7777 Sex Offender Website: City Services: call 3-1-1 Email: [email protected] Website: Area Representatives City Council District K HISD Board Member HCC Representative: State Representative: State Senator: U. S. Congressman: Larry Green Larry Marshall Neeta Sane-Dist Hubert Vo Rodney Ellis Al Green (832) 393-3016 (713) 556-6121 (713) 718-5025 (281) 988-0212 (713) 236-0306 (713) 383-9234 Page 7 If you would like to run a Classified/Unclassified advertisement in the Glenshire newsletter, please e-mail us at: [email protected] G&D Remodel and Repair Homes For Sale Install: Carpentry, Siding, Fences Hardy Plank, Roofing, Ceramic Tile, Floor Tile, Vinyl, Painting, Pressure Washer, Plumbing, Gutters Excellent References Plasma TV, Counter Tops, Cabinets, Doors, Ceiling Fans, Light Fixtures, Ice Makers, Garbage Disposals, Stoves, Water Heaters, Filters, etc. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cell (713)269-9414 Folding ping pong table on rollers, excellent condition, $50.00. Attractive walnut desk with 7 drawers, 48" x 19" x 30" ht., $25.00. Antique solid wood stationery desk, 27" x 18" x 49" ht., $50.00. Antique round framed Mirror, 30" dia., $50..Call 281-498-0917. Free Estimates Over 18 years of experience *****REMINDER***** Please remember to place your trash/recycle receptacles out of site no later than 10PM on the day of collection. Remember, the receptacles are City of Houston property, and residents should not leave them out beyond the specified time. See “Trash Facts” via City of Houston Solid Waste Management website. ELAINE GASKAMP Broker Associate, Realty Associates Glenshire: Home since 1973 Real Estate Broker Since 1985 I enjoy selling my neighborhood and Serving my customers and community! Cell: 832-423-9671 Email: [email protected] Welcome to all the new neighbors! NEED INVENTORY—LISTINGS HAVE SOLD! If you would like to run a Classified/Unclassified advertisement in the Glenshire newsletter, please e-mail us at: [email protected] " Looking for a good time near our neighborhood. Less than a mile away on West Airport the Elks offer Bingo. Play all the games for approx. $20. Come early and enjoy." Houston Elks Lodge #151 Bingo Every Thursday Night Early Bird Session starts at 7:00 pm Regular Session starts at 7:50 pm ***SPRING AND SUMMER POOL INFORMATION*** May 7-8 / May 14-15 / May 21-22 / May 28-30 (Memorial Day Weekend) REGULAR SUMMER SCHEDULE June 1—August 21st August 27-28 / September 3-5 (Labor Day Weekend) / September 10-11 HOURS OF OPERATION FOR BOTH POOLS Monday—Both pools closed for maintenance/swim team Tuesday thru Thursday 12 noon—8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 12 noon—9:00 p.m. Sunday 12 noon—8:00 p.m. Page 8 Melton’s Home improvement Painting (interior/exterior) Hardie siding (Gables, garage etc.) dry wall (match any texture) Ceramic/laminate Flooring Showers & Tub surrounds carpentry (Fascia & Soffit) Cabinets (Paint & Stain) Roofing Pressure washing (Driveways, side Craig Melton 713-393-9704 Call today for a free estimate Working 15 years in Glenshire walks & chimneys) Glenshire thanks its advertisers COLDWELL BANKER UNITED REALTORS PATTI ALTMAN, CRS, GRI Multi-million Dollar Producer Area Specialist Selling in Glenshire since 1982 Coldwell Banker, United 5111 Bellaire Blvd Bellaire, TX 77401 Cell: 832-439-7796 Fax: 713-349-9912 Email: [email protected] Specialist Tree Service Tree Trimming and Removal Henry & Jesse, Jesse Owner Excellence Uncompromised 281281-564564-0337 OR 281281-565565-6560 CELL: 281281-704704-2336 Tree Trimming & Removal Satisfying Stump Grinding Customers Topping, Pruning, Shaping Since 1981 Root Barriers Bonded & Insured Maintenance Free Estimates [email protected] Geneva Yell RE/MAX Southwest (713) 823823-0457 - cell (281) 207207-5039 direct email: [email protected] Glenshire Resident – SELLING Glenshire The Glenshire Newsletter is a publication of the Glenshire Community Association, and is intended as a public communication bulletin for the community. The Association reserves the right to reject the printing, in whole or in part, of any articles and/or advertisements deemed inappropriate, and will accept only pertinent articles and other contributions subject to space limitations and editing. The Association does not endorse and is not liable for any advertising.