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Kingsmills Care Home
May/June 2016
Whats inside.
Uniform Colours
Magic Moments
Activities Photos
Staff Recognition
Upcoming Events
Big Quiz
Quiz Answers
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The Manager’s welcome
We would like to thank everyone for
your support and helpfulness. We will
endeavor to do our best to achieve
everyone’s needs. Enjoy reading our
newsletter and we look forward for your
Hello and welcome to our Second edition of our
newsletter! It has been a busy month with different
Oomphers still Oomphing, Gaelic Project
Participation, Kingsmills Transformation and Wishes
being granted!
Mini-bus trips around inverness now 3 mornings a
week! Including the residents opportunity to vote.
Staff friends and relatives
let us all welcome our new
staff and residents to our
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Kingsmills – Brighterkind
New Uniforms
Aimee McAllister
Deputy Manager
Carmen Delos Trinos
Home Manager
Karen Turner
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Staff Nurse Team
Senior Nurse Care Assistant Team
Ancillary Team
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Care Assistant Team
Activity Team
Magic Moments!
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Taking advantage of our good weather!
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Bus Trips! Now 3 mornings a week!
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Gaelic Project.
We aim to work with the community. Over the past few weeks we had the Inverness
Gaelic School. A group of p5’s up to p7’s came and performed some Gaelic songs in the
home, the children then talk to our residents who can speak Gaelic and learn some new
songs as well as the story behind it.
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Did you vote? We certainly did.
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Kingsmills Transformation!
Have you seen our newly converted café/bar yet? If not, come and
see it now! Located downstairs zone 3. If lost, just ask one of our
lovely staff!
The Brightside Café/Bar
Café/Bar is open all the time for anyone. We host some of our activities like Quiz, Home Baking, Tea
Mornings and Afternoon. We are starting to host International Tea afternoons where you can taste
different types of cake.
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The Brightside Bar Night!
Alongside our daytime activities, our bar is open on a Monday night from 6pm to 7:70pm. Residents,
Family and friends are all welcome. So if you feel like you need a drink before you go to bed come and
join us! 
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Staff Recognition.
A big congratulation to all staff who worked so hard to achieve their SVQ’s and many
thanks to our SVQ Assessors Susan Law and Teri McLennan.
From left to right
Angela Poku completed on
Angela Gwazayani Completed on
Marta Czehowich Completed on
Ina Elgite Completed on
Terri McLennan
Susan Law
SVQ Assessors/Verifiers
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Upcoming Events and Activities
Monday 6th of June Night The Brightside bar night.
Monday 13th June 14:30 –
Residents’ Meeting in Zone 5 upstairs Lounge
Saturday 25th June 13:00 –
Summer Fete is here! Outside the back garden
Thursday 30th June 15:00 –
International Tea Afternoon in the Brightside Café/Bar
facts about
• 3rd Doughnut Day.
• 6th Gardening Exercise Day.
• 14th World Blood Day.
• 15th National Photography
• 17th National Care Home Open
• 19th Father’s Day.
• 27th Wimbledon Starts.
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Thought for the Day
One touch of Nature
Makes the whole World
William Shakespeare
The Big Quiz
1.What do we call the U-Shaped plate nailed to a horse’s hoof?
2.What do Camels store on their humps?
3.Which part of the earth have the longest summer days?
4.What was the Spanish Armada?
5.Which country was at war with Iran for 8 years from 1980?
6.How many sides are there on the base of a pyramid?
7.Which current UK coin has a diameter of 3cm?
8.Which Country was Lenin leader of?
9.How many spots are on a six-sided dice?
10.How many years are there between 15 BC and AD 15?
11.Which Australian animal is a mammal which lay eggs, but feed
its young on its milk?
12.Which long river rises in Switzerland, flows through Germany to
Holland and the North Sea?
13.Who was the Soviet communist leader during the World War II?
14.How many legs has a crab?
15.Who was Henry VIII’s first queen?
16. Which kind of animal has the most ribs?
17.Who first used vaccination to protect against infection?
18.What did the storming of the Bastille in 1989 begin?
19.What is the white trail behind a jet plane composed of?
20.What is Ghana’s largest mad-made lake called?
Answers on page 15
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Answers to the Quiz
1. Horseshoe
2. Fats
3. The North and South Poles
4. Fleet of ships sent to fight england
5. Iraq
6. Four Sides making a square.
7. 50 pence piece
8. The USSR
9. 21
10. 30
11. Platypus
12. The Rhine
13. Joseph Stalin
14. 10
15. Catherine of Aragon
16. Snake
17. Edward Jenner
18. The French Revolution
19. Ice Crystals
20. Lake Volta
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If you have any feedback on this newsletter or ideas for
our residents’ activities, please contact:
Activity Leader: Denver Naguit 01463240555
Email: [email protected]
For feedback and any ideas:
Would you like to ‘review us’ on carehome.co.uk?
We’d love for you to share a good experience you’ve had at Kingsmills Care Home
with others. Reviews can be made by a resident, relative or friend. Simply go online or ask a
member of the team for a card.
Kingsmills Care Home
10 Kingsmills Park, Inverness, IV2 3RE
Tel: 01463240555
[email protected]
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