CSAH 5 Newletter - Sherburne County


CSAH 5 Newletter - Sherburne County
April 14, 2016
County Road 5 Multimodal Improvements
Construction includes:
Street Construction
Sidewalk and Trail
Driveway and turf
Private utility
To Be Determined
Construction schedule:
Start: July
Finish: November
The City of Big Lake and Sherburne County are undertaking a construction
project to improve the roadway and utilities along CSAH 5 (Eagle Lake Road),
between Plymouth Avenue and Park Avenue West. The addition of sidewalk and
trail will provide a connection between Trunk Highway 10 and Lion’s Park. The
project includes the reconstruction of the roadway along with drainage and storm
sewer improvements, hydrant replacements, concrete curb and gutter, concrete
sidewalk, and bituminous trail construction.
The project is currently being reviewed by MnDOT. After the contract has been
awarded (anticipated July, 2016) the following construction activities will take
Roadway Reconstruction – From Plymouth Ave to Park Ave W
Sidewalk Construction – From TH 10 to Glenwood Ave
Trail Construction – From Glenwood Ave to Lion’s Park
The contractor will remove driveways and other items from within the right-of-way
so the roadway and new sidewalk can be constructed. Trees, shrubs, and
plantings within the right-of-way that conflict with the proposed construction will be
removed by the contractor.
Connexus Energy and Xcel Energy will be relocating power poles throughout the
entire project area. This work is expected to begin in June, 2016.
Residents and businesses are asked to please remove all private improvements
from within the city right-of-way including, but not limited to, landscaping plantings
and sprinkler systems prior to construction. All private improvements may be
reinstalled after restoration has been completed within the boulevard areas. To
help ensure that private improvements are not damaged, please mark any
underground improvements so the contractor is aware of their existence prior to
digging in the area.
Bolt on & M enk, I nc.
P h o n e: 7 6 3 - 4 3 3 - 2 8 5 1
J ar ed Voge , P. E.
Bi g La ke As si s t ant Cit y
C el l : 6 1 2 - 7 5 6 - 0 3 2 6
E -m a i l : j a r e d v o @ b ol t o n m en k . c om
Cody Hol m e s, P. E.
P r o j ec t E n g i n e er
C el l P h o n e: 6 1 2 - 7 5 6 - 3 4 4 0
E -m a i l : c o d y h o @ b ol t o n m en k . c om
In the areas where watermain and storm sewer improvements are being installed,
there will be excavations down to depths of 9 feet. While this utility work is being
completed, temporary water shutoffs will be required. Twenty four hours notice
will be provided in advance of the water shut-offs.
April 14, 2016
County Road 5 Multimodal Improvements
Construction activities will require the temporary relocation of existing mailboxes throughout the project area. The
temporary mailbox locations will be determined by the post office. Residents will be notified of the temporary mailbox
locations prior to construction. After the temporary mailboxes have been installed and mail is being delivered to them,
the contractor will remove the existing mailboxes. All existing mailboxes will be reinstalled prior to completion of the
Residents are asked to please use caution when traveling through the construction zone and whenever possible use
alternate routes to access their homes. Access will be provided to all driveways during the construction project
whenever possible. There will be occasions when driveway access to individual residences will be impossible.
Since the project will limit access to the streets within the project area, residents are asked to please label their garbage
and recycling containers with their house number and street address. Please place your containers curbside on your
normally scheduled days. If garbage and recycling services are unable to collect the garbage in front of the residence,
the contractor will coordinate the garbage pickup with service providers. House numbers and street addresses are
required to ensure that garbage and recycling containers are returned to the appropriate property.
It is important to remember that the large construction equipment is dangerous and operators are concentrating on the
job at hand. Please do not approach the equipment and instruct children to stay away from equipment and construction
Anticipated hours of construction are Monday through Friday and potentially Saturday from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Wooden lath, referred to as construction stakes, will be installed in the boulevard areas along the project. Residents are
asked not to disturb the construction stakes and discourage children from removing them and using them as toys. The
construction stakes are integral to timely project completion.
Please contact Jared Voge at 612-756-0326 or one of the project contacts listed below to answer any questions or
address any project related concerns you may have. Please also contact one of the project representatives listed
below for specific construction schedule details.
Thank you for your cooperation during the 2016 County Road 5 Multimodal Improvements project.
Bolt on & M enk, I nc.
P h o n e: 7 6 3 - 4 3 3 - 2 8 5 1
J a r e d V o g e , P. E. , Bi g L a k e A s s i st a n t Ci t y E n g i ne er
C el l : 6 1 2 - 7 5 6 - 0 3 2 6 E- m ai l : j ar e d v o @ b o l t o n -m en k . c om
Cody Hol m e s, P. E.
P r o j ec t E n g i n e er
C el l P h o n e: 6 1 2 - 7 5 6 - 3 4 4 0 E -m ai l : c o d y h o @ b ol t o n -m en k . c om